The East Carolinian, September 19, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

With the new Nike
contract, ECU sports
apparel has never
looked better.
For the full story, turn
toPage A4
Stress can plague
even the best college
student. Learn how to
copePage A4
Aundrae Allison
scored the decisive
touchdown in the
fourth quarter as ECU
stormed back with 28
unanswered points
to down Memphis.
Check out our football
recapPage A6
Former ECU Head
Coach Steve Logan
has found a new
calling since resigning
following the 2002
season. Find out what
the winningest coach
in ECU history is
doingPage A6
7 3 5 18 45 1 4 6 9 29 2 6 7 3 8
6 928 3 71 5 4
4 8 6 1 7 3 297 5 3 9 2 8 4 6 12 1 9 6 4,5 3 8 7
9 4 1 8 2 73 7 5 1 4 68 6 2 5 9 3 4 7 1
3 6 52 8 9
Test your skills at
SuDoKuPage A8
Get A Clue!
The organizational fair,
which was rescheduled
due to rain, will be held
on the Mendenhall
Brickyard from 1 - 4
p.mPage A2
ECU graduates attempt to 'be a
voice of reason, a voice of peace'
Students organize a
fundraising walk to
help children in Africa
Ttoo recent graduates of ECU,
Neil Klinedinst and Kenneth
Taylor, are organizing a 4.5 mile
walk called the Gulu Walk to help
raise money for children in north-
ern Uganda.
At night, children in northern
Uganda walk for miles from their
towns to Gulu and other cities to
avoid being abducted by the Lord's
Resistance Army, or the LRA,
according to Klinedinst.
Being raped, abused, murdered
or forced to abduct and kill other
children are some of the other fac-
tors of abduction these children
try to avoid.
The 20 year old conflict in
Uganda exists because of the divi-
sion of governments that sparked
during British colonial rule, accord-
ing to
According to,
about 30,000 children whose aver-
age age is 13 have been kidnapped.
Conditions are so terrible that
many of the children have been forced
to kill members of their own family.
The LRA was established in
1986 and is a driving force in the
competition between north and
south Uganda for power.
The original creators of the
GuluWalk are Adrian Bradbury
and Kieran Hayward, who began
this program in spring of 2005.
The Gulu Walk is partnered
with four children's programs in
northern Uganda to which they
will directly contribute 75 percent
of the donations.
The four programs are Health
for Night Commuters, Youth Com-
munity Peacebuilding Initiative,
Youth Advisory Board and Girls
Education Initiative.
The worldwide goal for the
organization is to get 10,000 people
to raise $100 each for a total of $1
Celebrities, like Steve Nash and
Sarah McLachlan, are some of the
people who have supported this
effort thus far.
Klinedinst and Taylor set their
goal at $20,000 and have been
working on strategies to get their
goal accomplished since May
Their motto for the event,
which they hope will encourage
more people to get involved, is,
"Be a voice of reason, a voice of
peace The worldwide motto for
GuluWalk is, "Are you a reason
for hope?"
Preparation for the event that
they have gone through so far
includes contacting the local med ia,
creating information pages on
Facebook and MySpace, contact-
ing department heads on campus
and seeking support from various
student organizations.
They have also done an inter-
view with Channel 12 for the
community spotlight and will do
another interview with NBC for
Early Sunshine sometime in the
upcoming weeks.
A screening of Uganda Rising
was shown in Hendrix Theater
in Mendenhall Student Center on
Sept. 11 to increase awareness of the
situation in Uganda. An additional
screening is planned to occur closer
to the time of the event.
Only minor costs have
been required, including
money for paper to print out
flyers to publicize the event.
This is the first attempt by
Klinedinst and Taylor to plan a
major fundraising event without
the help of others.
The decision to plan the
walk was completely voluntary
for both students after research-
ing the conditions of resi-
dents in this region of Africa.
Klinedinst said he developed
interest in learning about the conflict
in Uganda his freshman year at ECU.
see AFRICA page A2
The forum will combine the resources, enterprise and networks of the NCBA.
2007 Economic Forecast
Forum to feature eastern
North Carolina's best
A panel of speakers
will discuss economic
On Jan. 2 at 11 a.m the 2007
Economic Forecast Form will
speak at the Sheraton Impe-
rial RTP in Raleigh, N.C. The
board and staff of the Foundation
of Renewal for Eastern North
Carolina has been
invited to attend the
special session on eastern North
The 2007 Economic Fore-
cast Forum is the state's premier
economic update event and com-
bines the resources, expertise and
networks of the North Carolina
Banker's Association and North
Carolina Citizens for Business
and Industry. Featured speak-
ers include John Allison, chair-
man and CEO, BB&T, Knight
Kiplinger, editor in chief, The
Kiplinger Letter, Kiplinger's Per-
sonal Finance Magazine, and, Richard
Moore, the North Carolina trea-
surer, and Harry Davis, economist
Rosemary Wyche, vice presi-
dent of development of the NCCBI,
said, "It is the most important and
highly anticipated economic fore-
cast held in the state, that draws
the business leaders from all parts
of North Carolina
FoR ENC President Phillip
Home said, "FoR ENC is honored
to be invited to participate in
such an important event hosted
by these two distinguished orga-
nizations. The North Carolina
Banker's Association and North
Carolina Citizens for Business
and Industry are leaders among
organization that make our state
one of the best environments in
the nation for business. We're
truly honored to be invited to
participate in the 2007 Economic
Forecast Forum. Over the past
year, FoR ENC has been lauded
by the Federal Reserve Bank and
the UNC School of Government
for leadership in entrepreneurial
development. Today, we're very
proud to be recognized by the NC
Bankers Association and NCCBI,
and we're grateful that they, and
leaders across the region and
state, are focusing on developing
new strategies for renewing the
economic fortunes of the east
This writer can be contacted at
ECU celebrates first ever
World Community Day
The university will hold its first ever international cultural fair inside Mendenhall Great room three from 2-5 p.m
The days of sleeping in on a rainy days are over for construction students.
Construction management
cracking down on absences
New policy aimed at
increasing student
Cultural exploration
event today in
ECU's first World Community
Day celebration, an interactive
international fair for students,
takes place today in Mendenhall
Great Room number three from
2-5 p.m.
The fair was originally sched-
uled to take place outside on the
Mendenhall Brickyard, but has
been moved indoors because of the
possibility of inclement weather.
Students will be able to begin
their adventure by having their
picture taken for an event pass-
port at the registrationpassport
table, which they can use to collect
stamps at various booths repre-
senting different countries.
The "itinerary" includes pos-
sible visits to booths from China,
India, Sudan, Mexico, Morocco,
Peru and the United States, and
cultural activities like eating
sushi, writing Chinese calligraphy,
making beaded jewelry and talking
to students in Morocco or Peru via
a live global classroom video link.
Carol Woodruff, director of
co-curricular programming for
Student Development, said this
international fair is different from
multicultural events held in the
past because every major country
represented will have some sort of
activity relating to the country's
culture for students to engage in.
Students will also have the
opportunity to enjoy music and
dance performances from around
the world. A dance performance
from the Philippines will take
place at 2:20 p.m followed by
Taiko Drummers at 2:40 p.m
and an Indian dance performance
at 3:40 p.m.
The Gospel Choir will perform
at 4 p.m followed by a Salsa dance
performance at 4:40 p.m.
Representatives from the ECU
Asian Student Association, ECU
SALSA, the Black Student Union,
ECU NAACP, the Model United
Nations, ECU African Students
organization, ECU Peace and
Justice Group, Sigma Gamma Rho,
ECU Girl Scouts, the Unitarian
Univeralist Campus Ministry, the
Newman Center, Student Union,
Swedish Students, the Interna-
tional Student Association and the
ECU Gospel Choir will be present
at the event.
Non-student groups such as
the World Affairs Council, Habitat
for Humanity and Heifer Interna-
tional will also be present.
