The East Carolinian, October 11, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

-AFF: t? Iff OR 537 ID m
Find out what it is
like to be a Marching
Pirate for the ECU
Football Team
Page A4
October is Breast
Cancer Awareness
Month. To find out
more about breast
cancer history and
products available
turn toPage A4
Greenville is known in
the BMX community
as "Pro-Town, USA
Find out what X
Games superstars
Dave Mirra and Ryan
Nyquist have meant
to a couple of ECU
studentsPage A6
Basketball coach
Ricky Stokes had
a frustrating 8-20
season in 2005.
Practice starts Friday
with fresh faces as
only four players
return. Check out the
offseason update to
what Stokes has to
sayPage A6
No classes Monday
because of Fall
Break. For events
and activities, check
out our community
calendar Page A2
2 5 91 3 48 6 7
4 8 62 9 71 3 5
3 7 16 8 59 42
5 2 49 7 36 1 ,8 2 7 9
6 3 84 5 1
9 1 78 2 64 5 3
1 9 57 4 83 2 6
7 4 23 6 95 8 1
8 6 35 1 27 9 4
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A8
ECU police to begin new initiatives Board of
Student and faculty
safety is focus
The ECU Police Department is
beginning some new initiatives as
well as programs involving part-
nerships with other organizations.
The goal behind it is to enforce
student safety as well as care for
those victims of crimes in the ECU
Ralph Whitehurst, adminis-
trative sergeant of the operations
division of the ECU police, has
commenced initiatives aimed at
enforcing yielding to the pedes-
trian crosswalks on campus.
According to surveys con-
ducted by the department, viola-
tions are most prevalent on Col-
lege Hill and Fountain Drive on
the interior ECU campus.
Forty-one percent of motor-
ists did not yield to pedestrians
on Fountain Drive compared with
61 percent that did not yield on
College Hill.
The department has purchased
more pedestrian crosswalk signs
that are placed in the middle of the
road to remind motorists to yield.
"This week we're starting
some type of enforcement actions
on the pedestrian crosswalks so
motorists do not injure pedestri-
ans said Whitehurst.
Penalties are still being deter-
mined, whether it be a warning
ticket or a citation.
The initiative was created by
Whitehurst and ECU Police Chief
Robert Stroud.
The department is currently
receiving funding through the jj
North Carolina Governor's High-
way Safety Program. The grants ft
received have allowed the depart
ment to purchase traffic enforce-
ment vehicles, and with funding jf
this year they hope to purchase
The ECU Police Department,
according to a press release, has
also joined forces with the Office of
the Victim Advocate in an attempt
to provide better victim assistance
to the ECU community.
In the partnership, the police
department notifies Victim Advo-
cateofcases where crime victims may
be in need of crisis intervention or
different types of victim assistance.
The goal is for the ECU Police
Department to be aware of services
available to victims of serious
Cars that don't yield to pedestrians and pedestrians who cross the road without looking create a dangerous situation.
crimes such as domestic assaults,
sexual assaults, rapes, robberies
and other crimes.
The Office of the Victim Advo-
cate is a 24-hour service.
According to the press release
the police department is also work-
ing to increase community involve-
ment through various programs.
These programs include the
Residence Hall Liaison Program,
Staff and Faculty Eyes, Crime
Prevention Tuesdays and Rape
Aggression Defense.
The RHLOP is a way for
residence hall occupants to have
a direct line of communication
with the police department in an
attempt to stop crime in their hall.
SAFE works likeRHLOPexcept
its focus is on other campus buildings.
Crime Prevention Tuesdays
will happen every month and
will give ECU an opportunity
to "learn about crime prevention
strategies in hopes to reduce the
possibility of becoming a victim
and raise awareness of specific
types of crimes according to the
press release.
RAD will be a self-defense
training session available to males
and females. For more informa-
tion on RAD, log on to ecu.
This writer can be reached at
Law firms teach young
associates 'soft skills'
About 15 percent of students meet the criteria for depression, study says.
Helping students
cope with depression
Free screenings for
Depression is not uncommon
on any college campus in the
"The top five reasons students
come in to see us are depression,
anxiety, relationship issues, adjust-
ment issues and substance abuse
said Dr. Atticia McAtee, counselor
for The Center of Counseling and
Student Development.
McAtee and others from the
center reached out to those stu-
dents by participating in National
Depression Screening Day. Stu-
dents looking for a little help had
the option of taking a quick screen-
ing test upstairs in Mendenhall
Student Center from 8:30 a.m.
- 4:30 p.m or at another session
in Bate 2015 from 6-8 p.m.
After completing the test, a
counselor would tally the answers
and then talk to the student about
their options if the results indi-
cated they might be depressed. The
screening also checked for signs of
anxiety disorders, bipolar disor-
ders and post-traumatic stress.
A 2004 study by the Ameri-
can College Health Association
showed that about 15 percent of
college students "meet the criteria
for clinical depression The report
also said that suicide is the second
leading cause of death among col-
lege students.
This is McAtee's second year
coordinating the event, though she
said it had been going on for sev-
eral years prior to her arrival.
"It provides an opportunity
for students to talk to a counselor
not in the center McAtee said.
"It's less intimidating. They get
to see us as real people. I think
we get some people we wouldn't
have seen
For more information, call the
Center of Counseling and Student
Development at 328-6661.
This writer can be contacted at
(MCT) Joan Newman, a
former partner at St. Louis law
firm Thompson Coburn LLP,
remembers interviewing job
candidates on the campus of a
prestigious law school. She was
expecting to see the usual flow
of dark-suited young men and
women, but her jaw dropped when
one male candidate showed up in
shorts, a T-shirt and flip-flops.
The meeting, said Newman,
highlighted the casualness that
pervades some young lawyers'
lives and their idea of the norm,
a view that won't cut it in the law
While new graduates may
be savvy about law, they may
not have a clue about how to
dress or act in a profession that
serves high-powered, conserva-
tive clients.
They might be sporting vis-
ible tattoos, for example. Some
women don't wear hosiery or
bras, and some men don't iron
their shirts. Many have no idea
which is their bread plate or how
to make small talk.
"I watched for years as associ-
ates came and went, and as bright
and competent as they were, they
lacked social and strategic skills
Newman said. "If an associate
doesn't look and act the part, the like-
lihood of his or her success is slim
Newman said a light bulb
went off in her head'late last year
and she decided to leave her law
career to start an "associate train-
ing and development" business
teaching young lawyers every-
thing from where their water
glass goes to how to work a room
and build relationships.
And while some of Newman's
friends questioned her sanity for
leaving a lucrative career for such
an odd and risky business, she is
on to something quite big in the
legal industry.
"It's part of a growing trend
called lawyer professional devel-
opment said James Leipold,
executive director of the Wash-
ington-based National Asso-
ciation for Law Placement.
"Law firms are throwing a lot
of resources into it. Rainmaking
(the term for bringing in new
clients) is an extension of social
skills so firms want to develop
economic engines with each of
these lawyers
Law firms' interest in teach-
ing associates "soft skills" such
as etiquette, proper attire and
how to make casual conversa-
tion began about 10 years ago,
Leipold said.
But there has been much more
emphasis on these skills in the last
few years, with law firms across
the country either hiring manage-
ment-level people to be directors
of in-house lawyer professional
development or using consultants
"Most of these associates
are 25 years old and have never
worked in a job like this said
Susan Bonnell, director, training
and development at Armstrong
Teasdale LLP. "Often, you have
associates who worked really
hard in law school, but they've
never worked in the professional
Board of Governors
chair is special guest
The ECU Board of Trustees
gathered in the Mendenhall Multi-
Purpose room on Friday, Oct. 6
to discuss issues pertaining to the
university and to welcome Jim
Phillips, chairman of the North
Carolina Board of Governors.
After convening for roll call,
the trustees voted to go into
closed session to discuss sev-
eral legal matters. The trust-
ees remained in the closed ses-
sion for just over two hours.
Upon reconvening, Chan-
cellor Ballard welcomed the
board members and extended
a special welcome to Phillips.
Ballard mentioned the great
strides the university has been
making in the area of research,
saying, "We will generate over $40
million in funded research thisyear
Strategic planning was at
the heart of Stephen Showfe-
ty's, chairman of the ECU
Board of Trustees, remarks.
"Our commitment to the
board and the entire commu-
nity is the only purpose of stra-
tegic planning. It is to have a
useful plan to identify priorities
and put our resources where are
priorities are said Showfety.
One of the highlights of the
meeting was the discussion of
the ECU Strategic Framework.
