The East Carolinian, February 25, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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Volume 79 Number 121
February 25, 2004
SGA plans trip to protest tuition increases
Rally will have representation from
all 16 UNC-system schools
The Student Government Association, in con-
junction with the UNC Association of Student
Governments, will participate in a protest against
a proposal to raise ECU'S tuition by $900 over the
next three years.
The rally, scheduled for March 19 at 9 a.m. on
the steps of the UNC Board of Governors building,
will draw an estimated 16,000 students- 1,000 per
16 UNC system universities.
The SGA has no plans for organized transport
to thr site. However, if more than 100 students sign
up, buses will be chartered.
Ian Baer, ECU SGA president, said since the date
of the rally is during ECU'S Spring Break, SGA's goal
was scaled down to 125 students.
Baer said he was confident students would
support the rally and send a strong message to
the BOG.
"We believe very strongly that the proposed
tuition increase would be harmful to ECU students
and hope that many will come out to support this
cause Baer said.
ECU students are involved in other activities
that will strengthen the message of the rally.
The ASG recently published a collection of
personal testimonials by students from across the
UNC-system telling how tuition increases would
negatively impact their access to higher education.
They also are in the process of preparing a DVD
with selected portions from the book of personal
stories that will be presented to members of the
BOG and members of the North Carolina General
A bus tour of personal stories is planned to send
a group of ASG representatives to cities around the
state to raise awareness of the tuition issue.
Matt Cohen, sophomore political science major
and director of athletic affairs for the SGA, said
even if students aren't able to attend the rally, there
are other contributions they can make against the
tuition increase.
Cohen encouraged students to write letters to
BOG members or to their state legislators opposing
tuition increases, and most importantly, to register
and vote.
"We just really want to encourage students to
get involved and take an active role fighting what
we see as a violation of article nine, section nine of
the North Carolina Constitution, which states that
'higher education is to be extended to the people of
North Carolina as inexpensively as is practicable
Cohen said.
"We feel that in recent years, we have been
paying more and getting less
Maggie O'Neill, sophomore political science
major and SGA director of internal affairs and
public relations chairperson, said she is excited
by the prospects for advancing students' interests
provided by the rally.
O'Neill said the most important thing is that
students come out to support the cause and make
their voices heard.
"I just think that it is very important for stu-
dents to show that they are serious about protect-
ing their access to quality higher education here in
North Carolina said O'Neill.
This writer can be reached at
ff SGA Trip Info
For more Information on the protest,
Pirates plate another victory
?????' ???
Faculty Senate members discuss downfalls of hiring history.
Three candidates left
in chancellor search
Former officials'acts
questionable but legal
Third baseman Mark Minicozzi slides in for a close one against a North Carolina A&T Aggie Tuesday at Harrington
Field. The ECU Pirates (8-0) continue their undefeated season, beating the winless Aggies 2-0. See page A8 for more
coverage on the game.
ECU's Faculty Senate met
last night to ease concerns about
past hiring practices and discuss
the search for a new chancellor.
Jim Talton, chairman of the
Chancellor Search Commit-
tee, updated the Faculty Senate
on candidates for ECU's chan-
Talton said they narrowed
the number down to three
candidates, and the committee
is trying to designate a time for
all three to come to an open
forum on campus.
However, Talton said they
should decide as soon as possible
to ensure candidates' availability.
Talton said he wants a decision
made by early March.
"This is the time of the year
that individuals make commit-
ments Talton said.
Talton said if they do not
act soon and miss the chance
to hire, they will have to begin the
proect all over again next
James Leroy Smith, interim
vice chancellor for academic
affairs, submitted the Hiring
Review Report at the Faculty
Senate's request after concerns
arose about hiring practices and
salary increments in academic
affairs during the 2002-03
school year.
Four senior administrators
investigated six administrative
hires and eight faculty hires.
Although they found that
some practices were question-
able, they were still within uni-
see SENATE page A2
Business school travels abroad
College offers trips to
three countries
ECU business students inter-
ested in traveling to different
countries while learning about
the economy can study abroad
with the College of Business this
Led by professors Roy
Simerly, Tope Hello and Elaine
Seeman, students can travel to
Argentina, Italy and Australia, a
new addition to ECU's interna-
tional studies.
This program was started
in 1996 to help students Iwtter
understand the global economy.
"Students can't get this from
textbooks, they must experi-
ence it said Roy Simerly, Ph.D,
professor in the management
Students studying abroad
will visit manufacturers and busi-
lusscs while learning about the
country's culture and economy.
Other majors are welcome to
travel abroad with the school
"This program tries to attract
people from various majors and
backgrounds Simerly said.
Students will live with a host
family, allowing them to learn
more alwut the language.
Prices for the trips vary. Stu-
dents who wish to travel to Italy
will spend $4,200.
Australia costs $6,500,
but that cost includes a 21
- 25 day stay, airfare, accom-
modations, entry fees and
in-country transportation, said
If money is a problem, stu-
dents can look to financial aid
and scholarships, depending on
their qualifications.
"It's an excellent oppor-
tunity to be immersed in the
culture and see how other busi-
nesses conduct in other areas of
the world said Jeremy Rallard,
graduate student.
"It's an opportunity to go
somewhere, get class credit and
experience first-hand interna-
tional business
Job market looking up for
2003-04 college graduates
Trips look at global business.
The trips to Argentina, Austra-
lia and Italy are scheduled for the
first summer session.
There must tie at least 10 stu-
dents traveling toeach place for the
excursions to happen, and there Ls
a maximum student load of 20.
Simerly said the Argentina ses-
sion is full, but there are still open-
ings for Australia and Italy.
This writer can be contacted at
news?theeastcarolinian. com.
Survey shows overall
increase in hiring
Seniors preparing to gradu-
ate and enter the job market
may have worries about
the recent instability of the
economy, but they can find
some consolation in a survey
conducted by the National
Association of Colleges and
The survey predicts the
job market for graduates
of classes 2003 and 2004
will be fair, hiring 12.7
percent more new college
graduates than last year.
The service industry led
the field with an expected
22 percent. The manufactur-
ing sector reported more mod-
erate expectations with .1.4
percent new college graduates.
However, jobs given to
new college graduates in the
government or non-profit
sector are expected to be cut
by 10 percent.
Hiring is expected to be
up 7.2 percent in the south-
ern region. The top majors
that employers are looking for
in the region are mechanical
engineering, business admin-
istration, electrical engineer-
ing, accounting, economics
and finance.
"This a normal increase
in jobs" said Suzanne Martin,
assistant vice chancellor for
Academic Affairs.
"It's coming back up, but
it's still not where it was five
years ago
Martin said the most
crucial thing students can do
see JOB page A2
Industries expecting to hire the
most college graduates are
service and manufacturing.
Black History Awareness
throughout February
Malcolm X was assassinated at age 39 on Feb. 21,1965.
-O Feb. 25,1964 Muhammad Ali defeated Sonny Liston for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship
Partly Cloudy
High of 51
Visit to
read more about Bush backing ban on
same-sex marriage.
Guy Philippe, leader of the HaWan rebels
seeking to overttirow President Artsrjde,
talks about I plans for Hants future.
Board games are becoming popular
among students. TEC takes a look at the
new games popping up on shelves.
Pirate basebal heM up against me
wMess NC A&T Aggies and Improved
their winning streak to eight games.
undergraduate students to
drop term-length courses or
withdraw (mm school wlmout

News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Lunchtime Learning Series
The Lunchtime Learning Series today at noon in 204 Joyner East will
feature Charlie Justice speaking on improvements and enhancements
to the ECU e-mail system Faculty, staff and students can attend
BloodBone Marrow Drive
The Chancellor's Staff Senate Diversity Committee will sponsor a blood
and bone marrow drive today from noon - 6 p.m. in the Mendenhall
Multi-Purpose Room.
How to Work a Job Fair
Career Services presents a workshop on how to work a job fair today
from 5 p.m. - 6 pm. in 129 Speight.
Domestic Violence Forum
The School of Social Work will sponsor a community form on domestic
violence in the eastern North Carolina African-American community,
Thursday from 6 pm - 830 pm in Hendrix Theatre.
Resume Blitz
Career Senices presents a Resume Blitz where students can have their
resumes critiqued on site Thursday from 5pm - 6 pm. in 129 Speight
Mars Exploration Presentation
Shawn Laatsch. Greenville resident and astronomy education professor
who was selected as a NASA teaching ambassador to North Carolina,
will speak tonight at 7 in the Willis Building The presentation will focus on
the two Mars rovers. Spirit and Opportunity, and feature the latest imagery
and video clips from the red planet mission
Doing Business with Government
A session on how existing business can set up and get contracts with
local, state and federal government will be held Thursday from noon - 2
pm in the Willis Building Conference Room
Sigma Xi Seminar
The ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi presents a Spotlight Seminar feature the
work of physics John Kenney. PhD Thursday at 330 p.m. in SZ 309
Science and Technology Lecture Hall Annex
Education Career Fair
There will be an Education Career Fair Friday from 9 a.m. - noon
in Mendenhall
Fulbright Lecture
Shagufa Kapadia from New School University will speak on
adolescent-parent relationships in India, Friday from 10 a.m - 11 am in
218A Ragsdale
Resume Workshop
Career Services offers a resume-writing workshop on Monday.
March 1, from 8:30 am - 915 a m. in the Student Professional
Development Office
English TAG Lecture
Biodun Jeyifo, English professor at Cornell University, will speak at the
annual English TAG Lecture Thursday. March 4. at 7 pm in 1031 Bate
Jeyifo's lecture is titled, 'On Being Anglophone Now: Meditations on
Globalization Language and Desire" A reception will follow the lecture
Dances of Universal Peace
The Office of Adult and Commuter Students Senices sponsors the Dances
of Universal Peace Sunday from 4 pm. - 6 pm. in 244 Mendenhall. The
participatory event features simple circle dancing and singing led by a
trained leader and accompanied with live music
Carter Center Internships
Peter Mather, director of educational programs for The Carter Center in
Atlanta. Ga, will hold an information session on internship opportunities
Friday, March 5, in 221 Mendenhall from 10 30 am - noon The session
is open to all faculty and students who are interested in International
development and humanitarian issues
SRC Family Fun Day
The Department of Recreational Services and the Office for Adult and
Communily Students will co-sponsor Family Fun Day on Saturday, March
6 from 10 a m - 3 pm in the SRC Events will include group fitness, sports
a climbing wall, bowling, a movie and arts and crafts. There is no cost for
students, spouses and dependent children of students above age six
Sophomore Survey
Students who have completed 45-60 credit hours. 30 from ECU, must
take the Sophomore Survey before pre- registering for summer or fall 2004
semesters The survey will be available on OneStop beginning March 3
Paper Person
The student at the top of todays paper is NicK Careslas, sophomore
business management major
News Briefs
Two Concord teens face hearing
Friday on rape charge
CONCORD (AP) - Two Concord
teenagers accused of sexually
assaulting a female classmate in
January are scheduled to face
a district court judge Friday to
determine whether they should be
tried as adults
The boys, both 14, are charged with
attempted rape and first-degree
sex offense, police said They haven't
been in custody and have remained
in school since a police report was
filed Jan 15
The girl's mother said she understood
why the boys haven't been suspended
from school or taken into custody,
but said she feared for her daughters
According to police, the girl. 14. went
to visit one of the boys - a childhood
friend - in his home in a mobile
home park in Concord near her
Reading program could stir more
controversy at UNC-Chapel Hill
CHAPEL HILL (AP) - For the third
straight year, a freshman reading
requirement at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill is
causing a stir
But this time, it's happening bwore the
book is even picked.