After visiting and learning
about all the different countries
represented at the fair, students
can present their stamped pass-
ports at the U.S. Customs area to
qualify them for a free long-sleeved
World Community Day T-shirt
and other prizes.
The passport's final page also
includes a list of questions and reflec-
tions about students' experiences at
the event and how those experi-
ences have shaped their world view.
"It is important for ECU stu-
dents to recognize their role as
global citizens said Woodruff.
This writer can be contacted at
The construction management
department of ECU has imple-
mented a new set of guidelines
for student absences this school
The new policy will be
aimed at reducing student
absences in an attempt to boost
student performance and
Though seemingly strict and
heavy-handed to some, the pro-
fessors are envisioning the new
policy as beneficial to both them-
selves and the students who are
enrolled in the courses.
"There are a lot of group
projects in construction said
Dr. Doug Kruger, chair of the
Construction Management
department, "and, it's not fair
to other students who are in
groups, and individuals who
do not show up need to suffer
"I believe what you will
eventually see is that the students
will perform better said Kruger.
The policy is targeted at those
students with the mentality that
they should be able to come to
class when they want to come and
expect to be taught what they
missed when they return to the
Before implementation, the
construction management hoard
as a whole, including (acuity dis-
cussed the measure in its entirety
and agreed upon it.
According to the atten-
dance policy, "Active student
participation is sought in all
construction management
courses. In order to support this
objective, attendance is para-
mount for academic success and
reinforces the value of student
- faculty and student - student
Some students are indifferent
to the new policy and some actu-
ally see it as beneficial.
"Though a bit rough, I think
the new policy might actually help
grades quite a bit said Arniand
Vonsiatsky, a senior construction
management major.
If a student misses less than
75 percent of all course meetings,
see ABSENCES page A2

Campus & Community
Volunteer for Habitat for
Humanity on Friday, Sept. 15
3 - 5p.m. at Mendenhall brickyard
Volunteer Fridays to benefit
Habitat for Humanity of ECU
will hold three Volunteer
Fridays this fall to increase
student awareness of volunteer
opportunities in the community.
The theme of the project is
"Houses to Homes Student
volunteers will help construct
and paint birdhouses.
Completed birdhouses will be
sold to raise money for the ECU
Chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
More information can be
found at volunteerOecu.
edu or call 328-2735.
ECU'S Third Eastern Literary
Homecoming on Friday, Sept. 29
8:30 a.m5 p.m. at ECU'S Willis
Building, Firstand Reade Streets.
The J.Y. Joyner Library at ECU
will host the Third Eastern North
Carolina Literary Homecoming.
The free event will feature
authors who have written
about eastern North Carolina.
Saturday's Featured authors
include: Michael Parker, Nancy
Roberts, Barbara Braveboy-
Locklear, Elisa Carbone, James
Ransome, Louise Shivers
and Linda Beatrice Brown.
Sponsored by the North
Carolina Humanities Council
and the North Carolinian
Society. A Friday night
reception will honor historian
William S. Powell at 7:30 p.m.
ECULoessin Playhouse
Presents: "Chicago"
Oct. 5 - 10
Based on the play "Chicago"
by Maurine Dallas Watkins.
When two murderesses have
been jailed, they compete for
the attention of the press and
their lawyer. Add to this a cast of
characters and a dazzling score,
you have "Chicago" and "All
That Jazz with music by Jon
Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb.
"Hedda Gabler Nov. 16 - 21
Employing methods that
virtually defined the modern
psychological drama, this
masterpiece reveals the
conflicts and emotions that
lie below the surface of daily
life. Was it murder or suicide?
Originally by Henrik Ibsen, the
adaptation is being presented
by Christopher Hampton.
Gray Gallery Alumni Exhibition
The Wellington B. Gray Gallery
will host the 2006 Alumni
Exhibition, "Bringing it All
Back Home The exhibition is
scheduled for Sept. 6 and will
continue to run through Oct.
7. This also becomes an early
kickoff for the ECU centennial
celebration. Students past and
present are invited, as well as the
public. Questions and concerns
can be directed to Susan
Nicholls at
or Gina Cox at
Study Abroad Information
Wednesday, Sept. 27 from
3 - 5 p.m. in Bate 1032.
Have you always wanted to
study abroad, but you are not
sure where to start? Then come
to the Study Abroad Information
Session where all of your
questions about participating
in an ECU sponsored study
abroad program will be
answered. Refreshments will
be served. Open to the public.
For more information, contact
Brandi Dudley,
or visit ecu.eduintlaffairs.
19uie 21 Wed 21t(iu 22Fri 2C Sat 24
Wrffleball League Reg-
Registration taken on a
first come, first serve
Student Recreational
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
'World Community
Day Celebration
Mendenhall Brickyard
2 - 5 p.m.
Women's Volleyball
Williams Arena at
Minges Coliseum
7 p.m.
Informational session:
What Does it Mean to
be a Leader?
Jarvis Hall Lobby
7 p.m.
Third Annual Health
Majors Fair
Wright Plaza
10:30 a.m.
Get A Clue!
Mendenhall Brickyard
1 -4 p.m.
(Check in is at 12
Performance by All
2:30 p.m.
Pirate Underground,
Student Activities Fund
Office Workshop
"How Do I Travel Using
Student Fee Dollars?"
Mendenhall, room
3 p.m.
Hispanic Film Series:
Balseros (Cuban Raf-
English subtitles. May
include adult content.
Discussions to follow
each film
5:30 p.m.
Bate 2011
Catawba College critter walks are a
handson education
(AP) After leaving Catawba
College's Center for the Envi-
ronment Saturday morning, the
entourage descended the path
through the trees to the base of the
hill, led by eager youngsters ready
to pounce on just about anything
that moved.
With that simple warning,
she released the youngsters to
And 6-year-old Ava Holtzman
made the first discovery of the
A spotted salamander. A baby,
about 3 inches long, with a line
of yellow spots painted along its
"I want to hold it one boy
As she placed the juvenile
salamander back under its log,
Varkas saw another child siand on
a log nearby.
"Don't step on the log she
cautioned. "That's somebody's
And so it went Saturday morn-
ing at another Creepy Crawly
Walk co-sponsored by Catawba's
Environmental Studies Depart-
ment and the LandTrust for Cen-
tral North Carolina.
Varkas can only hope that her
young students absorb a knowl-
edge and caring for the environ-
ment like the local salamanders
absorb, and test, our air.
Text message led to kidnapped girl's
(AP) A text message sent
by a kidnapped 14-year-old girl
to her mother led to the teen's
rescue Saturday, when police found
her in a hand-dug, booby-trapped
Elizabeth Shoafs message also
led investigators to name a suspect
in the Sept. 6 abduction.
By later on in the evening on
Saturday, police were searching
for 37-year-old Vinson Filyaw in
the densely wooded area where
the girl was found, said Kershaw
County Sheriff Steve McCaskill.
"He dug this pit and this child
was in this pit McCaskill said.
"He is linked to her disappearance,
and he's got to answer for that
continued from Al
His interest escalated after the
opportunity to visit with two fami-
lies from Uganda whose children
needed heart surgery.
Klinedinst decided that he
wanted to move to Africa and become
a teacher there so he began to send
out e-mails to anyone who could give
him more information about Uganda.
While sending out e-mails, Kline-
dinst ran across the GuluWalk Web site
and decided to plan one in Greenville.
The last steps in making this
event a success is getting business
sponsorship and getting students and
Greenville citizens to participate in
the walk or donate money to the effort.
The walk is scheduled to occur on
Oct. '28 at 9:30 a.m. at the Town Com-
mons and will end on campus. Tony
Moore, former state senator, will be the
political guest speaker for the event.
To make a donation online, visit
To find out more about the
actual walk, visit http:groups.
myspace.comguluwalk, or
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarol in ian .com.
continued from Al
they will not receive credit for
the class.
The length of the class influ-
ences the percentage deducted
from the students final grade. Tor a
50 minute class there is a 2 percent
deduction, for a 75 minute class a
S percent deduction.
