The East Carolinian, April 15, 2004

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Volume 79 Number 137
April 15, 2004
Students cope with
aftermath of early
April apartment fire
Red Cross, ECU supply aid to victims
Greenville residents and EGU students began
picking up whatever they could find in their dam-
aged Cypress Garden apartments after an early-
morning fire ripped through 18 units last week.
Although Greenville Fire-Rescue Department is
unsure of what ignited the fire, Battalion Chief Jeff
Walker said they have ruled it as accidental.
Gary Coggins, Interim fire marshal for the City
of Greenville, said the investigation into the cause
may take some time because investigators must
interview all the residents, victims of the fire and
those nearby, and that will continue after everyone
has settled down.
"People are scattered around right now said
Coggins said the fire department is certain the
tire began on a second floor balcony, but could not
give a specific apartment number.
Charlcne Lee, exectutive director for the Pitt
County Chapter of the American Red Cross, said at
this time housing has been found for most of the
22 people that were affected. Some have chosen to
live with friends, and others have moved back in
with their parents.
Residents will not be provided food assistance
until new housing has been found for them, lee
After housing has been located, the Red Cross
goes grocery shopping with the Food Bank of North
Carolina, located on Ninth Street. Residents submit
a request for items they want and the Red Cross will
try to accommodate them.
"We provide them with a list, and they check
off what they want. If they want Cheerios instead
of Frosted Flakes we try to accommodate them said.
"The residents have been very com-
plimentary of the services we provided
Lee said one student told her their "timing and
quality of service was impeccable
ECU Counseling Services stepped in to lend a
hand the same night of the fire.
l.ynn M. Roeder, Ph.D, assistant vice chancel-
lor and director of Counseling Services, said that a
"debriefing an urgent counseling session aimed
at defusing shock and panic- was held the evening
after the fire.
"We try to get students to talk about what
they experienced and how they feel about it said
Roeder said the first 48 hours after a traumatic
event, such as a fire, are critical to prevent longer
lasting emotional problems, such as depression and
loss of appetite from occurring.
Most students were stricken with "mode of
survival" emotions and concerned about their
schoolwnrk. One graduate student went back to
try to salvage a thesis she had been working on,
Roeder said.
Trauma, such as a fire, can literally burn itself
into a victim's mind and result In panic and depres-
Roeder said many victims could not get the
see FIRE page A3
Students prepare for
May 2004 graduation
Interim Chancellor William Shelton speaks to graduates in December's large ceremony.
Large dual ceremony,
departmental events
planned for graduates
ECU's spring dual-
graduation ceremony, which
is scheduled for May 8, will
honor more than 1,200
The two ceremonies are
taking place at Minges Coli-
seum. The first ceremony, for
graduate and doctoral stu-
dents, is at 10 a.m and the
second, for undergraduates,
is at 2 p.m.
A total of 2,569 students
are eligible to graduate
in May and an additional
617 are eligible to graduate
alter the second summer ses-
sion, said Liz Johnston, direc-
tor of the department for dis-
ability support services.
Each ceremony has
approximately 6S0
students signed up to attend
and will be proceeded by a
presentation by the university"
ensemble said Johnston.
"We encourage individu-
als to register on Onestop
said Johnston.
While summer gradu-
ates will not be able to reg-
ister on Onestop for May
graduation, they are still
encouraged to attend the
In December's gradua-
tion, the name of each stu-
see MAY page A4
Members from the Board of Trustees break ground
for the construction of the Learning Village.
Construction on
Learning Village
to begin in May
Medical complex will provide
much-needed home for allied
health, nursing, library
Students in the schools of Nursing and Allied
Health Sciences will have a new, larger academic
home in 2006.
Construction on the Learning Village, which
will house a building containing the two schools
and the Laupus Health Sciences Library, will begin
in May. During Founder's Week In late March,
school officials broke ground on the medical
campus west of the Warren Life Sciences Building,
where the Learning Village will be located.
The new space is desperately needed to accom-
modate ECU's expanding health-related divi-
Currently situated in the Belk Building on
Charles Boulevard, the School of Allied Health Sci-
ences is struggling to find room for its 513 students
and more than 50 full-time faculty. By the end of
the decade, the school projects that it could have
900 declared majors.
In addition to the Belk building, the school uses
six trailers and a distant research site.
"We've run out of classrooms and out of office
space said Stephen W. Thomas, dean of Allied
Health Sciences.
The nine allied health departments - includ-
ing biostatlstics communication sciences and
disorders and physical and occupational therapy
- are different and have distinct need. Since each
practical application is necessary to health fields,
the school needs space so students can experience
real-life settings.
The Learning Village will encompass 303,000
square feet; 127,000 of that will go to allied health,
more than double the current space it occupies.
Classrooms, research labs and teachers' offices
will have a central location, providing more unity
for the school.
"It's really hard to have any department with
any sense of collegiality, especially so spread out
Thomas said.
The move will unite the school and provide an
opportunity for collaboration with other health
see LEARN page A4
Study looks into post-traumatic
stress in sexual assault victims
Researchers hope to
help prevent PTSD
Sexual assault victims who
experience post-traumatic stress
disorder are the focus of a new
study by Dr. Gary Bawtinhimer,
ECU's director of residency
training for the psychiatry
"This is really an Important
area of psychiatry that we're
entering into, it is the preven-
tion of psychiatric illness
said Bawtinhimer.
"There's very few studies out
there to show the ability to pre-
venta disease, and there's nostud-
ies yet available to show that we
can prevent PTSD we're trying
to show that this may, in fact, be
possible through this study
Bawtinhimer said he decided
to do this research because
of the enormous percent-
age of sexual assault victims
that are affected by PTSD. I le said
90 percent of women attacked
experience PTSD onset within
one month.
He said the disorder will
be gone from one-half of its
sufferers within six months
of their incident, but one-
third of them will experience
it more than six months.
The National Center tor
PTSD defines the disease as "a
psychiatric disorder that can
occur following the experience
or witnessing of life-threaten-
ing events Such events include
military combat, natural disas-
ters, terrorist incidents, serious
accidents or violent personal
assaults like rape.
People who suffer from
PTSD often relive the experience
through nightmares and flash-
backs, have difficulty sleeping
and feel detached or estranged.
These symptoms can be
endure and be severe enough to
significantly impair the person's
daily life.
According to the NCPTSD
Web site, and estimated 8 percent
of the U.S. population will deal
with PTSD, and a women's likeli-
hood of battling with the disease
is twice that of a man's.
Participants in the 12-week
study will be treated with a
drug Paxil, which is often used
as a medication for the disor-
der once it has already set in.
see STUDY page A4
EPA passes new storm water regulations
Environmental Health,
Safety Office mark
storm drains to raise
resident awareness
To raise awareness of ECU'S
impact on the environment,
the Environmental Health and
Safety Office has initiated a proj-
ect to mark storm water drains.
A brightly colored, circular
sticker reading, "No dumping,
drains to river" which includes
a drawing of a fish in the center,
marked most of the drains on
Ross Reed, environmen-
tal specialist for EHSO, said
the office hopes to raise stu-
dent awareness of the impact
their actions have on the
Tar River.
Reed said the purpose of
the signs are to get faculty, staff
and students to protect the
storm drains from pollutants
by realizing the storm drains
actually lead to rivers and other
bodies of water.
Storm drains all over Greenville have been marked to alert
residents about what littering can do to surrounding bodies of
When it rains, storm water,
which carries pollutants, drains
to local bodies of water.
This type of pollution is
referred to as non-point source
pollution, because its source
cannot be attributed to a spe-
cific source.
An accumulation of non-
point source pollution can
become a large problem affect-
ing aquatic life and water
supply quality.
The Environmental Protec-
tion Agency recently named
non-point source pollution as
the largest contributor to con-
tamination of surface waters in
the United States.
In an attempt to solve
the problem of non-point
source pollution, the EPA
passed the new Phase II Storm
Water regulations, which require
smaller cities, such as Greenville,
to obtain storm water permits.
The permits require cities
to develop, implement and
enforce storm water manage-
ment programs that mak( sure
storm water runoff meets certain
water quality standards.
Part of the plan calls for cities
to initiate six control measures,
one of which is a Public Educa-
�!(� STORM page A3
Sexual Assualt Awareness
throughout April
, in rapes, attempted rapes and sexual assaults, 84 percent of the assailants were unarmed, 6 percent used a firearm and
10 percent used an edged or blunt weapon.
Eighteen percent of women who reported being raped before age 18 said they were also raped after age 18.
Forecast tec required
High of 66
Visit to
read more about the current hostage
situation In Iraq.
NeWS pageT
President Bush says more American
Wops may be headed id Iraq tor a mission
that "may become more drtait"
page B1
New products sweep cleaning aisles
just In lime to mate your spring cleaning
experience easier.
page C1
Ears match up against UNC-W was
called off due to ram In the fourth
Inning last night
Today is the last day to subrntt
your taxes or apply tor a fling
extension without Incurring a
fine from the RS.

News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Adviser's Appreciation Reception
A reception honoring student advisers will take place today from
4 p.m. - 6 p.m in Mendenhall Great Room 3 Students can nominate any
adviser at ECU.
Job Searching Workshop
The Office of Student Professional Development offers a workshop
on tools students can use in their job searches. The workshop will
be today from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m In 1014 Bate.
Today is the last day to submit thesis to the graduate school for
completion of a degree in the current term,
Social Justice Institute
NPR broadcaster and author Juan Williams will speak in recognition
of the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education
decision today from 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. in Hendrix Theatre. Tickets are
required but free at the Central Ticket Office in Mendenhall Student
SGA Homecoming Chair
Applications for SGA 2004 Homecoming Chair are due by Friday
at midnight. Forms are available at the Mendenhall Information
Desk until Friday. Contact Joanna Iwata at 328-4790 for more
SGA Cabinet
Applications (or the 2004-05 Cabinet are due by Friday. Contact
Shannon O'Donnell at 328-4721 for more information
International Festival
The City of Greenville will hold its International Festival this
Saturday from 11 am. - 4 p.m. at the Town Commons There will be
multicultural entertainment, foreign cuisine, activities for kids,
exhibitors, arts and crafts and ethnic wares. Admittance is
Integration Discussion
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. the Board of
Education decision, historian David Dennard, Ph.D political analyst
Tinsley Yarborough, Ph D and attorney Robert White will discuss
the historical, political and legal landscapes of the state before and
after the decision The discussion will be Tuesday April 20 at 3 p.m. in
221 Mendenhall
Augustine Lecture
Meredith J Gill, assistant professor of art history at Notre Dame
University, will lecture on "Augustine's Renaissance" Wednesday, April 21.
at 3:30 pm in 1032 Bate
Oratorical Exhibition
The School of Communication sponsors an oratorical exhibition
Thursday. April 22 at 630 pm. in Wright Auditorium, featuring the best
speakers in COMM 2410 and 2420
Co-ops and Internships Workshop
The Office of Student Professional Development offers a workshop
Thursday, April 22 from 2 p.m - 3 p.m. in 1012 Bate to assist
students looking for co-op and internship opportunities
Education Graduate Fair
The College of Education will hold a graduate program fair
Saturday, April 24 from 9 am - noon at the Speight Building
Information will be available for students who wish to pursue a
graduate degree for work in educational settings or obtain
alternative licensure Registration and reception begin at
8 45 am.
Dive for a Cure
SCUBA divers from ECU will raise money for the American
Cancer Society Saturday, April 24 from 9 am - 9 p.m at Minges
Coliseum pool Games and events will be provided
All certified divers can participate Contact Jamie LeUever at 327-3391
for more information
Dances of Universal Peace
The Dances of Universal Peace - sacred dances that honor the
world's spiritual traditions through song, gentle dance and contemplation
- will be Saturday, April 25 from 4 pm - 6 p.m in 244 Mendenhall Student
Commencement Registration
Degree candidates who wish to participate in the May 8 ceremony must
make a reservation through Onestop
Paper Person
The student featured at the top of today's paper is Chrystal Wiggins,
junior sociology major
News Briefs
EPA to announce NC counties
that violate smog standards
RALEIGH (AP) - The federal
Environmental Protection Agency
will announce Thursday which
North Carolina counties violate new.
tougher smog standards, beginning
a three-year effort to clean up the
states dirty air
If North Carolina's most polluted areas
- Including Charlotte, the Triangle
and the Triad - cannot meet the
clean-air standards, they eventually
could face the loss of federal funds
that they depend on for crucial
highway projects.
In addition to the Charlotte, the
Triangle and the Triad, Division of
Air Quality director Keith Overcash
said other areas expected to
be on the list include Fayetteville's
Cumberland County and the Unifour
counties of Catawba. Alexander,
Caldwell and Burke that surround
Sentencing changes urged to
save NC millions
(AP) - The North Carolina chapter
of Families Against Mandatory
Minlmums and other groups are
backing reforms proposed by a
state panel that has researched
the impact of laws on the prison
If enacted, it is estimated that
the reforms proposed by the
Sentencing and Policy Advisory
Commission's could save
the state from building
at least five new prisons - costing
$13 billion over the next decade
Reform advocates believe that
the cash-strapped state should
not spend hundreds of millions of
dollars building more prisons to
accommodate a growing population
of inmates, but should tweak the
laws to ensure only violent criminals
remain locked up for a long time.
"Money going into prisons and
operating prisons takes money away
from education said state Rep.
Beverly Earie, D-Mecklenburg
Sept 11 panel to examine how to
fix Intelligence collection
WASHINGTON (AP) - CIA director
George Tenet predicted Wednesday
it will take "another five years of work
to have the kind of clandestine service
our country needs" to combat al-
Qaida and other terrorist threats.
"The same can be said for the
National Secunty Agency, our imagery
agency and our analytic community
Tenet testified before the commission
investigating the worst terror attacks
in the nation's history.
Readily acknowledging that
intelligence agencies "never
penetrated the 9-11 plot he added,
"We all understood (Osama) bin
Laden's intent to strike the homeland
but were unable to translate this
knowledge into an effective defense
of the country"
LA police Investigate new abuse
claim against Michael Jackson
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Detectives
are Investigating a new allegation
involving a person who claims to
have been abused by pop star
Michael Jackson in the late 1980s, a
police spokeswoman said.
Jackson pleaded innocent to child
molestation charges involving another
alleged victim in Santa Barbara
County. A pretrial hearing in that case
is scheduled for April 30.
On Tuesday. Jackson attorney
Benjamin Brafman said he was
unaware of the Los Angeles Police
Department investigation of the
new allegation
"We have never been informed by the
LAPD of any investigation that they
are conducting of Michael Jackson
he said.
