The East Carolinian, September 19, 2001

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Volume 78 Number 9 September 19, 2001


Ethnic groups receive International House to make
backlash from attacks coming to America easier

Cultural gap lessens as

Forum held to allow
American, international

student expression
students unite



The Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center is offering an opportunity for

The International House has

students to express their concerns

implemented a new program to reach

about the backlash against targeted

out to foreign exchange students.

ethnic groups because of the recent

First Friends� unites American vol-

terrorist attacks on America.

unteers with exchange students

According to Nell Lewis, direc-(a)

coming to ECU in order to make >

tor of the Ledonia Wright Cultural 2

them more comfortable.

Center, the purpose of this dialogue oS

Susan Keusenkothen, the First

is to give students the opportunity

Friends adviser, said that the program =

to share concerns and ask questions

recruits student and community 4

(L-R) internation! students Dae Lee from South Korea, Theodros Tamrat

about the issue of accusing innocent

volunteers. The volunteers fill out an Jenny from and Hesias

Americans who may be racially simi-from Ethiopia, Sigurdardottir Iceland Francisco

lar to accused
application, go through an interview

the terrorist. from Chile, enjoy studying at ECU with First Friends.�

process, and participate in an orienta-

t hope this time of sharing will


provide a healing balm for many

According to Keusenkothen, vol-hopes that they will be matched with experiences such as pig picking, go

students and for others, a realistic

unteers are expected to contact their students coming in the spring. carting, parties and visits to the

assessment of the importance of

friend through e-mail before they The program has proved effective beach.

appropriately directing oneTs anger,�

come to the United States. When for its participants. Mullin said that he would defi

said Lewis.

the student arrives in the US, their Pongpop Lapcharoen from Bang-nitely participate in the program

Alexis Morris, vice president of

American friend is supposed to meet kok, Thailand is paired with Marc again. He said he considers the pro-

the Black StudentTs Union, said that

with them as soon as possible in Mullin, and the two have really hit gram a great success and appreciates

it was awful for people to commit

order to make them feel at home. it off. the fact that he has hopefully made a

such a horrendous act on the Ameri-

Many students pick up their friend at Lapcharoen said he appreciates lifelong friend because of it.

can people. It is even worse for the

the airport and bring them to their the First Friends program and the We will keep in contact. Pong-

American people to turn around and

residence. person with whom he was paired. J popTs invited me to stay at his house

blame certain individuals because of

Keusenkothen said volunteers are think it is very good. It helped me in Thailand, and I hope to be able to

their religious beliefs.

expected to complete at least three a lot when I first arrived here. Marc visit someday,� Mullin said.

People should know better, espe-

social activities with their exchange picked me up at the airport and took According to Keusenkothen, First

cially black people after all we have

students, but more are encouraged. me to register. Everything is all so Friends is in experimental stages. Th¢

been through,� she said. At our last

She also said the most important easy. Life is so simple here because of first batch of evaluations came in

meeting we alerted our membership =

things the volunteers point out are Marc,� said Lapcharoen. and the program seems to have been

to the backlash the Muslim-Arabic 2

the little things. Mullin is grateful for the cul-beneficial for everyone involved.

community was receiving. We told

Places like the bank and the tural experience and the oppor-As long as we have someone

them how wrong it was to accuse the &

innocent.� &
grocery store are often overlooked but tunity to meet Lapcharoen. The to run it, it will continue,� Keusen-
are necessary for exchange students program itself is a great opportunity. kothen said.

According to Lewis, all student &

to. survive,� said Keusenkothen. I've enjoyed meeting someone from Anyone interested in signing up

leaders of organizations are expected =

As of now, the program has 37 another part of the world. PongpopTs to be a first friend can contact the

to attend the meetings. =

volunteers paired, but Keusenkothen the nicest guy ITve ever met,� said International House at 328-1936.

It is the organization leadersT:

said that there are volunteers who Mullin.

job to convey to the membership ~

were not matched with exchange According to Lapcharoen, Mullin This writer can be contacted atVolunteers continue to search through the wreakage for survivors in

see FORUM on page 2 students this semester. She said she has shared many North Carolina
the terrorist attacks as the nation deals with mixed emotions.

Army ROTC membership, popularity

Distance Assault
increases within student population

learners at survivors

American pride strong in
military service

record high heal


Off-campus students, enrollment rise STAFF WRITER

Candles represent

GINGER JOHNSON One of the fastest growing orga-

strength, time of sharing -

STAFF WRITER nizations on campus is the Army
ROTC. There are many reasons that


The number of students enrolled in the distance the ROTC is gaining popularity. The


learning program and in the Internet classes on ROTC offers many incentives and x
campus at ECU are at a record high, making the opportunities for students who have

Survivors, family and friends

program the largest in the N.C. university system an interest in the military and even >

gathered in a time of healing and

this year. offers opportunities for those not

sharing at a candlelight vigil for

The distance learning and Internet class enroll-interested in a military career.

Sexual Assault Awareness week last

ment are added to the total numbers of students One appealing aspect of the Army


enrolled at ECU contributing to the overall increase ROTC is that the program does not

As the event began participants

of students enrolled in the university. automatically commit you to a mili-

were asked to pause for a moment of

It is a 43 percent jump over last year. It clearly tary career.

silence in remembrance of the survi-

means there are a larger number of people returning The first two years of the ROTC,

lit represent

to the university system to enhance their careers,� known as the Basic course, is pro-dence by providing hands-on leader-Above, Army
vors. A candle was to

strength and survivors were asked to

said Robert Thompson, interim vice chancellor for moted as a chance for an interested ship and management training. The

Re VO me © share their strengths to the group.

Academic Affairs. student to try it on for size.� Basic is ROTC goes outside the classroom,

members Nancy Badger, a counselor at the

The distance learning program offers a variety open to all freshmen and sophomore providing in-the-field training. Stu-

practice Student Counseling Center led the

of programs for students. Many of the enrollees are students and gives credit like any dents can opt to do activities such as

vigil and asked participants to paint

involved in master degree programs or advanced other college elective. And as with Presidential Color Guard to airborne survival skills
certification. The School of Education has the most any other elective class, the student school and air assauit training. in the pool of see on page 2

distance learning students enrolled in the program. chooses how much time he puts into One of the biggest incentives for

In addition, the schools of industry and technology it. students to join the ROTC is the

Coliseum. The

and nursing also have a large number of distance The actual program doesnTt take several scholarship opportunities

Basic course

learning students. as much time as one might think. that are available. With a studentTs

Total campus enrollment is up four percent We all learn time management skills success in the Basic program and offers training
increasing the student total to 19,470. and learn how to be proficient when commitment to the Advanced pro-that allows
ECU is clearly becoming more attractive to it comes to the classroom and our gram, which is the officer-producing freshmen and

duties,� said Jason Pyeatt, an $5 Junior and Senior level of ROTC�, Et


see LEARN on page 2

assistant captain. the United States and ECU offers

students to get =

The basic course offers benefits scholarships that fully cover tuition

a feel for thes

and rewards that exceed grades and and additional fees. Students can


credit. gain these substantial scholarships =
One reason we have gained pop-by excelling in the ROTC program

At left, mem-

ularity is that we offer a human and their other classes. in the US Army Reserves, which only
approach and take a caring and The incentive that the ROTC requires two weekends a month of a bers continue
compassionate attitude towards stu-prides itself on is the guarantee for graduateTs time, is the most popular their training
dents. The evaluation and feedback employment after school and com-career path. There are also other

with combat
mechanisms we offer are like no pletion of the program. Though going paths that can be taken.

equipment in

other, which leads to personal growth all the way through the Advanced After the required duty is up, FILL OUT ENTRY FORM

uniform off the

for the student,� said Lieutenant program requires eight years of ser-the civilian job opportunities seem


afta diving board

Colonel Mark Jenkins. vice in some way for to the United limitless.
ih The ROTC environment gives States Army, it does not mean that The Army and ROTC are the at the pool in Win t-shirts, cordless

A student studies for her Internet class. Web

students the opportunity for growth a student must go into active duty, Minges

phones and more.

class enrollment increased this year. in personal discipline and self-confi-though that is an option. Enlistment see ROTC on page 2. Coliesum.


Sunny ~ Isolated T-storms _ (newsroom) Are you going voice your FeatureSicc.s20.i.%; page A6

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High is 83 High is 83 252.328.2000 (advertising) concerns tonight the LWCC? SPOnts sc27 eee page A9


PAGE A2 9-18-01


News Editor

Assistant News Editor


news @

SGA elections

SGA elections will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 26. The elections
were postponed one week due to the nationTs current crisis.

