The East Carolinian, February 15, 2006

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Volume 81 Number51 WEDNESDAY February 15, 2006
BBC World News seeks
ECU'S help to find poverty
stricken areas in N.C.
College of Education to use iPod technology
Examining poverty in N.C.
British Broadcasting Corp.
World News visited several pov-
erty stricken areas in N.C. on
Jan. 26 with the assistance of
Mack Simpson, associate director
of community development, to
familiarize them with the area.
Ron Nowaczyk, associate
vice chancellor of economic and
community development, also
provided some insight on the less
fortunate areas in N.C. Nowaczyk
gave the crew a short overview of
the area while Simpson traveled
with the crew throughout the
entire day.
SimpsoTi and BBC visited
Bertie and Washington counties
along with a few other counties.
Nowaczyk referred to these as
"tier one counties which are the
counties that are at the lower end
of the economic income scale.
More specifically the crew
visited Plymouth, which has one
of the highest poverty rates in
N.C. of 37.5 percent. According to
Simpson, this percentage is very
significant compared to the rest
of the country that has an average
poverty rate of 12.7 percent.
The BBC contacted ECU to
help them with the research they
were doing on poverty in N.C.
"BBC was actually doing
a story about poverty. They
interviewed former senator John
Edwards, who heads up a poverty
institute at UNC-Chapel Hill and
they were interested in visiting
some areas where there is high
poverty, what we call persistent
poverty said Nowaczyk.
"There are a number of those
areas in eastern N.C. So they con-
tacted us and what we did was,
through Mack Simpson, set up
the opportunity for them to visit
some communities where there is
quite a bit of poverty
BBC gained an understanding
of poverty in N.C. by conduct-
ing Interviews with residents
of theses areas to find out how
they feel about poverty, how they
survive, and what was causing
the poverty.
"Those people that we talked
to that are living in poverty have
almost resigned themselves to
the fact that they are in poverty
and it may be a long time before
they get out of poverty, if ever
said Simpson.
"Most of them seem to be
happy where they are even
though most of their friends
and family and neighbors are also
living in poverty
Simpson noticed that not all
of the residents of these poverty
stricken areas stayed in a state
of poverty but instead made
changes to their lives to make
it better.
"We also talked to three
ladies in Bertie county that
had been living in poverty and
through some job training, edu-
cation and help with housing
cost, had put themselves in better
shape and were much more hap-
pier and fulfilled than before
Simpson said.
Some of the factors BBC and
Simpson found that contribute
to the poverty is the loss of tradi-
tional jobs in agriculture, textiles
and the wood industry.
"The agricultural jobs have
been lost mostly to mechaniza-
tion, jobs in the garment industry
and textiles have gone overseas
and we have recently began to see
a reduction in the number of jobs
in the wood products industry
such as the recent downsizing
at the Weyerhaeuser's plant in
Plymouth Simpson said.
see BBC page A2
The College of Education is
looking to introduce the use of
video iPod technology in the
According to a recent press
release, the iPods were introduced
for usage in two elementary edu-
cation courses - Dr. Jane Manner
will be using the iPod's podcast
technology. Used in ELEM 4450,
a social studies methods course
for pre-service elementary teach-
ers, the iPods will be utilized
in conjunction with a service
learning project partnership with
the Country Doctor Museum in
Bailey, N.C.
The idea behind the col-
laboration is to allow students
an opportunity to visit the site
to photograph and research its
holdings. The podcasts are uti-
lized when students create their
own based on interpretation
of museum artifacts. Students
will make comparisons of "then
and now" healthcare protocols,
as well as present biographical
information about rural doctors
and nurses from years past.
Also present in the press
release, the iPod technology is
being put to use in the Depart-
ment of Curriculum & Instruc-
tion. Students in Dr. Todd Fin-
ley's English education methods
course, ENED 43236600, will
download 14 multimedia learn-
ing modules and podcasts to their
iPods, which will enable them to
study the instructor's lectures in
either audio or multi-
media format.
A key feature
of the iPods is
the addition of
microphones from
Logitech. These
allow students to
record discussions
outside of class
while eliminating
much of the back-
ground noise.
hallway and Waffle-
House chats enhance
academic discourse
said Finley in the
" Now we can encour-
age, guide and document
these informal reflections
via the fashion accessory
of the decade
Finally, the press
release mentioned class
reporters will use podcasts
to present oral summaries
"essential questions" after
each class meeting.
Students who would like
more information on the
usage of iPods in Elemen-
tary courses can contact Jes-
sica Davenport, director of
communications for ECU'S
College of education at 328-
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Expensive textbooks hit the wallet hard
Pedestrian hit, killed by
paper carrier in wrong lane
A newspaper deliveryman
driving on the wrong side of the
road struck and killed a 66-year-
old man walking in the street at
about dawn, authorities said.
Stephen Lee, 41, was charged
with misdemeanor death by
motor vehicle in the death of
Frank Sutton.
The accident happened about
6:25 a.m. Sunday when Sutton
was walking north in a north-
bound lane. Lee was headed
south in that lane as he delivered
papers, state Highway Patrol
Trooper R.J. Alphin said.
Lee is an independent con-
tractor who was delivering the
Star-News of Wilmington, as he
has done for more than a year,
the newspaper reported Tuesday.
Publisher Robert J. Gruber said all
contracted drivers are responsible
for obeying traffic laws.
Another newspaper delivery
driver was warned for driving
on the wrong side of a road on
Dec. 18, then cited for the same
offense Dec. 31, according to state
"It's extremely hazardous, in
the dark, to drive on the wrong
side of the road 1st Sgt. J.O.
Holmes said. "It might have been
doable 10 years ago, but with the
growth and congestion we have
here now, it's not going to work
anymore. And it's always been
Textbooks can be costly, especially when packaged with other materials a student may or may not need for the class he or she has.
Valentine's Day Fundraisers
(KRT) Welcome to Text-
book 101, the study of compli-
cated, intertwined social and
economic dynamics that seeks
to answer the question: Why are
college textbooks so expensive?
At the end of the course, after
points and counterpoints made
by students, professors and book
publishers, there will be a quiz
- for which there are no defini-
tive answers. What there is sure
to be, though, is a lot of finger
Travis Ligon, a 20-year-old
University of Central Florida
student who is shopping for
textbooks at the UCF Bookstore,
probably would do some if his
hands were free. But he is hold-
ing five books for which he will
pay more than $500. "I think
they just overcharge in general
he says.
If one were to scrutinize the
aisles of the bookstore, one might
agree. The shelves are heavy with
shrink-wrapped textbooks, many
of them "bundled" with study
guides and CDs and priced at
more than $100.
Though some titles may hit
the snooze button, their prices
can be the equivalent of a rude
wake-up call. Here is the Essential
Cosmic Perspective bundle-
three books and a "student access
kit" ($104, $78 used), Anthropol-
ogy ($110 new, $83 used) and
Database Management Systems
($118). But the granddaddy of
them all might be Organic Chem-
istry, packaged with a study guide
($244, $183 used).
Beverly Long, 21-year-old
micromolecular biology major at
UCF, is in the bookstore eyeing a
hematology textbook ($98). But
when someone asks her about the
pricey organic chemistry text, she
casts a scornful eye toward it. She
purchased one last year. "I had to
buy it, you know?" she says with a
shrug. "It's a captive market
Some students say professors
often pick expensive books when
cheaper ones are available, and
that some required materials go
unused. Sometimes the newest
edition of a book is required, even
though it looks to have changed
little from the previous, cheaper
version. Some even think that
their professors are padding their
wallets by using textbooks they
Professors, on the other hand,
say they pick the best and most
pertinent texts for their classes,
and that CDs and study guides
can aid students in understand-
ing subject matter. Though a
new edition might lead to the
painstaking update of syllabuses
for classes they teach, the fresh
material in the book often makes
it worth it. And making money
by forcing students to buy books
they author? Not so, they say.
Melody Bowdon, a UCF Eng-
lish professor, uses a textbook
she co-authored, Service-Learning
In Technical and Professional Com-
munication. Although the book,
published in September 2002, is
used at 30 universities, she has
yet to make any money from it,
she says. She and her co-author
wrote the book "as a contribution
to our field. We never expected to
get rich off it Even if she made
money, "the standard etiquette
is that any profit you make on a
textbook, especially if it's used on
campus, is donated back to the
school. You want to avoid any
perceived conflict of interest
As for new editions, "cer-
tainly there's a motivation for
textbook companies to change
editions in order to make more
money Bowdon says. But, as
an author, "there's a real logical
impulse to get back and improve
the book. There's a pride of own-
Tne concern about textbook
prices reached a crescendo in July
when the Government -Account-
ability Office reported prices
sec BOOKS page A2
Honoring professor with the continuation of literacy conference
Sales going on through campus for Valentine's Day were
fundraisers as well as a way to help last minute shoppers.
24th Annual Literacy
Conference headed by
the College of Education
The Department of Cur-
riculum and Instruction in
the Department of Education
sponsored the 24th annual
Mary Lois Staton ReadingLan-
guage Arts Conference Friday,
Feb. 10.
The conference was held at
the Greenville Hilton Inn at 207
SW Greenville Blvd. from 8:30
a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The conference was named
after the late Dr. Mary Lois Staton,
who was a professor of education at
ECU for 27 years. Staton received
her master's degree here.
The development of the con-
ference and its endowment is
credited to Staton. The College
of Education decided to con-
tinue the conference as a way
to make her legacy live on and
by also naming the conference
after her.
"This conference, bearing
her name, continues to serve as
a testament to her dedication to
literacy, literacy instruction and
professional development said
Jessica W. Davenport, director of
communication for the College
of Education.
The conference included
speakers from the national,
regional and local speakers that
gave presentations. Two of the
speakers were well known accred-
ited speakers for being an educa-
tor and author.
Dr. Jack Pikulski was the key-
note speaker for the event. He is a
nationally recognized researcher,
educator and author.
Another well-known speaker
that attended the conference
was award winning children's
author, Carole Weatherford. She
has received awards such as the
Carter G. Woodson award, the
Juvenile Woodson award and
was nominated for NAACP Image
Weatherford spoke to the
groups of teachers at the confer-
ence in a luncheon. The confer-
ence consisted of 19 sessions that
presented different literacy topics.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A8 I Opinion: A3 I Student Life: A4 I Sports: A6

Page A2 252.328.6366
RACHEL KING News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
WEDNESDAY February 15, 2006
Buccaneer Photo
The ECU yearbook staff would like
to invite all May 2006 graduates
to have their photo taken for the
next edition of the Buccaneer.
