The East Carolinian, April 14, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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Volume 79 Number 136
New look planned for downtown
-um omit vrt
The Redevelopment Commission created a
master plan for downtown Greenville. Projects
include an extension to link Tenth Street and
U.S. 264.
Improvements include
hotel, alumni center
Window shopping in down-
town Greenville means peering
into mostly empty shop fronts
and grabbing lunch at a scant
handful of eating establish-
ments. But the community
has plans to expand and improve
the current cityscape.
In June 2002, the city of
Greenville created the Redevel-
opment Commission, which
has since initiated a center-city
development plan.
This plan calls for preserva-
tion and restoration of historic
buildings in the downtown
area and elsewhere, revital-
ization of the economically
depressed neighborhoods nearest
the downtown area and the
construction of the Tenth Street
Connector, which will create a
direct route between Highway
264 and ECU'S campus.
The Tenth Street Connector
has since been approved.
The Chamber of Com-
merce is discussing how they
can become involved with the
revitali.ation efforts.
"Over the last 20 or 30 years,
the downtown area has lost
the vibrancy it once had. How-
ever, with all of the different
groups working together on this
common goal, we can get it
back said Henry Hinton,
chairman of the Greenville-Pitt
County Chamber of
A major plan, cu rrent ly bei ng
developed, is the construction
of a hotel, conference center
and an ECU Alumni Center.
Planners hope an Alumni
Center would encourage
greater alumni involvement
in Greenville and encourage
more alumni to settle in this
area after graduation. This proj-
ect could also stimulate alumni
donations to the university,
Hinton said.
Currently, a wide array of
Greenville interests are work-
ing to turn downtown into a
vibrant area the entire city can
enjoy and be proud to showcase.
Business owners downtown feel
the strain of a worn out area.
One of the important figures
in the move toward downtown
revitalization is UBE owner
Ron Edwards.
F.dwards is chairman of the
city of Greenville's Redevelop-
ment Commission, president
of a non-profit organization
called Uptown Greenville and
managing partner of Uptown
Properties 1.1,C, a company
that is involved in property
management in the downtown
F.dwards said he Is, "driven
and Mas a has a passion to
dramatically improve the heart
of the city
Edwards said a vibrant,
more family friendly down-
town area would be a great
asset to ECU and to Greenville
because of the positive notoriety
on recruitment it could give the
university and the community.
"Improving the downtown
area could turn Greenville into
one of the greatest college towns
in America Edwards said.
"It would be the same kind
of draw for ECU that Frank-
lin Street is for UNC Chapel
Hill, and would really encour-
age positive development for
the university
Edwards said he envi-
sions a downtown area that
is busy at 6 p.m. instead of
just heating up at midnight. It
would be a place with shops,
outdoor cafes and art galler-
ies in addition to pre-existing
taverns and nightclubs.
Some students love the
current downtown scene
but are equally thrilled at
the prospective improvements.
see PLANS page A2
April 14, 2004
Brody students
raise money in
peer's memory
liana Williams endowment fund has
$25,000 goal by May graduation
Tiana Nicole Williams wanted to be a
doctor. The 22-year-old excelled at Mer-
edith College, became a member of two honor
societies and planned to go on to complete her educa-
tion at ECUS Brody School of Medicine.
But she never got the chance to live
her dream.
Shortly before her first classes at ECU
began, Williams' fiance, 39-year-old
Ronald Valentine Hendrickson, beat her
to death with a 29-pound chair during an
Mark Montgomery, Hendrickson's attor-
ney, said the dispute began when Williams
apparently had second thoughts about
the relationship.
Montgomery said Hendrickson immedi-
ately regretted hurting his fiance and tried
to revive her by placing a pillow under her
head and a blanket across her body.
Montgomery said Hendrickson confessed
to the crime, telling authorities, "I just lost it
Since the crime was not premedi-
tated, the jury convicted Hendrickson with
second-degree murder, and the judge gave
him the highest possible sentence - up to
20 years.
But even
almost two
years after
death, stu-
dents at Brody
honor the
memory of the
classmate they
never knew.
a student in
Brody's class
of 2006, said
she heard
about . Wil-
liams at ori-
entation in August
and the story stuck with her.
Davenport said she always felt like Wil-
liams was part of her class - her name
see TIANA page A2
ecu interns work in music Computer requirements to change in fall
program helps at-risk kids Sysfemspecfc
Students David Taylor and Rasheed Tyson sit behind keyboards
bought by Wintergreen Primary for music education.
Keyboards bought with
grant enable teaching
Music education and therapy
major Anna Cafeza is learning
how musical education is in tune
with real world results.
Cafezza interns with Beth
Ulfers, a music educator at
Wintergreen Primary. They
both instruct Communities in
Schools' after-school music pro-
gram for behaviorally and dcvel-
opmentally challenged children,
which started at the beginning of
this school vear.
Every Tuesday afternoon, 12
first-graders and one second-
grader from Wintergreen sit at
keyboards and learn musical
The curriculum and key-
boards are part of Yamaha's
Music in Education Program.
With one million student users,
it's the fastest-growing music
program in America, according
to the company's Web site.
CIS provides the children
with snacks and pays Ulfers to
instruct them. The cost for the
year-round program is $10 per
Cafezza said she couldn't
have asked for a better experi-
see MUSIC page A3
with major, department
The department of Aca-
demic Computing Environment
has mandated an increase in
computer requirements and
recommendations for fall 2004.
Certain majors will be
required to have access to com-
puters and programs, but the
specifications vary moderately
from major to major.
There have been several
negotiations made by ECU
with many big-time computer
manufacturers to provide stu-
dents with the discounts and
proper support they deserve.
All detail, including model
and price, regarding these
requirements will not be dis-
closed to the public until mid-
April, but students will be able
to take advantage of the deals in
mid-late May.
"I was the coordinator
for hardware and through a
careful decision making pro-
cess, we decided what would
be most beneficial for each
department and its students
said David Stambaugh, com-
puter consultant at Dowdy
Student Stores.
"We considered wireless
Internet and numerous dif-
ferent processors with each
department and the deals we
negotiated with our vendors are
just great, students won't find
prices anywhere that compare
There are no requirements
mandating anyone to purchase
anything, however, ACE strongly
advises it because it would offer
students increased convenience.
Other schools in our region,
such as University of North
Carolina, have full computer
requirements. However, the
cost of owning a computer
is incorporated into their
tuition and with specific aid
programs are available to support
the students who can't afford
the computers.
The departments that will
be affected by ECUS upcoming
requirements are Business, Infor-
mation and Technology majors
of the College of Education,
who are required to have access
to a Multi-media PC (Macs are
Biology majors of the College
of Arts and Sciences are required
to have access to the Basic PC.
In the School ot Industry
and Technology, Construction
Management, Industrial Distri-
bution, industrial Technology,
NetworkingElectronics, Plan-
ning, DraftDesign and Manu-
facturing Majors are all required
to have access to the Multi-media
PC with Open GL program.
Communication Arts
majors, when accepted into the
Communication Arts program,
are required to have access to a
Multi-media Mac (Mac OS X).
When enrolled in the School
of Medicine, a Multi-media PC
is required.
ECU students with older comp
or purchase a new system in
There are also "strong
recommendations" for other
departments to have access to
computers as well. Students who
are not in any of the required
departments but are in the
departments of strong recom-
mendation should still follow
the guidelines set by ACE.
Both Physics and Anthropol-
ogy Majors of the College of Arts
and Sciences are advised to have
access to either a Basic PC or
When enrolled in a graduate
program as a Music Education
major accepted into the Upper
Division of the College of Edu-
cation, as a Teaching Fellow-
accepted into the Teaching Fel-
lows program and enrolled in
school and as a Theatre Educa-
tion Major accepted into the
Upper Division of the College of
Education, the requirements are
Basic PC or Mac or Multi-media
uter models may have to upgrade
order to meet requirements.
"One of the concerns with
the requirements is that it will
make our current computer-lab
facilities obsolete, but that's not
going to be a problem - students
aren't required to buy comput-
ers Stambaugh said.
"If their needs are met
- and ard in agreement with
the requirements for their major
- with the computers that are
provided, they should continue
their usage
With the new requirements
implemented in the fall, student
usage and computer ownership is
expected to increase quite a lot.
"Next year will be completely
different in terms of portable
electronic culture. It is to my
prediction that usage percentages
will climb substantially said
Aaron l.ucier, assistant direct for
see ACE page A2
Sexual Assualt Awareness
throughout April
Studies show that 25 - 50 percent of rape and child sexual abuse victims receive some sort of mental health treatment as a
-o result of the victimization.
? Less than half of those arrested for rape arc convicted and 54 percent of all rape prosecutions end in either dismissal
or acquittal.
Forecast tec required
Partly Cloudy
High of 63
Vlstt virwwtheeastraroWaricom to read
President Bustft comments regarding
pre-911 Wellgence
Presidential canrJdate John Kerry says
education funding cuts result rn denied
access to higher education
Boicom and Moms, a husband and wtte
duo, wil! perform rn Wright Audtontrm
this Saturday.
page 64
ECU'S baseball team wM take on the
UNC-W Sea Hawks tonight at 7 pm at
Harrington Field.
team heir to get started
in business at a business
today at 5:30 pm In the WIHs
Bulking Auditorium.

News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Business Ownership Workshop
Learn how to get started in business at an introduction to business
ownership workshop today from 5:30 p.m. - 730 p.m. in the Willis
Building Auditorium.
Today is the last day for graduate students to drop courses
without grades
Technology and Teaching Conference
The College of Education will co-sponsor the Southeastern Regional
Technology and Teaching Conference at the Greenville Hilton today -
Friday. Contact Diane D Kester at 328-6621 for more information.
Adviser's Appreciation Reception
A reception honoring student advisers will take place Thursday from 4
pm - 6 pm in Mendenhall Great Room 3 Students can nominate any
adviser at ECU
Job Searching Workshop
The Office of Student Professional Development offers a workshop on tools
students can use in their job searches. The workshop will be Thursday,
from 5 pm. - 6 pm in 1014 Bate.
Thursday is the last day to submit thesis to the graduate school for
completion of a degree in Ihe current term
Social Justice Institute
NPR broadcaster and author Juan Williams will speak in recognition of the
50th anniversary of the Brown v Board of Education decision Thursday
from 7 p m - 8 p m In Hendrlx Theatre Tickets are required but tree at
the Central Ticket Office in MSC
International Festival
The City of Greenville will hold its International Festival this Saturday
from 11 am - 4 pm at the Town Commons There will be multicultural
entertainment, foreign cuisine, activities for kids, exhibitors, arts and crafts
and ethnic wares Admittance is free
Integration Discussion
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown v the Board of
Education decision, historian David Dennard, PhD, political analyst Tinstey
Yarborough. Ph D and attorney Robert White will discuss the historical,
political and legal landscapes of the state before and after the decision
The discussion will be Tuesday. April 20 at 3 pm in 221 Mendenhall
Oratorical Exhibition
The School of Communication sponsors an oratorical exhibition Thursday.
April 22 at 6:30 pm in Wright Auditorium, featuring the best speakers in
COMM 2410 and 2420
Co-ops and Internships Workshop
The Office of Student Professional Development offers a workshop
Thursday. April 22 from 2 pm - 3 pm in 1012 Bate to assist students
looking for co-op and internship opportunities
Education Graduate Fair
The College of Education will hold a graduate program fair Saturday,
April 24 from 9 am - noon at the Speight Building. Information will be
available for students who wish to pursue a graduate degree for work
in educational settings or obtain alternative licensure Registration and
reception begin at 8:45 a.m.
Dive for a Cure
SCUBA divers from ECU will raise money for the American Cancer Society
Saturday. Apnl 24 from 9 am - 9 pm. at Minges Coliseum pool. Games
and events will be provided All certified divers can participate Contact
Jamie LeLiever at 327-3391 for more information
Dances of Universal Peace
The Dances of Universal Peace - sacred dances that honor the world's
spiritual traditions through song, gentle dance and contemplation - will
be Saturday, April 25 from 4 p m. - 6 p m in 244 MSC
SGA Homecoming Chair
Applications for SGA 2004 Homecoming Chair are due by Friday at
midnight Forms are available at the Mendenhall Information Desk until
Friday Contact Joanna fwata at 328-4790 for more information
SGA Cabinet
Applications for the 2004-05 Cabinet are due by Friday Contact Shannon
ODonnell at 328-4721 for more information
Commencement Registration
Degree candidates who wish to participate in the May 8 ceremony must
make a reservation through Onestop
Paper Person
The student featured at the top of todays paper is Ryan Fields, sophomore
political science major
News Briefs
Charge reduced for NC student
who hid box cutters on planes
BALTIMORE (AP) - Federal authorities
have reduced a charge from a felony
to a misdemeanor against a North
Carolina college student accused of
hiding box cutters on four airplanes
to expose weaknesses in security,
according to court records.
