The Minority Voice, October 20-30, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Mrs Beatrice Maye

Audrey Chapman, author of
Getting Good Loving says,
oAs black folks we often
have to face some of life Ts
most difficult challenges. Yet
we cannot afford to

become to discouraged. We:
must develop a cultural
worldview of what black love
is-not let ourselves be defined '
by traditional Eurocentric
notions of romantic

passion. ? Love of your
neighbors, love of your
family, and love of yourself
all require the same qualities:
patience, understanding,
respect, trust, honesty,

and a willingness to sacrifice
for the good of the entire
relationship. We as

African Americans have great
personal power and the ability
to be creative.

Our ancestors knew how to
make the most out of very

little resources and we must
capitalize on the legacy. Love
was never a resource we were
short of. Blacks have

always had an abundance of

caring and a profound sense
of community. Collectively,
black men and women need
to recognize that we can
decide to spend our time
together | |

in gcse T state or a loving -

We do not have to allow
myths and sterotypes about
ourselves andour
relationships to determine the
shape and texture of our
future together.

Audrey Chapman is a
nationally known figure in the
area of male and female

10 Commonalties That
Effect A Man Ts Personality
in Different Ways:

1. Most men have been to
being directed and influenced
by women. Men

grow up to become dependent
on women for compassion,
nurturance, and direction.

2. Most men crave being the
,center of attention. The deep-
rooted need for attention is
why sons, husbands, become
jealous of their wives T career
or even the birth of a child.

3. Men need to feel important


and do well in their work.
Most men are boastful and
life to brag.. Work brings a

Satisfaction to men when they

enjoy what they do.
Happiness at home and at
work is very much

interrelated for most men.

4. Most men are preoccupied
with sex. Most men equate
sex with T manhood. One of

reasons men fear growing old
is his fear of impotence. Men
having trouble showing
feelings and emotions, so sex
means intimacy for most of
them. Men find it hard to
express their feelings so sex
provides an outlet for him to
confront his emotions and
express them to his wife in
the most private setting.

5. Most men have
competitive spirits. They
want to lead and be the

6. Most men try to hide their
feelings and emotions. Men
equate manliness with being
strong, rational, and in

7. Men handle stress
differently from women.
Having a woman to depend
on can help a man deal with
stress. Some men bottle up
their feelings and emotions
through-alcohol and drugs.
All men desire to be in
control or at the head of
something. Beside every



great man is a woman who
listens, understands, supports,
and encourages her husband
when he is under pressure:

8. Most men have a desire to
be providers and protectors of
women. A man Ts needs to be
the provider and protector is a
reason that he feels insecure
when his mate becomes
successful in her'career.
Failing in the roles as
providers and protectors is a
serious blow to a man Ts ego,
causing mental anxiety and
self-esteem problems as well.
9. Most mean, believe it or
not, have oeggshell ? fragile
egos. As strong as they try to
appear, men bruise very
easily. Many times it takes a
woman to help him to regroup
or make a comeback.

10. Most men are oboys ? at
heart. Men really do mature
slower than women. Many
men never fully mature until

_ they are about forty years old.

A woman must be skilled at
handling a man Ts ego is not
everything and that connect-
ing to his spiritual self is most
important. |
From: oInside Ever Great a Great Woman ? by
Kitty J. Pope

Minority Voice Oct 20 - Oct 30,2006 p3



oSelf portraits are usually
colored. ?

oTt is better to wear out than -

to rust out. ?

oA little white lie soils
quickly. ?

oEven a goat does his best
work with his head. ?

oIf you have your feet on the
ground, you can Tt fall very
far. ?

oLove is blind; friendship
tries not to notice. ?

oOf an unspoken word, thou
are master. The spoken word
is master of thee. ?
oAdversity causes some men
to break, others to break
records. ? |

oTake time out. Don Tt take it

out on your kid. ?

oYou have to do a thing to
learn how to do it. ?

oDon Tt even slam a door, you
might want to go back. ?
oThe trouble with work is it Ts
so daily. ?

oVariety is the spice of life;
but monotony provides the
groceries. ?

oLet the other fellow talk
occasionally. You can Tt learn
much listening

to yourself. ? Coleman Cox
oIf you sow kindness, you
will reap a crop of friends. ?
oCharacter is a victory, not a
gift. ?

oBe pleasant until ten o Tclock
in the morning, and the rest of
the day will take care of itself.
oMost young people think
they are natural when they are
only unpolished and rude. ?
oThe aim of education is to
enable a man to continue his
education ? John Dewey
oPerseverance is failing 19
times and succeeding the
20th. ? |
oA mile walked with a friend
has only one hundred steps. ?
oYou can always do more -
through push than you can do
through pull. ?

oWhen everything else fails,
read the instruction. ?
oEducation is the only lever
capable of raising mankind. ?
oHe who plants thorns must
never expect to gather roses. ?

Suejette A. Jones

Condoleeza Bush " "
What Ts Up With This Sister?

