The Minority Voice, August 18-25, 2000

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving Eastern North Carolina Since 1981.

Two Marches,

_ by Eric Ture Muhammad ©

ATLANTA "Billed as oTwo
Marches, One Agenda, ? the prin-
ciple conveners of the Aug. 26,
oRedeem the Dream March ? and
ct. 16, oMillion Family March ?
JMFM), Martin Luther King III.
president of the Southern Christian
seadership Conference (SCLC),
Reverend Al Sharpton, president of
the National Action Network
(NAN). and the Honorable Minis-
act Louis Farrakhan on July 24, at
the Georgian Terrace Hotel, stood
apgether to announce their endorse-
ahent and support of each march.

MEM National Director Min.
Benjamin F. Muhammad opened

the conference announcing the
marches T vitals, telling the press
gathered that the two national mo-
bilization T share one agenda. ofree-
-dom, justice and equality for all. ?
He called the marches, oa new
fovement for change in America
and throughout the world, ?

Saying he was honor¥d to be
present at the news conference, Mr.

King said the Million Family March
teaches people to love themselves,
family, community and most impor-
tantly to love God. He commended
Min. Farrakhan and Rev. Sharpton


émedy.dudge David.A,

is "Shaheed

: While media attention was
focused upon the fate of little
6-year-old Elian and whether
his Cuban family or Miami

family would be victorious, 2-

year-old Phanupong Khasri, a
victim of the international sex
». trade industry, was almost lost
*, to the world. ,

This small child from Thgi-

- land arrived in Los Angeles
over a month ago in the arms
of his mother who was sold

into sexual slavery at the age

of 12, according to Thai media

reports. Her son was meant to

be a decoy, and it is suspected
that the mother was brought
to the United States to become
a sex slave.

Although most of us believe
that slavery ended with the
Emancipation Proclamation in
1865, international sex traf-
ficking is a growing cancer
feeding upon defenseless
women and children.

The following are some of

the findings of the United
States Congress in H.R. 3154,
Comprehensive Antitraffick-
ing in Persons Act of 1999:

for being men who work from a
sense of conscience.

oThese two giants of men have
taken on issues not because they
were safe, not because they were
popular, but because their con-
sciences have told them they're
right and 1 am honored to welcome
them both to Atlanta and to join in
supporting the Million Family
March, ? he said.

He called the MFM-effort ex-
tremely vital, pointing out that he,
too, is a product of a single-parented
househald. oFor the most part. I was
raised ina single family household.
My father was killed when I was
10-years-uld. ? he recalled. Over 50
percent of Black households are
headed by single parents, the civil
rights leader said.

Regarding the oRedeem the
Dream March, ? Mr. King said the
SCLC has conducted 12 hearings
on police brutality and misconduct
over the past year. The march on
Aug. 26 will focus on racial profil-
ing and police brutality.

oThe reality is enough is enough
and we are not going to take it any-
more. Around the concept of racial
profiling we have come together,
Rev. Sharpton and I, to call for a
Redeem the Dream March on the
37th anniversary of the March on

| -

that 1000iN@iViduals, prima-
rily women and children, are
trafficked within or across bor-
ders annually. Approximately
50,000 women and children are
trafficked into the United
States each year.

2. Traffickers primarily tar-
get women and girls, who are
disproportionately affected by
poverty, lack of access to edu-
cation, chronic unemployment,
discrimination, and lack of vi-
able economic opportunities in
countries of origin.

3. Women and children traf-
ficked into the sex industry
are exposed to deadly diseases,
including HIV and AIDS. Traf-
ficking victims are sometimes
worked or physically brutal-
ized to death.

4. Worldwide, the industry
is the fastest growing and third
largest source of profits for or-
ganized criminal enterprises,
behind only drugs and fire-
arms. Profits from the traf-
ficking industry contribute to
the expansion of organized
criminal activity in the United
States and around the world,

According to the Concerned

peti t and crew of An rats Le ot
/@ young lady having rough times in her li
loves her. J (ne R) Micheal Adams,

meon Robinson, and Ricardo Tucker (Russell Shaw not

any si
Pictured) Photo


Washington. ?

He reminded the press of his
father Ts words in 1963, at the March
on Washington. At thatsmarch Dr.
King said he hoped that his four

_ August 18, 2000 - August 25, 2000 a8 z .

Aitia@ Ola ys. Is What You Get What You Read Is What |

little children could one day live in:

a nation and not be judge by the

color of their skin, but by the con-
tent of their character. oThe tragedy
is today in America in 2000, 37
years since that speech was deliv-
ered, African Americans are still
Judged by the color of their skin, ?
he said.




g°a pl

Want a

in the Year

children Are forced inta pkogti-
tution every year, half of them |
in Asia. An estimated 10,000 |

Hagins a graduate of West Virginia State




Honoring 50th Year "Delta Dears"
shown above are Julia Davis, Cynthia Doctor, and Eleanor Ha ins, Mother Davis and Mother Hagin:
pictured in front of WOOW studios shortly after being presented with plagues by Cynthia Doctor (Geonale :
Chapter President ), honoring their 50th year commitment to Delta Sigma Theta. Both Mother Davis and -
Mother Hagins are graduates of CM Eppes High School (class of 1947), the first class to graduate 12th
grade. Mother Davis who majored in elementary education has been an educator for 34 years, while Mother
majored. in physical education and science and has. been an
educator for 31 years. When asked if they notice a change in black students since desegregation both |
recalled memories of a stronger fellowship, trust and respect that today Ts teachers, parents and students seem
to lack. The Greenville chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., js a 65 member organization dedicated
to the empowerment of young women. These daughters, mothers, and even grand mothers are instrumental
in raising funds for scholarships, as well as being a viable force in the community.

Photo By Jim Rouse ©

women from the former Soviet, |
Union have been forced into |

prostitution in Israel.

The Concerned Women of |

America is just one of many
organizations in the United
States working to bring atten-
tion to this problem and to or-
ganize support for legislation
to punish the criminals in-
volved in these human right

There are also the Coalition
to Abolish Slavery and Traf-
ficking, the Center for Human
Rights and Constitutional Law
and the Religious Alliance
against Pornography for the
Protection of Women and Chil-
dren (RAAP). Imam W. Deen
Mohammed, Imam Omar
Shaheed and Judge David
Shaheed have been involved
with RAAP and some of their
efforts in the United States.

In the next followup article,
current legislation will be pre-
sented along with specific steps
that can be taken to help the
vietims of SLAVERY 2000.

r T

, »


a ington-Peterson, The
4 by tee the men she

e, Kizzy Whiting,
y Steve Johnson



eS oe re eS ee ee
fie tt Be Bl oi ve Be


Get Out And Vote !

Pictured is Cheif Justice Burly Mitchel, Govenor Jim Hunt Judge James Wynn (Wh iat hee hy. aoe
; , ° blocked on

a federal level for the Court Of Appeals) and GK Butterfield. They all . hes. ey

2000, your vote does make a difference y a SO gout _ Wipditig mer yA

ee i

o -
Rouse T «©

rae [*
by Steve Johnson "

The "M" Voice Newspaper had
the pleasure of meeting Aletia
Peterson, a dynanmic young lady
who wrote the soon to be hit play
"An Angel's Love"

What is this production about?

