The East Carolinian, March 28, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Volume 81 Number 59
March 28, 2C06
Living offers
free music
Service pilot now taking
ECU is offering students
and faculty alike an oppor-
tunity to download approxi-
mately 1.5 million songs free of
charge for the remainder of the
spring semester.
The service, Ruckus, is a
downloading tool that allows
users to look up available artists
and download their music in a
legitimate manner.
"We wanted to offer this as
an alternative to illegal down-
loading said Aaron Lucier,
Director of Operations and
Associate Director of Campus
Lucier cited problems such
as viruses that are implanted
in downloaded files. Also con-
sidered a problem is the well-
known copyright infringement
that many artists have cried out
about in recent years.
With direct licensing
between artists and Ruckus,
students are given an easy-to-use
opportunity to download music
in a legal manner.
Featured artists include
James Blunt, Fall Out Boy and
Nelly, among many others.
Currently in its pilot phase,
ECU is offering the service to
students for free.
"If we move beyond the pilot
phase, there will be some cost
to the university Lucier said.
"But we feel it's a cost that is
worthwhile to our students,
particularly our on-campus
Campus Living will be issu-
ing a survey starting in April in
an attempt to find out whether
or not this service has been
worthwhile to students.
"If the feedback is positive,
ECU Campus Living is com-
mitted to adding this service
for our students permanently
said Lucier.
The pilot will be taking place
all the way up to the end of
the spring semester on May 6.
Students living on campus
can take part in the pilot for
free. Off-campus students can
enjoy a free day-long trial sub-
scription, but a minimal usage
fee will eventually take place.
Nevertheless, the service
is becoming a popu-
lar alternative to the world
of downloadable music.
For more information and
the opportunity to start taking
part in the downloading, log
on to
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Vista launch for
legitimate reasons
iBook launch gives Vista
more competition
Microsoft has delayed its
much-anticipated launch of its
new operating system Vista.
The delay has been attributed to
glitches and may cost millions
in retail sales around Christmas
2006. Vista, which was named
Longhorn during its develop-
ment, represents a makeover for
Windows, especially in regard to
sound, networking capabilities
and enhanced security features.
Analysts know that missing a
holiday's annual spending splurge
is not good.
Jupiter Research analyst Joe
Wilcox says, "It's not the optimal
situation to be launching the
next-generation version of Win-
dows right after the big holiday
sales season
Microsoft launched its last major
I operating system, Windows XP.
Generally Microsoft's own
stock doesn't always show a dra-
matic increase in price when a
new operating system is launched;
however, a new operating system
is usually a bonanza for PC manu-
facturers such as Dell. So the ques-
tion is: how will PC manufactur-
ers like Dell be hurt by the delay?
While the demand for a new
operating system is undeniable,
some consumers are speculating
that this might just be a market-
ing ploy to get people who buy a
new PC with Windows XP to sell
them the upgrade in January 2007
just after the holiday season. Con-
sumer James Keynes says, "Could
it be that delaying the launch of
Vista until after Christmas is just
a sassy marketing ploy? It couldn't
possibly be that Microsoft wants
to sell PCs with the obsolete
Windows XP before Christmas
and then force users to upgrade to
Windows Vista in the New Year?
Could it?"
Another consumer, David
Scherer, says, "I feel that if it
where not for the dominance of
Microsoft in the industry many
manufacturers would have moved
away from their software long
ago. Many computer makers and
retailers rely on the release of new
operating systems to enhance
their sales potential, as many con-
sumers would rather purchase a
new computer than upgrade their
operating system. This is going
to mean a bad sales quarter for
computer manufacturers
Considering that the original
release time for Vista was August
2006, which is not in the holiday
season, it seems as though if
Microsoft were trying to pull a
marketing ploy, it would not make
sense. Analysts at the investment
bank UBS believe that, "Apple
Computer would have greater
opportunities to gain market
share on account of the delay,
since its new line of Intel Macs
and its new operation system,
Leopard, are expected to be avail-
able by 4Q06 So with market
share hanging in the balance, why
would Microsoft intentionally
delay Vista's release?
Microsoft would do well to
respect the spirited challenge that
they face from Apple in the market-
place as Microsoft is not invulner-
able. Apple's iPods have done very
well. Additionally, Apple plans
to launch its new iBook laptop
in January, thereby giving Vista
even more competition in its
launch. Apple iBooks will cost
more than their Windows-
based counterparts, but Apple's
strategy is to use its innovation
to get a higher price from con-
sumers, thereby delicately
creating a split in the market
between high-end buyers and
low-end buyers.
However, one analyst
believes that Apple will do even
better than thatFor Apple, they
need a nicely configured $699
notebook to be competitive at
the entry level NPD Intelect
analyst Stephen Baker said.
"They can play up the value of
the bundled software and Mac OS
X and really have a strong case for
consumers to buy their product
This writer can be contacted at
SGA Candidates 2006-2007
Ticket 1 Ticket 2
Ryan Wiggins
Class: Junior
Major: History Education
Affiliated Organizations: Student Government Association - Social
Committee Secretary 2004, Social Committee Chair 2004-2005, Screen-
ings and Appointments Vice Chair 2004-2005, SGA Select Oversight
Secretary 2004-2005, Screenings and Appointments Chair 2005-2006,
Constitution Steering Committee 2006; ECU Media Board Chair 2005-
2006; College Republicans; Pi Kappa Alpha - Banner Chair 2004, Campus
Organization Chair 2005, Alumni Chair 2004; Ronald McDonald House
Volunteers (3 years); Student Pirate Club; Inter Fraternity Council Schol-
arshipPhilanthropy Chair 2005.
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: My personal goal if
elected as SGA President is to better inform students about Higher One
and to get students more involved on the campus of ECU.
M. Cole Jones
Class: Senior
Major: Marketing with a concentration in
Health Care Administration
Affiliated Organizations: President, Student Government Association;
Ex-officio, Board of Trustees; Immediate Past President, Student Athletic
Advisory Council; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Alpha Kappa Psi
Business Fraternity; Omicron Delta Kappa; Pre-Physical Therapy Club;
Co-Founder Legacy Foundation.
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: As the incumbent
Student Body President, I look to continue enhancing the total student
experience through promoting opportunity, protecting the student wel-
fare, and fostering a positive student image.
Sara R. Spuller
Class: Junior
Major: CommunicationApparel Merchandising
Affiliated Organizations: SGA; Junior Class President; Diversity Week
Committee 2005-2006.
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: 1 want to continue work-
ing to get students more involved and better prepared for their future.
Dana White
Class: Junior
Major: CommunicationBroadcast Journalism
Affiliated Organizations: National Panhellenic Conference - President,
Ex-officio Vice President, Ex-officio Delegate; Alpha Delta Pi (2003-2006);
Ronald McDonald House Volunteer.
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: Establishing unity
throughout the university community by leadership while providing an
active voice by embracing equal opportunity through the views of the
entire student body.
Charles Ryan Owens
Class: Junior
Major: Political Science
Affiliated Organizations: Student Government Association - Senate
Appropriations Committee Co-chair, Senate Oversight Committee, Con-
stitution Steering Committee, Charter member of Shipmates Program;
Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Sigma Alpha; Elite Pirate Finalist; March of
Dimes Volunteer; American Heart Association Heart Walk Volunteer;
College Democrats; Greenville Junior Cotillion Marshall.
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: I wish to work with the
student organizations on the funding process, making it more stream-
lined, using my in-depth knowledge and first hand experience with the
funding process as it stands now, gained from serving as the of Co-Chair
of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Chris A. Welch
Class: Junior
Major: Accounting
Affiliated Organizations: Sigma Alpha Epsilon - President, Ex-offi-
cio Executive Treasurer, Ex-officio Alumni Relations Chairman, North
Carolina - Province Omicron Constitution Revision Committee, Col-
lege Republicans, Children's Miracle Network and Adopt-a-Highway
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: To continue the prog-
ress Student Government has made through involving the entire
student body and embracing the financial needs of all organizations
while adhering to strict fiscal responsibility, principally by being
available and taking proactive measures.
Sarah L Riggs
Class: Sophomore
Major: Child Development and Family Relations
Affiliated Organizations: Delta Zeta Sorority - Vice President, Secre-
tary, & Fund Raising Chair; College Republicans, Public Relations Director
- SGA; Spring Break Hurricane Relief Trip; Operation Smile
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: Work to improve
the safety of students on and around ECU's campus, as well as actively
motivate more students to become involved and harness their leader-
ship abilities.
Kerl Brockett
Class: Sophomore
Major: Child Life
Affiliated Organizations: Student Government Association - Sopho-
more Class President; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; East
Carolina University's Women's choir; Intramural sports; University Ath-
letics Committee; Hospital Volunteer; Girl Scout Adult Mentor; Ronald
McDonald House Volunteer
Main thing you want to accomplish if elected: Through my experi-
ence as Sophomore Class President, if elected, I will continue to promote
overall student experience by being visible and accessible. In addition,
1 will maintain a great deal of professionalism in the recording of vital
Student Government documents.
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A101 Opinion: A4 I Student Life: A5 I Sports: A8

Page A2 252,328.6366
RACHEL KING News Editor CLAIRE MURPHY Assistant News Editor
TUESDAY March 28, 2006
Cultural Outreach
Thursday. Sept. 1, 2005 until
Saturday, April 1,2006
The Cultural Outreach Office
provides professional performing
arts programs with two series: The
S. Rudolph Alexander Performing
Arts Series and Family Fare.
Subscriptions for the 2005-2006
seasons of both series are currently
on sale. The S. Rudolph Alexander
Performing Arts Series, ECU'S
flagship performing arts series,
annually presents a season of
nine of the world's top orchestras,
ballet companies, jazz artists,
soloists, modem dance ensembles,
Broadway shows, opera companies,
chamber ensembles and pop artists.
The Family Fare Series features
kid-centered cultural excursions
for the entire family. This series
features four curriculum-based
performances by the nation's finest
young-audience touring companies.
For more information, contact
328-4788 or 1-800-ECU-ARTS or
ECU English
Department Graduate
Wednesday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m.
Willis Building, First and Reade
Streets, ECU
Graduates of ECU'S Creative
Writing program will hold a free
Contact Alex Albright at 328-4876
for more information.
Lecture: Thomas
Harriot Voyages of
Thursday. March 30 at 7:30 p.m. at
Hendrix Auditorium, Mendenhall
Student Center
Robert Fox, a history of science
professor at Oxford University, will
inaugurate ECU'S new Thomas
Harriot Voyages of Discovery"
Lecture Series. Dr. Fox's lecture
will discuss the life of Sir Thomas
Harriot, for whom the Harriot College
is named The lecture is free and
open to the public and is part of
ECU'S Founders Week activities.
