[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 78 Number 10 September 20, 2001
Parent notification option,
different student views
The university recently estab-
lished the initiative to reduce the
impact of alcohol and other drugs
on campus. The $8,000 grant will be
used to fund strategies implemented
from the research of the 33-member
task force. The task force is divided
into four committees, education
and awareness, safety and healthy
environment, policy review and
implementation, assessment and
evaluation. ECU is one of ten univer-
sities in the state to receive an $8,000
grant to fight excessive alcohol use
among freshmen.
According to Bob Morphet, a
counselor in the center for counsel-
ing and student development, the
committeeTs main goal is to make
recommendations about the most
appropriate way toreduce the nega-
tive effects of binge drinking that are
seen on campus.
Morphet said some of the recom-
mendations being considered by
the committee right now include:
encouraging more class enrollment
on Fridays so that the weekend�
does not begin on Thursday night,
changing some of the policies on
campus that deal with binge drink-
ers, bringing the message into core
subjects like biology and chemistry Several students enjoy a game of beer pong at a party.
and calling a studentTs parents on
their second alcoholic offense. the process to know what actions will viduals who are affected by the
Perhaps the most controversial be taken with the award money. programs ECU decides to imple-
of these changes that may be imple-She said that according to com-ment will have a real change on the
mented is calling a studentTs parents parisons of other schools our size, environment. Smith said that in
on their second alcoholic offense. ECU is no better and no worse in the first week of September alone,
According to Morphet, there are terms of alcohol related problems. they had four cases of alcohol
many pros and cons to this issue. She also said that she believes poisoning. ~
Research shows that it has we should strive to be better than In this situation, notifying
reduced offenses in that students other schools. the parents is a good idea. We are
are not getting caught the second or When asked about parent notifi-working cases where alcohol is a
the third time. Negatively, however, cation, Kerr said, We have to move factor and we cannot let the parents
it is the philosophical mission of very slowly and look at the ramifica-know because of confidentiality. It
a university to educate and help tions. We also definitely have to have may be a good idea to get parents
students make their own decisions,� students in those discussions.� or peer pressure out there,� said
said Morphet. According to Assistant Chief, JP Smith.
Dr. Phoebe Kerr, the associate Smith of the ECU Police Department, Students have varying opinions
vice-chancellor for Student Success irresponsible drinking is the cause of on binge drinking and whether or
and a co-chair of the ECU task force, many problems at ECU.
said that it is still somewhat early in She said she hopes that the indi-see BINGE on page A2
Family weekend unites
Students, loved ones.
Students, parents, siblings,
We have adult students and their But we get a number from all
friends bond families attended the weekend, not classes,� she said.
their parents,� she said. This yearTs events include, a
Woodruff also said many stu-breakfast with the chancellor, a
dents come from different family jazz concert, a pre-game buffet, a
types, some without parents. football game, Sunday brunch and
According to Woodruff, the pur-open houses.
Family Weekend, formerly known
pose of Family Weekend is to invite In the past we have had great
as Parents Weekend, begins its festivi-
families to visit ECU, spend time success,� said Woodruff.
ties tomorrow.
with their students and enjoy the Woodruff said that in spite of the
According to Marketing Director
highlights of campus. nationTs current crisis she thinks this
Carol Woodruff, the name changed
Woodruff said the majority of year will be no different.
because the new title better reflects
Séptember 20, 2001
ds. ae
A student fills a cup of beer from a keg. The university is addressing binge drinking issues.
Organizations collect money for
Survivors of terrorist attacks
$3,500 and some change,
donations continue
Students have united in their
efforts to raise money for the Red
Cross Disaster Relief fund. The Stu-
dent Government Association (SGA),
East Carolina Communication Orga-
nization (ECCO) and other con-
cerned students across campus com-
bined have set up programs around
parents, which attend are those of campus and Greenville where others
Pras irdan seadanes.
the variety of students attending the
see FAMILY on page A3
can help in the aid for America.
ECCO along with other
Family Weekend
cerned students, have teamed up
with the Red Cross to raise money for
Heath Boomer, a senior, donates a dollar to the victims of NY.
the disaster relief fund,� said Jennifer
Gibson, treasurer of ECCO. We have
Event Time Day Location set up canisters throughout campus =
as well as local businesses to collect
donations from students and local
* ECU Jazz night 8 p.m. Friday Wright Auditorium residents,�
Wright Place Student Store
Gibson said the spare change
* Chancellor's reception 9:30 a.m. Saturday Multipurpose Rm., MSC
might not seem like much.
Student Recreation Center
* Open Houses
Brody School of Medicine
10:30 a.m.-noon Saturday But, when we put it all together
we can make a difference,� Gibson
Department of Communications, Broadcasting Bate, Rm. 2025
Todd Dining Halt Joyner Library
said. I wanted to get involved
because | felt helpless here in Green-
Department of History Brewster, Rm. B202
Joyner Library
Ledonia Wright Cultural Center
Schooi of Nursing
Student Health Center
Student Recreation Center
Pre-game Pirate
Football game
buffet 12:30-3 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
* Brunch 10:30 a.m.-2 pm. Sunday
Scattered T-storms Partly cloudy
High is 82 High is 82
ville and if I put all my energy Some students canTt give blood, means. They are states that are united
towards doing something positive, it so this is another way for students and what happens to other states
Bloxton House
Main lobby, Rivers bldg.
helps me not to dwell on the negative
aspects of this tragedy.�
According to Gibson, students
to give help,�
Sadie Cox.
said SGA President
to Cox, the current
happens to all of us,� said Senior
Adam Hummell. It is important for
us as a country to become unified as
should expect to see these canisters goal is $18,000, all of which will go a nation and stand strong in the face
for a long time. directly to the Red Cross Disaster of adversity together.�
Think about [Hurricane] Floyd, Relief program. Cox said so far that According to Hummell, This
people are still rebuilding their lives about $3,500 has been raised. The and all efforts made to ameliorate
today. I canTt imagine how long it collection will continue through the effects of this tragedy should be
_Minges Coliseum will take to rebuild what was lost last Family Weekend. commended and encouraged. The
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium
Tuesday,� Gibson said.
SGA is also currently sponsoring of
Students around campus approve
these efforts to help those in
that a nation
air of aitruism proves
united is a nation that
(ECU vs. William & Mary) a Donate a Dollar� fund
students, faculty and staff
asking all
to donate
T think itTs great that students
shall overcome.�
Todd, Mendenhall dining halls a dollar and help those devastated in are coming together and finally This writer can be contacted at
last TuesdayTs terrorist attacks. understanding what the United States news@theeastcarolinian.com.
252.328.6366 (newsroom) Will
you get down even if youTre
OD IMOMne mere
Features 25.50
252.328.2000 (advertising) not brown� with SALSA? editor@theeastcarolinian.com Spomsmecn ets page BS
PAGE A2 9-20-01
Hispanic heritage month addresses diversity issues
SALSA outreach for
| Poe neneoneonerT
nEWS 204
News Editor
Assistant News Editor
news @theeastcarolinian.com
SGA elections
SGA elections will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Spanish, all students
As Hispanic Heritage month
continues, the Student Association
of Latino Spanish Affairs (SALSA)
aims at educating students about
the Hispanic community.
According to SALSA President
Yusef Ewais, the organization tries to
bring the campus growth, decrease
prejudgments and give a broader
understanding of the culture.
Our slogan is ~you donTt have
to be brown to get down,T� said
According to the Ledonia Wright
Cultural Center, as of last year there
were 272 Hispanic students enrolled
at the university.
Despite the low 1.5 percent of
Hispanic students, Ewais said there
is still a lot of work that must be
done in regards to diversity issues.
T come from New York and
up there you see lots of different
ethnicities and cultures, but in
North Carolina things are differ-
ent. SALSA tries to eliminate the
prejudgments,� Ewais said.Young Democrats SALSA Treasurer Chris Ciancio
SALSA plans ways to educate the campus about the Hispanic community in their meeting.
said the university is really sup-
The Pitt County Young Democrats are meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday,
portive of the organization.
Sept. 27 at Szechuan Garden Chinese restaurant. For more information
Dr. Lathan Turner [assistant
call 353-5326.
vice chancellor of minority affairs] We help those of Hispanic drought. and the Minority Student
Terrorism, non-violence
Robert Holmes, Ph.D. professor of philosophy at the University of
Rochester will present a lecture on Terrorism, Violence and Nonviolence�
at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 24 in the auditorium of the Brody Medical
Sciences building. Holmes will speak again at 3:30 p.m. on Monday,
September 24 in the Bate building, Rm. 1026. For more information
contact, 816-2361.
Democracy matters
A voter registration drive to register and enable ECU students to vote will
be held on Tuesday, Sept. 25 in front of the Wright Place.
