CDM Dedication Part I (Dec. 1968) and II (Aug. 1971)

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Speaker 1 [0:03]
When it was dedicated the Sunday it was dedicated

Speaker 2 [0:42]
Looks like it was a cold Sunday.

Speaker 1 [0:44]
It was real cold.

Speaker 2 [1:22]
So it's been barely about 20 years.

Speaker 1 [1:28]
This was I don't know the exact date but it was December of 68 and it was before Christmas that year.

Speaker 2 [1:52]
This was at the front of the museum.

Speaker 1 [1:59]
There's Dr. [Newell].

Speaker 2 [2:01]
Must have been a formal ceremony is that what they held that afternoon?

Speaker 1 [2:05]
It was on a Sunday afternoon.

Speaker 1 [3:12]
Here's a closeup of Dr. [Newell].

Speaker 2 [3:26]
Well did she come up riding in that or that was just some dignitaries?

Speaker 1 [3:31]
There were several doctors and people that came up on. I think that was me right there. And you could go for a ride on that I believe.

CDM Dedication Part I (Dec. 1968) and II (Aug. 1971)
- 1968-1971
18.8cm x 10.2cm
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