The Minority Voice, March, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

By the Honorable Minister

Louis Farrakhan

[Editor's note: The following ex-
cerpils were taken frum the
Saviours T Day 2004 address deliv-
ered hy Minister Farrakhan on
February 29 at the UIC Pavilion in
Chicago, Illinois,

In The Name of Allah, The

| Beneficent, The Merciful.

February 26 is a dav that has been
sct aside by the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad to honor the birth of a
man that came to us from the Holy
City of Mecca in Arabia who was
born on February 26, 1877--Master
Fard Muhammad. He is {27 years
of age today. The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad taught us that he was

and is the Great Mahdi. "Mahdi" or doe.

"Mahadia" means one who comes
to guide to the path of God and one
who is self-guided. It is written in
the Qur Tan, oHe it is who sent His
messenger with the guidance and
the true religion."

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be

upon him) didn Tt just bring relig- thi

ion. he brought guidance, because
if you have religion and not

guidance, you may not carry the h

religion into practice properly. So

without guidance and religion, you ha
ral coupled G

can have zeal, but
with ignorance makes us relig-
iously dangerous. or fanatics. We
do not: wish to be fanatical over our

--faith-in God. We want to practice

His religion with guidance. so that

oWE may becoite-examples of right-

cousness and m
midst of a world that has gone
asifay, ees

This is Black History Month, the
last day of the month. a leap year. |
want us to leap into the knowledge
of our history and how beautiful we
are as a People. Have you noticed
out of all the cultures. the ethnic
and racial groups that live in the
United States, no one else has a

history week or month but us?
There's no Irish history week.
There's no Italian history week.
There's no Jewish history week.
There's no Romanian history week.
How come? It is because every one
of those people know who they are.
Carter G. W
Black History Month), recognized
that we. as a people. were robbed of
the knowledge of our rich history.
He knew that a people without the
knowledge of their history is like a
(ree without roots. We are dead, So

the Honorable Elijah Muhammad S$

taught us that of all our Studies,
history is the most attractive and is
best qualified to reward the re-
scarcher. because history develops
the springs and the motives of
human action.

When we know what was, that
Springs us forward to produce what
is and make a future. but when we
do not know what was or what is.
We are unqualified to prepare a
future for ourselves and our prog-
eny. So. wise men and women Study

Patti Labelle Lifetime Achievement Award

oral rectitudesin-the:

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history. There are those who are
born. as the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad teaches. with the gift
of prophecy. They can see into the
future. This is a gift from God. But
there are also those who can sce the
future and predict it Closely by a
careful study of history.
So. this is Black History Month and
Master Fard Muhammad brought
us a rich. rich knowledge of
ourselves and our history that takes
us back far beyond the cotton fields
and plantations of the South; but
He takes us back to the very origin
of our being as direct descendants
of the Creator,
My desire today is -to reach the
world with this serious message on
the principle of reparations. What
S$ America and Europe owe to
Black people? What does Allah
(God) promise? In the word "
ration � is the word "repair." In this
Sense, repair today will be used not
aS a noun but as a verb, which
means pos action taken that will
repair damage dope. When some-
ing is repaired T ou bring it from
a broken state back to its original
State or its condition. The whole
uman family is in need of repair.
According to the scriptures, Satan
S Overcome the teachings of
od Ts prophets and has caused
most of the human family to
deviate from that which Allah

(God) has set down as the way of Islam.

life that He desires for human
beings to live. It is written. in the

Scriptures of the Bible arid Qur'an.

that this world ia ee wor!
This world is Satan's world and
have been under the rule of Satan
a mystery and God also remains 4
mystery. but the knowledge of one
and the revelation of one is the
revelation of the other. © : .
I wondered to myself why did
Elijah Muhammad one day, call me
and say, "Brother. I don't want you
fo use the term devil T anymore, |
want you to use the term Satan.*
the enemy. � or the slavemasters*
children. o" As a young man and not

being very wise, I didn't ask him th

why. I didn't know why and |
didn Tt ask him why. But now I'm
ginning to sce why-the culprits
that have to be called out are a
satanic group that has dominated
the world of politics. the world of

teligion. the world of education. mak

the world of justice, the world of
cconomics. The ple under
atan Ts rule may think they belong
to God, but if we judge our actions
by the standard of havior laid
down by God and His prophets,

Satan has been such a Clever atch bu

deceiver that he has made evil
fair-seeming to mankind and man.
Yeo we are so confused

We don't know what is right or
what is wrong. What is good or
what is evil. The Honorable Elijah

Muhammad said to us that Satan is E

SO wise that he has deceived the


i adr

whole world. Are you in the world?
Are you sure? Then, we must ask
ourselves, are you and I of those
who are deceived? If Satan de-
ceived the whole world. what
would he deceive the world about?
Satan has to deceive the world
about God. He has to deceive the
world about religion. He has to
deceive the world about Jesus. the

most important figure of the scrip-


In the Book of Revelation. it Says
Satan would be so wise that he
would curl his tail and bring down
a third part of the stars of heaven.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
said this means not taken: down
ordinary people. He's taking down
the scientists and scholars of
religion. This is why Paul said we
don't wrestle or war with flesh and

blood. We are flesh and blood. The -

. fight is not with flesh and blood.
The fight is with principalities,
powers, the rulers of the darkness
of this world and spiritual wicked-
hess in high places,

So if you I can Tt deal with the
devils on our level, we may become
devils ourselves. There are many of

us that think we are of God, yet we °

are making mischief. So we must
be clear today on who is with God
and who has Satan deceived. Dear
brothers and sisters, Satan, by
deceiving scholars of religion in
! istianity and Judaism,

this causes

eHeve |
God. In
In the Book of Job, the sons of God

came to present themiselves to God,
but the devil came also with them.

* How could the sons of God hang

out with the devil, yet they did not
- know it? But God knew it. He did
not speak to the sons of God, He

* spoke directly to Satan. He asked,
"Whence cometh thou, Satan?"
Satan answered. "I come from

walking up and down, to and fro in
�,� carth seeking whom | may

Son hoo

me theologians say that we are

all the Children of God. That is a
lie. We all have the Capacity to
become Children of God, but
there's a choice that we have to
¢. because Satan is in the world
oad signing for minds and souls
and infecting the people Ts spirit.
and God is doing the same.

God has children and Satan has

some, 100. So, these two sets of

children may be hanging out today T

t maybe after you listen to my

words, you might look to your right

Or to your left, you might look to

your bedroom and the boardroom.

and say, "My God. I did not know
that I was Sleeping with. I was

walking with. | was married to a

Child of the enemy." What does

urope and America owe and what :

does Allah (God) promise?

y Modupa Rouse

Broadcast professionals and musical icons gathered for the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters

20th Annual Communications Award Dinner to honor

Achievement Award in Washington, D.C. on Friday, March 12.

LaBelle can add this award to her collection. She has won two
4 LaBelle will release her new album "A Timeless Journey

the label.

singer and songwriter Patti LaBelle with their Lifetime

grainmy Ts and seven NAACP awards. On May
on Def Soul Classics, LaBelle is the first artist on

= ehold name to lovers of rhythm and blues * is know for her hits Lady Marmalade T and
Sanewhere Over the Rainbow. T Since she began her singing career in 1961 she has given the people what they
want: 'sangin. T LaBelle's stage performance is known for its unpredictabili

from doing what she wants to do," said LaBelle. "I didn't
m "favorite songs and | wanted to sing it with her,

Khan sang the hit single Ain't Nobody. T

As fans and industry leaders looked on, LaBelle accepted

ty. "No one is gonna stop Ms, Patti

know the words to Chaka's song, but that is one of
LaBelle said this after running on the Stage while Chaka

the Lifetime Achievement Award with a humbled

race. "I am so blessed," said LaBelle. "I came to this event two years ago and thought to myself 1 want one of

d now | am receiving one; thank you dj's and all of you
music when I didn't have a hit." Other honoree Ts at NABOB ¢

Gordon Parks, playwright August Wilson, singer Bobby "Blue" Bland, actor
Jeffrey Wright and attorney Elaine Jones. NA

OB hosts this annual event

for playing my
oaxeunicetions dinner included photographer

to honor African-Americans making

he : ia industry. Over 500 media professionals attended the event. The dinner began
ant pa Nadine Ashford & Simpson, Stephanie Mills and Chaka Khan. "I would like to thank
ove one for the support they have given NABOB over the years," said J

ished i d it has been in:
NABOB. NABOB was established in 1976 an
a voice. Through conferences on management, sales and fay Sap

: : ision stations informed of chang: licies.
radio Seen uaduoes ot te NABOB dinner was adaptation, "We have to adapt our

id Wi i lease. "
thinking to the new market place," said Winston in a press release. "The

i ine in black-owned media companies, "I can't wait for
the pressures on black broadcasters, we are still here. � Rouse is the

ames Winston, executive director of

strumental in ensuring that black broadcasters have
, NABOB keeps the 240 black-owned

concentration of media ownership is

next year Ts dinner," said Jim Rouse. "With
owner of

ity Voice News in Greenville, N.C. NABOB Organizers prepare for the 28th
Annual Spring Mew Mange won Con ouch in St. Marteen, Netherlands Antilles on May 21-26,

March 2004


FIND os1@ 3


scholars to look at. the .
Revealed Word of

ae ait 3 880 : F -
hat they are on the path of |
; rai they ive heen «

for 6,000 years. But Satan remainis. devoured by Satan 3

Saviors Day 2004

Saviors Day 2004, Minister Robert Muhammad and Minister Edward Muhammad is shown


Princeville, North Carolina, shown at the Historical occasion at Princeville City Hall. Con ressman Frank
Ballance along with Mayor Pricilla Oats and children from a local school and others who participated
in others in a celebration. Shown below is Mayor Oats, Joyce Mitchell from, Seriator Edwards's office
and others who participated in a peaceful march to mark the first black incorporated town in North
Catalina, Rrinceville..Come.down to the Town of Princeville.


