The East Carolinian, September 11, 2008

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September iu 2008

VoLUME 84, Issug 4

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Before the war in Iraq
began, Barack Obama opposed
it. His plan for Iraq is to
remove troops responsibly and
carefully. According to his
official Web site, he believes
we as careful getting
out of Iraq as we were careless
getting in.? Obama plans to
remove troops by working
with the Iraqi government and
using military commanders
on the ground in the country.
Obama plans to deploy one to
two military brigades a month
for 16 months until American
troops are not needed any-
more. The timeline: troops
will be out by 2010. However,
Obamas plan includes keep-
ing a residual force in Iraq (but

not building permanent bases)

to protect the U.S. against ter-
rorism, conduct counter-terror-
ism projects against Al Qaeda
and train and support security
forces within the country.

To learn more about
Obamas stance on this issue
and others, visit barackobama.
com and click on the issues?

Here is the truth: fighting a war
without end will not force the
lragis to take responsibility for
their own future. And fighting in a
war without end will not make the
American people safer. So when |
am Commander-in-Chief, | will set
a new goal on day one: | will end this
war. Not because politics compels
it. Not because our troops cannot
bear the burden- as heavy as it is.
But because it is the right thing to
do for our national security, and it
will ultimately make us safer.?


_ After five years


iraq War Results & Statistics
as of August 27, 2008

From North Carolina- IRAQ
1. Sgt. Leonard W. Adams 2. Sgt.
Mark P. Adams 3. Maj. James
M. Ahearn 4. Lance Cpl. Brian E.
Anderson 5. Sgt. 1st Class Henry
A. Bacon 6. Cpl. Felipe C. Barbosa
7. Staff Sgt. Patrick 0. Barlow
8. Spc. Bradley S. Beard 9. Set.
Darry Benson 10. Cpl. Mark A.
Bibby 11. Gunnery Sgt. Darrell ~W.
Boatman 12. Set. Larry R. Bowman
13. Staff Set. Juantrea T. Bradley
14. Spe. Lunsford B. Brown Il 15.
Lance Cpl. Benjamin S. Bryan
16. Lt. Col. Charles H. Buehring -
17. Lance Cpl. Kenneth J. Butler
18. Staff Sgt. Marshall H. Caddy
19. Cpl. Bobby T. Callahan 20.
Spc. Jocelyn L. Carrasquillo 21.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Mitchell K.
Carver Jr. 22. Capt. Christopher S.
Cash 23. Staff Sgt. Darrell P. Clay
24. Cpl. Benny G. Cockerham Ill
25. Spe. Shawn R. Creighton 26.
1st Lt. Joshua Deese 27. Staff Set.
Mike A. Dennie 28. Spc. Daniel A.
Desens 29. Spc. Lance 0. Eakes
30. Cpl. Christopher S. Ebert 31.
Spc. Phillip C. Edmundson 32.
Lance Cpl. Nathan R. Elrod 33..
Spc. Steven R. Elrod 34. Spc.
Ebe F. Emolo 35. Capt. Michael S.
Fielder 36. Chief Warrant Officer
Paul J. Flynn 37. Spe. Aaron M.
Forbes 38. Spc. Nicholas R. Gibbs |
39. Lance Cpl. Cliff K. Golla 40.
Seaman Sandra S. Grant 41. Lt. Col.
David S. Greene 42. Spc. Kenneth

Troops i in lraq:


Soldiers killed:


U.S. monthly spending in Iraq in 2008:


U.S spending per second:

Cost of deploying one
U.S soldier for one year in Iraq:


Journalists kill a


iraqi Civilians Killed (estimated):
Casualties are reported at

50,000 10 600,000.

D. Hess 43. Pfc. Brian L. Holden
44. Lance Cpl. David B. Houck 45.
Lance Cpl. Gregory.C. Howman 46.
Cpl. Jason |. Huffman 47. Lance Cpl.
Jeriad P. Jacobs 48. Capt. William

we still remember

W. Jacobsen Jr. 49. pc. Steven R.

Jewel 50. Sgt. Courtney T. Johnson

91. Pvt. William C. Johnson 52. Spe.
Kevin M. Jones 53. Sgt. William S.
Kinzer Jr. 54. Lance Cpl. Johnathan
E. Kirk 55. Set. Elmer C. Krause 56.
Lance Cpl. Alan Dinh Lam 57. Spc.
James |. Lambert lll 58. Spc. Darryl
W. Linder 59. Lance Cpl. Kevin A.

~Lucas 60. Pfc. Adam L. Marion

61. Staff Sgt._Misael Martinez 62.
Spe. Montrel S. Mcarn 63. Sgt. 1st
Class Marvin L. Miller 64. Staff
Sgt. William C. Moore 65. Pfc.
Shawn M. Murphy 66. Set. Rodney
A. Murray 67. Lance Cpl. David
S. Parr 68. Set. David B. Parson
69. Capt. Christopher T. Pate 70.
Staff Sot. Emanuel Pickett 71. Staff
Sgt. Jason C. Ramseyer 72. Set.
Thomas C. Ray, Il 73. Sgt. John D.
Rode 74. Spc. Michael J. Rodriguez
75. Spe. Michael J. Rodriguez 76.
Sgt. Scott C. Rose 77. Spc. Ryan
D. Russell 78. Lance Cpl. Andrew
D. Russoli 79. Sgt. Monta S. Ruth
80. Pfc. Enrique C. Sanchez 81.

Sgt. Leonard D. Simmons 82. Sgt.

John M. Smith 83. Sgt. Roderic A.

Solomon 84. Sgt. ist Class Greg
L. Sutton 85. Lance Cpl. Daniel F.
Swaim 86. Maj. David G. Taylor 87.
Spc. Joel A. Taylor 88. Spc. Prince
K. Teewia 89. Petty Officer 3rd
Class Christopher W. Thompson 90.
Sgt. Michael L. Tosto 91. Staff Sgt.
Eric R. Vick 92. Staff Set. Michael
S. Voss 93. Set. Gregory L. Wahl
94. Staff Sgt. Laurent J. West 95.
Pfc. Christopher N. White 96. Pfc.
Joey D. Whitener 97. Set. David B.
Williams 98. Sgt. Lee C. Wilson |



John McCains take on the
war in Iraq includes staying in
the country until the lraqi gov-
ernment is capable of standing
on its own. McCain believes
that leaving early would be a
mistake for Iraq, its neighbors
and the U.S. He has said
that he will only stay as long
as is necessary, but does not
want to withdraw too quickly.
According to McCain, an early
American withdrawal would
lead to a failed Iraqi state and
a haven for terrorists. McCain
wants to guard against that by
staying until an lraqi security
force is in place and capable
of defending against terrorists
or other security breaches.

To learn about McCains
stance on this issue and
others, visit
and click on the issues?

I do not want to keep our troops
in Iraq a minute longer than neces-
sary to secure our interests there.
Our goal is an Iraq that can stand
on its own as a democratic ally
and a responsible force for peace
in its neighborhood. Our goal is an
Iraq that no longer needs American
troops. And | believe we can achieve
that goal, perhaps sooner than
many imagine. But | do not believe
that anyone should make promises
as a Candidate for President that
they cannot keep if elected. To
promise a withdrawal of our forces
from Iraq, regardless of the calami-
tous consequences to the Iraqi
people, our most vital interests,
and the future of the Middle East,
is the height of irresponsibility. It
is a failure of leadership.


Students, parents still up in arms about police actions


Investigations regarding
unnecessary force at Saturday

afternoons ECU-West Virginia.

University game are still under-
way. Ma
The 24-3 Pirate victory cel-
ebration did not go as planned.
On Monday, approximately a
dozen complaints were filed by
students and spectators against
various agencies for acts of
alleged unnecessary force by
police officers, and although not
yet confirmed by ECU police
chief Scott Shelton or any other
police department, it has been
rumored that there have been
many more.

Attendance reached 43,610,
the fourth largest crowd in ECU
history and the largest since Skip
Holtz has taken over as head
coach; 114 police officers were
present at the game, 60 of which
were on the field.

Of these 60 officers, it has
been confirmed that a number
of them did exude excessive
and unnecessary force against
some of the students that rushed
the field.

Shelton said his pcp ge S

Today S


investigation has positively iden-
tified police officers and sheriff
deputies seen in video clips taken
on the field after the game and
necessary disciplinary actions
will be carried out by the respec-
tive agencies.

Three arrests were made at
the game, only one of which
occurred on the field.

