The East Carolinian, October 13, 2005

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, 2005
sored by
je of Arts
Volume 81 Number 16
October 13, 2005
a i
ECU celebrates Student Appreciation Day
Left photo: James Hahn a sophomore computer science major takes a spin on the Kramer entertainment race simulator in front of Mendenhaii Student Union. Right photo: My-esha Roane a sophomore
criminal justice major receives a monkey to go along with her palm tree in Wright Plaza from entertainer Jeff Jones as part of Student Appreciation Day on the campus of ECU.
i From $1791
leps Needed!
candidates 2005
Today is the last day to cast your vote for 2005 "Purple
Reign" Homecoming Court. Log onto OneStop to place your
vote for candidates for King and Queen. Please remember to
vote for your 2005 Homecoming Court.
Matt Cohen ? College Democrats
Marcus Coward ? ECU Ambassadors
Linda Gerrish ? Sigma Sigma Sigma
Leanne Owen ? Chi Omega
Lauren Miles ? MAPS
Laura Frey ? Alpha Phi Omega
Latasha Jones ? Sigma Gamma Rho
Kristen Hudson?ECU Cheerleading
Kenzie Hood ? Delta Zeta
Stephanie James ? Student Union
Scott Poag ? FMA
Ryan Chapman ? Project Heart
Peter Laptewicz ? Sigma Alpha Epsilon & Alpha Phi
Nicole Tarplee ? Kappa Delta
Nick Genty ? Pi Kappa Phi
Nicholas Castillo ? Phi Sigma Pi
Niaja Cotton ? Alpha Kappa Alpha
Naa Ameley Tagoe ? Zeta Phi Beta
Kate Lynn Jobe - Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Jose Torres ? Order of Omega
Jordan Phillips ? Elementary Education Club
Joe Lytle ? RHA
, Thomas Doyle ? SGA
Jessica Mortensen ? ECU Ambassadors
Jessica Mceachern ? Ladies Elite
Jennifer Barnhart ? Pi Kappa Alpha
Kelvin Freeman ? MAPS
Kelly Murray ? SOAR
Kayla Rose ? Alpha Epsilon Delta
Travis Alford ? Baptist Student Union
Tosin Oyelowo ? SISTERS
Tereasa Oldham?FMA
Tasha Vaughn ? ECU Gospel Choir
Megan Gulla ? College Democrats
Matthew Gusmer ? Chi Omega
Tamika Walker ? Black Student Union
Stephanie Manzo ? Sigma Alpha Epsilon & Alpha Phi
Jason Lee ? Pi Kappa Alpha
James Morgan ? Lambda Chi Alpha
Heather Grice?Project Heart
Heather Dickson ? SGA
Geoff Berrios ? ZTA & DX
Elena Brockett ? Healthy Pirates
Chelsea Wagenblast ? PRSSA
Charles Laughlin ? Pirate Pals
Cedrea Stevens ? RHA
Carmen Pack ? NC Teaching Fellows
Aimee Dorrell ? Zeta Tau Alpha & Delta Chi
Adam Edmonds ? ECU Cheerleading
Brandon Russell ? Black Student Union
Brandon Brake ? Gamma Beta Phi
April Paul ? Phi Sigma Pi
Bryson Flnney ? ECU Gospel Choir
Brittany Hauser ? Phi Beta Chi
Brianne Ryan ? Lambda Chi Alpha
Eddie Jones ?PRSSA
Dena Mazie ? Order of Omega
Jeff Hall ? Kappa Delta
Jayme Tilley ? Elementary Education Club
Anna Marie Mitchell ? Baptist Student Union
Allen Amos ? NC Teaching Fellows
Debranetta Gethers ? Gamma Beta Phi
David Wood ? Pi Kappa Delta
David Mason ? Student Union
Clifton Peele ? Alpha Phi Alpha
Christy Cox ? Pirate Pals
Christopher Harris ? Alpha Epsilon Delta
'White Collar Zen'
subject of lecture
strategies to be
later this month
Zen philosophy at ECU
The Thomas Harriot College
of Arts and Sciences, the Inter-
disciplinary Program in Asian
Studies and the history depart-
ment are sponsoring the Annual
Lecture in Asian studies Oct. 26
at 4:30 p.m. in OC307 Science
and Technology building.
The lecture, Zen Hermits and
Zen Samurai, will feature Steven
Heine, Florida International Uni-
versity professor of religion and
history, and will cover themes
from his book White Collar Zen:
Using Zen Principles to Overcome
"Every year, we sponsor a lec-
ture for Asian Studies. Last year,
we had Man Ravina from Emory
University speak about his book,
The Last Samurai, which was
about the historic figure featured
in the movie said John Tucker,
interdisciplinary program in
Asian studies director.
Heine, a recipient of the Ful-
bright Fellowship, two National
Endowment for Humanities
awards and the Japan Minister
of Foreign Affairs award, has
focused on the 13th century
Zen theorist Dogen throughout
his career.
"Dogen has been my main
focus of study, as well as how
he brought his teachings from
China to Japan said Heine.
Zen has been a popular sub-
ject in the west for many years,
and Heine's new book has been
no exception.
"White Collar Zen has made
a huge splash among business-
men Tucker said.
According to Tucker, Zen
Buddhism seems to attract the
interest of more people where
other forms of Buddhism have
"It seems people's attention
see ZEN page AS
'Amber Brown is not a
Crayon' comes to ECU
ECU holds National
Depression Screening Day
Students get tested for
On Oct. 6, the Center for
Counseling and Student Devel-
opment hosted its third annual
National Depression Screening
Day in Joyner Library.
NDSD is held each year in
October as a one-day outreach,
education and screening event
for students across the country
to raise campus awareness about
mental health disorders. It was
a free screening for students,
faculty and staff to test for four
mood and anxiety disorders,
depression, bipolar disorder,
generalized anxiety disorders and
post-traumatic stress disorder.
"The screening is effective
because we reach out to students
who otherwise may not come to
the center for help said Anne
Boone, staff psychologist at the
counseling center.
Students who participated in
the event filled out a screening
survey with questions designed
to determine whether a student
was "unlikely, likely or highly
likely" to suffer from depression
or the other three disorders.
More than half of students tested
positive for symptoms of having
mood disorders and were encour-
aged to visit the center.
"There has definitely been a
rise in college students suffering
from depression. Sometimes stu-
dents do not recognize they have
the symptoms Boone said.
NDSD began IS years ago
and is now the largest provider of
see DEPRESSION page A6
Children's musical
entertains Saturday
Award-winning author Paula
Danzinger produced more than
two dozen widely popular chil-
dren's books in her career, includ-
ing The Cat Ate My Gymsuit and
The Pistachio Prescription. She
also published a series of books
focusing on a young girl, Amber
Brown, before she passed away
in 2004.
A 1994 book in the series
provides the material for Amber
Brown is Not a Crayon, a children's
musical held in Wright Audito-
rium Saturday, Oct. 8 at 2 p.m.
The performance opened
ECU'S 2005-06 Family Fare
Series. The show was put on by
the ArtsPower National Touring
"Amber Brown's appeal is
universal said Mark Blackman,
co-executive producer.
"Kids like her because she is
never afraid to say what's on her
mind, and parents appreciate her
sense of humor and her knack for
getting a moral across without
seeming preachy or unrealistic
The story focuses on Amber
Brown and the relationship she
has with her schoolmate and
best friend, Justin Daniels. The
two do everything together, from
sharing jokes to school to saving
every piece of bubble gum they
chew in a giant wad.
However, when Justin's family
is forced to move to Alabama,
Amber is devastated. What makes
matters worse is the fact that it
doesn't seem to bother Justin
at all that he is leaving his best
friend behind.
Amber is angry and upset that
she is going to have to go through
the third grade without Justin.
see CRAYON page A8
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A7 I Opinion: A4 I A&E: Bl I Sports: B4

Page A2 252.328.6366
CHRIS MUNIER News Editor ZACK HILL Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY October 13, 2005
Announcements News Briefs
Hauerwas to give
Jarvis Lecture on
Christianity and
On Thursday, Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m
in Harvey Banquet Hall at Mlnges
Coliseum, Duke ethiclst Stanley
Hauerwas will examine America's
love of longevity and fear of death
at ECU'S annual Jarvis Lecture on
Christianity and Culture series.
Hauerwas will compare American
versus Christian views on death
and dying and talk about why
Americans tend to put too many
expectations on physicians
and the medical profession.
For more information, students
can visit ecu.edureligionprogram,
or contact Calvin Mercer at or 328-6121.
approaching for
B.S. in rehabilitation
Oct. 15 is the application
deadline for people interested In
pursuing a Bachelor of Science
degree in rehabilitation services.
Applications can be obtained
at ecu.edurehb or from the
Department of Rehabilitation
Studies, located at 312 Belk
Building. Questions regarding the
degree can be directed to Martha
Chapin at 328-4424.
2005 homecoming
Elections for the 2005
homecoming court will take
place from Wednesday, Oct. 12
- Friday, Oct. 14. Students are
asked to vote for five king and
five queen candidates online at
OneStop. Every student must
choose five queen and five king
candidates in order for their vote to
count. "Homecoming 2005, Purple
Reign: Sharing the Treasures of
East Carolina" will take place on
Saturday, Oct. 29.
For more information, visit
Red Bull Music Labs
offers chance for
Budding local musicians have
a chance to win a trip to a five-
day digital music production
workshop held in Greenville, SC
on Nov. 9-13. The event is being
sponsored by Red Bull Music
Labs and Is designed to give
participants to create songs and
navigate the music industry.
Students of varying levels of
experience and backgrounds
will be selected, but all must
show a love for and dedication
to furthering their musical
expression. Those interested can
apply online at redbullmusiclabs.
com. Applications are due by
Authors to speak
on eastern NC
The second Eastern North
Carolina Literary Homecoming
will be held at ECU Oct 14-15. The
event is being presented by Joyner
Library. The event celebrates the
unique literature inspired by
eastern North Carolina, ft Is open
to the public.
Events start Oct. 14 at Sheppard
Memorial Library with an open
interview with authors of juvenile
literature. Authors Suzanne Newton
and Eleanora Tate will speak.
Later in the evening, there will be a
dessert reception for the Roberts'
Award for Literary Inspiration on
the club level at Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium. Entertainment will be
provided by Jan DeBlieu and
Bland Simpson.
Saturday's events start at Wright
Auditorium at 8:30 a.m. and
continue until 5 p.m. with various
authors speaking on influences
such, as the Outer Banks, and
genres, such as culinary writing.
For more information, students can
visit, or call 328-6514.
Career Fair coming
Student Professional Development
will be hosting the All-Majors Fall
Career Fair Thursday, Oct. 20,
from 10 a.m 2.p,m. More than 125
companies and 300 recruiters will
be on campus to recruit seniors
for permanent positions and
juniors for internships. Information
on the employers attending and
the positions for which they will
be recruiting is available at the
Career Fairs link at
eScareers. For more information,
contact Jane Rahm in Student
Professional Development by
calling 328-6050.
Incumbents win mayoral races In
Raleigh, Wilmington
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - Mayoral
incumbents in Raleigh and Wilmington
were re-elected Tuesday, but the city
of Asheville will have a new leader
after voters rejected the incumbent
Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker was
elected to a third term, according
to unofficial results. With 173 of 175
precincts reporting, the unofficial
results showed Meeker with 18,883
votes, or 69.24 percent
Challenger J.H. Ross had 6,544
votes, or 24 percent and Steve Hilton
had 1,608 vote, or 5.9 percent in the
nonpartisan election.
Meeker said the outcome humbled
'I will use that trust carefully and
on behalf of all citizens in the city
he said.
Meeker, a lawyer and Democrat on
the officially nonpartisan council,
will serve his third two-year term as
Wilmington Mayor Spence Broadhurst
won a second term, defeating a
challenge from former mayor Harper
Peterson. With all 30 precincts
reporting, Broadhurst had 9,765
votes, or 61 percent, compared to
6,364 for Peterson.
Broadhurst said priorities for his next
term would Include creating new parks
and open space and upgrading the
city's aging infrastructure, including
the sewer system.
Asked what he learned during this
campaign, Broadhurst said: "I learned
to continue to tell the truth and
provide a clear vision, and I think
that's what the voters responded to
In Asheville, Terry Bellamy and Joe
Dunn, both city council members,
were the top two primary vote-getters
out of a field of four, which included
incumbent Charles R. Worley. Bellamy
and Dunn will face each other in a
general election next month.
With all 39 precincts reporting,
Bellamy had 4,383 votes, or 45
percent; Dunn had 2,905 votes, or
30 percent; Worley, 1,697 votes, 18
percent; and Branyon, 672 votes, 7
"I expected to win, but not this big
Bellamy said. "I'm really excited. I
like the idea that people support my
Dunn said he didn't see beating
Bellamy as an insurmountable
challenge. "I'm not a bit discouraged
by finishing second, and I think this
is something that can be overcome
he said.
Worley said he was surprised by the
results and unsure why he lost.
In Durham, incumbent Bill Bell will
face challenger Jonathan Alston
in the Nov. 8 general election after
Tuesday's nonpartisan primary, which
trimmed the three-person race to
With 57 of 58 precincts reporting, Bell
had 11,191 votes, or 88.16 percent of
the vote; Alston, 775, or 6.11 percent;
and Jackie Wagstaff, 545, or 4.29
percent. Wagstaff Is a former city
council member who now serves on
the school board.
Search continues for the missing
after New Hampshire floods
- more rain forecast
ALSTEAD, NH (AP) - Linda Peiow
was In her house alone when the
floodwaters suddenly surrounded it
"I grabbed the puppy and went up
to the attic she said. "It was like
watching the tsunami come at me,
because all of a sudden, here comes
the mud
Peiow said she did not expect to
survive Sunday's floodwaters, but her
house was left standing.
"I just prayed and prayed. I thought
Hurricanes affect
employment along with
other economic facets
Unemployment needs in
the gulf region change
As the dust settles from the
two hurricanes the U.S. Gulf
coast has suffered in the last
month, the economic effect is
beginning to be measured.