Healing the harm

Healing the Harm,� a video documentary about sexual assault will
be shown at 7 p.m. tonight at Student Health Services. A discussion
of the video will follow. The program is part of Sexual Assault
Awareness Week.


The Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Band will
perform at 8 p.m. tonight in the Wright Auditorium. The concert is
free and the public is invited.

Doctor lecture

Dr. Richard Selzer, a surgeon and noted author, will offer his view
on The Physician as Writer� at 12:30 p.m. on September 20 in Room
2E-100 of the Brody School of Medicine building. Selzer of New Haven,
Conn., is the author of Taking the World in for Repairs,� Letters to a
Young Doctor� and The Doctor Stories.� His presentation is part of the
Fall Perspectives Lecture Series and is open to the public.

History exhibit

A special opening ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. on September
20 in the Special Collections area at Joyner Library to recognize ECU's
new Internet exhibit about the History of Eastern North Carolina. The
exhibit looks at the regionTs history as it relates to tobacco, steamboats
and the founding of East Carolina University and can be seen at The public is invited to the official
opening of the exhibit. For more information contact Diana Williams,
ECU Joyner Library, 328-6601.


Sept. 17
Simple Possession of Marijuana;
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia-A
student in Greene Hall was issued
a campus appearance ticket and
a State citation for the referenced

Fo rum from page 1

of their organizations, enlighten-
ment about the various issues that
may be discussed, including the
importance of not intentionally
making insensitive comments toward
or about members of any ethnic
group, because of the deed of some
of its members,� Lewis said.

Lewis said that several campus
professionals that will be on-hand,
including Hillel Adviser Carol Wood-
ruff, Bob Clyde of campus ministries,
Scott Wilkinson of the Methodist
Wesley Foundation, Lynn Royder of
the Counseling Center and Calvin
Mercer, associate professor of Reli-
gious Studies.

We will also have Mohammad
Saeed, a professor at the medical

ROTC from page 1

best training grounds for leaders in
the world,� said Major Eric Lawson,
the local recruiting officer.

According to Lawson, the leader-
ship and management that the ROTC
offers is the type of training corporate
America craves in its middle-level
managers. People who come out of
the Army into the private sector
are almost guaranteed a job and an
above average entry-level salary.

The Army ROTC at ECU is one of
the most respectable ROTC programs
in the country, ranking in the top

Vigil from page 7
T-shirts to express their thoughts
and feelings about sexual assault.
According to Badger, the t-shirts
are a part of the Clothesline Project,
held during spring semester.
Beth Credle, director of Health
Education and Promotion, said sur-
vivors might be hindered to come to
the sexual assault events. She said it
might be because they do not want
others to know what happened to
them or they may have feelings of,
guilt. if this is the case, Credle said

ba . a: oe

imple Possession of Marijuana;
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia-A
student in Garrett Hall was issued
a campus appearance ticket and
a State citation for the referenced

school,� Lewis said.

According to Lewis, the events of

this past week intensify the impor-

tance of the work of diversity leaders

and diversity professionals.

This millennial era of diversity
will require commitment on the part
of all of us both in understanding
the diversity cultures around us
and in modeling a respect for our
differences,� Lewis said.

The event will be at 6 p.m.

tonight at the Ledonia Wright Cul-

tural Center. For more information

contact Lewis at 328-1680.

This writer can be contacted at

15 percent. The number of members

has doubled in the past two years,

totaling 106 members enrolled this

fall serriester. In 1999, the ROTC had

only 58 members enrolled.

1 recommend this program to

anyone who is looking for training,

job experience, and the lifelong

friends that youTre guaranteed to

make,� Pyeatt said.

This writer can be

Valerie Kisler-van Reede, a coun-

selor at the Counseling Center,

said the purpose of the events is to

increase awareness and prevention

on the issue.

_ ItTs a way to let students know

there is help out there for them,�

said Kisler-van Reede.

This writer can be contacted at

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fs SE De oll

she encourages students to seek help
and not go through it alone.

Guest artists Events like this one give stu-

flix at Hendrix he


dents the support they need, in a

The American Brass Quintet will perform at 8 p.m. on September

Sept. 26 at 9:30 p.m. Pirate Under-


private setting and it helps with . _ Free admission with valid ECU One Card.

One guest allowed ground

20 in the A. J. Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall. This program is part

the healing process,� said Credle.

Pe Free and open to ECU students only. Win cash and

of the School of MusicTs Guest Artist Series. Tickets are available at the

| encourage all students to think

The Mummy Returns (PG-13) prizes,

ECU Central Ticket Office, 328-4788.

about sexual assault and realize it


The Family Weekend Concert will feature the ECU Jazz Ensemble
at 8 p.m. on September 20 in Wright Auditorium. Carroll Dashiell, Jr.
will direct the performers. Public tickets are $12 and are available at
the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall Student Center and by calling
328-4788 or 1-800-ECU-ARTS.

Family weekend

ECU's Family Weekend (formerly Parents Weekend) begins with a
reception in Mendenhall Student Center at 9:30 a.m. on September
22 with Chancellor William Muse. The library and various campus
programs will conduct open houses.

Top educators

The School of Education will hold its annual induction of outstanding
educators into the Educators Hall of Fame at 10 a.m. on September 22
in the A. |. Fletcher Music Center Recital Hall. The program will include
the viewing of the Educators Hall of Fame in the Speight Building.
Guest speakers for the event include former Governor james Hunt and
Disney National Teacher of the Year Ron Clark.


ECU will play William and Mary at 3:30 p.m. on September 22 in
Dowdy-Fickien Stadium.


affects everyone.�
Laura Sweet, advocate for stu-
dents in crisis, agreed.

Sweet said that she wants stu-
dents to know sexual assaults do not
just happen with strangers.

According to Sweet, 85 to 90
percent of sexual assaults occur with
someone the victim knows.

Victims of sexual assault, accord-
ing to Sweet, can talk to her for

| help students in a number of
ways, with hospital visits, judicial
processes, courts and special accom-
modations the victims need,� said

A Take Back the Night� march
to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday
at Belk Hall. Participants will march
through campus, ending at Joyner

Learn from page 1

students throughout the state and
the entire eastern seaboard. This
yearTs totals indicate that we are on
tract to reach our target enrollment
of 27,500 students by the end of the
decade,� Thompson said, in regards

to the increase.

Ut Sept. 20 at 7:30 & Friday, Sept. 21 at
:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 22 at 9:30 p.m. & Sunday, Sept. Get a sneak peak...

Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 10:00 p.m. Hendrix

This romantic comedy starring John Cusack
is the story about a couple who reunites
a decade after the night they first met, fell
in love, and separated -since they always
knew theyd end up together anyway. Free
passes to this sneak preview will be avail-
able at Java City in Mendenhall Student
Center beginning Sept. 20.

Get to the gallery
for an exhibit...

MIGRATIONS: Jewish Settlers in Eastern
North Carolina
On display now through November 21, 2001

t's been ten years since Rick O'Connell (Brendan

Mendenhall Student Center Gallery

Fraser] and his wife Evie (Rachel Weisz) narrowly
escapted the resurrected mummy, Imhotep, in
Egypt. The bodies of Imhotep and his bride, Anck-

Get the 411 on

Su-Namum, have been purchased by a London
museum, Rick and Evie, now residing in London,
must once again battle the mummies. The special

Family Weekend

effects in this terrifying thriller are even more spec-{formerly known as Parents Weekend)
tacular than in the original Mummy.
Sept. 21

ECUTs Early Music Ensemble, directed by Thomas Huener and John Last year was the first year that
OTBrien, will give a public performance at 7 p.m. on September 23 off-campus students were included
at St. PaulTs Episcopal Church. The church is located at 401 East in the total enrollment numbers for

atin ~ Tickets cost $5 for students (limit 2), $10 for ECU

Fourth St. campuses in the UNC system. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon faculty/staff, and $12 for the public. All tickets at the
numbers include the undergraduate, Wednesday, Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. door are $12,
graduate and medical students. The

Thursday Sept. 20 at 10:00 p.m. & Friday, Sept.

Dance department distance learning program has 1,289 21 at 9:30 p.m.

Sept. 22

The ECU Theatre and Dance Department is sponsoring the Senior students enrolled. The number of on-

Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 22 & 23 at 7:30 p.m.