There is no denying that
what you saw on the film is
sickening in nature,? said Shel-
ton..Now what we have to do
is make sure we do a thorough
investigation and find out, not

~necessarily what the person
did for him to be taken to the

ground, but why were punches

In the meantime, ECU stu-
dents are questioning police

ECU junior Wesley Sawyer
was among the many students
that rushed the field after the

I was standing along the
fence near the field goal post with
everyone else,? said Sawyer. As
soon as the clock ran out people
started jumping over the fence.
I didnt even realize what was

. FOOTBALL page 2

~Pirate Rant
of the Day |

: What's the deal with ev- : Look inside to find out
: erybody wanting to pee
: on something? Listening
~ to too sen R. Kelly Le
: Guess...

: President Bushs plan to
: withdraw 8,000 troops.

page 6


A fan rushes the field after the WVU game Saturday.



Check out reviews on ~The ECU football team
new music and classic : was ranked No. 2 in the

: films that you remem ber |


nation by one AP voter

this oes te week.

page 12.

| News


Obamas ~lipstick
comment draws uproar
from McCain camp

Yesterday the news was full
of chatter about Senator Barack
Obamas comment on Tuesday
that John McCains and Presi-
dent Bushs policies were no
_better than putting ~lipstick on
a pig-- a phrase that McCain
himself has used many times in
his campaign"but McCain and
camp felt that Obamas phras-
ing was targeting Sarah Palin,
the Republican vice presidential

Obama responded by saying
that McCain was playing the
gender card? inappropriately.

Technically, had I meant
it this way she would be the
lipstick, you see. The failed
policies of John McCain would
be the pig,? Obama said, at his
appearance on the Letterman
Show on Tuesday night. Just
following the logic of this illogi-
cal situation.?

McCains campaign
demanded an apology, alleging
that Obama was smearing?
Palin with offensive and dis-
graceful? comments.

Obama said yesterday that
hes not buying that McCain or
Palin are offended.

This whole thing about lip-
stick, nobody actually believes
that these folks are offended,?
he said. Oh, were shocked.
Everybody knows its cynical,
everybody knows its insincere.

McCain campaign spokes-
~man Brian Rogers responded,
saying: Barack Obama cant
campaign with schoolyard insults
and then try to claim outrage at
the tone of the campaign. His talk
of new politics is as empty as his
campaign trail promises.?

Evacuations begin in
Texas in preparation
for Ike

Authorities warned | million
Texas residents to flee inland
along with the frail and elderly
that were bused to safer locations
in preparation for Hurricane Ike
to hit the Texas coast that includes
the nations largest concentration
of refineries and chemical plants.
Drawing energy from the warm
waters of the Gulf of Mexico,
the strengthening storm was
expected to blow ashore early
Saturday somewhere between
Corpus Christi and Houston, with

some forecasts saying it could -

become a Category 4, with winds
of at least 131 mph. Such a storm
could cause a storm surge of 18
feet in Matagorda Bay and four
to eight feet in Galveston Bay,
emergency officials warned. The
surge in Galveston Bay could
. push floodwaters into Houston,
damaging areas that include the
nations biggest refinery and
NASAs Johnson Space Center.
Four counties south and east of
Houston announced mandatory
or voluntary evacuations, and
authorities began moving weak
and chronically ill patients by
bus to San Antonio, about 190
miles from Houston. At 5 p.m.
EDT Monday, Ike was a Cat-
egory 2 storm with winds near
100 mph. It was about 720 miles
east of Brownsville, Texas, and
was moving northwest at 8 mph,
after ravaging homes in Cuba and
killing at least 80 people in the
Caribbean. No matter where Ike
hits, its effects are likely to be felt
for hundreds of miles, said Mark
Sloan, emergency management
coordinator for Harris County,
which includes Houston.

Defeating extremists in
. Afghanistan becomes
more urgent

Even with American troops
headed soon from an increas-
ingly quiet Iraq to a more tur-
bulent Afghanistan, defeating
extremists in Afghanistan is
growing more complex and more
urgent, President Bushs senior
defense advisers say.

Frankly, we are running out
of time,? Adm. Mike Mullen,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, told the House Armed
Services Committee on Wednes-
day, referring to the international
effort to stabilize Afghanistan. |

Im not convinced were
winning in Afghanistan,? said
Mullen, adding quickly, Im
convinced we can.? What is
needed, he said, is better Afghan
governance, more foreign invest-
ment, a viable alternative to
poppy farming, greater coopera-
tion with Pakistan and more U.S.
nonmilitary assistance. Mullen
and Defense Secretary Robert
Gates, testifying together one day



President Bushs announce-
ment Tuesday that he1l maintain
troop levels in Iraq through the
end of his presidency suggests
that despite his claim that the
surge of additional U.S. troops in
Iraq has succeeded, the security
gains could be temporary, defense
officials and experts said. .
Here is the bottom line:
While the enemy in Iraq is still
dangerous, we have seized the
offensive, and the Iraqi forces are
becoming increasingly capable
of leading and winning the fight,?
Bush said Tuesday in a speech
before the National Defense

Bush, however, announced
that he ll order only 8,000 more
combat troops to leave Iraq by

February, the month after his.

presidency ends, reducing the
number there to about 138,000.
A Marine battalion and: an

Army brigade combat team front, *

the Armys 10th Mountain Divi-
sion. that had been.
shat hag beens

Stan instead, Bush said.

U.S. defense officials ~said -

the presidents decision to with-
draw only 8,000 soldiers from
Iraq reflects a persistent con-
cern among top commanders
that improvements in security
could be temporary and renewed

violence could erupt. Officials

fear that Iran might reactivate
the Shiite Muslim militias
it has armed and trained and
that the Sunni group al-Qaeda
in Iraq is trying to re-establish
itself in Mosul, Iraqs third-larg-
est city.

Ret. Army Lt. Col. John
Nagl, who helped craft the mil-
itarys new counterinsurgency
doctrine with Iraq commander

-Gen. David Petraeus, said that

while the drawdown is small, the
U.S. is winning--but withdraw-
ing too soon could undermine
that success.

-~The security gains are
real and tangible but fragile,?

' said Nagl, who visited Iraq last
month. If you declare victory

too soon, whether in a province
or the whole country, al-Qaeda
can come back. And it is a whole
lot less work and a whole lot less
blood spilled keeping them out
once you have cleared an area
than it is pulling out prematurely

and then having to go back and
clear them out again.?

Bushs plan appears to fall
short of demands by the Iraqi
government for a withdrawal
timetable. Mohammed al-Askari,
an Iraqi.defense ministry spokes-
man, said Tuesday that Iraq is
moving in the right direction?
and because of that the admin-
istration is obliged to reduce its
forces in Iraq within an accept-
able time frame that ends in
complete withdrawal.?

The Iraqi governments
inability to schedule provincial
elections has raised concerns in
other parts of the U.S. military
leadership, defense officials told
McClatchy Newspapers. The
elections were supposed to be
held next month; they could be
postponed until summer.

Although Bush said that he
plans to apply the lessons of
the Iraq surge to Afghanistan,

~experts said the U.S. doesnt have
~ enough troops to do that.
chedilled 16"

In Afghanistan, defense offi-


: would provide. a net increase of
~about 1,500 U.S. troops, almost
_all of them helicopter crews,

military police and logistics units
attached to the Army brigade
bound for Helmand province,
the center of Afghanistans illicit
narcotics trade. _
Bush said the troops in

Afghanistan would do things .

similar to their missions in Iraq:
train local forces, protect demo-
cratic institutions and regain

control of the security situation.

Similar to Iraq, the president said,
the State Department would send
more provincial recenstruction
teams to Afghanistan to rebuild
local economies.

But theyll do so with far -

fewer troops. There currently are
146,000 U.S. troops in Iraq and
33,000 in Afghanistan, a country
about 50 percent larger than Iraq
where the Islamist insurgency is
gaining strength.

Marvin Weinbaum, a scholar
at the nonpartisan Middle East
Institute, said that given Afghan-
istans complex tribal system,
mountainous terrain and poor
infrastructure, the U.S. would
have to send 100,000 troops to

_have any sustainable impact.

Its a decision built out of
desperation,? Weinbaum said.

FOOTBALL Sala from 1

going on._I jumped the fence
too and was soon grabbed and
slammed to the ground by an offi-
cer who then pushed my face into
the ground with his knee.?
Sawyer said that his wrists
were swollen for days from
the handcuffs the officer

placed around his hands while .
~he sat with the other students

being held. Sawyer claims that

he was not even allowed to°

stand up.

In an email sent to ECU
police and forwarded to The
East Carolinian, Sawyers father,

Jeff, commented on the actions

displayed Saturday.