Unemployment for Septem-
ber is up S.l percent from 4.9
percent in August. Auto sales are
expected to slow as gas prices
make consumers more cost-con-
scious in their buying decisions
by holding off on buying new
vehicles. Construction spending
is expected to rise partly because
of all the devastation along the
Gulf coast.
With the soaring gas prices,
rising interest rates and hurricane
devastation, America is seeing
economic conditions similar to
the aftermath of 9-11. Consumer
spending declined by 0.5 percent
in August, the largest decline
since 9-11. Unemployment could
see further increases depending
on how the economy reacts to
increased energy prices and high
Interest rates. It seems to be a
given that inflation will rise in
the coming months.
There is no question the
workforce has seen changes
because of the hurricane.
"The hurricane shocked our
country and showed just how
vulnerable we are said ECU
Career Services associate director
Brian Newton.
While unemployment as a
whole has increased, perhaps the
greatest effect Hurricane Katrina
had on the workforce in the
Gulf region is more of a shift In
employment needs.
"An estimated 80 percent
of New Orleans City workers
have been laid off with up to
20 percent of the layoffs being
permanent said ECU Career
Center associate director Bruce
"Lots of restaurant and hotel
employees are out of work and
from other tourist venues as well.
However, there are construc-
tion workers, who were previ-
ously unemployed, from all over
the country who are going to the
Gulf region and finding work
That seems to be why there
is not the dramatic decline in
employment some economists
were expecting. Displaced work-
ers are finding opportunities all
over the country particularly
in nearby cities like Memphis,
In Memphis, Tennessee, there
are a number of jobs that have
been filled thanks to the roughly
20,000 New Orleans refugees in
Shelby County Tennessee.
"There are lots and lots of
odd jobs that are being filled
by people from New Orleans
- mainly warehouse jobs said
Memphis Diocese Catholic
Deacon Don Bennis.
"The people of Memphis are
reaching out to those displaced.
I can recall several in Our Lady
of Sorrows parish who have given
a lot in terms of time and effort
to these people and 1 am very
proud of them. One lady I can
recall offered to pay rent at a
house for a family for a term of
one year until they can get back
on their feet
As far as the local job market
is concerned, there does not seem
to be any significant effect.
"Here in Greenville, there are
plenty of construction jobs so it
doesn't seem to be any real effect
on our job market with lots of
workers leaving for New Orleans
to find construction jobs Max-
well said.
It would seem that the pres-
ence of lots of construction jobs
and the great distance from the
Gulf region would leave Green-
ville's job market unaffected.
One other thing which may
have temporarily affected the
available labor pool in Greenville
is the number of Red Cross vol-
unteers who wanted to help out
in the Gulf region. There were
so many that local Red Cross
head Steven Brody had to put his
business on hold temporarily to
coordinate all of the people going
to help in New Orleans.
With the Inflation and job
market shift, there is a positive
thing for people who have jobs.
Wages and salaries have increased
0.2 percent, which could be due
to inflation.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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I was gone with it she said. "I am
totally the luckiest person still in
The National Weather Service said
more flooding could be on the way
If rainfall exceeded the 1 to 2 inches
predicted Wednesday into Thursday,
and flood watches were announced
for several locations.
'More rain could bring us back to
square one Fish and Game Lt.
Todd Bogardus said. "We're doing
everything we can to prepare (for
The news came as rescue crews
and police dogs continued searching
rivers and woods for four people
missing in New Hampshire after a
weekend of heavy downpours that left
at least 10 people dead from Maine
to Pennsylvania.
From Friday evening through Sunday,
rainstorms dumped as much as 10
inches on New England and the mid-
Atlantic states. In New Hampshire,
the storm dropped 10.8 Inches In
Hinsdale and 10.5 inches in Keene.
Gov. John Lynch said the floods were
the worst the state had experienced
in a quarter-century, and he sought
a federal disaster declaration.
Teams from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency were expected
to arrive later this week.
Help continued pouring into the small
New Hampshire towns devastated
by flooding.
Coordination, though, was made more
difficult because all the equipment
the Alstead police department had
to deal with such a disaster a ham
radio, two-way radios, emergency
generators and other equipment was
destroyed when the police station
flooded almost to the ceiling.
Among those still missing Tuesday
were Sally and Tim Canfield,
whose home was washed away by
floodwaters. The Canfields had twice
declined to evacuate.
These kids grew up here. They grew
up on the river and never saw it high
enough to do any damage said
Rick Mason, a brother-in-law of Tim
Fighting In Afghanistan kills 10
rebels, 11 police and medical works
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Fighting
across Afghanistan killed 10
suspected rebels, six police and
five medical workers, and President
Hamid Karzai said Wednesday he
believes the insurgents are receiving
support from the nation's booming
drug trade.
The suspected Taliban guerrillas were
killed Monday by U.S. warplanes that
bombed their hideout in Uruzgan
province, which has long been
a hotbed of militant activity, local
Gov. Jan Mohammed Khan said
U.S. military spokeswoman Sgt.
Marina Evans confirmed the attack
and said "several of the enemy had
been killed
The six police were killed by
suspected Taliban who ambushed
their convoy in the same area a day
later, Khan said. One officer was still
missing after the attack and feared
dead. Reinforcements have been
rushed to the area "to hunt down the
Taliban he said.
The attack on the medical workers
happened Wednesday near Kandahar
city, a former Taliban stronghold, said
doctor Abdul Qadir, director of U.N.
and U.Ssponsored Afghan Help
Development Services, a local aid
group that employed the five.
Gunmen opened fire on their vehicle
as they drove through the desert. Two
of the five dead were doctors. Three
other medical workers in the vehicle
were wounded, Qadir said. The eight
were returning to Kandahar after
treating refugees in a nearby camp.
Karzai made his comments about
the violence in a press conference
with Secretary of State Condoleezza
When asked about an attack on
police in southern Helmand province
Tuesday that left at least 19 officers
dead, he said there was "cooperation
between the drug trade and terrorism
He said the region was well known
as a center for trafficking opium and
Afghanistan produces an estimated
87 percent of the world's supply of
both the drugs, sparking warnings
that the country Is becoming a
"narco-state" four years after a U.S
led invasion drove the Taliban from
"We will have terrorism attacking
(us) for quite some time Karzai
He went on to say that fighting drugs
was essential. "If we fall, we will fall as
a state eventually and we will fall back
in the hands of terrorism he said.
Karzal's U.Sbacked government is
struggling to strengthen Afghanistan's
fragile democracy while dealing
with a stubborn rebellion that has
left about 1,400 dead in the past
Rice said the 21,000-strong U.Sled
coalition was doing its best to quash
the insurgency.
"We are doing everything we can
to defeat the terrorists. We cannot
simply defend ourselves, we have to
be on the offensive she said.
There had been hopes that the
U.S. military may have been able to
reduce Its number of troops here
next year as a separate NATO-
led peacekeeping force takes
responsibility for security in volatile
But Rice said U.S. forces will remain
"for as long as they are needed In
whatever numbers they are needed
to make certain that they defeat the
terrorists and Afghanistan becomes a
place of stability and progress
Religious Studies program to present
lecture on Christianity and culture
Professor to address why
Americans fear death
On Thursday, Oct. 13, Dr.
Stanley Hauerwas, an ethiclst
from Duke University, will exam-
ine America's love of longevity
and fear of death.
His lecture, "Why No One
Wants to Die in America is part
of the annual Jarvis Lecture on
Christianity and Culture series at
ECU. The lecture will take place
at 7:30 p.m. at the Harvey Ban-
quet Hall at Minges Coliseum.
Calvin Mercer, professor of
religion and lecture organizer,
said Hauerwas will compare
American views versus Christian
views on death. Hauerwas will
also talk about why Americans
tend to put too many expecta-
tions on physicians and the
medical profession.
Mercer said the speaker is
known to be provocative and
"Hauerwas argues that Ameri-
cans are deathly afraid of death
and as a result lead deadly lives.
As a result, those expectations
threaten to overwhelm the care
physicians can provide for bodies
destined to die said Mercer.
The comparison between
Christian and American views
about death, Haeurwas said, is
both relevant and important to
"Traditionally, Christians
have not thought death to be
the worst thing that can happen
to them or those they love. As
a result, the way Christians
approach death is very different
than the American way of death.
Nowhere is this more determi-
natively seen than in Christian
refusal to do everything we can
do to keep ourselves alive said
Hauerwas is a professor of
theological ethics at Duke Uni-
versity's Divinity School. His
work draws on a great range of
literatures - from classical, philo-
sophical and theological texts to
contemporary political theory.
He also writes about medical
ethics, issues of war and peace
and the care of the mentally
A book table with some of
the speaker's most important
works will likely be provided at
the lecture.
The Jarvis Lecture is spon-
sored by the Religious Studies
Program, the Thomas Harriot
College of Arts and Sciences at
ECU and Jarvis Memorial United
Methodist Church.
The event is free and open
to the public, and plenty of
free parking is available at the
Minges lot. The lecture will be
held in Harvey Banquet Hall
inside the Murphy Center - the
new Strength and Conditioning
Center, located between Minges
Coliseum and Dowdy-Ficklen
For more information, con-
tact Calvin Mercer, director of
ECU's religious studies program,
at or call
328-6121. Visit the Web site at
This writer can be contacted
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
For more Information, Calvin Mercer,
director of ECU'S religious studies
program, at
or call 252 328 6121. Visit the Web
site at ecu.edurellglonprogram
surge in
latest exa
ous reces
Arllncrton Viltaae TRniMm

Greenspan: flexibility prevents recession
country's ability to weather a
surge in energy prices is the
latest example of how economic
flexibility helps prevent seri-
ous recessions, Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan said
Greenspan said an
environment of maximum
competition has been the driv-
ing force in spurring the type
of flexibility that has allowed
the country to withstand a
number of shocks over the past
two decades with only two mild
"The impressive performance
of the U.S. economy over the
past couple of decades, despite
shocks that in the past would
have produced marked economic
contractions, offers the clear-
est evidence of the benefits of
increased market flexibility
Greenspan said in remarks to
the National Italian American
Wall Street investors
have given Greenspan credit
for the economy's good
performance during this time
period for his skillful han-
dling of a number of economic
shocks, from the stock market
crash of October 1987, just a
few months after Greenspan
took office, to the rate cuts he
engineered during the height
of the Asian currency crisis in
While Greenspan mentioned
these events in his speech, he
ascribed the economy's abil-
ity to avoid steep recessions to
overall market flexibility rather
than good policies at the Federal
"Most recently, the flexibility
of our market-driven economy
has allowed us, thus far, to
weather reasonably well the steep
rise in spot and futures prices for
oil and natural gas that we have
experienced over the past two
years Greenspan said.
"Although the business cycle
has not disappeared, flexibility
has made the economy more
resilient to shocks and more
stable overall during the past
couple of decades he said.
Since Greenspan took office
in August 1987, the U.S. econ-
omy has undergone only two
mild recessions, one in 1990-91
when oil prices surged after Iraq
invaded Kuwait and the most
recent one in 2001 when the
bursting of the stock market
bubble helped push the country
into a downturn.
As he did in a speech on
the same topic on Sept. 27,
Greenspan said it was impor-
tant to understand that the long
stretches of economic stability
can create other problems.
"To be sure, that stability, by
fostering speculative excesses,
has created some new challenges
for policy-makers he said.
While Greenspan did not
elaborate, he in recent months
has been warning about risks
borrowers could face after an
extended period of extremely
low interest rates. He has warned
that some homeowners who used
exotic interest-only loans to buy
their homes could be in trouble
as interest rates start rising.
Greenspan cautioned against
government action to take away
flexibility, such as by erecting
barriers to protect U.S. indus-
tries and workers from global
"Protectionism in all its
guises, both domestic and inter-
national, does not contribute to
the welfare of American work-
ers Greenspan said. "At best,
it is a short-term fix at a cost of
lower standards of living for the
nation as a whole
Instead, Greenspan argued
that what the government should
be providing is increased educa-
tion and training for workers
who lose their jobs because of
foreign competition.
Budget-busting heating
bills in winter season
heating bills will be a third to a
half higher for most families across
the country, with the sharpest
increases expected for those who
heat with natural gas, the Energy
Department forecast Wednesday.
The department said natural
gas users can expect to pay an
average of $350 more during the
upcoming winter compared to last
year, an increase of 48 percent.
Those who heat their homes with
fuel oil will pay $378 more, or 32
percent higher than last winter.
Propane users can expect a
percentage jump in their bills
similar to those of fuel oil users.
In its winter fuels outlooks
report, DOE's Energy Informa-
tion Administration assumed a
normal winter and steady prog-
ress in restoring oil and natural
gas production and refinery
output from the damage inflicted
by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
"Should colder weather pre-
vail, expenditures will be signifi-
cantly higher the EIA said.
The agency as well as the
natural gas industry said that
heating costs could vary widely
among regions.
A month ago, the EIA said natu-
ral gas prices could jump as much
as 71 percent in the Midwest, where
four of every five homes are heated
by gas. It made no such specific
assessment this time, but acknowl-
edged that a colder-than-normal
winter in the Midwest would pro-
duce significantly higher costs.
The cost of fuel accounts for
about 70 percent of the price
utilities charge retail residential
customers, according to the
American Gas Association.
EIA said it expects continued
recovery of the energy system in
the Gulf region in the coming
months. But it said it expects a
third of the Gulf's crude oil and
a fifth of its natural gas to remain
shut-in into December.
It also projected wholesale
natural gas prices staying at
about $12 per thousand cubic
feet through the winter heavy
demand period, twice what it
cost last winter.
For some low-income fami-
lies the sharp jumps could mean
choosing whether to eat or keep
warm, energy experts and advo-
cacy groups fear.
The natural gas utilities
warned Tuesday that despite
their attempts to contain retail
fuel costs, heating bills for gas
users this winter will jump SO
percent over last season nation-
wide. In parts of the Midwest
bills could be much higher.
More than half of all U.S.
households heat with natural
gas. But many of those who rely
on electric heat, nearly a third
of the country, may also see
bills go up because many power
plants run on natural gas. And
users of fuel oil, more than half
the households in New England,
are expected to see their costs
jump by a third or more over
last winter, according to industry
and government estimates.