"I would point out that since I
have been involved in this case I
have addressed literally dozens of
completely baseless rumors on a
daily basis, and this appears to be
just another one of them"
Firefight in Fallujah, U.S. troops
massed outside of Najaf
FALLUJAH. Iraq (AP) - US warplanes
and helicopter gun ships firing
heavy machine-guns, rockets and
cannons hammered gunmen as
a truce in besieged Fallujah was
strained by increasingly intense
battles. With more troops killed,
April became the deadliest month
for American forces since they set
foot in Iraq.
Elsewhere, a 2.500-strong U.S. force
massed on the outskirts of the Shiite
holy Najaf for a showdown with a
radical cleric, raising fears of a U.S.
attack on the city that would outrage
the nation's relatively pro-U.S.
Shiite majority.
Russia announced that it will evacuate
its citizens Irom Iraq following a
spate of kidnappings of at least
22 foreigners that erupted with the
violence this month.
For third time in 10 years, South
Africans of all races vote for
new government
South Africans vote for third time
i South Africans of all races voted
Wednesday for a new government
for the third time in a decade, with the
party credited with ending apartheid
poised for another sweeping victory
Long lines formed outside polling
stations around the country, heralding
a strong turnout sought by political
leaders to show the strength of South
Africa's young democracy.
Some people arrived hours before
polls opened at 7 a.m braving a
dawn chill in the southern hemisphere
autumn, to cast ballots for a new
national parliament and provincial
President Thabo Mbeki was one
of the first to vote, handing over his
identity book and getting his hand
stamped with purple ink to prevent
double voting
"The big day has come he
said at a booth In a park in the
capital. Pretoria.
Event to honor 50th anniversary of
historic Supreme Court decision
NPR Correspondent
Juan Williams to speak
on cases's impact
Journalist, author and NPR
senior correspondent Juan
Williams will speak about the
llrown v. Hoard of Education
Supreme Court decision today in
honor of the landmark
ruling's SOth anniversary.
The presentation, titled
Hrown v. Hoard of Education: Fifty
Years Later, will discuss the factors
that led up to the 1954 decision,
and its effects in the 50 years
since the segregation of
The Hrown v. Hoard of Educa-
tion court case was a lawsuit
filed by the family of an African
American child who was denied
entrance into a public school
because of her race.
The family wished for their
daughter to have equal opportu-
nity for education.
Before the Hrown v. Hoard
of Education decision, all the
major North Carolina col-
leges including ECU were
segregated, said Director of Inter-
cultural Student Affairs Lathan
Turper, Ed.D.
"Now, however, (here are
very few barriers in ithe way,
and peoples' choices are
open there is much more
opportunity now said
Event Information
The Brown v. Board of Education presentation will take place
tonight at 7 p.m. In Hendrix Theatre. Tickets are required, but ECU
students, faculty and staff may pick them up at the Central Ticket
Office In Mendenhall Student Center at no cost.
Admission for the general public Is $5, and there is a reduced
price of $3 per person for groups of 15 or more.
"Not many students under-
stand tin' decision this event
will be highlightingi m'txs'l
historic moment in Uic history
of education
Turner hopes students,
laculty and staff will attend
the event.
"1 encourage people to join
this significantly importantnfp-
gcam. U will b'e well worth tlwiu
time lurner said.
777s writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Bush braces nation for 'difficult' days
WASII INl.TON (AP) �Giving
no ground despite rising casual-
ties, President Bush says more
American troops may be head-
ing for Iraq with authority to
use decisive force in a mission
that "may become more difficult
before it is finished
Bush said America's will was
being tested by violence that has
turned April into the deadliest
month in Iraq since the fall of
Baghdad a year ago.
"Look, nobody likes to see
dead people on their television
screens Bush said.
"I don't. It's a tough time for
the American people to see that,
it's gut-wrenching
The president went before
the nation Tuesday night with a
speech and question-and-answer
session focusing on Iraq and the
government's reaction to warning
signs about terrorists before the
attacks of Sept. 11,2001.
Neither Bush's 17 minutes
of opening remarks nor the IS
questions that followed strayed
from those two topics, which
the president has made central
to his re-election but on which
his support in polls has declined
Nonetheless, the president
expressed confidence he would
win over voters this fall.
"I don't plan on losing my job.
I plan on telling the American
people that I've got a plan to win
the war on terror. And I believe
they'll stay with me he said.
Though nearly half the
questions Bush fielded offered
him the chance to admit a
mistake or express regret for his
administration's actions in Iraq
or on the 2001 attacks, he never
did - except to apologize that
he couldn't come up with any
example of a failing.
"I don't want to sound like I
have made no mistakes. I'm con-
fident I have he said.
"I just haven't - you just put
me under the spot here, and
maybe I'm not as quick on my
feet as I should be in coming up
with one
A recent spike in violence has
killed at least 8.) U.S. troops this
month as U.S. forces fight Sunni
Muslim insurgents in the city of
Fallujah, Shiite militiamen in the
south and gunmen in Baghdad
and on its outskirts.
In response, Bush said he has
told military commanders to he
prejwred to use "decisive force"
against insurgents and that he
was ready himself to allow an
increase, rather than the planned
decrease, in U.S. troop strength
in Iraq.
lie promised "evidence in
the months to come" of prog-
ress in Iraq, for both Iraqis and
Americans growing weary of the
Instability and violence plaguing
the country. But he also warned
that success could come at an
even higher cost than already is
being paid.
"Our work may become more
difficult before it is finished the
president said.
"No one can predict all the
hazards that lie ahead or the cost
that they will bring. Yet, in this
conflict, there is no safe alterna-
tive to resolute action
Looking longer-term, he tried
to answer critics who have said
the Iraq operation is too domi-
nated by the United States. He
touted efforts to devise a more
formal role for NATO and to win
the involvement of additional
countries by giving a UN. envoy
the power to help decide which
Iraqis would be placed in charge
when power is transferred June
30 from the U.S. occupying
lie repeated his resolve to
see that the June 30 date is met,
saying to do otherwise would lead
Iraqis to feel betrayed and "those
in Iraq who trade in hatred and
conspiracy theories" to gain
Sen. John Kerry, Bush's Dem-
ocratic rival, said the president
failed to explain how he would
stabilize Iraq.
"We need to set a new course
in Iraq the Massachusetts sena-
tor said in a statement.
"We need to internationalize
the effort and put an end to the
American occupation. We need
to open up the reconstruction of
Iraq to other countries. We need
a real transfer of political power
to the U.N
Even as Bush outlined what
he portrayed as a detailed road
map to success in 1 raq, his ap)ear-
ance was every bit as much about
trying to shift public opinion on
Citing April as the deadliest months since the fall of Baghdad,
Bush said more American troops may be heading to Iraq.
the U.S. mission.
( haraclerizing the recent vio-
lence as reminiscent of a litany
of terrorist acts, from the 1983
suicide bombing that killed 241
servicemen in the Marine bar-
racks in Beirut to the 2002 slaying
in Pakistan of Wali Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl, Bush called
it "essential we win this battle in
the war on terror
"C her the last several decades,
we've seen that any concession
or retreat on our part will only
embolden this enemy and invite
more bloodshed he said. "And
the enemy has seen, over the last
31 months, that we will no longer
live in denial or seek lo appease
Perhaps most surprising was
Bush's switch from a consistently
upbeat view of the situation in
Iraq to what he acknowledged was
a "pretty somber assessment" on
Tuesday of the difficulties there,
lie talked of 'tough weeks" and
"serious violence acknowledg-
ing that recent developments
have been hard on the military
and their relatives, on the Ameri-
can public and even on his own
He also admitted, for the first
lime, that Iraqis are not entirely
pleased with the situation created
by the U.Sled war.
"They're not happy they're
occupied. I wouldn't be happy
if I were occupied either Bush
Hut he would only go so far,
rejecting comparisons to the
Vietnam War - which have come
m ist ly from I )emocrats critical of
Bush's Iraq policies - and insisting
that most Iraqis are glad that the
United States freed their country
from Saddam Hussein's rule and
are remaining there to help pro-
vide security.
" Hie violence we have seen
is a power-grab by these extreme
and ruthless elements he said.
"It's not a civil war. It's not a
popular uprising. Most of Iraq is
relatively stable
n Sept. 11, Bush said he
"oltentimes" asks himself what
he could have done differently
before the attacks. He said, for
Instance, that he wished that a
Homeland Security Department
be initially opposed had been cre-
ated sooner, that the Patriot Act
had been passed earlier, and that
the country - and the world - were
more ready for action against al-
Qaida in Afghanistan.
"There are some things 1
wish we'd have done, when I
look back. I mean, hindsight's
easy he said.
Rut, he added, "The person
responsible for the attacks was
Osama bin Laden

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Martha Stewart lawyers say
they find new lies from juror
NKW York (Al) � Pressing
again for a new trial, Martha
Stewart's lawyers said Wednes-
day they have uncovered more
lies and omissions by one of
the jurors who convicted her
last month.
According to the papers
filed in federal court, juror
Chappell llartridge confessed
to embezzling from a Little
League organization and admit-
ted to a cocaine habit, but
disclosed neither on his
jury questionnaire.
The papers also said
Hartridge's son was con-
victed of attempted rob-
bery in 2000 � information
Stewart's lawyers said he
specifically omitted from his
jury form.
Late last month, Stewart's
lawyers said that Hartridge had
lied In failing to disclose a 1997
arrest on charges of assault-
ing a woman he had been
living with.
The defense has argued
that it would have moved to
have llartridge stricken from
the jury had they known
about any of these facts from
his past.
The papers filed Wednes-
day asked U.S. District Judge
Miriam Goldman Cedarhaum,
who oversaw the homemak-
ing authority's trial earlier
this year, to grant a second
trial or at least a hearing on the
Hartridge matter.
llartridge could not immedi-
ately be reached for comment. A
listed number for him was out
of service.
federal prosecutors had no
comment Wednesday. Hut last
week, they said the disclosures
about Hartridge were not enough
to warrant a hearing, much less
a new trial.
Stewart was convicted
March 5 of lying about her sale
of a block of biotechnology
stock just before it plunged.
She will be sentenced June
17. Legal experts expect her to
get 10 to 16 months in prison.
Legal experts have said
Stewart faces an uphill battle
in her bid for a new trial
because she must show not
just lies by a juror, but a
clear bias that kept her from
rcceis ing a fair trial.
Arab network says it has video showing
ing of one of Italian hostages in Iraq
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) � An Arab
network broadcast a report
Wednesday that it has a video
showing the killing of one of
four Italian hostages being held
by militants in Iraq.
Al-Jazeera told The Associ-
ated Press that the footage shows
the four sitting on the ground,
holding up their passports and
surrounded by armed men. The
satellite station said the tape
showed the death of one of the
hostages, but did not broadcast
it to "protect the audience's
An Al-Jazeera employee at
the news desk in Doha, Qatar,
did not know how the station
got the tape.
A statement, from a previ-
ously unknown group called
the Green Battalion, which
threatened to "kill the three
remaining Italian hostages one
after the other, if their demands
are not met accompanied the
rllC from page A1
smell of smoke out of their minds,
and one student kept seeing
flame when trying to sleep.
Lauren Berry, senior small-
business management student
and her boyfriend, John Paul
Newsham, sophomore pre-nurs-
ing major lost just about every-
thing they had.
Newsham, who didn't live
with Herry at the time, still had
plenty of his belongings at her
"I had a poker table that was
lostj said Newsham.
Newsham said Berry lost
her couch, TV, pictures, movies
and furniture.
Berry, the mother of a 6-
year-old boy, didn't hesitate to
The four Italian security
guards working for a U.S
based company were abducted
In Italy, foreign Minister
Franco I'rattini told a television
talk show that the government
had no confirmation of the
reported killing
"Obviously, we hope this
news turns out to be talse. The
kidnappers are, as you said, a
group of bandits, not tied organi-
cally to any group he said.
StOrill from page A1
get out when neighbor Chris
Farmer pounded on the door to
warn them.
"He Ncwsham grabbed
the baby, I grabbed the bottle
said Berry.
Berry and Newsham have
since found a place to stay at
Fox Hollow on Hwy 43, near
Charles Boulevard.
Students affected by the fire
were concerned about having to
withdraw or take incomplete
for classes and assignmentW3Sfc'
missed. Newsham said he received
nothing but understanding from
his instructors.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
lion and Outreach program.
The storm water markings fall
under this program.
I he KM SO, who is helped in
their effort by the ECU Environ-
mental I lealth C lub and the ECU
Environmental Conservation
Organization, wants the edu-
cation they provide to stay
with people.
We hope people won't
just be mote environmen-
tally conscious on campus,
htJtWtfcey will take that
environmentally conscious
attitude with them when they
go home, said Reed.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
222fi!� ten9
april 19,1004


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April 15 tax deadline underlines
complex forms, longer chores
payers working feverishly to
meet the April IS filing dead-
line can take some comfort
knowing they are not alone
when it comes to scratching
their heads over this year's
forms, lax returns are getting
more complicated.
The government estimates
that the average taxpayer filing
a typical tax return with item-
ized deductions and income
from interest, capital gains
and dividends, has to spend
42 minutes more than last year
doing the math and paperwork.
The total estimated time
to finish these common forms
is 28 hours and 30 minutes.
It is not only frustrating,
hut economically counter-
productive, said David Keat-
ing senior counselor for the
National Taxpayers Union
and author of a new study on
tax complexity.
"This is something that
hohhles the nation's produc-
tivity because we have a lot
of very talented people fill-
ing out paperwork he said.
"It's a real deadweight in
our economy
Even the simplest Form
1040EZ tax return takes 3 hours
and 43 minutes to complete.
Some of this year's paper-
work burden stems from
changes in the taxpayers' favor,
such as new laws that reduced
the rates on capital gains and
dividends and increased the
child tax credit. The Inter-
nal Revenue Service reported
Wednesday that the average tax
refund increased 5 percent this
year to $2,090.
Occasionally, taxpayers find
they have to complete, only
to discover their work leads
to a dead end.
To test for alternative mini-
mum tax liability, for example,
the average taxpayer can spend
3 12 hours filling out a
worksheet only to find out
no extra tax is owed. The
alternative minimum tax
prevents wealthy taxpayers
from sheltering too much
Taxpayers working to meet today's tax deadline will find that tax returns are getting complicated.
The government estimates the average taxpayer will spend 42 minutes more completing it.
income. Increasingly, however,
it affects more middle-income
The paperwork estimates
do not capture time spent in
tax planning while making
financial decisions, Keating
noted. "It's a year-round worry
you've done something the tax
stupid way, not the tax smart
way he said.