Chancellor's Reception

Choreography Concert, at 8 p.m. from Sept. 29-Oct.1 at the Messick campus students is 18,186, including

Winner of this years Academy Award for Best For

15,490 undergraduates. 9:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. in MSC Multipurpose Room.

Studio Theatre Complex. An additional showtime is at 2 p.m. on Sept.

eign Film, and the most financially successful for-

30. Seating is limited and based on a first come, first serve basis. Open Houses
eign film of all time, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

This writer can be contacted at

Donations are welcomed. For more information contact Stage Manager 10:36 a.m. -12:06 neon

focuses the talents of Director Ang Lee on the Hong-

Cherita Lytle, 328-6390. Kong martial arts films he loved in his youth, The

Pregame Pirate Buffet

movie takes place during the Ching dynasty, when

10:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.
a Giang Hu warrior seeks revenge for the death

Carolina Pregnancy Center of his master at the hand of a notorious female Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum

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Serving ECU since 1925, The East Carolinian prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic
year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. Our View" is
the opinion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor
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One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1.

CoB wit

© 200:

We needto

be ea a
we will go on
~ that we are
going on.

Over the past week, TEC along with every
other newspaper across the world has been
consumed with the Attack on America. While we
analyze every aspect of the tragedy, we seem
to have neglected all of the other stories that
on any other Wednesday would be considered

A great deal has happened around the world
since the two planes crashed into the World
Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. Last
week, members of the World Trade Organization
formaliy cleared Taiwan for admission. British
Tornado warplanes bombed a southern Iraqi
antiaircraft, retaliating for hostile activities� by
iraq against planes patrolling a no-fly zone.

in the United States, the attack was not the
only tragedy last week. In Port Isabel, Texas, a
barge and tugboat slammed into a causeway
leaving five people dead while three or four
remain unaccounted for.

Eight student athletes from the University of
Wyoming were killed when a truck driver drifted
into the wrong lane and collided with the sport
utility vechicle that was carrying all eight of
the deceased.

itTs difficult to remember that anything else is
taking place in the world. When we wake in
the morning and turn the television on, news
programs are fixated on the latest developments

Right now, we are all angry -
angry and frustrated. It is under-
standable. We have seen thousands
of lives snuffed out in an instant by
madmen who have no compunction
whatsoever about killing the old, the
young, the weak, and the innocent.
To the extent that this anger can
be channeled and used to fuel the
national will to act decisively against
those responsible for this nightmare,
it is just and good.

But there is another side to this
anger, a side that is the very antith-
esis of everything America should
represent. Already, we are seeing this
anger turned inward to attack fellow
Americans whose only connection
with the attackers is a common
ethnicity and faith. In classrooms
and hallways, on buses and elevators,
you begin to hear it; the use of the
word they�. Suddenly, all Arabs
are suspect, or all Muslims. They
have to watched.� They canTt be

This has happened before. During
World War II, thousands of Japanese
Americans were stripped of every-
thing they had and placed in intern-
ment camps for the duration of the
war. This happened despite the fact
that virtually all of them proved to
be loyal Americans, who loved their
new country as much as you or I.
In fact, many of these same people
later served with great distinction
in the invasion of Italy, fighting and
dying for the freedoms they and we
cherished. And they did this fight-
ing and dying while their families
were imprisoned behind barbed
wire fences in the U.S. How many
of us (us being white, Anglo-Saxon
Protestants) would have done that?

the recordT?

irresponsible political posturing of

a bygone era, have stuck with us
because even those who opposed

them always supposed we'd fix them

Later has arrived. There is a

renewed recognition that the gov-

ernmentTs foremost responsibility is

in New York and Washington, D.C. When we

got to sleep at night, we get one more glimpse

at Osama bin Ladin as some news program

provides his latest statement.

We're not blaming the news for their selection

Can't anyone but Bonds break

protecting Americans from attack,
is considered by his own teammates to win the MVP award last year. His and that other issues can and must

of stories, we realize that the recent attacks JAMES IAN ROBSON

were like a page out of a Tom Clancy novel.
But as Americans, we need to do all we can
to acknowledge that there is hurt, pain and
suffering everywhere. We need to realize that
there are also stories waiting to be told that
are full of happiness as well as hope. We need
to recognize that we will go on " that we are
going on.

We have all watched in awe of
Barry BondsT stride towards the MLB
home run record this baseball season.
But to be honest, does anyone, and |
mean anyone, really want to see him
break the record?

Now donTt get me wrong, what
we are seeing is history, and anyone
that can sustain this kind of streak,
at the pace at which he is doing so,
deserves to reach their goal which
he should do in a few games. He is
an MVP, all-star and a great baseball

lam merely a spectator and a fan
of the game. I grew up on baseball
being played as a team sport, in
which all work towards one goal, as
a team. It is well known that Bonds

Yet, despite the lessons of history,
we are again giving vent to bigotry
and hate. WhoTs to blame? The Arabs
some scream as they spit at innocent
children on the street. The Muslims
some scream as they attack places
of worship. The Reverends Farwell
and Robertson now tell us that it is
the ACLU and the Liberals and the
Homosexuals who have brought this
wrath of God on us. We must stop

this now, before it goes any further.
We cannot allow the insane terrorists
who attacked our nation last Tuesday
to divide us in this way. If we do, we
grant them victory.

The Attorney General has made
clear that any act of violence or
discrimination against a person
based on the perceived race, religion
or national origin of that person
is contrary to our fundamental prin-
ciples and the laws of the United
States. His statement is a reminder to
all Americans that Americans of Arab
or South Asian decent and people of
the Muslim faith were also injured
and killed in TuesdayTs attacks. In
addition, they also are -along with
other Americans -involved in relief
operations, and other efforts to allevi-
ate suffering. Any threats of violence
or discrimination against Arab or
Muslim Americans or Americans of
South Asian descents are not just
wrong and un-American, but also
are unlawful and will be treated as

-Statement from Assistant Attorney

General Ralph F. Boyd Jr.

Daniel Ketchum

Graduate Student


Recent attacks will turn us into
a new breed of Americans


Centuries are measured in books
by dates and in minds by events. In
the national memory, the terrorist
war on the United States that began
Sept. 11, 2001 will mark the begin-
ning of the 21st century. We think of
the 20th century beginning not
in 1901, but with World War I. A
fitting beginning, because in World
War I the United States transformed
itself from a nation turned inward
from the world to a nation that still
dominates the earth.

Our biggest horizon had been
the American West. Our military
challenges had always been centered
in North America. As World War
I began, so did a new century for
Americans: one in which our outlook
was profoundly different from what
it had been before.

Throughout the 20th century,

Americans felt safe at home. We

weren't always safe -particularly

after the dawn of the atomic age -

but we felt safe. Nuclear war, while

possible, was unthinkable, and so

we largely were untouched by its

specter. Terrorism happened in other

countries, to other people. To 20th-

century Americans, America was an

invulnerable fortress. At home, we

were safe.

Sept. 11 ushered in a new era.

We're 21st-century Americans now.

We know, not just in our heads,

where weTve long acknowledged it,

but in our hearts, where we never,
did, that it can happen here.

As we mourn the victims of these
terrorist attacks and the tremendous
burdens of loss faced by their families
and those who knew them well, we
also will mourn the loss of our sense
of safety.

We also may expect to mourn the
loss of some of the daily freedoms
we once took casually for granted, as
this new war will for most Americans
be measured in the inconvenience
of security measures that most likely
will last for years to come. But we
can take heart in the fact that ourT
new awareness of danger will spur
us to act in ways that someday may -
save many lives. Democrats and
Republicans together are taking a
fresh look at methods and technolo-
gies that can help protect us.

Measures to acquire intelligence >
of terrorist activities and early warn-
ings of future acts will be increased ,
and improved. Deployment of a
missile defense system to protect
Americans from what would be even
worse than what we've just suffered

-a nuclear attack -will become
less controversial and receive more
bipartisan support. Immediately after ,
the Vietnam War it was fashionable
to downplay the need for intelligence
services and to pretend that America
could defend itself without getting
its hands dirty. Laws enacted during
that time have hobbled our means of
protecting ourselves ever since. These _
dangerous policies, reflective of the
as a prima donna, and if asked if the
word team� were spelled with an
1,� he would say it probably is.