"We have never had prices
so high and increase so quickly
said Mark Wolfe, executive direc-
tor of the National Energy Assis-
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Page A4 252.328.9238
THURSDAY October 13, 2005
Our View
Trouble brewing in
Pirate Nation
The old saying goes, Three times is a charm" Coin-
ddentally, Terry Holland just dismissed his third head
coach in under a year at ECU. Charm or no charm
it may easily be the most ugly of the dismissals yet
Holland suspended Randy Mazey, the now former
head baseball coach, Monday afternoon. The
suspension, which will eventually be dubbed a
termination, will join the likes of the firings of former
football Head Coach John Thompson and former
basketball main man Bill Herrion.
So far on Holland's Cleaning House Tour 2004-05,
grumblings about the ATJs decisions have been
relatively quiet The Thompson fire was expected.
Herrton's dismissal caused some controversy
simply because he's a personable guy and the
students loved him. But now the Mazey issue has
layer upon potentially-tainted layer underneath.
There have been rumors flying around campus
about recruiting violations, disgruntled players
and coaches, and maybe the worst of it - Mazey
taking a little too much off the top - and I'm not
talking about haircuts.
When you hear something once, you dismiss it
When you hear something twice, you consider it
lightly. But in this case, when you hear these rumors
15 times or more, it's time to start wondering if
something is rotten in Greenville.
Regardless of the dismissal and what may be
uncovered after the dust has settled, one has to
wonder about Holland. Billy Godwin, now head
baseball coach, was hired as a new assistant
coach this past winter and even Holland admit-
ted that he and assistant AD Nick Floyd took an
"abnormal interest" in the hire.
Has this decision been brewing for months? Not
only that but is this also about Holland getting
his own guys in house? And in addition to those
concerns, ECU has to watch how many coaches
they are going to dismiss as quickly as they bring
them in. The university is now paying seven former
coaches, S-E-V-E-N.
However, whether it is about getting his guys or
not you have to trust a guy with a track record like
Holland's. However, tha: track record better stay
consistent through his tenure at ECU, or this charm
may become a curse.
You can see this and more opinion articles like it at
indexhtmL There is a link for Tony Zoppo's btog, who
will be writing about ECU athletics on a weekly basts
for The Sporting News.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Chris Munier
News Editor
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Web Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Mumane
Features Editor Asst Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefleld
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Edward McKIm
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number, tetters may be sent via
e-mail to or to 7re East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-9238 for more Informa-
tion. One copy of 7FC is free, each additional copy is $1.
Opinion Columnist
Give me the Libertarian Party or give me death
When will we stop seeing
politics in black and white?
I received a peculiar piece of mail
several weeks ago. It was from Pitt
County's Board of Elections and its pur-
pose was to Inform me that from that
point forward, 1 would be registered in
Pitt County as an unaffiliated voter.
The peculiar thing, though, is that
I'm not an unaffiliated voter - I've been
a registered Libertarian for two years
and I don't recall ever requesting to
change my affiliation.
Apparently the 'great' state of North
Carolina made that decision for me
when it decertified the Libertarian
Party as an officially recognized politi-
cal party. Luckily, the good people at
the Libertarian Party of North Carolina
were quick to send explanatory emails
to myself and the 13,000 other disen-
franchised state residents.
"Disenfranchised" is the only way to
describe not only the 13,000 "unaffiliated"
voters but all voters in North Carolina. We
have essentially been deprived of a right
guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution: the
right to a fair and free election.
By decertifying the Libertarian
Party, North Carolina will no longer
allow the party to run Libertarian can-
didates on any ballot in the state and
will no longer recognize it as a political
party - despite its more than 25-year
history in North Carolina.
Tragically, North Carolina has the
third hardest ballot access restrictions in
the country. In August, the State Board
of Elections claims to have stripped
the party of its official status for two
reasons. It failed to receive 10 percent of
popular vote in the previous gubernato-
rial and presidential elections.
To overcome that "10 percent rule
the party needed 70,000 signatures to
remain on the ballot. If getting 70,000
signatures to support a party of 13,000
people sounds pretty difficult, you're
right. The party couldn't reach 70,000
in time. By the way, did you know that
you could get on the election ballot for
the entire country of Russia with less
than 70,000 signatures?
What I'm still upset about, though,
is the whole 10 percent rule. In a two-
party system, how can the North Caro-
lina Board of Elections seriously expect
a third-party to ever get 10 percent of
the popular vote in a major election?
Wait - I have a better question:
how do they expect a third-party to
ever grow when they're killed off the
minute they fail to overthrow the cur-
rent system on its first try? I have an
answer for that one: they don't.
If these third-parties, particularly
the Libertarian Party whose ideals I
think most people already believe in,
were given time to grow, 10 percent
could come pretty easily. However,
bucking a trend (the two-party system
of Republicans and Democrats) that
started in 1856 when James Buchanan
defeated John Fremont won't happen
overnight. Unless they expect some
sort of bloody revolution, that kind of
dramatic change will take quite some
time - time that the North Carolina
Board of Elections refuses to give.
And why should they? The Republican
and Democratic parties run North Caro-
lina politics. By state law, only Republicans
and Democrats may serve on the State
and County Board of Elections and of
course they would be opposed to increased
competition. Clearly there is an inherent
conflict of interest in this situation.
However, it goes much deeper than
that. If the Republican and Democratic
parties can do this to one party, what's
stopping them from eradicating all
third-parties in North Carolina? Of
course if you're a Republican or Demo-
crat, it'd be a great thing. But for voters
like me - who are dissatisfied with the
current political landscape and hope to
see new issues and new ideas presented
- we are left in the cold.
This repression happens on a much
larger scale as well. Michael Badnarik
was the presidential candidate for the
Libertarian Party last year. By law, he
was eligible to participate in the presi-
dential debates and share the stage with
George W. Bush and John Kerry. He was
denied his right though and was barred
from the building. When he came back
with a lawsuit for the organizers of the
debate, he was arrested and thrown in
jail for "civil disobedience Basically,
the two parties didn't want another
voice present and had to clout to do
something about It.
The two-party system has become
a plague to this state and to this coun-
try. Do you honestly believe that Bush
and Kerry were the two absolute best
candidates possible last year? Of course
you can't think that. However, with
neutered competition, our only choice
was between a flip-flopping billionaire
and a functioning retard.
Our two-party political system is
by custom only - I've read the U.S.
Constitution and there is nothing in
it mandating that citizens should only
have two choices when they step into
the voting booths.
It's time we broke that cycle. It's time
that we stopped seeing politics in black
and white and started paying attention to
all the beautiful shades of gray. Only then
will the individualism that Americans
pride themselves on amount to some-
thing more than the farce it is today.
It's on that note that I happily
inform you that the Libertarian Party
is not sitting idly by while the Board of
Elections politically sodomizes them.
The Libertarian Party is suing the state
of North Carolina! The lawsuit has been
filed and with precedents set in Alaska,
Maryland and Michigan, the party
hopes to even the playing field here.
Victory would mean sweeping
changes in how elections are conducted
here but most importantly, if success-
ful, they will grasp the power out of the
talons of the Republican and Demo-
cratic parties and put it back where it
belongs: in the hands of the people.
Support the Libertarian Party. Fight the
good fight while there's still something
worth fighting for.
Pirate Rant
Why couldn't we have the whole week
off for fall break? Is spring more impor-
tant than fall? I think not.
To the commuters who park over
around Meade Street - learn to share
the curb. Most curbs have room for
two or three cars, not your one Honda
Civic. I need somewhere to park for
the day too.
Aramark NEEDS some customer ser-
vice! I avoid ordering coffee from these
workers who hate the world and bark at
me. I'm the customer! Can we get some
Improvement here?
Vote for King and Queen!
The electrician who fixed my light in
Greene was so nice.
To the liberalssocialists running around
campus: Stop trying to ruin America.
I hate you. Thanks. Oh yeah, let me
know if you have any questions.
This is to the person who said take your
baby carriage and get out of the library.
I can tell that came from an immature
freshman who has no idea what it is like
to go to school and have a baby. That is
just uncalled for. Sometimes there Is no
where for the child to go but the mother
really needs something from the library
so they go with their baby. This leads
to passing classes, getting a degree and
eventually being able to support their
child because a lot of times females are
left to support our child(ren) on our
own. You have no idea what that girl
has been through just like everyone
else on this campus. So, stop being
a rude jerk. Besides, you can study at
home anyway.
There were two reports In The Daily
Reflector about two students being sexu-
ally assaulted (both by white males), yet
ECU did not put out an alert about it.
Let's see the parking storm troopers
write about $100 worth of parking
tickets a day. From August to May they
might rake in an average of $20,000.
Add $2,000 for June and July. That's
$22,000 a year. Pretty soon they might
have enough for a couple of parking
To the not-so-charming police officer
that gave me a ticket for going the
wrong way on a one way street, what
about the girl driver behind me you
watched do the same turn-around laid
but did not give her a ticket? 1 will see
you in court.
Why does Sbarros no longer cook the
pepperonis on their pizza? I do not like
cold pepperoni, so please put it in the
oven for a few more minutes.
"I'm here, I'm queer Let's go shopping
To the pedestrians who keep walking in
front of me while 1 am driving across
campus: Get out of the way or I'll bt
forced to run Into you in my lime green
hatch back.
Cheers for being a senior. Now if only
1 could muster up all the excitement to
study harder andget rid of the senloritis
in order to graduate on time. Only eight
more months
Please, If you're so cold wearing shorts,
put on some pants and not a hoodie.
Insert sly witty comment here.
How many preppy white boys actually
listen to real reggae music?
Can we please get some coverage of
the lady pirate volleyball team. They
are a hardworking bunch of athletes
who play an energetic and exciting
game, they are playing great and are
representing ECU the way student
athletes should.
In My Opinion
(KRT) ? With the fall semester well
under way, college students all across the
country are quickly approaching their
first measure of academic rigor: midterms.
Hoping to perform well on the first test
of the semester, students prepare by turn-
ing stereos down low, flipping text books
open, and - for some select students
- playing a few hands of Texas Hold 'Em.
How are some students using rounds
of poker to prepare for their midterms?
Simple: they're part of a group of math
students who are learning how math-
ematical concepts are applied in games
of skill such as poker. At Emory Uni-
versity in Atlanta, students learn about
probability, game theory and combina-
torial design theory in a seminar course
called, "Mathematics in Sports, Games
and Gambling
While post-graduate poker players
may lament the fact that they never
received such an enjoyable math
assignment during their college years,
the teaching of mathematic principles
and theories by some of American's top
universities underscores what we have
long been saying that part of poker's
uniqueness Is that skill is needed to
win, not simply pure luck.
Even folks who are now debating
over whether to call poker a "game" or a
"sport" and thus unclear as to whether
poker should be covered In the sports
section or elsewhere in the newspaper
have little disagreement with the fact
that it takes talent to play poker cor-
rectly and winningly.
Strategy, observation, cleverness,
memory, tactics and acting are all the
unique demands of poker, and Americans
seem to be in high pursuit of these talents.
Bookstore tables and shelves are groaning
under the weight of poker manuals, guides
and brochures, as more than 70 million
Americans play poker today.
All across the country, Grandfathers
are being rejuvenated with spirited
challenges from grandchildren. Folks
stream to play for charities. They play
in tournaments with television cam-
eras, klieg lights, boom mikes, $10,000
entry fees and $7.5 million payouts.
And there are players in basements,
barnyards and backyards. There are
even celebrities, complete with the
lights, cameras and action to make the
game hot and In the spotlight.
But the requirement of "skill" is
Important not just in deciding whether it
is a sport or a game. When governments
recognize that poker is a game of skill,
then poker players can play their craft
without worrying about being the targets
of confused law enforcement officials or
politicians, who see the new interest in
poker as a way to boost the arrest tally or,
perhaps, collect unexpected revenues.
Now, as public support and inter-
est in poker grows through televised
celebrity matches and other events,
several states and localities are making
changes to laws that encroach on poker
player's ability to play online, at home,
in bars, taverns, and even at charity
events across the country.
Moreover, some at the federal level
have dedicated themselves to putting
an end to Interactive poker, while at
the same time portraying all poker
games in a negative light. Opponents
have seen the growing popularity of
poker and have tried to obscure the
commonly accepted notion that poker
is a game of skill, not a game of chance
a word change aimed at stripping long-
time legal protections for poker.
These changes would mock the long-
standing historical significance of the
game. From presidents to generals, Ameri-
cans have looked to poker, and the skills
they have acquired from the game, to help
think clearly and make tough decisions.
For example, after several defeats
at the hands of aggressive Southern
generals, President Abraham Lincoln
put the hard-drinking poker player
Ulysses S. Grant in command of the
Union Army. Using his well-honed
poker skills, Grant succeeded in the
ultimate bluff by misrepresenting his
troops' position and strength, divining
his opponents' intentions and coun-
tering with devastating effectiveness.
President Dwight Eisenhower is said
to have courted his future wife, Mamie
Doud, with his poker winnings. And his
future running mate, Richard Nixon,
won enough pots playing stud in the
Navy that he was able to finance his
first Congressional campaign.
As a game of skill, poker is designed so
anyone can win. In this match of Intellect,
the true "underdog" can prevail, causing
average poker-playing women and men
everywhere dream of being the next poker
superstar. And they all learn quickly a
crucial variation of knowing when to hold
them and when to fold them: it is better
to be skillful than lucky.
Are there any faithful girls out there
anymore? Don't go out, drink yourself
into a stupor, flirt and make out with
everyone you see, lie about It to your
boyfriend and then convince yourself it
was alcohol's fault. Where are the good,
loyal girls hiding?
To the person who made the comment
about the Red Sox hat funny how I
was wearing mine as I read that.
To the person who thinks we should
leave this country if we don't or agree
the politics of our government. Get
a grip. Questioning government is a
part of our nations existence. I suppose
if our ancestors had listened to your
advice our national currency would
be pounds. 1 love my country because
it gives me the right to say whatever 1
want. God bless America.
