The East Carolinian, November 16, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

more at
evia Hill
ses with

Cate Blanchett stars
with Brad Pitt in one
of the most compelling
movies of the year,
Babel. Read what East
Carolinian reviewer
Ben Harris has to
sayPage A6
If you love music then
you probably know
that 1973 was a great
music year, see what
John Bosco has to
sayPage A6
ECU will try to jump
over C-USA's East
Division by extending
their four-game
winning streak against
Rice. Read our
preview to see what
ECU needs to do to
clinch a conference
berthPage A8
The East Carolinian's
staff takes another
crack at this
weekend's hottest
football games,
including all of
C-USA, important
ACC matchups
and of course, the
Ohio StMichigan
5 2 7 6 3 1 9 8 49 3 84 6 1
2 5 4 1 6 77 9 8 3 5 2
1 4 3 8 7 9 2 6 58 2 9 5 4 6 7 1 36 7 5 2 13 8 4 9
3 1 2 7 5 8 4 9 66 7 5 4 9 2 3 8 19 8 4 1 3 6 5 2 7
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A8
Dental school
recieves approval
On the left is Dr. Kenneth Steinweg, head of the geriatric division, and to the right is Chancellor Steve Ballard.
Construction on Geriatric
Center to begin in near future
University receives
funding from Pitt
County local
University affiliates yesterday
announced the receiving of a $2.5
million gift for the building of a
geriatric center on ECU's Health
Science campus.
The substantial gift was given
by Frances Monk, a local resident
of Farmville, who died in June at
the age of 87. Chancellor Steve
Ballard was among the many
university officials who gave their
thanks and spoke of future plans
for the geriatric center at the local
announcement conference.
"We are grateful to Mrs.
Monk for sharing with us her
vision for this center said Chan-
cellor Ballard.
According to the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health and Human Ser-
vices, the number of Americans over
the age of 65 has increased by 102
percent in just a decade. Dr. Ken-
neth Steinweg, director of the Geri-
atric Division in the Department of
Family Medicine, believes that the
number of elderly citizens is still on
the rise, especially in Pitt County.
The new Frances J. and Robert
T. Monk Sr. Geriatric Center will
"triple our capacity to care for old
folks with medical needs, and serve
all of eastern North Carolina said
Dr. Steinweg.
The facility not only will be
geared toward the treatment of
elderly individuals, but will also
be used to research and educate
ECU medical students on the
basics of geriatric care. Some of
the more prominent topics stu-
dents will be taught are chronic
disease management and preven-
tion of diseases such as osteopo-
rosis and cancer.
"Every student will get
some outpatient geriatric train-
ing said Dr. Steinweg.
Currently, only select medical
professionals have the opportu-
nity to delve into the practice of
elderly care through the Brody
School of Medicine, but the new
geriatric center will open up an
entirely new range of options and
experiences tor students. Chancel-
lor Ballard said once operational,
the facility will not only help the
university bring in more medical
students, "but most importantly
help us to train the students that we
see GERIATRICS page A3
ECU participates in Geographic
Information Science Day
Event teachs students
about GIS technology
ECU's Center for Geographic
Information Science hosted Geo-
graphic Information System Day,
a global event that celebrates GIS
GIS Day, which took place
yesterday, Nov. 15, celebrated
the computer-based technology
that is used to turn database
information about a location into
a visual map.
"The purpose of GIS Day is
to share information about this
technology and motivate people
to learn more about GIS said
Dr. Tom Allen, co-director of the
Geographic Information Science
As part of GIS Day, Allen held
a seminar for students and faculty
on "Digital Earth, Virtual Globes
and Geospatial Visualization
Allen said GIS technology is
used in many aspects of everyday
life although many people don't
realize it.
GIS technology is used by fire
trucks, patrol cars and delivery
trucks to help these vehicles
navigate streets faster and more
accurately. It is used to help busi-
nesses place ATM's as well as
public facilities in more effective
places, and this technology allows
people to download maps on the
GIS technology is used to
solve problems related to land
use, business efficiency, the envi-
ronment and public safety.
"It is really an information
age and everything has a loca-
tion said Allen. "So I think it's
really important to understand
the aspect of where things come
from. GIS technology helps us to
be efficient, save resources, pro-
tect resources and live a higher
quality life
GIS Day helps educate students about technology and encourage usage.
At the demonstration students
learned about Google Earth, a
type of virtual globe software
that allows users to zoom in on
any location in the world and
view aerial photographs of that
area. Allen believes that this
technology may be very useful to
people in completing mundane,
everyday tasks.
"There are a lot of regular
uses for it said Allen. "If you're
interested in living somewhere or
buying a home, you can see the
area from the air before you visit
it. If you're interested in going on
vacation you can see where the
hotels are and what the place is
like. There's a huge database, you
can find things. There is a cru-
cial application for this software,
that's why they built it
Allen also demonstrated soft-
ware that allows users to see the
world on a 3D level. These types of
programs let users see movies and
3D flybys of places on the earth.
Allen said these programs are
used by the military to simulate
situations. This software allows
fighter pilots to simulate a flight
before they actually take off, and
it can be used to plan military
checkpoints and to decide how to
operate them.
Industries also use these
programs to determine the best
routes for delivery and locations
for facilities.
"GIS is definitely a large
area, that encompasses a lot
and is always in our lives said
Allen. "It is rated in the top
three emerging growth sectors
because it is constantly growing
and improving
Students that wish to learn
more about the Center for Geo-
graphic Information Science or
GIS technology can visit ecu.
This writer can be contacted at
ECU will now be able to train future dentists at the approved dental school.
Board of Governors
approves program
The proposed dental school
for ECU got a big boost last week
when the Board of Governor's for
North Carolina's 16 universities
approved a proposal to add the
$87-90 million institution to its
budget for this year.
John Durham, executive
director of university commu-
nications, said that the vote
gives ECU "formal and official
approval" to establish the doctor
of dental surgery program.
"Now we need the money for
constructing the building, find-
ing the staff and getting the pro-
gram running said Durham.
Gregory Chadwick, asso-
ciate vice chancellor for oral
health. Said that the need for a
dental school at ECU is all the
more pressing because of North
Carolina's lack of dentists.
"We rank 47th in the nation
when looking at the ratio of
dentists to population and that
problem is even worse in rural
areas said Chadwick.
The proposed dental program
at ECU would differ from the one
in Chapel Hill, the only other
dentistry program in the state, in
that it would take a "community
based approach according to
10 sites would be set up in
rural parts of the state, where
seniors in the doctorate program
would serve in the community
rather than solely on campus, as
is the case with most other dental
schools around the country.
Durham pointed out that
there are four counties in the
eastern part of the state with no
dentists at all.
"The bottom line is that if
we are going to be educating
more dentists, they need to go
to the areas of greatest need
Chadwick said.
The proposal approved by
the Board of Governors is part
of a joint venture with UNC-
CH, which would also bring over
$100 million to that school to
expand and renovate its current
Chadwick said that about
$48 million at ECU would go to
constructing the building that
would house the dental school,
while about $30 million would
go to constructing the 10 satel-
lite sites.
The ECU dental school would
have about 50 students per class
in the four-year program.
Both Durham and Chadwick
said that it would be several years
before the first class would be
"We're looking at 2010
Chadwick said.
The North Carolina Gen-
eral Assembly goes into ses-
sion beginning in January, with
the state budget usually being
approved near the end of the ses-
sion in midsummer.
This writer can be contacted at
School of Communication
welcomes Bernd Debusmann
Journalist speaks
about differences in
international media
German reporter Bernd
Debusmann was invited by Dr.
Cindy Elmore of the School of
Communication to speak about
the differences in the approaches
and perspectives of American
media to foreign media
Yesterday at 10 a.m Debus-
mann spoke to SOI' faculty and
students in the Mendenhall Great
Rooms about his experience
reporting in over 100 countries
and the insight he has gained
from his forty years of work
Named Reuters news agency's
only current "special corre-
spondent" in 2005. Debusmann
discussed his perceptions of
American reporting and the dif-
ferences it contains in relation to
reporting in Europe and in the
Middle East.
Focusing on Iraq, Debusmann
explained that, "it is a story which
has shaped, and will shape percep-
tions of the U.S. around the world,
not only in the Middle East
He emphasized the gap
between how the rest of the world
sees America and how Americans
see the world.
"Much of the world knows
a lot more about you, than you
Americans know about the world;
much of the world gets interna-
tional news very different from
the international news you get
Debusmann elaborated upon
what he believes to be the two
main aspects of American report-
ing that set it apart from report-
ing elsewhere. He stated that
the first difference is America's
strong sense of patriotism and
the assumptions that Americans
possess about believing that
people want to be like them;
want to share the same values
as them.
"On the whole, and there
are always exceptions. I think
American journalists are more
patriotic thanjournalists in other
countries, and that affects the
way Americans, non-journalists
and journalists, see the world
In illustrating his point that
there is almost a fear in American
media of seeming anti-patriotic,
Debusmann explored the differ-
ences between war coverage on
American news networks, versus
European, such as the BBC, and
also versus that in the Middle
East. He said that during the first
few weeks of the war, the images
broadcasted over American tele-
visions were tanks charging
forward; very little blood and
violence, countering the images
of war victims and destruction
that was being broadcasted over
Al-Jizera television. He said that
on the BBC, and on French and
German televisions there was a
little bit of both.
Debusmann went on to dis-
cuss how even after 60 Minutes
see JOURNALIST page A3

Campus & Community
In Tuesday's article "Dia-
logue about diversity" in
Pulse, the article stated that
the roundtable disussion at
the Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center took place Thurs-
day, Nov. 16. However, the
event actually took place on
Wednesday, Nov. 15. The
East Carolinian apologizes
for the confusion.
