The East Carolinian, September 21, 2004

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Id E. Dowdy
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I MMm ni
4US Mute
Volume 80 Number 9
September 21, 2004
Safety Walk highlights
unsafe areas on campus
Areas to be presented
to administration
A campus Safety Walk held
last week as part of ECU'S Campus
Safety Week gave students and
other school officials an opportu-
nity to walk the campus to point
out potentially unsafe areas to
school officials.
In light of the attacks on stu-
dents that occurred last year, SGA
created the Safety Walk as a way
to educate students and admin-
istration about dangerous areas
on campus. Maggie O'Neill, SGA
chief of staff, said the goals of the
walk are to make the students
aware of dangerous locations
and inform the administration
of these areas.
The walk addressed issues of
adding more blue light phones,
cutting back overgrown bushes,
improving lighting in dark areas
such as on the mall and behind
Ragsdale, Student Health and Sci-
ence and Technology buildings.
"We just want to make sure
that this is a safe campus said
Jonathon Redman, SGA
campus safety delegate, said the
Safety Walk of last year helped to
resolve some threatening areas
by dealing with the construc-
tion outside Mendenhall Student
Center and chaining up gates
between the Bate and Science and
Technology buildings.
The SGA will present
Students donated 223 pints of blood in the blood drive.
Red Cross holds
blood drive at ECU
Drive exceeds
projected goal
Students gather in the Mendenhall brickyard before setting off for the campus Safety Walk.
concerns noted in the walk to
"This presentation to Chan-
cellor Ballard will be held Oct11
and will basically be a summary
of the Safety Walk in the form of
a PowerPoint presentation said
Redman said another walk is
being held in the spring semester.
While the focus of the Safety
Walk is on campus, O'Neill and
The American Red Cross held
a two-day blood drive last week
in Mendenhall Student Center
and took in a total of 223 pints
of blood, with 136 alone on
The drives, held on Tuesday
I l and Wednesday from 12 p.m. - 6
.? p.m were not largely publicized.
? However, once e-mails were sent
? campus wide on Wednesday
morning, students and faculty
were ready at noon to donate
Each month, the Red Cross
tries to come to ECU to run a
blood drive. They set their goal
at 110 donations per visit. Most
times they meet that goal or sur-
see SAFETY WALK page A2 pass it, as they did on Wednesday.
Redman both said the SGA hopes
to work with the community as
well as concerns for safety of off-
campus students.
The Red Cross is always striving
to recruit additional donors.
"We want to keep increasing
our blood drives on campus and
increase our goal said Jennifer
Angevine, account manager
for Pitt County American Red
Right now, with blood levels
reaching restricted usage levels,
the need for donors is greater.
With each one pint donation, a
person is actually contributing
platelets, red blood cells and
According to Marjorie
Hinson, a charge person for the
American Red Cross, platelets
are good for five days, plasma is
usable for up to 60 days and red
blood cells can be used for up to
45 days. The donation is usually
used within three days once it
has been tested for disease and
released for usage.
see BLOOD DRIVE page A3
Brady professor involved Student dSSdlllted Oil CaiTipUS
in heart rate study
Study examines bodily
reaction to 911 attacks
Wayne Casico, professor of
medicine and chief of the divi-
sion of cardiology at the Brody
School of Medicine, was part of
the team in a study which mea-
sured heart rate variability and
its potential harmful effects on
On Sept. 11, 2001 a North i
Carolina highway patrolman was
wearing a halter monitor as part
of an experiment that records
the heart rhythm and heart rate
variability. The purpose of the
experiment he was participating
in was to measure the impact air
pollution had on his heart. He
was wearing the equipment on
the morning of the 911 terrorist
attacks, leading the research team
into a new study.
"What we found is that the
moment he was told of the ter-
rorist attack, he had a sudden
decrease in his heart rate vari-
ability. This means there was a
sudden influence on the central
nervous system on his heart, and
given the direction in which that
occurred, it might in other people
produce an adverse affect like
a heart attack or a rhythm prob-
lem said Cascio.
The officer's heart rate
increased and his heart rate
variability, or the subtle beat-to-
beat changes within the heart,
decreased when he found out
about the 911 attack by phone.
Most of the time you will hear
about people who are frightened
to death Casico said. When he
got the news, there was a very
profound emotional response
which represents a fight or flight
response. Casico said the sym-
pathetic nervous system is acti-
vated while the parasympathetic
nervous system's response is
decreased. An increase in sym-
pathetic activity in patients with
heart disease is associated with
more adverse effects as the with-
see PROFESSOR page A3
Victim suffered minor
injuries, suspects fled
The ECU police responded to
a call reporting a male student
had been assaulted in the area
near the Brewster and the Science
and Technology Buildings on
Wednesday, Sept. IS at approxi-
mately 12:16 a.m.
The victim, who chose to
remain anonymous, said he was
walking on campus near the Sci-
ence and Technology building
and Howell Science Complex
when the two suspects attacked
him. He described the suspects
as two black males, each stand-
ing about six feet tall. One was
wearing a black shirt with yellow
writing and baggy jeans and the
other was wearing a white shirt
and black skull cap.
He said he was hit about four
times in the face giving him a
bloody nose and chipped tooth
before the suspects fled the scene.
The victim walked back to his
dormitory, which was near the
location of the incident where his
residential advisor noticed his con-
dition and called the ECU police.
The victim said he never
would have previously thought
anything like this would happen
to him and he now has a new
outlook on his safety.
"You can feel safe, but feeling
safe and being safe are two differ-
Assault occurred near the Science and Technology building around midnight last Wednesday.
ent realities he said.
ECU'S Police Department
offers several services to students
that can prevent incidents like
this from occurring. These ser-
vices include the Safe Ride, where
students can receive rides to
anywhere on campus and some
areas off campus in vans provided
by ECU police. Students can also
use the escort service, where an
officer meets a student who feels
unsafe on campus and escorts
them to their desired location.
Students can use these services
by contacting the ECU police
through a blue light emergency
phone or a cell phone.
"Take advantage of the
Safe Ride, take advantage of
the escorts, take advantage of
any of the preventive measures
that we offer said JP smith,
administrative captain of the
ECU Police Department.
Smith said it is important to
report incidents like this as soon
as possible to help the police
track the suspect. The fact that he
waited 20 minutes after the inci-
dent occurred reduced the likeli-
hood of locating the suspects.
Smith said ECU students
need to understand the services
available to them and
be willing to take advantage of
"To think tust because you're
on a college campus you're
immune to things like this hap-
pening is not true Smith said.
ECU'S campus is open allow-
ing anyone access to enter. Smith
said this should not mean stu-
dents should be over paranoid
but they should resume a healthy
paranoia to keep them aware of
the possibility that such inci-
dents may occur to them.
Incidents like this can happen
to anyone, including males and
While males may have an
attitude they can take care of
themselves, that's not always the
case. Smith said males need to
give some thought to that kind
of mindset.
"You walk back and forth
from class so much, you know
the danger is there but you don't
really think about getting a police
officer, because you don't think
it's severe or it will happen to
you said Mathew Zinni, fresh-
man undecided major.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
? I
The Sopranos' whacks competitors, 'Angels' takes most trophies
A member of "The Sopranos" production staff kisses executive producer David Crane as the
team holds their awards for outstanding drama series at the 56th Annual Primetime Emmy
Awards Sunday, Sept. 19, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
Sopranos" finally whacked its
competitors in the best drama
category at the Emmy Awards,
ind a comedy series victory for
ratings-starved "Arrested Devel-
opment" proved SOMEBODY
was watching - but it was HBO
and its record-breaking "Angels
in America" that fluttered away
with the most trophies.
HBO's mega-hit about a New
Jersey mob family collected the
best drama Emmy on its fifth
try Sunday, and the channel's
"Sex and the City" and "Angels
in America" helped cable over-
shadow the traditional networks.
"We've put a lot of work into
it and I think we've gotten better.
It's good that it finally paid off
series creator David Chase said of
"The Sopranos which is enter-
ing its last season.
Meanwhile, the theme was
"gone, but not forgotten" in
many of the acting categories
as stars who ended their runs
as beloved characters on "The
Sopranos "Frasier" and "Sex
and the City" collected most of
the series trophies.
Drea de Matteo, who played
the ill-fated mob girlfriend Adri-
ana la Cerva on "The Sopranos
won for best drama series sup-
porting actress, while Michael
Imperioli, who played her back-
stabbing boyfriend Christopher
Moltisanti, collected supporting
drama-series actor.
"There are so many people
that are responsible for this, that
if I even try to thank any of them
right now, I might puke, choke,
cry or die. And you've already
seen me do that said de Matteo,
whose character met a grim end
last season. She's now on NBC's
"Friends" spinoff "Joey
Mirroring the concern in
Hollywood over the dwindling
number and quality of situation
comedies, the four major comedy
acting awards each went for work
in a series that has ended. Kelsey
Grammer won his fourth Emmy
for best actor in a comedy for
"Frasier" and Sarah Jessica Parker
won best actress for "Sex and the
"I had the most extraordinary
life on television Grammer said.
Frasier' was a gift in my life and
the people that I got to meet and
work with were the greatest and
this is just the cherry on top
David Hyde Pierce won a sup-
porting actor award for "Frasier
which ended an 11-year run this
spring, and Cynthia Nixon won
best supporting actress for "Sex
and the City
"In sitcom school they tell
you how great it is to have a long-
running show said Hyde Pierce,
"but they don't tell you how hard
it is to say goodbye
Although cable ruled the
night, Fox's "Arrested Develop-
ment" provided a rare bright spot
for broadcast television, winning
as best comedy series after a
freshman year that was critically
acclaimed but low rated.
see AWARDS page A2
INSIDE I News:A2 I Comics: All I Opinion: A4 I Scene: A5 I Sports: A8

Page A2 news@theeastcarollnian. com 252. 328. 6366 NICK HENNE News Editor KATIE KOKINDA-BALDWIN Assistant News Editor TUESDAY September 21, 2004
Campus News
Scuba Diving
In a fundraising event by
the ECU scuba diving club, the
club is holding three events at
Minges Coliseum pool on
Wed. Sept. 29 and Wed. Oct.
13. Diving will take place in
both the diving well and the
lap lane pool. The events are
open to all ECU students and
participants must sign up
three days in advance. Con-
tact Jason Wright if interested.
Chamber Music Festival
The Brentano String Quar-
tet will come to campus for
their second appearance in
the Four Seasons Chamber
Music Festival on Fri Sept.
24 in the A.J. Fletcher Recital
Film Series
The Travel-Adventure Film
& Theme Dinner Series opens
at Hendrix Theater on the
main floor of Mendenhall
Student Center, with Bavaria
and the Black Forest by Fran
Reidelberger on Sunday, Oct.
3 at 3 p.m.
'HAIR' Production
The American Tribal Live-
Rock Musical HAIR will be on
the main-stage at McGinnis
Theatre from Sept. 30 - Oct. 5.
Parental guidance suggested
due to profanity, drug refer-
ences and the potential for
on-stage nudity. For ticket
prices, call the box office at
World Peace Week '04
ECU World Peace Week
2004 will run from September
19 - 24.
ECU Knights
East Carolina Knights
Chess Club would like to
invite you to our weekly meet-
ings every Friday from 5 - 8
p.m. in 212 Mendenhall. Join
us for a challenge or fust for
fun, regardless of your level
of play.
Model UN
The Model United Nations
dub would like to invite you
to a pizza party. This will be
an informal and informa-
tional meeting about the club,
as well as a great way to meet
current members. The pizza
party will take place on Sept.
30 at 6 p.m. in the Political
Science Library, located in 109
Brewster C.
Ruml Concert
An evening event is being
held presenting poetry from
the 13th century mystic Rumi
with music, dance and story
by Coleman Barks.
Tickets are available free
to ECU students with their
OneCard, facultystaff tick-
ets are $5 and general public
tickets are $10. Tickets are
now available for purchase at
the ECU general ticket office.
The event is being held on
Thursday, Sept. 23.
World Peace Initiative
World Peace Initiative
- Arts for Peace Workshop,
will feature Coleman Barks,
Glen Velez, David Darling
and Zuleikha. Contact Lynn
Caverly at 328-2306.
Freeboot Friday
Freeboot Friday -Sponsored
by Uptown Greenville, food
and live entertainment from
S p.m. - 8 p.m. on the night
before the first four ECU home
football games. Friday Sept. 24
Meridian Arts Ensemble
Saturday September 25
- Program includes works
by Elliot Carter, Heitor
Vllla-Lobos, Elliot Sharp
and Jimi Hendrix. Tickets
can be purchased at ECU
Central Ticket Office, or by
calling 328-4788.
