The East Carolinian, December 6, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


Looking for a gift
for you sweetie? Liz
Fulton offers a gift
A fabulous way
to celebrate the
holiday season is by
decorating your pad.
Read how to do it on a
The men's basketball
team was tied with
UNC Wilmington at
halftime, but spurted
late. Read the sports
section to see why
the Pirates shot so
Seven intramural
champions were
crowned following
the soccer finals
Monday night.
See which teams
earned bragging
Nearly every defensive
starter was honored
by Conference USA's
coaches, but was
omitted from the
first-team. Read on
to find out how the
coaches ranked ECU'S
playersPage A6
5 2 7 6 3 1 9 8 49 3 8 2 5 4 1 6 74 6 1 7 9 8 3 5 2
1 4 38 2 96 7 5 2 1 3
8 7 95 4 6
2 6 57 1 38 4 9
3 1 2 7 5 86 7 5 4 9 29 8 4 1 3 6
4 9 63 8 15 2 7
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A8
Former student returns, shares
experiences as 'Rolling Stone editor
Alumnus author of
'Dixie Lullaby' shares
his story, love of music
Mark Kemp came to the Willis
Building on Wednesday night to
read from and talk about his book,
Dixie Lullaby: A Story of Music,
Race and Redemption and New
Beginnings in the New South.
The book is part memoir and
part cultural history of music in the
South, beginning about the time of
Martin Luther King's assassina-
tion and culminating with the
alt-rock movement of the 1990s.
Kemp, who has been named an
outstanding alumnus, was born in
Asheboro and grew up there before
attending KCU in the late 1970s and
early 1980s. He then worked briefly
for the Burlington Times News before
moving to New York City,
where he landed a job
working for Dis-
covery magazine.
That gig even-
tually helped
him to become an
editor at Rolling
"That was my
dream job since
the time I was 12
years old Kemp
said about the job at
Rolling Stone.
During his stint
there, he was key
to getting artists
such as Beck and
Marilyn Manson on
the cover. During
his talk, he recalled
Ol'Dirty Bastard of
the Wu-Tang Clan
frightening one of
his staff members
by smoking crack at
a photo shoot.
"That's the kind of thing that
happened at Rolling Stone Kemp
said. "And it was fun
Later, he moved to MTV where
he helped create the pop-
leaving MTV, he
returned to free-
lance journalism.
He remembers
a moment back-
stage with mem-
bers of the Allman
Brothers Band and
Gov't Mule as one
of the motivations
for writing Dixie
"I was really
comfortable. I was
just talking to guys
from the South. My
speech sk iwed down
and the accent kind
of crept back into
my voice. I
place, and 1 wanted to explore that
Kemp said.
Kemp said that many of the
southern musicians, both black
and white, he interviewed for the
project saw the assassination of
Rev. King ill 1968 as the "key to
the convergence of black and white
music rather than a dividing force.
He said that the book is an
attempt to combine his own past
with the music of the artists active
in the era.
"It's about my experience and
about people in the Souths experi-
ences. It wove itself into one nar-
and that's what Dixie Lullaby is
Kemp said.
As a member of the group The
Trend in Greenville in the 1980s
and a staff member at the bar The
New Deli, he saw bands such as
R.E.M. play at the club formerly
known as The Attic.
Although he hasn't returned
much since graduating with a
major in English and a minor in
philosophy, Kemp said that he was
"really glad to be back. It's inter-
esting to be back on campus.1'
This writer can be contacted at
there's really some-
thing to this cul-
ture. There's
really a
sense of
ECU professor publishes book
to help young adults cope
Ways to bounce back
when life gets tough
Dr. Jami Jones is an assistant
professor in the Department of
Library Science and Instructional
Technology here at ECU.
Jones is also the author of
Bouncing Back: Dealing with the
Stuff Life Throivs at Toil, a book
recently published through Scho-
lastic Publishing Company.
The book deals with many
ways to become more resilient in
negative situations.
Some of the factors mentioned
in the book that contribute to
becomirig a more resilient indi-
vidual are having a mentor, read-
ing, having good social skills,
setting goals, spirituality, hobbies
and activities, volunteering, prob-
lem solving, staying healthy and
seeking help. These are known as
i protective factors.
When asked why she wrote
this book, Jones said, "I had been
in education and was working at a
high school and noticed that kids
came in and had a lot of issues and
problems. At the same time my
son's girlfriend died, that's what
made me want to write it
Jones also explored resiliency
"I looked into Kauai Longitu-
dinal Study, which looked at kids
from prenatal period until they
were 40 years old
"They looked at kids who
were living in poverty, had pre-
natal complications and had par-
ents with mental illnesses. The
research showed that one in four
kids are brought up in alcoholic
families and one in four kids live
in poverty
Kauai is an island in Hawaii,
and the longitudinal Study they
conduct on their island addresses
two questions.
First, what are the long-term
effects of adverse prenatal and early g
childbearing conditions on an indi- g
vidual's physical, cognitive and psy-
chological development at midlife J
Secondly, which protective f
factors allow most individuals -
exposed to multiple childhood
risk factors to make a successful
adaptation in adulthood?
"Really this book is writ-
ten for middle and high school
students, but I could see a college
student picking it up Jones said.
"The information is very appro-
priate for college students. The
book is very lively and colorful.
There's also quizzes and factoids
Jones is the author of another
book titled, Helping Teens Cope:
Resources for School Library Media
Specialists and Other Youth Workers,
which was published in 2003.
"I am working on another book
now with Dr. Zambone, a book for
educators. The book is titled, The
Power of the School Media Specialist
Id Improve Academic Achievement
and Strengthen At-Risk Students.
Innov8r series begins
first of eight seminars
see JONES page A2
Students give Special Olympics
basketball tournament 'bounce'
To support the Special
Olympics for disabled
This year's annual l'itt County
Special Olympics Basketball Skills
Tournament took place at the
Eppes Recreational Center at
Thomas Foreman Park Friday,
Dec. 1. It was a shooting frenzy for
all as the gym was jammed packed
with elementary, middle and high
school disabled and highly chal-
lenged students all competing to
score points in order to complete
their team challenges.
Over 90 percent of the vol-
unteers at the tournament were
ECU students who did everything
from coaching, practicing, score
keeping and presenting awards.
"We wouldn't have been able to
do anything with out them said
Kelvin Yarrell, recreational man-
ager for Greenville Recreation
and Parks Department. "The ECU
students as well as our other local
volunteers do so much to help
out during the tournament. They
help by going out and coaching
the kids at different schools and
shelter homes in order to get them
prepared for the games as well as
just motivating them during the
time of their participation
Many believe that there are
not enough young people out in
the community doing volunteer
work. However, this stereotype has
slowly transformed as college stu-
dents and other young people have
stepped up and taken the role of
leadership. "I do it because I enjoy
it. Just to see what these children
go through everyday and the fact
they still keep a smile on their
faces, helps me to keep my sanity
see OLYMPICS page A2
Attendees learn
about protection of
intellectual property
On Nov. .SO at the Hilton in
Greenville, ECU'S entrepreneurial
initiative began the first of eight
seminars n the commercializa-
tion of new technology.
The seminars are designed
to help educate entrepreneurs on
how to take an innovative product
to the market.
The first seminar of the
lnnov8r series, which is sponsored
by the law office of Myers Bigel,
was about protecting intellectual
The seminar included discus-
sion topics that educated attendees
about patents, trademarks, copy-
rights, trade secrets and legal
Kenneth Sibley and Rohan
Saba, patent attorneys for
Myers Bigel, began the evening
by talking about intellectual
property and the basic require-
ments needed to protect it.
"It's hard tor you yourself to
determine what is or w ill be pat-
entable said Rohan in reference
to deciding whether a product is
ready to become legally protected.
Sibley, named to the Legal
Elite Hall of Fame by Business
N.C. magazine in '2005, discussed
the patenting process extensively
from the conception of a product
to preparing and filing a U.S.
patent application.
Both Sibley and Saba
amused attendees with brief
references to inventors that
have made history, appropri-
ately mentioning the inventor
of Pepsi-Cola, Caleb Bradbam.
Towards the end of the eve-
ning, a pane of entrepreneurs
answered questions from the
audience, such as how to disclose
patents, copyrights and trade
Becretl to employees.
"Even if you work with your
best friend, I would encourage you
to have them sign a non-compete
and non-disclosure agreement,
said Brad Griffin, vice president
of merchandising and product
development of Practicon, Inc.
Timothy Roniack, assistant
professor of chemistry at ECU
and Travis Hargett, president ol
Eastridge Technology Inc also
participated in answering ques-
tions for attendees.
When faced with the question
of how to cut costs for a patent,
Roniack said, "Patent costs are not
a place to skimp
The next seminar of the series
will be held on Jan. 30. at the
Hilton and will cover market
assessments and research, tech-
nology and business feasibilities
of a new product, and identifying
venture opportunities.
This writer can be contacted at

Campus & Community
Project HEART
The Children of New Orleans
still need our help. Project
HEART will continue collect-
ing school supplies through
Dec. 6. The goal is to provide
each child at James Johnson
Elementary School with a
holiday gift bag full of school
supplies. Contact the director,
Dr. Beacham at 328-1849 or
AC Leader Shanda Staten at
Dance 2007
Thursday, Feb. 1 through
Wednesday, Feb. 7 in McGin-
nis Auditorium at 8 p.m.
except Sunday at 2 p.m.
