The East Carolinian, March 24, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Missouri-Kansas City provost awarded chancellor position
Steve Ballard will begin
leading ECU in June
Steve Ballard, 55-year-old
provost and vice chancellor for
Academic Affairs at the Univer-
sity of Missouri-Kansas City was
announced ECU's new chancellor
at the Board of Governors meeting
"On behalf of the search com-
mittee and the Board of Trustees,
we are elated with President
Broad's selection Ballard has
an outstanding record of leader-
ship and accomplishments which
will translate into broader and
more rapid success for ECU said
Jim Talton, chair of the Board of
Trustees and chair of the Chancel-
lor Search Committee.
Ballard will succeed Interim
Chancellor William Shelton, who
filled the chancellor position
after William Muse resigned in
September. Ballard is scheduled
to take over for Shelton and start
receiving his $215,000 salary on
June 1, but he will make his move
to Greenville sometime in May.
"This is a career aspiration for
me said Ballard.
Steve Ballard was introduced as ECU'S chancellor Friday.
Appalachian State University students Emily McDermott and Dorothy Andrews oppose the tuition increase Friday.
NC State students David Woolard and Adam Olejarczyk question how
they will afford the rising cost of their educations.
Unique slogans, like Michael Pinnix's from
Winston Salem State University, abounded.
Student protests fail, tuition increase approved
BOG members pass
amended fee hike
Nearly 200 students
from all 16 UNC-
system schools gath-
ered in front of the doors of the
UNC General Administration
Building in Chapel Hill Friday
to protest the $300 campus-
based tuition increase at the
Board of Governors meeting,
but board members voted
to amend and pass tuition
increases for the 2004-05 aca-
demic year.
ECU and 12 other schools
will be affected by an in-state
increase of $225 in the 2004-
05 academic year, while in-
state tuition will rise $250 a
year at the UNC-Chapel Hill
and NC State. The NC School
of Arts will be affected by a
$450 in-state increase.
Out-of-state tuition will
climb an additional $300 at
all schools with the exception
of UNC-Chapel Hill, where it
will increase $1,500 and the
NC School of Arts, where it
will increase $600.
"I believe everyone in this
room wants tuition to be as low
as it can be, but we do not want
to sacrifice quality said BOG
member Charles Mercer.
Board members said the
increase compensates for
state budget reductions and
improves classroom quality in
all 16 schools.
The board also passed a
student fee increase for ECU
of $48 in addition to the $50
SCT Banner fee increase, rais-
ing fees by 8 percent.
The staggered tuition
increase planned for ECU'S
Brody School of Medicine was
passed at the meeting.
A $1,425 increase will affect
first year medical students
attending Brody during the
2004-OS, 2005-06 and 2006-
07 academic years.
The increase requires
second, third and fourth year
medical students attending
Brody in 2004-05, 2005-06
and 2006-07 to pay a fee
increase of $925.
Revenue collected from
ECU's tuition increase will be
used in the university's high-
need areas. The funds will
expand the academic advising
system to accommodate more
students, attract and retain fac-
ulty members and contribute
to need-based financial aid.
Despite countless signs
and captivating chants from
students at all 16 UNC-
system universities, the
800 private struggles cap-
tured in "Personal Stories"
are destined to come true.
"Personal Stories" is book
detailing how tuition increases
have and would affect students
and their families.
Each member of the BOG
was presented with the fin-
ished book in February, which
was assembled with the help
of Student Government Asso-
ciation representatives and the
UNC Association of Student
Many students, like l.inily
McDermott from Appalachian
State University, attended
the protest and waved signs
detailing the pages they were
featured on in the book.
see TUITION page A6
Fee Breakdown
Student Fees
-Student fees will increase by 8
percent for a total of $98.
In-state campus-based tuition
-A campus-based tuition Increase
of $225 will affect all In-state
students during the 2004-05 aca-
demic year, raising tuition from
$1,910 to $2,135.
Out-of-state campus-based tuition
- A campus-based tuition Increase
of $300 will affect all out-of-state
students during the 2004-05 aca-
demic year, raising tuition from
$12,049 to $12,349.
The Board of Governors voted not
to Impose a system-wide tuition
increase In addition to the campus-
based increase.
Brody School of Medicine
-First year medical students attend-
ing Brody during the 2004-05,
2005-06 and 2006-07 academic
years will have a $1,425 Increase.
-Second, third and fourth year
medical students attending Brody
In 2004-05 will pay a fee increase
of $925.
Though the 22,000 students
enrolled at ECU and the 14,000
at UMKC differ, Ballard said the
larger enrollment size brings
great opportunity for university
Ballard said he plans to
use his understanding of the
complexity of higher educa-
tion to fill vacant upper-level
leadership positions at ECU.
He said he would work to
quickly fill the vacant athletics
director position.
Nick Floyd, interim director of
athletics, was appointed to tempo-
rarily fill the position when former
director, Mike Hamrick accepted
the athletics director position
at the University of Nevada-Las
Ballard said he would also start
a national search to fill the vacant
provost position, after ECU'S
former provost, William Swart, was
reassigned to a faculty position in
Before taking his position at
UMKC in 2001, Ballard served as
the vice provost for research and
dean of the graduate college from
1998-2001 at Bowling Green State
University in Ohio.
Ballard has authored more
see BALLARD page A2
ECU police, housing react
to early semester violence
New security measures
include increased
patrols, dorm alarms
The College Hill area has
been the focus of violent crimes,
but officials have vowed to make
the campus safer after recent
crime incidents.
The most recent crimes
include an armed robbery
that occurred at Belk Hall on
March 10 in which two assail-
ants robbed two students, who
were not injured, at gunpoint.
The next day a student in Scott
hall reported a man wearing a
ski mask came into his room
at 4 a.m pointed a gun at his
head and then vanished without
taking anything.
ECU police said there are no
leads to the suspect in the rob-
bery case, but the gun has been
traced to a Greenville residency.
"The owner reported the
stolen firearm to the Greenville
Police Department. We are inves-
tigating further in an attempt to
identify a suspect said Robert
C. Stroud, ECU police chief.
Stroud said he could not advise
as to whether the two incidents
were related.
There were also two dorm
rapes within less than a month
of each other, an armed robbery
and a stolen handgun found on
a shower stall floor.
Stroud said patrols have been
increased, but since students have
been away on Spring Break, they
haven't be readily available to
offer any new information.
Aaron F. Lucier, interim
associate director of technology
for Campus Living, said special
alarms costing $350 have been
ordered that will notify ECU
police of dorm doors being held
open for too long and will pro-
duce an audible alarm. The alarm
is called the "Monitor
At press time, Lucier said
an order of Monitors had been
received and were being installed
on College Hill, but he could
not specify which dorms have
received them.
Lucier said the Monitor device
will be put near the bottom of the
door under the advisement of a
locksmith and then have its reac-
tion time calibrated.
"The alarm is quite loud
see CRIME page A2
Fair offers graduation
materials, information
Career help, ordering
for ceremony on hand
Graduation can be a stress-
ful time as students prepare for
the ceremony and their future.
Dowdy Student Stores will hold
a Graduation Fair today and
Thursday to help ease graduates'
The event is for all graduat-
ing seniors who need to collect
commencement materials like
cap and gown, announcements,
rings and frames for diplomas.
"I am excited about my
accomplishments but apprehen-
sive about the future said David
Molinatto, senior communica-
tion art major.
Information about student
loan repayment, career searches
and alumni benefits will be avail-
able at the event along with I lerff
Jones and Jostens for class ring
Frances McDaniel, who
oversees graduation materials al
Dowdy Student Stores, said grad-
uation is a milestone for students,
and they should be proud of their
"I am glad that the school
put this event on said Justin
Williford, senior computer sci-
ence major.
"It helps me at this stressful
Graduation will be held on
Saturday, May 8 in Minges Coli-
" Event Info
The Graduation Fair will be
at Dowdy Student Stores
Wednesday from 10 a.m. - 3
p.m. and 5 pm - 7 p.m. and
Thursday from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Commencement information
seum. There will be two ceremo-
nies - the first will begin at 10
a.m. and the second will begin
at 2 p.m.
Students and faculty who will
participate in the institutional
exercise must register for atten-
dance through Onestop.
This writer can be contacted at
Nutrition Awarene
throughout March
i average, a person from another culture eats about 33 pounds of sugar per year - Americans cat about 120 pounds.
O Low calcium levels in the body cause acbing bones and joints.
Forecast tec required
High of 67
Flumsfclrfs exptanatton n( Itow k�rig bin
Laden wouttrt have stopped ail
NeWS pageA2
School of Nursing Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Jesse PhD. works to I race,
preterm birth In three-year study.
Leant the latest Instant Messanger lingo
as wen as hot spots for buddy Icons and
links to games and quizzes.
The softball team raked In their
frst conference wins of the season,
Improving their record to 32-6-1.
Oorrt forget; Registration
for fall and summer
semesters begins March
29 Make sure to meet
with your adviser