Tailgate and Pig-Plckln
At Dowdy-Flcklen Sta-
dium, hosted by the Inter-
national House. Contact
ECU Alumni Tailgate
For the Cincinnati vs. ECU
game, a tailgating event is
taking place for ECU alumni
from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reser-
vations required. Contact the
ECU Alumni Association at
328-6072 or call 1-800-ECU-
News Briefs
Oregon Inlet bridge closed after
barge breaks free of tugs
MANTE0, NC (AP) - The bridge over
the Oregon Inlet was closed for about
five hours Sunday after a 250-foot
dredging barge broke free of Its tug
boats and threatened to drift Into the
bridge's pilings.
The barge, used to dredge the
shifting waterway's bottom from
accumulating sediment, was
anchored in the channel and
escorted by a tug Sunday night
about 600 yards from the Herbert
C. Bonner bridge, Coast Guard
Petty Officer Krys Hannum said.
Authorities closed the bridge
which connects heavily populated
Nags Head and the rest of Bodie
Island with Hatteras Island - from
about 11:30 a.m. to about 5 p.m
Dare County's emergency
management office said.
Earlier, the barge and one of two
tugs guiding the unpowered vessel
somehow became adrift, Hannum
said. The tug that went adrift, the
Delta Ranger, was later secured to
the beach with a cable.
fund-raiser took donations
In exchange for state Jobs
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - A former state
employee and Democratic fund-
raiser from Greene County who Is
at the center of state and federal
Investigations received political
contributions for helping a man
land three state jobs over 20 years,
according to a newspaper report
The News & Observer of Raleigh
reported Sunday that Eddie Carroll
Thomas handled several thousand
dollars in contributions from Richard
Henry Prldgen. Pridgen, who died
in 1999, made the donations to
help his nephew, Jesse Wren
Murphy, get state jobs, according
to the newspaper.
Murphy, 46, of Greene County,
produced financial records from
his uncle that he alleges show
payments Pridgen made for the jobs.
Entries in Pridgen's checkbook show
cash payments totaling $16,500,
allegedly made to secure his
nephew's jobs. One of the notations,
for a $6,000 check made out to
cash, said the money was for "E.C.
Thomas - For Jesse's job according
to the newspaper.
Thomas and his attorney, Myron Hill
of Greenville, declined comment.
Thomas' wife, Sandra, said in a brief
phone interview that there was "no
truth" to Murphy's allegations.
Reebok recalls thousands of
Aden Iverson toddler shoes
WASHINGTON (AP) - Reebok is
voluntarily recalling 140,000 of
its Allen Iverson toddler shoes
because of a potential choking
hazard, the Consumer Product Safety
Commission said Monday.
The commission said the logo tag on
the tongue of the "IversonAnswer"
shoe can be peeled off, posing a risk
to young children.
There have been no reports of Injuries,
but the CPSC said an 8-month-old
child did put the logo tag in its mouth.
It was removed by the youngster's
mother and resulted in no Injury.
The mld-and low-style athletic shoes
were sold in toddler sizes two through
10 at Reebok, children's apparel and
athletic shoe stores nationwide from
March through August, the agency
said. They cost about $35.
Model numbers included in the
recall are: 99553, B99553, 99554,
B99554, 105155, B105155, 105158
and B105158. The model number can
be found on a label on the underside
of the tongue.
Consumers are advised to stop using
the shoes immediately and contact
Reebok on the Web at http:www. or at (800) 843-4444
for a refund.
Oops, she did ft again:
Britney Spears marries
fiance In surprise LA. ceremony
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Britney Spears,
whose hits include "Oops I Did It
Again has once again tied the knot,
the second marriage In nine months
for the multiplatlnum artist.
Spears, 22, married her fiance, 26-
year-old dancer Kevin Federtine, In a
secret weekend ceremony, her record
label said Sunday. "She did marry him
Jive Records spokeswoman Sonia
Muckle told The Associated Press.
Muckle declined to provide further
details. On its Web site, "Entertainment
Tonight" said Spears wore a white
strapless dress for the wedding, held
Saturday evening at a private home
In the Studio City area with 20 to 30
people attending.
In January, Spears married childhood
friend Jason Alexander in a surprise
wedding in Las Vegas. That marriage
was annulled 55 hours later.
Spears has gone from posing as a
schoolgirl to sing Baby, One More
Time" and saying sex should be
saved for marriage to recording
"I'm a Slave 4 U kissing Madonna
during the MTV Video Music
Awards and posing nearly
nude for magazine covers.
Car bomb kills
three people In Mosul
MOSUL, Iraq (AP) - A car bomb
exploded in the northern Iraq city
of Mosul on Monday, killing three
people, hospital police said.
The vehicle exploded In a residential
area called Hay al-Wahda, said the
police chief at al-Sallam Hospital, who
gave his name only as Maj. Fallah.
The bodies of the two passengers
were charred beyond recognition,
he said. A passer-by was also
decapitated In the blast.
There were no Immediate
reports of injuries.
Police had been searching for the
vehicle, which was reported stolen
earlier Monday, Fallah said.
Asurge of violence had killed hundreds
In the past week as Insurgents
fight to undermine Iraq's U.Sbacked
interim government.
Two American soldiers
killed In Afghan flre-flght
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Two
U.S. soldiers were killed Monday
in a firefight with Insurgents in a
troubled southeastern Afghan
province, the American military said.
Two other Americans and six
Afghan government troops were
wounded in the battle in Paktika
province, a military statement said.
The names of the dead soldiers were
being withheld until relatives could
be Informed, the statement
said. It gave no further details
of the incident
According to the U.S. Defense
Department, 137 U.S. military
personnel have now died during
Operation Enduring Freedom,
launched after the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks in the United States.
Some 99 of the fatalities have
been in or around Afghanistan,
and 54 of them have been
troops killed in action.
More than 900 people have
died in political violence across
Afghanistan so far this year,
and officials are braced for
more bloodshed In the run-
up to landmark presidential
elections on Oct. 9.
Safety Walk
from page A1
Mitchelson speaks about the arrest of his close friend, record producer Phil Spector in this
photo taken in Beverly Hills, Calif.
Marvin Mitchelson, 'attorney of the
stars' dies of cancer at 76
M. Mitchelson, a divorce attor-
ney to the stars, often joked that
he was a poor example for his
clients: He was happily married
for 45 years.
Mitchelson, who pioneered
the legal revolution known as
"palimony" and counseled scores
of celebrities through messy
break-ups, died Saturday after
battling cancer, his longtime
publicist Sy Presten said Sunday.
He was 76.
Mitchelson pioneered pali-
mony with the Marvin vs.
Marvin case that made him a
household name in the 1970s.
In that case, Mitchelson won
a $104,000 award for Michelle
Triola Marvin, the live-in lover
of actor Lee Marvin.
Mitchelson fought for and
won her right to bring the lawsuit
and would say later that the day
she was allowed into court was
the day marriage and family law
changed forever.
The award was later over-
turned, but the concept of pali-
mony was upheld by the Cali-
fornia Supreme Court. It came
to signify a new social order for
unmarried, cohabitating part-
ners, which Mitchelson often
quipped was a commitment
with no rings attached said
"He established a very impor-
tant precedent and others will
benefit from that even now that
he has passed away said fellow
family law and celebrity attorney
Gloria Allred, who faced Mitch-
elson in the legal arena several
Following the Marvin vs.
Marvin case, Mitchelson's prac-
tice steered toward the glamor-
ous. He won a then-astonishing
$1 million settlement in his first
celebrity divorce case represent-
ing actor James Mason's wife,
He represented actress Joan
Collins and model Bianca Jagger
in high-stakes divorces; won mil-
lions for the ex-wife of billionaire
arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi
and took on a Saudi Arabian
sheik, Mohammed Al Fassi, in a
lawsuit that spanned two decades
and ended with an order for the
sheik to pay his estranged wife
$270 million.
Mitchelson's life and career,
however, took a dive in 1993,
when he was convicted and jailed
for evading taxes on some $2
million in Income. The state bar
suspended him and he was forced
into bankruptcy.
Mitchelson would recall later
how he wept during his first day
in federal prison in Fort Worth,
Texas, and his determination to
survive the sentence.
He became a prison appellate
attorney and helped gain free-
dom for three inmates. He also
helped others learn to read and
write and started prison French
and opera clubs.
When he was released from
prison in 1997, Mitchelson
returned to law, working as a con-
sultant for other lawyers until his
license was restored in 2000.
"I've been through a load of
stuff Mitchelson told The Asso-
ciated Press in a 2001 interview.
"I always believed you do the best
with what you have
Mitchelson Is survived by his
wife, Marcella, son Morgan, and
sister Marian Gertner.
"One of the problems that
we're seeing right now is 11th
Street and there are mostly stu-
dents living out there. There have
been a lot of robberies back there
and it's just an unsafe area so
we just want to not only make
the administration on campus
aware of these safety concerns
but the city administration as
well said O'Neill.
Todd Johnson, associate
vice chancellor of Housing and
Dinning on campus sees the
Safety Walk as a regularly
occurring event.
"I think the walk was very
informative and helpful in twb
ways, it clearly identified the prog-
ress we've made in a year in terms
of addressing some of the lighting
issues on campus said Johnson.
"It appears that with doing an
annual or semester walk we can
stay on top of potential dark and
dim areas on campus
Leigh Broccolina, junior hos-
pitality management major, said
the Safety Walk causes the stu-
dents to pay more attention to
potentially unsafe areas.
"It's really important to get
out there and actually look
around because when you're
walking to class or back from
from page A1
"This is so huge for us. You
know what? Let's watch It
series creator Mitchell Hurwitz
urged viewers.
The broadcast networks also
claimed honors for Allison Janney
of NBC's "The West Wing" and
James Spader of ABC's "The
Practice who won best actor
awards for drama.
"You've all made wonderful
choices in shoes and dresses
tonight and you all look abso-
lutely beautiful Spader said in
a lighthearted acceptance.
"Angels In America the
miniseries adaptation of Tony
Kushner's Pulitzer Prize-win-
ning play about the 1980s AIDS
crisis, won seven Emmys, includ-
ing outstanding miniseries and
acting trophies for Al Pacino,
Meryl Streep, Mary-Louise Parker
and Jeffrey Wright. Kushner
received a best writing award and
Mike Nichols won best director.
The two-part series proved
a record breaker. With the four
Emmys won Sept. 12atthecreative
arts awards, it exceeded the nine
awards "Roots" won in 1977 to
become the most honored minise-
ries - and matched the 11 won by
"Eleanor and Franklin" In 1976, the
most for any program in one season.
Streep praised Kush-
ner's words as the reason for
the TV miniseries' success.
"The bravest thing in the world
is that writer who sits alone In a
room and works out his grief, his
rage, his imagination and his deep
desire to make people laugh. And he
makes a work of art that then trans-
forms the world with the truth,
because that's all we want, you
know she said. "It's all we need
The edgier programming on
cable has come to overshadow
the more restrained fare found
on network television, where
language, violence and sex are
dealt with obliquely.
HBO received a dominant
32 awards. Fox collected 10, fol-
lowed by NBC with eight, ABC
and PBS with seven each and
CBS with two.
"The Daily Show with Jon
Stewart which has spent this
election year skewering the can-
didates for tiny Comedy Central,
won an award for best variety
series for the second year in a
row. Stewart's writing staff also
won an Emmy.
class, you're not really noticing
things like that said Broccolina.
Broccolina, a residential advi-
sor in White Hall, has noticed
the construction sites on west
campus and feels they are a
problem area.
"Administrators tend
to do construction and don't
realize they are either fenc-
ing in areas they shouldn't
or making it a little darker
and uneasy in the construc-
tion areas Broccolina said.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolini'an. com.
h. ,qu
O Safety Walk
This presentation to Chancellor
Ballard will be held Oct. 11, and
will be a summary of the Safety
Walk In the form of a PowerPoint
For further Information on how to
be safe on campus, including an
interactive map of all blue light
phones on campus, visit
Failed, failed, failed.
And then
Pass It On.

BlOOd DriVe from page
Cole Perry, junior marketing
major of ECU donated using this
procedure for the first time, after
eight past whole blood dona-
tions. Perry was pleased knowing
he could help more people with
this donation.
On average, a little less than
one pint of blood can help save
the lives of three to four people.
This seems like quite a bit, before
factoring in how often blood is
needed. According to statistics,
someone needs blood every two
seconds. The Red Cross tries to
meet these needs with numer-
ous blood drives across each
region every week. Even with
the amount of blood drives, they
sometimes do get cancelled due
to the weather or various other
"There is a really big effort
to get people to donate every 56
days said Ernie Smith, account
manager for the American Red
"We service 87 hospitals and
we try to reach the needs of those
87 hospitals in the mid-Atlantic
Those who donate know
what they are doing for others,
even if the needle does cause
some tension Smith said.
Student participants in the
blood drive, while showing some
nervousness before the proce-
dure, ended up going through
with it with no problems.
"I was real nervous afraid
of the huge needle going in my
arm, but it wasn't as bad as I
thought it was going to be said
Trey Kennedy, freshman athletic
training major.
