The East Carolinian, April 21, 2004

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o are
Volume 79 Number 139
April 21, 2004
ECU undergoes change in top leadership
New chancellor visits
ECU for athletics
director interviews
Readying himself and ECU for
his new leadership role in June,
newly appointed Chancellor Steve
Ballard has been busy meeting
with school officials and prospec-
tive employees this week.
Ballard said he has three top
priorities when he begins serving
as chancellor June 1: learning
about where the campus and
community stand, addressing
how key jobs will be filled and
beginning to understand eastern
North Carolina.
While he doesn't have a
timeline for when top jobs will
be filled, Ballard said he will
develop a structural system to
keep the process moving for-
ward. He identified the vacancies
of provost, financial officer and
athletics director as needing the
quickest attention.
In Greenville, for the first time
since being named ECU's chancel-
lor, Ballard interviewed two can-
didates for the vacant athletics
director position last week.
Coming from the University
of Missouri-Kansas City, where
he served as provost and vice
chancellor for Academic Affairs,
Ballard brings valuable experi-
ence to ECU in some of its most
vital areas, especially in health
"I have experience with
understanding the relationship
between the academics of a
medical campus and its hospital
partnerships said Ballard.
In addition, he said UMKC's
connection to its community
parallels ECU's devotion to east-
ern North Carolina:
"It UMKC is devoted
between the city and the com-
munity, and that parallels the
service ECU provides I think
there's a connection
To ensure ECU and the
community benefit from each
see BALLARD page A2
Shelton plans to return
as vice chancellor of
University Advancement
As ECU looks ahead to the
future with newly appointed
Chancellor Steve Ballard, Interim
Chancellor William Shelton
will say goodbye to his role as
leader of the university, but
will return as vice chancellor of
University Advancement.
"We have many challenges
and opportunities in that area
University Advancement and 1
do kwk forward to getting back
said Shelton.
"It's been both a challeng-
ing and rewarding opportunity
to serve as interim chancellor of
this institution
Shelton came to ECU from East-
ern Michigan University to fill the
vice chancellor position in 2003,
In the months to come, he
will continue developing plans
to advance the university. I le will
also help Ballard transition from
provost and vice chancellor for
Academic Affairs at the Univer-
sity of Missouri-Kansas City to
chancellor of ECU.
Shelton said he plans to begin
moving back to his office in the
Greenville Centre at the end of
this month to allow Ballard the
opportunity to start settling
in before he begins his term
June 1.
"I think he Ballard is an
outstanding person to lead this
institution in a variety of ways
Shelton said.
"He brings so many talents
that will move this institu-
tion even further. We are very
fortunate that he would provide
leadership for our institution
1 look forward to working
with him
Shelton, who has more than
10 years of leadership experience
as former president of Eastern
Michigan University, said a career
as a chancellor or president is a
seven-day a week, 24-hour
see SHELTON page A2
Critics say Kerry's college tuition plan fails in some aspects
lege financial aid experts say John
Kerry has found a good political
issue in the high cost of college
But some
argue that
the fixes
by the Massachusetts Democrat
need work.
"He has the right idea to look
for some savings, but whether
his specifics would work out is
a bit questionable said Sandy
Baum, a professor of econom-
ics and a college tuition expert
at Skidmore College in Saratoga
Springs, N.Y.
Even so, Kerry's initiatives are
likely to resonate with students
and parents facing rising college
expenses. Tuition at many state
universities is soaring as universi-
ties try to replace revenues cut by
fiscally strapped legislatures.
And while there are doubt-
ers, the senator has stolen a
page from the Republican book
of free-market solutions by pro-
posing that banks compete for
student loans.
The College Board reported
in October that tuition at public
universities jumped nearly 13
percent for this academic year,
to an average of $4,694. In the
last decade, public college tuition
rose 47 percent after adjusting for
College tuition has been
rising faster than the rate of
inflation since the 1980s, during
both Democratic and Republican
administrations. The recent fiscal
crisis in many states has exacer-
bated the problem, prompting
Kerry to suggest President Bush's
tax cuts could have instead been
used to shore up university bud-
"It's your tuition and your
loans that keep rising and rising
every day while this president
spends all our money on tax
breaks for the wealthy Kerry
told college students in New
Hampshire last week.
Specifically, Kerry proposes
making college more afford-
able by allowing students to
pay for tuition through public
service. And he wants to finance
the public-service program by
making banks bid in an auction
for a piece of the student loan
Kerry envisions 500,000
public-service students perform-
ing a variety of tasks, ranging
from building affordable housing
to helping children learn to read.
Thecost to taxpayers: $13 billion
over 10 years.
ECU alumnus wins
2004 Pulitzer Prize
Faculty Senate will present stories
concerning salary struggles to BOG
Second graduate to
take top writing honor
When Dan Neil gradu-
ated from ECU in 1982 with
a degree in creative writing,
he knew he had gotten a good
education and learned how to
write�what he didn't know
was how far his talent would
take him.
Twenty-two years later,
Neil's writing skills have taken
him to the pinnacle of his
profession. Last week, he was
awarded a 2004 Pulitzer Prize.
Neil, who currently writes
an automotive column for the
L.A. Times, will receive $10,000
in addition to the recognition
that comes from winning jour-
nalism's highest honor.
"I was just dumbfounded
and enormously gratified
said Neil.
"Truthfully, though, this
was a long-time ambition of
mine. However, I didn't real-
ize just how ambitious and
unrealistic it was until alter I
Salaries, committee
duties discussed
had talked to people who
had been in the field for
a while
Neil gives credit to ECU
for helping him to become
the writer that he is today.
"ECU gets a bad rap some-
times as being just a party
school, but the truth of the
matter is that ECU uses the
same textbooks as Harvard and
everyone else Neil said.
see PRIZE page A3
Sen. Joe Lieberman introduces Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, who will speak to supporters at a rally at
Palm Beach Community College in Lake Worth, Fla.
'Doc Hollywood'
will visit Brody
The physician known as "The
Real Doc Hollywood" will present
the convocation address to ECU'S
medical class of 2004 on May 7.
The Brody School of Medicine
convocation to honor the Class
of 2004 will begin at 9 a.m. in
Wright Auditorium with Dr. Neil
Shulman giving the featured
address to the class.
Shulman, an associate profes-
sor of medicine at Emory Univer-
sity, wrote What? Dead Again?
a novel that was the basis for the
"Doc Hollywood" film and served
as associate producer of the 1991
hit movie starring Michael J. Fox.
He describes himself as not only
a physician but also an author,
speaker and entertainer.
He has written and co-
authored 20 books on topics
ranging from his experiences as
a young doctor to good health
practices for patients, physicians
and children's books. From his
office at Emory University School
of Medicine, Shulman said he will
speak to the medical graduates
about the opportunities that lie
ahead for them.
"I plan on telling them that
they are about to embark on a
very exciting adventure Shul-
man said.
Life is a dash between two
numbers on a tombstone. And it's
a great place to help others enjoy
their dash
Faculty members are fol-
lowing their students' leads by
compiling stories showing how
they are affected by the UNC
Board of Governors' tuition
Rick Niswander, chair of the
Faculty Senate, plans to present
stories of teachers struggling to
the BOG in hopes of procuring
salary increases from the recent
tuition hike.
The idea comes after the
North Carolina Association of
Student Governments gathered
more than 800 student reactions
10 proposed tuition increases and
presented them to the BOG in a
In the last Faculty Senate
meeting of the semester,
senators expressed concerns
about teachers picking up
additional work without
receiving raises. They were told to
trust the people working on it.
One senator asked if the uni-
versity could retain faculty mem-
bers by promising free education
Faculty Senate Chair Rick Niswander speaks to colleagues.
for their children.
However, Bob Morrison,
Faculty Assembly delegate,
said that change would have to
pass through the Faculty Welfare
Niswander spoke to the
Senate about his meeting with
ECU's new chancellor, Steve
He said they spoke
mostly about problems last
year with former administra-
tors but discussed the faculty
manual and Senate's function, as
In other business:
-TheSenateannouneed ECU's
plan to adopt a new B.S. degree in
sports studies and a M.A. in com-
- Catherine Rigsby, of the
Academic Standards Committee,
presented a recommendation to
conduct a study concerning
online student surveys.
The study would compare
a web-based survey with the
traditional SOlS forms stu-
dents fill out at the end of each
It would take place during
the summer semester with fac-
ulty volunteers.
-The Senate passed a move-
ment to simplify wording in the
faculty manual.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Sexual Assuatt Awareness
throughout Aprfl
-oRapc has the second highest annual victim cost of any crime - $127 billion.
OSix out of 10 sexual assaults occur in the home of the victim, friend, neighbor or relative.
Partly Cloudy READING
High of 85
about the tribunal that Iraqi leaders have
set up to try Saddam Hussein
NeWS pageA2
There Is an increase of hackers who
mislead computer users Into glvtng
them private Information
page B1
Barefoot celebrates Its 25th anniversary
with "25 Barefeet and Still Wckln"
tomorrow from noon to 6 pm
SpOrtS page B4
EOJs baseball team will take on the
Wolfpack tonight at 7 pm The Pirates
are playing tor their 13th straight win.
There is a lecture on
"Augustine's Renaissance"
today at 4:30 pm In 1032

News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Augustine Lecture
Meredith J Gill, assistant professor of art history at Notre Dame
University, will lecture on "Augustine's Renaissance' today at 4:30 p.m.
in 1032 Bate
Oratorical Exhibition
The School of Communication sponsors an oratorical exhibition
today at 630 p.m. in Wright Auditorium featuring the best speakers in
COMM 2410 and 2420
Co-op and Internship Workshop
The Office of Student Professional Development offers a
workshop Thursday from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. in 1012 Bate to assist
students looking for co-op and internship opportunities.
Physics Colloquim
C Ruth Kempf, Ph D physics professor, will speak on nuclear
security in Russia and give an overview of ECU'S Center for Security
Studies and Research Friday at 3:15 p.m. In E-213 Howell.
Refreshments will be served at 3 p.m
Technology and Teaching
3-D visualization In classrooms will be discussed at "Conversations
about Teaching with Technology" Friday from 230 pm. - 4:30 p.m in
307 Science and Technology Building
Education Graduate Fair
The College of Education will hold a graduate program fair Saturday
from 9 am - noon in the Speight Building Information will be available
for students who wish to pursue a graduate degree for work in
educational settings or obtain alternative licensure. Registration and
reception begin at 845am.
Dive for a Cure
SCUBA divers from ECU will raise money for the American Cancer
Society Saturday from 9 am. - 9 p.m. at Minges Coliseum pool
Games and events will be provided. All certified divers can
participate Contact Jamie LeLiever at 327-3391 for more
Dances of Universal Peace
The Dances of Universal Peace - sacred dances that honor
the world's spiritual traditions through song, gentle dance and
contemplation - will be Saturday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m in 244
Monday, April 26 is the last day to submit grade replacement
Classes End
Monday. April 26 is the last day of classes
Coastal Resources Lecture
James P Delgado, executive director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum,
will speak about the discovery of a former Union submarine off Panama's
coast Monday. April 26, at 7 pm in 307C Science and Technology
Medical Mind
The medical class of 2004 presents its play, "The Medical Mind Monday.
April 26 and Tuesday, April 27 at 7 p.m. in Brody Auditorium
Teaching Awards
The eighth annual Teaching Awards Ceremony is Tuesday. April 27
at 11 a.m. in the MSC Great Room A reception hosted by Interim
Chancellor William Shelton will follow Contact the Faculty Senate office
at 328-6537 for more information.