I hope this incident has
opened the eyes of your depart-
ment and you do what is right to
protect the innocent victims that
might someday be in a similar
situation,? he wrote.

Shelton said in a press release
sent Tuesday that for the remain-
der of the football season ECU
will use officers only from within
Pitt County.

SGA president Andrew Grif-
fin was also in close proximity
to the events that occurred after
the game.

T was actually on the fence,
front row and was wondering--

what, through your investigation,

excited these police officers
that really were confrontational
to the students in front of the

fence,? Griffin said Monday at a

press conference with ECU and
Greenville police. They were
really taunting us and saying,
~hey, if you come over this fence,
you will get hurt.? .

Shelton responded with,
thats absolutely, totally unac-

Videos of the event have
been seen on a wide variety of
mediums including YouTube,
ESPN and a number of local
news networks.

Chancellor Steve Ballard
said Tuesday that the university
will carefully review its game-
day protocols and training to
make sure everything possible is
done to protect the safety of fans
and players at the game.

Safety is paramount,? Bal-
lard said. Everything starts
with that.?

This writer can be contacted at

{ Campus & Community }

Bush orders removal


Bushs proclamation of the removal of 8,000 troops from Iraq Tuesday.

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Theres new food in town,
and its on College Hill.

Todd Dining Hall, now
known as The Fresh Food Com-
pany, opened its doors on Sept.



Larry Barnhill and Vergzinette Nobles prepare pizzas at Todd.

3 with a smattering of new food
options for students and staff.
With new vegetarian dishes
offered at every meal and almost
every food item cooked right
in front of students, Todd is
definitely a different place than
a mere six months ago when

construction began on the dining
hall in April.

Seven show kitchens dot.

the landscape of the new dining
hall, including an action station?
by the salad bar that is used for
making stir-fry chicken, wings
and other scrumptious entrees.


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From barbecue to veggie paninis: Todd has it all

Despite all the changes, some
things have stayed the same"
like barbecue and fried chicken
Wednesdays. Others like freshly
tossed Thai salad and weekly

_ sandwich specialties are totally

new additions.

Joyce Sealey, food director
at ECU, says that students are
enjoying the new menu.

They love it,? she said.
Theres more offerings [and]
everything is basically prepared
right in front of them.?

Why The Fresh Food
Company? Sealey says that
the market-style atmosphere is
becoming common for busi-



nesses and educational institu-
tions around the nation.
Universities around the
country have embraced the
Fresh Food Company concept
that focuses on serving fresh,
locally-grown foods and making
preparation more visible to the

customers,? she said.

_ Food isnt the only thing
thats fresh at Todd. New
equipment" including a meat
smoker and pizza deck oven"
have been added to the entou-
rage. The pizza deck is used to
make a variety of pizzas each
day, and the meat smoker is
used to prepare different meats

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5th Street

Features include seven show kitchens where food is prepared in front of guests.

for lunch and dinner, including
ribs, flank steak and smoked
salmon. A daily pasta selection is
offered as well, and a specialty
sandwich item is on the menu
each week, including a veg-
etarian option (mozzarella and
tomato and vegetable. paninis
are just a couple of these veggie

Other additions? Homemade
potato chips, two soups offered
daily and lots more choices for
both meat-lovers and vegetar-

You decide what you want,?
Sealey said. Its always up to
you to decide how healthy or
unhealthy you want to be.?

The renovations to Todd cost
$3 million, paid for by proceeds
from student meal plans. Sealey
said that this year students sub-
scribed to meal plans have gone
up, with 7,145 students enrolled
this year compared to 6,317 stu-
dents last year.

Besides new food and a
new set up, another addition
(or subtraction?) has been ini-
tiated at Todd. Trays are no
longer provided for diners at
Todd, although a few remain for
people with medical or physical
challenges. This change was
initiated to curtail food and water

A test pilot last November
showed that it took approxi-
mately 2,000 gallons of water to
wash. dining hall trays, and about
.12 to .24 more food was thrown
away when trays were available
to diners. Over the course of
two days that trays werent in
use, waste was reduced by 2,813

For students who dont
have a meal plan: prices at
Todd are $4.80 for breakfast,
$7.20 for lunch and $7.60 for

This writer can be contacted at


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Hagan, Dole support offshore drilling

Potential offshore oil reserves |

President Bush has lifted the executive ban on offshore oil and gas

Both ae for U.S.
Senate in North Carolina raced
Wednesday to declare their sup-
port for offshore drilling, just three
months after the two opposed the
idea because of concerns it might
harm the environment and tourism.

Disputing an ad that started
airing Wednesday, paid for by
Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole,
a spokeswoman for Democratic
challenger Kay Hagan said Hagan
supports oil exploration off the
coast of NC as a way to lower
gas prices. Colleen Flanagan said
Hagan backs such drilling as part
of a package of proposals that
includes investments in alterna-
tive energy.

We need to increase the
amount of gas we can get to
working families,? Flanagan said.
Working families cant continue to
sit by and pay gas prices close to $4
a gallon while half of Washington
says you have to drill and half of
Washington says you cant drill.?

Both Hagan and Dole were
previously vocal opponents of

Dole has long supported a fed-
eral moratorium on such explora-

tion off the NC coast, saying it.

was necessary to protect the state
tourism industry and marine habi-
tat. She changed her mind in June,
also citing high gas prices.


~ " i

301 South Jarvis Street

2 Blocks Behind Chancellor's House



At that time, Hagan, a vet-
eran state senator, slammed Dole
for the decision, saying empty
rhetoric and false promises wont
lower gas prices.? But a month
later, Hagan softened her stance
by signing on to a bipartisan
proposal offered by a small group
of U.S. senators that included
drilling, saying she was willing to.
approve such exploration as part
of a compromise.

Flanagan said Wednesday
that Hagan supports the idea of
drilling as a solution and called.
Doles ad a lie.?

Dole spokesman Dan McL-
agan said the campaign was
under the impression that Hagan
opposed offshore drilling, saying
shes repeated the mantra in inter-
view after interview.

T dont think Hagan can keep
track of what she has flip-flopped
on anymore,? McLagan said.

The plan Hagan supports
would open up spots in the east-
ern Gulf of Mexico and allow
Virginia, NC, South Carolina and
Georgia to have the choice of drill-
ing off their coasts. Flanagan said
Wednesday that Hagan would also
consider other drilling proposals.

Dole supports giving the
states the option of doing offshore
work and has also advocated for
alternative energies.

Drilling has become one of


till 2AM everyday




drilling; Congress must lift its ban as well. Estima

billions of barrels:

«The 1981
Outer Continental
Shelf moratorium bans
leasing of most coastal
waters for oil and gas



Source: Pacific

U.S. Department
of Interior
Lee Hulteng,

~ Judy Treible

© 2008 MCT

the top issues this election year.
Polls indicate that the American
people widely support the addi-
tional exploration, something that
has triggered some politicians to
shift their positions.

But the federal government
has expressed doubts on whether
new offshore exploration would
affect gas prices.

The Interior Department esti-
mates that opening the remaining
U.S. coastal waters to drilling

~could offer access to as much as

18 billion barrels of oil and 77
trillion cubic feet of natural gas
beneath the 574 million acres.

e needed to become a leader. The Army

an Officer in


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For information on how you can begin your journey toward an exciting career as an Army Officer, contact:
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oil reserves in

Estimated total:
- 115 billion barrels

OTE: Figures do not
Gus t6 founding


and deep water

Of that, about 3.8 billion barrels

_ of oil and 37 trillion cubic feet of

natural gas are suspected to be off
the Atlantic coast.
Yet experts believe it could take
years before production begins.
Areport from the U.S. Energy

Information Administration last

year said leasing of the areas
likely wouldnt begin until 2012
for the Pacific, Atlantic and east-
ern Gulf of Mexico, and the plans
wouldnt significantly affect
production or prices before 2030.
The report indicated that the new
oil would do little to move prices
after that.



continued from 2

after President Bush announced
that one Marine battalion and one
Army brigade would be shifted
from Iraq to Afghanistan this
fall and winter, both stressed the
futility of relying too much on
military power in Afghanistan.

We cannot kill our way to
victory,? Mullen said. Gates did
not address the issue of whether
U.S. forces are winning, but after
the hearing his press secretary,
Geoff Morrell said Gates sees
the conflict as an ill-fated attempt
by the Taliban to overthrow the

The secretary believes we
won the war in Afghanistan back
in 2001-2002 when we drove the
Taliban from power,? Morrell
said. They no longer run the
country. They no longer control
any significant territory within
the country; however they are
trying to reassert themselves ...
and they will not be successful.?
U.S. commanders in Afghanistan
say they need another 10,000
troops " about,three times as
many as they will receive this
winter under the troop deploy-
ment Bush announced. The
commanders also urge more
nonmilitary aid and say the
Afghan government must per-
form better.