Nathaniel Heatwole, 20. is scheduled
for an initial appearance and
arraignment April 23 in US District
Court in Baltimore before Magistrate
Judge Paul Grimm. A plea was
expected at the hearing court
records show.
Heatwole was released without bail in
October to await trial on a charge of
taking a dangerous weapon aboard
an aircraft The charge carried a
possible 10-year prison sentence.
Corporate income tax grows by nearly
40 percent in March
RALEIGH (AP) - State corporate
income tax collections surged by
nearly 40 percent in March, fattening
North Carolina's revenue surplus as
Thursday's deadline for individual
income tax filing approaches.
The state has now collected $112.5
million more in operating revenues
than what the Legislature projected
for the first nine months of the fiscal
year, according to state fiscal analysts.
A month ago, the year-to-date
collection surplus was $35.9 million.
The surplus breeds optimism
that money will be left over to
help pay for state employee raises,
teacher bonuses for test and school
enrollment increases when the next
fiscal year starts July 1.
The General Assembly convenes
May 10 to adjust the second year
of a two-year spending plan passed
last summer
AP Poll: Public has shifted focus
toward problems of terrorism
and war since last summer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The American
public has shifted its attention
toward problems like terrorism
and war since last summer, when
more people said the nation's
top problems were economic,
an Associated Press poll
When asked In an open-ended
question last July to name the
most important problems facing the
United States, 9 percent mentioned
war That number almost doubled
to 17 percent in an AP-lpsos Public
Affairs poll taken early this month
The number of people who named
terrorism has grown from 14 percent
in July to 21 percent now
The poll offers a glimpse of the nation's
leading concerns as the presidential
campaign intensifies between
President Bush, who generally has
posted stronger poll numbers on
national security, and Democrat
John Kerry, seen as stronger by
the public on economic issues.
Retail sales rise by 1.8 percent in
March, largest increase In year
WASHINGTON (AP) - Cash-flush
consumers kept shopping counters
humming last month, catapulting
sales at America's retailers to the
highest level in a year
The Commerce Department reported
Tuesday that retail sales rose by
1.8 percent in March from the
previous month - a much stronger
performance than economists were
Shoppers treated themselves to
a wide range of goods in March,
splurging on cars, clothes, furniture
and building and garden supplies.
The latest snapshot of consumers
spending appetite is good news
for the economic recovery's vigor.
Consumer spending accounts for
roughly two-thirds of all economic
activity in the United States Thus,
consumer behavior plays an important
role in shaping the recovery.
Eight employees of Russian
company held hostage In Iraq
released after day in captivity
BAGHDAD. Iraq (AP) - Eight employees
of a Russian energy company seized
by masked gunmen who broke into
their house in Baghdad were released
unharmed Tuesday after less than a
day in captivity Ihe Russian Foreign
Ministry said.
Dozens of foreigners from at least
12 countries have reportedly been
kidnapped in recent days. Nine
Americans were missing, including
a Mississippi man whose abductors
have threatened to kill him
The abduction of the five Ukrainians
and three Russians at their
residence Monday appeared to
be a new tactic by kidnappers
All the past kidnappings have come
on Ihe roads, with civilians whisked
away after their vehicles come
under attack.
Egyptians on Gaza Strip border
uneasy about Israeli pullout plans
RAFAH, Egypt (AP) - An Israeli armored
convoy, on Ihe hunt for tunnels dug
by drugs and weapons smugglers,
kicks up clouds of dust that waft
across the border into Mohammed
Soliman's grocery shop But such
scenes may soon disappear.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
says he wants to get out of the Gaza
Strip, and Soliman, like many of the
40.000 people living near the border,
says he can't wait for it to happen
Yet at the same time, they worry
about the smugglers and the threat
of a resurgence of lawlessness that
has been held back by Israel's tight
security measures
The 1979 peace treaty between
Israel and Egypt left the town of
Rafah divided between the two, and
the border that runs through it has
become ever harder to penetrate as
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the
Gaza Strip has worsened over the
past three years.
U.S. troops deploy outside Najaf
NAJAF, Iraq (AP) ? A 2,500-
strong U.S. force, backed by
tanks and artillery, pushed to the
outskirts of the Shiite holy city
of Najaf on Tuesday for a show-
down with a radical cleric. A U.S.
military helicopter crashed near
fallujah but there was no indica-
tion anyone aboard was hurt, a
Marine commander said.
An insurgent said he shot the
chopper down with a rocket-pro-
pelled grenade, although Marine
l.t. Col. Brennan Byrne said it
was not known what caused
the Sikorsky H-S3 to crash. U.S.
troops blew up the downed craft
to keep it from being looted,
Byrne said.
An Associated Press reporter
' satv It burning 12 miles east of
l.illuj.ih in the village of Zawbaa.
Gunmen attacked U.S. troops
trying to reach Ihe downed air-
craft, the reporter said. Witnesses
said four U.S. soldiers were shot
by insurgents.
On Monday, meanwhile, Gen.
John Abizaid, the top commander
of U.S. forces in the Middle Kast,
said he has asked Defense Secre-
tary Donald II. Rumsfeld to adjust
the U.S. troop rotation into and
out of Iraq this spring so that
U.S. commanders can have the
use of perhaps 10,000 more sol-
diers than they otherwise would
On the way to Najaf, the
U.S. force's 80?vehicle convoy
was ambushed Monday night
by gunmen firing small arms
and setting off roadside bombs
north of thecity. One soldier was
killed and an American civilian
contractor was wounded, officers
in the convoy said.
Ihe top U.S. commander in
Iraq, l.t. (ien. Ricardo Sanchez,
said their mission was to "cap-
ture or kill" radical Shiite cleric
Muqtada al-Sadr.
Units set up a cordon on
approaches to the city, barring
militiamen from leaving.
Iraqi leaders launched hurried
negotiations aimed at averting a
U.S. assault on the city, site of
the (loliesl Shiite site, the Imam
Ali Shrine. Al-Sadr was pho-
tographed by Associated Press
Television News leaving the
shrine Tuesday.
The sons of Iraq's three grand
ayatollahs - including the most
powerful one, Ali al-Husseini
al-Sistani - met al-Sadr Monday
night In his Najaf office and
assured him of their opposition
to any U.S. strike.
"They agreed not to allow
any hostile act against Sayyed
Moqtada al-Sadr and the city
of Najat said a person at the
meeting, speaking on condition
of anonymity.
The delegation also was
reportedly trying to work out
a compromise to prevent a U.S.
Col. Dana Pittard, the
commander of the force, said his
troops were aware that a "single
shot in Najaf" by U.S. soldiers
could outrage Iraq's powerful
Shiite majority.
"Look at this as the Shiite
Vatican Pittard said before the
The grand ayatollahs - older,
moderate leaders with immense
influence among Shiites - have
long kept Ihe young, fiercely
anti-American al-Sadr at arm's
The U.S. military said this month was the bloodiest since
Baghdad's fall a year ago.
length. The dispatch of the del-
egation reflected the eagerness to
avoid bloodshed in Najaf and the
new influence that the uprising
by the al-Mahdi Army's militia
has brought al-Sadr.
In a concession to American
demands, al-Sadr ordered his
militiamen out of police stations
and government buildings in
Najal and the nearby cities of
Karbala and Kufa. Police were
back in their stations and on
patrols, while al-Sadr black-
garbed gunmen largely stayed
out of sight.
But the militia rebuffed a U.S.
demand to disband.
Earlier Tuesday, al-Sadr mili-
tiamen based in the main mosque
in the nearby city of Kufa opened
fire on a passing patrol of Span-
ish forces, prompting a short gun
Overnight, a mortar was fired
at the Spanish base between Kufa
and Najaf, and Spanish forces
repelled an attack on a nearby
water distillation plant.
While a cease-lire has kept
Fallujah relatively calm for
four days, the area between the
besieged city and Baghdad has
seen heavy clashes by insurgents
and U.S. forces. An Apache heli-
copter was shot down Sunday in
nearby Abu Ghraib, killing its two
Before Tuesday's helicopter
crash, a U.S. convoy was attacked
near the same site, and two llum-
vees and a truck were burning,
said witnesses, who also reported
U.S. casualties.
The U.S. military said about
70 Americans and 700 insurgents
had been killed this month, the
bloodiest since the fall of Bagh-
dad a year ago with U.Sled forces
lighting on three fronts: against
Sunni insurgents in Tallujah,
Shiite militiamen in the south
and gunmen in Baghdad and on
its outskirts.
from page A1
was even printed on Ihe class
Andy Souther-
land, vice president of
Brody's class of 2006, with the
help ol Davenport and others,
has started an endowment
fund in Williams' honor.
The students recently held
a yard sale at the old Accu-
Copy Building to raise money
toward a 123,000 scholarship
they hope to give away by
Soul herland said the students'
goal was to make 12,500, but by
the end of the day, they earned
about $.1,500.
Me said the students plan
to gain half of the scholarship
money through fundraisers and
the other hall by donations. In
the fall, they plan to begin a letter-
writing campaign to people they
think may donate.
Southerland said they are
trying to bring something
positive out of such a tragedy,
and by giving back to the com-
munity the stlidents are able
to remember why they are in
medical school and how lucky
they are.
Davcnort said the goal is to
raise awareness of domestic vio-
lence in the community as well as
recognize Williams.
Currently, Montgomery and
llendrickson are attempting to
appeal the court's decision.
Montgomery said the pun-
ishment llendrickson received
was too harsh considering there
was no malice; it was a crime
of passion.
Montgomery said he wants the
charge dropped to manslaughter.
"If they the jury had a
choice, they would have picked
manslaughter said Montgomery.
Jim Sughrue of the Raleigh
Police Department said there
is no reported history of vio-
lence for llendrickson, so they
do not know if he ever struck
Williams prior to the
However, Davenport does not
see justice in an appeal.
"In my opinion, he i k-ncler-
Ickson killed her in cold blood
Davenport said,
"She had a life ahead of her.
She was going to be a doctor, and
he took all that away
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page A1
from page A1
Assignments and Technology.
"Many students don't use their
computer's wireless capabilities
even though it's one of the most
convenient advantages they have
- in the past we've done surveys
on how many people actually use
the privilege and only about SO
percent do. It is noted that on and
around the ECU campus many of
the students use their computers
primarily for staying in contact
with their friends using AOL
Instant Messenger or other ser-
"It's really moved from a nov-
elty to a utility - Internet usage,
that is - as important as heat and
water. ACB requirement is the
next step toward satisfying this
need l.ucier said.
This writer can be contacted at
"I love to go hit up the
clubs, but it would be great
to be able to walk downtown
in the early evening and
chill out for a while before
you went dancing said Ryan
Phillips, junior biochemistry
"Right now, there just isn't
much to do before 10 or 11
at night
Other students are excited
by the idea of a new downtown
"I'm not a big club person
right now, but I'd definitely
like to go hang out In the
kind of atmosphere they're talk-
ing about having said Mathew
Roehrich, sophomore jazz perfor-
mance major.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
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Sled forces
onts: against
in lallujah,
n the south
hdad and on
: said there
tory of vio-
ion, so they
ever struck
to the
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he 11 lender-
cold blood
head of her.
i doctor, and
mtacted at
UN 1-5
John Kerry courts young voters, warns
about rising cost of higher education
IK vston (Al1) ? Democratic
presidential candidate John
Kerry says deep cuts in education
spending at the state level have
so high
that tens
of thousands of young people
have been denied access to
higher education since President
Hush took office.
That's the message Kerry is
taking to college campuses this
week at events designed to rally
younger voters to his campaign.
He heads to the University of
Rhode Island on Tuesday.
The Massachusetts senator
opened the tour Monday at
the University of New Hamp-
shire, where he used a noisy
campus rally to renew his call
for a comprehensive com-
mitment to national service
by all. He told about 1,000
students that "change starts
with you" as he proposed to link
tuition aid to national service-
Kerry also faced questions
about Iraq when he dropped
in on a class on U.S. foreign
policy. The first question put to
him by a student asked what h
e would do to solve the "mess
In Iraq
Kerry said he would keep
the United Stajes in control of
the military operation in Iraq,
and repeated his call for greater
international involvement in the
effort to stabilize and rebuild
the country.
"1 would summon the world
to an effort the world has a stake
in he said.