Reading Day
Tuesday. April 27 is reading day No classes will be held
Regular exams
Regular exams begin Wednesday. April 28 and end Wednesday, May
5 at 10 am
Commencement is Saturday, May 8 in Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum
The morning ceremony begins at 930 am The afternoon ceremony
begins at 1 30 p m Register on OneStop
Chemistry Placement Test
The chemistry placement test will be Monday, May 17 from
10 am - 11 am and 2 pm - 3 pm. in 309 Science and Technology
Building Students must arrive 10 minutes prior to testing, bring a No 2
pencil and a nonprogrammable calculator
Paper Person
The student at the top of today's paper is Christlon Drum, sophomore
elementary education major
News Briefs
Ballantine resigns from
NC Senate
RALEIGH (AP) - Continuing this
year's legislative exodus, Patrick
Ballantine resigned Monday from
the state Senate to devote the
next three months to the GOP race
for governor
Ballantine. the Senate minority leader
and one of seven Republicans who
want to challenge Gov Mike Easley in
November, submitted his resignation
to Easley, as required by law
He becomes the third senator - along
with Wib Gulley and Steve Metcalf
- to leave the General Assembly
this year.
Ballantine said it would not work
for him to juggle his candidacy
and legislative work. The General
Assembly reconvenes May 10 and
isn't projected to adjourn until a
couple of weerc before the July 20
primary date
Tobacco-prevention ads
target teens
RALEIGH (AP) - Victims of smoking-
related diseases hit the airwaves
Monday in the heart of tobacco
country, part of the first statewide
campaign aimed at preventing teens
from lighting up in North Carolina.
The $1 2 million advertising effort
- dubbed Tobacco Reality Unfiltered"
- will air into the summer on youth-
focused networks such as MTV.
BET, FOX and Spanish-language
Univision. Radio ads and a Web site
are also in the mix.
Some of the ads feature teenagers
talking about health problems
suffered by loved ones as a result of
smoking or chewing tobacco.
In one radio ad, an adult in a
robotic, post-tracheotomy voice
says "Smoking is more addictive
than heroin
In another spot a woman says she
got emphysema from smoking
Between gasps for air, she says
tobacco kills more people than
AIDS, murder, fires, suicide, and car
accidents combined.
The ads also note that North
Carolina spends more than $4 billion
annually to treat smoking-related
health problems
Mass. lawmaker seeks
to have pro-gay marriage
judges removed
BOSTON (AP) - A group that
opposes gay marriage has enlisted
the help of a state legislator in a
long-shot attempt to remove the
four justices of the state's high court
who ruled that banning gay marriage
is unconstitutional
Democratic state Rep. Emile J.
Goguen told The Boston Globe that
he planned to file legislation to oust
the justices on Tuesday, even though
he is the measure's only sponsor
He sees the bill as a way to
pressure members of the Supreme
Judicial Court to reconsider their
4-3 decision
Goguen, who voted against a
constitutional amendment that
would ban gay marriage but allow
civil unions, said he agreed to
sponsor the measure after he was
approached by members of the Article
8 Alliance, a group that opposes
same-sex marriage
Justices Margaret Marshall, John
Greaney, Roderick Ireland and Judith
Cowin ruled in November that the state
constitution forbids excluding same-
sex couples from civil marriage. The
ruling allowing gay couples to legally
marry goes into effect May 17.
Labor rules would make more
eligible for overtime, GOP
officials say
WASHINGTON (AP) - With an eye
toward November's election, the Bush
administration is revising its planned
overhaul of the nation's overtime
rules to reduce the paychecks of
far fewer white-collarworkers logging
more than 40 hours a week
The plan, to be previewed Tuesday
by Labor Secretary Elaine Chao,
also would make more white-
collar, lower-income workers newly
eligible for overtime, said Republican
officials, speaking on the condition
of anonymity Police, firefighters and
emergency medical technicians
are identified as jobs that will not
lose overtime eligibility
Department spokesman Ed Frank did
not return multiple messages seeking
comment Monday.
The changes come at a time when
jobs and pocketbook issues are
among the top concerns for voters
President Bush has improved his
standing in polls on domestic
issues, but questions linger about
the strength of the labor market and
his plan to create jobs
Jordanian king postpones
meeting with Bush, questioning
U.S. commitment to Middle
East peace
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - The king
of Jordan, one of America's
closest allies in the Middle East,
postponed a White House meeting
with President Bush this week,
questioning the U.S. commitment
to ending the Israeli-Palestinian
The snub from King Abdullah II
comes amid Arab anger at Bush
for endorsing an Israeli proposal
to withdraw unilaterally from the
Gaza Strip and parts of the West
Bank but keep Jewish settlements
on other West Bank land claimed by
the Palestinians.
Abdullah is under pressure at
home to demonstrate his U.S. ties
can further Arab positions on the
Israeli-Palestinian question as well
as on the US -led occupation
of Iraq.
The White House played down any
hint of friction with Jordan, saying
the Wednesday meeting with King
Abdullah was rescheduled to the
first week of May "because of
developments in the region
Indians vote In first stage of
world's biggest elections; 11
killed by militants
NEW DELHI (AP) - India's
parliamentary elections got off to
a bloody start on Tuesday, with
at least 11 people killed and 18
injured amid clashes with separatist
and communist guerrillas.
Taking credit for a booming
economy and new hopes for
peace with Pakistan, the coalition of
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
looked set to return to power for
another five years.
A paramilitary solider guarding
a polling station was fatally
shot by militants. Six civilians,
including two poll workers,
were wounded when a bomb
exploded elsewhere in the state of
A car filled with Indian journalists
and human rights activists on their
way to monitor polling stations
exploded when it ran over a land
mine in Kashmir. The driver and a
human rights activist were killed and
four others were wounded.
'Phishing' scam increasing
Internet requests for
personal information
can lead to problems
Using the Internet to gain a
person's financial information is
a rising crime at ECU.
The act is known as
"phishing for the hackers'
sophisticated method of fishing
out information.
Scammers wait for victims to
reveal credit card numbers, ATM
pin numbers, social security num-
bers and other personal informa-
tion on fake Web sites.
These Web sites look legiti-
mate because they may have
logos or what appears to be genu-
ine characteristics of a financial
The Wet) sites copy code
from well-known sites to rep-
licate the look. Most phishing
e-mails create th" impression of
an immediate risk or problem
witfi a hank, credit card or finan-
cial account.
Hackers have used Bank of
America, America Online and
EBay as fronts for the scam. The
Anti-Phishing Working Group
reports that phishing rose SO
percent from December 2003 to
January 2004.
One recent phishing attempt
involved a false message about
the Federal
Deposit Insur-
ance Corpora-
tion and the
of Homeland
The e-mails
claimed the
DMS's secretary
had authorized
the FDIC to
suspend all
federal deposit
insurance on
the receiver's
bank account.
phishing e-
mails even
contain viruses
or worms to
infect other e-
mail accounts.
claim another
person is using
the recipient's
credit card or
that a recent
was declined.
Phishing violates many fed-
eral laws including identity theft,
wire fraud, credit card fraud and
the newly enacted CAN-SPAM
If convicted of phishing, a
person can receive as many as 30
years in prison tor wire fraud and
bank statement fraud per offense.
Federal judges can also impose
Adam Thomas, junior acting major, looks out for suspicious e-mails.
fines, which can be as high as
To protect yourself from
phishing, look out for e-mails
that have an urgent message.
Scammers hope to incite panic
and overreact ion to gain the
information they want.
Requests for personal infor-
mation should be looked at with
skepticism and investigated.
If the e-mail claims to be
from a Web site or company,
call the company for confirma-
tion using a different number
than what's provided in the e-
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
"You do see something
from this office that you see
from no other office regardless
of the institution you are in
Shelton said.
"This office always has
to view the total institution
and community
Shelton said his current
position has been a wonderful
learning experience, allowing
him to really recognize the
inherent strength of the institu-
fie said with a chuckle, "There
is no question this has given
me a perspective that I
wouldn't have had somewhere
During the last six months.
Shelton has held both the
interim chancellor and vice
chancellor positions.
Shelton said because he has
kept ties to both areas, the transi-
tion to his original position will
be easy.
"When I return over there
we will continue efforts of
fundraising and our marketing
plan Shelton said.
As vice chancellor, Shel-
ton will oversee fundraising,
marketing and alumni affair
functions housed in University
Shelton said he is proud to
be in North Carolina and at
"I am a Pirate- I like being a
Pirate he said.
Prior to taking the posi-
tion at ECU, Shelton was
vice president for institu-
tional advancement at Kent
State University in Ohio and vice
president for university services
at Henderson State University
in Arkansas.
Shelton holds a doctorate
degree in higher education
administration from the Univer-
sity of Mississippi and master's
and bachelor's degrees in his-
tory, both from the University
of Memphis.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
other, Rallard plans to meet
with Greenville Mayor Don
Parrot! and other city officials. He
will continue to have conversa-
tions and meetings with univer-
sity officials before assuming the
chancellor position.
To connect to students,
Ballard said he will meet with
student government and organi-
zation leaders. He will then try to
plan regular formal and informal
meetings with students and keep
in contact with Vice Chancellor
for Student Life Carrie Moore.
The most important thing
Ballard wants to see happen at
ECU is the establishment of a
clear vision everyone can work
toward and make ECU the
most important institution in
the state.
Ballard, 55, will relocate to
Greenville with his wife, Nancy,
around May 10. He's now vis-
ited the area three times and
"loved it
ECU is an ideal place for him
to be, Ballard said, because of
the value North Carolina puts
on higher education and ECU's
quality of support.
"It's a perfect fit. It's the
kind of institution I've wanted
to find for a permanent home
Ballard said.
I'm ready for it. I wish it
was starting tomorrow
Jim Talton, chairman of the
ECU Board of Trustees and the
Chancellor Search Committee
that was responsible for find-
ing a permanent chancellor,
said his impression of Ballard
was good.
"He is a very thoughtful, ana-
lytical individual who has high
expectations of himself and likely
of others as well said Talton.
Ballard received his bachelor's
in history from the University
of Arizona and his doctorate
in political science from Ohio
State University.
While chancellor, Ballard said
his duties probably won't allow
him to be the active researcher
he was, but he expects to "con-
tinue to be interested in certain
questions about the role of higher
education" and keep himself
appraised of current research.
The thirst for knowledge that
caused him to write five books
and more than 100 articles and
manuscripts will aid him as
he becomes more educated
about ECU.
"He's asking a lot of the right
kinds of questions he realizes
he has an awful lot to learn
Talton said.
A temporary replacement for
Ballard has already been selected
at UMKC.
Chancellor Martha W.
Gilllland recently appointed
William Osborne, dean of
the School of Computing and
Engineering, as interim In
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
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Labor rules would make more
eligible for overtime, GOP says
an eye toward November's elec-
tion, the Bush administration is
revising its planned overhaul
ol ihc nation's overtime rules
to allow more white-collar
workers, even those earn-
ing up to $100,000 a year,
to continue collecting the
premium pay if they log more
than 40 hours a week.
The plan, previewed Tuesday
by labor Secretary Elaine Chao,
also would make more white-
collar, lower-income workers
newly eligible for overtime,
according to a Labor Depart-
ment news releasePolice,
firefighters and emergency
medical technicians are identi-
fied as jobs that will not lose
overtime eligibility.
"When workers know their
rights and employers know
how to pay workers, everybody
wins Chao said in a state-
The changes come at a time
when jobs and pockctbook issues
are among the top concerns
for voters. President Bush has
improved his standing in polls
on domestic issues, but ques-
tions linger about the strength
of the labor market and his plan
to create jobs.
Chao proposed the overhaul
to the lair Labor Standards Act
in March 2003 at the urging
of businesses and employer
groups, which sought relief from
mounting lawsuits by workers
challenging their overtime
status. The plan immediately
drew ferocious criticism from
organized labor, Democrats
and some Republicans.
The Senate voted last year
to stop the administration
from issuing the final regula-
tion, but that provision was
later dropped under White
Mouse pressure. Congressional
approval is not needed for the
changes to take effect.
Under the revised new rules,
up to 107,000 workers could
lose their overtime protection,
but 6.7 million workers would
be guaranteed eligibility.
