The East Carolinian, April 6, 2006

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pril 5, 2006
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helps protect
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Volume 81 Number 64
April 6, 2006
Conference 'sets sail' for leadership
Casey's Race
Greek Week
Greek Week kicks off
with a worthy event
'Set Sail with Your Organization,
Student Organization
Leadership Conference a
On Saturday, April 1, the
leaders of many of ECU's student
organizations were on hand in.
the Mendenhall Great Rooms to
learn about how to become more
effective as leaders. In fact, the
conference, which was held by
Student Activities and Organi-
sponsored by Student Activities and Organizations, featured speakers such as (from left) Corey King, Nancy Mize and Dr. David Batts.
zations, boasted an attendance
roster of more than 100 organiza-
tion officers.
The goal of the conference
was to support and build better
student organizations, said Levy
Brown, Jr assistant director for
Student Activities and Organiza-
The conference, called "Set
Sail with Your Organization
was based around five principles
of leadership. These principles
are, "Model the way "Inspire a
shared vision "Challenge the
process "Enable others to react"
and "Encourage the heart
"We're hoping to do this
every year said Hank Bowen,
coordinator for student organi-
zations, when asked about the
"It is the first one, but we've
done several similar things in
the past
Bowen hopes that if there's
one thing the students take away
from the conference, it is that
the things they hear and learn
will enable them to "be able to
take the experience back to the
How will the principles come
into play for future events?
"The five principles are going
to be the foundation for most of
our programs next year, so this
is just the beginning Bowen
Corey King, assistant vice
chancellor for Student Experi-
ences, opened the conference
at 9:30 a.m. by familiarizing
and illustrating the principles to
attending students, then every-
one split into more individual
In each of the MSC Great
Rooms, a different speaker lec-
tured and taught officers the
Charlie Brown, associate
director for Student Activities
and Organizations, illustrated
key leadership concepts and
dispelled some presidential mis-
One of the biggest miscon-
ceptions had to do with knowl-
edge and believing that a good
president should have all the
see LEADER page A3
Greek Week this year is set to
benefit the Boys and Girls Club of
Pitt County with Casey's Race.
The event is a 5k race that
will be taking place Sunday,
April 9.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater-
nity created the race in remem-
brance of one of their brothers,
Casey Rogers, who tragically
passed away in a car accident in
August 2003.
This year, the race has been
adopted as an all-Greek philan-
thropy event.
According to Matt Robitaille,
treasurer of the interfraternity coun-
cil and member of Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon, up to 30 fraternities and soror-
ities will be attending the event.
"Kids from the Boys and Girls
Club will actually be coming out
to the event said Robitaille.
There will be a variety of events
available for the children includ-
ing a live band, a moon bounce,
a dunk booth and face painting.
For the race itself, children
who want to run will be able to
run with the college students
through a pairing system.
There will be competition
as well.
Chancellor's cup points will
be awarded to the top 10 placing
fraternity finishes.
"It's the first time we've had a
Greek life philanthropy event for
all of the fraternities and sororities
to support said Kay Christian,
assistant director for Greek life.
"I )ust think it's a wonderful
way to honor Casey's memory
The race encourages all stu-
dents and faculty to come take part.
see RACE page A2
ECU honor fraternity
comes together for
homeless, soldiers
Pictured above Is Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox baseball team.
The honor fraternity Gamma Beta Phi works with many organizations.
Gamma Beta Phi
assists the needy and
ECU'S charitable side maintains
representation by its Gamma Beta
Phi chapter, as the honor fraternity
continues to spend a combined
hundreds of hours serving the
Greenville community.
The society, aside from ongoing
efforts with local and national chari-
ties, dedicated last Saturday morn-
ing to altruistic purposes. Before
noon, 11 members and officers
volunteered for two organizations
in need. The group arrived at the
City Hotel and Bistro at 7:30 a.m.
to participate in the seventh annual
Habitat for Humanity Home Run.
Volunteers encouraged runners and
handed out water. The run, pre-
sented by PCS Phosphate, consisted
of a 5k race and a one-mile runwalk
to benefit the Habitat for Humanity
of Pitt County.
"Habitat for Humanity is a
very important organization, and
we are happy to come out here and
help said GBP President Debra-
netta Gethers.
By 9:30 a.m the race was near
completion. With extra time, mem-
bers made an unexpected stop at
Give2theTroops and spent the rest
of their Saturday morning packing
boxes and making cards for overseas
soldiers. These recent efforts are part
of the long list of volunteer hours
the organization has completed
throughout the year.
This writer can be contacted at
I Former ECU student lands a dream job with
the Boston Red Sox as a full time interpreter
Full time interpreter for
four Asian players
Frank Lin, a 2005 graduate
of ECU, has recently been hired
for what many would consider
a dream job with the Boston
Red Sox - an interpreter for
four Taiwanese baseball players.
Through a Web site he created
while attending ECU, Franksfiel-, Lin caught the
attention of a Boston scout and
was hired this past Christmas
by Red Sox Vice President Craig
Lin graduated from ECU
last year with a degree from the
Department of Business, Career
and Technical Training (BCTE) in
the College of Education. He put
the knowledge he was gaining
through his coursework toward
the Web site that is devoted to
the coverage of Asian baseball
players in the U.S. A lifelong base-
ball fan, Lin simply wanted to
show his support for the success
Asian players have obtained in
the highest level of competitive
Lin, a Taiwan native himself,
found that no other Web site at
the time offered the support he
was offering; coverage of players
from Japan, Taiwan and South
Korea. He said that while he
visited other sites that supported
Japanese players, none focused
on players outside of that realm.
"There wasn't any 'fan site'
that supported Korean or Taiwan-
ese players who play in America,
so I thought, why not be the first
one to do it?" said Lin.
Lin created the Web site his
junior year and maintained it for
a year and a half under a different
domain. His interest to produce
a more professional product led
him to change the domain to its
current name. It was around that
time that Lin caught the eye of
Taiwan baseball scout Gary Chen,
who ultimately recommended
Lin to Shipley for the interpreter
"He didn't talk much about
the job at first; our conversation
was mostly about baseball in
Taiwan, Asia and MLB. Eventu-
ally, after talking to him for about
an hour online, he told me why
he initially contacted me. He said
he worked as a baseball scout for
the Red Sox, and they signed a
couple of players that would rjeed
a full time interpreter for the
2006 season Lin said.
After agreeing and submit-
ting his resume, Lin received a
call the following day from the
vice president of the team with
a job offer.
Simply enough, Lin's interest
in the sport and the application
of his skills led him to where he
is currently.
Awaiting the arrival of three
more players from Taiwan, the
Sox have picked up four in total
that will be playing in the Minor
League in Lowell, Mass this
see RED SOX page A3
Dealers and crooks tell their stories through 'street lit'
(KRT) After averting a life
sentence for drug trafficking,
Leondrei Prince settled down to
serve eight years in a Delaware
state prison.
With time to kill, he read
voraciously Webster's Dictionary,
Chick Lit by Terry McMillan, Old
Urban Fiction by Donald Goines
and New-School Street Lit by Teri
Then Prince wrote, just as
voraciously. A few pages turned
into Bloody Money, followed by
Bloody Money 2, Me 'n My Girls,
and nine other manuscripts writ-
ten in the strong, often profane
language of the inner-city streets
where he grew up.
"I knew that when I got out,
I couldn't go back to selling
drugs, and I wouldn't be able to
get a job said Prince, 33, who
has had three books published
since his release in 2003, "so I
started looking at writing as a
job. But this has exceeded all my
Books by inmates, both cur-
rent and former, are an increas-
ingly lucrative segment of the
fast-growing genre known as
"street lit "ghetto lit "urban"
or "hip-hop" fiction.
In many prisons, men and
women on lockdown are spend-
ing their hours of solitude in
a most unOzlike fashion,
putting pens to yellow pads
and finding words to describe
the lives of poverty and excess
that put them on a path to the
"Right now it's the biggest fad
in prison said street lit agent
Joseph Jones, who signed Prince
while they were both serving
time for drug charges in Dela-
ware. "The biggest drug dealer,
the smallest crook, they're writ-
ing books
The results are titles such as
Dangerously Insured by Shafeeq
(Reginald Johnson), a state
inmate from North Philadel-
phia; Thugs and the Women Who
Love Them by Wahida Clark, a
Trenton, N.J woman who is
locked up at Alderson Federal
Prison Camp in West Virginia;
The Family II: Life After Death, the
second book by Philadelphian
Antonne M.Jones, who spent two
years in a Delaware prison; and
Memoir: Delaware County Prison
by ex-inmate Reginald L,
from West Philadelphia.
The books, often published
under pseudonyms modeled
after rappers, are hits, especially
among young people in urban
"They write about stuff 1 can
relate to said Lynndrena Evans,
a 19-year-old Community Col-
lege of Philadelphia student who
see DEALERS page A3
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A9 I Opinion: A4 I A&E: Bl I Sports: B5