Sometimes serious, some-
times funny, sometimes lyrical
and sometimes eccentric, this
annual dance showcase has
become an immensely popular
event. Sure to have something
for dance aficionados and
newcomers alike, this is a
fast-paced and unpredictable
cornucopia of dance styles.
for more information. Ticket
Thursday, Feb. 22 through
Tuesday, Feb. 27 in McGinnis
Auditorium at 8 p.m. except
Sunday at 2 p.m.
One of the most uproariously
funny musicals in recent
years, Urinetown is a hilari-
ous tale of greed, corruption,
love and revolution in a time
when water is worth its weight
in gold. Book by: Greg Kotis,
lyrics by: Greg Kotis and
Mark Hollmann, music by:
Mark Hollmann.
for more information. Ticket
"The Tempest"
Thursday, April 12 through
Tuesday, April 17 at 8 p.m.
except Sunday at 2 p.m. in
McGinnis Auditorium.
Prospero lives on a desolate
isle with his virginal daugh-
ter, Miranda. He's in exile,
banished from his duchy by
his usurping brother and the
King of Naples. Providence
brings these enemies near;
aided by his vassal the spirit
Ariel, Prospero conjures a
tempest to wreck the Italian
ship. The king's son, think-
ing all others lost, becomes
Prospero's prisoner, falling in
love with Miranda and she with
him. Prospero's brother and
the king wander the island, as
do a drunken cook and sailor,
who conspire with Caliban,
Prospero's beastly slave, to
murder Prospero. Prospero
wants reason to triumph, Ariel
wants his freedom, Miranda
a husband; the sailors want
to dance. By William Shake-
Visit for
additional information. Ticket
Tuesday, Dec. 5 through
Saturday, Dec. 10
Holiday Gift Wrap
Humane Society needs volun-
teers wrap gifts at the mall for
donations. Shifts
are available Monday through
Saturday starting at 10 a.m
and Sunday 1 - 6 p.m. at
Colonial Mall in front of Belk.
Contact Vicki Luttrell at 353-
8833 or vluttrell@unitedway
Saturday, Dec. 9
Habitat for Humanity infor-
mation table and fund-
Volunteers needed to hand
out flyers and encourage
Lowes customers to donate
to Habitat at cash regis-
ter. One hundred percent of
the donations made will go
directly to our local Habitat
Chapter. Shifts are from 9
- 11 a.m 11 a.m. - 1 p.m
1 - 3. p.m. Contact Pau-
lette White at 758-2947 or
Wednesday, Dec. 13
Special Populations Christ-
mas Dance
Volunteers needed to set
upclean up and assist with
dance activities. Dance will
be held at CM Epps cafeteria
from 5 - 9 p.m. Contact Deir-
tra Crandol at 329-4541 or
Graduate students last day
to remove incompletes
given during Fall 2005.
Classes end. Last day
for submission of grade
replacement requests.
Community Appearance
Commission Meeting
Third Floor Conference
Room of City Hall
200 Martin Luther King
Jr. Dr.
5:30 p.m.
ECU Engineering host
Robotics competition
ECU engineering freshmen,
21 teams in all, will com-
pete in trials throughout
the day to vie for the title
of "Biggest Pirate" of the
engineering department.
Atrium of ECU'S Science
& Technology Building
6 p.m.
'Russian Film Series:
"An Unfinished Piece
for the Player Piano"
Bate 2011
6:30 p.m.
Movies have English sub-
titles or dubbing.
Women's Basketball
vs UNC Wilmington
Williams Arena at Minges
7 p.m.
$500 cash in Prizes
Destination 360
9 p.m.
Reading Day
CoffeehouseOpen Mic
Pirate Underground
9 p.m.
Day of Relaxation
Mendenhall Student
12 - 5 p.m.
Make-up Day
Contact your profes-
sors for Friday classes
concerning the optional
hurricane make-up day
10sun HlWon 12lue
Final Exams Begin
Men's Basketball
Campus recreation and
Wellness Basketball
Game Night
Children and adults will
have the opportunity
to experience an excit-
ing ECU Pirates bas-
ketball game together.
The event will include
interaction with Peedee
the Pirate and the ECU.
This year's game will be
against South Florida.
Cost is $5 per person.
Williams Arena and
Minges Coliseum
7 p.m.
Weekly Mass
The Newman Catholic
Student Center next to
Fletcher Recital Hall
All are welcome to
weekly Mass every
Sunday at 7 p.m.
Greenville Youth Council
There will be a Greenville
city council meeting in
the third floor confer-
ence room of City Hall
on Martin Luther King,
Jr. Dr.
6 - 8 p.m.
Greenville Utilities
At the GUC Board Room,
on 401 South Greene St.
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Featured Event:
Russian Film Series: "An Unfinished Piece for the
Player Piano"
Bate 2011
6:30 p.m.
Movies have English subtitles or dubbing.
Navy brig has housed several
terror suspects
(AP) The Charleston Naval
Consolidated Brig where attorneys
for Jose Padilla say their client
was mistreated is a fortress-like
building behind razor wire-topped
fences near a city better known for
its Southern charm than dealing
with terror suspects.
Padilla was one of several
suspects housed in recent years
at the brig. Held there as an
enemy combatant for 3 and a half
years, Padilla's attorneys say video
images of him in chains and wear-
ing headphones and blacked-out
goggles show the harsh tactics
used by military interrogators.
Padilla is not the only terror
suspect held at the brig to claim
"His treatment has been as
bad if not more severe than Jose
Padilla his attorney, Jonathan
Hafetz of the Brennan Center for
Justice at New York University
School of Law, said Monday.
Lindsey Graham, then a
Republican congressman and
now the state's senior U.S. senator,
said brig could help in the war on
terror and "South Carolina and
its citizens stand ready to do our
Mahdi knew he was killing a
police officer
(AP)A Virginia man knew
he was shooting an off-duty South
Carolina police officer when he
fired a rifle at the man nine times
and then set his body on fire,
prosecutors arguing for the death
penalty said Monday.
Mikal Deen Mahdi, 23, pleaded
guilty to murder and other charges
last week before his trial started.
Prosecutors seeking the death
penalty argued Mahdi knew he
was killing a police officer when
he shot Orangeburg County
Public Safety Capt. James Myers,
56. However, prosecutors noted
Mahdi's already pleaded guilty
to charges that could warrant a
death penalty.
"I wish I had raised him. He's
a smart boy his grandmother,
Pascoe said Myers' death ful-
filled a pledge Mahdi made in 1998
when police arrested him, then IS,
after a nine-hour standoff.
"He said, 'I'm going to kill
a cop before I die Brunswick
County, Va. Sheriff James Wood-
ley testified.
OSU researchers use sea-
weed to reduce pollution
(AP) Researchers at Oregon
State University are working on a
new way to reduce chemical pol-
lution with seaweed.
Chemical Engineering Profes-
sor Gregory Rorrer is studying
whether the metabolic processes
of certain seaweeds can be used
to break down a class of pollutants
into less toxic matter.
The pollutants in question
often occur at harmful levels in
areas like shipping ports and
harbors, where fuel oil or coal is
And the pollutants can hurt
marine invertebrates, like clams
and oysters.
But preliminary research being
done at Oregon State suggests that
seaweeds can help remove the
harmful pollutants' compounds
from sea water.
Researchers are still trying
to figure out what happens to the
pollutants after they are broken
"Prison Break star in car acci-
(AP) "Prison Break" actor,
Lane Garrison was involved in a
car accident late Saturday night,
which killed a 17 year old boy and
injured two other teenagers.
Garrison, who plays Tweener
in the hit show, was inside his
SUV when it crashed into a tree
in Beverly Hills.
Police are still investigating
who was driving and what caused
the collision.
The actor received minor
injuries, but a 17 year old boy was
pronounced dead at Cedars Sinai
Medical Center following the acci-
dent. Two 15-year-old girls were
also injured, one critically.
Gates warns of broader Mideast war OLYMPICS
continued from Al
(MCT) President Bush's
choice as new Pentagon chief told
a Senate committee on Tuesday
that the United States isn't win-
ning in Iraq and that neighboring
countries could be sucked into a
regional war if the violence isn't
contained within two years.
The Senate Armed Services
Committee voted '21-0 after a five
hour hearing to send former CIA
Director Robert Gates' nomina-
tion to the full Senate.
It was expected to confirm
him as soon as Wednesday as suc-
cessor to Donald H. Rumsfeld, a
key architect of the increasingly
unpopular war.
Gates' non-Rumsteldian frank-
ness about Iraq was a signal to
Congress and the White House
that he will he more forthright
than Rumsfeld, who frequently
dismissed views that differed from
his own upbeat assessments.
Moreover, Gates' pledges to
consult lawmakers on Iraq strat-
egy changes appeared to be a nod
to Democrats, who won control of
Congress and thus the Pentagon
budget in the Nov. 7 election.
The Democrats' big showing
was widely seen as an expression of
voter discontent over the war.
"I am open to a wide range
of ideas and proposals declared
Gates, now president of Texas
A&M University.
President Bush has insisted
that U.S. troops are winning in
"I know you want to pit a fight
between Bob Gates and the presi-
dent. It doesn't exist said White
House spokesman Tony Snow
when pressed on the apparently
conflicting views.
Snow asserted that Gates' full
testimony showed that he and Bush
agree that the United States must
help Iraq become a country that
can defend and govern itself.
Some 140,000 American
troops and U.Strained .Iraqi
security forces have failed to curb
when I feel my life is upside down.
My problems don't compare to the
daily tasks that these children are
faced with everyday said ECU
student Stephanie Burnett of the
Sigma Alpha Omega sorority.
