The East Carolinian, November 15, 2005

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 81 Number 28
November 15, 2005
For whom the bell tolls at ECU
At midnight a "jester" emerges from Joyner Library's clock tower. On the left is what the tower
looks like just before the jester appears. Below are photos showing the jester as he comes out.
Once the jester makes his presence known, he begins lecturing onlookers of the futility of time.
At 7 a.m. a rooster greets people in the morning. The cost to build and maintain the library's
mechanics and themes Is roughly $30 million.
Creepy clowns really do
exist on campus
A motley crew of onlookers
and students not yet old enough
to drink gathered in the cold
Saturday at midnight to catch a
glance of the fabled clown that,
legend has it, appears in the
Media Glockenspiel of the clock
tower across from Joy ner Library.
Most focused their attention
on the 12 television screens,
expecting a face to appear,
but the screens were merely a
failed exercise in modern art,
complete with a myriad of red
triangles and blue circles. At
last, the clock struck midnight,
and as all present leaned into
the cold, eerie carnival music
began to play, accompanied by
maniacal laughter. One could
hear the gears inside the tower
grinding and an opening slowly
appeared in the center of the
12 screens. The face of a jester
emerged and slowly moved for-
ward. The music grew louder,
and a voice recording began to
drone about how futile time is.
"Time is futile said the
Joyner Library Jester.
The jester, however, was not
the narrator of this stock-phrase
advice and merely grinned a
grin that must look more sinis-
ter in the dark.
"It was certainly a psy-
chedelic experience said
Matthew Belty, a bystander who
came out to see "if the stories
were true
The clock tower features
other displays at set times of the
day. At 7 a.m a rooster appears
accompanied by crowing, at
noon brass horns appear playing
music and at sunset -a cannon
appears with the sound of a blast
and smoke for greater effect.
Christopher Janney, a
world-renowned artist and
architect, designed the Media
Glockenspiel, as well as all of
Sonic Plaza.
Completed in 1997, Sonic.
Plaza was part of a $30 million
renovation of the library. Some
remnants of the original library
can still be seen, such as the col-
umns that hundreds of students
pass under every day. These are
now known as the Sonic Gates,
complete with motion sensors
to activate musical tones.
What mystery can Sonic
Plaza hold for us today?
"Time really is futile and
creepy clowns do exist said
Sarah DeVries, phone operator
for Wireless Plus.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeas tcarolinian. com.
Number of executions,
death sentences declined in
2004, government reports
Death row is less likely these days.
� The ranks of people sen-
tenced to death and the number
executed declined in 2004
as the nation's death row
population kept shrinking,
the government reported Sunday.
Last year, a dozen states
executed 59 prisoners, six
fewer than in 2003, accord-
ing to the Justice Department's
Bureau of Justice Statistics.
North Carolina executed
four convicted killers in 2004,
compared to 23 in Texas, seven
in Ohio, six in Oklahoma and
five in Virginia.
North Carolina has executed
three men this year, including
Steven Van Mcllone, 35, on
Friday. Another condemned man,
the state plans to put 67-year-old
Ellas Hanna Syriani to death for
the 1990 killing of his wife. A fifth
execution is scheduled for Dec. 8.
The report also said 125
people, including five women,
who were convicted of murder
received a death sentence last
year. That was the smallest
number since 1973.
Last year, 22 death row
inmates died of natural causes
or committed suicide, while an
additional 107 had their sen-
tences commuted, tossed out or
overturned. As of Dec. 31, there
were 3,315 people on death row,
compared to 3,378 a year earlier.
Tracy Snel 1, one of
the report's authors, said the
number of prisoners under death
sentences has declined four years
in a row, the result of a murder rate
now at its lowest level in 40 years.
One death penalty advocate
said the threat of harsh punish-
ment is responsible for that fall-
jj ing rate.
"There are less murders, less
s murder victims and less death
sentences because, in our view,
we have been giving this problem
the right medicine said Michael
Kushford, president of the Crimi-
nal Justice Legal Foundation in
Sacramento, Calif.
"Most states have effective
habitual offender laws. These
laws take the most likely group
of potential capital murderers off
the street said Rushford, whose
public interest law group works
"to strengthen law enforcement's
ability to assure that crime does
not pay according to its Web site.
Richard Dieter, executive
director of the Death Penalty
Information Center in Wash-
ington, said jurors increasingly
are reluctant to recommend the
death penalty.
He cited recent cases
where death row prison-
ers have been freed following
media or legal investigations,
the use of DNA evidence to
exonerate those wrongly con-
victed and the increased avail-
ability of life-without-parole
sentences as an alternative to
capital punishment.
"The thing that stands out to
me is the breadth of the decline
said Dieter, whose group has been
critical of how the death penalty
is applied. "I think if it were just
one year or one of those numbers,
it would be less consequential.
What we're witnessing is a pull-
back from the death penalty
across the country
Today, 37 of the 38 states with
death penalty laws allow juries
to consider life without parole
as an alternative. That option
may come to have a large effect
in Texas, which in 2004 executed
23 prisoners, ot more than three
times as many death row inmates
than any other state. A Texas law
that took effect Sept. 1 allows
capital murder juries to consider
life-without-parole for convicted ;
California had the largest
death row, with 637 inmates at the
end 2004. California, Florida and
Texas together account for 44 per-
cent of the nation's death row pop-
ulation, according to the report.
President Bush met with other Latin American leaders during the Summit of Americas Nov. 4.
Bush should get warmer welcome in Asia
than on recent trip to Latin America

Death Penalty
Data found In the report
1) The 59 Inmates executed In 2004
had spent an average of 11 years
on death row.
2) Of those executed, 36 were white,
19 black, three Hispanic and one
was Asian.
3) One Inmate was electrocuted.
The rest were put to death by lethal
41 Ten federal prisoners were
sentenced to death In 2004, or
twice as many In any year since
51 Fifty-two women were on death
row, live more than a year earlier.
61 The oldest death row Inmate was
89; the youngest was 18.
7) Preliminary data shows that this
year, 13 states had executed 49
Inmates as of Nov. 9 - seven fewer
than during the same period a year
BUSAN, South Korea (AP)
� Even with Asian hostility
toward some U.S. policies, Presi-
dent Bush's trip to the region this
week is not expected to turn as
acrimonious as his recent visit to
Latin America.
Bush departs Monday for a
seven-day trip to visit enthusi-
astic allies Japan and Mongolia,
along with China and South
Korea, who may have differences
with Washington but do not want
them to disrupt relations. He also
will attend the Asia Pacific Eco-
nomic Conference summit in
Busan, where 21 member states
are expected to agree to support
free-trade talks at the World
Trade Organization.
This trip will be vastly dif-
ferent from Bush's visit this
month to the Americas Summit
in Argentina. There, Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez led a sta-
dium full of protesters against a
U.Sbacked free trade zone that
failed to gain support of the 34
nations attending, sending Bush
home early.
"All in all, it'll be certainly
a much warmer welcome in
Korea than in Latin America
says Ralph Cossa, president of
the Hawaii-based Pacific Forum
Center for Strategic and Interna-
tional Studies.
That does not mean, however,
that protesters will stay at home.
About 18,000 people carrying
anti-globalization signs peace-
fully demonstrated in Seoul
on Sunday in advance of the
APEC summit, and organizers
said thousands more will be
on Busan's streets during the
In Washington last week,
Bush acknowledged the criticism
of his policies in Asia.
"I made some difficult deci-
sions, and I understand not
everybody agrees with them
he said. "But one of the things
I hope people do agree with in
South Korea is that . . . they've
got a strong friend in the United
The White House also played
down expectations for Bush's
"He's not looking for any
specific deliverables or specific
outcomes National Security
Adviser Stephen Iladley said.
Asia has a wide array of
regional groups, but there is a
growing sense that the talking is
not very directed, giving Wash-
ington a chance to step up and
lead at the APEC summit, said
Jane Skanderup, director of pro-
grams at the Pacific Forum.
"This is an opportunity
for the U.S. to be very visibly
engaged she said.
Skanderup said the Ameri-
cans also could counter the
appearance that China's
see BUSH page A2
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CHRIS MUNIER News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
TUESDAY November 15, 2005
Gospel Choir
The gospel choir will perform at
7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15 in Wright
Auditorium. Tickets are $3 with
a student ID and $5 for general
admission. For more information,
call Tarrrick Cox at 328-1518 or
The Importance of
Being Earnest'
Oscar Wilde's pfo.The Importance
of Being Earnest, will begin
performances on Thursday, Nov.
17 and will run through Tuesday,
Nov. 22. Performances will be held
in McGinnis Theatre. Tickets are
$12 for the general puhlic, $10 for
senior citizens and ECU faculty
and staff and $8 tor ECU students.
For more information, call 318-
6829 or 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Brewster History
The ECU Brewster Lecture "A Tale
of Three Cities: How the U.S. won
WWII" will be presented at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 16 In OC-307
Science and Technology Building.
ECU'S History Department and
the Thomas Harriot College of
Arts and Sciences will host the
24th annual Lawrence F Brewster
Lecture in History. David Kennedy,
the Donald J. McLachlan Professor
of History at Stanford University,
will offer the guest lecture.