_ A young lady having rough
times in her life, who goes
through situations with men she
thinks loves her, gets pregnant,
not knowing who the father is, .
you know we all sometimes look
for love in all the wrong places,
but if we look to Jesus, our love
will go deeper than we will ever
know, because there is no greater
love than a man would lay down
his life foria friend.
What was your aspirations for
writing this production, meaning
Was there anything that cause this
play to come about? .
My gtandmother and mother,
knowing what they did to raise me
to be the best that | could be,
living in a house that showed love
was what they were about. My
mother went away to work, and
allowed my grandmother and
ie an raise me, and other === " a
sibiling, | thank my mother T Happy Birthday Millie Williams!!! | :
and parents with all thatil've show above ~wA Mother Rosa Pitt and Mother Mille Williams,
got,for the upbringing, everything "M" Voice Camera caught Mother Williams celebrating her
wasn't alWays peaches birthday August 15, 2000. Both Mothers are time residents
creams, but on the other hand Greenville and Thave spent.a great porti Sten ber
3 Laine is, L oe yes church, family and home, T Hats meting, mplis
\ was real love, "An Al an , way f
Angel's Love. si i SRM ch iho: a ek
_ Photo by Steve Johnson


Ser a Bio de to ae


ublican running

hot path to Jesse
Jackson's Operation

mostly black gathering that Bush's
ch-repeated vow to get more minorities
in the GOP was nothing but a smoke-and-

ts ploy to deceive blacks and Latinos.
* This was easy for Gore to say. Cheney's

_@Ongressional scorecard includes opposi-
tion tothe Equal Rights Amendment, tough

_ gin control laws, busing to achieve racial

- Gesegregation, federal funding for abor-

tions, child nutrition programs, and.a sepa-

: - pate education department. His: knee-jerk
. Conservative voting record was a made-in-

Heaven chance for Gore to brand Bush a

~ political fraud when he claims that he wants

_ voters was slipping. Following the March 7
a. KS Super Tuesday election primaries exit polls
ors in Chicago. He warned _

have on black and Latir

he picked him the

the Democratic grip on black and Latino

in California showed that Bush had pared

othe traditional colossal bulge in Demo-
cratic support among Latinos down toa 2 to
1 margin. Overall, 15 percent of blacks,
- nearly 30 percent of Latinos and more than

40 percent of Asians voted for Bush-
McCain. ; a
The Republicans were also heartened:
by the whopping margins in which Latino,
black and Asian voters supported the anti-
gay ballot initiative that limits marriage to
aman and woman, and gave near majority

Support to another congervative powered

initiative that mandates tougher sentences
for violent juvenile offenders. In Texas and

Health Care for Homecare


:- . | Nowthat the County
" *. o1 has its Medicaid
waiver, wHat Ts next?
The Federal govern-

ment made no secret
of its disappointment

in the County Ts
progress toward

. Meeting its man-
dated goal of moving people out of hospital
and emergency rooms and into preventive
care. and community based clinics. Implicit

_ imthe Federal government's granting of the

new five-year waiver is the provision that

. the County step-up its efforts to more ag-
' gressively work toward meeting this goal.

«*. Yet, the County is currently taking a
: stand with regard to home care workers that

» not only will impede the progress of pro-

oviding health care to all, but will ultimately
oincrease the burden on our already over-
_ taxed hospital system.

. The county Ts reticence to provide home
care workers with a livable wage and health
benefits runs completely counter to the
intent and spirit of the federal government's
mandate. The County currently spends

q oRearly $10 million a year on providing

*, health care to uninsured home care work-

oets. This staggering amount is reached be-
cause rather than access preventive care

Pidesenzrsnce, thése workers and their

ies are forced to utilize costly emer-

~~ gency rooms to meet their most basic health

care neéds. Insuring these workers would
cost less and would further the County Ts
overall health care goals,

_ Furthermore, by not providing these care
givers with a livable wage, many will be
forced into other jobs in order to support

their families, thereby reducing the number
of qualified homecare workers providing
essential care to over 90,000 seniors and
people with disabilities in Los Angeles

Countv. The impact of this will be that
seniors and people with disabilities, who

rely on home care to meet their most basic
daily needs, will be shifted into nursing or
long-term facilities, which costs four times
what home care costs.

Under Gov. Gray Davis T proposal,
homecare in counties like Los Angeles
would be improved by providing a wage
increase to $7.50 an hour and health ben-
efits to workers. San Francisco pays its
publicly funded homecare workers a liv-
able wage of $9 an hour with health ben-
efits and has already seen the workforce
stabilize, giving seniors and people with
disabilities the reliable care they need.

Los Angeles County leads the state with
over 90,000 low-income seniors and people
with disabilities needing homecare. That
number is expected to double over the next
two decades, yet we are already at a crisis
level for homecare in terms of poverty,
turnover and stability. Los Angeles County
can avoid future failure and begin to secure
the homecare workforce this year under
Gov. Davis T proposal.

We owe it to our elders and those with
disabilities:to:make sure they can rely on
quality care to stay active and contribute in
their communities. At the same time we
need to assure those that render the care,
that they can provide for themselves and
their own families.

(Tyrone Freeman is general manager,
Service Employees International Union,
Local 434B.)

~ about half of the L.
of the black vote in
9 voters, he has no

one but himself to Blame. In the days before
were some signs that -

_ The substantial support b
Bush, at least in Texas, also shattered

myth that blacks are cradle-to-grave re-
flexive party-line Democrats. A sizable "
- percentage of blacks are pro-life, pro-school ?

prayer, anti-gun control and anti-welfare.
Many also enthusiastically support school
vouchers, three strike laws, stiffer sentences
for crime, and drug use and oppose abor-
tion and gay rights. yas |

The National Urban League Ts recent
annual State of Black America report con-
firms that blacks, like many whites, have
benefited from the boom times. They are
better educated, own more homes, have

made impressive gains in the corporations
and the professions. Democrats sée this as
a plus for them. They bank heavily that
they won Tt risk rocking the boat by voting
for Bush. But that same prosperity and
political comfort can be a double-edged
sword for the Democrats.

Many blacks and.Latinos now feel that
they have a stronger stake in the system.
Republicans try to play to that feeling by
pitching to blacks and Latinos that their
proposals for school vouchers, bigger tax
credits and cuts, and more aid to small
business, and school vouchers are the best
way for them to accelerate their upward
social and economic climb.

But prosperity, relative racial peace, and
the social and the increasingly political

conservatism of many blacks and Latinos
is not cnough to cause them to make a

headlong dash into the Bush camp. He
would have to do much more than dole out
the few paltry dollars the Republicans have
on ad campaigns to attract more Latinos.
And he would certainly have to do much
more than utter the kind of stock, warmed
over platitudes about diversity that he did
at the recent NAACP convention.