Nov. 13-17
Portraits for the year-
book will be taken this
Monday through Friday.
Visit with
ECU's code 453, and
follow the steps toward
making an appointment.
Contact the yearbook
office at 737-1553 or for
additional information.
ECU Hosts Adapted
Sports Day
Saturday, Nov. 18
From 9:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. in the ECU Stu-
dent Recreation Center.
ECU graduate and power
hockey player Shawn Hesse
is the keynote speaker for
the event. The event intro-
duces people to adapted
sports activities, including:
Rock climbing, hand cycling,
shuffleboard, basketball,
bowling, billiards, wheel-
chair tennis and tai chi.
Cost is $5 to cover break-
fast, lunch, the keynote
presentation and entry into
the facilities. Registration
begins at 8:30 a.m. Visit
crw or contact 328-6387
for more information.
Project Heart
Project heart will con-
tinue their s'ervice project
of collecting school sup-
plies and money for the
younger Katrina victims
through Dec. 6. Their goal
is to provide each child at
James Johnson Elementary
School with a holiday gift
bag full of school supplies.
ECU Fall Open House
Saturday, Nov. 18
Wright Auditorium at 9 a.m.
Activities will include an
Academic Fair, Student
Life Fair, walking and
bus tours of campus and
tours of residence halls.
There will also be ses-
sions presented by Finan-
cial Aid, University Honors
program, an Admissions
workshop and a Multi-
cultural Student Panel.
Contact the Office of
Undergraduate Admis-
sions at 328-6640 or
visit ecu.eduadmissions
for additional information.
Blankets for the Elders
Saturday, Nov. 18
Mendenhall brickyard
between noon and 4 p.m.
Blankets for the Elders is
a group dedicated to pro-
viding blankets for Native
Americans in colder cli-
mates. They are accepting
new and like-new blankets.
They can be donated at
EXN's Fall Pow-wow in the
brickyard of Mendenhall
from noon until 4 p.m.
16 Thu 17
.m 0
21 Tue 22 Wed
Great American Smoke-
Wright Plaza and Chris-
tenbury Gym
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
'Defining Consent Rape
Carly Love, a local wom-
en's rights activist, will
host workshops focused
on defining the concept
of "consent" and the
importance of rape and
sexual assaultabuse
Mendenhall Student
4 - 6 p.m.
Breaking Down the
Walls of Silence
Nancy Hulse will pres-
ent "Breaking through
the Walls of Silence
an interactive lecture.
Mendenhall Student
Center Multipurpose
7 - 9 p.m.
BSU Second Annual
AIDS Benefit Fashion
Show Tryouts
Mendenhall Student
Center Room 244
7 p.m.
Graduate student
council general session
Mendenhall Student
Center Multipurpose
7 p.m.
Mini Fall PowWow
Mendenhall Brickyard
12 - 4 p.m.
Johnny Nap Country
Pirate Underground
7 p.m.
Jazz at Night
8 p.m.
South Park: The Movie
Come see South Park:
The Movie and get a
free "Blame Canada"
Canadian Flag!
Hendrix Theater
Salsa Dance
Presented by the
Folk Arts society of
Greenville and ECU Folk
& Country Dancers
Willis Building, First
and Reade Streets
7:30 p.m. lesson
8:30 p.m. dance
ECU Fall Open House
ECU Wright Audito-
All day
ECU Hosts Adapted
Sports Day
Cost is $5 to cover
breakfast, lunch, the
keynote presentation
and entry into the facili-
ties. Registration begins
at 8:30 a.m.
Student Recreation
9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
Community Yard Sale
Proceeds benefit ECU
Biology Graduate Stu-
423 Kempton Drive
12 - 4 p.m.
End of Semester Meet-
ing for Club Sports
Student Recreation
Center 238
6 p.m.
Eastern Youth Orches-
tra Concert
A J Fletcher Recital
9 p.m.
Student Brass & Cham-
ber Music Concert
A J Fletcher Recital
5 p.m.
Bartender's Ball
Club Still Life will hold
the Bartender's Ball
from 8 p.m. until mid-
night. It is a formal
event including an open
bar and catered food.
Veggie Thanksgiving
Vegetarians of Pitt
County are invited to
the Emmanuel Episco-
pal Church in Farmville
for its Thanksgiving
dinner special. There
will be one at 2 p.m.
and another at 7 p.m.
Call 321-0202 for more
Send us your events for
our calendar
Log on to theeastcaro-
linian.comcalendar to
make a submission
Men's Basketball
ECU vs. Limestone
Williams Arena
Minges Coliseum
7 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break
No Classes
Featured Event:
'Defining Consent Rape Workshop
Carly Love, a local women's rights activist, will host workshops focused on
defining the concept of "consent" and the importance of rape and sexual
assaultabuse awareness.
Mendenhall Student Center
4 - 6 p.m.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon bounces for a brother
Fayetteville area chosen as site
for census practice
(AP) A nine-county region
around Fayetteville will be one of
the nation's two test sites for census
takers gearing up for the 2010 count.
The Fayetteville area was
chosen because of its mix of
urban, suburban and rural popu-
lations and its large military
presence, said Wayne Hatcher,
director of the U.S. Census Bureau
regional office in Charlotte. The
region includes Fort Bragg, the
largest Army post on the Kast
Coast, and Pope Air Force Base.
The region is home to '29
different ethnic cultures, a
significant American Indian
population, the state's largest
Hispanic community and the state's
fifth-largest black community,
according to'2000 census statist us
Hatcher said he expects the
'2010 census to be much sim-
pler than those of past decades
because of new technology, such as
hand-held computers with global
positioning system technology
The Census Bureau is also
phasing out the long-form ques-
tionnaire that was given in previ-
ous decades to one of every six
households. In 2010, households
will get only the census' short
form, which takes about 10 min-
utes to complete.
Army training with robots
designed to find, defuse bombs
(AP) Cspt Matt Goodyear
finally found a practical use tor the
hours he spent playing video games.
Goodyear, the commander
of the 703rd Explosive Ord-
nance Disposal (KOD) at Fort
Kno. was among ( soldiers
who spent Tuesday train-
ing with bomb detecting and
defusing robots at the military post
The smaller models are
becoming more popular among
younger soldiers more adept at
playing video games, Over said.
"Today's young soldiers
come pre-trained Dyer said.
That was certainly
the case with the soldiers
who trained on it Tuesday
Haar said adapting to the new
controls was easy for any soldier
who has played video games
"You hand somebody like me
something like this and it's pretty
easy said Haar. of Chicago. "It
was pretty easy to use before. Now,
with this, it's ridiculously easy
Pink Prison Wall Experiment Fails
(KMTR) A Kansas City,
Missouri, prison is painting its pink
walls their original grey color after
a failed experiment.
After a Dallas County Deten-
tion Center in Buffalo painted their
walls pink in a bid to calm prisoners,
the Kansas City jail followed suit.
Scientific research has
suggested that the pink jails
make inmates less aggressive,
and jails across the country
have experimented with the idea.
However, the Kansas City Police
Department says it didn't
work for them, and inmates
will now reside in cells painted in
back-to-the basics institutional grey.
Hasselhoff Threatens Penis
(KMTR) Protective dad
David Hasselhoff'has threat-
ened his daughters' suitors
with enis amputation if they
mess the teenagers around.
The Bay watch lothario,
who has two kids, Taylor Ann
and Hayley, with his ex-wife
Pamela Bach, admits he worries
constantly about the pair, par-
ticularly when it comes to dating
And he warns if any
man threatens their honor, he's
prepared to take the law into his
own hands and seek revenge-
He says, "My oldest daugh-
ter is dating an older boy,
so I said to her, 'You're only 16
years old. There's plenty of time
to have sex and fall in love
"To him I said, 'If you hurt
my daughter in any way, I will take
you outside and I will cut your
thing off I have no problem spend-
ing the rest of my life in prison
Earlier this year, Hasselhoff
admitted his daughter Hayley
was"kindofmachit me because! called
the paramedics for a cat scratch
Sigma Alpha Epsilon raised approximately $3,800 for an honorary brother with leukemia at their sixth annual Bounce-
A-Thon. The fraternity bounced basketballs for 20 hours at the corner of Greenville Boulevard and Red Banks Road.
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televised the infamous pictures
of the detained soldiers, piled up
nude and wounded with hoods
over their heads, the major
American newspapers still did
not afford it front page coverage,
In discussing the second
difference between American
and foreign news Debusmann
targeted the American "spin
machine" and the news manage-
ment performed in the U.S.
"This is news management
I really think has no equal
anywhere said Debusmann.
"Sometime it's subtle, and you
can barely notice anything spun,
and sometimes its not so subtle,
and sometimes its straight for-
wards censorship
He explained himself in
talking about the ban of taking
photographs of coffins of U.S.
soldiers draped in American
flags, lie said that throughout
the first few weeks of the war,
perceptions were based off of,
who you watched and what
you saw
Debusmann then talked
about how the two defining
characteristics of American
media are married in the Embed-
ment Program, which was the
initiative to take American
journalists to the front lines of
the war with Iraq to broadcast
the real story. He added that this
was a solid example of the coun-
tries management of news.
Prior to Debusmann's cur-
rent position as special corre-
spondent, he was editor of the
Americas, and previous to that,
bureau chief in Addis Ababa,
Nairobi, Cairo, Beirut and
Mexico City.
