The East Carolinian, October 7, 2004

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r 6,2004
I 328-6366.
INSIDE: Be sure to check out
TEC's Homecoming tab for
information on all the events
happening this weekend.
Volume 80 Number 17
Who are you voting
for and why?
October 7, 2004
Young voters favor Kerry, find Bush more likable
"Bush, he'll make
his decisions based on
his Christian faith. Bush
comes off more as a family
man a good ole boy
"Kerry, because of the
war thing and the econ-
omy went down. Bush set
the economy back 10 years.
Also because he has John
Jobs, economy top
factors influencing
According to a release issued
by the Center of Information
and Research on Civic Learning
and Engagement on Sept. 21,
Americans in the 18-29 year old
age group favor Senator Kerry but
find President Bush more likeable.
Thirty-five percent of this age
group cited jobs and economy
as the top concerns influencing
their vote. This issue exceeds the
foreign issues such as the war in
Iraq and terrorism to these voters.
Carrie Donovan, youth direc-
tor at CIRCLE, said she thinks the
likeability of the candidates are
difficult to measure because of
the way things have been shifting
within the polls and the close-
ness of the election.
"I think young people will
vote more on issues rather than
likeability said Donovan.
She said in the polls con-
ducted, young people said issues
would be the top determining
factor influencing their vote,
and the fact that more said they
would support Kerry's policies
but like Bush more reinforces
policies are the main determin-
ing factor.
"They're still willing to vote
for someone who they don't
like personally, so they must be
basing it on issues Donovan
Donovan said presidents
running for re-election have the
advantage in elections, especially
with events like the war taking
Donovan said it is important
for students to cast their vote.
"The more students turn out
the greater impact it will have
Donovan said.
Carmine Scavo, associate
Bicycle theft on the rise
"Kerry, becuase I don't
like the war situation. I don't
believe we should have gone
to war. Also, because people
are tired of the war and being
lied to
Grant to
Programs organized to
educate students
The American College Health
Association recently awarded a
$4,000 grant to ECU to increase
the education and awareness of
HIV and Aids.
Hope McPhatter, teaching
graduate assistant in the depart-
ment of health and human per-
formance and TYwanna Jeffries,
assistant director of wellness
education received the grant.
The grant, entitled "Building
Healthy Campus Communities
is being used to educate students
about HIV and AIDS. McPhatter
and Jeffries said they received the
grant because of their innovative
and creative HIVAIDS events
that affect large numbers of stu-
dents. They said they applied for
the grant because they feel ECU
students do not understand the
seriousness of the disease, which is
increasing among college students,
and they want to remind college
students the disease is important.
The grant they received will
be used to plan and implement
two events per semester to edu-
cate students on the disease.
The first program will take
place Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. in Hen-
drix Theater. The program is
called "Confessions which will
consist of true stories of people
with the virus acted out by ECU
students. McPhatter and Jeffries
are working with Iota Phi Beta
fraternity. A raffle will also be
hosted on the night of the pro-
gram. The winner of the raffle
will receive a book by J.L. Kings
called Men on the Downlow.
The next event, entitled HIV
Aids Prevention Gala, is being
held in the spring semester. This
Increase in ECU student bicycle larceny a common result of students improperly securing
bicycles or using improper locks.
Securing, registering
bicycles prevent theft
An increased number of
student bicycles have been
reported stolen from campus
this year due primarily to bicycles
which are not properly secured.
Janel Drake, ECU police offi-
cer, said bicycle larceny has been
up this year with approximately
2S-28 reported stolen from
campus since early September.
"Last year, the number of
stolen bikes was much lower and
I don't know why they bicycle
thieves are hitting us harder this
year said Drake.
Drake said the main reason
for the recent incidents of theft
has been bicycles not being prop-
erly secured. Drake said U-bolt
bicycle locks are the most secure
type of lock if used properly.
"If you have the U-bolt lock,
you need to lock it to the frame
of the bicycle. A lot of people just
lock it around the tire, but most
bikes today have quick release,
so they bicycle thieves can take
the bike and leave the tires on the
rack Drake said.
"Other people have
cable locks and do secure
them around the frame of the
bike, but these locks can be cut
with cable cutters
KJ Barreiro, senior
economics major and employee
of the Bicycle Post bicycle shop in
Greenville agreed the hard steel
U-locks are the best measure to
prevent bicycle theft and these
locks are worth the additional
The U-locks gener-
ally start around $31, which
is slightly pricier than a reg-
ular cable lock, but you
get a lot more security out of it
Barreiro said. While U-locks are
generally superior, it is a good
idea to have both.
"I would suggest using a
cable lock with it to go through
the wheels because a lot of
people on campus have their
wheels stolen off the front of the
bike Barreiro said.
Running the cable through
the wheels and the U-lock should
give the bike the most security.
It is a requirement for
ECU students to register their
bikes with ECU. Drake said
registering bicycles with the ECU
police enhances the probability
of the bicycle being found and
returned to the owner if stolen.
Registration of bicycles
gives ECU police a record
of the serial number, model
and description of the bike
ensuring stolen bikes are returned
to the proper owner if located.
"It is university policy to
register bikes parked on campus
but it is very difficult to enforce
Drake said.
Students can either go to
the ECU Police Station or ECU
Parking and Transit office to
register their bicycles. Registering
a bicycle provides the ECU police
with the serial number, color,
make, type of frame and the
student's address is needed. This
information is also needed when
reporting a bicycle stolen, along
with the location and time when
the bicycle was last seen.
Matt Waymack, senior
construction management major,
said he feels his bike is safe during
the daytime, but would not park
his bike on campus at night
because of the reduced light-
ing and reduced campus patrol.
Waymack said he normally uses
both a U-Lock and cable when
locking his bicycle on campus.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Social Security reform on debate agenda
see HIV page A4
Privatizing social
security under question
Privatizing Social Secu-
rity and allowing workers to
invest part of their earnings
into mutual funds for use after
retirement, will be an issue
considered in the upcoming
presidential election.
According to ontheissues.
org Web site, privatizing Social
Security is the approach President
Bush wants to take in an attempt
to remedy the system, while Sena-
tor Kerry does not want to priva-
tize or cut Social Security benefits.
"We will always keep
the promise of Social Secu-
rity for our older workers.
We must strengthen Social Secu-
rity by allowing younger workers
to save some of their taxes in a
personal account, a nest egg you
can call your own, and govern-
ment can never take away said
Bush on Sept. 2 in his Republican
Convention acceptance speech.
Kerry has a different opin-
ion on what is best for America
regarding the issue.
"You don't value families
by denying real prescription
drug coverage to seniors, so big
drug companies can get another
windfall. As'president, I will not
privatize Social Security. 1 will not
cut benefits said Kerry on July
29, in his acceptance speech at the
Democratic National Convention.
Nancy Spalding, asso-
ciate professor of politi-
cal science, said the biggest
problem with the Social Security
program is the ratio of workers
paying taxes into the program
compared to the number of
recipients receiving ben-
efits. This number has
gone from 30:1 early on,
to 3:1 now. Spalding favors
the idea of allowing people to
invest a portion of their paycheck
into the stock market.
"Even with the bursting
of the tech bubble, the 1989 market
crash, even the 1929 market crash, the
stock market has done better in any
given ten year period in this
last century. People would be
fairly well assured a good
return, but in addition to a good
return, they would own it
said Spa Id i n g .
Jonathan Morris, assis-
tant professor of political sci-
ence, is more skeptical of the
privatization method. He
suggests raising the age
required to receive benefits,
protecting the trust fund and
not diverting money from
see REFORM page A4
professor and director of the
MPA program in the department
of political science at ECU said
it has always been difficult to
predict the voting patterns of
young people. While it Is not
uncommon for someone to say
they like a candidate, but support
opposing candidate based on
policy issues, likeability is usu-
ally a good indicator as to who
the person will end up voting for.
Scavo said determining fac-
tors influencing young voter's
decisions may include who their
parents voted for, what they hear
in classes, what their peers are
saying, research done and media
"The votes of young people
are very hard to predict said
The first time 18 year olds
were given the right to vote was in
1972. The government predicted
there would be 12 million new
18-21 year old voters but by the
end of the election, there were
only 9 million voters. �
Scavo said the two questions
are whether or not young people
are going to vote, and who are
they going to vote for. While this
study indicated a large number
of young people are going to
vote, that is not necessarily the
see KERRY page A2
Sports degree receives
national accreditation
Recognition opens
doors for department
The ECU graduate degree
in sports management received
national recognition, making
greater opportunities available
to students.
While several colleges in
North Carolina have received
this recognition at the under-
graduate level, ECU is the
first school to receive it for
the graduate program.
Stacey Altman, assistant pro-
fessor and degree director for
sports management, said this is
an important step in the right
direction for the program.
"Hopefully, we'll recruit a
higher caliber of students, give us
a little bit more visibility across the
state and the region said Altman.
"I'd also like to see it enable
us to reach across campus to
various departments
Altman said the sports man-
agement program is one that
educates people in the marketing
aspect of sports in the school
setting. Their faculty interests
and curriculum have shifted to
the professional and community
perspective to better prepare stu-
dents for their futures.
Peter Farrell, chairman of the
exercise and sport science depart-
ment, said the accreditation will
benefit the program.
"It really is an important thing
for the department, certainly an
area I see growing in terms of
student interest said Farrell.
The governing body that
makes final decisions regard-
ing national approval, Sport
Management Program Review
Council, approves the under-
graduate, masters and doc-
toral levels for the United
States and Canada. Those
who graduate from approved
programs may buy a certificate
stating their graduation from
a nationally recognized pro-
gram, which would look good
on resumes.
Despite recognition of other
schools on the undergraduate
level, Altman said he hopes
ECU's recognition will make
students more marketable in the
area. She said numerous other
departments here at ECU have
been very cooperative in get-
ting the curriculum together to
provide students with the most
opportunities possible.
"We're preparing people for
interscholastic and intercolle-
giate athletic administration and
professional sport management
as well Altman said.
Amanda Duffy, sports
management major and
graduate student, feels the accred-
itation will draw more attention
to the program.
"I think it's going to bring
more opportunities. I think it's
going to bring more recogni-
tion to the program and to ECU
itself said Duffy.
Duffy said the program has
grown in the past few years and
it is on its way to being one of the
top programs in the nation.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU political parties
offer voter registration
The ECU College Democrat and Republican parties are
holding voter registration drives in the Wright Plaza Thursday
and Friday of this week. Friday is the final day anyone is
eligible to register to vote.
INSIDE I News:A2 I Comics: A5 I Opinion: A6 I Living: A7 I Sports: Bl