He would have to pledge to make po-
litical appointments in his administration
that reflect the diversity of America and to
confront such hot button issues as immi-
gration reform, racial profiling, the death
penalty, the grotesque racial disparities in
the prison and criminal justice system, a
disastrous drug policy, support massive
funding increases for health care and edu-
cation and greater protections for social
security. :

The Cheney pick. however, makes a
mockery of Bush's dangled hints that he
would do any of these things. It also gives
no reason to think that Bush will do any-

thing to make over the GOP froma clubby. :

_ Party of oole ? conservative whiteguysinto
a party of gender and racial inclusion. In
fact, a poll released the same day tha Bush
picked Cheney showed that black andLatino
support is still rock solid for Gore. No
wonder that Gore gloated, oSee, I told you
so, ? about Bush to Jackson's group.

The Disappearance of Black Leadership.

CHILD Wartcu: The Harlem Children Ts Zone


Every July, the
black Community
Crusade for Chil-
dren (BCCC) holds
its annual meeting at
the Children Ts De-
fense Fund (CDF) Ts
| Spiritual renewal
a and leadership de-
velopment center at the former Alex Haley
Farm in Clinton, Tenn. This year, Dr.
James Comer of the Yale Child Study Cen-
tet, Dr, Ron Ferguson of Harvard
University Ts John F. Kennedy School of

Government and other leading educators

focused on education and developing strat-


egies to close the achievement gap between
white and black children as well as improve
the quality of education for every child,
The group discussed exciting programs and
innovative models, including the Harlem
Children Ts Zone created by BCCC Work-
ing Committee Co-Chair and Children Ts
Defense Fund Board Member Geoffrey

Canadais also president of the Rheedlen
Centers for Children and Families, a non-
profit community-based organization work-
ing to improve the quality of life for chil-

dren and families in New York City. The °

Harlem Children Ts Zone grew out of
Rheedlen Ts experience during the crack

epidemic that swept Harlem neighborhoods
in the late 1980s. Canada and his colleagues
observed that when drug dealers and ad-
dicts broke into an abandoned building the
police would return to board up that build-
ing only once or twice, leaving the drug
business to flourish. But if Canada's group
focused on locking a building up every
time it was broken into, after five or six
tries drug dealers weuld stop returning.
Once Rheedlen realized they could take
back and protect one building at a time,
they tried to see if they could create posi-
tive change block by block. When they
succeeded they then tried it neighborhood
by neighborhood. This idea became the
Harlem Children Ts Zone.


~ get surpluses, government " espe-
a pag the federal level " has a
~- Wiigue opportunity and perhaps a
responsibility to do what government
sometimes does best " provide for the
least of its citizens.
While it is commendable that some units

of low-and-moderate-income housing has

_ been and will be built this:year in the city,

the number could be increased appreciably
if the federal government kicks in with
more subsidizing.

We also encourage U.S. congressmen "
from the area, as well as our two senatorial
representatives to mount renewed efforts

Black Press:

rn these times of great financial pros-
- perity and mega-million dollar bud- -

funds forthe City of Memphis.

The Low Income Housing Tax Credit, "
which provides a 10-year federal income
tax break to investors, is responsible for 95
percent of all the affordable housing in the
nation but more are needed.

There are still plenty. of homeless per-.
sons in the area and thousands who still
cannot afford their own homes or even a
decent apartment,

Some persons will call for less gvern-
ment in many areas of life, arguing for
self-sufficiency or state Ts rights and re-
sponsibilities, but this is one case where
more is needed " from the federal gov-

We must

champion our own cause

id Black Americans have a
voice in the Presidential pri-
maries? .
Or did we, as African Ameri-
. cans, again stand in the shad-
ows of the political stage like an orphan,
her greatest hopes wrapped up in some
tiny rag doll she clings to?

Over one million Black Americans are
in prison. The disparities in punishment,
for those who use crack cocaine vs. those
who use powder remain. Affirmative ac-
tion is under fierce attack. The new face T
of AIDS is ours. Poor children are being
left at home uncared for while their moth-

_ ers are forced to work. Some congression-

al Republicans have decided to make the
modest raise in the minimum wage into a
political football as they try to score
touchdowns for the wealthy. Even the best
health-care reforms proposed by the re-
maining presidential candidates would
leave millions of Americans without
healthcare for years to come.

We heard a bold and bright Black voice

he Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
remembrances are over until
next year, tucked away again in
his oDream, T we suppose, until
his next birth and death days in
January and April, respectively.
oI Am A Man ? annual signs have again
been scrapped, the same as some of Dr.
King Ts other aspirations for mankind,

' while opportunities to demonstrate the de-

_ Clarati e so proudly we hailed) go
(Earl Ofari Hutchinson is the author of claration (once so P 4 8

ignored because the I Am can Tt find a Man

_ to strike up any real interest in any of the
_ Causes just screaming for justice...even
some mercy.

And, in answer to oAin't You A
Woman?Yes, you are, but, now you gotta
get back to marching for the causes of
your children whom your man has left be-
hind to pursue his life and liberty without
physical and/or financial responsibility,
further eroding the family structure,
wherein the man and the woman have

God-ordained causes that demand mans »

and woman and that whole village "not
the dark-colored villagers vs the light-col-
ored villagers "to raise our children. Re-
member, there Ts a pot of gold at the end of
a rainbow.

But, folks, picture Dr. King awakening
from his oDream ? only to find it fast be-
coming a hellish nightmare, still haunted
by the same issues he had envisioned
would be settled by now "some 32 years

Picture him now belting out in song:
oMy country tis of thee, sweet land of lib-
erty. Of thee I ? WONDER:

oHow come, now, today, all during this
freedom reign, instead of celebrating con-
tinnane victories over ininstices of which |

rise up in the recent primaries. Alan Keyes
expressed his views on abortion, tax re-
form and international policy quite elo-
quently. But where is his plan to alleviate
policy? Where is his plan to build Black

On the other side of the aisle, there was
no Jesse Jackson, there was no Shirley
Chisolm and many of the aforementioned
issues went unaddressed.

For much of the remainder of this
decade we are likely to pay a price for our
lack of volume in this year Ts presidential

In the interim, we have no time to wait
for Malcom, Martin, Medgar, or Ms. Tub-
man to rise from the dead. Our people are
suffering. The storm is gaining momen-
tum. A shelter must be found. The time for
building Black businesses to employ our
people is now. Now is the time for parting
ways with those who take our loyalty for
granted. We don Tt have time to wait for
saviors. We mug work together now to "
save ourselves. .

