Mrs. Joe Person dies suddenly while on her way to California


A sudden stroke of apoplexy brought death to Joe Person yesterday at Santa Fe New Mexico as she was on her way to faraway California and Alaska in company with her sister Mrs. J. Beard of Hickory. Mrs. Joe Person left Charlotte last Saturday being joined at Hickory by her sister and it was their plan to make an extensive trip during the Summer. A telegram announcing her sudden death came here yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock to Mr. Rufus M. Person, her son.

Mrs. Joe Person was nearly 73 years of age and one of the most remarkable women in North Carolina. She was one of the best known in the State. By reason of her tavels and her intimacy with human nature, she possessed a rare character and dominant traits that brought her instantly into favor of those who made her acquaintance. She was remarkably robust and vigorous and even in her old age she kept up her travels that gave her distinction in the interest of "Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy." For the past three or four months, Mrs. Person gave evidence of yielding to the infirmities of old age and it was her hope and this hope was shared by members of the family that a trip to California might prove helpful to her. While her condition was not precarious, there were abundant indications that Mrs. Person was losing by degrees some of her vigor and physical strength that had contributed to her remarkable life. Mrs. Person had made two previous tours of the West and was delighted with the romantic beauty of that great country. She was always enthusiastic over the diversities of that part of the United States and was greatly interested in its affairs. She recited the glories of the West with such animation that she was distinctly charming in her conversation and narrations of its wonders.

For 42 years Mrs. Person had represented the remedy which took her name on the market. Her medicine had a greater reputation, perhaps, than any other proprietary preparation that has been marketed in North Carolina. The business was done under the astute personal supervision of Mrs. Person. She represented the Remedy on the road and managed the marketing of the medicine herself. Twenty years ago the plant was established in this city and the late Col. Charles R. Jones was a partner in the business. It was then taken to Tarboro and later on to Kittrell. About ten years ago Mrs. Person returned to Charlotte to make her residence and three years ago she sold the business to outsiders who continued to manufacture and market the product under the same name as it had previously carried. Mrs. Person amassed considerable wealth from this business.

Mrs. Person was a woman of marked talent. She was a pianist of some note and at one time had the honor of playing southern airs for a New York phonograph company. She as a woman of strong convictions. By adherency she was an Episcopalian, but never identified herself actively with any church. She was remarkable in robustness of physique, in keenness of mind, in hopefulness of spirit and her executive ability has been estimated as altogether unusual for a woman of her age and her opportunities.

Mrs. Person was a native of Petersburg, Va. Her maiden name was Miss alice Morgan, daughter of Samuel and Esther Morgan. She was married at the early age of 17 in 1857 to Joseph Arlington Person of Franklinton, Franklin County, this State. They went at once to Franklinton where they lived until the death of Mr. Person in 1883.

Mrs. Person is survived by her sister, Mrs. Beard, a brother, Mr. Albert Morgan of Murphy and by the following children: Mrs. W.H. Harris of Wake Forest, Mr. Wiley M. Person of Louisburg, Miss Josie Person of Hickory, Mr. R.M. Person of this vicinity and Mr. Willie M. Person of Corey, Ala. All of these are expected to attend the funeral which will be held in this city. Several days will be required for the trip from New Mexico.

Mrs. Joe Person dies suddenly while on her way to California
One of several obituaries that appeared in North Carolina papers in the days following Alice Person’s death.
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