"The hardest part is the
needle pricking your finger
Another student, Tamara
Fowler, a freshman nursing
major, felt much like Kennedy
on her fourth donation.
"I was scared, but needles and
blood don't bother me. You just
have to think of the other people
who need it said Fowler.
There are also those who are
unable to donate their blood,
be it from disease or fear of
"For folks who are not able to
donate blood they can call their
local Red Cross center and see
what volunteers are needed for
blood drives said Smith.
"They can hand out refresh-
ments or recruit more donors
Smith added that the Red
Cross is fortunate for ECU's con-
tinued support.
"Pitt County is the largest
collection area in eastern North
Carolina Smith said.
The Red Cross offers other
donations people can contribute
to. One of these is called a double
red cell donation. In this proce-
dure, a donor's red blood cells are
taken and plasma and platelets
are returned to the body. How-
ever, the requirements for this
type of donation are different
from those of a whole blood
donation due to the volume of
blood that is taken. In addition
to needing types O and B blood,
each donor must have a 40 per-
cent iron level. Male donors must
weigh no less than 150 pounds
and be no shorter than five feet,
one inch while female donors
must weigh no less than 175
pounds and must be five feet,
five inches to be a donor. This
donation uses a smaller needle
and helps save more lives.
This writer can be contacted at
(") Blood Drive
Between the two blood drives that
took place at Mendenhall Student
Center on Tuesday and Wednes-
day of last week, 223 blood dona-
tions were received.
Boiled peanuts, a loung proud
lasting southern tradition
Some Stats:
-Every two seconds someone
needs blood.
-One pint of donated blood can
save three to four lives.
-People can donate blood every
56 days, equaling six donations
per year, or save up to 24 lives.
-A single shock-trauma victim can
use 100 units of blood compo-
nents In Just a few hours.
-Approximately 4 million patients
receive a blood transfusion each year.
-97 percent of the population will
receive a blood transfusion by the
age of 75.
-The average adult body contains
approximately 10 -12 pints of
Blood types In greater demand, as
of Sept 10:
0 Negative
0 Positive
B Negative
B Positive
A Positive
For more Information and to see
If you are eligible to donate blood,
call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or
People unaccustomed to eating
boiled peanuts have doubts
about the practice. You try to
eat one for the first time, dig-
ging your way past the soggy,
brine-soaked hull, only to haye
the thing squirt you. And, on
first taste, the soft, salty, bean-
like prize doesn't seem worth the
effort. Cece Hudson of Turkey
described the appeal of the
regional delicacy best.
"Why do we shuck oysters?
Why do we pick crab legs?" she
said. "It's like eating watermelon.
There aren't too many things you
can eat and take a bath in at the
same time
You don't eat these foods
with a knife and fork, but with
your fingers, juices running
down your arms. They're best
enjoyed unadorned, the focus
of the simplest meals and at lazy
social gatherings.
Boiled peanuts are Southern,
but not regionally ubiquitous.
Because they're made from green
peanuts, which are freshly dug,
they're mostly found in big
peanut-producing states such
as South Carolina and Georgia.
That also includes North Caro-
lina; farmers might grow more
soybeans (1.45 million acres of
them), corn and cotton, but the
105,000 acres of peanuts planted
here is only 54,000 less than the
acres allotted to tobacco.
I grew up in the heart of Vir-
ginia peanut country - there's
a whole class of peanuts named
after the state - but I had never
experienced boiled peanuts until
I moved to Wilmington.
Even then, I wasn't a fan.
Luckily, I'm not quick to judge
and happily agreed to go in
search of boiled peanuts last
week, a journey that led me from
Wilmington to Dublin, Bladen-
boro, Scotts Hill and Turkey.
Hudson's Sampson County
home was one of my last stops.
Each year, she and her husband
Jart host a boiled peanut party
that coincides with the first
weeks of their peanut harvest and
the birthday of their oldest child.
It was there, seated in a circle
of folding chairs on a concrete-
floor garage, eating plate after
plate of boiled peanuts with
the 60 or so other guests, that I
wondered, "Why am I enjoying
this so much?"
After Hudson's explanation,
it made perfect sense. Even
though my family always ate
roasted peanuts, the experience
of eating mushier ones recalled
other memories, of being sticky
with watermelon juice or fishing
meat out of crab legs.
"Both of our families boiled
peanuts, we both grew up eating
boiled peanuts Hudson said.
Sunday was her fifth annual
boiled peanut party. The five bush-
els of peanuts she served came
from the fields near her house.
Her husband and farm workers
had dug them that morning.
"Everybody enjoys it. It's not
a fancy party she said.
The focus is on a few home-
made treats. The peanuts had the
starring role, as guests scooped
them warm by the cupful from
coolers. Diners could satisfy their
sweet tooths by trying home-
made ice cream - one freezer was
full of strawberry and one was
full of peach - and a chocolate
pound cake.
"Grandma made the pound
cake Hudson said.
In an article in the upcoming
Southern food writing anthol-
ogy "Cornbread Nation 2
John Martin Taylor, author of
"Hoppin' John's Lowcountry
Cooking tries to trace the
origins of boiled peanuts but
finds only murky answers. There
are no records of the treat in
18th- and 19th-century publica-
Milton Harrell, 73, said he's
been eating boiled peanuts for
more than 60 years. The North
Carolina native's first experi-
ence with them is closely tied to
tobacco harvests.
He remembers long nights
of curing the leaves, before the
days of oil or gas burners, when
the process had to be closely
watched. The workers would
have a pot of peanuts on to boil,
and maybe a stewed chicken, to
keep them going through the
At the time, Harrell could buy
a bag with a couple of handfuls
of peanuts for 10 cents. These
days, a bag will cost $l-$3.
At his produce stand off
Market Street near Porters Neck,
Harrell sells peaches, home-
grown tomatoes and okra. He
also makes boiled peanuts when
they're in season.
"Most people are just digging
the plants now he said.
Hudson said that's another
reason for boiled peanuts' appeal.
When many Southern fruits and
vegetables are past their peak, the
peanuts are just coming in.
"The peanuts aren't at full
maturity she said. In a few more
weeks, the bulk of the harvested
peanut crop will go to more
traditional purposes. About half
of all peanuts raised are used
to make peanut butter. But the
younger nuts, the ones that are
ready now, make the best boiled
Hudson usually starts by
cleaning the nuts in three washes
of cold, clear water.
Every boiled peanut maker
has his or her own touch with
the amount of salt, water and
time. The kind of peanut used
also makes a difference in texture
and taste.
The Virginia peanut family is
larger than the smaller, rounder
Spanish peanut family. Harrell
prefers the smaller varieties.
PrOfeSSOr from page
drawal of the parasympathetic
The heart rhythm is under
control of the central nervous
system and there are two limbs
of that nervous system that play
a role, the sympathetic system
which increases the heart rate and
dominates during the day and the
parasympathetic system, which
slows the heart rate down and is
active while a person is sleeping.
"What we saw was a sudden
shift with the nervous system's
control of the heart Caslco said.
"Thist could be a stimulus
that could be sufficient to cause
a heart attack or an abnormal
An abnormal heart rhythm
could lead to the loss of con-
sciousness or death.
Other traumatic events have
produced similar effects to a
person's heart rate variability
Including earthquakes. Since
the officer who was measured in
the study was relatively young
and in relatively good health,
his body was able to respond
to the sudden changes in heart
rate variability. However, such a
change in an older person with
a weaker heart could cause more
serious problems.
Caslco said this study was
more of an anecdotal observa-
tion, but it does point out a
strong association between emo-
tional stress and heart responses
and is something that must be
kept in mind by clinicians.
Although the risk of devel-
oping an emotional response
like post traumatic stress syn-
drome was greatest with people
living within the New
York area, it was present
throughout the United States.
Post-traumatic stress syndrome
is associated with decreased
heart rate variability suggesting
a link between cardiac function
and central nervous system
function and a person's
emotional state.
"It would be my recom-
mendation for future studies
to include the cardiovascular
component to better understand
the effects of emotion on heart
disease Casico said.
There are a lot of studies
going on about the health effects
of the 911 attacks being studied
at both the state and federal level.
Casico received his under-
graduate degree from John
Hopkins University in 1977. He
went to the University of Maryland
for medical school and graduated
in 1980. He worked at UNC Chapel
Hill and did an internship in medi-
cine and cardiology fellowship. He
went to the University of Bern in
Switzerland and worked as an
assistant before returning to
the faculty of UNC until 1997.
Casico arrived in Greenville
this past June and plans on
staying here.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.

Page A4
TUESDAY September 21, 2004
Our View
With the recent assaults and robberies within
the campus and surrounding area, TEC feels
it is necessary to remind students to exercise
extreme caution when walking alone at night.
Situations like this, however unfortunate, remind
us as a community that we can never be too safe.
Following is a list from
to help keep you safe and acting smart:
- Freshmen should "respectfully decline" to
have photo and personal information published
for distribution to the campus community. Fra-
ternities and upperclassmen have abused this
type of publication to "target" naive freshmen.
- Study the campus and neighborhood with
respect to routes between your residence and
classactivities schedule. Know where emer-
gency phones are located.
- Share your classactivities schedule with
parents and a network of close friends, effec-
tively creating a type of "buddy" system. Give
network telephone numbers to your parents,
advisors and friends.
- Always travel in groups. Use a shuttle service after
dark. Never walk alone at night. Avoid "shortcuts
- Survey the campus, academic buildings,
residence halls and other facilities while
classes are in session and after dark to see
that buildings, walkways and parking lots are
adequately secured, lit and patrolled. Are emer-
gency phones, escorts and shuttle services
bayonet v
Opinion Colunmist
Democrats continue to sink lower
Group favors 'anybody
but Bush'mentality
- Doors and windows to your residence hall
should be equipped with quality locking mech-
anisms. Room doors should be equipped with
peep holes and deadbolts. Always lock them
when you are absent. Do not loan out your key.
Rekey locks when a key is lost or stolen.
- Always lock your doors and first and second
floor windows at night. Never compromise your
safety for a roommate who asks you to leave
the door unlocked.
- Do not leave your identification, wallets,
checkbooks, jewelry, cameras and other valu-
ables in open view.
- Program your phone's speed dial memory
with emergency numbers that include family
and friends.
- Know your neighbors and don't be reluctant to
report illegal activities and suspicious loitering.
Well, in the last few months or
so we have seen just how desperate
and hypocritical the Democrats and
the major media have become, and
also how low they will sink in order
to defeat President Bush. Not to elect
Kerry, but to defeat President Bush.
There is a major difference.
Let's take a look-see at some shin-
ing (like a dying star) examples, shall
we? These are in no particular order, so
bear with me.
First, John Kerry is an idiot and
should never be allowed to govern a
Scout troop let alone the United States.
Hey, this is not my opinion! By the
standards the Democrats and press use
for President Bush this, or something
very similar, should have appeared on
the front page of every major newspaper
and aired on every television and radio
newscast in the country. Why?
Because Kerry had a slip of the
tongue and called the Green Bay
Packers' (that's a football team for all
you non-sports fanatics) home field
Lambert instead of Lambeau. That is a
sacrilege! Where's the press wringing
their hands and pontificating like they
do when President Bush's misspeaks,
saying the man is too dumb to lead the
nation? Where were all the jokemeisters
yucking it up at Kerry's expense? Better
yet, how many of you even knew that
it had happened? Anyone?
How can we expect someone to
calmly lead the nation through a
crisis when he can't even keep himself
from "flipping the bird" at a Vietnam
veteran? That's what John Kerry did
to a veteran named Ted Sampley, a
local man from Kinston, a couple of
months ago in front of the Vietnam
Memorial and also in front of a group
of school children. The press was
there, they saw it, or should have.
How many of you saw that incident
reported in the papers? How about
shown on the nightly news or trashed
on the weekend talk shows? Anybody?
Now why do you think that is?
Could it be that the press was looking
the other way at the exact time these
incidents occurred? Had Kerry's speech
put them to sleep? Or was it because the
media's liberal bias prevents them from
reporting anything that will hurt Kerry
or, conversely, help Bush?
The one lie that the press helps
Kerry, the Democrats and the press
spread that really bothers me though
is that President Bush's tax cut go only
to the "rich Let's look at their defini-
tion of "rich shall we? According to
IRS figures, the top 50 percent of wage
earners pay more than 95 percent of
income taxes. The yearly income range
for this top 50 percent is from around
$27,000 and up. The lower 50 percent
of wage earners, those making less than
$27,000 a year pay less than five percent
of income taxes.
Congratulations! By the standards
of the Democrats and the press, almost
every member of ECU'S staff and fac-
ulty, as well as numerous students, are
rich or come from rich families! How's
it feel? Doesn't it make you all tingly
inside knowing that Kerry and the Dem-
ocrats want to repeal the tax cuts that
the rich (i.e. you) got so that the money
can be redistributed to people they
think are more deserving? Doesn't it?
