The Minority Voice, October 1-15, 2001

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Bush Warns
'Taliban Will Pay

a Price'


Striking at night from air-
craft carriers and distant
bases, the United States and
Britain launched a powerful
barrage of cruise missiles
and long-range bombers
against Afghanistan today to
try to destroy the terrorist
training camps of Osama bin
Laden's Qaeda network and
the Taliban government that
has protected it.
"On my orders, the United
States military has begun
strikes," President Bush said
in a televised statement from
the White House at | p.m.,
just more than half an hour
after the first explosions
were reported in Kabul, the
Afghan capital.
"These carefully targeted ac-
tions are designed to disrupt
the use of Afghanistan as a
terrorist base of operations
and to attack the military
capability of the Taliban
regime," Mr. Bush said.
The Taliban was warned, he
said. to meet America's de-
mands to surrender Mr. bin
Laden, stop supporting ter-
rorism and release foreign
aid workers they hold. "None
of these demands were met,"
he said. "And now, the
Taliban will pay a price."
"Today we focus on
Afghanistan,? he added, but
"the battle is broader."
Alluding to the Sept. 11


WRITER Tri - State Defender

If the,rise of the Dirty
South has made regional
pride fashionable in the
hip-hop world, rappers
don't get much more fash-
ionable than Petey Pablo.

The 28 year-old
Greenville native's debut
album "Diary of a Sinner:
Ist Entry" (Jive Records)

is chock-full of region-

"Diary," which is due for
release next month, in-

cludes Pablo's flat inde- |

pendently released single,
"919," named after one of
North Carolina's area
codes; the time- honored
catch phrase
"Cackalacka"; and the
first single, "Raise Up,"
an anthem of state pride.
"Raise is already making
noise on the charts, hitting
No. | on Billboard's rap
sm- gles chart and crack-
ing the top half of the
main "Hot 100" pop sin-
gles chart.

Since connections are
how most people break
into hip-hop, it comes as
ho surprise that Pablo's
associates are also deeply
of the South. He first
came to attention via a
cameo on New Orleans
rapper Mystikal's chart-
one 2000 album, "Let's
Get Ready." And one of
the main producers of
"Diary" is Timbaland, the
Virginian whose grooves
slinky beats are a hal-
hnark of the Dirty South

terror attacks that destroyed
the World Trade Center,
damaged the Pentagon and
killed more than 5,000 peo-
ple, Mr. Bush again warned
that nations that sponsor or
protect "outlaws and killers
of innocents" will "take that
lonely path at their own

The skies over Kabul lit up
with flashes, and thunderous
explosions rumbled through
the night, witnesses said.
The Taliban fired antiair-
craft guns into the dark sky,
and their tracers could be
seen by residents of the
capital and around the cities

of Kandahar and Jalalabad, ©

strongholds of the radical
Islamic regime.

Mr. Bush's statement was
followed by one from Prime
Minister Tony Blair of
Britain. Both leaders empha-
sized that the military cam-
paign was not "a war with
Islam," as Mr. Blair asserted,
though no. Muslim country
took part directly in the
attacks and many refused to
allow offensive operations
to be staged from their

Mr. Bush said "we are the
friends of almost a billion"
people worldwide "who
practice the Islamic faith.?
Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld noted that the
United States had sent its
armed forces five times in
the last decade to defend
oppressed Muslim popula-
tions " in Kuwait, northern
Iraq. Somalia, Bosnia and
Shortly Mr.

after Bush

OCTOBER 1 - OCTOBER 15, 2001.

spoke, Mr. bin Laden issued
his own threat. On what

appeared to be a recorded -

videotape beamed world-
wide by CNN, he staked a
claim to lead all Muslims in
the fight against America,
casting it as the murderer of
Iraqis and of Palestinians
oppressed by Israel,
America's friend.

Mr. bin Laden blessed the
hijackers who staged the
Sept. 11 attacks and warned,
"I swear to God that America
will not live in peace before
peace reigns in Palestine,
and before all the army of
infidels depart the landT of

Abdul Salam Zaeef, the
Taliban's ambassador to

oPakistan, called the assault a

terrorist attack and vowed
that America would "never
achieve its goal."

The opening aerial campaign
could go on for a week and
will be followed by ground
operations by Special Forces
units to garner information
and hunt down the leaders of
the Qaeda network, admini-
stration officials indicated.
Gen. Richard B. Myers, the
new chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, said the
bombardment began at 12:30
p.m., Eastern time, and in-
cluded 15 land-based bomb-
ers and 25 strike aircraft
from aircraft carriers. Their
weapons included precision-
guided bombs, and
American warships and
British submarines fired 50
Tomahawk cruise missiles.
A B-52 pilot who took part
in today's attack said by

y Come

What You See Is What You Get, What You Read Is What You Know And

telephone afterward that the
nose of one of the bombers
had been repainted shortly
before the mission to read,
"NYPD, We Remember."

Mr. Rumsfeld said Mr. bin
Laden was not a specific
target. The initial bombing,
he said, was intended "to
create conditions for sus-
tained antiterrorist" opera-
tions against his
Mr. Bush did not mention
Mr. bin Laden in his re-
marks, suggesting that the
White House was seeking to
lower expectations of his
capture even as Central
Intelligence Agency and
Special Forces teams were
said to be working fever-
ishly to locate him. He is
suspected of being the mas-
termind behind _ terrorist
strikes on Americans and
American interests even be-
fore the Sept. 11 assault "

in Somalia in 1993, on two .

embassies in East Africa in
1998 and on the destroyer
Cole in Yemen a year ago.
A spokesman for Al Jazeera
television, inT the Persian
Gulf emirate of Qatar, said
Mr. bin Laden's words had
arrived at the network's sat-
ellite uplink station in

"People bring tapes," said
Omar Bec, head of news
gathering for Al Jazeera.
"They deliver them to the
office or leave them at the
door." This tape, he said,

»"was delivered today to us."

We, honest to God, don't
know when it was shot,
sslicre it was shot, or how it



was shot," Mr. Bec said.
Mr. Bush ordered the attack
26 days after hijackers, sev-

- eral of them now linked by

investigators to Mr. bin
Laden's network, seized four
airliners, crashing two of
them into the World Trade
Center in New York and one
into the Pentagon in
Washington. A fourth
crashed into a Pennsylvania
field after passengers appar-
ently tried to overpower the

Mr. Rumsfeld made clear
that the United States was
seeking to orchestrate the
overthrow of the Taliban by
providing military aid and
"developing __ relationships
with groups in Afghanistan
that oppose the Taliban re-
gime" and the "terrorists
they support." The major
opposition force is the
Northern Alliance, but he
also said disaffected mem-
bers of the Taliban and other
groups could coalesce to

challenge the Taliban.

The secretary said the goals
of the military operation
were to punish the Taliban
for "harboring terrorists," to
"acquire intelligence" that
will help future operations

against. Al Qaeda and to

weaken the Taliban so se-
verely that they will not be
able to withstand an opposi-
tion assault.

Another goal, Mr. Rumsfeld
said, is to provide relief aid
"to Afghans suffering truly
oppressive living conditions
under the Taliban regime."
To that end, the Pentagon
today sent two C-17 cargo


There is also no mistaking
the Southern flavor to the
soul and gospel overtones
on "Diary," especially in
Pablo's gravelly soul-man
voice. Had he come along
30 years earlier, Pablo
probably would have been
cast as an Otis Redding-
style soul shouter.

"lL didn't choose music;
music chose me," Pablo
says. "I didn't wake up
one day and say to myself,
Rap is a style, that's what
I wanna do.' | don't even
consider my music all-
the- way rap. It's got
words and rhymes, sure,
but also a lot of melodies
and harmonies. I like to
sing as well as rhyme
words, do whatever | feel.
Otis Redding, Marvin
Gaye, Bobby Womack,
Curtis Mayfield - I'm all
about that."

Pablo comes by the
churchy overtones of
"Diary" honestly. Just like
the soul singers of old, he
grew up in church.

