The East Carolinian, January 25, 2006

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24, 2006
), Nassau,
js Rep Neted
Volume 81 Number 43 WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006
Warm NC
Venezuela's Chavez, leftists
Blood drives save lives Sw&oK
The heat is on for North America
this winter.
Northern students
enjoying warm weather
ECU has seen some untradi-
tional winter weather over the
past two weeks.
The temperature highs in
Greenville have been well into
the 60s and occasionally even
the 70s. Students are dressed in
T-shirts and sandals rather than
heavy jackets and boots, and
although there may be students
who are accustomed to such mild
temperatures, those who are
from northern states have been
severely spoiled. "
Mid-January brings forth
some of the worst weather for the
northern natives. Snow and ice
are a constant burden and there
certainly would not be anyone
in sandals until late April at the
earliest. Schools are only closed
down in blizzard-like conditions
and the northern winter seems as
though it lasts half of the year.
While there may still be those
students who are nostalgic for
the snowy days of January, it is
unlikely that even the northern-
most students cannot go without
the days of scraping ice off of a
car windshield with the wind
chill well below freezing.
Several northern students
flat out prefer winters at ECU
over those at home. Cassan-
dra Gilbert, freshman business
major from Vermont, misses
the convenience of being able
to snowboard close to home,
but is enjoying her four years of
unusual winter weather.
"I like that I can drive with
my windows open in the middle e
of January, but I just wish I didn't ?
get so many winter clothes for S
Christmas because I haven't had
to wear anything heavier than a
long sleeve shirt said Gilbert.
"I'm so used to trudging around
in boots in the winter so I can't
get over the fact that I can wear
sandals in the middle of January
Beth Swan, sophomore recre-
ation therapy major, absolutely
prefers the warmer weather in
North Carolina to that in Rhode
Island. She does not remember last
year being as warm at this time of
year, but is thinking she might stay
in the south once she graduates
because of the warm weather.
"Winter at home was always my
least favorite season said Swan.
"I loved the snow the few
times of year it would fall, but
after Christmas, I always just
wanted it to get warm again
Although winter weather
differs for those students who
are, say from Maine, from those
who are from the Central Atlantic
states, all alike prefer the drasti-
cally warmer temperatures of
eastern North Carolina.
Sarah Rodis, junior recreation
management major, is originally
from Delaware but moved to
northern Virginia when she was
in junior high. She remembers
winter in Delaware being really
cold when she was younger but
still feels as though northern
Virginia has much colder winters
than Greenville. She said when
she was a freshman, it snowed
once or twice and school was shut
down for almost an entire week
because there were a few inches
of snow on the ground.
"It was funny because I would
talk to my friends who go to
see WEATHER page A2
Chavez and Bolivian President Evo Morales are aligned against Bush.
Stephanie Schinaman, freshman nursing major, waits patiently as blood is extracted from her
arm. The American Red Cross ran a blood drive yesterday from noon to 6 p.m. at Mendenhall
Student Center. They announced that students could help them by either donating blood and
saving three lives or helping with blood drive registration.
Undergraduate research: a
viable opportunity for students
Research can involve heavy reading and writing
Requirements, advantages of
undergraduate research
Undergraduate research is an option to basically
all students but the requirements and advantages to
participate in research has not been made clear.
The basic requirements may vary depending on
the professor mentoring the student regardless of
whether you are interested in doing research for a
social science, natural science or another area of study.
Derek H. Alderman, associate professor of
geography, does not stress what classification the
student is if they want to participate in undergradu-
ate research.
"Undergrads can engage in research as soon as
they get to college said Alderman.
"It's not that important necessarily what year
you are or what level you are
David Knox, an ECU sociology professor, has
different standards for choosing which students to
allow partaking in research with him.
According to Knox, a student must be at least
of sophomore status to be considered to participate
in research.
Another major factor in deciding whether a
student can do undergraduate research is grade
point average, which also varies depending on the
professor's requirements.
If a student decides to participate in research
through the Undergraduate ResearchCreative
Activities committee, they must have a mini-
mum GPA of 2.5. The program is managed by
Michael Bassman, assistant vice chancellor of the
honors program, EC Scholars and undergraduate
David Knowles, visiting instructor of biology,
said he has no real requirements as far as classifi-
cation or GPA as long as they have a desire for the
topic they plan to research.
Students who want to participate in research
should find a couple of professors that they possibly
would want to mentor them in research and find
out each professor's specific requirements.
Most professors agree that they will allow the
student to choose a topic of which the student
shows genuine interest.
"Students should select a topic which they have
a personal, passionate interest in said Knox.
Students can also apply to receive grant money to
fund their research project in a number of ways.
The student may be able to receive funds from
the department that their research is concentrated
in or a university organization may help fund the
"In geography, we have an honors society called
Gamma Theta Epsilon and that is a geography
honors society that actually has competitions for
applying for research money as well as awards for
undergraduate research success Alderman said.
A student who is a member of the honors pro-
gram and decides to participate in an undergraduate
assistantship can apply for a $500 stipend to fund
see RESEARCH page A2
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)
President Hugo Chavez, revel-
ing in his role as leftist icon, is
bringing together tens of thou-
sands of activists from across
the world on Tuesday to promote
Latin America's fast-growing
anti-globalization movement.
Leftist leaders are increasingly
popular across Latin America, while
Chavez's own "revolution" for the
poor has become an inspiration for
like-minded activists everywhere.
More than 60,000 had signed up
for this week's World Social Forum
in Caracas as of Monday and tens
of thousands more were expected,
organizers said. They include cam-
paigners against U.Sstyle free trade,
environmentalists, Indian leaders
and human rights activists.
About half were expected to
come from outside Venezuela.
Their views span a wide spec-
trum, but most participants
appear united by strong opposi-
tion to the U.S. government and
the war in Iraq. The forum will
begin with an "anti-imperial-
ist" march Tuesday through the
streets of Caracas, with protesters
likely to aim their chants against
President Bush.
"Venezuela has become an
epicenter of change on the world
level Chavez said Friday, refer-
ring to the event in a speech.
"That's why (U.S.) imperial-
ism wants to sweep us away, of
course because they say we are
a bad example. But they haven't
swept us away and they won't
The Venezuelan leader is
expected to address activists on
the sidelines of the gathering,
soaking up the spotlight as a
leading radical voice of the Latin
American left.
Chavez has repeatedly
accused U.S. officials of plotting
to overthrow his "revolutionary"
government and warned tha,t
Venezuela, the world's fifth-larg-
est petroleum exporter, would
cut off oil shipments to the
United States if it ever invades
his country.
Chavez has used a windfall in
oil profits to funnel millions of
dollars into programs for the poor
while raising Venezuela's profile
internationally by extending
preferential oil deals to countries
from China to Argentina in an
effort to line up alternative trade
partners to the United States, the
No. 1 buyer of Venezuelan oil.
The World Social Forum was
first held in Brazil in 2001 and
coincides each year with the
market-friendly World Economic
Forum of political and business
leaders in Davos, Switzerland.
Those at the social forum, in
contrast, traditionally criticize
free trade and denounce the evils
of capitalism, stances that closely
mirror Chavez's socialist views.
"The U.S. government, espe-
cially under the Bush administra-
tion, has been trying to force its
own economic polices on devel-
oping countries, and I think all
of us here agree that must stop
see CHAVEZ page A2
People go into debt and look for more of the above to pay it off.
Earnings optimism
beginning for 2006 with
earnings, SEC decisions
Aircraft companies show
Hold that steak: Tokyo's US beef halt sours
efforts to win the return of Japanese palates
TOKYO (AP) The first ship-
ments of U.S. beef in two years
had barely cleared customs last
month when American officials
were already cooking up their
next project- loosening remain-
ing restrictions on imports and
winning back wary Japanese
Both those goals became
more elusive in the wake of last
week's fresh Japanese halt to U.S.
beef imports following the dis-
covery of spine bones, material
Tokyo has banned as risky for
mad cow disease, in a package of
American veal.
Now, instead of cajoling
reluctant Japanese officials into
widening the categories of beef
eligible for import, visiting Amer-
ican officials are busy serving up
apologies and getting met with
an unusual stream of public
criticism from their Japanese
Chief Cabinet Secretary
Shinzo Abe was typical on
Monday in a statement ahead
of a meeting with visiting U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State Robert ,
"The U.S. had a duty to firmly
observe the conditions for resum-
ing imports, and it is regrettable
that this duty was not observed
Abe declared.
"The U.S. needs to firmly
investigate into the cause of why
this duty was not observed
Abe emphasized his point
by announcing that the
government ordered inspec-
tions of all stocks of U.S. beef
imported over the past month,
and said imports would not
Shoppers buy meat in Japan.
resume until Washington had
explained the mishap to Tokyo's
satisfaction and came up with
preventative steps.
Prospects weren't looking
much better on the consumer
front. Earlier polls suggested
that most Japanese had deep
reservations when the govern-
ment partially lifted a year-old
ban on American beef imports
last month.
On Wall Street, traders await
the reporting of earnings much
like a student who constantly
checks Blackboard and Onestop
for grades after finals.
Earnings time, like finals
time, is emotional for most
observers who are directly or
indirectly affected through feel-
ings of either elation or dejection.
