The East Carolinian, February 16, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 81 Number 52 THURSDAY
February 16, 2006
ECU Scholars go above and beyond
Scholars pair up with
local children for a fun
day on campus
The ECU Scholars hosted a
group of 30 Belvior Elementary
students last month for a fun day
on campus. The kids ranged in
age from kindergarten to second
grade. Each student was paired
with a Scholar or Honors student
as a partner for the academic
year. The Belvior children were
given school supplies, sweat-
shirts and Honors Program
"We want these children to
become acquainted with ECU
and know the university is a
friendly place where they can
come to learn said Dr. Michael
Bassman, assistant vice chancel-
lor of the Honors Program.
The Scholars are going to
be tutoring the Belvior kids in
reading and writing. The ECU
students will also benefit from
this experience by interacting
with ethnically and culturally
diverse children.
"I also hope experiences like
see SCHOLARS page A3
Thanks to the ECU Scholars, children from Belvior Elementary are going to receive a helping hand this year in reading and writing.
Princeton Review questions changes to the GRE
Exams are always changing, but one source believes that the GRE changes may not benefit students
Changes could do more
harm than good
The GRE, or Graduate Record
Exam, is undergoing changes that
may not be in the best interests of
the students taking it. Educational
Testing Services, the organization
that administers the assessment,
claims that the changes being
made to the GRE will benefit
the students through increased
validity, accessibility and secu-
rity, and will help admissions
faculty to gain a better under-
standing of a student's abilities
through hisher performance on
the exam.
However, The Princeton
Review, who has been working in
accordance with ETS for 25 years,
feels as though the organization
may have ulterior motives.
Elizabeth Wands, National
Director of Graduate Programs
at The Princeton Review, feels
that the changes to the GRE are
not being made to better assist
the students taking the exam,
but rather to benefit ETS. Wands
believes that the changes are
financially motivated and stated
that in The Princeton Review's
experience with ETS, they have
only seen the organization make
changes when they have been
affected financially.
Primarily, Wands has made
such claims because she feels as
though the changes being made
are more of an inconvenience
to the students taking the exam
than anything else.
A significant change to
the exam is the frequency in
which it will be administered.
While the current GRE is offered
every day of the week with the
exception of Sundays, the new
format will be offered a mere
30 times a year. In addition to
decreasing the number of times
in which students have the
opportunity to take the assess-
1 ment, ETS is also increasing the
g cost of the exam.
2 The current GRE is
administered as an adaptive
exam which means that each
test complies with the abilities
of the test-taker and questions
vary according to a student's
performance. The new format
will consist of linear questions,
or questions that are the same
universally, therefore each ques-
tion will consist of the same
content in the same order on
every administered exam. Wands
acknowledged that this specific
change will save ETS a great deal
of money in that they will not
have to offer such a significant
pool of questions.
Another change being made to
the GRE is the section of "untried
questions" that are being added
to the exam. "Untried questions"
are those that have never before
been seen on a standard exam.
Wands believes that this change
in particular will be a disad-
vantage to both students and
admissions faculty. She claimed
that this will prove to be more
of a challenge for students when
preparing for the test and further,
admissions faculty will be unable
to compare student performances
on previous exams to those on
the revised formats.
A circumstance that may
have validated Wands' beliefs
about these changes has been
the delays to the revised exam.
Wands thinks that the delays
upon the administration of the
new exam are due to unsatisfac-
tory field results that ETS has
received. It is necessary that the
organization tests the revised
exam before it is finalized and
Wands remarked that ETS was
probably not as successful in
the field as they assumed they
would be.
Because of these changes
and others, Wands encourages
students who have the oppor-
in demand
Campus Living is now
recruiting for May 2006
Campus Living is currently
accepting applications for stu-
dents interested in becoming a
Resident Service Manager.
An informational session
held last Wednesday outlined all
of the responsibilities and. ben-
efits of becoming an RSM.
Among the leadership expe-
rience one can gain from the
job, other benefits include a
$550 stipend for nine months,
approximately $3,700 additional
summer pay, a furnished, air-
conditioned private room on
campus and a Pirate nine meal
per week plan.
In order to become an RSM,
students must be a full time ECU
S student, either an MBA student
o with a Hospitality Management
background or a rising senior in
Hospitality Management or be
an upper class Campus Living
employee. They also must have
lived in the residence halls at
least one semester and have a
clear judicial record. The students
cumulative GPA must be a mini-
mum of 2.5.
The position lasts for 12
months beginning May 15.
A Resident Service Man-
ager essentially has six posi-
tion responsibilities including
supervisor, office manager, team
member, administrator, trainer
and university representative.
Each of these holds their own
unique set of requirements.
Allison Walters, Resident
Service Manager for College
Hill, described the job as being
a manageable position in that
students can set their own sched-
ules to best benefit themselves.
Scheduling hours is as easy as log-
ging onto a scheduling database
and clicking a desired time slot.
"Summer actually helps
a lot more with everyday
responsibilities said Walters.
She described summer as
being a bit more difficult to
manage schedule-wise because
it plays out more like a fulltime
job, but it never got out of hand.
RSMs are also required to be
on call 10 days out of a month.
When on call, an RSM cannot
be more than approximately 10
minutes away from the office.
Students who are interested
can get more information regard-
ing the position by visiting the
Campus Living office at West
End Dining Hall. The deadline
for all applications is Feb. 28.
see GRE page A5
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Famous names in the news
(KRT) "Late Night with
Conan O'Brien at last has met the
Finnish politician whose reelec-
tion campaign he helped because
of what he described as a striking
physical resemblance.
O'Brien presented Finnish
President Tarja Halonen a heart-
shaped box of chocolates during
their meeting at the presidential
palace in Helsinki.
The first woman to hold the
job in Finland gave O'Brien Finn-
ish troll dolls.
A few days ago, O'Brien said
he wanted to be named the
country's inspector of women's
saunas. After the meeting, he
said they had not discussed his
O'Brien said he was support-
ing Halonen, 62, for reelection
because she bears a strong resem-
blance to him, right down to the
red hair.
O'Brien's support took the
form of mock campaign ads
backing Halonen and attacking
her opponents.
The comedian said his wife
was unhappy about her husband
meeting another woman on
Valentine's Day.
"She was so jealous, she said
she would spend her Valentine's
Day with President Bush O'Brien
The death of actor
Chris Penn last month was an
accident, the result of a deadly
heart condition he made worse
by taking a prescription cough
medicine, the Los Angeles
County Coroner's Office has
"There is absolutely no indi-
cation that this is anything
but an accident chief coroner
investigator Craig Harvey said
on Monday.
Penn, 40, younger brother of
Sean Penn, was found dead in
his Santa Monica, Calif condo-
minium on Jan. 24.
Chris Penn's heart was
enlarged and weakened by car-
diomyopathy, according to the
coroner's office. The "effects of
multiple medication intake" con-
tributed to Penn's death, accord-
ing to a statement issued by the
coroner's office.
"We know he had several
prescriptions, including pro-
methazine with codeine, which
featured predominantly in his
death Harvey said.
Promethazine is an antihis-
tamine that prevents vomiting,
while codeine suppresses cough-
ing and relieves pain, Harvey
A full coroner's report with
further details will be available
in a few weeks, according to
Penn appeared in such films
as Reservoir Dogs, Rush Hour,
Starsky & Hutch and Corky
Many TV and movie person-
alities dream of becoming rock
stars. Witness Bruce Willis, Keanu
Reeves and Russell Crowe.
Lou Ferrigno, however, has
alternative desires. The former
Incredible Hulk star always
wanted to be a cop, and he was
recently sworn in as a reserve
deputy in the county sheriff's
department in Los Angeles, The
Associated Press reports.
Ferrigno, 54, donned green
body makeup from 1977 to 1982
as the raging alter ego of scientist
David Bruce Banner, played by
the late Bill Bixby.
"My father was a police offi-
cer with the New York Police
Department. I've always had a
high respect for officers Fer-
rigno said. "I want to give back
to the community, and I want to
work with young kids, help them
get off drugs Ferrigno's duties
will include helping abused
Robin Williams cannot help
being funny, even if he's perform-
ing for an audience of one, The
New York Post reported. Showing
see NAMES page A2
Judge Judy gets a star
This photo, provided by CBS Paramount Television, shows Judith Sheindlin, familiarly known
as television's Judge Judy, as she poses after receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of
Fame Tuesday, Feb. 14, In Hollywood, Calif. Sheindlin is also has a Daytime Emmy Awards
INSIDE I News:A2 I Classifieds: A6 I Opinion: A4 I A&E: Bl I Sports: B4

Page A2 252.328.6366
ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY February 16, 2006
Buccaneer Photo
The ECU yearbook staff would like
to invite all May 2006 graduates to
have their photo taken for the next
edition of the Buccaneer. Sessions
will be held March 22 at Hendrix
Theatre from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and
March 23 and 24 at Ledonia
Wright Cultural Center 9 a.m.
- 5 p.m. Call 328-9236 to reserve
your time slot. Reservations are
strongly encouraged, but not
required. For more information,
Salsa Dance
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are sponsoring a salsa
dance Friday. Feb. 18 at the Willis
Building located downtown at First
and Reade Streets. Instruction will
be provided by Procopio and
friends at 7:30 p.m. with the dance
following at 8:30 p.m. Music by DJ
Ramon. Fees are $3 for students,
$5 for FASG members and $8 for
the public. This is a non-alcoholic
and non-smoking event. For more
information, call 752-7350.
Career Fairs
The Science Fair will be held
Friday, Feb. 17 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
in the Science and Technology
Building. The Business Career
Fair will be held Wednesday, Feb.
22 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in Minges
Coliseum. The Education Fair will
be held Friday Feb. 24 from 9 a.m.
-12 p.m. in Minges Coliseum. The
Health Fair will be held Thursday,
March 2 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in
the Carol Belk Building.
Teachers and Applied
Linguistic Students
A student-run conference offering
opportunities for grad students and
public school teachers to present
their work, both practical and
theoretical, in the areas of applied
linguistics and TESL will be held
in the Bate Building on Saturday,
Feb. 18. This year's workshop
features Dr. Melissa Cahnmann,
of the University of Georgia,
who will present "Rehearsing
the Revolution: Using 'Theater
of the Oppressed' to Address
Identity and Power in Language
Education Dr. Cahnmann will give
an additional presentation titled,
"The Study and Use of Metaphor
to Understand Bilingualism and
Bilingual Education" Friday, Feb.
17 at 3:30 p.m. in Bate 3008.
Fees are $10 for ECU students
and faculty and $15 for all others.
For more information, visit core.
The musical "Godspell" will begin
performances on Thursday, Feb.
16 at 8 p.m. in McGinnis Theatre.
The show uses songs to bring
the parables of Jesus Christ to
life. The story utilizes various
theatrical traditions such as
clowning, pantomime, acrobatics
and vaudeville. Based on the book
by John Michael Tebelak. Music
and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz.
For more information and other
shows, call 328-6829 or 1-800-
Unforgettable: The Nat
King Cole Story
Saturday, Feb. 25, at 8 p.m. in
Wright Auditorium, ECU Cultural
Outreach is presenting the story
of Nat King Cole. It will be an
engaging production, covering 20
songs, comedy and drama. Come
see the representation of a jazz
legend. Advance individual tickets
are $30 for the public, $29 for ECU
facultystaff, $15 for youth and $10
for students. All tickets at the door
will be $30. Group discounts are
available. For more information,
call the Central Ticket Office at
328-4788, or visit
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News Briefs
Former McDowell County sheriff
candidate pleads guilty
former candidate for McDowell County
sheriff pleaded guilty to committing
illegal election activities during his
2002 campaign.
Adolph "Butch" Justice Jr. pleaded
guilty Monday to five misdemeanors
for illegal election conduct while
he was running for the sheriff's job,
District Attorney Jeff Hunt said.
A grand jury had issued five felony
indictments against Justice last
March, and Hunt said the case had
been scheduled for a court hearing
Justice was the witness for some
absentee ballots in the election. It is
a crime to witness absentee ballots
in an election in which someone is a
candidate unless he is a near relative
of the voter. It is likewise a felony for
anyone not a near relative to possess
absentee ballots for delivery to a voter
or return to the board of elections.
House approves bill that
encourages breast-feeding
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Less than a
year after a woman was asked not to
nurse her child in a Victoria's Secret
store in Mount Pleasant, the South
Carolina House on Tuesday gave key
approval to a bill that gives women
the right to breast-feed their children
in public without fear of being ordered
out of sight.
The bill easily received approval with
no floor debate.
It lets women breast-feed anywhere
they have the right to be and exempts
breast-feeding from indecent
exposure laws.
"There's no downside to breast-
feeding said the bill's sponsor, Rep.
Chip Limehouse, R-Charleston, who
added he was bottle-fed himself.
"Only good things can come out
of it
Breast-feeding advocates gathered
at the Statehouse earlier Tuesday to
urge the bill's passage.