"That's right | went to a
Free Will Baptist church
right on outside of
Greenville," he says. "I
haven't been back there
since my aunt passed
away. It's kinda hard for
me to go back but eventu-
ally I'll get past that. If.
find the time, I'll walk on
in there. But | doift like it
when I go and people
don't pay attention to The
Word but to Petey Pablo."
Although Pablo does
seem to take religion seri-
ously, he has a criminal
past - as implied by his
album title and the al-


Up and coming rapper Petey Pablo, whose hit single
Raise Up" representing North & South Carolinas was

y and friends, and dropped
by the Joy 1340 AM studios. :

recently home visiting famil

bum's themes of knowl-
edge hard-won. "- He
declines to discuss in
detail what happened. But
according to the state
Department of Correction
database, he received a
14- year sentence,in 1993
on a charge of robbery
with a dangerous weapon.
He was released from
Prison in 1998. By then,
he says, music had helped
him find his way.

"In Prison, people would
say my music changed
their lives," he " says.
"Inmates would be fight-
ing or stabbing, then not
doing it'cause they were
listening to me, They'd
come to me and ask about
some song; Sing that for

( Staff Photo)

me, | need to hear
that.'Someday somebody
might be going through a
situation, and | can
change that. Anything
that feels like it can make
a difference, | want to
give it to the world.
Perhaps as a way of
makng amends, Pablo do-
nated $2,400 this year to
the Garner Road Family
YMCA. The money es-
tablished the PLP Fund
(Petey's Little People)

to pay for disadvantaged
kids to attend the YMCAs
summer camp.

That comes from growin,
up, from the heat" Pablo
says." didn't have to learn
that. I've always been a


giving individual

because that's the way my
mother and grandmother
raised me. I never look
down on an_ individual
unless I'm picking em

If all goes according to
plan,"Diary will enable
Pablo to do a lot more
good things. To that end,
he went along with his
record companys request
that he do an All City
Request of "Raise Up for
radio. Where the original
version of the song is
strictly North Carolina-
centre (which is the one
getting airplay) gives
shout-outs to a roll call of
other cities " across
Amercia: New York, St.
Louis, Los Angeles.
Atlanta, New Orleans.
"Doing that did kinda
bother me because it de-
feat the purpose of the
song," Pablo admits "You
know, it says,

planes flying from Germany
to drop 37,500 packets of
food and medical supplies to
help perhaps hundreds of
thousands of refugees. who

omay flee Afghan cities dur-

ing the bombing campaign.
With no Muslim govern-
ment taking part in the
attack " in contrast to the
case a decade ago when
Arab forces helped to eject
Iraq's Army from Kuwait "
Mr. Bush nonetheless stated
that "we are supported by
the collective will of the

"More than 40 countries in
the Middle East, Africa,
Europe and across Asia
have granted air transit and
landing rights," he said.

The Federal Bureau of
Investigation, | concerned
about more terrorist attacks,
urged law enforcement
agencies across the country
to move to their highest
level of alert.

"All law enforcement agen-
cies have been asked to
evaluate whether additional
local security measures are
warranted in light of the
military operations and the
current threat level," the
F.B.1. said.

Security at public buildings
and key installations was
reported high across the
Ugited States and at
American missions abraad
as administration officials
" and the public " braced
for any attempted counter-
strikes by terrorists.

Vice President Dick Cheney
was placed in a_ secure
location, while Mr. Bush

cont. page 3......Bomb

s Home

This one's for us.9 Then
there are all those other
cities in there. But |
understand why my label
wanted it because at the
end of the day it's sau
about politics. Somebody
asked if | felt like | was
selling out. But how else
can I take care of unfortu-
nate children or build.
parks and recreation cen-
ters if I don't have -

Having all those other on the record al-
lowed L.A. and Oakland
and St. Louis to. start
playing it know what |
mean? Those are spins
and spins is money, re-
cord sales. Now let's do
something with it. We
have some attention on
North Carolina now. So
now, North Carolina,
let9s branch out and put
some Carolina colors on
LA. All over the map, all
over the world."

rap artist A

1340 AM studios.

Shown above is local bail bondsman Jackie °
Parker, Petey Pablo, along with up and coming
ulRouse aka "Vocal Don", and a
sweet yourg lady fan, hanging out in the Joy |

(Staff Photo)

ee ne ay eee es

depth of the terror that America
experienced Sept. 11. While
many havc compared it to the
Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl
Harbor-othe date that will live in infamy? -
in some ways the horror is even larger than
that catastrophe.

Pearl Harbor was a surgical attack against
a military target. But this coordinated strike
only tangentially touched on the military,
with the crashing of une of the hijacked
planes into the Pentagon. This was.a strike
designed primarily to insim. murder and
terrorize those who hia not engaged in any
war at all.
« We can count the numbers: more than
260 killed in the four hijacked airplanes;
possibly up to 200 at the Pentagon; possibly

thousands more in the two towers of the

World Trade Center, which collapsed into
twisted piles of glass, steel and concrete, As
the dust begins to clear we will ultimately
begin, in some way, to calculate the finan-
cial losses that have been incurred in arr at-
tack designed to devastate AmericaTs-and
the worldTs-financial markets.

T But there is truly no way to calculate the
breadth of the horror that has been visited
upon the nation, or to understand the twist-
ed evil that chose to perpetrate it.

The mind is awed by the level of preci-
sion that went into the four hijackings-all
gccurring within moments of each other, at
three different locations. We are amazed
by the expense and planning that it must
have taken to coordinate this activity. We
are overwhelmed by the evil that would
engage in such precision, planning and ex-
ecution without a shred of conscience or
compassion for all those who would be
Ipst. And we are amazed, and saddened, by
the pictures taken in parts of the Arab
world-rejoicing at the devastation and
tragedy that had befallen the oGreat Satan?
the United States.

But as vile as this event has been, there
are lessons-and warnings-in the holocaust.

The lesson is that we are not invulnera-
ble. America has truly been a blessed na-
tion. There has not been a single shot fired
by a foreign power on American soil since


But the blessing that God has extended
upon us is just that-a blessing, not a
birthright. We live in a world that is filled "

ons can terror

@ he mind cannot comprehend the ©

, the world

with evil people, people who will stop at
nothing to destroy what they cannot build.
The terroist attack has made a direct hit on
our sense of complacency, comfort and ar-
rogance. "

And there are warnings, as well. In our
anger, we cannot be too quick to assume we
know who committed this vile act.

Much of the discussion has centered
around Osama bin Laden, the fanatical
Muslem cleric who is apparently in hiding
in Afghanistan. Others have said that this

could have been state-sponsored terrorism, "

with Iraq as a chief suspect.

But, as this is being written, no one has
taken responsibility. Therefore, we do not
know. We cannot forget what happened in
the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing,
when-before we learned that the bombers
were right-wing White men-Arabs around
the country were being harassed because of
the mistaken belief that the bombing was
Arab terrorism.

T Areligion or a nationality did not commit
these acts: evil men did. Their evil was tru-
ly indiscriminate: theres were Blacks and
Whites, Jews, gentiles and Arabs, men and
women in the airplanes they hijacked. All
nationalities and cultures were represented
in the World Trade Center, and even in the

We cannot allow our fear to cause us to
kill the very liberty that makes us the envy
of the world-and, yet, that makes us more
vulnerable to these attacks. And we cannot
allow our anger to cause us to lash out at
people just because they do not look like
we do-or just because they look like theT
people we believed may have terrorized us.
As African-Americans, we understand the
shamie, horror-and evil-of being singled out
for abusive treatment just because someone
in power believes that our skin color or na-
tionality in some way links us to other folks
like us who engage in criminal behavior.
We all grieve.

We have experienced a terror that is un-
fathomable. But the nation will recover. We
will emerge stronger and wiser from this-if
we do not allow fear and rage to compel us
to commit suicide on our own liberties or
social homicide against those who are dif-
ferent from us. If we do that, then we will
have given our enemies the victory they
wanted-a victory they could not achieve on
their own.

September 11 attacks leave
plenty questions of faith

he past weeks have been hard

for all peace-loving people all

over the world. It is a time that

revealed the bestial and barbaric

extent to which some Muslim
extremists can go: killing and inflicting
pain on innocent people in a spuriously
frivolous belief that it would win favor for
them in the sight of God.

It is a cause that makes them believe the
universe should be purged of every religion
that does not pay homage to the superiority
of Islam, leaving Islam as the bona fide and
authentic religion of the world. In pursuit
of that belief, they have since 1993 execut-
ed monstrous atrocities all over the globe,
but America never took them too seriously
until now.