The day the fire alarm goes off twice
in 24 hours is the day I move out of
my dorm.
To the person who was ranting about
supporting the troops. I don't think
anybody dislikes the U.S. military,
some just don't agree with the current
leadership's use of them. If you're so
supportive of the current mission then
man up, drive over to the recruiting
center beside Overton's and put your
money where your mouth is.
While listening to the Red Hot Chili
Peppers, 1 recently made an important
life decision. I'm hanging up my air
guitar forever! That's right, its nothing
but air bass for me from here on out.
Long live Flea!
I would just like to tell the guy in
camouflage that drove the commuter
bus Tuesday afternoon that he is the
cutest guy in uniform on campus! You
know what they say: Men In uniforms
are sexy! Thanks for giving us girls
something nice to look at while riding
the bus!
Aundre Allison is my hero! Skip, you
better hang on to your lucky number two.
Why don't girls flush the toilet? Do you
not flush the one at your house either?
That must be pretty disgusting.
It is amazing what racquetball
can find you never would I have
thought it could bring love, for all
those that are looking, do what I did.
Play racquetball!
Editor's Nob: The hmu Ratals an arionymous way for
online at, or e-malled to The editor reserves
the right to edit opinions for content and brevity.
1 "
10 C
14 D
15 M
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35 E
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41 A
44 R
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57 Cr
58 C(
61 Ps
62 Ve
64 V?
66 R(
67 Ec
68 Cj
69 Dc
70 Br
71 "
1 W
2 0I
3 Pr

THURSDAY October 13, 2005
1 "Pinafore"
4 Respiratory
10 Clump
14 Devour
15 Montreal's
16 Offed
17 Pub choice
18 Highest
19 Ms. Lollobrigida
20 Uncooked
21 Horned viper
22 Slick liquid
24 Tarzan's son
25 Rip off
27 Where Pago
Pago is
29 Exist
30 Beat soundly
33 Circular
34 Cake of soap
35 Early TV
37 Deep singer
38 Day of
41 Apple PCs
44 Received by
48 Pers. pension
49 Butter servings
51 Kind of goat
52 Palmas
53 Full of furrows
55 Dog-paddled
56 Urban railways
57 Crude mineral
58 Cereal grain
61 Psychic power
62 Vast continent
64 Verbally
66 Regret bitterly
67 Equipment
68 Calculate
69 Do wrong
70 Bridge seat
71 "Fideles"
72Moines, IA
3536? 45
484950? 5960
?20C All rig5Trib Its reuneN serveedia d.5orvices, Inc.01306
William Randolph
and Patty
Old Testament
4 Marine leader?
5 Dines
6 Here-today
7 SHO rival
8 One with a
robust body
9 Deed
10 NYC arena
11 "Arabian Nights"
12 Ladies of Leon
13 Side-to-side
23 Trail behind
26 Department store
28 Not for
31 Paulo
32 Tailor's line
36 Skipped, as a
fishing lure
37 Navy jails
39 Garden veggie
40 Samovar
41 Travel allowance
42 Caspian's
ssvs ?Vs3V9alS
3HVVOnV S ? ? IA1V9S
43 Tropical
45 Stood very tall
46 Correction spot
47 Flue controls
49 Con's counterpart
54 Egg hearts
59 Oodles and
60 Daly of "Cagney
& Lacey"
63 Gallery works
65 Top gun
Two Dudes
by Aaron Warner
A Collage Girl Named Joe

by Aaron Warner
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KNoX And SiT AfcuNP AU WY.
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HMPH. No, Kilol I D?NT
The Family Moniur by Jo?h Sh?ltk
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TKe p?ih of lraii rcmtitnc
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is biiarieus
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Blldget from page A3
tance Directors Association,
which represents the state agen-
cies that distribute money to help
low-income families pay their
fuel bills.
This winter, Wolfe expects
more than a million additional
applicants for the government
program, a 20 percent increase
over last year, with not enough
money to go around. Congress
provided $2.2 billion for the
program, known as LIHEAP, last
year. Wolfe said $5.1 billion is
needed to keep pace this coming
winter with the soaring energy
costs and expanded demand.
With federal funding levels
uncertain, many states are scram-
bling to fill in the gap as best they
can, Wolfe said. He and other
advocates are urging Congress to
approve the additional money as
part of the recovery efforts from
hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The double punch of the two
hurricanes knocked out 20 percent
of the nation's natural gas produc-
tion, severely damaged gas process-
ing facilities along the Gulf Coast
and shut down more than a dozen
refineries. As a result, natural gas
supplies and heating oil are tight
as functioning refineries focused
on getting enough gasoline onto
the market - and not building up
stocks of heating oil.
Demand for heating oil
increased after a report Tuesday
from Accuweather.cdm pro-
jecting a "colder-than-normal"
winter over the Northeast where
most heating oil is used. Fuel oil
and natural gas prices increased
sharply on the New York Mercan-
tile Exchange.
"We are confident that natu-
ral gas supplies will be adequate
this winter Paul Wilkinson,
vice president for policy analysis
at the American Gas Associa-
tion, said at a news conference
previewing the upcoming winter
heating situation.
The AGA represents the coun-
try's natural gas utilities.
Wilkinson said the amount of
gas in storage by the end of this
month, the beginning of the winter
heating season, will be above the
five-year average, and while the
pace of recovery from the hurri-
canes remains uncertain, more pro-
duction from the stricken region is
expected into the winter.
But the gas utilities put in
storage is expensive, much of it
bought last summer at prices at
or near $9 a thousand cubic feet,
compared with $6 last winter.
Prices have spiked to as much as
$14 a thousand cubic feet since
the hurricanes and are expected
to be in the $11 range in the
months ahead.
Utilities try to cushion
consumers from the volatile
price spikes by buying much
of their gas in summer and
putting it in storage, using
hedging mechanisms in the com-
modity markets and providing con-
sumers with balanced billing plans
over a 12-month period, says Roger
Cooper, AGA vice president.
But this year "we've plucked the
low level fruit" in using such tactics
and more of the wholesale fuel costs
will have to be passed on, he said.
Heating costs for the average
family using fuel oil in the North-
east is projected by the group
to be as much as $1,867 for the
winter heating season, an increase
of $605 over last winter, and
$915 more than two years ago.
About half of all households
in New England use fuel oil.
In the Midwest, where natural
gas heats 79 percent of all homes,
according to AGA, the winter
heating costs are projected to
soar to $1,568 for the season, an
increase of $611 over last winter,
according to Wolfe.
Times reporter to testify
before grand jury again
York Times reporter Judith Miller is
giving prosecutors details of a pre-
viously undisclosed conversation
she had with Vice President Dick
Cheney's chief of staff, adding a
new dimension to the criminal
investigation into the leak of a
covert CIA officer's identity.
Miller was to testify for a
second time to a federal grand
jury on Wednesday, a day after
she turned over notes from her
June 23, 2003, contact with I.
Lewis "Scooter" Libby and under-
went questioning by Special
Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald.
Miller's notes, according to a
story published last weekend in
the Times, refer to Bush admin-
istration critic and former U.S.
Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
The prosecutors have been
examining the roles of Libby,
presidential aide Karl Rove and
others in the Bush administra-
tion in the leak to reporters of the
identity of Wilson's wife, covert
CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Before the June 23 Mlller-Ubby
conversation, the Times and The
Washington Post had both anon-
ymously quoted Wilson question-
ing the Bush administration's
handling of prewar intelligence
on Iraq. On July 6, 2003, the
Times published an op-ed piece
by Wilson suggesting the Bush
administration had twisted intel-
ligence to exaggerate the threat
from Iraq's nuclear weapons pro-
gram. Eight days later, columnist
Robert Novak exposed Plame's
identity as a CIA officer, saying his
information had come from two
administration officials.
Miller never wrote a story
about Wilson or Plame. She
testified Sept. 30 about two con-
versations with Libby in the days
after Wilson's op-ed piece in The
Times came out.
The newspaper said in a memo
to its staff that once Miller's obliga-
tions to the grand jury are fulfilled,
The Times intends to write "the
most thorough story we can of her
entanglement with the White House
leak investigation. It's a complicated
story Involving a large cast, and it
has required a meticulous reporting
effort - in part to chase down and
debunk some of the myths kicked
up by the rumor mill
The newspaper said the "story
is incomplete until we know as
much as we can about the sub-
stance of her evidence It con-
trasted Its intentions to reveal the
evidence Miller has given with
other reporters who have testi-
fied, including two from the Post.
The Times added that Novak
has not disclosed the details of his
grand jury testimony. Novak has
refused to say whether he cooper-
ated with Fitzgerald's investigation.
Attorney General Alberto Gon-
zales, in an interview on NBC's
"Today" show Wednesday, was
asked why Miller might be appear-
ing again before the grand jury.
"This prosecutor may have new
information that may contradict
prior testimony or may have ques-
tions about prior testimony, may
simply seek a clarification he
replied, "rmnotgoingtorrytospec-
ulate what the motivation is behind
Mr. Fitzgerald in asking a return by
any witness. But there are a variety
of reasons that someone might be
called back to answer additional
questions before a grand jury
Miller spent 85 days in jail
for refusing to cooperate with
Fitzgerald's probe. She testified
Sept. 30 before the grand jury
after getting a waiver from her
source, Libby, and after receiving
assurances from Fitzgerald that
questions would be limited to her
conversations with Libby.
Presidential aide Karl Rove
had conversations about Plame
with Time magazine reporter Matt
Cooper and Novak. Cooper also
spoke with Libby about Plame.
Fitzgerald also is calling Rove for
additional testimony. It will be Rove's
fourth appearance. The grand jury,
which has been hearing evidence
in the investigation for the past two
years, is due to expire Oct. 28.
DepreSSlOII from page A1
mental health screening services
in the country. Their outreach
includes colleges, high schools,
the workplace, healthcare provid-
ers and public programs.
"NDSD provides us another
location to meet and greet students
about the center. Someone afraid or
embarrassed to come to our office
might come here said Atticia
McAtee, coordinator of the screen-
ing and counselor at the center.
Common symptoms of depres-
sion can Include changes In sleep
patterns and appetite, feelings of
restlessness and worthlessness,
lack of concentration, decreased
energy, Irritability, feelings of sad-
ness and even thoughts of suicide.
Depression can be brought on by
a number of factors like stress,
negative thinking patterns, rela-
tionship problems or a genetic
predisposition to the disorder.
College students, the majority
of whom are at a great transition
stage in their lives, can be highly
susceptible to these factors.
The Center for Counseling
and Student Development offers
a variety of services including
individual counseling, group
counseling, crisis intervention,
career assessment, psychiatric
consultation and treatment,
campus presentations, walk-in
hours for emergencies and edu-
cational workshops.
"It's a convenient place for
students to come. Our services
are free. Off-campus students
would have to pay a therapist or
psychiatrist McAtee said.
Also, generic brand medi-
cations, which are generally
cheaper, are offered at the stu-
dent pharmacy on campus.
The center also provides a
safe and welcoming atmosphere
to discuss personal issues, such as
depression, relationship breakups,
substance abuse, managing feelings
of loss, suicidal thoughts, sexual
harassment, family problems, anxi-
ety and eating disorders.
"We also have walk-in hours
and someone is always on call,
day or night McAtee said.
To make an appointment at
the Center, call 328-6661.
This writer can be contacted at
Busted for Smoking Weed?
Busted for dwi?
Did your partying get you in
ale got you down?
We Can Help
Call Attorney Tim Burch
311 South Evans Street
Close to Campus and Courthouse
McixknhiU Studmi Cram
2M-I2M70C Inb?ttwti'i
2i2 I2M7?I Sivjrni I
a! i:?:56 wrrv.
Department of University Unions
East Carolina University
Grctnvilk, NC 27858-4353
October 10, 2005
A Dtpanmem m the
2S2U&OUC u?
22- wnt
Tidunul Service
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Stucirnl Artrrilin
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2)2 121M7W la
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Dear Student Organization President & Advisor:
Our records indicate that your organization has not registered
for the 2005-2006 school year. The registration deadline was
Friday, September 9. Student Organizations are a vital part
of the university experience.
The deadline for registration has been extended to Friday.
October 141 Please take a moment to visit the student
organization registration website at
Failure to register by this date will result in:
? University recognition as a Student Organization.
? Suspension of space reservation privileges (registered
student organization) for the remainder of fall 2005.
? Lost of all SGA allocated or requested funds for the
Our desire is for you to register your student organization by
the extended deadline. The Student Activities Center is here
to assist you in anyway we can. Please feel free to stop by
our office in 109 Mendenhall Student Center or email me at
Levy Brown Jr.
Assistant Director for Student Activities & Organizations
L-t C-tnlrru Univmicv a? dwnitocnr imtiruMiin nt ihc Uniwnitt iff Nunti ljM.ilm.t- An ?n il.irm ?ijht.n ihm ?.h,?, unm-nit
writ.ti m v?innnLu (he rwrJ ? in.tikkul with Jifivwtim-t
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ore details!
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$6 for adults
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Ages 5 and under &
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are admittedree
Beech Street:
apartment. Clo
with fee. For n
Wainright Pro
756-6209 or vi
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bedroom 1.5 b
ECU bus stop. I
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756-6209 or vi:
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Page A7
THURSDAY October 13, 2005
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Sublease 700 sq. ft 1 Bdroom Apt?
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tenant's 450 Deposit. Rent is $40
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Beech Street: 3 bedroom 2 bath
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756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Cannon CourtCedar Court: 2
bedroom 1.5 bath towrihouse. One
ECU bus stop. For more information
call Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Park Village: 1 & 2 bedrooms. Close
to ECU. WaterSewer included. For
more information call Wainright
Property Management 756-
6209 or visit or web-site www.
One two Brs. on-site management
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month leases Water Cable included
ECU bus Wireless Internet pets
dishwasher disposals pool laundry
(252) 758-4015
Roommate needed in beautiful 3
BDR house, 2 Bath one block from
campus, females non-smoking ;
high speed wireless internet option;
WD, all kitchen appliances, parking,
no pets. Please call 347-1231
College Part: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments, On ECU bus stop.
