The East Carolinian, February 17, 2004

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Volume 79 Number 117
February 17, 2004
Classes continue despite snowy conditions
Council votes to allow
building on floodplain
Students and faculty walk to class through central campus Monday morning after a snow and ice storm hit Greenville Sunday night.
ECU Teaching Fellows hold book drive for Isabel victims
Donations include
money, books
The ECU North Carolina
Teaching Fellows Service Commit-
tee held a book drive Saturday to
help Outer Banks schools replen-
ish books that were destroyed
when Hurricane Isabel slammed
ashore last September.
The drive received about 500
books and $100 in donations
according to Ben Fonville, junior
music education major and co-
chairperson for ECU Teaching
The books donated ran
the gamut everything from
1970s-era National Geographic
magazines, textbooks, novels
and children's books lined the
collection boxes.
Faculty members were also
ready to help. Dot Satterfield,
Ph.D and professor emeritus of
the ECU school of art, stepped
in with a donation of more than
75 books and another donation
totaled S200.
The event came to fruition
through many Teaching Fellows
Service Committee meetings.
The two locations selected for
the book drive, Greenville K-mart
and Greenville Nissan, were more
than happy to lend a hand.
"It's a great thing, the com-
munity has been hit hard said
Patrick Whitesell, sophomore
English education major.
"This drive is a drop in the
bucket compared to what needs
to be done, but it's a step in the
right direction
Fonville said the Teaching Fel-
lows are representing the service
community by doing activities to
benefit the communities around
Halteras-llyde County.
Committee members, who
were present at both locations,
said they were happy to be
involved in the book drive.
"I think it's a wonderful
cause said Heather Colosky,
sophomore elementary educa-
tion major.
Fonville said fliers had been
sent out during the month of Feb-
ruary, and they placed ads with
The Daily Reflector and WITN-7.
People donating books or money
also had the opportunity to reg-
ister for a chance to win dinner
for two from area restaurants.
Ragazzi's, Riverside Steak Bar,
Mesh Cafe, Tokyo Japan and
Carolina Pizza and Pasta Works
all donated tickets.
"Some restaurants gave $20
certificates - others, two entrees.
They were very generous said
The K-mart and Greenville
Nissan locations were chosen
for their accessibility and coop-
"K-mart was the only depart-
ment store that would allow us to
do this Fonville said.
"A lot of businesses have strict
solicitation policies
Jesi Knowles, co-chair of ECU
Teaching Fellows Service Com-
mittee and sophomore English
education student, previously
worked for Greenville Nissan and
had no trouble convincing them
to allow the book drive space in
their show room.
"They've been really nice to
us said Knowles.
This writer can be contacted at
news�theeastcarolinian. com.
More than 75 books were donated at the drive.
The Council voted 5-1 to approve floodplain
developments in northern Greenville.
Horizon's plan amended, new
cameras for traffic lights approved
The city council met Thursday evening
and approved I lorizon's Community Plan for Green-
ville and an automated red light citation program.
Representatives for Horizon said the plan
was amended to discourage residential
construction in the floodplain because it would
be difficult, if not impossible, to build on.
They recommended the area be used for parks
Residents of northern Greenville spoke in
opposition during the public hearing and said limi-
tation of use in the floodplains could hurt property
values. They asked to allow development where
flooding isn't as likely.
Attorney Phil Dixon spoke toward development
and ECU's plan for a recreation center.
Residents fought for the recreation center, calling
it a "ray of hope
Many feel such developments would ease
economic hardships faced by those on
Greenville's north side. Residents there said they
feel left out because they don't have gas stations
and grocery stores.
"We're part of Pitt County and the rest of Green-
ville said one resident.
Others fought to keep the original plan. I leather
Jacobs, river keeper, said it would be difficult to have
development there.
"There was a reason why they prohibited the
development said Jacobs.
Bob Christian is one of the people who worked
on the plan. He said he was "shocked" at what he
heard because he never heard those complaints
Christian said even if homes are built high off
the ground, if a flood occurs, the height will not
protect their electricity, water supply or ability to
leave the home.
After the hearing, the council discussed
what should be done with the plan.
Councilwoman Rose Glover said it wasn't
fair for them to make decisions lor the people
living on the north side of the river. She said
nobody would ever build stores in a place where
no one lived.
"We're continually shutting off another part of
the city said Glover.
Councilwoman Pat Dunn said they
needed to lake more time to discuss before she could
vote. The council disagreed and voted to keep the
Horizon's Plan with some revisions, allowing lor
some development in the floodplains.
The council also discussed and approved
see COUNCIL page A2
Winter storm drops snow
on parts of North Carolina
Local TV news anchor gives career advice
RALEIGH, (AP) �Up to
7 inches of snow collected
on portions of North Carolina
by Monday morning, with
most of the wintry precipita-
tion confined to the northern
mountains and foothills, the
northern piedmont and coastal
plain, the National Weather Ser-
vice reported.
Snow and sleet accumu-
lations ranging between 3
and 6 inches stretched from
the northern foothills through
the northern piedmont, the
weather service said. Heavy
snow fell near the Virginia
border, where 7 inches was
measured in Reidsville in Rock-
ingham County late Sunday
No serious problems
were reported in Rockingham
County, said Billy Littrell,
a dispatcher for the sheriff's
Three inches of snow fell in
the northeast piedmont and up
to the Virginia border.
A winter storm warning
for central and northeastern
North Carolina was canceled
Monday morning as snow
and sleet tapered off after
More snow was possible
on Tuesday, the weather
service said. A strong high-
pressure system over southeast
Canada was forecast to force
cold air into North Carolina
and, coupled with another
area of low pressure, raised the
prospect fur more snow.
The further out to sea
the two weather systems
meet, the less likely inland
areas of the state would
see significant snow accumu-
"There's- still quite a
bit of uncertainty said
Scott Sharpe, a meteorologist
with the National Weather
see SNOW page A4
Kontji Anthony talks
resumes, income
More than 20 students gath-
ered in Joyner East Thursday to
hear professional advice from
Kontji Anthony, a news anchor
from WNCT-TV 9.
The National Broadcasting
Society broughl Anthony to
campus to prepare prospective
broadcasters for their future
Anthony spoke for an hour
during her visit, talking about
her career's ups and downs,
including hVr first real report-
ing job and a major pay cut she
received there.
Anthony said broadcasting
is not a good idea lor those who
value stability, since it requires
individuals to move frequently.
To succeed in the field, Anthony
said one must always be prepared
to apply elsewhere.
"They're producers always
recruiting they're always
looking for that talent said
She lectured on how to create
a resume tape when auditioning
for a broadcast job.
Anthony said there are key
things stations look for in a
reporter or an anchor In resume
tapes - the biggest are format,
content and versatility.
When it comes to a job in
broadcasting, Anthony said to
be prepared for lousy pay, no
life, long hours and compro-
mised safety.
"If you're willing to give that
200 percent, then they (televi-
sion stations know that you're
hungry Anthony said.
Anthony received her bache-
lor's degree in television and film
communications from Howard
University in Washington, D.C.
She began her reporting career at
KTVO-TV in Kirksville, Mo.
Anthony eventually became
an anchor and reporter for CBS
affiliates in Bakersfield and
Kontji Anthony offers experiences from the broadcast field.
Sacramento, Calif before join-
ing WNCT-TV 9 more than two
years ago.
Anthony won awards for her
work, including the 2003 Divi-
sion II Associated Press Award for
the Best Enterprise Story.
This is not the first time
Anthony has visited ECU.
"Anthony has shown great
enthusiasm for ECU said Carey
see ANCHOR page A2
Things to know before and alter
landing a reporting job:
Gel as many internships as possible
Know media laws
Get an AP stylebook
Take English and grammar courses
Prepare lor low-income living -
in most cases journalists start at
$14,500 or less
Black History Awareness
throughout February
What we now know as black history month was first celebrated on Feb. 1,1926 as Negro History Week by Carter G. Wood son.
� It became the month-long celebration we know today in 1976.
Feb. 3,1989 Bill White became the first black president of the National Baseball League.
Forecast tec required Online
High Of 47
Visit wwwtfieeastcarollnlaarjorn to read
about the reports Dial accuse 4,450 priests
of sexual abuse agahst cntten
NeWS pageA2
Democratic presidential hopeful John
Kerry answers questions about the war
In Iraq and Bush's military record.
Features pageA?
Spring Break is right around the comer.
TEC is taking a look at trips that are not
traditional for the season
Sports ppmp
start TTie team won its season opener
against UNC-Ashevle Saturday.
tan" forget to drop strangers
and Mends a compliment:
Today Is Random Acts of
Kindness Oay!

News Briefs
News Editor
Assistant News Editor
How to Work a Job Fair
Career Services presents a workshop on how to work a job fair today from
2 pm - 3 pm. in 1012 Bate
Introduction to Business Ownership
A workshop on how lo get started in business will be held Wednesday
from S 30 Dm- 7:30 p.m. in the Willis Building Auditorium
Summer Study Abroad Open House
The Foreign Languages Department and College t)f Business
will have a summer study abroad open house on Wednesday from
10 am - 5 pm in 3015 Bate Professors leading the trips and students
from past trips will be in attendance to discuss opportunities and
Drop Deadline Extension
The last day for undergraduate students to drop term-length courses or
withdraw from school without grades has been extended to Wednesday,
Feb 25 Block courses may be dropped only during the first 40 percent
of their regularly scheduled class meetings
Media Speaker
J K. Chambers, professor of linguistics at the University of Toronto will
speak on "Mass Media. Literacy and Your Language" Friday. Feb. 20 at 2
pm in 1026 Bate.
Habitat tor Humanity Yard Sale
ECU s Habitat for Humanity chapter will have a yard sale on Saturday, Feb.
21. from 6 am - noon at 102 Guinevere Lane in Camelot Proceeds will
benefit the Habitat Resale Store and Habitat of Pitt County.