The university's reading selection
committee met for three hours
Sunday night, but was deadlocked
between "Absolutely American:
Four Years at West Point" by David
Lipsky and "Enough: Staying Human
in an Engineered Age" by Bill
Each book offers the potential for
the kind of political dynamite that
has followed the program in its first
two years.
"Absolutely American" follows the lives
of cadets at the US Military Academy,
case studies sure to lead to debates
about patriotism and the war in Iraq
"Enough" explores the dark side
of scientific advances in genetic
engineering ai a time when cloning
poses perhaps the human race's most
difficult ethical dilemmas
A final decision is expected
Wednesday, because one member
was not available to break Sundays
4-4 vote
Compromise studied on
stlll-unreleased school
investigation on Columbine
GOLDEN. Colo (AP) - School officials
may offer a compromise on public
access to an unreleased report on the
Columbine High School massacre
Nearly two dozen Columbine staffers
who were interviewed for that report
may be asked to give a second
round of interviews that might then
be made public. Jefferson County
Schools spokesman Rick Kaufman
said Monday
The school district's lawyers compiled
a 200-page report based on the
interviews shortly after Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold killed 13 people
and then killed themselves on April
School officials have refused to
release it. citing attorney-client
privilege because it was compiled to
prepare for lawsuits
Under the potential compromise,
the Columbine staffers interviewed
for the report would speak with
researchers at the Center for the
Study and Prevention of Violence at
the University of Colorado
School officials had not settled
some key questions, including
how infdrmation from the second
interviews might be made public,
whether the staffers would be
identified and when the interviews
would take place
Education Secretary Paige
calls teachers union 'terrorist
WASHINGTON (AP) - Education
Secretary Rod Paige says he chose
poor words in calling the nation's
largest teachers union a "terrorist
organization but he stands by
his claim thai the group uses
"obstructionist scare tactics" in its
fight over the nation's education law
Paige used the terrorist reference
Monday in a private White House
meeting with governors while
answering a question about the
National Education Association,
which has 2.7 million members
His words startled members of his
audience, triggered outrage from
prominent Democrats and deepened
the divide between the country's top
education official and its largest
The flap comes as the Bush
administration faces increasing
state opposition to the No Child Left
Behind law, widely considered the
most significant federal education act
since Congress approved its original
version in 1965 The law, approved in
bipartisan fashion, requires a range of
testing, teaching and school-choice
changes to help children succeed.
Earthquake strikes northeast
Morocco, at least 150 dead
RABAT, Morocco (AP) - A powerful
earthquake struck northern Morocco
early Tuesday, toppling houses and
killing at least 150 people, the official
Moroccan news agency reported.
The 6 5-magnitude quake shook
rural areas near the coastal city of
Al-Hoceima. officials said, and there
was concern about the fate of three
villages-Ait Kamra, Tamassint and
Imzournwhere 30,000 people live
in mud homes unable to withstand
a major temblor.
The death toll steadily climbed
throughout the day as rescuers began
reaching the hard-hit areas Military
and civilian rescuers were dispatched
to the scene to help survivors and
search for victims trapped under
rubble, while helicopters filled with
emergency supplies were preparing
for takeoff.
However, rescuers reported difficulties
in reaching the affected area, located
in the foothills of the Rif Mountains
and served by narrow, poor roads.
The death toll was expected to
rise throughout the day. the Interior
Ministry said.
Chief U.N. nuclear inspector says
work on nuclear black market
puzzle making progress
TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - Libya, which was
able to work on a secret nuclear arms
program for two decades because of
imports of black market technology,
can likely be declared free of the last
traces of such activities by June, the
UN nuclear chief said
Mohamed ElBaradei. director general
of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, said Monday that meetings
with Libyan officials were producing
more names and companies involved
in supplying renegade nations
with the technology for their arms
During his two-day visit to Libya, which
ends Tuesday, ElBaradei pried more
details on the illicit nuclear network
from his hosts and checked on the
progress in Tripoli's pledge to rid itself
of its nuclear arms program.
Libya's cooperation may prompt an
end to the U.S. ban on American travel
to the North African country that was
imposed in 1981. Secretary of State
Colin Powell says the ban would be
reviewed at 90-day intervals.
Bush swipes at Democrats in campaign
dent Bush, casting aside his desire
to appear above the political
of p. fray 'truck
- 'v- ? -? ?" ? bark at his
liff& Democratic
?xlL. J"wtr critics,
presidential front-runner John
Kerry as a waffler and warn-
ing that Democrats wnulct raise
taxes, expand government and
fail to lead decisively on national
Mush had huang back for
months, despite constant pummd-
ingby the Democratic presidential
candidates, hut he leveled his
sharpest criticism yet at his rivals
in a speech Monday night. Hush
recalled terrorist attacks ol Sept
11, 2(101, signaling his willingness
to use the strikes for political gain,
which his aides long had promised
would not be done.
"September the 14th, 2001,
I stood in the ruins of the Twin
lowers, i remember ? lot that day
Hush told 1,400 Republican donors
at a fund-raiser for GOP governors,
recalling his trip to New York after
the attacks.
"As we all did that day, these
men and women searching
through the rubble look it person-
ally. I took it personally he said.
"I have a responsibility that
goes on. I will never relent in
bringing justice to our enemies.
I will defend America, whatever
it takes
Kerry, a senator from Massa-
luisi'tts, found himself fending
ofi both Hush and his chief rival,
fellow Sen. ohn Edwards of North
Carolina, heading into nominat-
ing contests TUesday in Hawaii,
Idaho and Utah.
But both Democratic rivals
are looking ahead to the 10 states,
California and New York among
them, with nominating contest
on March 2, also known as Super
ruesday, where Kerry hopes to
knink oft Edwards,
Kerry will spend more than
II million this week - nearly
five times as much as Edwards
- to run campaign ads in media
markets in Ohio, Georgia and New
York, which vote March 2, aides
said. Kdwards has bought about
$270,000 of ad time in those
states thus far.
Bush, meanwhile, has pre-
pared ads for an advertising
onslaught that is to start March 4.
His re-election campaign will buy
airtime over the next two weekj
in selected broadcast markets
and nationally on cable stations,
including CNN, Fox News Chan-
nel and MSNBC, according to a
Bush-Cheney campaign source,
speaking on the condition of
Kdwards was campaigning
Tuesday in Atlanta with Georgia
lawmakers, before heading to
Houston for a rally. Kerry was in
Ohio, touring a closed steel mill
with laid-off workers and talk-
ing with workers at a revitalized
In his 40-niiniite address.
Hush mentioned none of the
Democratic presidential candi-
dates by name, but some of bis
sharpest criticism was unmistak-
ably intended for Kerry.
"The other party's nomina-
tion battle is still playing out.
The candidates are an interesting
group with diverse opinions
Hush said.
"I hey're for tax cuts and
against them, they're for NAFTA
and against NAFTA. They're for
the Patriot Act and against tin-
Patriot Act. They're in favor of
liberating Iraq, and opposed to it.
And that's just one senator from
Massachusetts His supportive
audience erupted in laughter and
Kerry spokeswoman Stepha-
nie Cutter disputed Bush's list
of purported flip-flops. Kerry
opposed Bush's tax cuts for the
richest Americans and stands by
that; voted for NAFTA and stands
by it; voted for the Patriot Act, but
believes the Justice Department is
using it to trample (ivil liberties;
and stands by his vote to authorize
lone in Iraq, but believes Hush's
prosecution of the war "created a
breeding ground for terror" and
? Proposes cutting $521 ttttori deficit
ii raBwtfiiftt) years via rugtwr tax
revenues from ? better economy, cuts
in domestic spending
? Suppmts school standards.
accojnBWftytrrough No COM Lett Bound
Irs sftuch requeas slates to have plans
tor student nrethcreficy i main, reading
? Oppose may support constitutional
anwndment that would denne rnamege
m union between a man end a woman
pane together to provide worvrer coverage:
wants lefundabio lax credits lo deep poor
wodters afford health insurance
? rrupuasettOgbsfcinloi mwiann
tor 2005 includes $t Sbajontorpon'
? Says war was necessary because
Iraq was 'grave and gathenng danger
war was part or Bush s poet-Sept tt
rxncyaganstperceived livealato US
? Wants Congress lo rneKe permanent
al tail cuts enacted since 2001 which
are scheduled to expire cry 2011
: Taxes
? Create National Education Trust Fund
to pay rederal share of education costs,
sffleoet class sizes, rebuild caumtftno
at eefanes mafttsge should be between a
men and woman, but advocates ciwfl unions
lor gays to guarantee gay couples same
ngt ,ts as married couples
? Tax breaks lo employers, tax erodes
to indnnduats to ensure access to same
health earn program avaaaoie to members
of Congress and federal employees
? Mure resources tor local police.
tirehghters revamp domestic intattgence
gaahering, eliminate Patriot Act provisions
that endanger -Ml rights
? voted to authorize war says Bush
should neve created a larger eoajfuon,
wants to inter nationaitre 'econstnjetion
with help tfuNeSies
at Repeat Bush cuts lor those earning
more than $3)0.000. provide oreads tor
cortege education, health care; twetnees
?'?conHves to circle whs nimuum some
ovomatP wxtxiwxs
? Advocates open markets fie bade vat aajsjsssswejssjssjsj
r?J?v?p?? Vvdrld Tracks Onnutelm: Trade
wants trade rone tor all Western "ottte
Hemisphere nations except Cuba ? bbsbsbbbbbsbbbbbbI
e 1004 KRT Stuu, Kngix i.?XM W?Vflixi Una, MRT Pl??j Sdmm QvNc I
? Suppcits liarK, pacts wc Jd dec down
on nations that violate them. ex oas
leview of tarteting beetles to ensure
rtdherence to tenor envaortmenteJ statiooTds
alienated allies, said Cutter.