While earnings are reported sev-
eral times a year, generally every
quarter, there is no lull in antici-
pation as Wall Street waits.
This past week, IBM surprised
nearly everyone by posting an
increase of 13 percent despite
poor performances in a few
departments. Unfortunately, this
good news failed to spark the
Dow, as it finished down 63.55
points that day.
"IBM found ways to really
deliver strong cash flow and
earnings growth said Toni Sac-
conaghi, an analyst at Sanford C.
Bernstein & Co.
Boeing aircraft, another Dow
Jones company, was beaten by
European aircraft maker, Airbus,
for new contracts in the busiest
aircraft year since 1989. Both com-
panies showed growth, a positive
turn of events considering nearly
everything aircraft-related has been
negatively impacted since Sept. 11.
"The challenge for 2006 is
to continue successfully in this
ramp-up as we have done in 2005
said Airbus CEO Gustav Humbert.
Another cause for optimism
has been the urtanimous vote
reached by the SEC to change
how executive pay packages are
disclosed. At one time, there was
mass disagreement over this issue
because the method of expensing
stock options has been in question.
They change value very rapidly
and the exact cost to the company
is not easily determined since stock
prices change every hour and
sometimes every minute.
A stock option is a contract,
which gives the buyer the right,
but not the obligation, to buy a
certain stock at a certain price
regardless of the selling price.
For instance, if a company's
stock is selling for $25 per share
see SEC page A2
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A81 Opinion: A3 I What's Hot: A4 I Sports: A6

Page A2 252.328.6366
CHRIS MUNIER News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006
Dance 2006
The week of Jan. 22 - 28 will be the
week of Dance 2006. Highlights
include choreography by ECU
School of Theatre and Dance faculty
and guest artists. Sometimes serious,
sometimes funny, sometimes lyrical
and sometimes eccentric this annual
dance showcase has become
an immensely popular event.
Sure to have something for dance
aficionados and newcomers alike,
this is a fast-paced and unpredictable
cornucopia of dance styles.
Toying with Science
One-man marvel Garry Krinsky
juggles, mimes, dances and
even balances five ladders on
his chin to bring the laws of
science to life. Mr. Krinsky will
be bringing his show "Garry
Krinsky's Toying with Science" to
ECU Saturday, Jan. 28 at 2 p.m.
in Wright Auditorium. Non-stop
energy and audience participation
will keep all ages engaged in this
inventive and informative show.
Advance individual tickets are
$8 for ECU faculty and staff and
$6 for ECU students and youth.
All tickets at the door are $9.
Better ticket options are available
through subscriptions. For more
information, contact the Central
Ticket Office at 328-4788 or go
RHA Winter Trip
The Resident Hall Association is
sponsoring a Winter Trip to the Jan.
27 Charlotte Bobcats vs. Miami
Heat basketball game. Attendance
is open to all students. The cost
to attend is $27 for students
who live on campus and $40
for commuting students. The price
includes the cost of the basketball
ticket and transportation. If
interested, contact the RHA office
at or 328-
1679. Dispersal of tickets will be
based on a first come, first serve basis.
Great Decisions 2006
The second in a series of
discussions of major world political
moves hits ECU Saturday, Jan. 28
at 10 a.m. in Rivers Auditorium.
Professor Scott Sillman of Duke
University will present his lecture
entitled "Human Rights and the
Age of Terrorism The cost for
attending this session or any
individual session is $15. The
full eight-week program costs
$69, which includes the Great
Decisions Book. Any full time
student or teacher may attend free
of charge. For more information,
call 328-2349, or visit ecu.educs-
acadcpegreat decisions.cfm.
Alumni Association
The ECU Alumni Association
annually awards scholarships
funded by alumni contributions.
Twelve $1,000 scholarships will
be awarded to deserving ECU
full-time undergraduate students
for the following academic year.
Applications for scholarships are
due by Tuesday, Feb. 28. For more
information and to download an
application, visit piratealumni.
com and click on "Awards and
Scholarships" or call the Alumni
Association at 328-6072
Mentors Needed for
Elementary School
Mentors are needed to assist in the
after-school program at Northwest
Elementary. The program runs
Monday through Friday from 2:20
- 5:30 p.m but mentors do not
have to be available for the entire
week or during breaks. Persons
are needed with experience
coordinating physical activities
for children andor providing
nutrition education. There will
be a daily stipend to offset the
cost of transportation For more
information, contact Correai
Moore at
Sojourner Truth
Sandra Jones will present her
one-person show, "Sojourner
Truth Wednesday, Jan. 25 at
7 p.m. in Speight Auditorium,
located in Jenkins Fine Arts
Building. The event, sponsored by
the Women's Studies Program, is
free and open to the public.
News Briefs
Greenville teacher gets
suspended sentence for
Indecent liberties
GREENVILLE, NC (AP) - A former
high school teacher was given a
suspended prison sentence and two
years of probation for taking indecent
liberties with a student.
Katherine B. Tew, 31, was cleared
Monday by a Pitt County jury of a
charge of having sexual relations
with the male student, who was 17
at the time.
Judge William C. Griffin Jr. gave Tew
a suspended sentence of six to eight
months in prison and ordered her
to perform 36 hours of community
service along with a psychiatric
The student, now a college freshman,
testified that Tew sent him notes and
telephoned him repeatedly before
they had a sexual encounter in a
parking lot at South Central High
School on a night in December
2004. He claimed Tew met him in the
parking lot in her pajamas, carrying a
bottle of tequila.
She denied it, saying she left her home
after an argument with her husband
but did not go to the school.
Tew resigned as a teacher and
cheerleading coach after she was
arrested almost a year ago.
Neither Tew, her lawyer nor the student
commented after her conviction and
Burr: Community colleges need
to go harder after federal grants
RALEIGH, NC (AP) North Carolina
community colleges need to follow the
lead of the state's public universities
in aggressively seeking more grants
as more federal money is tied up in
entitlement programs, Sen. Richard
Burr said Monday.
Fifty-three percent of the budget
is now tied up in programs such
as Medicaid, Medicare and Social
Security, said Burr, R-N.C.
"We want to make sure that all of
entities in North Carolina are truly
plugged in to the competitive grant
process of federal money and in fact
are players in that process Burr told
more than 200 people meeting at the
Legislative Building who gathered for
an "economic development summit"
organized by Burr's office.
The all-day event attracted officials
from all 58 of the state's community
colleges. Representatives from the
U.S. Departments of Labor, Homeland
Security and Commerce joined state
officials in describing grant programs
and how to request money.
More than 10 percent of the University
of North Carolina system's total
revenues of $6.7 billion this past fiscal
year came from federal grants, a UNC
spokeswoman said. UNC-Chapel
Hill's health schools rank among the
nation's leaders in research money
from the National Institutes of Health.
The North Carolina Community
College System, however, only
received $24.5 million, or 2.6 percent
of its $942 million budget this fiscal
year, from federal sources, according
to system records. Most of that money
was spent on worker training.
Researcher finds size matters
when ft comes to bats' evolution
SYRACUSE, NY (AP) - For some male
bats, sexual prowess comes with a
price; smaller brains.
A research team led by Syracuse
University biologist Scott Pitnick
found that in bat species where the
females are promiscuous, the males
boasting the largest testicles alsi
had the smallest brains. Conversely,
where the females were faithful, ihe
males had smaller testes and larger
"It turns out size does matter said
Pitnick, whose findings were published
in December in "Proceedings of the
Royal Society: Biological Science an
online journal.
The study offers evidence that males,
at least in some species, make
an evolutionary trade-off between
intelligence and sexual prowess,
said David Hoskens, a biologist at the
Centre for Ecology and Conservation
at the University of Exeter in England
and a leading authority on bats'
mating behavior.
"Bats invest an enormous amount
in testis, and the investment has to
come from somewhere. There are no
free lunches said Hoskens, who did
not participate in the study.
The relationship between the breeding
system and relative brain size has
received little investigation, said
Pitnick, who teaches evolution and
population biology and researches
topics such as sexual selection and
sexual conflict.
Pitnick's team looked at 334 species
of bats and found a convincing
contrast in testes size. In species
with monogamous females, males
had testes starting at 0.11 percent
of their body weight and ranging up
to 1.4 percent. But in species where
the females had a large number of
mates, Pitnick found testes ranged
from 0.6 percent to 8.5 percent of
the males' mass (in the Rafinesque's
big-eared bat).
The study found that in more
monogamous species, the average
male brain size was about 2.6 percent
of body weight, while in promiscuous
species, the average size dipped to
1.9 percent
Report: More than $13 million
spent on state fights over same-
sex marriage In 2004
(AP) - The 2004 election campaigns
that ultimately banned same-sex
marriages in 13 states were funded
by a mix of national groups, churches
and individuals, with ban supporters
narrowly out raising opponents and
total contributions breaking $13
million, according to a new analysis
of state-level fundraising.
Supporters of the state constitutional
amendments raised $6.8 million for
ballot committees; opponents raised
$6.5 million, according to the study
by The Institute on Money in State
Politics, a nonpartisan research
organization in Helena, Mont.
The single largest block of givers were
advocates of gay and lesbian rights,
donating more than $3 million.
ReSedrCh from page A1
their research.