By contrast, under (ban's
initial proposal, the Labor
Department said 644,000
white-collar workers could have
lost protection, and 1.3 million
could gain it.
Democrats challenged her
initial estimates ot who could
potentially lose eligibility,
i iting their own analysis of up to
H million workers.
The regulations will not
apply to workers covered by labor
contracts, although union offi-
cials said they feared the changes
would strengthen the hand of
companies In future bargaining.
The fact that President Hush
is slashing overtime pay for even
a single worker is outrageous
AFL-CIO spokeswoman Lane
Windham said.
The revisions, made after the
Labot Department received more
than 75,000 comments, would
deny overtime pay to white-
collar workers who earn more
than $100,000 annually and per-
form some professional, admin-
istrative or executive duties, the
department said. The initial
plan put the salary ceiling at
$65,000 annually.
The changes also would guar-
antee premium pay to white-
collar workers earning less than
$23,660 a year.
That's up from the $22,100
initially proposed, which the
department said would have
made 1.3 million workers newly
eligible for overtime pay. How-
ever, the department in its plan
last year suggested ways employ-
ers could avoid paying the extra
money, including cutting those
workers' hourly wages and
adding the overtime to equal the
original salary, or raising salaries
to the new threshold, making
them ineligible.
The regulations are designed
to meel the concerns of employ-
ers arguing that outdated and
confusing rules failed to address
the modern workplace and
The Bush administration proposed an overhaul of overtime
rules to allow more white-collar workers higher earnings.
opened the door to lawsuits.
"I really believe the redefi-
nition of the regs is not about
carving out more workers to
not get overtime said lawyer
Camille Olson, a Chicago-
based partner at firm Seylarth
Shaw. "It's about having
clear answers
Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio,
chairman of the House Edu-
cation and Workforce Com-
mittee, will invite Chao to
testily on the issue next week, a
spokesman said.
Sen. Tom llarkin, D-lowa,
who has led a Senate effort to
block provisions in the rule
taking away overtime pay, said
he was wary about the impact of
the changes.
The Bush administration is
not trustworthy on Ibis issue,
and I am beyond skeptical
about these so-called revisions
llarkin said.
the U.S. Chamber of Com-
merce, which has lobbied
for an overhaul that would
provide litigation relief to
employers, wasn't ready to judge
the plan.
"It all conies back to our
initial goal, to cut down on law-
suits said Michael Eastman,
labor law policy director. "It's
hard to answer that question
until I see the line print
The proposed revisions spell
out that police, firefighters,
emergency medical technicians
and other "first responders"
would not lose overtime eli-
gibility. Department officials
had said that was clear from
the initial proposal, but critics
disputed them.
The plan also makes clear that
military veterans would not lose
overtime pay. The initial plan
would have let employers count
military l raining toward classify-
ing workers .is professionals who
are exempt from overtime pay.
Democrats anil labor unions had
criticized that provision as trying
to take away premium pay from
military veterans.
�'1 - -
Performing surgery on a beating heart is less expensive than
using heart-lung machines.
New heart surgery
technique found to
be less expensive
CHICAGO (AP) � Bypass
surgery done on a beating
heart is just as effective as
the conventional operation
performed with a heart-lung
machine, and less expensive, a
study found.
Previous research reached
conflicting conclusions on the
benefits of the new beating-
heart technique, with one study
finding that the newly grafted
blood vessels are far more likely
to become clogged up three
months after surgery in those
who undergo the procedure.
The new study, published
in Wednesday's Journal of
the American Medical Asso-
ciation, examined nearly 200
patients three months after
surgery, and again after a
year, and found no significant
differences in quality of life
between those who had the
heating-heart technique and
those who were connected to
a heart-lung machine during
their operation.
The rates of death, stroke,
heart attack and the need tor
additional surgery also were
comparable. In addition, the
two groups were found to be
similar in how' much � or
how little � their new vessels
became blocked.
Earlier findings from the
same group of patients showed
that those who underwent
the beating-heart technique
had fewer problems immedi-
ately after surgery and were
released from the hospital a
day earlier.
The savings averaged about
$2,300 a patient, said Dr. John
D. Puskas of Emory University
in Atlanta, who performed
all the operations and has
been a pioneer ot the method.
"Off-pump surgery is tech-
nically more challenging lor
the surgeon to perform, and
I think it is also clear that
it is easier for the patient to
have it performed on them
Puskas said.
(AP) � Somber students,
parents and neighbors went
to the Columbine High
School campus Tuesday
to remember those killed
five years ago in the worst school
shooting in U.S. history.
"I just want today to be
a peaceful day to remember
and to hope for the future
said Kallen Dunn, 36, who
went with her son, Michael,
a 15-year-old Columbine
Retirees Les and Vi last,
who live nearby, walked across
a field near Columbine in the
morning sjhY like others,
they said they were there lor
quiet reflection.
"We just can't believe
g something like this could have
g happened in such a beautiful
community Vi Fast said.
I ler husband added, "Having
been a schoolteacher myself,
I was thinking of Dave Sand-
ers the teacher who bled to
death while authorities waited
to enter Columbine.
Five years ago, on April
20, 1999, Columbine students
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
killed 12 students and Sand-
ers before committing suicide
I lie anniversary forced many
to come to grips with an
unspeakable violence.
"It's most definitely some-
thing I think about ever) day
Michael Slioels, father ot slain
student Isaiah Shoels, said on
NBC's "Today
"But, you know, we can't
wallow in victimhood be said.
"Under the circumstances, we
need to get out there and do
something about it lie said In-
takes a message of peace around
the country, "something on
this Earth that is meant lor me
to do
The school sat empty lues-
day, its 1,700 students given
the day off. The building has
been overhauled since the
tragedy, with a new library
replacing the room where 10
of the students were slain.
People were scattered on the
school campus Tuesday morn-
memorial ami candlelight
vigil were planned tor Tuesday
evening In Clement Park, the
sprawling Held that virtually
surrounds the school. Speakers
were expected to include Anne
Marie llochhalter, paralyzed
from wounds inflicted by the
killersand Dawn Anna, whose
daughter, Lauren Townsend, was
killed b) the gunmen.
The students who were
enrolled at Columbine then are
long gone; the 1998-99 fresh-
men class graduated two years
ago But brothers and students
of those wounded in the attack
are still here.
Among them is Maggie Ire-
land, sister ol Patrick Ireland,
who became known to TV view-
ers throughout the nation as "the
boy in the window" because of
his dangling escape onto an
armored car. The only adminis-
trator lett from 1999 is Principal
Frank DcAngclis, who said stay-
ing at Columbine helped keep
him sane.
"People ask me all the time
when will that magical day occur
in whic liolumbinc will return
to normal be said on ABC.
"1 don't think we'll ever return
to normal
from page A1
"I had a great time partying,
but I wanted a good education,
too, and ECU was perfectly able
to give that to me
Professor Bill Hallberg, Ph.IV,
who taught Neil in introduction
to fiction writing and advanced
fiction writing, spoke highly of
Nell's work ethic and dedication
to learning.
"What I remember most
about Dan is a kid who was
always staying alter class to
ask what books he should be
reading outside of class to
really increase his knowledge
of writing and of the world at
Luge said llallberg.
Neil has written for a vari-
ety ol publications, includ-
ing The Raleigh News and
Observer, Autoweek and Car
and Driver,
Neil is the second LCD alum-
nus to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Rick Atkinson won the Pulit-
zer Prize in 2003 for his book, An
Army at Dawn: The War in North
Africa, 1942-1943.
This writer can be contacted at
news@l heeas tcarolinian. com.
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Michelle A. McLeod
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Erin Rickert
News Editor
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Features Editor
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Meghann Roark
Head Copy Editor
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John Bream
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Tony Zoppo
Asst Sports Editor
Daniel Roy
Production Manager
Amanda Vanness
Asst Photo Editor
Serving ECU since 1925, The East Carolinian prints 9.000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. "Our View" is the opin-
ion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board members.
The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
250 words (which may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and Include
a telephone number. Letters may be sent via e-mail to editor� theeast or to The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building,
Greenville. NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more information.
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1.
Our View
In addition to the added security measures in residence
halls that are a response to the recent crime-wave that hit
campus, there are a few other areas that are still a cause
of concern.
In front of Aycock Hall, driving is especially dangerous. The
area is prone to accidents because there isn't enough room
to maneuver. Moreover, the already narrow passageway is
further impeded because there are always people stopped
in front of Aycock - not just students, Service Maintenance
trucks and pizza delivery are equally guilty.
During the congestion, there isn't enough room for two
cars to pass each other. Since you have to round a curve
to get to this area anyway, it is very difficult to react to
oncoming traffic.
In addition, extra caution always has to be taken when
approaching the stop sign in front of Aycock because
there's not an abundance of room and vehicles often
travel in the wrong lane. This could be fairly easy to fix by
simply widening the road in this area.
A second major problem area on campus concerns the
road that connects Fifth Street with 10th Street, which runs
past Bate.
We are extremely thankful for this road because we
remember what it was like for a year when there wasn't a
connecting road through campus. However, the intersection
is dangerous because there is no stoplight, and people
are going in multiple directions. In addition to 10th Street
traffic, you have to take into account the cars turning onto
the connecting road and the turn lanes for the post office,
Mike's Deli and Wachovia. Drivers usually wait awhile to get
out and are confused because they don't know whether or
not it's safe to pull out into the frequently used turn lane.
Why wasn't a stoplight erected here, too? There's one 50
yards down the street at Christenbury, where the traffic
pattern is much simpler.
Driving in this city is a nightmare. We see many people
run red lights and disregard traffic laws everywhere. As a
large part of the Greenville population, we as ECU students
should do our best to make driving safe and make known
the changes we'd like put into effect for the betterment of
the community.
The goal of the TEC Opinion page is to evoke discussion as well as
action on topics pertinent to the ECU community
We encourage a response from our readers If you have an opinion
In reaction to one of our columns or perhaps In regard to the overall
presentation of TEC. please express your v)ew In one of four ways:
direct a letter or fax to the editor, email a response to the editor or
simply phone In a response
The 20,000 ECU students read our paper on a regular basis. There's
no better way to express your opinion than to take the time to sit and
react to a situation affecting the students of this university through
our Opinion page.
To be printed, the letter must be signed and contain a phone number
for verification
Letters will appear as space permits. The editor reserves the right to
edit letters for clarity and length.
In My Opinion
Stress, American style: An overworked
nation is making itself sick
In My Opinion
When America was a rogue nation
(KRT) � It's 2 a.m. and I am
sitting in front of my computer.
Not by choice. I have my body
to thank. It doesn't stop working
overtinie at night now - a recent
issue that has arisen thanks largely
to an overly stressful lifestyle.
Stress never felt like a big deal
to me. The fact that National Stress
Awareness Day is Friday, immedi-
ately after tax day, unwittingly
implies that Americans take their
stress tongue-in-cheek.
After all, anxiety is the Ameri-
can lifestyle. It helps us get ahead,
stay on top, win the rat race.
Hut stress is also a national
crisis - and it's making us sick.
Ironically, as stress plagues
our lives, it also fuels a thriving
industry. Kach year, Americans
spend more than $9.4 billion
- more than the annual GDP of
Rwanda -as they search for relief,
from sitting in psychiatry offices
to breathing aromatic oils that
claim to offer release from the
daily grind.
The self-help industry alone
generates over half a billion dol-
lars annually, according to the
American Booksellers Association,
as readers snap up books promis-
ing the ultimate cure to their
mental woes.
We pump billions of dollars
Into the economy for our national
malady, but stress is an integral
thread in the American fabric. It
finds roots in our long hours and
activity-packed schedules as the
world's pace accelerates.
In 1999, the National Insti-
tute for Occupational Safety and
Health reported that the average
citizen works 8 percent more
hours than his or her counterpart
of a generation ago, even as cor-
porate downsizing and sluggish
economic forecasts cause workers
to fear for their careers.
