The East Carolinian, January 31, 2006

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ence is
Volume 81 Number 45
Januarv 31, 2006
Females outnumbering
males at ECU drastically
How did the female-male redo
change from 2000-2004?
200059 41
200159 41
200259 41
200360 40
200461 39
Factors contributing to
high female population
Since the establishment of
ECU in 1907, there have been a
number of factors that contribute
to the high female population.
The university opening as a
teacher training school was one
of the first factors that attracted a
large number of females to ECU.
As the university grew, more
development and emphasis on
programs such as teaching and
nursing brought in more females
to the school.
Rob Lange, associate director
of undergraduate admissions,
notices that some areas of study
that are female-dominated are
chosen as a concentration more
than others.
"Prospective students often
decide to major in programs
such as nursing and teaching
said Lange.
Other factors that may bring
in more females than males
are the high school graduation
"The ratio of female to male
high school graduates may also
contribute to the large female
population Lange said.
The amount of female stu-
dents has been higher than
males throughout ECU'S history
and has slightly increased even
within the last five years. The
female student enrollment for
the entire university increased
from 59 percent in the 2000-
2001 school year to 61 percent
in the 2004-2005 school year.
The male student enrollment
decreased from 41 percent to 39
percent in the same time frame.
The percentages may fluctuate
in the future, but it is likely that
females will still outnumber
males at the university.
From 2000 to 2002, the per-
centage of female to male stu-
dents didn't rise or fall. The
university consisted of 59 percent
female and 41 percent males for
three consecutive years.
One factor that doesn't play a
part in the amount of female and
male students is the admissions
department. They don't focus on
gender when considering who
will be admitted to ECU.
"Gender is not taken into
account in the admissions pro-
cess. We're more interested in
who has an interest in attending
ECU Lange said.
"We are interested in getting
more students, making better stu-
dents and building more diversity
in the student population
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
'Great Decisions' returns
Duke University professor Scott Sillman presents his lecture "Human Rights in the Age of
Terrorism" Saturday, Jan. 28 in Rivers Auditorium. The lecture was the second in the Great
Decisions series, a community forum on international affairs, national security and U.S. foreign
policy. Lloyd Novick, director of Masters in Public Health at ECU will present the next lecture
in the series Saturday, Feb. 4.
Winter Blues nearly absent from ECU
SAD ranks low in cases
of depression
Car chase ends in
shooting in Greenville
With the winter months
come feelings of gloom to Ameri-
cans across the country. Not so
much at ECU.
Seasonal Affective Disorder,
or SAD, is a form of depression
that takes place due in part to
the winter months. The lack of
sunlight that spring and sum-
mertime are full of produces
what many would refer to as the
"winter blues
SAD is categorized as a mood
disorder. There does not seem
to be a very large percentage of
students who suffer from SAD c
on campus. J
"We have some people but
not a lot said Assistant Director
Valerie Kissler-Van Reeae.
She went on to say that a 3
majority of cases involve depres-
see BLUES page A2 Students' winter woes may be caused by seasonal changes in light.
SGA Senators sworn in at meeting
The intersection Greenville Boulevard and 14th Street was the site
of a traffic block that caused delays for several hours.
Suspect killed in pursuit
By 9 a.m. last Thursday much
of the Greenville Police Depart-
ment had already experienced
more action in one morning
than they often do during an
entire week.
Kerry Turner, 34, was shot
and killed by three police officers
after a chase that ended after
Turner's car rammed several other
vehicles, including several police
department vehicles. Officers
then shot Turner on Greenville
Boulevard near 14th Street.
The pursuit began after offi-
cers attempted to serve Kerry
with involuntary commitment
orders. Kerry, who had long suf-
fered from bipolar disorder, had
hours before committed himself
to the psychiatric section of Pitt
County Memorial Hospital.
He soon left however, and was
suspected of barricading himself
in the residence with weapons.
Kerry fled when law enforcement
officials attempted to take him
into custody at his home.
Kerry was convicted of drunk
driving in 1987 at the age of
16. More than a dozen charges
appear over the next years with
the most serious coming in May,
when he was convicted of assault
inflicting serious injury and com-
municating threats.
Kerry was put on house arrest
and forced to live with his par-
ents. At this time, Kerry also
began receiving treatment for
bipolar disorder.
He was sent to prison in
August after violating his pro-
bation by staying out past his
curfew and being intoxicated. He
was released in November.
Police blocked off streets for
several hours, causing delayed
traffic through much of the area
near where the incident took place.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
During Monday night's SGA meeting all members of the SGA Senate were officially sworn
in by Attorney General Nick Genty. Corey King presented the Diversity Action Plan on behalf
of Chancellor Ballard and Vice Chancellors Moore and Smith. Several senators spoke about
a constitutional presentation and several appropriations were passed. The March of Dimes
meeting, originally scheduled for Feb. 6, will be rescheduled at a later date.
happens in
the West Bank
Islamic militant group
wins half of votes
The world is very surprised
that the Hamas won more
than 50 percent of the votes
in the Palestinian Leadership
Council in Ramallah, which is
roughly equivalent to the U.S.
House of Representatives. The
Hamas is an Islamic militant
group that has announced its
intention of destroying Israel
and the U.S. Generally, the
election upset is attributed
to growing dissatisfaction of
the incumbent Fatah party,
known for corruption, which
was started by the late Yasser
Arafat. Arafat himself began
the Fatah's apparent legacy of
corruption by having amassed
approximately $1.3 billion in
public Palestinian funds for his
personal investment portfolio.
It seems that the corruption
with Fatah did not end when
Arafat's life did.
What may be the most par-
ticularly demoralizing thought
for the rest of the world is that
all peace progress in Palestine
that has been gained since the
death of Yasser Arafat, who
some believe to be an equal
culprit of chaos in the Middle
East as Osama bin Laden and
Saddam Hussein. Former U.S
President Bill Clinton once
remarked how Arafat "missed
his chance" to bring his people
to peace and just how frustrat-
ing it was because how hard
Clinton worked to make peace
in the Middle East.
It was Arafat who stated
once that "The commitment
still stands and the oath is still
valid: that we will continue
this long jihad, this difficult
jihad via deaths, via sacrifices"
and "Our nation is a nation of
sacrifice, struggle and jihad
Jihad is Arabic for "holy war
and under Arafat's leadership
the Palestinians turned to vio-
lence to achieve their political
goals. The loss of his influence
was seen as an opportunity
to achieve peace through the
emergence of a more moderate
Palestinian regime. With the
victory of the Hamas, it will be
as though Arafat is still alive
and dictating the actions of
the Palestinians.
U.S. President
George Bush stated "a
political party, in order to
be viable, is one that pro-
fesses peace, in my judg-
ment, in order that it will
keep the peace, and so
you're getting a sense of how
I'm going to deal with Hamas
if they end up in positions of
responsibility. And the answer
is: not until you renounce your
desire to destroy Israel will we
deal with you
The good news is that the
Palestinian Prime Minister
Mahmoud Abbas has said pub-
licly declared that he wants
the Hamas to disarm now
that their views will be made
public through politics and
that bloodshed is no longer
necessary considering the
political exposure they will
have with the legislative clout
they have won. Israel has
backed off of the stance they
made in late October about not
dealing with Hamas at all. It
seems that if Hamas renounces
and disarms, there is a chance
at peace because Bush will get
Israel and Palestine talking
again, albeit an incredible, very
improbable achievement.
Many analysts believe
that this election move on
the part of the Palestinians
is not so much an aggressive
stance toward Israel as it is a
punishment of the incumbent
Fatah party for corruption.
Angry Fatah supporters who
rioted said "We don't want to
join the Hamas government!
We don't want corrupt leader-
ship! We want reform, and we
want to fire all the corrupt
Perhaps the Palestinian
thirst for ethical leadership
will include peaceful leader-
ship as well.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeas tcarolinian. com.
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A81 Opinion: A3 I Student Life: A4 I Sports: A6

Page A2 252.328.6366
ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
TUESDAY January 31, 2006
A few corrections need to be made
for an article entitled "Undergraduate
research: a viable opportunity for
students" that ran Wednesday, Jan.
25. The opening statement of the
article states that "Undergraduate
research is an option to basically
all students This statement is
misleading because undergraduate
research is an option that is open to
all undergraduates.
Paragraph nine states that If a student
decides to participate in research
through UndergraduateCreative
Activities committee, they must have
a GRA of 25" Students do not actually
participate through the committee, but
the committee does ensure increased
opportunities and visibility for
undergraduate research on campus.
