The East Carolinian, November 11, 2004

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80 Number 30
We (Remember
Veteran's (Day, 'Uov, 11, 2004
November 11, 2004
Upcoming winter demands increased heating, bills
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Officials provide suggestions to keep bills down this winter.
Efficiency saves
student money
During winter months, stu-
dents are often faced with high
utility bills due to the addi-
prepare to
ACM programming
competition held
A team of three ECU com-
puter science majors are compet-
ing Saturday at Duke University
against approximately 160 teams
from the mid-Atlantic region in
the first tier of the Association for
Computing Machinery computer
programming competition enti-
tled "The Battle of the Brains
The competition, sponsored
by IBM, is part of a larger ACM
contest nicknamed the Tech
Olympics, which has teams of
three members from universities
across the world solve real world
programming problems over a
five-hour time period.
The top four finishers in
every regional competition qual-
ify for the world finals held
during the first week of April in
Shanghai, China.
tional amount of heating used.
Greenville Utilities has several
suggestions to help residents keep
their expenses low.
Andy Yokim, energy supervi-
sor of Greenville Utilities, said the
most important thing to focus
on is conserving energy while
heating your residence in order to
avoid paying extremely high bills
during the cooler months.
Yokim said he recommends
setting the thermostat at 68
degrees during the winter months.
He said students commonly
keep their thermostat around
75 degrees during the winter,
allowing them to walk around
the house in shorts and t-shirts
instead of sweaters and pants.
"If you are not going to
wear your winter clothes in
the summer, don't wear your
summer clothes in the winter
said Yokim.
Yokim said this seven degree
heating difference can end up
costing a lot more since heat-
ing and cooling compose the
majority of energy expenses.
The cost of heating your
apartment depends on a variety
of different factors including
what type of heating system is
being used, how well insulated
the residence is and the design
of the residence.
Yokim said many times
when students complain of high
utility bills, it is because their
residences are being heated by
electric resistant heat furnaces
instead of the higher quality
heating system, heat pumps.
"Electric furnaces are installed
because they are the cheapest
thing to manufacture and buy
Yokim said.
The heat pump was not
invented until the 1960s, so many
of the older houses around campus
still run off electric furnaces.
Yokim said an older residence
often demands lower rent, but
the heating expenses will make it
just as costly as a new apartment.
"If your house is heated by a
heat pump, avoid moving the ther-
mostat up and down Yokim said.
"Set it and forget it
Heat pumps use electric resis-
tant strips for back up heating,
and every time the thermostat is
moved, the more costly electric
resistant strips are triggered.
Yokim said students should
keep an eye on their filters, which
can build up dust and dirt and make
your heating system less efficient.
"Check them once a month
when you get your utilities bill
Yokim said.
Greenville Utilities allow its
customers to check the past utili-
ties history of apartments they
are looking to rent.
Yokim said he strongly
recommends doing research
on the residences you are
considering renting.
"I talk to maybe a hundred
students a year Yokim said.
"Our job is to get the lower
bills for you
Matthew Jackson, ECU gradu-
ate school accounting student,
said he didn't ask Greenville
Utilities for the past history of
his apartment.
"I just switched it over
said Jackson.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU honors Native Americans
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In celebration of November as Native American Heritage Month, ECU Campus Living posted flags in the lawn representing
the massive number of Native Americans who died on the Trail of Tears. Seen here is a portion of the red flags which
represented the 3,000 Cherokee Indians who died on the march.
ECU participates in annual
Heart Walk fundraiser
Campus organizations
active in event
Numerous students, student
organizations and Greenville resi-
dents are getting ready to partici-
pate in the annual Heart Walk to
be held this Saturday at the ECU
Blount Sports Complex.
Joanna Iwata, director of stu-
dent involvement said the walk
is an annual Pitt County event
hosted by the American Heart
Association. The projected goal of
the community event is to raise
$127,000 for the American Heart
"This is an annual ECU
event that involves several of
our groups over the past several
years said Iwata.
"Typically there are over
1,000 volunteers who walk and
raise funds
While there are a variety
of ECU campus organizations
participating in the walk,
including Greek life, residence
hall associations and student
government, individuals are also
free to participate.
Participants have to either
register in advance by going
to the Web site or they can
register at the time of the event.
Individuals or teams are
eligible to register.
"Participants are
encouraged to raise money or
make a donation if they choose to
participate Iwata said.
"Every little bit helps
At 9 a.m. there is a brief
welcome session before they
begin the walk around the
Director Paula Kennedy-Dudley helps a student at the center.
Center for Off-Campus
Living improves student life
Office makes an impact
on living conditions
J students and Greenville residents participate In last years Heart
Walk event sponsored by local organizations.
"A lot of our student groups
do participate and it is something
that does not require a lot of
pre-organization Iwata said.
A number of corporations
participating In the event
have made contributions to
help achieve this goal. ECU'S
organizations make up only
one of the teams that will be
participating. All the proceeds
will be contributed to the same
Iwata said in past years ECU
organizations have presented
a pretty impressive check of
Iwata said this is an
important issue to work toward
because of its prevalence within
a wide range of groups.
"When you think about
see HEART page A3
f) Heart Walk
On-site registration on site
begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday
at the Blount Sports Complex
off Charles Boulevard. The
event begins at 9 a.m.
- Slogan: "Change tomorrow
- 3.31 mile walk
- Contact Kim Etheredge
American Heart Association
with Pitt County at 355-1112
- PR person: Contact Andrea
Gardiner at 327-5256
The Center for Off-Campus
Living, serving as a voice for
ECU students living on and off
campus, opened less than a year
ago with the welfare of every
student in mind.
Mary Louise Antieau, the
director of the Center for Off-
Campus Living, said about three
years ago, a number of faculty
realized there was no entity on
campus to assist students' off-
campus needs.
"It bothered me said Antieau.
"We decided that we needed
something that would assist
everyone who lived off campus
commuters, distance educa-
tion students and those in Greek
Life. Everyone involved had
similar issues with the city, their
neighbors, their community and
the university
Paula Kennedy-Dudley heads
the Office of Adult and Com-
muter Services. The office pro-
vides programs for commuter
students and for adults re-enter-
ing college. It gives a chance for
adult and commuter students
to interact socially with similar
students, and it provides informa-
tion about campus, community
and regional programs and ser-
vices available to the adult and
commuter student population.
The Office of Greek Life,
directed by Ion Outterbridge, pro-
motes diversity, life-long learn-
ing, friendship and service. It
enhances sorority and fraternity
membership through leadership
developing, networking, ethical
decision-making and career-life
skills. It also assists members with
academic, risk management and
social activities.
In the Office of Student Con-
flict Resolution, mediation ser-
vices are offered for those who
wish to participate in and learn
about alternative conflict resolu-
tion. It assists ECU students, fac-
ulty and staff, as well as Greenville
community members who are
involved in a dispute with a stu-
dent or a student organization.
The Student Neighborhood
Relations Office, facilitated by
Michelle Lieberman, works
closely with students and neigh-
borhood areas within Greenville.
see CENTER page A3
Dr. Shepard will be at ECU Nov. 12
scientist to
speak at ECU
Shepherd hopes to
inform students, faculty
J. Marshall Shepherd, a scien-
tist with the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration,
will be presenting a lecture at
ECU regarding urban areas and
how they create precipitation
Nov. 12.
Shepherd's lecture, entitled
"How Cities Create Their Own
Rainfall centers around the
idea of how satellites can be
used to measure the relationship
between a city's air temperature
and the amount of precipitation
they receive as a direct result of
that temperature.
Shepherd said he looks for-
ward to his lecture at ECU and
hopes the audience will take
away something important from
his message.
"I just hope they leave with
a greater understanding of how
delicate our earth is and that we
need to understand it as much
as we try to understand other
planets said Shepherd.
"This is the one that we're
stuck on and it's changing.
Whether it's natural or human
induced remains to be seen
Scott Curtis, a geography pro-
fessor, said he hopes Shepherd's
visit will encourage people to
check out the new atmospheric
science program In the depart-
ment as well as inform people
about the important issue.
"This is one thing that geog-
raphers do is look at the atmo-
sphere and try to understand
about climate said Curtis.
"We're trying to advertise
for atmospheric science classes
on campus this is the way to
do that, as well as inform people
about this issue
Curtis said he hopes the audi-
ence will learn something they
did not know before.
"They'll realize that we can
change our environment in
many different ways and that
can affect us down the line
Curtis said.
"Also, I hope they learn that
by building structures, roads and
sidewalks, we're trapping heat,
which not only warms a city
environment, but can also create
rainfall and storms
Shepherd, who has presented
findings to the White House
and the Department of Defense
for NASA, grew up just north
of Atlanta in Cherokee County,
Ga. He first became interested in
weather and meteorological stud-
ies in the sixth grade while work-
ing on a middle school science
project entitled, "Can A Sixth
Grader Predict the Weather?"
Upon receiving three meteo-
rology degrees from Florida State
University and beginning work
on his master's degree, Shepherd
developed a program that studied
hurricanes and their changes,
ones that might influence other
changes in the storms when they
hit landfall.
Years later, after becoming the
first African American to receive
a doctorate degree in meteo-
rology from FSU and working
with NASA, Shepherd received
the highest award the federal
government bestows upon new
scientists and engineers. He
was granted the Presidential
see NASA page A3
The event Is taking place
Friday, Nov. 12 at Brewster
Building B102 at 4 p.m.
For more Information, call
Scott Curtis 328-2088
INSIDE I News:A2 I Comics: A4 I Opinion: A5 I Living: Bl I Sports: B4

Page A2 news@theeastcarolinian. com 252.328. 6366
?NICK HENNE News Editor KRISTIN DAY Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
Campus News
Free Flu Shots
ECU Student Hearth Service will
sponsor a student flu shot clinic today
on the second floor of the Student
Hea?hCenlBr?om9am - 4pm There
is no charge lor students with an ECU
D and vaid NC Teachers and Stale
Employees Healh plan insurance card.
Shots are $12 without these cards.
For more information, can 328-6841
Delta Xi is offering financial support
to female students who will be
going into the teaching profession.
Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA
and display financial need. The
aid will be awarded during the
February chapter meeting. For
questions about requirements
and application, contact Dr.
Katalin Szucs at 320-1908.
Cell Phone Donation
The Family Violence Program
of Pitt County is sponsoring
a used cell phone drive until
Thursday, Nov. 18. The phones
go to domestic violence victims
who need a constant and free
way to call 911 and a 24-hour
crisis line. Collection bins are at
the Dowdy Student Store, Food
Lion on 10th Street, East Carolina
Bank on Red Banks Road and
the Alltel store inside Wal-Mart.
Contact Sara Munzer with the FVP
at 758-4400.
Give yourself Italy, Greece
and the Greek Islands In
summer 2005.
You deserve it ECU 6 s.h. credit
funding available. Visit Rome,
the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel,
Pompeii, Delphi, Athens and
many other places. Contact
Calvin Mercer at 328-4310 or
ECU Gospel Choir
A special intermission, Guest
Salvation and Deliverance church
choir from Tarboro, NC, under
the direction of Kristan Herring
will perform tonight at 6 p.m. at
MSC in Hendrix Theater. Prices
are $3 for students and military
and $5 for the general public.
For more information, call Arturo
Cummings at 328-7148 orTarrick
Cox at 328-1518.