Construction labs work in the
same fashion depending on the
time of the class.
The policy also allows profes-
sors to 'implement more stringent'
attributes to their attendance
This writer can be reached at
The ECU Newman Catholic Student Center
invites you to our Annual Pig Pickin'
Wednesday Sept. 20th
From 6PM to 8PM
at Newman Catholic Student Center
953 E 10th St.
(3 bldgs east of Brewster BIdg)
For questions call 252.757.1991
Freeboot Friday
Performing this week:
The Dick Knight
Express (Rhythm and
5 - 8 p.m.
Corner of Sixth and
Evans Streets
Contra Dance
Sponsored by Folk
Arts Society of
Greenville, ECU Folk
6 Country Dancers
7:30 p.m. lesson
8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Willis Building, First
& Reade Streets
Pirate Club Weekend
7 p.m.
Dowdy-Ficklen Sta-
Women's Volleyball
Williams Arena
Minges Coliseum
1 p.m.
Sexual Assault
Awareness Week begins
Take Back the Night
6:30 p.m.
College Hill
Featured Event:
World Community Day
World Community Day is an interactive international fair that will
introduce students to various world cultures and acquaint them with
the many international resources available on campus. ECU students
to link up and talk directly to university students in Peru and Morocco
via the ECU global classroom. Other features will include authentic
cuisine, informational activities, live performances and more. The core
countries that will be explored at the event are Japan, India, Mexico,
Sudan, China, the United States, Morocco and Peru. Visit ecueducs-
studentlifeStudentDevelopmentWorld-Community-Day.cfm for more
McCaskill said the girl
appeared to be unharmed but was
taken to a hospital for evaluation.
Police said they had not inter-
viewed her, saying they would
leave her alone until she's ready
to talk.
"When deputies came to serve
the warrant, he was able to escape,
going under the mattress, going
under the trailer and hiding and
eluding the arrest McCaskill
Kenneth Hinson of Hartsville
is charged with kidnapping two
17-year-old girls March 14 and
taking them to a closet-sized dun-
geon behind his home. Authorities
say the girls managed to free
themselves and walk to safety,
and Hinson was captured after a
fourday manhunt.
Weird News
E. coli outbreak traced to spinach sold
in 20 states
(KMTR) If you've got a bag
of fresh spinach in your refrigera-
tor, don't eat it. It could make you
very sick or even kill you.
Health officials say raw, pack-
aged spinach is likely the source
of an E. coli outbreak that has
killed at least one person and made
dozens of other people sick.
Cases have been reported in 20
states, including Oregon.
Oregon State health officials
say E. coli traced to bagged spin-
ach has sickened five people in
An epidemiologist for the
Oregon Department of Human
Services says the five confirmed
patients were females that ranged
in age from eight to 62.
Two of the cases were in
Benton County and the others
were in Linn, Marion and Mult-
nomah counties.
Amy Philpott of the United
Fresh Produce Association says
her industry is "very concerned"
and taking the outbreak "very
E. coli causes diarrhea, often
Most healthy adults can recover
completely within a week.
However, some people, par-
ticularly the very young and the
very old, can develop a form of
kidney failure that often leads to
Health officials have linked
the outbreak to washed, packaged
So far, it's come from spinach
packed by Natural Selection Food
of California and under different,
numerous brands.
Jealous nun attacks priest
A jealous nun allegedly
torched a priest's home in Sicily
and threatened to kill him after
allegedly finding him in bed with
another woman, police say.
Sister Silvia Gomes De Sousa,
39, was accused of attacking the
Rev. Carmelo Mantarro, 70, at
his home in the sleepy village of
Roccalumera, the London Mirror
She was charged with arson
and making threats to kill.
"I just flipped when I came
to the house and found him in
bed with another woman who is
married De Sousa, who is also
Carmelo's cleaner, said in the
Mirror report.
She was freed on bail.
World Commuriity Day
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
MSC Brickyard 2-5pm
There's no place like home, it's true, but there's a great big world out
there, and the more you know about it, the better. Take a whirlwind trip
around the world at ECU's first World Community Day and immerse
yourself in the culture of these countries. Eat raw fish, if you dare, learn
how to write your name in Chinese calligraphy, speak to college students
in Morocco and Peru with a live hook-up, pick up mementos from your
travels, and much more. For more information please call the Office of
Student Development at 328-9928.
Free Food
Free Long Sleeved T-shirts to first 400 students

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Pirate Rants overload
Fall TV Great
Escape from
It seems like it is too early in the semester
to be spreading yourself too thin. You are
trying to figure out how to balance two jobs,
16 semester hours, a boyfriendgirlfriend, your
family, your friends and your health. There
never seems to be any time for yourself because
you are constantly doing things to make other
people happy.
Finally the TV is a reasonable solution to
your stress problem. What better stress relief
for the too busy college student than your
favorite TV shows? Have you ever planned
your Tuesday night around "NipTuck" at 10
p.m. because you had been looking forward to
it since 10:59 p.m. the previous Tuesday? What
about the "Grey's Anatomy" and "Desperate
Housewives" premieres? Don't lie to yourselves
guys, you know you watch them too.
What about NFL football on Sunday and
Monday? What better reward can there be
than working a 12-hour shift and going home
to see your favorite team slaughter their rival
When we were younger, our parents used
TV as a reward for doing so many different
things. Finishing your homework, baby-sit-
ting a younger sibling, doing your chores
on time or getting a good grade In many
households these great acts were commended
by letting you watch just one more episode of
"The Simpson's "90210 "Dawson's Creek" or
"Salute Your Shorts in your younger years.
Why not use that same philosophy now?
We all have too much to do but it can all
be managed with the proper planning and a
great motivator. Try using TV as a goal. If you
study for that Biology test for two hours, you
can watch the new "Survivor" that is divided
by race before you finish cramming.
Next time you can sense a stressful week
coming, try planning it out day by day and
deciding what has to happen and what can wait.
If watching the first episode of "Desperate
Housewives" is a priority for you, plan around
it. Washing your car can probably wait a few
days, whereas studying for a test in a six hour
class cannot wait. Make time for what is impor-
tant: Your sanity. If it happens to be achieved
by sitting down with your drink of choice and
watching a baseball game, so be it.
Make some time for yourself, ECU. Col-
lege will be over before you know it and you
don't want to look back on your days here
thinking about how stressed you were all
the time. Get a group of friends together and
enjoy each other, not to mention this fall's
incredible TV line-up.
A few things
I just don t
Entertaining fodder from the front
lines of stupidity
Yes ladies and gents it is time to point out which
people have been dropping steaming piles of intel-
ligence on the world recently. We are going to begin
with a venture into the vast puddle of critical think-
ing brought to us by entertainment personalities.
Paris Hilton got into some trouble for driving while
intoxicated recently. This doesn't really surprise me, as
I am still puzzled by the fact that this lady has enough
brain cells to walk upright. Listen guys, anyone can get
a DUI, but if you are a famous person the microscope
is always on you, I believe even she is aware of that.
She was pulled over for driving erratically to
In and Out Burger before being issued the fun field
sobriety test when pulled over. Well, I have seen this
young lady and maybe it was her funky eye that was
doing the driving that night while her "good" eye
was trying to sober up? Either way, I hardly recog-
nized her not being within four inches of a bed and
a green-lit aura emphasizing her acting.
I recently saw rapper Paul Wall in a new video
featuring Brooke Hogan. First off, I can't believe she
is related to the wrestler, she is so pretty. Anyway, I
noticed Wall's signature teeth shinning bright from
ear to ear. Does this man know he looks like the tin
man just crapped in his mouth? Can someone please
get this man a towel and maybe some turpentine and
the tin man some toilet paper and maybe a cork?
Although 1 think the song is terrible, I do actu-
ally like some of his music. I'm just saying, he has a
very comical look to him, but he does also seem to
have a good sense of humor about it all.