Did she really slip up at a
public function and refer to
George Bush as

omy husband? ? Say it ain Tt
so, Condi. This sister seems
to be on a personal

mission to take us into war
again, this time with Iran.
With an arrogance only
equaled by her oHusband ?,
the Babe of Birmingham
struts her stuff around the
world, wagging her finger at
heads of state like they are her
children. In her latest

threat, (oops) I mean peace
mission, she tells Iran that the
US will only sit down to

talk if Iran stops all
production of nuclear
materials. That Ts real cute,
Condi. Why should

the Iranians do exactly what
you told them to do in the first

place? And, if they submit

to your demand, why should
there be any talks at all? I
have said it before and just
for good measure I will say it
again. For a person as
intelligent as our Secretary of

to be infatuated with a dunce
is one thing, but for her to
defend oHis Ridiculousness ?

something else again. I don Tt
know how any moral and
righteous person could

this guy.

All of this craziness rests in
the lap of our vaunted
Secretary of State, the sister
who received the NAACP
President Ts oMedal of Honor ?
so to speak, and the Sister

i who claims her Birmingham

roots where four little girls
were killed by a bomb during

church services. One of these
girls supposedly was Condi Ts

Can Condi pull us out of this
mess in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Iran, and North Korea as
Israel and the Hamas-led
Palestinians renew their war
against each other? Can she
call upon her distinguished
bravery to settle these issues?
?,?an she use her power and
influence to move us beyond

the daily threat of onuclear ?

war and bring us back to the
calm, prosperous, and
peaceful days prior to her
ohusband Ts ? arrival on the
scene? Will she go down in
history as one of the most
talented public officials who
worked for and defend the
worst president we have had?
Will Condi, our sister,
whether she realizes it or not,
go down in flames with the
Bushites " and with the rest _
of us as this world moves
closer to annihilation? Will
she preside over our

economic demise, as she

smiles in admiration for her
ohusband ??

Who knows the answers to
these questions? We will just
have to wait and see, but I
suggest we prepare ourselves
for even tougher times. We
are in the midst of something
we have never before
witnessed. The greed among

the Bushites is off the charts,
the value of a US solider Ts

life is at an all-time low. We
have spent nearly a trillion
dollars in Iran and

corporate thieves. All of this |
and we cannot, or will not . aes
provide the armor needed by T

our troops on the battlefield.
Can you imagine having to
solicit money from citizens to
buy extra padding for our
soldier Ts helmets? How sad
is that? .

I don Tt know what Condi Ts
next move is going to be, but
I do know that we are in a big
mess, much of which is

caused by her two-fisted,

cowgirl swagger around the
world. We could attribute her
behavior to her association
with the biggest buffoon ever
to hit the political stage, but I
think she Ts too smart for that.
Maybe it Ts the way George
holds his arms out as he
walks, as though he Ts about to
draw down on someone;

it Ts his west Texas, rolled-up
sleeve, plain-talkin T drawl that
keeps her interested; could it
be his childlike characteristics
that bring out Condi Ts
motherly instincts? Maybe
it Ts his cowboy boots that turn
her on-so much.

Face it Condi, contrary to
oFifty Cent Ts ? claim that
George Bush is a gangsta, ya
boy is a punk, a spoiled brat, a
scared bully who sacrifices
the lives of young soldiers to
strut his stuff on the world
stage, and then hide behind
the skirts of a sister. Maybe
you should consider a
divorce, Condi.

Extracted from an article by
James Clingman, former

Afghanistan, much of which_ editor of the Cincinnati

cannot be accounted for, or
doled out in no-bid contracts
to Haliburton and other

Herald Newspaper
Submitted by Suejette A.


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Biography of
John Hope

John Hope Franklin is the
James B. Duke Professor
Emeritus of History, and for
seven years was Professor of
Legal History in the Law
School at Duke University.
He is a native of Oklahoma
and a graduate of Fisk
University. He received the
A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in
history from Harvard
University. He has taught at a
number of institutions,
including Fisk University, St.

Augustine Ts College, North
Carolina Central University,

-and Howard University. In
1956 he went to Brooklyn

College as Chairman of the
Department of History; and in
1964, he joined the faculty of

the University of Chicago,
serving as Chairman of the

Department of History from
1967 to 1970. At Chicago, he
was the John Matthews
Manly Distinguished Service
Professor from 1969 to 1982,
when he became Professor

Professor Franklin Ts
numerous publications
include The Emancipation
Proclamation, The Militant
South, The Free Negro in
North Carolina,
Reconstruction After the Civil °
War, and A Southern Odyssey:
Travelers in the Ante-bellum

~ North. Perhaps his best
_ known book is From Slavery
to Freedom: A History of

African-Americans, now in its
seventh edition. His Jefferson
Lecture in the Humanities for
1976 was published in 1985
and received the Clarence L.
Holte Literary Prize for that
year. In 1990, a collection of
essays covering a teaching
and writing career of fifty "
years, was published under
the title, Race and History:
Selected Essays, 1938-1988.
In 1993, he published The
Color Line: Legacy for the
Twenty-first Century.
Professor Franklin Ts most
recent book, My Life and an
Era: The Autobiography of
Buck Colbert Franklin, is an
autobiography of his father
that he edited with his son,
John Whittington Franklin.
His current research deals
with oDissidents on the
Plantation: Runaway Slaves. ?
Professor Franklin has been
active in numerous
professional and education
organizations. For many years
he has served on the editorial
board of the Journal of Negro
History. He has also served as
President of the following
organizations: The American

