The East Carolinian, February 2, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Volume 81 Number 47
February 2, 2006
Mayhem Poets perform poetry
Last night at Pirate Underground in Mendenhall Student Center, the Mayhem Poets exhibited both poetic skill and dynamic theatrics as they performed for their audience. The
Poets - Scott Tarazezits, Kyle Sutton and Mason Grange - specialize in slam poetry and perform for schools and universities. Their goal is to inspire everyone to be creative
and write and perform their art. The information appearing here came from, where students can go to learn more about this group of artists, including their
upcoming performance dates.
not far
Lottery contract goes to
The highly anticipated start
of the first North Carolina lottery
is going to arrive sooner than
expected, with the first scratch-
off tickets set to go on sale in
March and the lotto-style tickets
set for release May 30.
The announcement comes
after the state lottery commission
chose GTECH Holdings Corp. to
run the games. GTECH was in a
heated competition with Scien-
tific Games Corp a company
that has come under investiga-
tion for possibly breaking state
lobbying laws last year.
The investigation has already
forced the resignation in Novem-
ber of lottery commissioner
Kevin Geddings. Geddings had
failed to previously disclose that
he had worked for Scientific
Games during the time the lot-
tery debate was taking place in
the state legislature.
House Speaker Jim Black,
D-Mecklenburg, has also come
under scrutiny as a result of the
see GAME page A2
ECU VOICE speaks out about violence
Ashley Wrenn shares her view on
domestic violence issues.
Addressing abuse, rape
and other 'hot' topics
ECU VOICE held an open
mic benefit Tuesday, Jan. 31
at Mudslinger's downtown to
spread awareness of the domestic
violence issue in Pitt County.
Donations were accepted and
went to the anti-violence cam-
paign, V-Day 2006. The benefit is
a prelude to the much-anticipated
Vagina Monologues coming Feb.
The coffee shop was a com-
fortable place to sit and listen
to the 10 volunteer readers who
participated in speaking on rape,
sexual abuse and spousal abuse.
Anyone who signed up could
express themselves freely on the
"speak up and stop the violence"
Host Lorian Long, who is also
the president of VOICE and pro-
ducing the Vagina Monologues,
began the presentation with some
Latwon Johnson (left) and Andrew Canty (right) in police mug shots.
ECU student
charged with
murder in Raleigh
Students were encouraged to attend The Vagina Monologues in Wright Auditorium Feb. 10 -12.
frightening statistics including
"three women are murdered by
their husband or boyfriend every
day and "one out of 16 accused
rapists will spend time in jail,
while 15 walk free
Most of the participants read
poems that had very dark and
serious messages expressing
personal feelings on the sensi-
tive topic. Speaker and audience
member Ashley Wrenn said,
"It is important for anyone to
come to events like this that
promote awareness because vio-
lence (against women) is not
recognized enough
Another speaker and poet,
Bridget Todd, said, "People think
this is such a far away issue and
don't recognize that it could be
happening to their neighbor or in
their own dorm. Listening to the
people speaking from experience
can really give violence a face
The violence awareness pre-
sentation at Mudslinger's was
partially sponsored by the Family
Violence Program of Pitt County
and was helped by the student
director of the Vagina Mono-
logues, Nikki Crews. Tickets for
the upcoming Vagina Mono-
logues will be available outside
Wright Place this week and next
week or at
The evening also fea-
tured a closing performance
with a powerful song by the
band Someone's Sister, who has
traveled the country promot-
ing the knowledge of domestic
violence with lyrics inspired
by local headlining news
articles. The artists in the band
are Georgia Winfree and Kath-
erine Jones. They can also be
heard on their Web site, some-
Long said during her conclu-
sion, "Come to the Vagina Mono-
logues Feb. 10,11 or 12 and bring
all of your friends
1, too, would encourage you
all to go. You could find yourself
a better man or walk out feeling
like a true woman.
This writer can be contacted at
Wife of Berkley conspired
with teens for death of a
Navy Reservist
Ploy for peace gets famous activist jailed
Sheehan arrested for
unlawful conduct
Peace activist Cindy Sheehan
is back in the national spotlight
again, this time getting arrested
for causing a disruption in the
House of Representatives galley
just before President Bush's State of
the Union address Tuesday night.
Sheehan's son, Casey Austin
Sheehan, was killed in Iraq, and
she almost immediately started
gaining attention as one of the
most outspoken citizens against
the war.
In April 2004, Sheehan and
other relatives of soldiers killed in
Iraq met with Bush at Fort Lewis,
Washington. Sheehan says that
during the meeting, the president
didn't want to hear about her
son and even refused to look at
pictures of him.
In August 2005, Sheehan and
other protestors began camping
outside the president's ranch in
Crawford, Texas. The group was
demanding a meeting with Bush,
but the president refused to meet
with her again.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Cali-
fornia, another supporter of
immediate withdrawal from Iraq,
had invited Sheehan as a guest
Tuesday night. Sheehan showed
up wearing a T-shirt that said,
"2,245 Dead. How many more?"
referring to the number of U.S.
soldiers killed in Iraq.
Sheehan was asked to cover
up the message and refused. She
was handcuffed and arrested
around 8:30 p.m. on charges
of unlawful conduct. She was
released a few hours later.
Not One More Mother's Child,
a book Sheehan wrote about
her son and the war in Iraq, was
published in November 2005.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Latwon Johnson, an ECU
freshman, is charged with first-
degree murder in the shooting
death of Paul Berkley.
Berkley, 46, was a member
of the Navy Reserve and had
returned from the Middle East
to spend the holidays with his
On Berkley's third night
home, he was shot and killed
at a North Raleigh Millbrook
Exchange park after a romantic
night out to dinner and a movie
with his wife.
His wife, Monique Berkley,
26, according to WRAL News
confessed to investigators that
she lured her husband to the
park where he was shot and
Andrew Canty, 18, was also
charged with first-degree murder
and lived with Monique Berkley
during his love affair with her
during Paul Berkley's deploy-
Police said Monique Berkley,
Cantyandjohnson, conspired to
kill Paul Berkley and collect on
his life insurance policy.
Johnson and Canty started
hanging out more after Johnson
started dating Monique Berkley's
stepdaughter, Becky Berkley, 16
Johnson and Berkley's rela-
tionship fell apart after Johnson
left for college.
He lived in Belk Hall and was
studying business as a first year
on-campus student.
According to WRAL News,
Lamarjohnson had saved enough
money to pay a semester's tuition
for both brothers at ECU.
Brant Bush, 18, an Aycock res-
ident said, "I was rather creeped
out to find out that a murderer
lived two dorms down from me. It
makes me sad to see this happen
to a person who just came back
from the Middle East
Police searched Johnson's
dorm room and took computers
and cell phones as evidence.
Timothy Dixon, an ECU
Police officer said, "Raleigh had
contacted ECU Police and wanted
to know if he was here. They
(ECU Police) didn't want to talk
to the suspect without paper
work because they were worried
he would destroy evidence
According to ECU Police
they didn't get a warrant in time
before the suspect left, but he
(Johnson) was caught along with
Canty in Raleigh.
Johnson had a Facebook
account with ECU, where his
see MURDER page A2
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A6 I Opinion: A5 I A&E: Bl I Sports: B5

mm $
Page A2 252.328.6366
RACHEL KING News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY February 2, 2006
Dance 2006
Dance 2006 continues in the
week of Jan. 29 - Feb. 4. Highlights
include choreography by School
of Theatre and Dance faculty and
guest artists. Sometimes serious,
sometimes funny, sometimes
lyrical and sometimes eccentric,
this annual dance showcase has
become an immensely popular
event. Sure to have something for
dance aficionados and newcomers
alike, this is a fast-paced and
unpredictable cornucopia of
styles. For more information
visit ecu.educs-studentlife
Groundhog Day
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are sponsoring a free
acoustic music concert performed
by Folks Arts Society of Greenville
members and guests Thursday,
Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at Mudslinger's
Coffee Co, located at 409 Evans St
downtown. Admission is free. For
more information, call 752-7350.
Elite Pirates
Applications are now being accepted
for induction into this premiere
recognition program designed to
honor the top student leaders at
ECU. Only 11 student leaders will
be selected for this honor based
on their academics, leadership
and community service. "The Elite
Pirates" selected will receive
a university plaque, induction
into "The Elite Pirates" Student
Hall of Fame, a $150 leadership
honorarium and receive
recognition with other campus
community leaders during ECU
Founders Week. Applications
are available in 207 Mendenhall
Student Center. The deadline to
submit an application is Friday,
Feb. 10 at 4:30 p.m. Interviews
will be conducted Feb. 20 - 24.
The Induction Program will take
place on Mar. 29 at 2:30 p.m. In
MSC Hendrix Theatre. Founder's
Week is March 27-31. For more
information contact the Office
of the Assistant Vice Chancellor
for Student Experiences at 328-
Take My Picture
Joyner Library is looking for
students who are interested in
volunteering as models for photos
to be used in library publications
and other materials. Interested
individuals should contact Bill
Bunting at
Student Homecoming
Chair Applications
The Homecoming Committee is
currently looking for a person to
fill the 2006 position of Student
Homecoming Chairperson.
The position calls for the applicant
to oversee seven subcommittees,
manage a $19,000 budget, process
expenditures in a timely fashion
and chair all student homecoming
bi-weekly meetings.
To apply for the position, all
applicants must be full-time
students in good standing with
the university, have a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have
a class standing of sophomore
or higher. This is a paid student
position. All applications must
include a letter of interest and
resume of related experience
and should be e-mailed no later
than Feb. 10 to Adeea Rogers at You may also
drop off your letter of interest and
resume to 218 Mendenhall Student
Center, Mon. - Fri. from 8 am. - 5 p.m.
Research Opportunities
As you know, undergraduate
research is not only a priority for
the Office of the University Honors
Program. ECU Scholars and
Undergraduate Research, but also
an extremely important experience
for students, particularly those
wishing to continue to graduate
or professional schools. It's
not too early to begin thinking
about projects you may wish
to pursue with the assistance
of an Undergraduate Research
and Creative Activities Grant.
This grant can help you pay for
supplies or materials, project
expenses and even a stipend for
yourself. All you need is an original
project, a faculty mentor and the
application form. Applications
are open to all interested
undergraduates pursuing an
independent research or inquiry-
based learning project.
Applications and guidelines are
available through the Honors
Program Home Page at
honors, click on "Undergraduate
Research" Application deadline
is Feb. 15. Mark your calendars
and open your minds.