Not because he is ignorant, but
just because thatTs how much he cares
only about himself. He is openly
arrogant, and has been referred to by
Sports Mlustrated Magazine as an MTV
Diva, only with bigger earrings.�

Even when Bonds hit his 500
home run, (a milestone that only a
few ballplayers have ever reached)
only the Giants bat-girl came to
congratulate him at home plate. He
doesnTt eat, celebrate, or even show
up for team pictures with the team.
Bonds went so far as to have his
entourage call the commissioner of
baseball's office to ensure that he,
not teammate Jeff Kent, was going

caveat; he needed to know because
if he did not, then he was leaving
town for good.

Arguably, | believe we saw the
best season of MLBTs long existence
three years ago. The ongoing battle
between two rivals Mark Mc Gwire
and Sammy Sosa, was something
special. What was even more special
was the friendship that the two made
throughout their race for the record.
We all have seen the famous video
after Mc Gwire broke the record,
of his friend and rival Sammy Sosa
being one of the first to congratulate
and hug his competitor. Now that
was basebail,.that was our pastime at
its best. It is just too bad that Barry
Bonds is what baseball fans must
settle for now.


The steps we take now may
at some future date save millions of
lives. In the immediate aftermath of
these terrorist attacks, ourT public is
unified and our attention is focused
on the task before us. But in coming
weeks, comprehensive nonstop tele-
vision coverage of this feral terrorist
butchery will cease. We'll be tempted
to turn our thoughts to more pleasant
things. We must not succumb until
the task at hand is complete.

At another scene of horrific
carnage and war President Lincoln
spoke words that helped us once.
They can again.

We must here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died
in vain.�

TEC encourages all students to take an active role in the university as well as their community and state governments. The only way to promote change is to contact to the leaders that represent you.

Jesse Helms, Senator dohn Edwards, Senator ¢

William Muse, Chancellor Robert Thompson, Interim Vice Richard Brown, Executive Vice Chancellor and Nancy Jenkins, Mayor Mike Easley, Governor

Office of the Governor 310 New Bern Ave. 301 Century Post Office

Office of the Chancellor Chancellor for Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Mayors Office
Spilman 103 Spilman 207 Spilman 112 Greenville City Hall 20301 Mail Service Center Suite 122 300 Fayettville St.
328-6212 328-6288 328-6975 Greenville, NC 27858 Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 Raleigh, NC 27601 Raleigh, NC 27601

musew@ thompsonro@ brownri@ 329-4419 1-800-662-7952 919-856-4630




















59 |60 SHRINKER.

63 64

68 69

71 72

© 2001 Tribune Media Services, Inc 9/22/01 MORTON

All rights reserved. i



9 Evaluate Solutions THE FEAR OF DEATH.


10 In an early stage





SE i


1 =

Monsters� 21 Bridge opening


64 Askew 25 Twitch



S #99

___ Plaines,




50 T-bar 57 Potpourris 66


waldi tase


1 Baby seal

4 Actress Mason

10 Clinches
14 Function
15 Hams it up
16 Stellar blast

17 Defamatory
18 Stockings
19 Highland group
20 Part of U.A.E.
22 Cash in Como
23 Goose call
24 Not a unanimous

28 Bit the dust

29 Steps

32 Branch

85 Hoof beats on
38 Blot
39 Bound upward
41 Olympic sleds
43 Pollster Roper
44 Juan's mother
46 Prepare to run
after the catch

48 Stitch

49 Ice falls

51 Allot

53 Pacific coast catch

62 Metric meas. houses

63 Redgrave of 12 Writer Hunter

67 Assistance 26 Gateway

68 Otherwise competition

69 Musical stretch 27 Part of TGIF

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61 Persia, today 11 Early American

Gods and 13 Submerged

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71 Garden invader Ancient MarinerT

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34 Seemed logical FORCES US TO WE MUST

37 Divided into 52 Fraternal lodge 58 Centering points "LOCK BOX"


sequential parts member 59 Murdered



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PAGE A6 9-19-01



Spiritual healing


Finding peace within person and those around them. the central basis for his spiritual
All feelings, such as anger, fear healing. What specific new-waveyourself and hate are mind-generated emo-Praying has always been a big


tions that have consequences. An part of my life. Not only do I pray
actually do
ELSON AMURAO introduction to spiritual healing for myself, but for others as well,�



STAFF WRITER teaches one to disregard these emo-said Wilson.


tions and center only on more posi-Whereas sophomore criminol-
Mystery, superstition, fear and tive emotions such as love, compas-ogy major Nikki Jackson uses media-

The term alternative therapies�

misunderstanding are just a few sion and purity. tion to find peace within herself.

Features Editor encompasses many different types of

words commonly associated with Doctors and ministers are the Meditation is a way for me to

treatment. One of the most popular

spiritual healing. By many it has also main influences on oneTs health and release my tension and spiritually

been looked upon as unorthodox or well being today. heal myself,� said Jackson.
alternative therapies in is

the use of herbal remedies.

a far-fetched fantasy. Doctors are educated and trained For sophomore apparel design

Assistant Editor According to the National Center

Regardless of to serve physi-major Ashton Brown, having some-

for Complementary and Alternative

NICOLE DUMAS past convictions, cal health condi-one to talk to is very important.

Medicine (NCCAM), these therapies

spiritual healing tions with tra-Y think it is essential to have a

may be used alone, as an alternative

features@ is now becoming ditional medi-belief in God or some higher entity
therapies, or addi-

to conventional in

amore respected cines. to turn to when you have personal

252.328.6366 tion to conventional, mainstream

custom. Often Ministers are dilemmas you do not feel comfort-

therapies, in as

spiritual and reli-trained in tra-able talking to anyone about,� said what is referred to

a complementary or an integrative

gious healings ditional beliefs Brown


are wrongfully that correspond Spiritual healers warn their

According to the NCCAM, a

lumped together, with their reli-believers to be cautious of situations


1997 survey showed

creating confu-gious division. where | and ME are the central

that over 42 percent

sion on exactly Many gen-thoughts. This is the mind-driven

In last weekTs article, I covered

of Americans used

what the prac-erally have no ego blocking the true spirit of your-

how to set realistic goals for train-

alternative thera-

tices are. formal educa-self.

ing. Within that article I divided

pies and herbal

By defini-TONS Ones unite To access the magic and mys-

the concept of setting goals into aes-

remedies, which

tion, the word spirituality or tery that believers insist is in the

thetic and other goals such as ath-

had increased from

neal� means how uni-must

letic performance, endurance etc.,
to the universe, one treat each situ-

the 1990 figure of

restore health or verse functions. ation with three aspects: compas-

latter explaining how to set those

Sor percentze liars

soundness and Therefore sion, unconditional love and good

goals for aesthetic purposes. In this

Sa survey also

to set right. The they sometimes intent. "Snead

weekTs article | will be moving into ee that


word spirit� is send mixed mes-Whether you are a spiritual

just how to take the next step; for

Americans spent

the vital princi-sages on super-believer or not, there are specific

both aesthetic and non-aesthetic

over $27 billion on


ple or = and fears occurrences in life that can not be

goals; towards beginning a training Praying of main these in

is one the remedies 1997.

ing force within which spiritual medically explained.

program. Specifically I will cover

focuses in spirtual healing. In general, according to the

choosing living healers Spiritual serves one

the different aspects of beings. believe healing as

NCCAM, complementary and alter-

Spiritual be possible for phe-

what areas of the gym to focus to damaging explanation these

native therapies are used in an effort

healing is a natural energy that can to oneTs consciousness. nomenons.

attention on, once the training to reduce

prevent illness, stress,

exist within, regardless of belief Spiritual healing focuses around For more information on his-

program begins.

prevent or reduce side effects and

Now that the purpose of the or lack thereof. Historically, spiri-two basic methods: praying and tory and procedures of spiritual
symptoms, dis-

tual healing is associated with God, meditating. These are self-help prac-healing visit:
or control or cure

training has been identified, the


though religion necessary tices they html

Brad Foust no is for that some turn to when or2/spiritsspeak/healing

focus shifts to how that goal relates

Popular remedies today include

successful practice. Spiritual healing feel like nothing else will help.

to the various areas of the gym. Personal Trainer

ginseng, for the immune system

centers on the fact that everything For junior exercise and physiol-This writer can be contacted at:

To be specific, each individualTs

one thinks or feels can affect that ogy major, Dale Wilson, praying is

purpose for training will divide up be discussed is that of training for

see HERBAL page A5
and prioritize both their time and increases in strength. To begin,
focus within the various areas of the decide exactly what type of strength
facility. This means that one person you wish to improve. Examples of
focusing on strength training will this would include: strength in
take an entirely different approach regular everyday activities, strength
as to where in the gym they train in specific movements that are per-
and how, versus an individual who formed in day to day life (job move-

ECU reputation undes rved

wants to focus their efforts on ments, household activities, etc.),
weight loss. That means that the strength in ballistic movements
trainee must now integrate the (sports, martial arts), strength in

this sleeping.

purpose for their training with their specific exercise movements (bench Rate of drinking equal Despite the reputation school Last Thursday alone, five stu-while

has acquired over the years ECU does dents were taken to the hospital due if you suspect a friend may

knowledge of what each section is press, squat) or strength in a specific

to other schools not seem to be any worse than other to alcohol related symptoms. There, have had too much to drink and

used for (previous article). muscle. Once the focus is narrowed

schools nation. are drink they

To begin, there must be an down to one or more of these micro-across the students asked to liquid are exhibiting these signs

you proceed
JEN MALACHOWSKI According to Morphet, charcoal to their it very

understanding that there are many goals, can to where to Bob sub-settle stomach is important to seek

FEATURES WRITER stance abuse counselor, ECU matches according to Morphet. medical attention.

theories out there on how to attain train.

percentages for other national The most important thing you In this case do not be con-

various training goals in the most For those wanting to increase
Drunken people litter the schools in regards to the percentage can do is watch out for your friends cerned about getting in trouble

efficient way. For now, no specific muscular strength in regular every-

streets, falling all over one of students who engage in drinking to they a then

focus will be paid to these various day activities, a combination of the make sure are not drinking as life costs more a drink-
another, screaming to friends and binge drinking. more than they can handle. ing ticket. Also never leave the

theories, in order to offer up some free weight and strength machine

across the road, as Greenville Drinking seems to be a natural Alcohol poisoning is another person alone there is a possibil-

widely agreed upon methods of sections would most likely be the

Police Officers attempt to part of college much like doing major concern students should ity they can choke on their

training for a specific goal. However, best combination. The idea is that
control the crowds.Music from your own laundry or eating at the be aware of. Every year, between own vomit.

even with a singular goal, it becomes everyday activities include many
the clubs dining hall. oe students feel 60 and 70 college students die in Another negative effect

impossible to focus efforts on just types of muscular contractions,
blares in the alcohol related alcohol has on students is in

one of the three main areas in the each of which cannot be adequately
the area academics.

average gym. trained in just one of the two sec-
background. incidents. of Thirty

Anyone who

Knowing eight percent of failures are due

What you will find, is that tions mentioned previously.
has experi-the signs of to excessive consumption of

training for goals such as athletic An effort must be made to gain

enced a night

GRXEG: GrSasiinv G alcoholic beverages.

performance, muscular size, and an understanding and proficiency

in downtown

alcohol con-Students need to learn to

weight loss are among the most with each piece of strength equip-
Greenville sumption can prioritize, and not make the

difficult to attain without mixing ment and free weight exercise that
knows this save lives. mistake of going out on Thurs-

up training efforts and dividing mimics or replicates part or all of
scene all to If someone day nights if they have a test

focus between the three areas. This a specific daily activity. Basically,


is Friday.

should be done to different degrees, analyze what parts of your body are semi-con-on
depending on the goal of training. moving, in which directions, and

ECU has scious to uncon-YT know what ITm here for;
a reputation scious cannot if I focus on getting my degree

For instance, if someone trains for then find equipment or exercises
of being one be aroused or I know in four years ITll be suc-

an increase in size, it would be wise that mimic those movements. The

of the largest or If other

to make regular use of both the idea is one | call movement specific awakened cessful. I tell people
party schools their skin is this maybe they'll follow,� said

free weight and strength machine training. It means that if you want to

on the East


sections. Using both sections can improve strength in the activity of

Coast. One

Students no longer

progress the development of overall lifting up a small child off the floor,

might assume

have to worry about

muscular mass increase more effi-you might want to focus general

from the

sneaking in drunk after

ciently and more consistently. So in attention on exercises such as the


curfew. Students how-

this article and several to follow, I deadlift, standing bicep curls and

scene alone that

will be breaking down the possible bent over rows. These exercises ever still use alcohol as

ECU is indeed living up to this they canTt have fun unless they are a form of rebellion.

goals of the average trainee into would work to strengthen the pri-
reputation. intoxicated. Sis chert We of

sections: Within each section, [| mary movers (muscles bearing most

T think some people come People drink to fit in ... peer getting away with it,�

will explain which areas of an of the weight), improving overall

average gym would generally be strength in the whole of move-
here because itTs a party school,� pressure,� Maye said. Stewart said.


said freshman business major Students will continue to drink Students need to

most beneficial in accomplishing ment.

Carmen Maye. despite knowing the harmful effects be aware of the facts of

the traineeTs set goals. It should be Next week I will continue break-

This is not an incorrect of alcohol; it is virtually impossible what drinking can do

noted, however, that these descrip-ing down where to train to increase

assumption people as completely them,

tions will not go into specific exer-muscular strength in everyday activi-with far to erase drinking on to as well as learn

north as Maryland have heard campus. to drink responsibly.

cises. There purpose is to educate ties. Until then, train hard and

tales about the wild parties here. However, there are several facts % Know your limits, and

the reader on what each section smart.

The fact is alcohol abuse is not students should be aware of in@ drive if you have


can be used for, specific to certain

This can contacted
unique to our campus. regards to alcohol consumption. : been drinking.

training goals. writer be at

Sophomore nursing student Safety is the most important concern If you recognize

The first type of training to

Jason Stewart agreed. when drinking. & you have a problem
You can consider it a prob-Pifty percent of accidents such as © with alcohol or drugs,

lem, but every college is like failing, sprains and minor cuts are there are resources
this. You can find the smallest due to alcohol. on campus you can
Christian school and there will Ninety to ninety five CL a utilize.
be drinking on campus,� Stewart of sexual assaults on campus are The most popular
said. alcohol related. Alcohol TT proves to be a one is the Center for

RYAN CARRELL We are more hyped up about If students are knowledgeable problem among many poor students. Counseling and
it. We are more known for it.� about these facts, this percentage Student Development,


This brings up a valid point can decrease. which is located in
that regardless of what college in Fortunately, ECU has not expe-cold, clammy, pale or bluish, they the Wright Building.

Warrior II

this nation you chose, you would rienced an alcohol-related death in may have alcohol poising.
have to deal with drinking on years. However, several students each Two additional signs are slow This writer can be contacted at

Body/Mind benefits: This pose

weekend or vomiting

develops strength, stability and some level. are hospitalized. irregular breathing and
endurance in the entire body. War-
rior II gives the opportunity to
build balance between your bodyTs
peripheries. Also, this pose fortifies
mental discipline and courage.

Vegetarian cooking made easy

Pose Performance: Have your Il


feet wider than your shoulders. Turn Low-fat, low-labor and happiness _ not to mention a loses about 10 pounds after switch-and health, said peopleTs bodies
trimmer waist. ing to a vegetarian diet, even without often regulate themselves at a com-

your right foot out ninety degrees

and bring your left foot in about ankle. Keep the back leg strong and vegetarian meals For most people just going watching calories and fat grams. fortable weight when fed a balanced
vegetarian, even carelessly so, even DonTt worry about portion size, diet of fruit, vegetables, grains and

fifteen degrees. Leg alignment is extended. Stretch your arms strongly

unless you

critical here so look down at your into your fingers so that your chest CONCORD, N.H. (AP) _ Need to
following a Twinkie-and-cookie are really overdoing it,� beans.
diet, they are going to lose weight Barnard said. If youTre eating low-

feet and make sure that your right opens and there is plenty of room drop 10 pounds? Maybe you need But that doesnTt mean have a
compared to what they were doing fat vegetarian foods, get away from food free-for-all. A vegetarian who

big toe and heel are in line with your for your heart and lungs. Finally, to drop animal products from your
before, which had just as many the idea that you have to scrimp on doesnTt eat a balanced diet is just as

left foot. Feel your legs solid and turn your head to look softly over diet.