WaterSewer included. For more
information call Wainright Property
Management 756-6209 or visit our
web-site www.rentingreenville.
Three bedroom duplex for rent near
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Gladiolus, jasmine, & Peony
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2 and 3 bedroom houses for rent.
Close to ECU. Pet allowed with
fee. For more information call
Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Cypress Gardens: 1 & 2 bedroom 1
bath apartment. On ECU bus stop.
Basic Cable included. For more
information call Wainright Property
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Save your gas money for more
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Z6I1 from page A1
is captured by Zen more than
other forms of Buddhism. Maybe
it's the 'Z' in the word, but books
with the word 'Zen' In the title
seem to sell very well Tucker
Heine has been a leading
expert in his field for some time
and has had more than a dozen
books published on the subject
of Zen.
"I know Steve pretty well
and I've heard him speak a few
times, so I'm speculating that
he'll be speaking about the poles
in which one can approach life
Tucker said.
The poles refer to the Zen
principle of either withdrawal or
aggressive strikes and are a way in
which practitioners of Zen teach
people to approach life.
"Of course, the traditional
teachings of Zen encompass
those extremes, and I'll be speak-
ing about those concepts more in
depth Heine said.
This will be Heine's second
trip to Greenville.
"I drove out toGreenville two
or three years ago to visit with
friends, and it was a nice area. I'm
looking forward to returning
Heine said.
Heine's new book, which
concentrates on Dogen, will be
released next spring.
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com.
CrayOll from page A1
This only compounds prob-
lems caused by Amber's parents'
Amber is forced to deal with
the emotions that come with
losing a friend. She initially goes
through denial, believing that
there is no way her best friend
will desert her. When she finally
accepts the fact that Justin is leav-
ing, she becomes angry. By the
end of the story, Amber realizes
that saying goodbye Is not forever
and the bond between her and
Justin cannot be broken.
"The conflict she faces is
one that many young people are
familiar with, and they easily
identify with her dilemma
Blackman said.
Four actors and actresses play
all seven roles in Ambet Brown.
Amber and Justin are each por-
trayed with one person focusing
on the role, white theehatsKters
of their mothers, tbtfc, teacher,
Mrs. Cohen, the person buying
Justin's home and Hannah are
shared by a couple of actors.
Greg Gunning, ArtsPower's
artistic director, brings the show
to life with songs such as "Gross"
and "Time to Fly Gunning also
directed the production and
wrote the lyrics.
Crucial to the play's appeal is
the dialogue.
"It's really the way kids talk
said Gary Blackman, co-founding
With a colorful set that repre-
sents various themes of the show,
including references to Amber's
name as an actual shade of brown,
Amber Brown can be en)oyed by not
only the children that make up
most of Danzlnger's following, but
also the parents and family bring-
ing the children to the show.
This year marks the 16th year
of ECU'S Family Fare Series. The
series brings national theater
companies to ECU to perform
children's plays on Saturday
"Family Fare performances
aim to simultaneously educate
and entertain and Amber Brown
did just that said Mary Helms,
marketing associate in the Cul-
tural Outreach Office.
" Life lessons took to the stage as
we, along wtth Amber, learned the
value of friendship and the impor-
tance of accepting change
Remaining performances for
the season include The Rainbow
Fish, My Hero Reaching for the
Stars! and Toying with Science.
This writer can be contacted at
nHE linf
Biometrics proves difficult to implement
(AP) ? They walk up to an
ATM and press their thumbs on
the screen. Out spits the cash.
mountains and jungles of Colombia.
It's one of the few places in the
world where banks are using fin-
gerprint biometrics, which verify
people's identities based on their
unique physical characteristics.
Scanning fingerprints or irises
to verify an ATM customer's iden-
tity has yet to penetrate the U.S.
banking market because of con-
cerns about expense and privacy.
Customers must be convinced
that the technologies provide
more benefit than the card-and-
PIN system, which works well,
said John Hall, spokesman for the
American Bankers Association.
The cards also serve functions
Deyond the ATMs, as debit cards
and as advertising for the banks.
"Getting that wallet
space is important said Bill
Spence, a biometric expert
with Campbell, Calif-based
Recognition Systems Inc.
However, companies that
make automated teller machines
have found budding markets for
the fingerprint technology in
South America, where citizens
already are accustomed to the use
of fingerprints for general identifi-
cation, such as ID cards they carry.
Diebold Inc. of North Canton,
Ohio, has supplied fingerprint-
capable ATMs to a bank in Chile
that is using them in a pilot proj-
ect. Last year Dayton, Ohio-based
NCR Corp. installed 400 of them
in Colombia.
BanCafe, Colombia's fifth-
largest bank, bought the ATMs at
the end of 2002 for added security
for coffee growers and to get them
to open accounts. The growers
wouldn't need to carry ATM cards,
which can be a lure for thieves.
Ricardo Prieto, who was
vice president for system opera-
tions at BanCafe when the
system was installed, said that at
first ATMs failed to recognize fin-
gerprints on the well-worn hands of
some elderly customers and labor-
ers such as construction workers.
He said the ATM imaging
was improved, and the number
of customers whose fingerprints
couldn't be read fell from 30
percent to 8 percent.
About 230,000 of BanCafe's
1 million customers registered to
use the fingerprint ATMs, which
account for about 15 percent of
the bank's total transactions.
"Biometrics is certainly the
most secure form of authenti-
cation said Avivah Lltan, an
analyst with Gartner Inc a Stam-
ford, Connbased technology
analysis firm. "It's the hardest to
imitate and duplicate
About 350 banks in North
America are using Diebold's
hand geometry systems to clear
customers into vaults so they can
open their safe-deposit boxes. At
Zlons First National Bank in Salt
Lake City and South Carolina
Federal Credit Union, users place
their hands on a screen, which
reads the width of the palm,
length of the fingers and other
points of the hand.
Last year, Suruga Bank Ltd.
in Japan began using ATMs that
allow customers to access their
accounts by holding their palms
up to machines that read the pat-
tern of blood vessels.
Finger scans - in which
people are Identified by multiple
points on the finger rather than
fingerprints - are being used
at grocery stores and by people
renting lockers at some airports,
train stations, theme parks and
the Statue of Liberty.
Later this year, NCR plans to
begin selling finger readers to
stores for use by employees and
customers who volunteer. The
technology is designed to speed
up checkout and to prevent theft.
The scans verify which cashiers
are operating the registers In
case there is missing cash and
the identity of managers who
approve customer checks.
Systems that scan the iris
of the eye are being used at air-
ports in Canada and the Nether-
lands to check passengers going
through customs and at border
points In the United Arab Emir-
ates to identify people trying to
enter the country with fake work
visas. Biometrics are also being
used in U.S. airports as part of the
"Registered Traveler" program for
prescreened flyers.
Diebold has tested ATMs with
iris scans, but banks have yet to
adopt the scanning because the
systems were expensive and the
cameras too large for small ATMs.
Users had to practically put their
noses on the screen for the scan
to work.
Iridian Technologies Inc
based in Morristown, N.J has
developed a smaller camera
that costs under $1,000 and can
photograph the iris of a user 18
inches away, said CEO Frank
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Arts & Entertainment
Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features
THURSDAY October 13, 2005
Got Problems?
Dear Features,
Why Is It so Impossible to ask
Features'questions? It's nearly
impossible to find where to submit
questions on
and it's not anonymous right now. I
had to mall this in. What's up with
that? Will your Web site be more user
friendly anytime soon?
-Dazed and Confused
Dazed and Confused,
We really don't know what to tell you
here. We've tried to put a link on the
main Web site with no success so far.
As for now, you can keep submitting
questions to us by going to TEC forum
and asking us through our message
board. Thanks for faking the time
to log on, we're hoping that more
people will follow In.your footsteps.
We're eagerto answer your questions
and give you advice on just about
anything. Soon there will be a link on
the Web site that functions the same
way the Pirate Rant link works, totally
Bet it all with Two for the Money'
Pumpkin and Black Bean Soup:
2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1
turn of the pan
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 cups canned or packaged vegetable
stock, found on soup aisle
1 can (1412 ounces) diced tomatoes
In Juice
1 can (15ounces) black beans, drained
2 cans (15 ounces) pumpkin puree
(found often on the baking aisle)
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon curry powder, 1 palm full
1 12 teaspoons ground cumin, 12
palm full
12 teaspoon cayenne pepper, eyeball
It in the palm of your hand
Coarse salt
20 blades fresh chives, chopped or
snipped, for garnish
Heat a soup pot over medium heat.
Add oil. When oil is hot, add onion.
saute onions five minutes. Add
broth, tomatoes, black beans and
pumpkin puree. Stir to combine
ingredients and bring soup to a
boil. Reduce heat to medium low
and stir in cream, curry, cumin,
cayenne and salt, to taste. Simmer
five minutes, adjust seasonings and
serve garnished with chopped chives.
Cream-Filled Devil's Food Cakes:
Nonstick vegetable spray for coating
muffin tin
1 14 cups cake flour
12 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
(recommended: Dutch-processed)
1 teaspoon baking soda
14 teaspoon baking powder
12 teaspoon salt
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, at
room temperature
1 12 cups sugar
3 eggs
12 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 cup coffee, brewed strong and hot
Set a rack In the middle of the
oven and preheat to 350 degrees.
Generously coat a 12-slot muffin
tin with nonstick vegetable spray.
Into a large bowl, sift the flour, cocoa,
baking soda, baking powder and salt
together three times. In a mixing bowl,
beat the butter and sugar together
at high speed for 15 seconds, until
combined. Add the eggs, one at a time,
beating until each is Incorporated.
Continue beating until light and fluffy,
about six minutes more. With the
mixer on Its lowest setting, beat In a
third of the flour mixture. Beat in the
buttermilk and vanilla, then another
third of the flour. Beat in the coffee
and then the remaining flour. Fill the
cups of the muffin tin two-thirds full
and bake for 15 minutes, or until the
centers spring back when lightly
pressed and a cake tester comes out
clean. Set the pan on a rack to cool.
With a small knife, carefully carve a
1-lnch-round by 1-lnch-deep plug
out of the bottoms of the cupcakes-
you're going to need the plug to refill
the hole, so don't chuck it out. Fill
with vanilla cream. Cut a 14-inch
disk off the cake plug and cover the
exposed cream. Dunk the cupcakes
Into the frosting to coat, then place
on a rack, frosted side up. Transfer to
the refrigerator for 20 minutes to set
before serving.
Ganache Frosting:
5 ounces semisweet
chocolate, coarsely chopped
34 cup heavy cream
Ganache Frosting: Put the chocolate
In a small bowl. In a small saucepan,
over medium heat, bring the cream
lust to the simmering point. Pour the
hot cream over the chocolate and,
working from the center out, gently
stir with a whisk to melt the chocolate
and blend until smooth.
Vanilla Cream Filling:
3 tablespoons vegetable shortening
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at
room temperature
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup light com syrup
The best high stakes film
Hollywood has seen
in years
Two for the Money is a film
about something that happens
every weekend in every city
across America during football
season - betting on the winners.
Who would have guessed that a
movie about such a thing would
have been so entertaining?
Matthew McConaughey plays
Brandon Lang, a sports fan and
former Division-I quarterback.
An injury in the conference
championship game of his senior
year leaves him sidelined from
the game for the rest of his life.
We find Brandon several years
later making voice messages
on a Las Vegas 900-number tip
hotline. On one lucky day, he
fills in for the sports predictor
and guesses the winners of the
weekend's college games with
almost 100 percent accuracy. He
makes quite a name for himself
and is eventually tracked down
by Walter Abrams (Al Pacino).
Walter offers Brandon a posi-
tion in picking college and pro
football winners at his office
in New York. Walter's business
is very big and completely legal.
They take a percentage of the
winnings from their customer's
bookie. They also advertise their
business on a weekly public
Al Pacino and Matthew McConaughey make quite the dynamic duo as The Sports Advisors" in this film.
access television program.
Walter, along with the help of
his wife Toni (Rene Russo), build
up a new image for him. They
cut his hair, buy him expensive
suits and give him a new name,
one that Walter finds very cool,
John Anthony. This new image
gets to his head and pretty soon
all the money they've made helps
make John Anthony talk louder
and walk taller than Brandon
Lang ever did. It also causes a few
minor riffs in the relationship
between Walter and Brandon,
and also between Walter and Toni.
Directed by veteran televi-
sion director D.J. Caruso, Two
for the Money is an enormously
entertaining film that does not
have any types of drawbacks. The
plot is complex but straightfor-
ward. Caruso should be praised
for keeping this brainy plot
Take a walk 'In Her Shoes'
More than just another
'chick flick'
One of the most overused
terms when referring to films
is the term "chick flick Too
many people will put films
in this category if there is a
romance involved. Movies like
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and
10 Things I Hate About You are
considered chick flicks because
of the romantic tendencies the
plot has. I don't think that actors
like Matthew McConaughey and
Heath Ledger would consider
themselves actors in chick flicks.
If you consider movies about
romance to be chick flicks, then
you'd also have to say that Top
Gun, SO First Dates and Braveheart
are also chick flicks.
I don't like calling movies
chick flicks. Too many times has
this term been overused. If I had
to define a chick flick, I would
say that it's a film written for a
woman audience that has the
main characters set as women
involving topics that pertain
mainly to women. This filters
down the list of chick flicks to a
relative few. Films like The Divine
Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
or Chocolat would fall into this
category. Every Hugh Grant film
ever made would not.
Curtis Hanson's newest film
In Her Shoes would fall into this
Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette star as Maggie and Rose Feller.
category, but just by the skin of
its teeth. The story, based on a
novel by Jennifer Weiner, could
be told with two men in the
leading roles and still be just as
In Her Shoes stars Cameron
Diaz and Academy Award nomi-
nated actress Toni Collette as
Maggie and Rose Feller, two sis-
ters from Philadelphia. Rose is a
successful lawyer while Maggie
Is still the wild party animal
doing the nightly promiscuous
activities that she did during her
teenage years.
She is kicked out of her dad
and step-mom's (Ken Howard
and Candice Azzara) house
after coming home drunk from
her high school reunion. She is
sent to live with Rose under the
condition that she will find a job.