Contact Denise Miller, Harriot
College, at 328-6249 or email for more
ECU Youth Arts
Festival 2006
Saturday, April 1 on ECU campus
mall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ECU'S Youth Arts Festival will
feature more than 100 visual and
performing artists who will share their
creative talents with area children.
Children will have the opportunity
to create art and visit with artists
who will demonstrate activities
such as wheel thrown ceramics,
traditional watercolor painting,
weaving, felting, paper-making,
printmaking, portraiture and other
visual art media. Featured visual
artists will come from surrounding
states, North Carolina and from
ECU'S School of Art and Design.
Contact Dindy Reich at reichd ecu.
edu or 328-5749 or Richard Tichich
at or 328-5481.
Night of the Rising Stars
Saturday, April 1 at 6:30 p.m. in
Greenville Convention Center
A fundraising event featuring
cocktails, dinner and performances
benefiting the School of Theatre
and Dance Scholarship Fund.
Tickets are $60 per person with a
Cash Bar. Tickets may be purchased
by calling the School of Theatre and
Dance BcaCffiat327-6829oronline
at Ticket Required
Japan League
Meets on Thursdays from 5
- 9 p.m. in Bate 1010. The ECU
Japan League offers historical
andor artistic Japanese films,
television programs and anime.
It also plans yearly study tours
to Kyoto in conjunction with the
History Department. For more
information please visit their Web
site at
Simple pleasures for
From March 27-31, the ECU
Ambassadors and Give2theTroops
will be collecting items to send to
troops overseas Collection boxes
will be placed outside of West End,
Wright Place, Mendenhall and Todd
Dining Halls. Students can bring non-
perishable items to these locations.
Food items accepted for donation
include Slim Jims, Fruit-Roll Ups,
Ramen Noodles and drink mixes
like Kool-Aid, among many others.
The troops also need hand sanitizer,
eye drops, travel-sized toiletries, lip
balm and more. Students can use
OneCards to purchase items to
donate. Contact ECU Ambassadors
for more information at 328-5557
No hotel samples, please.
Jewish population growing In
Southeastern N.C.
Marv and Esther Eisenstein moved
to St. James Plantation in Brunswick
County four years ago, the Jewish
couple felt a void in their lives, a
"We needed haymisha. That's Yiddish
for 'to feel at home, a friendliness at
home Marv Eisenstein said.
So he started looking for fellow
Jews in the area, and through word
of mouth he developed a group of
about 100 members. They meet for
informal parties three or four times
a year for Passover Seder, for a
Hanukkah celebration and for other
"There are certain times when you
want to be with brethren he added,
"like when you are sick or when
someone dies to help relatives say
the Aramaic mourner's prayer or
Kaddish following a funeral.
Rabbi Robert Waxman, spiritual
leader at B'Nai Israel Synagogue in
Wilmington, said he believes he's
seeing an increase in synagogue
participation as well as more Jews
moving to an area already in the midst
of a population boom.
To draw more retirees who don't
want to drive after dark for Temple of
Israel's Friday night services, Rabbi
Romer recently added a Saturday
morning service.
"There probably would be enough
Jews in this area to start a synagogue.
The question is would they want to.
Synagogues have started with fewer
members than this he said. "But no
one wants to start a second career as
a rabbi. One day, somebody's going
to see that they've got a huge influx
of Jews here and start an outreach.
But it's not going to be us
Four-legged fire Investigator has
a nose for arson
NANTAHALA, N.C. (AP) - Sgt. Don
Willis strapped a bag full of dog food
to his waist and called his partner
out of the back of the Macon County
Sheriff's Office crime scene truck.
Chriotine, a black Labrador retriever
trained to detect fuels used in arsons,
hopped out and immediately went
to work.
"Seek Willis said with a gentle tone
of voice.
The pair made a sweep of a small
building that had burned the night
before off Wayah Road but found
nothing. Had there been fuel in the
smoldering rubble, Christine would
have indicated the spot by sitting.
In an arson investigation, her nose
would save Willis hours of work and
could mean the difference between
finding fuel residue and missing it
The dog, worth about $10,000
including training costs, is a luxury
for Macon County and Western North
Carolina. When Willis left the federal
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms training school last year with
Christine, there were only 71 similar
ATF teams nationwide. Christine is
the only arson dog in the western
part of the state.
From firefighter to investigator, Willis
got his start as a firefighter and as the
Macon County fire marshal.
The training is called imprinting. The
dogs are fed after smelling petroleum
odor. They are then taught to sit after
smelling the odor for a food reward.
They are taught to ignore other scents
by using distracters, or materials
commonly found in fires.
She won't leave the job completely.
Christine will still have a place in the
back of the crime scene truck.
"She'll still ride with me he said.
Immigration debate heating up
In Senate
WASHINGTON (AP) - Founded by
immigrants and praised as a haven
for the oppressed, the United States
now is struggling to decide the fate
of as many as 12 million people living
in the country illegally.
The Senate takes up the emotional
debate on the heels of weekend rallies
that drew hundreds of thousands
of people protesting attempts to
toughen laws against Immigrants.
On Monday, the Senate Judiciary
Committee takes up the issue and
Bush headlines a naturalization
ceremony for 30 new citizens at
Constitution Hall. Demonstrations
are planned near the Capitol,
including a prayer service with
immigration advocates and clergy
who plan to wear handcuffs to
demonstrate the criminalization of
immigration violations.
"If they're prepared to work to become
American citizens in the long line
traditionally of immigrants who have
helped make this country, we can
have both a nation of laws and a
welcoming nation of workers who
do some very, very important jobs for
our economy Specter said Sunday
on ABC's "This Week
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist,
R-Tenn has said that whether or
not a bill gets out of the Judiciary
Committee, he is opening two weeks
of debate on the issue Tuesday.
He has offered a plan that would
tighten borders, add Border Patrol
agents and punish employers who
hire illegal immigrants because he
says the most important concern
is improving national security in an
age of terrorism. His bill sidesteps
the question of temporary work
permits, but he has said he's open
to the idea.
If the Senate can agree on the
bill, the work won't be over to get
legislation to Bush's desk to become
a law. The House passed a bill last
year that increases penalties for
illegal immigration activities, requires
employers to verify the legal status of
their employees and provides $2.2
billion for a seven-mile wall across
the border. But it did not address the
guest worker issue.
Washington Opera's "Das
Rhelngold" moves Wagnerian
myth to America
WASHINGTON (AP) - Those giants,
gods, dwarves and Rhinemaldens
who populate Wagner's Das
Hiieingold have taken up residence
in the nation's capital - an appropriate
venue for an opera whose subject is
the lust for power.
What's more, in the production by
the Washington National Opera
that premiered Saturday night
at the Kennedy Center, the characters
look a lot more like figures from
American history than creatures out
of Germanic myth.
It's the opening installment in a four-
year project by director Francesca
Zambello and her production team
to stage an American Ring, a kind of
homegrown version of Wagner's epic
Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Alberich the dwarf is first seen as
a '49er panning for gold along the
Colorado River, and the Rhinemaidens
who torment him are ladies of easy
virtue cavorting on a wooden sluice.
(The gold he steals from them is here
in the shape of a patchwork quilt.)
Fast forward to Scene II, and Wotan,
the king of the gods, has become
a Gatsby-like gentleman from the
1920s decked out in white suit with
fedora, waiting to move his family into
their new mansion (Walhalla). Scene
III takes us to the underground realm
where Alberich, newly empowered by
the ring he has fashioned from the
gold, whips his minions like a Simon
Legree overseer. Finally, in Scene IV,
the earth goddess Erda is dressed
in Native American costume as she
arrives to warn Wotan to relinquish
the ring, which he has by now in turn
stolen from Alberich.
Plans call for the three remaining
operas to be introduced over the next
three years, with performances of the
entire Ring cycle In the fall of 2009.
The production will then be shared
with the San Francisco Opera, which
is co-producing the project.
Next up is Die Walkuere, which is to
include in its cast the WNO's general
director, Placido Domingo, in the tenor
role of Siegmund.
Iraqi police say 30 bodies,
most beheaded, found north of
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraqi forces
found 30 bodies, most beheaded,
near a village north of Baghdad
on Sunday, in one of the bloodiest
episodes in a cycle of apparent
sectarian killings.
Police said the bodies were found
after police and soldiers were
dispatched to respond to a report
of killings in Mullah Eld, a village
near the town of Buhriz, a former
stronghold of ex-President Saddam
Hussein's Baath Party about 35 miles
north of Baghdad.
Authorities gave no immediate
information on the identities of the
victims or on who may have been
The dead were being transferred
to a morgue in Baghdad, police
1st Lt. Thaer Mahmoud said.
Brig. Saman Talabani, an Iraqi army
commander, said earlier that villagers
had reported the corpses and he sent
a battalion of soldiers to join a team
from Diyala hospital to investigate.
A military officer, who asked not to
be identified because he was not
authorized to speak, said later that
soldiers turned back from the scene,
fearing an ambush. The search team
apparently did continue later, however,
and discovered the bodies.
Iraq has seen an explosion of
sectarian violence between Sunni
and Shiite Muslims, including such
secretive killings, since the Feb. 22
bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra,
a predominantly Sunni city, 60 miles
north of Baghdad.
The Sunnis who dominate the area
north of Baghdad were fervent
supporters of Saddam, whose Sunni-
led regime ruled Iraq for decades and
brutally oppressed majority Shiite
Muslims and minority Kurds.
Parties in Merkel's 'grand
coalition' on course to win
German state elections
BERLIN (AP) - Chancellor Angela
Merkel's conservatives and their
Social Democrat coalition
partners were on course
to win three state elections
Sunday in the first electoral test
since they took office in November.
Merkel's Christian Democrats were
set for victory in Baden-Wuerttemberg
and Saxony-Anhalt states, while
the Social Democrats were ahead
in Rhineland-Palatinate, exit polls
for ARD and ZDF television
According to ARD, the Christian
Democrats won about 45 percent
of the vote in prosperous Baden-
Wuerttemberg, the largest of the
three states and home to major
industrial firms such as
DaimlerChrysler AG and Porsche
AG. That might be enough to secure
an absolute majority and let the party
drop their Free Democrat partners.
In eastern Saxony-Anhalt, the
Christian Democrats had about 37
percent, but their Free Democrat
partners had only 7 percent, leaving
the Social Democrats poised to
replace them in a "grand coalition"
mirroring Merkel's federal government
in Berlin.
Joined in a "grand coalition" at the
federal level, Merkel's Christian
Democrats and the Social
Democrats have avoided their
traditional all-out rivalry.
The parties have shelved their
biggest policy differences until after
the ballot and engaged instead in
low-intensity sniping over issues such
as education, Immigration and the
recovering economy.
Merkel's pragmatic, consensual
approach and a flurry of well-
received foreign trips have sent her
approval ratings soaring since she
took office.
