The East Carolinian, June 23, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Volume 79 Number 146
June 23, 2004
Jeremy Davis (left) and James Blalock wear head-mounted displays
and computers while entering a marsh for collection and identification
of mosquitoes.
New technology to fight
West Nile virus, malaria
Virus-carrying mosquitoes
tracked with computers
The ECU Center for Wireless and
Mobile Computing is working in
conjunction with the Department of
Environmental Health Sciences and
Safety in tracking and identifying
mosquitoes that are carriers of the
West Nile virus and other diseases.
While the West Nile virus is
often found in several birds and
mammals, it is most commonly
transmitted to humans through spe-
cific types of mosquitoes. This new
technology enables workers to iden-
tify and report the location where
they encounter mosquitoes that are
common carriers of the virus.
"We are going to come up with a
technology solution for identifying
and verifying a selection of mosqui-
toes in the field, and it had to be a
solution that is low cost and could be
used by inexperienced people to make
the identification said Barry Du Vail,
director of the Center for Wireless and
Mobile Computing.
James Blalock, a graduate student
in business at ECU and research
associate at the Center, said this
new technology allows workers
to pull up different mosquitoes
from the online database which
they can use to identify mosquitoes
encountered in fields.
If an exact identification is
made, Blalock said, the worker selects
the mosquito type, enters the GPS
coordinates and the date into the
program and the information is sent
to the database where it is saved in
records. This information then deter-
mines the geographic locations of the
mosquitoes noted as the common
carriers of the West Nile virus.
"Without having a microscope
out in the field, it's just very easy to
identify because they (mosquitoes
have such distinct characteristics
that separate them from each other
said Blalock.
Blalock said this new technology
used in identifying mosquitoes was
first founded by Anthony Gutierrez,
chief of molecular biology laboratory
at the U.S. Army Center for Health
Promotion and Preventative Medi-
cine and the Center for Wireless and
Mobile Computing is elaborating on
his work.
"We've taken his work a step
ahead Blalock said.
The technological devices
see WEST NILE page 2
Painting it purple and gold
Evening Thunderstorms
High of 90
252328.6366 (newsroom)
252.3282000 (advertising)
Brenda Tyson, an office assistant in the Department of Physical Therapy, stands in front of her home
painted yellow with purple shutters. Tyson, a Hurricane Floyd flood victim in 1999, purchased her home
as a yellow exterior with navy shutters. Tyson painted the shutters dark purple, along with accents on her
porch, and completed the school-spirited look with purple and yellow flowers and an ECU doormat.
ECU student dies in car accident
Students remember
their beloved friend
ECU student Maiisha Moore died
in a car accident as she was driving
from her hometown of Raleigh to
Moore's car skidded off Hwy 264
and hit a tree June 13. She was travel-
ing to Greenville to work at her job at
Express in Colonial Mall.
ECU sophomore Alexis Archer first
met Moore when she was a freshman,
and the two remained close.
"She was outgoing, she would do
anything for anybody said Archer.
"She always greeted you with a smile
- she was a real joy to be around
Moore's funeral was held on Satur-
day, and according to Archer, "a lot of
ECU students showed up and there was
a tot of support
Members of ECU's Phi Beta Sigma
fraternity and former co-workers of
Moore's at the Greenville Foot Locker
were pallbearers at the funeral.
Moore was born on May 30, 1982
and grew up in Wake County. She gradu-
ated from Garner Senior High School.
Moore was a senior majoring in
environmental health science and
safety. She was also a member of Nu
Eta Epsilon (the environmental health
honor society) and of the American
Student Dental Association.
Archer said she will be deeply
missed in the ECU community.
"She was a fun person to be around
Archer said.
"Everyone has been touched by her
in some way
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Friday, June 25 Is the last day for late registration
and schedule changes for second term.
-page 5
-page 6
.page 11

PAGE 2 6-23-04
I i n �. .�'�ttuL -t M
Mac Users Group Meeting
The ECU Mac Users Group will
m�et on Tuesday, June 29 at 6:30
p.m. in the Willis Building on the
corner of First and Reade Streets.
It is open to the public and free
of charge. The presentation.
"Microsoft or MicroShaft will
focus on Microsoft's brand new
version of its office suite, Microsoft
Office 2004. Attendees will have
the opportunity to win a copy of
the software. Anyone planning to
attend this meeting, please RSVP
to mike@ecumug org.
Bowling Leagues
Second Summer Session bowling
lea'gues are now forming
Registration forms can be picked
up in the Outer Limitz Bowling
Center Teams consist of two to
four players and leagues will meet
each week on Tuesdays and Fridays
at 5:30 p.m. Play begins Tuesday.
June 29. For more information,
contact the Recreations Office at
328-4738 or Outer Limitz Bowling
Center at 328-4740.
'Damn Yankees'
The ECULoessin Playhouse
and Summer Theatre presents
"Damn Yankees" June 22 - 26.
Joe Hardy is your typical middle-
aged baseball fan However, his
favorite team, the Washington
Senators, seems incapable of
ever winning the pennant race.
Suddenly, the devil, in the person
of Applegate, visits him with a
proposition: Would Joe be willing
to trade his soul for the Senators
to win the World Series? For
ticket information, call 1-800-
News Briefs
NC Senate budget won't include
all Easley seeks for education v
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - The state Senate
unveiled portions of its budget
proposal Monday, reducing House
cuts to funding for school districts
and mental health, but declining
to give Gov. Mike Easley all he
sought for two education initiatives.
The Senate's refusal to spend $50,5
million next year to reduce class sizes
in the third grade and $9 million for
Easley s More at Four Program drew a
sharp response from the governor.
"I am disappointed that the Senate
Appropriations Committees are
playing little games with our children's
education Easley said.
"While I will continue to work with the
Senate on these important issues, our
citizens are quickly losing patience
Senate budget subcommittees
approved sections of the chamber's
fiscal year 2005 spending plan, which
should be voted on by the full Senate
appropriations panel Tuesday morning
A first of two required floor votes is
expected Wednesday.
After Senate approval, negotiators from
the two chambers will have to agree
on a final budget bill and send it to
Easley's desk for his signature. The
new fiscal year begins July 1.
The Legislature passed a spending
plan for fiscal 2005 last year, as part
of its two-year budget package. The
budget now being negotiated in a
short legislative session represents
adjustments to the original plan.
Fans Nne up to buy Bill Clinton's
autobiography despite poor reviews
NEW YORK (AP) - Fans of Bill Clinton
lined up outside bookshops from
Arkansas to New York to snap up
copies of his autobiography, giving
the former president's words the same
rock star treatment he often enjoyed
while in power.
"It's a historic moment for me said
Margaret Woods, a Manhattan billing
consultant who stood in a line of about
100 people outside a Barnes & Noble
near Lincoln Center that began selling
the book at midnight Monday.
Alfred A. Knopf has given the memoirs
a first printing of 1.5 million. Mary Ellen
Keating, a spokeswoman for Barnes &
Noble, said she expected My Life to be
the best-selling presidential memoir in
the company's history.
"It's like adult Harry Potter mania. We
haven't seen anything like this since
J.K. Rowling came here said Michael
Link, a bookseller for Politics & Prose,
a Washington-based store.
The Books-A-Million store in North
Little Rock, Ark stayed open late and
staged a party with trivia contests that
drew about 80 people. Those who
attended could sign up for a later
drawing giving them an opportunity to
have their book signed by Clinton.
Although initial reviews have called
the book self-serving and dull, Garry
Caldwell, 54, of Sherwood, Ark said
he wanted to read My Life to better
understand Clinton's political legacy.
"I believe in listening to both sides of
the argument and making up my own
mind Caldwell said.
"I think he was a good president
- I think he could have been one of
the best presidents except for the
Assailants attack police
headquarters, border guards'
posts in region adjacent to
Chechnya; 48 dead
CHERMEN, Russia (AP) - Thousands
of troops streamed into a southern
Russian city on Tuesday in pursuit of
suspected Chechen rebels who set
fire to police and government buildings
and killed 48 people, three of them
high-ranking regional officials, in a
series of brazen overnight attacks.
The militants foray into the province of
Ingushetia underscored the Russian
military's failure to defeat separatists in
neighboring Chechnya after five years
of fighting, and raised new fears that
violence could spread to other parts of
southern Russia.