Medical Student Talent
The 2005 Medical Student
Council Talent Show will be held
Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Brody School of Medicine's
Brody Auditorium. Tickets are $5
in advance and $6 at the door.
There will be performances by
students and faculty, as well as
door prizes. This year's charity
beneficiary is the Tiana Nicole
Williams Endowment Fund. For
more Information, contact Kara
Regan at
Alumni Tailgate
The Alumni Association's Tailgate
2005 will take place Saturday,
Nov. 26 starling at 9:30 a.m. at
Minges Gate two. The cost is $5
per person, and children under
10 get in for free. Enjoy food,
beverages, Pee Dee the Pirate
and the Cheerleaders. For more
information and to register, visit
Pllobolus Dance
PTOO, as It Is affectionately
called, is considered the "little
luxury edition" of Pilobolus Dance
Theatre, one of the dance world's
most renowned ensembles. Its
two bravura dancers present a
seamless evening of new and
classic Pilobolus works at 8 p.m.
on Thursday, Dec. 1 in Wright
Purchase Masterpiece
Subscriptions by Sept. 28 for best
options Masterpiece subscription
(all events): $216 for public, $198
for ECU facultystaff, $108 for
youth, $72 for ECU Students.
Purchase Crown Subscriptions
by Dec 1 for best options. Crown
Subscription (choice of six
events): $162 for public, $150 for
ECU facultystaff, $84 for youth,
$48 for ECU students. Advance
individual tickets, if available,
may be purchased beginning
Nov. 13 for $25 public, $23 ECU
facultystaff, $13 youth and $10
ECU student. All tickets at the
door are $25. Group discounts
are available for groups of 15
or more.
For more information, visit ecu.
New Musical
John and Jen, a new musical, will
be performed at 8 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 10 and at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec
11 in the Studio Theatre. A truly
original musical that takes a look
at the complexities of relationships
between brothers and sisters and
parents and children, this story is
set against the background of a
changing America between 1950
and 1990. The event is free, but
tickets are required and seating
is limited. For more Information,
call 328-6829.
News Briefs
NC public universities forced to
cut jobs, supplies, courses
CHAPEL HILL NC (AP) - The University
of North Carolina will cut spending for
student instruction by $16.4 million
this year despite increased state
funding for many priorities across the
16-campus system, including money
for building repairs and raises for
state employees.
At UNC-Chapel Hill, budget cuts this
year led to elimination of 46 class
offerings. At North Carolina State
University, 60 of the course sections
have been eliminated and science
labs will have fewer materials. At North
Carolina Central University, money for
teaching supplies was cut.
The fewer course sections and
greater class sizes mean students
will struggle to complete their studies
within four years, according to a report
issued this week by the UNC system.
"Ironically, unavoidable reductions in
advising and faculty contact hours
means that many students will have
less assistance in monitoring their
degree progress at a time when it
becomes much more difficult and
critical to do so said the 2005-06
Budget Reductions Report.
The report is a roundup ofthe impact of
this year's $31 million, or 1.72 percent,
cut from last year's operating budget.
Its release was met by dismay by
some on the university system's
oversight body.
This is not good in terms of what's
going on the campus said Willie
Gilchrist of Halifax, a member of the
UNC Board of Governors. "I sure hope
someone's reading this. We have to
be real careful about our long-range
plans if we don't have the money to
fund those plans
His comments contrast with the
positive reaction UNC system officials
had in August when state legislators
approved the state's annual budget.
The state spending plan included
victories for UNC advocates like $73
million for full enrollment growth, $57.5
million for repairs and renovations to
university facilities, and pay raises.
On Friday, the UNC board approved a
plan to cap tuition increases at about
10 percent for next year and to raise
the pay of campus chancellors by
between 8 percent and 16 percent.
The latter move was criticized by
other state employees, who will
receive 2 percent salary increases.
Other UNC board members continue
to praise the General Assembly for
funding what it did during a period of
continuing financial trouble.
"There's just not enough money said
former governor James Holshouser,
an emeritus member of the UNC
board. The educational experience is
going to be impacted negatively if we
can't turn the corner as a state
Asheville board member Ed BroadweH
said legislators "really are under some
adverse sets of circumstances
World's largest aquarium set
to open In Atlanta - displays
Include pair of young whale
ATLANTA (AP) - The whale sharks are
kings ofthe 6-million-gallon tank, their
presence palpable even before they
emerge from the murky darkness like
massive star cruisers in a science
fiction film.
But once visitors to the new Georgia
Aquarium have seen Ralph and
Norton - the only whale sharks on
display outside of Asia - they will still
have at least 99,998 more fish to go.
When the aquarium opens Nov. 23,
it will become the world's largest by
virtually ail major standards of the
industry. It was bankrolled almost
exclusively by a $200 million gift from
Home Depot Inc. co-founder Bernie
Shaped like an abstract cruise ship
looming over downtown Atlanta's
Centennial Olympic Park, the
aquarium is expected to attract as
many as 2 million visitors in its first
The aquarium was designed to hold
8 million gallons of water and be
home to more than 100,000 fish.
By comparison, Shedd Aquarium in
Chicago - the nation's largest indoor
aquarium for decades - has 5 million
gallons and about 20,000 fish.
The Atlanta aquarium's pair of juvenile
whale sharks characterized by their
streamlined bodies and depressed,
broad and flattened heads could
grow to more than 40 feet long, giving
visitors a rare glimpse at the world's
largest fish. At the time they arrived
at the aquarium In June from Taiwan,
one was measured at 1512 feet and
the other at 13 feet.
Also featured will be five beluga
whales, two of them rescued from
an amusement park in Mexico, in an
800,000-gallon tank.
The unusual fish on display,
presentations that will include
computer-generated images,
spotlights and music and the sheer
size of the project have aquarium
officials around the world buzzing
and even jealous, said Kristin
Vehrs, interim executive director of
the American Zoo and Aquarium
But not everyone Is happy.
A handful of animal rights groups
protested the plan to display whale
sharks, saying the giant animals
are more likely to die young in
captivity. Aquarium officials and some
independent biologists say those
fears are based on old statistics and
say the aquarium's whale sharks were
destined to become seafood when
they were acquired.
Some Atlanta-area residents are
complaining about the ticket prices
and lack of a family pass. For a family
of five, the cost of individual annual
passes will be nearly $250, while
one-day general admission would
run $96.50. For a single adult, a one-
day pass is $22.75. For children, a
one-day ticket Is $17.
Planners say visitors will consider
the price a bargain when they see
what's in store. More than 40,000
annual passes have been sold,
including 8,000 on the first day they
were available.
U.S. operation kills 37 Insurgents
- blast outside Green Zone kills
two South Africans
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - U.S. and Iraqi
troops trying to stem the flow of
insurgent fighters from Syria launched
a dawn assault Monday on a border
town, killing 37 militants
Police in Baghdad said a car bomb
detonated near one of their patrols
outside a gate leading into the fortified
Green Zone, killing two South Africans.
Operation Steel Curtain entered a
new phase when U.S. and Iraqi forces
moved into the Euphrates River valley
town of Obeidi, about 185 miles west
of Baghdad.
"Five targets were struck by coalition
airstrikes resulting in an estimated 37
insurgents killed. The insurgents were
engaging coalition forces with small
arms fire at the time of the strikes the
statement said. "Preliminary reports
indicate an estimated 25 Insurgents
have already been captured and are
currently detained
The troops assigned to the 2nd
Marine Division have already fought
their way through two neighboring
towns, Husaybah and Karabilah. U.S.
forces believe the border towns have
been an entry point for insurgent
fighters and weapons into Iraq.
The Baghdad blast killed two
South Africans and wounded
three others working for a State
Department security contractor,
DynCorp International, U.S. Embassy
spokeswoman Elizabeth Cotton said.
The blast was followed by small arms
fire and billowing black smoke that
could be seen across the city.
The blast apparently targeted a
convoy leaving the Green Zone, the
headquarters ofthe Iraqi government
and U.S. forces in Iraq.
The blast occurred near the Iranian
Embassy, about 100 yards north
of the Green Zone gate, which is
surrounded with blast walls. Two
Apache attack helicopters were
soon flying over the scene as the
smoke cleared and sporadic gunfire
continued in the area.
On most days in Baghdad, at least
one car bomb detonates in the city,
mostly targeting Iraqi security services
or U.S. troops. Direct attacks on the
Green Zone are relatively rare.
In the western town of Ramadi, a
Sunni stronghold, a roadside bomb
detonated shortly after a U.S. patrol
passed, destroying two buses and
killing five civilians and wounding 20
others, police Capt. Nasslr Al-Alousi
The attacks followed demands by
Sunni Arab politicians for an end to U.S.
and Iraqi military operations, claiming
they threaten Sunni participation in
the Dec. 15 parliamentary elections
a key U.S. goal. The U.S. command
also announced Sunday the deaths
of three more American troops.