Sessions will be held March 22
at Hendrix Theatre 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
and March 23 and 24 at Ledonia
Wright Cultural Center 9 a.m.
- 5 p.m. Call 328-9236 to reserve
your time slot. Reservations are
strongly encouraged, but not
required. For more information,
Salsa Dance
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are sponsoring a salsa
dance on Friday, Feb. 18 at the
Willis Building, located downtown
at First and Reade Streets.
Instruction will be provided by
Procopio and friends at 7:30
p.m. with the dance following at
8:30 p.m. Music by DJ Ramon.
Fees are $3 for students, $5 for
FASG members and $8 for the
public. This is a non-alcoholic
and non-smoking event. For more
information, call 752-7350.
Career Fairs
The Technology Career Fair will be
held Wednesday, Feb. 15 10 a.m.
- 2 p.m. in Minges Coliseum. The
Science Fair will be held Friday,
Feb. 17 from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. in the
Science and Technology Building.
The Business Career Fair will be
held Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 10
a.m. - 3 p.m. in Minges Coliseum.
The Education Fair will be held
Friday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. - noon,
in Minges Coliseum. The Health
Fair will be held Thursday, March
2 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Carol
Belk Building.
Teachers and Applied
Linguistic Students
A student-run conference offering
opportunities for grad students
and public school teachers to
present their work, both practical
and theoretical, in the areas of
applied linguistics and TESL will be
held in the Bate Building Saturday,
Feb. 18. This year's workshop
features Dr. Melissa Cahnmann,
of the University of Georgia,
who will present "Rehearsing
the Revolution: Using Theater
of the Oppressed' to Address
Identity and Power in Language
Education Dr. Cahnmann will give
an additional presentation titled
The Study and Use of Metaphor
to Understand Bilingualism and
Bilingual Education" Friday, Feb.
17 at 3:30 p.m. in Bate 3008.
Fees are $10 for ECU students
and faculty and $15 for all others.
For more information, visit core.
The musical "Godspell" will begin
performances Thursday, Feb. 16
at 8 p.m. in McGinnis Theatre.
The show uses songs to bring
the parables of Jesus Christ to
life. The story utilizes various
theatrical traditions such as
clowning, pantomime, acrobatics
and vaudeville. Based on the book
by John Michael Tebelak. Music
and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz.
For more information and other
shows, call 328-6829 or 1-800-
Unforgettable: The
Nat King Cole Story
Saturday, Feb. 25. at 8 p.m. in
Wright Auditorium, ECU Cultural
Outreach is presenting the life
story f Nat King Cole. It will be an
engaging production of the man,
the myth and the music, covering
20 songs, comedy and drama.
Come see the representation of
a jazz legend. Advance individual
tickets are $30 for the public,
$29 for ECU facultystaff, $15 for
youth and $10 for students. All
tickets at the door will be $30
Group discounts are available. For
more information, call the Central
Ticket Office at 328-47-88 or visit
"Step Afrika" coming
ECU Student Union presents
"Step Afrika Tuesday, Feb. 21,
from 6 - 9 p.m. "Step Afrika" is
a step show and will be held
in Wright Auditorium. For more
information, contact Student
Union at 328-4715.
Alexandra McHale
ECU Student Union welcomes
Alexandra McHale, Thursday,
Feb. 23, from 6 - 8 p.m. in the
Multipurpose Room in MSC
News Briefs
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A plan by
the Bush administration to sell off
300,000 of public land to pay for rural
schools and roads includes 3,000
acres of Cherokee National Forest
along the Tennessee-North Carolina
The total land sales, ranging from
less than an acre to more than 1,000
acres, could total more than $1 billion
and would be the largest sale of
forestland in decades.
Forest Service officials say the sales
are needed to raise $800 million over
the next five years to pay for schools
and roads in rural counties hurt by
logging cutbacks on federal land.
The Bureau of Land Management has
said it also plans to sell federal lands
to raise an estimated $250 million
over five years.
The Forest Service has identified
2,996 acres in 38 parcels for sale in
seven East Tennessee counties, all
part of the 640,000-acre Cherokee
National Forest.
Most of the parcels are hard to
manage because they are not
contiguous with the rest of the forest
and are isolated, Forest Service
spokesman Terry McDonald said
Bush administration officials have
said the same about most of the
land involved.
"For the most part, they're surrounded
by private lands McDonald said.
The proposed sell-off would total
less than half of 1 percent of the 193
million-acre national forest systems.
The money would be used for roads,
schools and other needs in rural
counties hurt by sharp declines in
timber sales, in the wake of federal
forest policy that restricts logging to
protect endangered species such as
the spotted owl.
Although 10 East Tennessee
counties are eligible for funds from
the 2000 program, called the Secure
Rural School and Community Self-
Determination program, McDonald
said that only Polk and Monroe
have collected. The rest still collect
25 cents on the dollar from timber
Critics of the proposal say the plan
sets a dangerous precedent.
"The federal government should
not be in the business of selling off
public lands to fund its budget said
Cat McCue, spokeswoman for the
Chariottesville, Vabased Southern
Environmental Law Center.
"It sets a terrible precedent. What are
we going to sell off next to pay for
government programs?"
Congress and go through a 30-day
comment period after the proposal
is published in the Federal Register
must first approve the sales.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP) - After a
weekend of snowstorms, the workers
who clear the roads of Haywood
County were ready for a break.
"Saturday we had about everything
cleared, then it snowed Saturday
night said Ben Williams, the county's
maintenance engineer for the state
Transportation Department. "Then
we cleared on Sunday, and it snowed
about 3 or 4 more inches last night.
Now we're clearing that up. We're all
getting pretty tired. These guys have
worked hard
Williams and his crew should get some
help Tuesday, when mostly sunny
skies and temperatures reaching into
the upper 40s were forecast for North
Carolina's mountains, which received
as much as 3 feet of snow.
As the day dawned clear and cold,
ice and snow kept many smaller
roads closed in counties bordering
Tennessee. Schools were closed in
Avery, Haywood, Madison, Mitchell
and Yancey counties, while they
opened late in Graham, Jackson
and Swain counties and parts of
Buncombe County.
North Carolina counties on the
Tennessee border received the
most snow over the weekend. The
National Weather Service said 36
inches fell in Joyce Kilmer Memorial
Forest in Graham County, 24 inches
at Banner Elk, 15 inches in Newland
and 18 inches on Glade Mountain in
Haywood County.
Some snowfall totals rivaled those of
the March 1993 storm, when Murphy
got 25 inches, Franklin got 22 inches
and parts of Madison County got 36
But the snowfall totals varied widely.
Just an inch was recorded at the
Asheville Regional Airport over the
weekend, and about 4 inches fell in
A few miles to the west, some 20
inches of snow and drifts up to 6
feet deep shut down the Cherohala
"It's like a picture postcard said Nettie
Satterfield, a cashier at Robbinsville's
A-4 Home Center, which did a brisk
business Monday in snow shovels
and sleds.
"I live about three miles outside of
town. If I'd known how bad the road
was, I would have stayed at the
house. It's easier to get down than to
go back up
A dispatcher with the N.C. Highway
Patrol said she knew of no accidents
resulting in serious injuries from the
The dry, powdery snow brought skiers
to the slopes.
This weather has been a skier's
dream said Jennifer Hampton of
Wolf Laurel Ski Slopes in Madison
"We've probably gktten a foot and
a half of snow over the weekend,
and the fresh powder just makes
the slopes incredible for skiing or
snowboarding. We've had people
coming from all over who have heard
about the snow
Junior Gotti returns to court for
retrial on racketeering
NEW YORK (AP) - The son of late mob
boss John Gotti returned to court
Tuesday for retrial on racketeering
charges that include a violent plot
to kidnap Guardian Angels founder
Curtis Sliwa.
A jury last fall acquitted John A.
Junior" Gotti of securities fraud
but deadlocked on more serious
racketeering counts, leading to the
Jury selection started Tuesday
with the judge announcing that
71 prospective jurors among 250
who filled out questionnaires were
disqualified. Others were to be
questioned the rest of the week
to determine whether they might
Opening statements were scheduled
to begin next week.
Gotti seemed near a courthouse
surprise last fall when U.S. District
Judge Shira Scheindlin considered
if the mistrial should be an acquittal
because the jury failed to find Gotti
had committed at least two related
acts of racketeering. Instead, she
ordered a retrial on charges that
he ordered a botched 1992 plot to
abduct Sliwa.
Gotti has been under house arrest on
$7 million bond since September.
Prosecutors say Gotti, 41, wanted to
retaliate against Sliwa for his on-air
rants against Gotti's father. Sliwa
was shot but recovered and resumed
his radio work. He also testified at
the trial.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
on Friday upheld Scheindlin's ruling.
Lawyers have said one juror stood
in the way of Gotti's conviction in
the case.
A conviction could put Gotti in prison
for up to 30 years. He turned down
a plea deal that would have meant
serving seven years of a 10-year
sentence. In an interview in the
New York Post, Gotti said his wife is
expecting their sixth child and told
him if he took the plea deal: "if you
do it, we're through. We need you in
this house
Gotti, whose father was sentenced to
life in prison in 1992 and died there
10 years later, told the Post he was
confident he would be vindicated.
"We're not going for a mistrial this
time he said. "We're going for an
Laughter Is the best medicine for
Cheney accident
House has decided that the best
way to deal with Vice President Dick
Cheney's shooting accident is to joke
about it.
President Bush's spokesman quipped
Tuesday that the burnt orange school
colors of the University of Texas
championship football team that was
visiting the White House shouldn't be
confused for hunter's safety wear.
The orange that they're wearing is
not because they're concerned that
the vice president may be there
joked White House press secretary
Scott McClellan, following the lead of
late-night television comedians.
That's why I'm wearing it
The president's brother, Florida Gov.
Jeb Bush, took a similar jab after
slapp'ng an orange sticker on his
chest from the Florida Farm Bureau
that read, "No Farmers, No Food
"I'm a little concerned that Dick Cheney
is going to walk in the governor
cracked during an appearance in
Tampa Monday.