Fulbright Lecture
Fulbright scholar Shahla Naghiyeva will give a lecture on her poetry
translation research of Azerbaijan and American literature on Monday,
Feb 23, at 4 p.m. in 1031 Bate
Faculty Senate Meeting
There will be a Faculty Senate meeting Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 2:10 p.m. In
MSC Great Room
Resume Blitz
Career Services presents a Resume Blitz, where students can have their
resumes critiqued on site Thursday. Feb 26, from 5 p m - 6 pm in 129
How to Work a Job Fair
Career Services presents a workshop on how to work a ob fair Wednesday,
Feb 25 from 5 pm- 6 pm in 129 Speight
Education Career Fair
There will be an Education career fair Friday, Feb. 27, from 9 a.m. - noon
in Mendenhall
Dances ot Universal Peace
The Office of Adult and Commuter Students Services sponsors the
Dances of Universal Peace Sunday. Feb 29, from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. in 244
Mendenhall The participatory event features simple circle dancing and
singing led by a trained leader and accompanied with live music
Belize Summer Study Abroad
There is an opportunity to study abroad in Belize, an English speaking
country, and gam three credit hours in English, ethnic studies, humanities
or other independent studies topics The program runs from May 29 - June
20 Space is limited For more information, contact Gay Wilentz at 328-6678
or wilentzg@mailecuedu
Sophomore Survey
Students who have completed 45-60 credit hours, including 30 from ECU,
must take the Sophomore Survey before pre-registering for summer or
fall 2004 semesters The survey will be available on OneStop beginning
March 3
Daily Reflector Scholarship
Students interested in media-related careers can apply for two of the
annual $2,500 James M Cox Jr Foundation Scholarships offered
by The Daily Reflector Applicants must be a junior at ECU with a
minimum of two full-time semesters remaining until graduation (excluding
summer school), show interest in a media-related career, have a
minimum 30 GPA in the last academic year and no grades below a C
in their major
Applications are due April 1 and can be obtained from Vicky Moms, director
of Donors Stewardship, Greenville Centre. Suite 1100 2200 S Charles Blvd.
For more information, contact Morris at 328-9573
Special Olympics Fundraiser
The ECU Police Department is raising funds for the North Carolina Special
Olympics T-shirts, hats and car magnets are available in the Blount House
from 8 a m - 5 pm
Paper Person
The person featured at the top of today s paper is Tony Sicelofl, sophomore
acounting major
Newton using generators for
economic development
NEWTON, N.C (AP) - A new marketing
campaign aimed at capitalizing
on Newton's unique power system
may help generate new industry
in a city hit hard by the economic
Newton officials recently mailed
hundreds of color brochures to
prospective companies that might
benefit from the city's use of on-
site generators at industries to
supplement its power system.
The program, termed "We've Got
the Power may be the only one
of its type in the country, industry
recruiters say
Bob Leak of the Leak. Goforth
Co, a Raleigh-based economic-
development consulting firm, knows
of no other city that has a similar
Leak helps companies select
expansion sites across the country.
"It's very unique said Leak of
Newtons program.
"I think it is very appealing and should
get a lot of attention
Doing that takes the industries off the
city's system, ensuring that they will
retain power.
The process was implerrinted during
the ice storm of December 2002.
Seven killed when minivan
collides with RV
ELLERBE, N.C. (AP) - Seven people
including four children died Saturday
when their minivan collided with a
motor home, a state trooper said.
Three other children were injured, two
of them critically. All of those dead or
injured were in the minivan. said
state Highway Patrol Sgt. J3T Burr
Two infants were among those killed,
said Highway Patrol Sgt. C.G. Logan
"Just a tragedy is what is was, just a
total tragedy said Burr
According to state Highway Patrol,
those killed are: Rocio Jimeniz
Castillo. 24; Rigo Jiminez. 24, Alicia
Jiminez, 25; Naivith Castelland
Jiminez-Meza. eight; Lionardo
Pacheco Jr two; Elvis Pacheco. 15
months; and Rosanra Jiminez-Meza,
13 months.
Jessica Jiminez-Meza, five; and
Alexander Pacheco, four, were both
in critical condition late Saturday
at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, a
hospital spokeswoman said. Victor
Hugo Jiminez-Meza, two, was in
good condition.
All of them lived in Candor.
Gay marriage license
demands overwhelming
for same-sex marriage licenses
has been so great that on Sunday
officials turned away hundreds of
gay and lesbian couples lined up
outside City Hall, saying they simply
didn't have the time or resources to
meet all the requests San Francisco
authorities calculated they could
process 400 licenses during special
weekend hours but on Saturday they
granted 600 licenses and performed
270 weddings by late afternoon.
Then officials gave numbers to 320
couples securing them places in line
for Sunday
A look at U.S. military
deaths In Iraq
As of Friday, Feb. 13,537 U.S. service
members have died since the
beginning of military operations in
Iraq, according to the Department
of Defense. Of those. 373 died as
a result of hostile action and 164
died of non-hostile causes, the
department said The department
did not provide an update over the
The British military has reported
58 deaths; Italy, 17; Spain, eight:
Bulgaria, five; Thailand, two; Denmark.
Ukraine and Poland have reported
one each.
Since May 1. when President
Bush declared that major
combat operations in Iraq had
ended, 399 US soldiers have died
258 as a result of hostile action and
141 of non-hostile causes, according
to the military.
Since Ihe start of military operations,
2,629 US service members have
been injured as a result of hostile
action, according to the Defense
Department's figures as of Friday
Non-hostile injured numbered 410.
Afghan raids net three
arrests, seize arms and
terror-related material
KABUL Afghanistan (AP) - American
forces backed by warplanes sealed
off two villages in southern
Afghanistan and detained two
terror suspects Sunday, while Afghan
police and NATO-led troops in
Kabul made one arrest and seized
arms and terror-related material in
another raid.
As many as 60 U.S. soldiers
supported by warplanes sealed off
a pair of villages Sunday in southern
Helmand province and detained
two men Mulvi Abdul Ghafar and
Gul Agha suspected of ties to top
Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah,
local district leader Haji Amir said.
In a separate operation Saturday,
Afghan police and the NATO-led
security force raided a suspected
terrorist hideout in the Afghan capital,
detaining one person and seizing
arms and "terrorist-related material
said Rita LePage, a spokeswoman for
the International Security Assistance
Force that patrols Kabul.
No one was injured in the raid on
the home, where five women and 12
children were present, LePage said
LePage did not give the suspects
name or nationality, but he is not
considered a major terror figure. She
gave no further details.
Earthquake in northwest
Pakistan kills at least 21 people,
damages 400 homes
MANSEHRA, Pakistan (AP)
- Earthquake victims sat huddled
in the snow outside their damaged
homes in northern Pakistan on
Sunday, waiting for help to reach
the remote mountainous region
where two temblors killed at least
21 people.
At least 32 other people were injured
in Saturday's earthquakes, which also
damaged some 400 homes
The quakes, with magnitudes
of 57 and 5.5, hit an area of the
Hindu Kush mountain range about
90 miles northwest of Islamabad
Several small aftershocks were
reported late Saturday and
early Sunday.
Begum Zadi sat wrapped in a blanket
Sunday on a cot outside her damaged
home in the village of Khanian, afraid
another aftershock could cause the
house to fall. Like nearly everyone
else in the village, she spent the
night outside
Students, professor receive Helms awards
Scientific research
recognized by Sigma Xi
Sigma Xi, an honorary scien-
tific research society, held their
annual Awards and New Member
Induction Banquet recently.
Over 60 people attended the
event where researchers were hon-
ored for their scientific studies.
This year, Joseph Chalovich,
I'll.I), junior biology major Mat-
thew Cook and graduate student
Katrin Marancik received the
Helms Research Awards.
"IThellelmsResearch Awards)
recognize the importance of sci-
entific research in a university
community, but more impor-
tantly, recognize those members
of our ECU family, both students
and faculty, who have truly dis-
tinguished themselves in their
pursuit of scientific inquiry
said ECO Chapter of Sigma Xi
President Max Poole, Ph.D.
One professor, graduate
student and undergraduate stu-
dent are selected each year from
a list of nominees, said Poole.
Nominations were made
by peers or faculty advisors
who are members of Sigma Xi.
Cook's research has been
Katrin Marancik, graduate student, received the
Helms Award from Dr. Cindy Putnam-Evans,
President-elect of Sigma Xi.
Matthew Cook, junior biology major, was one
of the recipients of the Helms Award.
conducted over the past two and
a half years.
"It is truly a great honor to
receive such an award said Cook.
"I was proud to be recog-
nized in front of the people that
I respect at this university
The ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi
has awarded the Helms Research
Awards to deserving individuals
of ECU since 1987.
Ihe faculty award consists
of an honorary certificate and
a $500 cash prize. Students are
awarded an honorary certificate
and a 100 cash prize.
Mark Sprague, Ph.D, chair
of the Membership Committee,
led the induction ceremony.
Twelve new faculty mem-
bers and six new student
members were inducted into
the ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
f) Event
Sigma Xl's next event will be
a Spotlight Seminar featuring
the work of physicist John
Kenney, Ph.D.
The event Is Feb. 26 at 3:30
p.m. In 309 Science and
Technology Building.
Kerry's front-runner position
bolstered by Sunday debate
from page A1
Kerry says he will "do the work"
necessary to win Wisconsin's
Democratic presidential primary
Tuesday, even though he has
a hefty lead in the polls and
emerged largely unscathed from
debate with rivals trying to make
a likely last stand.
Howard Dean and John
Edwards were given several
chances to criticized Kerry during
a 90-minute debate Sunday night,
but they seldom took advantage.
Dean in particular was
uncharacteristically lenient on
his leading rival. At one point,
Dean rose to defend Kerry from
Republican attacks that he is
beholden to special interests,
even though Dean himself has
leveled similar charges.
"I think George Bush has
some nerve attacking anybody
about special interests said the
former Vermont governor.
Dean, still winless after 16
Democratic nominating contests,
has said he would make a stand
in the Wisconsin primary but is
trailing Kerry.
Some of his supporters,
including his national campaign
chairman, are urging him to
quit. Hut the former Vermont
governor insisted Sunday, "We
are not bowing out
Edwards also resisted sugges-
tions that the contest is over.
"Not so fast, John Kerry
the North Carolina senator said
after his Massachusetts colleague
declared he would beat Bush.
"We're going to have an
election here in Wisconsin this
Tuesday. And we've got a whole
group of primaries coming up.
And I, for one, intend to fight
with everything I've got for every
one of those votes
Kerry, winner of 14 contests,
said he's prepared for COP
attacks. "I am ready for what they
throw at me he said with all the
confidence that he will win the
But when he slopped by a
nearby pub where supporters had
just finished watching the debate,
he warned that the contest is not
yet over.
"I don't care what the polls
say said Kerry.