U.S. commanders have said
offensives, especially those in the
western province of Anbar near
the Syrian border, are aimed at
encouraging Sunni Arabs to vote next
month without fear of intimidation by
insurgents opposed to the political
Unclogging heart arteries
becoming popular treatment
DALLAS (AP) � It hasn't
become quite as routine as
having your teeth cleaned, but
a growing number of people
are going to hospitals to get
their heart arteries unclogged
and going home the same day.
New research presented Sunday
at an American I leart Association
conference suggests the approach
is safe. It found complications
were no greater in people who
went home a few hours after
having angioplasty than in those
who were hospitalized overnight.
Doctors have been reluctant to
adopt the outpatient method but
"this is the kind of study that's going
to turn the trend said Dr. Timothy
Gardner, a Delaware cardiologist
who heads the meeting committee
but had no role in the research.
"Insurers are getting
cranky" about hospital costs
and will be enthused about
ways to cut them, he said.
Patients, however, might not
like being rushed out the door.
Some may view it as the cardiac-
equivalent of "drive-through
deliveries where new moms are
sent home the day they give birth.
Angioplasty is one of the
most common medical tech-
niques in the world. About
600,000 are done each year
in the United States alone.
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Through an artery in the leg
near the groin, doctors snake a
tube to blockages that are clog-
ging vessels and preventing them
from supplying enough blood
to the heart. A tiny balloon is
inflated to flatten the crud, and a
mesh scaffold called a stent is left
behind to prop the artery open.
Two kinds of complications
can occur: bleeding from the leg
incision and reclogging of the
heart artery.
To avoid the first type,
Canadian researchers led by Dr.
Olivier Bertrand of Laval Hospi-
tal Research Center in Quebec
did angioplasty a different way
- using an artery in the arm near
the wrist instead of one in the leg
- which greatly reduces bleeding.
Next, they tested the need to
keep patients overnight by giving
half of those in the study a single
dose of anti-clotting medication
and sending them home 4 to 6
hours afterward. The other half got
standard treatment: the single dose
plus a 12-hour intravenous one
given overnight in the hospital.
Six months later, the rates of
major bleeding, heart attacks or
need for repeat procedures to treat
blockages were nearly identical
in the two groups: 30 among the
504 patients given the single drug
dose versus 28 in the other 501.
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bUSh from page At
growing international pro-
file makes it the regional
"The danger is that the region
perceives China being more of a
leader she said. "It does make
the region nervous. They want
the U.S. to stay engaged as they
do in Japan
Bush's first stop is Japan.
Japanese Prime Minister
iJunichiro has been eager to
� cozy up to Washington, and
� his popularity has not suffered
� despite Bush's popularity woes
at home and abroad. One hurdle
could be U.S. hopes to get a ban
on beef imports lifted two years
after it was imposed because
of concerns about mad cow
Bush then heads to South
Korea for APEC summit talks
on the group's goal of establish-
ing free trade between member
economies by 2020.
He said last week he would
be representing workers and
business along with the United
States in the talks. In a nod to glo-
balization opponents, he said the
meeting "will also help us work
together to alleviate poverty
Senior officials from the 21
participating countries agreed
Sunday that their leaders must
issue a "powerful statement" at
the annual summit to try to save
stalled global trade talks from
collapse and intensify measures
to fight threats such as terrorism
and a possible flu pandemic.
Bush also will meet
separately with South Korean
President Roh Moo-hyun, elected
in 2002 on promises he would
not "kowtow" to Washington.
South Korea has differed with
Washington over covering costs
of American troops stationed
in South Korea and U.S. plans
for the soldiers to become a
regional force.
Heading to China, Bush
is expected to deliver muted
criticism about Beijing's
human rights policies and call
for tougher measures against
copyright violations. The White
House irked China before
the trip when Bush met the
Dalai Lama and the administra-
tion released a report labeling
Beijing a serious violator of reli-
gious freedom.
"We urge the U.S. govern-
ment to stop interfering in
China's religious affairs Chi-
nese Foreign Ministry spokes-
man Liu Jianchao responded.
Beijing opposes meetings
with the Dalai Lama, whom
Liu called "a political exile
who undertakes secessionist
activities abroad
Bush's last stop is Mongolia,
where he will be the first sitting
U.S. president to visit. The land-
locked country has reached out
to the United States to avoid the
sway of big neighbors China and
Russia, sending 120 troops to Iraq
and about 50 to Afghanistan. The
visit will last just a few hours.
"They're going to love him in
Mongolia he may want to stay
three days Cossa said.
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Page A3 252.328.9238
JENNIFER L HOBBS Editor in Chief
WEDNESDAY November 15, 2005
Our View
There is nothing
wrong with being a
'dork who studies
all the time'
Honor Roll, Dean's List, Chancellor's List, Cum
Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum
Laude Do these terms sound familiar to
you? They probably won't if you are a student
who doesn't study enough.
The aforementioned titles are acknowledge-
ments of those who have achieved academic
success over the course of a semester and
through the course of undergraduate career.
They have high requirements, not the least
of which include getting grades higher than
a "C once in a great day. These distinctions
are the kind of things employers and gradu-
ate school admission officers look for when
they offer jobs or admission. However, it has
become the case that anyone who puts forth
the effort needed to achieve such recogni-
tions is considered a "dork who studies all the
time Not all of our readers are such cynics
but there are still some who think studying,
rather than indulging in mindless pleasure,
is the fine art of a dork. The funniest thing of
all is that some think they will finish school
and become lavish entrepreneurs or even
big shots in the government.
We at TEC do not wish to start a diatribe
on how partying is bad but we would like
to remind you what your role is. You are
college students and the state of North
Carolina has taken it upon itself to subsidize
your education for you to occupy yourselves
as students. The government has a lot of
money constantly tied up in higher education
and they expect to get something out of the
investment. Moreover, the taxpayers do.
Oh, if the taxpayers knew how much you
waste? Perhaps TEC should tell them? Just
kidding, we will not do that. We are your
friends still.
On the other hand, you make us look good.
Some of us are dorks who study all the time
and our self-esteem would be crippled with-
out your pitiful attempts to show up to class
twice a week. Cheers to you, we would be
average at best without you.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Chris Munler Zack Hill
News Editor Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Murnane
Features Editor Asst. Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefleld
Head Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Photo Editor
Alexander Marclnlak
Web Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Rachael Loner
Asst. Photo Editor
Dustln Jones
Asst. Web Editor
Edward McKIm
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to editor( or to The East
Carolinian, SelfHelp Building, Greenville, NC 27858-
4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more information. One
copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is 81.
Pirate Rant
Opinion Columnist
Is anyone willing to step up to the plate?
looking for a few, or one,
brave person'
Wanted: Opinion Columnist
for ECU college newspaper, The
East Carolinian. Do not need to
be Journalism major, but good
writing skills are essential. Prefer
applicant with strong Conserva-
tive beliefs so as to counteract
inherent Liberal slant in the
media and on campus. Success-
ful applicant must possess the
1. Strong moral character and
courage of convictions.
2. Ability to communicate
ideas and beliefs concisely.
3. Desire to re-educate the
masses that have been brain-
washed by 12 years of Liberal
fallacies taught in school.
4. Must be willing to stand up
to possible retaliation or retribution
from Liberal professors, graduate
students andor general faculty.
5. Must have excellent self
image and be capable of with-
standing the predictable, and
inevitable, Liberal attacks that
substitute for informed debate
these days. These attacks will
include, but not be limited to
calling into question your intel-
ligence, parentage and heritage.
There may also be charges of
hatemonger, warmonger, racism,
sexism and every other conceiv-
able "ism homophobia, being
"trailer trash not thinking
"correctly" and being out of
touch with the "mainstream
Additionally, there will be untold
Letters to the Editor and online
comments saying you should be
fired, thrown into prison, drawn
and quartered, etc.
All interested applicants
should contact the Editor for
further information.
(Let me make one thing
perfectly clear to all you liti-
gious souls out there, this "Help
Wanted" announcement is my
doing and is not an official TEC
announcement. Better luck next
This announcement serves
a threefold purpose. First, it
lets everyone know that it's not
as easy to do what I do as you
may have thought and second,
it lets everyone know that I will
eventually have to leave these
hallowed halls and go make an
honest living. I won't be leav-
ing for a while though, so don't
start partying yet. I just like to
plan ahead. Third, it provides
the perfect segue into this week's
column. Imagine that.
There is a corrosive atmo-
sphere of fear, anxiety and
oppression here at ECU, as well as
almost every college in this coun-
try. Unproven theories are taught
as fact while viable, proven
alternatives are glossed over or
ignored. Bigotry, intolerance and
hatred are daily displayed, even
encouraged, in classrooms and
all over campus.
Long standing, morally sound
thoughts, feelings and actions are
criticized and ridiculed while
immorality and catchy fads are
praised and glorified. Laws of
the land are selectively ignored,
or they are enforced only when
it would be an embarrassment to
not do so. Honest, open debate is
nearly impossible. The suppres-
sion of free speech is rampant
and officially sanctioned. God,
and (certain) religious beliefs, are
passed off as "superstitions" for
the unenlightened masses.