News Editor
Assistant News Editor
3 24-04
Graduation Fair
The Dowdy Student Stores hosts a fair for May graduates on Wednesday.
March 24 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m and 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. and Thursday. March
25 from 10 am. - 3 p m. Graduates will be able to pick up their cap and
gown and obtain information about commencement, alumni benefits,
careers and student loan repayment.
Biology and Physics Lecture
The Department of Biology and Physics presents a lecture, titled
"Structural changes in Nephila edulis silk proteins in solution by
Cedric Dicko, Ph D, from Oxford University Wednesday at 2 p m in N-109
Undergraduates Symposium
The Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Committee
hosts the second annual undergraduate symposium Friday from
8 am - 4 p.m. on the second floor of Mendenhall Student Center
Research from different academic fields will be presented Refreshments
will be served
Board of Trustees
The ECU Board of Trustees will meet Friday in 2W 38-40-50 Brody at 8
Summer and Fall Registration
Registration for summer sessions and fall 2004 semester begins Monday
March 29
Sophomore Survey
Students who have completed 45-60 credit hours. 30 from ECU. must
take the Sophomore Survey before pre-registering for summer or fall 2004
semesters The survey is available online at OneStop
Women Inventors Presentation
Ethlie Ann Vare. co-author of PatentlyFemale From AZT to
TV Dinners. Stories of Women Inventors and Tijei BreakUuajuek
Ideas will present a free account of the women behind familiar products,
discoveries and innovations Tuesday, March 30 at "pm. in flen&TO '
Co-ops and Internships Workshop
Career Services offers a co-op and internship workshop Tuesday, March
30 from 3:30 pm. - 4:30 p.m. in 1012 Bate
File Sharing Discussion
School officials and students will participate in a discussion about the
positive and negative aspects of peer-to-peer file sharing Tuesday. March
30. from 7 p.m - 8 p.m. in 221 MSC
Whichard Lecture
Whichard Distinguished Professor of Humanities David Armstrong. Ph.D
will give a lecture on "The Scope and Limits of Human Knowledge" on
Tuesday, March 30, at 7:30 pm in 1032 Bate A reception will follow the
Habitat for Humanity Run
The Home Run 5K Road Race and One Mile Fun Run to benefit Pitt County
Habitat for Humanity is Saturday. March 27 from 7 am - noon al the City
Hotel and Bistro Participants can register the day of the race beginning
at 7 am or in advance at www habitathomerun com Volunteers are also
needed Call 758-2947 for more information
Cash for Cats
Volunteers are needed to collect donations to provide medical care for cats
on Saturday, March 27 from 8am - 2 pm at local Food Lions Contact
Greg Smith at 717-6339 for more information
Parents Council Nominations
The Office of Advancement for Student Life and the Parents
Council Nominations Committee are seeking nominations of
parents for the 2004-05 Parents Council Call Cheryl Kite at 328-9585
for more information
Commencement Registration
Degree candidates who wish to participate in the May 8 ceremony must
make a reservation through Onestop
Monday, April 5 is the last day to remove incompleles given during fall
semester 2003
Stroke Clinic
Volunteers are needed to perform various tasks including registration,
health assessment, cholesterol and glucose labs, blood pressure and
counseling al five community stroke clinics Contact Terry Congleton at
847-0162 for more information
Community Service Scholarship
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Greenville is accepting applications
for a $500 community service scholarship Applicants should be Pitt
County residents, female, have a minimum GPA of 25 and are currently
or planning to attend Pitt County Community College or ECU The
application deadline is April 16 Contact Shelly Townsend at 341-0363
for more information
ECU Child of Faculty Scholarship
Current or accepted ECU students who are children of active or
retired faculty qualify for the $1,600 ECU Retired Faculty Association
Undergraduate Scholarship Applicants must have a projected or actual
collegiate GPA of 30 and be pursuing their first undergraduate degree
Applications are due by April 9 Contact Vicky Morris at 328-9573 for
more information
Paper Person
The student featured at the top of today's paper is TJ Turner, senior
psychology major
News Briefs
Defense: Twisted
childhood merits lesser
conviction in murder
NASHVILLE (AP) - Prosecution and
defense lawyers agreed Monday
that Andre Edwards abducted, raped
and killed a Virginia woman nearly
three years ago, and each side told
jurors they should focus on why the
tragedy occurred
Closing arguments from the defense
focused on Edwards' wretched
childhood. Prosecutors said the
defendant's background had no
bearing on his ability to plan and
commit the crime against the young
mother and her 11 -month-old son on
June 30,2001. When he was 6 years
old. Edwards was given by his mother
to pedophiles for their pleasure in
return for money to buy liquor and
drugs, according to evidence.
He also was intoxicated from alcohol
and cocaine used eight hours
before the kidnapping and lacked
mental capacity to plan the crime,
the defense said
GOP candidates offer differing
views on N.C. lottery
RALEIGH (AP) - Republicans
competing for the GOP gubernatorial
nomination are showing more
flexibility on the issue of a lottery
than they did four years ago. but few
seem to view the issue as a lynchpin
in this year's campaign.
Four of six major GOP candidates
make similar arguments against a
numbers game.
Democratic Gov Mike Easley has
made an "education lottery' one
of his leading policy initiatives, but
has failed to get authorization for
a voter referendum through the
Legislature during his first three
years in office
Despite polls showing a majority of
voters supporting a vote, prospects
for one in 2004 appear dim. House
members continue to strongly oppose
a referendum, which they voted down
in 2002, and legislative leaders want
to finish this years session before the
July 20 primary.
Prosecutors open trial of
Oklahoma City bombing
conspirator with attempt to link
him to blast
McALESTER. Okla. (AP) - Prosecutors
in Terry Nichols' state murder trial
began their attempt to put the
Oklanoma City bombing conspirator
on death row by linking him to the
Wast - even though he was more than
200 miles away.
FBI lawyer Mary Jasnowski testified
Monday that agents searching
Nichols' Kansas home three days after
the 1995 bombing found a receipt for
2,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate
fertilizer, a main ingredient of the
Oklahoma City bomb.
Agents also found four 55-gallon
drums of the type prosecutors say
were used to make the bomb, and
traces of the bomb ingredient outside
Nichols' home Prosecutors allege
Nichols also stole blasting caps to
set off the explosion that killed 168
The testimony came after prosecutor
Lou Keel opened his case by
arguing that Nichols hated the U.S.
government and worked hand-
in-hand with Timothy McVeigh in
assembling and detonating the "huge,
monstrous bomb
Restricting calories increases life
span In mice, researchers say
WASHINGTON (AP) - A study in mice
suggests that a low-calorie diet could
help extend life even if the dietary
change doesn't start until old age.
The study, appearing this week in the
Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, showed that mice at the
relatively advanced age of 19 months
that were placed on a restricted
calorie diet lived 42 percent longer
than litter mates who continued to eat
a standard diet.
Other studies have shown that
young mice put on a low-calorie diet
live much longer than mice fed the
standard fare But the new research
suggests that it is never too late to
enjoy a life-extension benefit by
reducing calories.
Stephen R Spindler of the
University of California, Riverside,
leader of a team conducting the
research, said there is little evidence
yet that dietary restrictions will
extend human life, but in mice, at
least, sensible eating even at older
ages clearly has a longevity benefit
He said a 19-month-old mouse is
the age equivalent of 60 to 65 years
in humans.
Taiwan's president calls for a
vote recount, says he'll accept
new results
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Looking weak
and tired just days after he was
shot, Taiwan's leader appeared
in public Tuesday for the first
time since his disputed re-
election victory and he called for a
vote recount that he promised to
accept "100 percent"
As President Chen Shui-bian gave
his televised address, the shouts
and chants of thousands of protesters
could be heard in the background.
The crowd has been camping out in
front of the Presidential Office since
Saturday's tight vote, demanding a
Chens challenger, Lien Chan, insists
that the election was marred by
numerous irregularities, though he
has provided little evidence to prove
this Lien has also suggested that
the mysterious shooting that lightly
wounded Chen one day before the
polls may have been staged to gain
sympathy votes
Militants attack military
convoy hunting al-Qalda
in Pakistan, killing 12
WANA. Pakistan (AP) - Attackers
ambushed a Pakistani army convoy
as it moved to join a counterterrorism
offensive against al-Qaida militants
near the Afghan border, killing at
least 12 soldiers and wounding 15,
officials said Tuesday.
The attackers fired rockets that hit at
least six army trucks In the ambush
near Sarwakai, about 30 miles east
of Wana, the main town of the South
Waziristan tribal region.
Some of the trucks were carrying
fuel and were destroyed by fire in
the attack Monday, a government
official in Sarwakai said on condition
of anonymity. He said 12 soldiers were
killed and 15 were wounded.
Army spokesman Maj. Gen.
Shaukat Sultan confirmed the attack
and said army troops cordoned
off the area to search for the
assailants, but he declined to give
more details.
from page A1
said Luder,
"You leave the door open for
more than x-y- seconds, then the
alarm goes Off.
l.ucier said because the doors
are hydraulic and dOM slowly, the
alarm would have to be calibrated
lor the safest duration.
"We have gotten a small order
of them Monitors, and they are
being installed - we are moving as
last as we can l.ucier said.
In a Feb. 19 press conference
(iarrie Moore, I'll.IX, vice chancel-
lor for Student Life said, "We will
(lose off open areas at designated
limes within the residence halls,
sue h as wash areas, and will assess
adding panic buttons throughout
residence halls in designated
l.ucier said it might take some
time before panic buttons in the
dorms become a reality, lie said
tile decision might rest on whether
other universities decided to use
them extensively.
Moore also said that new fenc-
ing would be added to the wooded
area behind Jones Mall to restrict
the use of the area as access to
ii i grounds. Construction has
yet to begin,
"The bid is out with the
contractor, and we expect con-
struction to begin over the next
month l.ucier said.
Luder said although Campus
living will be paying for part of the
project, Facilities Services would
be hacking the construction.
Plans for adding 35 surveil-
lance cameras in the College Kill
area was also announced at the
press conference.
"It's a good idea, but we are
not aware of any schools that do
that extensively l.ucier said.
"Campus Living, in consulta-
tion with the ECU police, feels
there are better ways to address the
security concerns. We are working
to add even more securit y staff. We
are moving on adding cameras asa
more permanent solution l.uc icr
After the rape that occurred at
Belk Hall, F.CU Housing Services
sent out memos to all residents
In the dorms, l.ucier said similar
memos were sent out after the two
"We sent a flyer out to students
in lielk and Scott the day after the
last incident, since they were
the halls in which the incidents
occurred. We feel that the informa-
tion st udents need toknow wascov-
ered in the first letters Lucier said.
Still, some students' parents
feel safer having their children
living in a dorm rather than an
"Even it she lives in an
apartment with one roommate,
nobody would know if anything
happened said Sima Hope,
mother of Belk resident and fresh-
man undecided major Jamie Hope.
Jamie said having eight people
live in her suite makesa safer living
The only time Jamie said she
ever feels scared is when she walks
back to Belk Hall after a night class.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page A1
than KM) articles and manuscripts
no such topics as environmen-
tal regulation, the evaluation of
systems for child mental health
and public reactions to defense
initiatives and arms control policies.
Ballard was selected from
a list of candidates recom-
mended to UN(system President
Molly Broad by ECU'S
13-member Chancellor Search
Talton would not comment on
the Dumber of candidates or the
names on the updated list recom-
iiu-nck-cl to HriMcUmt Id Klerk k Mel ta-
ns, Virginia Commonwealth, provost
and vice president for Academic
Affairs, was considered for the posi-
Janie Fouke, dean of the
College of Engineering at
Michigan State University, was
on the original list of ECU
chancellor finalists until her
name was leaked to the media and
featured in a March 5 article in the
Raleigh Mies ami OMenn causing
her to remove herself as a finalist.
This writer can be contacted at
Ballard's Experience
1970 - BA with distinction in history from the University of Arizona
1976 - Prill in political science from Ohio State University
1978 - Associate director of the Science and Public Policy Program at
the University of Oklahoma
1987 -Promoted to Director of the Science and Public Policy Program
. at the University of Oklahoma
1989-98 - Founded and sewed as the director of the Margaret
Chase Smith Center for Public Policy In Maine
1990-92 - Director of the University of Maine System-State Government
Partnership Program
1991-94 - Chair of the Department of Public Administration In Maine
1998-2001 - Vice provost for research and dean of the graduate college
at Bowling Green State University in Ohio
2001-Present - Provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the
University of Missouri-Kansas City
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SGA senators informed of new campus safety initiatives
Officials say changes
include residence hall
alarms, identity checks
The sga Senate reconvened
Monday, anil senators listened to
presentations concerning safety,
careers and scholarships from
three ICU officials.
Carrie Moore, Ph.D
vice chancellor for Student
Life, spoke to the Senate about
safety concerns sparked by recent
sexual assaults and robberies.
Moore said effective
immediately, all residence halls
will have a central entrance
location and all other doors will
he pinned so keys will not open
"This is being put in place
to get a handle on traffic said
Moore said additional
security will he placed in
and outside residence
halls, including random
identification checks and an
alarm system for residence halls
to detect doors that are propped
Moore said these
security measures will be
functional for the remainder
of the school year but will
be modified when neces-
sary, such as during semester
Sue Martin, assistant vice
chancellor for Student Profes-
sional Development, spoke to
senators about the services SI'I)
provides for resume development,
interviewing and networking.
Martin said the office helps
students find jobs before gradu-
SGA senators came back from Spring Break refreshed and
ready to tackle campus safety issues Monday.
Cathy Howell, the third
official representative from the
Black Alumni association, spoke
to the Senate about applying for
the I.edonia Wright scholarship.
the scholarship is worth
$500 and all applicants
must have 32 hours, a 2.5
(il'A, two endorsement
letters and be committed to
service. The deadline is
March 31.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Michelle A. McLeod
Erin Rickert
News Editor
Amanda Ungerfelt
Features Editor
Ryan Downey
Sports Editor
Meghann Roark
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Holly O'Neal
Asst. News Editor
John Bream
Asst. Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Asst. Sports Editor
Daniel Roy
Production Manager
Amanda Vanness
Asst. Photo Editor
Newsroom 252.328.6366
Fax 252.328.6558
Opinion Columnist
It's your choice
Serving ECU since 1925. The East Carolinian prints 9,000 copies every MdiOfitV Of VOLPO
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5.000 on Wednesdays during the summer. "Our View" is the opin-
ion of the editorial board and Is written by editorial board members
The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
250 words (which may be edited tor decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or re(ect letters and all letters must be signed and include
a telephone number. Letters may be sent via e-mail to editor@theeast or to The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more information
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1
America chooses
against voting
Our View
We encour-
age stu-
dents to get
involved in
their own
safety as
well, and
In the last few months, two rapes, a fire and an
unidentified handgun in a shower stall have left
the campus community questioning the safety
of residence halls and university grounds.
Also, before ECU students traveled to their
respective Spring Break destinations, two
students were held at gunpoint at Belk
residence hall.
resident stu-
In a Feb.19 press conference in response to
safety concerns, university officials promised
cameras, letters to parents, fences, additional
dents are the Police presence and residence hall safety
first line of
But when TEC recently checked the progress
of administration's safety promises, many of the
promises were behind schedule.
And although administration did respond to the
recent robbery with another press conference,
we believe officials need to stop the delay and
take real action before we add another incident
to this semester's long list of crime.
We encourage students to get involved in their
own safety as well, and resident students are
the first line of defense.
Every day, residents face the violation called
"piggy-backing - following or propping resi-
dence hall doors for resident and non-resident
We are asking students not to allow people to
follow you into your residence hall. This may
be one of the most beneficial steps you take in
protecting yourself and your neighbors.
And for all students, just be aware. Be alert
to your surroundings. Take note of suspicious
activity and report it to the police.
For administrators, we're happy to see you
have sent letters to parents and some
residence halls are receiving audible alarms,
but what about everything else you promised
our campus community?
We appreciate your efforts, but as the list of
crime continues to grow, we would like to see
you work a little harder to fulfill those promises
to our campus - before anymore innocent
students become victims.
The purpose of TEC's opinion pages is to invoke
conversation in ECU'S community. To respond to an
opinion on this page, please send your letter, with your contact
information for verification, to
I would like to share the fol-
lowing numbers with you:
(1)45.4; (2) 59.6; (3) 71.2; (4)
76.2; (5) 76.1
And their coinciding num-
(1) 32.3; (2) 49.8; (3) 64.1; (4)
69.9; (5) 64.9
Anybody recognize them?
They do seem innocent
enough, don't they
They arc just a hunch of
numbers on one sheet ol a col-
lege newspaper. Maybe even
another set of insignificant sta-
tistics nobody cares about. They
are nothing that concerns you,
These innocuous looking
numbers represent an immense
amount of power. These num-
bers control or influence a large
portion of your life.
Ilnse are voter statistics
from the November 2000 elec-
tion broken down by age group.
I he lirst line is the percentage of
eligible people who registered to
vote. The second line is the per-
centage of registered voters who
got off their lazy butts and actu-
ally voted. The age groups break
down as follows:
(1) 18-24; (2) 25-44; (3) 45-
64; (4) 65-74; and (5) 75.
Only 45.2 percent of the eli-
gible 18 to 24-year-olds in this
country bothered to register to
vote in the 2000 elections. Only
a paltry 32.3 percent of those who
diil register could take timeout of
their self-centered lives to vote. To
put this simply, of the over 26.7
million eligible 18 to 24-year-
olds, just more than 8.6 million
voted. Talk about pathetic.
I know that the majority of
current students were not old
enough to vote in the 2000 elec-
tions, but simple statistics (and
historical data! indicates that
some of our juniors and seniors
are part of the majority ol young
people who couldn't be bothered
with voting. Why? Ask them.
They shouldn't he that hard to run
down. I usually find that they're
the ones complaining the loudest
at ut how "bad" things are in this
country. Go figure.
So, what about the rest of you
There Is another presidential ele -
tion this year. Are you going to
vote? Are you registered? Do you
even care? If not, why?
Look at the numbers at the
beginning of this article again.
Do you know what they really
represent? They represent a
bunch of uninterested, lazy
people who are abrogating
control of their futures to dino-
saurs (fossils, fogies, old farts,
whatever) like me of the older
generations. We are the ones
deciding how you will live for
the next 20 to SO years (that's
how long it will take most of us
to shuffle off this mortal plain).
The young people who did not
vote in 2000 essentially decided
to let Mommy and Daddy keep
making their decisions for them.
Is that what you plan to do this
year, too?
Registering to vote is one of
the most important things you
can possibly do. It's so easy,
too, whether you live in North
Carolina or not. Vou can register
at any post office. You can walk
into your local election hoard
and register. If you live outside
North Carolina, you can request
and mail in registrations or reg-
ister the next time you go home.
But if you are unable to do that,
certain campus groups can help
you register, too.
The Campus Democrats
have been out several times this
semester doing voter registration
drives. The Campus Republicans
will be doing the same as soon as
they get organized. What could
be easier than registering to vote
between classes?
Not a Democrat or Republi-
can? No excuse. You don't have
to vote tor the candidates of the
party you are registered with.
You never have. So, you Green
Party people, Libertarians, Inde-
pendents, Constitutionalists or
whatever party you care to align
yourself with, register with
either group the next time they
are out. Then vote lor whoever
you want.
There is absolutely no excuse
for you not to register and vote
in the upcoming elections il you
are eligible. Unless you enjoy
having other people control
your life, that is. The choice, or
not, is up to you.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
My letter is in regards to the
fact that Mr. Jim Dishaw of the
Hospitality Management depart-
ment won't be returning to this
Mr. Dishaw has brought so
much to the Hospitality depart-
ment over the years.
I am the third person from
our family to be interested in
this major, and it was because of
Mr. Dishaw's wealth of informa-
tion and experience that I became
Our two daughters graduated
in the hospitality program, and
through them, I would hear about
Mr. Dishaw's teachings. I am so
thankful I joined the program last
fall and could have the pleasure
of being in at least one of Mr.
Dishaw's classes.
He has traveled throughout
the world and has hospitality con-
tacts in every place he's been.
He's so great to share those
contacts with students in help-
ing them find just the right
internships and the perfect jobs.
He has passion for his teaching
and he gives 100 percent to every
I knew he had passion when I
walked into his class the first day
of the semester.
lie personally went to every
student in the classroom, shook
their hand, introduced himself,
handed them a copy of his syl-
labus and welcomed them to his
class, (his syllabus is the most
thorough one I have ever seen.)
Mr. Dishaw has been very
influential in the hospitality
industry in getting scholar-
ships donated to the Hospitality
Many of the students who
benefited from those scholar-
ships wouldn't have been able to
stay in school had not it been for
those scholarships. Rumor has it
many of those contributors will
no longer contribute to the pro-
gram due to Mr. Dishaw's future
absence at ECU.
Mr. Dishaw has served as the
HMA adviser for many years.
How many other professors
would be up attending the HMA
officers' meeting at 6 a.m. every
Tuesday? Not many, I'm sure! His
dedication to that organization
will live forever in the minds of
those who served with him as an
HMA officer.
Sure, the hospitality program
will continue, but it will never be
the same.
How sad for the Hospitality
department at ECU, but most of
all how sad for the students in
that program.
What's that old saying? Our
loss is someone else's gain. Rock
n' Roll, Mr. Dishaw, and carry
Marsha Fleenor
ECU Student
"African-hyphen-American belongs to Blacks.
I'm African American
Teresa Heinz Kerry
Wife of democratic presidential candidate John Kerry
Opinions in Brief
The morning-after pill
ikRI)�There's every indication
that I he food and Drug Administra-
tion is struggling over whether to
allow the so-called morning-after
pill lolx'soklovertlit'iniiMter. After
.in advisory panel overwhelmingly
recommended that move in Decem-
ber, the FDA, under intense pressure
from conservative and religious
groups, recently announced that
it would delay the decision for 90
days to gather more information
on the pill.
Last month an Illinois House
committee approved a proposal
that would allow such pills, which
prevent pregnancy in the first hours
and days after intercourse, to lx' sold
without a doctor's prescription by
pharmacists. I Mike the broad EDA
plan that would allow the pills to be
stix ked on drugstore shelves, under
the proposed Illinois law the pills
would still be kepi Ix'hind the
pharmacy counter.
Stwral states already allow
pharmacists to sell the ills with-
out a doctor's prescription, and
Illinois should join them. Absent
FDA approval of over-the-counter
sales the bed outcome, the state
should lx' doing everything it can
to lower the barriers that present
women from using safe and
effective morning-alter pills. The
potential benefits arc significant,
liy avoiding unwanted pregnan-
cies at the earliest possible stage,
the pill can reduce the number
of abortion procedures that are
In recent months the delate
over the EDA proposal has veered
from science and policy into the
realm of religion and abortion
politics. Some supporters fear
that even with the lopsided advi-
sory committee vote, the EDA will
reject the recommendation.
that would be a shame. The
morning-after pill, first approved
in 1998, isessentiallysafeand effec-
tive with minimal side effects, the
IDA has said. I he "Han H" brand
pill, which is under EDA scrutiny,
contains a higher dose of the
same hormones found in regular
birth-control pills. The pill is most
effective if taken within 24 hours
of intercourse, although it's still
largely effective up to 72 hours. In
some instances, it delays ovulation
and prevents fertilization ol an egg.
In other instances, it prevents the
Implantation of a fertilized egg in
the uterus.
Some argue that since a dcxtor's
prescription is required for birth-
control pills, it should also be
required for morning-after pills.
But the nature of emergency con-
traception suggests that a doctor
might not lx readily available to
write a prescription.
What also worries many oppo-
nents is that the morning-after pill
would be more available to teen-
agers, without parental consent or a
prescription. That's a real concern.
The availability of the morning-
after pill will not, and should not,
change the messages to teens from
parents, mentors and other adults:
I o not engage in sex until you are
mature enough to assess and to
handle the physical, emotional
and moral ramifications of that.
Do not engage in unsafe sex. The
morning-after pill is not a routine
substitute tor birth control; It does
re t protect you from sexually trans-
mitted diseases.