Page A2 news@theeastcarolinian. com 252. 328. 6366 NICK HENNE News Editor KATIE KOKINDA-BALDWIN Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY October 7, 2004
Campus News
Candidates' Forum
A forum Is taking place tonight
featuring various United States
congressional and North
Carolina Senate candidates. The
candidates will speak and answer
questions presented to them.
The event is taking place tonight
at 7:30 at ECU'S Willis Building
located on the comer of First and
Reade streets.
Student Union film i
Hendrix Theatre in Mendenhall
Student Center will be showing
the following movies free with
an ECU ID.
Oct. 7 - 10 Baadassss
The Notebook
(No screenings on Wednesday,
Oct. 16 and Friday, Oct. 8 at
Oct. 7 - 8 Psycho Beach Party
(Homecoming '04)
ECU Homecoming '04
Mark your calendars and catch
the wave from Oct. 4 - 9.
Scuba diving at Mlnges
Wednesday, Oct. 13 will be the
final opportunity for students to
dive at the Coliseum pool. Diving
will take place in both the diving
well and the lap pool. Tt.e events
are open to all ECU students
and participants must sign up
three days in advance. Contact
Jason Wright if Interested at
Senior choreography
Oct. 9 - 10, the senior dance
majors bring their choreography
to life through different styles
Including tap, jazz, modem and
ballet. For ticket information
contact 328-6829.
Adult commuter student
Coffee, juice and continental
breakfast foods will be served
several times a semester at
various locations throughout
the campus as a way to let
students know they matter. The
first Good Morning Commuter
breakfast will be in the lower level
of Mendenhall on Oct 7 from 8
am - 11:30 a.m. Contact 328-
6881 for more Information.
ECU Homecoming
Pirate pep rally and Cookout
On The Hill on Oct. 7 from 4:30
p.m. - 9 p.m. Join us at College
Hill for a "spirited" ECU afternoon
featuring live entertainment,
food and fun. At 6:30 p.m. meet
coach Thompson and our ECU
cheerleaders, dance team and
pep band. ECU meal plan will be
honored. Those not on meal plan
can purchase a dinner ticket for
$7 at the Central Ticket Office In
Mendenhall Student Center.
Come and enjoy a fun day of
special events featuring sand art
and pirate treasure giveaways on
the MSC Brickyard Oct. 8 from 4
p.m. - 8 p.m.
October Is Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
ECU Readers' Theater
The Medical Readers' Theater of
the Brody School of Medicine at
ECU will present its rendition of
the novella, The Death of Ivan
llych, Oct. 10 and 19. The Oct. 10
performance will begin at '0:30
am at the Unitarian Universalist
Congregation, 131 Oakmont
The Oct. 19 performance will
begin at 7 p.m. at Arendell Parrott
Academy. 1901 Dobbs Farm Road,
Kinston. For more Information
contact 744-2797.
Salsa Dance
The Folk Arts Society of Greenville
and ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are holding dance
lessons at the Willis Building at
7:30 p.m. The dance will begin at
8 p.m. Contact 752-7350
Gospel Concert
A 'Haven On Earth Tribute Gospel
Concert is taking place on Oct.
15 at the Hendrix Theater at 7:30
Walk to cure diabetes
The Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation Is holding a 5-
kilometer walk at the County
Fairgrounds at 10 am. Participants
will be treated to lunch and a
t-shirt design contest. Contact
News Briefs
Bun votes against FDA regulation
of tobacco In buyout bill
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - Rep. Richard
Burr, the Republican candidate for
Senate in North Carolina, voted
Tuesday against a provision in a
proposed tobacco-quota buyout
that would have allowed the FDA
to regulate tobacco products and
paid farmers billions of dollars more
for their holdings.
Burr, a negotiator on a conference
committee trying to resolve differences
in the House and Senate versions of
a corporate tax bill that includes the
buyout, had said he was willing to
compromise on regulation by the
Food and Drug Administration to get
a buyout. He said he didn't believe
FDA regulation was necessary for the
proposal to survive.
Elimination of the provision is
expected to make passage of the
bill more difficult since some senators
have suggested they might mount a
filibuster to block its passage.
A Burr aide declined to comment on
the vote Tuesday.
"As long as this conference is still
open, we're not really discussing
anything aide Chris Joyner said.
"Once we wrap this thing up, we'll be
happy to talk to you
The Senate version of the buyout
offered farmers $12 billion for their
tobacco allotments, the amount of
tobacco they're allowed to grow
under a Depression-era federal price
support system that sets quotas
based on buyers' intentions and the
amount of tobacco in reserve.
The House has passed a $9.6
billion buyout bill that doesn't Include
FDA regulation.
The Senate plan would be paid
for by an assessment on cigarette
companies. The House approach
would pay farmers with taxpayer money.
Cheney and Edwards square off
CLEVELAND (AP) - Vice President
Dick Cheney accused the Democratic
presidential ticket Tuesday night of
turning against the Iraq war for political
gain. "We need a fresh start" countered
Sen. John Edwards in campaign
debate, accusing the administration
of mismanaging the conflict.
In a clash at close quarters, the
Democratic vice presidential
candidate accused Cheney of "not
being straight" with the public about a
war that has claimed more than 1,000
American lives. He said casualties are
rising monthly and the United States
is bearing 90 percent of the cost of
the conflict as well as suffering 90
percent of the dead and wounded.
Cheney challenged that, saying
the Iraqi security forces had taken
nearly half of the casualties. "For you
to demean their sacrifice Is beyond
the pale he said to Edwards, seated
practically at his elbow.
The vice president also criticized
Democratic presidential candidate
John Kerry for taking "the wrong
side" on defense issues over the past
flAree decades.
Tm saying specifically that I don't
believe he has the qualities we need
in a commander in chief he said.
The two men debated exactly four
weeks before Election Day in a race
for the White House that has drawn
closer in recent days. The debate
format encouraged give-and-take,
and neither the Bush administration's
powerful second-in-command nor
Kerry's running mate from North
Carolina shrunk from the task in their
only encounter.
US. flu vaccine supply
halved; voluntary rationing urged
WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health
officials are urging doctors to restrict
flu shots to those patients at highest
risk from influenza, an appeal for
voluntary rationing after the nation's
vaccine supply was abruptly cut in half.
British regulators unexpectedly shut
down a major flu-shot supplier
Tuesday, citing manufacturing
problems at the Chiron Corp. factory
In England where roughly 46 million
doses destined for the United States
had been made.
That means only about 54 million flu
shots will be available this year from
a competing firm and the government
decided Tuesday that most healthy
adults should delay or skip them to
leave enough vaccine for the elderly
and other high-risk patients.
Vaccine should be reserved for
babies and toddlers ages
6-23 months, people 65 or older,
anyone with a chronic condition
such as heart or lung disease,
pregnant women, nursing home
residents, children on aspirin therapy,
health care workers who care for
high-risk groups and anyone who
cares for or lives with babies younger
than 6 months.
For everyone else, "Take a deep
breath. This Is not an emergency
said Dr. Julie Gerberdlng, head of the
federal Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention In Atlanta. "We don't
want people to rush out and look for
a vaccine today
The government has urged voluntary
rationing before, during a shortage
in 2000. This year, however, will mark
a record shortage just before flu
season begins.
Final U.S. Inspection report
expected to undercut key
Bush rationale for war
WASHINGTON (AP) - The final report
of the chief U.S. arms inspector for Iraq
was expected to undercut a principal
Bush administration rationale for
removing Saddam Hussein, that
Saddam's Iraqi government had
weapons of mass destruction.
In drafts, weapons hunter Charles
Duelfer concluded Saddam's Iraq
had no stockpiles of the banned
weapons but said he found signs
of Idle programs that Saddam could
have revived once international
attention waned.
Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey
Group, was providing his findings
Wednesday to the Senate Armed
Services Committee. His team has
compiled a 1,500-page report; it Is
unclear how much will be made public.
Duelfer's predecessor, David Kay, who
quit last December, also found no
E-Enronassistant treasurer
pleads guilty to conspiracy
' Former Enron Treasurer Ben Glisan Jr. arrives in custody at the
federal courthouse to testify in trial of to ex-Enron workers.
HOUSTON (AP) � A former
assistant treasurer at toppled
energy giant Enron pleaded
guilty to conspiracy Tuesday
for his role in making Enron's
financial picture appear rosier
than it really was.
Timothy DeSpain, 39, admit-
ted lying to or keeping pertinent
financial information from credit
rating agencies so Enron could
maintain an investment ranking
critical to its ability to borrow
money and support its volatile
trading operation. He agreed to
cooperate with the government
in ongoing Enron investigations.
DeSpain told U.S. District
Judge Ewing Werlein he was
directed by treasurers who were
his bosses, Jeffrey McMahon in
1999 and early 2000 and then
Ben Glisan Jr. through November
2001, not to discuss the extent
, �,�MM i
of some shady financing, and he
He told the judge a 1999 deal
in which Enron wrongly counted
a sale of treasury securities as
cash flow was known to the chief
accounting officer, who at that
time was Richard Causey.
Glisan pleaded guilty
to conspiracy a year ago
and is serving a five-year
sentence. Causey has pleaded
innocent to more than 30 counts
of fraud, conspiracy, money
laundering and insider trading
and is awaiting trial. McMa-
hon has not been charged.
The government said DeSpain,
the ISth person to plead guilty in
the Enron investigation, was in
charge of keeping Enron in touch
with credit rating agencies.
In exchange for DeSpain's
cooperation, he will not be
charged with crimes he may
have committed with Enron or
his subsequent employer, Halli-
burton, the agreement said.
He no longer works for
Halliburton, and the coopera-
tion agreement doesn't refer to
any wrongdoing there. Com-
pany spokeswoman Wendy Hall
would not say when DeSpain
worked at Halliburton, only that
he no longer works there and his
case has nothing to do with the
energy services conglomerate.
DeSpain, �.�ho worked
at Enron from 1998 to 2002,
could receive up to five years in
prison and up to a $250,000 fine
on the single count of conspir-
acy to commit securities fraud.
His sentencing was sched-
uled for Feb. 18 but is likely to
be postponed.
According to DeSpain's state-
ment, he helped hide the true
nature of a year-end 1999 deal in
which Enron allegedly wrongly
reported $500 million raised
from a sale of treasury securities
as cash flow from operations. At
the time, Enron was seeking, and
eventually got, an upgrade in its
credit rating.
Also, DeSpain said he par-
ticipated in so-called "prepay"
schemes, in which loans from
banks were treated as income or
cash flow for upfront payment for
later delivery of commodities.
"Enron's obligations under
the 'prepay' transactions grew
to approximately $5 billion
DeSpain said in the statement.
DeSpain answered to
three treasurers during his
tenure at Enron: McMahon,
Glisan and Raymond Bowen.
When the judge asked who
directed him not to tell credit
rating agencies about the shady
prepays, he identified McMahon
and Glisan, but not Bowen.
Bowen resigned Friday as
Enron's treasurer and chief finan-
cial officer. He has not been
charged with any crimes.
Glisan replaced McMahon
in March 2000 and is a key
witness in the ongoing fraud
and conspiracy trial in Houston
of four former Merrill Lynch &
Co. executives ind two former
midlevel Enron executives.
That trial centers on an
alleged sham sale of three elec-
tricity-producing barges to Mer-
rill Lynch at the end of 1999 to
help Enron appear to have met
earnings targets.
evidence of weapons stockpiles.
White House spokesman Scott
McClellan said Tuesday the
report will conclude "that Saddam
Hussein had the intent and the
capability, that he was pursuing
an aggressive strategy to bring
down the sanctions, the international
sanctions, imposed by the United
Nations through illegal financing
procurement schemes
Sharon adviser says Israel's plan
meant to freeze statehood
JERUSALEM (AP) - The real objective
of Ariel Sharon's offer to withdraw
from the Gaza Strip and parts of the
West Bank is to freeze Palestinian
statehood indefinitely, with U.S.
blessing, the prime minister's point
man with the Bush administration
acknowledged In an Interview
published Wednesday.
The adviser, Dov Weisglass, also said
Israel is avoiding negotiations with
the Palestinians because it does not
want to be forced into concessions
on issues such as the future of
Jerusalem and the fate of millions of
Palestinian refugees.
The unusually frank comments,
published in the Haaretz daily,
contradicted the Israeli government's
assurances that it remains committed
to the U.Sbacked "road map" and its
vision of Palestinian statehood, and
that Israelis ready to resume peace
negotiations once there is a change
In Palestinian leadership.
Last month, Sharon said
in an Interview that Israel is no
longer following the road map.
However, his adviser's comments
were the most detailed so far on
Sharon's Intentions.
Weisglass said Sharon's plan of
"unilateral disengagement" from the
Palestinians, to be carried out next
year, is meant to prevent a resumption
of negotiations. "It (the plan) supplies
the amount of formaldehyde that
is necessary so there will not be a
political process with the Palestinians
he told Haaretz.
Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb
Erekat said "it's very obvious (Sharon's)
plan was designed to undermine the
road map
Iranian nuclear official says Iran
has produced gas that Is a step
toward nuclear enrichment
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran has produced
"a few tons' of the gas needed
to enrich uranium, a top nuclear
official said Wednesday, confirming
the country has defied International
demands and taken a necessary
step toward producing nuclear fuel
or nuclear weapons.
Uranium hexafluoride gas Is the
material that, in the next stage, is
fed into centrifuges used to enrich
uranium. Uranium enriched to a low
level Is used to produce nuclear fuel
to generate electricity and enriched
further can be used to manufacture
atomic bomb.
Iran said last month that It has
started converting about 40 tons
of raw uranium being mined for
enrichment, plans the international
community specifically said It found
alarming. Iran maintains its Intentions
are peaceful energy purposes.
"We have converted part of the raw
uranium we had and produced a
few tons of uranium hexafluoride
gas Hossein Mqusavlan,
Iran's chief delegate to the international
Atomic Energy Agency told The
Associated Press in an interview. He
would not specify how much.
A few tons of raw uranium would
produce nearly the same amount of
hexafluoride gas.
"We are not in a hurry to do It. The few
tons of uranium gas we've produced
is an experimental process, not
industrial production Mousavian said.
Mousavian, who also heads
the Foreign Policy Committee
at Iran's powerful Supreme National
Security Council, said the process
was under full IAEA supervision.
"Every stage of the process is under
full IAEA supervision. The agency
knows of every milligram of uranium
converted he said.
Kelly from page A1
'(Case. The main indicatffion the
llkeuhood of voting is Whether
or not people have voted In the
past. With this young age group
of voters being polled, there is
often not a significant voting
history to determine their likeli-
hood of voting.
Scavo said he is not sure of
why either candidate would
appeal more to younger voters.
While former President Clinton
had a stronger appeal to younger
voters being a fairly young guy
himself and making appearances
on MTV where he played saxo-
phone, neither Kerry or Bush are
going after the young people in
this style.
Every new group that gets
the right to vote, including
women in the early part of the
20th century, freed slaves after
the civil war, blacks in the south
in the 1960s have all started out
with a low voting percentage.
"Voting is a habit, people
need to build up the habit of
voting, and if they build it up
over a period of time they'll vote
in every election. The people who
just newly got the right to vote
have a low propensity to vote
Scavo said.
"The one group every year
who is a new voter, are 18 year
olds, and they start out with a low
propensity to vote. Over time,
this propensity increases as they
take part in various elections
The individual benefit with
voting is the probability that
you will cast the deciding vote
in an election which is extremely
low and any cost Involved in
voting is going to outweigh this
low probability.
"From a societal perspective,
if everyone made this decision
not to vote, our society would fall
apart, we're engaging in irrational
individualistic acts to keep society
from falling apart Scavo said.
With the state of Florida was
decided on less than 100 votes
in (BE last presidential election,
peopii are left thinking the prob-
ability is higher.
The key reason why people
vote Is to have some sense of
civic duty, which is good for the
country as a whole.
This writer can be contacted at
ffc BushKerry
Release trom CIRCLE Indicates:
49 percent of young people disap-
prove of Bush's performance as
president and 44 percent approve.
80 percent of registered 18-29
year olds say they will definitely
vote on Nov. 2.
74 percent of all young people
say this is one of the most
Important elections, if not the
most important election of their
58 percent of younger voters
think the country has seriously
gone off track, compared to 52
percent of Americans of all ages.
54 percent of registered voters
say President Bush does not
share their priorities compared
to 40 percent for Kerry
41 percent of all young people
say they would like to hang out
with Bush for a day, compared to
28 percent who say they would
like to hang out with Kerry
35 percent say they would like
to have Kerry as a teacher com-
pared to 22 percent for Bush.
Get thfc yux P,
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Reform �,� Iran has 'a few tons' of uranium gas
Social Security
"If the follies of the last
few years In corporate America
have taught us anything, it is
that we can't trust large, private
investors with our savings. The
lesson of Enron is that these
types of follies are possible
said Morris.
The Social Security issue,
in general, has been ignored
and met with much apathy
from the public, especially
young people. Both Morris and
Spalding said it is necessary for
some type of adjustment to Social
Security to be made promptly.
"It (Social Security) has been
verybadlytreatedinthepast. Peo-
ple who have suggested responsi-
ble reform have been accused of
trying to destroy the lives of the
elderly Spalding said.
Dina lies, double major in
criminal justice and psychol-
ogy, agreed Social Security Is
an important issue, and she
would support the idea of having
a privatized Social Security
account in place for retirement.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
event will be included with
the annual ECU Health Fair.
Others that will be participat-
ing Include the Healthy Pirates
and the Greek community for
a step show.
Christine Darius, freshman
criminal justice major, said
she thinks the disease is only
a problem to college students
that make it a threat with
careless sexual activity or drug
use. Darius said she thinks
the program will increase
student awareness about
the issue and make people
think before participating in
risky behavior.
An anonymous senior
elementary education major,
said college students are at a
larger risk of getting the virus
due to the large amount of
sexual activity which is com-
monly associated with the activi-
ties of college students, such as
drinking and attending par-
ties. She said she feels the
programs sound good, but she
feels most students already have
a general knowledge about the
disease or a least have an idea
about it.
Tierra Adams, senior
design maor, said he thinks
college students are going
to do what they want. How-
ever, he thinks the program
will make students cherish their
livesandthinktwicebefore acting.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Iran chief delegate speaks to
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) � Iran has
produced "a few tons" of the gas
needed to enrich uranium, a top
nuclear official said Wednesday,
confirming the country has defied
international demands and taken
a necessary step toward producing
nuclear fuel, or nuclear weapons.
Uranium hexafluoride gas
is the material that, in the next
stage, is fed into centrifuges used
to enrich uranium. Uranium
enriched to a low level is used to
produce nuclear fuel to generate
The Associated Press,
electricity and enriched further
can be used to manufacture
atomic bomb.
Iran said last month that it
has started converting about
40 tons of raw uranium being
mined for enrichment - plans the
international community
specifically said it found
alarming. Iran maintains its
intentions are peaceful energy
"We have converted part
of the raw uranium we had
and produced a few tons of
uranium hexafluoride gas
Hossein Mousavian,
Iran's chief delegate to the
International Atomic Energy
Agency told The Associated Press
in an interview. He would not
specify how much.
A few tons of raw uranium
would produce nearly the same
amount of hexafluoride gas.
"We are not in a hurry to do it.
The few tons of uranium gas we've
produced is an experimental
process, not industrial produc-
tion Mousavian said.
Mousavian, who also
heads the Foreign Policy
Committee at Iran's powerful
Supreme National Security
Council, said the process was
under full IAEA supervision.
"Every stage of the process is
under full IAEA supervision. The
agency knows of every milligram
of uranium converted he said.
Iran has thus far said it is
honoring a pledge not to put
uranium hexafluoride gas into
centrifuges, spin it and make
enriched uranium.
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Page A5
THURSDAY October 7, 2004
1 Japanese
5 Host before
9 Perry's
14 Munich's river
15 Futhark letter
16 Verbal exams
17 Simple plant
18 Outskirts
19 Medleys
20 Exercise device
22 Tint again
23 You, to Yves
24 Old Masters
26 Harris and Wynn
27 Alternative to
31 Cooper's
33 Middle East
34 Worldly West
36 Command
39 Discharged
41 Inc. in the U.K.
43 Basil sauce
44 Gets up
46 Trucker's perch
48 Billy or nanny
49 City on the Ruhr
51 Fits in
53 Peaty wetland
55 Greater
57 Actor Linden
58 Chicago airport
60 Rock 'n' roll
65 Like some
66 Searing injury
67 Eight bits
68 Current vogue
69 Told whoppers
70 Asian range
71 Pluto's realm
72 Trees for bows
73 Impudence
1 Process flour
2 Friendly lead-in
3 Stable female
4 Excessive
202122 73?
?3�� 35"
44!46 5648
4950� 6162
� 20C All rigUTrib hts reune f. serveedia d.servicea, Inc.00704
5 Bonus
6 Autobahn auto
7 -Saxon
8 " and Rockin
9 Threshold
10 Perry's penner
11 Looked at
12 Brummell or
13 Onagers
21 Put on
25 Practical sci.
27 Couch
28 Kuwaiti leader
29 Having patches
of color
30 Buddy
32 Piece of Poe
35 & so forth
37 Males only
38 Daycare
40 Comes down
42 Touch lightly
45 Body of water
47 Rear ends
50 Like boucle
1V� 1nV3�oa
is3H3� iV'� � B iVw0
�11VN B 'nN3A3s
52 Bloke
53 Kiosk
54 "A Rage to Live"
56 Comic Anderson
59 Lacoste or
61 Sketched
62 Vega's
63 List-ending
64 Raise one's
www.mortco.azit com f88
fay Muds �

Page A6
THURSDAY October 7, 2004 �1.
Our View
Homecoming festivities are this weekend,
with activities culminating in a football game
against Tulane.
Tulane's record is 1-2, while ECU has yet to
win a game this season.
The Homecoming Parade will begin at 10
a.m. on Saturday.
It's going to be hard to get ECU students up
before noon on a Saturday morning.
Kickoff time for the Homecoming game is
at 2 p.m.
Tailgating fields open at 10 a.m making a
beer and a hotdog the breakfast of many
Pirate fans.
The weather forecast for Saturday is partly
cloudy and 83 degrees.
The chance of precipitation is 10 percent.
Enjoying the company of friends and fellow
students at the tailgating locations.
Drinking too much, making an idiot out of
yourself and giving Pirate fans a bad name.
Rooting for your team until the end of the
game, no matter what the score.
Giving up on your team and leaving before
the game is over
Cheering loudly for the Pirates in hopes of a
Homecoming victory.
Screaming obscenities at the other team, or
worse yet, our own team.
Our Staff
Nick Henne Katie Koklnda-Baldwln
News Editor
Robbie Derr
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Asst News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Asst Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak Jenny Hobbs
Web Editor Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" Is the opinion of
the editorial board and Is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information. One copy of TEC is free, each additional
copy is $1.
Opinion Columnist
Reader response is the whole idea
Article ruffles a few feathers
I published an article last week
which decried the graphic depic-
tion of an aborted fetus, in front of
Joyner Library, as part of a presentation
by a local minister here on campus.
Norman Morris joined us once again
to spread his Idea of what Christian-
ity should be, and hopefully entice
some college students into his "orga-
nization which is to say Fundamental
Christianity as a whole. It seemed a
reasonable topic for an opinion article,
so I wrote one. Soon after Thursday's
issue of TEC entered circulation, I
began receiving responses from my
loyal readers. They were split about
evenly in support or disagreement, and
a number of them had some fascinat-
ing comments. Numerous accusations
were made (against me, naturally) and
I would herein like to address a few, if
you will permit me.
One reader began his response by
referring to me as "Peter Kalajihad
1 understand that my last name is
not Smith or Jones, and some people
have some trouble pronouncing it,
but I had never before come across
this specific variation. For the record, I
don't find it terribly funny. Sure, it's
clever, insightful and very imagina-
tive, just not particularly funny. But
all personal offense aside, 1 assume this
contributor, who shall for the purposes
of this article remain nameless, was
implying that I am sympathetic to
Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, and
therefore to the cause of Islamic Funda-
mentalists. I can certainly understand
your point. I HAVE written that I think
the U.S. government should seriously
reconsider its activities and policies
in regards to the Muslim world, and
I HAVE insinuated that the United
States has brought a great deal of this
trouble on itself. Both statements are
absolutely true, and I stand behind
them 100 percent.
I understand that it is easy to be
blindly patriotic, or blindly faithful to
a particular religious doctrine, but this
blindness is what got us here in the first
place. International relations and his-
torical hindsight are just not black and
white. There is not one good (America)
and one great, looming evil (anyone
who would attack the United States,
i.e. Islamic Fundamentalists). That is
as extreme an oversimplification as I
have ever run across, but unfortunately
an oversimplification which our com-
mander-in-chief insists on propagating
to the American public on an almost
daily basis with phrases like "evil doer"
and "access of evil
I am not a Muslim, for that matter I
do not ascribe to any religious doctrine,
so there goes the "Jihad" part of the
criticism. The U.S. government DID
provide billions in aid to the Afghan
mujahadeen (a group which eventually
morphed into one with a much more
commonly known name, Al-Qaeda),
and it DID supply weapons of mass
destruction to a desert dictator by the
name of Saddam Hussein. These are
facts. The reason we never hear about
this is that it is a terrible embarrassment
to the Bush Administration (they did
not provide the weapons, of course,
but Bush was head of the CIA during
much of the 1970s and early 1980s and
helped move the process along). Bush
does not want to tell us of the mistakes
of the past, even though understand-
ing those mistakes could help us avoid
similar ones in the future. If thinking
beyond Bush administration press con-
ference information and Republican
propaganda makes me a terrorist or a
terrorist sympathizer, than I guess I
am (I hope the FBI doesn't read that
Under the Patriot Act, they may pay
me a little visit for suspicion of terrorist
The other rather alarming accusa-
tion hurled against me by my beloved
readers was that of hypocrisy, that I
write about promoting free speech,
but yet I tried to suppress the First
Amendment rights of Norman Morris.
I see where you are coming from. If not
wanting to be subjected to, or see my
fellow students subjected to, graphic
depictions of abortion on our way to
class, then a hypocrite I am. Proudly.
I have no quarrel with this man, who
I was also accosted for calling a "small
minded fool" and "simple minded
jacka and I recognize and endorse
his ability to visit this campus and spew
his hatred all day long. The imagery
was what I objected to, nothing more.
My personal objections are irrelevant.
And by the way, I am sure that Mr.
Morris thinks I am a liberal, bleeding-
heart, atheist fag lover who is on my
way to hell as we speak, so I fully stand
by my "simple-minded jacka" and
"small-minded fool" statements. In my
opinion, he is precisely that. Nothing
more. If the name calling is offensive to
you, I sincerely apologize. It is not my
intention to offend. I just can't think
'of a better way to say it. Oh, wait, how
about this one: hate-mongering igno-
ramus. How's that? Better? Great. I do
what I can.
By the way, all disagreements aside,
I loved reading the responses. Most
were thoughtful and well written. Keep
them coming.
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,
This letter Is in response to Wednes-
day's "Letters to the Editor" section of
the Opinion page. Several readers wrote
in their thoughts on Peter Kalajian's
"Firebrand preacher visits campus"
article. While there were some opinions
I did agree with, others made me laugh
out loud.
While I respect Mr. Kalajian for
sharing his opinion on the preacher,
and while I know that this year's fresh-
men have no idea who this preacher is,
I just don't understand why this man
still invokes such a response from this
I have been a student at this univer-
sity for a few years, and I see this guy
every single year. He comes to campus
and spews his upsetting beliefs all over
the steps of Joyner Library. He insults us
as we walk by, and argues with us when
we say something in kind. He takes the
liberty to damn us all to hell by guilt
of association.
This year was different. This year,
this "man of God" used a horrific visual
device to catch our attention. While it
did disturb me, and while I was upset
at having to look at a bloody fetus right
before lunch, the preacher's message
did not accurately transmit. I did not
feel like my views toward the "woman's
choice" were being thrown back in my
face. I did not suddenly have a change
of heart at seeing this poster-sized post-
abortion photograph. All I saw that day
was a man who is slowly beginning to
realize that his words are not as effec-
tive as he would like them to believe.
So, what is the preacher's solution?
Tasteless visual aids. It's pathetic.
Mr. Kalajian, thanks for the response
to the preacher's demonstration. You
have voiced out loud what many of us
have been thinking for some time. To
some of my fellow responders, your
words were a little unnerving.
It is always nice to see a Christian
believer who speaks their mind and
heart, but keeps the offensive com-
ments to a minimum. I respect those
beliefs, however, one responder said,
"Either way, seeing it large and close
up has to be damaging and the result
of viewing such material should cause
action against such cruel acts don't you
think?" Yes, it was damaging to those
of us who were forced to witness, but
what cruel act are you talking about?
The cruel act of enlarging a photo of
a dead fetus and displaying it to the
public, or the "cruel act" of abortion?
Because the former is pretty much a
given, and the latter is still up for debate
last time I checked.
Overall, I respect anyone's right
to voice their opinions, whatever
they may be, regardless of whether
or not I agree. So should anyone else
that attends this school. This is a
public university with a population
that Includes people from all walks of
life. It's really past time that we, as well
as visitors to this esteemed campus,
started recognizing and respecting
that fact.
Gene Freeman
ECU Student
Pirate Rant
As a student I am fully aware
that we are all busy and that
many of us eat on the go. When
choosing a snack to eat or drink
in class please be considerate of
your professor and classmates
and choose something quiet
instead of a noisy bag of chips.
Also, when eating or chewing
gum, have some manners and
close your mouth. We go to class
to learn something, not listen to
each other smack and chomp!
Holding doors for the person
behind you is respectful, but
if you do so while going into a
residence hall, you'd better be
sure the person behind you lives
there -ft can be dangerous.
1 have seen some of ECU's
athletes act like they are in
second grade. By the way, curs-
ing and saying "yo, check this
out" makes you sound like an
uneducated fool.
The other day I saw two
girls coming out of a class. They
pulled out their cigarettes and
said, "cancer time Now, if
you acknowledge this fact, why
continue to harm yourself, and
everyone one else around you for
that matter?
Guys, stop thinking with the
little head!
Halloween is slowing
approaching. Please start plan-
ning your costumes now people.
I am sick of seeing the same ole
dry a costumes.
Sometimes I can not believe
what some people are thinking
on campus. We are all like herded
sheep-guys wearing the khaki
shorts and Abercrombie t-shirts
and girls wearing some shirt with
the ruffle skirt. Please be indi-
vidualistic ECU, my generation
depends on it. Or maybe better
put "Like, wear something, like
different or something
What's with all the chan-
nels broadcasting the debate last
night? I wanted to see anything
other than Cheney and Edwards
barking back and forth with each
Mullets are not in style, so get
a haircut!
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editorOPtheeastcaroiinian.
com. The editor reserves the right
to edit opinions for content and
"When I put the
shades on, it all kind
of came together.
And then it was a
matter of finding the
nuance When we
met each other, the
things I'd take from
Charles were when
he was just sitting
- Actor Jamie Foxx on
playing Ray Charles in his
upcoming Mm, "Ray