Whittington, who was shot by Cheney,
remained in stable condition Tuesday
at Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus
Christi-Memorial. He was moved
from intensive care to a "step-down
unit" Monday after doctors decided to
leave several birdshot pellets lodged
in his skin rather than try to remove
them. The hospital planned a news
conference for 1 p.m. EST Tuesday.
Katharine Armstrong, owner of the
ranch where the shooting occurred,
said it happened toward the end of
the hunt, when it was still sunny but
as darkness was encroaching and
they were preparing to go inside. She
said Whittington made a mistake by
not announcing that he had walked
up to rejoin the hunting line, and
Cheney didn't see him as he tried to
down a bird.
Armstrong said she saw Cheney's
security detail running toward the
The first thing that crossed my mind
was he had a heart problem she told
The Associated Press.
She said Cheney stayed "close but
cool" while the agents and medical
personnel treated Whittington, and
then took him by ambulance to the
hospital. Later, the hunting group sat
down for dinner while Whittington
was being treated, receiving updates
from a family member at the hospital.
Armstrong described Cheney's
demeanor during dinner as "very
worried" about Whittington.
But the accident raised questions
about Cheney's adherence to
hunting safety practices and the
White House's failure to disclose the
accident in a timely way.
Several hunting safety experts
interviewed agreed it would have
been a good idea for Whittington
to announce himself. But every
expert stressed that the shooter
is responsible for avoiding other
Pakistan's earthquake reconstruction
chief says he was fired
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - The
head of Pakistan's earthquake
reconstruction effort said Tuesday
he had been fired, and an opposition
party welcomed the move, accusing
him of inaction in the aftermath of the
Oct. 8 disaster.
Lt. Gen. Muhammed Zubair said he
was sacked Monday as chairman
of the Earthquake Rehabilitation
and Reconstruction Authority, and
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf and
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said he
would be replaced by a civilian.
Zubair, who was on the job for three
months, said he had been given no
reason and did not know who would
replace him.
"No, I have not resigned. The decision
was taken to replace me with a
civilian Zubair said.
He said he was proud of the pace
with which he had secured planning
approvals for reconstruction projects
covering six cities devastated by
the magnitude 7.6 earthquakes in
northern Pakistan and Kashmir. The
quake killed about 80,000 people and
left more than 3 million homeless.
The World Bank and the donors
agree with us that our speed has
been very fast in the last three
months he said. They're happy with
us. There's no problem
Musharraf's spokesman declined to
comment and Aziz's spokesman was
not immediately available.
Pakistan media, quoting a government
statement, said the 56-year-old career
soldier was leaving his post because
he had skillfully accomplished his
The major opposition Pakistan
Peoples Party, which had opposed
military control of the earthquake
response after the initial rescue effort,
welcomed the development.
Lawmaker Altzaz Ahsan accused
Zubair of "having done nothing so far"
to relieve victims' suffering.
"If there is criticism, it is for the
absolute inaction of Zubair in this
period he said "He has absolutely
nothing to show for himself on the
On Saturday, a U.N. official said tent
camps sheltering earthquake victims
may be needed for another six
months, and the United States signed
a $200 million grant for rebuilding
the country.
A U.N. report said the harsh Himalayan
winter was testing the "strength and
resilience of the population as well
as the capacity of the humanitarian
community to deliver much-needed
It said safe drinking water is available
to only about 47 percent of 810,000
refugees initially targeted for the
winter, while access to latrines is
available to only about 138,000-about
half the winter target.
Scalia: Strong Constitutional
PONCE, Puerto Rico (AP) - People
who believe the Constitution would
break if it didn't change with society
are "idiots U.S. Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia says.
In a speech Monday sponsored by
the conservative Federalist Society,
Scalia defended his long-held belief
in sticking to the plain text of the
Constitution "as It was originally
written and Intended
"Scalia does have a philosophy, its
called originalism he said. That's
what prevents him from doing the
things he would like to do he told
more than 100 politicians and lawyers
from this U.S. island territory.
According to his judicial philosophy,
he said, there can be no room
for personal, political or religious
Scalia criticized those who believe
in what he called the "living
That's the argument of flexibility
and it goes something like this: The
Constitution is over 200 years old and
societies change. It has to change
with society, like a living organism, or
it will bs-come brittle and break
"But you would have to be an idiot
to believe that Scalia said. "The
Constitution is not a living organism, it
is a legal document. It says something
and doesn't say other things
BBC from page A1 BOOKS from page A1
All of the information gath-
ered by BBC was used as a part
of a series they did tailed "North
Carolina Voices: Understanding
The broadcast aired on sev-
eral radio stations on Jan. 27
including 90.9 FM, 91.5 FM
and 88.9 FM. The broadcast is
still available at under
the link titled, "North Carolina
Members of the BBC World
News that toured N.C. included
Robin Lustig, from the London
studio and Jon Donnison, pro-
ducer and head of the Washing-
ton D.C. bureau.
Simpson said that he enjoyed
showing BBC different aspects
of N.C. and referred to them as
really open-minded people that
wanted to talk to everyone with
all different points views when
interviewing the residents.
This writer can be contacted at
to. yoknou.
Don't Get
Left Behind!
look Today! tiM
Uto AnilobhCAMOIM
have increased at twice the rate of
inflation during the last 20 years.
That accounts for 26 percent of
tuition and fees paid by students
attending a public four-year uni-
versity, the report says.
However, the Association of
American Publishers Inc which
represents textbook publishers,
says the GAO report lumped
together textbooks and supplies,
"which may include computers,
calculators, lab equipment, and
other materials that represent
about 27 percent of total student
spending on books and supplies
It estimates that students spend
an average of $580 annually on
textbooks, not the almost $900
the GAO analysis concluded.
Hannah Nguyen, a 2004
college graduate who is a coor-
dinator of the national Make
Textbooks Affordable campaign,
says she sold books back to book-
stores when she could, but still
spent $350 or more on books per
This coupon good for
mi extra $5 on your
2nd and 4th donation
Students often offset textbook
costs by reselling what they can
to a bookstore or fellow student,
she says. Some bookstores and
Internet booksellers pay up to
50 percent of the book's original
value if the text is in good shape
and it's in demand for the next
"It's nice when you get the
cash afterward because you forget
how expensive they were in the
first place says David Paladino, a
UCF freshman who sold back sev-
eral books he used in the fall.
But when a new edition of a
textbook is issued, or a professor
changes the edition he or she
is using in class, it's difficult to
sell, or get much money for, the
outmoded editions, students
Textbooks mostly are revised
in three- to four-year cycles,
depending on the publisher. For
Calculus: Early Transcendental,
($126), the update cycle is four
years, says Adam Gaber, a spokes-
man for its publisher, Thomson
Learning. The company spent
almost $1 million updating the
book for its fifth edition, released
in 2004.
Though Thomson made what
Gaber calls "hundreds of improve-
ments in the book about 500
math faculty members signed a
letter in April 2004 questioning
the need for the revision. In its
response, the company told them
that a new edition was justified,
pointing out the book has new,
clearer margin notes; more effec-
tive artwork; new references to
relevant Web sites; and references
to interactive learning tools.
"More than 25 percent of the
problems in the book are new,
and there are five completely
new projects says Gaber, adding
that the text is meant to be used
during three semesters, which
spreads its cost.
Bruce Hildebrand, executive
director of higher education
for the Association of Ameri-
can Publishers, says that after
editorial expenses, author royal-
ties and printing costs are paid,
a publisher makes an average
of 7 percent per book. "They
are increasingly expensive to
produce and the markets are very
small which is especially true
for specialized books used in
advanced coursework, he says.
Publishers are responding
to cost concerns by offering
"custom" books that might, say,
offer the first 10 chapters of a
book. "Students like that because
they only buy what they'll use
he says. Other books are offered
in paperback or two-color ver-
sions instead of four-color hard-
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Page A3 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
WEDNESDAY February 15, 2006
My Random Column
Valentine's Day
So I am single, big deal. I work, go to class
and don't have much extra time in which to
devote to another human being. I shouldn't
let being single on the day of love make me
so crazy, right?
Wrong, I spent hours on the phone helping
a friend work out a flower order, I was up
late making Valentine's Day presents for all
of my friends, cards for my staff and had to
deal with other various drama.
So I left to get my nails done which has
become my release from reality. (I never
thought I would be that kind of girl, but
somehow it started.) When I returned
there was a red rose on my desk. It was
single-handedly the best thing I could have
found laying on my desk ever! The day was
taking a turn at last. With a Finding Nemo
foil Valentine from one of my editors and
a bag of several Twix bars, I decided the
"Love Day" isn't just for those who have
significant others.
Friends, as well as lovers, are all loved
and cherished. My advice is to remember
those female friends who don't get flowers
or chocolates because they don't have
boyfriend. And for the gentlemen, a card
and candy makes them feel special. Even
if you are broke The Dollar Store has plenty
of options for a low-budget holiday. Keep
that in mind for the future.
Everyone wants to feel special and I hope I
made at least a few people a little happier
on the one day everyone wants to be loved.
Until next year rolls around and we are
faced with the drama again, love everyone
and you will be loved back. Give yourself, if
that is all you have to give, but just tell those
around you that they are special.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor In Chief
Rachel King Zack Hill
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Kristin Murnane
Asst Features Editor
Tony Zoppo Sports EditorBrandon Hughes Asst. Sports Editor
Sarah Bell Head Copy EditorApril Barnes Asst. Copy Editor
Herb Sneed Photo EditorRachael Loiter Asst. Photo Editor
Alexander Marclniak Dustln Jones Web Editor Asst. Web Editor
Edward McKIm Production Manager
Seiving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer. "Our View" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and Include a telephone number. Letters may be sent
via e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more Information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
IT doesn't matter if everyone
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Skateboard, BMX riders need a home

A public skate park
could mean big things
for Greenville
A lot of you are probably like
me and find the skateboarders
and bikers that do all kinds
of jumping and flying around
campus slightly annoying. But
instead of complaining about
it or trying to get the campus
police involved (which are actu-
ally things that I've heard have
been done), I wanted to find out
why they were using the campus
as a place to ride and do tricks.
