The East Carolinian, October 26, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Top Halloween movies
that have envoked fear
for years. Check them
out in PulsePage A5
Learn more about the
free Halloween safety
event at Mendenhall
social roomsPage A2
Rachel Hils' senior
season hasn't gone
the way she wanted.
As her Senior Day
approaches, find
out how a deviation
in Hils' plans
has changed her
perspectivePage A8
ECU and Southern
Miss renew a rivalry
that USM has recently
dominated. As the
Pirates strive for a six
wins and a bowl berth,
the Golden Eagles
hosts a hungry Pirate
team in a conference
showdownPage A7
Registration for
classes start.
For events and
activities, check
out our community
calendarPage A2
6 1 9 4 3 2 7 5 87 2 4 9 5 8 6 3 18 3 5 7 6 1 9 2 4
5 6 3 9 8 7 1 2 44 8 7 5 1 2 3 6 92 1 9 6 4 3 5 8 7
3 7 1 8 9 6 2 4 52 9 6 1 4 5 8 7 34 5 8 3 7 2 1 9 6
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A9
Authorities plan for tightened
security on Halloween night
Campus and local
authorities desire to
keep students safe
With Oct. 31 just around the
corner, local and campus authorities
have been busy planning ways to
tighten security and keep students
safe on Halloween night.
The Greenville Police Depart-
ment held a meeting yesterday to
discuss plans for enforcing laws and
keeping partygoers safe downtown.
For Halloween, they plan to have
an increased presence downtown
and in nearby neighborhoods in
order to keep students safe as they
come and go throughout the night.
Along with the Greenville and
ECU police, departments from
surrounding areas will deploy offi-
cers to Greenville to help deal with
the large crowds.
Beginning at 8 p.m officers
will block off the streets down-
town in an attempt to keep illegal
items and weapons out of the
area. Students planning to go into
the downtown area will have to
pass through police checkpoints
and have their purses, coats and
costumes searched. Weapons of
any kind, even if they are toys as
part of a costume, will be taken
at these checkpoints, so police
encourage students not to bring
these items.
Alcohol Law Enforcement
officers will also be out in full
force to crack down on underage
drinking downtown and at large
keg parties.
Police Chief WHliam Anderson
believes the best thing students
Campus and Greenville police will be increasing security on students during Halloween night and weekend.
can do to stay safe on Halloween
is to use their knowledge and be
aware of their surroundings.
"Walk in groups, just take the
common sense things about being
safe and do the right thing said
"We want everyone to have a
good time but we want them to be
safe as well"
Rules on campus are also being
tightened for Halloween night.
Campus officials plan to strictly
enforce visitation policies and
other rules in an attempt to keep
people out of the dorms that don't
belong there. Students living in
the dorms will be expected to show
their student ID when they enter,
and they will have to sign them-
selves and liicii guests in. Dorm
authorities say that visitation
policies will be strictly enforced
and guests are expected to leave as
soon as visitation hours end.
The biggest concern officials
have for the dorms is that students
will prop the back doors open to
sneak visitors in. Officials fear that
by leaving the doors open anyone
will be allowed to get in, which
money to
help stray
Students hold
Halloween pet costume
contest for program
Beginning yesterday and
extending to Halloween, the
Student Organization for Animal
Rights is holding a pet costume
contest to raise money for a spay
and neuter program to decrease
the number of stray cats on
campus. Members of SOAR
will be present throughout the
remainder of this week and the
beginning of next week from
10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at a table at
the Wright Plaza displaying pic-
tures of pets where students can
make donations to their choice
of the pet depicted with the best
According to Brittany Wil-
liams, senior psychology major
and SOAR member, the dona-
tions will allow the organi-
zation to work with TNR, a
nationwide trap, neuter and
release program, that works
with communities to manage
the population of feral, or stray
"It is $25 - $50 a cat, and
they catch them, give them their
shots, tag and release them
said Williams.
She explained that this pro-
cess stops, or at least lessens
the cycle of reproduction among
the feral population by allow-
see POLICE page A2
see SOAR page A3
Citizens act as detectives
through Crime Stoppers
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Several students creatively participated in thepumpkin carving contest.
Students are encouraged to call anonymously to report crimes they know about in exchange for cash rewards
Helpful tips yield
money in return for
Local law enforcement agen-
cies, with the cooperation of the
Pitt-Greenville Chamber of Com-
merce, launched a county-wide
Crime Stopper Program called
Crime Stoppers. It is a program in
which members of the community,
media and law enforcement agen-
cies and businesses work together
to solve crimes.
Citizens are encouraged,
through cash rewards and a prom-
ise of anonymity, to provide infor-
mation leading to the arrest of
criminals or recovery of stolen
property. Cash rewards can be up
to $2,500.
According to the Operations
Division Commander of the ECU
police department, Major Frank
Knight, crime stoppers pays 15-
20 people per month for calling
in crimes or reporting suspects
associated with crimes. He esti-
mates that $3,000 is paid to callers
every month.
There are between two to four
murders a year in Greenville. Half
the arrests of murder suspects
in Greenville have been found
through Crime Stoppers. Major
Knight reports that, "the last
major murder case in Greenville
had several calls on the case. Crime
Stoppers led to the identification
and ultimate arrest of the indi-
Crime Stoppers has also benefited
the local public schools and ECU.
"Crimes as minor as bringing
a pocket knife into a classroom
or guns on campus should be
reported Knight said. "Rape and
theft suspects have been reported
and charged due to the proper
identification of the criminal.
Crime Stoppers is an avenue for
students to report crimes
Its goals are to help eliminate
fear and apathy on campus, provide
a safer environment for students
and save tax dollars by decreasing
vandalism to school property. The
promotion of citizenship through-
out the student body to be involved
in the well-being of their school
and community is important
because it teaches students not to
tolerate illegal behavior.
The most recent crime on
campus was the fires that were
set in various academic buildings.
Brewster B, C and D wings, Joyner
East and Bate all had fires set in
bathroom trash cans. Facility ser-
vices, housekeeping and building
captains have all been notified to
help with additional surveillance
of the buildings by performing
frequent checks of the bathrooms
and hallways.
The SAFE program calls
on administrators to take more
responsibility for the safety of the
buildings and facilities. Because
ECU is a university, this program
also known as Staff and Faculty
Eyes should not be necessary, but
since a few students have chosen to
vandalize school property, action
must be taken on the part of ECU
faculty to pay closer attention to
the actions of students.
If information about the per-
sons who set the fires is known, the
ECU police department encour-
ages the use of Crime Stoppers
because a monetary award for any
useful information will be paid to
those who call in.
Kip Gaskins, the coordinator
of the Pitt CountyGreenville
Crime Stoppers, can be contacted
at 329-4158.
This writer can be contacted at
Joyner to hole-
pumpkin contest
Campus departments
and organizations to
compete; students vote
Joyner Library will be con-
ducting a pumpkin carving contest
during the last week of October.
According to Mark Sanders,
reference librarian and outreach
coordinator for the library, the
contest is for campus offices and
departments, as well as student
"We created this as an outreach
program for students to highlight
the library as the cultural heart
of campus, not just the academic
said Sanders.
In its second year running,
the contest has had an excellent
turnout. Last year around 15
pumpkins appeared in the main
lobby of Joyner Library. This year
nearly 20 pumpkins have been
reserved and more are expected
to be claimed.
Prizes will be awarded to the
winning pumpkin, of which include
an ECU sweatshirt donated by
Dowdy Student Store, a Joyner
Library folding chair and a Joyner
Library T-shirt.
To further encourage campus
involvement, the library is letting
the students vote for their favorite
pumpkin. Last year saw nearly 750
student votes.
Students simply v. rite the cor-
responding number on the pump-
kin they like the most, along with
their student e-mail.
One random student will be
chosen from a drawing to win
the same prizes as the winning
pumpkin carver.
Last year saw plenty of cre-
ativity among creations including
Super Mario to Edgar Allan Poe.
Some of the groups involved
last year include: International
House, Cultural Outreach, Asian
Student Association and English
Graduate Student Organization.
The pumpkins will be on dis-
play beginning Oct. 26 through
the 31 in the Joyner Library
For more information contact
Mark Sanders at 328-2900.
This writer can be contacted at

Campus & Community
ASO Free Movie Night
Thursday, Oct. 26 in the
Flanagan Building room
265 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Quest for Fire details the
adventures of a group of
cavemen trying to reig-
nite their fire-source after
it becomes extinguished
during a battle. Along the
way, they rescue a cave-
woman from cannibals. She
takes them to her tribe and
teaches them the secrets
of fire and love.
Admission is free. Snacks
are available to purchase.
Hosted by the Anthropology
Student Organization.
Graduate and Professional
School Fair
Thursday, Oct. 26.
Location: Mendenhall
Multi-Purpose Room, 12
- 3 p.m.
All ECU students are
encouraged to attend to
talk personally with admis-
sions representatives from
over 30 institutions from
the state and region as well
as representatives from
ECU. This will be an ideal
opportunity to learn about
admissions requirements
and funding possibilities for
programs of interest.