Page A2 252.328.6366
CLAIRE MURPHY Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY April 6, 2006
Announcements News Briefs
The Time of Your Life' State
Thursday, April 6 - 8 and 10 -11 at 8
p.m. and Sunday, April 9 at 2 p.m. in
McGinnis Theater
By William Saroyan. Wandering in
and out of Nick's waterfront saloon
are vivid characters wanting to get
more out of life, but unsure how to
do it Inside the bar are the lonely,
the cynical and the lovelom disusing
war, art, good and evil.
Tickets required: General Public-
Si 2; Senior Citizens and current
ECU FacuttyStaff-$10; and Youth
Current ECU Student-$8 in advance,
$12 at the door.
Contact the Central Ticket Office
at 328-4788 or 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
AIM0 Fashion Show
"Show W Tell" will be April 7 at Club
Aqua. Tickets are $5 and the show
starts at 9 p.m. Tickets will be sold
in Wright Plaza and at the door.
Come see what your fellow Pirates
are creating!
From 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday,
April 8
The ECU IEEE Chapter will be holding
their first LAN Party. It will be an all
day team-based Halo 2 tournament
It will feature Team Slayer, Capture
the Flag and Team Ball. There will be
a minimum of $240 worth of prizes
given out It will be played on 60-inch
Tfe and broadcasted live over the
Internet The sign up fee is $15 dollars
and it includes lunch.
For information, contact Donnovan
Richardson at
B.J. Ward In Stand Up
Saturday, April 8 in Wright
Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Four-octave vocalist and
comedienne B.J Ward shows no
mercy as she spoofs the arias of
Verdi, Puccini, Dvorak and more.
Tickets required. Purchase
Masterpiece Subscriptions by Sept
28 for best options. Masterpiece
subscription (all events): $216 for
public, $198 for ECU facultystaff,
$108 fa youth, $72 for ECU Students.
Purchase Crown Subscriptions by Dec
1 for best opttons Crown Subscription
(choice of six events): $162 for public,
$150 for ECU facultystaff, $84 for
youth $48 for ECU students. Advance
individual tickets, if available, may be
purchased beginning Dec 2 for $24
public, $22 ECU facultystaff, $12
youth and$10ECU student All tickets
at trie door are $24 Group discounts
are available for groups of 15 or more.
Contact the Central Ticket
Office at 328-4788 or 1-800-
2006 Whlchard
Lecture In the
Humanities: Peter
Monday, April 10 in the Science
Technology Building room C207
Dr. Peter Green will present the
spring 2006 Whichard Lecture in
the Humanities for Harriot College
and the Department of History. His
topic is "Possession and Pneuma:
The Essential Nature of the Delphic
Oracle' Free and open to the public
For more information, contact
Rebecca Futrell at 328-6496.
Greenville Contrathon!
Live, acoustic oidtrne and Celtic muse!
SatudayApriia 7:30-10:30 pm Wife
Workshops: 11 a.m. Contra
Dance callers (Tom Hinds)
and 3 pm International Folk Dance
(Dr. Dawn), and afternoon waltz;
BGContraDance 7:30-1O30pmWfc
Building, First and Reade Streets,
downtown Students $3
each, afternoon and evening;
FASG members and public
$5 or $8 each, afternoon and evening
Dancers. A non-smoking, non-
alcoholic event
For more information call Michael
Cotter at 752-8854 for ECU Folk and
Country Dancers.
CDFR GSA Graduate
Research Forum
The CDFR GSA is sponsoring
a Graduate Research
Forum Monday, April 10
from 3-5 p.m. in the Rivers Building
Student Lounge (Room 135). Ifyou are
looking to share your research
and experiences, this is your
opportunity! We are accepting any of
the following types of presentations:
Research, Teaching, Clinical, Service
and Theoretical. Awards will be
given for Best Research Poster and
Overall Favorite Poster. If interested,
please e-mail your name, title of
presentation and a brief abstract to Dr
Robinson at
The deadline for submissions is
Friday, March 31.
TWo suspects nabbed, three
sought In Minneapolis Uptown
MINNEAPOUS (AP) - As friends and
family in South Carolina prepared to
mourn a slain Clemson student on
Tuesday, authorities here said they
have the gunman who killed him
during a robbery in the city's Uptown
entertainment district.
Police arrested a 17-year-old boy and
a 22-year-old woman Monday, and
Assistant Chief Tim Dolan said they
are confident the teenager pulled
the trigger. Neither was immediately
The victim, Michael Zebuhr, 25, died
two days after being shot in the head.
He had been walking with his mother,
and didn't resist the attack by two
Zebuhr, a doctoral candidate in
bioengineering at Clemson, was in
Minneapolis visiting his sister. The
Buckhannon, WVa native graduated
from Davis and Elkins College in
Elkins, WVa in 2005.
A campus memorial service for
Zebuhr was scheduled for Tuesday
Mayor R.T. Rybak vowed to bring
everyone involved inthecrimeto justice.
"None of this work will bring back a
life that was unnecessarily snuffed
out by an irrational and heinous act,
but we will do our part to bring about
justice Rybak said.
The gun and the getaway car still
have not been recovered, Dolan said,
and he asked for the public's help
in finding the car, a white 1994 Ford
Taurus with Minnesota license plate
number GFG 527. He said authorities
will charge anyone who hides the
Police had arrested the 17-year-old
suspect on a misdemeanor traffic
warrant about a week after the
shooting but had to release him,
Stanek said.
Meanwhile, city leaders have been
working overtime to persuade
residents the crimes are an aberration.
Rybak has said he visits downtown
most weekends and police said
more than 30 officers were patrolling
downtown when Friday's shooting
happened. City Council Public Safety
Committee Chairman Don Samuels
has called the fatal incident a "random
act of unkindness
Outside the Block E entertainment
complex where Reitter was killed,
opera music has been playing night
and day to discourage loiterers.
City officials also have increased
police patrols downtown through a
collaboration with local businesses,
and Rybak vowed to push for more
officers on the street.
Appellate court says convicted
killer should get new trial
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - A convicted
killer deserves a new trial because
a judge failed to give the jury proper
instructions, the state Court of Appeals
ruled Tuesday.
Leon Jerome Davis was sentenced
from 16 years to 20 years in prison
after being found guilty of second-
degree murder in the September
2002 shooting death of Jeremy Stowe
in Gastonia. Davis said he fired at a
car containing Stowe and three other
men after someone in the car shot at
him.A state pathologist testified that it
appeared that Stowe was crouching
in the back seat of the vehicle when
the fatal shot entered through the
Stowe and his friends had been in the
neighborhood that night to purchase
marijuana and returned angry after
discovering they had bought lawn
clippings, according to evidence
presented at Davis' trial in 2004.
Davis should get a new trial because
the trial judge failed to tell jurors that
the law allowed Davis to stand his
ground when met by a deadly attack,
according to an opinion written by
Chief Judge John Martin. Without
knowing that Davis didn't have to
retreat, the jug may have concluded
that he acted with malice, Martin
wrote, with Judges James A. Wynn Jr.
and Linda Stephens concurring.
Davis was also convicted of
discharging a firearm into an
occupied property. He deserves a
new trial on that charge also because
the trial judge failed to explain that
he could be found not guilty of the
crime by reason of self-defense, the
judges ruled.
New Orleans musicians band
together In exile
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - The music of
New Orleans is huddled in an old
Austin recording studio.
Some of the Crescent City's musical
legends have returned to this
Texas city where, just six weeks
after Hurricane Katrina, they cut a
therapeutic album dedicated to their
ravaged hometown.
At that post-Katrina recording session,
names synonymous with New
Orleans, Neville, Porter, Nocentelli,
Rebennack, gathered to channel their
raw emotions into the bittersweet
tribute, "Sing Me Back Home"
On a recent evening, a few weeks
before the release of their album, they
"The music lives on in those players,
no matter where they are says
George Porter Jr the bassist and
band leader of the New Orleans
Social Club, the name the collective
has adopted.
The great talents of the New Orleans
music scene had been accustomed
to living minutes away from each
other in the Ninth Ward, but Katrina
scattered them across Texas,
Colorado and elsewhere.
Everyone in the band is concerned
that the culture of New Orleans will
never come back, even if the city does.
Over 250,000 residents, more than
half of the pre-hurricane population,
many of them black, remain scattered
all over the country.
"It's never going to be the same
because a lot of the poorest people
who had to leave are not going to
be able to make it back says Ivan
Neville. "To me, that's a major part
of the heart and soul of the city: the
"At this point, New Orleans music
will start living in Austin or Denver,
wherever the group of players are
living that created what is known as
New Orleans music says Porter. "It
will be New Orleans music by way
of Austin
Nocentelli thinks projects like the New
Orleans Social Club are vital.
That's the only thing that's left he
says. "With people like the Meters,
the Neville Brothers, Dr. John, Wild
Magnolias, the music will never leave
it. That's something that nothing can
tae away from New Orleans
House to vote on praising Capitol
Police action in McKlnney scuffle
Republicans, reacting to the
confrontation last week between
Rep. Cynthia McKinney and a Capitol
Police officer she is accused of
hitting, pressed for a resolution
Tuesday to commend the police force
for its professionalism.
Democratic leaders did not defend
McKinney or her charge of racial
"I don't think any of it justifies hitting a
police officer said House Democratic
Leader Nancy Pelosl of California. "If
it did happen I don't think it was
Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the
No. 2 Democrat in the House, said all
lawmakers, staffers and visitors in the
building have a responsibility to obey
Capitol Police. "I think we all should
cooperate fully he said.
"I don't think it's fair to attack the
Capitol Police and I think it's time
that we show our support for them
said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C, a
sponsor of the measure. Ignoring a
police officer's order to stop, or hitting
one, "is never OK McHenry said
McKinney is alleged to have hit a
uniformed police officer who did
not recognize her and asked her to
stop on her way into a House office
'Bon Dance' rehearsals
A Bon Dance rehearsal was held yesterday at 5:30 p.m. by ECU'S Japan Center East in preparation
for Greenville's International Festival, scheduled for April 8 at the Town Common. The traditional
festival folk dance is more than 500 years old and was traditionally performed in the summer.
Organ Donors can decide what to donate and
what not to donate in terms of organs)
April is the month of Organ Donation
Awareness and the Students for Organ Donation
Awareness (SODA) will provide all daily facts.
Look for a fact about organ donation in each
April edition of TEC.
McKinney says she took action
in self defense after the officer
inappropriately touched her. A
spokesman for the congresswoman
did not respond Tuesday to a request
for comment.
The lack of Democratic support
for McKinney is notable. She and
her lawyer, James Myart Jr said
on Friday they expected several
members of Congress to join her at a
news conference that day at Howard
"When I'm not wearing my pin, I am
always stopped McHenry said in a
telephone interview. "I accept that as
a due course of security
Former South African deputy
president tells rape trial he Is HIV
(AP) - Former South African Deputy
President Jacob Zuma testified
Tuesday at his rape trial that his
accuser led him to believe she
wanted sex by lamenting she had no
boyfriend and wearing a skirt when
she visited his house.
Zuma, who used to head South
Africa's National AIDS Council, claims
he had consensual sex with the
woman, an HIV-positive AIDS activist.
On Tuesday, he said for the first time
that he was not infected with the HIV
virus that causes AIDS and he saw
little risk in having unprotected sex
with the woman.
Under cross examination from the
prosecution, Zuma, 63, said he did
not use a condom when he had sex
with his 31-year-old accuser because
he believed the risk of a man being
infected by a woman is statistically
lower than a woman picking up the
virus from a man.
"I knew that the risk I was taking was
not a great risk Zuma replied when
asked why he did not behave more
Zuma denies the charges and says it
is part of a political plot to destroy his
ambition of becoming South African
president when Thabo Mbeki steps
down in 2009.
On his second day of testimony,
Zuma repeatedly insisted the woman
encouraged his sexual advances
by using terms such as "love" and
"kisses" in cell phone text messages,
as well as telling him that she was
lonely and had no boyfriend.
He told the court that her appearance
also played a role.
The woman testified the sexual
intercourse was in the guest room.
She said she was so shocked by
Zuma's advances that she froze and
did not try to resist, behavior one
psychologist said was consistent
with rape victims in shock. But Zuma
discounted this.
On Tuesday, Zuma denied claims by
the prosecution that he abused his
position of power over the woman,
who had known him since she was
a child in exile during the apartheid
era. He also tried to refute the
prosecution's arguments that she
had confided in him because she
saw him as a father figure.
Music earns a measure of
acceptance for black American
group In Israeli desert
DIMONA, Israel (AP) - Israel has
denied him citizenship since birth,
dismissing his group as a bizarre
cult, but all the same, Eddie Butler will
represent the Jewish state this year in
Europe's biggest song contest.
Butler belongs to the Black Hebrews,
a community of polygamous vegans
originally from Chicago, who believe
they are a lost tribe of Israel.
"I love the state of Israel Butler said,
"and I want to show every black and
white person, here and abroad, what
we can do
For that he'll have an international
TV audience when he sings "Ze
Hazman" - This is the Time - Israel's
entry in the Eurovision Song Contest,
a 37-nation pop jamboree being held
in Athens May 18-20.
The Black Hebrews began arriving in
Israel in 1969, following Ben Carter, a
Chicago steelworker who renamed
himself Ben Ammi Ben Israel (son of
my people, son of Israel) and claimed
to be God's representative on earth.
The government, unsure where they fit
into Israel's Law of Return that grants
every Jew automatic citizenship,
moved them into remote desert towns
and left them on temporary visas
without permission to work.
Now, after being marginalizod for
nearly four decades, things are finally
changing for the community, thanks
in large part to the music of people
like Butler.
"A small community that had its
origins in not being at all accepted
as part of Israel, and now we're
representing Israel exclaimed its
spokeswoman, Yaffa Bat Gavriel. "And
that's where we want to be. We want
to show that we're here to do our part
for this country
"Ze Hazman the song that is taking
him to Athens, is a pop ballad
influenced by R&B, part English, part
This will be his second Eurovision
appearance; he and a brother were
part of a larger Israeli group at the
1999 contest. "But this is really what
I've been waiting for he says.
This time, I'll be singing solo, and the
stage is mine. This is my chance to
do something for my country
from page A1
There will be awards for the top
three men and women finishers,
as well as for the top three men
and women in each age bracket.
The entry fee for the event is
$15 for non-students and $10 for
students. T-shirts can be purchased
for $20 for non-students and $12
for students.
The race will start at the Toyota
Amphitheater at the Greenville
Town Commons. The route will
encompass much of ECU's historic
residential neighborhood, border-
ing campus, according to the Greek
home Web site.
The race starts at 1 p.m.
More information can be
obtained, as well as applications
for the event, at ecu.educs-stu-
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Now taking applications for
20062007 year.
Positions are available for:
ManagingCopy Editor
Section Editors
Photo Editor
Volunteer photographers and writers
Call 328.9246 or stop by Self Help Center, Suite 205A
(301 S. Evans Street) for more information.
Nightly Dinner Specials $6.95
Monday- Chicken Parmesan
Tuesday- Country Fried Chicken
Wednesday- Spaghetti ft Meatballs
Thursday- Greek or Caesar Salad Chix
Friday- Fish ft Chips
Saturday- Meat or 5 Cheese Lasagna
Sunday- Fried Shrimp Plate
ake Out 758-2774 Take Out
301 Jarvis (2 blocks from campus
Daily Drink Specials
Monday - $1.75 Domestic bottles
Tuesday - $2.25 Imports Bottles
Wednesday - $1.25 Mug Bud Lt $4.50 Pitchers
Thursday - $2.50 House Hi-Balls ft $3 House Wine
Friday - $2.50 Import of the Day ft $3 Margaritas
Saturday - $3 Lits ft $2.50 Import of the Day
Sunday - $2.75 Pints Guinness, Bass,
Newcastle, Black and Tan