Liars and dreamers ~
don't mix very well

championed for then, Black folks are still
lamenting over pretty-much the same con-
ditions for themsleves in housing, educa-'
tion, jobs, business, drugs, the police and
the welfare system?
oHow come Black babies are still being
snatched from their mothers T arms only te
be farmed out to Massa Green? :
oHow come we now have so many and. :

so much of the prevalent diseases invad-* .

ing society today when we used to have :
hardly any, especially with all the funding
that has been put into medicine and re- |
search for everybody today?

oHow come we are still being stopped :

by law enforcement officials while walk-
ing, standing, running and driving just for.
being in our own skins? o|
oHow come we are still predominate on
death row?
oHow come the Black church hasn Tt

- taken a stand instead of a stake in our so T

cietal ills? -

oHow come we are seemingly filled
with so much hatred and anger now for
each other, spilling over to everybody else
in which we have contact? =

oAnd, Black men, how come there is so:
much garbage and debris strewn around it
our neighborhoods, when it all started
here in Memphis with the sanitation work:
ers T strike? :

oMy people, I still have my dream, but,
] thought by now we would certainly have
overcome and would be jubilantly shout-: T
ing from mountaintops everywhere...Freé '
at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, *:
we're free at last. ?

We're admonishing all of us to stop be-
ing hypocritical about Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. and his oDream. ?





be i
Attorney General Mike Easley
* today announced a. suit against
Strickland Ts Used Cars. Inc. and
the company Ts owner, Woodrow
oStrickland. The suit alleges that
Strickland sold cars that were
oflood ? or owater-damaged ? with-

oout disclosing this information to
consumers as required by law.
This information was uncovered
in an investigation by Easley Ts
. Consumer Protection Office and
oithe NC Department of Motor
Vehicles. (NC DMV)

North Carolina law is clear [f
otyou are going to sell a flood or

water-damaged car. you must
odisclose that information. ? said


Zasley. Gees have a right
0 have this information up front
vhen they are ., making a car-
suying deci ision. T

-he investigation revealed that
Strickland Ts Used Cars is a major
wholesaler and retailer with used
car lots in Wilson, Rocky Mount,
and Bailey. Strickland Ts Used
Cars resold flood- -damaged cars
directly to consumers, other deal-
ers, and through local auto auc-
tions without disclosing that they
were flood-damaged. Ultimately,
many of these cars were pur-
chased by consumers who were
unaware that they were flood-

damaged. Most consumers paid
full retail value for these cars.
Some of these cars have devel-
oped major mechanical failures.

oWe are just beginning to see cars
that were flooded during Floyd
appear on the market. ? said


ows CE 1946"

Call Us If You Need Someone To Collect Your Rent And

FAX 757-0018

Easley. . oFlood waters have
receded but consumers still need
to watch out for water-damaged
cars. In addition to checking the
website. it is always it good idea
to take a car you are considering
buying to you mechanic to have it
checked out before you buy. ?

oSome of the people who bought
these cars had already lost their
homes in the flood, ? said E asily.
oThis dealer was making them
victims a second time. ?

Consumers can check to see if a
car they have purchased in a flood
vehicle at the DOJ website
( The infor-
mation contained there was pro-
vided by the NC DMV and only
includes vehicles that were prop-
erly titled in this state. The site
also provides a link for consuns~g

to request a complete title histor
on a vehicle.

Staff Weiter:


Americans are more disengaged

from the political process than in °

the recent past according to-a new
report, Black voters are getting
ready to make a difference m the
elections, observers believe.

oThe Pew Research Center for
the People and the Press released
their findings July 13 from a na-
tionwide survey of voter attitudes
conducted in June which also seem
to indicate lower voter turnout this
fall than four years ago.

According to the report. oTwo
main factors underlie flagging voter
interest. First, many citizens say
that who is elected president is not
as important as it once was. Sec-
ondly, younger Americans are more

cynical and disconnected from _

politics than even in the recent
past. ?

The report predicts that, oat this
point, there is a good chance that
voter turnout will be lower than in
1996, when just 49 percent of age-
eligible citizens cast ballots. And
it seems virtually certain that par-
ticipation will fall below the 55
percent who voted in 1992. ?

This report of the lack of interest
in the presidential campaign comes
right before the two main candidates
conventions which are just weeks
away. The Republicans will be
meeting in Philadelphia July 31-
Aug. 3 and the Democrats will be
meetin: in Los Angeles Aug. 14-17,

noc andy ole ok pelle :
of the new milletinium but the next
opresident shapes the Supreme }
Court. Major congressional and i
other elections will also-be held this |


oWe have 4 situation in sikh 'D
the House of Representatives can

swing from one party to the other

with a half dozen seats, unprec-.
... we even, for that Tmat- .-¢
ter, have an election ina decennial -


year, where the-state gubernatorial,
state legislature and gubernatorial
elections, could influence the way
the House of Representatives is re-
districted two years hence, ? said
Stephen Hess, senior fellow at the
Brookings Institute.

oAnd yet, it seems from our
polling data that the American
people are either dissatisfied, dis-
tracted or just don Tt care. ?

It may be like that in the larger

community but Black people ev-
erywhere are gearing up for the
2000 elections. oIn this election
year, we have a special charge. We
recommitted ourselves to the most

important task we can accomplish.

this year "registering voters, edu-
cating voters and making sure vot-
ers go to the polls, ? said NAACP
board chairman Julian Bond.

He stressed voting could influ-
ence who sits on the Supreme
Court, influence the future of so-
cial security, health care, education,
economic opportunity, gun control,
faimess for Africa as well as who

othing ? sid Min. a oe

This increased momentum

Black voter participation can be,

traced back to the historic Million , -

Man March in October 1995 which |

saw unprecedented numbers T of! =

Black men register and vote, activ; » o

ists said.

The fruit of that tition wo eake a nr
ized with the 1998 vote, which'saw-

arecord number of Blacklawmak,

ers elected, coupled with am ing _

crease in Black voter turnout. oWé-

are encouraged by the steady in--

crease of Black elected officials, ? ©
said Eddie Williams, president of .

the Joint Center for Political and:
Economic Studies. oWe hope this ?

is merely an indication of what is. 3
possible in the 2000 elections, ? he.


port titled oThe Black Vote ie

The Joint Center produced a rey a

1998. ? It explained Black voter me
turnout was strategically effective;

and Black voter participation: im, ,
creased most where targeted efforts
Continued on page 9,

soto ain o's



Young & Married,

The "M" Voice camera's caught this lovely couple expressing the joy's of being newly weds. We wish


- Best of luck young brothers and sisters you are our future !

them much success in their marriage and hope to see them again in 50 years celebrating their anniversary.

Photo by Jim Rouse

ate ¢ Without SCARS
i Oa oMark C. Olds

in tae gust o1989, Mark . Olds
emehit a ee NC, thrift
store to pure some clothes.

Olds, who had just been released

from prison after serving 10 years

for armed bank robbery, remem-
bers fe the devil telling, be



he was above wearing second-
hand clothes and had the ability
to get money to purchase the
finest duds. However. he decided
to stay in the store and look for
suitable outfits.

oIt was so intense that I was

literally crying as 1 searched
through those used lothes, " Olds

He ended up purchasing three,
outfits that day. One of those

outfits, a beige V- necked sweater

with yellow trimming and a pair

of brown pants, still hangs in the

closet of his University Heights


oEvery now and then I take it out
of the closet, T Olds said. oNot to
wear it, but to look at it*and
remind myself of how far I've
come. .

oNot without Scars: The
Inspiring Life Journey of Mark
C. Olds ? tells an. intense and
miraculous story in a way that
makes it impossible for the reader
to put it down... Mark Olds opens

his life to us and lets us see him
in all of his rebellion... . Thank
you Mark for making your: life Ts
story available to us. It ¢an only
encourage all of us to. never give
up on anyone. If "Change can
occut in the life of one so
completely: rebellious and out of
control, surely it can happen for
all of God's people. ?