Veteran's Day Celebration
The Pitt County Veteran Council
will host an event honoring our
past and present veterans at
Greenville's Town Commons
today at 11 a.m. Call 758-2788 for
more information.
Jazz at Night
The school of music will present
a jazz concert at Mendenhall Nov.
12 The concert begins at 8 p.m. For
more information, call 328-6851.
Dr. Marshall Sheperd, a NASA
scientist, will be giving a geography
department colloquium entitled,
"How Cities Create Their Own
Rainfall and Storms The event
will take place Friday, Nov. 12 at
4 p.m. In 102 Brewster B. Contact
Scott Curtis at 328-2088.
American Heart Walk
Participate in this charitable event
Saturday, Nov. 13 at the ECU
Blount Sports Complex. Check-in
at 8:30 a.m. and the walk begins at
9:30 a.m. Groups can still register
online at
DownEastNC or pick up team
packets in 207 Mendenhall.
NCAA Southeastern Cross
Country Regional
A competition of cross-country
teams from all over the southeast
will meet in Grimesland Nov. 13.
The race will take place at Lake
Kristi on Mobley Bridge Road. Call
329-4530 for more information.
Faculty Exhibition
The 2004 Faculty Exhibition, "A
Tradition of Excellence began
Wednesday and will end Nov. 20
in the Gray Gallery at Jenkins Fine
Arts Center The exhibition displays
various works including ceramics,
digital imaging, photography and
weaving. Contact Gil Leebrick,
gallery director, at 328-6336.
Dissertation Defense
Come see Tim Saltuklaroglu with
the communication sciences
and disorders department's
dissertation defense called The
Role of Gestural Imitation in
the Inhibition of Stuttering The
presentation will be Nov. 16 at
3:30 p.m. in 103 Belk Building.
For more information, e-mail Tim
at ts0712
News Briefs
Hoke escapee captured
GASTONIA, NC - Thelma King's
afternoon TV watching was interrupted
by a man wanting to use her phone
to call a cab.
The 81-year-old woman obliged,
apparently unaware that the man at
her door was William Glenn Barefoot,
an escaped convict with two
handguns in his backpack who had
been on the lam since late October.
Before Barefoot could get into the cab,
Gastonia police converged on King's
house around 3 p.m. Tuesday and
arrested him, dousing Barefoot with
pepper spray after a short struggle.
King was not injured.
"She said he was real nice, real polite
said her son, Tim King, 52. "She's an old
mountain girl, itdidrftexcitehertoo much"
One person was charged with helping
Barefoot evade capture since his
escape, said Charles Reavis, U.S.
marshal for the Eastern District of
North Carolina. He refused to name
the suspect or describe the person's
relationship to Barefoot.
Officers tracking Barefoot found a
campsite in a wooded area where
they believe Barefoot had stayed
for about a week. They also found
bandages, which they believe he
used on his feet because he was
barefoot since his escape.
Earlier Tuesday, Barefoot was sighted
near Interstate 85. Officers chased
him, but lost the trail in a creek. Three
schools were put on lockdown while
authorities searched.
Investigators said they believed
Barefoot might have broken Into
several homes in the Gastonia
Barefoot was serving an almost 85-
year sentence in the Hoke County
Jail for a daylong crime spree in 2001
after he was convicted of trying to kill
a Scotland County sheriffs deputy.
Woman cleared of murder
after co-defendant confesses
WILMINGTON, NC - A woman who
had been jailed for 19 months
on murder charges was released
after her co-defendant
confessed she killed the man
on her own, authorities said.
Stephanie Davis was accused in the
April 2003 stabbing death of Douglas
Sasser at his home in Whiteville.
District Attorney Rex Gore dismissed
the charges against her Friday after
Janice Thomas confessed Davis had
not played a part in the crime.
"She didn't do anything. She had
been there just before Janice
Thomas going in there and
killing him, but she was not at
the scene Gore said Tuesday.
Davis, 45, was charged with first-
degree murder and robbery with a
dangerous weapon. Her trial was set
to begin this week, Gore said.
Thomas, 37 pleaded guilty to second-
degree murder and robbery with a
dangerous weapon In April and was
to testify against Davis.
Assistant District Attorney Lee
Bollinger was preparing for the trial
"and he got suspicious of what
the cooperating co-defendant was
saying. He asked her to take a
polygraph test on Friday and it
backed up what Stephanie Davis was
saying Gore said.
The women had gone to Sasser's
house apparently to rob him,
authorities said.
He was stabbed at least five times
with a kitchen knife, Gore said.
Young cancer vlcftm's
lemonade stand funds research
WYNNEWOOD, Pa. - Three months
after her death from cancer, Alexandra
Scott's original goal to raise $1
million for cancer research by selling
lemonade has been exceeded.
Alexandra's parents said Tuesday
that the 2004 total probably will be
close to $1.5 million, which the Alex's
Lemonade Stand foundation will
donate to cancer-research institutions,
as it has done since Alex set up her
charity four years ago.
Officials at Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, where Alex was treated,
said they have expanded research and
experimental medication programs
because of the little girl's charity.
"We believed in Alex said
her mother, Liz Scott. 'We
believed in her dream. But most
of all, Alex believed in herself
Shortly before she died of cancer
on Aug. 1, Alex told her parents her
new goal for 2005 was to raise $5
million. Her parents are now seeking
continued financial support from
individuals and companies.
"We are confident we can succeed,
knowing Alex's spirit is with us said
her father, Jay Scott
Alex was diagnosed the day before
her first birthday with neuroblastoma,
an aggressive form of.childhood
cancer. She set up a lemonade
stand in 2000 in front of her suburban
Philadelphia home. She took in
$2,000 that first year, and $200,000
through 2003.
In June, lemonade stand fund-
raisers were set up In all 50 states,
as well as in Canada and France
and Alex and her family appeared
on Oprah Winfrey's TV program and
NBC's "Today" show. Even as her
energy waned, Alex insisted on doing
interviews to reach her goal of raising
$1 million, her father said.
Peterson Judge replaces
a juror, orders to 'start all over'
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - Jurors
deliberating the fate of Scott Peterson
went back to square one when a
second juror in the five-month long
murder trial was dismissed and the
judge told the remaining panelists to
"start all over again
Juror No. 7, an Asian woman in her
50s or 60s, apparently did her own
research on the case, a source with
close knowledge of the case told
The Associated Press on condition
of anonymity. Such research would
violate the judge's order to consider
only evidence presented at trial.
Judge Alfred A. Delucchi replaced the
juror with an alternate on Tuesday. He
then ordered the other 11 members of
the panel to set aside any conclusions
they had made during the first five
days of deliberations and begin anew.
"You must decide all questions of
fact in this case from the evidence
received In this trial and not from any
Students perform step show
Members of Delta Sigma Theta draw crowds as they perform a step show in Wright Plaza
in celebration of their chapter's 31st anniversary.
U.S. forces hold 70 percent of Fallujah
An Iraqi boy walks by a burning oil pipeline near Fallujah.
(AP) ? American forces bot-
tled up guerrillas in a narrow
strip of Fallujah's alleys and
streets Wednesday after a stun-
ningly swift advance that seized
control of 70 percent of the insur-
gent stronghold.
Insurgents have been trying
to open a "second front" with a
wave of attacks todivert U.S. forces
from their offensive in Fallujah.
In Fallujah, the military said
U.S. troops pushed insurgents
into a section of the city flank-
ing the main east-west highway
that bisects the rebel bastion. At
least 71 militants had been killed
as of the beginning of the third
day of intense urban combat,
the military said, with the
casualty figure expected to rise
sharply once U.S. forces account
for Iraqis and foreign fighters
killed in air strikes.
As of Tuesday night, 10 U.S.
troops and two members of the
Iraqi security force had been
killed, a toll that already equaled
the number of American troops
who died when Marines besieged
the city for three weeks in April.
Major Francis Piccoli, of
the 1st Marine Expeditionary
Force, characterized fighting
overnight as "light to moderate"
and said U.S. casualties were
"extremely light
Piccoli said U.S. forces that
pushed south through Fallujah's
central highway overnight now
control 70 percent of the city.
He said troops would move on
Wednesday into the strip of
territory where guerrillas were
bottled up. "The heart of the city
is what's In focus now he said.
The northwestern- neighbor-
hood of Jolan, the historic warren
of crooked streets where Sunni
militants and foreign fighters
had rigged booby-traps, was
now "secured and under con-
trol he said, although Marines
were expected to continue
house-to-house searches for
fighters and weapons.
About 100 men, women and
children left their homes in
Fallujah and made their way
to American positions in the
south of the city where they
gave themselves up Wednesday,
an officer from the Army's 1st
Cavalry Division said. The group
was to be searched for weapons
and questioned, and all mili-
tary-age men would be detained,
the officer said.
other resource Delucchi reminded
panelists. "The people and the
defendant have the right to a verdict
reached only after full participation
"We're going to send you back. Start
all over again and keep in touch
he added.
Peterson, 32, is charged with two
counts of murder in the deaths of his
wife, Laci, and the fetus she carried.
Prosecutors claim Peterson killed
Laci around Christmas Eve 2002, then
dumped her weighted body from his
boat into San Francisco Bay.
Deliberations were set to
resume Wednesday.
Iraq prime minister's
family members kidnapped
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two members of
the Iraqi prime minister's family were
abducted from their Baghdad home,
his spokesman said Wednesday
and militants said they would be
beheaded in two days if their demands
are not met
Interim government spokesman
Thair al-Naqeeb said in a statement
that militants had snatched interim
Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's two
relatives from their home in the
western Yarmouk neighborhood
Tuesday evening.
Al-Naqeeb identified the missing
as the prime minister's cousin,
Ghazi Allawi, and the cousin's
"Ghazi Allawi is 75 years old. He
has no political affiliation and is not
holding a government post the
statement said.
A posting on an Islamic Web site by
a group calling itself Ansar al-Jihad
group claimed responsibility for
kidnapping three Allawi relatives,
and threatened to behead them in 48
hours if their demands aren't met.
They demanded that Allawi and his
government release all female and
male detainees In Iraq, and lift the
siege on Fallujah.
"We promise Allah and his messenger
that if the agent government doesn't
respond to our demands within
48 hours, they the hostages
will be beheaded
The group claims to have kidnapped
Allawi's cousin, the cousin's wife
and another relative. The claim's
authenticity couldn't be verified.
European police forge
closer ties to fight terrorists
LONDON - Jolted by the carnage
of the Madrid train bombings
and the cross-border rape and
killing spree of a French pedophile,
EU states are coming together
on an ambitious new vision for
policing Europe. It involves joint
investigation teams and the sharing of
hitherto jealously guarded
criminal records and crime-
fighting technology.
"Police cooperation now has a
very broad support in Europe said
Genevieve Bourdin, in charge of
international coordination at the
French police.
"Recent events provide us
with a good reason to cooperate,
a terrorist attack could happen
anywhere, anytime
Shortly after Islamic terrorists
blew up four crowded commuter
trains on March 11, killing 191
people In Madrid, EU leaders
pledged to improve common anti-
terrorism efforts.
While authorities still rule out a federal
police force, a European version of
the FBI, recent strides in cooperation
have been significant: The EU has
appointed an anti-terrorism czar and
adopted a long-delayed European
arrest warrant, which speeds up the
extradition of suspects.
Critics, however, say efficient
police cooperation is hampered by
differences In law, methodology and
organization, not to mention national
"French police are not easy to
work with, Spanish police are more
difficult, but the worst are the Italians
said Paul Van Thielen, general
director of the Belgian police.