Supporters included 2-year-old Julian
Larsen of Rock Hill, who wore a T-
shirt that said, "Breast Milk Does a
Toddler Good
Heather Pace of Lexington said she
hopes the bill makes breast-feeding
in public more acceptable. She said
other customers harassed her at a
restaurant while she tried to breast-
feed her son.
"It was a stressful situation Pace
"I went to great lengths to be
Ucensed midwife Tavish Brinton said
she was ordered to leave her table at
a pizza restaurant in West Columbia
while breast-feeding, but she refused.
She said such situations discourage
mothers from breast-feeding, when
they should be encouraged.
"No one minds if a mother or father
gives a child a bottle said Brinton
of Leesville, who breast-fed her
three children.
"Everybody's got to get over it
Limehouse introduced the bill
after an incident last summer at a
Victoria's Secret lingerie store in
Mount Pleasant.
Lori Rueger said a store clerk told
her she could not breast-feed her
10-week-old daughter in a dressing
room and encouraged her to use
a public restroom in another store
instead, a setting nursing moms call
unsanitary and uncomfortable. The
incident prompted protests and mado
national news.
Teresa Hill, a nutritionist with the
state Department of Health and
Environmental Control, said the state
is trying to encourage more women
to breast-feed as part of its strategy
for controlling obesity statewide.
The Palmetto State ranks high in the
percentage of people who are obese
but near the bottom nationwide
in mothers who breast-feed their
Studies show that breast-feeding
babies reduces their risk of becoming
obese later. It helps mothers return
to a pre-pregnancy weight. It also
improves a child's immunity system
and aids their development, Hill
"We can make the healthiest choice
the easiest choice she said.
The bill still needs a third reading
in the House before it moves to the
state Senate.
Thirty-eight states have already
passed laws related to breast-feeding.
Of those, 31 states, including Gecqia
and North Carolina, allow mothers to
breast-feed in any public or private
location, according to the National
Conference of State Legislatures.
This Old House' helps turn
dilapidated row house Into
family's new home
WASHINGTON (AP) - Ravaged by fire
and vacant for a decade, the brick row
house was an eyesore, its windows
nailed shut and its facade splotched
with peeling paint. Then a nonprofit
group and the gang from PBS' This
Old House" showed up.
Now, after a 3 12-month renovation,
the paint is gone and the brick has
been restored to its original orange-
reddish hue. Inside, hardwood floors,
a semicircular staircase and gleaming
kitchen appliances greet visitors.
District of Columbia Mayor Anthony A.
Williams and a gaggle of onlookers
gathered Tuesday to celebrate the
home's transformation and welcome
the new owners, who will buy the
three-bedroom, two-bath property for
$250,000 far below market value.
"A family has a home Williams said
as he cut a giant red ribbon.
"It's a great story
The 1870s row house, located a
block away from the Washington
Convention Center, is just one example
of the transformation occurring in
the city's rapidly gentrifying Shaw
neighborhood, where real estate
prices are soaring.
The rehabilitation was chronicled
by the PBS home makeover show
This Old House The eight episodes
featuring the home are airing through
"It was one of the worst homes I've
seen said Norm Abram, the show's
master carpenter. "It was basically
a shell
Mi Casa, a D.Cbased nonprofit
group that buys city buildings at
below market rates and then sells
them to middle- and low-income
families, purchased the home for $1.
Williams said the home was sold to
Mi Casa as part of the district's Home
Again Initiative, in which the city takes
control of vacant and abandoned
properties and turns them over to
The program began in 2002 to target at
least 2,700 homes in neighborhoods
with the highest concentrations of
blight. So far, more than 100 homes
have been awarded to developers. At
least one-third must be sold to low-
and moderate-income families.
To be a truly healthy, vibrant city you
really need middle-income, lower-
moderate-income families Williams
said after the ribbon cutting.
That's what makes a real city
A family of six will move into the new
home within a month.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
deny breakup report
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Not true.
That was Tom Cruise and Katie
Holmes' response Tuesday to a
Valentine's Day report by Life & Style
magazine claiming that the Hollywood
superstar and his pregnant paramour
have split up.
"It should be known that the story is
100 percent false Arnold Robinson,
a publicist for the couple, said in
a statement. "Mr. Cruise and Ms.
Holmes are still engaged and are
moving forward with their wedding
plans, as well as planning for the
arrival of their child
The Feb. 27 issue of the magazine,
which will be on news stands Friday,
says in a cover story that the public
pair "plan to keep up the charade of
their romance until after their baby's
birth this spring
Holmes, 27, and Cruise, 43, has been
engaged since June. They announced
her pregnancy in October.
"Despite the malicious fallacies put
forth by Life & Style magazine, the
couple is looking forward to a long
and happy life together as a family
Robinson said.
A representative for the magazine
said, "We stand 100 percent behind
our story
The story says its information
comes from two unnamed friends
of Cruise.
Iran says 135 swans died of bird
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran on Tuesday
said 135 wild swans died of bird
flu in marshlands near the Caspian
Sea in the country's first case of
the spreading virus, and officials in
Germany and Austria said the virus
had apparently reached there as
The disease's likely spread to three
new countries follows the recent
deaths of humans from the H5N1
strain of bird flu in Turkey and Iraq,
Iran's neighbors, and the march of
the disease into European countries
Greece and Italy.
Olympic officials in Italy said bird flu
posed no threat to the Turin Olympics,
but a Nigerian official warned that bird
flu was fast spreading in that country,
and a U.N. expert said the strain might
have surfaced in a second African
Bird flu has killed at least 91 people
NdlTieS from page A1
up recently at Scores, New York's
famous topless joint, Williams'
rapid-fire wit made it nearly
impossible for an exotic dancer
named Katherine to do her job.
"I was trying to dance for him
she said, "but he kept making
me laugh by making funny faces
and noises
The cover of this year's Sports
lllustrated's annual swimsuit
issue shows an all-star lineup
of models, including Rebecca
Romijn, Rachel Hunter and Elle
Macpherson. "It was like a big
family, since so many of us
brought our kids. We all went
surfing. It was so relaxed and
easy Macpherson told The AP.
The cover was shot last summer
by fashion photographer Raphael
Mazzucco in the Bahamas.
Macpherson, 42, holds the record
for most SI covers - five. Because
Americans believe you can only
be beautiful when you're young,
Macpherson hasn't been doing
much swimsuit modeling lately.
These days, she runs her lingerie
and makeup businesses and is
raising two sons, ages 8 and 3.
Actor Paul Bettany, star
of the The Da Vinci Code,
proved he is quite the silver-
tongued devil when he shared
some personal observations
about his wife, Jennifer Connelly,
with Best Life magazine, the New
York Daily News reported. "Close
up, Jennifer is a complete dog.
In real life, without makeup,
hideous! But seriously, you get
through all of that stuff the
moment you spend any real
time with a human being Their
Valentine's Day must have been
In the sad world of irrecon-
cilable differences, Christian
Slater is seeking joint custody
of his 4-year-old daughter and
6-year-old son, The AP reported.
The actor and his estranged
wife, television producer Ryan
Haddon, will be dividing prop-
erty under the terms of a written
agreement. The couple married
in 2000. They separated on Jan.
1, 2004, according to newly filed
papers. Originally, the couple
filed papers saying they had sepa-
rated in January 2005. Slater's
screen credits include roles in
Heathers, Interview With the Vam-
pire: The Vampire Chronicles and
broken Arrow.
since 2003, according to the World
Health Organization. Almost all the
human deaths have been linked to
contact with infected poultry, but
experts fear the H5N1 virus could
mutate into a form that spreads easily
among people, possibly sparking a
Iran's official Islamic Republic
News Agency quoted the country's
Veterinary Organization as saying
that "international laboratory results"
confirmed the wild swans died from
bird flu. It did not name or give the
location of the laboratory.
Health Minister Kamaran Bagheri
Lankarani said on state-run television
that Iranian officials have killed all wild
birds in a three-mile radius around
where the virus was detected, about
200 miles northwest of the capital
Two dead swans in northern Germany
were found on the island of Ruegen,
and regional agriculture ministry
spokeswoman Iris Uellendahl said
a preliminary test showed they died
Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer
ordered domestic poultry kept indoors
beginning Friday instead of Feb. 20 as
previously ordered. Samples from
the birds were being taken to a EU
laboratory in Britain for a definitive
test, Uellendahl said.
Two birds found dead in Austria
appear to also have been infected
with the H5N1 strain. Hans Seitinger,
a health official for Styria province,
said there was a 70 percent chance
that H5N1 had reached the country,
according to results from preliminary
tests carried out on samples from 21
birds. Samples have been sent for
confirmation to a lab in England.
Health officials in Italy said they
remained vigilant after a deadly strain
of the virus was detected in the south
of the country on Saturday.
Tests conducted on birds and poultry
in this northern region where the
Olympics are being held have all
come back negative, officials said.
On Saturday, Italy confirmed that six
wild swans found in the southern
regions of Sicily, Puglia and Calabria
tested positive for H5N1. The areas
are more than 600 miles from Turin.
The H5N1 strain was first confirmed
in Africa last week in fowl in three
states in northern Nigeria. It's now
suspected in five other states, raising
concern Nigeria is not taking the
necessary measures to combat the
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Despite comfort with technology,
e-textbook demand is slow
Blood on the side of the suspect's vehicle tipped off a state trooper.
N.C. troopers hold I-95
motorist in Fla. death
(AP) Brown University
junior Stuart Thompson jumped
at the chance to save $30 and
become a digital pioneer when
his school bookstore offered a
discounted, electronic version of
an American history textbook.
But after making the pur-
chase, he noticed a few things
amiss: He couldn't run a high-
light marker over key points or
jot notes in the margins, nor
could he curl up with the tome
without printing out the pages.
He won't rule out another
e-book, but he's not completely
sold, either.
So much for the belief that
this generation of youths is
comfortable with everything
digital: The publishing industry
has been talking about electronic
textbooks for a decade already,
but sales remain minuscule.
"If you're reading a 100-page
book, staring at the computer
that long - I don't think a lot of
people would find that a better
way to read said Thompson.
Of the 100 or so students
enrolled in the course where
Houghton Mifflin Cos A People
and a Nation is assigned, Thomp-
son was the only student to buy
the electronic version.
Brown is offering two other e-
textbooks this semester, but none
of the ISO students in those classes
have bought one, even at 35 percent
off the price of a new printed copy.
Students are going to have
to see more value in e-textbooks
before they take off, said Larry
Carr, Brown's director of book-
store and services.
For now, it is mostly a curiosity.
"Students are pretty conser-
vative when it comes to their
grades said David Serbun, direc-
tor of partnerships for Houghton
Mifflin's college division.
"Our research has indicated they
don't want to do anything that's
a lot different than their peers
Others, however, say the
publishers are the ones that are
conservative, doing little more
than adding some hyperlinks
and search capabilities. Tools
are available for note taking and
highlighting, but Thompson said
those are no substitute for mark-
ing up paper.
For the most part, e-books
are merely electronic representa-
tions of the printed pages.
"It's like taking a book and
trying to turn it into a movie
just by trying to read pages said
Alexander Pereira, chief operat-
ing officer of Xplana Learning
Inc an education software com-
pany that delivers e-books.
"It's a different medium
C. Sidney Burrus, former dean of
engineering at Rice University and
an e-book author, said technologi-
cal changes typically come in two
phases: Replication of older tech-
nology, followed by innovation.
"We're in the first phase, with
electronic doing what the tradi-
tional paper has done he said.
"Nothing's really novel
How can e-books be more
than print?
see TEXTBOOK page A5
Connecticut man stopped on
Interstate 95 was in jail Tuesday
after an investigation tied him
to a dead body discovered in a
Florida home, the North Caro-
lina highway patrol said.
Troopers who stopped a 1994
Chrysler Concord headed north
on 1-95 in Johnston County
Monday noticed blood on the
side of the vehicle and the driver's
hands and arms. The driver was
. arrested when he failed to produce
identification and gave troopers
a false name, patrol spokes-
man Lt. Everett Clendenin said.
The driver was later identi-
fied as Nunding Bartell, 28, of
Wallingford, Conn. He was being
held without bond as a fugitive
from justice from Connecticut,
Clendenin said in a prepared
statement. During an interview,
troopers got information that
led them to ask law officers in
Jacksonville, Fla to check on the
resident of a home there.
The sheriff's department
there "confirmed they located
a body at the residence and
requested that Bartell be held
for further questioning Clen-
denin said.
SCtlOlarS from page A1
this on campus will help spur addi-
tional curiosity for learning and sup-
port their ambitions to attend college
some day. Since these students come
from migrant families, they may not
see college as a real possibility or as an
opportunity in the future. We want
to change that Dr. Bassman said.
ECU Scholars is a four-year
program including a merit schol-
arship, community outreach
programs and research.
The Scholars program is pro-
viding much needed help for the
young Latino community right
here in Greenville.