Edwards denounced Hush's
new rhetoric. "The American
people want Ibis campaign to be
about the future, not the past
"We offer leadership and
hope, the Republicans want to
exploit fears and relitigate the
Hush s.iitl the Nov. 2 election
presents "a choice between keep-
ing the tax relief that is moving
this economy forward, or putting
the burden of higher taxes back
on the American people
"it's a choice between an
America that leads the world
with strength and confidence, or
an America that is uncertain in
the face of danger he said.
Kerry said Bush sounded as if
the past three and a half years had
never happened.
"But the American people
haven't forgotten this president's
failed record, because they have
to live with it every day he said
in a statement.
"George Hush's credibility
is running out with the Ameri-
can people. They want change
in America, and I'm running
because I am determined to bring
that change and put America back
on track
from page A1
from page A1
versity law.
The six administrative
hires were questioned based on
lack oi search t omrolttee pres-
ent e, start It length, waivers
and involvement between
campus official! and
potential administrative
Faculty hires were ques-
tionable because of targeted
hiring which, according to
reports, led to "a significant
salary equity issue within the
hiring unit
Lack of faculty involve-
ment and short searches also
contributed to questionable
faculty hires.
Smith and the review com-
mittee made recommendations
to prevent such cases in the
Among these suggestions
was to make it more difficult to
get a waiver and follow a
better search process for
administrative and faculty
In Smith's report, he said
the review group still feels the
university has benefited from
the hires that were in
question and they gained
some outstanding people
The Senate also approved
an amendment to the sick
leave policy.
The policy now
states faculty can receive
paid medical leave for
"up to 60 calendar days"
This writer can be contacted at
for themselves is be prepared.
This means setting goals,
finding out what must
he done to accom-
plish the goals and
following through. Students
should explore their interests,
and then pick a career path that
is suitable, Martin said.
Experience is vital to anv
person's resume. Students should
try to gain experience in their
field through work experience,
volunteer programs or co-op
"Employers will hire some-
one with a lower CPA if they
have more experience in the
held Martin said.
A strong resume is also
a key part of getting a job.
Candidate! mav have several
resumes for different fields that
cover a broad area of interests
and skills.
The survey also found
employers look for good com-
munication skills above all
others. Employers complained
of difficult communica-
tion between employ-
ees, mainly because of
a lack of verbal and written
communication skills.
"Students should make use
of all their resources, especially
faculty and staff Martin said.
"There are always jobs. You
just have to know yourself and
what employers are looking for.
(retting a degree says I have
the ability to learn. It opens
up everything
This writer can be contacted at

Rebel leader says he wants an
army, not another dictatorship
? Haiti's rebel leader told The
Associated Press on Tuesday he
did not want to install a military
dictatorship but is seeking to re-
establish the army that was dis-
banded after ousting President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 1991.
With the rebels threatening
to attack the capital of Port-au-
Prince, the United States tried
to broker a last-ditch peace plan
that did not requite Aristide to
resign. Opposition politicians
were weighing the plan, after
being persuaded by Secretary
of State Colin Powell to delay
their formal response to 5 p.m.
Rebel leader Guy Philippe,
still in the second-largest city
of ap-llaitien that was seized
Sunday, said in an interview
with the AP that his movement
wants to re-establish the army
but is not interested in installing
another dictatorship in Haiti.
A military dictatorship is
"not good for the country said
Philippe, formerly Aristide's
assistant police chief for north-
ern Haiti. "The military should
stay in the barracks"
Even if the opposition coali-
tion accepts the U.S. peace plan,
the rebels insist they will lay
down their arms only when
Aristide is out of power.
Asked if he was in contact
with opposition politicians,
Philippe smiled and said "not
officially He refused to elabo-
Opposition leaders disputed
"We refuse to have contacts
with the rebels, as well as with
Aristide said Mischa (iaillard,
a spokesman for the opposition
"We don't want to be tainted
with any suspicion of condoning
The opposition has said they
are a nonviolent movement
that supports the rebel goal of
getting Aristide to step down.
Aristide maintains that oppo-
sition factions are supporting
the rebellion and the rebels are
an armed wing of the political
Premier Yvon Neptune
appealed to the political oppo-
sition coalition to agree to the
peace plan, which Aristide has
The plan would allow
him to remain president with
diminished powers, sharing with
political rivals a government that
would organize elections.
Philippe said he was on his
way to a Western Union office
to pick up donations being sent
by Haitians in the United States
and Canada, lie said his rebel-
lion also was being funded by
businessmen in Haiti.
An attack on Port-au-Prince
was unlikely Tuesday, as Philippe
said his fighters had spent the
Guy Philippe led rebels in seizing
gest city Sunday.
night searching in vain for gov-
ernment forces.
French President Jacques
Chirac said Tuesday his count i
Is ready to consider contributing
to any eventual peacekeeping
force approved by the United
"France does not exclude
contributing to a civilian force
for peace he said, adding how-
ever that such a deployment
"depends on a decision of the
Security COUIK II
In Port-au-Prince on
Monday, about 50 Marines in
full battle gear rushed oil a U.S.
Air Force transport plane and
secured a perimeter around the
international airport. Some Hai-
tians stood on cars or high walls
to peer at them.
The Marines then drove to
the U.S. Embassy in a convoy of
trucks and cars. Western diplo-
mats and a Defense Department
official said their mission was to
protect the us. Embassy and
Fen years ago, the United
States sent 20,000 troops to end
a military dictatorship that had
ousted Aristide in 1991, a year
after he became I laiti's first treely
elected leader.
Hut Washington has made
clear it won't commit a large
number of troops this time
Aristide, hugely popular
when he was elected especially
among the destitute in the
Western hemisphere's poorest
country, has since lost a lot of
Get caught

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Michelle A. McLeod
Erin Rickert
News Editor
Amanda Ungerfelt
Features Editor
Ryan Downey
Sports Editor
Meghann Roark
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Holly O'Neal
Asst. News Editor
John Bream
Asst. Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Asst. Sports Editor
Mike Mashburn
Web Editor
Daniel Roy
Production Manager
Our View
Bush is
ing political
trouble lately,
and election
time is closing
in. Fiddling
with the
of the United
States during
such a
crucial time
is, shall we
say, chancy.
President George W. Bush gave his
admonition of homosexual marriage Tuesday
when he backed a constitutional amendment
banning gay marriage.
Conservative Bush said that marriage should
not be severed from its cultural, religious and
natural roots.
He also said a change in the most fundamental
institution in the nation marriage) creates con-
fusion on an issue that requires clarity.
We agree that marriage is sacred and should
not be severed.
However, before latching onto Bush's
judgment, we think the public needs to consider
his motives.
Bush is undergoing political trouble lately, and
election time is closing in. Fiddling with the
Constitution of the United States during such
a crucial time is, shall we say, chancy.
To say the very least, an attempt to deny to
some what everyone else has is rather hypo-
critical of an American president, the leader
of a nation known for its freedom and justice
'to all
After years of working to rid the country of
discrimination against African Americans and
women, why on earth are members of our gov-
ernment trying to add discrimination against
homosexuals into the Constitution? And is it
really necessary?
To prohibit homosexuals from marriage is like
telling Americans they are only allowed to follow
one religion.
To divide the American people in this way is
neither just nor sensible.
As a politician, Bush should know this, if
nothing else.
The goal of the TEC Opinion page is to evoke discussion as well
as action on topics pertinent to the ECU community
We encourage a response from our readers If you have an opin-
ion In reaction to one of our columns or perhaps in regard to the
overall presentation of TEC, please express your view in one of
four ways: direct a letter or fax to the editor, email a response to
the editor or simply phone in a response
The 20,000 ECU students read our paper on a regular basis.
There's no better way to express your opinion than to take the
time to sit and react to a situation affecting the students of this
university through our Opinion page
To be printed, the letter must be signed and contain a phone
number for verification
Letters will appear as space permits. The editor reserves the right
to edit letters for clarity and length.
Serving ECU since 1925, The East Carolinian prints 9.000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5.000 on Wednesdays during the summer "Our View" is the opin-
ion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board members.
The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
250 words (which may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and include
a telephone number. Letters may be sent via e-mail to editor@theeast
Carolinian com or to The East Carolinian. Student Publications Building,
Greenville. NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more information.
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1
Guest Editorial
Ignition interlocks ask Preserving access and
all Americans be guilty quality remain UNC's
until proven innocent top priority
Drivers may have to
pass breathalyzer before
Once again, personal liberties
and Freedoms are being viciously
attacked by the very people who
are supposed to safeguard them.
This time, it is Ken Martinez
and the New Mexico legislature
leading the charge. Martinez spon-
sored a bill, which the New Mexico
legislature approved and sent to
the state Senate for consideration,
that would require ignition inter-
locks on all new cars sold in that
stale by Jan. 2008 and on all cars,
new and used, by Ian. 2009.
For those of you not familiar
with the technology, ignition
interlocks are the devices installed
in vehicles that only allow them to
start if the operator is not legally
drunk. They are portable breatha-
Currently, these devices are
installed only by court order and
if an individual has been con-
icted in a court of law of a crime.
Martinc wants to force everyone
in his state to be required to use
one, regardless of whether I hey
drink or not.
I hese devices cost more than
$1000.00 xr unit That's just the
base unit price and does not include
any other considerations. Since
Martinc and the New Mexico leg-
islature obviously have not thought
this through, or don't care, let's take
a closer look at the hidden costs of
this abomination,
First hidden cost, installation
charges. On new cars, the New
Mexico car dealerships will have
to install them since they probably
won't be shipped trom the factory
Thai means that mechanics
will have to be properly trained
to install them. So, add the COS! "I
actually installing the devices .is
well as the deferred cost of train-
ing to the price of a new CU. Who
pays? I he new buyer.
For the used cars, the owners
will have to Incur the costs direc tiy
also. That means adding more than
11,000 to the price of a vehicle at
resale time
For those who have had to trade-
in or attempt to sell a used car, you
know how hard it is to try to recoup
your money at the best ol times
with vehicles in good conditions.
Adding an excess i it M .OOO to si me
vehicles not only is prohibitive,
hut would more than double
the value ol the vehicle in sonic
Second hidden lost, mainte-
nance ol the units Who has tc ipay
to make sure these things oerate
properly It can be safely stated
that the government won't le the
one paying
third hidden cost, verifying
the units are working. Ibis entails
such an extra added burden on
the public as taxpayers that the
program should never even get off
the ground, (.onsider:
I. Having mandated that
the units be installed, there
has to be someone responsible
for ensuring that they remain
working. I envision a program
like State Inspection Stickers,
with yearly checks to ensure
compliance. This means that
some agency will either have
to take on the extra added
responsibility of overseeing
the inspections or a whole new
department will have to be cre-
ated. The taxpayers (consumers)
foot the bill.