"Their services are so complex we
have to have a full-time liaison
officer In Italy
Despite the difficulties, the new
spirit of collaboration has already
yielded results.
COHipetltlOn from page A1
While the competition is
open to multiple teams from the
same university, only one team
from every school can move on to
the finals. The top finishers from
four different universities of the
mid-Atlantic region would move
on to Shanghai.
ECU computer science pro-
fessor, Ronnie Smith, said this
year's team should put in a good
showing for ECU.
"We have a very bright group
of students said Smith.
"This team is capable of fin-
ishing in the top half
Smith said the competi-
tion is very difficult to win, but
he is competitive by nature and
would love to see more than just
a good showing.
"Our goal is to win Smith said.
The three ECU computer sci-
ence majors taking part in the
event are sophomore Constan-
tine Murenin and juniors Chris
Betancourt and Daniel Green.
Murenin and Betancourt were
on last year's team and all three
said they hope to be a part of next
year's as well.
All three teammates said
they enjoy the competition
and Monday afternoon
training sessions.
"I look forward to it, it's a lot
of fun said Green.
Betancourt said the team last
year was ranked 46 out of about
ISO teams, a finishing he and the
team hope to beat at this year's
"We'll do the best we can
and hopefully improve on our
performance from last year said
The ACM competition is an
annual event which first took
place 29 years ago and has qua-
drupled since 1997 when IBM
began sponsorship. The stated
goal of the competition is to
continue developing computer
technology talent worldwide.
ECU's team will be traveling
to Duke's campus in Durham
for this year's event, where
they will be joined with close
to thirty teams from the mid-
Atlantic region.
The answers to the program-
ming problems are submitted
over the network where they
are viewed by judges who are
stationed at Virginia Tech Uni-
versity, a process that takes about
five to ten minutes. This allows
the nearly 160 schools to compete
against each other from different
locations in the region.
Smith said Duke was chosen
due to its ability to accommo-
date around thirty schools and
because it is geographically con-
venient to many of the schools
traveling for the event.
The fondest memory Smith
had from past competitions is
when ECU'S team finished higher
than every other state school
except Duke, a feat Betancourt
and his teammates would like
accomplish as well.
"It would be nice to beat
them Betancourt said.
This writer can be contacted at
G-O Verdant Dr 752-3519
? 1 & 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath
? Central Heat & Air
? Free Water Services
? Onsite Management
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? ECU Bus Service
top Islar
West Ba
pital bee
an aide
called th
time frii
need an

Palestinian leaders prepare burial, funeral plans Center
from page A1
A freshTy" painted mural
headquarters in Gaza City, Wednesday.
LAMART, France (AP) ? A
top Islam.cel hc rushed from the
WestBanktoVa: Vrafat's hos-
pital bedside Wednes ir hat
an aide to the Palestinian I
called the "final phase" of his litt.
"I'm here to be by ni long
time friend's side in his time of
need and to pray for his speedy
recovery the cleric, Taisser
Bayoud Tamimi, told The Asso-
ciated Press by phone short'
before arriving at the hospit .
"It's absolutely reje- d
he shouted outside the
ho pi il when asked by reporters
if e i'e support would be turned
o , buying it would remain on as
long as ther" were signs of life.
But aide aid Arafat's health
was deteriorating, with a "com-
plication" to his vital organs
as doctors struggle to stop the
bleeding in his brain.
The Palestinian envoy to
France, Leila Shahid, had insisted
in an interview with France-
Info radio that Tamimi was not
coming "to disconnect" Arafat
from life support.
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Apartments & Rental Houses
"It is clear, as for a Christian,
as for a Jew, that a religious man
needs to be with his patient
when he is in the final phase of
his life Shahid said.
"That is why he is here
On Tuesday, doctors said
Arafat's coma had deepened and
his caretaker government chose
a burial site and began preparing
for a funeral.
Shahid told France-Info that
he was still "in a deep coma"
Wednesday morning, but added
there was a "complication in the
state of all of his vital organs
He was therefore "in a critical
state she said.
"The reality is that he is in
the hands of God
At a press conference in
Ramallah late Tuesday, Pales-
tinian Cabinet minister Saeb
Erekat said doctors were trying
to relieve bleeding from a severe
brain hemorrhage, which can
cause brain damage.
A Palestinian official, speak-
ing on condition of anonymity,
said Wednesday that French
doctors told the Palestinian del-
egation that this kind of bleed-
ing meant that Arafat's death
was expected within 24 hours, a
period that has since passed.
Shahid saiddoctorsat the Percy
Military Training Hospital were
fighting to keep him alive. The
physicians "are doing everything,
in the intensive care unit, to try
to give him his.chances she said.
But she also said that France,
which sent a plane to bring Arafat
to France on Oct. 29, would also
organize his repatriation.
"France has already proved
that it was capable, in less than
24 hours, of putting in place
what was necessary to go and get
him. It will organize his return
home she said.
Palestinian Foreign Minister
Nabil Shaath said Tamimi, "a
very close friend" of Arafat's
who heads the Islamic court
in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, was not coming to
give advice on removing Arafat
from life support.
Palestinian leaders, mean-
while, decided that when the
time comes, they would bury
Arafat at his sandbagged West
Bank headquarters, known as
the Muqata, in Ramallah, and
turn it into a shrine, defusing
a potential conflict with Israel
by dropping a demand for a
Jerusalem burial.
The Israeli Cabinet on
Wednesday approved that plan
and has relayed the decision
to the Palestinians, Israeli and
Palestinian officials said.
from page A1
have been affected by the disease
it affects all'ages Iwata said.
"This event builds awareness
of the issues related to every
ECU'S participation in this
event is another positive commu-
nity partnership that began wvenl
years ago and continues to grow.
Iwata said since ECU began
participating in the event it
blossomed significantly over
the past several years and has
attracted more students and
Volunteerism is a strong posi-
tive aspect of ECU and has more
than 8,000 student volunteers to
help the community.
Andrea Blevins, Panhellenic
treasurer, senior physical activity
and fitness major is a student leader
involved in organizing the event.
She said the money is coming
from each organization who is rais-
ing a certain amount which would
then go toward the Heart Walk.
The funds collected are from
?kmh?is sources within the com-
munity including businesses or
private donors.
"It's just coming from a vari-
ety of sources said Blevins.
Crystal Herring, director of
corporate relations walk, the
Greenville office of the American
Heart Association said it is very
important for people to be aware of
heart disease and stroke and real-
ize just how big a threat they are.
"The goals of the event
are to heighten the awareness
of heart disease and stroke
heart disease is the No. 1 killer of
Americans and eastern North
Carolina would be the belt buckle
of all that said Herring.
"The event is an opportunity
for the community to come
together and raise money for two
of our nation's top three killers.
"I personally think it's a
good event because the money
benefits people who need it. Its
going to a really good cause
Herring said she feels Pitt
County and the surrounding
areas are certainly under rated
and I feel we have the capacity
to achieve the projected mon-
etary goal.
She said funds have been suc-
cessfully gathered from local busi-
nesses and corporate sponsors.
Private donations and additional
wrap around events are differ-
ent smaller events organizations
do within their company to
raise money to achieve the goal.
This writer can be contacted at
iSend us your Rants
Submit, or e-mail !
Lieberman works to establish a
safe and healthy living environ-
ment for off-campus students.
Since the opening of the
office, Lieberman has assisted
more than 80 students with
problems ranging from land-
lord disputes, lease issues
and general tenants' rights.
She said that her job is not to
cause problems for students, but
to be an advocate for them.
"There's a negative percep-
tion of ECU students within the
Greenville community, but only
10 percent are the bad seeds
said Lieberman.
"The students are great.
When they move into the neigh-
borhoods, however, sometimes
landlords and neighbors will
literally pick on them because
they think they're bad
Lieberman said it is her job to
not allow students to be treated
like this.
She said fraternity and soror-
ity houses are often blamed for
parties due to the huge Greek
letters that identify them. The
office has offered assistance to
these organizations several times.
Lieberman said students
seem to be responsive to the pro-
gram and take advantage of the
fact they have someone to talk to.
In January, the Center for
Off-Campus Living is hosting
a Landlord Fair where students
can meet landlords, see the
apartments and then possibly
sign a lease on spot. Another
idea would allow students to
compare rent housing prices via
the Internet.
The overall purpose of the
office is to empower students
to become model citizens of the
university and ECU community
and emphasize personal integ-
rity, positive neighborhood rela-
tions, participative leadership
and ethical decision-making.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page A1
Early Career Award for Scientists
and Engineers, due to his
work with NASA's Global
Precipitation Management
Mission, where he served as
deputy project scientist. He
received the award at the White
House from the president's
chief science advisor John Mar-
Durget:1" '
Ahmed Salahuddin, a coastal
resources management graduate
student, said it has been adver-
tised well around campus, hope-
fully showing it is an important
"Well, I've seen the fliers
all around campus and it is
important for understanding the
atmospheric phenomenon that
needs to be addressed including
rainfall and other factors said
This writer can be contacted at
Pitchers of Draft
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Greenville's Best Pizza Since 1991
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Ask about our
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Page A4
1 Fragrant sack
7 Bosc or Anjou
11 'The Best Years
14 Sometime
15 Intertwine
17 Ustinov
18 Stopped
20 Have supper
21 Tobago's
23 Omelet
24 Polished
25 Hover
28 Fictional Butler
30 Directed
31 Watts of "Le
32 Cardiff's land
34 Singer Emmylou
35 Stood by
38 Puts up a fight
39 Pickpocket's
40 Rolls-
41 Psychologist
42 Tailor's fastener
43 Adjust
47 Trudge along
48 Relief
50 At the moment
51 Unreservedly
53 Word on diet
54 In a manner of
56 Non-clerics
58 Marsh
59 New Jersey five
60 Off-course
61 Earmark
62 Dalmatian detail
63 Landed
1 More forlorn
2 "Anchors"
3 Transform
4 Place on the
5 Slippery tree?
1234581 2289101 19I1213
35'3844? 45? 46
41? 52?"53
? 2004 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All right! reserved.
6 Saw's cutters
7 DesIL
8 Deserved
9 Pungent
10 Marsh grass
11 Into the open
12 Play for a fool
13 Way cool!
19 On the payroll
22 Miffed
24 Virginia and
26 Leave out
27 Wide shot
29 Sunset until
31 Racers'grp.
33 Permit to
34 You there!
35 Fills with
36 Mural site
37 Permitting
38 Popeil company
40 Superlatively
42 Vallarta,
M0N? dlo03nS9O3S
w00?3N1 H s Ho93
44 Beast
45 Powerful
46 Score
48 REM situation
49 Amorous
52 Has title to
53 Vega's
54 Toward the stern
55 Salton or
57 "Chances"
(Mathis hit)
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
-n4e ANClOtt apt
CoctoBe rwe. Fy
a3i5 ?3&fit"
The family Monster by Josh Shatek
You'rt itftYTll kelieve if
"wl jwVen 1 see
NWsfer rt" W? wriinj.
we offev
lie Wi wrtk
sMT runexivteid
?WhiN6 Ttf?T mrrtatb n beauv
mitts m wocbv about the wobu.
i THwr vcxj mtswabb me. i sad, "at,
aowr rwwr that's what vou sahv
open mic night ndv.llth 7-9pm' ?pirate underground

?r 11, 2004

oiv defreseJ
in -pitel wrHi
?. i sr
3 VOUB "T?
Page A
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
Our View
Veteran's Day serves as
a day of remembrance
The United States will observe Veteran's Day
today - a day that is used as a remembrance
for American soldiers since the ending of the
World War I, Nov. 11,1918.