The attacks also came amid
preparations for an August election
to replace Kremlin-backed Chechen
President Akhmad Kadyrov. who was
killed last month in a bomb attack
that was seen as a significant blow to
President Vladimir Putin's efforts to bring
some stability to warring Chechnya.
Shortly before midnight Monday, about
100 fighters armed with grenades
and rocket launchers seized the
regional Interior Ministry in Nazran, the
largest city in Ingushetia, and attacked
border guard posts there and in two
villages near the border with Chechnya.
Karabulak and Yandare, regional
emergency officials said.
Iran to prosecute British crewmen
of military vessels for entering
Iranian waters
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran will prosecute
eight British crewmen it detained after
they allegedly entered Iran's territorial
waters with three military patrol boats,
state-run television reported.
The eight were detained in the Shatt-
al-Arab waterway on Monday as they
were delivering a patrol boat for the
new Iraqi Riverine Patrol Service.
The waterway runs along the border
between Iran and Iraq.
"They will be prosecuted for illegally
entering Iranian territorial waters Al-
Alam television said.
The station is part of the state-run
Iranian radio and television network,
"The vessels were 1,000 meters
inside Iranian territorial waters. The
crew have also confessed to having
entered Iranian waters the broadcast
The distance is about a half-mile.
Monday's incident follows a strain in
Iranian-British relations after London
helped draft a resolution rebuking
Iran for past nuclear cover-ups at last
week's meeting of the International
Atomic Energy Agency's board of
The British Foreign Office said Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw has spoken
to Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal
Kharrazi about the detention of the
West Nile from page 1
include the xybernaut MA IV & V,
which are wearable computer devices
that use Windows operating systems
and have the processing power of
an actual desktop. These devices
also include head-mounted display
screens that display an image that is a
perfect replication of a 17-inch com-
puter monitor. Future developments
with these two devices include two-
way communication systems using
custom developed input devices.
Built-in GPS coordinate systems are
another plan for the future of these
devices, Blalock said.
Other technological devices used
by the Center for Wireless and Mobile
Computing includes the Dell Axim
Pocket PC, a small personal computer
that operates wirelessly and stores
data on SD, secure digital cards and
the Garmin Rino GPS, a small hand-
held global positioning system that
marks the users GPS coordinate.
Before this new technology, Du
Vail said, workers have brought wear-
able computers into fields and pulled
images of mosquitoes from data-
bases and compared these images
to mosquitoes they found in fields.
This system yielded many problems
to workers including Internet con-
nection problems, high expenses of
equipment and large, heavy equip-
ment that was not easily portable.
Mat hew Powell, assistant director
at the Center for Wireless and Mobile
Computing, said after they have their
technology completed, they will pres-
ent their product to external sources
in hope of receiving funding.
Alice Anderson, assistant pro-
fessor at the environmental health
sciences department, said the West
Nile virus is a viral infection spread
through mosquitoes and other mam-
mals, such as birds, and thought to
have come from foreign countries.
The disease was first discovered
in New York City in 1999 and has
spread since.
"The hypothesis is that it came
into the United States from exotic
birds said Anderson.
"One of the places that it was
found was in a zoo In New York City,
so that is a possible source
Anderson said there have also
been dead crows spotted all through-
out New York City as a result of the
According to Anderson, the West
Nile viral infection gives symptoms
similar to the flu such as body aches,
fever, musclejoint pain and may
cause unconsciousness by affecting
the nervous system in severe cases.
The virus can be fatal and has led to
The West Nile virus has been
found in every county in North
Carolina, making it a potential threat
to everyone in the state.
Anderson said the disease is here
to stay and people need to be aware it
is a problem, reduce exposure to mos-
quitoes by use of repellent and keep
yards free of empty bottles and cans.
Not all mosquitoes are carriers of
the West Nile virus.
"If the virus can reproduce inside
the mosquito's body, then it is a good
carrier. Some of them can have it In
them, but they don't reproduce it
very well and it has to do with the
body chemistry of the mosquito
and other environmental factors
Anderson said.
According to Anderson, thefl is
no cure or vaccine for the West Nile
virus and if you get the flu symptoms,
stay in bed, drink fluids and seek med-
ical help if the symptoms get worse.
Blalock said he hopes to spread
this new technology to other coun-
tries where the West Nile virus and
other diseases transmitted by mos-
quitoes are a problem. He said he
would also like to see the technology
used for other purposes as well.
"What we've come up with can
be used for so much more than mos-
quitoes Blalock said.
Soldiers injured in combat, if
using this technology, will have
immediate access to medical proce-
dures specific to their injury location
and type of injury they encounter,
Blalock said.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.

Global classroom expands
to 12 American universities
Bailard holds 'Meet the Chancellor' session
The global classroom allows students to communicate internationally.
Project focuses on ties
between U.S. and Middle East
ECU and the U.S. State Depart-
ment reached an agreement to
expand ECU'S global classroom
project to 12 other universities in the
United States.
The expansion will emphasize
international links to Middle East-
ern universities, helping students to
promote their knowledge of st udenls'
culture in the Middle East.
ECU started this program in the
fall of 2003 and was the first univer-
sity in the U.S. to have this kind of
"There are a lot of reasons why
ECU is expanding. This program
brings study abroad to ECU, because
a lot of students can't afford to take
a semester abroad. Also, with the
rise of multi-cultural corporations,
it helps students expand their minds
to the dif ferences one might encoun-
ter in a workplace said Elmer Poe,
one of the creators of the global
Each semester in the global
classroom consists of one week of
introduction to the culture, facts and
figures and different ways students
survive within their culture.
The following three weeks are
dedicated to interaction with the stu-
dents. Connected via Internet with
video and audio, students get to be
face to face with their counterparts
across the world. Then, students
have one week to discuss what they
learned and how, if any, their ideas
have changed about that culture.
This is done three times with a dif-
ferent country each time.
"It brings in human interaction,
giving students an added advantage
in understanding other cultures. If
the students see that people from
these other cultures might have
some differences, they still have the
same needs and wants as them. So
it helps to break down the barrier
Poe said.
In each classroom, there are no
windows as sunlight can affect the
clearness of the screens. There is no
fixed furniture in the room because
students are always moving around
to talk with each other and their
counterparts on the screen. The
professors (one from each country)
are constantly collaborating, so the
lectures are the same. In the rare case
both audio and video go down, the
professors fall back to their lesson
"The professors do plan for the
technology to fail, so if there is any
problems they just fall back on the
lecture Poe said.
The lecture is taught in English,
with students from other countries
speaking English as well.
Poe said there is a possibility in
the future this course will be taught
in other languages, but for now it is
just in English.
This writer can be contacted at
On Wednesday, Chancellor Steve Bailard answered questions from students and faculty members on
subjects including overseas travel, creating partnerships with other universities, out of classroom learning,
parking, diversity awareness, salaries for ECU staff and placement for students after graduation. Bailard
will hold another public meeting Wednesday, July 7 at 9 a.m. in Marie's Place in Minges.
Ordinance affects housing options for students
Get caught reading.
�ft rt C� �.
Policy states no more than
four unrelated people
can share residence
For students searching for a place
to live in the fall, a city ordinance exists
that students may not be aware of.
The ordinance states, "There
cannot be more than three unrelated
people living together as a single
house keeping unit If you are a stu-
dent living with three other students
in a four-bedroom house, you are in
violation of this ordinance.
According to Ed Lynch, with the
City of Greenville, Planning and
Zoning, the ordinance "is strictly
enforced if we catch it
There are some exceptions to the
rule. Places that have been zoned for
"land use intensity such as Pirate's
Cove, Pirate's Place, Sterling Univer-
sity and fraternities and sororities,
can be allowed to have four people
living there .
"Land use" requirements are a
minimum lot size of 20,000 square
feet, on-site parking and one resident
per 250 square feet of heated floor
"The reason behind our ordi-
nance is, well, I can't tell you t he exact
reason behind it - it has been in effect
for 30 years or more said Lynch.
"It the ordinance does not make
sense to me. It seems as if the City of
Greenville is trying to tailor the city
to what they want and only certain
places are 'in It doesn't leave four
people wanting to live together much
choice in where to go said ECU
student Keith Patton.
Lynch said the ordinance pre-
vents unwanted congestion in the
downtown areas.