Early Registration.
Don't Miss It
( fuck for
Options for
Web Registration
AVRS (Telephonic Registration)
Terminal Registration
Registration Time Schedule
Hours credit indicates the number of earned hours as of the end of Fall
2003 semester
7:30 a.m.9:00 a.m.10:30 a.m.1:00 p.m.2:30 p.m.4:00 p.m.
Monday March 29Graduate Students. 2nd Degree Students. Honor Students & Teaching Fellows with 60 semester hours creditHonors Students & Teaching Fellows with 0 - 59 semester hours creditStudents with 121 semester hours creditStudents with 108- 120 semester hours creditStudents with 104 - 107 semester hours creditStudents with 101 - 103 semester hours credit
Tuesday March 30Students with 98- I00 Students with 95 - 97 Students with 92 - 94 Students with 89-91 Students with 86 - 88 Students with 83 - 85
Wed. March 31Students with HI -82 Students with 79 - 80 Students with 77 - 78 Students with 75 - 76 Students with 72 - 74 Students with 70-71
Thursday April 1Students with 67 - 69 Students with 64 - 66 Students with 61 -63 Students with 57 - 60 Students with 54 - 56 se-Students with 51 -53
Friday April 2Students with 49 - SO ?Students with 47 - 48 Students with 46 Students with 45 Studcnts with 43 - 44 Students with 41-42
Monday AprilsStudents with 39 - 40 Students with 37 - 38 Students with 34 - 36 Students with 29 - 33 Students with 23 - 28 Students with 19-22
Tuesday AprilsStudents with 17- 18 Students with 16 Students with 15 �
Wed April 7Students with 14 Student! with 3 Students with 12 Students with 10- II Students with 6-9 Students with 0-5
Once your registration window is
open you may register during
operating hours listed above any
time during the registration time or
until the semester begins.
Telephonic and Web Registration Open
7:30 a.m. to Midnight
Terminals open (Campus Offices)