They bombed the World Trade Center in
1993, killing six people and injuring others;
they bombed a Phillipine airplane in 1994
killing one person and injuring a dozen
others; and they made an assassination at-
tempt on Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak who was on a visit to Ethiopia in
1995. If those sequential, annual killings
didnTt sound an auditory alarm to American
intelligence, they hit a home run in 1996
when they attacked a military housing unit
in Saudi Arabia, killing nearly a score of
U.S. soldiers. Still, the neo-terrorists
proved too crafty, too cunning and too elu-
sive to be detected. Fearing detection, how-
ever, they had a cooling-off period in 1997.

But they were back in action, big time, in
1998. They devastated lives on a massive
note when they bombed U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania, killing 235 people in
the process and injuring more than 5,000
others. After those killings, President Bill
Clinton reacted via missile attacks on
Osama bin LadenTs hideout in Afghanistan.
The attack, however, was not carried out on
a sustained level because the president was

at the time accused of using bin Laden as a
faAade to shield him from the Monica
Lewinsky debacle. Head of cells or groups
that pervade over 50 countries, including
the United States, bin Laden, son of a for-
mer Saudi Arabian oil magnate, is worth
$300 million and bank rolls his wide net-
work of terrorists known as The Base (Al

In nefarious activities last year, they
bombed the USS Cole off the coast of
Yemen in the Middle East and killed 17
USS. service personnel.

Then, on Sept. 11, they executed their
most sophisticated and devious attack yet
in the history of terrorism by hijacking four
commercial aircrafts and plunging three of
them into the twin towers that used to

house the World Trade Center in New York

and The Pentagon in Virginia. More than
5,000 people are feared to have perished in
those attacks. The fourth plane did not get
to its destination because of the heroic feat
of some of the passengers on board, who
forced the aircraft to crash in Shanksville
near Pittsburgh.

Investigations have found bin LadenTs
network responsible for the crashes and
President Bush has named him a prime sus-
pect. In fact, bin LadenTs atrocities have
now made Libyan leader, Muammar
Gaddafi look like an angel and Ayatollah
Khomeini a saint. He is indeed, Adolf
Hitler reincarnated and Americans are his
Jews. \

It is for this reason that the highest sup-
port and encouragement must be given

resident Bush in his noble quest to rid the
world of terrorists. This is not vengeance; it
is justice and the right thing to do under the
prevailing circumstances.

(Guest editorial by Sam Doku, writer for
the Washington Informer.)

The Minority Voice Newspaper
, meses no responsibility for the



to wake up to issues "
Dear Editor, .
I am writing this letter out of concer

|| for the citizens of. Davidson county, My .
411 concern stems from the inability of some
|| | members of the Metro Council to accept

the fact that the citizens of Davidson

iff 11] county has given their views about term

limits, and want the issue behind them.
The people have said No, No, No!
Yet there are some council members

is too dumb to know what they were vot-
| effort to repeal in the last Metro General

It was obvious in the last vote on Term

placing the language on the ballot, used
the confusing words that was used, any

have known that this was an attempt to

Osama bin LadenTs terrorist
background is unimaginable

by George E. Curry

hough they are reluctant to ad-

mit it, George W. Bush and

Osama bin Laden have some-

thing in common besides being

millionaires: Each firmly be-
lieves the other one is a terrorist. Unfortu-
nately, many more innocent lives will be
lost in the United States and in
Afghanistan while each man seeks to anni-
hilate the other.

Without a doubt, the loss of lives in
New YorkTs World Trade Center and at the
Pentagon is a tragedy, an act of cowardice
that cannot be condoned or defended on
any grounds. And if the United States
wants to be viewed as anything other than
a punching bag for Islamic zealots, it has
no choice but to retaliate.

Characterizing the Sept. 11 assaults as
obarbarism,? Bush said: oThis administra-
tion, along with those friends of ours who
are willing to stand with us all the way
through, will do what it takes to rock ter-
rorism out of the world. The American
people should know that my administra-
tion is determined to find,.to get them run-
ning, and to hunt them down.?

Bin Laden, the person being hunted, is-
sued a statement denying he had ocarried
out this act. oBut Jamal Ismail, a Palestin-
lan journalist, said an aide to bin Laden
had called him immediately after last
weekTs devastating attack to say his boss
had denied orchestrating the recent vio-
lence but othanked almighty Allah and
bowed before him when he heard this

To begin to understand how bin Laden
could be thankful for the bloody deaths of
thousands of innocent people in New York
and Washington, one needs to trace the
roots of his anger.

Bin Laden was born in 1957 to a Syrian
mother in Saudi Arabia, the 17th of 52
children. His father, Mohamed Awad bin
Laden, had emigrated from South Yemen,
eventually owning the Bin Laden Group,
the largest construction company in the
kingdom, now worth about 5 billion.

Instead of continuing to live a life of
privilege, young bin Laden chose to travel
to Afghanistan to help successfully repel
the 10-year Soviet invasion, which ended
in 1989.

A year before the Soviets withdrew, bin
Laden established his own organization,
Al-Qaeda, an Arabic term meaning othe
base.? He became involved in a series of
regional disputes, including Iraq's invasion
of Kuwait. "

Bin laden anger toward the United
States escalated after the commencement
of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, according
to his associates. He was particularly upset
with the decision to station American
troops in Saudi Arabia, which he saw as

olatest and greatest? aggression against the
Islamic world.

The riches-to -rags leader was indicted
after he was linked to the 1993 World
Trade Center bombing that took six lives.
He was also said to be implicated in the at-
tacks on the U.S. embassies in East Africa,
leaving 224 dead.

But bin Laden contends that heTs not the

The American imposes himself on
everyone, obin Laden said in a 1998 inter-
view with ABC-TV Reporter John Miller.
oAmericans accuse our children in Pales-
tine of being terrorists-those.children, who
have no weapons and have not even
reached maturity. At the same time, Ameri-
cans defend a country, the state of the
Jews, and that has a policy to destroy the
future of these children.?

Bin Laden is said to. loosely affiliate
with Islamic radical in 50 to 60 countries.

Intelligence sources say that in addition
to sharing a deep hated for the U.S. and Is-
rael, bin Laden has been able to tap into
the religious fervor of the region by going
to local clerics and having them give their
blessing to the impending anti-American
action. c

Larry C. Johnson, deputy director of the
U.S. Department Office of Counter terror-
ism from 1989 to 1993, said intelligence
operatives are not prepared to deal with
the likes of bin Laden.

oThe fundamental problem the United
States faces in dealing with entities like
bin Laden and his supporters is that the ex-
isting intelligence apparatus is still orga-
nized to defeat a conventional Cold War
enemy, oFrontline,? the PBS documentary
unit. .

o...How do you penetrate an organiza-
tion which is largely ideological and
bound by religious fervor? They donTt
have membership. You donTt have to fill
out an application. ItTs not like joining a
country club. You are brought together by
commonness of belief that is shared in
worship. And in the faithful application of
your religious faith.?

But religion plays another role that
might explain why bin LadenTs followers
donTt mind dying for their cause.

oBeing killed for AllahTs cause is a great
honor achieved by only those who are the
elite of the nation, obin Laden said in a
1997 interview with Peter Arnett of CNN.
oWe love this kind of death for AllahTs,
cause as much as you like to live. We have
nothing to fear for. It is something we
wish for.?

As long as the United States has that
kind of unconventional enemy, conven-
tional warfare, as well as conventionalT
wisdom, is useless.

(Curry is an opinion writer for the

hoodwink the voting public.

