Soul and body of John Brown: a poem

Soul and body of John Brown: a poem
The Soul and Body of John Brown : A Poem by Muriel Ruykeyser and an Old Song on Etchings by Rudolf C. von Ripper. Published in New York, N.Y. by Lee A. Ault and R.C. von Ripper, 1940. 25 leaves including engravings on plates. 20.5" (52cm) x 14.25" (37cm). This copy is the artist's copy and is autographed by Rykeyser and von Ripper on the colophon. Also includes inscription from von Ripper to Eleanor Ross Taylor: "to Eleanor with all my friendship / Rip / Christmas 1940 and 1941" on the page before title page. Pages uncut. Inscription on colophon: "This book has been published by Lee A. Ault and R.C. von Ripper ... printed by Charles S. White and bound by Kathryn and Gerhard Gerlach ... The edition consists of 2 copies on "Rives" paper, with the suite of the etchings on "Hollande Van Gelder" and 5 original sketches for the plates, numbered I and II; 3 copies on "Rives" paper, with the suite of the etchings on "Velin de Normandie" numbered III, IV and V; 20 copies "Rives paper, numbered 1 to 20; 35 copies on "Servir" paper, numbered 21 to 55 ... each copy ... signed by the author and artist."
36.5cm x 52cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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