-Pastor Harold A. Carter, Sr,
New Shiloh Baptist Church,
Gahiapre, id

"A very strong book oae an era
where so many. blagk men eoi
buried under troubles; but in this
instance where an heroic young
man burrowed oul. This book can
serve as an inspir ation. to young

to. turn your life 4
consiructive. ?



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~ Public Notice

North Carolina Department of Transportation |

Participation By Disadvantaged Business E In
The Department's Federal-Ald Program _

5 ae


The North Carolina Department of Transportation
has established an overall Departmental Goal fori;
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in contor-
mance with 49 CFR 26 for Federal Fiscal Yea
2001. The overall. goal will be 14.09%.

The Department has set an Interim goal for the.
Public Transportation and Aviation Divisions at:

Your Comments on these goals and the methodol #
ogy used In estabilshing this goal Is welcomed, Alt
Comments should be submitted within 45 days}

(beginning August 11th ee 4 pry 25th F

Business Development Section, North
Department of Transportation, 1511 Mall §
Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1511 and for tu
Information at 1-800-522-0453 or (19)739 2
between 8:00am and 5: 00pm,

| How much money do you make?

| Beatrice Maye's Message To
ao Her Readers

*. After several year's | still find
myself writing this column im-
_.»mensely rewarding.
- My column has provided me
with an opportunity to a spot-
ofight on. subjects that are reveal-
_ing, thoughtful, challenging, spiri-
tual as well as healthful and
perhaps many ideas you were not
' In agreement of - that's good, too.
1 am well aware that mine is an
enormous responsibility, and I try
hard, every issue, never to let you

_ You, dear readers, are my friends.
you invite me into your homes
and often we enjoy timely minutes
together, whether at dinner time or
when you sit idly by, reading and
¢lipping my articles, putting them

oaway in some private spot to be
used perhaps when you talk to a

. group or even preach a sermon.

Certainly you say, "Read Mrs.

Maye's article", whether to your

spouse or your children, or
. friends. :

:: So, if you feel the need to
~ unburden yourself, blow your top,
. Tegister a gripe or tell me off, I'm
s close as your mailbox.

God bless each of you. Pray for
good health and an open heart so
~ you can love your nejghbor, even

though he or she may not be.

_ dovable. 1 hope 2000 is being
your best year ever.

Which questions are appropriate
and which are not. may I offer


-+Too many people have no idea

! Why aren't you married? |

is Why don't you have any children?

How old are you?
How tall are you?

Co-workers and casual friends
often ask these questions "It's
none of your business or why do
you ask or why: do you want to
know"should be the answer. Not
asking these questions will im-
prove your manners.


An attorney who has earned a J.D

(Juris Doctor), is a doctor the
same as a Ph.D. It is an academic
degree. An attorney can be ad-
dressed as "doctor" if he or she
prefers. Socially, however, law-
yers and academic professionals
should not use their titles. These
who do, I fear, are suffering from
a serious case of low-esteem and
feel the need to to be pumped
up. (Ann Landers)

10 Bad Choices That Ruin
Black Women's Lives

One of the most painful sights to

see JS an attractive, intelligent,
smart and: hardworking Black
woman who is lonely and without
a suitable man to keep her
company; another
rounded sister with a mismatched
mate causing her grief. The
question is, why are so many
Black women alone or in bad

The simple truth is that no man
can stop you from being happy
unless you allow him to; it's your
choice in men that has prevented

you from being happy.
# |. Sisters Dissin's Sisters

Comparison is an ugly practice.
Don't try to get on top by putting
your sisters on the bottom.

; a sister's spirit :

- How much did you pay for that? ?

IS a well-.

es 3

SRE and stones will bresk the
words will break:

How low will a sister go?

sister;'s man; the real challenge is
getting a good man on your own.
Being loose is nothing to brag
about. -

Want to succeed in life?
Use your mind, not your behind.
Blaming your sister will not make
your problems go away; you've
got to get to the real issues.

Get to know yourself so you can
learn to love yourself. ;
If you have a trustworthy girl
friend, don't dump her as soon as
- you get a man.

A genuine friend is a precious


, No money, no honey if you want
a slice of the American pie, then
help to bake it.

Stop looking for a man to fix you;
start by fixing .yourself first.
Penny silly and pound foolish is a
direct route to bankruptcy.

Looks are truly deceiving.

All that glitters is not gold,

If you treat a man as a money
object, don't be offended if he
treats you as a sex object


Looking for Mr.., Right in the
Wrong Places.

Instead of looking for the M.B.A..,
start looking for the J.O.Y.

A higher degree does not guaran-
tee a high degree of character.
Pretending to be someone you

aren't is not a healthy way to get
a relationship.

Marry someone who has made
something of himself Don't end
up with a nobody.

Trading sex for a taste of status is
bound to wreck your life.
Choose before you lose.

See beyond his achievements and
look into his heart.

Let's talk about where we're
heading before we get to the
bedding, Baby

Choose a man because you want
him to love you,,not. because you
need him to empower. you.
Clothing don't make the man; be


Sisters Standing Tall

of WELS in Kinston, NC, after a
was sponsored Chick

Our "M" Voice camera's caught up with sister Tanya former radio

Fila and all of

personality :

Wynans Phase II concert. The concert in part |

the proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald q

Photo By Reggie Price

ei. he 7 © em ee rete eX we ee eR BER HS SD TB

It's no challenge to share a

the teal thing, Sis

If you want a Mr. Right, you have
oTo become a Ms. Right.

@HOIcE H4-

Exchanging: Exchanging "Sexual

Dealings" for Loving Feelings

Is a night of passion worth the
follow-up of pain?

If you know the burner is hot, why
keep touching the stove?

Get the affection before the

Actions speak louder than words;
if his actions say he doesn't want
a relationship, believe it.

Go for the heart and not just the
body part.

Look before you leap

Say "No" to synpathetic sex
Living like a doorknob: Whoever

knocks get a turn key

Using Your Finance to Maintain
His Romance.
When Prince Charming turns out
to be Prince Harming
If he's being "kept", he will
eventually leave you in debt
Beware of the sweetheart sabo-
We hold on to a lousy relationship
because we don't think we deserve
better. .
Don't get snagged by an "all show
and no dough", Bro
Refuse to be used
You've got to check yourself
before you wreck yourself.
Why did you go for a gigolo Bro?
Being easily impressed may one
day leave you penniless.


Staying On, Although Respect
Has Gone.

What's Love got to do with it 2
An abuser doesn't understand
"No", he only hears what he wants
to hear.

Never leave your life in the hands
of fate, take matters into your own
hands and get the proper help.
Don't worry what others are
thinking about; just get yourself
out before he takes you out.