Palin to appear on
20/20 sities

ABC announced Wednesday
that vice presidential nominee.
Sarah Palin will appear on a
prime-time special of 20/20
with Charles Gibson. Palin will
be traveling to Fairbanks and
Wasila, A.L. to talk with Gibson
for the first set of interviews;
gibson will interviewing Palin a
total of three times. The separate
interviews will be spread out
between different ABC shows,
including Good Morning Amer-
ica and Nightline, according to
ABC... The first part of inter-
views will be on World News at
10 p.m. on Thursday, and will
include a bio of Palin and a round
table discussion of the presiden-
tial race moderated by George
Fox News
documentary of Palin, Governor
Palin: An American Woman? last
Saturday was the most watched
prime-time documentary in the
networks history, drawing 2.7
million viewrs. CNN is also
planning to do a special about
Palin this weekend.

Arrest made in
hammer attack

Philadelphia police arrested
a man on Tuesday suspected
of attacking a sleeping subway
passenger with a hammer, while
fellow riders allegedly did noth-
ing to stop the incident.

Thomas Scantling, 26, of
Philadelphia, was charged with "
attempted murder, aggravated
assault and related charges,
police said.

Scantling was taken to a
mental institution niece

He has a long criminal
history including rape, robbery,
assault, narcotics violations,?
police commissioner Charles
Ramsey said.

The victim, 20-year-old
Dewayne Taylor, made his own
way to a hospital and was treated
for head and neck injuries. Taylor,
who has been released from the
hospital, said Tuesday he has no
idea who the attacker is or why
he was targeted.


Re-examining alcohol age -


Since mid-August, college presidents from
prestigious universities have banded together to
fight the legal drinking age.

The movement, named the Amethyst Initia-
tive, started over a year ago in order to initiate a
nationwide debate to change the legal drinking

- age from 21 to 18.

Founded by the former president of Middle-
bury College, John McCardell, The Amethyst
Initiative argues that the drinking age is con-
stantly evaded and that changing the drinking

age to 18 could prevent unnecessary deaths of

young adults.

A recent study conducted by the U.S. Sur-
geon General showed that nearly 5,000 people
younger than 21 die from underage drinking.
It has also been reported by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention that more than
380 deaths occur from alcohol hee? among
college-age people.

McCardell is also the founder of the group,
Choose Responsibility that proposed a legal
requirement for people between 18 and 20 to take
a drinking education class, similar to a drivers
education class, in order to obtain a drinking


In an effort to prevent underage drinking if

a teenager were to violate drinking laws before
taking the class, they would not be eligible to
take the class when they reached 18.

Alcohol is a legal substance in the United
States and by not allowing legal adults to con-
sume it turns alcohol into a forbidden fruit. Low-
ering the drinking age to 18 could take away the
glamour of getting dangerously drunk.

For many college students, going downtown
is a weekly routine. People who are under the

age of 21 tend to consume the same amount of

alcohol in a few hours as they would an entire
night, in an attempt to remain inebriated because
they are unable to purchase alcohol.

Issues of morals and ethics are also a con-

cern. Students who hope to become teachers |

lose everything if they are caught drinking

People between the ages of 18 and 20 are held
accountable for their actions and are expected
to be responsible citizens; however, they are
not granted the same rights as those who are 21.
Many deaths would be prevented if the drinking
age were lowered. It is obvious that the current
drinking age laws are not working. If an 18-year-
old is responsible enough to risk his or her life by

joining the military, they are responsible enough »

to decide to drink an alcoholic beverage.

This writer can be contacted at

Quick thoughts
Ona Gisry



There can be no washing away, no.under-
stating and no words to express the magnitude
of the win against No. 8 West Virginia. I grew
up in Greenville. When I was eight, I sat in row
eight behind the uprights. Jeff Blake aired out
five touchdowns against the Wolfpack to win
what was the biggest game in ECU history. The
fans rushed the field in ecstasy and dad refused
tq let me join them.

I was as proud as I had ever been of my
Pirate team and excited for. my Pirate nation
when we destroyed the Mountaineers. ©

But we now have to address what was
clearly some mismanangement at the games

I am waiting for the final reports of the
investigations launched by ECU Police, the Pitt
County Sheriffs Department, and Greenville
and Lenoir county sheriff departments before I
pass a final judgment on what transpired. Based
on all available video footage and news reports,
I have some thoughts on what happened and
perhaps there will be more:

1. ECU Police have stated in a press release

~ they told officers working the game that if ECU

won the game and fans attempted to come onto

the field, officers should try to deter them by
making themselves visible.? This suggests no
orders were given to arrest or physically restrain
those who attempted to rush.

2. I want to commend and thank the officers
at the stadium who did execute their orders and
exhibited excellent personal restraint in a wild
environment. The most visible example was
the Highway Patrol trooper assigned escort to
coach Holtz. This officer stood behind him as

. a thousand fans arrived screaming and yelling.
The trooper stood his ground, keeping his arms
wide and his eyes and body moving. He wasnt
lashing out or hollering at kids. He was a strong,
solid force, just as many of the officers were
throughout the event. Let us be sure to hail those
who did their jobs and save our venom for those
that deserve it.

3. I would be the first person to stand up for
the officers need and right to defend themselves

~when facing a threat but I contend that an officer
who punches a student in the head three times,
after the student is-already on the ground and
subdued, has lost control and can no longer be
trusted with his duties. The officer should be
dismissed if he cannot maintain composure
in pressure situations and respect the rights of
citizens in his custody. The discipline of any
other officers who acted inappropriately should
be left with those with thegxperience and per-
spective to judge.

' This writer can be contacted at

Is 18 the new 21?

{ Your Procrastination Destination }



The East Carolinian does not endorse statements made in Pirate Rants. Questions
regarding Rants can be directed to Lara Oliver, Opinion Page Editor, at opinion@theeast- Log onto to submit a Rant of your own.

So, how does it feel to be the
other woman?? Stop playin ya
self and get your own man trick!

If loving Star Wars makes me a
nerd then Im going to be a nerd
until the day I die, baby.

I agree with one of the secrets
from the secret speaker arti-
cle. My Star Wars girlfriend is

I think that if I had a time
machine, I would introduce Elvis
to some Simple Plan albums
before recording his first record.
Afterwards I would say, These
are the horrible children of your
lifes work.? Until technology
prevails, I can merely hate and
loathe the animal screams that are
of the band Simple Plan.

Middle Class for BARACK
OBAMA! Rich people, get ready
to pay them TAXES!!!

McDonalds didnt even hire

I do have a health problem. ..its
called: m HUGE.

Maybe if you dont want to get
slammed, you shouldnt storm the
field. Put yourself on the other
side of the law...for once.

I guess those cops feel like. real

men now, beating up on unarmed


Dear Friend: You got a dog so

your cat has to stay with friends
who dont want it and now you're
talking about giving away the cat.
You never play with your dog,
only complain about it bothering
you while you're playing your
videogame. You're being very
selfish and you never should have

any animals. Ever.

Just because you throw game
winning touchdowns and all of
Greenville loves you, doesnt

mean I still do...please leave me


To the religious yellers: Thank
you so much for spreading Gods
love. I hope that one day, I too can
share the love of Jesus and call
people harlots. Its reassuring to
know that EVERYONE here is
going to hell! At least we'll have

So let me get this straight.
Because someone in Financial
Aid messed up, I go from getting
a $300 refund check to owing the
school $620. Is there a way to fire
HR and Financial Aid? HR for
hiring these people and Financial
Aid for being incompetent?

I have yet to figure out why so
many people at ECU end up
cheating. Is it really so hard to
just break up withsomeone before

you plunge yourself waist-high

into the next?

To the person who thinks Obama
is Muslim: Im a McCain sup-
porter, and I still dont like what
you said. Learn the truth about

. the candidates; darn it, and quit

making us conservatives. look

-T hate political Pirate Rants!

To the person wondering about
me wetting the bed to get rid of
my roommate: We dont sleep
together, I just have top bunk.

What's the deal with everybody
wanting to pee on something?
Listening to too much R. Kelly
I guess...

I love how people at ECU show
off their individuality. They all
get the exact same giraffe print
bags, but with different color

If Obama were white, I wonder
what people would think of him

Ive been putting in Pirate Rants
for three years, and not one has
made it yet! Do you guys just not

~ like me?