Now to some random questions I have been wonder-
ing about: Does anyone really care about seeing Tom
Cruise and Katie Holmes kid? It would seem to me the
authorities might need to eventually take this kid away.
Why are there always 4 million commercials for
tampons and old people pampers at dinner time?
What ever happened to the walking chemical lab,
Eminem? I liked watching him mess things up,
threaten people, upset conservatives and generally
just be crazy he made things funny and interest-
ing. Why do all medications have side effects worse
than the actual symptoms you are suffering from?
Why do people attack the writers' articles in this
paper from behind the safety of a computer screen
and then not offer up any of their own great ideas?
Since you are willing to bash I'm guessing you think
you could do it better, so leave some constructive
stuff and maybe someone will listen.
With that I conclude my observations for this
week. I have officially thrown my deuces upon
the table of commentary. Please feel free to post
some comments about things you would like to
hear about in the articles. If you can come up
with a great topic and make a good point, I will
speak about it even if I don't totally agree with it.
As always, be good and take care of yourselves.
Questioning the National Drinking Age
Just like any normal college student with a little
bit of free time, I found my self sitting in my room
logged on to the oh-so addictive Facebook. Given
the new stalker features that dear Facebook has
recently installed, I get the privilege of knowing
each one of my friends every waking move.
Through the "cool" new "News Feed" feature, I
saw that Facebook now gives users the opportunity
to join groups based on campaign issues that they
are supporting in the 2006 election. I came across a
campaign that one of my friends was supporting that
dealt with lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18.
Before I start, I just want to say that the reason
I am writing about this is not because I am some
crazed college student who lives for getting drunk
four nights out of the week, and has, over the years,
become best friends with the bottle of vodka that
graces their room. I am interested because I was
shocked to find out why America is one of the few coun-
tries that has such a high drinking age, and because
I think there are valid reasons for lowering the age.
The Facebook group explains that the reason
the drinking age is 21 is because of the 1984 Federal
Highway Act, which basically threatened every state
by giving them the ultimatum of either agreeing to
make and enforce the law of not being able to buy
alcohol until the age of 21, or else their federal high-
way funding would be dramatically decreased.
First of all, I think that this is completely stupid
because states are allowed, at least somewhat, to
govern themselves. If the federal government is
going to blackmail states so that they get their way,
then why even have a state government system?
The reasoning behind changing the drinking age
to 21 was to decrease alcohol related accidents and
deaths. Unfortunately, the federal government's logic
was quite wrong, and instead of decreasing the death
rate, it just shifted from ages 18-20 to 21-23 years old.
In my experience, drinking becomes "cool" during
the latter part of high school, and especially the first
few years of college. One of the big reasons why it is
such a popular past time is because it's a new thing, and
the fact that it isn't allowed makes it more thrilling.
If the drinking age was lowered to 18, by the
time kids got into their senior year of high school
or first year of college, there wouldn't be that thrill,
and the excitement would be gone.
I know what you are thinking, and I know that
there are always going to be those kids that are happy
getting drunk every night, even if they are legally
allowed to do it. For the most part, if by the time
kids get to college, they are used to alcohol, I think
that it would be used more as a chill thing, and not
so much to get totally wasted, and be intoxicated
enough to think that driving is OK.
In the United States once a person turns
18 they are able to vote, and if necessary, can
get drafted or voluntarily serve in the mili-
tary. Most would agree that if an 18-year-old
kid is old and mature enough to serve, or even
die, for our country, then they are certainly old
enough to drink a beer if the mood strikes them.
I'm pretty sure that this is an old ever-lasting
argument and changes probably won't take place
anytime soon. Facebook recommends writing to our
State Senator about the issue, but call me pessimistic,
but nothing is going to change by a bunch of college
kids begging to get the drinking age lowered.
On a lighter note, lowering the drinking age could
in fact be very beneficial to police officers, especially
those in downtown Greenville, who are probably
really tired of giving out underage drinking tickets.
To point out a more serious issue, you have to be
18 to get into a club, so if the drinking age is 18, then
cops can stop being so petty about nailing students
with drinking tickets, and go catch the drunks who
are about to kill other people by driving.
Editor in
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Features Editor
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Sports Editor
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Photo Editor
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Asst. News Editor
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Asst. Features Editor
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Head Copy Editor
Jennifer Hobbs
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, the East Carolinian prints
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members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor which are limited to 250 words (which may be
edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to
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If you had to appear before
an audience to submit your
Pirate Rants, would you all
be so obnoxious?
The whole world is enslaved
to money, especially the
U.S. The U.S. economy
works off the struggle of its
I have a peck of pears that
won't ripen. I don't enjoy
eating crunchy pears. It
makes me angry.
Why is it that every time
I am in the computer lab
in Brewster and I try to
print something out the
printers always get jammed
or broken?
I have been keeping up
on this Brody Ruckus
movement. Do you think
that the girlfriend thought
she would actually have to
go through with it?
OK, I admit it. I'm addicted
to "Project Runway
Why can't I forward my
calls from my old number
to a new number? I mean
all cell phone companies
should allow that to happen
for at least two weeks until
you tell everyone you have
changed your number.
We need more vacation
It's OK that you don't know
what is going on in class.
Really, I mean if you don't
show up how would you
know what was due over the
Why don't we discuss theatre
in a theatre appreciation
course instead of bashing
our president?
What is it with people
showing up like 15 minutes
late for class with a latte in
hand? If coffee is that much
more important to you than
being rude to the professor
then don't bother coming!
Brody Ruckus has read
the article about him in
TEC, and he said it was
I'm not a good girl but I'm
fun. Does that count?
I think it is sad that the
most read article on is
the Pirate Rants. Don't you
people care about all the
cool stuff happening on
Stop grinning at me.
I think its funny that during
family weekend the sororities
try to look like they are so
innocent and such a great
group of girls. They may be
able to fool the parents, but
they can't fool anyone else!
It's really irritating how
cute and charming you are.
Please stop, I need to be
able to feel some disdain
for you sometimes.
Yes, passing more alcohol
laws will actually stop
college kids from drinking
This isn't high school. Maybe
more people should act like
it. Enough with the drama!
I work my butt off and get
a C. The guy who sits next
to me practically sleeps
through class, doesn't do
his homework and gets an
A. Where is the justice?
That white man you saw me
with was not my probation
officer and yes I'm getting
my swirl on.
Your favorite thing about
being a little sister is not
needing a fake ID? Your
new favorite thing is going
to be VD.
If I could pull one hair out
of your head for every dumb
comment you made during
class you would be bald by
the end of the semester.
Shut up. Your question
would be answered if you
just let him get to it.
Oh you to! I slept with
my roommate's girlfriend
"Again How good does it
I smell pigskin!
Just how many personal
settings do I actually have?
And where can I go to change
them? So when I log on a
computer, it just comes on,
instead of stalling for what
seems like forever.
A frat in Kentucky got shut
down because they made
pledges get freaky with a
goat I think that says an
awful lot about frats, don't
To the girl who slept with her
roommate's boyfriend again:
Can I sleep with you, too? You
sound like just what I need.
To the guy looking for the
good single girls we don't
normally travel in packs or
having meetings or anything.
So the only thing I know to
tell you is it takes a little
effort that's why the other
girls are called "easy
You're not the teacher, so
please shut your mouth and
let the rest of us learn.
Toilets with motion detectors
are so nice! A toilet in Austin
flushed 12 times during a
five minute period today.
If you're shallow enough that
you need direction in your life
from a stupid horoscope just
drop out of college now and
start flipping burgers so that
you won't waste an admission
spot for someone else.
Warning! If this comes out
of your mouth: "I drive
better when I'm drunk
Than my fist might go into
your mouth. It also proves
that you are immature and
very ignorant of proven
Go ahead and build the
Chancellor a new house
somewhere far from campus,
we don't hardly see him
anyways so it wouldn't make
a difference.