"You have four people living in
the house, you have four cars park-
ing on the streets or parking on the
lawns, which is also a violation of an
ordinance. Also, it is to maintain the
character of a neighborhood. A single
family wants to maintain the charac-
ter of the neighborhood Lynch said.
Although the ordinance is
designed to prevent problems, it can
cause problems for students want-
ing to share residences with three or
more roommates.
"My friends and I could not
rent the house we wanted because
the landlord was freaking out about
that stupid ordinance, so we couldn't
move in said ECU student Jamie
"Our only options were Pirate's
Cove or something like it, and for
what we would pay total, there we
could rent even a five or six bedroom
house, but we could not live in it.
How does that make sense?"
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeostcarolinian. com.

ilitants in Iraq behead
South Korean hostage
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) � Islamic
militants Tuesday beheaded a South
Korean who pleaded in a heart-
wrenching videotape, "I don't
want to die" after his government
refused to pull its troops from Iraq.
Me was the third foreign hostage
decapitated in the Middle Last in
little over a month.
Hours later, the United States
launched an air strike in Fallujah
oil what the U.S. military said was
a sale house used by followers of
the country's most-wanted terror-
ist: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jorda-
nian whose Monotheism and Jihad
movement was believed behind
the beheading of the hostage, Kim
lallujah residents said the strike
hit a parking lot. Three people were
killed and nine wounded, said Dr.
l.oai Ali Zeidan at lallujah Hospital.
It was the second attack against the
terror network in three days, the
U.S. military said.
Elsewhere, two American
soldiers were killed Tuesday and
another was wounded in an attack
on a convoy near Balad, 50 miles
north of Baghdad.
The Arabic language satellite
television channel broadcast a
videotape of a terrified Kim kneel-
ing, blindfolded and wearing an
orange iumpsuit similar to those
issued to prisoners at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.
Kim's shoulders were heaving,
his mouth open and moving as if
he were gulping air and sobbing.
Five hooded and armed men stood
behind him, one with a big knife
slipped in his belt.
One of the masked men read a
statement addressed to the Korean
people: "This is what your hands
have committed. Your army has not
come here for the sake of Iraqis, but
for cursed America
The video as broadcast did not
show Kim being executed. Al-Jazeera
said the tape contained pictures of
Kim, 33, being slaughtered but the
channel decided not to air it because
it could be "highly distressing to our
After news of Kim's death broke,
South Korean television showed
Kim's distraught family weeping
and rocking back and forth with
grief at their home in the southeast-
ern port city of Busan.
The South Korean Foreign Min-
istry confirmed Kim's death but did
not say he was beheaded. However,
Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, coalition
deputy operations chief, said the
body of an Asian male was found
west of Baghdad on Tuesday eve-
"It appears that the body had
been thrown from a vehicle Kim-
mitt said in a statement. "The man
had been beheaded, and the head
was recovered with the body
American troops found Kim's
body between Baghdad and Fallujah
about 5:20 p.m. Iraq time, South
Korean Foreign Ministry spokes-
man Shin Bong-kil said. The body
was identified by a photograph
sent by e-mail to the South Korean
Kim, who spoke Arabic, worked
for Gana General Trading Co a
South Korean company supplying
the U.S. military in Iraq. He was
believed kidnapped several weeks
In a video released by his captors
Sunday, Kim begged his government
to end its involvement in Iraq.
"Korean soldiers, please get out
of here he screamed in F.nglish. "I
don't want to die. I don't want to
die. I know that your life is impor-
tant, but my life is important
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II llllll ll�Mt�
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m ntLtM jwbiM
Amanda Lingerfett
Editor in Chief
Robbie Derr
Features Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Alexander Marcinlak
Web Editor
Ryan Downey
Sports Editor
Nina Coeneid
Head Copy Editor
Our View
This gas feed-
ing frenzy can
only be blamed
on one thing -
Americans and
their addictions
to their cars.
With the recent decreases in gas prices,
consumers are once again flocking to
gas stations, eager to fill up and venture
out This gas feeding frenzy can only be
blamed on one thing - Americans and
their addictions to their cars.
A car, to an American, is a symbol of status
- the bigger the car or engines, the better.
We don't stop to think about what effect
that massive new (and not to mention
ridiculously expensive) SUV will have on
the environment. We expect to own our
mammoth cars and pay cheaply for the
gallons of gas that it guzzles.
But how can we not? Our government is
currently supporting our need for speed
by not implementing plans to curtail it.
Congress should impose tougher fuel-
efficiency standards. Consumers who
choose to purchase electric and hybrid
vehicles should be rewarded fordoing so
by receiving higher tax incentives.
Both Bush and Kerry have proposed
taxing gasoline more so people drive less.
This situation is not feasible - taxes will
do nothing to stop America's car depen-
dence. Instead, more money should be
spent increasing public transportation
and making it more convenient.
Having too many cars on the road is a
huge problem in a number of different
areas, not just our pockets. Traffic conges-
tion currently costs the nation about $70
million a year in wasted time and extra
fuel combustion. Traffic accidents result in
40,000 highway deaths each year.
Sure, any American is capable of stashing
his or her car in the garage to take public
transportation or ride a bike, but with a
little added incentive from Congress, a
decrease on motor vehicle dependence
is possible in the near future.
Opinion Writer
Concern builds as gas prices continue
Worldwide energy
crisis looms
I was not alive during
the great energy crisis in the
mid-1970s, nor do I have any
memory of the insanely low
gas prices Americans enjoyed
during the 1950s and 1960s.
Unfortunately, the current
energy crisis being felt world-
wide in the wake of political
upheaval in the Middle East
and sloppy decision making
by national leaders at home
could prove to be signifi-
cantly more serious than any
such crisis in the past.
There is one thing 1 am
sure of - more oil is not the
answer. Decades of natural
gas and crude oil consump-
tion has done more damage to
the environment in the past
century than any other factor,
and the sad part is this kind
of blatant disregard for the
planet on which we sustain
ourselves is now completely
avoidable. Republican task-
masters in Washington have
consistently toted the need
for more oil exploration and
the pressing need to wean the
United States off cheap, abun-
dant oil from the Middle East
(specifically Saudi Arabia) and
South America (specifically
Venezuela), and I could not
agree more. But authorizing
drilling and potentially harm-
ful exploration in national
wildlife preserves like the
Alaskan National Wild Life
Preserve is not the manner in
which to go about this daunt-
ing task.
I believe the next 50 years
will be a turning point in
the history of the world.
Never before has the U.S.
and, for that matter every
other sovereign power on this
planet, been so threatened
by environmental cataclysm,
and aversion of this chain of
events is an absolute neces-
sity. How happy will we be
with lower gas prices if by
the time our children become
adults, the air is too noxious
to breathe? That big, wonder-
ful SUV that you just spent the
retirement money on won't
seem quite as sweet when you
have to install an air purifica-
tion system to simply survive
on the way to pick up the kids
from soccerpractice, iftheair
is still clean enough to allow
such activities. The key to
this problem is simple: new
sources of energy. If we as a
nation and as a member of the
international community do
not begin to break the influ-
ence of oil companies and
their affiliates in Congress
and amongst our top national
leaders (Vice President Dick
Cheney and National Secu-
rity Advisor Condoleezza
Rice have both served in top
positions at international oil
conglomerates. Rice even has
an oil tanker named for her),
influence which has suc-
ceeded for decades in block-
ing and retarding the progress
of alternate power supplies
like hydrogen and electricity,
our fate is already sealed.
American dependence
on a non-renewable power
supply like crude oil is per-
haps the single most pressing
issue facing our nation, and
must be addressed as such.
One thing is certain - the
oil will run out. It is not a
matter of if, only when, and
when that day comes, and
the oil derricks and off shore
rigs run dry, I hope the U.S.
government will have a plan
of action. Our very way of life
depends on it.
Opinion Writer
Members of 'favored' groups can say whatever they want
Double standard often
applies to racial slurs
Honky, kike, nigger, faggot,
spic, redneck, slut, coon, Jap,
Jew, Nazi the list goes on.