"Our students are extremely
gifted and have wonderful oppor-
tunities ahead of them, but it is
important to ensure that they can
gain a broad cultural background
Dr. Bassman said.
More information about the
ECU Scholars and Honors Program
can be found at ecu.eduhonors.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Page A4 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
THURSDAY February 16, 2006
Our View
A battle cry for a
new generation
He has inspired free Buddy Icons for your
AIM, T-shirts, underwear, techno remix
songs and even coffee mugs. There are
miscellaneous sound clips and videos
featuring his voice, yet very few people have
ever seen his face. On the Web site named
for him, you can find all of these things and
much more.
So who is this man of mystery? He is a
World of Warcraft hero. He is a phenom-
enon of the Internet. He is an obscure,
otherwise unremarkable, man. He is
Leeroy Jenkins.
For those of you who have not heard
his battle cry via e-mail or Web or seen
the video that inspired it all, allow me to
According to, Leeroy's
famous video emerged in 2005 among
other players of Blizzard Entertainment's
MMORPG World of Warcraft, and in August
2005, an article called The Ballad of Leeroy
Jenkins" in PC Gamer UK boosted his
notoriety immensely. The video itself you'll
have to watch, as it would take too long to
explain how awesome it is in this column.
But basically, Leeroy becomes the hero
among a group of "nerds" by defying their
strategic pre-battle plans and barging into
the fight with total disregard to his team-
mates. (His teammates, for the record, were
not just planning - they were even taking
the time to calculate survival percentages.)
Though some do play World of Warcraft and
other games that way, the majority of the
public has taken to Leeroy and the video,
which is two minutes and 50 seconds long
and has spread like underground wildfire.
It spread so quickly and became such a
big deal among gamers that on Nov. 16,
2005, Alex Trebek himself posed a Leeroy-
related clue to college students in a college
tournament edition of Jeopardy.
How did this happen? I do not have an
answer. The Internet is amazing and this
entire ordeal just goes to show you how
much is possible today. A little over half a
year ago, no one knew who Leeroy Jenkins
was, and today he's on my shirt. Check him
out for yourself at
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Rachel King Zack Hill
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marclniak
Web Editor
Kristin Murnane
Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Loner
Asst. Photo Editor
Dustin Jones
Asst. Web Editor
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Cheney's got a gun and he is shooting
The world reacts to
the second shot heard
'round the world
What could possibly have been
running through Vice President
Dick Cheney's mind just seconds
after his errant shotgun blast
struck 78-year-old Harry Whit-
tington in the face, propelling
him to the Texas soil beneath him?
Was it concern for Whittington, a
Texas lawyer with strong political
ties to the Republican Party? Was he
worried about the attacks from the
media and the Democratic Party
that were surely soon to follow?
Or maybe - just maybe - was he
thinking to himself, "Great, where
am I supposed to buy lime out
here in the middle of nowhere?"
I know what was running though my
mind when I heard about the second
"shot heard 'round the world
I sure as hell wasn't sur-
prised to hear that it happened.
Quite frankly, 1 was surprised
to hear that it was an accident.
All I had heard was that he had
shot a man and, instantly, my
brain conjured up the image of
Cheney standing over the body
of an animal rights protester
with a smoking gun in his hand,
specks of blood on his brow and
a maniacal smile creeping across
his bulbous face.
I'm not saying that Cheney is
some sort of blood-thirsty mon-
ster. What I am saying, though, is
that had he been vice president of
the United States in 1804 instead
of 2006, not only would Cheney
have killed Alexander Hamilton
in a duel, he would have gone after
Hamilton's wife, kids and mistress
after he was finished. I'm being
honest - that's the impression I've
gotten about Cheney over the years.
Whether you like him or
not, there's no denying that
Cheney is a very intense
and frightening individual.
For those who haven't been fol-
lowing the story thus far, here
is a quick recap before 1 con-
tinue. On Saturday afternoon,
Cheney was quail hunting on
a privately owned Texas ranch
with a select group of friends
and was accompanied by his
ever-present Secret Service agents
and traveling medical squad.
Cheney set his sights on a quail
as it flew past him. He followed
the bird and whipped around
to send the creature to "birdie
heaven" only to send a round
of birdshot into th" face, neck
and chest of Whittington, who
had apparently broken the line
without alerting Cheney of his
From then on, 1 would
assume the 78-year-old man went
down like a sack of tomatoes
(a sack of potatoes is so cliche.)
Lucky for Whittington, our vice
president can't go out to get his
morning paper without his mobile
EMS squad. They quickly began
treating the non-quail and rushed
him to a hospital. It has to be the first
time anyone's been thankful that
the second most powerful man alive
can't go for a leisurely walk without
fear of a life-ending heart attack.
Unconfirmed reports say that
Cheney was immediately apolo-
getic, showing great concern for
Whittington. It's a pretty major
thing for Cheney to apologize. I
may be wrong, but I don't think
Cheney has apologized once
during his entire scandal-ridden
tenure as vice president. Halibur-
ton? The war in Iraq? The CIA
leak? He didn't even consider
apologizing or taking responsi-
bility. But he shoots one man in
the throat and he's all apologies.
I guess he is human after all.
What happened in the 12 hours or
so after the shooting is unknown.
We know that no one alerted
the press and that someone may
or may not have informed the
White House. The news broke
when the owner of the ranch
released the information on
his Web site. Cheney's where-
abouts were unknown. Maybe he
was sitting vigil. Maybe he was
sleeping one off. Who knows?
Once the story hit the media,
it took a strange path. At first,
there was outrage and shock
that you would expect but when
it was reported that Whitting-
ton was in good shape and on
track to make a full recovery, it
became funny and fodder for
jokes, most of which centered on
the vice president's first name
and where Whittington was shot
(the face.) How crass Even
President Bush planned to coun-
ter the bad PR by laughing it off.
But the laughter stopped on Tuesday.
All of the sudden it wasn't
so funny when news broke that
Whittington had suffered a heart
attack and had birdshot lodged
in his heart. He was rushed to
intensive care that evening.
So just as the American people
were rallying around the Repub-
lican party after Bush's stirring
State of the Union Address (oops,
sarcasm doesn't translate to print)
the administration goes and
shoots itself in the throat, en foot,
again and creates a new disaster
for themselves. Could things get
any worse for Bush and Cheney?
I'm sure it can. From the minute I
heard about this, I've been secretly
hoping that it would come out
that Whittington was going to
testify before Congress and this
was Cheney's way of shutting
him up. That would be awesome.
In reality, the worst thing that could
happen for the administration
is if Whittington dies. Actually,
they should count their blessings
that he didn't kick it on Saturday
- the elderly are notoriously fragile
human beings.
One time, I walked past an
older gentleman and the wind
from my body actually shattered
his hip. I felt awful for months.
All joking aside, this is an awful
story. AU the speculation and rumors
still boil down to the fact that this
was an accident and a terrible
tragedy. Cheney is currently being
crucified by the media and at press
time, hasn't publicly spoken of the
incident. Instead, Cheney has been
sitting bedside with Whittington
and his family, ensuring that he gets
the best care possible. That's much
more important at this time.
There is a lesson to be learned
from this though and I hope that
Cheney gets the message that
there are repercussions for your
actions. Cheney has had a cava-
lier attitude from the moment
he stepped into the White House
and even though he'll never
admit it, he's made his share of
mistakes because of it.
This is his Ghost of Christmas
Past, Present and Future in one hefty
dose. At press time, Whittington
was in stable condition. For every-
one's sake - especially Vice Presi-
dent Cheney's - let's hope it stays
that way. Otherwise, it'll be a long
three years until he's out of office.
And for the record, killing animals
for sport is inhumane and because
quails can't fight back, you all got
what you deserve.
Letters To The Editor
Edward McKIm
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer "Our View" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and include a telephone number. Letters may be sent
via e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
Dear Editor:
This letter is written in response
to Daniel Brock's opinion column
entitled, "Abolish Black History
Month In his argument for the
dissolution of Black History Month,
Mr. Brock states, "If Black people
want to continue their march
toward equality, they need to wake
up and realize that Black History
Month is holding them back if
they choose to remain shackled
to this antiquated tradition it will
only serve to keep up the walls of
segregation, separation and racism,
to facilitate the feelings of ill will
and animosity He continues,
"Black people, in their struggle for
equality and social justice, must
take responsibility and pride in
their culture that goes beyond the
superficial celebrations of memo-
rial services and parades. They
must, as a people, work to reduce
the behaviors and attitudes that
perpetuate negative stereotypes
What is curious about Mr.
Brock's statements is that he
seemingly portrays a unified
America and a unified front for
the abolishment of racism. He
starts, "We need to move for-
ward But in his rhetoric which I
have cited, he separates blacks and
places the burden of educating
this same America and its citizens
upon the blacks, for it seems to be
his belief that the fault of rampant
inequality which plagues our
schools and America lies with
black people. If we are to be truly
unified, does that burden not rest
with all of us?
This past year, I taught the
state's curriculum for eighth
grade history, which is a course
specifically on North Carolina
history. Buried in the back of the
book, beyond the Revolutionary
War and the Civil War, is the
chapter impossible to reach in a
year, which concerns the impact
four N.C. A&T students made on
the Civil Rights Movement. These
four gentlemen protested three
years prior to the lunch counter
sit-in directed by Dr. King and
the SCLC and their achievements
were relegated to the nether
regions of a textbook.
Nowhere in this text are the
Wilmington Race Riots of 1898
mentioned, during which the
whites of Wilmington, lead by
Colonel Alfred Waddell, a former
U.S. Congressman and Confeder-
ate veteran, overthrew the black
businesses and killed upward of
100 black men, women and chil-
dren. It was during this time that
the only black daily newspaper in
the United States, The Daily Record,
was burned. This was omitted
from North Carolina's proud his-
tory. So were the non-violent Civil
Rights demonstrations that later
took place in nearby Sanford, N.C.
It also wasn't mentioned in the
N.C. history text that the entire
North Carolina congressional
delegation opposed the Voting
Rights Act of 1965. Curious, I
thought it was our state's history.
So where are students sup-
posed to learn of this history? The
glaring omissions from our history
books is reminiscent of the hush-
hush cover up of Nazi Germany's
death camps that ensued following
the collapse of Hitler's Third Reich
and continues today in many
parts of Europe. No one wants to
reflect on the atrocities inflicted
on blacks as a result of their color.
And without Black History Month,
most of what we as Americans
have learned about blacks has no
place in our schools' curricula.
Mr. Brock also suggests that "as
a gesture of good will and intent"
that Columbus Day be renamed
George Washington Carver Day,
since Mr. Carver "gave us the
modern day manna of peanut
butter" (this being the absolute
least of George Washington Carv-
er's achievements). And, had Mr.
Brock truly had an awareness of
black history, he would be aware
that the U.S. Congress has already
announced Jan. 1,1946, as George
Washington Carver Day.
Amy Simpson
Remember to smile, because when you smile, 1
smile. And what would a day without us smiling be?
Valentine's Day is another commercial attempt to
persuade people, usually guys, to spend money on
candy that isn't healthy and various trinkets of little
or no intrinsic value.
To the person who said they have lost faith in the
business professors at ECU, professors are not here to
hold your hand. They "show you the door You have
to "walk through the door" of knowledge. I think that
if you spent more time studying and less time ranting
about your professors, you might see the light. You
had better get in gear or the real world wilfeat you
alive, MBA or no MBA.
I am always willing to help out my friends and give
advice, but it is starting to affect my own life. I never
get advice when I need it and I always worry about
my friends. Am I being too much of a father figure
; and not a normal college student? Can I please get
some advice this time!
If you are frugal (not cheap), that means that you
have discipline and will be able to retire before most
everyone else. Reading that the average guy spends
$128 and the average female spends $74 makes me
sick and shows the disparity between genders and
j waste that show Valentine's Day as a bad cultural
They should film "Cops" in Greenville.
1 I have never heard of a single person who has been
hired because they were Greek. In fact, the frat guys
I know are a good two or three years behind in terms
of graduating. All being in a fraternity means is that
you have to have an organization behind you to feel
cool" and that you are most likely an alcoholic.
Please turn off the heat in the Speight Building
because every classroom is 900 degrees.
Daniel Brock should write all of the articles in TEC.
If you live in Umstead Hall and tip the pizza guy
$3 then you deserve a pat on the back. Entirely
too many Umstead residents tip stingily if at all.
Encourage your neighbors to tip the pizza guy $3.
Gas isn't cheap.
Can someone from TEC please do an article on a
band that people have actually heard of and would
like to see a live performance of. Like Fifth Gen-
eration, DJ. Williams or something other than a
"screamo" rock band. Thanks!
To the people who trash Nascar and thi nk it's a just a
redneclc sport. Watch the Daytona 500 on NBC this
Sunday. This is the best race of the year. Watch these
guys put their lives on the line. You never know, you
might get hooked like me and watch Speed Chan-
nel 247.