This writer can be contacted at
continued from Al
Community Amenities
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all ready have at an A-plus level
Students will receive hands-
on experience with geriatric
patients so that they can prepare
for our country's ever-grow-
ing elderly population, which,
according to the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health and Human
Services, is projected to be
about 71.5 million in '2030.
That is more than two-times
our country's current elderly
The new geriatric center is
just one of many projects that the
ECU Department of Medicine is
planning for (he near future. A
heart center is scheduled to open
by 2009, and plans lor a metabolic
center for the research and treat-
ment of obesity and diabetes are
in the works. "I think (ECU'S
medical department) is going to
continue to grow and expand
said David Whichard, vice chair
of the board of directors of the
KCU Medical Foundation.
The geriatric center will be
built as part of the new family
medicine complex, with a sepa-
rate entrance at the corner of
Arlington Boulevard and Heart
Drive, The facility is scheduled
to be up and running between
May and June of 2009.
This writer can be contacted at
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Brody sees reorganization
Changes make for more
efficient, effective
Several changes were
announced this week in the Health
Sciences division at ECU. The
move come as part of "an ongoing
effort to address significant finan-
cial issues at the Brody School of
Medicine said John Durham,
executive director of university
Durham said that national
factors, such as reduced fund-
ing from medicare and medicaid
and an increase in malpractice
lawsuits and insurance costs, as
well as local economic problems
from the closure of factories and
loss of employee health benefits,
have caused ECU Physicians, the
practice plan that treats patients,
to lose more than $25 million in
the last several years.
"These changes began several
months ago in series of steps to get
the practice plan back into a good
economic situation Durham said.
"We're taking a careful look at all
operations as part of an effort to
examine the way the organization
is set up
Durham said that the problems
the practice plan arecommon in med-
ical schools throughout the country.
Among the changes.
Dr. Nicholas Benson, senior
associate dean for operations at
the medical school, will also take
on the role of vice dean for the
medical school.
Dr. Sylvia Brown, associate dean
for graduate programs in the school
of nursing, will also serve as acting
dean for the school of nursing.
Dr. Phyllis Horns, dean of
the school of nursing, will now
serve as interim vice chancel-
lor for health sciences as well as
interim dean of the Brody School
of Medicine.
Dr. Cynda Johnson, dean of the
medical school, will now serve as
senior associate vice chancellor for
clinical and translational research
in the division of research and
graduate studies.
Dr. Michael Lewis, vice chan-
cellor for health sciences, will
report to the chancellor as an
executive assistant.
Carole Novick, interim asso-
ciate vice chancellor for health
sciences fund raising and interim
president of the ECU Medical
Foundation, will now also report
to Mickey Dowdy, vice chancellor
for advancement.
Durham said that the univer-
sity is optimistic about the changes
and is making progress.
"We have great strengths, and
we need to make sure we are as
effective and efficient as possible
to maximize those strengths
This writer can be contacted at
1 800 999. ski. 9
www Mtrwmi .cam
Student targets meth myths
(MC'T) If theres one
thing Stetson University stu-
dent William Collum wants his
classmates to know about nieth-
amphetamine, it's this: "This
ain't your grandma's speed
On Friday, more than 100
Stetson students in DeLand, Fla
in tie-dye t-shirts and baseball
caps found out for themselvesjust
how much worse it is.
Collum, a junior political sci-
ence student who has spent his
summer vacations as a congres-
sional intern in Washington, had
done so much research on meth
that he felt compelled to share his
findings with others He said that
college students are one of the
groups most likely to use the drug
"It's described as God, really
Collum told his classmates. "It puts
you in heaven, for a moment
Some of the meth abusers in C'ol-
luni's presentation looked like they
had been through quite the opposite.
A blown-up photo of a con-
victed abuser, who was on meth
for SB months, was one of several
examples onstage at Stetson's
Rinker Auditorium. Before meth,
the woman was petite and unre-
markable. In her after-meth pic-
ture, the woman was disheveled
and scarred, looking much older.
"People have been known to
actually dig up their skin Collum
said "It's called the Superman
state . . You don't feel pain
Meth is a drug that can be
chemically produced, or cooked,
at home, Collum said It is made
from pseudoephedrine and ephed-
rine, which is why some drug-
stores now require consumers
to first show identification when
buying cold medicines.
The effects also can be devas-
tating for nonusers.
Sometimes, chemicals seep
into walls and the clothes of
unsuspecting residents who didn't
realize the house they bought was
used as a drug-producing ware-
house, Collum said.
Ryan Hutson, 21, a senior
political-science and Spanish stu-
dent, said Collum's presentation
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Students at Stetson University learn the dangers of methamphetamines.
helped students learn more about
the deadly concoction.
"It's something that people
have heard about but they don't
know much about it Hutson said.
"He and I are exact opposites on
the political spectrum, but the
meth topic is always something
that we can always come back to
Collum said that combating
the drug has been a bipartisan
issue in Washington too. He said
his focus on Friday was to make
others aware that there were legis-
lators seeking funding. The more
public awareness on the issue, he
said, the more support there is in
Congress to combat the drug.
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ant To Go.
ECU should really invest in stronger
toilet paper.
Not everyone thinks like you
Setting the
Inconsistencies need a second look
When I decided to attend ECU, my parents were
thrilled (read: proud alumni). S6me of my friends and
teachers, however, raised their eyebrows and made snide
remarks about applying to "Ease-E-U
Like my peers, I had done my research and knew that
as far as admissions requirements at ECU went, I was
a shoe-in based on my high school career - but I didn't
see that as a reason to pass over Pirate Nation in favor of
some out-of-state private school. Instead, I gloated about
being able to attend a great school without jumping
through the countless hoops of writing essays, filling
out tedious application tbrms and scheduling interviews.
I defended ECU's admissions requirements, applaud-
ing the university's faith in prospective students and its ,
willingness to give them a chance to succeed when other :
schools might have turned them down. After all, I said,
it isn't where you go but what you make of your college
experience that's important.
I've been here almost three and a half years now,
and I'm still glad I chose ECU. I'll admit I've become
a bit disillusioned, but not because of the university's
purported low standards - my one disappointment
stems from inconsistencies in the standards that stu-
dents are held to.
Students pursuing a BA Communication are
required to maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, whereas
intended business majors must have a 2.5 cumulative
GPA or higher to be admitted into their major. Mem-
bers of SGA are required to maintain at least a 2.0. but
members of student media organizations must have a
2.25 GPA. Some professors have no attendance policy
whatsoever, while others demand perfect attendance and
penalize students' grades if they have to miss a class.
Undoubtedly these variations in requirements
reflect the students that different schools or organiza-
tions within ECU are trying to recruit (or discourage)
- but shouldn't they be the same? What happens to
students who qualify for one organization or degree, but
not the one they are most passionate about? The differ-
ences between the requirements aren't vast, but they're
just enough to hold some students back while giving
others advantages. All ECU students should be required
to strive for the same level ofexcellence no matter which
direction they choose to pursue during college
I was sitting in a normal biolpgy class, listening
to my professor introduce Charles Darwin and the
Theory of Evolution. The professor then began to
ridicule the idea of "Creationism" stating that it just
"isn't possible" and that evolution is the only theory
that truly explains how the creatures of the world
came to be.
This idea offended me because while I am a sci-
entist, I am also a Christian and I don't think that
we have to choose one over the other.
People think evolution means we descended
from monkeys. Wrong. Not the correct definition.
Scientists today say that evolution is merely change.
Everything in the universe evolves. For instance,
most languages evolved from Latin into what they
currently are. Take Spanish or French for example.
Governments evolve too. Isn't that why our amend-
ment system exists? As for Biological evolution, it
is change in the characteristics of populations of
organisms. Biological changes occur over long peri-
ods of time and no person can see the changes that
take place in the environment or in humans. Why do
Creationists fight against the idea of evolution? The
world changes, we can all agree on that.
Christians believe that God created the earth
in six days and then rested on the seventh. Who is
to say that it didn't happen that way? How can we
determine what a day was to God or to the people
then? There is no clear definition stated in the Bible.
A day could have been 300 years then. There is no
possible way for us to know what was created back
then, or what things looked like in their earliest
forms. God must have granted these animals the
ability to change over the course of time to adapt to
the changes in their environments. I believe in the
Big Bang theory, but someone or something had to
be there to kick-start it. I believe it was God.
Fossils prove that animals that are currently on
earth evolved. With this evidence, it is easy to believe
in evolution. There is no written record of the dino-
saurs being on earth. However, I think it is possible
that God was simply practicing when he created
the dinosaurs. Perhaps he did not know what kind
of organism he wanted to inhabit his perfect world.
How are we to know? This is all speculation; but
when we begin to explore different theories, it leads
us to the question - Is it possible to understand and
believe in both evolution and Creationism?
Charles Darwin's Descent of Man Theory is
completely different from the idea of evolution. This
theory defines the specific animals throughout the
earth's natural history that Homo sapiens, modern-
day humans, supposedly descended from. There
are facts that link us to Homo erectus and even the
common day gorilla. It is necessary to understand
the difference between evolution and the Descent
of Man Theory. Science vs. God is the interminable
argument, and is not going away. In my opinion,
both are correct.
We should not condemn the absolutists of either
party. The gray area in between is where they should
meet. I believe in talking about this issue, discuss-
ing it with my friends to find out their views and
trying to comprehend their opinions. Because the
more I know about other points of view, the better I
will be able to explain and uphold my own ideals on
this issue. Remember, it is one thing to go around
and say that you "don't believe that we came from
monkeys" and saying, "I don't believe in evolution
or creationism Educate yourselves, so you can be
scientifically and religiously correct.