"The program is sponsored
by Greenville Recreation and
Parks Department and Domino's
Pizza and also received help from
the Special Olympics Staff, Pitt
County Schools, D.H. Conley High
School's JROTC students and the
Greenville Rescue Department
said Special Olympics Coordinator
Deirtra E. Crandol.
With over 100 people in atten-
dance to watch the players com-
pete in each part of the competi-
tion including passing, dribbling
and shooting stations, the players
hustled up and down the courts,
all receiving awards for each event
they competed in.
When asked, "Are you readyP"
Brandon Cannon of Ayden Grifton
High School hurriedly clapped his
hands together to show his enthu-
siasm as the coaches yelled, "Let
the games begin" and the whistle
blew once more.
The Special Olympics
Greenville-Pitt County 2006
Basketball Skills Tournament
committee would like to thank all
the participants and supporters of
the event.
This writer can be contacted at
Robert Gates, pentagon chief, says the U.S. is not winning in Iraq.
continued from Al
an insurgency by Sunni Muslims
or violence by Shiite Muslim mili-
tias linked to religious parties in
the majority Shiite-dominated
More than 2,900 U.S. troops
and tens of thousands of Iraqis
have died since the 2003 US-led
Gates' hearing came a day
before the bipartisan Iraq Study
Group headed by former Secretary
of State James A. Baker III and
former Rep. Lee Hamilton was to
unveil its recommendations.
Baker briefed Bush on Tuesday
on the findings. Gates was a panel
member, hut quit after Bush nomi-
nated him on Nov. 8.
Asked by Sen. Carl Levin, D-
Mich the incoming chairman of
the armed services committee, if
the United States was winning in
Iraq, Gates replied, "No sir
He later said he agreed with
Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
who recently said, "We are not
winning, but we are not losing
Gates said he was concerned
that "troops in the field might have
misunderstood something I said"
and that his comment pertained
"to the situation in Iraq as a whole.
Our military forces win the battles
that they fight"
He noted that resolving the
conflict required an accord on
sharing political power and oil
revenues among Sunnis, Shiites
and other groups.
Gates said that stabilizing Iraq
would be his top priority and that
he would visit U.S. troops in Iraq
soon if confirmed.
He said he would solicit the
views of military commanders,
members of Congress and admin-
istration officials before offering
his own recommendations.
Leaving Iraq precipitously
would be disastrous for the Middle
East and U.S. security, he said.
"Our course over the next year
or two will determine whether the
American and Iraqi people, and the
next president of the United States,
will face a slowly, but steadily
improving situation in Iraq and
in the region, or will face the very
real risk, and possible reality, of a
regional conflagration he said.
I also want to write a book on
resiliency for women says Jones.
Bouncing Back: Deal-
ing with the Stuff Life Throws
at Tou, is a project that took
four years to be published and
will be available in March 2007.
It is a helpful guide to assist
young individuals in getting
through rocky times in their lives.
As stated by Jones, "life
is tough, and we all need to
strengthen ourselves
Jami Jones, the author of Bounc-
ing Back: Dealing with the Stuff Life
Throws at Tou, can be contacted at
This writer can be contacted at
Providing in-class entertainment
since 2004

You mean everything to me, and I mean
nothing to you. Why can't I stop thinking
about you?
It's what's for dinner
The Opinion
Page talks back
We receive many questions
and comments via Pirate Rant
submissions hat deserve a response.
Below are answers to some of your
recent questions and concerns.
Q: I just read two sentences ending in a
preposition. I was under the impression the East
Carolinian staff wanted to be taken seriously.
A: Like many others, you seem to be upset
over a grade school rule that never really had any
bearing and has long since been repealed. While
we know it may break your heart to hear this, it's
actually grammatically acceptable to end a sen
tence with a preposition, meaning, it's not actually
wrong. In fact, it's quite harmless. On the Opinion
page you see this happen many times. For us, it's
acceptable because often in avoiding the dreading
prepositional ending, you would be forced to sound
awkward or pretentious, and who wants that?
And let me warn you now - you many even see
the occasional fragment or the ever so bold passive
voice (though we insist that Opinion writers keep
that to a minimum) in the future. So don't be too
alarmed if you see these things in the future. We
know they're happening and we're okay with it.
Q: Why is it that the people at the East
Carolinian can publish tons of Pirate Rants by
angry homosexuals but can't offer a fair share
of press to conservatives.
A: As a conservative faction of the Opinion
page, allow me a moment to answer this myself,
since I am the one who pulls the Pirate Rants. By
no means do I give special privilege to either side
of student opinions. I do give equal balance to both
sides as long as rants are coming in. I would like to
see more varied opinions, but often one side is much
more vocal than others. Moreover, if you write a
rant the size ofa short novel, it's not exactly a rant
and it would more appropriately work as a Letter
to the Editor or a contributed article (if you had
that much to say that is).
Additionally, the Opinion page has made a
concentrated effort to hire conservative writ-
ers, and yet none have applied. If you want to
see change, come up here and help make them.
Q: Is Skip talking to other schools? I heard
that he is. Why are we wasting time? Pay the
man and let's win some hardware!
A: No need to worry, our good friends in the
Sports section reminded us again of this Tuesday's
sports article where Skip was quoted saying, "I have
not sought, nor am I seeking any other coaching
position at this time. I'm happy with the progress
we've made here but we still have a lot of work to
do So let's give him credit for his dedication to
the university and all that he's done here already.
If we're lucky we'll have him around for a long
Q: Can we bring back Campus Confessions?
Cause that was a good time!
A: We feel like heartbreakers today, and I hate
to tell you this, but Campus Confessions started
off as a great idea and we were very excited by
them. Sadly, with time, the interest in sending
them in quickly died off and we were left with
space and nothing to print. We don't foresee their
return and we'd like to encourage you to make
your confessions via Pirate Rants like many people
do already.
Q: New paper everyday online? Please this
is Monday and it's still Thursday's paper. You
could probably publish a lot more Pirate Rants
if you really did make a new paper everyday.
A: Sadly, the East Carolinian is not a daily paper.
However, we do update our online version every
day a print edition comes out.
Maybe you missed it, but we had a special
Thanksgiving edition of the Pirate Rants that came
out without a printed-paper, so we have entertained
the idea of printing Pirate Rants at special times.
And, perhaps if enough people were willing to send
in rants, we would consider publishing them online
every day or perhaps just on weekends. The prob-
lem with that is, there currently not enough coming
in to publish online-only versions consistently, and
by no means do we want to make a commitment to
the Student Body that we can't follow through.
In the mean time, show us the rants and we'll
see what we can do.
Also, the East Carolinian will be covering the Bowl in Birmingham from Dec.
20-23; articles and photos from the bowl and it's
festivities will be available daily, so keep checking
the Web site.
Q: Everything I want to say in the Pirate
Rants, I'm not allowed.
A: Have you tried? We're not saying that you
can say everything under the sun, but we're pretty
open to the idea of free speech and not censoring as
much as possible. If you have something legitimate
to say, try it. If nothing else the catharsis in typing
it will probably make you feel better.
Q: Why doesn't the East Carolinian have a
personals section?
A: That's a good question. Do you think
many students would be interested in them? If
so, Pirate Rant hack to me and we can talk to the
Classifieds section about making a special place
just for them.
Q: I'll give you a dollar if you post my rant.
A: Really? I'd love that. Come by the office in
the Self Help building at the corner of Third and
Evans Streets across from the court houses, suite
100-F and we'll talk.
Yes, I am working out in shorts and I
haven't shaved my legs. Got a problem?
If you want to make me jealous, don't
parade around ugly girls, it just makes
me feel sorry for you.
Stop saying you're angry, you would
have done the same thing to us.
People with December birthdays rock!
You just want to talk about dating other
people just to make me jealous. And it's
working because I still love you
Ever avoid someone so you wouldn't
have to correct your mistake?
Who keeps turning on my lights?
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin
Islands. They are now The Islands.
Why is it that every girl I'm sweet to is
the one that treats me bad or doesn't
want to give me the time of day? Would
you like me better if I started treating
you like I didn't care?
Why is it that the only predominantly
black club downtown (The Phoenix)
charges people $10 to get in while all
the other clubs downtown which are
predominantly white charge only $5?
It's time to wake up and be aware ECU.
I'm cold. I want my global warming
enhanced weather back.
When did treating people like crap
become so trendy?
I promised myself I wouldn't fall into
infatuation over a bronze-skinned
sorostitute, but I can't help it. I'm mad
about you.
No, I will not post those pictures on
Facebook and tag you. Stop asking
every single time I take a picture of
you. I don't care!
Homosexuals will have equal rights in
the U.S. eventually. Do you really want
to be remembered in the history books
as the bigot that opposed equality?
Maintenance, how about a response to
my two-week-old complaint? Anytime
before 2056 would be nice.
It completely defeats the purpose
of wearing shower shoes when the
showers flood.
I wish I could Tl VO the next two weeks
of my life and just hit fast forward.
I met someone this weekend who
honestly thought water polo was
played with horses in the water.
I can't believe you didn't know where
the library is.
If I see one more Kay Jewelers
commercial, I'm gonna flip out and
kill someone.
If you want to graduate in a purple
robe and look like Barney, be my
guest. But don't get offended when I
ask you to sing the "I Love You, You
Love Me" song.
So the Crest people have a commercial
that says I should give a Spin Brush as a
gift. If I ever give someone a toothbrush
for Christmas, I hope they punch me.
Why do people who can't sing always
insist upon singing at the top of their
lungs while in the shower?
I need a new running buddy!
Why are we just now finding out about
make-up classes on Thursday? Could
ECU be anymore inconsiderate of
our time?