I want to leave him, but I can't
make # On-my own.

As long as you're still breathing

you can make a new choice.


_ Egat stealing love on he side,
- Some day you may get left on the "
HE you get the "marriage" warning»
_ Up front, why step further into the

danger zone? .
Here's how the lie begins when
traveling on the road where no

How long will it take to discover
there are no guarantees with a

part-time lover.

If you're waiting in vain you'll
eventually be left with heartbreak
and pain.

Why try to gain another sister's

If it looks like a snake, it probably

When he's this despicable, it's
time to stop shacking, and send
him packing.

Drop him like a hot potato.

If you have chosen to be part of
his outside life, why get jealous
because you're not his wife.

If you cheapen yourself you will
be treated cheaply.

There is no prize in man-sharing


If your love has gone bad, just be

true, and don't try to use a Baby

like Krazy glue.

Face reality - a child cannot be

your "emotional elixir" or your,
"relationship fixer"

If pregnancy has you in distress, a

shot-gun wedding won't solve

your mess.

You've got to learn to like each
other before you can grow to love
each other

Why blame an innocent child for
your insecurities? :
There's a difference between a
"Daddy" and a "Sperm Donor"
"Mommy's Baby T Daddy's maybe"
A loving home is the greatest gift
can give a child.

Planning is constructive plotting
is destructive T


logize, and move on. -

Take 0 eokical tock Bickveend and

so you can make a crucial move
forward. -_
You've got to look internally
ignored to correct problems exter-
nally. iy
Dissolve. your old. scar and: be-
come a new star. -

If you keep looking for a man to
complete you, instead of one to
compliment you, something is

Yes, Black men don't cry.

Let's lose the rage and find the
Sis, get real; choose a man who
cares how you feel,
Two wrongs don't make it right.


If in doubt, you've got to check
him out.

Girl, pull yourself together.
Learning to love yourself is the
greatest love of all.

Couples are taking the "revolving
door policy" into their unions -
they're walking in quickly and
rotating out quickly.

Double deceit is doubly devastat-
ing. .

Forget the quick-fix fiction love.
Patience is a virtue.

Love without trust - don't mean a
thing, even if you've get the ring.
Wipe your tears and face your true

You've got to face it, before you
can fix it.

He blames I she blames (Open
communication is the key)
If you want a good relationship,
you've got to work on it.
Marry a friend; not a fantasy

The key to long-lasting relation-
ships is: Marry your best friend,
communicate honestly, respect
your mate, and above all, be kin


to yourself.


$1.29, so supplies won't last long.

__ Participation

0 ? hoW yoll KNow:

iO atonhae!


But everyone can get the 411 at McDonald Ts® where you
} can expand your mind and fill your stomach. Get two
2 brand new Little Known Black History Facts Booklets.
They'te new facts, instead of the stulf you already know.

4 But hurry, it all jumps off on August 25th. Each book is only

| With the purchase of any regular priced menu item. Current prices and
| based on independent operator decision. Prices may vary.

George Hawkins


The Holy Spirit was first prom-
ised Joel 2:28-29 And it shall

come to pass afterward that I will
pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men
Shall see visions; and also on My
menservants and on My maidser-
vants | will pour out My Spirit in
those days. :

__ Isaiah 28:11, 12 says---- For
with stammering lips and another
tongue He will speak to this
people, to whom He said, o This

First Sergeant
Dennis Bottoms
Dennis Bottoms of Tarboro was
-recently promoted to First
Sergeant. the promotion ceremony
was conducted at the Spring Lake
Recruiting Station. His Brother,
Christopher Bottoms of Rocky
Mount, and nephew, Alvin Glass
of Conetoe, attended the cere-
mony in Spring Lake, North

- Carolina. Brenda Bottoms (wife)

and Brendan Bottoms (son)
pinned the new stripes on the
newly promoted First Sergeant.
Upon receiving his assignment to

- Columbia Recruiting Battalion,

South Carolina, he was awarded
his second Meritorious Service
: Medal. The Tarboro native will
. serve as the First Sergeant of the
, Greenville Recruiting Company,
' South Carolina. | SG Bottoms has
been a member of the United
States Army for 18 years. He's a
: former member of of the Tarboro
National Guards. Dennis is a
graduate of Tarboro High School.
(Class of 1979) and Edgecombe
Community College (August
1994) He, also, recently graduated
from North Carolina Wesleyan
College of Rocky Mount (May
2000). He's presently enrolled at
Liberty University for his second
(Bachelor of Science) degree First
Sergeant Bottoms is the son of the
late Jessie and Lizzie Bottoms
(Both of Tarboro). He now resides
_ in Greenville, South Carolina with
his lovely wife, Brenda (Farmville
native), and adorable son,
| Brendan.



| We

ae ll le aaa aaa: ea A Mi A lt I A sat

| is the rest with Twhich you me

cause the weary to rest, ? ani

oThis is to the refreshing ? yet they
would not hear. The promise of
the Holy Spirit is recorded in the
New Testament as well. Luke
24:49 says---Behold, | send the
Promise of My Father. upon you;
but tarry in the city of Jerusalem
until you are endued with power
from on high. Some - other
scripture: references are Matthew
3:11, Luke 11:9-13, John 7:37-39

and Acts 2:38 -39,

__ There has often been confusion
in understanding the difference
between the work of the Holy
Spirit in baptizing every believer
into the body of Jesus Christ at the
moment of salvation and the work
of Jesus in baptizing believers
oin ? or owith ? the Holy Spirit.

The word obaptize ? instead
of being translated into our lan-
guages has been transliterated into
a word which sounds like the
Original Greek word which was
used by the writers. Actually, it
means oto totally identify by
submersion." When a garment is
dyed, it becomes totally identified
with the color of the dye. It is
baptized into that color.

_.___ The Holy Spirit totally
identified us with Jesus Christ at
the moment of salvation. . Water

Our Voice Is

The "M"

The Associated Press

DURHAM " Poor or black heart
attack victims are less likely than
white men to be administered or
informed about simple, inexpen-
sive treatments such as aspirin, a
Duke University study has found.

Duke internist Dr. Kevin Schul-
man and a team of researchers
studied 169,079 Medicare beneficia-
ries who were hospitalized for
heart attacks between 1994 and
1996. The team sorted the patients
according to sex, race and socio-
economic status, which was based
upon the individuals T ZIP codes.
The findings are being published
in Circulation: Journal of the
American Heart Association.

The researchers studied
patients T charts to determine what
treatments were offered.

Blacks were 16 percent less
likely than whites to get clot-
busting drugs and 3 percent less
likely to get aspirin upon admis-
sion to the hospital. Typically, in
the first few hours after a heart
attack, doctors respond with aspi-
rin and clot-busting drugs, which
help to break up deposits in the
arteries and improve the patient Ts
chances of surviving.

Blacks also were 6 percent less
likely to leave the hospital with
prescriptions for beta-blocking
drugs. Doctors generally prescribe
aspirin T and beta-blockers to pre-
vent another attack.