Every one of these words
can be construed as insulting
to whatever group or individual
they are directed at. Their use
can also lead to lost jobs and
promotions, destroyed reputa-
tions, public ostracization and
jail. Depending on the circum-
stances and who says them of
These rules only appear to
apply if you happen to be non-
liberal, non-black, non-female
and non-gay. Of course, if you
happen to be black or white,
male or female, gay or straight
and have a conservative view-
point, then these rules apply to
you also.
The biggest example of this
blatant double standard how-
ever is the treatment certain
individuals receive, or better yet
do not receive, from the major
media for uttering these words.
As long as you are a member
of a "favored" or "correct' group,
such as Democrat, black, female
or gay you can say just about
anything and not have the
media call you to task for it.
These are just a very few
examples of statements by "right
thinking "inclusive" liberals
the media has given a pass to:
"You f�ing Jew bastard
- Hillary Clinton, to her hus-
band's campaign manager after
he lost a gubernatorial race.
"It's not 'spic' or 'nigger'
anymore. They say, 'Let's cut
taxes - Howard Rangel, refer-
ring to Republicans.
"White folks was in caves
while we was building empires
We taught philosophy and
astrology and mathematics
before Socrates and them Greek
homos ever got aroufid to it
- Rev. Al Sharpton
"Gooks - John McCain,
liberal Republican and media
favorite, used numerous times
referring to his North Vietnam-
ese captors during his Presiden-
tial campaign against George
W. Bush.
"A handkerchief-head,
Uncle Tom - Spike Lee, refer-
ring to Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas.
"A new breed of Uncle Tom
and some of the biggest liars
the world ever saw - Former
NAACP Executive Director Ben-
jamin Hooks, referring to black
"When white folks can't
defeat you, they'll always find
some Negro, some boot-lick-
ing, butt-licking, bamboozled,
half-baked, half-fried, sissified,
punkfied (sic), pasteurized,
homogenized Nigger that they
can trot out in front of you
- Khalid Abdul Mohammad,
Nation of Islam k New Black
Panther Party.
Saving the best for last
"Civil rights laws were not
passed to protect the rights of
white men and do not apply to
them - Mar)' Frances Berry,
Chairman, U.S. Commission on
Cavil Rights.
Can you imagine the fire-
storm of protest and outrage
that would have ensued if any
of these statements were made
by, oh say, anybody other than
liberalsDemocrats? We'd never
hear the end of it. It would
be rehashed every time that
person's name came up.
The U.S. Constitution guar-
antees equal protection under
the law, for everyone. Now, we
find that some are more equal
than others. And the list of
"more equals" seems to grow
You a re the leaders of tomor-
row. You will have to deal with
the results of what is happening
today. Is this the type of coun-
try you want to inherit when
your time comes? What you do
today, in words and deeds, will
determine the answer to that
Whether you agree with
me or not, you have the power
to influence the course this
country takes.
Use it - vote.

Features Editor
What is your
favorite on-campus
"Basketball at the Student
Recreation Centerbecause I win
most of the time
"Swimming in the pool
"I love going to watch the
ECU grad Boswell-Clayton is
hammering her way to Athens
Imagine throwing a heavily
weighted contraption that resembles
a ball and chain a distance of more
than 200 feet. For Michelle Boswell-
Clayton, imagining such a feat is
ludicrous, because she has the abil-
ity to accomplish it. It's called the
hammer throw, and for some time
has been a popular event in track
and field.
Boswell-Clayton, a former ECU
track and field standout, has under-
gone rigorous training and physically
demanding competitions throughout
the years to prepare herself for the
upcoming Olympic trials in July. She
has actively participated, and com-
peted in events all over the country.
"The last few months (before the
Olympic trials) are warm-up months.
It begins to be a lot more about the
quality of the competition, rather than
the quantity said Boswell-Clayton.
During one of these recent
"warm-up" events, Boswell-Clayton
broke her own personal record with a
distance of 218 feet and 3 inches.
"I still have about
four or five more
feet to go to assure
myself of a spot at
the Olympics Boswell-Clayton said.
Even though the hammer throw
is a competitive sport, Boswell-Clay-
ton has made some good friends
through competing. That is some-
thing she feels makes the hard work
worth it in the end.
"You become friends through the
competition. I've actually got to train
with the number two and number
five ranked girls in the country.
It's been a really good experience
Boswell-Clayton said.
The countless hours of training
and practicing are paying off. Speed
and power are the two essential
ingredients for hammer throwing.
The training entails everything from
sprints and lifting weights to bound-
ing and pud throwing.
"We do everything when we're
training. Well, everything except
endurance exercises because it isn't
that important for my particular
event Boswell-Clayton said
Boswell-Clayton has been doing
more than just training her body and
competing in events. In the last two
years, she has volunteered her ser-
vices as a coach for women's track and
field, assistant
strength coach
for women's
soccer and
even helped with the ECU football
"I love coaching and watching
kids develop. It's very satisfying and
makes me feel good about myself
Boswell-Clayton said.
While in middle school, Boswell-
c layton was introduced to the sport
of track and field because of her
father's strong influence and contact
with the sport. In the seventh grade,
she threw the shot put and in ninth
grade, moved up to discus throwing.
She received a scholarship to ECU
because of her shot-put throwing
It wasn't until her sophomore
year that Boswell-Clayton started
throwing the hammer. Despite her
relative late contact with the sport,
she has become one of the nation's
most elite hammer throwers. At ECU,
she set five school records from 1995
to 1999. Last year, she participated
in the National Championship at
Stanford University where she placed
"Nerves play a part in the compe-
titions but since I've participated in
a lot of high pressure events, it's not
that big of a deal anymore. It works
out more like an adrenaline rush
with the crowd yelling and every-
thing Boswell-Clayton said.
The pressure and excitement
will definitely be at a high level for
Boswell-Clayton and all the other
competitors at the upcoming Olym-
pic trials. Being able to represent the
United States in the Olympics is one
of her goals and dreams.
"It would be a dream come true
to represent America doing some-
thing that I really love. This (hammer
throwing) is my life. It's a 24-7 thing
because you have to eat sensibly,
train well and be very focused
Boswell-Clayton said.
Boswell-Clayton has a strong
support system of family, friends,
coaches and fans.
"My husband is my number one
supporter, my mom is my biggest
cheerleader and my dad is my coach
she said.
Many people in Greenville are
already aware of Boswell-Clayton's
athletic ability, and perhaps after July,
the entire world will have the oppor-
tunity to watch her do what she loves
while she represents her country.
This writer can be contacted at
Nearby attractions offer plenty of excitement
Students need places to
go to see new sights
Summertime sparks a desire in
many people to explore. By this time,
If students are still here, Greenville
has gotten old and redundant. Due
to summer school and jobs, students
need places to go just for the day to
see new sights.
The beach is where most people
try to visit as much as possible during
these summer months.
Atlantic Beach and Emerald
Isle are the most popular beaches
for ECU students since they are the
closest (about one to two hours from
Greenville). These beaches aren't
packed with tourist attractions, so
hanging out on the beach, shopping
and spending time with friends are
going to be the basic activities.
Morehead City offers some unique
shops and eateries in its downtown
area, which is a short drive from Atlan-
tic Beach, but a little longer for Emer-
ald Isle. Beaufort, which is right past
Morehead City, also has a nice down-
town strip with shops, restaurants and
many historical attractions.
A trip to Atlantic Beach or Emer-
ald Isle during the day to take advan-
Pets OK �
see ATTRACTIONS page 9 North Carolina's beaches offer many activities for a change of pace

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Campus offers activities
to cure summer boredom
From wiffleball to salsa danc-
ing, it's easy to find some
excitement around campus
ECU's campus has a wide variety
of things for students to enjoy, espe-
cially during the school year.
The movies and performing arts
seem to be most popular for students.
Since movies are free, they have
always been an appealing attraction.
This summer, ECU has a great movie
line up that should draw many into
"City of God" is playing Tuesday
and Thursday at 7 p.m. and at the
outdoor SRC pool on Wednesday
at 9 p.m.
Other movies for the rest of
the summer include: "Barbershop
2" playing June 29 to July 1, "But-
terfly Effect" playing July 6-8,
"Eurotrip" playing from July 13-
18 and "Cold Mountain" playing
July 20-22. A sneak preview of
"Harold and Kunar go to White
Castle" will be shown on July 27.
A movie on campus allows for a
fun night of dinner and a movie at a
very affordable price.