Like older workers, young
people are very prone to stress.
Many of us are overachievers,
succumbing to rampant social
pressure that tells us we are not
achieving our full potential unless
we spend every waking hour doing
It is not uncommon tor stu-
dents to take advanced classes,
hold down a part-time job, partici-
pate In multiple sports and chaira
i tubOl two during the year.
In fact, this hyper-accelerated
lifestyle feels normal to young
adults. In college, I constantly tell
myself I can handle more: t hat one
more internship or class will chal-
lenge me and pad my resume.
Unfortunately, those extra
short-term activities may have
wreaked long-term havoc on my
health. My recent scare with a
major thyroid dysfunction cannot
be blamed on a specific cause. But
doctors say stress could be a factor,
given my propensity for trying to
lie a real-life superwoman.
I'm not the only one dealing
with the long-term consequences
of our crazed American lifestyles.
Stress has been linked to an array
of afflictions, from digestive prob-
lems and insomnia to hyperten-
sion and heart disease.
Worse still, we almost never
talk honestly about its role in our
lives, even though the National
Institutes of Mental Health esti-
mates that stress causes ongoing
problems for one of every 10
Currently, most people deal
with stress by popping a pill
- Americans represent only 5 per-
cent of the world's population but
consume one-third of its anxiety
But for most of us, Prozac
and other drugs are a short-term,
even unrealistic effort to solve
a problem that is endemic to
our lifestyles. We should not be
depending on drugs to manage
our lives.
We need to take our lives back
by changing our culture's pace.
Let's start with demanding
more humane work-week hours,
like many Europeans have. We
should be working 30-3S hours
per week, without losing our medi-
cal and retirement benefits.
People should not feel forced
to work 45-60 hours a week, or
to have a second job, just to keep
food on the plate. Further, a reduc-
tion in stress could benefit the
workplace by keeping employees j
Efforts to alleviate stress must
begin in youth.
Students need reassurance
that their careers do not depend
upon the number of jfljfcvities they
cram into eight years of school. A
few extra hours of personal time
could teach them how to manage
personal stress, whether through
yoga, visiting friends or doing
nothing at all.
Most important, we need to
learn to say no before we accept
more obligations.
Since my diagnosis, I have
started to slow down and to rc-
evaluale what matters in my life.
It has been extremely difficult. I'm
so used to running at a breakneck
pace that I feel guilty reading a
lxok lor fun.
Still, I am trying. 1 have even
considered cutting back on per-
sonal expenses to avoid having
to work full-time alter graduation.
(KRT) � Because we forget
that the United States was once
considered a rogue nation export-
ing terrorism, the nation's senior
officials risk making serious policy
mistakes today.
The United States a rogue
nation? hough il may be hard to
believe, before theCivil War, people
in Latin America, Western Furope
and even the faraway Hawaiian
kingdom were convinced that the
United States had become a base
for terrorists.
No one then actually used the
term "terrorism" for unauthorized
attacks on other countries. Rather,
these criminals were called "fili-
But like modern terrorists, U.S.
filibusters operated in underground
cells, used secret codes and
wreaked havoc.
They attacked Canada, Mexico,
Cuba, Nicaragua and Honduras
and were suspected of planning
attacks elsewhere.
How can American policy-
makers benefit from studying
filibustering? This all-bcit-forgot-
ten chapter of the nation's history
suggests that the current "war on
terrorism" will last longer than
It also warns that the
government and news media
should exercise caution before
accusing other nations of collabo-
rating with terrorists.
American filibusters attacked
other countries almost every
year between the mld-1830s and
The most notorious filibuster
was William Walker, who invaded
Mexico with a private army in
1853. In 1855 he attacked Nicara-
gua, soon gaining control of the
The next year, he arranged
his own election as Nicaragua's
president in a fixed vote. After
losing power in 1857, he attacked
Central America again, finally
in 1860 suffering death at
the hands of a Honduran firing
Some filibusters were well-
known figures. John Quitman,
Mississippi governor in the 1830s
and 1850s and a U.S. general in
the Mexican-American War of
the 1840s, organized an attack
on Cuba.
New York City's John L.
O'Sullivan, t he editor remembered
for coining the expansionist slogan
"Manifest Destiny twice was
prosecuted for participating in
Cuba plots.
Unlike modern terrorists, the
filibusters never intentionally
massacred civilian populations.
But Europeans and Latin Ameri-
cans regarded them the way
Americans view terrorists today
- as ruthless murderers causing
horrific destruction.
Walker's men burned parts
of Granada and Nicaragua.
Foreign diplomats repeatedly com-
plained to the State Department
that their countries were in a state
of panic over American assaults.
Just as the U.S. news media
suggest Saudi complicity in the
attacks of September 2001,
so foreign governments
in the 1850s assumed that
U.S. leaders secretly assisted
filibusters. Just as some commenta-
tors todayaccuse Pakistani President
Pervez Musharraf's regime of half-
hearted efforts against al-Qaeda, so
foreign critics in the 1850s believed
American leaders were winking at
The Atlantic Monthly
charged U.S. authorities with
having "blind eyes and very
slippery hands" regaiding
filibusters sailing to Nicaragua.
And just as President Bush seeks
an anti-terrorist international
coalition today, so there were
international alliances against
U.S. filibusters in the 1850s.
It's important to realize that
despite accusations that the U.S.
government tolerated filibuster-
ing, just the opposite was true.
It was hardly in the national
interest to foster filibustering,
which brought the United States
to the brink of war with powerful
F.ngland and other nations.
Additionally, filibustering caused
foreign reprisals against American
commercial interests abroad.
U.S. presidents issued procla-
mations threatening filibusters
with jail.
More important, the govern-
ment deployed its military forces
and demanded that port and
border officials prosecute filibus-
ters and seize their ships.
One general confiscated a fili-
buster ship in San Francisco harbor,
explaining that the president had
ordered him to halt filibustering
"by using my military force to the
utmost of my power
Filibustering persisted
not because of government
collusion, but because of cir-
cumstances beyond federal
The tiny U.S. army, for
example, faced an impossible task
in sealing off the lengthy, mostly
shallow Rio Grande, Now Pakistani
officials face similar difficulties on
their border with Afghanistan.
Popular sympathy with filibus-
ters (like radical Muslim support
for terrorists today) was the most
important reason why pre-Civil
War U.S. leaders were unable to
stop them.
In My Opinion
If Google ogies your e-mail, will Ashcroft be far behind?
I k I! I . RAMhh�a�MltMMI ' �t�1 tl. .
(KRT) � Google has a privacy
problem on its hands.
On April 1, Google quietly
launched a test version of a Web-
based e-mail service that offers
users massive amounts of storage,
I gigabyte, for free.
There's a catch. Google's
computers will scan each e-mail
message and serve up ads related
to the message's content.
If your girlfriend e-mails
you about your coming Hawaii
trip, don't he surprised to see
an ad for the Princeville Resort
in Kaual.Privacy advocates first
thought the service, dubbed G-
mail, was an April Fool's joke.
It's not. So they went into
tull alarm mode, raising a flurry
of concerns, some legitimate
and some overblown. California
state Sen. Liz Figueroa says she is
considering legislation that would
keep e-mail messages from being
G-mail certainly raises trou-
bling privacy questions. ITectronic
communications, such as phone
conversations and e-mail, have
long enjoyed strong privacy safe-
guards. Law enforcement authori-
ties must jump through many
hoops before they are allowed to
snoop on them. Why, then, should
a private company such as Google
be able to go through the contents
of your e-mail?
Gcxigle rescinded, saying that
it's not humans doing the scan-
ning, hut rather computers. Anti-
spam filters already do this, the
Company said. Google has further
given assurances that it will not
share anything relating to your e-
mail messages with advertisers or
anyone else. And it will not build
databases or user profiles based on
the contents of e-mails.
Google has a reputation for
being a responsible corporate
Citizen. Its assurances are a good
start, but its answers are not fully
Perhaps the most worrisome
aspect ol Google's content scan-
ning is that it will forever erode
the expectation of privacy in c-
mail. Other services, such as yahoo
and Microsoft, could Ik' pressured
to imitate it.
And it won't lie long before law
enforcement agencies say they, too,
want in. If that sounds paranoid,
well, it's exactly the argument
that defenders of the Pentagon's
Orwellian Total Information
Awareness program used: It credit
card companies can rifle through
your transactions, why not us?"
Some of Google's defenders
simply say that if you don't want
your e-mail scanned, don't sign up.
But when non-G-mail users send
e-mails to a G-mall account, their
messages wi Mix- scanned�without
their consent.
That is not only troubling but
it also could run afoul of laws in
certain jurisdictions, such as the
European Union, that have stronger
privacy protections.
Google ought to engage privacy
advocates in a thorough debate
over their concerns. As it does so,
it should vsork to make its privacy
policies crystal clear. And it should
give customers a choice to opt-in
to, rather than opt-out of, (he tar-
geted ads, as the company said it is
For her part, Sen. Figueroa
would do well to hold her fire to
give Google a chance to put pri-
vacy fears to rest without the need
for legislation.
on the se
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49 For
50 Re
54 Act
55 But
56 Fre
58 Pla
62 Pos
63 Ret
65 Riv
67 Like
69 In a
70 Thr
71 Min
1 Sor
2 ton
3 Pop
5 Littl
6 Oki
7 Dev

4-21-04 6557.
Come by The East Carolinian office
on the second floor of the Student Publications Building
(above the cashiers office)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Two BR one bath recently renovated
duplex beside Town Commons 111B
and 113 Holly Street. Central heat
air. Easy walk to ECU. J425month.
Near ECU & downtown- 12 block
from ECU, 2 blocks from downtown.
�4 bedrooms, 2 bath, very large 2
story house, very nice, central HVAC,
all appliances. $1400 month. 252-
717-6551, Lease to begin Aug. 2004
(possibly sooner)
Sub-Lease Rent Apt Pirate's Cove,
$360 mo available NOW uly 31,
2004. Contact: Karen N. Lee, 919-
894-8348 or 919-207-0804
Room for rent at Pirate's Cove
for summer vacation May, une,
July. $360mo. Rent all inclusive.
Please contact Nikki for more info,
at anytime 252-329-0614, leave
, Now Preleasing for Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedroom duplexes &
townhouses. College Towne Row,
Verdant Street, Cannon Court,
I Cedar Court, Lewis Street and 2nd
Street. All units close to ECU. Pets
fallowed in some units with fee. For
Imore information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
nyone looking to move into Pirate's
Cove now please contact Brenda at
704-202-2775 or 252-885-0097.
Rent includes everything, $360
nonth, available now or May 1st.
Ill 7 W 3rd Street, 2 bedroom, 1 bath,
fining room, living room, w garage,
washerdryer included, available 8
p04, no pets, $650 mo excellent
ondition, 2 blocks from campus, call
eed a male of female to sublease a
Dm in Sterling Manor for May, une,
nd July. Pay $532 13 utilities for
Jrhole summer. Only pay half May
nd June, uly is already paid for.
jivate bathroom and big closet,
�asher and dryer, furnished. Will
living with two guys, neat and
an -smokers. Call Chris for more
nfo. Apt. 252-551-6725 or Cell
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 h 2
BR apts, dishwasher, GD, central
air & heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or
12 month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bedroom houses and
duplexes. Available Fall 2004. ALL
walking distance from ECU. Call
Immaculate TownHouse, 2 BR, 2
BA, Safe neighborhood in G'viile,
convenient, all appliances, no pets,
pool, tennis, fenced patio, $700mo.
919-734-4267: Day and 919-735-
8106: Night.
Near ECU St downtown- 3
blocks from ECU, 5 blocks from
downtown. 5 bedroom, 2 bath,
newly lemodeled, nice & clean, all
appliances, 2 kitchens, central HVAC
downstairs and window AC upstairs.
