The East Carolinian, February 1, 2006

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 81 Number 46
February 1.2006
Nutrition last subject Scene from centrai campus
in campus series ' r
Barber speaks in Greene Hall for last lecture in the Achieve series.
Barber recommended setting
the fork down between bites to
slow down the eating process and
give the brain more time to recog-
nize if the stomach is full.
Barber said that because col-
lege students don't usually have
regular eating habits they might
not get reliable hunger cues.
Another key to a better diet man-
agement is knowing when the body
has eaten enough to be satisfied.
"When you are satisfied, you
have eaten enough, but the meal
is not sitting heavy on your stom-
ach Barber said.
"When you eat like this, it"s
OK to feel hungry again in four
Barber pointed out that prob-
lems arise when more calories
are consumed then are used.
The body then stores these extra
calories, eventually leading to
weight gain.
"You only gain weight if you
take in calories you don't use
Barber said.
This can occur when people
eat when they are not hungry.
"Eating when you are not
hungry, like when you might be
bored, will also prevent you from
getting reliable cues Barber said.
Barber said that many
students have come to her
Dreary weather yesterday morning made for a quiet day at Wright Plaza. One activity in the Plaza included ECU'S Hillel group
giving away free Krispy Kreme doughnuts to students on campus.
Nutritionist explains
diversity in body shape,
size for college students
Good nutrition is a topic that
is often on the minds of many,
but rarely put into practice in
everyday life once the eyes and
stomach get involved.
Tara Barber, nutrition coun-
selor for Student Health Service,
touched on some of the more
troublesome aspects of a healthy
diet Tuesday night in the Greene
Hall lobby as part of the Achieve
series of programs at ECU.
One of the biggest obstacles
to achieving a healthy diet is rec-
ognizing when you are hungry
and when you are full.
"One way our body regulates
itself is hunger and fullness cues
Barber said.
"Having an understanding of
what your body is saying is one of
the best tools you can have
A nerve at the top of the stom-
ach sends a message to the brain
that the stomach is full. The
problem is that this message can
sometimes take 15-20 minutes to
reach the brain, and most people
have no problem finishing a large
meal in this time.
New GRE test undergoes major changes
Changes set to be
applied October 2006
see NUTRITION page A2
Judge Alito sworn in
The Graduate Record Exam
(GRE), the admissions exam for
most graduate level programs,
has undergone several major
changes, including alterations to
the length, scoring and difficulty
of the exam.
"This will affect nearly
500,000 future teachers, psychol-
ogists, journalists, scientists and
other graduate school applicants
who'take the test annually said
Victoria Grantham, senior com-
munications manager for Kaplan
Test Prep and Admissions.
"It is undergoing its biggest
overhaul ever
The change was announced
last year, but details had not been
released until now. These changes
will impact important aspects of
the test such as score range, the
types of questions asked, how the
officials will evaluate the scores
and more.
According to,
there are primarily 10 things
students planning to take the
GRE should know about the new
The first is that there will
be "untried question types
meaning that there will be ques-
tion types that have never been
seen on this exam until now. An
example of this would be sen-
tence completion questions that
"ask test takers to select two of
the six answer choices that best
represent the same meaning
The second change is the new
scoring delay - the scoring scale
will not be finalized until after
the first three administrations
of the exam
The third is that the GRE is
going to become more expen-
The fourth has to do with
foreign students and verbal ques-
tions. The difficulty level of
verbal questions is going to
become "substantially more dif-
The fifth concept in the exam
change impacts the "Admissions
X factor The new scoring scales
create uncertainty among admis-
sions officials who want to com-
pare old test scores with the new
test scores because the test will
be so different and the changes
so drastic.
The sixth change is to the
test's length. The new GRE will
nearly double in length, from
two and a half hours to at least
four hours.
"There will be two 40-minute
verbal sections, two 40-minute
quantitative sections and two 30-
minute analytical writing essays
according to
The site also says the extra
time is necessary because, "The
test will change from a computer
adaptive test (CAT) to a linear
computer based test (CBT), which
means that more questions are
needed to test varied difficulty
The seventh altera-
tion affects those with crazy
schedules and those who can
only take the test at certain
times. The number of times
the test will be offered annu-
ally is decreasing to only 30.
The eighth change will be
to the verbal section. Analogies
and antonyms will be replaced
by critical reading exercises. Also,
the previously 30-minute sec-
tion is becoming two 40-minute
The ninth affects mathemat-
All GRE test changes are available online for easy access.
Newest Supreme Court
justice confirmed
President Bush shakes hands with Judge Samuel A. Alito after the
Senate voted to confirm him as the 110th Justice of the Supreme Court.
Alito's strong conservative voting
record, and many in the party
believe that if an abortion case
comes before the court now, there
is a chance that Roe v. Wade (1973),
the landmark case that legalized
abortion, could be overturned.
Alito also failed to satisfy many
Democrats during confirmation
hearings with vague responses
to questions regarding civil liber-
But Republicans countered
that Democrats were getting
caught up in partisan politics,
and that Alito had a proven
record of more than 15 years on
the Third Circuit U.S. Court of
Alito will take the seat of Jus-
tice Sandra Day O'Connor, the first
woman appointed to the court,
who is retiring. O'Connor was
known as a moderate during her
time and often carried the decid-
ing vote in controversial cases.
ics. Data interpretation is now
"in but, on the flipside of that,
the geometry section will be
considerably lighter. As with the
verbal section, the new test will
now feature two 40-minute sec-
tions. The hope is that students
will have the opportunity to
"apply mathematics to real-life
The tenth and final change
applies to essays.
Admissions officers will now
be able to see full writing samples,
and essay timing and prompts are
also changing. Previously, admis-
sions officers only received an
essay score.
Why all the changes? Accord-
ing to a press release on,
the test is being overhauled in
order to make it more useful to
students and graduate schools.
ETS expects the changes
to increase the validity of the
test. The changes will also pro-
vide graduate schools with
better information on an
applicant's performance, ad-
dress security concerns and
maximizetechnologyto make better
use of computer-enabled questions.
All information appearing
in this article comes from kapt-, and Kaplan
Test Prep itself. For more useful
information on the GRE changes,
students can visit
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU receives over $200,000 in grants for post-Katrina research
Judge Samuel Alito, 55, was
on hand Tuesday night in the
House chamber for President
Bush's State of the Union Address
as the newest member of the
highest court in the land.
Alito will be sworn in
Wednesday in the East Room of
the White House after being con-
firmed Tuesday in the Senate by a
58-42 vote, the closest call since
Clarence Thomas was confirmed
by the same margin in 1991.
Alito had been heatedly
opposed by most Democrats, who
had on Monday attempted in
vain to start a filibuster to block
the nomination. In the end, four
Democrats crossed party lines to
vote in favor of Alito.
Democrats had been wary of
This writer can be contacted at
economic impact
The Center for Natural Haz-
ards Research received two
grants totaling more than
$200,000 from the National
Science Foundation for two
separate research projects con-
cerning the impact of Hurricane
Katrina nationally.
The first grant will involve
research from three different
departments at ECU. The eco-
nomics, planning and sociology
departments received the first
grant, totaling $172,596.
The research for this grant
will involve research investigat-
ing the national attitude about
rebuilding the New Orleans area
and how much taxpayers are will-
ing to pay to salvage the area.
Jamie Brown Kruse, director
of the Center for Natural Haz-
ards Research and professor of
economics, felt that rebuilding
would be a good idea, but that it
is also a good idea to find out the
opinion of the general public.
"Certainly it is a good idea to
restore the city, but I also think
we need input and information
from New Orleans, from the
affected areas and from the rest
of the United States on what are
the things about this city that
they value highly and are willing
to pay for said Kruse.
"There is a tremendous
amount of money that is going
to be spent on the rebuilding
efforts, and it makes sense to
direct that money in a way that
makes sense
The second grant involves the
economics department alone at
ECU but does involve other uni-
versities. Texas Tech University,
Stephen F. Austin College and
Southern Mississippi at Long
Beach are partnering with ECU
to gather information for this
research project.
The research will focus on the
economic impact of the people in
that area and on the host com-
munities that took in evacuees.
"When a region plays host,
there is an economic impact.
North Carolina and Texas took in
thousands of evacuees Krusesaid.
Some of the research will try
to measure if there will be any
positive economic side effects
from the storm that changed the
lives of many nationally.
"It is possible that with the
federal funding available for the
evacuees, there may be a posi-
tive economic impact to offset
the drain on the host region's
resources Kruse said.
They will also try to find
out the number of jobs lost, jobs
created and jobs sustained post
Approximately 14,000 sur-
veys, along with some face-to-
face interviews, will be given to
help them retrieve this infor-
mation. Individuals who lived
in areas impacted by Katrina
will be used for concentrated
sampling for the surveys.
NSF funded the economics
department of ECU and the
other partnering universities
$29,881 to do this research
Harold Stone of the planning
department, Kenneth R. Wilson
of the sociology department
and Okmyung Bin and Craig
E. Landry of the economics
department will be the profes-
sors researching these issues.
Also, John Whitehead, a
former ECU professor now at
Appalachian State, will be a
researcher in one of the projects.
see RESEARCH page A2
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A7 I Opinion: A4 I What's Hot: A4 I Sports: A6

Page A2 252.328.6366
RACHEL KING News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
WEDNESDAY February 1, 2006
Dance 2006
Dance 2006 continues in the
week of Jan. 29 - Feb. 4. Highlights
include choreography by School
of Theatre and Dance faculty and
guest artists. Sometimes serious,
sometimes funny, sometimes
lyrical and sometimes eccentric,
this annual dance showcase has
become an immensely popular
event. Sure to have something for
dance aficionados and newcomers
alike, this is a fast-paced and
unpredictable cornucopia of styles.