Now I'm not a skateboarder or
a BMX-er myself (so I'm sorry
if I got the terminology wrong
and continue to do so), but my
sense of curiosity was intrigued
by the simple question of why
these guys would be doing this
kind of stuff on such a poten-
tially crowded place as a college
I talked to a few of the skaters
and bike riders about this, and
most Of the time I got the same
answer - they have nowhere else
to go. Actually, that is not quite
true. There is a small skate park
on 10th Street, but all of the guys
I talked to found the price to get
in slightly expensive. There is
another facility downtown that
is open to skaters and bikers,
but the issue of cost is still a
factor. They also wished that the
facilities offered more options
and obstacles for them to jump
off. The truth is they like the
ECU campus for its space and
obstacles, not to mention that
it is free. Many of the skaters
and bikers hate that they get in
the way of people coming and
going through the campus, and
generally don't mean any harm
to anyone. In my opinion, most
of them seem like pretty good
guys, they just get a bad image.
What struck me as odd was
that Greenville is home to many
extreme sports athletes like BMX
stars Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist,
Ryan Guettler, Allan Cooke, Josh
Harrington, Scott Wirch, Trevor
Meyer and Mike Laird. What's
even odder is that Greenville is
known as "Pro-Town, USA" in the
BMX community to which these
athletes belong. I was told by a
few of the skaters and bikers that
at least one of these athletes has
a private training course, which
he sometimes allows local kids to
use. However I couldn't confirm
who that person was, plus I didn't
want to take the chance that I'd
increase the already long line of
people that must be at his front
door asking to use his place.
Many cities have public skate
parks, with the West Coast being
particularly famous for them.
With so many famous athletes
and with Greenville garnering
such a reputation within that
community, I don't understand
why there is no public facility
for this kind of activity. Once
again, 1 don't know much about
the world of extreme sports, but
I would imagine that such a facil-
ity would provide a lot of oppor-
tunities that would benefit the
community and even the school.
First of all, any of the compa-
nies that sponsor extreme sports
or the athletes who participate in
them would have a great oppor-
tunity to promote themselves or
as a public relations maneuver if
they would help to build a public
skate park.
Second, the school could
also benefit from this by
having med-students work and
gain experience at the park,
providing any kind of medical
care that may be needed. Let's
face it, people are going to get
hurt and it would be a good
opportunity for med-students to
gain experience in treating the
kind of injuries skaters and bikers
can sustain. Frankly, I've often
wondered if someone could sue
the school for injuries they could
In My Opinion
(KRT) February marks the
100th anniversary of the publication
of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle the
landmark book that exposed the
horrific conditions of America's
meat-packing industry at the turn
of the last century. The novel was so
shocking that it prompted a govern-
ment investigation and the passage
of the Federal Food and Drug Act.
What is shocking today is how
little conditions have changed. In
2006, just as in 1906, neither farmed
animals nor consumers are protected
from the meat and slaughter industries.
In 1906, Sinclair wrote: "They
had chains which they fastened
about the leg of the nearest hog
(O)ne by one they hooked up
the hogs, and one by one with a
swift stroke they slit their throats.
There was a long line of hogs, with
squeals and lifeblood ebbing away
together; until at last each started
again and vanished with a splash
into a huge vat of boiling water
In her expose of the slaughter
industry, investigative journalist
Gail Eisnitz described routine abuse
of all farmed animal species in
slaughterhouses today. She heard U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
inspectors' eyewitness testimony
that completely conscious pigs are
beaten over the head with lead pipes,
stabbed in order to be bled out and
then dunked into 140 degree water
for hair removal. One slaughterhouse
worker said, "There's no way these
animals can bleed out in the few
minutes it takes to get up the ramp.
By the time they hit the scalding
tank, they're still fully conscious and
squealing. Happens all the time
Sinclair's stomach-churning
discussions of rotting, diseased meat
that's packaged and sold to unsus-
pecting customers isn't just a relic of
a less sanitary era. Today, contami-
nated meat from federally inspected
slaughterhouses is routinely recalled
in million-pound quantities. There
are 75 million cases of food poison-
ing in the United States annually. Five
thousand of them are fatal. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture reports
that 70 percent of foodborne illness is
caused by contaminated animal flesh.
Laws passed to rectify these
problems are as disappointing today
as they were then. Sinclair lamented
that the Food and Drug Act was
weakened, or as he put it, "deprived
of all its sharpest teeth after the
meat industry lobbied government
officials and waged a media cam-
paign to discredit "The Jungle
Chickens, for example, are still
not legally required to be stunned
before slaughter in the U.S. Dr
Mohan Raj, a researcher in the
Department of Clinical Veterinary
Science at the University of Bristol,
in England, has recorded the brain
activity of chickens after various
forms of stunning. He reports that
although chickens killed in the U.S.
do receive an electric shock before
having their throats cut, it is not
enough to make them unconscious.
Using a current sufficiently strong
to produce immediate loss of con-
sciousness would risk damage to the
quality of the meat and since there
is no legal requirement for stunning
the industry won't take that risk.
Instead, each year more than nine
billion birds - or about a million
birds every hour - receive an electric
shock that paralyzes them without
rendering them unconscious. From
the industry's point of view, that is
enough, because it keeps them still, so
that they can have their throats cut.
Laws have failed to protect ani-
mals because today's meat indus-
try wields tremendous power in
Washington. In the last five years
alone, agribusiness funneled more
than $140 million to politicians,
who earned their money by ensur-
ing that laws to protect consumers
and animals didn't pass. How can
the people we count on to regulate
the factory farming industry be
so easily influenced? Perhaps they
act this way because they are often
the very same people who were
employed by the meat industry
before being hired by the govern-
ment. Just two of many examples
are former Secretary of Agriculture
Ann Veneman, who served on the
board of the massive agricorporation
, Calgene, and her chief of staff, Dale
Moore, who worked for the National
Cattlemen's Beef Association.
Eric Schlosser, author of
the best-selling book "Fast Food
Nation writes: "(T)he (USDA)
today offers a fine example of a
government agency that has been
thoroughly captured and corrupted.
As a result, ordinary Americans,
both Republican and Democrat,
are paying the price with their
health and, sometimes, their lives
This, too, is still true today as it
was then: Each animal slaughtered
is an individual. As Sinclair wrote,
"Each one of these hogs was a separate
creature And each of them had an
individuality of his own, a will of his
own, a hope and a heart's desire; each
was full of self-confidence, of self-
importance, and a sense of dignity
A century seems to have made
little difference.
sustain while skating or riding
around the campus.
Third, I think Greenville
could increase its tourism with
the addition of a skate park
by at least some factor of sig-
nificance. I mean other than
the school, what's really bring-
ing people here? If anything, a
public skate park may actually
attract more people to ECU. With
representatives of the sport
actually living in Greenville,
the possibilities of a big event
like the X-games being held in
Greenville seems almost pos-
sible with a public skate park.
Finally, even if a public
skate park caused some of the
local skate park facilities to lose
money, I would think the poten-
tial increase in business would
more than compensate their loss.
Frankly, I don't see why they
couldn't run their businesses out
of the skate park.
The only problem I see with
the building of a public skate
park is finding a place to build it.
The issue of space in Greenville
has always been a problem, not to
mention the conditions of the soil.
Now I'm not an expert on
economics; frankly it makes
jmy head hurt. Also, I'm not all
that familiar with the world of
extreme sports. Yet everything
I've stated here seems feasible,
though I'll admit that in some
cases it does seem a little far
fetched. Greenville may never
be the site of the X-games, but
the fact that the city, the school
and the famous individuals
who live here aren't utilizing
this potential as a benefit seems
almost insane. We've had shows
and events here at ECU featuring
BMX and other extreme sports,
so I just don't see why this appar-
erit fame is not embraced more
by our community. So if you get
the chance, raise support for any-
thing that is close to this issue
as much as you can. If anything,
it will make commuting around
the campus less hazardous.
Why do people think carnations are appropriate
gifts? Carnations are cheap, hideous flowers of
Greek Life? What's the point? So you belong to
a fraternity or sorority. Cool, but what's the big
deal? If you want to join something that makes
you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment then
join the Army.
I get the crap shocked out of me when I touch stuff
and people on campus.
To the person who said Valentine's Day is over-
rated, are you a psychic? Because you read my
mind like a book
When will anyone take crime in Greenville seri-
ously? How many students must become another
crime statistic before anyone cares?
To the guy with the "little situation are these
two girls that you're "crazy about" even interested
in you in the slightest? Maybe you don't have a
"situation" at all.
Our ethics class may be boring at times, but have
the decency not to talk while the professor is talk-
ing. If you're that bored, don't come. He doesn't
take attendance and I don't go to class to hear what
you have to say.
Boys on this campus are wusses. If you like her, ask
her out! Quit making excuses, you're being lame.
You know she'll say yes.
Anyone listen to "The drive s 5" MWF? They play
some awesome music and the hosts are actually
kind of funny seriously!
Who cares if all those people were in fraternities
or sororities? Being in Greek life has no correla-
tion to your professional success. If I were a hiring
manager, you plastic-mold sorority girls would
definitely not get the job.
Valentine's Day is either a reminder for those of
us who don't have a significant other or for those
who do, a day to treat their counterpart super
special, when in reality they should treat them
super special everyday.
I am a white male who is beginning to hate all
races after reading these racists rants lately. White
people get over the fact that "we" don't have our
singled out month because we have 11 other ones,
black and white people "Black History Month"
is just another memory of race being divided and
singled out, things like this is why racism is still
alive today. Like Kanye West said in one of his
lyrics "Make black history everyday, I don't need
a month So quit making these racist comments
and TEC stop printing them and making it
If you happen to be passing out fliers, etc. on
campus and I say "no thanks please do not try
and force me to take one.
If Flemming Rose would just apologies for the
political cartoons that disrespected the world's
second largest religion thus inciting violence, then
everything would be much more easily resolved.
Anyone else have an unforgettable Valentine's
Day when they told their girlfriend they loved her
and she tells them she loves someone else! Now
I am cramming Girl Scout cookies in my mouth
two at a time!
I, a senior in the College of Business, am losing
faith in my professors. I would be more apathetic
if I wasn't getting my MBA here, but most of the
same Ph.Ds will be teaching me in Grad School.
I don't for one second doubt any professor's intel-
ligence but the ability to teach the subject matter
is what comes into question. I feel terrible writing
this, but I feel worse because I feel as if I'm not
getting what I paid for.
To the rant about successful frat boys, take into
consideration that almost all of whom you listed
were in frats 50 or more years ago. Once upon a
time, you needed breeding to get into a good frat,
and they were about more than giving hyperactive
little boys a place to with each other.