Did you know that the Democrats
were once again trying to interfere
with the election process in Florida?
This time they went to court to try
to keep Ralph Nader off the Flor-
ida Presidential ballots. Their stated
reasoning: Nader wasn't part of a
"national" party and should be pre-
vented from appearing on the ballot.
Isn't it interesting that of the six
non "national party" candidates on
Florida's ballot, Nader was the only one
that they tried to block? Could that
be because the Democrats still blame
him for the 2000 election? Fortunately,
this latest attempt to interfere with
the election process was halted by the
Florida Supreme court. This is the same
Supreme Court who in 2000 threw the
Florida Constitution in the trash and
made things up as they went along in
an effort to get Gore elected. Even they
realized how specious the Democrats'
argument was. The vote was 6-1 against
the Democrats.
For those that may be feeling that
the Democrats cause is hopeless, fear
not, for you have unreported allies.
You can take comfort in knowing
that the Democratic Socialists of Amer-
ica and The Communist Party USA have
urged their members to support John
Kerry. While Kerry was not the first
choice for either organization (by their
admission), he's not George Bush.
And like the media, the Socialists
and Communists would rather have
anybody besides Bush as President.
Even if it's John Kerry.
Our Staff
Letters to the Editor
Nick Henne Katie Kokinda-Baldwln
News Editor
Robbie Den-
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Asst News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Asst Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst. Photo Editor
Alexander Marclnlak Jenny Hobbs
Web Editor Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" Is the opinion of
the editorial board and Is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville.
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information One copy of 7FC Is free, each additional
copy is $1.
Dear Editor,
It seems to me that many "extrem-
ists" are in disagreement with our
foreign policy rather than our values
or democracy. For years, our culture
has been admired by many across the
world. Many leaders use ideology as a
means of inspiring passion amongst
the people, when the real concern is
more concrete. Our true solution comes
through a very hard analysis of our
positions on a variety of global issues.
As a society, our role as citizens
should be to embrace our own collec-
tive autonomy and hold democratically
elected representatives to the Lockean
principles for which our nation was
founded upon. Only then will we be
able to shed the elements of legisla-
tive paternalism that imparts many
with a sense of disenfranchisement or
Mandrill Taylor
ECU Student
Dear Editor,
What is the deal with the connec-
tion game? You have all played it or
have been at least sucked in by it. I
was talking to someone the other day.
When I told her that I was getting a
degree from ECU she said, "oh, my
boyfriend is from Chocowinity (well
now we have something in common
then don't we). It's as if we are long lost
siblings. The only thing 1 know about
Chocowinity is that there is a sign for
It somewhere down the street from the
newest Food Lion shopping center to
grace us.
People play the connections game
most of the time when they first meet
someone. Apparently the average
person is so bad at conversation that
they can't talk about anything but
the most superficial subjects. 1 find 1
have them the most when I meet my
grandparent's friends after church.
One guy to another "Oh you go to
ECU, my nephew went to Western Car-
olina, it was very pretty in the winter
If this is the full breadth of what people
have to say to each other then maybe
we don't need all of these cell phone
plans and packages. Of course nobody
has a cell phone to have Idle conversa-
tions anyway right. They have them
because they might get broken down
out in the middle of nowhere all alone.
That happened to me once when I was
moving some of my furniture in a big
U-Hall by way of Highway 42 - I was
about five miles outside of nowhere
when my tire blew. I pulled out the
cell phone to call the company. Funny
thing was I didn't get a signal on 42.
Thanks Cingular.
Folks, if you want to talk to some-
one, ask how they are doing and actu-
ally be Interested in the answer. Even
the shallowest person can read through
shallow dialogue. I have gotten to know
a lot of warm and worthwhile people
by having conversations that actually
Ryan Downey
ECU Student
Dear Editor,
Why does it seem that the major-
ity of people these days are in such a
hurry? I understand that, just as I do,
we all have long lists of things that
have to be done before the end of the
day. However, I do not understand why
people tend to believe that their list is
the most important thing going on in
the world. We all need to think every-
thing through and go about things in a
much more calm and laid back manner.
Especially those of us who are students
on campus.
Today I was calmly driving over to a
friends house when a young gentleman,
probably in his mid to late twenties
tried to scoot around me in his car.
Once he realized that I was not about to
let him pass me in the bicycle lane on
First Street, he proceeded to cut in front
of me on the left side as 1 was attempt-
ing to make a left-hand turn. He angrily
expressed his feelings for me, the safe
driver, with a few choice words that I
will not repeat. I gave him two words of
advice: slow down. I assume that he is
a student, and cannot figure out what
was so important that he had to tail my
bumper like a NASCAR driver on this,
a Sunday afternoon. I was listening to
the race on my radio, although I was
not actually driving like I was on the
track in New Hampshire alongside Dale
Jr. and Kurt Busch. I am sure that you
know who you are, so slow down.
Lastly, I tend to go out at the bars
downtown. It amazes me to see patrons
scream and flash their money at the
bartenders. Bartenders actually tend
to make those people wait while they
serve a few others. Why act like you
own the establishment when the bar-
tenders and bouncers know that you are
not the one that signs their paychecks?
A word of advice - that does not get you
anywhere when trying to get a drink.
One thing we all need to think about
and learn is how to stay calm. True, it
is OK to voice your opinion, like I am
doing in this article, but there are more
important things going on in this com-
plicated world than me actually orga-
nizing my desk - which has been on my
list of things to do since early August.
Dan Hullanl
ECU Student
Pirate Rant
As if finding an accessible
space for parking in Bl lots is not
difficult enough, recently I have
noticed that the first two spaces
on the lot across from Christen-
bury, on 10th Street, have been
designated for Emeritus. Why not
put the Emeritus on A lots, where
1 have noticed enough spaces near
Fletcher to accommodate them,
and have them closer to campus?
Why do the dorms allow you
to have a fish as a pet, but you can
only have one? Are four or five
fish really going to make much
of a difference in a room the size
of a fish bowl?
People need to make well
informed decisions before going
to the polls. I am so tired of hear-
ing Kerry's "I was in Vietnam"
speech, I actually get nauseous
now. Sure he was in Vietnam,
but what about after? He didn't
even have the balls to throw his
own medals on the ground. He
is also the second hated person
from that era (Jane Fonda being
the first).
The entertainment industry
is turning into a sham. If you
have a relative in the business
and no talent, you are still given
record deals and TV shows (hello,
Ashlee Simpson). On the other
hand, if you are a singer and
want to act or an actor wanting
to sing, you are given that option,
regardless that you don't have the
other talent (i.e. Lindsay Lohan,
Jessica Simpson).
Why is the only time I can do
my laundry is at 2 a.m.? There
are two washers and dryers on
every other floor of my dorm and
they are always full.
A double quarter-pounder
with cheese is the best cure for a
hangover that is the only way
to go. No Bojangles' for me!
I am a very informed voter,
and the reason I am voting for
Bush is because he does not
waver on his positions. He is
a strong, decisive leader who
has our nation's best Interest
at heart. Kerry is instable and
easily influenced, and he will
not be effective as the leader of
our country.
Do we need so many visitors
and motorcycle spaces in B lots?
Move them somewhere else! I bet
visitors would prefer to be in A lots
and motorcycles are rarely parked
so far from campus, so those ,
spaces could be put to good use
to accommodate a few more cars.
Why were some of the seats
oversold at the football game? My
roommates and 1 bought tickets
for a particular section, and
because of someone's incompe-
tence, we were turned away and
sent to the nosebleed section. This
is not a good way to treat tuition
paying, Pirate flag waving stu-
dents and fans.
I am glad to see that there are
guys out there who appreciate
those of us girls who still have
a shred of decency left when it
tomes to our wardrobe.
My husband was in Iraq,
Afghanistan, the Phillipines,
Korea and Kosovo. He put
himself in danger to save lives
and protect our rights. He
watched as some of his clos-
est friends died for our rights. He
literally bled, sweat and cried for
our country. If you are basing
your decision on being in the
military, then why don't we elect
my husband or any other mili-
tary member for that matter.
Walking around campus
blowing your lung cancer all over
people isn't polite, butt-head.
Is it just me, or Is the base-
ment of the library a scary place?
There never seems to be any body
working down there.
Are people so insecure and
lonely that they have to talkon their
cell phones everywhere they go?
There is a reason that cars
have turn signals - people need
to start using them.
All of this negative campaign-
ing is getting on my nerves. Can
we have a write-in vote for some-
one who is a little more pleasant?
If there is someone holding
a door for you, instead of flip-
ping your hair and continuing
to talk about your lip-gloss,
trying taking the door from them
and then, heaven-forbid, saying
"Thank You

Page A5 252.328.6366 ROBBIt uERR Features Editor CAROLYN SOmgUBA Assistant Feai
TUESDAY September 21, 2004
The RUMI Concert: A Turning
Might of Stars
13th Century poetry, music and
8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 23, Wright
Tickets: 1-800-ECU-ARTS
Two free tickets with valid student
World Peace Initiative: Arts tor
Peace Workshop
Coleman Barks, Glen Velez, David
Darling, Zuleikha
Friday, Sept. 24, Wright
Contact: 328-2306
Includes food and live
5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24,
Uptown Greenville
Evans Street and Martin Luther
King Jr. Drive
Contact: 329-4200
Meridian Arts Ensemble
Concert includes music from
Carter, Villa-Lobos, Sharp and
8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, AJ
Fletcher Recital Hall
Student Tickets $5, Faculty 20
percent discount
Contact: 328-4788
Ballroom Dancing
United States Amateur Ballroom
Dancers Association
7:30 p.m. -11 p.m. Saturday, Sept.
25, Willis Building
Fox Trot, Rumba, Dancing and
Contact: 321-3809
Names in the News
Rick James, died at the age
of 56 on August 6, 2004. Best
known for hit song "Super
Freak James had diabetes and
extreme drug issues. On the day
of his death, he had nine drugs
in his system, including cocaine,
methamphetamine, vallum and
vicodin. Dave Chappelle must
have left those "profile highlights"
out of his dhow.
Anthony Anderson was accused
of sexual assault, again on Sept.
18. Already charged with raping a
Memphis, Tenn. woman, Anderson
did not have a good summer. Or
maybe it was a little too good.
It sounded so outlandish that
we figured it must be true. Now
the cable channel Bravo has
confirmed that next spring
it will premier a reality show
based on the rocky domestic
life of singing couple Bobby
Brown and Whitney Houston.
Bravo executives say the 10
episodes of "Being Bobby Brown"
will follow the onetime New
Edition star and his family over a
period of six weeks as he tries to
resolve his legal entanglements
and revive his recording career.
That should give them plenty to
work with. Brown still faces trial
on misdemeanor battery charges
for allegedly striking Houston in
the face at their home outside
Atlanta. Since they married in
1992, he has been arrested for
sexual battery, drunken driving,
drug possession, failing to pay
child support to a former lover
and several probation violations.
"Bravo is committed to providing
programming that goes deep
into the internal worlds of creative
people said the channel's
president, Lauren Zalaznick.
Just be sure you keep a bail
bondsman on speed dial.
With McDonald's sales flagging
across Europe, the French division
of the fast-food colossus decided
it needed a shot in the arm. So it
hired the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate
and Ashley, as spokeswomen.
We're not making this up, folks.
Apparently, word never made it
over to Paris that Mary-Kate spent
a good portion of her summer in
rehab being treated for an eating
disorder. This is like Slim Fast
appointing Ruben Studdard as
its pitchman.
Busy beavers as always, the twins
won't just be promoting burgers
and pommes frites. They'll be
offering their own personally
endorsed line of purses, coloring
sets and photo albums. A visit to
the McDonald's Gallic Web site
displays a perfectly delightful "sac
en jean Mary-Kate and Ashley
(that's a denim handbag).
We're lovln' it.
'presents 'HAIR'
"What do we want PEACE
When do we want it NOW
What do we want FREEDOM
k When do we want it NOW
In times of turmoil, war, death
and destruction of peace, we often
look to find an outlet to the mad-
ness and escape to understanding.
The world is not often the happiest
place at times but we somehow have
to cope and recognize that we can
do something about it.
ECU Loessin Playhouse
, will be presenting Hair, the
American Tribal Love-Rock
Musical, Friday, Sept. 30
- Tuesday, Oct. S.
"This musical is very
relevant to what is going
n today said John
Shearin, director of the
school of theater and
dance and of Hair.
"It is a very
joyful celebra-
tion of things
that are
American: free-
dom, free speech, joy,
love, peace and prosperity
Hair debuted on Oct. 29,
1967 at Joseph Papp's New York
Shakespeare Festival Public The-
atre and ran for a month. Months
later it was brought to the Biltmore
Theatre and ran for 1,750 perfor-
mances, making it the longest run-
ning musical of the 1960s.