"There's on ly one way to make
certain of an outcome in an elec-
tion. It's get your voters out there,
turnout the vote and di i the work
Kerry's cordial treatment in
the debate added to the image
of the Democratic Party rallying
behind him as the presump-
tive nominee. Dean's campaign
chairman, Steve Grossman, said
if Dean loses Tuesday, he would
seek to marshal his political
network on behalf of the party
and Kerry.
"When Howard Dean says he's
not going to quit, what he means
is the battle lo restore democ-
racy and citizen participation
is long-term and he's not going
to quit on that battle Cruss-
man told The Associated Press.
During Ihe debate, Edwards
challenged Kerry's support of
trade agreements thai he said
have cost jobs in Wisconsin. He
also poked fun at Kerry's long-
winded response to a question
about whether he felt partly
responsible for the cost and
casualties of the Iraq war after
voting for it,
"That's the longest answer I
ever beard lo a yes-or-no ques-
tion said Edwards.
But Edwards, like the four
other candidates on stage, largely
Ionised on Bush. Edwards said
the president's honesty was an
issue, while AI Sharpton flatly
called Bush a liar for the evidence
he presented lo justify the war.
"He had members of the admin-
istration say they knew where the
weapons were said Sharpton.
"So we're not just talking about
something passing here. We're
talking about 500 lives. We're
talking about billions of dollars
Kerry avoided direct answers
to questions about his shifting
positions on trade, education
and Bush's anti-terrorism legis-
lation. He declined to debate the
president's Vietnam-era tenure
in the Air National Guard, but
used the question to criticize
Bush's handling of the Iraq war
and refer to his own decorated
service in Vietnam.
Martin, associate professor and
co-adviser for NBS.
"She was also a speaker at our
graduation last fall. Anthony is
successful on the local scene
she can give the perspective of a
woman and a person of color in
a field that is just now opening
up to it
This writer con be contacted at
from page A1
plans for an automated red light
enforcement citation program.
The program initially sets
cameras at 10 locations. The cam-
eras record the Intersection for 12
seconds after a light turns red.
If someone runs a red
light, a citation will be sent
to the owner of the car with
a code number. The person
can view the video with their
code number on the Internet.
The plan's purpose is to curb
accidents, like the recent fatal
accident on Charles Boulevard
where an individual ran a red
light almost five seconds alter
it changed.
This writer can be contacted

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President focuses on economy while in Florida
elee "Jon
lAMI'A. 11.1. (A I') � President
Bush COUfted voters Monday in
the stale that decided the 2000
election, arguing his tax cuts
are helping the economy and
suggesting Democrats would
endanger America's fiscal health
hy raising taxes.
Spending the President's
Day holiday In Horida, the
second day of his 19th visit
to the state as president, Hush
said the country is recovering
from its economic downturn.
He Named the recession, cor-
porate scandals, and the 2001
terrorist attacks for the problem,
but said his policies turned the
economy around.
I hose were a lot of
Obstacle! and hurdles tor our
nation to handle and yet our
economy is strong. I will argue
vociferously that one of the
reasons it is strong is because
the Congress wisely heeded
mycall and let people keep more
of their own money Bush told
employees gathered in a ware-
house of NuAir Manufacturing,
a small but thriving window and
door manufacturer.
"The tax relief plan you hear
some people maligning around
our country helped small busi-
ness growth
On the other side of the
state the day before, Bush opened
the Daytona 500 and watched
most of stock car racing's ulti-
mate prize. The appearance
included an Air horce One
flyover of the track, a partial
lap around the oval for Bush's
motorcade and nationally
televised shots of him happily
mingling with fans and driv-
ers. Lee Greenwood's patriotic
singing providing a gauy
It allowed Bush enormous
exposure to the millions of
NASCAR fans who have become
one of this elections' year most
prized voter profiles.
With more than K million
Americans out of work, jobs are
a sensitive issue for Bush as he
seeks re-election in Nos-ember.
While the U.S. economy is on
the upswing, job growth has
been slow, allowing Democrats
to repeatedly highlight the 2.2
Bush forecast for economy
White House estimates on tfie future of the U.S. economy
� Actual � Projected
Economic Unemployment Net growth
Annual GDP
of nonfarm
From previous
year, in millions
Phi Alpha Delta
Pre-Law Fraternity
Come out on Tuesday Nights
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� Not avmitabte Source 2004 Economic Report ol the PtmKtem Graphic Mark Mattern
million jobs lost during Bush's
"A look at his record shows
that (Bush's) policies have
actually exacerbated the
effects of the recession for
thousands of I loridiansall while
he and his brother (Florida GOV,
Jeb Bush) have insisted on more
tax cuts for the wealthy said
David Sirota of the Center for
American Progress, a liberal
think tank.
Rush has labored to
defend his economic record
and show he has a plan to keep
things going in the right
direction. In the last three
weeks, he has devoted four
speeches to the economy, in
other politically important
states such as Pennsylvania and
in key primary states like New
from page A2
If the low pressure system
lorms closer to the North Caro-
lina coast, snow could fall as
far inland as the piedmont, he
With skies clearing
early Monday, temperatures
dropped into the 20s and
caused some slush to refreee.
forecasters predicted tempera-
tures would rise into the upper
30s and 40s in some areas to
speed melting.
Durham and Orange
County school systems canceled
Masses Wake County operated
on a two-hour delay on
Presidents Day, a holidaythat
had been designated as a makeup
day for students on a traditional
s liedule.
Most school sys-
tems iti northeastern
North Carolina were closed
because of the weather. '
UNC at Chapel Hill and NC
State University delayed the start
ot i lasses on Monday.
State road crews
dispatched their salt trucks
early, and they'll continue-
to clear roads Monday, said
Tonya Beaddles ot the state
Transportation Department in
Alamance County.
"We've been working 12-
hour shifts she said.
Some North Carolin-
ians groaned Sunday night
at the thought of more dreary
weather. Others, such as
Scott Stanley of Sugar
Mountain in Avery
County, celebrated
the area's latest snowfall.
He was prepared with tire
chains and other winter equip-
"I love this weather and this
place said Stanley.
The owner of Scott's
PllZS Place, sandwiched
between two ski resorts, said he
svas having a record sales week-
The road conditions delay-
deliveries, but (the snow) brings
people here lie said.
"There are probably
25,000 people here and at
the resorts right now, more
than at Martin I other Kin
"A few hours to the
south, John Corley of
Concord said he was "most
definitely sick of this
"I'm ready for some
sunshine Said Corley,
adding that his construc-
tion business suffers in bad
He said that in last
month's snowstorms, he
was isolated and frustrated.
"My driveway's on a
hill; we were pretty much
stuck here he said. "That's
hard when you work for
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2-17 04
Michelle A. McLeod
Erin Rickert
News Editor
Amanda Ungerfelt
Features Editor
Ryan Downey
Sports Editor
Meghann Roark
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Holly O'Neal
Asst News Editor
John Bream
Asst Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Asst Sports Editor
Mike Mashburn
Web Editor
Daniel Roy
Production Manager
Our View
What this
country needs
While we are all tired of hearing about the Super
Bowl halftime show, we are already getting
equally tired of hearing about the president's
now is what stint in the National Guard.
ft has always
sound lead-
ership. The
election will
be won or
lost based on
who has the
best vision for
the future of
The attacks which have come from higher ups
in the Democratic Party and not from any of the
candidates themselves have created a scandal
that distracts voters from the true issues facing
this country.
In fact, in a democratic debate held at Mar-
quette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, front
runner John Kerry did his best to distance him-
self from the issue.
Last Friday the Bush administration provided
reporters with an over 400 page stack of
records from his service in the National Guard.
The document dumping was in response to
allegations that the administration has been
hiding information about his record while serv-
ing in the guard.
Now that they have the information, the press
needs to come up with something tangible to
back up all of the hype surrounding the story.
If there is nothing more then info about traffic
violations being pushed aside without a waiver,
we have to wonder what all of the fuss was
The Democratic Party needs to concentrate on
the issues that are truly affecting the country
and not look backward. The Democratic Party
needs to learn that if they point to such an
issue too loudly, they will look foolish if Bush's
administration debunks their argument. They
should have learned that lesson after grilling
the current administration on its inability to find
Saddam Hussein.
What this country needs now is what it has
always needed, sound leadership. The election
will be won or lost based on who has the best
vision for the future of America. Neither side
should bank on negative nitpicking.
The goal of the TEC Opinion page is to evoke discussion as well
as action on topics pertinent to the ECU community.
We encourage a response from our readers. If you have an opin-
ion in reaction to one of our columns or perhaps In regard to the
overall presentation of TEC. please express your view In one of
four ways: direct a letter or fax to the editor, email a response to
the editor or simply phone in a response
The 20,000 ECU students read our paper on a regular basis.
There's no better way to express your opinion than to take the
time to sit and react to a situation affecting the students of this
university through our Opinion page
To be printed, the letter must be signed and contain a phone
number for verification.
Letters will appear as space permits The editor reserves the right
to edit letters for clarity and length
Serving ECU since 1925,The East Carolinian prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year
and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. "Our View" is the opin-
ion of the editorial board and is written by editorial board members.
The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor which are limited to
250 words (which may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and include
a telephone number. Letters may be sent via e-mail to editor@theeast or to The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more information.
One copy of The East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1
In My Opinion
This is a campus, not
a construction zone
Poor planning wreaks
havoc on students
All ECU Students can share at
least one common bond � our
paths have been repeatedly
crowded, diverted and made dan-
gerous due to the massive amounts
Of construction on campus.
While it is certain that con-
struction is necessary to account
for the rapid growth ECU has
recently experienced, it seems
that the planning that went into
it was simply inadequate.
Such problems have been read-
ily apparent since the middle of
the fall semester when construc-
tion crews revamped the route
around the Austin Building � one
i if the busiest parts of campus.
All traffic flowing to and from
the Austin Building from the
Brewster area was crowded into a
walkway that was approximately
five feet wide.
I'm sure we all remember the
long wails that occurred as a result
of not being able to get through
without repeatedly bumping into
our peers.
Not to mention this project kept
students from leing able to walk
directly from Brewster to Howell.
Now the chaos continues on
West Campus where construction
projects have kept residents from
being able to park near their dorm.
Instead, the administration chose
to put all the students in lots off
of Fifth St.
Thai sounds really safe � we'll
force students to cross 1'itth St
even late at night when all the
drunken people are walking (and
sometimes drivingl to and from
After all, the reactive steps the
administration have taken show
In My Opinion
Security on campus
should be first priority
ECU officials should
focus on the students
that safety is really the number
one concern on this campus.