When the bus is full and people
are standing up, why are there
more guys sitting and more girls
standing? What happened to
peoples manners? You are in the
south now, so where did all the
southern Ease go?

My roomie sounds like Darth
Vader when she sleeps.

I saw Safe Ride run a red light.

Why do people keep the tags

and stickers'on their hats? Do

_ they really think it looks cool or

does everyone agree with me and
think they all look like complete

Greenville P.D. used unnecessary
force?? Shocker...

Its cool to get high. Its not cool

to get high and eat up all your
babys cereal.

I would give anything to be
Michael Phelps Speedo. -

We used to hook up in high school

and now you cant even say hi? to


No one should ever consider
going to Still Life again. They

ripped me off and made me pay:

$20 to get in. What the heck?

I think the ECU buses should be
called the Pirate Ships!

To the person who turned my
wallet into Belk... THANK
YOU! :

If John. McCain is elected Im
moving to France.

Stop trying to buy me drinks
when Im crying at the club...m
already drunk.

A word from Mrs. Obama


to get back on their feet-after local steel plants shut

- the political crazies?,

~ Sports Editor

When I was a kid, my father volunteered
as a precinct captain for the Democratic Party in our
neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. Some

of my earliest memories are of tagging along as.

he went from door to door. He registered people
to vote.

He did all this because he believed in the value
of each persons voice in the political process. But it
took me years to appreciate what he was teaching me
during those walks around the neighborhood.

Like so many people, I took my right to vote
for granted.

But now I feel differently. And I hope every

young person in this country can learn from me.
Because what my dad was trying to show me was
that voting is not a dry responsibility. Participating
in the political process is challenging, fascinating
and fun.

Many young Americans already know this.
During the past 19 months, Ive traveled to every
corner of the country with my husband on his thrilling
campaign for the presidency. We have been dazzled
by the young people weve met.

So far, youth turnout in this campaign has been
remarkable. More than six million young voters
participated in primaries or caucuses this year.
Thats an increase of more than 100 percent since
2004. And at the Democratic National Convention
in Denver, nearly 1 in 5 delegates were between the
ages of 18 and 29.

Ive seen this youthful energy and optimism
before"when I met Barack 20 years ago.

When we were first getting to know one another,
Barack took me to a community meeting in a neigh-
borhood in Chicago where people were working hard

down and jobs dried up. There, Barack gave a talk
about his experiences as a community organizer. He
spoke about the gap between the world as it is and
the world as it should be.

I fell in love with that idea. When we vote, we
dont just choose a candidate. We choose to begin
building the world as it should be,

When we vote this November, well be casting
our ballots for that world.

Ive heard people say, My vote doesnt matter,?
My vote wont count,? or, Im just one person.
What possible difference can I make?? But this year,
all our votes matter more than ever.

If you are satisfied with the world as it is, your
choice this fall is easy. But if you believe, as I do,
that we can change the world together, please join
me in voting on Nov. 4.

Voting is easy. So is registering to vote. It takes
just'a minute, but it makes a huge difference. The
Obama campaign has set up a Web site to help: There, you can register to vote
in your state, arrange an absentee ballot, or find out

if youre already registered. In some states, you

can vote early. Our Web site will help you figure
that out, too.

This year, Ill be voting for my daughters future
and my fathers memory. III vote for the thousands of
regular folks who fought to get me the right to vote.
And Ill vote for young people across America"and
the generations of young people that will follow, who
will someday look back at this time with gratitude
that we.summoned the courage to begin building the
world as it should be.

Michelle Obama contributed this article to
The East Carolinian.

~Cat Potter

The right to
vote...or not


At 22 years old, I have had the opportunity
to vote in one major presidential election. This
November I will have the opportunity to vote, yet
again, for president of the United States. The differ-
ence is that I will be four years older, a bit wiser (by
my own standards), much more educated and this
time, I might actually vote. Keyword: MIGHT. I
havent yet decided.

I can hear the gasps now. As a freshman at
Appalachian State I was swept up in the middle of
as I referred to them"the
students that spent much of their day outside of
my dorm or central campus trying to convince
other students to vote in the 2004 election between
George W. Bush and John Kerry.

For days prior to the election I repeatedly heard
phrases like exercise your right to vote!?
for Kerry/Bush!? all over campus by very enthu-
siastic students.

Many of these avid campaigners were some
of my best friends. When they learned that I was
abstaining from the voting process, they were much
less avid and slightly livid:

All I heard for days after the election were "

things like, You have no right to a political opinion
because you didnt even vote,? or If Bush wins
you have no right to complain about anything that
happens.? Anything I said pertaining to the election
or politics was completely negated because of my
decision not to vote.

My decision not to vote wasnt because I didnt
care. My decision was made after limited research
on both candidates. I didnt personally feel that
either one would be much better than the other at
running the country. I suppose one of my biggest
problems is politicians in general. I simply dont
trust them. I have never learned of one politician
that I felt was completely honest and had the well
being of the country at heart. Because of this, I felt
that setting out to vote for a candidate that I did not
fully support, or voting for a candidate solely to
oppose the reinstatement of another, was not in my
best interest, or in the best interest of the country.

I believe that every vote counts, and for me to
vote for a candidate that I didnt fully support would
be dishonest and against my own personal belief of
how the voting process should be carried out.

In November of 2004, I was barely 19 and in
many ways, still a child. The most knowledge
Id accrued in politics was a year of civics in high
school, minimal reading on my own, viewings
of the conventions while playing drinking games
(which many of my avid campaigner BFFs also
participated in) and the opinions thrown out by my
friends and family. In no way did I feel educated
enough to make-such an important decision. And:
yes, voting is much more than a task on my to-do
list. It is something I want to be prepared for and
educated on.

I think it is ridiculous to be chastised for the

~decision to abstain. Having the right to vote in

a free country is something I am very grateful
for. Surely, I understand that not all countries are
so lucky, but one thing that is so great about this
country is that we have the choice. Just as my avid
campaigners chant, exercise the right to vote,? I
have just that--the right to vote, not the obligation.
Saying that I have no right to an opinion because I
dont participate in the voting process is contradic-
tory and unfair.

This year, I have watched both conventions and
have done much more research on both candidates
and political parties. I feél educated in the ideas of

both candidates and although my feelings remain

the same on the true intentions of any politician,
in this election I am prepared to exercise my right
to vote...or not to vote. No matter what, I will be
exercising my right to choose.

This writer can be contacted at

Elise Phillips

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Head Copy Editor Features Editor

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James Porter
Production Manager

Newsroom 252.328.9238

Fax 252.328.9143
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Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints

9,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday during the.

regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. Our View? is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board

~members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the

editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be

' edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to

edit or reject'letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to editor or to the East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, N.C. 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. Onecopy

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or vote .


Did you know?

Eggplants arent vegetables. Theyre : ;

really fruits.

Only one book has been distributed in ;
more copies than the Bible--The IKEA


Long Island, NY is shaped like a fish.

Pringles light potato chips may not be
labeled either Light? or Potato Chips?:

per FDA regulations.

It is illegal to purchase or consume :
Jack Daniels whiskey in the town that :

it is produced.

You can start a fire with ice.

Real diamonds can be made from :

peanut butter.

The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful

of the stuff every morning.

McDonald's salads can contain up to 60

percent more fat than their burgers.

Coca-Colas ~Super Pure Dasani bottled
water is just filtered tap water.

Donkeys are commonly used by the

lragi Military to launch rockets.

Frozen lobsters can come back to life :

when thawed.

In 2008, the U.S. Government spent

about $2 million on potato research.

Redheads require more anesthesia to

~go under than other hair colors do.

In West Virginia if you run over an
animal, you can legally take it home :

and cook it for dinner.

In Holland, you can be fined for not :
using a shopping basket at a grocery

Apple seeds are poisonous.

Most NASCAR Teams use nitrogen in

their tires instead of air.

In France, it is legal to marry a dead


The word ~Indiana is Native American
for ~Land. of the Indians, yet less than :

16,000 Native Americans live there.

First-cousin marriages are legal in Utah,

so long as both parties are 65 or older. :

Sheep can recognize other sheep from :


The Bank of America was originally the

Bank of Italy.

Farmers in England are required by law

to provide their pigs with toys.

Check your map. The Pacific entrance
of the Panama Canal is farther eastthan

the Atlantic entrance.

A recent study at Harvard has shown
that eating chocolate can actually help :

you live longer.

Kermit the frog delivered the :
commencement address at :
Southampton College located in the :

state of New York in 1996.

When the University of Nebraska

Cornhuskers play football at home,

the stadium becomes the state's third

largest city.

Most car horns honk in the key of ~F.