The Realities of Hate
Thursday, Oct. 26 - All day
at Wright Plaza and MSC
Tearing Down the Wall
of Hate
Students share their experi-
ences with hate on a wall to
be torn down.
ECU Ice Hockey
Club vs. Richmond
Friday, Oct. 27 at
Greenville's Bladez on Ice.
Come see the ECU Ice
Hockey Pirates take on
Richmond on Friday at
9:30 p.m. at Bladez on
Ice. Students with ID will
be $3 and others are $5.
Come see the new and
improved Pirates.
Pulling down the wall
Friday, Oct. 27 at
Mendenhall Room 244
and Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center Yard at 1 p.m.
The wall will be pulled
down by human hands in
a symbolic representation
of humanity toppling the
walls of hate and injustice,
thus allowing passage to
a proud and bright future.
Participants will then be
encouraged to take a piece
of the broken wall to remind
them to take action and be
a catalyst for changing the
writing on the wall.
Social Chair
Saturday, Oct. 28
Location: Mendenhall
Social Room (Basement),
10 p.m.
The ECU African Students
Organization Presents,
"Red, Yellow & Green Party"
It's going down Saturday,
Oct. 28 at the Mendenhall
Social Room. Doors open at
10 p.m. It's a special party
and we have special prices.
$5 for students with ID,
$7 without ID. Discounts:
$1 off if you wear red,
yellow or green, $3 only
before 11 p.m.
Crime Stoppers Reward
The Pitt-Greenville Crime
Stoppers are offering a
reward for information lead-
ing to the arrest and convic-
tion of individual(s) who
have set a series of trash
can fires at ECU. Two trash
can fires were set in the
Bate Building in July. Trash
can fires were set at the
Joyner Library Annex and
Brewster B, C and D Wings
in October. Anyone having
information about these
crimes should contact the
Pitt-Greenville CrimeStop-
pers at 758-7777, or Lt.
Mike Jordan, ECU Police,
737-1519, or go to the ECU
Web page, Administra-
tion, Index, Police, Crime
26 Thu 27 Fri 28 Sat 29 Sun 30 Mon 31 Tue
The Realities of Hate
Tearing Down the Wall
of Hate
Wright Plaza and MSC
Hispanic Film Series:
"lluminados por el
fuego" (Enlightened
by Fire)
Argentina, 2005, 100
min. Directed by Tristan
Bate 2011 5:30 p.m.
One Fair in Two Loca-
Minges Coliseum & New
Health Sciences Build-
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
ASO Free Movie Night
Admission is free.
Snacks are available
to purchase. Hosted by
the Anthropology Stu-
dent Organization.
Flanagan Building,
room 265
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Graduate and Profes-
sional School Fair
Mendenhall Multi-Pur-
pose Room
12-3 p.m.
Ice Hockey
Bladez on Ice
9:30 p.m.
Hate Out Week
The wall will be pulled
down by human hands
in a symbolic repre-
sentation of humanity
toppling the walls of
hate and injustice, thus
allowing passage to a
proud and bright future.
Mendenhall Room 244
and Ledonia Wright Cul-
tural Center Yard
1 p.m.
Multicultural Potluck
Please bring a dish to
share. Beverages and
table service will be
Ledonia Wright Culture
2 p.m.
Women's Soccer
Bunting Field
3 p.m.
Women's Volleyball
Williams Arena at
Minges Coliseum
7 p.m.
'Men's Cross Country
C-USA Champion-
Overton's Lake Kristi
10:30 a.m.
'Woman's Cross Coun-
C-USA Champion-
Overton's Lake Kristi
11:30 a.m.
Women's Field
Blount Fields
11 a.m.
Blount Fields
12:30 p.m.
Blount Fields
2 p.m. '
Ice Hockey
Bladez on Ice
3:45 p.m.
Women's Soccer
Bunting Field
12 p.m.
Women's Volleyball
Williams Arena at
Minges Coliseum
1 p.m.
"Registration For Spring
Semester 2007 Begins
Midnight Madness
Mendenhall Student
Center from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Events
will range from palm
readers to hypno-
tists, trick-or-treat-
ing to free billiards
and bowling. Students
remember to bring
your OneCard. One
guests may be admit-
ted with students with
valid ID.
Featured Event:
C-USA Cross Country Championship
The men's and women's cross country team will host the conference championship at Overton's
Lake Kristi. The men will begin running at 10:30 a.m. with the women set to start at 11:30 p.m.
To get to the facility from uptown Greenville, take Arlington Boulevard and turn left at Fire Tower
Road. Go to the end and veer right onto Portertown Rd. Follow Portertown to the end and take
a left onto Ivy Road. Follow Ivy to the end, take a left onto Mobley's Bridge Road. Lake Kristi is
approximately three miles on the left.
Camp Lejeune Marine killed in
Iraq's Anbar province
(AP) A Camp Lejeune
Marine was killed Saturday while
conducting combat operations in
Iraq, the military said Tuesday.
Lance Cpl. Eric W. Herzberg,
20, of Severna Park, Md was
in the Anbar province when he
died, the Department of
Defense said.
He was assigned to 3rd
Battalion, '2nd Marine
Regiment, 2nd Marine Division,
'2nd Marine Expeditionary Force at
Camp Lejeune.
Herzberg joined the Marines
in August 2005 and was
deployed to Iraq on July 14, said
Staff Sgt. Timothy Edwards, a
'2nd Marine Division spokesman.
A total of 15H Marines in the
division have died in Iraq since
March 29, 2005, according to the
r ULILt. continued
from Al
will put students at risk.
Waz Miller, director of resi-
dence life, said that one of the
biggest issues for Halloween is
that students will let people into
the dorms that don't belong there.
Miller encourages students to only
let in and take responsibility for
those people they know.
"Students need to be aware
of their surroundings and able
to respond quickly if needed said
"Lots of weird stuff can be
hidden in costumes and props
Although many students feel
the rules for Halloween are a
little harsh, dorm authorities feel
the rules are necessary to keep
students safe.
"Safety is always one of our high-
est priorities and issues said Miller.
"On I lalloween, we try to make
students even more aware of it as
many choose to depart the halls
and go into Greenville
For those who wish to have
a safe and carefree Halloween
on campus, the Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center will host Midnight
Madness from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The event will offer students
a worry free place to celebrate
where they will receive free
food, prizes and a hot breakfast.
This writer can be contacted at
newstheeastcarol in Ian .com.
most recent data available from the
Marine Corps.
Lawmakers want a more real-
istic response to region's water
(AP) A top U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers official promised to
update 50-year-old manuals used
to regulate contested river systems
in Georgia, Florida and Alabama,
a move that could ease water
concerns and might even set
the stage for a cease-fire in the
protracted tri-state water wars.
The commitment came at
a field hearing conducted
Tuesday by Georgia Sen. Saxby
Chanibliss, chairman of the Senate
Agriculture Committee, on the
effects of the Corps management
of the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa
and Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-
Flint River basins.
Only about 75 people attended
the Columbus hearing compared
with about 700for an August hear-
ing in Gainesville, not far from
Lake Lanier.
International drug ring trial
(AP)A trial for some Oregon
men and others charged with
running an international drug
ring out of the Northwest has
been delayed.
A former Roseburg man, Kent
Jones, has been accused of being
the ringleader of an operation
that a federal prosecutors said
began among high school friends
30 years ago.
But a request for additional
time to prepare for trial by the
attorney for a co-defendant will
push back the trial date for Jones,
too, probably to January.
The case had been scheduled
to go to trial in federal court in
Boise, Idaho, next month.
The defendants are accused
of distributing millions of dollars
worth of marijuana, cocaine and
methamphetamine through an
organized syndicate. They alleg-
edly grew marijuana at homes in
Oregon, Washington and Califor-
nia and imported other drugs from
Mexico and South America.
Keg Explosion Kills 1, Injures
(AP) A 22-year-old New
Milford, Conn man was killed
and seven others injured after a
beer keg thrown into a fire barrel
exploded at an outdoor party.
The blast at 3:13 a.m. Sunday
was powerful enough to shake
windows a mile away from the
field where between 50 and 100
people in their 20s were attending
an annual pig roast, the Danbury
News-Times reported.
Sean Caselli, 22, was killed
by a jagged piece of shrapnel to
the neck, while seven others were
hit by shrapnel or burned, New
Milford police said.
Investigators would not reveal
who had thrown the barrel into the
fire, the newspaper said.
By late Sunday, all of the
injured had been treated and
released from two area hospitals,
McCormack said.
Monday, the incident was
under investigation by local police,
state and local fire marshals, and
the state police Major Crime
Squad, the newspaper said.
Women's Cancer Recognized author and
awareness booth terrorism expert speaks
Dr. Walid Phares
lectures on campus
Renowned speaker, author
and terrorism expert, Dr. Walid
Phares, spoke on campus yester-
day at a seminar titled, "Future
Jihad: Can It Be Avoided?"
Phares, who is a Senior Fellow
at the Foundation for the Defense
of Democracies in Washington
DC, has published eight books
and has written countless articles
in specialized journals. Phares
has also served as an analyst of
world conflicts, including the war
on terrorism, and he is currently
a terrorism analyst for MSNBC,
The seminar, which was spon-
sored by Students for the Defense
of Democracies and the ECU
Security Studies Program, focused
on the Jihadist movement and how
it relates to the Sept. 11 attacks.