In 1954, congress officially declared Veteran's
Day an official federal holiday to be celebrated
each year on Nov. 11.
This year, we feel this holiday deserves extra
recognition for a few reasons.
First, the United States still has troops that are
overseas and in danger.
According to a count by the Associated Press
on Tuesday, at least 1,145 members of the U.
S. military have died since the beginning of
the Iraq war in March 2003.
Second, ECU rests close to many major
military bases. Soldiers were deployed from
Camp Lejune, Cherry Point, Seymour John-
son, Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base.
Each of these bases still have soldiers
Third, more than 650,000 soldiers lost their
lives defending the safety and honor of this
country, and all Americans have benefited
from their sacrifices.
TEC would like to remind all of you that
Veteran's Day is not simply a federal holiday
that renders a day off from work or school.
Veteran's Day should be used as a day of
remembrance and thanks for the sacrifices
soldiers have made for our freedom and our
We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to
all soldiers. We appreciate and respect all
you do.
Our Staff
Nick Henne
News Editor
Robbie Den-
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Kristin Day
Asst News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Alexander Marclnlak Jenny Hobbs
Web Editor Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" Is the opinion of
the editorial board and Is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
Include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information. One copy of TEC Is free, each additional
copy Is $1.
Opinion Columnist
The wonders of Constitutional rights
What wondrous
games we play
You know what I love: criticism.
Not critique, not suggestion - criticism.
Naturally, 1 would prefer the type with
some constructive content, but blatant
accusation and innuendo are always
fun too.
Every opinion writer, gloriously
unrestrained by the nature of their craft
and reveling daily in the enjoyment of
such a far-reaching pulpit from which
to croon, experiences, at one point or
another, critical reviews of their "liter-
ary" content.
1 think there is something that we
should speak about. The views and
revelations contained herein, for better
or for worse, are the views and revela-
tions of exactly one person: Me. As your
weekly guide through the enchanted
forest of political and social commen-
tary, I consider it both a pleasure and a
responsibility to convey what I feel are
highly relevant issues in the most forth-
right and honest manner possible.
The responsibility part comes into
play as I see the alarming social and
governmental apathy displayed by so
many Americans, and for that matter
all people, particularly people attend-
ing this university. We are the few, the
happy few, who have the privilege and
good fortune to have access to higher
education. Approximately one quar-
ter of the U.S. population is college
educated, and while that number may
seem low, many other countries in the
world still have large percentages of
their population unable to read and
write functionally. College students
should be the loudest, most vocal
advocates for social issues, since very
soon, this generation of intellectuals
will be assuming control of the entire
nation. As the Baby Boomers begin to
retire, they will vacate massive sections
of the workforce, straining the health
care system and buying up every beach
house in Florida. The nation will be in
our hands, and I think it is very impor-
tant for everyone, myself included, to
do everything they can to improve
knowledge and understanding and
stamp out one of the worst scourges on
our society today: Ignorance.
Now, ignorance can be tricky. Very
often, it is unavoidable. Education is
simply not available to an individual;
therefore they lack fundamental under-
standing of many issues that seem so
common to others. This demographic,
which by the way is shrinking by
the year yet seems to be constantly
refreshed by that ugly little phenom-
enon called childhood indoctrination,
seems to me to be highly blameless.
An African peasant in the Sahara
desert who is unable to read or write
cannot, naturally, be held to blame for
that condition, and very well may be
a wonderful, loving and kind human
being. But there seems to be a growing
movement, and it runs to the highest
levels of educated ignorance. Now, call
me judgmental, call me elitist, but an
Individual who knows the richness
of the world and has been exposed to
education yet happily wallows in the
filthy sty of deep-seeded racial or social
inequity has little to offer the rest of
society. By closing ones mind to pos-
sibility, by ruling out the unpleasant
and masking reality under a veil of
absolutism and superstition, we really
close the book on life. Life is learning.
Life is thinking and understanding
more completely. Without these driv-
ers, without the innate human curios-
ity for knowledge and understanding,
the great montage of human existence
would wither and die.
If you do not agree with the views of
another, and choose to adopt a differ-
ent (perhaps less reasonable, but that's
another article altogether) platform,
great. But the lines of discussion should
always remain open. I hold many
unpopular beliefs, and that's OK, but
the idea is to learn as much as possible.
I am certainly willing to reconsider
anything, provided I am shown jusl
cause and that those reconsiderations
would not conflict with the rest of my
Perhaps the next four years can be
spent out from under the suffocating
blanket of religious extremism, both
in this country (unfortunately, at our
highest levels of government) and
abroad. Perhaps we can inject a little
thought and feeling into our govern-
ment. We need to abandon the arro-
gance of the Bush administration and
re-embrace knowledge.
There is a saying that says, "Who-
ever dies with the most toys, wins
(this credo seems to have become the
driving force behind our society). I say
whoever dies with the most toys, still
dies, but he who departs this world with
as much understanding and knowledge
as he is able to cram into his brain, dies
a far more glorious death, for that man
has truly experienced life.
In My Opinion
Decision 2004 goes far beyond simplicity
(KRT) ? A favorite mid-Novem-
ber pastime for politicians and the
press is to bash the losing presidential
candidate and come up with a simple
explanation for the motivations of 120
million voters, preferably in 25 words
or less.
This year's rap on Sen. John F. Kerry
is that he looked like an elitist wind-
surfing, threw a wimpy first pitch and
looked goofier in his goose-hunting
gear than Elmer Fudd, not to mention
that his wife wasn't likable and he
responded too slowly to the swift-boat
veterans' attacks. Howard Dean liber-
als thought he was too wishy-washy
on the war, and moderates thought he
was too liberal.
Meanwhile, this year's simple
story line for the election result is that
conservatives concerned about moral
values voted in record numbers, tipping
the election to President Bush.
Both deconstructions have some
truth to them, but both are too sim-
Kerry had his shortcomings. His
nuanced views on the war in Iraq
seemed contradictory. He didn't
give the voters a clear enough picture
of what he would do as president,
and voters weren't attracted to shades
of gray. To the majority of voters,
Bush seemed the stronger of the
two. He was more likable (the beer-
buddy factor) and had a simpler, more
consistent message about fighting ter-
Despite all of the ink that Demo-
cratic voter registration drives received,
Republican volunteers were quietly
outhustling the Democrats in key
battlegrounds like central Florida.
Religious conservatives were instru-
mental in these grassroots GOP efforts.
And in the decisive state of Ohio,
the amendment banning gay mar-
riage may have brought out enough
religious conservatives to counter the
increased interest among young voters
for Kerry.
But political operatives as percep-
tive as Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove,
say the decisiveness of this moral values
vote has been exaggerated.
While the total number of voters
was at a historic high, there is no
evidence that evangelical Christians
turned out in substantially larger num-
bers than in 2000.
What mattered, then? A significant
shift toward Bush among Hispanics
and women helped Bush's margin of
victory. Kerry still won both groups,
but Bush picked up 12 percent more
Hispanic votes than four years ago
and 5 percent more women's votes,
according to exit polls. The votes of
married white women - security moms,
as they've been called - nearly closed
the gender gap.
At the same time, Bush was adding
about 4 percent to his margin among
white Protestants and picking up even
bigger increases among Catholic and
Jewish voters.
Another big shift came among
voters age 60 and older - fearful of
terror? hopeful about prescription
drug benefits? - who voted against
Bush four years ago but supported
him this year. There was a smaller but
significant defection of church-going
blacks, particularly in Ohio, Florida
and Pennsylvania.
The election results also can be
seen as vindication of some of Bush's
policies. Older voters stand to benefit
from the Medicare prescription drug
benefit. Some Jewish voters reacted
favorably to Bush's pro-Israel stance,
and Catholics and Hispanics approved
his "pro-life" agenda. Women shifted
to the candidate who seemed stronger
on terrorism. Those who got the biggest
benefits from his tax cuts also increased
their support.
The challenge for the Republicans
is not to mythologize the 2004 election
as the triumph of those with moral
values over those who have none. The
fastest way for Bush to surrender his
mandate would be to push the agenda
of the religious right at the expense of
reaching across the aisle.
Pirate Rants
For the love of God, can my
adviser please have a clue about
what classes are required, what
things I should know before grad-
uating and where I need to go to
get forms for certain things?
Anyone who thinks that the
Electoral College is the worst
thing about this country is obvi-
ously uneducated. The Electoral
College assures that politicians
must campaign everywhere and
represent everyone's vote. If
there was no Electoral College,
politicians could focus their
strength entirely on "big" states
like California and Texas, earning
a large majority of votes there and
winning the election. Without
the Electoral College politicians
could carry 95 percent of Texas,
California, New York, Florida,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Indiana, New Jersey
and Illinois and win the election,
while losing the other 40 states by
90 percent.
I'm tired of hearing people
say that the Constitution states
that there should be a separation
of Church and State. That is not
true. Nowhere in the Constitu-
.tion does it say that they should
be separate. The First Amend-
ment says, "Congress shall make
no law respecting an establish- .
ment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof A
politician stating his religious
beliefs and voting along those
lines is not established religion
no matter how you slice it.
Smokers - contrary to what
you may think, the world is not
your ashtray. Put your butts and
cigarette boxes in the trash. Your
existence is the only litter 1 am
required to tolerate.
1 second the notion of being
excited about ECU basketball. I
sure can't wait to drool over Mike
Cook. That will keep me going to
every game!
John Kerry - all you could do
is criticize. You had no game plan
for anything. You're just another
person that detests this country.
The moral majority has spoken,
and denounced you. Just move to
Canada, please.
This is referring back to Tues-
day's "Rant Left-wing liberals,
we DO want our children to
think and make their own deci-
sions, just like we did when we
re-elected President Bush. Our
children will not be having
back alley abortions because we
haven't outlawed abortions (Roe
v. Wade, look it up), but we are
against dilation and extractions
(partial birth abortions, look
that up too). Britney Spears isn't
a political issue, but many liber-
als wouldn't like their children
dressing like her either. And as
for the re-runs from "Real Sex 39"
teaching our kids sex-ed, I think
they got enough of that from the
Clinton Administration.
I would like for whoever
said Bin Laden was the invisible
boogeyman, to tell the families
in New York that the "invisible
boogeyman" killed their loved
It's still a sad day in America.
I'm sorry to those of you who
have medical bills through the
roof and will have to pay out of
pocket. I apologize to college stu-
dents who will graduate in debt.
I apologize to my homosexual
friends who can't marry who
they choose. I apologize to those
who get pregnant because of rape
or incest and can't get an abor-
tion. Wait until you or someone
you know has been affected by
these decisions, then ask yourself
if you made the right decision.
As for the "Today we salute
you Mr. John Kerry Voter how
lame could that be? Yay, its so
awesome that Bush isn't afraid of
a football. If that's all you people
look for in a president then you're
a moron.
Hey, Tony: I voted for Bush,
too. But if you think about it
(if you think), they both rot.
Waste of a vote this quadren-
nial. The election's over and no
one won. Talk about something
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editortiPtheeastcarolinian.
com. The editor reserves the right
to edit opinions for content and

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Page A7
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Seeking Christian non-smoker
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Fully furnished, all appliances,
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backyard, your own bedroom. 7
min. from ECU, $300month
12 ut. phone. Call Laura @ 321 -
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For Rent- 2 Bedroom 1 bath
brick duplex, central air,
Stancill Drive. Walking distance
to ECU. J540month. Pets
OK wfee. Call 353-2717.