T | v


instead of trying to fix


omy he too got in bed with the

the eoon-

of. the

the poor and giving to :
And every time they're asked to
justify the in-humane treatment
of the poor they start all over
again with God, Country, Guns
and Family Values.

How long America, before you
awaken from your pathetic,
gullible slumber? We hope not
too long; the country and the-
world can't afford to wait very
much longer.

T have the utmost respect for
Ralph Nader, head of Public
Citizen, for his positive contri-
bution to the nation Ts con-
sumer affairs issues. And I
even tolerated his run for presi-
dent last time because he gave

progressives Left of Al Gore a
chance to pat

without question that he was

one of the factors that cost _

Gore the election.

votes in New
Hampshire where Bush won by
7,000 votes. Exit polls suggest
that most of these voters would
have voted for Gore had Nader

not been in the race. So, this

shop so that nearly every public
tag. The cash goes to members
of Congress, lobbyists, staff,
etc. It Ts nasty business.

I agree with Nader, but his

financial resources from basic
priorities, a Patriot Act that is
killing our _ Constitutional

for the rich and a weak and
wrong-headed No Child Left
Behind education policy.
Thus, Nader Ts agenda runs
counter to the issues that peo-
ple care deeply about in this
election cycle, a fact which may
reveal that his main motivation
for running is his Own ego.
Even so, though Ralph received
3 percent of the vote last elec.
tion, I don Tt think he will be
nearly the threat this year and
may not pull more than 1 per..
cent of the vote. _
The reasons are simple.
First, progressives seem to.
host primary voters
on the Democratic side want -
for Bush to exit the White

House almost at any cost. They
appear willing to Subsume
their own agendas and unite
around John Kerry as the front-
runner at this stage of the
game. .
Second, in the 2000 election,
progressives could move to the
left of Gore, but fortunately in
2004, Howard Dean has driven
the whole field of Democratic
candidates so far to the left
that, if Kerry continues on
their track, there will not be
much room to his left for Nader
to pick up votes. That is why
leaders of The Nation maga-
zine, a progressive group, have
said to Nader that this is not his

And Dean also cautioned his
Supporters that they should not
be tempted to support fringe
candidates - such as Nader -
and thus, cost the Democratic

party victory with his influ.

ence. In fact, I wouldn Tt be sur-
prised if the Green Party at its
coming convention decides to

ly on the prospect that they, too,
could inadvertently continue
the rein of George Bush in the
White House. To be sure, there
is a faction of the Greens who
want to draft Ralph Nader to
run on their ticket again. With
them, he could be assured of
being on the ballot in 43 states
where he ran in 2000.
Without the Greens and cam-
paigning as an Independent,
Nader would have to start from
scratch. If he does, the task
would be formidable. For exam.
ple, he would have to Pick up
65,000 signatures on petitions
in the state of Texas to qualify
for the ballot. Altogether he
would have to pick up an esti-
mated 2 million such signa-
tures in all of the States where
he would run, needing a sub-
Stantial grass roots effort cost-

ing millions of dollars. I just

don't think that he has either
financial or organizational

may not qualify for many bal-
lots. Besides Democrats in the

states will be working hard
against him.

So, Nader should not run
this time. But telling him that
is hard because he is a proud
man with an independent
Streak a mile wide and very
deep.The problem is defined by
Ross Perot, who cost George
Bush's father the election in
1992, and whose personality
also would not let him back
down. Democrats are worried
about Ralph Nader and will fold
him into their campaign strate.
8y. Better safe than sorry. But I
don Tt think he will have much
punch this time around.

Ron Walters is the
Distinguished Leadership
Scholar, director of the African
American Leadership Institute
in the Academy of Leadership
and professor of government
and politics at the University of
Maryland-College Park. His lat-
est book is oWhite Nationalism,
Black Interests � (Wayne State
University Press).

Because news about the

gradual recovery of the econo-
my at its broad scale seems
recently to have submerged the
news about unemployment,
you might think we can begin
to worry less about joblessness.
You'd be wrong.

The hard statistics about the
lack of jobs for former workers
mean that at its omicro-eco-
nomic � levels "at the levels of
individuals and families "the
jobs are not there to be had and
jobless workers and their fami-
lies are still hurting badly.

Among the facts the current
unemployment rate of 5.6 per-
cent masks is that there are
still 8.3 million people unem

ployed, and that at the end of

, : Ps
ot ve


....February-a:total of 760;000 job-

less workers had exhausted
their regular unemployment
benefits. The latter can't get
emergency federal unemploy-
ment aid because Congress has
thus far refused to extend the
temporary program, which
expired in December.

That means that since then
three-quarters of a million job-
less Americans "think of a
ocity � that would be the
nation Ts twelfth largest: more
populous than Indianapolis,
San Francisco, or Baltimore "
have had to make do without
government aid.

By June, according to the
Washington, D.C.-based Center
on Budget Policy and
Priorities, nearly 2 million
more of the jobless will face the
same fate. These numbers are
among the most startling set-
ting records for how
the unemployment situation is.

But there are several others
that offer serious competition.
As a recent study from the
Economic Policy Institute,
another Washington think
tank, stated, othe current

. = all
er d fy
coi latyay a

slump is setting records for
severity in terms of sustained
loss of jobs, the increase in the
labor market slack, and the
decline in [workers T] aggregate
wage and salary income. �

That is the overall situation.
But numerous statistics make
it clear that the situation is
even worse for African
Americans and Latino
Americans. The recession Ts
beginning in spring 2001 drove
the Latino unemployment back
above 7 percent, and the black
unemployment rate, which had
fallen to a record-low 7 percent
in early 2000, back to its otradi-
tional � postwar place in the
double digits "it's now 10.7 per-

A recent Study by the
National Urban League Ts
Institute for Opportunity and
Equality documents some of
the harrowing impact the
return to double-digit unem.
ployment is having on Black

African Americans are more
likely than whites to endure
long-term unemployment:
more college-educated and

ployed than their white coun-
terparts; and = African.
Americans have suffered dis-
proportionate job losses in
manufacturing, a job area
where their gains since the
1960s were critical to the expan.
sion of the black middle class.

The IOE report concluded
that the job reversals blacks
have endured since 2001 is the
worst turnabout in the labor
market they've faced in more

A striking local-level confir-
mation of that assessment was
illuminated this past week bya
study released by the
Community Service Society, a
nonprofit New York City social
services agency.

Analyzing federal Statistics,

it determined that because of

the national recession and the
particular economic difficul-
ties the tragedy of September
11th brought on New York City,
nearly half of black males,
aged 16 to 64, are out of work.
Only 51.8 percent of the City Ts
black males had jobs, compared

African-- |

with 75.7 percent of its white

males. Just 57.1 Percent of
black women had jobs, com-
pared to 61.4 percent of white
women. Overall New York
City Ts black unemployment
rate is now 12.9 percent, com-
pared to 9.6 percent for Latinos,
and 6.2 percent for whites.

Gne of the important facts
about Black New York Ts cur-
rent employment crisis is that
in 2000 the black unemploy-

ment rate, mirroring the
National picture, was at a

record low "7.5 percent.

That African Americans in
New York as elsewhere have
been so badly hurt by the reces.
sion and its aftermath under-
Scores the point economist
Samuel L. Myers, Jr makes in
his incisive essay in the
National Urban League's annu-
al volume, The State of Black
America 2004, that will be
released later this month:

The combination of histori-
cal and contemporary anti-
black discrimination across all
areas of economic activity has
meant that African Americans
owere less prepared to weather

wocace Sy) BRT, ee eo
bop ee Cus
Pe eee ee
Si Ree. GS
FO bn tae # �,�

the bad times of the Tretession © -
and have had greater difficulty
taking advantage of the recov-
ery and its associated benefits, �

Myers shows in keen detail
that the so-called Long Boom of
the 1990s benefited Black
America in significant ways "
but because their economic
foundation was so thin to begin
with, oThe lesson to be learned
from the long period of expan-
sion is that African Americans
are still perched precariously
between a significant narrow-
ing of income 8aps and a per-
sistent inequality in wealth. �

Myers T insight about the
complex nature of the ecorioin-
ic progress African Americans
forged in the last decade
applies to every facet of their
experience in America, as our
volume will illuminate ina
variety of ways. It Calls to
mind a saying common among
black elders, who lived long
enough to experience it too
many times over: One step for-
ward, two steps back.