Studies Association (1967),
the Southern Historical
Association (1970), the
United Chapters of Phi Beta
Kappa (1973-76), the
Organization of American
Historians (1975), and the
American Historical
Association (1979). He has
been a member of the Board
of Trustees of Fisk University,
the Chicago Public Library,
and the Chicago Symphony

- Orchestra Association.
Professor Franklin has served
on many national
commissions and delegations,
including the National
Council on the Humanities,
from which he resigned in
1979, when the President
appointed him to the Advisory
Commission on Public
Diplomacy. He has also
served on the President Ts
Advisory Commission on
Ambassadorial Appointments.
In September and October of
1980, he was a United States.
delegate to the 21st General
Conference of UNESCO.

, Among many other foreign

~ assignments, Dr. Franklin has
served as Pitt Professor of
American History and
Institutions at Cambridge
University, Consultant on
American Education in the
Soviet Union, Fulbright
Professor in Australia, and
Lecturer in American History
in the People Ts Republic of
China. Currently, Professor
Franklin serves as chairman
of the advisory board for One
America: The President Ts
Initiative on Race.

Professor Franklin has been
the recipient of many honors.
In 1978, Who's Who in
America selected Dr. Franklin
as one of eight Americans
who has made significant

contributions to society. In the
same year, he was elected to
the Oklahoma Hall of Fame.
He also received the Jefferson
Medal for 1984, awarded by
the Council for the
Advancement and Support of
Education. In 1989, he was
the first recipient of the
Cleanth Brooks Medal of the
Fellowship of Southern
Writers, and in 1990 received
the Encyclopedia Britannica
Gold Medal for the
Dissemination of Knowledge.
In 1993, Dr. Franklin received
the Charles Frankel Prize for
contributions to the
humanities, and in 1994, the
Cosmos Club Award and the
Trumpet Award from Turner
Broadcasting Corporation. In
4995, he received the first
W.E.B. DuBois Award from
the Fisk University Alumni
Association, the Organization
of American Historians T
Award for Outstanding
Achievement, the Alpha Phi
Alpha Award of Merit, the
NAACP Ts Spingarn Medal,

_ and the Presidential Medal of

Freedom. In 1996, Professor
Franklin was elected to the
Oklahoma Historians Hall of
Frame and in 1997 he
received the Peggy V.
Helmerich Distinguished
Author Award. In addition to
his many awards, Dr. Franklin
has received honorary degrees
from more than one hundred
colleges and universities.
Professor Franklin has been
extensively written about in
various articles and books.
Most recently he was the
subject of the film First
Person Singular: John Hope
Franklin. Produced by Livés
and Legacies Films, the
documentary was featured on
PBS in June 1997.

- Minority Voice Oct 20,2006 p5

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_ Injust over two weeks, voters
Wi 8 10. to the polls on
Tuesd: ay, November 7th for
the all-i oimportant mid-term

,! sional elections. The

: ¢ Of power-in both the
| oe and the Senate is up

_*.. for grabs, as voters determine
_ oWhether the country should

Stay the course, or go forth in

ye a new direction.

Here i in North Carolina, there
are several important local,
county and statewide races
voters will be asked to make
choices in. This week, we T Il
focus on judicial candidates
for the NC Supreme Court
and the NC Court of Appeals.

These are non-partisan races,
which means that you must
vote for each judicial
candidate separately from
your other choices on the
ballot. If you straight ticket

vote (and we really hope that .

you do not), please make note
that you still must vote for
your judicial candidates -

On Election Day, polls open
at 6:30 a.m., and close at 7:30
p.m. One Stop early voting
begins today in New Hanover
County, ending Nov. 4 at 1:00

The state Ts two highest courts
of law are where historic
decisions of jurisprudence are
made. This week, we proudly
recommend several
candidates for seats on the
judiciary who have proven to
be outstanding jurists who
know the law, and fairly apply
it with without fear or favor.


A distinguished legal career
spanning over thirty years,
NC Supreme Court Chief
Justice Sara Parker is the first
woman ever to lead the state Ts
highest court. The Charlotte
onative is a 1969 graduate of
the UNC-Chapel Hill School
of Law; served in private
practice until 1984, and then
was appointed to the NC
Court of Appeals that same
year, where she was later
elected twice.

In 1993, Justice Parker was
elected as an Associate Justice
_ to the NC Supreme Court,
where she has remained.

In February 2006, Gov. Mike
Easley appointed Parker to
become the High Court Ts
Chief Justice, where she has
served with dignity and

Among the many honors and
recognitions for her tireless
work for women and the poor,
Justice Parker earned the NC
Association of Black County
Officials Humanitarian Award
in 2003.

State Supreme Court justices
serve eight-year terms. We
proudly endorse this
experienced, knowledgeable
and devoted jurist for re-
election, NC Supreme Court
Chief Justice Sara Parker.


