The East Carolinian, October 5, 2004

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Volume 80 Number 15
October 5, 2004
Presidential candidates sga officers look
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New class officers outline
plans for school year
The newly elected Student
Government Association class
officers are performing at least
one proect this year and are in
the early stages of outlining the
aspects within ECU they would
like to address.
Shannon O'Donnell, SGA
president, said she is excited
about the recently elected class
officers and she is going to make
sure each class works to have an
impact on ECU.
"This year we're going to
make sure all of the officers
have a project so that they
will really affect the ECU com-
munity said O'Donnell.
O'Donnell said in past years,
she has noticed class officers
not being held accountable to
their office and constituency
of their class. She said this year
the SGA is all about account-
ability and ensuring the offi-
cers work for their students.
"The students are the people
who we represent and the people
New meal plan
available to students
"The students are
the people who we
represent and the
people who we work
for. They're the ones
that employ you by
electing you and the
ones that we need to
work for
Shannon O'Donnell,
SGA president.
who we work for. They're the
ones that employ you by electing
you and the ones that we need to
work for O'Donnell said.
The overall goals of the class
officers are to accomplish the
see SGA page A2
President George Bush and Senator John Kerry face off during the first of three presidential debates Thursday evening.
War, homeland security
are major issues
President George W. Bush and
Senator John Kerry met Thursday
night in Florida for the first of
three presidential debates
The candidates answered
a series of questions primarily
relating to foreign policy and
homeland security.
Kerry said he could do a supe-
rior job in protecting the country
from another terrorist attack.
He said while both he and the
president love the United States,
they have a different set of con-
victions about how to keep the
country safe.
"I believe America is safest
and strongest when we are lead-
ing the world and when we are
leading strong alliances this
president has left them in shat-
ters said Kerry.
Kerry said Bush had promised
to wait for the U.N but instead
rushed the country to war before
he had a plan of peace.
Kerry said he would build
homeland security and fight the
war on terror by strengthening
the military and intelligence.
He said while he plans to hunt
down and defeat the terrorists, a
president must act smart.
"Smart means not diverting
your attention from the real war
on terror in Afghanistan against
Osama bin Laden and taking it
off to Iraq where the 911 com-
mission confirms there was no
connection to Sadaam Hus-
sein Kerry said.
Bush responded and said
someone who says the one focus
on this issue is terror, does not
understand the war on terror. He
said his administration learned
from Sept. 11 that any threat
must be taken seriously before
it becomes an attack. Bush
reminded the public the United
States army is still pursuing mem-
bers of al-Quaida and America
continues to uphold the doctrine
that makes countries responsible
for harboring terrorists.
Bush said the best way to keep
the country safe is to stay on the
offensive and spread liberty.
"They're trying to defeat us
and if we lose our will, we lose,
but if we remain strong and reso-
lute, we will defeat this enemy
said Bush.
E.J. Daniel, junior construc-
tion management major, said he
supports the war because he sup-
ports the country and Americans
only hear the bad news.
"Not everybody hears about
the good things that happen over
there said Daniel.
Lacey Medley, sophomore
elementary education major,
said she thinks Bush had a good
reason for going to war.
"Kerry didn't want to go after
Saddam it's a good thing that
he's gone said Medley.
Bush said in 2002, Kerry also
thought Hussein was a great
threat and once said anyone
who doubted the world would
be safer without Hussein did not
see DEBATE page A3
ECU Student Senate meets for first time
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Student Senate members are inducted during their first meeting.
New members
announced, inducted
The Student Senate met for
the first time Monday night to
induct new senators and vote for
a new speaker.
Senators elected Terry Gore
as speaker of the senate with
no opposition. Gore said he felt
qualified for the job because of
his previous experience.
"I understand this is a very
important position and I take it
very seriously said Gore.
"This is my third year serving
as a student senator and I've got
a great deal of experience
Shannon O'Donnell, SGA
president, told the senate that
they would begin town meet-
ings this year so students have
a chance to voice opinions and
concerns. The first meeting will
be Oct. 7 in the Multipurpose
room in Mendenhall Student
The program, "What's up
? Wednesday will also return for
? students to express their needs
every week from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
in the Wright Place. Every senator
is required to work one hour per
Regina Ford, associate vice
president of SGA, gave the sena-
tors an overview of committees
that would need chairs.
The appropriations commit-
tee will work with finances for
student organizations.
Ford said SGA funds more
than 2SO student organizations
and the committee requires
people who have extra time, can
work well with money and can
supply answers to organizations
who feel they did not get enough
The rules and judiciary com-
mittee reviews the constitutions
from organizations that need to
be updated each year. The Stu-
dent Senate also has screenings
and appointments committee
that interviews and inducts new
senators. A student welfare com-
mittee is designed to hear student
Ford said the parking and
transportation committee might
look into ticket money this
She said only 10 percent of
the money ECU receives from
parking tickets goes to the uni-
April Paul, SGA elections
chairperson, announced the
sophomore class elections will be
held Tuesday at the Wright Place
see SENATE page A3
Students take advantage of the on-campus eatery locations.
Achieve programs help students succeed
Programs familiarize
students with
campus services
ECU'S Achieve Program
is underway and is hosting a
number of campus events
to help students deal with
various issues college students
encounter and get through their
college years successfully.
Scott Carter, assistant
director for residence life, said the
program combines in-class-
room and out-of-class-
room experiences and their
goal is to bring services on
campus into residence halls and
introduce them to students.
Such services include the
Academic Advising and
Support Center, the Center
for Counseling and Student
Development and the Office of
Undergraduate Studies.
"People think that the
Counseling Center is just
somewhere to go if they have a
counseling type issue, but they
offer workshops on study skills
said Carter.
"We want students to see that
an office may offer more than
what they may think of
The programs a-e designed
for dorm residents, but they are
open to all students.
There are 30 events
remaining discussing IS Issues
that affect college students.
Each topic has a program located
on each side of campus. A
representative from the
correlating department gives a pre-
sentation about services they offer.
Each program is planned at a
time when the discussion topic is
most relevant to students. At
the end of the semester, when
some students are concerned
with life after graduation, Linda
Hudson, assistant dean of the
graduate school, is scheduled to
see ACHIEVE page A3
Plan increases options
to commuter students
A new meal plan is being
offered this year for commuter
students, faculty and staff which
allows them to purchase a set
number of meals per semester
that can be used at campus
dining locations.
The plan, called the Interstate
Meal Plan, has three different
options to choose from. The I-9S
offering 95 meals per semester
and $50 in Pirate Bucks is priced
at $600, the 1-64 offering 64
meals per semester with $115 in
Pirate Bucks and is priced at $500
and the 1-40 offering 40 meals
per semester and $150 in Pirate
Bucks at a cost of $400.
The plan also has a feature
called Extra Miles, which allows
the additional 10 meals to the
plan for $57.50.
Allison Metcalf, marketing
program director at ECU, said the
key difference between the new
plan and the old plans are meals
can be used at the discretion of
the plan-holder.
"If you want to come in and
use all 40 meals at once, you're
welcome,to said Metcalf.
The traditional meal plans
still offered to on-campus stu-
dents give a set amount of meals
per week and only allow the
plan-holder to use one meal at
a time. Metcalf said the only
problem with the traditional plan
ONew Meal
Trie plan Is available to com-
muter students, faculty and
staff only.
1-95 has 95 meals per semes-
ter plus $50 In Pirate Bucks Is
priced at S600.
1-64 offers 64 meals per
semester with $115 In Pirate
Bucks and costs $500.
I-40 offers 40 meals per
semester and $150 In Pirate
Bucks at a cost of $400.
Extra Miles feature - allows a
plan holder to add an addi-
tional 10 meals to their plan
tor $57.50.
is it is geared toward on-campus
students who eat the majority
of their meals on campus and
would not be as compatible for
commuting students.
"It is just tailored to resi-
dents Metcalf said.
Metcalf said the inter-
state meal plan was created
to deal with a large amount
of feedback from adult
commuters, faculty and
staff saying they wanted
something different. This plan
offers more flexibility with their
meals and does not force them to
purchase more meals than needed.
Just like the old plan, a meal
equivalency can be used at on-
campus eatery locations such as
see MEAL PLAN page A2
INSIDE I News: A2 I Comics: A5 I Opinion: A4 I Scene: A6 I Sports: A8

Page A2 newsOtheeastcarolinian. com 252. 328. 6366 NICK HENNE News Editor KATIE KOKINDA-BALDWIN Assistant News Editor
TUESDAY October 5, 2004
Campus News
Student Union Rim Series
Hendrix Theater in Mendenhall
Student Center will be showing
the following movies free with
an ECU ID:
Oct. 7 - 10 BaadassssThe
(No screenings on Wednesday,
Oct. 16 and Friday, Oct. 8 at
Oct. 7 - 8 Psycho Beach Party
(Homecoming '04)
ECU Homecoming '04
Mark your calendars and catch
the wave from Oct. 4 - 9.
The musical productipn of HAIR
ends its performance schedule
Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. Tickets range from
$12 - $17. Call 328-6829 for more
Scuba Diving
Wednesday, Oct. 13 will be the
final opportunity for students to
dive at the Coliseum pool. Diving
will take place in both the diving
well and the lap pool. The events
are open to all ECU students
and participants must sign up
three days in advance. Contact
Jason Wright if interested at
American Red Cross
A blood drive hosted by the
American Red Cross will be held
Oct. 6 in Mendenhall from 8 a.m.
-11 p.m.
Senior Choreography
Oct. 9-10, the senior dance
majors bring their choreography
to life through different styles
including tap, jazz, modem and
ballet. For ticket Information
contact 328-6829.
Adult Commuter Students
Coffee, juice and continental
breakfast foods will be served
several times a semester at
various locations throughout
the campus as a way to let
students know they matter. The
flrt Good Morning Commuter
breakfast will be In the lower level
of Mendenhall on Oct. 7 from 8
a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Contact 328-
6881 for more information.
SGA Elections
Tuesday. Oct. 5 SGA elections for
sophomore president is being
held in Wright Plaza from 9 a.m.
- 5 p.m.
Mechanisms of Hurricane
Destruction Lecture
Nicholas Coch, professor of
Geology from Queen's College
in NY will be at ECU to discuss
his current research on the
effects of hurricanes on coastal
and inland areas. Sponsored
by the ECU Chapter of Sigma
Xi, Ph.D. Program in Coastal
Resources Management and the
departments of biology, geology
and geography. Free to all.
Swing Dance Lessons
Swing into action and learn
something new at 7 p.m.
(Beginner. East Coast) and 8
p.m. (Beginner, Lindy Hop). Free
to all, and sponsored by the
ECU Swing Dance Club. For
more information, contact the
Skit Competition
ECU Homecoming skit competition
will be held at the Hendrix Theater,
7 p.m. Come see your favorite
student organizations compete
for the best Homecoming Skit.
This year's theme is "ECU Goes
to the Beach' Free for all.
ECU Poetry Forum
Poetry forum will be held In
Mendenhall, room 241, at 8 p.m.
For more Information go to ecu.
ECU Homecoming Pirate
Pep Rally and Cookout
On The Hill from 4:30 p.m. - 9
p.m. join us at College Hill for a
?spirited" ECU afternoon featuring
live entertainment food and fun. At
630 p.m. meet coach Thompson
and our ECU cheerleaders, dance
team and pep band. ECU meal
plan will be honored. Those not on
meal plan can purchase a dinner
ticket for $7 at the Central Ticket
Office in MSC.