Page A7 252.328.6366 ROBBIE DERR Features Editor CAROLYN SCANOURA Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY October 7, 2004
The ECU Homecoming Pirate Pep
Rally and Cookout, on College
Hill is from 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 7. There will be
live entertainment, food and fun.
At 6:30 p.m students are Invited
to meet coach Thompson, the
ECU Cheerleaders, Dance Team
and the Pep Band. The ECU
meal plan will be honored but
those who do not have a meal
plan can purchase a dinner
ticket for $7 at the Central Ticket
Office, located in Mendenhall
Student Center.
Psycho Beach Party will take place
in Hendrix Theater at midnight on
Thursday, Oct. 7. "ECU Goes to
the Beach" for Homecoming. This
event is free to students and is
sponsored by the Student Union
Rims Committee.
ECU Plratefest will take place
in Mendenhall Student Center
Brickyard from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. on
Friday, Oct. 8. There will be special
events featuring sand art and
pirate treasure giveaways.
The annual Step Show will be
taking place in Wright Auditorium
at 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8. This
exciting show will feature a step
performance like no other. For
more information, contact the
Office of Greek Affairs.
Weekly Recipe:
Chicken Curry
Spices (cayenne pepper,
Curry powder
12 cup onion Garlic
1 cup chicken bouillon
vegetables (carrots, mushrooms,
This curry can be made as hot
as you like it by adding more or
less red pepper.
The curry powder only gives the
curry flavor and does not add to
the "temperature" of the food.
Clean, then cut chicken Into bite
size pieces.
Saute chicken in some butter,
chopped onions and garlic.
After chicken is cooked, add
some chicken bouillon.
Add vegetables, spices and
curry powder.
Cook until the vegetables
are ready (about another 10
Serve over rice.
Macho Nachos
As a main course or snack,
macho nachos are always great.
12 lb. ground beef
1 large bag tortilla chips
1 cup cheese - sliced or grated
Toppings - olives, tomatoes,
green peppers, chopped onions
Dips - hot sauce, guacamole,
sour cream
Brown ground beef and drain
off fat.
Spread tortilla chips over tin foil.
Spread cooked meat over chips,
then add other ingredients.
Add cheese to the top. Bake in
oven at 350 degrees for about
10 min.
When cheese melts, nachos are
ready to eat.
Use hot sauce, sour cream or
guacamole for dipping.
Healthy Hints:
Your skin will feel smoother
and softer if you drink enough
water as It prevents tissues and
cells from drying out and losing
A little known fact will start us
off, so that you don't go over the
top. If your urine turns absolutely
clear, you may be drinking too
much. When clear, there is very
little waste product so your
body may not have absorbed
vital nutrients such as sodium.
I You need plenty of water to help
get rid of toxins from the kidneys
as well as help your Immune
system to fight infection.
Homecoming floats prove to be
big undertakin
Campus organizations
compete for top honors
Everybody loves a parade and
the homecoming parade is one
tradition where students, faculty
and alumni can come together
to celebrate. The homecoming
court, marching bands and floats
will be on display through the
streets of Greenville.
People gather to see the
spectacle but most people don't
think about the time and effort
many of the organizations have
put in to building these floats.
What exactly is involved?
Did you know that in
big parades like the Macy's
Thanksgiving Day Parade and
the Rose Bowl Parade that
professional float building
companies are contracted out
to build the floats and the
construction takes nearly a
year. These floats are built and
designed by skilled craftsmen,
engineers and animators. The
first step in building one of
these floats is deciding what
to build and then drawing a
two-dimensional sketch.
Once the sketch is approved,
a three dimensional model is
constructed. Construction
begins on the framework to give
a float its shape. Then figures are
molded and props are created
to give the float dimension. All
types of material can be used:
wood, metal, fabric, paper mache
and fiberglass. In the Rose Bowl
Parade, the floats have to be
covered entirely with natural
plant substances. They will use
flowers, seeds, nuts, grasses and
vegetables to give their floats the
color and texture that you see.
Pretty amazing. If there is any
animation on the float it has to
Many organizations have' participated in previous homecoming festivities, which included a float making competition.
be wired up so it can move once
the float is in place.
Obviously our student
organizations don't have that
kind of time or money but there
are steps to take to get floats com-
pleted and ready for competition.
So, how does one go about build-
ing a float for homecoming?
Every year the Student
Government Association decides
on a theme for homecoming.
Interested organizations have to
fill out paperwork to enter any
or all the events involved for
homecoming week. There are
cash prizes to the winner of the
spirit cup, the best banner, skit
and, of course, the best float.
Why enter? First place for the best
float can win $350. If that orga-
nization also wins the spirit cup
they could walk with $1,100 to go
toward their organization.
The ECU Student Union has
won the float competition for
four consecutive years. The group
gets together to brainstorm what
will be put on the float and a
rough sketch is drawn out. This
year the Student Union has
decided on a 1950s and 1960s
beach theme. The group then
breaks up the task of building
the float between the different
organizations within the Union.
Popular entertainment, market-
ing, barefoot on the mall, spec-
trum, cultural awareness, visual
arts and films all have a hand
in the construction of the float.
The Student Union has a repeat
donor who allows them access to
a trailer where the construction
can begin. Generally, the Student
Union spends a month to three
weeks on the float.
What is the secret to winning?
"It's about dedication to
do great programming said
Thomas Doyle, president of the
ECU Student Union.
"It gives us an edge
over other organizations
The SGA will also have a float
in the parade. Although they
are unable to enter in the float
competition the SGA wanted to
take part in the spirit of home-
. The SGA sat down to concep-
tualize an idea and were able to
see PARADE page A8
Pre-game activities take Events for alumni
center stage this homecoming pifMr
ECU students are die-hard supporters of our athletics.
Tailgating, face painting
all part of Pirate Pride
The crisp weather and beau-
tiful foliage doesn't just mark
the beginning of autumn: it's
football season. A time of year
when the fanatics can roam the
streets of their favorite football
town painted in team colors and
wearing nothing but a g-string
with pride. Football gives mean-
ing for many people. Full support
and dedication are given to the
local heroes of the gridiron. This
pride can be interpreted in many
different ways. Some heighten
the excitement of the game by
betting on their team. The will-
ingness to sacrifice dignity by
being painted head to toe in team
colors is another way to prove
devotion. Enjoying and partici-
pating in this popular past time
are becoming more and more
common among Americans.
Almost as exciting as the game
itself, are pre-game preparations.
Friends get together and share pre-
game anticipation in what is known
as tailgating. Gaining popularity
over the years, tailgating is espe-
cially common among ECU stu-
dents. Everything from accessories
to handbooks can be purchased to
enhance the tailgating experience.
Essentially, tailgating is a
time for friends to get together
before the game, but It is much
more than that. Senior Chad
Joyner, a geography major and
avid football fan finds it to be
a great way to meet new people
and socialize.
"Sports are a common way
to form a foundation with new
peopleand you can all relate, espe-
cially since it's our school that's
playing. So you have at least one
thing in common said Joyner.
Reminiscing on football
memories and highlighting spe-
cial moments for the team is also
a way to start conversations with
new people.
"When we beat Miami in 1999
at North Carolina State since we
couldn't play here because of
the hurricane. After we won the
game, we tore their goal posts
down Joyner said.
A great way to relieve the
pressure of school, the pre-foot-
ball game ritual is really just a
way to klckoff the weekend.
The game is what everyone is
there for, but without tailgating,
the game wouldn't be nearly as
fun. It's a way to kick back on
the weekend, you're relaxing
and hanging out. No one worries
about school or any other pres-
sures students face.
Football aficionado, Gary
McCabe, a junior communica-
tion major relishes the opportu-
nity to share a common interest
with friends and fans alike.
"Tailgating gives a real sense
of community. Among things it's
a time where you can meet other
people and just have a really great
time. You can share food, you can
share stories. Even if it's some-
one I've never-met in my life, if
they're wearing purple and gold,
I'll gladly share a hotdog or toss a
football with them said McCabe
It can be said that the right
food really enhances the thrill of
the game. Chicken, cheeseburgers
and hotdogs are among popular
choices for your typical football
fan. A grill is a necessity for any
pre-game get together. Cheering
for your team Is always much
more satisfying on a full stomach.
Greenville in particular shows
a great deal of support for ECU's
football team.
"Greenville is not that big,
but there's still a pretty decent
turnout for games. The city
really backs the football team.
It's easy to take for granted the
fact we have a football team
Joyner said.
Wearing the school colors is
expected, but senior dance edu-
cation major Amanda Edwards
finds her own unique way of
showing spirit for the team.
"For the game I show my
school spirit with my pom-poms,
football beads, Pirate stickers and
of course, a necessity for every
game: my keys said Edwards.
Pre-game is a time where ECU
and Greenville citizens alike get
together and share their love of
football and the team.
"It really is great
Joyner said.
"It makes the game much
more interesting. Sometimes
people don't leave the field until
the first quarter is over
On campus are several areas
that fans frequent before the
game. The most crowded tends to
be the Frisbee field. People of all
ages can enjoy tailgating or any
other pre-game activities. Listen-
ing to the radio to hear scores of
other college football games as
well as throwing the ball around
are good ways to pass the time
before the game. It's about a
fondness for the sport that gives
communities a common ground
to bond and socialize.
Through the years, with the
growing popularity of football
among the national and colle-
giate levels, people have found
different and more exuberate
methods for showing their love of
football. It is all too common to
see a two-toned man in 20 degree
weather wearing nothing but his
team's colors. Emphasis is being
placed on what happens before
the game almost as much as the
game itself. Above all, pre-game
provides a chance for students
and community to get together
on a weekend and cheer their
team onto victory.
This writer can be contacted at
ECU alumni and their families take an active role in the festivities.
Alumni will have
plenty to attend
� For homecoming this year,
ECU has a variety of events for
students, parents and mainly the
alumni. It all starts Friday, Oct.
8 with the annual ECU Alumni
Scholarship Classic Golf Tourna-
ment at Brook Valley Country
Club with the honorary tour-
nament chair George Koonce.
Freeboot Friday is some-
thing the whole family can
enjoy together. In downtown
Greenville, on the corner of Fifth
Street and Evans Street, there
will be live entertainment, from
Lil Brian and Zydeco Travelers,
to good food and good times.
The Hilton in Greenville will be
holding an Outstanding Alumni
Awards Ceremony beginning
at 6:30 p.m. There will be a
reception and dinner celebrat-
ing William "Carl" Ealy, William
"Phil" Hodges, R. Samuel Hunt,
III and Lucy Irving Roberts. The
ceremony costs $25 per person.
The Taylor-Slaughter Alumni
Center has been renovated and
it's time to show it off. Alumni
are invited to breakfast on Sat-
urday, Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. and to
watch the Homecoming Parade
that starts at 10 a.m. from front
yard seats. The parade's theme
this year is "ECU goes to the
Beach Some sororities and
fraternities will have a float in
the parade. Alumni Association
Tailgating starts at 11:30 a.m. - 1
p.m. and there will be food by
ARAMARK, Pee Dee the Pirate,
ECU cheerleaders and a chance
to win door prizes. This tailgating
goes on at every home game and
costs $15 per person and free for
children. If someone decides they
don't feel like tailgating for the
millionth time or grandma is in
town, there will be a show at the
Wright Auditorium on Saturday
at 11:30 a.m. by ECU's Story-
book Theatre. It is called Tales
from around the World that will
include a Native American tale,
an African tale and a Mexican
tale. This is another event that
the family can enjoy.
The main event of the week-
end is the ECLI game against
Tulane. The game starts at 2 p.m.
and people can begin tailgating
three hours prior to game time.
Everyone should come out and
support ECU's football team and
all the other people involved
with the game events.
There will be an East Carolina
Teacher's College and East Caro-
lina College reunion and post
game dinner and dance at City
Hotel and Bistro.
Fraternities and sororities will
each have their own celebration
as well. The Pi Kappa Alpha fra-
ternity will be celebrating early
on Friday at Ham's and on Satur-
day morning, they are tailgating.
And of course, there will be
a post-celebration that night.
The Alpha Phi sorority will also
be tailgating with Phi Kappa Tau
and having an alumni social at
Element downtown game night.
ECU'S colleges, departments,
chapters and societies are also
holding special events of their
own for their alumni, includ-
ing the Black Alumni Chapter,
college of education, college of
human ecology, department of
chemistry, department of occu-
pational therapy, department of
physics, department of political
science, Physician Assistants
Alumni Society and the depart-
ment of recreational services.
This writer can be contacted at