112 E. 9th Street- 3 BDRM, 1 bath
house, 1 block from SACCampus,
central heatingair, washerdryer
included, available immediately.
Call Jeff @ 252-327-4433.
4084th Street- 3 BDRM, 12 block
from downtown, 1500 SF, central
heatingair fully remodeled,
washerdryer included. Call Jeff at
252-327-4433, new windows low
utilities, available immediately.
Cotanche Street, Cypress
Gardens and Park Village. 1 &2
bedroom apartments. Located
near ECU. Watersewerbasic
cable included with some units.
Short term leases available. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Wesley Common North- 1 St
2 bedroom. Stove, refrigerator
and watersewer included. Pet
allowed with fee. Short-term
lease available. Close to ECU. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
1 & 2 bedroom apartments,
walking distance to campus, WD
conn pets OK no weight limit,
free water and sewer. Call today for
security deposit special- 758-1921.
One, Two, three and four
bedroom houses, duplexes,
and apartments. All within four
blocks of campus. Pet friendly!
Reasonable rates, short leases
available. Call 830-9502.
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
College Town Row- 2 bedroom,
1 bath Duplex. Close to ECU. Pet
allowed with fee. Stove, refrigerator
and washerdryer connections.
Short-term lease available. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Cannon Court & Cedar Court- 2
bedroom, 1 12 bath townhouse.
Stove, refrigerator and dishwasher.
Located on the ECU bus stop. Basic
cable included with some units.
Short term leases available. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
EastgateWoodcliff-1 & 2 bedroom
apartments. Stove, refrigerator
and watersewer included.
Short term leases available. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Ceorgetowne Apartments. Pre-
lease now for spring semester.
Located downtown across
from the ECU Student Rec.
Center. Spacious 2 BR, 1 12
bath townhouses. Remodeled
kitchen and bathrooms.
$675. Call 757-0079 and ask
about our pre-lease specials.
Beech Street Villas- 3 bedrooms
and 2 bath apartment. Stove,
refrigerator, dishwasher and
washerdryer connections.
Cat allowed with fee. Water
sewer included. Short term
leases available. For more
information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Walk to campus, 3 bdrm,
1.5 bath, 116B N. Meade St.
Hardwood floors, ceiling fans,
all kitchen appl. included,
washerdryer, attic space and
shed. Nice size frontback yard.
J600.00month. Call 341-4608.
Spacious 3 bedroom townhouse
full basement, enclosed
patio, WD hook-up, ECU
bus route, no pets. 752-7738,
7:30-4:30 available January.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015-1 St 2
BR apts, dishwasher, CD, central
air St heat, pool, ECU bus line, high
speed internet available, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, Si cable.
Rent Special- Gladiolus St Jasmine
1 St 2 bedrooms. Lease ends
June 30, 2005. Close to ECU.
Pet allowed with fee. For more
information call Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
101 S. Woodlawn- 3 BDRM, 1 bath
house, 3 blocks from campus,
central heatingair, washerdryer
included, available immediately.
Call Jeff at 252-327-4433.
For rent University Area Wyndam
Court 3 bedrooms 2 baths.
Call Renee Carter 347-2602.
5 Bedroom for rent two blocks
from campus one block from
City Market $1075.00 per month.
Call 355-1895 leave message.
Roommate Wanted
Room for Rent in RiverPointe Apts.
available mid-Dec. First month of
rent free $415 a month all inclusive
(utilities, cable, internet) No
deposit. Contact Suzanne @ 412-
4559 or
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11pm. Free beginner lessons
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Students $4.00, Public $5.00.
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Wednesday, January 12,4:00 - 5:00 pm, Whichard Building, Room 207
Applications are due Wednesday, January 19 by 5:00 pm.

Page B1 252.328.6366 ROBBIE DERR Features Editor CAROLYN SCANDurm Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
Students are reminded to take
extra care when using ATM
machines at this time of year.
Due to day-llght-savlngs-tlme,
it Is getting dark outside earlier
which opens the window for theft
and assault earlier In the day.
With the holidays approaching,
people are becoming tighter on
money and their will to steal is
becoming stronger. Try to travel
in groups, during the day and at
night, as much as possible. Stay
away from dimly lit areas and use
common sense.
The Greenville Veteran's Day
Celebration is Thursday, Nov. 11
at 11 a.m. in the Greenville Town
Commons. This celebration will
be honoring our past and present
veterans of the U. S. Military.
Please take some time to reflect
on what Veteran's Day really
means. For more information
about the event, call 758-2788.
Jazz Night will be In the
Mendenhall Student Center on
Friday, Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. This
event, hosted by the ECU School
of Music will feature exciting and
talented jazz artists. For more
information, call 328-6851.
The Contra Dance, sponsored by
the Folk Arts Society of Greenville
and the ECU Folk & Country
Dancers, will be Saturday, Nov.
13 at 8 p.m. This event will feature
great live music of bluegrass,
swing, old and popular tunes
that will help you dance the night
away. The event will be held at
the Willis Building on the comer
of First and Reade Streets in
Greenville. For more information,
call 752-7350.
Healthy Hints:
Correction: The student health
center does give allergy shots to
students, but does not do allergy
- The way you care for your skin
now will Influence the way it looks
when you are 40. This fact is the
same for men and women: No one
wants to look like they are 50 at age
35. Following a few simple steps
will help to keep skin its healthiest:
- Again, for the millionth time, drink
plenty of water. This will keep the
skin cells big, helping to decrease
fine wrinkles and flush out toxins.
- Protect yourself against dry skin
when the air Is not humid enough.
With winter rapidly approaching,
the air will be dryer and so will your
skin. Use a moisturizer to keep
your skin looking bright. Men's
aftershave can be purchased with
moisturizers and sunscreen just
like women's products. No more
excuses guys.
- Use lukewarm water to wash
your face and body. Hot water
can cause skin to lose moisture
and can cause redness of the skin
which may not only be painful but
also unsightly.
- Avoid any face or body washes
that burn or Irritate your skin. Most
people think that If the product
Is burning, it is working. For the
most part, this is wrong. Some
products can be causing more
harm than good.
Weekly Recipe:
A different kind of
Pumpkin Pie
1 12 pints vanilla ice cream,
3 eggs
1 34 cups pumpkin puree
34 cup white sugar
12 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
14 teaspoon ground ginger
14 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 (9 inch) unbaked pie shells
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F
(220 degrees C.) Place ice cream
near the warm oven to soften. In
a large bowl, whisk together the
Stir in the pumpkin puree, sugar,
salt, cinnamon, ginger and
Mix In soft Ice cream until smooth.
Pour filling Into two 9 Inch pie
Bake for 15 minutes in the
preheated oven.
Reduce temperature to 350
degree F (175 degrees C), and
bake an additional 30 to 40
minutes, or until filling is set
TEC relationship guide 101
Boyfriend, girlfriend relationship advice Surviving
Are these relationships
meant to last?
Let's just face the facts, col-
lege students do not come to
school with intentions of run-
ning into serious relationships.
College life is a different atmo-
sphere and students go to college
to meet new people and experi-
ence new things. Some students
already have significant others at
home or nearby. Either attending
parties or going downtown, it is
not unusual for someone to meet
someone else, being the reason
why some relationships don't
last. Some use it as a break period
to have fun, but overall most col-
lege students almost always avoid
getting too serious for the fear of
commitment. If college was not
enough, rushing into things too
quickly and balancing educa-
tion can become overwhelming.
Those involved in a relationship
choose to have closed or open
relationships while they are away.
The question is, "how do they
keep that relationship going?"
People say long distant rela-
tionships don't last, others say
that spending time away from
someone makes the relationship
stronger. Being involved in a long
distance relationship of my own
was hard to initially get used to,
but eventually the week passes
quicker than expected and we
are able to see each other on
the weekends. I would consider
myself luckier than some with
boyfriends or girlfriends thou-
sands of miles away. Dealing with
these types of relationships, com-
munication is a "must" in keep-
ing that bond as long as possible.
There are those who attend school
with their significant other and
have the privilege of gracing their
presence almost everyday of the
week. They also have the luxury
of motivating and helping each
other throughout the school year.
On the other end, those who are
far away from their boyfriends or
girlfriends are able to have time
Many students come to college
to themselves. They are able to
get a lot more done when they are
not too distracted. Strong rela-
tionships can help when people
are not too worried about finding
love. College can either make or
break a relationship, only if you
allow it to.
When dealing with hectic
schedules and stress issues,
having an unhealthy relation-
ship puts the icing on the cake.
We all want to be happy, espe-
cially in a very serious relation-
ship, so when everything else
fails you are able to turn to your
loved one and they are there
to support you. That is what
having a healthy relationship is
all about. It is always crucially
important to maintain a healthy
boyfriendgirlfriend relationship
especially in college if you plan
to be involved.
"I think it is important
with significant others, but do
because it is a foundation for
future commitment, it opens you
up to knowing that they can be
dependable said Natalie Wood,
freshman communication major.
Although, maintaining a
healthy relationship is not easy,
we are all human, all the bicker-
ing is normal to a certain extent
and in the end, you are willing
to forgive and forget. People are
not expected to have a perfect
relationship, only one that is
healthy enough to keep both out
of the crazy house.
"It is important to me because
it keeps me focused on school
and everything else without any
worries says Latonya Medlin,
freshman criminal justice major.
A healthy relationship pre-
vents one from cheating or chal-
lenging trust issues and it also
prevents young adults from things
such as suicide and depression.
College friendships last for
lifetime with these simple steps
Tips to being a good
friend to other people
College is the melting pot of
life; it signifies the closing of one
era and the beginning of a new
one. With all the people that
attend a university it is hard to
think that you can be friends
with so many people - but you
can. By keeping a close, inner
circle of friends and a dependable
outsource of other friendly faces
and acquaintances, the possibili-
ties of connecting with people on
a multitude of levels is endless.
Entering college as a fresh-
man, without a single friend by
your side, can be a bit intimi-
dating, but with these few tips,
making friends will be easier
than you ever imagined.
Some people are shy and
others more outgoing, but no
matter your personality, by using
some of these simple gestures you
will attract people to you and
open the door to new friendships.
Make eye contact and smile.
It sounds simple, but you may
have to do it a few times before
someone catches on.
When having a conversa-
tion with someone, start with
something common such as, the
weather, sports or news. This way
you will be able to feel out the
other person's likes or dislikes
and you can take your conversa-
tion from there.
When in a social setting,
single out a person from a group.
It is often hard to get a word in
when there are lots of people
involved in a conversation. Make
a friendly approach and act
relaxed even though you may
be nervous. Listen to someone
and show an interest. By asking
questions you prolong your con-
versation and it allows you to dig
further into the acquaintances
Ralph Waldo Emerson, a
famous American author, poet
and philosopher from the mid-
Friendships play a major role in
19th Century once said, "con-
versation is an art in which a
man has all mankind for his
competitors, for it is that which
all are practicing every day while
they live
When you see the person
again you can pick up where you
left off in the conversation, this
will ensure that you will have
something to talk about again
and again. It will be easier to
make small talk the next time
you see them.
