The East Carolinian, September 26, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The ECU defense held
West Virginia to a season
low 27 points. Find out
why the Pirate defense
bottled up Steve Slaton
and gave the Pirates a
chancePage A6
The volleyball team
was swept in three
games by both Tulane
and UTEP. Find
out why ECU Head
Coach Chris Rushing
questions his players'
heartPage A8
Depression isa condition
that affects the lives of
many college students.
For more information
about this life altering
conditionPage A4
Sometimes you just
need to get out of
Greenville for some
great food. Read what
our reviewer has to
say about the Italian
restaurant Villagio
Page A4
ECU's Jarvis Lecture
on Christianity and
Culture will feature
theologian Phyllis
Trible. For information
and more events, turn
toPage A2
1 7 65 3 94 8 2
9 4 31 2 87 6 5 3 1 9
5 2 86 4 7
3 6 1 8 9 4 7 5 22 9 5 3 7 1 4 8 68 7 4 5 2 6 9 3 1
4 1 5 6 8 7 2 3 97 6 3 9 5 2 8 1 42 9 8 1 4 3 6 5 7
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A8
SGA election results
Class officers,
congressmen positions
The fall 2006 SGA elections
were held on Wednesday, Sept.
20 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. for
class officers and congressmen.
A total of 667 votes were
cast over a one day period.
Traditionally, votes are made
over a two day period. The total
number of votes calculated last
year over a two day period was 815.
Matt Wagoner, elections com-
mittee chair said that these num-
bers show that the turnout this
year isn't unusual compared to pre-
vious years even though votes were
done over a shorter period of time.
Some questioned whether
or not the voter turnout was
influenced by the lack of com-
munication between SGA and
the student body or if it resulted
from other miscommunication.
The election wasn't heav-
ily publicized like it was in
years past because of the small
number of candidates running
for positions, explained Wagoner.
There were two candidates
for senior class officer, Nadia
Payne and Sam Hantman. Kelly
Shelton ran unopposed for the
junior class officer position.
Allen Thomas and Kristen
Dalton were on the ballot for
sophomore class officers and there
were a total of six candidates run-
ning for freshman class officer.
Candidates for that posi-
tion included Eva Caroline
Conner-Carroll, Jay Shaw,
Ji. Abdelkhalek, Michelle
Murphy and Patrick Sebastian.
There were a total of 19 stu-
dents on the ballot to become
congress representatives The
individuals running for a con-
gress position only needed one
vote to earn the position which
eliminated the need to cam-
paign, according .to Wagoner.
Candidates had the option of
campaigning but a majority of
the students signed a campaign
waiver form that diminished the
recruiting of campaign work-
ers and the need for campaign
expenses explained Wagoner.
"It is the responsibility of the
individual candidates to cam-
paign and get their platform
out to students said Wagoner.
Other topics were questioned
such as why students didn't receive
notification through the student
announce or see a lot of cov-
erage from the student media.
SGA did use the student media to
get the word out about the elections
by running ads in student paper.
A three and one fourths ad was
ran on Sept. 5 - 7 to inform students
19 and 20, a half page ad was ran
to inform the students about the
elections according to Wagoner.
Students didn't receive anyiwemn
notification through the student
announcement e-mails according
to Wagoner because of changes
that the site was undergoing.
"The elections committee did
not do anything differently than in
the past other than changing the
election to one day Wagoner said.
Students had the option of
voting online on Onestop or in
Wright Place between the voting
time periods. The results for the
election were calculated shortly
after the voting ended at 5 p.m.
Nadia Payne took the win
for senior class officer with 344
votes, Kelly Shelton won unop-
posed, Allen Thomas was elected
sophomore class officer with
403 votes and Patrick Sebas-
tian will represent the freshman
class with 209 votes. All of the
students that ran for congress
received enough votes to hold the
position for the academic year.
The senior class officer, junior
class officer and the congressmen
were sworn into their positions at
first congress meeting on Monday,
Sept. 25. The responsibilities for
the newly elected class officers
include representing their class by
expressing the needs of that class.
The officers will also orga-
nize and execute various proj-
ects as well as being an active
force the effort to accomplish
i Members of congress have a list
of responsibilities and powers that
SGA congress holds
first semester meeting
see SGA page A2
Health Sciences Building opens
An opening celebration for the new Health Sciences Building was
Concerns of Greenville citizens
about off-campus students
Students affecting
neighborhoods with
poor behavior
Last week several student
residents of Greenville received
packets with information on posi-
tive town relations. Meanwhile,
several residents have spoken to
Greenville City Council represen-
tatives regarding their feelings
that students living in their neigh-
borhoods are violating certain city
ordinances as well as engaging in
reckless behaviors.
According to a list of common
city ordinances listed in a booklet
titled "Take Heed which was dis-
tributed in last week's packets, one
of the common violated ordinances
is one that states, "There cannot be
more that three unrelated people
living together as a single house-
keeping unit, whether you live in
a house, a duplex, an apartment,
condominium or mobile home
This ordinance, according
to several sources, is commonly
violated and those violating it
are causing problems within the
neighborhoods they reside.
Wishing to remain anony-
mous, one Greenville couple was
willing to talk about some of their
complaints. The couple, wishing
to be referred to as Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, said that some of their
neighbors have had several cars
parked outside their homes for
days, suggesting that more than
three people are living there.
Mrs. Smith also stated that
many of her family's complaints
went beyond the simple concerns
about noise, garbage and messy
yards. Some of her concerns and
those of her neighbors involved
reckless behavior, citing incidents
where it was reported that stu-
dents were playing football in the
streets, hitting golf balls across
the street into their own yard
and general disregard for other
people's property.
Some incidents have even
caused a great deal of fear in
some residents. Mrs. Smith cited

one incident in which a resident
reported nearly getting shot by a
stray bullet and another incident in
which a group of student residents
were allegedly drunk and firing a
City council member Larry
Spell says that while some of these
issues are of great concern, they
are not new issues.
"You have some folks who are
living in single family neighbor-
hoods said Spell, "who don't
understand or appreciate how their
actions affect other people
Spell believes, as do others
that are involved in this issue, that
it comes down to an issue of life-
style differences. However, Spell is
focusing on the issue of violations
of the housing ordinance.
"We're seeing a lot of cases
where we have four and five people
packed into a house that's not
designed for that many people.
There's a lot of problems that
come along with this. With more
people in the house, that means
you have more cars parked in the
driveway, a lot of times parked in
the yard, which is also illegal, and
taking up spaces along the street.
So, the houses and the neighbor-
hood are being filled with more
people then they were designed
to handle.
"The law is you cannot have
more than three unrelated people
living in a house and if you do, you
run the risk of having someone
evicted to get it back down to that
level. That's an issue I think we've
been working very hard on to get
the message out to students. A lot
of times they don't know that law
is in place
Justin Gross, a representative
in Student Neighborhood Rela-
tions, agrees that many students
tend to violate certain city ordi-
nances because "they basically
don't know what they're doing is
Gross said that parking issues,
noise violations and over occu-
pancy are the most common prob-
lems that his office has to deal
with. Gross also claimed that they
have not had very many extreme
The typical procedure for
dealing with conflicts between
students and non-student residents
starts out on a personal level, with
the parties trying to come to terms
on their own. If there are contin-
ued problems, then the police are
often called. When the police are
called, the Student Neighborhood
Relations office receives a call from
the police about the incident. A
member or members of the office
then go out to the neighborhood
and meet with the people involved,
address the situation and confirm
that ECU students are involved.
The students are then made aware
of their neighbors' concerns. Fur-
ther action is circumstantial to the
Jason Gross said that a repre-
sentative of their office has not had
see CONCERNS page A2
Duties and goals
discussed for the year
New positions were appointed
at the first congress meeting of
the year at Mendenhall Student
Center in the social room at 5 p.m.
Class officers, with the
exception of the sophomore
and freshman representatives,
were sworn in at the meeting.
The election concerning the
freshman class was challenged
and the outcome of the election is
in the review process.
A new speaker of the congress
was elected. The two candidates
that presented their platforms at
the meeting were Jon Massachi
and Charles Owens.
A full election process was
completed to choose the winner of
the election. The process included
nominations from congressmen,
acceptance of nominations, a five-
minute platform speech, a question
and answers section, voting and
the tallying of the votes.
Both candidates have worked
with the SGA for numerous years
and devoted time to some of the
same projects such as the rewrit-
ing of the constitution.
The outcome of the election
was very close. Charles Owen
received 37 votes while Jon Mas-
sachi received 41 votes.
Massachi's platform goals
consist of increasing communica-
tion between SGA and the student
body, addressing the concerns
of the student body, having con-
gress meeting and office hours
to address issues and increasing
the participation of organizations
within congress.