Students can also apply for up to
$2,500 in grant money through the
Undergraduate ResearchCreative
Activities committee if they plan to
participate in research and present
their projects at the annual Under-
graduate Research Symposium.
"We funded about $18,000
last year for students to fund their
research projects Bassman said.
The outcomes of participat-
ing in undergraduate research
could provide students with a
large amount of positive conse-
quences and opportunities.
It is possible for students to
receive course credit for partici-
pating in undergraduate research
in certain departments.
"Course credit is offered for
participating in undergraduate
research for biology in classes
4501 and 4514 Knowles said.
Participating in research can
also have advantages such as get-
ting your work published in profes-
sional journals and it can contrib-
ute to advancing at the university
level and in a potential career.
"Students can gain hands-on
experience by having a mentor-
ship with a professor and could
get their work published in a
professional publication Alder-
man said.
The experience could be even
more rewarding depending on
where a majority of the research
takes place.
"Research called service
learning, that takes place in the
community, can help the stu-
dent and the community said
Michelle Lieberman par-
ticipated in research as an under-
graduate at ECU and went on
to graduate school and is now
working at ECU in the conflict
resolution department.
ECU is looking to increase
the involvement in research by
the faculty, undergraduate and
graduate students,
"We are looking towards
having a research week that will
be open to all faculty, students
and graduate students Bassman
The first issue of the State of
North Carolina Undergraduate
Research Journal will be pub-
lished this spring and students
and faculty will be able to submit
their work to for possible publica-
tion. Bassman will be the editor
of the journal.
Students who would like to
participate in undergraduate
research can apply for a stipend
until Feb. 1. Recipients of the
stipends will be announced
Feb. 15.
This year's Undergraduate
Research Symposium will be
held April 21 for all students who
would like to participate.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
SEC from page A1 WB3tll6r from page A1
and that company chooses to
reward its CEO with the option
to buy 100,000 shares at $10 per
share, he could make $1.5 mil-
lion if he chose to immediately
sell his shares for a $15 per share
profit. However, how to record
the expense of these options at
the time they are awarded is in
In addition, some execu-
tives receive all kinds of perks
like having large loans forgiven,
access to corporate jets for per-
sonal use, or country club mem-
berships and their income taxes
paid for. There are many ways
in which companies reward
their executives and disclosing
them has made some companies
resentful and nervous.
"We think the benefit of
eliminating that possibility of
abuse outweighs the cost to
companies said Alan Beller, SEC
corporation finance chief.
The SEC wants to make
it clear that its mission is "wage
clarity, not wage controls While
labor markets must be allowed
to go as high as they need to
in order to get top talent, some
businesses worry that if their
pay packages are published, it
will encourage talent-needy
companies to try and lure away
talent with higher offers. This
spawns bidding wars once a
rival company knows what
price it must meet to secure that
executive and also the value the
company places on that execu-
tive as well.
This writer can be contacted at
school up north and they would
be walking to school in a snow
storm while I had a week off for
a few flurries said Rodis.
"1 guess they don't have the
means to get around down here
when snow falls because the
whole place was shut down
While all northern students may
not prefer the warm sunny days of Jan-
uary in North Carolina, many find it to
be the perfect match to the start of
another semester. The only downside
is that students may be under the
impression summer is just around
thecomerwhenin fact they could be
in for some very familiar days of cold.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
Conservative organizations
affiliated with a network called the
Arlington Group gave nearly $2
million, the report found. Churches
also invested heavily, contributing
$1.9 million, overwhelmingly
in favor of bans on same-sex
Despite the nearly even split of
the $13.3 million raised by ballot
committees, the amendments
passed overwhelmingly, sometimes
by as much as a 3-to-1 ratio. The
closest vote, in Oregon, passed with
57 percent in favor of a ban and 43
percent against.
In all, 19 states have passed
constitutional amendments outlawing
same-sex marriage. Only one
state Connecticut has enacted a
law legalizing civil unions without a
court order.
Pakistani president: There
are Indications that al-Qaida
members killed In U.S. airstrike
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Pakistan
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf
said Tuesday there were indications
that al-Qaida members were killed in
a U.S. airstrike near the Afghan border
on Jan. 13.
"Investigations have found that there
are foreigners there, that is for sure,
in the general area Musharraf said
of the airstrike in Damadola, a village
in northern Pakistan.
There is an indication that there were
some people also, al-Qaida people,
who have got killed and we need to
ascertain that. I'm not 100 percent
sure of that he said.
Pakistani government officials have
said there were foreign militants in
the area and that some were killed
in the airstrike, but they have yet to
find the bodies.
Musharraf is a close ally in
Washington's war on terror. The
missile strike, which the Americans
say targeted but missed Osama
bin Laden's second-in-command,
Ayman al-Zawahri, has infuriated
many Pakistanis.
Seven Taliban rebels escape
from Afghanistan's main prison
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Seven
Taliban rebels have'escaped from
Afghanistan's main high-security
prison, officials said Tuesday.
The men broke out of Policharki
Prison on the outskirts of the capital of
Kabul on Sunday while relatives were
visiting them, and 10 prison guards
suspected of aiding the escape
have been arrested, said Gen. Abdul
Salam Bakshi.
"We've launched a manhunt for these
Taliban members, but there's no sign
of them so far said Bakshi, director
of the country's prisons.
"They were all caught fighting for the
He said the men were from the
southern provinces of Helmand
and Kandahar, a former Taliban
stronghold. They had been sentenced
to between 16 and 17 years in prison,
but he had no other details about their
convictions or identities.
The breakout comes as authorities
are refurbishing part of the prison
to improve security ahead of the
return of Afghan terror suspects
being held in U.S. military custody at
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The U.S. and the Afghan government
said in August that Afghans held at
Guantanamo and elsewhere would
be sent back to Afghanistan, but
didn't say when,
American and allied Afghan forces
captured thousands of suspected
Taliban and al-Qaida members in
Afghanistan after a U.Sled invasion
toppled the repressive Taliban
government in late 2001.
Hundreds of detainees were
classified as "enemy combatants"
and transferred to Guantanamo, while
others were detained at Policharki, or
at a large detention facility at Bagram,
the U.S. military's headquarters north
of Kabul.
The escape is the second in six
months. In July, four al-Qaida
members, including one of Osama bin
Laden's top lieutenants in Southeast
Asia, broke out of Bagram, sparking a
massive but unsuccessful manhunt.
CheVeZ from page A1
said Jeff Monahan, a 32-year-old
organic farmer from Battle Creek,
"I'm sure there will be plenty
of Bush-bashing when this gets
under way said Monahan, who
arrived early and was helping put
up canopies in a city park where
thousands will camp out in tents.
Some 2,000 events, including
seminars, speeches, concerts and
craft fairs, will be held across
Caracas during this week's forum.
Forum participants and curi-
ous locals flocked on Monday to
a street fair in downtown Caracas,
where they listened to South Afher-
ican folk music, took in exhibits
praising achievements of Chavez's
administration and purchased
T-shirts embossed with images
of Chavez and socialist revolu-
tionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
"We have plenty of work to
do, but we can make a difference
in the world by doing it Joshua
Kabir, a 22-year-old student from
Poissy, France, said as he shuffled
his feet to a lively salsa beat.
Others expected to attend
include Uruguayan writer Edu-
ardo Galeano, Argentine Nobel
Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez
Esquivel and U.S. anti-war activ-
ist Cindy Sheehan, whose son
was killed in Iraq in 2004 and
who set up a protest camp near
Bush's Texas ranch last year.
It was not clear whether other
leftist leaders from Latin America
would come. Some activists said
they hoped to see Presidents Evo
Morales of Bolivia or Fidel Castro
of Cuba. Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula
da Silva initially was expected, but
then said he would not come.
The recent rise of left-lean-
ing governments in Bolivia,
Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
makes the event a timely foxum
to exchange ideas, said Miguel
Tinker Salas, a Latin American
studies professor at Pomona Col-
lege in Claremont, Calif.
animals in the forest
don't live there.
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But it can be prevented
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Page A3 252.328.9238
WEDNESDAY January 25,2006
My Random Column
Things that
amaze me
Number One: It truly alarms me how
people dishonor the American Rag when
the National Anthem is being played. I
was always taught to be silent, still and
have my hand over my heart. I was not to
walk around or talk to my neighbor, but to
salute the flag of our country. I don't wear
hats so I never had to remove mine but
I also know that it is proper to remove it
before the music starts. There have been
countless times that men and women alike
have ignored all of these unsaid rules and
wondered around with hats on talking
or trying to find seats. It isn't a long song
- please respect our country if only for a
few moments.
Number Two: How the Pirate Rants have
exploded into the rage they are today. It
seems like it wasn't too long ago when a
former editor introduced the idea to TEC
and the staff was required to send them in
to fill space. Now with over 20 to 30 of them
coming in a day I can hardly keep up.
Number Three: Finally the other thing on
my list for now is the decoration of hospi-
tal rooms. I understand how they want to
keep them bleak and dreary but really, if I
had to stay in a place that morbid for an
extended period of time I would go crazy.
There is usually nothing on the walls with
the exception of maybe one picture that is
pastel and boring and the lighting is usually
pretty bad. An uncomfortable bed means
they have to give you medication to help
you sleep. Maybe better facilities would
help healing.