Doctor lecture
is always helping us. I want to thank background learn the English Unfortunately because of the tion.
the university for the opportunity language, work with Spanish chil-current national crisis, the dates of They served as our stepping
for creating SALSA and increasing dren of the Boys and Girls Club the drive have yet to be determined,� stones and helped with our cre-
enrollment,� said Ciancio. helping them with their home-Ewais said. ation.�
SALSA Secretary Maritza Velas-work and also work closely with A picnic will be held at 4:30 p.m. This is the second year for
quez agreed and said SALSA is open Spanish majors,� Ewais said. today at 201 N. Warren St. A SALSA SALSA. Currently there are 40 mem-
to all students. Ewais said SALSA also teaches dance will be from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. on bers. Meetings are held at 7 p.m.
We want everyone to know dances of Hispanic dances. Sept. 28 and a fashion show will be every other Thursday in the Bate
we're here and would love involve-We traveled to the Fiesta de in October. building, Rm. 1003.
ment from all. Of course, we want Pueblo in Chapel Hill recently According to Ewais, SALSA T think we are headed in the
Spanish students to be proud of who and won the dance competition,� receives support from many of the right direction and doing great,�
and what they are,� said Velasquez. Ewais said. minority organizations including; Velasquez said.
According to Ewais, SALSA par-Ewais said SALSA is spon-National Advancement Association
ticipates in many community ser-soring a canned food drive for of Colored People (NAACP), Allied This writer can be contacted at
vice activities. Central America because of the Black Leadership and Equality (ABLE) news@theeastcarolinian.com.
Dr. Richard Selzer, a surgeon and noted author, will offer his view on
Binge from page Al
The Physician as Writer� at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 2E-100 of the
Brody School of Medicine building. Selzer of New Haven, Conn., is the
author of Taking the World in for Repairs,� Letters to a Young Doctor�
not the campus should be focusing agreed. We are looking for less binge
and The Doctor Stories.� His presentation is part of the Fall Perspectives
so much attention on fighting the Treating us like a bunch of alcohol use. WeTre not trying to
Sept. 18
Lecture Series and is open to the public.
issue On Campus. babies and running to our parents go back to prohibition because
Sophomore Lauren Batchelor said every time we do something wrong that didnTt work either. We just
History exhibit
A special opening ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the
Special Collections area at Joyner Library to recognize ECUTs new Internet
exhibit about the History of Eastern North Carolina. The exhibit looks at the
regionTs history as it relates to tobacco, steamboats and the founding of East
Carolina University and can be seen at http://www.lib.ecu.edu/exhibits/.
The public is invited to the official opening of the exhibit. For more
information contact Diana Williams, ECU Joyner Library, 328-6601.
Guest artists
The American Brass Quintet will perform at 8 p.m. tonight in the A.
J. Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall. This program is part of the School
of MusicTs Guest Artist Series. Tickets are available at the ECU Central
Ticket Office, 328-4788.
Top educators
The School of Education will hold its annual induction of outstanding
educators into the Educators Hail of Fame at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept.
22 in the A. J. Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall. The program will include
the viewing of the Educators Hall of Fame in the Speight Building. Guest
speakers for the event include former Governor James Hunt and Disney
National Teacher of the Year Ron Clark.
At Mail Boxes Etc. STUDENTS ARE WELCOME! And To Show It, we only charge 5¢
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We'll take it from here.�
Jody Chaffee, Owner
she feels that a parent notification is definitely not my idea of a.college..... want.to.promote more healthy and Stalking Campus)-A
(Off staff
policy would help the situation on ITm paying money for an education, responsible alcohol use,� Morphet
member requested that an officer
campus. not a babysitter,� the student said. said.
come to her building due to a pos-
| think they should notify the According to Morphet, any plans
sible subject stalking her.
parents. It might just be what is implemented by the university will This writer can be contacted at
needed to prevent binge drinking be to reduce the amount of irrespon-news@theeastcarolinian.com.
Harassing Phone Calls-A faculty
from happening as often,� said sible drinking and the negative
member reported receiving several
Batchelor. effects it has on the student popula-
phone calls where he heard only a
An anonymous freshman dis-tion.
beeping sound.
Larceny-A staff member reported
Did you know? a power strip was stolen from a
room in the Carol Belk Building.
* in North Carolina you must be at least 21 years old to purchase, possess or consume alcoholic
Soliciting Without a Permit-A non-
* A person under 21 cannot drink legally in the presence of a parent or guardian, even at home. student was banned from campus
* It is a crime in North Carolina if you are under 21 and you:
for soliciting in Garrett Hall without
-Attempt to purchase, possess, consume alcoholic beverages or aid and abet or give alcoholic beverages
a permit.
to a person under 21.
-Operate a motor vehicle with any amount of alcohol or drugs in your system.
-Possess or present to a law enforcement officer a fake, altered or someone elseTs driverTs license.
Sept. 19
-Allow someone to use your driver's license to attempt to purchase or purchase alcoholic beverages.
* A person convicted of selling or providing alcohol to someone under 21 will receive a mandatory
penalty of: Breaking and Entering; Larceny-A
-First offense: $500 fine and 25 hours of community service. non-student was arrested for break-
-Second offense: $1,000 and 150 hours of community service. ing and entering and larceny from a
* Even if you do not drink alcohol but allow someone under 21 to possess alcohol in a vehicle that is under motor vehicle after he and another
your control, you can be charged criminally with aiding and abetting underage possession. subject were observed breaking into
* Possessing, attempting to purchase or purchasing any alcoholic beverage under the age of 18 requires a vehicle parked west of Tyler Hall.
a mandatory court appearance. The owner of the vehicle, a student,
* If your parent(s) or another adult allow you to possess or consume alcohol under their supervision, they was notified and advised that an
will be charged with a serious criminal offense. amplifier, electronic crossover and
* If you purchase alcohol from a business and get caught, the employee will be charged criminally and will two speakers were missing from
probably lose his job. in addition, the business may pay a fine up to $5,000, have their ABC permit suspended the vehicle.
for up to three years or possibly have their ABC permit revoked
* |llegally making a North Carolina driverTs license is a felony.
* Upon conviction of using a fake or altered driverTs license to attempt to purchase or purchase alcoholic
beverages, DMV is notified and must revoke your driver's license for one year.
**Information compiled from the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission
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Family from page Al
Several parents have called
howcan you oe
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asking if the event is still going
and it is,� she said.
Chancellor William Muse said
ECU Pirate Tailgate Special Ma
he is also optimistic about the week-
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return to the airwaves.
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T always enjoy meeting the par-
ents and other family members
and telling them how much we
enjoy having their students at the
university,� said Muse.
According to Woodruff, ticket
sales went weil this year. Currently
3,094 football tickets, 857 buffet
tickets and 863 concert tickets were
sold. Last year 3,131 football tickets,
2,243 buffet tickets and 863 concert
tickets were sold.
This yearTs concert will feature
the ECU Jazz Ensemble.
According to Woodruff, this is
different from past years.
We used to book outside enter-
tainers, but then we thought why,
when we have such great talent here
on campus,� she said. Plus, we
added a special singing of ~America
the BeautifulT at the beginning of
the concert to salute the victims
of the tragedy and the spirit of
Woodruff said all funding from
the concert will go to ECUTs Jazz pro-
gram to fund scholarships and other
operational needs of the ensemble.
According to Laura Sweet, assis-
tant vice chancellor of student suc-
cess, the weekend began in 1980.
Sweet said she and Ron Sprier, former
dean of students, were part of the
committee which started the event.
Sweet said the event started when
Pam Holt, former assistant athletic
director, began ParentTs day for the
football players parents.
Many parents called about the
event thinking it was for all parents
and thought that would be a great
idea. It took off from there, but is
always centered around a football
game,� said Sweet. The success of Jessica Koult, assistant manager of Casuai Corner, and Kim
the weekend hinges on the football Blue, a junior and an employee at Casual Corner, give job
program. Students embrace it and interviewing tips at the Professional Dress program earlier this
for most parents this weekend is
week in the Bate building. Casual Corner employees modeied
the first time they get a chance to
business attire needed for successful job careers, The event
see their children since they left
was sponsored by Beta Alpha Psi.
tioye TCR�
This writer can be contacted at
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to help countries rebuild after World
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War Il. :
and globalization turned into a clash
Despite the fact that the Bank
of opinions Wednesday afternoon,
has spent trillions of.dollars since
as students fired questions at faculty
(World War Il), the world still has
members about issues surrounding
pockets of poverty,� Becker said.
the IMF and World Bank.
Becker said the group of protest-
The forum, hosted by the Institute
ers preparing to demonstrate at IMF
of Public Policy and the Center for
and Worid Bank meetings later this
the Study of Globalization, drew
month are more knowledgeabie than
about 100 students to the Jack Morton
groups he has talked to in the past.
Auditorium in the Media and Public
{ didnTt get the sense that we
Affairs building to hear a panel of
were trying to marginalize or dehu-
seven faculty members discuss the
manize (the protest),� he said.