Crime Beat
L63u6r from page A1 UBdlBTS from page A1
A rape was reported on March
20 and is said to have occurred
on Oct. 1 in Scott Residence Hall.
This case is still under investigation.
On March 21 a case of driving with a
revoked license by the 10th Street and
College Hill Dr. corner was reported. It
has been closed and cleared by arrest
Larceny in Mendenhall was also
reported on March 21 and is under
further investigation.
Larceny of an iPod in Jones
Residence Hall was reported March
22 and is under further investigation.
Second-degree kidnapping and
assault on a female in Jones
Residence Hall occurred March 24. It
has been closed and cleared by arrest.
Simple assault in Clement Hall
happened March 24 and has been
closed and cleared by arrest.
Larceny of a debit card in Belk
Residence Hall was reported on
March 28. The case has been closed
and cleared by arrest.
Possession of drug paraphernalia
and failure to appear at Plaza One
was reported March 29. A citation
has been issued and the case was
closed and cleared by arrest.
"The point of being a good
leader or an effective president is
to be able to find the answers
Brown said.
All the sessions were attended
by students according to which
office they held, but on the
same topics. Other speakers
and instructors included Levy
Brown, Jr SGA members, Mau-
rice Thompson, ECU Leader-
ship Corps, Dr. Al Smith, the
assistant vice chancellor for
Student Development, Nancy
Mize, assistant vice chancellor
for Recreation and Wellness and
Dr. David Batts, assistant profes-
sor and program coordinator,
Industrial Technology Program.
The day's keynote speaker
was Allen Smith, vice presi-
dent of operations, Greenville-
Pitt County Chamber of Com-
Smith is a Greenville native
and a graduate of Pitt County
Schools. He attended ECU and
graduated in 2003 with a degree
in political science.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
R6Q SOX from page A1
season. Lin is currently living
with the Taiwanese player, TJ.
Yeh in Fort Myers, Flawhile they
start the season in the Gulf Coast
League. In July, Lin will relocate
to a dorm building on the UMASS
Lowell campus, which is within
walking distance of the Single A
Level ballpark. Lin will remain
with the four players, three of
whom have yet to graduate high
school, while they develop in the
minor league and serve as their
personal interpreter.
In response to his current
situation, Lin has obtained a fair
amount of perspective.
"The job I have right
now is just a step in the
door. Gary Chen used to be
an interpreter for the Dodg-
ers a couple of years back
when he was my age. There
are a lot of job opportunities and
my interest ultimately lies in a posi-
tion in the front office of a Major
League baseball club Lin said.
For more information on
Frank Lin, students can visit his
Web site at Franksfieldofdreams.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
has read Prince's books and other
street lit. "It's stuff we consider
everyday life
Freebbie Rivera, a language arts
instructor at Horizon Academy, a
school at New York's Rikers Island
jail, said more inmates are writing
books because "they see the suc-
cess of other incarcerated authors,
and they get motivated
Vickie Stringer, for example,
left prison and a cocaine-traffick-
ing past to become a best-selling
author (Let That Be the Reason;
Imagine This); start her own pub-
lishing company, Triple Crown;
and cut a six-figure deal with
Simon & Schuster.
"Now they're writing manu-
scripts and asking for help with
editing said Rivera.
Commonly, the writers self-
publish after they get out of prison.
But some start-up publishers and
authors find each other and sign
book contracts while they are both
stuck in D-block.
Prince's Bloody Money, which
chronicles the drug trade and lives
of four friends in Wilmington,
Del was first a hit in Howard R.
Young Correctional Institution,
When inmates were clamoring
for Prince's manuscript, Joseph
Jones became his agent and started
Thugs Night Cowidy Z
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charging prisoners, cigarettes or a
can of soup, to read the work.
Now, in book format, Bloody
Money is available to anyone for
$15, and selling briskly.
According to Jones, the book
has sold more than 50,000 copies
since it was released, and the
sequel, Bloody Money 2, is nearing
the 25,000 mark.
"Selling 20,000 in paper-
back for an unknown author is
very respectable said Charlotte
Abbott, a senior editor at the trade
bible Publishers Weekly. "Fifty
thousand in three years is noth-
ing to scoff at
Although many street lit titles
are now in chain stores such as
Borders and Barnes & Noble,
experts say actual sales numbers
are difficult to determine because
sales out of car trunks, mall
kiosks, and street-corner stands
are not tracked.
Overall, the urban-fiction
genre grosses about $50 million
annually, said Earl Cox, the New
Jersey agent and book consultant
who published Hall's gay-themed
memoir and brokered Clark's
books to Kensington Publish-
ing Corp. after Thugs landed on
Essence magazine's best-seller
Clark wrote Thugs and the
sequel, Every Thug Needs a Lady,
while serving her 10-year sen-
tence for conspiracy, money
laundering, and mail and wire
fraud. Since coming to Alderson,
she has completed Payback Is a
Mutha (in stores this month) and
is currently working on a fourth
Kevin Cunningham, 35,
imprisoned at Wyoming Cor-
rectional Facility in Attica, N.Y
on drug charges, hopes the three
books he wrote behind bars on
legal pads help him avoid a
fourth prison term.
"When I get home in July, I
don't have to focus on the streets
said Cunningham, whose first
manuscript, Sin City, is being
edited by his cousin, Philadelphia-
based author and literary agent
Karen E. Quinones Miller. "1 have
found something 1 love
Jailhouse writers are prolific,
said Mustafaa As-Salafi, 35, owner
of Level V Publishing, because the
only time that many people in the
fast lane get to think about their
lives is while they are in a cell.
"When you are in jail, there
aren't too many outlets As-Salafi
said. "And if your family cuts you
off, you don't have a whole lot
of contact with the streets. All
you can do is read, watch TV and
With assistance from family
members on the outside, As-
Salafi started Level V Publishing
while serving 5 years at State
Correctional Institution at Smith-
field for a shooting. He left there
three months ago and last month
released Shafeeq's Dangerously
Insured, a novel about two girls
who insure drug pushers and
violent criminals they believe are
sure to die.
Shafeeq is still in the Hunt-
ingdon County, Pa prison, along
with other budding authors, who
include Monk (George Smith) who
is in for life, and Cutty (William
Alston), who will be released soon.
Level V plans to publish their
books this year.
The flood of prison writing,
As-Salafi believes, is a result of the
alarming numbers of incarcerated
African-Americans, many of them
casualties of the war on drugs and
three-strikes laws that ushered in
long sentences for violent crimes
and crack cocaine dealing.
According to the federal
Bureau of Prisons at the Depart-
ment of Justice, in 2003 there were
586,000 adult African-American
males in state and federal pris-
ons (there were 35,000 black
"We're the result of that
said As-Salafi. "We are the ones
now explaining what happened
during that time, why we robbed,
why we sold drugs
Not all jailhouse writers
wait for a publisher to walk into
their cell. Jones and other street
lit publishers say they receive
dozens of letters and unsolicited
manuscripts from prisons.
"There's a lot of raw talent in
these facilities said Hickson, 36,
the head of Harlem-based Ghet-
toHeat who goes only by his last
name. GhettoHeat published
Convict's Candy, cowritten by
Philadelphian Damon "Amin"
Meadows, now in state prison for
dealing drugs. "Every week, I get
about 20 letters and manuscripts
and 15 of them are from jail
As these books make it to
stores, some people express
concern about the in-your-face
literature that's peppered with
inner-city cliches (the young girl
falls for the drug lord) and amus-
ing stretches of the imagination
(prostitutes in Prada).
"You don't see literary leaps
being taken said Patrik Henry
Bass, books editor of Essence.
But the authors shouldn't be
broadly discounted, said H. Bruce
Franklin, the John Cotton Dana
Professor of English and Ameri-
can studies at the Newark, N.J
campus of Rutgers University.
Like street fiction fathers Ice-
berg Slim and Goines, who both
served time, the new writers are
capturing the life they know.
"When they are able to look
at their own experience and
turn that into some kind of art,
it can be valuable for them and
for everyone else said Frank-
lin, author of Prison.Literature in
America: The Victim as Criminal
and Artist.
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Page A4 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
THURSDAY April 6, 2006
Our View
Yankees may produce
With baseball back in swing, one thing was
clear on Monday, opening day for many
teams - The Yankees' offense is a relentless
Throughout baseball history, the Yankees have
had some very potent offenses, but this year
may very well top any lineup ever assembled
in all of baseball, let alone previous New York
teams. This is what the lineup looked like on
opening day:
Johnny Damon (the best leadoff hitter in
baseball), Derek Jeter (one of baseball's best
clutch hitters), Gary Sheffield, Alex Rodriguez
(the most feared hitter in baseball next to
Albert Pujols), Jason Giambi, Hideki Matsui,
Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams and Robinson
Cano (one of the best second-year players in
the league).
If I were a pitcher facing this team as Barry Zito
did Monday night, I'd soil myself on the mound.
It certainly looked like almost every Oakland
pitcher may have been better off doing just
that and then going home, considering they
surrendered 15 runs to the Bronx Bombers.
There may not be a year when that nickname
fits best as it will this season. There are five
hitters in this lineup who will hit .300 and a
sixth who has that kind of potential. Not to
mention that if Giambi can play a full year as
he played the month of July last season (14
long balls, 24 RBI), this team may hit about 10
home runs per game.
In all seriousness, though, this team may pro-
duce 1,000 runs this season. For those of you
who may not realize it, that is an astounding
number. That means this team would average
almost seven runs per game. As high scoring
as baseball has become, seven runs per game
day in and day out is a lot. And this lineup is
so potent that they could legitimately average
more than eight runs per game. Let's just say
this - Monday will not be the last time you
watch the Yanks put up a 15 spot on someone.
In fact, they may hit double digits with more
frequency than anyone could imagine.
vzv$: MetficANf HeAeiKO none fwanity
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Fight for freedom of speech or shut up and conform
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Rachel King Claire Murphy
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Drawing a line in the
It doesn't matter how many
times I double-check the U.S.
Constitution, there is no such
thing as "freedom of speech" or
"freedom of the press" any longer.
I was such an idealistic young
lad when I made the decision to
pursue a career in journalism. I
pictured myself as a sort of liber-
tine - someone who rejected the
status quo, fought the system,
blah blah blah. I no longer harbor
such delusions.
When I sat down to pen this
week's entry to my portfolio
(I've always preferred the pen
to the keyboard), I wrestled
with which issue to tackle. The
recent (or proposed) crackdown
on illegal immigration was the
first to come to mind. After all,
it's topical, it's controversial and
most importantly, I have a very
strong (and very offbeat) opinion
on the subject.
Then I thought of the reper-
cussions if I dared to write such
a piece and truly expressed my
true inner thoughts. This is a
very hotly debated issue at the
moment. Hundreds of thousands
of people are marching in the
streets over it. Children are leav-
ing school in protest. People are
genuinely upset about this and
I know that if I were to say my
piece, there's no doubt that I'd
quickly be labeled a racist by an
ECU student who took offense
because her grandmother came
to this country on a raft. It
wouldn't even matter if I had a
legitimate point or not.
So I considered plan B: Barry
Bonds. Sounds foolproof, right?
The only person who could
possibly be upset if I tore him a
new one would be Barry Bonds
himself. And let's face It, he has
way too much money and way
too much celebrity to care about
what an opinion writer for some
college rag says about him.
You'd think I'd have a free
pass on this one. I could write
that Bonds (allegedly) began
taking steroids because he was
upset at all of the attention Mark
McGwire and Sammy Sosa were
getting during their single-season
home run race. I would make
some sort of joke that Bonds grew
like the Incredible Hulk, except
he would say "you wouldn't like
me when I'm jealous
But even the Bonds story
has taken a turn that would
prevent me from commenting.
A few weeks back, Jesse Jackson
said that America doesn't want
Bonds to continue playing and
ultimately break the career home
run record because he's black
- despite the fact that the man
who currently holds that record,
the great Hank Aaron, is black as
well. Not only would I be a hate-
monger, the student chapter of
the NAACP would want to meet
with me this time. Come to think
of it, the student chapter of PAUJ
(People Against Unfunny Jokes)
would probably want to meet
with me to talk about that Bonds
Incredible Hulk line as well.
Of course, I understand that
this problem is much bigger
than me. In fact, I've had a good
experience writing for TEC. I've
never been edited for content and
I've never been told what 1 could
or couldn't write about. What
alarms me is the trend currently
making its way through the main-
stream media.
For example, as we speak,
religious groups are boycotting
Wal-Mart because it is selling
Brokeback Mountain on DVD and,
as the group claims, is furthering
a movement of gay acceptance in
America. Wal-Mart cannot win
in this situation. If they sell the
DVD, they risk losing customers
from the religious community. If
they refuse to sell the DVD, they
risk losing customers from the
gay community. That's insane
- all Wal-Mart wants to do is sell
DVDs, not make a political state-
ment. But, unfortunately, these
groups know how to get their
way with the superstore, know-
ing they can't give a reasonable
argument for their beliefs.
Remember when Kanye West
took a shot at President Bush at a
Hurricane Katrina benefit, saying
that he "doesn't care about black
people I remember reading that
Pro-Bush Republicans furious
about it, saying that they'd never
buy his CD or any CD from his
label - like they would have in the
first place. Why not debate West
and contradict the statement?
Because it's easier to stronghold
his music label into shutting him
up than to prove him wrong.
The minute somebody says
something controversial, there is
a movement afoot to have them
fired or to damage the publica-
tion, television station, sponsor,
etc. that supports that person.
And that's where they will always
win. This country has become
so corporate - with four or five
media conglomerates owning
everything - that the only thing
that matters is the bottom line.
If something you write or say
affects that bottom line, you will
promptly be shown the door.
I'm not saying Americans
should have the ability to spout
hate speech and I'm not saying
that there shouldn't be a chance
for rebuttal when columnists write
about an issue. However, it's get-
ting to the point where we can't
say anything at all - rational or not
- without offending someone.
Here's a suggestion: let's pro-
mote free speech instead of con-
demning it. If a minority group or
a political party is truly upset, fight
back with more free speech through
civil debate, not boycotts and back
door shenanigans. If I offend you
because I think we should limit
illegal immigrants coming into the
country, tell me why I'm wrong
instead of calling me a racist, sexist,
elitist jerk and hope that stigma
would shut me up or that someone
would shut me up.
I'll never shut up. I'll never let
my agenda be set because I was
afraid of pissing somebody off. I
just hope I'm not the only one.
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Speed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak
Web Editor
Kristin Murnane
Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Lotter
Asst Photo Editor
Dustin Jones
Asst Web Editor
Edward McKim
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer "Our view" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and include a telephone number, betters may be sent
via e-mail to editatotheeacaroliniaROom or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
In My Opinion
(KRT) A conservative revo-
lution has quietly been taking
place on college campuses across
the country. Scholarships, fel-
lowships and other funding pro-
grams previously earmarked for
women and minorities are now
being made available to white
and non-minority students.
In 2002, many institutions
of higher learning began to take
a hard look at the potential legal
liability of their race-specific pro-
grams. That was also just about
the same time that conservative
groups began to mobilize around
the issue.
The following year, the
Supreme Court handed down
two decisions that defined the
limits of affirmative action as
it relates to college admissions.
Conservative activists, led by
Linda Chavez's Center for Equal
Opportunity and Ward Conner-
ly's American Civil Rights Insti-
tute, then began to systematically
examine the funding programs
of colleges and universities.
The Center for Equal Oppor-
tunity challenged programs at
more than 200 Institutions of
higher learning, and threatened
legal action for any who didn't
agree to end limitations on race-
exclusive scholarship programs.
The center also filed letters
of complaint about schools that
don't fall into line with the U.S.
Education Department's Office of
Civil Rights. That has led to Edu-
cation Department investigations
and Justice Department threats
of legal action aimed at schools
that resisted the changes.
The State University system
of New York recently agreed to
allow non-minorities access to
race-specific programs through-
out its campuses.
Others, like California's Pep-
perdine University, are negotiat-
ing terms for their programs with
the Justice Department. Some
smaller institutions, like Ketter-
lng University in Flint, Mich are,
at least for the moment, flying
under the conservative radar and
continuing to operate their race-
based scholarship programs.
The chilling effect of the
conservative effort is also reach-
ing beyond college campuses.
Federal agencies like the National
Institutes of Health, as well as
philanthropic entities such as the
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,
are ending their support for col-
lege programs that consider race
as an eligibility factor.
It's clear that many right-
wing organizations like the
Center for Equal Opportunity
believe that we live in a society
free of the racial discrimination
of the past.
But America's long history of
educational apartheid continues to
this day. Many students of color in
urban public schools are languish-
ing in separate and unequal facili-
ties. They face dwindling funding
resources at the federal, state
and local levels. They lack basic
supplies, endure overcrowded
classrooms and crumbling infra-
structures. Those limitations mean
that many students of color are
already having to work harder to
access higher education.
If scholarship programs des-
ignated for minorities are elimi-
nated, our education system will
continue to leave many well-
qualified and deserving students
If you're going to be a journalist, learn some grammar.
There is a difference between there, their and they're.
Last night an old friend of mine from high school
was killed while driving drunk. He hit a guard rail
and swerved across the median into oncoming traffic,
where he was T-boned by another car. His gas tank
ignited and he caught on fire and died. I just wanted
to post this for all of you drunk drivers out there. You
don't think it will happen to you, but it could. Please
be careful and think about all the people who care
about you and love you and would be so crushed if
you died! This coula have easily been prevented!
TEC listen, I know we have been together now for
four years, but you know things change. And, what
I'm trying to say is, I'm moving on. No, TEC stop,
stop crying. OK fine, be like that, I'm out of here. On
yean I cheated on you with USA TODAY
I am so in love with the lunch staff at Moe's!
For the 100th time, ECU Police do not write
parking tickets. Parking and Traffic does. And 1
wouldn't be too quick to say you are not going
to pay them. If they spell your name wrong each
time, then at some time or another after you get
three tickets, you can kiss your ride good-bye.
The movie theater does not give student discounts!
I am sick and tired of hearing people whine and
complain about ECU. This is a very special place and
maybe if you actually got out and enjoyed it instead
of sitting around moaning about it, you would realize
how great of a place this is.
Since when is it OK for the parking ticket people
to come by after hours? You close at 5 p.m so that
means you stop writing tickets at 5 p.m. Next time I
park on campus, I will take my license plate off. Have
fun writing me a ticket then.
I found this strange device on my car's steering column,
i so I looked it up in the owner's manual. It seems to
be a "turn signal indicator lever" and it's supposed
to "indicate to others my intent to turn There were
other instructions, and I'm sure they were important,
but any further reading would have required effort
Besides, it's fun to suddenly change my direction of
travel without warning other motorists.
To whomever sent in the rant on how all men want is sex
in a relationship, I really take offense to this. I am a guy
with strong moral beliefs, and my girlfriend and I waited
for a year after getting together to have sex. How dare you
j insinuate that all men want in a relationship is sex?
Does everyone order Wings Over Greenville when
they are drunk or is it just my friends?
Yea all guys want to do is get some, but a gentleman
will love a girl with his heart! Guys grow up. This is
coming from a gentleman!
Library tours are so boring!
Hey TEC I don't think all of your anti-TEC rants come
from the SGA. You should hear what my fellow commu-
nication students say after reading some of your articles.
Our professors are also not impressed with you at all.
Boo on you, Chancellor. If you get rid of the rants,
no one will read the paper. If you want people to read
the paper, keep the rants. Even though I do read other
things, the majority of the students don't.
With all this talk about straight guys liking gay guys
and vice verse, seems like it's about time for us bi guys
to represent! We get the best of both worlds after all.
How would changing the parking lot on 10th Street
to an "A" lot improve pedestrian safety? Wouldn't
people still be walking across the road to get to the
lot? Wake up Faculty Senate, all you are doing is
giving yourself more parking spaces.
Reverse racism is a very real thing. By definition
(, reverse racism is when racism is
directed from a minority to a majority population.
Is that not what blacks prejudice against whites is?
Next time you want to correct someone with a rant,
at least know what you're talking about.
"OK, we have three branches of SGA here at ECU. How
come no one ever does a feature story or editorial on the
Judicial Branch In response to the Judicial SGA rant,
because nobody cares about SGA except for SGA. It's
bad enough we have to read about it once a week.
ECU Police take the report of your stolen bicycle,
arrest you for drunk driving, write you a ticket for
speeding but they do not write parking tickets! Get
it right, there are two different departments, ECU
Police and ECU Parking and Transportation.
Is it wrong to use Facebook to find out about a girl?
If she wasn't so fine and I didn't have to sit behind
her and work with her in math class I wouldn't be
so mesmerized.
What makes you think that a guy who wants a rela-
tionship doesn't want to get some?
Thank you to the person who discovered my cell phone
on the pavement and placed it on my vehicle's windshield
under the wiper blades. It fell out ofmy coat pocket when
I got out ana you were very considerate to place it where
it could be found. 1 appreciate your kindness.
My bad, I misspelled "higher but at least that's your
only cimplaint about me. From your reply rant, I find
you rude and antagonistic. I enjoyed Tony McKee's
articles not only for the good laugh, but because I
like to hear the other side sometimes.
Popped collars are a thing of the 1980s. Why some
people continue to follow the trend befuddles fashion
police all over the globe. Come on guys. What are
you trying to prove?
If you drop a piece of paper outside and have time to stop,
turn, and look at it, don't you think you could take halfa
second to chisel the phone away from your ear and pick it
up? To the self-absorbed girl I watched do this yesterday,
whatever juicy gossip you were discussing couldn't have
been half as important as the environment!
Lee Schwarz's articles are so boring. Why do we want
to read or worry about retirement? We don't even
have jobs yet!
All the energy that people put in to trying to look
cool and worrying over trivial matters could be put
into saving the world. Doesn't anybody realize this
planet is going to hell in a hand basket?
I am the beady-eyed professor without a soul. Whoever
ranted about me is so failing my class! Lookout sucka!
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is an anonymous way for students ana" staff in the
ECU community to voke their opinions. Submissions canbesuhtnitteti anonymously
online at www.theeastLarolinUin.iiun. or e-mailed to edttofifitheeastcarollnlan.
com. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity.