There is no question about the
heart, experience and
commitment to justice of NC


Associate Justice Patricia
Timmons-Goodson. No
matter what her career
successes, this able jurist has
never forgotten her cigar
family or community, and
continues now, long after
Gov. Easley appointed her to
the state Ts High Court last
January, to share her vision of
justice in communities across
the state.

Justice Timmons-Goodson is
the first Black woman ever to
serve on the NC Supreme
Court, and only the fourth
woman overall to do so.

The Florence, S.C. native is a
1979 graduate of the UNC-
Chapel Hill School of Law.
Timmons-Goodson began her

and then later in
practice, until s
appointed as a District Court
judge in 1984. She held that
post, winning election after
election, until Gov. Jim Hunt
appointed her to the NC Court
of Appeals in 1997.

Timmons-Goodson retired
from the Appellate Court in
2005, until Gov. Mike Easley
chose her to make history on
the NC Supreme Court in
February 2006.

Justice Timmons-Goodson
has made all of us proud with
her achievement and
commitment to truth. She has
our overwhelming
endorsement for election on
Nov. 7.


She is certainly flamboyant,
most definitely controversial.
She called herself oMadame
Justice, ? and proclaims her
independence from the
political machine, keeping her
faith in the common sense of
the people.

Attorney Rachel Lea Hunter
is a otake-no-prisoners ?

fighter who believes the
criminal justice system should
serve the people.

A native of Monroeville, Pa.,
Hunter earned her law degree
from the University of
Pittsburgh in 1988, graduating
in the top third of her class.
She served as a judicial law
clerk until January 2001,
when she joined a law firm in
Durham, where she presently

oWe have a two-tiered system
of justice in this country, ?
Hunter told the NC Bar
Association Convention last
June. oThere is one brand of
justice for the rich and
powerful (Dick Cheney and
Patrick Kennedy are recent
examples). There is another if
you are poor or African
American or a member of
some other minority. ?

oA system of justice that
favors the rich and powerful
cannot long survive and we
need to restore justice to all
people so that they can once
again have confidence in our
courts. ?

Hunter is young, but she long
experience in researching
judicial opinions and issues,
in addition to her noble
commitment to making the
judicial system work for all

e, makes her a unique
pice for the NC Supreme
C )

We wholeheartedly endorse
Rachel Lea Hunter.


oFair and impartial. ?

That is the trademark of NC
Appellate Court Judge Robin
Hudson, a candidate for the
NC Supreme Court. Judge
Hudson holds the distinction
of being the first woman to be
elected to the NC Court of
Appeals without first being
appointed by a sitting
governor. She has served
since January 2001, and in .
2004, was honored by the NC
Academy of Trial Lawyers
with the Outstanding
Appellate Judge Award.

Judge Hudson has a
distinguished legal career

spanning over 30 years. '

After earning her law degree
from the UNC- Chapel Hill in
1976, Judge Hudson built her
legal expertise as a staff
attorney for Legal Services;
assistant appellate defender,
private practice as a partner in
her own firm; and chair of the
NC OSHA Review Board
from 1994-2000. :

In addition to her duties on
the Court of Appeals, Judge
Hudson is also coordinator of
the state Appellate Court
mediation program.

The people are well served to
elect dedicated and
experienced leadership of the
high caliber of Judge Robin

Hudson to the NC Supreme

Court. She has our




Few candidates for a judicial
seat get the mountain of
endorsements that NC Court
of Appeals Judge Robert C.
Hunter has received.
Everyone from the NC Police
Benevolent Association to the
state Ts major newspapers all
agree that Judge Hunter has
brought a consistent record of
fairness, independence and
balance to the court.

Now he Ts vying for a second

oMy reputation as a judge is
one who will listen to and
consider carefully all sides
and decide cases according to
the law. I bring no personal or
political agenda to the court, ?
Judge Hunter says on his
website. oI strive to render
opinions that are fair and just
for all North Carolinians ?
The Marion, NC native
earned his law degree at the
UNC-Chapel Hill School of
Law in 1969. Hunter served
as an assistant District
Attorney in McDowell
County from 1969 -70, later
going into private practice
there until 1994,

Hunter was elected to the NC
House representing the 49th
District from 1990 - 98. In
1998, Hunter was appointed
to the NC Court of Appeals
by Gov. Jim Hunt, winning
election to the post in
November of that same year.

Judge Hunter Sipe
of judicial and legislative
experience to the table, in
addition to a passion for
fairness and justice.

" "

We endorse J udge Robert
Hunter for re-election to the
NC Court of Appeals.


Appellate Court Judge -

Linda Stephens says her
agenda on the bench is

simple: work hard, judge

fairly, listen impartially,
approach each case and each
issue with an open mind and
treat all parties before the
court with respect. "-

That Ts the philosophy Judge

Stephens promises to continue
if she Ts elected to a full term.