News Briefs
Wilmington school has 22
languages spoken in students'
WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) - The 22
foreign languages spoken in the
homes of students at Pine Valley
Elementary School may make it the
multilingual capital of New Hanover
In addition to Spanish and Arabic, each
spoken in the homes of 29 students,
other languages represented include
Amharic, spoken in Ethiopia; Gujarati,
an Indian language; Portuguese,
Japanese and Korean.
The variety of both languages and
cultures can turn even a workout into
a lesson about other countries.
One rainy day, a first-grader became
upset when told to make an X with
his arms while working out to a
kickboxing video. Teachers called the
mother, who is Arabic.
"She laughed and said the gesture
meant bad luck said Robbyn Novak,
who teaches English as a second
language at Pine Valley.
"I don't get to travel a lot Novak
"This is my chance to see the
Frankie Aziz, a Wilmington shopkeeper
who left the West Bank when he was
a teenager, has lived in the area for 20
years and has six children, including
two at Pine Valley.
"This is a great place he said.
"I love the teachers and the system
Sen. Ham Horton dies at age 74
Hamilton Horton, a nine-term
Republican legislator known for
his impassioned speeches on the
Senate floor going back 35 years,
died Tuesday at the age of 74.
Horton died at about 2 p.m. at his
home, Senate officials said. Horton
announced in December that he
wouldn't run for another term because
he had been diagnosed with cancer.
The Winston-Salem attorney had
a cancerous kidney removed in
September but discovered later that
the illness had spread throughout
his body.
Horton served two terms in the Senate
beginning in 1971 but returned in
1995 for six more terms. He also
was in the House for one term in
Known for his commitment to the
environment and conservative
principles of fiscal responsibility
and individual freedoms, Horton
likely will be remembered for his
speechmaking ability. His oratory
often left reporters and his fellow
senators searching for a dictionary
to fully digest his remarks.
On what would be the last working
day at his Senate desk in August,
Horton made an unsuccessful plea to
stop passage of a state lottery, calling
it "nothing but a fleecing of the people
of North Carolina
Horton, a Winston-Salem native,
received his bachelor's and law
degrees from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also
chaired the North Carolina Milk
Commission in the mid-1970s and
received awards for his commitment
to outdoor preservation and
He is survived by his wife, Evelyn, and
a daughter, Rosalie.
Funeral arrangements were
incomplete as of Tuesday evening.
Kentucky Derby first: America's
greatest race takes a sponsor
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - The Kentucky
Derby will have a sponsor for the first
time, striking a five-year deal with a
fast-food restaurant company that
owns KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut.
Yum! Brands Inc based in Louisville,
becomes the first named sponsor
of the Derby at Churchill Downs,
and the race will be referred to as
the Kentucky Derby, presented by
Yum! Brands, it was announced
The Yum logo will appear under the
famed twin spires for the Derby on
May 6, and will also be shown on a
sign above the starting gate, on the
Murder from page A1
friends could write him mes-
Rod Johnson wrote, "Hey
man I got U in my prayers. Good
luck and may God B wit U
Tupac Shakur and Eminem
were Johnson's favorite rap sing-
ers and Johnson wrote a quote
on Facebook by Eminem saying,
"No more blood for oil, we got
our own battles to fight on our
own soil
According to,
Johnson graduated from Selma
High School in 2005 and enjoyed
reading books, politics, women,
partying and chilling. He also
read war histories and went to
Camp Lejeune's boot camp for
young soldiers one summer.
"Everybody's still kind of dazed
about the entire incident. We
thought he would be something
great someday said Master Sgt.
Randy Griffin, Johnson's ROTC
leader according to The Herald.
Both teens are being charged
with first-degree murder and
appeared in court Jan. 9.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
investigation. A federal grand
jury has demanded information
about Scientific Games from
Black, who installed Geddings
and also had a former aide who
worked for the company.
If GTECH does not meet
the deadlines for setting up the
games, they will be met with
fines that could reach a cost of
$400,000 per day. If the deadline
is met, between $20 -$30 million
in additional revenue could be
North Carolina is the last
state on the East Coast to start a
state-funded lottery.
This writer can be contacted at
the most dangerous
animals in the loresl j
' don't live there.
jackets of the pony riders who escort
the horses during the post parade, on
television billboards and elsewhere
around the track.
Yum! Brands, also the parent of Long
John Silver's and A&W restaurants,
will receive six 30-second television
ads on NBC's Derby broadcast
and two 30-second commercials
on ESPN and ESPN2 during their
Through this sponsorship, potential
investors will know of Yum! Brands
and begin to associate the company
with our leading restaurant brands
Yum chairman and CEO David Novak
said in a statement.
Terms of the deal were not
"As an outstanding corporate citizen
in our hometown, Yum! Brands
understands the importance of the
Derby's history and tradition to the
residents of our city and region, as
well as to racing fans around the
world Churchill Downs president
Tom Meeker said in a statement.
The Derby, the first leg of racing's Triple
Crown, carries a $2 million purse. The
deal will not affect the purse, but a
portion of the sponsorship's revenues
will go to race purses during the
track's spring and fall racing meets.
Burger King plans to file for Initial
public offering
MIAMI (AP) - Burger King's parent
company said Wednesday that it
plans to sell shares in the fast-food
company to the public for the first
time in the chain's 52-year history in
an attempt to better compete with
rivals McDonald's Corp. and Wendy's
International Inc.
Burger King Holdings Inc. plans to
file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission for an initial public
offering in late February or early
March, Chairman and CEO Greg
Brenneman said in a statement.
"Our goal has always been to take
Burger King public he said. "We
believe the transparency and stability
in ownership offered by being a
public company will benefit our
employees and franchisees for years
to come
Iran's president lashes out at
Bush, pledges to resist pressures
of 'bully countries'
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - In a speech to
thousands of supporters Wednesday,
Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad lashed out at the
United States and vowed to resist
the pressures of 'bully countries" to
constrain Tehran's nuclear program,
a day before the UN. nuclear agency
is likely to vote to haul the country
before the Security Council.
Speaking hours after President
Bush's State of the Union address,
the Iranian leader derided the United
States, as a "hollow superpower" that
is "tainted with the blood of nations"
and said Tehran would continue its
nuclear program.
"Nuclear energy is our right, and
we will resist until this right is fully
realized Ahmadinejad told the crowd
in the southern Iran city of Bushehr,
the site of Iran's only nuclear power
"Our nation can't give in to the
coercion of some bully countries who
imagine they are the whole world and
see themselves equal to the entire
globe he added.
The crowd responded with chants of
"Nuclear energy is our right
Referring to Bush directly and the
U.Sled Iraq war, Ahmadinejad said:
Those whose hands are tainted with
blood of nations and are involved in
wars and oppression in any part of
the world we, hopefully, in the near
future will put you on trial in courts
that will be set up by nations
Iran's defense minister also warned
all countries Wednesday against
considering an attack on Iran's nuclear
installations. "Any attack against Iran's
peaceful nuclear facilities will meet
a swift and crushing response from
the armed forces Gen. Mostafa
Mohammad Najjar said, according
to the official Islamic Republic News
The comments came after Bush
increased the pressure on Iran over
its nuclear program, saying in his
address Tuesday night "the nations of
the world must not permit the Iranian
regime to gain nuclear weapons He
said the United States "will continue
to rally the world to confront these
The International Atomic Energy
Agency's 35-nation board of
governors is to meet in Vienna,
Austria, Thursday, and is expected
to report Iran's nuclear program to
the U.N. Security Council. The five
permanent members of the Security
Council agreed Tuesday that Iran
should be hauled before the powerful
The top U.N body has the power
to impose economic and political
sanctions, but none of those measures
is immediately likely.
Egyptian officials call on Hamas
to recognize Israel, disarm
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Two top Egyptian
officials called on Hamas to recognize
Israel, disarm and honor past peace
deals Wednesday, a new sign Arab
governments are pushing the militant
group to moderate after its surprise
election victory.
"Nobody will talk to them before they
stop violence, recognize Israel and
accept (peace) agreements, Including
the road map the chief of Egyptian
intelligence, Omar Suleiman, told
journalists in Cairo.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's
spokesman, Suleiman Awaad, also
called on Hamas to recognize peace
deals with Israel. Former Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat "was able to
change his position. There is nothing
that prevents smart leaders from
changing their positions to behave
accordingly Awaad said.
Hamas stunned Israel, its allies and
much of the Arab world with its
overwhelming victory In Palestinian
parliamentary elections last week
and is under Intense pressure
from the international community
including Arab nations to step back
from its platform of the destruction
of Israel.
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A. X X X Th Steeters are the first No. 6 seed to ever play for the Vince
03ltl6 Of TirSlS Lombard! Trophy, while the Seahawks are making their first-
ever Super Bowl appearance.
Sunday, Feb. 5 6:30 p.m. EST ABC
(Playoff stale in parentheses)
Won four Super
Bowl titles in the
1970s, are
attempting to
become the
third NFL
franchise to
win five crowns
Steelers 321.8(333.0)Yd, evq.Seahawks (363.5) 369.7
138.9(115.3)tuehlng avg.(154.5)153.6
99(16). m(9)94
31:16(33:19)fo. time avg.(34:48)29:17
2429 (33)FMdfqMeFOA(45) 1825
389(66) 256 (52)Point aobred DfireNSE Pelf, flowed(54)452 (24) 271
284.0 (313.3)Opp.frng.(250.5)316.8
86.0 (79.7)Opp.hesh.vf,(47.5) 94.4
198.0(233.7)Opp.(MaB-(203.0) 222.4
27(6)Opp. touchdowns(3)24
Beat Washington
and Carolina in the
playoffs: tops In the NFC
in total offense, led
by league MVP
Shaun Alexander
Steelers going for fifth ring
Cowher back for first time in years
Ten years ago Pittsburgh Head Coach Bill
Cowher walked off the field at Sun Devil Sta-
dium a loser following Super Bowl XXX when
his Steelers lost to the Dallas Cowboys, 27-17,
Cowher, then in just his fourth NFL season,
was pretty sure he'd be back to the Super Bowl.
He just didn't think it'd take 10 years.
Fast forward those 10 seasons and
Cowher, now in his 14th season as Pitts-
burgh's head coach, has the Steelers back
in the Super Bowl to face the NFC's best
team, the Seattle Seahawks.
Cowher is hoping for different results
this time around. In 1995, he had a
veteran quarterback who had played
mistake-free football most of the season
in Neil O'Donnell, but then threw three
interceptions in the Super Bowl - two to
game MVP Larry Brown. In 2005, Cowher
has a young quarterback who has played
great in the postseason and has lost just
one game away from the Steel City in 15
career outings.
Ben Roethlisberger has been near
flawless in the playoffs, notably at Denver
In the AFC Championship game. The
second-year QB from Miami, Ohio, was
21-29 for 275 yards and two touchdowns
as Pittsburgh converted four Jake Plum-
mer turnovers into 21 points en route
to a 34-17 dismantling of the AFC's No.