We have every right to critique
the Democrats because they
said they wouldn't raise taxes
and have already changed their
minds. They also want to scrap the
plan that we had in place to curb
illegal immigration. I guess they
want to fund the billions of dollars
that illegal immigration costs us
each year by raising the taxes of
legal citizens? Great job already.
When I come to the club, step aside!
I have the highest grade in my
class and all I do is play Sudoku
and read Pirate Rants!
I live off campus and never go to
the on campus activities that my
fees have just been increased
to fund. Why must I pay so
freshmen can pretend to have a
good time?
Is it just me, or does the world
seem out of whack when South
Africa is a more progressive
nation than the United States?
Way to go South Africans for
legalizing gay marriage!
Am I the only one that was a little
upset that there wasn't a Sudoku
puzzle in yesterday's paper? What
am I supposed to do in class now?
Everyone in this entire nation
seemed to be for the war on
terrorism just a few years ago
when we were attacked. Have
people already forgotten about
how they felt on 911?
I'm really tired of people saying
things about our president. He
is neither a Democrat nor a
Republican, he is the president,
and you should respect that.
You may not agree with all of his
decisions, but I assure you that
he does not make them alone,
so stop placing the blame on the
wrong person.
What? Are you kidding me? Do
you not know you are uglyOr do
you constantly title your pictures,
"we're so hot" or "sexiness" just
to make people laugh?
Do you not remember what you
looked like before you joined a
sorority? Because we do! You
should be thanking us for making
you skinny and pretty!
My friend slept with a hooker
for free.
Grow up! You're graduating
in December. What are you
gonna do when the Pirate Rants
aren't there for you to fight your
I find it pretty funny that you told
me about the Rant you wrote
bashing our sorority and then
begged me not to tell anyone it
was you because you didn't want
to get kicked out. Have fun living
the GDI life!
Because you're a cheerleader,
the rules don't apply to you?
Who is ready for Thanksgiving
break? Better yet, Christmas
break? Or, to be politically
correct, winter break?
It's amazing how much hate you
can have for one person.
I am sick and I don't like it.
To the two girls who offered me
a place under their umbrella last
Thursday when it was pouring
rain. Thank you so much. It
is reassuring to see that kind
people still exist.
Don't make me cry anymore - I
just want to be happy.
Yes, I had a party and no, I didn't
invite you. Now please direct all
feedback to my face, because
that knife in my back is starting
to sting a bit sis.
The Croatan patrons would
much rather see "Live with Regis
and Kelly" than "Judge Alex
Stop changing the channel! The
customers should get preference,
not an employee.
My roommate goes around
bragging about her cool STD to
people she doesn't know. I mean
honestly are you trying to be
single for the rest of your life?
Let's hear it for our troops. No
matter if you're for or against the
war, our troops need love and
I am so addicted to Super Smash
Brothers that I am starting to
become sleep deprived because
of it!
Want to listen to a great new
album? Go buy the new Brand
New CD when it comes out
I can't decide whether I'm more
obsessed with "House of Carters"
or "Hannah Montana
Instead of gaining the freshman
15, I have freshman negative
three. Eating more and cross
training at the rec center rocks!
But please get some new
Don't worry about your exams
Just answer Chuck Norris to every
question and you're guaranteed
a 100.
You know that dried up gum that
you often find under desks or
chairs? Well I secretly like to stick
my fingernails in it especially
when it is really hard.
Hey fellas, how about if we
start flushing in the Brewster
When I went to see Gideon Yago
lecture last week, the flyer in my
free yellow bag said "Gideon
Yago 8-10 He made great points
about our generation not caring
about real things, only fake "real
stuff" like "celebutards" such as
Paris. Student Union helped him
prove his point by making him
stop at 9:30 so they could play a
movie. ECU students poured in to
see the movie, but few were there
to hear Gideon. Shame on you!
What ever happened to "Rocco's
Modern Life?" I freakin' loved
that show.
I play racquetball because
to live dangerously.
What's up with the little cannon
at Dowdy Ficklin Stadium? Dude
we're pirates we need a pirate
ship with lots of cannons so we
can blow them away. Arrrgg!
I have never seen people be less
professional at their job than the
police downtown.
Months ago you told me you
would stop smoking. Now you
smoke right in front of me like it
doesn't matter. It's OK that you
smoke. But it's not OK that you lie
and then continue to smoke when
I'm around. It's disrespectful.
How I miss the days of "Dawson's
Creek I'm still in love with
I've learned to speak that clicking
African language. My new name
is "Tkhe tkhe phu kche
This semester is going to be the
death of me and no one really
understands - it sucks.
Need advice? Want answers? Just ask Jane.
Dear Jane,
Over the summer I started hooking up with a
friend who has liked me for years. He got emotionally
attached and I, after just getting out of a three-year
relationship, was feeling a little vulnerable as well.
Now that I'm at ECU, he doesn't want me going
downtown, he visits me all the time, and begs me to
live with him and commute to school. I do care about
him but I want my freedom too! Am I being selfish or
is there a way to have my cake and eat it, too?
Hungry and Cakeless
Dear Cakeless,
If only life came with a remote control and we
could rewind time and avoid awkward situations such
as thing. Since that's not a possibility, at least not any-
time soon, the first thing that you need to do, is decide
what you really want from this guy. Do you want to
just be friends, friends with benefits, or have a relation-
ship? Once you decide, you need to tell him.
If you don't want a relationship with him, explain
that you value his friendship but don't think that you
should be more than friends. Sure no one likes to hear
that, but beating around the bush is only going to pro-
long the situation and makes things more awkward.
If you want all the benefits of a relationship with-
out the commitment make sure that he understands
and is O.K. with that.
Regardless, talk to him about everything that is
bothering you. The sooner you tell him how both his
friendship and your freedom are important to you, the
sooner you can figure out a way to balance the two
and start having some fun.
And remember, eating cake can sometimes be
messy, so don't expect things to ever be as simple as
they used to be between the two of you- not until
someone invents that remote control anyway.
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Newsroom 252.328.9238
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Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
during the regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednes-
days during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to the East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, N.C. 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. Onecopy
of the East Carolinian is free, each additional copy is $1.
Secrecy of genocide
Alarming crisis in Darfur unknown to many
We all know that hindsight is 2020, but that doesn't
excuse us from caring and reacting to issues while they're
happening. It amazes me how out of touch my peers
are. when it comes to the big issues in the world right
now. The situation in Darfur is appalling and yet ECU
students would rather complain about the Greek system
and the BSU than pay attention.
Many of us have seen Hotel Rwanda which recounted
the tragedy in Rwanda back in the 1990s and can't believe
that the world did so little to help Based on true events
within the country of Rwanda, the movie retells some
of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind, which
were enacted against the Tutsis, a race in Rwanda, by
their rival race, the Hutu In an eraofstateoftheart com-
munication and around the clock global news, the tragic
events that happened within the country went unnoticed
by most of the world. And, in just three short months,
one million Tutsis people were brutally murdered.
Again, I see Americans too caught upin their own prob-
lems torecognize how bad the struggle in Darfur is right now.
Just Saturday, a gang of armed men on horseback
swept into the village ofSirba, near the Chad-Sudan border
and killed 32 villagers, and wounding countless others.
The blame likely lies with the militants who terrorize the
country called the janjaweed, many of whom are former
criminals, have been released from prison and quite
likely may be sponsored by the Sudanese government
Attacks such as the one Saturday are becoming
commonplace. The United Nations recently blamed the
janjaweed for killing at least 92 people in .lebel Moon,
an area of Darfur, at the end of October.
More than 4.50,000 people have been killed, and
more than 2.5 million people have been displaced since
ethnic African tribesmen took up arms against the Arab-
led government in Khartoum in February 2008.
What's worse, is that the violence seems to
be spreading. Neighboring Chad has fallen victim
to 220 deaths by gunmen this past week alone.
This problem is clearly getting out of hand
The African Union, whose purpose is to help
secure democracy and human rights within Africa,
recognizes the horrific condition of life in Darfur
right now. Unfortunately, the AU army is terribly
inadequate in size, standing at 7,000 soldiers, and
cannot do much of anything about the crisis and
continuing genocide. While the UN has just pledged
to give the AU more money for troops and equip-
ment, I can't help but wonder if that alone is enough.
Back in 1993, the U.S. peacekeeping mission
to Somalia ended after 18 U.S. soldiers were killed
The very next year 800,000 Rwandans were killed
as the Clinton administration sat by the wayside and
refused to help, in fear of another failed peacekeep-
ing attempt and possibly losing more American lives
The world needs to intervene at this point, it
no one else the United States. Unlike the way we
handled Iraq, with not strong enough force, sup-
port or commitment from the start, we need to
go into Darfur with an appropriate mission - to
bring to a stop the terrible actions of the janjaweed.
Wedon'tneed to see Iraq becoming to Darfur what Soma-
lia was for Rwanda. While lilKTalsniay.savortlieirvictoryat die
polls right now, diey should not be too quick to say that a war in
Darfur to save its people from genocide is dixmied for failure
In the face of these unspeakable actions, it is our
ethical obligation as Americans to help a country that
does not have the ability to help itself, ensuring that there
won't be another movie like Hotel Rwanda about Darfur
in another 10 years. is proof enough of the
tragedies taking place.
Abandon all hope,
ye who enter here
Follies of the freshman lot
Bestowed upon every college student is a complete
freedom. Students can choose which classes they want
to take and then in turn decide whether they want to
show up for them or not.