Kerry voted to authorize the
war with Iraq, but has become
increasingly critical of what he
says is President Bush's unilat-
eral approach to the conflict.
He also voted against $87 bil-
lion in aid for U.S. troops and to
pay for the reconstruction in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
Kerry said he would do the
opposite of Bush and not push
away other nations. He also
said he would approach the
United Nations for help identi-
fying who should be involved
in the coming transfer of power
to the Iraqis.
"The president has been
silent on this. The adminis-
tration hasn't described who
they're transferring author-
ity to in about 80 days
Kerry said, referring to the
administration's June 30
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John Kerry is traveling to colleges and telling students to vote
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Bush was holding a news
conference Tuesday night to
address rising casualties and
instability in Iraq.
On higher education, Kerry's
campaign says the average cost
of tuition at public colleges
increased 28 percent between
the 2000-2001 and 2003-
2004 school years rising to
$4,694 from $3,478.
When adjusted for infla-
tion, Kerry's campaign said
the increase amounts to 13
percent during the period,
which it claims is the largest
increase on record.
Kerry education adviser
Robert Gordon said 220,000
people were priced out of
college as a result. He said
states facing a combined
$200 billion deficit had little
choice but to make painful
spending cuts, including to
higher education.
from page A1
"We've seen such a big change
- it's great said Cafezza.
The after school program
is possibly due to aIS,795
grant to Wintergreen from the
James J. and Mamie Richardson
Perkins foundation.
The keyboards were origi-
nally bought so every student at
Wintergreen can use them.
While the students
in the after school program
learn about sharps and flats,
t.afeza learns about life's
"When I get my own school,
now I have courage. I could
get writer grants. I've learned
not to accept things as they are
that they can change Cafezza
Ulfers said the curricu-
lum's impact on students has
been noteworthy.
"We've found reading scores
have improved significantly
in every child said Ulfers.
"There's been a great
improvement with behavior
they're more indepen-
dent workers, and they have
higher self-esteem
As an educational tool, music
is far reaching.
"Music plays a part in all
of our lives. It's all around us
Ulfers said.
Ulfers said the aspect of
music to teach all learning
rsir u?,

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styles and incorporate both
hemispheres in a learner's brain
produces results, and the
impression on students' lives is
"I guarantee when these
children grow up, they won't
remember their reading tests
- they'll remember their
piano keyboard and their music
class Ulfers said.
Kathryn Lennox, execu-
tive director of CIS, said she
remembered the first day her
organization began the after
school musical education pro-
A little girl ran
through Wintergreen's door and
shouted excitedly, "I'm here for
my piano class
Lennox said that excitement
continues today on the faces of
the students. CIS is a national
organization. Pitt County's chap-
ter partners with schools in the
area to help provide after school
"It gives us an opportunity
to be involved in a program
that helps more kids said
In the future, Wintergreen
and CIS hope to further col-
laborate with ECU's School
of Music in educating children
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Serving ECU since 1925,77?e East Carolinian prints 9.000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5.000 on Wednesdays during the summer. "Our view" is the opin-
ion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board members
77e East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
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One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1
Our View
The only
thing worth
this year has
been LeBron
lames and
their respec-
tive teams
Cavaliers and
Denver Nug-
Does anyone care that the NBA season
ends this Wednesday and the playoffs start
If you do, you probably shouldn't, there isn't
much to be excited about.
This has been without a doubt one of the
worst NBA seasons in recent memory. The
Only thing worth waTChing this year has
been LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony
revitalizing their respective teams (Cleveland
Cavaliers and Denver Nuggets).
But even at that, these two phenoms have
only faced off against each other twice and
both games were within the first month and
a half of the season.
Scoring in the league is at one of its all-time
lows Rarely has anyone seen a year in which
teams have scored less than 100 points in
so many games.
Only two teams in the entire 30-team league
average over 100 per game and they are the
Dallas Mavericks and Sacremento Kings, both
not surprisingly being Western Conference
It's not much of a feat for those two clubs,
especially considering that the Mavs wouldn't
be in the vicinity of the playoffs if they didn't
score at least 100 points every game. They
continually miss out on that thing called play-
ing defense.
Not to mention the fact that only six - yes, six
- Eastern Conference teams have a record
of .500 or above, and two of them are right
at .500. That means that more than half of
the Eastern teams have lost more than half
of their games
However, the Western conference has only
four teams with sub-par records, meaning
that every Western team in the post-season
will have won halt or more of their regular
season games. If anyone has any doubt what
conference will take the NBA title this year,
they need to have their head examined.
It's that lopsidedness that makes the NBA so
unattractive. If that doesn't speak volumes to
how pitiful NBA ball has been this year, what
The purpose of TEC's opinion pages is to Invoke
conversation in ECU'S community. To respond to an
opinion on this page, please send your letter, with your contact
information for verification, to editor?
4 14 0'
In My Opinion
Women in two states weren't missing, but decency was
(KRT)?lesson No. 1 of a
thoroughly foolish April week:
If you're Stupid enough to
stage ,i kidnapping, don't buy
your own duel tape at the Wal-
In a nation increas-
ingly obsessed over abduc-
tions? mostly because the
TV news is obsessed over rat-
ings?two hoaxes were busted
when police said the "victims"
were caught on video buying
duct tape.
Honor student Audrey
Seiler, 20, of Wisconsin is now
portrayed iti news reports as a
misguided little angel in need
of counseling. Meanwhile,
two drama queens in Texas
? Rebecca "Nicole" Watson,
20, and Bree Hansard, 2T? are
whacked-out losers. They had
lumped in their car trunk and
used their cell phone to report
they were abducted.
The three were never kid-
napped, police in both Wis-
consin and Texas now say.
And they weren't victims.
But that doesn't mean there
were no victims
WE were the victims.
I can think of plenty of vic-
tims left behind by the hoaxes
in two slates:
Hones) women reporting
genuine attacks not only kid-
nappings by strangers, but also
beatings, stalking, harassment
or rape.
Children wno might be
kidnapped tomorrow and lost
forever in the split second when
law officers must ask, "You're
sure this couldn't be a hoax
Police who wasted hours
and gut-wrenching worry on
young people who apparently
chose to bring their personal
melodramas to a public stage.
Taxpayers who spent pre-
vious public dollars ? $75,000
so far in the Wisconsin case
? so police could solve
reported kidnappings and,
now, so police can pursue
possible criminal cases on
charges of filing a false police
Anyone who needed the
police in Madison, Wis
or Fort Worth, Texas, and
had to wait longer than
necessary because officers
were desperately searching
for a missing person, particu-
larly In the few hours while
Watson and I lansard led police
by cell phone to the car trunk
where they were hidden.
Ratings-mad TV reporters
and editors tricked into giving
both hoaxes instant national
news coverage.
OK. So I don't feel "too"
sorry for the TV news types.
("It's almost like this is the
hoax du jour said Tarrant
County, Texas, Sheriff Dee
Anderson, familiar with miss-
ing-persons searches not only
as a law officer but also as a
pioneer of the Amber Alert
plan, which now helps rescue
children nationwide.
"I am really reluctant to
criticize the media, because
the press has been so much
help with the Amber Alert. But
what you're seeing is a reac-
tion to the news coverage.
It's easy to sit home and watch
TV and. see all the attention
(being kidnapped) gets
Anderson, a former
Arlington police spokesman
and the son of a newspaper
sports editor and columnist
from the Fort Worth I'ress,
urged news reporters and edi-
tors to report feared kidnap-
pings cautiously until the
danger is confirmed.
"The more false abductions
get reported, the more it hurts
us when we have a legitimate
case he said. "We need to slow
down a little. The TV stations
all want to say, "You saw it first
on Channel Whatever They
never come back and say, "Sure,
it was wrong but you saw it
here first
The punishment for faking
your own abduction ranges
Irom weak to zero.
In Texas, it's a Class C mis-
demeanor, the equivalent of
a traffic ticket, to give police
a false report about a missing
person or child. But it's also a
stronger Class B misdemeanor
to give police any kind of false
crime report.
In the Fort Worth case,
Watson is free on $5,000 bail
awaiting trial on a Class B
charge. An arrest warrant has
been issued for Hansard.
Watson has said she look
"a lot" of a prescription anti-
anxiety medication, and "then
I woke up in the trunk A
Wal-Mart surveillance tape
shows Watson and Hansard
buying duct tape about 4 a.m.
on March 24, the morning
they called police from their
car trunk.
In Madison, Seiler had
claimed that her abductor
used a knife and duct tape.
Police have said a store gave
them security video of Seiler
buying cough syrup, a rope, a
knife and duct tape. A video at
her apartment complex showed
her leaving alone.
Madison Mayor David
Cieslewicz has said police
suspected a hoax but did the
right thing in pursuing the
I have not seen any TV net-
work executives say whether
they did the right thing when
they turned a fishy Wisconsin
abduction report into national
Fort Worth and Madison
police were not the only law
officers to encounter April
tools last week.
In Temple, Texas, a 38-
year-old Taylor woman found
bleeding from superficial
knife cuts told police that
she had been abducted from
a dollar store, stabbed, bound
and robbed.
She later admitted to police !
that she made up the story,
according to the Taylor Dally
'res. A sister was quoted as
saying the woman had been
under a doctor's care for stress
and anxiety.
"Our deepest apologies
go out to anyone who was
alarmed or frightened by this
incident the sister was quoted
as saying.
It's about time somebody
apologized for wasting our
time, money and concern.
I hope the T V news caught
that on video
In My Opinion
Young voters want answers, not parties or trucks
(KRT)?One by one,
the college-age students
looked into the camera
and asked presiden-
tial candidate Sen.
John Kerry about his views
on foreign policy, gay mar-
riage, rising college tuition
and whether he ever Googled
Kerry mostly stuck to
Ins campaign speech as
he deftly answered each
query during an Interview with
Gideon VagO that aired Tuesday
night on MTV.
Kerry's foreign policy
would build coalitions with
allies, he supports ci il unions,
he has a plan to help make col-
lege affordable and ? yes, he's
gled himself.
Kerry's appearance was
par! ol M'l V"s "ChOOJe or lose
2004" campaign to mobilize
young voters.
I he network's viewers and
people under age 30 make
up a powerful voting bloc,
and pop culture trendsetters
are reaching out to them this
Along with the vener-
able Rock the Vote and MTV,
Russell Simmons' Hip-Hop
Summit Action Network
and the WWt's Smackdown
Your Vote are
encouraging young people to
The Declare Yourself cam-
paign brings spoken word
performances and concerts to
I ollege campuses. They are all
part of a 100-plus coalition
of organizations striving to
register 20 million new-
young voters.
Registration is good PR
for these groups, but edu-
cation is critical if these
organizations really hope
young people will affect this
year's election.
Right now, neither
parly has articulated an
agenda that specifically
addresses the concerns of
dens X and Y.
Instead, talk of jobs,
health care and the war on
terrorism is lumped into
broader campaign rhetoric
that isn't easily decipher-
Chris Jeltrup, 24, a Char-
lotte, N.C market analyst,
said the candidates talk
about health care and Social
Security, which doesn't inter-
est him.
"That means nothing. To
me, that's an old person's
issue he said.
Jeltrup said he wasn't
impressed by President Hush
or Kerry, the likely Demo-
cratic nominee. Brandon
Banner agreed.
"Eighty percent of what
they're talking about doesn't
alfei I me or my family said
Banner, 24, a Charlotte stock-
The void between
young voters and politi-
cians received national
attention in March because
Philadelphia-based retailer
Urban Outfitters was selling
"Voting is for Old People"
Political think tanks and
voters of all ages criticized
the slogan as apathetic.
It was neither. The shlrl
focused attention on how
and whether the parties and
candidates are catering to
young voters.
Efforts t bus tar haven't been
impressive. Yes, the Repub-
lican National Committee's
voter registration tractor-
trailer, equipped with video
games, is touring college cam-
puses. It appeared on MTV's
"I Rl two weeks ago.
And the Democratic
National Committee has
hosted fund-raisers in trendy
nightclubs in Washington and
Young voters are too
savvy to be swayed by star-
studded parties and cool
They see their friends and
relatives fighting and dying
in Iraq, while they face rising
college tuition bills, exorbi-
tant health-care costs and a
jobless economy.
They want answers,
not patronizing outreach.
According to a Declare
Yourself survey, 61 percent
of people 18 to 29 who aren't
registered to vote say they
don't know enough about the
candidates and about poli-
tics or the issues. It's easy to
understand why.
The glut of information on
the Internet is unwieldy.