Marc H. Morial is President
and CEO of the National Urban
League, New York

The Blackonomics

Club (BMDC).

I can hear you lovingly say-
ing, oAll right, Jim, what are
you trying to get us to do this
time? � I say olovingly � because
you have responded that way to
my articles on economic
empowerment for more than 10
years now. I am truly blessed to
have made so many friends
throughout this country and in
other parts of the world
because of the articles I write.
So, here's the deal.

Tam looking for 200,000 dedi.
cated individuals to commit to
being members of the BMDC,
which will simply mean that
you will send $5 toa worthwhile
Project, institution, or cause,
when the call goes out. There
will be no more than five calls
per year, thus, the cost of being
in the BMDC will be no more

of class, status, of
any superficial barriers
that lie between and among us.

Eventually, we will seek out
those of you who have an inter.
est in working with the BMDC
to recommend beneficiaries of
the $1 million raised every time
the call is issued and the 200,000
respond. As the BMDC grows,
and it will grow, we will also
expand our reach and our assis.
tance to causes in Africa and in
the Caribbean. There is much
to do and much we can do if we
work together, each one doing







pit 3

Million Do

possibilities are endless, but we
must commit first - and then
follow through on our commit.
ment. o

Members of the BMDC will
probably know .about causes
and projects that could use a
million dollars, and your input
in that regard will be quite
valuable. I have never claimed
to know everything, but one
thing I do know: If we work
together in support of one
another, we will win.

Also, if we use the instanta-
neous call-and-response of the
or geotucie T age nn need
for protracted campaigns
advertising, no banquets neces-
sary, and no begging corpora-

llar Club

attempt to convince others that
we are valuable economic
assets to this country, the
BMDC will devote its resources
to showing Black people our
own value, and illustrating to
our youth that we are indeed
the remnant of those slaves
who could not be killed, those
who survived so that we could
be free, those who put their
nickels and dimes together to
help one another.
Please don't start
Paralysis of analysis, w
which we are quite familiar.
Let's keep this as simple as pos-
sible. Don't start

this effort. A five dollar contri-
bution is such a small amount
on an individual basis to push

the economic growth of our

people. Sign me up! �
Lets sow sare wats cyl

sacommitmentef $SobeamanbaHowdy

ug � to jclingman@blackonom.

" I will keep you

of our progress, Or,
mail or fax your name, address,
and phone number to PO, Box
6722, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206, or
fax number 513/489 4192. Let's
do this.

James £. Clingman, an
adjunct professor at the

University of Cincinnati's

n Studies

ls former editor of

the ti Herald

and founder of the

Greater Cincinnati African
American Chamber

Commerce. He hosts the radio

@ Choice," He can be reached
(513) 489-4132, or by email at


7 ee

/_Erskin Bowles Visits
| Greenville's African American

Erskine Bowles, candidate for
the North Carolina Senate seat
vacated by former presidential
candidate, John Edwards will be
visiting Greenville's_ African
American Community, March
| 17th. He will visit and talk with
several African American small
business owners in the morning,
have lunch at an African
American leaders in the after-
noon and attend an informal get
together of the African American
Community called, an oEvening
with Erskine Bowles, held at the
| Dubois Conference Center."

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Death toll rises in ie
Ugandan protests

LIRA, Uganda (IRIN) "Five people
were killed in the northern town of Lira
Feb. 25, as thousands protested against the
government's ofailure to protect its people
from insurgency � and the rebel Lord Ts
Resistance Army's (LRA) massacre of more

than 200 internally displaced persons (IDPs)

on Feb. 21.

Godfrey Aropet, the Lira District police
commander, told IRIN that one man was
killed by a mob and four were shot dead. It
was, however, unclear how the four had
been shot, he said. At least 10 other people
were injured, Uganda Red Cross officials

oThe police tried to handle the situation
with as much restraint as possible, but the
organizers of the march failed to take
charge, � Mr. Aropet said.

One of the dead was from the Acholi
tribe, to which most of the LRA s
commanders belong. Sources said some
Acholi homes within Lira had been set
ablaze by Lang Ti tribes people who were
among the protestors.

Numbering over 10,000. the protestors
Hooded in from the town and surrounding
areas, running and chanting slogans against
both the government and the LRA. They

carried branches broken off from
surrounding acacia trees, and banners
calling on President Yoweri Museveni to

They smashed cars, beat up other people
and broke the windows of the district
commissioner's office, after failing to find

him, and vandalized other buildings. Shops

that tried to open for business were forcibly
closed by protestors.
One Uganda People Ts Defense Forces

soldier, wearing civilian gear but carrying -

his gua, shook his head as he watched
protestors smash his car windscreen. oWhy
are they blaming us? � he shouted. oI have
also had three of my own children abducted
by the rebels. �

President Museveni. who has camped in
the region to ooversee operations, so that
we can finish these bandits, � in a rare shift
in the tone of government rhetoric,
apologized to the victims of the massacre
and expressed regrets at the army's failure
to protect them.

The attack was the most devastating
massacre of civilians so far during the 18-
year conflict in northern Uganda. About 300
LRA rebels, dressed like regular army
soldiers and armed with assault rifles and

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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (c) visits survivors of the February 22 massacre at Lira district hospital. More

March 2004

Photos AFP

than 200 people were killed by Lord's-Resistance Army (LRA) rebels at one of the internally displaced camps.
Museveni accused military c6rnmanders Of failing to properly coordinate their Operations against the rebels.

artillery, attacked the Barlonyo camp, and
overpowered the local militia posted there
to protect it.

The rebels burned many of the IDPs
there alive by setting fire to their thatched
huts after ordering them into their homes at
gunpoint. Other IDPs. who were trying to
flee, were shot. bludgeoned: or hacked to
death by the rebels wielding clubs. machetes



and AK-47s. The rebels killed more than
200 IDPs in the process. .

Sources in Lira said the attack could
further inflame tensions between the Lang T
and the Acholi. Early in February. a Roman
Catholic priest, Father Sebhat Ayele. told
IRIN: oMy biggest fear is that [the attacks]
will stoke tensions between them. It has
happened before. �



oi; "499




masieereani » aaa i. Siete ¥ +

March 2004

Staite i " The UN Security Council ne
ii ane 4 4 emergency session on February
UNITED NATIONS "Eight + Passed a resolution approving the
angry Members of " the immediate dispatching of a
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) multinational force in Haiti and the
traveled to the United Nations on the creation of a UN peacekeeping force
afternoon of March 1 to meet with to replace it three months down the
Secretary-General Kofi Annan to road. .
eck help in dealing with the crisis oAll this is being played before "
in Haiti. }

oThis is a terrorist take-over, �
claimed Brooklyn Democratic .

Congressman Major Owens, in his
characterization of the departure of

deposed Haitian President Jean :


oWhat makes this acoup? � asked ,
Congressman Charles Rangel (D- |

NY). oHe was dictated a resignation,
which he had to sign. �

Mr. Rangel added that Pres.
Aristide said he had not negotiated
any Country where he would be
willing to go.

oWe've got to understand what
really transpired in Haiti, because
we know this doctrine of pre-
emption and regime change could
lead us down a path of Haiti today,
where tomorrow? � Congresswoman
Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) asked The
Final Call.

oWe have to demand the truth, �
Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-
NY) said, noting that hearings have
been planned in Washington, D.C.
to find out if Mr. Aristide was forced
out of office, as he has claimed.

Congressman Meeks said the
deposed leader, in a phone
conversation with Congressman
Rangel, claimed he was forced onto
a plane, and was somewhere in the
Central African Republic, unsure of
his future. Mr. Aristide claimed that
he, his wife and her brother were
held in an airplane for 20 hours, and
upon landing was constantly
surrounded by omilitary � people.
oHe said he was kidnapped, �
Congressman Meeks added.

White House spokesman Scott
McClellan called the claim

. ocomnlete nonsense, � according to

oPage 4

Angry members of CBC meet at the UN

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman, R

the Associated Press. oIt was Mr.
Aristide Ts decision to resign, � Mr.
McClellan toldAP

Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld, speaking on CNN, also

said the Haitian leader left the �

Caribbean nation under his own
accord. o oThe idea that someone was
abducted is just totally inconsistent
with everything I heard or saw, � Mr.
Ruritsfeld said.

oT Tve got no reason to disbelieve
President Aristide, � argues
Representative Elijah Cummings
(D-Md.) and chairman of the CBC.
oIt Ts just frustrating, because I have
another Black man, Secretary of
State Colin Powell saying it did'not
happen the way Mr. Aristide said it
did. � '

oI am not in a Position. to
contradict Secretary Powell, but I

am telling you this, � Congressman T

Rangel told reporters, adding, oon
Saturday night (February 28) when
President Aristide was being told
that he had to get out of the country,
or his life would be in danger as well
as other Haitians, I was in constant
communication with Secretary
Powell. This information that Mr.
Aristide asked to leave was never
shared with us, � Cong. Rangel said.

we -

ngressic ep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md:) {c) and
their hastily arranged meeting with Pres. George W. Bush concerning Haiti on Feb. 25.