My roommate is an obsessive away message
checker get a life. There's probably a group for
you on Facebook.
Please edit some of the articles. I'm not trying to
insult anyone, I just think TEC isn't turning out
the quality it could.
The Subway crew has gotten friendlier!
Myself and other faculty always get a kick out of
rants and letters to the editor you students write.
For the girl who is "extremely disappointed" about
the lack of coverage of Coretta Scott King's death
in TEC, TEC is a school newspaper, and their
first priority is always ECU related news. There
is always going to be major national and world
news happening that there will be no mention
of in TEC. That does not reflect poorly on TEC
editors at all.
OK everyone from all my classes, stop e-mailing
me! If you didn't come to class, what makes you
think that I'm going to tell you what we did?
Lesson for life, you can only completely rely on
Wow, get angry at me and remove me from your
list of friends on Facebook. How mature. Some of
you people really need to grow up and get a life.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant Is an anonymous way for students and staff in the
ECU community to wke their opinions. Submissions can be submitted anonymously
online at, or e-mailed to cdtton&theeastcarolintan.
com. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity.

dent Life
Page A4 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor WEDNESDAY February 15, 2006
Mendenhall Movies:
Walk the Line
Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday at 7 p.m.
Friday at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight
Sunday at 3 p.m.
Everything Is Illuminated
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Thursday at 9:30 p.m.
Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight
Saturday at 9:30 p.m.
Sunday at 7 p.m.
Coming Feb. 21 at 7 p.m Trivial
Pictionary: Movies Edition.
Top 5s:
Top 5 Movies
1 The Pink Panther
2. Final Destination 3
3. Curious George
4 Firewall
5 When a Stranger Calls
Top 5 Pop Albums
1. Barry Manilow
2. Mary J. Blige
3. Andrea Bocelli
4. Jamie Foxx
5. Heather Headley
Top 5 TV Shows
1. "Super Bowl XL"
2. "Grey's Anatomy"
3. "American Idol"
4. "American Idol"
5 "CSI"
Top 5 Books
2. Memory in Death
3. The Da Vinci Code
4. The Last Templar
5. The Hostage
New DVDs on sale this week
1 Saw 2
2. Proof
3 Mirrormask
4. Nine Lives
5 Raise the Fled Lantern
Aries - Continue with the drudgery,
trying not to complain. You'll be able
to get what you need, and even store
something away.
Taurus - If you're flirting on company
time, take care. The boss will not be
amused. Set up a date for later.
Gemini - Clean up your place. Fluff
up the pillows. Romantic conditions
are going from OK to fabulous for the
next couple of days.
Cancer - Surround yourself with love,
that's the most important thing. If you
don't have the human kind, get a
dog or a cat or a bird. Or even a fish
or a plant.
Leo - Doing work you love pays
especially well now. They say the
money follows when you're happy,
and it does.
Virgo - You're charming and you're
lucky now. You're also quite attractive.
Forget past differences and renew a
loving bond.
Libra - Discover hidden treasure,
possibly in your own closets. This
is especially fun because you put it
there yourself.
Scorpio - You can make the
connection you seek, but not all by
yourself This is a good time to get
around by the back way.
Sagittarius - Accept another
assignment. You're getting to be
capable of doing more than before
in less time. This will multiply your
Capricorn - This is a lucky day for
you. Quick action is required to take
full advantage of an opportunity. You
snooze, you lose!
Aquarius - Buy something for your
home to increase your comfort level.
This shouldn't be hard. Just replace
whatevers causing pain.
Pisces - A critic forces you to examine
your premise and check for errors.
This will help you become even more
Fun Facts:
A sneeze can travel as fast as 100
miles per hour.
No one knows where Mozart is buried.
Out of all the senses, smell is most
closely linked to memory.
Formicophilia' is the fetish for having
small insects crawl on your genitals.
Oak trees can live 200 or more years.
Brooks Wood Band
Band members Brooks Wood, Danny Shampine, Miah Wander and Paul Sheeran came together
in the Fall of 2004, after meeting at NC State University. They combined their individual influences
- pulling from rock, jazz, funk, soul and blues - to create a unique sound that is spreading throughout
the Southeast using mostly word of mouth and playing any hole in the wall that they can.
Brooks Wood Band will be playing at Dr. Unit's Oasis, 201 Souih larvis St. on Saturday, Feb. 18
at 10 p.m. This is a 21 and over show and proper ID is required. Welcome this band to Greenville
on Saturday. For more information on the group, visit their Web site
Though she is not pictured, Ms. Belinda is a big part of Subway.
Bucks For Belinda
Students lend a hand to
the Subway Lady
'College Bowl' tournament
The MSC and SRC will be hosting the Association of College Unions International (ACUI)
Region 5 Recreation and College Bowl tournaments on the weekend of Feb. 17-19. Events to be
held will be Bowling, Billiards, Spades and Dance Dance Revolution competitions. There are 300
expected participants from 16 universities attending the event. These participants hail from N.C
S.C Va Ky. and Tenn. Look for more information about the tournament in TEC.

Superbowl weekend was filled
with heartache
and joy while
fans watched the
football teams
battle it out on
the field. While
most Americans
were glued to
their televisions,
that was not
the case for Ms.
Belinda. She is an
employee at the
West End Dining
Hall Subway
and is adored by
many students.
While at Subway
on Superbowl
Sunday, sopho-
more Justin
Smith discov-
ered that Ms.
Belinda's home
burned down
that weekend.
The accidental
fire was cause by
an appliance in
the kitchen.
by the news he
and his friends decided to raise
money in efforts to help their
Subway comrade during desper-
Ms. Belinda Info
Who: Ms. Belinda, employee at the
West End Subway
Justin Smith
Rob LeRlche
Jennifer Larrlmore
Jessica Dunlow
Why: Ms. Belinda's house burned
down due to an accidental fire
causing her to lose most of her
personal belongings.
Four students spearheaded a
fundraiser to encourage students
to help raise money for Ms. Belinda
and her family.
When: House burned down
Superbowl weekend
The fundraiser took place between
Tuesday Feb. 7 - Saturday Feb. 11
The donations and a large card
signed by White Hall residents
was given to Ms. Belinda at 5pm
ate times.
"She lost a majority of her
possessions and the possessions
of her three kids. Fortunately, no
one was hurt said sophomore
Jennifer Larrimore.
Ms. Belinda's eldest son is
in the Navy, her
middle daughter
recently had a
baby and is also
employed at the
campus Subway,
and her young-
est daughter is in
high school.
Ms. Belinda
and her three
children are
staying at a local
hotel. Smith
was told that
Ms. Belinda's
church is spon-
soring the cost of
her accommoda-
TEC: How
did you come
Up with the ini-
tiative of raising
money for Ms.
Smith: She
is apart of our
family. We have
to help her out.
We know a lot
of people, and
have a lot of support in White
see BELINDA page A5
Life of a successful
ECU male cheerleader
During sexual responsibility week last year, two students practice putting condoms on models.
Sexual Responsibility Week
No ordinary week
Billy Atwell and a fellow ECU cheerleader at a football game.
Billy Atwell: Great guy
everyone should know
ECU offers many opportu-
nities for students who want
to explore new activities and
excel as leaders in and out of
the academic arena. Billy Atwell
is a remarkable individual who
represents the pirate enthusiasm
of ECU. Atwell is a political sci-
ence major, fitness trainer at the
Student Recreation Center and
an ECU cheerleader.
TEC: Where are you from?
Atwell: Cary, North Carolina
TEC: What do you do in your
spare time?
Atwell: I like to long board, read
and work out.
TEC: How did you become a
Atwell: A friend of mine was
interested and I went along with
him to the interest meeting. At
first, I had no desire to do it but
the coach was enthusiastic and
everyone was very nice. The
more I watched their practices,
see CHEER page A5
Sexual responsibility is one
of the most important issues on
college campuses, because col-
lege is where most students are
reaching a crossroads in their
life where they have to make
important decisions regarding
sex. Feb. 13-17 there is a campus
as well as national initiative for
students to learn what being sex-
ually responsible means through
Sexual Responsibility Week.
Throughout the week stu-
dents will learn about healthy
relationships, contraception,
sexually transmitted diseases,
sexual assault, pregnancy preven-
tion and much more.
Sexual responsibility week
requires individuals and couples
to think about and clarify their
values, to determine what they
are and are not comfortable with,
to become aware of the conse-
quences and risk involved with
sexual activity, to discuss these
issues with their parents and then
to make informed decisions
said Tywanna Jeffries, assistant
director of Campus Wellness.
This year's theme for sexual
responsibility week is "The Four
Seasons of Love therefore each
day is symbolized by a season
which represents various areas
of sexual responsibility.
Monday, Feb. 13 will
kick off the week with their
theme, "Summer The Healthy
PIRATES will be passing out
information about the events
of the week and warning stu-
dents that it's going to be a
"hot week" throughout the day.
There will be an education
table set up in Wright Plaza
from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Tues-
day, Feb. 14. This day holds
the theme of "Fall" and the
slogan, "Don't Fall for Any-
thing and fosters learning about
abstinence as well as safe sex.
Wednesday, Feb. 15 from
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. there will be a
"Spring Fling" in Wright Plaza. An
education table will be set up with
various games that students can
play in order to test their knowl-
edge of sexual responsibility.
"Love isn't supposed to be
cold is the theme for Thursday,
Feb. 16. There will be an education
see SEX page A5


DBllndd from page A4
Hall. We have received over
$500 from residents in White
within five days. We put flyers
outside of every single door, and
on the walls near the elevators
and stairs.
Sophomore Rob LeRiche
added, "Someone as kind and
purely genuine as Ms. Belinda
deserves no less than all we can
give, and in this time of need,
we're coming through strong
Jessica Dunlow, Jennifer Lar-
rimore, Rob LeRiche and Justin
Smith camped in front of White
Hall for 12 hours between 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m. on Feb. 9 and 10.
They had a large bucket and a
poster requesting the residents
for extra change to donate to
Ms. Belinda.
This group of good-hearted
Samaritans also had a representa-
tive, Lambert Guinn, speak at the
White Hall R. A. staff meeting on
Monday, Feb. 6. Smith also spoke
at the White Hall government
meeting to have the members
become aware of their charitable
cause and relay the informa-
tion to their respective floors.