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SPacz zp "C O
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Would a deal with the devil bring peace?
Osama bin Laden asks
for truce, but can we
trust him?
It's been more than four years
since the attacks on Sept. 11, and
the ensuing pursuit of the terrorist
group Al-Qaeda and their leader
Osama bin Laden. On Jan. 19,
after nearly 13 months of silence,
a new tape was broadcasted by
al-Jazeera TV featuring bin Laden
speaking of plans for attacks on
America. Among this warning
pf violence, bin Laden implied
the willingness to stop hostilities
with America if troops were with-
drawn from Iraq and Afghanistan.
"We do not mind offering
a long-term truce based on just
conditions that we will stick to
said Osama bin Laden.
Scott McClellan, a spokesman
for the White House, said that,
"We do not negotiate with terror-
ists. We put them out of business
In some ways, I agree with
McClellan - I don't like the idea
of negotiating with a terrorist.
When I think about the issues of
our government and our forces
fighting, I think about all of the
people who have died and the
people that could die if this vio-
lence doesn't end. I think about
the people who turn themselves
into bombs for their cause, and
I think about the people they
kill and injure in the process.
1 think about the soldiers who
have experienced such horrors
and fears that would drive them
to commit cruel and violent acts
against other people. Frankly,
the whole thing infuriates me.
I am no stranger when it comes
to anger. For the greater part of
my years in high school, I was
filled with anger. I was angry
about the state of the world and
the way my peers viewed life and
essentially the value of life. I'll
give you an example of what I'm
talking about. My high school
and another used to have a big
football rivalry, so much so that
people were often injured because
of pranks that people were pull-
ing. As I recall one woman was
driving down the road when her
car was hit by eggs. She couldn't
see and crashed into a telephone
pole. She injured her arm to
the point that it would never
be the same. One of my peers,
though I hesitate to use the word,
described her and her situation as
a "casualty of war I wanted to
punch him out until he became
a "casualty" of my own war on
his kind of ignorance.
Anger filled my mind and
heart so much that I began to
think a fight was the only thing
that would satisfy it. I was at a
point where if I was provoked
enough, and believe me there were
enough people who were willing
to do this, that I would hurt a
lot of people and I would have
very little control over myself.
Now that high school is over
I've realized that what I wanted
in my life all that time and even
to this very day was not violence,
but peace. Now I would like to
think peace is something of a
universal concept, but 1 also
think that it varies from person
to person and from society to
society. I think peace is when all
basic needs are met, requiring no
need to fight or be competitive
for survival. I think peace is also
about being able to understand
and respect one another, and
agreeing to disagree. I've always
thought that with peace, we can
see how similar we all are. Peace
is basically about acceptance.
In order to achieve peace,
however, we must be willing to
forgive the past. If Osama bin
Laden is serious enough about
making peace, which I have
to admit I have a significantly
high level of doubt, I think we
should still make an attempt
for negotiating peace. As hard
as the events of Sept. 11 are for
someone like me to forget, I can
only imagine how much harder
it is for those who lost loved ones
on that day.
Fighting these feelings is not
an easy task, but if any kind of
peace is to be reached we'must
make an effort to make peace. It
may mean that our government
will have to make sacrifices that
it was not initially willing to
make - like oil contracts. If we
do try to make peace, we should
do it in the spirit of remembering
those who have died. Not neces-
sarily in the essence that they
died fighting, but the memories
of their deaths reminding us how
important peace is.
The problem is that govern-
ment officials may believe that
they have too much to lose by
making peace. That's why I think
it would be better if a neutral
party oversaw these peace nego-
tiations. As much as their neu-
trality disgusts me sometimes,
Switzerland may be the best
suited for this. Then again, the
United Nations may be a good
choice. However, I doubt Osama
bin Laden would agree to this.
Not to mention that it generally
takes the U.N being the great
Mexican stand-off they are,
forever to accomplish anything.
The best person to decide this
would be someone who really has
nothing to gain or lose by this
peace. However, given the influ-
ence of the U.S. economy, I think
they might be a hard person to
find. It is just too bad that idea
of gaining peace doesn't appear
to be enough of an incentive for
our own government.
We've flexed our muscles,
we've shown we're serious and
we've shown our fighting spirit.
Now is the time to show we can
also be peaceful. However, I don't
think that means we should
be willing to not fight as hard.
In fact if the peace talks and
requests of Osama bin Laden
are extremely unreasonable, or
if another attack occurs against
us or any of our allies, I think
we should be prepared to fight
back even harder. Just because
I'm for peace, doesn't mean I'm
not willing to fight for it. With
the lives of countless people at
stake, we have to be willing to
fight harder than those who fight
against us.
In My Opinion
(KRT) Stanford Univer-
sity is one of the world's great
research institutions, so when
the school's president talks about
American universities in the 21st
century, it pays to listen. In a
discussion about China and India
outstripping the United States
in math and science education,
Stanford's John Hennessy was
asked whether U.S. universities
should give preferential admis-
sion to American students in
those fields.
"Maybe so said Hennessy,
himself a distinguished engineer-
ing researcher, "if we could get
these students in the first place
The National Science Founda-
tion warns that America is not
producing enough researchers to
maintain the country's leading
role in science and technological
progress. As Hennessy indicated,
U.S. graduate applications in
the sciences and engineering
are down. True, mediocre K-12
education plays a big role in this
crisis, and, yes, there must be
systemic reform.
But the Stanford president
told us that there's a more fun-
damental problem the American
people have yet to face: a wide-
spread loss of faith in education's
value. Immigrant communities
used to be especially devoted to
education, he said, but "now you
only really see it among immi-
grants from Asia
He mentioned Condoleezza
Rice's grandfather, a sharecrop-
per who worked hard to get a col-
lege degree and who, by instilling
in his descendants a deep belief
in the transformative power of
education, produced within two
generations one of the most pow-
erful women in the world. This is
what education can do for those
who believe in hard work and
scholarly self-discipline.
That used to be most Ameri-
cans. What happened? How
did we fall from a nation that
respected teachers and treasured
the gift of learning into one
with an entitlement mentality?
Lawmakers in Texas and Wash-
ington can tool with education
policy all they like, but no tax
will require lazy students to do
their homework, and no law can
make self-indulgent parents care
deeply about their children's
Parents in China and India
aren't making the same mis-
What's wrong with reading the paper in class?
Maybe if you would show some enthusiasm or
not talk about the most boring subjects Mr. Pro-
fessor I wouldn't have to read the paper in your
class. Would you rather me sleep? Cause that is
the next option.
I'm a guy. I drink out of a straw. And I like it.
I think the entire Steelers team is on steroids.
Those guys are crazy. Good luck to the Seahawks,
I wouldn't want to play against those maniacs.
Why do guys from Jersey gel their hair to make
it look like their head just got sucked into a black
! You know if J.J. Redick played for your team
you would love him. You just hate him because
i he is the best player on the best team in college
j Hey, Tony McKee is leaving and this is the last
semester for Gary McCabe? Is that a light at the
1 end of the tunnel?
I'm confused. People keep saying "Carolina" Are
you talking about Carolina-Pembroke, Carolina-
Greensboro, Carolina-Asheville, Carolina-Chapel
Hill? I need some clarification.
Sororities are so overrated!
ECU has an Army and Air Force ROTC program.
On certain days of the week these folks are
required to wear their uniforms. It's a sign of
professionalism. Eventually, everyone will wear a
uniform here, whether it's a camouflage uniform
now or a suit and tie later, we've all come here to
become educated professionals. Grow up and do
it. I highly commend our corps of cadets.
Kanye West posing as Jesus on Rolling Stone is just
j disgraceful he shouldn't even begin to compare
himself to someone like that.
Responding to the stereotype of ECU guys: It is
! just too bad we live in the south and that all the
"true" southern guys know how to treat ladies. We
can shoot deer and "Realtree" is a color! If your
j car breaks down don't look for our trucks, just call
I AAA. Good luck on finding a decent boyfriend.
Articles written by Daniel Brock are my favorite,
especially the one about Marcus Vick. What a
waste of good talent he is.
OK, OK I was one of those girls who complained
about how awful our football team is but in reality,
we were one win away from being bowl eligible.
Maybe with a little student support we can ensure
a bowl game and a victory next year.
Have some faith!
If your goal is to get a rant in by the end of the
semester, then you need to start practicing. I
had one on Thursday, this one is in here, and I'll
have a few in the coming weeks. Keep reading to
catch on!

Would someone please tell the basketball team
we're not in the lottery for Reggie Bush. Last place
will not get us the 1 draft pick. Close a game for
Ya know what really grinds my gears, why is that
although Scotty clearly knows, he still doesn't
This is for all the guys that make fun of girls when
they say "likereallyomg" would you rather us be
like you and say, "Dudemandude?"
I have solved the crime problem! Build more of
the blue light emergency phones in areas that
college students live, don't just have them on

"Overkill?" It's a uniform hence it is required. P.S.
some of us are Veterans or on active duty - we
also wear it in honor because others have died to
defend what it means to be an American. Show
some respect.
Wear UGGs with mini skirts. Wear UGGs over
under jeans. Don't wear UGGs with the cuffs of
your jeans rolled up. Where is your axe because
you look like a lumberjack? So stop it.