Too often, links to vari-
ous Web sites don't work or
don't provide comprehensive
information about specific
Croups interested in
reaching young voters could
learn from Charlotte's
MeckPAC, which sends
questionnaires to politi-
cal candidates about issues
of concern to gays and
lesbians, such as their
feelings on domestic partner-
ship benefits.
The political action com-
mittee then makes endorse-
ments based on the candi-
dates' responses and other
fat tors.
MTV, Hip-Hop Summit
and WWF could create a
voting guide geared toward
young adult issues without
endorsing a particular can-
The Kerry interview on
MTV is a step toward educat-
ing young voters, but it's only
a step.
Entertainment organi-
zations are more in touch
with the concerns of young
adults than national political
Voter registration dri.s
are good marketing strate-
gies, but now is the time for
pop culture trendsetters to
impact something other than
their bottom lines.

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Report says Ashcroft rejected request
to fund response to terrorist threats
FBI failed miserably over sev-
eral years to reorganize anil
respond to a steadily growing
threat of terrorism, and Attor-
ney General lohn Ashcroft
rejected an appeal from the
agency for more lunding on
the day before al-Qaida struck,
the commission investigat-
ing the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks
said Tuesday.
"On Sept. 1 I, the FBI was
limited in several areas the
commission said in a staff
report. It cited "limited intel-
ligence collection and strategic-
analysis capabilities, a limited
capacity to share information
both internally and externally,
insufficient training, an overly
complex legal regime and Inad-
equate resources
"he commission released its
unflinchingly critical report at
the outset of two days ol hear-
ings from several current and
former Officials at the Justice
Department and FBI.
Former FBI Director Louis J.
Freeh was the first to take the
witness chair.
"We had a very effective pro-
gram with respect to counterter-
rorism prior to Sept. 11 given the
resources that we had he said.
That seemed a reference to
internal bureaucratic wars cov-
ered in part in the commission
staff report.
Former Attorney General
lanet Reno said that while the
FBI never seemed to have suf-
ficient resources, "Director
Freeh seemed unwilling to shift
Attorney General John Ashcroft denied a request to fund
counterterrorism the day before al-Qaida attacked.
resources to terrorism from other
areas such as violent crime
On Sept. II, 2001, the com-
mission staff said, "about 1,300
agents, or 6 percent ol the
FBI's total personnel, worked
on counterterrorism
Reno was the day's secord
witness, lollowing Freeh.
Cofer Black, the former head
of CIA counterterrorism center,
former acting FBI Director
Thomas Pickard and Ashcroft
also were on the witness list for
the day.
The report said the FBI had
an information system that was
outdated before it was installed,
further hampering efforts to
battle terrorism. The report
also cited legal impediments
the need to separate the fruits
of intelligence from criminal
prosecution as complicating
anti-terrorism efforts.
Creation of a new Inves-
tigative Services Division in
1999 was a failure, the com-
mission said, adding that 66
percent of the FBI's analysts
were "not qualified to perform
analytical duties
A new counterterrorism
strategy a year later again fell
woefully short, and a review in
2001 showed that "almost every
FBI field office's counterterror-
ism program was assessed to he
operating at far below maxi-
mum capacity
"The FBI's counterterrorism
strategy was not a focus of the
Justice Department in 2001 the
first year of the Bush administra-
tion, it said.
Ashcroft has testified previ-
ously that the Justice Depart-
ment had "no higher priority"
than protecting Americans from
terrorism at home and abroad.
Audit critical of Medicaid funding to N.C.
RAl.FICII.N.C.(AP) ?North
Carolina's Medicaid office made
$1.2 billion in improper pay-
ments lo doens of hospitals
over several years, accord-
ing to a blistering stale audit
released Tuesday.
The State Auditor's Oft ice,
in a review of the Division
of Medical Assistance, cited
$414 million in federal dollars
that potentially could have to be
paid back.
The audit findings "repre-
sent a clear picture of a program
that has been out of control
deputy auditor Wesley Ray said
at a news conference releasing
the findings.
The payments Involved
additional money distributed
to hospitals that serve many
poor or uninsured patients
through what's called the dis-
proportionate share hospital
The review found that state
Medicaid officials made $240
million in payments to hos-
pitals that didn't qualify for
the money.
The audit also said the
division used an outdated for-
mula to calculate outpatient
costs, resulting in $228 mil-
lion in overpayments from
2000 to 2003. The division also
knowingly used old data to cal-
culate Medicaid inpatient costs
to hospitals, resulting in an over-
payment of $190 million.
The state's share for
these costs were about 37
percent, with the remain-
der coming from the federal
Improper payments to North Carolina hospitals by Medicaid
totaled $1.2 billion over several years.
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Non-students $4 for 25 words or fewer
5c per word over 25
All classified ads must be prepaid
Thursday at 4 p.m. for the next Tuesday's paper
Friday at 4 p.m. for the next Wednesday's paper
Monday at 4 p.m. for the next Thursday's paper
Sub-Lease Rent Apt Pirate's Cove,
J360 mo available NOW uly 3V,
2004. Contact. Karen N. Lee, 919-
894-8348 or 919 207-0804
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 & 2
BR apts, dishwasher, CD, central
air d heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or
12 month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
Efficiency Available. Live-in wanted
for veterinary clinic in Chocowinity.
Excellent opportunity for a pre-vet
student. For details call 946-9000.
Houses and apartments for rent near
campus. 3 and 4 bedroom houses
available 1 bedroom apartments
available. Call (2S2)3S3-5107.
Three bedroom duplex for rent near
ECU. Available immediately Rent
J618-Call 752-6276.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bedroom houses and
duplexes Available Fall 2004. ALL
walking distance from ECU. Call
Two BR one bath recently renovated
duplex beside Town Commons 111B
and 113 Holly Street. Central heat
air. Easy walk to ECU. J425month.
Now Preleasing For Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedrooms. All units close
to ECU. Cypress Gardens, Jasmine
Gardens, Peony Gardens, Gladiolus
Garden, Wesley Commons North,
Park Village, Cotanche Street. Beech
Street Villas and Woodcliff. Water and
sewer included with some units. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209
Great Place! Walk to campus and
bars. 2 bedroom, newly renovated,
located on Holly Street off 1st street.
CHEAP! CHEAP! S425 a month.
Available NOW!
pinebrook apt. 758-4015- 1Si2 8R
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air
& heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, H cable
Pre-Register for spacious 2 and
3 bedroom townhouses. Full
basement, enclosed patio WD hook-
up, no pets. 752-7738 daytime 7:30
to 4:30.
Female roommate wanted to
sublease bedroom in four bedroom
four bathroom apartment in Pirate's
Cove for the summer andor next
year. One roommate is staying.
May pick other roommates or pot
luck. Summer rent is S360 and next
year's rent is J370. Please respond
a.s.a.p. Cara 252-413-6991 or cell
Summer school students 2 BED 1
BATH, walk to ECU, rent S470mo
includes water and sewer. Available
May 16th through uly 31st, can
renew for Fall Lease. Call ETisa 1-
252 412-2463
Above BW-3. 2 and 3 bedroom
apartments for rent. Water and
trash included Available une, July,
or August Call 252-725-5458 or
Blocks to ECU, 1,2,3 bedrooms, all
appliances, central heatAC, see or call
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, end unit on ECU campus bus
route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
1575 per month. Call 864 - 346 - 5750
or 864-228-3667.
Room for rent at Pirate's Cove for
summer. May, une, July rent $360.00
fees paid Rent all included. For more
info, contact Nikki at (252)329-0614,
leave message.
Pirate's Cove, Available Now, Sublet
furnished apartment. Special Price:
$325 all included. Call now 919
Student Special. Walk to class! 3 BR
1 BA Duplex HW floors, WD, new
windows, pets ok wfee. Available
immediately, $650 a month. Call
Wyndham Circle Duplex- 2 bedrm
2 bath, new paint, new carpet, wd
hook-ups, popular student location,
patio or deck, big yard. (919)847-
Now Preleasing for Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedroom duplexes &
townhouses. College Towne Row,
Verdant Street, Cannon Court,
Cedar Court, Lewis Street and 2nd
Street. All units close to ECU. Pets
allowed in some units vith fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Roommate needed for summer and
tall. 2 blocks from campus $242 per
month plus half utilities. 2 BD 1 BA
serious inquires only. Call 758-4774,
leave message.
Graduate students seeking
responsible roommate. $230
$30 (rent utilities)month. Have
all living room furnitur?. kitchen
utensils, lust take care of your
bedroom. Available NOW! Call
anytime 252-258-8848.
Male non-smoker roommate wanted
for a 2 bdrm apartment $200 deposit,
$205mon 12 utilities and cable
Call leave message 258-7857.
Matching CouchLoveseat $375, end
tables $75, entertainment center
$40, desk $60, bookshelf $15, full
size bed with boxspring $90, dishes
$30, potspans $30. Sell by May 8th.
Free 12 inch pizza at Domino's
Pizza. Monday 41204 to Friday
41604. Location 3192 E. 10th St.
Limited quantities available. Some
conditions apply. 11 am to 4 pm.
Attention: Local Hip Hop Group
wants to play your partyfor free!
Contact us at artisticanarchists@y or at 252-561 -7303 for
further information or FREE CD's.
Wanted! Reliable, honest, energetic
people to monitor crops. From
May through August, 2004. We
train! Must have own dependable
vehicle. Learn to ID insects, weeds
and other field conditions. No
Nights. Hourly paymileage.
Must be 19 or have 1 year of
college. Mail or fax resume with
cover letter and work experience
to : MCSI, POB 370, Cove City,
NC 28523 Fax: 252-637-2125
Food Delivery Drivers wanted for
Restaurant Runners. Part-time
positions (6-12hr. including
tips.) Perfect for college students!
Some lunch time (11a-2pm) M-F
availability required. 2-way radios
allow you to be anywhere in
Greenville when not on a delivery.
Reliable transportation a must and
knowledge of Greenville streets
advantageous. Call 756-5527 or
check out our website @ www.r Sorry no
dorm students.
Drucker and Falk, LLC Management
Company is looking for an
experienced part-time leasing
agent for Wilson Acres Apartments.
Please send resume to 1806 East
First Street, Greenville, NC 27858
or fax to 252-830 9494.
The Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth baseball coaches for the
spring t-ball program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge of
baseball skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth.
Hours are from 3:30 pm to 8:00
pm, Monday-Friday with some
weekend coaching. Flexible hours
according to class schedules. This
program will run from April 19-
early June. Salary start at $6.25
per hour. Apply at the City of
Greenville, Human Resources
Department, 201 Martin I. King
Dr. For more information, please
contact the Athletic Office at 329-
4550, Monday through Friday, 10
am until 7 pm.
loin the BBC: The Buffalo Brew
Crew. Buffalo Wild Wings (bw-3)
is now hiring waitstaff positions
for Summer. Apply in person @
114 East 5th Street, 1:00p.m. 'til
6:00p.m. daily. Flexible schedules
Lifeguards and swim instructors
needed. Call 355-5009. Summer only,
interviews April 5th-9th.
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department is seeking scorekeepers
for their Adult SpringSummer Softball
Leagues. Applicants must possess
knowledge of adult slow pitch softbal!
and scorekeeping duties. Games are
played Monday through Thursday.
Each scorekeeper can expect three
games per night. Rate of pay is
$7.00 per game. Leagues will play
from April 26 until the end of July.
Interested applicants can contact the
Athletic Staff at 329-4550 to arrange
an interview andor receive additional
Belly Dance for Fun St Fitness! Spring
classes (April-une) start Tuesday. For
women of all ages. Ten students per
class. To register call Donna 355-
SALSA DANCE! Come join us for the
April 16 salsa dance! Lesson by Devan
and Holly, 7:30-8:30; dance, 8:30-
11:00 p.m. D: Ramon. Admission:
students $3; Folk Arts Society members
$5; general public $V Location:
Willis Building, 1st and Reade Sts.
downtown. Sponsors: ECU Folk and
Country Dancers, 752-7350, and
Folk Arts Society of Greenville. Come
alone or bring a friend I An alcohol - and
smoke-free event.
I Reliable, honest energetic
I people to monitor crops
I From May through August
12004 Welrnim Must
I have own dependable
I vehicle. Leam lo ID
I insects, weeds, and other
I field conditions. No nights
I Hourly pay ? mileage.
Must be 19 oi have one
I year of college. Mall or
I fax resume with cover
I letter and work expeii-
I ence to:
Cm CIMNC. 28513
Fax: 252437 ?12fj
? of rxxir mainU'iiunec response
? of unreiumcd phone calls
? of nois neighbors
?ofcrawl) critters
?of high uliliij hills
? of FX'I I parking hassles
? of ungrateful landlords
? of unansnered questions
? of high rents
? of grumpy personnel
? of unfulfilled promises
? of units that ?erc not cleaned
? of walls that were never painted
? of appliances thai don'i work
Wyndham Court &
Knstgatv Village Apts.