Come and enjoy a fun day of
special events featuring sand art
and pirate treasure giveaways on
the MSC Brickyard from 4 p.m.
- 8 p.m.
News Briefs
Cherry Point Naval Hospital
patient records mishandled
HAVELOCK, NC (AP) - More than
1,000 patients medical records
written over more than a decade
were dumped behind a wall at the
Cherry Point Naval Hospital, The
News & Observer of Raleigh reported
A Navy report on the case offered no
motive for the mishandling and said
no one was prosecuted in the "Hole
in the Wall" incident, as it came to be
called in court documents.
Instead of filing the records with
patients' other information, hospital
personnel apparently climberonto a
chair or a desk, lifted a ceiling tile, and
dropped them into the space behind
the drywall. Other medical records
were shredded instead of being filed,
the report said.
The report confirmed rumors about
records being stashed behind a wall
at the hospital.
The Raleigh newspaper, working
on a story about a patient's legal
claim against the hospital, asked
for a copy of the report from the
medical inspector general's office at
the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery in Bethesda, Md.
That office said it had no report
about the maintenance of medical
records at Cherry Point Naval Hospital,
the N&O reported.
Capt. Richard J. Fletcher Jr who took
over as commander of the hospital
early this year, said he had not
known about the "Hole in the Wall"
until the newspaper asked for an
interview In July.
After making inquiries, he said the
investigation was directed by the
medical Inspector general and
that it had the report. The N&O
renewed its request, using the case
number Fletcher provided, and the
report was released to the newspaper
last week.
NC coast authorities want more
notice when sailors Jump ship
WILMINGTON, NC (AP) - Authorities
in communities near the port of
Wilmington say they'd like better
coordination with federal officials the
next time a foreign seaman jumps
ship, for the safety of citizens and the
sailors' own benefit
It doesn't happen often - only four
times this year so far, according to
the Coast Guard.
But problems arose recently when
Brunswick County authorities realized
a body they had found matched
the description of a sailor who
disappeared from a Turkish merchant
vessel while It was in Wilmington.
"We are very much In favor of some
type of system being initiated where
we are contacted when these
individuals do disappear or jump
ship said Tony Cummings, the
Brunswick County Sheriff's Office
chief deputy.
Authorities are still unsure whether
the body found Sept. 22 Is In fact
the sailor who was reported missing
a week earlier. Cummings was
among the officials present when the
body - a man apparently of Middle
Eastern descent, with salt-and-
pepper hair and wearing a mariner's
style jumpsuit - was recovered on a
rocky bank of Eagles Island.
Mount St Helens draws a big
crowd as scientists wonder
when Its volcano will blow
MONUMENT, Wash. (AP) - The eyes
of geologists, disaster officials and
just regular folks out in lawn chairs
were focused on Mount St. Helens,
where a mix of volcanic gases and
low-level earthquakes raised fears
that the mountain might blow at any
Some volcano experts had said that
an explosion would probably happen
within 24 hours. But as the hours
passed Sunday, others cautioned that
the timing Is difficult to predict
'No one Is predicting it as a sure
thing said Bill Steele at the
University of Washington's
seismology lab in Seattle. "This
could be going on for weeks
Crowds gathered along a park
road at what was said to be a safe
distance - about 8.5 miles from the
mountain - to see what happens
next. Barbecues were fired up and
entrepreneurs were selling hot dogs
and coffee to people camped along
the side of the road.
Hundreds of people were cleared
from a popular observatory closer to
the peak Saturday following a tremor
and brief release of steam. Most air
traffic was prohibited within a 5-mile
radius of the volcano.
Scientists said they do not expect
anything close to the devastation
of Mount St. Helen's May 18, 1980,
explosion, which killed 57 people
and coated much of the Northwest
with ash.
Spaceship One a flight away
from claiming $10 million X Prize
MOJAVE, Calif. (AP) - Microsoft co-
founder Paul G. Allen has sunk more
than $20 million into developing a
manned rocket that reaches space.
Now he's hoping half that sum can
be recouped - along with some
bragging rights.
Allen's Spaceship One was scheduled
to be launched Monday in an attempt
to reach an altitude of at least 328,000
feet, or just over 62 miles, for the
second time since Sept. 29.
That would qualify Its backers to
clinch the Ansari X Prize, a $10
million award to the first craft to safely
complete two flights to an altitude of
328,000 feet - generally considered
to be the point where the Earth's
atmosphere ends and space begins
- In a 14-day span.
The St. Louis-based X Prize
Foundation Is offering the bounty in
hopes of Inspiring an era of space
tourism in which spaceflight Is not just
the domain of government agencies
such as NASA.
Two car bombs rip
through Baghdad, killing at
least 15 and wounding dozens
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Two car bombs
ripped through Baghdad streets
on Monday, with one blast killing
at least 15 people and wounding
81 at an entrance to the Green
Zone, the seat of the U.S. Embassy
and key Iraqi government offices,
officials said.
In the first explosion, a four-
wheel-drive vehicle packed with
explosives detonated outside the
heavily fortified complex, Interior
Ministry spokesman Col. Adnan
Abdul-Rahman said.
Yarmouk Hospital received 15 bodies
and 81 wounded from the explosion,
said Sabah Aboud, the facility's chief
registration official.
No Americans were believed
hurt or killed in the blast, which
happened shortly before 9 a.m. near
a checkpoint at the western entrance
to the Green Zone, said Maj. Phil
Smith, a spokesman for the U.S. 1st
Cavalry Division.
The second car bomb exploded at
9:45 a.m near a number of major
hotels, Abdul-Rahman said, American
and Iraqi forces opened fire after
the blast but it was not immediately
clear what they were shooting at,
witnesses said.
Death toll from Tropical Storm
Jeanne rises to nearly 2,000 In
GONAIVES, Haiti (AP) - Officials
involved in the search for victims of
the devastating floods unleashed
by Tropical Storm Jeanne said they
have found hundreds more bodies,
raising the death toll in Haiti to nearly
2,000 people.
Almost 900 others were listed as
missing and presumed dead -
washed out to sea or burled In debris.
However residents in the devastated
town of Gonalves took hope from two
exceptions Sunday.
Two men who had been among
the missing were found lying semi-
conscious on the ground near a clinic
run by Argentine U.N. peacekeepers.
Doctors said it appeared they hadn't
eaten in several days and showed
signs of psychological trauma - one
because he lost relatives in the floods.
Last week, President Bush asked
Congress for $50 million for storm-
hit Caribbean countries, about half
planned for Haiti.
Before leaving Thompson met interim
Prime Minister Gerard Latortue and
announced a donation of $235,000
worth of supplies to restock Gonalves'
The new toll stands at 1,970 dead and
884 missing, said Dleufort Deslorges,
a spokesman for Haiti's cMI protection
agency. Officials, who had previously
put the toll at 1,550 dead and about
900 missing, said hundreds more
bodies were found in recent days In
areas outside Gonalves.
An estimated 300,000 Haitians were
left homeless, most In Gonalves, by
floods unleashed by Jeanne more
than two weeks ago.
from page A1
platform promises that were
presented when they ran.
Each class is bringing at least
one issue or goal they plan
on working for this year.
"Everyone will be doing
something this year, from the
senior class president all the
way down to the freshman class
vice president O'Donnell said.
A change to the SGA
this year is the election of a
graduate student class offi-
cer providing entire student
body representation. This is
the first time the SGA has had
a graduate student for president
in past several years even
though It is in their bylaws to
have one.
Meaghan Smith,
newly elected junior class
president, said she wants to
meet all of the needs of the
junior student body and
address Issues such as library
hours and distance educa-
tion. Smith said ECU charges
students who go to school
on campus an addi-
tional fee per semester
hour to take distance educa-
tion courses. Smith said she
does not feel students taking
classes on campus should
have to pay additional
money to take these courses.
" I want to represent the student
body as well as I can and ensure
everyone is happy said Smith.
"I want people to
embrace new people and new
ideas and .not be tied down
with the old I have a lot to
bring to the table this semester
and I want everyone to be open
and accepting Smith said.
Smith, who won the elec-
tion by only 10 votes, said she
looks to benefit the ones who
did not vote for her just as much
as the ones who did. She said
it is important in this situation
for students to realize whoever
is in the office is going to do
their best
Smith said she 'encourages
people in the ECU commu-
nity to give her suggestions and
inform her of problems they see
within ECU so she can work to
address the appropriate issues.
"External input is a positive
thing Smith said.
Regina Twine, newly elected
sophomore class vice president,
said some aspects of ECU she
wants to improve include diver-
sity acceptance and bringing
more educational opportunities
to ECU.
A ma jor project her class officers
are planning is the formation of
"Pick-a-Prof" Web site. This
Web site will provide students
with the chance to evalu-
ate their professors and the
information would be acces-
sible to other students who
are planning their course
schedules. Students would rate
the professor based on real
legitimate things they do
in their classes such as
on test style, attendance
policies, grading scales and
a number of other aspects
students would want to know
before choosing a professor.
As far as changes, Twine
said she would like there to
be an increased amount of
scholarship opportunities
for students for things other
than athletics.
Twine said she wants to
start with the freshmen by
attending open houses and orga-
nization fairs and look to make
"I'm really glad the student
body elected me to be their
sophomore class vice
president and I hope to live up
to their expectations, I hope to
bring the concerns to ECU and
represent the class said Twine.
This writer can be contacted at
The murder more than 20 years old of a
Massachusets teenager set for trial
Defendant stands in Middlesex
District Court awaiting trial.
BOSTON (AP) ? The clues
that Robin Gilbert had been
murdered seemed obvious: The
14-year-old's clothes were torn,
her body had been dragged hun-
dreds of yards and it was then left
covered in brush.
Yet the medical examiner
stunned many in the town of
Reading by ruling in 1975 that
Gilbert died from heart disease,
not from being attacked. The case
was closed for more than 20 years.
An anonymous tip in 1996
led police to exhume and exam-
ine Gilbert's body and charge
her former neighbor, David Allen
Jones, with strangling the girl.
Jury selection in Jones' murder
trial was to start Monday.
"It's a strange case said
retired Reading Police Chief
Edward Marchand, who was a
sergeant at the time of Gilbert's
death. "I don't think there have
been too many of them that have
gone on that length of time with-
out being solved
On the night of July 1, 1975,
Gilbert was watching a horror
movie at home with a friend.
With her parents asleep upstairs,
Gilbert sneaked out in her socks
for a cigarette at a nearby hang-
out spot on a golf course. She
never returned.
The next morning, a man
$ walking in the park found her
The state medical examiner
ruled that she died of heart
disease, a decision that dumb-
founded police, Marchand said.
Because of the difficulty of
appealing such a ruling, it effec-
tively shut the case, and her body
was buried.
"The pathologist, he was like
God Marchand said. "It really
bothered a lot of people at the
time, the family and everybody,
what had happened
Then, in 1996, police received
an anonymous call that led
police to the diary of Marjorie
Jones, David Allen Jones' mother,
who had died of cancer that
year. Police will not give details,
but say something in that diary
led them to Marjorie Jones' son,
who was 16 at the time of the
The Jones family lived down
the street from the Gilberts, and
the boy had been seen holding
hands with Robin. Gilbert's sister
said Jones called Robin at the
house before she sneaked out. A
few months after Robin's death,
her sister returned to the house
to find Jones there, and the two
struggled before he left.