Twinkies and just as many cookies, calories. likely to pack on the pounds with

now take a breath in while raising your right fingertips. Keep your ThatTs the message from Dr. Neal

but also had a hunk of meat, instead These foods are naturally so low veggie-friendly potato chips and

your arms up to shoulder height. As mind and breath steady as you feel Barnard, president of the Physicians

of some rice,� Barnard said in a in calories, let it work for you.� soda pop as with pork chops and

you exhale, bend the right knee so your warrior energy moving freely Committee for Responsible Medi-
recent interview. Barnard, whose nonprofit group prime rib.

that it is moving directly above the through your body. cine. He advocates vegetarian and

He added that the average person studies the connection between diet

dairy-free diets as easy ways to health see VEGETARIAN page A5

Herbal continuted from page A4 ay Movaullansaned

i cise oles

as well as liver protection, and Echi-edies. Herbal remedies have fewer treatments,� she said. are standardized.
nacea, to also protect the immune side effects than from prescription In the past decade or so, the He said that although these herbs Find great coupon values here every Wednesday
system, medicines, while maintaining thera-number of studies done to test cost a bit more than those from other

Horace Tripp, registered pharma-peutic value. out
cist at EdwardTs Pharmacy in Ayden, People need to deal with some-
results from
herbal sources,
that are
not real remedies
put aang






advises people to take Echinacea for one educated about these treatments research has not been done into the or supplements.
three weeks on and three weeks off in order to minimize side effects and The varying opinions
to obtain the best results. get the best outcome,� said Tripp. about herbal remedies

Garlic, another weil-known sup-While many people believe that

are not only reflected in
plement, is used as an antibiotic, to side effects are lessened with herbal the medical field. They
lower cholesterol and to decrease the remedies, severe side effects have

are reflected on ECUTs ECU Pirate Tailgate Special

Sppossibility of blood clots. been reported with the use of some campus as well.

75 Wings @ $25.99 BUFFALO WILD "

Other popular herbal and supple-herbal remedies or supplements. T think they work. A =" GRILLE BAR X=

(Choice of up

3 sauces, offer expires


mental remedies include St. JohnTs The long-term effects of using lot of people use herbal
Wort, for depression and energy, them may not be known. ~NaturalT remedies, especially as
ginger for motion sickness and blood does not necessarily mean safe,� said preventative measures�,
clot prevention and ginkgo biloba to Beth Credle, health educator for ECU

said Amanda Russell,
stimulate mental activity. Student Health. senior management

Tripp also often recommends less Also, despite TrippTs belief that
advertised remedies, such as black herbal and supplemental remedies
cohosh for estrogen deficiencies, are effective, he said that pharma-
horse chestnut for hemorrhoids, cists should never recommend them
soy isoflavones to build cartilage, instead of a doctorTs prescription.
and Coenzyme Q10 to prevent heart Credle agrees with this policy.
disease. Use of herbal remedies should

Millions of people believe there not replace a diagnosis from a health
to be many benefits to herbal rem-care provider and proven medical

> Herbal ginseng is used for the
system and liver protection.

5 efficacy of these type of products,�
2 Credle said.
Credle also said, herbal remedies

3 are not regulated by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), and
therefore carry no guarantee of the

> quality of the supplements from
product to product.�
Tripp believes that a way to
ensure quality and efficacy is to

Ginkgo biloba leaves are used to stimulate mental activity.

buy German-commissioned herbs,
because they, unlike many others,

Vegeta rian continuted from page A4

For long-term health and weight 1 cup cooked sweet potato or 2 cups vegetable stock
maintenance on a vegetarian diet, yam 1/2 cup water
Barnard said, the trick is to moni-1 tablespoon maple syrup 4 large portabella mushrooms
tor fat intake and avoid processed 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon olive oil
foods, which tend to be fat-and Combine all ingredients in a 2 tablespoons soy sauce
cholesterol-laden. food processor or blender and puree 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

However, following that advice until smooth. Transfer pudding to a 2 tablespoons red wine
can be tough. Avoiding processed small saucepan and heat gently over 2 garlic cloves, crushed
foods means taking the time to a low flame. Serve warm. 1 roasted red pepper, cut into
get in the kitchen and cook. But Makes 3 servings. strips for garnish (optional)
homemade and healthy need not Nutrition information per serv-Combine the cornmeal, vegetable
be hard work, especially if much ing: 119 cal., 1 g total fat, 21 mg stock and water in a medium sauce-
of the meal can be made the night sodium, 3 g pro. pan. Bring to a simmer over medium
before. For lunch try Grilled Polenta heat and cook, stirring constantly,

For example, Breakfast Sweet with Portabella Mushrooms, another until very thick, roughly 15 to 20
Potato Pudding, from BarnardTs low-fat, high-taste meal that can be minutes.
book, Turn off the Fat Genes,� partially prepared ahead of time. Pour the mixture into a 9-inch-
(Harmony Books, 2001, $23.95), is Polenta is a dense and savory cake square baking dish and chill for at
a great way to fill up with a warm made of coarsely ground cornmeal. least 2 hours. When ready to grill or
and hearty porridge _ and stay full To prepare ahead of time, make broil, cut into wedges, brush or spray
until lunch. the polenta the night before and let lightly with olive oil, and cook over

Barnard suggests steaming or it chill overnight. When ready to eat, a medium-hot flame until lightly
baking the sweet potatoes the night just cut it into squares and throw it browned.
before to speed the morning pro-on the grill or under the broiler with To grill the mushrooms, clean

cess. the rest of the dish. them and remove the stems. Prepare
Breakfast Sweet Potato Pudding Grilled Polenta with Portabella the marinade by combining the
(Preparation 5 minutes, not Mushrooms remaining ingredients in a small

counting cooking time for potato) (Preparation 25 minutes, chilling bowl. Place the mushrooms in the
1/3 cup rolled oats 2 hours, grilling 15 minutes) marinade upside down and let sit 15
1/2 cup soy milk or rice milk 1/2 cup coarse cornmeal to 20 minutes.

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Other students do not
have much faith in these
alternative therapies.

Sarah Cox, senior biol-
ogy and chemistry major,
said, I take Echinacea
when I am starting to
get sick, for my immune
system, but I always get
sick regardless. None of
these remedies are FDA

> approved.�

To learn more about
: herbal remedies, people
should consult health

: care professionals, such as
immune doctors, pharmacists and
health educators.

However, according to
the NCCAM, many people find
that specific information about
an alternative and complementary
therapyTs safety and effectiveness
may be less readily available than
information about conventional
medical treatments. Research on
these therapies is ongoing, and
continuing to grow.�

This writer can be contacted at:

To grill or broil, cook upside
down over a medium-hot flame
for about S minutes. Turn the mush-
rooms over, pour more of the mar-
inade over them and cook until
tender, about another 5 minutes.

To serve, garnish polenta and
mushrooms with slices of roasted
red pepper.

Makes 4 servings.

Nutrition information per serv-
ing: 141 cal., 3 g total fat, 308 mg
sodium, 4 g pro.

(The recipe for Grilled Polenta
with Portabella Mushrooms was
provided by the Physicians Commit-
tee for Responsible Medicine)

For dinner, turn to ~ Versatile
Vegetarian� (Hungry Minds, 2001,
$14.95), a new book by Weight
Watchers, for a stick-to-your ribs
meal of Rice and Chickpea-stuffed
Cabbage that can be made the night

This stuffed cabbage, made with
brown rice and chickpeas, is even
better the day after it-is made,� the
book says. Bake it on a weekend,
then reheat it for an easy midweek

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Email address

Location of picture shown

Bring or send to The East Carolinian office in the Old Cafeteria Building
(second floor above the cashiers office). Must be received in our
office before 5 p.m. Monday, September 10.

Intramural Flag Football kicks off

League champions
defend titles



There are many rivalries that
exist inside the college football world
such as Florida St. versus Florida,
Oklahoma/Nebraska and ECU/State,
but none of these are as pride laden
or as exciting to watch as the epic
battles of Red versus Gold. Yes, that
is right, ITm talking about Intramural
Sports on the campus of ECU.

Hopefully, you have participated,
or at least heard about the rivalries
that the Blount Recreational Com-
plex garnishes.

The competition is back for the
2001 season, and the Student Rec-
reation Center is looking forward
to providing a good one for ECU's
students, faculty and staff.

Last year, many teams competed
in the fast paced, action-packed
intramural sport of flag football. This
year should be even more exciting as
the defending champions from 2001
try to hold on to their titles.

The menTs Independent Gold
League is the most competitive one
inside of the flag football program.
Most of the players share the same
play to win� spirit that exists in all
collegiate sports. Last year, the Explo-
sion, led by captain Mike Stroud,
took the title.