2. Whoever ultimately has
to do the inspections will have
to be trained. This will take
time and productivity away
from those establishments while
training is completed. The
consumer foots the bill in
deferred costs.
A fee will have to be estab-
lished for the inspection. What-
ever the cost, the consumer pays
the bill.
4. A penalty will have to be
enacted and enforced for non-
compliance or broken equipment.
This penalty will be compounded
by "court costs
Again, the consumer.
The initial $1,000 for the unit
is just the tip of the iceberg - a
Titanic-sized iceberg, these are
just the monetary problems. I he
personal liberty issues involved
are immense, too.
This bill tramples on the civil
rights of law-abiding citizens
and violates the Constitutional
provision against unreasonable
searches and seizures.
People who have never
had a drink in their life will be
forced to prove it before they can
drive their own vehicles. Kveryone
will be considered "guilty until
proven innocent Martinez
is attempting to stand the
Constitution on its head. Mow
does he justify his actions?
"People called seat belts and
air bags inconvenient at first, but
it's just an issue of getting used to
it. I think, in the long run, it will
save money and lives Martinez
That's interesting, and seri-
ously flawed, reasoning. Seat
belts and air bags do not pre-
vent a person from using their
vehicles. Seat belts and air bags
do not violate Constitutional and
civil rights.
Drunk driving is a serious
crime that destroys life and
property, laws are on the books
already making it illegal in all
$0 states Instead of punishing
a whole population of innocent
people with a new law creating
higher fees and hidden taxes,
and undercutting the foundation
of the Constitution, tighten and
enforce the current laws.
this is an example ol "touchy-
feely, feel good" legislation that
will cause more problems than
it could possibly fix. It's a bad
idea that needs to be stopped in
its tracks.
Tuition increase is
In considering tuition pro-
posals for 2004-05, the UNC
Board of Governors is striving
to strike a balance that ensures
affordable access to our 16
campuses for North Carolina
residents and sustains academic
Low tuition without high
quality is no bargain.
Tuition decisions are among
the hardest facing the govern-
ing boards of public universi-
ties, and rightfully so.
Higher education has never
been more important to our
economic future and funding
decisions we make now will
affect our state's educational
progress for years to come.
As chair of the Hoard of Gov-
ernors, I have spent a consider-
able amount of time traveling to
our campuses and talking with
faculty, students, administra-
tors and staff.
I have seen and heard com-
pelling evidence of the erosion
of quality that is occurring in
our University at an unaccept-
able pace.
Based on this experience
and after reading hundreds of
student anecdotes compiled by
the UNC Association of Student
Governments, I am convinced
that the quality of a UNC edu-
cation Is now at risk.
In a sense, this tuition
debate is really about whether
we are going to permit the ero-
sion of the quality of public
higher education in this state.
Over the past three years,
University-wide enrollment has
grown by more than 20,000 stu-
dents to 183,000. that is akin
to adding the student body of
ECU, along with the faculty and
student services needed to sup-
port It. Nearly 7,000 additional
students are expected to enroll
this fall.
While the Governor
and the General Assembly
have provided funding for
enrollment growth, increased
need-based financial aid
and other Board priorities
in recent years - and we are
very grateful for that sup-
port - these new funds have
been largely offset by cuts
elsewhere in the University's
budget and by required
reversions and with
During this time of dra-
matic growth, the state dollars
we have had available to spend
per budgeted student have
actually dropped by about 8
percent, or $700 per student,
resulting in larger classes,
fewer course sections and dis-
ruption of students' graduation
We know that many stu-
dents and their families have
been hard hit by the state's
struggling economy. We are
all in agreement that tuition
should not become a major
source of funding public higher
education in this state.
That is why the Board ol
Governors called for a one-
year freeze on tuition rales
last year, even in the face of
growing enrollment demand
and repeated slate budge)
cuts. The legislature ulti-
mately imposed a 5 percent
According to the latest
national statistics, In 2003-04,
UNC tuition and fee charges
for In-state students actu-
ally became more affordable
relative to peer institutions
across the country.
These findings arc consis-
tent with a recent study by
the State Education Assistance
Authority, which concluded
that despite rising tuition,
the University remains
affordable for North Carolina
The creation and expan-
sion of the UNC Need-Based
Aid Program is largclv
responsible for this develop-
In approving previous
campus-initiated tuition
increases, our Board has
insisted thai adequate need-
based aid be set aside to offset
the impact of higher tuition
on needy North Carolina stu-
The quality of a university
is built on its faculty and the
lack of state funding for salary
increases in recent years has
placed UNC at a growing
competitive disadvantage.
The tuition sought by our
campuses this year to support
faculty salaries would not even
bring us to the average of our
peer institutions and our fac-
ulty benefits also lag far behind
those offered by our peers.
Clearly, we will be hard
pressed to maintain the
quality of education that
North Carolinians expect and
deserve without additional
We agree wholeheartedly
with Governor l.asley anil
others that salary funds and
other basic support for UNC
should come from the state's
General Fund.
While we are hopeful
that North Carolina may be
in a better fiscal position in
2004, there is little hope that
the state can meet all our
needs in another tight budget
In fact, within the
past two weeks, the slate
udget office has asked the Uni-
versity to provide scenarios ol
how we would exact permanent
cuts to our operating
budgets of up to 3 percent,
or approximately $50
One thing is certain. II
North Carolina is to rebuild
and strengthen its economy,
it cannot afford to lessen
Its historic commitment to
affordable access to our 16
campuses and it cannot aflord
to let the quality of a UNC
education erode further. Low
tuition without high quality is
no bargain.
and come
- This mo
- Today rr
- On this i
The Stude
p.m. and ?
7 p.m Frii
at 3 p.m.
Hendrix Tt
The 2004
will be he
The Schoc
at 8 p.m. o
is free.
The Ledor
Night at 8
Cultural O
Help Ope
by paintin
on Saturc
The Stude
Saturday, I

flf M ?? 'APT CMWM ??AM
2 2504
Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
- Bealle George Harrison (1943). talk-show host Sally Jesse Raphael (1943)
and comedian Carrot Top (1965) all call today their birthday.
- This month is North Carolina Sweet Potato Month.
- Today marks the beginning of Lent (lasts through April 10).
- On this day in1964, Cassius Clay became the Heavyweight Champ.
The Student Union Films Committee presents 21 Grams today at 7 p.m
Thursday at 9:30 p.m Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight. Saturday at 9:30
p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m. Elf is showing today at 9:30 p.m Thursday al
7 pm, Friday at 930 p.m Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight and Sunday
at 3 p.m. All movies are free with a student ID and are located in the
Hendrix Theatre For more information, call 328-4700
Art Awards Ceremony
The 2004 School of Art Undergraduate Exhibition Awards Ceremony
will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26 in Speight Auditorium. The
exhibition will run through April 17.
Guitar Ensemble
The School of Music presents a Guitar Ensemble directed by Elliot Frank
at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 26 in the A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall. This event
is free.
Movie Night
The Ledonia Wright Cultural Center presents an African American Movie
Night at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. in the Lendonia Wright
Cultural Center Gallery.
Volunteer Opportunity
Help Operation Sunshine get their new home ready for open house
by painting, trim work, yard work and little odds and ends at 10 a.m.
on Saturday, Feb. 28. Contact Jessica or Elizabeth at 328-1554 or
eac0513@mail.ecuedu. Space is limited.
Pirate Underground Band
The Student Union presents Annika Bently - Chamber Rock at 9 p.m. on
Saturday, Feb. 28 in the Pirate Underground.
Top Fives
Top five movies
1 50 First Dates
2 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
3 Miracle
4 Welcome to Mooseport
5 Eurotrip
Top five singles
1. "Yeah Usher featuring Lil Jon & Ludacris
2. "Slow Jamz Twista featuring Kayne West &
Jamie Foxx
3. "The Way You Move OutKast featuring Sleepy
4 "Me, Myself and I Beyonce
5 "Hey Ya OutKast
Top five albums
1. Feels Like Home, Norah Jones
2 The College Dropout. Kanye West
3 When the Sun Goes Down, Kenny Chesney
4 SpeakerboxxxThe Love Below, OutKast
5. Closer, Josh Groban
Top five DVDs
1 Radio
2 Secondhand Lions
3 Lost in Translation
4 Under the Tuscan Sun
5 Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Top five shows
2 "Friends CBS
3 'American Idol - Tuesday
4. "E R NBC
5 "CSI: Miami CBS
Top five books
1. The Last Juror, John Grisham
2 The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown
3 The South Beach Diet, Arthur Agastson Rodale
4 Angels and Demons. Dan Brown
5 The Five People You Meet in Heaven: A Novel.
Mitch Albom
Students ease
boredom with
BjO, A
Games are new craze
Despite their hectic class
schedules, students will ulti-
mately bud themselves with some
free time to relax and unwind.
Many students use this time to
gel together with friends around
a tahle and play hoard games.
Many new hoard games on
shelves have found their way into
students' dorms and apartments,
such as Cranium.
Cranium is a game for four
or more people that forces
players to use all sides of
their hrains - not
just focus on one or
two skills.
On their turn, play-
ers must choose between
answering a trivia ques-
tion, spelling a word
backward, humming a
song, drawing with their
eyes closed, acting like a
famous person or sculpt-
ing an object with clay.
"Cranium is fun
because everyone can
find something that they
are good at in the game. It
doesn't leave anyone out
said A. B, Kendall, junior
education major.
Cranium was first
introduced in 2002
and developed such a
following! hat I heCranium
company had to
create the "Booster Box"
- an additional set of
cards for craniacs who have
memorized the cards that come
with the original box.
"Cranium is great for parties.
Everyone gets to make a fool
of themselves, and you can't stop
laughing said Ashley Joswick,
junior creative arts major.
Other hidden-talent oriented
hoard games include Taboo,
Pictionary, Outburst, Guesstures
and Mad Cab,
Another recently released
game popular among stu-
dents, the Trivial Pursuit Pop
Culture DVD by Hasbro provides
a new twist on an old favorite.
The game has the same
objective as original Trivial
Pursuit (to collect all pieces of
the pie) but introduces six
new categories: television,
movies, sports and games, buzz
(celebrity gossip), music and
In order to gain their pieces
of the pie, players must answer
a multi-media question off the
DVD. However, other players are
given the option of stealing the
pie piece if the player doesn't
answer in time.