ECU professor's work links race, preterm birth
Three-year study aims
to determine cause
I'K-term birth is currently t in-
most urgent problem in mater-
nal-child health in the United
States and in North Carolina,
but an M U professor's work may
help reduce harmful outcomes.
School of Nursing assistant
professor Kliabeth Jesse, 1'h.O
is working to understand more
alHHit preterm births. The knowl-
edge she discovers will be used
to develop strategies to combat
the situation and help find pre-
M-ntative measures tailored to
different ethnic groups.
Preterm births occur prior
to .57 weeks of completed gesta-
tion. Jesse said preterm infants
have increased risk for neonatal
morbidity, neurodevelopmental
and respiratory problems, along
with other long-term disabilities
and death.
Jesse said preterm birth is
the predominant cause of infant
mortality, and North Carolina
has one of the highest preterm
birth rates in the United States.
she said the infant mortality rate
here is higher than the national
"African-Americans suffer
from this problem even more
Jesse said.
"They have the highest
incidence of preterm birth, low
birth weight infants and infant
mortality. We are also plan-
ning a focus group where we
ask pregnant women what they
think would help them if they
were at high psychosoc ial risk in
Jesse said psychological
needs in pregnancy are probably
more important for low-income
women because they are more
likely to suffer from mental
health problems, adverse lifestyle
choices, postpartum depression
and subsequent tragedy.
These factors influence
health risk behaviors like smok-
ing, alcohol and drug use, which
increase the incidence of low
birth weight infants and pre-
term birth.
"Cigarette smoking during
pregnancy is considered the most
modifiable cause of adverse birth
outcomes in the United States
Jesse said.
Karly and consistent prena-
tal care is important to detect
and prevent preterm labor and
"Quitting smoking and using
drugs and alcohol, along with
eating well and gaining weight
during pregnancy can reduce the
likelihood of delivering a baby
early Jesse said.
However, even if an expect-
ant mother does everything cor-
rectly, there is still a chance of
delivering a preterm infant.
"Ultimately there are no
guarantees for a perfect outcome
in pregnancy, but she a pregnant
woman can increase her odds of
a healthy pregnancy by reducing
her risks Jesse said.
The study's duration is
scheduled to last three years,
and The National March of
Dimes Rirth Defect Foundation
donated (160,535 to assist with
the study.
"The grant received from
the March of Dimes will help
provide different supplies, such
as the questionnaires that will
be used in the focus groups, and
to help pay for student salaries
said Martha Engelke, Ph.D
associate dean for research and
scholarship at ECU'S School of
This writer can be contacted
from page A1
North (Carolina Governor Mike
lasley inspired students protest-
ing the increase in a letter to the
BOG that stated, "If the tuition
increases are adopted, tuition will
more than double at several of
our campuses since 1999-2000.
This trend cannot continue with-
out jeopardizing access
Many of I he students attend-
ing the protest were juniors and
seniors. The majority claimed
they were fighting for incoming
students and current freshmen
and sophomores who still have
time left at their respective uni-
"I am worried about people
that are younger than me said
Stephanie Swaney, director of
external affairs for ECU'S Student
Government Association.
"I have trouble paying tuition
as it is
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Do you want $$MONEY$$ to help operate
your student organization?
Sign-up to attend an SGA Funding Seminar
in 255 Mendenhall.
?Classes are being offered throughout the month of March.
Packets will not be accepted if you do not attend a training class.
Deadline for submitting annual funding
packets is FRIDAY. APRIL 2.
lt is highly recommended that your officers and advisor attend together
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3 24 04
Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
- Singer Patti Labelle (1944), TV hostess Star Jones (1962) and actress Lara
Flynn Boyle (1970) all call today their birthday.
- This month is National Umbrella Month.
- This week is RV Lifestyle Week.
- On this day in 1958, Elvis Presley joined the Army.
Founders' Day Concert
The ECU Jazz Ensemble will perform at 5 p.m. today at the Greenville Toyota
Amphitheatre. This event is free.
Afro-Cuban Dance Group
Experience the passion of the Tango Afro-Cuban Dance Group at 7 p.m.
today in Hendrix Theatre. This event is sponsored by the Ledonia Wright
Cultural Center Tickets are $3 for ECU students and $5 for general
admission For more information, call 328-6495.
The Student Union Films Committee presents House of Sand and Fog today
at 7 p.m, Thursday at 9:30 p.m Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight, Saturday
at 9:30 p.m and Sunday at 7 p.m. Big Fish is showing today at 9:30 p.m
Thursday at 7 p.m. Friday at 9:30 p.m Saturday at 7 p.m and midnight and
Sunday at 3 p.m. All movies are free with a student ID and are located in
the Hendrix Theatre For more information, call 328-4700.
New Music Festival Concert
The New Music Festival at ECU presents Concerlante at 8 p.m. today in the
A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall. The concert will feature contemporary works for
stnngs. including works by Osvaldo Golijov and more. Tickets range from
$5-$10 and can be purchased at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
The Student Union presents Bingo at 9:30 p.m. today in Mendenhall Dining
New Music Festival Class
The New Music Festival at ECU presents Master Class I with Mario
Davidovsky at 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 25 in the A. J. Fletcher Recital
New Music Festival Concert
The New Music Festival at ECU presents contemporary works for clarinet
and piano at 8 p.m on Thursday. March 25 in the A J Fletcher Recital Hall
Performers include Christopher Grymes on clarinet and Peter Henderson
on piano. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Top Fives
Top five singles
"Toxic Britney Spears
"My Immortal Evanescence
"With You Jessica Simpson
"Yeah Usher featuring Ludacris & Ul Jon
"This Love Maroon 5
Top five albums
1. Norah Jones, Feels Like Home
2. Various Artists, Bad Boy's 10th Anniversary
The Hits
3. Jessica Simpson, In This Skin
4 Evanescence. Fallen
5 Kenny Chesney, When The Sun Goes Down
Top five movies
1 Dawn ol the Dead
2 The Passion of The Christ
3 Taking Lives
4 Stars & Hutch
5. Secret Window
Top five DVDs
1, School of Rock
2. The Missing
3 Runaway Jury
4 Cold Creek Manor
5. Matchstick Men
Top five books
1. The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown
2 The South Beach Diet, Arthur Rodale
3 Angels & Demons, Dan Brown
4 3rd Degree. James Patterson and Andrew
5 The Sexy Years, Suzanne Somers
Top five TV shows
1. �C.S.ICBS
2. "American Idol - Tuesday, FOX
3 "American Idol - Wednesday. FOX
4 "Without A Trace CBS
5. "Survivor. All-stars CBS
M etiquette
How to have good
message manners
Just about every college
student has heard of America
Online's Instant Messenger,
a unique Internet com-
munication tool that has
become almost as common
as cell phones. It is helpful
to know how to use AIM
properly and what options
you have to enhance your
AIM experience.
You can download AIM
lor tree from the AOL Web
site. When deciding on a
screen name, choose some-
thing original. Using your
full name is often consid-
ered cliche.
When selecting a pass-
word, use something that
can be remembered hut not
easily guessed such as your
name, birthday, pet's name
or a boyfriendgirlfriend's
When conversing with
someone who messages
you, you should try to be as
short and abbreviated as pos-
sible. No one wants to read
a long paragraph in a small
text box. If it seems like too
much text, you should call
the person instead.
Never discuss personal
business in chat rooms. You
never know who's in the
room reading your instant
messages. There is also an
option in aim preferences
that allows you to save all
your text conversations,
and, you don't want an AIM
conversation to come back to
haunt you.
see AIM page B3

ATM - at the moment
BC - because
BRB - be right back
CUL8R - see you later
JK - just kidding
OTP - on the phone
TTYL - talk to you later
Buddy Icons and Quizzes
can be found at:
Annual New Music Festival arrives at ECU

New Music Concert Schedule
Talents from around the world create new music together.
Event brings world-
renowned artists
Symphony sounds will
be ringing in the ears of an
increasingly large fan base
on campus this week The
tourth annual New Music fes-
tival is going on now through
Saturday, March 23 in the
A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall.
The New Music festival is
unlike any Other event held at
ECU. Artists and composers
from around the world have
joined in the festivities along
with 21 world premieres,
which has made the New Music
festival a place where music is
types of music vary from
calm and heartfelt to humorous
and challenging.
"Our audiences always hear
performances that are meticu-
lously prepared, imaginatively
interpreted and breathtaking
in their virtuosic execution
said Edward Jacobs, associate
professor Of composition.
The five days of perfor-
see MUSIC page B3
Tuesday, March 23
Concert 1: Concerlante, 8 p.m
$5 students $10 general public
Wednesday, March 24
Concert 2: Concertante, 8 p.m
$5 students. $10 general public
Thursday, March 25
Master Class I: Mario Davidinsky, 2 p.m.
Concert III: Contemporary works for clarinet and piano. 8 p.m.
Friday, March 26
Masterclass II: Triple Helix. 12 p.m
Seminar I: Rehearsal and Recording of Choral Composition
Competition Winners. 1 p.m.
Concert IV: New Music tor Mixed Ensembles, 3 p.m
Concert V: PRISM Unplugged
New American Saxophone Quartet, 8 p.m.
Saturday, March 27
Master Class III: Readings of student compositions by Prism Quartet,
12 p.m.
Concert IV: New Music lor Large Ensembles, 3 p.m.
Concert VII: Triple Helix, A Sense of Time and Place. 8 p.m.
$5 students, $10 general public
'All events will be held in the A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall Tickets
can be purchased at the Central Ticket Office
ECU dancers win spot at national competition
Students attend
regional festival
Members ol the ECU dance
department IcftGrccm ille headed
for Fairfax, Va. for the Mid-Atlan-
tic Regional American College
Dance Festival sponsored by The
American College Dance festival
Association on March 10- 13.
At the festival they were
given the opportunity to attend
workshops and a competition that
could give them an opportunity
for a spot in the llth National
Dance Competition at the John
F. Kennedyenter for Performing
Arts in Washington, D.C.
three dance groups I loin
F.CU performed in the competi-
tion. One group performed "Just
Another Evening at the ttakcry
a piece choreographed by ECU
Contemporary Dance instructor
I'atti Weeks. David Ives wrote the
script, and Phillip (Ilass composed
the music, this performance was
also part of the Dance 2004 per-
formance in February.
"Being new to the dance
world, it was enlightening to see
dancers in the prime of their craft.
It was a really amazing trip said
(lay Nelms, junior musical the-
atre major and dancer.
The second group performed
"Behind Closed Minds choreo-
graphed by ECU alumna Vickie
Bartels. this piece was an Informal
showing and was not judged.
the third group performed
a piece called "Onomatopoeia
choreographed by ECU alumna
Lindsay Sheppard. "Onomato-
poeia" not only won a spot at the
national competition, but Shep-
pard was nominated for Dance
magazine's Choreographer of the
Year and dancer Mica Geyer was
nominated (or Dance magazine's
Performer of the Year.
the dancers were up against
many other schools in the divi-
sion, including William and Mary,
James Madison, University of
Richmond, National Taiwan Uni-
versity of Arts, Meredith College,
George Mason, Old Dominion
and Wake Forest.
"It was really amazing to see
what the other universities were
doing and how everyone's style
was different. It was
also great to see the
sense of community
throughout all of the
dancers said Lliza-
beth Crisp, junior
dance major and per-
The competition
was only a small
portion of the festi-
val. The workshops
included instruction
for modern, ballet,
jazz, salsa, composi-
tion, swing dance,
line dance, African,
tap and yoga for H
dancers. Almost any
type of dance that
Interested the dancers
was available. In these
workshops, dancers could learn
new movements and routines.
Also offered were Masters
classes by David Dofinan, who
taught an advanced modern
class. His class included dances
called "The Light Bulb theory"
and "lmpendingjoy
The llth National Dance
Competition will be held June 1
- 3 in Washington. D.C. The ECU
A piece from Dance 2004 was performed
at the regional competition.
dance department and dancers are
looking lorward to showing the
nation what ECU Pirate pride is
all about.
For more information about
the national competition, call
(301) 770-4443 or e-mail ques
lions to ACDF,(ii'
This writer can be contacted at