Phares spoke on his belief that
before Sept. 11, many people in the
U.S. had little knowledge about
the Middle East. He believes that
although Americans knew about
the conflict in Israel, they didn't
know very much about other areas.
Due to this lack of knowledge,
Phares said that the U.S. was
only able to react to the Middle
East instead of taking proactive
"When it comes to this region,
we are reacting to it said Phares.
"I think it is time we study the
region from its own domestic,
internal and social crises so we can
begin to look at the future with
different eyes
Phares also spoke about some
misconceptions that Americans
have about Jihadist movements.
He believes Jihadist movements
are not random issues that are
born overnight. Phares said that
contrary to what most Americans
believe, U.S. foreign policy is not
the cause for Jihadist movements.
"Movements are not just reac-
see AUTHOR page A3
The women of the Aspiring Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta
Alpha Latin Sorority Inc. invite female students to be one of
the first Lamda Ladies at ECU. Women of all ethnicities are
welcome. The next meeting will be Oct. 31 also at the LWCC.
Learn more about them at
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continued from Al
CD -
C an
Dania DePas, Candice Spicknall and Alan Burke work a booth in Wright
Plaza for the SOAR organization.
ing community members to
acknowledge which animals
have been spayed and neu-
tered and which have not. She
also added that TNR tends to
decrease their rates if a com-
munity shows a strong need for
their assistance, and said that
donations they receive through
the contest of any amount will
be of help.
Because members cannot
have all of the animal contes-
tants present at their table
throughout the whole competi-
tion, they are providing pictures
of the contestants with small
buckets next to each, in which
to place donations. Yesterday
they had two dogs registered
and said that they have received
pictures from five more owners
interested in registering their
pet. When the contest closes
on Halloween, SOAR mem-
bers will announce the winner
at a p.m. The owner of the
winning animal will receive a
gift basket with various dog
treats and toys, as well as a
gift certificate donated by Pets
Statistics about feral colonies
provided by SOAR state that
one female cat and her offspring
can produce 4120,000 cats in
seven years and one female dog
and her offspring can produce
67,000 dogs in the same time
frame. SOAR President, Dania
DePas expressed'that while
these statistics are alarming,
most people are not aware of
them. She added that one of the
main goals of the organization
is to educate members of the
community and to promote the
safety of local and domestic
animals. .
SOAR was founded in
the summer of 2005 by Kelly
Murray, now graduated, and
is in its second full year as a
student organization. DePas
said that many of the SOAR
members also volunteer with
the Pitt County Humane Society
and are involved with People for
the Ethical Treatment of Ani-
mals. Dania DePas and Brittany
Williams both explained that
PETA J, a branch of the well-
known organization, is very
helpful and works directly with
university organizations, such
as SOAR, to help their efforts.
Dania and the other SOAR
members hope that the pet
costume contest will be a suc-
cess and enable them to con-
tinue it in years to come. The
organization had also been
successful in raising funds over
the past year through bake
sales, involvement in the Christ-
mas and Homecoming parades,
the Canine Crawl and the Pitt
County Animal Walk through
which they partnered
with the Pitt County Humane
Students looking to register
their pet in the competition
can still do so by contacting
the organization by e-mail at While dona-
tions are encouraged, they are
not required to participate. Any
student interested in donating
can stop by the table at Wright
Plaza between the hours of IQ-
a.m. and 1 p.m. up until next
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A2
tions to some measure of U.S.
foreign policies said Phares.
"Although measures in U.S. for-
eign policies do impact these deci-
sions, it is not the reason for why
these movements exist
After he was done speaking,
Phares opened up the lecture
to people with questions. The
lecture hall was packed with
students and professors inter-
ested in hearing Phares speak,
and many people had questions
to ask him.
Most students went as part
of a class, but others went simply
because Phares is such a well
know n and knowledgeable speaker.
"I came to this lecture because
it relates to my security studies
class and 1 thought it would be
really interesting said Chris-
topher Walters, junior business
major. "1 have a military back-
ground and I am interested in
studying terrorism, so I thought
it would be insightful
After the lecture, Phares held
a book signing where students
could talk to him personally and
purchase his latest book, Future
Jihad: Strategies Against America.
This writer can be contacted at
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We put to print what you only think
They're called Ugg boots for a
reason. Cause they're ugly.
If you build it, they
will still come
Fences for border control, you've got
to be kidding me
America is a melting pot. From our earli-
est history classes, we've all heard it - people
having been immigrating here before this coun-
try was even a united country With 1,500 plus
Latin American immigrants entering this coun-
try on a daily basis, immigration has become
a chief concern of our nation's government
Americans don't realize the dire circumstances
that people run from when they seek a new life
in our country.
The North American Free Trade Agree-
ment put into effect 12 years ago a free trade
agreement among Canada, Mexico and the
United States based on the model of European
Communities in the European Union. NAFTA
hoped to establish a higher standard of living
throughout the countries involved, yet many
consider it a failure.
NAFTA'l failure was not because it did not
have good intentions, but rather because of
increasing poverty levels and economic inequal-
ity among other problems within Mexico.
Clearly, in the face of these problems slowing
down immigration will not come easily. Amer-
ica needs to find a way to help its neighbor's
economy if they want to decelerate immigration,
for the two problems cannot be solved indepen-
dently of one another.
With Mexican citizens desperate for a new
life for themselves and their families, immi-
grants have proven repeatedly that they will do
whatever it takes to get on U.S. soil.
Because of such desperation, the U.S. has
decided to take more extreme measures to
impede immigration. Recently approved, the
Secure Fence Act of 200(; authorized the erec-
tion of a 700-mile fence across the U.S.Mexico
border as an alternative to the more comprehen-
sive immigration reform measures. It necessi-
tates that the Department of Homeland Security
take control" of the border within is months.
This is not your everyday security act either.
In addition to the 700-mile wall, surveillance,
cameras and foot patrols will also be used to
help better secure the border.
The United States and Mexico are united by
history Borders cannot break those ties. People
fail to remember that by and large, America is
a nation of immigrants. In being a melting pot,
we all came to this country at some point, from
It's ridiculous to think that America is actu-
ally building a feme to keep out immigrants.
Have you ever heard of something so inane? I'm
sure there's some logic to it. I'm sure the politi-
cians on Capitol Hill have put forth countless
hours of thinking and research to come up with
such an idea, but really - has it come to this?
Sure, it's a fence bordering Mexico now, but
what happens when everyone starts trying to
come through Florida next? Are we going to put
up fences there as well? I can just see it now;
within a few years, our whole country will be
enclosed, in hopes of keeping immigrants out.
Undoubtedly, there has to be a better way
to control immigration I understand the need
to have order within the country I understand
the price of American citizenship and the desire
for legal immigration, but fences for borders
- I think policy makers may have looked in the
mnn direction tor solutions on this one.
Need advice? Want answers? Just ask Jane.
Dew Jane,
Jane, Due of my professors has a habit of proposi-
tioning me I used to really be interested in him. until
I Ibund out he has a wife I know this will make me
sound bad as well, but we have slept together, but I
w ant nothing to do with him now. The problem here is
that hei still my professor and I'm afraid I'm going to
do badly in his class if I continue to avoid him. Should
I keep avoiding his calls, or am I just supposed to give
in lor the rest of the semester because I put myself in
this situation, as my roommate says.
Not the tramp he wants me to be
Dear Not the tramp.
You certainly do not need to give in for the rest ol
the semester simply because you made the mistake of
sleeping with him Sinceyou lost interest upon finding
OUl he has a wife, and want nothing more to do with
him (most honorable, might 1 add),you should not allow
yourself to be penalized lor your initial curiosity.
V'ou could continue to avoid your professor, but
since acci n ding to ECU'S Faculty Manual. Appendix V,
it is against the policies of East Carolina University for
any employee of the university to engage in consensual
amorous relationships with Students or other university
employers H bom the employee is or will be supervising
ii evaluating you were not the only one who made
a mistake in attempting a relationship Avoiding your
professor w ill undoubtedly influence your performance
in his (lass, no matter what your relationship, so I
would ad isc vou to talk to him. I also advise you to
contact the university ombudsman as soon as possible,
even before you speak with your professor, do that so
that someone who is impartial and knowledgeable of
university policy can advise you.
Furthermore, as long as you hold up your end as a
student, your grades should not be penalized by your
professor for not engaging in a relationship The (acuity
manual states "it is against the policies of Fast Carolina
University lor its employees or students to propose to
Other employees or students that they engage in or
tolerate activities of a sexual nature in order to avoid
some punishment or to receive some reward
Good luck!
Um I'm pretty sure that
you're supposed to ask your
roommates before you give
your boyfriend a key to our
apartment! Thanks!
If you want to ban video games,
I want to ban beer.
I spent hours at the library
studying this week and I definitely
failed that test. What a waste!
Guys should not be banned
from playing video games.
Video games kick ass, and
I'm a girl.