International Monetary Fund and
Some activist groups believe
World Bank.
the IMF and World Bank should
Many (GW) faculty members are
absolve Third World countries of
experts in fields such as globalization,
large debts.
finance and international trade,�
Economics professor, Robert
Institute of Public Policy Director,
Dunn, disputed their requests for
Hal Wolman said.
massive debt forgiveness.
History professor, Bill Becker,
Tf one group borrows in one
said he considered postponing the
decade, the next decade they must
forum due to the terrorist attacks on
pay it back,� he said. If the first
America and rumors that the IMF
group does not pay it back, then the
and World Bank meetings in D.C.
money will not be available for the
might be cancelled. The meetings
second group who wants to borrow
have since been postponed.
... and countries like Japan will not
The reason for going on today
pony-up and cover the difference.�
is that the issues surrounding these
In response to the protests
meetings are not going to disappear,�
against bank loans for gas and other
Becker said to begin the program.
Each faculty member made a
environmentally unfriendly pur-
poses, Dunn said, the bank does
presentation on their respective area
not initiate loan applications. The
of expertise, such as international
sovereign governments initiate loan
economics or trade.
applications and are free to pursue
Becker said the World Bank and
(what they want).�
IMF organizations created a better
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PAGE A5 tec 9-20-01
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News Editor
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Sports Editor
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Photo Editor
News Editor
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Copy Editor
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Editorial Cartoonist
Newsroom........ 252.328.6366 peuxeenerere 252.328.6558
Serving ECU since 1925, The East Carolinian prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic
year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. Our View� is
the opinion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor
which are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for decency
or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or reject letters and
all letters must be signed and include a telephone number.
Letters may be sent via e-mail to editor@tec.ecu.edu or to
The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Calli 252-328-6366 for more information.
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1. "THE SWORD ONC E DRAWN,
One year later,
the group,
SALSA, has
nearly tripled,
thanks to the
support of the
university and
the enthusiasm
of its students.
September is National Spanish Heritage month.
i's an ideal time to reflect upon the diverse
nature of our campus. Though we feel that ECU
still has a way to go, the university has come
a long way. in fostering as well as embracing
diversity in the past few years.
Just one year ago, some students joined
together in the hope of creating a student
organization on campus for persons of Spanish
One year later, the group, SALSA, has nearly
tripled, thanks to the support of the university
and the enthusiasm of its students. Now,
approximately 40 students meet on a regular
basis to promote their heritage while volunteer-
ing their time and a great deal of effort to
bettering the lives of many.
Ona regular basis, students from SALSA
volunteer to teach Spanish speaking people
the English language in addition to acting as
mentors for Spanish children of the Boys and
Girls Club.
It's amazing how much can be accomplished
in such a short period of time. This month
as members of SALSA will be celebrating
their heritage, we too will celebrate -we will
celebrate their presence on campus.
In the years to come, we can only hope that
more groups, like SALSA, will emerge. Truly,
the members of SALSA are an inspiration to
us all.
What this war
Beneath the rubble in New York
and Washington lies a terrible ques-
tion: Will the most devastating attack
on America in modern times lead to
war? The answer is increasingly yes,
in a war that will be fought abroad
and at home.
There is little disagreement that
Osama Bin LadenTs al-QaTeda carried
out the operation. But this operation
most assuredly enjoyed the support
of a foreign government, likely IraqTs.
American bombs over Baghdad and
Kabul will probably trigger terrorist
bombs here in the United States. In
seeking revenge, Americans should
prepare to pay for it.
The most telling details emerge
in the targeted cities: Washington
and New York. The Bush administra-
tion is moving painstakingly slowly
in crafting its next action. If this
was merely the work of Osama bin
LadenTs network, cruise missiles,
bombs and special operations forces
would already have descended on
~Indeed, bin LadenTs operatives
appear to have left a series of clues
behind that strongly suggest the help
of a state intelligence service, most
likely that of Iraq. Israeli intelligence
has reportedly told its government
that Iraq probably financed the
operation and may have provided
other support. Early indications
indicate that the people who carried
out the hijackings entered the coun-
try with documents good enough
to avoid detection; in the past bin
LadenTs network has often tripped
up because of faulty passports and
In addition, the operation dis-
played a high degree of deception;
In a tale that depicts such evil
and horrid acts, and after the painful
scene that will be forever imprinted
in AmericaTs mind, shines a story of
strength that will rise above it all.
In New York and Washington
D.C., there are men and women who
work through the nights and days
giving relief to their cities and their
country. They are the firemen, police,
rescue workers, National Guard, and
yes, the volunteers.
The volunteers consist not only
of citizens in the attacked cities,
but people all around the country.
People who are donating overwhelm-
ing amounts of blood, among other
resources, are also volunteers.
While the rest of us just hold
the victims and this country in
will be like
the electronic ears of the National
Security Agency were attuned to
significant amounts of traffic in
recent months but all that traffic
pointed to attacks abroad. This sug-
gests that bin LadenTs network has
access to a secure communications
network. If Air Force One was a target
then the operatives had command
and control with which to threaten
the presidentTs aircraft.
Even the operational value of the
targets in New York benefits both lraq
and bin Laden, according to sources
in New York. The World Trade Center
may have housed an office of the
Central intelligence Agency, though
a more public office exists at One
Federal Plaza. And sources have
indicated in the past that billions
of dollars in Kuwaiti gold " always
a source of frustration to SaddamTs
regime " are in a vault now buried
beneath the rubble.
For other strategic and political
reasons, too, Iraq will make a handy
whipping boy. The U.S. military
was poised to launch a major air
campaign just a few months ago.
Aside from this case, Iraq has already
rebuilt key portions of its chemical
production complex. These plants
were used to make chemical weapons
precursors in advance of the Gulf
War, according to the CIA.
it is unlikely that the next war
with bin Laden and Iraq -and anyone
else who is defined as an enemy -will
be a one-sided affair, that intrudes
upon the lives of Americans only
through their television screens.
It will probably be a conflict both
conventional and unconventional
abroad, involving American aircraft
and Special Operations Forces, who
have long trained for such a mis-
our prayers. Not to overshadow the
citizens of these cities who, in my
opinion, have done an amazing job
And ITm sure that if an event of
this magnitude fell in to our backyard
here, we would act the same. ThatTs
what this country is all about. A lot of
people get this typecast impression
about New Yorkers.
Many believe they are rude and
uncaring. But, at the core, they are
the same as you and I.
Whole-hearted believers of a
certain principle. Life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness; that we call
Brandon Ives
Student, ECU
The global
AmericaTs catastrophe this week
has turned out to be the worldTs
catastrophe. The evidence is in the
emerging list of victims and the
roster of firms in the World Trade
Center. There were 430 businesses
from 26 different nations. Some 100
Britons are known to have died in
the New York attacks and hundreds
more who worked in the twin towers
are missing.
Japan had 31 firms housed there.
China had 18. Citizens of Australia,
Germany, Ireland and Japan perished
on the hijacked pianes.
Indians are praying for the United
States. Russians are laying flowers
at our embassy in Moscow. Every
Western leader has condemned the
barbaric attacks in New York and
Washington. The French, hardly
apologists for America in good times,
have often stood with us in bad.
We are all Americans,� wrote the
Paris newspaper Le Monde, recalling
the U.S. role in safeguarding French
The sentiment is appreciated.
Now itTs time to see who backs it
The Bush administration is build-
ing a coalition among nations to
respond to the terrorist assault that
happened on U.S. soil, but touched
the world. Does the world have the
stomach for the engagement that
would be necessary to rip apart ter-
America has forever changed.
The carefree feeling of freedom that
we adore will never again go unap-
But freedom we shall restore.
When we pass different races on the
street. Whether white black or red, we
are reminded of our on struggles.
And the civil blood we have shed
.. for so long our worlds have quar-
reled. Brothers joined by color rather
than creed, yet now that hell is upon
Togetherness is our new breed.
We hold these truths to be self
evident ... that all men are created
So long now, these words have
been pointless.
But now we create our own
sequel. We join hands despite their
color and sing out for the land of the
_ free and lean upon each other from
sea to shining sea.�
We ask how can this happen to
us, but who is us and where have
we been?
Are we still divided by homeland
claims? The clothes we wear? The
shade of our skin? Are we not all
casualty list
rorist networks?
To date, it has not. The State
Department each year issues a review
of nations that are believed to spon-
sor terrorist organizations. The latest
list includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya,
Cuba, North Korea and Sudan.
Afghanistan, which is believed
to harbor the terrorist Osama bin
Laden, is not on the list, apparently
because the U.S. doesnTt recognize
the Taliban, the Islamic regime run-
ning the country.
Pakistan, which has shown con-
siderable support for the Taliban, is
not on the list, presumably because
the U.S. doesnTt want to antagonize a
budding nuclear power and one-time
The United States has battled
many of these states with military
and economic sanctions, to little
effect. It has, in the cases of Iraq
and Libya, pummeled them with air
power to limited effect.
