Miss M'Craw wins


Gets the $10 Prize for Best Advertisement of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy.

On the 14th day of October the following advertisement appeared in the News and Observer.


I will give ten dollars to the person sending me by November 15th, 1899, the best written 5-inch advertisement of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. Those who do not know about the Remedy can get reading matter by applying for the same.

Hon. John Nichols and Mr. E.M. Uzzell, of Raleigh, acting with Mr. T.R. Manning of Henderson, will be the committee to decide who sends the best written 5-inch advertisement of the Remedy.

Kittrell, N.C.

October 15, 1899.
In response to it scores of answers competing for the prize were received, one from Boston and others out of the State as well as a large number from points in North Carolina.

Yesterday Mr. R. M. Person came to Raleigh and brough with him all the advertisements of all the competitors. The committee, composed of Mssrs. Thad R. Manning, John Nichols and H. M. Uzzell met yesterday afternoon and gave a careful examination to all the advertisements written by the competitors and awarded the prize to Miss Ruth McCraw, of Littleton, N.C. She is a daughter of Mr. J. C. McCraw, of that [illegible]. Mrs. Person will send Miss McCraw the $10 today, and will have the prize advertisement electrotyped. It will appear shortly in the News and Observer.

IN A BUSINESS LETTER to the Observer Mrs. Joe Person, the manufacturer and founder of Mrs. Joe Person's celebrated Remedies, has this to say: "I wish every paper I advertise in paid me as well as your valued Observer. It is a conservative calculation when I say it pays me one hundred per cent. better than any paper I have ever tried. MRS. JOE PERSON."

Miss M'Craw wins
A newspaper announcement about the winner of a contest in the Raleigh News and Observer for the best advertisement for Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy. Date approximated.
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