Congressman Rangel said that he
had asked Mr. Aristide in a phone

conversation if he had been.

chandcuffed as he was leaving the
palace. oHe said no, but it felt like he
was handcuffed, � Mr. Rangel said.

oAs far as what has happened to
President Aristide, we, members of
Congress, will not stand around and
watch a democratic nation being
taken apart by our own country. That
concems us greatly, � Congressman
Cummings told reporters. He said
that the real purpose for their trip to
the UN was to make sure that they
established a oworking � relationship
with regard to Haiti and the
secretary-general. /

Other members of the CBC
attending the UN meeting were
Congressman Donald Payne (D-
NJ), Congressman Kendrick Meek
(D-Fla.) and Michigan Democratic
Congressman John Conyers.

Mr. Annan did not attend the
press conference, but at an earlier
Press briefing his spokesman Fred
Eckhard said the secretary-general

ofeels that governments should

change only,by constitutional

. Means. �

Mr. Annan had addressed the
press earlier in the morning as he

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outside the Oval Office shortly after

entered the UN. oThis time I hope
the international community is not
going to put a band-aid on, and that
we are not only going to stabilize
the current situation, but assist the
Haitians over the long haul and
really help them pick up the pieces
and build a stable country, � he

our eyes, � writes Jeffrey Sachs,
director of the Earth Institute at

Columbia University, in a story that

appeared in the Financial Times
newspaper. oThe ease with which the
USS. thereby brought down another
Latin America democracy is

= stunning. What has been the CIA's

role among the anti-Aristide rebels?
How much U.S. money went from
U.S. institutions and government
agencies to help foment this uprising?
Why did the White House abandon
the Caribbean compromise proposal
it endorsed just days before? These
questions have not been asked. Then
again, we live in an age when entire
wars can be launched on phony
pretenses with few questions asked, �
Mr. Sachs wrote.


Nurses charged in
juvenile Ts death

( "When a Florida ju-
venile cried for help because he was
experiencing excruciating pain.
two nurses ignored his pleas for
medical attention, He later died
from a ruptured appendix, a grand
jury concluded January 27.

The grand jury. which called the
incident otragic � and oprevent-
able, � has charged Gaile Tucker
Loperfido and Dianne Marie
Demeritte with manslaughter and
third-degree murder in the death of
Omar Paisley. If the two are con-
victed of the June 9, 2003 death,
they could face 30 years in prison.

The grand jury also presented a
50-page report criticizing the Mi-
ami-Dade Juvenile Detention Cen-
ter for a complete olack of human-
ity demonstrated � by -corrections
staff: The probe also revealed aju-

venile system that is poorly admin-.

istered and despairingly under-
funded, The Miami Herald re-

oWhen a child dies of an easily
treatable illness, it Ts a tragedy. The

- members of this grand jury agree,

and they see it as far more than that.
They call it a crime. o said State At-
torney Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

Omar's mother, Cherry Will-
iams, told the Herald that the in-
dictments had brought her little
comfort and that, othere is nothing



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to feel happy about, because noth-
ing can bring [Omar] back. �

The grand jury report details the
weekend in which Omar suffered
tremendous pain: On Saturday, Ms.
Loperfido saw him at 2:15 and
again at 9 a.m. Sunday. She created
deceptive medical logs and never
took the proper medical tools to
examine him; on Monday, around
5:30 p.m., Terry Mixon, the tone
correctional officer overseeing 20
juveniles that day, frantically called
for medical attention.

But for an hour and a half; the
report says. there was no response
until Ms. Demeritte ofinally made
her way � to the cell. She also stated
oshe had a child at home and did
not wish to contaminate her child
with Omar Ts virus. �

The detainees of the correction

was olaughing � on the phone with
her supervisor as she requested an
ambulance. The report says at 9:01
p.m. a nurse finally called for para-
medics. Omar would be pro-
nounced dead at 9:43 p.m.

Melvin Black, an attorney for
Ms. Demeritte, declined to com-
ment while Ms. Loperfido Ts attor-
ney, Richard B. Marx, told the Her-
ald, oWe are going to defend this

vigorously, and my client is abso- .

lutely not guilty. �

Bonded and insured

facility.testified that Ms. Demeritte. Sot

officers, to be hired, � Evans

With Wayne County Sheriff
Warren Cleage Evans, however,
the connection is far more per-
sonal. That's because it was his
great uncle, Jacob Cleage, who
was among the first known
group of African American offi-
cers to be hired by the Sheriff's
Department in the 1920s and
served as a detective.

To Evans T knowledge, there
are no records available show-
ing any Black deputies prior to
Jacob Cleage dating back to the
establishment of the Sheriff's

Department in 1796.

oBecause everyone was
appointed at that time and there
was no police academy, we
don't have the kind of historical
records and archives that
police departments usually
have, � Evans said.

Given the fact that all
Sheriffs Department jobs at
that time were appointed makes
the achievement that much
more significant, says Evans,
but not for reasons one might

Jacob Cleage


oIn my mind, it's clear that
Someone in the Black commu-
at that time had to. use

e leverage for Uncle Jake,
operhaps the other oe

When considering who that
person was, Evans again looks
to his family tree. Jacob was the
younger brother of Albert B.
Cleage Sr., a prominent physi-
cian who co-founded Detroit's
Dunbar Hospital around the

- Same time and also served as

Detroit Receiving Hospital's
first Black physician. The build-
ing that housed Dunbar still
stands on E. Ferry Street in

* Detroit's Cultural Center, along

with a historical marker. Evans
said he believes it must have
been his grandfather, Albert Sr.
who helped Jacob get his job
with the Sheriff's Department.

oSince the only way to
me an officer at the time
was to be deputized by the sher-
iff, there had to be someone in
the picture who had some polit-

ical clout. Albert Sr. would have

been the one, � Evans said.

Evans joined the department
in 1969 at the age of 21, after an
uncle was murdered, and has
been involved in law enforce-
ment or criminal justice ever
since. At the time, Evans knew
he had some family history in
the department and was inter-
ested in finding specifics.


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Ps i
w Ts Success Begins With Today's Preparation �

Charlene Muhammad

LOS ANGELES "Scores of °

hip hop artists, young fans,
ministers, scholars, politicians and

wrestlers filed into the University of "

Southern California Ts Bovard

Auditorium February 12 for the Hip

Hop Summit Action Network Ts
(HSAN) voter registration initiative,
oHip-Hop Team Vote, � which has

registered 60,000 new youth voters -

to date.

Heavy bass beats and hooks,
emitted from 100.3-FM/KKBT
turntables, shadowed voter em-
Powerment messages. The panelists
answered questions on hip hop Ts
role in politics, the music and film
industries, and economic conditions
in the ohood. �

oThe hip hop community is so
powerful and, while some of us have
been very successful entrepreneurs,
it Ts just asémportant to acknowledge
that we afé a part of a larger
community, � stated Roc-A-Fella
Enterprises CEO and HSAN co-
chair Daniwn Dash. oWe can make
a difference by doing our part to
empower kids to change the world.

Voting is an important step toward -

that. �

A day earlier at a press
conference announcing the summit,
he urged youth to attend. Stating that
with one vote and one voice,


everyone could make a difference
in the name of hip hop. Adults, he
continued, could further aid youth
by sharing their connections,
contacts and information.

Summit moderator and HSAN Ts
President and CEQ Minister

Benjamin stated that part of hip hop

is simply telling the truth, and that
the drama it reflects points to drama
within the Black community. oSome
of ya'll want the lyrics to change in
hip hop "change the social
condition in the community that the
lyrics represent, � he said.

HSAN intends to help bring

(L-R): Damon Loon, LT Hutton and Lazie Bone answer audience questions.

about that change with its voter
initiative summits, he Stated, and
asked attendants to vote, use their
true power wisely to control their

Own destiny in their community,

State and nation.

Hip hop ogodfather � and HSAN
Chairman Russell Simmons
launched the oOne Mind, One
Vote � campaign early last year in
support of his group Ts Hip Hop
Team Vote Ts mission to register 20
million voters in five years. So far,
the collaborative effort has netted

over 60,000 new voters "20,000 of
them in Houston, Texas during
Super Bow! weekend alone.

The strategy by Mr. Simmons to
utilize the hip hop culture to
educate and mobilize young people
to vote is absolute genius, said
Congresswoman Diane Watson
who, along with California State
Assemblyman Mark Ridley-
Thomas, supported the cause.

oYou are indeed the future "
people who have been in the
struggle for decades will hand the

by Richard Muhammad

(Straightwords e-zine) "Conventional

March 2004

baton to you "we want you to
know the issues and be empowered

to take hold of your future. �
_ Congresswoman Watson stated.