The investigation appears to be
moving astonishingly swiftly. Terror-
ists on the planes have been identi-
fied. On Thursday, Secretary of State
Colin Powell named bin Laden
as a prime suspect. Powell tele-
phoned PakistanTs leader, Gen. Pervez
Musharraf, to demand specific help
from that country and Musharraf
almost saluted, committing Paki-
stani resources to helping find the
We are a mixture of so many
creators from the past.
Can we finally accept who we
are? And proclaim that we are free
at last.�
America may need a new hero ...
a new FDR or a new Dr. King.
Or maybe we have what we need.
Though it came in the image of
smoke and fire.
A second chance has been placed
in our hands to do with it what we
Now we must focus on thoughts
of love and brotherhood. And focus
less on who to kill.
Let our leaders decide another
nations fate.
Justice will be served. But justice
will not solve.
It is up to us as citizens to make
a change.
And look ahead for the red white
and blue. These the only colors that
matter ... the colors made up of me
and you.
Ben Howie
Student, ECU
TEC encourages all students to take an active role in the university as well as their community and state governments. The only way to promote change is to contact to the leaders that represent you.
William Muse, Chancellor Robert Thompson, Interim Vice Richard Brown, Executive Vice Chancellor and Nancy Jenkins, Mayor Mike Easley, Governor Jesse Helms, Senator John Edwards, Senator
Office of the Chancellor Chancellor for Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Mayors Office Office of the Governor 310 New Bern Ave. 301 Century Post Office
Spilman 103 Spilman 207 Spilman 112 Greenville City Hall 20301 Mail Service Center Suite 122 300 Fayettville St.
328-6212 328-6288 328-6975 Greenville, NC 27858 Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 Raleigh, NC 27601 Raleigh, NC 27601
musew@ mail.ecu.edu thompsonro@ mail.ecu.edu brownri@mail.ecu.edu 329-4419 1-800-662-7952 919-856-4630 919-856-4245
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elcome NY ee ole ae "Digna
We are glad youTve joined us for
the Family Weekend festivities as the
Pirates take on William and Mary.
We take pride in serving as official
hosts to the ECU Community.
As Ambassadors, we give tours of
campus, participate in homecoming
activities as well as volunteer through-
out campus and the Greenville
If you are interested in becoming
an ECU Ambassador, call the ECU
Alumni Center or email us at
is a je Lf Ly A ike
lrection as you were
: growing up.
Thank them while
they're visiting this
Fishbowl] by Bob Witchger
THEY 'Re Not *
GONNA Ler we DRInK. tp. | Ger
Rx? brat woreen!
/ You {EVEN Gor IN
Wainright Property Management. week, flexible, call Tim at 758-0897 ALPHA DELTA Pi would like to thank pations you have identified using the
www.wainrightproperties.com Sigma Pi for the anything for a buck�. Center and other resources.
PAGE A/ ee20-t)|
EARN $50-$150 -per hour. Local
social We had a great time!
ONE MONTH Free Rent, Keswick studio interviewing for nude photo Test Anxiety/Preparation Acade-
Apartments is the place 4 you! Spa-models and dancers. No prior experi-SIGMA PI, thanks for the 80Ts sociai mic Workshop: Monday, September
cious 1,2, and 3 bedroom apartments ence required, just a desire to make . We had a blast with our high heeis 17 at 1:30 p.m. Receive tips on how
available for immediate occupancy. $$$ and have fun. Discreet and con-and crimped hair! CanTt wait until
Lots of closet space. On-site manage-fidential. Phone: 757-7678 E-Mail we get together again! Love Alpha
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tenance. Ice makers, washer/dryer,
UNIVERSITY STUDENT Marshals. SIGMA NU, thank you for making
wood-burning fireplaces, tennis court,
Students interested in serving as a our big sis night memorable! Love
fitness center, security patrol, and
much more. Please call 355-2198. University Marshalfor the 1999 Spring Alpha Phi
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second floor of the Student Publications Building
the cashiers office) Monday -Friday, 8 am.-5 p.m.
$4 for 25 words or fewer
5¢ per word over 25
All classified ads must be prepaid.
bedroom house. Short drive to cam-
pus. Rent $185/month plus 1/3 util-
ities. Call Melissa or jennifer at
2 FEMALE roommates needed ASAP
to share 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom apt.
one mile from campus, on ECU bus
route. Rent $325 person, 1/3 utilities.
Call Mary-Alice 329-8454.
Commencement may obtain an appli-
cation from Room A-16 Minges. Stud-
ents must be classified as a junior
by the end of Fall Semester 1998
and have a 3.0 GPA to be eligible.
Return completed application to Car-
ol-Ann Tucker, Advisor, A-16 Minges
by March 12th. For more information
call 328-4661.
YEAR solid coding experience. No
Frontpage gurus! Experience with
FTP, digital photography, image edi-
tors, modeling a plus. Female candi-
dates preferred. Phone: 757-7678
E-Mail amatexpo@aol.com
THANK YOU to the women of Zeta
Phi Beta for celebrating National
WomenTs Friendship Day with us.
We had an awesome time! . Love the
sisters of Kappa Delta
ALPHA PHI would like to thank the
Rugby team for our social last week!
We enjoyed it.
DELTA SIGMA Phi, we would like to
thank you for the great my tie social
last Thursday! CanTt wait til next time
guys! Love Alpha Phi
Thursday at 4 p.m. for the next Tuesday's
Friday at 4 p.m. for the next Wednesday's
1/2 bedroom house close to campus.
Large backyard and deck. Prefer non-
smokers. Please call 329-0902 or
816-7898 and ask for Dalis.
keters, marketing/communication
and health assistant for expanding
clinic. Must have high energy, be
multitasking and enthusiastic. Fax
FAITH WORSHIP Christian Center
(629 Albemarle Ave.) is sponsoring
their College Night Out on Septem-
Monday at 4 p.m. for the next ThursdayTs paper resume to 355-7060. Call 353-3100 ber 21, 2001 at 8p.m. This event is
designed to bring students together
COME down on us! Spring
2002 hiring campus reps. Earn
will be
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entertainment, food and
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hr. answering service, all shifts M-F.
Good communications and typing
recruiting volunteers for the following
sports: Basketball skills and soccer.
skills required. Call 353-9677. For more information, contact Kelvin
Recreation department needs soccer
coaches for the up coming fail soccer
Verell at (252)
Bullock at (252)
or joseph
Now leasing efficiency
1 & 2 bedroom apartments
deposit for a limited time only
season. Games begin October Ist.
This is a paid position. It you are
interested in applying contact Greg
Gregory at 756-6038
SIGMA ALPHA Epsilon, thank
for the fun social last Friday. We
Choosing a Major & Career: Mon-
day, September 17 at 3:30 p.m. A
one-session workshop that helps you
explore your interests, values, abilities
and personality and find out which
CALL 752-2865 GRAPHIC DESIGN computer stud-
ents needed-needs experience with
working on web sites, 20-25 hours per
a great time
soon! Love,
and hope to do
Alpha Delta Pi
it again occupations or majors may match
well with each. You will learn how to
gather information about the occu-
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two-session workshop that teaches
you the importance of being asser-
tive and helps you become more
aware of why it is difficult for you to
be assertive. Learn ways to commu-
nicate more effectively.
THE TAKE Back the Night� march
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Hall (college hill).
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PAGE B1 9-20-01
Turn on the tube
What to expect as networks ~allT into place
with their competitors.
Features Editor This fallTs television season is kicking off with new shows
that are enjoyable for everyone. ABC, CBS, NBC and the
WB are beginning their new fall line-ups this month, with
Assistant Editor hopes that every new show, as well as old favorites will be
hits with the viewers.
NICOLE DUMAS ABC has a few new seriesT including Bob Patterson,�
premiering October 2, and The Mole II,� premiering September
CBS is kicking off its fall TV season with a new reality show,
features@ theeastcarolinian.com
The Amazing Race.� This show features teams of two racing
to checkpoints all around the world, in hopes of winning
the final reward. The teams of two are comprised of couples
including everything from a mother and daughter team,
to a separated husband and wife team. The last team to
Teen craze continues with fg7lg factor ae ee
reach each checkpoint is eli minated, which makes for an
exciting race.
NBCTs much anticipated series premiere this season is
Everyone can hear you scream
Friends.� The episode airs on September 27 as NBCTs leadoff
series on their ~Must See TVT Thursday night lineup. As
Friends� begins its eighth and possibly final season, viewers
pop sensation NTSYNC
"everywhere will be watching. Now that Monica (Courtney Cox
Arquette), and Chandler (Mathew Perry) are married, and one
see FALL on page B83
Teen craze hotties NTSYNC con-
tinue the boy band frenzy with the
highly-anticipated release of their
new CD, Celebrity.
