The East Carolinian, July 27, 2005

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Volume 80 Number 87
July 27, 2005
College of busine
studies in Australia
Meet ECU leaders Thursday
The group of seven MBA students and 13 undergraduates pose in front of major landmarks while they are visiting Sydney! Australia.
Students met with ECU
graduate turned Iraqi
Students taking courses with
ECU's College of Business took a
once in a lifetime trip to Australia
where they learned about local
business and culture, as well as met
with the ambassador to Iraq.
The highlight of the trip was
speaking with Ghanim Al-Shibli,
Australian ambassador to Iraq and
ECU graduate.
"He was called up and
he ended up going to Iraq. During
the transition, he left to go to Aus-
tralia to serve in that role as Iraqi
ambassador said Jim Westmore-
land, associate dean of the college
of business.
The students also spoke with
his wife and daughter, who went
to J. H. Rose High School. One stu-
dent realized she had been a high
school classmate when they were
in Greenville.
Westmoreland said it made the
students' day to see these people
who came from Greenville and
are now very important citizens of
another country.
"All of our students went in
his home, he had fed us and
opened up and talked for a long
time Westmoreland said. "All the
students got to ask him everything
about the war and how they're
feeling about their safety
When asked about ECU, the
ambassador had fond memories.
"He loved it Westmoreland said.
"He missed it - his daughter, too
ECU students can participate
in this program through the inter-
national business curriculum.
They have visited Australia for
about four years because it gives
students a good look into interna-
tional business.
"Australia tends to provide
an international experience - it
gets you into the area where you're
talking about parliament West-
moreland said.
During their stay, speakers from
Australian companies like an adver-
tising agency and videoconference
company conversed with students.
Much of the arrangements were
in collaboration with the University
of Queensland, who made many
of the arrangements. Westmore-
land said everything was very well
planned, and Sydney was larger
than he expected.
The seven MBA students and
13 undergraduates were there for
21 days. They had three weeks of
class in Greenville to prepare their
presentations before they left. Some
topics presented while overseas
included the role of technology in
business, Australian political sys-
tems, tourism and taxation regimes.
About half of the students who
went have traveled outside the
United States before.
This program only occurs in the
summer and students receive three
hours of credit.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
In an attempt to keep in touch
with summer school students,
SGA is holding their first outreach
event this week.
The event is in collaboration
o. with the student recreation center.
c SGA officers and some cabinet mem-
bers will be available to meet and
c speak with students July 28 from 4
0-7 p.m. at the SRC outdoor pool.
"We're going to try and be
more available for the students
said Morgan Lamberson, student
body secretary.
"The outreach is to let
students know we're here and we're
thinking about them
Music will be playing through-
out the event and there will also be
refreshments provided by Aramark.
"We are hoping this event will
be a success Lamberson said.
Cabinet members are also a
major part of student government
as they are chosen from different
organizations on campus and will
participate in the events SGA holds
throughout the year.
The next cabinet meeting will
be July 26, when they will begin
assigning projects.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
University transit keeps ECU buses running safely
In wake of London, Transit
explains bus safety
It was taken as a joke when
ECU Transit driver Joseph King
walked through the buses for
foreign packages the day after
the London explosions. Safety,
however, is taken very seriously in
ECU transportation.
Freshmen coming to ECU are
told to always have their One Cards
on the buses, but they are rarely
checked. In theory, anyone who looks
like a student can get on the bus.
Wood Davidson, general man-
ager for student transit authority,
said the large amount of students
that ride the bus make it impossible
to ID everyone. However, anyone
suspicious gets checked.
"If the driver thinks that this
person might not be a student, or
Flowers accumulate at the British
embassy in Washington, D.C.
if there's some kind of problem
then they would ask to see a One
Card said Davidson.
If something suspicious does
occur, drivers will investigate and call
the ECU police if they need assistance.
So far, drivers have only had a few
incidents concerning verbal alterca-
tions. The police are called rarely and
it's usually due to a passenger being
playful, and then getting serious.
"Virtually none of it, in my opin-
ion, is malicious said Scott Alford,
transit advisor. "It's just playful stuff
that gets out of hand
Surprisingly, most of these
happen during the day, and not
from local bar patrons. Students
coming from downtown know that
they are getting a safe ride home,
and are the most gracious. Alford
said they are probably thanked
more than anyone in the world.
According to Alford one thing that
see TRANSIT page A6

JULY 20. 2005
Deadline for Fall
The last day to submit appeals for
readmission for the Fall 2005 semester
is Friday, July 29.
On Friday, Aug. 12, fall semester
fees will be accepted, but with a late
processing fee.
Schedules will be cancelled for all
students who have not paid fees by
4:00 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17.
Faculty meetings will begin Aug. 22.
Advising, registration and schedule
adjustments will take place Tuesday,
Aug. 23.
News Briefs
Home Expo
Interested in buying a home of
your own? Progressive action and
restoration community Development
Corporation is holding the Home
Expo Saturday, July 30 in the Willis
Building in partnership with the City
of Greenville planning and community
development department and self-
help credit union. Meet with housing
representatives, general contractors,
insurance companies, realtors and
lenders. Registration is required.
For more information, contact Missy
Hill at 329-8141 or Gloria Kesler at
Rowan County spends $23,000
on Investigation Into letters
SALISBURY, N.C. - Rowan County
officials paid private investigators more
than $23,000 over the past five years
to search for the writer of anonymous
letters criticizing county spending.
And, according to the private eyes,
that person turned out to be one of
their own.