It has been described as the
first and one of the most successful
rock musicals of our time.
"This musical celebrates Ameri-
can values. It has rude turns that
are upside down in a very joyful
way Shearin said.
Set in 1968 Greenwich Village
in New York City, the musical is
about a tribe of hippies and their
battle with the Vietnam draft, the
fight for their rights and struggle
for free love. This was the true
time of sex, drugs and rock
n' roll.
Songs that may be rec-
ognizable include: "Aquar-
ius "Hair "I Got Life
"Let the Sunshine" and
"Easy to be Hard
"Hair has been an
enlightening expe-
rience. It's a mes-
see HAIR page ATA
HAIR - The American Tribal
Love-Rock Musical
Friday, Sept. 30 - Tuesday, Oct. 5
Show times vary
Contact the box office at McGIn-
nis Theatre for more Information
Student tickets available
Tickets on sale now
Alcohol, drugs are problem on campus
How is this effecting
students on campus?
It's the beginning of a new
school year, and students (espe-
cially freshmen) are adapting
to the college lifestyle. Going
to class, doing your homework,
participating in activities and
being able to relax or go out
with your friends seems simple
enough - right? WRONG. Only
a small percentage of students
can maintain this lifestyle
throughout the semester. If
you are one of those people -
congratulations. While some
students are able to accept this
responsibility, others begin that
way, but often tend to focus on
other aspects as the semester goes
on. Lack of motivation, freedom,
procrastination, and of course
parties keep many students from
reaching their potential. And for
the rest of the students, their goal
in college is to party as much as
possible. Which group do you
fall in?
Aja Campbell, a freshman
at ECU said "for me coming to
ECU meant working hard, but
also meeting new people, and yes
even attending parties
ECU has the reputation of
being a "party school but while
some are here just to drink and
carry on, others have
realistic goals - such as
graduating. Partying seems to
be a big factor when entering
the college scene. Fraternities,
sororities, bars and clubs all
border the campus of ECU, which
doesn't make the decision to stay
in and study any easier.
Just as any college, drugs and
alcohol are at every turn. Alcohol
is the number one leading drug
in America, and is continuing
to grow every year. At random,
50 students were asked, "Have
you consumed alcohol since the
beginning of the semester?"
Thirty-nine students
admitted to consuming alcohol,
and 17 of those students admit-
ted to consuming an excessive
amount on multiple occasions.
This survey proves that college
students are drinking, but that
doesn't necessarily mean that
it's all a bad thing. Maintaining
your grades, morals and goals
are all important, but being
able to party should be some-
thing of choice. While some may
look down upon drinking, it's a
matter of freedom and personal
decision. As you all know under-
age drinking is illegal, and
charges will be filed if you are
caught. But that doesn't seem
to be stopping many underage
teens from attending parties and
getting wasted. Those who have
a beer or two and control their
drinking habits usually tend
to succeed in college, as for the
other, they usually don't make it
back after the first semester.
Going downtown seems to be
very popular, since it's so close to
ECU campus.
"When I go downtown I
like to have a buzz, it makes me
more sociable and I'm able to
have a good time said a junior
at ECU, who wishes to remain
anonymous. Feedback such as
this should really make you think
twice before heading downtown.
Understanding that people just
want to have a good time, it's more
important to be safe and remem-
ber exactly why you are here.
Drugs also seem to be increas-
ing in popularity, as availability is
becoming easier than ever before.
Marijuana, America's number
one used illegal drug is rapidly
spreading across college
campuses everywhere. Pos-
session of marijuana, or
any illegal drug will get you
kicked out of your dorm
room, and can even give you a
criminal record. Obtain-
ing drug paraphernalia is
also a crime and punishment
will be given accordingly.
Again a random survey was taken,
including all races, genders and
ethnic groups to determine an
estimate of how many students are
drug-free and how many
participate in drug related
activities. Out of 50 students 23
Though the Greenville club scene is hot, missing class is not.
admitted to smoking marijuana
since the semester had began, and
nine of those students reported to
using other illegal drugs. Though
this number doesn't appear to be
significant, keep in mind that
only 50 students were asked, just
imagine asking every student on
"I like to smoke marijuana
when I am at a party to help
me relax and not be nervous,
that way I am able to meet
more people and not be so par-
anoid said a sophomore at
ECU, who also wishes to remain
anonymous. Responses such as
these are the reason why so many
people do not return to college
after their first semester. Being
well aware that students want to
have fun, and "follow the crowd
sometimes it's best to use your
own judgments. Peer pressure
convinces many innocent people
to participate in activities that
go against their morals, goals
and beliefs. Each person must
decide what's right or wrong,
according to his or her personal
standards. Keep in mind that
every decision you make affects
you and your future in some way
or another. Sure it's fun to go
out and party every night, but
keeping a "healthy" balance is
the responsible thing to do, and
could prevent you from going
through a chapter in your life
which you may regret for years
to come.
This writer can be contacted at
Deaf Heritage Week kicks off in Greenville
Spreading awareness
to ECU students
Pat Dunn, a council member
for Deaf Heritage Week, declared
the start of Deaf Heritage Week at
the Colonial Mall in Greenville
on Sunday, Sept. 19. The pre-
sentation by Dunn was followed
by an opening celebration of
entertainment and socialization.
Deaf Heritage Week will
last all week, ending on
Saturday, Sept. 25.
"Deaf Heritage Week is a
good awareness event to help
fellow students and teach-
ers of ECU to learn how to
communicate and feel comfort-
able about their deaf classmates
said Misti Shaub, a deaf student
who attends ECU.
Deaf Heritage Week, an event
that is held every year, is cel-
ebrated by many people who are
deaf and by various people who
are interested in learning more
about the deaf.
"It is celebrated during the last
full week of September. The t i m ing
is significant in that it coincides
with the first World Congress
of the Deaf, which was held in
1951 in Rome, Italy said Liz S.
Johnston, director of Disability
Support Service.
The World Federation of
the Deaf (WFD) was estab-
lished at the first World
Congress of the Deaf. WFD
works hard with determination
to promote the human and social
rights of Deaf people everywhere.
According to WFD, "WFD
is dedicated to achieving equal
opportunities, better educa-
tion for people who are deaf,
strengthening and improving the
access of information to people
who are deaf, improving the
status of the varied sign lan-
guages from different countries
and focusing on the human
rights and equal opportuni-
ties for deaf people in third
world countries
WFD holds a World Congress
every four years. More than 3,000
deaf and hard of hearing attend
the World Congress from all over
the world.
Debates, sharing informa-
tion of education, human rights,
culture, health and discussing
educational opportunities for the
deaf people living in developing
countries are all presented at the
World Congress.
During the week of
Sept. 19 - 25, the organiz-
ers of Deaf Heritage Week in
Greenville hope to spread the
awareness to anyone that is
interested in deaf culture arid the
significant accomplishments of
deaf people, and to explain the
varied and unique languages and
communication methods used by
people who are deaf.
"I hope to learn more
about signing and cochlear
implants during this week's
events. I think it is good for
people who can hear to have
the exposure of Deaf Heritage
Week. The more hearing people
learn about deafness, the more
deaf people and hearing people
will be able to communicate
effectively and work together
said Alison Williams, a hearing
ECU student.
This event will be the third
year that ECU has celebrated
Deaf Heritage Week. Vocational
Rehabilitation, the Wilson
Regional Resource Center and
ECU have collaborated together
in order to bring Deaf Heritage
Week to the people of Greenville
so they can be exposed to deaf
issues and people that are deaf.
On Wednesday, Sept. 22,
from noon to 2 p.m students
can go to Wright Plaza to dis-
cover information about Deaf
culture. Throughout the week, in
conjunction with the World Peace
Week events at ECU,
students will be exposed to
sign language interpreters
and cued speech translators,
which are provided for all the
World Peace Week events.
Finally, on Saturday,
Sept. 25 at 2 p.m there
is a football game between
Eastern North Carolina School
for the Deaf (ENCSD) and South
Carolina School for the Deaf.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy the
"Deaf Apollo" talent show held
after the game.
This writer can be contacted at

ECU instructors dig 'Chicks'
Debut film a result of
passion, perseverance
Professors of different fields
of study do different things in
their free time. A geology profes-
sor may travel to Nepal and study
the Himalayan Mountains, while
a history professor may write a
book offering original theories
regarding the Bolshevik Revolu-
tion. But what do you do when
you work in the communication
department? If you're anything
like Lovinder Gill and Geoff
Thompson, you make full-length
feature films like Chicks 101.
Moving to Hollywood is
no longer essential to getting
involved with the film industry.
North Carolina ranks only behind
New York and California in terms
of direct revenues derived from
productions and generated $230
million in 2002. North Carolina
is successful for many reasons.
First of all, it's a right-to-work
state, which means producers
can work freely without union
intervention. North Carolina
can provide the backdrop for
any kind of movie. Filming can
take place on the coastline, in
the mountains, rural areas and
accommodating cities, large or
small. The most appealing fea-
ture of North Carolina, though,
is their thriving community of
Gill and Thompson are two
of these filmmakers, though each
has reached this point in differ-
ent ways. Gill has a Bachelor of
Fine Arts from the North Caro-
lina School of the Arts, School
of Filmmaking, and also received
his master's in screenwriting
and film studies from Hollins
University. He's been involved
with the film industry in North
Carolina and began teaching
at ECU during the fall of 2002.
Thompson attended the
University of Florida where he
received his bachelor's in jour-
nalism and a master's in mass
communication. He moved to
Wilmington to make movies.
"I was just waiting tables, and
stuff like that, doing the standard
acting thing, getting auditions
said Thompson.
"I started thinking to
myself, 'I'm waiting tables
with a master's degree. What's
wrong with this picture?
Upon seeing a position at
UNC-W filled, which would have
been perfect for him, he began
considering his options. He was
soon hired by ECU and began
teaching during the fall semester
of 2002.
"Gill and I) started here at
the same time. And from the
moment we met, we just started
talking about making movies
Thompson said.
At that point, Gill had already
written a handful of screenplays.
He admits his first two scripts
were pretentious, anti-establish-
ment pieces that were too deep
for his ability at the time.
"Orson Wells, he can redefine
cinema with his first film. I can't.
Most people can't. What you
have to learn from the process is
what you can do said Gill.
In stark contrast with his
first two pieces, his next screen-
play was a very commercial
romantic comedy.
During one of his classes at
graduate school, his classmates
were presenting their first screen-
plays, which were deep, depress-
ing films similar to Gill's first
"I was the last to go and
I get up there and say, 'mine
is called Chicks 101' and
everyone looks at me like I'm
nuts. God bless the script. It's done
amazing things for me Gill said.
Chicks 101 is about a man
named Louie King, who has a
knack for picking up women. Louie
begins passing on his knowledge
of women to his hopeless buddy,
Noel. When the advice works,
word spreads and soon Louie is
renting out a classroom teaching
men who have had no luck with
women, everything he knows.
However, when Louie's dating
prowess is challenged, the gaunt-
let is thrown down. To prove
naysayers wrong, Louie claims
he can pick out any woman they
name. Their choice is Maria,
who teaches 'Feminism in the
20th century' down the hall.
Now Louie must alter his entire
approach to women to accom-
plish his goal.
The two began work on the
film early in 2003. Though Gill
had been attempting to make
the film for a while, the synergy
of the pair got the project off
the ground. As Thompson said,
it just really took on a life of
its own
They began assembling a
team and raising money for the
film. Finding financing was a
difficult task early on.
"We found a lawyer in
California who wrote a book on
this subject he put together a
package, a legal offering, and we
networked and were able to find
people interested in Investing in
our film. A lot of it was friends
and family, a lot of it was our
own money and it was hard
getting people - because at the
time before we started shooting
we didn't have anything to sell
anybody Thompson said.
Things really began going
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Lovinder Gill works with fellow cast crew members on Chicks 101
Zric lJvs&h.
their way when they received
a grant from Kodak for 16,000
feet of 35mm film, the kind
of film most big-budget films
shoot on. After receiving the
grant, Gill said, "Weil I guess
we're shooting on 35mm
However, shooting on better
quality film would mean added
expenses to a project already
having trouble with funding.
The team pushed forward with
preproduction throughout the
spring and held five casting
sessions. Native North Caiolin-
ian and fellow School of Film-
making graduate Keith Harris
nabbed the lead. Kate Leahey and
Brandon Roberts won the roles
of Maria and Noel respectively.
Geoff Thompson took the role of
Roland, the villain.
With a cast in place, pre-
production near completion
and everything in place, it
was time to shoot the film.
When the spring semester
ended at ECU, Gill and Thompson
packed their bags and headed to
Winston-Salem. Nice thing about
working at ECU is that you have
the summers off Thompson said.
Winston-Salem welcomed
the cast and crew with open arms
and were very accommodating
over the 17-day shoot. Winston-
Salem has become a hotbed for
films, as four other features were
being shot at the same time as
Chicks 101.