2 seed. A week earlier, Pittsburgh's pres-
suring defense confused and harassed
Indianapolis' Peyton Manning and the
AFC's top-seeded Colts.
Sunday, the Steelers will face the NFC's top
seed, the Seattle Sealiawks, and the NFL's MVP,
running back Shaun Alexander. Pittsburgh
lumped on both lndy and Denver early to force
the Cohs and Broncos to play front behind and
take them out of their game plan. If the Steelers
plan cm beating the Seahawks, that strategy
will riave to play out once again in order to take
the ball away from Alexander, who led the NFL
with 1,880 rushing yards and an NFL record 28
touchdowns, and the explosive Seattle offense.
Both Pittsburgh and Seattle have pow-
erful running games. The Steelers are, of
course, led by Jerome "The Bus" Bettis,
but were led statistically by second-year
back from North Carolina Willie Parker.
Parker ran for more than 1,200 yards this
season and was the Steelers' third-string
back coming into the year, behind Bettis
and former Philadelphia Eagle Duce Staley.
While Bettis, who announced prior to the
season that this would be his final season,
is still the between-the-tackles punisher,
Parker provides that burst of speed to break
to the corners and has several runs this
year of 40 yards or more.
While Parker has been relatively quiet
in the playoffs, Bettis has played amaz-
ingly well. With the prospect of playing
in the Super Bowl in his final game in
his hometown, he is the only Steelers
player find the end zone in all three of
Pittsburgh's road wins.
Helping the running game has been
the play of Roethlisberger. "Big Ben"
was the AFC's highest rated passer in the
playoffs and has done a tremendous job of
distributing the football. No one Pittsburgh
receiver has caught more than five balls in
a game and only one, Cedrick Wilson, has
eclipsed the century mark in the playoffs.
Wilson had three grabs for 102 yards in the
Wild Card win at Cincinnati. Roethlisberger
has completed 68 percent of his passes for 680
yards and seven touchdowns passes to just one
interception for a quarterback rating of 124.8
in the playoffs.
The offense for Pittsburgh, while having
great game plans, has not had to do a whole
lot because the Steel Curtain defense has
given the offense a short field most of the
time. Pittsburgh has forced six turnovers in
three games and should have been seven If
Troy Polamalu's interception of Peyton Man-
ning would have stood. The Steelers have also
recorded 11 sacks in those three wins, led by
linebacker Joey Porter's three. Pittsburgh has
gone on the road and shut down the AFC's top
three teams and did so by taking apart three
of the NFL's top six offenses.
The Steelers are the first six seed to reach
the Super Bowl and the first team since the
1985 New England Patriots to win three road
games en route to the Super Bowl. The '85
Patriots were routed by the Chicago Bears in
Super Bowl XX, 46-10. That is a fate the 2005
Steelers would like to avoid in their attempt
to win Pittsburgh the fifth Super Bowl title
in franchise history and its first since 1979,
when the 23-year-old Roethlisberger was still
three years away from being born.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Building a winner
The Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks have built their
teams primarily through drafts and free agency.
Pittsburgh Steelers

Free : Unrestricted
agents free agents
Seattle Seahawks
Free : Unrestricted Waivers 3
agents free agents

Super payday
Win or lose, player In the
Super Bowl receives ample
compensation for participating
in tfte championship game.
Super Bowl salary
30 r$16,000 20 ,jyj
10 ' L $7,500"
1917 74W 96 20011
AP H- .
That's the ticket
Cost of a ticket for prime
seating at the Super Bowl has
climbed steadily with time and
the game's popularity.
Super Bowl ticket price
1987 78
Captive audience
Companies pay premium
prices to place their products
before millions of attentive
Super Bowl fans.
Average number of viewers
1867 78
96 TJ5.
'Hawks overlooked no more
Seahawks finally in NFL title garne
The 15-3 Seattle Seahawks enter Super
Bowl XL as the NFC's top seed with an expe-
rienced head coach who has a Super Bowl
title on his resume, the NFL's MVP, a Pro Bowl
quarterback and a defense that led the NFL in
sacks in 2005 - and they're the underdog?
This is creating quite the chip on the
collective shoulders of Seattle players. The
NFC Champions are a four-point dog to
the AFC's six-seed entering the playoffs,
the Pittsburgh Steelers. The 14-5 Steelers
won three straight road games to win the
AFC and get to the Super Bowl.
Despite going 10-0 at home this year,
including playoff demolitions of the Wash-
ington Redskins and Carolina Panthers, the
Seahawks were tabbed as the underdog for Super
Bowl XL in Detroit by Las Vegas oddsmakers.
Super Bowl XL will seem like a road
game for the Seahawks, being that Detroit
is just a couple-hour drive from Pittsburgh
and Seattle has been tabbed as the "visit-
ing" team by the NFL. Seattle will wear
their home uniforms, however, because
Pittsburgh Head Coach Bill Cowher
requested that his team be allowed to wear
their white visitor jerseys.
Seattle, playing in its first Super Bowl
in its 30-year franchise history, has been
the most overlooked team in the NFL for
years, and for good reason. This year was
the first season the Seahawks had won a
playoff game since 1984. They were embar-
rassed in their last two playoff appearances
- last year at home against St. Louis and
in 2003 in overtime at Green Bay when
quarterback Matt Hasselbeck said after
winning the coin toss, "We want the ball
and we're gonna score
On the second play of the overtime
period, Hasselbeck threw an interception
to Green Bay's Al Harris, who returned it
for a touchdown and a Packers' win.
This year, Hasselbeck has been a com-
pletely different player. He was the NFC's
highest rated passer in the regular season
and in the postseason. When league MVP
running back Shaun Alexander left the game
against Washington with a concussion, Has-
selbeck led the way for the Seahawks, run-
ning in the deciding touchdown himself.
In his seventh NFL season, and fifth
in Seattle, Hasselbeck has become one
the NFL's best quarterbacks, and has done
so very much under the radar. Consider
that in 2003, he was left off the initial Pro
Bowl roster despite throwing for over 3,800
yards with 26 touchdown passes to just
15 interceptions. Philadelphia's Donovan
McNabb was originally selected ahead of
Hasselbeck, despite throwing for just 16
touchdowns and 11 interceptions that year.
Alexander is another player that is
overshadowed by other running backs.
Even in college, Alexander's career at
Alabama was secondary to that of 1999
Heisman Trophy winner Ron Dayne from
Wisconsin. For the last three seasons, Alex-
ander's brilliance was second-fiddle to San
Diego's I ,il i.iini.m Tomlinson This year,
Alexander finally broke out and entered
the spotlight. He led the NFL in rushing
yards with 1,880 and an amazing 5.1
yard-per-carry average as he set the NFL's
single-season touchdown record with 28
to earn himself the league's MVP award.
With all the firepower the Seahawks
have on offense, including two Pro Bowl
offensive linemen, wide receivers Darrel
Jackson and Peter Warrick and play-
making tight end Jerramy Stevens, it's the
Seahawks defense that has been amazingly
impressive in the postseason.
With two rookie linebackers and a
veteran front four that includes former St.
Louis Ram and Super Bowl winner Grant
Wistrom, the Seahawks led the NFL in sacks
this year with a mind-blowing 50 -an aver-
age of over three per game. The Seahawks
have been outstanding at shutting down
the opposing team's best player in the play-
offs and stifling the run. Washington's Pro
Bowl running back Clinton Portis managed
just 41 yards against Seattle in its 20-10
defeat while the Carolina Panthers were
limited to 36 yards of rushing while their
playmaking receiver, Steve Smith, caught
just five passes for 33 yards and was held
out of the end zone by the Seattle "D
Going against a team that mirrors itself
with a young quarterback that doesn't
make many mistakes, a punishing running
game, a play-making tight end, a stifling
defense and a veteran coaching staff with
Super Bowl experience, Seattle has a tough
task. But, then again, winning the Super
Bowl is never easy. Mike Holmgren knows
that. He's already won one.
This writer can be contacted at
Advertising's prime real estate
In 2005, the average cost of a 30-second commercial slot during
the Super Bowl cost more than $2 million.
Average price for a 30-second Number of viewers
$2.4 million
in 2005
2.5 million
100 million
51.2 in
89.8 in 2004
in 1967
SOURCE: Nielsen Media Research AF
70 75 '80 '85 '90 '95 00 05
Super Bowl I aired on both CBS and NBC,
commercial price Is CBS's, viewers are combined
SOURCES: Nielsen Monitor-Plus: Nielsen Media Research
70 '75 '80 '85 90 95 00'04

Page A5 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
THURSDAY February 2, 2006
Our View
Creating new paths
shouldn't mean
creating more mud
"Do not go where the path may lead - go
instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm afan of making my own way in the world, literally.
Although rarely math-minded, I do hold in esteem
the rule that says "the shortest distance between
two points is a straight line I'm typically strapped
for time or in a hurry to get out of the cold, so I
often find myself leaving one place and head-
ing in a straight line toward my next destination.
Doing so requires crossing streets and intersec-
tions at odd angles, stepping over various tree
roots or mulched areas and cutting through
grass and various hedges, because unfortu-
nately there isn't a nice, paved straight line that
runs from my front door to Joyner Library.
I'm not sure the ECU lawn maintenance crews
endorse Emerson's philosophy or my interpre-
tation, however.
There are wonderful paved pathways all around
campus, wide enough to accommodate several
people at once and leave room to go around
the slow walkers or move aside for bikers.
These paths regularly coincide with my straight-line
treks, which is great because they aren't muddy.
What I don't understand is the new trend to walk
in the same direction of the nice, paved paths
on campus - just not on them.
Unlike randomly cutting across areas like the mall,
which rarely leaves atrail, this new trend has begun
to make its mark, but doesn't lead anywhere new.
The new paths (adjacent to the paved ones) are
muddy and cause the nice, paved pathways to be
muddy also because the grass that would help
absorb excess water has been trampled into oblivion.
I encourage everyone to strike out, both literally
and figuratively, and create new paths for them-
selves as the semester continues. But if there is
already a nice, paved path to your destination of
choice, make the most of it
H Pirate Rant
Eric Gilmore takes a moment to apologize
Let me clarify
It's easy to sit behind a com-
puter screen and take jabs at
public figures. As a columnist
and senior writer, it's my job to
inform, report and sometimes
question decisions of those in
I want to publicly apologize
for the way my words were
misconstrued in Wednesday's
column entitled "Recruiting
rankings can't be judged on Sign-
ing Day In the second to last
paragraph, I accused former ECU
head football coach John Thomp-
son of having "a lack of ethical
standards" involving recruiting
players with character.
