The East Carolinian, November 13, 2008

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EastCarolinian *


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November 13, 2008

VOLUME 84, IssuE 21

eet ag caine

A Hich 68/ Low



On-campus meeting address safety, parking issues


The Police Community Rela-
tions Committee held a community
meeting last night at Mendenhall to
discuss personal safety issues and
parking enforcement at ECU and
surrounding areas.

The Student Government
Association requested that the
committee hold their monthly
meeting on campus to give students
easy access to this forum. Repre-

sentatives from boththe Greenville
and ECU Police Departments, ©
including Greenville Police Chief

William Anderson, were on hand
to give information on parking and
safety issues.

Chief Anderson called the

meeting ~a joint effort between:

the city, ECU, and especially the
- student government.?

Greenville mayor Pat Dunn,
members of the Greenville City Coun-
cil and ECU Student Government,
as well as students and other com-
munity members attended the event.

Corey Barrett, Parking
Enforcement officer for the
~Greenville Police Department,

addressed the recent changes in -

parking around campus.
According to Barrett, neigh-
borhood associations around
campus felt a need for the changes,
and brought the issue to the citys
attention. ECUs administration
assured the Public Works Depart-

ment that there were ample spaces
on campus for student parking.
After receiving assurance from
the university regarding student
parking, the city decided to make
the changes.

The affected areas include
Reade Circle to Elm St. and East
Fifth Street to the Tar River. No
parking is allowed between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m. without an A pass issued
by the city. This is not the same
pass issued by ECU Parking and
ene ieapee In order to obtain

an.A..pass, citizens

must provide proof of residency in

these areas. Cars parked without a

permit are at risk of being towed.
The main issue of the night

was personal safety. Sgt. Michael -

Staffelbach of the Greenville
Police Department gave safety tips

- for community members"those

who live on and off campus. He
named three key components of
crime--desire, ability and opportu-
nity--and stressed the importance

_ of the publics interest and involve-

ment in their own safety.

From a victims standpoint,
you can control a criminals oppor-
tunity, he said.

He addressed specific issues

-related to students, such as the

upcoming holiday season. He
advised that students take home
valuables, such as laptops, iPods,
and credit cards. Students were
also advised to stop incoming mail,
and to refrain from leaving mes-

sages on their doors or voicemails
saying that they would be away.

Safety tips given to students,
but often ignored, were also
stressed, such as walking in groups,
staying in well-lit areas and being
aware of ones surroundings.

SGA treasurer Guillaume

Bagal said that the idea to bring
the meeting to campus was about
getting students involved with the
'. Tt made it extremely conve-
nient for students...its very easy
for students to.get distracted and
decide that its too much and not
come,? he said.

Bagal and SGA secretary
Beth Anne Koury stressed the
importance of students getting
involved to help promote safety.
They said many students wait until
something horrible affects them or
someone they know before show-
ing concern.

Thats what usually hap-
pens,? said Koury. After some-
thing happens people wake up and
say, ~Oh, we care.

She said students should be
proactive instead of reactive...

. instead of waiting for something

to happen?

ECU graduate Christo-
pher Tyson believes the views
expressed by Bagal and Koury
are accurate. Tyson, who gradu-
ated in Decembef 2007, was the
victim of an April shooting when
a robber intruded on a gathering at


a friends apartment. The shooting
left him paralyzed from the waist
down. Tyson said he never thought
about something like that happén-
ing to him.

T just felt like if you werent
doing anything negative to put
yourself in that situation that you
would be OK,? he said.

He said that now he is much
more aware that anything can
happen, anywhere, to anyone,

Although he was not in what

_-he-felt-was.a vulnerable position...
had the pass/fail option like N.C. .

at the time of the robbery, Tyson
said it is important for students to
follow safety advice and to avoid

If someone tries to rob you,
go ahead and give it up and live to
see another day,? he said.

In an effort to get students
involved in campus issues, SGA
is trying to have a greater presence
on campus so that students get to
know members and feel comfort-
able talking to them. Theyve
started initiatives such as monthly
Student Appreciation Days, on
which they hand out free school
supplies in an effort to reach out
to students.

Bagal said that it was a mes-
sage that SGAwould be reinforc-
ing consistently.

Were going to have to get
repetitive with this,? he said. We

POLICE page A4

ECU informs students
of grading policies



Students can fill out this form to drop a class.


Students at ECU may often
find themselves in a predicament
over grades and university poli-
cies. All students have access
to the Academic Advising and
Support Center and the 2008-
2009 advising manual, but the
information is easy to overlook
when students are unaware of
what they are looking for.

ECU students are forced to
make big decisions about drop-
ping courses 0; grade replace-
ment, within the limits of the
universitys policies.

According to two students,
the policies at ECU are quite
different from other neighboring


When asked about ECU drop
policies, junior Camie Hileman
said she likes them, but wishes
there were more drops available
in higher course levels. ©
T think it would be.nice if we

State, where you can take aclass
and it doesnt matter what you

get in the class, just if you pass
it, you get the credit. If you fail,
then you dont get anything,?
Hileman said.

A nursing student at Pitt
Community College, Ashley
Jones, reported that she still has
time to drop classes at Pitt with-
out being penalized.

Mary Beth Corbin, ECU
director for Campus Advising
Policies, confirmed that students
are permitted to use the Grade
Replacement Policy a maximum
of three times for 0000, 1000
and 2000 level courses, only in
which he or she earned a grade
of D or F.?

The policy states that stu-
dents cannot grade replace a
course if an advanced course,
covering the same material, is
successfully completed.

After requesting a grade
replacement at the Office of
the Registrar, the form must be
submitted no later than the last
day of classes of the semester in
which the student retakes this


Students to build
eco-friendly kiln


The Ceramics Department of
the ECU School of Art will be

_hosting a kiln-building workshop

this Thursday through Saturday
from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. outside of the
Jenkins Fine Art Center.

Dan Murphy, a-master kiln
builder and visiting artist from
Utah State University, will be
assisting with the workshop and
offering his expertise in the art
of kiln-building.

The kiln will be powered by

wood and waste vegetable oil
and will burn in an atmospheric
fired environment, which leaves
a different finishing.

Its mimicked off the bio-
diesel efforts going on with car
manufacturing,? said graduate
student Jeremy Fineman, who
is building the kiln as part of his
thesis project. Were trying to
burn cleaner fuel [and] that is
something we can obtain from
the university.?

The kiln will initially be fired
with wood to get the temperature

KILN page A2

Students, faculty asked to participate in GLBT survey


_ A little over a year after
the university implemented the
campus climate survey for mem-
bers of the ECU community,
another more specific survey is
now being administered for gay,
~lesbian, bi-sexual and transgen-
dered students, faculty and staff

at ECU. :

The survey, conducted and
directed by Linda A. Mooney
of the department of sociology
in conjunction with the Center
for Survey Research, the Center
for Diversity and Inequality
Research and the GLBT Student

Union, began on Oct. 28 after:

nearly nine months of planning
and research.

TWith] the campus climate
survey, there were a variety of

News _




groups represented--questions
about race, ethnicity, gender and
sexual orientation [were asked],?
said Mooney. So what I decided
to do was to look at one of those
groups, one that I think is often

Aaron Lucier, adviser foi the
GLBT Student Union, reiterates
that point.

The GLBT population is
somewhat invisible. A lot of
people may not know if someone
who is gay, lesbian or bisexual

_ person is in their presence,? he

The purpose of the survey

is to gauge the overall climate

toward GLBT persons in the
ECU community, and also to
effect change in areas, that may
be lacking, Mooney said.

We want to have a healthy
and supportive environment for
working and living and learn-

Pirate Rant.
.of the Day

: To the girl who poured her
: Sea of Sangria into her :
: Ugg boot and drank it:
: Hands down, one of the :
: nastiest things lve seen a :
: while. Pull it together girl. :

page A5 -

: Look


Linda A. Mooney


inside to find out

: what Porn Nation? was all
: about. - |

ing at ECU,? she said. The
results of this survey may help
us do that by identifying areas
where we need improvement.

Alternatively, the survey results

may indicate that there are no,
or at least very few problems on
campus when it comes to GLBT
issues, and that is valuable to
know as well.?

Mooney and her team have
advertised the survey through
posters and flyers, a spot on the
student radio station, WZMB,
an article in The Daily Reflector
and e-mails sent to the entire
student body through the Student
Announce organization"but
Mooney says that the number
of students, faculty and staff

(approximately 350) who have

filled out the survey has been less
than she expected.
T know that 350 people are

not representative of the GLBT


: The GLBT Student.Union
: put on a drag show last
: night on campus.
: inside for details.


page AG

community here,? Mooney said.
My guess would be that: it
severely underestimates GLBT
faculty, staff and students.?

The GLBT survey is com-
pletely anonymous and confiden-
tial, something that Mooney says
she cant stress enough.

There might be some fear
of repercussions, but I want
to say that this survey is truly
anonymous and confidential,?
she said. You can fill it out at
any computer, on campus or off
campus. We dont know who
you are, and we dont care who
you are. We [just] want to get
an accurate description of GLBT
people on campus.?

Mooney, who has been an
ECU faculty member for 22
years, thinks that the reason few
people have completed thé survey
is out of fear or hopelessness.