Investigators interviewed
dozens of witnesses, and exhumed
Gilbert's body in 1997. Her body
was re-examined by another
medical examiner, who found
that her heart was not diseased
and ruled the case a homicide.
Jones, who was married and
working as a short order cook
outside Atlanta, was arrested in
1997. He fought efforts to return
him to Massachusetts, and it took
several years to have his case
transferred from juvenile court.
He was charged with murder in
2000 and pleaded innocent.
Eileen Agnes, who was Jones'
attorney at the time of his 2000
arraignment, did not return calls
Sunday seeking comment.
Emily LaGrassa, a spokesman
for Middlesex District Attorney
Martha Coakley, said the case was
"very unusual
"We hope that this will be
able to bring some closure for this
family she said. "It must be hard
for them so many years later
Meal Plan
from page A1
the Galley and the Spot which,
breakfast and late night hours, a
meal has the cash equivalency of
$2, during lunch and brunch, a
meal has the equivalency of $3
and at dinner, a meal has the
equivalency of $3.50.
The new plan offers the
potential to combine meals and
raise your cash equivalency.
Campus dinlng's Web site
says the plan will lessen students'
concerns by offering tax-free
meals, not forcing students to
leave campus to eat and not requir-
ing them to carry money around.
Unused meals from the plan
will not carry over to the spring
semester but any pirate bucks
that are left over will.
Deji Ayankoya, senior indus-
trial distribution major who
commutes, said the new plan is
not enticing to him because he
feels the traditional plan works
well with his schedule.
"It really doesn't make a dif-
ference to me said Ayonkoya.
Brandon Boone, senior
information technology major
who commutes, said giving
students the ability to decide
when to use the meals will
make for an improved and
less restrictive meal-plan.
"It gives you more freedom
said Boone.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
Strategies for Success: A Workshop Series for
Students Pursuing Careers in Medicine or law
All workshops are free for ECU students. Interested students should call 252-328-2645 to register for any of the sessions.
Choosing ? Major for a Can In Health October 6,2004 4:00.5:00pm 212 Mendenhall Student Center
Are you still deciding on a major or not comfortable with the one you are pursuing? Attend this J? nfZiL. t. .
majors at ECU geared towards careers in health. Take a self-assessmen to ffiEKSXSSE l- ?
major fits you the best. This session occurs before Spring course registration gZnIm decE S " "h
before academic advising begins. 9 9' e t0 dedare a new malor
The Application Proem for Graduate or Professional School
October 21,2004 3:00-4:00pm 212 Mendenhall Student Center
The session will focus on resources for selecting a qraduate or Drofessional whnni thai m. ?? -r . l
provide tips on selecting and applying for law school expenences. They will also
Roundtabla Discussion with Real Life Doctor November 16,2004 UMQ0M SttHMM.ia. - . .
During this session students will meet doctors who will share their ZZ i?K ? exZt? S'udenf e,nter
provide tips on selecting and applying for medical school. expenences- ? "? also

from page A1
Dr. Richard Axel of Columbia University, laughs with Lee McEachern, of Best Image Productions,
who helped stage a news conference where Axel spoke about being awarded the Nobel Prize
in medicine In San Francisco on Monday.
Americans win Nobel for work
relating to sense of smell
? American researchers Dr.
Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck
shared the 2004 Nobel Prize
in physiology or medicine on
Monday for their work on the
sense of smell, showing how, for
example, a person can smell a
lilac in the spring and recall it
in the winter.
Their genetic work revealed a
family of "receptor" proteins in
the nose that recognize odors,
and they illuminated how the
odor information is transmitted
to the brain.
Axel, 58, of Columbia Uni-
versity in New York, shared the
prize with Buck, 57, of the Fred
Hutchlnson Cancer Research
Center in Seattle. Both are inves-
tigators with the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute.
They reported finding genes
for odor receptors jointly in 1991,
when Buck was working in Axel's
lab, and have since worked inde-
Informed of his award, Axel
told Swedish public radio: "That's
really marvelous, I'm so honored
When asked if he had thought
about becoming a Nobel laureate,
he replied: "No, this Is ndthing
I have been thinking about, I
think about my science
Asked what he would do first,
he replied: "I'm going to have a
cup of coffee
Buck told The Associated
Press she did not know she was
under consideration.
"People have said things
like, You should win the Nobel
Prize she said. "I feel very hon-
ored, of course
The Nobel Assembly at the
Karolinska Institute said the
sense of smell "helps us detect
the qualities we regard as posi-
tive. A good wine or a sun ripe
wild strawberry activates a whole
array of odorant receptors
Academy members told AP
that the decision to give the pair
the award was not in light of any
medical or commercial payoffs,
but rather to honor their explo-
ration of one of the humanity's
most profound senses.
For two scientists to single-
handedly map one of the major
human senses is unique in the
history of science, Nobel assem-
bly chairman Goeran Hansson
told the AP.
Previous winners included
several scientists who first
explained different areas of how
sight and sound are perceived
by humans. Figuring out the
human nose took longer than
understanding our eyes and ears
because it needed modern micro-
biology and DNA technology to
find the microscopic cells and
proteins, he said.
"It's pretty amazing to be
able to sit here in the 21st cen-
tury and reward discoveries
that explain one of the human
senses Hansson said.
Throughout the 1980s, sci-
entists offered several theories
of how people perceive odors,
most of which were "ill-founded
and wrong said Sten Grillner,
deputy chairman of the assem-
bly. "This system was completely
unknown before" Axel's and
Buck's discoveries.
The assembly said it's still
unclear what the medical and
scientific implications of their
discoveries will be, but that the
work could affect areas as diverse
as psychology - to explain why
scents often remind us of child-
hood - and cooking, as scent and
taste are deeply connected.
"It's possible, I guess, that
someone down the road could
use this knowledge to cook up
something really delicious
Hansson said. "But I think that's
pretty far in the future
Axel and Buck clarified the
intricate biological pathway
from the nose to the brain that
lets people perceive and rec-
ognize smells. A whiff of an
odor brings a mix of different
molecules into the nose, where
each molecule activates several
odor receptors. This pattern of
activation is interpreted by the
brain, letting people recognize
and form memories of about
10,000 different odors, the Nobel
Assembly said.
Axel and Buck studied mice,
which have about 1,000 odor
receptor types. People have
somewhat fewer.
Last year's medicine prize
winners were Briton Sir Peter
Mansfield and American Paul C.
Lauterbur for discoveries that led
to the development of MRI, which
is used by doctors to get a detailed
look into their patients' bodies.
The award for medicine
opens a week of Nobel Prizes
that culminates Oct. 11 with
the economics prize. The peace
prize, the only one bestowed in
Oslo, Norway, will be announced
Oct. 8. The physics award will
be announced Tuesday and
the chemistry prize will be
announced Wednesday in the
Swedish capital.
A date for the Nobel Prize in
literature has not yet been set
by the Swedish Academy, but is
likely to fall on Thursday, Nobel
watchers said.
speak about graduate programs.
Stress management events are
scheduled in late November
when finals are close.
Presentations are not
limited todepartmentson campus.
Recently, a representative
from the Pitt County Board
of Elections spoke to students
about registering to vote.
Carter said this year
they began enticing stu-
dents to come using several
different methods. Door prizes
including MP3 players,
phone cards and bicycles
are given at each event.
However, these prizes are only
available to students living in
residence halls because the
money to buy them comes
from residence hall funding,
a, Carter said an average of 25
students have been coming to
each event this year.
"We had more people at our
first event this year than we had
at all our events combined last
year Carter said.
Carter hopes that since
more students attend these
programs, more people will be
aware of campus services.
"I would hope it helps them
get connected to offices on
campus so that when they have a
need they know who they can
go to on campus Carter said.
Aside from presentations
on campus, Achieve also
works to encourage
individual students to be
academically successful. Any
student whose GPA is 3.5 or higher
after fall exams will receive a
certificate and a pin. They also
recognize the floor with the
highest GPA in each dorm.
These floors receive extra
programming money.
"Anything that helps a
student realize that there are
people on campus that notice
that they are doing well
academically encourages them to
continue to do well Carter said.
They also receive reports
of students who are at risk
of failing and refer them to
services including tutoring
programs. They also send letters
reminding the students that hall coor-
dinators are always available to help.
"They know they're not suc-
ceeding in their class, they
may not feel comfortable
talking to a professor or they
may not know where to
go to get help Carter said.
Achieve is also in progress of
creating a program that brings
faculty members into the dorms
to speak with students. The
faculty will talk about their
department and show students
that talking to a professor is like
talking to everybody else.
The Achieve program is an
ECU tradition, but has under-
gone some changes in the
past few years. It was formerly
titled Partners in Education.
Students can find out
about future events by
looking for flyers and signs
around campus. Achieve is
currently constructing a
Web site that will include
this information in the future.
This writer can be contacted at
Remaining scheduled Achieve
program events:
How to choose a major
Wednesday Oct 6 at Garret
7 p.m.
Time Management Skills
Wednesday, Oct. 6, Retcher
7 p.m.
Eating Well
Thursday, Oct 7, Clement Lobby
7 p.m.
Time management skills
Tuesday, Oct 12, Tyler Hall Lobby
8 p.m.
Eating disorders
Monday, Nov. 1, White Lobby
7 p.m.
Eating Disorders
Thursday, Nov. 11, Aycock Base-
7 p.m.
Preparing for Graduate School
Monday, Nov. 15, White Lobby
7 p.m.
Stress Management
Monday, Nov. 22, Jones - 1st
floor lobby
7:30 p.m.
from page A1
have the right judgment to be
president. He accused Kerry of
changing his position to please
the population.
"As the politics change, his posi-
tion changes and that is not how a
commander in chief acts Bush said.
Bush said he will not make
wrong decisions for America
to favor the majority of the
population. He said he decided
against joining a foreign court
that could persecute American
troops even though there was
pressure to join.
"I understand everybody in
this country doesn't agree with
the decisions 1 have made, and
I made some tough decisions,
but people know where I stand,
people out there listening know
what I believe Bush said.
Kerry said his policies have
changed, but they altered because
facts changed.
"I have had one consistent
position, that Saddam Hussein
was a threat, that there was a
right way and a wrong way and
the president chose the wrong
way Kerry said.
Kerry said he had a plan to
improve homeland security. He
said Bush has cut the budget for
police programs, flrehouses and
means of transportation includ-
ing subways and tunnels. He said
he will help protect chemical and
nuclear plants as well as make sure
containers passing through our
ports are thoroughly inspected.
Ashley Lanier, senior
information technology
major, thinks homeland secu-
rity is not only sufficient,
but it is getting out of hand.
"I don't think we should go
too far to invade privacy or we
won't have any said Lanier.
Bush said his administration
has tripled the budget for home-
land security to $30 billion a year
and they are modernizing the
country's borders. The budget
is $31 million for police and
Reshondra McLean, fresh-
man nursing major, said she
thinks the money should be set
aside for American troops.
"I think it's a disgrace that
the military is paid so little when
they're over there fighting for
no reason and money is going
to other places unnecessarily
said McLean.
Kerry and Bush both agreed
nuclear weapons areamajor problem.
Kerry said there are between
four and seven nuclear weapons in
North Korea and all of them were
created under Bush's watch. He
said there is also a recent Ameri-
can nuclear project which he plans
to shut down in order to send the
right message to other countries.
Shannon McNamara,
secretary of ECU'S college dem-
ocrats, said she appreciated
that both men addressed
current problems throughout
debate, but Kerry has a better plan.