Gill didn't expect to direct
the film initially but jumped at
the chance. While filming, there
were limitations.
"When you don't have time,
when you don't have money,
when you don't have everything
(you need - it forces you to think
like, 'we've got to figure out this
problem It's almost like it's good
to have limitations Gill said.
Problems would arise but
Gill's crew found ways to deal
with them. They ultimately
shot the movie they wanted to
make. When shooting wrapped
on the film, it moved into a
lengthy post-production which
is still on-going.
The project is currently
nearing completion. An ani-
mation company is currently
finishing the opening cred-
its and some final sound
production is being done. Both Gill
and Thompson are more than sat-
isfied with the near-final product.
"It's great you look at it and
you say, 'I can't believe we did
that Thompson said.
Gill also stated that of the
people who have seen the film,
the response has been very posi-
tive "I love it
As of now, Gill and Thomp-
son have not secured a distribu-
tion deal but both remain opti-
mistic. Both feel that it's a great
film which will appeal to both
men and women. One hindering
aspect of the film is its lack of
star power.
"The joke is, If we had
put Ben Affleck in our movie,
we'd definitely get theatrical
distribution. We'd definitely
make money. But it'd be a
worse performance Gill said.
see CHICKS page A7
, ? Xttfwr Sif&utd oi' ZcVC . Stiic
The Dowtty Student
StDttf u sponsoring
an author signing
and hook sale alter
the presentation in
I l.mvy I fall or" the
Murphy Center.
Dysons books will
he for sale at 20 off
the.retail price in
conjunction with
this event.
Ronald E. Dowdy
Student Stores
Wright Building ? 328-6731 ?
Career Xpo Week brings opportunity to ECU students
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Students can develop
life-long career skills
College is a major stepping-
stone into the real world, and
without a little guidance, taking
that step can be very frustrating.
The ECU Department of Student
Professional Development is put-
ting together a Career Xpo Week
for students to explore, experi-
ence and engage in activities
designed to facilitate success in
the real world.
Starting Sept. 21, work-
shops will be provided to target
key areas in the career process
which students may have
problems with, such as pre-
paring a resume, interview-
ing skills and finding a job.
The Perfect Resume work-
shop will provide insight into
the purpose of having a resume
and ensure correct develop-
ment of a resume that will
land you a coveted interview.
Knowing key resume skills will
assure that your resume and
cover letter stand out and is not
one that gets tossed in the trash
right away.
The Stress-Free Interviewing
workshop will help students get
rid of all the jitters associated
with an interview. Students will
learn different styles and formats
that employers use in interview-
ing and will prepare students for
all the tricky questions they like
to ask. Topics such as greeting
the employer, communicating
personal accomplishments and
overcoming obstacles will be
discussed so that students are
comfortable with every aspect of
an interview.
The Surviving a Job Fair work-
shop will help students learn how
to make the most out of a job fair
and its resources. This workshop
is focused on how to make a
recruiter want to interview you
and will also touch on topics of
how to research companies, pre-
pare probing questions and make
a positive and lasting impression.
For a list of workshop times
and locations refer to the Career
Xpo Week timeline.
The Xpo games, which
take place on Monday, Sept.
27, will provide an opportu-
nity for students to prepare and
practice for the job fair on Sept.
29, in a game-like atmosphere
geared toward having fun and
"Students will gain valuable
insight about job searching while
participating in these interactive
activities said Catrina Davis,
student professional development
assistant director to the colleges
of education and human ecology.
The Community Service
Information Xpo, held on Tuesday,
Sept. 28, gives students a chance to
investigate different opportu-
nities within non-profit orga-
nizations, internships and
volunteering. Any students inter-
ested in these agencies should
attend this fair.
The Career Xpo Xtreme is the
large job fair that will be held
on Wednesday, Sept. 29. One
hundred twenty-three employ-
ers have registered to attend the
fair and are looking for students
from all majors. Students will
have the opportunity to network
with potential employers and
learn about internships along
with part and full time job oppor-
"Attending the career fair
gives students a chance to inter-
act professionally with potential
employers and it provides an
opportunity for students to
research careers in which they
may be interested" Davis said.
Finally, on Sept. 30 and Oct.
1, there will be Xtreme Inter-
views. This provides students
Student Professional Development will sponsor the Career Xpo
Xtreme in various places on campus this week.
professional attire, although not
required, is a key point to making
a good first impression with a
potential employer.
with a way to interview with
several different companies
without traveling far. Employers
will have an interview schedule
for those asked to come for an
interview. The convenience of the
interviews is a great way for
students to expand on their
opportunities after the job fair.
"I think it is a great idea and
a great opportunity, but for my
major there isn't going to be
anything there that really applies
to me said Megan Gulla, junior
dance major.
"However the skills gained
there will apply to me at some
point, so I will probably still go
It is important to know all stu-
dents can benefit from attending
Career Xpo Week. For students
serious about attending the fair
be sure to check out one of the
career workshops for vital tips.
Although many students'
objective for attending the
career fair may be different,
it is still a good idea to have a
resume prepared for any oppor-
tunity that may arise. Also,
This writer can be contacted at
Career Xpo Week Timeline
The Perfect Resume
Sept. 21 - Biology North 107
Sept 23 - Austin 206
Sept. 23 - Biology North 102
Stress-Free Interviewing
Sept 21 - Noon, Mendenhall 221
Sept. 21 - 5 p.m? Austin 206
Sept. 23 -1 p.m. Biology North 107
Surviving a Job Fair
Sept. 22 -1 p.m, Austin 206
Sept 22 -1 p.m? Biology North 107
Sept. 22 - 2 p.m? Brewster D 203
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from page A5
sage that's come full circle. In
1968, people came to see it to
understand their children. Now,
being a part of this experience
helps us to understand a past
generation said Kristen Weth-
erington, senior professional
acting major.
The theater and dance
departments have worked count-
less hours to make this musical
both a moving performance
for the audience and dili-
gent reflection about how
the actors themselves can
show what peace, love and har-
mony is all about.
Shearin said people do
not realize how hard theater
students work. A typical day
for one of these students is
about six hours of class and
then another four for rehearsal,
sometimes with no break. He
compares them to the work load
of a student athlete.
"I am constantly grati-
fied and amazed at these stu-
dents. For them to do this is
quite astonishing Shearin said.
When asked about the cast
of Hair, Shearin said, "I love 'em.
They are having a great time.
They are energetic, imaginative
and very committed to the work
He also explained that
each actor and actress has
put a lot of personality and
character into their various roles.
"1 feel privileged to be doing
this musical because of its
strong message that was perti-
HAIR cast members, Clay Nelms, Pam-Pam Rykwalder and
Kristen Wetherington strut their stuff in their HAIR costumes.
nent when the show opened.
Ten years ago Hair was out-
dated, but is now once again
compelling with all that is
going on in the world said Rob
Bradford, junior professional
acting major.
This musical will not
only be a learning experi-
ence for the new age but will
also be a recreation of the expe-
riences of so many Americans
that endured the hard times of
Vietnam and the flower power
age of the 1960s.
"I think Hair will reach people
on a personal level. This is a show
where the actors directly involve
the audience and depend on that
ultimate connection between
the two said Clay Nelms,
senior musical theater major.
This show is sure to be
something you don't want to
"1 hope people will come
and experience a joy-filled
2-3 hours with challenges. The
whole musical is quite innocent
and the points of view are very
good-hearted and good-spirited
Shearin said.
Make sure to come out and
support ECU Loessin Playhouse
and the "Age of Aquarius
This writer can be contacted at
from page A6
"I'm not busting on Ben, I'm
just saying that Keith Harris,
our lead actor, is awesome.
Hopefully that'll be enough
Whether the film is released
nationwide, in limited-release or
straight to DVD, Gill and Thomp-
son definitely plan to screen the
film for ECU students around the
end of this semester or near the
beginning of the spring semester.
Thompson also said they plan
to take Chicks 101 on the film
festival circuit.
"Any filmmaker's hope is to
see his work projected on the
big screen Thompson said.
Even if the movie fails to
bring a tremendous success,
both are extremely proud of
their work.
"It's definitely been a labor of
love. It's been a fantastic experi-
ence across the board. With that
being said, you got to balance
that part, I'm artistically ful-
filled. Now whether or not that
puts food on the plate
or not is a whole differ-
ent question Gill said.
He also mentioned that it
has been a tremendous learn-
ing experience, learning
more in the past year and a
half than his entire time in
film school. Gill and Thomp-
son, both under the umbrella
of their production company
The Gillder Frontier, plan many
more collaborations and have
other projects in the works.
When asked what advice
they'd give to anyone interested
in getting involved with the
film industry, their answers were
nearly identical.
"The film industry is not the
type of industry that you stick
your toe into the water to see if
it's the right thing. You either
want to do it or you don't want
to do it. Anyone that does it
partially or half way, it's just not
going to happen Gill said.
Thompson whole-heartedly
"Don't give up on your
dream. Don't be afraid of
failure. Don't think that
filmmaking is some-
thing that somebody
else does. If that's what you
want to do, then do it
Thompson said.
Gill pointed to himself as
an example of this passion and
"A year and a half ago, I was
a guy with a script and a dream
Gill said.
"Now I'm a guy with a movie
and a dream
This writer can be contacted at
Want to use your SGA funding for travel?
(ConferenceAnnual HeetingConvention)
Learn the Travel: Houi To's
September 15 Hendenhall 212 (4-6 pm
September 23 Hendenhall 212 (4-6 pm)
October 6 Hendenhall 15 (3-5 pm)
October 21 Hendenhall 15 (3-5 pm
Houember 3 Hendenhall 212 (3-5 pm)
Houember 11 Hendenhall 212 (3-5 pm)
December 1 Hendenhall 212 (3-5 pm)
Hore dates to come for the spring semester
Sign up in the SGA office (255 NSC) or call us at 328-4726
? NOTE: Organizations must be registered. A constitution must be on
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Page A8 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
Pirates blank UNCA
TUESDAY September 21,2004
Associated Press
Top 25
No. SchoolRecordPrev
2 Oklahoma 3 Georgia3-02
4 Miami (FU2-04
5 Texas2-06
6 West Virginia3-07
7 Ohio State3-09
8 Florida State1-18
9 Auburn3-014
10 California2-010
11 Tennessee2-013
12 Virginia3-012
14 Utah3-015
15 Purdue2-018
16 Florida1-111
17 Fresno State3-019
18 Michigan2-117
19 Minnesota3-022
20 Wisconsin3-020
21 Boise State3-023
22 Arizona SL3-0NR
23 Maryland2-121
24 Louisville2-024
25 Ok. State3-0NR
Others Receiving Votes: Notre
Dame 89, Memphis 78, Iowa 66,
Kansas St. 46, Southern Miss.
34, Missouri 33, Virginia Tech 29,
Alabama 23, Colorado 23, Boston
College 19, Arkansas 9, Georgia
Tech 4, South Carolina 4, UCLA 1
Coaches Poll
No. SchoolRecord Previous
1 use3-01
2 Oklahoma3-02
3 Georgia3-03
4 Miami (FU2-05
5 Texas2-06
6 Ohio State3-07
7 West Virginia3-08
8 Tennessee2-013
9 California2-010
10 Auburn3-015
11 Florida State1-111
12 Virginia3-016
14 Utah3-014
15 Purdue2-018
16 Florida1-19
17 Fresno State 3-020
18 Michigan2-117
19 Minnesota3-022
20 Wisconsin3-021
21 Boise State3-023
22 Louisville2-024
23 Maryland2-119
24 Iowa2-112
25 Oklahoma Slate 3-0NR
Others Receiving Votes:
Arizona State 79, Virginia Tech
73, Memphis 66, Notre Dame
54, Kansas State 52, Missouri
37, Colorado 35, Boston College
30, Alabama 26, Nebraska 11,
Southern Mississippi 11, Arkansas
8, North Carolina State 8, Texas
Tech 8, Bowling Green 5, Oemson
4, South Carolina 3, Texas A&M 3,
Stanford 2, Oregon 1, UCLA 1.
Conference USA
UAB 7, Florida St 34
South Carolina 34. USF 3
Texas Tech 70, TCU 35
Louisville at Tulane, postponed
Houston 35, Army 21
Cincinnati 7, Syracuse 19
Memphis 47, Arkansas St 35
This Day in Sports
1985 - Montana State's David
Pandt catches 21 passes for 169
yards against Eastern Washington
to set an NCAA record.
1986 - Ken O'Brien's 43-yard
touchdown pass to Wesley Walker
at 2:35 in overtime ends one of
the highest-scoring games in
NFL history as the New York Jets
defeat the Miami Dolphins 51-45
O'Brien passes for 479 yards and
four touchdowns, all to Walker
Miami's Dan Marino passes for
448 yards and three touchdowns,
and the two quarterbacks set a
record with a combined 884 yards
1994 - The North Carolina
women's soccer team wins its
89th straight game, setting the
unofficial record for the longest
winning streak in college sports.