Why is it that ECU advertises to all incoming stu-
dents "internet in dorms" but they never mention
that it works? Clement hall is the worst! I need
internet to do my work. Can anyone tell me how
an entire dorm loses internet? This needs to be
Don't ask me for a piece of paper or if I have a
pencil. You knew you were going to class when
you woke up, so come prepared. Why did you
apply to a university anyway if you weren't going
to do any work? Duh.
Why does this town kiss Matt Cohen's @ss?
! Is it just me? Or did anyone else receive a 21st
birthday card two weeks late? If your point is to
j remind me to be safe, how about getting it done
a little earlier next time! Who sends these things
To the managers at 360, why do you guys look as
if you are not happy to be here serving us? We are
why you get that big money after each semester. I
mean if the employees can pretend so can you.
Editor's NoUTV Pirate Rant b an anonymous way fit students and staff In the
ECU community to voice their opinions. Submissions can be submitted anonymously
online at, or e-mailed to edltorfhheeastcamttnian
com. The editor reserves tht right to edit opinions for content and brevity

What's Hot
Page A4 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006
Mendenhall Movies:
Just Like Heaven
Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.
Friday at 9:30 p.m.
Saturday at 7 p.m.
Sunday at 3 p.m.
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Thursday at 9:30 p.m.
Friday at 7 p.m. and midnight
Sunday at 7 p.m.
Spraying spring scents sensibly
Top 5s:
Top 5 Movies:
1. Underworld: Evolution
2. Hoodwinked
3. Glory Road
4. Last Holiday
5. Brokeback Mountain
Top 5 Pop Albums:
l.MaryJ. Blige
2. Jamie Foxx
3. Came Underwood
4. Eminem
5. The Notorious B.I.G.
Top 5 TV Shows:
1. "AFC Divisional Playoffs"
2. "Desperate Housewives"
3. "CSI: Miami"
4. "Grey's Anatomy"
5. "Lost"
Top 5 DVD Rentals:
1. Wedding Crashers
2. The Cave
3. The 40-year-old Virgin
4. The Gospel
5. American Pie Presents: Band
Find your perfect spring
Aries - Sometimes it's hard to see
where reality ends and fantasy
begins. On the other hand, who
cares? Push ahead, as far as you can
go. The odds are in your favor.
Taurus Important people are
watching and they think you're lookin'
good. Don't try to impress them, just
do the best job you can.
Gemini - It's OK to admit that
you can't do it all by yourself. Let
somebody else do the part that's
easier for them.
Cancer - Don't be afraid of trying
something you've never done before.
The odds are in your favor. You have
natural talent.
Leo - You're lucky now and it seems
like you're getting pretty good advice.
Go ahead and make a choice that
you'll be happy to live with.
Virgo - Frustrations at home have
you wondering if it's time to make a
big change. That's one option, but a
renewal or renovation is also indicated.
Ubra - You're a student and a teacher
naturally, all the time. Continue to
collect information so you'll have the
answers when asked.
Scorpio - It's a good time to ask for
a bonus, a raise or money somebody
owes you. You might even get a
surprise or find a few bucks under
the couch cushions.
Sagittarius - You're intent on finding
the truth and this is a good thing. Dig
through the stacks of data and clues,
and you will.
Capricorn - Keep digging around
in your closets and attic. There's
something important you've saved
and forgotten about.
Aquarius - A friend comes up with a
completely outrageous suggestion.
Don't laugh - the odds are good that
this will actually work.
Pisces - The lid is about to blast
right off. You'll find you can climb
higher than you ever imagined and
it'll be fun.
Spring is surprisingly close
and with the fresh new season
comes some crisp, innovative
fragrances. Scent is a vital
accessory, so along with your
new spring wardrobe, adopt a
new fragrance. Depending on
your individual style, there are
perfumes out there for every
woman and every occasion.
During the day, it's better
to wear a light, barely-there
scent. Victoria's Secret has
a great line of body mists
and lotions that give off the
perfect hint of flowers just
in time for the new season.
Some favorites Include Love
Spell, Sweet Temptation and
Endless Love. Also, a different
version of Victoria's Secret clas-
sic scents are available in body
mist and perfume. The new
line, called Dream Angels, is
rapidly becoming more popu-
lar and Heavenly is one of the
top-selling Angel mists. It has
a sweet, just-showered scent
and is strong enough to wear
out, yet subtle enough to wear
to class or work.
If you prefer warmer scents,
Bath and Body Works also has
a great line of body mists and
lotions. Some old favorites
are Warm Vanilla Sugar and
Country Apple. However, their
new and highly recommended
There are many popular scents for girls that can keep someone special in your live longing for you.
smell is Brown Sugar and Fig.
Although the combination may
sound strange, the two ingredi-
ents compliment each other well
and make for one warm, inviting
product. The great thing about
both Bath and Body Works and
Victoria's Secret is if you are not
a fan of sprays, nearly all of their
scents come in lotions, creams
and body scrubs as well.
There are times when a light
body mist or lotion is not the
kind of scent you're looking for.
Maybe there's a big party coming
up, a hot Valentine's Day date,
or just a night downtown with
the girls. Whatever the occasion,
you're looking to make a lasting
impression on someone. There
are three new perfumes that
cover all of these bases, all of
which can be picked up at most
department stores.
First, there's Sarah Jessica
Parker's new scent Lovely, which
can be worn to any event. With
this perfume's hint of mandarin,
orchid and amber, it definitely
lives up to its name. It's perfectly
suited for the classic glamour
girl - quiet with an underlying
sex appeal.
Next, we have Pacific Para-
dise by Escada. This bold scent is
for the wild, carefree girls and has
playful traces of banana, candy
and coconut. Pacific Paradise is
like a flashback of summer and
although it's casual enough for
a party, it's flirty enough for a
date. Finally, for the more sultry
Who: Girls everywhere
What: New fragrances
When: The Spring season
Where: Department Stores, Bath
and Body Works, Victoria's Secret
3 Step guide to shopping for i scant
1. Shop at a store with many
different scents, It's easier to
compare them and find out which
you prefer.
2. When testing out different
fragrances spray them separately
onto different paper tabs (most
stores provide them for you) this
way you don't mix scents and
alter the smell.
3. Check for longevity: Ask sales
associates how long the scent
will last once you apply It. (Hint:
perfumes or eau de toilettes are
more concentrated so they tend to
last longer than body mists).
approach, there is Fantasy by
Britney Spears. Her fragrance is
compiled of a luscious mix of
jasmine, white chocolate and
exotic fruits. It's just the thing
to give you an extra boost of
confidence for a big date. This
scent is sweet yet seductive, and
should be worn with expecta-
tions of some attention.
For a more neutral approach,
the popular clothing store Hol-
see SCENTS page A5
Hot shops to visit in Greenville
Che Bella, located off of Greenville Boulevard behind Starbucks, carries unique clothing lines.

Find even designer
labels in Greenville
Greenville is a relatively
small town and therefore it's
extremely hard finding clothes
that everybody at ECU doesn't
already have. There are a few
boutiques and places where
you can find one of a kind
fashions and even designer
labels and it beats hitting High-
way 264 to Raleigh and blow-
ing 30 bucks on gas any day.
"I usually go to Raleigh to
do my shopping because they
have a variety of stores that I
like said Kyle Munday, senior
exercise physiology major.
Seven jeans, True Religion
jeans, Frankie B's and Joe's jeans
are some of the hottest designer
label jeans around. Not to men-
tion they make women's tushies
look splendid. 1 personally own
a pair of True Religions and they
changed my life. These jeans
usually retail around $200 but
they can be bought at less than
half that price at The Charmed
Peacock. This boutique special-
izes in all of these jeans at an
affordable rate. They also have
an abundance of eccentric jew-
elry such as beaded necklaces
and studded watches. They offer
many ECU student specials and
the owners of this quaint bou-
tique, located on Evans Street,
are very friendly and cater to
their customers.
Another place to find beau-
tiful blouses, designer jeans,
BCBG dresses and the latest
in boots, flats and pumps is
Che Bella Boutique located on
Arlington Boulevard. Che Bella
has a wonderful decor and great
accessories too. The great thing
about this boutique is that
they stock a limited amount
of each piece, so trendsetters
can be just that - trendsetters,
instead of having the same
thing as everyone else's closets.
There are shops in Greenville
for guys too. For guys who go for
the prep look, Catalog Con-
nection, located at 210 E. 5th
St. in downtown
Greenville is the
best place to find
collared shirts
and a nice pair
of khakis. They
also have Rain-
bow sandals.
This place
is awesome and
very affordable.
They run specials
all the time and
have an amazing
collection of J. Crew cardigans,
blazers and pencil skirts for
women. Students can walk
to Catalog Connection from
campus, which is a huge plus.
Another place guys can find
great clothes is Traffix at Colo-
nial Mall. They stock loads of
urban designer menswear such
Akademics and Sean Jean. Old
Navy also has an affordable
menswear section with all the
latest clothing styles.
Some people overlook
places where there are great
fashion finds such as T.J. Maxx,
Target and Wal-Mart. T.J.
Maxx carries designer labels
Che Bella Boutique 321-8664
- 696 E. Arlington Blvd.