SGA legislation, programs, events discussed at meeting
Highlights include
second reading of the
Code of Conduct
The SGA addressed objections
mentioned at the first reading
of the Code of Conduct at the
second reading of the legisla-
Mary Louise Antieau, associ-
ate vice chancellor, spoke to the
SGA members about the reasons
for revising the document and
encouraged them to make rec-
ommendations to the chancellor
about in additional things they
would like to see changed about
(KRT) For a man who had
spent a lifetime researching sharks,
what Samuel Gruber saw diving four
years ago off the Jupiter Inlet was noth-
ing short of a religious experience.
About 100 adult lemon sharks
hovered over the ocean floor in
about 90 feet of water.
Throughout his 40-plus-year
career, Gruber had seen maybe 15
or 20 adult lemon sharks, distin-
guished by their yellowish brown
tint and dual dorsal fins.
"In one day, I saw more adults
by a power of five than 1 have in my
whole career said Gruber, 67, who
has visited the site between Decem-
ber and March every year since.
Nowhere else in the world does
such a phenomenon exist, Gruber
said. And Gruber, among the world's
leading authorities on sharks, has
been trying to answer a simple
question: What brings them here?
Gruber's initial theory is that
female sharks are emitting chemi-
cal signals called pheromones that
attract male sharks. But why they've
chosen this particular spot to con-
the document.
The reasons for revising the
document include the confusion
about some of the sections of the
document such as the review
Other reasons mentioned
nclude adding clearer defini-
tions of the words In the docu-
ment, modifications concerning
case law and modifying the lan-
guage of the document.
Students are encouraged to
attend the input session that will
be held on Wednesday afternoon
to give their opinion on the docu-
ment. The third reading of the
legislation will be next Monday.
Junior class representatives
spoke about the programs that
they have successfully organized
and events that are coming up in
the future.
One of the main programs
that these representatives have
accomplished organizing are
junior seminars, which empha-
size networking, resume-building
and other career building factors.
A seminar will be held on
Tuesday, March 28, at 3:30 p.m. in
Bate 1030. The seminar is entitled,
"Now I Have a Job, So What?"
Brandon Brake of Gamma
Beta Phi Honor Society addressed
his fellow senators about an
organization called Give to the
Troops. The organization is the
only branch in North Carolina.
This organization collects
various toiletries and other neces-
sities to send to soldiers in Iraq.
Brake spoke about the group to
encourage others to volunteer
their time to help put together the
care packages to send the troops.
Brake wanted to remind
everyone that this has nothing
to do with political affiliation
and to discourage people from
thinking that this matter doesn't
concern them.
Another volunteer oppor-
tunity mentioned was Service
North Carolina. Volunteers are
needed to sit in Wright Circle
to watch the recycling bins that
will be in that area to encourage
students to recycle.
Ben Wyche, speaker of the
senate, proposed a graduate
student committee. This would
allow better representation of
this demographic in SGA.
The topics of including non-
traditional students in the com-
mittee and the issue of time came
up when discussing the details
the committee.
Ken Robol and Ryan Snyder
spoke about the publication of the
school yearbook, The Buccaneer.
The informed everyone about
the recently reduced prices of
advertisements in the book and
to encourage organizations to
take group pictures.
This writer may be contacted at
newstheeastcarolinian. com.
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discovers mysterious
of lemon sharks
Voyages of Discovery
Scientists tag a male lemon shark off the coast of Jupiter Inlet.
duct their courtship remains a mys-
tery. Does it have something to do
with a combination of the currents,
water temperature and its salinity?
This year, getting closer to those
answers proved more difficult. Not
nearly as many sharks showed up.
The number of sharks fluctuates
from year to year, Gruber said, and
he's confident that more sharks will
return. "You have good years and you
have bad years he said. Next winter,
he hopes to start testing his theory. He
plans to collect water samples around
some of the female sharks and test the
water chemistry or possibly extract
urine samples from the females.
Juvenile lemon sharks are rela-
tively easy to study. They congregate
in nurseries in bays or lagoons.
They prefer the safety and plentiful
food supplies at mangroves and in
warm shallow waters, such as those
at the Bimlni Biological Field Sta-
tion, about 50 miles east of Miami,
which Gruber owns and runs.
Thomas Harriot: Renaissance Scientist
presented by Robert Fox
Professor of the History of Science, University of Oxford
and Fellow ofLinacre College
Thursday, March 30, 2006
7:30 PM
Hendrix Theatre at Mendenhall Student Center
East Carolina University
PjHung li il. ctnil i, jnibblr , , Allial Hallh Lm a, iIr
Chaflci Blvd. .nd Greenville Nvd. Shuulc tnoci mil m Iwvmn ilir (wrium
!l and M. mk-nlull tmni thJO . 10:30 PM.

Page A3 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
TUESDAY March 28,2006
Our View
It's time to vote,
so do it
It's Student Government election time
again, and with that I'd like to say a few words
on "going with the flow Sometimes, it can be
easier to make the choice that is more con-
venient, the choice that a friend makes, or the
choice that's shoved at your face in the form
of a flyer. However, do not make that mistake.
Every student on this campus has the right to
vote. I encourage each of you to do so and do
it for the right reasons.
N.C. State University's SGA elections were
indefinitely postponed Sunday night due to con-
flicts between the university administration and
a problem they have with the actual voting ballot.
The ballot contained the names of part-time
students running for office after Vice Chancellor
Tom Stafford sent a memo prohibiting part-time
students to run for SGA offices. This conflict
is going to keep N.C. State from electing SGA
officers until, well, no one knows.
Some members of the Wolfpack say that
the administration has overstepped its bounds;
the Vice Chancellor, who shut down the voting
site, said that he acted in accordance with the
Student Body Constitution.
Although initially it may not seem as though
this is a "big deal we all have to realize that
we're truly very lucky simply to be able to exer-
cise our rights as voters. Each SGA ticket this
spring has a platform that students care about
and people running for office that, I hope and
trust, have given a great deal of thought to their
offices and responsibilities and how to best
serve the students.
On the front page of TEC today, there is a
short biography and photo of each candidate.
Take a minute to take a look. See who's involved;
decide what you want for ECU, but most of all,
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Rachel King Claire Murphy
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Murnane
Features Editor Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Lotter
Asst Photo Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak Dustin Jones
Web Editor Asst Web Editor
Edward McKim
Production Manager
Newsroom 252.328.9238
Fax 252.328.9143
HlLCA VOW5 To f3Ucc piuu (VMNJAU-HNfr Wue&AlJ
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Guest writer from NO State speaks about alcohol
NCSU is alcohol
Printed: 21306
The road to Witherspoon
continues. Many readers have
asked, "Are you really running
for student body president?"
My response, "Of course, if it is
printed in the newspaper it must
be true
Last time 1 touched on the
issue of alcohol equity. Alcohol
equity is the notion that students
should be treated equal in the
application of University policies
and regulations. Even though
current rules on the prohibition
of alcohol consumption at Wolf-
pack athletic events is applicable
to all people, the University
ignores the privileged few who
own luxury suites and boxes.
Even the rule makers - the N.C.
State University Board of Trustees
and the RBC Center's Centennial
Authority - are guilty of violating
alcohol policies.
Students and the other lowly
fans must use covert tactics to
drink alcohol during games
while the ruling class sips on
their gin and tonics while mock-
ing the rules.
Alcohol is NCSU. Now no one
else will admit that, especially
administrators, but it is true. Can
you think of a major campift event
that doesn't involve alcohol?
Sporting events? Well, we already
know the answer to that one.
Think of all the major campus
social events the University shut
down because of alcohol: The
annual Brent Road block party; Delta
Sig's annual charitable event Lawn
Party; and, of course, Campout.
Last week Technician reporter
Kasey Butler wrote a story titled
"Campout draws small crowd
chronicling the downfall of the
popular campus tradition. "More
than 5,000 students inhabited
hundreds of tents pitched from
the intersection of Dunn Avenue
and Pullen Road to the Tri-Towers
and beyond. Alcohol was abun-
dant and the night was going
smoothly. Then word started
spreading that the amount of stu-
dents present had far exceeded
the availability of tickets
Couches were burned. Beer cans
were thrown. A police officer was
injured. That was the scene six
years ago when the tradition of
Campout was forever changed by
one night of debauchery
What was missing from the
report? The Department of Ath-
letics lied about the number of
tickets available to the student
body. That athletics director
is no longer at this university.
Public Safety, now known as
Campus Police, failed to provide
an adequate number of officers
to handle the large crowd. The
University's actions, or inac-
tions, were the trigger events
that ultimately lead to the end
of the Campout tradition. Yet the
University took no responsibility
for what happened that night
and blamed the entire incident
on drunken students.
I go back to what I said ear-
lier - NCSU is alcohol. Can you
remember a major news event
involving NCSU that didn't have
alcohol involved? Remember
the Facebook scandal and the
tailgate shootings. In response to
the shootings, Chancellor James
Oblinger has formed a taskforce
to explore changing tailgate
regulations. Will they ban alco-
hol from the tailgating areas?
Whatever changes do occur, they
are likely to focus primarily on
students and provide exemptions
for influential alumni and luxury
box owners.
One of the problems with the
University's alcohol policy is it
sends mixed messages. Certain
groups of students are "better"
than others. Did you know drink-
ing is permitted at the College
of Design's annual Halloween
Party on East Campus? Yet the
University denies other student
organizations the ability to have
alcohol at their events. What
makes a design student any better
than anyone else?
I don't want it to come across
that I am advocating alcohol use
on campus. Quite the contrary. 1
just want consistent application
of alcohol policies to all mem-
bers and classes of the campus
community. I also want to the
University to take some respon-
sibility when it screws up and
stops using student alcohol use
as a scapegoat.
Now for the political message
- elect me as your next student
body president and 1 will put an
end to the University's racist,
anti-student alcohol policies.
Contact Andrew Payne at
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer "Our View" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and include a telephone number Letters may be sent
via e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, SetfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
In My Opinion
(KRT) If there's anything
scarier than a black box warn-
ing slapped on the side of your
prescription drug package, it's
a black box warning slapped on
the side of your 12-year-old's
prescription drug package.
Parents were understand-
ably alarmed last month when
a U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
istration advisory committee
recommended such a warning on
Ritalin and other stimulants used
to treat attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder in children.
The black box - named for
the ominous black border that
surrounds the text of the warn-
ing - is the strongest label the
FDA requires, reserved for drugs
whose potential side effects are
serious enough to warrant second
thoughts about risks vs. benefits.
So a sigh of relief is in order
after a second FDA committee
decided this week that Ritalin
and Its cousins, Adderall and
Strattera, didn't need such a seri-
ous warning after all. What they
need is an accurate but measured
warning, in plain English. The
FDA says it will likely adopt the
second recommendation.