The 5-1 victory over rival NC State
broke the mark of 88 in a row set
by the UCLA men's basketball
team during the early 1970s.
Pope earns first shutout
as keeper this season
The Pirates came into Sunday
looking to avenge one in-state
loss with another as they took on
the Bulldogs of UNC Asheville.
ECU came away with the win
as they drubbed UNCA in a 3-0
Terron Amos scored his sev-
enth goal of the season and team-
mates Rob Cann and Mike Crow-
ley also added one score each.
Sophomore goalkeeper Brian
Pope earned his first shutout of
the year and it's ECU's second
team shutout of the season.
The Pirates out-shot the Bulldogs
11-4 and improve to an even
"I was very happy with how
we played today said Head
Coach Michael Benn.
"We had to get back to what
we wanted to do. We had to get
back to being more disciplined
and do what we need to do to
be successful and I thought we
executed very well today
Pope played very wel
throughout the entire game
and made many goal-saving
plays coming off the line and
intercepting UNCA passes. Sev-
eral times throughout the game,
the Bulldogs would attack the
wings and cross the ball to the
middle of the field where a
see SOCCER page A10
Terron Amos has been huge for the Pirates on the offensive side of the ball, scoring at least one goal in ever
season. Amos added his seventh goal in six games this past Sunday against the UNC Asheville Bulldogs.
Troxler steps in net for ECU Lady Pirates deiied
in C of C Invitathnal
The ECU women had a dismal
Women's soccer hopes
backup can spur
With a struggling defense,
backup goalkeeper Lindsl Trox-
ler got her first start in net this
season for the women's soccer
team. Her mission would be to
stop Campbell as they attacked
her with an aggressive style of
soccer Friday in Greenville.
In the 15th minute, Troxler
would get some help. After a free
kick, junior Megan McCallion
darted through three Camel
defenders before firing it past the
Campbell keeper. The goal would
give Troxler some cushion, but
meant the attack on her would
be even stronger.
Within nine minutes, the
game was tied. Troxler would also
give up the second Camel goal off
a rebound later in the game.
There was nothing Troxler
could do but make good saves
and hope her team would come
through. Rachel Hils provided
that hope as she scored what
would be the game tying goal in
the 56th minute of play. The goal
weekend at home, tying Campbell and losing to VCU.
came off of a corner kick, which
was set perfectly by Melissa
Penny and led to Hils' header
into the net. The game finished
tied, as the Pirates went to 2-3-1
for the season.
Head Coach Rob Donnen-
wirth felt the team started well
but backed off and allowed Camp-
bell to sneak back in the game.
"We came out pretty well but
basically took our foot off the
gas pedal once we scored and let
them back into the game said
"They Campbell) are much
improved over the years and we
knew they would be a good team.
Our team needs to put together a
good strong 90 minutes, and we
haven't done that yet. We show
what we are capable of in seg-
ments, just not the full time
The weekend was far from
over after Campbell, and it didn't
end on a positive note.
A strong Virginia Common-
wealth team came into Greenville
Sunday in an attempt to blemish
the Pirates' home record.
Troxler would get the start
in net again and saw only seven
shots come her way while the
Pirates fired eight toward the
Rams' keeper.
One of those seven shots
came on a breakaway, as Rams'
forward Jen Parsons broke free
with 25 yards of nothing but
grass and Troxler in her way of
scoring. She blasted a shot just
out of reach, and the Rams took
the early lead.
It would prove to be the game
winner before the Rams added
two more goals. The Pirates
nearly netted goals on several
occasions, but couldn't find the
back of the net in the end and
were shutout, 3-0.
Unlike the game against
Campbell, the Lady pirates didn't
start the game well and Donnen-
wirth felt that hurt his team.
"VCU is a really good team
Donnenwirth said.
"We got outworked in the
beginning of the game, we didn't
start the way we wanted to. I
thought we turned it around and
then gave up two soft goals. The
second goal really hurt, right at
the end of the half. You can't
spot a team like that 2 goals and
expect to win
The Pirates start Conference- J
USA play this weekend with i
a match in Charlotte against g
the 49ers and will head west to .J
Western Carolina for a Sunday ?
afternoon game. ?
This writer can be contacted at
sports?theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU Volleyball drops
under .500 for season
The ECU Volleyball team
had a bad taste in their mouth
last Friday as they headed into
the College of Charleston Invi-
tational in Charleston, SC. They
had just come off a road defeat to
NC State previously in the week,
three games to one. The Lady
Pirates had also come up short
in their last two tournaments
and didn't want to repeat their
pattern last weekend.
The invitational opened up
last Friday with ECU facing
Duke. The Lady Blue Devils came
out strong, defeating ECU in
three straight games, 30-16,30-11
and 30-21. Duke improved their
record to 7-2 with the win, as the
Lady Pirates fell to 5-6 on the year.
In ECU's second game of the
invitational, they faced host Col-
lege of Charleston. Despite lead-
ing the match in blocks with 11,
defense wasn't quite enough to
put away a strong C of C team. The
Lady Cougars were able to out hit
ECU .31790 and go on to sweep
the series 30-26, ii8, 30-20.
With one ganWt in the
invitational, the By Pirates
were still looking fjtheir first
win as they faced Gvgia state.
Freshman Mlgnonjubenion
was able to step ufo ECU's
final match, posting Wer and
match high of 15 kfas they
went on to defeat Getia State
in four games 30-27,130, 30-
24, 20-19. ECU was aj to out
hit Georgia State .252189 in
the victory.
With their perforrce in
the C of C Invitational,fe Lady
Pirates' record now staniat 6-7.
The invitational also mjcs the
last games of their loaway
schedule. ECU was onlple to
win two of their seven gles on
the road. Fortunately for tLady
Pirates, they will be giveriveek
off to recuperate before ome
action continues this Fric
ECU will face Willia and
Mary in a home game S. 24
at 7 p.m. in Williams Afta at
Minges Coliseum. Thi ady
Pirates will then continieivith
another home game next
as they face Campbell.
This writer can be contajtetut
sports@theeastcarolniap. con.
Volleyball dropped two of three matches inCharleton, SC.
NFL Recap: Sloppy Sunday marks week two grimes
Panthers, Colts grab
big wins on the road
The parody In the NFL shone
through as week two came to a
close. Upsets were abound as the
Bears sacked the Pack in Green
Bay, the Giants delivered Joe
Gibbs his first loss in 12 years
and Michael Vick ran over the
porous St. Louis defense. Unlikely
teams like Detroit, Jacksonville
and Atlanta survived to remain
unbeaten, while heavyweights
New England and Seattle did the
same. Records were also broken.
Jerry Rice did not catch a pass for
the first time since 405 BC, New
England won its 17th straight and
Carolina snapped Kansas City's
13-game home regular season
winning streak.
Colbert fills In for Smith
against KC
Carolina needed players to
step up to replace Stephen Davis
and Steve Smith. Deshaun Foster
and Keary Colbert did just that in
a 28-17 road win against Kansas
City. All Foster did was have a
career day. Foster ran for a career
high 174 yards, including a club
record 71-yard bolt.
Colbert, a rookie wide receiver
out of USC, started his first NFL
game. Colbert finished with
three receptions for 43 yards and
a touchdown.
Kansas City started off the
2003-2004 season with nine
straight wins, but found them-
selves in a hole to start this
season. New defensive coordi-
nator Gunther Cunningham
was supposed to help sure up
the defensive problems, but the
defense is as bad as it was last
year. Kansas City's offense looks
nothing like it did last year as
Trent Green only threw for 187
Indianapolis shocks
Titans at home
Indianapolis was in desper-
ate need of a win coming off a
tough loss in Foxboro to start
the season
of a Nick Ca
interception !
route to a 31
Tennessee. 0
out of receivi
hands on a 4t
254 yards
while tai
for another
scores. Domi
majority of
It :ame I
ilback Igi
1 I
h the shape
er foirth quarter
the nd zone en
roiicwin against
ter tok the ball
Derick Mason's
and2 attempt.
nirg threw for
erin James ran
yards and two
if ed through the
irae, the Colts
l i
tl ga
tourney b
ECU hasr
tournament ?
to the rise in p
ECU decided
ever disc goll
course consist
varying degi
Robert Li
of ECU's Disc
the tournam
two-day even
day, Sept. 18;
Sept. 19. The
at 10 a.m. on!
until 4 p.m. c
involved in
many of th
renowned dis
Some of the
Justin Jerniga
teur world ch
in the world.
Jemigan '
Mike Hofman
weekend. He
with 1
e NFL page A9

Disc Golf returns for nfl
first time since 1997
from page A8
Jemigan wins ECU
tourney by one stroke
ECU hasn't held a disc golf
tournament since 1997, but due
to the rise in popularity In sports,
ECU decided to host its second
ever disc golf tournament. The
course consisted of 71 holes with
varying degrees of difficulty.
Robert Leonard, president
of ECU'S Disc Golf Club, hosted
the tournament, which was a
two-day event that began Satur-
day, Sept. 18 and ended Sunday,
Sept. 19. The tournament began
at 10 a.m. on Saturday and lasted
until 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Sixty-one people were
involved in the tourney, and
many of those were world-
renowned disc golf champions.
Some of the big names that
participated in the event were
Justin jemigan, the 2004 ama-
teur world champion, and Brian
Schweberger, who is ranked 21st
in the world.
Jernigan won the Pro divi-
sion of the tournament with a
score of 37 under par; he received
around $200 for winning the
tournament. Mike Hofmann
came in second place with a score
of 36 under par, and he received
approximately $115. Schwe-
berger finished in third place
with a score of 35 under par and
received a little less than $100,
but also received $140 extra for
skins play.
Although the weather was
not ideal for disc golf, the players
pressed on and continued play-
ing through the sporadic rain
showers and heightened winds.
"It wasn't that big of a
problem for me, but it was sort of a
problem for others said Jernigan.
Other divisions that com-
peted in the tournament were
the men's and women's inter-
mediate division and the recre-
ational division. PJ Evans took
the men's intermediate, while
Monica Livingston won the
women's, and Josh Ferguson was
victorious in the recreational
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
stormed into contentions and
scored 21 points in the fourth
quarter to secure the win.
Chris Brown, who replaced
the departed Eddie George, had a
career day for the Titans in rush-
ing 152 yards and a touchdown.
Steve McNair also had a big day
in throwing 273 yards.
G-men stun Glbbs and
the 'Skins
Washington was apparently
in a giving mood Sunday after-
noon as they committed an
unheard of seven turnovers
against New York. The Giants
took advantage by giving Head
Coach Tom Coughlin his first
win in New York, 20-14. Cough-
lin has had to deal with some
rumblings from his players that
he is too tough, but answered his
critics handing Joe Gihbs his first
regular season loss since rejoin-
ing the Redskins.
The Redskins lost three fum-
bles and threw another four
interceptions. On one of the
turnovers, Giant linebacker Bar-
rett Green rumbled 16 yards for
a score.
Kurt Warner, who received
heat after a dismal performance
last week, played well, throw-
ing 232 yards. Washington QB
Mark Brunell left the game with
a hamstring pull in the third
quarter and didn't return.
Brown clutch once
again for Da' Bears
Lovie Smith completed his
No. 1 goal as head coach of the
Chicago Bears. Smith's Bears
earned a 21-10 road win against
the Packers. Mike Brown had
a 95-yard fumble return for a
touchdown. Thomas Jones ran
152 yards for the Bears.
Harrington, Williams
smoke Texans
Detroit has an answer for
Charles Rogers, who went down
with a season ending injury last
week. Enter rookie Roy Williams.
Williams caught four balls, 73
yards and two touchdowns on
the way to a 28-16 home win
against the Texans. David Carr
threw 313 yards in the loss.
Ravens put clamps
on Steelers
Ray Lewis and the Baltimore
Raven defense helped to shut
down Pittsburg in a 30-13 romp
at home. Rookie Pittsburg QB
Ben Roethlisberger replaced
Tommy Maddox, who suffered
an elbow injury. Deion Sanders
left the game with a hamstring
injury and didn't return.
Vick solid against Rams
Michael Vick is back. He ran
109 yards and passed 179 en
route to a 34-17 win against the
Rams. It was Vick's third game
in which he ran more than 100
yards and passed another 100. St.
Louis QB Marc Bulger is just 5-5
on the road.
Saints win shootout
in Big Easy
The New Orleans offense
showed up at home. Aaron
Brooks threw 279 yards in a
30-27 shoot out against San
Mike Hofmann makes his putt during the tournament this past
weekend. He finished second overall in the pro division
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Rookie receiver Keary Colbert made an impression in his first NFL start, catching three passes
for 43 yards and a touchdown. The Panthers finished off the Chiefs by a score of 28-17.