The final paragraph on page one
is misleading in that Research
Assistantships are not assistantships
for the students who are assisting
faculty with their research.
The first paragraph on page two is
misleading in that students are not
required to apply for and be awarded
Ihe grants to present at the symposium
Any undergraduate student who
would like to showcase their own
research or inquiry-based project
is welcome to submit a proposal.
Open Mic Benefit
"Until the Violence Steps: An Open
Mic Benefit" will take place Tuesday,
Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. at the Tipsy Teapot
located at 409 Evans St. A $5
donation is suggested with all
money benefiting V-Day. The event
is being sponsored by the Women's
Studies Program and VOICE. For
more information, e-mail our. ECU.
voice yahoacom.
Dance 2006
Dance 2006 continues in the week
of Jan 29 through Feh 4. Highlights
include choreography by School
of Theatre and Dance faculty and
guest artists. Sometimes serious,
sometimes funny sometimes lyrical
and sometimes eccentric this annual
dance showcase has become an
immensely popular event Sure to have
something for dance aficionados and
newcomers alike, this is a fast-paced
and unpreotoablecornuoopia of styles.
For more information visit ecueducs-
Groundhog Day
The ECU Folk and Country Dancers
are sponsoring a free acoustic
music concert performed by
Folks Arts Society of Greenville
members and guests Thursday,
Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at Mudslinger's
Coffee Co. located at 409 Evans
St. downtown. Admission is free.
For more information, call 752-7350.
Elite Pirates
Applications are now being accepted
for induction into this premiere
recognition program designed to
honor the top student leaders at
ECU. Only 11 student leaders will
be selected for this honor based
on their academics, leadership and
community service.
The Elite Pirates" selected will
receive a university plaque, induction
into "The Elite Pirate Student
Hall of Fame a $150 leadership
honorarium, and receive recognition
with other campuscommunity
leaders during ECU Founder's
Week 2006.
Applications are available in 207
Mendenhall Student Center. The
deadline is Friday, Feb. 10 at 4:30
p.m for submitting your application.
Interviews will be conducted Feb.
20 through Feb. 24. The Induction
Program will take place March 29 at
2:30 p.m. in MSC Hendrix Theatre.
(Founder's Week is March 27 -
31). For more information, contact
the Office of the Assistant Vice
Chancellor for Student Experiences
at 328-4702.
Student Homecoming
Chair Applications
The Homecoming Committee Is
currently looking for a person to
fill the 2006 position of Student
Homecoming Chairperson.
The position calls for the applicant
to oversee seven subcommittees,
manage a $19,000 budget process
expenditures in a timely fashion
and chair all student homecoming
bi-weekly meetings.
To apply for the position, all
applicants must be full-time
students in good standing with
the university, have a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have
a class standing of sophomore
or higher. This is a paid student
position. All applications must
include a letter of interest and
resume of related experience
and should be e-mailed no later
than Feb. 10 to Adeea Rogers at You may also
drop off your letter of interest and
resume to 218 Mendenhall Student
Center, Monday-Friday, 8 am. - 5 pm
News Briefs
Wind gusts of 200 mph at NC
mountain peak won't be 'official'
TAIN, NC (AP) Wind gusts of
at least 200 mph at the visitor's
center won't be accepted by some
groups including the National
Weathes Service because they
don't control how the wind-mea-
suring equipment on Grandfa-
ther Mountain is set up.
"We would not record it
because (the wind gauge) is not
sited according to standards
said Ryan Boyles, an associate cli-
matologist with the State Climate
Office of North Carolina.
Larry Lee, a science and oper-
ations officer for the National
Weather Service's Greenville-
Spartanburg office in South
Carolina which covers Avery
County, said something similar:
the weather service has no infor-
mation about the anemometer or
wind gauge on Grandfather.
It was late Tuesday and early
Wednesday morning when
Grandfather Mountain's wind
gauge got stuck at 200 mph,
where it tops out. That's the
highest wind speed measure at
the 5,964-foot peak since read-
ings began in 1955. The visitor's
center sits about 700 feet below
the peak, which is a travel attrac-
tion and nature preserve.
The previous record of 196
mph was set in 1997.
The wind knocked out rein-
forced glass from the visitor's
center and carried it 278 yards
while chunks of a wood-and-
metal window frame were blown
224 yards down the mountain.
One problem with the equip-
ment at Grandfather Mountain,
the experts say, is that the wind
gauge is mounted on the visitor's
center's roof, which they say is a
no-no because of the way that
location affects wind speed.
"The winds get amplified
around objects and over objects
Boyles said.
"It can really get amplified
going over a roof
Crae Morton, the president of
Grandfather Mountain Inc said
he understood theof f icial position.
"Maybe that's something we
can do scientifically she said
of the mountain's wind spesd
Missing Alzheimer's patient dies
shortly after being found
Alzheimer's patient who disap-
peared for four days was found
in a storage room of the nursing
home where she lived, but the
woman later died at a hospital.
Mary Cole, 66, had disap-
peared Monday from Liberty
Nursing and Rehabilitation
Center, authorities said. She was
found Friday under a table in a
storage room at the center, said
her daughter, Tammy Terry.
At that point, she was dehy-
drated but had a heart beat and
pulse, Terry said. But she died
soon after she arrived at Presby-
terian Hospital. An autopsy will
be performed.
A police investigation will
focus on why the storage room
wasn't locked and why Cole
wasn't found after six searches,
said Charlotte-Mecklenburg
police spokesman Keith Bridges.
Terry was perplexed as well.
"The people in that nursing
home were wonderful to us. They
sat up all night with us. They
searched from 7 a.m. to nightfall
with us. They cried with us
Terry said. "But I don't under-
stand why she wasn't found.
"They told us they'd
searched every nook and
cranny of that place
In a statement faxed to media,
Liberty administrator John Gry-
glewicz expressed the center's
sadness at "this loss and sym-
pathy to Cole's family.
Brazilians race to adopt
abandoned baby floating In lake
Doctors released a 2-month-
old girl from a hospital Monday,
two days after she was found in
a black plastic bag floating in a
lake in southeastern Brazil.
Scores of Brazilians mobbed
the Odilion Behrens Municipal
Hospital hoping to adopt or
at least catch a glimpse of the
child whose dramatic rescue
was filmed by an amateur
cameraman and broadcast
Authorities said it was the
same Belo Horizonte hospital
where the infant was born
prematurely two months ago,
which helped authorities locate
the mother, who allegedly set
her adrift on nearby Pampulha
The baby was released into
the care of local child-protec-
tion authorities.
"She's doing great, in perfect
health said Rosana Alves, a
hospital spokeswoman. "Now
the Juvenile Court will decide
whether she goes to a family or
to a shelter
Alves said the commotion
over the infant and the flood of
adoption offers had interfered
with hospital routine.
Police arrested the baby's
mother, 27-year-old Simone
Cassiano da Silva, on Sunday
and charged her with attempted
homicide for putting the baby
into the plastic bag, setting it
on a board and pushing it into
the lake.
Da Silva denied she set the
child adrift. She claimed she
gave the baby to a group of
homeless people because she
did not have enough money to
raise the child.
The wooden board attached
to the bag apparently kept it
from sinking in the lake, 210
miles north of Rio de Janeiro.
The child was not registered
or named, but the mother told
the media she had wanted to
name her Iara, the deity of
waters, in Brazilian Indian
Italian dally: Berlusconi's latest
promise no sex until April 9
ROME (AP) Premier Silvio
Berlusconi has promised Italians
he would lower taxes and raise
pensions. His latest campaign
pledge is rather personal: no sex
until April 9 elections, an Italian
newspaper reported Sunday.
Giornale, a conservative
Milan daily owned by Paolo Ber-
lusconi, the premier's brother,
reported that the no-sex vow was
made during a campaign rally in
Cagliari, Sardinia, on Saturday
with a popular TV preacher on
the island and his followers.
The clergyman, Rev. Mas-
similiano Pusceddu, praised the
premier for what he described as
a defense of family values and
promised that his followers would
support the conservative leader
because "if the left wins it will be
the moral end for this country
"Let me give you my blessing
the priest was quoted as saying.
Berlusconi replied, smiling,
according to Giornale: "Dear
Father Massimiliano. I thank
you a lot. I will try to meet your
expectations, and I promise from
now on, 212 months of absolute
sexual abstinence, until April 9
Berlusconi's challenger in the
vote is Romano Prodi, a center-
left leader and former premier.