3200 P Mowfcy Dr.
561-RENT or 531-9011
2 bedroom2 bath
new paint, new cafpel
washerdryer hookups.
patio or deck, big pi.
popular student location
919 847-7410
919 630-5930
Report news students need to knpw eC
Accepting applications for STAFF WRITERS
? Leam Investigative reporting skills
Must have at least a 2.0 0PA
Apply at our office located on the 2nd Boor of the Student Publications Building, oi mil 3?8 63fiti
The Sch(
from 4 p.
at 7 pm,
9:30 p.m.
and Sunc
in the He
The Stud
mic night
is free.
The Stud
on Thura
calling th
1 Walk laboriously
5 Actress
11 Bound
14 Cash in Como
15 Shaken
16 Choler
17 Exploits
18 Unit ot retinal
19 Abyss
20 Follower ot Zeno
22 Stupefying
23 Golf norm
24 Be penitent
26 Rocket top
28 Swarms all over
32 Nearby
33 Caller's index
37 Farm pen
38 Isolated
39 Clairvoyant's
42 Eventually
47 Meat jelly
49 For all
50 Returns the
54 Actor Curry
55 Bub
56 French city
58 Planter
62 Pose questions
63 Recorded
65 River of Sudan
66 Female rabbit
67 Like some cakes
68 Capn or Man
69 In addition
70 Threaded
71 Mimicked
1 Something extra
2 Itemization
3 Popular cookie
4 Film featuring
Brando as
5 Little devil
6 Okinawa port
7 Developed to
MP1 3b1 36
4lJ49 5"6C61
i 200t Tribune Media Service. Ire
Ml rigfiti moved
8 Relation in
9 Taskbar images
10 Actress Beverly
11 Spots for
12 Journalist
13 Small seabird
21 Zodiac
25"?. Frame"
27 Dove sound
28 Possessive
29 Seine
30 Fouled by stains
31 Fish choice
34 Scand. country
35 Slaughter in
36 French lopper
40 Hardened
41 PGA member
43 Tanker's cargo
44 Spotted wildcats
45 Hilo garlands
"I?sa 3b3i-0a
01SA33? idsV
100 93N0Hd3131
46 Strong-smelling 57 Gush forth
47 Fleet
48 Add herbs
51 Nobody's fool
52 Carrier
53 Catch
59 Tendnl
60 Model
61 Marsh growth
64 Begley and
BY BIUV O'KEEFE w.ei?iuf.iion
through 1
a 2 p.m. r
the ECU i
April 16 i
begins at
?' ? I ?
(??iiiitJ, certified hewj igi??liM written ?M.4'iw? tv
Captain RibMan The sicks scents
by Sprengelmeyer & Davis

Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
- Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar (1977) and comedianactor Steve Martin
(1945) both call today their birthday
- This month is International Customer Loyalty Month.
- Today is International Moment of Laughter Day.
- On this day in 1828, the first dictionary of American English was
Master Class
The School of Music presents a master class with Heidi Grant Murphy,
soprano with the Metropolitan Opera and distinguished visiting professor
from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. today in the A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall. This event Is
The Student Union Films Committee presents Girl With a Pearl Earring today
at 7 p.m Thursday at 9:30 p.m Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight, Saturday at
9:30 pm. and Sunday at 7 p.m. Along Came Polly is showing today at 9:30
p.m Thursday at 7 p.m Friday at 9:30 p.m Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight
and Sunday at 3 p.m. All movies are free with a student ID and are located
in the Hendrix Theatre. For more information, call 328-4700.
Open Mic Night
The Student Union Popular Entertainment Committee presents an open
mic night from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m today in the Pirate Underground. This event
is free.
Chinese Acrobats
The Student Union presents a performance by Chinese Acrobats at 7 p.m.
on Thursday. April 15 in Wright Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased by
calling the Central Ticket Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
The Rivals'
The ECULoessIn Playhouse presents The Rivals on Thursday, April 15
through Tuesday, April 20 in McGinnls Theatre. Shows begin at 8 p.m. with
a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, April 18. Tickets can be purchased by calling
the ECU Central Ticket Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Salsa Dance
The ECU Folk and Country Dancers will sponsor a salsa dance on Friday
April 16 in the Willis Building. Lessons are at 7:30 p.m. and the dance
begins at 8:30 p.m. Admission is $3 for students. $5 for Folk Arts Society
members and $8 for the general public.
Top Fives
Top five movies
1 The Passion ol The Christ
2 Hellboy
3 The Alamo
4 Johnson Family Vacation
5 Walking Tall
Top five albums
1. Usher, Confessions
2 Janet Jackson, Damita Jo
3 Various Artists, Now 15
4. LU'FKp.U Gotta Feel Me
5 Aerosmith. Honkin' On Bobo
Top five singles
1. "Yeah Usher featuring Lil Jon & Ludacris
2 "This Love Maroon 5
3. "Toxic Britney Spears
4 "My Immortal Evanescence
5. "With You Jessica Simpson
Top five DVDs
All mmt.Vm
i VII a. Unur
1. Gothika
2 The Rundown
3 Mona Lisa Smile
4 School of Rock
5. Cold Creek Manor
Top five TV
1. "CSI" (CBS)
2. "American Idol" - Tuesday (FOX)
3. "American Idol" - Wednesday (FOX)
4. "Apprentice" (NBC)
5 "CSI: Miami (CBS)
Top five books
1 Against All Enemies: America's Inside War
on Terror, Richard A Clark
2 Glorious Appearing, Tim Lehaye & Jerry
3 Angels & Demons, Dan Brown
4 Birth Right, Nora Roberts
5. The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown
Start your
Great Race speeds
down College Hill
place teams will get $100 and
third place will take home
"I'm looking forward to
the Great Race said Joe I.ytle,
sophomore history major.
"It's going to be so much
fun out there racing and
hanging out with everyone.
For me, it will be a chance to
do something new, and I really
think my partner and I have
got a good chance at winning
it all
No matter how well or
how badly a team does,
everyone that races will get a
t-shirt just for participating in
the event.
For those with that extra
competitive edge and looking
for tricks of the trade, King
does offer some advice.
"Keep your cart under con-
trol and go straight. Straight is
faster King said.
Still, if the idea of racing
down the Hill in a cart does
not thrill you, or if the thrill
is too terrific to handle, other
activities will coincide with
the (ireat Race.
Event Info
If you have the need for speed,
then you won't want to miss ECU
and Partners in Campus Living's
third annual (.ireat Race on Col-
lege Hill.
Scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.
today, the Great Race is a three-
hour event where students get
the opportunity to compete in
pushcart races down College Hill
The 15 carts used in the races
are one-person bobsleds built by
Recreational Services.
"They are authentic, primitive
race carts said Todd King, assis-
tant director for marketing and
special events for recreational
They are indeed primitive,
essentially a cross between a
bobsled and a car propelled by
the likes of Fred Flintstone.
A two-person team, consisting
of a pusher to provide the initial
impetus and a driver to steer
down the hill, races each cart.
Three divisions exist for
competition: male-male, female-
female and co-ed. Participants
may register in more than one
category to compete for cash
It is important to arrive early
for registration in order to guar-
antee a chance at racing and win-
ning. Registration will begin at 3:
30 p.m. on the day of the race,
30 minutes before bystanders can
watch the first carts take off down
the Hill.
"It is a fun afternoon for both
participants and spectators
King said.
Last year, a total of 400 races
took place during the event,
which was held in the evening
and through the nighttime
hours. Streetlights illuminated
the roadway for races after the
sun went down.
This year, however, the Great
Race should be completed before
sunset. Between 4 p.m. and 6:30
p.m racers will go down the Hill
two carts at a time and will be
racing against the clock.
The four teams with the best
times in each division will go on
to race for the top prizes in head-
to-head, single elimination races
beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The team with the fastest
time in each category will receive
a cash prize of $200. The second
Third Annual Great Race
on College Hill
Today from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Registration at 3:30 p.m.
Three rJMsions: male-
male, female-female,
Cash prizes awarded
In each division
Sponsored by Rec-
reational Services
"The College Hill hall
governments are planning
the block party on the Hill
said Stephanie Evans, senior
health education and promo-
tion major.
"The block party started in
the spring of 2001 as a small
event. PICL joined us the fol-
lowing spring, and it's been an
annual joint event
A remote-controlled
NASCAR game will be set up,
as well as an obstacle course
and the usual inflatable
Of course, it wouldn't be a
party without food, and there
should be plenty of refresh-
ments for everyone involved.
"It is a great event for stu-
dents to get out, have some
fun and enjoy the sunny days
of spring Evans said.
To ensure that this year's
race goes off without a hitch,
ECU Parking and Transporta-
tion will close College Hill to
traffic from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
on Wednesday. Bus routes will be
slightly modified with drop-offs
at Belk and the lot at the bottom
of the Hill.
If rain threatens to interfere
with the Great Race, organizers
will have to postpone with a rain
date set for Thursday, April IS.
This writer can be contacted at
Bolcom, Morris make their way to campus
Husband and wife duo
to perform Saturday in
Wright Auditorium
Pulitzer Prize-winning
composer and pianist Wil-
liam Bolcom, accompanied by
his wife soprano Joan Morris,
will captivate audiences with
popular American songs on April
17 at 8 p.m.
Their act started more than
30 years ago when Bolcom asked
Morris, his then-girlfriend, to
join him in a program he was
playing for Mohawk Trail Con-
This performance was only
the second time that they played
together, but definitely not the
last. This particular performance
is what started them on their
journey to amazing audiences.
With their renditions of
songs from the late 19th century
through the 1920s and 1930s, as
well as some of Bolcom's own
compositions, they are a unique
Soloist Joan Morris, accompanied by her husband William Bolcom, will perform on Thursday.
Bolcom is originally from
Seattle, Wash. He exemplified
musical talent and interest at a
very young age.
He earned his Bachelor of Arts
from the University of Washing-
ton and studied everywhere from
California to Paris. He earned his
doctorate In composition in 1964
from Stanford University.
A talented pianist and com-
poser, Bolcom wrote many scores
and recorded many songs, but
didn't leave his love for music
He has taught music at the
see BOLCOM page B2

4 14 04
Controversy stirs plot in 'Da Vinci' success 'Qgp GJOVdlWi' presented
by ECU School of Music
(kKI i -Dan Brown, a rela-
bel unknown before publishing
lite Do niii Code (Doubleday,
$24 .S), is not, it must be said,
the worlds smoothest writer. But
no matter.
When even a jaded books
editor tinds herself bleary-eyed
.it 1:30 a.m. on a weeknight,
vowing to read just one more
chapter ? just one more, just
one ? then it's safe to say that
fast-paced plotting has trumped
limping prose.
Brown tells his story in 105
brief Inemattc chapters, and the
suspense is relentless. And that's
i i;i ii nl thing. He ncedl it to carry
.iluiig his hero, Robert I angdon,
who is more a mouthpiece for
arcane theories than a man of
action, and his heroine, Sophie
sJeveu, who ricochets Irom
savvy police agent to credulous
newcomer to those theories.
I Inire's alsu an eccentric mil-
lionaire si holar obsessed with the
Hols Grail, a hard-charging bull
I ,i French police official and a
bishop who resorts to nelarious
means to advance his controver-
sial prelature. And let's not forget
the tormented, gigantic albino
monk who I unctions as a hit man
when he isn't busy mortifying his
flesh in gruesome ways.
I he plot tor those doen or
so ol you who still haven't read
the hook - involves a bloody
death, two mysterious societies,
dues hidden in famous paintings,
ih nieil messages, church intrigue
and enough debate about esoteric
theologies and ecclesiastical archi-
tecture to gag a goat.
In contention: Did Jesus Christ
marry Mary Magdalene and have
offspring, whose descendants are,
In those immortal words of the
c oneheads. "from trance"? What
is the true significance ot the I loly
(.rail? Was it the chalice Christ
drank from at the Last Supper,
or something symbolic? Does it
exist today? And did thehun h
suppress the role of women and
sexuality in its history for reasons
both potty and political?
lor all its talk about pagan
sexual rituals, there's not much
hanky-panky. No bodices were
ripped in the making of this book,
and the romance is pretty tepid
The heat is reserved tor the Irantic
search to solve the riddles, find
the drail and elude those who
would kill 10 get there tirst.