For more information, visit
Groundhog Day
The ECU Folk and Country Dancers
are sponsoring a free acoustic
music concert performed by
Folks Arts Society of Greenville
members and guests Thursday,
Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at Mudslinger's
Coffee Co. located at 409 Evans
St downtown Admission is free. For
more information, call 752-7350.
Elite Pirates
Applications are now being
accepted for induction into this
premiere recognition program
designed to honor the top student
leaders at ECU. Only 11 student
leaders -will be selected for this
honor based on their academics,
leadership and community
service. The Elite Pirates" selected
will receive a university plaque,
induction into "The Elite Pirates"
Student Hall of Fame, a $150
leadership honorarium and receive
recognition with other campus
community leaders during ECU
Founder's Week. Applications
are available in 207 Mendenhall
Student Center. The deadline for
submitting an application is Friday,
Feb. 10 at 4:30 p.m. Interviews
will be conducted Feb. 20 - 24.
The Induction Program will take
place March 29 at 2:30 p.m. in
MSC Hendrix Theatre. Founder's
Week is March 27-31. For more
information, contact the Office
of the Assistant Vice Chancellor
for Student Experiences at 328-
Take My Picture
Joyner Ubrary is looking for students
who are interested in volunteering
as models for photos to be used
in library publications and other
materials. Interested individuals
should contact Bill Bunting at
Student Homecoming
Chair Applications
The Homecoming Committee is
currently looking for a person to
fill the 2006 position of Student
Homecoming Chairperson. The
position calls for the applicant to
oversee seven subcommittees,
manage a $19,000 budget,
process expenditures in a timely
fashion and chair all student
homecoming bi-weekly meetings.To
apply for the position, all applicants
must be full-time students in good
standing with the university, have
a minimum cumulative GPA of
2.5 and have a class standing of
sophomore or higher. This is a paid
student position. All applications
must include a letter of interest and
resume of related experience and
should be e-mailed no later than Feb.
10toAdeea Rogers at rogersa@ecu.
edu. You may also drop off your
letter of interest and resume to 218
Mendenhall Student Center, Mon.
- Fri. from 8 am. - 5 pm
As you know, undergraduate
research is not only a priority
for the Office of the University
Honors Program, ECU Scholars
and Undergraduate Research, but
also an important
experience for students,
particularly those wishing to
continue to graduate or professional
schools. It's not too early to
begin thinking about projects
you may wish to pursue with the
assistance of an Undergraduate
Research and Creative Activities
Grant. This grant can help you
pay for supplies or materials,
project expenses and even a
stipend for yourself. All you need is
an original project, a faculty
mentor and the application form.
Applications are open to all
interested undergraduates
pursuing an independent
research or inquiry-based learning
Applications and guidelines are
available through the Honors
Program Home Page at
honors, click on "Undergraduate
Research Application deadline is
Feb. 15. Mark your calendars and
open your minds.
News Briefs
NC Central professor missing
DURHAM, NC (AP) - An associate
professor at NC Central University
is missing, and while police say
they've found no signs of foul play,
co-workers said her abrupt, mysterious
departure is uncharacteristic.
Seong Hee Oak, 36, who teaches
hotel and restaurant management in
the university's business school, has
missed three weeks of classes. She
was last seen in Durham on Jan. 21,
and gave no indication she planned
to be away.
She was officially reported missing
"She was always at work, and there
were no problems with anyone" at
NCCU, university police Capt. Victor
Ingram said.
Oak's car, a 2005 silver Toyota Camry
is also missing.
But, Ingram noted, "We don't
feel there's anything to indicate a
crime has been committed at this
Youngil Cho, associate dean of
NCCU's business school, last saw
Oak at a faculty meeting Jan. 19.
"We are worried very much about
it Cho said. "We hope that she will
return safe
Oak, a native of Korea who lives in
Croasdaile, spent a month visiting
family in Korea last year, but left
word of where she was going and
phone numbers where she could
be reached, neighbor Marie Pierce
said. She also telephoned Pierce
from Korea.
"It's not like her to go off like this
said Pierce.
Police said Oak is 5 feet tall and
weighs about 110 pounds. Her Camry
had a North Carolina license plate
with the number SZH-3296.
UNC-Chapel Hill composer dies
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - Roger Durham
Hannay, a composer who wrote more
than 120 pieces of music and served
as a mentor while he worked at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, has died after complications from
open heart surgery. He was 75.
Hannay, whose works were
performed in North Carolina and
other states, founded and directed
the New Music Ensemble, the
composer-concert series and the
electronic music studio at UNC-
Chapel Hill.
He retired from the university in
1995, but continued to write until he
got sick.
In October, the NC Symphony
will perform one of Hannay's last
compositions while another of his
works will open the UNC Symphony
Orchestra's concert Feb. 28.
Hannay was bom in New York and
attended Syracuse University, Boston
University and the Eastman School
of Music.
Before he came to Chapel Hill, he
studied with composers Lukas Foss
and Aaron Copland.
A private burial will be held
in Kew Gardens in New York. A
memorial concert will be held at
UNC-Chapel Hill, but a date has not
yet been set.
Hannay is survived by his wife, Janet,
and daughter, Dawn Hannay, a violist
with the New York Philharmonic.
Ex-postal employee kills six,
commits suicide at Calif, mail plant
GOLETA, Calif. (AP) - A female ex-
postal worker opened fire at a mail
processing plant, killing six people
and critically wounding another before
committing suicide, authorities said
early Tuesday.
Deputies responding to a report of
shots fired about 9:15 p.m. Monday
found two people dead outside the
Two wounded women were located
inside and were taken to Santa Barbara
Cottage Hospital. One died and the
other was listed in critical condition
early Tuesday with a gunshot wound
to the head.
Nearly five hours later, deputies found
four additional bodies, including one
believed to be the female shooter,
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim
Anderson said. The shooter, who was
not identified, died of an apparent
self-inflicted gunshot wound, he
It was one of the deadliest shootings
in a Postal Service facility since a
series of high-profile cases in the mid
'80s and early '90s, including one in
which a part-time letter carrier killed
14 people in Edmond, Okla and then
took his own life.
The Monday night rampage
sent dozens of employees running
from the sprawling distribution
center and prompted authorities
to warn nearby residents to stay
The 200,000-square-foot facility is
located just a few blocks from the
University of California, Santa Barbara.
About 300 people are employed at
the plant in Goleta, about 90 miles
northwest of Los Angeles.
Coretta Scott King, widow of
Martin Luther King, has died
ATLANTA (AP) - Coretta Scott King,
who turned a life shattered by her
husband's assassination into one
devoted to enshrining his legacy of
human rights and equality, has died.
She was 78.
Rags at the King Center were lowered
to half-staff Tuesday morning.
"We appreciate the prayers and
condolences from people across
the country the King family said in a
statement. The family said she died
overnight, but did not say where she
died. She suffered a serious stroke
and heart attack in 2005.
"It's a bleak morning for me and for
many people and yet it's a great
morning because we have a chance
to look at her and see what she
did and who she was the poet
Maya Angelou said on ABC's "Good
Morning America
Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young,
the civil rights activist who is close to
the King family, broke the news on
NBC's "Today" show: "I understand
that she was asleep last night and
her daughter (Bernice King) went in
to wake her up and she was not able
to and so she quietly slipped away.
Her spirit will remain with us just as
her husband's has
OPEC keeps output unchanged,
oil ministers say
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - The
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries agreed Tuesday to hold
crude-oil production steady at 28
million barrels of oil a day, members
said Tuesday.
The decision had been widely
expected after two days of informal
meetings by the cartel's 11 members.
Qatari oil minister Abdullah bin
Hamad al-Attiyah said a cut in output
would be discussed at OPEC's March
"We're very pragmatic he said,
adding that talks about any cuts
would take place later.
But Saudi oil minister AH Naimi,
one of the most influential voices in
OPEC, said he didn't believe a cut
in output would be needed at the
next meeting, a sentiment shared by
OPEC President Edmund Daukoru
of Nigeria.
Naimi also said the decision was
unanimous and added that at no
time did concerns about Iran's likely
showdown with the West over its
nuclear ambitions factor into the
The possibility that Iran could be
referred to the United Nations Security
Council for economic sanctions
over Its nuclear program has
overshadowed this week's meeting.
Iran, OPEC's second-largest oil
producer, insists the program is
aimed at generating electricity, while
the U.S. and some European nations
fear it could be used to develop
nuclear weapons. The International
Atomic Energy Agency is to meet to
discuss Iran on Thursday.
Reports: Putin boasts Russia
has missiles capable of piercing
missile defense
MOSCOW (AP) - President Vladimir
Putin boasted Tuesday that Russia
has missiles capable of penetrating
any missile defense system, Russian
news reports said.
"Russia has tested missile systems
that no one in the world has the
ITAR-Tass, Interfax and RIA Novosti
news agencies quoted him as saying
at a news conference. "These missile
systems don't represent a response
to a missile defense system, but
they are immune to that. They are
hypersonic and capable of changing
their flight path
Putin said the new missiles were
capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
He wouldn't say whether the Russian
military already had commissioned
any such missiles.
He said he had shown the working
principles of the missile systems to
French President Jacques Chirac
during a visit to a Russian military
In April 2004, Chirac became the
first Western leader to visit Russia's
top-secret Titov space control center,
which is also involved in launches of
its intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Putin said that the new missiles
were capable of changing both the
altitude and the direction of their flight,
making it impossible for an enemy to
intercept them.
"A missile defense system is designed
to counter missiles moving along a
ballistic trajectory Putin was quoted
as saying.
Putin and other Russian officials have
boasted of the new missiles in similar
comments in recent years, but they
haven't identified them or given any
further details other than about their
ability to change their flight path on
approach to a target.