Ben Wyche, former speaker of
the house, said his goodbyes and
recognized members of congress
that assisted him throughout the
"1 wanted to leave SGA in a
better position than the way I
found it and 1 feel that I have done
that said Wyche.
New congressmen were
reminded of their responsibilities
that they must fulfill by Wyche, Mas-
sachi and various others that spoke.
Congressmen received note-
books that summarized important
roles and responsibilities that go
along with this position.
A mandatory meeting will be
held in the Science and Technol-
ogy building on Saturday from 11
a.m. until 2 p.m. to familiarize the
congressmen on the way the body
Possible goals for the year
were a topic that was addressed by
Dr. Sheerer, interim vice chancel-
lor of Student Life.
Making changes to the grad-
ing appeals process and to student
safety were suggestions that
Sheerer made to congress.
Corey King, assistant vice
chancellor of Student Experiences,
commended many individuals that
serve in SGA.
King recognized Wyche,
Michelina Antahades, Matt Wag-
oner, M. Cole Jones, Toya Jacobs,
Brianne Meger and Brandi Das-
noff for the time and effort they
have put into SGA.
Meeting for congress will be
held every Monday in the social
room of Mendenhall. Students are
encouraged to come.
This writer can be contacted at
Students learn
about other cultures
udents were able to sample ethnic food and enjoy cultural dances.
Being different is not
a bad thing
On Sept. 19 at the World
Community Day celebration,
students were overflowing
Mendenhall Student Center to
experience a concert based on
diversity. Students enjoyed the
different ethnic performances
from some of the nations repre-
sented whi le eating freshly cooked
food from the different nations.
Students seemed to be taking
an active interest in the differ-
ent countries and other cultural
establishments represented.
"A Global mind set means
you need to be aware of all the
world's issues and to make sure
you are focusing on them in
your daily life said Shannon
Mulvaney, graduate student of
science education.
When someone uses the
term "humanity that includes
all the people in the world but
as humans we live in one world
with many nations.
There are social, economic,
racial, political and religious dif-
ferences that define nations and
cultures in different ways.
Being different from some-
one else is not in a bad thing.
Learning about how one cul-
ture js different from yqur
own expands and sometimes
changes your perception about
the world.
Different cultures and
nations coming together to cel-
ebrate those differences is what
WCD is all about.
"You have to get out there
and see the world and learn
about it said Mulvaney.
. Megan Rohr, sophomore art
major, was informing students
about Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship, which meets at
Mendenhall on a weekly basis.
"We focus on different cul-
tures, diversity and having all
different types of people wor-
shiping one God said Rohr.
Rohr said having cultural
diversity is having apprecia-
tion that we are all different
and realizing we have our own
unique traits.
Rohr said that people need to
realize that tlwre are different views
besides just the United States
"No matter what race you
are or what religious back-
ground you are from, we want
to come together and be more
unified and put aside our differ-
ences and help each other said
Chelsea Anderson, sophomore
education major.
"It is important to acknowl-
edge diversity because we have
to realize that there is more to
the world than what's behind
our doors said Ryan Downey,
campus minister of the Newman
Catholic Student Center.
"I think diversity is open-
ing everybody's door to new
thoughts, new customs and
other ways of life, economi-
cally, religiously and socially
Downey said.
This was ECU's first WCD,
and hopefully it won't be the last.
This writer can be reached at

Study Abroad Information
Session on Wednesday, Sept
27 from 3-5 p.m. in Bate
Have you always wanted to
study abroad, but you are not
sure where to start? Then come
to the Study Abroad Information
Session where all of your
questions about participating in
an ECU sponsored study abroad
program will be answered.
Refreshments will be served.
Open to the public. Visit
ecu.eduintlaffairs for more
ECU'S Third Eastern
Literary Homecoming
Friday, Sept. 29 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. at ECU'S Willis Building,
First & Reade Streets.
The J.Y. Joyner Library at ECU
will host the Third Eastern North
Carolina Literary Homecoming.
The free event will feature
authors who have written about
eastern North Carolina.
Saturday's Featured authors
include: Michael Parker, Nancy
Roberts, Barbara Braveboy-
Locklear, Elisa Carbone, James
Ransome, Louise Shivers
and Linda Beatrice Brown.
Sponsored by the North Carolina
Humanities Council and the
North Carolinian Society. A
Friday night reception will honor
historian William S. Powell
at 7:30 p.m.
ECULoessin Playhouse
Presents: Chicago
Oct. 5 to 10
Based on the play Chicago by
Maurme Dallas Watkins. When
two murderesses have been
jailed, they compete for the
attention of the press and their
lawyer. Add to this a cast of
characters and a dazzling score;
you have Chicago and "All That
Jazz with music by Jon Kander
and lyrics by Fred Ebb.
Hedda Gabler from Nov. 16
to 21
Employing methods that
virtually defined the modern
psychological drama, this
masterpiece reveals the
conflicts and emotions that
lie below the surface of daily
life. Was it murder or suicide?
Originally by Henrik Ibsen, the
adaptation is being presented by
Christopher Hampton.
Gray Gallery Alumni Exhibition
The Wellington B. Gray Gallery
will host the 2006 Alumni
Exhibition, "Bringing it All
Back Home The exhibition is
scheduled for Sept. 6 through
Oct. 7. This also becomes
an early kickoff for the ECU
centennial celebration.
Students passed and present
are invited, as well as the public.
Questions and concerns can be
directed to Susan Nicholls at or Gina Cox
Taste of Japan - ECU's Japan
Center East
Wednesday Sept. 20 and
Thursday the 21 at 6 p.m.
The second annual Taste of
Japan event will offer a dinner
prepared by Japanese Chef Rie
Ishida and feature a Japanese
Tea ceremony. Tea master
Makiko Hoshikawa will lead
the tea ceremonies for both
sessions. Tickets are $40
per person and required.
Space is extremely limited.
For more information: ecu.
Have a Heart
Support the American Heart
Association. Heart Teams
are needed to participate
in their annual Heart Walk
on Oct. 28 at ECU'S Blount
Recreational Sports Complex.
For more information, contact
Crystal Herring at Crystal. or 355-
Student Dialogues
AttentionPolitical Science
Majors: Interested in bringing
global issues and national politics
to the campus community?
Contact Jessica Gagne at 328-
1554 or
Humane Society Dog Wash!
Sat Sept. 23 - Fluff and
Puff - Human Society Fund-
raiser, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m Gold's
Gym, Greenville. Fifteen
Volunteers needed to assist
with registration, dog washing,
trimming nails, brushing
dogs and doggy art booth.
Students with digital cameras
also needed as photographers
for the Humane Society Web
site. Contact Vicky Luttrell
at or 737-
ZDTue 27wed
Campus &
30sat Sun 2
Fast & Easy Cooking
Student Recreation
Center Classroom
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Self Defense Class for
Student Recreation
Center room 239
7 - 9 p.m.
Self Defense Class for
Mendenhall Great
Room Two
7 - 9 p.m.
Study Abroad Informa-
tion Session
Bate Room 1032
3 - 5 p.m.
Russian Film Series:
"Barber of Siberia"
Movies have English
subtitles or dubbing.
Bate 2011
6:30 p.m.
Walk a Mile in Her
To promote sexual
assault awareness
Wright Plaza
Bringing International
Health Care to Eastern
North Carolina: Why
Should our Trainees
Study Abroad?
Monroe Conference
Center of Eastern
7 - 9 p.m.
12 - 2 p.m.
Featured Event:
ECU's Jarvis Lecture on Christianity and
Monday Oct. 2
Location: Willis Building, corner of First and Reade Streets, 7:30 p.m.
Theologian Phyllis Trible will visit ECU as the speaker for the annual
Jarvis Lecture.
Judge to decide whether man with low
IQ will face murder trial
(AP) A judge is expected
to decide Monday whiether to
dismiss charges against a man
originally declared incompetent
to stand trial in a 1993 murder in
Anson County, or try the case.
Staffat Dorothea Dix, the state
mental hospital where defendant
Floyd Brown has spent the past
13 years, say Brown, whose IQ is
in the 50s, now understands the
charges and can be tried.
Prosecutors have a confession
from Brown, 42, even though
experts have said he was incapable
of the detailed statement investiga-
tors said he gave.
Brown's competence is just one
of many issues in the case of the
murder of 80-year-old Katherin&e
Lynch, whose neighbors found
her beaten body June 9, 1993, in
her bedroom. Detectives believed
the motive was robbery, court
records say.
All the physical evidence,
including fingerprints, blood sam-
ples and the suspected murder
weapon is missing from the Anson
County Sheriff's Office, according
to court records.
Prosecutors can no longer
pursue the death penalty if Brown
is convicted because a 2001 North
Carolina law banned executions of
the mentally retarded.