You ruined the best thing you
will ever have.
I get so excited when my
roommate has lab at night and I
have the apartment to myself!
I think I'm in love with my
boyfriend's roommate. He is
so sweet and adorable and
gives me more attention than
my boyfriend does while I am
at their house. I wish I would
have met you sooner.
Sometimes I wonder. Would
you even care if we broke up?
Terry Holland, make our
football field's turf purple.
Seriously, what kind of
professor gives us a test on
Halloween? Or even worse,
the day after?
If I were famous, Kristin Cavallari
would be my best friend.
Sometimes I miss high school.
The days when you came
home, did less than an hours
worth of homework and then
mama's got supper ready for
you on the table.
It is so cold in the library! I know
you want us to be alert to study
but please crank up the heat.
It was so cold today I had on
a T-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket
and gloves. I seriously thought
about putting on a facemask
and some earmuffs.
I applaud the people who take
their freedom of speech and
use it, and for TEC giving us
a place to put it but when
someone steps to you because
of it, that is not right. That is why
they are called Pirate Rants!
I walked into class three
minutes late for the first time
this year. As I was coming in
the door, the professor was
talking about how rude it was
to be late. Then he says if you
must be late at least sit in the
back (while liust sat down in the
front row). Thanks for making
me feel like a complete idiot.
Attention all home wreckers,
do not write cute little notes on
my boyfriend's Facebook wall.
As if you can't read, he is in a
relationship with me.
To the people who wear their
two strap book bags one on
shoulder, they are made with
two for a reason. It's not a
fashion statement anymore!
To the political science and
pre-law majors, are the Pirate
Rants protected under freedom
of speech?
Stop being a busy bee, and
spreading your pollen.
Does anyone else hate Lindsey
Lohan as much as I do?
I'm glad that you are happy, but
for goodness sakes tell your
man to stop calling me.
I donate plasma, but not "to
buy clothes to go clubbing in
How selfish can we be?
I'm really scared to be in my
house. A girl killed herself a few
years ago in my roommate's
room and we hear her walking
around in high heels and she
unlocks our front door.
I threw up on a stripper.
To the group of fraternity
boys who use to live in the
house down the street from
our sorority house last year,
thanks for becoming so distant
and not calling us to hang out
anymore. Glad our friendship
meant so much to you.
Anyone who calls a six-pack of
beer a sixer is a loser!
I know its cold outside and a
runny nose is a side affect but
for God sakes blow your nose
before you enter a test!
I actually had to do stuff to get
into my sorority, now it's just
being handed to you. Hope it
means as much to you as it
does to me.
To the girl in my class with
the greasy hair, please wash
it and stop looking so frumpy
and bloated.
I have walked in on my
roommate masturbating three
separate times and he has
no idea.
If you don't like what the Pirate
Underground Committee is
doing, feel free to join any one
of the committees that handles
Student Activities. Stop
complaining from afar and start
taking an active role at ECU!
Whoever said that thank you
so much. It apparently hit home.
The Galley workers have good
days and bad ones. I just come
in on all the bad ones.
ECU should tell us the real deal
about the pool in Christenbury
Its raining men! Hallelujah its
raining men!
After seeing Final Destination
3 you continue to tan?
I love "NipTuck I want to
marry Dr. Christian Troy!
I feel bad, I wanted to go to
A&T's Homecoming rather
than my own. ECU can we get
some noted artists here? We
have the money; you all just
have to pick the right people.
Backstabbing, two-faced
people, conceitedness,
fakeness, conformity Yeah
that's what it's all about. I just
don't understand why I joined
this organization sometimes.
It is so sad how the typical
member is exactly what I've
Why does my self help job only
hire lesbians?
Folks, stop leaving your flash
drives and floppies in the
computer labs.
I lost my cell phone again.
I rock big ass sunglasses
because I look hot in them,
and they resemble a fashion
icon, Jacki O not because it
is the measure of how skanky
I am. I obviously have more
class than you for not being so
Two thumbs up for the
appropriately written article
"Don't dwell upon a skin tone
I hate my sorority sister who
walks around the house acting
as if she owns everyone - it
drives me crazy. Please get a life
Campus living needs to abolish
their silly yearlong housing
contract. We pay tuition by
semester. Not by year. I've had
enough of living on campus
after one semester.
People need to stop defending
the academic merit of ECU.
It's a party school. There's no
shame in that.
I miss my life. Where has
it gone? Sometimes I think
these two jobs, sorority life and
organizational memberships
in addition to school just is not
working out.
It is OK to have sex, so don't
lie about it.
Stop being so possessive over
all of your belongings, its OK
to share, I was taught that in
elementary school.
I'm living in a cockroach-
infested house. Get me out!
OK girls, it's not high school
anymore. Kill the drama!
If you are besi friends with
someone, how can one of the
friends be so rude to the other?
Beats me!
Stop lying.
So now that you have a
boyfriend your friends don't
What kind of boyfriend is "too
busy" to pick up his girlfriend at
the library? Thanks for making
me walk all the way home in
the cold with tons of books.
And no, I don't want to hang
out with you later.
To the batcave!
A degree doesn't make you
a doctor, this fancy coat and
clipboard does.
Stop liking girls who wear
The best thing about the cold
Weather so far has been the
influx of cute, well-dressed boys
wearing blazers or pea coats.
Way to show the lazy guys who
decided to show up to life in
sweatpants and baggy hoodies.
This morning I was reading the
paper, OK the Pirate Rants,
and this girl was running to go
up the stairs and steps right
on the middle of the page I
was reading and says nothing.
I thought to myself, I hope
you fall down those steps,
so I can first laugh, but most
importantly step on you.
Starting now, I'm starting over
I'm going to sleep with the next
person I meet.
How can you wear sandals
when it's 40 degrees outside,
put some shoes on!
My birthday is on Halloween. It
does not mean I have psychic
powers. Stop asking.
Is anyone else upset that the
Java City in Wright Place won't
make hot drinks? I just want my
caramel macchiato.
There are straws turning up
everywhere irjjny apartment.
Just one more day to Friday.
Roommate will you not leave
your dishes around the
apartment and then claim
they are not yours when we all
know they are.
If you want drop down menus
download ie7.
Reasons to
impeach Bush
Putting all the facts on paper
With the November electkns around the corner, and a
possible change in the house and senate, you could le hearing
these words a lot nxre often. The evidence is there, die people
are few it, all we need is for the folks in Washington and the rest
of the country to get on board. Don't believe me? Just read the
shear evidence against Bush and the reasons why we slxwld
impeach him and all his boys in the White House.
Bush lied about Iraq. First, Bush misled us about the threat
from Iraq and knowingly used fabricated evidence to justify a
war that is largely illegal. Bush lied about the weapons threat
posed by Iraq and used fabricated evidence to convince us
Saddam had WMD's. The UN. had dismissed any threat of
a nuclear weapons program in Iraq long before the invasion
and we now know this was the undeniable truth.
In Bush's State of die Union address in 200S, he said
Saddam was trying to obtain .500 tons ofuranium from Africa,
l)ut this evidence was entirely untrue and was dismissed months
befijre he n lade the speech. Bush also made several claims that
there were links between Iraq and al-Oaeda Bush and his
propaganda team were so effective at convincing the public of
this link that at one point in time over 70 percent of Americans
believed Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 911.
Of course we now know that Iraq had no weapons of mass
destruction, they never tried to obtain uranium, that they
never had mobile weapons labs and that Saddam was in no
way linked to 911, but the damage is done. Bush used these
and many other lies to convince us to believe that his war was
justifiable and now, over three years into the conflict we see
the consequences.
Officially 2,79( armed service members have been killed
in Iraq, upwards of 2.r,000 have been wounded and new study
by the Lancet Medical Journal estimates up to 650,000 Iraqis
have died since the conflict started. The cost of the war in Iraq
Is almost half a trillion dollars and there is no end in sight. Just
these lies alone should be evident enough for impeachment,
but there is nxre.
Bush conducted illegal wiretaps of American citizens. Bush
has admitted to personally authorizing the NSA to conduct
wiretaps witlmut w arrants ofU.S. citizens and create what U&-
7oArycalLs "the largest database ever assembled in the world
In hiseflbrt tocatch domestic terrorists, a feat that still has
not been realized, Bush bypassed FISA regulations ami there-
fore violated U.S. law. The FISA regulation stated that any
wiretap conducted on a suspected terrorist has to be reported
within 72 horn's, but with tens of millions of wiretaps, this is
not feasible. I n a response to the complaints from die American
Civil Liberties Union, U.S. District Judge, Anna Diggs Taylor,
ruled that the wiretaps are unconstitutional More than lying
to us and illegally permitting our phone calls to Ix monitored
Bush's gross negligence before and after Hurricane Katrina
gives us even more reason to seek impeachment
Now, it Lskixjwn that in early 2001 the Federal Fjnergency
Managenxait Agency Issued a report stating diat a hurricane
striking New Orleans was one of the three nxwt likely disasters
in the U.S, including a terrorist attack on New York City. I Ii w -
ever, by 200S, the federal funding for ti le f lood control project
essentially dried up as it was drained into the Iraq war.