Most analysts viewed the earlier
announcements about "hypersonic"
missile systems as Moscow's
response to U.S. missile defense
Military analysts have said that the
military had experimented with a
maneuvering wa(head during a
missile launch several years ago, but
voiced doubt about Russia's ability
to deploy such weapons anytime
Analysts said the new warheads,
designed to zigzag on their approach
to targets, could be fitted to new
land-based Topol-M missiles and
the prospective Bulava missiles, now
under development.
Gravestones overlooked for years Nutrition pm Research frompageM
- -
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expressing difficulties in trying
to maintain a healthy diet on
campus. She said that one of
the reasons for this is the vacant
position of nutritionist for Ara-
mark here at ECU, a job that has
been unfilled since last year.
Barber recommended stu-
dents try to find healthy snacks
to keep in their rooms as well as
letting Aramark and the adminis-
tration know how they feel about
food on campus.
One of the main themes to
Barber's presentation was natural
diversity in body shape and size.
"We have an ideal shape that
everyone should be Barber said.
"Nobody is made to look
exactly alike. Everyone has a pre-
set body weight and shape to some
degree, and we can't control that
Barber said that the labels
attached to foods like fruits and
candy denoting them as "good"
or "bad" are misleading.
"What you eat in one meal or
one day will not alter your health
or weight Barber said.
Ultimately, size and weight are
not perfect indicators of health.
"Everyone has the belief
that thin is healthy and over-
weight is unhealthy Barber said.
"This is not true - you
can be healthy at any size
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Kruse said that they plan to
release the results of the two
research projects in scholarly
journals, to the legislature and
to the general public.
The Center for Natural Haz-
ards research has also proposed
research projects to look at
the economic effects of areas
affected by major or minor
hurricanes in past years and
the behavior and perceptions
of individuals who are located
in areas where natural disasters
are likely to occur.
This writer can be contacted at
Unwise tip: Landscaping with water
retaining plants helps protect
your home from wHdflra. Find other
useful tips at
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G$ somdhing to say?
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Pirate Rants!
The gravestones at the Prospect Cemetery in the Queens
borough of New York are shown covered in weeds, vines and
other vegetation, Tuesday, Jan 24, 2006. All across New York's
five boroughs, old cemeteries are tucked away, some visible
but ignored by passersby, some in the shadow of latter-day
highrises, some so remote as to be overlooked entirely.
ECU Plastic
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confidential consultation.

Page A3 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
WEDNESDAY February 1, 2006
My Random Column
Welcoming February
with wacky weather
The bizarre weather trend continues. Highs in
the 50s and 60s for the next week leave me
wondering where the winter has gone.
Wind and rain yesterday morning led to rain boots
and heavy jackets, which replaced the T-shirts
that had been prevalent across campus lately.
A brief thought that it might stay cold crossed
my mind. That is only because for the first time
in several days, I could feel the winter creeping
in. To my dismay, said it shouldn't
last long.
By the afternoon it felt like it had been for the
last week, chilly but not unreasonable. To the
standards we have grown accustomed to lately,
that is. Donning a T-shirt, I ran errands and left
my jacket behind because there was no need
to wear it for the short amount of time I was
actually outside. I knew I would not freeze and
was quite comfortable.
That leads me to the debate I have had lately,
that bad weather will eventually catch up with
us and we will wish that we had time to prepare.
Or that we'll have to make up for it by enduring
an extra-warm summer. With temperature rising
in the winter, should we expect the summer to
be more than 100 degrees? If that is so, I want
snow now. Because if any of you know, sum-
mers here are hot and humid and somewhat
unbearable at times. I can't imagine them being
So I hope that if it snows, we have some warn-
ing because I know that with the way Greenville
is, we will be stuck if we get a little bit of snow. It
is a good thing that we don't get more than we
do. I hope everyone enjoys the warm weather
this next week. And good luck when it starts
getting colder.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Rachel King Zack
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Murnane
Features Editor Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Lotter
Asst. Photo Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak Dustin Jones
Web Editor Asst. Web Editor
Edward McKim
Production Manager
Newsroom 252.328.9238
Fax 252.328.9143
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Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
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Unique TV show inspires
"Jesus was black, Ronald
Reagan was the devil, and the
government is lying about 9-11
Those were the words uttered
by young Huey Freeman which
caused some of us to either
eagerly await or dread the
premier of the new animated
television show "The Boondocks"
on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim
line-up. The show is based on
Aaron McGruder's controversial
and highly acclaimed comic strip.
The series revolves around
the lives of two brothers named
Huey and Riley Freeman, who
have moved from Chicago to
live in the suburb of Wood-
crest with their grandfather,
Robert Freeman, who they often
refer to as "Granddad Other
characters in the series include
Thomas and Sara Dubois, an
interracial couple, their daughter
Jazmine and Uncle Ruckus (no
relation), a man who can best be
described as a mentally disturbed
neighborhood handyman and
acquaintance of the Freemans
who dislikes his own race and
constantly, but often illogically,
praises white people.
I enjoy watching this show
because it isn't something that
you just sit and watch. It makes
you think about real life issues,
and because of this show, I've
begun to think about some things
in other ways. This show also
doesn't make me feel the same
way every time I watch it. The
truth is I experience a kaleido-
scope of emotions when I watch it.
I also like this show because
it is something different. This
isn't the familiar type of family
we see on television, and these
aren't the typical characters you
see on most syndicated sitcoms.
Not to mention that it is one of
the only animated series I've ever
seen to be focused on, based in
and influenced by African Ameri-
can culture. However, the show
does not appear to let this be its
only defining element because it
focuses on other issues like ter-
rorism, education and addiction
to name a few.
Probably one of the most
powerful episodes was about
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The
episode focused mostly on what
things might have been like if
Dr. King had survived his assas-
sination and what he would have
to say about the world we live in
today. Dr. King's remarks ranged
from something as trivial as which
iPod he should own to what he
thought of Black Entertainment
Television. While it wasn't the
real Dr. King's voice I was hear-
ing or the real man I was seeing,
what was said was so powerful
that I couldn't help but feel like
I was listening to the real man.
It was after this episode that
I thought I would delve deeper
into the show to find out more
about it and the people who make
it happen. The creator, Aaron
McGruder, was born in Chicago,
111 and moved to Columbia, Md.
as a child (similar to the story of
his characters Huey and Riley).
He attended the University of
Maryland, where "The Boon-
docks" comic strip first debuted
in 1997 in the campus newspa-
per, The Diamondback. In 2002,
the Green Party asked McGruder
to run for president under their
party ticket. McGruder was forced
to decline the offer because he
was 28, too young to serve as
president. Today, when he's not
working on "The Boondocks
McGruder frequently speaks
on political and cultural issues.
One thing I have to say about
McGruder, which is also something
that I personally highly admire
about him, is that he is certainly
not afraid to speak his mind to
anyone. Whether it is to normal
people, celebrities or author-
ity figures, McGruder doesn't
appear to like to sugarcoat things.
Apparently at the 2002 NAACP
Image Awards, National Security
Advisor Condoleezza Rice asked
McGruder if he would include
her in his comic strip. McGruder's
alleged reply was, "I don't draw
mass murderers Although, she was
included in a strip for May 20,2004.
"The Boondocks" has also
had its share of celebrity guest
stars, including Charlie Murphy
(who some of you may know as
Eddie Murphy's older brother),
Samuel L. Jackson and veteran
actor Ed Asner. On an interest-
ing side note, while Ed Asner
may be associated with charac-
ters like Ed Wuncler, a greedy,
white business man from "The
Boondocks and the character of
Captain Davies from Roots, the
man who kidnapped Kunta Kinte
into bondage, Asner couldn't be
farther from the images of the
men he has portrayed. Asner
has dedicated his time to fight
against racism, serving as the
spokesman for the 2004 Racism
Watch. Asner also wrote a letter
to "peace and justice leaders"
demanding "full 9-11 truth"
through an organization known
as the "9-11 Visibility Project
"The Boondocks" is a truly
unique show, with a unique cre-
ator, incorporating a unique cast of
characters, and is in a one of a kind
position to reach people with its
own messages. My hat is off to the
people who made this series pos-
sible and to those of you who give
this series a chance. The show has
recently been renewed for another
season, and reruns can be seen on
Saturdays and Sundays at 11 p.m.
on Cartoon NetworkAdult Swim.
Finally, here are some things I
thought should be known about
the show:
McGruder originally piloted
"The Boondocks" along with
one-time collaborator Reginald
Hudlin. According to an article
at, there was
difficulty in making the series
acceptable for broadcast-
ing on television. Apparently
the antics of Huey, Riley and
Granddad weren't good enough
for Fox, but those of Paris
Hilton and Nicole Richie were.
Although Hudlin left the
project after the Fox deal fell
through, McGruder and Sony
Television, the company that pro-
duces the show, are contractually
bound to give credit to Hudlin as
an executive producer.
In My Opinion
(KRT) "The Trouble With
Boys blares the cover of last week's
Newsweek. There's a crisis we all need
to be worried about, the inside tells
us, and the magazine is not alone
in sounding the alarm. Boys are
falling behind, academically and
in terms of general achievement.
The stats are upsetting: Girls
are overtaking boys on college
campuses, where they now out-
number male students by 56 per-
cent to 44 percent. Boys don't
do as well in school, where their
internal wiring makes them less
comfortable with sitting still and
absorbing knowledge through talk.
They mature more slowly. Fewer
of them have dads (an astounding
40 percent - no matter what their
background - have their natural
father at home). More of them are
diagnosed with learning disabilities
and maladies like ADHD.
It looks bad, but I have two
problems with this crisis du jour.
The first is this. There's a
sneaky part of me, when 1 read such
a headline, that says, "Great! Now
maybe women will have a chance
of catching up in the real world
After all, women may outnum-
ber men on college campuses, but
once you get out of college, things
are not looking a whole lot differ-
ent. Look at the makeup of the U.S.