Little did I know that the
comment would inflame a threat
against TEC claiming a lawsuit by
someone affiliated with Thomp-
son. And that a concerned reader
"hopes TEC has some evidence of
unethical behavior because it's
going to cost them
First, what exactly are ethics?
According to Webster's Ninth
New Collegiate Dictionary, ethics
is "conforming to accepted pro-
fessional standards of conduct
Many educators and coaches
refer to Code of Ethics of the
Education Profession as adopted
by the 1975 NEA Representa-
tive Assembly. The document
breaks down principles into two
sections, commitment to the
student and commitment to the
profession. But aside from the
31-year-old document, ethics are
governed by the various interpre-
tations by individual coaches.
According to Ralph and
Michael Sabcock, co-authors of
Coaching: A Realistic Perspective,
coaches who often practice a
"lack of ethical standards" "are
ambitious and anxious to move
up the coaching ranks on the
basis of their team's won-lost
record, they are afraid for their
jobs or they are dishonest
Regular citizens educators'
and coaches' ethical principles
fall into three different catego-
ries: high, low or none at all.
So if Thompson was guided by
a "lack of ethical standards as
previously stated, he would fall
neither into the high nor none
at all categories.
With that being said, the
point I failed to clearly convey
was about the type of players that
Thompson recruited versus the
athletes that current Head Coach
Skip Holtz inked on Wednesday.
Not that Thompson signed axe
murders or serial killers, but
only a select few tout the same
resume in the character category
as Holtz's recruits.
Cory Dowless, an offensive
lineman from Franklinville, N.C.
is a member of the Beta Club
and National Honor Society.
Linebacker Nick Johnson from
Charlotte will bring a 4.12 GPA
into Greenville next year. Both
were announced during the
same press conference that Holtz
revealed that five Thompson
recruits were transferring while
yet another - that makes three
- is suspended.
Consider the recruiting phi-
losophy of Holtz's coaching staff
that prides itself on height, char-
acter and potential.
"It's not going to be one of
those deals, okay, we just signed
a bunch of great players, but in
three years what happened to the
rest of that class said current
recruiting coordinator Donnie
Kirkpatrick following a press con-
ference announcing the signees.
"The new recruits are going
to be here and represent the uni-
versity very, very well
Does Thompson's recruiting
philosophy make him unethical?
No it does not, and it was not my
intention to make any reader
believe so, nor do I believe it
myself. Did the now unemployed
coach violate NCAA standards
while at ECU? Not that I know of,
and I certainly wasn't accusing
him of any such behavior. Did
I poorly choose my words? Yes,
and for that I retract that specific
clause in my Wednesday's Sports
opinion article.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Rachel King Zack Hill
News Editor Assl News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak
Web Editor
Kristin Murnane
Assl Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
. April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Lotter
Asst Photo Editor
Dustin Jones
Asst. Web Editor
In My Opinion
(KRT) When it comes to
assessing the state of America's
largest fighting force, Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is an
Army of one.
"The force is not broken
Rumsfeld insisted last week.
"It's battle-hardened. It's not a
peacetime force that has been in
barracks or garrisons
"It's not broken, it's battle-
hardened" puts us in mind of
the Monty Python skit about the
man who brings a dead parrot
back to the pet shop. "No, no, he's
not dead, he's he's restin the
shop owner says. "Remarkable
bird, the Norwegian Blue
Contrary to Rumsfeld's
sanguine remarks, two studies
released in January said that
three years of combat in Afghani-
stan and Iraq, coupled with
related recruiting and retention
problems, have severely strained
the Army. A study done for the
Pentagon by military analyst
Andrew Krepinevich says the
Army has been reduced to a "thin
green line Another study, done
for congressional Democrats,
cited a risk of "breaking the force
While those two studies were
getting all the publicity, a copy of
the Pentagon's latest "Quadren-
nial Defense Review" was being
leaked to, a
Web site for military insiders. In
opaque bureaucratic language,
the QDR comes to largely the
same conclusions as the other
two studies: "For the foreseeable
future, steady state operations,
including operations as part of
a long war against terrorist net-
works, and the associated rotation
base and sustainment require-
ments, will be the main deter-
minant for sizing U.S. forces
In other words, as long as
the Army is going to rotate units
in and out of Iraq, it may not be
broken, but it's not going to be
able to do much of anything else.
Long term, the QDR says, the
Pentagon better start planning
for how it would deal with a "near
peer" competitor, i.e China,
with a downsized U.S. force.
So that's three reports - one
done by an independent analyst,
one done for his political oppo-
nents and one done inside the
Pentagon itself - that seem to
dispute Rumsfeld's "don't worry,
be happy" views.
Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri,
the top Democrat on the House
Armed Services Committee,
released a letter he wrote Jan.
26 to Rumsfeld. Skelton said the
Army's worn-out equipment has
placed the force "at strategic risk
and estimated the cost of replac-
ing or repairing it at $35 billion.
The figure continues to grow, he
said, and doesn't Include the cost
of modernizing the Army, which
he said could exceed $80 billion.
Finally, there is this assess-
ment from Gen. George Casey,
the Army's top commander in
Iraq: "The forces are stretched
and I don't think there's any
question about that
Today's Army is a lethal fight-
ing force. But how long it can stay
that way, given Rumsfeld's lousy
pre-war planning and non-exis-
tent post-war planning, is an open
question. So is this: How does
this man keep his job? Remark-
able bird, this Don Rumsfeld.
Letters To The Editor
Edward McKim
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer "Our View" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and include a telephone number Letters may be sent
i via e-mail to editorC'Stheeastcarollniaacom or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
Dear Editor,
It is the year 2006 and we're
still putting up with this racist
crap! We should abolish black
history month? America would
not be what it is today without
our contribution - our hero's,
our diversity, our inventions,
our marches, our bloodshed, our
sweat, our chains, our leaders and
our white followers. America was
built on the backs of black men,
women and children.
"BHM a ploy to distract black
people?" It is not one month
put aside to say this all you are
in a month. It's a monument - a
torch - passed from year to year,
generation to generation to say
thank you for all your accom-
plishments, for all your struggles,
all your sacrifices, your restless
spirit that would not give up in
the face of adversity.
The words of Morgan Free-
man were taken out of context.
"You cannot regulate all that we
are in a month but you can
make sure that all we've been
through is not forgotten by set-
ting aside a month.
"They must, as a people, work
to reduce the behaviors and atti-
tudes that perpetuate negative
stereotypes It's the ignorance of
people like you that keeps these
stereotypes going. You cannot
judge a whole race of people on
what a few do.
"The past is the past The
past is my future, the past is my
tomorrow, the past is my pres-
ent. Every time I listen to the
stories my grandmother tells of
her grandmother being beaten
with a rod 80 times for taking a
piece of meat to feed her child,
then having salt rubbed in the
wounds, I am reminded of how
far we have come.
The past is my tomorrow
when I have to watch a movie in
class to remind me of the harsh
realities that blacks had to suffer
at the hands of the white man.
The past is my reality when I
have to read this article to remind
me there will always be racism
and discrimination.
Patrina Edwards
Business Management
The article about "First Love" yesterday was decaderjh
and pathetic, containing unrealistic ideals because of
dumb movies and books. This amounts to total cob'
fusion to females. For instance, a ranter complainetf
about not going on "traditional dates That's youf
darn fault. Why? It's because you place all those guys-
who have done so, or who would, in the "friends'
zone. . i
If Social Security cards are so important (i.e. getting-a,
job, getting driver's license, etc.) then why in the world-
are they made of paper? Shouldn't they be plastic?- -
For the people wondering where the stereotypes fr-
sororitiesfraternities came from, I have solved the!
mystery. You guys pick and choose carbon copies
to join you. When I was dressed up, I got plenty j
fliers, which I promptly recycled, and when I was!
dressed in sweat pants, I didn't receive one. Hmmrfl;
imagine that!
To the girl who wants guys to take her to dinner and
a movie. What is this, 1951?
I am sick of hearing people talk crap about North
Carolina. No one put a gun to your head and made
you come here. So if it's that bad, then please go back
up north where you came from!
To the girl who said, "it's not a big deal" about asking
for a girl's number. If it's not a big deal then why ap
all girls scared to ask a guy for his number.
How could that beautiful girl on Tuesday's paper lie-
depressed? ;
I am so sick of the drunk people that get off the down
town express bus at River Pointe on the weekends and
cannot just walk quietly back to their apartment. I ant
tired of waking up at all hours hearing people talking
fighting, hollering, shooting fireworks outside my
window And by the way, I see you peeing behind
the dumpsters you idiots.
Maybe the reason so many doctors are considered
cold, arrogant and rude is because so many of them!
have neglected their early composition classes ut
which you were supposed to learn effective commu-
nication as evidenced in the New York Times and the
News & Observer.
OMG! We got an awesome recruiting class. I love Terry
Holland and Skip Holtz. Start planning the trip to the
Bowl game now.
To the SRC whiner, if you don't like all the people
using the SRC, maybe you can go somewhere else.
And if you don't like "older people" being there, get
over it. Can't wait until you interview for a job with
an "older person
To the person who is working on their pre-med biology
degree, reading the paper is a way to get news. It's a
fact of life, not just English class.
Why does the staff at ECU, the people who are here to
assist students, have to be so grouchy to those students'
all the time? I know you are inundated day in and
day out with questions, but that's what you are paid
for. We pay good money for our education and all the
services that go along with it. Smile once in awhile!
It's 40 degrees outside. Let's leave the thermostat oh
68 at least. I mean, it's the winter.
"Support Our Troops" stickers and LiveStrong bands
are not a fashion trend, they have a meaning behind
Pre-med student, not only do you need that English'
class, but you also need to hire an English tutor. You-
obviously haven't mastered the grammatical skills
that are usually attained after first grade. I don't'
want a doctor who is ignorant of current events and
can't even use proper grammar in a Pirate Rant. Oh;
and it goes without saying that you should give up
on the medical school idea right now. Perhaps 'a
job at McDonald's would better suit you. Wait
nevermind, that career requires too much use of the
English language.
The employees at most of the food spots on campus,
especially The Galley, have the worst attitudes
around! If they don't like serving people, then find
a new job!
People, is it really so hard to re-rack your weights in
the gym when you're done?
I wear Duke shirts around campus because I am not only
a lifelong Duke fan, but also a Duke graduate. Unless
- and until - ECU wins a trophy in anything, back off
I would enjoy presidential speeches much more if
there weren't a 30 second pause for congress to give'a
standing ovation after every statement Bush made.
Did you know there is a higher rate of cancer for
teachers in the Bate Building than any other building
on campus? It is actually considered a "sick" building.