NoW here they come again with the
ideas, advanced recently by Councilman
Phil Ponder, on the Editorial page of the
Tennessean, where he indicates that new

the Council more efficient, he further
sealed the thought that a person has to be
in the council almost eight vears before
they know what they are doing. If that is

qualification of those we vote into office,

the cityTs business.
I would offer one consideration for the

in tended). And that is to start staggering
Councilmanic terms, by voting on differ-
ent districts at different times for a third

of the council members, until there is no

cil members to be freshman at one time.
That way the city would always be as-
sured that a healthy number of the mem-
bers are seasoned legislators and are full
aware of the needs of the people of

el of citizens selected from the city at-


one who have already served one four

the terms have been solidified. In those
original eight years any person smart
enough to get elected, should at least
know how to govern their district. Mr.

bers are still wet*behind the ears after al-

since the older and wiser councilmen do
not deem it their responsibility to teach

ness on their part!

| Expensive hotel rooms
available to everyone

Dear Editor,
Those readers who say that race rela-

ago («PeopleTs Pulse,? Aug.23), were not
here 40 years ago. | just returned from

open arms at the Beau Rivage Hotel. My
money was as good as anyone elseTs. °

In 1965, I couldnTt get even a room in
Biloxi, not that I would have wanted to.

ing for when they so soundly defeated the

and not be so worried about extending the
terms of those who are too dumb to grasp

large. Until that time my personal opinion

Ponder seems to think the freshman mem-

most four years, so give them eight years,

the newly elected members. What selfish-

who either refuse to accept the mandate of
the people, or they think the voting public

Limits, almost four years ago, that the lat-
ter is the case. When those responsible for

voter with an once of voting savvy should

additions to the council arenTt very bright.
In his theory that a third term would make

the case, the public had better examine the

public, not the council, to punder. (No pun

danger of more than one third of the coun-

Nashville. How the one third would be se-
lected could be the responsibility of a pan-


Since some are still worried about being
one-term council members, why not make
each term one of eight years, and bar any-

year term at any time, from running in any
election until the formula for staggering .

Rev. James T. Morris Sr.

tions are no better than they were 40 years

Biloxi, Miss., where | was welcomed with

Arthur Lewis,
Los Angelos


18,000 Circulation Bi-Weekly
Anual Subscription $40.00
Newspaper Size - 6 Column by 21

by Bob Brown

$ | watch, over and over
again, the reruns of the
World Trade Center and
the Pentagon on fire, the
symbols of white suprema-
_ cy, of the U.S. military tasnetii® fo
lice-intelligence complex smolderingT
in ruins; and as I listen to the growing
and racist drumbeat for war, | remem-
ber the wisdom of Malcolm X and
Kwame Ture.
The master, and his/her owestern civ-
ilization,? is sick, not us slaves. His/her
house, the racist capitalist system, is on

Sneak attacks represents
much of what is America

fire, not our plantation shacks.

Hell no, I did not go to Vietnam, or "
Grenada, or Haiti, or Iraq, or Libya, or
Panama, or Somali, or Sudan. Hell no,
I will not go, to Afghanistan or Co-

Victory of the Oppressed veepies of
the World is.certain, no matter the time
or sacrifice! Then and only then, will
there be no more mourning, or griev-
ing, or tears. In the meantime, the.
struggle continues, and the work of the
" rogressive and revolutionary

orces of the world intensifies:

(Brown is an opinion writer for the

Quarter Page - $260.00
~ Half Page - $615.00
Full Page - $1200.00
Local - $8.75 per column inch
National - $10.75 per column
inch Inserts - $.09 per insert
Discounts on frequency number
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Ms St os


The Great Investment: Faith,
Family and Finance By T.D.

In this book, Jake outlines
five key concepts for achiev-
ing success. in any endeavor.

Faith is the favor of
God---Pastor will come to
your life when you under-
stand who God is and wng

you are, and when you find:

out your unique purpose in
life in the light of GodTs will.

Identify your
gifting---God gives each one
of us our own unique gifts.
It is our job to recognize
these gifts, nurture them, and

| ~The power of a

" plan-"-Many prple fail to

attain their cial goals
due to no plan. A plan takes

| all your dreams and must
include setting a budget,

living within your means,
and planting some of your
seed into savings and invest-
ments for a future harvest.

T Giving is the cycle
that releases more---The ac-
cumulation of wealth should
never be the ChristianTs final
goal. Wealth in the kingdom
is not the end but the means
to the end. Generosity is a
spiritual investment princi-
pal that works. You donTt
have to give away every-
thing you have and live like
a pauper in order to be
blessed but generosity pro-
tects us from falling prey to
the sin of serving money.

Ten percent is not
yours but belongs to God---
Paying the tithe to the work
of the kingdom is a key to
breaking the temptation to
hoarding what we have, and
key to breaking the tempta-
tion to hoarding what we
have, and key to releasing

continue from front page


remained at the White
House. The American
Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, closed until further
notice. The State Department
urged Americans overseas
"to exercise caution."

The United States warned its
citizens in Indonesia to pre-
pare for evacuation after the
radical Islamic Defenders
Front warned that it would
begin attacking Americans
and other foreigners if
Indonesia did not break dip-
lomatic relations "_ with
Washington within 72 hours.
Secretary of State Colin L.
Powell was scheduled to
visit India and Pakistan at
week's end, "to keep things
balanced between them,? an
administration official said.
Though the opening hours of
the campaign were domi-
nated by images of fuzzy
explosions beamed out of
Afghanistan by television
networks, intensive diplo-
macy was under way behind
the scenes to hold together
the coalition.

One concern was that Iran
had called a meeting of the
56-member Organization of
Islamic Conference, which
will meet in Qatar on
Wednesday. An Iranian offi-
cial today called the
American and British assault
"unacceptable," but stopped
short of saying Iran con-
demned it.

"It was conditionally con-
demned," said Hamid Reza
Asefi, a Foreign Ministry
spokesman, because of its

potential "to result in the
loss of life among civilians."

Still, the prospect that the

Islamic Conference, which
represents a billion Muslims
worldwide, might declare
opposition to the assault
loomed as a crucial test for
the Bush administration's
ability to sustain support for
military action. Even
Palestinian leaders said they
were hoping for a "joint"
Muslim position on the
American strikes.

Israel today offered political
support, including the all-
important step of refraining
from direct military opera-
tions that might undermine
Muslim support for the fight
against terrorism. In doing
so, Israel repeated the step it
took during the Persian Gulf
war in 1991.

A statement issued by the
office of Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon said that in the
last three days Secretary
Powell had kept the Israeli
leader "informed of the
preparations for the U.S.
attack." It added that "Israel
helps and will provide its
help but is not taking part in
the war." .
Today's attacks set off anti-
American _ protests "_"in
Pakistan, where some of the
country's most influential
Islamic clerics called on
Muslims "to support their
Afghan brothers" against
American oaggression.?
Gen. Pervez Musharraf,
Pakistan's president, placed
a militant cleric under house

the blessings of God in our


mM Note: Bishop TD: Jakes is
the author of several books.

His weekly television broad-
casts are seen in Europe and
South Africa in addition to
the United States.

Recently named one of the
nationTsT most influential

ministers by The New York

Times, Jakes is the founder
and pastor of The PotterTs
House in Dallas, Texas.
T.D. Jakes was featured on
the cover of Time magazine,

September 17 issue, as The

Next Billy Graham. Both
are the only two evangelists
who could pack AtlantaTs
79000 Georgia Dome. Part
of what stokes JakesT enthu-
siasts is his bounty of black
Pentecostal preaching,
osoaked in the Holy Spirit?
with its prophesying and
speaking in tongues. The
style is increasingly popular
in non-Pentecostal black de-
nominations and beyond:
one tongues-talking black
Methodist calls | Bush
oBrother President? and
prays with him on the phone.
Globally, Pentecostalism is
the fastest-growing Christian

arrest and re- organized his
military command to limit
dissent among top generals.
At the White House, Mr.
Bush telephoned _ leaders
around the globe. He spoke
with President Vladimir V.
Putin of Russia just before
the attack began. Mr. Bush
and Secretary Powell also
spoke with leaders of

Canada, Australia, Germany "

and France, which have
"pledged forces" for the op-
eration, the president said.
President Jacques Chirac of
France told his countrymen
today that oour forces will
take part" in coming opera-
tions "in a spirit of solidarity
and responsibility."

"At this stage," he added,
"French ships are associated
with this operation."

In Berlin, | Chancellor
Gerhard Schrider said
Germany would join with
France "to make its contribu-
tion." In Ottawa, Prime
Minister Jean Chrétien said
Canada would provide "a
number of units" for un-
specified operations to come.
China offered a cautious

In Iraq, President Saddam
Hussein called an emergency
meeting of his inner cabinet,
and a communiqué issued
afterward said, "True believ-
ers cannot but condemn this
act, not because it has been
committed by America
against a Muslim people but
because it is an ssion
perpetrated outside interna-
tional law.