"This version of Trivial Pur-
suit is definitely more tun than
the others, hut I still think that
the 20th Anniversary Edition is
easier. You really have to know
a lot about pop culture to be
good at this game said I auren
Andraka, junior elementary edu-
cation major.
Other popular trivia games
see GAMES page A7
Out with Yoga, Pilates is new fad
New workout popular
among students
Pilates is the new exercise
trend sweeping the nation.
It's practically impossible to
turn on the television without
seeing some celebrity testify-
ing about their wonderful life-
changing experiences through
practicing Pilates.
Pilates focuses on building
a healthy body using controlled
and concentrated movements.
It helps focus the mind using
techniques that involve deep
breathing. Pilates concentrates
on the entire body and is a con-
ditioning program made up of a
series of 500 movements on a
mat or with special equipment,
Although it seems relatively
new, Pilates has been around since
the 1920s when Joseph Pilates
introduced his method of exer-
cise to the world. Pilates was a
boxer in England, and at the
outbreak of World War I he
was placed under internment
with other German nationals
in England.
There, Pilates taught his
fellow camp members the con-
cepts of exercising, yoga, Zen
and ancient Creek and Roman
exercises. At this time, he
developed a series of controlled
movements on the floor, today
known as "mat-work
Pilates was transferred to
another camp where he became
a caretaker of those suffering
from disease and physical injury,
lie began rehabilitating his
patients using the movements
lie developed.
He also made equipment
to aid in the rehabilitation of
bedridden patients. Many of the
pieces he used such as spring
tensio (straps to hold hands
or feet) and supports are still
used in Pilates today. Pilates
and his wife, Clara, opened a
I'ilates studio in New York in
192 1,
"I learned about Pilates In
watching an Infomerclal about
it. There were celebrities that
were telling stories about how it
worked for them. I hey showed
some celebrity before and
Pilates empha
after pictures, and I saw a great
difference. Soon, I'm going to
order the Windsor Pilates tape
so that I can see it it will work
for me said Tiercn Evans, sopho-
more family community scrvic es
Pilates was once the secret ot
dancers, athletes and celebrities
hut is now gaining more recogni-
tion From personal trainers and
physical therapists because ol its
effec is on general litness.
;izes repetition to build mind and body.
Most ot the exercises within
Pilales deal with controlling the
core of the body and strengthen-
ing the muscles of the abdominals
and hack. The locus is primarily
on the form of the movements
and not on repetition. Pilales
concentrates on exercising the
right way, using focused breath-
ing patterns instead of the
typical exercise-until-you-sweat
see PILATES page A6
Seniors getting ready for real world
Improving interview skills assists greatly in landing a job
As graduation looms
ahead, seniors prepare
Kven though graduation
Is still a few months away,
seniors should he hard at work
preparing to enter the job market.
They have many things to
consider: resumes, cover letters,
interview skills, professional
wardrobe and the slate' ol the
job market.
ECU'S Student Professional
Development Office, located in
the Career Services Building on
Fifth Street, has many resources
students can utilize.
"Seniors should have their
resumes done, and if not, come
by the Career Center immedi-
ately said Suzanne Martin,
assistant vice chancellor for
Academic Aiiairs.
She also went on to say
Student Professional DevelO-
ment is having their fourth
job fair of the year. The
education career fair will
be Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. - noon
in Meudenhall Student Center.
The tair is geared toward
education majors, but is open
to all students. Martin suggests
that seniors come to every job
fair because it gives students
experience interacting with
employers and "you never
know who will he there
The Careerenter offers-
many opportunities and
workshops for students. The
upcoming events are the "How
to work a Job lair" work-
shop today at 5 p.m. in 129
Speight. There will also he
a resume blitz Thursday, Feb.
26 at 5 p.m. in 129 Speight.
Besides workshops, the Career
Center's Web site also has ,i lot
to oiler. Seniors can post resumes
on e-recruiting. which has job
vacancy listings employers
can view. They also of tor muck
interviews lor Student to
review their interviewing skills
and learn what to improve.
"Right now I am resean h-
ing the companies that I would
like to work for to see what
different options are open,
since it Is too earl) to star) appl) -
ing said Jessica Jones, senior
communication major
The job market has recent!)
been in a slump, but it's up
seven percent from last year and
"The job market is always
what you make it as a person
Martin said.
Informational Intel u'ess
can help with networking.
Keep resumes on band al all times
just in case an Opportunity
comes along.
"Seventy five pencil I
nct PREPARE piyo A7

Black History celebrated at ECU
Performers salute
music of Motown
lehruary, commonly known
as Black History Month, is
designated to studying and
recognizing the triumphs
and trihulations of African
Americans. ECU offers many
programs to educate students
about the journey African Ameri-
cans took to hold the freedom
and power they possess today.
Activities included a walk
through the "funnel of Oppres-
sion" to an African American
Reading Day - both held
earlier this month.
However, the learning
doesn't stop there. Listening
to the music of Motown is
another way to experience Black
History Month at ECU.
On Saturday, Keh. 28,
Carroll V. Dashiell, director of
the ECU Jaz Ensemble, wants to
focus on the celebration of this
musical genre.
"A Tribute to Motown will
celebrate the artists who fought
for equality in the recording
industry and concert hall, and
broke down racial barriers with
music said Michael Crane,
director ol the School of fine
Arts and Communication.
A legacy of Motown is still
heard on the radio today with
hits like the Temptations'
"My Ciirl" or Otis Redding's
"Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
Millions of songs are still Mpu-
lar, exemplifying the success of
African American artists.
"Motown marks the first
time in American history where
music written, created and
produced by African Americans
not only reached widespread
audiences but also returned
revenues back to the individuals
who created the artistry in the
first place Crane said.
Berry (iordy created the most
successful independent record
label in 1964, Motown Records.
This lalwl is responsible lor the
development and popularity
of countless musical favorites.
The Temptations, Diana Ross and
The Jackson Five are just a few.
Musicians from across the
nation such as Aishah, a jazz
vocalist from Washington,
D.C along with Aaron Craves
and Bill lord on keyboard,
are set to perform at the concert.
Student musicians and area
artists will also be included.
A Tribute to Motown will
begin at K p.m. on Keh. 28.
Tickets are SS for students and
$10 for adults and are available
at the Central Ticket Office.
This writer can be contacted at
Event Info
A Tribute to Motown
Saturday, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m.
Wright Auditorium
Tickets are $5 tor students
and $10 for general admission
Contact Central Ticket Office
tor more Information
from page A5
of people get jobs through
networking you need to
expand who you know Martin
"If it was easy to do then
everyone would have a great
job it doesn't just happen
"I'm sending out gradua-
tion announcements to family
members. As far as career prepa-
ration goes, I've gone to the
career center for resume prepara-
tion assistance and interviewing
or job finding tips Mid Jeanne
Riley, senior communication
Many factors should be
considered when entering Into
the job market, including
what you have to offer to pro-
spective employers.
Martin said isolate your
best skills and learn how
to market yourself. When actu-
ally starting to look for vacan-
cies and applying for employ-
ment, certain things need to
be taken into consideration such
as appropriate wardrobe, trans-
portation, living independently,
cost of living and location.
"I am also checking out the
cost of living in the various
cities where I am looking
at moving to, because that's
a factor that you have to keep
in mind Jones said.
Martin suggests making
a game plan for the next
six months with goals and
objectives. Make sure goals are
realistic Most eople only gel a
10 percent return on the resumes
they send out.
Martin said the gen-
eral rule is for every year
ol education the person has,
it takes one to two months to lind
a job. So. for those graduat-
ing with a bachelor's degree,
expect to be job hunting four
to six months.
For more information call
This writer can be contacted at
teatures&theeas tcarolinian. com.

"How to work a Job Fair"
Today at 5 p.m.
129 Speight
Resume blitz
Thursday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m.
129 Speight
Education Career Fair
Friday. Feb. 27 at 9 a.m
Mendenhall Student Center
Attention ECU
(Students who have completed 45-60 credit hours)
If at least 30 of your credit hours were
completed at ECU (not counting Math 0001
or 0045), you are required to complete the
Sophomore Survey
before you can pre-register for either Summer or
Fall 2004 courses. When you submit your survey
responses, a "tag" is removed from your records
so that you can pre-register. Registration staff can
verify that your responses were received and that the
tag was removed.
You can complete the form beginning March 3rd by
going to the ECU "One-Stop" web site, entering your
ECU Exchange email userid and password to sign
on, and clicking on "Sophomore Survey" in the box
labeled "Surveys Messages will also be sent to your
ECU email account with links to the "One-Stop
You can also access the "One-Stop" from:
ECU on-line kiosks at Mendenhall Student Center,
Wright Place Cafeteria, the Austin Buiding, Joyner
Library East, and Cyber Cafe units located near the
center stairway in Mendenhall.
Please complete the survey as soon as possible
after the survey opens on March 3rcertainly
before sophomore pre-registration begins (shortly
after March 29). This will also help avoid delays
during pre-registration when the workload on
ECU computers is at a peak. The restriction on
registering will end on Aprtr26 when this Sophomore
Survey ends.
CALL 252-328-4799

Are you Jewish?
Get involved with
fellow Jews on
campus through
Next Event:
UNC Friday Night Dinner
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Names in the News
There are a few days before
the opening of The Passion of
the Christ, Mel Gibson's hotly
debated film about the final hours
of the life
of Jesus
H u t to n
seems to
have gone
off the deep
end, again.
In a surreal radio interview with Steve
Feuerstein of New York's WSNR.
set to air Monday, Hutton Gibson
said that deaths in the Holocaust
have been exaggerated, arguing
that many European Jews counted
as death camp victims of the Nazis
had in fact fled to countries such
as Australia and the United States
According to the New York Daily
News, the elder Gibson, an 85-
year-old practitioner of Catholic
traditionalism who has written
many tracts about his religious
beliefs, went on a rant against Jews
"They're after one world religion
and one world government said
"That's why they've attacked
the Catholic Church so strongly,
to ultimately take control over it by
their doctrine
This is probably not the best way
for Gibson to help market his son's
film, given the fact that Passion has
drawn the ire of many Jewish groups
(or allegedly portraying Jews in
a negative light
About historical reports on the
Holocaust. Gibson said, "It's all
- maybe not all fiction - but most
of it is
He also described a conspiracy
theory involving the Vatican (the
elder Gibson is an outspoken critic
of the pope), Jewish bankers, and
the U.S. Federal Reserve, sharply
attacking its chairman, Alan
"Greenspan tells us what to do.