Nation of Islam Ts Western
Regional Minister Tony
Muhammad concurred with the
need to demolish unjust laws,

Stating that it is crucial to connect

hip hop artists to street level
peacemakers to ensure that there
are better images lifting Black
women, men and their struggle.
True hip-hoppers understand the
necessity for politics, stated Rev.

2 Dr. Eric Dyson. oMove from
m § thinking about it on wax 'to getting
& involved with it in the streets. It is

critical to join the hip hop
generation to the civil rights
generation. �

Other artists who showed their
Support for the summit included
Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, Loon,
Tamia. the Young Gunz, Lazie
Bone, Noctournal, the Outlawz,
Crooked I, LT Hutton and Fredro
Starr. Other participants included
comedian Arnez J, Washington
Redskin Byron Chamberlain and
Professor Keith Harrison.

(HSAN Ts next summit is slated
for March 10 in Syracuse, N.Y.
More information can be found on
its website, HSAN. org.)

Page 5

18,000 Sudanese refugees flee

__ into Chad within 10 days

NAIROBI, Kenya. (IRIN)J "Sone
18.000 refugees. fleeing renewed lighting
in western Sudan's Darfur region, are
reported to have arrived in Chad within 10
days. according to the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR). A recent UNHCR statement
quoted the refugees as reporting that an
aircraft, accompanied by helicopters had
flown over Habilah. a vil lage near the border

with Chad. and bombed the only well in the -

area. Armed men had then entered the
village on horses and camels, stolen cattle
and chased the inhabitants away,

UNHCR said. however. that it had been
unable to substantiate what the relugees
had reported. International media reports,
however. noted that insurgents had
suffered heavy losses in the air raids,
which had targeted rebel camps along the
border with Chad. But the rebels Were
quoted as saying the government offensive
had killed mostly civilians, destroying 180
Villages in a week. The newly arrived
refugees in Chad are being registered by
UNHCR to enable them to receive
urgently needed assistance,


wisdom says the best thing about Democrats
seeking Black support for the party presiden-
tial nomination is that the aspirants are not
George W. Bush. i a

As the Feb. 3 South Carolifia primary
brought focus on Black voters, the major ques-
tion wasn Tt about affirmative action, repara-
tions, or the country Ts racial divide. The ques-
tion repeatedly asked: Which Candidate in the
race has the best chance to unseat the Repub-
lican president?

While many mainstream Politicians and
media focused on oelectability, � others wamed
that Blacks.need to force Democrats to back
specific agenda items, such as clearing up °
criminal records to help Black ex-offenders
move forward; a specific plan to help Black
youths through jobs and education; and the
movement on reparations,

oWith a few exceptions, all of the leading
Democratic candidates are acceptable to Black
voters this year, because I think that the nun-
ber one issue with Black voters this year is
replacing George W. Bush. � said David
Bositis of the Joint Center for Political and
Economic Studies in Washington, D.C.

oDefeat George Bush "what does that
mean? Defeating George Bush and having
George Bush's cousin in the White House.
that doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to
me, � said Conrad Wortill of the National
Black United Front and a reparations move-
mentleader Giver a recent court decision that
said reparations for Slavery and Post-slavery ,
abuses belongs in Congress, not in courts.

Graphic: MGN Online

President George W. Bush (r) with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (c) and Deputy Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz. ;


reparations should be the major issue, Dr.
Worrill said. oWe have been through every
Issue Since we were voting in America: we've
never put reparations squarely on the table, �
he noted, saying that means making Demo-
Crats Commit to Rep. John Conyers T (D-Mich.)
bill to study reparations.

oBush's cousin in office � refers to the right-
ward shift of former president Bill Clinton and
others within the Democratic Leadership |
Council wing of the party. Their policies and
rhetoric resemble Republicans "calling for
being tough on crime, strong defense and end-
ing government dependency, Opposition to af-
firmative action, Support for the war on Iraq
and Homeland Security expansions.

Although Mr. Clinton may have been pro-

death penalty, lobbed missiles into Sudan and
forced welfare reform, there are serious dif-
ferences between the centist Clinton and Mr.
Bush, argued Mr. Bositis.

oAlmost anything having to do with eco-
nomics was remarkably better under Clinton,
Under George Bush, it's back to double-digit
unemployment for African Americans, In-
Comes are not growing, and in some Cases are
falling. He would like to pack the court with
right wing nominees and he very much rep-
resents White southerners why left the Demo-
cratic Party because of civil nights, � he ex-


's Love For Her Children
star ees sister and her two daughters at the Hilton Hote! for
Pictured. 5004 She attended the saviour's day event with her chi fo
Savio inines Louis Farrakhan inform Black America on Issues concerning
nee ations and the issues that are currently affecting Black America.

Photo By: Jim Rouse

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Another issue

Two Tales of Two
_ Eras

_ There are many of us who still
remember the old folk tales and
folk stories of long ago. oThe Story
of Little Black Sambo, � a tale about
a boy who dutwits four fierce tigers
by giving up his new clothes, was
one of the famous folk tales. Then

there was the famous book
oHuckleberry Finn � by Mark Twain
which was considered a classic in
its day. But both books eventually
came under criticism because of
their distinct ethnic Stereotype
flavors---black versus white.

There are three pivotal dates in the
history of Huckleberry Finn. In

- 1885 the book was resioved from
the shelves of Concord Public
Library, condemned as the overiest
trash, � orough, coarse, and inele-
gant, � and unfit for oour pure-

, Minded lads and basees. � Many
cat expulsions followed. In

by 1948, hen Trilling called

Huckleberry Finn oone of the
world Ts great books and one of the
» central documents of American
~ Culture. � It was soon put back in
the American school curriculum,
second only to Shakespeare in

: Loti;

terms of the frequency with which
it was conga sal ees reading
in seventy percent of American
public schools. On the other hand,
in 1957, the New York Board of


Hi r

tb00K lists for schools, the
NAACP announced .that it
ostro jected to the racial

That they did so during the
national crisis over school desegre-
gation initiated a counter-
movement to what has been called
the ohypercanonization � of

Huckleberry Finn; it led many

can-Amrican writers, educa-
tors, and schoolchildren to demand
the removal of the book from the
classroom. Even Toni Morrison,
while declaring her love of Twain's
story, has confessed the omuffled
rage � she felt when she was taught
it-----and. how oshaming she found
its repetitious use of the odread
word, � onigger. �

In their latest book, Brack White,
and Huckleberry Finn, � Elaine and
Harry Mensh ciplai n how Twain Ts
use of different resources, including
slave narrative and minstrel thea-
tre, leads to an ambiguous portrait
of the main black character, Jim.
And they show how the common-
place descriptions of Huck as
oAmerica Ts child � and Hucklebe
Finn as a celebration of the

rican Dream elide the distinc-
tion between white immigrants,
wh came with a preconceived
dream of freedom, and blacks,
whose loss of freedom was the
condition of their arrival. It also
discloses how argument over fic-
tional black-white relations has
also been, and remains an argu-
ment over real ones. (Richard

oThe Story of Little Black Sambo �
was written in 1899 and has been
reprinted with new illustrations to


replace the condescending render-
ings of its young black character.
But the new version has reignited a
decades-old debate over the book's
ethnic: stereotypes. It has been
called racist for its stereotypical
caricatures and derogatory charac-
ter names: Sambo, and his parents,
Mumbo and Jumbo. The publisher
of the new book hopes readers will
focus on the ocore theme � of the
book which he describes as a joyful
child going into the wilderness and
conquering it. He says, oMy hope
with this book is that those who are
children will recognize Sambo as a :
hero. �

oLittle Black Sambo � tells the story
of how Sambo runs into some tigers
who want to eat him. He outwits
the tigers by giving them his fine
new clothes, and then � watches
them bicker over who looks.
grander in them. As the tigers
chase each other around a tree,
running in circles, they melt into a
pool of butter. Jumbo takes the
butter home, and Mumbo uses it to
make pancakes oas yellow and
brown as little Tigers. � Sambo eats
169 because he was sp hungry.

Some cultural historians feel -that
the book is:so deeply embedded in
the generic culture that no amount
of revision can sanitize it. Some
have pointed out that the word
oSambo � has been used since the
mid-19" century in very racist,
despicable ways. One research
associate for African-American
Studies questions the need to
salvage it: oWhat do we gain by
trying to refashion that text? There
are millions of stories in the world
that come out of different cultural
Perspectives that merit this kind of

ving artistic treatment. We all

have to leave behind cherished
images and comfortable ideas, be-
loved cultural products, as we move
into a new world of empathy and

respect. �


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Tours ta be eligible fora oFree � Seat to
Be given away for one of our Shopping
Trips to Concord Villy, Potomac Mills
or Hanes and Four Season Mall.