During lunch breaks in Carlsbad, New
Mexico no couple should engage ina :
sexual act while parked in their vehicle,

unless their car has curtains.

In Connersville, Wisconsin no man shall :
shoot off a gun while his female partner :

is having a sexual orgasm.

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is illegal:
to have sex with a truck driver inside a_ :

toll booth.

In Michigan, a woman isnt allowed to
cut her own hair without her husbands._ :


In Oblong, Illinois, its punishable by law
to make love while hunting or fishing on
your wedding day.

in Texas its illegal to put graffiti on :

someone else's cow.

The sloth (a mammal) moves so slowly
that green algae can grow undisturbed
on its fur.

In ancient Rome it was considered a
sign of leadership to be born with a
crooked nose.

Slugs have four noses.

Its illegal in Alabama to wear a fake

~ moustache that causes laughter ines


f Campus Scene }


_ Student Government Association gives back

Taking time to say
thank you? to stu-




Student leaders of the Student Government Association

The Student Government
Association cares about you,
and they want to take the time
to show that.

Sept. 19, from ~11 a.m. to

2 p.m. in Wright Plaza, SGA

will spend time giving back
to students.

The event is set to show
the students of ECU how much
their government appreciates
everything that they give to the
University,? said SGA President
Drew Griffin.

The event is geared towards
all students, whether they are

heavily involved on campus
or they simply go to class or work
and do not participate much in
campus activities.

In expressing their grat-
itude, Griffin and the rest
of SGA will be passing out
as many free bubble sheets
and blue books as possible in
preparation for the first exams
of the semester. The Uni-
versity gives them away
free during finals but not
during midterms, so we want
to try and help with that,?
Griffin said.

Griffin adds that SGA is
currently collaborating: with
Dowdy Student Stories in order
to give out more free items
throughout the semester. Along
with these items for all stu-
dents, Griffin says they will
also reward those who attend
the most SGA events.

For every SGA event held
we will add names to a raffle
box, and at the end of the
semester we will draw three
names out at one of the bas-

ketball games to give away

various free items to students,?
Griffin said.

Earlier this semester, SGA
tested the new concept of
giving back to students by
drawing names for students
to receive six free tickets to
the ECU vs. Virginia Tech
football game. The response
was overwhelming, with hun-
dreds of students signing up
at the possibility of winning
tickets that were already hard
to get.

SGA Treasurer Guil-

laume Bagal believes that the
special day set aside for stu-
dents will help assure them
how important they are to the

We want students to real-
ize that they are a part of SGA,
and that there really is a way
for their voices to be heard
through our elected positions,?
said Bagal. Our goal is to get
students involved in different
aspects of our platform, which
will enhance their experience
as students of East Carolina

This wont be the first
day of appreciation that SGA
is planning. Along with the Sept.
19 date, SGA plans to be sta-

tioned at Wright Plaza through-

out the rest of the semester, with
tentative dates including Oct. 7
and Nov. 12.

- Along with recurring
student appreciation days,
Bagal adds that SGA will be ©
hosting a series called Success
for Life Workshops,? in which
the main goal is to educate
interested students on several
topics essential to everyday

We will have presentations
on mental health and relation-
ships, along with a represen-
tative from the Counseling
Center, just to name a few,?
Bagal said.

All interested students can
email Griffin at sgapresident@, or stop by the SGA

Suite in Mendenhall.

This writer can be contacted at

Expressions magazine is published twice a semester.




The East Carolinian
Walking around campus,
students will find news-
stands with various
publications including
newspapers, flyers and
magazines. One publica-
tion. that is commonly
overlooked is Expressions,
a minority magazine.
Unfortunately, many ECU
students have never heard
of Expressions or have
passed by it without both-
ering to look at it and
see what it is all about.
Sio; what exactly
is Expressions?
Expressions is a stu-
dent-run publication that
allows minority students
to showcase their writ-
ing and artistic abilities.
Being a minority applies
to more than race,? said
Erica Chan, art direc-
tor for Expressions.
It can be anything.?
According to Expressions,
a minority is any group of
students that feels outside
of the norm or mainstream.
In other words, any student
who feels different from
other students on campus
in any kind of way is wel-
come to submit their work.
Expressions mission is
to provide an alternative

~voice to address the spe-
cial concerns and prob-
lems of minority groups
on campus. The vision of
the magazine is to pres-
ent the opinions of. vari-
ous minority voices in
order to inform, enter-
tain and affect social
change and understanding.
Expressions magazine 1s
published twice a semester
and features short stories,
poetry, art and photogra-
phy. Each publication has
a central theme that brings
all of the writing and art

together. Normally all
submissions are published,
but they are all reviewed

_ for content to make sure

that they fit the theme.
The magazine used to
be solely media based,
but now, according to
Chaunte Rucker, gen-
eral manager of Expres-
sions, things are changing.
We are evolving
more into an organiza-
tion,? said Rucker:
She expressed that she
wanted students to meet

and get to know other stu-

dents who have the same
passion for writing and
art. Rucker also spoke of
plans for workshops in
collaboration with other
student organizations.
We are going to become
more involved around
campus,? she said.
There was.a contribu-
tors meeting on Monday
night where some of the ©
students who have sub-
mitted work got together
to discuss plans. Its not
too late for anyone who
is interested in submit-
ting work for Expressions.
The deadline to submit
work for the upcoming
publication is Sept. 16.
For those who are more
interested in reading
the work and absorb-
ing the art, be sure to
pick up the next issue of
Expressions, coming out
this December.

For more information
call, Expressions at 328-
9274, check out the Web
site at expressions.ecu.

-edu, or stop by the office

in the Self-Help build-
ing at 301 S. Evans St.,
Suite 202-A.

This writer can be contacted
at features@theeastcarolin-


For recent graduates or

: those approaching their big
: day, the prospect of the real
: world is setting in. For some,
: this includes the ritualistic task.
: of job searching with a freshly
: obtained degree.

However, in the job market

: today, the mission of seeking
: the perfect job can be met with
: let downs and hang-ups. Either "
: the seeker doesnt have enough
experience or just doesnt fit
: the profile.

For some, college is the time
to gain a type of preliminary
experience with work ethic,
and for members of the Public
Relations. Student Society of
America, this is done daily.

The organization aims to
enhance professional develop-
ment of its members,? said
Harry Lundy, the publicist

for the organization. PRSSA

allows public relations majors
to be part of a student organi-
zation that keeps them abreast
of what is going on in the
world of public relations,?

Lundy added.

PRSSA is a national orga-
nization based out of New
York City. Established by its

_ parent organization, the Public

Relations Society of America
(PRSA) in 1968, it has grown to

- almost 10,000 members. There

are approximately 285 chap-
ters and various colleges and
universities in 43 states across

America. The chapter at ECU

is in its sixth year and is work-
ing up to a total membership of
almost 100 students.

The overall goal of PRSSA

PRSSA offers unique opportunity to students

is to enhance the student expe-
rience of working in the field
of public relations but also to
give members opportunities to
earn scholarships and search for
potential jobs and internships
on the national Web site. How-
ever, the organization is not just
for public relations majors.
Any area of concentration
within communication, includ-
ing journalism, event planning,
fund raising and community
involvement can make use of
the networking in the group.
Returning president Cait-

lin Watterson believes that
the organization has directly
influenced her work ethic and
expanded her knowledge in the
field of public relations.
PRSSA has challenged
me in a variety of ways,? said
Watterson. My organization
skills, time management and
leadership skills have all been
put to the test. Being in this
society has played a major
role in preparing me for life
after college and I hope that all

PRSSA page 8




Cool Runnings
Stars: John Candy

The Plot:

When Jamaican sprinter
Derice Bannock is disqualified
from the Olympic Games but still
wants to compete, he searches for
other areas for which he is suited.
He finds that he would be able
to bobsled in the winter games
because: essentially, its just
_ running and jumping in a sled.
-He hears of a former bobsled
coach, Irving Blitzer, who was
disqualified from the Olym-

_ pics years ago when he placed

weights in his sled to give his
team an unfair advantage. He
disgraced his country and his
teammates and never returned to
the sport. Bannock puts together
a team and convinces Blitzer to
coach the first ever Jamaican
Bobsled team.

Why you should watch:
With all of the hype over the
Olympics, it is time to watch
something that doesnt have
Michael Phelps plastered all over
it. If you dont carry around a pet
egg for good luck for a week after
seeing this film, I truly feel sorry
for you. This film is a perfect
balance between emotion and
humor that leaves you feeling
fantastic. This is a heart-warming
comedy that displays the power
of overcoming obstacles and fol-
lowing your dreams. Then again,
what do you expect the moral to
be? This is a Disney Movie.