Celebrity is the third CD from
the quintet that hit stores July
24, being acclaimed as one of the
summerTs most successful releases.
When one thinks of this pop
sensation, catchy tunes and syn-
chronized dance moves are the first
things that come to mind. NSYNC blew the competition
Well, one is not led to disap-away, winning the most out of any
pointment with this new explo-other performers.
sion. They walked away with four
The CD, consisting of 13 tracks, awards including: Best Dance Video,
mixes a variety of upbeat and slow Best Group Video, Best Pop Video,
music styles with the boysT distine-and the ViewerTs choice award, Mean-
tive vocals. while, the boys from the back streets
The hit, Pop,� which is this went home empty-handed.
CDTs equivalent of Bye-Bye-Bye� The most impressive of all the
was released before the CD soared awards for them was the ViewerTs
to the top of the charts, Choice Award due to the
leaving fans anxious and fact that it was voted on
showtime: 9:00 PM ET/PT, WEDNESDAY
looking forward to the July completely by the fans
(a #@e
24th release. from phoning in and cast-
The band once again | Artist: | ing their votes.
provides a variety of fast | NTSYNC | All the awards
dance tunes that have been | received were for the
addictive to radio stations | Album: | music video to Pop.�
as well as music video Sta-"| Celebrity Celebrity includes two elele MUMIA, fe
tions since the CD release. Release date: other tracks with the Tet WEXT BETRAYAL,
The boys reveal more | 1/24/01 same intensity and dance
Fridays ie
of their soft side with emo-|"" ____| beats as the award win-
tional love-filled songs such ning, Pop,� such as track
as track ten, Selfish.� three, The Game is Over� and track
It is arguable that with the eight, Up Against the Wall.�
release of Celebrity, NTSYNC has If Pop� alone can win four
surpassed their boy band rivals-The awards, you know these boys will be
Backstreet Boys. back again next year at the music
And the evidence that exists is awards after they have released more
the MTV Music Video Awards held videos.
Where have all the
on September 6.
MP3Ts gone?
David Spade gets ~dirtyT
Users find replacements your computer to Audiogalaxy.
Napster is currently a symbol of to Napster in the wake of music trading in all of its litigation.
on VHS and DVD
There are plenty of other servicesthe court ruling out there to download from. Now
Napster has become a non-issue
FEATURES WRITER SCOTT ADAMS because other services are proving to
FEATURES WRITER be just as popular, and there has been
David Spade is back in another little action or protest to them.
crazy comedy that mimics the
In February, what had been Napster was the first of its kind,
humor of his other films such as, expected and foreseen since the a music trading service that allowed
Black Sheep and Tommy Boy. The previous summer came to be law: people to trade music over the ever-
movie stirred early questions and the file sharing server known as growing Internet. Therefore, the ser-Grammy-nominated Jazz artist Terrence Blanchard has donated his
criticisms because of the storyline Napster was forced to shut down. If vice was the first to achieve national
music to many films such as Malcom Xand Love and Basketball
that tells the life of Spade as a coun-you are among the few unfamiliar attention. While music trading may
try bumpkin. Rest assured, SpadeTs with this service, it is a music
comedic humor blends nicely as he swapping web site that has
rocks the mullet with his character, put the music industry and Jazz artist of the year
father, Joseph Oliver, encouraged
him on his music endeavor.
Joe Dirt. music fans in a frenzy.
Joe Dirt looks like the classic Big time names such as
takes center stage Growing up in the south with
country critter. Exceptionally long Bon Jovi and Limp Bizkit
a father who studied voice and
mullet, clothes that are ratty and have come out in support
ELSON AMURAO sang in the church has given me
too smail for even his girlish body. of Napster, but it seems as STAFF WRITER a passion for these spirituals that
From adolescence to adulthood, Joe though an even longer list of
has brought me such great joy,� said
is the butt of all jokes. He continu-artists have come out against
Winning the artist, album, and Blanchard.
ously plays the scene over and trumpeter of the year doesnTt sad so He started taking piano lessons
Po taen, Be Cece, Be temend. | it. Britney Spears, Metal-
in his head of his sister telling lica, Paul McCartney, the
bad does it? One wouldnTt think so. at the age of five. He wasnTt too
him that he was so gross his dad and sister when he was only eight Backstreet Boys and count-This is only some of the recognition thrilled with his lessons at first,
named him Joe Dirt, instead of years old. He was digging through that world-renowned jazz musician but that soon changed after seeing
less others have professed Freshman Ricky Hill downloads music
the familyTs real last name which the trash can at the park when he the evils of Napster. Terence received at the a in third grade
Blanchard performance that
from the high-speed dorm network.
Downbeat Reader's Poll. would change
For Terence to sweep the poll his life. © Wright Auditorium
he cannot remember. Poor Joe has popped up to proudly announce The music industry has
been handed the short end of the to his father that he had found a said that music swapping is be a wave of the future, Napster is
such fashion
stick, but that still does not sour his container dip that was better than illegal and it takes away from busi-the wave of the past.
in a resounding shows A jazz band
© September 28view of his family. Skoal.� With his father no where ness profits. Proponents of Napster Even with the Napster court came to their
that he has had a profound musical
impact on the jazz world over the e
While working as a janitor at a around, Joe jumps out of the trash say the deal is completely legitimate injunction, other services are simply school and gpm.
past year,� said Jason Koransky, Blanchard set
Los Angeles rock station, he is picked and scours the park looking for his and often accuse the artists of selling better. In most cases, on other ser-
Down Beat editor. his eye on Alvin
up by a worker known as Zander family, but they are no where to be out and the record industry as being vices it is easier to find music. Nap-
(Dennis Miller) to guest star on seen. From that moment on, Joe takes soulless moneygrubbers. sterTs connection was constantly
The 2001-2002 season of the S. Alcorn, the trumpet player in the
Rudolph Alexander Performing Arts band. Hearing the performance
his radio show. Zander takes many on many odd jobs no normal person After the breakup, NapsterTs interrupted and users would end up
cracks at JoeTs appear-accept. makes legacy controversy The half song, no at
Series will open its new season witha amazed him and he then said, 1
would That no of continues. with a or often song
bang. The highly acclaimed Terence want to do that!�
ance and his name, to difference to Joe because it company has been accused of not all. These problems do not seem to
which Joe replies is Dirte REVIEW | gets him one step closer to complying with the court ruling, arise as much on other servers.
Blanchard is set to perform at the From then on, his jazz career
(pronounced Dir-tay), _ finding and reuniting with a charge that Harry Barry, CEO of Part of the problem for these new
Wright Auditorium on September would blossom and earn him many
Hae ee eee Movie: his ony Va, a
28, at 8 p.m. awards and achievements. These
Napster adamantly denies. He says servers is that they are all based
im if he does stunT Joe Dirt ne of the longest stops that deals have been made with Dr. on a file-sharing server known as
Preparing for BlanchardTs arrival includes Grammy nominations for
must be done quite carefully. ItTs not Best Jazz Instrumental! Solo (I
work for Billy Ray Cyrus Joe makes is in what he calls Dre, U2 and other artists against Gnutella.
everyday that a Grammy and Emmy Thought About You� Wandering
because of his hair. Joe Starring: a postcard town by the name Napster, who do not wish their music
Unlike Napster, Gnutella has no
calmly oe ie a it | David Spade e evi 4: In See to be available on the service. central location, and therefore can
nominated artist is be at ECU taking Moon, 2000), Best Latin Jazz
is not rea is hair, but e tries making what mone However, if you believe that music not be forced to shut down.
center stage. Performance ( The Heart Speaks,
a wig picked out by his he can by stealing things swapping is finished completely, then Instead of holding all the files in
aes is | Release date: ay i 2, Marketing and promoting the 1996), and Best Jazz Instrumental
mother because when he | 99/04/01 from the townsT people. On you are certainly mistaken. More
event are just two of many things Performance by a Group ( MoT Better
a centralized server, Gnutella clients
that must be done beforehand Blues, 1990).
was born he was missing ~ one such night he attempted files were swapped in August through are afforded the luxury of finding
the top of his skull and the wig to take a hubcap off of a car when a other servers than were swapped in and downloading files directly from On top of that isan Emmy nomi-
according to Carol Woodruff, Market-
ing Director of the Department of
was big enough to keep it covered. dog sitting on the front porch began February during NapsterTs peak. one userTs computer to their own. nation for Best Original Score for
University Unions. Tasks such as the a Documentary (The Promised
Zander continues to probe Joe about to howl.
Even in the death of Napster, Although this brings worries of
his upbringing, and thus begins sound system and lighting are just a Land� 1995. Blanchard also won the
Joe quickly stops messing with there are plenty of other services corrupt files and virus spreading
few responsibilities that a technical Grand Prix du Disque for the album
the sage of Joe Dirt broadcast to the car to calm the dog when he to utilize. Perhaps you could load a through the networks, it eliminates
America. notices that the dog was howling couple of slow songs from FastTrack. worries of a worldwide shutdown
director must face. New York Second Line in 1984.