A 1979 graduate of the UNC-

Chapel Hill School of Law,
the Woodruff, S.C. native

served as a judicial clerk for a

state Appellate judge for one

Top 50 women lawyers in the

" year, followed by a a state by Super Lawyers
stint as a Deputy _ Magazine, as well as being
Commissioner for the NC T listed, for the eleventh year in
Industrial Commission. a row, in Best Lawyers in

- America. -
Stephens later joined a }

, prominent law firm, Judge Stephens brings the
eventually becoming a partner right attitude, purpose,
inthat firm. #0 «) experience and dedication to

| the law to her job, and she
In 2006, Stephens was should continue. That Ts why
appointed to the NC Court of we heartily endorse Judge
Appeals by Gov. Easley. She Linda Stephens for the NC
was also named one of the Court of Appeals.

T . *

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American on the N.C. Supreme Court
* The last three African Americans who ran for Supreme Court lost.
We cannot allow this to happen this election!

We Must Keep

Patricia Timmons-Goodson
on the N.C. Supreme Court.

VOTE Nov, 7! - Early Voting Now Underway!

the Committe to Elect Justice Timmons-Goodson

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

National Representative of The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam

Exclusive To The Minority Voice Newspaper
_ From Bro. Robert Muhammad,
Mosque #79 Greenville, NC

In the Name of Allah, The
Beneficient, The Merciful

September 11, 2006

To All Laboreres and Believers of
the Nation of Islam and Supporters,

I think it is proper that you are
made aware of my health
condition. As you know,

I have been suffering from the
after-effects of an extremely high
dose of

radiated seed implantation that
indeed killed the cancer cells that
had broken

the prostate capsule, but over time,
these seeds have done severe
internal damage.

I am more than fortunate. I am
blessed by Allah (God) to be alive.

Last year, 2005, five years after a

major operation in November 2000, I had a

colonscopy to examine the colon to make sure that no other complications
had risen. At that time, the probe did not detect any significant change in.the
condition of my colon, but early in 2006, I began to have pain in the anal area,
similar to the pain that I had in 1998-1999, °

On my trip to Cuba to learn of disaster management preparedness, I Spent most

of my time there being examined and tested by some of the finest doctors in

Cuba. They discovered an ulcer in the anal area, similar to the ulcer that I had

in 1998 - 1999 that almost caused the loss of my life. The doctors in Cuba felt

that my health at that time was near perfect, except for that ulcer; but from that

time, March 2006, I have been steadily fighting serious pain and infection. In the last
month, I had lost nearly 15 Ibs. and over the last six weeks, I have lost over 20 lbs. So,
I decided to go back to the hospital at Howard University to have my original doctors
assess my condition. "

I was throughly dehydrated, anemic, and low in protein, albumen, and iron. Although

I have some the finest cooks who always prepare the finest meals for me, I was in a seriously
nutritionally depleted state, because the pain that I was in took away my appetite. The Howard
University doctors discovered serious infection and inflammation, which is presently

being treated, and now I am forced to do what is necessary to restore myself nutritionally.
Otherwise, my present condition could be life threatening. .

Therefore, in this period of testing, I am postponing indefinitely all engagements,
meetings, and appointments so that I can concentrate, with Allah?s (God?s) Help,
to bring myself back to a state where I maybe able to continue to serve the rise of our people.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the days of His serious illness said, o?My illness is a test
for those around me? This is a test, not only for me, but it is a test for the members of the
Nation of Islam, as well.

In this period of testing, you can prove to the world that the Nationa of Islam is more
than the charisma, eloquence, and personality of Louis Farrakhan. In this period
of testing, you can prove that the Nation of Islam is under-girded by an idea that represents
the Kingdom of God on Earth, an Idea that can never be uprooted, never be destroyed
and can only increase its power, effect, and influence over the hearts and minds of the people
of the Earth. In this period of testing, you can prove that the Nation of Islam, a body of people
submitting to the Will of Allah (God), is more than the physical presence of any individual,
and that it will live long after I and we have gone, because it is rooted in an idea that comes
directly from Allah (God) Himself.

I will be available to give guidance in any major situation that may arise, but I would prefer that
the Executive Board of the Nation of Islam help to solve the problems of the Nation, without
asking me. Then, at this time of testing, it will show me that you are ready to move beyond
personality to live and function on the principles that make personalities attractive.

In closing, Commandante Fidel Castro had a very serious operation and he relinquished power
to his brother and all thosee who were trained to carry on in his absence. While many rejoiced?
believing and thinking that, if Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution expired, they

could move Cuba and the Revolution in a new direction? his absence from the helm only
proved that Cuba will not fall apart over the absence or passing of their illustrious leader.

Such a challenge is before us. I accept the challenge to work as hard as I can to come back to a
nutritionally strong and healthly body, as much as can be expected given my overall condition,
so that I can continue to serve because I do not believe that my earthly work is done.

I know that you (the Believers) will accept the challenge to move our Nation forward, being
ever watchful for any smart, crooked deceiver and hypocrite who would create confusion

over my present conditon. ,

Best wishes to all for our success. I pray that Allah (God) will bring me before you
again soon.