Although the performing art
shows are not free, they are definitely
a good time.
"I really enjoy going to summer
theatre. They are always entertain-
ing; I plan on going to see "Always
Patsy Cline said Katherine Deal, a
senior communication major.
The performing arts' shows are
something students should not pass
up. The shows occur right on campus
and are performed by our peers and
guest artists. The tickets for these
shows are cheaper than many other
activities in Greenville. Even though
we do get the cheapest prices for all
performances, the cost of tickets is
still an issue among some students.
"if the cost of plays and concerts
weren't so high for students, 1 would
like to go more often said Andy
Fish, a senior construction manage-
ment major.
"Damn Yankees" will be show-
see CAMPUS page 10
Patrick Shlen. community health major, perfects his game in Mendenhall.
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Cinema Scene
City of God - With explosive energy
and passion, this film documents
over three decades in the City of God
as seen through the eyes of a young
artist named Buscape City of God is
a visionary tale of human destruction
and ultimate redemption R
Showing today at 9 p.m. at the SRC
outdoor pool and Thursday at 7 p.m.
in Hendrix Theatre.
Around the World in 80 Days - Jackie
Chan stars in this adaptation of Jules
Verne's classic novel about thrill seeker
Phileas Fogg, who sets out to break the
record for traveling around the world,
but encounters many challenges along
the way. PG
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
- In this raucous comedy, a small local
gym is threatened with extinction by a
gleaming sports and fitness palace
unless a group of social rejects
can rise to victory in a dodgeball
competition. PG-13
Garfleld - in his film debut Garfield's
owner, Jon. takes in sweet but dimwitted
pooch Odie, turning Garfield's perfect
world upside down. But when the
hapless pup disappears and is
kidnapped by a nasty dog trainer.
Garfield, maybe for the first time in his
life, feels responsible. PG
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban - Harry Potter and his friends
Ron and Hermione return as teenagers
to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry for their third year of study,
where they delve into the mystery
surrounding an escaped prisoner who
poses a dangerous threat to the young
wizard PG
Shrek 2 - A sequel to DreamWorks'
hugely successful original, the story
opens with Shrek and Fiona returning
from their honeymoon to find a letter
from Fiona's parents inviting the happy
couple to dinner. Mom and Dad heard
that their daughter had wed, but they
assumed she married Prince Charming
So they're a bit shocked when they
meet their new son-in-law PG
Soul Plane - Nashawn Wade sues
an airline and is awarded a huge
settlement. Determined to make good
with the money, he creates the full-
service airline of his dreams. R
The Chronicles of Riddick - Riddick,
the anti-hero from Pitch Black, has
spent the last five years on the move
among the forgotten worlds on
the outskirts of the galaxy, eluding
mercenaries bent on collecting the
price on his head. Rated R
The Day After Tomorrow -
Climatologist Jack Hall's (Dennis
Quaid) research indicates that global
warming could trigger an abrupt
and catastrophic shift in the planet's
climate. PG-13
The Notebook - A young woman
comes to the coastal town of
Seabrook, North Carolina in the
1940s to spend the summer with her
family. Still in her teens. Allie Hamilton
(Rachel McAdams) meets local boy
Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) at
a Carnival. Over the course of one
passionate and carefree summer in
the South, the two fall deeply in love.
PG-13 Coming to theatres June 25.
The Stepford Wives - A couple
moves to what appears to be the
perfect small town. Soon, they learn
of a sinister plot the men of the town
have constructed to render their
partners perfect. PG-13
The Terminal - Tom Hanks stars as
an air traveler inadvertently exiled
to JFK airport after a coupe in his
homeland erases the validity of his
passport. He finds himself the victim
of bureaucratic red tape and is forced
to take up residence in the terminal.
Two Brothers - Two Brothers is the
story of twin tiger brothers who are
born amidst the temple ruins and
exotic jungles of French Indo-China.
Separated as cubs and taken into
captivity, one tiger is forced to become
a circus performer, the other a trained
killer. PG Coming to theatres June 25.
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Attractions from page 6
tage of the weather and the beaches,
then riding to Morehead City or Beau-
fort for shopping and dinner, would
make a nice day trip. After dinner,
there would be sufficient time to make
it back to Greenville at a decent hour.
Beaufort has the NC Maritime
Museum, Blackbeard's hideout sail-
ing town and Queen Anne's Revenge
Artifacts for those who do not want
to shop or for a rainy day.
Wrightsville, Carolina and Kure
beaches are further away, but could
be done in a day as well.
"If I feel like I need to get out
of Greenville, I try to get some
friends together and head for Atlan-
tic Beach said Elizabeth Matthews,
junior architectural design major.
For students that are interested
in sports, going to Kinston for the
day to watch the Kinston Indians
baseball team might be something
interesting to do.
New Bern, which is about 30
minutes from Greenville, has an
abundance of historical attractions.
Tours are offered for the Governor's
Mansion and the Tryon Palace His-
toric Sites and Gardens.
The historic district is filled with
beautiful Colonial, Victorian and arti-
san homes that are open year round.
Downtown New Bern is perfect
for "shopping, strolling and munch-
ing according to the New Bern
Attractions Web site. The Bank of Arts
plus many more arts museums would
be interesting to check out as well.
Trolley Tours and horse and car-
riage rides (about 90 minutes) take
people around the town showing and
explaining all the historic sites.
The Civil War Museum and the Fire-
man'smuseum,alongwith the Artmore-
Oliver House are some other popular
attractions that New Bern has to offer.
Going in the other direction,
Raleigh has plenty to do for college
students. The only problem is most
of it happens at night, so it might not
fit into a one-day trip.
Alltel Pavilion has big name
performers all year round. Crabtree
and South Pointe Mall are two large
malls that will have more than what
is offered in Greenville.
There is also a healthy nightlife
in Raleigh as well. Live music, night-
clubs, pubs, sports bars and theme
bars, such as Vertigo Diner and Tir na
nOg (Irish pub and restaurant) keep
th i ngs al ive for the college age group.
Raleigh is also the home for
many museums, such as The NC
Museum of Arts, History, Life and
Science and Natural Science.
The NC Capitol offers tours that tell
about history, legendsand ghost stories.
This writer can be contacted at
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CampUS from page 7
ing from June 22-26 along with
"AlwaysPatsy Cline which is play-
ing July 6-10. "Smokey Joe's Gate"
will be playing July 20-24.
ECU always has special interest
activities for students. A summer
guitar workshop will be held in the
A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall July 10-13.
There will be different performers
each night. Each participant will be
grouped according to ability. Classes
will meet daily for demonstrations,
ensemble playing and private lessons.
For more information on this, call
Elliot Frank at 252-328-6245.
Another special event for students
on campus is salsa dancing on July 16
and Aug. 20. Instructions and danc-
ing will be held in the Willis building
at 7 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. It costs $3 per
student. Mark your calendars!
The bowling and billiard areas
in Mendenhall are always open for
students to have a place to hang out
and relax with friends at a minimal
cost. The bowling specials are $1 on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and
.50 cents on Sunday. The pool tables
cost $3 per hour.
The SRC is a place for students
to unwind and be active by playing
basketball, volleyball, racquetball or
physical conditioning. It is a fun and
healthy place to spend an afternoon
or evening.
"I go to the movies and the SRC
mostly said Tiffany Kenner, a junior
communication broadcast major.
Intramural sports are another way
to stay active on campus as well as
meet other people. The different sports
offered are basketball, softball,
flag football, volleyball, tennis,
soccer and wiffleball. The SRC has
more information about how to get
involved in these sports.
The SRC also has a pool that stu-
dents can use during gym hours.
Other options for students are
eating at Chick-fil-A, grabbing some
coffee at any of the Java City loca-
tions on campus or hanging out in
the dorms with friends.
"Since I live in the dorms, I go
to the lobby and watch TV with
some friends and just hang out
Kenner said.