Berlusconi is married to
Veronica Lario, an actress.
U.S. fighter Jet crashes Into the
sea off Australia's east coast
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) A
U.S. fighter jet crashed into
the sea off the eastern coast of
Australia after failing to land on
an aircraft carrier, officials and
media reports said Sunday. No
one was injured.
The pilot ejected Saturday
after the unsuccessful landing
attempt about 120 miles south-
east of the Queensland state capi-
tal, Brisbane, according to Rhylla
Morgan, a spokeswoman for the
U.S. Consulate in Sydney.
The pilot was toying "to
land on the flight deck. Some-
thing went wrong (so) the pilot
ejected she said Sunday.
The Australian Broadcasting
Corp. said the pilot was pulled
from the water by a ship helicop-
ter, but the $28 million FA-18
Hornet strike fighter was unlikely
to be recovered.
The ship, the USS Ronald
Reagan, had been due to conduct
naval operations in support of
the war on terror as well as secu-
rity commitments in the western
Pacific, the ABC said.
ABC News co-anchor Woodruff, cameraman
seriously injured in Iraq explosion
(AP) ABC News anchor Bob
Woodruff, seriously hurt by a
roadside bomb in Iraq, has shown
signs of improvement and may
be airlifted to the United States
as soon as Tuesday, the network's
news president said Monday.
A hospital official said body
armor likely saved the journalist's life.
Cameraman Doug Vogt, also
hurt in the explosion, is in better
shape than Woodruff but doctors
were pleased with how both han-
dled the transfer to a U.S. military
base in Germany, said ABC News
President David Westin.
"We have a long way to go
Westin said. "But it appears that
we may have also come some
distance from yesterday
Vogt was filming a stand-up
report with Woodruff and both
were standing in the open hatch
of an Iraqi military vehicle when
the bomb went off. They under-
went surgery in Iraq before being
flown to Germany.
"They're both very seriously
injured, but stable said Col.
Bryan Gamble, commander of
the Landstuhl Regional Medi-
cal Center in western Germany.
He said both men were heavily
sedated and under the care of the
hospital's trauma team.
Their body armor likely saved
them, "otherwise these would have
been fatal wounds Gamble said.
Woodruff, the new co-anchor
of "World News Tonight had
serious head wounds and broken
bones, and Vogt also suffered
head injuries, ABC News said.
The network said the mens' wives
were at the hospital and talking
with doctors Monday.
Former "NBC Nightly
News" anchor Tom Brokaw said
Monday that he had spoken
with Woodruff's wife, Lee.
"The doctors had told
BlUeS from page A1
sion with SAD ranking low.
Symptoms of the disorder
take place at the beginning of
fall. They range from extreme
fatigue to excessive sleeping and
difficulty staying awake. Five
to six months later, symptoms
seemingly disappear, only to
return the next fall.
According to Patricia Anstett, a
writer for the Detroit Free Press who
did an article concerning SAD,
there are currently three known
options for relief to choose from.
These consist of antidepressant
drugs, light or phototherapy and
counseling known as cogni-
tive behavioral therapy, or CBT.
CBT is essentially a therapy ses-
sion involving taking negative
thoughts and transforming them
into realistic ones.
Antidepressants work in
approximately 50 to 60 percent of
people dealing with SAD. Medi-
cation is essentially the most
convenient option for people,
though the expense can become
quite high.
Light treatment seeks to have
the patient conduct activity in
well-lit areas. This eliminates the
gloomy atmosphere that often
results in the symptoms brought
on by SAD.
If students suspect that they
may be suffering from depres-
sion or SAD, they can visit the
counseling center located on
the second story of Wright
auditorium where they can
find options about dealing with
the depression.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
In this TV image released by ABC, news anchor Bob Woodruff,
center, talks with U.S. soldiers Sunday, Jan. 29, prior to him and
his cameraman Doug Vogt being injured in a roadside bombing
In Iraq.
them once they arrived that
the brain swelling had gone
down. In Bob's case, that had
been a big concern. Yesterday
they had to operate and remove
part of the skull cap to relieve
some of the swelling Brokaw
said on NBC'S "Today" show.
The doctors didn't know for
sure whether shrapnel penetrated
Woodruff's brain, but they were
removing additional shrapnel
from his neck area, Brokaw said.
He said Woodruff's family had
also learned more details about
the explosion from witnesses.
"Immediately after the explo-
sion he turned to his producer and
said 'Am I alive?' and 'Don't tell
Lee and then he began to cry out in
excruciating pain Brokaw said.
Woodruff and Vogt, an
award-winning cameraman,
were embedded with the 4th
Infantry Division and traveling
in a convoy with U.S. and Iraqi
troops near Taji, about 12 miles
north of Baghdad when the
device exploded. An Iraqi solder
also was hurt.
"Doug was conscious, and I
was able to reassure him we were
getting them care. I spoke to Bob
also and walked with them to
the helicopter said ABC senior
producer Kate Felsen, who had
been working with Woodruff for
the past two weeks.
The injuries were a blow to
ABC News, still recovering from
the cancer death of Peter Jennings
in August. Woodruff and co-
anchor Elizabeth Vargas assumed
Jennings' old job at "World News
Tonight" earlier this month.
"Bob and Doug were in Iraq
doing what reporters do, trying
to find out what's happening
there up-close and firsthand. All
of us are mindful of the risks and
the dangers Vargas said Sunday
night in a closing note.
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Page A3 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
TUESDAY January 31, 2006
Our View
Super Bowl about
the game, not sex
Ever since the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle
Seahawks stamped their tickets to Detroit for
Super Bowl XL, many people's outlook of the
game has been anything but Extra Large.
Some say the teams have "no sex appeal
And why would they? Neither of these
teams boast quarterbacks on the cusp
of individual greatness, championship
ring in their immediate future or not. As
recognizable as Shaun Alexander and
Ben Roethlisberger may be, neither team
has a Tom Brady or a Peyton Manning
- guys who are the center of attention 247.
But when are people going to under-
stand that the Super Bowl, though it's for
all the marbles, is still a football game?
This is not about sex appeal. It's about
the two best NFL teams coming, together
and playing a 60-minute football game to
determine the best team in the land. The
bottom line is, whether these two teams
have any sex appeal or not, they have
certainly proven their the best two squads
in the league, not to mention great stories.
Pittsburgh is the lowest seed to make it
to the title game, winning all three of their
playoff games on the road, not to mention
beating up on the almighty Colts. Their
defense is as formidable as it has ever
been, even back to the days of the Steel
Curtain when the Steelers were dominant
and made regular appearances in the Super
Bowl. They also have one of the best young
quarterbacks in the league and one of the
most storied running backs in NFL history.
Seattle, on the other hand, has never
even sniffed at a Super Bowl, but thor-
oughly dominated the NFC this year after
a slow start. They have the NFL MVP in
their backfield and a quarterback who
studied under one of the all-time greats
(Brett Favre) for most of his career in
Green Bay and is dying to prove himself.
You have two completely different teams,
two completely different backgrounds, the
two BEST teams in the league, meeting
to decide who takes home the hardware.
In all of that, how on earth is sex appeal
necessary to have a great football game?
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
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Rachel King Zack Hill
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Features Editor
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Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Sarah Bell
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak
Web Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachaef Letter
Asst. Photo Editor
Dustin Jones
Asst. Web Editor
Edward McKim
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular
academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the
summer. "Our View" is the opinion of the editorial board
and is written by editorial board members. TEC welcomes
letters to the editor which are limited to 250 words (which
may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the
right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed
and include a telephone number betters may be sent
via e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
We should consider abolishing Black History Month
The time has come to
I move forward
Guess what. There shouldn't
be a Black History Month. You
heard right. No Black History
Month. Appalled by the idea?
Shocked by the suggestion? Trou-
bled by the thought? Well you
shouldn't be. You also shouldn't
be running to get your hood and
gasoline out of the closet either.
Let me begin by saying that
black people have contributed
many important things to our
nation's history. The value of their
work should not be overlooked or
undermined, and that is in no way
my intent. In fact, I believe that
because they have contributed so
much and are interwoven into
the fabric of this land, having a
designated Black History Month is
condescending in the first degree.
America is a melting pot
where people of every nation and
creed have come to live under a
banner of peace and justice. For
many years, and even today, that
banner does not fly everywhere
across this land. Nonetheless,
great strides have been made,
beginning in the last century and
continuing into this one. Today
there is more racial equality in
America than at any time in our
history. Equality is what black
people have courageously sought
and steadfastly continue to seek.