Someone should take him out and
hang him said Gibson
Mel Gibson's spokesman, Alan
Nierob, would not comment on
the rant
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-
Defamation League told the New
York Daily News that Hutton Gibson's
words were those of a "classical
anti-Semite adding, "If it wasn't so
sad, it would be funny
Apparently when Michael Jackson
flew from Las Vegas to surrender
to authorities in Santa Barbara, Calif,
in November,
he forgot one
thing: to pay
for the trip.
So, he's
being sued.
Travel agent
Cynthia Montgomery, who filed
the $50,000 suit Wednesday, said
she has handled the King ot Pop's
travel arrangements for three years
Her suit says she has always paid
for charter air travel in advance and
been reimbursed by Jackson. But
she never saw any of the $18,000
it cost to charter the XtraJet plane
Jackson and his lawyers used.
No comment from Jackson's
Cynics have suggested that David
Gest is a
major gold
Why else
marry the
vodka-loving Liza Minnelli? We
think he's a true romantic.
And we're happy to report that
the music promoter, who's in
the middle of a nasty divorce
battle with the diva, may have
found himself a new love.
According to Us Weekly, Gest
has secretly become engaged
to someone else who seems to
enjoy the bottle: Motown goddess
and convicted drunken driver
Diana Ross.
Sources tell the mag the 59-year-
old singer hooked up with Gest.
49, when he comforted Ross after
her arrest for drunken driving In
Tucson, Ariz in 2002.

After the performances the first two weeks, I had really started to
doubt the talents of season three. However, last night's performances
were enough to restore my faith, leaving me begging for more.
Of course every week there always has to be someone who's not up
to par - this week it was "pen salesman" Jon Peter Lewis. 1 lis version
of "Tiny Dancer" ensured his "Idol" time is over.
It's a tough pick for who will make it tonight. Kxpect pink-haired
Amy Adams, country-girl Charly Lowry and LaT'oya London to be in
the top three with Adams and Dindon advancing to the finals.
? ?
Last night was a lot different than nights in the past because I found
myself not agreeing with the judges. Perhaps it can be attributed to
last week's abysmal performances, but the judges were far too lenient
on the contestants. The Simon comments we have come to love were
nowhere to be seen - and Randy was a bit tougher than normal.
Although I don't believe l.atoya London's performance was as great
as the judges did, it will be impossible to keep her out of the next
round. Amy Adams, Charly Lowry, and Leah I.abelle each have an equal
chance at second - but my money is on the NX. native, Lowry.
I was disappointed by last week's performances to say the least.
1 lowever, last night's eight contestants put the competition back on the
right track. Week three reestablished the purpose of the competition
? to find talented singers. Honorable mentions (and possibly wild
cards) go to F.ric Yoder, Jon Peter Lewis and Charly Lowry ? they all
sang well, but not well enough to make the top two. Two California
natives dominated last night's competition. Amy Adams, a 24-year-old
from Bakersfield, (A, and Laloya London a 25-year-old from Oakland,
CA are my picks to move on to the finals.
yf Number of accurate predictions
from page A5
Pilates has benefits for all
who practice. Pilates increases
flexibility and elongates the
Muscles will appear leaner
and will be stronger. Pilates
enhances performance in sports
and activities of daily routine.
Increased circulation, lung
capacity and improved posture
and balance are some health
benefits of Pilates.
Pilates DVD and video sets
are an alternative to practice
without having to venture to a
health center. There are many
different types of Pilates to
think about when choosing a
proper DVD or videotape.
Windsor Pilates is the new
trend created by Mari Wind-
sor. This style focuses more on
toning and sculpting the body
while losing weight. It does this
by providing a low-intensity,
calorie burning workout.
Windsor also utilizes
sequencing of controlled move-
ments in order to achieve lean
muscles and a defined body. Her
set of videos has sold more than
four million copies.
Pilates is so hot right now,
even Ml V has their own set of
DVDs on it. MTV Pilates is a
39-minute video for beginners.
Kristin McGee is the instructor
and is impressively flexible and
strong as she talks the viewers
through the breathing exercises
and the controlled movements
with simplicity.
"My roommates and I tried
Tae-bo together and then
Pilates using a video. We did il
because we wanted to try out
new, fun ways to exercise said
l.ori Cherry, senior accounting
"I enjoyed doing Pilates
better because of the breath-
ing techniques. The breathing
made me focus more on my
movements and it's a lot slower
than Tae-bo
Many Pilates videotapes
are available, but make sure
to research the product before
purchasing. Pilates has many
imitations, and that's why the
Pilates Method Alliance (PMA)
was created. PMA was formed in
1999 as the national professional
organization for the Pilates
method of exercise.
The PMA set guidelines and
recommendations for Pilates
training programs to ensure that
Pilates remains a credible practice
and to discard instructors with
quickie training licenses.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A5
are The '80s Game, Battle of
the Sexes and The Worst Case
Scenario Game.
Other poplular hoard games
force players to get to know each
other or test how well competi-
tors already know each other.
Loaded Questions is a
board game that asks players to
predict how their teammate will
respond toa series of opinionated
Questions to the group
range from "If you could rid
the earth of three creatures,
which three would you dispose
of?" or "On a scale of 1 - 10, how
hard of a worker are you?" The
person reading the question has
to guess who answered in which
Sometimes there is a
reversal and everyone in the
group has to guess how the
person reading the question
will answer.
While many students play
board games, some prefer to stick
to a simple deck of cards.
"The only games I play are
card games. You don't need to
spend money on a pre-pack-
aged board game - you can play
dozens of games with one deck
of cards said Ben Mcl.awhorn,
freshman undecided major.
This writer can be contacted at

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
2 25 04
Softball Officials Meeting
The Intramural Department at the SRC is looking for Softball officials for the
spring 2004 season The meeting will be today at 9 p m in 202 SRC
Rock Climbing
The adventure program will be going to Pilot Mountain March 6-7
Harnesses and gear are provided The registration deadline is Friday. Feb.
27 Pre-trip meeting is March 2
Spring Break trip
The Adventure program is organizing a multi-element Kayak trip to the
Florida Everglades Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 3 Pre-trip
meeting is Thursday, March 4 The trip includes Hiking, Kayaking, Climbing
and Canoeing.
Smoke & Mirrors
Hollywood s Smoke and Mirrors, Fitness, is today from 5 p.m6 p.m Learn
how the media manipulate images to fit an unreal ideal You may not believe
your eyes! This interactive program includes a short video and discussion
on how to fight back and recognize and respect our uniqueness
For more information, call 328-6387
Sports Briefs
Bing Named Conference USA Player of the Week
ECU senior Erroyl Bing has been named the Conference USA Mens
Basketball Player of the Week for the period ending Feb 22. Bing averaged
a double-double to lead the Pirates to consecutive home wins last week
over Tulane and TCU Bing is the second player to earn the weekly honor
since ECU joined C-USA in 2001 -02 Fellow senior Gabriel Mikulas earned
the accolade once last season. Bing helped ECU two home wins last
week over Tulane and TCU, averaging a double of 15.0 points and 12.0
rebounds per game. He opened the week on Feb 18 against the Green
Wave with 12 points and 11 rebounds in ECU'S 76-66 victory Bing followed
thai performance with an 18-point, 15-rebound outing versus the Horned
Frogs this past Saturday His 15 rebounds against TCU were a season high
Bing s double-doubles were the fifth and sixth of the season and the 24th
and 25th of his career, third most among active players His 15-rebound
performance against TCU propelled him into second place on the ECU
all-time rebounding list with 907 career boards
Water Polo defeats JMU on Saturday
The ECU women's club water polo team competed this past weekend at a
tournament in Richmond, VA where they played to a 1 -3 start for the spnng
season The victory came on Saturday evening against James Madison
University in a scrappy 4-3 match Kristen Smith led the way for the Lady
Pirates with a pair of goals while Christy Herron and Courtney Silliman
each tallied a score for ECU In a tournament where the Lady Pirates
squared off against JMU, Richmond and UVA, Smith was ouk.anding in
every match, combining for 11 goals in four games Kristine Lindsey also
had a great tournament with three assists and superior defense Courtney
Silliman played in goal as well as in the field showing her versatility and
playing with great energy and enthusiasm In addition, new team member
Hunter Fink adjusted well to the fast-paced and physical game See page
A12 for statistics
Cincinnati center leaving team
University of Cincinnati junior center Robert Whaley has left the basketball
team lor personal reasons, head coach Bob Huggins announced Monday
The 6-10. 260-pound Whaley was averaging 6.2 points and 2 7 rebounds
in 20 games this season Whaley, who started the first three games of the
year, underwent arthroscopic knee surgery on Dec 3 Whaley tallied a
season-high 17 points in the win at Houston on Feb. 7. The Bearcats, who
jumped to No 12 in the USA TodayESPN Coaches poll and to No 15 in
the Associated Press rankings, host Saint Louis on Wednesday night in
Fifth Third Arena at Shoemaker Center
AP Top 25
1 Stanford23-01
2 Saint Joseph's24-02
3 Pittsburgh24-25
4 Gonzaga23-26
5 Duke22-33
6 Oklahoma St.21-27
7 Mississippi St21-24
8 Connecticut21-58
9 Kentucky19-49
10 Texas19-411
11 Wake Forest17-615
12 North Carolina16-716
13 Providence18-519
14 NC Slate17-613
15 Cincinnati18-517
16 S Illinois22-220
17 Arizona17-714
18 Georgia Tech19-718
19 Memphis19-423
20 Kansas17-621
21 Louisville17-610
22 Wisconsin17-612
23 Illinois18-5
24 Utah St22-2
25 Texas Tech19-722
Pirates blank winless Aggies, 2-0
ECU improved their winning streak to eight games for this season after squeaking out a 2-0 win over the NC A&T Aggies.
bawhom's solo homer
propels ECU to 8-0
It was the perfect clay for a
classic defensive battle - cloudy
and cold with impending rain on
the horion. Players from both
squads were decked out in long
sleeves, and the only thing hot
on the diamond was the pitch-
ing. The undefeated Pirates were
able to hold off the winless NC
A&T Aggies on a chilly afternoon
yesterday, despite suffering from
a small offensive letdown.
"You got a team you're sup-
posed to beat, they're 0-8 and
we're 7-0, if you look in the text-
hook under letdown, that's the
exactly situation we got said
Head Coach Randy Mazey.
"We talked about it and we
try to avoid it. There is not a very
good crowd and it's a cloudy day
with threatening rain and they're
US iist human nature tells you
guys aren't going to play as hard
and we were guilty of it
Junior Carter llarrell got the
nod for the Pirates on the hill,
llarrell, along with relief from
Scott Andrews and Dustin Sasser,
helped ECU collect Its'third shut-
out in eight games this season.