Why don't people turn down their cell phones in the
library? I'm trying to write a paper and I hear annoying
ringtones going off all the time. I completely under-
stand listening to music while you are in the library,
but don't turn the volume up so even a person who
is 20 feet away can hear every word. It's just blatant
disrespect for the rules and for everyone else there.
How does UNCW get Kanye West to perform at their
University? Better question, when was the last time ECU
had a big act like this on campus? What happened?
Daniel Brock, you nailed it with your article on the
ECU parking Gestapo. Well done.
I used to read the Pirate Rants in the mornings
to start my day off right with a few good laughs.
Nowadays, however, I read them just before bed. The
useless ramblings chock-full of boring, unoriginal
thoughts help me get to sleep fast! Thanks Ranters!
Icebreaker activities are so stupid. I hate them.
J Everyone's sitting there and it's tense and the last
' thing you want to talk about is an animal that
describes your personality that also has the same first
letter as your last name. Then you're worried about
sounding like an idiot, but someone says something
and your like, "At least I won't sound like that much
of an idiot There has got to be a better way to get
a group of people comfortable with each other.
Greenville's finest have once again identified the
town's most critical need. They sit out at University
Suites and give me seatbelt tickets and tickets for
being five minutes over in the two hour parking zone.
If you have a wife, girlfriend, mistress, hump buddy
or just a best friend girl, this is what you should have
done Tuesday. A) Buy or make a card (notebook paper
and red marker counts) B) Say "Happy Valentine's
Day" (Happy V-Day will do) C) Let her know you have
some form or love in her general direction ("I love
you" is gold here!) and finally D) If she gives you
; something, freaking acknowledge it with a heartfelt
kiss. (A hugembrace will suffice). Any questions? OK,
there should be no excuses for next year! I know this
day is marked as a lame one, but roll with it. It really
is simply expected.
When the person helping you with homework is using
the simplest terms and you still don't get it, you need
help. Help not with the work but with your brain.
Who is this Kanye West? His name is spelled K-a-n-
y-e. Can someone please get it right for once?
My roommate is transferring because he says North
Carolina smells bad.
To whoever wrote the "Frat Facts what were you
trying to say by that?
Jolly Ranchers are the best candy in the
would eat it every day if I could!
t every day i
Where is the snow?
world and I
Why is it that all guys really want to do is see breasts
and not care about the person. I am a straight guy
and I really want to know the person before seeing
anything under the clothing. All the guys need to
grow and realize that a female will like you better if
you look her in the eyes not her chest.
I don't know who has heard about it, but there is a
group trying to get the statue of a Confederate soldier
in front of the courthouse downtown removed. I
think that is crazy. It is a part of our history and is there
to honor the soldiers who bravely fought in the war.
There should not be any talk about removing it at all!
Editor's Note: The PtraU Rant fc an anonymous way for studenH and staff In the
Vcommunit) tovoketheh(&niarK.Sldmlsstonscanbesubmittcdartommousty
online at www.tkeeastcarolhnan.cotn, or e-mailed to editonvtheeastcarotlnian.
com. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity.
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Attention ECU Sophomores
If you have earned 45-60 hours and at least 30 of them were
completed at ECU (not counting Math 0001 or 0045),
you are required to respond to the
Sophomore Survey
before you can pre-register for either
Summer or Fall 2006 courses.
If your earned credit hours fall within these limits you will receive a
message at your ECU Exchange email address asking you to participate
in the survey, and your record will be "tagged" so that you cannot register
until you have responded to it. If you do not receive the email notice, it
means that the survey and registration restriction does not apply to you.
When you are taking the survey, as soon as you submit your responses
the "tag" will be removed from your record so that you can pre-register.
Registration staff can verify that your responses were received and that the
tag was removed.
Note: Although we really want your feedback to the survey questions,
you may choose to opt out by submitting a blank form. Opting out will
also remove the sophomore survey tag that would prevent you from
The survey period is March 2 - April 24. During that period you can
complete the survey by going to the ECU "One-Stop" web site, entering
your ECU Exchange email userid and password to sign on, and clicking on
"Sophomore Survey" in the box labeled "Surveys You can also access the
"One-Stop" from:
Mendenhall Computer Lab, Wright Place Cafeteria, the Austin Building,
and Joyner Library East.
For this survey you are emailed an announcement on March 2. Later you
are sent an email reminder, and then a postcard, if you have not responded
to the survey.
Please respond to the survey as soon as possible after the survey opens on
March 2 and certainly before sophomore pre-registration begins on March
23. This will also help you avoid delays during pre-registration when the
workload on ECU computers is at a peak. All remaining tags for this
survey will be removed from student records on April 25, the day after
the survey closes.
TeXtbOOk from page A3
Imagine a biology e-book
showing video of DNA's double
helix coming to life, rather than
the two-dimensional illustra-
tion typically found in printed
Or think of a math book
with a built-in calculator or
spreadsheet so students can
try out formulas as they read.
Waterloo Maple Incs Maplesof t,
for instance, is now making
completely digital an advanced
mathematical textbook that used
to come with a CD.
Lewis Mandell, a University
of Buffalo professor who writes
and publishes his own e-text-
book, said he's able to update his
finance books more frequently.
"The investment world is
changing on a weekly basis he
said. "Tax rates change every year
Publishers say that demand
for digital-only editions
and features aren't strong.
More importantly, profes-
sors are demanding consistency
with the printed versions so
page numbers match and read-
ings are easier to assign, said
Sandi Kirshner, chief market-
ing officer for Pearson PLC's
higher education group.
Perhaps that'll change as
e-book sales continue to grow,
but publishers say there's not
much incentive when e-books
remain in the single digits as
a percentage of printed books.
Their biggest selling point for
now is price, and even there, pub-
lishers say they feel constrained.
"A lot of people's perceptions
is that e-books, that can't cost
publishers anything said Ginny
Moffat, vice president for course
content delivery at McGraw-Hill
Cos Higher Education unit.
"Most of the publisher's cost
is not in paper, printing and
binding. Most of it is in editorial,
reviewing content, making sure
it's accurate
Yet with students spending
hundreds of dollars a semester
on books, they are looking for
deep savings on something they
wouldn't be able to sell back at
the end of the term.
Even the 35 percent mark-
down for e-books at Brown is only
slightly less than the 25 percent
discount for used printed copies.
And e-books come with addi-
tional restrictions: They are
encrypted to prevent sharing, and
the ones from Thomson Corp.
are even designed to expire in a
year and prevent printing more
than 100 pages a week, said Jeff
Cohen, advertising and promo-
tions manager for MBS Textbook
Exchange Inc which distributes
e-books from several publishers.
Publishers say they are will-
ing to accept lower margins
on e-books for now while they
figure out the technology and
learn more about the market, but
some say the current discounts
can't last forever.
Another challenge is getting
students to even know about the
e-book option.
MBS started a pilot last fall
where e-books from several pub-
lishers are sold in bookstores of 10
universities, so students wouldn't
have to know to go to a publish-
er's Web site to buy them. Brown
and about 40 additional schools
joined the program last month.
Cards are placed next to
the printed books on shelves.
Students grab one, pay for it at
the register and use the code on
it to activate and download the
E-books are also popular at
predominantly online colleges
like Kaplan University, said
David Harpool, Kaplan's chief
operating officer for academics.
"They've chosen this format
for learning he said.
"They are so used to doing
everything else online
But Kirshner believes it could
take as many as 10 more years for
e-books to become as common-
place as print. Then again, she
made that prediction a decade
ago, she said, "and those 10 years
have come and gone
"I personally might have
thought that this change would
be happening sooner and faster
than it is, but there's no doubt it
is happening
GHE from page A1
tunity to take the GRE in its
current format to register
before the changes are applied.
She feels that while the revised
format may not be impossible
compared to the current, it
will be significantly different
and it would be a lot more
convenient for students to
take advantage of the delay.
The Princeton Review will
be available to assist students in
preparation for the revised GRE
format in the summer of 2007.
Information from this article
was taken from Mrs. Elizabeth
Wands at The Princeton Review
and the ETS Web site.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeas tcarolinian. com.
Relay for Life coming in April
It's time to sign up to
walk for a cure
On April 28, the friends and
family of cancer survivors and
cancer victims will gather at
South Central High School in
Winterville in honor of those
who have suffered from the
disease. Beginning at 6 p.m
participants in the American
Cancer Society's Relay for Life
will begin to walk, and they will
walk until 6 p.m. the next day to
raise money for the ACS.
"The Relay for Life is a fun-
filled overnight event designed
to celebrate survivorship and
raise money to help the American
Cancer Society save lives, help
those who have been touched by
cancer, and empower individuals
to fight back against this disease.
During the event, teams of people
gather at schools, fairgrounds, or
parks and take turns walking or
running laps. Each team keeps
at least one team member on the
track at all times according to the
Pitt County Relay for Life Web site.
"Relay is much more than a
walk around a track. It is a time
to remember those lost to cancer
and celebrate those who have
survived. It is a night for people
who have shared the same experi-
ence to comfort and console one
"This year will be bigger than
ever; we have traditionally held
this event at the fairgrounds, but
we have now moved to the high
school to accommodate over 400
survivors and thousands of par-
ticipants said Kelly Wheeler,
chairperson for ECU'S represen-
tation at the Relay for Life.
The event will be huge, with
many, many teams forming to
walk for all 24 hours without stop-
ping, because, as Wheeler put it,
"cancer doesn't stop All it takes to
form a team is five willing friends
and signing up at the next meeting.
"The reality is, one in three
people will be diagnosed with
cancer every day Wheeler said.
"That's you and two people
beside you in a line at Wal-Mart,
or at the grocery store. It will
and has affected people without
cause, reason, or purpose
The next meeting for the
ECU team will be March 8 at
7 p.m. at St. James Methodist
Church off of Fifth Street.
To sign up to walk or for
more information about the
Relay for Life or the American
Cancer Society, visit or
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Cdt something to say? Send us yw Pimte Rants!
The ECU Student Media Board invites
applications for the position of
The East Carolinian
The Rebel
Buccaneer (yearbook)
for the 2006-07 academic year.
Applications are available in the Media Board Office
(Self Help Building, 301 Evans St. Suite 205 A, Greenville NC)
The deadline for submitting an application is
For information, call the Media Board office at 328-9236.

Page A6
THURSDAY February 16 2006
University Court Apartments Newly
renovated 1 BR Student Apts. 5 blocks
from ECU campus $365mo. rent
water included call 752-6425
Sublease Feb '06 thru July '06
J187 a month all Inclusive very
negotiable. I will pay application
fee. Call 781 254-6031 for more
One two Brs. on-site management
maintenance Central heat air 6, 9, 12
month leases Water Cable included
ECU bus Wireless Internet pets
dishwasher disposals pool laundry
(252) 758-4015
Apartment for sublease in Riverpoint.
1425 a month all inclusive. Available
ASAP through end of July. Male or
Female okay. Please call or email Tara.
703-732-2208 or TLD0926@mail.
Beat This, No parking fees, No parking
hassle, Walk to class, downtown or
to the rec. center, 2 bed 1.5 bath
duplex available now, short term
lease accepted. Buccaneer Village call
For Rent: Very nice 4 br, 2.5 bath
house with 2 zone, central heatair;
off street parking; close proximity to
ECU campus. Completely renovated.
25 rent discount for prompt pay. Call
752-1000, ask for Murrell.
2 BD 2 Bath Wyndham Circle Duplex
Available June 1 and Aug 1 $625.00
month 321 -4802 Newly decorated
Cathedral Ceiljngs Nice Landjord
Great Price!
Riverwalk homes! Pre-leasing for
August 2006 Rent $895 per month.
Three Bedrooms, three baths, on ECU
bus route. Call CP Management 714-
2199 or 756-8690
Now accepting applications for
summer and fall at Captains Quarters,
University Terrace, Tower Village, The
Trellis. Call Hearthside Rentals 355-
2112 or 355-5923. Visit our website at
Female roommate needed University
Suites private bedroom and bath.
$340 mo & 13 utilities. Email Megan
at for further
The Buccaneer is back! The ECU
yearbook has returned so make sure
to reserve your copy. Order online
at www.yearbookupdatesecu or call
1-888-298-3323 Hurry! Deadline to
order is 5pm 4-24-06
Childcare - Need reliable, fun sitter
for one or two children in afternoons.
Must have own transportation.
Please contact Stacey at 347-7701 or
Ronald McDonald House Weekend
Manager, responsible for independent
operation of House 9a.m. Saturday until
9p.m. Sunday, one or two weekends a
month. Call 830-0062.
1000 Envelopes $5000 Receive
$5 for every envelope stuffed with
our sales materials. Guaranteed! Free
information: 24 hour recording 1 -800-
Food Delivery Drivers wanted for
Restaurant Runners. Part-time positions
100-150week. Perfect for college
student Some Lunch Time (11a-2p)
M-F and weekend availability required.
2-way radios allow you to be anywhere
in Greenville when not on a oelivery.