To cope with the burden,
taxpayers turn in droves to
a professional or a software
program to do the work, the
National Taxpayers Union
study said. More than 88
percent of taxpayers have
used a paid professional or
purchased tax software so far
this year.
The popularity of tax soft-
ware shows up in IKS statistit s
that measure a 20 percent
increase this year in taxpay-
ers using home computers
to file electronically.
Even the professionals rely
on software.
Kathy Burlison, direc-
tor of tax implementation at
IISiR Block, said the software
is particularly helpful with
this year's capital gains tax
calculations. Capital gains
can be taxed at multiple
rates this year, depending
when the asset was bought
and sold.
"We are all grateful for good
software. It's not a calcula-
tion we'd want to be making
over and over on our own
Burlison said.
lift It Block wrote its own
software program to break
through the complexity in edu-
cation tax credits and deduc-
tion. The education calculator
prevents taxpayers or tax pro-
fessionals from having to fill
out their tax return as many
as four different ways to
find out which yields the
lowest taxes.
Joseph Anthony, an enrolled
agent who prepares tax returns
in Portland, Ore said he does
his by hand every year as
an educational exercise before
turning to the computer.
He said he has seen the
complexity rise with each of
President Bush's tax cuts, and
he blames the firepower of
modern computers for making
the complications possible. Tax
cuts passed during Bush's
administration start and
stop, phase in and phase out,
and apply to only parts of
the taxpaying population.
"I blame Intel partly for
the complexity of tax returns
Anthony said.
from page A1
dent graduating was called,
whereas in past years, indi-
vidual names were not
A large majority of
the students requested
individual names
not be called at this year's
university graduation
"We sent out almost 1,600
e-mails to students that applied
to graduate and asked them
what they would like Johnston
"Their response was fairly
overwhelming In favor of
going back to the old way,
which Is the large events on
Saturdav and the smaller,
more personal events
surrounding that
Individual student names
will not be called at the
university graduation in
Johnston said some differ-
ent departments are putting
on smaller, more personal
i eri'inonics for the graduates of
their department.
Sandra Tawake, director
of undergraduate studies in
the English department, said
the English department is going
back to its traditional cer-
emony with a speaker, music,
refreshments and recognition
of both outstanding gradu-
ate and undergraduate
"A lot of students have told
me that they prefer coming
to our small graduation, anil
many of them actually
don't attend the university-
wide graduation said Tawake.
Departmental recognition
certificates will be given to
students who have completed
the major, Tawake said.
This year's English depart-
ment graduation is differ-
ent from previous years,
Tawake said, because the
administration is allowing
individual departments to
have receptions honoring their
students as long as they
do not wear academic
"We weren't supposed to
do anything that would take
away from or detract from
student's attendance at the
university wide graduation
Tawake said.
Tawake said she feels
the conflict arose because
students in the past have
preferred to attend the smaller
departmental ceremonies.
Tawake said students
prefer the departmental
graduation ceremonies
because they are more
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
professionals, mimicking
the workforce. Thomas said he
was incredibly excited about the
future prospects for ECU's health
"To be able to get into other
places where we're working
with nurses and have a library
and have contact with patients
can only enhance the quality of
deliverity health care he said.
The nursing school, with
an enrollment of 5S4, will also
move to the new building.
Both are state leaders id
medical training; according to
the Office of the President of
the UNO-system, ECU's allied
health program produces the
most allied health professionals
of state universities, and the
nursing school produces the
most nurses of any school in
North Carolina.
Architectural drawings envi-
sion a spacious structure with
many window. Developers
hope to include an eating and
relaxation area since it's so far
from central campus. Wireless
Internet will also be available.
Dorothy Spencer, director
of the l.aupus Health Sciences
library, called the building
She s.iicl with the relocation
ot allied health and nursing
to the medical campus, the
library's current 42,000 squire
leet couldn't serve everyone's
"It also gives us an opportu-
nity to Update our technology,
expand our history collec-
tion and make general overall
improvements said Spencer.
Currently, the library has
02,688 book titles and 159,564
lHok and journal volumes.
The entrance to the Learning
Village will come from Highway
43, leading to about 950 parking
spaces. Transportation, however,
is a concern.
Since allied health and nurs-
ing majors usually complete
most of their general education
requirements on ECU'S main
campus before taking major-
specific courses, there won't be
a significant overlap between
courses on the main and medi-
cal campuses
However, a higher number
of students will undoubtedly
have to travel between the two
locations. New transportation
methods will be used, Thomas
said, though the specifics have
not yet been determined.
Expansions to the Learn-
ing Village would include the
Eastern Carolina Cardialogical
Center, which will go before
the North Carolina General
To view updates on the
Learning Village's progression
in the construction phase visit
Assembly to receive funds.
Georgellarrull, senior associ-
ate vice chancellor for campus
operations, said the creation of
the Learning Village will open
up more space on campus to
accommodate the university's
projected growth. The vacated
Belk Building will be remodeled
and renovated, he said, but an
occupant has not been chosen.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
However, Bawtinhimer hoes it
will eliminate the onset of P'TSD
altogether. GlaxoSmithKline, the
makers of Paxil, are sponsoring
the study.
Along with his two assis-
tants from ECU's Clinical
Trials Office, Bawtinhimer
will begin his research when
they have the 20 participants
needed to gather enough data.
This, however, might be
one of the tougher aspects of
the work since many sexual
assault victims do not want to
be known.
"It's understandable
it's a very difficult time for
them victims but it's
an important study, and we
would appreciate anyone who
is able to come lorward and
participate in the study Baw-
tinhimer said.
Those who agree to par-
ticipate in the study will receive
$100, and research funding will
pay for any necessary lab work.
Patients involved in the study arc
not excluded from other forms
of treatment. Bawtinhimer said
his group would refer patients
to counselors and crisis centers
if necessary.
Bawtinhimer said there is
currently no published research
into the prevention of PTSD,
meaning there has only been
small, preliminary research per-
formed to see whether a larger
study is useful, but it could have
far-reaching benefits. Depending
On the results ot this research, a
much larger, multi-institutional
study might follow.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
f) Study
Anyone Interested in joining
Dr. Gary Bawtinhimer's study to
prevent post-traumatic stress in
� sexual assault victims can call
his offlce at 744-2279 tor more
Weird News
Ohio man wins right to erect
30-foot hot dog
ALLIANCE, Ohio (AP) - An
entrepreneur has won his wiener
war with city hall.
A judge granted Walton "Wally"
Armour permission to erect a 30-
foot replica of a hot dog atop his
new restaurant.
City officials had tried to halt the
plans, saying it would lead to
more and could make the city
look like the Las Vegas strip
The Alliance Board of Zoning Appeals
granted Armour a variance allowing
him to skirt an ordinance against
rooftop advertising. Law Director
Andrew Zumbar argued that the
ordinance shouldn't be bypassed,
but the judge said the city could not
challenge its appeals board.
Intoxicated man seeks jobs
with police
ORCHARDS. Wash (AP) - A man who
stopped by Washington State Patrol
headquarters to ask about getting a
job as a lawman found himself on
the other side of the law.
Robert Gulley, an unemployed radio
technician, was ticketed for alleged
drunk driving as he drove away
from the patrol office in this city
near Vancouver. He had asked for
a job application.
"I guess it was a bad time to go there-
said Gulley, 25.
When Gulley walked into patrol
headquarters Wednesday afternoon,
he was slurring his words, had
glassy eyes and his breath
smelled ot alcohol. Trooper Maureen
Crandall said
When she told him it wasn't a
good idea to apply to be a trooper
while intoxicated, Gulley denied
drinking So Trooper Rich Bettger
offered to measure Gulley's
blood alcohol level with a hand-held
breath tester.
March said Gulley blew a 0.095,
above the state's legal limit for driving
of 008. indicating tied had at least
three drinks.
Actors whip Easter Bunny
at church
GLASSPORT. Pa (AP) - First, the
Passion of the Christ Now, the
torment of the Easter Bunny?
It may nol have been as gruesome
as Mel Gibson's movie, but
many, parenta-and children-gota
upset when a church trying to
teach about Jesus' crucifixion
performed an Easter show with
actors whipping the Easter bunny
and breaking eggs.
People who attended Saturday's
show at Glassport's memorial
stadium quoted performers as
saying, "There is no Easter bunny
and described the show as being
a demonstration of how Jesus
was crucified.
Melissa Salzmann. who brought
her 4-year-old son J.T said the
program was inappropriate for
young children.
"He was crying and asking me why
the bunny was being whipped,
said Salzmann.
Patty Bickerton, the youth
minister at Glassport Assembly
of God. said the performance
wasn't meant to be offensive
Bickerton portrayed the Easter rabbit
and said she tried to act with a
tone of irreverence.
Thieves ditch cranky reptile
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Would you
upset an alligator named Mr. Cranky
Pants? Some thieves who chanced
it soon changed their minds.
The four-year-old alligator was
stolen from a reptile park north
of Sydney over the weekend
but officials at the zoo said
Monday the thieves may have
underestimated his moodiness
and let him go.
"Mr Cranky Pants is a cranky pants,
he gets moody and so they probably
messed with the wrong alligator
and dumped him said Al Mucci.
from the Australian Reptile Park
in Somersby on New South Wales
state's central coast.
Thieves had scaled two barbed-wire
fences and climbed into an alligator
pit before stealing the 4-foot beast.
Australian Broadcasting Corp.
radio said Monday. Park officials
then raised the alarm, concerned
for his safety.
Following a tip from the public,
rangers found the reptile in a
nearby creek.
"He looks relieved to be back
You can tell with alligators
by their eyes whether they're
stressed or not stressed, and
he looks glad to be back Mucci
said, ill ii i -�"�
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Serving ECU since 1925,The East Carolinian prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. "Our view" is the opin-
ion ot the editorial board and is written by editorial board members.
The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
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Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more information.
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1.
Our View
Lying about
health condi-
tions is not
only decep-
tive, but it
puts people
in need of
physical heal-
ing at risk for
even worse
The University of Missouri-Columbia
collected enough pints of blood to earn
recognition from the Guinness Book of
Records as the largest single-site, single-
day blood collection five years ago.
This year, the university's efforts in blood
donation were recognized once again across
national headlines. This time, however, the
acknowledgment was not positive.
In an e-mail, sorority members were urged
by Christie Key, a fellow member and the
chapter's blood donation coordinator, to lie
if they'd had recent tattoos, piercings or ill-
nesses in order to boost numbers in a com-
petitive campus blood drive.
The e-mail, which reached 170 members,
read, "I don't care if you got a tattoo last week.
UE. I don't care if you have a cold. Suck it up.
We all do. UE. Recent piercings? LIE We're
not messing around. Punishment for not
giving blood is going to be quite severe
The purpose of blood donation, according to
the American Red Cross, is to protect life and
health and to ensure respect for the human
being. It promotes mutual understanding,
friendship, cooperation and lasting peace
among all peoples.
Lying about health conditions is not only
deceptive, but it puts people in need of
physical healing at risk for developing even
worse medical conditions.
Within her threats, Key has defined the pur-
pose of her sorority and many other Greek
affiliations - achieve success, no matter the
Members of dictating affiliations should
consider the value of their memberships in
comparison to their self worth. Does the group
care about your success, or is it consumed
by its own?
The goal ot the TEC Opinion page Is to evoke discussion as well as
action on topics pertinent to the ECU community.
We encourage a response from our readers. If you have an opinion
in reaction to one of our columns of perhaps In regard to the overall
presentation of TEC, please express your view in one of four ways:
direct a letter or fax to the editor, email a response to the editor or
simply phone In a response.
The 20,000 ECU students read our paper on a regular basis. There's
no better way to express your opinion than to take the timei to sit and
react to a situation affecting the students of this university through
our Opinion page
To be printed, the letter must be signed and contain a phone number
for verification.
Letters will appear as space permits. The editor reserves the right to
edit letters for clarity and length.
"rouse out of luck- 'we rteepED THe Resr for our
Opinion Columnist
Christmas declared illegal by Supreme Court
Groups aim to remove
all metions of "a deity"
from government
lii a decision that has shocked
millions, the Supreme Court
today ruled that the observance ot
Christmas by government entities
is unconstitutional.
The ruling stemmed from a law-
suit brought jointly by civil liberties
groups, atheist organizations and
"Separation of Church and State"
groups that alleged closing govern-
ment offices for Christmas was the
equivalent of "establishment of a
state religion
The lawsuit was initially
brought by a single person, but
was later joined by various groups
who quickly formed a united front.
Opponents viewed this as part ol an
ongoing strategy to remove any ref-
erence to Cod in this country that
started decades ago with the deci-
sion banning prayer in schools.
Today's ruling means simply
that no government entity, from
federal to local, will be permitted
to observe Christmas.
The traditional lighting of the
Christmas tree on the White I louse
lawn is now illegal. No decorations
can festoon lampposts or buildings
across the nation that have been
erected or purchased by the local
Parades containing govern-
ment officials, police, firemen,
etc. in their official capacity will
no longer be allowed. Classrooms
cannot contain decorations. No
governmental office, courthouse
or legislative body anywhere will
The president and Congress
have vowed that they will be at
work Dec. 25 as a sign of compli-
ance with the ruling.
The travel and retail indus-
tries will be the first, but not the
last, to take a hit. Governmental
workers will no longer have time
off to visit family and friends or to
do the last minute shopping that
makes or breaks many retailers.
Companies that do business
with the government will be
required to remain open, and
those employees will also be
unable to engage in the usual
Christmas activities. Families
with children will be especially-
hard hit.
Since schools will have to
remain open and children will
have to remain in day care. That
money, which many people Count
on for spending on presents or
travel, will now have to go to
child care.
Unfortunately, Christmas
will not be the only observance
Opinions In Brief
Nowhere to go In
Greenville is a college town,
so the college students want
somewhere to go so they are able
to have a good time with friends.
That's hard to find in Greenville
though. If you go downtown to
a club, you have to be dressed
in a certain dress code or have
a membership. The membership
part is what I don't get. None
of the clubs downtown are nice
enough to require people to
have memberships in order to
go Inside. I'm not going to pay to
get a membership to a club since
I don't go that often, but I think
that if 1 decide to go downtown,
I should be able to go to any club
that I want to without worrying
about a membership. What is the
point of having a membership? To
keep the "bad guys" out? If that is
the point, it doesn't work. I think
the clubs lose a lot of money In
requiring a membership, since
many people come to Greenville
to visit, go downtown expect ing to
go to a club and get rejected for not
having a membership. Even those
of us who I i ve here get rejected for
not having a membership. I could
understand having a membership
requirement if the club was elite,
but this is Greenville, so why not
let us in?