1 Am Your Brother and Servant,

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Servant to the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West

For Details call:
| Michael Adams (252) 757-0425

Minority Voice Oct20 - Oct 30,2006 p7

7) SP?) 2)?
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Minority Voice Oct20 - Oct 30,2006 ps
The Voting Rights Act of 1965

The 1965 Enactment Bridge in Selma, Alabama, en hearings showed that the on meagre applied a
route to the state capitol in Department of Justice Ts efforts nationwide pro!
By 1965 concerted efforts to Montgome ded th pene , against the denial or
the grip of state " A ; if ones © to eliminate discriminatory abridgment of the right to
disfranchisement had been ~ | ~SIC&H! and Congress to election practices by litigation ote on the literacy tests on a

overcome Southern legislators T gn a case-by-case basis had

under way for some time, but nationwide basis. Among its



had achieved only modest resistance ae pre voting been unsuccessful in opening "_ other provisions, the Act
Success overall andinsome on ; omiagy edacallfora the registration process; as contained special enforcement
areas had proved almost soon as one discriminatory provisions targeted at those

strong voting rights law and
hearings began soon thereafter
on the bill that would become

practice or procedure was
proven to be unconstitutional
and enjoined, a new one would

entirely ineffectual. The
murder of voting-rights
activists in Philadelphia,

areas of the country where
Congress believed the
potential for discrimination to

the Voting Rights Act. ini ;
Mississippi, gained national Congre sedet conc d that the be substituted in its place and he the greatest. Under Section
attention, along with oxi ne federal anti litigation would have to 5, jurisdictions covered by
numerous other acts of nen tee commence anew. these special provisions could
.; ee discrimination laws were not President Johnson signed the mol h
violence and terrorism. " sufficient to overcome the a ecient change
Finally, the unprovoked attack °~. resulting legislation intolaw _ "affectin voting until the
y; Pp . 8
resistance by state officials to on Au ust 6, 1965. Section 2
on March 7, 1965, by state § Attorney General or the
ch 7, 1965, by y PICK UP Yi
troopers on peaceful marchers oioreement othe ey , of the Act, which closely United States District Court K P OUR
: menament. ar :
crossing the Edmund Pettus ?,? legislative followed the language ofthe for the District of Columbia core se ire \ \
determined that the change VOICE NEWSPAPER
SAMPLE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT did not have a discriminatory AT Mo's Tradin Sonya
PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA purpose and would not have a
NOVEMBER 7, 2006 discriminatory effect. In
, o "~}. addition, the Attorney General
Sei ret NC STATE ae DISTRICT NONPARTISAN DFFICES para aa on could desi gnate.a county
(You may vote for ONE) (You may vote ior ONE) covered by these special
fa. To vote for a candidate whose name is INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Ce f th '
printed on the ballot filn the oval nextto [ Edith D. Warren DEM _Gwynett (Gwyn) Hitbum Provisions vot i deral .
candidate for whom you wish to vote a. To vote for a candidate whose name is , « Pe
_ Mark with a black ball point pen or printed on the ballot, fil inthe oval next to appointment of a tederal : Bryan Detowion Terrence Melinda
ymarking device provided. NC STATE HOUSE DISTRICT _ fthe candidate for whom you wish to vote. SOIL & WATER examiner to review the MEN'S HAIRCUT
c. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark this 09 . Mark with a black ball point pen or CONSERVATION DIST 5 5 HAI
paliot, retum it and get another. (You may vote for ONE) ing device provided. SUPERVISOR quali fications of persons who
1. To vote, fil inthe oval tothe lft of your Ifyou tear, deface or wrongly mark this (You may vote for TWO) wanted to register to vote. $10 00 TO $12 00
choice completely, like this | __ Marian N. McLawhom DEM , feturn it and get another. Further, in th ti C aaa
. . you wish to write in a candidate, where | Charles H. Farley Further, in those counties SHAVE $5 00
STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET = Tony P. Moore REP , fill in the oval associated with the where a federal examiner was *
INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER: ffice and write the candidate's name on © __W. Steve Sutton . :
line. Write-in votes are authorized onty serving, the Attorney General EYE BROW ARCH
a. To vote for all candidates of one party (a DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1 certain races. as) :
straight party ticket), fil in the ova! next to DISTRICT 03A . To vote, fill in the oval to the left of your Write-in could request that fe ?,? al ,' $5 00 . .
party for whose candidates you wish to (You may vote for ONE) completely. ) observers monitor activities Rodney . : Cedric
b Write-in
. You may vote a spilt ticket by not fing in Clark Everett DEM within the county Ts polling NECKLINE TAPER & EDGE
oval next to the party, but by filling in SUPREME COURT CHIEF x pl ace. ¢ 5 00
oval next to the name of each a JUSTICE End of Ballot . . ;
idate for whom you wish to vote. COUNTY COMMISSIONER (You may vote for ONE) The Voting Rights Act had not
c. You may also vote a split ticket by filling DISTRICT O1/A z ote
inthe oval next to te pty an en fg (You may vote for ONE) " [ _Rusty Duke nee a Ss llom corilher BOY'S HAIRCUT $8.00
in the oval next to the name of any | ronioditin Xe?,?s, Out na T
randidale you choose of aiferentpary. David S.Hammond «DEM Swah Parker ted ie in i General BEAUTICIAN TS PRICING VARIES
Kf you wish to write in a Candidate, where . irected the Attorney Genera
(ae J to challenge,its use. In Harper ACCORDING TO HAIRSTYLE
| office and write the candidate's name on COUNTY COMMISSIONER SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE _ : Gervis Chester
8 line. Write-in votes are authorized only DISTRICT 02/A JUSTICE . v. Virginia State Board of TWO LOCATIONS TOO
j Certain races. (You may vote for ONE) (You may vote for ONE) 9
| p Astaigt pay vote doesnotote | Elections, 383 U.S. 663 SERVE YOU:
ponpartisan offices or other issues. Eugene (Gene) James DEM| _ Rachel Lea Hunter (1966), the Supreme Court UNIVERSITY SQUARE-EAST
| | held Virginia Ts poll tax to be 1OTH ST. GREENVILLE
FOR STRAIGHT PARTY : © Mark D. Martin Ind ;
TICKET "COUNTY COMMISSIONER | unconstitutional under the BARBER SHOP: (252) 754-2600
(You may vote for ONE) DISTRICT 03/8 : .
. (You may vote for ONE) SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE 14th Amendment. BEAUTY SHOP: (252) 754-2606
2 __ Tom Johnson, Sr DEM (You may vote for ONE) suite #5
S Jeck wal REP 1S Enc Lemson Johnny (252) 353-1617 Kalvin
| US CONGRESS DISTRICT 01 © _ Patnicia Timmons-Goodson " ;
@ (You may vote for ONE) COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; {
7 GK Butterfieia DEM (You may vote for ONE) SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE
©} _ Mark W Owens, Jr DEM (You may vote for ONE)
| US CONGRESS DISTRICT 03 2 Am Marie Calabria
: (You may vote for ONE) COUNTY COMMISSIONER
: DISTRICT 05/C Robin Hudson
: © __ Craig Weber DEM (You may vote for ONE) -
2 Walter B Jones REP } Joe Tnpp DEM COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE 4.
"(You may vote for ONE):
© Jimmy Garns REP §. :
03 = | : T
(You may vote for ONE) COUNTY COMMISSIONER , ] Robert C. (Bob} Hutter j
Clark Jenkins DEM (You may vote for Ne), if on | oe |
| _] - Kenneth R. Ross ipew (You may voté for ONE)
05 & Dick Adams UNA | C _ Linda Stephens /
(You may vote for ONE) f &
Donna Stroud :
©} John Kerr DEM _ SHERIFF -
; (You may vote for ONE)
© Mac Manning DEM DISTRICT 03A
; (You may vote for ONE)
06 CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT | Joseph (Joe) A. Blick, Jr
(You may vote for ONE) (You may vote for ONE)
© Danie! Hines Entzminger
© Arthur Williams DEM | Eleanor H Farr DEM
© ___ Hood Richardson REP