Aggie starter Toby Middleton
was almost equally as impres-
sive, holding the Pirates score-
less through six innings before
surrendering a run in both the
seventh and eighth frames.
llarrell got oil to8 rough Star!
in the first inning as NC A&T was
able to move runners to second
and third with only one out. Hut
the right-hander pitched out of
the jam and neither team was
able to mount an offensive threat
until late in the game.
Designated-hitter Drew
Costanzo finally put the Pirates
in excellent position to get on the
board when he led off the bottom
of the seventh with a double to
left-center. Mark MlnlCOZZi'S
s.h rifiee fly plated pinch-runner
Brian Cavanaugh later in the
I he red-hot Trevor l.awhorn,
who leads the team in hits and
Rill, added an insurance run
in the eighth when his tower-
ing solo blast, his fourth of the
season, gave ECU a 2-0 lead.
Andrews pitched three and
one third innings, striking out
three to pick up the win in his
first appearance of the season.
Harrell struck out five and walked
one in four innings of work.
Sasser capped off the shutout,
avoiding a late Aggie rally in the
ninth. The freshman left-hander
struck out Charlie Gamble and
forced catcher Ben Teasley, who
was three for four NC A&T, to line
out to l.awhorn at second to end
the game.
"That's our third shutout in
see BASEBALL page A12
Men's basketball team playing inspired
The Pirates have two
straight C-USA wins
Winning has not come easily
for the men's basketball team this
year. With a few exceptions and
not counting preseason, there
seemed to tie a common theme
of the games Their friability in
finish games and losing by less
than 10 in games would make
Dick Vitale go crazy. It's pretty
obvious these two are related.
The Tulane contest started a
stretch of games that were must-
wins. So I sat in Minges last
Wednesday in my usual scat, pre-
paring for what I thought was the
biggest game of the season.
I glanced over toward sec-
tion 111, where the core of the
Minges Maniacs sit, and saw the
usual people, future Maniacs
President Seth llorton was there
on the front row dressed in his
Maniacs T-Shirt, and El Ciringo
was dressed in his usual attire -
purple wrestling mask, a black T-
shirt with a skull on it and purple
sweat pants. There was the guy
who calls himself Sign (iuy- you
guessed it, he had a sign.
I he sign simply said
"I IMSU" in big letter.
F.CU played well, but the
scoreboard didn't reflect it with
only a two point halftone lead.
The Pirates fought hard and even -
tually won by 10. The dagger of
close games was finally in F.CU's
hands instead of in their hearts.
This game was almost a
mirror image of every conference
game I've seen. One team got a
big lead, lost it, and then ECU
would get down, and whoever
see HOOPS page A12
The Pirates put everything together in the last two games.
Conference USA indoor track
championships this weekend
The Pirates had a big showing at last year's C-USA meet.
Pirates are ready to
defend C-USA crown
Pirates travel to the
Lonestar state
The ECU men's and wom-
en's track teams will travel to
the University of Houston to
compete in the Conference
USA indoor championships this
Ihe event will begin on
Friday at 8 a.m. and conclude
the next day with the award
presentation at S p.m.
Men's Head Coach Bill
Carson believes his team will
compete strongly in a number
of events.
"I think we'll do pretty well
in the 400 meters. We have
three kids ranked in the lop
eight. We should do well in the
800 meters. We have two kids
ranked in Ihe top eight in that
event. In the weight throw, Eric
Irazier leads C-USA, so I expect
him to do exceptionally well. We
also should have a good showing
in the 4 X 400 meters, the distance
medley, the 60 meters with
Demarcus Fox, and the 200
The l.ady Pirates will be
led by Darneshea Jones in the
60 and 200 meter races, Lauren
Miller, Simone Baptiste and
Brie Berkowitz in the 500, Tara
DeBrielle in the 800,
Johanna Allen in the 5,000
meters, Colleen McGinn
in the High Jump, Taminie
Mentel in the Pole Vault, and
Alisha Hopkins in the long
The theme ol defending
champs is the same on the
women's side, as Houston
comes in as the favor-
ite and defending champ.
liikets are on sale for $5.
This writer can be contacted at
Others receiving votes- Syracuse 80, Charlotte 78. Kent St 76, Michigan
St 68, Air Force 55. W Michigan 45. South Carolina 39. LSU 28. Seton Hall
20. Dayton 15. Vanderbill 15, ETSU 12. Manhattan 12. Boston U 10, Florida
10. UAB 10. Oklahoma 8, George Washington 1
1CU favored to win
conference tittle
Ihe Lady Pirates swim team
finished the regular season with
an 8-2 record and will look to win
a conference championship. The
Conference USA Championship
starts today, lib. 26, and will
take place through Fridav Feb.
28 in Houston, Texas. The 111
men finished their dual meet
season 6-4 and will take place
in the C-USA Invitational also
in Houston, Texas Feb. 26-28.
"We're going in ready to
roc k and roll here I he girls are
defending champs, so we have
everybody gunning lor us Uight
now, on paper, II is the favorite
with (;inc innati and us breathing
down their necks. On the guys
side was a solid second last year.
TCU is favored there but again
it will be Cincinnati and I i I
trying to dethrone them said
Coach Hick Kobe.
"We're in the hunt and a lot
of teams are never in the hunt.
It's one ol Hie lastest meets in the
country. We're excited to be one
ol the players
Ihe I ady Pirates only fell to
Virginia Tech and NC State on
the road while posting impres-
sive wins over Louisville, Ouke
and UNC-Wilmington. The
l.ady Pirates also finished eighth
in the Nike l up held in Chapel
Hill. The women's swimming
and diving team got revenge on
NC State, beating them out even
though losing to them in dual
meet action.
Ihe women will be led by
junior Diane Parker. Parker was
named C-USA Swimmer of the
Week on three separate occasions.
The junior will try to uphold her
C-USA Swimmer of the Year, an
see SWIMMING page A9
Men's soccer club reaches final
The ECU men's soccer club
reached the final of the A.C.
Moore Invitational tournament
at the University of Florida, hut
tell to number five, nationally
ranked Auburn University on
penalty kicks. That final capped
a six-game run against highly
competitive teams.
Ihe team took on Georgia
lech to start out tournament
group play, ECU won on Ty
laistc's only goal of the game
early on when he slid in to beat
the keeper to a ball played over
the lop.
I he game proved to be rough
for the team as both team cap-
tains I)J Jarmon Jr. and Chris
lurnbull were taken out with
knee injuries and were unable
to play for the rest ol the tour-
"DJ and I had a tough time
watching our teammates play
without us said lurnbull.
"They played six games in
less than 36 hours and never
let up
ECU'S Saturday morning
game would be the lirst it their
two meetings with Auburn Uni-
versity. Two more players were
sidelined with injuries, leaving
the team only two subs for this
Victor penetrated the Auburn
defense several times, hut was
unable to get the ball in the net.
In all, the team played hard, but
was unable to hold on and lost
Still without a full bench, the
Pirates took on the University of
South Carolina in an afternoon
match in the beautiful Florida
see SOCCER pageA9

2 2b 04
from page A8
sunshine. Goalkeeper Matt
Hayek played big, keeping his
slate clean with an awesome
sliding save and also helped on
of tense when I aiste volleyed one
ot his punts into the USC net.
I aisle would score again on a hall
played through by Justin Lucas,
helping K U to a 2-0 win and a
berth in the quarterfinals.
Clemson University was
i?' U's quarterfinal opponent
and In this game something
just clicked and the Pirates
dominated. Clemson kept the
game close, hut Matt Clair, Doug
Powell, Ahmid Kami and Danny
Galtegher were impenetrable.
(luce again, I aiste came
through for the Pirates and
scored on a through ball. Justin
Lucas and Garrett Cobb played
strong in the middle. McGinn is
saved a corner oft the line to
hold the shut out and advance
the team In the semifinal.
Sunday morning's semifinal
matches featured Auburn Uni-
versity against the University of
Florida and ECU against Florida
State. TaistegOt LCD's first goal
on a rebound from a shot taken
in Victor.
In the second half, Victor
got his first goal of the weekend
when he ran onto a ball played
c iver t he top, faked out the keeper
and slotted it into the back of the
net. Florida State came back with
a late goal, hut ECU held on to
.kI .nice to their first final in
The soccer club played strongly in Florida last weekend.
over a year.
"No one thought we were
going to make it as far as we did,
but the team stepped it up and
played great" said goalkeeper and
club president Matt Hayek.
In a rematch of a game
earlier in the weekend, Auburn
would take on ECU for the
final. Auburn struck first with
a header goal on a cross. Joey
Parker countered for the Pirates
on a breakaway to tie the score
at one. At the end of regulation
and two sudden death overtime
periods, the score remained
deadlocked 1-1, sending the
game to penalty kicks. Auburn
made four shots to ECU'S two
and took the victory.
"We came so close. I applaud
both teams for a great final
match and I've got to hand it to
our team for playing so strong
despite all the injuries said
Justin Lucas.
ECU women's rugby team
perseveres past problems
I he ECU women's rugby
team played NC State this
weekend and only came out of
the game with one tri. Kristen
l).i is made a brilliant intercep-
tion mid-field, ran the ball down
and passed off to supporter
Kvan Whited, who scored sec-
onds before being tackled. Jack
I.eBlanc and Dianne Rodrique
put up a steady fight against NC
Slate's lough hackline, but LCD
couldn't hold them.
The girls have a 1-2 record
now and lace Duke University
on Friday.
ECl! VViimen's Rugby team
has had a rough start to the
Spring 2004 season. With no
Coach and the loss of many
girls due to graduation, course
load and other circumstances,
the girls have had a tough and
interesting three games.
ECU Women's Rugby team
won their first home game
against Western Carolina
University on Feb. 7 with an
overwhelming score of 88-10.
Rookie Christina Jarosinski
scored her first tri 23 seconds
into the game, followed by two
additional tries later on. F.CU's
score just multiplied from there.
Sophomore Amanda Winar, who
spent last semester on the injured
list, broke the women's current
record by scoring five tries of her
own. Other top scorers included
Kristen Davis with three tries, Li
McBride and Tasha Pennamon
with two tries each, and Ryan
Whited scored once and kicked
four conversions.
With such an ego-boosting
start to the season, it is not a
surprise that the girls held their
own against the University
of Greensboro on Feb. 14. In
rugby, each team has 15 players
on the field at a time, but ECU
couldn't seem to match numbers
and traveled to the muddy fields
with only 13 players on board.