The MenTs Independent Purple
league is designed for the more
recreational players and teams that
are not looking for high levels of

Although, it is designed in this
form, competition usually becomes
more heated than the Independent
Gold League.

Last year, team Bucho� won
the purple and All-Campus Cham-
pionship. You can expect captain
Tim Dameron to have some of the
best athletes on the field.

SRC also offers a WomenTs Inde-
pendent League for the ladies who
like to grind it out.

Good luck to new participants,
because this league has been domi-
nated dominated by the The Cre-
oles� for the last seven years.

They are led by captain Tomeika The 2001 Intramural flag football season is underway. League championships will be up

Wyoming runners Fruky� Blackmon, a former ECU

for grabs.
basketball player. Blackmon always
has a team of ladies who can flat the most intense leagues in the flag It usually involves the fall pledge on the same team, fighting for the
out play. football division. Last year, the gold classes as well as other newly same goal-a championship T-shirt.

killed in car accident

The menTs Residence Hall League championship was as classic as the initiated members. Co-Rec games are just as exciting
can be one of the most exciting of men of Lambda Chi Alpha A and SRC makes it possible for the and can feature some high scoring
LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) After careful driver with much them all because of the pride that Sigma Alpha Epsilon. sorority to compete as well. The contests.


is displayed among the men and Lambda Chi upset SAE last year ladies are always high-spirited and For more information on

spending part of their weekend traveling the rodeo circuit.

women who play. and you can make a bet that SAE will display good sportsmanship. participation or other Intramural

in Colorado, eight University of He has driven miles and miles

They have an all-out desire to be ready for revenge. Chi Omega� won the sorority Sports visit Room 128 in the SRC

Wyoming cross-country runners without an incident,� she said. ITve

win because they represent their Sigma Phi Epsilon B defeated championship last year with some or call Laura Triyonis at 328-6387.

crammed into a sport-utility vehicie ridden with him.�

whole hall. The Tyler Titans� took Sigma Alpha Epsilon B last year of the best sorority athletes to ever

to return to campus for a fraternity The crash occurred about 1:30

the title last year and are back again to win the Fraternity Purple Champi-compete at ECU. This writer can be contacted at

outing. a.m. Sunday when HaskinsT pickup

to defend the trophy. onship. This league, like Independent The Co-Rec league is for any-
The Fraternity Gold is one of Purple, is for less competitive. body. It combines men and women

On the way, their Jeep Wagoneer collided head-on with a sport-utility

collided head-on with a pickup vehicle carrying eight members of

truck of a fellow Wyoming student the cross-country team. The team

who had apparently swerved into was returning from a non-school trip

their lane, killing the eight runners. to Fort Collins, Colo.

The driver of the truck was seriously Police say HaskinsT southbound

injured in what was the latest in a pickup appeared to have drifted into

ECU Cycling wins NCAA wants college

series of tragedies to strike Wyoming the oncoming lane on the two-lane
athletics in recent years. highway.
They were focused on going The accident further saddened

at Appomattox wagering banned

somewhere. ThatTs why this is so a campus already subdued by last

devastating,� said Wyoming sopho-week's terrorist attacks.

more Ann Hedderman. ItTs such On Monday night, about 700

INDIANAPOLIS -When it comes ring on college campuses.�

an unnecessary loss.� people gathered in heavy rain for a

Pirate cyclists sweep the lake. to wagering on intercollegiate sports, Nearly half the athletes who

The victims spent Saturday in candlelight vigil for the athletes.

Assistant Team Director Curtis Bill Saum is a zero tolerance guy ina took a 1998 University of Michigan

Fort Collins, Colo., where they The mourners assembled near a

podium Graves rode a single speed to victory too-tolerant world. survey admitted wagering on college

planned on shopping for running 15-foot-high bronze statue of a buck-

in the MenTs Collegiate B category. T donTt know that people under-sports. The study indicated one of

shoes and visiting nightclubs, said ing horse and rider that is similar to

ECU CLUB REPORTS Team Director B.J. Grieve came in stand the amount wagered illegally every 20 players shaved points, bet

a friend, Curt Mayer. Victim Shane the universityTs logo, Large black-and-

second place, 30 seconds behind on college campuses,� said the on games or leaked insider informa-

Shatto called fellow fraternity white photos of the victims leaned

The day was perfect for mountain Graves, and K.J. Barreiro finished NCAA's director of gambling and tion to gamblers.

member Sean Cosgrove to see what against one side of the statue.

biking. It was Sunday, Sept. 17th and in third place for an ECU podium agent activities. NCAA officials believe the

was happening back on campus, Students cried, hugged and

and he their Sigma Phi Epsilon the ECU Cycling club was at Holiday sweep. ItTs not just an athletics issue. McCain bili would help improve

said clutched bouquets. Some were too

Lake State Park near Appomattox, Andy Weir powered out a 4th There are sports bookies on every that situation, and they receive sup-

house was holding an event. Shatto choked to continue speaking as a

Va. place finish in the MenTs Expert campus in America. There are male port from a number of prominent

said he would try to attend. microphone was passed around.

Picture perfect blue skies, trails category even after two wrong turns. and female students, other than coaches, including Purdue menTs

Wyoming Highway Patrol Sgt. Let each one of these candles

that were dry enough for speed yet Josh Crain and Armando Betancur athletes, betting with these people.� basketball coach Gene Keady and

Stephen Townsend said the SUV be voices of our hearts,� Ted Dibble,

wet enough to keep down the dust. finished fifth and eighth respectively NCAA officials hope to lessen the South Carolina football coach Lou

carrying the athletes collided with president of the Student-Athlete

Six members of the ECU Cycling in the MenTs C category. The Deuce, risk by eliminating legal gambling on Holtz.

the one-ton pickup truck at 1:30 Advisory Committee, said after the

a.m. Sunday, about 17 miles south crowd stood in a of silence. team were ready to ride. showing all her usual mountain college sports in Nevada through a Once you're involved in it,

The course consisted of two loops, biking (MTB) prowess and skills, bill sponsored by Sen. John McCain, itTs like drugs -you get sucked ~

of Laramie on U.S. 287. Travis Halleman said he and one

one being 12 miles of forested fire finished in first place in the WomenTs R-Ariz. under,� Keady said. Suddenly you

All of the runners except the of the victims, Kyle Johnson, 20, of

roads, and one being a five-mile loop A category, giving ECU Cycling itTs Nevada is the only state where owe money, they push you to do

driver were ejected. Townsend said Riverton, worked in a lab together for

around Holiday Lake. Both loops second win of the day. such gambling isnTt a federal crime. something illegal in the game, and

only the driver of the pickup, Clin-up to seven hours a day. Both were

were used in the variety of races ECU Cycling groupie, Hans Rear-Gambling on collegiate sports by then you're in prison.�

ton Haskins, was wearing a seat engineering students.

that were held. The menTs C and ick, gave the team. valuable support U.S. citizens also occurs in foreign Holtz testified before Congress

belt. He seemed to think outside

womenTs B categories completed two throughout the race. locales, due to the advent of gambling two years ago, saying People in

Clinton Haskins, a member of the lines. We had a lot of things

laps of the lake loop. The menTs B ECU Cycling will be in Blacks-Web sites that can make bookies general, college students in particu-

the universityTs rodeo team, was in common, like he wasnTt sure he

and womenTs A did a lake loop and burg, Va. this weekend to take part obsolete. lar, have the belief that betting on

charged with eight counts of aggra-really wanted to go into engineering.

a Forest Road loop, and menTs A did in the BlacksburgTs Beast� MTB race We believe it is inappropriate to college athletics is OK because itTs

vated homicide by vehicle. The He liked to run,� Halleman said.

a Forest loop and two loops around hosted by Virginia Tech. wager on young people in athletics,� legal in Nevada.

complaint also charged Haskins was He was a pretty quiet guy, but once

said. you some itTs to col-

drunk but provided no specifics. you got to know him he was really
Saum When have Well, illegal bet on

places where itTs legal and some lege athletics in 49 states. Why isnTt

The Albany County AttorneyTs funny.�

where it isnTt, that sends a mixed it in the SOth state as well?�

Office and police refused to com-Haskins was on his way to see
message.� In July, 25 coaches, athletics

Rose Bowl raises

ment. his girlfriend, who lives in Fort Col-

T believe our athletes have a administrators and college presi-

Haskins faces up to 20 years in lins, when the crash occurred, Sally

greater awareness of what is right and dents spoke in support of the bill,

prison on each count if convicted. Haskins said. The highway can be

wrong, and what the downfalls are,� including NCAA President Cedric

Bond was set at $100,000. The aggra-windswept and foggy, she said.