This, I am sorry to say, is the
college experience for anyone of
other than the Liberal persua-
sion. This category includes,
Conservatives, Libertarians,
liberals who believe in God and
all other poor souls who do not
profess belief in all Liberal causes.
To be a non-Liberal on a college
campus today is to be a pariah
among your peers. At best you
are viewed as an oddity, a mis-
guided anachronism. At worst
you are openly attacked for what
you believe.
Non-Liberals are expected
to sit quietly while mass infan-
ticide is passed off as a matter
of "choice similar to deciding
which job offer to accept. To
disagree carries the risk of severe
ridicule and righteous outrage.
Non-Liberals are not allowed
to object to being told that humans
oozed from the sea or that God
was created by cavemen as a way
to explain the thunder without
suffering incredulous looks and
(not so) muted laughter.
If a non-Liberal were to men-
tion that Global Warming is just
a theory, unproven and disputed
In My Opinion
(KRT) � The two of us were
born more than SO years and
nearly 160 miles apart. But we
are connected to each other
- and to our fellow Americans
- in ways that transcend age and
Both of us are Army veter-
ans, born and raised in Kansas.
And both of us nearly lost our
lives on the battlefield. We were
wounded near Castel d'Aiano,
Italy, on April 14, 1945, and in
Ramadi, Iraq, on April 6, 2004.
We were struck down by Italian
bullets and Iraqi rocket propelled
These connections of mili-
tary experience, circumstance
and history, are eternally mean-
ingful for the two of us and for
millions of other veterans. On
this Veterans Day, when we
honor our brothers in arms, we
also pay tribute to Americans on
the home front, to the enduring
power of their letters and their
packages and to the transcen-
dent grace of their gratitude and
Support the troops.
It is a noble idea, and a long-
standing American tradition. At
its simplest, it means getting a
letter from home. In World War
II, letters that arrived in a week
were considered speedy. Today
anyone can go online to http: to
send a letter to a soldier instantly.
That Web site, created by the
Department of Defense, links
Americans who are doing some-
thing to support the troops,
amplifying the impact of their
efforts. In military lingo, it's a
"force multiplier" for those on
the home front.
Few things were more dis-
heartening for a soldier in World
War II than to go to mail call
every day and come back empty-
handed. In Iraq today, even
soldiers without families back
home get boxes of letters from
Americans in every corner" of the
country. In the lonely, stressful
nights of war, notes from com-
plete strangers are a connection
to home, a reminder to our
military that their service means
Back in World War II, we
were lucky to get "goodie" pack-
ages filled with sunflower seeds,
candy, oranges or even shoes.
They had been bought by parents
and neighbors with their own
food coupons, or with nickels
and dimes collected in cigar
boxes on drugstore counters.
Today an America Supports You
member organization like St.
Louis-based a "Soldier's Wish
List" (
sends soldiers cookies, DVDs,
phone cards, video games and
even toothbrushes.
In the sober context of war,
even the smallest token of care
and concern means so much.
Both of us had to recover from
life-altering injuries. We know
personally that recovery and
rehabilitation are as much emo-
tional challenges as physical
ones. The extraordinary kindness
of ordinary Americans reminded
us that despite the damage done
to our bodies, we were still
whole people whose sacrifice
We share an even deeper con-
nection with all of you who let us
know - then and now - that you
support the troops.
That's as true today as it was
50 years ago. And just as neces-
by many reputable and highly
respected scientists, the chorus
of "boos" and "that's a lie" would
be deafening.
Were a non-Liberal to openly
espouse a belief in God, praise
the Christian faith or, conversely,
point out that the Muslim faith
is a prime breeding ground for
religious fanatics, the objections
would be heard throughout the
building. And were that same
non-Liberal to attempt to justify
their statements with facts, the
uproar and shouts of "intoler-
ance" and "hate speech" may well
register on the Richter scale.
And God help the poor non-
Liberal who factually points out
that offering benefits and other
rights of citizenship to illegal
immigrants is nothing more than
supporting breaking the law! The
reception to that would be even
worse than pointing out that
the Liberal faculty and student
body at ECU are blatant hypo-
crites who believe they are above
the law. (This last was proven,
much to the chagrin of many.
It was pointed out that the vast
majority of people drinking at
Halloween celebrations, Greek
parties, New Years celebrations,
etc. were under the legal age,
yet these actions are allowed to
continue and the laws are not
The obvious bigotry and intol-
erance towards non-Liberals is
nowhere more apparent than in
the cynically named "Free Speech
Zone There, put on display like
some side show freak, non-Liber-
als are graciously "allowed" to
utter non-approved thoughts,
supposedly without fear or retri-
bution. As long as they "stay in
their place" that is.
This is what being a non-
Liberal at ECU and other colleges
entails. This is what anyone
brave, or foolish, enough to
openly challenge the system will
face. At a minimum. So, how
about it?
Does anyone out there feel
they can handle the abuse,
hatred, bigotry and intolerance
that will come your way for
speaking your mind and putting
your thoughts on paper? If you
think you have what it takes,
contact Jennifer Hobbs, editor
extraordinaire, at T�(
Good luck and God Bless.
Some of our troops don't even know why they're
overseas. So how on earth do you expect civilians to
To the person who thinks that just because a guy takes a
female home he likes her: no, he took her home because
he wanted to have sex with her. There's a difference.
You don't necessarily have to like someone to have
sex with him or her. Maybe he liked her body doesn't
mean he liked her personality. Most girls could find
someone to go home with any night of the week if
they wanted, but that doesn't mean he's going to call
the next day!
My professor said "urn" 250 times in a 20-minute
The rants have been a bit lame lately 1 think it is
time to end the madness about the whole earring in
the bed fiasco. I bet it's the same person responding
to their own rants to keep that mess going Let's find
something new to rant about. Thanks!
"What's so heroic about having a child and not taking
care of him or her?" It's called adoption genius!
1 have no idea about what has happened to Greenville
in the past 24 hours. We have had a student shot and
several people assaulted.
To the guy who arrives to class late everyday because
you have to "go through hell" to park a mile away, and
then you distract everyone in the class and tell them
to take their meds and mind their own business. Why
don't you just save up about $75 and get a C-pass and
take the bus. That way, you're on time, and your
classmates aren't distracted.
When you are alone in a group room in the library,
and a group asks for the room, get out! Policy is on
the group's side and we don't want security to escort
you out again.
You cannot turn left on red at any point In time, espe-
cially not when someone is crossing the road! Please
learn to drive!
Girls, how many times must I tell you, friends are
much more important than boys! Stop messing with
him, he's a sketchball.
Isn't it crazy how much stores and television commer-
cials are already promoting Christmas when Thanks-
giving hasn't even got here yet? Happy holidays!
I love everything about college life, the food, freedom,
clubs and organizations, the freebies, new faces, dorm
life but there is no place like home.
Thanks ECU for my highly marketable degree, I could
have never landed this awesome job selling cell phones
without it.
If you say that you're my friend, than act like it. Don't
smile in my face and curse me behind my back. Trust
me, you will reap what you sew.
To all the girls who wear their mini skirts with sweaters
and boots, do us all a favor and pick a season.
I can't wait to be a sophomore next year so I can reg-
ister for my classes earlier - instead of waiting for the
day that goes with the last digit of my social security
Most of my best and my most trustworthy friends in
the world aren't straight so what does that tell you
about the straight population?
Maybe girls wouldn't have to complain about mixed
signals if guys would just step up to the plate and
express themselves. We are all human.
To the person who came to ECU" just to party - how
about you leave and stop wasting your parent's money
by partying. Then the problem will be fixed.
OK, the percussion water wall is the best piece of art I
have ever seen. But please someone clean it! It's been
looking really nasty lately!
Amen to the rant about people smoking at the
entrances to buildings.
To all you drivers who cut through the road between
Miami Subs and East Coast Music, trying to get to
Charles Blvd. learn your driving rules! It is a two way
stop. I don't care how long you have been sitting at
the stop sign. If I am going straight you must yield! I
am tired of almost being hit everyday.
Why does the Communication Department at ECU
force me to do volunteer work, I could be using that
time to look for a job!
To the guy on Monday who stopped by the Health
building to ask me if I was OK, I know I said I was,
but 1 wasn't. Your simple compassion made me have
some hope for humanity. When I said thanks I really
meant it. Thank you.
Is it just me or does it seem like at least five cars run
every stoplight in Greenville?
Why is it when there are plenty of sidewalks, bikers still
ride on the street and almost cause accidents?
Please don't take time to talk to the teacher about your
flight you have to take, or why you won't be here after
class. I don't pay money to listen to why your life is
hectic and stressful, and I guarantee mine is right up
there with yours.
I'm so sick and tired of being the only one who talks
in my class. You all need to open your mouths and
show that there is cognition in there somewhere. And
don't look at me like I'm weird just because I talk a lot,
I contribute.
What's happened with WZMB this semester?
Wow! I was privileged enough to pay $9.06 for a drink,
a bag of chips, and a nasty wrap that was more lettuce
than anything else. I could have gone to McD's and
got 3 Big Macs, which would have surely tasted better.