Superior Court Judge Susan
Taylor is scheduled to hear the
motion to dismiss and other
motions Monday. If she denies
them, the murder trial will pro-
Black, Scientific Games could over-
shadow Geddings at his trial
(AP) While former lottery
commissioner Kevin Geddings
stands trial in federal court on
fraud charges, evidence the gov-
ernment says it has about another
public official, House Speaker Jim
Black, could overshadow Ged-
dings' guilt or innocence.
Prosecutors say Black met with
a vice president of lottery company
Scientific Games Corp. last year
the day before he announced his
recommendation of Geddings for the
commission. The vice president, Alan
Middleton, was a longtime friend and
business associate of Geddings.
Black has previously said he
didn't know of Geddings' recent
business relationship with Scien-
tific Games and certainly wouldn't
have appointed him if he had. But
the meeting, if established by gov-
ernment evidence after the trial
resumes Monday, raises questions
about what Black knew about Ged-
dings' ties to the company.
Middleton then apparently
began to distance himself from
When a Scientific Games
employee congratulated Middle-
ton in latjg September for Ged-
dings' appointment, Middleton
wrote: "Not my doing. He lives in
NC now
The company's transactions with
Geddings, however, hadn't ended.
Geddings' firm received a
$9,500 check from Scientific
Games last Oct. 6, the day the lot-
tery commission met for the first
time. Manning called the timing
an unfortunate coincidence.
continued from Al
they have the authority to use if cer-
tain circumstances were to occur.
Some of their responsibil-
ities include determining the
replacement of members if
there is a vacancy, acting as the
supreme authority over all elec-
tion laws, determining the time
and placing of their meeting,
and censuring or expelling a
member by a two-thirds vote.
Some of the other responsi-
bilities include them approving
an increase in tuition and fees by
a majority vote, regulating the
disbursement of the congressional
funds by a majority vote, and decid-
ing a replacement of their members
if there is a vacancy in the office.
These are just a few of the
responsibilities of the congress
representatives. There are a
total of 16 responsibilities listed
under the officer descriptions.
Both the class officers and the
congressmen have very impor-
tant positions to fill and will
play a big part in the outcome
of major decisions concern-
ing the student body this year.
Corey King, assistant vice
chancellor of student experiences
stated that he was pleased with the
way the elections were handled
and the turnout of them, at the
congress meeting on Monday.
Wagoner said that he has set
some goals to improve the elec-
tions process and committee.
His goals includes putting up
banners above the polling site to
produce awareness, provide train-
ing for individuals in his commit-
tee, hold office hours, and also
e-mail individual after elections
to get feedback from the congress-
men and other members of SGA.
The officers that were elected
will hold these positions until
May. Additional elections will
be held in May for congress-
men for the summer term and
the fall term. New class offi-
cers will be elected in fall 2007.
SGA meetings will resume on
Monday, Sept. 26 in Mendenhall
Student Center at 5 p.m. Stu-
dents are welcome to come
and express their opinions
and concerns at the meeting.
You can contact SGA by visiting
the office in Mendenhall besideJava
City or calling 328-4-SGA (4742).
This writer may be contacted at
to go out to any residential neigh-
borhood since initial talks made
when pamphlets were handed out
last week. While he does believe
that good relationships between
students and city residents exist,
there are some exceptions.
"There have been a few isolated
incidents when this office first
began where we almost had to take
it to judicial court. However, we
have not had to take any extreme
cases to judicial court "
When asked if ECU was pre-
pared and willing to take judicial
action, Gross' response was, "If it
continued from Al
involves the safety of the students
or other people, that's a high
priority. We take action only if
it involves our students. We are
willing to call parents. To my
knowledge, we have not had to go
that far
ECU and the city government
are working together in this cam-
paign to provide information to
students about city ordinances in '
order to improve relations between
all residents of Greenville.
This writer can be contacted at
ECU's Third Eastern Literary
ECU's Willis Building,
First and Reade Streets
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Volunteer Friday for Habitat
for Humanity
Brickyard of Mendenhall
Student Center
3 - 5 p.m.
Deadline to apply for SGA
Class Council
Applications can be picked
up in the SGA Office Suite
101, Mendenhall Student
5 p.m.
Breakthrough Campus
Ministry Presents "Friday
Night Fellowship"
Mendenhall Room 244
7:15- 10:15 p.m.
ECU'S Third Eastern
Literary Homecoming
ECU'S Willis Build-
ing, First and Reade
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Family Fall Fling
ECU students and
dependents admitted
Student Recreation
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
20th Greenville-Pitt
County Crime Stoppers
'ECU's Jarvis Lecture on
Christianity and Culture
Theologian Phyllis
Trible will visit ECU
as the speaker for the
annual Jarvis Lecture.
Willis Building, First
and Reade Streets
7:30 p.m.
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is Lecture on
r and Culture
an Phyllis
I visit ECU
laker for the
vis Lecture.
Iding, First
i Streets
tile. NC
Not just for Pirate Rants
Inside Fraternity Rush
Animal House. die big screen in 1978, and since dien it
has remained one ofthe few visual representations our society
keeps about the antics of fraternities. But it was all fun and
games in Animal House, wasn't itP Or was it truly an accurate
representation ofhow some of our fraternities operate today?
It is almost taboo in a way to discuss the happenings
of fraternities and sororities, as it has always been since
the first brotherhood was formed. For a while now, 1
have been very interested in how fraternities operate,
and what tools they use in order to promote such a close-
knit community of individual guys. We see fraternities
exposed in perhaps all the wrong ways in movies such
as Animal House and Skulb, but none of us who haven't ,
really experienced it know exactly how they work. My :
curiosity and desires to get more involved got the best
of me, and in turn, I ended up rushing.
People have many strong opinions when it comes
to Greek life, and at times, fraternities and sororities
are known for getting a bad rep. Yet, in many aspects
fraternities help a great deal of those who are experienc-
ing life on their own for the first time to become more
socially involved. Guys come together in a close bond, a
bond so tight that they refer to themselves as "brothers
This helps guys by not only giving them assurance that
someone "has their back" essentially, but also helps them
find themselves as individuals. By that, I mean that being
involved more socially, which fraternities promote, will
help an individual express himself more.
Participating in the fall Rush gave me the opportu-
nity to get an in-depth view on what Greek life consists
of But that's not the only opportunity it presented to
me. It made me think. It made me sit down and really
consider why people, myself included, decide to "Go
Greek And what I really want to advocate to you, is
that not all fraternities at ECU are what they seem
based on stereotypes that society has given to them.
Wliat I found was an array of different traditions. Some
fraternities seemed to put their emphasis and focus on aca-
demics. Did you know there is actually a fraternity on campus
that requires you to have and maintain at least a'2.8 minimum
GPA? There are also fraternities that dedicate much of their
time to community service, raising thousands upon thousands
of dollars for charities such as the Ronald McDonald House.
Another thing to consider is apparent racial ste-
reotypes that fraternities are dubbed with. I started my
rush experience with the thought that anyone not from
Caucasian descent would be very rare. However, by the
end of Monday night I had attended at least three houses
that highly advocated diversity. I noticed fraternities are
making more of an effort to promote their letters to dif-
ferent races, and I definitely respect them for that.
My observations and time spent with a select group
of fraternities gave me the opportunity to witness these
very respectful aspects of Greek life. And as I sit back and
remember the experience and knowledge I gained out of
rushing, the only thing I can tell is you is that if you want to
truly know what happens, you need to be involved yourself
You can't keep a
good pirate down
Rowdy, enthusiastic and faithful - all traits of a true
pirate fan. Why then, for the first time in my four years
of being here at ECU, has the combination of these
three qualities become such an important problem for
the university staff to feel the need to address? Why I
needed three e-mails telling me how to behave at this past
weekend's game is still unclear to me, as I'm sure one would
have done the trick, and much more effectively at that.
Let me first say that I truly I appreciate my free stu-
dent ticket, and I love supporting the pirates, game after
game, regardless of the outcome, and that by no means do
I condone harassing other fans in the stands. That being
said, 1 feel that the e-mails addressed to the student body
were not only overkill as they came in triplicate form, but
were the results of an overreacting faculty, nervous ofhow
they were going to be portrayed on national television, in
what was one ofthe biggest ECU games in recent history.
But I won't put all the blame for the e-mails being
sent on ECU staff, as Conference USA may be behind
some of Holland's desire to see fans act differently, since
the conference wants to reform member school's game
behaviors. C-USA issued spirit organizations, such as
the marching band and the cheerleaders, contracts to
sign this year asking these students to promise their
best behavior at games, or suffer the consequences.
Coming in with the first ofthe three e-mails, Terry Holland,
the university's Athletic Director, informed all of the students of
their poor behavior at tlie Memphis game the previous weekend,
requesting better conduct in die tiiture, and even going so far as to
ask that students do the' wave" instead ofclianting obscenities. Next
foUowed Head Football Coach, Skip Hohz's e-mail coming about in
the same fashion, asking the students to diange their bad behavior.