Yet, there's always one thing that will always bring
a select few down: The freshman lot. There's nothing
more disheartening than pulling into the lot, only to
see the Gold bus pulling away. It means you haw to
wait another 30 minutes, in various weather conditions.
when all you really want to do is get back and relax Its
ridiculous, and it needs to change.
The lot sounds glamorous when you first hear about
it. It's a fenced, secure location, guarded by a security
guard and is under the constant eye of security cameras.
It sounds great and at the $900 price tag students pay to
park there, it should be. 1 lowever, the reality is a very dif-
ferent story. What the lot turns out to be is an impound
lot so far off-campus that you need a bus to get there. It's
barely fenced and barely guarded. It's essentially a plot
of gravel and trash with an expensive buy-in.
The freshman lot also leads to more trouble than
it's worth. Gravel, which the lot is full of, can do serious
damage to the bottom of a car. So, because freshman are
forced to park in this lot if they choose to have an ECU
parking pass, they may have to pay the high price of
getting a car repaired, which hardly seems fair.
Another thing that could cause some trouble is the
bus schedules. As mentioned before, pulling into the lot
when a bus is leaving is annoying. However, this can
easily be remedied by entering a little earlier, right
If only it were that easy. Due to the irregular nature '
of traffic in the city, usually due to trains, the bus may
arrive five to 10 minutes early, or five to 10 minutes late
Kreshnian could be stuck in the middle of nowhere for
over an hour without any sign of a bus.
The real issue with most freshman drivers is acces-
sibility. There needs to be a way to get their cars closer
to campus, at least close enough to be able to leave on a
whim, instead of losing time waiting for the buses. There
are some alternatives that, at the moment, are untapped.
The first alternative would be to make use of what
we already have. During the day, many lots have unused
spots. By turning these C and B lots to CD or BD lots,
the use of the current freshman lot could be eliminated.
The other alternative is a little more costly. It involves
expanding the current lots to accommodate freshman
cars. It would cost some money, but I'm sure most fresh-
man drivers would rather pay to park in an expanded lot
on campus than a gravel lot.
Having a car on campus is supposed to be a privi-
lege, but for most freshman, it seems to be a burden,

A partner is a nuisance you
need. You'll do much better,
more quickly, with the help
of a good mediator. You're
short on patience now.
There's no point in buying
what you can make better
yourself. Less creative
people do it all the time but
not you. Get busy.
Finally, there's time to relax.
Sure there will be a few
stickers to pick out of your
clothing. Take a nice walk
in the park anyway, off the
beaten path.
Lucky for you, the best
things in life are still free.
You know what they are,
too. Surround yourself with
Catch up on your reading.
You'll find it relaxing and
rejuvenating, as well. Study
up on a topic you used to
know nothing about.
It should be easier to afford
what you want for the next
few days. This is good,
because you're just about
in the mood to shop hard.
You're coming up with lots
of good ideas. Don't follow
through on them quite
yet. Give yourself space to
change your mind a couple
of more times.
You have something of great
value hidden away, or lost.
You used to know where it
was. Find it and cash it in.
It's important to know what
the others think but don't let
them change your mind. You
don't have all the facts, yet.
An important person needs
your assistance. You can
provide the ways and
the means. As you do,
you become even more
prosperous, by becoming
Work on your plan, and don't
be disappointed if it seems
to be going slowly. There are
a lot of things to consider,
and now's the time to do it.
Sort through your papers
and figure out how much
you have and what you
need. You can do it the other
way around, too.
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Wednesday 1115 at 9:30 p.m.
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'Babel' not a fallen tower
Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt star in the emotionally charged drama Babel, from acclaimed director Alejandro Gonzalez who also directed Traffic.
Excellent film effectively
communicates message
Few films are able to effec-
tively take an emotional toll on
its viewers as Habel does. The
Pianist, SchiendL r'a List, and Crash
are the best examples within the
last 1.5 years to accomplish mass
emotional manipulating liabrl is
effectively another ('rushexcept it
deals with failures in communica-
tion rather then race relations.
Nevertheless, the film
is truly excellent and
belongs in the annuls of the
beat-directed and cast movies of
the decade
Babel chronicles the acci-
dental shooting of an American
tourist and how that one act
affects the lives of a dozen people
The husband has to endure the
horrendous shooting of his wife
and children while trying to
survive in the California desert
after being stranded by their
immigrant housekeeper. The
family of the shooter has to deal
with their extreme misfortune,
while the Japanese daughter of
the man who sold the fateful
gun deals with her own demons
as police try to question her
father about the shooting.
Babel'm directed by Alejandro
Gonzalez Inarritu, the genius
who graciously gave.the world
Traffic and '21 Grams. His style
is immediately evident in the film
by the use of the shaky camera
that has almost an independent,
low budget feel to it. This gives
the film a more genuine, lifelike
texture as it makes the film seem
less manufactured and overly
polished, lnarritu's movies thrive
on simplicity.
Mabel's look is noticeably
simple and that gives the film
see BABEL page A7
What did you say your name was again?
Forgetting someone's name can be embarrassing, but playing the name game is even worse.
Subtle moves to
dance around the
name game
You've talked for whal serins
like ages and said all the right
things; your listening skills were
just a little fuzzy Now you have a
, hurdle to pass if you want to stand
a chance of taking home your
latest conquest remembering
their name
Such a dilemma has been the
downfall of many a Casanova.
Long hailed for its tradition of
free love and asking questions
later, it now seems that citing
amnesia no longer cuts it w hen it
comes to taking people home
After many tedious sit-downs
with some of our university's
most revered gamc-spitters. 1
have discovered a lew quick fixes
for those in a jam who desire
further canoodling.
The most brilliant I've heard
to date can be thought of as the
"find and replace technique If
a girl asks if you remember her
name, chuckle lightly and refute
her suspicions.
"Of course I remember your
name said my unnamed source.
Til then insert a compliment
such as 'beautiful baby' and then
quickly change the subject
Only with the most insistent
could this tactic be dangerous.
II that fails, simply pretend you
didn't hear the question. While
it might clinch your conquest at
the bar, one can become cornered
on the walk or ride home.
If all else tails, try the name
game before shimmying down
the honesty road. While the
likelihood of guessing right is
barely IS percent, throwing out
a name could possibly give you
points for taking a shot, albeit
one in the dark
, Girls fare a little bit better in
this department because if they
forget your name, it won't be long
before another guy latches onto
their charms. For us, the tried
and true method involves intro-
ducing a friend to the mystery
man in order to discover his title.
Following this train of thought is
selecting a girl from your posse
to spark a conversation with the
unknown chap. That will not
only reveal his identity but also
his intentions.
Another foolproof strategy is
to ask for their digits and have
him put it into your phone. That
will make it a lot easier to use
your process of elimination skills
to remember who the guy was.
If a girl so desires to learn the
facts about a beau, try a clever
pick-up line that involves noting
the familiarity of a guy. Then
ask if he belongs to a certain
organization, say a fraternity or
contra-dance group, and lead the
conversation from there. This
w ill not only establish names but
quite possibly, a new friend.
Blanking out on a name will
always be an awkward situation.
Do your best to extract yourself
from this sticky situation or better
yet, just hit on their friend.
This writer can be contacted at
Seagrove Pottery Festival on the horizon
Festival to showcase 85
Though the town may be
small, Seagrove's history is rooted
with deep traditions of pottery
expertise Since the eighteenth
century, Seagrove has grown to
be urn- of the largest communities
of potters in the United States
Regarded as the "Pottery Capital
of the United States Seagrove is
home to more than loo potters.
In order to celebrate this rich
heritage, it has become tradition to
hold the annual Seagrove I'ottery
Festival during the weekend before
This year's event u ill be held
at Seagrove Elementary School on
Saturday, No I and Sunday, Nov.
19. On Saturday, a special prev ie
lor early bird shoppers will be held
from 10 a.m. to noon. Admission
lor this sneak peak is $10 and is
valid lor the rest of the day. For
those arriving after noon, admis-
sion is just Id per person. The
fist iv ;il will be open from IO a.m.
to (i p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
The Seagrove I'ottery Festival
Looking for a great way to enjoy your weekend away from G-Vegas? Take a trip to the 25th Annual Seagroove Pottery Festival.
provides an excellent opportunity
for visitors to meet the local potters
and view their work This year's
festival is bringing in x potters and
86 heritage craftsmen (including
silversmiths, weavers, wood-carv-
i is, jewelry makers and more)
The event will also include
a Civil War re-enactment and
demonstrations of how a steam
engine and a shingle mill were
once used
As always, the event w ill con-
tinue to serve as a fundraiser
for the Museum of North Caro-
lina Traditional I'ottery. This
museum is located in the Sea-
grove City Hall and features
pieces only from potters in the
Seagrove region One of the most
highly anticipated events each
year is the fundraising auction.
This year, each of the H pot-
ters has made at least one unique
piece fiir the celebrated ritual. For
the first time, the auction will he
accepting sealed bids all day on
Saturday and from IO a.m. to noon
on Sunday The auction itself will
be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday.
This year, the event founder
and organizer is Richard Gillson.
His passion for pottery and tradi-
tion will be on display for all to see
at the big event.
Local churches and organiza-
tions will be providing-food and
beverages. You will also be able
to pick up souvenir t-shirts, ball
Caps, sweatshirts and a collectible
booklet celebrating the event's
Seagrove Elementary School
is located at 888 Old Plank Road,
just off N.C. Hwy. lor The town
of Seagrove is located off 1-7374
and U.S. Hwy. o, exit 46 and is
40 minutes south of Greensboro.
Signs will be on display to help
lead guests to the school.
For those of you desperate for
a Greenville getaway, perhaps the
Seagrove I'ottery Festival would
be just what you're looking for.