Big Sweep transforms Greenville
ECU students aided the Greenville community by picking up debris from the Tar River.
American Fisheries
Society cleanup area
The ECU subunit of the Amer-
ican Fisheries Society, founded in
1998, swept through Greenville
Saturday, Oct. 2. The Big Sweep
is a worldwide event where the
AFS's members and other vol-
unteers clean up the waterways.
Green Mill Run is the waterway
focused on in Greenville and
because it runs through campus
and other populated areas, dump-
ing into the Tar River, it makes for
some interesting findings.
The organization started the
cleanup at 7 a.m. and continued
until 11 a.m. They provided
doughnuts and orange juice at
the registration table for the 18
volunteers, and of course, waders,
gloves and trash bags. Every
single piece of trash collected by
the volunteers is recorded on a
data sheet, which is then called in
to Raleigh which tallies the trash
statewide and then the informa-
tion is finally recorded nation-
ally. The Big Sweep is a worldwide
effort. It extends across the U.S.
and across the world, to places
like India and Bangladesh.
The president of this ECU
organization, Chad Smith, is also
the organization's web master. He
has already completed a Bachelor's
of Science degree from ECU and
is currently a graduate student
in the department of biology.
With 25 active members
and lots to accomplish, "the
cleanup goes by pretty quick
said Smith.
"It's a really good social activ-
To no surprise, there were
some pretty amazing find-
ings. These included the more
common items such as plastic
bags and styrofoam cups, to
the more extraordinary items,
including a tire and an empty
safety deposit box.
There have also been stop
signs and shopping carts found
in Greenville's waterways. Ste-
phen Hugues, a biology major
at ECU, is one volunteer who
recommends taking part in an
organization such as this one.
"I got involved because I'm
a biology major. I recommend
it because you get lots of experi-
ence said Hugues.
The organization's faculty
advisor, Roger Rulifson, also
recommends doing something
to get Involved in keeping the
waterways clean.
"We urge people not to throw
things in our waterways said
"Green Mill Run is an impor-
tant asset of ECU because it's
right across the street
This is also the waterway that
is prone to flooding, so it's not
hard for it to accumulate stray
trash and debris.
According to Rulifson, when
the organization first started
this cleanup years ago, they were
collecting more than two tons
of trash.
"Once, we found an old
ladies's purse with glasses in it
from the 1980s Rulifson said.
is significantly less, but still harmful.
Volunteers were awarded free
lunch and the opportunity to
win door prizes at the River Fest
at Town Commons Park follow-
ing the cleanup.
This annual event was a
success, collecting 2,017 items
of trash. This included one tire,
101 cigarette filters, 258 bever-
age cans, 402 bags and 433 food
This writer can be contacted at
from page A7
come up with materials for the
float through donations. Sheets
from old SGA campaigns will
be used to cover the trailer. One
volunteer's father is building
a wave made out of plywood,
which will have to be picked up
from Winston-Salem.
"The SGA hall is beaming with
school spirit and pride said Shan-
non O'Donnell, SGA president.
"Everyone is behind the float
and having so much fun
Judges for the float
competition arechosen from around
the community and will have
score sheets to mark points for cre-
ativity, theme and showmanship.
On Saturday, Oct. 9 at 10 a.m.
the grand marshal will kick off
the ECU Horn ecoming Parade.
The streets will be lined with
purple and gold pirate pride. Get
there early because parking is at
a premium. If you can't make it
to the parade it will be televised
on W1TN Channel 7.
This writer can be contacted at
Heed Emergency Funding to help support your student organization?
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pfWMMMl mnmt ml Cuwnw S�"� nattaMi A �wwt"ttv�rt com � upon rjmh. Lkm OwnM WcUom to uMM � an avaMMe lo cuMwnwi �0 N�M ni P�a tptcified meal QtuneMd
Mam Aft tOMA) Byvham natmw iron to DBH rtemwt h�ra�w ml proufmmwg iiiiMMMy. tnri tot � o�V goctai Seturlti MuffW en u�a in ofcaMn-da: twas and w �� be i�ad m 1Mm panne waw
(0 Wlfton and ctfcalfi pmow anty Sm �C�r DQH NMWt AaUttf DfiM J�wort prbdutl MnM �� � OKH NaMort MtaMB It wmiMuiMrWI twii la tuovttt ilaUiM CM) MVKlot Al strvite mark and
(KRT) � You're not
going to www.believethis,
but the Net is 35 years old
this month.
OK, not the instant, whiz-
bang, download-stuff-from-Tim-
buktu-in-your-jammies Internet
you use today, but rather the begin-
nings of the fledgling computer
network that made it all possible.
Yes, in 1969, thanks to Sput-
nik, the Cold War, and even
Superman comic books, the
world's first computer network
took a baby step toward chang-
ing the world. Today it's all too
easy to take the Net for granted.
A few keystrokes here, the push
of a button there and you have
� the globe at your fingertips.
But how did we get here?
And how does it all work?
We'll do our best to decode
it for you.
What is the Internet?
It's short for "Intercon-
nected Networkof Networks
So it's simply one enormous,
global computer network made
up of countless smaller net-
works digitally linked together.
Whoinvented the Internet?
No one person,
fc Numerous research-
o ers in government
and academia
0 developed
and refined
the technology.
How did it start?
The groundwork was laid
during the Cold War.
After the Soviet Union
launched Sputnik in 1957 the
United States established the
Advanced Research Projects
Agency, or ARPA. The agency
united some of the country's
brightest minds to develop the
country's first successful satellite.
Then in the early 1960s, seeking
a way to ensure stable commu-
nications in an unstable age, the
researchers turned their attention
to computer networking that could
transfer data even if power lines
were down or equipment disabled.
Where was the first real
computer network activated?
At a computer lab at the Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles.
What happened?
Computer science professor
Len Kleinrock and a small group
of graduate students conducted a
test of a four-node network. Using
900-pound computers encased
in gray steel and new technology
devised by ARPA, they attempted
to link UCLA with computers
at the University of Utah, the
University of California-Santa
Barbara and the Stanford Research
Institute. The first attempt
involved typing the word "login"
to see if the letters would appear
on distant monitors.
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(AP) � Sophie Kinsella was
sitting in a cafe in Wimbledon
village, talking about dropping
off her young son for his first
day at school. She seemed a world
away from Becky Bloomwood,
the somewhat self-centered
fashion addict of Kinsella's wildly
successful "Shopaholic" novels.
But then she leaned across
the table to confess: "You know,
this area is great for shopping. It's
very dangerous for me
As Becky would note,
Kinsella was wearing a flow-
ered summer Cacharel
frock, Jasper Conran kitten heel
shoes and fondling a light pink
leather holdall "picked up on a
European holiday
She knows how to shop.
Kinsella also knows how
to tell a good tale. Her three
accounts of the travails of the
budget-deficient big spender
Becky Bloomwood are best sell-
ers around the world, trans-
lated into some 34 languages
- including Latvian, Thai,
Japanese and Dutch, which
Kinsella laughingly notes comes
under the title "Shopalicious
The Washington Post has called
her writing "sharp well drawn
very funny USA Today says
she provides "hijinks worthy of
classic '1 Love Lucy' episodes"
and Entertainment Weekly says she
"gives chick lit lovers a reason to
stay home from the mall
Devotees have followed the
slightly ditsy Becky and her credit
cards through three books -
"Confessions of a Shopaholic
"Shopaholic Takes Manhatten"
and "Shopaholic Ties the Knot" -
anecdotes of a single girl in London,
her financial strife, the beginning
of a romance, a sojourn in New
York and an eventual marriage.
Kinsella had planned to leave
the series a neat trilogy.
"But I kept getting letters
from readers asking, 'Where's
Becky?' 'What's she doing?'
'How's her honeymoon going?'
It was like being asked about a
mutual friend Kinsella said. "So
I started thinking, 'How is she?
How's the honeymoon going?"
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Page B1 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY October 7, 2004
TEC weekend predictions
Ohio St.
TEX - 27
MICH - 31
USC - 27
Cal - 20