T think that there is a sense

in this community of ~whats the
point,? she said. But if they
dont complete it, then theres a
sense that theres very few GLBT
people.on campus, and.I can
guarantee that nothing is going to
get done. If I could talk to every

GLBT staff, faculty and student,

I would say that this is probably
one of the most important things
that youll ever do.?

Lucier applauds Mooneys
work and says that filling out
the GLBT survey is an important
opportunity for the students,
faculty and staff who are a part
of this population.

If someone takes the effort
and time to ask you some serious
hard questions, I think its worth-
while to take the time to answer
those.serious hard questions and

GLBT page A4


: The ECU football team
: travels to play its confer-
- ence rival this weekend.
: Where are the Pirates
: headed?

page Bl


KILN continued from Al

high enough to produce red heat,
up to 1,800-1,900 degrees Fahr-
enheit, and then will be powered
_ by waste vegetable oil. When the
- temperature is high enough, the
sodium separates and adheres to
the clay to make the glaze.

We really wanted to have a
kiln that had-a little less impact
on the environment,? said ECU
ceramics professor, Jim Tis-

The brickwork for the kiln
is anticipated to be completed in
three days and will begin with
a cinderblock base. The bricks
will then be laid layer by layer
in masonry-like style without the
use of mortar.

Were pursuing this to be
environmentally aware,? Fine-
man said. It lowers emissions
and is areplenishable fuel source
as opposed to natural gas.?

The kiln will be unique in the
sense that it mimics the style of a
beehive kiln, which is cylindrical
with a dome on top; most kilns
are square.

This kiln is also unique
because it will be the first waste
vegetable oil and wood powered
kiln on a college campus.

The workshop is open to art
students and anyone who wants
to learn how to build a kiln,? said
art student Lauren DeSerres.

Murphy will also be holding
a Slide Lecture at 6 p.m. tonight
in the auditorium (room 1220) of
the Jenkins Fine Art Center for
any interested students. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the School of
- Art and Design, Ceramics Guild,
Larkin Refractory, Mary Jane
Gaddis, S.G.A, Home Depot,
Lowes Home Improvement and

This writer can be contacted at


ECU students involved in the wood and vegetable oil burning kiln workshop that starts today.

POLICIES continued from Al

course,? Corbin said.
The original grade does not
determine GPA, but will be on

the students permanent aca- |

demic record. Corbin said that
if paperwork is not submitted on

time, a retroactive grade replace- -

ment form can be submitted at a
later date.

Students should also be
informed that courses above
the 2000 level must be retaken
if the course is required for
the students. major, in order to

receive credit.

Incompletes are options for
students who have not been able
to complete the assignments
necessary to receive a grade in
acourse. However, students are
only given one additional semes-
ter to remove an incomplete with
the instructors approval.

'The date for removing .

incompletes is always listed on
the academic calendar,? Corbin

Nov. 21 is the last day

for undergraduate students to

remove incompletes given during

the 2008 spring and summer ses-
sions, according to the 2008 fall

academic calendar. Graduate .

students have until Dec. 3.
Dropping classes is a way to
lighten class loads, but students
only have a limited amount of
time to drop. Corbin states that
students are given allotted drops
to use. while at ECU, which are

based on class level--entering |

freshman receive four drops,

Donate Plasma

and earn up to $170/mo

Last month, we paid out $33,035 to 734

sophomores receive three, juniors
receive two and seniors receive
one. The university drop policy
allows drop/add during the first
five days of a regular term, with
no penalties to students, however
after the first five days, students
must use one of their allotted
drops during the drop period.

The drop period is generally
long enough for professors to
return at least one graded assign-
ment, though some professors
fail to do so.



The ECU. faculty manual
states that students may use

~ allotted drops if the student has

not received any type of grade--
be it homework, quizzes, papers
or tests.

If a student wants to drop
a course beyond the last date to
drop a course without grades, he
or she may appeal to the Student
Academic Appellate Commit-
tee,? Corbin said.

The Student Academic
Appellate Committees informa-


tion is located on the ECU Web
site, at

Mary Beth Corbin can be
contacted at the Center for Aca-
demic Services or via email at

This writer can be contacted at


ale iuence
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good people.

DCI Biologicals is always paying out this
kind of cash. All you do is come, sit in a
lounge chair and donate your life-saving
plasma. Its like having a part-time job
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Come and get your share of the money.

CT a
2sbian Bi i ore rs:

On October 28th an online survey for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ECU community members was
launched. The results of the survey will provide important information about the climate at ECU, and will identify areas
to improve the environment for working, living, and learning on campus. It can only do that, however, if GLBT faculty,
staff, and students come together and complete the survey.

The survey is ONLY for ECU GLBT faculty, staff, and students, and is completely confi dential and anonymous. It fakes
about 15 minutes to complete, and although it may be hard to find 15 minutes, it is vital that as many GLBT faculty, staff,
and students as possible take part in this survey.

You can access the survey from several places. You can go to the Department of Sociology or GLBT Student Union
homepages, or you can go directly to the survey link at But dont wait. The survey will be
ending on November 18th, this coming Tuesday, and we need as many GLBT people as possible to complete the survey.
If you have any questions, contact Dr. Linda Mooney, the project director at or call at 328-6137.

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Palin considers


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Sun - Sampler Platter g Rennes wanted her to take the job.
= The states senior senator
8 who has been in the Senate for 40
G years, Republican Ted Stevens,


held a declining lead as the count
resumed in his re-election bid.
Stevens led by just over
3,000 votes when the Election
Day count ended last week
_and his lead narrowed to less

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Stevens could be removed by
S 5.99

the Senate for his conviction on

Palin could run for it in a special
election and she also could chal-
lenge current GOP Sen. Lisa
Murkowski in 2010.

Palin has two years left on
her term as governor.

seven felony counts of failing
to report more than $250,000
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in gifts.
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If Stevens loses his seat,

U.S. General urges
Obama to keep
missile defense

The Air Force general who
runs the Pentagons missile

defense projects said Wednesday

that American interests would be
severely hurt? if President-elect
Obama decided to stop plans.

FOR JUNIOR NURSING STUDENTS | ¢2veloped by the Bush adminis-

tration to install missile intercep-
tors in Eastern Europe.

During the campaign, Obama
was not clear about his intentions
with regard to missile defense.
Obama has said it would be
prudent to explore the possibil-
ity of deploying missile defense
systems in Europe,? in light of
what he called active efforis by
Iran to develop ballistic missiles
as well as nuclear weapons.

However, Obama expressed

_ some skepticism about the tech-
nical capability of U.S. missile
defenses. He said that if elected
his administration would work
with NATO allies to develop
anti-missile technologies.

_ Lt. Gen. Henry A. Ober-
ing III, director ofthe Missile
Defense Agency, who is leaving
his post next week after more


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Bombs Over Bolis : We invite you to explore the Summer III Student Nursing than four years in charge, said

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a paid nursing experience that begins in early June and lasts What we have discovered is

that a lot of the folks that have not
been in this administration seem
to be dated, in terms of the pro-
gram,? he said. They are kind
of calibrated back in the 2000
time frame and we have come
a hell of a long way since 2000.

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A key question for the new
ae president will be whether to
Application Deadline: January 15, 2009 proceed with the Bush admin-
istrations plans to install 10
missile interceptors in Poland
and a missile-tracking radar in
the Czech Republic. That system
is on track to be ready for use
by 2014.
It is strongly opposed by
Russia, which sees it as. an unwel-
come military threat close to its ©
borders; the Bush administration
says it is needed to defend Euro-
pean allies against an Sere me
missile threat from Iran. :


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Bota Nation to Pirate Nation


Students filled Wright Audi-
tortum Wednesday evening for a
frank discussion about the effects
of pornography on family and

Through his personal ainly
Michael Leahy engaged the audi-
ence through music, videos and
an interview.

Leahys story starts off when
he saw porn for the first time on the
back ofa playing card at the age of
11. The obsession began to grow,
escalating to his wedding night,
when he chose. pornography over

The affair with porn became
such an obsession, that it ended
their marriage.

Broken up into two separate

parts, Leahys lecture exploredthe _

effects that pornography has on the
body and mind, along with detail-
ing the recovery he experienced
through spirituality.

Leahy clarified the definition
of porn and questioned the audi-
ences ability to recognize porn.

Pornography is any material
that has the purpose of sexual

arousal,? said Leahy, who used .

mainstream video images to dis-
play the many forms that porn is
present in todays society.

But while the effects of his
addiction were strong, Leahy
eventually began his what he
called his recovery.? Through
a conversation about death with
noted porn star Ron Jeremy, Leahy
turned to God to kick his habits.

It was there that Leahy also
discovered his greatest need.

My greatest need was not
to be loved but to love others,?


continued from Al

make sure that this information
gets in the hands of the adminis-
tration,? he said.

The survey includes ques-
tions about the importance of
certain policies (like health care
for domestic partnerships), in
which participants are asked to
rank policies from most impor-
tant to least important. Ques-
tions like, Within the past year
have you concealed your sexual
' orientation, gender identity, and/
or gender expression to avoid
intimidation?? are posed, but
questions about intimacy and sex


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are never asked.