I'ottery, crafts and food seem to
be a worthy combination for any
good weekend shindig.
This writer can be contacted at
Look out 1967 the
1970s are here and
Last week, 1967 was the first
' year I looked at in a personal series
of retrospective looks at some
of the greatest years in popular
music history.
While 1967 was a huge year
- for the more psychedelic side of
popular music, in particular - 1973
deserves its credit, too.
Though the Beatles had
broken up three years earlier in
1970, I'aul McCartney didn't let
that stop him from moving on
with his music (neither did John
Lennon or George Harrison, who
also released albums this year).
It's a good thing he didn't; 1973's
Band On The Hun is not only one
of the tightest I'aul McCartney
and Wings album of all time - it's
probably my personal favorite.
Apparently I'm not the only
one who liked it, either, as it won
the Grammy award for Best l'op
Vocal Performance By a Duo,
Group or Chorus.
In 1973, ZZ Top also got their
fair share of widespread success,
with the release of their epic album
Tres Homines.
ZZ Top brought southern rock
and blues to the top of the charts
with their most well-known song
"La Grange which to this day
still raises hairs on my neck w hen
the first vocal track kicks in.
Also in 1973, a young up and
coming musician who is rumored
to be "the next Bob Dylan" by
numerous publications - Bruce
Springsteen - releases 'The Wild,
The Innocent, and the ! Street
Shuffle, his second album.
The album would only tore-
shadow the brilliance that was
to come on his 197,r) major break-
through album Bom To linn
In a much less mainstream
release, Iggy and The Stooges
release Baw Power, which
had a similar effect on under-
ground musicians who discov-
ered The Velvet Underground &
Nico in 1967.
BawPowerwouU goon to influ-
ence some of the best punk music
icons in the history of the genre,
and it ensured Iggy Pop's place
as an underground culture icon
The Who release Oiiadrophe-
nia in 1973 and the album would
transform rock opera's forever.
Even modern day indie art-
ists like Fiery Furnaces front
man Matt Friedberger gives his
respects to Pete Townshend's
genius in writing the album and
stating that it was highly influen-
tial on his personal sound.
What's 1973 without men-
tioning Pink Floyd? The English
group release The Dark Side of the
Moon, which features such epic
tracks as "Moneyrime" and "Us
And Them
And that's not even mention-
ing The Dark Side of Oz (the
common name for the product of
syncing up sound from The Dark
Side of the Moon with the film The
Wizard of Ox.)
As always with these articles,
some things just get left out and
1973 is so crammed lull of great
music that it's easy to leave out
some of the best. 1973 also saw
the epic first major label release
for Bob Marley and The Waiter's
with Catch .1 Fire.
Aersoniith's sell-titled debut
alburn, Tom Waits' debut Closing
Time, Led Zeppelins Houses of the
Holy, Stevie Wonders Innervisions
and John Cale's beautifully crafted
Parts 1919 were also all released in
1973, yet anot her epic year for music.
Don't forget totunetoWZMB,
especially for Heavy Rotation.
This writer can be cbntacted at

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Live album from Dredg in Fillmore, Calif.
The newest from
Dredg has just released a new
live album entitled Live al the
more. This album was dropped this
past week on the Nov. 7 featuring
one of the more storied musi-
cal entertainment institutions
in the country.
The Fillmore is located in
San Francisco, Calif, and is
named for its location at the
intersection of Fillmore Street
and Geary Boulevard. The San
Francisco location is called the
"Fillmore west" as opposed to
being called the "Fillmore cast.
which refers to the location
set in NYC.
Since the mid-to-late 1980s,
the Fillmore auditorium has
been the breeding ground to
the pyschedelic movement
and the underground counter
culture that revolutionized the
music scene.
Back then hands such
as Janis Joplin, The Greatful
Dead and Jefferson Airplane
were all getting their starts
at the famed venue. Along the
years, the scope of the venue
changed, but not the importance
of the venue.
In the IS80S, punk bands such
as Blag Flag, The Dead Kennedys,
Bad Brains and T.S.O.L made this
venue still be part of the epicenter
of newer and radical cultures that
is associated with it today.
Anyway, enough about the
venue and on to the band. Dredg
has released three albums previ-
ous to this live compilation. This
live album is made up of songs
from the previous three efforts
without any new additional mate-
The actual album features
pretty good musical sound qual-
ity, but lacks in the vocal clar-
ity and quality department.
It is pretty noticable though
that this band is a very high
energy and legitimate live act.
1 in not sure if the singer just
can't sing as well live or if it was
the- actual production of the live
album, but either way it sounds
bad. The songs are pretty well
dispersed throughout the dis-
cography of the band for a well
blended mix.
This would be good lor some-
one who likes some of their songs
but isn't sure which songs they
exactly are. This is also good to
see whether or not you want to
spend some time to actually see
this band live.
It seems to me like a very
good idea, as all their songs are
very cerebral and almost have a
melodic dream sound to them.
The guitar work sounds like that
of the Edge from U2 and the sing-
ing reminds me a bit of Switchfoot.
This is a very potent combina-
Overall, I give this album an
A- for its great musical content
and infectious lyrics. However,
the sound quality at times is
a bit junky and needs to have
another microphone go into it.
Live albums are always the best
to listen to while the volume is all
the way up!
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A6
an even bigger touch of realism,
Babel contains one of the best
casts I've seen in a movie this
year. While the film contains no
major stars other than Brad l'itt
and Cate Blanchett, the rest of the
cast also acts extremely well.
Brad Pitt plays the American
tourist Tom while Cate Blanchett
plays Tom's wife Susan. Many
people have stated that this was
Brad Pitt's best performance
and while his performance was
very emotional I believe that
the notion that this was his best
film is an insult to his career.
His performance was slightly
above average but it doesn't
compare to his performances
in Seven or Seven Years in Tibet.
The main fault with his casting-
is that he wasn't allowed enough
screen-time to really bring
out his character.
Blanchett shines as always and
provides possibly the best perfor-
mance of the film. Tom's children
are played by File Fanning and
Nathan Gamble. Some of you
may recognize Fanning as Dakota
Farming's little sister. She is the
spitting image in looks as well as
talent. As I stated before, the rest
of the cast does exceedingly well,
but the performances that really
stand out other than Blanchett's
are the characters of Abdullah,
played by Mustapha Rachidi, and
Flyse, played by Matyelok Gibbs.
Mustapha is able is pull out emo-
tion as I've seen few other child
actors do and even though he is
Mhe one who accidentally shot
Susan, the viewer cannot help
but like his as he has so many
redeeming qualities, Gibbs has
absolutely no lines because she
plays a deaf-mute but her perfor-
mance says so much even though
her character cannot.
The film is definitely not a
one-man show and this makes
the film even better than it
already is because the viewer
looks forward to witnessing every
characters performance and not
just a select few.
The films main message is the
importanceof communication both
verbal and nonverbal, hence the '
title Babel. As many of you know,
Babel was the city in the Bible in
which all of the world's people
came together and, because the
thought they were better than
God, fused their knowledge
to create the Tower of Babel
which was supposed to be a
way into heaven by bypassing
God and all of his requirements.
God destroyed the tower and
then divided the people into
different races and languages,
therefore preventing them from
coming together again and doing
the same thing.
Babel shows how the
breakdown of simple
communication can lead to dev-
astating circumstances. Virtually
every character in the movie suf-
fers from some kind of extreme
hardship because of the lack of
effectively getting across the
true nature of their situation.
While the viewer may shake their
head in wonder about how some
of the characters make some of
the decisions they do, in the end
the viewer ends up admiring the
character for their many redeem-
ing although poorly managed
Babel is definitely one of
the best films of the decade
and will no doubt be a con-
tender at the upcoming Oscars,
nominated and possibly win-
ning best picture, screenplay
and cinematography as well as a
possible best supporting
actress nomination for Blanch-
ett. The film may not make
much money at the box office,
as most of the more excellent
films don't, but that fact does
absolutely nothing to diminish
the film's quality.
Overall Grade: A
This writer can be contacted at
Be an Orientation Assistant!
Summer 2007
applications are now
available in Whichard 201.
Orientation Assistants:
Help newstucjentsius-tto ECf
Earn some money
L9m more
Network with ECU staff
comnMM and other campus
caUon leadefS
Want to learn more? Attend an information session:
November 15, 2:00-3:00pm, Mendenhall, Room 221
December 4, 4:00-5:00pm, Whichard 207
January 10, 7:00-8:00pm, Mendenhall, Room 212
Or contact the First Year Center at 328-4173,
Whichard 201,
Applications are due on Friday, January 19, 2007 by 5:00pm.

Average years of NCAA
Division 1-A position coach-
ing experience for Rice's foot-
ball staff, headed by former
Tulsa defensive coordinator
and first-year head coach
Todd Graham
Average years of NCAA
Division 1-A position coach-
ing experience for ECU's
football staff; members of
Holtz' staff have 17 years
combined as coordinators in
the top division, while Holtz
has 7 years of head coaching
Number of home games
for the Owls played at Rice
Stadium leading into this
Saturday's game vs. ECU;
Rice is 1-1 in Rice Stadium,
with both games decided
by a point; Rice also played
a home game vs. Texas at
Reliant Stadium, home of the
Houston Texans
Consecutive number of home
games for ECU, which is
nation's longest home stand;
ECU spent 42 days at home
before playing at Southern
Miss on Oct. 28; ECU fin-
ished 3-2, capping it off with
a decisive 38-21 win over
States, not including Texas,
that Rice has traveled to in
their seven away games; the
Owls have played in Cali-
fornia, Florida, New York,
Louisiana, Orlando and Okla-
homa; the Owls also played at
UTEP in El Paso, Texas
ECU's record in games when
owning time of possession,
the Pirates are 0-4 when they
don't; ECU has averaged
11:31 in possession time
during the past two wins
(13:04 vs. UCF, 9:58 vs.