"Kerry's plan is more thought
out said McNamara.
"I feel like he's more con-
cerned with making sure we're
safe in the future
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page A1
fete Is
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204 Eastbrook Drive ? Greenville, NC 27858
from 9 a.m. - S p.m. Students can
also vote at OneStop.
Margaret O'Neil, SGA
member, introduced a new pro-
cedure for bills and resolutions.
Senators are required to present
four copies of an intended bill to
Secretary Jacqueline Anderson
on the Wednesday prior to the
next meeting. No bills or resolu-
tions will be addressed unless
they are in the agenda.
Student fee committees were
also reviewed covering depart-
ments such as student health
services, recreational services,
student media and the student
This weekend SGA will also
participate in Homecoming with
a float and a skit.
O'Donnell said their theme
is "SGA Beach Bash She said
the skit will be like an old
beach blanket movie and will
incorporate ideas from campus
safety week and the self-defense
training course they hosted last
month. It will also outline each
branch of SGA.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarol'mian. com.
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Page A4
TUESDAY October 5, 2004
Page A5
Our View
It's October again. Fall has arived and soon
we'll be putting on our Halloween costumes
and turning our clocks back for Daylight Sav-
ings Time.
It's hard to ignore these holidays and obser-
vances during October but there are plenty
more that we tend to overlook.
Whoever knew that October is Pickled Pepper
Month, Sarcastic Awareness Month or Cookie
Month? Now there's something to celebrate.
In addition to these celebratory times, October
is also known as Healthy Lung Month. In the
spirit of this, TEC would like to encourage all stu-
dents and faculty to recognize this designation
during the 31 days of October and beyond.
It's not only disgusting to see all the cigarette
butts that litter our beautiful campus, it's also
a constant reminder of the number of people
that continue to smoke, despite the well-known
harmful effects of tobacco.
The World Heajth Organization announced this
year that tobacco use kills nearly five million
people annually and that number is anticipated
to double in the next 20 years.
We all know that smoking contributes to
emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease. It's
also linked to impotence and infertility, depres-
sion and suicide, stroke, various other cancers
and many more health problems.
If you already smoke, there's no doubt that you
should quit. If you aren't a smoker, it's obvious
that you should never start.
According to the American Cancer Society,
"nearly 87 percent of all lung cancer cases in
the U.S. are smoking-related. In 2004 alone, an
estimated 173,770 Americans will be diagnosed
with smoking-related lung cancer"
Although the facts are there, many continue
the habit despite the risks involved. Since the
U.S. Surgeon General released the first report
on smoking and health in 1964, more than
two million American smokers have died from
smoking-related lung cancer.
7FC encourages you to do the right thing for
your health and that of the people around you.
After all, it's Healthy Lung Month. You should
Opinion Columnist
Firebrand preacher visits campus
Our Staff
Nick Henne Katie Koklnda-Baldwin
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Robbie Den-
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Asst Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Last week Dan Rather and CBS aired
a misleading story insinuating that the
Bush administration will attempt to
reinstate the draft if he is reelected. The
only problem with the whole story is
the conveniently omitted fact that the
only legislation concerning the draft
in the last two years (a whopping total
of two bills) were introduced by Demo-
crats. Taking that into consideration,
the whole story was garbage.
That's not surprising really. Desper-
ate times call for desperate measures
after all. And they are desperate. Oh
Last week also saw Eric Gilmore
attacked and vilified for daring to
be loyal to ECU and for challenging
everyone else to do so also. That is
not surprising either. Loyalty seems
to have gone the way of courtesy and
respect here at ECU. How can we expect
people to show respect and loyalty to
ECU as an institution when they can't
show it to fellow human beings as
Good article Eric. As for the abuse
heaped upon- you, I will presume to
speak for Peter Kalajian this one time
when I say, "Welcome to our world
I, for one, am sorry you had to experi-
ence it.
I also learned last week that a
doctor, supposedly acting under Eng-
land's barbaric law allowing late term
abortions if the child would be born
with a "serious handicap performed
the procedure on a child who had a
"cleft lip Real debilitating "handicap"
isn't it? It is a law just like this one in
England that abortion advocates want
passed in this country. How far will this
insanity and murder go?
I know, I can almost hear the
screams of outrage about my "insen-
sitivity and ignorance" or whatever.
Same as always.
Tell you what. I'll just let you read
something that was sent to me earlier
this year as a response to your outrage.
I don't particularly agree with all of it,
but nothing is perfect.
This is a variation of an e-mail that
has been around since 2001 at least. It
is titled "I am a Bad American
"I like large cars, good sex, large
drinks, so-so sex, large paychecks and
I believe the money I make belongs
to me and my family, not some mid-
level governmental functionary who
wants to give it to whoever it is they
think is more deserving this month.
I think owning a gun doesn't make
you a killer - it makes you a smart
I believe marriage is between
one man and one woman, as God
I don't care If you call me a racist,
a homophobe or a misogynist, I don't
think being a "minority" makes you
noble or victimized nor does it entitle
you to any special treatment. I will not
conform or compromise my principles
just to keep from hurting somebody's
feelings, nor do I expect you to.
I thought the Taco Bell dog was
funny. I think that Redskins, Indians,
Braves and any other team names do
not insult anybody, you morons.
1 think that being a student doesn't
give you any more enlightenment than
working at Blockbuster. In fact, if your
parents are footing the bill to put your
sorry butt through four to seven years
of college, you haven't begun to be
I believe that life begins at concep-
tion and that abortion is murder.
I don't want to eat or Arink any-
thing with the words light, lite, fat-free
or Atkins-approved on the package.
I believe everyone has a right to pray
to their God or gods, just leave the
rest of us out of it. This also applies to
My heroes are George Washington,
Abraham Lincoln, Orson Wells, Ronald
Reagan and whoever cancelled Jerry
Springer. I think creative violence
makes movies more interesting and
America's enemies more dead.
I don't hate the rich. I don't pity
the poor.
1 think global warming is junk
I've never owned or was a slave, I
didn't wander 40 years in the desert
after getting chased out of Egypt, I
haven't burned any witches or been
persecuted by the Turks and neither
have you, so shut up already.
I don't use the excuse "it's for the
children" as a shield for unpopular
opinions or actions. I believe a self-
righteous liberal with a cause is more
dangerous than a PlayStation.
I want to know which church is it
exactly where the Rev. Jesse Jackson
preaches, where he gets his money,
and why he is always part of the prob-
lem and not the solution. Can I get an
"amen" on that one?
I think explosions are cool.
I think the cops have every right to
shoot your sorry a if you're running
from them. I also think they have the
right to pull your a over if you are
breaking the law, regardless of what
color you are.
I'll admit that the only movie that
ever made me cry was Field of Dreams.
I didn't realize Dr. Seuss was a genius
until I had a kid.
I think if you are in the passing
lane, and not passing, you are a legiti-
mate target.
I'm neither angry nor disenfran-
chised, no matter how desperately the
mainstream media would like the world
to believe otherwise.
And, I vote even if it isinconvenient.
I am a bad American. Live with it
That about covers it, except that
we'll find out how many "Bad Ameri-
cans" there are on Election Day.
Letter to the Editor
Alexander Marclnlak Jenny Hobbs
Web Editor Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and Is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
Information. One copy of TEC is free, each additional
copy is $1.
Dear Editor,
It is usually my personal policy
not to respond to opinion columnist
articles. However, when a column
resorts to publishing discredited lies
and disinformation, I feel compelled to
write. Mr. McKee, in his effort to feel
that he has nailed Kerry on inconsisten-
cies, has not checked the facts before he
submitted his article.
First, Mr. McKee has stated that on a
1997 edition of the CNN show "Cross-
fire Mr. Kerry supported preemptive
war against and further stated that we
cannot trust Russia or France. If Mr.
McKee had done a simple Lexis search,
he would have been able to read the
transcript and seen that no such com-
ments were made. The source of this
disinformation and attempt to make
John Kerry look bad is Representative
Peter King, a New York Republican. The
Washington Times published the story
based on Mr. King's word. They have
since retracted the story and apolo-
gized. This does not sound like a flip-
flop to me, but is reflective of Repub-
lican tactics. The Republicans have a
history of making complicated policy
votes seem as if they were flip-flops.
This tactic has been used in nearly
every election in some form since the
1950s. I guess Mr. McKee is one of the
individuals that takes the easy route
and looks at superficialities instead of
details to make his decision.
A prime example of this is his
voting record on issues related to Cuba.
John Kerry voted for Helms-Burton
twice but opposed the final conference
report which contained language that
even the Miami Herald said in an edi-
torial was "perverse John Kerry also
voted in 1992 extend sanctions against
countries that assist Cuba, and has
voted to prove Castro denies the human
rights of Cuban people and that the
communist party should permit a vote
- by secret ballot with international
observers - on Castro's rule. Addition-
ally, Kerry has voted to hold Castro
accountable for his continued human
rights abuses, his routine restriction
of workers' rights, his forced labor and
his detaining citizens for advocating
human rights, free and fair elections
and freedom of the press.
I argue that it takes a man of con-
viction and insight to be able to look
at a political situation and change his
mind. Kerry is not a flip-flopper, but
does make informed policy changes.
But if you consider flip-flopping to be a
concern, then don't vote for Bush. Bush
has flip-flopped on the 911 commis-
sion, The WMD Commission, whether
or not he'll appear before the com-
missions or how much time he would
spend. Bush flip-flopped on seeking a
UN vote for the war with Iraq, the cre-
ation of the Department of Homeland
Security (which he has offered minimal
support for thus far), gay marriage (he
previously said it was up to the States),
steel tariffs, and finally the Assault
Weapons Ban (I guess every American
needs an AK-47).
More Important than flip-flopping
are Bush's flops. Bush has a horrible
record on environmental policies, his
treatment of women, the erosion of
civil liberties and his hypocritical stand
on the Homeland Security Department
(No new funding just combined the old
budget lines from subsidiary depart-
ments and then gave no power to the
agency), and let's not even talk about
Finally, Mr. Bush's handling of our
economic system is puerile. He keeps
cutting taxes and spending more
money. Surely, that is not the fiscal con-
servative policy he promised. He hasn't
vetoed a single spending bill since
taking power. Mr. Bush seems to be hell
bent on sacrificing th? financial future
of America's kids and the environment
for the sake of a profitable quarter for
the power elite. As for raising taxes,
the only people that will pay more are
those that make more than $200,000
per year. These individuals gain more
from our society's systems. I believe it
is only Christian that they share more
of the burden. I could keep writing, but
I feel I have made my point.
Graham Wilson
ECU Graduate Student
Pirate Rant
I was tailgating at the football
game, all dressed in my purple
and gold, when all of a sudden I
start seeing cars full of girls get
out and they are dressed like they
are going to the club. What's up
with the high-heeled shoes and
dress clothes for tailgating and
the football game?
To the person who thanked
the Spectrum committee for
bringing the movie Fahrenheit
911, please know they are not
the committee who brought the
film to campus. The Student
Union Films Committee is the
only committee who decides on
what movies show on campus in
the Hendrix Theater. They are the
ones responsible for bringing the
"better movie in all of my twenty
years" to campus.
I don't care what their
record is, I love me some ECU
Pirates! This is the time our stu-
dent athletes need our support
the most. Please come out and
wear your purple and gold this
weekend at Homecoming. The
wins will come, just give them
some support.