Mooney implores GLBT
staff, faculty and students to
participate in the survey"some-
thing she says she feels passion-
ately about.

If I had to beg people to fill
it out, | would get on my knees
and beg,? she said.

The GLBT survey will end
on Nov. 18. To access the survey,

This writer can be contacted at

I MON $5 house margaritas

Attendees could write what they thought of porn on | these boards.

he said.

has begun to travel to universities
across the country to tell his story.

porn industry.
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He also debates with Jeremy on the
Since his recovery,? Leahy fascination and the dangers of the

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A YAWAY VAN 'E- Koyo) toto) e)i-14ge)@?alelinat-li Meco) an)

along with neighboring churches
and student organizations orga-
nized this event in an effort to
educate students on pornography.

We wanted to open peoples
eyes to the effects of pornogra-
phy in our culture and do it on a
spiritual and emotional level,? said
Megan Lloyd, amember and event
organizer for Campus. Crusade.
We believed that Mikes story
was powerful.?

Leahy has remarried and has
been sober? for some time.

He encourages students with
potential addictions to seek help,
along with encouraging them to
find a form of a spiritual relation-

The best prevention is educa-
tion and awareness,? Leahy said

- This writer can be contacted at


continued from Al

have to be reminding students about
those important things. Its going
to get old, but eventually itll stick
and theyll get more involved.?
The Police Community Rela-
tions Committee serves as a liaison
between the community and the
police. Their mission includes
advocating methods to improve
relations between the community
and the police, as well as informing
the citizens about the state of rela-
tions between the community and
the police department. They meet
on the second Wednesday of each
month, and meetings are open to
the public. For more information
about their mission or meetings,
contact the Greenville Police
Department at 329-4317 or the
City Clerks Office at 329-4421.

This writer can be contacted at -

bod =
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O =
Out with Bush

Are we ready to put comedy aside -
and take a serious looks at politics?


President-elect Barack Obama has been chosen to
lead America into a new land of fulfilled hopes and
promises. As citizens, we must help this country and
each other to bring the changes that are needed to fix the
problems we face today. With all the proposed changes,
are we ready to leave what weve grown used to?
I think we are ready to fix the problems that will
carry over from the Bush administration. However,
are we ready for the changes in our popular culture? I
feel that the comedic side of the media has displaced
pride in our country and our views of American
politics. Since Bushs inauguration, there has been
some kind of comedic shadow to his every foot-
Step in politics. Comedy Central aired Thats My
Bush!? on April 4, 2001. This show, along with Will
Ferrells impersonation of Bush, set the president up
as a running joke as leng as the news was updated.
The attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 halted the media from
producing any sort of anti-Bush shows. Since 2003,
when the country was gearing up for the election, and
all the events that have taken place since his second
term, Bush has become a comic novelty item. From
little things like gift cards, posters of Bushism?
quotes, coffee mugs and Internet humor to the big
network television programs including The Daily
Show? and The Late Show with David Letterman,?
Bush has been a comics gold mind. Now with only
about two months left before Obama and Biden take
the White House, we the people must change our views
on politics and the media. I think that it is going to be
hard for the media to put Obama in a bad light unless
something goes terribly wrong in his administration.
I think that during Bushs administration, it was
so easy for anyone to dislike the current president
due to what the media portrayed him to be. It felt
like America had revisited those rebellious high
school days and returned with feelings of scorn and
judgment for our nations leaders. Now the leaders
are going to change, for better or for worse; but
will our attitudes toward America change as well?
I think that Bushs spotlight in the media made
more Americans point and laugh at their TV sets
instead of read the newspapers. We became so
obsessed in picking out his little mistakes, that
having pride or interest in America became a joke.
When Barack Obama and John McCain were nomi-
nated as their party leaders to run for president, the
media heavily focused on their plans. Now that the
debates are all over, 1 hope that we wont return
to the state of an unpatriotic and apathetic nation.
Saturday Night Live? and The Colbert Report?
will run skits about Obama Im sure, but I wont
let any slanted media program sway my opinions.
As long as humans are fallible, there will always be

~presidents who will receive negative criticism from
the press. I hope that whatever happens with the new
president, we can make our country a little better with
the support of our leader and with the support of one
another regardless of how popular culture leads us.

This writer can be contacted at

Whos to blame for
this generation?



As a child, I could never understand my parents

contempt for how I behaved. I acted just like my
~friends, but as I grow older, I think Im starting to
understand the age old saying of, kids these days.?

The upcoming generation is certainly one full of
problems. It seems that every group of kids slightly
changes social norms throughout time, but it seems
that kids these days have less regard for rules and
moral responsibility, and more for instant gratifica-
tion. But who is to blame? Should we point fingers at
the media, the school systems or should we point the
finger at ourselves?

Lets start at school. Fourth grade teacher at
Y.E. Smith Elementary School in Durham and ECU
graduate Dana Hyland has only been teaching for a few
months, but has already witnessed the drastic change
in childrens behavior these days.

My kids are all good children. But, they have
learned a lot of things from home that surprise me every
day,? she said. Recently, I took my kids on a field trip
and one child came up to me and said ~puff, puff, pass
Ms. Hyland, dont knock the rotation! and I was blown
away. I had to tell the child that it was not OK to say
that at school, but the child kept insisting that it was
OK [because] he had seen it from a movie.?

If kids are allowed to watch movies and TV shows
that are clearly intended for an older audience, then of
course they are going to think it is all right to repeat
what they see. :

Parents have to monitor what their children are
exposed to if they expect them to know what is appro-
priate to talk about and what is not. In a generation
where most children are babysat by the television,
it isnt surprising that things are taking a turn for the
worse. So many factors contribute to the degeneration
of our youth.

A growing problem is the rate of teen pregnancy
among this generation. A study in the November issue
of Pediatrics linked watching sexually charged tele-
vision, and pregnancy in girls ages 12 to 17; and the
results are not favorable. In a controlled study, when
interviewed twice in two years about watching sexually
stimulating television and having sex, 58 girls of the
2,003 adolescents had.become pregnant by the time of
the follow-up interview and 33 of the boys reported

that they had gotten someone pregnant.
; If we dont start connecting with our children again,
then who knows how bad the next generation could
possibly turn out? Its our duty as adults to guide those
who are new to the world. Our parents helped us grow
and develop into a fairly functional group, so who are
we to deny the opportunity to our youth?

This writer can be contacted at



{ Your Procrastination Destination }



"" vieumale



© 2008 Jay Schiller & Greg Cravens

The East Carolinian does not endorse statements made in Pirate Rants. Questions regard-
ing Rants can be directed to Elise Phillips, Editor in Chief, at opinion@theeastcarolinian.
com. Log onto to submit a Rant of your own.

If you look back and see two guys
laughing at you, its because the
way you walk cracks me up.

When you ask me if I am mad, I
just say no so that you will leave
me alone. That way, I dont get
pissed off.

Welcome to what we call crunch
time? here at ECU. You can have
a social life or make good grades.
Pick one!

I am so tired of hearing about
the good girls and the good guys
looking for each other! How
about you all meet Thursday
at Wright Plaza and stop com-
plaining about how you cant
find each other!

If you do not stop using my
shampoo, then I will tell every-
one the real reason why you take
such long showers.

Since when do Pirates go to the

- To the boy who broke my heart:
You better hope I dont tell the
police where to find Greenvilles
biggest drug dealer!

To the girl in my Econ. class
with the purple bandana and
trucker hat: You look like Bret

Trying to find a spot at the
library is like trying to fart
silently after eating Taco Bell.
It just doesnt happen.

Todays forecast? Dark and

Black nail polish plus peace
sign? jewelry makes me happy.

To the girl who had sex in the
shower on the first floor of
Campus Towers: I could hear
you. .

Dear roommate, you are psycho!
Please get some help! If you

come in drunk and have a psy- -

chotic breakdown again, Im

going to put your head through " |

a wall. Thanks.

You will miss me now that I am
moving on. I gave you every
chance. Enjoy your life!

According to Facebook, so ©

many of you were leaving the
country if Obama won--what

I hate it when I get behind slow-
walking people when Im trying
to get somewhere. ...] just want
to punch them in the back of
the head.

I asked my roommate if she
would ever pee on my tooth-
brush. She took too long to
answer so I oo anew tooth-

The new Pee Dee looks more
like a butt Pirate than an ECU

Did you see South Park the
other night when it showed
McCain and Obama as jewel
thieves trying to get the Hope
Diamond, and that is the only
reason they ran for office? What
if it was true?!

I now know why Pee Dee has
that smile. He took Enzyte.

Whenever I pour M&Ms into
my hand, I get Ms, Ws, Es
and 3s.

To the guy who crashed his
bike at the bottom of the Hill:
I saw you get hit by a car the
other morning--maybe you
should think about walking to

class now.

To the girl who poured her Sea
of Sangria into her Ugg boot
and drank it: Hands down, one
of the nastiest things Ive seen a
while. Pull it together girl.

Q: What do Christian Bale and
Kimbo Slice have in common? A:
They both love to hit people.

I seem to be attracted to guys
who have problems.? Usually
drugs addicts, but my latest
attraction is a compulsive liar
who is also an alcoholic. I think
Im the one with the problem

" though.