OSU -19

ECU - 27
Tulane - 21
NYG -13
DAL - 20

ARZ -17
'Skins - 23
CAR - 21
TENN -17
TEX - 23
MICH - 20

USC - 37
Cal -17
OSU -19

ECU - 21
Tulane - 20
NYG -14
Score: i
Ravens -18
'Skins -10

CAR -17
DEN - 21
TENN - 24
TEX - 20
MICH - 20
MINN - 26
USC - 26
Cal -17
OSU -17

ECU - 24
Tulane -17
NYG -17
DAL - 30

ARZ - 21
Ravens - 28
'Skins - 20
CAR - 31
DEN - 20
TEX - 23
MICH - 26
MINN - 27
USC - 31
OSU -17
ECU - 20
Tulane -17
NYG - 21

Ravens -17
CAR - 20
DEN - 27
TENN -16
TEX - 28
MICH -17
MINN - 20
USC - 29
Cal - 30
OSU - 23
ECU - 30
Tulane -17
NYG -16
DAL - 27

ARZ -16
Ravens - 21
'Skins - 7

CAR -13
DEN - 34
TENN - 37
MICH - 28

USC - 29
Cal -18
OSU -15
ECU - 28
NYG -14

Ravens - 20
'Skins -17
DEN - 31
TENN - 24
MICH - 34

USC - 30
Cal -10
OSU -17
ECU -17
Tulane -13
NYG -13
DAL - 20
ARZ -14
Ravens - 20
'Skins - 0
CAR - 21
DEN -17
TENN - 21
TEX -17
MICH - 23
MINN - 20

USC - 38
Cal -17
OSU - 23
Tulane - 7
NYG - 20
DAL - 22

Ravens - 20
'Skins - 21
CAR - 24
DEN -18
TENN - 20
TEX - 20
MICH -14
USC - 35
Cal - 23
OSU -18
ECU - 27
Tulane - 20
NYG -14

ARZ -10
Ravens - 25
'Skins -18
DEN - 27
TENN - 21
Pirates favored by staff
Following three weeks of TEC
predictions, everyone should
be rounding into mid-season
form. Brandi Renfro led the staff
with an impressive 9-1 record
last week, but I still hold a slim
advantage over David Waskiewicz
and Matthew Foster thanks to a
Chiefs win over the Ravens on
Monday night.
Above are this week's selections
and each writer's season record.
Texas vs. Oklahoma
No game is bigger this week
than the Red River Shootout.
The Longhorns are ranked No.
S In the nation with the Soon-
ers at No. 2. The winner of this
game could be the favorite to
make a national championship
run. Texas running back Cedric
Benson should give Oklahoma
trouble, but I like the Sooners in
a close one, 30-27.
Minnesota vs. Michigan
Minnesota rolls into Michi-
gan, sporting an undefeated
record with the Wolverines look-
ing shaky so far this season. I'm
predicting Michigan to dominate
the Golden Gophers at home and
take a 31-17 win.
California vs. USC
The Trojans have been forced
to come from behind to win
twice thii season and they may
have to do It again this weekend
against Cal. I'm almost com-
pelled to take the upset in this
match-up, but I like the Trojans
at home. USC stays at No. 1 with
a 27-20 victory.
Wisconsin vs. Ohio State
Ohio State has never been
known for a powerful offense,
but it was their defense that
struggled at times in an embar-
rassing loss to Northwestern last
weekend. Meanwhile, Wisconsin
has been cruising and look for
them to add insult to injury
against the Buckeyes, pulling out
a 23-19 win.
Tulane vs. ECU
For the first time this season,
the majority of the staff picked
the Pirates. However, it won't be
an easy task to beat the Green
Wave on Homecoming. Receiver
Damarcus Fox was suspended and
several key Pirates are injured. But
if ECU gets that first win anytime
soon, it must be on Saturday. ECU
wins 27-21 against Tulane.
Giants vs. Cowboys
These two NFL teams are
much better than expected.
Kurt Warner and Vlnny Tes-
taverde have been solid and the
Cowboys defense has continued
to impress. I'll take Dallas in this
match-up 20-13.
Cardinals vs. 49ers
San Francisco is the worst
team in the league in my
opinion, while Arizona is slowly
on the way up. Head Coach
Dennis Green has brought
excitement and Emmitt Smith
looks rejuvenated. Meanwhile,
the quarterback carousel of Tim
Rattay and Ken Dorsey awaits
the eager opposing secondary.
Cardinals win 17-12.
Ravens vs. Redskins
Head Coach Joe Gibbs has
fans wishing Steve Spurrier
was back running the show. OK,
not quite, but Gibbs and the
Redskins need to do some soul
searching to salvage the season.
Gibbs is one of the greatest of
all-time and he will coach like
it, beginning against Baltimore.
I'm taking Washington in a 23-
13 upset.
Panthers vs. Broncos
Carolina is in danger of
falling into a hole to start the
season. I knew the Panthers
weren't Super Bowl bound again
this season, but they need to
start winning to make a run at
the playoffs. The defense needs
to play up to their potential and
I think they will against Broncos
running back Quentin Griffin.
Carolina shuts down the run and
quarterbackjake Delhomme does
just enough not to lose as Denver
falls 21-15 to the Panthers.
Titans vs. Packers
If Tennessee quarterback
Steve McNair doesn't play this
week, the Titans don't have
a shot. Brett Favre won't miss
this one despite suffering a
concussion last week. Favre is
at his best wounded and cornered
and I expect him to explode
for a 300-yard outing as the
Packers get back on track with a
27-17 victory.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.