City Council At Large "

Proven Leadership for ALL People |:
Chuck,s Motto is:


A man for all people.

A proven leader we can trust

A man of vision

A man who practices fiscal responsibility

t Won Parrott a:


Mavor of Greenville

oI want to belp move Greenville to another
level. To do that, we need to promote a working
relationship among all city leaders.?

As Mayor of Greenville my goal is to lead the
council in making the right decisions, not just
for today, but for tomorrow.?

As a businessman and partner in a local CPA
firm, I understand fiscal responsibility. I want
every dollar spent to have a return on
investment to the citizens of Greenville.?

oIn this land of freedom we bave an important
right. The right to vote. On November 6th I
hope you'll exercise that


Paid for by The Committee to Elect
Don Parrott for Mayor

eS wae
4 I a " i i
Re ee Oe Ae a ee a


Question: Have you no-
ticed all the fellows on
Duke University, NC State,
Wake Forest, and UNC-
Chapel Hill's basketball
teams do not wear braids;
_ instead each one's hair is cut
Do you also notice that each
one's face is clean-shaven,
no full facial hair?T
These fellows on these
teams are worthy of
emulating----evidently their
standards coincide with the
schools/universities they at-
tend, and most of the fel-
lows on these teams are
Black, too. Doesn't that tell
you something about the
schools, the coaches and the
fellows who attend them.
Braids, earrings, and neck-
laces don't belong on their
teams. The "cream of the
crop" are highly selected,
both academically and ath-
letically. Not just anybody
is accepted. So, let's set our
standards high, achieve well
and don't follow every style
and fashion that comes

Dr. George Hawkins

Playing With The Anointing
Part Il

Greetings in the name
of Jesus Christ:

Judges 15 11:15 records the
time when Samson first be-
gan to flaunt God's anointing
on his life. Thinking himself
invincible, he allowed the
Israelites to tie him up hand
him over to the Philistines.
Once in the enemy camp, he
broke the cords easily,
picked up a bone from the
ground and killed 1,000
men. He thought he was

ae a ry the
or not-at all.
v S.Not being

too early, marr

enough. .
6.Not _ being self-

7.Not taking risks

8.Not having gotten along
better with parents or not
appreciating them enough.
9.Not having been more
active in the neighborhood
or community affairs.
10.Not having gotten along
better with parents, broth-
ers, or sisters.


1.What kind of person are
2.Do you fit in with your
3.How do you create dis-
tance from and remain con-
nected to adults?
4.What kind of skills, rea-
soning and values do you
need, as you get older?
5.How do parents prepare
adolescents for adult life?
6.What are some unusual
concerns of adolescents?
Of adults?
7.How will you change the
way you eat? Dress? Study
Peer Pressure?

Complete freedom?
8.Choices? How will you
make them? .
9.Your mom's and dad's
divorce----any impact now?

mocking his enemies, but
actually he was setting
himself up for his undo-
ing. He had begun to
compromise what he
believed---just as many
people today compromise
what they believe in order
to be accepted.

Samson had a great
anointing, but he came to
a place in his life where
he thought he could do
anything he wanted and
get away with it. I'm

convinced that many men

of God come to that place
not because they lack the
anointing, but because of
the anointing God placed
on their _" ministries.
Because of the signs, the
wonders and the miracles,
they begin to think they
can do anything they
Shortly after the incident
in the Philistine camp,
Samson again opted to toy
with the anointing.
Scripture says he want to
Gaza, where he "saw a
harlot there, and went in
to her"(Judg. 16:1).
While he was with her,




~13.Have you looked for

love elsewhere?
14.Are you a normal teen-

15.Are you cometent for the

task before you?

16.There are -many distrac-
tions to studying and mak-
ing good grades and
sticking to the task. .

Name them.

17. Are you able and do you
chat frequently with your
mother. Do miss that in
your father?

18. Do you talk about more
than grades?

19.Boy's changes can come
anytime between 9 and 15
==" weight,size,bumping
into furniture, enlarging pe-
nis and testes, growth of
pubic hair, longer arms and
legs, broader shoulders, big-
ger feet, reshaped face,
deeper voice.

20.Do something you love.
Most students this age are

excited by sports,
art, Or music, computer and
video games .

21.Stay on top of what you
are doing well.

22. About one in every four
live in homes without a

23.Involve kids in organ-
ized sports after school.
24.Do not allow pierced
earrings in boys, sagging
pants, or earring in the
nose of girls or boys, no
green hair, no red or blue
shoestrings, no sandals.

the townsmen encom-
passed the house, then
waited into the night by
the city gate and hatched
a plot to kill him in the
morning. But Samson lay
quietly until midnight.
"Then he arose at mid-
night, took hold of the
doors of the gate of the
city and the two gate-
posts, pulled them up, bar
and all, put them on his
shoulders, and carried
them to the top of the hill
that faced Hebron "
(Judg. 16:3).

In Samson's day, the walls
of some of the cities were
so wide they could ride
six or eight chariots
abreast on the top of
them. This man had just
been with a prostitute; but
he got up out of bed,
ripped up the city gates
and walked away with
them. In effect, he said to
his assailants: "I'll show

you. You lie in wait for

me by the city gates, but
I'll show you who you're
up against. I'll take your

gates away."

To Be Continued.........

Mandatory Saturday. ses-

" sion. If you're late picking
up your son, you'll be |
charged $2.00 per. minute.

ee we:

This is just not a place you.

come to drop off your kids.

25. Doing well in school is
one of the best guarantees
for success later in life.
26.Teach children to take
care of themselves in tough

-27.Some boys and girls

begin what they call "going
with" as early as 4th & Sth
grades. Going with means
they talk at lunch, pass
notes at school, walk home
together. By 9th grade, they
are dating.

28.Adults unwittingly

_ launch kids toward. dating

by saying in jest, "Got a girl
friend or boy friend yet? "

29. Parents, discourage one-
on-one dating until age 16.
30. Girls and boys who date
early come from single-
parent homes or divorces

31.Further distant relation-
ships seek out boys who
paid them special attention.
32.Why should I wait until
I'm married to have sex.
My parents didn't .

33.Do you know how to say
"No" to sex?

34.There is no fruit, which
is not bitter before it is ripe.
Publius Synus.

William James


$ American Heart


You must attend a monthly "

ther: of eight children, lives
at 608-A Pamlico Avenue,

_ Charlotte, North Carolina,
-and: Michael, . Berkley, -

California, and the grandfa-

Greenville, North Carolina.

Moses also has two de-

ceased sisters - Mary Ruth
and Peggie Vines.
Moses attended Sadie
Saulter School and dropped
out of C. M. Eppes High
School in the ninth grade to
assist his deceased grand-
mother, Annie Vines with
chores and responsibilities.
His Boy Scout activities
were connected " with
Sycamore Hill Baptist
Church on First and Green
Streets. As a person, who
had nothing, yet he has
accomplished much, he
says. He proudly assisted
with the naming of Martin
Luther King, Jr. Drive: on
Fifth Street.

Moses joined Cherry Lane
Church early in life, fol-
lowed by Wells Chapel,
finally ending in Sycamore
Hill Baptist Church in 1995
as a dedicated and commit-
ted member, attending
Sunday school, Bible Class
and prayer meetings, and
Sunday Services regularly.
My church is my life now,
he says.

Moses, as he's affection-
ately known served two
years in the army at Fort
Jackson, Columbia, South
Carolina, Fort Lee,
Petersburg, Virginia, Fort

NOV 6, 2001

North Carolina, Emory, - with George Pugh Parts


In retirement, though a dia-

- betic, he volunteers, visiting

the sick and shut-in in
homes, hospitals and nurs-


Several people: have: influ-
enced his life, but among
them are Deacon Matthew
Lewis, Mr. Ernest "Red"
Eaton. Mr. William "Tip"
Taft and Mrs. Beatrice
Maye, who sits beside me in
church services. | am hon-
ored, he says.