I hate you and your large upper

Dear girlfriend: Thanks for
making everything public, but
lets clarify some things. The
reason Im not taking your
phone calls is because I am
sterile and have always been!
So, obviously this tells us three
things. 1) You are a cheating
slut. 2) You need to contact
whomever you banged while we
were together. 3) Now Ive got
to get an STD test because of
you! Its over!

I actually get a little sad on

Fridays because I know there
won't be any new Pirate Rants
until Tuesday!

Why isnt there a statue of a
Pirate ship on campus?

To the suitemate that always
trims their pubes over the toilet:
Can you at least clean it up so we
dont get crabs?

Stop teasing me with those sexy

To my neighbors in 302: You
probably didnt know it until °
now, but it is my goal to impreg--

nate all four of you before I
graduate from ECU.

You can tell when the fall semes-

ter is drawing near--all the
roommates start hating on each
other through Pirate Rants:

To the girl who watched me
black out in Brewster: Thanks

for the help. I hope you enjoyed

your McDonalds tea.

Im pretty sure Bojangles is the
cure for cancer.

To the boy I had spontaneous

sex with in the Bate bathroom

on Tuesday: That was the most

_ AMAZING sex I have ever had!

Same time next Tuesday?

Pirates dont smile ... they plun-
der! ARRRGGGHHH"change
Pee Dee back!

To the person that wants to go
around and take pictures with
all the statue Pirates around

Greenville: Lets GO! I have
wanted to go since the begin-
ning of the year, but I wanted
to go with someone that will

take crazy pictures with me!
Will you?

I have a thing for guys with

girlfriends. Sorry to all their |

girlfriends in advance.

Boy, am I glad I grew up in the
South. Not only do I have morals
but I dont talk with that snooty,
ignorant Northern accent!

Excuse me while I kiss the sky!
The new Pee Dee is a creeper.

I too saw that drunk girl fall
behind the big booth at Bolis on
Saturday night! Ive been wait-
ing FOREVER for someone to
do that! It was ~so hilarious and
embarrassing I had to laugh. But
at least Im not her roommate"
thats just mean.

We need pressure censored toi-
lets instead of motion censored
ones. I usually get sprayed
before Im done!

To the girl at Croatan: I wasnt
calling you a fat-a. I was joking
with my fiancée. Sorry.

I find it annoying that I have to
walk by the unfinished fountain

~ everyday, and every time there
are some dirty workers trying
to holla. Yuck.

Listen. I broke up with you. I
dont want to be friends. These
things happen to people all the
time. Get. Over. It.

I have such a huge crush on you
and Im afraid to tell you because
it might ruin the friendship ...
and us sleeping together.

I'd love to find someone to fall
head over heels in love with,
watch movies with and get
blackout drunk with every other

My roomie makes gurgling
sounds in her sleep. Not gonna
lie, its kinda weird.

I typed ECU police? into the
Google search bar and ECU
police beating? popped up as a

What is simple possession of

marijuana? Is there such a thing

as difficult possession of mari-_


Yeah, I rock a Members Only

[keep getting tired of people and
society suggesting that women

are inherently superior to men.

Didnt the male chauvinists use
that exact same reasoning, only
switched? What ever happened
to equality?

Im scared to get an STD check
because I dont know if I want
_to see the results. oe

Oh my gosh, I think Im the
ugly friend. ;

I saw you for the first time in a
week today. I didnt realize how
much I missed you! Ill never
skip class again!

Improving the rich,
maintaining the poor


As a Greenville native, I have witnessed .
a number of changes in Greenville in the last
decade--even in the last five years. Neighbor-
hoods have expanded off of Highway 11, N.C.
43 and U.S. 264. Apartment complexes. have
flourished; there is now a second Lowes.and a
new City Hall building has been constructed as
well. New restaurants, shopping centers and
construction efforts for ECU and Pitt Memo-
rial Hospital benefit students, residents and

Though there are a number of changes that
have helped enhance the appearance and perfor-
mance of Greenville, it seems there are a number
of projects that are being neglected. Though
there are currently sidewalk projects in progress
on Greenville Boulevard and Fire Tower Road,
which were certainly needed, additional side-
walks need to be constructed in high-pedestrian
areas as funds are available.

Among the limited number of sidewalks
currently located in residential areas between
Evans and Memorial Boulevard, around West
Fifth Street, a number of them are deteriorat-
ing or damaged. There is also limited lighting
due to street lights and businesses that are
lacking in this part of town. This particular
area of Greenville is surrounded by flourishing
developments including, but not limited to, the
additions to the hospital, downtown Greenville
and the university.

How is it possible that so many city enhance-
ments are drastically expanding, but this par-
ticular section of town remains the same dark,
disheveled bit of Greenville that it has been for
over 10 years now? It seems plausible that the
amount of money contributed to city improve-
ments should be distributed among all parts of
the city, not just the more frequented areas.

By April 2009, there are supposed to be
cameras at the Eppes and South Greenville Rec-
reation Centers to monitor the safety of citizens,
though cameras have already been installed at
Jaycee Park and the Aquatics and Fitness Center.
Air conditioning systems are supposed to be set
up in the gymnasiums at the Eppes Recreation
Center and the Aquatics and Fitness Center as
well. Its surprising that it will be another six
months before the remaining facilities will be
accommodated with the improvements that the
others have already received.

The West Fifth Street Gateway Project is
supposed to enhance the appearance of the ball
park currently situated on the block of Memorial
Boulevard and West Fifth Street. The design
plan includes a gated park with brick walks and
benches, as well as a community space. This

was the final project design that was intended

to enhance the street appearance of Martin
Luther King Boulevard (the MLK Gateway
Project). Efforts with the project appear to be
progressing slowly. Greenvilles 2007 Project
proposal even stated public involvement...will
be minimal.?

I suppose when city taxes are involved in
Greenville development plans, those paying
the taxes dont particularly want to support the
areas they dont frequent; however, improve-
ments should be city-wide and not limited to the
areas where the money comes from. You would
think that the efforts to maintain and improve
Greenvilles appearance would be city-wide, ©
but judging from the development locations,
this just isnt so.

Instead of touching up porches and yards,
not viewable from the street, in efforts to
maintain Historic Greenville, broken fences
and deteriorating parking lots and roads could
be addressed first. By improving the city as
a whole, we are not only promoting unity,
but encouraging the growth of Greenville and
shifting to a more welcoming environment for

This writer can be contacted at

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Editor in Chief

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Opinion Editor

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News Editor

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Asst. Sports Editor

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Sports Editor

Cat Potter
Head Copy Editor

Erin Edwards
Features Editor

Robyn Cates
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Jessi Braxton
Photo Editor

Sarah Russell Matthew Parker
Asst. Production Manager Multimedia Web Editor

James Porter
Production Manager

Newsroom 252.328.9238
Fax 252.328.9143
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Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. Our View? is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to editor or to the East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, N.C. 27858-
4353.Call252-328-9238 for more information. Onecopy
of the East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1.


What do you think

of the new PeeDee?

Jason Hogg
Aside from looking sun burnt, the new :
PeeDee doesnt have a Pirate look. :
| want him to look serious, instead :
of smiling.

Eric Fitzgerald

| want our PeeDee to look mean and :
intimidating, but instead he looks like he

~ just walked out of a girls locker room.

~Atalaya Neal

looked orange and overall, pretty scary.

He also ruined my entire game day. |,
definitely think we should go back to : .

the original.

Erin Flannery
PeeDee looks too orange for me.
| prefer the old one, who. was our
true mascot.

Britney Mumford :
| don't think the new PeeDee Is scary :
enough to represent the Pirates,
especially since he is smiling this huge. :
grin. | say we definitely ae back tothe :
old PeeDee. :

Did you know?
in North Carolina...
Persons in possession of illegal

However, paying taxes on these items
does not make them legal.

are in costume.

practiced in a school or church.
It is against the law to sing off key.

Elephants may not be used to plow
cotton fields. -

shades pulled.

tf a man and a woman who aren't

married go to a hotel/motel and register : é : : ;
._: at their. own movie premiere. Welcoming they are

themselves as married then, according :
: not, but, as asymptom of star-obsessed culture, they |

: work OK, either as a branding device or an EEG.

to state law, they are legally married. .

All couples staying overnight in a hotel : the movie, which opens tomorrow, has little besides

must have a room with double beds : nonstop action, which may please the video-gaming

that are at least two feet apart. Making : fanboy base for cinematic excess. But it. hardly
: suggests the suavity and sophistication with which

: James Bond has long been synonymous.

love in the space between the beds is
strictly forbidden.


either of the two persons Is piyscaly

Public use of white canes by anyone
other than blind persons is prohibited.

a born gay,?
a) : comically told the audience that

GLBT Student Union hosts mid-
"| think the new PeeDee is hideous. He :

semester show


Mendenhall Student Center

: got a little more fabulous last
: night.

Students packed into Hendrix

: Theatre to catch a drag show
: hosted by the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-
: sexual and Transgender Student
: Union.

GLBT Student Union Presi-

: dent Christien Harden, along with
: a staff of GLBT students, kicked:
: off the event with a panel discus-
: Sion from the audience.