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Page A6
1 Art of the absurd
5 Help!
8 Moistened
14 Utopian garden
15 Hole-making tool
16 To some extent
17 "Too Proud to
18 Even score
19 Thelma's partner
20 Spearheaded
21 Planted
22 Sang merrily
23 Decisive
26 Morsel for
Mr. Ed
27 Jazz enthusiast
28 Louis of boxing
31 Reuben shop
33 Film award
36 Actor Damon
37 Black Sea arm
38 Bawl out
39 "Do others
40 Strongly advise
41 Closing
42 Light gas
43 Wide inlet
44 Young seal
45 Pers. pension
46 Star spotters
52 Kind of cat
55 One woodwind
56 Full-house sign
57 Deep red gem
58 Bigwig letters
59 Knock senseless
60 Political exile
61 European high
62 Acute
63 Go by again
64 Cunning
65 500-mi. event
1 Handed out
2 So long to Yves
3 Study of trees
4 Picnic spoiler
5 Smooth fabric
6 Payable
7 REM situation
8 Pool-like game
12 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13
1 1
I 1
1 m?e 29 31 32 M 34 35 j36
38 H 39
: - 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
1 jflBss
B 1 2006 Tribune Madia Services. Inc. 4801 All rights reserved.
Two Dudes
THURSDAY April 6, 2006
by Aaron Warner
9 Consecrate with
10 Ste. Marie
11 Piccadilly dilly
12 Mitigate
13 Soaked in anil
21 Cambridge sch.
24 Ingenuous
25 Florida city
28 "Emma" author
29 Italian eight
30 School in
31 Amateurish
32 Book before
33 Kisses
34 Rifle
35 Massachusetts
36 Writer H.H.
44 Rind removers
45 Cool down
46 Nukualofa's
CrfM I
mm to cok foR a visit.
Kl, THE WHOU Tint if WAS
YouNG You LooKfl) AM) THAT HE
such U6C white '
47 Stellar blasts
48 Short-term govt.
49 Too
50 Positioned
51 Cher's ex
52 Teen follower?
53 Tom, Dick or
54 Take hold of
59 Enjoy
A College Girl Named Joe
INK 50
TQ60IH6 0rT

xwmew "WE"
lieu Indie.
hove you met
Friday April 7th 7 PM Pirate Underground
ECU Waterski
Wakeboard Club
Come out and ride with us!
Beginner to Expert- all are welcome!
Tuesday nights
8:30PM at the Student
Recreation Center
Bry Long (252) 532.5512
Jon Koritz (919) 619.8040
(252) 328-6387

iron Warner
Report news students need to know. fPr
Accepting applications for STAFF WRITERS
Learn Investigative reporting skills
Must have at least a 2.0 GPA
WE'VE MOVED Apply at our NEW office located uptown at the Self Help Building - 100F E. 3rd St
The ECU Student Media Board
invites applications
for the position of
for the 2006-07 academic year.
. Applications are available in the Media Board Office
(Self Help Building, 301 Evans St. Suite 205A, Greenville NC)
The deadline for submitting an application is
AT 5 P.M.
For information, call the Media Board office at 328-9236.
A promise rooted in education
(KRT) A promise is a prom-
ise until it is broken. And in
the current era of broken job,
pension and health-care benefit
pledges, the word promise has
lost tons of credibility.
But in down-on-its-luck Kal-
amazoo, what is known here as
"The Promise" has the ring of cer-
tainty, spurring an extraordinary
wave of hope among residents
and tire-kicking interest from
suddenly curious outsiders who
know this city of 74,000 people
only as someplace in Michigan
with a goofy name.
Since an anonymous local
donor promised last fall to bank-
roll - indefinitely - the college
tuition of thousands of Kalama-
zoo public school graduates, life
has changed here in ways that
could not have been imagined
six months ago.
Hundreds of new homes are
slated to be built.
Out-of-state businesses are
sniffing around Kalamazoo as a
relocation site.
School officials and real
estate agents have been deluged
with untold thousands of e-mails
and phone calls from people all
over the country, asking about
the school system and the com-
Students, either on their own
or by parental threat, are showing
increased interest in their classes.
The dropout rate has plunged.
The number of people attending
a recent orientation session for
kindergarten students was four
times last year's turnout.
And parents of all socioeco-
nomic backgrounds who never
dared dream of college for their
children or wondered how they
Students in a high school in Kalamazoo prepare for an exam.
would pay the hefty tab now sit
in awe of the approaching real-
ity of someone else writing the
tuition checks. To them, this
goes beyond promise and into
the realm of miracles.
"What are the odds of being
in Kalamazoo at the time this
happens? This has got to be
divine intervention. This has
changed the whole climate here
said Chris Robinson, a career
adviser at a local college who,
with her social worker husband,
is still paying off college debts
from two decades ago.
The Robinsons' 17-year-old
daughter, Emily, is headed to
the University of Michigan next
fall, and their two other children
also are in line for the tuition
gift once they graduate from
high school.
Rebecca Boyd, a single parent
who cleans homes for a living
and was able to attend only one
semester of community college,
will watch her 17-year-old daugh-
ter, Terica, enter Western Michi-
gan University in the fall.
"This is a heavy burden
released said Boyd, who has
two younger children at home.
"1 am shocked. This is just
The unexpected gift works
like this: Students who attended
Kalamazoo public schools from
kindergarten through 12th grade
receive four years of tuition to
any state-supported college or
university in Michigan. Those
who entered the district later will
receive smaller tuition gifts, with
the smallest being 65 percent
for those who moved into the
system in ninth grade. Students
entering school in the 10th, 11th
and 12th grades are not eligible,
a decision that has caused some
"Some feel like everyone's
getting the birthday cake but
them said Kalamazoo Central
High School guidance counselor
Susan Schewe.
Free Cable TV
Free Water & Sewer
Alrlmba Wireless Available
Sparkling Swimming pool
Professional On-Slte Management
24-hour Emergency
On ECU Bus Route
WasherDryer Connections
Spacious Floor Plans

Get Started. Get Ahead. Live.
Summer School 2006

. 1 1 jj
. $J IHk

2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment Homes Swimming Pool
Cable TV Walk-In Closets Mini Bunds
Washer Dryer Connections Available
Washer Dryer Provided dm Some Units
Pet Friendly 1-1 2 Bath Great Outside I jchtinc
Planned Social Events 24 Hour Maintenance
On-sttb Management Convenient Locations
ECU & Greenville Crnr Bus Lines
2 Bedroom 890 Sq. Ft.
3 Bedroom 1,050 Sq. Ft.
call today
Unnwi nwvi
1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes 2 Bedroom Townhomes
2 Swimming Pools Mini Bunds
Cable TV Cat Friendly
Multiple 2 BR Floor Plans
Free Heat in Townhomes
Balconies Patios in Some Units
24 Hour Emergency Maintenance
Convenient Locations
ECU & Greenville City Bus Lines
Down the hill
1 bedroom 665 sq, ft.
2 bedroom 875 sqft.
2 bedroom 1000 sqft.
Parkview Manor
1 bedroom 650 - 675 sqft.
2 bedroom 840 sqft.
town houses
FREE Wireless Internet & FREE Cable