The drugs, prescribed last year
to more than 3 million young-
sters in the U.S can cause cardio-
vascular problems in adults and
children. There have also been
reports of hallucinations, usually
involving snakes, insects and
other creepy crawlies, but so far
no true link has been established.
Those rare side-effects are
cause for concern, but not alarm.
The FDA's pediatric advisory
panel decided the drugs didn't
need a tougher warning - just a
clearer one. That means explain-
ing the possible side-effects in
understandable terms, counsel-
ing parents to watch for them
and encouraging them to talk to
their doctors about halting treat-
ment, if necessary.
In October 2004, the FDA
ordered black box warnings on
antidepressants, warning that
they might increase the risk of
suicidal behavior in children
and teenagers. Since then, many
of the parents of such troubled
youngsters have been paralyzed
by competing dangers: Should
they leave their kids on the drugs
and risk the side-effects? Or give
up the drugs and risk the con-
sequences of untreated mental
illness? For those parents, there
are no easy answers.
In the case of stimulants,
though, mental-health experts
argued that leaving ADHD
untreated could cause more
harm than the potential for
Millions of families who
despaired of a normal life or
education for their child have
been rescued by Ritalin. That
doesn't mean the red flags can
be ignored. Children taking
the drugs should be monitored
closely, and the FDA should con-
tinue to study the risks. For now,
though, the FDA's non-alarmist
tone seems to hit the right note.
(KRT) The jobless rate in
France hovers around 10 per-
cent. It's more than double that
among the young, and in some
poor neighborhoods it soars to
40 percent.
One reason: Worker protec-
tions are so strong in France that
once someone is hired, it is close
to impossible to fire him, no
matter how incompetent he may
be. That makes employers reluc-
tant to fill jobs with people who
have a limited work history. They
don't want to take the chance.
In an attempt to introduce a
little flexibility into that calcified
system, the government recently
passed what's called the First Job
Contract law. It will give employ-
ers more leeway to hire and fire
workers who are under the age
of 26. Its goal is to reduce unem-
ployment among the young. The
thinking is that employers will be
more willing to hire young work-
ers with little or no experience if
it isn't so difficult to dismiss the
ones who aren't productive.
This is not intended to punish
young people. It's intended to
entice employers to take a chance
on them. But the law has sparked
hundreds of thousands of young
people to protest, shutting down
some universities. Prime Minister
Dominique de Villepin has been vil-
ified by the protesters and France's
powerful public-sector unions.
Union employees don't face
a great risk - the union bosses
do. If this law reduces joblessness
among the young, the govern-
ment might try to introduce
more flexibility into the labor
market for older workers. The
unions' stranglehold on French
labor policy might be broken.
France has long disdained
America's burly brand of capi-
talism. American workers do
have less job security than the
French - but more have jobs. The
churning American economy has
produced more robust growth
and a much lower jobless rate
than France's. After a disturb-
ing period of job loss, America's
economy has created 4.3 million
jobs in the last two years.
In the last year, an average of 4.5
million workers left their jobs each
month, but 4.8 million workers were
hired. That's a net gain of about
300,000 new hires each month. The
jobless rate for young people in the
United States is less than half that
of France. In the United States, it's
10.7 percent for those who are ages
16 to 24. It is 8.5 percent for those
who are 20 to 24.
There is uncertainty in eco-
nomic churn - and it's terribly
acute when it's your job that goes
away. But lifetime job security
doesn't mean much when you
can find no job in the first place.
The young may take to the streets
in France, but the First Job Con-
tract could give them something
more gainful to do.
To the person who ranted about how great the Hurri-
canes are and how they should bring the Stanley Cup
home. I don't remember a time when Carolina had
their name written on the Stanley Cup. And in perfect
Hurricanes fashion, they're on a losing skid right now.
Ever read TEC online? Why do some people feel
obligated to post completely moronic comments after
the news and opinion articles? Is it the article or the
reader? Or both?
If you and your friend find it necessary to shower at
midnight, now about keeping your loud conversa-
tion to a minimum because some people are actually
trying to sleep.
My roommate graduated and only can get a job
Anyone looking for a place to live next year, make
sure to keep Keystone Property Management off
your list. I have a court date now since they paid my
neighbor's rent with my check.
I should have known that when I held the door open
for a girl with an "ECU Cheerleader" sweatshirt, I
wasn't going to get a thank you.
Be courteous to your roommate. Wash your sheets at
least once a month so the room doesn't start to smell,
don't let your clothes pile up literally waist high, and
keep your conversations, loud laughter, and typing to
a reasonable volume when the other is sleeping.
Why do some people find it necessary to let their
underwear be part of their outfit, hence the name
To the girl in my CDFR class: If you are going to be
rude and yell at others for talking during class, which
1 might say caused a greater disturbance, then don't
do it yourself! We are all well aware of classroom cour-
tesy, so why don't take your own advice and shh!
As I was driving into the parking lot in between Scott
and Aycock residence halls, I was parking at Scott
where 1 live and some ignorant "cop" thought he
could write me a ticket for taking my seatbelt off as
I was trying to get a premier spot. According to the
law, you cannot get a ticket while in a parking lot.
Good job ECU Police, you just busted me, although
you might have thought you were doing something
good saving my life from "crazy drivers
Don't you just love how people fight through their
away messages on instant messenger? It's like watching
my own little soap opera every time I sign online.
I still haven't figured out how to avoid getting my
butt burned in the tanning bed.
Please ECU, no more peoplefromMarylandorNewJersey.
I think it's high time that Wright Place and other
, places on campus started selling Lipton green tea
: with citrus. That stuff is awsome!
OK, so what the heck is this membership card? I've
been here at ECU for four years and never heard of
such a thing. Is it a discount card? It's not like I'll use
i it to access Mendenhall. There's nothing in there I
can't get into with my OneCard.
With all of the squirrels on campus and all of the
I girls dressing like hookers, I'm having a very difficult
time deciding whether we are in a Clusters cereal
commercial or a rap video.
Who else hates their roommates who come bursting
in at three in the morning, yelling into their cell
phones and screaming out the windows?
I love how in Wednesday's TEC there was a rant about
how the campus needs to "address diversity issues"
and taking up one whole half of the very next page
was a huge ad for Diversity Week 2006. Just because
ECU makes the effort to emphasize diversity, it
doesn't mean the ignorant minds of our community
will suddenly open wide with acceptance.
How come I get in trouble for talking "loudly" in the
halls at 10 p.m but the RA is allowed to talk "loudly"
at 11:30 p.m.? When did the rules change for them
and their friends?
It was 80 degrees in February and now 50 degrees in
March. Anyone else see something wrong here?
I hate showering without my contacts in! My vision
I is so bad, it's a wonder I don't shampoo my body or
put face wash in my hair.
What do you tell someone who has two black eyes?
Nothing because he has been told twice before?
Is it just me or has M. Cole Jones been more visible around
: campus since the beginning of elections season? Sorry,
I just because I see you more now doesn't mean you're
getting my vote. Where were you earlier this year when
we students needed you to help with HigherOne?
Hey! ECU! Teach your students how to count. I
finally turned 21 and my first night out in Greenville,
I got marked under! Cut me a break.
To the person who called marriage "legalized prostitu-
tion when you get married, I nope your prostitute
of a wife cheats on you and leaves you, because if you
think the only motivation for women to get married
is money, you deserve it.
Last week was awesome! 1 went to zero classes, missed
a quiz, and had a lot of fun. It was like another Spring
Break. Too bad now I have to go to the next 23 days of
OK, so is it legal for tow trucks to drive downtown
looking for random cars to tow at night without being
called? Do they enjoy getting a kick out of leaving kids
stranded?! That has to be contributing to the crime
rate; they have to be creating victims when they go
off and tow someone's car, leaving them to wander
downtown unprotected just to make a quick buck. No,
I did not park in a marked space, but 1) the curb was
not yellow, 2) it was not near a fire hydrant or driveway,
and 3) the two hour parking limit ends at 5 p.m
My guy does not ignore me or treat me like a guy when
he is hanging with his friends. Some guys ignore and
treat their lady like a guy when they annoy them
constantly ana are all up on them all the time.
Some parents are not in a financial situation which
allows them to create a college fund for their child.
That does not mean that they are stupid.
To the person who had a problem with the future
teachers talking about drinking and partying: I
hope you plan to home-school your children. There
is such a thing as college students partying, and
drinking responsibly. And there's not a thing wrong
with that.
Elinor's Notr: The Pirate Rant is an anonymous way far students and staff in the
ECU community to wice their opinions. Submissions can be submtttcil anonymously
online at or e-mailed to editonwtheeastcarolinian
com. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity

Let Your Voice
Be Heard
March 28th
March 29th
I .ist Carolina University
Student (.lovcrnmcm Associati
Vote For SGA Executive
9am to 5pm each day!
You can vote ANYWHERE
just log on to Onestop
Cast your vote in Wright Plaza
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Student Life
Page A5 252.328.6366 CAROIYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
TUESDAY March 28, 2006
Names in the News:
It's a girl
Nick Lachey's less visible III' bro and
98 Degrees boy-bander, Drew, and
his wife, Lea, both 29, welcomed a
baby girl last Thursday in LA, which
means the "Dancing With the Stars"
champ will be giving off that sexy
new-dad scent around the hotties
at the Miss USA pageant April 21 In
Baltimore. NBC says he'll cohost the
snoozefest with Nancy O'Dell.
Not with a whimper
Three and a half million citizens
witnessed Chef gently shuffle off
this mortal coil into that good night
on Wednesday's "South Park Its
most-watched season premiere
since 2002. Chef voice Isaac Hayes
reportedly quit last week, charging
It with religious insensitivity. Show
creators say they're insensitive
about everything.
Rockln' photos
Kid Rock is being investigated
for laying the smackdown on a
paparazzo. To be accurate: The
LAPD is investigating an incident
during which the Motor City
rap-rocker allegedly slcced his
bodyguards on an unnamed 26-year-
old photographer. The photographer
says the star then grabbed his
camera, threw it in his car and
drove away.
Specter's delay
The murder trial of music legend
Phil Spector, 66, who is accused of
killing actress Lana Clarkson (star of
Roger Corman's cult film Barbarian
Queen) in Feb. 2003, has been
postponed to Sept. 11. Originally
set for April 24, the anticipated
three-ring media circus had to
be pushed back because two
prosecutors and one of Spector's
lawyers have to wrap up other
trials on their respective plates.