That is why I am exasperated
that they take this pandering
with open arms. Although I'm
not entirely surprised (see our
nations welfare system).
Black History Month is an
annual review of African Ameri-
can history and, at times, a mean
spirited rehashing of rhetoric. It
seems to stir up more feelings of
ill will than those of peace and
reconciliation. Blacks across the
nation often take a militant and
defiant tone during this month
(watch TV in February if you dis-
agree), not one of reverence and
celebration for all that they and
their ancestors have achieved in
American culture.
That is exactly what Black
History Month is supposed to
be - a celebration, not the argu-
ment that is inevitably devolves
into every year. Each February,
black heroes of the past are
paraded across television screens
in a manner akin to rubbing
something in someone's face.
Disputes erupt and talk turns to
reparations and all sorts of
nonsense. Harsh words and
insults are traded, which turns
white people off to the idea
of BHM.
BHM has become a ploy to dis-
tract black people. If black people
want to continue their march
toward equality, they need to wake
up and realize that BHM is holding
them back. Our schools are deseg-
regated and our calendars should
be as well. If a black person's
achievement, character or courage
is worthy of historical mention
in February, then it is worthy too
in September. History is history
whether it's black or white, and
it should be on the same pages at
the same time. If the schools are
integrated, then the curriculum
should be as well.
Academy Award Winning
Actor Morgan Freeman feels
similarly. In a recent interview
with "60 Minutes he said that
the concept of a BHM is, "ridicu-
lous He went on to say, "You're
going to relegate my history to
a month? I don't want a black
history month. Black history is
American history
People make an issue of the
absence of a White History Month.
Well what tone of white do you
want? Porcelain skinned Norwe-
gians? Olive skinned Italians?
The descendants of these people
came to America and made a joint
history. It is true that for many
years black history in America was
lonely and painful, but circum-
stances have changed. We should
celebrate our history and future
together - not look at the past
with an air of distrust and har-
bored resentment, with a sense of
accomplishment and victory that
we are advancing together in an
evolving society. Racism is a large
stumbling block that has slowly
been chipped away at over the years
and we need to move forward.
Historian Carter G. Woodson,
the man who in 1926 established
Negro History Week, the cel-
ebration in which Black History
Month has it roots, said he hoped
the week could one day be elimi-
nated. He pointed to a day when
black history was a fundamental
part of American history. That
is why I move for no BHM. It's
a repressive barrier to the equal-
ity African Americans call for. If
they choose to remain shackled
to this antiquated tradition it will
only serve to keep up the walls of
segregation and racism, and to
facilitate feelings of ill will and
If BHM were eradicated, I would
suggest as a gesture of goodwill and
intent that Columbus Day be re-
named George Washington Carver
Day. Carver certainly deserves a
place in the pantheon of celebrated
Americans (which we all are) and
is a much worthier candidate to be
honored than the power hungry,
egomanlacal Columbus. Plus, he
gave us the modern day manna of
peanut butter.
Black people, in their strug-
gle for equality and social jus-
tice, must take responsibility
and pride in their culture that
goes beyond the superficial
celebrations of memorial services
and parades. They must, as a
people, work to reduce the behav-
iors and attitudes that perpetuate
negative stereotypes. I speak spe-
cifically of the recent assaults and
thefts made on and around the
ECU campus. A majority if not all
of the suspects and perpetrators
have been African-American.
That's not racism. It is a fact.
I'm sure that these statements
will appall some people, but if they
would take the time to analyze the
situation they may come to feel
differently. African Americans
should spend more time working
to reduce crime, unemployment
and poverty in their neighbor-
hoods as opposed to taking mili-
tant stands on past wrongs. Past
wrongs that are opened fresh each
year during a month that is sup-
posed to celebrate achievement,
not bemoan historical injustices
and current plights.
Black History Month just
doesn't fit anymore. It tethers
the people that it's supposed
to honor and pigeonholes what
could and should be a much
broader historical perspective.
White people should not cel-
ebrate the dissolution of Black
History Month as the end of
acknowledgement and black
people should not fear it for that
reason either. Black History is a
misnomer and an unnecessary
label. The past is the past. It's not
black history or white history. It's
our history.
In My Opinion
(KRT) Bye-bye, newspa-
pers. If you're reading this on
thin paper that folds and crin-
kles, has many other things on
oversized pages and gets ink on
your fingers, then you are helping
stem the decline of an endangered
species. Sorry to say it, but you
may be a dying breed yourself.
Between 1998 and 2005, week-
day newspaper readers dropped from
58.6 percent to 51 percent of all adults,
according to Newspaper Association
of America figures. For 18-to24-year-
olds, the drop was from 43.5 percent
to 38.4 percent; and for 25- to 34-
year-olds, readership fell even further,
from 45.9 percent to 36.8 percent.
Younger non-readers are undoubtedly
unmarried, since married people read
newspapers more often than singles
- perhaps to hide behind at breakfast.
Bye-bye to young audiences.
Good riddance, some contrarian
analysts say. The fact that newspaper
readers are older, more educated,
more affluent, less likely to be black
or Hispanic, and more prevalent in
the Northeast makes them a higher-
quality target for advertisers, The
Washington Post's Paul Farhi argues.
But consider whether that profile rep-
resents America's future or its past.
I agree that newspapers won't
disappear soon. An industry pro-
ducing something so disposable
(good for wrapping fish) has proved
rather durable. Still, newspapers
must reinvent themselves - beyond
putting classified ads on the Web.
As an expert on managing
change, I've participated in two-
decades' worth of conferences
discussing the need for creative
solutions for the future of news-
papers. Yet the physical product
has hardly changed. The bulk-
ier the better, publishers think.
Newspapers don't have to
ignore disinterested potential read-
ers. Niche publications grab young
audiences that newspapers lose. For
example, School Sports magazine
has been growing in local markets
while newspapers have reduced
coverage of high-school sports.
Wave bye-bye to broadcast tele-
vision, too. As mass media become
niche media, TV surfers from similar
afflictions. New media audiences
want to be more engaged and in
control. They want to:
-Direct the action (video and
online game players).
-Produce the package (on-
demand viewing - content recorded
for replay).
-Create the content (short Web
films - blogs).
-Develop their own networks
(e-mail communities with pirated
content - news spread virally by
hitting "forward").
These consumers are not just
the young. A British Broadcasting
Corp. brainstorming session on the
future of the BBC that I attended
included a role-playing grand-
mother who finds video games
more interesting than television.
Of course, every trend contains
a possible counter-trend. ("Here's an
innovative idea. Why don't all of us
in our online community watch a
movieat the same time every week)
In my 2001 book Evolve Suc-
ceeding in tlie Digital Culture ofTomor-
row, I pointed out that new media
rarely eliminate old media - they
learn to live side by side. The virtual
hasn't replaced the physical. Far
from eliminating physical stores,
established retailers have taken
advantage of e-commerce to reach
more customers and serve them
flexibly through multiple channels.
Newspapers have been pretty
good at developing an Internet
presence. The problem is that they
haven't yet answered the question
of whether a newspaper is the news
or the paper. Will they keep saying
bye-bye to their journalists and not
to their printing plants? Will they
keep focusing on which channel of
distribution to favor rather than on
the quality of their content? Those
would be unfortunate choices.
1 would like to just thank ECU for giving all its
students access to free newspapers throughout
campus. It's nice not to have to beg my friend for a
USA Today from his dorm before class anymore.
Would it be too much to ask to fix the back exit to
the Croatan so I am not embarrassed by choos-
ing the locked side door (that's never unlocked),
stumble over the elevated step and hit in the face
by working door due to its broken door closer?
I can't say thank you enough to the 23,000
plus students here at ECU who did not take my
bag while I left it in Wright Place since Friday!
It really shows that people can be trusted these
days! However, I am wondering why the heck
the employees of Wright Place didn't put my bag
in the lost and found after seeing it in the same
place for four days! Anyway thanks again ECU!
Thank God Brokeback Mountain is finally play-
ing in Greenville about freaking time!
I'm on a mission to have the most "Fun" before
I graduate in May!
Our school truly has more hot guys and girls
than any other campus in North Carolina. So
congratulations, boys and girls, because I love
looking at all of you fine people.
My roommate is addicted to eBay and now I
am as well. So much for my resolution of not
I am probably one of the biggest Pirate fans here
at this university, but the only real "Carolina"
is, of course, the University of South Carolina.