Weekend at Bernies

Stars: Andrew McCarthy, Jon-_

athan Silverman, and Terry Kiser

murdered and no on

The Plot:

Richard and Larry |
discover that some
one in the company
they work for is smug
gling money. They
report this to their bos
Bernie, who is thrille
that the boys foun
this and invite them |
for the weekend at§?"?
his beach house to #?
relax and enjoy some |
women. Bernie isi

seems to notice. In
order to not becom
suspects, Richard and
Larry make a human
puppet out of Bernie
and parade him around
parties as a man that
cant hold his liquor. §
The real murderer of Faia
Bernie finds out that §
he has been seen at a
number of parties and |
events and sets out to |
kill him...again.

Why you should

This movie is
Grade ~A white trash §
classic and 1 am proud |
to call it one of my
favorites as well. j
Earlier this year, two }
65-year-old men tried
pulling a stunt like the |
movie, and rolled a
deceased friend to the |
bank to cash his social
security check. That
proves that even the
older generation gets
their ideas for crimes straight
from the movies. However,
whether or not you watch the
movie, you can be reminded of
the plot weekly at 2 a.m. when


De la Rocha is triumphant,
DiFranco just sounds tired

everyone seems to be doing the
Weekend at Bernies walk? as
they leave the clubs.

This writer can be contacted at

: and insincere. The problem is

: that DiFranco can never say a lot
m : with a little. Instead, her lyrics
: are long and extended, and while


Ani DiFranco " Red Letter
Year (Righteous Babe) 2
out of 5 :

DiFrancos appeal has always
been more associated with her
words than the actual music. In
the 90s, she was a young woman
braving the world of men while
lending her unapologetic political
insights, but now the world has
changed and so has DiFranco.
The changes ripple through her
newest CD, Red Letter Year, and
not in the best ways. Her political

: shtick is downsized and unin-

spired. Her love songs are empty


they may get the point across,
theyve absolutely no fervor. She
sings, Youd think at my age Id
have thought of/Something better
to do.? Agreed, Ani. Agreed.

Ra Ra Riot " The Rhumb
Line (Barsuk) 4 out of 5

Comparisons to Vampire
Weekend are unfair, and its
certainly a lazy reference, as Ra
Ra Riot has their own brand of
indie rock. They have colorful

string arrangements and driving .

beats, headlined by front man
Wes Miles soft tenor voice. It
starts with a bang on Ghost
Under Rocks,? and the blast of
energy is never lost, even on
the practically classical piece
Winter 05.? To top it off, they
may be the only band in recent

history to turn an E.E. Cummings

poem into coherent lyrics. The

Rhumb Line may sound to some
like Neon Bibles lesser cousin,
and to some extent it is, but Ra
Ra Riot have already cemented
themselves:as one of the most
exciting debuts of 2008.

One Day As a Lion " One
Day As a Lion EP (Anti) 4 out
of 5

Zack de la Rocha of Rage
Against the Machine paired
with ex-Mars Volta drummer Jon
Theodore may be one of the best
pairings in recent music history,
maybe more so than Cee-Lo
and Danger Mouse. The con-
cept is simple and stupendous:
a stripped-down, drum-and-
keyboard alternative hip-hop
approach filled to the brim with
spiteful political rhetoric. Theo-

MUSIC page 9

Woo wie alec cls 60 c4 ce 0 Ga Ube maui s ose ACG WETS «aie 5 sles Wm 6 etme sles W gle g 6.0] oes a Bsa ey aie Me eins aie ah diwlWine sigh Als 01d-o'4 MeN s sa et om Mad, «Utes Gon 4s 50 steno n dec ccet ce seb eeebeevet bes aee est aac deb ease es ces

PRSSA continued from 7

members are able to take advan-
_ tage of the opportunities that it offer.?

Lundy believes that he has
gained experience as well, citing
that his new leadership role in the
organization will be beneficial
to upcoming prospects that he is

about to assume.

PRSSA has allowed me
the opportunity to write articles
that have been published, one of
those being a press release for
ECU hosting their first Relay
for Life event,? said Lundy,
who will be the editor of the

organizations newsletter,
The PRactioner.

PRSSA meets every
Monday at 5:30 p.m. in room
202 of Joyner East. |

This writer can be contacted
at features@theeastcarolinian.





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MUSIC continued from 8


Do you love to sing and perform?
If so, consider auditioning for ECU's all-female a cappella group,


You'll have a chance to perform for alumni, students,
and the community as you sing a variety of music. =

Auditions will be held September 16 & 18 (3:30-5:30 p.m.) and
September I7 (5:00-7:00 p.m.) at the Taylor-Slaughter Alumni Center.
E-mail to arrange an audition tithe.

Bring completed application form (available at

re Bring a copy of,your class schedule

J¢ Please prepare one (1-2 minute) clip of an upbeat song of your
- choice; all styles of music are welcome. Keep in mind range
and vocal ability will be noted.

1 2.5 GPA |
| Knowledge of basic music theory a plus
Previous group vocal experience is a plus
Must be willing to commit time and talents

Hardworking and good attitudes are required!


328-6072 /magnoliabelles

dores drumming is outstanding,
not only developing an effective,
unique beat for each track, but for
taking a central stance in filling
in a lot of sound.. Likewise, de
la Rochas keyboards blast like
sirens, and his message hasnt
changed. One Day As a Lion is an
explosive, start-and-stop album,
and de la Rocha has shown in his
lyrics that he has matured over
time " but still has all the fire he
did back in 1994.


Apollo Sunshine "- Shall
Noise Upon (Headless Heroes)
4 out of 5

Shall Noise Upon doesnt
try to act like something new.
From the beginning, the band
and the listener acknowledge
that the idea is to emulate late
60s psychedelic rock. From the
Beatles to Cream, from Hendrix

to the Byrds, there isnt any.

style that theyve missed. Its

not exactly copying; none of .

the music sounds like its been

directly lifted from anything
else, but songs like Singing to
the Earth? are easily identified as
George Harrison-esque pop tunes
while The Funky Chamberlain?
is a fantastic blend of Pink Floyd
prog and Galactic funk. This isnt
a statement of anything new, its
only for entertainment, and since
theres no one who is unaware
of this, Shall Noise Upon. works
This writer can be contacted at


Ani Di Franco fails to deliver on her new album.

Zack de la Rocha side project, One Day As a Lion.





Did you know?...Cont.

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eating large quantities of chocolate. 1970s. However, Playboy has only compiled the list twice, first in 1987
and second in 2002. aS Buy One, Get One FREE,
U-Haul is the worlds largest advertiser ; :
in the Yellow Pages. While ECU didnt make the list the first time, it finally made an emer- | :
gence in 2002, taking the 19th spot out of 25. | | Sandwich, Salad, Or You-Pick-Two P
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tis physically impossible for pigs to look
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Bubble gum contains rubber.

In 75% of American households,
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Tulane : se tale : wing eams backcto-back 19 a East Carolina
Se This aay 1 a 4) pact ee Sia fea Starting Lineup

. te

QB- Patrick k pinkney. Sr
randon Simmons, Sr

: TE- avon Drew, Sr |
__LT- Stanley Bryant, Sr.
ic Cory Dowless, So he
_ C-SeanAllen, Jn
___RG- Doug Palmer, Jr.

RT D.J. Scott, Soph.

wayne Harris, Soph.


Senior goalie shutting down the competition


The ECU soccer team is off
to a hot to start in its 2008 cam-
paign, and senior goalie Amber
Campbell is a big reason why.
The two-time C-USA second
~ team selection has allowed
only two goals in the teams
first four games, including
two shutouts.. =

_ Sunday, the Pirates (3-
1) defeated in-state rival UNC
Wilmington 2-1, as junior Jes-
sica Swanson scored the golden
goal in OT in a thrilling come
from behind road victory over
the Seahawks.

It has been Campbells
steady play that has led ECU to
their third straight 3-1 start. But
' what else would be expected
of the four-year starter from
Fredrick, Md., she set the ECU
single season record for minutes
played by a goalie her fresh-
man year with 1,917, and is
sure to break the career mark
later this season. With all that
time in goal, she has developed
into a top-notch stopper for the
Pirates defense.

Her career 1.05 goals
against average is tops for an
ECU net-minder. Her 0.79 GAA
sophomore year, and. 0:59 GAA
last year rank, as the top two

~Q & A with
two AP voters


College footballs weekly
AP Top 25 poll is comprised
by 65 media members from
all over the nation. ECU
checked in at No. 14 this
week, marking
the first time
the Pirates are
ranked since
1999... The
highest ECU

has ever been ranked was in

1991, when it finished the
season ninth in the nation.