Willis' clarification
Diplomat-in-training Bruce Willis
has defused a potential war with
Colombia. The Armageddon
star recently argued that since
Colombia's cocaine trafficking
is as evil as terrorism, we should
invade the country. A surprisingly
Irked Colombian President Alvaro
Uribe called Willis "arrogant" and
"Ignorant" "I spoke to the Colombians
Bruce now tells the New York Daily
News. "It's fine. I get passionate
In yet another public strike against
rumors of a marriage gone wrong,
Britney Spears threw hubby Kevin
Federline a birthday bash Tuesday in
Vegas. In the words of People, K.Fed
enjoyed his 28th in a "wife-beater and
a New York Yankees cap while his
purse strings lived It up in "a black
halter dress with a lethally low-cut
back Jack and Cokes for Kev and
a Cosmo for Brit (which means, the
New York Daily News has theorized,
the singer Is not pregnant?). And there
was dancing, with the lovers "kissing
and hugging, having a great time
Moore's theatrical return
The extraordinary, luminous actress
Jullanne Moore is returning to
Broadway in a world premiere of The
Vertical Hour by Brit playwright David
Hare. Directed by American Beauty
helmer Sam Mendes, the play is about
a former American war correspondent
who meets an older man while on
vacation In Wales. It's set to open
Nov. 30 at a theater to be announced.
Estefan gives back
Cuban American singer Gloria Estefan,
48, who was temporarily paralyzed
after breaking her back In an accident
in 1990 when her tour bus was hit by
a tractor-trailer In the Poconos, has
given $1 million to create a clinical
trial program at the Miami Project
to Cure Paralysis, which will use
the latest research on paralysis for
human trials. "I don't beep at airports
Estefan joked about the titanium rods
implanted in her body 16 years ago.
Betting on the Big Easy
NBC-owned cabler Bravo TV is taking
"Celebrity Poker Showdown" to the
Big Easy. Premiering sometime in
the spring, the show will be cohosted
by Phil Hellmuth and Dave Foley.
All winnings will go to charities
benefiting hurricane victims.
Local Concerts:
R.Kelly will be performing at Memorial
Auditorium in Raleigh on Tuesday,
March 28.
Ben Folds will be performing at
Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh on
Thursday, March 30.
Martina McBride will be at the RBC
Center in Raleigh on Sunday, April 2.
Kid Rock will be at the RBC Center in
Raleigh on Friday, April 7.
Ghostface Killah and M1 of Dead
Prez will be performing at Cat's
Cradle in Carrboro on Friday, April 7.
Road trip a must for Backwater Jack's
Cruise down to
Washington for a taste
of the islands
Down the road, roughly 20
miles east of Greenville, is a
virtually undiscovered magical
haven known affectionately as
"Little Washington
Resting comfortably on
the banks of the Pamlico River,
Washington is a perfect place
to find solace in the water
and appreciate the beauty of
eastern North Carolina.
Comprised of many his-
toric houses and a downtown
straight out of the 1950s, it is
a tourist's dream come true if
you are looking for small town,
Southern life.
Beyond downtown and
further down Main Street lies a
slice of island paradise, the res-
taurantbar Backwater Jack's.
Having just opened in Octo-
ber of last year, this laid-back
Tiki bar offers a summertime
environment all year round.
I first stumbled onto Back-
water Jack's after a couple
of friends regaled me with
stories of their adventures at
the tucked-away restaurant
next to the water. My interest
piqued, a group of us ventured
down Highway 33 to celebrate
a friend's birthday.
Keep your eyes peeled for the
boat with flags on tt marking the
entrance to Backwater Jack's.
There, a large screened in
deck that is accessible by enter-
ing through canvas curtains
is adjacent to an inviting bar.
Picnic tables fill most of the deck
with heaters strategically placed
around them. In the back is the
famous ring toss game and the
area where hula hoops and drum
circles take place.
Above the bar is an upstairs
with more picnic tables to eat
at and an entrance to the roof-
top deck. Co-owner Cathy Bell
describes it as place to view
"killer sunsets" and offers a "great
view of the river
Even before taking your first
sip of drink or seeing the menu,
everything about Backwater Jack's
channels the bars of Key West.
Various beach artifacts cover
the walls including hand-painted
signs by the owners' friends or
frog knickknacks that were pur-
chased by members of the wait
staff. Above the bar is the first
barracuda co-owner Laura Scoble
ever caught.
Both natives of Florida, Bell
and Scoble are true sailors of the
sea who travel everywhere. These
two landed in Washington after
visiting a friend In Chocowlnlty.
The pair originally set up a coffee
place before opening Backwater
"We wanted to create a very
casual place that you could just
come off the river and have a
bite or a drink said Scoble.
"We don't even care If you
wear shoes
The laid-back atmosphere is
Just by looking at the building, you can tell Backwater Jack's will be a great dining experience.
a lot of what makes Backwater
Jack's such an enjoyable place.
Bell and Scoble do not and
never will take reservations. It is
simply a come-as-you are place
where friendships are created
and strengthened.
"It's like going to a deck party
at someone's house said Bell.
"Everybody visits together as if
it's your own private party
More often than not, locals
fill the restaurant each night.
"We've had one group of people
that have come every Friday for
the past 11 weeks Scoble said.
"And on New Year's, we catapulted
fruit cakes off the deck aiming for
a trash can. Whoever was near-
est the trash can won a prize
With warm weather steadily
approaching, a road trip to Back-
water Jack's is a definite must.
Not only can you enjoy one
of their half-pound burgers or
fried oysters with slaw, but you'll
also find a place full of warm wel-
comes and good conversation.
What else can you expect
from a place with Texas Pete on
the tables and music from the
great Jimmy Buffett drifting
through the air?
This writer can be contacted at
features@theeas tcarolinian. com.
Who runs West End Dining?
;e Wall, Assistant Location Manager at West End.
Making the dining experience feel like
a home cooked meal
ECU is a campus of students, professors and staff
members. These staff members aid in the founda-
tion of the ECU spirit and contribute to a better
environment for students. The dining halls not only
serve food, but a warm setting where the employees
welcome you with a smile. Among the friendly staff
members is Mike Wall, an ECU alumnus.
TEC: How did you end up at ECU?
Wall: ECU has a very good hospitality manage-
ment program. 1 enjoy hospitality management,
so I figured I would make a career out of doing
something that I enjoy.
TEC: What is your job title here at West End Dining?
Wall: Assistant Location Manager.
TEC: What does your job entail?
Wall: I am responsible for closing, employee pay-
roll, help create the menus, inventory, scheduling
and day-to-day operations.
TEC: How did you come to get this job?
Wall: I was a student manager for two semesters
at the Galley. When I graduated, I was offered a
salary position.
TEC: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Wall: The people that I work with, we usually have
a lot of fun together.
TEC: How do you feel about working at the univer-
sity that you graduated from?
Wall: It is nice being familiar with the campus and
occasionally seeing familiar faces.
TEC: Is it difficult to run a large dining hall?
Wall: It was at first because I was used to running
a smaller location.
TEC: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Wall: I would like to see myself have my own
location back home in the Raleigh area. 1 am defi-
nitely enjoying what I do now, but I would like to
be closer to home.
TEC: What do you do in your spare time?
Wall: I am recently engaged so I hang out with
my fiance as much as I can. She is a senior here at
ECU and is graduating in May. I also love to watch
basketball and go to ECU football games.
ECU students have a strong sense of pride to
this university particularly because of the positive
surroundings the campus has to offer. The West
End Dining facilities have an outstanding staff
who go above and beyond to make every student
feel at home.
This writer can be contacted at
Lovehead and the Real:
The Definition of Love'
Nice effort with
unfortunately poor results
I recently had the opportu-
nity to listen to the debut album,
The Definition of Love, of the
Raleigh-based band Lovehead
and the Real.
Released in January, the
album consists of six songs which
were a mix between instrumen-
tally appealing and generic. The
album lacks originality by offer-
ing the same rock quality that
I've heard dozens of other times.
While I found the lyrics to
be pretty profound, the music
was lacking in distinction. The
whole album sounded like a
mix between System of a Down
and Nickel-
ECU Founders Week with theme:
'A Legacy of Leadership'
The Founders Week celebra-
tion is a time for students and
staff to celebrate the history of
our school together. Though
Founders Day was March 8, the
celebration will be held March 27
through April 1. Use this infor-
mation to get involved in these
events and see what being part of
ECU is all about.
There are various members of
the community Involved in the
events, and all events are open
to the public unless noted. Any
meal events require tickets, so
please call ahead for reservations.
For more information or to buy
tickets, contact the Office of Spe-
cial Events at specialeevents@ecu.
edu or call 328-6447.
Monday, March 27
Community Day
-Community Leaders Breakfast:
7:30 a.m Jarvis Memorial United
Methodist Church
-Chancellor's Community Advi-
sory Council Issues Forum: 7
p.m Eppes Recreation Center,
400 Nash Street, Greenville
Tuesday, March 28
Students Day (Current Past)
-Announcement of winner of
the "Memories of ECU" 99th
birthday card, online at
-Victory Bell Service: 10 a.m
Victory Bell adjacent to Christen-
bury Memorial Gymnasium
-Reception for Opening of Part 1,
"The Founding of an Institution"
of University Archives Centen-
nial Exhibit: "A Century of
Educational Impact: A History
of ECU 7-8 p.m Special Collec-
tions Rooms, Joyner Library
Wednesday, March 29
Student Day (Current)
-Groundbreaking for North Recre-
ational Complex: 1 p.m near the
intersection of US 264 EastUS
264 Alternate
-Student Leadership: The
Elite Pirate Program: 3 p.m
Hendrix Theatre
-ECU 99th Birthday Party for
Students: 4 p.m the Mall
Thursday, March 30
University Day
-Chancellor's Forum on Leader-
ship: 10 a.m Hendrix Theatre
-Luncheon on the Mall, noon
see FOUNDERS page A6
back. Both of
those artists,
however, pres-
ent their music
in a unique
manner rather
than just sell-
ing out and
creating a com-
pletely unorig-
inal carbon
copy album.
However, I do have to give
the band major props for putting
themselves out there. After form-
ing in the summer of 2005, the
band has come a long way in a
short period of time.
They have soared to success
by signing a record contract with
the Raleigh-based independent
label, Elbbub Music and launch-
ing their first album all within
a year.
I'm hoping the next time the
band produces an album that
they let their personalities shine
through their music and go out on
a limb to do something different.
This band definitely has talent;
they just need to find an element
More Info
that sets them apart from all of
the other rock bands out there.
The message behind their
music is one of tolerance and
love. The band certainly wants
their audience to take something
more from their music; they
want people to be affected by the
meaning behind the music.
"Music is like life; sometimes
it's easy, sometimes it's beautiful
and other times, you don't quite
know what to think about it. We
are all brothers and sisters regard-
less of our differences said lead
singer Chris Wells.
"People should focus on the
beauty of our similarities and not
the ugliness of our differences
Overall, I found the band's
music to be good. It wasn't any-
thing that I'm dying to add to
my iPod, but it was a good effort
for the band's
first album.
However, I
urge you to
give this band
a try; their
music may be
fresh to you
even though
it's a bit stale
to me.
and the Real
will be playing with VHl's Band
on the Run winner Flickerstick
at the Lincoln Theatre in Raleigh
on April 27. The doors for the
show will open at 8 p.m. and the
performance will start at 9 p.m.