I think I'm getting carpal
tunnel from all the notes
that my professor refuses to
post on Blackboard.
Why is it that all the snobby
arrogant brats get super
To the parking "cop" who
found my car illegally parked
in less than five minutes,
gave me a ticket and towed
my car all within an hour:
Good job Inspector Gadget,
you made my already bad
day worse. Thanks a lot.
I say we get around all this
Fifth StreetMLK Street stuff
by re-naming it Yoda Avenue.
Point of information. Just
because one sorority hazes
doesn't mean we all do, so
unless you know personally
for a fact that every sorority
hazes, then you should keep
you disparaging comments
to yourself. I don't harp
about other organizations,
so leave mine alone.
I don't know who thought of
as a crowd cheer, but the
cheer would have been a
lot better. I guess some
rich alumni Pirate Club
member thought it would be
a great ideamoney does
buy everything.
To the people walking in
groups of three or four on
the sidewalk up College
Hill who never move over,
even slightly for one person
walking the opposite
direction: Please move! It's
common decency to move
over even just a little bit so
I can get by without having
to walk on the rain-soaked
grass in flip flops.
My roommate has recently
picked up a disease known
as a girlfriend, and I feel like
I never see him anymore.
Now he just hangs out
with his girlfriend every
day. I might even halfway
understand if she was a cool
girl, but she isn't, and has
dumpish tendencies. When
will he learn that dumpy
girls are a waste of time?
Most things, I can tolerate.
But the second you whip
out your phone on the bus
and start to have a really
personal conversation two
inches away from me, I
automatically dislike you.
If your gonna drive a bus
how bout at least show up
for your route we were
all late because you didn't
show up at the library for
your route.
You're killing me with all
these phone calls. I want
nothing more than to answer
and hear your voice, but
your voice happens to be
coming from the other side
of the continent and isn't
getting any closer, ever. :l
don't know what else to do,
except attempt what you've
attempted several times
before - it's just I have the
willpower to see it through

Stash away provisions for
the future. You never know
when some kind of horrible
situation may arise and it is
always nice to be prepared.
Establish a routine and
enforce it until it becomes a habit,
this is the only way to accomplish
your goals. Once you get
this down, you and your family
will never go hungry.
Gather the facts so you
can tell the others what to
do and how to do it. Luckily,
you can learn quickly and
you're a good teacher, too. This
will not only make you a success,
put your team also.
Pay attention to what the
competition's doing. This
will give you the advantage,
as they make silly mistakes.
Be out in front, but don't be
the one who plunges over the
edge, take it slow and learn from
everyone else.
Spend a little of your recent
paycheck on something
nice for yourself. You love
living in the lap of luxury. Don't
spend the rent money on it,
unless you're upgrading
your location.
Sometimes, when things don't go
quite right, it's somebody else's
fault. Don't assume others know
what they're doing, because
sometimes they don't.
You're so cute that sometimes
people don't immediately
recognize how smart you are.
This is a good thing, of course.
Use it to your advantage.
You never have to strut or
draw attention to yourself.
In fact, just the opposite is more
often your problem. You have
magnetic powers.
Conditions are better for
doing what you already
know how to do. Leave room for
a few pleasant surprises, too, if
you've been good.
You don't have to buy everything
new, you can make a few
things yourself. Or, since
you really like old things
the best, you can buy them
second-hand. Odds of finding
good stuff are great.
Although others are quite
willing to help, you're the brains
behind the operation. Make
syre they understand their roles,
and provide applause when
they finish each part.
The next step will be more
difficult. Enlist the aid
of a partner. Get somebody
with more experience in this
particular task. Sometimes you
have to ask for a little bit of
h?lp to make things go a bit
Campus Events:
Tuesday: Sept. 19
World Community Day
Mendenhall 2 - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: Sept. 20
Get a Clue? Organization Fair
Mendenhall Brickyard 1 4
Thursday: Sept. 21
Hispanic Film Series:
Balseros (Cuban Rafters)
Bate 2011 - Time TBA
Friday: Sept. 22
Freeboot Friday
Uptown Greenville 5 - 8 p.m.
Thank You For Smoking
Wednesday 920 at 7 p.m.
Thursday 921 at 9:30 p.m.
Friday 922 at 7 p.m.
Saturday 923 at 9:30 p.m.
Sunday 924 at 7 p.m.
X-men: The Last Stand
Wednesday 920 at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday 921 at 7 p.m.
Friday 922 at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday 923 at 7 p.m.
Sunday 924 at 9:30 p.m.
Campus Scene
How well do vou deal with stress?
A few tips everyone can
use to help cope
The way you handle stress
can determine so much about
your life that it is scary. Hope-
fully you have had a stress-free
day. If not, read on, for you are
the typical college student.
Stress can manifest itself
in mental, social and physi-
cal ways. Headaches, crying,
lossgain of appetite, oversleep-
ing, sleeplessness and even
pure exhaustion are just some
of the symptoms associated
with the misman-
agement of stress.
Everyone knows what
stress is and what forms it can
take so no one needs a reminder.
I can, however, offer some sug-
gestions when it comes to stress
management. There are some
obvious answers such as
improving sleeping patterns,
eating healthier, meditation
and clearing of the mind;
but there are always more
than just a few options.
First off, think about the
situation enough to make
one valid observation: Can
I really control or change
anything in this ordeal?
Take the saying "don't
sweat the small stuff"
into account and don't
overwhelm yourself
initially. Break the
situation down into
easily manageable
parts. The "forest and
the trees" need to be kept in per-
There is also a way to deal with
stress that I personally find very
helpful; which is to try to monitor
and control the subsequent reac-
tions that you have to stress. Try
to see what your initial reaction is,
hopefully it isn't an overreaction,
and try to gauge your reaction
better the next time you are faced
with similar stress.
Another management skill is
the concept of mind over matter.
This is a pretty simple tactic
of stress management I like to
employ in order to have some
control over my life and stressful
decisions. There is no situation
you cannot overcome if you look at
it logically and take it step by step.
What is stress? Ifyou think about
it as a challenge and something
you can conquer, you may have
better luck.
Try getting away from the
stressful thoughts and feelings
that might accompany you for at
least just a few minutes a day. You
would be surprised how much this
truly helps in the long run. Try
making a goal for yourself or set
aside at least SO minutes to do
something just for you.
Too often it is human nature to
not let anything go that bothered
you a great deal. When you have
accomplished, what you need to,
don't dwell on it, just let it go.
Here are a few things not to
do in extreme cases of dealing
with stress. Don't use drugs or
alcohol, and don't lie to yourself
or completely avoid the issues to
mask your true feelings about your
displeasure with the way things
are going currently. Confront
them in any positive way you can
ifyou are able to.
Sometimes things in your life
get too heavy to control alone, and
see STRESS page A5
Not another public affair
When your relationship
is just too much
Relationships always have their ups and downs,
but when the downs become an everyday occurrence,
that is a sign that something is wrong. Ifyou have
been together for a long time then you will usually try
to make things work even when they don't.
Say you've been up all night crying over a fight
with your boyfriendgirlfriend. Your eyes are all puffy
and your mind is anywhere except schoolwork. You are
emotionally and physically exhausted because you did
not get much sleep and this is becoming a regular thing.
You think you are in love, but it is really more stress
than you can handle. What do you do? People get stuck
in their comfort zone, and no matter how stressful or
crazy the relationship gets, they try to stay and fix it.
"You are torn because you know that you still
love them, but you know that there is no way to make
things really work. You feel tempted to keep things
going because you care about them so much you do
not want to lose them, especially as a friend. You do
not want to go through the whole break up thing and
break their heart, but you are just not happy anymore
said Cat Stallings, junior English major.
How about this scenario: For the past month or so,
you and your significant other have been getting in
arguments every day. Whether it is over big or small
things, they are still annoying and tense, which really
puts a burden on both people. Sometimes there are dif-
ferences that cannot be overlooked and some people are
just not meant to be together, so how do you know?