Senate. Out of the 1,884 people
who have served there, 33 - or
1.75 percent - have been women.
There are now 14, which makes
for precisely 14 percent. Whoopee!
Liddy Dole and Hillary Clinton,
capable as they are, are preceded in
politics by highly successful hus-
bands, as was Jean Carnahan, who
sat in the seat of her late husband.
(Mel Carnahan, you may remem-
ber, is the guy who performed the
amazing feat of defeating from the
grave his Republican opponent,
none other than John Ashcroft.)
In the House of Representatives,
229 women have served out of a total
of more than 9,000. Of those, 36
were elected to fill the terms of dead
husbands, and only 15 of the widows
were returned by voters. There are
now 67 out of 435, or 14.5 percent.
There are precisely eight female
CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
The number is actually falling; in
2004 there were nine. According to a
New York research firm, women are
in charge of just 14 of the country's
1,000 top publicly traded companies.
One reason is obvious: Even
wealthy, powerful women want fam-
ilies; domestic politics and maternal
priorities haven't changed enough
to make motherhood as compat-
ible with careers as fatherhood.
Another reason isn't so obvious:
Apparently women are more willing
to risk taking the helm of strug-
gling companies. That old maternal
instinct still gets em.
Closer to home and much
further down the ladder, my own
grown daughter faces exactly the
same tensions 1 faced when she
was young: lack of good, afford-
able child care, and the death of
flexible jobs that pay a decent
wage and bring in any benefits.
No matter what the reasons, I'd
say we still have some catching up
to do. I wish today's high-achieving
schoolgirls well and hope they can
translate their academic success into
life success. I'm not counting on it.
But 1 have another problem with
this alleged crisis.
I have a girl who has all the diarac-
teristics that supposedly dog the boys.
She's a kinetic learner - hates
sitting still. She learns much better
by doing than by listening. She's
happier taking things apart to see
how they work than absorbing
theory. At nine, she could disas-
semble our VCR (remember those?)
and fix it in a few minutes, but she
struggles with getting her home-
work from her bedroom to her
backpack to her locker to her teacher.
Hours of homework are torture
to a kid who needs big-muscle activ-
ity to feel sane.
Teachers recognized early on
that she was smart and took her
troubles with classroom concen-
tration and homework perfor-
mance as a sign of defiance. This
is just the sort of misunderstand-
ing, we're told, that dogs the boys.
Some commentators have
latched onto the alleged Boy
Crisis as proof that feminism
has run amok and that now boys
are oppressed by the system.
I think that's a load of horse
humus. I think the system has
become a lot less friendly to
any kid who doesn't do well
with the ever-more-regimented
teaching demanded by increased
emphasis on test scores, by
overloaded classrooms, by the
flight of fathers from families.
To the straight guy who has fallen in love with his
straight "friend. Write a book about this infatuation
you have. Hollywood will make a movie out of it.
You'll both be very rich and famous. Chicks really dig
rich, famous, gay men. So I've been told. Not that I'm
rich or even gay. No really, I'm serious.
To the person who is frustrated with student instruc-
tors, they are at every college. That is how professors
learn how to teach. If you do not want a student
instructor, drop the class.
Go Steelers!
I may carry a Vera Bradley, but at least I don't have
a "Support Our Troops" sticker on my car, or wear a
Livestrong band, or wear bug glasses and UGGs. Fads
come and go, so get over it.
Why does the Croatan not have Paydays? Some of us
are allergic to chocolate but would like a candy bar as
a pick me up before classes. Give me a break!
Last Saturday I got a ticket for possession of alcohol.
I was at a party, and no one else got a ticket. I think
it is absolutely ridiculous for a cop to call one person
out in the whole party and give them a ticket. I mean,
the people who live there didn't even get a ticket. I
just don't understand!
It bothers me that the SRC is so busy now, around
Thanksgiving and Christmas there was no one in
there, and now frats have games and people are trying
to keep petty New Year's resolutions, and the place is
packed. Don't get me started on the older people being
there, that just creeps me out. I know you guys need
exercise too and all, but it's weird.
Why don't guys have the guts to ask for a girl's number
straight up anymore? Why do they need to get it from
a friend or off Facebook. Are they that afraid of rejec-
tion? It's not a big deal, you get her number or you
don't get her number and shrug it off.
I know I may be a bit partial on this, being a bru-
nette, but what is with all of the bleached blondes
wearing the exact same clothing, whether or not it's
Kanye West is the least intelligent human being that
I've come to be aware of thus far in my short life.
Now he thinks he's Jesus? Please someone send that
arrogant guy on a one-way peacekeeping mission to
Why is it that in my health class no matter what sub-
ject we are talking about, it always eventually leads
to the topic of sex?
Has anyone else seen the girl who looks like Angelina
Jolie on campus?
To the Marcus Vick lover, at least our football play-
ers act like students and don't pull guns on kids in
If you don't like my driving stay off the sidewalk!
Why do Campus Living advertisements lie to us? In
reality, the washing machines are always broken, and
if you're lucky enough to wash your clothes, people
steal them. Oh, and thanks for the desk and dresser
with chipped paint and hardened gum all over it.
The air-conditioning units are filled with dust and
mold. And if I have to attend one more RA event, I'll
scream. So long Campus Living! Hello off-campus
I am already counting down the days until Spring
Break is that bad?
When will everyone on campus realize that it is
Christen-bury (like the girl name Kristen) not Chris-
tian-bury (like believer in Christ) Gymnasium. Let's
give ECTC's, now ECU's only undefeated basketball
coach, John B. Christenbury, some respect.
I do not know why my English teacher is making us
study the New York Times and the News and Observer.
On top of my pre-med biology degree, the last thing I
really need is English and I am only in there because
I have to be.
Anybody else think that the campus confessionals
are almost as cool as the rants? How do I submit a
I read about how someone hates it when I drink from
a straw so I tried sucking the soda through the little
x-hole without the straw inserted. Needless to say, I
made lots of disgusting noises, spilled my drink all
over myself and drew lots of unwanted attention. Gee
thanks. I'll be keeping my straws from now on and I
don't care what anyone thinks!
Why do people show up for class and have conversa-
tions while the professor is talking? Shut up already!
If the class is in session and the professor has the floor
then have some respect - if not for the professor then
at least for your fellow students who are trying to listen
to the lecture! Take it to the hallway or go home.
What ever happened to good old-fashioned dates?
Inviting me to your boy's private party does not count
as a date. Hey guys, we girls still like to be picked up at
our door, walked: to your car, and taken to dinner and
a movie. Having a guy ask, "Hey would you like to go
to dinner Friday night?" It is the cutest thing ever!
To everyone who is in the ROTC Program, you guys
look hot in your uniforms! Keep up the good looks
I mean work!
I don't know if anyone else caught UCF's number
22 crossing his arms during the National Anthem at
last week's game, but I did. And I'm sorry, but if you
don't want to put your hand over your heart, leave
them by your side, don't cross your arms! That's so
Who cares that you ran for mayor? I know I could
care less. You lost because you thought the college
community would stand behind you. Seems like you
forgot that most ECU students aren't registered voters
in Greenville.
To the person who paid $80 for their "real" Lacoste
shirt, I'm sure your parents would be glad to know
that their money is being put to good use. Even if it is
"real" or "fake" they are both just shirts with an alliga-
tor sewn onto it. Congratulations, you paid too much.
To the person who commented on the guy in the
pep band, what does he play? Some of us in the band
would like some clarification
Eitltor's Note: The Pirate Hunt is an anonymous way for students and staff in the
ECUcommimity to voice the opiniom. Submissions can be submitted anonymoush-
online at www.1heeastcawlinian.iom, or e-mailed to editor&'theeastcarollnian.
com. The editor resems the right lu edit opinions for content and brevity.

Page A4 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor WEDNESDAY February 1, 2006
Mendenhall Movies:
Saw II
Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.
Thursday at 7 p.m.
Friday at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday at 7 p.m. and midnight
Sunday at 3 p.m.
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Thursday at 9:30 p.m.
Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight
Saturday at 9:30 p.m.
Sunday at 7 p.m.
N&pGf for&t thyfc first lov
The flame will always
burn for them
Top 5s:
Top 5 Movies
1. Big Momma's House 2
2 Nanny McPhee
3 Underworld: Evolution
4 Annapolis
5. Hoodwinked
Top 5 Pop Albums
I.Jamie Foxx
2. Mary J. Blige
3. Eminem
4. Carrie Underwood
5. Johnny Cash
Top 5 TV Shows
1. "American Idol"
2. "Football: Seattle vs. Carolina"
3 "American Idol"
4. "CSI"
5. "Desperate Housewives"
Top 5 DVD Rentals
1. Lord of War
2. Wedding Crashers
3. Two lor the Money
4. Transporter 2
5 Hustle and Flow
Somewhere in your house
I'm sure you have a collection of
old love letters, pictures, cards,
stuffed animals and movie stubs
from your first love. Diane Acker-
man once said, "Everyone admits
that love is wonderful and neces-
sary, yet no one agrees on just
what it is Young love seems to
be sweet, innocent and carefree.
Everyone's first love began with
butterflies in their stomach,
nervous laughs, being passionate
about everything and thinking
that he or she was "the one
Your first love is something
you will never forget. It's the first
taste of what you believe is "true
love He or she was the one and
only person who could make or (
break your world. It was the first
time you opened your life, heart
and soul to another person and
trusted them not to hurt you.
That's a huge step in the rela-
tionship world. When you look
through old things, hear certain
songs or one day cross paths with
your old flame, your heart will
race and your emotions will still
get the best of you. There's always
When you are as happy as these people seem to be, it is always hard to get over your first true love.
that one guy or girl who captured
your heart and will never be for-
gotten. Whether he or she is still
in your life or just a heartache
memory, that person will always
hold a special place in your heart.