ECU falls ECU Women's soccer team to
to 49ers
at home
Heartbreaking loss
puts Pirates under .500
Coming off of a huge win
against Conference USA and
national power St. Louis, The
Charlotte 49ers (5-3-1, 2-3) came
into Greenville Wednesday after-
noon and handed the ECU Pirates
(5-6-1, 1-2) a gut-wrenching loss
as 49ers junior midfielder Floyd
Franks scored the game-winning
goal with just 28 seconds left to
Pirates' Head Coach Michael
Benn felt the team played well
overall but missed out on some
key opportunities.
"I thought we played well
enough to get a win today but
they made one more play than
we did and at the end of the day,
that's what it tomes down to
said Benn.
"I thought we played OK in
the first half, we just didn't play
with enough energy. I thought
we were a much better team in
the second half. I take nothing
away from Charlotte; they're a
good team. But we have to take
advantage of our opportunities
when they present themselves;
that's the difference in the win
loss column in this conference
because every team can beat
Many of those missed oppor-
tunities came in the first half of
play. ECU looked a little lethargic
on both sides of the ball and
within the first five minutes of
the contest there were several
defensive breakdowns for the
One of those lapses came
a little more than 15 minutes
into the game when ECU junior
midfielder Matt Kowalski mis-
handled the ball just 15 yards
from his own net. Charlotte
junior forward Adam Ruud, who
earned Co-Offensive C-USA
player of the week last week with
two goals against St. Louis, took
advantage of Kowalski's miscue
and blasted a shot into the low
right corner of the net behind
ECU goalkeeper Chris Hicks.
The goal was Ruud's sixth of the
The Pirates went into half-
lime down 1-0 but came out
rejuvenated in the second
half. Chris Hicks came up
with a few outstanding saves,
including two blistering shots
by Ruud from 45 and 30 yards
out. Pirates' senior midfielder
Michael Logan played particu-
larly well, passing the ball very
well and even coming up with
a shot of his own early in the
second half.
ECU's hard work paid off as
two Pirate seniors hooked up
in the 56th minute of action
for ECU's first goal. Midfielder
Reed Avren lofted one of the
Pirates' five corner kicks into
the box and defenseman Rob
Cann headed the ball toward
the net where it ricocheted off of
Charlotte keeper Josh Beachum
for Cann's third goal of the
Hicks came up with a few
more saves for the Pirates while
his teammates in front of him put
two more corner and free kicks
on net but couldn't come up with
the go-ahead goal.
After holding the 49ers
scoreless for 74 minutes, the
Pirates gave up what proved
to be the game-winning goal
when Franks pounded a left-
footed shot into the right side
of the net.
The Pirates finished with
a 12-11 lead in shots and a 5-3
lead in corner kicks. They will
play again this Sunday against
conference opponent Marquette
at 12 p.m. at Bunting Field.
This writer can be contacted at
face tough test this weekend
ECU to play St
Louis, Memphis
Success is defined in different
ways. Some teams go a whole
season and only lose once, yet
feel they are unsuccessful. After
a six game winless streak, the
women's soccer team rebounded
and picked up a win and a tie
this past weekend. The successful
weekend for the Pirates may be
just what they need to turn their
season around.
"Last weekend was a big
weekend for us and for our con-
fidence said Head Coach Rob
"We were able to get better
chances. The main thing though
is everyone needs to compete.
That doesn't necessarily mean
being physical, but being smart.
That was our Achilles heel for the
beginning of the season - mental
play. Hopefully we can keep the
ball rolling, it's a big weekend;
every conference game is a big
game. We have to prove we can
win on the road because that's
a big part of Conference USA.
We need to get some points on
the road
Their next tests come this
weekend against two of the best
teams in C-USA, St. Louis and
Both of these games will be
played on the road, where the
Pirates are winless this season.
St. Louis comes into the game
with a 6-3-1 record and 2-0-0
in conference play. The Bil-
likens have not been scored on
in conference play in two 2-0
wins against TCU and Houston.
St. Louis has only dropped one
game at home this season and is
outscoring their opponents this
season 16-6.
"They are the team to beat in
the conference Donnenwirth
said of the Billikens.
"They are at the top of the
conference every year. They're
solid, fast and real technical.
OCT08& 7, 2004
The ECU women are coming off of a tremendous 4-0 shutout
of the Lady Blue Demons and a 2-2 tie against Marquette.
earned All-Tournament team
After the match with St.
Louis, the Pirates head closer to
They have great senior leader-
ship on the team and are well
coached. But we have always
performed well against them and
right now we're the only team in
the C-USA they have not beaten.
The environment we are going
into is tough and they have great
crowds. It should be an exciting
The Billikens start a trio of
scorers up front. The three, Jamie
Perry, Maureen Hughes and Dee
Guempel, have a total of 31
points on the young season. Perry
is a two time All-Conference first
team performer and a two time
All-Region second team member.
Hughes is the surprise of the
group. Just a sophomore, Hughes
stepped in a starting role this
season after just nine starts her
freshman year. Guempel, another
sophomore, earned C-USA All-
Freshman team last season.
She made her breakthrough
during the conference tour-
nament last season where she
home to take on the Memphis
Tigers. The Tigers are 8-3-0 on the
season and 1-1-0 in the confer-
ence. Memphis has outscored the
opposition 15-7 this season and
has posted six shutouts.
The first goal of the Pirate
defense will be to stop Yuiko
Konno, a senior from Japan. In
her first season as a Tiger last
year, she led the team and the
conference in goals with 12. Her
three assists along with her 12
goals led her to lead the confer-
ence in points also with 27. She
was also an All-Conference first
team selection as well as the All-
Central Region team.
The Pirates will return home
on Oct. 15 for a conference game
with Tulane.
The writer can be contacted at
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Thomas doubtful of Ricky's return
(AP) � With running back
Ricky Williams ready to reverse
directions and come out of retire-
ment, his former Miami Dolphins
teammates were mixed in their
reaction Wednesday.
Defensive end David Bowens
said he would like to see Wil-
liams rejoin the Dolphins, in part
because they're 0-4. But Pro Bowl
linebacker Zach Thomas said he
doubted that help from Williams
is on the way.
"He will not be playing for
� he Dolphins Thomas pre-
dicted. "He's got too many things
with the fans and too much with
the media, and that's the reason
he ran from it in the first place.
He wouldn't come back here
Thomas might be right. Gary
Ostrow, an attorney who has rep-
resented Williams, said the 2002
NFL rushing champion hopes to
receive clearance from the league
to play again before the Oct. 19
trade deadline so he can be dealt
by Miami.
Williams asked the NFL for
a hearing to clarify his status
following repeated violations
of the league drug program.
The Dolphins say their under-
standing is he must serve a
suspension for the rest of this
season, and the NFL has declined
to comment.
"It's very murky water, and
Ricky has asked for a clarifica-
tion Ostrow said.
"He would like the option to
play for another team
Contributing to Williams'
change of heart about playing
was an arbitration ruling Sept.
24 that he must repay more than
$8.6 million to the Dolphins for
breaching his contract. There's
also the $3.5 million salary he
has done without while traveling
the world.
301 S. Jarvlt

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ECU Men's Golf team travels to Chapel Hill
ECU to play in Franklin
St. Partners Invitational
ECU'S golf program got a big
boost last week when the women
won the Beacon Woods Invita-
tional in Tampa. The men will try
to produce similar results when
they head up to Chapel Hill on
Friday to compete in the Frank-
lin Street Partners Invitational.
So far, the men have done a
solid job this season, and they
hope to build on that in this
tournament. Head Coach Kevin
Williams feels this will be a good
test for the team.
"We will be playing some
good teams in this tournament
said Williams.
"I think that this will be a
good experience, and I believe
we can compete
In this tournament the men
will be facing ACC schools UNC-
Chapel Hill, Virginia and Vir-
ginia Tech. They will also be
facing other North Carolina
foes UNC Charlotte and UNC
Greensboro. Georgia Southern,
East Tennessee State and Tulsa
round up the nine-team field.
"I would say that this is the
toughest tournament field in the
fall Williams said.
"This tournament, in par-
ticular, is a good measuring stick
for us, and the fall season, in
general, is a good measuring stick
for the team's progress
The men hope for continued
strong play from senior Adam
Howell, who finished 23rd at
the Adams Cup of Newport, the
team's previous tournament, as
well as freshmen Ryan Solan and
Martin Nicholls.
UNC-Chapel Hill will be
playing host of this event from
Finley Golf Club, a course that
saw a major renovation a few
years back. Williams finds this
course to be especially impressive.
"Finley Golf Club has a great
layout, but it's very tough Wil-
liams said.
"Ever since its major renova-
tion a few years back, it has been
a great, challenging course to
play on.
Finley Golf Club is a par
72, 6,580-yard course that was
re-designed by legendary golf
architect Tom Fazio. The course,
originally built in 1949, features
bent grass greens and Bermuda
grass fairways.
After this tournament the
men will be hosting their first
home tournament of the season,
the Pirate Fall Intercollegiate
from Bradford Creek Golf Club.
The tournament will be held on
the Oct. 18 and 19. This coming
Monday the women will be host-
ing the Taco Bell Invitational,
also at Bradford Creek.
This writer can be contacted at
sports�theeastcarolinian. com.
Lady Pirates ready to host Houston, TCU
Volleyball hoping to
continue win streak
The ECU Volleyball team
will be looking to improve off
their two-game winning streak
this weekend when they face
Houston and TCU. The Lady
Pirates are currently 8-9 after
coming off last weekend's defeat
against UAB and USF. The two
wins marked the first time ECU
has defeated their first two Con-
ference USA opponents, since
joining the conference in 2001.
With wins against Houston and
TCU, the Lady Pirates would not
only increase their conference
record to an impressive 4-0, but
it will also bring their record
above .500.
Houston comes into the
match-up against ECU after
being on an 11-game losing
streak. The Lady Cougars are
currently 2-12, but are 1-1 in
the conference. Sophomore
Kelly McAnelly leads the team
with 233 kills, averaging 4.40 a
game. Junior libero Jaci Gonzalez
provides support for the defense
with her 309 digs this season.
Overall, Houston has an average
hitting percentage of .141.
TCU will be the Lady Pirates'
first big test in the conference.
The Lady Horned Frogs are 11-5
and 2-0 in the conference. Senior
Ellen Rehme leads the team with
246 kills while senior Dominika
Szabo isn't far behind with 198.
Freshman Talaya Whitfield leads
the team with 271 digs averaging
4.91 a game. As a team, TCU has
an average hitting percentage of
.250 this season.
The Lady Pirates are going
to try and ride the momentum
from their previous wins into
this weekend's games. Juniors
Erica Wilson and Paige Howell,
along with sophomore Jaime
Bevan are currently leading ECU
in kills. Together, they have a
The Lady Pirates are looking for their second Conference USA
win against the Houston Lady Cougars and TCU.
combined total of 533. Much of
the kills come from the assists of
sophomore Heidi Krug who leads
the team with 724. As a team, the
Lady Pirates are hitting .204.
Play will begin against Hous-
ton this Friday at 7 p.m. in Wil-
liams Arena at Minges Coliseum.
Play will then continue the fol-
lowing Saturday as ECU hosts
Parent's Night against TCU.
This writer can be contacted at
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THURSDAY October 7, 2004
John Thompson
"We are in a struggle right now. We are fighting. We are in a strug-
gle, but we will persevere. This team will persevere. I really believe
this and our coaches and players all understand that the lessons
that we are going through right now may be some of the most valu-
able lessons that we will ever learn. As a coach, it is my responsi-
bility to teach those lessons. As players, it is their responsibility to
learn the right lessons as we go through this. We have developed a
very good plan for this week in what our guys will be able to do and
Q will be able to accomplish and correct so many of the errors that
" we had last week. That is where we are and I am looking forward to
that. In everything that we do, failure is not an option for this foot-
ball team and this football staff

Thompson and the Pirates will attempt to keep the ship afloat with a win this Saturday.
Pirates need to establish run
ECU is still recovering from a S9-7 debacle at
Louisville as Tulane (1-2) rolls into Greenville to
face the Pirates on Saturday. ECU holds a 5-2 series
match-up over the Green Wave and
if the Pirates are to notch their first
victory, no time would be better
than Homecoming at Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium. ECU should
hold several advantages, begin-
ning on offense.
IThe Pirates will
be without top
receiver Damarcus
� Fox against Tulane
and quarterback James Pinkney
will have to find other targets to
focus on.
Fox was suspended from the
team indefinitely on Tuesday for
violating team rules. Fox missed
the opener against West Virginia,
but came up big against Cincin-
nati, catching six passes for 161
yards, including a 75-yard touch-
down. Several wide receivers
will get an opportunity to make
a name for themselves. Sopho-
mores Brian Howard, Bobby
Good and Kevin Roach are next
in line under the Pirates'current
depth chart. Good leads the team .
with 20 receptions for 210 yards,
but Howard and Roach have ust
three catches combined. Some-
one will need to step up and
provide a constant deep threat
to stretch the .Tulane defense.
Edwin Rios will be unavailable
due to an ankle injury.
? am
Punter Ryan
gives the Pirates
a field position
advantage every time he steps
on the field. However, the
sophomore punter is averag-
ing less than 40 yards per kick.
Dougherty needs to be able to
pin Tulane deeper in their own
territory and improve upon
that average to live up to his
First Team All Conference USA
selection. The special teams
unit has been a bright area
for most of the season. Place-
kicker Cameron Broadwell
has connected on 6-of-7 field
goal attempts and Chris John-
son has been solid returning
kicks. Demetrius Hodges has
seven punt returns for 76
yards but will take a backseat
to true freshman Travis Wil-
liams. Williams, from Daytona
Beach, Fla was clocked at 4.3
seconds in the 40. Hodges suf-
fered an ankle injury against
2 To say freshman tailback Chris
Johnson has been a pleasant sur-
prise would be an understatement.
� Johnson, arguably one of the fastest
players in the nation, leap-frogged 1,000-yard rush-
ers Art Brown and Marvin Townes to first on the
depth chart. Johnson has responded, leading the
team with 208 yards on the ground, including a
6.0 yards per carry average. Johnson has also made
his mark on special teams, averaging 20.5 yards per
kick return. The speedster will have to continue
his solid play against a shaky lulane defense. The
Pirate running backs have to take the pressure off
Pinkney, who has been knocked down constantly,
in order to give him time in offensive coordinator
Noah Brindise's pass-oriented attack.
ECU'S much-
defense has
been inconsis-
tent to say the least. But for
the first time this season, they
may actually have a slight
advantage. Tulane quarterback
Lester Ricard has completed
34-of-62 passes for only 364
yards and four touchdowns.
Ricard has also tossed five
interceptions and Isn't a threat to tuck the ball
and run. Hopefully the Pirates can stack the
line of scrimmage and force Ricard to beat
them through the air. The ECU secondary
must do their part and pick off at least two
or three Green Wave passes. Junior linebacker
Jamar Flournoy leads the squad with 37 tackles
this season and safety Kyle Chase is second with
36 stops. Chris Moore, who was named to the
Butkus Award and Lombard! Award Watch List's,
hasn't lived up to the preseason hype. The junior
linebacker should break out soon and start to rack
up on tackles.
This writer can be contacted at
sports&theeas tcarolinian. com.
ECU Game Breaker
Flournoy brings intensity to ECU defense
When Art Kaufman was scan-
ning the nation's junior colleges,
he was looking for diamonds In the
Valley, Ala.
Junior College
I Hutchinson CC
rough. He knew he found one at
Hutchinson Community College
in Jamar Flournoy.
In fact, It wasn't easy bringing
Flournoy In. He had originally
verbally committed to Troy Uni-
versity. Luckily, Kaufman turned
him on to the purple and gold.
All Flournoy has done since
joining the Pirates this past
summer is produce. It was evi-
dent he would be a star after his
first Division I-A game where he
recorded 13 tackles.
Flournoy leads the team in
tackles with 37 through four
games from his weak side line-
backer position. The transfer is
tied for ninth in the conference
averaging 9.2 tackles per game.
"He has brought a lot of
energy said sophomore corner-
back Erode Jean.
"When Jamar is in the game,
you know we are going to be up.
He changes every play 100 per-
cent. He brings heart and spirit
to the defense
Those are kind words for some-
one who didn't play linebacker In
junior college. Flournoy was rated
the fifth best junior college safety
The Alabama native didn't com-
plain when the coaching staff
asked him to play linebacker.
Flournoy Is going to have
a Yeoman's job in front of him
to stop the high-octane Tulane
offense. Yet, the converted line-
backer will do what he can to
terrorize the Green Wave.
Pinkney's sigl
Q&A with ECU quarterback, JamesVinkney
Coming off a couple of heartbreakers in a rowi tjie ECU football tea
past Saturday looking to pick up their first wtti on the young seaso
were quickly disposed of in the second half bythe nationally rank
Pirate quarterback, James Pinkney, connected on a 20-yard toucl
knotting the game up at 7-7 early in the second quarter.
That would be all the Pirates could muster up but the young gun-s
ment. Pinkney called an audible on several occasions, one being tl
Here is what he has to say about the season thus far and the P
TEC: First of all, you got banged up a little this weekend. How are
JP: Physically I feel fine, I Just have a few bumps and bru
gone by Wednesday and I will be 100 percent.
TEC: What is the team morale like right now?
JP: Right now, it is just work hard and d� what we have t
back on track. Everybody is sticking together and not .
TEC: Were you guys able to take away any positives from last Satui
JP: What we took away from that gamevvas that we kept
But right now we are not even thinkingbout it and was
as we stepped on the practice field today (Monday).
TEC: What does the offensive line need to do to ensure that you ha'
to get the ball off and make the right decisions?
JP: We just have to stay together and keep up our protect
to pick up and block. But this is not ast on the offensive
sometimes it is the running backs, it is on the whole offe
TEC: What adjustments will you make for this weekend's affair?
JP: Sit in the pocket more and stop haying happy feet. I
bit and that causes me to get a little jittery But I need to
pocket and throw the ball like I know lean.
TEC: Tulane has only scored a combined 13 points this season in tl
ing they are slow coming out of the locker room.
How will you guys be able to use this stat to your advantage?
JP: We have to come out strong and attack That is somet hi
to do ourselves, but coming out strong ' emething we ai
TEC: Is this game viewed any differently by the players being that:
JP: It is a little different since it is homecoming and you
school. That is why we prepare harder and'we want to gi
win streak.
TEC: Who in particular needs to step up the most this weekend t
away with their first victory?
JP: I think the team in general. The whole team needs to j
to play.
This miter can be contacted at sportstheeastcarol,