Reliable transportation a must. Call
551-3279 between 2-5 only. Sorry
Greenville residents and year around
dorm residents only.
Bartenders wanted! Up to $250day.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. Call (800) 965-6520. ext.
Become a Dell Student Rep. - Earn
$12hr. Make your own hours and gain
amazing experience for your resume!
Positions start immediately Go to:
Repnation.comdell to apply
PoolBeach Managers in Pitt County
and Atlantic Beach for summer. Call
Bob 714-0576
The sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma
would like to congratulate our Spring
new members! Margie Hawk, Amanda
Sirry, Morgyn Hardee, Dana Murphy,
& Kristen Whichard!
Congrats to Mallory Osborne
for being the sister of the week!
- Sigma Sigma Sigma
Delta Zeta would like to thank Pi Kappa
Phi for a fun social! Can't wait to do it
again sometime!
Thanks to SAE for a fabulous Pref
NightSigma Sigma Sigma
Sigma Sigma Sigma would like to
thank Pika, Delta Chi, K A, Kappa
Sig, Chi Phi, t Lambda Chi for the
great socials!
5pm on March 20 Walk ins welcome.
1 Spring Break Website! Low prices
guaranteed. Free Meals Si Free
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left behind! Book now, limited
space available. Call for group
discounts. InfoReservations
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May graduates: the time has come to
schedule your senior yearbook pictures.
Sessions will be held March 22 at
Mendenhall Center and March 23-24
at Ledonia Wright Cultural Center from
9am-5pm. Make an appointment by 5
pm on March 20 to avoid a long wait.
Walk ins are welcome.
Attention ECU Students
Want to be a part of the
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"Get Your Fizz On" and put your profits
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Don't forget! Senior yearbook photos
will be taken on March 22-24. Call 328-
9236 to schedule your appointment by
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8pm - Midnight
ECU Plastic
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Free Water Sewer
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Sparkling Swimming pool
Professional On-Stte Management
Laundry Center
24-hour Emergency
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WasherDryer Connections
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Call 252-744-5291
to schedule your
confidential consultation.
1900 S. Charles
1 tfjT'
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file, NC 27858
So close to
Stadium, even we
stand up for the
National Anthem!
Graduation EXPO
Everything the May Graduate needs in a one-stop shopping Expo!
Pick up your cap & gown.
Find out about Senior pictures for the yearbook, student organization photo dates, and ordering
)our yearbook.
I " Older graduation announcements, diploma frame, class ring, and items like personalized thank
V you notes and more!
Vat! with representatives from the Registrar's Office, Career Center, Alumni Association, Pirate
'vj Club. Rec Center, and other ions!
f-r Free gift to May Grads just for visiting with vendors!
Door prizes!
w' Tuesday, Feb. 21 & Wednesday, Feb. 22:
10 am - 3 pm & 5 pm - 7 pm
Thursday, Feb. 23: 10 am - 3 pm
Rear area of The Wright Place Dining Room, Wright Bldg.
xllr"l Ronald E. Dowdy
The Wrigh
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(919) 544-3338 Wrtght Buildin3 328-6731 . 1-877-499-TEXT
C30andovr jaduatmtamwillbtawlaefcdufing 4 "OUU-B34-7464
KqhEa)cagriedveidGn, JakmandHaJanaWEG:l -jrMw9radsvtvleshshit comptrteo(Do.7iV W online
"Wn be lau.eaViln3row3ncK repurchase fleece
enoypBfludem May X ? only iweo wndore, and have entry cd punched One
1 Ta
6 NE
9 Stc
14 Mc
15 Co
16 Ac
17 Ja
18 Sh
19To1 on nif
zu uir the
23 Fir
25 Inc
26 Arc
27 Ch
29 Pe
31 Ma
37 Wc
38 Wr
39 Ma
41 Sh
44 Tot
46 En-
48 Sir
49 Wi
50 Ex
51 Vo
52 Ta
54 Ho
56 Go
57 Do
63 Po
64 Att
65 Ca
68 Dis
69 PA"
71 Re
72 He
73 Vis
1 Intl
3 Sin
4 Ap
5 An

5 2006
Page A7
1 Ta-da!
6 NBC weekend
9 Stood up
14 Moved a dinghy
15 Converse
16 Actor Burton
17 Japanese guard
18 Shrew
19 Total
20 Different from all
the others
23 Fire residue
25 Indian title
26 Argument against
27 Church seats
29 Performance
31 Man's title
36 Stage item
37 Word before boot
or jump
38 Whole
39 Madagascar
41 Shepardor
43 " Shelter"
44 Tooth coat
46 Eminem forte
48 Singer Young
49 With reason
50 Exist
51 Vocal inflection
52 Tax shelter letters
54 Horse morsel
56 Govt. agent
57 Done up to the
63 Potting soil
64 Attila follower
65 Cacophony
68 Dispute
69 PAT value
70 Terrible
71 Redbone and
72 Heel
73 Visionaries
1 Intl. broadcasters
2 Sturdy tree
3 Sinead
O'Connor, e.g.
4 Apollo's mother
5 Ansel or Abigail
12345187' 22'10111213
4950 61 62
20C All rig6Trib fits reune W serveedla d.Servlces, Inc.21606
6 Comics'gimmicks
7 Ark patriarch
8 Reasoning
9 Making true
10 Actress Russo
11 Track shape
12 Maglie and
13 Perry's creator
21 Important times
22 Alaskan port
23 Rdffig5 and
24 Williams of tennis
28 Froth
30 Crownlet
32 Tour of duty
33 Particular age
34 Weasel with a
black-tipped tail
35 Walked dizzily
40 Savors
42 Stranded.
45 Sumerian
47 Summit
53 Like some
a3diVoVy1 1
55 Turner and
57 Private
58 Few and far
59 It follows that
60 Dumbfound
61 Bluefinor
62 Edmund or
66 BigCA
67 Ernie of golf
THURSDAY February 16, 2006
pssw. of covksi I'm ovta vcxi. as
A College Girl Nannd Joe
by Aaron Warner
think -n$cxiE&e
while i was paying

Mao ifl-i&faz
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National Recreational
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February 22, 2006
Events at the Student Recreation Center
Free Body Fat Testing
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The Winter Blast Power Jam Workout
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(basketball courts 1 & 2)
Kayak Roll Session- beginners welcome
5:00 - 8:00 PM in the SRC Indoor Pool
Wall Hours and Climbing Workshop
5:00 - 8:00 PM (workshop @ the Climbing Wall)
Overnight Campout on the "Brickyard"
Set up at 5:00 PM in the Brickyard
Quest, Conquer and Capture the Treasure
All day Treasure Hunt around the SRC to win prizes
A Lunchtime Workshop: Goal Setting
12:05 1:00 PM in the SRC Classroom
(lunch provided)
Every member gets one guest for FREE!
Popcorn, contests,
and more!
Games from 6-10 PM
Dunking contestShooting
challenge during the
last game!
(252) 328-6387

Vice President Dick Cheney accepts blame for hunting accident
Breaking four days of silence, an
obviously shaken Vice President
Dick Cheney accepted blame
Wednesday for shooting his
hunting companion last week-
end, said alcohol wasn't involved
and defended his handling of the
Speaking with uncharacter-
istic emotion, Cheney recalled
his horror when he realized that
he had wounded lawyer Harry
Whittington while hunting Sat-
urday in South Texas. Cheney
spoke publicly about the incident
for the first time about an hour
after Whittington's doctors had
predicted a full recovery for the
78-year-old Austin man.
"The image of him falling is
something I'll never be able to get
out of my mind. I fired and there
was Harry falling Cheney told
Fox News. "It was, I would have
to say, one of the worst days of
my life
Cheney said he ran over to
the bleeding victim and told
him, "Harry, I had no idea you
were there He said Whittington
didn't respond.
While speculation on the
Web and elsewhere has focused
on the possibility that alcohol
may have been a factor, the vice
president ruled that out. He said
he'd had a beer at lunch - four
or five hours before the incident
- but wasn't under the influence
of alcohol at the time of shoot-
The other members of the
hunting party were Pamela Wille-
ford, the U.S. ambassador to Swit-
zerland; Katharine Armstrong,
a ranch owner and Cheney's
host; and Sara Armstrong Hixon,
Armstrong's sister.
"Nobody was drinking,
nobody was under the influ-
ence Cheney said.
While he was contrite about
the shooting, he expressed
no regrets about his failure to
acknowledge the incident pub-
licly until about 18 hours later.
The first public notice came
Sunday afternoon, when Arm-
strong called a local newspaper.
"I thought that was the right
call. I still do Cheney said.
"I'm comfortable with the way
we did it
Although some administra-
tion officials initially had sug-
gested that Whittington was
at least partly to blame for the
shooting by failing to make his
presence known, Cheney took
full responsibility in the televi-
sion interview.
"It's not Harry's fault. You
can't blame anybody else he
said. "I'm the guy who pulled the
trigger and shot my friend
In Texas, a hospital spokes-
man said Whittington was "doing
extremely well" after a mild
heart attack Tuesday that doctors
blamed on a birdshot pellet that
lodged in his heart.
Peter Banko, a spokesman
for Christus Spohn Hospital
Corpus Christi-Memorial, said
Whittington "wonders what
all the hoopla is about" and
considers the controversy sur-
rounding his wounds "much ado
about nothing
1 ' -"
2 Bedroom And 1 Bath Apartme
5 Blocks From EC
Energy Efficient Kitchen Appliances.
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Student Union Events films
Artwork of Diane Banks
Feb 6th-Mar 3rd
In Mendenhalf s 2nd floor gallery
Step Afrika
Tuesday, Feb 21 st @ 9pm
In Wright Auditorium
Celebrate Black History Month and enjoy
the most electrifiying stepshow around.
Comedian Alexandra McHale BDBCtfU
Wednesday, Feb 23rd @ 8pm V
In Mendenhall's Multipurpose Room
This rising entertainer has been featured on The Tonight Show
with Jay Leno, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn and on
Comedy Central's Premium Blend.
Is Georgia on your mind?
Atlanta Tri
Tuesday, March 14thSunday, March 19th, 200
Tickets start at150
Purchase a ticket at Mendenhall's Central Ticket Office
or for more information call 328-4715.
Mercury Film
Thu Feb 16th @ 9:30pm
Fri Feb 17th @ 7pm & Midnight
Sat Feb 18th @ 9:30pm
Sun Feb 19th @ 7pm
Blockbuster Film
Thu Feb 16th @ 7pm
Fri Feb 17th @ 9:30pm
Sot Feb 18th @ 7pm & Midnight
Sun Feb 19th @ 3pm
All movies are shown in
Mendenhall's Hendrix Theatre.
Special Event
Moms fDrojv
Tues Feb 21st @ 7PM
Upcoming Films
m the Sublet of fm
Questions? Call 326-4715
Visit www.ecu.edustudent union

ital spokes-
1 was "doing
ter a mild
that doctors
t pellet that
i Hospital
lorial, said
ders what
bout" and
oversy sur-
"much ado
Arts & Entertainment
Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY February 16, 2006
Campus Confessions:
I like to pick my ear and feed the ear
wax to my girlfriend's cat. I think the
cat likes this more than I do.
I hate it when people touch my
thumbs. I hate it to the point of
becoming very violent.
Lying is better than telling the truth.
It's always easier.
I haven't told anyone, but I made
out with my cousin the last time she
visited. Look, she was really hot.
My confession is that campus
confessions are for morons. Does
that make me a moron?
I hate fried green tomatoes and my
mom thinks they are my favorite. I
don't tell her because I'm afraid it
would break her heart after all these
I had a nice rotation of three girls and
everything was going fine, but now
somehow I lost them all. Life sucks
I skip class to have sex with my girlfriend.
I can't stop spending money. I've
maxed out all four of my credit cards
and I still keep buying things.
There Is this really hot guy in my
history class who I've kind of been
following around campus. Does that
qualify as stalking?
When people say dumb things in
class, I want to just smack them. Shut
up, you sound stupid, but I guess the
truth is that you really are.
When I'm walking through Wright
Place listening to my mp3 player, I'm
secretly rocking out to "Like a Virgin
And I'm a guy.
I haven't shaved my legs in three
weeks. What? It's cold out.
When my roommate is not in our room
I bite my toenails and look at porn.
I listen to my mp3 player on my way
to class because I'm tired of having
to say hello to people who I don't
even like.
Last weekend I consumed more
alcohol than I thought was humanly
I've been seeing this guy for about
two weeks, so does it count as
"cheating" if I'm sleeping with his
I hooked up in the stairwell of my dorm.
I'm under 21, but managed to sneak
into 519.
I've always wanted to hook up on one
of the slinky buses.