This writer can be contacted at
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Sports Editor
Sports Briefs
Intramural Sign-ups
Those who plan to play intramural
Softball and basketball must attend a
captains meeting next Monday, June
28. The captains meeting for Softball
will be held at 4 p.m. in 202 SRC. The
meeting for basketball will be held in
202 SRC at 4:30 p.m.
Jones, Bunn Named to
NCBWA Ail-American Team
ECU senior outfielder Ryan Jones
and junior right-handed pitcher Greg
Bunn were among six Conference
USA players named to the National
Collegiate Baseball Writers
Association (NCBWA) All-American
team, the organization announced
on Tuesday. Jones, along with Jarrett
Hoffpauir and Austin Tubb of Southern
Miss, were first team selections. USM
outfielder Ryan Frith and Bunn were
named to the second team and
Tulane OF Matt Barket garnered a
spot on the third team. Jones was
named the 2004 C-USA Player of
the Year after hitting .409 heading
into the conference tournament and
finishing league play hitting .407 in
Kickoff times set for
home football games
The first two games of the season
at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium against
Wake Forest and Cincinnati, Sept.
11 and 25 respectively, have each
been tabbed for a 7 p.m. kickoff.
The Pirates' three remaining home
games against Tulane, Army and
Memphis have each been scheduled
for a 2 p.m. start. The final game
against NC State on Nov. 27 at Bank
of America Stadium in Charlotte
has been designated for a 1 p.m.
A season to remember
Pirate baseball primed to
make trip to Omaha soon
My passion has always been
baseball. When I was told that base-
ball would be my beat for the spring
semester, I knew I was going to have
an awesome time covering the Pirates.
From day one. 1 could sense
it. This year's team was special. 1
remember talking with pitching
coach Tommy Eason during an early
spring practice and leaving the inter-
view in amazement at how confident
Eason was in such a young team. The
look in his eyes as I asked each and
every question was the same: a look
of fierce competitiveness and fear-
lessness. Needless to say, he made me
a believer by his words alone.
Before the season began, the talk
was of.the Pirates' extremely young
pitching. One statement that coach
Eason made to me during that inter-
view, however, had me disagreeing
with all the talk of a mediocre staff.
He told his guys that if they could
pitch to the ECU line-up during
practice, then they definitely could
pitch to any team in the nation.
As evidence of that, the Pirates
raced out to 12 straight victories to
begin the season. Silencing all the
critics along the way, Pirate pitching
allowed only 21 runsduring that streak,
an average of 1.75 runs per contest.
The most memorable moment of
the first 12 wins came during game
four of the Keith I.eClair Invitational
that pitted the No. 11 Clemson Tigers
against the home-standing Pirates.
A decision by I lead Coach Randy
Mazey during extra innings to bring
in pinch-hitter Drew CostaiJZO proved
huge as Costanzo delivered the
game-winning home run, catapult-
ing the Pirates to 10-0 on the season.
Finally, the poll voters started
giving the Pirates the respect
they deserved after a 4-0 week-
end during the LeClair Invita-
tional when the Pirates entered
the top 25 in all four major polls.
ECU battled their way through
the rest of their non-conference
schedule and entered the conference
season with a 17-3 mark.
Things looked dismal after the
Pirates got off to a 1 -3 start in confer-
ence. A series loss to Tulane and an
opening game loss to Memphis had
the Pirates searching for answers.
I remember chatting with my
twin brother Trent after the first
Memphis loss. We were truly stunned
that the Pirates had actually gotten
off to such a sub-par start in confer-
ence. As we talked, though, we came
to the consensus that something
special was about to happen.
1 remember saying "this team is
The Pirates gave fans a great season to mull over until next spring.
about to go on a tear, and I feel sorry for
the rest of the conference from here on
out My exact words, actually. Even I
didn't know how true that would be.
The Pirates did go on a tear, one
of monumental sorts, a 19-game
winning streak that saw many
records fall by the wayside, such as
the school record and the confer-
ence record for consecutive wins.
During the streak, ECU swept
three-game series from the likes of
Charlotte, South Florida, Cincinnati,
Louisville and Houston, not to men-
tion big non-conference wins against
in-state rivals Duke and NC State.
I remember being in the press box
when the streak was on the line against
a feisty Louisville club during game
three of the series. A late RBI single
by the Cardinals gave them a 4-3 lead
heading to the bottom of the ninth.
You have to be careful how you
show your emotions when you're
a part of the working media, so
when that RBI single occurred, 1 just
dropped my head instead of screaming
obscenities. When I finally decided
to lift it back up, Jamie Paige had
singled and Ryan Jones had followed
with a pop-up for the first out.Trevor
Lawhorn then stepped to the plate.
Walking to the plate with a 0-4
day under his belt, Trevor looked
unusually calm for the situation.
My buddy Nathan Summers, who
now works for The Daily Reflector,
looked at mc-and said, "All it takes isone
see BASEBALL page 13
BCS continues unjust format
Money keeps bowls alive and
well in college football
The villains of the college foot-
ball world are at it again. There is
an agreement in principle to add
a fifth BCS bowl to the already
muddled mess of naming a national
champion. The fifth bowl will be
played after the four original BCS
bowls and will be for the National
The newest plan is nothing more
than a smokescreen and ploy to pull
in millions for the sport and the
competing universities. No word on
the new name for the championship
game, but I have a few suggestions.
How about Money Bowl or Kind-of-
Champion Bowl?
The only fair and effective way
to name a true national champion
is to initiate a playoff system. Bowls
are established for one thing only
- money. It makes a mediocre school
feel good about themselves for a few
weeks and drops a little cash in their
recruiting funds, but nothing more.
A playoff system will never
happen, too many bowls will have to
be abolished and money will be lost.
Barring another stock market crash
where the contents of your wallet
become absolutely worthless, fans
will continue to debate who should
play for and who should have been
the national champion. LSU was
deemed the champs of 2003, right
USC fans?
The major conferences are the
only winners once again and right-
fully so. Conference USA member
TCU nearly made a push for a late
BCS bid, but fell short at the end.
Only an undefeated season will allow
such a team from a mid-major confer-
ence to earn a bid into a BCS game.
If the Horned Frogs had pulled
out an undefeated regular season,
there would be no argument for
these teams. TCU would have been
destroyed - do you really believe
USC would have trouble lighting up
the scoreboard against some Horned
Frogs? Even if TCU had won, would
you vote for an undefeated TCU
as national champions over a 12-1
Florida State or Miami squad?
Enough about the competition
aspect, which is just one of a mul-
titude of flaws within the BCS. I
don't believe I've heard one person
say they like the current BCS system.
Coaches and players hate it, ESPN
anchors bring it down and the topic
is the subject of countless dissenting
opinions in weekly columns.
The last thing we need is another
one of these bogus games. The
four major bowl system works just
fine with one being played for the
National Championship. Enough
with the computer equations and
rankings. The computer can't see
the game, it's not down there on
the field. Non-objective experts,
writers and coaches can decide for
All of this doesn't matter. As long
as there are a couple of 7-5 teams
playing in a bowl with a name I can't
even pronounce, the postseason is a
joke. I know bowl games are tradi-
USC celebrates its national title.
tion, they help schools with money
and the chance to prolong a season
just one more game. However, I better
not hear a supporter of dozens of
bowl games argue about who should
be the true national champion,
because the two cannot co-exist.
This miter can be contacted at

Miami Hurricanes recruit, Willie
Williams enters no contest plea
football recruit Willie Williams entered
a plea of no contest Monday to two
charges, ending most of the legal battles
stemming from a January recruiting visit
to the University of Florida.
For one felony count of criminal
mischief and one misdemeanor count
of batter); Williams was sentenced to a
total of one year of probation and was
ordered to pay restitution, State Attorney
Bill Cervone said.
Perhaps more relevant to his football
career, Monday's plea means Williams
violated his previous probation. As a
result, Williams will meet with a Broward
County judge June 30 to finalm his fate
for the violation.
"These pleas constitute that he
violated his probation Cervone said.
"Now, the judgeUn Broward County) will
have to decide how to deal with him
Miami won't officially offer Williams
a scholarship until an admissions hear-
ing, which will take place once his legal
matters are decided - likely sometime
in eariyjuly.
Williams faced three separate
charges stemming from the same
recruiting weekend trip in January.
Monday's no-contest pleas settled two
of them - a misdemeanor charge of
hugging a female student against her
will and a felony charge of setting off
fire extinguishers in a Gainesville hotel.
Altliough no restitution was required
for hugging the female student, Williams
was forced to pay $1,500 for setting off
the extinguishers, Cervone said.