There are five keys to the frame-
work which is designed to provide
goals that the university has set
for over the next several years.
The "21st Century Educa-
tion" aspect deals with ECU's
transition into its second cen-
tury as an education institute.
"Every undergraduate is grad-
uating with the skills to be suc-
cessful Showfetysaid. "We've
always been good at that, we are
good at that, and we're improving
The second aspect is
titled, "A Region's Health
it looks at the school's grow-
ing medical components.
"We have a first class aca-
demic and health center with
three colleges, and we hope a
fourth coming soon. Most impor-
tantly, those health sciences are
devoted to the needs of North
Carolina and the under served
areas of the state Showfety said,
"Arts in Lives" makes up
the third component of the
plan and "has to do with our
world class visual and per-
forming arts said Showfety.
"This is not only about cul-
ture and the quality of lives, but
also about the economic develop-
ment Pitt County and Greenville
needs to be a center or cultural
affairs not just for the state but
the entire eastern seaboard
Showfety and the board
also hope that ECU can become
the "Leadership University
another section of the framework.
"We expect every one
of our students to be tomor-
row's leaders Showfety said.
The final branch of the frame-
work is "Prosperity in North
Carolina which reaches students
through distance education and
other methods of regional contact.
The Board of Trustees stated a goal
in a document titled, "Framework
Connection to UNC-GA Priori-
ties" to "grow external funding for
research to $100 million per year
The other highlight of the
meeting was the speech by Jim
Phillips, chair of the North
Carolina Board of Governors.
Phillips praised the lead-
ership not only at ECU,
but on the state level as well.
"There are issues on the table
now that haven't been before
said Phillips. "There's a willing-
ness to look at new ways of doing
things that need to be discussed.
It has reinvigorated the staff
and the board, and has made a
difference with the chancellors
working as a team. There's a
real sense that our leaders on the
campuses are working together
for the future of North Carolina
Phillips explained his motives
for seeking the chair position on
the Board of Governors, saying,
"The reason I ran for chair of this
board is that I wasn't confident that
see BOT page A2

ECTCECC Alumni Society
Friday, Oct. 20, through
Saturday, Oct. 21
ECU alumni who attended
ECTC or ECC are invited to
attend the ECTCECC Alumni
Society Reunion. Activities
include a campus bus tour,
breakfast at the Alumni
Center on Saturday prior to
the parade, the Alumni Tail-
gate, and a reduced-price
football ticket. Following
the game, enjoy a reception
and dinner at Mendenhall
Student Center, then dance
to the tunes of the Colle-
gians as you reminisce and
reconnect with friends from
your college days at ECU.
Our special honorees his
year are members of the
Class of 1956. These alumni
will be inducted as Golden
Alumni at the evening event.
For details, contact the East
Carolina Alumni Association.
Call (800) ECU-GRAD or
Ticket required.
Homecoming Open House
Saturday, Oct. 21
9 a.m. in Taylor-Slaughter
Alumni Center
Attend the Homecoming
Open House on Saturday,
Oct. 21 from 9 - 11 a.m.
Enjoy a continental break-
fast and a front row seat for
the Homecoming Parade at
10 a.m
The event is free and open
to the public. For more infor-
mation, please contact 252-
328-6072 or Homecoming.
Technology Jobs Available
Oct. 2 - 23
Location: Allied Health and
Nursing Building
The SMART Classroom sup-
port team within the Infor-
mation Technology and Com-
puting Services department
(ecu.eduitcs) is looking for
student employees who can
work mornings, beginning
at 8 a.m in the new Allied
Health and Nursing building
on ECU'S West Campus.
If you can work morning
hours and are interested,
please contact Tom Irons,
Jr. at ironsth@mail.ecu.
edu. Classroom technology
experience is not required;
we will train enthusiastic
hard working students.
Campus Dining Survey -
Opportunity to Win an Apple
iPod nano or iTunes Gift
Oct. 5 20
Location: ecu.edudining
We are conducting a survey
to better understand your
campus lifestyle and pref-
erences. By sharing your
thoughts, we will gain valu-
able insight to help improve
your overall campus dining
experience. This online
survey will take 10 to 12
minutes and your responses
are confidential. Each par-
ticipant in the survey will
have the opportunity to
enter U win an Apple
iPod nano or iTunes
Gift Card. To begin the
survey: collegediningsurvey.
comecu or ecu.edudining.
Grab a bit of Homecoming!
Thursday, Oct. 12
From 6 - 8 p.m. at both
Campus Dinning Halls
Want a piece of Homecom-
ing 2006 before any one
else? Stop by a campus
dinning hall during "Steak
and Shrimp Night" to grab
a goodie!
Hedda Gabler
Nov. 16 - 21
Employing methods that
virtually defined the modern
psychological drama, this
masterpiece reveals the
conflicts and emotions that
lie below the surface of
daily life.
Have a Heart
Support the American Heart
Association. Heart Teams
are needed to participate
in their annual Heart Walk
on Oct. 28 at ECU'S Blount
Recreational Sports Complex.
For more information, contact
Crystal Herring at Crystal. or 355-
Campus & Community
12 Thu 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 Sun 16 Mon 17 Tue
"Effective CommunicaFocus Group SessionN.C. State Fair OpensDiscover D.C Bus TripWomen's Soccer Fall BreakFall Break
tion"Please come and share2006Bunting Field No ClassesNo Classes
A guest speaker willyour thoughts as theyIce HockeyCultural Enrichment1 p.m.
present on effectiverelate to the currentBladez on IceTrip to Washington,ECU VS. SOUTHERN SGA MeetingGilbert & Sullivan
communication per-collection of art housed104 Red Banks Rd.D.C. Sponsored by theMISS SGA will meet at 5Players: Pirates of
taining to leaders andin the LWCC, recom-across the street fromLedonia Wright Culturalp.m. in the MendenhallPenzance
members of studentmendations for change,OvertonsCenter. Please comesocial rooms.For more informa-
organizations.and suggestions for the3:45 -8 the Ledonia Wrighttion visit
Mendenhall, room 15future.ECU vs. VCUCultural Center, Blox-SRAPAS
3:30 p.m.Ledonia Wright Culturalton House or call 328-Wright Auditorium
Center GalleryFreeboot Friday6495 to sign up, total
Russian Film Series:3 p.m.Performing this week:cost of the trip $60
"Passions"Parrotbeach (Jimmy(not including food and
Movies have EnglishBuffett Cover Band)souvenirs). Deadline
subtitles or dubbingUptown Greenvilledate Wednesday, Oct.
Bate 20115 - 8 p.m.11 at 5 p.m.
6:30 p.m.Bus Departing from Ledonia Wright Cultural Center 6 a.m. Women's and Men's Swimming Minges Aquatic Center 12 p.m. ECU VS. DAVIDSON FootballFeatured Event: Focus Group Session
HS Band Day, ScoutAs the Ledonia Wright Cultural Center moves to strive for additional
Day, Academic Suc-ways to service our campus and community,we ask for your partici-
cess Daypation and comments regarding our current Gallery. Times and dates
Dowdy-Ficklen Sta-for various focus group sessions are listed below. Please join us at a
diumtime that best fits your schedule. For additional information regarding
3 p.m.the LWCC Gallery Focus Groups, please contact Khadine McNeill, at
ECU VS. TULSA252.328.6495 or by e-mail at
Police kill man wanted in
multi-state crime spree
(AP) Florida authorities
shot and killed a man believed to
be the suspect in a string of deadly
crimes along the East Coast.
A man believed to be
William T. Ashby, 37, of Savannah,
Ga led police on a high-speed
chase in Florida.
He crashed
his vehicle Monday night, said
Chuck Mulligan, a St. Johns
County sheriff's spokesman.
When he began driving
toward officers holding a gun,
sheriff's deputies from St. Johns and
Flagler counties opened fire,
killing him, Mulligan said.
Authorities are awaiting an
autopsy before positively identify-
ing him as Ashby
Authorities were investigat-
ing his possible involvement
in the death of University of
Virginia graduate student
Elizabeth "Lizzy" Hafter, 22.
She was found dead in
Waynesboro, Va near a car
Ashby is believed to have stolen in
Effingham County, Ga.
"We are working to nail
down a timeline with other law
enforcement agencies Johnson
said. "We're looking for anything
to put the puzzle together
Ashby has been named a
person of interest in the double
homicide until he can be
conclusively linked to the murders,
Johnson said.