His advice to young people:
the Court House and Jails
are filled with Blacks.
Somebody is watching you
all the time. Don't run from
one church to another; they
all have problems. Stay in

| want to be remembered as ~
someone who tried to help
somebody. .

ln Janel



Rose Glover


* Restoring A Unified City Council * Growth & Expansion * Crime Prevention

* Expand Community Policing * Economic Development
Encourage & Fund Home Ownership For Low Income Families
* Restoration of Homes Now Occupied By Low Income Elderly Citizens
* Intervention and Prevention Efforts For Youth At Risk



Judicial District 2 (Beaufort, Hyde, Martin, Tyrell, & Washington Counties )

The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) program uses volunteer and attorney

$ 39,042-50,377

teams to advocate for the best interests of abused and/or neglected children
involved in the junvenile court system. The GAL District Administrator manages
the program within the assigned judicial district, works with the Chief District
Judge to develop local policies and operating procedures consistent with state
policies, and supervises GAL office staff and Attorney Advocates. The GAL
District Administrator recruits, trains, and supervises volunteers who serve as
Guardians ad Litem and publicizes the program. This position will be based
primarily in our Washington office and will work throughout the judicial district.
Qualifications: . . |

Graduation from an accredited four year college or university, preferably with
a degree in public administration, social work, education, or other human service
field. At least five years of experience in working with non-profit agencies,
family and children services, court programs for children, volunteer and/or
advocacy programs, schools or mental health. Experience must include a
minimum of three years of staff supervision, one year of volunteer experience,
either as a volunteer or directing the work of volunteers, and experience in

'If I can help soinebodv as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain."

The Women Fellowship of the Little Creek United American Free Will Baptist
Church Highway 903 South, Scufficton. N.C. will spotlight and honor Brother

Anninias C, Smith in an appreciation service on Saturday, October 6, 2001 at 5:00
P.M. en 3

Brother Smith was 3 honored for membership at the church for 47 years and 34
years of dedicated and untiring service as Church Secretary, The honor of your per-
sonal attendance Fraternal orders, church oraanizations or social groups was appre-


managing or directing a program or some aspect of'a program.

Send Cover Letter, State Judicial. Branch Application
( and three letters of reference to:

| ciated, We are certain that Anninias has touched you or many of your lives,Brother Cy Gueney, : ae
tied a her : } Eastern Regional Administrator
Smith is also a Prince Hall Master Mason, Royal Arch Mason, Knoghts Templar ; Guardian ad Litem Program

Shriner, 33d Dezree Mason, Eastern Star, Heroine Cvrene and Odd Fellow Superior Court Judges Chamb

| Supervisor. A reception followed the service in the Feilowship Hall of the church. ° 201 E. Main Sane. a
ae Nis sia eae ade ! as Durham, NC 27701

You may respond to the Women's Fellowship ,

representative: Mrs, Elinor O'Neal 521
: ile, NC Set iam acsey

Applications must be monet by Spm. on 17 Oct. 2001

Mr. & Mrs. Shiver celebrate their first anniversary of Shield of
Faith Ministries, on Sat. 17, 2001. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
From the staff of WOOW & The M'Voice Newspaper many

many more blessings !!!
. . (Staff Photo by: F. May)





Ep |



paid for by the committee
to elect Tony Moore


Jim MArtTIN, P.A.




t i

TELEPHONE 252-695-0550
FAX 252-695-0074


6 dicta iii di hte ke a |

| responsibility for the re-

oPO. Box 8361 |
Greenville, NC27834 " be

oPhone: (252) 757-0365
Fax: (252) 757-1793

Joy 1340AM
WOOW Radio Station
Greenville, NC 27834
phone (252) 757-0425

Joy 1320AM
WTOW Radio Station
Washington, NC 27889
phone (252) 975-1320

The Minority Voice
Newspaper assumes no

turn of unsolicited manu-
scripts or photographs.
Photographs and manu-
scripts become the prop-

at ECU with the Mississippi Mass Choir and The Williams
- Brothers.

"Shown above is Mother Judy Ward and Sister Brenda Rouse |

Voice Newspaper |" (Staff Photo)
Address your complaints |
to: Mr Jim

.405 Evans Street

Greenville, NC 27834

oLiving In Earth As Love?
(Written For ALL The WOMEN Of The World. A Reminder To MEN,
Love, Cherish & Respect GodTs Gift Of WOMAN TO MAN............ )

Just behold with me my love, for omy love? will come like the judgement of the Lord.
Your present of being a woman in my life is very special to me.
Everyday without you is like a body without water, something I must have to live on.
YouTre a source of strength in my heart and mind. .

_ The times ITm weak, my God gives you the strength to comfort me and nourish me.
For | love God for bringing you forth to me.

I'll give you all my love, just as God gives his, all toward us. .

We lie and cheat ourselves sometimes but thatTs just a simple test we take when weTre feeling lost about

For you are Wisdom and I am Knowledge.

Wisdom supports Knowledge.

Just like You will support Me, as Caring will support Feelings,

as God will support Us, as parents will support their children.

You're like 120 Degrees in my circle and ITm another 120 Degrees, which forms 2/3rds of a Circle Of
Love. T

Beware my love of the Evil that lurks on Our Love, to try and destroy something that is Good towards ME
and YOU.

Like a kidnapper, plotting to take away from US, Our Children.

I need your full cooperation of LOVE. in order to live a sound and prosperous Rooted Life.

For 1 AM LOVE and youTre MY PEACE that J hold on the inside of me.

The Child that We bring in This Life will be HAPPINESS.

Which will bring a Full oLOVE?, oPEACE?, and oHAPPINESS? to Our Lives!

As YOU and I add up to 240 Degrees, OUR CHILD will make another 120 Degrees, which will make a
complete Life Of Love, BEING 360 DEGREES.

Author: Abdul Rouse

Vocal Don

120 + 120 + 120


Our Role In The New War
( An oM? Voice Exclusive )

A We are now living in an unusual era within the history of America. As Black
mercans, no matter how much we despise the past and present oppression toward our
people, we must never forget that this country belongs to us too and we belong to it as
citizens. With that in mind, we must find ways to-do our part to protect our families, our
y to say what can I doT or that stuff

communities and the future of our children. ItTs eas
is all about New York, Washington or other far away placesT. But there is very much that

you can do; especially if you live in the Black Community.
First of all, be very careful where you s
neighborhood stores, Many of these stores have been bou

homelands. How many do you see displaying the Ameri ?
ston should wo? playing merican flag ? The answer to that
These stores are convenient but now is the time to i i
, put convenience aside. Over 5
saeceat men yvomen and children, many of them minorities were debehdered a
"_ 11?. Some of our money helped pay for these murders. Deep down
isi ie, we know that these people have no love for us or our neighborhoods. It should
mak ots oa fo see them pretend . be friendly by making small loans or giving short-
ur pennies are short. The pri i
areca pe ort. The prices are always high, so you are borrowing
Certainly not all middle eastern merchants are sendin
money to terorist. But, we have
no way of knowing who does and who doesnTt. Th ing i
make the sacrifice and avoid them all. Wa ie ee bal

Now you know.
di fference oaa There is something that you can do. Spread the word and make a |

Mchael Garrett
Jim Rouse


are x

HERE'S ANOTHER ONE FROM OUR ARCHIVES........Father Bell is pctured here with

members of the Bell generation at a family gathering held at the Dubois Center
ae siaff photo by Bro .Jim Rouse




"HANAGIN" OUT ON THE BLOCK".............. Caught by the M'Voice camera was Filmore
Bell, Prince Hemby, and a friend hanging out at the Ice House on the block (Albermarle Ave.).

which back in the day was a popular hanging spot for the locals. staff photo by Jim Rouse

FROM THE M'VOICE ARCHIVEG................ Can you name the people in this picture???
(Hint...Popular beauty/barber shop inGreenville) Send your answers to the M'Voice Newspaper
and win a free compact disc. staff photo by Bro Jim Rouse