In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by
the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers
for holding back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain by nx;re
than HO percent
As well as slashing funding, the Bush administration hired
Innovative Emergency Management; a company that had
made many large campaign contributions to the Republican
Party to manage the evacuation of New Orleans, Instead of
letting the most qualified team of scientists at USU handle the
evacuation plan for New Orleans, I EM was given tlx?job, and
much like other friends of Bush appointed bated on favoritism
rather competoxy they proved to be completely incapable of
handling a real emergency.
In the history of the United States, there have been two
presidents impeached. After the Civil War, Andrew Johnson
was impeached for removingoneofhls tabu let members with-
out the consent of the senate. More recently Bill Clinton was
impeached for perjury after stating he did not have sex with
Monica Lewinsky when he in fact had oral sex with her.
So we have two Presidents impeached: One for firing
Someone and another for lying about getting some ixxkie
in the oval office. Now we have Bush who lied to Congress
and his citizens about die justification for war and invaded a
sovereign country causing the deaths of tens of thousands of
civilians and many more troops.
Bush has justified torturing prisoners and he allowed the
illegal wiretapping of American citizens in direct defiance of
the mandated legal process. Am I crazy or arc tile mux's of
George W. Bush far more serious than those of Johnson and
Clinton? A recent pole states that 51 percent of Americans
think that Bush slxiuld be impeached, what do you think?
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Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
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Arts & Entertainment
Conditions are lined up in your
favor again. Go ahead with
the plans you've made. If you
haven't made any, you won't get
as far, but you might as well go
You build a strong foundation first,
it's just the way you do things.
That's why your enterprises often
last for generations.
It's important now for you to be
teamed up with a person you
can trust. Part of that trust is to
let the other person know what
you're thinking. Don't make them
guess, that is never a good thing
in these situations.
Don't be thinking about what
you're going to buy. Concentrate
on the task at hand, and you can
go shopping later. This is the time
of year that you need to focus.
Your calm and steady manner
is very helpful in this situation.
Your sense of humor makes the
big difference, though. Let it out.
People will always appreciate
your best trait.
Let the others fix the dinner and
even clean up all the dishes.
Promise you'll repay them later,
after you find the answer.
Take time out from your work to
keep close tabs on what you're
making. These are different
things, as you may already
know. Sometimes you need to
take a little time and focus on
something aside from work.
If money is burning holes in your
pockets, spend it on something
solid. Don't buy junk.
Just when you thought all was
lost, you come up with something
that works. Are you a genius, or
is it a miracle? Well, both, of
course. Take this idea and run
with it.
Prime the pump with the little
you've set aside, to generate
more. Your combination of hard
work and faith works every time
it's tried, eventually.
People ask you questions
because you have lots of
answers. If you don't know, you
do know where to look it up. And
they know that.
You don't like to draw a lot of
attention to yourself. It happens,
though, because you're a person
other people admire. Don't let
that go to your head though.
Local Concerts:
Dyversity will be performing
at Dr. Unk's Oasis on Friday,
Oct. 27.
On Saturday, Oct. 28, Dr, Unk's
Oasis will play host to Kelly Bell
Stretch and Company will be
performing at Chefs 505 on
Saturday, Oct. 28.
The City Hotel and Bistro will
play host to Brad Benson and
Machine Gun Band on Saturday,
Oct. 28.
Blackwater Haze will be
performing on Saturday, Oct.
28 at Ham's.
The Breakers will host Backseat
Romeo on Saturday, Oct. 28.
On Sunday, Oct. 29 Courtyard
Tavern will host Trainwreck.
Peaceful Warrior
Wednesday 1025 @ 7 p.m.
Thursday 1026 @ 9:30 p.m.
1027 @ 7 p.m.
1028 9:30 p.m.
1029 @ 7 p.m.
77ie Descent
Wednesday 1025 @ 9:30 p.m.
Thursday 1026 @ 7 p.m.
Friday 1027 @ 9:30 p.m.
Saturday 1028 @ 7 p.m.
Sunday 1029 @ 9:30 p.m.
Hauoween wovtes that wake yovb skw crawl
Hours of must see fright
It is that time of the year
again. Kids are getting ready to
trick-or-treat, college students
are getting ready to party and
TV networks are getting ready
to adorn their channels with the
best horror films they can secure
the rights to. Halloween is special
for studios because it allows them
to put out the best in demonic,
low budget entertainment.
Some of these films become
legends and cult classics,
while others are left to rot
and mold like a forgotten
piece of candy left by a child
between the seats after a long
night of treat or treating. Below
are some of the most memorable and
important Halloween films.
No Halloween list could ever be
complete without mentioning this
film. It follows Laurie Strode,
played extremely well by Jamie
Lee Curtis, as she fights for her
life against the demonic Michael
Myers. Nearly every one of the
principle characters is dead by the
end of the film and that adds to the
terror of a killer that just cannot be
stopped. The film represented the
pinnacle of John Carpenter's career
along with The Thing. It repre-
sented everything horrible about
Halloween night and gave new
meaning to the term slasher flick.
Night of the Living Dead:
Possibly the best independent
movie of all-time, Night of the
Living Dead effectively launched
the zombie genre. It brought gore
to the big-screen in a volume never
before seen. The film evoked sheer
terror into people by making them
fear the unimaginable reality
If , of long gone loved ones
"J9ffe' rising from the grave with
7 the soul purpose of feasting
Horror movies are always more fun around Halloween with characters like these that give you nightmares for days.
on them.
Pawn of the Deao:
I hate to put two zombie films on
the list because I want the list to
encompass a broad range of horror
sub-genres, but Dawn of the Dead
is just too important a film to leave
out. Romero, the genius who pro-
vided us with Night of'the Living
Dead, took his profits from that
film to make an even more gore
packed legend. We follow the four
survivors of the zombie apocalypse
as they try to regain a normal life
in an abandoned mall. This garners
as much recognition for crossing the
boundaries of censorship as it does
its excellent storyline and acting.
Like Night of the Living Dead
created the zombie genre,
Nosferatu launched the entire
horror genre. For the first
time Hollywood actually had
the means to reach into the
nightmares of its audience and
bring the subconscious terror to
the screen. One of Hollywood's
first great director's F. W. Murnau,
took his own take on Dracula
and provided an ugly imagine
of terror that has reverberated
in ever horror screenplay since.
There is so much I can say
about this film, but the only
way anyone can appreciate it
in all its glory is to see it.
The Eyobcist:
I have to admit that this was
the first movie to actually scare
me. It wasn't so much what I saw
on screen, but the overall subject
matter. Demonic posses-
sion is more frightening'
then any psycho or vam-
pire. The on screen images
of a possessed Linda Blair spider
walking down the stairs, becom-
ing a pea soup fountain, and the
infamous head turning make this
film especially potent for the fact
that it tampered with the taboos
of the film industry as well as
society's taboos. Despite the
whole Linda Blairbody double
voiceover controversy, the acting
in this film is some of the finest
you will ever see in a horror.
Eva Dead:
Forgetting the comedic sequels,
this film ranks as one of the gori-
est reels of celluloid ever put on
the screen. Along with Dead Alive
this is the only film where I ever
felt compelled to vomit. The eye
gouging, pencil stabbing and the
prevalent spilling of guts with the
consistency of corn pudding make
this film the authority on
attaining shock value.
The acting is atro-
cious and the storyline
is ridiculous but the
film has a certain charm
that attracts even the most
cynical viewer towards it.
Rosemary's Baby:
There have been many debates
on whether to place this or The
Exorcist as the best horror film
of all time. You can make the
argument that this film flirts
more with the thriller genre then
horror but I believe elements in
the film such as witchcraft, the
antichrist and demonic possession
make it distinctly horror. Pre-
Manson Roman Polanski directs
an excellent Mia Farrow in what
has become a standard in the
horror genre. This is one of the
few horror films to be recognized
at the Oscars and one of the few
to be listed as one of the greatest
see MOVIES page A6
'Nightmare Before Christmas cinematic dream
Halloween comes
alive in Tim Burton's
. There are certain directors
whose films I can continuously
watch without fear of having to
endure two hours of visual pain.
Tim Burton ranks at the top of
these directors because his films
treat my eyes to a cinematic plea-
sure to which no director can even
come close. His films are as visu-
ally stunning as they are theatri-
cally perfect. There is nothing at
all normal about Burton films and
The Nightmare Before Christmas is
the perfect example of that. The,
film chronicles the plan of Jack
Skellington to take over Christmas
from Santa Clause.
Jack lives in Halloweentown
while Santa lives in Christmas-
town. After a particular Hallow-
een one year when Jack becomes
depressed at the repetitiveness of
the holiday, he stumbles upon the
gateway to Christmastowrr. He
becomes intrigued by the prospect
of something very different and
new and begins a plan to take over
the holiday and make it his own.
This of course doesn't turn out to
work because it is impossible to
juxtapose Halloween and Christ-
mas like he tried to do in the film.
Although Burton did not direct the
film, Nightmare represents Bur-
ton's masterpiece. It is a plethora
of overwhelming creativity and an
essential musical Utopia.