There's no stopping curiosity
Grilled Sour Cherry Pta
3 cups all-purpose flour
12 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons cold butter
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup water
12 cup champagne or vinegar
1 cup pitted Bing cherries
3 cups thin pastry cream
34 cup cherry preserves
In the bowl of a food processor fitted
with a metal blade, combine the
flour, sugar and baking powder. Cut
in the butter. Pulse until butter is well
distributed and the mixture resembles a
coarse meal. Add eggs and pulse again
until dough clumps together. Gather the
dough into a ball. Divide dough and
wrap in waxed paper. Chill for one hour.
Add water and vinegar to a
medium pot. Add cherries and
cook until cherries are soft. Drain.
Heat up grill. Butter a 10-inch round
cake pan. Roll dough into a circle and
transfer to cake pan. Pinch edges to
form a crust, like that of a pan pizza.
Fill dough with pastry cream. Spread
cherry preserves and cherries. Race
pie on pizza on pizza stone on grill.
Cook until dough is crispy and brown,
about one hour.
Pastry Cream:
1 quart whole milk
1 vanilla bean, split
10 large egg yolks
1 cup granulated sugar
34 cup comstarch
In a 2-quart saucepan, combine the
milk and vanilla bean and bring to a
boil. Turn off heat immediately and
keep warm while you whisk the yolks.
In a medium bowl, combine the yolks,
sugar, and comstarch and whisk until
thoroughly combined. While whisking,
slowly add the warm milk mixture into
the yolks and then transfer this back
into the saucepan over medium heat.
Whisk constantly bring the custard
to a boil; it should begin to thicken
immediately. Whisk for three minutes.
Pour through a fine-mesh strainer into
a clean bowl and use a rubber spatula
to push everything through. Place a
sheet of plastic wrap directly on the
surface of the custard to prevent a
skin from forming.
Curious George goes to
the movies
As a young boy, this reviewer
was a huge fan of the Curious
George books. The little monkey
who often got into crazy situa-
tions because of his crazy curios-
ity became the material for con-
stant page-turners about going to
the circus, going to school and
watching television. Anything
became an adventure for the
curious little monkey.
Thus, when an advertise-
ment proclaimed that Curious
George's adventures would be
hitting the big screen, you can
guess it, Scotty was curious.
So when all the parents shuf-
fled their toddlers and little ones
into the theater and fed them
popcorn and prepared for the
movie, a high anticipation set in.
Normally, this makes for major
disappointment. Not so here.
For children who have not
read the books (because let's
admit it, Curious George was the
product of a generation before this
one) it's still entirely entertaining.
There are a lot of things
that go right in this movie. Will
Ferrell's comedy is often lost on
people and sometimes his humor
can absolutely rub someone the
wrong way. As the Man in the
Yellow Hat (known as Ted for
this movie) Ferrell finds a place
where his humor works and even
is appropriate at times.
The music of this movie is
done by Jack Johnson and fits the
movie perfectly.
When making an animated
movie, the trouble is the audience.
You're trying to entertain both
the child and the adult who come
from two different sets of values
and two different ideas of what
is funny. This movie manages to
make adults and children laugh
at the same things and the same
situations. It avoids being full of
childish, slapstick humor and
embraces a humor that's in the
One of the wonderful things
about this movie is the magic.
The point of the movie is letting
your curiosity guide you, and
the journey of following curios-
ity is magic. Watching Curious
George follow things and bask
in the subtle joy of discovery on
the screen is enough to make you
smile throughout.
There are a few times when
you don't smile because of the
well-voiced villain played by
David Cross. Cross has been in
some very humorous movies (he
was the wheelchair-bound man
in Scary Movie 2) and his voice
talents here show that he has the
potential to be a very good villain
in a live-action movie down the
The Man in the Yellow Hat, known as Ted in the movie, carries his curious monkey, George, away from danger.
road. He's got a kind of sarcastic
humor that will make you despise
him at certain points, but that's
exactly what you should get out
of a movie villain.
The producers and screenwrit-
ers of this movie deserve one major
credit - they don't let George talk.
The legacy of the silent monkey
could have been ruined by giving
him a voice. (Then again, what
would George say? Would he be
articulate or childish? It's too
much to ponder.)
By not letting George talk,
so much more is invested in his
facial expressions and nonverbal
gestures that even a change of the
face is enough to invoke laughter.
So it's actually a bonus.
Consider it a major victory
for the authors of the Curious
George books (H.A. and Margaret
Ray) because children who flock
to see this movie will squeal
with delight at the books, and
they will be introduced to
something that previous genera-
tions loved as children and con-
tinue to love as adults. For that,
the movie has succeeded. It's so
humorous and light-hearted that
you have to leave the theater with
a smile.
Grade: A
This writer can be contacted at
Dance, Dance: Not just kid's game
The guilty pleasure of
guilty pleasures
I'll admit it. I'm big enough
to come out and say it. I've
held it in for so long. In social
situations, I know that I have
shunned it and ridiculed it and
put it down, but in private, I
embrace it. Here it comes.
I am addicted to Dance,
Dance Revolution.
Since it came on the scene
in 1998 in Japan, DDR as people
call it, has become infectious.
All over the nation, people
stay In their houses and step to
the arrows, some for exercise
and some for the sheer fun
of it. To be such a great party
game, most parties would break
up when someone showed
up with a dance pad because
of the weird social wall that
has come up around it. Being
cool is not mentioned in the
same sentence as Dance, Dance
Revolution. Perhaps this little
article will shed some light
on it and change a few minds.
For those of you with no
DDR enthusiast friends, the
game is simple. Using a dance
pad on the floor, you step to
the arrows as they appear on
the screen, usually following
the beat of a chosen song. You
get points for making it at the
right times, being on beat and
doing it consecutively. Doing it
right on high levels can make
you break a decent sweat. To be
perfectly honest, it can be quite
aerobic. Many games in the
DDR franchise include a work-
out mode that keeps track of
time spent and calories burned.
People who play it on a constant
basis have lost weight.
One knock on DDR is that
the music is a catalog list of
The Elected: 'Sun, Sun, Sun'
Dance, Dance Revolution started as an arcade game, but it can
now be found in homes across the country on game systems.
'Salute Your Shorts'
camper offers impressive
solo project
house bands and techno music.
You'll see some cover songs (my
game actually has a cover of the
Doobie Brothers' "Long Train
Running"), but for the most
part, it's stuff that you have to
get used to because you might
not like it in the beginning. In
the end, it grows on you.
DDR, in general, grows on
you because its appeal is mini-
mal right off the bat. It's not
something you see and say, "I
have to do that
It's the kind of game every-
one insults until they see
someone dancing, then they
have to do it once the song is
over. Before long, everyone
loves it.
I know this because I got the
fever myself. I watched a room-
mate do it and then I had to do
it, and after investing around
$70 for the game and the dance
pad, it became an obsession. It's
not the kind of game you pick
up and do a couple of songs and
then leave alone. You stay on
that pad for hours as a time and
can't stop until you're dripping
with sweat and your feet hurt
too much.
So if you'd like to get re-
acquainted with artists Dirty
Vegas or the Crystal Method,
you're in luck. If you want to
get some exercise, buy the pad
and step like you mean it. Most
importantly, don't worry if
someone else makes fun of you,
because it's actually a lot more
fun than they recognized they
were to watch you do it, they'd
catch the fever too.
This writer can be contacted at
One of the best things about
life in the early 1990s was the
multitude of amazing televi-
sion shows on Nickelodeon. You
had "Family Double Dare "Hey
Dude "Legends of the Hidden
Temple "Figure It Out" and my
personal favorite, "Salute Your
For anyone wondering what
this has to do with this CD
review, I assure you it has every-
thing to do with it.
Blake Sennett, a name you
might recognize from the indie
folk-rock band Rilo Kiley, was
actually an original cast member
on "Salute Your Shorts though
back then he was credited as
Blake Soper. You may remember
that the second season of the
show revolved around his char-
acter, Ronnie Pinsky.
Now, almost 15 years later,
Sennett has come a long way
since Camp Anawanna.
While Sennett plays guitar
for and occasionally sings in
Rilo Kiley, vocalist Jenny Lewis is
more often credited as the focal
point of the group, but this year
both have released their own
solo projects. Lewis teamed up
with the Watson Twins for her
new album Rabbit Fur Coat and
Sennett is trying his hand at
fronting a band of his own under
the moniker The Elected.
Sun, S'un, Sun, The Elected's
new album, is a great showcase
of Sennett's songwriting ability.
He pushes his music in a more
traditional singersongwriter
fashion, and the result is a fan-
tastic, addicting album.
If I had to compare this album
to something, I'd say it most
closely resembles Bright Eyes' I'm
see SUN page B2
Mellowdrone: LA. quintet creates lush soundscape
Band travels from space
to earth, then out to
space again
Giving Mellowdrone's
upcoming debut record, Box,
a listen, I was first dizzied by
ambient synthesizers and heavily
reverberating drums on the first
track, "C'mon Try A Little Bit
which was only setting the stage
for the journey of music that lay
ahead. The band can effortlessly
switch from spacey jams to indus-
trial dance music without losing
any momentum.
The second track, "Oh My
contrasts with the opener with a
catchy dance beat and lame key-
board. The band has a generally
catchy sound, but it is sarcastic
in a way. Dark and cynical lyrics
brew beneath the polished sur-
face to add a bit of dark humor
to the music. Most of the songs
aren't very original in arrange-
ment. Lead singer and songwriter
Jonathan Bates intentionally used
common chord progressions as a
base, but makes up for it by creat-
ing an incredible mix of instru-
ments and sounds. It's one of
those albums that has too much
to absorb at once. The music takes
a while to grow on you, but it
is worth it because there are so
many nuances and layers - every
time you listen, you hear some-
thing you didn't notice before.
Masterful stereo producing
makes the album a joy to listen
to with headphones. The album
was produced by Tony Berg, who
has also worked with the likes of
Beck and X.
The album has a definite
consistency, but has more mood
swings than a menstrual princess.
From the punch-drunk lovesick
sing along, "Fk It Man" to a
suicide of "Limb From Limb
the band manages to keep an
original and steady sound while
exploring different parts of the
musical spectrum.
Mellowdrone has recently
toured with a former member
of The Smiths, The Killers (who
they seem to emulate at times,
but surpass in talent), Phantom
Planet and Secret Machines. You
can get a preview of Box (to be
released March 7) on the band's
Web site,, and
on myspace.commellowdrone
(add them as a friend while
you're at it).
Other highlights of the album
include "And Repeat which is a
mockery of formulaic music
production, complete with hand
claps, a recycled chord progres-
sion and fantastic vocal harmo-
nies. "Amazing" takes the soul
of underground 1960s rock and
smelts it with modern technolo-
gies and studio tricks.
On the surface, a lot of the
album tracks are similar, making
it a good album to pop in for a few
tracks, but as mentioned before,
the intense layering of the pro-
duction sets each song apart from
the others for a dedicated fan.

'One Tree Hill: Volume 2' .
CD proves it's more than
a TV show soundtrack
Hello, one and all. It is time to
review another album. However,
before 1 begin to review this
album, One Tree Hill: Volume 2, I
will briefly touch up on a subject
I not only feel strongly about,
but I also hope everyone read-
ing this pays serious attention to.
This topic is
breast cancer and
it affects too many
women, and
for that
This ties
into the
album and
the show
in a very
unique way.
It is very posi
tive of the
networks for
doing such 1
acts, even if it is to
appeal to younger view-
ers in order to get ratings.
On "One Tree Hill a mother
and a daughter character reunited
after the mother revealed that
she was battling breast cancer.
In the show's storyline, these
two women began working
on a compilation CD to ben-
efit the National Breast Cancer
Foundation Inc. (NBCF). This
album was to be called Friends
with Benefit.
It's such a rare case that a
fictitious album actually became
a reality, all with the intent to
educate young viewers about
early detection and benefit the
NBCF. The NBCF is a nonprofit,
charitable foundation that pro-
vides breast cancer education
and funding for mammograms
for women. is
a Web site where you can find
out more about this foundation.
Advise the women in our life to
get a mammogram around age
35, because this is a detectable
disease and can be dealt with
accordingly. With that being
said, let us take a gander at the
album itself.
This album boasts tracks
from bands such as Audioslave,
Nada Surf, Gavin DeGraw, Citi-
zen Cope, Fall Out Boy and
Jimmy Eat World among others.
The album has a song called
"The Mixed Tape" by Jack's Man-
nequin. I enjoyed everything
about this song. This is to be
the first song and video off this
Audioslave is normally a safe
bet to produce quality music, and
their song "Be Yourself" doesn't
disappoint. The majority of the
songs posses a certain aura of
made-for-TV sound,
but oddly
enough, I still
to listen to
these songs.
I a m
not one to
I like main
pop-laced or
songs, but these
are quite differ-
ent in that they are
written so well and
the music isn't disposable.
The songs can be melancholy,
but normally pick up during
parts of the song or completely
change the tempo after the
beginning of the track.
The overall feel of the album
is very peaceful and easy to listen
to. The songs are very unique
in their fluidity and flow into
the album's tone. I was very
impressed with the underlying
message trying to appeal to
younger people.