Wright Plaza needs to rethink the prices that they
charge students for food.
hlitor's Nate: Tlie Tirate Rant b an mwumumi way for students and staff in tin
EtW community to mice their opinions. Submissions can be submitted aituiymously
online at, or e-mailed to edltorwtheeaslcarollnian
ami. The editor reserves the right to edit opinions for content and brevity

Page A4 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
TUESDAY November 15, 2005
Picks o? the Week:
Beavis and Butthead Do America
I forgot just how tunny this movie is
until I saw it on VH1 the other day.
Although the main characters have
the combined IQ of a bathtub, their
stupidity and immaturity is always
good for a giggle. With the stress of
holiday shopping and the semester
coming to an end, loosen up and
watch our favorite MTV personalities.
If this movie isn't enough, their DVD
series was just released as well.
Madonna's Confessions on a Dance
Floor - Her long awaited release
drops today, and from what I've heard,
this album is enough to make anyone
want to get up and dance. In an MTV
interview, Madonna labeled her new
CD as "future disco' but regardless of
whatever ridiculous name she comes
up with, it's fun and catchy. My favorite
track - "Get Together
Local Concerts:
Converge - Darkest Hour and The
Red Chord will be at Cats Cradle in
Carrboro Thursday, Nov. 17.
Mae, Circa Survive and Mutemath
will be at the Tremont Music Hall in
Charlotte Friday, Nov. 18.
311 will be at the House of Blues in
Myrtle Beach, SC Saturday, Nov. 26.
T.I. and Young Jeezy will be performing
at the Cricket Arena in Charlotte
Saturday, Dec. 3.
Ryan Cabrera will be at The NorVa in
Norfolk, Va. Saturday. Dec. 3.
U2 will be at the Charlotte Bobcats
Arena Monday, Dec. 12.
Saves the Day Senses Fail and The
Early November will be at The NorVa
in Norfolk, Va. Wednesday, Dec. 14.
Dolly Parton will be at the Charlotte
Bobcats Arena Thursday, Dec. 15.
Clay Alken will be performing at the RBC
Center in Raleigh Thursday, Dec. 22.
Names In the News:
Fiddy's Problems
First came protests against 50
Cent's semi-autobiographical flick,
Get Rich or Die Tryin because
billboards feature the rap megastar
with a gun in one hand. Then came
the lukewarm reviews. And now,
there's been a shooting in a movie
theater after a screening of the film
in Homestead, Pa leading to a man's
death. Allegheny County police said
Shelton Rowers, 30, died after being
shot at least three times Wednesday
in the concession area. Officers said
that after seeing the film, Flowers
argued with a group of men in the
restroom. The ensuing fight spilled
out to the concession area. The
operators of the Loews cinema east
of Pittsburgh have pulled the film
while the investigation is under way.
No arrests so far.
Bio-Flick Flac Part II
Moviegoers probably won't have
to dodge bullets after seeing Walk
the Line, about Johnny Cash. This
one's getting great reviews not
just from Kathy Cash, one of the
country legend's five children. People
magazine says Kathy was so upset at
how her mother, Vivian Liberto Distln,
Johnny's first wife, was depicted in
the film that she walked out of a
private screening five times. "My mom
was basically a nonentity in the entire
film except for the mad little psycho
who hated his career. That's not true.
She loved his career and was proud
of him until he started taking drugs
and stopped coming home said
Kathy Cash. "The Man in Black's"
daughter must have seen enough of
the film to judge the acting, though.
She praised the performances of
Joaquin Phoenix, as her dad, and
Reese Witherspoon as his second
wife, June Carter Cash. Johnny Cash
died Sept. 12,2003, at 71.
Model Talk
Veteran catwalk stompers Tyra Banks
and Naomi Campbell have made up
again! You'll even be able to catch
supermodel Campbell on supermodel
Banks' syndicated talk show. No date
for the show yet. But the New York
Daily News says the grown-up glam
girls hugged backstage at the taping
of the Victoria's Secret fashion show
and agreed the tiresome feud was
mostly a script manufactured by
model handlers to create drama
between the two black fashion stars.
The show was Banks' final strut on
the Victoria's Secret catwalk, which
is popular among TV viewers for Its
uncanny ability to get away with near-
nakedness on the tube. Banks, 31,
has found success with her other TV
projects - her new talk show and the
popular "America's Next Top Model"
She has joined the ranks of celebs
who get "E! True Hollywood" stories
- hers will be at 8 p.m. EST Sunday.
are coming, get some good sleep
Keys to getting better quality sleep
through the night
College students are in the age group most sus-
ceptible to sleep deprivation. Staying up into the wee
hours of the morning, waking before the sun rises
and pulling "all nighters" have become a common-
ality for students. Although it is impossible in most
cases to devote more time to sleeping, there are ways
to take advantage of the sleep that you are getting.
One of the most important steps in getting the
most out of a night of sleep is establishing a routine.
If you go to bed around the same time every night,
your body will adjust to the cycle you have created,
thus you will be able to fall asleep faster than if you
go to sleep at a different time every night.
For college students, setting a bedtime might,
seem like an impossible task, but the feeling of
refreshment is well worth it. Another easy way to
get the most out of a good night's sleep is by banish-
ing caffeine from your diet for several hours before
bed. Drinking or eating anything with caffeine
alerts your body and doing so right before bed could
keep you up hours longer than planned.
Drinking alcohol before going to bed may help
you fall asleep faster, but the problems associated
with it ensure that you will wake several times
during the night. Stay away from alcoholic bev-
erages if you want to devote a full night to sleep
because it will leave you tossing and turning for a
good part of the night. Not to mention getting up
to go to the bathroom for a variety of reasons.
Use your bed only for sleeping. If your body
associates your bed with doing other activities such
as studying or watching television, it may become
harder for you to fall asleep. Only sleeping on your
bed allows you body to recognize that it is time to
sleep when you lay down, therefore causing you
to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Try
buying a comfy, collapsible chair to sit in when
you are studying or watching TV so that you can
still have somewhere comfortable to sit but it will
be somewhere that doesn't take up too much room
Around exam time, students are caught napping all over campus due to Inadequate, Ineffective sleep.
and will not disrupt your sleep patterns.
Do you ever sleep with the television or computer
on all night long? Well leaving these two things on
can deplete the quality of sleep you are getting. The
light from them keeps you from achieving a deep
sleep, which is needed to feel rested and rejuvenated
the next morning. This deep sleep, which is called
rapid eye movement sleep, is where the feeling of
being rested actually comes from. If you disrupt it,
your body will not feel much rest.
A common misconception is that working out
right before bedtime will tire you out, thus help
you fall asleep quicker. Working out just before
going to bed wakes up your body and causes you
to stay awake longer. You should work out a couple
of hours before bed in order to give your body to
proper amount of time to calm down so that you
can fall asleep when you are ready to sleep, rather
than when you are able.
With exams coming up and final projects
being due students are more likely to become
even more sleep deprived than ever in the coming
weeks. However, by making these adjustments
to their routine students can get the most out of
their sleep. You are busy and need rest, even if it
seems like you don't have the time.
Think about it this way - if you take some time
each day for sleep, you will have a lesser chance
of getting sick. Preventing illness will help you
avoid having to waste two days or more getting
well again. Oh what efficiency.
This writer can be contacted at
NAMI is here to help students with tough situations
ECU Grass Roots
organization for the
mentally ill
The National Alliance for
the Mentally 111 is an ECU
student organization that has
been on campus for just about
a year now. With ECU seeing
Its fair share of suicides, a
group of students and faculty
members thought it was time
to bring a new support group
to the campus.
NAMI is a large organi-
zation at many campuses
across the United States and
the world. NAMI is a support,
education and advocacy group
for students with any mental
illness ranging from major
clinical depression to anorexia.
The organization was started
by Olivia Murray an Eng-
lish professor at ECU, Erick
Smithwick a graduate student
and a few concerned students.
"I felt the need to start a NAMI
chapter at ECU because I had
an unpleasant experience with
the administration and how
students with mental illnesses
at ECU had no voice. I felt a
need for change. Even if we can
prevent one student from com-
mitting suicide I feel like we've
made a difference. I'm doing
what I feel I need to do to help
students. I will do everything I
can to make a difference said
Erick Smithwick, NAMI president.
The NAMI chapter at ECU
was the first NAMI chapter in
the state of North Carolina.
NAMI received a national
award for being the first affili-
ate in the state and will be the
model for the other 15 universi-
ties in the NC school system.
UNC-Chapel Hill is the
next university with plans
for a NAMI organization.
NAMI holds meetings the
first Thursday of every month
at the Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center at 6:30 p.m. Students with
mental illnesses are encouraged
to come. The organization is open
to everyone including faculty.
"The meetings are a time for
learning. We get a lot of our infor-
mation and literature from the
NAMI office in Raleigh, NC. At
most meetings we have a speaker
that comes to talk about a certain
illness. Then we sometimes have
a discussion if anyone wants to
share their problems. Everything
said at meetings is kept confiden-
tial said Olivia Murray, faculty
advisor and English professor.