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Minority Voice Oct 20 -Oct 30,2006 p9


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Minority Voice Oct 20 - Oct 30,2006 p10

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Attorneys Jimmy Streeter,
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Szeohuan Beet... ans


Obama ponders presidential
FUN By James Wright AFRO Staff Writer

Sen. Barack Obama (D-II].) is
pondering a run for the


policy at the George Mason
University School of Public
Democratic Party nomination Policy, said he has mixed

for president in 2008. Obama _ feelings about a possible run

as a governor.
Obama served as a state
senator in Illinois before
running and winning a seat

Minority Voice Oct 20 - Oct 30,2006 p11

Mion " Fri 7pm

recently appeared on the front for president by Obamia.

for the U.S. Senate in 2004.

of the Oct. 23 edition of Time " oI am conflicted on this, ? Conventional wisdom would
Magazine and talked about a "_Fauntroy told the AFRO. oI say that he lacks the type of
possible bid on NBC Ts oMeet really don Tt think he is ready "_ experience needed to make a
the Press ? on Oct. 22. to be president. credible president.
He has published his second "However, he has never been _Fauntroy also says that the
more popular political dynamic is changing, "

book, The Audacity of Hope,
in which he talks about his
views on domestic and
foreign policy as well as his
upbringing and how it
influenced his decision to go
into public life.

When asked by moderator
Tim Russert on oMeet the
Press T about being a U.S.
senator for two years and
whether he was ready to be
president, Obama said:

Well, I Tm not sure anybody
is ready to be president before
they Tre president. You know,
ultimately, I trust the
judgment of the Americap .
people that, in any election,
they sort it through. ?

When Russert presented.
Obama with a videotape of an
interview conducted on Jan.
22, in whieh the freshman
lawmaker said that he would
not run for president in 2008,
he said:

Well, that was how I was
thinking at time. ?

He said oyes ? to Russert when
_ asked whether oit was fair to
think about whether he was
running for president i in
2008. ?