Most friendships start from
small gestures and random meet-
ings. If you are new to a dorm or
apartment, go borrow something
from a neighbor, even if you don't
really need it. This is a great way
to meet people and strike up a
"When 1 lived in the dorms,
I went to borrow some dish soap
from the girl living next to me.
Now, two years later we are best
friends and live together off
campus said Heather Schmitt,
junior exercise physiology major.
Another great way to meet
people is to get involved on
campus. Find out what kind of
clubs, churches, part time jobs or
volunteer work you are interested
in. By involving yourself in some-
thing that interests you, you are
likely to meet other people who
students' success at school.
share similar beliefs.
Intimate friendships don't
develop overnight. Let things
progress gradually into sharing
more feelings about general life.
Singling out a person to have
a strong relationship over your
other friends Is healthy. Having
this best friend can provide a
release area when life becomes
too much to bear.
Make sure you don't become
too involved with a best friend
thus alienating your other
friends. All friendships, from
best friends to acquaintances, are
"The only way to have a friend
is to be a friend said Emerson.
There is total truth behind
this. One cannot expect to have
a healthy friendship when they
themselves don't provide the
same respect to their friends.
Check out to
find out what organizations
and activities are right for you
to explore. Or visit the Center
for Counseling and Student
Development in the Wright
Building. These resources
will lead you on the path to
great new friendships that will
last forever.
This writer can be contacted at
they end up leaving with them?
Advantages in having healthy
relationships are rewarding.
"It is having someone to talk
to about everything, I am able to
go and talk to that person about
the decisions that I make, and
I have the advantage of having
someone support me and my
decisions Medlin said.
"Having the security gives me
self confidence, love assurance,
security and being able to trust
that person Wood said.
Life is much easier without
confrontation, constantly dis-
agreeing with one another and
always finding yourself involved
in a stressful position, and it
often times leaves one with a
loss of energy and sometimes
patience. Trust issues are brought
into attention and a lot of ten-
sion occurs when there is a large
At work,
are important
Employee relationships
play an important role
in different job markets
Professional or friendly,
comfortable or unpleasant, sat-
isfying or frustrating, relax-
ing or stressful. That's right,
you know what we're talking
about co-worker relationships.
The relationships you have
with your coworkers can make or
break you in a job. Whether it is the
relationship you have with your
boss or the ones with those you
work side by side with, if they're
not healthy ones, you probably
can't enjoy your job to the fullest.
Many people work at a job
day in and day out, enjoying the
company of their coworkers.
They spend their extra time
chatting with them and finding
out what has been going on in
their lives. They may even spend
lunch-breaks together or hang
out on the weekends. On the
other hand, many dread the fact
that they have to go in to work
and see the same faces everyday.
They may not have anything to
say to their boss or coworkers or
feel that they have nothing in
common with them. Even worse,
they may fear going in the job
and having the supervisor stand
over their shoulder, making sure
everything is done exactly the
way they want it, with no free-
dom in the workplace at all.
"I think coworker relation-
ships impact your job a lot said
Laura Thompson, sophomore
elementary education major.
"If the environment you are
a part of and work at is one you
enjoy going to, you're obviously
going to enjoy working better.
It's important for all coworkers to
get along or at least have respect
towards each other in order for
everyone to best serve the cus-
see WORK page B3
Are they friends or
are they foes?
It's mid-semester and students
have learned ECU'S campus,
learned their professors and most
of all have had time to learna thing
or two about their roommate.
"I decided to room with a
friend from high school because
I felt comfortable around her, and
knew that we would get along
said freshman Michelle Yopp.
It always seems like a good
idea to room with a friend, but
it can also turn into a very nasty
situation. When you live with
people who you have been friends
with for a while, you begin to
realize their "little habits Some
of which you can get over, but
others that drive you crazy.
"So far we have had a few
arguments, but we just yell at
each other to let out our stress
and then get over it Yopp said.
Taylor Uzzell and Katie Bland
were friends for four years and
decided to be roommates. So far
they are both happy with their
"I'm happy that I'm living
with someone that I previously
knew said freshman Katie
"I didn't want to take a pot-
luck chance and get someone
that I didn't like said freshman
Emily Dnistran, who has known
her roommate for five years.
When you don't know some-
one that you are living with, it's
really hard to relax and be ydurself,
especially if you are a shy person.
While these students are
happy that they are rooming
with their friends, other entered
ECU without knowing anyone,
therefore rooming with a com-
plete stranger. And some had
friends at ECU, but chose to room
with people they didn't know.
"People who know each other
and live together end up hating
each other and I wanted to con-
tinue liking my friends said
freshman Brittany Meadows,
who has many friends attending
ECU, but chose to meet someone
Taking that risk of rooming
with a stranger is scary. Some stu-
dents chose to live with someone
they didn't know simply because
they wanted a new experience.
"I wanted to meet new people
and not go through college only
knowing the same people from
high school said freshman
Jessalyn Santiago, who is happy
with her potluck roommate
Andrea Stahl.
"Jessalyn is my best friend at
ECU Stahl said.
They are both happy with
their decision to room with
strangers, and have made an ever-
lasting friendship. This seems
like a rare situation when you ask
some ECU students.
It's really difficult living with
a person who doesn't respect the
other persons' personal belong-
ings, or doesn't respect the other
person in general. It's essential to
live with someone who you some-
what trust, and get along with.
Potluck is risky, and for most
people it just doesn't work out. But
some people love the challenge of
getting to' know someone new.
"I'm an only child, and I
was really looking forward to
having a roommate said Aja
After the first month her
roommate just didn't sleep in the
room any longer. She would stay
with friends off campus, leaving
Aja alone. I'm sure most students
would love to have a room-
mate who never showed up, but
Campbell was looking forward to
having a "sister-like" relationship
with her roommate.
Whether you like your room-
mate or have serious issues with
them remember that the semes-
ter is almost over and you can
change rooms next semester.
The overall roommate Situation
this year seems to be at its best
whether students are living with
a friend, or a stranger. Preference
is really up to the individual.
This writer can be contacted at

Relating with relatives is not always easy
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Getting along with family members might not always be easy, but it's something everyone should try to do.
Family relationships
take both time, effort
There is nothing better than
going home for the holidays and
seeing the people that truly love
you the most, your family. This
Thanksgiving, many will travel
countless hours just to stay for
a mere weekend. Though many
will get home and find them-
selves quickly heading back to
Greenville, the most important
part is that they made it home and
only for a short time got to see the
people that they cherish the most.
This is the time of year when
most can look back and reflect on
both the year and how thankful
they are for the many blessings
that have been received. Person-
ally, when I think about all the
things that 1 am thankful for, 1
think first and foremost about
my family. I think about the
sacrifices they have made just
to send me to college, the large
amounts of money that they have
given to keep me fed, warm and
safe, and how they have provided
emotional support through any
major trials or tribulations that I
may have gone through.
There are many different
types of families. Some are really
big and some are really small, yet,
no matter where you go or what
you do, you will always have
some type o: family. This being
friends from school or work that
you are constantly with that sup-
port, love and care about you very
much. As a student I can truly
admit that if it weren't for my
ECU family and my work family,
I would not be able to make it
through each week.
Family relationships play
a vital role into the well-being
of human beings. In an online
article by Michelle Gottlieb,
healthy family relationships are
described to have "healthy com-
munication, respect, love and
liking one another Gottlieb is a
marital and family therapist from
California that specializes in
trauma and depression issues.
"Families shape the qual-
ity of our lives said an article
"Emotional links among
family members stretch across
households and decades, influ-
encing our outlooks on life, moti-
vations, strategies for achieve-
ment and styles for coping with
adversity. Family relations are the
earliest and most enduring social
relationships. As a result, family
life experiences deeply affect the
competence, resilience and well-
being of each of us
The article goes on to describe
that most people think that all
family relationships are positive,
yet for many more the relation-
ship is negative. Some people
have had many bad experiences
with sexual or verbal abuse from
a family member, which gives
them a very negative outlook.
Everyone has their own per-
sonal experiences with some
type of family. No matter if the
experience has been good or bad,
somehow there are always going
to be those special someone's
there to help you through.
Overall, family relationships,
including your college family,
work family, church family or
next of kin are a vital part of your
everyday life. Without their pres-
ence and influence you would
not have been molded into the
person you are today.
This writer can be contacted at
Relationship from page B1
amount of jealousy which is the
reason why trust has to be a prior-
ity if you want your relationship
to go far. Having no trust in the
relationship usually opens up as a
sign of an unhealthy relationship.
Compromise keeps a relationship
going and you should not feel
like the person who is giving
and never receiving anything in
return. Someone who is in love
should not always feel depressed
because of the other person.
Being a person who is con-
stantly verbally or physically
abused is not a great feeling
especially from the person they
are suppose to love. The one who
is doing the abusing is not doing
any justice but showing appar-
ent signs of weakness and no
one should have to tolerate such
treatment. A lot of times, victims
of abuse are open to insecurity
and sr clal issues. Being involved
in a relationship sometimes
can give one the fear of leaving
that person. Conflicts with one
another can cause a big collapse
In the relationship. If you are
stuck in that type of relationship,
it is best to either seek counseling
or move on. No one deserves to
be stuck in an unhappy relation-
ship. There is always plenty of
fish in the sea if your relationship
is not going anywhere.
This writer can be contacted at
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A positive work environment Is key
The way you interact and
communicate with those you
work with is an important aspect
of job satisfaction. For exam-
ple, a survey conducted at The
University of Tennessee in June
2004, found that 68 percent of
the employees surveyed at the
university said they thought it
was a good place to work, but
for good co-worker relations,
it could be better, mostly by
improving relationships between
employees and supervisors.
With all the college students
working in Greenville, it's not
hard to find a coworker that you
have something in common with
or who you enjoy talking to.
There's a good chance that
you may have had a class with at
least one person at the job or that
you know someone, who knows
someone, who knows them.
Although it seems inevitable that
you find someone you get along
with, there also seems to always
be that person that you just don't
get along with.
"I know I don't want to work
with someone I can't stand to be
around Thompson said.
So, what about romantic or
physical relationships with those
you work with?
? Are they acceptable? Are they
strictly forbidden? Does it make
the workplace more stressful?
These are all things that should
be considered. Some people
think these relationships are OK.
"I think co-worker relation-
ships are fine, but I don't want to
see it at work said Amy Combes,
junior biology major.
On the other hand, some
"Co-worker relationships
should not occur because if some-
thing were to happen it could
make the work place uncomfort-
able and then you probably can't
do the work that you could if you
were in a better environment
said Sean Hampton, junior exer-
cise physiology major.
There are considerable advan-
tages to positive coworker rela-
tionships, though not necessarily
referring to romantic ones.
Not only will the job be more
satisfying for you, but you will
also be more satisfying at the job.
You are more likely to be fun
to work with and to do your job
well. This could help you move
up in the business or perhaps
get a raise.
The disadvantages of
negative relationships with
coworkers include unenthusias-
tic attitudes, boredom, frustra-
tion and overall discontent at
the workplace and perhaps even
the job in general. You are more
likely to quit a job where you
don't enjoy those who surround
you or the atmosphere that you
are surrounded by.
"I believe that co-worker
relationships are some of the
most important you can form
in your life said Diane Lareau,
senior communication major.
"Not only are coworkers the
people you interact with daily,
but they have the ability to help
you grow, learn and inspire
So, if you're having problems
on the job with coworkers, don't
give up. Those relationships
could turn out to be some of the
most influential ones in your life.