Page A9 The East Carolinian, Self Help Building
Phone (252) 328-9238 Fax (252) 328-9143
THURSDAT April 6, 2006
5 Bedroom 2 bath house for rent one
block from ECU. 703 E. 4th Street
between )arvis and Student Streets.
Great renovated house. $1600 Call
Wyndham Circle Duplex: 2 bedroom
2 bath, washerdryer hookups, huge
yard & deck 'Desirable Student
Location! $625month. Available
summer or fall.
Now accepting applications for
summer and fall at Captains Quarters,
University Terrace, Tower Village, The
Trellis. Call Hearthside Rentals 355-
2112 or 355-5923. Visit our website at
Duplex 2 BDRM 2 BATH Central Heat
AC ECU Bus Route Partial Furnished
218 Wyndham Circle 252-714-1057
252-756-2778 Available July 1st.
Walk to ECU, Pre leasing For
May, June, July, August, All
size homes, view details at
-or call 321-4712
One two Brs. on-site management
maintenance Central heat air 6, 9,12
month leases Water Cable included
ECU bus Wireless Internet pets
dishwasher disposals pool laundry
(252) 758-4015
Tired of paying for all the
amenities that you never use?
Save money and move to one
of our several 2 bedroom
apartments. Creat floor
plans with water and sewer
Included. No hidden charges!
Call 252-758-7575 or visit us at
Kingston Condominiums 3002
Kingston Circle. Ask about our
unbelievable security deposit
specials! 11 We have a pool to
enjoy those hot days, we are on
the ECU bus line, and we are Pet
Sublease: one bedroom apartment.
Rent is $380. Can move-in right
away. 15 minute walk to school. Pet
Friendly. Call mefor more information.
Bradford Creek Apartment available.
Close to ECU. Free Rent and Pet Fee
for June. 3bd, 2.5 ba. $795 a month.
Short or Long Term Lease. Early
May move also negotiable without
added rent for a grand total of 1.5
mos pet fee free to move in by
May 15th. Interested? Please call
Yolanda at 252-328-2259 or email:
Live on 5th Street and look at ECU
from your balcony or front porch.
703 E. 5th Street next door to
Career Services. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath
completely renovated with new
everything. Kitchens, bathrooms,
appliances; has just been updated. Live
at ECU'S best location for $800 Call
Walk to Campus! 6,5,4, & 3 Bedroom
houses (duplexes) all 1 -2 blocks from
campus. Central HeatAir. Large
bedrooms. Washer, dryer, high-speed
internet, basic cable, and alarm system
all included in rent. Several units
available June 1st and August 1st. Call
Mike 439-0285.
Beat This, No parking fees, No parking
hassle, Walk to class, downtown or
to the rec. center, 2bed 1.5 bath
duplex available now, short term
lease accepted. Buccaneer Village call
561-7368531-9011 Pinnacle Property
Brand new 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses
for rent. 1.5 to 2.5 baths. Dudley's
Grant off Firetower Rd. All appliances.
WasherDryer hook-ups $695-795
per month. Call 341-0223 for more
Walk to Campus! 1 block from
campus. 2 bedroom apartments with
hard wood floors and central heatair.
Washer, dryer, dishwasher, high-speed
internet, basic cable, water, sewer all
included. Available August 1st. Call
Mike 439-0285.
Large 5 Bedroom house two blocks
from ECU. 110 Rotary Ave. Large
bedrooms and closets, central ac,
newly renovated and real nice. $1550
Walk to campus 3 BR 1.5 BA Recently
Renovated Meade St. Hardwood
Floors, ceiling Fans, WD, All Kitchen
Appliances Large FrontBack yard &
storage shed. $675month Aug. 1st
Beautiful house for rentsublease
over summer. Up to five bedrooms
available. House is huge and in
amazing shape. Located at 4th and
Eastern. Only $1000month. Call Jen
For Rent: Very nice 4 br, 2.5 bath
house with 2 zone, central heatair;
off street parking; close proximity to
ECU campus. Completely renovated.
25 rent discount for prompt pay.
Call 752-1000, ask for Murrell.
Walk to Campus from this 3BR, 1 Bath
house with 2-car garage at 1701 East
4th Street. Includes WasherDryer
& Lawn service. Available July 1st.
$950month. Serious applicants only.
Call (252) 375-6447.
Roommate Wanted
Male roommate needed -
immediate occupancy for sublease
through June 30. Eastgate duplex-
private bedroom, bath. $337.50
month plus half utilities, cable. 756-
5932-leave message.
The Buccaneer is back! The ECU
yearbook has returned so make sure
to reserve your copy. Order online at
www.yearbookupdatesecu or call
1-888-298-3323 Hurry! Deadline to
order is 5pm 4-24-06
Interested in coaching boys lacrosse?
If you've had past experience as a
player or coach please contact Lydia
Rotondo at (252)329-8080 for more
Area high school seeking field hockey
coach for fall 2006. Afternoon
availability 3-5 pm If interested, call
Lydia Rotondo at (252)329-8080
Bartenders wanted! Up to $250day.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. Call (800) 965-6520. ext.
Babysitter: Mature, responsible
babysitter needed for infant and
toddler three daysweek beginning
in May. Must have good driving
record, excellent references and
reliable transportation. Contact, 353-0187.
After school childcare needed.
Monday-Friday 2:00-5:30.
Transportation necessary. Call after
6pm 355-3884.
Campus Towers in Greenville, NC
seeks a general manager or leasing
manager to provide leadership in the
development and implementations
of a comprehensive marketing and
leasing program with the goal of
100 occupancy. Campus Towers is
a new student housing facility serving
the students of East Carolina University.
Candidates with experience in student
housing preferred. Bachelor's degree,
self-motivation, strong computer,
interpersonal communication skills,
and an energetic and positive sales
approach required. To apply, please
send resume to nheard@campusadv.
com; fax to 512-472-0982; or call
Lifeguards and swim instructors
needed for outdoor pool June 1-
August 20. Candidates must be
certified in Lifeguarding, AED, First Aid
and CPRPR. $7.50 per hour. Apply at or call Jessica at
329-4043 for more information.
Local law firm has a part-time
mail roomrunner position open.
Responsibilities include: general office
support, errands, file maintenance,
phone and mail room support.
Must have own transportation and
be computer literate. Please send
resume and available summer and fall
hours to: Legal Administrator, 1698 E.
Arlington Blvd Greenville, NC 27858
orfax to 252-353-1096. EOE. Resumes
without available hours attached will
not be considered.
WZMB is currently accepting
applications for a student office
assistant. You must be a registered
student with a gpa of at least 2.3.
Attention to detail and a strong math
background would be helpful. If
interested please come by the radio
station in the basement of mendenhall
to fill out an application. This position
is for the summer only. Deadline is
Monday, April 10.
Now Hiring Tokyo To Go (Big Lots
Shopping Center). Applications on
door. Drop off at Any Jersey Mike's for
more info call George 341-6630
Student oriented community in
Greenville, NC looking for individual
with sparkling personality to fill leasing
consultant position. Please call (252)
321-7613 and ask for Emily or Tom
Mobile waitstaff wanted for Restaurant
Runners. Part-time positions 100-150
week. Perfect for college student
Some Lunch Time (11a-2p) M-F and
weekend availability required. 2-way
radios allow you to be anywhere in
Greenville when not on a delivery.
Reliable transportation a must. Call
551-3279 between 2-5 only. Sorry
Greenville residents and year around
dorm residents only. Leave message
if necessary.
Live this summer at the Beach and
work with Telescope PicturesSunrays
Studio in Ocean City, MDVirginia
Beach. VA. Earn up to $10,000.
Housing is Available. For more
information visit our website and
Apply On-Line www.sunraysstudio.
com or call 1.724.322.1858. E.O.E
Wanted: Student to assjst kids
ages 14, 13, and 9 with homwork
. Must be math major with GPA of
3.4 or betjer. Strong in science a
plus. Must be non-smoker, flexible
hours, transportation, available
to work afternoons, nights, and
some weekends. Call 252-917-6787
or 252-752-1572 for interview.
Mgrs. and Lifegrds at Pools and
Beaches in Greenville, Atlantic Beach,
and Wilson. Call Bob 714-0576
Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth baseball coaches for the spring
t-ball program. Applicants must
possess a good knowledge of baseball
skills and have the ability and patience
to work with youth. Hours vary from
3:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Monday-Friday
with some weekend coaching. Flexible
hours according to class schedules.
This program will run from April 24-
mid June. Salaries start at $6.50 per
hour. Apply at the City of Greenville,
Human Resources Department, 201
Martin L. King Dr. Phone 329-4492.
For more information, please contact
the Athletic Office at 329-4550,
Monday through Friday, 10 am until
7 pm.
Work hard, Play hard, change lives!
Girls resident camp looking for
counselors, lifeguards, wranglers,
boating staff, crafts, Unit Leaders,
Business Manager, and Health
Supervisor. $200-$300week! June
3-August 13th, Free Housing! (336)
861-1198 or Keyauwee@northstate.
net for an on-
line application.
Part-time position now for energetic,
committed Christian to coordinate
programs for children, youth, and
adults at historic Calvary Episcopal
Church, in Tarboro, NC, 30 minutes
from Greenville. Calvary has programs
on Sundays and Wednesday evenings
as well as seasonal programs such
as Vacation Bible School and
Lenten education series for a liberal
congregation of 350. A furnished
office and telephone provided. Annual
salary is $13,500. Deadline for letter
of interest and resume with at least
three references is March 31, 2006. A
background check will be conducted.
Send letter, resume, and references
to: Calvary Church, P.O. Box 1245,
Tarboro, NC 27886.
Manager and Sales Persons
Needed. Full Time. Part Time.
Day or Evening Hours. Creat
Working Conditions Excellent
Pay End of Year Bonus. Located at
Nags Head Beach North Carolina.
Contact Gary at 252-305-5558 or
Congratulations to our newest sisters of
Alpha Delta Pi! Samantha Annab, Keri
Brockett, Emily Burris, Alta Castellino,
Allison Maton, Katie Robson, Megan
Smith, Brittany Thorp! We love you!
The sisters of Alpha Delta Pi would like
to congratulate Dana White and Keri
Brockett on your SGA offices! We are
so proud of you!
OTHER Spring
BreakGrad Week 1-800-645-3618
We Have What You're Looking For!
$100 Per Person & Up!
The Greenville Greens, an affiliate of
the NC Green Party, meets monthly
on the first Thursday of each month.
Next meeting is Thursday, April 6, at
7pm, Sheppard Memorial Library,
Room B. A true progressive voice
in NC politics! Contact us at ncgp.
Get In State Tuition Rates! Join the
NC National Guard and qualify for In
State Tuition Rates Plus Receive State &
Federal Tuition Assistance (Pays 100
for most people) & Great Pay along
with many other financial benefits. For
more information contact SFC Jimmy
Smith (252)916-9073 Email: jimmy.
Alpha Delta Pi's First Annual Sumo-
Thon will be held April 10th from
7am-12pm on the corner of Charles
and Greenville Blvd! All proceeds go
to the Ronald McDonald House!
The ECU Physical Therapy students
will be conducting a Massage Clinic
on Tuesday, April 11th, from 5:00
until 8:00pm at the Belk Allied Health
Building. Prices are $10for 15 minutes,
$20 for 30 minutes, and $40 for
60 minutes. Appointments are not
necessary, but if you would like to
make an appointment, please call
Kristin Hudson at 561-6688 or email
her at
3200-F Moseley Or. or 111 I WyiitIIi;iiii Circle CireenviUe,
Professionally Managed ly Eastern Yryx-it Management. TJ

All inclusive rates starting at $349
$0 Security Deposit
Next 100 leases to sign get $200 off first months rent,
$0 Application Fee $0 Security Deposit
best in student living
furnished and unfurnished
private bedrooms & bathrooms
fully equipped kitchens
utilities included
roommate matching offered
sparkling pool
volleyball and basketball courts
monthly resident activities
internet in each bedroom
fitness center
free tanning
washer and dryer
computer lab & game room
mek tor cttoaiB km wdk cottage, part, (Ck puoUeu
$0.00 Move-In Fee $0.00 Security Deposit
All-lnclueive 4 Bedroom 4 Bath $399.00 Pays It All for The Fall