We may have
been able to prevent 911
This country has been through
enough over the last three and a
half years. In trying times, people
have to ask themselves what it is
that they can truly depend on.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like
the answer is the government.
Last Thursday, Condoleezza
Rice testified in front of the 911
commission, a nonpartisan panel
studying what the federal gov-
ernment and its law enforcement
agencies knew about terrorist
threats in the country before the
attacks that killed nearly 3,000
For those who missed the tes-
timony, the panel and the viewing
public was at once informed that
there was a I'DB (Presidential Daily
Briefing) titled "bin Laden wants
to strike in the U.S
Rice said that the document
did not warn of a strike in the
United States as much as the
document was a historical break-
down of other terrorist acts by
bin laden. Rice also testified that
she did not remember if she had
informed the president that there
were Al Qaeda sleeper cells in the
United States.
That is just a small portion of
the revelations unleashed in her
If you folks want an Informed
opinion on the matter - and I'm
sure you do - it would be helpful
to read the whole thing for your-
self or catch the replay on C-Span
sometime soon.
The full transcript is not hard
to find with a basic scare h on the
net. Now. there are going to be
more than plenty of people who
will read up on the testimony and
decide that this administration is
the most courageous presidential
administration since Lincoln, and
there will be others saying that it
is the worst since Nixon.
When I heard the testimony,
though, I really felt let down. I
want to be able to say, like many,
that nobody could have done any-
thing to prevent the attacks on 9
11, but the more I learn about the
events leading up to the attacks,
(he more I think the administra-
tion dropped the ball.
retrial bid unnecessary
Martha Stewart, queen of
crafty do-it-yourself projects, is in
the spotlight again after she was
Easter can no longer be for-
mally observed. Governmental rec-
ognition of llanukkah, Ramadan,
Kwanzaa and any other religious
observances are now taboo.
Massive protests are occurring
in Washington, D.C. and several
major cities at this time. Further
protests are expected as the public
begins to fully understand the
ramifications of today's ruling.
This report is fictional, of
course. For now. Whether it
remains fictional is extremely
There aptiears to lx- a concerted
effort from a very vocal minority to
remove any reference to God from
this country.
Anybody who doesn't
believe this need only look at
one of the current cases the
Supreme Court is deciding -
whether the words "under God"
in the Pledge of Allegiance are
a form of state-sponsored reli-
gion and therefore a violation
of the separation clause of the
This case was brought to Cali-
fornia by self-proclaimed radical
atheist Michael Newdow who, sup-
posedly on behalf ot his daughter,
is an active churchgoer. Newdow
filed suit despite lacking custodial
rights over his daughter, and his
right to sue was tenuous at best.
Newdow has been joined
in this action by - guess who
- the American Civil Liberties
Union, Americans United for
the Separation of Church and
State, and various atheist groups,
to name a few.
All are supporting Newdow
and are urging the Supreme Court
to rule in his favor. This is not the
first, nor will it be the last, time
that Newdow has filed suit.
According to reports, he filed
suit over the reference to Jesus in
President Bush's inaugural ceremo-
nies as well as against the House
and Senate who open every legis-
lative session with a prayer from
their private chaplains.
Ironically, in pursuing his case-
to the Supreme Court, Newdow is
arguing before a body that opens
all their sessions with a prayer also.
Not for long, if he has any say in
the matter.
Newdow stated bluntly
that his ultimate goal is to
remove any and all mention
of God (he actually said "a
deity") from government,
its symbols and all officials
performing any governmental
This includes the removal
of "In God We Trust" from all
U.S. money and banning the
singing of songs such as "God
Bless America" at any event on
government property (including
schools) or government-spon-
sored events.
As a case in pont, if this had
already happened, the stirring
sight of every available politician
singing "God Bless America" on
t he steps of Capitol 11 i 11 a f ter 911
would never have happened. It
would have been illegal, so would
the Easter break we just came
back from, as well as Christmas
and others.
That is Newdow's and his
allies' vision for America's future.
Is it yours?
accused by prosecutors of seeking
a new triaT after attempting to
humiliate a juror with informa-
tion about his past.
Prosecutors called Stewart's
actions "an assault on the jury
system itself
I am glad to see Stewart is Ix-ing
reprimanded for her actions.
Celebrities are far from per-
fect and should receive the same
penalties as normal citizens when
they break the law.
I need money
Every year, the FAFSA dictates
my life in the forthcoming year:
Where I'll live and what degree
of ghetto it'll lie in, what sort of
job I'll need to afford food, which
textbooks I'll have to forgo, how
I'll transport myself to school,
and so on
Somehow, I'm also chosen
for the process known as "veri-
fication which only prolongs
the stress related to determin-
ing these necessities of life. It's
just another annoyance in my
already too busy end-of-semester
rush, but this isn't my main beef
with the government's financial
aid process.
There are holes in establish-
ing how much aid a person is
eligible for. When applying to
colleges (based on affordability, of
course), all the financial aid books
I read gave this reassuring mantra:
Everyone can receive some kind of
aid, no matter your income.
So that means if Donald
Frump had a child, he or she could
get money from the government
to attend college. It's a good thing,
I guess - if Mr. Trump wanted to
instill a little independence in
his offspring and deter living off
his fortune forever, he could do
so without hindering his or her
access to higher education. .
Ibis scenario brings up an
interesting dilemma. Some fami-
lies - from low, middle and high
incomes-don't contribute to their
children's education at all.
However, there's no way to
indicate one's parents don't con-
tribute to college expenses, except
by declaring indeiendent status,
which takes much more time than
college kids have.
If the government really
wants to help its citizens afford
higher education, it should work
on streamlining the financial aid
process and making appropriate
disbursements to applicants based
on their unique situations.
Basketball hoops
increase crime?
To much dismay, I walked
down to the blacktop on Col-
lege Hill this week to shoot some
hoops - only to find the rims had
been taken down because, as 1 was
told, "they didn't want to attract
the wrong crowd How far is too
Who is "they"? Who is the
"wrong crowd"? But, that's beside
the point: We now have security
guards, no privacy and no real
sense of security. Crime happens
on a large campus because it is
a light-security target and often
because alcohol is involved - not
because of anything students have
So that's how we solve the
problem - if we quit shooting
basketball on the Hill, we'll stop
the violence. What a ridiculous
prevention method by the admin-
Fantasy sports?
Who came up with this idea of
Fantasy Sports? I think it is one of
the worst things ever conceived. It
doesn't matter how it's explained,
It's just another way to play games
like PlayStation and Xbox. Aren't
those games enough, especially
with the new technology of
online competition and Direct
TV? It seems this Fantasy Sports
thing is way out of control.

Come by The East Carolinian office
on the second floor of the Student Publications Building
(above the cashiers office)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Female roommate wanted to
sublease bedroom in four bedroom
four bathroom apartment in Pirate's
Cove for the summer andor next
year. One roommate is staying.
May pick other roommates or pot
luck. Summer rent is $360 and next
year's rent is J370. Please respond
a.s.a.p. Cara 252-413-6991 or cell
Pre-Register for spacious 2 and
3 bedroom townhouses. Full
basement, enclosed patio WD hook-
up, no pets. 752-7738 daytime 7:30
to 4:30.
Summer school students 2 BED 1
BATH, walk to ECU, rent $470mo
includes water and sewer. Available
May 16th through July 31st, can
renew for Fall Lease. Call Elisa 1-
3 bd H 1 ba Duplex for rent. Located
on Stancil and close to campus.
Features include kitchen appliances
including new washer and dryer,
and fenced backyard. Pets OK with
negotiable fee. J660.00 per month.
2013-A Dockside at River Dr. 2
bedroom- 2 bath. Available June
1st, rent S600month. NO PETSI
Call 252-355-6339.
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, end unit on ECU campus bus
route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
1575 per month. Call 864-346-5750
or 864-228-3667.
Melbourne Park upscale one
bedroom for rent. Cathedral ceiling,
balcony, dishwasher, walk-in closet.
New, quiet neighborhood on
Wimbledon Drive. NO DEPOSIT,
April rent paid. (252)717-7173.
Two BR one bath recently renovated
duplex beside Town Commons 11 IB
and 113 Holly Street. Central heat
air. Easy walk to ECU. J425month.
Wyndham Circle Duplex- 2 bedrm
2 hath, new paint, new carpet, wd
hook-ups, popular student location,
patio or deck, big yard. (919)847-
7410, (919)630-5930.
Dockside Duplex 3 BDRM, 2 Bath. 1 -
unit available immediately, 1 building
w 2 units side by side- available
August 3, 2004. Cot 6 friends who
want to room? This is ideal! Call Jeff
@ 252-327-4433. WasherDryer
included, no pets.
Houses and apartments for rent near
campus. 3 and 4 bedroom houses
available. 1 bedroom apartments
available. Call (252)3S3-5107.
Blocks to ECU, 1,2,3 bedrooms, all
appliances, central heatAC, see or call
need a male of female to sublease a
room in Sterling Manor for May, une,
and uly. Pay $532 13 utilities for
whole summer. Only pay half May
and June, Inly is already paid for.
Private bathroom and big closet,
washer and dryer, furnished. Will
be living with two guys, neat and
non-smokers. Call Chris for more
info. Apt. 252-551-6725 or Cell
Above BW-3. 2 and 3 bedroom
apartments for rent. Water and
trash included Available June, July,
or August. Call 252-725-5458 or
For rent: Upscale 3 BR3 Bath Near
campus, only if you like the BEST!
Call 252-561-7368 or 561-7679 or
Now Preleasing For Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedrooms. All units close
to ECU. Cypress Cardens, Jasmine
Gardens, Peony Cardens, Gladiolus
Garden, Wesley Commons North,
Park Village, Cotanche Street, Beech
Street Villas and Woodcliff. Water and
sewer included with some units. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
pinebrook apt. 758-4015- 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air
Si heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, t cable.
Room for rent at Pirate's Cove for
summer. May, June, Jury rent $360.00
fees paid. Rent all included. For more
info, contact Nikki at (252)329-0614,
leave message.
Wyndham Circle Duplex 2 BD 2
BA Available June 1st and Aug. 1st,
$625.00 month, newly decorated,
cathedral ceilings, nice landlord,
good parking, call fast 321-4802.
Now Preleasing for Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedroom duplexes &
townhouses. College Towne Row,
Verdant Street, Cannon Court,
Cedar Court, Lewis Street and 2nd
Street. All units close to ECU. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Spacious two-bedroom duplex
with large living room arvt eat-in
kitchen with washer and dryer.
Duplex includes large deck and off
street parking. Water and sewer
included in rent. $475 per month.
Available August 1st. Call 752-5536
for appointment.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 h 2
BR apts, dishwasher, GD, central
air fit heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or
12 month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable
Three bedroom duplex for rent near
ECU. Available immediately. Rent
$618-Call 752-6276.
Sub-Lease Rent Apt Pirate's Cove,
$360 mo available NOW uly 31,
2004. Contact: Karen N. Lee, 919-
894-8348 or 919-207-0804
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bedroom houses and
duplexes. Available Fall 2004. ALL
walking distance from ECU. Call
Great Place! Walk to campus and
bars 2 bedroom, newly renovated,
located on Holly Street off 1st street.
CHEAP! CHEAPI $425 a month.
Available NOW!
Pirate's Cove, Available Now, Sublet
furnished apartment. Special Price:
$325 all included. Call now 919-
Male non-smoker roommate wanted
for a 2 bdrm apartment $200 deposit,
$205mon. 12 utilities and cable.
Call leave message 258-7857.
Roommate needed for summer and
fall. 2 blocks from campus. $242 per
month plus half utilities. 2 BD 1 BA
serious inquires only. Call 758-4774,
leave message.
Graduate students seeking
responsible roommate. $230
$30 (rent utilities)month. Have
all living room furniture, kitchen
utensils. ust take care of your
bedroom. Available NOWI Call
anytime @ 252-258-8848.
Roommate wanted to share 3-
bedroom apartment. Walking
distance to campus! $241.00 plus
13 bills. W k O included in rent.
Flexible move-in date. Call Maria at
Matching CouchLoveseat $375,
end tables $75, entertainment
center $40, desk $60, bookshelf
$15, full size bed with boxspring
$90, dishes $30, potspans $30.
Sei! by May 8th. 353-0029.
washerdryer for sale $200.00
for both. Call 412-7051. Ask for
Aquarium stand $25, wicker
bookshelf $25, corner desk Si
executive (hair $85 each or $150
for both, futon w mattress $75.
Call 321 -9787
Attention: Local Hip Hop Group
wants to play your partyfor (reel
Contact us at artisticanarchists@y or at 252-561-7303 for
further information or FREE CD's.
Free 12 inch pizza at Domino's
Pizza. Monday 41204 to Friday
41604. Location 3192 E. 10th St.
Limited quantities available. Some
conditions apply. 11 am to 4 pm
Wait staff needed at Professor
O'Cools. must be available for two
lun h shifts by 11:45 M-F. Apply
in person after 2 p.m. Will work
nights and weekends.
Lifeguards and swim instructors
needed. Call 355-5009. Summer
Wanted! Reliable, honest, energetic
people to monitor crops. From
May tiirough August, 2004. We
train! Must have own dependable
vehicle. Learn to ID insects, weeds
and other field conditions. No
Nights. Hourly pay 4 mileage.
Must be 19 or have 1 year of
college. Mail or fax resume with
covet letter and work experience
to : MCSI, POB 370, Cove City,
NC 28523 Fax: 2S2-637-2125
Restaurant Assistant Manager
needed at Professor O'Cools. Apply
after 2 p.m. in person. Shifts will
be nights and weekends. Some
bartending experience needed.
Food Delivery Drivers wanted for
Restaurant Runners Part-time
positions (6-12hr. including
tips.) Perfect for college students!
Some lunch time (11a-2pm) M-F
availability required. 2-way radios
allow you to be anywhere in
Greenville when not on a delivery.
Reliable transportation a must and
knowledge of Greenville streets
advantageous. Call 756-5527 or
check out our website @ www.r Sorry no
dorm students.
Are you DIFFERENT? Most students
will be waiting tables, lifeguarding, or
making copies this summer. Do one of
those jobs and be like everyone else.
Work with us Si build your resume.
Average student makes $8,138. Call
Work Hard! Play Hard! Change
Lives! Girls resident tamp looking
for counselors, lifeguards, wranglers,
boating staff, crafts, nature, unit
leaders, business manager, and health
supervisor. $200-$350week! May 22-
August 1. Free Housing! 1-800-672-
2148 x 410 or for an online
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department is seeking scorekeepers
for their Adult SpringSummer Softball
Leagues. Applicants must possess
knowledge of adult slow pitch softball
and scorekeeping duties. Games are
played Monday through Thursday
Each scorekeeper can expect three
games per night. Rate of pay is
$7.00 per game. Leagues will play
from April 26 until the end of July.