In particular, females are
the show's target audience, but
don't let the message of early
breast cancer detection fall upon
deaf ears.
In summation: the album
gets a grade of A for easy lis-
tening, great bands and great
writing in the songs themselves.
The show is about to start selling
T-shirts of this album to further
benefit NBCF. Enjoy, to all who
venture to listen or watch the
show. Peace out and as always,
be good to each other.
Grade: A
This writer can be contacted at
Wide Awake, It's Morning, released
early in 2005. It is the perfect music
to wake up to and start your day off
with, and the tracks flow in and out
seamlessly and cohesively to bring
together an album you won't want
to turn off.
Sun, Sun, Sun has all the mak-
ings of a great folk-rock album:
great rhythm guitar, infectious
melodies, vibrant vocals and catchy
lyrics that maintain an introspec-
tive, personal feel without overdo-
ing it.
Vocally, Sennett's deep whis-
per-to-falsetto delivery and strong
back-up harmonies suit the music
he plays perfectly and if you're
a fan of any Rilo Kiley albums,
this shouldn't be too much of
a departure from his familiar
style (think Rilo tracks like "Rip-
chord "Small Figures in a Vast
Expanse" and "Rest of My Life
where Sennett takes the mic).
The album flows so perfectly
that I recommend starting off lis-
tening to the entire album all the
way through. If I had to choose,
though, I'd say my favorite track
is the intimate song "It Was Love
which features Jenny Lewis on
back-up vocals. Other tracks to
look out for include the title track
"Sun, Sun, Sun" and "Fireflies in a
Steel Mill
Fortunately, the album is
not going unnoticed. It reached
number 27 on the College Musk
Journal's Radio 200 chart in its
first week, making it the third
highesi debut for that week, not
to mention that Jenny Lewis'
album Rabbit Fur Coat, released the
same week was almost 100 spots
behind it, debuting at number 117.
Overall, Sun, Sun, Sun gets a
B from me. Right now, it is one
of my favorite releases of the year
and by far the most unexpectedly
pleasant album I've come across.
I wouldn't be surprised to see it
make a few end-of-year charts, but
we have a while to go and a lot
more to listen to until then.
Grade: B
This writer can be contacted at
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MellOWdrOne from page B1
All in all, the album is
tough to listen to all the way
through, and the band sounds
familiar from the first time you
listen to them due to their use
of familiar chord progressions
and all of those catchy drum
Fans of The Killers, Muse
and Beck will feel right at home
with Mellowdrone.
This writer can be contacted at
Movie picks
k Outstanding $
Worthy o
0 So-so
Si If 8 I
Op- qS oil 5i zz a.
? Curious George (G)
? Final Destination 3 (R)
Firewall (PG-13)
A Good Woman (PG)
Nanny McPhee (PG)
? The Pink Panther (PG)
Three Burials (R)
Fastest Indian (PG-13)

? T
T T f jI ?

? ?

0-0-0- 0


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Page B4 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY February 16, 2006
Pirates to battle Couaars this weekend
ECU looks to take
second series of the
Fresh off a series win over
Maryland that featured a game
winning squeeze play in game
three from the Pirates, ECU
returns to action this weekend
to face the College of Charleston
in a three game set.
The Cougars swept their
opening series against High
Point last weekend, so the
Diamond Bucs will have an
opportunity to spoil their oppo-
nent's unblemished record.
It's hard to match the success
Charleston has had over the past
couple of seasons. Not only have
the Cougars won back-to-back
Southern Conference champion-
ships, they have also won more
games (95) over the past two
seasons than any other team in
conference history.
And wouldn't you guess,
they're the preseason favorite to
win the conference again.
While all may seem great on
the home front down in South
Carolina, Head Coach John
Pawlowski, now entering his
seventh season as the Cougars'
head man, knows that he has
some major holes to fill from last
year's squad.
"Someone asked me the other
day what my biggest concerns
were Pawlowski said in an inter-
view with
"I said, 'I only have seven
We lost our Friday night starter,
our Saturday starter, our Sunday
starter, our closer, our leadoff
hitter, three-hole hitter and four-
hole hitter. Other than that, I
have no concerns
College of Charleston's main
concern heading into the 2006
campaign was pitching. After
losing studs Ryan Edell, Reid
Price, Danny Gemma and Brett
Harker, who combined for 26
victories and 16 saves last season,
Pawlowski and the rest of his
coaches must now piece together
a new staff and hope for the
This past weekend against
High Point, the Cougars got a first
The Pirates will play their second home series of the year against the College of Charleston starting Friday at 3 p.m. at Clark-Leclair Stadium.
hand look at how the new staff is
shaping up.
After putting up an 8-1 record
with an 0.93 ERA and receiving
All-American honors in 2005,
junior college transfer Graham
Godfrey started his first game at
the division one level last Friday
against the Panthers. He did not
disappoint, going six innings,
while giving up three earned
runs and striking out nine.
Game two starter Nick
Chigges got knocked around
for 4.2 innings and got a no-
decision. Chigges was 4-1 with
a 5.20 ERA last season, but
those numbers mostly came as
bullpen work. Oklahoma State
transfer Quinn Monsma came
on in relief of Chigges and
picked up the win.
The best performance from a
Cougar hurler came from game
three starter Wes Braden. The
right-hander scattered five hits
and two earned runs over seven
solid innings of work to pick up
his first win of the season.
Relievers Josh McLaughlin,
Jeff Beliveau, Danny Meszaros
and Tim McCarty combined for
6.1 scoreless innings of relief for
the Cougars over the course of
the weekend series. The quartet
only surrendered four hits and
a single walk while striking out
Even though College of
Charleston lost key players from
last season's offense that helped
contribute to the 11 major offen-
sive school records set by the club,
the Cougars still have plenty of
options throughout their lineup
for the 2006 year.
All American Chris Campbell
and all-SoCon picks Phillip Coker
and Jess Easterling all return this
Campbell hit .379 with 15
home runs and 87 RBI a year ago,
and he picked up right where he
left off, batting .462 this past
weekend against High Point with
six RBI and four runs scored.
Coker hit .429 against the
Panthers in three games, scoring
five times and driving in two
while Easterling did some manly
work at the plate as well, hitting
a staggering .545 with one home
run and nine RBI.
Easterling's slugging percent-
age was a perfect 1.000.
Senior South Carolina trans-
fer Joey Friddle and Miami trans-
fer Alex Garabedian both had
stellar series as well, combining
for 10 hits, five doubles, a home
run and nine RBIs.
While High Point may not
have been the most formidable of
opponents, it has quickly become
evident that College of Charles-
ton does not rebuild.
They reload.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Madness right around the corner Nothing to apologize for
My picks for the final four
bracket in 2006
With all of the recent National
Signing Day hype wetting the
taste buds of college football fans
across the nation, basketball took
a brief backseat. But starting now
through early April, college bas-
ketball will be on the main stage
of sports fans everywhere.
Unexplainable upsets, bubble
teams clawing to survive and
around the clock media coverage
of Coach K's every thought
will dominate the head-
lines for the next two
months. And outside of
late fall, isn't March Mad-
ness the best month of the
sports calendar?
Unlike football, basketball
can consume fans for the entire
week. Instead of pre-game shows
leading to just one day of cover-
age, the Big Mondays and Throw-
down Thursdays don superb
match-ups consistently. Three,
maybe four quality games a night
hold hardcore fans hostage from
their wives.
So now into the heart of
February and the stretch run
of conference play, contenders
have separated themselves from
preseason pretenders. Teams
like Wake Forest have gone from
a Final Four threat to a squad
destined for the ACC cellar. To
the contrary, the University of
Florida has answered critics with
an unexpected resurgence.
Even though the cream has
risen to the top, the crystal ball
remains a bit hazy. For those who
like to fill out their brackets a
little early, here's four teams
that you can pencil (not pen)
in for the Final Four.
Texas Long horns
(22-3.10-1 Big 12)
Premier Point Guard:
Daniel Gibson
Veteran Leader:
P.J. Tucker
NBA Prospect:
LaMarcus Aldridge
Role Player:
Brad Buckman
Final Four lock:
The Longhorns were ranked
the Preseason's No. 3 team for
a reason - sheer talent. But the
Longhorns have yet to capital-
ize on the hype and assume the
top ranking. For that reason
alone, Texas remains Final Four
Consider the NBA talent
compiled in Austin. The Long-
horns tout a potential No. 1 pick
in LaMarcus Aldridge and point
guard Daniel Gibson has made
Austin natives forget about T.J.
Ford. Add the increased matu-
rity level of former Enloe High
School standout P.J. Tucker, and
the team seems destined for Final
Four success.
Tucker (16.6 ppg, 9.3 rpg)
and Aldridge's (16.2 ppg, 9.3 rpg)
statistics are eerily similar despite
the five-inch differential between
the teammates. Eight Longhorns
are averaging over 15 minutes a
game, including two seniors who
were part of the 2003 team that
advanced to the Final Four.
No way:
The national media hasn't
recovered from the Longhorns'
back-to-back home embarrass-
ments during non-conference
play. A damaging 31-point loss
to Duke on Dec. 10 coupled with
a 17-point hiccup to Tennessee
severely dented the lore sur-
rounding Rick Barnes's squad.
' Excessive turnovers remain
a problem for the Longhorns,
who commit 14.4 per game. Also,
Tucker and Aldridge both will
have to veer from foul trouble.
The junior and sophomore have
been whistled for four or more
fouls in eight contests including
two of the team's three losses
But the biggest knock on
the Longhorns are the lack of
close games. The nation's leader
in scoring margin has only two
games within a margin of-eight
points. Fortunately for Texas
fans, the Longhorns inched out
both games.
Memphis Tigers
(23-2. 9-0 C-USA)
Premier Point Guard:
Darius Washington, Jr.
Veteran Leader:
Rodney Carney
NBA Prospect:
Shawne Williams
Role Player:
Antonio Anderson
Final Four lock:
Memphis has won 12 consec-
utive games and 20 of their last
21. The only defeats have been to
soon-to-be No. 1 Duke and No.
6 Texas while wins over ranked
teams like UCLA, Gonzaga and
Tennessee shower the resume.
Who can argue with results?
The Tigers are long, athletic
and have yet to wilt to inferior
teams down the stretch. Despite
being in a nationally weak con-
ference, Memphis has beaten
every conference opponent, for
the exception of one, by a double-
digit margin.
The team has few flaws offen-
sively. John Calipari's squad
torches the nets for 83.3 points
per game, which ranks fifth
nationally. Rodney Carney (18.0
ppg) is arguably the most athletic
player in the nation and a lock
for a 2006 Lottery Pick. Darius
Washington, Jr who suffered
an off-season of full of ridicule
when he missed a foul shot that
would have secured an NCAA
Tournament invite, has avoided
a sophomore slump.
Calipari is a veteran coach
with a 1996 Final Four trip. The
ex-NBA coach is an excellent
recruiter, but at Memphis has
had trouble keeping his talent in
order. But this year he appears to
head a team with chemistry to
back up the potential.
see MADNESS page B6
The Canadian women have a combined 36 goals thus far.
(AP) So far they haven't
learned much about skating,
stick handling or scoring.
But the rest of the world may
take one lesson away from the
women's Olympic hockey, er,
tournament. ,
There's no apologizing in
women's hockey.
Not when it really matters.
Not even when it's somewhat
Blame the Canadians for
that, if you must. They're
the ones going around Turin
acting a lot like the '27 Yan-
Three games. Thirty
six goals scored. One goal
And not one "I'm sorry
"This is the Olympics,
and it matters offered Cana-
dian forward Hayley Wicken-
Yes it is, and yes it does.
Unfortunately, it only mat-
ters to Canada and the United
They will play in the gold
medal game Monday because
they always play in the gold
medal game. They beat each
other, but no one ever beats
That's ever as in it has
never, ever, happened in 16
years of women's hockey in
the world championships or
the Olympics.
Which begs the question:
What are the other six coun-
tries doing here?
see HOCKEY page B6

16, 2006
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Wake Forest struggling to
figure out what's wrong
(AP) Things sure were a lot
more fun forjustin Gray and Eric
Williams last year or any year, for
that matter.
The inside-outside tandem
from Skip Prosser's first recruit-
ing class thrived from the start at
Wake Forest. As freshmen, they
helped the Demon Deacons win
an Atlantic Coast Conference
regular-season title. Two years
later, they joined Ail-American
point guard Chris Paul to lead
Wake Forest to the program's first
No. 1 ranking.
As seniors this season, Gray
leads the team and ranks second
in the league with 19 points
per game, while Williams is
averaging almost 16 points and
nine rebounds. But Wake Forest
has won just one game in ACC
play, and a team that's won 20
games a year in four seasons
under Prosser is struggling to
stay eligible for the postseason
afterthought of the NIT.
How can a team with two all-
conference players be in the ACC
basement? Could the departure
of Paul to the NBA, where he's
the runaway favorite for rookie
of the year, make that much of a
"It's been a different experience,
I can tell you that Prosser said.