Maggie is soon kicked out by her
sister after she is discovered in
bed with Rose's coworker and
romantic interest Jim (Richard
Maggie discovers that she
has a grandmother living in a
retirement community in Florida.
She goes in search of her and
finds her Grandma Ella (Shirley
MacLaine). Ella is open to Mag-
gie's arrival but also encourages
her to get a job.
Back in Philly, Rose leaves her
law firm and begins a dog walk-
ing service. She bumps into an
old law partner on the street one
see SHOES page 83
'How to Win at College' written
by a truly successful student
Tips for success from an
over achiever
How do they do it, those over-
achieving college students who
seem to find time to be involved
in everything? How do they
have good grades, become the
president of clubs, win awards
and even find time for the volun-
tary kind of community service?
Maybe they are geniuses or they
possess a supernatural genetic
Cal Newport wondered these
things when he entered Dart-
mouth College as a freshman.
Four years later, serving as editor-
in-chief of his college humor
paper, being honored as A Rufus
Choate Scholar and Presidential
Scholar and graduating Phi Beta
Kappa, he now shares the secrets
how to shine in college. He has
the inside scoop in his book, How
to Win at College: Surprising Secrets
for Success from the Country's Top
Students (Broadway Books -Trade
paperback Original, $11.95). This
is a smart and snappy guide filled
with proven tips to help all stu-
dents achieve their full potential
while making the most of their
college years.
Freshman business major
Jean Marshall said "I used to
make 'to-do lists' everyday until
I read How to Win at College. It
explained why I have a difficult
time getting all my tasks com-
pleted In one day and made a
few suggestions as to how I could
manage time a little better
The book is based on inter-
views Newport conducted with
stand-out students from top
universities nationwide includ-
ing Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Dart-
mouth, Wake Forest, University
of Virginia and University of
A few of the surprising tips
include not doing all your read-
ings, caring about your grades
not your grade point average,
making your friends a top prior-
ity, laughing everyday and drop-
ping classes every semester. Every
tip is explained and justified, but
these are only a sample of the 75
simple, yet often counter-intui-
tive rules that can be found in
Newport's book.
This book proves that suc-
cess is not strictly based on your
intelligence. It has everything
to do with strategy, motivation,
determination and having the
right guide, of course.
How to Win at College pro-
vides a wealth of simple, proven
techniques for doing one's best
and winning the game of col-
lege. It gives tips on how to do
well in class, getting involved in
extra-curricular activities, hold
leadership positions, take advan-
tage of what your college has to
offer, define goals and create an
awesome resume. Yes, it is pos-
sible to do all this and still have
a social life.
Freshman biology major
Askley Hyatt said, "Making
friends a priority wasn't some-
see WIN page B2
relatively simplistic to the aver-
age viewer. Dan Gilroy's very
original screenplay is the best
gambling script since Rounders.
Al Pacino gives his usual fierce
performance. Pacino, an Oscar
recipient for his role in Scent of
a Woman, is one of the very few
actors in the business these days
whose performances are just as
fiery as the performances in his
1970s films such as Serpico, Dog
Day Afternoon and The Godfa-
ther. Pacino never disappoints
whenever his name top lines a
film and this one is no exception.
Matthew McConaughey is
also an actor of great versatility.
The role he plays in Two for the
Money has been written before in
other films. You know the type, a
guy who has nothing is suddenly
given everything that changes
his personality until he realizes
that he has forgotten who he was.
His role is the only unoriginal
thing about this film, but that's
okay. McConaughey's strong
performance makes up for any
lack of originality there may be.
Two for the Money is the per-
fect film for anyone who has ever
bet any dollar figure on a football
game or any sporting game for
that matter.
My weakness is the March
Madness bracket pools. McCo-
naughey and Pacino's characters
are usually the guys I turn to for
advice on picking the upsets. We
all know guru's like this, so It's
fun to see movies about people
who we know. It's not everyday
that Hollywood turns a movie
out with memorable characters
that we can actually connect
with, let alone identify with.
And when Hollywood does make
these characters, it's a great sur-
prise that makes for a great trip
to the theater.
Grade: A
This writer can be contacted at
TEC Masterpiece Spotlight:
The Beatles' by The Beatles
As the band dissolves,
they create their
greatest work to date
In their seven short years as
a musical phenomenon, The
Beatles released twelve original
albums - meaning that there
are eleven Beatle masterpieces
for me to choose from. It's
not an easy decision. Should
I highlight the dark turn the
band took on Revolver? Or Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
where the band turned rock 'n'
roll into an art form?
Wait - I got it. This week's
is The Beatles
album The
Beatles, most
referred to
as The White
Album for its
album cover
devoid of
other than
the band's
Not only is The White
Album (released in 1968) The
Beatles' best-selling album at
19-times platinum but it's their
most ambitious, expansive
and unique album as well. The
album marks a turning point
for The Beatles. Following the
smashing success of Sgt. Pepper,
the band slowly began to fall
apart at the seams.
It wasn't that there had
been a major incident within
the band that caused the rift - it
was just that each member was
simply outgrowing the band. As
the album was recorded, John
Lennon was going through a
divorce and in the early stages
of his relationship with avant-
garde artist Yoko Ono, who
both encouraged his experi-
mentation musically and alien-
ated him from the rest of the
Meanwhile, George Harri-
son felt neglected by his band-
mates who never seemed to
care about recording his mate-
rial. Drummer Ringo Starr felt
similarly slighted and inadequate
- even quit the band during the
recording process forcing Paul
McCartney to sit in on drums
for a handful of songs. Starr
would return shortly. Meanwhile
McCartney tried his hardest to
keep the band together while at
the same time was headstrong in
pushing his songs and ideas for
the album.
The resulting album is a Bea
ties album in name only. More
appropriately, it's an album by
four individuals who happen to
be Beatles. In The Beatles Anthol
ogy, Harrison described the situa
tion saying, "I remember having
three studios operating at the
same time: Paul was doing some
overdubs in
one, John was
in another and
I was recording
some horns or
something in a
The result
may have been
a very dis
jointed album
but it's also
an amazing
album. Each
of the three primary songwriters
(McCartney, Lennon and Har
rison) was at the peak of their
brilliance and as a result, each
had brilliant contributions to
the album.
The album opens with the
McCartney song "Back in the
USSR an ode to the Beach Boys
complete with falsetto backing
vocals and piano played so hard
that Jerry Lee Lewis could have
been behind the keys.
McCartney's best songs on
the album also include the folk
y "Rocky Raccoon the primal
Why Don't We Do It in the
Road?" and "Helter Skelter the
song Charles Manson thought
was speaking to him about the
end of the world.
Easily, the best song on the
album is Harrison's "While My
Guitar Gently Weeps Accord
ing to The Beatles Anthology, Har
rison was having trouble getting
McCartney and Lennon to pay
attention to his song long enough
see BEATLES page B2

'Mail Order Wife' return policy enforced with independent film
Year old indie film is
now on DVD
Films shown at film festivals
that are the very last to be picked
up can mean one of two things.
The first is that every single film
at the festival was amazing and
the last film is the least amazing,
but still a four-star film. Either
that or the final film was a
surprise addition that someone
was bribed to show and was pur-
chased out of sheer pity. It is my
opinion that new direct to DVD
release Mail Order Wife was one
of the latter.
Mail Order Wife follows a doc-
umentary filmmaker Andrew (co-
writer and co-director Andrew
Gurland) who is making a docu-
mentary about Adrian (Adrian
Martinez) who has just pur-
chased a mail order bride from
Asia. His new bride is Lichi (Euge-
nia Yuan). Adrian begins to treat
his new wife as more of a mail
order servant girl rather than
from page B1
to record so while having lunch
with guitar legend Eric Clapton
one day, he invited him to play
on the song. With Clapton in the
studio, Lennon and McCartney
behaved themselves and the song
was made.
Clapton's guitar work on the
song is more emotive than any
lyric could ever be. Bittersweet
and beautiful, "While My Guitar
Gently Weeps" stands among the
greatest songs in the history of
rock 'n' roll. In terms of songwrit-
ing, this song places Harrison right
beside his more renowned band-
mates McCartney and Lennon.
However that doesn't mean
that the other two didn't hold
their own on the album. Some
of Lennon's best work Is included
on The White Album. Whether it's
his morbid "Happiness is a Warm
Gun dreary "I'm So Tired" or
"Sexy Sadie his vicious attack
on the religious leader Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi.
There are 30 tracks on The
White Album. Beatles producer
George Martin argued that it was
too much and urged the band to
trim the fat and make one amaz-
ing single album instead of the
double. However, I'm not sure
that there was much fat to trim.
From top to bottom, The White
Album is an amazing album.
However, the album was
undeniably done when the
band was on the brink of self-
destruction. They were four
of the most famous people on
earth at the time and at that
point, found it hard to answer
to anybody. The White Album is
such a great album because of
that selfishness - because The
Beatles refused to be restrained
by anybody - even themselves.
This writer can be contacted at
Win from page B1
thing I thought I would find in a
book like this, but it explains why
it's important to have a social life
and not just keep my nose stuck
in books all the time or stay in
the library until the wee hours
of the night
Cal Newport has published
many articles on the topic of
student success in The Wall
Street Journal's .allege Journal
and Business Today magazine as
well as in student-targeted pub-
lications, including CollegeBound
Magazine. He is also an award-
winning youth entrepreneur
who co-founded Princeton Web
Solutions, a technology start-up,
in 1998. He Is currently enrolled
in the computer science Ph.D.
program at MIT and is working
on his new book, How to Become a
Straight A Student, to be published
summer of 2006.
This writer can be contacted at
Vintage Clothing,
Jewelry & More
Is Coming
"?si rso
mil Dickinson venue
I niciMn Orccnvillc
his wife. It gets so bad that she
runs to Andrew for protection.
These two eventually fall in love
behind Adrian's back.
Arjdrew Gurland co-wrote
and co-directed this film with
Huck Botko, both independent
filmmakers. They have made
this film look like the docu-
mentary that Gurland's char-
acter filmed. It comes across
as a real documentary. This
is about as creative as it gets.
I am no sucker for people
trying to be all "indie film I
have no problem with indepen-
dent cinema. I am a big supporter
of film festivals where people
with little funding and next to
no filmmaking instruction can
send in films and make it big.
A favorite filmmaker amongst
many people is Kevin Smith,
director of the lay and Silent Bob
films. He is a prime example of
what independent film festivals
can do for someone.
I do not believe, however, that
just because a film is indepen-
dently produced and financed
that I need to shower it with
praise. I do congratulate Gurland
and Botko on the success that they
had with this film. It was shown
as part of the film market at the
Cannes Film Festival in France in
2004 and won the award for Best
American Film at the 2005 Santa
Barbara International Film Festi-
val. Based on that, it must have
been a very sub par film festival.
The story line and the way in
which the film is shot makes for a
very interesting film on the sur-
face, but once you watch it, you'll
find yourself rather annoyed.
Thanks to the filmmakers of The
Blair Witch Project in 1999, we now
see fictional independent films
shown as documentaries. This
is not the purpose of the docu-
mentary. Mockumentaries, like
Rob Reiner's This is Spinal Tap!
are terrific films because they are
made to make fun of other films
that are similar to its type. But
when a movie is written directly
to be a fictitious documentary,
we can only close our eyes and
imagine what the film world
would have been like today if
Blair Witch had never made it big.
Mail Order Wife may have
been better if it had not been
made to look like a documentary.
If films like this start to take over,
then we will lose the essence of
what documentaries really are.
Maybe that's why great docu-
mentaries this year, such as
Murderball, have not performed
well. It's because films like this
that destroy the documentary,
and directors like Michael Moore
who have no right calling them-
selves "documentary filmmak-
ers are polluting the minds
of moviegoers with the wrong
impressions of what documen-
taries really are.
Independent films that make
it big are available in stores for
the public to watch. This movie,
if you decide to watch It despite
the bad review, may be hard to
find in a normal video store.
Look through the new releases
though, you never know what
you will find. D-
This writer can be contacted at
features@theeastcarolinian. com. '
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

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Definitely not new Beatles
The Redwalls give
pleasant memories
When you think about
punk music, the Beatles don't
necessarily come to mind,
do they? The punk attitude
doesn't quite seem to fit in with
the Beatles' music when you
make the comparison, does it?
Well, get ready for the Red-
walls, a four-piece punk group
from Chicago with a sound that
doesn't fit the label of punk rock.
That is a good thing, though.
The group's album De Nova
often sounds like a sampling of
the Hives and the boys from across
the pond, but overall makes for
a good, rich musical experience.
Citing influencing groups
such as the Rolling Stones, The
Beatles (of course), Bob Dylan
and Otis Redding, the group came
up with the name The Redwalls
after their first name, The Pages,
didn't quite work out. It had
previously been taken by a group
that would become Mr. Mister.
After playing Chicago for a
while and recording an album
with Undertow Records, they
toured some large gigs and even-
tually got signed by Capitol
Records, who released this album.
The album's producer, Rob
Schnapf, has also worked with
Beck, Elliot Smith and the Vines.
The album's lyrics are
strongly written, positively-ori-
ented, although you'll hear the
occasional political commentary,
especially in their song "Falling
Down Apparently the inspira-
tion for this song was a live radio
show where singer Logan Baren
used profanity and was conse-
quently reprimanded.
Another song that's pretty
high on politics is their song
"Glory of War" which is a song
about killing and has some things
to say about our nation's conflicts.
Even with a dash of politi-
cal barnstorming, the group's
album is far from being political.
According to a press release on
the band, singer Baren professes,
"We're not preaching
"Every once in a while you
feel this obligation to acknowl-
edge some of the (expletive)
things that are going on. But
we also sing about girls, and
all that other stuff. What we
really do is play rock n' roll
Their sound is hard to pin
down as having one particular
characteristic. They have a good
mix of instrumental work (they
even used a horn section in
some songs) and it stays pretty
dynamic. The music is just as up-
tempo as the lyrics, you'll find, as
the question will come up in your
mind again and again, "Isn't this
the Beatles?"