For Fortune information go to web


hoy I pall

April 3, 2004

oDouble bor Your Money"

Double Mall Shopping in Carolina
Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem, NC
Pour Seasons Mall in Greensboro, NC
Prices §38

Depart 6-00 any

Return: 1000 pn

Deadline: 3/5/2004

Stringheans, Potatoes, Collards, Sweet Potatoes,
Bread Pudding AND MORE

411 Deck St Greenville, NC 27834

yeonp3 pue Hulpuejsiapun



Join The Southeastern Tours Family

= April 16-18, 2004

Spring Break

Orlando, Florida (3 dav? night)

Transportation. lodging 2 park

allracnions at Universal Studios

Price: 2/rm-§27§ per person
Srm-S250 per person
4/rm-$235 per person

Depart: 12:01 am

Return: 11:59 pm

Deposit: $50.00 per Person due 2/20/04

Full Payment: 3.15/2004



Mother's Day

Spirit of Norfolk -Luncheon ( ruive
And Shopping at MacArthur Center
Price: $60 ea.

Depart: 8:00 am

Return: 6:00 pm

Special gift for oMothers �
Deadline: 4/08/2004

ie ok
F \une 18. 2004
Father's Day Fishing Trip
Women's Vini-Shopping Spree
WMantic Beach, NC
Price: S49 ca,
Depart: 8:00 pm
Return: 4-00 pm
Speetal gitt tor bathers �
Speetal visit trom rep of 100 Black Men
of Eastern NC
Fish AIL Night (BY OG)
Deposit: S49 by 4) 004
Deadline: 5/15/2004

July 14-18, 2004
Niagara Falls, ¢ anada/Toronto,

ON Baltimore, ip
Lancaster/Hershey, Pt

Package includes: Transportation,
Lodging. Sight and Sound Show
oNOAIT, Hershey. and Lancaster. PA
tour, | dinner and Blacks "N"Wan

2'rm - $380.00

3m - 350.00

4irm - 320,00

Deposit: $50.00 by 3/1/2004
Full Payment: 6/14/2004

March 2004

ast Carolina Motor Company

Hwy. 13 South ( 1 mile past Auto Auction on left) Greenville "
(252) 695-0050* Greg Burgess- 252-7171-5082 cell.
Walter Shackelford, Sales

Page 7

Of Mas, Beatrice Maye

With all of the efforts to find

~ another way to implement success-
. fully the intent of the Brown

decision. of fifty years past. f am

|; reminded of a quotation from Dr. Attorney Willie Gray

| Dudley Flood that I heard him Elizabeth City State University

|| articulate ten years ago that says

|} simply, oWhat you do for the best. Dr George W. Hood

do for the rest! � If this axiom is Winston-Salem State University

adopted and practiced in all schools

throughout America. then the Earl oThe Pearl � Monroe

Brown decision of May 17. 1954 Fayetteville State University

will be lived equitably and daily in .

Attorney Julius Chambers
NC A&T State University

this land.

7.Name the author of the book

Beatrice Maye oSoul on Ice. �


. FEBRUARY 14, 2004
8.This Seattle. Washington native
is the former Director of the Office
of Management of Budget for
President William "_ Jefferson
Clinton who presently serves as
CEO of Fannie Mae Corporation.
Name this individual.

This week ends the month-long
Black History Month celebration in |. What is the name of the
this nation. This year Ts theme man reputed as the oFather of the
reminded America of the historic Black History Movement � and the
oBrown vs. Topeka Board of individual responsible for this an-
Education � decision rendered T on nual event?

May 17. 1954. As a result of this
momentous ruling. segregation in 2.
public schools was deemed uncon-
Stitutional and inherently unfair
and unequal. .

9. This African-American devel-

hy products from his
Pit, County named for Black or crentifie eae from the peanut.
African-Americans. Name them He taught for over forty years at

and the cities or towns in which Tuskegee Institute. Name this. per-
they are located. son.

Since 1954 many different avenues
and approaches were implemented 3.
to derail. circumvent. alter. and
destroy the intent of the Warren
Court's five-to-four tuling. As it
Was the Warren Court had to offer
a second a second decision in the

There are five schools in

Recognized arguably as

the greatest football running back.
this African- American graduated
from Syracuse University in 1958
and starred on this school's la-

in New Orleans.
Louisiana. this trumpeter wrote and
sang the famous song. oHello
Dolly. � Name this individual.

lh ne crosse team. Ny. ; nan
Board case with its 1955 ruling Neen ve ns Chicees
because courts. Iegislatures. and 4 This Black person is the illinois : : ,
conimunity leaders were uncertain

first individual of his race to be
appointed and confirmed as United 4 1, nies.
States Secretary of State when 12. This Pitt County citizen

has a park named in her honor that
ne ay Saas spk resides at the corner of Farmville

7 i fj. Upon his election as President in Blvd. and Tyson St. in Greenville.
Concept of interposition and nulliti-

2000 NC. She is a former librarian at
cation. Legislators introduced ~ E.B. Aycock School. Name her.
ofreedom of choice. � Court- or- 5

dered busing of studems from one of Soul considered the Codtathes 13. This North Carolina A&T
neighberhoo or became ou ~_eees ate versity graduate is a
terehthood to another became musician was born in somewhere Sle University graduate

on the methods through which
desegregation of public schools
could be accomplished.

Governors. therefore. extended the

East Carolina Motor Company
Hwy. 13 South (1 mile past Auto Auction on left) Greenville

(252) 695-0050* Greg Burgess- 252-717-5082 cell

- Hours ; Mon-Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-3

native of Bricks. North Carolina.
He taught Agriculture at South
Ayden High School and also be-
came the first Black Mayor Pro-
Term of Ayden. North Carolina.
Nanic this individual.

between Augusta. Georgia and
North Augusta. South Carolina and
has produced countless hits includ-
ing oPapa got a brand new bag
and oSay it loud. | am black and |
ain proud. �

the principal tool through which
desegregation could be achieved.
The = landmark = Swann vs,
Mecklenburg Board of Education
(1972) heralded this outcome and

There are currently two

Match the predominantly 14. .
the Pitt

African-Americans on

As the calendar has turned on 6. jominantly
another century. the results of the Black college or university in

i Brown decision continue to thrust North Carolina with the person County Board of Education. DF POS ( y\ C WN R f f)
| many Americans into an attempt to who graduated from this institution Identify them and their professions an ; )
implement new strategies to resolve of higher learning: : '

A friend of the late

legacy. | 15.
School districts developed magnet Astronaut Ronald McNair President |
schools. Legislators created charter Shaw University Roosevelt. this African-American

i Schools as another means to: help ~~ wom 2 | later founded Bethune-Cookman } |
" plmprove quality ¢ducuuion. © Mrs. Tyson iC hgslc s Mom) College in Daytona Beach. Florida _ ; | :
Oo we "wth Carolina entral � Name her o i. 2 . . : Sed ii.
; _ ' 4

4406 United Dr. Email: |
Greenville, NC 27834 Website: www.southeasterntours.or

this nation Ts haunting





Phone: 252-830-1090
Fax: 252-830-0068


Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing Website: www.


Published By: Volume No. Issue No. Date
Visa and MasierCard Accepted MALCO 1 I 1/1/04- 12/31/04
December 18, 2004
August 6-7, 2004 Potomac Mills oShopping �
Amber Ts Fun Trip to: Dale City, VA
Baltimore, MD Depart: 5:00 am


June 25-26, 2004
Norfolk, V4

JAZZ Festival
Price: 2/rm. $75.00 per person
3/rm - $60.00 per person

oLast Minute Schooi Shopping �

and Lunch or Dinner at the Harbor

Price: 2/rm - $110.00 per person
3/rm - $ 95.00 per person
4/rm - $ 85.00 per person

Depart: 5:00 am

Return: 11:00 pm

Return: 10:00 pm
Price: $35 by 11/18/2004.

ohe �

) +
is Pa) .


4/m - $50.00 per person Deposit: $25.00 due 6/1/2004 ber 2
Price includes transportation and lodging Deadline 76/2004 Greenville Ts Festival of Lights
Deposit: $25 by 3/15/2004 Tour begins :.t 6:00 pm.

Full Payment: 5/25/2004

July 1-3, 2004
New York City and Dover Downs, DE.

Shop!Shop!Shop! A step on tour guide
will be provided to tour New York

City. Price includes: Transportation, Se i. December 3 2004 January 2 2008 |
touring via Motorcoach, Tour Guide Nashville, TN Nex Year T Fe Celebration
and lodging. 195.09 Travel with the winners of Atlanta, GA
Price vroom ~ $225.00. oFORTUNE HI-TECH Special Gift For Each Guess
epart: 3:00 am MARKETING. Stay at

Return: 11:00 pm
Deposit: $50.00 by 4/1/2004
Full Payment: 6/1/2004

July 26-28, 2004


Melody Ts oMystery � Tour

Depart 5:00 am. /Return 11:00 pm
Price: $60.00

Deadline: 8/1/2004

GrandOleOpry. You can Tt miss this
tour! Shopping will be included!
Details: TBA April 1, 2004

Load Motorcoach at Southeastern Tours

and travel throughout Pitt County.
Senior Citizens and Youth are
encouraged to join us! oFree Snack �
Price: $5.00

Deadline: 12/17/2004

Visit CNN, World of Coca Cola, Dr.
Martin Luther King Center

Depart: 8:00 am.