"The reality is we've been in most
of these games in the second half,
but we can't finish them. That's
very disconcerting, obviously
Whatever the reason, the
decline has been sudden and
steep. Wake Forest (13-12, 1-10
ACC) started the season ranked
18th and was picked to finish
third in the ACC. But since Jan.
1, the Demon Deacons have won
just three times. They are in last
place in the ACC, and headed
for their worst league season
since going 3-11 in 1990, which
also marked their last losing
season overall.
Their hopes of reaching a
sixth straight NCAA tourna-
ment are all but gone, and in
the rowdy section of students
wearing tie-dye yellow-and-
black T-shirts, there are a grow-
ing number of no-shows. With
five games to play - including
matchups with ranked oppo-
nents North Carolina, Boston
College and North Carolina
State - Wake needs at least two
wins to finish at least .500.
As Duke's fans put it during
Tuesday's 93-70 loss to the Blue
Devils: "If you're lucky, N-I-TP
"You know what? The only
thing we can do is keep fighting
said senior Trent Strickland, a
career reserve who has become a
starter this season. "If we're going
to go down, we're going down
with a swing. We're not just
going to sit there and let people
just trample on us. We're going to
get up and go fight back
Prosser, whose teams have
won at least 21 games in each of
the past nine seasons dating back
to his days at Xavier, has tried
variety in his search for a fix. He's
used eight different starting line-
see WAKE page 86
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W3K8 from page B5
ups this season, including asking
three different players to take
on the point guards duties Paul
left behind when he departed
for the NBA after two seasons in
Gray refuses to blame the
loss of Paul, his ex-roommate, for
Wake Forest's woes.
"That's what people do, make
excuses he said. "Nobody in our
locker room is making excuses at
all. We're like, 'Yeah, obviously
he's not here It's on us. It's on
us to make a play
Wake Forest has had its
chances. In January, a rally from
a 12-point second-half deficit was
wasted as the Demon Deacons
blew a five-point lead in the final
minute of regulation and lost
74-73 in overtime at Clemson.
Earlier this month, they lost at
Virginia 75-73 when J.R. Reyn-
olds hit a baseline shot with 3.8
seconds left.
Mike Gminski, a former Duke
star who played for 14 seasons
in the NBA career and is now
a television analyst, said the
Demon Deacons had a team in
the past few seasons that could
score enough points to overcome
their problems on defense.
But this season, after scoring
85 points a game last year to rank
second in the ACC, they're scor-
ing an average of just 74 points to
rank in the middle of the pack.
"I think this year people
looked and saw they have two all-
league performers back in a down
league, so even with point guard
being an issue they should be able
to compete Gminski said. "And
frankly, 1 think they have too
much talent to be 1-10
Kyle Visser, a 6-11 junior,
hasn't scored in double-figures
in 16 of the past 17 games. Chris
Ellis, a 6-9 senior who is a 3-
point specialist, is averaging five
points and has hit double-figures
just three times. Meanwhile,
junior walk-on Michael Drum
and freshmen Kevin Swinton
and Cameron Stanley are seeing
significant playing time.
The season has created plenty
of frustration for Wake Forest
fans. Attendance is listed at the
Joel Coliseum capacity of 14,665
for each home game, but there
have been empty seats and scat-
tered boos at recent games. And
there is plenty of angst in the for-
merly full student section, once
a source of pride for a private
school with the ACC's smallest
enrollment of 4,037.
"I could tell at the beginning
of the season we weren't going to
be as good said freshman Mark
Harbaugh, surrounded by empty
seats during last weekend's home
win against Charlotte. "But it
keeps getting more demoralizing
and I guess it's like a lost cause for
most students now. Everyone's
kind of given up
Everyone except the Demon
Deacons. For them, how they
finish will go a long way toward
determining what they'll take
from the season.
And in Gray's case, a career.
"I'm not happy about it, but like
I said, those games are behind us
now he said. "We're trying to start
a clean slate and sort of play for us.
"We don't want to be remem-
bered by getting blown out or not
playing with passion or heart. If
we're going to lose, we want to
play with heart and some passion
right to the buzzer
MadneSS from page 84
No way:
Calipari revoked slated starter
Jeremy Hunt from the team
during the preseason after the
senior guard was found to be
involved in an altercation on
Beale St. To combat the problem,
backup center Kareem Cooper
pled guilty on Tuesday to pos-
session of marijuana. Cooper sat
through a four-game suspension,
but scored 13 points and pulled
down 13 rebounds in a Tuesday
rout of Southern Miss.
Off the court problems aside,
the Tigers need to increase their
defensive intensity, already relin-
quishing 68.6 points per game.
Also, free throw shooting remains
suspect at a team-combined 68 per-
cent. Calipari's lack of depth at the
point also means keeping Wash-
ington, Jr. from developing foul
trouble. The Tigers seemed to have
ironed out the 3-point shooting
woes that hampered them through-
out the non-conference play.
Memphis' glaring weakness is
youth and inexperience. Starting
three freshmen, a sophomore and
a senior keeps experts skeptical
about a deep tournament run.
Can Carney's leadership provide
enough to dodge an upset scare? But
again, who can argue with results?
Washington Huskies
(18-5. 7-5 Pac 10)
Premier Point Guard:
Ryan Appleby
Veteran Leader:
Brandon Roy
NBA Prospect:
Jon Brockman
Role Player:
Bobby Jones, Jr.
Final Four lock:
Lorenzo Romar's team still
wishes that current N.Y. Knick
Nate Robinson had decided to
stay in school for his senior
season. But last year's surprise
No. 1 seed still has enough talent
to get where Robinson couldn't
take them a season ago.
Despite the Huskies' struggles
in conference play, Washington
still boasts one of the top scorers
in the country in senior guard
Brandon Roy (19.2 ppg). How-
ever, Washington remains bal-
anced using a 10-man rotation,
all of which average double-digit
minutes. Washington is 12-0
when four or more players score
in double-digits this season.
The nation's third ranked
scoring team (83.4 ppg) gives
slower teams trouble because
of their willingness to run. The
Huskies like to expose their oppo-
nents' lack of depth by getting
them into foul trouble.
The Huskies were ranked as
high as No. 7 after winning their
first 10 games. After recently
dropping three straight road
contests, they quickly bounced
back with quality wins over USC
and UCLA. Consider that Wash-
ington has not lost to a ranked
opponent this season. They have
beaten then-No. 6 Gonzaga and
then-No. 11 and No. 13 UCLA
for a record of 3-0 against top-25
opponents. The schedule is light
down the stretch, which should
provide some momentum. With a
string of confidence, the Huskies'
up-tempo style and depth could
easily take them to Indianapolis.
No way:
Like Memphis, the Huskies
need to focus on improving on
the defensive end of the court.
Romar's club is giving up over
70 points per contest. In the five
losses, the Huskies have allowed
an average of 79.6points per game.
Washington has also been
suspect on the road, going only
2-3 away from home. The Hus-
kies' first 12 games were inside
the friendly confines of Bank
of America Arena. Because of
the Northwest location, having
extensive travel time could cause
jetlag should the team advance
deep in the tournament.
The most talented teams
don't always make it to the Final
Four. Washington is neither
the most talented nor even the
best squad in their conference.
However, a year removed from
an Elite Eight trip can't rule the
Huskies out. They do enough
necessary tools and players alike
to bust some brackets. But did the
Huskies lose too much?
Boston College Eagles
(20-5.7-4 ACC)
Premier Point Guard:
Louis Hinnant
Veteran Leader:
Craig Smith
Best NBA Prospect:
Jared Dudley
Role Player:
Sean Marshall
Final Four lock:
Boston College has endured
through a rude awakening in
their first season in the ACC. But
Al Skinner and company are prob-
ably content in dodging the new-
age Big East. But as rude as some
ACC guests have been, the Golden
Eagles are building momentum.
Boston College are winners
of four straight, including three
ACC games to advance a game
behind second-place N.C. State.
Despite the record, the Golden
Eagles play to the level their
opponents, going 10-4 in single-
digit margins.
Craig Smith (16.8 ppg) and
Jared Dudley (16.7 ppg) combine
to give opponents' frontcourt
headaches. Both forwards stand
at 6-feet-7-inches and pound the
glass, which often translates to
zone defenses. Patience is a virtue
of an Al Skinner coached team. It
may cause too many close games,
but it translates to plenty of assists
and high percentage shots. The
Golden Eagles rank 10th and 18th
nationally in each category respec-
tively. If the other starters find the
bucket like the two frontcourt
stars, look out for the ACC rookies.
No way:
Unlike Washington, Boston
College is only 1-4 against ranked
opponents. Despite playing Duke
tough at home, the Golden Eagles
have only beaten then-No. 25
UNC. Losses to Maryland, Michi-
gan St. and Georgia Tech litter
the schedule and have kept the
team from a marquee win.
Louis Hinnant, a sporadic
point guard needs to stay within
Skinner's system. Because the
opponents figure in on both
Smith and Dudley, Hinnant and
Tyrese Rice will be forced to drain
perimeter shots. Because Skinner
prefers half-court games, free
throws loom large in late-game
situations. The team shoots a
combined 68 percent, while super-
stars Smith and Dudley shoot 66
and 70 percent respectively.
The team is smart with the
ball, but is it athletic enough to
run with higher-paced teams?
The jury is still out, but a couple
of perimeter shots could quickly
turn the Golden Eagles into con-
tenders. Will the shots fall all the
way to Indianapolis?
Teams that will make
the Elite Eight:
Duke, UConn, Iowa, Villanova
This writer can be contacted at
HOCkey from page B4
Don't ask anyone on the Ital-
ian team, because they're not
likely to have an answer. They
may not even know each other's
The team was put together
two weeks before the Olympics
because Italy is the host country,
and it seemed like a nice gesture
to fill out the field. It didn't seem
so nice when the Italian women
were beaten 16-0 by Canada and
11-0 by Sweden only to rebound
and score a goal in their final 5-1
loss to Russia.
That's OK because Switzer-
land scored only one goal, too,
and Germany managed only two.
The fastest game on ice can
seem awfully slow when anyone
other than the world's two pow-
erhouses are playing. Even when
they are, the contests sometimes
disintegrate into special team
specials when overeager referees
blow the whistle for illegal body
checking anytime two players get
near one another.
The big celebration at the
hockey arena the other night
came when someone finally
scored a fluke goal on the Cana-
dians. The U.S. team had a big
scare, winning only by four goals
over Finland.
The most intrigue at wom-
en's hockey so far has come
off the ice, where U.S. coach
Ben Smith and the aging star
he dumped before the games,
Cammi Granato, aren't speaking
to each other. That could cause
problems because Granato is now
an analyst for NBC, but the net-
work decided to keep her in the
studio far away from the rink.
Good thing, because fighting
isn't allowed in theOlympicGames.
The domination by the Amer-
ican and Canadian teams since
women's hockey was admitted
to the Olympics eight years ago
in Nagano isn't all that surpris-
ing. Both have feeder systems
through junior hockey, and col-
leges with established programs
to send players through.
Other countries have been
reluctant to fully embrace the
idea of women playing hockey,
though there are some signs
that is finally changing. There
are more foreign players now at
American colleges, and they are
almost always the stars of their
national teams.
"Our sport hasn't always
been accepted by every nation
Canada coach Melody Davidson
Those that are accepting it
don't seem to be catching up.
While other countries are field-
ing better teams than the ragtag
outfits that skated in Nagano, the
Canadians and Americans are
getting better at a faster pace.
In Canada, it would be like
Midgets playing against Pee Wee
league. The Canadian women
play at a level of 16 to-17-year-old
boys, while the other countries
are probably two age groups
below that.
"It is still a long way to go to
catch up to the United States and
Canada said Finnish defense-
man (woman, person?) Emma
Laaksonen. "I don't know if (it
can be done)
So far, they haven't come
close. The United States and
Canada outscored opponents
by a combined 54-4 in the pre-
liminary rounds, and they're not
expected to get much of a test in
Friday's semifinals. Both teams
are whopping favorites to win by
five or six goals against Sweden
and Finland before meeting in
their inevitable gold medal final.
Olympic officials canned
softball from the games for much
the same reason, largely the
American dominance. That isn't
likely to happen to women's
hockey because it fills 160 spots
and helps level the gender imbal-
ance in the Winter Games.
It looks good to have more
women in the Olympics, but
what really is the point if they
can't compete? Does a 16-0
hockey blowout really add to the
Olympic experience?
These are supposed to be the
best athletes in the world. Some
of them look like they're not even
the best on their block.
Here's a suggestion: Reduce
the field to four teams for the
2010 games in Vancouver and
let them play each other several
The marginal teams will get
better, fans will get to see more of
the United States against Canada,
and almost everyone will go
home with a medal.
Better yet, the Canadians
will have nothing to apologize
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The East Carolinian, February 16, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 16, 2006
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