This writer can be contacted at
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Page B4 252.328.6366 TONY Z0PP0 Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY November 11, 2004
Pirates travel to USF
ECU hits road to face
inconsistent Bulls
With the season drawing to
a close, the Pirates are search-
ing for something positive to
characterize Head Coach John
Thompson's second year at the
helm. ECU has been ravaged by
injuries, but looks to finish strong
against Conference USA oppo-
nents South Florida and Memphis
before hooking up with NC State
on Nov. 27.
The Pirates will take to the
gridiron on the road this Satur-
day, where they have struggled
mightily. ECU is coining off a 34-
24 defeat at the hands of Hous-
ton while the Bulls are hoping
to build more momentum after
routing UAB 45-20.
i M vs. UAB Recap
South Florida exploded with
four touchdowns in the fourth
quarter to upset the Blazers 45-
20 last week. USF running back
Andre Hall rushed for 275 yards
on 29 carries, including two
touchdown runs of 35 and 63
yards in the final quarter. The
Bulls improved to 3-5 overall
with the victory and UAB fell to
5-3 on the season.
Hall's school record perfor-
mance enabled USF to overcome
a 10-point deficit la the third
quarter. Quarterback Pat Julmiste
sparked the comeback with a 77-
yard touchdown pass to receiver
johnny Peyton. Julmiste com-
ECU to host NCAA
ECU wants to banish memories of their loss against USF last year with a win this weekend.
pleted 7-of-15 passes for 186 yards
and two scores.
The Bulls entered the game
ranked last in total offense in
C-USA, but racked up 535 yards
against the Blazers and also broke
a three-game losing streak in the
offensive onslaught.
Last Meeting
ECU and South Florida partic-
ipated in an epic battle on Nov. 8,
2003 at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
The Pirates forced overtime with
21 seconds remaining in regula-
tion when fullback Vonta Leach
plunged into the end zone from
a yard out.
Both squads traded field
goals in the first overtime period
and USF put the pressure on the
Pirates when Elgin Hicks hauled
in his third touchdown reception
of the game in double overtime.
ECU responded as Leach scored
again, this time from three yards
out. But Cameron Broadwell's
extra point attempt was partially
blocked, giving the Bulls a 38-37
Leach and Marvin Townes
both rushed for more than 100
see FOOTBALL page B7
Meet to be held at Lake
Kristi, starts at 11am
On Saturday, Nov. 13, ECU
will once again play host to
the NCAA Division I Southeast
Regional Cross Country Cham-
pionships. This annual event is
the stepping-stone for competi-
tors to reach the NCAA National
Championships, to be held in
Terre Haute, Ind. on Nov. 22.
Men's and women's individual
and team qualifiers will compete
from more than 40 colleges and
universities across North Caro-
lina, South Carolina, Kentucky,
and Virginia.
"ECU is very excited to have
the NCAA Regional back in
Greenville this year said meet
co-administrator Michael Weller.
"We've had a very positive
response from coaches and ath-
letes on how much they enjoy
competing here
This is the third straight
year ECU has hosted the event,
which will be run at Overton's
Lake Kristi Properties, east of
Greenville. In each of the pre-
vious two years, the women's
national champion has come
from the Southeast Regional.
"This is a great opportunity
for us to showcase ECU and the
City of Greenville Weller said.
"I'm proud of all the effort
that's gone into our hosting
an event of this size at such a
remarkable venue. I encourage
anyone who is interested in cross
country to come out and watch
the event
The women's six-kilometer
race will kick off the day at 11
a.m with the men running a 10-
kilometer race at 12:15 p.m. No
admission or parking fees will be
charged at this year's event.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
For directions and more meet
Information, visit or
Lady Pirates to end season in Greenville
ECU volleyball looks to
rebound this weekend
After coming off their tough-
est weekend of the season with
losses to Louisville and Cincin-
nati, the ECU Volleyball team
will be looking to get back on
track this weekend when they
face DePaul and Marquette.
The games will close out
the regular season for the Lady
Pirates, who have earned the
final spot in the Conference USA
tournament on Nov. 19.
ECU assistant coach Ryan
Manning stressed the importance
in preparing for the upcoming
games after suffering two losses.
and get focused said Manning.
"This will allow us to regain
confidence in our skills
DePaul comes into Greenville
at 12-16 (5-6). Senior Janet Gore-
ham leads the Lady Blue Demons
with 372 kills, averaging 3.58 a
game. Junior Mandy Moorberg is
not far behind Goreham, posting
369 kills. As a team DePaul has a
hitting percentage of .201.
Marquette 18-6 (8-3) will
prove to be one of ECU's more
challenging opponents this
season. The Lady Golden Eagles
are ranked fourth in the C-USA
c, um i fyrai i pzrj rs ECU wiH finish tneir season against DePaul and Marquette. MacKenzie will look to lead ECU once again at Lake Kristi.
Week Nine: TEC predictions
? if ?
BRANDON HUGHES 52-28 Texas A&M over Texas TechTONY ZOPPO 46-34 Texas A&MBRENT WYNNE 40-40 Texas A&MTRENT WYNNE 45-3S Texas A&MERIC GILMORE 40-40 Texas A&MROBERT LEONARD 56-24 Texas A&MDAVID WASKIEWICZ 54-26 Texas A&MMATT SAUNDERS 48-32 Texas A&MMATTHEW FOSTER 52-28 Texas Tech
West Virginia over BostonBoston CollegeWest VirginiaWest VirginiaWest VirginiaWest VirginiaWest VirginiaWest VirginiaWest Virginia
Auburn over GeorgiaAuburnAuburnAuburnAuburnAuburnAuburnAuburnAuburn
Miami over VirginiaVirginiaVirginiaMiamiMiamiMiamiVirginiaVirginiaMiami
South Florida over ECUSouth FloridaSouth FloridaECUECUECUSouth FloridaSouth FloridaECU
Ravens over JetsRavensJetsRavensRavensJetsJetsRavensRavens
Jaguars over LionsJaguarsJaguarsJaguarsJaguarsJaguarsJaguarsJaguarsLions
Seahawks over RamsSeahawksRamsRamsSeahawksSeahawksSeahawksSeahawksRams
Redskins over BengalsBengalsBengalsBengalsBengalsBengalsBengalsRedskinsBengals
Panthers over 49ersPanthers49ers49ersPanthersPanthersPanthers49ersPanthers
?Not featured in this installment: Brand! Renfro (45-35)
Leonard still leading
With an impressive 8-2 mark
last week, Robert Leonard has
widened his lead to two games
over David Waskiewicz. Most
of the staff remains in striking
distance but will need to make a
move quickly as the college foot-
ball season is drawing to a close.
ECU travels to South Florida this
week and the panel is split on
the outcome. There are a host
of tough games once again, but
I'm predicting a perfect week by
someone on the staff.
Texas Tech
vs. Texas A&M
I think this game could be
the toughest pick this week. Both
squads come into this Lone Star
state match-up ranked but who
knows if they will both show up.
Texas Tech has scored 70 points
twice this season and Texas A&M
has been known to pull off the
upset. I'm going with Texas A&M
in a 30-22 win.
Boston College
vs. West Virginia
The staff heavily favors the
Mountaineers this week but the
game will be closer than most
people think. Boston College
is quietly having an impressive
season as evidenced by its No.
20 national ranking, but I think
West Virginia pulls out a 27-24
victory at home.
Georgia vs. Auburn
Easily the premier battle in
the SEC and in the country, the
Bulldogs travel to Auburn to face
the undefeated Tigers. Auburn is
sitting at No. 3 and it would be
a shame if the Tigers couldn't
play for a national championship
ahead of USC or Oklahoma after
an unbeaten season in the tough-
est conference in the nation. I
think Auburn keeps the hunt for
the championship alive this week
with a 20-17 win, but look for one
of those three unbeaten teams to
falter down the stretch.
Miami vs. Virginia
Everyone said Miami and
Virginia Tech would dominate
the ACC after the addition of
the football powerhouses in
the off-season. Nothing could
be further from the truth as
the Hurricanes have lost two
straight. The Cavaliers have the
potential to come out with a win,
especially at home. But there is
no way possible a team with as
much talent as Miami, despite
its shortcomings at quarterback,
can lose three straight conference
games. Hurricanes win convinc-
ingly 35-17.
ECU vs. South Florida
The Pirates have followed a
nightmare 2003 season with a
more competitive, but still unsuc-
cessful 2004 campaign. Things
could be different if ECU would
learn to play consistent football
on the road, but it hasn't hap-
pened. The inury plagued Pirates
travel to USF on Saturday and
I'm predicting a game similar to
the Houston outcome. The Bulls
win 34-20.
Ravens vs. Jets
The Jets were a lock to win
this game before Chad Penning-
ton went down with an injury.
For the first time this season,
Kyle Boiler will be the best quar-
terback on the field. But it's the
Ravens defense that will stifle
backup Quincy Carter, which
shouldn't be a difficult task. Bal-
timore wins 17-10.
Lions vs. Jaguars
ECU alumnus David Garrard
makes his first NFL start against
Detroit and look for him to play
well. The Jaguars defense will
win the game and running back
Fred Taylor will be solid as always.
Garrard should complete 14-of-
22 passes for 170 yards with a
touchdown and run for another.
An impressive outing will lead to
a 23-13 Jags victory.
Seahawks vs. Rams
This match-up is another
tough pick in the NFL ranks.
I would like to go with St. Louis,
but Head Coach Mike Martz
still hasn't learned that
giving Marshall Faulk the ball
more than 20 times a game
equates to a win. I say fire Martz
after Seattle quarterback Matt
Hasselback finally plays like
a MVP candidate and Seattle
wins 30-24.
Bengals vs. Redskins
How frustrating it is for Red-
skins fans for Washington to
have the best defense in the NFL
with absolutely no passing game.
It's time for a change and that is
benching Mark Brunell in favor
of Patrick Ramsey. That's proba-
bly not going to happen this week
and Washington hasn't scored
20 points in a game this season.
But I still trust in Joe Gibbs to get
things turned around and I'm
envisioning a 19-14 Redskins win.
Panthers vs. 49ers
As always the staff predicts
one of the worst match-ups of
the week and this one is as bad as
it gets. There Is no hope in sight
for either team but I'm predicting
Carolina to win its second game
of the season 20-12.
This writer can be contacted at
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Clarett allegations hold no water thus far
(KRT) ? Where's the proof?
That's the question hang-
ing over the charges made by
Maurice Clarett in an ESPN The
Magazine story about cars, cushy
jobs, money from boosters and
other NCAA infractions.
There is not a single piece of
paper pointing to any of it.
Did Clarett receive money
and favors from boosters?
What do you think happens
at places like Ohio State and
other schools where football is
big business and fans treat play-
ers like kings?
Would OSU coach Jim Tressel
andor his staff be stupid enough
to authorize any of it?
Hard to believe, at least
until someone produces some
real evidence.
Is Clarett a viable witness?
Does he have a history of telling
the truth, or one of changing
his story?
Most fans know the answer
to that.
One player backing Clarett is
former Buckeye Marco Cooper,
who told ESPN he received the
same favors. But Cooper was sus-
pended from the team after two
drug arrests. Other players said
they had landscaping summer
jobs like Clarett, but they worked
for their money.
Clarett is living in victim-
hood. Unhappy because his
plans to challenge the NFL's
rules about turning pro failed.
Unhappy about having to sit
out TWO years before entering
the 2005 NFL Draft. Unhappy
because his value in the eyes of
scouts keeps dropping.