I was not so much against what the e-mails had to say, but more
against the (art diat I was being treated as a juvenile incapable of
deciding how to art on my own. I would tliink tliat in working with
students, ECU staff would know that just as there are preferred
ways for students to act at gan les, there are preferred and more effec-
tive ways to speak to the student body when requesting a diange
Simply put, the e-mail to students came about in wrong
manner. I understand the need for reform, and 1 can even
appreciate Holland's desire for it to come about. I think one
e-mail was a good first point. But the influx of e-mails that fol-
lowed are what has myself; and many of peers in a pirate frenzy.
When it was Chancellor Ballard's turn to address
ECU, the e-mail came across much better than Holland's
as his points resonated much more positively, and thus
effectively, with me. "Be loud, be proud, be Pirates. At
the same time, be respectful of the other team on the
field and its fans (our guests) in the stands. Vulgari-
ties, obscenities and harassing behavior have no place
at East Carolina University" Ballard's e-mail stated
The problem with this e-mail is that it came in the aftermath
of Holland's and Hohz's, and by this point students were so healed
by the reprimands of the first two e-mails, it's likely that they didn't
bother to read it or take it to heart for that matter.
Instead of getting separate e-mails from Holland, Holtz
and Chancellor Ballard, I think they should have come
together from the beginning and penned one e-mail to be
sent to the pirate nation. As an alternative to coming across
as three parents seeking change from their rebellious children,
the student body would have seen a more unified front all
working for the greater good of ECU athletics.
And while I agree that how ECU fans react to both wins
and losses is an important reflection upon the university, 1
can't help but to think that all game viewers should expect a
certain amount of passion carried out by the fans. The pirate
faithful will always remain strong and I think it's safe to safe
we are called the "Pirates" for a good reason.
Mayor Cohen please come
back to SGA we need you!
I want to move to Africa so that
I can become an American-
Why do I bother doing
homework? No matter how
close to being right my answer
is, you're always going to find
fault with my solutions, erase
my tremendous amount of work
and do it your way. You're so
superior - you make me not
want to participate in class.
I think the office of Greek
Life here at ECU needs to be
redone. The so-called "Greek
Life Officers" are unfair in their
punishments. How is it fair for
one Greek organization to get
trouble for something, yet allof
other organizations are doing
that exact thing and doing
it during the so called "dry
rush Having alcohol before,
during or after rush hours is
a violation, and this has been
going on all week. I personally
am outraged at Greek Life, and
would prefer my organization to
not associate with the "head
ups" in the Greek Life office.
Ever stop to think that someone
thinks you're attractive until
they see you raise your cigarette?
Is it wrong that when I'm on the
elevator and I hear someone
coming, I face the wall and
push the "close door" button?
It feels right.
Is anyone else depressed now
that The WB is off the air; it's
almost like losing a best friend.
I don't understand why some
feel it is OK to voice their
opinion about my weight
because they think I am too
skinny. It's called good genes
and a fast metabolism. I don't
go up to an overweight person
and tell them to lose a few
hundred pounds. Stop being
jealous and get over your
Since the library contains many
books, maybe they should
look up the correct spelling of
"espresso" the next time their
"expresso" machine breaks
Dear Mr. Holland, Maybe
students got more rowdy at the
game than usual because we
couldn't sit in our usual seats,
the Purple-Gold chant got
changed, and the announcer
kept forgetting the "first down
Pirates! ArghT" Maybe if you
addressed those issues first, the
students wouldn't misbehave
so badly in the first place.
Girls that wear librarian glasses
on campus make me melt.
We often talk negatively of
a foreigner's influence in a
region with a strong cultural
identity. As an eastern North
Carolinian I feel like a minority
at campus because I hunt, fly
a Confederate flag and don t
dress like someone off of the
cover of GQ.
Umm I am in a sorority and
I will admit that most of the
stereotypes are true. We just
like to argue them so we can
continue to act superior
because we are!
To the girl in geology with the
bad haircut that told me that I
was sitting in somebody else's
seat I'm sorry I didn't realize
that we were still in middle
school and there were assigned
seats Oh wait, there aren't.
I believe the SGA has highly
paid professional student
activities advisors who are
ultimately responsible for
seeing that the SGA conducts
open and fair elections. Don't
blame the students, hold their
advisors accountable.
I am so proud of our team.
The team that the nation has
never heard of shut down the
almighty Steve Slaton and
although made a few mistakes,
had a really good chance of
beating the highly overrated
number four in the nation.
Good job Pirates!
Is it sad that I go to ECU and
I know Carolines Fight Song
and Alma Matter? I have no
clue about ECU'S.
Dear Sorority Pledges, You
were the only ones who didn't
go to the game just because
you had to drive your drunken
Bigs" around where ever they
please seriously, get a life!
I think it really helped sending
those four e-mails telling
us to be cordial to WV and
congratulate them on their
"great" team. It lasted all
up until their entire section
started shouting obscenities
to us, which were unprovoked.
Someone needs to let ECU
faculty know, it happens. It's
a college football game.
When I was a freshman, I was
not excited to go downtown.
Not all freshmen are like you.
Remember, when Pinckney is
under center Shut up. When
the opposing QB is under
center, let them hear 40,000
Dearest Student Union, More
specifically the films committee,
update your site por favor.
Remember how you said "Those
old rich Pirate Club alumni"
were ruining the "purplegold"
cheer? If it weren't for those
"rich alumni you wouldn't be
having a football team to cheer
for and a stadium to sit in.
Alright girls, if you're going to
wear thongs, pfease buy ones
that fit you. We don't need to
see your fat cut in half by the
strings of the thong.
Hey! I don't drink or smoke
either! Come find me!
Pirate Rants are my favorite
part of the paper. I open it
up, just to see all the great
things that are said everyday.
I heart nerds!
My roommate last spring
moved out because I wrote a
Pirate Rant saying she needed
Prozac What's tunny is that
some of her other friends have
recently said they agreed.
The ECU cheerleaders got hot
this year.
I don't wear rainbows and I
don't smoke. Not only that, but
I don't get drunk and I don't
wear make-up on a regular
basis. So I guess I'm on the
0.001 percent of ECU?
To the fans that left the game
early I just want to say that it
was very disappointing. If we
can stay till the enaduring
a win then we support them
in their struggles. We win
together, we lose together. To
the team: Great game guys!
Sometimes I think I'm going
to burn myself out with all the
things that I do, but immediately
thereafter I think how it's all
worth it if it happens.
To the many fans that left the
stadium witn 14:00 left in the
game. Thanks for showing the
West Virginia fans and ESPN
that they had the best of us.
The whole mood of the game
changed when half of the
stadium left. It's not far to the
team or to the loyal fans left at
the game. Next time come out
and support the pirates!
How can the fans "paint it
purple" on Friday when the
football players themselves
can't take the initiative to wear
their colors?
Terry Holland's e-mail amazes
me. What does he think Dowdy-
Ficklen is? A day-care center?
There is a girl in one of my
classes that I really want to talk
to but I don't knowwhere to start.
Thank you to the bus driver
from the commuter lot who
was dancing up a storm to that
country music. You made my day!
If you can have a Black Student
Union, why can't I have a White
Student Union?
Why is it that when a Christian
preacher comes to campus to
preach, everyone gets all upset
about it, but if a Muslim or
someone else came and did the
same thing and Christians got
upset, we would be accused
of discriminating against his or
her practicing free religion?
There are some days where
all I want to do is sleep until
3 p.m.
And it amazes me that people
who smoke think that their
rights to freedom are more
important than those of us
who don't smoke. If we live in a
free country, why don't you just
snort some cocaine instead?
Do us a favor and participate in
a drug that will only kill yourself
and not the people around you.
Shows what kind of person you
are if you're going to smoke
and exhale that secondhand
smoke onto one of your friends.
I mean, do you know anything
at all about smoking or are you.
Just one of those idiots who
smokes to look cool?
I like going to tanning
beds even though I know
they're really bad for me.
Early morning classes should
be banned by the university.
Sarah Bell
Editor in Chief
Rachel King
News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Eric Gilmore
Sports Editor
Zach Sirkin
Photo Editor
Rachael Loiter
Multimedia Web Editor
Claire Murphy
Asst. News Editor
Sarah Campbell
Asst. Features Editor
Sarah Hackney
Head Copy Editor
Jennifer Hobbs
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
during the regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednes-
days during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to the East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, N.C. 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One copy
of the fasf Carolinian is free, each additional copy is1.

ECU soft-handed
when it comes to
enforcing rules
I've had to deal with a lot of issues this past
week involving ECU and the radical behavior of
our students. Part of my week was spent talk-
ing to a couple who were concerned about ECU
students behaving recklessly in their neighbor-
hood. Now I realize that's something that might
make you say, "Oh please However, consider the
fact that these were complaints about things like
students firing crossbows drunk, hitting golf
balls in residential neighborhoods, damaging
people's property and just generally brushing off
Greenville citizens with the "it's a college town"
defense. Compare that to concerns that too many
people are occupying the same home and that
seems kind of pale by comparison.