Interested applicants can contact the
Athletic Staff at 329-4550 to arrange
an interview andor receive additional
Lifeguards needed. Myrtle Bearh
now and summer. Good pay ��
conditions. Call 843-448-9122 or
email ehuggins@sc
Drucker and Falk, LLC Management
Company is looking for an experienced
part-time leasing agent for Wilson
Acres Apartments Please send resume
to 1806 East First Street, Greenville, NC
27858 or fax to 252-830-9494
The ECU Panhellenic Council would
like to recognize the following new
members and sisters of the week.
Alpha Delta Pi: NM- Caroline Warmack,
S- Jillana Lamm; Alpha Omicron Pi:
NM- Nicole Vandermeeren, S-Kristin
Winstead; Alpha Pi: NM-Erin Sweeney,
S- Stephanie Warren; Alpha Xi Delta:
S- Courtney Hester and Ashley
Burgess; Delta Zeta: NM-Meghan
Butchyard, S -Allison White; Zeta Tau
Alpha: NM- Mia Mitchener, S-Amanda
Phillips; Sigma Sigma Sigma; NM-ess
Scrofano, S-Christie Jones; Kappa
Delta: NM and S-Andrea Bevins; Chi
Omega: NM and S- Erica Felthans.
Congratulations Girls!
Belly Dance for Fun St Fitness! Spring
classes (April-June) start Tuesday. For
women of all ages. Ten students per
class. To register call Donna 355-
Full Time Students Stop wasting your
Time and Talents on PT obs with bad
hrs. Si pay LOOK! For 1 weekend a
month the National Guard wants you
to go to college, FREE TUITION! Learn
a job skill & stay a student! FT students
get over $800mo in Education
Benefits Si PAY for more info. CALL
252-916-9073 or visit www.1-800-
I Reliable, honest energetic
I people to monitor craps.
I From May through August
12004. We train! Must
I have own dependable
vehicle. Learn to ID
I insects, weeds, and other
I Held conditions. No nights
I Hourly paymileage.
I Must be 19 or have one
I year of college. Mall or
I fax resume with cover
j letter and work experi-
I ence to:
MB 3
Ctral -
Fax 2&7
� of pool nwinlcnaiicc response
� of unrcuinicd phone calls
� of nobj neighbors
� ni crawl) critters
� of high uiiliu bills
ol BCD parking hassles
� oi ungrateful landlordi
� el unanswered questions
� of high rents
� of gnunp personnel
� of unfulfilled promises
� of units that were noi cleaned
� of walls thai were never painted
� of appliances ihm dori'l work
ndhain Court &
Eastptt Village Apts.
.3200 F Moselcy Dr.
561-RENT or 531-9011
Retro and vintage Clothir
Handmade Silver
Jewelry & More.
Our New
Silver Jewelry
has come in!
801 Dickinson Ave.
Carolina Sky Sports
1 Sustains
7 Duped
10 Java's neighbor
14 Part of an eye
15 Actor Wallach
16 Pig or cast
17 Rote tor Madonna
19 Ex-spouse of
21 Winters and
23 "Finnegan's "
25 Seven Dwarfs'
26 Hole puncher
27 Brief times
28 Disney Wortd
32 Luau fare
33 Shorthand system
36 London district
37 Eisenhower
38 Fruit concoction
41 Evergreen
42 Exam
44 Loafing
46 Adversary
47 Like a tug's cargo
49 Conception
50 Hearing organ
51 Rick of
54 Greek
55 Elastic knitted
58 Call tor help
59 Celestial bang
60 "Campbell's
Soup Can" man
64 Passover
65 Greek tetter
66 Dawn goddess
67 Garden plots
68 Eurasian viper
69 Banks
1 Chill
2 Fall mo.
3 Superlatively
4 Take out bows
32333436 1
4?� 5245"
5153� 616263
� 2001 Tribune Mcoa Services Ine
All 'ights merved.
5 Gather in
6 Gullible dupe
7 Bravery
8 As company
9 Shore or
10 Prelates
11 Territory
12 Bank deal
13 Traveler's rests
18 Deplaned in a
22 Definite article
23 Elk
24 Roused from steep
25 The
27 Vichy or Ems, for
29 Breakfast
gathering place
30 Buckeye
31 Matador
34 Eagerness
35 Baseball teams
40 Org. of Strange
43 Alley prowlers
HV1V3G1 Im0iNl
30i9N1Tip1 11s31
� 0HH013�XVM
45 In a row
48 Stir-fry pan
52 Rodeo rope
53 Magnani and
54 Fictional
55 Bluenose
56 Scholarry book
57 Roman poet
58 First king of Israel
61 Used to be
62 Bauxite or galena
63 "viva Vegas"
www.mort �


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Community Features
� On ECU Bus Route
� 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance
24-Hour State of the Art Computer Center
1 Resort Style Pool with Hot Tub
Apartment Features
� Ethernet Service Included
� WD in ever) apartment
� Private bedrooms available
� Private bathrooms available
today in'
Ticket 0
April 20 i
on Sund
Ticket 01
April 16 ir
at 8:30 p.
and $8 fi
at 2 p.m
The S. Ri
on Satun
calling th
The Stud
Battle Ko
The Stud
Horror Pk
April 17 ir
315 i



Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
- This month is International Twit Award Month.
- Today is National Wear Your PJs to Work Day.
- On this day in 1912 at 2:27 a.m the Titanic sank.
- On this day in 1955, the first McDonald's opened.
The Student Union Films Committee presents Girl With A Pearl Earring
today at 930 p.m Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight, Saturday at 9:30 p.m. and
Sunday at 7 p.m. Along Came Polly is showing today at 7 p.m Friday at 9:
30 p.m Saturday at 7 p.m and midnight and Sunday at 3 p.m. All movies
are free with a student ID and are located in the Hendrix Theatre. For more
information, call 328-4700.
Chinese Acrobats
The Student Union presents a performance by Chinese Acrobats at 7 p.m.
today in Wright Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Central
Ticket Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
'The Rivals'
The ECULoessin Playhouse presents The Rivals today through Tuesday,
April 20 in McGinnis Theatre. Shows begin at 8 p.m. with a 2 p.m. matinee
on Sunday, April 18. Tickets can be purchased by calling the ECU Central
Ticket Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS
Salsa Dance
The ECU Folk and Country Dancers will sponsor a salsa dance on Friday,
April 16 in the Willis Building. Lessons are at 7:30 p.m. and the dance begins
at 8:30 p.m. Admission is $3 for students. $5 for Folk Arts Society members
and $8 for the general public
'Don Giovanni'
ECU Opera Theatre presents Don Giovanni on Saturday, April 17 through
Tuesday, April 20 in the A J. Fletcher Recital Hall. Weekend showtlmes are
at 2 p.m and weekdays at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 - $10
Bolcom & Morris
The S Rudolph Performing Arts Series presents Bolcom & Morris at 8 p.m.
on Saturday, April 17 in Wright Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased by
calling the ECU Central Ticket Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Live Music Performance
The Student Union Popular Entertainment Committee presents music by
Battle Koalas and Art Lord and the Self Portraits from 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. on
Saturday, April 17 in the Pirate Underground, This event is free
'Rocky Horror Picture Show'
The Student Union Films Committee presents a showing of 7he Rocky
Horror Picture Show featuring a costume contest at midnight on Saturday,
April 17 in Hendrix Theatre This event is free for students
Greenville Live
A.J. McMurphy's
1914 Timbury Drive
Saturday, April 17,9 p.m.
Victor Hudson
Chefs 505
505 Red Banks Road
Wednesday. April 21, 730 p.m.
ECU jazz faculty and students
Christy's Euro Pub
301 S. Jarvis St. 758-2774
Tuesday. April 20,10 p.m.
Open mic night
City Hotel and Bistro
203 S.W. Greenville Blvd.
Wednesday, April 21,7 p.m.
Ricky Godfrey
122 E. Fifth St. 758-3114
Friday, April 16,10 p.m.
Live music
Saturday, April 17.10 pm.
Live music
Courtyard Tavern
703 S.E. Greenville Blvd
Sunday. April 18, 7 p.m.
At Risk
El Ranchlto
315 E. Tenth St 561-7336
Thursday. April 15.7 p.m.
Mariachi Band
701 Evans St
Thursday, April 15,10 p.m.
Saturday, April 17,10 pm.
Christopher Dean Band
Sunday. April 18,10 p.m
Open mic night
Mesh CafE
1011-A Red Banks Road
Thursday, April 15, 9 p.m.
Johnny Dollar
Fridayl April 16,9 p.m.
Saturday, April 20,9 p.m.
110 E Fourth St. 752-5855
Thursday, April 15,9 p.m.
Friday, April 16,9 p.m.
Joseph John
Saturday. April 17,9 p.m.
Adrienne Young & Little Sadie
Tuesday, April 20.9 p.m.
The Seepeoples
Wednesday, April 21,9 p.m.
Open Mic Night
Player's Choice
Community Square, Memorial
Drive, 355-4149
Thursday, April 15.10 p.m
Saturday, April 17,10 p.m.
Players Retreat
1631 Pactolus Road
Thursday, April 15, 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 17,9 p.m
Fat Baby
Professor O'Coois
605 Greenville Blvd.
Saturday, April 17,9:30 p.m.
Wimple's Steam Bar
206 Main St, Winterville
Friday, April 16,730 p.m.
Live Music
say goowetoold
Scrubbing and a
sweeping - a part of
spring has sprung.
For your relief, many
Innovative products are
coming to the rescue to
save you from your cleaning
"I.ysol mildew remover is
fantastic. I simply spray and
all those unsightly mold pores
practically vanish said Jordan
Mills, junior geography major.
Toilets should he number
one on the cleaning priority
list. Your "porcelain God"
has seen more than it has
ever imagined. Thanks to the
Clorox Toilet Wand, you no
longer have to pick up a brush
ora bottle of cleaning solution.
The disposable toilet cleaning
system scrubs the mess and
releases the disposable brush
for a clean finish.
Random streaks on walls
and floors are another pain
to clean. Courtesy of Proctor
& Gamble, use the Mr. Clean
Magic Eraser and marks vanish.
Simply wet the foam pad, and
scrub away.
Once you discover it can
clean almost any smudge, speck
or dot, it's hard
to resist hunting
for more.
Wipes aren't
just for babies �
anymore. Once
the idea sparked to
marry wipes with cleaning prod-
ucts, it seems like every cleaning
company had a field day. There
are Pledge wipes for cleaning
wood surfaces, Clorox wipes for
disinfecting couritertops and
other surfaces and Windex wipes
for cleaning glass.
The floors of apartments
and houses can be nauseating. A
variety of mops are available with
disposable padding and attached
cleaning solution to scrub dirt
and grime in no time.
Each mop specializes in a
particular type of floor. The
Pledge Grab-It wipes clean wood
surfaces. Just stick a wet or dry
wipe to the bottom
and go.
The Swifter solution
dispenses liquid that is
mopped up with a special
pad. Throw away all of your old
mops and clean your floors with
the touch of a button.
Did you ever think clean-
ing the grout in your bathroom
and wine stains on your favorite
shirt had anything In common?
Thanks to the( lore Bleach Pen,
t hey do.
I he pen is designed to
bleach tiny spaces that are hard
to reach. Run the pen In between
tiles - it works like a charm on
grout. Grout goes from brown
to white in seconds. Away with
bleach and ruined clothes for a
sparkling finish.
"I think the bleach pen is
practical for cleaning the kitchen
and bathroom, but not practical
for clothing because it might
discolor the spot you used it
on said Erin Dehart, junior
communication major.
Taking out the trash leaves
you smelling pretty wicked.
Glad has a new trash bag called
"tresh protect bags They are
scented bags that leave trash
smelling surprisingly Iresh.
After all the hard work that
comes with household chores,
you'll need a pleasant fragrance
to top oil your clean home.
Glade has new scents and
Plug-ins, including clean linen,
lavender meadow and refresh-
ing apple. These and many other
scents from the company come
in air and carpel fresheners and
even candles.
Glade's newest invention
is the "scented oil fan which
leaves a room refreshed after
fanning scent through the
room. �
Be sure to look for these
new products before you start
your spring cleaning. You never
know what Innovations you'll
find just by venturing down the
cleaning aisle.
This writer can be contacted at
ECULoessin Playhouse Quick Picks:Album Review
presents 'Rivals' comedy wraata
filled with sexpletives,
'The Rivals' is a comedy that takes place in the 1700s.
Witty play sure to
make audiences laugh
ECUl.oessin Playhouse
presents its final production
of the year, The Rivals. K. It.
Sheridan's humorous English
play is making its first appear-
ance on the ECU stage and will
no doubt leave a lasting Impres-
sion in audiences' minds.
The witty comedy of The
Rivals pokes fun at its 18th cen-
tury time period while taking
the audience into a few differ-
ent plots.
Aside from the dueling lights
and outlandish costuming ot the
time period, all the entangled
pursuits ot relationships the
characters endure will reach
audiences on a personal level
and keep them entertained.
"Any good play has many
plots - it's the hallmark ot a
good piece said Jeff Wood-
ruff, managing director for
the Department of Theater and
The Rivals is a story of
romance and the comical
lengths people endure for love.
The center of attention is Ihe
entangled affair between l.ydia
1.anguish and Captain Jack
l.ydia has concluded, much
to her family's disliking, that in
order to find true love, one must
abandon thoughts of wealth and
status. Thus, in order to win her
over, Captain lack Absolute dis-
guises himself as a poor naval
However, all becomes dis-
mayed when l.ydia's Aunl, Mrs.
Malaprop, becomes involved.
Upon discovering her niece's
involvement with a commoner,
she ai ranges uilh Sir Anthony
Absolute, Jack's father, to marry
the two.
This situation puts Jack
between a rock and a hard place
in the pursuit ol I ydia's love,
l.ydia disapproves of anyone her
aunt suggests.
Meanwhile, lack's friend,
Faulkland, has fallen in lovewlth
Julia, Sir Anthony's ward. Taulk-
land doubts Julia's love lor him
and subjects her to many prepos-
terous tests. They crush her trust
in the relationship and lead her
to end their engagement,
All the while, several fic-
tional and real characters are
see RIVALS page B7
reasons to rewind
Janet Jackson's breast-baring
Super Bowl hall-time performance
holds he record for t he m st T'i Vo'd
moment is television history. Her
eighth album, Damita o garners a
similar -arental advisory stamped
- reaction. Tracks filled with funky
ix'ats, whispered expletives and sex
themed lyrics will have listeners
hitting the rewind button to clarify
and reinsure what they heard.