"I remember my first love just
like it was yesterday. We wanted
to come to college together, get
married and live happily ever
after. Reality set in and he moved
states away for a big job promo-
tion. I chose to stay here in
Greenville and finish my educa-
tion. After he left, my heart fell
apart said Katherine Stewart,
sophomore multidisciplinary
studies major.
Our first loves taught us the
good, the bad and the ugly. After
the "lovey dovey" stage passed,
the disagreements came. The
once perfect love didn't seem so
perfect any longer. Young and
naive, some people stuck through
it and tried to make it last as long
as possible, while others just took
the heartache and learned from
it. Two young people who believe
they are in love endure experi-
ences and learn lessons that will
hopefully last a lifetime. Having
a first sweetheart is a warm
feeling, but thinking about the
downs of the relationship can
bring much pain to one's soul.
"My girlfriend and I were
passionate about everything,
loving and fighting with each
other as well as hurting each
other with jealousy and greed
said Dennis Duffy, sophomore
communication major.
Just like Noah and Allie from
The Notebook or Cinderella and
her Prince Charming, it's likely
that later in life you will see each
other again. When you are least
expecting it, you will see the
person you once thought was
your "soul mate Of course, over
time the both of you have let go
of the past, but everyone knows
that the spark remains. No one
makes you feel the way your first
real love did.
"It's been two years since I
was with my first love, but when
I ran into him over Christmas
see LOVE page A5
Aries - There's a nagging suspicion
that youd better fix something now
before it breaks. You know what it
is, too.
Taurus - At first it seems like the task
you're facing is impossible. As you get
into it, however, you will find a way.
Gemini - Don't make assumptions or
rely on others, especially early Too
many changes are going on.
Cancer- An unexpected development
related to your work disrupts your
travel plans. Watch out for that.
Leo - Not a good time to travel, not
a good time to gamble. Wait until
Virgo - Conditions are unstable now.
Others seem to be in control. It's up to
you to keep things going in the right
Ubra - Creative work pays especially
well now. Crank out as much as you
can while the market is in your favor.
Scorpio - You're feeling lucky, but
take care. Just the opposite is more
likely. Don't gamble, shop or lead a
loved one to think you're made of
Sagittarius - You've been stirring
things up lately, so don't be surprised
if you get a lively reaction. You asked
for it.
Capricorn - Don't believe everything
you hear today. Even reliable sources
could have the facts wrong. Don't
gossip, either.
Aquarius - There's something
unusual about the money in your
pocket. Check your change for rarities
and your pockets for holes.
Pisces - You're very imaginative now,
but try not to start any trouble. Don't
ask for money either, until tomorrow.
Television Recaps:
"The Bachelor"
The bachelorettes try to impress the
Bachelor's two best friends, flown
in especially for the occasion. The
women are asked to demonstrate a
unique talent. Jehan makes clicking
noises with her tongue, like the
Kalahari Bushmen. Sarah from
Tennessee puts her entire fist in her
mouth. Jennifer stands there in a
bikini top. And we have a winner! (10
p.m. Mondays, ABC).
"Beauty and the Geek"
Cher is not dumb enough to be on
this show. No self-respecting "beauty"
knows how to put together a computer,
hook it up to the Internet, download
a song and burn a CD. That's what
boys are for (9 p.m. Thursdays, WB).
"Gastlneau Girls"
Twentysomething-year-old Brittny
decides to throw herself a Sweet 16
birthday party in Miami. (Where's the
MTV crossover episode?!) Not to be
outdone, Lisa throws a tantrum worthy
of a 12-year-old in the middle of the
street in Miami Beach. Lisa: "I don't
think of age as a number. I think of it
as a spirit And by "spirit she means
"tequila" (10 p.m. Tuesdays, E!).
"The Gauntlet 2"
Ace: "I've been driving stick shifts
since I was bom. I pretty much know
how to drive a stick shift about as
good or better than anybody Ace,
let me introduce you to something
called a "clutch And now you can
drive yourself home (10 p.m. Mondays,
Celebrity Profile: Vince Vaughn
A class clown makes it
on the big screen
The jean shorts pictured are a prime example of the "In" fashion.
Coming up short
Forget bird flu, here
come jean shorts
They are gruesome sights
that are as baffling as they are
hideous. They are bastardizations
of a staple of American clothing.
They are a shadow on society and
the scourge of modern fashion.
I am of course speaking of the
abomination known as jean
shorts. It's unclear who first
fashioned jean shorts or why
they unleashed this evil force
upon the world. What is known
is that they are a pestilence upon
the land - the fashion equivalent
of leprosy.
Jeans were first fashioned
in Genoa, Italy for the sailors
of that city. Denim came from
France, and Levi Strauss turned
jeans into superstars. In the
1950s, kids started wearing jeans
as sign of rebellion. By the 1970s,
jeans were part of everyday life,
and bellbottom jeans were the
grooviest thing this side of acid.
Somewhere along the line,
someone decided to hack off the
bottom part of their jeans and
turn them into shorts. Really
short shorts. This was a gift from
above when the women did it.
Daisy Duke titillated a nation
in the ludicrously short cut-offs
that came to bear her name. Then
some nimrod thought it would
be cool for men to start wearing
cut-off jeans. The disco era and
the 1980s were overrun with
exceptionally hairy men wear-
ing exceptionally high socks and
exceptionally short shorts.
Thankfully shorts for men in
general started to lengthen, and
by the beginning of the 1990s
they had reached an acceptable
length. Then came the grunge
music scene. Eddie Vedder started
thrashing around in flannel
shirts and baggy jean shorts, and
a generation of misguided youth
followed. Sure, grunge popular-
ized crappy guitar playing and
heroin, but ragged jean shorts are
its most lasting legacy.
In the mid to late 1990s, jean
shorts swept the nation. They
were on school buses and street
corners. They became the opiate
of the masses. Jean shorts were
the crack cocaine of fashion, and
people were addicted. They went
crazy, adding pockets and loops
and all sorts of shiny trinkets.
But then something even worse
happened. A new and greater evil
emerged from the jean jungle
- cargo jean shorts. Everyone
from Nick Carter to Pacey from
"Dawson's Creek" was wearing
these things. Hey, here's a piece
of advice, if the Backstreet Boys
and stars of the WB are wearing
it, you should probably burn it. It
was also about this time that the
term "jort" came to light.
As the new millennium
dawned, jort's popularity did
not wane. Eminem-loving kids
in the suburbs wore them, urban
hip-hop kids rocked them and
see SHORTS page AS
Vincent Anthony Vaughn,
one of the freshest comedy
actors of today, got his start like
many of us probably would. He
went out to Los Angeles with
hopes of "making it" and, like a
majority of us would, he failed
several times. After persevering
through many failed auditions,
Vaughn got his first role in the
movie Rudy, which was about a
tenacious little football player.
By embracing Rudy's spirit that
you can achieve your life's goal
with dedication, Vaughn began
to make his mark in Hollywood.
It was on the set of Rudy where
Vaughn met Jon Favreau, who
directed Swingers, in which
Vaughn took a lead role. These
two films launched Vaughn's
career on the big screen and he
soon brought us some of the best
deadpan and dry humor anyone
has seen in a while.
"We were out of work actors
who played a lot of video games,
so we were sort of surprised that
Swingers was seen as cool said
"I think any cool in it was a
geekiness, an awkwardness that
most people can relate to
Vaughn's ability to bring
out the humor and ridicule in
characters that are "average Joes"
is part of his charm and wit. He
connects with his audience by
bringing out humor. Vaughn's
earlier and lesser known roles
include a supporting role in The
Lost World: Jurassic Park and as
Norman Bates in Gus Van Sants'
remake of Psycho. These roles
showed that while comedy may
be his forte, he's still got more
than enough talent to play a
psychopathic killer.
You can often find Vaughn
playing alongside the same crew
of actors including Ben Stiller,
with whom he appeared in three
movies with in 2004 alone. He
has also starred with Luke and
Owen Wilson and Will Ferrell.
Vaughn was influenced by his
father at an early age. While his
father was not an actor, he would
often comment on the skills of
actors in the many westerns he
enjoyed to watch, letting little
Vince know when an actor was
portraying a character in the
right or wrong manner. Vaughn
developed a sense of actor's
intuition through this and began
see VAUGHN page 45
City Market js 'market fresh
Sometimes overlooked
Jarvis Street treasure
As I stepped to cross the street,
I was almost crushed by a garbage
truck barreling down the hill and
rounding the corner. 1 wasn't
really concerned about the physi-
cal harm that would have come
my way, but I was worried that it
might keep me from my destina-
tion, namely, the City Market.
The City Market, you see, is
no run of the mill grocery store.
Oh no, it is much more than that.
Located on the bustling corner
of Third and Jarvis Streets, it is
a Greenville institution, as well
as an ECU institution, but in a
different way. The City Market
is home to many things - a wide
selection of groceries, a fine keg
service, several homeless people
and the most amazing buffet this
side of Scarface. For those of you
who have not had the pleasure,
nay the privilege, of partaking in
the City Market buffet, then you
are missing a culinary delight.
While some may be lured by
the social scene at City Market's
neighbors, Christy's EuroPub
City Market is located at the corner of Third and Jarvis Streets.
and Dr. Unks, City Market offers
a swinging good time of its own.
At any given time before City
Market closes at 9 p.m you can
find a motley crew of patrons,
employees and loitering bystand-
ers mulling about the place.
Third and Jarvis has a Bohemian
flair that isn't found anywhere
else in Greenville. The area
seems to be vitalized by the small
shopping strip and local pubs.