Also in West Campus, are
those boards that connect the rec
center and Mendenhall � aren't
those fun to walk across? Have
you ever gotten a wobbly sensa
tion when walking across them?
Aren't they tough to see at night?
Could it possibly lie dangerous for
those to be there?
And isn't it attractive for all of
the prospective students and their
parents who tour the campus to
walk across boards to get from
place to place?
I'm certain you've enjoyed
walking through the mud to get
from West Campus to the rec
center and squeezeing through
that tiny sace near the bus stop.
After all, we all love to ruin
the bottoms of our our jeans
for the sake of getting around
Construction has made this
campus an unsightly night-
mare. This campus in the worst
shape I've seen it in since I've
been here.
We had hoped the concerns
of students would be taken into
account when planning all of
these projects � all students
asked for was a sate path to
walk to class. What we got were
boards, tight spaces and parking
spots far away from our dorms.
Over the past few months,
the administration as a whole,
has shown a serious lack of con-
cern for the student body.
This ad'ministration was
supposed to be "in touch"
with the students, but I have
yet to see any signs of life from
Nearly one month has passed
since the rape in White Hall,
and yet no significant changes
have been presented to prevent
another serious crime.
Other than bulking up police
patrol around the dimly lighted
construction area of White Hall,
it seems that there are no further
plans to take additional security
Besides the ECU Alert
installed on campus comput-
ers, there was no other efforts
to notify students about this
Announcements should
have been sent out explain-
ing the situation and
presenting ways to prevent other
Many students were con-
cerned about the lack of
information on the attack.
ECU police said they are look-
ing into surveillance cameras
inside dorms, hut this is not
the answer.
Actions at other schools
include a check-in desk in
each dorm, with a university
employee keeping records of all
persons entering.
This is certainly safer than
the current method at F.C.U, and
would not require major con-
struction and massive amounts
of time to implement.
According to ECU police,
no definite decisions have
been made on whether they
will employ additional security
This incident represents
a major lack of consideration
of the safety of the student
body. But there are other
With temperatures at or
below freezing, students were
left outside to wait in lines at
the cashier's office in excess of
thirty minutes.
Sure, students were
offered coffee, once they were
inside the complex. It seems
unnecessary for students
to stand outside in freezing
temperatures waiting to
pay tuition or collect excess
financial aid.
Lines could have easily been
angled around the hallway of
the cashier's office.
Never have I seen Chancel-
lor Shelton sit down for lunch
with students, or hold forums
that would elicit student con-
This would be the perfect
opportunity for those in charge
to get feedback from us. Who
is more aware of current
conditions at ECU than
In My Opinion
Did 9-11 change your view of the world?
(KRT)�-In a nation split by
race and ideology, the sharpest
divide is over whether Americans
need to redefine their view of
the world and the U.S. role in it
because of the Sept. 11 attacksand
Although President Hush and
apparent de facto Democratic
nominee John Kerry probably
won't even directly debate the
question, it is at the heart of most
of their disagreements.
The election will get even
nastier than it already is because
candidate Bush has to stress the
dangers of terrorism to explain
his presidency. Yet that approach
will inevitably lead Kerry's crew
to accuse Bush of scare tactics and
surely lead to even more recrimi-
After the 9-11 attacks, most
Americans agreed there was little
dispute that the United States was
at war and needed to act accord-
ingly. That's why most Democrats,
Including Kerrv. voted for the very
same Patriot Act that they now
The political environment
changed when the public fear of
terrorism receded with the pas-
sage of lime and no new domestic
attacks. Today, many Americans
seem more concerned with the
inconveniences of beefed-up
airline security than the chance
that their flight could become a
guided missile.
A January Gallup Poll
found that only 46 percent of
Americans judged further acts
of domestic terror likely in the
near term, compared to 66 per-
cent just a year before.
Partly, that's because through
legitimate law-enforcement leg-
work or just luckwe have so far
avoided another domestic terror-
ist attack. Simply put, Bush sees
himself as a wartime president,
and his policies and priorities
flow from that belief.
Those who see 9-11 as a
seminal event believe that the
United States must act - not just
react - to prevent even more hor-
rifying incidents. It that requires
more power and money for the
military and law enforcement,
and a corresponding reduced
emphasis on individual rights
in favor of collective security,
so be it.
Those like the president who
see a much more dangerous world
don't understand why everyone
doesn't share their concerns, and
perhaps uncharitably, attribute It
to a dangerous naivete that fails to
appreciate the role these policies
have played in preventing another
Kerry and many Democrats
may feel the same anger over 9-
II, but they see the world as fun-
damentally no different than the
one that existed before then.
They believe Bush is using the
attack as a pretext to reshape U.S.
views and values for the worse and
think that the increased dangers
can be handled by tweaking the
same tools and tactics they've
always favored.
They believe that Bush is
going too far, endangering basic
constitutions! rights to fight
the war on terror, and that he is
wrongly altering national priori-
tics and endangering civil liberties
to tight an enemy whose dangers
the president overstates.
Some Bush critics find more
solace in the attitudes and acts of
foreign governments than those of
their own. They exhibit an alien-
ation that has not been as evident
since Vietnam toward public and
private institutions perceived as
supportive of the president.
According to this view, Bush is
using national security as a facade
to push an economic and social
agenda - tax cuts, smaller domes-
tic programs and more traditional
social values - that they abhor.
They assume as fact every
derogatory charge made against
the president, regardless of its
That's why Al Gore's serious
charge that Bush had "betrayed
this country" becomes normal
campaign rhetoric. So, too, the
ready acceptance of the allegation
that Bush never fulfilled his mili-
tary obligation despite evidence
and an honorable discharge to
the contrary.
The debate over foreign policy
the wisdom of the Iraq war,
Bush's policy of pre-empt � war
if necessary, the levels of defense
spending and our international
relationships - grows from this
Even domestic matters - such
as spending priorities and the
trade-off between the needs for
homeland security and civil lib-
erties - revolve around that same
Seen through that prism,
the heated political rhetoric
and the unwillingness by either
side to give the other credit for
good intentions should not be

Ohio's highway gunman remains elusive, grows bolder
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Joe Joan heard the gunshot while
driving his wife and three young
children to a flea market. A man
standing calmly on an overpass
had struck a sport utility vehicle
right behind their car.
After pulling over, Joan said
he watched the gunman get in
his car and slowly drive away.
"He looked like he didn't care
about anyone said Joan Sunday.
"He wasn't in a hurry. He
didn't speed up or nothing. He
just got in and took oft real slow
Ballistics testing confirmed
the Saturday morning shooting
was the 24th in a series in the
Columbus area, investigators
said Sunday. No one was injured
in the most recent shooting,
though one person has been
killed since the attacks began
in May.
Witnesses described the
shooter as a clean-shaven white
male in his 30s with dark hair,
wearing a hat and sunglasses
and driving a small black sedan.
Kxperts said he is becoming
"He's sending a message to
police: 'You're not as close as
you think you are. I can shoot
in broad daylight, and you still
won't find me said Jack I.evin,
a criminologist and director of
the Brudnick Center on Violence
at Northeastern University.
On Friday, Franklin County
Chief Deputy Steve Martin said
he felt confident in the Investi-
gation's progress.
"We feel that we're gel-
ting closer all the time said
"We are doing exactly what
we need to do
Ie in said his studies of
criminals, including the recent
Washington, D.I sniper case,
Indicate reckless behavior can
make serial shooters feel more
powerful and important.
"It enhances the cat
and mouse game he plays with
law enforcement I.evin said.
"Psychologically, he gains with
these risks
The serial shootings began in
The unidentified highway gunman continues to taunt police.
May, though most have occurred
since mid-October.
Until last month, the gunfire
at vehicles and buildings was
scattered along or mar Interstate
270, a busy highway that circles
Columbus. The previous four
shootings, including two Feb. 8,
had moved progressively farther
southwest on Interstate 71. Sat-
urday's shooting was the farthest
east the shooter has struck.
The shooter is starting to get
careless, perhaps on purpose,
said W. Scott Thornsley, crimi-
nal justice professor at Mansfield
University in Pennsylvania.
"If he gets away with it, it's
more thrilling to him he said.
"If he doesn't get a way with
it, it puts an end to what he mav
be going through
India, Pakistan begin Kashmir peace negotiations
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP)
� Nuclear-armed rivals India
and Pakistan began historic-
meetings Monday aimed at pre-
paring the way for a sustained
peace dialogue on Kashmir and
other disputes that have kept
the neighbors at loggerheads for
Pakistan is eager to show-
quick progress during the three
days of talks, which also are
likely to cover confidence-build-
ing measures in the nuclear field
to avoid an accident- (Specially
considering admissions of leaks
of nuclear technology by the
father of Pakistan's nuclear
India and Pakistan last held
formal peace talks in July 2001
in Agra, India.
Pakistan's President Pervez
Musharraf and Indian Prime
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
agreed to launch the new dia-
logue when they met on the side-
lines of a South Asian summit in
Jalil Abbas Jilani, a director-
general in Pakistan's Foreign
Ministry, and Arun Kumar
Singh, a joint secretary in
India's F.xternal Affairs Ministry,
shook hands and smiled before
the start of the meeting. The
sides met for nearly two hours
in the morning before breaking
for lunch.
Singh is leading a four-
member Indian team at the
talks, the first real test of the
two sides willingness to show
flexibility on long-entrenched
positions, such as the
disputed Kashmir region - the
cause of two ot the countries'
three wars since their 1947
A "line of control" divides
Kashmir between India and
Pakistan, but both claim the
Himalayan territory in its
entirety. More than 65,000
people have been killed in an
insurgency that has raged in
India-controlled portions of the
territory since 1989.
In the Idlest violence, sus-
pected separatist rebels shot and
killed a local politician Monday
as he stood on a roadside in
Srinagar, the summer capital ol
India's Jammu-Kashmir state,
police said.
Two police officers nearby
raced to the scene and opened
fire on the assailants. One
officer was killed and the
other wounded as the attack-
ers retaliated, and the attackers
ni aped.
Meanwhile, in Muaffarabacl,
capital of Pakistan-controlled
Kashmir, more than 500 people
Monday from a political group
seeking Kashmir's independence
blocked a main street for nearly
two hours to protest the Paki-
stan-India talks
"These negotiations are
being held to end the Kashmiris'
struggle said Gituiam Nabi War,
a Jammu Kashmir Liberation
Front leader.