Francisco. Donte Stallworth was
on the receiving end of 113 yards
and a late touchdown to secure
the win. Deuce McAllister left the
game and didn't return.
Leftwich leads
another upset
The Jacksonville defense
helped secure their second
improbable win in as many
weeks. The Jaguars are one of
only six unbeaten teams with
a 7-6 win against the Broncos.
Denver RB Quentin Griffin fum-
bled on the Jaguar 23-yard line
with only 30 seconds to play.
Seattle puts Tampa
in 0-2 hole
Tampa Bay QB Chris
Simms threw a controversial
Interception late In the fourth
quarter to give Seattle a 10-6 win.
Simms, who replaced Brad John-
son, threw 175 yards. However,
the Marcus Trufant intercep-
tion late sealed the deal for the
winless Bucs.
"My Favorite Martin" has
another great Sunday
Chad Pennington and Curtis
Martin both had big days for
Herman Edwards's team. The NY
Jets stayed unbeaten in grabbing
a 34-28 road win against San
Diego. Pennington threw 258
yards while Martin rushed for
119 yards. San Diego QB Drew
Bress was pulled after sustaining
a concussion and had a heated
exchange with Head Coach
Marty Schottenheimer.
One streak begins as
another ends in Oakland
Jerry Rice didn't make a
catch. What? Come again? For
the first time in 274 games,
Jerry Rice didn't record a recep-
tion. He wasn't happy about it
Manning and McNair shake hands after the Colts' victory.
either. Rice threw his helmet at
a metal bench and punted the
30-yard marker. Oh yeah, the
Raiders won at home 13-10
against Buffalo.
New England
keeps streak alive
The Patriots won their 17th
straight game and are now
one win away from tying the
all-time record. The Pats will get
theirchance next week at lowly Buf-
falo. Tom Brady threw for 217 yards
and Corey Dillion ran 158 in a 23-
12 victory against the Cardinals.
Sloppy second
half in Dallas
Interceptions were the fad in
the second half. Both starting
QB's threw three each, but the
Cowboys survived 19-12 on 40-
year-old Vinny Testaverde's 322
yards. Cleveland's warrior-rookie
TE Kellan Winslow suffered a
broken leg and will be out six to
eight weeks.
( i in defense comes
out on top at home
Carson Palmer's debut as a
starting QB in Cincinnati turned
out to be a good one as the Bengals
won 16-13. Palmer orchestrated a
two-minute drill to perfection
as Shayne Graham knocked
through the winning field
goal with just two seconds
remaining. AJ Feeley started
for the Dolphins and threw
218 yards. It was the first
night game for the Bengals
since 1997 and there was a
sellout crowd on hand at Paul
Brown Stadium for the first time
since Thomas Edison invented
the light bulb.
This writer can be contacted at
sports?theeastcarolinian. com.
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UNCA forward could smash an
open shot on net. Pope never
allowed this to happen during
the game as he made a few spec-
tacular plays, disrupting UNCA's
offensive flow and not allowing
quality shots on net.
"Brian Pope had his
best game of the year today
Benn said.
"He had outstanding control
of his box, he knew what he
was doing, his communica-
tion was good, he had an all-
around great game today; there's
nothing I would have changed
about his performance today
Amos scored his team-lead-
ing seventh goal on a fast break
during the 11th minute of play.
Amos blasted a shot to the
far post over UNCA keeper Ben
Saylor and put ECU up 1-0.
Crowley scored his first career
goal on a beautiful cross from
Michael Logan. Logan lobbed
the ball in from the far left
side, barely over a Bulldog
defender, and Crowley took one
touch of the ball and hammered
it home to give ECU a 2-0 lead.
However, that wasn't the end
of Crowley's contribution to the
In the closing minutes of the
second half, two UNCA defenders
surrounded Crowley in the far
left corner in Bulldogs territory.
Crowley turned and kicked the
ball off of one defender, giving
the Pirates a corner kick.
The ECU midfielder then
blasted the corner kick to the far
right of the goal where J.W. Gal-
lagher headed the ball down in
a crowd of UNCA defenders. The
left-footed Cann, who normally
The Pirates will take on an unbeaten Duke team this week.
plays back as a defenseman,
took the ball off a low bounce
after Gallagher headed it and
pounded it perfectly into the right
side netting.
The Pirates will travel to
Durham this week to take on a
Duke team that hasn't allowed
a goal in its first seven games
this year. Coach Benn is aware
of the challenge the Blue Devils
presents but figures this
Wednesday is as good of a time
as any for a team to score on
"I've had the opportunity to
watch them Duke) twice this
year Benn said.
"They're a good soccer team.
They haven't given up a goal
yet this year and they're 7-0.
But someone is going to score on
them this year; someone is going
to beat them this year, so it might
as well be us
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
nergy Efficient ? Kitchen Appliances.
& Dryer Hookups '? Central Air& He '
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Washer & Dryer Hookups ? Central Air & H
On ECU Bus Ro
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Pets OK With Deposit Nightly security patr
Country Club.
On Bradford Creek Golf Cours
Approximately 1,350 Sq.i
Fully Equipped Kitchens ? Washer & Dry
Pets OK With Deposit ? Covered Pi
3 Bedroom And 2.
Fully Equipped Kitchens.
Washer & Dry
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561 -RENT
jjtUv-r Mosefcy unve
Greenville, NC 27858
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Washer & Dryer ? Central Air & Heat.
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No Pets "
Offering Apartments & Houses, Plus Duplex Communities
Convenient To ECU, Pitt Community College & The Medical District
The ECU Media Board
welcomes applications for
Apply now for position of Day Student Representative on the
ECU Media Board. To qualify, you must be a student
living off campus who is not a member of a fraternity or sorori-
ty. Help set policies for operation of WZMB, The Rebel, The East
Carolinian & Expressions. The Media Board meets Monthly.
Apply in The Media Board Office
2nd Floor Publications Building
Deadline for applications is Sept. 30th

is week.
ortunity to
twice this
accer team.
up a goal
ley're 7-0.
to score on
me is going
so it might
ntacted at
Page A11
For Rent
1 BR1BA Apt. to sublease in a
Pirate's Plac3BR suite. $295mo.
plus 13 utilitiescable. Please call
Michael Grant at (252)587-9021.
Three bedroom duplex for rent
near ECU. Available immediately.
Rent $561- Call 752-6276.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 & 2
BR apts, dishwasher, GD, central
air & heat, pool, ECU bus line, high
speed internet available, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
1 & 2 bedroom apartments,
walking distance to campus, WD
conn pets OK no weight limit,
free water and sewer. Call today for
security deposit special- 758-1921.
Walk to campus, 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath,
116B N. Meade St. Hardwood
floors, ceiling fans, all kitchen
appl. included, washerdryer, attic
space and shed. Nice size front
back yard. $675.00month. First
month free rent. Call 341-4608.
One, two, three and four bedroom
houses and apartments all within
four blocks of campus. Pet
friendly, fenced yards. Short term
leases available. Call 830-9502.
3 BR1 BA House- 305 S.
Library Street, WD included,
front porch wswing, storage
house, short term lease, rent
negotiable. 252-758-1440.
Above BW-3. Apartment
for rent. 3 bedroom 1 bath.
Water and trash included. Call
252-725-5458 or 329-8738.
Walk to Campus and Downtown!
$375 a month! 2 Bedroom
Duplex. Located at 113 Holly
St. Available Now! Call 355-
5150 Adam Whitley-Sebti
12 Block off 5th, 1
bdrm- washer ft dryer
included- call 321-4712.
Sub-Lease Wesley Commons South
one bedroom, pets accepted,
on ECU bus route, water and
sewer included. $380.00, available
ASAP, contact Tiffany 757-3970.
Tired of apartment living?
Three bedroom duplex,
washer dryer hook-up, vaulted
ceilings, privacy fence, bonus
storage room, 1200 square
ft $700 month. Call 561-8732.
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Spring Break! Cancun, Acapulco,
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Food Delivery Drivers wanted for
Restaurant Runners. Part time
positions 100-200week. Perfect
for college student Some lunch
time (11a-2p) M-F and weekend
availability required. 2-way
radioes allow you to be anywhere
in Greenville when not on a
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must. Call 756-5527 between 2-5
only. Sorry Greenville residents
only & no dorm students.
Tutor to teach 3 Chinese
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weekends. Call 252-
946-4663, (cell) 407
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for further Information.
Area High school seeking field
hockey officials for late afternoon
games. No experience necessary
but hockey background
helpful. If interested, call Lydia
Rotondo at (252)329-8080.
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1 Boomers aloft
5 Actress Theda
9 Enraged
14 Actress Flynn
15 "Nine Heavens"
poet Khosrow
16 Annoyed
17 Close up
19 Imitating
20 Seasoned
21 General pardon
23 Moises or
25 Eureka!
26 Feature
30 Rich dessert
35 Adder, e.g.
36 Steps over a
37 Boxing letters
38 Tortoise's
39 Tribe on the
40 Voucher
41 Small newt
42 Hawkins Day
43 Alan Ladd film
44 Anxious
46 Cake coverings
47 Squid fluid
48 Venetian
50 Set free
54 Meet by chance
59 Put forth effort
60 Three under par
62 Dance music
63 Means of
64 Iridescent gem
65 Playful marine
66 Pocket bread
67 Sleuth Wolfe
1 Slovak or
2 Mall event
3 Quick pace
4 Rational
5 Volcanic rock
20? 31I
444548 ? 61
?LVaH47! 60
O20O All rig?Trlb It rejne M serve?dlaS 1.ervicIS, Inc182104
7 Exorcise
8 Region
9 Scott hero
10 Revoke formally
11 Allies'WWII
12 Camp shelter
13 Tense
18 Elegant beauty
22 Syrup source
24 Not tested
26 Fire residue
27 Confused
28 Components
29 Barely manage
31 Assistant
32 Coen brother
33 Giving a
thumbs-up to
34 Units of music
36 Puts in a new
39 Actor Tom
40 Greek letter
42 Forum honcho
43 Aroma
45 Puncture
TUESDAY September 21, 2004
Experienced males & females
who enjoy working with children,
23,000 sq. ft. modern gym,
2 miles from campus, contact
Darlene Rose at 321-7264.
Inbound Call Center Agents
Needed. Must type 30 wpm,
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evenings and weekends. Fax
or e-mail resume to 353-7125
or wpcallcenter@hotmail.
com to apply.
"Mother's helper" needed for
childcare plus light housework.
Long-term job, great pay,
pleasant family, somewhat
flexible schedule. Experience,
references, reliable car, GPA
above 2.75, non-smoker. Please
call 329-0101, leave message.
Cypress Glen Retirement
Community Dining Services is
accepting applications for part-
time wait staff (11am to 2pm
daily). If you are looking for
a job with flexible hours in a
good professional atmosphere
apply now. 100 Hickory
Street, Greenville, NC EOE.
Fast paced, growing company
seeks energetic telemarketers
appointment setters. Excellent
verbal skills a must. Flexible
schedules. Opportunity for
quick advancement. Call after
1pm M-F: (252)355-0210.
Tiara Too jewelry. Carolina
East Mall. Part-time Retail
Sales Associate. Day and
Night Hours. Apply in person.
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an instructor. Call Judy van Dorp
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? of poor maintenance response
? of unreturncd phone calls
? of noisy neighbors
?of crawly critters
?of high utility bills
? of ECU parking hassles
? of ungrateful landlords
? of unanswered questions
? of high rents
? of grumpy personnel
? of unfulfilled promises
? of units that were not cleaned
? of walls that were never painted
? of appliances that don't work
Wyndham Court &
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nJ Coalition on Groan & Tissue Donation
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but THe Meat
Cats rsAuwis
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s9N101 ? 1SN3dsnG
N0i1OdVM '0JdSV
vIIv ? n 11 ?'11
tlUVOti TWN6
cuan aoTwes un vou wouldn't Mucve.
46 Large lizard
49 Satellite's path
50 Newly decorate
51 Way out
52 For fear that
53 Lawman Wyatt
55 Press
56 Slangy
57 Former Russian
58 Norwegian
61 Luau garland
Captain ribman ?Gimme An -r
by Sprengelmeyer & Oavis
ru. ser
ThteRB'S SOAie

3 ooo
Those "all inclusive" Apts
$385-325 per monthperson
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Roommate matchingjust like the dorms
Computer room onsite
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Utilities includedusually only a limited
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$357 average rental price
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Eastgate Village
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2 bedroom apts.
YOU pick your roommate
You probably already own a computer
Multi-millionrec. center on campus paid for
by your ECU tuition
Energy efficient- average utility bill is only $90
Cable is Included
$282.50 average rental price
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Office located at: 3200-F Moseley Drive
call: 561-RENT
Now leasing for Spring and Fall 2005

The East Carolinian, September 21, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 21, 2004
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