Doubleday evidently knew it
had a winner as soon as staffer
got a look at Brown's manuscript,
and it sent out 6,000 advance
leader copies to bookstores and
reviewers. Interest spiked, nota-
bly at Barnes & Noble. And, says
the book's editor, Jason Kaufman,
the publisher bumped up its tirst
printing Irom about 35,000 to
2s(,(?l() copies.
Doubleday followed up with a
second mailing ol 5,000advance
copies, making a total said to be
tile biggest such promotion ever.
With interest high, bookstores
eager to push the book and a rave
review in The New York rimes.
The Do Vtncl Code debuted in
first place on the Times, Publish-
ers Weekly and Wall Street journal
bestseller lists. By now. the book
has been published in more than
40 languages.
In November, a TV special on
ABC about the book's theories
drew nationwide interest. Now a
movie is in the works from Ron
Howard and the team that made
A Hnuitifitl Miml.
The hoopla has propelled
Brown's earlier Robert Langdon
novel, AngeU and Demons, onto
bestsel ler lists. It also has spawned
interest in a host of books on
church history,? especially the
role ot women in general and
Mary Magdalene in particular
? as well as the Holy Grail, cryp-
tography and Da Vinci's works.
One of the most intrigu-
ing aspects of reading The Ihi
VbKl (thie is tackling its riddles.
Granted, solving them is about
as difficult as doing the Jumble
in the daily paper, but ttrown
adds a shrewd twist Its basing
his characters exclaim that these
simple anagrams and visual clues
are profoundly clever, he flatters
readers into believing they must
be Mcnsa-quality smarty-pantses
to have figured them out. "O, Dra-
conian devil indeed.
Brown also can't resist having
a little tun at the reader's expense.
I angdon is a prolessor of sym-
bology at Harvard who writes
scholarly books, and his editor is
one Jonas laukman, an anagram
tor Brown's real-life editor Jason
there's quite a bit of art-
history mystery, too, Involving
such famous paintings as Da
Vinci's "Mona Lisa" and "The
Last Slipper which the reader
can easily visualize. Searching
the artworks for clues is more fun
than discovering Where's Walilo,
.iiid art scholars have long debated
some ot the paintings' peculiar
Brown even throws in a
"cryptex an ingenious double-
barreled cylinder that hides a
scroll as well as the means to
destroy its message if its dials arc-
not properly aligned to reveal the
Mozart opera deals
with sex, retribution
Mozart's Don Giovanni
will be presented by the I
School ol Music Friday, April 17
through luisd.ii, pril 20.
Sex, lies, and retribution
are just a few topics covered in
this tragic masterpiece com-
bining comedy and drama
to illustrate the escapades
and Inevitable tragedy Ol
the mythical womanizer,
Don Juan.
His character is a loser
who conquers and seduces as
many women as possible.
Alter seducing a woman
named Donna Anna, Don
Giovanni is caught in a
whirlwind of tragedy,
murder and seduction.
His wrongdoings are later com-
pensated for as he is dragged to
The School of Music-
will deliver the famous
opera with a cast including
pre-prolessionals, graduate and
undergraduate vocal perfor-
mance majors.
Created in 1787, "Don
Giovanni is still .a crowd
pleaser that includes one of
Mozart's most brilliant scores
said Michael Crane, director
ot communication.
Admission is $5 for students
and $10 for adults. All perfor-
mances will be held at in the A.
I. Fletcher Recital Hall.
April 17 and IK feature
matinees at 2 p.m. Ihe opera
will be performed at 8 p.m.
on April 19 and 20. Advance
tickets may be
purchased from the Central
Ticket Office in Mendenh.ill
Student (enter or by
calling 328-4788.
This writer can be contacted at
Event Info
Don Giovanni'
April 17 -18 at 2 p.m.
April 19 - 20 at 8 p.m.
A J. Fletcher Recital Hall
Tickets are $5 for students
and $10 tor public.
Contact the Central Ticket
Office at 1-800-ECU-ARTS lor
more information.
from page B1
l'Diversity of Michigan since
1973 and in the fall of 1994,
ihe university named him the
Kuss I ee I inney Distinguished
University Professor of Music.
Anot her achievement Bolcom
has under his belt is winning the
Pulitzer I'rie for music in 1988
for 12 New Etudes for Tiatw.
His wife, Joan Morris, is
equally busy. Originally born in
Portland, Ore. in 1943, Morris
attended Gonzaga University in
Spokane prior to her scholarship the American Academy
ol Dramatic Arts in New York.
She has appeared in off-
Broadway and road productions
as well as with harpist jay Miller
at the Cafe Carlyle, the Waldorl-
Astoria's Peacock Alley and other
Manhattan nightspots, she, too,
has taught cabaret classes in the
School of Musical the University
ol Michigan.
Brought together bv every-
thing from jazz and salsa to rag-
time and the blues, this couple is
They olter the best musical
experience one could hope tor
Her voice is notable for ease,
flexibility and the way you
can understand every word she
She projects not just a song,
but also the character singing
it, providing an award-winning
As a jazz pianist, Bolcom can
do .instiling at the Keyboard
and make it sound exquisite as
he harmonizes with his wife to
a point where the music will take
you away.
The duel has blown listeners
away for 30 years throughout
the United States, Canada and
Internationally, they have
performed a concert in Istanbul
honoring the Consuls-General,
in Italy, Moscow, Cairo and
London, among others.
What is unique about their
performances are they announce
their program Irom the stage.
pulling Irom a vast repertoire of
composerslyricists that include
Irving Berlin I-ubie Blake, (icorge
and Ira Gershwin, K.Y. Harhurg,
lerome Kern, Burton Lane and
Jerry l.eiber.
Other composers and lyricists
include MikeStoller, Cole Porter,
Richard Rodger s and Loren
Hart, Kay Swift, kurt Weill and
"This may seem like an
adult show, but Bolcom and
Morris play a variety of songs
from all different genres that
any music lover, young or
old, will enjoy because their
style is different, not to mention
her awesome voice said I'aoula
Sehannie, marketing assistant for
Cultural Outreach.
In addition to perform-
ing concerts, Bolcom and
Morris have recorded 22
albums together. Ihe first one,
After the Hull, was nominated
for a Grammy. Bolcom's Fourth
Symphony, in which Morris was
featured as the soloist, with
Leonard Slatkin and Hie Saint
Louis Symphony Orchestra,
and Oiiiliee-SeieiiuiU; recorded
by the Orpheus Chamber
Orchestra with Bolcom as
pianist, were also nominated.
This writer can be contacted at
Event Info
Bolcom and Morris
Saturday, April 17 at 8 p.m.
Wright Auditorium
Advance tickets are$10 tor
ECU students, $13 tor youth
$23 for ECU (acuity and staff
and $25 for the general
All tickets are $25 at the
Contact the Central Ticket Office
for more Information at 1-800-

4 14 04
mt Info
it 2 p.m.
at 8 p.m.
Recital Hall
5 for students
entral Ticket
3-ECU-ARTS for
it Info
17 at 8 p.m.
3 are$10 for
E13 for youth
:ulty ant) staff
! general
I25 at the
al Ticket Office
:ion at 1-800-
Camera phones give rise to new way of journaling
(KRT)? When Phillip Ander-
son's friends want to see what
he's up to, the answer is usually
just a click away.
Anderson is accompanied
by a camera phone wherever he
travels. He logs his activities by
taking pictures, then e-mailing
I hem to a spot on the Web (http:
In real life, Anderson is a
25-year-old violin teacher from
Lewisville, Texas. In cyberspace,
he's a "moblogger parl of a
fast-growing sect of paparazzi
making their lives - and those
around them - available for all
to see.
Anyone searching for Dallas
moblogs - pronounced moe-blog
as in mobile and Web log - on the
might find candids of Anderson's
mom or pictures of him driving
to lessons, buying video games or
hanging out with his pals.
"My friends have the
same phone, so we're all
doing it Anderson said. "It
doesn't take hardly any time,
so when I feel like putting a
picture up there, I just e-mail it
there and that's it
No messy code. No obscure
transfer protocol. Not even a
computer is needed.
Right now, moblogger digi-
tal photos are trickling onto the
Internet. But with the sales of
camera phones expected to reach
ISO million worldwide this year
- one-quarter of all cell phone
sales - that trickle will soon be
a torrent.
Most of the digital images
will be like Anderson's-of little
interest to those outside his
world. But there are signs that
moblogging will play an impor-
tant role in online journalism.
With software revolutionizing
the way digital photos are sorted
and archived online, even Micro-
soft is getting involved.
Gradually, the vision of
author Howard Rheingold is
unfolding. In his 2002 book,
"Smart Mobs Rheingold
predicted that camera phones
would give rise to "peer-to-peer"
"Imagine the power of the
Rodney King video multiplied
by the power of Napster Rhe-
ingold wrote. "Putting video
cameras and high-speed Net
connections in telephones moves
blogging into the streets
Traditional media cover-
age of the recent Madrid train
explosions was supplemented
with thousands of camera-phone
images sent to the Web from all
angles. Many were gruesome
and unsuitable for mass distri-
bution. But some scholars say
the public actually benefits
from such stark realism; the
gore deters further violence,
they contend.
Over the last two years,
dozens of free moblog hosting
sites have sprung up. Many,
like the first photo-sharing
Web sites, are veiled commer-
cial attempts to sell prints and
other products.
There are some, such as, that take a
different approach. Rounder
Chris Hoar's site creates a
dynamic, front-page gallery of
the 10,000-plus camera phone
images as they stream into each day from
all over the world.
Most wind up filed in their
owner's moblog folders and fade
from public display. But the most
compelling are culled by editors
and featured in dally rotations.
When a major event takes
place - like the California wild-
fires - Hoar sets up a public-
e-mail address for eyewitness
"People started taking and
posting pictures of the fire as it
crept into their neighborhoods
and back gardens all over San
Diego said Hoar. "We had
pictures of fire coming over the
freeway. Insane pictures
Most cameras can record only
small, grainy images.
"And these guys aren't pro-
fessional photographers by any
means Hoar said. "But if you've
got the only picture of JFK being
shot, you've got the only picture
of JFK being shot. I don't care
how bad it is
Camera phones in the United
States will soon be capable of
much more. Already in Japan,
camera phones are being
equipped with 1.3-megapixel
technology, allowing them to
capture images in detail suffi-
cient to produce quality prints.
"I think we're going to see
a loose network of people who
are really out there covering
something said Mike Popavic,
a Kennebunk, Maine, Web pro-
grammer widely credited with
starting the first moblogging
site, Hiptop Nation (http: "Whether
they're trained to be a journalist
or not, if they're at the right place
al the right time and they're
Dont take pictures while
driving. It's dangerous. Have
someone else In the car
take the picture or pull over
In a safe place before taking
the picture.
Use the highest resolu-
tion your phone offers. The
higher the resolution, the
better your photos will look
on the moblog.
Dont use digital zoom,
which lowers the resolu-
tion of your photos You can
zoom In digitally with your
Hold your phone steady.
Any movement can blur the
Bdght light is best. Most
camera-phones canl adjust
for low light. The best
camera-phone photos are
taken outside In sunshine.
used to moblogging, they'll be
Phone maker Nokia and soft-
ware giant Microsoft are develop-
ing software to help users store
and access digital photos and
accompanying data.
Nokia is working on l.ifeblog,
software that arranges messages,
images, videos and sound clips
captured on cellphones into a
biographical bundle.
At Microsoft, the World-
Wide Media Exchange (WWMX)
is creating a giant, database of
digital photographs tagged by
their shooting locations. The
WWMX site (
is distributing software that
lets photographers inject Global
Positioning System data into
their text descriptions.
Photos are uploaded to
the Web, sorted by location, ?
then mapped. Anyone can
click on a point of interest
and immediately access digital
photos taken by others at that
precise location.
Phillip Anderson holds his Samsung VGA1000 camera cell phone, which he uses to take
pictures and post them via e-mail on his moblog on the Internet. Moblog, a combination of
mobile and Web log, is becoming a new way to share information.
Greenville International Festival
Saturday, April 17, 2004
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Greenville Town Common
First Street
Greenville, North Carolina
m Kid's Activitiesm Multicultural
m ExhibitorsEntertainment
Arts & Craftsm Food
Ethnic Wares
For festival information please call Deborah Clark, City of Greenville, 329-4131.
Sponsored by: City of Greenville, East Carolina University, Student Union, and International Student Association

t? f Agt camo ???