Arts & Entertainment
Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY April 6, 2006
Tangerine Glazed Easter Ham
with Baby Carrots
1 (8 to 10-pound) smoked ham,
bone-in, skin on
Kosher salt and freshly ground
black pepper
1 bunch fresh sage leaves
14 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter,
cut in chunks
2 tangerines, sliced thin, seeds
2 cups tangerine juice
2 cups light brown sugar,
1 cup water
14 teaspoon whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
112 pounds carrots, peeled
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees
F. Put the ham in a large roasting
pan, fat-side up. Using a sharp knife,
score the ham with cuts across the
skin, about two inches apart and 12-
inch deep. Cut diagonally down the
slashes to form a diamond pattern;
season the meat generously with salt
and pepper. Chop about eight of the
sage leaves and put it in a bowl; mix
with the oil to make a paste. Rub
the sage-oil all over the ham, being
sure to get the flavor into all the slits.
Bake the ham for two hours. Now
there is plenty of time to bang-out
the tangerine glaze.
For the glaze: Place a saucepan
over medium heat. Add the chunks
of butter, tangerines, tangerine juice,
brown sugar, water and spices.
Slowly cook the liquid down to a
syrupy glaze; this should take about
30 to 40 minutes.
After the ham has being going for a
couple of hours, pour the tangerine
glaze all over it, with the pieces of fruit
and all. Scatter the remaining sage
leaves on top and stick the ham back
in the oven and continue to cook for
112 hours, basting with the juices
every 30 minutes.
Scatter the carrots around the ham
and coat in the tangerine glaze. Stick
the ham once again back in the oven
and cook for a final 30 minutes, until
the carrots are tender, the ham is dark
and crispy, and the whole thing is
glistening with a sugary glaze.
Set the ham on a cutting board to rest
before carving. Serve the carrots and
tangerine glaze on the side. Enjoy!
Buttered Peas and Pearl Onions
1 12 pounds pearl onions
1 cup chicken broth
14 cup (12 stick) unsalted
3 teaspoons chopped fresh dill
2 cups fresh sweet peas,
12 lemon, juiced
1 small bunch watercress,
washed and trimmed
Kosher salt and freshly ground
black pepper
Bring a large pot of salted water
to a boil. Toss in the pearl onions
and blanch for three minutes.
Drain them out and then shock
them in ice water to stop from
over-cooking. Drain again. Pinch
the pearl onions out of their little
skins and set aside.
In a three-quart saucepan over
medium heat, combine the chicken
broth, two tablespoons of the butter
and two teaspoons of the dill. Once
the liquid gets hot, add the pearl
onions and peas. Cook and stir for
five minutes until well coated and
thickened slightly. Add the lemon
juice, watercress, remaining butter
and dill; season with salt and pepper.
Serve together in a large serving bowl.
Easter Pie
34 cup powdered sugar, plus
extra for garnish
3 large eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 tablespoon orange zest
1 (15-ounce) container whole
milk ricotta cheese
12 cup cooked rice
13 cup toasted pine nuts
6 sheets fresh phyllo sheets or
frozen, thawed
34 stick (3 ounces) unsalted
butter, melted
Blend 34 cup of powdered sugar,
eggs, vanilla, orange zest and
ricotta in a food processor until
smooth. Stir in the rice and pine
nuts. Set the ricotta mixture
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Lightly butter a 9-inch glass pie dish.
Lay one phyllo sheet over the bottom
and up the sides of the dish, allowing
the phyllo to hang over the sides.
Brush the phyllo with the melted
butter. Top with a second sheet of
phyllo dough, laying it in the opposite
direction as the first phyllo sheet.
Continue layering the remaining
sheets of phyllo sheets, alternating
after each layer and buttering each
sheet. Spoon the ricotta mixture
into the dish. Fold the overhanging
phyllo dough over the top of the
filling to enclose it completely. Brush
completely with melted butter.
Bake the pie until the phyllo is golden
brown and the filling is set, about 35
minutes. Transfer the pan to a rack
and cool completely. Sift powdered
sugar over the pie and serve.
This movie really kicks some ice
'Ice Age 2'is one of the
hottest movies out
John Leguizamo has cer-
tainly endured an interesting
movie career for all of his 22
years in the business. He's
played Tybalt in the modern
Romeo Juliet (a movie which
many will find entirely divi-
sive among Shakespeare fans)
and he's also taken a turn
as the only man on the big
screen to portray famous Nin-
tendo sidekick Luigi Mario.
What, you don't remember
that 1993 blockbuster (snicker)
Super Mario Bros, with Dennis
Hopper and Bob Hoskins?
Leguizamo's role has
always been the same in a
lot of the more famous ones,
he's the annoying guy who
manages to mess things up
one way or another. To make
a long story short, being the
star of The Pest speaks for
itself. He's found a place as the
annoying guy who talks fast.
People with such personality
quirks generally always have
a place in this world, and
that's the in animated feature.
If not for his turn as Sid the
Sloth in 2002's surprise hit Ice
Age, Leguizamo may not have
much to speak of, although
I'm sure he's proud to have
been the evil clown in Spawn.
However, it is not my job to
wax poetic about what would
have happened had people not
gotten certain roles, so we'll
stick to the script. Ice Age was
a powerfully successful movie,
Manny the woolly mammoth, center left, (Ray Romano) gets some troubling news from Fast Tony (Jay Leno) in Ice Age 2: The Meltdown.
grossing the highest March open-
ing weekend ever (albeit against
such stiff competition as Liar
Liar and Robots). It had a solid
formula for success, which you
will be happy to know isn't much
tampered with in the sequel, Ice
Age 2: The Meltdown.
The plot of this movie is
pretty self-explanatory. Finding
that the Ice Age is ending and
the ice around them is melting,
the animals in the valley flee an
oncoming flood. In the midst of
all this are our three heroes - Sid
(Leguizamo), Diego (the hilari-
ous Denis Leary) and Manny
(Ray Romano, whom everybody
loves). As the animals scramble
for high ground, Manny realizes
he may be the only mammoth
left, only to learn that another
female mammoth is around.
The trouble is she thinks she's a
possum. See, you've got to watch
out for those women with mental
problems. (Ladies, if you TP my
house, please use double-ply.)
First and foremost, Scrat
is the franchise. Scrat is the
name of the squirrel who runs
hither and thither like a two-
year old feverishly attempting
to reach his prize, a nut, of
see ICE AGE page B2
Phenomenal musical tribute The Secret of Life
to a complex, visionary artist
Sweet record, true music
fans will appreciate
I am forever blessed when an
album of this caliber falls into my
lap. It gets quite disheartening
music day in and day out, so I was
excited to rate an album that was
not only a tribute, but contained
tracks by artists such as Sufjan
Stevens and Calexico.
am the Resurrection: A Tribute
to John Fahey is a masterpiece
that, hopefully, lives up to its
name in creating new converts to
having to hear the same style of Fahey's vision. I had never heard
of John Fahey before receiving
this recording, so I conducted a
little research via Google to see
what Interesting tidbits I could
find to make Fahey seem more
real to me.
Fahey is a secret legend - the
kind with whom only true afi-
cionados of folk and blues are
familiar. He was a guitarjst who
not only played acoustic guitar,
but also an electric steel lap one.
According to a New York Times
article published in 1997, Fahey
was a musician who could not be
tucked neatly into one genre. His
mainstream fame in the 1960s
and 1970s was minor because
the hippies he played for could
not identify with his eccentric-
ity and inability to play their
groovy rock
Rock bands began to cite
Fahey as a secret influence in the
1990s, most notably Jim O'Rourke
of Sonic Youth. Briefly in the mid-
1990s, an interest piqued in the
practically homeless musician
resulting in a 1997 album, his
first in 10 years. Even after his
death in 2001, records continued
to be released, and now a tribute
album has been compiled con-
taining artists who credit part of
their musical education to him.
see FAHEY page B3
The Veronicas debut
album slightly risque'
The Veronicas' debut album,
The Secret Life of The Veronicas,
should have a label on the front
reading, "For entertainment pur-
poses only. Sale to persons under
the age of 18 prohibited
So what? They're another run
of the mill, mass-produced pop
act. It happens. Look at Britney
Spears now; these people come
and-go and eventually need to
be replaced. Thank goodness
The Veronicas have swiftly taken
The Donnas' place in the female
rockpseudo punk band posi-
tion. The added bonus this time
around is that there are two of
them. But that's not all; they're
twins and they're beautiful.
The one thing that may
tip you off to this band being
on the next NOW CD is the
sentence in the "About" sec-
tion of their Web site stating,
see SECRET page B4
ECU graduate pens his 15th new book HFStivai-
17th year
Ll x
ifi ft&
1 i IT:mtfmmIS
I Andre 1fcaD'Allasandra
Don't miss this one
One of ECU'S many claims
to fame is that its graduates have
gone on to accomplish amazing
feats. From acting to nursing to
writing, ECU produces highly suc-
cessful graduates. Jery Tillotson is
one of these successful graduates.
After graduating from ECU
in 1965, Tillotson began work-
ing in the field of journalism
as a reporter and entertain-
ment editor for the Associated
Press, the Wilmington Star News
and the Montgomery Advertiser.
Fifteen years later, he moved
to New York to pursue a career in
writing and has remained there
ever since. On March 27, his
latest book, House of the Screaming
Clowns, was published and became
his 15th published novel to date.
Tillotson writes under several
pen names including Andrea
D'Allasandra and Jason Fury.
His latest novel was written
under the pen name of Andrea
D'Allasandra because of its grisly
terror-filled plot.
The House of Screaming Clowns
is set around the Blue Ridge
Mountains of North Carolina, as
are many of his other petrifying
novels. The plot is based around
a clown who haunts a mental
hospital, forcing patients and
staff alike to resemble him.
Taking that idea and letting
your imagination run wild will
give you some idea of what this
book is like and why you should
read what an ECU graduate can
come up with.
Published in 2004, Tillotson's
best-selling memoirs Nights of Fury
recall his days as an ECU student.
In the book, he describes how his
life has been guided from that of
a southern boy to a New Yorker.
Despite the fact that he's
lived in New York for more
than 30 years now, his heart
will forever belong in North
Carolina. In late summer or fall,
he plans to move back to where
his heart is in North Carolina.
"I've had New York. I'm ready
to return to God's country said
Tillotson in a recent press release.
Tillotson's novels are avail-
able online at and at
book retailers across the country.
For more information about
Tillotson or his latest book, visit
This writer can be contacted at
More than 60 bands in
two days make D.C. trip
What happens when you mix
an outspoken Grammy winner
with a white reggae artist and a
group of boys who like to play
with drum machines? You have
the official start of summer
for most of us Pirates from the
Maryland, Washington D.C. and
Northern Virginia area.
This year's 17th annual HFS-
tival, from Baltimore-based radio
station WHFS 105.7 FREEFM,
will feature Matisyahu, Counting
Crows, Kanye West, Dashboard
Confessional, The Strokes and
Panic! at the Disco, along with
plenty of other nationally recog-
nized artists.
This two-day festival will
take place on Memorial Day
weekend, May 27 and 28, at
the Merriweather Post Pavil-
ion, located just outside of our
see HFSTTVAL page 84

ICe Age from page B1
CM something to soy? Smd us yw Pimte Routs!
Diego the saber-toothed tiger (Denis Leary) expresses his anger with Sid the Sloth (John Leguizamo)
course. The desperate squeaking
of this squirrel is deadpan funny
enough to have an audience of 50-
year-olds, 15-year-olds and 5-year-
olds all rolling in the aisles. In
the first movie, Scrat wasn't very
frequent, but his scrambling was
a funny little intermission. The
second movie gives us a few more
of his adventures in the hunt for
his nut (or acorn, whatever), and
don't worry, the people at Blue
Sky Studios didn't forget why
this loveable little scamp made
us laugh.
Secondly, the comedy in
the movie is a clever mixture of
higher-level humor and slapstick
visual gags. Just as in the first
movie, you'll find some very
quirky and smart dialogue, with
wit that will surprise you coming
from an animated feature. It's one
perk you could say you get from
bringing in the sharp comedic
minds of Romano and Leary as
central characters. Although I
don't consider him in the comedic
league with Romano and Leary,
Leguizamo as Sid is a funny guy,
and it surprised me to read that
around half of the lines spoken by
Sid in the movie are improvised.
The movie's new additions are
very interesting and you'll cer-
tainly be happy with them. There
are three new characters to add to
the "herd Queen Latifah plays
Ellie, a mammoth with an iden-
tity crisis. The voices of Josh Peck
and Seann William Scott bring
a few scraggly possum brothers
to life. It's tricky adding new
characters to a loved franchise,
but I'll happily take Latifah and
Scott any day. They're too good
to pass up.
Animated features these days
are falling into a trap. Because
animation studios know that
everyone loves cute animals
(especially children who will
nag the stuffing out of their par-
ents), movies just continue to be
churned out about cute animals
struggling for something. This
could present a problem when
someone makes the umpteenth
movie with a wise-cracking pen-
guin (although the one I saw
previewed with Robin Williams
as a penguin, Happy Feet, has my
ticket money already) or a slick
rodent-type animal. If you went
to see Ice Age 2 over the weekend,
you're privy to this knowledge
from the barrage of previews for
cutesy animated flicks. I must
give Pixar credit here; they've
managed to succeed handily with-
out overdoing the animal thing.
For your money, Ice Age 2 is
a great flick that will be worth
the funds. It will be entertaining
and you'll find it funny. Scrat
will make you laugh almost as
much as the rest of the cast and
in the end, you'll feel good that
you didn't turn out that kind of
money for a movie like, say, Basic
Instinct 2: She's 14 Years Older.
Ice Age 2 is a perfect movie for
a first date. It's a great little giggler
that won't gross the lady out, and
the guy will be able to laugh at
the jokes. Everyone can laugh at
Scrat. That's the joy of the squirrel.
Here's to hoping he one day gets
all the nuts he wants. Put away
the dirty thoughts.
This writer can be reached at
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1 Si
m c
E 75 o tj5
Oh Q5 do.
0) CD
o ffi
t 03 Jg'3
$ CD 5 IE O- (5
51 ZZ QE 0)2
Ask the Dusk (R) gr
? ATL(PG-13)I
? Basic Instinct 2 (R)
? Ice Age: Meltdown (PG)
Inside Man (R)

? Slither (R)
? Thank You For (R)
V for Vendetta (R)

G All ages admitted PG All ages admitted, parental guidance suggestedPG-13 Parents strongly cautioned, some material may be inappropriate for children under 13R Restricted, under 17 requires accompanying parent or guardian 2006KRT

Faliey from page 67
Within the album notes are
statements from each artist on
why they picked what song.
Each artist blends his or her own
unique styles into the recording
while staying true to the spirit
and sound Fahey possessed when
he first recorded these songs.
am the Resurrection is what
you play driving down old coun-
try roads with no destination in
mind. The purity of the music
(it is almost completely free of
words) allows you to absorb your-
self into the rhythms of acoustic
and electric guitar intertwining
into a heart-grabbing hour of
truly American music.
It begins with bluesy tracks
entitled "Death of the Clayton
Peacock" and "Sunflower River
Blues The repetitive chords
resonating through "Sunflower
River Blues" will take you to a
dusty summer day where lying in
a field next to the one you love is
all you need in life to be happy.
Sufjan Stevens, with his giddy
collection of flutes, recorders and
banjos, performs a heartbreak-
ingly beautiful rendition of
"Variation on Commemorative
Transfiguration and Communion
at Magruder Park" that puts one
right in the mood of the upcom-
ing Christian holiday.
As the album progresses, many
of the songs such as "Sligo River
Blues" and "Dance of Death" travel
into the darker and more heart-
breaking side of folk and blues.
am the Resurrection inspires
a time for reflection, allow-
ing the listener to brood and
submerge in music that is
not always readily accessible.
The cacophony and dissonance
of "The Portland Cement Factory
at Monolith, Ca performed by
Cul de Sac disrupts the overall
easygoing nature of the album, jar-
ring you back to reality and into a
more experimental side of Fahey's
work. It is then followed by Jason
Q. Lytle's recording of "Dance of
the Inhabitants of the Palace of
King Phillip XIV of Spain
My favorite track is a medley
called "John Hurt Shiva Shan-
karah" performed by Curri-
tuck Co. The seven-and-one-
half-minute jam incorporates
a hillbilly electric guitar with a
progressive jazz drum and bass
line. I like to play it when I sit
on my back porch as the sun
goes down.
am the Resurrection ends
with the hauntingly lovely "My
Grandfather's Clock Performed
by Howe Gelb on an 1888 Emer-
son Grand Upright Piano; it is
a ragtime ditty that ends with
dock chimes fading into silence.
It was the unexpected ending
of such a vibrant and energetic
album that I subconsciously
pressed play and started from
the beginning all over again. 1
haven't stopped playing it since.
Overall, I couldn't tell you
much about any of the artists
on this album. Most of them I
had never heard of. What I have
heard, though, is an amazing and
beautiful album that has latched
onto my soul and stayed with me
long after I was asleep or away
from my iPod. Its firm grasp is
the most that we can hope from
any piece of music and for that, 1
thank John Fahey for the influ-
ence he has had on so many.
This writer can be contacted at
ECU Campus Dining
One hundt-edavu
Customer Service Champion of the Month
Terri Poffenberger
ECU Campus Dining proudly recognizes Terri Poffenberger
(Miss Terry) as our Customer Service Champion of the month.
Miss Terry works at West End Dining Hall and just celebrated
her ninth year anniversary with ECU Campus Dining on April 2nd.
Miss Terry has served ECU students, faculty, and staff for eight years at
Mendenhall Dining Hall and for one at West End Dining Hall. Any
student who dines or has dined at either location knows who
Miss Terri is. Her warm and welcoming personality adds a bit of
happiness to everyone's day. Miss Terri remembers every student
she meets and treats them with a slice of cake with a candle on their
birthday. She spoils her co-workers with holiday and birthday gifts.
But most importantly, she goes above and beyond for everyone
she meets. We continuously receive compliments about Miss Terri and
are very lucky to have her as a member of our team. Thank you
Miss Terri for everything you do!