The savage Brothers were born and
raised in Capital Heights, MD. They
started singing in the local church at the
age of 8 and 6. The members of the
group are William Savage 10, John
Savage 10. They are twins. The newest
member is Jamal Lewis age 10 of
Goldsboro North Carolina Through the
Lord Jesus Christ, their God-parents

~~~ PASTOR WILLIAM SAVAGE ola, Somes, TA ef aT
AND FIRST LADY BRENDA SAVAGE Productions and Brother Horace
| of. the Sensational


Nightingales doors has opened for the
Savage Brothers. Their first major per-
formance was with RT Productions in
Washington. DC at Bibleway Temple
Church on Dec. 1. 2000 for a Pre-
Christmas Program where they opened
with the Gosp Keynotes, The Sensational
Nightingales. Arthur Crue & The Soul
Stirrers. Spencer Taylor a] The Highway
Q-C's. The Soul Stirrers , Spencer Taylor
and The Highway QC's, The Swanee
Quintet.and Johnny Peoples and The
Gospel Crowns. photo by Faith May

Fight "

om eoo0Gcoc


sates eshte hein moans pmarmnninisreoeoon

_ Even with a system as safe and secure as your
natural gas system, a leak could ocour. That's
why you and your famity need to know what to
do in case you smell gas.


First, call Greenville Utilities immediately at
551-1567 or 752-8627. Call anytime, day or
night, and we'll correct the problem.


Pitt County


While you're waiting for repair service, open a
window, don't use afly matches, and don't
operate electrical switches or appliances.

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staff photo by Bro Jim Rouse

with special guest lecturer, Rae Lewis-Thornton.

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Women of Excellence Conference 2001

The pupae his confers ncourage and isc worn of ccs, |
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Guest Speakers:
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Co-Pastor Leotha Brockington.
Guest Psalmist:

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on : my, Aa My
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Three Levily Ledites.. caught by the M'Voice scours fie) ok ge in Olevia
Brewington Person, Gospel Diva Vanessa Bell Armstrong and Gospel Promoter Audrey "
Tyson beaming with smiles before as a crowd anticipates the music ministry of one of

; photo by Jim Rouse

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On Oct 7,2001 there will be a building fund program sponsored by Roosevelt and the
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67:00pm. This will be held at Macedonia House of Prayer in Ayden NC on U Street. On
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For Immediate Release

9420 THIRD AVE STE 100
_ NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23511-2125

September 27, 2001(FHT'NC)--Navy
Petty Officer 3rd Class Paul C.
Copeland, son of Charlotte H. and
Paul W. Copeland of 2044 Mozingo Road Greenville, N. C., re-
cently completed the NATO Staff Officer Orientation Course at the
National Defense University , Fort Lesley J. McNair Washington, D
C. During the two- week course,Copeland was prepared to assume
NATO staff duties for the first time. The course facilitates the inte-
gration of field grade officers like Copeland into the Alliance struc-
ture and environment, allowing them to function effectively with
their NATO counterparts.Copeland is a 1999 graduate of Farmville
Central High School of Farinville, N. C. and joined the Navy

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raricipation by Pesdvaninced! Business Enterprises
The DepartmentTs Federal- Aid Program

The. North Carolina Department of Transportation has
established an overall Departmental Goal for ~

with 49 CFR 26 for Federal Fiscal Year 2002. The over-.
all goal will be 12%. 2.94 is. race/gender-neutral and |
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Business Development Section, North Carolina
Department of Transportation, 1511 Mail Service
Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1511 and for further infor-

Lr ene

by Dora Muhammad
Staff Writer Final Call

CHICAGO-The Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan
advised President Bush to
move carefully and seek
spiritual guidance as the
U.S. government prepares
to prosecute a war in re-
sponse to the Sept.11 at-
tacks on the United States.
"1, on behalf of all members
of the Nation of Islarn and
on behalf of many. millions
of Muslims here in America
and throughout the world,

this vicious and atrocious
attack on the United
States," said = Minister
Famakhan during a press
conference held at Mosque
Maryam on September 16
that was transmitted via
satellite throughout the na-
tion and world and broad-
cast on six Internet sites.
"We moum the loss of the
many who have perished in
the national and interna-
tional tragedy.

"Mr. President I plead with
you that this war that you
intend could trigger that
war that all the scientists of
religion and of war have
desired to escape, the war
that would end all wars, the
War of Arrnageddon.

| would appeal to the scrip-
tural scientists among us,
those of Judaism, Chrisfian-
ity and Islam, to be utilized
by President Bush to help

from what the prophets saw
and predicted," he said.

Denouncing the attacks as
conduct that is absolutely
han also cautioned the pub-
lic against retaliation on
Muslim citizens for the evil
actions of those who only
profess the religion of Is-
lam. While standing in
agreement with the leaders
of this country in their hunt
for the perpetrators, Min.
Farrakhan implored them to

N -_


lift our voices to condemn

him understand this hour -

take the same courage to
examine the effects of U.S.
foreign policy in producing
such heinous crimes against

"A better foreign policy in
America would defeat ter-
rorism forever in the
world", he said. .
Min. Farrakhan addressed
the pubic moved by sadness
and anguish over the hor-
rific suicide missions which
resulted in the loss of
thousands of lives, total
destruction of the World
Trade Center and tremen-
dous damage to the
Pentagon. It was an act of
war. he declared, to target
America's symbols of finan-
cial strength, military might,
architectural genius and
aviation brillance. The great-
est need in this dark hour,
he said, is the "perfect and
unequaled guidance of
God" which has the power
to properly direct the anger
that has been justifiably
incited within the American

The Minister stressed that
the triumph of the human
spirit that has emerged from
this tragedy can begin the
process of rebuilding spiri-
tual values in this country.
The tragedy united the
country behind its
President, united Democrats
with Republicans, united

diverse segments of society
and caused the nation to
bow down in prayer and
reflect on God, the Minister

"Allah (God) used this trag-
edy, hopefully, to bring a

great nation to Him, he -

added, saying that only in
humility can the guidance
of God be heeded. Only
divine guidance from scrip-
tural scientists of all faiths,
the Minister stated, can
prevent the U.S. govern-
ment from violating intema-
tional law in their stated
mission to rip up the nest of


With representatives of
Chicago Police and Fire
departments seated before
him, and a host of commu-
nity and religious leaders in
the audience, Min. Fan-
akhan commended the cour-
age, valor and sense of duty
of the firemen and police-
men who risked their lives
to save others, calling. them

He expressed gratitude to
New York and D.C. city
officials and medical staff
who worked to ease the suf-
fering in the aftermath of
the catastrophes, as well as
the common citizens who
donated blood. He also
thanked the media for their

continual coverage that in- .

formed the people as events

Before ending the press
conference with an ecu-
menical prayer, Min. Far-
rakhan said, "I hope that
President Bush and all those
with him will turn this
tragedy into triumph of
right over wrong, of good
over evil, of justice over
injustice, and let not the
blood of those who died be
shed in vain.

Following the message,
mosques and other venues
where the signal was pulled
down were abuzz with ac-
tivity and hope.

"I'm very excited and it was
a very meaningful message-
from the Minister today,"
said Jacqueline Jackson,
wife of Rev: Jesse Jackson,
who sat privately with Min.
Farrakhan and wife Mother
Khadijah following " the
press conference. "I hope
his words will be healing
and we will bring this
tragedy to a peaceful and
reconciling solution.?

Former Chicago School
Board President Florence
Cox told The Final Call that
Min. Fanakhan spoke the
feelings of many Americans

"His admonition. for. the
leadership of this country to
seek spiritual advice should
be really taken to heart.
When you look at some of
the predictions that have
been made by great minds,
you will find that what we
need is divine guidance. We
need spiritual wisdom with
the hope that all of this will
lead us to peace and inter-
national healing to prevent
this from happening again,"
she said. .

Rev. Janette Wilson, an
attorney and associate pas-
tor at Cosmopolitan First
Baptist Congregation,
agreed that the answers lie
in God.

"Me answer is not in peo-
ple," she said, "it is in our
faith and our faith tradi-
tions. Our God can. inter-
pret things. It appears to be
foreshadowing of the end of
times. It is not yet the end,
but it is a shadow of things
to come. | think God is
speaking to us in a very
critical and definitive man-
ner. When the Minister says
we should pray, that's what
we must do at this moment.
Not respond in anger, but
respond in faith."
Representatives of the
Chicago Police and Fire