So all you Clemson, UNC and State fans can get
over it! Go Pirates and go Gamecocks!
Got spell check?
The cashier's office is the sorriest department at
ECU. I go in to ask one simple question, there
are no other students around, four employees
working and I still had to wait five minutes
for one of those people to help me. What
really got me was that she actecf upset that I
disturbed her from conjugating with the other
employees. In three years, I have never had
a pleasant experience working with them.
A recent study shows secondhand smoke
sharply increased risk of breast cancer in young
women exposed to secondhand smoke. It
also links drifting smoke to premature births,
asthma and heart disease, other cancers and
numerous health problems in children.
Kudos to Kanye for his Rolling Stone cover! Awe-
some statement.
The bus rides coming back from downtown are
the coolest. Last Friday I had the best bus ride
ever on them. Whoever was on that bus knows
what I mean. We need all bus drivers to be cool
and more drunk female entertainment!
So yeah the last time I checked I was paying
ECU to get an education not to pay unquali-
fied professor to attempt to teach a class in
which they have no idea what they are doing.
Plus interns who force me to teach myself. So
remind me why am I paying ECU?
Does anyone know what happened to the
Hybrid Bus that was at ECU for like a day?
Is anyone else like obsessed with Simon Cowell
from American Idol? I think I just have a thing
for jerks!
Since when did PB's become the hub of all the
Greek rednecks?
I love Joy ner this time of year, there is actually
a place to study and a study room available
when you need it!
Can we please keep the rants under a 100 word
minimum, my teachers are starting to catch on
that I am reading the pirate rants during class
because its taking me the whole 50 minutes to
get through one persons personal anecdote on
why they hate life.
Why is it so hard to study abroad? First you have
to get 100 signatures from 100 different places,
pay150 to even get it considered, get 12 teacher
recommendations, three official transcripts, and
write four essays only to find out that the classes
you will take overseas won't even transfer to
ECU! Wow, whatever happened to simple travel?
If you want a pizza brought to you tip the guy
who brought it to you at least $2 or $3. Gas
is expensive, the weather is cold, and some of
us work to pay our tuition. The people living
dorms (especially Umstead, Green and White)
should pay particular interest to this. This goes
for food and beverage servers of any kind.
I'm sick and tired of seeing all these girls walking
around campus wearing these huge sunglasses.
They are not classy - they are not cool. So give
your glasses back to your grandma. Please.
I'm a straight guy and I think I've fallen in love
with my best friend who is also a straight
Rants rock!
Why is it that the vast majority of girls on
campus feel compelled to tote around a Vera
Bradley bag? Not only are they hideous and
closely resemble diaper bags, but every other
girl has one. Just another reason why all of the
girls on campus look the same.
Thank God for Mongolia House. It is the best
restaurants in the entire world. I would eat
there everyday if I could find a two hour block
to commit to it.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is an anonymous way tor students and staff in the
ECU community to voice their opinions. Submissions can he submitted anonymously
online at, or e-mailed to editonPtheeastcarolinian.
com. The editor rtserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity.

Page A4 252.328.6366 CAR01YN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features
Names In the News:
TUESDAY January 31, 2006
Abdul feeling lonely
Choosing the next American Idol
can wreak serious havoc on the
social life. Just ask Paula Abdul. The
former dancer-singer-cheerleader
will team up with Dr. Phil to find her
latest beau on "Love Smart a CBS
prime-time special scheduled to air
on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. Dr. Phil
and Abdul will "explore the life of an
unmarried international celebrity who
is looking for love Hopefully, they
won't find it in the herds of wannabe
Idols singing their hearts out in front
of Ms. Abdul, Randy Jackson and
Simon Cowell. Remember, Idolators,
Abdul was cleared earlier this year of
allegations she had an inappropriate
relationship with exldol" contestant
Corey Clark. With Dr. Phil at her
side, Abdul will open up about
her problems finding a guy who's
comfortable with her level of success
and who isn't "overwhelmed by her
emotions Yikes.
Hasty puddln' time
Both the American Gigolo and
Catwoman will get a severe roasting
next month at Harvard University.
Actor Richard Gere, famous for
playing the heartthrob in movies like
Pretty Woman and An Officer and
a Gentleman, was named "Man of
the Year" by Harvard University's
irreverent Hasty Pudding Theatricals
on Thursday. He will receive the
group's golden Pudding Pot award
on Feb. 24. Halle Berry was named
"Hasty Pudding's Woman of the Year
The Oscar-winner, who starred in
Monster's Ball and Cafwoman, will
lead a parade of male students in
drag through Harvard Square on Feb.
16 when she receives her award. The
awards are presented annually to
performers who have made "a lasting
and impressive contribution to the
world of entertainment according
to a statement.
Spelling sued
Octogenarian TV mogul Aaron
Spelling is creating some steamy
"reality" programming of his own these
days. The producer of sex-saturated
series such as "Beverty Hills 90210
"Melrose Place" and "Dynasty" is
accused of groping and demanding
sexual favors from a nurse hired
to care for him, a lawsuit alleges.
Charlene Richards, who cared for
the ailing entertainment exec at his
Beverly Hills mansion from November
2004 to April, claimed Spelling
"grabbed or attempted to grab her
breasts exposed himself and put
his hands a few other places they
shouldn't have been, according to
papers filed Friday in LA. Superior
Court. Richards seeks monetary
damages for sexual harassment,
sexual battery, wrongful termination
and other offenses. Spelling's Los
Angeles attorney, Bert Fields, called
the lawsuit a "nasty piece of work"
and said, "Anyone who knows Aaron
knows he is a complete gentleman
Local Concerts:
Johnny Dollar will be at the City Hotel
and Bistro in Greenville Saturday,
Feb. 4
Nada Surf will be at the Cat's Cradle
in Carrboro Friday, Feb. 10
The Pietasters will be at the Cat's
Cradle in Carrboro Saturday, Feb. 11.
Matisyahu will be performing at the
Cat's Cradle in Carrboro Wednesday
Feb. 15.
Keith Urban and Pat Green will be
performing at the Charlotte Bobcats
Arena Thursday, Feb. 16.
OAR. will be at Ovens Auditorium in
Charlotte Tuesday, Feb. 21.
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and
special guests Elefant will be at the
Cat's Cradle in Carrboro Wednesday,
Feb. 22.
G. Love and Special Sauce will be
performing at the Lincoln Theatre in
Raleigh Friday, March 3.
Jerry Seinfeld will be performing at the
Progress Energy Center for Performing
Arts in Raleigh Friday, March 10.
Martina McBride will be at the RBC
Center in Raleigh Sunday, April 2.
at Krispy Kreme
Give a sweet Valentine
Valentine's Day is
quickly approaching
and girls are beginning
to fantasize about their
perfect day while guys are
trying to plan something
unexpected and thoughtful
for that special someone. For
some, it's too early to even be
thinking about the day of love.
For now, you can just relax
and not only think about your
Valentine, but your friends too.
Krispy Kreme has created an
offer so simple that you and
twelve of your friends will find
it deliciously satisfying.
It's called the "Share the
Love" Valentine's promotion.
Now through Feb. 14, you can
purchase a dozen doughnuts
and receive 12 Krispy Kreme
Valentine's Day cards. Each
card features a Krispy Kreme
message on the front and a
free doughnut coupon on
the back (the free
will be
good in
retail stores
only). "Share
the Love"
will give fans
of Valentine's
Day a head start
on the occasion
"This is a fun
way to surprise that
someone special
with a Valentine
card and a dough- C
nut said Amanda 1
Tilley, market man-1
ager of Krispy Kreme.
Founded in 1937 '
in Winston-Salem,
Krispy Kreme is a
leading branded spe-
cialty retailer in qual
Ity doughnuts, includ-
ing the company's signa
ture Hot Original Glazed.
Anyone who has been
down 10th Street and expe-
rienced the irresistible "HOT
NOW" sign knows exactly
what I'm talking about. The
red hot lights catch your
eye, you imagine the taste
and then you just have to
stop and treat yourself.
With more than 350
stores and 60 satellites
in 45 the United States,
Australia, Canada,
Mexico, the Repub-
lie of South Korea
and the United
Kingdom, Krispy
Kreme makes an
estimated 5 mil-
lion doughnuts
each day.
The designs shown here
are just some of the options
available with this promotion
What friend or significant
other would not feel special
when they receive one of these?