When asked if they believed

: women and men were born gay,
: student Jason Simone offered a
: glimpse into his own life.

I truly think that you are
Simone said, who

when he was younger, he pranced

around in a tutu? and thought the

youngest Hanson brother was my


While I think people are
influenced to a point, I dont think
it had anything to do with my sur-

The entire panel shared stories

_ about coming out to their friends

and family and how they handled
it. While some came out in their
early teenage years, a few shared
their sexuality with others just
a few months before. One even
admitted to being outed by an
AIM spyware that her parents had
installed on her computer.

(Being gay] is part of who I

m,? Harden said.

But the night was not just
serious talk.

The audience was treated to
performances by drag queens
Nicole Morgan, Jessica Black-
well, Ebony Adams and the self-

{ Campus Scene }



proclaimed Bitch of Greenville,?
Michelle Michaels, who deemed
drag queens as eyes, thighs and
a big surprise.?

With dance numbers ranging
from Whitney Houston to Pink,
Miley Cyrus and the Pussycat
Dolls, the drag queens entertained
the crowd with the sleekest of eve-
ning gowns to the most chaotic,
colorful costumes, completed with
ruffles. The crowd went wild as
they danced, flipped, cartwheeled
and split around the theatre.

This show featured some of
the prettiest ~mistersisters Ive
ever seen,? said freshman Trent
Mollison, who described the show
as high energy.?

T think events like this show
the spectrum of the GLBT com-
munity, especially with different
lifestyles, such as transgender,
who are typically overlooked,?
Mollison said.

For the GLBT Student Union,



Performer Michelle Michaels entertains the crowd.

events such as the drag show are a
way for students to unwind from
everyday stress.

We scheduled this drag
show toward the middle-end of
the semester because students
are going to need a break from
the stress of finals and papers,?
Harden said. It is mostly just
for fun but its also a good way
to educate students on what drag
is and what it is about, because
its not simply men and women
in opposite attire; it is a perfor-
mance art.?

Along with drag shows during
the year, the organization 18 cur-
rently conducting a survey for gay,
lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender
students to take.

_ I cannot estimate how impor-
tant this survey is,? Harden said.

This campus is blossoming at a. ~

phenomenal rate, and its impor-
tant to have these questioned
answered about the GLBT com-


The survey aims to assess how
the GLBT population on campus
is treated, especially in the case
of discrimination or harassment.
Along with learning more about
the GLBT community, the survey
also intends to develop ways to
improve the climate around the
campus. E
As with all events the
GLBTSU holds, we hope students
gain a broader understanding of
diversity and equality in the com-
munity,? Harden added. Equality
is not a political matter, it is a
basic human right that all Peas

This writer can be contacted at



Mystery writer P.D. James once admitted that

: she had watched actor Roy Marsden play her most
: famous creation, Adam Dalgliesh, so many times--
: five different TV miniseries had featured the actor
: as the. poetic New Scotland Yard detective--that
: Marsden had replaced any other image she had of.
: her phlegmatic Brit.

When I write Dalgliesh now, James said, Roy

Marsden is who I see.
substances must pay taxes on them. :

Who would author Ian Fleming see, were he

: around today and still banging out Bonds? Sean Con-
: nery? Roger Moore? Woody Allen? (Yes, Allen was
: : one of several James Bonds in the original screen
- Organizations may not hold their :
meetings while the members present :
: that number of movies (as well as two short-story
: collections), but their author lived long enough to
No one may be a professional fortune- :
teller, and if one wishes to pursue the :

. practice as an amateur, it must be :
: Scottish heritage when he wrote On Her Majesty's

: Secret Service, which ironically starred George
: Lazenby when it was filmed in 1969. But were he
: around today, the onetime naval commander, who
: died in 1964, would likely be confused--not just by -
: the times, but by his hero. Or, rather, heroes.

version of Casino Royale.) Fleming wrote 12 origi-
nal Bond novels, which have inspired nearly twice

see only two --Dr. No (1962) and From Russia With
Love (1963). Fleming apparently was impressed
enough with Sean Connery that he stressed Bonds

It may be that every era gets the Bond it

While having sex, you must stay in deserves, in which case the ubiquitous advertise-
the missionary position and have the . ments for Quantum of Solace (a title even more
: bewildering than Synecdoche, New York) gives off

: a bit of bad news: The two sourpusses in the ads,
: Daniel Craig and co-star Olga Kurylenko, look like "
: a pair of sullen celebrities walking the red carpet

In early reviews, Web critics have stressed that

Craigs breakout U.S. role on the big screen

It is illegal to have sex in qa : Was as painter Francis Bacons boyfriend in John "
: Mayburys Love Is the Devil (1998), and he still
: looks like rough trade. Which is, of course, part of
Oral sex is considered a crime ee : his appeal, and extends to both gay men and straight
: women. It also seems part of a cultural drift (or stam-
: pede) toward the brutish and extreme and away from

4.4 ¢ . the morally gray sophistication that Bond was meant

A be aaah erniane: Coste : to embody. Craig is built like the proverbial brick
: warehouse and, in this, hes far more a reflection
: of our times than was Flemings original creation,
: who was envisioned as a glamorized version of
:- the author--a smoker and drinker with the sexual

: discretion ofa cage full of gerbils.

Men without personal trainers dont generally

Plot Seeking
revenge for the |

death of his love,
Bond and the
feisty Camille
take on ruthless
Dominic Greene

i his SuayTUM

debut in Casino
Royale,? Britain's
Daniel Craig
returns as James
Bond for the 22nd
film in the series.

Daniel Craig

: (James Bond) em mes
P Born 1968, Mathieu Alamric
Olga hin vienks Liverpool, U.K. (Dominic Greene)
(Camille) | Career Born 1965,
Bom 1979, 2902 Hoadto Perdition? "_~Wauts-de-Seine,
Berdyansk, Ukraine a ag ae | France
eas - 2003 Sylvia, c
Career The Mother? areer
2005 LAnnulaire? 2004 L . - 4984 Favourites
ae acid ayer Cake?, jj
2006 Paris, je 2005 The Jacket? of the Moon
taime,Le Serpent? - Munich? 2005 Muhich?
vieaiek ee . 2006 Casino Royale? rite one)
2008 Max Payne ¥ : Antoinette
2007 The Invasion, 2007 Heartbeat
~The Golden Compass? Detector? The Divin g:
Bell and the Butterfly?
Alicia Keys and Jack Whites 2008 A Christmas Tale?
Another Way To Die,? the official . © 2008 MCT
theme song for Quantum of Solace,? is Source: MCT Photo
the first duet in Bond soundtrack history Se toni econ ek


The new Bond film has already shattered U.K. records.

look like Craig, and personal trainers were not part of the training
regimen of secret agents as envisioned by Fleming. The postwar,
~A0s-style elegance of the original Bond (the first book was published
in 1953) was not the product of Pilates or free weights, but military
training slightly diluted by devoted dissipation, self-indulgence and

operable knowledge of his own--and others--mortality.
He was also naughty. When Connery began playing Bond, sex

in the mainstream media still carried with it a frisson of the forbid-

den, and the actor was all about sex. He wasnt bulked-up, like

todays action heroes. But he did. have the blessing of good timing:

There was a president in the White House who looked like he actu-__
ally slept with his wife (and everyone else, as it turned out) and _
the Bond films were part of a sexual awakening that helped turn

the public chasteness of the Roosevelt, Truman and ere
on its head.

Salen. was Bond throughout the so-called
Sexual Revolution, and, while we may be project-
ing, is it any wonder that Roger Moore always
seemed a little exhausted? Moore, a perfectly
capable actor, launched a reign that extended
throughout the ~70s and into the early ~80s. He
was the disco-era Bond--a little decadent, a little .
seedy around the edges; one imagines oversize "
sunglasses, oversize shirt collars and an air of
calculated hipness that now seems ee suave
than surreal.

~The classically trained Timothy Dalton sisted
the role in 1987 with The Living Daylights (another
great title), and, while Dalton is held in generally
low regard by Bond-o-philes, hes sorely misjudged.
He can be funny; he can be charming. He was a

_ bridge between the Reagan-era Moore and the Clin-

ton-era Pierce Brosnan, one reflecting indulgence,
the other irony. Who was a more ironical Bond
that Brosnan?

He was the best--OK, fanboys, the best besides

- Connery, but a far better actor and even comedian.
. And in what seems a gesture toward the corporati-

zation of our culture, he was cut loose like a Ford
worker. Enter Daniel Craig.

Arthur Conan Doyle never got to see Basil
Rathbone play Sherlock Holmes. Dashiell Ham-
mett had written the Thin Man novel before William
Powell made Nick Charles his own. Its probably

merciful that Fleming isnt around to see whats

become of Bond, not because the films are bad or
that Craig isnt necessarily good, but just because
James Bond has becomé something else, something

- more obvious, played by a guy who may be hot, but

isnt sufficiently cool.

At 106 minutes, Quantum of Solace is easily the
shortest James Bond movie, although Daniel Craig
shouldnt feel dissed--his first as 007, Casino Royale
(2006), was the longest (144 minutes) in the nearly
five-decade-long Bond series. That film reintroduced
us to James Bond, not as the university-schooled
secret agent and seducer, but as a more thuggish
mercenary, pursuing high- stakes terrorists via a
high-stakes card game.