The shopping center consists
of a grocery mart, a self-service
laundry, several pay phones and
a bar - everything you need to
get by in the city.
The City Market has a quaint
air and sensibility both inside
and out. The ceiling and floors
both have a "vintage" feel to
them. There are buckets attached
to the ceiling to catch any leaks
and trash cans are put in place if
there are larger quantities of rain.
As for a smoking policy, the City
Market don't need no stlnkin'
smoking policy. Ash trays are
positioned at the end of each
aisle so that customers can shop
and smoke in peace. Apparently,
the heat doesn't work in the front
see MARKET page A5
People Poll: Who is your all-time favorite celebrit
Senior, Mark Vitti
Jennifer Aniston
Sophomore, Laura Graham
Will Ferrell
Sophomore, Morgan Vanderinden
Sophomore, Ashley Batchelor
Jake Gyllenhaal
Senior, Matt Sigmon
Wu-Tang Clan

LOVC from page A4
break, I was almost speech-
less. He was the first person to
really break my heart, but deep
down I'll always love him said
Catherine Smith, sophomore
English major.
Most of the time a first love
teaches us things - not saying
that everyone wanted to learn
all of them, especially the hard
way. But the lessons that were
taught and the experiences that
all of us went through were Just
part of growing up and becom-
ing wiser about oneself and the
way we create and don't create
relationships with others.
Without mistakes, confronta-
tions and heartache, lessons will
not be learned. You grow through
these changes and although
at the time it killed you inside,
you are now a stronger person
because of them. You can now
look back on how trivial the
fights were, how insignificant it
was that another guy or girl was
trying to talk to your lover and
how materialistic stuff doesn't
really mean everything. Even
though not many people can
really decide what love is, keep
in mind that love is not a thing
- it's a feeling.
I believe Helen Keller sums
it up best for us by believing
that "the best and most beautiful
things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched. They must
be felt within the heart
It's great to reminisce and
keep little things as memories,
but remember to look forward
and know what's going on in
your life now. The past can some-
times get us down, but the first
is always the worst. Life is full of
changes, heartache, disappoint-
ment, good times and bad times.
This writer can be contacted at
ShOrtS from page A4
rednecks and country boys wore
them as britches on the farm.
Jorts were unstoppable.
Today jorts still run rampant.
Being in the throws of winter as
we are now, jort sightings are
rare occurrences. However, it
will soon be warming up, and
along with balmy weather, foli-
age and migrating birds, jorts
will make a return to campus.
It will start slowly, but they'll
begin to trickle down the Hill
and stream out of buses until
the campus is swarming with
them. People may be hanging out
at the Wright Place, but they'll
be wearing the wrong thing.
There are alternatives to
these pariahs. Any type of khaki
shorts will do. Cargo, painter or
pleated khaki shorts trump jorts
any day of the week. Why not
try to class the place up and rock
some seersucker shorts? They're
much cooler and comfortable
that those denim rags, and the
type of ladies that dig seersucker
obviously have something the
girls who go gaga for jorts don't.
Taste and probably money.
College is a time to do crazy
things, but it's also a time to learn.
If you are one of the misguided
souls that owns and wears jean
shorts then please acquire some
fashion knowledge while you're
here. People say that unprotected
sex is irresponsible and rampant
on college campuses. Well, so is
wearing of jorts. I haven't seen
any jort pamphlets at the Student
Health Center, but I hope people
will use this article to educate
themselves about their dangers.
For all you jort wearers out there,
remember what the Bud Light
jort commercial saidi "If fash-
ion's a war, you're fighting dirty
This writer can be contacted at
VaUghll from page A4 Market from page A4
seriously applying his skills after
high school in a Chicago impro-
visation troupe.
In 2005 Vaughn appeared
in hits such as Wedding Crash-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the
renowned independent film
Thumbsucker. Vaughn is working
on several projects including
The Break Up, starring along-
side his love interest Jennifer
Aniston and the comedy The
H-Man Cometh. Both features
are slated to be released this year.
For more information on
this funny-man, visit,
where you can find a full list of the
movies he has starred in as well as
more biographical information.
This writer can be contacted at
of the store, so it can get pretty
chilly for the cashiers. One clerk
brought a space heater to stay
warm, but when she plugged it in
she shorted out the entire register.
You don't have good times like
that at Wal-Mart.
The buffet, of course, is the
crown jewel of the City Market.
I myself only recently became
aware of the delightful confec-
tions that it offers. Pork chops,
chicken (of all shapes and sizes),
a full salad bar and the most
ridiculous macaroni and cheese
I have ever gotten my hands on
make for a more than appeal-
ing spread. The buffet is by the
pound, so bring your appetite
and money andor food stamps.
Of course, City Market also
offers a wildly popular keg ser-
vice. The big seller is the $63
Busch Light keg, but Bud, Bud
Light, Bud Select, Miller Lite, PBR,
Yuengling and Killians Red are
available every day. You can also
get special order kegs like Mich-
elob Ultra and Amber Rock, but
you need to do so ahead of time.
City Market also provides
other amenities that make it
totally awesome. There's a check
cashing service with only a nomi-
nal fee, an old time soda fountain,
a service that lets you send and
receive faxes, and you can pur-
chase City Market gift certificates
in any denomination. City Market
is so student friendly that they sell
ping-pong balls individually. That,
my friends, is customer service.
What about the employees of
City Market? They have to deal
with everyone from pretentious
college students to mumbling
whinos. Marisa DeLuca, a junior
media production major and
cashier at City Market, com-
mented on her employment in
between helping customers.
"I've worked here for five
months. It gets pretty crazy in
here sometimes said DeLuca.
City Market is a unique place
that has a very collegial feel. It's
convenient and provides a steady
flow of alcohol to the neighbor-
hoods adjacent to Fifth Street. If
you haven't been to City Market
before, or if it's been a while, stop
by and see for yourself that City
Market is truly a "Super Market
This writer can be contacted at
here ray
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Page A6 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
WEDNESDAY February 1, 2006
Rankings cannot be judged on Signing Day
So if John Doe sends his high school
tape in and is lucky enough to get scouted,
does that automatically qualify him as
a two-star recruit? If so, that's hardly a
scientific standard.
Consider that JUCO transfers Aundrae
Allison and Robert Lee were a few of ECU'S
one-star recruits from 2005. All Allison did
was set - virtually shatter - every receiving
record during his junior season, making
himself a dark horse Heisman candidate
in 2006. And Lee showed his masterful
leg, missing only two field goals for the
entire season.
Despite its many flaws, credit the rise of
the Web-based scout networks with improv-
ing the system. But the top editors focus
on the nation's premier talent. And more
often than not, the nation's top 100 carry
enough drama during their recruitment
to make middle school girls into saints.
The heavy weight toward top recruits
create a blatant big school bias among the
so-called experts. While late 2005 signee
Jamar Bryant was committed to play at
Georgia, he was a coveted four-star recruit.
As soon as Georgia didn't sign him due to
questions regarding his eligibility, he was
immediately moved down to a pedestrian
three stars.
So keep all things in perspective on
Signing Day when ECU doesn't grade
out as well as other in-state schools. The
Pirates aren't signing the same type of
athletes currently in the system due to
former Head Coach John Thompson's lack
of ethical standards. Gone are the days of
Russian roulette with a 28-member class
full of suspect talent.
Instead, Holtz, in his second year, has
secured a foundation by inking quality
kids with worlds of potential. In speaking
with eight high school coaches of signees,
ECU Head Coach Skip Holtz has signed a
class full of height, beef and character.
The only problem is that the experts don't
know yet.
This writer can be contacted at
Players expected to sign Letters of Intent on National Signing Day
Skip Holtz won five games in his first year as ECU head coach and is bringing in his first full recruiting class this year.
Fans should rank recruiting in five years
"It's not the X's and O's - it's the Jimmy and Joes
-Coaching Proverb
Mel Kiper, Jrs name is synonymous with the NFL draft.
Think of ESPN men's basketball analyst Joe Lundari and one
immediately conjures up images of bubble teams sweating
on Selection Sunday. Both are sports geeks who spend the
entire year researching information about just one specific
sports event.
CSTV's main football recruiting expert Tom Lemming is
certainly no exception. His specialty is the year-long process
of college football recruiting, which culminates Wednesday,
also known as National Signing Day. He serves the informa-
tion thirsty fans who dish out beaucoups of money for insider
information and premium access.
Lemming, considered the media standard, has been
involved in the recruiting process for more than 25 years.
According to his biography, the ever-constant evaluator of
talent assesses more than 1,000 of the top high school play-
ers. Think he's a busy man?
The Chicago based scout's main rival is the Web based
network, Sports Media, Inc., as it's referred to,
offers Internet content for more than 200 Web sites while
publishing more than 45 magazines annually. Unlike Lem-
ming, has a staff of 14 people who are responsible
for various territories all over the country.
Whether it's one person or 14, the simple math doesn't
add up in order for recruiting services to properly rank all 119
teams. If every Division I-A team awarded their maximum
25 scholarships per year, almost 3,000 kids would have to
be evaluated.
Unless the editorial staff triples their budget
for the class of 2007, virtually half of that will be posted in
a single year. Until a standard is set, the recruiting rankings
will continue to be a farce. The BCS conferences will continue
to draw top 50 national attention with over-hyped recruits
who never pan out.
Consider the flaws in the recruiting formula.'s top 50 players are awarded five stars, the next
200 are given four stars, the next 700 receive three stars
and everyone else evaluated is a two-star player. A recruit
receives one star if the player's tapes aren't evaluated by any
of the staff.