"the two countries are not
interested in people of Kash-
mir. They don't respect their
After coming close to fight-
ing a fourth war in 2002. India
and Pakistan have moved to
restore transport links and dip-
lomatic ties. Soldiers in Novem-
ber halted cross-border firing in
India is also set to embark
on its lirst cricket tour of
Pakistan since 198� - a brcak-
t hrough for the two cricket-crazy
"Pakistan is approaching
their talks sincerely and ear-
nestly. We hope that India would
demonstrate matching reciproc-
ity said Pakistani Foreign Min-
istry spokesman Masood Khan
The two sides are likely
to set up expert groups to
discuss a dispute over the flow
ol water to Pakistan from the
Wullar barrage in India's Jammu-
Kashmir state and lighting at the
world's highest battleground in
Siachen, an 18,000-foot high
With national elections due
in India in April, Vajpayee's gov-
ernment expet ts no major deci-
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sions during this round of talks.
However, the prime minister is
expected lo stay in power and
pursue the peace process.
"We are going to start the
process (of negotiations) that
will mean looking into modali-
ties lor the dialogue process
and see what meetings should
be organized in the next few
months to keep up the dialogue
on a sustained basis Indian
Foreign Secretary Shashank, who
uses only one name, told Press
trust of India in New Delhi.
I'he "composite dialogue"
between the countries was first
agreed to in 1997 and reaffirmed
by Vajpayee and Pakistani Presi-
dent Gen. Pervez Musharraf
during a January meeting in
Islamabad on the fringes of a
regional summit.
I he two leaders had previ-
ously met for a failed peace
summit in July 2001 In Agra,
Singh, who arrived Smulas
in Pakistan, was to hold
talks with his Pakistani coun-
terpart Monday and Tuesday
to map out a plan for future
The talks are to be wrapped
up by Shashank during a meet-
ing Wednesday with Pakistani
loreign Secretary Kiaz Khokar.
The officials are the most senior
in their ministries below the
foreign ministers.
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n in
Features Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Did You Know?
-Actress Rene Russo (1954). basketball star Michael Jordan (1963)
and actor Jerry O'Connell (1974) all call today their birthday.
-This month is National Bird Feeding Month.
-Today is My Way Day, National PTA Founders' Day and World Human
Spirit Day.
-On this day in 1962. the Beach Boys introduced a new musical style
with their hit "Surfln"
The Student Union Films Committee presents Brother Outsider The Lite
of Bayard Rustin on Wednesday at 7 p.m Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight,
Saturday at 9:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m. Kill Bill: Vol 1 is showing
Wednesday at 9:30 p.m Friday at 9:30 p.m Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight
and Sunday at 3 p.m. All movies are free with a student ID and are located
in the Hendrix Theatre. For more information, call 328-4700.
The School of Music presents a performance by the ECU Symphonic
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Band conducted by Scott
Carter and Chris Knighten at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 18 in the Wright
Auditorium. This event is free.
The Student Union Spectrum Committee presents Bingo at 9 p.m. on
Wednesday, Feb. 18 in the Mendenhall Dining Hall.
Negro History Week
The Ledonia Wright Cultural Center presents "Negro History Week
Celebration" from 1:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19 In the Ledonia
Wright Cultural Center Gallery.
African American Reading Day
The Ledonia Wright Cultural Center presents an African American Reading
Day from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19 in the Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center Gallery.
Early Music Ensemble
The ECU Early Music EnsembleViol Consort presents The Glories of the
Fifteenth Century: Plainchant and Polyphony at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb
19 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. This event Is free.
'The Grapes of Wrath
The ECULoessin Playhouse presents John Steinbeck's 77ie Grapes of
Wrath at 8 p.m Thursday, Feb. 19 - Tuesday Feb. 24 with a 2 p.m. matinee
on Sunday, Feb. 22. For tickets, contact the ECULoessin Playhouse Box
Mardi Gras
Partners in Campus Life is sponsoring a Mardi Gras celebration from 9 p.m.
- 1 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19 in Mendenhall Student Center.
Pirate Underground
The Student Union Popular Entertainment Committee presents music
from Trailer Bride from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb 20 in the Pirate
Salsa Dance
There will be a Salsa Dance from 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 20 in
the Willis Building. Lessons begin at 7:30 p.m.
Family Fare
The Family Fare series presents Sarah Plain and Tall at 2 p.m. on Saturday,
Feb. 21 in the Wright Auditorium.
Bach Marathon
The students and guests of Yoram Youngerman present the Annual Bach
Complete Solo Concert at 5 p.m on Saturday, Feb. 21 in the A. J. Fletcher
Recital Hall. This event is free.
Pirate Underground
The Student Union Popular Entertainment Committee presents the music
of From Lonely ShoreFalter from 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 21 in
the Pirate Underground.
Music Performance
The School of Music presents Triple Treat: The Concertos for Three
Harpsichords by J. S. Bach, Janette Fishell, John O'Brien and Matthew
Gillespie at 8 p.m on Sunday Feb. 22 in the A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall.
Tickets cost $5
University Chorale
The School of Music presents the University Chorale featuring flutter's
Gtoria and Haydn's Te Deum conducted by Joel Gay at 8 p.m. on Monday,
Feb. 23 in Wright Auditorium. This event is free.
New Releases
All That We Let In, Indigo Girls
Don't Want You Back, Eamon
Airstreams & Satellites, Garrison Starr
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Soundtrack, Various Artists
In the House, Dimitri From Paris
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Soundtrack, Various Artists
Sweet Heart Dealer, Scarling
Roswell - Season 1
Runaway Jury (Widescreen Edition)
Little House on the Prairie - The Complete Season 4
T2 - Extreme DVD
Stargate (Ultimate Edition)
Glengarry Glen Ross
Reservoir Dogs
snm. bkak
What are your plans
for Spring Break?
"I will be going back to my old
neighborhood on Long Island, NY.
I'm going to see old friends
Items to consider
before packing
Spring Bleak is just around
the corner, and students are
gearing up for a week of fun,
relaxation and a lot of partying.
Most students just want to pick
a plate, pack a bag and go, but
there are many other things to
consider when planning the per-
fect Spring Break vacation.
Before deciding where to
go, students should assess their
funds. Students need to decide
what their budget will be for the
trip - including how much to
spend on food, shopping, trans-
portation and lodging. After-
ward, locate the perfect place
based on your set budget.
When deciding where to go,
there are endless possibilities. If
you're looking for some place
warm and exotic, great options
are the Bahamas, Panama City,
Key West, Daytona Beach, Miami
and every college student's favor-
ite, Cancun.
"This Spring Break I'll prob-
ably go to Wilmington with a
few friends said Charity 11 ilton,
sophomore undecided major.
The key to finding a great
place for a good price is to start
looking as early as possible. Many
hotels in these areas are usually
booked well in advance for Spring
Break. Don't wait until the last
minute because it may hinder
your chances of finding some-
where decent to stay.
The best time to book hotel
rooms is three to six months
before Spring Break.
A common question when
planning lor a trip is whether
buying a packaged deal is cheaper
than buying plane tickets and
hotel accommodations sepa-
rately. Most oft lie time, packaged
deals are better simply because
you won't have to run all over
town to get what you need.
Several deals include plane
tickets and a few hotel accom-
modations for certain days. This
would be the logical route to take
when planning for a Spring Break
While booking hotels,
understand there are always
lurking expenses that packaged
deals may not advertise such
as valet parking Ices, room tax,
resort fees, maid's fees, parking,
extra person charges and key and
damage deposits. Call the hotel
and check all these unexpected
costs before buying a packaged
Important decisions to con-
sider once a place is chosen arc
the weather, water and money.
You may have to receive shots
before going to Mexico. Pack for
sun and maybe for a typhoon,
too. In places like Cancun money
has to be converted to Pesos. See
if the hotel can do these things
without difficulty.
Methods of transporta-
tion are an important factor.
Choose a location with lots of
activities and entertainment
within walking distance. Plan-
ning to venture away from areas
near the hotel requires extra
spending money for taxis.
Many of the finest Spring
Break locations oiler different
forms of entertainment. This
may become the deciding factor.
Cancun attracts more than
300,000 college students during
Spring Break.
Key West is t he only American
Spring Break destination that has
nude beaches and clubs. Panama
City is well known for their water
sports, which include sailing,
water skiing and snorkeling.
Daytona Beach is a great loca-
tion fit for almost any budget,
and alcohol is prohibited on the
"I'm going to Hawaii for
Spring Break to visit a friend. I'm
looking forward to getting off the
mainland and experiencing the
Island life said Shauna McFar-
land, senior biology major.
M'IVs Real World cast will
be in the Bahamas this Spring
Break, former MTV cast mem-
bers making appearances are
Steven (Las Vegas), Kendall
(Campus Crawl), Ace (Paris),
Mallory (Paris) and Trishelle
Spring Break
Web sites
"For Spring Break I plan on
going on tour with the ECU
Gospel Choir"
I'm going lo New York to go t
Popular Spring Break Web sites:
Packaged Deals Web sites:
"I'm going to California lo visit
my brother and see, all the
movie stars
Spend Spring Break on ice
Students choose
a colder climate
Traditionally, Spring Break
trips are taken to warm weather
destinations, but sometimes
students decide to venture out
into the snow.
Most local ski resorts no
longer have snow in March, so
skiers are forced to go to locations
farther north or west.
Snowshoe, W.Va is a popular
skiing and snowboarding desti-
nation for vacationers.
Ryan Moynahan, junior
communication major, said
Snowshoe is a little village
with everything, including bars.
Moynahan, a member of the
ECU skiing and snowboarding
team, recently visited
Snowshoe with the team, and
he plans to go back for Spring
Break. He said the
trip to Snowshoe took
approximately 6 12 hours.
Snowshoe is having a
"Spring Break Snow Bash"
March 7 - 10 and March 14 - 17.
Three day and night pack-
ages arc available for
$156 per student and are
based on "quad occupancy in
select one bedroom mountain top
condominiums lift ticket rates
are based on student package
During the "Spring Break
Snow Bash Snowshoe
will become one big party,
according to their Web site.
More Info
Winter sports attract many students during Spring Break.
Students can earn "Snow Bucks"
throughout the week to be
cashed in at the Snow
Bash Auction for items
including snowboards, skis,
trips and gear.
Wlntergreen in Virginia
will be open through March 28,
weather permitting. In North
Carolina some ol the most
popular resorts are Ski Beech and
Sugar Mountain.