So what does ECU do about these situations?
Tell students to straighten-up or get out? No.
Instead they send out pamphlets and fliers with
useful information that these kinds of people will
look at for like two seconds and then throw it
away. Maybe I am being too harsh. I mean they
did include a big magnet.
Then of course there was that e-mail we all got
about how offended at least one Memphis fan was
about the behavior of Pirate fans at the football game
a few weeks ago. Here's an excerpt from that e-mail i
"I just wanted to make sure that you were aware
of some ofthe obnoxious, and possibly dangerous,
behavior displayed by some ofthe ECU faithful at
last week's game vs. Memphis.
I know that this sort of thing happens every-
where but I think it is up to the university admin-
istration to ensure that this type of behavior is not
tolerated. Fans in this manner should be escorted
quickly from the premises before something ugly
breaks out. 1 certainly did not appreciate my 70-
something parents having to watch a game in such
a vulgar environment
First of all, I know that home football victories
have been a rarity here for a while so I can under-
stand why some people might have gotten a little
rowdy. While I'm not really blaming them, I kind of
have to agree that some self-control wouldn't hurt.
However, and this is my second issue, who
makes their 70-year-old parents apparently
drive all the way from Memphis and climb all
those steps in the stadium just to come to a
football game? Honestly, that doesn't make this
person seem very high and mighty in my eyes.
Then there was this little tidbit added to the
same e-mail, from ECU officials:
"Any fan who acts with malice andor vulgarity
toward our visitors will be escorted from the prem-
ises and lose their ticket privileges to ECU events
Now I've never heard about this happening to
anyone, but if it has happened it has been on such
a small level that either the initial complainer is
exaggerating or ECU hasn't enforced this policy
as much as they probably should.
Even ECU admitted that it isn't a huge problem.
"However, our real fans can more than
make up for the few hooligans by continuing
to welcome our visitors and congratulating
them on the national ranking of their team.
Those real fans can also help by letting
the hooligans know that their behavior is
not appreciated and by identifying the hooli-
gans to security personnel when necessary
It says so right there: Few hooligans. Doesn't
sound like the epidemic our Memphis fan thought
it was. At least it does not to me.
One of our own fans said that, "We sounded
like ignorant, trashy rednecks! That's not what I
want other schools to know us for
Yeah, like ECU has a perfect image. Does the
word "Halloween" mean anything to you?
Here's the final piece from that e-mail that I
want to comment on, "If we are to succeed in our
goal of building a first class program that repre-
sents the best of ECU, then every single one of
us has to be accountable and responsible for our
actions. GO PIRATES is our battle cry but if we
are going to get to the top of the heap we must
GO "first class" in everything we do
OK I totally agree that people need to be
accountable and responsible for their actions. But
what is this "first class" stuff supposed to mean? Is
it the kind of stuff people usually get punished for?
Yeah that doesn't seem to happen here very often.
ECU seems to have this annoying habit of
not dealing with problems in the most effective
Let's say a fraternity, sorority or another
group of students has a party, a lot of people
are drinking, a whole bunch of people complain
about the noise and other things and this is like
the fifth time this has happened this month.
Nobody gets reprimanded; nobody gets put on
academic probation; all they get is a pamphlet.
Yeah that really solves the problem and doesn't
make anybody want to do it again or at least plan
things a little better.
All I'm saying is that if ECU wants to be "first
class" they need to start saying what's unaccept-
able and meaning it by enforcing it to a certain
level reminiscent of punishment. Going to college
is a privilege, and if you abuse that privilege or
can't get with the program, then maybe you don't
belong here.
Just Ask Jane
Need advice? Have questions you want answered?
Then go to and Just Ask
Every Wednesday on the Opinions page you
can find one of ECU's resident experts on school,
work, relationships of all kinds and everything in
between, giving advice on the questions you wanted

Campus Scene
You may have a reputation
for being quick to take action,
but you can restrain yourself.
Do that now. You can afford to
be cautious.
Sit back and see what happens.
It's likely a tussle will arise.
If you're in a good position,
you can grab a great
Stick to your agenda, and don't
let yourself get distracted. If you
lose interest, the others will too,
and that could be a disaster.
You're familiar with the concept
of making do with what you have.
This is how you keep your money
in the bank. Do that again.
Just when you think you have
everything under control, a new
challenge presents itself. Ain't
that just the way life goes? You
can conquer this one without
breaking your stride.
Things have changed. It's time to
check into the current situation.
By staying on top of the news,
you'll know which way to run, if
It's important to have the
technology you need to work
efficiently. Don't blow your
entire allowance, however,
on something that chops and
dices (unless you're in the
catering business).
Continue to gather data from
every nook and cranny. You'll
be well rewarded for your
efforts. You could find a
There are so many opportunities,
it's hard to know where to start.
Actually, the best idea is to begin
by finishing up.
Consult with people who already
have the experience you lack.
Don't wander wide-eyed into a
dangerous situation that's no
fun at all.
Don't be shy, speak right up.
Let people know what you need.
They're not exactly mind-readers,
you know. Well, maybe some of
them are.
You had a picture in your
mind of how things ought to
be. New information leads to
new pictures, though. Allow
yourself to be convinced.
Sometimes, change can be a
good thing.
Campus Events:
Tuesday: Sept. 26
Self Defense Class for Women
Student Recreation Center
Room 239 7 - 9 p.m.
Self Defense Class for Men
Mendenhall Great Room Two
7-9 p.m.
Wednesday: Sept. 27
Van Cliburn Gold Medalist
Alexander Kobrin
Wright Auditorium
Friday: Sept. 29
Volunteer Friday
Habitat for Humanity
Mendenhall Brickyard 3 - 5
ECU's Third Eastern Literary
Ellis Building 8:30 a.m. - 5
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man's Chest
Wednesday 927 at 7 p.m.
Thursday 928 at 9:30 p.m.
929 at 7 p.m.
920 at 9:30 p.m.
101 at 7 p.m.

Superman Returns
Wednesday 927 at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday 928 at 7 p.m.
Friday 929 at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday 930 at 7 p.m.
ECU hosts annual career fair
Key steps needed for
students to land a job
With the mounting pressure
of landing that dream job straight
out of college, the Career Center
is attempting to make it easier for
future graduates.
The annual career fair is
coming up Oct. 26, from 10 a.m.
until 2 p.m. and is the core oppor-
tunity to secure a job no matter
what your major.
The fair is taking place in
Minges Coliseum and in the
new Human Health and Sciences
building located near the Brody
School of Medicine. The number of
companies and representatives has
increased the necessity of expand-
ing the fair to two locations.
This year there will be over
350 representatives from 150
companies. Some recognizable
companies such as Blue Cross
Blue Shield, BB&T and Embarq
will be on site. Other employers
include Moses Cone Health Sys-
tems, Wells Fargo Financial and
Lane Construction Corporation.
With the fair a month away, it's
important for students to hone up
on their interview skills. "Students
need a power greeting, a dynamic
interview and some exposure to
interviewing said Catrina Davis
with the Career Center. "All of
these aspects can be handled and
improved on through our office
Davis advises students to meet
one-on-one with their career coach.
This can be done by scheduling an
appointment through the Career
Center and meeting with assigned
National companies like Nokia go to career fairs just like the one being held at ECU Oct. 26 to look for fresh faces for their organizations
coaches for particular majors.
"Meet with your career coach
to see how to prepare and what to
expect during the fair. They will
also instruct you on the best ques-
tions to ask prospective employers
and how to create a good first
impression said Davis.
It is also important to research
companies prior to attending the
fair. This will make it easier to
decide if the employers will be
right for you. In addition, make
sure your resume is up to date.
An excellent outcome of
the fall career fair is the prom-
ise that attendees could end up
with a job secured. Following
the career fair, representatives
will be interviewing students
and are prepared to offer jobs.
"This is something that seniors
graduating in December should
really take advantage of Davis
said. "It is very important to start
looking for jobs before you finish
To find out the full list of
companies attending the career
fair, visit ecu.edue3careers. Addi-
tionally, call the Career Center at
328-6050 to schedule an appoint-
ment with a career coach.
This writer can be contacted at
pu lse@theeastcarol in ian .com.
This Week In Health
Third Eastern North Carolina
Literary Homecoming
Joyner Library, East Carolina University
September 29-30, 2006
Native North Carolina authors
honored at Joyner Library show
Deciding whether to use medication therapy for depression can be difficult.
Depression: A condition
that can define your life
According to psychology info,
com, about 17 million Ameri-
cans per year have some sort of
clinical depression sustained for
a period of time each year. While
this may include various forms of
depression, the fact that a signifi-
cant number of our population is
involved is what matters.