Joe got left behind while visiting Or you could mishmash with the
Blanchard was born on March 13,
1962, in New Orleans, Louisiana. His
the Grand Canyon with his parents see JOE DIRT on page B2 service iMEsh. Or you could warp on see NAPSTER on page B2 see JAZZ on page B3
ID now needed for Advertise in The East CarolinianJoe Dirt from page B1
because a certain part of his anatomy chemical explosion in a science
is frozen to the front porch. He does classroom when Clem happens to
downtown destinations
what he can to help the dog until the be passing by. He runs in to bring
simply wants some help getting into dogTs owner, a country gal named the students and teacher to safety.
classifieds -/T WORKS!
ABC of NC expects ID
the club. Brandy, (Brittany Daniel) comes out The police and fire department are
These regulations do apply on all to see what the fuss is all about. They called to investigate and Clem is
policy to be enforced
nights that a private club is open, finally decided to use warm water proclaimed a hero for bringing the
regardless of how busy it is. and a spatula to help free the dog. students out of the toxic mess.
Most clubs offer a membership at Joe decides to stick around Sil-Clem quickly speaks up and
the door, although the ABC requires vertown because he has finally found declares it was Joe who was the
a three-day waiting period before the a friend in Brandy and Charlie (the hero of the day and from that he
Many of ECUTs students can
membership may be used. The club dog), and for once he feels like gets his few minutes of fame as the
remember a time when member-
is also required to charge an annual he belongs somewhere. The only television reporters all come out to
ships were not needed for the clubs
membership fee according to the ALE problem for Joe is a character named congratulate Joe. Joe being the kind
in downtown Greenville. Although
District Il, which is usually no more Robbie, (Kid Rock) who vies for the soul he is, tells the reporters that
membership regulations have been
that $1 or $2. affection JoeTs new friend, Brandy. he cannot take credit for saving the
in effect for years, it seems that only
The Attic offers a membership After a while, living in Silver-kids because it was actually Clem
recently these regulations are being
online, that someone may take with town and a mishap with Charlie, who did. This puts Clem into a bit
them to the Attic where the appli-Joe decides it is time to move on of trouble because he is wanted by
Rumor around campus says that
cation process is and to continue his search for his the mob.
clubs have member-
completed. family. Joe takes on more weird jobs, The Bottom Line: If you are
ship policies so that
There are a few working at an alligator farm doing a David Spade fan, you will enjoy
they can pick and
Sometimes | feel like places downtown shows and working on an oilrig. He this movie. If you are not a David
choose who may
that do not require finally takes up a job as a janitor Spade fan, you just might be by
enter their club.
guests to be mem-at an elementary school where his the end. It is cleverly written and
Sometimes | feel they just ask for
bers. For instance, supervisor is Clem (Christopher there are many cameo appearances
like they just ask for
ChicoTs, BoliTs, and Walken). Joe heads straight to work throughout the movie. If class has
memberships from
memberships from BW-3Ts. and tackles an important V.I.C. gotten you down and your day has
people they donTt
These "_ estab-(vomit in cafeteria) clean up. Joe been plain madness, rent Joe Dirt. Sit
want to let in,�
lishments do not tries to be smooth in order to pick back and relax and thank your lucky
says student Rebecca people they donTt want
have to follow the up an attractive teacher, but the only stars that this is not your life.
membership reg-attention he gets is from the kids
Actually, the
to let in,� ulations because eating lunch who use him for target This writer can be contacted at
Alcoholic Beverage
they serve food, practice.
a purpose The same there
Control Commis-
sion (ABC) of North Rebecca Thomas other very day is a
than recreational
Carolina holds sev-
ECU Student or social.
eral special require-
What is the Napster from page B1
ments for private
reason for these
clubs. Enforcing a membership
rules that seem so pointless to us? similar to Napster. among poor college kids, who often
policy is included in these expecta-Bring a Pirate Football ticket stub
One of the attorneys representing All of these sites and music trad-can not afford to buy CD's.
According to the North Carolina and receive 20% off hair produc ts
the ABC believes that the regulations ing over the Internet in general are This may frighten artists and
were put in to effect as somewhat of here to stay, and even if music trading record companies, but unfortunately
Law Enforcement for District II, a
a compromise. were outlawed, traders would most the demand for new music seems
private club is a facility organized
Years ago there was a considerable likely still do it anyway. to outweigh attempts to shut down
and operated by a person, associa-
Tanning Bed
amount of resistance against selling Although NapsterTs legacy may music sharing altogether.
tion or corporation solely for asocial,
liquor by the drink, especially at a be felt in the current boom of music
recreational, patriotic or fraternal
privately owned establishment. trading, arising alternatives are This writer can be contacted at
These regulations do not seem becoming very popular, especially features@theeastcarolinian.com.
purpose. Ask for Jada or Kathleen
In addition, it says that use of
to bother most students who spend
the facility shall not be open to the
time downtown. Sandra Galliani, a
general public but shall be limited
junior at ECU said, I donTt have a from page
to members of the private club and
membership anywhere downtown
their guests.
and have never had a problem.� But In addition to the great music 1909-F EAST FIRE TOWER RD.
Agent Murphy from the Alco-THE BOTTOM LINE: if you
to be on the safe side it is a good contained on this CD, fans will also
hol Law Enforcement (ALE) said, are a fan of upbeat-cannot-get-this-
Covengton Shoppes
Anyone who enters the private song-out-of-my-head-music, this is
idea to obtain a membership for your get their dose of dance moves that
favorite private clubs. are NTSYNC.
club must either have their own the CD for you. Greenville, NC 27858
membership or be a guest of a Fans of NTSYNC will be exceed-
This writer can be contacted at This writer can be contacted at
valid member.� A guest must be a ingly impressed with this addition
features@theeastcarolinian.com. features@theeastcarolinian.com.
person whom is well known by the to their music collection.
member, and not a stranger who
One of the best college bands ITve heard.� Wynton Marsalis
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Managing moneypeople
with other things to think about:
insurance an
In order to better serve you, the ECU
has added Midnite Movies tis
Friday and Saturday nights. This week's
Blockbuster Movie
Fa ll from page B1
character is pregnant, there is yet
another twist in the story line.
I'm ready to watch ~FriendsT to
find out whoTs pregnant,� said senior
communications major, Melissa Fox.
NBC is also jumping on the real-
ity TV bandwagon with its series
Lost.� In teams of two, selected
by the producers, the participants
are dropped off in the middle of
nowhere, and must find their way
to the Statue of Liberty. With a
limited amount of money, and the
complication of not knowing their
locations, the teams face a challenge
like no other.
] think ~LostT is going to be a
fantastic series,� said senior com-
munication major, Andrea Terrill.
We all thought that reality-based
Jazz from page B1
In spite of his acclaimed work
as a composer for such films as MoT
Better Blues, Malcolm X, Love and
Basketball, and more, he still consid-
ers himself a jazz musician.
His recent work truly embraces
that, with his award winning album
called Wandering Moon. The album
consists of eight original composi-
tions by Blanchard.
Traveling around the world
playing music can take its toll on
the soul� said Blanchard. Missing
family, losing the chance to see my
kids grow, all the chance to play a
style of music I love for people who
have the same passion.�
Just the thought of the moon
passing over loved ones in a few
hours can be comforting. This project
Choose a STYLE...
~Then choose a BARBER!
The only source forall
television would die-out, but we all
canTt stop watching this stuff.�
Fear Factor,� another reality-
based TV show on NBC this fall,
dares contestants to do some outra-
geous stunts in order to win a cash
prize. These tasks include anything
from eating bugs and pig parts, to
jumping out of helicopters. Contes-
tants are pushed to their limits to
see the who has the most extreme
level of courage.
A number of new shows are also
premiering on NBC this fall, includ-
ing Emeril,� Inside Schwartz� and
Scrubs. With three new comedies
and the popularity of Friends on
deck, NBC has a full calendar this
fall for viewers.
The WB is premiering two of
represents the ongoing balancing
act between husband, lover, father,
friend, and musician,� Blanchard said.
What sets Blanchard apart from
the rest is his ability to have multiple
talents. Blanchard skillfully sketches
mood and emotion as he swings
between recordings and film scores,�
said the Time Magazine.
This is an enhancement for the
university to have an association
in his (Blanchard) stature,� said
Woodruff also feels that students.
with music aspiration would benefit
greatly from BlanchardTs arrival.
You donTt rub elbows at this
caliber everyday,� Woodruff said.
The stage is being set for
Blanchard and his quintet that
its popular shows on October
Felicity and DawsonTs Creek
The WB shows, which are geared to
high school and college audiences
also include Angel,� Jack and Jill
and Nikki.�
T absolutely love ~Jack and JillT,
said senior political science major,
Brandee Rubado. I think the WB
has really good shows with topics
can relate to.�
Whether you are a long-term
Friends� fan or in search of some
thing new, turn on your favorite
station to see what they have in store
for you this fall.