My computer teacher openly admits to
reading over 30 newsletters a day about
internet security. Can we say paranoia?
I am terrified I will disappoint my
I'm so glad that most classrooms are
switching over to white boards, I really
do hate blackboards.
Other than being sexy, what else do
you do for a living?
I'm so down for purple graduate robes!
So, this weekend I met a guy and he
spent the night at my place. When I
take him home the next morning he
tells me he lives with his girlfriend.
Thank you reason number 7,429
for reminding me why I don't date
Greenville guys.
You have no idea how much I have
fallen for you over the past month.
Sometimes I wish you would open
your eyes and see that you have
everything before you. I'm all yours
and I love you!
Why is it when you think the right one
has come along something goes
The food at West End is so bad I
decided to get a takeout plate just to
see if my dog would eat it. He wouldn't
touch it.
Having classes Thursday instead of
having reading day is officially the
lamest thing ever.
ECU having free laundry is the greatest
thing in the history of forever.
You are conceited. Seriously.
I love bubble wrap.
Is it really necessary for there to be
two computers reserved for the lab
assistants in Rivers when they aren't
ever there anyway?
Labels are for file folders and papers,
not for people.
I couldn't survive college without naps.
Hugs make the world go round.
I'm setting my friend up with a guy,
but secretly I would love to keep him
for myself.
Karma, it's called karma.
You are so cute that it makes me want
to stalk you.
To the hot Arabic sisters that are
always downtown, you guys are the
reason I am anti-war.
To the guy who chased the squirrel in
front of Destination 360 this morning
- Thank you! That made my day!
I think somebody forgot to tell the
JV cheerleaders that they're actually
supposed to cheer at the women's
basketball games.
You aren't the only one in class with all
the answers. You are just the only one
that thinks we are still in high school,
so you scream out the answers like its
some competition. Just shut up.
You give "East Carolina girl" a bad name!
I like birds.
When are politicians going to realize
that doing the right thing isn't always
the easiest or most popular thing to
I feel like I am living with a six-year-old.
Act your age, not your shoe size.
If I adopt an embryo, a pre-born child,
do I get a child tax credit even if I keep
it frozen?
I really like the whole "30 hours 'til sex"
idea. Now, anyone wanna hang out
with me until Wednesday morning?
Does anyone else find it depressing that
it gets dark at about 5:15 around here?
I'll play that pick up game with you
at the Chancellor's House. He won't
mind, he's never here anyway. Let's
get that ugly looking wreath off the goal
and have a purple gold tourney.
Why is it that when you try to be nice
and help a Greek organization, they
don't come through! If you were going
to have a raffle, it would be nice to get
your prize when you win!
I am the biggest hypocrite ever.
The girl who gave me a high-five while
I was running made my day!
If the SGA is really there for the
students, then they need to vote
again and switch back to professional
black graduation robes. Nobody
wants to look like a mascot on their
college graduation day. They did
it just to appease certain ECU staff
Christmas break, here I come! No,
seriously. I'm packed and ready to go!
No, I'm not going to suck the splinter
out of your foot. Talk about gross.
I'm at 13 hours and counting. Go me.
How come every time I try to park
on the street by Ham's there are
always at least two spots that can
fit half of a car? You do not need
to leave two feet between your car
and the car in front of and behind
you. Learn to parallel park N.C.
I'll quit calling you black and start
calling you "African American" when
you quit calling yourself by the "n" word.
Respect is a two way street.
I hate feeling like I have to live up to
my older sister.
You said you were putting a tree on
campus. Where is it?
How awesome is the guy who made
the half court shot at the basketball
game the other day
Need advice? Want answers? Just ask Jane.
Dear Jane,
I have a serious problem and I need help with it
badly. Before coming here, I heard many stories about
all the STDs that are transmitted here at ECU, so I was
checked out lor everything two weeks prior to classes
and everything was fine. I told myself that I would not
engage in any sexual acts at least for my first year here.
But with all the temptation that is around, I ended up
having sex with a guy that I had only known for a few
weeks. It's been a little over a month and I don't even
speak to him anymore.
Now there is something "wrong" with me. This
symptoms happened a few days after I had sex with
him, but they went away and I thought that things
were fine. Now it's hack and I don't know what to do.
I'm afraid to be tested because I am embarrassed and
hurt by the turnout with the situation between us. I'm
pretty sure that if I have something, he gave it to me.
I am also pretty sure that he has had sex with other
girls on campus. So my question is, even though 1 don't
have the symptoms ofa STD, should I still get tested
If something is wrong, I believe that he will say that I
contracted it from s6mewhere else, even though I know
I haven't slept with anyone but him while I have been
here. If I do have something, should I find the other girls
he has been with and warn them? Please help!
Confused and sad soul
Dear Confused,
I wish I could tell you that what you are experienc-
ing is normal (or not) or give you some sort of diagnosis
lor the symptoms you have described, but alas, I have
no medical degree. That being said, you need to know
that in the U.S one in four sexually active teens become
infected with an STD every year, according to the Alan
Guttmacher Institute, New York, 1996. And ifyou have
been experiencing any strange symptoms that you just
aren't sure about, it is so important that you go and get
tested by a health care professional. I realize that it may
be a bit scary, but not knowing whether or not you have
contracted a potentially serious disease is even scarier.
Where it concerns the guy involved, don't say anything
until you get your test results. You need to get tested,
and ifyou have contracted a STI), he needs to know. He
needs to know for his own personal health anil for, like
you mentioned, any ol his other partners. However, it
is not your responsibility to tell them. Once he knows,
it is up to him to make sure his partners are informed.
He may or may not tell them, but that's why it's so
important to use protection, no matter what your future
partners do (or don't) tell you. Even with protection,
nothing is guaranteed, so use caution. Ifyou do have a
STD, make sure to tell your future partners, too. 1 hope
your test results come back in your favor.
Letter To The Editor
Brown v. Board is not at risk. Segregated schools
are, and forever will be illegal in the United States
of America, no one is disputing that. The cases that
were heard by the United States Supreme Court on
Monday consider racial preferences in K-12 schools.
In landmark decisions in 2003, the Supreme
Court said in a very strong voice that race could
be a consideration in entrance requirements for
individuals choosing to apply to competitive col-
leges and universities, but maintain that race could
not be the one deciding factor. The idea of K-12
schools using this practice was never considered,
but now it is.
In Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Edu-
cation, the second of the cases heard in tandem
yesterday, the issue was whether race could be the
single deciding factor in an "open choice" school
district in Kentucky. Crystal Meredith, the mother
of Joshua McDonald, lived a mere five minutes from
an elementary school. When she first moved to the
district, her son was assigned to a school that was a
90 minute bus ride away. She filed to have her son
transferred to the closer school, which was consis-
tent with the policy implemented by the local board
of education, but her request was denied. The board
said that because of their desire to maintain racial
balance in the school, her son could be required to
go to a school 90 minutes away, and separate from
the school that his neighborhood friends attended.
In the district exists a policy that requires that at
least 15 percent and no more than SO percent of the
school's population be black. Not African American,
or minority, or any other classification. There was
plenty of room in the school he wished to go to, but
racial balance became the determinant factor.
What message are we sending to these children?
What message are we sending to an elementary
school student who is told that he can't go to
school with his friends because he is white? The
policy exists to create a racial balance in schools,
to create racial diversity in public education, but its
unintended consequences are creating exactly what
it is designed to outlaw - racism. If we continue to
tell our children that they are defined by their skin
color, race will continue to be an everyday factor
in our lives. The government should not see us as
black, white, Hispanic or other. It should see us as
American citizens and guaranteed the same protec-
tions under the law as the next person. If we deny
this child and others the right to go to a school of
their choice, while allowing others that choice, we
are not giving that one child, regardless of their
race, an equal opportunity to strive and be excellent.
The other case before the Supreme Court
involves older children. In Parents Involved in
Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1,
S00 white high school students were denied admis-
sion to the school of their choice because it would
also upset the racial balance in their school. But
in Seattle, the case was a bit different. The school
those 300 students applied to had more applicants
than it had spaces. In that district, the requirement
is that GO percent of the school be "non-white" and
40 percent be "white Therefore, when students
applied to the school, 300 "non-white" students
were granted admission and zero "white" students
were. They were sent elsewhere, once again some
as far as 45 minutes away from their home, simply
for the purpose of racial balance.
The issue here isn't hate, or Brown v. Board
as some wish to make it, the issue is whether or
not every student in a public K-12 system enjoys
the same protection under the law as every other
student. In Louisville, Ky. and Seattle, Wash as
these two cases demonstrate the answer is "no If
you're white, you're not allowed the same choice
that other students are allowed. If you're white and
in K-12 public schools, you have obviously commit-
ted some evil against the state and deserve to be
bussed 90 minutes across the county in the name
of racial balance.
Joshua McDonald's bus route passes four other
elementary schools in the area before he finally
arrives to the school he was assigned to. As he
waits to catch the bus, he watches as his friends in
the neighborhood walk to the school that is five
minutes away. When you think of this case, think
of Joshua McDonald and what must be running
through his seven-year-old mind when his mother
explained to him why he's going across the county
to school. Think of him, and the thousands of
other elementary, middle and high school students
who are denied equal protection under the law.