"We need to know if the killer
is still out there Johnson said.
continued from Al
the Board of Governors was truly
fulfilling its mission in looking
down the road at what people need
from the universities. We're begin-
ning a study to determine over 20
years what the people of North
Carolina need from the universities
and, secondly, how do we go about
providing them. Those things
ought to drive everything we do
Phillips also addressed
the nature of tuition's rise in
North Carolina, a thorn in the
side of many ECU students.
"Tuition has gone up
six and a half percent Phil-
lips said. "If you put it up on a
graph, it's an ugly picture. It's
the unpredictable nature of it.
"We can't ask campuses to
be more lean until the adminis-
tration can be more lean Phil-
lips added "The question isn't
always what's good for the uni-
versities, but what's good for the
people of North Carolina, because
that's why the universities exist
Following Phillips' remarks,
ECU historian Henry Ferrell pre-
sented a brief history of the pirate
logo and the university's logo.
The next meeting of the Board
ofTrustees is scheduled for Dec. 15.
This writer can be contacted at
Owners of nursing home
where 35 died to be arraigned
(AP) The owners of St.
Rita's Nursing Home,
where 35 people died in
the flooding that followed
Hurricane Katrina, were sched-
uled to be arraigned Wednesday
on charges of negligent
homicide and cruelty to the infirm.
Although state Attorney
General Charles Foti had Sal-
vador Mangano and his wife,
Mabel Mangano, booked with
negligent homicide about two weeks
after the Aug. 29, 2005 storm, the
couple was only charged late
last month because a grand
jury could not convene before
that in the flooded parish.
Their attorney, James
Cobb, has said that the nursing
home never flooded before Katrina
and the Manganos worried
that an evacuation would kill
some of their elderly patients.
The judge has imposed a
gag order on the couple and
attorneys in the case.
Nicholson Eyes Sex Toy
(KMTR) Ageing lothario
Jack Nicholson is considering a
career in the sex toy industry,
marketing "day-glo" dildos.
The actor donned a fake
penis for a three-in-a-bed romp
in new movie The Departed
and enjoyed the experience so
much he's encouraging viewers
to follow suit by buying their
own strap-on.
Speaking at the New York
premiere of the Martin Scors-
ese film on Tuesday, Nicholson
said, "I'm planning to market them
on the internet in day-
glo colors
Although the raunchy screen
was eventually cut from the
movie, Nicholson's dildo features
in a separate scene with co-star
Matt Damon.
U.S. Man Named World's
(KMTR) A West Virginia
firefighter has returned the title of
the World's Strongest Man to the
United States for the first time in
24 years.
Phil Pfister of Charles-
ton, W.Va at 6-foot-6 and
230 pounds, outlifted, out-
pulled and out-pushed 25 other
contenders in Sanya, China,
ABC News reported
"I haven't even gotten a good
night's sleep yet said Pfister,
who arrived in West Virginia
with the title Monday and was back at
work Tuesday.
"None of this has sunken
in yet he said. "I haven't
even gotten back on my feet. I've
got a lot of thank you's' to say
Pfister said he trained
for the competition at area gyms,
private homes and a closed
junior high school, where he
built equipment to simulate what
he had to do in competition.
Wisconsin's Bill Kazma-
ier was the last American to
win the title, holding it from 1980
through 1982.
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Home of the Pirate Rants
Favoritism of
"The Law"
Personal preferences affect police judgment
"Sir, do you know how fast you were going?"
Those words were spoken twice to me since I was
granted my first taste of true freedom at the age of
sixteen. There are few things that truly startle me, but
the sight of blue lights illuminating my rear-view mirror
is almost terrifying, especially when I know I'm doing
something wrong.
I was pulled over for going 15 and 12 over the
speed limits respectively. In fact, in one of those
cases I was rushing to see a very sick family member
at the hospital. Even after explaining myself to
the officer, I received tickets on both occasions.
On the other hand, a friend of mine was pulled over
for going 85 in a 65 mile per hour zone this summer.
That same friend, in less than a month's time, was pulled
over for going 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone. After crying
and pouting for a few minutes, she was amazingly given E
just warnings on both occasions, and drove home with "
no violations or tickets under her record.
In a nation where we are all supposed to be "inno-
cent until proven guilty why is it that good looks and
charisma make some of us "innocent even when guilty?"
Perhaps you are one of these people who find it
very easy to "talk" themselves out of a ticket - and
by talking I mean pouting and throwing a tantrum
until the cop decides to give up and walk away.
But even if you are blessed with the beauty and the
charm to slither out of these situations, I'm sure
your conscience has gotten the better of you and
you've asked yourself "I wonder why he let me go?"
A police officer's job is to uphold the law. It is their
duty to make sure nobody is violating any legal issues,
and punish them if they are. In my opinion, law enforce-
ment is one of the most important jobs in our society
because it is a requirement to be as fair and objective as
possible. Unfortunately, we see warnings given to some
people for going 20 miles per hour over the speed limit,
and tickets given to others for going ten over. Where is
the objectivity in that?
The sad truth is that since the majority of police
officers are males, they're going to think like males. I
know of women who were actually bribed to give cops
their phone numbers in exchange for a simple warning
instead of a ticket. What these officers don't realize,
however, is that because this woman did not receive the
proper punishment for going 30 miles over the speed
limit, she's going to assume it is all right to speed in
the future. After all, if crying and flashing a little skin
worked one time, it can work again, right?
Perhaps next time, instead of being pulled over and
given another warning, she will have wrapped her car
around a tree. Or, even worse, spun out of control and
took a few others with her.
Let's face it, our state troopers and even city police
can be discriminatory and sexist. It is important, as a
cop, to be able to stand your ground when the tears
begin to flow, but more and more we are seeing grown
men of justice give in to the pitiful pouting of a young
woman. Frankly, it worries me greatly to know that the
next person a cop lets go with a warning for driving
at an obnoxious speed could theoretically be the same
person that totals my car.
Perhaps they should focus more on the just-
ness of our legal system at police academies instead
of attempting to perfect that arrogant strut every
officer seems to have as they walk to your window.
Need advice? Want answers? Just ask Jane.
Dear Jane,
My roommate's girlfriend practically lives in
our apartment. She's a nice girl, but it's as though
she forgot she has her own home. Her dog is
even living with us now! My roommate doesn't
see what the problem is, but something has to
change soon or I'm gonna go crazy!
Frustrated Bill Payer
Dear Frustrated Bill Payer,
Your frustration is certainly understand-
able! It sounds as if, slowly, perhaps her clothes,
hairbrush and a few other things may have found
their way into the boyfriend s room, then her
physical self, and now her pet, without there
having been a talk about whether or not this
woukfbe acceptable to you andor any other
roommates that this may concern.
First of all, you may want to speak to the
roommate again. It sounds as if you may have
brought this up and gotten the brush-ofF. If you
haven't broached the subject at all, now is the
time. Don't wait another day to tell him how you
feel about his lady friend being there so much.
The longer you wait, the more comfortable they
are going to be with the new living situation and
the worse its going to be on you when you finally
do get absolutely fed up and call for a change.
It is equally your apartment and you have the
right to be satisfied being there, as does he. Tell
him how you feel, but be specific. For instance:
You don't feel as though you can sit around in
your boxers and watch the game because she's
always in and out of the apartment. Tell him:
"Dude, I need to be able to come home and chill
out and weardo whatever I want and lately I
haven't been able to because (insert name here)
is here more than she's at her own home. It's
been bothering me and I'd like you to tell her
to restrict her time here to (insert time frames
you're comfortable with) Also, the dog being
present is an important point, especially if you
didn't already have one there.
The bottom line is, this is the place you
call home, and if you can't lay your head there
comfortably, you've got a problem. I suggest a
direct approach to the roommate, away from the
girlfriend (I'm willing to bet it would really hurt
her feelings.) Reiterate that she is a "nice girl but
that this is your home and her name is not on the
lease. Tell him you'd like to see her around, just
not nearly as much, and give him a time frame
to suggest to her sans Spot.
Seriously, the guy my ex is talking
to drives me insane. Is he emo or is
he stupid? Hello? If you like her, do
something about it. If not, let me have
her back. I feel like I'm waiting for
nothing to happen so I can say "I told
you so I love you baby girl.
I wanted the cooler weather to set
in until today when I saw a brunette
wearing booty shorts that had the
most delicious butt I've ever seen.
Bring on the heat wave!
Dear ITCS, there's an interesting
technology called single sign-on. I
should not have to authenticate four
times with a personal P.C. to get on
taho, go to Blackboard, Onestop and
Piratemail.LDAPservers work wonders.
ECU Biomechanics Rules!
I don't see the purpose of having a
Black Student Union and an NAACP.