Norman Whitley
Melvin Patterson
D.J. Scott
Dekota Marshall
Nick Johnson
Willie Smith
Sean Allen
Doug Polochak
Javon Brumsey
Dan Wideman
?Travis Melvin
?Willie Barton (JC)
Davion Holman
Joe Council
Chris Atkins
Lorenzo Osborne
Darryl Reynolds
Kevin Gidrey
Mid-Season Transfers
Fred Wilson (JC)
Andrew Farr (Prep)
Daniel Muhuezi (JC)
Height Weight Hometown
5-8 177 Rockingham, NC
6-3 205 Alachua, FL
6-6 300 Jacksonville, FL
6-1 190 Jacksonville, NC
6-1 225 Charlotte, NC
6-6 225 Kenly, NC
6-5 290 Wilson, NC
6-4 265 Jacksonville, FL
6-5 188 Elizabeth City, NC
6-2 210 Greenwood, SC
6-6 265 Fayetteville, NC
6-5 330 Milledgeville, GA
6-4 265 Orlando, FL
6-4 235 Walterboro, SC
6-4 235 Greensboro, FL
6-3 200 Atlanta, GA
6-1 190 New Bern, NC
6-3 235 Kempsville, VA
Players enrolled, affiliated with program
Orlando Farrow (JC) LB 6-3
Jamar BryantA WR
Doug PalmerA OL
Jay RossA DT
CJ. Wilson DE
?Johnnie McCoyA DE
Larry Lease OL
Players considering ECU
Dwayne Harris QB 6-1
Travis Timmons DT 6-4
? Cedric Dickson WR 6-4
?Cameron Beard CB 6-0
255 Cross, SC
285 Pell City, AL
235 Germantown, MD
235 Lackawanna, PA
200 Hamlet, NC
285 Fayetteville, NC
270 Wilmington, NC
245 Pinetown, NC
245 Fayetteville, NC
260 North Fort Myers, FL
196 Tucker, GA
285 Gainesville, FL
215 , Stone Mountain, GA
175 Ozark, AL
(Stars according to rankings, recruits with no stars were not
evaluated by, JC indicates Junior College,A indicates 2005 ranking).
Lad "22 9earinfl USA Hockey's treatment of
up for 2006 season J
ECU softball team looks
to continue success
As t he weather cont inues to get
warmer and spring approaches,
students and fans always look
forward to the upcoming baseball
season. In fact, so much attention
is given to the success of the ECU
baseball team that few recognize
the previous success of the ECU
softball team.
In just the last two seasons,
the Lady Pirates have com-
piled a record of 102-43-1. This
includes having the second high-
est number of wins in the entire
country last season with 55.
Despite the success of the team,
few pay attention to it, including
the NCAA, which did not invite
ECU to the regional tournament
last season.
Senior Krista Jessup is very
confident of this year's team and
is not going to let the disappoint-
ment of being snubbed last year
affect this season.
"We use that as energy this
year to win said Jessup.
"It was a disappointment last
year, but the only thing we can
do is get the positive out of it
and use it as motivation to win
this year
Motivation is not going to
be the only thing that helps the
Lady Pirates this season, the team
has increased its depth at all posi-
tions. This is crucial for the pitch-
ing position as the team adds
freshman pitcher Brooke Swann
to the roster. Swann will provide
relief to the other three pitchers
as the team can increase its rota-
tion by one more player.
With many of the team's
power hitters graduating last
season. Head Coach Tracey Kee
already understands that the
team is not going to be the same
hitting as it was last season.
"We are a completely
different squad this vear said
"We graduated a lot of home
runs, so we have to realize that
we are not going to bang the
ball over the fence this year, but
hopefully we will hit for
With the number of young
players on the team, the biggest
concern for Kee is the amount
of experience the team still has
to offer.
"Experience is the big
question mark. We have a lot
of new players scattered across
the field at crucial positions
Kee said.
"It is something that we have
to overcome early, but 1 think we
can do it
One of the players who will
be looked upon for experience is
junior pitcher Keli Harrell. Har-
rell has dominated ECU pitching
the last two seasons, leading in
games won and strikeouts. Last
year alone Harrell was 29-13
with 338 strikeouts and an ERA
of 1.39.
This year Harrell is planning
to continue upon her success.
"I'm just going to go out there
and do the best job that I can for
the girls that are playing behind
me said Harrell.
"As a team we all want to
reach the regionals, so I want to
do whatever 1 can do to help
With the increase in depth
to the roster and the leadership
of veteran players, ECU is set
to have another great season.
Unfortunately, for the Lady
Pirates there will be no breaks for
the team as they open the season
see SOFTBALL page A7
Granato was simply shameful
U.S. Olympic women's hockey
Granato celebrate after the US
Star cut from women's
Olympic hockey team
(KRT) A fleeting moment
of recognition is coming for
women's hockey. At next month's
Winter Olympics, Americans
team members Jennifer Schmidgall (left) and team captain Cammi
team's 5-0 win over China at the 1998 Winter Olympics.
will remember, "Oh yeah, we
have one of the best women's
hockey teams in the world
And the next question will be,
"Where is Cammi Granato?"
The answer should embarrass
USA Hockey.
Granato, the most important
woman ever to play hockey in
this country, was discarded like
yesterday's newspaper. Uncere-
moniously cut in August. Pushed
out the door at 34 with no
second chances.
The result is a shameful
public-relations disaster for the
U.S. team.
"I was pretty emotional at
first Granato said from her
home in Vancouver recently.
"Then I was more angry. I felt
completely disrespected by the
whole organization "I still
firmly believe I belong on the
team. I know that I do
Granato is the face of her
sport, a Mia Hamm on skates.
She had been on the U.S. hockey
team since its inception in
1990. She captained both the
1998 Olympic team - when
the United States won the first
women's hockey gold medal
- and the silver-medal 2002
effort. She tirelessly promoted
her sport and is a classy, poised
The leading scorer in U.S.
history, Granato proved she
was still elite last April. She was
a solid contributor as she cap-
tained her team to its first world
championship, over archrival
Yet just four months later,
after a camp, she was called
upstairs by Coach Ben Smith
and cut. Like just another
"I can't believe the way it
went down said Granato, who
was recently hired by NBC aid
will be a studio analyst in Turin.
"It was the most disrespectful
Granato said she was never
told she was on the bubble. She
asked Smith if he really didn't
consider her one of the top 12
forwards on the team.
see GRANATO page A7

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GranatO from page 6
"He told me if I wasn't on the first line, 1
wasn't on the team she said. "He denies that.
But that's what he said to me
And he told her not to wait by the phone.
Sure enough, even when Smith was down to 10
forwards because of injuries, Granato's phone
never rang.
The result has been a bitter falling out
between USA Hockey and America's first family
of hockey. Tony Granato, a former Olympian
who is now an assistant coach of the Colo-
rado Avalanche, has publicly called for Smith's
"I was completely upset at how my sister was
treated the former Shark said. "To be removed
from the program when she's still an elite athlete
was a shock
Tony Granato said he spoke to Dave Ogrean,
USA Hockey's executive director, who claimed
no Involvement in the decision. That's shocking
in itself, tjiat such a momentous decision could
be made without organizational knowledge. The
Granato family is trying to bite its tongue out of
deference to the team, which has been reeling
from the news.
"It was a shock when Cammi was left off
defenseman Angela Ruggiero said last fall at an
Olympic summit in Colorado Springs, Colo. "It
hurts. She was like a sister to us It's tough for
all of us. We miss her, and she misses us
Smith offered up a platitude about "tough
decisions" at the same summit. Granato said
Smith thought she was too old, adding that he
was saying that even in Salt Lake. Yet he never
dissuaded her from committing four more years
of her life to the team, working toward a farewell
in Italy.
We're used to seeing professional athletes
shoved out the door when they hit a certain age,
so we may shrug and say, "Maybe it was time
There are two problems with that. One is
that Granato, who battled back from injuries,
isn't too old. She doesn't have a grueling season
like an NHL player. She was still an important,
elite contributor.
The other problem is that the Olympics, par-
ticularly for women's sports, are a showcase. They
are about exposure and inspiration. And the mes-
sage USA Hockey has sent with its treatment of
Granato is this: We don't really care about wom-
en's hockey. We don't care about role models. We
don't care about cherishing our tradition. We'll
shove the most important people In our sport
out the door.
"It's such a bad example for young kids
Granato said. "They'll think, 'If she's treated like
that, what about me?
There Is much speculation from people close
to the team about why this was so ugly. Many
believe Granato was viewed as a threat. After all,
she predates most everyone in USA Hockey, comes
from a family that defines American hockey and
is married to former NHL veteran Ray Ferraro.
That could be intimidating to a coach like Smith,
who has made the women's team his own little
hockey fiefdom.
In addition, Granato was an outspoken,
strong leader. She advised players of their rights,
even consulting with the U.S. women's soccer
team and its attorney about a financial dispute
a few years ago.
The situation is eerily similar to the rude dis-
missal of Brandi Chastaln from the U.S. women's
soccer team after the 2004 Olympics. Women like
Chastain and Granato are more than just athletes.
They are icons who have shaped their sports,
devoted their lives and sacrificed their bodies.
Without their desire and willingness to fight,
their sports would still be in the dark ages.
But they are undervalued by the old boys who
run their sports and want to maintain control.
"It's so frustrating Granato said. "It wouldn't
happen In sports that are further along. It's so
USA Hockey isn't proud about this. Not long
ago at an Avalanche game, Granato was in a
hallway waiting to see her brother. Two USA
Hockey officials were heading toward her, but
when they spotted the greatest woman in their
organization's history, they turned on their heels
to avoid her.
USA Hockey should be ashamed.
Saving dilapidated Detroit?
Ford Field in Detroit is the site for Super Bowl CLXL.
SOftball from page A6
against Bethune-Cookman, a team ranked as high
as No. 18 last year.
Kee is looking forward to the opening game as
she tries to reinforce the importance of competi-
tion to her team.