Attention ECU faculty and
staff who congregate at the Wright
Place: Is it really necessary to use
expletives every other word in
conversation? Please remember
you represent ECU faculty as a
whole and it is a disgrace to your
profession. I know undergraduate
students who have more respect
for themselves and others. Have
some class!
Here's a reality check for
the ranter who said Kerry was
"pessimistic Our economy is
sluggish, Iraq's a mess, the world
hates us, our constitutional rights
are being eroded and we're going
bankrupt. Get a clue and a draft
card. You'll need them both.
As an avid runner, I like to
time my runs at the Student Rec
Center track upstairs. I must
say it is an inconvenience to
run around people walking
two and three abreast. You can
walk and carry on anywhere,
people run there for fitness,
and even for a grade in some
Passing the smoking area out-
side Bate, I saw a smoker with a
cigarette and a Lance Armstrong
bracelet puffing away. Oh, the
Why do people insist on
going back to the people who
treat them like crap? I see guys
treat their girlfriends like prop-
erty and I can't even get one. I
guess if I had an overblown ego
and bought in to every feeble fad,
I'd find a girl.
Is it too much to ask for
people to give the common
stranger a friendly look and even
the occasional "hello?" While
walking on campus, if you pass a
stranger, be friendly. It will make
your day surprisingly better.
Please exercise your cell
phone etiquette. I don't care If
Bobby Sue broke up with Jimmy
Sue, how many shots you took
last night or your ability to use
an array of four letter words. I'd
rather deal with the "popped
collar epidemic" than listen to
this indecency.
Wake up everyone! It is gross
to sneeze in your hand and then
touch a desk or the pencil that
you borrowed from the person
sitting next to you. Invest 94
cents in some hand sanitizerl
Why is it necessary for every-
one to stop In the middle of the
road to look at an accident? As
if the people did not feel bad
enough already, people make
them feel much better by staring
at them!
Wearing other school's
apparel on campus is not a bad
thing, but when students wear
these items to an ECU athletic
event, it is plain wrong. You are
in Pirate Country, so if you want
to wear a Duke shirt, I suggest
you travel to Durham and go see
their game. Do not bring it in our
stadium because we don't want
to see it.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editor@theeastcarolinian.
com. The editor reserves the
right to edit opinions for content
and brevity.
? ?

o w
Page A5
TUESDAY October 5, 2004
WeVe Got Scuba.
Staff, Faculty and Students
Try SCllba wjth certified instructors
in Minges pool
n SEPT. 29 from 8:30-10pm
-ML OCT. 13 from 8:30 - 10pm
per person
Register online: www.ecu.eduorgdivecluli
er call Jason Wright 12521328-7271
:) 328-6387 .
A tuB
; m ecpJ
I've: beem
Of THE THlfltS
you UKE
AND felv6 HIM
,?fNb SATRe
SGR wants to Congratulate L
the 2004 Homecoming Kings ? Queens
Christophir "Smitty" Marcus Wayne Conner, Jr. Brandon Magness M. Cole Jones
Smith Pi Kappa Alpha ECU Gospel Choir SAAC
ECU Cheerleading
Jennifer Fauber
Healthy Pirates
Lauren Hough
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Katie McCann
ECU Cheerleading
April Paul
College Democrats
Beecher Allison
Baptist Student Union
Lauren Miies
Minority Association
ofPre-Health Students

Page A6 252.328.6366 ROBBIE DERR Features Editor CAROLYN SCANDURA Assistant Features Editor
TUESDAY October 5, 2004
Students need to be aware of
the University's updated parking
regulations. The Parking and
Transportation Office reminds
students to pay attention to the
A1 Zone Parking Signs to ensure
they are not towed. There will be
a $20 towing fee that must be
paid before students can obtain
a tow release form which allows
the release of their vehicle from
Individual towing companies.
The ECU Poetry Forum will meet at
8 p.m. in room 241 of Mendenhall
Student Center. This forum will
be conducted workshop style
but is open to listeners as well
as writers. Writers who wish to
attend the meeting need to bring
eight to 10 copies of poems they
would like to discuss. Visit ecu.
eduorgpoetryforum for more
If you would like to interview
with recruiters on campus, your
time is running out. Sign on to
your eRecruitlng account and
click on the Job & Internship tab.
Then follow the links to "one click
searches' and then "upcoming
on-campus interviews From
there, you just need to select the
job you want to send your resume
for, click apply and send in your
Students are reminded to always
be aware of their surroundings.
This does not mean only at night,
but also in broad day light. There
have been a series of crimes
In close proximity to the ECU
campus lately. These situations
can potentially be avoided by
always walking with other people,
staying out of unknown areas and
avoiding situations that "just don't
seem right
Names In the News:
Relief for Leo
A judge has dismissed Leonardo
DiCaprlo and two friends as
defendants In a $45 million
lawsuit. The suit claims DiCaprlo
and two of his pals egged on
another friend to beat up a guy
In an argument over Elizabeth
Berkley. Yes, there was a time men
argued over the B-llst "Showgirls"
star. Roger Wilson, 44, says that on
May 4,1998, when he confronted
DiCaprio & Co. for harassing his
then-girlfriend Berkley, one of the
men punched him.
Banking on TV
"America's Next Top Model" must
have given her a love of being on
TV, because Tyra Banks wants to
return to the boob tube in a big
way. According to the Hollywood
Reporter, the supermodel has
signed to develop her very own
syndicated daytime talk show,
targeted for next fall.
No place like home
Riverside, Iowa, residents revere
Capt. James T, Kirk so much
they hold an annual TrekFest,
during which the townsfolk hold
a parade dressed up as Star Trek
characters. Riverside considers
itself as the birthplace of William
Shatner's character from that
beloved bit of wackiness, the
original Star Trek.
Connery to retire?
After the extraordinarily tragic
news that John Corbett is giving
up acting, could the world lake
another body blow? According
to Variety, Sean Connery may
be calling it quits as well.
He reportedly just pulled out of
his next project, "Josiah's Canon
for which he was to be paid
$17.5 million, and is considering
When cougars attack
According to Variety, "cougar" is
a pop-culture term for mature,
wealthy women who are
susceptible to the powers of
younger men. But Gold Circle
Films is so confident the term
and its concept are gripping and
well-known, It's making a movie
about one such cougar, played
by Sharon Stone, who'll fall for a
hot young predator who wants to
use her connections to further his
own business.
ECU Family Fare Series opens
Storybook Theater
opens with Tales from
Around the World
ECU's Family Fare Series
opens this season with child-
friendly, cultural stories from
Storybook Theater. This year's
theme, Tales from Around the
World, is sure to have kids and
adults alike bewildered with
entertainment all while encour-
aging imagination and education
through folklore theater.
Storybook is sharing in the
homecoming festivities this
year. The members of the troupe
will be dressed in costume and
marching in the annual Home-
coming Parade Oct. 9 prior to
the performance. The perform-
ers and audience members can
march straight from the parade
to their seats in Wright Audito-
rium for the show, which begins
at 11:30 a.m.
Storybook Theater is making
its first appearance on stage at
Wright Auditorium. For the past
10 years, the troupe of about IS
ECU theater students has been
performing off campus in pro-
ductions at Barnes and Noble and
In the eastern North Carolina
community. They take their
performances of participation-
oriented theater to local elemen-
tary and middle schools in Pitt,
Beaufort and Craven counties.
Patch Clark, ECU Storybook
Theater director said that Sto-
rybook works closely with the
schools to pick a theme for the
Tales from Around the World Performers promote Family Fare Series in Wright Auditorium.
"We work with elementary
and middle schools to see if they
have a theme and then we work
with that said Clark.
This year's theme, Tales from
Around the World, will feature
Kenyan, Native American and
Mexican folklore. Each story
will incorporate entertaining
combinations of acting, audience
participation and multi-media
presentations that will enhance
the animation and bring the
story to life.
Rainbow Sky is the Kenyan
folklore presentation. This story
colorfully illustrates the creation
of rainbows. Throughout the
story, when prompted, the audi-
ence will lend their personal imi-
tations of a large thunderstorm
and stomping of the bulls to
enhance their perception of the
story unfolding on stage.
Pablo's Wind, the Mexican
folklore tale, features a story
about the creation of wind
through the eyes of a courageous
young boy and his dog, Gordito.
The audience will contribute
their own dramatics to make the
story come alive with sounds of
a windstorm.
The Earth on Turtles Back is
a Native American folklore story.
Its depiction of the creation of
Earth lets children explore folk-
lore and its incorporation with
nature and environment. Letting
children examine ideas from
other cultures through these per-
formances helps them to expand
their imagination, reading and
learning skills.
"Tales from Around the World
are multi-cultural and genera-
tional and appeal to everyone
Clark said.
"They have a message about
Oral folktales that are passed
down from generations become so
rich in tradition-that's what makes
them so interesting, Clark said.
After the performance, those
who want more can participate
in the hour-long workshop held
a half-hour after the show is
over. The workshop will feature a
"create your own folktale" section
where kids can be creative with
group acting, creating costumes
and performing their folktales.
Space is limited and tickets for
the workshop are distributed on
a first-come first-serve basis.
Storybook Theater encour-
ages all students who are inter-
ested to participate in any way
they can.
"We welcome all interested
actors, education and technical
people to be involved Clark said.
There is room for everyone,
especially those involved or
interested with education. To
see children respond and par-
ticipate in such an educational
manner is beneficial for anyone
to witness.
"Any student of education is
going to have to go on field trips to
engage imagination, and live the-
ater is a great way said Carol Wood-
ruff, director of Cultural Outreach.
"It is fun - kids are fun.
There's a little child in all of us.
It's great to let loose and unleash
the inner child
This writer can be contacted at
Tales from Around the World
Family Fare Series
Saturday, Oct. 9
11:30 a.m.
Wright Auditorium following
Homecoming Parade
$9 Adult
$8 ECU FacultyStaff
$6 ECU Student
All tickets are $9 at the door
Downtown scene
Things go from good
to great in Greenville
Want to get out, have a good
time and eat some great food?
Here's your chance to find out
about a few places downtown
has to offer!
Scores, a sports bar, is open
noon - 2 a.m. daily. They opened
December of 2002, and have
done nothing but grow since.
They offer many specials, pool
tables, 14 TVs, a big screen and
a huge projection screen where
you can watch sports all day-
long. Their comfortable couches
also give the place a "homey"
feel. While relaxing and watch-
ing your favorite team play you
can also order food from pizza
to wings, not to mention their
deserts. On Monday's join every-
one as they watch the football
game, Wednesday is open-mic
night and you can't forget Friday
and Saturday's where they have
live bands and contests. And
after a long weekend, go play
in the poker tournament that is
held every Sunday. With all this
to offer, there's something for
"Come join us at downtown's
finest and only bar" said Jake
Hartsell, owner of Scores.
A great place to meet and
mingle with other college stu-
dents is Happy's Pool Room. It's
open daily from 10 a.m. - 2 a.m.
with music, pool tables and video
games. Watching sports on TV
is always better with a crowd to
cheer on your team.
"Happy's is a great place to
have a fun time said Dave Letch-
worth, manager at Happy's.
Since college students are
always In need of a financial
break, ltonlycosts$2.S0perhour
to play pool, and on Monday and
Wednesday ladies play for free.
University of South Carolina
treats 800 to halt meningitis
Greenville offers great places
They offer Wednesday specials
and a wonderful social environ-
"It's a local place with a
friendly atmosphere, and nice
people Letchworth said.
Maybe playing pool and
watching sports isn't your thing.