One defeats the purpose of the other,
and by the way, I am a black student!
To the individual that continues to set
fires Haven't you ever heard "If you
play with fire you're bound to get burnt?"
I am in the University Manor computer
lab trying to write a geology paper and
you come in with your freaking big
mouth talking as loud as you possibly
can on your cell phone so that people
might thing you're cool. News flash:
You're not. So shut up, get off
MySpace, and go away so I can finish
writing my paper! Have some stinking
consideration for other people, geeze!
Please fix the air conditioning in my
room! Maintenance has come out
four times already and it still hasn't
worked since I moved in!
If it weren't for the teaching career,
ECU wouldn't even be here! How
dare you say it is a dead-end job?
Get a clue, and don't be jealous, that
shade of green doesn't look good on
Thanks to the guys in Croatan watching
the Price is Right on Tuesday and
Thursday! You make my day!
To the person who wrote the rant
about Oscar Meyer that ended up in
the middle of everyone's complaining:
Thank you! That seriously made my day!
I compared a picture of my dog to
a picture of rapper Mike Jones last
night. Ah, the similarities are amazing.
It's kind of funny. I am more appalled
at Greek life, not because of Mr.
Cobey's article last Thursday, but
because of the stupid comments
fraternities gave in response to it!
I wonder about the process for hiring
ECU professorsinstructors. There are
some professorsinstructors currently
providing instruction here at ECU
who have a difficult time articulating
themselves so that students are able
to accurately understand them. My
concern is what kind of education
students will receive from this lack
of quality instruction, and what is
ECU doing about it, or does ECU
even care? From a concerned student
enrolled in a course with one of these
non-articulating professors.
I know how to eliminate the downtown
discrimination problem, don't go
Solved it fast huh?
To the two girls who were calling
me lazy and such because I drive to
the commuter lot, and then bike to
campus (instead of biking from home
I guess?) Maybe I don't live close
enough to bike from home, but at
least I'm getting some exercise biking
to class, unlike you who waddles
your fat butt to the bus everyday.
Departments are in need of work-
study students, but ECU didn't give
out work-study to a lot of people,
particularly people who had it last
year. Now I have no money. Idiots.
Sarah Bell
Editor in Chief
Just when I thought I was
understanding girls I go to the REC
center and see over half of them
wearing makeup. Why?
If someone catches something on
fire in the building I'm having class
in I would appreciate it if you would
evacuate us. You know, pull an alarm
or something. You would be surprised
how quickly a fire can spread.
The person who said that Pirate Rants
is not a dating service makes a good
point. There should be one though:
Pirate Love. So you can post, "To the
guy that sits behind me in blah-blah
who always blah-blah: You're hot!
What's up? Can I get some of that?"
But I guess that's the coward's way.
I eat off campus more than I eat on
campus now. So, I am eating better food
at a cheaper rate. Gotta love WalMart!
To the ranter that down talked
teachers: I love the fact that my
job will not only reward me with
money, but with a satisfaction in
life. I will be satisfied when I go to
sleep every night, because I would
have affected someone's life for the
better. Maybe you consider that to
be a dead-end job, but I consider it
to be an extremely satisfying career!
Get off it!
Instead of blaming your failing grades
on your foreign professors, why don't
you just get a tutor or try learning it
from the textbook?
Is it bad that I drink beer out of my
ECU Crime Prevention cup?
I can't believe TEC would bash
fraternities in the way they did just
because you don't agree with our way
of life! Yeah we drink, and we like girls!
Is that not American? What's next? Are
you gonna bash Christians because
they read the bible and go to church?
Does your chain hang low?
Why did I wait until the last weekend to
read over 200 pages for a history test?
Chivalry is not dead. Me and a friend
of mine still uphold it and get along
great with the girls.
If you're gonna park over by Fourth
and Fifth Streets for class, at least be
courteous and park in the lines.
Would you like some lemon for that
Not all sorority girls date frat guys. I
am in a sorority and I haven't found
a frat guy worth dating. In fact, I
totally go against the stereotype. I
would rather meet a guy at the library
instead of at a social.
I just saw a girl run into a tree! All I
have to say about that is Hahaha!
So how can I be the "perfect girl" if you
still just want to be friends? I don't get it.
I agree, the pink soap in the bathroom
sucks plus I'm not really sure if it
even cleans your hands.
To the idiot who thinks that every
organization on campus is either
black or white: You really must 6e
blind. Perhaps you should take some
time to reexamine the student body
or consult your student activities
bulletin. Why don't you attend a
SALSA meeting or an ASA meeting
and tell me what you see. Ah, ding!
Hispanics and Asians, now aren't
you smart?
Ever wonder why the rants are so
popular? I'd say they fit the short
attention span of most students.
My boyfriend and I have been together
for almost two years, and we don't
sleep together. This doesn't mean we
don't love each other, it just means
we have more self-control than 90
percent of the population.
Why do people hate on ghetto girls?
I don't look ghetto but I'm totally
ghetto inside. And why have people
been laughing at my friend this week
for wearing her herringbone? Don't
act like you don't have one or didn't
wear one in middle school.
Guys who runran cross-country have
great abs.
I would just like to thank all the
fabulous workers in West Dining Hall.
They make the dining experience a
little better.
Why are all the doors shut in the
hallways of Bate?
How do you tell your roommate that
you lived with last year and are living
with this year that you don't want to
get an apartment with them next year?
To the loudmouth UNC fan, you
proved why so many people hate UNC
because they are ignorant snobs. At
least Duke fans pull for ECU too and
don't dis this school.
Whoever set the fires in Brewster
and Joyner East, what an idiot! You
could have at least had a plan to
strategically get everyone out of a
class! You must need a hug.
Attendance policies: What is the
point? If I choose to stay in my bed
for an hour longer and miss a class,
should anyone other than myself
care? I say no.
Girls that like metal are hot!
Students: Stay for the football game
Saturday! This one is bigger than
any game we have played so far. If
we can beat Tulsa who blew us out
last year, our bowl game picture
goes from distant to likely! Show
up and be loud when the reigning
conference champions and Liberty
Bowl Champions come to Greenville!
Damnit! I hate tape!
I just turned 20, but I feel like I am 14.
Why couldn't the Stanley Cup have
come to campus on a Tuesday so we
could take it to mug night?
My roommate sits in the room all day.
Get a life. Don't you have anything to
do all day besides study?
I think that my accounting professor
is an android. She really reminds me
of Data from Star Trek.
If only there was a rulebook on girlguy
interaction. Maybe Jane could write it.
Has anyone heard about the hyphy
movement that's making its way
through Greenville?
I figured it out I never liked you for
you. I liked you because you liked me.
Ode to Skip Holtz: Skip, you are, our
leader for sure. With you, football is
no longer a bore. Please don't ever go
away. But one more thing I must ask
of you, crush the wolfpuppies of N.C
State and make thern boohoo!
Does anyone else ever read the pirate
rants and get paranoid because you
think some of them are about you?
Could someone please explain what is
so enticing about consuming alcohol
until your only memory of that night
are the pictures posted on Facebook?
I love "Grey's Anatomy" so much I
delay my going out on Thursday nights
to watch it and I am a guy.
Why do people tell me I'm tall? Don't
you think I've noticed?!
If you have a problem with me, don't
put my best friend in the middle of
our situation.
Rachel King
News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Eric Gilmore
Sports Editor
Zach Sirkin
Photo Editor
Rachael Lotter
Multimedia Web Editor
Claire Murphy
Asst. News Editor
Sarah Campbell
Asst. Features Editor
Sarah Hackney
Head Copy Editor
Jennifer Hobbs
Production Manager
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Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
during the regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednes-
days during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and
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New fall shows finally
worth sitting through
I watch TV. I watch a lot of TV. I wouldn't
say it's more than any other college student
with a DVR may watch, but it's a substan-
tial amount. Previously it used to be that I
would just record each episode of "Law and
Order: SVU" because all shows were more
or less the same.
You had your crime shows- "Law and
Order "Law and Order: SVU "Law and
Order: Criminal Intent Then you got into
"America's most watched drama or whatever
CBS liked to call "CSI which brought spin-
offs from just about every city you can think
of- "CSI: Miami "CSI: New York I could
have sworn I saw CSI: Omaha once or twice.
Then you got into the medical shows
- "House "Grey's Anatomy plus the occa-
sional "ER sprinkled with a little "Chicago
Hope It's as if one guy wrote a show and
submitted it to every studio in Hollywood.
Unfortunately, they all bought it.