In Quantum of Solace--which last week was
busy breaking U.K. box-office records--Bond battles
Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric), an environmen- |
tal bandit in the guise of a noted conservationist,
who is planning a Bolivian coup detat. Bond is also
seeking revenge for the death of Bond Girl Vesper
Lynd. And he does it in record time.

Overall, the. Bond film as a genre has been
remarkably consistent in length--most are just about
two hours, many of the early Sean Connerys films

are less, and each in the Roger Moore oeuvre clocks

in, suspiciously consistently, at about two hours, 10
minutes. On Her Majestys Secret Service--notable
for the one-time appearance of actor George Lazenby

_as Bond--was, until Craig, the longest in the series.




Kaiser Chiefs, Taylor Swift havent lost their edge


Snow Patrol "A Hundred Million Suns, 3.5 out of 5

After their colossal single, Chasing Cars,? Snow Patrol established
themselves as the new Coldplay. Take that as you will, but it meant big
things for the band. Now they were on the map and people expected great
things. A Hundred Million Suns seems like the unfortunate expected reac-
tion: Do the same thing again. The album is very safe, never venturing
beyond any of the pre-established melodies that Snow Patrol is known
for: Its full of somewhat-memorable moments, but none are equally or
more impressive than Chasing Cars.? Its certainly a pleasing entry, but
as far as growth, they havent gained an inch.

Kaiser Chiefs " Off With Their Heads, 4 out of 5

Kaiser Chiefs Off With Their Heads is a rare alternative rock album.
Any lesser band wouldnt be able to pack a punch in the first few tracks
before devolving into a series of same-sounding songs. Kaiser Chiefs
vary things throughout the album without ever being too cheeky or
nonsensically different. The crescendos of Never Miss a Beat? topped
with a riveting keyboard siren make it nearly epically operatic. Theyve
taken lessons from their elders and consequentially have the rollicking
qualities of R.E.M. but with the control and discipline of Talking Heads.

Taylor Swift " Fearless, 4 out of 5

Taylor Swift seemingly came out of nowhere and blew everyone
away. She was country without being annoyingly so, yet wasnt too
poppy. In return, everyone waited anxiously for her sophomore album,
Fearless. It delivers. From the title track to the end, it seems as if Swift has
a bottomless bag of catchy tunes. Even more impressive is her ability to
make cliché material like young teenage love sound interesting (witness _
Fifteen?). Fearless sees her moving forward, stepping even a little bit
further away from country, especially considering the twang in her voice
is barely audible and the fiddles are replaced by orchestral strings. And if
youre wondering, yes--the song Hey Stephen? is definitely about me.

The Flaming Lips " Christmas on Mars, 3.5 out of 5

A seven-year project in the making, the Flaming Lips have finally
released their film, Christmas on Mars. With it comes the soundtrack, a
landscape of distorted sounds worthy of a Stanley Kubrick movie. Its
hard to talk about music without the film, as its certainly integral to
the experience. Together theyre perfect; apart not as much. The moody
brooding sounds that Christmas on Mars makes as an album would cer-
tainly be more appreciated by the chemically-enhanced listener, but its
still interesting in its own right. But they were intendéd to be taken in

A fantastic album, and hats off to Mark Ronson (the genius behind the
sounds for Back to Black and Alright, Still, among others), who once
again is one of musics most brilliant producers.

together, and thats the way anyone who i is curious about either should
approach it.


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a igs

ECU Schedule

vs. Virginia Tech
W, 27-22
vs. West Virginia
W, 24-3
at Tulane
W, 28-24
at N.C. State
L, 30-24
vs. Houston
IL, 41-24
at Virginia
L, 35-20
vs. Memphis
W, 30-10
W, 13-10
vs. Marshall
W, 19-16
at Southern Miss
Nov. 15
at UAB
¢. -Nov. 22
vs. UTEP
Nov. 28

Southern Miss
Starting Lineup

Southern Miss
- $chedule

vs. Louisiana
W, 51-21
at Auburn
U; 27-13
at Arkansas State
W, 27-24
vs. Marshall
L, 34-27
vs. UTEP
L, 40-37
vs. Boise State
L, 24-7
at Rice
L, 45-40
at Memphis
L, 36-30
vs. UAB
W, 70-14
at UCF
W, 17-6
vs. ECU
at SMU


| think, right now, if anybody should
have learned a lesson about staying
focused and taking one game at a
time, that should have been us with
where we were and what happened

to us. But at the same point in time,

| think this football team is really
focused, has understood and learned
a lesson that we have to keep our nose
to the grindstone.?

-ECU coach Skip Holtz

As far as why they [ECU's last two
games] are low scores, [its] probably
the same reason we didnt score--

we didnt make enough big plays.

~~ They probably havent made enough
big plays in the last couple games,
but they found a way to win football |
games, and thats by playing good
defense, being sound in special teams
and not turning the football over.?

-Southern Miss coach Larry Fedora

Right now | think this football team
is really playing well together and |
think they get it about staying focused
. and not worrying about the last
games. | dont think they're as worried
about whether weve won one or won
three, but its about getting ready for
Southern Miss.?

-Skip Holtz

| came into this season as the
starter and then | hurt my ankle.

My confidence went down because |
wasnt 100 percent. My teammates
believe in me, the defense is playing
well and Im just doing my job and
building my confidence back up.?

-ECU quarterback Patrick Pinkney

Probably the best thing about the
last couple weeks has been the
emergence of a young man named
Emanuel Davis. To see what Davis
has done in creating two turnovers
at the end of the UCF game, the last regulation and the first play
in the overtime, and then to see him
intercept two of the first four passes
on Saturday, is great.?

- Skip Holtz

East Carolina
Starting Lineup



Halfway to the Super Bowl

As the days grow frigid and the sun sets just a little bit sooner, the pressure on NFL teams to win
becomes significantly higher. Its crunch time baby, and frankly I dont think anyone from here to South
Africa could have ever predicted the outcome of the season thus far. With only six regular season
games remaining I feel it is an adequate time to throw out some playoff predictions.


The Giants appear to be the NFCs best team.


Chris Johnson (28) and the Titans are undefeated...


The New York Giants: Congratulations Tom
Coughlin, you have done it. You have somehow
managed to let both Tiki Barber and Michael Strahan

retire; get rid of Jeremy Shockey and lose pro-bowl "

defensive end Osi Umenyiora for the season. Its all

good in New York though, the G-men have come
back with a more mature and talented team this year
with a second consecutive Super Bowl ring gleaming
in the back of their minds. Hats off to the Giants. If
they keep up this good play, they will surely secure
the No. 1 NFC seed in the playoffs.

The Carolina Panthers: The Panthers finally
have a healthy Jake Delhomme/Steve Smith con-

~ nection. At 7-2, Carolina is playing the best football

since its Super Bowl season of 2003. With one of
the best quarterback/receiver tandems in the game
and a solid running game backed up by DeAngelo
Williams, I have the Panthers as my second NFC
playoff seed.

Arizona Cardinals: The Cardinals are a huge
surprise this season, and nobody in Arizona seems to
mind. After 21 years in Phoenix, the Cards seem to
have the confidence and composure to land them in
their second playoff appearance in team history. Kurt

Warner may be old, but he is showing the veteran -

leadership necessary to move a young team like this
forward. After a scary hit just three weeks ago, the
Cardinals have receiver Anquan Boldin back on the
roster. The Fitzgerald-Boldin combination is tough to
stop. [ll take the Cardinals to win the NFC West.

Minnesota Vikings: Still a toss up in the NFC
north. As of now, I am going with my gut and pick-
ing the Minnesota Vikings over the Chicago Bears.
Adrian Peterson is leading the league in rushing yards
and simply cant be stopped. This division is still up

-in the air, and it will be fun to watch it play out.

Washington Redskins: The theme in Washing-
ton nowadays seems to be centered on change,?
and that is just what the Redskins got. Owner Daniel
Snyder finally made a good decision in bringing in
first-year coach Jim Zorn, who has used his experi-
ence with quarterbacks to hand-mold Jason Camp-
bell. Campbell, who has thrown for nearly 2,000
yards, has been precise and careful with the football.
He has proven that he can manage Zorns high-pow-
ered West coast offense. Campbells ability to run the
offense has opened up tremendous opportunities for

running back Clinton Portis, who is second in the

league in rushing yards. I like the Skins for the top
wildcard seed heading into the playoffs.

Dallas Cowboys: Yes, its bold, but I feel that
the Cowboys will get it back together. At the begin-
ning of the season, almost everyone had Americas
team as the NFC favorite. Losing Tony Romo for
just a couple weeks took a huge toll on this team,
however, and his health will be vital for the Cowboys
_ the rest of the way. If Wade Phillips can get some
production out of T.O. and newly acquired receiver
Roy Williams, then I think Dallas stands a legitimate
shot for slipping into the playoffs.

The Tennessee Titans:
country music, the people of Nashville have a lot


In a city known for.

to be thankful for. The Titans, at a perfect 9-0,
are fighting to remain unbeaten this season.