The donations were pre-
sented to Ms. Belinda Sat-
urday at 5 p.m. with a card
signed by White Hall residents.
The good deed that these stu-
dents did here at ECU proves that
ECU is a community of estimable
people who care very much for
one and other. Larrimore perhaps
best expressed the sentiment,
stating "Do to others as you
would have them do to you
This writer can be contacted at
ChGBr from page A4
I realized what the role of a guy
cheerleader is and it seemed
strength orientated. I have always
been interested in athletics and
thought that this could be a very
good experience for me.
TEC: Have you ever played any
At well: In high school, I was
the captain of both the football
team and wrestling team. I was
the linebacker and tight end for
football. I am a black belt in Jiu
My dad and I started a Jiu Jitsu
club at my high
S6X from page A4
Sexual responsibility week provides useful information for students.
table set up in Wright Plaza from
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in order for stu-
dents to learn more about sexual
assault awareness and education.
The finale for the week will be
"Family Feud: Battle of the Sexes"
at 7 p.m. on Thursday in Wright
Auditorium. In true family feud
fashion, ECU students were sur-
veyed on their thoughts about
sexual responsibility. Students
will be competing in teams of
men versus women to see who
knows their stuff when it comes
to sexual responsibility.
"We really want students
to know that there's more to
sexual responsibility than safe
sex. Fostering good relation-
ships is an optimal goal. It starts
with yourself and your values
and being able to communi-
cate to the people around you
as we as the people you love
said Jeffries about the goal of
Sexual Responsibility Week.
This event is sponsored by the
ECU Healthy PIRATES, Health and
Nutrition Education, ECU Student
Health Services, Campus Well-
ness and Recreational Services.
This writer can be contacted at
school. My dad
became the
main instruc-
tor and I was
the assistant
TEC: How do
you feel about
being a male
At well: I love
the stunts
we do. It is a
change going
from aggres-
sive, high
impact sports
to this but it
is the same
work ethic and
2 TEC: Do people treat you any
differently when they find out
you are a Cheerleader?
At well: I thought that people
would look at me differently
3 but I have received all positive
feedback. People are interested in
why I do it and ask me questions
about cheerleading.
TEC: How does your family feel
about you being a male cheer-
At well: At first, they were per-
plexed but they would have been
just as confused if I told them 1
was trying out for the basketball
team. It is something new that
I have never done before so of
course people are going to be
caught off guard.
TEC: Is it a different feeling being
a cheerleader and not a football
player at the games?
At well: It is a different feeling at
pregame not running out with a
helmet on. As a cheerleader, we
More info
are out there on the field repre-
senting the team and the crowd.
We are a sort of ambassador.
When the team needs support,
we are there to help them and it
is a wonderful feeling.
TEC: How do the girls treat the
guys on the squad?
Atwell: The other members
accept us and we have all become
good friends. The girls have to
put a lot of trust into the guys
because we are below them ready
to catch them or keep them steady
on top. We do not want to let
them down
Feb. 4
was Atwell's
last game for
the semester
because he
was rediag-
nosed with
cancer. When
he was 16, he
was diagnosed
with cancer,
endured major
doses of che-
motherapy and
had a major
to remove it,
which caused
Atwell to repeat
his senior year
of high school.
Over the next six months,
he remained on a strict diet
and a heavy weight lifting pro-
gram to regain his strength. He
returned in the fall to continue
football and finish high school.
One year later, he had intestinal
surgery to remove additional
cancerous growths.
He was recently diagnosed
with a reoccurrence of cancer on
his upper hip causing him to leave
this semester for a proper recovery.
He is expecting a full recov-
ery and will return as a cheer-
leader on the summer squad.
Billy Atwell is a multi
dimensional person who
contributes to the ECU spirit.
His drive to better himself as a
person and a leader would surely
have PeeDee doing pushups.
This writer can be contacted at
Who: Billy Atwell
What: ECU Cheerleader
He Is the renaissance man of ECU.
He skateboards to class, works
at the Rec as a fitness trainer
and Is an athlete. Atwell moved
out of White Hall Tuesday, Feb.
7 for medical reasons. He has a
reoccurrence of cancer, which will
prevent him from going to class for
six weeks because of surgery and
the recovery after.
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Page A6 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
WEDNESDAY February 15, 2006
forino sooe
U.S. Men's Olympic Hockey
a mixture of young, old
2006 United States Olympic Men's Ice Hockey Team
NameHt (cm)Wt(kg)BirthdatescBirthplace2005-06 NHL Team
Rick DiPietro5-11 (180)185(84)91981RWinthrop, Mass.New York Islanders
Robert Esche6-1 (185)210 (95)12278LUtica, N.Y.Philadelphia Flyers
John Grahame6-2 (188)210 (95)83175LDenver, Colo.Tampa Bay Lightning
Chris Chelios A&6-1 (185)190(86)12562RChicago, 111.Detroit Red Wings
Derian Hatcher A6-5 (196)235(107)6472LSterling Heights, Mich.Philadelphia Flyers
Jordan Leopold6-1 (185)205(93)8380LGolden Valley, Minn.Calgary Flames
John-Michael Liles5-10(178)185(84)112580LZionsville, Ind.Colorado Avalanche
Bret Hedican6-2 (188)205(93)81070LSt. Paul, Min. Dearborn, Mich.Carolina Hurricanes
Brian Rafalski 5-9(175)190 (86)92873RNew Jersey Devils
Mathieu Schneider A5-11 (180)187(85)61269LNew York, N.Y.Detroit Red Wings
Jason Blake5-10(178)180 (82)9273LMoorhead, Minn.New York Islanders
Erik Cole6-2 (188)200 (91)11678LOswego, N.Y.Carolina Hurricanes
Craig Conroy6-2 (188)200 (91)9471RPotsdam, N.Y.Los Angeles Kings
Chris Drury 5-10(178)180 (82)82076RTrumbull, Conn.Buffalo Sabres
Brian Gionta5-7(170)175 (79)11879RRochester, N.Y.New Jersey Devils
Scott Gomez5-11 (180)200 (91)122379LAnchorage, AlaskaNew Jersey Devils
Bill Guerin A6-2 (188)210(95)11970RWilbraham, Mass.Dallas Stars
Mike Knuble6-3 (191)228 (103)7472RToronto, Ont.Philadelphia Flyers
Mike Modano A6-3 (191)205 (93)6770LLivonia, Mich.Dallas Stars
Mark Parrish6-0 (183)200 (91)2277RMinneapolis, Minn.New York Islanders
Brian Rolston 6-2 (188)210 (95)22173LFlint, Mich.Minnesota Wild
Keith Tkachuk A6-2 (188)225 (102)32872LMelrose, Mass.St. Louis Blues
Doug Weight A5-11 (180)200 (91)12171LWarren, Mich.St. Louis Blues
'2002 Olympic Team Member
&1984 Olympic Team Member
Twelve fresh faces join
eight veterans from 2002
Olympic hockey teams are
interesting groups, to say the least.
Essentially, they are all-star teams
consisting of the most dominant
players led by their nation's most
successful coach. To a lot of these
guys, the Winter Olympics are
nothing new; they've been lacing
up for matches since Lillehammer
in 1994, some a decade earlier.
And almost every man on each
roster plays in the world's league
par excellence, the NHL. But most
importantly, these guys have an
uncanny chemistry as a result of
playing together for many years.
However, in the case of the
United States, the amount of
Olympic experience is primar-
ily concentrated on the 'none'
side. Like the sub-headline says,
12 members of this year's team
have never stepped foot on
Olympic-ice. This isn't surpris-
ing, though, since eight of those
12 players are under 30.
Out of the remaining 13men
on the roster who have Olympic
experience, only forward Chris
Drury is under 30. In fact, the
average age of the team is a ripe
31 years of age. One could say
this team is largely made up of
proficient, hardened vets.
Two of these guys are NHL-
stars Keith Tkachuk and Chris
Chelios, both of whom played
on the 2002 and 1998 Olympic
teams. Chelios, also a member
of the 1984 team, is actually
10 years Tkachuk's senior; he
turned 44 a couple weeks ago.
"Chris is a guy everybody
looks up to because of his per-
"1998 Olympic Team Member 01994 Olympic Team Member 1992 Olympic Team Member
sonality and the way he loves the
game said forward Doug Weight,
Olympic teammate of Chelios
for the past two winter games.
"He has earned so much
respect because he's won Stanley
Cups, and he's played at such a
high level forever because of the
way he takes care of himself
Tkachuk is the closest thing
the United States has to a big-time
threat, both physically and offen-
sively. When he's been healthy in
St. Louis, he's usually been the
best player on the ice. And he'll
have lots of opportunities to carry
this behavior over to Torino.
But it's not necessarily the
perennial all-stars who
have to step up to
the challenge
of interna
tional com-
petition. The
team as a whole,
especially the
younger players, needs to make
up for the their lack of a super-
star like Sweden's Peter Fors-
berg or Canada's Joe Sakic.
Guys like the speedy scorer
Brian Gionta and Carolina's-
own, Erik Cole, are going to be
looked upon to give the U.S.
goal support as defenders like
the skillful John-Michael Liles,
Derian Hatcher, the team's largest
player (6-feet-5-inches and 235-
pounds), and, of course, Chris
Chelios look to keep talented
international scorers at bay.
"I think the biggest area of
concern is the defensive zone
the ice surface in international
play is larger). There's just so
much more room said forward
Bill Guerin in a quote to the
Associated Press.
"We have to be at the top of
our game. In the NHL, the ice
is smaller and you can come up
and make the big hit without
getting burned. There's a lot
more area to get burned
Nonetheless, the U.S. team
will need to get a world-class
effort out of their goalkeepers
if they look to take home any
type of medal. The de facto
starter, Rick DiPietro, has the
most international experience
out of the three netminders on
the roster, but he, along with his
partners Robert Esche and John
Grahame, have no Olympic
experience to date.
The United States will face
a few decent teams (Slovakia
and Kazakhstan) to
start off their 2006
tour and neither
should be taken
lightly. Both
boast high-cali-
ber athletes that will
not yield in the face
of big-name American play-
ers. The United States' final
two games are against Sweden
and Russia, teams that surely
will be contending for medals
and posing a legitimate threat
to any team in contention.
Headed by Carolina Hurri-
canes Head Coach Peter Lavio-
lette, U.S. players will en)oy his
vast international experience,
having coached both the 2005
and 2004 World Champion-
ships, winning bronze in 2004.