NAMI's meetings last about
an hour and begin with the
organizations policies by the
president Mr. Smithwick. The
group wants to get their name
out more on ECU'S campus and
want members who are commit-
ted to the purpose of NAMI. The
founders are not counselors but
solely a support unit.
"We are not counselors we
just provide support for the
emotional needs of the students.
Everything is confidential and
we want students to know that
r ii 1
The NAMI members pictured above are student counselors.
this is a safe venue for them to
come to Smithwick said.
They are very passion-
ate about helping people
and educating about the
illnesses students have.
"With finals coming up
soon this can be a very stressful
time especially for freshman
and we want students to know
that we are here to help and
to listen. NAMI is a place they
can count on Murray said.
This writer can be contacted at
Survival of the fittest: Week six
Pirate Underground Is famous for all of their great concerts that are available to students free of charge.
Free rock concert on campus
Kristin Day is riding the exercise bike, Kristin Mumane is on the stair
climber and Ed McKim Is on the treadmill, all burning calories furiously.
The Underground rocks
with a vengeance
We're almost finished
with our semester of fun
I'm going to start this article
off by proving a fitness myth
wrong. Some people say that after
working out for a certain amount
of time your muscles won't ache
afterwards, totally wrong. We've
been doing this survival of the
fittest fitness program for more
than a month now and I'm still
aching like it's the first time I've
stepped on a stair climber.
This week, while not as hard-
core as sprinting around campus
like our last session, was still
beneficial. Kristin Day, Ed and I
spent our personal trainer time
in a private fitness room where
we alternated time on the tread-
mill, stair climber and exercise
bike. Talk about giving your legs
see SURVIVAL page A5
Local music at ECU gets
another kick in the pants
Wednesday, Nov. 16 when the
Student Union's Popular Enter-
tainment Committee presents
a hard rock show starting at 7
p.m. in the Pirate Underground.
Showbrcad, a group from Tooth
and NailSolid State Records, will
headline, and opening bands
will be Forever Changed and
Yesterday's Rising as part of the
"Kings of Krunk" tour.
Showbread is a seven-person
group that pushes a kind of music
that they call "raw rock Their
album No Sir, Nihilism is Not
Practical showcases the popular
song "Mouth Like a Magazine"
which has been heard in campus
radio rotations throughout the
nation. The album's loud rock
music mixes In topics from love
to Christianity to Franz Kafka.
Their style is a thing to be
witnessed, as their Web site
describes a powerful lineup of
adrenaline junkie rockers. Their
sets are described on the site as
"seven equally energetic bodies
swarming the stage like a mul-
titude of angry bees, propelling
their guitars, shaking their hips
and leading the audience to sing
and dance-alongs galore
The group had a very interest-
ing beginning, having begun as
a praise band. They were actu-
ally kicked out of their church
for playing loud music, and
they went to a punk rock genre
and from there have grown
into red and black-wearing
distributors of rock that they
push like a revolution anthem.
Forever Changed is a group
from Florida that is placed In
the "emo" category. Reasonably
so, James Paul Wisner, who has
also worked with Further Seems
Forever and Dashboard Confes-
sional, and was released on Flood-
gate Records, produced their
album The Need to Feel Alive.
The album has been out since
see ROCK page AS

5, 2005
p and
e they
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if charge.
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ere actu-
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sic, and
ck genre
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a group
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who has
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aut since
page A5
bUTVIVdl from page A4
a workout. After seven minutes
on the stair climber, I officially
lost all feeling in my lower half.
In between our time on the
machines we did various exer-
cises to tone our arms, thighs
and midsectlon. I found exer-
cises like squats and crunches
easier since we've been doing
these consistently for the last
several weeks, but I'm still
having trouble with anything
involving my weak little arms.
We've had a steady rotation
of our two main trainers, Nathan
and Warren, which is advanta-
geous because each has their
own style of training and they
each have different ideas and
exercises. So I was sad to hear that
Warren might not be training us
anymore because his internship
with the SRC is over. I hope he
stops by for a future session, even
if he's ust there to tell us how
exhausted we look.
This week I also decided to
go to a group fitness class called
Gravity. I thought that I'd show
Kristin Day that she's not the
only one who can go to classes,
but my main reason for going
was because our trainer Nathan
was the instructor. Now ladies,
let me warn you, he may look
cute on the outside, but inside
his true desire is to kick your butt.
Gravity is a SO-minute class,
which is basically a combination
of aerobics, weight training and
Pilates. The class starts with a
"warm up" of aerobic activities
before moving into lunges, squats
and stepping with weights. From
there, the majority of the time is
spent doing arm curls or bench
pressing type exercises. For those
of you who are really looking to
tone your body, I would highly
recommend this class.
From a personal standpoint,
I couldn't tell you if I've lost any
weight or not, mainly because
I'm not a huge fan of scales. I can
tell you that I've definitely devel-
oped some serious muscle mass.
My calves are like rocks and I've
noticed more muscle in my still
chubby tummy and thighs. My
main problem is my food intake.
I'm Italian and my diet consists
of pastas and other hearty meals.
We're supposed to meet with a
nutritionist, so I'm hoping that
will help me a bit. I've gained
more confidence and I really
enjoy going to the gym now, I've
just got to burn off the excess fat
so I can show off my new muscles.
This week I'll be attending
three other fitness classes, and I
encourage anyone else who reads
this to join me. It's a fun way to
burn off some calories and even
relax a bit. I'll admit that when
I showed up to the Gravity class
this week that I was a bit intimi-
dated because the majority of the
people in the class were skinny
and toned, but I felt better as
I watched some of them drop
like flies while Kristin Day, Ed
and I were still pumping out
squats and lunges. This week's
Gravity class is Thursday at 5:30
p.m. and I really encourage you
to attend. I know I'll be there.
This writer can be contacted at
ROCK from page A4
March and has experienced a
high level of success. As a young
band they've received praise
for being mature and popular
beyond their years (they've only
been together just over a year,
having formed in June of 2004).
The four-person group has been
mentioned at times as a Christian
band, but whatever you choose to
call them, you have to call them
talented. Their songs "Encoun-
ter" and "The Last Time" are
very skilled offerings from their
album, which can be ordered on
Myspace for seven bucks. Visit
their Web site at
foreverchanged to find out how.
The other group playing is
Yesterday's Rising, a post hard-
core rock band from Murrieta,
California which has played
major venues already, having
been on the 2004 Vans Warped
Tour. Their appearance made
them the youngest band ever on
the tour. The group of teenagers
played on the smart punk stage
and gained a pretty impressive
following with their hard rock
sound and loud screaming vocals.
Their album Lightworker released
in July after their EP, Ship of Rela-
tions sold more than 4,000 copies
in California. They will head-
line the Vans Warped Tour this
year. When you hear Yesterday's
Rising, listen out for their song
"My Body is Like a Metaphor
which captures the essence of
their hard rock sound.
The show Wednesday is free
so take a few hours from your
schedule to check out some up-
and-coming rock bands. If noth-
ing else, the shows promise high
energy rock that any connoisseur
of good music should enjoy.
This writer can be contacted at
features@theeas tcarolinian. com.
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"dose-related" improvement, meaning
that the caffeine was probably the cause
Areas where they improved
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U.S. and
reported in
Helen Lee
Paul Trap
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Sleep to keep weight off
Getting too little sleep at night may increase your waistline.
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Graphic: Elsebeth Nielsen
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Page A6 252.328.6366 TUNY Z0PP0 Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
TUESDAY November 15, 2005
Disastrous fourth quarter
dooms Pirates in Tulsa
BCS Rankings
2) Texas.9765
3) Alabama.8814
4) Miami (Fl.).8805
5) Penn State.8136
6) VA Tech.7540
8) Ohio State.6632
9) Georgia.6313
10) Oregon.6772
AP Top 25
2) Texas10-0
3) Miami (Fl.)8-1
5) Penn State9-1
6) Notre Dame7-2
7) VA Tech8-1
8) Alabama9-1
9) Ohio State8-2
10) Oregon9-1
11) Auburn8-2
12) UCLA9-1
14) Georgia7-2
IS) TCU10-1
16) Fresno St.8-1
17) Michigan7-3
18) Louisville7-2
19) South Carolina 7-3
20) Florida7-3
21) Texas Tech8-2
22) Florida St.7-3
23) Boston Coll.7-3
24) UTEP8-1
25) Wisconsin8-3
Coaches Poll
2) Texas10-0
3) Miami (Fl.)8-1
S) Penn State9-1
6) VA Tech8-1
7) Notre Dame7-2
8) Alabama9-1
9) Ohio State8-2
10) Oregon9-1
11) UCLA9-1
12) Auburn8-2
13) WVU8-1
14) Georgia7-2
IS) TCU10-1
16) Fresno St.8-1
17) Michigan7-3
18) Louisville7-2
19) Texas Tech8-2
20) Florida7-3
21) South Carolina 7-3
22) Florida St.7-3
23) Boston Coll.7-3
24) Wisconsin8-3
25) UTEP8-1 '
Sports Briefs
Kreutz broke Jaw In
Tarrlon Adams (25) runs past ECU'S Brett Clay (1) and Dashaun Stephens (42) into the end zone for a
Chicago Bears teammates Fred
Miller and Olin Kreutz admitted
Monday they were in a fight last
week in which Kreutz broke Miller's
jaw. Miller said in the locker room
as he apologized to his family, his
teammates and Kreutz. Details of
the fight were not clear, and neither
Kreutz or Miller would provide them.