Theres an old gridiron that says, defense wins

championships.? Tennessee is a team powered
by fierce defensive play and it will be interest-
ing to see whether it can hold true to the saying.
With Chris Johnson and LenDale White creating
a thunder/lightning effect in the backfield and
veteran quarterback Kerry Collins managing
the offense, the Titans have the total package.
They are a lock for the No. 1 AFC seed in the
2009 playoffs.

The Pittsburgh Steelers: Mike Tomlin has
these boys in check. With a healthy Willie Parker
and accurate Ben Roethlisberger, the Steelers are
a tough team to contend with. At 6-3, they are still

competing with the Ravens for the AFC North,
~but I feel they will run away with it in the final.

stretch of the season. The Steelers are my pick
for the No. 2 seed.

The New England Patriots: After losing
Tom Brady before the season started, no one
had faith in the New England Patriots. But how
could you sleep on this team? Head coach Bill
Belichick has a regular season record of 133-84
and. simply knows the recipe for success. The
Patriots know what it takes to win and they are
doing just that. If Matt Cassel can keep making

good-decisions, then the New England Patriots

will make yet another playoff appearance. I have
the Pats as the third seed in the AFC playoffs.

The Denver Broncos: Both the Denver
Broncos and San Diego Chargers are fighting

for the. AFC Wests playoff spot. No matter the

outcome, neither team has the talent to compete
once playoff time rolls around. Ill go with the
Broncos to win the division, but it will be a long,

tough road for whatever team wins the AFC: West ©

come January.

Baltimore Ravens: Though they are com-
peting with the Steelers in the AFC North, the
Ravens will still most likely claim a wildcard
spot and compete in the playoffs. Rookie quar-

terback Joe Flacco is making a name for himself
in Baltimore and has led the team to a healthy
6-3 record. The Ravens defense is living up to

their reputation--ranking first in the league in rush
yards allowed and second in pass yards allowed.
If this.success continues, I have the Ravens as
my No. 5 AFC seed. .

The Indianapolis Colts: Though the Colts
only have a record of 5-4 and are sitting behind
the undefeated Titans in the AFC South, they are
playing their best football right now. After beat-
ing both New England and Pittsburgh in the last
two weeks, the Colts have tons of momentum for
the remainder of the season. Peyton Manning is

familiar when it comes to the playoffs, and I am:

confident that he will make another appearance
in 2009.

This writer can be contacted at


Week 11: Ranking the Carolinas


Record: 7-2


Last week: Won vs. Georgia Tech, 28-7

UNC defeated its second ranked opponent of the season last weekend"No. 19 Georgia Tech"
and now finds itself ranked No. 17 and has secured its first winning season in seven years. It was
supposed to take Butch Davis some time to turn this thing around, but look at what he has done in
only his second year with the program. Against Georgia Tech, UNC forced three turnovers and scored

three touchdowns in the final quarter"but the most important stat was T.J. Yates completing his _

first pass since going down with an injury almost two months ago. Watch out Cam Sexton, there was

a reason why you were Yates backup before the injury.

Record: 7- 3

Last week: Won vs. Arkansas, 34-21

The only reason wi the Gamecocks arent ranked ahead of UNC is because they lack a win
against a ranked opponent. USC has played a much tougher schedule and has certainly lost to better
teams"Georgia, LSU, Vanderbilt"but USCs best win is at Ole Miss. All of that can change this

weekend when USC heads to Gainesville to play third-ranked Florida. The Gamecocks, winners of six ~

of their last seven, are starving for a win over a ranked team. They have the defense to do it, but UF
is clearly playing like the best team in the nation right now and will be tough to beat at home.



Book Signing

Thursday November 13th at 7 PM

Join author, and ECU
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RANKING continued from B2

u Record: 6-3

Last week: Won vs. Virginia, 28-17

Wake Forest has suddenly salvaged its season with two-straight quality wins. Coming off an 3
_ Overtime win against Duke, Wake beat Virginia last week"vaulting itself back to the top of the ACC"

standings. The Deacons are tied with Florida State atop the Atlantic Division, but Wakes win in
Tallahassee earlier this season gives it the tiebreaker advantage over FSU. Donning gold jerseys,
Wake seized conference supremacy last week by forcing four turnovers and holding UVA to 28
rushing yards. With three very winnable games left to play, Wake has. an inside track to the ACC
title game.

Last week: Won vs. Duke, 27-17

Record: 3-6

You might be wondering how a team with three wins can be ranked this high. The answer is
simple: One of N.C. States wins was against ECU, which was ranked No. 14 at the time, and the
other was against Duke last week. The Wolfpack have beaten both of the teams that could make a
claim for the fourth spot in these rankings. One thing is for sure however, the Wolfpack will not be
ranked No. 4 next week, or the week after that. N.C. State plays Wake Forest this week and UNC next
week, so we will definitely find out if last week was simply N.C. States Super Bowl of if it really is a
good team with Russell Wilson fully healthy.

Record: 6-3 Last week: Won vs. Marshall, 19-16

The Pirates won a very important game last week, beating C-USA rival Marshall at home. ECU
now appears to be a shoe in for representing the East in the C-USA championship game and going to
a-bowl game for the third year in a row. The next two games"at Southern Miss and at UAB"will be
hard to win however, as these road trips have haunted ECU in the past. With the win over Marshall,
ECU now controls its destiny for the C-USA championship game for the third year in a row. The
Pirates couldnt handle that situation in each of the past two years, but it will oftly hard for that to
happen again"even with the road trips upcoming.

This writer can be contacted at


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MLB player returns "
for Homecoming


Chad Tracy returned to
ECUs Clark-LeClair Stadium
this past weekend to partake in
Homecoming festivities. The
Arizona Diamondbacks third
baseman starred at ECU from
1999-2001 before becoming
the seventh round pick of the
Diamondbacks in the 2001 MLB
Amateur Draft.

Tracy went to West Meck-
lenburg High School in Char-
lotte, NC. After graduating
from high school, he took his
skills to ECU on a baseball
scholarship. Tracy had a stellar
career for the Pirates, compiling
a .339 batting average over his
three-year career. After Tracys
junior season, he was draft-eli-
gible and could not resist a shot
at making it in the Majors.

When the former Pirate
returned to ECU on Friday, it
was the first time he had stepped
onto the infield at Clark-LeClair

Stadium. When Tracy played for

the university, Bagwell Field
was the home of the Pirates.
This place is amazing and
it just shows you the hard work
that a lot of people have put in
this program has paid off,? said
Tracy, when discussing Clark

LeClair stadium.

Hard work and determina-
tion are essential for any profes-
sional athletic career, and this
was no different for Tracy.

T worked harder here than
I have ever worked in my life. I
learned work ethic and how to
play the game the way it is sup-
posed to be played,? he said.

Tracy has had some trouble
staying healthy this past season,

_ appearing in only 88 out of 162

games, but he persevered and
kept focused on his goal of
maintaining a MLB career.

ECU sophomore shortstop
Dustin Harrington says he looks
up to Tracy and his work ethic.

He came out and worked
hard everyday and he is
a great guy to look up to,?
said Harrington.

Corey Thompson,.a fresh-
man third baseman for ECU,
took a lot from Tracys visit
to BEV;

He showed that the weight
room and conditioning got
him where he is today,? said

Tracy was proud of the
Pirates early success. this
football season.

They have done a great job

this year when they beat West

Virginia and Virginia Tech. You
dont think I wasnt running


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around the locker room and
letting everyone know it?? the
major leaguer said.

Head coach Billy Godwin
was pleased with the opportu-
nity to have Tracy visit ECUs
campus and get a chance to
see how the baseball program
is doing.

What we have here is a
direct result of all the hard
work that guys like Chad put
into this program, and were
certainly honored to have him
back on campus this weekend,?
said Godwin.

There were a lot of valu-
able things that he shared with
them [the baseball team] about
his time here. He talked about
some of the hard work that he
paid when coach LeClair was
here. Its the same thing were
doing now. It does reinforce the
important things that we want
our guys to do and what this
program stands for.?

This writer can be contacted at

ECU student with interest writing at
The East Carolinian

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Assistance, low-cost healthcare,

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Career jump start, and up to a $20,000 bonus for specific

» jobs. All this as a member of the Air Force Reserve with no


| =


Short-term lease from Janu-
ary to July at The Landing?.
$440 a month. All inclusive.
Call Katherine at 252-903-
3933 for more details.

Im subleasing my bedroom
in a 2 bedroom apartment at
North Campus Crossing. Avail-
able for January 1. The rent is

normally $535 a month including:

all utilities and furnishings. If you
sublease through me, rent will

only be $500 a month. I'll pay the |

difference. Please email Katie at

Im subleasing my apart-
ment. Its a separate contract
lease at North Campus Crossing.
It is $535 a month, internet,
cable, all included. It would bea
bedroom in a two bedroom unit.
Private bath. Preferably a female.
| will pay subleasing fee. Contact
Anna at 757-724-1108.

Stratford Villas. 3 BR, 3 BA
house available next semester.
Short-term lease available.
Located across from baseball
stadium on ECU bus route. Call
Jennifer at 252-561-6292.