Put on your dancing shoes and
make your way to Element. It's
open until 2 a.m so dance the
night away. It has a great DJ
playing the best dancing music.
Element offers a great atmosphere
for the "dance-lover With mir-
rors on the wall, you can even
work on your dance moves.
Admission for guys is $5, and
girls $3. Guys - dress pants and
shirts are required to make this a
more up-scale scene. You must be
at least 18 to enter.
"Element is the place to be
when you want to grind the
dance floor said John Lynn, a
dance-lover from Greenville.
It's up the road to Cavern,
where there's a large dance floor
and stage where you can dance
until 2 a.m. It has a variety of
great DJ's and occasional live
bands. Cavern offers specials
Wednesday - Saturday. Admis-
to eat and socialize downtown,
sion for guys is $5, and ladies are
always free.
"I love this place, there are
friendly people, and great spe-
cials said James Palmer, an
employee at Cavern.
Many people go and have
a great time just meeting new
people and socializing while
others show off their dance skills.
You can also rent out the Cavern
to have your own private party.
After all the dancing and
partying, it's time to get some
great food. Wild Buffalo Wings
is open Monday - Saturday 11
a.m. - 3 a.m and on Sunday's
noon - 2 a.m. They offer potato
skins, onion rings and many
other foods. Not to mention their
specialty wings. They offer a wide
variety of flavors to satisfy every-
one's taste buds. Their hottest
flavor is "blazin" and their most
popular is "sweet barbeque This
2-story restaurant has many TV's,
including 2 big-screens to watch
as you pig-out.
"We have the best wings
In town said Ahmid Kanu,
manager at Wild Buffalo Wings.
see DOWNTOWN page A7
(KRT) ? A first-year Univer-
sity of South Carolina student
remained hospitalized in inten-
sive care Tuesday, and 800 fellow
students received antibiotics as
a precaution after the freshman
was diagnosed with bacterial
meningitis, a contagious and
potentially fatal disease, a univer-
sity spokesman said Tuesday.
Kirkland Darby, a 19-year-old
student from Georgetown, SC,
was admitted to Palmetto Health
Baptist on Monday, said his step-
father, Charles Ragsdale.
Darby briefly was in a coma,
but had made progress by Tues-
day afternoon, Ragsdale said.
"He's saying a few words, and
the doctor is very encouraged. It's
looking better every hour that
he'll make a full recovery
It is unclear when or how
Darby contracted the disease.
But the type of meningitis
Darby has is the most serious
form, said Terry King, director of
clinical services for the Thomson
Student Health Center at USC.
It progresses rapidly, but can
be treated by antibiotics if caught
early, he said.
In addition, there is a vaccine
for the disease, which is called
meningococcal meningitis and
is caused by the Neisseria men-
ingitidis bacterium. However, the
vaccine takes up to two weeks to
take effect.
By Tuesday, about 800 stu-
dents who might have come in
contact with Darby were given
a precautionary antibiotic, said
USC spokesman Russ McKinney.
The school targeted students
with whom Darby might have
had direct contact within a week
before his diagnosis - those in his
dorm, in the fraternity he was
pledging and at the tailgate party
he attended before Saturday's
football game.
University officials knocked
on the doors of at-risk students,
posted fliers and contacted fra-
ternity members, who then put
them in touch with other groups
who had associated with the stu-
dent during the past week.
While King said USC has not
had a case of on-campus bacterial
meningitis in at least 17 years,
college freshmen - especially
those living in dorms - are espe-
cially susceptible because they
are living in large groups.
Bacterial meningitis can be
spread by coughing, sneezing or
prolonged close contact, includ-
ing kissing or sharing the same
utensils, said Dr. Jerry Gibson,
state epidemiologist with the SC
Department of Health and Envi-
ronmental Control.
Freshman Boyd Brown went
to church with Darby on Sunday.
The two had become friends
since meeting in LaBorde Resi-
dence Hall where they live.
He and some friends had vis-
ited the hospital Monday, though
they could not see Darby.
"I'm just hoping he gets better
right now and hoping his family
is well Brown said. "That's all
we can really do right now is pray
for him
Brown said he was not wor-
ried since he had taken antibiot-
ics and received the vaccine in
Other students were more
"I was really scared said
Karissa Lindsay, a freshman who
also lives in LaBorde. "I knew
about meningitis. I didn't think
there would be an outbreak
Lindsay said her doctor did
not recommend the meningitis
vaccine when she was getting
ready for school, but she got it
USC's Thomson Student
I lealth Center saw about 900 stu-
dents in the first 36 hours after
Darby was diagnosed. A single
oral dose of Cipro was given to
students at no charge if they were
deemed to be at risk, King said.
see MENINGITIS page A7

5, 2004
SeX talk On CampUS Downtown
from page A6
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Rsftigh City,
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Computers Mode Simple
3160-D Evans Road
Lynncroft Shopping Center
next to BEST BUY
Can't focus?
Can't sleep?
Can't stand it
(KRT) ? "Roxy Sass the sex
columnist at the Stanford Daily,
advises "tragically repressed" Stan-
ford University students to stash
sexual aids in their "trusty toy box
The Daily Cat's popular "Sex
on Tuesday" column welcomed
University of California, Berke-
ley students back to school with
frank talk about morning-after
manners and the etiquette of
the "half-night stand" - sneak-
ing out before the sun and the
bed-owner rise.
And Yvonne K. Fulbright,
the 29-year-old doctoral student
who writes the "Sexpert Tells All"
column for New York Universi-
ty's Washington Square News, is so
well-known that she was invited
to speak at freshman orientation.
From California campuses
to the Ivy League and Big Ten
universities in the nation's
heartland, student sex colum-
nists - nearly all of them young
women - are spicing up college
newspapers and pushing the
boundaries between entertain-
ing and advising.
For a generation exposed to TV
shows like HBO's saucy "Sex and the
City the columns are must-reads.
"It's a lot of advice on tech-
nique and pleasure said Sonia
Chen, 22, a fifth-year student at
Cal who has been reading "Sex
on Tuesday" since she was a
freshman. "It's like anonymous
sex advice. You don't have to ask
your friends questions because
it's in the campus paper
But others, including parents
and alumni, are aghast at the
frank and sometimes explicit
nature of the columns, which
discuss everything from orgasm
to tantric sex to G-spots - and
that's just for starters. Some
adults have expressed concern
about the soundness of the
advice, but many students say
they find the columns both
entertaining and informative.
Take a free, anonymous screening for depression and anxiety at:
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Some columns are humorous
essays based on interviews with
students and the writer's per-
sonal experience, while others
follow a question-and-answer
format. While critics worry that
the columns reinforce stereo-
types that college students are
promiscuous, others argue that
the trend toward "abstinence-
only" campaigns in high schools
means that many students arrive
on campus starved for informa-
tion because they've had little-
to-no sex education.
At Humboldt State University
in Arcata, Calif the Lumberjack
newspaper's "Sexually Speaking"
column has been written for five
years by Melinda Myers, a 43-
year-old psychology professor
who teaches courses on human
sexuality. She is the only non-
student columnist at the paper.
"College students are abso-
lutely having sex, but they don't
know the first thing about it
said Myers. "Last semester, a
female student in one of my
courses asked if it was true that
drinking Windex after sex meant
you would not get pregnant
There's no accurate tally of
how many campus newspapers
run sex columns: many, includ-
ing The Spartan Daily at San
Jose State and The Santa Clara at
Santa Clara University, do not
have them.
And as thefallsemestergets under
way, some college papers are facing
criticism both on and off campus.
The debut sex column in The
Spectrum at North Dakota State
University caused a furor among
adults in the surrounding Fargo
community. The just-launched
column by "Allison Moorhead
the pseudonym for the female
writer, was barely noted by the
school's 12,000 students. But the
column about oral sex outraged
the larger campus community,
and many adults bombarded
the paper's editor with angry
phone calls.
"I'm scared every time the
phone rings said Matthew
Perine, the Spectrum's editor, who
says he is torn over whether to
tone the column down or allow
a local alternative paper to run it
unedited instead.
Though the various columns
invariably offend some people,
most university administrators
steer clear of regulating the edito-
rial content of student-run pub-
lications. So far, no one at North
Dakota State has pressured the
Spectrum to drop the column,
and other staffers have leapt to
its defense.
Monday's they have "quarter
back trivia" where you can win
a $20 gift certificate. Every Tues-
day they offer 35 cent wings,
and Wednesday they have NTN
trivia, where you can win $100
and eat 50 cent wings. Football
lovers, be sure to go on Sunday
to the "NFL Sunday Ticket
Go experience crazy times and
great food.
Boli's is also a great place to
chow down after a long night
of dancing. It's open Monday
- Thursday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m
and Friday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 4
a.m. It has both great food and
social environment. Boli's has a
wide-variety of food from salad
to pizza, to down town's best
subs. You can also watch sports
and listen to the occasional
live bands on Tuesdays. Every
Monday night is "wing night"
where you can have all-you-
can-eat wings for only eight
dollars. For all the late-night
people, they just began new
late-night specials. They serve
breakfast Thursday - Saturday 1
a.m. - 4 a.m. and pizza for only
$1 per slice.
"It's a wonderful place for
people to get out and have
good food said manager
Corey Maxson.
These are only a few of the
places downtown has to offer.
There are other clubs, bars, res-
taurants and even stores where
people love to go.
Go see foryourself what down-
town Greenville has to offer.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A6
Meningitis is a problem on college campuses everywhere.
Of the students screened at
the center, two or three were sent
to the hospital for further test-
ing, but none tested positive for
bacterial meningitis, he said.
For an official diagnosis,
spinal fluid is extracted from the
lower back and examined under
a microscope for bacteria.
The school is instructing
students who think they need to
be screened to visit the student
health center or a physician.
Catching the disease early is
the key to survival.
Darby was not ill when he
attended USC's football game
Saturday, but by Monday morn-
ing he was incoherent, with a
high fever and rash, his stepfa-
ther said.
"He's not totally out of the
woods yet, but the next 12 to 24
hours will tell the tale Ragsdale
said late Tuesday morning.
Students living in LaBorde
Residence Hall, which has 330
residents, and the 100 members
of the Kappa Alpha fraternity he
was pledging were notified and
received medication if necessary.
Students also were going
to the health center to inquire
about receiving the bacterial
meningitis vaccine, King said.
In South Carolina, students are
urged - but not required - to get
the vaccine before the start of the
school year.
But the disease typically
peaks in the winter and early
spring, so the university has
ordered 1,000 doses of the $80
vaccine, he said.
Even before the diagnosed
bacterial meningitis case, USC
health officials had planned to
send out another notice advis-
ing students to get vaccinated
against the disease.
"That doesn't help us now, but
it helps for the future King said.
Want to use your SGH funding for trauel?
(ConferenceAnnual HeetingConuention)
Learn the Travel: How To's
September 15 Mendenhall 212 (4-6 pm)
September 23 Mendenhall 212 (4-6 pm
October 6 Mendenhall 15 (3-5 pm
October 21 Mendenhall 15 (3-5 pm)
Hoiember 3 Mendenhall 212 (3-5 pm
November 11 Mendenhall 212 (3-5 pm
December 1 Mendenhall 212 (3-5 pm
More dates to come for the spring semester
Sign up in the SGH office (255 HSC) or call us at 328-4726
NOTE: Organizations must be registered. A constitution must be on
file with the Office of Student Leadership and Development and SGA.
NOTE: Students must currently be enrolled in the semester they are
traveling. Money cannot be allocated for advisors.