Miller needed surgery last week after
initially saying he hurt his jaw in a fall
at his home. He missed Sunday's
game against the 49ers, ending a
stretch of 110 straight starts dating
back to 1998. He will also be sidelined
this Sunday when Carolina visits
Soldier Field. Kreutz, a four-time Pro
Bowl center, said he didn't know if
he could be punished by the team or
the league for the fight. Kreutz, who
is 6-foot-2, 292 pounds, and the 6-7,
320-pound Miller, an offensive tackle,
said they talked after the altercation.
Rodriguez beats Ortiz
for MVP
Alex Rodriguez won the American
League Most Valuable Player award
for the second time in three seasons,
beating David Ortiz on Monday in a
vote that rewarded a position player
over a designated hitter. Rodriguez, in
his second season as the New York
Yankees' third baseman, received 16
first-place votes, 11 seconds and one
third for 331 points from the Baseball
Writers' Association of America. Ortiz,
the DH for the Boston Red Sox, got 11
firsts and 17 seconds for 307 points.
Voting was done before the start of the
postseason, when both the Yankees
and Red Sox were eliminated in the
first round. Rodriguez hit .133 with no
RBIs in a five-game loss to the Angels
while Ortiz batted .333 with a home
run as the defending champion Red
Sox were swept by the Chicago White
Sox Rodriguez hit .321 with an AL-high
48 homers and 130 RBIs, breaking Joe
DiMaggio's 68-year-old Yankees record
for home runs by a right-handed hitter
(46). Ortiz batted .300 with 47 homers
and a major league-leading 148 RBIs.
Big Papi had 34 RBIs that put his team
ahead, the most in the AL, and had eight
RBIs from the seventh inning on that
put Boston ahead to stay. Rodriguez
became the first Yankees player to
win the award since Don Mattingry in
1985 and only the fourth player to win
an MVP with two teams, joining Bonds
(Pittsburgh and San Francisco), Jimmle
Foxx (Philadelphia Athletics and Red
Sox) and Frank Robinson (Cincinnati
and Baltimore).
Tulsa amasses 35 points in
final frame to down ECU
Illusions of vacationing in
Hawaii or bowling in the Bayou
faded into oblivion as ECU was
eliminated from bowl contention
by Tulsa 45-13 on Saturday.
Tulsa's 35 second-half points
left the Pirates (3-6, 2-4) scratch-
ing their heads trying to figure
out what exactly went awry. But
the Golden Hurricane scoring
barrage left more questions than
answers for enigmatic Pirates.
The frustration boiled over
into the post game press confer-
ence for first-year coach Skip
Holtz. The head coach assured
the media that he will take a "you
quit, you sit" mentality with his
"We play the competitors
said Holtz.
"We play the guys that want
to compete, the guys that want
to get in there and are willing
to roll their sleeves up. We don't
have a bowl game to play for right
now. A lot of things that we have
talked about, a lot of the dreams
and vision that we had at the
offset of the season are gone
Fighting a ferocious wind in
the first quarter, ECU wasn't able
to muster any type of offense.
touchdown Saturday afternoon.
Tulsa, with the 24 mile gusts at
their back and excellent field
position, developed two separate
five-play drives to take a quick
10-0 first quarter lead. It was
the eighth time this season that
ECU'S opponents have drawn
first blood.
"The first half was all about
the conditions said Holtz.
"The wind was really gusting
and was a huge factor
After the team's reversed
fields for the second quarter, ECU
reversed the momentum. Tulsa
(6-4, 5-2) became conservative
on offense allowing ECU to open
up their playbook.
Midway through the second-
quarter, Aundrae Allison caught
his seventh touchdown, a 26-
yarder from James Pinkney, on
the season. Allison's seven receiv-
see FOOTBALL page A7
'Believe to Achieve'
The Pirates are hoping to be nationally ranked in Division III Club Hockey after their win over CNU
Hockey fights to
6-1 for the season
Pirates down CNU 4-3 Saturday
The club ice hockey team must enjoy drama. No,
not that type of middle school cheerleading drama
where spats and arguments are the norm. Or even
the Must See TV type. The ragtag crew prefers the
old-fashioned nail biting cliffhanging variety.
ECUcontinuedtheir winning streak beatingChris-
topher Newport 4-3 in Greenville on Saturday. It was
the fourth consecutive win for a team in its infancy.
The Pirates took the home ice with a vengeance
after admittedly playing poorly during a recent Vir-
ginia road trip. Kevin Jarvies scored first, 5.19 into
the first period. Forward Daniel Hopkins recorded
his only assist on Jarvies' goal.
After the Captains responded with a first period
goal, Ian Falcon netted home a goal 5:48 left in
the second period. Twin brother Tyler Falcon and
Andrew Clark combined on the assist.
"This game showed the heart and determina-
tion that this team has said team president and
goalie Brent Falcon.
"Our confidence level at home is really high.
We know that even if we're down, we know we're
going to win at home
John Ciesco stopped 32 of Christopher Newport's was thesecondconsecutivegamethat
Ciesco saw the majority of the time between the posts.
Christopher Newport briefly took a 3-2 lead
early in the third period. ECU logged 30 penalty
minutes and was constantly battling off power plays
especially in the first two periods. Twice Christopher
Newport could not connect on two-men advan-
see HOCKEY page A7
SRC hosts ninth Annual
Adapted Sports Day
My expectations were high as
I walked into the Student Recre-
ation Center last Saturday. It was
the Ninth Annual Adapted Sports
Day at ECU, something I have
been looking forward to since I
attended last year's event.
Adapted Sports Day is an
event that is through the ARISE
program as well as the STARS
program at ECU. The event allows
Impaired students and members
of the community, as well as able-
bodied volunteers to participate
in numerous sports events and
Last year I attended this event
not knowing what to expect. I
had never participated in any
event of the sort, so I did not
know how I would feel about vol-
unteering. As it turned out I had
a great time and was counting
the days before this year's event
would take place once again.
As I entered the SRC, I once
again was in front of the familiar
volunteer tables. Last year I was
not sure about volunteering right
away, so I passed these tables and
went on into the rec-center. This
year I went straight to the table
and volunteered my assistance. I
signed my name on the volunteer
form and went on inside.
The introduction to the event
had already begun as I could hear
David Gaskins, associate director
of programs at the SRC, speaking
on the microphone in the back
courts of the rec-center.
Gaskins welcomed everyone
to the event as well as recognized
everyone that made the event
possible. As 1 looked around the
area I recognized a few familiar
faces of participants and volun-
teers. It felt good to see the faces
again, as well as recognizing a
few new ones.
Rudy Garcia-Tolson was the
guest speaker at this year's event.
Rudy is a double above-the-knee
amputee that overcame many
obstacles in his life to break many
swimming and track records and
not only participate in the 2004
Paralympic Games but brought
home a gold medal.
After the introduction,
the games and events offi-
cially began. Wheelchair vol-
leyball, wheelchair basketball,
wheelchair dodgeball, the climb-
ing wall and badminton took
place among the courts of the
I was anxious to get a look
at the obstacle course this year.
Last year I nearly passed out
when I tried this event due to
the amount of energy it took
for me to go around the course.
This year the course was much
longer. There were more obstacles
to overcome, and I knew there
would be no way that I would be
able to get around this course this
time. Instead I watched other par-
ticipants make there way around
the course, cheering them on
as they attempted to beat each
other's time.
I continued to walk around
the rec-center until it was finally
time for Garcia-Tolson to speak.
I made my way to the back of
the building where everyone
had already gathered in antici-
There as a video that played
before the speech that showed
Garcia-Tolson win his gold medal
in at the paralympic games. The
video brought goosebumps all
down my arms as I saw Garcia-
Urimir, I
Set the pace,
bright new h
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FOOtball from page A6
ing touchdowns are tied for
fourth in C-USA. Pinkney rushed
for gains of 16 and 10 yards on
the eight-play, 78 yard drive.
On the next ECU drive, Alli-
son rifled a tight 41-yard spiral
to fellow wideout Bobby Good.
The bomb was the first comple-
tion of Allison's career. Good
finished with the game with
a season-best 63 yard outing.
Robert Lee capped the drive off
with a 24-yard attempt with 2:31
left in the half.
Following a poor Tulsa punt,
Lee again was true from 45 yards
out as time expired in the first-
half. Lee's two boots moved him
into a tie with former kickers Jeff
Heath and Kevin Miller for most
field goals (14) by a junior.
Then, the nosedive ensued.
On a crucial third-and-nine
situation, Brandon Fractious
narrowly missed deflect-
ing a Tulsa punt. Fractious'
momentum dragged him into
the punter eliciting a Tulsa first-
down. Five plays later, Garrett
Mills caught a 38-yard touch-
down pass.