For Rent: 3000 sa. ft. house,
blocks from campus and down-
town. Large 4 BR Plus, 3 Full
Bath. Washer/dryer, dishwasher.
Newly refurbished. Ample park-
ing. Please call 210-452-3590
to arrange walk-thru.

WALK TO CLASS! 1 block
from campus. 2 bedroom apart-
ment with hard wood floors and
central heat / AC located right
next to ECU Police. Washer,
dryer, dishwasher, high-speed
internet, basic cable, water &
sewer all included. Available
January 1. Also, roommate
needed for one unit (male or
female). Call (252) 916-5680.

1606 S. Elm Street. Walk-
ing distance to ECU. 3BR/2BA
house for rent, fenced yard,
fireplace, 2 car garage, $995,

3 bedroom, 2 bath house
available December. All major
appliances - including dish-
washer, washer/dryer, fenced-in
backyard. EXCELLENT repair,

recently renovated. Mature rent-

ers, grad students, or profes-

sionals preferred. Stephanie
252-258- 2489.

One block from ECU. One

and two bedroom very affordable
apartments, private patios/balco-

nies, on-site management, FREE
cable, water and sewer, laundry
facilities on site, pool, plenty of
parking, Wi-Fi available. Green
Mill Run Apartments. 252-758-

The Landing? one. bed-

room sublease for a three bed-

room apartment. $485/month.
NO deposit. Pet fee waved.
Pets: cat (very friendly and
good with small dogs). Utilities
included. Lease ends in August.
Received deposit money at end
of lease. Leasing starting at the
beginning or ending of January
(negotiable). Please call (828)

For Rent: Newly renovated
house walking distance to stores
and college. Washer and dryer.
2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Fenced-in
back yard. $690. Call 252-

For Rent: Large house walk-
ing distance to stores. and col-

lege. Washer and dryer, 2 baths, .
3 bedrooms. $900. Call 252-.


_ For Rent: 2 bedroom duplex,
1 bath, 2 bedrooms. Walking
distance to stores and college.

$425. Call 252-327-9667.

Large house fenced in back
yard. Walking distance to stores
and college. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath.
$750. Call 252-327-9667.

3 Bedroom for 2 Bedroom
price ($650/month - 102B S.
Meade Street). 3 blocks from
campus with fenced backyard,

- washer/dryer, dishwasher, and

lawn service included. Call 252-

5 or 6 people can live com-.

fortably (and legally - its a
duplex) in this 2900 square

foot house just 2 blocks from

campus and right across the
street from the new STAR-

BUCKS coffee house. 2 full
_kitchens, 3 full bathrooms,

6 bedrooms (15 x 15 aver-

age size). Central heat/air,

washer, dryer, and dishwasher
all provided. Basic cable, high-
speed internet, monitored
alarm system and lawn care
all included in rent. Fenced-

~in yard (some dogs OK). Call


Sublease apartment for
Spring 2009. 2 bedroom apart-
ment at North Campus Crossing.
Furnished, washer/dryer, and on
bus route. $535/month (every-
thing included). Please email
Joycelyn at

Available 1-1-09: 2 bed-

room, 2 bath 2013-A Dockside.

$595 per month. Excellent
condition. Parking underneath.
Close to campus. Call 355-
6339. January free rent.

102'N. Jarvis: Four blocks

from campus/downtown. 3
Bedroom/1 bath for $650. Great
student location. Call 292- ie

Two bedrooms in an apart-
ment for short-term lease until

the end of July 2009 at North

Campus Crossing. Ready for
move in ASAP. Its a two bed-

room apartment but each bed-

room is on individual lease.
It has.a private bath, walk-in
closet, and washer/dryer. ALL

utilities (water, cable, electric- -

ity, high-speed internet, etc.)
are included in the monthly rent
which is $535. | will pay the

subleasing fee, which is $150,

for you. Contact McKenzie Allen
at 919-222-9044, or email her

2 Bedroom, 1 Bath house
(114 Jarvis Street) available
1/1/09 ($650/month). Includes
all appliances with washer/dryer,
dishwasher, private backyard,

hardwood and tile floors. Great

house. Call 252-327-4433.

1089 Pine Drive. Winter-
ville, Firetower to Corey Road.
3BR/2BA house, fenced yard,
fireplace, $1295, 252- 341-

{ }




PHONE (252) 328-9238 FAX (252) 328-9143

Heat/Air. Call 252-341-8331.

$1049 2 BR - TARA CONDO
MONTHS RENT - This condo

is part of the beautiful Tara _

Condominium Community in
Greenville, minutes from the
ECU campus and stadium.

- Large, 2 bedroom, 2 full
bath - 1,620 square feet - hard-
wood and tile flooring through-
out living areas, Berber carpet in
both bedrooms - stainless steel
appliances - screened-in porch
with large 6x10 storage closet -

. large master suite - master bath

includes large jacuzzi tub, with
separate glass-enclosed shower
- walk-in closets - alarm system
- fireplace - pool views from both
bedrooms and master bathroom
- washer and dryer are included
- two numbered parking spots,
and many visitor spaces.

This condo is avail-
able beginning January Ist,
2009! Rent is $1,049/month,
great when split between two!
Included in rent: pool/gym
access plus cable -and-high-
speed internet access in all
living areas - ALL YOU PAY IS

-For additional pictures and
information contact Nicholas

Talarico at: NRTALARICO@



Mattress sets: $149, Futons:
$99.. Save up to 1/2 retail
BEDROOMS 730 SE Greenville

Blvd. (next to McAllisters). Call

252-355- 2626.
2. BR; 2 BA Gondo For

Sale - price negotiable. Quiet |

neighborhood. Great condition.
Tons of extras. Over 1200 sq.
ft. $87,500 obo. Call Josh at

110 West 11th: Near -Star-

bucks on 10th. 2 Bedroony1 bath

with all utilities included from
$650. Washer, Dryer, and Central


$200 Sale! Includes Roundtrip |

Cruise, 4 Nights Beachfront Hotel,
Meals & #1 Parties! Text Mes-

sage: SPRINGBREAK to 313131

to redeem sale! Limited Space,
Book Now! 1-877-997-8747.

Spring Break ~09. The UIti-
mate Party. Lowest prices.

& Cash For Campus Reps.~

BOOK BY Nov. 1 FOR Free Beer
DRINKS. www.sunsplashtours.
com 1-800-426-7710.

Spring Break 2009. Sell
Trips, Earn Cash and Go Free.
Call for Group Discounts. Best
Prices Guaranteed! Best Parties!
Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco,
Bahamas, S. Padre, Florida.
Information/Reservations 1-800-
648-4849 or


SHIP. Earn great $$$ and gain
valuable sales & marketing
experience working LOCALLY for
Plan-It Greenville,? the FREE
student day planner at ECU.
BOOSTER! Send resume to

-GVLO9.0c101@hiredesk. net.

Earn Extra Money. Students
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per day being a mystery shopper.
No Experience Required. Call

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EXT 202.


Dissertation Defense by
Bruce E. Mock, Doctoral Candi-
date, Department of Communi-
cation Sciences and Disorders.
Functional Aging of Inner Ear
Sensory Systems in Mouse
Models of Age. Related Hear-
ing Loss? will be presented on

Friday, November 14, 2008 at

1:00 p.m. in Room 2365 of the
Health Sciences Building. All

-are invited to attend. For more

information, please contact
Kathryn Dail at

Pirates Den now has
menu featuring new sandwiches
and wraps. We have also added
8 HDTVs so you can catch all

the games.

Dales Indian Cuisine is the
only authentic Indian restaurant
in Greenville. We are located on
419 Evans Street. Lunch buffet
M-F. Dinner buffet M & T. All ECU
students, faculty, and staff receive
10% off with ID. 252-551-3253.

ECU Global Film Project...
your passport to the world!?
Introducing the 1998 Brazilian
box office hit, Central do Brazil?
directed by Walter Salles (with
subtitles). Where: Rivers Build-
ing RW 105A When: Thursday,

November 13 at 7:00 p.m.

What: language, music, and
film from Brazil. Sponsored by
the ECU GeoClub and benefiting
City of Joy, a project of Panzi
Hospital in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.

Are you a gay, lesbian, bisex-
ual, or transgender ECU employee
or student? Make sure you com-
plete the anonymous and confi-
dential survey being conducted.
between October 28 and November
18 on the ECU campus. Go to the
Department of Sociology homep-
age, the GLBT Student Union
homepage, or go directly to http: Make yours

heard! |

_ The Division of ahs
Studies and Office of Interna-.
tional Affairs will host a Summé:
Study Aboard Information Fair on.
Monday, November 17, 2008"
from 5:00-8:00 p.m. on the:
first floor of the Bate Building;

Students can obtain information.
about all Summer Study Abroad:
opportunities in 2009 and speak:
with the Faculty Directors lead=
ing the programs. in

Join the fight against.
cancer. Come to the Relay
For Life kickoff on November:
18th from 4-6 p.m. on thé
Mendenhall Brickyard. Free
food and prizes. Come partici-!
pate and get registered. PS




3305 E 10TH ST




The East Carolinian, November 13, 2008
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 13, 2008
Original Format
30.5cm x 55.7cm
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Location of Original
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