The characters in the film are
about as creative as anyone can
hope to get. They all represent a
wide range of personalities and
appearances. Halloweentown con-
tains every imaginable player from
the Clown with the Tear-Away
Face Lumberjack with a Hatchet
in his Head to the Boogieman. The
film did as much for claymation as
Krispy Kreme did for donuts. Until
the film came out, claymation was
essentially a simple sideshow to
main stream animation. Nightmare,
which was the first full-length
claymation feature, brought public
awareness to just how visually
stunning the art form can be. With
claymation, filmmakers can still
get the desired colors and shapes of
traditional animation but they also
can add dimension and life.
When thinking about the film.
Tim fiURTON's
. TK
I realized that it could not work
in any other format other than
claymation. Hand drawn anima-
tion would have taken away the
life and live-action would've taken
away the other-worldly magic. As
always, Burton adds his own, very
unique visual style to the film He
uses his trademark gray colors to
accent the darkness of Halloween-
town while using splendid bright
colors to bring out the cheerful-
ness and hope of Christmastown.
One thing about Burton films
is that nothing is symmetrical.
Burton's use of odd shapes further
defines the fantasy element of the
film. The shapes are also hypnoti-
cally appealing. They are in actual-
ity so unusual the viewer cannot
look away. In my opinion, the films
major strength is the music. Danny
Elfman, the genius behind the fan-
tastic music of all Burton's films,
gives his all on every song present
in the film. Elfman is known for
many film scores as well as sitcom
themes such as "The Simpsons"
and "Dilbert
Klfman's unique use of instru-
ments and lyrics are a perfect
match for the film. The mood of
every scene is set by the music.
At some points it is difficult to
pinpoint whether Elfman made
a musical score for the film, or
whether Burton made a movie for
Elfman's score. Elfman also uses
his unique vocal talents to provide
the singing voice for Jack.
This works on so many levels
because Elfman has the perfect
voice and range for a dead skel-
eton bent on taking over Christ-
mas. While initially lukewarmly
received, Nightmare has become
the perfect example of a cult clas-
sic. It has ascertained a huge fol-
lowing amongst the college and
high school population as well as
with many adults who see the film
for the true masterpiece it is.
Burton has wisely decided not
to ever make a sequel out of the
movie but instead opted for re-
releasing in SD. The 3D element
brings even more dimension to the
movie, but it does little to enhance
on the already perfected movie.
The important thing about the
film is that it carries an important
message to just be yourself and not
try to become something you are
not just because it seems new and
While some parents may object
to letting their children see some-
thing with some of the characters
and dialogue that Nightmare has,
I believe that all kids should see
the message it conveys and take
it to heart.
This writer can be contacted at
Music behind thfe film
Director Sofia Coppola
compiles mega-
If you ask Brian Reitzell
about the Mane Antoinette origi-
nal motion picture soundtrack,
he'll probably tell you that it is,
"a post-punk-pre-new-romantic-
rock-opera odyssey with some
eighteenth century music and
some very new contemporary
I couldn't have said that any
better myself.
Reitzell was Oscar winning
director Sofia Coppola's music
supervisor for her upcoming fea-
ture film Marie Antoinette.
He made the statement in a
radio press release that I was for-
tunate enough to have come across
as the music director at WZMB.
While I haven't seen the film,
which is now in theatres every-
where, listening to the soundtrack
has painted a good picture of what
Coppola was probably going for.
The album is a two disc
soundtrack packed full of some of
the best music from the 1980s and
even includes more recent tracks
from contemporary artists.
And good ones, at that.
Bow Wow Wow, one' of the
19KOs most underrated bands, is
featured heavily on the soundtrack
with three songs, including Kevin
Sheilds' remix of their hit "I Want
Candy The other two tracks
of theirs are "Aphrodisiac" and
"Fools Rush In
Other great classics come
from epic acts like The Cure, New
Order, Gang of Four and Adam
and the Ants.
But the music doesn't just
showcase the height of the 1980s
see MARIE page A6
All in good timing: The Greenville Theatre Project
Don't miss this show
Greenville has earned the
nickname "G-Vegas" not only
because of the bars and clubs
downtown but also because of the
many opportunities to constantly
be entertained around town. There
are art galleries, musicals and con-
certs on any given weekend.
Have you ever heard the
expression "laugher is the best
medicine?" The folks at the
Greenville Theater Project are at
it once again, proving that expres-
sion to be true.
The Greenville Theater Proj-
ect is pleased to announce their
production of David Ives' comedy
All in Good Timing, a collection
of six one-act plays. The per-
formance ranges from awkward
singles trying to make sense of
the complexity of talking to the
opposite sex, to philosophizing
chimpanzees trying to produce an s
as-of-yet unseen script for Hamlet
These eccentric personalities will 3
usher the audience through a diz
see THEATRE page A6
The Jenkins Fine Arts Center on central campus is the venue for All in Good Timing by The Greenville Theater Project.

continued from A5
new wave scene, it digs into more
contemporary music that's good
by any standard
Songs like the Strokes' "What
Ever Happened and Squarepush-
er's "Tonimib Help Buss" are just
a few of the many modern tunes
Coppola turned to help tell her
story in a way that would resonate
with younger audiences
Other 'newer' artists on the
soundtrack inchWe Aphex Twin,
Air, The Radio Dept and Windsor
for the Derby.
Fe. soundtracks are ever good
enough to withstand listening to
them outside of the movie
Some directors, like Wes
Anderson, have a knack lor cre-
ating amazing soundtracks that
deliver a punch every time
And Coppola is not far behind
Her highly acclaimed 200.S
film Lost In Translation had a
soundtrack that featured artists
My Bloody Valentine, Square-
pusher and Death in Vegas, but it
pales in comparison to her most
continued from A5
zying and absurd exploration of
the English language
This entertaining show will
take place in the Jenkins Fine
Arts Center on the main campus
of KCU from Oct. SO - H. Show
times are Fridays and Saturdays
at H p.m. and Sunday, Oct Si at
C p.m. Tickets are $1() in advance
and $1J at the door.
The Greenville Theatre I'roj-
ect's main goal is to "utilize the
best of our creative energies
to provide socially-conscious
entertainment to the citizens of
Greenville, North Carolina They
aim to use performances, whether
comedic or dramatic, to enrich the
lives of those involved on stage or
in the audience.
They believe that their "per-
formances should give something
back. Not just to the audience or
those involved in the making of
the show, but the community
A portion of the earnings
from this production are going to
benefit the Family Violence Pro-
gram of Pitt County, a non-profit
organization that provides both
assistance for victims of domestic
violence and numerous local pro-
grams to prevent domestic abuse
from occurring.
The Greenville Theatre Proj-
ect chooses one cause for each
show they perform and a portion
of the proceeds from that show arc-
donated to that organization.
Whether an evening's cause
is providing a safe house against
domestic violence, stopping
hunger or preventing animal cru-
elty, they would like to prove that
laughter is the best medicine.
For more information alout this
or future Greenville Theater Proj-
ect events, please call 7J8-4190 or
This writer can be contacted at
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cKqIt Connection
recent film.
Marie nnnrfe packs a punch
with such a consistent track list
that it is sure to keep you hooked
even once the movie is over.
The film's two disc soundtrack
plays more like a really good mix
tape than it does background noise
for a film.
Overall Rating: B
This writer can be contacted at
MOVIES continued
from A5
films of all time.
Say what you want about this film,
it is still one of the best horror
films in existence. Its success
practically built New Line Studios
and without it we wouldn't have
Jason or Ninja Turtles. Yor the
first time viewers were treated
to a horror villain that was more
than just a one-dimensional stab-
bing machine. F'reddie Kruger
was funny and witty and allowed
the viewer to get to know him.
Despite the horrendous sequels
with the exception of Dream
Warriors, Nightmare on Elm Street
remains one of the best written
and most colorful horror films.
Have fun watching your
favorites this Halloween season.
This writer can be contacted at
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ECU's Inside Source
All-series between ECU and
Southern Miss in favor of the
Golden Eagles; the teams have
played every year since 1983;
USM has won nine of the last
10 in the series
Score of the previous two
games between ECU and
Southern Miss; USM won 51-
10 at home and won 33-7 in
Greenville last season
Turnovers by ECU during
the 33-7 blowout by Southern
Miss; ECU fumbled on its first
three possessions before James
Pinkney threw an interception
and Chris Johnson fumbled again
National rank in rushing by
Southern Mississippi's true
freshman running back Damion
Fletcher, the 185-pound tailback
is averaging 113.5 yardsper game
Women's soccer seniors that
will be honored on Senior
Day, ECU will play host
to conference foe Colorado
College on Sunday at noon at
Bunting Field
Different ECU sports that
have games or a tournament
in Greenville this weekend
including women's soccer,
volleyball, cross country; six club
teams including ice hockey, field
hockey, women's rugby, men's
and women's lacrosse, women's
basketball and ultimate frisbee.
FreshmanVAbby Bools final
score in three rounds at the
2006 Lady Pirate Invitational
hitting rounds of 72, 77 and
71 including a field-leading 13
birdies; Bools was named the
Conference USA Co-Golfer
of the Week announced by the
league office on Wednesday.