3-24 04
AMANDA UNGERFELT ftfftftftftftftft
Little Diana DeGarmo state the show with her performance
ol 'With a Broken v lug 1 let voice and delivery were flawless
�nd .it the tender tge oi 16, she is already singing like a pro.
lohii Steven's performance oi "King of the Road" was awful.
I don't know Simon is thinking - that kid is painfully
boring to watch. I really loveamillc Velasco's voice, but she
has vet t" iik i song that showcases her unique sound. Based
on her poor rendition ol "I iispirado she will be the finalist
cut tonight.
JOHN BREAM ft ft ft ft ft
It is really easy to predict the singers who will be around for
a while: Fantasia Barrlno, George Huff, Jasmine Trias (unfortu-
nately, minus this week) and La Toyi London have proven to
be the top performers. Amy Adams (again, minus this week),
Mat t hew Ri igirs and Jen n i ter 1 ludson have consistently been in
the bottom group Even though John Stevens forgot the words
to his song tonight, "King ol the Road he's safe tonight. Look
lor Matt Rogers, Camlle Velasco and perhaps Jasmine Trias
font) because ol her oil-performance tonight) to be in the
bottom three tonight and tor Matt Rogers to go home.
MICHELLE MCLEOD ftftftftftftftftft
I ast night's genre was country music, and I have to admit, I
was prepared to be unimpressed. I was wrong. Minus the corny
outtakes of the contestants' square dancing (or whatever that
was), the performances were great. The night's top three per-
formers were I liana I let i.irmo. Latoya London and Amy Adams.
mcriL! is tickle in their picks, and the worst singer ol the previ-
ous night rarely goes home. Having said that, I think Jennifer
I ludson, Jon Peter I ew is and Matthew Rogers should be in the
bottom three. I upecl to bid farewell to Jennifer Hudson.
i Number of accurate predictions
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3 24 04
IflUSIC from page B1
mances will include appear-
ances from Pulitzer Prize-
winning composer, Mario
Davidovskv, and the nationally
acclaimed piano trio,
Triple Helix, Audiences will
attend concerts leaturing Con-
certante and the Prism Saxo-
phone Quartet.
Performers will also
engage in a composition com-
petition, which will solicit
works for choir. The win-
ning works will be rehearsed
and recorded under the
direction of Daniel Bara,
director of ECU choirs.
This five-day concert is
rare because few places in
the world host new music-
festivals. Not only is the
concert amaing, but it is
enviable because of its location
in Eastern North Carolina,
home to national-class talent.
If this festival is one that
peaks your interest, there
are more to come. Next year,
Robert IJones, a distinguished
visiting professor of music,
is in a group called the Merid-
ian Arts Ensemble. They are
known for their uncanny
ability to perform flawless
and compelling Baroque
trumpet work.
This writer can be contacted at
Names in the News
(KRT)-Tammv Fave Messner has mmmmmm
(KRT)-Tammy Faye Messner has
been the butt of jokes most of her
professional life, especially when
she served as wife of disgraced
televangelist Jim Bakker. But now
the author of the self-help tome
Will Survive And You Will, Too!
has some very serious news to share.
Messner. 62, told CNN's Larry King
on Thursday that she has inoperable
lung cancer. "God knows I'm scared
she said "But it's not wrong to be
But she also struck an upbeat note,
telling one caller that she "believes
in miracles" and another that she
is considering holistic medicine in
addition to chemotherapy to treat
her illness.
Shock, terror, tears across the land as
news broke that Britney Spears got
a boo-boo on stage Thursday night,
forcing the musical legend to cancel
her scheduled show Friday night at
Allstate Arena in Chicago.
According to "Entertainment Tonight
Spears suffered a knee injury doing a
l dance routine
while singing
"Boom Boom"
toward the end
of her concert
in Moline, III.
Minutes later,
Spears. 22,
back on stage
in a white bathrobe and apologized
to the audience for not being able to
finish the show. Spears' record label,
Jive Records, said in a statement that
ticket holders for Friday night's show
should hold on to their fix. Our heart
and prayers go out to her
As with NBC's "Law&Order" franchise,
CBS will expand its crime drama,
"CSI to a third show, announcing
that it has signed big-screen staple
Gary Sinise to star in 'CSI: New York
According to TV Guide. Sinise, who
turned 49 Wednesday, will be paid
a tidy $150,000 per episode for
his first foray onto the boob tube.
Before his debut in the fall, you'll get
to see Sinise in a May episode of
"CSI: Miami"
Paul Reubens, the former star of
children's TV show "Pee-wee's
Playhouse got a break Friday as LA.
prosecutors dropped a child-porn
charge against him two years after he
was charged with possessing what
he said was a collection of vintage
art photography In a plea deal that
saves him from a possible year in
jail and a $2,500 fine. Reubens
pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor
obscenity charge He was ordered
to pay a $100 fine and sentenced
to three years of informal probation
that requires
him to stay
away from
Reubens first
made tabloid
in '99, when
he was arrested in a Florida porn
theater publicly indulging in the
sin of Onan.
from page B1

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To avoid confusion, it is
important to become familiar
with the AIM lingo. Common
abbreviations every user should
know are TTYL or "talk to you
later BRB or "be right back
()l; or "oh, I see" and LOL or
"laugh out loud Also, typing a
message in all caps indicates you
are yelling at that person.
"Instant messenger is my
connection to friends, family and
acquaintances that live anywhere
in the world said Matt Smith,
sophomore chemistry and biol-
ogy major.
AIM is also an avenue for
expressing your creativity. You
can use different colored fonts
and backgrounds to express your
personality. Black and white is
boring and strains the eyes. If you
are a funny person, then Comic
Sans is a good font to use.
Create new and original
away messages. When users are
not messaging, they tend to scan
away messages on their buddy list.
Don't be that user who is skipped
because of the same boring "1 am
away from my computer right
now" default away message.
When creating away mes-
sages, use your own personal say-
ings and jokes. Everyone enjoys
a great away message. Mean or
disgusting away messages are
unnecessary - no user wants to
feel bad after reading an away
message. If you are having a bad
day, it's best to sign off.
You shouldn't include per-
sonal information in your away
messages either - no one really
wants to know if you have gone
to the bathroom. It's also not a
wonderful idea to include exactly
where you are going in case you
have an AIM stalker.
The number one rule with
away messages is to never use
them to fight with someone or
let someone know you are mad
at them. This is childish and
One thing many users over-
look is their buddy profile. Every
user should have a buddy profile.
The profile is just a little extra
space for users to write what's
on their mind. Many people use
famous quotes, life experiences,
song choruses and jokes in their
profiles. Don't get sucked into put-
ting your personal information
in a profile, though, it's unsafe to
list your cell phone number and
home number. You don't want an
AIM stalker to become a phone
AIM users are never sure of
whose buddy lists they are on,
so limit personal information. If
someone hasn't given you bis or
her screen name but you know
it, don't put it on your buddy list
without permission. It's an inva-
sion of privacy.
On a brighter note, take
advantage of many different
smiley faces. Insert smiley faces
when you need to convey an
emotion that can't be put into
Be sure to Include a buddy
icon as well. A buddy icon is a
picture always Included on your
text box when instant messaging.
A great place to download buddy
icons is the AIM Web site. Many
different buddy icons switch every
month or so, so be sure and stay
Another great thing to have
Included in a buddy profile is a
special link. A special link could
be anything from a friend quiz to
a favorite Wei) site, lake advantage
of that space to Include something
entertaining for your friends.
Be aware of what links con-
sist of because some may contain
Trojans or viruses that will harm
your software. To ensure that
this doesn't happen, always have
a program that will scan your soft-
ware for viruses such as Norton
AntiVirus software.
This writer can be contacted at
(President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary)