$1325 month. 252-717-6551. Lease
to begin Aug. 2004
Looking for a Summer Apartment?
Subleasing a Master Bedroom in a 3
bedroom, 3 bathroom apartment at
Riverwalk. Rent is $351, but willing to
be flexible and lower price by helping
with payment. Please call Karri at
(252)531-5162 for details.
Apartment for rent in Wilson Acres
for $325 a month. You would take
over lease as soon as possible. Please
contact me at 919-389-8367.
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, end unit on ECU campus bus
route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
$575 per month. Call 864-346-5750
or 864-228-3667.
pinebrook apt. 758-4015- 1St2 BR
apts, dishwasher, CD, central air
h heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
Student Special. Walk to class! 3 BR
1 BA Duplex. HW floors, WD, new
windows, pets ok wfee. Available
immediately, $650 a month. Call
Apt. for rent starting in Fall semester.
2 bedroom fit 1 bath, 12 block from
ECU and 2 blocks from downtown,
all appliances, central HVAC, nice &
clean. $625month. Call 252-717-
Great Place! Walk to campus and
bars. 2 bedroom, newly renovated,
located on Holly Street off 1st street
CHEAP! CHEAP! $425 a month.
Available NOW! Call 258-6776
Pre-Register for spacious 2 and
3 bedroom townhouses. Full
basement, enclosed patio WD hook-
up, no pets. 752-7738 daytime 7:30
to 4:30.
Female roommate wanted to
sublease bedroom in four bedroom
four bathroom apartment in Pirate's
Cove for the summer andor next
year. One roommate is staying.
May pick other roommates or pot
luck. Summer rent is $360 and next
year's rent is $370. Please respond
a.s.a.p. Cara 252-413-6991 or cell
Near ECU f downtown- 12 block
from ECU, 2 blocks from downtown.
3 bedroom, 2 12 bath, new carpet,
central HVAC, all appliances, $875
month. 252-717-6551. Lease to
begin Aug. 2004.
3 bd & 1 ba Duplex for rent. Located
on Stancil and close to campus.
Features include kitchen appliances
including new washer and dryei,
and fenced backyard. Pets OK with
negotiable fee. $660.00 per month.
Houses and apartments for rent near
campus. 3,4, and 5 bedroom houses
available. 1 bedroom apartments
available. Call (252)353-5107.
Pirate's Cove Apartment sub-lease
available for une and July, only $250
per month! Call Matt is interested
Pirate's Cove, Available Now, Sublet
furnished apartment. Special Price:
$325 all included. Call now 919-
Spacious two-bedroom duplex
with large living room and eat-in
kitchen with washer and dryer.
Duplex includes large deck and off
street parking. Water and sewer
included in rent. $475 per month.
Available August 1st. Call 752-5536
for appointment.
Dockside Duplex 3 BDRM, 2 Bath. 1 -
unit available immediately, 1 building
w 2 units side by side- available
August 3, 2004. Got 6 friends who
want to room? This is ideal! Call eff
@ 252-327-4433. WasherDryer
included, no pets.
Three bedroom duplex for rent near
ECU. Available immediately. Rent
$618-Call 752-6276.
Now Preleasing For Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedrooms. All units close
to ECU. Cypress Gardens, asmine
Gardens, Peony Gardens, Gladiolus
Garden, Wesley Commons North,
Park Village, Cotanche Street, Beech
Street Villas and Woodcliff. Water and
sewer included with some units. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Two Rooms for rent, furnished or
unfurnished, $275 a month not
1 Walk laboriously
5 Actress
11 Bound
14 Cash inComo
15 Shaken
16 Choler
17 Exploits
18 Unit of retinal
19 Abyss
20 Follower of Zeno
22 Stupefying
23 Golf norm
24 Be penitent
26 Rocket top
28 Swarms all over
32 Nearby
33 Caller's index
37 Farm pen
38 Isolated
39 Clairvoyant's
42 Eventually
47 Meat jelly
49 For all
50 Returns the
54 Actor Curry
55 Bub
56 French city
58 Planter
62 Pose questions
63 Recorded
65 River of Sudan
66 Female rabbit
67 Like some cakes
68 Capri or Man
69 In addition
70 Threaded
71 Mimicked
1 Something extra
2 Itemization
3 Popular cookie
4 Film featuring
Brando as
5 Little devil
6 Okinawa port
7 Developed to
17� 1t
24I 34I 351 3627i
4749 61
� 2001 Tribune Media Services. Inc
All rights reserved
8 Relation in
9 Taskbar images
10 Actress Beverly
11 Spots for
12 Journalist
13 Small seabird
21 Zodiac
25" Frame"
27 Dove sound
28 Possessive
29 Seine
30 Fouled by stains
31 Fish choice
34 Scand. country
35 Slaughter in
36 French topper
40 Hardened
41 PGA member
43 Tanker's cargo
44 Spotted wildcats
45 Hilo garlands
� �lSi03i33H
01sn!is IidsV
� I00 93N0Hd3131
IV001 Is1s3dN1
iN033s0� ;nh
tiVH10N1MV� o10is
46 Strong-smelling 57 Gush forth
47 Fleet
48 Add herbs
51 Nobody's fool
52 Carrier
53 Catch
59 Tendril
60 Model
61 Marsh growth
64 Begley and
including utilities, phone, cable,
close to campus. Call 329-0761.
Next school year Aug. 2004-Aug.
2005, Pirate's Cove $370month,
everything included, 3 Christian
roommates. Contact Brandon at
329-9174 or 919-270-6683
Roommate needed for summer
and fall. 2 blocks from campus
$242 per month plus half utilities.
2 BD 1 BA serious inquires only.
Call 758-4774, leave message.
18 yr. old male seeking male
roommate for 2 bedroom
apartment. 12mo. lease starts
next Aug. s RiverPointe Village,
all-inclusive, furnished $450mo.
Quiet, studious, non-smoker, non-
drinker, no pets. 919-608-2514 or
Matching couch and loveseat for
sale. $150 for both pieces. Must sell
by May 8th. Call 910-770-2909 or
email at
Matching CouchLoveseat $375,
end tables $75, entertainment
center $40, desk $60, bookshelf
$15, full size bed with boxspring
$90, dishes $30, potspans $30.
Sell by May 8th. 353-0029.
For sale: 5 piece sectional sofa,
includes two recliners, one pullout
bed, neutral color, good condition.
$250 or OBO. 756-0723.
Tutornanny needed- for ages 12,
11, & 7, minimum 3.0 GPA, strong
in math skills, non-smoker, reliable
vehicle, good driving record,
flexible hours, some cooking. Call
752-1572 for interview.
Wanted! Reliable, honest, energetic
people to monitor crops. From
May through August, 2004 We
train! Must have own dependable
vehicle. Learn to ID insects, weeds
and other field conditions. No
Nights. Hourly pay mileage.
Must be 19 or have 1 year of
college. Mail or fax resume with
cover letter and work experience
to : MCSI, POB 370, Cove City,
NC 28523 Fax: 252-637-2125
Summer work $12.25 guarantee
appointment. Flexible schedules,
great resume experience. No
experience needed. Salesservice.
Conditions apply. Call 353-6860.
Lifeguards needed. Myrtle Beach
now and summer. Good pay &
conditions Call 843-448-9122 or
Lifeguards and swim instructors
needed. Call 355-5009. Summer
Spanish-speaking childcare needed
for 3-year-old boy. Native speaker
preferred. References required. Will
need transportation to Farmville.
20 hoursweek starting in May.
Call 753-6357.
Loving babysitter needed for infant
boy. Monday-Friday,
00p.m. all summer. Hours beyond
summer more flexible. $6.50hour.
Non-smoker, reliable car, references.
Please leave message, 329-0101.
Finally! Earn $5 in lOminseachweek�! Watch ads, earn cash.
Free registration.
Child Care provider needed for two
boys, ages 10, 12 for the summer
months. Must be mature, dependable,
responsible. Great pay. References
required. Please call 756-8262.
Lifeguards, pool managers, coaches in
Greenville, Farmville, Wilson, Atlantic
Beach. Call Bob Wendling 714-0576.
Mystery Shoppers needed! Earn while
you shop! Call now toll free 1-800-
467-4422 EXT. 13400
Ming Dynasty waitstaff needed. Come
apply in person. Located East 10th
Street, Rivergate Shopping Center.
Nashville based Southwestern Co
looking for two more ECU students to
work in sales and management training
program this summer. Must have 2.8
CPA, be willing to work hard, and
travel out west for the summer. Avg.
student makes $2,132month. Call
Food Delivery Drivers wanted for
Restaurant Runners. Part-time
positions (6-12hr. including tips.)
Perfect for college students! Some
lunch time (11 a-2pm) M-F availability
required. 2-way radios allow you to
be anywhere in Greenville when not
on a delivery. Reliable transportation
a must and knowledge of Greenville
streets advantageous. Call 756-5527
or check out our website @ Sorry no dorm
need a Summer Job?- The ECU
Telefund is hiring students to contact
alumni and parents for the ECU Annual
Fund. $6.25 plus cash bonuses. Make
your own schedule. If interested, visit
our website at www.ecu.edutelefund
and click on OBS.
Female dancers wanted for spring
summer night club, 9 p.m 2 a.m
not nude or topless dancing. Must be
at least 18 yrs. old. Call 347-9770 or
Wanted- Nanny to keep two children
in our home; references required; 8-6
during summer months, 12-6 during
school; call 752-6933 and leave
� Reliable. honest energetic
I people to monitor crops.
I From May through August
12004 We train! Must
I have own dependable
I vehicle. Learn to ID
I Insects, weeds, and other
I field conditions No nights.
I Hourly pay� mileage.
I Must be 19 or have one
I year of college. Mall or
I tax resume with cover
I letter and woik expeh-
I ence to:
POB 310
Cm CIKNC. 28523
Fax: 257-637-7125
� of pxir maintenance response
� of unretumed phone calls
� of noiss neighbors
� of craw I) critters
� of high utility bills
� of HO l parking hassles
� of ungrateful landlords
� of unanswered questions
� of high rents
�nfgrump) personnel
� of unfulfilled promises
� of units that w ere not cleaned
� of walls that were never painted
� of appliances thai don't work
Wyndham Court &
Kastgate Village Apts.
3200 I Mosclc.y Dr.
561-RENT or 531-9011
monitored NIGHTLY BY SF( 1 Rl IY
Belly Dance for Fun Si Fitness! Spring
classes (April-une) start Tuesday. For
women of all ages. Ten students per
class. To register call Donna 355-
� Great Pay
� Great Experience
� Close To Campus
� No Canvassing
� No Cold Calling
� Sales Service
� Conditions Apply
Call Now: 353-6860
Apply Online
Come join us for the April 23 contra
dance! Beginners lesson: 7:30; dance:
8:00 - 10:30. Band: Global Village
Garage Band, caller: ECU'S own Gerry
Prokopowicz. No experience needed;
we'll teach you as we go along! Come
alone or bring a friend! $3 (students)
15 (FASG members) J8 (general).
Co-sponsors: ECU Folk and Country
Dancers (752-7350) and Folk Arts
Society of Greenville (795-4980).
countrydancers Location: Willis
Bldg 1st and Reade Sts downtown.
An alcohol and smoke-free event.
The ECU Student Media Board has
extended the deadline for
applications for the position of
WZMB 91.3 FM
for the 2004-05 academic year.
Applications are available in the Media Board office.
The deadline for submitting an application is
For information, call the Media Board office at 328-6009. 54

cmii Cone meet the
' Real World of Sterling Honor
April 27tl) 5-7 p.m.
3535 East 10th Street 252.758.5551 Greenville
$0 Signup cost � J
Offer expires 42704
After Party at Cabana's 9 -11 p.m
$0 Deposit t
A T ("J n Offer expires 42704
91 111) Reuiard if lease is completed in 7 DailS
ECU-Greenville Dances of Universal Peace
Sundau, April 25tn
4:00 - 6:00 PM, Mendenhall 1
Parking available in Mendenhall lot
Sacred singing with simple, heart-felt movement
-No experience or special abilities needed.