Have fun business students.
The hardest thing is to watch someone you love so
much love someone else.
Anyone who has ever eaten at West End Dinning Hall
knows Ms. Terry. She is the sweetest lady you will ever
meet. A person can live forever, and he will never come
across someone with as much character, and as much
love for us students as Ms. Terry.
0MG, pick up your feet when you walk your shoes
cannot be that heavy! And don't even try to say that's it's
because you have on clogsslip-ons because that is BS!
The computer labs are where I go to do work for school,
not socialize with my friends. Please be courteous and
shut up when other people are trying to work.
Why do people complain that the meals on campus
are not good? The dining halls are not always good
but the new "pirate meals" give you good more healthy
choices to eat. Fast food is not good - use your meals
because you already paid for them.
If I hear one more person at an apartment complex
office tell me that my pet(s) are going to cause damage
and I cannot have them I will snap! Or worse, they
tell me I can have them but then force me to pay a
God-awful amount of money as a nonrefundable
deposit. If I have to pay 400 dollars to keep my pet(s)
(who are a part of the family), then I might as well let
them excrete all over the place a day before I hand my
keys back in so I can get my money's worth!
Editor's Note. The Pirate Rant Is an anonymous way for students and staff In the
online at, or e-mailed to editorvtheeastcamlinian
com. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity

Page A6
THURSDAY February 2, 2006
6520. ext. 202
2 BD 2 Bath Wyndham Circle
Duplex Available )une 1 and Aug
i J625.00 month 321-4802 Newjy
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Sublease Fcb '06 thru July '06
$587 a month all Inclusive
very negotiable. I will pay
application fee. Call 781-254-
6031 for more details!
Beat This, No parking fees, No
parking hassle, Walk to class,
downtown or to the rec. center,
2 bed 1.5 bath duplex available
now, short term lease accepted.
Buccaneer Village call 561-7368
Room for Rent E. 3rd Street
Duplex 1 Bedroom 1 Bath $250
Month Utilities Included Available
Immediately Call Brendan 410-
2 Rooms For Rent Pirates Cove Phase
II - Fully Furnished - WD Available
Now Contact Nicole 919-452-3849
- $387
month utilities included
Roommate Wanted for Off-Campus
House: Laid-back, but serious,
student roommate wanted to
share 3 bedroom home. Pet- and
smoker- friendly preferred. One
bedroom and shared living areas
for rent available immediately at
$400month includes utilities. One
month's security deposit and lease
application required. Call 252-480-
1668 for Sheri or 252-599-7275 to
speak to Evan. Owner is a licensed
NC Realtor.
Childcare needed for infant formal
exp. required email exp. and contact
info to
Bartenders wanted! Up to $250
day. No experience necessary.
Training provided. Call (800) 965-
Creenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-
time youth soccer coaches for the
indoor soccer program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge
of soccer skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth.
Applicants must be able to coach
young people ages 12-18 in soccer
fundamentals. Hours are from 6:45
pm to 9:30 pm, Monday-Thursday
with some weekend coaching.
Flexible hours according to class
schedules. This program will run
from March 7 to mid May. Salaries
start at $6.25 per hour. Apply at the
City of Greenville, Human Resources
Department, 201 Martin L. King
r. Dr Greenville NC 27834. For
more information, please contact
the Athletic Office at 329-4550,
Monday through Friday, 10 am
until 7 pm.
Do You Need A Good ob?The
ECU Telefund is hiring students
to contact alumni and parents for
the ECU Annual Fund. $6.25 hour
plus cash bonuses. Make your own
schedule. If interested, visit our
website at www.ecu.edutelefund
and click on OBS.
Background singers and musicians
needed for studio recording: cellist
violinists, trumpet player, electric
bass player. Call Greg 378-4325.
Web designerprogrammer needed.
Call Allison, 378-4324.
$$$$$ Tutors Needed $$$$$:
Looking for some extra money (-
best opportunity on campus!) and
a way to improve academically?
Are you at least a sophomore with
a 3.0 or better GPA? Become a
tutor or mentor for the Office of
Student Development-Athletics.
We employ tutors in all subject
areas and levels (1000-5999).
Undergraduate students are paid
$7hour and graduate students are
paid $10hour. If this sounds like the
job for you, please contact Jennifer
Bonner at 737-4553 for further
Kappa Delta would like to thank
Pi Kappa Phi for an awesome
billionaires and trophy wife social!
We should do it again soon!
Thanks to the brothers f Sig Ep for a
fun socialDelta Zeta
Attention all Greeks: Dollar Night
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s S the Ledonia Wright Cultural Center presents f
(Black Qiistory (Month
s a celebration of events
Poetry Sfamfeaturing tfBO's (DefToetJ Ivy
February 2nd - 7:00 pm in Wright Auditorium
Tamed Author Craia Marberry
February 15th - 7:30 pm in Room 244 Mendenhall Student Center
Tribute to the (ate Dr. 'Andrew A. (Best
February, 21st - 6:30 pm in the Murphy Center
African American Reading CircCe
Arrangements for all talent were
February 23rd - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Ledonia Wright Cultural Center Gallery made throughSphinx Management
Group, a National Association for
Campus Activities Member
3 ivy
In the beginning there was
the word, the foundation of
all forms of art. And when
it comes to the art of
Poetry or new age Spoken
Word, J Ivy has truly
served as a poetic pioneer.
Not only was the Chicago
bred poet one of the first
to grace the stage of the
Award Winning HBO Russell Simmons Def Poetry Series,
but he was asked to return to the show for two encore
performances, where he received standing ovations on
each of his appearances.
Qn TeSruar
For more information contact:
Ledonia Wright Cultural Center
Bloxton House,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353 USA
Office: 252.328.6495
Fax. 252.328.0370
Craig (Marberry
Craig Marberry is author of Cuttin' Up:
Wit and Wisdom from Black Barber
Shops, Crowns: Portraits of Black
Women in Church Hats, and Spirit of
Harlem: A Portrait of America's Most
Exciting Neighborhood. A former
television reporter, Marberry has
written for The Washington Post and
Essence magazine. He's a graduate of
Morehouse College and earned his
Master's from the Columbia University Graduate School
of Journalism.
individuals requesting accommodation under the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact the Department for Disability
Support Services at le,ast 48 hours prior to the event at (252) 328-6799
vofce(252) 328-0899 TTY
1 NIMHSirv
Ledonia Wright
Cultural Center

2, 2006

Arts & Entertainment
Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY February 2, 2006
Campus Confessions:
I fantasize about my ex-girlfriend all
the time.
I got caught making out by my
girlfriend's parents at the movie
theater last week. They were making
out, too.
I pierced my penis on a dare and
now it Is infected to a very disgusting,
unhealthy degree.
I sing "It's Raining Men" loudly in the
car when I am driving to work and
I am a straight man.
I have a massive crush on one of the
West End lunch ladies.
Last year I had to steal a toothbrush
from the student store because I was
out of money and decline.
I like the smell of mothballs and
I hate my sister because she is too
much like me and it upsets me to be
around me.
If I don't shower a certain way, in
a certain order, I have to start over.
It takes me at least 40 minutes to
I accidentally had sex with
my friend's girlfriend before we lived
together. It was an accident because
she is my new roommate's sister.
I'm really lazy. I hardly everwalkto class.
I just take the bus everywhere.
All I want in life is to get it on in the
dark rooms in Jenkins.
My roommate is really sweet, but I
can't stand the fact that she hardly
ever leaves the room. Let's get out
and do something for once.
I constantly get caught singing along
to the music in my car.
To the guy who came into the
computer lab I work in and who I
saw walking on campus a few days
later, our eyes have only met twice
and we've never really spoken, but
I haven't been able to stop thinking
about you. Everything about you from
your "I don't give a damn" clothes, to
your short beard, to your gorgeous
eyes, makes me melt. I can't wait to
see you again.
How about I was playing two guys,
and it turns out they know each
other oops.
I'm a guy and I have a crush on my
roommate he's a guy too.
One day I want to grow up to be a
Sometimes I sing the "Happy Birthday"
song to myself two times while I wash
my hands just to be sure they are
'Annapolis One big shipwreck
ThiS mOVie jUSt doesn't by attending the prestigious
work, no matter what
Before it hit theaters, Annapo-
lis' previews gave it the look of
a middle-notch movie about
making it in the harshest of
harsh environments. The angry
looks of Tyrese Gibson and the
stone cold stares of James Franco
indicated this movie was going
to be an exercise in beating the
odds. It had the typical military
movie sneer, the angry words
and clenched teeth that said this
movie would let the world know
that not only does hell exist, but
it's located in Annapolis, Md.
Hell did exist in this
movie, but it was in the eyes
of viewers who felt tortured
by the undying confusion -
"What kind of movie is this?"
Annapolis is one big
disappointing package. I use
the word package because
this is not a navy movie. It's
one big annoying conglom-
eration of romance, boxing and
a few misplaced rank stripes.
Franco is Jake Huard, a young
riveter who seeks to fulfill a
lifelong dream (or a promise to
his mother, they hint at both)
United States Naval Academy in
Maryland. Huard barely makes it
in and deals with all the trouble
of being a new recruit in the navy
- commanding officers with ego
problems, an interesting mix of
roommates, intense physical con-
ditioning and mental demands.
Gibson is Midshipment Lt. Cole,
a high-ranking officer (and
Marine as luck would have it)
who has it in for Huard. Luckily
for him, another high-ranking
officer is falling for him as he
prepares to take on Cole in a
boxing tournament. Weil get to
that little problem later.
This entire newspaper could
be filled by my qualms with
this movie. First, I've seen more
military accuracy and realism in
"Looney Tunes When I think
about the writing of this movie,
1 imagine director Justin Lin in
a room with the writers asking,
"This guy Gibson's a big, bad
naval guy, but could we make
him a Marine, too? Can we put
an overweight fatso in this pres-
tigious, selective Academy? I've
got to have a fat guy
The aforementioned "fat
guy" is Vicellous Reon Shannon,
and he honestly puts on a great
performance. His character has
more heart than Huard. It's clear
AH, played by Jordana Brewster, inspects Jake Huard, played by James Franco, in th
that Shannon's character was cast
to be comic relief, but he ends up
more human and with more emo-
tion than the stone-faced Franco.
This is somewhat confusing.
Speaking of confusion, this
movie devotes so much of the
storyline to a boxing tournament,
you could swear you're watching
Rocky Balboa with a high and
tight haircut swinging at a bigger,
more muscular Apollo Creed.
This movie's major problem (if
one can stand out among the
rest) is it cannot figure out what
kind of movie it wants to be.