HOTE: All travel must be pre-approved before the departure date.

Page A8 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
TUESDAY October 5, 2004
AP Top 25
Rank School Record Prev
1 USC 4-0 1
2 Oklahoma 4-0 2
3 Georgia 4-0 3
4 Miami 4-0 4
5 Texas 4-0 5
6 Auburn 5-0 8
7 California 3-0 10
8 Florida State 3-1 9
9 Purdue 4-0 15
10 Virginia 4-0 12
11 Utah 5-0 14
12 Florida 3-1 16
13 Minnesota 5-0 18
14 Michigan 4-1 19
15 Wisconsin 5-0 20
16 West Virginia 4-1 6
17 Tennessee 3-1 10
18 Ohio State 3-1 7
19 Arizona State 5-0 21
20 Louisville 4-0 22
21 Boise State 5-0 23
22 Oklahoma Slate 4-0 25
23 Maryland 3-1 24
24LSU3-2 13
25 South Carolina 4-1 NFS
Others Receiving Votes; Southern
Miss 50, N.C. State 28, Missouri
24, Fresno St. 17, Virginia Tech
17, Navy 15, Stanford 15, Texas
A&M 12, Boston College 5, Notre
Dame 2, Kansas St 1, Nebraska
1, Texas Tech 1.
Coach's Poll
Rank SchoolRecord Prev.
1 USC4-01
2 Oklahoma4-02
3 Georgia4-03
4 Miami4-04
5 Texas4-05
6 Auburn5-09
7 California3-010
8 Florida State3-111
9 Virginia4-012
10 Purdue4-015
11 Utah5-014
12 Florida3-116
13 Minnesota5-019
14 Michigan4-118
15 Ohio State3-16
16 Wisconsin6420
18 West Virginia4-17
19 Boise State5-021
20 Louisville4-022
21 Oklahoma State4-024
22 Arizona Stat3 5-025
23 Maryland3-123
25 N.C. State3-1NR
Others Receiving Votes: Missouri
46, Virginia Tech 31, Southern Miss
30, Fresno St. 28, South Carolina
20, Texas A&M 11, Arkansas 9,
Boston College 7, Nebraska 7,
Stanford 7, UCLA 6, Memphis
5, Iowa 3, Colorado 2, Navy 2,
Northern Illinois 2, Kansas St. 1,
Northwestern 1, Notre Dame 1,
Texas Tech 1.
UAB 30, Cincinnati 27
Memphis 41, Houston 14
Southern Miss 27, USF 20
This Day in
1900 - Britain's Harry Vardon wins
the U.S. Open golf title, beating
J.H. Taylor with a 313 total.
1985 - Eddie Robinson becomes
college football's all-time winning
coach as Grambling beats Prairie
View A&M 27-7. It's Robinson's
324th career victory, one more
than Paul "Bear" Bryant had
before he retired from Alabama
after the 1982 season.
1986 - Eric Dlckerson rushes
for 207 yards and scores two
touchdowns, including a 42-yard
run In overtime to give the Los
Angeles Rams a 26-20 victory over
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
1991 - Fresno State ties an NCAA
record for most points in a quarter,
with 49 In the second period as
it pounds New Mexico 94-17.
Fresno State's Derek Mahoney
ties an NCAA record with 13
extra points.
1994 - The NBA shortens the
3-point distance to a uniform
22 feet.
1996 - Byron Hanspard rushes
for 287 yards, his fifth straight
200-yard game this season, to
lead Texas Tech to a 45-24 win
over Baylor
Louisville manhandles Pirates, 59-7
Shelton scores career-
high five touchdowns
The Pirates could only mutter
out a whimper after suffering a
S9-7 defeat, courtesy of No. 22
Louisville on Saturday. Louisville
(4-0,2-0) dropped 52 unanswered
points on ECU (0-4, 0-2) that
looked more like General Custer
at Little Big Horn rather than a
football team hungry for a win.
This one was ugly. There
isn't a way around that. It was
the seventh worst loss in school
history and the worst since 1997
when Syracuse murdered ECU
56-0 in the Carrier Dome. It
would have been appropriate
in the second half if the Pirates
took a Pedro Martinez approach
and announced the Cardinals as
their daddy.
Eric Shelton was the big
daddy scoring five touchdowns
on 12 carries. Shelton, the senior
Florida State transfer totaled 129
yards including a 67-yard scam-
per in the first quarter.
"It was a simple zone play
said the 247-pound Shelton.
"The linemen did a great job
blocking. I think I broke one or
two tackles and then I Just took
off. It feels good to score five
touchdowns in any game
Shelton is a big man at 6-foot,
2-inches. He weighs more than
nine of the 11 ECU defensive
starters. His mammoth offensive
line pushed the smaller Pirates off
the ball, allowing Louisville to
amass 215 yards rushing.
That's not even the worst
of it; Louisville can pass too.
Dual quarterbacks Brian Brohm
and Stefan LeFors passed 186
and 148 yards respectively and
each threw a touchdown pass.
The two were very accurate as
Brohm, a true freshman, fin-
ished 12-of-16 (75 percent),
while his counterpart LeFors
went 12-of-14 for (86 percent).
"I think this was a bad
performance against a very
good team said Head Coach
John Thompson.
"I think things are moving for-
ward. Loulsville'sa very good team
The Pirates did their share of
helping Louisville look national
championship worthy via five
turnovers and four sacks.
ECU quarterback James
Pinkney was beaten like he stole
something throughout the game.
Knocked down play after play,
Pinkney had trouble finding time
to do much of anything besides
dig the grass out of his helmet.
The Florida native threw two
interceptions and was sacked
three times for a total of 29 yards.
"We noticed on defense that
if you keep hitting (the quarter-
back), he'll take his eye off of the
receivers downfield said junior
linebacker Brandon Johnson.
"He started doing that. We
tried to hit him as hard as we
could, as often as we could and
it paid off
Pinkney finished the day with
126 yards on 13-of-23 attempts
and a touchdown. Damarcus Fox
and Bobby Good both caught six
passes. A note of interest - on the
second play from scrimmage after
the half, Pinkney scrambled to
his left and was promptly greeted
in a rather unpleasant fashion by
Marcus Jones. Pinkney was then
scraped off the field with a spatula.
Louisville jumped out to a
28-7 lead only three plays later
when Shelton walked in for a
one-yard run.
"We got down 21-7, and we
can't survive that many turnovers
in the second half Thompson
said dejectedly after the game.
There's no love lost between
'these two teams. This game is
the last chapter in a rocky series.
Louisville leads the all-time
series 6-4. Louisville athletic
administration tried to block
ECU from coming Into Confer-
ence USA. Now it's the Cardinals
that will move on to the Big East
next season.
Last season, Thompson and
Petrino had a run-in after the
game when Petrino's team scored
on the last play of the game.
Petrino still didn't stop scoring
this year either. His team threw
the ball continuously in the
fourth quarter even going for
a meaningless field goal with
1:48 remaining.
Louisville media also played
up a pre-game incident between
the teams. A Louisville player
claimed that a Pirate player spit
Lousiville's Eric Shelton will be running through the Pirates' nightmares for weeks to come.
on him when they were doing
their traditional CardMarch
across the stadium.
However, upon further
review a few ECU players were
checking out the weather condi-
tions on an overcast day. Players
were not stomping on Louis-
ville's Cardinal logo as claimed.
Either way, the Cardinals used it
as incentive.
The Cardinals defense ranks
third nationally, allowing just
seven points per game. It was
stifling all afternoon giving up
only 235 total yards.
One positive note for the
Pirates was the emergence of the
running game. Chris Johnson
had 20 carries for 73 yards, his
second highest total this season.
The true freshman made his first
career-start for the Pirates.
On a gloom and doom day for
the Pirates, little to nothing went
right. The team took several steps
back after putting together a cou-
rageous effort against Cincinnati.
"Our team was ready to play
this game Thompson said.
"There's no question in my
mind we were ready to play
McCallion records hat trick
for Lady Pirates against UAB
The losses are mounting at
nine consecutive. ECU has lost 17
of their last 18 games and is now
just 1-15 less than Thompson.
However, the Pirates have
their most winnable game to date
next Saturday on Homecoming
when Tulane comes to town.
The Pirates need to find some-
thing next week because Louis-
ville made them wave white flags.
"They beat the dog out of us
Thompson said.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@eastcarolinian. com.
ECU women pounds
1CU, ties Marquette
The Lady Pirates gave real
meaning to the expression "prac-
tice makes perfect" this past
weekend as they trounced con-
ference rival DePaul 4-0 and
tied Marquette 2-2, snapping a
six-game losing streak.
"We practiced very hard this
past week and the girls showed it
this weekend said Head Coach
Rob Donnenwirth.
"1 think that the entire team
was really pressing for a good
show against both teams and
they came through in a big way
against DePaul and played the
best we could against a great
Marquette team.
Meghan McCallion started
the weekend off with a bang
as she scored three goals in the
shutout victory over the Blue
Demons. The feat marks the first
time in her career that McCallion
has recorded a hat trick and it
couldn't have come at a better
time for the ECU women.
"Meghan has a great game
against DePaul Donnenwirth said.
"She, like the rest of the team,
had really been pressing the last
few games and she knows that
we look to her as a scorer on the
team and she lit it up
McCallion opened the flood-
gates in the 20th minute of play
when she received a pass from
Krystal Pabey 35 yards out and
hammered home the first goal
of the game. Her second tally
came only six minutes later after
a great hustle play by teammate
Carmen Calpo. Calpo stole a pass
from DePaul's Stefanie Foley and
threaded a pass of her own to a
wide-open McCallion who was
all alone 15 yards from the net.
Her third goal and fifth of
the season came in the 60th
minute of the second half when
she Intercepted an errant DePaul
pass, weaved through a couple of
defenders and pounded a shot
past Blue Demons' goalkeeper
Lindsey Deason.
Women's Basketball
preparing for season
Meghan McCallion ripped up the Horned Frogs' defense with
three goals as the Lady Pirates cruised to a 4-0 victory.
Sarah Stoltz put the icing Pirates while Alison Loughrin
on the cake after she received
a pass from McCallion 17
yards out and popped the ball
over Deason for the fourth
and final goal, all of which
McCallion had a hand in creating.
Thought the ECU forward had
an outstanding game, coach Don-
nenwirth gives a lot of credit to
freshman Patty Pierce, who shut
down the Blue Demons' big-time
scoring threat Julianne Stich,
and goalkeeper Lauren Church.
"Patty played an unbelievable
game against DePaul and Lauren
had one of her best games of the
year Donnenwirth said.
"We did something differ-
ent with how we played defense
against them and the major dif-
ference was having Patty shadow
Stich for the entire game. Patty
shut her down and didn't give her
the chance to get a shot on goal all
game. For a freshman to do that
against a player who gets six or
seven shots a game is outstanding
The Lady Pirates left DePaul
with a renewed confidence and
they would need every shred of it
against C-USA power Marquette
as the teams battled to a 2-2 tie.
Calpo and Pabey played the
role of goal scorers In this match
up, knotting one each for the Lady
and Sarah Uyenlshl scored a goal
a piece for the Golden Eagles.
ECU came out swinging and
their aggressiveness paid off only
three minutes into the contest
when Calpo gave ECU the early
1-0 lead off of a pass from (who
else) McCallion.
The Lady Pirates held the lead
until the 42nd minute of the game
when Loughrin pounded home a
blocked shot from ECU's Church.