Trained leader presents complete instructions.
Live music provided.
Sponsored by the Office of Adult & Commuter Student Services
Debi Niswander 756-6088 (9am-9pm)
Dances of Universal Peace web site is
- Rocker
today tf
- This m
- Todayi
- On this
found n
The Stud�
at 7 p.m
at 9:30 p.r
King is sh
p.m Satur
free with �
The Scho
and Christi
is free.
The ECU f
24 and St
The 25th
Thursday. I
The 2004
be at 5 p.r
through M;
The Scho
This event


� n f a�t cjttm ah
4-21 04
Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
- Rocker Iggy Pop (1947) and actress Andie MacDowell (1958) both call
today their birthday
- This month is National Soft Pretzel Month.
- Today is Administrative Professional's Day and Stories Day
- Onthisdayin 1986, Geraldo Rivera opened AlCapone's vault on TV and
found nothing
The Student Union Films Committee presents The Fog of War tonight
at 7 p.m Thursday at 9:30 p.m Friday at 7 p.m and midnight. Saturday
at 930 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m. The Lord ol the Rings: Return otthe
King is showing tonight at 9:30 p.m. Thursday at 7 p.m Friday at 9:30
p.m, Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight and Sunday at 3 p.m. All movies are
free with a student ID and are located in the Hendrix Theatre. For more
information call 328-4700.
Music Performance
The School of Music presents the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the
Symphonic Band and the Concert Band conducted by Scott Carter
and Christopher Knighten at 8 p.m. tonight in Wright Auditorium. This event
is free.
Dance Try outs
The ECU Pure Gold Dance Team will hold spring tryouts Saturday, April
24 and Sunday, April 25 in Christenbury Gym. Go by 311 Ward Sports
Medicine Building for registration information Registration deadline is
Thursday. April 22 at 5 p.m For additional information, please e-mail
Barefoot on the Mall
The 25th Annual Barefoot on the Mall will be from 12 p.m.
Thursday. April 22 This event is free for students.
6 p.m on
Art Exhibition
The 2004 School of Art Thesis Exhibition opening reception will
be at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 22 in the Gray Gallery The exhibit runs
through May 22.
Jazz Bones
The School of Music presents Jazz Bones directed by George
Broussard at 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 22 in the A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall.
This event is free
Top Fives
Top five movies
Kill Bill Vol. 2
The Punisher
Johnson Family Vacation
Home on the Range
Top five albums
1 Usher. Confessions
2. Various Artists. Now 15
3. Janet Jackson, Damita Jo
4 Jessica Simpson, In This Skin
5. Norah Jones, Feels Like Home,
Top five singles
"Yeah Usher featuring Ul Jon & Ludacris
"This Love Maroon 5
"Toxic Britney Spears
"My Immortal Evanescence
"With You Jessica Simpson
Top five DVDs
1 Cheaper by the Dozen
2 The Matrix Revolutions
3. Something's Gotta Give
4. The Rundown
5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Top five TV
"American Idol" - Tuesday (FOX)
�Apprentice" (NBC)
"American Idol" - Wednesday (FOX)
Top five books
1. Glorious Appearing, Tim Lehaye & Jerry
2. Angels & Demons, Dan Brown
3. The Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown
4. The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren
5. Against All Enemies: America's Inside War
on Terror, Richard A Clark
oot arnv
Annual outdoor festival
celebrates 25 years
Barefoot on the Mall's "ZS Barefeet and still
Klckln is Invigorating and funky this spring,
featuring a performance by the swing dance azz
band, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
There are a variety of events offered at
this year's Barefoot on the Mall. It is the
25th anniversary, and we want It to be
huge said Katie Daniels, co-chair of the
Barefoot Committee.
The festival starts at noon on Thurs-
day, April 22 and runs through the after-
noon. Barefoot has a wide variety of
activities for students as well as a main
stage that will host several bands.
The headllner is Big Bad Voodoo
Daddy, who will go on the main
stage at 5 p.m. The group Is
nationally known and tours
frequently. During one song,
the ECU Swing Dance Club
will perform a routine next
I to the stage.
Other bands will be
performing at the main
stage from noon until
4:30 p.m. The winner
of the Battle of the
I Bands contest. Last
Year's Model, will
g begin followed by
H J-Locke, a b
hop band. The
mid-liner Is 2
Skinny Dorks.
" 1 his is the fi rst year we will have a
side stage- with a DJ playing In between
raaln stage sets Daniels said.
i break dancing club, Drop heavy,
and the winners of the freestyle rap con-
test will also perform on a side stage. The
freestyle contest winners, chosen by the
crowd's applause will be competing for
The Routs' tickets.
Baicfoot will also provide many nov-
elties and souvenirs lie Student Union
will give away 500 shooter shot glasses,
1,000 magnet word jumble frames,
1,500 whiz rings, 1,000 beach balls,
1,500 guitar kis � hams and 1,100 T-
shlrts available at the cupola. Students
can have two small prizes or one big
There will also be eight car- jE,
nival games, an obstacle course,
bungee run, bouncy boxing,
vertical bungee trampoline and
giant joust. . is?
ike their own
tet1 gel air fresheners and
wax ' their hands,
which have been popular at
previous events. In addition,
a booih will take pictures for
digital 3-D holograms. Bare-
ins with a logo
re are
i he Mall.
it on the
MalM has gone from
inds and orga-
ins to whai
Gray Gallery displays MFA Theses
Graduate students
present thesis work
in final exhibition
The Wellington B. Gray
Gallery presents its annual
Thesis Exhibition with works in
various media from five gradu-
ate students in the School ol rt
Master of line Arts program.
ECU has one of the larg-
est and most respected art
programs in the Carolinas.
With a graduate art program of
about 45 students and nearly
700 undergraduate students,
ECU holds a strong national
The Master of line Arts
program, which takes three
years, allows students to com-
plete 60 credit hours of work
and is equivalent to receiving a
doctorate in one of the sciences.
Although there are no awards
at the Thesis Art Exhibition,
academic success is a satisfying
reward forthe students'hard work.
The 2004 graduates are pre-
senting works in several media.
Socorro Hernandez-Hinek is
presenting her thesis in ceram-
ics, and I'am Toll is presenting
In painting Yang Fan, Aspen
llochhalter and Julie Snyder
are presenting their theses in
photo-based media.
ECU recently added photo-
based media to its graduate cur-
riculum. Ian, llochhalter and
Snyder are the Iirst to graduate
from the program with an MFA
see ART page S3
Hip-hop influenced Roots to rock ECU
V7V University brings
concert to campus
The Roots are coming to per-
form at ECU and are bringing
original hip-hop with them. The
Roots concert will be the grand
finale to the always tun-filled
Barefoot Week.
The Roots, based out of Phila-
delphia, are a hip-hop ensemble
of the early 1990s. The members
include rappers Black Thought
(Tariq Trotter), Malik II. (Malik
Abdul Basil), bass player Huh
(Leonard Nelson llubbaid),
drummer Questlove (Ahmir-
Khalid Thompson), Kamal
(Scott Storch) and human
beatbox Scratch.
l-oi using more on old school
free styling and jazz hip-hop, The
Roots stand out among stream-
line artists.The group doesn't use
a DJ or samplers - they perform
everything live. They are well-
known for using drums, guitars
and their own voices to make
heats and create an innovative
organic sound.
I he Roots have come out
with many albums, but the
most highly noted is Phrenol-
ogy released in November 2002.
Phrenolog) has since reached the
status ol certified gold.
The album also received a
nomination at this year's Gram-
my's lor the hit song "Break You
off a single off Phrenology
I lie Roots like to collabo-
rate with other soulful creative-
artists. On Phrenology, they
worked with Nelly Furtado,
Musiq, Tallb Kweli and a score ol
other earthy artists. Their next
album, The Tipping Point, will he
teleased cm uy 3,
The Tipping Point will also
have a variety of collaborations
with ariisis Mil Si oil, Muslq and
BUal. It will include the hit single
"Don'l Sav Nothing
I his concert is sponsored
by ECU Student Union. The
Roots will put on a live concert
on April 25 at N p.m. in Minges
As If I lu Roots pei 11i -
mance won'l be grand enough,
MTV University will also set up
shop at ECU.
MTV Unlversit) Is a group ol
MTV employees thai help pro-
mote concerts, i he) will come
in ECU on y ' 5 and sei up
a tailgate to I he Roots' concert
from 4 - h p.m. in the Minges
parking lot
MTVU Will have ,i live Dl
playing the newest mush . I he)
will also set up a lounge area
where students can preview the
latest music. Idei is and �
ironies. 1 hey emourage people
to bring their Ml11 players i"
download the fresh musk
will also he a karaoke booth lor
tun entertainment.
With n v i omes ions ol
games In order to win cool prizes.
Some ol the games will be the
"Name I hal Ideo" i hallenge
and the bungee imi obstacle
Ml s i house oi I nse i .on
The Roots will perform Sunday.
paign is also i inning along. They
will have information on presi-
dential candidates and places to
register to vote. MTV is handing
students the opportunity to get
Involved as well as a great time.
i ii keisior the concert will be
sold at tint entral Ticket Office
in Mendenhall Student (enter.
see ROOTS page B2

4 21-04
�� ��
Even though he wrote a song that mentions name (well.
sort of, it's called "Mainly" I, I just have to say that I hate Barry
Manilow's music and the Otlr) thing thai made me hate it
more was when the contestants were forced to sing his music.
Fantasia H.irrinn was the only one who pulled it off with her
soulful, gospel-inspired version ol "It's a Miracle It's hard
to pick which contestant will be voted off tonight, hut I put
my money on John Stevens ust because I believe America is
staring to realie he doesn't lit the "Idol" mold.
let's talk about a ridiculous "American Idol" theme - the
music ol Barry Manilou What an absolutely horrid selection
that left us with six rounds ol repetitive music, all except
lor fantasia Barrinos finale. It's almost Impossible to pick a
loser tonight because everyone basically performed the same.
Manilow's music doesn't allow the singers to express their
individuality along with their talent. This week, I think it will
basically comedown to whose turn it Is to be voted off because
they don't belong. I believe Jasmine Mas will be packing tier
hags tomorrow night in the "Idol" mansion.
I personally have never heard any Barry Manilow song
besides "Mandy i haf In makes me feel like I'm unquali-
fied to critique these pertbrmani es. However, I do know good
singing when I hear it. So, that's what I'm going 10 judge last
night's contestants on, Aside from originality and based solely
on talent, last night's worst performances came from Jasmine
Trias, George Hull and ohn Stevens. I predict, in the wake
� 'i Stevens' so-so performance ol "Mandy" and his blunders
from previous weeks, he will not return to the competition
next week.
Vf Number ol accurate predictions
from page B1
I he lirst 2IKKI tickets are ac i ess
to lloor seating up i lose and
personal to I he Roots. I here
will also be a band opening for
I he Roots.
The Roots are an extremely
talented band and are well-
known for putting on intimate,
Innovative, one-of-a-kind con-
certs thaj leave fans with a Listing
impression. Htillinx Stunc MagailtK
listed i he Roots In the top 15
bands to see in the world.
ECU student tickets are SIS
with a valid OneCard and staff
faculty tickets are $20. Other col-
lege students' tickets are $2(1 and
general pubJir tii kets are $25.
Make sure to buy tickets
early because prices increase at
t lie door.
This writer can be contacted at
III Ced enks J?d
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from page B1
in the degree.
Each artist is presenting
a body of work from the past
year and a half, which cen-
ters around a thesis concept.
Similar to preceding works,
the MlA requires a paper and
orals to defend creative ideas.
The artists' ideas include
exploring Latino culture,
gender roles and the myth of
beauty, personal and environ-
mental statements, Christian
religion and generational issues.