I was wonderfully surprised when I saw
some of the new shows for this fall. I person-
ally was glad to see Matthew Perry, Chan-
dler from "Friends back on TV in the new
NBC drama "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
It's about the goings on in the studio of a
sketch comedy show not unlike NBC's "Sat-
urday Night Live I enjoyed the premiere,
but it wasn't quite what I was looking for.
Luckily for me, along came "30 Rock the
comedy equivalent to "Studio 60 It's writ-
ten and produced by Tina Fey, who wrote
for, and resurrected, "SNL The premiere is
Oct. 11 and it's one show my DVR is already
set to record.
Now to my personal new favorite of the
fall season
"Smith" is a show about a gang of high-end
robbers who will steal anything they are paid
to get. The elaborate means of theft and high
drama between lead character Bobby Stevens,
Ray Liotta and everyone else in the show
leads to one solid hour I can actually watch
without fast forwarding through any parts.
Now I am not saying that I don't still
enjoy "Law and Order I watch that, too, but
only on occasion. The returning shows this
fall have come up a little short for me thus
far. "Grey's Anatomy" seems to be the same
old thing. McDreamy is still having "beauti-
ful man" problems, too many women, and too
little time. Meanwhile, poor O'Malley can't
say, "I love you to his wonderful doting girl-
friend because he still loves Meredith Grey.
I've missed "House" this season but I
shouldn't even count FOX as being a real
player in the network television world. How-
ever, if a FOX network has to be mentioned
it may as well be FX. However, my favorite
show from the past three years, "NipTuck"
has become too weird and out there even for
me. Everything that could be messed up,
slept with, or organ harvested, has been. Did
I mention it is also a "doctor" show?
There are many other shows still on
from past seasons, and of course new shows
I failed to mention, and if none of the new
shows do it for you, and you're just bored
with the same old drama on network TV,
well then, I guess you could always watch
"Dancing with the Stars
Letters To The Editor
I choose not to participate in the debates
between the Greeks and non-Greeks on-
campus. I can choose no side in this "conflict"
that plays itself out within the pages of the
East Carolinian. I cannot choose a side for a
variety of reasons. I know people that are in
the Greek community that I get along with,
some I'm even friends with, and I am friends
with some of those that stand opposite of the
fraternities and sororities. However, the main
reason I choose not to get involved with this
issue is that it's not realty an issue at all.
Through the Pirate Rants the student body
has created a conflict that appears to have inter-
national implications. However, we have become
so self-involved with our pathetic social differ-
ences that we have come to ignore real world
issues such as the events unfolding in Africa.
In Darfur, Sudan, there have Deen over
400,000 people murdered and over two million
forcibly removed from their homes within the
last three years. This does not even take into
account that the average "Janjaweed" soldier
commits rape 10 times per day.Yet, most of the
people in our country have no idea of die situa-
tion occurring in Sudan. But, I guess the choice
of fraternity or not is much more important
and can have a much more global impact than
the deaths and rape of thousands of people.
Zach Nail
Communication Major
Opinion Write
Consider writing for
The East Carolinian,
where all of campus will
hear your voice every week.
Call us at 328-9238
or email opinion@theeastcarolinian.com1

Pirate Buzz
You can listen to everybody,
but you shouldn't believe them
all. Just because you're honest
and trustworthy doesn't mean
everyone is.
Figure out what you want to
accomplish. Pick an exciting
goal, one that's slightly beyond
your present ability to reach.
But don't get wild; take it one
step at a time.
You like to go along with what
other people want. Every once in
a while, however, you have to do
what works for you. Like now.
Don't make the mistake of
thinking your input isn't needed.
Without your contribution, the
whole scheme will fall through.
If you don't let your ideas be
known, the whole thing could
fall apart and hurt people you
care about.
You're more of a leader than a
follower. Remember that now.
Listen to all the advice but make
your decision on your own.
New complications arise, causing
delays and confusion. You can fix
the problem fast. This is why you
get the big bucks.
You want to jump the fence, to
see what's on the other side.
Restrain yourself, it could be
a pen for something large and
mean. You know what they say:
The grass isn't always greener on
the other side.
Figure out which of the other
people's goals match yours.
Instead of an argument, you can
have a working team.
Stay calm, if at all possible. Let
somebody else represent your
position to those who need to
be convinced. Be confident, and
you'll ride out this storm.
Speculation is running rampant,
because nobody knows exactly
what will happen. You're trying
something different, so it's
perfectly natural. But be careful,
you don't want to get in over your
head and let everyone tell you "I
told you so
It's OK if you haven't discovered
all of the answers by now. It's
more likely that new questions
have been raised. Keep up the
Controversy breaks out, as the
group tries to decide what's
important and what's not. Tell
them if they all pitch in, they can
have it all. It is time for you to be
Drink Recipes:
Singapore Sling
2 cups ice cubes
1 12 oz. Gin
2 oz. Lemon mix
2 oz. club soda
2 oz. 7-Up
12 oz. cherry brandy
2 maraschino cherries
1 slice fresh orange
1 cocktail umbrella
Fill a mixing glass with ice. Add
the gin and lemon mix. Place
a metal shaker over the glass,
invert, and shake 3 to 4 seconds.
Pour the mixture into a Singapore
Sling glass (ice included). Fill
the glass with the club soda and
7-Up. Float the brandy on top.
Garnish with the cherries, orange
slice and umbrella
Black and While
Ice cubes
2 fluid oz. heavy cream
1 fluid oz. vanilla flavored
1 12 fluid oz. chocolate liqueur
Chocolate swizzle sticks, for
Fill a cocktail shaker or small
pitcher with ice. Add the cream
and vodka. Cover and shake
vigorously, or stir, until combined
and chilled, about 30 seconds.
(In general, by the time the
shaker mists up the drink is
ready.) Strain into a chilled
cocktail glass. Slowly pour the
chocolate liqueur into the center
of the drink to make a layered
black and white cocktail. Lay a
chocolate swizzle stick across
the top rim of the glass. Serve.
(Stir the layers together with the
swizzle stick before drinking.)
(Please drink responsibly)
Breast Cancer awareness month
Informing women all over
the nation about how to
detect breast cancer
If you've gone anywhere this
month, it is very likely that you've
seen everyday items, such as
clothes, jewelry and even kitchen
mixers, embeilished with little
pink ribbons.
This new array of pink is
because October is National Breast
Cancer Awareness month, and pro-
ceeds from these products help to
fund campaigns hoping to inform
women about early detection of
breast cancer.
This month has been nationally
recognized by many organizations,
and has encouraged them to orga-
nize fund-raisers and other activi-
ties to help raise money to fight,
detect, treat and cure this cancer
that is the second leading cause
of cancer death among women.
In 1960, one out of every 20
women was diagnosed with breast
cancer during their lifetime. That
ratio has shockingly taken a turn
for the worse compared to today,
where one out of seven develop this
deadly disease.
Although breast cancer aware-
ness is encouraged throughout the
year, October is used to step it up
a notch and really educate women
about breast cancer, its symptoms
and how to help prevent it.
Many clinics offer free screen-
ings during the month, and women
of all ages are encouraged to take
advantage of the opportunity.
National Breast Cancer Aware-
ness Month was first started in
1985, and took place only during
the first week of October.
Throughout the week, mem-
bers from the American Academy
of Family Physicians and Cancer
Care, Inc. gave out brochures,
Pink ribbon items to raise money for breast cancer can be purchased year-round but October is a great time to buy.
talked to news reporters and even
went to the U.S. Congressional
committee to discuss the serious
need for easy access to mammo-
This got the attention of then
first lady Betty Ford, who was
a breast cancer survivor. She
teamed up with her daughter
Susan to talk on national televi-
sion about the importance of breast
cancer screening. Their appear-
ance affected many people, and
soon public officials, community
leaders and the media, as well as
everyday people, started to show
interest in the cause.
That interest has continued
to grow, and this program has
continued to make more and more
of an impact in the lives of women.
This year NCBAM wants to focus
on getting women to really take
control of their breast health and
to make sure that they are educated
about how to give themselves reg-
ular self-breast exams, in addition
to annual mammograms.
Our community is doing many
things to support NCBAM, but
students are always encouraged
to get involved and do more. Stu-
dents who are interested in help-
ing women become more aware of
ways to detect breast cancer and
those who want to help friends and
family who are battling the disease
can visit
During this month, remember
not only the survivors and fight-
ers ofbreast cancer, but also their
friends and family who continue
to give them love and support and
maybe even a sense of hope for
the future.