departments absorbed the
words of Min. Farrakhan
and expressed appreciation

for his outreach. "It was a
terrible thing that happened
in New York and it was nice
for Minister Farrakhan to
invite us here to show his
regret also about what hap-
pened," Deputy Fire
Commissioner,Derrick Jac-
kson told The Final Call.

Commander Bill Power of
the Chicago Police Dept.
added, "This is a show of
unity. People have to un-

derstand that we're all to-

gether in this. This is an
attack against America and
we're all united as one
community against that type

of terrorism.? "
In Los Angeles where the
overflow crowd spilled onto
the street, the sense of
fulfilled expectation filled
the air.

"He addressed some very
important issues that aré not
being addressed, such as the
certainty of evidence in
seeking justice,"commented
former Congressman
Mervyn Dymally, a
Democrat who represented
parts of Los Angeles. "It
was a direct message calling
upon the country to be even
handed, not to strike be-
cause of suspicion and
without evidence. But these
truths are not very popular
in the media. The media
wants war and that's the
only cry that they want to
cover," he said.

Kay Benjamin, a _ Los
Angeles actress, said the
tragedy was a very painful
thing "because it was man's
inhumanity to man. I'm so
grateful for the Honorable
Minister Farrakhan's speech
because we got the voice of

In Washington, where more
than 1,000 people filled
Lincoln Auditorium for a
satellite feed of the mes-
sage, Pastor Lorman Lykes
of Washington Church told
The Final Call that, the
Minister "has a very unique

and accurate perspective of
the events as they unfolded
and his perspective on the
political and foreign policy
of America is accurate. |
believe that all Americans
should hear his com-

Marilyn Preston Milinghm,
68, past-chair of the
Republic of New Africa,
said she welcomed the
statements but felt one as-.
pect was missed.

"As one who prayed for and
participated in a preparatory
conference in Geneva,
Switzerland, in preparation

for the World Conference

on Racism, | strongly felt
that [the racism conference]
might be the world's last
chance for peace," she said
adding she hoped that the
recently concluded confer-
ence held in Durban, South
Africa, would have been
mentioned during the press.

In Harlem, N.Y., a short
distance from "ground zero"
of the attack on the World
Trade Center, more than
1,000 people came. to
Muhammad Mosque No. 7
to listen'to the press confer-
ence. Walls inside the
mosque burst to capacity
and offices were used. as
make-shift auditoriums,
while hundreds more filled
the streets to listen via
speakers set up to accom-
modate the overflow crowd.
Foremost on the minds of
people was trying to under-
stand what exactly hap-
pened and what should be

the appropriate response,

not just for themselves but
for the country. They were
not disappointed.
"Personally, it was what I
needed," said Leonard G.
Dunston, .president emeri-
tus and national political
advisor for the National As-
sociation of Black Social

"Minister Farrakhan did

several things for me today.
One was to help me get
through this feeling of great
grief for those who have
lost their lives and, two, he
also challenged me to un-
derstand some of the his-
torical and _ political
dynamics that would lead
individuals to commit this
kind of act," said the 61-
year-old who once had of-
fices in the World Trade

(Brenda Muhammad,
Charlene Muhammad,
and Corey Muhammad

contributed to this story.)


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ices aa

i ua

dn the time it takes to read
y, about 60° "
_. women will: be battered: "


by Donna Stefanik =~

~The Skanner and The Black

this story,
by men .that profess to
care about them. They
will be Black, White, rich,

_ poor, old and young. They

will be among the more

than one million women a _

year who are victims of
domestic violence.

Violence against women is
a problem so serious it is
the leading cause of injury
to women between the
aves of 15 and 44.
According to the FBI, that's
more injuries than women
receive through accidents,
tcpe and mugging com-


. 0,0

Erskine Bowles was
in, then out, and now
back in again. Erskine
Bowles, Charlotte
Investment Banker
and former Chief of
Staff for the Clinton
Administration, has
decided that the best
way to serve his coun-
try in this time of
crisis is to run for the
United States Senate.
Bowles admits that he
is not a politician and
not "Pretty", but
thinks he has the mes-
sage and the stuff to
win. His messages
(Early Childhood

Healthcare and the
Environment) are very

'safe and __ typical
Democratic messages.
But having the right
stuff is yet to be deter-
mined. The one thing
Bowles does have.
and have plenty of, is

Bowles' moneybags
will change the fund-
raising strategies on
both sides of the pri-
mary. On the
Republican side,

Richard Vinroot and
Liddy Dole have been
counting on financial
support from some of
Bowles' investment
buddies - who will
now, in all likelihood,
give financial support
to their buddy Erskine.
But BowlesT money-
bags will have the
greatest impact on his
Democratic opponents
- Secretary of State
Elaine Marshall and
former House Speaker
Dan Blue. Elaine and
Dan are gonna have to
raise substantially
more money now that
Erskine is in the race.
This is gonna be an

"odd person out" race


bined, a

executive director of |
: Project MIC.
(Multi-Level Interfaith

Communities); is working

to. change those statistics.

October is.


Awareness Month, and -

Project MIC is sponsoring
a number of. events in-
tended to foster recogni-
tion of the scope of the
ieeepall .

illiams-Watson, herself
a survivor of domestic
violence, calls her work
what | live for." After
extricating herself 14 years
ago from an abusive mar-
riage to a minister, she has
worked steadily on behalf
of victims. She focuses on
faith- based communities
because of her own deep
roots in the church.

between Bowles,
Marshall and Blue. It
is unlikely that either
candidate will garner
40 percent of the vote.
Forty percent is the
magic number to
avoid a primary run-
off. This means that
all three candidates
are running for the Ist
or 2nd place and hop-
ing to get the endorse-
ment of the third place

A runoff between
Bowles and Blue
would be exciting and
Elaine Marshall's en-
dorsement might be
the deciding factor. In
this scenario race be-
comes a factor. If
Marshall should finish
third in the primary
she could still run for
reelection as Secretary
of State in 2004. She
may not want to send
the wrong message to
Dan's supporters by
endorsing Bowles. If
Blue is the odd person
out. his endorsement
will be critical .in the
runoff due to the

strong African
American presence in
Democratic " primary

races. If Bowles is the
odd person out, he can
be king or queen
maker. His money-
bags will speak vol-

This will be an inter-
esting race. Keep your
ear to the ground and
your eyes on the hori-
zon. A couple of early
warning keys to focus
on are the Hunt and
Easley high dollar do-
nors and the diversity
that Marshall and
Bowles have on their
staff. Either way you
cut it, the African
American vote - which
comprises about 30
percent of all
Democratic votes in a
statewide Democratic
primary election - and
M-O-N-E-Y will play
a huge role in the 2002
Democratic primary

race for the United

Senate. Stay



contact (252)328-4788

ochurch is the lifeblood of

the community, Project

. MIC works to educate
~-Ministers and congrega-
tion. members on how to
reachT out to battered -
women and to prevent

violence against them.
Working through " the
church is also important,
according to Williarns-
Watson, because as a rule,
Blacks don't always feel
comfortable going to tradi-
tional programs.
Project MIC's programs in-
clude related youth vio-
lence, sexual assault and
chemical " dependency
workshops. Several of the
seven-member churches
have created a protocol
that addresses the issues.
Holgate Street Church of

© Christ, the original
___ Of Project MIC, will go a


school teachers will be.
prescreened for chemical.
dependency and domes-

tic violence. ve
Williams-Watson uses a -
~owraparound" approach

- with Project MIC, involv-
~ ing clergy resources and

local domestic violence


he said that establishing

a network including agen--

cies, churches, the police
department and the court
system is the eventual


roject MIC will go to area
businesses as well to help
them create an effective
response to domestic vio-
lence, which can spill into
victimsT workplaces.
Involving a wide network
is the best way to address

riginal home

of wor

domestic violence,

Williams- Watson. said.
Making scattered efforts

doesn't work, she said.

_ "We need a concentrated


love for VVilliarns-Watson,

ad emp of her years
ing with a variety:

of area agencies, including
shelters and transitional
housing. There is no regu-
lar funding for the project,
though she is working to
change that. |
'| made a vow to help
others when | got away,"
she said. Though she has a

A1 regulacjob as a hous-

ng counselor, VVilliams-
atson puts in more than
40 hours a week on
Project MIC. "Everythin
else is second," she said o
her calling.

Williams-Watson calls on

oeveryone ie io pet bnhved, |
o(take it erisnal We all.

need to take it personally:

to stop domestic violence.
bo we have let it'go on for:
~ too long."



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The Minority Voice, October 1-15, 2001
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina.
October 01, 2001 - October 15, 2001
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