4 1404
Pirates seek to avenge loss
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Sea KayakCanoe
The adventure club invites for a weekend of sea kayakcanpe at Shackleford
Island April 23-25. Students must register by April 16 There will be a pre-
trip meeting is April 20
April 24th The adventure club invites for a day of sea kayakcanoe at
the Haw River Students must register by April 16 There will be a pre-trip
meeting is April 20
Rock Climbing
If you caught the climbing bug on the ECU indoor wall and are ready to
give it a shot on a real rock then join the Adventure program for a day at
Pilot Mountain April 25. Harnesses and gear will be provided Participants
must Register by April 16. A pre-trip meeting is April 21
Frisbee Golf Tournament
There will be an intramural Frisbee Golf Tournament April 21, from 3-6 p.m
at the Frisbee Golf Course Players have a chance to match their Frisbee
skills with the best Registration takes place at the course.
For more information on this or any other program call 328-6387.
Sports Briefs
Norwood Conference USA Co-Hitter ol the Week
ECU first baseman Ryan Norwood has been named Conference USA Co-
Hitter of the Week announced by league officials Monday He shares the
honor with Southern Miss outfielder Carlos Velasquez. Norwood hit safely in
all four Pirate victories last week, including a sweep over USF. batting .500
(8-for-16) with a team-high seven runs scored. He had a pair of doubles and
two home runs, while driving in four Norwood slugged 1 000 for the week
and posted a 529 on-base percentage On the season, Norwood is hitting
.375 with a team-high 48 hits In 128 at-bats including a team-high 33 runs
scored. 13 doubles and eight-home runs tor 26 RBI Norwood leads.ECU in
conference play hitting 478 with eight doubles, one triple, three homers and
13 RBI Velasquez batted .611 (11-for-18) in five games last week, leading
the Golden Eagles to a series sweep at Saint Louis He closed the week
with 18 total bases tor a 1.000 slugging percentage while posting a .682
on-base percentage Velasquez had a double, two home runs and six RBI
on the week, while walking four times and scoring nine runs
ECU athletes honored for excellence in classroom
Thirty-five ECU student-athletes were recognized for their outstanding
academic achievements at the 2004 Academic Excellence Awards Banquet
at the Greenville Country Club Monday night. The Academic Excellence
Award is given to sophomores, juniors and seniors who have earned a
3.5 cumulative grade point average Each student-athlete who achieved
this goal was honored based on his or her classification at the end of
the previous fall semester. The Softball and mens soccer teams took top
team honors with each squad being represented by four student-athletes
Women s cross country, women's tennis, women s soccer and men's cross
country were each represented by three student-athletes. A total of 15 of
the Pirates intercollegiate teams were recognzied
A complete list of all the recipients Is located below.
Baseball - Bnan Cavanaugh
Football - Richard Hourigan, Brian Rimpf
Men s Cross Country - Ronnie Delzer. Jason Lee. Kyle MacKenzie
Men's Golf ? Calle Andrea Phillip Reale
Mens Soccer - Patrick Cutler, Josh Foltz, Sean Harris. Michael McClain
Mens Swimming - Casey Cronin. Robert Derr
Men's Track & Field - Marques Jones
Softball - Danele Hill, Kate Manuse. Jessica Porter, Christine Sheridan
Women's Basketball ? Samantha Pankey, Angela Sye
Women s Cross Country - Jessica Collins. Kimberly Lash. Lynn Taylor
Women s Golf - Margaret Mitchell
Women's Soccer - Megan Schwanke. Sara Stolz. Lindsi Troxler
Womens Swimming - Abbey Hillen, Sarah Hunt
Womens Tennis ? Raluca Baicu, Cnstina Meilicke, Paulina Sierpinski
Women's Track & Field - Alisha Hopkins, Colleen McGinn
TE Wlnslow Jr. makes curious stop In Pittsburgh
Miami Hurricanes tight end Kellen Winslow Jr, expected to be one of
the first 10 picks in next week's NFL Draft, visited the Pittsburgh Steelers
That seems somewhat strange because unless the Steelers trade up
from No 11. Winslow is expected to be long gone when they make their
first-round selection And even if Winslow somehow falls to them, the
Steelers have more pressing needs - quarterback, offensive tackle,
cornerback than tight end While Winslow doesn I expect to land in Pittsburgh
he enjoyed his second tnp there in five months During his last visit Nov 29.
he helped Miami knock Pitt out ol a likely Orange Bowl invitation by beating
the Panthers 28-14
Kemp signs to play with USBL's Storm
Former NBA All-Star Shawn Kemp signed Monday to play for the USBLs
Oklahoma Storm, a team he partly owns Kemp, who played in the NBA for
14 seasons, was a six-time All-Star before weight problems and substance
abuse derailed his career He's expected to make his debut Fnday against
Cedar Rapids Kemp bought a minority stake in the Storm this year.
Sura stripped of triple-double
The NBA look away Bob Sura's third consecutive triple-double Tuesday,
ruling he shouldn I get credit tor one rebound because he intentionally
missed a shot just before the buzzer The Hawks Sura thought he was the
first NBA player since Grant Hill in 1997 to have three consecutive games
with double figures in sconng, rebounding and assists.
Greg Bunn is undefeated this season (6-0) and is leading Pirate pitchers with 67 strikeouts in a little over 58 innings
ECU preps for in-state
rival Seahawks
A rivalry that has blos-
somed furiously over the past
couple of seasons with some
great games will take tenter
stage Wednesday night as
UNC-Wilmington hrings their
baseball squad to Greenville for
a match-up with the streaking
TheSeahawksupset ECU twice
last season, including a shock-
ing 4-3 loss at Harrington Field.
Senior first baseman Kyan Nor-
wood knows this game has huge
implications on and off the field.
"We owe them a piece said
"Any in-state team we play,
we want to kill. It's about
recruiting too, so when other
high school kids see that and
they say 'Oh Wilmington beat
ECU, I want to go there because
they're a better team Hut if we
beat them pretty bad, then it will
make us look good
The Sea hawk pitchers need to
get ready to pitch to Norwood,
who was just recently named Co-
hitter ol the week inonference
USA. He shares the honor with
Southern Miss outfielder Carlos
Norwood hit safely in all four
Pirate victories last week, includ-
ing the sweep over USF, batting
.500 (8-for-16) with seven runs
scored. He had a pair of doubles
and two homeruns, while driv-
ing in lour. Norwood's slugging
percentage was 1.000 for the
week and he posted a .529 on-
base percentage.
The Pirates sprint into
Wednesday's clash on a nine
game winning streak and have
moved up in the Baseball Amer-
ica Poll to 15.
UNCW enters the mid-week
contest with an 18-14 record after
a series against George Mason in
which the Hawks dropped two of
three to the front-running CAA
Despite the Seahawks' sub-
par season thus far, Head Coach
Randy Mazey believes this is a
game in which records go out
the window.
" It 's goi ng to be a tough one
said Mazey.
"They always play their best
baseball against us and they get
excited to come to town. They
beat us on our field last year
and the guys remember that so
we're going to be pretty fired up
lor that game
The first pitch begins
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
This writer can be contacted at
ECU has scored a total of 79 runs in the last seven games
Kate Manuse on the loose
Lady Pirate leading the
way for softball
During the fall and early
winter seasons at lCl.l, one
may hear a cry from far oil in
the distance. A cry that is all
too lamiliar it that person is a
diehard Pirate basketball fan:
While Mousse Had lane's daunt-
ing shoot-blocking ability earns
him the cry from the crowd, there
is another "ooose" that is breaking
records and could very well be his
crowd replacement for the spring
season, Kate Manuse.
Manuse came into this past
Weekend' series against USF
ranked lKlh in the nation, boast-
ing a .391 batting average mark, a
mark she said she has earned one
bat at a time.
"Every time i get up to bat I try
and make it a new at bat and just
start all over said Manuse.
Manuse started playing soft-
ball around the age of five and
has turned out to be a gigantic
lift for the Lady Pirates, espe-
cially this season where the
Pirates arc enjoying a 38-13-1
"I just t'ry to think about what
I want to do for the team Manuse
Thinking is just half of the
equation for Manuse. The other
and more important half is her
performance on the field, which
has turned a lot of heads on this
2004 campaign. Her latest head-
line came with the 38th win on the
season where she set the Confer-
ence I ISA record for most doubles in
a season (22). The double proved
to be extra sweet as it propelled
the Pirates from a 1-0 deficit to
the No. 18 seeded Bulls, to a 2-1
It is big time plays and hits
like this that recently earned
Manuse the C-USA hitter of the
week award.
"The award makes me feel
accomplished because this is
such a high quality conference
with teams nationally ranked,
lanuse has been a key contributor for the Pirates this year.
the Pirates are looking to make a
run at the C-USA tourney.
My goal is just to maintain
just like USF Manuse said
Manuse's eye-catching per-
formances this year have proved
to be huge in the rise of a new-
look Lady Pirate team.
"I think that we have done a
tremendous job this season espe-
cially coming off a pretty rough
season last year Manuse said.
"We have just leen hitting the
ball a whole lot more this year
With just 10 games lelt to play
on this year's slate, Manuse and
what I have done up until now
and make an impact every day
Manuse said.
"And for the team to just make
the conference tournament in
Louisville. Once you get there it
is anyone's game
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.

4 14 04
Track team participates in Charlotte Invitational
Men post strong
showing in Charlotte
The track and field team
split-up in order to compete in
two meets on Saturday.
The Pirates posted strong
finishes at the Charlotte Invita-
tional and at the Sea Kay Relays,
held at the University of Tennes-
see in Knoxville, Tenn. In addi-
tion to the women's track team,
nine men traveled to compete
in the Charlotte Invitational.
Because it was an invitational
meet, team scores were not kept
because individual times and
scores were kef it.
I'osting a strong showing was
Kyle Frasure, a freshman who in
his first two weeks competing
broke the hammer throw record
at ECU. The Charlotte native
pleased his home crowd by
taking the Hammer Throw com-
petition. Frasure beat out fellow
teammate Mayso Porch, who
finished fourth. Frasure threw
the hammer 53.25 meters while
Porch had a respectable showing
at 47.00 meters. I'rasure also fin-
ished second in the discus throw
with a score of 45.73 meters.
Two other male participants
finished in the top 10 in their
events. Derrick Carr, a sopho-
more finished fifth in the triple
jump with a jump of 13.88
meters. Kyle Yunaska ran a per-
sonal best with a 1500-meter run
time of 4:04.20.
The women's team domi-
nated the Charlotte Invitational
with 14 ladies posting top 10
finishes in 15 events.
The strongest showing was
from Tara DeBrille, who fin-
ished second in the 800-meter
run. DeBrille currently holds
the conference's best time at
2:10.61, which also doubles as
ECU'S best ever. The other top
finishers were Colleen McGinn
and Chelsea Salisbury, both ol
whom finished second in their
respective events. Johanna Allen,
Nicole Callaham, and Darnesha
Jones all finished in the top 10 in
two separate events.
Matt Munson, the men's
track and field coach took the
majority of his team to compete
in the Sea Ray Relays. Teams from
all over the nation traveled to the
event, which is a precursor to the
NCAA Regional! and infamous
Perm Relays. The men posted
respectable showings with two
more NCAA Regional qualify-
ing times.
With little to no room for
error, Darrus Coefield finished
.itiip the Pirates in the popular
400-meter run. Coefield barely
edged out teammate B.J. Hen-
derson. The 34 hundredths of
a second that separated them
was a difference of three places.
Coefield finished 15, Henderson
18, and Dominique Richmond
finished 22.
The strongest individual
showing was from Ron Pollard,
who posted a NCAA Regional
qualifying time of 51.70 seconds
in the 400-meter hurdles. Pollard
is now eligible to compete in the
NCAA Regional Championships.
As has been the case in the
past, the ECU men's relays con-
tinue to be the strong point of
ECU track and field The men
finished a respectable fourth in
the 4x100 meter relay and ninth
in the 4x800. However, the best
relay was the 4x400 where the
men met a NCAA Regional quali-
fying time of 3:09.53.
The men qualified for the
NCAA Regional in the 4x100 and
the 4x800 in the Florida Relays,
held earlier.
The men and women's teams
will be back in action on April
22-24 when they travel to the
famous Perm Relays in Philadel-
phia, PA.
This writer can be contacted at
O'Leary settles in with University of Central Florida
(KR'0?One moment, George
O'l.eary blows quickly into his
whistle, then, in his polite way,
tells a new group of assistant
coaches to get out of the way and
let a scrimmage continue.
"We're getting this on tape!
We can correct later
A moment later, his whistle
sounds again. It's the same sound
as those made by a half-dozen
referees brought into for a recent
scrimmage, but O'Leary's Uni-
versity of Central Florida players
stand still. They recognize it's
him blowing, not somebody in
a striped uniform.