There are many ways to book
a trip, whether it's In phone,
travel agent or through the
Internet. Many Web sites arc
dedicated to helping plan
"Students need to figure
out what would fit best in
their budget and look online
said llene Schwartz, junior
communication major.
Schwartz used
in the past and plans to use
it to book her Spring Break
trip to Vegas.
These Web sites offer daily
discounts and specials for
travelers. Spring Break packages
are also available, depending
on hotel vacancies.
has a separate page called "student
universe" that offers special
For more Information, visit:
deals on trips and airfare
for students.
Quixote Travels Inc. and the
Greenvil le Travel Center a re some
local travel agencies.
Quixote Travels, located
on Red Banks Road behind
Moe's, books trips all
over the country. Kim
Matthews, travel agent,
said the most popular ski
destinations are Keystone, Aspen
and Vail, Colo. Salt Lake and
Park City, Utah, are also among
vacationers' favorites. These
ski resorts stay open until
"Students should start
planning and book their
trips before Christmas or the
beginning of January in order
to get the best deal Matthews
She said Quixote can
still book your trip, but it
may be expensive.
This writer can be contacted at

Las Vegas is a popular gambling destination in the United States for Spring Break goers.
Gambling the night away
Plan the perfect
high rolling trip
While many students will
opt to soak up sun during
their Spring Hreak, others will
try to win tuition money by
vacationing at various gambling
locations. Playing blackjack
can be just as addicting as the
I lure are a variety of places
where legal gambling is the main
tourist attraction. Legal gambling
in the United States means you
must be 21 or older to participate, Vegas and Atlantic City offer
high-quality facilities on both
sides of the country. Vegas offers 21
luxurious hotels - all of
which include fine dining,
entertainment and casinos.
It may be expensive to stay
in a place on dazzling Las Vegas
Boulevard, but all the amenities
arc at your fingertips.
A prime example is The Palms
Casino Resort, Las Vegas' newest
hot spot, which oflersan electric
mix of seven bars, seven clubs, 14
movie theaters and 95,000 square
feet of casino. The hotel was also
home to the cast of MTV's "The
Real World: I as Vegas
At Atlantic City's Taj Mahal
� .asinn, players can choose from
more than 5,000 slots and 210
table games.
Outside the country, the
gambling age is only 18. Places
like Cancun and the Bahamas
offer Cheapef and easier gaming
experiences for college students.
The Princess Hotel and
Casino, located in Ireeport,
Bahamas, offers their version
of Las Vegas life. Came choices
may be a little smaller, but still
include blackjack, poker, roulette
and craps, all native to the types
of gambling we see here.
"I've always wanted to go
to the Bahamas as well as test
my luck on the slots. I think a
week there would be awesome
said Emily Enochs, freshman
political science major.
To experience a night in
Cancun is to see the island
come alive with top nightclubs
and exciting casino gambling.
The Royal Oasis Colt Resort
fc Casino features Include
a lavish 20,000 square foot
American-style casino, oneol the
largest in thearibbean.
Once you pick a location,
the research begins. Decisive
factors not only include the
price of a hotel or resorf - you
have to think about what kind of
casinos you're trying to
visit as well. You don't want
to stay in a hotel that's 10
miles away from all the
excitement and things you want
to do. transportation options are
important to the final verdict on
a place to go.
Local travel agencies in
Greenville like AAA Vacations,
Quixote travels and Greenville
Travel Center are informative
and can help you organize.
Libraries and tour orga-
nizations are other sources
that may provide abundant
information, not to mention the
Internet. Some ol the fastest ways
to look up ideas for a legal gam-
bling Spring Break is search-
ing on the Internet. Web sites
like Spring Urea
and offer
great deals and outstanding
organization when it comes to
This writer can be contacted at
Spring Break
(Las Vegas). They are scheduled
to be in the Bahamas March 6 -
27 for three wild weeks of Spring
Break 2004.
New York is the fashion
mete a of the United States.
You can shop, see a Broadway
play and then hit the clubs
from page A7
to party with P. Diddy.
There are many (actors
to consider when planning
the perfect Spring Break, but
the most important thing is
to plan ahead. Pont be afraid
to go somewhere out ot the
norm or some place that may
have bad drinking water.
Plan for every situation
that can occur, and this
will ensure a safe and fun Spring
This writer can be contacted at
� II
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2 1 04
ECU Student Judicial Board
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Alternative Spring Break works with Habitat for Humanity to build houses for those in need.
Students find an alternative
way to spend Spring Break
Organization gives
back to community
Imagine spending Spring
llrcak waking up early to
work hard every morning.
Alternative Spring Break
provides students with a
different approach to their Spring
Break vacation -give back to the
"ASB is a student
organization, and it is a chance
for students to use their
Spring Break to help
those in need said
Ryan Winget, Jones Hall
coordinator and ASB adviser.
ASH is about helping others,
and it gives students a chance to
lace issues such as poverty and
"Seeing the faces of an
underprivileged family walk
up to their new home that you
put your heart and sweat into
is something that is simply
impossible to explain. I can't
imagine spending my Spring
Break any other way said
Jessica Borrelli, former
ASB attendant.
Campus Living's Service
Learning Advisory Board funds
This year the Students
and advisers will go to
Tallahassee, ITa.
There will be 18 students
and two advisers traveling
to work Habitat for Human-
ity International's Collegiate
Challenge along with
other students at the same site
in order to build one Habitat
House for the community in
"ASB, for me, is an
amazing experience. Last year,
we started with a slab of concrete
and put up the entire frame for
a house. When we walked away
on the last day, we could really
see the difference we made said
Jennifer Miller, vice president of
ASB begins Saturday, March
13 and lasts one week. The cost
is100 per student, which covers
housing and meals. .
Students are asked to try their
best to raise money through
fundraising scheduled by the
Executive Board.
After the student fundrais-
ing, Campus Living pays for the
remaining travel expenses.
This is the least expensive of
most trips students take, but it is
a week of hard work.
A typical week
is working on the
Habitat House Monday through
Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m
but Wednesday is a free day to go
to the beach or try anything the
area offers. After working on the
house, everyone uses the rest of
the day to see local attractions.
"The work can be difficult
at times - it is real labor. The
students are really
building a house and helping
out with every step of that
process. But there arc skilled
professionals on site to teach the
students the crafts necessary
to build a house, so it is really
educational Winget said.
ASB is an opportunity to
meet new people, have a good
time, learn about different
people and help those in need.
"1 think that a student
who went on ASB said it
best, 'What I put into it
took a week. What I took out of
it will last a lifetime Winget
Although ASB tries to build
complete houses, previous
experience is not required.
"ASB is probably one of
the most worthwhile trips
that one can make over
their Spring Break during
college it is an
awesome time of getting to
know some new friends. Yet,
the best part of it is
definitely seeing that you
just made a difference
Borrelli said.
This writer can be contacted at
Alpha Phi
Open House
Wednesday, Feb. 18
6:00pm - 8:00pm
For a ride or more information, call 758-5304
950 East 10th Street

2 17 04
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Smoke & Mirrors
Hollywood's Smoke and Mirrors, Fitness, Feb 25. 5-6pm. Learn how
the media manipulate images to fit an unreal ideal You may not believe
your eyes' This interactive program includes a short video and discussion
on how to fight back and learn to recognize and respect our uniqueness
Sports Briefs
Daily wins title
John Daly hit a 100-foot bunker shot within 4 inches to win a three-man
playoff in the Buick Invitational, his first PGA Tour victory in nearly nine years.
It wasn't over until Chris Riley. who grew up playing Torrey Pines, watched
in disbelief as his 5-foot birdie putt on the par-5 18th rimmed all the way
around the cup Luke Donald earlier missed from 6 feet Since winning
the 95 British Open at SI Andrews his second major Daly has gone
through another divorce, had another trip to alcohol rehab, and now waits
to see what happens to his fourth wife indicted last summer on drug and
gambling charges five days after she gave birth to his first son Daly won
$864,000 for his fifth PGA Tour victory It was almost as surprising as the
first one, the 1991 PGA. when he was the ninth alternate.
Davis wins ANZ Championship
England's Brian Davis won the ANZ Championship, birdieing 10 holes in a
17-point final round in the modified Stableford event Davis finished with 44
points on the Horizons Golf Resort for a one-point victory over countryman
Paul Casey in the tournament co-sanctioned by the Australasian and
European tours Under the scoring system, players receive eight points
for double eagle, five for eagle, two for birdie, zero for par. minus-one for
bogey, and minus-three for double bogey or higher
Indoor vault record broken
Russia's Yelena Isinbayeva broke the indoor pole vault world record by
an inch with a leap of 15 feet, 10 inches Sunday at the Pole Vault Stars
meet in Donetsk, Ukraine Isinbayeva bettered the mark of 15-9 set by
countrywoman Svetlana Feofanova last yeai in Birmingham EnoJiKl The
mark also is better than Isinbayeva's own world outdoorTfiark of T5-9 34
set last July
Miller a champ again
American Bode Miller won his first World Cup slalom in two years Sunday,
helping him move into third place in the overall standings Miller covered
the Sonnenwiese course in a two-run combined time of 1 minute, 3460
seconds, finishing 0.95 seconds ahead of Finland s Kalle Palander Miller
stood motionless for several moments after seeing his name appear at
the top ot the scoreboard, then lightly punched his fists and poles into the
air while "Born in the USA" blared from loudspeakers
Jets hope tor new stadium
The New York Jets have never had a stadium to call their own But new
plans to redevelop the far West Side of Manhattan could change that.
Momentum has been building recently for a long-discussed scheme to
transform the neighborhood with new office towers overlooking the Hudson
River, a vast convention center and a riverfront stadium for the Jets - and
possibly the 2012 Olympics The Jets have been promoting a stadium in
the area with a retractable dome for the past year No financing plan has
been announced for the $15 billion project, but public speculation has
suggested the city and state could kick in about $600 million Since 1984.
the Jets have played at the home stadium of the New York Giants in East
Rutherford. N.J Before that, they played at Shea Stadium from 1964-83.
which they shared with the New York Mets Getting a stadium of its own
has been a locus of the organization since owner Woody Johnson bought
the team in 2000
NBA influenced by NHL problems
The possibility of a long lockout In the National Hockey League influenced
the NBAs decision to extend its collective bargaining agreement through
the 2004-05 season, commissioner David Stern said Saturday Stern also
announced that the NBA and the players union reached a preliminary
agreement to scrap a rule barring veterans from the first five days of
training camp next season In exchange, players would be guaranteed
a five-day break - rather than the current four over the All Star break
The commissioner also restated his desire for an age limit and predicted
that a recent federal court ruling in the Maurice Clarett case, allowing the
Ohio State running back to enter the NFL draft, would be overturned on
appeal. Union director Billy Hunter. citing,the success of Cleveland s LeBron
James, reaffirmed his stance that the league's current age limit is adequate
American players may not enter the NBA draft until their high school class
has graduated, while foreign players must turn 18 prior to the draft.