Singer Baren, bassist Justin
Baren, guitarist Andrew Langer
and drummer Ben Greeno
do look like they could pass
for a younger version of the
Beatles or even the Rolling
Stones. They've got the look,
and they've got the music, too.
With that said, if you like
the Beatles and the Stones, the
Redwalls will be a good choice for
you. Their music has a sort of easy
feeling to it - it's almost like rock
you could listen to while unwind-
ing from your day. Yet it also has
that quality where you could put
it on while getting ready to go in
the morning and it will ease you
into a good mood for the day.
The album's top songs would
be their first song, "Robinson
Crusoe "On My Way and
"Rock & Roll All these songs give
the listener a fairly good impres-
sion of the attitude of their music.
It's melodic, decent rock that
deserves a good listen and it's rock
that you will find good enough
to play for people at a party.
Paul McCartney and
Ringo Starr are not on this
album. However, you will be
fooled. You'll like it anyway.
This writer can be contacted at
brlOBS from page B1
day, Simon (Mark Feuerstein).
Simon is a man who doesn't take
"no" for an answer when it comes
to asking Rose out for lunch. The
two have lunch, then dinner,
then a Sixers game and finally
the interest sparks.
Director Curtis Hanson began
his career in the 1980s, but it
wasn't until the 1990s that he
became a master of suspense. His
early films The Hand that Rocks
the Cradle and The River Wild
were superb thrillers with great
twists and acting in both. He
then won an Oscar for the film
noir thriller LA Confidential and
then left the thriller genre for
the drama genre. He followed it
up with the underrated Wonder
Boys and Eminem's 8 Mile. This is
an impressive resume - however,
I had doubts about him doing
a film like this. 1 still picture
Hanson as a master of the thriller
films rather than an dramatic
director. He has, however, made
the transition with flawless ease.
He has directed In Her Shoes to
be more than just the chick flick
that it appears to be on the sur-
face, but a more heartfelt drama
about family and lose.
The screenplay was adapted
from Jennifer Weiner's novel by
Erin Brockovich scribe Susannah
Grant. She has adapted the novel
in textbook fashion by keeping
the characters and storyline
almost mirror images of each
other. The characters in this film
are very real and easily identifiable.
Cameron Diaz and Toni Col-
Iette shine in bringing these sis-
ter's to life. The onscreen chemis-
try they share is some of the most
solid from any movie this year.
The role Diaz plays seems to be
very similar to the personality we
all assume she has, but she pulls it
off with ease. There are also very
strong supporting performances
Francine Beers and Jerry Adler as
Mrs. Lefkowitz and Mr. Feldman,
two residents of Ella's retirement
community. They appear as a sort
of comic relief, but end up being
the most entertaining characters
of the film.
In Her Shoes would probably
be considered a chick flick by my
definition, but I think it is more
than this. The only reason it
might not be is because the story
isn't about all sorts of romance
or overly feminine topics, and
the same story could also be told
with two brothers in the lead
roles rather than two women.
Don't be fooled by the fact that
two women in the lead roles
means this film is a girly movie.
Whoever skips out on this film
because the previews make it look
like a chick flick will be missing
out on one of the best films of
the fall movie season.
Grade: A
This writer can be contacted at
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Page B4 252.328.6366 TONY Z0PP0 Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY October 13,2005
Head Coach Skip Holtz and quarterback James Pinkney are all smiles after their convincing 41-28 home victory over Rice last Saturday afternoon. Pinkney threw three touchdowns in the contest
Pirates try for first road W since 2003
First-ever meeting for
Pirates, Mustangs
?Rice University a week
ago, facing Southern Methodist
University is a foreign concept
to the Pirates. For nearly two
seasons, winning on the road has
been one too.
Only 47 percent of the 78
players listed on the travel roster
were on the team for ECU'S last
road win. Even those 38 play-
ers have to dip deep into their
memory banks (10 games) to
recall ECU'S 38-32 win over hap-
less Army on Oct. 18, 2003.
The Pirates (2-3) have
a chance to etch yet another
memory when they will leave the
comforts of home in traveling to
Dallas, Texas for a Conference
USA road game against SMU (2-4)
on Saturday afternoon.
"This week we have a new
challenge in going on the road
said Skip Holtz.
"We haven't had a lot of suc-
cess over the last couple of years
on the road. The only way that is
going to end is to focus on SMU
ECU is fresh off a 41-28 home
win over Rice. James Pinkney's
81-yard pass to Chris Johnson
sealed the game midway through
the fourth quarter. Pinkney
passed for a career-high 355 yards
while being named Co-Offensive
C-USA Player of the Week.
SMU had a long pass of their
own to happily seal their fate last
week. Starting Mustang quarter-
back Jerad Romo hit Bobby Chase
on a 31-yard hail mary pass as
time expired to upset UAB 28-27.
Romo's 30-of-43 passing for 315
yards earned him the other share
of the C-USA's Offensive Player of
the Week.
Romo was set to split time
with Tony Eckert when the season
started. However, a season ending
injury to Eckert made way for
Romo to excel in SMU's spread
offense. Romo has passed for
895 yards and five touchdowns
through six games.
Both teams have experienced
polar opposite emotions as the
season approaches the midway
point. SMU made national head-
lines by defeating nationally
ranked arch rival TCU 21-10. The
Mustangs also tasted an embar-
rassing 66-8 defeat to Texas A&M
a week later.
SMU's win over UAB has
Mustang fans convinced they've
turned the corner in Phil Ben-
nett's tenure. Bennett is 8-33 in
his fourth season as head coach.
His team lost 16-13 in overtime
to Marshall and won in Birming-
ham last week.
Holtz is also ready for his
team to continue their progres-
sion. The first-year head coaih
praised his team during a press
conference on Monday.
"I would say we're ahead
Holtz said of his own expecta-
"Because so many guys have
stepped up and been pleasant
see PIRATES page B6
TEC Top 10: Week 3
Allison is keeping up with the best wide outs in the nation while cornerbacks fail to keep up with him.
ECU'S Allison combines
toughness with finesse
Wide receiver lost his front teeth during
senior year in high school
Aundrae Allison has developed a subtle touch-
down celebration. Allison jumps in the air simulta-
neously with a teammate while extending his arms
up for a high-five. Surely, the Pirate Nation can see
Allison grinning afterward.
But, the junior receiver hasn't always been so lucky.
Allison lined up as usual for his A.I Brown
Wonders during his senior year of high school. The
supremely talented wideout was in his fourth game
of the season against archrival Concord High School.
Playing on the road in the state's longest stand-
ing rivalry, Allison wanted desperately to impress
college scouts. On the first series. Wonders' coach
Ron Massey knew Allison had the athleticism to
burn the Spider secondary. Massey called for Allison
to run a fly route.
"He went up to catch a ball that was a little
high said Massey.
"They had two defenders over top of me said
"I didn't see the second defender
Focused on making the catch in the air, Allison's
mouthpiece went flying out. As Allison's body was
descending, the Spider safety's helmet struck Alli-
son right under his chin.
"He was up in theairandtooka shot Massey said.
"Next thing I know, we're out there searching
for his front teeth
"I had blacked out Allison said of briefly being
knocked unconsciousness.
"When I woke up, I was on the sidelines. They
were putting smelling salts in front of my nose. All
of my teammates were surrounding me
The referees stopped the game while both teams
were looking for the displaced teeth. The teeth were
discovered within minutes. Luckily for Allison, a
brother of an assistant coach also served as the
team dentist.
see ALLISON page 86
USC, Texas still cruising
through season
The national championship
race is starting to shape up in col-
lege football this season with the
USC Trojans the clear-cut favorite
to take home the crown. Teams
like Texas and Virginia Tech argu-
ably have a shot at dethroning
the defending champs, but must
remain undefeated to garner an
opportunity in the title game.
Things are much more mud-
dled in the NFL ranks. India-
napolis is the only undefeated
team with a 5-0 record with a
stifling defense finally rearing
its head. Parity will be a preva-
lent them down the stretch with
more than a handful of teams
capable of making a run at the
Super Bowl.
Last week's record: 3-7
Season record: 9-11
No. 11 Florida at No. 10 LSI
I'm a big fan of Gators quar-
terback Chris Leak - he has all
the skills and proper mechan-
ics to be a starter at the next
level as a prototypical drop back
passer with some athleticism as
an added bonus. But the junior
Charlotte native needs to prove
he can perform in the big games.
He was just 16-of-37 for 187
yards and two interceptions in
a 31-3 loss to Alabama earlier
this season. Leak will have an
opportunity to redeem himself
against LSU on Saturday. The
Tigers have played well this
season despite the distractions
Hurricane Katrina brought to the
university as only an improbable
comeback win by Tennessee mars
their 3-1 record. I'll go with the
Tigers in this one, 24-19.
No. 19 Louisville at West
After falling to South Florida
three weeks ago, Louisville has
responded in a big way against
Flordia Atlantic and UNC, win-
ning by the combined score of
130-24. Look for the Cardinals'
high octane offense to explode
again facing a West Virginia
squad that isn't as strong as in
years past. Quarterback Brian
Brohm seems to be yet another
premier signal caller in the his-
tory of the Louisville program.
Only a sophomore, Brohm has
the second highest quarterback
rating in the country this season.
Another 300-yard and three
touchdown performance will
lead Louisville over the Moun-
taineers, 37-20.
No. 1 USC at No. 9 Notre Dame
The defending national
champs face yet another tough
test heading into South Bend
this weekend, but the Trojans
have proven time and again they
belong at No. 1 in the country.
Notre Dame has certainly earned
their notoriety with impressive
victories over Michigan, Pitts-
burgh and Purdue, but will be
no match for USC. The Trojans
should be irritated with the first
place votes No. 2 Texas is picking
up in the polls and will continue
to take it out on opponents until
they meet the Longhorns for the
national title. USC wins again
No. 16 Michigan State at No.
IS Ohio State
The Buckeyes were upset by
the Nittany Lions in an amazing
game at Penn State last week. The
crowd of over 100,000 was unbe-
lievable, but OSU can now return
to their friendly confines. Unfo-
runately, the schedule doesn't get
any easier. Heisman candidate
Drew Stanton leads his high pow-
ered offense into Columbus. But
points will be hard to come by
against the Buckeyes. Expect OSU
to give Stanton plenty of trouble
in this Big 10 battle. Buckeyes win
an ugly one, 19-17.
No. 23 Wisconsin at No. 22
Once again, the Big Ten Con-
ference has proven to be a con-
glomeration of powerhouses and
provides another key matchup
this weekend. The loser of this
pair of 5-1 squads will likely fall
out of the race for the confer-
ence championship. Wisconsin's
defense has been inconsistent
this season and that doesn't bode
well for the Badgers. Minnesota's
running game will wreak havoc
throughout this affair in a 30-20
Golden Gophers win.
Jacksonville at Pittsburgh
The Jaguars will take on the
Steelers in a clash of two premier
AFC teams. Jacksonville has one
of the best defenses in the league
and could have an effect on an
unhealthy Ben Roethllsberger.
But the Steelers will just keep
winning with one of the more
complete teams in the NFL. Jack-
sonville took down previously
unbeaten Cincinnati last week,
but there will be no upset here.
Pittsburgh takes it 24-13.
New York Giants at Dallas
Dallas annihilated Philadel-
phia last week behind the arm of
quarterback Drew Bledsoe, who
looks to be one of the top play-
ers in the league despite entering
the twilight of his career. On
the other side of the ball will be
second year budding superstar
Eli Manning. Both quarterbacks
have plenty of weapons at their
disposal and a win is vital to
staying within striking distance
in a stacked NFC East division.
I'll take the Giants in a 27-24
New England at Denver
Despite being statistically
dominated by the Redskins,
Denver managed to pull out
see TOP TEN page B6

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High school senior football player Chris Bronson sits In his family's hotel room in Addison, Texas, Tuesday,
Oct. 11. Coaches resumed football practice this week for the first time since evacuating.
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fast table flank the hotel fitness center where Chris
Bronson works out.
This is not the usual place where the linebacker
stays in shape. At Jasper High School, there is more
urgent business these days.
Relief workers operate a recovery center inside
the field house at the school, which finally restored
power Monday. Locker room showers are used by
National Guard members, and bottled water is
distributed under a tent near the football field.
Two weeks after Hurricane Rita plowed across
East Texas, residents from cities hit hardest by
the storm have begun returning home. For high
schools in cities like Jasper, Buna and Newton,
coaches resumed football practice this week for
the first time since evacuating.
"Our kids are tired said Buna coach Bradley
Morgan, who is living in a generator-powered
camper while he waits for power at his home to
be restored. "They're out having to cut trees and
fix fences. You can tell their minds are somewhere
else. It's not a normal football mentality
Most teams are missing players because some
families are unable to return to homes that were
destroyed or still are without power. Bronson
and his extended family have spent nearly three
weeks living among seven rooms at a North Texas
He hopes to return home Thursday. Other play-
ers aren't as lucky.
At Buna, Morgan said his starting left tackle
moved to San Antonio after felled trees ECU per-
haps the biggest problem in piney East Texas ECU
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AlliSOn from page B4
"The dentist after the game
told me I was lucky Allison
"After you get you're teeth
knocked out, you have up to 30
minutes to put your teeth back
in before your gums harden. My
gums were still real soft
Allison recalls being more
upset about not being able to
play in such a big rivalry game.
"Of course, he was upset
because as a senior, he wanted
to play in that football game
Massey said.
"That's one of the few times
we've lost to Concord. I think
when he went out, our team lost
a little bit of confidence
"I was more mad I didn't get
to play in that game than any-
thing Allison said.
"I was more hurt by not playing
in the game more than the injury
"I don't ever think about that
lick. I don't ever think about con-
tact period. Football is a contact
sport so that's the last thing on
my mind, getting hit. 1 just look
for the ball. I don't pay attention
to the defenders
"He developed some tough-
ness Massey said of Allison'sadjust-
ment from basketball to football.
"He wasn't a physical player
when he first started. I remember
we had some injuries our senior
year and he had to play free
safety. I was impressed with his
physical nature there
"I don't ever think about that
lick Allison said.