If it is trying to be a boxing
movie, it deserves to be clubbed
to the canvas. The boxing scenes
are a flurry of blue and red gloves.
After seeing quality boxing in
movies like Cinderella Man and
Million Dollar Baby, this just
doesn't stand a fighting chance
(yes, I went there with a pun):
see ANNAPOLIS page B2
Austin: Live music capital of the world
Austin, the capital of Texas, has many claims to fame other than "a place MTV's'Real World was filmed. An ECU student is taking time out of his busy schedule to read.
The loudest city in Texas
Ignorance Is Bliss Chill
1 pound London broil, diced
1 pound center cut pork loin, diced
3 slices of bacon, chopped
4 ounces ground sausage
2 cups coarsely chopped onion
2 cups finely chopped onion
2 cups coarsely chopped
green or red pepper
5 tablespoons chopped garlic
1 small jar medium-hot chilies
3 (6 oz.) cans of tomato paste
1 (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
1 medium can of pinto beans
1 cup barbecue sauce
1 teaspoon hot sauce
Juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoon of molasses
14 cup butter
2 tablespoons peanut oil - divided
3 cups water
Dry spices:
14 teaspoon powdered cloves
12 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sage
1 teaspoon basil
12 red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon cilantro
4 tablespoons chili powder
Add one tablespoon peanut oil to a five
quart pot over medium-high heat. Add
the butter and the coarsely chopped
onion and cook until caramelized.
Once caramelized, add the beef, pork,
bacon and sausage, stirring occasionally
until browned. Add the lime juice, stir
and reduce the heat to medium. Add
the garlic and two cans of tomato paste,
stir, and let simmer for 20 minutes.
Increase the heat to medium-high,
stir in remaining peanut oil, finely
chopped onion, red or green peppers,
chilies, tomato paste, crushed
tomatoes, barbecue sauce, all dry
spices and three cups of water. Stir,
cover, and let cook for 20 minutes.
Reduce heat to medium-low, stir and
cook for 40 minutes stirring often.
Increase heat to medium, stir in pinto
beans, hot sauce and molasses,
cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Serve with choices of sour cream,
Cheddar cheese, chopped onion or
fresh horseradish.
In our soon to be recurring
series of featured music cities,
this week's title takes us to the
great state of Texas. The capital
city of Austin boasts not only
the biggest rotunda building in
America, but also the moniker
"The Live Music Capital of the
World The Capitol building
is even bigger than the Capitol
building in Washington, D.C.
Also equally as impressive are
the many programs supported
by the Austin city government
in order to display the musical
talents of the local area. This
includes a music commission that
was created by the city council to
deal with everything related to
the music industry, Web sites and
even a musician hiring service
to play functions of all kinds.
Corporations ordering bands
to play their functions are com-
monplace in this city. This may
seem a bit odd to most, but to Aus-
tinites, this is the way we embrace
our name. The city of Austin cre-
ated the Austin music channel as
an economic development proj-
ect to showcase local music and
musicians and display the diver-
sity found throughout the city.
Austin Music Partners
launched Music and Entertain-
ment TV Oct. 1, 2005 on chan-
nel 15 on both Time Warner
and Grande Communications
stations. If TV isn't your deal
because you are more of an out-
doors type, then the Austin music
festivals might be more to your
liking. Even places such as Zilker
Park host events year-round, not
to mention the city club venues
that hold entertainment.
Another outdoor music fest,
called "Live from the Plaza
is a music concert that hap-
pens during lunchtime at city
hall every Friday between April
and October, completely free of
charge. As a side note, for the
folks in Austin who can't make
the concert, the shows are aired
in their entirety on Austin chan-
nel 6.
Austin holds more music
venues per capita than hot spots
such as Memphis, Las Vegas, Nash-
ville, Los Angeles and New York
City. These venues have inspired
the sounds of punk, ska, reggae,
blues, jazz, funk, bluegrass, world,
alternative, classical and country.
Famous Texan musicians and
groups include Willie Nelson,
Janisjoplin, Lyle Lovett, Stevie Ray
Vaughan, Selena and ZZ Top, who
all have done the Austin scene.
The Austin City Limits Music
Festival is a music and art festi-
val in Austin, typically held on
a Friday, Saturday and Sunday
toward the end of September. The
festival is produced by the Austin
City Limits television show and
Waterloo Music and takes place in
the aforementioned Zilker Park.
Lastly, South By Southwest is
see AUSTIN page B2
Vital student reading
Bob Roth's book proves
to be useful
College can be both exhaust-
ing and exhilarating for students.
It's a period of time when you
learn more about yourself, both
scholastically and personally.
This transition can sometimes be
more difficult than we would like,
but with author Bob Roth's help,
the ride is much smoother.
Roth is the founder and cur-
rent president of Practical Ser-
vices Corporation - a consulting
company that trains clients who
are interested in assistance with
leadership, idea generation, orga-
nizational effectiveness and much
more. With more than 25 years
of experience in management
and human resources for major
corporations, Roth has written
an extremely beneficial book for
young adults everywhere.
The 4 Realities of Success During
and After College is a clear guide
for students who are pursuing
the career of their choice while
attending school. The author's
four realities are as follows: you
can be more successful in col-
lege, it takes an effective job
search to land the job you want,
you can be more effective in
your first job and most impor-
tantly, going out on your own
shouldn't be a rude awakening.
For the first reality, Roth gives
suggestions on early college plan-
ning which involve choosing the
right school and following your
own plan of action. These key
suggestions are crucial to fresh-
men just starting their college
see BOOKS page B4
Ten Tenors embark on their 'Larger Than Life' tour
Aussie group to tour the
United States
The Ten Tenors will perform Jan. 31 - Feb. 5 at Raleigh Memorial
Auditorium. For more information, visit
The TeYi Tenors kick off
a tour for their new album,
Larger Than Life, in Raleigh
this month and are making
quite a buzz for themselves.
For those unfamiliar with
the Ten Tenors, they are an
Australian vocal group that
performs in a variety of musi-
cal styles ranging from opera
to pop to rock and beyond.
They have performed along-
side artists like Rod Stew-
art, Andrea Boccelli, Alanis
Morissette and Willie Nelson.
Their international career
started in Germany in 2001,
when all of their 48 shows
at two distinguished cabaret
venues sold out. In addition to
an amazing kick-start to a tour-
ing career, this made the Ten
Tenors the fastest selling act in
the history of both venues.
Since then, they have toured
internationally at sold-out
venues in Europe, Asia and Aus-
tralia. In 2002, they made a guest
appearance at the Eurovision
Grand Prix in Germany before
an audience of nearly 15,000
people, not to mention that
more than 20 million people
were watching on television.
To date, they have per-
formed on three continents
and have been seen by more
than an estimated 77 million
people. They exhibit a wide
range of styles and take on
the vocal challenges of every-
thing from ABBA to opera.
This year, they embark on
a North American tour and
will be performing at Raleigh
Memorial Auditorium in early
February. Their new CD, Larger
Than Life, was released just last
year on Rhino Records.
They have received praise
for their live performances -
even landing a public television
broadcast throughout the U.S.
and Canada last December of
their performance in Brisbane,
Australia. But their tour isn't
all that's been getting notice -
Larger Than Life has been making
quite the buzz for itself, too.
Their previous CD, One Is
Not Enough, climbed the Euro-
pean pop charts to the top 10
and in 2003 they were asked by
Disney to record the Jungle Book
2 theme song "Jungle Rhythm
Not so surprisingly, the
band is made up of 10 mem-
bers. They are Craig Atkin-
son, Shannon Brown, Drew
Graham, Craig Hendry, David
Kidd, Liafn McLachlan, Dion
Molinas, Stewart Morris, Todd
Strike and Jason Turnbull.
While each member has
their own story, all of them
have a very strong back-
see TENORS page B4

AnnapOHS from page B1
After all, this movie
cannot call itself a navy movie,
otherwise lawyers should get
involved from here. That's what
was marketed, but not what
was delivered. People who have
gone through the experience
of the U.S. Naval Academy will
either roll in the aisles with
laughter or outright walk away
and ask for their money back.
For all you feminists, you'll
also be enthralled to hear that the
leading woman in this movie, Jor-
dana Brewster, is a high-ranking
officer who's just weak enough to
fall for a first-year plebe and treat
him with kid gloves through the
movie. I continually asked myself
how this woman would've made
her rank, with her getting a soft
spot for Huard and all.
There's not one time in
the movie where Brewster's
character does what a higher-
ranking officer would do and
wield a little bit of that power
she holds. Instead of a strong
female character, this woman is
a pushover with a soft spot. With
her actions, it would've made
more sense to cast this character
with the same rank as Huard
instead of being a superior offi-
cer. It would've made a lot more
sense than making her the cool
Franco's leading man abilities
need some more polish, because
his character is supposed to
undergo a change. Huard in the
beginning is the same as Huard
in the end, just with a few more
pounds. Gibson's acting is better
than Franco's, but only because
Gibson just had to play the tough
guy, without much dynamic.
Gibson's becoming more type-
cast with each movie, by the way.
The movie's biggest successes
are the hearty chuckles certain
situations will render. Shannon's
jokes and one-liners are great,
and you'll genuinely get a belly
laugh from some of the moments.
Other than those few chuckles,
this movie won't give you much
to smile about. You'll be too busy
scratching your head.
Grade: D
777s writer can be contacted at
from page B1
a world famous festival hosted in
March which attracts about 1,000
acts from around the world to play
on SO or so stages over four days.
Also to be found are independent
film screenings that go on for
about a week.
So to the person in a recent
post who lessened the value of
music and movies as being "unim-
portant think of it this way - my
hometown is Austin, whose one
music festival brings about 75,000
people together in Austin to
have a good time. Music reminds
me of my home, as it does for
many people. Perhaps, only for a
moment, to escape the constraints
of simple minded cattle who can't
enjoy anything on their own and
therefore drop deuces on anyone
who does. However, people can
have their own opinions, just as
I have mine. The power of music
should be kept alive by everyone
and for everyone. So fight the
toxic rebuttal of these intellectual
pigmies and enjoy yourself and
enjoy each other.
This writer can be contacted at
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Student Homecoming Chair
The Homecoming Committee is currently looking for a person to fill the 2006 position of
Student Homecoming Chairperson.
The position calls for the applicant to:
Oversee seven (7) subcommittees
Manage a $19,000 budget and process expenditures in a timely fashion
Chair all student Homecoming bi-weekly (Spring) and weekly Fall meetings -
To apply for the position, all applicants must:
Be a full-time student in good standing with the University
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
Have a class standing of sophomore or up
This is a paid student position. All applications must include a letter of interest and resume
of related experience and emailed no later than February 10, 2006 to Charlie Brown,
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239 Mendenhall Student Center, M-F, 8-5pm.