from page B1
& Mam'
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City Bus Route
Outdoor Swimming Po
Modem Electric Applianc
Fans who choose to watch from "the pit" will experience the music with crowds much like this.
nation's capital. With Washing-
ton, D.C. being much closer than
Chicago and California, the HFS-
tival is one of the most accessible
music festivals of the summer for
those of us from North Carolina.
A five hour drive up 1-95 is to see
this lineup of bands is definitely
"The HFStival is in its 17th
year, and we wanted the line-up
to be a good representation of
the heritage of the radio station,
While embracing the artists of
the future said WHFS Program
Director Mike Murphy in a recent
press statement.
This is the first year that
the HFStival has been held at
Merriweather Post and the first
time since 1993 that the event
is not held in a major sports
stadium. This will allow for
various types of concert goers
to enjoy this festival. There's
the mosh pit for those who like
to get rough, a seated pavilion
for those who want a close up
view without suffering from the
bruises of a pit and a field for
those who just want to kick back
and relax.
Last year's lineup, featuring
artists such as the Foo Fight-
ers, Coldplay, Billy Idol and
Garbage, was held at M&T
Bank Stadium and sold around
55,000 tickets, drawing recogni-
tion from media outlets such
as MTV. The lineup for this
year's HFStival is as follows:
Day 1, May 27: Kanye West,
Cypress Hill, Matisyahu, Rise
Against, Panic! at the Disco,
Matchbook Romance, Atmo-
sphere, Jimmies Chicken Shack,
The Misfits, Rock Kills Kid, OK
Go and Cute is What We Aim For.
Day 2, May 28: Count-
ing Crows, Dashboard Confes-
sional, Coheed and Cambria,
The Strokes, Yellowcard, Joan
Jett and the Blackhearts, AFI,
H.I.M Boy Sets Fire, Blue Octo-
ber, Flyleaf, Augustana, People
in Planes, The Fixx, Forty Acres,
Love Arcade and Kill Hannah.
More artists will be added,
including local bands for a "Locals
Only" stage and Trancemissions
tent with local and national
trance, house and techno artists.
Tickets go on sale Saturday at
10 a.m. through Ticketmaster and The cost is $45
for lawn tickets, $65 for pavilion
seats and $100 for pit tickets.
For more information, log on
to and
Don't miss this incredible group
of artists all playing in the same
place, one time only.
This writer can be contacted at
1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
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from page B1
"Simply put, The Veronicas bear
no resemblance to your stan-
dard prepackaged teen dream
That sends up a red flag in my
mind. What is that, a disclaimer?
What that means to me is "OK, OK
The Veronicas sound just like
Kelly Clarkson andor Avril Lavi-
gne, and don't worry, they look
kind of like Jennifer Love Hewitt.
You want some bubble gum?"
I was especially inspired by
their motivational lyrics, many
of which pertained to my own
"secret life" as a 14-year-old girl.
Irresistible hooks such as "I
wanna spend the night with
you let's pretend you're mine
just one taste and you'll want
more, so tell me what you're
waiting for" made me want to
paint the town pink, then go
back and put some bad ass black
checkerboard patterns on it.
The great thing about the
album is that every song sounds
the same, so if you like the single,
you'll buy the whole album and
make lots of money for a corrupt
smudge in the American economy.
Don't worry, it's worth the
integrity of music as an art
form because those two girls are
mighty fine looking.
But as I jest at the follies of
modern society, I must say that
The Secret Life of The Veronicas
would please a 14-year-old girl,
no doubt about it, and if it makes
that girl happy, then hey, it
makes the world a better place.
On the other hand, this
album deserves no credit as to
being artistically innovative or
a positive influence on music.
This writer can be contacted at
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Krog hi
Krog co
play for
for fifth
Week li
fifth tor
golfer 1-
tied for
tied for
score o
strokes c
Jamie Q
tied for
in earni
uars fire

i Units
One Bedroom
Rental Houses
i Space
Page B5 252.328.6366 7DNY Z0PP0 Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY April 6, 2006
UCF series crucial for Diamond Bucs
ECU to take on Golden
Knights this weekend
The Pirates are facing a pivotal Conference USA series this weekend against Central Florida.
With the exception of Tulane,
the so called "Top Guns" of ECU'S
baseball schedule have come and
gone in the form of Cal State
Fullerton and Rice. Now the Dia-
mond Bucs will look to jump start
a serious run toward their eighth
straight postseason, beginning
with a trip to Orlando, Fla. to
take on UCF.
ECU enters the series with a
2-4 record in Conference USA,
while the Golden Knights sport
a solid 2-1 mark. This series will
truly make or break the Pirates'
postseason hopes. Win the series,
and things are starting to look up;
lose, and well, it will then take a
miracle down the stretch in some
tough games to make a claim at a
postseason bid.
UCF enters this weekend's
home series with an overall
record of 19-13 and a fourth place
standing in C-USA. ECU is in a
sixth place tie with Tulane. Rice
and Houston (5-1 in C-USA) are
tied for first.
The Golden Knights rely
heavily on small ball and will not
be the type of team that will run
you off of the field with home
runs. What they will do, however,
is put tremendous pressure on
the Pirate defense to make plays
repeatedly, so mistakes will have
to come few and far between if
the Bucs wish to compete.
Pirate catcher Jake Smith's
outstanding performance behind
the plate this season will most
definitely have to continue this
.g weekend, as the Golden Knights
are second in C-USA in steals (41),
fi just behind Tulane. Speedsters
n Tyson Auer and Matt Ray have
! the ability to steal at anytime, so
a it will be crucial that Smith is on
his A game throughout the series.
Ray leads the team in steals with
15 out of 16 attempts, while Auer
is a close second with 13 out of 14
tries. Throw in the fact that both
Knights hit over .300 and both
sport on-base percentages around
.400, and that makes for a lot of
pressure on opposing pitching
and catching.
The only serious home run
threats for UCF are senior Ryan
Bono and freshman Steve Stropp.
Bono is hitting .330 with four
long balls and 21 RBI, while
Stropp is hitting .319 with four
bombs and 20 RBI. While power
may come from other sources
(Auer - 25 RBI), the Knights will
mostly look to manufacture runs,
especially against the tough
pitching of the Pirates.
The Knights' small ball
approach may not be nearly as
effective if it were not for some
outstanding pitching to keep
them on top in their low scoring
affairs. On average, UCF scores
just over six runs per contest, so
good pitching is essential to their
Tim Bascom will look to con-
tinue his fantastic season Friday
night against the Pirates, as he
will be the game one starter.
Regarded as one of the finer
pitchers in C-USA as well as a pre-
season third team Ail-American
choice, the junior righty has lived
up to all the hype. He is 4-2 with
a 1.44 ERA. He is truly a strikeout
pitcher, as evidenced by his 65
Ks in just 50 innings pitched.
But what is so remarkable about
Bascom is that he walks batters
at a very low clip for a power
pitcher, issuing only 16 walks on
the season. Opponents are hitting
a mere .176 against him.
Mitch Herald (1-3, 5.61 ERA)
and Kyle Sweat (2-1, 4.20 ERA)
are likely to start games two and
three respectively.
Not only does UCF sport one
see UCF page B8
Women's rugby team second in South
Krog has five top-five finishes this season.
Krog claims another
top-five finish at Lady
Panther Intercollegiate
The Lady Pirates rugby team took second in the South, an unprecedented accomplishment in the history of the team
ECU falls one point shy
of a South Division II
(SID) ECU freshman Lene
Krog continued her exceptional
play for the Pirates as she carded a
36-hole 151 (76-75) to finish tied
for fifth at the John Kirk Lady
Panther Intercollegiate.
Krog, who was named Con-
ference USA's Co-Golfer-of-the-
Week last week, recorded her
fifth top-five placement in eight
tournaments this season. Fellow
golfer Heidi Helliesen finished
tied for 18th with a 157 (78-79).
The Pirates (76-43-4) finished
tied for sixth with a tournament
score of 629 (307-322), eight
strokes out of third place. Emelie
Lind (159) finished tied for 28th,
Jamie Quinn (162) tied for 37th
and Jessica Hauser (163) finished
tied for 42nd.
Augusta State topped Louis-
ville and Memphis by one stroke
in earning the victory. The Jag-
uars fired the lowest final round
of the day with a 301 in finishing
with a 620 total. Louisville and
Memphis carded a 305 and 312,
respectively, in the final round
for a 621 total. Kentucky placed
fourth at 625 after shooting a 311
on the final day, while Georgia
State rounded out the top-five.
Memphis' Stacey Tate gar-
nered individual medalist honors
after defeating Kentucky's Ali
Kicklighter in a playoff as both
finished with a two-round score
of 148. Tate fired a 74 on the final
day, while Kicklighter shot a 75.
Augusta State's Lauren Smith was
the only player from the field of
74 to break par over the two days
as she carded a three-under-par
69 on the final day.
The Lady Pirates will now
turn their focus to the Confer-
ence USA Championships, which
they will host at the Ironwood
Country Club April 16-18.
The ECU Women's Rugby
team fell one point short of
claiming a South Division II
Championship after losing to
the University of Georgia in the
finals this past Sunday with a
score of 10-11.
The Lady Pirates had a very
successful season this spring.
With a strong combination of
veterans and some new rookies
from their fall semester, ECU won
all four of their matrix games,
shutting out teams such as
Duke, Elon and the UNC
After taking down the
Division II Matrix Champion-
ship, the ladies held a Quar-
terfinals game at home for the
first time on March 25 against
Furman University. ECU finished
the victor in that game by a
score of 17-12 and was given the
opportunity to compete in the
Collegiate South Championships,
held in Greenville, S.C.
On Saturday, April 1, the
ladies played Georgia Southern
University in the Semi-finals
match, a game they would win
easily, 26-15. Senior captain Ryan
Whited, along with junior Casey
Bollinger and sophomores Elisa
Ford and Alicia Arnold, all scored
against GSU, which put them in
the Finals for Sunday, marking
the first time the ECU Women's
Rugby team had ever made it to
the finals
ECU came out strong in the
first half against Georgia and
senior leader Amanda Winar
was very pleased with the Lady
Pirates' physical play.
"Our flankers and back line
players were killing the UGA girls
every time they got the ball said
"They were so scared of us, all
they could do to save their bodies
was kick the ball away
Rookies Mandy Mizelle and
Danielle Dobbs were phenom-
enal for ECU. However, things
took a turn for the worse quickly
for ECU as injuries started to
Second-row Ante Cornette,
who was already suffering from a
leg injury, was carried off the field
after taking a hard hit to the same
leg. Ten minutes later, ECU'S
strong flanker Melissa Blakemore
was also carried off the field with
a potential ACL injury.
"Our girls gave it everything
they had said Whited about
ECU'S toughness Sunday.
"Even with injuries and pen-
alties, our girls worked even
harder playing a man down
Whited went on to score
while ECU was down a player, but
in the end, it wasn't enough as
ECU suffered an 11-10 loss.
"It was an amazing game, and
we held our own against a great
team Whited said.
"We've had a great run. When
I joined this team almost four
years ago, we were losing every
game and had never dreamt of
something like this. This is for all
the teams who thought we were
nothing and believed we were
easy to beat. ECU has a name for
itself now
"We came away from S.C.
with bruises, headaches, grass-
burn and sun-burn, disappointed
we didn't win it all, but we did get
that Second Place South Trophy
said Winar.
"Whether it be ont point
or 20, we still did it. Being one
point away just confirms how
hard we all have worked and how
far we truly have come as the
The ladies will travel to Wash-
ington, D.C. this weekend to
defend their title as Cherry Blos-
som Tournament Champions
after beating out every team in
the tournament last year.
Information and quotes contrib-
uted by Amanda Winar
This writer can be contacted at
sportstheeas tcarolinian. com.