While many teams would've
given up and forfeited, the girls
were determined to battle for
The game started out rough,
with Greensboro scoring three
tries and a kick before ECU
even counterattacked. Captains
Li McBride and Ryan Whited
pulled the team together and
kept their spirits high, finally
scoring before the hall
"At half-time our girls were
ready to gel back out there and
win. The score renewed their
spirit and we were ready to
comeback said McBride.
the final score was Greens-
boro 36, LCD M. McBride,
Winar, Davis and Nichole Peebles
all scored and proved that a team
of 13 can succeed under any cir-
"We've had a rocky start to
this season because of our lack
of players, but the girls we have
put their whole heart into the
game It would have been greal
to win, but we'll take this loss
with pride said Whited.
from page A8
award that she won last year.
Parker holds ECU records in the
200 Individual Medley and in
three other strokes. Parker won
the 200 1M at the Nike Cup and
finished second in the 100-yard
The versatile swimmer is
seeded lirsl in the 200 IM, 100
fl) and 100-breaslstroke head-
ing into the conference cham-
pionship. Parker has swum the
event three seconds faster than
anyone in C-USA thus far. The
junior will take part in several
relays that have been seeded first
according to lastest times swum
this year. I hose relays include
(he women's 200 IM and the
800 freestyle.
Diving will also play a role
in determining the conference
wimur 11 I sophomore Lucy
Hicks will lead the Pirate attack.
Hicks was named C-USA Diver
of the Week on two separate
occasions. Freshman Ashley
Gelsomin and sophomore Abbey
I lillen will compete for the Lady
Pirates in the platform diving
The Lady Pirates have the
best shot at winning the con-
ference championship and
should be the favorite. ECU will
need strong performances from
Parker, Jennie Meade and the
relays in order to bring home
the championship.
The men will take part in
the C-USA Invitational. The
men's swimming and diving
team finished their season with
wins over Louisville, Davidson
and Duke.
( asey Cronln will lead the
way on the men's side. Cronin
is seeded first in the 200 free,
fourth in the 200 IM and fifth
in the 100 tree. The junior will
also take part in the 800 free
relay, which has the Pirates
seeded third.
Robbie Derr will also play a
part in the Pirates' chances to
do well in Houston. Derr will
lead the diving effort, which
is an essential part ol ttie meet
because of the reliance on the
select group of individuals. Derr
is the favorite to win the one-
meter, three meter and platform
diving competitions.
Personal bests will be broken
as both the men and women will
have plenty of rest. Neither team
has competed since a dual meet
against UMBC on Feb. 7. The
nearly three-week layoff has
given the Pirates the drive to
bring home a conference cham-
This writer can be contacted at
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6 Military vehicle
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14 Burgundy wine
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16 Child's
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18 Call
22 Did some garden
23 Wages
24 Andrew Uoyd
Webber play
25 Stock-still
29 Computer
30 III temper
33 Radames love
34 Give a hand
36 Lawn tool
38 2000 Olympics
41 Yams
42 Urge, indefinite
43 Cabin material
44 Arch
45 So long
47 Whichever
49 culottes
50 Kick the bucket
51 Groups of eight
54 Reports
59 Per-umt payment
61 Reader's card
62 Small pie
63 Buffalo's lake
64 Bring joy
65 Chips off the old
66 Beatty film
67 Continue a
1 Learns via
monkey see,
monkey do
2 Connection
3 Against: pref
4 Carol
5 Rank indication
6 Harbor protection
1?341'8911112?3 1
? 2000 Tntxirw M?? Ser?icn. Inc
AH rights rrarvrt
7 Merino mamas
8 Moray
9 Before hostilities
10 Dull pans
11 Crude cross
12 Sound quality
13 Just got by
19 Caresser
21 Capricious
24 Thicket
25 Abstains from
26 Qatar currency
27 Strangely
28 Billy of Titanic"
29 Singer Abdul
30 Ice house?
31 of terror
32 Expunge
35 Goes on and on
and on
37 Tim of The
39 Contents of a will
40 Singer Shania
Si0Hsn nS13130
&$jlBMii VQ? sNV1
1U!d 0dI3 Z0d1
? s1?V1
a1a31msii111X S
3NoHd313i1?31N 3
46 Solution
48 Homesteader
49 Splinter groups
50 Mitts
51 Chooses
52 Hello, Paolo!
53 Beach bird
54 Crisscross
55 Hearty mate9
56 Algerian seaport
57 Carryall bag
58 Fret
60 Mine find
Attorney (317)996-2000 lic
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4542 for further information.
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box 7207, Greenville, NC 27858-
Make money taking Online
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Congratulations to our sisters
of the week: Alpha Delta Pi,
Laura Whitehead; Alpha
Omicron Pi, April Mallett; Alpha Pi,
Stephanie Warren St Jessica Davis,
Zeta Tau Alpha, Laura Lever; Alpha
Zi Delta, Brandy Albracht, Kelly
Kline, Si Jenni Hatrman; Delta
Zeta, Victoria Mclntosh; Sigma
Sigma Sigma, Whitney Lewis;
and Kappa Delta, Carrie Oneal.
Also, we would like to recognize
our new members of the
week: Alpha Delta Pi, Amanda
Davies; Alpha Omicron Pi,
Kate Guntesk; Alpha Phi,
Dena Mazie; Zeta Tau Alpha,
Lindsay McCargo; Alpha Zi Delta,
Kristi Vestal; Delta Zeta, Megan
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Water Polo
First Collegiate Water Polo
Tournament of the Semester
Richmond, VA - at University of Richmond
Feb. 21
Gamel -11.10am vs. UVA
Score 4-8 (loss)
Goals: Leigha Hammond -1
Knsten Smith - 3
Game 2 - 300 p.m. vs University of Richmond
Score: 9-7 (loss in overtime-played a man down
for a whole quarter and all of OT)
Goals Knsten Smith 3
Stephanie Buzard 3
Kat Carney 1
Game 3 - 5:40 p m vs James Madison University
Score: 4-3 (WIN)
Goals: Knsten Smith 2
Christy Herron 1
Courtney Silliman 1
Feb. 22
Game4-1000a.m.vs UVA
Score: 9-3 (toss)
Goals Knsten Smith 3
Olympics last hope for women's basketball
Sheryl Swoopes already has won
an NCAA title at Texas lech, two
Olympic gold medals with USA
Basketball and four WNBA titles
with the Houston Comets.
Slu has given birth to a son,
returned to form after major knee
surgery and toured the world
playing games.
Nothing should scare her,
anymore. Hut it does.
The tutureol women's profes-
sional sports leagues in America
frightens her terribly.
"from what I can see, it just
doesn't seem fair said Swoopes,
"But they tell me, life isn't
always fair
Swoopes was in Jacksonville
this past weekend training
with the USA Women's Basket-
ball team, preparing for this
Summer's Olympic Games in
Athens, Greece.
For the USA men's team,
these Games will be just another
platform for the NBA's well-oiled,
worldwide marketing campaign.
Win or lose, very little will
For the USA women's team,
it's about survival now, an almost
circle-the-wagons, last stand for
the WNBA, a league in serious
need of new enthusiasm, new
fans and new life. Success or
failure - both on and off the
court - in Athens could change
Since the 1996 Olympics hi
Atlanta - a showcase time in
America for female athletes and
a glory day for their team sports
- five different professional
leagues for women have been
Four of those have folded.
Only the WNBA remains, and
it's not exactly burgeoning.
Launched with fanfare after
Swoopes and her teammates were
hailed for their gold-medal per-
formance in Atlanta, the WNBA
has seen both highs and lows in
its seven seasons.
With major assistance from
the NBA - which has provided
national television coverage
and major corporate sponsor-
ship with its marketing muscle
- it expanded from eight to 14
teams and rode to unprecedented
heights for a women's league.
But the momentum has failed
to build. Teams folded in Miami
and Portland, learns were sold
and moved from Orlando and
Salt Lake City.
Attendance leaguewide has
slipped slightly from the first
couple of seasons. Crossing
gender lines has been difficult.
Television ratings have been
tepid. There was no real outcry
when the Orlando Miracle left
for Connecticut two years ago.
There was never any real attach-
ment here.
The WNBA almost collapsed
last spring, before its seventh
season, when owners threatened
to cease operation unless the
players agreed to a labor agree-
ment that capped salaries at a
minimal level.
Still there was an average
team-operating deficit last season
of almost $1 million. Then the
warning light really started flash-
ing when the WUSA-a women's
soccer league with marketable
stars launched in 1999 - folded
in September.
"When the soccer folded, I
started calling friends and said
Guys, we're in trouble It's scary
where we are now Swoopes said
after practice Friday.
"It not only hurt women's
soccer, it hurt us. It's no secret
our league is struggling. I've
heard too many people say, it's
only a matter of time before it
happens to us
Val Ackerman, president of
the WNBA, said she believes the
future is bright for her league.
The demise of women's soccer
was startling. After the USA
Soccer team attracted 90,000 fans
in the Rose Bowl for a World Cup
match the league looked primed
to flourish.
Still, it failed.
HOOPS from page A8
their opponent was had a 100
percent tree throw shooter that
would just end it right there.
Finally, ECU was able to get
to the line and make their free
throws when it counted - at the
Bill I lemon walked through
the line with his drenched light
blue dress shirt and half-done tie
and shook the hands of lulane
players and coaches.
He then turned right to sec-
tion 113 and raised his hands in
victory. The crowd was going
crazy and llerrion never looked
To make things even belter,
HI' comes to town. Their 71-46
whipping of Louisville gave them
extra momentum. The game was
close and ECU hit tree throws
down the stretch again to hold on
to a five-point victory giving the
Pirates three conference wins and
llerrion another dramatic victory
celebration in front of screaming
With this team starling to
do exactly what Sign Guy had
hoped for, FINISH, I can easily
say that no one will want to play
this team in Cincinnati in the
Conference USA tournament.
While they are not officially
in yet, they should get there.
Hopefully, ECU will be able
to bus Sign Guy and his sign
to Cincinnati as a reminder of
what they are finally starting to
The writer can be contacted at
from page A8
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eight games and that's hard to
beat Mazey said.
"As long as we keep pitching
the way we are, we're going to
win a lot ol games
Lawhorn went 2-of-4 as his
batting average climbed to .469
for the year while Costanzo,
Jamie Paige, Uarryl I.awhorn
and Rvan Jones also picked up
The Pirates will face Clemson
and Georgia Southern twice in
three days in the Keith I eClair
Invitational this weekend.
"Some guys are going to have
to compete at the plate, both of
these teams are loaded with
pitching. We're going to face the
beat arms we've faced all season
Mazey said.
This writer can be contacted at
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The East Carolinian, February 25, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 25, 2004
Original Format
3cm x 2cm
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University Archives
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