Dustin B, l'ittman
Administrative Vice Chairman
N.C. Federation of College Republicans
Senior, CommunicationPolitical Science Major
Sarah Bell
Editor in Chief
Rachel King
News Editor
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Features Editor
Eric Gilmore
Sports Editor
Sarah Hackney
Head Copy Editor
Rachael Latter
Multimedia Web Editor
Claire Murphy
Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Asst. Features Editor
Greg Katski
Asst. Sports Editor
Zach Sirkin
Photo Editor
Jamie Crouthamel
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
during the regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednes-
days during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to the East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, N.C. 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One copy
of the East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is1.

Campus Scene
You're growing more impatient,
which won't do you any good.
Your good sense is returning.
Hopefully, you're not humiliated
by whatever it is you've recently
The next few weeks will be good
for practicing over and over
again. The next few days will
be good for bringing in money
to pay for your lessons.
Concentrate on efficiency.
Free up more of your time
to investigate options you've
never considered. You don't
even know what they are, yet.
Others look to you for leadership
and advice. You have the
experience. Also have the
Your friends are there for you
again. They come up with great
ideas that help you get your
sense of humor back.
Be ready for a new assignment.
Somebody important likes your
work. Accept a challenge.
Your attention will be diverted
with another tempting offer.
Don't drop what you're doing,
until it's producing the results
without your attention.
Check your storage facilities,
and find out what you already
have. Stash away as much and
more as you can, so you don't
have to lug it around.
You're in for a pleasant surprise,
so don't put up too much of a
It's time to get back to work, if
you want to make any money.
Nerves are a bit on edge. Do
what you can to soothe them.
This is a temporary condition.
Things calm down tomorrow.
Drink Recipe:
3 cups milk
1 large strip orange zest
2 large strips lemon zest
1 vanilla bean, split and vanilla
seeds scraped loose
4 large egg yolks
12 cup sugar, plus 2
2 egg whites
23 cup white rum
2 to 3 tablespoons bourbon,
Freshly grated nutmeg
Finely grated orange andor
lemon zest
Put two cups of the milk, both
citrus zests, and the vanilla
bean and tar in a medium
saucepan. Bring to a simmer
over medium heat. Meanwhile,
whisk the egg yolks and the 12
cup sugar in a medium bowl
until lightened in color.
Gradually pour the hot milk
into the eggs while whisking
constantly. Return the egg
mixture to the pan and set over
medium heat. Stir constantly
with a wooden spoon in a figure
eight motion until the custard
thickens slightly and coats the
back of the spoon, about two
to three minutes. Remove from
heat and immediately stir in the
remaining cup of milk to stop
the cooking. Transfer custard
to a large bowl; cool to room
temperature. (To speed this up,
set bowl in another bowl of ice).
Put about one inch of water
in a saucepan and bring to a
simmer over medium heat. Put
the egg whites and remaining
two tablespoons sugar in a
heat proof bowl large enough
to rest in the saucepan without
touching the water. Set the
bowl over the simmering
water and beat until the sugar
dissolves and the egg whites
feel warm to the touch, about
one minute. Remove from the
heat and beat the whites with
an electric mixer until they
hold a soft peak, about three
minutes. Fold the egg whites
into custard mixture. Add
the rum and bourbon, cover,
and refrigerate until ready
to serve.
Play Santa for your sweetie
A guide to gift giving
Christmas time is here, and if
that doesn't have you kicking up
your feet like Pigpen in A Charlie
Brown Christmas, you must be
frightened of giving the wrong
There is alw ays some degree of
difficulty when it comes to buying
presents for that special someone
in your life. Not only is it almost
impossible to shop for guys, but
just one false move in a girl's gift
can have you receiving the cold
shoulder until Valentine's Day
(when you can try again).
Every couple falls into a dif-
ferent category when it comes to
gift giving. No one would expect a
set of golf clubs after two weeks of
dating or silence from your signifi-
cant other on Christmas Day after
two years of being together. Make
sure that you and your love are on
the same page when exchanging
gifts, unless you want to be spend-
ing New Years alone.
For the couple that has been
together forever (and in college
time, that means four months or
more): By now yen two have been
together long enough to know what
is expected of you at Christmas. If
money is no object, jewelry is the
ideal gift for a girl. Not only can
she rub it in the noses of all of her
friends, but every time she wears
it, she will think of you.
While gift giving is not always
so clear cut with boys, it is possible
that they might be very open about
what they want as in something X-
Box related. You could also take the
initiative to give him something he
would love to have but would never
think to ask for. Think about the
things he loves most, apart from
you, and come up with a unique
present that is all your own. If he
loves music, take him to Atlanta
for the Widespread Panic show
on New Years or get him tickets
to some really important sporting
event. If all else fails, boys never
seem to have enough clothes, and
they tend to wear whatever you
pick out for them.
If money is a bit tight this year,
think about setting a cap on how
much each of you will spend so
no one will feel like a chump on
Dec. 25. Making time to spend
with each other is so much more
important than a present. Take the
romantic route by cooking dinner
for your sweetie and create a cozy
setting. You could also think about
an inside joke you two share and
create a gift from that.
For those crazy kids that have
just started dating, the concept
of present exchange is a delicate
situation. If you have only been
hanging out for a couple of weeks
and nothing is official, it might be
a good idea to refrain from giving
anything more than a card. After
all, who wants to shell out some
dough on a super awesome gift
and then find out you aren't the
only one waiting for him under the
Finally, if there is someone
out there that sees you as just a
friend and you want something
more, take a tip from Jim on The
Officeand give a gift that tells how
you really feel. Depending on how
madly in love you are, writing a
heartfelt letter and giving them
something only you would think
to buy might begin a whole new
chapter for you both.
No matter what you buy this
Christmas for your better half,
make sure that it comes from the
heart. Christmas is indeed the
most wonderful time of the year,
and it should be spent making rj
new memories with the ones you 3
really love.
This writer can be contacted at
Pimp out your pad this holiday season
The holiday season is upon us - a time to pull out old
decorations and purchase a few new ones in a quest to
pimp out your pad. Decorating for the holidays can end
up busting any budget in a matter of mere minutes after
arriving at youi favorite retail store and just tossing
some things that you "need" into your basket. However,
there are some ways to stretch your dollars this holiday
season and still end up with a rocking crib.
Let's start with the basics. One of the cheapest yet
festive ways to decorate tor the holiday is w ith stockings.
Large stockings can be purchased for about one dollar
or you can opt for a package of six small stockings lor
around $3. Stockings can be obtained in a variety of
colors and sizes and offer your bland living room or
kitchen a fun punch of color.
If you are looking lorward to playing Santa for your
roommates this year, stockings also provide a great
place to stuff extra goodies tailored to their unique
personalities. If you want to get creative, you could even
paint your names on them along w ith cool designs
Another ultra cheap way to decorate your pad this
holiday season is through the use of candy canes. That's
right folks, for a mere dollar you can buy an entire
box of candy canes, which can be hung through-
out your pad to create a festive air. Candy
see DECORATION page A5
Before the 16th century, trees were
decorated with apples, cakes and
16th century. Martin Luther
first to use candles on trees
1850s: Shaped glass bead
garlands introduced in
Germany; same company
"tingled-angel" dressed in
1870-80. Glass
ornaments reach Britain
and North America
1882: Ornaments
complemented by
electric lights
1890. Light strings
Source: Christmas Around lft World .
Oraptwv Jakob Jeniby Frti PWN
An engagement ring may be just the gift that you're craving from your sweetie.
Throw a holiday bash
Enjoy your last bash with friends before everyone heads home for the holidays.
One last time
with friends
Finals are drawing near, and
their imminent arrival marks
the end of a stressful semester.
In order to celebrate the end of
exams and class as we know it for
the next several weeks, why not
throw a holiday party?
Gather some of your friends
and coworkers to celebrate the
holiday season as well as the
beginning of a few carefree
weeks. I know the very thought
of planning a party may make
some of you cringe, but if you
plan carefully, things will fall into
place perfectly.
The most important part in
planning a holiday bash is the
food. Guests always judge their
hosthostess by how tasteful each
dish is. You may not want to plan
out an entire meal, but there are
a few dishes that are both filling
and easy to make.
Meatballs and chicken strips
can be purchased from the frozen
food section of the grocery store
in order to make a great dish
You can add a personal touch to
the meatballs by making your
own sauce. Everyone loves to
dip chicken strips so be sure to
have a variety of sauces, such as
honey mustard and sweet and
sour on hand.
If snacks are more your forte
then there are an infinite number
of options to dabble in. You can
make a fruit salad by mixing
together a variety of fruits such as
grapes, strawberries, kiwi, can-
taloupe and walnuts. Next, you
can make a holiday classic that is
sure to please any guest on your
list: Chex mix. If you are feeling
particularly festive, baking cook-
ies is a great way to satisfy your
guests' sweet tooth.
Now that you have the food
taken care of, the next important
thing is finding the right music.
Since it is a holiday party you
may want to make a mixed CD
with all of your favorite holiday
songs. Be sure to include fun clas-
sics such as "Grandma Got Run
Over By a Reindeer" and "Christ-
mastime" by the Chipmunks. You
can search online for a variety of
music to bring holiday cheer to
all of your guests.
If you aren't sure how social
your guests will be, you can
have some board games on hand
to break the ice. Tell all of your
Margarita Chex Fiesta Mix
54 cup butter or margarine
2 tablespoons tequila
2 teaspoons seasoned salt
!4 teaspoon ground red pepper
2 envelopes instant margarita
mix (from 3 13-oz package)
? cups Corn Chex cereal
3 cups Rice Chex cereal
2 cups Wheat Chex cereal
1 cup mixed nuts
1 cup bite-size pretzel twists
1 cup dried cranberries or
Preparation Directions:
1. Heat oven to 2SOF.
I. In an ungreased large
roasting pan, melt butter in oven.