The East Carolinian
caught up with two of the
AP voters this week. Kirk
Bohls, from Austin, Texas,
voted ECU No. 2 in the
nation, which was the high-
est of any voter. Joe Giglio,
from Raleigh, ~N.C., voted
ECU No. 14.

You can go to pollspeak.
com to see each of the
65 ballots on a week-to-
week basis.

Q&A page 13



Goalie Amber Campbell soars, preventing a Rice goal last season.

single-season marks in program
history. She also set the career
mark for shutouts earlier this
season when she kept a clean
sheet against Francis Marion on
the road in Florence, S.C.

Yet, even with all her indi-
vidual achievements, Campbell
is more focused on the teams
accomplishments than hers.

We want to win the
conference this year and all our
home games,? she said. We
are really focused on getting
that done.?

Despite their good start,
Campbell realizes that there is
always room for improvement,
for both her and the team.

Watching film, coach [Rob
Donnenwirth] was just talking
about how we need to work
better as team,? said Campbell.
To move better with the ball
as a team, and defend better
together. And part of that is
me communicating with the
defense better.?

She also mentioned the con-
tribution of the younger players,
and how they have had a hand
in the teams success.

The freshmen this year
have really helped us out a

lot,? said Campbell. They

have stepped in and done really
well for us.
~Campbell id fa a stat of

her success to her older brother
Zane, who played at Guilford
College and holds the career
GAA record for the Quakers.

He got me started play-
ing goalie when I was in
ninth grade,? she said. He
really taught me a lot about
the game.

Campbell was selected to
the preseason all-conference
first team this year, and has
high: hopes for living up to
that honor.

Its like coach told me,
its not where you are at the
beginning of the season its
where you are at the end.?

Campbell will have plenty

of help as five starters and 18.
letterwinners return from last.

years squad. That includes
the teams leading scorer from
last season (Blair Heffner),
co-captains. Madison Keller

and Nicole Moore, and last

seasons lone representative to
the C-USA All-Freshman team,
Amanda Broz.

The Lady Pirates travel to
Philadelphia this weekend to
compete in the Penn tourna-
ment where they will face
Hofstra on Friday and hosts
Penn on Saturday.

This writer can be contacted at




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Q&A continued from

Kirk Bohls

~Austin American Statesman
Austin, Texas

Q: Why did you vote
ECU No. 2 in the nation?

A: Well, whos done more
than ECU? I dont think any
school out of 119 Division I
schools had a more impres-
sive start to the season. For
ECU to beat two nationally

ranked teams from BCS con-

ferences and one of those
on the road just shouts out,
~Hey, look at us. If Texas
had beaten West Virginia and
Virginia Tech, they would
be beating their chests and
saying, ~Why arent we No.
1? I really dont understand
how some voters penalize
ECU in not ranking them

higher just because they are .

not a traditional powerhouse.
To me, that runs contrary
to what-our instructions are
from New York every year...I
think Skip Holtz is off to such
a great start. | even consid-
ered voting them.No. |... This
is what were supposed to
do. Were supposed to"not
predict"but reward teams
for results.

Q: If USC loses to Ohio
State and ECU wins...
A: If ECU blows out
Tulane, who gave Alabama a
tough time and USC were to

lose, well have to consider

ECU. If I did vote ECU No. 1,

I bet you Id probably be the

only person in the country. I
think everybody else would
give it to Ohio State.

- Q: What do you think
ECUs national perception
is? :
A: ECU is getting more
attention this week. Chris
Johnson had such a great
debut with the Tennessee
Titans. I wish I had him on my
fantasy team. The more play-
ers you put in the NFL and
the more big wins you put by
your resume, I think people
are going start giving ECU
the attention it deserves.

Q: Does ECU have a shot
a BCS bowl?

A: I think [ECU] has
every reason to hope they can
get to a BCS bowl. You look
at the teams that have, teams
like Hawaii, Utah and Boise
State"I dont think any of
them have the defense like
the Pirates do. I think the
danger ECU is going to find is
keeping that intensity week-
to-week, not getting ahead of
itself, not thinking, ~Okay, we
can be ina BCS bowl. I think
thats the biggest concern
Skip [Holtz] has. Now [ECU]
has everybodys attention.
ECU isnt going to sneak
up on anybody.

Joe Giglio

The News and Observer
Raleigh, N.C.

Q: Whats your criteria
for voting?

A: In general, I look to
see who teams have beaten.
Quality wins is what I mostly
look for. In ECUs case, I
actually saw them in person
last week so that usually helps
to determine how to gauge a
team. I had them at No. 21 the
week before, but I dont really
know how good Virginia Tech
is. We dont really know how
good West Virginia is either.
I thought the way [ECUs]
defense played, the way that
Patrick Pinkney played...there
isnt a team behind them that
I think they couldnt beat.
I jumped them over BYU,
Oregon, Penn State and South
Florida. I jumped them over a
bunch of teams because I think
they were more impressive
than those teams.?

Q: Your thoughts on the
three voters who voted ECU
in the top-5?

A: I think its a little early
for that...Id have a hard time
moving ECU above those
other teams just based on beat-
ing West Virginia and Virginia
Tech. [West Virginia] would
have to go on to win the Big
East and Virginia Tech would
have to go on to win the ACC
before I could move them up
that much more.

Q: Whats the buzz in the
Triangle, regarding ECU?

A: I think theres a lot of
college football fans around
here that arent affiliated with
N.C. State and UNC, or cer-
tainly not Duke. I think there
are casual fans who can see
ECU as a team they can back
and take interest in because "
the [Triangle] teams in the
ACC are making an entry on
a national level.?

Q: Can you see ECU
playing in a BCS Bowl this

A: I can. I really can. The
dynamic is going to change
for them because ECU has
always wanted a piece of
teams like N.C. State and
Virginia... Now those teams
are going to be gunning after
ECU and they will see the
same thing in C-USA...Its
not going to be a cakewalk
but its wide open for them.
They certainly cleared the two

_ toughest hurdles.?

This writer can be contacted at


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Twin Oaks condo for rent: 26R;
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3 Bedroom for 2 Bedroom price
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Charming 2 bed, 1 bath brick
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1 bedroom apartment 1 block
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Sublease apartment in the new
North Campus Crossing. Call
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made, must sublease.

3BR/1.5BA duplex with 931
sq.ft. on ECU bus route. Pets
allowed with deposit. $675/
month. Call Amy at 252-258-
3106 to view.

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chemistry, physics, and other
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subjects; geography 1000; all
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are needed to assist students
with improving study and other
academic skills. Applicants must
be at least a sophomore with a
minimum 3.0 GPA.Potential tutors
must have passed listed courses
for tutoring with a minimum
grade of B. Graduate students
are encouraged to apply. Hours
are primarily evenings between
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contact Jennifer Bonner at 737-
4553 or to apply.

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com Contact Tom. Benson
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841-4695 - Club # 252-442-
6192 - Cell # 252-813-6995

The Last Days Harvest Church
of God in Christ, is seeking a
musician to provide music every
Sunday, as well as for special
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Greenville). Pastor Calvin L.
Parker may be contacted at
916-8896 to discuss details
and salary for this position.

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and valid license needed to
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and take to lessons Wednesday
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Local law firm has a part-
time mail room/runner position
open. Responsibilities include
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file maintenance, phone

~ backup and mail room support.

Must have your own
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27056. EGE:

Do you need a good job? The
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to contact alumni and parents
for the ECU Annual Fund. $8/
hour plus cash bonuses. Make
your own schedule. If interested,
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edu or give us a call at 252-

Babysitter/Homework helper
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available. $12.00/hour. Email
David & Stacy Hill at fmo@

Night desk clérk 10:00 p.m.

to 5:30 a.m. Friday, Saturday
or Tuesday, Sunday. Call 754-

8047 or 412-9315.


A new photo exhibition recently

opened at ECU. It isa common "

project of The ECU Department
of Foreign Languages and
Literatures and Joyner Library.
The name of the exhibition is
Russia - Ancient and Modern?.
It is on the lst floor of the
Library and is open during library
hours. The exhibition presents
photos about Russian culture,
literature, and everyday life.

alls, you nevet

Voulez-vous parler francais
avec nous?, every Wednesday,
5:30 p.m. at The Swiss Chalet.
Join the Table Francaise. All
ECU students and Faculty
are invited to practice their
French in a relaxed atmosphere.
For questions, call Prof.
Fladenmuller at 328-6043 or




The East Carolinian, September 11, 2008
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 11, 2008
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