"Love is not easy, but it should never be that hard
says John Stallings, freshman biology major.
When you are the person in the relationship, it
is really difficult to admit that there's a big problem.
Everyone else can tell that you are unhappy with
the way things are going and your friends are really
worried about the both of you.
"I had a friend who was obsessed over a girl and
it lasted for months. Finally I was just like, please get
over her, and he blew up at me. He did not talk to me
for weeks, but finally he came to his senses and got
over her. I could not believe that he acted like that
said Luke Rayson, freshman, communication major.
When you are the person who is in the relationship
When you are constantly upset with your.significant
other like the people shown above, it may be too late.
with all the problems, it is really hard to see what is really
going on. Many people who have an unhealthy relation-
ship would not necessarily think that they are in one.
Where to draw the line is up to the individual
couple. A few years together is much more difficult
than just a few months. It is best to end the relation-
ship whenever you notice that you are not happy any
more. I know that may sound selfish, but what is the
point of being in a relationship if both of you are not
happy? Do what is right for you and your partner.
Ending the relationship in the earlier stages of
the arguments, late night fights, stress and chaos
increases the chances of being friends afterward.
Many of you have gotten to the point in a relationship
where things get a little crazy, so just go with your
heart and make the best of everything.
This writer can be contacted at
Assistant Professor in the College of Fine Arts and Communication, Erick Green.
ECU Professor Spotlight:
Erick Green
New Pirate gear now available
ECU stores have
changed their
When walking into U.B.E
one thing is made very clear,
and that is the fact that the Nike
logo is on a lot more merchandise
throughout the store. According
the store manager, Sue Stamats,
ECU has signed a five year con-
tract with Nike to produce all of
the Pirate sportswear.
Stamas guarantees that next
year there will be even more Nike
apparel sold than this year. Other
new additions at U.B.E. include
Adidas shorts and New Era base-
ball caps.
The clothing, being Nike,
is reasonably priced and can be
found toward the back of the store.
U.B.E. is offering Nike polo shirts,
T-shirts, shorts and pullovers.
The Nike emblem can also
be found at the football stadium.
While being interviewed at the
football game, a camera shot the
Nike sign being worn by football
coach Skip Holtz on both his base-
ball cap and shirt.
U.B.E. is not the only store
with these changes. The ECU
Student Store also has new items.
According to sophomore Jessica
Dunlow, who helped volunteer at
the student store kiosk, the student
store is offering new purple haze
T-shirts and other ECU attire.
These trendy alterations to the
ECU apparel will hopefully attract
more people to purchase ECU
clothing and display the colors and
mascot proudly!
This writer can be contacted at
Renaissance Man of
Assistant professor for
the College of Fine Arts and
Communication, Erick Green is
among the newest members of
the ECU faculty. Green has a lot
to offer ECU with his impressive
work and life history.
EC: Where are you from?
Green: I grew up in Durham
Chapel Hill but I was born
in East Pakistan, which at the
time was called Bangladesh.
My dad was a journalist. He joined
the Foreign Press Corp so we
traveled as youngsters around
South Africa and Bangladesh.
EC: Where did you
attend college?
Green: I have a degree in
architectural design from
North Carolina State Univer-
sity in Raleigh and a master's
degree at the University of South-
ern California in the school of
cinema television.
EC: What did you do afterward?
Green: I worked for five
years as a camera and lighting
assistant in Los Angeles and
then for five years after that
I worked as a freelance
cinematographer and director.
When I was camera assist-
ing I worked as an intern on
Batman Forever and was an
assistant for Alien: Resurrec-
tion with Sigourney Weaver. I
have also worked on a television
series called "Maloney for a
variety of commercials pro-
moting Bank of America and
Pillsbury, documentaries and
music videos.
EC: How did you choose ECU?
Green: I've had a belief, espe-
cially since digital cameras and
editing have better quality and
as more channels on television
and the internet open up for fur-
ther distribution, that production
can be done in many parts of
the country, not just Los
I decided to move to a regional
market and be a teacher and
a film maker to put that to
the test. North Carolina is the land
of my heritage. It all came down to
that. It is a place I feel grounded
as an individual and as a sto-
ryteller. It is an exciting place
for me to explore characters and
film and video ideas.
EC: What appeals to you the most
about ECU?
Green: It is a beautiful
campus. I like the atmosphere
of the campus. I enjoy the School
of Communication because
there are teachers here from
many different disciplines, which
is an environment you would not
find at a film school that only
teaches film.
This writer can be contacted at

ially find very
try to monitor
jsequent reac-
to stress. Try
tial reaction is,
i overreaction,
your reaction
! you are faced
;ement skill is
d over matter,
simple tactic
lent I like to
:o have some
and stressful
i no situation
e if you look at
it step by step.
3U think about
nd something
lou may have
vay from the
and feelings
iny you for at
ites a day. You
low much this
ong run. Try
'ourself or set
linutes to do
man nature to
that bothered
hen you have
you need to,
:t let it go.
things not to
;s of dealing
use drugs or
ie to yourself
the issues to
igs about your
e way things
ly. Confront
way you can
;s in your life
rol alone, and
iage A5
l, Erick Green.
. Resurrec-
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At d$t Carolina
Musician Gary Jules to visit ECU
Popular musician to
perform for students
Gary Jules is best known
for his single "Mad World
which he sang in the '2001 film
Donnie Durko. His newest album
was just released and is selftitled,
Gary Jules.
According to the popular
entertainment chair for the
ECU Student Union, Courtney
Smith, "It's a nice mix of folk
and folk rock. I love all the
songs on the new album espe-
cially 'Devil Keeps Grinning' and
Whiskey for Everybody The
album can actually be purchased
online at
Jules has performed with
many well known artists
including Jack Johnson, Sheryl
Crow, Beck and Jewel.
Jules is serious about his
music and the public has noticed.
"A good song doesn't have to fit
the formula; sometimes, a hit just
happens said the Boston Globe
in a March '2004 article about
the artist.
continued from A4
This amazing artist will
be playing at ECU's very own
Mendenhall Brickyard on
Thursday, Sept. 21 at 9 p.m.
In the event of rainy weather,
the venue will be moved to the
Pirate Underground inside
For more information about
Jules, go to
ECU has once again provided
students with a great performer
who is sure to make it a memorable
night for everyone in attendance.
This writer can be contacted at
sometimes you just need a bit of
help. To our readers who feel like
this: There are many places to
go for help, such as the student
counseling center located above
Wright Auditorium or even your
department advising center could
perhaps give you some insight and
into matters more related directly
to school.
When dealing with a stress-
ful situation, always remember
to remain positive. Never forget
that there are at least 24,000
other people on this campus
that feel the same way you do.
Hang in there, you can deal
with anything that comes your
way with the right attitude.
This writer can be reached at
Stress Relief Clues:
1. Don't forget to make some
time for youself. Setting aside at
least 30 minutes each day will
help you to better manage your
anxiety levels.
2. Try going to one of the Physical
Therapy Club Clinics. They
offer massages from students
for a much more professional,
inexpensive alternative to a spa.
3. Take a bubble bath.
4. Try playing an online game or
doing one of the Sodoku Puzzles
i located on the Classified Page,
H A8 of the East Carolinian.
5. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
With so much to do, it is almost impossible to not have some kind of relief.
Let Your
Be Heard
I .ist Carolina University
Student Government Assoctai
Wednesday, September 20th
Vote For Class Presidents and
Student Congress Representatives
9am to 5pm
You can vote ANYWHERE just log on to Onestop
OR Cast your vote in Wright Plaza

ECU's Inside Source
NUMBERS y -y "
hi Home crowd propels
iking in the turnovers ; M JL.