Surprisingly, Damita lo, debuted
at 2 on the Billboard top 100
-Janet's first album not to take
the 1 spot since her 1989 multi-
platinum Rhythm Nation - selling
just under 350,000 copies in the
first week.
Damita lo - Janet s middle
name - was largely produced by
Jimmy (am and Terry lewis, the
team behind her since 1986's
Control. And much like that breakout
album, Damita lo expresses Janet's
current frame of mind upbeat
and happy, Damita lo has more of
an RfcB sound than land's other
albums, which fall into more ot a
PopRKU category, The new sound
can be attributed to Kanye West,
partial album producer and the only
featured artist in Damita lo.
The album begins with the
upbeat title track thai gives the lis-
tener insight intoJanet, asa person.
This track is probably one of the
most well written on Ihe album,
and its "what did she say" lyrics are
omnipresent in this song and the
following track.
"Sexhibition which begins
with the lyrics "I wanna sexplore
you I wanna feel your sexplo-
sion, I'm gonna take you on a sex-
capade will certainly boost this
album's sales, and with its upbeal
rhythm and suggestive lyrics, it's
"Strawberry Bounce" is hip,
upbeat and has one of Ihe album's
more RisH sounds. Produced by
hit maker West, the song features
a cameo sample from Jay two
ingredients that make this trac k
a smash Hut it's the whispered
expletives thai will make you hit
rewind. It's odd. but this song lakes
the punch out of otherwise vulgar
Combining Janet's breathy
vocals and West's sharp rap, "My
Baby" has a smooth lullaby vibe
that can't be overlooked,
"All Nite (Don't Stop)" opens
with Janet whisering "this is sick
and thai pretty much sums up the
track featuring great lyrics and a
crazy Ixxit set ry a bass guitar.
The pure disco, "oldskool" eal
ol "RisiB Junkie" will propel you
back lo a time of skate parties and
colored Reeboks. This funky track
would make anyone get out of his or
her seat and hit I he dance floor.
Down tempo "Thinkin' Bout
My Ex a collaboration with RtsB
great, Bahyface, shows of I Janet's
vocals and feature lyrics that are
"Warmth" and "Moist are,
if you think about it, just what
they sound like. But in case you're
having trouble, the choruses include
words like "erect "up and dow n"
and "lust
The alburn ends with the
already released single "Just A Little
While which, in the context of
Ihe other tracks, seems out ol place.
Vou may be left waiting for a bidden
I i.ii kor another one ol the six prior
interludes to close the album.
All told, with 22 tracks and just
over 65 minutes of music. Damita
lo is one ot Janet's most inviting
albums. Its feet thumping beats
and funky lyrics make the album
well worth the pure base
This writer can be contacted at

Album Info
Artist: Janet Jackson
Title: 'Damita Jo'
Release Date: April 6,2004.

Mil R
4 1b 04
Quick Picks.Film Review
In Family Vacation, the Johnson family travels to a family reunion, causing lots of laughs.
'Family Vacation'offers
fun family comedy
fohnton Faintly Vacation is .
wonderful comedy for families
to enjoy this spring.
The cast includes some
of the latest top celebri-
ties. Making a splash in the
film is lead actor Cedric The
Odric's character is Nate
Johnson, a devoted father who
is having problems with his
wile, Horothy Johnson (Vanessa
Naic and Dorothy round up
their three children, and they
embark on a vacation they'll
never forget.
lamed teen and child celeb-
rities play the roles of their
Making her film debut is Sol-
ange Knowles (Nikki Johnson)
who just released her first album
titled Solo Stiir. She plays a sassy
teen who enjoys being the eldest
How Wow also plays a part
in this soon-to-be family clas-
sic Bow Wow has a successful
rapping career and, as such, his
character(DJJohnson) aspires to
be a famous rapper.
The youngest child is hoik
other than Gabby Soleil, who
has been featured in many hit
Her character, Destiny John-
son, is the cute baby of the family
whose endearing smile will
always get things done her way.
The family packs up in a
pimped-out SUV and drives
from California to Missouri for
the Johnson family reunion.
On the way there,
they encounter a strange
hitchhiker (Shannon Elizabeth
From American Pit) and many
car troubles.
At every stop along
the way, something funny
happens. The Johnson
family aims to win the prie
trophy for "best lamily" at the
reunion and must pull off some
interesting stunts in
order to arrive at the reunion as
a group.
Nate's older brother, Mack
Johnson, (Steve Harvey) is bent on
winning the trophy for his family
and proving to Nate that he's
mama's favorite son.
Johnson Family Vacation
is the debut film for Direc-
tor Christopher Erskin, who
does a great job portraying
hardships while trying to
maintain a close, loving family.
Erskin has directed many music
videos for artists such as Tl.C,
Missy Elliot and Boys II Men.
Johnson Family Vacation is
comedy-packed and the perfect
movie for a family get-together,
even though anyone can enjoy
it and leave knowing what
family is all about. The cast is
explosive and does a dynamic
job on this disastrous, out-of-
control trip.
The Bottom line: With a
talented cast of celebrities and
a down-tO-earth theme, Johnson
Family Vacation is a guaran-
teed hit. Family is a wonder-
ini concept and hits everyone
on a personal level. The film is
also the epitome of tunny and
has its audience laughing the
entire way.
This writer can be contacted at
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Film Info
Rim: 'Johnson Family Vacation'
Starring: Cedric Trie Entertainer,
Vanessa Williams, Solange
Knowles, Bow Wow
Release Date: April 7,2004.
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4-15 04
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Trump hasn't decided 'Apprentice' winner
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(KRT) � Once "The Appren-
tice" got down to its final two
candidates, Donald Trump
wanted to see his potential future
employees fate some real stress.
He got his wish, thanks to
executive producer Mark Burnett.
"Donald wants to see them
in a CEO-type role, not as .1
member of a learn, but as a real
boss Burnett said.
"The final tasks are huge,
and the pressure on these
people - even the final two start
to crack
Following the elimination of
sort-of lovebirds Amy I lenry and
Nick Warnock in the penultimate
episode, Harvard MBA, Kwame
Jackson, and cigar entrepreneur,
Bill RanciCi were left to take on
jobs that directly affect aspects of
Trump's business. Rancic was put
in charge of a golf tournament
bearing Trump's name, while
Jackson had to oversee a Jessica
Simpson concert at Trump's Taj
Mahal casino in Atlantic City.
How they do will help
determine the winner in Thurs-
day's live, two-hour finale.
Instead of uttering the show's
catchphrase "You're fired
Trump will tell either Jack-
son or Rancic "You're hired
As of last week, when Trump
and Burnett talked to reporters
about the show, Trump hadn't
decided whet her he would cln N ISC
Jackson or Rancic to run one of
his divisions, at an annual salary
of $250,000. He likes both men.
"Kwame and Bill seem simi-
lar, but they're very different
Donald Trump will tell one of the final contestants, "You're hired on tonight's live finale.
I rump said.
"Bill's actually a much more
aggressive person than he looks
Oil television. Kwame, everyone
loves this guy. He's a Harvard
MBA - he left Goldman Sachs
for this opportunity - not a lot
of people would be leaving Gold-
man Sachs, literally, just for Ibis
Trump also hasn't decided
which part of his empire
he'll have the winner run.
"I think certain people
would be better at one thing
than another said Trump.
"So to a certain extent
it depends on who the
winner is going to be
The billionaire will also have
to break the news to an employee
that he or she is being pushed
aside to let a reality-show contes-
tant run the company for a year.
"Ay yi yi - why did you have
to ask me that question? Trump
"I've already prepared a
number of my divisions. Depend-
ing on the job we're doing - in
one case in particular it's a very
big situation - we're gonna be
watching this new president
very closely. This is not gonna
be a man who's gonna be run-
ning off half-cocked
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4 15 04
Cinema Scene
Student Union Films
Free with ECU One Card.
Along Came Polly - starring Ben
Stiller. Jennifer Aniston and Phillip
Seymour Hoffman A newly wedded
husband (Stiller) is cheated on by his
wife during their Honeymoon Soon
alter, he becomes involved in another
relationship with a free-spirited
woman named Polly (Aniston)
Rated PG-13
Girt With a Pearl Earring - starring
Scarlett Johannson and Colin Firth
This historical drama is set in 17th
century Holland Vermeer is about to
pairtfhis masterwork. Girl with a Pearl
Eamng The movie tells the backslory
of the girl. Gnet (Scarlett Johansson),
a 16-year-old housemaid who looks
after Vermeers kids ana his sickly
mother-in-law Meanwhile, the
painter's wife looks on with envy
Rated PG-13
Carmike 12
The Alamo - starring Dennis Quaid,
Jason Patric and Billy Bob Thornton.
Disney's retell of the 1836 battle
where 300 American troops held the
San Antonio fort against the Mexican
forces under General Santa Ana
Rated: PG-13
on the lam They decide to hide out in
the one city they figure no one would
suspect to find a couple of cultured
girls - Los Angeles Disguised as
singing and dancing drag queens,
they unexpectedly become a hit
sensation Rated: PG-13.
Ella Enchanted - starring Anne
Hathaway and Hugh Dancy This
family film tells the story of Ella, who's
blessedcursed at birth with the gift
of obedience However, many people
take advantage of her, and while on
a journey to cure her problem, finds
a prince with whom she falls in love.
Rated: PG
The Girl Next Door - starring Elisha
Cuthbert and Timothy Olyphant. A
straight-arrow high school senior
falls in love with the perfect "girl next
door" only to discover she is a former
pom star Rated: R.
Hellboy - starring Ron Perlman and Selma Blair. Born in the flames ol hell

umcustBMHS atngctu

Connie and Carla - starring David
Duchovny and Nia.Vardalos Two
Chicago dinner theater singers
witness a mob hit and tind. themselves
and brought to Earth to perpetrate
evil, Hellboy (Perlman) was rescued
from sinister forces by Dr. Broom,
who raised him to be a hero Rated:
Home on the Range - starring
Judi Dench, Cuba Gooding Jr
and Randy Quaid A group of cows
learn that their owner must pay a
$1,000 mortgage on the farm or she
will be forced to sell. The animals
band together with the lady's horse
to come up with the money Their plan
is to collect the bounty on a no-good
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Take Out
What's all the Hubbub
about the Pub Grub?
The food keeps getting
Better and Better!
bandit who's on the run Rated: PG
Johnson Family Vacation - starring
Cedric the Entertainer, Vanessa
Williams and Bow Wow The head of
the Johnson family hits the highway
with his brother, separated wife and
three children on a trip to Missouri
to make the Johnson family reunion
Along the way they share a few
colorful and comical adventures
Rated: PG-13
KHI Bin Vol. 2 - starring Uma Thurman,
Daryl Hannah and David Carradine
The concluding act of Quentin
Tarantino's Kill Bill series finds The
Bride (Tfiurman) continuing to seek
vengeance against her employer and
once fellow hit men who shot her and
left her for dead on her wedding day
This time, her nemeses' include Bud
(Michael Madsen) and Elle Driver
(Hannah) Rated: R
The Prince and Me - starring Julia
Stiles and Luke Mably. The story ot
a female student at a Midwestern
university who has the dubious
fortune to fall in love with a European
prince spending the semester there
incognito. However, the prince is
forced to choose between love and
royalty Rated: PG
The Passion of The Christ - starring
James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci,
Maia Morgenstern. Story of the last
12 hours of Jesus Christ's life, as told
by director Mel Gibson
The Punlshei - starring John
Travolta, Thomas Jane and Laura
Elena Harring FBI undercover
agent Frank Castles (Jane) world
is shaken to its core by a nightmare
he has longed feared: his family is
executed as a repercussion from his
final assignment With unparalleled
intensity, ferocious intelligence and
fearless actions. Castle seeks to
punish the murderers, and their kind
Rated: R.
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
- starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and
Freddie Prinze Jr The gang is back
at i! again doing battle with villains
such as The Pterodactyl Ghost. The
Black Knight Ghost and The 10,000
Volt Ghost in order to save Ihe city of
Coolsville. Rated: PG
Walking Tall - starring The Rock and
Johnny Knoxville Retired soldier Chris
Vaughn returns to his hometown only
to find that his high school rival has
shut down local industry and turned
the town into a hotspot for crime and
drugs Vaughn becomes sheriff of the
town and begins solving its problems
Rated: PG-13.
The Whole Ten Yards - starring
Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry
Sequel to The Whole Nine Yards,
Oz and Jimmy (Perry and Willis) re-
team to fight Lazlo Gogolak, younger
brother of the first film's villain, who
is seeking revenge. After Oz's wife
is kidnapped, Oz and Jimmy endure
many comical escapades to save her
Rated: PG-13
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Local bands to rock
Underground crowds
Art Lords, Battle
Koalas come to
campus Saturday
The Student Union Popular
Entertainment Committee is at
It again wtth another greet Pirate
Underground performance ly
Battle Koalas and Art Lords of a
Sell Portrait.
Art Lords of a Sell Portrait
is a band of ECU art students
who played here recently in
the Battle of the Bands at Pirate
Sam Herring, the lead
singer and "Art Lord fronts the
group with "self-portraits" Adam
Bebe, William Cushion and (ierrit
"Art Lords are great guys,
and they put on a great show
salil lessicaOdom, junior apparel
merchandising major.
Battle Koalas of Greensboro,
NC, includes the Vickland
Brothers that have been a band
lor about a year. Neither band
has a record contract nor are
they nationally known.
However, they either have a
solid local tan base or are trying
10get their music out to people.
Both bands have a unique
description - new wave dance
"Performance music - there
is a 'performance' that goes
along with theirsongs. It'sagwd
show and incredibly entertain-
ing. If you like unique music, this
is the show for you said
Amanda Trail, Popu-
lar Entertainment chair.
Many of the Pirate Under-
ground performers want sup-
port and appreciation among
their peers.
"I really encourage
anyone who hasn't come out
to one of the Underground's
shows to check it out. All the
concerts are free, and with
the diversity in music, there is
something for everyone Trail
"Beyond that, we support
comedy acts and competitions
as well - Battle of the Bands,
freestyle competition and break
dancing competition. The Pirate
Underground keeps getting
better and better
Pirate Underground is
responsible for bringing local as
well as up-and-coming bands
from all over the nation to ECU.
A wiile variety of musicians who
might already be well-known
come to play for students, such
as Pretty (iirls Make Graves and
Justincase, who are starting to
gain recognition.
A college campus audience
is ideal tor most of these hands.
Word of mouth through diverse
groups of people with open
minds help to spread fast pub-
licity about performers.