Catalog Connection 756-8612
- 210 E. 5th St.
The Charmed Peacock 830-2625
- 408 S. Evans St.
at astonishingly low prices.
They have a large selection of
handbags that are rare finds
even in major cities. They carry
smaller designer labels too.
Target and Wal-Mart have
great finds as well. Wal-Mart is
the perfect place to buy those
wife-beater undershirts that
come in handy in men's and
women's wardrobes. Target has
great acces-
sories such
as patterned
which is very
popular right
now, and
"I shop at
Target a lot
because it's
cheap and
the quality
is just as good as anywhere
else said Sarah Terry, senior
exercise sports science major.
These department stores
also have the very best scarves
to keep off the winter chill as
well as comfy socks and under-
Rugged Warehouse also has
a wide range of designer label
jeans and tops for guys and
girls. The prices at this store are
always low and they are always
getting in new shipments. Now
that you know where to go to
find great fashion at affordable
prices, start shopping!
Dater's guide: How to avoid wandering eyes
Don't get caught with
wandering eyes
Fun Facts:
7-11, the convenience store, sells
10,000 pots of coffee an hour, every
hour, every day
At horse race tracks, the favorite wins
fewer than 30 percent of the time.
The average American uses eight times
as much fuel energy as an average
person anywhere else in the world.
TIME Magazine's "Man of the Year" In
1938 was Adolf Hitler.
When the University of Nebraska
Cornhuskers play football at home,
the stadium becomes the state's third
largest city.
Women end up digesting most of the
lipstick they apply.
In 1659, ft was illegal to celebrate
Christmas in Massachusetts.
Today's top fuel dragsters take off with
more force than the space shuttle.
It doesn't matter if you've
been dating for years or if you're
in the first week - wandering
eyes are a definite no-no. Some
(mostly guys) believe that you
can look, but not touch. If that's
the case, then good luck finding
a girl out there who will put up
with you. Showing respect and
courtesy are the best ways to
show your girlfriend or boyfriend
or the person you are out on a
date with the best time.
Pretend you are downtown
and the guy you are with keeps
looking over at the long legged,
top-heavy blonde who happens
to be wearing a skirt so short that
her cheeks hang out and a shirt
so low and tight that she just
keeps falling out of it. He thinks
you don't notice, but in reality,
you want to poke his eyes out.
Everyone knows that a decent
guy wouldn't date that girl, so
always know that you are the one
who is there with him.
"I was on a date with this hot
guy that I've had a crush on since
high school - turns out every girl
that walked by just had to look at
him. Talk about making me feel
awkward said Deanna Belvins,
sophomore art major.
On the other side, guys, you
are in a club with your girl and
her not-so-subtle glances at the
tall, tan guy with dark hair and
eyes, who looks like he just fell out
of GQ, is driving you nuts. What
do you say to her without looking
jealous, insecure or overbearing?
Neither of you want to believe
that the person they are with
could possibly be checking out
someone else right in front of
you. So how do you say some-
thing without making a big scene
or starting a fight when the night
is suppose to be fun?
"I was downtown with my girl
and she kept looking over at a guy
who was definitely looking back.
I just told her that if she wanted
to talk to him, to go over. Turns
out they went to grade school
together and just recognized each
other from a long time ago said
Rory Brown, freshman history-
major. ,
There's proof that not all
looks, glances and stares are
It is common for both guys and girls to make the mistake of letting their eyes wander across the yard.
alone, casually bring it up. Or
right when it happens, say
something, but in a joking way.
Everyone has a different
approach to things so go for
what's best for you.
bad. But when guys check out
other girls, it makes the ladies
feel very insecure. It makes them
feel less attractive to the guy
she is with, especially if the girl
he is checking out looks com-
pletely different. It's a borderline
situation - what do you really
say? Do you just let it slide
and hope it doesn't keep
happening? Most would agree
that's a bad idea because
when it continues to drag out,
it's only going to build up.
It's natural to feel a little
down and unsure, but as
always, communication is the
key. When the two of you are
This writer can be contacted at
. . -
- . .

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bCBfltS from page A4
lister also has a fragrance. This is
an extremely versatile scent and
can be worn by guys and girls.
It's great because it responds to a
girl's love of men's cologne (the
Axe commercials don't lie) and
also applies to a guy's need for
a crisp, simple scent. Whether
you're male or female this scent is
clean and appeals to both sexes.
Kimberly Barncord, a sopho-
more Criminal Justice major, says
"I get so many compliments from
girls because it smells a little like
cologne, but the guys love it too
because they familiarize it with
their own cologne
Once you have your new
spring fragrance, it's crucial to
know how to wear it. Mists can
be sprayed over the entire body,
but be careful not to do the same
with perfumes. A signature scent
should linger behind you, leav-
ing a little mystery. Spraying too
much of a perfume can have the
opposite effect that you're looking
for. You want a light aroma float-
ing around you, not an intoxicat-
ing one that causes a headache.
Dab perfume on your pressure
points (the inside of your wrists,
behind your ears, etc.) right before
you leave, and if the bottle is
small enough, put it in your purse
for a quick touch-up if necessary.
The sense of smell has been
said to be one of the most power-
ful ways to trigger memory and
emotions, so pick out a hot new
spring scent and choose how you
want to be remembered.
This writer can be contacted at
features@theeastcarolinan. com.
Celebrity Profile: Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson at the Golden Globe Awards.
On the way to the top
Within the past five years, Scarlett Johans-
son has released 11 movies and been nominated
for four Golden Globes - quite an accomplish-
ment for an actress who just turned 21 last
November. Unlike many other young actresses
her age, Johansson has chosen a spectrum of
different roles in which to immerse herself.
"I've been in this industry for 13 years and have
learned that, for me, the best thing to do is draw
on your instincts. I don't do a lot of research - I
don't have any crazy method. 1 find my intuition,
combined with being in the moment, works best
1 rarely draw upon my own personal feelings said
Johansson in the New York Daily News.
Growing up in New York City, Johansson began
her career at the age of eight opposite Ethan Hawke
in the off-Broadway production of "Sophistry In
1995 Johansson gained recognition for her portrayal
as the daughter of Sean Connery and Kate Capshaw
who is terrorized by Blair Underwood in lust Cause.
Despite early success, Johansson's big break
didn't come until she played a youngster who had
suffered from a physically and emotionally debili-
tating riding accident in The Horse Whisperer. After
this movie, it was as if Johansson had dropped off
the face of the earth, considering she didn't release
another movie until the indie favorite Ghost World
in 2001, where the she played alongside Thora Birch
as the more sensible of two best friends who are
struggling to find their place in the real world.
However, Johansson has become most
recognized for her work opposite Bill Murray in
2003's Lost in Translation. Although she was only 17
at the time, Johansson delivered a realistic portrayal
of a young married woman who forms a complex
relationship with the older Murray. This film won
her a nomination for Best Actress in a Motion
Picture Musical or Comedy. Later that year she
starred alongside Colin Firth in Girl with a Pearl
Earring, as the girl who inspired the famous
painting. This role landed her yet another Golden
Globe nomination for Best Actress in a Motion
Picture Drama.
Since then she has been in many successful
movies including In Good Company, The Perfect
Score, The Island and A Love Song of Hobby Long. She
was nominated again for Best Actress in a Motion
Picture Drama for her portrayal of a southern girl
who moves back home after her mother's death,
only to find two strangers living in her mother's
house. This movie featured her beyond-her-years
maturity and a vast sense of realism.
"I live and breathe New York. I am who I am
partly because of the way I was raised, and partly
because I was raised here. My parents told me and
all my siblings that it was fine to express ourselves
and whatever we were feeling and thinking, and
that's a very New York mentality. There's a com-
fortable-in-your-own-skin quality that New York
puts in you Johansson said in the New York Daily
News. No one can deny the obvious star power that
Johansson possesses. Each of her roles are portrayed
so well that viewers almost forget they are watching
a film. Her acting is so dynamic and convincing
that her characters don't just remain on the screen,
people take pieces of them home.
Johansson has proven herself to be one of the
best actresses in Hollywood by consistently deliv-
ering flawless performances. Check out her latest
project, Matchpoint, which has earned her a Best
Support Actress in a Motion Picture Drama nomina-
tion. Also look out for her upcoming film, A Good
Woman, to be released sometime next month.
This writer can be contacted at
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Page A6 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006
Sports Briefs
Lemieux calls It quits for
second time
Penguins star and owner Mario
Lemieux, one of hockey's greatest
players, retired Tuesday for the
second time. Lemieux, a Hall of Famer
who won Stanley Cups and scoring
titles and then battled through cancer
and heart problems in a comeback,
announced his decision at a news
conference. The 40-year-old Lemieux
learned in early December he has
atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat
that can cause his pulse to flutter
wildly and must be controlled by
medication. Lemieux, the NHL's
seventh-leading career scorer with
1,723 points, tried to return a week
after being hospitalized with the
problem, but it flared up again during
a Dec. 16 game against Buffalo and
he has not played since. Lemieux
has been practicing the last several
weeks with the intent on returning this
season but, with the Penguins stuck
in a 10-game losing streak and with
no hope of them making the playoffs,
decided to quit playing for a second
time. He also retired after the 1996-
97 season following years of back
problems and a 1993 cancer scare
in which he was diagnosed with
Hodgkin's disease, but he returned
midway through the 2000-01 season
and has played since. However, he
has again fought through injuries
- including two major hip problems
- that caused him to miss most of
the 2001-02 and 2003-04 seasons.