FSU withdraws scholarship offer to player
Florida State withdrew its scholarship offer to football recruit Jonathan
Warren on Friday, one day after he and two others were charged with two
counts of committing a lewd and lascivious act with a minor Warren, 19,
was released from Madison County jail on $25 000 bond Friday, a jail official
said It was unknown if he had a lawyer The complaint was filed Jan 12.
about three weeks before the Feb 4 signing day. the Madison sheriff's office
said School officials said they had no turther comment Also arrested on
the same charges Thursday were Michael Dnarion Rowe, 19 and Antwon
Darrell Fudge. 18 The 6-1.190-pound Warren was a track and football star
at Madison County High
O'Neal playing coy with Olympics
Shaquille O'Neal does not yet know whether hell play at the Athens
Olympics, and his decision could be affected by how far the Los Angeles
Lakers go in the playoffs Three spots remain open on the U.S. roster, and
there could be a fourth if Kobe Bryant is unable to play because ot his
sexual assault trial in Colorado The USA Basketball selection committee
plans to meet in the next several weeks to begin the process of finalizing
a roster that already includes Bryant, Jason Kidd, Karl Malone. Jermaine
O'Neal, Tim Duncan. Mike Bibby. Tracy McGrady. Allen Iverson and Ray Allen
Kevin Garnett is a virtual lock for one of the open spots if he chooses to
play, and Vmce Carter and Elton Brand are expected to make the team after
performing well at a qualifying tournament in Puerto Rico last summer
Pirates dominate Bulldogs
ECU got the season off to a fast start sweeping UNC-Asheville
Pirates open up season
with sweep of UNC-A
3-0 this weekend. The Pirates host Campbell Wednesday.
In a game that was dominated
e.irly, both ways with pitching
and flawless defense, it was the
thunder stick ol Mark Minicozzl
that propelled the Pirates Lite
in the game to a 4-1 game one
decision over the Bulldogs.
Minicozzi's two run bomb in
the bottom ol the eighth inning
sealed the deal for ECU as the
home run finally allowed the
Pirates to put the pesky Asheville
squad away.
After Asheville pitcher Ryan
Stewart threw the I'irate sluggei
two unsuccessful curvehalls, he
came with the heat and watched
the hall soar out ol llie stadium
and hit the scoreboard trailer
over the right field fence.
"I told him. I said COZZ, il
looks to me like you're seeing
it pretty well today, and he said
'coach I'm seeing it pretty well
I had thought about hitting and
running with him and Poppert
there, hut you got to believe a
guy when he tells you that
S.iid Headoacfl Kandy Maee,
confident in Mlnicozzigoing into
Asheville struck first in game
one. After a walk and a single to
consecutive Bulldog hatters, two
consecutive fielder choices
allowed Charles I'ippitt to scoot
home to give Asheville the early
1-0 lead.
It would be short lived
however, as El I1 answered in the
bottom ol the frame.
Ryan Jones doubled in
Minicozzl to knot the score at
one all.
Icl finally took the lead in
the bottom of the seventh behind
the bat of Preseason Conference
USA Player ot the Year, Darryl
Lawhorn. Lawhorn singled to
right with two outs, allowing
Billy Richardson, who walked
earlier in the frame, to score.
Maybe the most surprising
statistic ol the game was the
fantastic pitching that the
Pirates got from junior college
transfers ltrody Taylor and
( .liter llarrell.
I he two combined to flitch
seven strong innings, allowing
only three hits and one run.
Sophomore southpaw Jason
Neil came on in the eighth to
pitch the final two innings to
pick up the save. He only gave
up two hits.
Game two turned out to
be .mother masterful pitching
performance, this time from
lunior right-hander Cireg
Bunn and freshmen Shane
Matthews and Dustln Sasser.
The three hurlers combined
for a four-hit shutout, leading
the Pirates to an K-0 win over
the Bulldogs.
Trevor I awhorn and Jamie
Paige each had two bits.
contributing to the offensive
effort. Ryan Norwood. John
Poppert, Mlnicozzi, Ryan Jones
and Billy Richardson
each finished with one hit.
The two big hits of the game were
Jones' home run in the second
and Richardson's two RBI triples
in the seventh.
The Pirates improved to 2-0
with the win.
Ryan Norwood hit two home
runs and the Lawhorn Brothers
each blasted one as ECU cruised
past Asheville 6-2 to pick up the
series sweep. Trevor Lawhorn
and Norwood went hack to back
in the first inning to give the
Pirates an e.irly 3-0 advantage
that would not be relinquished.
Darryl l.awhorn's home run with
the score at 4-2 in the bottom ol
the filth gave the Pirates cushion
as they headed down the stretch
in the series finale.
Once again, the Pirates got
solid pitching. Ricky Brooks,
P.). Connelly, Kevin
Rhodes, Mike I lye and
Phillip Powell dazzled
the Bulldogs with their
contrasting styles. The only beat
Asheville got off of Pirate
pitching came in the top of
the fourth oft of the bat of
Nick Jaksa, who homered to
cut into the Pirates' lead. The
Pirates improved to 3-0 with
the win.
This writer can be contacted at
Series Notes
Trevor Lawhorn, the twin brother of
Darryl, made his Pirate debut in
stylish manner going 5-12 in the
series with a home run and three RBI.
"Trevor's going to be fun to watch.
He's going to light the crowd
up sometimes with some
highlight reel plays said Mazey.
ECU used an astonishing 11
different pitchers in the three game
series and what a show the group
put on Asheville only managed 15
hits, three runs, and seven walks off
of the dominate Pirate pitching,
which struck out 25 Bulldogs
as a little icing on the cake
The Pirates' defense was stifling
all weekend, only making
one error In three games.
The attendance
day was 1441.
on opening
Pirates lose close game at UAB
Belton Rivers has
26 point game
Right now ECU'S margin
for error is "razor thin" as head
ioai h Bill Heir ion has said earlier
in the season, the Pirates played
well Saturday night against UAB
but in the end, it was the Blaers
that pulled out a win In a razor
thin margin.
Senior guard Mo Iinley hit
a 12-footer from the baseline to
give the Blazers a 7I-1 lead with
a about a minute remaining. UAB
then held Pirates scoreless over
the final 60 seconds m one-
last tree throw gave the Blazers a
hard-fbught 72-('i victory over
the struggling Pirates.
I In- I'i i.ites led by a
I omfortable eight point margin
.it fialftlme thanks to some hot
shooting. I.( U was 15-of-27from
the floor in the tirst 20 minutes,
including 4-of-6 from beyond
thr an. But UAB responded on
offense in the second halt, nail-
ing 50 percent ol their shots
while the Pirates struggled from
the line.
It could have easily been Ml'
pulling out a three-point win
but tree throw shooting was the
difference, the Pirates
connected on ust 11-of-23
from the line, good for usl over 56
percent Itt) is ranked eighth in
Derrick Wiley and the Pirates fell on the road in a close one.
Conference-USA in free throws,
shouting 65.8 percent from the
line on tile season.
Moussa Bacliane tied the
game (11 69, lor the Pirates on
a dunk witli 2:11 left. On the
nest possession, Iinley threw
the ball out of bounds to give
ECU the chance to go ahead.
F.rroyl Bing drove through the
lane but missed a short jumper
which set up the eventual game-
winner by iinley. The Pirates had
one last opportunity with seven
seconds remaining, but UAB
intercepted a Mike Cook pass to
seal the outcome.
Gabe Kennedy and Demario
I'ddins scored 16 points each to
lead UAB and iinley added 10
points and seven rebounds as
the Blazers improved to 8-2 in
C-USAand 15-6 overall.
Belton Rivers was huge lor
ECU off the bench as he poured in
a game-high 26 points including
a lights out 5-of-8 performance
from behind the three-point line.
Mike Cook and Bing scored 11
and 10 points each. Derrick Wiley
led the team with 10 rebounds
while Badiane had seven blocks
on the night. The Pirates fell into
last place in C-USA with a 1-10
conference record.
E t' will return to Green-
ville for three consecutive
home games against the likes of
lulane, I'CU and South Florida.
I lerrion's squad will then hit the
road to round out the 2003-21104
te season with match-ups against
I Marquerte and Southern Miss.
Jj. All live of their remaining
� opponents are in the bottom
halfol the C-USA standings and
ECU will need to pick up some
wins in order to make the (USA
tournament in March. The
Pirates are currently two
games behind 12th place
Houston. Only the top 12 merit a
post season invite.
This writer can be contacted at
Lady Pirates fall short on senior day
Seniors play in Minges
Coliseum for final time
I he women's basketball team
lost to nationally ranked Hous-
ton on Sunday 73-65 in what
was three seniors' last ganurui
in Williams Arena at linges
( oliseum.
The loss is the sixth consecu-
tively and puts the Lady Piratesat
eight currently in the! onference
I ISA standings.
the lady Pirates also till to
nationally ranked l( ll 12S ll
in what is arguably tin best
women's game ever played in
Minges I he loss at the hand
ol the Horned frogs (20-4, 9-2)
saw si a en lead i hanges and four
overtimes. It marked the tirst
time evei that the lady Pirates
had played an overtime game In
Minges ami set the mark for the
longest game in ECU history.
Mi lady Pirates(14-10,5-6)
proved tbev can play with the
best teams in the nation, hut are
still looking tor a win in February,
IX I' was led by Jennifer Jackson j�
in llie game Sunday afternoon
against Houston (21-3, 10-1)
where she sc ored 15 of her 24 in g
the tirst half. Jackson, a junior
see PIRATES page A12 The Lady Pirates have yet to win in the month of February.

contacted at
stonishing 11
the three game
show the group
ily managed 15
seven walks off
'irate pitching,
I 25 Bulldogs
on the cake.
on opening
and Dematto
oints each to
ley added 10
rebounds as
ed to 8-2 in
vas huge for
she poured in
iits including
ee-poinl line.
ng scored 11
Derrick Wiley
10 rebounds
seven blocks
rates fell into
l with a 1-10
n to Green-
t the likes of
with Florida.