This writer can be contacted at
not just
for football
New Web site provides
play for stargazers
Just when you thought it was
safe to get back on your computer,
a new addiction is spreading that
will make you wonder why you
thought text messages
or were the bee's
knees when it came to celebrity
Four friends in Kansas City,
Mo have constructed a Web
site where users creates their
own celebrity fantasy league at
Like sports fantasy games,
TABFL has compiled an extensive
database of stats on over 2,600
of America's favorite celebrities.
The stats are gathered each week,
and the celebrities are ranked and
scored based on the number of
times they appear in one of the
"big four" tabloid magazines: In
Touch, People, Star and Us Weekly.
Based on these weekly stats,
TABFL members rank, draft and
manage their celebrity dream
teams and game selections.
The Web site has two dif-
ferent games to play with one
more coming soon. Simply create
a username and password and
you can begin testing your skills
at how well you know celebrity
For the novice, the game to
play is called FaceFecta, which
has the same idea of the "trifecta"
associated with horse racing. In
this game, players pick the celeb-
see TABFL page A6
Project Roadtrip: Raleigh
Day in the life of a marching Pirate
Visiting the home of the Carolina Hurricanes is a great way to spend time.
Something for all walks
of life
If you are planning to venture
west this weekend to Raleigh for
the North Carolina State Fair, you
may want to extend your stay a few
days in order to enjoy all that our
state's capital has to offer.
Raleigh provides visitors and
residents alike with a rich variety
of opportunities for entertainment.
Shopping may be your favorite
form of therapy; if so, Raleigh is
the perfect place to end a stress-
ful week. Whether you enjoy
the variety of mainstream shops
offered in the Crabtree Valley
Mall or the quaint one-of-a-
kind buys you can only find in
Cameron Village, Raleigh makes
shopping easy and enjoyable.
If you prefer to unwind by
taking in your favorite tunes,
Raleigh offers a vast selection of
venues to enjoy live performances
from both famous and local artists.
Venues such as the Alltel Pavilion
at Walnut Creek and the RBC
Center offer concerts from bands
like Aerosmith and Toby Keith.
Local favorites, like The
Brewery, often host the likes of
Greenville-based band Your Name
in Vain, and the Lincoln Theatre
has been privy to performances
by 200S's Barefoot on the Mall
headliner Citizen Cope.
There's a sports fanatic hidden
in everyone, whether you enjoy
a night on the ice while the this
year's Stanley Cup champions,
the Carolina Hurricanes, fight for
the win, or a round on the court
with the North Carolina State
University's men basketball team,
the RBC Center should be your
landing pad.
For those looking for some
cultural entertainment while in
Raleigh, visit some of the many
historic sites and museums.
The North Carolina Museum
of History offers visitors an array
of historical artifacts as well as
an exhibit honoring the state's
athletics in the North Carolina
Sports Hall of Fame.
For a look at some of today's
up-and-coming artists, you can
visit Raleigh's Artspace, which
is home to the public studios of
working artists in the area.
The N.C. Museum of Art
also offers visitors a vari-
ety of exhibits, which span
5,000 years of art history.
Whether you enjoy shopping
until you drop, singing along
to your favorite bands, cheering
for the team or soaking in the
cultural atmosphere that Raleigh
has to offer, you are sure to be beg-
ging to extend your stay rather
than packing up and heading
back home.
Log on to Raleigh's visitor
Web site at for
a calendar of upcoming events, a
list of 23 things to do for free, area
restaurant news, entertainment
information and a shopping guide.
This writer can be contacted at
What its like to be the
life of the game
When walking into the
Dowdy-Ficklen stadium for a
home football game, the stands
rumble with the energy of the
crowd, the canon blasts off and
of course, the marching band
is there to supply music and
entertainment. As the dominant
spirit organization on campus,
the marching band performs
for over 300,000 fans each year.
Kraig Winston, a junior hospi-
tality management major, is a
member of the ECU marching
band's Color Guard.
EC: What made you decide to be
part of the marching band?
Winston: It's a blast. Per-
forming gives you such a rush
sometimes. I have also met so
many friends through it.
EC: What do you like most about
the Color Guard?
Winston: Everyone sees if you
don't do the work. So I guess
Color Guard pushes me to try
harder, and because of it, per-
forming is so much more fun. I
can be proud of the work I have
EC: How do you feel being a
male among a majority of female
peers in the Color Guard?
Winston: There are three other
guys, and the girls love us.
There's not really any difference
in the way we're treated, it is just
easier to spot us out on the field
than the girls. So basically we
Marching Pirate Kraig Winston is a member of the ECU Color Guard.
have to strive to be better, so we
don't stand out as much.
EC: Is it a lot of effort to remem-
ber the shows each week?
Winston: It really depends on
the show and how much time we
have. It's very difficult to cram
in work in a short period of time.
You have to keep pushing to get
it memorized, so it leaves hardly
any time to clean it up.
EC: How often does the march-
ing band practice?
Winston: Every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from
4-6 p.m. and before games on
Saturday, we rehearse for about
an hour before marching up to
the stadium for the game.
EC: Do you think there is a
band following just as much as
there is for the football team and
Winston: Actually, I do. Every-
one on that field has friends,
and those friends love to see
their friends perform. To my
surprise, after the first home
see MARCHING page A6
Scores Pool Hall & Bar
A quality place to hang out in
I recently went downtown in the pursuit of a good
time. I was met with long lines and an endless number
of shady people in the few places I went. This was when
I decided to go to Scores Pool Hall and Bar.
Not many people were there, which made the
place seem kind of empty given the size of the bar. An
extremely friendly female bartender greeted me and
proceeded to tell me about their drink specials and
pool table rates.
I understand this is her job, but she did this without
me asking her to, and she did it with a genuine smile.
I began to notice that the place had changed quite a
bit since the last time I was there.
I was also greeted by the bar owner, Mark Soko-
lovic, to whom I began talking about how much the
place had changed.
"This isn't the same place the pool tables, tables
and seats, drink rails and even the bathrooms are new
and improved said Sokolovic.
He was right, everything is new. This is mainly
due to the management change because he recently
bought the pool hall and decided to go in a new
direction with the place. That direction is to have a
safe, clean and friendly atmosphere.
That personable and intimate feel to the bar must
be a result of Sokolovic and his wife's personalities.
Sokolovic, a native of Pittsburgh, tells me that deal-
ing with people respectfully can resolve many of the
problems encountered by businesses.
Some of the more impressive things about this
bar are NFL ticket playings every single game, some
of the cleanest bathrooms I have seen downtown,
eight-foot projection screens, live music, free food
and beverages every third Wednesday for two hours
open to members only and the friendliest environ-
ment downtown by far.
3 bed
see SCORES page A6

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continued from A4
I can only imagine that
this is a result of running three
other establishments in Myrtle
Beach and Charlotte. 1 an) truly
impressed by the lengths they are
going to ensure a quality place for
students to frequent.
Sokolovic tells me that they
have live music on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
nights. Wednesday features lam-
ming with Jack and Thursday is
amateur band night. Friday and
Saturday showcase more local
talent from the area.
Basically, this helps local
bands get exposure since they
now have a new venue to play
from and still provide quality
local entertainment. If any bands
are interested in playing, contact
Mark at Scores at (252)355-8700.
I am told there are a few things
to look out for soon, like pool
tournaments every Thursday,
tailgate parties on Saturdays or
Sundays, bus trips to Charlotte for
Panthers games and catered food.
With so many places to go down-
town, this place stands above
most for its friendly and clean
atmosphere. There is something
to be said if you can go to a place
where you know the people and
you are able to carry on nice
Whether it be for the first
time or again, see what Scores is
all about. 1 have found my new-
bar of choice where I will now
need to practice my pool skills.
This writer can be reached at
continued from A5
The Marching Pirates are a very important part of the football experience.
game, I had a lady come up to
me and tell me I was her favorite
out there. She said she enjoyed
watching me perform and how
I "made the game for her It
was very sweet, and it made me
realize that there are people out
there who look forward to half-
time just as much as watching
the game.
EC: Do you think the marching
band contributes to the football
game experience every weekend?
Winston: Oh yeah! We get the
fans wild and excited during
pre-game and we play music
to get them going while in
the stands. We all get excited
and playcheer loud just to get
everyone else into the game.
1 know I'm biased, but I don't
think a football games would be
nearly as much fun without the
band there.
EC: How long is your season?
Winston: As long as the football
season basically. We start rehears-
ing about mid-August. We don't
stop rehearsing until after the
last game. We only continue then
if we are going to a bowl game.