National ranking in the turnovers
forced category, including
six fumble recoveries and
five interceptions
Length of interception return
by cornerback Kasey Ross,
which ties the 10th all-time
longest return in school
history set by Clint Harris
against Central Michigan
on Sept. 25, 1982
Interception return yards
by ECU against Memphis,
which ranks as a school record
passing the mark (151) set
against Louisiana-Lafayette on
Sept. 13, 1980
Missed field goals (39,40yards)
by kicker Robert Lee in the first
half against Memphis
Missed field goals by Robert
Lee prior to the Memphis game
since joining ECU (20-of-22)
Record during the second
and third games for the Lady
Pirates in the best-of-five
volleyball matches
Blocks recorded by ECU
senior volleyball player Jamie I
Bevan in two wins (eight vs. I
Wisconsin Green-Bay, nine vs. i
Grambling State) during the i
East Carolina Classic
Average home attendance in
four games (1,081 total) for
ECU women's soccer
Attendance announced for the
home opener, which ranks as
the largest home crowd since
ECU hosted Wake Forest
(38,141) on Sept. 11,2004
They said it
"What a great environment.
It was just a special night. It
was a big time atmosphere.
It's been the best crowd since
I've been here. I thought their
enthusiasm, their passion, their
excitement, the noise, it was just
really a special night and I want
to thank all the fans that came
out and supported the program
-Skip Holtz, ECU Head Coach
"This win Saturday was a great
win for the program and it was
one we needed. It changes the
mind set, the attitude, the way
that they are upbeat and posi-
tive, and the way interact with
each other. It was a really big
win for where we are right now
in the conference
-Skip Holtz, ECU Head Coach
"I'm still having a hard time
believing that really happened.
It was so much fun. I took a
couple steps, hit the tight end
and I saw the quarterback step
to throw a lateral, and I put
my hand up there just to block
it or bat it down. It tipped up a
couple of feet into the air, and
1 was like, Oh man, here we
go The first thing I did was
make sure I had it with two
hands, then just headed for the i
goal line
-Zach Slate, ECU sophomore
defensive end
Pirates to first win
ECU sophomore defensive end Zach Slate runs into the end zone past referee Ed Ardito following his fourth quarter seven-yard inteception return for a touchdown against Memphis.
Players, coaches praise
enthusiasm of fans
ECU punter Ryan Dougherty
said before Saturday night's home
opener against Memphis that he
hoped the fans would be ready. The
fans were ready, and players and
coaches alike credited the Pirate
Nation for motivating the Pirate
during a second-half rally as ECU
overcame a 20-7 halftime deficit to
defeat Memphis 35-20 at Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium.
"It's so fun to come out to see
and hear the crowd so pumped
up said Dougherty. "It's gotta
be intimidating Qfor the visiting
team. It's just a great atmosphere
and it makes the game so much
more fun to have that 12th man
behind you
Student tickets sold out three
days before the game and the
crowd is expected to be even
larger than the 37,431 in atten-
dance next weekend when the
Pirates play host to fourth-ranked
West Virginia.
"This was a great crowd said
Memphis coach Tommy West fol-
lowing the loss. "1 thought they
got some momentum going and
then their crowd got into it and
we made some mistakes
The first of those mistakes
resulted in the first defensive
touchdown by the Pirates in the
Skip Holtz era.
With the Pirates trailing 20-
14 early in the fourth quarter and
Memphis just getting the ball back
following James Pinkney's second
interception, reserve linebacker
Zach Slate made the best play of
his young career.
Memphis quarterback Martin
Hankins dropped back from his
own 19 to attempt a screen pass.
Slate read the play perfectly and
the redshirt sophomore said he
was just trying to deflect the pass.
Instead he tipped it up to himself
and returned it for the go-ahead
score, which ultimately became
the game-winner.
"I'm still having a hard
time believing that really hap-
pened said Slate following the
game. "It was so much fun. I
took a couple steps, hit the tight
end and I saw the quarterback
step to throw a lateral, and I put
my hand up there just to block it
or bat it down.
"It tipped up a couple of feet
into the air, and I was like, 'Oh
man, here we go The first thing
I did was make sure I had it with
two hands, then just headed for
Memphis Z U
the goal line
The interception sent a shock
wave through Dowdy-Ficklen Sta-
dium and made it impossible for the
Tigers to regain any momentum.
"We feed off the crowd's
excitement and enthusiasm Holtz
said. "That was one of the reasons
we were so excited about playing
at home
"The crowd Saturday night was
the best since I've been here. They
were awesome. I was impressed
with the way things started rolling
our way and instead of making just
a play, it became from one play to
the next play to the next play, and
for us it started snowballing posi-
tive and for Memphis, it started
snowballing negative
The ECU defense, which could
not stop Memphis in the first half,
forced four turnovers and allowed
Memphis to convert just one of
nine third downs in the second half
while scoring twice. Holtz said he
challenged his team in the locker
room at halftime.
"I told them we were losing
the space battle on defense Holtz
said. "I told them if we want to
win we have to have a stop on
defense, we have to step up
and start making plays on space. I
didn't say anything magical. I chal-
lenged them and they responded
The second defensive score
was the final score of the game.
Senior cornerback Kasey Ross,
whose big hits in the second half
motivated a secondary that was
picked on in the first half, picked
off a Hankins pass and bolted 77
yards to the end zone. The return
was set up by a pair of blocks
from Wendell Chavis and Scotty
Robinson, whose third-quar-
ter sack was ECU's first of
the year.
"All 1 thought about was to get
to the nearest sideline and get to
the end zone said Ross. "When
you've been so close, it feels great
to get a win. The crowd was great.
That's the 12th man
The Pirates had forced a com-
bined five turnovers in their
first two games without turning
any of the giveaways into points.
Saturday night, the Pirate "D"
forced six turnovers, converting
those into 28 second-half points.
"This is the first time we've
scored on anything other than
offense since I've been here Holtz
said. "It was exciting to watch us
put 14 points on the board with
our defense. We really made a
big emphasis about it. It wasn't
enough just to make the turnover,
now they're trying to convert it
into points and make something
happen that gonna change the
outcome of the game
Holtz added that playing in
front of an enthusiastic home
crowd was tremendous.
"They were huge Holtz
said. "To come in here 0-2 and
lose a couple close games and to
have the support that we have in
this program. One of the truly
special things about being at East
Carolina is the support of the
Pirate Nation. This team plays
with a lot of heart and they are fun
to watch. That in turn, makes the
fans get into it even more
Dougherty hopes the crowd
will have an even bigger influ-
ence when the Mountaineers
come to Greenville.
"I hope it's more packed out
each and every game, especially
with West Virginia coming in
Dougherty said. "I hope the fans
are just as pumped, if not more.
It'll be great if we can sell this
thing out and there's not an empty
seat in the house
This writer can be contacted at
Women's soccer drop heartbreakers Former ECU coach Steve
Logan turns to airwaves
UNCW's Erica Rodgers tries to center the ball.
Pirates lose to UNC
Wilmington, Penn
The women's soccer team
dropped two home games, both by a
margin of one goal over the weekend.
Heading into the weekend, ECU
was 4-2 on the season having only
given up four goals on the year.
Against UNCW and Penn this past
weekend, the Lady Pirates almost
matched that total losing to UNCW
by a score of 2-1 and Penn 1-0.
They did not go down without a
fight however.
The Lady Pirates expected
a dogfight with former Colonial
Athletic Association foe UNCW,
but the Seahawks gave ECU more
than they could handle. The first
half was dominated by the Seahawks
as the Lady Pirates entered halftime
trailing l-O.
As the second half started, the
Lady Pirates decided it was going
to be different. Freshman Amy
Szilard scored her first goal of the
season in the 51st minute of play
off an assist from fellow freshman
Sarah Kirkley (four assists, team
leading eight points on the year).
The Seahawks retaliated in the
70th minute when Kelly Renkin
scored over ECU keeper Amber
Campbell. It proved to be the game
winner as ECU would not get any
closer. The Lady Pirates had chances
as in the final 15 minutes of play.