They said it
"We told the kids in our defen-
sive meeting that we're playing
the Yankees of Conference
USA. They are what this con-
ference has sort of put up on the
pedestal as the program1. The
only way to get better is to beat
the damn Yankees. You've got
to do it at their place and that's
what we've got to do
Greg Hudson, ECU defensive
"I know there's not a whole lot
else to do in Hattiesburg on a
Saturday night so it's usually
pretty full. Their stands, they
back up right to your bench so
you can literally reach up and
shake hands with somebody in
the stands. They are non-stop
on your players. It'll be a deal
where we have to handle that
Steve Shank weiler, ECU offensive
i look at this ball game like
twin brothers fighting in the
backyard. We've always felt
really a close tie with ECU,
not just because of conference.
We're in kind of a similar situ-
ation with ECU. We're in small
towns and a state where we're
treated like stepchildren by
some of the BCS schools. We've
always had a kinsmenship with
ECU. We'll go to battle with
each other, but when it's over,
we'll shake hands and pull for
each other
Vic Purvis, Southern Miss radio
color commentator
W, 45-0
W, 37-17
W, 19-14
L, 20-6
W, 31-27
L, 36-6
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
2:00 PM
8:00 PM
3:00 PM
Pirates invade
Gulf Coast
L, 28-23
I.Win at the line of scrimmage:
Tulsa's big offensive line was able to wear down the
ECU front seven two weeks ago. Southern Miss has
a similar smash-mouth offense with a big, punish-
ing offensive line that averages about 290 pounds
per man.
2.Young is restless:
Southern Miss quarterback Jeremy Young was sacked
six times by Virginia Tech last week and the Pirates
had four sacks versus SMU. The ECU defense is
improving every week, so the Golden Eagles need to
protect Young and allow him to make plays.
3.Short yardage:
The Pirates have had trouble stopping the run on short
yardage, but did a good job of doing so against SMU.
Southern Miss needs to convert its third-and-shorts
to keep the ball away from James Pinkney, Aundrae
Allison and company.
ECU begins 'third
season' with trip to
For the first time in six weeks
the ECU football team will hit the
road this weekend to begin what
head coach Skip Holtz called "the
third season
"We've broken the season up into
three stages said Holtz. "We have
the first two road games where we
knew we would be young and imma-
ture and to play some really good
teams and we came out 0-2. Then
we had the five games at home where
we knew what we had to do and
how we needed to come out of that.
We finished that stretch at 3-2 and
we felt like we could have come out
better there. Now you look at four of
the last five are on the road. We need
to continue to develop and improve
if we want to win oh the road
On Saturday, the Pirates (3-4,
2-2 Conference USA) will travel to
Southern Miss, a place they have
not won at since 2000 and have only
won at five times in IS tries, to face a
team they've beaten just seven times
in 31 meetings
"I've never
been to
Miss but I
heard it's
a difficult
place to play Holtz said. "I know
the atmosphere and the type of
football they play probably thrives
on playing at home and the momen-
tum. I know they draw really well
as a crowd. It will be a very dif-
ficult environment for us to start
our trip
Southern Miss (4-3, 2-1 C-USA)
was pounded by Virginia Tech last
week and the Pirates know they will
face a hungry team, but linebacker
Jeremy Chambliss says the Golden
Eagles will also face a hungry team
trying to even its record at 4-4.
"They're gonna be hungry just
like us said Chambliss. "We're
gonna go down there and try to take
care of business just like they are
Southern Miss head coach Jeff
Bower knows past results, including
USM's SS-7 win in Greenville in 2005,
will not matter much with this game.
"I think ECU has really
improved since a year ago
said Bower, who is in his 16th
W, 35-20
W, 30-21
L, 31-10
W, 38-21
see USM page A8
1. No turnovers:
The Pirates committed five turnovers against Southern
Miss last year and it cost them dearly as the Golden
Eagles rolled to a 33-7 win in Greenville. The Pirates have
not committed a turnover in two of their three wins, so
ball security will be of the utmost importance for ECU.
2. Special Teams:
Freshman Ben Hartman was perfect in his kicks against
SMU, so the kicking job is his to lose. Going on the road
and kicking in a hostile environment, Hartman must be
perfect again because points could be at a premium
against the Southern Miss defense.
3.Run the ball:
ECU could only garner 36 yards on the ground against
SMU, but was bailed out by the passing game. Like head
coach Skip Holtz said after the win, the Pirates cannot
rely on the passing game every week, especially on the
road against a defense that is allowing under 200 yards
passing a game with eight interceptions.
year tge. They're a much better lotbaW
team. They're throwing the hell extremely
weH, MO yards a game. Their erbeck
Ml 9i4r4 iw aimoii wi yerui uwi
a lot 6) formations aad some tkHted athletes
"I think rfs a lot more of a rivalry for us than it
is tor them. They've beat us 84-17 m the last
two years. When you're winning, those aren't
really rivalry games. Rivalries are the people
who've been beating you. I know
Miss has a lot of success and it's no:
why coach Bower has been so success!
going to be a heck of a challenge for
to have to play a really good Southern Miss
team, but to have to play them en the road

continued from A7
Studied it.
season in Hattiesburg. "They're a
much better football team They're
throwing the ball extremely well,
.1,11 yards a game. They're very
multiple on offense; a lot of forma-
tions and some skilled athletes
ECU passed its way for over
?00 yards of total offense in its
,ssl win over SMU last week
behind .191 yards from quarter-
back James Pinkney. The Pirates
were only able to muster 36 yards
on the ground, with Pinkney net-
ting 31 of those himself against
I l SA'l No l rush defense.
Southern Miss is fifth in the
conference in stopping the run,
allowing jutt over 148 yards per
game while the Pirates are ninth
in rush offense, with nearly 109
vardv Starting tailback Brandon
Fractious knows that getting the
running game going against the
Eagles is a must.
"We all know we need to go
in there and be able to pound the
ball Fractious said. "We just
got to be balanced and have no
Turnovers killed the Pirates a
year ago against the Eagles. ECU
turned the hall over five times,
twice deep inside USM territory.
The Pirates have two games this
year without a turnover, both
wins over Virginia and SMU, and
Fractious said that will be the key
against Southern Miss.
"That's what we're stressing
this week, no turnovers the
senior said.
Turnovers cost the Pirates in
their first two road games to open
the season. Holtz said that his team
is better prepared for a road game
now because his young players,
especially on defense, have gotten
better with more experience.
"One of the things I didn't
like about playing on the road
the first two games of the season
is all the inexperience you have
Holtz said. "You would like to
give them an opportunity to play
at home where all the momentum
is on your side and the crowd is
on your side
Quentin Cotton is the leading
tackier on a Pirates defense that
Bower said is improving every week.
They're playing solid on
defense Bower said. "They're just
a good, solid football team. They've
gotten better and better and obvi-
ously improved a lot over last year
To stop the Southern Miss
offense, the Pirates will have to
slow down the Eagles running
game, and that means stopping
true freshman Damion Fletcher.
Fletcher, who entered the Virginia
Tech game as the nation's eighth
leading rusher, missed the 36-6
loss to the Hokies with a knee
injury. Bower is hoping to use his
speedy tailback against the Pirates.
"I think we'll have a chance
to get Fletch back Bower said.
"You're always going to have those
injuries and guys have got to fill
in and play well enough to win
Should Fletcher not be able
to go, the USM will have to rely
again on junior Conrad Cha-
nove. Quarterback Jeremy Young
was sacked six times against
the Hokies while being held to
134 yards passing with-
out a touchdown.
If the Golden Eagles want
to be successful in the passing
game against an ECU defense
that sacked SMU's Justin Willis
four times and has nine inter-
ceptions, they must get the
ball to their talented sopho-
more tight end Shawn Nelson.
"He is a heck of a player Holtz
said of Nelson, who was named to
the C-USA all-freshman team last
year. "He's big, athletic and fast.
He's the real deal. I don't know that
anyone has an answer for him
The Eagles are only averag-
ing 167 yards per game through
the air and 153 on the ground,
but they do have playmakers at
wideout. Damion Carter is aver-
aging 18 yards per catch and has
two of Young's five touchdowns
while USM's own Chris Johnson
has the Eagles longest reception.
The speedy fourth-year junior
had a 100-yard receiving day last
season against UCF.
With the winner of the game
owning sole possession of first
place in C-USA's Eastern Division,
both coaches know the importance
of the game. For ECU, it's a chance
to even its record at .500 while
exacting revenge on a team that
has had its number in years past.
"Southern Miss has beaten us
by a combined score of 84-17 over
the past two seasons Holtz said.
"We understand the challenge
we have in front of us. Southern
Miss is a very physical football
team. They have been the beast
of the East. They have dominated
the Eastern Division and Coach
Bower has done a great job of
building that program
For the Golden Eagles, it's an
opportunity to re-establish their
dominance in the conference and
separate themselves from the pack.
"We're getting into a five-
game stretch where you've got to
play them all like the champion-
ship games Bower said. "Five
conference games, four within the
East and one outside the East but
all conference games and all are
very important
Kickoff is slated for 7:30 p.m.
and the game will be televised
nationally on CSTV.