He blames OSU for his plight,
claiming the Buckeyes ran
him off.
But if you are the OSU coach
or athletic director and Clarett
just led your team to the national
title, what sense does it make
to push the guy out the door
- unless you had no choice?
Clarett said that to remain
on the team, Tressel said he
had to work out at 6 a.m. and
maintain a 3.5 grade-point aver-
age. Clarett said he wasn't a
morning person. He said the
tutors would no longer help.
He said a teacher banned him
from class.
If Clarett had simply shown
up for his classes and made a
decent effort at school, there
would have been no academic
problems. But school was not
much of a priority. Early in
his freshman year, Clarett
first said he was considering
going pro after his first season.
That also was in an ESPN The
Magazine story.
There is no reason to doubt
ESPN's reporting in that initial
story or this one. Clarett said
these things; they have it on
tape. But is it true, or just an
angry young man lashing out?
The NCAA just finished
an investigation of OSU and
Clarett. According to OSU ath-
letic director Andy Geiger, the
school was not guilty of any
violations, adding the NCAA
examined the summer jobs and
The one iffy area was Tressel
pointing Clarett and his mother
to a dealership to buy a car.
Geiger said this was OK with the
NCAA, because there were no
special favors, adding Clarett had
at least one car repossessed.
Maybe everything is legal,
but it doesn't seem wise for a
coach or anyone from an athletic
department to recommend a
player to a car dealership.
The ESPN story also dis-
cussed how OSU athletes take
meaningless courses that don't
Clarett has said that Tressel and the OSU coaching staff
provided the former Buckeye with monetary benefits.
count when the player trans-
fers to another school. This a
real problem not just at OSU,
but at too many other major
schools as well. Too often, play-
ers are pushed into classes just to
stay eligible.
In the final years of coach
John Cooper, the OSU program
was an embarrassment with
the Big Ten's lowest graduation
rate. Geiger said 23 players were
on the verge of being ineligible
when Cooper was fired and
replaced by Tressel.
The athletic director said the
graduation rate has risen from
16 percent to 50 percent under
Tressel. The football team also
has been near the top in Big
Ten academic honors the last
two years.
As for Clarett's charges of
corruption, OSU has to be con-
sidered innocent until someone
truly proves otherwise.
from page B4
!lhe most dangerou
animals in Ihe lurest
don I live there
standings and are currently on
a three-game winning streak.
Junior Theresa Coughlin leads
the team in kills with 324. Over-
all, the team has scored 1,339
kills, averaging more than 16 a
game. Defensively, senior Erin
Freer leads the team with 333
digs and is averaging four per
game. The team has a hitting
percentage of .214.
Coming off of two straight
losses, ECU will need to
step it up this weekend in
hopes of carrying momentum
into the C-USA tournament.
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Juniors Erica Wilson and Paige
I lowell continue to lead the Lady
Pirates in kills, with a combined
total of 511. Sophomore Heidi
Krug will continue to add to
her 1,054 assists this weekend.
Overall, ECU is hitting .186 as
a team.
This weekend's games will
give the Lady Pirates practice
heading into the C-USA tourna-
ment. With two wins, ECU could
also gain a better seed in the tour-
nament. Both DePaul and Mar-
quette are participating in the
tournament, so there is a chance
ECU will face these teams again.
ECU's final home games of
the season begin this Friday at
7 p.m. against DePaul. Play will
then resume Saturday at 7 p.m.
against Marquette. Both games
will be held at Williams Arena
in Minges Coliseum.
"It is a good thing to be at
home Manning said.
"Home court advantage is
always a plus. We look forward
to being back
This writer can be contacted at
sports?theeastcarolinian. com.
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Clemens toying with retirement
again, wins seventh Cy Young
Clemens "retired" once already, but will he do it again after winning yet another Cy Young?
(KRT) ? Roger Clemens has
waited a half-dozen years now for
sometelltalesign that histimeisup.
He's waited for his fastball
to shorten up, for his legs or his
back or his shoulder to lock up,
for batters to start creeping up in
the box against him and just the
opposite has happened.
At 42, Clemens is as good
as he's ever been, coming off a
season that compares favorably
with his best ever: A seventh
Cy Young award, more wins
and a lower ERA for the third
year running, a 10-1 run over
the second half of the season
to secure a wild-card spot for
Houston, followed by two wins
in the playoffs.
Perfect time for Clemens to
retire? Sure. But so was the last
time. Odds Clemens won't be back?
"It's 99.9 he said. "I'll leave
it right there
Clemens was quick to point
out that's exactly what he said
last year, before unretiring 78
days later. Michael Jordan said the
exact same thing after his second
retirement, came back and must
have regretted it. Muhammad Ali
didn't dabble in percentages, but
maybe he should have. He might
have left before It was too late.
Nothing that drastic awaits Cle-
mens if he does return, and that's
the guess here. His skills clearly
haven't declined the way Jordan's
did and besides, baseball is a gentler
racket than the court or the ring.
Advances in conditioning
have enabled a handful of the
game's best players to keep push-
ing the envelope into their fifth
decade, Barry Bonds is 40 and
Randy Johnson, who finished
second in the Cy Young ballot-
ing, is 41. And Clemens' work
ethic is the envy of not just every-
body in the Astros' clubhouse,
but all of baseball.
Yet that kind of longevity
comes with a stiff price tag.
"Obviously, committing to
pitching again and getting my
body ready to be a power pitcher.
That's a short answer, but that
entails a lot said Clemens, who's
currently touring Japan with a
major league all-star team.
And though the Astros
allowed him to be as much of a
stay-at-home dad as the schedule
allowed, Clemens said he wanted
to be around when his oldest son
left home for college or the June
amateur draft, as well as catch
more of his two other sons' base-
ball and football games.
"Last Clemens added,
"everyone who knows me knows
my mother has emphysema, and
even though she's a very strong
lady, strong-willed, I worry about
her health. The next step for me is
the Hall of Fame, and that's five
years after I finish playing. And if I
continue playing, I prolong that
On the other hand, he's also
likely to file for free agency by
Thursday's deadline. He also
wouldn't give a direct answer
when asked whether the Astros
were the only team he would con-
sider pitching for. And remem-
ber: when Clemens came back
last January, he said it was only
because he had the chance to play
in his hometown of Houston.
And then there's that little
matter of his less-than-satisfying
exit from Game 7 of the National
League championship series. For
the first five innings of a cool Octo-
ber night in St. Louis, Clemens
looked like his old untouchable self.
Then he challenged Albert Pujols
and Scott Rolen with fastballs and
got burned. He left the mound and
see CLEMENS page B7
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from page B4
The Pirates' offensive line will have to give James Pinkney better protection Saturday.
yards in the game as the Pirates
led USF in every ofiensive cat-
egory, including a 22-11 advan-
tage in first downs and a 362-243
advantage in total offensive
Players to Watch
South Florida has struggled
to move the football for most of
the season, particularly through
the air. The Bulls are averaging
just below 150 yards passing per
contest. Julmiste had a solid per-
formance against the Blazers but
has battled issues with accuracy,
completing just 43.7 percent of
his attempts this season for 873
yards. His best outing this season
came in a 45-44 overtime win
against TCU where he completed
22-of-33 passes for 324 yards. But
the signal-caller was a combined
5-for-30 for 90 yards in losses to
South Carolina and Louisville
and tossed four interceptions in
a 27-20 defeat at the hands of
Southern Miss.
Running back Andre Hall is
the playmaker for the Bulls and has
taken the pressure off of Julmiste.
The junior has rushed for 822
yards this season with nine touch-
downs and is second on the team
with 12 receptions. Hall is averag-
ing 6.4 yards per carry and 117.4
yards per game. Clenton Crossley
should also get 10-15 carries for
the run-oriented USF offense.
Crossley has carried the ball 70
times for 318 yards this season.
The Pirates secondary will
face a tough task covering the
Bulls' receivers on Saturday,
even with a less than dangerous
opposing quarterback. USF has
completed passes to 12 different
receivers with S.J. Green leading
the team with 14 receptions.
Freshman Johnny Peyton is a
legitimate home run threat,
averaging 25.5 per reception.
Heading the defensive unit
for USF are co-captains Lee
Roy Selmon and Javan Camon.
Selmon, a senior, was selected
to the Preseason All-Confer-
ence USA team as a defensive
tackle and brings leadership to
an experienced defensive line.
Selmon is the team's leading
returning tackier from 2003 with
63 stops. Fellow senior Javan
Camon will lead the secondary
for USF. Camon is a hard-hitting
free safety who took over for the
departed J.R. Reed. Reed left the
Bulls as the school's all-time
leader in interceptions, setting
a single season record in three
consecutive seasons. Camon
leads the team with 68 tackles
this season but has yet to come
up with a pick. USF has forced
seven turnovers in eight games,
but only two are interceptions.
Keys to the Game
South Florida holds a
2-0 series advantage over the
Pirates and ECU will need to
play inspired football for sixty
minutes in order to win its
first road game of the season.
The Pirates defense has forced
six turnovers in the last two
games and should have plenty of
opportunities for interceptions
against shaky USF quarterback
Pat Julmiste.
ECU is the 11th least
penalized team in the country,
but had an uncharacteristic
outing last week against Hous-
ton. The Pirates were whistled
for 10 penalties for 96 yards,
including a long touchdown
run by Chris Johnson that was
nullified. ECU'S discipline should
be back on track on Saturday.
The Pirates took another huge
hit when leading receiver Bobby
Good was lost for the season with
a leg injury against the Cougars.
ECU has been forced to empty
the bench after Demarcus Fox,
Edwin Rios and Iverick Harris
were all either suspended or quit
earlier in the season. Stepping
in to start will be Brian Howard
and Kevin Roach. Howard had
a solid outing last week and
Roach, more of a possession
receiver, won't hesitate to go
over the middle in traffic. Will
Bland, who caught a touchdown
pass against Houston, will also
see plenty of action. Freshman
punt returner and cornerback
Travis Williams could make his
debut on offense. The Pirates
are 14th in the country in punt
returns and Williams' speed will
be a welcoming addition to the
receiving corps.
This writer can be contacted at
Be heard!
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from page 66
the Astros never got the lead back.
Of course, even a perfect
ending doesn't always seal the deal.
Otherwise, Jordan would
have left after the game-win-
ning shot in Utah and Ali after
"The Thrilla in Manila Sandy
Koufax and Jim Brown always
get credited with walking away
from their sports at the peak of
their powers, but Koufax' pitch-
ing arm was about to fall off
and Brown left because he could
make more money in Hollywood
than the NFL at the time.
Clemens is as clear-eyed a
professional as there's ever been.
He knows there's plenty more
innings in his arm and nowhere
he can make more money or bask
in half as much adulation.
He said years ago the only
reason he was leaving Boston
was for a shot at the World Series,
then took a detour through
Toronto. He finally got the ring
in New York, then left there
thanking everybody in sight
and threatening to boycott his
own Hall of Fame induction
ceremony unless he could stroll
in wearing a Yankees cap.
So while there's no reason to
doubt Clemens' sincerity about
wanting to spend more time
around the house, it's also worth
noting he's always reserved his
greatest loyalty for his own cause.
That telltale sign Clem-
ens has been waiting for isn't
coming, and probably won't
for another season or two.
ll could be a Staining Broblem.
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East Carolina University
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The East Carolinian, November 11, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 11, 2004
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