Women were 2 percent less
likely than men to get aspirin on
arrival or departure but received
the other drugs at the same rate as

Poor people were 2 fo 3 percent

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August 18 - August 25, 2000 Page 5

_Voice Newspaper§
Study finds aspirin less ©
likely to be given to poor
or black heart patients

baptism, which is commanded by
God for every believer is a picture
or @ testimony before men that we
tdi oig 4 been identified with
Jesus in His death, burial, and
resurrection. However, when
Jesus baptizes us in the Holy
+ be hy also become totally
dentified with the Holy Spirit.
We receive the power of the Holy
Spirit in our lives,

breath ng easier.

At the moment of salvation,
the Holy Spirit baptizes every
believer into Jesus Christ. We
become intimately united with
Jesus. We. become members of
His body. Romans 6:3. says--Or
do you not know that as many of
us as were baptized into Christ
have put on Christ. 1 Corinthians
12:13 -- For by one Spirit we were
all baptized into one body-
whether Jews or Greeks, whether
slaves or free-and have all been
made to drink into one Spirit and
Ephesians 5:30 --- For we are
members of His body, of His flesh
and His bones.

So you see a distinct function
and experience, the scriptures [=
makes it clear that Jesus wants to -
baptizes us with the Holy Spirit.
It was prophesied by John in Luke
3:16, commanded by Jesus in
Acts 1:4,5,8 and Promised by
Peter in Acts 2:38.

Your Voice

less likely to get every treatment |
than those with higher incomes.

oThis should be a cause for
alarm for everybody, ? said Adam
Searing, project director for the
N.C. Health Access Coalition, an
advocate of affordable health care.
oThe system is really failing folks,
and the way to-attack:it is to:go:in
and make changes in the way we?"?
deliver care. ?

The cause of the disparity is
most likely a result of overworked .
hospitals and a high number of
poor patients, not outright preju-
dice, Schulman said.

oWhen you have a system fail-
ure, the people who are most
affected by it are those who are
least able to speak up for them-.
selves " minorities or poor peo-
ple, ? Schulman said. oIf you are a
heart-attack patient, before you go
home, you should get an instruc:
tion sheet that says take an aspi-
rin, so you're not just relying on
physicians to tell you that. ?

The disparity, while statistically
small, affects many thousands of
people, Schulman said. Cardiovas-
cular disease killed nearly 50,000
black men in 1997, according to the
American Heart Association, mak-
ing it the leading cause of death
among black males.

The report follows several others
in recent months indicating that
poor people and blacks are not
given the same level of care as
white men.

This past May, Schulman and
his co-authors released a study
indicating that medical students
were more inclined to diagnose. a
white man Ts heart symptoms than
a black woman Ts. :

Today, lots of parents work hard
to make ends meet. Now there's help.

Thousands of North Carolina kids are now eligible for low-cost or free
health care coverage. Your child could be one of them " even if you
work. In fact, many families earning $30,000 a year or more may now
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A message from The Robert Wood or Foundation t

Lanier Family Reunion S0th Anniversary,
The Lanier Family held their 50th anniversary Banquet Saturday, August Sth 2000, people came from as

far away as Africa to attend the gala. The banquet was complete with dinner, door prizes a memorial service*%,y

for those who are deceased; a fashion show and prizes for the oldest (85 years old) and youngest (2 months
old ) family members. Two prizes were given to the family member who traveled the farthest. The "M" Voice
salutes all families that manage to stay together during these trying times and a special salute to the Lanier
family for bringing Black folks back to the essence of what it means to be a family and.coming together.
Photo by Daniel Blount

nn Sr

Lanier Family Reunion
Oth Anniversary

e+ 2h Se eee

* eke

2 agp Se a5. SI

Keith Cooper
_ 931-0752



| am a Junior at Julius H. Rose
High School. | have been nomi-
nated to attend the National Youth
Leadership Forum on Law in
. Washington, D.C. The nomination
notes that "this Forum is dedi-
}, cated to helping prepare our
} Nation's most promising future
lawyers for the opportunities and
responsibilities that lie ahead".
¢ {he opportunity to attend this
National Forum will serve as a
building block for my future
career endeavors.
+ | ama Staff Sergeant of JROTC
and Junior Class Treasurer. | have
also been chosen to be included in
Who's Who Among American
High Schogl.. Students, 1999-
2000, an honor reserved for only
%5 of our nation's high school
4 students each year.

scription drugs for.

However, | was told that if you
are a retired state employee, 1
- Medicare could pay half

| cost for prescription drugs, as of
| olast January. T Yet, too many "

seniors have to dig deeper into

shallow pockets to buy drugs for

a wide range of chronic illnesses

like cancer, diabetes, hyperten-

sion, rheumatoid arthritis, and
Alzheimer's Disease.

Recently, 1 asked the Pitt
County Board of Commissioners
to establish a Prescription oe

of the |

t crock -

har de Tye heard in a long

AS a matter of fact, Social:

Services pays a very limited
amount 0 Money to a limited

number of seniors fora limited

They will pay a T ad

amount of time.
maximum of $200 a year for
seniors. who qualify. Mrs,
Burgaw of Social Services in-
formed me that seniors request-

ing help a be seed. to sell

korn Big Screen &



There are
prog which.
wi the cost of rugs. However,
most seniors are not ee
dated. For example, Charles
Reed, the state macist, is
ministering a pilot

- Supported by a recent $500,000

appropriation from the state leg
islature,. This

reaches 30 counties. No more

pita are oe

cin statewide c
seniors :

program presently.

se Sin shat fd
ers act as thou

te money ie
no where to be found Z

Since - peal he

Hammond-no Criticism intended

contends that Social Services

will help seniors pay for their

drugs, the community should
direct down-and-out seniors to

| interests
conetinanils eho tesla We

Mr. Hammond. I was surprised

that none of the white commis-
one Scot eee spoke,

must hold all elected officials:

: Oe.




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a led oe
. Spenses ke,
Cubes and Water

ie. 1

+ My current goal is to attend

} Howard University School of
ia -aW as well as participate in their
oROTC Program and upon gradua-
ition enlist in the Army where |

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i will be a Commissioned Officer.
Jo achieve my goals and maxi-
| mize the opportunities presented
by- attending the National Youth
Leadership Forum on Law, | am
conducting a fund raiser to raise
$2,654.00 by July 25 to pay the
tuition and associated costs to
attend the Forum.
Therefore, | am asking for your
financial support to help me, as
otherwise | might not be able to


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Pastor Richard Joyner
Installation Service
By Faith Maye


ea ee eee tee

An installation service was held for
Pastor Richard Joyner was

dSunday, August 20, 2000 at 6:00.
service was held at Conetoe
Chapel, Conetoe, North Carolina,

The installation message was deliy-
ered by Reverend Sidney A. Locks of
Cotnerstone Missionary . Baptist "
Clurch, Greenville, North Carolina,
oAe Transitional God" was the topie
of Reverend Locks message.