MARCH 30 AT 9:00 AM
MARCH 31 AT 5:00 PM

3 24 04
Pirates drop two of three
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Sports Briefs
Flag Football
A registration meeting for 4-on-4 spring flag football will be held Monday. March
29 at 5 p m in Mendenhall Student Center's Great Room Men's, women's and
co-recreational leagues will be offered
Softball Hitting Challenge
A Softball hitting challenge will take place Wednesday. March 31 frorp 8 pm
-10 pm at the Blount Fields Registration will be available on site
Self Defense Fitness Class
Sell Defense fitness classes will be held March 24 - April 14 from 8 pm - 9
p m The program offers students a chance to learn self-defense techniques
in a progressive training system that allows you to avoid confrontation and
defend yourself as the situation dictates The program will also cover basic
personal protection theories as well as some of the more recent philosophies
on self-defense
Quick Start Canoe, Kayak
The adventure program is organizing an April 3 trip to the Cape Fear River for
canoeing and kayaking Interested parties must register by Friday, March 26
A pre-trip meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 31.
Sea Kayaking
The Adventure program will be going to Bear Island April 2 - 4 for sea kayaking.
Those who want to participate must register by Friday. March 26 A pre-trip
meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 31.
Relaxation Yoga - Beginner
Session III Relaxation Yoga for beginners will run March 23 - April 27 on
Tuesdays from 5:30 p m - 6:45 pm Program dates for Session IV will run
March 24 - April 28 on Wednesdays from 5 30 p m - 6:45 p.m
Relaxation Yoga - Advanced Beginner
Relaxation Yoga for advanced beginners will run March 22 - April 26 on
Mondays from 530 p.m - 645 p.m. in 238 SRC
Hatha Yoga: Body, Breath & Spirit: Fitness
Hatha Yoga will run March 10 - April 21 on Wednesdays from 5-30 p m to 650
p m in SRC 239 Hatha yoga postures improve strength, flexibility and balance
In the body and promotes a sense of well-being Instruction is tailored to the
needs and abilities of individual students, focusing on safety and alignment
Registration begins March 1
Power Flow Yoga
Power Flow Yoga will run March 25 - April 22 on Thursdays from 430 p.m
- 5:45 pm in 239 239 Work at your own pace while seeking out that place
where you feel challenged yet successful
Tai Chi: Fitness
Tai Chi fitness will run from March 23 - April 22 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 12:05 p.m. - 1250 p.m Tai Chi is the art of maintaining the body and
mind through relaxation and self-defense This class strengthens the heart
and increases muscle tone It improves circulation, concentration, peace of
mind, balance, promotes weight loss and coordination
For more information on any of these programs, call 328-6387
Sports Briefs
Change at top of Media Relations Department
Media Relations Director Craig Wells stepped down Friday. March 12 Wells
left ECU to take a job with the state of New Mexico Interim director Jody
Jones took over the following Monday and will oversee the position until a
permanent replacement is named
Okafor, & Nelson lead All-America selections
Theres no debate when it comes to Emeka Okafor and Jameer
Nelson They are unanimous Ail-Americans The stars at
Connecticut and Saint Joseph's led the Associated Press men's
college basketball All-America team Tuesday, the first time since 1985
more than one player was chosen by every voter Okafor. a 6-fool-10
tunior center, and Nelson, a 5-11 senior guard, earned a
perfect 360 points by being picked on all 72 first-team ballots
by the same media panel that votes on the weekly poll
Each member selected three All-America teams, with players receiving
points on a 5-3-1 basis Lawrence Roberts of Mississippi State was
third with 308 points, while Josh Childress of Stanford had 235.
and Ryan Gomes of Providence completed the first team with 208
In 1985, four players were unanimous choices Patrick Ewing of
Georgetown. Chris Mullin of St Johns. Wayman Tisdale
of Oklahoma, and Keith Lee of Memphis State But only 10 people voted
Yankees, Rivera agree to two-year, S21M extension
Mariano Rivera has no desire to leave the New York Yankees That's
why it took little time to negotiate a $21 million, two-year contract
extension through 2006 Yankees owner George Steinbrenner looked
on as the deal was announced Tuesday and gave the pitcher a hug
Rivera MVP of the 1999 World Series and last years AL Championship
Series, helped the Yankees win four Series titles and six AL
pennants He was 5-2 with a career-low 1 66 ERA last year and
had 40 saves in 46 chances, increasing his career total to 283
Rivera will make $8 89 million in 2004. the final season of a four-
year contract He is baseball's second-highest paid closer behind
Atlanta's John Smoltz, who will make $11 million this year Rivera's
extension calls for $105 million salaries in 2005 and 2006 New York has a
$10.5 million option for 2007 that would become guaranteed if he
has 60 games finished in 2006 or a combined 114 games finished in 2005
and 2006
The Pirates' shut-out loss at home was the first of its type since a loss to Louisville in 2002
r1 B.B. America Poll
i.Stanford 115-2)
2.Texas (19-2)
aSouth Carolina 112-0)
4.Rice 111-31
5.Louisiana State 112-2)
6.Miami IFia.1111-3)
7.Auburn 113-1)
8.Arizona State 115-21
9.Long Beach State 11-41
10.Mississippi 111-0)
12.Texas A&M 114-21
13.Wichita State 13-01
14.Notre Dame 17-1)
15.Florida Atlantic 116-11
16.Florida (15-3)
17.Georgia Tech (8-5)
18.UC Irvine (12-3)
19.Arizona (9-6)
20.Oklahoma 110-3) ,
22.Mississippi State 17-0)
23.Ed (12-3)
24.Florida State (11-5)
25.Clemson (4-5)
ECU falls in first
conference series
After the baseball team took
three games from Charleston
Southern and pounded Mar-
shal! in a weekday affair, the
lHth-rankcd Pirates were on fire
over Spring Break and headed
into last weekend's showdown
with number 14 Tulane.
The Green Wive stumbled !n
game one but doused the I'irates
with heavy hitting to take games
two and three from ECU to win
the series.
Behind the bat of Trevor
Lawhorn, the Piratessqueaked out
a 6-3 victory in the series opener.
The talented second-base-
man was zero for his last 18 head-
ing into the series with Tulane.
Needless to say, he broke out in
a big way.
Lawhorn belted two home
runs, the most significant one
coming in the bottom of the
sixth to give the Pirates their first
lead. The sixth inning shot was
never In doubt to Lawhorn.
"I kind ol celebrated early, but
I knew it wasgone said lawhorn.
The two homers off the bat of
lawhorn marked his seventh and
eighth blasts of the season.
Jamie Paige also went deep
for the first lime and Ryan Jones
continued his offensive explo-
sion, tallying his seventh bomb
of the season.
Brody Taylor held the
(ireen Wave in check, allowing
only three runs through seven
innings of work and striking out
five to pick up the win.
With the win, the Pirates ran
their undefeated home record to
an incredible 18-0.
The celebration was short-
lived, however, as Tulane struck
back on Saturday, taking a 14-10
11th inning thriller from the
Pirates to even the series.
(ireg Din I hit a solo home
run in the top of the 11th, which
proved to be the game-winner as
the Pirates failed to score in the
home half of the inning.
The Pirates squandered a
chance in the bottom of the
10th as Brett Undgren singled to
open the inning only to get
picked off of first base. The
I'irates followed with back-to-
back singles, but the inning was
cut short when Lawhorn struck
out and twin brother, Darryl,
popped up to end the threat.
Head Coach Randy Mazey
was not pleased with his team's
"We really set the game of
baseball back about 10 years
with some of the plays we made
out there. It was just one of our
worst efforts of the year said
see BASEBALL page B5
ECU basketball fan asks, 'What if?'
A summary of the
season of despair
As I sit and reflect on this
past season of ECU basketball, I
experience a mix of emotions. I
feel excitement about where this
program has come from but more
importantly where it's going. I
teel disappointment because it
could have been a magical season.
Most importantly, I feel sadness
due to one of the most frustrating
seasons I have ever seen a team
go through.
Sitting on a plane for two
hours over break, I reflected alwut
this past season. No matter what
angle I looked at, I always kept
asking myself a question that
simply started with, "What if?"
The season started with great
expectations. Senior leadership,
an athletic freshman class, and
a man named Moussa guard-
ing the basket highlighted the
team's Strengths. The Pirates
entered Conference USA play at
K-2, which included wins against
a good Coastal (laroMna team and
a soon-to-be ACC member Vir-
ginia Tech.
The first conference game
matched us up with UAB in
Greenville. This game would
prove to be a microcosm of con-
ference games tor the Pirates, as
Has lost by three. Later on in
the season, ECU would lose to
the same Blazer team by three
in Birmingham. Let's not forget
that this is the same UAB team
that just knocked oft Kentucky
in the NCAA tournament and
is two wins away from the final
lour. What il we would have won
ECU'S season was marked with injuries and heartbreakers.
those games? Would UAB have
received an at-large bid into the
NCAA tournament still? I doubt
it. They finished 12-4 in the con-
ference and had those two games
gone the way of the I'irates, they
are 10-6. Instead of tied for first,
they finish fifth. This would
have also dramatitally dropped
their RPI.
After a blow out loss at (:har-
lotte, ECU was getting ready for
I oulSVllie. This game brought
an almost sellout crowd to play
one of the hottest teams in the
nation at the time and to have
a chance to be seen on national
television. In practice the day
before the game, Gabriel Miku-
las broke his arm and did not set
foot on the hardwood for the rest
of the year. What if this never
happens? Does ECU win some of
their nine losses by less than 10
after his injury?
A late season surge that gave
the I'irates four wins in five
games placed them in 11th in
the conference and matched
them up with Louisville in the
conference tournament, which
they lost. Would you believe that
this loss was by less than 10?
It's hard to describe this
season. At 13-14, ECU was one
game short of qualifying for the
NIT. They lost to Houston by
two. They had those two three
point losses to UAB. They lost
the biggest heartbreaking game
I've ever witnessed in person to
Charlotte, where a dunk follow
at the buzzer sent the game into
overtime. What if this team
made the NIT? Even if they go
"one and done the experience
that younger players, especially
those in the backcourt, could
have gained cannot be taught. It
can only be acquired.
So I sit here just as I did last
year after Spring Break, looking
forward to next season. If this
team can win those close games,
NIT will be a lock.
I feel Moussa is going to have
a breakout season. His offense
improved dramatically this
season to add to his incredible
defensive timing to block shots.
Mike Cook will take over games
and will be a free throw shooter
to seal close games, something
our team missed this year. Belton
Rivers is becoming a smarter
player and he should have a
good season from behind the arc.
No matter what happens next
season, no player needs to step
up more than Corey Rouse. With
both starting forwards graduat-
ing this season, his role will dra-
matically increase. He needs to be
a scorer, but more importantly, a
What if these things
happen? It's simple - post season
This writer can be contacted at
sports�theeas tcarolinian. com.
ECU softball red hot during Spring Break
Lady Pirates' record
21-1 in last 22 games
After coming off a strong
performance at the Pirate Clash
Tournament on March 7, the
softball team had the chance
to Improve their 17-5-1 record.
They participated in two tour-
naments and faced UAB for
the chance to win their first
conference games ol the year
during Spring Break.
ECU did not disappoint
as the Lady Pirates won both
tournaments and swept UAB
for their first conference wins
this season, ultimately improv-
ing their season record to
32-6-1 and 3-3 in conference
The lady Pirates kicked off
Spring Break in Charleston, SC
by winning the CougBIlassie
Tournament and defeating UAH
in the finals. The team inflicted
further punishment to UAB just
two days later at home, sweeping
them in all three games.
The winning didn't stop
there as the Pirates dominated
the GMU Patriotlassie the fol-
lewing weekend, outscoring its
opponents 71-7 and defeating
host (ieorge Mason 6-3 in the
championship game.
junior infielder Kate Manuse
pave a spectacular pertormance
during Spring Break, averaging
.625 with two homeruns and
13 Kills
Fot her performance, officials
named Manuse Conference USA
Hitter of the Week last Monday.
Manuse was also named the
(.Mil Patriot Classic MVP for
her accomplishments during
the tournament, which includeel
her first grand slam of the year
in the Lady Pirates' 21 -0 route of
st Francis.
This week, the lady Pirates
look to extend their 12-game jj
winning streak as they play
UNC-Wilmington in a double-
This writer can be contacted at

The Pirates put up big numbers during Spring Break action.