The lead tipped back to the
Lady Pirates' favor after Pabey
scored on a free kick from 35
yards out. After Marquette
committed a handball early in
the second half, Pabey lined up
for the kick and drilled a shot on
the far post past the sprawling
Marquette keeper Katie Bissen.
The Lady Pirates' 2-1 lead
dissipated much too soon for their
taste however, when Marquette's
Uyenlshi scored midway through
the 66th minute of play when she
headed the ball down to her foot i
and guided it past Church.
That goal would prove to be
the last of the 110-minute match j
as the Golden Eagles out-shot the
Lady Pirates 10-4. Coach Don-
nenwirth was pleased with ECU's
see SOCCER page A10
Lady Pirates willing to
do whatever it takes
Head Coach Sharon Baldwin-Tener will have her Lady Pirates
ready for the season and C-USA no matter what the cost.
morning workouts will put them a
. step closer to their ultimate goal.
"Preseason is what really
prepares you mentally and physi-
cally for the season said senior
Samantha Pankey.
"We know that all of
the things that we are going
through now are going to make
everything so much easier once
conference play starts
The Lady Pirates have
morning workouts three times
a week and individual workouts
twice a week. They also work
out with coach Wheel three
times a week, focusing mainly
on strength training.
ECU knows that in order to
reach their goal, every player
must push herself to the max.
"We all go hard everyday
because we know that the things
we are working on now, will make
us better individually and as a
team Jackson said.
"We will definitely shock some
people this season because we are
giving everything we have during
workouts and we should
be ready for whatever
the other teams throw at us "
Pankey said.
The Lady Pirates will end
preseason workouts Oct. 14 and
begin official practice Oct.16
With the loss of senior
standout, Courtney Willis,
and an intense hunger to get
past the first round of the
Conference USA Tournament, the
Lady Pirates have adopted a new
motto: "Whatever It Takes
This year's team plans to
show everyone what Lady Pirate
basketball is all about by laying
it all on the line in order to reach
their goals for this season.
"We chose the motto
'Whatever It Takes' because that
is how we feel this season; we are
willing to do whatever we have
to in order to get it done said
senior, Jennifer Jackson.
"In the past teams have
underestimated us, but this year
we are going to try to change
that. Our goal this year is to put
ECU women's basketball on the
map by getting further into the
C-USA tournament
The Lady Pirates began
preparing for this year's season
at 5:45 a.m. on Sept. 9. This is
where the hard work and dedica-
tion really come into play. The
players know that all of the
This writer can be contacted at

to become a student senator?
Late goal gives Pirates 2-1 win
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Krfss 9 difference!
(SID) - In Conference
USA men's soccer, sophomore
midfielder Calvin
Simon headed in
Pat Cutler's cross in the
95th minute as ECU
knocked off DePaul, 2-1, in
overtime Sunday morning at
Bunting Field. The Pirates
(S-S, 1-1 C-USA) won their first
C-USA game of the season.
DePaul fell to 2-8-2 and 0-3 in
"We were very happy to
pull out the win today said
ECU men's soccer Head Coach
Michael Benn.
"It was not our best
performance, but we found a way
to win. We found some things we
need to work on and we will '
The Pirates out-shot the Blue
Demons, 11-6, and held a 10-2
advantage on corner kicks.
ECU finally broke through
the DePaul defense in overtime
after being held scoreless in the
second period. Cutler drove a ball
down the right sideline and sent
a ball into the box. Simon
out-jumped a DePaul defender
and sent a header into
the upper left corner of the
goal for the game-winner.
It was Simon's first goal
of the season.
DePaul tied the game, ,
1-1, at the 67:54 mark.
John Partyka was knocked down
inside the box. His penalty
kick beat ECU keeper Brian Pope
for the Blue Demons' goal.
ECU put pressure
on the Blue Demons in
the first half. The Pirates
had eight corner kick
The Pirates won their first C-USA game with a victory over DePaul.
opportunities, but DePaul
turned ECU away. The
Pirates finally struck in
the 37th minute. Michael
Logan collected a
rebound off DePaul goalie
Michael Timlin and chipped it
into the goal for his third goal
of the season.
ECU continues its C-USA
homestand Wednesday when the
Pirates host Charlotte at 3 p.m.
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ECU takes two at home soccer
from page A8
performance but felt that the
team got tired in the second half.
"1 think we played a great first
half against a solid Marquette
team Donnenwirth said.
"I was happy with the win
at DePaul but when you look at
them, they're a good team but
are one-dimensional and rely on
one threat to do a lot of things
for them. Marquette on the other
hand is a great team in every
J aspect. I felt we played as well as
we could but just ran out of gas
in the second half
The Lady Pirates go on the
road this weekend for their C-
USA match up as they take on
St. Louis and Memphis on Friday,
Oct. 8 and Sunday, Oct.lO. ECU
will be home again on Oct. 15
when the square off against
Tulane at 4 p.m.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com
G-O Verdant Dr.752-3519
The volleyball team snapped their losing streak with two solid
victories against the UAB Lady Blazers and USF Lady Bulls.
Volleyball starts on the
right foot in C-USA play
The ECU Volleyball team
came into this past weekend
thirsty for a win. The Lady Pirates
had won two of their last nine
games and were on a two-game
losing streak heading into con-
ference play. Fresh off losing two
crucial home games to William
and Mary and Campbell, ECU
was trying to find a way to win
once again as they opened confer-
ence play against UAB and USF.
Play started last Friday as
ECU headed to Birmingham, AL
to face UAB. After an early close
score in game one, ECU was able
to pull away and defeat the Lady
Blazers 30-22. In game two, the
Lady Pirates came out working
on all cylinders as they jumped
to a 12-1 lead and eventually
won the game 30-20. ECU never
fell behind in the final game of
the match as they won by the
same score and completed the
three-game sweep of UAB. The
win snapped ECU'S two-game
losing streak; it also marked the
first time ECU Volleyball started
conference play with a win since
joining Conference USA three
years ago.
The Lady Pirates were able
to out hit UAB .271118 in the
sweep. Sophomore Jaime Bevan
led the team with 12 kills, while
junior Erica Wilson and freshman
Kelley Wernert added another 10.
Junior Johanna Bertini led the
defense with 19 digs.
With their first conference
win of the season, the Lady Pirates
looked to carry their success onto
the following day as they faced
their next conference opponent
- USF. Junior Paige Howell stepped
up to record a team-high 16 kills
while the defense was able to
out block the Lady Bulls 14-9,
as ECU rolled on to defeat USF
three games to two. The scores of
the best of five game series read
28-30, 30-27, 26-30, 30-20 and
16-14. The Lady Pirates out-hit
USF .205 - .188 in their first defeat
of the Lady Bulls in ECU history.
With the two wins, ECU now
stands at 8-9 this season, 2-0 in C-
USA. The Lady Pirates will get the
week off before trying to extend
their winning streak in their
next conference games against
Houston and TCU this weekend.
This writer can be contacted at
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Bahamas Spring Break Celebrity
Cruise! 5 days from $279! Includes
Meals, Port Taxes, Exclusive Beach
Parties with 20 of Your Favorite
TV Celebrities as seen on the Real
World, Road Rules, Bachelor! Great
Beaches, Nightlife! Ethics Award
Winning Company! Located in
Chapel Hill www. SpringBreakTravel.
com 1-800-678-6386.
Spring Break! Cancun, Acapulco,
Jamaica from $459taxl Florida
$159! Our Cancun Prices are
$100 Less Than Others! Book
Now! Includes Breakfast, Dinners,
30-50 Hours Free Drinks! Ethics
Award Winning Company!
Located in Chapel Hill View
OOjHotel Reviews 6r, Videos
'A't "www. SpringBreakTravel.
com 1-800-678-6386.
Help Wanted
Part-time help needed. Duties
include mowing grass, weed
eating, shop maintenance St
organization, pick up St delivery
of materials to shop St iobsites,
washingwaxing trucks, etc.
Must me dependable with the
initiative to get things done.
Please call (252)355-8111.
DJ's wanted. No experience
necessary. For information
please call 757-0300.
Gymnastic teachers needed!
Experienced males St females
who enjoy working with children,
23,000 sq. ft. modern gym,
2 miles from campus, contact
Darlene Rose at 321-7264.
Tutornanny needed for ages 12,
11, St 7. Minimum 3.0 GPA, strong
in math skills, non-smoker, reliable
vehicle, good driving record, must
be available late afternoons, early
evenings, and some weekends.
Call 752-1572 for interview.
Greek Personals
Congratulations Meg
Ryan on being Kappa
Delta's sister of the week!
Congratulations Dr. David
Rowe on being Kappa Delta
Sorority's Professor of the month.
The sisters of Sigma Sigma
Sigma would like to thank the
staff at Element for always
taking care of us- we love you
guys! A special thanks to Tara
Patterson for representing us on
Homecoming court this year.
Sigma Loves its 20 new members-
keep up the good work ladies!
Everyone have fun and be safe
at Reggae, use sober driver!
Alpha Delta Pi wants to thank
Lambda Chi and Kappa Alpha
for the socials this weekend
and Rees Hunter and Mary
Vincent for Chapter Retreat.
All year round- SKYDIVE!
Tandem skydive or learn to
jump on your own. www. 910-904-0000.
Contact us today for details.
Spring Break 2005 Challenge
find a better price! Lowest prices,
free meals, free drinks, hottest
parties! November 6th deadline!
Hiring reps- earn free trips and
cash! www.sunsplashtours.
com. 1800-426-7710.
Spring Break 2005- Travel with
STS, America's 1 Student Tour
Operator to Jamaica, Cancun,
Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida.
Now hiring on-campus reps.
Call for group discounts.
InformationReservations 1-800-
Activists needed: Help
Democratic voters register and
request absentee ballots. Do
your part to end the Bush era:
355-4454 (Russ) evenings.
Bartending! $250day
potential. No experience
necessary. Training provided.
(800) 965-6520 ext. 202.

The ECU Swing Dance Club
will be holding free lessons
in the MSC Greatrooms Oct.
5. 7 pm beginner East Coast
and 8pm beginner Lindy Hop.
? of poor maintenance response
? of unretumed phone calls
? of noisy neighbors
?of crawly critters
?of high utility bills
? of ECU parking hassles
? of ungrateful landlords
? of unanswered questions
? of high rents
? of grumpy personnel
? of unfulfilled promises
? of units ihat were not cleaned
? of walls that were never painted
? of appliances that don't work
Wyndham Court &
Eastgate Village Apts.
.1200 K Muselev l)r.
561-RENT or 561-7679
5 Days, Meals. Parties. Taxes
Party With Real World Celebritiesl
Cancun $459
Jamaica $499, Florida $159
Ethics Award Winning Company'
The most ilanijerolis
animals in the liiiesi :
don't live there
www.shareyourlife org
Coalman on Orgm 4 Tutu Dormer
Being it nil k tiy lightning it rare. Having a diaaiiility i niH. Our in five Amern an will iiniv a ditabilit
In hi Of her lifeiime. Take Barbara Gordon. Ai age 29, the wai diagnmed with mai ulr rhftlHHlfcl
and wm toon Irg-IK blind But with the help ?Ka.trr Seal the wu hi to relmild hrr life and relur
i work Pteaae lupport ihc work of EaMrr Seal. Crtir tmii. tkuwm A?
For more information about the
importance of arts education, please contact
www. AmericansForThe Arts. or g.



The East Carolinian, October 5, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 05, 2004
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