Stir in tequila, seasoned salt, red
pepper and dry margarita mix.
Stir in cereals, nuts and pretzels
until evenly coated.
3 Bake 1 hour, stirring every
15 minutes. Stir in cranberries.
Spread on paper towels to cool
for about 15 minutes. Store in
airtight container.
For more Chex mix recipes visit
their Web site at
guests that they have to get into
groups with at least one person
that they don't know. At the end
of the party, everyone will leave
with a new friend and some shy
people won't feel left out the entire
Finally, the most important
part of throwing a successful
holiday bash is inviting the right
guests. Only invite people that you
actually consider friends - don't
invite people just to fill space. In
the end, you'll be happy that the
people you cherish surround you.
This holiday season is all
about spending time with friends
and family to enjoy the festivities.
Throwing a holiday party is a
great way to spend time with your
friends before everyone departs for
the holidays.
This writer can be contacted at
If you chc
You i
fill oi

What not to give during the holiday season
If you choose to make something for your friends, make sure it doesn't go wrong.
Worst holiday gifts
Few things sting the ego
worse than when someone clearly
does not appreciate the gift you
chose for them. Using prior
experience (both good and bad)
and the help of some friends, I
have devised a few guidelines that
should ensure gift giving success
no matter the situation.
First and foremost, never
give someone you care about a
recycled gift. Even if your Aunt
Sue gave you a sweater that makes
you cringe but you know your
best friend will adore it, don't do
it! If they really mean that much
to you then you can take the
time to find something original
that will be equally fitting. Sure
they may love your leftovers, but
there's always the chance they're
on to your schemes and will
end up feeling pretty worthless,
not to mention insulted, by the
rejected gift.
Take my friend Alex, for
instance. For his sister's birthday
he gave her a gift card to the
French Connection thinking she
would appreciate the excuse to
spend way more than she should
on some cute clothes. Christmas
rolls around and lo and behold,
his sister re-gifts the card back
to Alex. Not only is he annoyed
that she didn't take the time to
find something thoughtful, she
is clearly saying that she didn't
appreciate his birthday pres-
Because sometimes
the dollar menu just
doesn't cut it.
You need a job that pays. Your resume needs a job
that gives you experience.The East Carolinian is
hiring staff writers positions that offer both. Come
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Help Building, Suite 100F.
ent. If you must recycle gifts to
save funds, at least take the time
to make sure it's not the same
person who gave it to you in the
first place.
Let's cover a couple of gift-
card pointers while we're on the
subject. As Cassy Magee put it,
"There's nothing more annoying
than receiving a gift card that
doesn't even have enough money
on it to cover the gas it takes to
get to the store
If money's tight and gift
cards seem like the cheapest
bet, think again. The receiver
will really know how poor you
are if you give them a $'2 gift
card for McDonald's, so why
not save yourself the embarrass-
ment? You could spend the same
amount of money on something
a little more thoughtful such as
a framed picture or some home-
made treats.
That brings me to another
good gift giving point: Crafts.
Nothing says you care like a nice,
practical gift that you made your-
self, but stick to what you know.
Trying to knock out 10 pairs of
"mittens that you learned how
to knit the night before will
be a bigger headache than it's
worth and will most likely land
themselves in the "recycled gift"
department next year.
When I asked Desiree Higgs
about the worst gift she ever
received, she had this to share:
"A friend once gave me a small
square of red and black flannel
that looked like it had been cut
from a piece of pajama pants.
Then, she poured some pot-
pourri that had lost most of its
scent inside and tied it up into
a little bundle with a thin strip
of flannel. To it, she attached a
pack of Bigelow tea Sure it's the
thought that counts, but who was
she thinking of when she created
such a mess?
Personalized gifts are another
matter altogether. I'm sure we've
all had our run-ins with rather
nice pieces of jewelry or other
accessories that lost their value
when some corny expression or
grammatical catastrophe made
their way onto the article. If
you're going to have something
engraved or embroidered for
someone you love, make sure the
spelling is correct and all your
facts are straight.
Senior Ashleigh Phillips said
the worst present she ever got
was "a canvas tote bag from an
aunt that was embroidered with
my name. Nice sentiment, but my
name was spelled wrong
Melissa Burt's fianc was
very thoughtful and gave her a
personalized shirt, but there was
just one little problem; "He gave
me a shirt that said "Melissa and
Pat Feb. 14th 2005 We met on
the 1.5th Eh, what's a day when
it comes to true love, right?
For those in relationships,
make sure you don't give your
significant other something that
requires long-term commit-
ment, unless of course it's an
engagement ring. According to
my friend Chris, pets are a no-
no, "It's something long term
that they have to be respon-
sible for long after you're gone.
Especially dogs, they're a lot
more high maintenance than any
other pet
ECU alum Daniel Rankin
advises, "Never give tickets to
a concert that is months away.
Inevitably, the relationship will
break and you'll feel bad so you .
still give the tickets to her, then
she'll take a new boyfriend and
it will suck knowing you funded
their date
Lastly, never give someone
something personally offensive
even if you have good inten-
tions. Jonathan Cobbs, who
says the worst gift he ever
received was orthopedic shoes
adds "You should never give
anyone something offensive to
one's race, ethnicity, sexuality
or something somebody cannot
help While it may seem to all
be in good fun, Emma Hall puts
it best when she says, "Embar-
rassing gifts are always naughty,
never nice
Basically, it really isn't that
hard. Think about the person
you're buying for and get them
something that says, "When I
saw this, I thought of you Home-
made gifts are OK as long as they
weren't just thrown together last
minute and they actually hold
some meaning. Avoid re-gifting,
insulting and taking the easy
route. If you give from the heart
then no gift will be a bad one.
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A4
canes also come in a variety of
flavors so you don't have to stick
to the standard red and white.
There is a whole rainbow of colors
out there.
Candles are yet another inex-
pensive way to illuminate your
place this holiday season. For
a few dollars you can purchase
some seasonal votive holders
at the Dollar Tree along with
some fragrant candles to add a
decadent glow.
If you have a bit of extra
money to spend you can buy
the classic holiday decorations
such as a tree and wreath. These
items are a little pricier, but
they will definitely make you
feel more at home this holiday
When purchasing a tree, you
will have to also buy decorations
such as ornaments, lights, a tree-
topper and garland in order to
glam it up. I recommend buying
ornaments in bulk to ensure that
they all match and you can, yet
again, save a bit of money. When
searching for lights, depending
on the size of your tree, you may
be able to buy a single set, which
will only cost a few dollars; the
same philosophy also applies
to garland. A tree-topper could
be a costly venture unless you
are willing to settle for something
like a star rather than a porcelain
If you decide to share
your holiday cheer with your
neighbors, a w reath will be essen-
tial. There are wreaths available
in an assortment of sizes with
a variety of materials such as
pinecones, holly berries and the
traditional pine.
No matter how you choose
to decorate your pad this
holiday season, you can be
sure to save some money by
shopping around for the best
deals in town. Remember to be
creative by using your imagi-
nation and your pad will be
pimped out for the holiday season
in no time.
This writer can be contacted at
pu lse@theeastcarol in ian .com.
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ECU's Inside Source
13 6 UNC Wilmington pulls away in second-half
ECU's 3 point percentage (3-
of-22) against UNC Wilm-
ington; Courtney Captain
went O-for-6 and Darrell
Jenkins went O-for-5
Former Wake Forest trans-
fers who played against each
other when ECU lost ti UNC-
Wilmington 59-44 on Tues-
day night; Jeremy Ingram (3
points) and Todd Henley (15
points) played together as
freshmen (2003-2004) before
both elected to transfer
ECU football players named
to the first-team all-confer-
ence as selected by C-USA
head coaches; Ryan Dough-
erty and Chris Johnson were
both selected to the media's
first team for special teams
Years that current Kent State
Head Coach Doug Martin
was the offensive coordinator
under Steve Logan; Martin
was awarded a four-year
contract extension, upping
his base salary to170,000
according to the Ravenna
(OH) Record Courier, Martin
guided the Golden Flashes
to a 6-6 record after a 1-10
record in 2O05
Coordinators hired by first-
year coach Gene Chizik at
Iowa State with ties to ECU;
Robert McFarland, who was
ECU's offensive line coach
in 2004 was hired as the
offensive coordinator; Wayne
Bolt, a former offensive guard
for ECU's Pat Dye from
1974-1977, was hired as the
Cyclones' defensive coordi-
nator; Bolt was named the
team's most valuable blocker
1976-1977 and was fired as
UAB's defensive coordinator
following ECU's 31-23 win in
the season finale
Conference USA ranking in
3 pointers made per game
by Lady Pirate point guard
Jasmine Young; the sopho-
more has hit 19 treys in eight
games; in C-USA she ranks
first in minutes played (36.8),
second in steals per game
(3.4), sixth in assists per
game (3.9) and seventh in
scoring per game (16.0)
Intramural points by first-
place Sigma Alpha Fpsilon
before 3-on-3 basketball
and soccer are added in
fraternity's Division I of
the Chancellor's Cup stand-
ings; Chi Phi is currently in
second with 696 points, but
with Kappa Sigma's title in
3-on-3's purple team, they
should overtake Chi Phi;
Kappa Sigma currently has
690 points
Intramural points by Alpha
Xi Delta in the sorority
Chancellor's Cup standings
after flag football, volleyball
and tennis singles, Kappa
Delta has 178 points while
Alpha Delta Pi has 173 points
before soccer has been added;
Alpha Delta Pi beat Alpha
Phi in soccer on penalty kicks
(UNCW SID) Junior for-
ward Todd Hendley keyed a late
surge, scoring seven of his game-
high 15 points during a pivotal 11-
2 stretch late in the second half, to
lift UNC Wilmington over ECU,
59-44, in men's college basketball
Tuesday night at Trask Coliseum.