ler 7, 2004 252.328.6366
TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor ED MCKIM: Designer
Chris Scelfo
"Last week's practice, I thought we made progress in some critical
areas that we need to. Our defensive line I think got a little bit better
and if we continue to improve there that is going to be a critical unit.
Quarterback, both those guys Lester Ricard and Richard Irvin oper-
ated efficiently and we are going to have another week to get that
done. We really went back to basics last week and concentrated on
Tulane University and what we need to do to become a better football
team. I say this, I think this group right here has ability, it is the injury
factor that we need to overcome and we need to continue to improve.
gy's sights set
rching Tulane
xback, JamesPinkney
rtbreakers in a rowi ffie ECU football team traveled to Louisville, Ky. this
ck up their first win on the young season. The Pirates hung in early, but
i the second half bythe nationally ranked Cardinals.
Pinkney, connected on a 20-yard touchdown pass with Sean Harmon
7 early in the second quarter.
;s could muster up but the young gun-slinger showed signs of improve-
idible on several occasions, one being the 20-yard strike.
f about the season thus far and the Pirates' Homecoming opponent,
nged up a little this weekend. How are you feeling physically?
I just have a few bumps and bruises, but everything will be
11 will be 100 percent.
ale like right now?
work hard and do what we have to do to get things done and
tdy is sticking together and not going their separate direc-
i take away any positives from last Saturday's contest?
from that game-was that we kept our effort up throughout.
t even thinking About it and was out of our memories as soon
actice field today (Monday).
ve line need to do to ensure that you have the sufficient amount of time
� the right decisions?
together and keep up our protection and know who we have
ut this is not ast on the offensive line. Sometimes it is on me,
nlng backs, it is on the whole offense.
1 you make for this weekend's affair?
re and stop haying happy feet. I got banged around a little
:o get a little, jittery. But I need to just get comfortable in the
all like I know Jean.
i a combined 13 points this season in the first and third quarters, prov-
it of the locker room.
o use this stat to your advantage?
strong and attack. That is something we have been struggling
ling out strong i� something we are going to start this week.
y differently by the players being that it is Homecoming?
t since it is homecoming and you want to get a win for your
prepare harder and-we want to get our first win and start a
eds to step up the most this weekend to ensure that the Pirates come
eneral. The whole team needs to just step up and come ready
� can be contacted at
Jackson is 24th in the nation among tailbacks with 103 yards per game.
Tulane dangerous on 'D'
Tulane has had a bye week to think about
their crushing 32-14 home loss to Southern Miss
and to prepare for a winless Pirate club. The Green
Wave will be hungry to run thelrB
record even in Conference USA
play and get back on the winning
track. Here's what they have to
do in order to leave Greenville
Dougherty, and even if Dougherty steps up on
Saturday, Tulane's Chris Beckman has a strong
enough foot to change the entire complexion of
the game. The red shirt sophomore, who is making
his case for the Guy Award, has punted 14 times
this season with an average of 43.1 and six punts
inside the 20.
Tulane will rely heavily on
Beckman's foot to potentially bail
them out of bad field positions
and stalled drives. If Beckman is
effective, the Pirates will likely
have a long field every time they
touch the ball.
The Green Wave's
scoring average per
i contest, 20, may be a
bit misleading considering their
39 point effort against a weak
Florida A & M club. However, the
running game has been steady
for the Wave throughout their
three contests. The team has
tallied 481 rushing yards
with an average of 4.6
yardscarry, and will
look to junior Jovon BOGER
Jackson to continue
to carry the load in the backfield.
Jackson has gained 311 yards on
56 carries and three touchdowns
so far this season. His average
of 5.6 yards per carry is among
the leaders in C-USA. Capable
backup Ray Boudreaux has
shown flashes of brilliance in
the young season. The freshman
touched the ball once against
Southern Miss and scampered
for a 25 yard score. Quarterback
Lester Ricard, who hasn't been
hugely effective in the Wave's
three contests, will look to senior
receiver Carl Davis, when throw-
ing up the field. Davis leads the
team In receptions and yards
witheight and 90 respectively,
chalking up two touchdowns along
the way. The Pirates haven't shown
they are capable of stopping the run yet,
so Ricard and Davis may not have to
worry much about the passing game
in Saturday's contest.
Eleven sacks should
say it all. Although
the Tulane defense
has given up their
fair share of points, they have
also shown they will blitz relent-
lessly. Relentlessly may even be an
understatement as that number,
11, represents the number of
sacks the Green Wave had in one
James Pinkney has been look-
ing at the stars on his back all
season and it likely won't get any better because
Tulane loves to bring the heat and the hurt.
One player, William Avery, who had 2.5 sacks
in one contest, may be a thorn in Pinkney's side
throughout the game. The Excedrin bottle better
be close by, because the pressure will be coming
from everywhere. Anthony Cannon, Blake Baker
and Joey Dawson lead the team in tackles with
32, 29 and 23, respectively. The tackle count may
be high, but Tulane's front seven has allowed a lot
of rushing yards in the first three games, notably
their last game against Southern Miss in which
the Golden Eagles ran all over them for 305 yards.
Tulane has had two weeks to fix that problem, so
don't expect them to give up another game on the
ground like that.
The Pirates have
had a tough time
with the field
position game
thus far with sub-
par punting from
Ray Guy award
candidate, Ryan
Intangibles. Tulane has been effec-
tive in the red zone so far this
season. They have been in the crim-
son district seven times and con-
verted on six occasions. Third down conversions
have also been a key in the Green Wave drives. An
18 for 41 performance in the first three games is
good for a 44 percent success rate and is around the
top of the conference in that category.
The most important intangible key to the
game may be the fact that Tulane will come into
Greenville with a win under their collective
They know what it's like to be in the winner's
circle and that experience may help them down
the stretch against a Pirate team that lacks con-
fidence and hasn't posted a win since the middle
of last season.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Tulane Game Breaker
Jackson is a 100-yard threat every game
It seems like the Pirates have
heard this story time and time
again. The script seems to be
that an opposing team has a
running back among the best in
the nation. This week is no dif-
ferent with junior Jpvon Jackson
waiting to wreak havoc on the
ECU defense.
Jackson has done more than
an ample job taking over the
reigns for departed back Mewelde
Moore. Jackson is 24th nation-
ally and third in the conference
in rushing at 103.7 yards per
game. In fact, Jackson has gone
over the 100-yard plateau twice
this season. He had just one
career 100-yard game before the
2004 campaign.
Jackson set a career-high
in rushing in 2003 when he
exploded for 183 yards against
UAB. He can also find pay dirt. He
scored three touchdowns against
Florida A&M this season.
The junior running back
is familiar with the Pirates.
Jackson carried the ball 21
times for 8S yards in the 2003
season finale.
"They have a good running
back in Jovon Jackson who
played against us last year said
ECU Head Coach John Thomp-
son. "Defensively, we know what
we have to do. We can't give up
the big play
The speedster is also capable
of catching the ball from the
backfield. Jackson has recorded
seven catches for 55 yards thus
far this season. The Florida
native accounts for 122 all-pur-
pose yards per game ranking him
47th nationally.
5' 11"
St. Petersburg, Fla.
High School
Gibbs High School

Page B6
THURSDAY October 7, 2004
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Homecoming 2004
Pirate Picnic at
Todd Dinning Hall
Midnight Movie: Psycho
Beach Party in
Hendrix Theater
Thursday, October 7
Pirate Fest Beach Party,
Mendenhall Brickyard
Midnight Movie:
Psycho Beach Party
Friday, October 8
Homecoming Parade
down 5th Street
Family Fare Tales from
Around the World at Wright
Saturday, October 9
ECU Pirate Pep Rally and Cookout: GET YOUR TICKETS NOW
(Thursday, October 7th from 4:00pm-9:0Opm at the Top of College Hill) - Enjoy a fun afternoon
of food, fun and entertainmenta la ECU Homecoming style at the top of College Hill Live mu-
sic! Come and meet Coach Thompson, ECU Cheerleaders and Dance Team and ECU Pep Band at
6:30pm. See the Phi Beta Sigma Step Show and BSU Hip Hop Dance Team too! Jail 'N'Bail charity
fundraiser (proceeds to go to the Children's Hospital sponsored by the
Volunteer Center). All meal cards will be honored or you can
purchase a $7.00 ticket for the cookout at
the Central Ticket Office (Mendenhall Student fo. w
Center) up through Thursday of this week! Go Pirates
East Carolina University's
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Homecoming Parade. This year's
theme is "ECU Goes to the Beach
Over 40 parade entries will be fea-
tured and 6 bands on 5th Street!
Catch the wave of excitement!

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The East Carolinian, October 7, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 07, 2004
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