"Competing is our number one goal, Kee said.
The ECU Softball team kicks off its season at
Bethune-Cookman Friday, Feb. 10. Home games for
the Lady Pirates will start Feb. 17 against Army.
This writer can be contacted at
(KRT) Dignitaries from the
city of Detroit and the state of
Michigan on Monday said that
they are relying upon the Super
Bowl to change the perception of
Detroit as a hopeless durrip riddled
with drugs, crime and poverty.
Think the Steelers' Ben
Roethlisberger, who will
become the second youngest
quarterback to start a Super
Bowl, has a lot of pressure on
him? That's nothing compared
with the pressure Detroit is
facing as host of this country's
preeminent sporting event.
"This is the kind of event that
spurs revolutionary change
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick said
Monday, accompanied by Gov.
Jennifer Granholm and Roger
Penske, chairman of Detroit's
Super Bowl host committee.
"This game has served as a cata-
lyst to move Detroit in a way we
haven't moved in 50 years
Since learning in December
2001 that it would host Super
Bowl XL, Detroit rapidly set
into motion a plan to revital-
ize its dilapidated downtown.
At the time, the goal was to
open 50 new businesses, but 70
opened instead. There are 35
new restaurants downtown and
several swank nightclubs that
should be hopping by week's end.
There is a $2 billion plan to
develop five miles of riverfront
property into a residential haven
with hotels and storefronts.
The downtown streets have
been repaved, burned-out build-
ings have been bulldozed, and
Super Bowl banners now hang
from lampposts. There are three
sparkling casinos, a large ice-
skating rink, and a snow park
that will serve as a focal point
for family entertainment this
"Detroiters have a pent-up
demand to do well Kilpatrick
said. "We want to reintroduce
ourselves to the world as the next
Detroit, the new Detroit
That, of course, is easier said
than done.
People have been fleeing
Detroit for decades, to the point
that the population has dwindled
from 2 million in the 1950s to
less than 900,000 today. Accord-
ing to the Census Bureau, more
than a third of that population
was at or below the poverty line
in 2004, and the 2005 unem-
ployment rate of 14.1 percent was
more than 2 times the national
There were 374 homicides in
Detroit last year, and the city is
in such financial disarray that
nearly 1,400 municipal employ-
ees have been laid off, bus service
has been slashed, recreation
centers have shut down, and
bulk trash pickup has been can-
celed. And then there was that
announcement by Ford Motor
Co. last week that the automotive
giant will lay off at least 25,000
employees and close 14 plants
nationwide, with the Detroit area
taking a significant hit.
Although the city has moved
many of its homeless to shelters,
plenty were still walking the
streets Sunday night.
As far as Super Bowl cities
go, this isn't exactly San Diego,
Phoenix or Miami. But at least
on Monday, the weather was
comparable with Jacksonville's a
year ago, when the Eagles arrived
for their Super Bowl appearance
needing warmer coats.
One thing Detroit does have
going for it is that Jerome Bettis
is playing. Pittsburgh's veteran
running back is a Detroit native,
went to high school not far from
downtown, and is so involved
in the city that he is sinking a
lot of his own money into one
of the riverfront revitalization
BettisBetters LLC is a joint
venture company between
Bettis and Pittsburgh business-
man Charles Betters to rede-
velop a 44-acre patch east of
downtown. The site used to
house a Uniroyal tire plant
and poses environmental chal-
lenges because of contamination.
"We are trying to rebuild the
city after it's been looked at as
a place you don't want to go
Bettis said. "It's important that
the thought be changed. It takes
an event like this for people
to say, 'Hey, Detroit is on the up-
rise We all have bumps in the
road. I'm really trying to put
my resources into it
Bettis' business manager,
Jahmal Dokes, who played foot-
ball with him at MacKenzie
High School, would not dis-
close Bettis' financial invest-
ment, but allowed that it was a
"multimillion-dollar" project.
"It's meant a lot to the
city because a native son is
developing it Dokes said.
"Two years ago, it looked like
a bomb went off here he said of
downtown. "There was nothing
here. Two years later, you see
the budding of a great renais-
Room for Rent E. 3rd Street
Duplex 1 Bedroom 1 Bath $250
Month Utilities Included Available
Immediately Call Brendan 410-
Sublease Feb '06 thru Jury '06
$387 a month all Inclusive
very negotiable. I will pay
application fee. Call 781-254-
6031 for more details!
2 Rooms For Rent Pirates Cove
Phase II - Fully Furnished - WD
Available Now Contact Nicole 919-
452-3849 - NLH0320@mail.ecu.
edu $387month utilities included
Beat This, No parking fees, No
parking hassle, Walk to class,
downtown or to the rec. center,
2 bed 1.5 bath duplex available
now, short term lease accepted.
Buccaneer Village call 561 -7368
One two Brs. on-site management
maintenance Central heat air 6,
9, 12 month leases Water Cable
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pets dishwasher disposals pool
laundry (252) 758-4015
Two people needed to sublease
2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment in
Wyndham Court from May-July.
Pet friendly (deposit already paid
for) and washerdryer included.
Current tenants are willing to pay
$50.00 of the rent each month! Call
252-675-7444 or 252-626-6975 for
more information.
Roommate Wanted for Off-Campus
House: Laid-back, but serious,
student roommate wanted to
share 3 bedroom home. Pet- and
smoker- friendly preferred. One
bedroom and shared living areas
for rent available immediately at
$400month includes utilities. One
month's security deposit and lease
application required. Call 252-480-
1668 for Sheri or 252-599-7275 to
speak to Evan. Owner is a licensee)
NC Realtor.
Childcare needed for infant formal
exp. required email exp. and contact
info to
Bartenders wanted! Up to $250
day. No experience necessary.
Training provided. Call (800) 965-
6520. ext. 202
Background singers and musicians
needed for studio recording: cellist
violinists, trumpet player, electric
bass player. Call Greg 378-4325.
Web designerprogrammer needed.
Call Allison, 378-4324.
Do You Need A Good Job?-The
ECU Telefund is hiring students
to contact alumni and parents for
the ECU Annual Fund. $6.25 hour
plus cash bonuses. Make your own
schedule. If interested, visit our
website at www.ecu.edutelefund
and click on JOBS.
$$$$$ Tutors Needed $$$$$:
Looking for some extra money (-
best opportunity on campus!) and
a way to improve academically?
Are you at least a sophomore with
a 3.0 or better GPA? Become a tutor
or mentor for the Office of Student
Development-Athletics. We employ
tutors in all subject areas and
levels (1000-5999). Undergraduate
students are paid $7hour and
graduate students are paid $10
hour. If this sounds like the job for
you, please contact Jennifer Bonner
at 737-4553 for further information.
Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-
time youth soccer coaches for the
indoor soccer program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge
of soccer skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth.
Applicants must be able to coach
young people ages 12-18 in soccer
fundamentals. Hours are from 6:45
pm to 9:30 pm, Monday-Thursday
with some weekend coaching.
Flexible hours according to class
schedules. This program will run
from March 7 to mid May. Salaries
start at $6.25 per hour. Apply at the
City of Greenville, Human Resources
Department, 201 Martin L. King Jr.
Dr Greenville NC 27834. For
more information, please contact
the Athletic Office at 329-4550,
Monday through Friday, 10 am
until 7 pm.
Attention all Greeks: Dollar Night
Every Thursday at Cafe Caribe
$3 Admission. Nicest Restrooms
Downtown. Plenty of Room to
Socialize. Come Check it Out
Kappa Delta would like to thank Pi
Kappa Alpha for a great recruitment
social! We need to do it again
The sisters of Alpha Xi Delta would
like to extend their appreciation
and support to the sisters of Kappa
Delta. Thanks for all you do!
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Mendenhall to sign up to find love this Valentine's Day!
February 14 2006
Mendenhall Multipurpose Room
February 14 2006
Mendenhall Multipurpose Room
Refreshments will bo served

Adventure Programs
Equipment Provided -
No experience necessary
24 Flatwater CanoeSea Kayak
Alligator River
Register by 131 $3545
25 Coastal Area Day HikeCroatan NF
Register by 131 $2530
210-12 Caving-VirginaWest Virginia
Register by 27 $8095
217-19 Backpacking-Croatan NF
Register by 214 $5565
225 Sea Kayak-Goose Creek
Register by 222 $3040
226 Climbing Day Trip Pilot Mtn
Register by 221 $3040
34 Climbing Overnight- Pilot Mtn
Register by 228 $7585
ARISE Programs
22 Wheelchair Rugby
8-9pm SRC Sports Forum
27 Wheelchair Dodgeball
8-9pm SRC Sports Forum
29 Wheelchair Basketball
8-9pm SRC Sports Forum
213 Wheelchair Rugby
8-9pm SRC Sports Forum
220 ARISE Committee Mtg
7-8:30pm SRC 202
223 Wheelchair Baskeball
8-9pm SRC Sports Forum
225 Cultural Arts Festival
8am-4:30pm ViQuest Center
Fitness Programs
22-46 Power Flow Yoga
Registration happening now
SRC 239
24 Women on Weights
Registration happening now
SRC Classroom
222 Winter Blast Power Jamm!
SRC Sports Forum
222 Lunchtime Lecture: Goal Setting
Register by 220
SRC Classroom '
228 AB-Solutions
Registration happening now
SRC Classroom
Intramural Sports Programs
26 Sports Trivia on the Web
10am IM website
213 Indoor Soccer Team Reg. Mtg
5pm MSC 244
215 Indoor Soccer Officials'Mtg
9pm SRC 202
219 Softball Officials' Mtg
9pm SRC 202
220 Softball Team Reg. Mtg
5pm MSC 244
Carolina (252) 328-6387


The East Carolinian, February 1, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 01, 2006
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3cm x 2cm
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