There are many different types
of depression such as dysthymic
disorder (prolonged depression),
adjustment disorder (coping issues
with a major life crisis), bipolar
depression (the swinging highs
and lows) and post partum depres-
sion (post childbirth depression)
just to name a few.
So what causes depression
to affect so many members of
our society? Well, simply put,
the chemicals in the brain are
out of balance, which does not
allow typical emotional brain
activity. There is a chemical
imbalance that has taken place
that needs some attention to be
properly regulated.
This is how the imbalance hap-
pens: The brain contains billions of
nerve cells called neurons. These
neurons send messages to each
other using brain chemicals called
Depression occurs when the
signal messages are either not
being processed correctly or the
signal is simply too weak to be
transmitted correctly. This is
not good for anyone, especially
since these chemicals, amongst
other things, are responsible for
our moods.
While medication treatments
seem to be a popular treatment for
depression and are necessary for
some people, not everyone must be
medicated to overcome this disease.
One of the most popular ways
to deal with depression is to
combine therapeutic methods
with medication. While work-
ing in conjunction with each
other, these can prove to be very
helpful in treating the patient
with a fairly high rate of success.
While most psychotherapy
involves minimal risk and can be
done in groups, medicines need
to be researched before anyone
begins taking them. The side
effects need to be considered as
well as personal feelings about
antidepressant medications.
There are also alternative
therapies, such as acupuncture,
yoga, hypnosis, biofeedback, aro-
matherapy, relaxation, herbal
remedies and massages, that can
alleviate or reduce some of the
stressors that lead to depression.
These forms of treatment work
very well for lower or early stage
forms of depression, but don't have
as high an impact on heavier or
stronger forms of the disorder.
With all of this information
presented, I want to point out one
more thing, realize that anyone can
get this disorder Just look at Terry
Bradshaw (1970s football player)
and Brooke Shields (actress) who
have brought these disorders to the
forefront in recent years.
With combinations of treat-
ment with medicines and therapy,
much can be done to get people
through their depression, even
if crazy voodoo people like Tom
Cruise don't think so.
This writer can be reached at
It is time to honor the best of our
home grown talents
This Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 and SO, ECU
will be hosting its third literary homecoming, which will
celebrate North Carolina inspired works of literature.
The event is free and will be held in the Willis Building
on 300 First Street. The festivities on Saturday start
at 8:30 a.m. and end at 5 p.m and will feature Michael
Parker as the keynote speaker at 4 p.m.
At the first festival in 2004, the purpose was to
honor and thank Mr. and Mrs. B.W.C. Roberts whom
had made a large contribution to Joyner Library. That
contribution, now known as the Roberts Collection,
was a donation of more than 1,200 books the family
had collected over the years which all had ties to
North Carolina. All the writers at that event were
either from North Carolina or had written about it
and shared how the state influenced their works.
According to Maury York, the coordinator
of the event, the audience was very receptive to
the speakers in past years, "You could see that
people were relating to what the writers were
saying. It really resonated with people - with
students and others who came to the event
After the excellent reception of the 2004 event,
ECU decided to continue hosting the festival. Each
year the focus is on eastern North Carolina and writ-
ers with ties to the region. This year promises to be
just as successful as the previous two, with very inter-
esting speakers from various genres of writing.
To initiate things, William Powell will be pre-
sented with the Roberts Award for Literary Inspira-
tion on Friday evening. The library presents this
award each year to a writer whose work has signifi-
cantly influenced the literature of North Carolina.
Powell is the author of numerous articles and books
on North Carolina history, including the Encyclopedia
of North Carolina which will be published this fall.
Poet Shelby Stephenson and author Timothy Tyson
will speak in Powell's honor.
The keynote speaker, Michael Parker, teaches
creative writing and literature at UNCG and has pub-
lished many works with North Carolinian roots. He
was a big hit at the first literary homecoming, as he
is a very lively and humorous speaker who takes some
of his writing's inspiration from the essays which he
receives from his college students. York expects that
Parker will certainly be just as entertaining this year
as he was at the original literary festival.
There will be authors from various other writing
backgrounds as well. Nancy Roberts is best known
for her works pertaining to North Carolina ghost
stories and has appeared on CBS and public televi-
see LITERARY page A5
Getting out of Greenville for great food
Bellissima food
from Villagio
Venturing down the desolate
yet picturesque Highway 33 always
seems like a good idea when the
prospect of eating Chili's for
dinner one more time has you
crying into your baby back ribs.
Hop into your gold Grand
Am and take a mini road trip
to Chocowinity, five miles from
Washington. Comfcrtably perched
among the obligatory landmarks
of small town life is the charming
and cozy Villagio Cafe - a quaint
spot for Italian food.
From the outside, Villagio e
looks like a charming spot that .
promises good food in a relaxing
atmosphere. There are soft accent
lights illuminating the restaurant
to the road and outdoor benches
for an inviting effect and a place
to convene before eating.
For this culinary adventure,
I drove in the pouring rain with
three close friends after con-
stantly hearing about how superb
The main dining room at Villagio can make you feel like you are in Italy.
the food was.
I was with a regular diner of
Villagio and she navigated us to
the best section of the restaurant
with their best server. (Make sure
to ask for Susan). The walls are
decorated with Italian country
scenes along with tasteful mirrors
and accents. The tablecloths are
a golden rod yellow with paper
napkins at
One d
Villagio is
of senior
frequent t
quite ironi
diness tha
dining roc
delicious b
with oil ar
value with
While Ital
focus, the
worth mei
Sous cl
the food :
"high class
see VILLAGIO page A5


napkins adorning the table.
One distinctive trait about
Villagio is the abundant amount
of senior citizens that seem to
frequent the establishment. It is
quite ironic considering the row-
diness that could ensue from the
well-stocked bar adjacent to the
dining room.
Dinner at Villagio includes
delicious bread served throughout
with oil and balsamic vinegar for
flavoring. The entrees are a true
value with dishes starting at10.
While Italian dishes are the main
focus, the prime rib is definitely
worth mentioning.
Sous chef Zach Pierce, a recent
transplant from Iowa, describes
the food served at Villagio as
"high class In addition to having
continued from A4
two professionally trained chefs,
everything is prepared fresh.
"We serve a lot of food said
Pierce. "We serve 11 ounces of
pasta, and the average amount a
person can eat is seven ounces.
We give you more so that you can
get full and save some for later
With the primarily arranged
menu, the head chef also offers dif-
ferent specials every week. Also, if
food distributors send ingredients
that were not requested, instead of
sending them back, the chef will
concoct a unique dish simply for
the pleasure of entertaining his
patrons' taste buds.
No matter how full you get
from the pasta, do not leave Vil-
lagio without ordering dessert.
From cannoli dipped in chocolate
to raspberry sorbet garnished
with strawberries to a heavenly
chocolate cake that will take two
to finish, there is nothing more
satisfying than standing up from
a meal and finding it impossible
to walk from utter fullness.
Take it upon yourself to drive
a couple of miles for a quiet Italian
dinner. Owner Michael Buzzeo,
originally from New York, is
sure to visit your table and treat
you like family. Serving both
lunch and dinner, Villagio is
open Tuesdays through Satur-
day. For reservations call 946-
0462 or simply show up for an
outstanding meal.
This writer can be contacted at
sion in North Carolina, South
Carolina and Georgia. Barbara
Braveboy-Locklear is noted for
her storytelling which has raised
awareness of the folklore and
history of the Lumbee Indians of
Robeson County.
Representing the younger
crowd, Elisa Carbone writes juvenile
literature with Southern ties and his-
torical depictions while James Ran-
some has illustrated many notable
children's books and been given sev-
eral prestigious awards such as the
Coretta Scott King Honor Award.
Linda Beatrice Brown and Louise
continued from A4
Shivers will be speaking on behalf
of Southern women writers.
This all-day event is broken
up into hour-long blocks with a
boxed luncheon at 12:30 p.m. York
strongly encourages students
to attend saying, "It's as much
for them as anyone else and we
hope they'll take advantage of it
This event serves as a rare
opportunity for students to inter-
act with writers. York also says
that they "really do encourage
dialogue between the writers and
the audience. We want people to
feel comfortable asking questions
and making comments about
what the authors have said
If you're in need of some intel-
lectual stimulation and would like
to learn more about the state in
which you dwell, set aside a few
hours of your day this Saturday
to attend and contribute to ECU's
third literary homecoming.
For more information about
this event, visit their Web site at
or call 328-0292.
This writer can be reached at
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Student organizations
strut their stuff
On Wednesday Sept. 20, over
100 tables were set up outside
of Joyner East throughout the
"mall" displaying various types
of vendors and student organiza-
tions. This event was spearheaded
by the Student Activities Center
and Organization. Holding down
the fort from the Student Activi-
ties Center was office manager
Darlene Langley along with Alex
Davis, Ashley Almond and Angel
Parker. According to Alex Davis
there were 57 vendors and about 82
clubs and campus organizations.