The Seahawks won their 11th
straight at home over their archri-
vals to improve to 3-4 on the
season and 20-6 lifetime against
ECU in Wilmington. The Pirates
dip to 4-3 on the season.
Hendley, who matched his
season-high set earlier this season
against the College of Charles-
ton, made 5-for-ll from the field
and converted all five of his free
throw attempts. Freshman for-
ward Montez Downey chipped
in 14 points, including 11 in the
second half.
Freshman forward John Fields
paced the Pirates with 12 points on
5-of-6 from the floor and a pair of
free throws.
The Seahawks led by seven
points midway through the second
half before the Pirates sliced the
deficit to 44-40 on an eight-foot
jumper by Courtney Captain along
the left baseline at 10:32.
But UNCW, sparked by Hen-
dley, went on an 11-2 run to break
away from the visitors. Hendley
started the rally with a layup with
10:16 remaining and Kuljanin's
putback at 1:25 turned a 44-40
lead into a 57-42 rout and eventual
win for the Seahawks.
After ECU took its first lead of
the game, 24-23, on Captain's steal
and layup at 18:40, the Seahawks
reeled off seven straight points for
a 30-24 edge. Downey drained a
three-ball from deep in the left
corner to give the Seahawks a six-
point lead with 17:43 left.
Both teams struggled offen-
sively in the first 20 minutes. The
Seahawks shot just 31 percent,
making 9-of-29 field goals, and
failed to score in the final 7:14.
The Pirates, meanwhile, managed
only 26.9 percent on 7-of-26 from
the floor and missed 14 of their
first 17 shots.
UNCW took advantage of
ECU's early shooting woes by
jumping out to a 14-2 lead over
the first eight minutes. A scoop
shot by senior forward Dejan
Grkovic in the lane at 12:19 gave
the Seahawks a 12-point lead at
the first official timeout.
The Seahawks enjoyed a 21-10
cushion on Kuljanin's layup in the
lane with 7:14 remaining in the
opening period before the bottom
dropped out. ECU closed out the
remainder of the period with an
11-0 run and a monster dunk by
John Fields brought the Pirates
even at intermission, 21-al).
UNCW completes a brief
two-game homestand on Saturday
with a 7 p.m. test against Missouri
Valley Conference foe Missouri
State. ECU entertains South
Florida on Saturday at 7 p.m. at
Minges Coliseum.
ECU (4-3)
Fields, John325-62-53-40312
BLAIR BAliiM2m3-62-24-10038
Hinnant, Sam221-50-00-2012
CAPTAIN, COURTNEY34flB2-112-21-6006
Jenkins, Darrell372-91-40-4615
FARMER, CORY24HH3-f)jJJJJJjl0-00-2308
Gagnon, Taylor90-20-00-2020
INBRAM, JtncMYifVHi-HrV0-00-0023
Ramsey, Justin80-10-20-0020
TOTALS ;9JffffJJJJ20017-507-159-3291444
3-Point Goals: 3-22, .136 (Farmer 2-3, Ingram 1-4, Gagnon 0-1,
Hinnant 0-1, Blair 0-2, Jenkins 0-5, Captain 0-6).
Blocked Shots: 2 (Fields 2).
Turnovers: 10 (Ingram 2, Ramsey 2, Jenkins 2, Captain, Hinnant, Blair).
Steals: 8 (Jenkins 3, Captain 2, Ingram, Hinnant, Farmer).
Hendley, Todd31 5-115-51-41115
Downey, Montez33 5-100-12-80214
FOUNTAIN, DANIELimmmmaaam2-aai1-29B522
Soyebo, Temi38 3-71-20-5627
Jeralds, Darion6 0-10-00-1040
Felder, Darryl16 1-60-00-2003
Totals200 22-5410-1210-39141859
3-Point Goals: 5-16, .313 (Downey 4-6, Felder 1-4, Hendley 0-1,
Grkovic 0-1, Sheets 0-1, Horowitz 0-1, Soyebo 0-2).
Blocked Shots: 1 (Horowitz).
Turnovers: 12 (Downey 3, Fountain 2, Felder 2, Soyebo 2, Hendley, Kuljanin, Grkovic).
Steals: 6 (Downey 4, Soyebo, Felder).
ECU 21 2344
UNC Wilmington 21 3859
C-USA coaches
announce all-
conference teams
Junior kick returner Chris Johnson was named to the C-USA second-team.
(SID) Conference USA
announced its 2006 Coaches All-
Conference football teams Tues-
day, as selected by the 12 head
football coaches. Each school
was represented with at least
four selections, with the Pirates
garnering eight selections.
ECU's honorees included
senior offensive lineman Eric
Graham, senior wide receiver
Aundrae Allison and junior kick
returner Chris Johnson, all named
to the second team Johnson and
senior punter Ryan Dougherty
were named to the media's first-
Two players in junior offensive
guard Josh Coffman and sopho-
more tight end Devon Drew were
named to the third team. Coffman
adjusted from tight end while
Drew moved from quarterback.
Junior defensive end Marcus
Hands and sophomore linebacker
Quentin Cotton were selected to
the third team defense. Dougherty,
who is C-USA's all-time leading
punter, received third team honors
as well as senior placekicker
Ryan Dougherty.
Thirteen Pirates received hon-
orable mention honors, including
the East Carolinian's male athlete
of the semester Kasey Ross. On
offense, senior quarterback James
Pinkney, seniw running back
Brandon Fractious and junior
wide receiver Phillip Henry hon-
ored by the conference coaches.
Nine of ECU's regular rota-
tion of 11 starters earned honor-
able mention status. Junior defen-
sive tackle Mark Robinson and
sophomore defensive end Zach
Slate, sophomore Pierre Bell,
redshirt freshman Van Eskridge
and junior middle linebacker
Fred Wilson were all honored on
ECU's front seven.
Senior safeties Jamar
Flournoy and Pierre Parker
joined Ross and junior cornerback
Travis Williams on the honorable
mention list. Sophomore long
snapper Wilson Raynor was also
C-USA also announced its
Coaches All-Freshman team
Tuesday. All 12 of the league's
schools were represented with
at least one selection, with SMU
placing a league-high five players
(covering six positions) on the
squad, while ECU was second
with four.
Leading the way for the
Pirates on the All-Freshman
team are offensive linemen Ter-
ence Campbell and Cory Dowless.
ECU also placed defensive line-
man Scotty Robinson and line-
backer Van Eskridge on the list.
Marshall, Memphis and Rice
each had two All-Freshman
honorees, while Houston, Tulsa,
UCF and UTEP each had one
player recognized.
C-USA Champion Houston
produced a league-high 12 total
selection on the regular team, fol-
lowed by Tulsa with 11 and East
Phillip Kendell (left) M
:atch up to a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon in the fraternity purple championship.
Intramurals host
soccer championships
see AWARDS page A7
Lambda Chi Alpha wins
fraternity gold final
Lambda Chi Alpha won the
fraternity gold intramural soccer
championship, while B Diddy & Da
Fam won both the men's gold and
co-rec gold title on a cold Monday
night at Blount Fields.
Lambda Chi Alpha routed Pi
Kappa Alpha 8-3 in for fraternity
bragging rights. TJie game opened
at a fast pace with high energy
from each side. Pi Kappa Alpha got
an early breakaway goal to go up
take an early lead.
The lead would be short-lived
as Lambda Chi Alpha countered
the breakaway goal with one of
their own by Derrick Jones. Jones
then followed up his first goal with
another one off a beautiful bicycle
kick 10-feet from the net. Lambda
Chi Alpha seemingly took over the
game, with Jones leading the way
with four goals.
"1 haven't scored four ever
said Jones, a four-year varsity let-
terwinner at Apex High School.
"They were just going in tonight
Jones was equally excited
about earning the dubious T-shirt
and fraternity title.
"It feels good Jones said. "This
is one of the few sports we excel in
Lambda Chi failed to show up
for soccer in 2005 and was deduced
20 points in the Chancellor's Cup
To conclude the event, B Diddy
& Da Fain took home their second
championship of the night, beating
Mutiny 8-0 in the men's gold cham-
pionship. The teams were evenly
matched and traded possessions for
most of the first half. Mutiny caught
a break late in the half when a player
on B Diddy & Da Fam inexplicably
pushed down one of their men. A
foul was called and Mutiny took the
ball on a breakaway, scoring a goal
from the left corner.
Mutiny opened up the second
half the same way they ended the
first The only thing that kept
B Diddy & Da Fam in the game
was a spectacular play from their
goalkeeper. Then in the decisive
play of the match a B Diddy &
Da Fam player was pushed in the
see SOCCER page A7

Grobe dismisses
rumors linking him
to coaching vacancies
continued from A6
C-USA coaches voted punter Ryan Dougherty ;
Division Champion Southern
Miss with 10.
UTEP produced nine mem-
bers on the All-Conference
squads while Rice, SMU and
UAB each had six players earn
recognition on the teams.
Marshall joined Houston,
Southern Miss and Tulsa in gar-
nering four first team choices,
led by junior running back
Ahmad Bradshaw, the league's
leader in rushing yards and
rushing touchdowns. Marshall
had five total selections. Mem-
phis, Tulane and UCF all four
had four total choices.