This writer can be contacted at:
includes Brice Winston on the tenor
sax, Ed Simmon on piano, Derek
Nievergelt on bass, and Eric Harland
on drums.
Tickets are now on sale for $22 for
the public, $19 for ECU faculty/staff,
and $11 for ECU students/youth
All tickets purchased at the door are
all $22.
If you have any questions about
this event or any other upcoming
events, you can call the Central
Ticket Office (open Monday-Friday
from 8:30am-6pm)at (252) 328-4788
or 1-800-ECU-ARTS. Or you can log
on to their website at www.ecu.edu
This writer can be contacted at
1114 �,�vans St.
of Your haircutting needs!
" Anderson's
Barber Shop & Beauty Lounge
Student Union Films Committee
year, causing some time changes on
movies will screen as follows:
FS aw
The Mummy Returns Thursday, sept20.......7:30 pm
(rated PG-13)
Friday, sept21..........4,:00 pm
Saturday, sept22...... .9:30 pm
Sunday, sept23... ..3:00 pm
Mercury Cinema
Crouching Tiger, Thursday, Sept20... ...10:00 pm
Hidden Dragon
(rated PG-13) Friday, Sept21...... ...9:30 pm
Ay s PANG LEECROUCHINGTIGER Saturday, sept22... ...7100 pm
Sunday, sept23........ 7:30 pm
Midnight Movie
The Goonies Friday, Sept 21 Midnite
(rated PG)
Saturday, sept 22 Midnite
Top stars enlist for two-hour
Simulcast aid event airing
(TMS) -Some of the countryTs which will be a milestone in broad-
biggest stars are putt na she cast history
raise moneT While there have been some
World Trade Center ar agon cross-network simulcasts -in 1958
attacks. there was a benefit for Hungarian
George Clooney, Julia Roberts relief that aired on three networks
Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks, Bon -never before have so many outlets
Jovi, Robert De Niro and Clint East-joined to deliver one telecast.
wood are some of the bold-face The show will run two hours,
names who have agreed to ar without commercial interruption.
on America: A Tribute to Heroes,� The idea for the benefit was
scheduled for 9 5 ET Friday hatched over the weekend and ham-
The event will be broadcast live mered out Tuesday afternoon.
from studios in New York and Los DreamWorks SKG co-founder
Angeles, although the organizers are Jeffrey Katzenberg has promised to
not disclosing the exact locations gather the top Hollywood names,
for security reasons. while music mogul Jimmy lovine has
Although tickets to either venue tapped that industry for performers,
would fetch a substant mount of according to sources.
money, there will be no au Each of the television networks.
Viewers will be asked to ple dge will have two stars appear on the
money by phone while watching show.
from home. CBS stars Amy Brenneman
This decision was based on logis: (Judging Amy�) and Ray Romano
tics and the producers do (Everybody Loves Raymond�)
because not are
want to further burden the New York on the bill, as are NBCTs Kelsey
Police Department, already strapped Grammer (Frasier�) and Conan
after the attacks, with handling OTBrien (Late Night�).
crowd control ABCTs Dennis Franz (NYPD
The four major networks -ABC, Blue�) and Sela Ward (Once and
CBS, NBC and Fox -put the show Again�) will be there, too.
together Tuesday and will underwrite All funds raised from the pro-
it. UPN and the WB are also expected gram will go to the relief effort,
to carry the show. although the exact charities have
Radio stations and cable networks yet to be determined, according to
are invited to join the simulcast the organizers.
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Tony HawkTs Pro Skater 2� for the
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Nintendo ignores it these days.
If the goal was to be the last
company to ever produce a car-
tridge-based ga for a next-gener-
ation syster 1 no dice, since
the equally inexplicable release of
Madden 20¢ will most likely
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Perhaps Activision and Neversoft
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fall releaseof Nintendo's GameCube.
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port of what is arguably the most
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free skate and career modes remain
untouched and the roster of skaters
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PAGE BO 9-20-01
eC Volleyball drops one to Tar Heels
Sports Editor
EGY sparks «
Friday, September 21
WomenTs Soccer vs. TCU, Greenville, NC.
4 p.m.
Volleyball vs. Louisville, Greenville, NC.
7 p.m.
_ :
fs &
Junior Robyn Drewes makes a stride for one of the four blocks she record ie d during Tuesday's match against North Carolina. The Tar nSaturday, September 22 Heels defeated ECU in three straight games at Minges Coliseum.
in the first two games, but were three games, Drewes collected 11 I think we played together last
unable to collect a victory as UNC kills on a .364 attack percentage. night, and we had a good time,�
Football vs. William & Mary, Greenville, NC. Rudolph has solid night
3:30 p.m.
took both games, 26-30, 23-30. I think we learned a lot new Rudolph said
The ladies played really, really things as a team,� said Drewes. As a team, we might not be
MenTs and WomenTs cross-country hosts the Lake Kristi Inv. SPORTS EDITOR
well the first two games,� said Head 1 think we surprised them, even winning, but we're improving, and
All Day
Coach Colleen Farrell. ItTs probably though they won. We just lost our I think that the wins are going to
The ECU volleyball team, 1-7
the best we have seen our girls play focus a little bit in the third game, come,� Drewes said
on the season, lost to in-state rival
this year.� but I also think they were surprised The Pirates open conference
North Carolina on Tuesday night,
Sunday, September 23
The first two games were a at the way we played them. play against the Louisville Cardinals
3-0. The Pirates disappointing record
pretty good showing for us. We are The competition we played was at home on Friday, September 21 in
has not affected team moral or the
MenTs Soccer vs. St. Louis. Greenville, NC. playing better competition than we really tough. They have some phe-Minges Coliseum
ladies ability to rebound come time
are used to, and we are still improv-nomenal athletes who can get up and It looks like going into this new
11 a.m.
for conference play.
ing,� Rudolph said. block at the net,� Farrell said. conference the parity is very good
T think we get better every time
WomenTs Soccer vs. Houston, Greenville, NC.
In the third game, the Tar Heels Rudolph continued to have suc-from top to bottom. ThereTs not
we play,� said senior transfer Amanda
1:30 p.m. grabbed the momentum early and cess on the court, providing the going to be an easy match for us by
Rudolph. That shows a lot, and I
ran away from the Pirates, clinching Pirates with eight kills and 19 assists any means,� Farrell said.
think thatTs going to come out a lot
the match by a score of 16-30 and on the offensive side of the net.
Volleyball vs. Cincinnati, Greenville, NC. more when we start peaking.�
improving their record to 6-3. Senior co-captain Lisa Donovan This writer can be contacted at
2 p.m. The Pirates provided the Tar
Junior Robyn Drewes had a huge showed off her ability to set up her sports@theeastcarolinian.com.
Heels with all that they could handle
night for the Pirates offensively. In teammates by recording 17 assists.
(foal WomenTs golf yiel S tO
Date _Opponent Score Record Las'
Sept. 1 Wake Forest L,19-21 2-0 Def. Appalachian, 20-10
field at Memphis National
Sept.8 at Tulane W, 51-24 0-3 Lost to ECU, 51-24
240. Mai Sugiyama tied for 26th her first two rounds of the champion-
Lady Pirates finish 14th,
place with a total score of 244, and ship with a score of 166 and Mitchell
Sept.22 William&Mary 2-0 Def. VMI, 34-0 hometown Tigers take Margaret Mitchel! finished with an finished the day with a score of 170.
overall score off 252. In the third and final round on
Sept. 29 at Syracuse 1-2 Def. Central Fla. 21-10 championship We had an average game and Tuesday, the Lady Pirates shot a score
came out with 8 wins and 3 loses,� of 320, keeping them in fourth place.
Oct.6 at North Carolina 0-3 Lost to Texas, 44-14 JESSICA JONES said Head Coach Kevin Williams. Sugiyama had her best round of the
STAFF WRITER On Monday, the Lady Pirates had championship on Tuesday with a
Oct. 13. at Army 0-1 Lost to Cincinnati, 24-21 a two-round, 36-hole score of 638, score of 78.
The ECU womenTs golf team fin-putting them in fourth place at the Obviously we didnTt play very
Oct. 20 Memphis 1-1 Def. Chattanooga, 43-10
ished in fourth place at the Memphis end of the day. well today,� Williams said. However,
WomenTs Intercollegiate Champion-We competed hard today,� Wil-we were able to pick some quality
ship, held at the Memphis National liams said. There are six teams here wins over very good teams and ITm
Golf Course. The Lady Pirates fin-that were in the top SO at the end of extremely pleased about that.�
ished with a three-round total of 958, the season last year. For us to be in The Lady Pirates had a fourteen-
Oct. 30 at TCU 2-1 Def. SMU, 38-10
Total Offense
Nov. 10 at Cincinnati 1-1 Def. Army, 24-21
shooting 324 and 314 on Monday fourth place after two rounds proves hour trip to Memphis and faced the 1. Garrard (1998-present)
and a 320 on Tuesday. With the how competitive of a golf team we challenge of playing on a different
8,176 yards
home course advantage, the Uni-have at ECU,� type of course than what they are
Nov. 15 Louisville 3-0 Def. WCU, 31-7
Passing Yards
versity of Memphis Lady Tigers The hosting Lady Tigers held the used to.