You can make a difference!
Student Union Events nam
Tuesday, Feb 14th @ 9pm
In Mendenhall's Destination 360
Open Mic
Wednesday, Feb 8th @ 7pm
In Mendenhall's Pirate Underground
Free Food
Jazz at Night
Friday, Feb I Oth @ 8pm
In Mendenhall's Great Rooms
Artwork of Diane Banks
February 6th- March 3rd
In Mendenhall's 2nd floor gallery
Reception Thursday Febuary 9th
spectrum j
Is Georgia on your mind?
Atlanta Tri
Tuesday, March 14thSunday, March 19th,
Tickets start at150
Purchase a ticket at Mendenhall's Central Ticket Office
or for more information call 328-4715.
Mercury Film
Thu Feb 2nd @ 9:30pm
Fri Feb 3rd @ 7pm & Midnight
Sot Feb 4th @ 9:30pm
Sun Feb 5th @ 7pm
Blockbuster Film
Saw if
Thu Feb 2nd 7pm
Fri Feb 3rd @ 9:30pm
Sat Feb 4th @ 7pm & Midnight
Sun Feb 5th @ 3pm
Special Feature
Djbty Dancing
Fri Feb 10th @ Midnight
All movies are shown in
Mendenhall's Hendrix Theatre.
Upcoming Films
Jar Mo
A History of Violence
Questions? Call 328-4715
Visit www.ecu.edustudentunion

from page B1
experience and may make the
first few weeks a bit more bear-
able. He concludes the premiere
reality with the important sup-
portive people behind the scenes,
along with how college is an
opportunity to grow and evolve.
Reality two discusses the
significance of a solid job hunt
to get your preferred career. The
author goes into detail about the
job hunting process. He makes
clear the vitality of getting good
grades in college and gaining
useful experience during your
years at school. Also, the pro-
fessional advice on everything
from interviewing skills and
negotiating a job offer proves to
be extremely helpful.
The third reality effectively
displays ways for someone who is
just starting out in a new career
to make a good first impression.
Roth clarifies on interacting with
a new supervisor and how to
build relationships throughout
More Info
Who: Bob Roth
What: A new how-to book
Where: Available at The4Realltles.
Why: Help college students during
their academic and professional
To learn more and get a free sample
of Bob Roth's book visit his Web site
the organization. These are rec-
ommendations that every begin-
ning professional should obtain.
Finally, Roth uses the fourth
reality to ease his readers from
their former student roles into
their new independent ones. He
reviews information about new
income and a suitable budget
for what you're making. Along
with that, there are answers about
relocation issues, how to protect
against identity theft and ways
to meet new people and make
new friends. It summarizes main
concerns and responds to every
fresh graduate's question on how
to begin a new segment or life.
The yean that a person spends
in college are without a doubt
life-altering. New memories and
friends are made, and life lessons are
learned both in and outside of the
classroom. However, profession il
suggestions are invaluable in new
situations. The lines a student needs
to cross into becoming a profes-
sional can sometimes be blurry, but
this book makes it much clearer.
This writer can be contacted at
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from page B1
ground in either music or the-
atre, and in most cases, both.
From secondary educa-
tion studies in Music to highly
acclaimed performances in pro-
ductions of Grease, Cats, Footloose,
Oklahoma, Annie, Les Miserables,
West Side Story and Camelot
(among many others), the mem-
bers of the Ten Tenors still manage
having a great sense of humor
while also pushing themselves on
stage during long tours. It makes
you wonder - maybe the Ten
Tenors really are larger than life.
This writer can be contacted at
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HO ill
-HUP 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY February 2, 2006
Holtz hauls in 2006 recruiting class
Pirates address depth,
position concerns with
A late push helped boast
ECU'S 2006 recruiting class as
arguably the best since ECU
joined Conference USA in 1997.
Even with online recruiting
services releasing recruits' every
thought, the Skip Holtz coaching
staff corralled a talented group
sprinkled with some projects.
Holtz signed 27 of the 46
players that came to campus on
official visits. Of the 27, nine are
from North Carolina, eight are
from Florida, and Georgia and
South Carolina are represented
with three players apiece.
Holtz showed his trust in red-
shirt freshmen Robert Kass and
Brett Clay by declining to sign
a true quarterback. Holtz stated
publicly that he doesn't want to
waste his 85 allotted scholarships
on signal callers. But by not sign-
ing a quarterback, he will now
be forced to rely on Kass, Clay or
sophomore Patrick Pinkney once
current starting quarterback,
James Pinkney graduates.
Grade - in
Running Backs
Holtz went into the recruiting
process hoping to sign only one
running back. Because former
verbal commitment Kennard
Reeves opted for Vanderbilt late
in the game, the door was opened
for the enigmatic Norman Whit-
ley. The Richmond County back
turned down BCS offers early in
the recruiting process only to
have them pulled later on.
"That's the kind of kid that
we want here said running
backs coach Junior Smith refer-
ring to the Shine Bowl MVP.
"To have the confidence, to
have a chip on their shoulder
believing they're the best back
in the countTy
Fullback was an immediate
concern that Holtz addressed in
the form of Kevin Gidrey since
Jermarcus Veal and Jason Pender
both graduated. According to
Holtz, Gidrey the 252 pound
bruiser is a "big, thick, athletic
son of a gun" who will compete
for playing time as a freshman.
Grade - B
Reason Why: Holtz failed to
corral Devven Sutton, a highly
coveted fullback that could have
been a goal line threat.
Wide Receivers
Recruiting coordinator and
wide receivers coach Donnie
Kirkpatrick couldn't stop brag-
ging about how talented Javon
Brumsey and late additions
Dwayne Harris and DeMorio
Waymon are.
"Those guys are being signed
so in two years, we won't have to
rebuild, we'll be reloading said
Brumsey has the height nec-
essary to climb the proverbial
ladder to complete fade routes
accompanied with blazing speed.
"His strength is his speed
(4.43), his height, which you
can't coach and his hands said
Northeastern High School coach
Antonio Moore about Brumsey
who chose the Pirates over N.C.
State and Virginia.
"I could make a whole list
about his strengths. I couldn't
finish without saying that Javon is
a great kid and a great personality
Grade- B
Reason Why: Holtzsigned three
very quality players, but missed
out on some playmakers and also
failed to ink a true tight end.
Offensive Linemen
Steve Shankweiler added
some hogs to his offensive line-
men troop in bringing along five
newcomers. After graduating
three starters, Holtz needed some
immediate help while still secur-
ing the future. Willie Barton, a
320-pound JUCO transfer from
Georgia Military should compete
for a starting slot. Andrew Farr, a
prep school transfer is rehabbing
a knee injury, but will participate
in spring practice.
D.J. Scott, Sean Allen and
Cory Dowless participated in
ECU's summer camp. Scott, the
highly regarded of the three was
the first verbal commitment and
never wavered from his decision.
Doug Polochak hails from Nease
High School, one of the premier
schools in Florida.
Grade - A-
Reason Why: Holtz brought
in five quality players, but only
one potential 2006 starter.
Defensive Linemen
Ask any high school coach
which the hardest position to
recruit is and he will immediately
answer with the defensive line.
Luckily for the Pirates, defensive
line coach Donnie Thompson is one
of the best recruiters in t he state.
Thompson personally plucked
defensive ends from the region
Skip Holtz speaks to the media at a press conference Wednesday afternoon as ECU announced its 2006 recruiting class.
in 6-foot-7-inch Travis Melvin
and 6-foot-6-inch Willie Smith.
The Pirates also inked a couple
of unknowns in Joe Council and
Davion Holman.
"Davion's got tremendous
range said Dr. Phillips High
School Head Coach Kevin Pettis
about Davion Holman who
turned down Nebraska. "His
wing span is unbelievable. He's
just a tall, rangy type of kid who
gets after it real well
Grade - A-
Reason Why: Holtz signed
plenty of potential, but no kids that
are likely to compete immediately.
The seven linebackers will
make Pirate fans forget about the
four that recently graduated. With
a slew of young talent already in
the program, Holtz added veteran
JUCO's in Orlando Farrow, Fred
Wilson and Daniel Muhewzi. All
three have legitimate height and
size lacking in the younger players.
Holtz inked four freshman
players, all of which will take time
to develop. Relative unknown
Chris Atkins and Atlanta product
Lorenzo Osborne will have to gain
weight while middle linebacker
prospects Nick and A.J. Johnson
will have to develop their speed.
Grade - A
Holtz signed tall, rangy cor-
ners while still maintaining
hard hitting safeties. Convincing
Melvin Patterson to play with his
cousin Kasey Ross in the second-
ary was a huge coup. Patterson
chose ECU on Tuesday over N.C.
State, but will need to rehab an
ACL injury he suffered during the
first game of his senior season.
"Trying to find a weakness,
I don't see a lot of them there
said Santa Fe Head Coach Scott
Pritchett about Patterson.
"He's not perfect, but he's got
a lot of strengths. I can't see a lot
of negatives
Corners Darryl Reynolds and
Dekota Marshall, both over six
feet and from the region both have
the opportunity to play in 2006.
Marshall, who bench presses 370
pounds despite his 185 pound
frame runs a 4.4 40-yard dash.
"Dekota's potential is unlim-
ited said 23-year Southwest
Onslow Head Coach Phil Padgett.
"It wouldn't shock me if he
is playing on Sundays in four or
five years
Travis Simmons, a late addi-
tion and Dan Wideman, a pos-
sible academic casualty, are both
considered projects.
Grade - A-
Reason Why: All players signed
have great physical attributes,
but little position experience.
House Cleaning
Holtz announced that five
players have left the program citing
playing time as their main con-
cern. Cornerback Erode Jean, wide
receiver Brian Howard, offensive
linemen Zach Davis and Mike Wil-
liams and defensive lineman Mike
Horner will move on to I-AA schools.
I il I suspended
Starting H-back Robert Till-
man has been suspended from
the team for the spring semes-
ter. Holtz did not give a specific
reason for the rising senior's sus-
pension. Tillman caught 16 balls
for 186 yards and one touchdown
in six games before suffering a
season-ending hamstring injury.
MacDonaugh ends career
Mike MacDonagh, a formej
walk-on transfer from Wayne St.
will no longer don football pads.
MacDonagh finished with 11 tacli-
les, including two for loss whilfc
starting five games in each of the
last two seasons. The defensive
end suffered a neck injury during
the final game of the seasoO
causing a narrowing in his spine.
This writer can be contacted at I
Norman Whitley, RB, 5-9, 180, 4.7-40
- Captured back-to-back conference MVP honors for a tradi-
tion-rich Richmond County program.