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ECU vs ACC Challenge upcoming
Jimmy V. Foundation
to benefit from event
Planning is kicking into full
gear for the ACC Seniors vs l.( .1i
Seniors Roundball Challenge
More than half the proceeds I rom
the event, sponsored by KP Sports
entertainment, will go to the
Jimmy V. foundation, an orga-
nization promoting cancer
"We hope to have a good
turnout so this can bean annual
event said Keith Peten, an ECU
graduate student organizing the
"Crass roots events such as
this one make up the driving
force of revenue for the Jimmy
v. Foundation
I his is Peten's fourth game
involving ACC seniors and his
first involving ECU players.
According to Peten.
the game should be very
competitive because the
ECU players are used to playing
together as a team. The team
will also include ECU basketball
alumni. Last year a group of ACC
seniors, including Josh Howard,
lost to a team made up of seniors
from Johnston C. Smith.
Previously Peten gave
the Jimmy V. Foundation
a donation, but this year he
wanted to plan an event specifi-
cally for them.
"I hope to get support from
student organizations such as
theSGAand the Student Union
Peten said.
"This event is for the stu-
dents, faculty and the com-
munity of Greenville, and it
has been organized by students
from ECU
The event is also sponsored
by am 1250 and Bob 93.3
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page B4
Join out tern!
The East Carolinian is now hiring
Advertising Representatives
Positions available for Spring and Summer
Are you interested in
Sales and Marketing?
Do you enjoy meeting
new people?
Looking for a great addi-
tion to your resume?
If you answered yes to
these questions then
we want to talk to you.
Apply in our office on
the second floor of
the Student Publica-
tions Buiding above
the Cashier's Office)
or cell 328-2000 for
more information.
ECU built a 7-4 lead against
the visitors, hut saw the Green
Wave put up five runs in the
lop of the seventh to regain the
lead 9-7.
Ryan Jones' eighth home run
of the season, a two-run shot
in the bottom of the eighth,
knotted the score at nine,
lulane scored on a wild pitch
in the top of the ninth to take a
10-9 lead, but the Pirates quickly
struck back in the bottom ot the
inning with a run produced by
an RBI single from Mike Grace
to score Brian Cavanaugh.
Jones and Grace were both
3-6 from the plate on the night.
Game three was all Green
Wave as thev rolled to a 9-0
victory over the Pirates.
Cory Hahn, the talented
lulane senior, went the
distance for the Green Wave.
The shutout marked the
first lime ECU has lost a home
series since 2002 against
Louisville. The Louisville game
was also the last time a Pirate
team was shutout at home.
Hahn allowed only
one runner past second
base and lulane as a squad
benefited from four Pirate errors
to produce runs throughout the
"I think that if any of these
guys have pride in the purple and
gold, this one's going to hurt a
little bit. And it should hurt
because I think we're a good team
that just didn't play that well this
weekend Mazey said.
"1 hope that they play the rest
of this conference season with
this in the back of their minds,
knowing that to win this league
we're going to have to play better
than this
ThePiratesdropto 18-5overall
and 1-2 in Conference USA play.
They will hit the road for a nine
game trip that stops first at
Campbell for a Wednesday night
ECU will make their way to
Memphis where they will play in
their first C-USA road series of
the season this weekend.
This writer can be contacted at
sports�theeas tcarolinian. com.
Pirates' Manuse named
C-USA hitter of the week
league officials announced
Monday that 1( I1 junior Kate
Manuse had been named (Confer-
ence USA Hitter of the Week.
Manuse helped ECU claim
the GMU Patriot lassie title with
a 6-0 record last weekend. I he
junior was named tournament
MVP and hit a grand slam against
St. Francis (NY) on Saturday.
Manuse hit .625 for the week,
while collecting six doubles, two
homers and 13 RBI.
She also scored nine runs for
the Pirates. In the tournament
opener against host George
Mason, she went 4-for-4, post-
ing three doubles and a two-run
Through 39 games this
season, Manuse leads ECU in
hitting with a .394 hatting aver-
age. She also leads the Pirates in
hits (43), doubles (IH), home runs
(4) and lutisCi.ii Manuse stands
just tour doubles shy ot tying the
ECU single season record for two-
base hits.
Manuse and her teammates
return to the diamond Tuesday
against UNC-Wilmington. The
first game of the douhleheader is
scheduled for 2 p.m. at the ECU
Softball field.
Siiiiins signs with
Richmond Kickers
The USI.A-league Richmond
Kickers head office announced
that former LCD midfielder Clyde
Simms has signed a professional
contract with them. Simms joins
Joshua (i aleb) Norkusasa recent
Kicker signee. Both were selected
from the Kickers' annual tryout
that took place in February.
"We are all very happy for
Clyde and think he will have an
outstanding professional career
ECU head men's soccer coach
Michael Benn said.
"He's playing for a great orga-
nization In the Richmond Kickers
and they certainly have a great
player in Clyde
Simms finished an impres-
sive college career at East Caro-
lina. Serving as captain for the
Pirates for three straight seasons,
Simms ended his career at ECU
tied for fifth all-time in games
played (72).
He was recently named third-
team All C-USA and earned his
second consecutive All C-USA
selection, the first being in 2002-
03. In his senior year, he started
all 17 games, tallying four points
with one goal and two assists.
Simms has PD1. experience
after playing with the Raleigh
CASL Elite for two seasons
(2002-2003). In 2003, he was
the only player from Raleigh to
he chosen to the PDL.AII Confer-
ence Team (Eastern). He totaled
15 points with four goals and
three assists over 30 games and
2,356 minutes.
"Caleb and Clyde are two
players that we have had our
sights on said Richmond
Kickers General Manager Paul
"Caleb is a versatile, hard
working, attacking player that
is proven on many different
levels, and Clyde might be one
of the most underrated rookies
to come out of college this year.
We believe that these two players
have a great deal of potential and
are excited to have them in our
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Deacons' fan in tough position
the thrilling NCAA tourney
game neared its conclusion on
Saturday, Kenneth C. Herbst
could no longer contain him-
"I got so excited, I stood
up and started doing defensive
slides the assistant professor
ol food marketing at St. Joseph's
said Monday, his voice still
crackling with enthusiasm. "I'm
sitting there yelling at the TV,
sweating it out
When the game ended,
I lerhst felt a deep sense of pride
and joy. His si hool had won and
advanced to the Sweet 16.
His school is Wake Forest.
Ins hours after Wake Forest
knocked off Manhattan, 84-80,
St. Joseph's defeated Texas Tech
to also move into the Sweet 16,
setting up Thursday night's
NCAA Fast Rutherford Regional
matchup between the Hawks and
lemon Deacons at Continental
Airlines Arena. The winner
will be one victory away from
advancing to college basketball's
grandest stage the Final Four.
"My two worlds are collid-
ing Herbst, 29, said from his
home in Plymouth Meeting.
"No way in hell did I ever imag-
ine the two schools I love would
be playing each other in such a
big game
Who could have ever imag-
ined that a Wake Forest grad and
former player, born and raised
in Winston-Salem, N.C site of
the Demon Deacons' campus,
would end up teaching at St.
Joe's, where he would develop a
fondness for the Hawks and their
coach, Phil Martelli?
"This is tough Herbst said.
"Really tough
less up, Kenny, where does
your allegiance lie?
After taking a deep breath,
he answered with a nervous
laugh, "My entire life has been
Wake Forest, Wake Forest. My
heart is with the Deacs. But put
it this way, if Wake has to lose,
I'd rather it be to St. Joe's than
any other school. And if St. Joe's
wins, I'll be with them the rest
of the way
Before his colleagues or
students take up torches and
descend on his office at St. Joe's
Hauh School of Business, Herbst,
who joined the faculty in the fall