Tickets are available in advance
for $8 at and
can be purchased the night of the
show at the door for $10.
For more information and to
sample some of their music, log
on to their Web site at myspace.
Album Grade: C-
This writer can be contacted at
Lovehead and the Real
Chris Wells: Lead Vocalist
Jon McClalD: Drummer
Mike Davis: Guitar and Bass
Genre: RockSoulAlternativePop
Label: Elbbub Music

FOUnderS from page A5
(ticket required)
-A Dialogue among 99
Leaders: 2 p.m Mendenhall
Student Center
-College of Education Scholarship
Ceremony: 3 p.m Willis Building
Thomas Harriott Voyages of
Discovery" Lecture: 7:30 p.m
Hendrix Theatre
Friday, March 31
Alumni Patrons Day
-Founders Award Luncheon:
noon, Murphy Center -
Ticket required
-Ground-breaking for East Caro-
lina Heart Institute: 3 p.m Lot
G, Emergency Drive at PCMH
Saturday, April 1
Activities Day
-Youth Arts Festival, Mall of ECU
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. A variety of artists,
both performing and visual, will
be present for demonstrations and
activities. Groups of school chil-
dren from the eastern part of the
state are welcome. Contact Rich-
ard Tichich, Director of School of
Art and Design, at 328-6665.
This writer can be contacted at .
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Page A8 252.328.6366 TDNY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
TUESDAY March 28, 2006
Pirates take one from No. 2 Owls
ECU wins game one over
nationally ranked Rice
After rallying in the ninth
to secure one of the biggest road
wins in school history Friday
night, the ECU baseball team
dropped their final two games
against number two Rice this
past weekend at Reckling Park in
Houston, Texas, in both teams'
Conference USA opening series.
The Diamond Bucs won game
one 4-3, before losing games two
and three 8-5 and 5-0 respec-
Trailing 3-2 heading into
their last at bat of the first game,
Godwin decided to pinch-hit
Jamie Ray for Ryan Tousley.
Ray responded in his first plate
appearance of the game with a
double to begin the Diamond
Bucs' last bid at the victory. After
Brandon Henderson was hit by
a pitch and Ryan Wood walked,
Ray and pinch runner Stephen
Batts scored the go ahead runs
with one out when Jay Mattox
hit into a fielder's choice. The ball
looked like a game ending double
play, but Wood's hard slide into
second base forced Owl shortstop
Brian Friday into a wild throw,
thus allowing the second run to
score for a 4-3 Pirate lead.
The Owls went down quietly
in the ninth.
Southpaw Jason Neitz was the
beneficiary of the ninth inning
rally, as he picked up his first
win of the season. Neitz went
a season high 2.1 innings with
three strikeouts. For the season,
the junior's numbers are astound-
ing. In 13 innings pitched, Neitz
has surrendered only five hits
and two walks while striking
out 10.
Neitz, who has emerged as
the team's best reliever, has yet to
give up a run and the opponent's
batting average against him is a
staggering .122.
While starter T.J. Hose did
not factor in the decision, he was
solid for 6.2 innings, giving up
just two earned runs and three
walks while striking out five.
Hose (3-1) now has his ERA down
to 2.51.
Wood led the Pirate offense
with two hits and an RBI, and
Mattox added a hit and two RBI
on the day.
The Owls made sure the
Pirates success wouldn't last, as
they bounced back with an 8-5
win Saturday to even the series
at one.
Rice was led at the plate by
a two-run homer from Jordan
Dodson and a solo shot from
Aaron Luna. In all, the Owls had
six players to record two hits in
the game.
Dustin Sasser was saddled
with the loss for the Pirates on
the mound, despite pitching well.
The redshirt sophomore gave up
three runs on six hits while strik-
ing out and walking three. Sasser
drops to 4-3 on the season, but
continues to have an outstanding
ERA of 2.38.
Owl starter Craig Crow moved
to 3-1 on the season after tossing
six scoreless innings, scattering
five hits to go along with eight n
The trio of Dale Mollenhauer,
see RICE page A12 The Pirates took the opener from Rice 4-3, but lost the weekend series after falling 8-5 Saturday and 5-0 Sunday.
ECU men's basketball facing wholesale
changes, expected to lose seven players
The ECU men's basketball
team will be undergoing a major
face-lift during this offseason.
The Pirates are expected to
lose as many as seven players,
continuing a trend of transfer-
ring which has haunted ECU over
the last few years.
Japhet McNeil, Tom Ham-
monds IV and Jonathan Hart
have confirmed their intentions
to transfer from the university,
while Josh King, Quinton Goods,
Nick Mattone and Jeff Robinson
are also not expected back.
The decisions come after
individual meetings with the
coaches, in which the players
discussed their future with the
ECU coach Ricky Stokes
declined an interview, but issued a
statement about the team's status.
"We are in the process of
having individual meetings with
our entire team Stokes' state-
ment said.
"We will be discussing the
f utur of each team member and
that of ECU basketball. Several
2 players have expressed an interest
in exploring other options.
i jS "This is an ongoing process
Head Coach Ricky Stokes and the basketball team will be facing major changes for next season and we wil1 continue to counsel
WCU to retire LeClair's jersey
each individual player in making
the best possible decision for his
academic and athletic future
Expected to return to the
Pirates, who finished 8-20 last
season, are rising seniors Court-
ney Captain and Tyronne Beale,
rising juniors Jeremy Ingram
and Taylor Gagnon and rising
sophomore Sam Hinnant. Justin
Ramsey, a non-qualifier from last
season, is also expected to be on
board for his freshman season.
McNeil, Hammonds and Hart
said they have each notified the
coaches of their intentions to
leave the program, and the staff
has said they will help them find
other opportunities.
"I just think I wanted to
explore new chances somewhere
else and have a new start McNeil
said. "I just want to win and try to
be a part of something special
McNeil, who currently holds
the school's single-season assists
record and who was on pace to
break the career assists mark,
added that he never considered
his current standing in the Pirate
record books when making his
"All that stuff is fine, but if
you're not winning or you're not
happy, all that stuff is meaning-
less said McNeil, who finished
third in Conference USA with
5.62 assists per game last season.
"I am thankful for everything
that the new coaching staff has
done for me, but I think it's time
for a change
Hammonds, who was a
member of the C-USA all-fresh-
man team during the 2004-05
campaign, was hindered by
multiple injuries that affected his
play at times last season. During
the course of the season, the
Crestview, Fla product injured
both ankles, sprained a muscle
in his back, broke a finger and
battled some sicknesses.
"They told me that no matter
what they just wanted me to be
happy said Hammonds, who
averaged 3.6 points and 14.9 min-
utes last season. "And I just think
thivdidn't fit for me. Coming
into the year I had high hopes
for this season, but then with the
injuries and me not really playing
the best ball I can, 1 kind of got
frustrated 1 think.
"But the coaches have been
more than helpful and they've
said they're more than willing to
help me contact other schools
Hart was on the verge of
transferring during former coach
Bill Herrion's last year with the
Pirates, but said he elected to
see PIRATES page A12
Former head coach
honored by Catamounts
(SID) The Western Caro-
lina University Department of
Athletics has announced it will
retire the 23 jersey of baseball
legend Keith LeClair in a special
ceremony April 11, 2006. The
ceremony will take place before
the Catamounts' 7 p.m. game
against the nationally ranked
Clemson Tigers.
"Keith had a great career at
Western both as a player and
coach, and later as head coach
at ECU said WCU Head Coach
Todd Raleigh, who both played
with LeClair at Western and
coached under him at Western
Carolina and ECU.
"He is very deserving of this
honor. Also, it is appropriate to
retire his jersey when Clemson
comes to town so (former WCU
head coach who recruited and
coach LeClair and current Clem-
son head coach) Jack Leggett can
participate in the ceremony
LeClair, who was inducted
into the WCU Athletics Hall of
Fame in 2002, came to Western
in 1985 and helped lead the Cata-
mounts to four consecutive South-
ern Conference Championships.
He ranks among the top 10
in six different WCU hitting cat-
egories. Most notably, he batted
.423 in 1988, which ranks sev-
enth on the WCU single-season
list, while his career .375 batting
average ranks fourth on the WCU
all-time list.
In 1988, he was named MVP of
the Southern Conference Tourna-
ment, as well as being a first team
All-SoCon selection. Also during
the 1988 season, he established
a school record with 101 hits,
which ranked fourth in the NCAA
that season, and 179 total bases.
In 1989, after spending spring
training with the San Francisco
Giants organization, he returned
to Cullowhee as an assistant coach
on Leggett's Catamount staff, a
position he held for three seasons.
In 1992, when Leggett left
to become assistant head coach
at Clemson, LeClair became the
Catamounts' head coach at the
age of 25, making him one of, if
not the, youngest head coaches
in the nation.
During that 1992 season,
he led the Catamounts to the
Southern Conference regular
season and tournament champi-
onships. The team advanced to
the NCAA tournament, reaching
the championship game at the
South II Regional and getting to
within one out of advancing to
the College World Series.
The 1992 team tallied 44 wins
and a final national ranking on
17th. His 1994 team posted a
school-record 45 wins and earned
the school's first ever, at-large bid
to the NCAA postseason.
In his six seasons at Western
Carolina he posted a record of
229-135-2, led WCU to four
NCAA Tournament berths and
was SoCon Coach of the Year in
1992, '94 and '97.
Following his reign at WCU,
LeClair continued his coaching
career at ECU. Joining the Pirates
in 1997, he spent five seasons as
the head coach and tallied an
impressive record of 219-96-1.
He was twice named the
Colonial Athletic Association
Coach of the Year and ABCA East
Region Coach of the Year (1999
and 2001). LeClair led the team to
four NCAA Regional appearances
and one NCAA Super Regional.
In 2002, LeClair relinquished
his coaching duties due to health
concerns related to his Amyo-
trophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS
or commonly referred to as Lou
Gehrig's Disease).
After his retirement, which
he complied a career record of
448-231-3 at Western Carolina
and ECU, the Walpole, N.H
native was honored as the first
recipient of the C-USA Student-
Athletic Advisory Committee's
(SAAC) Coaches Choice Award.
In addition, the C-USA Base-
ball Coach of the Year Award was
named in honor of him.

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Ladies finish weekend with victory
ECU scores win over No.
6 California
With a rocky week against
N.C. State behind them, the ECU
Softball team has been in desper-
ate need to pull out of a slump.
In the past seven games before
last Friday, the Lady Pirates have
only won two.
Now with the team hosting the
Pirate Invitational, which included
No. 6 California coming to town
last weekend, there was no better
time to pull their act together
and come up with some wins.
The Lady Pirates started off
the Invitational with a bang
against Coastal Carolina. Junior
Keli Harrell pitched a complete
game shutout, allowing only
three hits and striking out nine
in the 4-0 win. The shutout was
the 21st of her career.