- Earned four letters and helped guide the Raiders to a com-
bined 52-4 record during a prep career which included consecu-
tive conference titles in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.
- Rushed for 2,175 yards and scored 24 touchdowns as a
- Established new Richmond County single-season records
a year earlier as a junior with 2,666 rushing yards (290 carries)
and 39 ground scores.
- Averaged an impressive 9.2 yards per carry as a junior.
- Top single-game effort of note was a 377 all-purpose yard
performance, which Included a 91-yard kickoff return, against
Millbrook High School.
- Selected to play in the prestigious Shrine Bowl and
responded with an MVP performance.
- Rushed for 132 yards to lead North Carolina to a 28-24 win
over South Carolina.
- Coach was ECU Hall-of-Fame member and former Pirate
coach Ed Emory (1980-1984).
2006-2007 ECURecruiting Class
NamePos.Ht.wt.Hometown j
Sean AllenOL6-3290Wilson, NC
Chris AtkinsLB6-3200Chattahoochee, FL
Willie BartonOL6-5350Palmetto, FL
Javon BrumseyWR6-4190Elizabeth City, NC
Joe CouncilDL6-4235Walterboro, SC
Cory DowlessOL6-5300Franklinville, NC
Kevin GidreyFB6-2250Virginia Beach, VA
Dwayne HarrisATH6-0190Stone Mountain, GA
Davion HolmanDL6-4245Orlando, FL
A.J. JohnsonLB6-2225Atlanta, Ga
Nick JohnsonLB6-1225Charlotte, N.C
Dekota MarshallDB6-1185Jacksonville, NC ;
Travis MelvinDE6-6260Fayetteville, N.C
Lorenzo OsborneLB6-3200Atlanta, GA
Melvin PattersonWR6-3205Alachua, FL
Doug PolochakOL6-4270Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Darryl ReynoldsCB6-1185New Bern, NC
D.J. ScottOL6-6305Green Cove Springs, FL
Travis SimmonsDB5-10175Tallahassee, FL
Willie SmithDL6-6230Kenly, NC
DeMorio WaymonWR6-3185Tallahassee, FL
Norman WhitleyRB5-9180Hamlet, NC
Dan WidemanATH6-2210Greenwood, SC
Mid-year Additions
Andrew FarrOL6-4280Pell City, AL
Orlando FarrowLB6-3225Georgetown, DE
Danny MuhweziLB6-3235Germantown, MD
Signing day: A recruiting bonanza, for whom?
(KRT) On ESPNU, they're calling it "elec-
tion-style" coverage. By the time it's over, the
network's 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (CST) special might
make national signing day seem more like national
signing week.
College Sports TV will offer a more modest
three hours of coverage Wednesday, beginning at
3 p.m. Like its five-lettered competitor, the network
will feature interviews with college coaches, high-
lights of top recruits and live player commitment
Alas, neither will be on the air at 9 a.m when
a defensive tackle from Fort Lauderdale named
Charles Deas is set to pledge to LSU, Auburn, Florida
State or Nebraska.
Not even Deas' coach, Mark James of Dillard
High School, knows which school he will pick.
"He told me he was going to shock the nation
James told
In fairness, you can understand why Deas
and the 20 other recruits who are set to make live
announcements Wednesday might have lost their
perspective on things.
The attention paid to recruits in the months
leading to national signing day never has been
And it goes well beyond Web sites such as scout,
com and, which has 150,000 subscribers
paying at least $9.95 per month for information,
rumors and everything in between.
"The amount of access they have to student-
athletes is amazing top recruit Myron Rolle told a
national panel examining recruiting ethics. "They
can call you on your cell phone seven times a night
and you're like, 'Didn't 1 give you an interview two
minutes ago?' That can be overwhelming
Rolle, a defensive back from New Jersey, said
Monday he even had received attention from Flor-
ida Gov. Jeb Bush, who text-messaged him while he
visited Florida State's campus in November.
Rolle recalled the message going like this: "I'm
excited you're looking at Florida State. (Florida State
President) T.K. Wetherell and I are friends. When
you come to Tallahassee again, let's hook up with
each other. Jeb Bush
"There may have been a time when something
like that shocked me University of Georgia
President Michael Adams told the Atlanta
journal-Constitution. "But I have been in this too
long. Are our priorities out of order? The answer
is, yes
A love note from the brother of the commandei-
in-chief notwithstanding, Rolle had committed
orally to Florida State in September. So Bush, indeed,
will get his chance to "hook up" with Rolle.
You don't need a TV (or a newspaper) to keep
tabs on your favorite school's recruiting class.
Notre Dame will offer live coverage of coach
Charlie Weis' 11 a.m. news conference on its Web
site, Subscribers to Fighting Irish All-
Access Monthly ($6.95month) can view a video
highlight package featuring each Irish signee.
Northwestern fans can check out coach Randy
Walker's 6 p.m. news conference at,
but the school generally takes a low-key approach
see RECRUITING page jfc

ReCmiting from page 65
to signing day. Walker would rather see his current
crop of players receive attention. And his focus on
intangibles such as character and work ethic lead
to relatively low rankings for his classes.
Said assistant athletic director Mike Wolf: "You
look at guys like Tim McGarigle, Mark Philmore and
Shaun Herbert, they were ranked as the minimum-
star recruits
It's true. gave each two stars and
ranked Northwestern's 2002 class 65th nationally.
Actually it was tied for 65thwith Middle Tennes-
see State.
McGarigle, Philmore and Herbertall fourth-year
players helped NUtieforthird in the Big Ten last season.
If Northwestern is going low-key, Illinois is
going high-key. Its Web site,,
will feature live online chats and interviews with
coaches, an all-day "war room" blog that begins at
7 a.m. and streaming video of coach Ron Zook's
3:30 p.m. news conference.
Cassie Arner, the school's associate director
of athletic public relations, devised the plan. And
Zook embraced it.
"We want to make the biggest bang anyone has
ever seen Arner said. "People know everything
that's going on with recruiting now because of the
Internet: If you're not helping them, then they're
going to go somewhere else. We want to be their
best source of information
And, coming off a winless Big Ten season, the
school figures the extra promotion can only help
ticket sales and boost a Memorial Stadium renova-
tion project.
Arner's original plan called for an online show
during which current Illinois players and coaches
would hold clipboards and discuss the signings,
almost like ESPN's coverage of the NFL draft. But
Illinois' compliance department nixed that idea.
Still, Illinois will break ground with its signing
day bonanza.
"We're going to cover this just like we cover a
game week Arner said. "Recruiting is our game
"Before giving, I
always look for the
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Eager reporters gather to interview Seattle Seahawks quarterback Matt Hasselbeck and others prior to Sunday's Super Bowl.
Super Bowl Media Day: News of the weird
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(KRT) I'm standing in
Ford Field on the third row of a
set of bleachers, which surround
a small barricade, which sur-
rounds a booth, which houses a
dais. Behind the dais sits Seattle
Seahawks running back Shaun
Right about now, I'm starting
to think this might not be an
intimate one-on-one chat.
And then things get weird.
Alexander starts talking
about his spiritual beliefs while,
in the next booth over, alleged
comedian Gilbert Gottfried
waves an ESPN2 microphone
toward Seahawks defensive end
Grant Wistrom and asks what
kind of hair gel he uses. In a
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lapse of journalistic focus, I miss
Wistrom's answer.
Gottfried then wanders over
to Alexander and asks him to
tell the funniest joke he knows.
Alexander says he'll get back
to him. Gottfried then tells
Alexander to repeat any dirty
joke he can remember. This is a
minute or two after Alexander
has'explained how he became
a Christian. Weird just became
In fact, I'm offering that as
the NFL's new marketing slogan,
free of charge:
"Super Bowl Media Day:
Where Weird Meets Awkward
Over the course of two hours
Tuesday - an hour apiece for the
Seahawks and the Pittsburgh
Steelers - almost every possible
topic will be fully unexplored.
Hundreds of reporters converge
in one glorious glob of media
excess. The only thing missing
is insight.
Alexander, besides graciously
declining to tell Gottfried a dirty
joke, wins the award for saying
the most while saying the least.
The league MVP has been wait-
ing for a long-term contract for
a long term now. He is asked if
he'll give the Seahawks first shot
at signing him.
Moving on, then.
Alexander satisfies Gottfried's
continued queries by saying
quarterback Matt Hasselbeck is
the funniest guy on the team, of
at least the one everyone laugh$
at. Or laughs with. Alexander is
a little vague.
Gottfried traipses over to
Hasselbeck's booth and tells
him that Alexander singled him
out as the Seahawks' funniest
"Tell me a joke Gottfried
Say what you will about his
annoying voice and foul mouth,
but when Gottfried says "jump,
NFL players don't even wait to
consult their agents.
"There are three kinds of
see WEIRD page B8
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from page B7
people in the world Hasse'beck
says. "Those who are good at
math and those who aren't
OK, it's not sidesplitting
funny, but on a day when the
comediansroving reporters
Include Gottfried and Tom
Arnold, we'll take any semblance
of humor we can get. In fact,
we'll take anything to relieve the
torture of too many stories from
too many angles in too loose of
a format.
Solemn questions are followed
by goofy questions which lead to
inane questions. A reporter from
a Spanish-language media outlet
conducts interviews with a hand
puppet. The puppet sports Troy
I'olamalu-style hair. Cute, but
can the puppet make a deadline?
Some questions even address
football, but that doesn't neces-
sarily improve the situation. For
example, Seattle coach Mike
Holmgren offers this revealing
analysis into the key to Super
Bowl XL, which will be played
this Sunday:
"The difference in the game
will be who turns the ball over
the fewest times Holmgren said.
While 1 am unable to confirm
this at press time, rumor also has
it that the team who scores the
most points will win.
The Seahawks are trapped for
an hour with no easy escape, but
at least they can take solace in the
Steelers suffering the same plight.
The Steelers, too, find them-
selves surrounded by microphones
attached to sporadically coherent
owners. Most seem very interested
in finding out if Jerome Bettis is
from Detroit.
New York Giants defensive end
Michael Strahan, masquerading as
a reporter for The NFL Network,
approaches Steelers receiver Hines
Ward. I anticipate Strahan has a
question but, alas, my instincts
fail me. "The only man in football
with a better smile than me is you
Strahan tells Ward.
Strahan says something about
Ward trying to block him, then
inquires whether Ward has a nas-
tier visage in his facial repertoire.
"Give me a mean mug he
tells Ward.
Ward scrunches up his face.
He looks not unlike Gilbert
Now that's funny. In a weird,
awkward sort of way.

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The East Carolinian, February 2, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 02, 2006
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