Duke University lacrosse coach
resigns, season canceled
(AP) Duke University's
lacrosse coach resigned Wednes-
day and the school canceled the
rest of the season amid a burgeon-
ing scandal involving allegations
that three players raped a stripper
at an off-campus party.
Mike Pressler spent 16 sea-
sons at Duke and won three
Atlantic Coast Conference cham-
pionships. Last year, his team
appeared in the national cham-
pionship game.
"Coach Pressler offered me
his resignation earlier this after-
noon, and I accepted it said
Duke athletic director Joe Alleva.
"I believe this is in the best
Interests of the program, the
department of athletics and the
The rape allegations have
roiled the campus and the city,
raised racial tensions, and height-
ened the long-standing antago-
nism between the privileged stu-
dents at the elite university and
the poorer people of Durham.
The stripper is black and said
her attackers were white. Inves-
tigators and witnesses have said
the lacrosse players taunted her
with racial slurs and insults.
Students and townspeople
have marched on campus and off,
angry over the school's handling
of the allegations and the team
members' refusal to cooperate
with police. Investigators said the
athletes are sticking together and
keeping silent. No one has been
Earlier Wednesday, authori-
ties unsealed documents stating
that hours after the alleged rape,
a player apparently sent an e-mail
saying he wanted to invite more
strippers to his dorm room, kill
them and skin them. It was not
clear whether the message was
serious or a joke.
"The court released today
a previously sealed warrant,
whose contents are sickening and
repulsive said Duke President
Richard Brodhead in announc-
ing the cancellation of the rest
of the season.
"While the language of the
e-mail is vile, the e-mail itself
is perfectly consistent with the
boys' unequivocal assertion
that no sexual assault took place
that evening said attorney
Robert Ekstrand. The e-mail
"demonstrates that its writer is
completely unaware that any act
or event remotely similar to what
has been alleged ever occurred
No charges have been filed
in the case, which has roiled the
campus and the community and
led the school to suspend the
lacrosse team from play.
The e-mail, according to an
application for a search war-
rant of the player's dorm room,
was sent from his Duke e-mail
account just before 2 a.m. on
March 14. Police said investiga-
tors received a copy from a confi-
dential source, though they later
won a court order seeking access
to the account.
In the e-mail, addressed "To
whom it may concern the player
says he has "decided to have
some strippers over" to his dorm
room, "however there will be no
"I plan on killing the bies
as soon as the walk in and pro-
ceding to cut their skin off the
author of the e-rnail says, adding
in vulgar terms that he would
find the act sexually satisfying.
The e-mail was signed with
what police said is the player's
jersey number.
In the warrant released early
today, police provide a detailed
timeline of the alleged attack
and some additional details of
their investigation. The warrant
also adds conspiracy to commit
murder as one of the crimes
police are investigating.
The dancer, a student at a
nearby university, has told police
she was raped at the party by
three men who restrained and
choked her in a bathroom.
Investigators have collected
DNA from 46 of the 47 team
members. The team's lone black
member did not provide a sample
because the dancer, who is black,
said her attackers were white.
A spokeswoman for the state
attorney general's office said
Wednesday the analysis has not
been completed.
The lacrosse team's co-cap-
tains have denied that anyone
was sexually assaulted at the
party, as have attorneys for the
According to the warrant,
the alleged victim told police she
believes the players used false
names and falsely claimed to be
members of Duke's baseball and
track teams. A team captain and
resident of the house where the
party took place told police he
used an alias when hiring the
dancers at the party, the warrant
District Attorney Mike Nifong
has said that he is "pretty confi-
dent that a rape occurred but
that he does not expect to file
charges until next week.
Investigators did not immedi-
ately return calls or e-mails seek-
ing comment about the nature of
the e-mail. But a lawyer for the
player who purportedly wrote
it said the content suggests his
client is innocent.
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Florida's Joakim Noah (13), Al Horford (42) and Corey Brewer (2) will return next year.
(KRT) Thirteen of the 20
starters in the Final Four were
freshmen and sophomores. But
if you think youth ruled in
Indianapolis, wait till next year.
College basketball is about to
skew younger and bigger. Much,
much bigger.
The NBA age minimum takes
effect this summer, which means
the top high school seniors will
head to college (for at least a year)
instead of the draft lottery.
As a result, the 2006-07
season will feature the best
collection of young big men to
enter college this decade. The
group includes Greg Oden, Kevin
Durant and Spencer Hawes,
who will wreak havoc for Ohio
State, Washington and Texas,
And because many of the top
upperclassmen will continue to
turn pro, the freshmen should
have their run of the sport for
years to come.
Given the freshman slant,
here's an early top 25 for next
season. Rankings are based on
the most likely outcome for
players considering a jump to
the NBA. For instance, Louisiana
State is near the bottom because
its most talented player, fresh-
man forward Tyrus Thomas, is
expected to turn pro.
1. North Carolina (23-8 this
season). Center Tyler Hansbrough
has announced he's coming
back. He'll be joined by wing
Reyshawn Terry, a future lottery
pick, and a recruiting class that
includes the nation's top-rated
point guard (Ty Lawson), shoot-
ing guard (Wayne Ellington)
and power forward (Brandan
Wright). And the coach isn't
bad, either.
2. Ohio State (26-6). The
Buckeyes lose several seniors,
including stud center Terence
Dials. But three freshmen make
them an instant title contender:
guards Mike Conley and Dae-
quan Cook and the big man,
see NCAA page B8
The Masters provides sense of
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(KRT) Among its many
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ties that come alive at Augusta
It has been nearly eight
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The Masters is where the
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see MASTERS page B10
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Hanbrough will lead a UNC team that is expected to start 2007 at No. 1.
NCAA from page B7
Oden, who's considered the best
center prospect since Shaquille
O'Neal. "He's beyond being a
man among boys one recruit-
ing expert said.
3. UCLA (32-7). Don't be sur-
prised if Jordan Farmar explores
his NBA options, and the Bruins
will miss center Ryan Hollins
more than you think. But the
return of Josh Shipp, Arron
Afflalo, Darren Collison and
the young big men make UCLA
a threat to reach Atlanta, site of
the 2007 Final Four. ,
4. Kansas (25-8). Everyone's
back. Well, not everyone. Only
the top seven scorers. No excuses
next March for Coach Bill Self.
5. Florida (33-6). The tough-
est team to figure. Gator watch-
ers think the sophomores are a
package deal. If Joakim Noah
goes pro he's a lock for the
lottery but doesn't need the
money because of his famous
father then Corey Brewer and Al
Horford will follow and UF will
have to rebuild. If Noah stays,
they stay, and the Gators open
at No. I.
6. Texas A&M (22-9). Acie
Law and Joseph Jones will lead
a veteran group. And Billy Gil-
g lispie can coach a little, too.
7. Louisville (21-13). The
Cardinals have so much young
talent that the departure of
Taquan Dean won't keep Rick
Pitino from making a run at the
Final Four.
8. Villanova (28-5). Yes, the
Wildcats lose Randy Foye and
Allan Ray, but big man Curtis
Sumpter returns from a serious
knee injury to join Will Sheridan
up front. If Kyle Lowry turns pro
he shouldn't, but the word is he's
thinking about it then 'Nova
will be closer to No. 20.
9. Georgia Tech (11-17). Sure,
it's high for an 11-win team. But
the top seven scorers are back,
and the Jackets welcome mega-
recruits Thaddeus Young and
Javaris Crittenton.
10. Georgetown (23-10).
Brandon Bowman departs, but
the Hoyas return top scorer Jeff
Green and center Roy Hibbert,
one of the top big men in the
country. The recruiting class is
top 10.
11. Wisconsin (19-11).
Assuming Alando Tucker stays
in school, the Badgers return
everyone but wing Ray Nixon.
12. Arizona (20-13). Expec-
tations will be lower without
Hassan Adams, and that's usually
when Lute Olson does his best
work. Watch for Mustafa Shakur
to have his best season, and
the wings will be awfully good.
(Freshman Chase Budinger is
13. Alabama (18-13). If
Ronald Steele returns, he'll be
the nation's best point guard.
If he doesn't, drop the Tide 10
14. Boston College (28-8).
Jared Dudley and Sean Williams
should help the Eagles offset the
loss of Craig Smith.
15. Duke (32-4). Sure, this
is low for' a Coach K team. But
the Blue Devils loseJ.J. Redick,
Shelden Williams and prob-
ably Josh McRoberts, who's a
top-10 pick. That leaves Greg
Paulus, DeMarcus Nelson and
the recruits. Hmmmmm.
16. Connecticut (30-4).
Rudy Gay and Marcus Williams
are expected to depart, and Josh
Boone might follow. But there's
always a load of talent.
17. Marquette (20-11). It
won't be easy to replace Steve
Novak, but the expected return
of superb point guard Dominic
James will help.
18. Washington (26-7). The
Huskies can't replace Bran-
don Roy; they'll have to fill
in around him. Hawes, who
picked UW over Stanford, will
be the most talented player in
the Pac-10 as soon as he enrolls
in school.
19. Pittsburgh (258). If
center Aaron Gray returns, the
Panthers could win the Big
20. Cal (20-11). If Leon Powe
returns a big if, for sure then the
Bears should make a return trip
to the NCAAs. Recruit Patrick
Christopher is the real deal.
21. Tennessee (22-8). Chris
Lofton and Major Wingate make
another 20-win season realistic.
22. Southern Illinois (22-11).
The top nine scorers return.
23. Texas (30-7). Longhorns
probably will lose LaMarcus
Aldridge, a likely top-five pick,
and probably guard Daniel
Gibson, as well. But P.J. Tucker
and Duranr, the 6-foot-9 fresh-
man, will make a nice forward
24. LSU (27-9). Tyrus Thomas
is gone he's a top-five pick but
if Big Baby returns, the Tigers
will remain one of the best in
the SEC.
25. Gonzaga (29-4). Derek
Raivio, Josh Heytvelt and Sean
Mallon are a solid core for a
team that must replace center
J.P. Batista and the guy with the
Fever select UNC Tarheel
starter in first round
(AP) - The Indiana Fever selected La'Tangela
Atkinson, a versatile player who helped North
Carolina to the top ranking in women's college
basketball this past season, as their top pick in
Wednesday's WNBA draft.
The 6-foot-2 Atkinson, who averaged 9.2 points
per game in four years for the Tar Heels, adds youth
to a Fever team which has had major revisions
during the offseason.
"She's a terrific athlete, she has great size, very
long arms, excellent defender and rebounder said
Indiana coach Brian Winters of the ninth overall
pick in the draft. "We think her offensive game will
develop over time
Atkinson was selected the ACC Rookie of the
Year in 2003 and led her team In rebounding as
a junior.
In the second round, the Fever selected another
ACC player, 6-3 forward Kasha Terry from Georgia
see ATKINSON page B10
from page 65
of the conference's top start-
ers, they also have arguably
the conference's best reliever as
well. Senior Dominic Petracca
has literally been un-hittable
throughout 2006. The righty has
pitched in 17 contests and sports
a 2-0 record with a 0.00 ERA in
23.2 innings. He leads C-USA in
saves with eight and has only
issued 12 hits and one walk while
striking out 22.
If the Knights get the game to
Petracca with the lead in hand,
game over.
The Pirates need two of three
this weekend to get back into the
mix for a top three finish in con-
ference. If they can find a way to
do that, the Diamond Bucs will
have a new found confidence that
will go a long way when series
against Tulane and Southern Miss
come up down the road.
This writer can be contacted at
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Photo by: Chris Vo

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M3St6rS from page B7
The Masters is beautifully
wicked. That's why Mark Cal-
cavecchia said recently he can't
wait to get to Augusta, Ga and
he can't wait to leave.
A lot of players probably feel
that way.
Augusta National is a dream-
land of sorts. It's where so many
familiar stories have been writ-
ten. A decade ago, Greg Norman
blew a six-shot lead on Sunday. A
year later, Tiger Woods broke the
all-time scoring record to win his
first major championship.
This year, the run-up to
Thursday's start has been clut-
tered by consternation about
the most recent changes made to
Augusta National. Six holes have
been altered and lengthened by
a total of 155 yards, making the
course play almost as long as a
Tolstoy novel.
Arnold Palmer and Jack Nick-
laus have been sharply critical
of the changes, which have
stretched the layout to more than
a 7,400 yards.
Others, who have studied the
words of course designers Bobby
Jones and Alister Mackenzie,
have staked out opposite sides of
the debate.
Traditionalists argue turning
the par-4 seventh into a 460-yard
bear and stretching the par-3
fourth to 240 yards, among other
changes, ruin Augusta National's
character and eliminate most of
the field from winning.
Progressive thinkers, such as
club President Hootie Johnson,
argue the changes have main-
tained the integrity of the course
by forcing today's players to face
similar approach shots to those
played 50 years ago.
It is a debate that won't be deter-
mined this week, though both
sides will likely claim their point
was made on Sunday evening.
At this still early hour, it looks
as if the Masters might finally
catch a break with the weather.
For too many years, Augusta
National has seemed stuck in a
rain forest and mud has replaced
purple azaleas as the defining
image of the Masters.
If the course plays firm and
fast, as it's set up to play, then
we'll get the fairest reading about
the design changes and who the
best players are. Wet conditions
will make it impossibly long for
some players, but a dry course, it
seems, would keep most in the
Woods, seeking a fifth green
jacket, is the obvious favorite,
though he's playing against the
backdrop of his father's illness.
The only question about
Mickelson is whether he peaked
a week too soon after turning
the BellSouth Classic into a one-
man show.
Ernie Els, Retief Goosen and
Vijay Singh can win. If Jose Maria
Olazabal and Sergio Garcia can
snake-charm their putters, they
can win. Don't discount Luke
Donald, David Howell or Chris
Anything is possible. It's the
Mickelson is hitting his stride coming into the Masters, arguably the most famous tournament in golf.
from page B8
Tech as the 26th pick in the draft.
San Antonio chose former
Indiana Miss Basketball Shanna
Zolman in the second round as
the 16th overall pick. Zolman,
a former star at Wawasee High
School, played college ball at
Tennessee. Notre Dame's Megan
Duffy was drafted in the third
round. She had expected to go
higher, but the Minnesota Lynx
selected her with the 31st pick.
The Fever stayed in the Atlan-
tic Coast Conference with their
third pick, Australian native Jes-
sica Foley, a reserve on the Duke
team that reached the NCAA
championship game. Foley, a
6-foot guard, was the 38th pick
in the draft, and Marina Kuzina,
a 6-5 center who is a member of
the Russian national team, was
Indiana's final selection as the
40th overall pick.
The draftees will face stiff
competition for playing time.
"We think we're two-deep at
most every position said Win-
ters, who has only two return-
ing starters from a team that
compiled a franchise-record
21-13 mark last season and then
defeated the New York Liberty in
the playoffs before being ousted
by Connecticut.
The draftees will be among
many new faces wearing Fever
uniforms when training camp
opens on April 23.
Guard Anna DeForge was
obtained in a trade, while Indi-
ana has signed forward-guard
Nikita Bell, forward-center Linda
Frohlich, center-forward Olympia
Scott, guard K.B. Sharp, forward
Charlotte Smith, forward Lenae
Williams as free agents.
"New players bring in new
energy. We have a veteran, deep
team Winters said. "They (the
draftees) have a chance to make our
team. We always give everybody
a chance to come in and prove
they're better than someone
Atkinson was North Caroli-
na's second-leading rebounder
(6.6 per game) and was also
second in assists while shooting
55 percent from the field on a
team that finished 33-2.
Terry is a strong post player
with a wide arm span who aver-
aged 5.9 points and 5.8 rebounds
with 195 blocks while starting 74
of her 99 games.
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The East Carolinian, April 6, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 06, 2006
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