Be sure to stop by Krispy
Kreme before Feb. 14 to get a
dozen for yourself and cards
for your friends. You can
also find Krispy Kreme on
the web at
This writer can be contacted at
Buccaneer yearbook returns to ECU
Yearbooks will be
available August 2006

The Buc
caneer, ECU's
yearbook, is
once again
going to be
available for
students to
purchase. The
Buccaneer has
been out of pro-
duction for sev-
eral years and
will be offered
starting August
of 2006.
Ken Robol,
director of stu-
dent engage-
ment for the
media board, lobbied for the
return of the Buccaneer through
SGA along with the chair of
the student media board, Ryan
The Buccaneer will be available In
August of 2006.
A $4 Increase In tuition will cover
the cost.
Past yearbooks can be found in
Joyner Library.
The cost for a yearbook will be
about $30 - 50.
Ads will eventually cover the costs
Campbell Wiggins and suc-
ceeded. Funds for the Buccaneer
will obtained from a $4 increase
in tuition which will be imple-
mented the fall semester of
ECU'S rapid
expansion over
the past five years
is bringing it up to
par with colleges
in the research
triangle, espe-
cially in the nurs-
ing and medical
fields of study.
Having a
quality yearbook
would increase
the school's image
and would also
be a highly cher-
ished item for a
graduating senior.
The overall cost
of producing the yearbook is
$26,000, putting the individual
see YEARBOOK page A5
Spotlight of professor
Alison Miller, a talented professor in the School of Communication
for women
love your heort .
American Head
Fun Facts:
The ancient Egyptians bought jewelry
for their pet crocodiles.
It is illegal to purchase or consume
Jack Daniel's Whiskey in the town in
which it is produced!
Bacteria that causes tooth decay,
acne, tuberculosis and leprosy can
be medicated with cashews.
When young and impoverished,
Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning
his own paintings.
Taken from
Who is who at ECU?
ECU is a university with a
diverse campus of students, fac-
ulty and staff. Everyone contrib-
utes to the renowned reputation
and Pirate pride. Alison Miller, an
instructor for the School of Com-
munication, is an incomparable
member of the ECU community.
Miller is a first year instructor
at ECU, an advisor for commu-
nication majors, a last semester
student in the doctorate program
at the University of Southern
Mississippi and a single parent
of two young boys.
TEC: Why did you come to ECU?
Miller: I saw many opportuni-
ties at the School of Communica-
tion and the faculty is collegial.
TEC: How did you discover ECU?
Miller: A job advertisement on, which is the Associa-
tion for Education for Journalism
and Mass Communication.
TEC: How did you become
involved with Video Production?
Miller: I think it is a cool subject
to teach because of the creative
freedom for students and it is
very hands on. Lectures are
important, but so is the experi-
ence and knowing how to do
what is being taught.
TEC: Why is it important for you
to have a Ph.D.?
Miller: For me, getting my
Ph.D. is important because 1 can
see PROF page AS
Loving your heart
National wear red day to
support efforts in fighting
heart disease
The American Heart Asso-
ciation launched an awareness
campaign in 2004 along with
Macy's and Pfizer raise aware-
ness about the increase of heart
disease in women. "Go Red for
Women" encourages everyone
to wear the color red Friday,
Feb. 3 to draw attention to the
issue of heart disease. Accord-
ing to Karen Warren, director
of Campus Wellness, "This is
not a woman's movement - it is
intended to cut out heart disease
and improve national health
Since 1924, the American
Heart Association has been com-
mitted to reducing disability
and death from cardiovascular
diseases and stroke nationwide.
Their objective is to help people
learn about heart disease and
improve their chances of living
longer, stronger lives.
see HEART page A5
Many worthwhile
upcoming events
For more than 20 years, ECU's
Women's Studies Program has
offered students curriculum
with the primary focus on the
importance of gender, race, eth-
nicity, class and sexual orienta-
tion in defining women's place
in society.
The program offers a 36-
semester-hour Bachelor of Arts
Degree, as well as undergraduate
and graduate minors. Co-direc-
tors of the program Christa Reiser
and Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs are
dedicated to the program and its
According to the Web site ecu.
eduwost, "with a Women's Stud-
ies major, minor or double major,
a student has the opportunity to
enhance personal and career goals
through interdisciplinary study
Completing these programs
enhances career preparation. In
the next few years, the majority of
the workforce will be women and
or members of a minority group.
The knowledge and aware-
ness of cultural and gender
diversity fostered in Women's
Studies prepare a student to apply
for positions in human services,
health and wellness professions,
national and international busi-
ness and human resources
Next month the Women's
Studies program is teaming
with various other organizations
to sponsor several educational,
informational and entertain-
ing events related to women's
On Tuesday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m
the Tipsy Teapot will host "Until
the Violence Stops: An Open Mic
Benefit The cost for this event
is free. However, a $5 donation
is suggested, with the proceeds
benefiting V-Day, an organiza-
tion fighting against the abuse
of women and girls. The Tipsy
Teapot is located at 409 Evan St.
beside Mudslingers. For more
information about this event,
contact ECU VOICE at ourecu
Attorney Peter Romary will be
on hand in Bate 1031 Wednesday,
Feb. 8 at 5:30 p.m. to present
a workshop entitled "Conflict
Resolution: The Essential Skill
of Leaders in Life, the Classroom,
the Board Room and the Interna-
tional Halls of Power Romary
holds both British and American
law degrees and is admitted to
the bars of North Carolina, the
District of Columbia and the U.S.
Supreme Court.
In order to register for this
event, contact Cheryl Dudasik-
Wiggs, co-director of the Wom-
en's Studies Program, at 328-1539
The Vagina Monologues will
be performed in Wright Audi-
torium Feb. 10 - 12 at 8 p.m.
Proceeds from each night's per-
formances will go to the Family
Violence Program. To receive
ticket information, call 1-800-
ECU's sexual assault vic-
tims' advocate Sue Molhan will
show a video on acquaintance
rape followed by a discussion
on preventing and surviving
sexual violence Monday, Feb.
13 and Thursday, Feb. 16 at 2
p.m. in Bate 1013. For more
information, contact Molhan at
On Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 7
p.m. in Bate 1031, award-win-
ning author Joy Castro is set to
speak. Castro is the author of The
Truth Book, which is an autobio-
graphical account of her abuse at
the hands of religious zealots. For
more information visit joycastro.
This writer can be contacted at

For more Information about the
Women's Studies Program or any of
the listed events, please contact:
Cheryl Dudaslk-Wlggs 1328-15391
Christa Reiser 1328-48951
You can also learn more about the
program or any of the classes that
are Involved In the program by vtsftlng
their Web site at ecu.eduwost.

jry 31, 2006
20 years, ECU's
s Program has
:s curriculum
y focus on the
nder, race, eth-
sexual orienta-
women's place
a offers a 36-
ichelor of Arts
nors. Co-direc-
n Christa Reiser
asik-Wiggs are
irogram and its
tie Web site ecu.
Women's Stud-
r double major,
apportunity to
ind career goals
plinary study
tiese programs
reparation. In
the majority of
be women and
linority group,
ge and aware-
I and gender
I in Women's
:udent to apply
uman services,
;ss professions,
niatioiial busi-
the Women's
l is teaming
1 educational,
id entertain-
i to women's
tt. 31 at 7 p.m
ill host "Until
An Open Mic
for this event
$5 donation
the proceeds
an organiza-
ist the abuse
Is. The Tipsy
t 409 Evan St.
rs. For more
it this event,
E at ourecu
(1 Wednesday,
ti. to present
ed "Conflict
ssential Skill
tie Classroom,
d the Interna-
ver Romary
nd American
admitted to
Carolina, the
a and the U.S.
ister for this
:ryl Dudasik-
of the Wom-
bat 328-1539
lologues will
Vright Audi-
12 at 8 p.m.
l night's per-
o the Family
, To receive
, call 1-800-
assault vic-
Molhan will
i discussion
i surviving
onday, Feb.
:eb. 16 at 2
. For more
t Molhan at
Feb. 22 at 7
;tro is set to
an autobio-
her abuse at
s zealots. For
sit joycastro.
infected at
bout the
am or any of
e contact:
ire about the
classes that
am by visiting
HGdrt from page A4
Coronary heart disease is the
number one killer of women over
the age of 25. One in four females
and one in four males in the
United States suffers from some
form of cardiovascular disease
(CVD). An American dies of CVD,
on average, every 34 seconds.
These are deplorable statistics,
which could improve if both men
and women lead healthier lives.