Sarah Kirkley drilled a break-
away chance into UNCW goal-
keeper Jamie Balzarini's stomach
and Nicole Moore's free kick in the
waning moments grazed the post.
"We have to do a better job of
finishing our chances" said ECU
Head Coach Rob Donnenwirth.
The Lady Pirates dropped the
non conference contest against
see SOCCER page A7
(AP) It's about 20 minutes
before the winningest coach in
ECU history is scheduled to
throw himself back into football.
But Steve Logan seems concerned
only with starting off on the right
"This is good music, bro
Logan said, holding a blues CD
by Luther Allison.
It's easy to understand why
Logan wearing a Nike T-shirt,
shorts and sandals sounds so
relaxed. The man who led the
Pirates to 69 wins and five bowl
games in 11 years now spends
the college season talking with
fans instead of living and dying
with every play And he's found
a new niche in sports talk radio,
a medium where members of
Logan's former profession are
skewered, scolded and second-
guessed by anyone with access to
a phone and an AM dial.
Logan is hosting a weekday
show on Raleigh's WDNC-AM
with the goal of bringing a coach's
perspective and some sanity to
football fans. Want to call and ask
why a team chose to run the ball on
third-and-6, or go for the 2-point
conversion? Fine. The coach loves
it. But don't even think about call-
ing to breathlessly demand a coach
be fired. Logan wants no part.
"I'm on a mission to have some
fun with the game of football
because there's so much misery
out there it's unbelievable Logan
said. "I'm not smarter than any-
body. I've had a lot of experiences
that a lot of people haven't, and
to take those experiences into the
radio realm I think is a little bit
Logan, 53, is part of a long line
of coaches to parlay their experi-
ence into some form of broadcast
work. In recent years, former
Mississippi State coach Jackie
Sherrill and ex-Auburn coach
Terry Bowden have become hosts
of their own radio shows, their
voices carrying added authority
thanks to their time roaming sta-
dium sidelines.
"Some guys know what they're
talking about, some don't UNC
coach John Bunting said. "Steve
see LOGAN pageA7

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SOCCER continued from A6
Perm 1-0 on Sunday. The game was
extremely physical as both teams
tried to assert their styles of play.
In the first half, the Lady Pirates
outshot Penn 7-0. ECU had scoring
opportunities in the second frame
that deflected off the post and
crossbar by Amy Szilard and Sarah
Kirk ley respectively.
Penn notched the only
goal as in the 81st minute.
Penn's Jessica Fuccello shot the
go-ahead goal by Campbell.
"It was a tough loss Coach
Donnenwirth said. "We played
well enough in both games to win
The Lady Pirates will have to
recapture their winning ways this
week as they travel to non-conference
foes Furrnan and Francis Marion.
Furman (2-5-0 overall) is led by
Gena Villari (7 points) and coached
by Andrew Burr. The Paladins have
played some staunch competition.
Furman is coming off a 3-0 loss to
the University of Georgia.
Frances Marion (4-3-0 overall)
will host ECU on Sept. 24. The
Lady Patriots are led by Head Coach
Marty Beall and are coming off a 2-
0 win over the Citadel in the Adidas
Soccer Classic. The Lady Patriots
have posted wins over Mount St.
Mary's and Charleston Southern.
Even with the two-game slide,
the Lady Pirates aren't giving up.
When asked about the team's over-
all performance this past weekend,
Donnenwirth praised the play of
his defense and midfielders. With
conference play rapidly approaching,
Donnenwirth knows that his team
will have put the ball in the net to
produce results.
"We've got to learn how to
finish Donnenwirth said.
Given that the team has depth in
the backfield and midfield, the Lady
Pirates are young up front, and that
youth is going to be tested in the
next weeks. The Lady Pirates will
start conference play on the road
at Memphis on the Sept. 29 and at
UABonOct. I.
This writer can be contacted at
LOGAN continued from A6
Former ECU Head Coach Steve Logan chats with listeners on the radio.
Logan is a guy that knows foot-
ball. And believe me, if I ever had
a conversation or even had the
opportunity to listen to him, I was
going to listen.
"The guys that are real good
are the guys that don't guess.
They're the guys who know what's
going on
Only a few weeks in, Logan
seems well-suited for the job.
Perhaps more important than his
successful resume which includes
spending the past three seasons as
an assistant coach in NFL Europe
is Logan's tell-it-like-it-is manner,
which comes through in just about
"I'm old-fashioned he said.
"I just think there's some wrong
things and there's some right
things. There are gray areas, no
question. But be direct and if it's
a good play, call it a good play.
If it's a good game, call it a good
game. If it's a bad game, well, it's
a bad game
That's exactly what station
management had in mind. After
doing segments on sister station
WRBZ-AM throughout last
season, Logan earned a two-hour
afternoon slot on WDNC thanks
to strong audience response, gen-
eral manager Brian Malonqy said.
His first show aired Aug. 28 and is
scheduled to run through at least
the end of the college bowl season.
"He's a natural said Adam
Gold, program director for
WDNC and WRBZ, where he
hosts his own weekday afternoon
By the time he got on the air
for a segment with former Ala
bama and Kentucky coach Bill
Curry, he had turned his attention
to fans who want N.C. State to fire
coach Chuck Amato.
Regardless, those mini-rants
wedged between stretches of blues
music going in and out of breaks
make for good radio.
"He's an easy sell Gold said.
"He connects to people very well.
It obviously helps that he's the
former head coach at ECU and
he's known to people here. But t
just get the feeling if we picked us
up and dropped us in the middle
of Nebraska, he'd be an easy sell
anyway just because of the way
he is: so passionate about the
game and the sport of college
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Cross country finishes last
at Coastal Carolina Invite
Nicole Briggs top
women's finisher
After a bad result in the
UNCW Invitational last week,
the men's and women's cross
country team didn't fare much
better in the Coastal Carolina
Invite. The double dual race fea-
tured UNC and Coastal Carolina
and was held in Conway, S.C. on
The men were swept 50-15 by
both UNC and Coastal Carolina.
UNC also swept the Pirate women
50-15, while Coastal won 37-19.
On the men's side, Chris
Belfiore finished in 16th place
with a time of 27:27:74. Stephan
Tausend finished next with a
time of 27:37:82. These two
rotated the top honors for ECU.
Last week it was Tausend that
Finished before Belfiore.
As for the rest of the men's
times, Rich Saunders finished
22nd with a time of 28:32:90.
Will Collins followed him at 23rd
with a time of 28:33:73. Andrew
Nastasiak finished 25th with the
time of 29:58:19. Bryan Snow
followed him at 26th with a
time of 31:43:39 to round out
the men's team.
Nicole Briggs was the top
women's finisher, tallying an
11th place result with a time
of 19:22:80. It was the second
consecutive meet that she has
had the best time for the women.
Hayley Flynn followed in next
at the 12th spot with a time of
19:25:39. Tayleigh Davis placed
ECU'S Tayleigh Davis is trailed by
another Pirate runner.
next for the Pirates at the 16th
position with a time of 20:09:26.
Samantha Lichtner trailed Davis,
finishing 18th with a time of
20:20:97. Aisha Bilal-Mack
crossed the finish line in 20th
with a time of 20:37:93. Danielle
Fetty followed her with a time of
20:38:81. Hollie Brooks was 21st
with the time of 20:50:10. Erinn
Latta followed her to round out the
invite for the Lady Pirates with
a time of 21:12:76.
"The top two runners on the
women side all had better times
than they had last week said
ECU Head Coach Curt Kraft in
a press release. "The men ran
their 8K after running a 5K at the
Seahawk Invitational last week. I
think next time they will have a
better feeling for everything and
improve next week
After opening the season with
disappointing results, both the men
and women will look to improve in
the Old North State Invite, which
will be held at Greensboro, N.C. On
Sept. 30th, the Pirates will host
the McAlister's Deli Invite
at Lake Kristi.
This writer can be contacted at
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The East Carolinian, September 19, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 19, 2006
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