The various clubs and busi-
nesses sat outside from 1 until
4 p.m. handing out free candy,
balloons, cups, T-shirts, magnets,
purple and gold popcorn and
other paraphernalia with their
specific logo. Dominos Pizza
even had a large tent set up in
the middle of the affair and was
giving away their fudge brownies,
also known as "fudgems
Program director for ECU's
radio station, WZMB 91.3, and senior
communication major Bill DiNicola
expressed his tlioughts about the event
by stating, "Anytime you can give out
free stuff, people are going to like it.
It definitely helps with publicity
A sophomore psychology
major and member of ECU's Tae
Kwon Do club Jackie Smith felt
that "Get a Clue is an awesome
event that gives us a way to reach
out to the ECU community
that we could not otherwise have
the opportunity to do
Get a Clue is a wonderful phe-
nomenon that attracts students to
clubs and organizations they would
not have normally known about.
The representation of ECU
involvement was overwhelming
as students walked to and from
class haying to make their way
through the hundreds of people
at the tables. Almost every table
had a sign up sheet for students
interested in their organization
and also had an ample number of
representatives willing to talk to
the passersbyers.
Beth Faircloth, a junior
rehabilitation studies major, is
an extremely active student on
campus. She is an RA in White
Hall, a member of Alternative
Spring Break, and involved with
Habitat for Humanity, RHA and
Pirate Pals. While representing
Pirate Pals at Get a Clue, she said,
"I have been a member of Pirate
Pals for the last two years. I have
found that a large percentage of
interest for our organizations has
come from Get a Clue. It is a great
event extending opportunities to
students, which they may not have
sought out on their own
Junior theatre and education
major Al Simmons was at Get a
Clue as one of the many represen-
tatives for ECU's ultimate frisbee
team. He said, "This is a good
organization to allow freshmen
to find friends
Get a Clue allowed students
to see almost every club ECU
provides and learn about them
as they walked to and from class.
The organizations ranged from
campus ministries to B-GLAD
and everything in between. This
event has been going on for over
12 years and will occur again this
spring. Stay tuned to the East
Carolinian for more information
about upcoming events.
This writer can be contacted at
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ECU's Inside Source
40,510 Defense holds tough despite
nounced attendance for I
27-10 loss to West Virginia
ECU's game against West
Virginia, which was the sixth
largest crowd at Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium
National ranking in takeaways
(14), defense has recorded eight
interceptions and six forced
ECU football players who
made their collegiate debuts
versus WVU, Rob Kass
(quarterback), Doug Palmer
(defensive tackle) and Nick
Johnson (linebacker) all
played for the first time
West Virginia's national rank
in rushing, the Mountaineers
are averaging S4K.7 yards per
game on the ground
School ranking in career
receptions (102) by Aundrae
Allison who tied Luke Fisher
(19SH-1991) with four catches
versus WVU
Pirate defensive backs who
recorded their first career
interceptions versus WVU,
Senior .lamar Flournoy and
Junior Travis Williams both
picked off passes
Saves recorded by sophomore
goalkeeper Amber Campbell
during 22.) minutes in two
School-record home baseball
games on the 8006-8007
schedule, which was released
on Monday
Pirate defense holds
WVU offense well below
its averages
While Skip Holtz called
Saturday's 27-10 loss to No. 4 West
Virginia "frustrating the second-
year ECU football coach saw some
bright spots on bis defense.
"Defensively, I'd give them an
A Holtz said at his post-game
press conference. "Probably the
only negative on the day was the
one big play. I talked about the
keys to this game were going to
be able to tackle in space, and I
thought they tackled in space very
well. I thought our defense played
a helluva game
The "one big play" was a (o-
yard tnss-and-catch from Patrick
White to Darius Keynaud to put
the Mountaineers (4-0) up 24-10
early in the fourth quarter. The
Jay Ross (middle) and Scotty Robinson
ECU defense allowed just one
other play of more than 18 yards
- a 23-yard completion to Reynaud
in the second quarter.
"We knew we were better
than what some of the media was
putting us out to be said senior
cornerback Kasey Ross, who hauled
in one of three ECU interceptions.
"We just came out defensively and
showed that we can compete with
anyone in the country
Virginia's star running back, soph-
omore Steve Slaton, and held him to
80 yards on 24 carries. Slaton came
in averaging 168 yards per game at
a clip of eight yards per carry. The
Mountaineers entered the game
as the nation's leading rush attack
with just under 350 yards a game
while averaging nearly seven yards
per carry. Saturday, they were
limited to 15S yards and 3.6 yards
per rush.
Holtz praised his defensive
coaches for their preparation
following the game.
"I don't know that I've ever
been around a better defensive
staff Holtz said.
Marcus Hands said the coaches
told them to stay home and
maintain their "foxholes
"We held our foxholes
the sophomore defensive end
said. "People hyped stuff up
to make it seem like we're not good,
but the only way we could prove it
to them was to do it on the field
With three interceptions
Saturday, the first inter-
ceptions thrown by White in
2006, the Pirates pushed their
NCAA-leading takeaway total
to 14 and are now plus-5 in
turnover margin.
"I can't say enough about our
safeties, Pierre Parker, Jamar
Flournoy and Kyle Chase, because
they're like an extra linebacker
back there Holtz said. "I thought
those guys played a physical, hard-
nosed, tough football game, but 1
think they also drop back really
well into their zones
Ross, Elournoy and Travis
Williams recorded the intercep-
back Steve Slaton. He finished with a
tions for the Pirates while Chase
made several open-field, solo tack-
les on Slaton.
When the Pirates got the turn-
overs, however, the offense could
not capitalize. ECU's offense,
especially the running game
and quarterback James Pinkney,
struggled. The Pirates man-
aged just 41 yards on the ground
while Pinkney had his worst day,
statistically, of the year. The
senior quarterback consistently
missed open receivers and com-
pleted just 20-of-40 passes for
247 yards with a touchdown and
an interception.
The culpability for Pinkney's
struggles can hardly be placed
solely on him. He was con-
stantly under pressure, getting
sacked on the third play of the
game. Half of ECU's rushing
yards came in the fourth quarter
with backup quarterback Rob Kass
getting 10 of those yards in the
final two minutes of the game.
Pinkney s lone interception
was not entirely his fault either.
season-low 80 yards on 24 carries.
Missing an open Phillip Henry
on the outside, Pinkney forced
a throw to a covered Aundrae
Allison. Allison had the ball go
through his hands and into the
hands of West Virginia safety Eric
Wicks. The turnover set up West
Virginia's second touchdown of the
game to take a 14-7 lead.
It wasn't all bad for Pinkney
and Allison. The two hooked
up for an electrifying 47-yard
touchdown pass in the first that
was marred by a questionable
unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
The score tied the game at 7-7, but
the questionable calls against ECU
persisted throughout the game,
including a phantom roughing
the passer penalty on Scotty Rob-
inson, an iffy-late hit call against
Quentin Cotton and a pass inter-
ference call against West Virginia
when freshman receiver Jamar
Bryant was leveled at the goal
line by WVU's Bobby Hathaway
that was waved off following an
see FOOTBALL page A7
Amount of baseball teams on
the schedule that participated
in the NCAA Tournament last
They said it
"It was a tough game ll was
hot, it was a hostile environ-
ment and ECU played hard It
was a pretty good gut check for
our guys and we expected that
comin in. We're happy we won
and we got some things to clean
up better at but a win is a win
You've got to give "ECU
credit. They did a tremendous
job of tackling This is probably
the best tackling job a defense
has done against us so far
-Rich Rodriguez, IIT I'Head
( iuii h
"I'm glad we have a bye week.
We have to go back to the draw-
ing board and improve on some
things but I'm proud of this
team and they're going to stick
together and there's no quit in
tins team The comments in the
locker room were still positive
and they want to improve and
bounce back "
-Skip Holtz, ECU Head Coach
"The Achilles heel to this game
was we couldn't run the foot-
ball said Holtz. "Why? I can't
tell you right now. If we can't
get the running game going,
then we gonna have to start
winning 10-3 because were
not gonna win many gamesjust
putting the quarterback back
there when everybody knows
he's gonna be back there and
have him take the type of shots
he's been taking. We just can't
do it
-Skip Holtz, ECU Head Coach
Volleyball coach questions team s heart
after being swept by Tulane, UTEP
Pirates still searching
for first conference win
The ECU volleyball team was
swept in two separate conference
matches over the weekend. The
Pirates dropped three consecutive
games at Tulane on Friday and at
home to UTEP on Sunday.
After building momentum
early in the season, the Green
Wave quickly humbled the Pirates.