Laviolette was also an assistant
coach with the 2004 World Cup
of Hockey team and is a two-
time Olympian.
Speaking of Carolina, Lavio-
lette will continue to coach
Hurricanes players Erik Cole,
Doug Weight and Bret Hedican.
In total, the Hurricanes sent
seven players to Torino, including
goaltender Martin Gerber, who
will be between the pipes for his
native Switzerland, while defen-
seman Frantisek Kaberle will
represent the Czech Republic.
Carolina center Eric Staal,
who leads the Hurricanes with
71 points, was named to the taxi
squad for Team Canada, while
Matt Cullen, still recovering
from a fractured jaw he suffered
Jan. 26, was named to the U.S.
taxi squad (taxi squads, by the
way, consist of four extra players
on the roster who are prepared to
join the team on short notice in
case of injury).
U.S. players remain opti-
mistic in their chances to score
medals, but they recognize the
competition ahead of them.
"We're definitely going to
have our hands full said Guerin.
"But I definitely can say that
there won't be a bad line mate
on the team. Weil try to make
it work. We're looking forward
to some good games
The United States' team
will play their first match of
the winter games on Wednes-
day as they square off against
Latvia. They follow that up
with a match against Kazakh-
stan on Thursday. Both games
can be seen on USA at 3 p.m.
As mentioned earlier, the
U.S. team will also be taking
on Sweden (Saturday, 5 p.m.)
and Russia (Sunday, 8:30 p.m.).
Both games can be seen on NBC
on their respective dates. Teams
gain entry in to the quarterfi-
nals by placing in the top-four
of their six-country group.
All quotes Courtesy AP
This writer can be contacted at
Nervous Canada
worried Gretzky's
troubles will spill
over to Olympics
Wayne Gretzky, executive director of Canada's Olympic men's ice
hockey team, looks on during practice at the 2006 Winter Olympics
Tuesday, Feb. 16.
(AP) Wayne Gretzky
arrived Tuesday at the Olympics,
and a nervous Canada wonders
if he's bringing the formula for
another hockey gold medal or a
whole mess of trouble.
No matter what Team Canada
does starting today, questions will
accompany Gretzky throughout
the games about what he knows,
if anything, about a gambling
ring allegedly fronted by his top
assistant coach with the NHL's
Coyotes and supposedly patron-
ized by Gretzky's wife.
Yes, actress Janet Jones is
accompanying her husband
to Turin as the Coyotes' coach
reprises his 2002 role as gold
medal-winning Team Canada's
executive director. But how much
excess baggage are they packing
with them, and will it weigh
down a team that is favored to
follow up the gold won by that
Gretzky-assembled team four
years ago?
Unlike those Salt Lake City
Olympics when Gretzky tried
relieving the heavy pressure on
a team that was slumping early
in the games by charging, "the
whole world wants us to lose
this distraction wasn't intention-
ally perpetrated.
Gretzky has said he didn't bet
with the gambling ring and knew
nothing about it, even though his
best friend allegedly ran it and his
wife is linked to it. But Gretzky
has said little else, and no doubt
wishes to keep it that way during
the Olympics.
"The bottom line is I didn't
do it said Gretzky.
Still, the very mention of
Gretzky's name has caused an
appreciable stir in a sport where
his reputation and conduct have
been beyond reproach. And
it certainly hasn't been a wel-
comed mention especially not
in Canada, where hopes are
high that this is the best team
the country has fielded in its
national sport.
"There's always that pressure
that we're expected to win
said Joe Sakic, who has replaced
the retired Mario Lemieux as
Canada's captain.
That's certainly true going
into the third Olympics with
rosters dominated by NHL play-
ers. If Canada wins, it will merely
meet expectations after all, this
is a team good enough to have
Jason Spezza and Eric Staal on its
taxi squad.
If Canada somehow loses and
the Czech Republic, Sweden, the
United States and Russia all have
challenging teams it may long
be asked whether Gretzky should
have stayed home, as unthink-
able as that might seem.
Even before NHL players
began trickling in Monday, hours
after the final games before the
Olympic break were played, there
was speculation about whether
Canada had sufficient scoring
talent, motivation and the right
makeup to win another gold.
Gretzky and coach Pat Quinn,
also back from 2002, stayed
mostly with the tried-and-true
(Ryan Smyth, Shane Doan, Kris
Draper) rather than the new
(Staal, Spezza, Sidney Crosby).
Todd Bertuzzi was included, too,
an unpopular choice among
some Canadians following his
2004 on-ice pummeling of Col-
orado's Steve Moore. And top
defensemen Scott Niedermayer
and Ed Jovanovski are injured
and out.
The Czechs, with a New
York Rangers-heavy roster led
by 1998 Olympic gold-medal
stars Jaromir Jagr and Dominik
Hasek, and the Russians, led by
Ilya Kovalchuk and Alexander
Ovechkin, have enough scor-
ers to give any team problems.
So does Sweden, though it may
be fighting the memory of that
dreadful 2002 quarterfinal loss
to Belarus, which didn't qualify
this time.
Slovakia may have as many
top forwards as the United
States but is a mystery after not
reaching the round of eight in
2002, when it was out of the
tournament before some of its
NHL players made it to Salt Lake
The format has since changed,
and all 12 teams open play at the
same time. Two six-team pools go
through round robin play before
being paired by two teams each
for the quarterfinals.
The United States' biggest
concern might be too many
returning players from its silver
medal-winning team in 2002 for
example, its captain is 44-year-
old Chris Chelios, who played in
the 1984 Olympics.
The goaltending looks
worrisome, too, though Rick
DiPietro can get hot. And the
Americans haven't won a medal
under any coach except for the
late Herb Brooks (gold, 1980;
silver, 2002) since 1960; Peter
Laviolette of the Carolina Hur-
ricanes tries this time.
"The type of competition
see GRETZKY page A7

ECU undefeated in
weekend action
Sutton on medical leave
Harrell, Quick receive
C-USA honors
The ECU Softball team kicked
off their season on the road at the
FAU Invitational Tournament
last Friday against Bethune-
Cookman in their first of five
games of the weekend. The game
was an early test for the Lady
Pirates, as Bethune-Cookman
was ranked nationally last season
and was looking to continue
their success this year.
The game was a pitcher's
duel, as there remained no score
through the first six innings.
In the seventh and final inning
ECU was finally able to get
something going offensively as
senior Krista Jessup led off with
a double. Following the hit ECU
was able to reach base seven more
times, scoring seven runs in
the process. Bethune-Cookman
remained scoreless in the bottom
of the inning and ECU shutout
the Lady Wildcats 7-0.
Junior Keli Harrell earned
her first win of the season as
she allowed only three hits and
struck eight in ECU's victory. The
win marked the third consecu-
tive season, which Harrell won
her first outing.
Freshman pitcher Brooke
Swann made her debut for ECU
in their second game of the day,
this time against Florida Atlantic.
The game also remained score-
less until the fifth inning when
senior Ashley Quick was able to
single home sophomore Beth
Nolan to give ECU the only score
in the 1-0 shutout. Swann only
gave up two hits and struck out
seven in her debut win.
On the second day of play
ECU was able to keep up their
winning ways when they faced
Purdue and Pittsburgh. With a
combined score of 11-3 through-
out both games, the Lady Pirates
were able to make quick work of
both opponents.
In the last game of the week-
end, ECU squared off against
South Carolina in the tourna-
ment championship game. The
Lady Gamecocks jumped out to
an early lead in the first when
McKenna Hughes hit a single
shot over the fence. ECU was
able to respond in the bottom of
the fourth inning when fresh-
man Jessica Johnson's RBI-single
brought home pinch runner
Brently Bridgeforth. With the
score knotted up at one in the
last inning of the game Nolan hit
a walk-off homerun to give ECU
the win and keep the Lady Pirates
undefeated this season at 5-0.
Harrell was named tour-
nament MVP for her efforts
throughout the weekend. She
allowed only one run on six hits
and recorded six strikeouts in the
championship game.
Harrell, along with teammate
Quick, also earned Conference
USA honors for their performance
last weekend. Quick batted .455
with five RBI through the tour-
nament including key hits in the
games against FAU and Purdue.
Harrell went 3-0 during the
weekend with 21 strikeouts in
the same amount of innings. The
junior also surpassed the 500-
career strikeout mark, becoming
only the ninth player in C-USA
history to do so.
This weekend the Lady
Pirates will be making their
home debut as they host the
Holiday Inn Express Pirate Clas-
sic. Play begins this Friday at 9
a.m. as the team faces Army and
then Seton Hall at 11 a.m.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeas tcarolinian. com.
Oklahoma State coach
cited for DUI
(KRT) Oklahoma State
coach Eddie Sutton cited health
concerns Monday as the reason
he chose to leave the men's
basketball team for the rest of
the season, university president
David Schmidly said.
But more details have
emerged about an automobile
accident in which Sutton was
involved in Friday that cast
doubt on whether the legendary
69-year-old, who ranks fifth all-
time with 794 Division I victo-
ries, will return next season.
Stillwater police cited Sutton
with driving under the influence
after he smashed into a tree and
suffered facial cuts and bruises.
One witness told police there
was a bottle of hydrocodone, a
prescription pain reliever, in Sut-
ton's car. The coach has had back
and neck problems for years.
Neither Stillwater police nor
OSU officials would indicate
whether it was medication or
alcohol that caused Sutton to be
impaired. The coach has admit-
ted having an alcohol problem
in the past, and he entered the
Betty Ford Center in 1987.
"Coach Sutton asked for a
medical leave, and I gave it to
him Schmidly said after giving
the team a pep talk before Okla-
homa State's 64-49 loss to No. 22
Kansas at Stillwater on Monday.
"When the dust settles on this,
we'll deal with it appropriately.
But it's just not appropriate for me
to talk about his medical condi-
tion. I just want him to get well
"He's a great guy who's had a
hell of a record
According to a police report,
Sutton pulled his Dodge Durango
left of the centerline, corrected
and then rammed another car
from behind at approximately 60
mph. Then he swerved left of the
road, hit a utility box and pulled
back across all four lanes of traf-
fic before finally stopping.
The report states witnesses
at OSU's Gallagher-Iba Arena
saw Sutton fall in the parking lot
around 5:30 p.m. Friday and strike
his head on the ground. Sutton
refused medical treatment at the
scene and got into his vehicle.