"The Pirate Underground is
now a credible concert venue
in North Carolina. The Stu-
dent Union Popular Entertain-
ment Committee supports a
concert series that takes place
in the Underground once
or twice a week Trail said.
"We are not just a venue,
but also an entire committee of
students that choose what music
COtneS here and sets up and pro-
duces the concerts themselves
"There is diversity in the
music that is chosen to per-
form. We have had everything
from hip-hop to country to
rock 'n' roll and everything
in between. We have fea-
tured local acts and nation-
ally touring acts this year
Underground attendance
has been double this year than
in years past. More and more,
students seem to be taking
advantage of what ECU is offer-
ing in entertainment.
"The atmosphere is cool
and it's nice that ECU can
access something like new
bands for free said Ashley
Adams, a junior science educa-
tion major.
"The bands are still under-
ground, but not always local,
which is refreshing
7Ws writer can be contacted at
Event Info
Battle Koalas and Art Lords of a
Sell Portrait
9 p.m. -11 p.m. on Saturday,
April 17 In Pirate Underground In
Rivals from page B1
dueling for l.ydia's love. When
Jack is called to fight imaginary
characters to win over a girl who
has already rejected him, l.ydia
becomes worried.
She suspends the duels and
confesses her love for Jack. At
the same time, Julia forgives
laulkland for his doubts.
Throughout the entire
unraveling of relationships,
all the characters' true iden-
tities have been shown and
manage to be the saving
factor in salvaging all the rela-
In The Rivals, Sheridan
is able to amplify the natu-
ral faults of his characters,
thus making for very comedic
and amusing situations.
He mostly exaggerates Mrs.
Malaprop's stumble of
The term "malapropism"
was coined from this play.
Mrs. Malaprop never ceases to
find the wrong word In her
authorization of the English
All in all, I he Rivals is a
play that will appeal to all ages.
Students will be most likely to
identify with the story because
of its attention to the trials of
Everyone likes for their sig-
nificant others to meet certain
criteria. This play certainly dem-
onstrates that you don't always
need to check off everyone.
"The story of The Rivals
seems like something
that will directly relate to
my life, even though it is
set a long time ago said
Jessica Upchurch, sophomore
elementary education major.
The stellar costuming
and scenery is sure to keep
audiences visually amused
while the musical wit of
English dialogue keeps them
phonetically attentive.
This writer can be contacted at

Event Info
The Rivals'
April 15 - 20
All shows at 8 p.m. except for
Sunday at 2 p.m.
McGinn's Theater ECU campus
Tickets are S7-S12
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4 1504
Pirates travel to Cincinnati
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Sea Kayaking, Canoeing At Shackleford Island
The adventure club invites interested people for a weekend of sea kayak
canoe at Shackleford Island on April 23 - 25. Students must register by
Friday, April 16 There will be a pre-trip meeting on April 20.
Sea Kayaking, Canoeing In Haw River
The adventure club invites interested people for a day of sea kayaking and
canoeing at the Haw River on April 24. Students must register by Friday,
April 16 There will be a pre-trip meeting on April 20.
Rock Climbing
If you caught the climbing bug on the Rec Center's indoor wall and are ready
to give it a shot on a real rock, join the adventure program for a day at Pilot
Mountain on April 25. Harnesses and gears will be provided. Participants
must register by April 16 A pre-trip meeting is April 21.
Frisbee Golf Tournament
There will be an intramural frisbee golf tournament on April 21 from 3 p.m.
- 6 p.m. at the Frisbee Golf Course. Players have a chance to match their
Frisbee skills with the best! Registration takes place at the course.
For more information on this or any other program, call 328-6387
Sports Briefs
Gordon entering NBA draft
Connecticut guard Ben Gordon is forgoing his senior year and making
himself eligible for the NBA Draft, The Journal News ol New York reported
Wednesday. The Hartford Courant also reported on its website Gordon
will turn pro. Gordon, projected as a possible Top 10 selection, will make
the announcement in Storrs. Conn on Wednesday. He averaged a team-
leading 18.5 points for the Huskies and helped lead them to the national
title "It's time Gordon told The Journal News. 1 had a great experience
at UConn, but I'm ready for what's next I knew this is what I wanted from
the beginning of the season, so why wait?" UConn coach Jim Calhoun
has said Gordon is ready for the NBA. To be eligible for the June 24 draft,
an underclassman must send a letter to the NBA by May 10. A player with
eligibility remaining who has not signed with an agent must withdraw
from draft consideration by June 17 to return to his college team. In the
NCAA Tournament, Gordon averaged 21 2 points in six games. Gordon's
teammate Emeka Okafor is also facing a decision about whether to skip
his senior season The junior center will graduate early this May and has
hinted at entering the NBA Draft.
UCLA freshman forward Ariza to enter NBA Draft
UCLA forward Trevor Ariza is entering the NBA Draft after just one season
with the Bruins, the school said Tuesday. The 18-year-old Ariza, who made
the Pac-10's all-freshman team, is the second UCLA underclassman eying
a move to the pros Last week, swingman Dijon Thompson, the leading
scorer at 14.4 points, said he will declare himself eligible for the NBA. To
be eligible for the June 24 draft, an underclassman must send a letter by
May 10 to the NBA. A player with eligibility remaining who has not signed
with an agent must withdraw from draft consideration by June 17 to return
to his college team. Thompson could return for his senior year, but UCLA
has released Ariza from his scholarship, making him eligible to transfer
should he decide to return to college. The 6-7, 205-pound Ariza started
23 of 25 games and was the Bruins' No. 3 scorer with 11.6 points a game
and No 2 rebounder at 6.5 a game He also led UCLA in steals, averaging
1.68, had an assist average of 21. and shot 42.6 percent - 237 percent
from 3-point range
Wolf leaves consulting job with Browns
Ron Wolf resigned as a part-time personnel consultant to the Cleveland
Browns on Tuesday, less than three months after being hired by the club.
Wolf, who built the Green Bay Packers into a Super Bowl champion, said
his decision to leave the Browns was tied into Carmen Policy's resignation
as team president Policy announced last week that he was stepping down
as president and chief executive. After the Browns went 5-11 last season,
they hired the 65-year-old Wolf In January to assist them in evaluating
their current roster and to plan for next week's college draft Wolf worked
from his home in Maryland, reviewing game tapes and video of potential
draft picks. The Browns had also asked Wolf for his opinion before they
decided to replace quarterback Tim Couch by signing free agent QB Jeff
Garcia. However, coach Butch Davis dismissed Wolf's input during the
recent NFL meetings. Wolf was asked if Davis' comments had angered him
"I was just a part-time guy. so he could use me any way that he wanted
to Wolf replied.
Frank will become full-time Head Coach
New Jersey Nets interim coach Lawrence Frank will be back with the team
next season, the New York Daily News reported Wednesday. Frank will have
the interim tag lifted after the season, no matter how the Nets do in the
playoffs, three anonymous sources told the newspaper. Team president
Rod Thorn also is expected to negotiate a new contract for Frank, according
to a source The team holds an option until June 30 to bring Frank back
next season Thorn, who has praised Frank's preparation and coaching
ability, would neither confirm nor deny the decision. Frank, 33, set a record
for major professional sports in North America by starting his coaching
career 13-0 when he replaced the fired Byron Scott on Jan. 26. Since the
fast start, the Nets (47-34) are just 12-14 under Frank, but hold the No 2
seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs as the Atlantic Division champs
The players have made it clear that they want Frank to be the team's coach
next season. The Nets end the regular season Wednesday at Miami. The
NBA playoffs begin Saturday and New Jersey will open the postseason by
hosting either New York or New Orleans.
Williams ruling delayed to Thursday
A ruling in the Jayson Williams manslaughter trial was put off until Thursday
morning due to a death in the family of the lead prosecutor of the retired
NBA star. Court had been expected to convene Tuesday afternoon for
a decision on a dismissal rpotion by the defense, which charged that
prosecutorial misconduct regarding evidence had deprived Williams of
a fair trial. Prosecutors maintained that the error, late disclosure of notes
and photographs from one of their proposed witnesses, was inadvertent.
The trial over the shooting of a hired driver, which began Feb. 10, was
suspended over the dispute on April 1, just as lawyers were crafting their
summations. State Superior Court Judge Edward M. Coleman gave the
defense over a week to evaluate the new evidence, and heard testimony
and arguments on the dismissal motion Monday The jury has not heard
live testimony since March 30.
The UNC-W match up was officially called off due to rain by the start of the fourth inning with the Seahawks up 1-0.
ECU makes run at
Conference USA title
The Pirate baseball team
continued its impressive play
over the weekend with a
convincing three-game sweep
over Conference USA rival South
ECU (28-6, 9-3) held off the
Bulls in the opener, 6-4, behind
Trevor Lawhorn's sixth homerun
in as many games. Junior Creg
Bunn improved to 6-0 on the
season, allowing just two hits
through eight and one third
innings. The Pirates cruised 10-
5 and 11-1 in a douhleheader the
following day.
The Cincinnati Bearcats
(6-25, 2-10) will host ECU this
weekend in another three-game
CUSA series. The Bearcats
have struggled this season,
hut may have picked up some
momentum alter a 7-6 win at
TCU on Sunday.
Steve Pickerell has been one
of the few bright spots in the
Bearcat lineup in 2004. Pickerell
has had one of the best seasons
in C-USA with a .423 batting
average, eight homers and 26
If UK. all team-highs.
Jack Nelson (.368) is second
on the team in batting, followed
by Drew Saylor (.314) and Aaron
Moll (.295). Saylor and Moll
both have three homcruns on
the season and have combined
for 44 RBIs.
ECU pitchers should find it
easy to focus on Pickerell and
company at the plate and not
runners on the basepaths this
weekend. The Bearcats have just
six steals in 13attemptsandMark
Muscenti (.198) leads the team
with only two thefts.
The pitching staff has been
horrendous for the Bearcats
this year. Coaches have sent 16
different players to the mound,
all with little success. The Pirates
TV1 � :
The Pirates return to conference play this weekend,
have to be wide-eyed with 8.03 ERA.
anticipation after seeing Cincin-
nati's team ERA of 8.03.
Aaron Moll is the lone pitcher
with more than one win. Moll is
2-2 this season with a 6.43 ERA
in four starts. Tony Maynard has
made a team-high of six starts
on his way to a 1-3 record and
The reason for Cincy's
lack of success on the mound
has been control issues and the
inability to strike out opposing
see BASEBALL page C6
SoftrJalT Team ready forliberty, JMU
ECU is a combined 3-0 this season against Liberty and James Madison, taking two from Liberty and one from JMU.
ECU takes break from
Conference USA play
ECU's soflhall team will
travel to Virginia to face
Liberty and James Madison this
The Lady Pirates currently
stand at 38-13-1 this season
and are looking to add four
more wins to their record
as they play each team in a
In playing Liberty and
JMU this weekend, the
Lady Pirates will receive a
much-needed' break from
conference play. In the last 11
games, ECU has played nine
conference games against
top teams such as DePaul,
Louisville, and No. 18 South
"We welcome the relief said
Head Coach Tracey Kee.
"The games aren't as strenu-
Both Liberty and JMU
are no strangers to ECU this
season. The Lady Pirates have
already played Liberty twice this
year, defeating them 13-2 and
In the only meeting against
JMU this season, the Lady Pirates
captured the Pirate Clash cham-
pionship defeating them 4-3.
leading the way this week-
end tor ECU is junior infielder
Kate Manuse. Manuse broke
ECU's single season double
record last weekend against
South Florida, She is currently
leading the team in batting with
a .379 average and in homeruns
with six.
Winning every game this
weekend would not only put
ECU on a four-game winning
streak, but it would also build
momentum for next week when
ECU plays in-state rival North
ECU opens play on Satur-
day at I p.m. in game one of a
douhleheader against Liberty in
l.ynchhurg, Va.
On Sunday, the Lady Pirates
travel to Ilarrisonhurg, VA to
play two games against JMU at
12 p.m.
This writer can be contacted at
Ladies' soccer finishes undefeated
Pirates prepare
for summer
After ending the 2003
campaign with a heartbreak-
ing and season-ending loss to
Charlotte, the women's soccer
team heads into spring ready to
compete. They knew with the
returning players next season a
successful spring could catapult
them into a very successful 2004
Mission accomplished.
After eight games, the Pirates
are 7-0-1. The most impressive
stat is the one goal allowed in
their eight games. The Pirates
have beat NC State 4-0, nation-
ally ranked Florida 2-1 and Duke
1-0. The Florida and Duke wins
were part of a tournament held
in layetteville, where the Pirates
took the crown.
Head Coach Rob Donnen-
wirth was very excited about
how spring was looking.
"We've had a good attitude all
spring Donnenwirth said.
"And the rewards are starting
to pay off
Donnenwirth was very happy
with the play of Carmen Calpo,
Sarah Stoltz and Krystel Pabey.
Donnenwirth was especially
pleased with Meghan McCal-
lion, the team's leading scorer
last season.
"The whole group Calpo,
Stoltz, Pabey and McCalllon has
been great Donnenwirth said.
"But Meghan has stepped up
to a new level
I he primary concern coming
into the spring for Donnenwirth
was on the defensive side of the
field � all of the seniors from the
2003 squad were defenders.
With t he progress ol his team,
especially on the defensive side,
Donnenwirth has been very
"Spring is more a develop-
mental time Donnenwirth
"The wins are great, hut we're
really not going for them
With only two more games
left, one a 7-on-7 match with
UNC-Wilmington and an
alumni match, the team is pre-
paring for summer. Donnenwirth
noted how fit the girls are and
hopes it only gets better over the
"Our level of fitness improves
every year Donnenwirth said.
"The girls don't only do it lot
their own personal goals, but for
the team. Everyone on the team
expects everyone else to work just
as hard as they are
The match against UNC-W
will take place in Wilming-
ton on Saturday, April 17, and
the Alumni game will be in
Greenville on April 24.
The writer con be contacted at

4 15 04
4 15 04
Red Wings trying to regroup with CuJo
Author Signing & Book Sale
Meet with NPR correspondent and author Juan Williams
after his Brown vs Board of Education presentation
Thursday, April I 5 at 1:00 pm in Hendrix Theatre.
The Dowdy Student Stores is
sponsoring an author signing
and bxk sale after the
presentation at the second floor
gallery of Mendenhall Student
Center. Williams' three bixks
will be for sale at 20-25 off
the retail price in conjunction
with this event.
ZtvVI Donald E Dowdy
Student Stores
Wright Building � 328-6731
The Predators have pushed Detroit around in the last two contests at home in Nashville.
(KKI) � Curtis Joseph has
come full circle
He lost his joh after the
Detroit Red Wings having scored
only six goals in four games were
swept by Anaheim in the first
round last season.