He had seven goals and 15 assists '
in 26 games this season. Lemieux, a
first-ballot Hall of Fame inductee in
1997, led the Penguins - the NHLs
worst team before he was drafted
in 1984 - to successive Stanley Cup
championships in 1991 and 1992.
He won six NHL scoring titles, three
MVP awards and two Conn Smythe
awards as the Stanley Cup playoffs
MVP. Lemieux, who wore No. 66
throughout his career, scored 690
goals and had 1,033 assists In 915
career games. He also became the
first major pro sports star to buy the
team for which he played, assembling
a group that bought the team in
federal bankruptcy court in 1999.
Frasure Earns Weekly C-USA
ECU junior thrower Eric Frasure
was named Conference-USA Co-
Indoor Track and Field Athlete-of-
the-Week for his performance in
last weekend's Gator Invitational
according to a release from the
league media relations office Tuesday
afternoon. Frasure, who shared the
honor with UTEP sprinter Daniel Ward,
won his second consecutive weight
throw title with a toss of 19.70 meters
at the O'Connell Center in Gainesville,
Fla Saturday. The throw also marked
the second straight week in which the
junior provisionally qualified for the
NCAA Indoor Championships after
recording a season- and C-USA-best
throw of 20.11 meters Jan. 14 at the
Virginia Tech Invitational. In addition,
the Hopewell (Charlotte) High School
product turned in an eight-place
standing in the shot put event with an
effort of 15.70 meters last week. The
weekly league honor marked the first
of Frasure's career.
All-sUrs Artest, Stojakovlc to
trade places
Ron,Artest and the Indiana Pacers
are about to part company - finally.
A trade that would send the volatile
star forward to the Sacramento
Kings for forward Peja Stojakovic
was imminent Tuesday, according to
media reports. The deal would end a
lengthy standoff between the Pacers
and Artest, who was deactivated in
December after requesting a trade
and was suspended most of last
season for his role in one of the worst
brawls in U.S. sports history. Indiana
spent several weeks searching for
the right deal, nearly sending Artest
to the Los Angeles Clippers for Corey
Maggette before reviving talks with
the Kings in recent days. This trade,
reported Tuesday on the Indianapolis
Star's Web site, has been long
rumored, with the Kings thought to
need Artest's defense just as much
as the Pacers could use Stojakovic's
offense Artest's agent, Mark Stevens,
would not confirm specifics of the
trade, but told the Associated Press
on Tuesday that a deal to move Artest
"is imminent, almost as soon as
possible Stevens told the Star the
deal is awaiting league approval.
The tradition continues
Men and women's swim
teams enjoying success
The ECU swimming and
diving team has enjoyed a lot of
success in its storied history and
the 2006 Pirates are no excep-
tion. In coach Rick Kobe's 24th
year at the helm, the Pirate men
and women swimmers are enjoy-
ing winning seasons yet again.
The women's team (8-1)
can tie the all-time mark by
winning the final two dual
meets against in-state rivals
Duke and UNC-Wilmington.
The men's team, following a 5-
O start is hoping to get back on
track after two straight losses to
Virginia Tech and Maryland-Bal-
timore County.
"We've got a real young team,
no seniors said Kobe of the
men's squad.
"We graduated a lot of seniors
in the last two years. We're in
the process of rebuilding, but
we feel like we got a pretty good
Despite "rebuilding the H
male swimmers have ensured
their 23rd consecutive non-losing
season - all under coach Kobe.
Kobe says the key to that
long-term success is for him to
"stay fresh and stay current" so
that he can relate to athletes
who weren't even born when he
became the head swim coach
in 1982.
"To keep the energy level up is
pretty easy when you know what
you're doing and like what you're
doing Kobe said.
Kobe likes what he sees from
his team, especially the women
in 2006. The Lady Pirate swim-
mers have suffered just one loss,
Holly Williams has been a large part of the ECU'S success this season and has the opportunity to help the ladies collect 10 wins this year.
a nine-point setback to Virginia
Tech on Jan. 15. They rebounded
with a 15-point win last weekend
at UMBC.
"The women are having a
great year. They are swimming
very well Kobe said.
Led by seniors Kelly Shinton,
Adrienne Williams and Holly, the
Lady Pirates hope for a strong
showing at the Conference-USA
Championships Feb. 22 - 25 in
Houston and at the NCAA Cham-
pionship Meet in March.
"It's been a great season and
our one loss thus far was very
close and against a very good
team said junior Rebecca Perry,
who won both the 100 and 200
meter freestyle last weekend at
Baltimore County.
Adrienne and Holly Williams
both had first place finishes at
UMBC in the 50 Freestyle and
200 Butterfly, respectively while
Adrienne was also part of the
first-place relay team in the 400-
meter medley, along with Shin-
ton and a pair of freshman, Alii
Miller and Amanda Duncan.
Sophomore diver Chris-
tie Icenhower, junior Bryan
Yasinsac and sophomore Greg
Neville also recorded event vic-
tories last weekend.
Duncan, from Wake Forest-
Rolesville High School, is also the
top-ranked 100-meter fly sprinter
in the conference and she is
hopeful to qualify for the NCAAs
in just her freshman year.
"I think we've done awesome
and I'm happy where I am
Duncan, who recorded her fastest
time of the year against Virginia
Tech, is less than two seconds off
from qualifying for the NCAAs,
which Kobe called "the fastest
meet in the world
"If you get there, you're a
world-class athlete Kobe said.
The Pirates have sent swim-
mers to the NCAAs in each of the
last two years. Before they start
worrying about that, the Pirates
have to close out the season.
Saturday, the Pirates will play
host to Duke in the final home
meet of the year before traveling
to Wilmington to take on the
Seahawks Feb. 4.
This writer can be contacted at
Death to the blog
Blogging carries very
little journalistic integrity
Mills has been racking up both points and rebounds for the Lady
Pirates this year, averaging 17.9 ppg and 8.2 rpg.
Mills impacting Lady
Pirates in first year
Freshman center making
a splash with ECU
Throughout life, people are
given all kinds of different advice.
A common suggestion is that one
stay determined and focused
when faced with challenges or
adversities. As the saying goes:
"Keep your eye on the prize
Cherie Mills has been
committed to improving her
game in every aspect she can
since she started playing bas-
ketball at age seven. She's made
it her personal goal to help her
team win and represent ECU to
the best of her ability.
"Cherie has put a lot of pride
in getting in better shape to be
more competitive at this level
said Lady Pirates Head Coach
Sharon Baldwin-Tener.
"Her presence on both the
offensive and defensive side of
the ball has improved just within
this season
Mills, a 6-foot-4-inch junior
center, has been a big part of the
Lady Pirates' success so far this
year. Up until today, their 10-5
record earns them the second
best overall record in Conference-
USA, even with over half the team
being freshmen. But Mills is not a
veteran-Pirate - in fact, the 2005-
06 season is her first at ECU.
The 21-year-old Mills spent
her first two collegiate seasons at
Loulsburg Junior College. There
she received many individual
see MILLS page A7
When did jean shorts become
so 1990? My ego deflated when
a sorority blonde muttered the
words "fashion crime" as I lei-
surely walked through campus.
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a
smidge. But the point is that my
lack of periphery either makes me
uncool or just a ringer for being
the last to find out juicy and
sometimes vital information.
Yeah, that's a bad personality
trait for an aspiring journalist.
I'm supposed to be paid (should
be more) to inform the public,
on the brink of news worthy
information at all times.
Another indication that my
cool gauge is bordering on empty
was when I somehow stumbled
in the Rec last week. The Rec
need not bcconfused with "the
Ruck a shortened version of the
Rucker (of course, a reference to
the infamous NYC park). Trans-
lation for the pre-1998 graduates
and those living under a rock,
the ECU Recreation Center is
the pollen for the campus hon-
eybees while also serving as the
main gym. Speaking of, think of
how packed Christenbury was.
But I digress. While keep-
ing the girlfriend entertained
through an adapted version
of racquetball in "the Rec I
couldn't help but notice the
droves of students bearing iPod
armbands. I barely know two
people with iPods. But it was then
that I realized this whole iPod
craze completely whizzed by me.
It's a stretch, but fast-for-
ward to me searching for some
pertinent information for this
column. We in the sports jour-
nalism business have somehow
convinced ourselves that read-
ing and cbssportsline.
com is "researah Pretty cool,
huh? Anyway, I noticed that
every freaking reporter on the
web has a blog.
For those left in the dark like
me (until a couple of months
ago) who still confuse a blob
and a blog, I feel for you. Nev-
ertheless, a blog is basically an
online journal. Unlike the strict
guidelines of print and broad-
cast journalism, blogs literally
have no rules.
Random John Does can
create their own blog, very few
in the industry know of a way
to control the spread of mass
information. In fact, experts
aren't sure what quite to think.
If the internet is young, calling
the blog an infant would be a
sort of flattery.