The installation prayer was deliv-
ered by Reverend Russell Roberson,
the Frocking of, the pastor, Deacon
Wilson Jones, Presentation of the
Keys, Trustee Ronnie Worsley. The
presentation of the pastor to the

Deacon Jesse Pettaw i | The Pastoral
Statement, Reverend Richard E,
6. The Meg GE Corneretone

iormed worship in music,

Reverend Richard
oThe family ap pray


Year of

5. eee


The custom of a paid ministry,
how so general and considered by
many unavoidable and indispen-
sable, was not the usage of the
Early Church. Our Lord and his
Chosen Twelve were poor so far

as we are able to judge from the
. inspired records,---except James
. and = John and Matthew.
; Accustomed to voluntary giving
: to the Levites, the Jews evidently
: extended this usage to everything
- religious that appealed to them as
: being of God. The disciples had
. a general treasurer, Judas (John
' 12:6 ; 13:29) and never lacked:
though it is equally evident that
_ they never solicited alms. Not a

hint of the kind is even suggested
in the record of our Lord's words.
He trusted to the Father's provi-
sion, and certaift honorable
women ministered unto him (and
his) of their abundance.
(Matthew 27:55,56; Luke 8:2, 3

Had our Lord's sermons and
parables been laced with appeals
for money, it would have sapped
their life. Nothing appeals to us
more than does the evident unself-
ishness of the Master and all his
specially chosen ones, Judas be-
ing the only exception, and his
greediness cost him his fall.
(John 12:5,6)

The love of money and show the
begging system of Babylon is
very prevalent today. The Lord
has provided this far for his
oharvest ? work without one soli-
tary appeal being made for
Hon and we trust it will never

Let those ambitious for this
world Ts luxuries and wealth seek
them in the fields of trade or in
the profitable professions; but let
none become ministers of the
Gospel of Christ from any other
Motive than love for God and for
his Truth and for his brethren: a
love that will rejoice in sacrificing
ease and wealth and honor of
men--not grudgingly, but heartily.

« Nominal Christianity has grown
: great and wordly, and her servants
are honored with the titles:
Reverend, Very Reverend, and
« Doctor of Divinity; and with these
honors and titles go salaries---not
; according to the minister Ts needs,
but on the commercial basis of his
+ ability to attract large congrega-
. tions and wealthy people. The

natural result has followed--- o

The priests teach for hire and the

prophets thereof divine for money.

They are all DD Ts. They can

never have enough ---they look to

their own welfare, every one for
his gain from his own
denomination---they have ears
that itch for the praise of men and
they shall turn their ears from the

, Truth and shall be turned unto
fables. ? (Isaiah 56:10,11; Micah
+ 3:11; Phil. 3:2; | Timothy 4:3,4)
Following in the footsteps of
Jesus will not lead us in the

direction of salaries; neither will
the footsteps of his chief apostle,
Paul who. showed that to ask
earthly compensation for spiritual

. services would in no sense violate
: justice; however the Lord, the
apostles, and their associates who
traveled and gave their entire time
to the ministry of Truth, did
- accept voluntary contributions
» from the brethren to meet their

, expenses; and, as already inti-

| go! Oe ving ca ot 6

~ about to start their first missionary
+ tour, seems to have implied that

| the elders serving the Church at.

\j- voluntary services of its own

of the Antioch Church upofi Paul
and Barnabas when they were

the Church became responsible |

for their expenses, and corre

spondingly Participated in their

There is t no record or hint that

home received salary or expense
money; and we believe that it will
generally be found advantageous
to each local church to use the

members--- few or many, great or
insignificant. This Scriptural
method is spiritually, healthful: it
tends to draw out all the various
members in the exercise of their
Spiritual gifts, and leads all to
look more to the Lord as the real
Shepherd, than does the hiring

The serving Elder and the
members of the Ecclesia (church)
should see to it that all be
exercised, and particularly such as fim
possess qualifications for leader-
ship; otherwise the spirit of |
Babylon and churchianity will be
sure to develop.


Zora Neale Hurston

This novel, which was first
published in 1937, is
Hurston Ts most highly ac- f
claimed work. A classic of |
black literature, it tells with |
haunting sympathy and pierc-
ing immediacy the story of | . "aiiuay-
Janie Crawford Ts evolving
selfhood through three mar-
riages. Fair-skinned, long
haired, dreamy as a child,
Janie grows up expecting bet-
ter treatment than she gets
until she meets Tea Cake, a
younger man who engages her
heart and spirit in equal meas-
ure and gives her the chance
to enjoy life without being one
man Ts mule another man Ts
adornment. It is a tribute to:
the author Ts wisdom that
though her story does not end
happily, it does draw to a
satisfying conclusion.

Janie is one black women who
doesn Tt have to live lost in sorrow,
bitterness, fear, or foolish roman-
tic dreams, for Janie and the
reader have learned otwo things
everybody's got tuh do fuh |
theyselves. They got tuh go
tuh God, and they got tuh find
out about livin T fuh they-
selves. ?

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About the Author: Concord Stratus Neon
Zora Neale Hurston Sebring

(1891) was a novelist, and folklor-
ist, and anthropologist whose

fictional and factual accounts of
black heritage are unparalleled. | 9
In the summer of 1939, she was |.
hired as a drama instructor by
then-named North Carolina
College for Negroes at Durham. }f
In January 1960, she died in the

St. Lucie County Welfare

Home and was buried in an
unmarked grave in the Garden of
Heavenly Rest, Fort Pierce,
Florida. In August of 1973, Alice |
Walker (author of The Color
Purple), discovers and marks }
Murston Ts grave.


This novel is a required read-
ing for English students at Pitt
Community College.


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By Faith Maye

The Teaching Assistance of Needy Families initiative program held a banquet Sunday at Cornerstone
Baptist Church, Greenville North Carolina. The program is designed to train participants in finding and
maintaining employment,. The clients train for three weeks learning job skills for successful employment.
Over 63% of all participants have obtained jobs and remain employed. Pastor Freddie Brown of First
African Baptist Church of Goldsboro, North Carolina, Reverend Sidney A. Locks, Jr. Cornerstone Baptist
Church were on hand to Celebrate the success of the program and to honor the participants. Directors of
the program are Mr. Von H. Langston, Mr. Marvin Moye and Mrs. Edna Simmons.

Photo by Faith Maye

Mon - Fr


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t 5 1) me j
| Tommy Ellison &The ) Bill Pinkney Ts

: ;
j |
ect ities sume | _ , Big James And The Golden Jub , i i
oe eer Big James Barrett & The Ka OnE aon ;
Syndicated talk Show Host Bev Smith is shown with East Carolina University's " ]
; Taffye Clayton who arranged for Bev Smith to come to ECU to speak with HAN] itl i GOLDEN IVBILEES (ATH Honderhy ORAS
\ students. Their shown with Ethel Long of Washington, NC and the Rey. Joy is :

Photo by Jim Rouse


& Many More!

fenton Card Oo PO er 00 Renean NO are » (18) ae a08s

The Minority Voice, August 18-25, 2000
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina.
August 18, 2000 - August 25, 2000
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Joyner NC Microforms
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