Return: 11:00 pm

Price: 2/rm - $180 per person

Noy | :
Western Youth Tour - Pigeon Forge, TN Concord Mills oShopping " 3/rm - $155 per person . ;
and Asheville, NC, Package includes: CharlteNC | oe 4/rm - $140 per person Saviour sD ay 2004

Biltmore Estate, Dollywood Theme
Park and Dixie Stampede Dinner Show
2 continental breakfasts

Price: 4/rm -$260,.00

Deposit: $50.00 by 5/1/2004

Full Payment: 6/26/2004

oFree � Familiarization Group Leader
Tour of Lancaster, PA
Transportation, Lodging und Most

Meals included. Free to all group

leaders who sign up as a Manager
with Fortune Hi- Tech Marketing using


Depart: 5:00 am
Return: 10:00 pm
Price: $35 by 10/13/2004

Vanity Fair, Reading, PA

Price includes transportation and lodging.

Price: 2/rm - $120.00 per person
3/rm - $105 per person
4/rm-$ 95 per person

Depart: 3:00 am

Return: 11:00 pm

Deposit: $50.00 by 9/15/2004

Full Payment: 10/27/2004

Deposit: $50 by 10/1/2004
Full Payment: 12/3/2004

Also Coming: Martha's Vineyard

Southeastern Tours, Inc, appreciates

your patronage!

Be Blessed And Enjoy More for 2004!


Minister Robert Muhammad, who is in cha
Call ministeries is pictured with his chi

Hotel Bar room. The event was

rge of East
Idren and brother Capitan at the Hilton
packed with over 800 b

em Carolina of the Final

§ and sisters to

hear Minister Louis Farrakhan deliever 4 message on what America owes Black



iS The



) A, ,| +,

Embowerment is the Roa

a) Wiwermen

a to Wealth

Photo by Jim Rouse


March 2004

Page 8
ATT] ty nedical school-for fr
With IECTIONS Go to medical schoo or [ree
| | | | | Despite the strained relations with underserved communities. Graduates community leaders to explain the
o_ . the United States, since the year 2000 are expected to practice medicine details of this fantastic scholarship
: Cuban President Fidel Castro opened Where they are most needed in their ty. � 7
Be. yg: a . the borders of his'island nation and | own countries upon completion of In 2000, a delegation of the
Greetings: me has offered 500 free full medical their training. Congressional Black Caucus visited
Last night 1 ask a .question in Bible study scholarships to youth in this country People of color and people of Cuba to explore relaxing US.
Sha hat the latest issue that is going on in our _ Who commit to healthcare for the limited means are encouraged to sanctions that have existed since the
churches. The question was how do you feel people, not for profit. ° apply. Prior to beginning the 12- Cuban revolution in 1959. During a
about this same Sex mariage? You will be oIt would be hard for your semester program, Spanish and pre- meeting with Pres. Castro, Rep.
surprised how many people responded. The government to oppose such a med Courses are also provided for all Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) spoke on
gp Wis was I hate the sin 1 have to Program, � said Pres. Castro when the who need them. the high rates of infant mortality in his
+ ease on because that is a soul that needs Program was first introduced. oIt The Interreligions Foundation for Mississippi Delta congressional
to be saved. This is my concer about the church Vonid be a trial for them. M Community Organization (IFCO) district.
world, WHY have we waited until the Situation a or � : orally, 'y Q anization ; : Castro nded with
of homosexuali gotten out of hand, WHY didn Tt Ow could they refuse T headquartered in New York organizes President Castro respo ide
a . i we make a diffe � when we had a chance. Currently, there are 90 U.S. the program and helps recruit students. the offer of free meal ee. on
" cud You'see I win a homosexual but one . students attending the Latin American They are planning a conference in The details were wo ced Out wi
Apositie H an old siidineg? hen of mie stood up, feel School of Medicine (LASM) on the Washington, D.C. on March 27 to the State Department in 2001 to go
. George Hawking at me face to face. and said George you are good _ tiny Caribbean country situated 90 educate the community about the forward with this betwee nchanee �
to go to hell but you are not 20 enough to go to heaven. Oh yea, I got angry but | _ miles from Florida. With a global Opportunities of this program. The course provides two years o ic
knew that she was right. She ony with me until I knew without any doubt that | ° reputation for training thousands of Velvet Ross, IFCO Program sciences and four years of clinical and
was saved. Then she said pe you need i ae you so come back " doctors from various developing coordinator for the LASM, is university instruction, all taught in
tomorrow. next day she fo me to tarry for the Holy Ghost and [ Was not "_countries, Cuba has offered these enthusiastic about the upcoming Spanish.
making any progress so she told me to come back the next day. The next day came scholarships to 24 nations. conference. She told The Final Call, "Nisa Islam Muhammad
and she began to sed that sexual rise Up in me and she done as the Bible The scholarship program is aimed oWe hope to reach a diverse and large (For more information about the
declared and cast that controlling spirit out of me she worked with me until | was all at students with a sincere dedication audience of students, medical conference, visit their website,
clean, many was expelled that After my body was clean she said now tg Practice medicine in poor and _ professionals, educators, clergy and " wiawifconews.arg.) ae

| led that day.

pu need to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and as God is my witness I heard
a sound heaven like a mighty rushing ind and it N
" forth Pring in tongues, the evidence that He had filled me with His precious

: pirit and ve be ing i eS every. iS my

! keeping power. I shared all of that to say this; we have to love people just the way

_ they are, Just Suppose God had given up on YOU when you were in sin. Your soul

: would have been lost, but He didn't He love you enough to go the cross for you, He
oie life for you when you was a sinner why not give of yourselves to get a sinner

Burney & Burney
_ Construction Co. Inc.

| P.O. Box 340 e Greenville, NC
We in this Christian walk have to know that the enemy have came in like a flood, but _ .
don't be alarmed because God will life up a standard that will supercede every trick Recipient of: oContractor of the
Cvery tactic that the enemy will come against us with. Jesus told Peter upon this Year Award � from the Army Corp.
rock | will build my church and the gates of hell shall not.prevail against it. That Rock of Engineers, oE-300 Energy Effi-
Is Jesus and hell cannot prevail against Him. We as Christians need to practice what clent Home Program Award � and
we preach and do the will of God instead of talking about the will of God. We need oSafety and Performance Award �
to look the enemy in the cye and from the Army Corp of Engineers

Interested in building a new
home, church or commercial]

7 | 7 building we can assist you!
call sin. We quote the Scripture Isaiah 54:17, "No .

weapon that is formed against thee shall Proper � but we allowed it to Prosper in this
Situation when we have in the past tried to suppress talki about homosexuals and
lesbians until now that spirit have gotten a stronghold in the earth. Again don't be
alarmed because it's sad to say but if you have been reading your Bible you would
understand that these things must come to past because the world is setting up the stage
ist. According to Daniel 11-37 "Neither shall he regard the God of his
fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above
all. � The antichrist spirit will be that of a homosexual, What we need to do is pray

Whether it's building your home

that God's ki comes on earth as it is in heaven.
have come into this hour that we as Christians need to pray for our unsaved loved
ones and draw them with love and kindness to the degree that they will be asking What
must | do to DEES SLEEN
ei Pete
Apostle George Hawkins " ee

| The demolition or building of yo
7 Commercial structure

" oe

Got Word? ...Bible Study Joy 1340 AM

The Dividing of Truth

It is vain for you to read the Bible Supposing that every word that is written in it is inspired
or directed to you personally. We have been preached to for years misquotations, outdated
materials, false revelations, and so many other erroneous things that often times go

cause of ignorance. When you as a preacher or teacher fail to study to the

Burney & Burney is the General

approval. of God, the results can be catastrophic. In the Living Bible Hoses 4:6 reads, oMy Contractor for you, we stand by our motto: uf

people are because do not know me, and it is all your fau t, vou priests, for oQuality from St oO Finish � .. . .

you ves refuse to we we therefore I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since Q y art to Finish (252) 752-8000 ¢ Fax: (252) 752-9100
you have forgotten my laws, I will oforget � to bless your children. � James warns us to be

careful when trying to be teachers in the things of God

. The Revised Standard Version of | Open San - ae,

James 3:1 reads, oLet not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we | Yet
who teach shall be judged with preser strictness. � One such teaching that is often repeated
in churches .I have attended is �,� misrepresentation of Jesus Christ found in Mark 13:37. misquoted as saying, othe Lord said what he Says to one he says to all. � But

ly the scripture quotes the Lord saying, oAnd what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. �

Out of its context, any preacher could use that verse to make you obey any text in the
entire Bible. However, the Old Testament was written to Israel and not you for you are not
under grace. Saints, the verse explains itself with oWatch �. The Lord
was telling all believers to watch for His return, It Ts a foundational scripture that should be
acted upon and is a part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which says, oHe was born of a virgin, |
died for us, rose from the dead, ascended on high, and is coming again. �

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are deplorable. The negativiity GHOSTFACE KILLAH, a per-
is in the profanity-laced, pro- ta, exam f ative
violence recorditigs, in the imagen ple of nega

dictable, she chose Bonnie Raitt Ts ||_ Vous __ thie.

clever country-pop song, oSomething FANTASIA BARRINO,

to Talk About. � an oAmerican Idol T final-
LeToya Luckett, formerly of ist, and rightfully so.