Through each artist's diverse
media, their ideas are challenged.

Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition
Wellington B. Gray Gallery
Friday, April 23 - Saturday, May 22
Reception honoring artists is Friday, April 23 at 5 p.m.
Gallery Is open Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. with extended hours
Thursdays until 8 p.m. and Saturdays 10 am - 3 p.m.
"I his is a very special time for
these students saidl .ill eebrick,
director ol the (irav Gallery
"I bis is the next generation
which you will read about and see
in exhibition in New York (My
Each artist is showcasing
varying amounts of pieces
Expect 80 pieces to be on display
at the gallery. The gallery is free
and open to the general public.
This writer can be contacted at
from page B1
today said Lisa (rouse, Student
Union president and co-chair of
the Barefoot Committee.
The week-long Barefoot cel-
ebration kicked off earlier this week
with a performance by pianist
Vienna l'eng and illusionist Craig
Karges. On Friday, April 23, there
will be a I reak dancing COmpetH i HI
called Toe II Toe, The doors open
al S p in and the battle starts at
6 p.m.
Toe II Toe will be held in the
MendenhalKiieat Kooms. Admis-
sion is free. First place wi ns S1,000,
second place $400and third place
$100. For more information, visit
"There are 30 teams with
people from Florida and Cali-
fornia coming to compete. II
is supposed to be huge
Crouse said.
I'o lop oil the celebration of
Barefoot on the Mall's 25th anni-
versary, The Roots will perform
at 8 p.m. on Sunday, April 25 in
Minges Coliseum.
The first 2,000 students to
buy tickets will have access to
floor seating. Ticket prices are
$15 for ECU students, $20 for
ECU facultystaff and $25 for
the general public. The price will
increase by $5 at the door.
"Every event is exciting,
Event Info
"25 Barefeet and Still Klcklrf
Barefoot on the Mall
April 22 from noon to 6 p.m.
Event Is free for students
of course, but The Roots is the
culmination of everything. We
have not had a band that big In a
while. This is what the students
want and we are bringing it to
them Crouse said.
This writer can be contacted at
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4 21 04
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Sports Briefs
Georgetown hands coaching reins to Thompson III
Hoping to revive its basketball program, Georgetown hired John Thompson
III. the son ot the only coach to lead the Hoyas to a national title His father's
1984 Georgetown team, led by Patrick Ewing, beat Houston for the NCAA
championship Georgetown also reached the national title games in 1982
and 1985 under Thompson, who left the team in 1999 and now works as
a TV analyst. Thompson III replaces Craig Esherick. who was fired last
month after a 13-15 season, the Hoyas worst in 31 years The younger
Thompson. 37. led the Tigers to a 68-42 record over four years, including
Ivy League titles and NCAA tournament berths in 2000-01 and 2003-04
Princeton went 20-8 this season, losing to Texas in the first round of the
NCAA tournament.
Razoroacks' Heath gets one-year extension
Arkansas basketball coach Stan Heath had his contract extended an
additional year Monday This Is the second straight year the university
retained the five-year employment agreement, which now ends on April
30,2009 Heath's contract includes separate radio, television and personal
services agreements The Razoroacks were 12-16 last season and are
21-35 in Heath's two seasons.
Council proposes scholarship reward
The NCAA Division I Management Council voted unanimously Monday to
repeal a rule on scholarship limits in basketball and replace it with one
that rewards teams for overall academic performance The current rule
allows schools to offer five scholarships in one year or eight in two years,
but it penalizes schools no matter how well they've done historically by not
allowing them to replace scholarship players who become academically
Ineligible. NCAA president Myles Brand said One of the proposals the
Management Council will present to the NCAA Board of Directors later this
month would set a team threshold for Iriggering a penalty, such as the loss
of a scholarship. The exact numbers would be determined later
Rams tell Warner he will be cut June 1
Kurt Warner has been told by the St. Louis Rams that he will be cut after June
1, the quarterback's agent told the New York Daily News Mark Bartelstein.
Warner's agent, told the newspaper thai Rams coach Mike Martz informed
Warner on Monday of the team s decision. Bartelstein said the Rams gave
the two-time MVP permission to contact other teams That process has
already begun, the agent told the newspaper Messages left for Bartelstein
at his office and Martz at his home by The Associated Press were not
immediately returned late Monday night By waiting until after June 1 to cut
him, the Rams lessen the hit on their salary cap Warner will cost them $4,6
million this year and $67 million next year. He Is slated to cost St. Louis $95
million this year Warner went to two Super Bowls in his first three seasons
as the Rams starter, leading the team to the 1999 championship
Free-agent WR Gadsden charged with DUI
Free-agent wide receiver Oronde Gadsden was charged with driving under
the influence early Monday Gadsden, who spent the last six seasons with
the Miami Dolphins, was pulled over at 2:30 am after police said the vehicle
he was driving swerved out of its lane and ran over several lane markers
Gadsden, whose license was already suspended, was released Monday
on $3,000 bond Michael Todd. Gadsden's agent, said he spoke with two
people who had been with the player prior to his arrest, who told him "the
last 2 and a half to 3 hours before (Gadsden) left he didn't have anything
to drink" Gadsden signed with the Dolphins as a free agent in 1998 He
averaged 144 yards per catch and scored 22 touchdowns through mid-
October 2002 Gadsden was re-signed by the Dolphins in November last
season and caught four passes tor 48 yards in six games.
Chipper to be out of Braves' lineup
Chipper Jones avoided the disabled list Monday, but the Atlanta Braves'
outfielder is expected to miss at least five to seven days with a hamstnng
inury Jones re-inured the hamstring in his right leg in Sundays 3-2 win
over the Flonda Marlins while trying to chase down a fly ball in the left-
center gap He had to be taken off the field on a cart. Braves officials said
Jones responded well enough to treatment to keep him from being placed
on the DL for the first time since 1996 He accompanied the team on a 12-
game road trip, the longest of the season Jones initially hurt the hamstring
April 11 against the Chicago Cubs He missed the next two games, but
returned to the lineup on Thursday Jones is hitting 314 with three of his
team's 10 homers
2005 Hall of Fame candidates list pared to 200
Ron Santo. Roger Marts and Tony Oliva are among 200 players still eligible
for election to the Hall of Fame in the 2005 Veterans Committee vote The
original list of more than 1.400 players was pared to 200 on Monday The
initial group included all eligible major leaguers who had played at least
10 seasons through 1983 A 60-member screening committee appointed
by the Baseball Writers Association of America will cut the final list of
former players to 25 this summer A six-member screening committee of
Hall of Fame members also will independently select five more players to
add if they re not already included In the list of 25 The final ballot will be
announced in the fall and the Veterans Committee will vote in January. All
candidates who earn votes on 75 percent of the ballots will be enshrined
in the summer ol 2005 No one was elected in the last vote in 2003 The
entire process will be repeated again in 2007 lor eligible players, as well
as managers, umpires and executives
USTA sets up 10-tournament summer series
In a bid to boost tennis' exposure leading up to the U.S. Open, 10 summer
hard-court tournaments will be packaged together for TV this year and
offer bonus money for players The U S Tennis Association said it would
announce the formation of The U S Open Series at a news conference
Tuesday The events will be marketed as a group, with telecasts of semifinals
and finals slotted for 4 p.m 6 p.m. EDT each week
Pirates to battle Wolfpack
ECU has been on cruise control at the plate during a 12-game winning streak and looks to bruise NC State egos
ECU looking for lucky
number 13 win
Coming off t he most produc-
tive offensive series in Confer-
ence USA history, ECU's baseball
team will step out of conference
play on today to take on rival
NC Stale.
The Pirates lit up Cincinnati
pitching in a three-game sweep
ot the Bearcats for 60 runs, 65
hits and 15 homeruns. Hope-
fully, the Pirates will have-
enough left in the tank after
their collective superhuman per-
formance to down the VVollpack.
ECU is making a run toward
the top of the polls with their
current 12-game winning
streak. The Pirates are now
ranked No. 9 in the most recent
Huwimli America poll released on
Monday. This is ECU'S highest
ranking since the 2001 season
when they were ranked as high
as No. 8, the highest such ranking
in school history.
The Pirates are currently chas-
ing after the (USA record of lon-
gest win streak, which was posted
by Tulane with IS straight in the
2001 season. If the Pirates can
defeat State on Wednesday and
orchestrate another series sweep
this weekend against Louisville,
ECU would break that record.
Speaking of records, Jaime
Paige's record-breaking perfor-
mance last weekend against the
Bearcats earned him the honor of
(lo-C-USA hitter of the week He
shares the award with UAB first
baseman Daniel Hill.
Paige hit .588 (10-for-17),
including eight runs scored, to
lead the Pirates in the sweep at
Cincinnati. In Saturday's 32-14
victory over the Bearcats, he set
school and conference records
for hits (7) and doubles (4) in a
single game
For the week, Paige posted a
.632 on-base percentage and a
.824 slugging percentage.
Paige is hitting .306 on the
season with six doubles, one
triple, one homerun and 22
RBIs. He is tied for the team-lead
in runs scored (38) while leading
the Pirates in walks (27).
This marks the fourth time
a Pirate player has been named
hitter of the week in conference.
Ryan Jones, Trevor Lawhom
and Ryan Norwood each accom-
plished the feat earlier this season.
The Wolfpack will have the
daunting task of stopping the
ECU offense which seems to be
in high gear as the season makes
its turn for the home stretch.
However, the Wolfpack boast
an outstanding team ERA of 2.89.
Hie Pack is led on the mound by
senior right-hander Vern Sterry
who has pitched himself to a 7-1
record to go along with his ERA
ot 1.47.
Sterry, among others, could
see BASEBALL page 85 The Pirates head to Raleigh ranked No. 9 in the polls.
Lady Pirates head to Chapel Hill
ECU takes on long-
time rival Tar Heels
The lady Pirates will be look-
ing to continue their three-game
winning streak as they travel to
Chapel Hill today to play North
Carolina in a doubleheader.
Momentum is on ECU'S side
coming off last weekend's
victory over Liberty and a
two-game sweep over James
Madison. With two wins against
UNC, ECU would improve their
overall record to 43-14-1 this
UNC is no stranger to ECU'S
Softball team. After the double-
header today, the two teams will
have played each other 93 times
overall The Lady Pirates lead the
lasting feud with a 47-44 record.
if unc expects to compete
with III, they will have to keep
an eye out for junior infielder
Kate Manuse. After breaking
ECU's single season record for
doubles two weeks ago, she-
continued to add to the record,
hitting three more last weekend.
Manuse currently leads EC U with
a .389 batting average and six
UNC: is coming off a loss to
The Lady Pirates are very familiar with UNC. with th
Georgia Tech and will be look
ing to avoid a three-game losing
streak. Two wins against UNC
will not be easy.
The Tarheels bring strong
pitching to the table. UNC
sophomore pitcher Crystal Cox
leads her team with a 1.73 ERA
and 239 strikeouts In only, 198.2
innings pitched.
With wins toda). I i U win
extend their winning streak ti
five-games. I In l turns would
also give the Lad) Plratt s furthet
momentum when they gel back
to conference play this weekend
taring off a total of 91 times.
.iK.iinst Si. Louis.
II i will open the first game
"I Hn doubleheader against
I'M inImpel Hill today at
( p.m.
This writer can be contacted at
NFL draft boards unclear with weekend approaching
First round may
showcase surprises
What's the worst record in
the NIT. worth? for the 4-12 San
Diego Chargers, it's the No. I
pick in the 2004 NIT Draft this
weekend. Rumors are swirling
that the Chargers will trade down
their top pick. Others believe San
Diego will select Ole Miss quar-
terback Eli Manning.