The win over Coastal Caro-
lina not only snapped ECU's five
game losing streak, but it also
gave the team a little momentum
as they faced the highest ranked
team to ever visit Greenville for
ECU softball, No. 6 California.
The Lady Pirates proved to be
a formidable opponent early on
in the game when they jumped
out to a 1-0 lead in the bottom of
the second. Cal responded with
two runs in the top of the next
frame, but ECU was resilient as
they scored three more in the
bottom of that inning to make
the score 4-2.
With just five outs left until
one of the biggest wins in ECU
softball history, Cal's Katie Vick-
ers hit a bases-loaded double in
the top of the final inning to put
her team up 5-4. ECU was not able
to respond this time, as they fell
in their second game of the day.
The following day was no
easier for the Lady Pirates as
they started play against Penn
State. The Lady Nittany Lions
were on a 15-game winning
streak and had an overall record
of 17-3. Penn State's only scores
in the game came off of two
solo homeruns in the third and
seventh innings. Unfortunately,
the home runs happened to be
enough, as ECU was not able to
get going offensively and fell 2-1.
ECU sophomore pitcher Brently
Bridgeforth was credited with
the loss.
After a rebound win over Buf-
falo in the second game of the
day 4-0, the Lady Pirates were
poised for the final day in the
Invitational, in which they had to
once again face No. 6 Cal. Though
feeling the momentum of their
previous win, the ECU softball
team could not anticipate that it
would carry them as much as it
did throughout the following day.
ECU looked like a different
team than the day before as their
sticks lit up in their second game
against Cal, scoring eight runs,
all off of homers. Cal could only
respond with three runs of their
own, as ECU stunned No. 6 Cal
8-3. ECU senior pitcher Stepha-
nie Hayes was credited with the
win, surrendering only two hits
in four innings. The win marked
the first victory against a Pac-
10 opponent and the first ever
win for ECU over an opponent
ranked 10th or higher.
The second game of the day
against Kent State turned out to be
a pitching duel between Brittany
Robinson and ECU's Harrell. The
game remained scoreless going
into extra innings until senior
Krista Jessup delivered a game
winning RBI in the bottom of the
ninth to bring home freshman
Vanessa Moreno from third.
Jessup's RBI not only won the
game for the Lady Pirates, but it
also cemented Harrell's second
no-hitter of her career. Even
more spectacular is that the no-
hitter came after nine innings of
play, instead of the usual seven.
Both the win against No. 6
Cal and the no-hitter against
Kent State in the same day not
only sets the Lady Pirates' cur-
rent record at 23-15, it makes it
safe to say it was the best day in
ECU softball history.
Next weekend, the Lady
Pirates will be riding high on
momentum as they return to
conference play against Marshall.
Play begins at home Saturday at
1 p.m. with a doubleheader and
continues Sunday at noon.
This writer can be contacted at
inr; i.n i-u me iiimi'm i.niM-ti euuugii, as siu was not aoie to against Nent state turned out to De
Time to drop Cinderella tag
tied to George Mason
No. 11 seeded Patriots
reach Final Four
(KRT) Don't be fooled.
Don't look at George Mason
University in the Final Four and
get duped into seeing Cinderella.
Don't look at the roster of
no-name kids who couldn't get
scholarships to any major pro-
gram and see 14 pairs of glass
George Mason is not Cin-
Cinderella would not, make
that could not, have done what
the Patriots just did.
Cinderella might always
show up in the NCAA Tourna-
ment, but she does not go to the
Final Four. That exclusive arena
is reserved for truly elite teams.
"So what you're saying now is
we're no longer a Cinderella now,
we're an elite team?" George
Mason coach Jim Larranaga joy-
fully said after his llth-seeded
Patriots stunned top-seeded
Connecticut in overtime, 86-84,
to win the Washington Regional
on Sunday at the Verizon Center.
Of course, George Mason
looks like Cinderella. The Patri-
ots join Louisiana State (1986)
as only the second double-digit
seed to reach the Final Four.
How could an llth-seeded
team from the Colonial Athletic
Association going to the Final
Four not look like a poor girl
turned into a princess at the
whim of a fairy godmother?
Considering who and when,
this is arguably the most shock-
ing upset in NCAA Tournament
history. Princeton, seeded 13th,
see MASON page A12
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Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat By Appointment Only
rroperty I I
Apartments S Rental Houses

erl :
i 4
Page A10 The East Carolinian, Self Help Building
Phone (252) 328-9238 Fax (252) 328-9143
TUESDAY March 28, 2006
Beat This, No parking fees, No
parking hassle, Walk to class,
downtown or to the rec. center,
2bed 1.5 bath duplex available
now, short term lease accepted.
Buccaneer Village call 561 -7368 531 -
9011 Pinnacle Property Mgt.
Live on 5th Street and look at ECU
from your balcony or front porch.
703 E. 5th Street next door to
Career Services. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath
completely renovated with new
everything. Kitchens, bathrooms,
appliances; has just been updated.
Live at ECU'S best location for $800
Call 758-4572
For Rent: Very nice 4 br, 2.5 bath
house with 2 zone, central heatair;
off street parking; close proximity to
ECU campus. Completely renovated.
25 rent discount for prompt pay.
Call 752-1000, ask for Murrell.
Brand new 2 & 3 bedroom
townhouses for rent. 1.5 to 2.5
baths. Dudley's Grant off Firetower
Rd. All appliances. WasherDryer
hook-ups S745-845 per month. Call
341-0223 for more information.
Room For Rent. First Month Free!
Pirates Cove Phase II - Fully Furnished
- WD Available Now Contact Nicole
919-452-3849 - NLH0320@mail. $387month utilities
Subleaser needed for 2 bedroom
apartment in Wyndham Court
until July! Move in anytime. Pet
deposit paid and Washerdryer
included! Current tenant is willing
to pay $50 towards the rent each
month! For more information call:
Find your place for the fall
semester early and save! Early
bird discount of $50 off normal
monthly rent for preleasing.
3 units available for 8106
move-in dates and 1 for 6106.
All units are 3 bedroom, 2 bath
and Include WasherDryer.
They have Vaulted ceilings,
1200 sq. ft. and are beautifully
painted. Call 252-327-4433
View at carollnahomesecu.
One two Brs. on-site management
maintenance Central heat air 6,9,12
month leases Water Cable included
ECU bus Wireless Internet pets
dishwasher disposals pool laundry
Sublease: One Bedroom Apartment.
Rent is $380. Can move-in right
away. 15 minute walk to school.
Pet friendly. Call me for more
information (352) 283-2407
Now accepting applications for
summer and fall at Captains
Quarters, University Terrace,
Tower Village, The Trellis. Call
Hearthside Rentals 355-2112 or
355-5923. Visit our website at www.
Pre-leasing for fall semester
(August move-In dates!)
Houses and duplexes of all
sizes available all within a
few blocks from campus)
View at carollnahomesecu.
com Call 252-327-4433 for an
Two Bedroom - One Bath - Pets ok
- Large backyard. WasherDryer
hookup - hardwood floors - Jarvis
Street $550 - monthly. Call 355-
1731 or 531-7489
Great 3BD 2 full bath house on
Harding St. 2 blocks from campus.
Huge Sunroom, 9ft ceilings, huge
bedrooms, priv backyard, fireplace,
screened porch. Very nice. $1100. Call
678.953.1389 and leave message.
3 bedroom, 1-12 bath duplex near
ECU. $597month. 752-6276.
For sublease: May-uly 1 bedroom
own bathroom in University Suites.
Own Floor, Huge Closet! No
furniture needed. Free Tanning!
$400month all inclusive. Call 919-
Walk to ECU, Pre-leasing For
May, June, July, August, All
size homes, view details at
-or- call 321-4712
Walk to Campus from this 3BR,
1 Bath house with 2-car garage
at 1701 East 4th Street. Includes
WasherDryer & Lawn service.
Available July 1st. $950month.
Serious applicants only. Call (252)
2 BD 2 Bath Wyndham Circle
Duplex Available June 1 and Aug
1 $625.00 month 321-4802 Newjy
decorated Cathedral Ceiljngs
Nice Landjord Great Price!
Large 5 Bedroom house two blocks
from ECU. 110 Rotary Ave. Large
bedrooms and closets, central
ac, newly renovated and real nice.
$1550 341-8331
817 Washington St. 4 Bedrooms 4
Baths House Near Rec Center. Newly
renovated available now $850 mth.
Call 341-0114
5 Bedroom 2 bath house for rent
one block from ECU. 703 E. 4th
Street between jarvis and Student
Streets. Great renovated house.
$1600 Call 341-8331
The Buccaneer is back! The ECU
yearbook has returned so make sure
to reserve your copy. Order online at
www.yearbookupdatesecu or call
1-888-298-3323 Hurry! Deadline
to order is 5pm 4-24-06
Part-time babysitter needed for June-
August to care for our 2 daughters.
Must be non-smoker with car,
energetic, fun, & responsible. Duties
include taking kids to activities &
doing light housework. Competitive
pay. Contact
Innovative Broadband Internet
Provider looking for part-time
employees to be part of our Customer
Response Team. Good opportunity
for College Junior or Senior in
Marketing Degree Program. Job
duties consist of marketing research,
coordinating marketing programs,
and communicate product
effectively to potential customers.
Candidates should be computer
literate with good communication
skills, phone voice with lots of
energy. To apply, send resume to
Servant's Heart Christian Gifts
- Website upkeep using Microsoft
Frontpage, Adobe III. 7 Photoshop 5
on a PC. Review www.servantsheart.
com. Nothing fancy just need some
help updating. 321-2451.
Responsible babysitter needed for
one toddler. Flexible hours 15-20
hrsweek including summer. Must
have car and valid DL, cell phone,
and references. Call 252-258-8416.
Leave message.
Mgrs. and Lifegrds at Pools and
Beaches in Greenville, Atlantic
Beach, and Wilson. Call Bob 714-
Lifeguards and swim instructors
needed for outdoor pool June 1-
August 20. Candidates must be
certified in Lifeguarding, AED, First
Aid and CPRPR. $7.50 per hour.
Apply at or
call Jessica at 329-4043 for more
Live this summer at the Beach
and work with Telescope Pictures
Sunrays Studio in Ocean City,
MDVirginia Beach. VA. Earn up
to $10,000. Housing is Available.
For more information visit our
website and Apply On-Line or call
1.724.322.1858. E.O.E
Bartenders wanted! Up to $250
day. No experience necessary.