Williams managed to settle another
battery charge - an incident that
occurred at a Gainesville nightclub
-out of court. Although criminal charges
were not pursued, Williams must pay
$1,300 to the victim for restitution.
Williams appeared in a Gaines-
ville court last Tuesday, when he was
granted a continuance on the two
charges. His attorney, Paul Lazarus, said
then that he either would settle both
charges together or go to trial for each
separately, l-azarus was in contact with
the State Attorney's Office throughout
the week, finally working out a deal
that was settled Monday morning.
Williams was considered one of the
nation's top high school fcxrtball players
last season as a linebacker at Miami's
Carol City High. Currently under house
arrest, Williams has been wearing an
electronic ankle monitor since Febru-
ary, when he was accused of violating
his probation on the recruiting trip to
Dream Team II brings
home third straight title
Stank on Ya comes up short
For one night the number one seed
in the intramural basketball tourna-
ment, Stank on Ya, probably felt they
were playing the real Olympic Dream
Team. They might as well have been.
The Dream Team II won the tip-off
and almost everything else in a complete
rout of Stank on Ya in the intramural
championship last night 68-33. Stank
on Ya managed to be little more than
sacrificial lambs as their hopes for an
undefeated season were brought to
a screeching halt.
Dream Team II set the tone of the
game early. Maurice Galloway had a
thunderous dunk over a Stank on Ya
defender to score the first basket. The
defending champions from the spring
semester out-hustled and out-manned
their opponents while capitalizing on
their miscues.
In the first half, it was the Maurice
Galloway show. Galloway helped his
team jump out to a 17-3 lead. Galloway
scored 14 points before the intermis-
sion. He notched several steals that led
to easy baskets for The Dream Team II.
The halftime score was 32-13.
With the game in little doubt, Gal-
loway quickly scurried away as he had
prior engagements, feeling complete
that he
had done his duty to help his team
"We knew that Maurice Galloway
had to leave for the second half so the
offense went to Maurice in the first
half said Dream Team II captain Mike
The second half was more of a
formality. Mike Smith took over where
Galloway left off. Smith scored 18 of his
game high of 25 points in the second
half. The Dream Team II coasted and
relaxed a bit after the intermission to
win by a championship record margin
of 35 points. The final score was 68-33.
Smith posted a double-double
while teammate Mark Hayes notched
dominated the interior with 13
Matthew Stevens led Stank on Ya
in scoring with 10 points. No player on
Stank on Ya recorded more than five
Dream Team II had some strong
words for any challengers after the
"This is our third straight cham-
pionship. We are unbeatable. If they
have a basketball league for the second
summer session, we will win it. You can
guarantee that boasted Smith.
This writer can be contacted
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Baseball from page 11
mistake pitch anil this game is over
As the next pitch hung over the
plate and I watched the ball fly off
Trevor's bat and into the trees behind
the left field fence, all I could do was
smile. My next reaction was to high
five everyone except a disgruntled
Louisville sports information director.
Not every win was that close
during the Pirates' incredible run. As
a matter of fact, ECU won most of the
games by a large margin.
Ina much less tense contest against
Cincy, the Pirates poured on M runs en
route toa conferenceand school record
for runs in a single game. ECU scored 60
times ciuring that stretch of three games.
Heading into the TCU series, the
Pirates needed only three victories
to secure their first ever conference
title. They picked up two before
dropping the Sunday game, postpon-
ing their possible celebration until
the following week in Ilattiesburg
against Southern Miss.
Despite stories that claimed the
Golden Eagles had a legitimate shot
to sweep the Pirates and steal the
regular season title, (ireg Bunn tossed
a gem for the Pirates as they throttled
the Eagles in front of nearly 3,000
fans by the score of 9-0, thus wrap-
ping up the championship.
ECU enjoyed their title for a
couple of weeks, then set their minds
back on the goal of Omaha as they
began the K'mston regional as the
number one seed and heavy favorite.
I, fortunately, got to be a spec-
tator instead of a reporter at these
three games, and the environment
to me was unprecedented. I've been
in some pretty incredible sports envi-
ronments before, but none of those
came close to what 1 experienced in
Kinston as I watched my Pirates lock
up a birth to the super regional in
Columbia the following weekend.
In the championship game of the
regional, Bunn delivered the best per-
formance of his career. Instead of let-
ting the juniorfinish the game, Mazey
opted to allow Bunn to leave in front
of about 4,000 faithful Pirate fans
who were dying to explode in cheers.
Bunn had shut out a potent Wilm-
ington offense for eight innings before
giving way to Matt Bishop. As Bishop
arrived at the mound from the bullpen
and Bunn began to trot off the mound
the ovation that Bunn received fron.
the fans sounded like cheers that
I heard when I went to a Panthers
game that had about 70,000 strong.
If that didn't give everyone in the
stands goose bumps, then they must
not have been Pirate fans.
Sadly enough, t hat moment pnvoii
to be the last great moment of the
season for the Pirates as they dropped
consecutive games to South Carolina
to end their otherwise great season.
I have never wanted a team to win
so badly in my life. I can honestly say
that when 1 played high school baseball
and my team had a chance to do well in
the postseason, I didn't want it as bail
then as I wanted it for this Pirate team.
When you follow a team as
closely as I did this season, it's hard
to watch it end so abruptly, so soon.
It literally makes me sick to watch
the College World Series on televi-
sion this week because I know ECU
should have been there playing
for the National Championship.
You can't live in the past how-
ever, and it's time to move on, like it
or not. The Pirate nation will dearly
miss seniors John Poppert, Jamie
Paige, Mike Harrington and Ryan
Jones, along with the possible depar-
ture of Ryan Norwood, dreg Bunn
and the "Lethal Lawhorns" due to the
draft. One thing is for sure, however
- Coach Mazey will have his team
ready to play come next spring.
This program is on the rise and may
very well single-handedly put ECU ath-
letics on the map for good in the next
couple of years with a trip to Omaha.
Some may think this is going out on
a limb, but my prediction is that ECU
will field the national champions in
basebal I by t he end of the 2006 season.
You don't believe me - just ask the
playersandthecoacheswhatthey think.
This writer can be contacted at
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WZMB sports director
looking for big things
Past experience pays off
It's easy to recognize Tamar
'Agbegha. In fact, it's hard not to
- well, at least his voice. The newly
appointed snorts director for WZMB,
the student-run campus radio sta-
tion, has already been taking ECU by
storm. If one tunes into 91.3 WZMB,
more often than not you will hear
Agbegha's voice.
Agbegha has built up quite a
resume. He was sports director for
WZMB during the fall semester. The
sports director is in charge of Pirate
Talk, a weekly local call-in show
every Monday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Pirate Talk has been a fixture in the
WZMB schedule for years. Agbegha
has big plans for Pirate Talk.
"I want to get some of the head
coaches at ECU to come down and
be on the show. In particular, the
football coach because we want a
preview of the (upcoming) season
said Agbegha.
The sports director is also in
charge of hiring sportscaslers. WZMB
has five sportscasts per day that last
between three and five minutes.
Agbegha is a regular on the sports-
casts that occurs at 8:30 a.m 11:30
a.m 1:30 p.m 3:30 p.m and 5:30
p.m. every day.
"The sportscasts entail, first and
foremost, ECU sports and then what-
ever is happening around the nation.
It just depends on what season it is
Agbegha said.
Agbegha did not limit himself to
just sports. Upon joining the station
staff in the fall, the Charlotte native
also was a disc jockey for Club 91, the
hip hop show and Irie I'M, a reggae
based specialty show. He has retained
both of those positions for almost a
calendar year.
Agbegha received an award for
best specialty show during the Media
Board banquet. Club 91 received the
award when the junior was hip hop
director. He contacted national and
local record companies and helped
to decide which music should and
should not be played on the air.
Agbegha is no stranger to sports.
He played on a state championship
football team while in high school at
Charlotte Independence. The com-
munication major also ran track and
played basketball.
"In football, I was so-so. I'm
not going to say I was the greatest
cornerback to ever play, i did get to
play with a future NFL star in Chris
Leak, so 1 joke around about that
Agbegha said.
Now, everything has come full
circle. Agbegha is going to use his
experience to do the sports director
position a little differently than it has
been done in the past.
"When I took the position in the
fall, I was a little clueless as to what
to do Agbegha said.