For the first lime in recent
memory, most of the top picks
haven't been decided. Anything
can happen, and underclassmen
likcMauricet larett and Mike Wil-
liams won't be available to teams
unless a decision is made to allow
them to enter before Saturday,
fans booed Philadelphia after
Donovan McNabb was selected
in the first round several years
ago, and look at him now. Super
Bowl quarterbacks Tom Brady
and lake Delhomme were both
late round choices, and Brady
has won two NIL titles in three
years. On Saturday, this is Where
the action will he as the top 10
will be decided first
San Diego Chargers
I he rumors will continue, but
San Diego isn't trading. It seems
team officials don't believe Drew
Brees is the answer at quarterback
anil with that in mind, the Char-
gers will take I h Manning, San
Diego could trade down and
take lien Roethlisbergei or Phil-
lip Rivers, but Manning Is clearly
the most talented ot tin trio,
Oakland Raiders
(Oakland needs speed al the
receiver position and tins will
lake l airy Fitzgerald over Roy
Williams. Rumors have died
down about Oakland I rading
down their pick, and Fitzgerald
has proven he is the best at ins
position. I here is slili ,i i ham e
the Raiders might trade down
and pick up Roy Williamsoi Mike
Williams later in the lottery
see DRAFT page 86

4 21 04
from page B4
likely sei" mound time on
Wednesday tor State.
State enters the contest with a
27-12ovcrall record, "heirconfer-
ence record of 9-6 Is good enough
for a tie for fourth place in the
ACC standings with the 25th-
ranked North Carolina Tarheels.
The Pack has been impres-
sive at times this season with a
series win over the 15th-ranked
Virginia Cavaliers and an 11 -0
pounding of perennial power
Florida Slate.
Matt (amp. who is batting
. 1H8 on the season, leads the
Wolfpai k offense. Ia id Hie ks
leads the club In homeruns and
Rills with seven and Mi respec-
Ill in game lias all the mak-
ings ol an epic battle and should
he quite an entertaining affair,
as ECU will probably face sunn
ol the toughest plt hlng they've
seen all season
Pirate fans are encour-
aged to buy tickets now as a
report released from the Sports
Information Department at
NC State University said the
game will likely be a sell-out
with standing room only.
What else would you expect
when the Wolrpack and Pirates
do battle?
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeas tcarolinian. com.
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like that old time
I remember back in the early
1990s when the Chicago Bulls
won three championships in
a row and John Paxson sunk a
three with seconds left. Kveryone
thought Michael Jordan would
take to down Phoenix in game
six of the NIIA finals.
I remember Rudy Tomjanov-
ich's famous words of "Never
underestimate the heart of a
champion" after his Rockets
won their second straight NBA
title when doubters said they
How could I forget Jordan's
jumper in the face of Bryon Rus-
sell and the city of Utah with
six seconds left in game six of
the 1998 finals, catapulting the
Bulls to six championships in
eight years?
There are tilings that will
always leave a lasting impres-
sion on people. To me, the NBA
playoffs when I was growing up
were "da bomb as me and my
friends used to call it.
I would always make my
parents mad when 1 begged to
stay up at nighl to watch the
Bulls possibly clinch yet another
championship. To me, it was
April Madness.
Now, it's just madness. My
interest in the NBA plummeted
severely after MJ hung the
Jordans up, and I don't think I
would be going out on a limb by
saying that a lot of basketball fans
agree with me. I.ove him or hate
him, you watched the game to see
see NBA page B7 Garnetl is looking to lead the T-Wolves deep in the playoffs.
1 times.
� first game
it against
I today at
itacted at
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4 21 04
from page B4
Arizona Cardinals
Arizona is RoinK to take Hen
Roethllsberger, but tfiej should
take PhilUp Risers Both put
up great numbers, but Riven'
completion percentage iwu just
too high not to be lerlouslj con-
sidered lor the lleisman Irophv.
Some teams - not neeess.u il
Oakland - are seared away I rum
small school quarterbacks like
N.Y. Giants
I here has been talkol Selet I
ing a quarterback with the No. 4
pk k. but Kerry Collins has been
solid and the liiants base needs
elsewhere, intensive lineman
Robert Gallery Is the best line-
man in the draft and New York
will scoop him up.
Washington Redskins
All-pro tackle Chris Samuels
was having problems restructur-
ing his contract and could have
been dealt so the Redskins could
move up and take Gallery, learn
Officials say Samuels will be
with the team In 20(14, so new
head coach Joe dilihs is laced
with either safety Sean Taylor
or tight end Kellen VVinslow.
Both would he among the best
at their positions in the Nil
Taylor is the choice - the Skins
need a defensive playmate! in
the secondary.
Detroit I.ions
Steven Jackson from Oregon
will be the first running back
taken after the Lions make him
their latest backfield proect.
Detroit desperately needs a back
and has been faced with that
problem since the departure ol
llarrv Sanders, lackson won't
make fans Forget about Sanders,
but he may help them pick up a
lew more wins.
Cleveland Browns
I he No. 7 pick mav be the-
most difficult to predit t. leve
land will lake either H'inslow or
DeAngeto Hall, the best corner
available. I luv base needs on
both sides ol the ball, but expect
them to take V insleiev,
tl.inl.i I alcons
With Michael Vick expected
to return to form in 201)4, the
Falcons need a els n.imic receiver
to sl.irl opposite' Ol Peerless Price.
Roy Williams will be selected,
especially with the ruling keep-
ing Mite Williams ol I'M "111 ot
the draft.
Jacksonville Jaguars
II Mike Williams is eligible,
lacksonvllle is his most likely
destination. II not, the lags will
take the best defensive lineman
available in Kenechi (Ulee.
Houston levans
lie Ingeta Hall will wind up a
Texan and round out the top 10.
Houston has a solid nucleus ot
offensive players, but struggled
on defense. Hall should help
alleviate that problem.
This writer can be contacted at
Dillon goes to Pats
Brady now has a Pro-Bowl tailback to balance the offense.
(AP) � Corey Dillon wanted
out. He got his wish, and a lot
The moody running back
who set records but never made
the playotts inincinnati is join-
ing a locker room where layers
collect Super Howl rings.
The New Kngland Patriots
filled one of their Mggesl holes
Monday by trading a second-
round draft pick for Dillon, who
hopes to extend their run ol two
championships In three years.
He wanted to go to a winner,
but never expected to go all the
way to the lop
"They were Winning Super
Bowls without me Dillon said.
"There's no pressure on me to
come in and have the weight of
trying to carry the load
He carried that burden In
Cin innat i. where lor sec en years
he was the locus ol a lust Iran
chise. I he Bengali built around
him, but all of Dillon's stiff-arms
and rushing records couldn't
turn them into a winner
"It could get tiresome, s.n,l
Dillon. Who holds most Helicals'
rushing records. "It kind ol wore
on me
It pained him when the
Bengals started winning with-
out him last season Dillon, 29,
strained his groin and backup
Rucli Johnson won fans' he-arts
and a share ol I lit- job.
The Bengals got into playoll
contention for the first time since
1990, finishing 8-8 and missing
out by one game. Dillon was the
only one In the locker room who
didn't enjoy the ride.
He bristled when first scar
coac h Mars In i ewls tried to
make him more of a team leader
He complained about his lac k of
carries even as the team was
starting to win.
linally, he tore eel Lewis'hand
be making himself a reminder
of the Bengals' sorry past. He-
threw his helmet, shoulder pads
and spikes into the stands at
Paul Brown Stadium alter the
final same, then cleaned out
his loe ke-l
As recently as last month, he-
was still lobbying hr a trade He
appeared on a speirts talk show
wearing a Raiders' jersey and
lashed out at a teammate.
"I wasn't a cancer Dillon
said. "It was just a point of
having a deep passion for win-
ning, and people viewed thai In
a different manner or whatnot.
I hat's in the past
His future is in New England,
which needs a dependable back
to balance- its ollcnse.
I he Patriots had the- league's
27th-ranked rushing at tat k
behind Anlou.iin Smith and
Kevin laulk, lore inn tItem to rely
see DILLON page B7
���� � ar,
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4 21 04
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from page 85
ticket pickup:
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
7:00 pm
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Central Ticket Office, MSC beginning a
week prior to the screening.
the critics agree
"the best"
Dove Anli-perspiranl is clinically proven
to M the least irrruttmg" lor your underarm skm.
'mcng iMdnB hffliia imM uAdl
please arrive early seating b available on n first oome, trst serve basis with pan holders admitted first, theater is not responsible
lur overlxxinu, rasertngs are fro Students fauily ant) staff urty no recording devices
Jordan play. That's gone now, and
all we're left with are "the next
I will admit, I have
enjoyed watching Lebron and
Carmelo play this year, and I
believe these two Individuals
can stnglehandedly put the NBA
back on the collective map in the
minds of basketball tans, in light
of that statement, lure are mj
picks for the 2004 NBA playoffs:
(1) Indiana Pacers vs. (8t
Boston Celtics - although this
may be an entertaining series
for the tans of the Paul Pierce
and Ron Artest incident in
which Artest pulled Piercc's
pants clown as the Celtics guard
ran off a screen during a Jan. 2
contest, basketball wise, this is a
no-hrainer: I'accrs in five.
(4) Miami Heat vs. (5) New
Orleans Hornets - this has the
makings to he one of the best
opening round series in the east.
Look lor Bl) (Baron lavis) and
company to squeak by: Hornets
m seven.
(3) Detroit Pistons vs. (6)
Milwaukee Bucks- many experts
pick Detroit to make the finals,
hut they will likely not he tested
by a less talented Buck squad.
Van Horn and Michael Redd need
to come up big to even make this
a series: Pistons in four.
(2) New Jersey Nets vs. (7)
New York Knicks - the run-and-
gUD offense so efficiently run by
Jason Kidd and finished by the
likes of Kenyon Martin and Rich-
ard Jefferson will not stumble in
this series: Nets in four.
Conference Semifinals:
I'accrs over Hornets, Pistons
over Nets.
Conference Kinals: Pacers
over Pistons.
(I) Minnesota Timberwolves
vs. (8) Denver Nuggets - the
upstart Nuggets will be shown
the door quickly by a Minnesota
club who is hungry for its first
ever playoff series win. By the
way, Kevin Garnett is real and
lie is the league MVP: Timber-
wolves in four.
(4) Sacramento Kings vs. (5)
Dallas Mavericks - my sleeper,
Sacramento, will battle till the
end against Dirk, Nash, and
Finley: Kings in seven.
(3) San Antonio Spurs vs. (6)
Memphis Grizzlies - the Grizzlies
were rewarded for making their
first trip to the playoffs in years
with the defending champs:
Spurs in four.
(2) LA Lakers vs. (7) Houston
Rockets - this good Rocket team,
led by the Shaq stopper Yao Ming,
will give everything the Lakers
can handle in their bid for Phil
Jackson's 10th NBA title: Lakers
in six.
Conference Semifinals: Tim-
berwolves over Kings, Spurs over
Conference Finals: Spurs
over Timberwolves.
NBA Finals
The Spurs will repeat as
champs: Spurs over Pacers.
This writer can be contacted at
from page B6
on Tom Brady's short, high-per-
centage completions to get points.
Brady led the Patriots to IS
straight wins, culminating in a
32-29 victory over Carolina in
the Super Bowl. A week later, the
Patriots decided not to exercise
their contract option on Smith,
who was their leading rusher for
the last three seasons.
"Corey joins Kevin laulk and
our other very good backs to
deepen an already competitive
running back position coach
Bill Belichick said.
Dillon agreed to restructure
the last two years on his contract,
softening the Patriots' salary cap
hit for 2004, in order to make
the deal.
The Patriots gave up the 56th
overall pick for Dillon, who was a
second-round selection the 43rd
overall in 1997.
He emerged by breaking Jim
Brown's rookie record with 246
yards against Tennessee. He set
the NPls single-game record
with 278 yards against Denver,
in 2000, a mark eclipsed last
season when Baltimore's Jamal
Lewis had 295 yards against
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4 21 04
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The East Carolinian, April 21, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 21, 2004
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