They said it
"We've got to come out and w in
this one. If we don't win this one
there's a lot of things we're put-
ting at jeopardy. So this one we
must win more than anything
-Mark Robinson, ECU junior
-defensive tackle
"What's at stake in this game is
huge. This is the biggest game
the school's recent history. We're
looking forward to it You play
football to reach certain goals
and those goals we have set in
place are right there in their
-Steve Shankweiler, ECU
offensive coordinator
"In November, when you're play-
ing still competitive football, it
will come down to your focus.
That has made our players focus
on the task at hand and staying
l-OIf you focus on the little
details, you don't have to worry
about the big picture
-Greg Hudson, ECU defensive
ECU's Inside Source
ECU back on the road
SEPT. 23
OCT. 7
OCT. 14
OCT. 21
NOV. 4
NOV. 11
NOV. 18
NOV. 25
AT UCLAL, 26-16
AT ARMYW. 48-14
vs. mmW, 34-33
AT UCFW, 40-29
AT UTEPW, 37-31
AT TULSAW, 41-38 (20T)
VS. ECU3:00 PM
VS. SMU3:00 PM
1. Force turnovers:
This has been Rice's bread and butter all season, and a
big part in its four-game win streak. The Owls forced Tulsa
into four turnovers last week and blocked a kick to win,
despite giving up nearly 600 yards of total offense to the
Golden Hurricane.
2. Dillard and Smith:
If Rice is going to move the ball against the ECU defense,
the Owls must have balance. ECU proved last week, it can
win games by making a team one-dimensional. The Pirates
will give Jarett Dillard his catches as long as they stop
Quinton Smith and the Rice ground game.
3. Sacks:
Rice has the second-most sacks of any team in Conference
USA with 25. SMU has 26. The Owls have also given up the
most sacks in the conference with 25. The Owls will have
to put consistent pressure on James Pinkney while keeping
Chase Clement upright against a hungry ECU defense that
was held without a sack for the first time in eight games
a week ago.
Pirates can clinch C-
USA East Division with
At first glance, it is hard
to figure out why Rice is in con-
tention for a bowl game or how
the Owls have won four straight.
Rice is last in Conference USA in
rushing defense, second-to-last in scor-
ing defense and last in total defense.
The Owls are surrendering over 443
yards per game and nearly SS points.
When you look more closely,
it is easy to see Rice's formula for
success. The Owls (5-fi, 4-2 Con-
ference USA) are tops in turnover
margin in the conference at plus-11,
which is good enough to rank fifth
nationally. If that's not enough to
get ECU's attention for Saturday's
contest at Rice, Rice's 41-38 double
overtime win at Tulsa last week is.
"There is no doubt that that got
our team's attention said ECU coach
Skip Holtz. "We understand what
a good team Tulsa is. They went in
there and played extremely well
ECU wide receiver Phillip Henry,
who caught five passes for 96 yards
during last week's win over Mar-
shall, said Rice is on their radar.
"We never take any team lightly
because we know that we were in
that same position at one point
Henry said. "We know that they're
a good team on offense and they
have some good guys on defense
Rice forced four turnovers last
week in its win at Tulsa and has
forced 22 on the season, second-best
in C-USA behind the 23 takeaways
by ECU and Southern Miss. Holtz
said the Owls are very aggressive on
defense, which b why they've forced
so many turnovers, but that aggres-
siveness has also led to big
plays being made on them.
"They've given up
some big plays with
their aggressive-
ness Holtz said.
"They're play-
ing a lot of man
coverage and
bumping in your face and bringing
a lot of pressure. They have two very
active outside linebackers that blitz
almost every down. They try to get
in your backfield and cause disrup-
tion, lost yardage plays and sacks,
and make your quarterback throw the
ball before he's ready to throw it. But
with all the man coverage they run,
the margin for error is not that great
Rice is allowing 250 yards
through the air, but has 25 sacks
and six interceptions. The Owls
have also forced 16 fumbles. Lead-
ing the way for the aggressive Rice
defense is linebacker Brian Raines.
The sophomore from Missouri
City, Tex has 92 tackles on the year
with 4r sacks and three forced fumbles.
"He is very active, aggressive and
athletic Holtz said. "He has a nose
for the ball and he is very fast. That
many tackles don't just find you, you
have to find them and that's what he
does. They returned eight starters on
defense so it's not like they are trying to
build this with a lot of young players
Raines and the Owls defense will
do battle with an ECU offense that
has been inconsistent this season and
struggles inside the red zone. The
Pirates pass attack has been solid
with quarterback James Pinkney at
the helm. ECU is fourth in C-USA
with 245 yards per game, but the
rushing game is ninth in the league
and ECU ranks just seventh in total
offense and eighth in scoring offense
at 23.5 points per game. ECU has just
18 touchdowns in 36 red zone trips,
something Holtz said he must address.
"There are still some things that
bother me offensively that we need to
continue to improve on Holtz said.
"One without a doubt is our red zone
productivity. We got inside the 5-yard
line three times and only put the ball
in once and we had to kick two field
goals. The other thing that kind of
bothers me right now is that we don't
have a hammer. We get in the
middle of the field for second
and one and or third and
one and we don't have a
lot of punch as far as
getting a first down
SEPT. 2AT NAVYL, 28-23
SEPT. 9ATUABL, 17-12
OCT. 14VS. TULSAL, 31-10
OCT. 28W, 20-17 (0T)
NOV. 4AT UCFW, 23-10

1. Score touchdowns:
The Pirates have just 18 touchdowns in 36 red zone trips this
season and are 11 for 23 in touchdown productivity inside the
red zone in conference games. In a game that could be high-
scoring, the Pirates cannot afford to settle for field goals.
2. Take care of the ball:
Rice leads the conference in turnover margin and is third
in takeaways. ECU is first in takeaways with 23, but has
also turned the ball over 19 times. With the opportunistic
Rice offense demonstrating a proclivity to convert turnovers
into points, the Pirates cannot afford to make mistakes
with the ball.
3. Hit the big play:
Rice has been susceptible to the big play this season, so
the ECU offense must push the ball downfield at times to
stretch the Rice defense. Holtz has had conservative game
plans in place for ECU's wins at Southern Miss and UCF,
but he should open up the play book against an aggressive
Rice defense that is surrendering better than 440 yards and
35 points per game.
"We've got to put pressure on the quarterback,
we've got to stop the run game, we've got to play
good on defense. We've got to not give up big plays
and take care of the football. Thats the key for us.
If we don't turn the football over and we don't have
stupid penalties, we're going to score. If s going to
take a complete effort We're playing our best ball
right now. It should be an exciting game to watch
"We cant control all those things on the outside
I what everyone's talking and speculating about. It's
great for the Pirate Nation, and the student body
to sit around the coffee shops on Monday through
All of that is exerting. We just have to stay
I focused on what we have to do. And right now, we've
i humble up to this point The way you win the
big games is the same way you win the little ones
Pirates must stay focused on what's at stake
Trap game could derail
championship, bowl
When the upperclassmen heard
their former head coach mutter the
"must-win slogan, it was to keep his
job. A half decade later, the coach-
ing cliche actually has some lasting
Win, celebrate and wait. Lose,
sweat and wait.
With two games remaining, the
Pirates are a win away from a berth
in the conference's second champion-
ship game. A road win at Rice locks
ECU into an improbable one-year
reign as the Conference USA East
Division champion, securing a slot in
a Dec. 1 national television broadcast
with a to-be-determined opponent.
A hiccup interrupts the Pirates'
plan. It erases the easy feeling
associated with winning, namely a
potential five-game winning streak.
It abruptly flips the conference race,
forcing Pirate fans from first-class
to that uncomfortable middle seat
between two burley women.
Southern Miss, who the Pirates
downed 20-17 in overtime thanks
to Travis Williams' game-ending
interception, has to lose one of their
final two games for ECU to clinch
the championship berth. USM hosts
winnable games against UAB and
Marshall to conclude their season.
Ironically, ECU's season hinges
not against their geographical and
hated rival, but instead versus an
academically oriented private school
in Texas with a first-year head coach
and the nation's youngest offensive
coordinator. Penciling in wins before
the season started and Rice seemed
like a sure bet. Now the Owls have
to power to ruin the Pirates' surpris-
ing upstart.
"We've got to come out and win
this one said Mark Robinson, a
junior defensive tackle. "If we don't
win this one, there's a lot of things
we're putting at jeopardy. So this one
we must win more than anything
In one game, the players have
their season, some their careers, lit-
erally on the line. As the season's out-
come hangs in the balance, big plays
and big mistakes become amplified.
"What's at stake in this game is
huge said Steve Shankweiler, ECU's
offensive coordinator This is the big-
gest game the school's recent history
In the school's 74-year history,
see OPINION page A10

Softball receives two commitments during early signing period
(SID) Two high school
seniors have signed National
Letters of Intent to play soft-
ball at KCU, according to an
announcement made by head
coach Tracey Kee. Left-hand-
ers Brittany Howell, Concrete,
Wash, and Britain Jimenez,
Oakdale, Calif, are scheduled to
enroll at KCU in the fall of'2007
and begin playing during the
2008 campaign.