"I want to have more interaction
with the radio station and the sports
program, possibly bringing coaches
and players down to the station to
have discussions over the air. I also
want to get more student interest in
This writer can be contacted
For Hire
If you would like to be hired as a
sportscaster for second summer
session, submit an application to the
91.3 WZMB studio located in the
basement of Mendenhall Student
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For Rent
Blocks to ECU, 1, 2, 3 bdrm. house
-1 each left. Call 321-4712 or see
Houses for rent - 1202-B and 1306
Glen Arthur and 204 Thirteenth
Street. 2 and 3 bedrooms. All located
near ECU. Pets allowed with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Two bedrooms, living room,
dining, kitchen and bath, washer,
dryer hook-up. Three blocks off
campus, 1212B Charles Blvd. $400
rent. Call 329-0385.
Spring Forest townhome, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, full-size washerdryer included,
near hospital, immaculate. $600.
No Deposit required. 3 bdrm, 2 bath
duplex on Third St. near ECU campus.
$760 mo. Contact 252-802-0965
Now Leasing for Fall semester- 1,2, fit
3 bedroom apartments. Beech Street
Villas, Cypress Gardens, Eastgate,
Gladiolus Gardens, jasmine Gardens,
Park Village, Wesley Commons North
and Woodcliff. All units close to ECU.
Pets allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
House for rent: 205 12th St, 2 BR, 1 bath,
hardwood floors, WD hook-up, sm. fenced
in backyard. Call 355-1731 or 531-7489.
Now Leasing for Fall Semester- Cannon
Court 6t Cedar Court - 2 bedroom, 1
12 bath townhouse, Free basic cable
with some units. Located near ECU. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Dockside: 3 BR, 2 bath available 81 04.
Includes washerdryer, dishwasher,
1200 SF, walk-in closets, low utilities.
Call 327-4433 for appointment. No
pets please.
Spacious 2 and 3 BR townhouses, full
basement, enclosed patio, WD hook-
up. No pets. ECU bus route. 752-7738
days 7:30 to 4:30
Apartment for rent: 105 S. Jarvis St.
2 BRlbath, hardwood floors, wash
dryer hookup, stove, ref rig Call 355-
1731 or 531-7489.
102 S. Meade St. 3 BR, 1 bath, washerdryer
included, located 3 blocks from campus.
Available immediately. Call 327-4433.
Three Bedroom duplex for rent near
ECU. Available immediately. Rent $598
- Call 752-6276
2 bedroom 1 bath duplex, 112 8th
street across street from Ham's, $575
mo. 2-3 bedroom 2.5-3.5 bath condo
on bus route, Wildwood Villas $695-
$720mo. Call 413-6898 or 758-4747.
1 & 2 bedroom apartments walking
distance to campus, WD conn pets
ok no weight limit, free water and
sewer, call today for security deposit
special 758-1921.
Duplex for rent- 3 bdrm, Meade St
$675.00, call 341-4608
Stratford Villas 3 bedroom, 3 bath
houses for rent. Located across from
baseball stadium. All appliances
including washerdryer, security
systems, private patios. $1050 per
month. Call Chip at 355-0664.
Spacious two-bedroom duplex with
large living room and eat-in kitchen
witn washer and dryer. Duplex includes
large deck and off street parking.
Water and sewer included in rent.
$475 per month. Available August Is.
Call 752-5536 for appointment.
Sub-lease Apt. Pirate's Cove, $360 mo.
Avail, now- uly 31,2004. Contact Karen
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, end unit on ECU campus bus
route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
$575 per month. Call 864-346-5750
or 864-228-3667.
2 & 3 bedroom duplexes, walking
distance to campus, f.p WD conn
vaulted ceilings, 2 baths, private driveway
and back porch, dishwasher. Call today
for security deposit special 758-1921.
2 bedroom apartments walking
distance to campus, WD conn pets
ok no weight limit, wired for surround
sound, security system, CATS phone
lines, call today! 758-1921
3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, Dockside.
Available in August. Cathedral ceiling,
community dock on the Tar River,
washer and dryer available, $850
month. Call Garrett 258-0366.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 & 2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air &
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heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or 12 month
leases. Pets allowed. Rent includes
water, sewer, & cable.
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1.5 bath,
end unit on ECU campus bus route. Patio,
pool, WD hook-ups. $525 per month.
Call 864-346-5750 or 864-228-3667.
Roommate Wanted
Female Roommates, 2 needed to share
3 BR Condo. Each BR has private bath
and phonecomputer connections,
appliances include washer and dryer, 5
blocks E. of campus (flood free). $300
per month and share electricity 752-3262
Female. Share three bedroom home
with two female students. Campus
three blocks. Prefer graduate student.
Central air, ceiling fans, washer, dryer.
$300.00 plus utilities. (703) 680-1676
One Roommate needed for three
bedroom house with two baths and
washer and dryer. Rent $280 and 13
utilities. Call 329-8051.
1 Bedroom, private bath in Quail Ridge
Townhomes $300 plus 14 utilities,
access to pool and tennis courts. Call
355-4746 or 902-6107 for interview,
ask for Laura.
Room for rent- Female roommate
needed- une k uly - $400 includes
rent & all utilities - Walk to ECU - call
Roommate to share a 2 bedroom, 2
bath condo in Breezewood with young
professional. $400 rent, half utilities,
serious inquiries only. Call Jennifer
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Carolina Annual Fund. Starting
pay is $6.25 per hour plus cash
bonuses! For more information
and to apply, visit
telefund and click on the "jobs" link.
Part-Time office help - Small local law
firm seeks part-time office help. Duties
to include filing, answering telephone
calls, and some typing. Send resume
to Office Manager, PO Box 483,
Greenville, NC 27835-0483
Mystery Shoppers needed! Get paid
to shop. Flexible work from home or
school. FTPT make your own hours.
(800) 830-8066
Full Time babysitter needed in
my Winterville home. Begin
Aug. 9th end December 8th.
M-F. 8:00-3:30. 321-0424.
Wanted - Computer Geek, 20-30
hrwk. Misc. computer work. Apply in
person at Bedrooms & Sofas Plus, 425-
A S.E. Greenville Blvd. No phone calls!
Now Hiring - FT & PT Sales Positions
available immediately. Clean-cut,
courteous, reliable applicants
considered. Bring resume to: Bedrooms
& Sofas Plus, 425-A S.E. G'ville Blvd.
No phone calls please!
Bartending! $250day potential.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. (800) 965-6520 ext. 202
The Card Post (where every voice
counts!) 11-03-03- 3:25p.m.Report 445
Lazy Sue's InnAbsent a response (11 303-
3p.m.) from request 103103 to a lawyer
to be legal council in this citizen's contesting
of the '2003 Wayne Co. Election I will (via
this report via faxing) re-address with
the NC State Board of Elections Director
Greg Bartlett (as done prior to 11 202) 6t
Congressman Walter B. Jones (as done on
11 702) .the URGENT (as a dysfunctional
Democratic election process has produced
dysfunctional representation .which has
produced a dysfunctional 911 Emergency
system in Wayne Co.) re request for
appropriate federal oversight division
of the Federal Elections Commission &
their communication links .to address
a cjysfunctional county (Wayne) & State
(NC) Board of Elections. (This report will
be added to as needed for publication
11703 in the Mount Olive Tribune's
Classified-Personals) Thomas K. Drew, PO
Box 587, Goldsboro, NC 27533 Notary:
Tina Tannyhill. P.S. This is a revised writing
of Report 445 presented today at 1:45
P.M. Will be faxed to MOT directly upon
notarization via fax 919-658-9559. P.S.S.
Sought flat notarization at UPS Store
Cashwell Drive. Manager Scott Smith
denied service. Asked if there was anything
illegal or inappropriate of my request.
He said "No. P.S.S.S. (61704) Above
notarized (11303) report & any future
TCP reports censored (11403) by MOT
sought (11 403) viable reasons. MOT does
not wish to provide.
All " (l ()
You can influence new students'
buying decisions NOW by advertis-
ing in the Pirate Preview. The best
part is, we will mail this directly to
their homes at NO CHAR&E to you!
Call your ad rep TODAY at 328-2000 and re-
serve your space. The deadline is July 21 and
will be mailed to students by August 2

The East Carolinian, June 23, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 23, 2004
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