"I don't ever think about con-
tact period. Football is a contact
sport so that's the last thing on
my mind, getting hit. I just look
for the ball. 1 don't pay attention
to the defenders
Though Allison has never
suffered what he calls a major
injury, he tweaked his ham-
string before the USM game.
Allison suffered from a similar
hamstring issue while at junior
college. He has been consulting
with fellow receiver Bobby Good,
who has a similar injury.
"Coach Holtz is always
joking on me a lot because I'll be
in practice complaining Allison
said with a grin.
"He's says I'm a wuss or
"But, I'm my own person
Allison said.
"I'm going to be me
regaidless. Whatever people say,
I just let them think it. I just go
perform on the field. That's
how I shut people up. By put-
ting up statistics, putting up
And touchdown celebrations.
This writer can be contacted at
TOP teil from page B4
an ugly win to remain one of
top teams in the AFC and Tom
Brady sparkled to lead the Pats
to a last second 31-28 win over
the Vick-less Falcons last week.
Brady will need a similar perfor-
mance against a much tougher
Broncos defense. As always,
Denver has dangerous running
backs at their disposal with the
tandem of Mike Anderson and
Tatum Bell causing headaches
for the opposition. I've picked
New England to lose last week
because I expected Vick to be
active. Doesn't matter if John
Elway comes back for Denver,
I'm taking the Pats all the way,
Carolina at Detroit
The Lions entered the season
with some of the most dangerous
offensive weapons in the NFL,
but quarterback Joey Harrington
has struggled, throwing four
touchdowns and seven intercep-
tions. If Jeff Garcia ever recovers
from his injury and infatua-
tion with Playboy playmates,
he could get the nod. Detroit
PirSIBS from page B4
is actually a favorite over the
visiting Panthers, but Carolina
is a team clearly on the rise after
a rough start. Steve Smith has
emerged as an elite receiver, it's
just a matter of staying healthy.
His small frame takes a pound-
ing throughout the course of the
game, especially when Jake Del-
homme rarely looks for another
option. Carolina dominates
Detroit 28-12.
St. Louis at Indianapolis
Indianapolis has emerged as
the lone undefeated team in the
league at 5-0, but they haven't
done it behind the arm of Peyton
Manning. Instead, a suffocating
defense has experts predicting a
Super Bowl appearance for the
Colts. St. Louis has some serious
issues at the moment with head
coach Mike Martz in the hospital
with a bacterial infection near
his heart. The combination of a
distracted team and poor defense
equals a big win for Indy, 31-16.
This writer can be contacted at
sports?theeastcarolinian. com.
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surprises this year. There aren't
a lot of guys that we've put to the
forefront that have folded
Holtz acknowledged new-
found starters Marcus Hands,
Brandon Setzer and Guy Whim-
per for their efforts against Rice.
Also receiving recognition was
backup running back Dominique
Lindsay, who carried the ball
twice for 31 yards. Lindsay's
two carries were the first in his
Offensively, the wide receiv-
ers will have to pay attention to
reigning C-USA Defensive Player
of the Week Joe Sturdivant. The
strong safety had two intercep-
tions and a fumble recovery
against 1MB.
Aundrae Allison, the Pirates
premier threat is continuing
to battle a sore hamstring. The
junior receiver's seven catch 109
yard outing against Rice still
ranks him among the nation's
best. Allison is currently fifth
in receptions per game (7.8) and
seventh in receiving yardage
If Allison is hampered,
Pinkney still has Robert Tillman
and Bobby Good, both emerging
weapons in ECU'S offense. The
Pirates are No. 30 nationally in
passing offense averaging 258
yards per game. ECU is averaging
24.2 points per contest.
The Pirates have a chance
to post a winning record in the
conference for the first time
since 2002. The Pirates are tied
with four other teams at 1-1 in
the Eastern Division of C-USA.
UCF (2-0) is the only unbeaten
team in the conference.
The game will be televised
locally on WITN Channel 7.
The NBC affiliate will start their
broadcast directly prior to kickoff
at 3 p.m.
"We're making progress to
that Holtz said of continued
"I would say we've played
as well as we can play, with the
exception of the second half of
the Southern Miss game (a 33-7
This writer can be contacted at
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from page 65
i destroyed his home. Two broth-
ers may stay in Wichita Falls and
there are several players Morgan
hasn't been able to reach.
Morgan said it wasn't until
19 players showed for practice
Monday that he knew his team
could finish the season. But he
said each remaining game would
be on the road, since the hur-
' ricane toppled Buna's visiting
stands and press box onto its
football field.
On Saturday, Buna will play
i Jasper ECU the first game since
j Sept. 16 for either school.
"It's been hard not being
able to play said Bronson, who
spends his days playing video
games or tossing a football with
his brother in the hotel swim-
ming pool. "I live for Friday
nights. My whole family does.
That's been the toughest part
about all of this
Bronson said his cousin,
Jasper quarterback Gilbert Maye,
enrolled in Diboll after it was
apparent that Jasper would be
without power for weeks. Jasper
linebacker Sean Weatherspoon,
with scholarship offers from
Houston and Missouri, said his
cousin at Houston Washington
tried to persuade him to trans-
After Jasper's first practice
Tuesday, Weatherspoon knew he
made the right decision.
"It was so good to see all
these people that 1 love again
Weatherspoon said.
Newton will play its first
game in four weeks when it hosts
Ilardin on Saturday. Newton
coach Curtis Barbay said that
while his team has looked rusty,
he doesn't think the extended
layoff will hurt the school's
hopes of a state championship.
"I think we're going to be
back the way we were by Satur-
day Barbay said. "It's a matter of
getting them out there practicing
and moving around. All most of
them have been doing is sitting
around watching TV
At Buna, Morgan knows his
team probably won't even com-
pete for a playoff spot once the
season resumes Saturday. He said
his weight room is being used as
temporary quarters for the dis-
trict superintendent's office after
the administration building was
damaged by the hurricane.
"I'm just trying to keep things
as normal as possible
Record-breaking QB follows dad's lead
(AP) ? Jimmy Terwilliger
didn't play organized football
until eighth grade, but he was
always throwing .something.
"Since I was a little guy, ever
nee I can remember, I've always
loved throwing things said East
Stroudsburg's prolific passer said.
"I'd pick up a rock and throw it,
or pick up a baseball and just
wear out a garage door with it
At least he put his father's
garage doors - and his genes - to
good use.
Terwilliger's father was also a
star quarterback at East Strouds-
burg University, a Division II
school in the Pocono Mountains
of northeastern Pennsylvania.
Now Mike Terwilliger is the
Warriors' offensive coordinator
- calling the plays for his son,
who directs a bombs-away attack
that has Jimmy taking aim at the
record books.
"All my son has ever wanted
to do is throw the ball Mike
Terwilliger said.
And Dad is happy to oblige.
Jimmy Terwilliger has thrown
a touchdown pass in all 29 games
he's started for the Warriors
- an NCAA Division II record.
Earlier this year, he threw nine
TDs against C.W. Post - one
shy of the Division II record set
in 1968. And he is on pace to
shatter the D-II career record
for yards passing and challenge
the all-division record for career
touchdown passes.
His father starred at quar-
terback for East Stroudsburg in
the '70s - leading the Warriors
to a 30-4-1 record and pair
of unbeaten seasons - and he
never left. He has been an assis-
tant coach since 1978 and was
elevated to offensive coordinator
in 2001.
"For me to play the position
and stay here, and my son to play
the position here, is unique
Mike Terwilliger said.
So far, they've made winning
The Warriors are 5-1 this
season and 23-6 since the
younger Terwilliger became the
team's starting quarterback in
the first game of his freshman
year. The Warriors have aver-
aged almost 39 points per game
since then and are averaging over
500 yards per game this season.
In their latest victory, a 56-0
win over Clarion, Terwilliger
threw for 347 yards and a pair of
touchdowns while running for a
third - a fairly modest day by his
standards. He also became the
school's career passing leader.
"He's really allowed me to
grow into the quarterback I am
Jimmy Terwilliger said about his
father. "It's really more of a bless-
ing than a burden
Halfway through his junior
year, the quarterback has thrown
for 8,953 career yards and 84
touchdowns while running for
1,028 yards and eight scores. The
D-II record for yards passing is
11,742 by Andrew Webb, of Fort
Lewis from 2000-2003. The TD
pass mark is 121 by Marc Eddy of
Bentley from 2001-2004.
The younger Terwilliger grew
up with East Stroudsburg football
- coming to practice every day
and attending meetings with
his father.
"He always gave me the
option (to play another posi-
tion), but there really was no
other option Jimmy said with
a laugh. "I wanted to do what my
dad does
Mike Terwilliger kept his son
out of organized football until
he was in junior high for safety
reasons. Jimmy threw a touch-
down pass on his first attempt
and has been racking them up
ever since.
"I've always been around
quarterbacks, coaching quarter-
backs, and that Saturday morn-
ing adrenaline rush as a player
and as a coach Mike said. "I'm
real fortunate that he has the
same desires
Father and son focus much
of their time together on foot-
ball - breaking down film, using
New York Jets games on TV as an
exercise in down-and-distance
play-calling or losing themselves
in football talk at dinner.
But they don't always see
eye-to-eye - literally and figu-
While his father looks every
bit the former player-turned
coach - tall with a body that
looks like it could still easily
toss a football 60 yards - the
younger Terwilliger doesn't look
like your prototypical passer.
He's generously listed at 6-feet
tall and could pass for a high
school kid.
They even disagree about
how often they disagree.
"No, never said dad.
"Oh, there have definitely
been a few times where we've
gone at it son said. "Both of us
can be very hardheaded, very
stubborn. When I'm right - or I
think I'm right - I'm going 100
percent that way. And he's the
exact same way
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Williams catches a pass during practice Wednesday, Oct. 12.
Williams slowly
finding his way
back into game's
good graces
(KRT) ? Once leery team-
mates are now embracing his
return Sunday.
Fans are willing to forgive
and forget as long as he regularly
finds the end zone.
But forgiveness for Ricky Wil-
liams might not come as quickly
from Madison Avenue.
"There is no Campbell's Soup
in Ricky Williams' future right
now said Marc Ganis, president
of Sportscorp, a Chicago-based
sports consulting firm. "At this
moment in this time I can't
imagine any major national
company wanting to align them-
selves with Ricky Williams
The timing of the enigmatic
running back's retirement last
year and his admitted mari-
juana use figure to cost him sev-
eral million dollars in endorse-
ments, according to marketing
experts. They did, however,
say he could draw interest from
counterculture sponsors such
as energy drinks and upstart
apparel lines.
Before his retirement, Wil-
liams' agent Leigh Steinberg said,
his client had endorsement deals
with Nike, EA Sports, Oakley,
Paxil and Warren Henry Auto-
mobiles in Miami. Now, he is
only under contract with Nike,
though Steinberg said about 15
sponsors have approached him
with proposals for potential
deals after Williams' arrival at
Dolphins training camp last
summer. The suitors, Steinberg
said, range from food products
to apparel.
In the meantime, Steinberg
said he has been flooded with
requests for appearances and
interviews with Williams. His
seekers include: The New York ,
Times Sunday Magazine, Rolling
Stone, GQ, every major TV net-
work, several reality television
series and IS authors eager to
write books on him.
"He was hurt by his decision
Steinberg said of Williams' deci-
sion to retire last year. "Clearly
it was a gainful year in terms of
his public image, but the healing
process began when he returned
and he's worked very, very hard
to become a productive part of a
football team
Some experts believe some
sponsors will use a wait-and-see
approach to measure Williams'
"Ricky does have the oppor-
tunity to be a viable product
endorser as long as he maintains
a sincerity about his willingness
to commit to the team and play
by the rules said Scott Becher,
president of Sports & Sponsor-
ships, a Miami Beach-based
marketing firm.
Although Williams does
not fit the "cookie-cutter" mold
some sponsors flock to, Becher
said overcoming adversity and
helping improve the Dolphins
could give Williams greater
"If Ricky leads the Dolphins
to the playoffs he will be Mr.
Cool, and the endorsements will
follow Becher said. "It might be
Hooters instead of McDonald's,
but there will be dollars thrown
at him.
"Those that fit with Ricky
will gravitate toward him as long
as he's playing well. And as long
as he appears to be honest and
forthright with what happened
last year could very well end up
being a blip in his career
And if Williams plays well,
and the Dolphins win, chances
are his jersey could become a
popular item again. In 2003, Wil-
liams had the third-best selling
jersey, according to NFLShop.
com, behind Falcons quarterback
Michael Vick and Giants tight
end Jeremy Shockey. Last year,
some fans wore his jersey to
Dolphins games but covered his
name with black tape.
This season, Williams' jersey
is not ranked in the top 25 in
A quick survey of nearly a
dozen sporting-goods stores in
the Miami area revealed that
several don't carry Williams'
The Dolphins declined to
discuss details of his jersey sales
at the Dolphins Stadium team
At Midway Sporting Goods
in Miami, Williams' jersey hasn't
been flying off the rack. Manager
Tony Cabal said the store used
to offer his jersey in four colors
ECU orange, white, navy and
aqua ECU but now only has it in
white and aqua.
"His was the best-selling
jersey we had Cabal said.
"Hopefully with him coming
back, there will be a little bit of
a rush
Mike Paul, president of New
York City-based MGP & Associ-
ates PR, has expertise in reputa-
tion management and has coun-
seled numerous professional
football, baseball and basketball
players, boxers and Olympic ath-
letes in the past 17 years.
Although Williams has
pledged his commitment to the
Dolphins, Paul said his image
needs repairing.
"I would be telling him, 'The
same way you have a war room
for the game, we need to have a
war room for your reputation,
for coming back. But the goal is
to be even better than you were
before Paul said.
The strategy Williams should
employ should center on being
accountable, transparent, humble
and truthful, Paul said.
"He needs to be able to say, 'I
have a lot to prove, a lot of pres-
sure on me and that's one of rea-
sons I decided to retire in the first
place Paul said, "i understand
what it's going to take when I
come back, and I'm willing to
work and not just talk about it.
You're going to see me working
late nights, I owe my teammates,
and this is not about me

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The East Carolinian, October 13, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 13, 2005
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