Our last game this year is with
N.C. State on Nov. 25. So the
season will last about four months.
EC: How much earlier do you
have to come to ECU before the
fall semester actually begins?
Winston: Usually about a week.
Band camp started on the Aug.
17 this year.
The ECU marching band
is the backbone of spirit at the
football games. Their stand music
and halftime shows keep the fans
on their feet
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A4
rities they think will grace the
covers of the big four tabloids
each week. Winners are eligible
to win prizes like iPod nanos and
Coach bags.
Once you have FaceFecta cor-
nered, move on to TabFecta that
lets you draft your own fantasy
cast of celebrities.
You decide who is on or off
the red carpet each week. Your
selected cast will earn points for
you when photos of them appear
in the big four magazines. A note
of caution: Celebrities lose points
when they are critiqued for poor
fashion sense or abnormal behav-
ior leaving other players on the
TABFL network to dethrone you
as the reigning queen or king of
celebrity sightings.
While the new season did
begin on Oct. 3, it is not too late to
join in on the fun and see if your
team makes the grade. Each team
is comprised of eight celebrities,
two actors, one model, two wild
cards, two males and one musi-
cian. You can also have four off-
stage celebrities to be substituted
in at your discretion.
TabFecta's season is one
month long with a player's picks
submitted every week by Tues-
day at midnight. Then TABFL
employees, known as "fame-
ologists calculate the number of
appearances each celebrity has in
the big four tabloids.
All of this sounds obscure and
bard to grasp, but think of it as
explaining beer pong to that for-
eign guy that lives in your base-
ment. They might not get it at
first, but soon they'll be playing
with best of them and teaching
the seasoned a few new tricks.
Best of all, TABFL can be
played in teams, which will get
all of your friends into the groove,
making you feel less guilty for
ignoring your research paper. Log
on to tabloid fantasy league, and
may the best celebrity stalker win!
This writer can be contacted at
the morning

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35 Small town gets some big air
ECU's Inside Source
Unanswered points scored by
Tulsa in the second half of
2005s 45-13 win over ECU
even though the Pirates went
to lull linn- with a 13-10 lead
Rushing touchdowns
recorded by punter Ryan
Dougherty in his career, the
second of which was on a
fake field goal attempt in the
fourth quarter to put ECU
up 31-17 against Virginia; he
was named Conference USA
Special Teams Player-of-the-
Week on Monday
Consecutive games that senior
wide receiver Bobby Good
hai tallied at least one catch
dating back to Oct. 22, 2005
Men's basketball games that
will be nationally televised
according to a Conference
USA announcement Tuesday,
ESl'NU will broadcast ECU
at N.C. State on Dec. 28,
while CSTV will air a Jan.
10 game at Tulsa and a Jan.
SO game when the Pirates
host Memphis, along with
the conference tournament's
quarterfinal and semifinal
Women's basketball games
that will be nationally
broadcast, CSTV will air a
trip to Marshall on Jan. 28
while ESPN2 will televise a
contest at Tulsa on Feb. 11
Kills away that junior outside
hitter Kelly Wernert is from
moving into loth place on
the all-time kills list in school
School rank in career blocks
(346) by senior middle blocker
Jamie Bevan, who is also
eighth in school history for
career kills (855)
They said it
Tulsaj is where we aspire
to be. They're 4-1, leading the
conference, in the top three ;
statistically They have a
great offense. They have a
great defense. They have a
great kicking game. That's ,
where we want to be. We're ,
hungry to try to get there. I
hope we're hungry to try to ,
get there, but they're there.
They're on the top of the
mountain, but it's our job to I
knock them off the top of the j
-Skip Holtz, ECU Head I
The ECU" defense was
very impressive. Virginia
scored after a blocked punt
and got the ball inside the
twenty-yard line and then ;
they scored on a little double
reverse pass. Other than that,
they didn't do much against i
them at all and ECU pounded I
the ball right down Virginia's
throat. Virginia was a top- j
20 team in the country on j
defense going into the game
and "ECU pounded it down
their throats. "ECU physi-
cally dominated them in every
phase of the game. It was very
-Steve Kragthorpe, Tulsa I
Head Coach
Terrell Gordy, left, grinds his front peg on a street ramp. The Wilmington, N.C. native
has been riding his whole life and rides with X Games celebrities Dave Mirra and
Ryan Nyquist. Marcus Tooker, top, attempts an ariel stunt. The Cape Cod, Mass.
native, above left, attempts a back flip and above right, a tail whip. Tooker chose
ECU because of it's reputation for being a hangout for the world's best riders.
Greenville has quickly
become haven for pro
skaters, bikers
New York is famous for its
pizza, Chicago has its improv and
Greenville is known for its BMX
riding. X Games superstars Dave
Mirra and Ryan Nyquist live and
ride in Greenville alongside Ryan
Guettler, Allan Cooke, Josh Har-
rington, Scott Wirch, Mike Laird
and Alistair Whitton.
With the superstars practicing
street and vert tricks, many ECU
students flock to learn and watch.
"It seems to be some sort of
domino effect, where one person
came here, then another, then
another said Terrell Gordy,
an ECU student and BMXer.
"At some point Greenville just
became the spot to go riding
ESPN commentators refer to
Greenville as Pro Town USA for
the BMX bikers.
The City of Greenv ille created
their own skate park with Jaycee
Park, which recently under-
went renovations to improve the
ramps, jumps and pipes.
Ryan Nyquist, an eight-time X
Games medalist has his own riding
warehouse, named The Unit.
Dave Mirra, who was unable
to compete in this year's X Games
due to a lacerated liver suffered
in practice, also has his own
warehouse, but the location is
in Winterville. The warehouses
provide an opportunity to hone
new tricks in a private environ-
ment without fanfare or much
Mirra, who has an X Games
record 20 medals, was recently
featured on a milk advertisement
on Evans St. He likes riding on
ECU's campus so much that he
featured a replica of Sonic Plaza
on a recent BMX video game.
In the game's sequel bearing his
name, the player can ride around
Cireenville streets, ride through
a University, and even ride in
people's back yards.
When Cireenville started to
be the place to come ride, the best
spots were in people's backyards,
but the city of Greenville made
a law to that no one could have
ramps in their yards anymore.
As nice as it is to have pro-
fessional riders like Mirra and
Nyquist, the sport's future relies
on its youth. Marcus Tooker
is a 20 year-old ECU student
from Massachusetts who when
decided to attend ECU because
of Greenville's reputation for
BMX riding. Tooker, who has
been riding for nearly a decade,
has recently been going to com-
petitions like the Mountain Dew
Sports Tour where he rides in the
street competition.
"I feel like traveling is huge
said Tooker. "Biking has opened
up my life. It's so easy to make
friends. My friend and I drove-
cross country staying on people's
couches that we had just met that
day because of riding
looker's favorite trick is the
360-degree tail whip to bar spin,
but he can also pull off a back
flip and tail whip. He learned
the tricks at Nyquist's The Unit,
which has a foam pit to try big
tricks into before attempting
them on concrete.
Another ECU student that
rides is Terrell Gordy, who's been
riding for his whole life. Gordy
refers to riding as his stress
release. His influences for riding
are his friends, who are always
pushing him to do a trick and do
it better than last time, and the
professionals that live around
"Dave and Ryan, they're
really cool guys, they're just
normal guys trying to have fun
said Gordy of the laid-back Mirra
and Nyquist.
Riding with X Games stars
has turned out to be an once-in-
a-lifetime experience for impres-
sionable Cireenville kids. Teen-
agers and kids swap tricks with
the pros everyday. Not only do
they see their idols on TV, but
see BMX page A7
New faces bring new energy
Jeremy Ingram is or
ir players returning for Ricky Stokes in 2006.
Stokes optimistic about
upcoming basketball
following an 8-20 season in
his first year at the helm of the
ECU basketball program, Ricky
Stokes parted ways with eight
of the 12 players on the 2005
roster. With only four returning
players, Stokes said his second
season as the head coach of the
Pirates will come with a lot of
'accelerated teaching
"We do have four guys
back that played a lot of
basketball for us said Stokes, "and a lot
of new faces, a new energy, so to seak
Jeremy Ingram, Courtney
Captain, J.H. Rose alumnus Taylor
Gagnon and all-freshmen Confer-
ence USA selection Sam Hinnant
all return to lead a young Pirates
squad with seven freshmen.
"It's been a lot of teaching
Stokes said of the summer work-
outs. "We have not done a lot of
5-on-5. That will be when we
start here this Eriday. They will
have an opportunity, but I've been
impressed with all the new faces.