Reporters are losing cred-
ibility with blogs' increasing
popularity. News reporters are
held in extremely high regard, as
people whom have the public's
trust. In fact, reports show that
news reporters are trusted more
than elected leaders. Truthful
at all times, the general public-
trusts the media to be unbiased
and report only cold hard facts.
Certain outlets are debatable,
but the entire industry does
their best to police themselves.
How can I trust blogs when
the reporters and authors are
faceless? Who ensures that the
information was received in
an ethical and proper manner?
What agency is accountable to
ensure that the information
published is correct? The answer
is simple, not a soul.
And who has time to
read 146 blogs about Duke
basketball? I barely have enough
time in the day to browse the
articles on ECU sports. Unless
the faculty went on a year-long
strike, I would never have time
to read 50 journal entries by
random fans claiming them-
selves as so-called experts. Or
even for that matter, 50 so-called
reporters blogging themselves
as experts.
Before that, professional
blogs will eventually have to
make money. Aside from news
or sports corporations support-
ing them, how will these online
journals solicit advertising dol-
lars? I'm fairly certain that ECU
won't advertise with an online
version of my thoughts. If they
would, I'm still available.
Blogs are the new face of
message boards. It's empower-
ing to the fansAnd in sports,
more message boards with face-
less ranters slandering public
figures is a true nightmare. The
message boards have ignited this
unrealistic 'quick fix' atmo-
sphere we now share in colle-
giate and pro athletics.
I agree that print journal-
ism is on the ropes. I do realize
that is what pays my bills (still
not enough). Nevertheless, it's
a simple mathematical equa-
tion. The internet has now
scooped radio as the fastest
medium for people to con-
sume their information. And
radio, because of its inaccessi-
bility and diluted choices can't
compete with the internet.
But are blogs truly the answer
of the next decade? The media
has survived for years without
them. Saturating the net with
journal entries wasn't exactly
what I envisioned when I signed
up for this journalism gig. And if
this trend continues, I cringe to
hear what will come next, even
if it is five years too late.
This writer can be contacted at
What will Bryant do next?
(KRT) Now that he's
flaunted the laws of physics and
NBA box scores, it's only natural
to wonder if he can do more.
Kobe Bryant isn't constrained
by the mundane boundaries of
reality and history. He's one of
those rare athletes who tempt
you to believe the impossible may
now be possible.
This is what Bryant has done
with his 81-point game. He's
forced us to examine the assump-
tion that Wilt Chamberlain's
record will never be broken.
The 100 points the Big Dipper
scored March 2, 1962, are the
product of a bygone era when
Chamberlain was bigger and
stronger than anyone he faced and
defenses weren't nearly as sophis-
ticated. It's one of those athletic
feats, along with Joe DiMaggio's
56-game hitting streak in base-
ball, revered as untouchable.
"If one person did it, it's
possible that someone else can
accomplish the same feat argued
George Gervin, who once scored
63 points in a game and now
works in community relations for
the San Antonio Spurs.
"All the young kids who have
people tell them you can't do
this, you cant do that, those who
hear Wilts record will never be
"Kobe has proven things like
that can happen
Maybe it can. But it's not likely.
That's the difference OK, one
of many differences between a
four-time NBA scoring champion
and a jaded journalist. Gervin
looks at the highest scoring game
in nearly 44 years and sees more.
I look at Bryant's brilliant
performance and see why Cham-
berlain's record is safe
see BRYANT page A7

- -

MillS from page A6
Bryailt from page16
accolades such as First-team
NJCAA All-America honors as
a sophomore and second-team
as a freshman, Region X Player-
of-the-Year, Region X Tourna-
ment and Team MVP, and 2005
Junior College KodakWBCA All-
American. She was named "Best
JuCo Player" and "Top JuCo
Center" by All-Star Girls Report
as a sophomore
Mills averaged 18.1 points
and 9.1 rebounds, while shooting
56 percent from the floor and
76 percent from the line during
her freshman campaign. Keep in
mind, these shooting percent-
ages come from a center, not the
position one would expect that
kind of production to come from.
"I just want to win. I've tried
hard to keep producing for my
team Mills said.
"In regards to basketball I
don't think anything else mat-
ters but wins
And that is exactly what
Mills has been doing for the
past seven years - winning.
At Louisburg, Mills led the
Hurricanes (20-4) to the Region X
title and National Junior College
Athletic Association (NJCAA)
Region 17 District Finals includ-
ing a berth in NJCAA National
And just about 12 miles
south of Greenville is where it all
began. Mills, a native of Ayden,
NC, says she picked up the game
of basketball on her own.
"As a kid, just hanging around
the guys all the time made me
want to play Mills said.
"No one really got me in to
the sport but myself
It's a good thing she decided
to play basketball because it
seems as if the sport comes natu-
rally to her. And once she reached
high school, the numbers she put
up backed that claim up.
At Ayden Grifton High
School, Mills averaged nearly a
triple-double for her career. Yes,
you read that right. Averaging
27.6 points, 14.7 boards and 7.4
blocks per game, Mills domi-
nated for four years in a row.
The four-year letter winner
finished her high school career
with 1,278 rebounds making her
the all-time leader for boards at
Ayden Grifton High. She also
holds the school records in
points and blocked shots for
a career. Coming out of high
school, she was regarded by
Hoops & Dreams Scouting as the
top senior in North Carolina and
was named 2003 Daily Reflector
Player of the Year.
But the soft-spoken Mills
doesn't dwell on her past achieve-
ments and tries to stay humble.
"I care more about the present
than the past or future Mills said.
"Winning the conference
title and getting to the NCAA
tournament is all I care about.
We'll talk about next season
when it comes because this
season is what matters
In the short time that Mills has
been at ECU, she's made strong
friendships with her teammates.
"They're like my sisters
Mills said.
"And we all expect a lot out of
each other. We go in to every game
thinking we're going to win it
Coach Baldwin-Tener has
also played a significant role in
Mills' development as a player.
"Coach always explains
everything clearly and if one
of us doesn't understand some-
thing, she'll stop and make sure
we get it Mills said.
"Individually, she's helped
me a whole lot. She just gives us
confidence to go out on the court
and win
Mills, a criminal justice
major, wants to be a probation
officer after graduating. After
growing up around drugs and
violence in a rough commu-
nity, she's come to realize over
the course of her life that she
wants to help people instead of
punishing people.
"I definitely don't want to
be a cop. I don't want to arrest
people Mills said.
"I'd rather be face-to-face with
people in a position to help them
improve their lives. It's something
I'm passionate about pursuing
Whether she's studying for
a forensics test, dealing with
criminals, or dominating on the
basketball court, Cherie Mills
will do it determined to give her
best effort. Her coaches know it
and her teammates know it. Not
much can stand in your way
with an attitude like Mills Pride,
dedication, and her passion to
win describe her quite well and
anyone lucky enough to have
those characteristics will go far
in life.
But for now, Mills just wants
to win.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Kobe popped off for 81 points Sunday, but will he ever touch Wilt?
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I'm not alone. After the Los
Angeles Lakers star autographed
copies of the box score for team-
mates and staff, he was asked
about Chamberlain's record.
"That's unthinkable Bryant
said. "It's pretty exhausting to
think about
He wasn't being gracious.
Breaking 100 in today's game is
Chamberlain scored 100
points in a season in which the
league average was 118.8 points.
Only five teams are above 100
in the NBA this season, and the
average is 96.7 points.
The possibility of Bryant, or
any player, scoring more than
the league average is absurd.
Another crucial consideration
is the number of possessions
The Lakers average 80.8 shots
a game. That's 27 less than teams
averaged during the 1961-62
season. It's part of the reason
seven of the 10 highest scoring
games in league history came
between 1960 and "63.
Not everything about this era
puts Bryant and others at a disad-
vantage. The Lakers guard picked
up seven additional points behind
the 3-point arch that wasn't
available when Chamberlain
played. Rule changes that pre-
vent defenders from hand-check-
ing an opponent have opened
up the game on the perimeter.
Chicago's Michael Jordan
never scored more than 69 points
in a game. Portland coach Nate
McMillan is one who believes
Jordan would have scored 100
points under the current rules.
"You better believe it makes
a difference said Gervin, who
holds the record for most points
in a quarter with 33.
"Back in the day, you could be
held. A defender used to be able to
put a hand on your side or an arm
in your back. I was 185 pounds
and had guys at 225 pounds
putting their hands on me. It
was like trying to move a stump.
"I'm not saying it's easier
now, but it's different
Very different. And that
makes for a spirited debate.
The Lakers' Phil Jackson said
he's never witnessed anything
like what Bryant did to Toronto,
which is pretty heady stuff when
you consider he coached Jordan.
Gervin considers Bryant's 81 as
impressive as Chamberlain's 100.
Bryant did shoot better and
score a greater percentage of his
team's points (66.4 percent to
59.2 percent) than Chamberlain
did in his 100-point effort.
"To compare it to anybody
would be useless Gervin said.
"He set himself apart from every-
one else. Everyone looks for
another Michael Jordan, and
there probably won't be one.
"What Kobe did was establish
himself as one of the greatest
scorers of all time at an early age.
He's a phenom. I'm a believer,
"Now we've got to sit back
and wait and see if anyone scores
. Notice he said 82.
Not 101.
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The East Carolinian, January 25, 2006
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 25, 2006
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