Destiny's Child, will have an album out ;

soon, her first as a solo artist. She

owns a successful ladies clothing store in her native Houston.

Michelle Williams T second release, oDo You Know?, � debuted
at No. 2 on the national Gospel Albums chart. She will soon
return to the studio to make another Destiny's Child album with

cé Kelly Rowland.

he will never get over a strange encounter he had with a
thet in the course of his work. He told Sister-2-Sister magazine
that after a lovemaking encounter ( osex-having encounter � would
be a more accurate way to put it), he went to the bathroom and
when he cate out, the young lady was gone and had left 8400 on
the bed. She also left a note that said, oThanks a lot. Bye-bye. �

Thomas was embarrassed. He felt that he had been used as
what he harshly described as a oman-whore. � The lady probably

just wanted to be intimate with someone famous. Unfortunately,
" wees that happens a lot.
" Tavis Smiley shows another side of

himself on his new night-time talk
show, one that I, for one, find appeal-
ing. He

It was a good that Fox canceled
sassy-mouthed Wanda Sykes T show,
"Wanda at Large. � So irritating!

many hits singer/musician Michael
Henderson had in the 70s and 80s, it
is strange that he is not heard more on
Detroit radio since he is a former
: a, , WDTR-FM 90.9
TAVIS SMILEY, now as been playing some of his music.

revealing a less strident Michael Henderson's

Katherine Jackson, matriarch of the Jackson family, says she
wishes that her children were omore spiritual, � eed Teena Marie's
new album, oLa Dona, � is scheduled for late spring or early gum.

See Reflections page D-3 »



CARL THOMAS, one of the more popular new singers, says .



In Association with
Anderson Productions
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Highway 43 South, 2 miles from intersection of Bells Fork & East Firetower Rd. Turn Left onto Wesley
Lane just before the intersection of $43 and Mills Rd./ D.H. Conley High School

2114 Wesley Lane

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Greenville, NC 27858 . FOU THEHOne

Phone: 252-321-5922 Fy
Fax: 252-321-5929 jie

Email: johnnieanderson25 . . W = eS | g

Date: April 24, 2004
Time: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.


Representauves from 33 Pitt County Schools will

be present to discuss emplovment opportunities
for the 2004-2005 school year,

Who should attend?
® Teaching candidates in al] areas
.© Administrative Candidates
° Teacher assistant candidates
® Clerical, schoo] food SerVICe, facility Services.
tansportation, and custodial applicants

¢ Bus driver and substirure teacher applicants

J. H. Rose High School «
600 West Arlington Bivd.

Greenville, North Carolina 27834

For More Information Contact:

Pitt County Schools Phone: 252.830.4249
1717 West Fifth Street Fax; 262-83

Greenville, North Carolina 27834 Email

March 2004

~-Eiet Melvin MeLantorn Pit County Commisioner Dis

PAID For By Committee to Elect Melvin McLawhorn Pitt City Commission


Page 11

ently eet ota
* [ reeewn


eal AttO Exch ,




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March 2004 Page 12

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Hemby Mutts Hemby a

(252) 823-5129 (252) 826-4406 (252) 749-3256 | SHOULD YOU GET PAID FOR IT?

: i . Picture yourself in the barbershop listening to the barbers and the clients. You are .

| PUeTEL Creations thumbing through the magazines or either watching the television when all of sudden the client
1 Scotland Neck, NC | begins to speak of starting his own barbershop or just becoming an entrepreneur. The Barber
" (25 2) 826-5094 attentively listens and gives his advice's both the pros and cons. The barber is now finished with
| | client and his hair cut and the client ask ohow much is it?" And the barber replies "eight dollars
for the haircut and your fee of three dollars for my advice." Let's all Just pretend that no one wants

® ® e e ¢ 0 : .
é Fi a mM l | S e Lr | ) l n Fi am l | l e S i to pay the eXtra three dollars for information that could be given freely instead of paying a service
y & for. Which brings me to a point of when should someone get paid for their services and when they
shouldn't. We all have our goals that we want to complete and we all sacrifice something for the
greater good whether it's staying late at work to complete a task or just helping out during our day
off, The point being we sometimes get just a little impatient and we may start to focus Just on

profits instead of actually standing back and evaluating that these sacrifices can bring better results
than money.

: _ a a


Carolina Bridge Co., Inc is interested in Receiving quotations form DBE
firms for the following projects for the NC High Lettings:

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No.22, C200789, NC Proj. 33092.3.2 Henderson County


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March 2004

Page 13

, for outstanding service in the Community at a gathering
held at the Riverside restaurant. The M' Voice con

rsidi gratulates sister Shelly on her commitment.
as well as her dedication to her community. Photo By: Jim Rouse

best Irons Award Banguet


Christian's Divas | -_

Mrs. Marian Haines poses forMinority Voice camera with other Christian The Best lrons Community Awards op ee ae
Sisters at a gathering held at thé Hilton Hotel. Keep doing God's work! oTHY Best TROAS AWA Banquet is held to honor people doing t amu 8
. Photo By: Jim Rouse things in our community. Bishop Henry Brown of Mt. Calvery Church ts;
pictured recieving for his outstanding work in the community.

Photo By:Jim Rouse

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March. 2004 Page 14

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. Clifton B. Hickman has announced his candidacy for | =e ' aes
the Pit Count Board of Commissioners (District A) in the 1 8 a Mattresses Electr onics thy

up to ROOM | BEDROOM upto ,
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831 E. BLVD. st. 0, bane Spe Li vine

King Pillow || Full Size Hus. hi 4 ihyad Cedar \
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Twin Size
Mattress l BG

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3) Sectional

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month == | Solid wood
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ueen Anne|| Queen Pillow \
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Love seat & Chair || ~ |

Keto ff
$699 a $300 | / |
6ft. Queen Sleigh & "


Statistical data compiled from the
year 2000 by the Alan Guttmacher In-
Stitute, a research 8roup supporting
abortion rights, showed national teen-
age pregnancy rates declining 28 per-
cent from its 1990 high. Within the
same period, the rate for Black teen-
agers declined by 32 percent, with re-
searchers crediting better contraception
and less (or more cautious) sexual ac-

Nationwide, teenage abortion rates
also declined since the late 1980s.

However, for Blacks, it raised from
39.6 percent in 1995 to 4| 5 percent in
2000. Cancellations of the contracep-
live implant called Norplant "due to
lawsuits, as well as changes in the
economy and welfare policy "were
cited as some reasons for the increase.

New Jersey had the highest preg-
nancy rates among Black leenagers
(209 per 1,000); New York was 167 per
1,000. For Hispanics, Georgia was the
highest with 169 per 1,000; the lowest
rate was in Mississippi with 71 per
1,000. States with the highest percent-

Queen Rice Bed

Big Man hi
Recliners Table | - icus

& Trees. :
4 Chairs

ee S se
B88 SCé °15.9977

: ;
- Also other pieces |
ages of teenage abortions were New

= -
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"= "
Jersey at 60 percent, New York at 58 "
a =)
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oy on sale ___ ie
Percent, and Connecticut at 49 percent. ; Quee n Size 9pe. Cueroup nit ning Room Carre tia Colors 3 pc Table :
heanedees es enn Mattress Sets!» seq Tee Set §
A Noth Carolina elementary school . Arm Chairs ANS
counselor's concern for the health of

Black & Brass

6x9 Area $38 |
_ 2999 Smoke Glass /@
128 =| sgg0 *3Qn0 Tops

up CENTERS ENT up ROOM SET up to ub to

to_50% OFF | to 50% OFF | 50% OFF

two sisters who went to school every
day with headaches, colds and coughs
prompted law enforcement officials to
raid the children Ts home. where they
found out the cause of the illnesses "
toxic waste fumes produced by meth-
amphetamines their mother and her
boyfriend cooked in the attic next to
where the girls Slept. .
Once labeled as a oWest Coast Prob.
lem, � the Drug Enforcement Admin-
istration (DEA) reported that, within
the past few years, small methamphet-
amine laboratories also known as
omom and pop labs � have crossed Mis-
sissippi and have béen springing up jn
every state on the East Coast. One dat
of every five labs are discovered due
to explosions, and the chemicals are
hazardous to anyone living around
them. Burns and deaths are also among
the injuries to children who reside in
these makeshift lab-homes,

ane 4 Padded
\S Wings. oll Side Chairs

a Fr was

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ms a ' hy Dor hy
Furniture Su re | | E
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140 wien Piagly Wiggly
L eon

The Minority Voice, March, 2004
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina.
March 2004
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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