Our core freshmen are playing
extremely well and are excited to
be here, and I think they'll add a
lot to our team
5 The Pirates begin practice
Eriday, with walk-on tryouts to
,be held a week from Thursday.
Stokes is hoping the new faces will
help the basketball program "take
a step forward
The seven freshmen include
6-foot-10 Justin Ramsey and
former Apex track star James
Dillard. Stokes said Dillard's
athleticism has impressed him
the most.
"He's also a basketball player
that happened to play track said
Stokes. "One thing that he pro-
vides is that size, which we didn't
have a lot of guys in that range.
We think he can use his athletic
ability as a defender against the
bigger guards
Corey Rouse graduated and
Mike Castro has used up his eli-
gibility. Those were the only two
seniors on last year's squad. The
other six decided to transfer to
other schools, a decision Stokes
said was not made by him.
It was an individual deci-
sion by each player at the end of
the year Stokes said, who was
hired by Terry Holland from
South Carolina in 2005. "We were
trying to have the best fit for each
individual person and in a lot of
different instances, a lot of kids
wanted to play in different places.
Whether it's more minutes or not
on board with the commitment
that we're looking for, it was not
my decision. It was a decision that
we have at the end of the year with
each individual to sit down and see
what's best for them
The Pirates have just one
senior and Stokes will look to the
aptly named Captain, and the other
returnees, to provide leadership to
the young team.
"I expect all the four return-
ing guys to share the load as far
as responsibility said Stokes.
"Courtney Captain has played at
some point guard position, but
hopefully we'll let him play the
off-guard, which I think he's the
most comfortable playing
Darrell Jenkins, one of two
junior transfers, is the front-runner
to play the point, but the Pirates
still don't have a true point guard.
"Darrell Jenkins has played
point guard said Stokes. "He's
a junior college transfer from
Southern Idaho that has played
the position. Naturally, he's the
guy who can push the basketball.
I think he makes the game easy,
makes the easy play and really
distributes the basketball
Stokes added that the job is
not Jenkins' yet with Captain
and a couple of others likely to
get looks.
"Brandon Evans will have an
opportunity to play there said
Stokes "He's a freshman, and also
Cory Earmer, a junior college guy
at Tallahassee who could slide
over to that
Ingram, a junior from Kinston, is
recovering from his fourth knee sur-
gery, and Stokes said he is counting
on a full recovery and a big season
from the Wake Forest transfer.
"1 think this rehab is old hat for
him, but we're gonna look forward
to his leadership said Stokes.
"He joined us midyear in 2005,
so he has a full year of practice
and more importantly, preseason
Stokes said the summer work-
outs went wel lim 1(. eels tne
8006 Pirates will be a better
conditioned team than they have
in the past.
Tin really pleased with how
the Summer workouts went said
see BASKETBALL page A7

continued from A6
continued from A6
b is
also they get to rub elbows with
them on a regular basis at Jaycee
Not everybody rides for
fame or glory. The riders go
out to the parks and warehouses
just to get away from their
normal days and keep doing
it because they just can't get
enough. None of them really
care about getting paid, most
of them just want to hang out
with their friends and tell stories
and crash on people's couches.
For a sport that was once
reserved for the societies' rebels,
the media and publicity has fueled
it into the mainstream. And
Greenville, with its celebrities
has embraced that decade long
change. It's what it's known for.
This writer can be contacted at
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Stokes. "We have a new strength
coach, Michelle Boswell, who I
think has done a tremendous job
for us. We've done a lot of track
work, a lot of strength work,
and basketball. I think we're far
ahead with the teaching and put-
ting stuff in this year, our second
Stokes is starting to put his
stamp on the program, and has
done so by changing the attitude
of the program, and building
camaraderie with the players.
"I think this is a closer team
said Stokes. "We made some
changes. We've moved everybody
on campus, we have mandatory
breakfast checks. We've done a
lot in the preseason that has chal-
lenged the kids. Hopefully their
chemistry, by spendinga lot of time
together, will show on the court
With Ramsey joined by
6-foot-10, 255-pound fellow
freshman Chad Wynn and 6-
foot-9 frosh John Fields, Stokes
feels his team has the size it's
been lacking. That size will be
needed to replace the rebounding
productivity lost with the gradu-
ation of Rouse.
"I don't think any one guy can
replace a guy like Corey Rouse said
Stokes, "especially the year that he
had last year, but I think collectively,
hopefully we can get the job done
This writer can be contacted at
N.C. State's Brackman
will sit out basketball
season to concentrate
on baseball
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The ECU Media Board
welcomes applications
(A student living off campus and not a member of a fraternity or sorority.)
The board is seeking full-time students interested in serving as the
day student representative on the Media Board, the 11-person board
which governs the media at ECU, WZMB, The Rebel, The East
Carolinian, and Expressions, Web Media and The Buccaneer.
The day representative is one of nine students on the board and is
expected to attend a late afternoon meeting monthly.
For information, contact:
ECU Media Board Office
205A Self Help Building
301 S. Evans Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Deadline for Applications due Friday, October 20 at 5p.m.
(AP) N.C. State's
depleted frontcourt just got a
little thinner.
Andrew Brackman, a 6-
foot-10 junior who is a pitcher
for the baseball team, said
Tuesday he plans to sit out the
basketball season to focus on
baseball in hopes of improv-
ing his chances of being a high
draft pick next summer.
The announcement made
official what many had expected
for weeks and leaves the Wolf-
pack without one of its top
returning players on a front line
that lost Cedric Simmons to the
NBA draft.
"Playing professional base-
ball has been a big dream of
mine ever since I was a little
kid and that dream has a chance
of coming true in June Brack-
man said in a written statement.
"Because of that 1 feel that the
most important thing for me
is to be as prepared mentally
and physically as possible for
the draft
The news came during the
Wolfpack's annual preseason
media day, which was the
first for coach Sidney Lowe
since he was hired to lead his
alma mater in May. Brackman,
who did not attend the event,
issued his statement through
the university.
Brackman said he would
reconsider whether to play
basketball after the profes-
sional baseball draft in June,
though Lowe wouldn't rule out
Brackman playing basketball
this season.
"The door is always open
Lowe said. "1 wouldn't close it on
him. He's one of our kids. He's
part of our family. He's been on
the team before. I'm just not one
to close the door on family. He's
always welcome. The players feel
the same way
Last baseball season, Brack-
man was 1-3 with a 6.85 ERA
before a stress fracture in his left
hip ended his year. The injury
healed in time for Uim to pitch
in international competition for
Team USA. He was 4-0 in seven
starts with a 2.09 ERA in his
freshman year.
"I look at this basketball
season as a redshirt year for me
Brackman said. "My primary
focus will be on playing baseball
but 1 still consider myself part of
the basketball program
It's easy to understand why
Lowe would hold out hope for
Brackman to change his mind.
He averaged 7.6 points per game
while ranking second on the team
with 28 blocked shots for the
Wolfpack last year.
Brackman figured to see
significant minutes this season
after last year's 22-10 team
lost Simmons, who left school
after his sophomore season,
and fifth-year senior forward
llian Evtimov.
That leaves the Wolfpack with
one experienced frontcourt player:
6-8 sophomore Ben McCauley,
who averaged 2.1 points and 6.9
minutes in 27 games.
"I think the window might
still be cracked McCauley said.
"I think we all want to stay posi-
tive toward that idea. I talked to
Andrew many times during the
week. He still says he's confused
about it.
"He's got a really difficult
decision to make. I've told him
many times that whatever deci-
sion he makes, I'm behind him
100 percent
The other front line players
include 6-8 redshirt freshman
Brandon Costner, who played
just five games because of a
stress fracture in his leg, and
7-3, 245-pound freshman Bar-
tosz Lewandowski. The losses
could even force 6-7 swingman
Gavin Grant to spend time
inside, which could leave the
Wolfpack short-handed against
bigger teams.
Still, his teammates sound
OK with Brackman') decision
- even if they'd love to have him
on the court.
"We could definitely use him
for a couple of Duke and Carolina
games Grant said.


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Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting 14-18
part-time youih basketball coaches
and officials for the upcoming
basketball program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge
of basketball skills and have the
ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 5-18 in
basketball fundamentals. Hours
are from 4 pm to 9 pm, weekdays
with some weekend coaching.
Flexible with hours according to
class schedules. This program will
run from November 27 through
the beginning of March. Salary
rates start at $6.50 per hour. For
more information, please contact
the Athletic Office at 329-4550,
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The East Carolinian, October 11, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 11, 2006
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