I then hit the
ie 2003-2004
-ups against
hern Miss.
r remaining
the bottom
.Hidings and
lick up some
larch. 1 he
ently two
12th place
op 12 merit a
ontacted at
HOUSE FOR rent: 204 13th Street- 3
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THE SISTERS of Alpha Omicron Pi
would like to thank Sig Ep for a great
social last weekend! Hope to see you
again soon!
would like to recognize the
following sister's of the week: Alpha
Delta Pi, Suzanne Cumbey
and Jackie Barnett; Alpha Omicron
Pi, Toni Kearney and Liz Teeters;
Alpha Phi, Katie Miller and
Kaitlyn Crook; Alpha Xi Delta,
Bre Gurley and Kristine Turner;
Chi Omega, Kim Goodwin
and Katie -Augsburger; Delta
Zeta, Meredith Anderson and
ana Maxwell; Kappa Delta,
Morgan Webb, Katie Resse, and
Laura Brewer; Sigma Sigma Sigma,
Courtney Pavelock and Danielle
Currin; Zeta Tau Alpha, Natalie
Blackwelder and Erin Bulluck.
Thank you, for all of your time and
Adkins and Laura Brewer on being
our sisters of the week. You did a
great job with recruitment! Love
your Kappa Delta sisters!
ALPHA OMICRON Pi would like
to congratulate all of our new
members; Alison Lee, Kate Gunteski,
Michele Criti, Nancy Carter, Chrissy
Alfonso, Sheila Colbert, Lindsey
Fisher, Laura Cucco, McKenzie
Baisden, Emily Enachs, Katie
Wilkes, Carrie Grier, Nicole
Vandermeeren, and Christina Eaker.
We love you!
Whitney, and Sarah Catherine.
Happy Valentine Day! Love the sisters
of Sigma Sigma Sigma!
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social! We had a great time! Kappa
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Just wanted to tell
my cutle pie how
much I care for her.
I cherish each day I
spend with you and
Valentine's Day Is a formal
way of saying I beep you.
Love, Chad
Chris, These three years have
meant so much to me. Thank
you for being my uney. Ouwl
(effers, Can't believe we're not
spending this day together. I
love you and miss you like crazy.
Happy Valentine's Day! Always,
Stephers XOXO
For my Valentine
With his fuzzy face
Ways most wickedly
Wonderful delight
Loving life with you.
JEK-Thls past year and a half has
been amazing. I love you more
than you will ever know and I
can't wait to see what the future
brings. KML
that warm August day and
there has been music In my
life ever since. I am SHAMELESS
to admit that YOU WERE
DECEMBER only made the
PROMISES between us
more true. You are my
SHINING STAR at night and
You will always have my SOUL
this Valentine's Day. Jonathan
BNG Frodo, I'll cuddle you
anytime) Sweetarts, Horsle,
Fischer, hugs, and kisses I Loving
you Is like a constant sugar
high! Happy Valentine's Day I
Love. AMG
Daniel, I love you with
all of my heart. Thank you
for everything you have done
for me. My future is with you!
Love, Cassie
T, You're my angel who could
never be replaced. I will love
you until your hair turns gray.
Happy Valentine's Day Baby. MM
Seashells and the Southport
Shore, from Faint to Echo and
the 28 shooting stars. We'll
always have the Riverwalk
Valley and everything! RLF
Melissa Doodle Head and Nutter
I love you. Love always Cuddles
P.S. Klzert!
MJA, Princess, You mean the
world to me. Every moment
I have spent with you is a
moment that I treasure. I
love you so very much. Happy
Valentine's Day! Your knight In
shining armor. SBY
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ECU's men's and women's
track and field teams captured a
dozen top-10 finishes as compe-
tition concluded Saturday at the
Virginia Tech Challenge.
A full complement of Lady
Pirates participated in the two-
day meet, while select members
of the F.CU men's team saw action
in Blacksburg. The rest of the
Pirate men's team was in Boston,
Mass on Saturday to compete in
the FasTrack Invitational.
Concept Salon and Spa
15 Student Discount Im Gift for First lime Clients
AVEDA. Located on the comer of Evans St
Phone: 252-757-3684 & 3rd St. downtown Greenville
Virginia Tech Challenge
Tara DeBrielle had the top
collegiate finish and was second
overall in the 800-meter run and
teammate Tammie Mentzel tied
her own school record in the
indoor pole vault to highlight
the women's day.
DeBrielle turned in a time
of 2:14.22 in the 800, an event
In which she already owns the
school record.
Mentzel cleared 11-11.75 in
the pole vault to finish third
60 Meters
Dameshea Jones 779 (prelims)
60-Meter Hurdles
Nicole Callaham 9.40 (prelims)
Sharon Heilkj 980 (prelims)
200 Meters
26 Darneshea Jones 25.51
40 Jenee Moore 2602
500 Meters
10. Lauren Miller 1:20.52
11 Slmone Baptiste 1:20.53
15. Brie Berkowitz 1:23.36
� �rr.
800 Meters
2 Tara DeBrielle
30 Lauren Miller
37. Brie Berkowitz
38 Simone Baptiste
5,000 Meters
8 Johanna Allen
High Jump
8 Colleen McGinn .
5-6.5 (1.69m)
and match the school record she
has set twice earlier this season.
Freshman l.indsey Rosales placed
ninth in the event by clearing
"It was a good meet to get us
ready for the conference meet in
two weeks women's track and
field head coach Matt Munson
"Everyone was at or near thei r
season bests and we seem to be
right where we want to be. Welje
Long Jump
4. Alisha Hopkins 18-4 (5.59m)
5. Jenee Moore 18-175 (5.53m)
13. Sharon Heilig 17-0.5 (5.19m)
Pole Vault
3. Tammie Mentzel 11-11.75 (3.65m)
9. Lindsey Rosales 11-0 (3.35m)
17. Klnsey Batts 10-0 (3.05m)
60-Meter Hurdles
Hector Cotto
400 Meters
30. Jeff Walls
41. Hector Cotto
8.26 (prelims)
800 Meters
11. Vance Slephenson 1:55.21
22KyleYunaska 1:57.47
24. Trent Fuchs 1:5760

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excited about using the next
couple of weeks to get ready for
the C-USA competition
Also on Saturday, the ECU
men got a second-place finish in
the 4x800-meter relay (7:51.92).
Renaldo Isaac was 10th in the
long jump, leaping 22-3.75.
The weekend served as the
final tune-up for the 2004 C-USA
Indoor Track and Field Champi-
onships, which will be conducted
in Houston, Texas, Feb. 27-28.
23 Kristian Jorgensen 4:25.30
4x800 Relay
2. ECU 7:51.92
' I mo toe tnvname knew Roma.
M (Mm mqr npn m dung ywi caftng
?"?JSfi3 S H "2?1 "ti 9 ' � !W9! Mu" " to � "�� ���� A�1ln� promotion ivauibte on para W0 and hUnr witti a 2 n� custom imn umm r��. � ��j. .
Distance Medley Relay
3. ECU
Triple Jump
12. Derrick Carr
Long Jump
10 Renaldo Isaac
Weight Throw
8. Eric Rasure
14. Mayso Porch
44-2.75 (13.48m)
22-3.75 (6.80m)
56-11.5 (1736m)
49-8.75 (15.16m)
from page A10
guard needs just four points to
join 17 other Lady Pirates to score
1,000 points in a career.
Courtney Willis, who
received an emotional ovation
after the conclusion of the
Houston game, scored in double
figures for the 24th consecutive
time with 23 points. Willis failed
to reach her 21st double-double
of her career as she grabbed seven
rebounds. Senior Alisha Bishop
added nine points on four of
nine shooting.
The Lady Pirates took the lead
going into the intermission with
a basket as time expired. Keisha
Anthony forwarded a long pass
to Jennifer Jackson who found
a streaking Willis for a 27-26
halftime lead.
ECU held two-time Con-
ference Player of the Year and
preseason Conference Player of
the Year Chandi Jones to just
three points in the first half.
However, Jones went for 21 and
helped Houston holdoff the Lady
The women took their
largest lead of the game 61-57
with just 3:58 remaining off a
Jennifer Jackson jumper. The
Lady Pirates failed to convert and
had costly turnovers as the No.
21 ranked Cougars went 11 of
12 from the charity stripe in the
final three minutes.
The four overtime game with
TCU just two days earlier could
have played a factor In the late
game collapse of the Lady Pirates.
The women gave No. 22 TCU all
they could handle and more.
"I am proud of our team, and
I believe we played hard enough
to win but we ran out of gas at
the end said Coach Sharon
Baldwin-Tener, a week and a
half after giving birth.
Senior Courtney Willis
dropped career highs in scor-
ing and rebounding at 40 and
21 respectively. Willis was an
outstanding 18 of 22 from the
free throw line.
Willis tied the game in regu-
lation when she connected on
two free throws with 31 seconds
left. The senior standout from
Fayetteville, NC moved into sixth
in career points after she passed
Lydia Roundtrcc.
Four other players scored
In double figures that saw four
Lady Pirates log 49 minutes or
more. Jennifer Jackson missed
a career-high by two points as
she notched 29. Keisha Anthony
had career highs In rebounds
and assists as she barely missed
a double-double. Anthony had
IS points, 10 rebounds, and eight
assists. Alisha Bishop and Viola
Cooper both added 15 points.
The Lady Pirates led by as
much as five in one overtime
period as they had the ball on
the last possession on two of the
four overtimes. Keisha Anthony
missed two shots that could have
won the game, one of which
barely rimmed out.
F.CU held a three-point lead
with 3:14 left. However, three
consecutive three point baskets
by Natasha Lacy, Tracy Wynn,
and freshman Ashley Davis
spelled doom for the Udy Pirates.
No. 22 TCU made a conference
record 17 three pointers. Sandora
Irvin led TCU with 27 points and
12 rebounds. TCU who dressed
nine players saw four foul out.
Feb. 22. The Lady Pirates will
conclude their regular season
when they travel to play Char-
lotte, a team they beat by 25 ear-
lier this year, Feb. 27th. The Lady
Pirates haveclinched a spot in the
Conference Tournament,
which will take place in
Dallas-Fort Worth Feb. 4-9.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
to i
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the i

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ECU Polk
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The East Carolinian, February 17, 2004
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 17, 2004
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