OSU officials said Sutton was
on his way to the Stillwater air-
port to catch a flight to College
Station, Texas, where OSU played
Texas A&M on Saturday.
Witnesses at the crash scene
told police that Sutton had "a
fruity odor to (his) breath" and
that he sometimes made loud,
angry remarks toward questions.
Sutton was transported to a
hospital, where blood was taken,
as required by Oklahoma state
law on accidents involving inju-
ries. An Oklahoma City crime lab
is expected to run a toxicology
report and examine other evi-
dence, Stillwater police deputy
chief Ronald Thrasher said.
Payne County district attor-
ney Robert Hudson issued a state-
ment Monday saying he could
not determine what charges
should be filed until the blood
tests return. Thrasher said that
could take several weeks.
"We're pretty much in a
holding pattern right now said
Oklahoma State issued a
release saying Sutton's decision
is based solely on his health
This wrecked SUV shown Saturday, Feb. 11, 2006, in Stillwater,
Okla belongs to Oklahoma State basketball coach Eddie Sutton
who was cited with driving under the influence.
condition. The statement did not
address the DUI citation.
"He's got some fairly seri-
ous injuries said Mike Holder,
OSU vice president for athletics.
"Heneedstoget healthy. That's
what we said in the press release
In the statement, Sutton
said: "With my deteriorating
physical condition and other
issues, I have been under a tre-
mendous amount of stress . .
After Friday's events, I know
it's best to go on medical leave
the remainder of the season
to address my future health
Sutton's son, Sean, the team's
head coach designate, will take
over for the rest of the season. He
is expected to get the job full-time
whenever his father steps down.
Eddie Sutton's contract pays
him $916,325 this season, and
there is one year remaining on
his current deal. Hecould become
the fifth men's coach in Division
I history to win 800 games.
Schmidly said he hopes
Sutton chooses to return. Uni-
versity spokesman Gary Shutt
said the school is waiting to
see what authorities determine
before making any decisions.
"We'll let them do their work
and see where that takes us
said Shutt.
Reebok's walk on wild side draws youngsters, critics
GretZky from pageA6
we've seen the last couple of
Olympics really keeps you
intrigued and keeps you wanting
to come back for more said 35-
year-old Mike Modano, another
of the oldster Americans.
Canada and the United States
have easy openers Wednesday,
the Canadians against Italy and
its NHL-free roster and the U.S.
against Latvia. The following
day, when Russia plays Sweden,
the Americans meet Kazakhstan
and Canada plays Germany.
Oh, yeah, they're one other
money issue for Gretzky in Turin.
Remember that Canadian
gold coin, the loonie, secretly
buried at mid-ice for good luck
by Salt Lake City's Canada-based
icemaker? There is no such coin
beneath this Italian ice.
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Dennis Baldwin, chief marketing officer for Reebok International Ltd stands in front of a Reebok shoe display in Canton, Mass.
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(AP) The images that sell
Reebok sneakers these days are
One ad depicts the devil.
Another has fingerprints on
what appears to be a police
booking form, as rapper 50 Cent
advises buyers to "take advantage
of today because tomorrow is not
A controversial television ad
last year had SO Cent, a former
drug dealer who has rapped about
being shot nine times, counting
aloud the bullets that were fired
at him. The rapper laughs and
then looks into the camera as
a voiceover asks, "Who do you
plan to massacre next?" The ad
was withdrawn in Great Britain.
Reebok's "I am what I am"
campaign is a significant shift for
the sneaker brand that first gained
traction pitching subtly styled,
lightweight shoes to American
women who embraced the aero-
bics phenomenon of the 1980s.
These days, however, there's
more money in selling to teenage
males a reality not lost upon
Adidas-Salomon AG, which
completed a S3.8 billion buyout
of Reebok International Ltd. Jan.
31 and plans to keep the Reebok
brand name alive. Reebok's prof-
its rose more than 20 percent in
both 2003 and 2004, and were
up 37 percent through the first
nine months of last year.
Adidas must now decide
whether to stick with a market-
ing campaign that has yielded
short-term sales gains among
younger consumers. But the
campaign is angering activists
although it has spurred no boy-
cotts and industry analysts say
it also risks alienating customers
who prize sneaker performance
over fashion.
"Promotion and marketing
footwear, or any clothing, is
not, and must not be a mon-
eymaking tool referencing gun
violence, drugs or gangs said
Liz Bishop-Goldsmith, president
of Rosedale, N.Ybased Mothers
Against Guns.
Reebok, which has also fea-
tured rapper Jay-Z, has gone fur-
ther than market leader Nike Inc.
and other rivals in embracing
hip-hop culture and youth-ori-
ented entertainment alongside
As the aerobics craze cooled,
the brand expanded into basket-
ball, football and other sports
and signed endorsers like edgy
basketball star Allen Iverson.
Reebok's hip-hop foray began
in 2002 with the street-inspired
"RbK" line, and in November
the company announced it
would begin producing Reebok-
branded TV programs for a new
Comcast Corp. on-demand hip-
hop channel.
Reebok's chief marketing offi-
cer, Dennis Baldwin, said market
research conducted after a late
1990s sales downturn revealed
Reebok needed to retrench in
response to a changing youth
"They weren't distinguishing
between athletes and entertain-
ers, and other things that were
influencing youth culture Bald-
win said in an interview at Ree-
bok's headquarters in Canton, 20
miles south of Boston. "So when
we looked at the market, we said,
'Yeah, Allen Iverson is incredibly
influential, but so is Jay-Z
Reebok's "I am what I am" ads
celebrate individual empower-
ment and overcoming adversity,
Baldwin said. Alongside the bad-
boy ads are some softer spots,
including ads with actresses Lucy
Liu and Christina Ricci.
Other Reebok endorsers have
less-than-squeaky-clean pasts
that might scare away other
companies. 50 Cent, whose real
name is Curtis Jackson, and Jay-
Z have made no secret of their
drug-dealing pasts or difficult
upbringings. Jay-Z used his real
name, Shawn Carter, for a sig-
nature line of Reeboks known as
"The S. Carter Collection which
preceded 50 Cent's "G-Unit" line.
One of Reebok's newest
endorsers is New York Yankees
slugger Jason Giambi, who's been
mentioned in court records as
a client of a lab at the center of
baseball's steroid scandal. Iverson
a 10-year Reebok endorser with a
current ad featuring an image of
the devil has a record including
arrests and convictions.
The Congress of Racial Racial
Equality, a civil rights group, says
Reebok promotes negative mes-
sages about black men.
"50 Cent was a drug dealer
and proud of it CORE spokes-
man Niger Innis said. "The fact
that corporations are going to
reward that kind of behavior is
an outrage
While there are risks in taking
on such endorsers, consumers no
longer demand squeaky-clean
reputations, said John Quelch, a
Harvard Business School profes-
sor who served 12 years on Ree-
bok's board beginning in 1985.
"The broader public is used
to this these days, and does
not generally punish the brand
for associating with a few such
celebrities Quelch said.
Analysts credit Reebok's mar-
keting shift for boosting the
former No. 2 U.S. sneaker and ath-
letics apparel maker's prospects
against Nike a competition that
could become more heated now
that Reebok is paired with Adidas.
Marketing has helped Reebok
get some recognition among
teenage male customers, a sector
of the athletic footwear industry
that Nike has really dominated,
said John Shanley of Susque-
hanna Financial Group.
"They really have tried to
have a very different product,
and they had to do that simply
because Nike is such a huge force
In the marketplace Shanley
said. Nike had 36 percent of the
U.S. athletic footwear market
to Reebok's 12 percent in 2004,
the most recent figures available,
according to Sporting Goods
Some observers warn Ree-
bok's shift toward a younger
and more fashion-conscious
demographic could alienate
athletically inclined customers
who value performance, Nike's
traditional strength.
"You risk losing or dimin-
ishing control of your brand
meaning, because these are non-
sports celebrities said Andrew
Rohm, an ex-Reebok marketing
employee and now an assistant
business professor at Northeast-
ern University.
Adidas will announce detailed
plans in April to "sharpen the
brand identities of both brands
based on sports performance
and lifestyle said spokeswoman
Anne Putz.
Whatever Adidas decides,
it will face pressure to target a
youth market with increasingly
greater buying power.
"The folks that are captur-
ing this group's attention right
now are the Jay-Zs and the 50
Cents said Jim Andrews, a vice
president at marketing research
firm IEG Inc. "It would be fool-
ish for Reebok or any marketer to
ignore that

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n of
1 Labyrinths
6 Has-
10 Ear cleaner
14 Representative
15 Church part
16 Actor Nicolas
17 Billiards stroke
18 Abridgment of
20 Mary or John
21 Speller's test
22 Unexpected
23 Bordeaux
25 Dreaded fly
26 Cassowary
28 Poetic
29 Sizzling
30 Highlands
32 Dumbfounded
38 "Dallas"
40 Actor Holbrook
41 Break off
42 Some places of
45 Actress Magnani
46 General Arnold
47 " Gang"
49 Lair
50 Charged particle
54 Chirps
56 Embankment
58 Not in any way
61 Profusion
63 Exchange
64 Noel
65 Speaker's
66 Made a request
67 Proofer's save
68 out
69 Loamy deposit
Cass Elliot,
Turkish leaders
With gusto
David of CNN
Music player
424344 1
20C All rigl.lnl hts reune rV serveedia d.Services, Inc.21506
6 Old-fashioned
7 Fencers'foils
8 Latin being
9 Seine, e.g.
10 Land's end?
11 Middle section
12 Ms. deMille
13 Midler or Davis
19 Rural
24 Actor Stephen
25 Heavy weight
26 Supplemented,
the hard way
27 Uris novel
29 Lack of
31 Seventh tones
33 Eastern way
34 Salton or
35 Deal clincher
36 Feudal serf
37 College bigwig
39 Reverberated
43 Solo in "Star
M0H0NNV 13A31
m '0!3Yl3
1N1VU 1S3d3sSVn
44 Take to court
48 Temporary car
50 Broadway
51 Disprove
52 Botanic structure
53 Principle of faith
54 Unspoken
55 Fragmentary
57 Ginger treat
59 Pindar works
60 Ties the knot
62 Brouhaha

The East Carolinian, February 15, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 15, 2006
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