Now he's got it back as the
Wings having scored only six
Ko.ils in four games are in a 2-2
tie with the Nashville Predators
in the first round.
The irony must not be lost
on him.
At practice Wednesday, when
coach Dave Lewis announced
Joseph would replace Manny
Legate as the starting goaltender
Thursday night in dame S, Joseph
was asked whether he could pro-
vide a spark. "Well he said, "I'm
not going to score any goals
The Wings are coming oil
li.uklo-back losses that looked
a lot like the four straight losses
they suffered last year, when they
peppered goaltender Jean-Sebas-
tien (iiguere but couldn't put the
pink past him, when they made
a few mistakes and the Mighty
Ducks capitalized.
Although they outshot the
Predators, 8.1-41, in dames 3 and
4, they were outscored, 6-1.
Legate was hard on himself.
Asked whether he was taking
too much of the blame, he said:
"No. Not at all. I didn't get the
job done "
But Joseph defended Legate
much like he defended himself
last year. He said Steve Sullivan
probably would have scored on
Wings legend Terry Sawchuk
with the move he made on
Legate to finish a breakaway
Tuesday night. "I don't think
Manny could be faulted for any
of the goals Joseph said. "He
played great
"It's difficult to get in the flow
when you don't get a lot ol shots
. we've just got to play better and
try and get to their goalie
Although .Joseph was less
than outstanding last year and
legate wasn't at his lust the last
two games, goaltending wasn't
the Wings' only issue then and
it's not close to their main issue
The Wings ranked second
in goals and fifth on the powei
play during the regular season
and have added one of the
league's leading scorers, Robert
Lang. They're facing a team
that ranked lOth-worst in goals
allowed and seventh-worst on
the penalty kill. Still, the Wings
aren't scoring I heir power play is
l-for-20and that goal Came on a
lucky bounce.
Asked which ol the Wings'
problems most concerned him.
Lewis said: "Well, it would be
one to score a goal
Then there are penalties and
breakdowns I ewis said he might
make other moves Thursdav
night, "looking for a complete
Hut goaltending can make
the biggest difference, and
Lewis started there. Despite
the Wings' dalliance with
Dominik llasek coming out of
retirement, loseph is still their
SH-million man. He still has 58
playofl v ietoriev
"I'm putting Curtis in because
we want to get a win, I want to
change some things Lewis said.
" urlis has got tremendous expe-
rlence, he knows how to deal with
the pressure and this is a perfect
situation for him to be in
After sitting out all but five
games since lib. II because of
ankle problems, loseph played the
last 17: So on Tuesday, He stopped
all nine shots he faced.
"i uOWaspu1 into a pretty dif-
ficult spot, because not only did
he go into the third period, but
at the time our team was taking
a lot of chances and leaving him
a little bit vulnerable forward
Brendan Shanahan said.
loseph has been put into a
pretty difficult spot again. As
he knows all too well, for him
to do a good job, his teammates
will probably have to do a good
job, too. ,
loseph said. "We have home-ice
advantage, Hopefully, we can get
some goals and win the two out
of three
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Homecoming Chair '04
Applications available: Alendenhall Student Center
(Information Desk) from April 12-16
Deadline to apply: Friday, April 16th
Be a leader! Help us plan our campuswide activities for
ECU Homecoming this Fall (from our theme selection,
parade, floats, King & Queen contest, Spirit Week and
Pirate Fest activities)!
For more information contact Joanna Iwata at or the Office
of Student Involvement at 328-4790.
SGA Cabinet V4-V5
Sign up: Student Government Association Office
(MSC 2 53from April 12-16
Deadline to apply: Friday, April 16th
This is your chance to get involved with the different
special interest committees in SGA for next year!
Sign-up now! For more information contact Shannon
O'Donnell at
ECU tennis teams compete in
Conference USA tournament
Men, women see
tough competition
The men and women's tennis
team will travel to Memphis, TN
and Louisville, KY respectively
to compete in the Conference
USA Tennis Tournament today.
The separate tournaments
begin at noon and last until
The men's tennis team holds
the seventh seed and will take-
on C-USA rival Del'aul at 1
p.m. ECU (13-S) will take on
the Blue Demons (1311) for
the first time this season. The
winner will advance to take on
No. 27 ranked Tulane, who has
the top ranked C-USA player in
Michael Kogan. I he Israeli native
is ranked No. 13 in the nation,
according to I'I'A.
ECU will have to concentrate
on certain singles flights in order
to pick up the win. Chad Meyer
holds a resounding 16-8 record at
the first flight and a team leading
3-1 in C-USA play. Mark Hender-
son, the top Blue Demons' player,
has a dismal 5-10 record and 3-3
in conference.
Coach Tom Morris will study
ami probably continue to tweak
his line-up. Morris can use a
number of players interchange-
Felipe Fonseca, Mark Gel-
laid and Darren Mansell have
all seen matches at flights three,
four and five, t.ellard posts
the best record in conference,
going undefeated at 3-0. Gerard
Ga Undo will most likely rake the
sixth flight as he holds a 10-2
record. The sixth High! serves as
a tiebreaker if needed but is not
counted otherwise.
Del'aul will be different
from the light out ol conference
schedule the Pirates have raced
this year, George Wang and Sam
Davidson are two players that the
Pirates will have to deal with.
Morris will need a game plan
for the players that hold 21-9
and 19) records overall.
Wang usually plays at the
third flight with Davidson at
the fourth. However, the Blue
Demons fall significantly off,
as four players from fligbls
three lower don't hold winning
In order for the Pirates to
advance to face the Green Wave,
they are going to have to pick up
some doubles matches. These
matches have been a struggle
for the Pirates throughout the
season. The best bet to pick up
points is going to be with the
teams ol Paulo Baumer and Nick
Rose or I'onseca and Gellard.
The women's team will have
their hands full with a red hot
Charlotte team, which starts at
3 p.m. The Charlotte women
have won eight straight matches
while the ECU women were just
swept by the Richmond Spiders.
The winner will advance to take
on No. 13 ranked and top seed
Tulane. The Green Wave (21-1)
sports four top 100 players in
the nation. That match will take
place at noon on Friday, leaving
the loser to play at 6 p.m. on
The ECU women will have to
watch out for Charlotte freshman
and team MVP Kathy Robey, who
holds a team-best of 23 wins and
has won eight straight matches.
ECU will counter with Raluca
Baicu or Kristin Buchannan.
The two have combined to
go 13-13 at the top flight, but
it might be a struggle behind
them. The problem occurs
with the fifth and sixth flights
along with the third flights in
doubles. Sara Boseman has a
3-10 record at the fifth flight,
while Ashley Perkinson is 0-12
at the sixth. The women are a
combined 2-7 in C-USA.
The double elimination
tournament will provide
a stage for the men's and
women's teams to shine. The
championship games will
be held at noon and 11 a.m.
respectively on Sunday, with the
finalists of the loser's bracket
vying for third.
rh's writer can be contacted at
Doherty says he won't begrudge Roberts
(KRT) � Matt Doherty had
dreams, too.
They included visions of a
New York basketball community
that rallied behind the St. John's
program. It came replete with a
national championship and a
parade through the Canyon of
"1 see St. John's as a place with
infinite possibilities and 1 am
disappointed that I won't have
the chance to lead it back to the
elite Doherty said Tuesday.
"I could have another coach-
ing job right now, but I wanted to
be at St. John's. It was a good fit
and has all kinds of potential to
be something spectacular
Doherty said he would not
begrudge Norm Roberts as the
choice. The former North Caro-
lina and Notre Dame coach was
so impressed with Roberts that
he tried to hire him to be an
assistant coach for the lighting
During the agonizingly
long search for a new coach at
St. John's, Doherty spent a lot
of time as the presumed leader.
He felt confident enough about
his chances to turn down James
Madison's job offer. And li is can-
didacy had the influential back-
ing of the basketball program's
biggest financial boosters.
Tuesday at 8 a.m he got a call
from St. John's AD I ave Wegrzyn
with the news he would not be
the choice. He asked tot the
chance to speak with the Rev.
Donald J. Harrington, but the
university president said lues-
day he hadn't had the chance
to call.
"I don't want anyone to get
the wrong impression, that 1 am
angry or hurt, because I got noth-
ing hut positive feelings from the
people at St. John's he said.
"I was flattered by their inter-
est in me
Doherty isn't the only victim
of the St. John's coaching search
and the political warfare it
brought out from the factions
that backed an assortment of
candidates. There are others
most notably Manhattan's
Bobby Gonzalez and Memphis'
Johnalipari who sustained
some damage, whether intended
or not.
That Gonzalez was fre-
quently discussed by members
of the search committee and not
see SJU page C6
April 17th 7PM Minges Colisieum
Tickets: Advance $10 for Students, Non-Students $15 At the Door $20
Doors Open @ 6pm After Party Immediately Following the Show
Sponsored in part by ECU SGA

Tiger's training with Special Forces
liger Woods is deep inside
lort Bragg this week, wearing a
camouflage uniform and doing
the kind of things Green Berets
io. i he cowi story is that he flew
down on his private jet to see
what military life is .ill about.
1 he real truth is, I iger's on a
vi ret mission. Somewhere in the
woods In North Carolina, heand
the Special Forces are out trving
to tind his golf game.
As good as the Green Berets
are. it won't be e.isv.
It doesn't help that Woods
wont even admit it's missing.
Another In a string o disap-
pointing majors ended early on
Sundav tor Woods, hong before
the Cheers echoed from Amen
( ornei is Phil Mlckelson and
1 rim l is put on the kind of spec-
tacular bar, k-ninc show that once
belonged only to Woods.
It you're counting and in golf
that's usually a good way to keep
si ore Woods is now winless in
seven sir.iiglit majors. Worse yet.
he hasn't even been a factor in
the final round of five of them.
lie's got a long way to go to
rival Mlckelson's oh -for- 42 streak
in the majors, but the tourna-
ments are beginning to add up.
So, too, are the questions.
The player who once intimi-
dated his fellow competitors
simply by showing up on the
first tee seems gone, replaced
by a befuddled twin who goes
about his work with an exasper-
ated look on his face as putts
race past the hole and drives go
increasingly awry.
There are whispers about
flaws in his swing, his conviction
to golf, and his once all-consum-
ing desire to win.
Things have gotten so bad
that Woods vomited after the
first hole Sunday, though he later
claimed it was because of a bad
sandwich, not a bad putt.
Through it all, Woods keeps
repeating the same mantra to
inquiring writers, as if he needs
to believe it himself.
The numbers may say other-
wise, but Woods insists he's not
In a slump.
"It's different for me versus
any other player he said last
week. "Some other player has a
bad week, misses the cut, it's no
big deal, slips through the radar.
Whereas if I shoot one bad round,
it's a little bit different. I think it's
just expectation levels
Perhaps it is. Golf fans were
easily spoiled by Woods, who
carries the burden of having to
compete against his own past
Woods will likely never win
four straight majors again, and
may never match a record be
once seemed destined to smash
Jack Nicklaus' 18 major champi-
onship wins.
He's got three green jackets
from Augusta National, but the
10 that Nicklaus once predicted
of him?
No way.
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C-USA moves closer to picking 12th team
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(KRT) � After two days of
meetings in Texas, Conference
USA athletic directors adjourned
Tuesday with no official recom-
mendation on expansion, but
that should change soon.
Although the group had
hoped to have its membership
puzzle solved by Wednesday,
pieces will fil fn time for an
April M) discussion by league
presidents, IK I AD Steve Orslni
"That's our job. We'll come
up with one Orsini said.
C-USA presidents have the
final vote on expansion. Athletic
directors will have one or more
conference calls over the next
two weeks to iron out expan-
sion wrinkles.
UTEP is the favored candi-
date among a list that includes
Louisiana Tech and North Texas
but no longer includes Temple,
Toledo and Miami of Ohio,
temple's interest in C-USA is for
football only, and the league is
pondering only all-sports mem-
bers, Mid-American Conference
members Toledo and Miami,
once on C-USA's expansion
radar, on Tuesday reaffirmed
their commitment to slaying ip
the MAC, and the MAC issued a
statement ol its "solidarity
C-USA has a roster of 11
schools for 2O0.S-06, when the
bulk of conference realignment
happens around the country.
Although C-USA ommissioner
Kritton Hanowsky said staying
at II "is still a viable option
he is on record as wanting a
league with 12 schools, and
athletic directors are expected
to follow his lead. A 12-team
league allows lor divisional play
In several sports and also will
permit C-USA to have a football
championship game.
Despite the lack of a formal
announcement Tuesday,
Hanowsky was pleased.
"I think we took some
big steps lorward get to some
Louisiana Tech is one of three considerations for expansion
consensus he said. "We don't
have a consensus yet, but we're
making progress
Hanowsky said one reason
league leaders are taking their
time with the expansion evalu-
ation is that the conference, after
this decision, does not foresee
any more membership changes
in the near future.
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from page C1
Maynard, Justin Mingi and
Chase l.ampl lead the team with
just 19 strikeouts, and Minges is
the only pitcher with a strikeout
to walk ratio hetter than 2 to 1.
As a staff, the Bearcats have 147
strikeouts to 139 walks on the
im Olds leads the team with
a 0.00 ERA, hut will probably not
face the Pirates.
The junior has pitched just
one and two thirds innings,
giving up three unearned
runs on two hits and three
Norwood named C-USA
Co-Hitter of the Week
Following the USF series,
junior first baseman Ryan
Norwood was given the dis-
tinction of being named C-
USA Co-Hitter of the Week.
Norwood batted .500 (8-of-
16) for the series with two
homeruns, four Rills and seven
runs scored.
Norwood is hitting .375
for the season with a team-
high 48 hits. The junior also
has eight homers, 2 RBIs and
a team-high 33 runs scored.
Norwood shared the honor with
Southern Miss outfielder Carlos
dame time is set for 3 p.m. in
Cincinnati, Ohio, on Friday. After
the three-game series, the Pirates
have a highly anticipated match-
up at NC State on Wednesday.
This writer can be contacted at
from page C3
brought in for an interview may
have cast doubts in the minds
of other administrations that
considered him for their posts.
And Calipari, whose inclusion
as a candidate had dredged up
ancient stories about question-
able recruiting tactics, had his
character examined in a verj
public manner.
Harrington said each ol them
had serious merits, but bringing
in all the candidates was never
part ol the process.
"I think Bobby (ionale
could probably have been a good
and effective coach he said. "If
we went over a top 10 list, he
would probably be on that (but)
I'm not someone who believes in
marching 10 people in here.
"I don't think it shows respect
to them
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The East Carolinian, April 15, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 15, 2004
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