Saum said. I canTt tell you weTve Dempsey, Notre Dame President

$300,000 in relief

vated nature of the charges is based | have been across that part of

slowed gambling down because the the Rev. Edward Malloy, Ohio State

on HaskinsT alleged intoxication. the highway when the wind has

challenge weTre facing is not only Athletics Director Andy Geiger,

A court appearance was pending. buffeted me into the other lane and PASADENA, Calif. (AP) It was all San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the

illegal bookies on college campuses, Colorado football coach Gary Bar-

Haskins, 21, of Maybell, Colo., was if someone had been coming I prob-quiet inside the Rose Bowl, where American Red Cross.

but the Internet.� nett and Florida basketball coach

listed in fair condition at Ivinson ably could not have avoided it,� she 60,000 fans were expected to attend Plans were quickly put together

Gaming Billy

Memorial Hospital. He suffered said. No. 14 UCLA's game against Arizona by the Red Cross, KNBC-Channel 4,
officials are committed Donovan.

to defeating the bill. However, former Georgetown

severe cuts, some internal damage Haskins, a senior and steer wres-State on Saturday night. KFWB Radio, the Salvation Army,
This misguided approach basketball coach John Thompson

and a concussion but no broken tler on the University of Wyoming But there was a Jot going on and the Pasadena Fire and Police

absolves the NCAA of any responsi-criticized the bill during the recent

bones, his grandmother said in a rodeo team, was in serious condition outside the stadium, as thousands Departments to raise money for

bility to clean its own house,� said Associated Press Sports Editors

telephone interview from her home at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in dropped by during the day to give disaster relief Friday, and it was such

Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., president of Convention in Baltimore.

in Maybell. Laramie. money for victims, families and a success they did it again Saturday.

Gaming The

HeTs very emotional. We're all Sports information director Kevin rescuers in the aftermath of the Crys Quimby, KFWBTs news and
the American Association billTs passage could be

(AGA). The more that members of affected by the recent power change

very emotional,� Sally Haskins said. McKinney spoke with Oklahoma terrorist attacks on the East Coast. program director, said more than

Congress learn about the facts, the in Washington. Vermont Sen. Jim

HaskinsT parents and teenage sister State University officials about how We have a typical Southern $300,000 was raised in the two

more they recognize that the real JeffordsT decision to switch from

are with him at the hospital, she to handle the tragedy. A plane crash California way to do it here ... drive-days.

solution is to directly address the Republican to Independent put the

said. through donations,� said Barbara

widespread in Senate.

She also said her grandson was a see WYOMING page AQ Pieper, chief executive officer for the see BOWL page A9 illegal gambling occur-Democrats control of the


PSU fans need dose

Wyoming continuted from page A&

of reality

e are currently off the air

due to an equipment failure.
We will be off the air all this week
while we assess our options.

Watch The East Carolinian for
urther updates on when we can
return to the airwaves.



The East Carolinian is now hiring responsible students for
part-time work as photographers. Apply for positions at the
Student Publications Building (across from Joyner Library).

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Brought to you by ECU Family Weekend

in January killed two Oklahoma
State University basketball players
and eight others after a game at the
University of Colorado.
Students and officials said losing
eight classmates is compounded by
the fact that theyTve been following
the horror of the terrorist attacks on
the World Trade Center and Pentagon
last week.
~ItTs like blackness on blackness,�
Hedderman said.
Wyoming athletics have been
beset by adversity in recent years.
The losses include a former vol-
leyball coach who died in November
from brain injuries suffered in a
collision; a former cross-country
star who disappeared in 1997 while
running and still has not been found;
and a Wyoming football player who
died in April 1997 after passing out
on the practice field.
Later that year an assistant foot-
ball coach died of brain cancer.
The victims of the Sunday crash
include Shatto, 19; the driver, Nicho-
las J. Schabron, 20; Justin Lambert-
Belanger, 20; Kyle N. Johnson, 20;
Kevin L. Salverson, 19; Joshua D.
Jones, 22; Morgan McLeland, 21;
and Cody B. Brown, 21.
ItTs been a very rough week for
a lot of people in this country and
tragically, itTs been all the more
rough for our student-athletes and
our coaches and all their friends at
the University of Wyoming,� schoo!
President Philip L. Dubois said.
This is a horrible thing.�
and large, the events of the past
week have brought out the best in
They have cast aside prejudices
and pettiness and showed compas-
sion for their fellow travelers on
this mortal coil, incredible bravery
in the face of absolute danger, anda
resiliency of spirit that keeps us all
going when we think our next step
will be our last.
We can only thank them and
hope that, in similar circumstances,
we would act equally honorably.
But, as always, there are a selfish
few who just donTt get it, who canTt
seem to get past the idea that there
really are other, more pressing issues
in the world than who paces the
sidelines as the man in charge of
Penn StateTs football fortunes.
Bowl continuted from page A8 1 understand that Penn State
football plays an important role in
We had one 7-yeat-old boy yes-the people who canTt get to the game the lives of a lot of people, mine
terday who gave us his savings for would be here. included.
one year,� Pieper said. ITm a UCLA After the game, it would be one ItTs an important component of
grad, itTs too bad thereTs no football. big party.� my job. But I could live without it
I wish UCLA the best season ever, Not on this day. and be happy so long as my family
Beat SC, you can quote me.� There are 14 big-screen televi-and friends were healthy.
YTm just glad the American sion sets at MaloneyTs, which can Otherwise, how can you explain
public understands the gravity of accomadate about 200 patrons. the fact that at 9:39 p.m. on Tuesday,
the situation.� People could watch any game not quite 13 hours after the world
Earlier in the day, some 25 miles they wanted,� Martel said. If you exploded in sheets of flame and
away in Westwood near the UCLA wanted to watch Harvard, we could carnage in New York and Washing-
campus, there was very little activ-get Harvard for you.� ton and Shanksville, an e-mail
ity. Nora Crawford, a cocktail wait-arrived from a fan, who shall remain
Even though the fall quarter ress who attends UCLA, prepared to nameless to save him from his own
doesnTt begin until Sept. 25, thereTs leave after only two hours of work. stupidity.
usually a lot happening ona football Tm being sent home,� she said. Citing a television show he had
Saturday at this time of year. We played rock, paper, scissors to watched, he cited comments by
Nowhere was it any quieter than see who would stay.� a member of a panel of experts,
at MaloneyTs On Campus -one of the T lost,� Martel said. I let her saying, ...He stated that the Penn
areaTs most popular sports bars. win.� State football team had 40 of the
YtTs dead ... boring,� bartender t came in at 11 instead of 9,� nationTs top athletes on its roster. |
Frankie Martel said some six hours Crawford said. think he was right and that makes
before the ASU-UCLA game would There would normally be two something else wrong.�
have started had it not been post-more waitresses. Even though ITm Why doesnTt Joe go out grace-
poned, as were all NCAA Division not making any money, I think fully, like the man who's (sic) record
| football games along with the itTs a good decision to cancel the he is trying to pass, stand on the
weekend's NFL and major league games.� sideline, be the head coach and
baseball games. Crawford said she wouldnTt go to let his assist (sic) coaches do the
As Martel spoke, one customer sat a game or any other large gathering work?�
at the bar, leaving more employees at this point. People are dead, others are dying
than patrons in the establishment. The Rose Bowl is an easy target,� in attempt to rescue victims, fami-
Usually every seat in the house she said. ITm scared anyway; the lies are grieving, the world is in
is taken on Saturdays and Sundays,� Federal Building is just a couple shock and this guy has nothing
Martel said. Tonight was Arizona blocks away.� better to do than send an e-mail
State, it would have been huge, lines Sal Capelli, the only customer as expressing his opinion on how
outside to get into the building. Crawford left, said he believes the Joe Paterno should run a football
Arizona State has a huge following, games should have gone on. program.


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A public service of this newspaper

The East Carolinian, September 19, 2001
The East Carolinian issue published eight days after September 11, 2001 on which four coordinated terrorist attacks were carried out by the militant Islamic extremist network al-Qaeda against the United States with a special focus on the tragedy. East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 19, 2001
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