Training provided. Call (800) 965-
6520. ext. 202
Campus Towers in Greenville, NC
seeks a general manager or leasing
manager to provide leadership in the
development and implementations
of a comprehensive marketing
and leasing program with the
goal of 100 occupancy. Campus
Towers is a new student housing
facility serving the students of East
Carolina University. Candidates
with experience in student housing
preferred. Bachelor's degree, self-
motivation, strong computer,
interpersonal communication skills,
and an energetic and positive sales
approach required. To apply, please
send resume to nheard@campusadv.
com; fax to 512-472-0982; or call
Manager and Sales Persons Needed.
Full Time. Part Time. Day or Evening
Hours. Great Working Conditions
Excellent Pay End of Year Bonus.
Located at Nags Head Beach North
Carolina. Contact Gary at 252-305-
5558 or 252-441-5558
Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth baseball coaches for the
spring t-ball program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge of
baseball skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth.
Hours vary from 3:30 pm to 8:00
pm, Monday - Friday with some
weekend coaching. Flexible hours
according to class schedules. This
program will run from April 24-mid
June. Salaries start at $6.50 per
hour. Apply at the City of Greenville,
Human Resources Department,
201 Martin L. King Dr. Phone 329-
4492. For more information, please
contact the Athletic Office at 329-
4550, Monday through Friday, 10
am until 7 pm.
.Swim instructors and lifeguard
needed at Raynez. Experience
requested. Job from June-August
hours 9-7 Resume 3205 Raynez Drive
Greenville 27858 or call 916-5494.
Autism Society of NC needs Camp
Counselors for summer residential
camp serving children and adults
with autism. Located 30 minutes
southwest of Raleigh, Internship
credit possible. Needed May 28-
August 11. Apply online (www. or contact
Molly Simons @ (919) 542-1033 or
Lifeguard needed: Summer guards
wanted for local community
pool. Great Pay! Will Pay for
CPR recertification. Please call
Tiffany @ 336-407-8059 or email
Restaurant Manager needed
at Professor O'Cools night and
weekend hours. Part and Full time
position. No Phone calls Apply in
person 605 Greenville Blvd.
Work hard, Play hard, change lives!
Girls resident camp looking for
counselors, lifeguards, wranglers,
boating staff, crafts, Unit Leaders,
Business Manager, and Health
Supervisor. $200-$300week! June
3-August 13th, Free Housing! (336)
861 -1198 or Keyauwee@northstate.
net for an on-
line application.
Attn All Vegetarians: New Veggie
Wrap: Black Beans, Rice, Lettuce,
Tomato, Cheese (or Not), Sauteed
Mushrooms, Onions, and Peppers.
Now Available at Cafe Caribe.
Get In State Tuition Rates! Join the
NC National Guard and qualify for In
State Tuition Rates Plus Receive State
& Federal Tuition Assistance (Pays
100 for most people) & Great
Pay along with many other financial
benefits. For more information
contact SFC Jimmy Smith (252)
916-9073 Email: jimmy.smith@us. Spring
BreakGrad Week 1-800-645-3618
We Have What You're Looking PVl
$100 Per Person & Up!
1 Gen. Arnold's
4 Dramatic piece
8 Go-ahead
14 Everything
15 Eternal City
16 Showed mercy
17 Mineral spring
18 Death note
19 Tendons
20 Changed gears
22 Repair
23 Long-handled
24 News magazine
28 Double bends
29 Hogan or
30 Yesterday's
31 Takes the
34 Lug
35 Onager
38 More churlish
40 Gatos, CA
41 Pod veggies
43 Imitated the
Cheshire Cat
45 Philadelphia
47 Plus
48 Deadly
52 Irrigation concern
54 Simoleons
55 Hint
56 Large cup
57 Judy of the LPGA
60 Habitat
61 Place for
62 If you're lucky
63 Stravinsky or
64 Affirmative vote
65 Card game or
66 Numerous
67 Deity
1 Annoying
2 Greek letters
3 Tartan patterns
4 Deprecations
5 Ear parts
1718 125
2830 39
313234 44
3536373840 49
201 All rl()6Trit hts riumK serveledia ri.Servies Inc.32806
6 Surrounded by
7 Still
8 Valuable quality
9 Small upright
10 Urban baseball
11 Palindromic
12 Unused
13 NFL scores
21 Market type
22 The human race
24 Gradual
25 False god
26 W. alliance
27 Sense organs
29 Bombardment
32 Pull at
33 Bigwig in D.C.
35 Mimicked
36 Burn slightly
37 Heroic narrative
39 Purifying plant
42 Glossy raincoat
44 Unpleasantly
damp and cold
iV1V3 aNV319V3
aN3n 3131Hs
46 Join up
49 Porous holder
for pekoe
50 Water-carved
51 Implanted
53 Parents'sisters
54 Friend of Pythias
56 Forum wear
57 Stadium cheer
58 Goddess of
59 Hoopsters'org.
60 That guy
ENoutH,THj&H ENoo&H
A College Girl Named Joe

iMJrman WFATH&tmMOlfe
FVHK? 1 " i f mi
I M. ficH f J& . 1 j
m. &aeVI I iJ4 1 " inm.f
: flaew I 1 il l i lMf I MM fljet i
Two Dudes
by Aaron Warner

ed 30 minutes
gh, Internship
eded May 28-
online (www.
rg) or contact
9) 542-1033 or
iummer guards
I community
Will Pay for
n. Please call
8059 or email
aron Warner
3200-F Moseley Or. or 1
www. eastern
Professionally Managed

Folarin Campbell celebrates after the victory over Connecticut.
MdSOn from page A12
stunned reigning national cham-
pion UCLA in 1996, but that was
in the opening round.
However, the fact that George
Mason's achievement appears to
be some kind of miracle is the
best explanation for why it is not.
Miracles are one-time events.
In the last two weeks, George
Mason, a program that had
been 0-3 in the NCAA Tourna-
ment, has taken out a No. 6 seed
(Michigan State), a No. 3 (North
Carolina) and now a No. 1 in
Those programs have com-
bined for eight NCAA champi-
Clearly, George Mason didn't
know its role unless, of course, it
always was better than the one
for which everyone pegged it.
Perhaps that's why the Patri-
ots (27-7), who lost in the semi-
final round of the CAA Tourna-
ment, never cared about the
furor that was created when they
received an at-large bid.
"We never saw ourselves as a
No. 1 seed or an 11 seed or 16th
seed said Larranaga, who just
wanted his team to have a chance
to prove itself. "That number was
truly Irrelevant to us. Once you get
on the court, nobody cares about
where you are seeded. It's about
performance and execution
"Here's what we believe and
what we talk to our players about
constantly: It's not about whom
we play. It's not about where we
play. It's about how we play. How
do we execute our game plan? Do
we execute with great effort and
"When we decide what we
want to do, everybody has got to
be on the same page If you can
do that, there Is nobody in the
country that we can't compete
Telling no-name players on
a no-name team from a no-
name conference that they can
play with storied programs like
Michigan State, North Carolina
and Connecticut is one thing.
Defeating them is an entirely dif-
ferent story. You might beat one;
if you're really lucky, maybe two,
but there's not enough magic in
a wand to account for beating
all three plus a good Wichita
State squad on the way to the
Final Four.
A fluke team on a magical run
couldn't have gotten up from the
early knockdown punch Con-
necticut threw by racing to a 16-8
start. The history of these situ-
ations says the little guy cracks
and the big boy runs away after
a start like that.
And really, if this was only
about glass slippers, how could
they not have shattered when
Patriots senior guard Tony Skinn,
an 81.1 percent free-throw
shooter, missed the front end of
a potential Final Four clinching
one-and-one with 5.5 second left
in regulation, allowing Connecti-
cut to tie the game at the buzzer
on a miracle reverse scoop layup
by Denham Brown?
That was a devastating turn
of events, similar to the one
No. 5 Washington could not
recover from in losing Friday's
regional semifinal in overtime
to UConn.
But George Mason shook it
off, took an 85-80 lead in over-
time and then held off a furious
charge by UConn in the closing
30 seconds.
That's not a result of magic.
That's a result of the things
that only championship-caliber
teams show - guts, talent, poise
and determination.
"I think it's been working for
us, calling us Cinderella said
Skinn. "We were not supposed
to get into the tournament. We
got into it
"We were not supposed to
beat Michigan State, and we beat
them. We weren't supposed to
beat Carolina. We weren't sup-
posed to beat Wichita State. We
definitely weren't supposed to
beat UConn
"I think we'll stick to the
script going into whoever we
play (in the Final Four). We don't
mind being Cinderella
Only I'm not buying.
Cinderella doesn't reach the
Final Four, only great teams do.
from page A8
Harrison Eldridge and Ryan
Wood, who each collected two
hits on the day, led ECU offen-
After getting suspect pitch-
ing in the first two games, Owl
pitcher Joe Savery returned the
staff to form, pitching eight shut-
out innings as Rice cruised to a
5-0 victory and a 2-1 series win.
Savery was almost unhittable
for eight innings, giving up (ust
six hits and two walks to go with
his five strikeouts.
Redshirt senior Brody Taylor
went toe-to-toe with Savery for 6.1
innings, but couldn't get the help
he needed from the Pirate offense
and was the hardluck loser. The
Southpaw gave up just one earned
run on five hits and three walks
while striking out three.
Taylor is now 3-1 with a 2.28
The Diamond Bucs drop to
17-9 and 1-2 in C-USA play. They
will return to action Wednesday
when they travel to Raleigh to face
bitter rival N.C. State. The first
pitch is scheduled for 7 p.m.
This writer con be contacted at
sports&theeastcarolinian. com.
PfrdtBS from page A8
stay and give the new coaching
staff a chance. Hart averaged 3.8
points in 16.4 minutes per game
last season. He has now decided
to pursue other avenues with two
years of eligibility remaining.
"This past year just didn't go
the way I thought it was going
to go Hart said. "It's nothing
against the coaches. They're cool
people. I just felt like I needed to
go now
According to a source close
to the team, King and Goods
have each had their scholarships
revoked, but each was offered a
chance to walk on. That source
also said Mattone and Robinson
would not be back.
Each of the players planning
to transfer are still awaiting their
release papers before exploring
other schools.
The transfers would bring the
total number of players leaving
ECU to 13overthepastthreeyears.
During the early signing
period in November, the Pirates
inked four players who should
help fill the void. Gabe Blair (6-
foot-8, 190 pounds), John Fields
(6-9, 205), Chad Wynn (6-11,
255) and Hillary Haley (6-6,195)
have each signed letters of intent.
ECU will play next season one
scholarship short of the allotted
13 after being penalized by the
NCAA for falling to meet the two-
year Division I academic progress
rate (APR) required score, which
is based on the eligibility, gradu-
ation and retention status of
student-athletes for the 2003-04
and 2004-05 seasons.
It is unknown how the
upcoming transfers will affect
the Pirates when a new APR
report based on a four-year roll-
ing rate is released after next
Brock Letchworth can be
reached at 329-9592 or
bletchworth&coxnc. com.
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The East Carolinian, March 28, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 28, 2006
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