"4 f
'1 1 iV

Wake Forest's Trent Strickland slips through the VCU defense.
of 2002, would like to get a few
matters straight:
He is no fan-of Billy Packer,
the CBS-TV hoops analyst and
Wake Forest alum who trashed
SI. Joe's on Selection Sunday
when the Hawks were slotted as
a No. 1 seed.
Herbst said he long ago
sensed a considerable number
of Wake Forest followers share
his feelings about Packer, who,
by the way, will be calling
Thursday's game.
"18 Packer 38 listed even
possible team he could think
of, all big-time programs with
brand-name equity Herbst
said. "It was a special moment in
St. Joe's history, and he's down-
playing their accomplishments,
embarrassing himself.
"I mean, St. Joe's saw the
bride coming down the aisle
and they sas stand up or forever
hold your peace. Within five sei -
onds, Billy Packer decided to be
the person to stand up "
Herbst believes Packer has
a large share of detractors from
Wake Forest, where Packer played
guard on the Deacons' 1962 Final
Four team that defeated the
Hawks in the tourney. The prior
season, St. Joe's beat Wake Forest
in the tourney.
"I've listened to him do Wake
games, and to me he even seems
to be anti-Wake Herbst said.
"Maybe it's because they never
retired his number
Martelli has brought recruits
to meet Herbst
"They often bring recruits
to my office because I love St.
Joe's and I can tell them why
St. Joe's is such a great place
to come because it's small and
there's a family atmosphere. You
get to know the faculty. You're
taken care of. I really enjoy It
he said.
like St. Joe's, Wake is a small
university, with an enrollment
of 3,950, about 100 more than
St. Joe's.
Attention ECU
(Students who have completed 45-60 credit hours)
If at least 30 of your credit hours were completed
at ECU (not counting Math 0001 or 0045),
you are required to complete the
Sophomore Survey
before you can pre-register for either Summer or Fall
2004 courses. When you submit your survey responses,
a "tag" is removed from your records so that you can
pre-register. Registration staff can verify that your
responses were received and that the tag was removed.
To complete the survey please go to the ECU
"One-Stop" at, enter your
ECU Exchange email user id and password to sign on,
and click on "Sophomore Survey" in the "Surveys"
area. When finished, "submit" your responses.
Messages were sent to your ECU email account with
links to the "One-Stop You can also access the
"One-Stop" from:
ECU on-line kiosks at Mendenhall Student Center, Wright Place
Cafeteria, the Austin Building, Joyner Library East, and Cyber
Cafe units located near the center stairway in Mendenhall.
Please complete the survey as soon as possible-
certainly before sophomore pre-registration begins
on April 2. This will also help avoid delays during
pre-registration when the workload on ECU computers
is at a peak. The restriction on registering will end on
April 26 when this Sophomore Survey ends.
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Students (w valid ID) $2 for 25 words or fewer
Non-students $4 for 25 words or fewer
5c per word over 25
All classified ads must be prepaid.
Thursday at 4 p.m. for the next Tuesday's paper
Friday at 4 p.m. for the next Wednesday's paper
Monday at 4 p.m. for the next Thursday's paper
pinebrook apt. 758-4015- 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air
& heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
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Efficiency Available. Live-in wanted
for veterinary clinic in Chocowinity.
Excellent opportunity for a pre-vet
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Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015- 1 & 2
BR apts, dishwasher, GD, central
air St heat, pool, ECU bus line, 9 or
12 month leases. Pets allowed. Rent
includes water, sewer, Si cable.
Now Preleasing for Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedroom duplexes &t
townhouses. College Towne Row,
Verdant Street, Cannon Court,
Cedar Court, Lewis Street and 2nd
Street. All units close to ECU. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Now Preleasing For Fall Semester-
1,2 and 3 bedrooms. All units close
to ECU. Cypress Gardens, Jasmine
Gardens, Peony Gardens, Gladiolus
Garden, Wesley Commons North,
Park Village, Cotanche Street, Beech
Street Villas and Woodclift. Water and
sewer included with some units. Pets
allowed in some units with fee. For
more information contact Wainright
Property Management 756-6209.
Duplex for rent: 112A Stancil Drive,
4 blocks from ECU. 3 BR1 BA, WD
hookup, yard maintenance taken
care of, central heatAC. S600mon
available August 1st. Call 329-0385
Any female looking to rent at
Pirate's Cove? I have a room
$360month includes everything.
Contact Brenda at 704-202-2775 or
Melbourne Park end 1 br available
for rent. Cathedral ceiling, balcony
with view. Very quiet neighborhood
on Wimbledon Drive. No deposit
required, March rent paid. (252)717-
Duplex for rent. 3 bedroom 2.5 bath.
Newer unit with large rooms, lots of
storage, and professional location.
J820month. Call 919-349-3468
3 BR, 3 Bath, LR, kitchen, laundry,
patio, central heatair, plenty
of parking, 6 yrs. old, like new.
University Terrace, Brownlea Drive.
Call 252-240-1889.
Large house walking distance
to ECU (over 2500 square feet),
washerdryer hookup, high-speed
internetcable, 4-5 people possible,
large backyard, some pets OK. Call
Mike 439-0285.
Quit paying rent! 2 bedroom duplex
for sale in Dockside. 2 bedroom
and 2 bathroom, washerdryer
connections, live in one side and
rent out the other, $1280mon.
rental income, asking S140,000 call
Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR, 1 12
bath, end unit on ECU campus bus
route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
J525 per month. Call 864 -346-5750
or 864-228-3667.
Staying in Greenville this summer?
Two females needed to sublease in
Pirate's Cove for May, une, and uly.
Private bedroom and bathroom,
all utilities included. Call 252-758-
5 bedroom House 12 block
from campus and 2 blocks from
downtown, J 1500.00. 403 S arvis
St. Available May 1st. Sign a lease
now for May to secure your house
for next year. 252-341-8331
Roommate Wanted
2 Responsible female roommates
needed to share 3 bedroom 1 bath
house 2 blocks from ECU. S300 plus
13 utilities. Call 916-5668
Private bedroombath share
kitchen, laundry room, living room.
Patio, shed outside. Furnished or
unfurnished bedroom. 1330mo.
Plus 13 utilities. CALL 757-497-
Day Camp counselors and
supervisors, tennis and swim
instructors- une 7- uly 31. Assistant
pool managers and lifeguards
needed for City Pool late May- uly.
Most jobs 30 hrs. per week. $6.25 to
S10.00 per hour. Contact 329-4542
for further information. Apply at City
of Greenville before April 16- Human
Resources, 201 Martin Luther King
r. Dr P.O. box 7207, Greenville, NC
Are you looking for the experience of
a lifetime? Horizon Camps consists
of 3 outstanding co-ed summer
camps located in NY, PA, and WV.
We are seeking amazing staff to
work with incredible kids. Contact or 1-
Make money taking Online Surveys.
Earn $10-1125 for surveys. Earn
J25-J250 for Focus Groups. Visit
do you need a good job? The ECU
Telefund is hiring students to contact
alumni and parents for teh ECU
Annual Fund. $6.25 hour plus cash
bonuses. Make your own schedule.
If interested, visit our website at
www.ecu.edutelefund and click
on OBS.
Panhellenic and the ECU
sororities would like to recognize
the following sisters and new
members of the week. Alpha
Delta Pi: S-Millie Markham, NM-
Amy McDougald; Alpha Omicron
Pi: S-Sara Teeters, NM-McKenxie
Buisden; Alpha Phi: S-jennifer
Green, NM- Dona Mazie; Alpha
Xi Delta: S-Katherine Capps and
Katherine Scureman, NM-Nicki
Harrison; Chi Omega: S-Lindsay
Jessup, NM-enna Weber; Delta
Zeta: S-Chrissie Wygand, NM-
Laura Mullis; Kappa Delta:
S-Lois Edwards; Sigma Sigma
Sigma: S-Emily Cook, NM-Ashley
Rossi; and Zeta Tau Alpha: S-
Shannon O'Donnel, NM-Cayce
Come join us for the March 26
contra dance! Live, old-time and
Celtic music by a string band.
Lesson: 7:30 pm; dance: 8 pm-
10:30 pm. Band: Sandy Ridge
Ramblers; Caller: Roger Robbins.
No experience needed; we'll teach
you as we go along! Come alone
or bring a friend! $3 (students) $5
(FASG members) $8 (general). Co-
sponsors: ECU Folk and Country
Dancers (752-7350) and Folk Arts
Society of Greenville (795-4980).
An alcohol and smoke-free event.
countrydancers Location: Willis Bldg
1st & Reade sts downtown.
Phi Sigma Pi's Best Pizza Contest a
success! Thanks: Boli's, Big Apple
Pizzeria, Cki's, Pizza Hut, Papa ohn's,
Chanello's, Fresher's! The Winner- Big
Apple! Benefited Teach for America.
The daily Reflector is making two
$2,500 annual scholarships available
to undergraduate students at East
Carolina University who are interested
in pursuing a career in a media-related
fieid. Fields of study may include but are
not limited to journalism, advertising,
art, accounting, and computer services.
The recipients of the scholarship are
also invited to compete for a possible
internship with the newspaper.
Scholarship requirements & guidelines:
must be at least a junior at ECU with
a minimum of two full-time semesters
remaining until graduation (this does
not include summer school), be able
to demonstrate interest in pursuing a
career in a media-related field, have a
minimum 3.0 collegiate GPA in the last
academic year and no grades below a
C in area of academic major, submit
scholarship application and supportive
materials to ECU by April 1, 2004.
Applications can be obtained from:
Mrs. Vicky Morris, Director of Donors
Stewardship, University Development,
Greenville Centre, Suite 1100, 2200
South Charles Blvd. Greenville. NC
27858. Phone: 252-328-9573.
Introducing trie Accelerated Ainiy En islment
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290 Pud lor by the tii'leil Sljlai �im( ill riflvtl ittarild
For morn information about the
importance of arm education, ptoaae contact
poor nuintcniincc response
unrclurni'd phone calK
nois neighbors
(nwl) critters
high utilil) hills
ECU parking hussies
ungnudnl landlords
unanswered qwndoM
high rents
grump) personnel
unfulfilled premises
units thut wore not cleaned
walls that were never painted
appliances lhat don't work
W.vndham Court &
Kastgatc Village Apis.
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561-RENT or 531-9011
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any Transit Manager at 3284724.
n growing
ECU Volunteer Center
Connecting Campus and Communrty.
110 Chnstenbur y Gym
Failed, failed, failed. And then
Pass It On.
� ' ���"��' ��� I � �!�.
�mrwiecd. mined. honci u godm-v. wrfHen �p��jVvi v
1 Epic tales
6 "It
Necessarily So"
10 Discontinue
14 Proficient
15 Bumsian hillside
16 Fireside yam
17 Offset
19 Give off
20 Sandwich cookie
21 Absent with
23 Purifying plant
27 Disney classic,
28 Stove
29 Clear tables
31 Turns sharply
32 Small chicken
35 Pate base
37 Double curve
38 Harper of
40 Gullible individual
43 Force back
44 Strive toward
46 Portugal's
49 Distress signal
51 Bullring cheers
52 Suture material
54 Gndiron upright
57 Highest points
59 Hamburg wife
60 Bowling alley
61 Lacking
66 Color changer
67 Find agreeable
68 Indistinct
69 Lip
70 Slammer or clink
71 Lure of the
1 Cul-de-
2 Fuss
3 Precious stone
4 Designate
5 Strict
6 Engross wholly
7 Levin or
8 W. alliance
12 3 4b Mb 7 H 9 fc 11 11 13
I 1
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28 � 30BNM31
33 j � g � MpO 41 42

52 li � 55 56
"� Mm ggg
� 62 63 64 65
m 1 �-
� 2001 Tribune Media Services. Ire
All fights reserved
9 Very small
10 Three Rivers
11 Mexican menu
12 North or Hardy
13 Opera singer
18 Bom in Nice
22 Embankments
23 Judge's garment
24 Gabor and
25 Marshes
26 Christmas burner
30 Man with a title
33 Saks Fifth
34 Atlas page
36 By way of
39 Guitarist Paul
40 Farm tower
41 Greek god of
42 Nuisance
43 Manipulators
45 Well-liked
46 Bums with hot
V WD HV1M1 1 sls s v s
3 nD VA3H 1 lla a x a
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3 1 'l3V ki elid 3 a V
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47 Melonlike fruit
48 Makes amends
50 Not so harsh
53 Relates
55 Exist
56 Insect stage
58 Be satisfactory
62 Runner on a
63 Self-esteem
64 Totality
65 Caspian or

East Carolina University
Join the entire East Carolina community as we celebrate the ninety-seventh
anniversary of the founding of the university.
COMMUNITY DAY Monday, March 22
7:30a.m. Community Leaders BreakfastJarvis Metnoml UnM Methodist Church
10:00a.m. Chancellors Forum on Health Care�Raising One Healthy GenerationBrodySOMAuditorium
12:00 noon Lunch�Celebration of the Country Doctor Museum Acquisition (by invitation)2W-40 Brody
I30 pan. Opening of the Histonc Collections FacilityLaupus Health Sciences Ubraty
STUDENT DAY Tuesday, March 23
) p.m. College of Education Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Reception Willis Building
Student Celebration of ECU s Birthday n y
Rear Courtyard behind Jenkins Fine Arts Center
3:30 p.m.
MX)-9:00 p.m.
MX) p.m.
Four Seasons (lumber M
USk" lrstlval� �FletcherMusic Rea
STUDENT DAY Wednesday, March 24
Military Service Celebration Vutory Bell hy Christadmry Gymnasium
Debnam Hunt Early Reading Room I fedication loynerDhtmy
IX 11 Arts at the Amphitheater Cr(eimljl Toyota Amphitheateri Town Coimom
lour Seasons Chamber Music Festival Fletcher Music Recital Hall
Student Comedy ShowHendrix Theater
300 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8KX) p.m.
UNI VE R SIT Y I )AY Ihursday, March 25
I ftOO a.m. Founders Week Convocation and Awarding of the Jarvis Medal
11:30 a.m. I unch on the Mall
1:30 p.m.
All day
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Wright Auditorium
Brody Lecture on Health Care Brody SOM Aud.torium
Health Sciences Photo Retrospective Brody SOM Ijohby
Dixie Koldjeski Lecture on Nursing Monroe Center
founders Awards I)mner � l .
Murphy Center
All JMNI AND PATRONS DAY Friday, March 26
8:(X) a.m.
930 am
11:30 a.m.
All day
6:30 p.m.
8:(X p.m.
Board of Irustees Meeting 2W-40ADBrody
Seeing the future I ),sPlay and Reception, School of Allied Health SciencesBrody First Floor
Groundbreaking for Learning V.llage N Emagiuy DfW
Health Science Photo Retrospective Brody SOMlMy
Pounders Week Celebration (by invitation) W mi mw, pLm
Moscow Festival Ballet m. ,� . .
Wright Auditorium
10KX) a.m. Bus lour of (impus for Alumni Reunion Participants
(:(X) p.m. ollege of 1 himan Ecology Alumni Awards Dinner Sweethearts.
6:30 p.m. Alumni Reunion Social
Todd Dining Hall
Minges Coliseum
' Iuket Required
Tradition. Growth. Excellence.
1 MM KSin
Tomorrow starts here.

The East Carolinian, March 24, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 24, 2004
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3cm x 2cm
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University Archives
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