"Both Britain and Brittany
have the ability to make imme-
diate impacts in our program
said Kee. "They are both focused
and driven on the field and in
the classroom. They are fierce
competitors and relentless work-
ers. As a coach, that's all you can
ask for. I look forward to seeing
them In a Pirate uniform in the
near future
Howell, a talented pitcher and
hitter, earned first-team all-state
honors in 200.5 and 200fi and
second-team in 2004. At Con-
crete High, Howell culminated
a record of .55-12, striking out
804 batters. How ell also recorded
eleven no-hitters and one perfect
game in her prep career. At the
plate, Howell batted .496 with
five home runs and 87 RBI for
Concrete H.S. Her ASA travel
team is the Washington Lake
Breeze where she gained the
majority of her experience.
"Brittany brings a much
needed left-handed arm to our
pitching rotation said Kee. "Her
ability to focus and make the
pitches she needs is mature beyond
her years. She has an unbelievable
understanding of the game and
that will pay huge dividends
in her success on the mound
"Out of my choices, KCUj
felt the most like home said
Howell. "I loved the college
town' atmosphere. It had every-
thing I looked for in a college
including my intended major of
nursing. I felt really comfortable
with the coaches and players and
I don't think I could have ended
up at a better place
Jimenez is a versatile first
baseman who could play multiple
positions for the Pirates. Jimenez
led Oakdale High to league
championships in 2004, 2005
and 2006. In 2006, Jimenez was
named first-team all-state and
Valley Oak League Offensive
Player of the Year. She compiled
a career batting average of .437
and tallied 71 RBI at Oakdale
High. She is a member of the Ail-
American Sports Academy ASA
Gold Team.
"Britain Jimenez is one of the
purest left-handed batters we
have ever recruited said Kee.
"Her hitters mentality and abil-
ity to drive the ball to all fields
will mix well in our future line-
up. As a coaching staff, we felt we
needed that true hitter who could
drive i.i runs and we feel we found
that in Britain
"I chose KCU because I felt
that it had the atmosphere of
my hometown said Jimenez.
"Coach Kee, Coach Koz and all
the girls all made me feel like I
was part of their family. When I
had the chance to watch practice,
I could see this was a hardwork-
ing, dedicated team and that
this was a program for me
Kee hopes both players will
perform well on the field and in
the classroom for the Pirates.
Howell ranks first in her class
with a 3.97 GPA and a three-
year member of the National
Honor Society, while Jimenez
was named to the Renais-
sance Gold Honor Roll in 2005
and 2006 with a GPA of 3.83.
"We are thrilled about the
signing of these two student-
athletes Kee said. "We look for-
ward to watching their athletic
and academic goals come true.
KCU will benefit greatly with
the addition of these two signees
The East Carolinians staff predictions
ECU at Rice
Houston at Memphis
UCF at Tulane
Tulsa at SMU
UTEP at Marshall
UAB at Southern Miss
Maryland at Boston College
N.C. State at UNC
Virginia Tech at Wake Forest
Michigan at Ohio St.
Sports Editor
Overall: 53-27
Last week: 6-4
Southern Miss
Virginia Tech
Ohio St.
Media Advisor
Last week: 5-5
Wake Forest
Ohio St.
Overall: 55-25
Last week: 7-3
Southern Miss
Boston College
Virginia Tech
Ohio St.
(Kor (omectier) 107 Eastbrook Di. Greenville (Near Sonic on Greenville Blvd.)
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Xila'Jones 329-1210 .. 4j
Photo Editor
Overall: 42-38
Last week: 8-2
Boston College
N.C. State
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Ohio St.
Sports Writer
Overall: 47-33
Last week: 6-4
Southern Miss
Boston College
Wake Forest
Classified Ad
Overall: 44-36
Last week: 5-5
Southern Miss
N.C. State
Wake Forest
Sports Writer
Overall: 48-32
Last week: 6-4
Southern Miss
Boston College
Virginia Tech
Ohio St.
Sports Writer
Overall: 58-22
Last week: 8-2
Southern Miss
Boston College
N.C State
Wake Forest
Ad Representative
Overall: 54-26
Last week: 7-3
Southern Miss
Boston College
N.C. State
Wake Forest
Ohio St.
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Fraternity Plans Powwow
The Alpha Chapter of Epsilon Chi Nu will host a powwow from
noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 18 at Mendenhall student Center.
The event is in honor of Native American Month and the 11th
Anniversary of the founding of the first Native American
fraternity in the U.S. Epsilon Chi Nu has created a partnership
with other Native Americans in Pitt County and will help
sponsor a blanket drive for elders at the Pine Ridge Reservation.
The fraternity will collect donated new blankets or donations to
purchase blankets at the powwow.
For more information, call 717-1570 or 752-1965.
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PACK A l()
continued from A8
Holt, blamed the dichotomous
offense on the inconsistency of his
young offensive line The offensive
talent is there for the Pirates at
the skill positions, something Kice
head coach Todd Graham knows.
"Kast Carolina has great skill
kids said Graham, who was Tulsa's
defensive coordinator a year ago.
"Their quarterback. Allison the
receiver, Johnaon whoplaya tailback
and receiver They have the best
kick returner in the league I think
Coach Holtz has done a tremendous
job of turning that program around
and has got them poised. They need
one win to get in the championship
game The strength of their team
is their athleticism. We've got to
put pressure on the quarterback,
we've got to stop the run game,
we've got to play good on defense
The ECU coaches and players
know that the defense has lifted
them to their position of playing
for a conference championship.
"Our defense has been carrying
us mi tar said Henry, who is second
on the Pirates with S! receptions
for 454 yards. "We're just going to
continue to try to match their play"
The Pirates (6-4, 5-2 C-USA)
have scored more than SO points in
four of their six wins, and they may
need that same kind of offensive
production against a Rice offense.
The Owls are averaging over
2 points per game and have won
four straight since a ,Sh-s24 loss to
Tulane. Kice is averaging SK points
during its win streak with a home
win over UAB and road victories
against UCF, UTEP and Tulsa.
Kins main weapon on offense
has been wide receiver larett Di!
lard. The mo-pound sophomore
from San Antonio leads C-USA
in touchdown receptions with 10.
The offense, run by former
Texas quarterback and rookie offen-
sive coordinator Major Applewhite,
is balanced with senior running
back Quinton Smith averaging 113
yards a game and sophomore quar-
terback Chase Clement passing for
more than 800 yards per contest.
Clement has 15 touchdown passes
to just four interceptions, some-
thing that has Graham confident
during Rice's four-game win streak.
"We need to stop Rice
on defense and we have
to be able to score on
offense, but then you
get into the flow of the
game and you make a
determination on how you
are going to play it. "
"We take care of the football
Graham said. "I believe we're one
of the top teams in tile country in
doing that, one of the top teams in
the country in turnover ratio. That's
the key for us. If we don't turn the
football over and we don't have stupid
penalties, we're going to score
Holtz said the game could be
a shootout, but his approach to the
game will be as it is every week.
"It is what we say going into
every game the Pirates skipper
said. "We need to stop them on
defense and we have to be able to
score on offense, but then you get
into the flow of the game and you
make a determination on how you
are going to play it. We've got to
find a way to go 1-0 on the road
to play Rice. It doesn't matter how
we win, we just have to find a way
to score more points at the end of
the day
Graham said his team needs to
play near perfect football to win, and
is expecting a competitive game.
"It's going to take a complete
effort Graham said. "They're
a good football team coming in
here. We're playing our best ball
right now. They're playing their
best ball. They're 4-0 in the last
four games. We're 4-0, so it should
be an exciting game to watch
ECU won last year's matchup
in Greenville, 41-28, and Saturday's
kickoff is scheduled for 3 p.m. from
Rice Stadium in Houston as Holtz.
said his team will return to the "road
warrior" persona it took on with
wins at Southern Miss and UCF
"With four of our last five games
on the road, we said if we want
to make anything special happen
with this season, we gotta be road
warriors Holtz said. "That's been
our battle cry. I felt like we'd have
enough emotions for the last game at
home, but now we've got to go back
on the road and pick up our battle
flag of being road warriors and
playing with everybody against us
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A8
ECU has never been featured in
a conference championship tilt.
Few border wars, instate rivalries
or bowl games rival this game's
"You play football to reach cer-
tain goals and those goals we have
set in place are right there in their
hands Shankweiler reiterated.
Fulfilling the program's pic-
season and long-term goals stay in
line with the team's adopted mantra
to stay "humble and hungry
"The way to succeed is to stay
fin used on controlling what we can
control Holtz. said after practice
Tuesday. "And right now, we've
been humble up to this point. Let's
not pat ourselves on the back about
six wins.
Remembering what gap to fill
and what route to run becomes
imperative toward a welcoming
crowd at the Kinston airport. Losing
focus and that enthusiasm that has
rebounded their season could have
a detrimental effect.
"We ought to be as hungry to go
get this game as we were game one.
And then let's just focus on what we
have to do to make sure we focus on
this game to give ourselves the best
chance to prepare to go in
ECU won a "statement game"
on the road at USM, but admittedly
came out flat in front of a home
crowd versus Tulsa, last season's
conference champion. After such
an emotional win over Marshall at
home to culminate Senior Day, Rice
has the makings of a trap game.
"In November, when you're
playing still competitive football,
it will come down to your focus
said Greg HudsAn, ECU's defensive
coordinator. "That has made our
players focus on the task at hand
and staying 1-0 If you focus on
the little details, you don't have to
worry about the big picture
With a loss, ECU the big picture
becomes a Hattiesburg-based televi-
sion set. With a win, the big picture-
becomes crystal clear.
This writer can be contacted at
Major at ECU:
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The East Carolinian, November 16, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 16, 2006
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