On the next possession,
Chris Johnson was stripped on
second-down by defensive end
Chadd Evans deep in their own
territory. Two plays later, backup
running back Tarrion Adams
scored his second touchdown to
extend their 24-13 lead.
Tulsa broke off 35 second-
half points including 21 in the
fourth-quarter. The Golden
Hurricane became bowl eli-
gible amassing 495 yards of total
offense 66 plays. Paul Smith com-
pleted 19-of-28 for 230 yards and
two touchdowns. Mills ended up
with 127 yards receiving on nine
grabs. Third-string running back
Cauvey Jackson rushed for 76
yards on seven carries deep into
the fourth quarter.
"We didn't compete well
towards the end of the game
and that is what frustrates me
because the one thing this team
has done all year is competed
said Unit
"They have been down before
and they have had some things
go against them, but they have
always fought back. 1 just felt like
tonight we didn't compete in the
fourth quarter
Pinkney completed 20-of-33
passes for 188 yards and rushed
for a career-high 46 yards. The
junior's scoring strike to Allison
tied him for fourth place (31) on
ECU'S all-time TD passing list.
Allison, a relative unknown
eight months ago, set an ECU
single-season receiving record
recording 922 yards. The junior
needs 12 more grabs to break
Terrance Copper's single-season
receptions record. Allison is No.
2 in the nation in receptions per
game (8.1) and tenth in receiving
yards per game (102.6).
"I know it is frustrating for
the seniors, but 1 think you will
learn about the character of
your football team right now
said Holtz.
"You are going to learn a lot
about the character of the play-
ers, the one's that are going to
come out and still compete their
tail off and that is what we have
to build on
This writer can be contacted at
sports�theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU Volleyball
wins two in
weekend action
ECU collected two C-USA wins this past weekend.
HOCKOy from page A6
tages. Jordan Meyers topped
ECU with 12 penalty minutes.
Mike Ormbsee tied the scored
three minutes after Christopher
Newport off a pass from Corey
Fleitz. Fleitz's second assist served
as the game winner with 9:24
remaining in the final period.
Nathan Buhr's decisive goal was
his first of the season.
"They are definitely a decent
squad Falcon said.
"We need to really work on
beating the teams we should beat
badly. The last couple of games
we've been sinking down to the
level of our opponents
Christopher Newport, a school
based out of Newport News, Va.
are in their first year compet-
ing in the Blue Ridge Hockey
Conference. Both ECU and the Cap-
tains are referred as affiliate mem-
bers with tournament eligibility.
The Pirates potentially could
receive some credit from the
American Collegiate Hockey
Association. With a 6-1 record,
ECU might break into the Divi-
sion III South Top Ten. The rank-
Lady Pirates improve
C-USA record with final
conference wins.
ings, which are released every
Wednesday, have Clemson
listed at No. 8. But the Tigers
trail ECU by eight points cur-
rently in the standings.
"I don't think we can
go unnoticed with our 6-
1 record Brent Falcon said.
"I don't think they can avoid
us. We've gained a lot of respect
within our own league. It's
just a matter of time before
the ACHA recognizes it. I'm
confident that we'll be top 10
when the rankings come out
ECU doesn't play again until
Dec. 2 and 3 when they host VMI.
The Keydets and ECU are among
two of the top teams in the South-
west Division within the BRHC.
"We have a lot of confidence
coming into these next games
Brent Falcon said.
"It's easy to get on top,
but it's not easy to stay on
top. We're comfortable with
where we're at right now
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
With just two Conference
USA games left on the ECU Vol-
leyball team's schedule, the Lady
Pirates were in a desperate need
to win both last weekend in order
to earn a high seed in the C-USA
tournament. The only teams
left to stand in the Lady Pirates
way were UAB and Memphis.
Though both teams did not have
a strong record, ECU was sure to
not take the teams lightly.
The night belonged to senior
Pam Ferris and junior Heidi Krug
in the first game of the weekend
against Memphis. Ferris had a
great performance with a team-
high 19 kills and 18 digs. It was
the 14th double-double Ferris has
had this season. The kills also
moved Ferris over 400 on the
season, something that only four
other past ECU students were
able to achieve. Krug picked up
59 assists on the night as well as
becoming ECU'S all-time, single
season assists leader with 1,313.
With the efforts of Ferris
and Krug, as well as the rest of
the ECU Volleyball team hitting
overall .305, the Lady Pirates
were able to beat Memphis 3-1.
The final scores of the match
were 30-26, 29-31, 30-25, and
The win over Memphis set
the momentum high as the Lady
Pirates added another win to
their record. On top of the win,
ECU was on a roll with a three
game winning streak.
The last opponent of the
weekend was UAB. The sopho-
mores stood out in the final
conference game of the year, as
Mignon Dubenion and Kelley
Wernert combined for 31 kills.
Much of the kills were once
again achieved by the 50 assists
by Krug. ECU was able to finish
with the win, once again 3-1. The
scores were 30-23, 20-30, 30-19,
and 30-26.
The win gave ECU an 18-
10 record, finishing with a 9-6
record in C-USA. The 9-6 record
was enough to give the Lady
Pirates the number five seed in
the C-USA Tournament.
Before ECU can head to the
tournament, they must first
finish off their regular season
schedule against former C-USA
opponent and in-state rival
Charlotte. Play against Charlotte
starts today at 7 p.m. at Minges
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Believe from page A6
Tolson swim four lengths of
a swimming pool, coming
out on top, and having the
American national anthem
play, while standing on the
podium with his newly earned
gold medal.
Garcia-Tolson soon began his
speech after the video was over.
He went on to tell everyone how
he was born with many birth
defects, and chose to lose his
legs and receive prosthetics. He
loved the motto of this year's
adapted sports event, "Believe
to Achieve" and exclaimed how
important the motto was. His
personal motto, "A Brave Heart
is a Powerful Weapon has
helped him overcome many of
his obstacles in his life.
After the speech was over
I began to sit and think about
everything Garcia-Tolson had
just said about overcoming any
obstacle in life with faith. I real-
ized just how true the message
really was, and how I can use this
message to achieve goals I have
not yet achieved.
Lunch was served shortly
after Garcia-Tolson's speech and
I volunteered with the passing
out of the food. As soon as I was
done, I saw Garcia-Tolson on the
other side of the rec-center giving
out autographs. I used the oppor-
tunity to meet the gold medalist.
Garcia-Tolson exclaimed how he
loved the event of the adapted
sports day, and said that it was
the place to be that Saturday
morning. I asked him about his
speech and what the biggest
thing he wanted people to learn.
"We are not handicapped we are
challenged athletes answered
"We have challenges in our
lives and we overcome these
challenges everyday
As the day wore on more
events, such as goalball, handcy-
cling, and wheelchair rugby took
place. I knew last year that this
event was an educational oppor-
tunity for me to learn an alterna-
tive side of sports and about the
lives of those who played these
sports. I began to wonder if new
volunteer's this year learned the
same thing.
I decided to ask a volunteer
about their experience at the
event this year. Senior health fit-
ness specialist major and volun-
teer, Victoria Cash well, was able
to answer my question. "I real-
ized that it doesn't matter who
you are, what age you are, and
what limitations you might have,
you can do it no matter what
said Cashwell. What Cashwell
said was the same feeling that I
felt after last year's event, and 1
was glad that others were feeling
the same way.
Overall the 9th Annual
Adapted Sports Day was a major
success, as it continues to out-do
itself each year. I looked for-
ward to the event this year and
was definitely not disappointed
as the event surpassed my
expectations. I can only look
forward to the event again next
year, and hope that events such
as this one will touch other stu-
dents, impaired or able-bodied,
and let them become aware
of the opportunities out there
and the challenges they can
This writer can be contacted at
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Page A8
TUESDAY November 15, 2005
2 & 3 Bedroom units 1-3.5 Baths -
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3 BR 3 bath houses available now
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like to announce our newest sisters
A, Abbey B, Amelia C, Mandy E,
Stacey J, Jocelyn M, Lauren R, Bree
S, Kristin S, Leslie W, Mackenzie W,
Delta Zeta wants to thank Delta
Chi for doing a good job with the
Diabetes Walk last Saturday!
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Hargest! Love your Delta Zeta
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Found: A dog has lots its home.
ChocolateBrown BeagleLab Mix
Male with short legs. Black collar but
no tag. Found outside the Student
Rec Center at ECU Please contact
328-4942 for more info.
Minerals, rocks, polished stones,
jewelry, etc from November 15-
17, 8am-3pm, beside the Graham
(Geology) Building at Wright Plaza.
Come support Sigma Gamma
Epsilon Honor Society!
Dr. Chris Oakley Assistant Professor,
History Department Keeping the
Circle: American Indian Identity
in Eastern North Carolina, 1885-
2004 Mendenhall Student Center
Multipurpose Room Native
American music, food, and dance
November 16, 2005 3:00pm-
5:00pm For more information,
call the Student Life Advancement
Office at 252-737-1065
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www AmerlcanaFurThBArta org
The most dangerous
animals in the lorest , .
I don't live there.

The East Carolinian, November 15, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 15, 2005
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