Warren's recommendations
for ECU students to help improve
their own risk for heart disease
are, "Stop smoking, maintain
a healthy weight, eat well and
manage stress College students
are notorious for their bad habits,
which could have harmful, long
term effects on their health.
The earlier you work to
reduce your risk of heart disease,
the better off you will be long
Personal Trainer
Source: Th Physician and Sportsmadlcine
Graphic: Helen Lee McComas. Paul Trap
term. Women start to develop
clogged arteries as early as their
20s. Spreading the "Go Red for
Women" message raises awareness
of heart disease and empowers
women to reduce their risk.
The American Heart Associa-
tions message for Wear Red Day
is, "Love your heart - make red
the color of a pulsing, vibrant life
Participation in heart-healthy
living will contribute to the elimi-
nation of heart disease.
On Saturday, Feb. 4, there will
be a local program at the Hilton
for people to get their cholesterol
checked and learn about heart dis-
ease. For more information about
the "Go Red for Women" move-
ment, visit americanheart.orgred.
This writer can be contacted at
Obstacles for the overweight
Moderate exercise, combined with a sensible, low-calorie diet, is
excellent for weight loss; how to get over the hurdles and get going:
Possible solution
Exercise with a partner or p q '
group; keep an exercise diary; jak
celebrate your progress and
physical improvement
0 utyj Write down weekly exercise JM
M l goals; get support from
friends or family
Do daily activities in way
that boosts calories used;
try walking
Walk or do other low-intensity exercise;
try to overcome your negative thinking;
get support from friends, family
Choose activity suited to larger bodies, like
biking; remember that activity will become
easier with practice
Try swimming, other
Go slowly; keep your
exercise fun; do it
with a friend
PrOf from page A4
present the research and knowl-
edge to students. Without my
doctorate, 1 would be limited in
my ability to do so. It is a long
process and I cannot wait for it
to be over.
TEC: What is your dissertation
Miller: The cultural values, nar-
ratives and myths in reality televi-
TEC: Wow! Why did you pick
Miller: I am a reality TV junky,
and it is a hot topic.
TEC: What is it like to be an instruc-
tor, student and single parent?
Miller: It is difficult, hard, over-
whelming and all worth it. My
children come first - they are the
most important people in my life.
Everything I do is for them. There
needs to be a healthy balance and
time management. The key to
college, and to life really, is time
TEC: What do you do in your
spare time?
Miller: Spare time? I do not
really have any spare time. I run
errands in my "spare time
TEC: Where do you see yourself
in five years?
Miller: No one can predict the
future. In five years, I see myself
continuing growing as a parent
and a teacher.
Alison Miller, soon to be Dr.
Alison Miller, is an admirable liai-
son between her students and the
staff. It is difficult to be a student,
a teacher and a single parent, but
somehow she is able to be all of
the above and more. This educa-
tor is among the many hidden
treasures on the staff at ECU.
This writer can be contacted at
from page A4
cost around $30 - $50. The $4
increase in tuition will likely be
replaced by revenue generated
through ad space, which will be
offered to local businesses. The
company producing the year-
book will help with marketing.
Past yearbooks can be found
and even checked out in Joyner
Library on the fourth floor.
This writer can be contacted at
The ECU Media Board
welcomes applications for
The board is seeking fulltime students interested in serving as the day student repre-
sentative on the Media Board, the 11 -person board which governs student media at
ECU, WZMB, The Rebel, The East Carolinian, Expressions, and Buccaneer.
To qualify, you must be a student living off campus who is not a member of a sorority
or fraternity and you will be expected to attend a late afternoon meeting monthly.
For information, contact: ECU Media Board Office
205A Self Help Center
301 S. Evans Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Applications due Friday, February 10,h at 5p.m.
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Page A6 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
TUESDAY January 31, 2006
Sports Briefs
ECU football to host
Signing Day Fan Fest
ECU Head Football Coach
Skip Holtz will officially display his
second signing class to all Pirate
fans Wednesday, Feb. 1 during a
special "2006 Signing Day Fan Fesf
from 4 - 5 p.m. in Harvey Hall at the
Murphy Center. Holtz will announce
the newest additions to the Pirates'
program and provide details on each
signee before capping the segment
with assorted highlight video footage.
In-depth biographical capsules of all
ECU signees will be distributed to
fans upon entry while complimentary
light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres
will be available throughout the event.
Representatives of the ECU Ticket
Office will also be on hand to answer
any inquiries about 2006 season
ticket packages. ECU'S official athletic
Web site,, will provide
hourly updates on ECU'S signing
class throughout the day beginning
at 10 a.m.
Pirates defend home
court, beat Tulsa 59-45
ECU grabs first Conference USA victory
Hurricanes acquire
Weight from Blues
The Carolina Hurricanes acquired
veteran center Doug Weight from
the St. Louis Blues Monday, adding
another important piece in their pursuit
of the Stanley Cup. Weight, a four-time
All-Star and a member of the U.S.
Olympic team, is scheduled to join the
Hurricanes Thursday. The 35-year-old
Weight led the Blues with 33 assists
and 44 points in 47 games this season.
He was named to the U.S. team that
will be led by Hurricanes coach Peter
Laviolette next month in Turin. Weight
is in the last year of a five-year contract
that pays him $5.7 million this year,
with Carolina picking up $2.1 million
of that salary, Rutherford said. The
Hurricanes also received the rights
to left wing Erkki Rajamaki, currently
playing in the Finnish League. They
sent right wing Jesse Boulerice, center
Mike Zigomanis and the rights to
unsigned draft pick Magnus Kahnberg
to the Blues, along with three draft
picks, including this year's first-round
selection. With the trade, Weight goes
from the worst team in the NHL with
30 points to a Carolina team with a
franchise-record 76 points through 51
games. The Hurricanes have won 13 of
14 heading into a four-game road trip
that starts Tuesday in Montreal. They
also travel to New Jersey, Boston and
Tampa Bay before returning home to
play Pittsburgh Feb. 10. Rutherford
said the team, which had extra draft
picks, didn't consider the price too
hefty to add depth as it heads into
next month's Olympic break. He
said the Hurricanes first discussed
acquiring Weight two months ago,
and pursued the matter further in the
past two weeks. Those negotiations
picked up speed in recent days, with
Weight waving a no-trade clause to
join the Hurricanes. The move comes
several weeks before the March 9
trade deadline, which gives Weight
time to settle in with his new team
before the two-week break.
Piazza agrees to one-
year, $2 million deal
with San Diego
Mike Piazza's days as a catcher
aren't over, after all. The 12-time All-
Star agreed Sunday to a $2 million,
one-year contract with the San Diego
Padres, giving the defending NL West
champions a marquee player they
think can still contribute. After being
released by the New York Mets, the 37-
year-old Piazza had been interested
in signing a free-agent deal with an
AL team to become a designated
hitter. Instead, he'll stay in the NL and
return to the West Coast for the first
time since the Los Angeles Dodgers
traded him to Florida in 1998. Piazza
holds the major league record for
most career home runs by a catcher
(374). He has 397 homers overall and
is a career 311 hitter. Piazza gets a
$1.25 million salary this year, and the
contract includes a mutual option for
2007 at $8 million with a $750,000
buyout. He can earn an additional
$750,000 this year in performance
bonuses. Piazza became a free
agent after last season, when he hit
.251 with 19 homers and 62 RBI in 113
games for the Mets It was his lowest
batting average since he hit 232 in 69
at-bats with the Dodgers in 1992, his
first season in the big leagues.
Once again, ECU faced off against an unfamiliar
opponent in the revamped Conference USA. But for
the first time in six tries during the Ricky Stokes'
era, ECU ended up victorious, upending Tulsa
59-45 inside Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum
Saturday night.
"I'm just happy for the players and happy for the
fans said first-year ECU Head Coach Ricky Stokes
following his first C-USA win.
Corey Rouse notched a game-high 16 points
and added nine rebounds as the lone interior threat
against a taller Tulsa squad. The senior forward
narrowly missed the 13th double-double of his
Freshman guard Sam Hinnant broke out of a
recent scoring slump by tallying 12 points on 4-
of-9 shooting while grabbing six rebounds. The
Charlotte native found the basket early on en route
to reaching double figures for only the first time
in five games.
"I was getting down on myself said Hinnant.
"The coaches kept telling me to keep my head
up and keep shooting the ball. And I finally started
knocking them down, which got my confidence up
The Pirates shot 41 percent (21-of-51) for the
first time against a Division I opponent since Dec.