"Run it again O'Leary barks.
Having detected an errant cut
by tailback Dontavius Wilcox,
O'Leary makes a brief point to
the redshirt sophomore and
sends him back into the fray for
another tough goal-line run.
Minutes later, the Golden
Knights' two-hour scrimmage
is done. O'Leary is just getting
warmed up.
"How would you grade your
team so far?" asks a television
"I don't grade after one
week the coach said. "How
would you like it if I graded you
after one week?"
Later, a similar question
comes. How would the coach
evaluate his team so far?
"You already asked that and 1
told you I don't do that O'Leary
said. "Anything else?"
Nearly two decades after
another former NFL coach, Lou
Saban, directed UCF's football
program, O'Leary on Tuesday
finishes up his first spring back as
a college coach after a year away
from football and two seasons
with the Minnesota Vikings. The
Knights' 15th spring practice is
scheduled as an unceremonious
affair; no spring game was sched-
uled because of a limited number
of healthy (and academically fit)
Still, with a laborer's long
hours and a minute chewing-
tobacco stain at the corner of
his mouth, the man works as if
only a heart attack could slow
him down.
"That's absolutely true
said defensive line coach Peter
McCarty, who worked under
O'Leary as a graduate assistant at
Syracuse and again as defensive
tackles coach at Georgia Tech.
"I'll leave it at that
"I'm fine said O'l.eary, who
had a mild heart attack Dec. 31
just after saying goodbye to the
Vikings and just before leaving
for Orlando. "I've done every-
thing the doctors have told me
to do, but you know me. I'm not
going to change. You gotta do
what you gotta do
Doctors prescribed regular
exercise for the 57-year-old, and
he sticks to a regimen of walk-
ing. Doctors scheduled another
checkup for July, a stress test.
F.veryone else's stress test
is in full gear. From secretar-
ies to players to coaches to
administrators, O'Leary nudges
all involved with his program
just beyond a comfort zone.
King George demands, and he
usually gets.
Some of what former coach
Mike Kruczek grew weary of
asking lor, O'Leary received
during his first four months on
the job: a 30-foot steel tower
between practice fields, a pri-
vacy fence around the fields, an
upgraded digital video system.
The new coach also added
his personal favorites: two 2S-
second clocks posted at opposite
ends of the field. They literally
are the time of players' lives.
O'Leary gave his practice timer
explicit instructions to start the
clock anew as soon as the previ-
ous play ends, so UCF's practice
pace Is quicker than any game
will be.
"Something new happens
every 25 seconds guard Dan
Veenstra said.
Fast feet and fast minds
eventually win, is the coach's
Coaches endure, too. A year
ago at LSU, defensive coordina-
tor Lance Thompson could go to
practice wearing sunglasses and
a hat, customary accessories for
a football coach working in the
sun. Not now.
At practice, sunglasses and
hats are forbidden for all staff-
ers, including trainers, equip-
ment managers and strength
Thompson and others cope.
"Sunscreen he said.
Just as in December when
he tossed out Kruczek's staff's
recruiting evaluations and tips,
O'Leary trusts only his systems
and thoughts.
With 16 players on academic
probation, O'Leary
removed four of them
from spring drills. When
the team practices, they
spend that time in Study
"Things are done
a certain way. Expec-
tations are a certain
way, and everybody
understands that said
Thompson, who also
worked under O'Leary
at (ieorgia Tech. "You're
either in the circle or out
of the circle. You'll either
do it his way, do it right,
or you won't be around.
Don't look around think-
ing it's going to change,
because it's not
What UCF Athletic
Director Steve Orsinl
saw during a recent
scrimmage was exactly
what he had hoped to see.
People on the field moved
quickly and constantly. Later, he
gleaned that, with the exception
of two returning players who
decided before spring not to
return, the Knights have bought
into their new coach.
"I was hopeful of that,
and I'm happy to see that
happening Orsini said. "George
is a leader
Said O'l.eary: "The players
have done everything we've asked
of them. We've asked them to work
harder and faster and they've done
that. We need to help them now
by bringing in better players to put
around them
Little escapes him. He expects
UCF will be joining Conference-USA in the 2005-2006 season
the same from his players. One of
his rules: Players not participating
in an 11-on-ll drill are expected
to know what's being run on their
side of the ball.
Not knowing, especially if a
player loses his attention span for
a couple moments and O'l.eary
sees it behind him?yep, behind
him?risks a blown whistle and
a query from the white-haired
If the answer is wrong,
everybody runs a wind sprint.
When a 5-minute bullhorn
sounds to signal a drill change, if
his players don't move fast enough,
O'Leary sends them back to the
previous drill to try a quicker
"They've got to understand
what work ethic is all about
McCarty said. "We've got to pre-
pare to win
(n Friday after h is team's pen -
ultimate spring practice, O'Leary
spotted an academic advisor greet-
ing one of his players.
"How's he doing?" the coach
Satisfied with the answers, he
nodded and turned to the player.
"Do what you're supposed to
do he said. "It's important
Besides, there's little
Friday, April 16, 2004 7:00 PM
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? ' '
Chargers on the clock
(KRT)?"The s,m nk'K"
Chargers have been n the clock
since Dec 2H. when a 4-U record
earned them the flrit overall pkk
?l the2004NFI draft.
TheChargen have .i pressing
Medal quarter-
li.n k ?and the
quarterback .it
the top ol the
draft hoard is
a cant-miss
prospe t Mi
Manning of Mississippi
But there are three potential
franchise quarterbacks in this
draft ? Manning, Philip Riven
of North Carolina State and
Hen Roethllsbergei Ol Miami
The Chargers can trade
down, add a couple picks and
still come away with a future at
the position in either Rivers 01
The Giants have already
called, asking the cost of moving
up from fourth overall to first So
it's Uh) early to project the first
player, much less the tirst team,
in this draft.
Keep an eye on the wide
receivers. There are eight with
first-round value, but the draft
record is only six in llie tirsl
Sc elite wicieouts will be avail-
able into the second round.
f) Projected Draft
Hurricanes hire Haith
1. San Diego
2. Oakland
3 Arizona
4. NY Giants
5. Washington
6. Detroit
7. Cleveland
8. Atlanta
9. Jacksonville
10. Houston
11 Pittsburgh
12. NY Jets
13. Buffalo
14. Chicago
15. Tampa Bay
16. San Francisco
17. Denver
' 18. New Orleans
i 19. Minnesota
i 2a Miami
21. New England
22. Cowboys
23. Seattle
24. Cincinnati
j 25. Green Bay
! 26. St Louis
! 27. Tennessee
i 28. Philadelphia
' 29. Indianapolis
j 30. Kansas City
i 31 Carolina
I 32 New England
Eli Manning
Larry Fitzgerald
Robert Gallery
Sean Taylor
OeAngelo Hall
Tommie Harris
Kenechi Udeze
Will Smith
PhiHp Rivers
Duma Robinson
Michael Clayton
Vlnce Willork
Lee Evans
Mike William;
Kevin Jones
D.J. Williams
Marcus Tubbs
Shawn Andrews
Steven Jackson
Chris Perry
Ricardo Colclough
Jonathan Vilma
Ben Troupe
Ben Roethllsberger
Jason Babln
Chris Gamble
Teddy LeSnan
Reggie Williams
Justin Smiley
Sean Jones
HB -
Virginia Tech
Southern Cal
Ohio State
North Carolina State
South Carolina
Southern Cal
Virginia Teen
Oregon Stale
Ml.llll! F
Western Michigan
Ohio State
Mississippi's Eli Manning
Pitt wide out and 2003 Heisman candidate Larry Fitzgerald is projected to be a top five pick in the 2004 NFL draft.
? WHAT: Rile Wftk IS M ttW KTREME Retch In
? WHO: First Come - first Serve, limited to 35
CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE . where Atlantic Beach
MENDENMii STUDENT CENTER Meet behind SRC: ee?i to the outdoor pool
(KRT)?The University of
Miami, seeking a men's basket-
ball coach who understands and
loves the Atlantic Coast Confer-
ence, treats his players like sons,
relentlessly recruits and will work
tirelessly for less than S500.000,
hired Frank Haith on Monday.
Haith, 38, the associate
head coach at the Univer-
sity of Texas and a former
Wake Forest assistant, signed
a five-year deal with an annual
salary of about $.150,000. He
takes over for Perry Clark, who
was fired last month with three-
years remaining on his contract
after back-to-back losing sea-
sons and one NCAA tournament
appearance in four years.
The Hurricanes enter the
ACC next season, and Haith's
roots gave him the edge over the
other finalists. Haith grew up in
North (:arolina, where he says he
was "an ABC fan ? Anybody But
He attended Eton College,
which, it turns out, is the cradle
of Miami coaches. Marlins man-
ager Jack McKeon and UM base-
ball coach Jim Morris are fellow
graduates. And he coached five
years at Wake forest ? one year
as a graduate assistant and four as
an assistant under IlaveOdom.
'Frank Haith is one of the
finest associate head coaches in
the country, and he is absolutely
ready for the assignment we arc
asking him to undertake UM
athletic director Paul Dee said.
"Everyone I spoke to said it was
his time to step up, and I just got a
gut feeling that this was someone
The other finalists were
Kansas associate head coach
Norm Roberts, Manhattan coach
Bobby Gonzalez, Alabama-Bir-
mingham coach Mike Anderson
and Virginia Commonwealth
coach Jeff Capel. Anderson and
C ;apel withdrew their names from
consideration after getting hefty
raises from their schools.
Dee consulted with Ocfom,
Texas coach Rick Barnes, ACC
associate commissioner Fred
Barakat and Wake Forest athletic
director Ron Wellman ? and all
raved about Haith.
Barnes continued to gush
"Frank was as close to being
the head coach at Texas as you
can be without having the title
Barnes said. "He was involved in
every major decision I made the
past three years. He had a huge
impact here, and this is a great
hire for Miami, a perfect fit.
"He understands the game,
and not just X's and O's, hut
the environment of college bas-
ketball, the AAU coaches, the
media, the fans, everything. He-
grew up an ACC fan and knows
exactly what it takes to compete
in that league. Most of all, he is
one of the finest people I've ever
known. All you have to do Is look
at his wife, Pam, and son, Corey,
and sec that this guy is the total
As for his lack of head-coach-
ing experience, Haith quipped: "I
do have head-coaching experi-
ence. I coached 3.9 seconds in
our last game a 79-71 Sweet 16
loss to Xavier when Rick Barnes
was tossed out
Haith's easy-going person-
ality showed at his first news
conference Monday. He seemed
at ease at the podium, joked,
and talked about how he plans
to create a buzz on campus for
his team by taking players to
fraternity and sorority gather-
ings, dorm meetings and other
campus functions.
"I want people on campus
and in the community to share
the passion and enthusiasm I
have for this program he said.
"My mind was made up on this
job the minute Paul Dee called
and told me I was a candidate.
This program is close. All the
pieces are in place ? ACC, a
wonderful university, dynamic
city, beautiful arena, some excit-
ing players. We just need some
nuts and bolt's to put it all
Haith met with the players
and said he saw concern in their
eyes, so he urged them to call their
AAU coaches and high school
coaches to check up on him.
"I am familiar with Coach
Haith from some camps I went
to around Wake Forest, and I told
the guys that he knows his stuff
and is real good with players
guard Eric Wilkins said. "I'm
looking forward to getting to
know him better
Haith is best known for his
recruiting success. He recruited
six McDonald's Ail-Americans
to Wake Forest and Texas.
And, his wife points out, "He
recruited me from a Hardee's
drive-through window 17 years
ago, and I've not regretted it for
one minute
Haith hopes to have a staff
in place in a few weeks. He will
meet with members of Clark's
staff, who were retained on an
interim basis, and also hire from
April 17th 7PM Minges Colisieum
Tickets: Advance $10 for Students, Non-Students $15 At the Door $20
Doors Open @ 6pm After Party Immediately Following the Show
Sponsored in part by ECU SGA

4 14 04
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Registration for teams (one pusher and one driver) begins at 3:00pm. There will be malemale,
femalefemale and coed racing divisions. Shirts and shoes required to participate in the Great Race. Team
PiCL will provide helmets and other safety gear for the drivers. Campus Living will also be announcing the
prize winners for Return To Campus Living 2004. Until then, keep it safe, fun, and between the lines!
Individuals with disabilities, requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), should
contact the Department for Disability Support Services at (252) 328-6799 (V) or (252) 328-0899 (TTY).

The East Carolinian, April 14, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 14, 2004
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