Nov. 23 Southern Miss 1-0 Def. Oklahoma State, 19-7 1. Marcus Crandeli
finished in first place with a total lead at the end of the day with a The greens were very hard and
score of 915. Central Florida and two-round score of 607. After the very fast compared to the soft and (1993-96) 7,198 yards
Louisville came in second and third, two rounds on Monday, Millican slower greens we have in Greenville,� 2. Garrard
respectively, out of the total 12 teams had a total of 156, putting her in Williams said. ECU finished with a
7179 yards
that competed. 7th place overall in the individual championship record of 8-3 and an
Freshman Adrienne Millican was competition, just 10 strokes behind overall record of 37-4 this season.
1. Crandell
ECUTs top finisher, tying for 14th Jennifer Jaszek, of the University The Lady Pirates will tee off at
id yom
620 completions
place with a three-round total of 239, of Memphis. Jaszek won the overall the Lady Pirate Fall Intercollegiate,
2. Garrard
shooting her best round on Monday individual competition with a final on October 15-16 at the Greenville
ECU and William & Mary were in the Southern Conference together 530 completions
with a score of 77. Behind Millican, three-round score of 224 (73-73-78). Country Club.
from 1965-76. The Pirates are 11-4-1 against W & M all-time and have Touchdown passes
were sophomores Jessica Krasny Krasny and Leonard shot a 36-hole
and Ashley Leonard who both tied total of 160 on Monday and were tied This writer can be contacted at
won five of the last six meetings in Greenville. 1. Crandell 58 TD's
for 18th place with a total score of for 14th place. Sugiyama completed
2. Garrard 48 TD's
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playing football again,� Garrard
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conference,� said senior quarterback the Tribe defeated Massachusetts, prove a point. ThereTs no question in to go out this weekend and get that
David Garrard. 31-10. They followed up that opening my mind that they can beat us if we record and then some.�
After the horror that took place season victory in week two with a donTt go out and play football the Hopefully, Garrard will exceed
in America last Tuesday, the players, shutout of VMI, 34-0. way weTre capable of playing.� CrandellTs record of 7,198 career We gratefully accept donations during business hours.
coaches and, most of all, the fans We are expecting William & The Pirates break into the game passing yards within the first half ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT
are anxious to see action return to Mary to be a well-coached team. with 51-24 win over Tulane under on Saturday.
the field. Traditionally, theyTve been in the their belt. Senior running back If the Tulane win was not enough, Family Violence Program, INC.
We felt like we were getting top 25 in the nation for the past ten Leonard Henry will be trying to a win over the Tribe on Saturday
on a roll after coming back from or fifteen years. TheyTre going to duplicate the same amount of suc-should convince the ECU faithful
the Wake Forest game with a win execute and make us play our best cess that he had in the Tulane game, that the team has fully recovered » NEW DIRECTIONS » COURT SERVICES
against Tulane,� said senior flanker
game to beat them,� Powell said. where he recorded a career-best 218 from the home opener. The Pirates « ADULT COUNSELING SERVICES » COMMUNITY EDUCATION
Arnie Powell. The situation that Logan expressed that although yards on the ground. Garrard returns defeated the Tribe, 40-6, in the last
happened in New York and D.C. they are a Div. I-AA school, the the field needing just 19 yards to meeting, and hold 5-3 advantage
kind of stopped our momentum. It upcoming contest is not one to be pass former Pirate Marcus Crandell in games that have been played in
kind of stopped everybody in the taken lightly. for the most passing yards in a career Greenville. SaturdayTs kick-off is
countryTs momentum. We just got | think that emotionally, this by an ECU quarterback. scheduled for 3:30 p.m. t
to start over and get back on the will be a Super Bowl event for Wil-Tt feels great,� Garrard said. To ed 2
roll.� liam & Mary,� Logan said. It'll be be able to have any record always This writer can be contacted at get Pier©
After a whole week off you're a chance for their kids to come and feels good. Hopefully, ITll be able Sports@theeastcarolinian.com. Garry's
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GREENVILLE, . (AP)-East but I can just tell you, if you need watching the safeties, and when we
Carolina coach Stev e rae has little someone to go lay it out and block, break Leonard through the line of
use for flashy running backs who Leonard will get it done,� Logan scrimmage there are always safeties
place too much emphasis on their said. If you need the ball caught, who donTt quite get there.�
position title. Leonard will get it done. HeTs more Henry has also distinguished
Instead of a 1,000-yards-a-year an NFL-type back than a lot of these himself during the past two seasons
back who takes a breather on plays hot shots you hear about who get a as the only player who refuses to
that donTt put the ball in his hands, lot more publicity.� talk to the media. But as the press
Logan would rather see a workhorse Part of the reason Henry achieves searches for the reasons for his
like Leonard Henry, the senior from such dramatic results against oppo-silence, his coaches and teammates
Clinton who took away 218 rushing nents like Tulane is his physical write it off as a byproduct of his
yards and two touchdowns against running style. He hammers against private, humble demeanor.
Tulane two weeks ago opponents throughout the game, and HeTs just real unassuming,� said
He needs only 81 yards against typically by the fourth quarter Logan senior wide receiver Aaron Harris.
William & Mary on Saturday to reach notices defenders acting tentative Even though he is a great back,
the milestone of 2,000 career yards, At Tulane, Henry had a 92-yard he doesnTt boast, heTs not going to
and he has proven himself worthy to run in the fourth quarter that was sit out there and make first-down
be the Pirates (1-1) go-to back. the third longest in ECU history, and gestures or anything like that. HeTs
But itTs his blocking, as much as the longest ever by a college player just going to do his job. He carries
his ball movement, that makes him in the Superdome. the personality of a role player,
the type of player Logan relies on. | have a great affection for the but everybody knows that if
He might not be as sexy a runner way he plays the game,� Logan said. Leonard gets over 100 yards, we
as some of these other cats out there, Late in the game, I always start usually win.�
NFL tries to salvage 16-game season
NEW YORK (AP)-The NFL will go 16 games--one more than the other a 30-3 win over Washington.
with a 16-game schedule, making up 30 teams. With only one wild-card team
the games lost last weekend on Jan. The league also wanted to pro-per conference, the division races
6. But the league is still considering vide each team with eight home become far.more important. Ten-
ways to have full 12-team playoffs. games and eight away games, nesseeTs opening-week loss to Miami
We believe that a full 16-game feeling that was important for a com-might be pivotal if the two contend
regular-season schedule is vital to petitive balance and because half of for a wild card spot. The situation
our fans and the integrity of our the teams would lose money from a is complicated by Tennessee and
season,� NFL commissioner Paul home game. Baltimore, two of the top three or
Tagliabue said. Each team needs to As for the change in the playoffs, four teams in the NFL, playing in
be guaranteed the same number of no team seeded lower than fourth the same division.
home and away games plus an equal has made it to a championship game In the NFC, the reduction in
number of divisional games. The since Jacksonville upset Buffalo and wild-card teams probably means
NFL Competition Committee was Denver to reach the AFC title game the Giants or Eagles would have
unanimous on that point.� after the 1996 season. And only one to win the East to make the play-
The league had been considering has made it to a Super Bowl--New offs. Each will have to sweep the
two options--playing just 15 games England after the 1985 season, when Redskins, Cardinals and Cowboys,
and keeping the 12-team playoff there were just two wild-card teams all of whom seem to be among the
format, or retaining the 16-game per conference. leagueTs weakest teams, then at least
schedule. But it could have an impact on split against each other.
From the start, there appeared to some of the NFL's strongest teams--Raiders defensive end Trace
be more sentiment toward retaining particularly in the > Armstrong, president of the NFL
the full slate of games, shifting those ach AFC divi on appears to Players Association, said the major-
called off last week after terrorist have two strong teams: Miami and ity of people he talked to favor the
attacks on New York and Washington Indianapolis in the ; Baltimore modified playoffs rather than a
to the weekend originally scheduled and Tennessee in the Central; and shortened 15-game schedule.
for wild-card games. Oakland and Denver in the West. T think just about everyone is
There were several reasons for Recent history shows there is at least leaning toward a 16-game schedule,�
avoiding a reduced schedule, includ-one sleeper every year that turns 180 he said.
ing the fact that San Diego, last degrees from a horrible season--San There are many strange twists
weekTs bye team, would have played Diego, 1-15 last season, opened with to the new schedule.
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