This writer can be contacted at
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Hils returns to field with new perspective
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Rachel Hils has battled back from a leg injury during her senior season.
Veteran midfielder
focuses on conference
Rachel Hils was looking for-
ward to her ertior season. With
her veteran leadership, she would
help tutor and guide the 14 talented
freshmen to a conference champi-
onship. What Hils didn't expect
wai that her tutoring would be
predominately from the sideline
Hils, a senior midfielder from
Columbus, Ohio suffered a leg
injury early in the season. Forced
to sit instead of run, "Hilsy" was
restricted to the training room
while going through treatment.
"In one word, frustrating
said Hils about her injury. "Just
knowing that my time here at
ECU is cutting short, and I had
all these expectations for my
senior year, and I was fit coming
in. Now I am battling the whole
fitness thing again, definitely it's
been frustrating
As any player or professional
knows that with any discipline
"if you don't use it you lose it
the same can be said for soccer.
After a player has been out for
an extended period, the mental
aspects of the game as well as
a player's physical abilities have
to be reacquired. Building back
conditioning and stamina are
two obstacles that injured players
constantly face.
"Confidence is a big thing
Hils said, who was named to
the Conference USA Preseason
Player-To-Watch-List as ajunior.
"Just the battle mentally, trying to
stay calm and accept that my body
is not what it use to be before the
injury For a team to be success-
ful, you have to have commitment.
In the past that has been tough,
having everyone want the team
to truly succeed
Although she has been injured,
Hils has tried to stay involved with the
team's motivation, even if she could
not be on the field leading the charge.
"My role is to stay positive,
q lots of encouragement, direction,
enthusiasm, which is something
that I do take pride in myself.
So my off the field role hasn't
changed that much
Hils has started in 52 of the
68 games in her career. She was
one of four players to start all 21
games as ajunior. Still this is her
senior year, and there are only two
regular season games left, so Hils
knows that her career is ending.
"I'm going to miss the team
Hils, who has five career goals,
said. "The passion that ECU
soccer has is quite incredible.
The never give up attitude, never
being scared of another opponent,
regardless if the other team is
more talented we'll compensate
with more heart and more effort,
just being more fit; the attitude of
the team is defiantly something
that I am going to miss.
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& 7980 ,
management major has made the
C-USA Commissioner's Academic
Honor Roll for the last two sea-
sons, it is not the most memorable
thing that has happened here since
being in Greenville.
"Two years ago, my grand-
mother 'Tish' went to one of the
games Hils recalled. "She had
Parkinson's and I scored in the
last match she was able to see. Her
face, the tears and encouragement
that she was so proud of me, on a
personal level is probably the most
memorable thing that has happened
After graduation, Hils plans
to attend grad school, hopefully
catching on as a graduate assistant
so that she can possibly start her
own coaching career.
Already on her way, Hils offers
up advice to the younger players as
well as the new players coming in
next year, "When life gets really
tough and you really don't want to
get up, and you don't want to go
run or go to practice, remember
the reason you came out to play
this game to begin with
Remembering that reason
has served Hils well even though
her season has been tough. As
her collegiate career winds
down, she says she has "no
regrets" about her time at ECU.
Hil's final two regular season
games are this weekend at Bunting
Field. The Pirates play host to UTEP
and Colorado College on Friday at 3
p.m. and Sunday at noon with a con-
ference tournament berth on the line.
This writer can be contacted at
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youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 5-18 in
basketball fundamentals. Hours
are from 4 pm to 9 pm, weekdays
with some weekend coaching.
Flexible with hours according to
class schedules. This program will
run from November 27 through
the beginning of March. Salary
rates start at $6.50 per hour. For
more information, please contact
the Athletic Office at 329-4550,
Monday through Friday, 10 am
until 7 pm. Apply at the City of
Greenville, Human Resources
Department, Martin L. King Dr.
Phone 329-4492.
Food delivery drivers wanted
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Bedroom & Sofa Plus is seeking
clean cut individuals for part
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The Card Post (where every
voice counts!) Report 555 Stable
Eyes Inn As America's (unduly
elected) President in the fall of '03'
addressed that the democratization
of Iraq wasis athe high priority
this citizen was already contesting
(in 2002, 03, 04 & 05 in Wayne
Co.) a dysfunctional Democracy.
The premix addressed at the
taped 3603 Wayne Co. Board
of Elections Meeting (censored
in report by News Argus reporter
present) is the following 3
fundamentalpersistent condition i
Democracy is broke when 'fee
speech' replaces 'free speech
Democracy is absolutely broke
when 'fee speech' is sold at an
arbitrary price. Democracy is
absolutely positively broke when
'fee speech' is no sold at any
price. The following was faxed
101906 & reads Open Letter
to: Chief Local Council to UNC
President- Leslie Winner, UNCCH
Chancellor- Leslie Strohm, UNCP
Chancellor- Donna Payne, & ECU
Chancellor- Kitty Wetherington:
Seek for publication (102906
N&O's classifiedpersonals &or a
viable UNC System viable student
newspaper if & when one is found)
& inclusion in the contesting of
the 2006 Election (102406
Wayne Co. Board of Election's
meeting & pending 1024 or
102506 Goldsboro Meeting with
NCSBOE Director) answers from
each of the Chief Legal Councils
addressed above to the following
3 questions: A) That the state of
suI doku
Puzzles by Pappocom

Viijh must be used within 7 consecutive doyi.
First Time Customers Only ID required.
Level 1 Bed) Only
To sponsor this ad space call the advertising department at 328-9245 for more details.
Greenville Blvd. (Across from Pizza Inn)
931.1147 Evens Street 353.5400
Regularly Priced $30
Expires 110206
9 6 t z l e 8 9E I 8SW
9 fr L 9 6 Z9 6 8 i I
L 8 9 fr 9 6 I Z6 9 Etr Z I
Z L g L 8 tL 8 6 99
f Z 6 I 9 II 9 8 9 68 9 L Z fr 6 I 9
9 E 8 Z L
NC is appropriately represented
when the UNC System as a whole
or in part from who(m) is legal
council sought? B) To quantify
above answer(s) where did one(s)
receive training?Self education is
a viable answer. C) At present
to secure free speech rights on
campus are campus peace
officers 'sworn officers of the law?
Please fax response or status of this
request to above reply fax 919-
751-8642 To Peace, TKD P.S.As
of 4PM 102306 no known
response to previous wackiest
to interview the east Carolinian's
'Editor in Chief or from the 4
'Chief Legal Councils' P.S.S For
further understanding one can
request (fax 919-843-9695,
phone 919-962-1000) a copy
of 22 page fax to UNC President
from TKD. P.S.S.S. Also will seek
from ECU's CJC a copy of tape of
4799 'on campus' 'warning of
trespass hearing'
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House hunting is
Being homeless is
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For more info contact Student
Neighborhood Relations at 328.2847
Huge 3 Bdrm,
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Washer ik Dryer,
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Outside storage
1115 Forbes Street - 3BR, I BA House $900
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Forest Acres- IBR, I BA $345
GladiolusJasmine - IBR $375 2BR $435
Park Village - I BR $345 2BR $4IO-$425
Peony Gardens - 2BR, 1.5BA $410
Verdan Street Duplex - 2BR. I BA $460
Wainright Property Management
3481 -A South Evans Street
Greenville, NC 27834
Community Amenities
- Tanning beds
- Game and recreational room
- Fully-equipped fitness center
- Sparkling swimming pool
- Basketball and volleyball courts
- Located on F.CU Shuttle and Pirate
Express route
Apartment Features
- Fully furnished 2,3, and 4 bedrooms
- Large balcony w locking storage
Full-size washer and dryer
Built in study areas
- Private bathrooms
High Speed Internet in each bedroom
Pet friendly


The Descent
Wed 1025 9:30PM
Thurs 1026 not showing
Fri 1027 9:30 PM
5 Sat 1028 7:00 PM
Sun 1029 9:30PM
Peaceful Warrior
Wed 1025 7:00 PM
Thurs 1026 9:30PM
Fri 1027 7:00 PM &
12 AM
Sat 1028 9:30 PM
Sun 1029 7:00PM
Rock Horror Picture Show
- Sat 1028 12AM
First 300 through the door
will receive a PROP BAG.
Thurs Oct. 26
Open Mic: Christa Wells
Pirate Underground 9PM
Fri Oct. 27
Down East Gallery: Closing Reception
MSC Gallery 6 PM
Wed Nov. 1
Hardcore Show
Pirate Underground 7 PM
Thurs Nov. 2
Comedy Show: Dwayne Perkins
Nov. 1-Nov. 24
Pate Conway
MSC Gallery
Do You Live in a Sardine Can?

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WaterSewer Included in Rent
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Located at the Comer of Arlington Blvd. and Evans Street - Behind the Kangaroo Gas Station
Lease Today - Get "FREE" Rent! CALL 551-3800
6 1 9
4 3 2
7 5 8

The East Carolinian, October 26, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 26, 2006
Original Format
3cm x 2cm
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