Civil war diary

Civil war diary
This diary was written by a soldier named Daniel C. Smith while his company was camped at Brice's Creek, North Carolina during the Civil War. He was a private serving in Co. I of the 44th Massachusetts Volunteers Regiment. In his diary, Daniel talks about everyday life at the camp and what they do in their spare time. In their spare time, they would read, write, play games like badminton and dominoes, pray, sing, and sew. The other parts of their day involved doing guard duty drilling and chopping wood for the kitchen and quarters. Besides everyday camp life, Daniel does mention the comings and goings of militia groups. Some of the militia groups that he encounters are the 3rd NY Cavalry, 51st Regiment, 17th Regiment, 43rd Regiment, and 45th Regiment.
February 16, 1863 - May 16, 1863
Original Format
12cm x 20cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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William J. Griffing Jul 24 2022

This diary (and the corresponding letters) was written by Daniel Converse Smith of Co. I, 44th Massachusetts. Not only was he the only "Daniel" in Co. I but his diary notes his birthday which is consistent with Daniel C. Smith's vitals. I transcribed some of the letters and a portions of the diary which can be found at:

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