C-USA will announce the
coaches' selections for Offensive,
Defensive, and Special Teams
Players of the Year, as well as the
Freshman of the Year and Coach
of the Year on Wednesday.
Four C-USA teams in addi-
tion to ECU taking on South
Florida in the
Bowl will play in bowl games.
Houston will face South Caro-
lina in the AutoZone Liberty
Bowl, Southern Miss takes on
Ohio in the GMAC Bowl, Tulsa
tackles Utah in the Bell Heli-
copter Armed Forces Bowl, Rice
takes on Troy in the R&L Carri-
ers New Orleans Bowl.
EricGilmore contributed to thisarticle.
continued from A6
Wake Forest Head Coach Jim Grobe celebrates after his team won their first ACC Championship since 1970.
(AP) Jim Grobe sounds like
he's staying put at Wake Forest.
For the second consecutive
week, the coach made it known
that he has no interest in other
jobs after leading the Demon
Deacons through the most suc-
cessful regular season in program
history, which includes a surpris-
ing run to the Atlantic Coast
Conference championship and a
trip to the Orange Bowl.
It's been speculated that
Grobe could be a candidate for
several openings, including the
one at Alabama. But he sounded
more interested in maintaining
the Demon Deacons' success next
year instead of winning games
elsewhere, while athletics direc-
tor Ron Wellman said the school
was "discussing" ways to enhance
Grobe's contract.
"I'm a Wake Forest guy
Grobe said Tuesday. "All I can
say is I have no interest. I am not
after a job. I'm not looking for a
job. I'm perfectly happy and satis-
fied at Wake Forest
The 15th-ranked Demon
Deacons (11-2) are coming off
a 9-6 win against Georgia Tech
that clinched the school's second
ACC championship and first since
1970. Wake Forest will play No.
5 Louisville in the Orange Bowl
to cap what is already the best
season in the program's 105 year
history, a run that has raised
Grobe's national profile.
He is 37-34 in six seasons
at Wake Forest, a small, private
university that ranks among the
smallest schools in Division I-A
football with just more than 4,000
undergraduates. But after the
Demon Deacons were picked to
finish last in the ACC's Atlantic-
Division, they broke the school's
season record of eight wins and
made Grobe the first coach to take
the program to two bowl games
since they joined the league.
That came despite losing
starting quarterback Benjamin
Mauk and preseason all-ACC
tailback Micah Andrews to
season-ending injuries in the
first month.
Grobe said rumors linking
him to other coaching jobs led
him to address his team last week,
primarily to ease'the"younger
players' minds about his future.
"I'm perfectly happy at Wake
Forest he said. "1 think some
people like having their names
floated all over the place. I've been
around long enough that it has no
appeal for me. I couldn't be hap-
pier. I'm not only happy with this
football team and the staff and
our families are happy, but I'm
happy with where we're headed.
I can't predict the future.
I don't know what's going to
happen. Maybe there's something
else out there. But for me right
now, I just enjoy coming to work
every day and seeing our kids and
our coaches. I'm really proud of
what we've done. I think we're
not in a one-shot deal. I think
we're in a position where we can
continue to be a good football
team each.year
Jamil Smith, a fifth-year defen-
sive tackle, said he expected Grobe
to stay in Winston-Salem.
"We're like a big family and if
there's any feeling of needing to go,
he would let us know Smith said.
"And he hasn't, so I don't feel like
he's going to go anywhere that he's
going to be there for the long haul
Grobe is in the fourth year
of a 10-year contract signed in
2008 that's believed to pay him
about $987,000 annually. Well-
man wouldn't specify whether
the school planned to increase
Grobe's salary or extend the
term of the deal, though he said
he didn't consider it a "very, very
urgent" issue.
"Jim Grobe is very important
to our future and we're very
hopeful, and he has said publicly,
that this is where he wants to be,
this is where he intends to be and
he has no desire to be anywhere
else Wellman said. "He doesn't
say those things unless he really
means them
The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi celebrate after they defeated Alpha Phi on penalty kicks in the sorority division
keeper's box with four minutes
left. B Diddy & Da Fam scored on
the subsequent penalty kick. The
game was decided during penalty
kicks with B Diddy & Da Fam
winning on five straight goals.
Sigma Phi Epsilon took home
their second intramural champi-
onship in as many days, beating
Kappa Sigma 3-1 in the fraternity
purple championship. Sig Ep
dominated the intensity of the
game from the outset, scoring
two goals in the opening minutes.
Sig Ep led 2-0 at halftime.
Sig Ep continued the pres-
sure, only allowing Kappa Sigma
a single one goal.
"We're in the championship in
almost every sport and we always
come up short. It feels great to
get these said Josh VanNamee,
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a Sig Ep midfielder. "It's been a
long time since we won in soccer
B Diddy & Da Earn also took
home the co-rec gold champion-
ship. They beat the Blazers II
2-1 in another hard fought game.
Alpha Delta Pi won the soror-
ity championship in a shootout.
Alpha Delta Pi and Alpha Phi
were scoreless at the end of regu-
lation. In a dramatic finish, Alpha
Delta Pi won on a diving save
from their goalie, winning 4-2.
Army surprised the entire
co-rec purple league by win-
ning the championship 4-3 over
Cabanas. To round out the slew
of championships, league favor-
ite Pleasant Farms won the
men's purple championship over
Dynasty 3-0.
This season of intramural
YAW Students!
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soccer featured an astounding
H3 teams, 10 more than last year.
"There's been a real good turn-
out said site manager Justin
Waters. "Everything went real
nice, and there were no major
injuries We had some really
competitive games and some
big upsets. Army Qin the co-rec
purple league only won one
game in the regular season and
won the championship tonight
The soccer championships
concluded the intramural') fall
semester. The spring will kick-off
with a registration meeting for 5-
on-S basketball that will be held
at a p.m. on Jan. H in the multi-
purpose room of Mendenhall
This writer can be contacted at
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I'(.l. As
Panthers crumble like a cookie in fourth quarter
(AP) There were blue and
white cookies on display at a
downtown coffee stand Tuesday
with a sign that read: "Be careful
with these Panthers cookies. They
fall apart at the end '
At least some Carolina fans
have found a way to joke about the
Panthers'fourth-quarter collapses.
Monday night marked the
filth time the Panthers took a lead
into the fourth quarter and blew
it and lost. Quarterback Jake Del-
honinie was again at the center of
Carolina's inability to finish.
After throwing three touch-
down passes and no interceptions
in the first three quarters, Del-
honinie threw picks on Carolina's
final two possessions, including
one in the end zone with 25 sec-
onds left that secured Philadel-
phia's 27-24 win.
"It was a heartbreaking
loss more that it is frustrating
receiver Steve Smith said. "We feel
like we had the rug pulled from
underneath us
The loss dropped the Pan-
thers to 6-8 and coach John Fox
was asked just minutes after the
game if he would replace Del-
honinie with Chris Weinke for
Sunday's game against the New
York Giants.
"We're going to stick with
Delhoninie for next week Fox
said. "Like most of our players, we
evaluate as we go. I still feel like
he gives us the best opportunity to
win, and we'll continue that way
until that changes
Delhoninie, the toast of the
town since leading the Panthers to
the Super Bowl in his first season
as a starter in 200.1, is now under
fire. Monday night was the third
time this season he's thrown an
interception in the end zone late in
the fourth quarter when the Pan-
thers were driving for what would
have been the go-ahead score.
"You don't look to place blame.
You look at yourself and the way
you could have done better and
that's what I'll do Delhoninie
said. "You know you're so close,
you didn't get it done. It's tough,
it's hard, but we've got to keep
fighting. It's the only way I know
But Delhomme is not the only
one responsible for the Panthers'
wildly inconsistent season. He is
constantly being pressured as the
Panthers' injury-plagued offensive
line has struggled.
The Panthers can't run the
ball consistently, and they've
had trouble getting the ball to
Smith, who has been held to nine
catches for 88 yards in the past
two games, both losses.
The defense shares in the
blame as well. The line has been
a huge disappointment. Tackles
Kris Jenkins and Maake Kemoeatu
have been mostly invisible this
season. Julius Peppers, who had 11
sacks in the first nine games, has
no sacks in the past three. Caro-
lina had just one sack against the
Kagles and didn't force a turnover.
The secondary, expected to
be the Panthers' strength, has
become a weakness. For the
second straight week, cornerback
Chris Gamble was beaten for a key
fourth-quarter touchdown: Jeff
Garcia's 40-yard strike to Reggie
Brown that tied the game.
Still, the Panthers had a
chance to win until Delhomme's
interceptions. On the first, there
was as communication mixup
with Nick Goings, who stopped
his route and turned back to the
ball The pass sailed 20 yards past
him and was easily picked off by
Brian Dawkins.
Then with the Panthers facing
a first-and-goal from the Phila-
delphia 7 with 28 seconds and
left and holding two timeouts,
Delhoninie tried to lob a pass into
the right corner of the end zone
for Keyshawn Johnson. The same
play worked late in the first half
for a touchdown.
But this time, Johnson got
tangled up with Lito Sheppard
and wasn't where Delhomme
thought he would be. Sheppard
picked off the pass to end Caroli-
na's chances.
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Sports Official Interest Meeting
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Tuesday. 116 10:00am-6:00pm SRC 207
Racquetball Registration
Monday, 122 10:00am-6:OOpm SRC 207
February 2007
Sports Official Interest Meeting
Wednesday, 27 9:00pm SRC 202
Indoor Soccer Team Registration Meeting
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Softball Team Registration Meeting
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Golf Registration
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April 2007
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The East Carolinian, December 6, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 06, 2006
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