Obama has been campaigning
around the country to help the
Democratic Party win control
of the U.S. Senate. He has
appeared in Virginia for

James Webb, who is running "

against incumbent Sen.
George-Allen (R) and in
Maryland in the open seat
vacated by Sen. Paul Sarbanes

(D) for Rep. Benjamin Cardin |


Obama is the most in-demand
speaker for the Democrats
next to former President Bill

Dr. Michael D.Fauntroy,
assistant professor of public

than he isnow so and a prospective president

he needs totake "_ needs more than domestic

_ advantage of his _ experience.

| popularity. ? "We really need a president
There is a school who has foreign policy
of thought in experience and that cuts

| political circles against Obama, ? he said.
that one should = oThe ideal candidate would
serve as a be someone who has served

_ governor because as a governor and a U.S.

the presidency is senator. That person would be
-. an executive a real powerhouse. ?
| position. Obama said in the Russert
Fauntroy noted interview and other media
that of the last that he would weigh his
Six presidents, all options after the Nov. 7
but George H.W. elections.

Bush have served _

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The Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation is accepting letters of intent
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organizations with 501 (c) (3) status are eligible for funding.

The grant period is for July 1, 2007 " June 30, 2008.

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Letters of intent must be received by November 10, 2006. Submit

letters to the address below.

# Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation

Community Benefits Grants Program
P.O. Box 8489, Greenville, NC 27835-8489

Minority Voice Oct 20 - Oct 30,2006 p12



The following organizations have endorsed Justice Timmons-Goodson for the
Supreme Court of North Carolina:

Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People

North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers

North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys °
North Carolina Association of Educators . __

North Carolina Association of Women Attorneys

North Carolina Police Benevolent Association

North Carolina State AFL-CIO |

North Carolina State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police
North Carolina Troopers Association

Professional Fire Fighters and Paramedics of North Carolina


Justice Tim


mons-Goodson running

The following Newspapers h
of North Carolina:

ave endorsed Justice Timmons-Goodson for the Supreme Court

Winston-Salem Journal: oThe Journal prefers judges with a demonstrated judicial

demeanor, strong character, deep intellect and a commitment to fairness. We support -
"Judges of moderate view who understand that a judge Ts role is to apply the law, not create it ?.

Greensboro News and Record: oTimmons-Goodson is a sound choice because of her
long experience and exemplary record. ?

The News and Observer: oThe state Supreme Court needs the perspective and wisdo
of the three candidates with valuable experience on the bench... That style of deliberate
patience, born of longer legal and life experience, helps give Timmons-Goodson the edge... ?

The Charlotte Observer: o...the life experience Justice Timmons-Goodson brings is
also valuable to that court, and to the state. ?

Asheville Citizen Times: oShe has more judicial experience that any other candidate
for the Supreme Court except Sarah Parker. Timmons-Goodson Ts longer experience and
excellent service earn her the right to remain on the Supreme Court.



to keep her N.C. Supreme Court seat ©

_ Court Ts only African American on ballot Nov. 7th

Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson is on
the statewide ballot November 7 to keep her seat
on the N.C, Supreme Court.

She is currently the only African American
on the state Ts highest court, and is the only
African American running for statewide judicial
Office this year.

Appointed to the Supreme Court in
January by Governor Mike Easley, Timmons-
Goodson will serve a full eight-year term
if elected in November.

oI respectfully and prayerfully ask for
your vote to keep me on the Supreme Court
of North Carolina, Tsaid Justice Timmons-
Goodson, oand I thank you for your

consideration and your support. ?

Timmons-Goodson brings more than 21
years of judicial experience to the Supreme
Court, more than any other candidate for
Associate Justice. She started herlongcareerasa
prosecutor and a legal aid lawyer in Fayetteville.

She was appointed by Governor
Jim Hunt to the District Court bench in
1984. She was élected to that position three
times " in 1986, 1990 and 1994.

She served on the District Court bench
for twelve and one-half years before going
to the state Court of Appeals, where she
served for eight and one-half years. She was

the first African-American woman to be pop-

Last three African Americans
To run for Court lost

The last three African Americans who ran for election to the state Supreme Court

lost their statewide elections.

It is important that this does not happen to Justice Patricia Timmons-Goodson in 2006!
Justice Timmons-Goodson is the fourth African American to actually serve on
the Supreme Court, but only former Chief Justice Henry Frye of Greensboro was ever
elected by voters in a statewide election to the position. Justice Frye was defeated
in his bid in 2000 to keep his seat as Chief Justice. ? Justices Jim Wynn and G. K.
Butterfield were appointed to the Supreme Court, but were unsuccessful in their elections.
Justice Timmons-Goodson is the only member of the Supreme Court who is African
American. If elected in November, she would be the first African-American woman ever

elected to the state's highest court!

ularly elected to the state appellate court.
The Supreme Court Justice has been

married for 21 years to Dr.
Goodson, a Fayetteville orthodontist.


They are the proud parents of two teenage T
sons. The Goodsons are active members of
First Baptist Church, Moore Street, in

When disaster hit New Orleans, all George Bush
could manage was a flyover at 30,000 feet.


Party afiiations. Timmon

- for statewide judicial. office
oidentfed a8 being De

oYou. must. vote on. the
judicial ballot, and that will
from the regular ballot for Con;

legishtive and T local races ?


~The judicial ballot also wi

The Minority Voice, October 20-30, 2006
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina. Pages not displaying for this online item were missing from the original microfilm and could not be digitized.
October 20, 2006 - October 30, 2006
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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