21. In five C-USA consecutive losses, the Pirates (7-
12, 1-5 C-USA) averaged just 34 percent, including
a dismal 24 percent against Tulane.
"It helps when the ball goes in the basket said
Stokes following the game.
Hinnant, who notched three 3s cited an influ-
ence between his shot and that of his teammates.
"Each game, we shoot well, it seems like if some-
one knocks one down, we all start knocking them
down Hinnant said. I
"If we keep missing, we all miss. I think it was -a"
somewhat of a snowball effect
see C-USA WIN page A7
JaPhet McNeil dished out nine assists and contributed four points en route to the Pirates' first C-USA win this season.
Women's hoops split weekend match-ups
ECU defeats SMU 75-63,
fall to Tulsa 74-52
(SID) As the critical month
of February fast approaches, sev-
eral teams are still jocking for
position in the Conference USA
standings, notably the Lady Pirates
and their two opponents from
this past weekend's home games.
Tulsa (16-4, 7-2) and SMU
(11-10, 6-3), the first and second-
place teams respectively, weren't
going to leave Williams Arena at
Minges Coliseum without a fight.
Each came in to their meeting
with the Lady Pirates possessing
consecutive-game win streaks to
complement their top spots in
the standings.
ECU (12-7, 4-4) first squared-
off against SMU Friday in a con-
test that saw Pirate-center Cherie f
Mills lead all scorers with 22
points along with eight boards.
SMU, not oblivious to Mills'
presence in the paint, keyed a

see WOMEN'S page A7 The women's team drew even in Conference USA after winning one of their two home games this past weekend
Pirates pound UNC, 4-2
The women's team dominated Duke from start to finish and are now 9-1 for the year.
Swimmers sweep Duke
The Pirates faced off against UNC Chapel Hill at home Friday
night and defeated the Tar Heels 4-2. UNC notched the first
goal of the game early in the first frame, but the Pirates
responded with four unanswered, scoring three times in the
first period and adding another in the second. Mike Ormsbee
added to his season total with two goals while Mark Linzer
and Tyler Faclon scored a goal apiece. ECU resumes play
against in-state rival N.C. State next weekend in Raleigh. The
puck will drop Friday at 7 p.m. for the first matchup and at
4:45 p.m. Saturday.
Men and women roll to
victory over in-state rival
Blue Devils
The ECU men's and women's
swimming and diving teams
each pulled out wins against in-
state ACC rival Duke Saturday
afternoon at Minges Aquatic
Center. The women rolled over
the Blue Devils with a 144-99
win while the men squeezed by
Duke, 130-113.
"It was a nice win said ECU
coach Rick Kobe.
"We swam an outstanding
meet today and beat a very, very
good Duke team. Last year, at
their place, we split. The girls lost,
but this year the girls dominated
and the men won a nice tight
meet. It's always nice to beat an
ACC team
The women, now 9-1 on the
season, can match the school
record for wins in a season by
knocking off UNC-Wilmington
next weekend in Wilmington.
They were led Saturday by Megan
Pulaski. The sophomore from
Greenville shattered her own
school and pool records in the
1,000-yard freestyle with a time
of 10:09.74, beating her old mark
of 10:13.22.
"I don't know what it was said
see SWIMMERS page A7

31, 2006
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C-USA Will from page A6
Tied at 16 apiece, Hinnant's
3-pointer from the right corner
with 3:58 remaining ignited
a 10-0 ECU run. Sandwiched
between another Hinnant 3 was
a crowd pleasing left-handed
throw down by junior forward
Tyronne Beak
During the decisive swing,
ECU'S defense held the Golden
Hurricane to no field goals for
seven minutes, 51 seconds.
"I think defense played a big
part in this game said Rouse.
"Last week, we went very hard in
practice, real intense. It just paid
off for Saturday's win
Tulsa (7-11, 2-3 C-USA) shot
just 27 percent (17-of-49) from the
field, including a less than stellar
7 percent (l-of-14) from behind
the arc. Doug Wojcik's club never
found a rhythm after the Pirates
took a 32-19 halftime advantage.
ECU used a 17-6 run over
six minutes, 31 seconds in the
second-half to extend the lead
to a game-high 22 points. During
the spurt, Hinnant and Tom
Hammonds notched consecutive
3s while Rouse added seven.
"I really think the result of
this game was how hard they
worked last week echoed Stokes.
"I really think we've had a pretty
good 10 days of practice. I didn't
know when we would win. But I
just knew that if we continued
to bring the same attitude and
continued to work hard that
sooner or later, we would get a
win. It's a great testament to this
group of young men who had a
great attitude - continue to work
and stay the course
This writer can be contacted at
WOmefl'S from page6
on her throughout the match,
opening the door to other scor-
ers, namely guards Jessica Slack
and Jasmine Young. Each posted
double-digits in points and Young
led all players with seven assists.
"We knew that someone
else had to step it up since they
were keying in on Cherie said
Lady Pirate Head Coach Sharon
Baldwin-Tener in a quote from
ECU Sports Information.
"That is what Jasmine and
(Jessica) Slack did tonight
Although the Lady Pirates
held only a one-point lead at
the half, they managed to pull-
off the 12-point win and secure
their seventh straight win when
leading at the half.
"I thought we played
extremely well tonight said
"We knew this was going to
be a big game
But that wasn't the end of the
big games for the Lady Pirates
as they faced the multi-faceted
Tulsa Sunday.
The Golden Hurricane, led by
junior forward Jillian Robbins,
who after Sunday's game is just
three points shy of becoming
Tulsa's all-time scoring leader,
dominated the paint, out-scoring
the Lady Pirates 36-16.
Mills and Young cracked
double-digits in points once
again for the Pirates. However,
it was points off turnovers that
sealed the fate of the Lady Pirates
as they were outscored 34-9.
After trailing for most of the
contest, the Pirates did manage
one final comeback attempt with
a 10-0 run during the final 10
minutes of the game, cutting the
Golden Hurricane's lead to six.
However Tulsa countered with a
16-6 run to seal the victory.
Sitting two games out of first
in the C-USA standings, the Lady
Pirates continue their pursuit for
the top spot in the conference
Saturday as they face Marshall
(10-9, 5-3) in Greenville.
On Monday, the Lady Pirates
travel to Houston to take on Rice
(8-11, 4-4) in another pivotal
conference match-up.
SWimmerS from page A6
Pulaski. "(The record) was com-
pletely out of the blue. I worked
my butt off. You put so much work
in that you want it to pay off
Pulaski finished 12 seconds
faster than the second-place
swimmer, Duke's Jackie Rodri-
guez. Rodriguez beat Pulaski
last year in Durham, which was
something Pulaski wanted to
avenge. Pulaski also finished
first in the 500-yard freestyle
with a time of 5:01.38, beating
her closest competitor by nearly
five seconds.
Sophomore Rebecca Perry
posted victories in each of her
events, winning both the 100-
yard and 200-yard freestyle
races. Senior Adrienne Williams
also won the 50-yard freestyle
with a time of 24.52.
ECU'S Ryan Hunt and Chris-
tie Icenhower were winners in
the one-meter and three-meter
dives, respectively.
Other Pirate winners on the
men's side were Charlie McCan-
less in the 200-yard freestyle
with a time of 1:46.16 and Bryan
Yasinsac in the 50-yard freestyle
with a mark of 21.71.
The Pirates have their final
dual meet of the season Saturday
at UNC-Wilmington before the
C-USA Championships, which
will be Feb. 22 - 25 in Houston.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
s season.
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Student Homecoming Chair
The Homecoming Committee is currently looking for a person to fill the 2006 position of
Student Homecoming Chairperson.
e school
?ason by
y Megan
re from
tier own
Is in the
h a time
old mark
page A7
The position calls for the applicant to:
Oversee seven (7) subcommittees
Manage a $19,000 budget and process expenditures in a timely fashion
Chair all student Homecoming bi-weekly (Spring) and weekly Fall meetings
To apply for the position, all applicants must: ,
Be a full-time student in good standing with the University
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
Have a class standing of sophomore or up
- J

This is a paid student position. All applications must include a letter of interest and resume
of related experience and emailed no later than February 10, 2006 to Charlie Brown,
brownchar2) You may also drop off your letter of interest and resume to
239 Mendenhall Student Center, M-F, 8-5pm.
You can make a difference!
ft V . r
-- .1

The East Carolinian, January 31, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 31, 2006
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