Tulane won three straight games by
scores of 30-23, 30-20 and 30-25.
Tulane improved to .500 on the
season alter recording their first
C-USA of the season.
Kelley Wernert led the Pirates
against Tulane with 12 kills and
four digs. Sophomore Trish
Monroe recorded a team-high nine
digs while junior outside hitter
Mignon Dubenion tallied four
blocks Freshman outside hitter
Stephanie Turner notched seven
digs and five kills.
Heidi Krug. the school's all-
time assist leader played in only
two games and recorded a season-
low eight assists Fellow senior
Jamie Bevan played in only two
games and record four kills.
Tulane's Ksenija Vlaskovic
paced the Green Wave with 11
kills and six digs while Bridget
Wells had 10 digs as well. Tulane
had 80 more kills than 54-34 and
five more digs,
ECU lost to UTEP in a disap-
pointing three-straight match loss on
Sunday The Miners won 32-30,30-
23 and 50-88. With the win, UTEP
mi rved 5-10overall while the Pirates
fell to 9-8 and winless in C-USA.
Women's soccer
splits on road trip
Sophomore co-captain Trish Monroe
Junior outside hitters Wernert
and Dubenion paced the Pirates
with 14 kills each. Wernert also
recorded a double-double with
10 digs. Monroe had 17 digs on
the match, while Dubenion tal-
lied four blocks. Krug recorded
53 of the Pirates' 54 assists in the
losing effort
ECU had better hitting per-
centages in game one and three and
also had recorded more kills 58-50.
After the loss on Sunday.
Head Coach Chris Rushing was
extremely disappointed
"We have to find a way to win
Rushing said. "We have a couple
people on the team with a lot of
heart, but you need more than
a couple. I don't think our team
is playing together right now
leads the team in digs with 192.
It was the first time since Sept
30 and Oct. 2 of last season that
ECU has been swept in back-to-
back matches.
"Hopefully a positive that will
come out of this is that our team
is tired of losing those matches
you shouldn't lose, and wake up
and realize that you should win
those and come out strong in the
next match. All that we can do
right now is look forward to the
next match
The Pirates will continue con-
ference play by traveling to face off
with SMU (10-6, 1-2 C-USA) on
Friday on Sept. 29 and first-place
Tulsa( 16-3, 3-0 C-USA) on Oct. 1.
This writer can be reached at
Lady Pirates
preparing for
conference play
The women's soccer team
won a double overtime thriller
at Furnian on Friday and backed
that up with a scoreless tie at
Francis Marion on Sunday.
After playing the Paladins
to a scoreless first half, Furnian
managed to take the lead when
junior Anna Betton tapped a
shot past sophomore goalkeeper
Amber Campbell. The Pirates
struck back with a sliding goal
by freshman Jessica Swanson.
Freshman forward Kelley Light-
foot was credited with the assist
Swanson's second goal of the
season now puts her second
on the team with six points.
At the end of regulation, the
game remained scoreless. Neither
team could score in the first
overtime period. However, with
five minutes left in the second
overtime, freshman forward Amy
Szilard scored the game-winner
by drilling a long range shot past
the Paladins' goalkeeper.
"We had some people playing
out of position said ECU Head
Coach Donnenwirth. "We played a
4-4-2 most of the game and really
couldn't generate much attack
ECU is 1-1 in overtime play
after losing earlier in the season
to Old Dominion.
The Pirates are missing some
key players due to injury. Senior
midfielder Rachel Hils suffered
her second injury of the season
against Penn ort Sept. 17. Also
missing from the game was fresh-
man Sarah Kirkley. She leads the
team in points with eight points
despite missing both games.
The Pirates continued the
South Carolina road trip by tying
Francis Marion 0-0. After being
out shot in the game 13-11, the
Pirates mustered five of the seven
shots during the overtime period.
Francis Marion did not record a
shot in either overtime. It was
the Patriots' third consecutive
scoreless tie.
"They have been a thorn in
everyone's side this year Don-
nenwirth said. "I really don't feel
we competed well. This was a big
game for Francis Marion
Campbell saved 13 of 14 shots
in 225 minutes of play in the two
games. She now ranks fourth in
Conference USA in goals against
average per game (0.81).
At the midpoint in the season
the Pirates have their first win-
ning record since 2003 head-
ing into conference play. They
finished that season .500 with a
3-4-3 record inside C-USA.
With conference play on the
horizon, ECU has some stiff
competition to deal with.
The Pirates open the confer-
ence race against Memphis. The
Tigers have an overall record of
5-5-1. Led by seventh year Head
Coach Brooks Monaghan, Mem-
phis finished 12-7 in 2005. Mem-
phis recently recorded a scoreless

3 be
see SOCCER page A7

continued from A6
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officials conference.
The officiating clearly both-
ered Holtz after the game, but he
would not comment on the topic
following the game.
"The penalties, I'm not even
gonna comment on Holtz said.
The story of the game for the
Pirates, however, was their defense.
"It was a battle up front Holtz
said. "They have a great offensive
line, hut the way our defensive line
is improving, the intensity and
the enthusiasm our defensive staff
coaches with, I think they have a
chance to be an excellent defensive
football team. We've made unbe-
lievable strides in the last year as
a defensive football team
ECU entered the game
ranked 108 out of 117 in rush
defense, a statistic somewhat
skewed by the season-open-
ing loss to Navy where the
Pirates gave up 403 yards on
the ground as the Midshipmen
attempted just six passes.
Saturday, the Pirates snapped
West Virginia's six-game streak
of 300-yard rushing games dating
back to last year.
"We played our defense
Holtz. said. "Playing Navy really
helped us in this game because of
what they do. They run the zone
wide one way and they run the
option the other way and do a nice
job of making you defend the field
from one sideline to the other
The Pirates went to a spread
offense of their own, but not by
choice as the lack of a running
game forced pass-dominated
"We started saying. Look,
we can't run it, what do you we
got to do to move it?" Holtz
said. "Let's keep spreading it
out. The only thing we've had
any success in is spreading them
out and let James pick his holes
The Pirates did start moving
the ball, but came away empty
twice in the red zone. The first
came in the third quarter.
Following a Pinkney
completion to Kevin Roach for
a first-down to the WVU 22,
Pinkney scrambled for another
first down but fumbled as he was
hit and the Mountaineers took
over at their own 12.
"It's an effort mistake on
James Holtz said. "You get
down there, you turn the
ball over. He's stumbling, trying
to run with it, but we've got to do
a better job of protecting the ball
The second time was in
the fourth as the waved-off
pass interference penalty led
to two more incompletions by
Pinkney. Holtz took the blame for
the offensive struggles, especially
in the red zone.
"It's hard when you can't run
the ball to get down there inside
the 20-yard line and keep throw-
ing it Holtz said. "You run out
of space. I'll take the blame. At
some point, we gotta start being
able to run the football
Ross said he wasn't frustrated
at the offense's inability to capi-
talize on turnovers.
"It's a team game Ross said.
"If our offense is only going to
score 10 points, then we can't give
up more than nine
Holtz could sympathize for
the defense.
"Our poor defense was
just competing their tails off
and I think West Virginia
started, first half, average field
position had to be midfield
Holtz said. "Every time they
go out, they got a short
field behind them. I think
that's unfair
The Pirates have two weeks to
prepare for their next game Oct.
7 against Virginia and Holtz said
they will use the bye week to get
some players healthy and continue
to improve.
"I think our players are
starting to understand the defense
and how they fit in it Holtz said.
"When everybody holds in their
gap with a foxhole mentality,
that's when you have a chance to
be successful. I think that's what
they're starting to understand
This writer can be contacted at
continued from A6
tie against Missouri State. The
Tigers are led by 2005 C-USA
offensive player of the year, and
first-team all C-USA selection
Shoko Mikami. Memphis has
beat Mississippi State, but has
lost to Arkansas, Alabama and
Ole Miss.
The Pirates have never
beaten Memphis in three tries.
ECU last played Memphis in
2004, which was a 2-1 overtime
loss at Bunting Field.
"They have some firepower
Donnenwirth said, "We can't let
them get in a rhythm. We have to
defend the midfield. Our team is
best when we defend well
ECU will follow the Mem-
phis contest with an away game
at UAB. The Blazers are 4-6 on
the year with losses to Clemson,
Vanderbilt and Duke.
The Blazers are led by Junior
Jill Porto who was a first team
all-conference selection in 2005.
Tenth year head coach Paul
Harbin heads up the Blazers pro-
gram. UAB finished 8-10-1 last
season, but 2005 C-USA fresh-
man of the year Nasra Abdullah
is no longer with the team.
"Jill Porto is possibly the
best forward in the conference
Donnenwirth said, "She can take
over a game at times
The Pirates are .500 at home,
but have a winning record of 4-
2-1 on the road.
This writer can be contacted at
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The East Carolinian, September 26, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 26, 2006
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