The Board of Commissioners never
discussed or approved the spending
for the investigation at any formal
meeting. Only County Manager Tim
Russell, his assistants and possibly
two commissioners' chairmen knew
of the investigation, The Salisbury
Post reported. Russell said he hired
the agency because of the threatening
tone of the letters.
The investigation was revealed after
Kiker Investigations of Salisbury
issued a report claiming that County
Commissioner Arnold Chamberlain
wrote the letters and postcards
addressed from the Department of
Common Sense. Chamberlain denies
writing the letters and has hired attorneys.
Chamberlain said he learned of the
investigation when he was given a
copy of the Kiker report last week.
"This was sprung on me Chamberlain
said. "I am shocked and amazed,
investigated, amazed that taxpayer
money is being spent like this
Chamberlain said he has received
many letters and cards from Common
"I never felt threatened he said. "I
chalked it up to discontent, somebody
with plenty of time on his hands
Kiker has investigated more than
seven Rowan County residents
since 2001, according to invoices that
total $23,044.
Gay Games add gold to pot at
end of the city rainbow
CHICAGO - Rainbow pillars welcome
revelers to a vibrant neighborhood
of gay bars and nightclubs in a city
whose mayor supports same-sex
marriage and an openly gay alderman
serves on the City Council.
Chicago has spent years cultivating its
gay-friendly image, down to appointing
a liaison to the gay community.
Its annual Gay Pride parade drew
a crowd of 450,000 and the city stands
to profit next year when athletes
and spectators from around the world
pour in for Gay Games VII.
The weeklong Olympics-style games
could pump $50 million to $80 million
into the local economy, organizers say,
while giving Chicago another chance
billions of dollars in estimated annual
buying power.
"We like to have our share of that
said Bill Greaves, the city's liaison
to the lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-
transgender communities.
Major events like the Gay Games
give the city unmatched national and
international exposure - major league
soccer's World Cup did it in 1994, the
Democratic National Convention drew
the national media in 1996 and major
league baseball's 2003 All-Star Game
brought in fans from all over.
The 2006 Games could draw 12,000
participants from 70 countries and
more than 50,000 spectators, said
Kevin Boyer, an official with Chicago
Games Inc the local not-for-profit
group putting on the event.
Blair: Britain wont 'give one Inch'
to terrorists
LONDON - Prime Minister Tony Blair
said Tuesday that Britain would not
"give one inch" to terrorists on his
policy on Iraq and the Middle East,
while police said two suspects in
last week's failed bombings were
emigrants from Somalia and Eritrea.
Blair made his comments after a rare
meeting with opposition party leaders
to discuss new anti-terror legislation
July 7 suicide bombings that killed 56
people, including four attackers.
The opposition, however, had
reservations about increasing the
time to hold such suspects, saying it
could erode civil liberties.
At his monthly news conference, Blair
said the response by Londoners to the
July 7 bombings and the failed July 21
attacks against identical targets had
been "magnificent
"London is being tested but standing
firm he said.
When asked whether the British-
backed and U.Sled invasion of Iraq
had fueled terrorist attacks around the
world and in London, Blair said, "there
was no excuse or justification" for the
actions of the bombers.
"Whatever excuse or justification
these people use, I do not believe
we should give one inch to them,
not in this country and the way we
live our lives here, not in Iraq, not in
Afghanistan, not in our support for two
states, Israel and Palestine, not in our
support for the alliances we choose
including with America. Not one
inch should we give to these people
Blair said.
"Sept. 11 for me was a wake-up
call he said. "Do you know
what I think the problem is? A lot of
the world woke up for a short time
and then turned over and went back
shocked that I am being accused and to appeal to a lucrative market with aimed at preventing a repeat of the to sleep again
SagSSSL- Greenville Ulster Project promotes religious tolerance
The Emerald City Big Band will provide
entertainment with swing music this
Sunday, July 31 during Sunday in
the park.
Police Auction
The Greenville Police Department will
be holding an auction of unclaimed
property Saturday, August 6 at 9
a.m. behind the police department.
Items will be sold to the highest cash
bid. These items include over 100
assorted bicycles, televisions, stereos,
calculators, VCRs, CDs, tools, cell
phones, DVD players, lawnmowers,
video games, furniture and more.
Walk to D'Feet ALS
The sixth annual Down East Walk to
D'Feet ALS will be held Saturday, Sept.
17 at the Greenville Town Common.
Registration will be at 9 a.m. and
the 5K walk will begin at 10 a.m.
Registration information is online at or toll free at
Want your event printed in TEC? Send
your announcement with date, time,
location and any other important
information to news theeastcarolinian.
Students participating stop to pose during the Ulster Project.
Teens from Northern
Ireland, America interact
Since June 20 Greenville has
been the site for the integration of
Protestant and Catholic teens from
Northern Ireland.
The Ulster project was designed
to ease tensions between Northern
Irish teens by bringing them to the
U.S. to work on service tasks as well
as have fun together. There are 28
different projects taking places in
cities across the country.
Numerous sites in Northern
Ireland feature this project as well.
Greenville's program is the only
one in North Carolina.
"The fact that we are the only
project in the state speaks well for
us said Andrea Peters, president
and co-coordinator of the Ulster
Peters has been involved with
Ulster since 2001 and Greenville
has hosted the program since
1990 (annually except for last
There is evidence that sug-
gests Ulster, in its 35-year history
in the U.S is helping its partici-
pants become more open to other
"No child that has participated
in the project has ever joined a
paramilitary organization Peters
The program has also given
American teens an opportunity to
build kinships with kids the same
age as them from another culture.
Each child involved is between the
ages of 14 and 16.
"There are two teens from
Northern Ireland and two from
America, a male and female from
each country; basically all kids
are represented said Sylvia Dieu,
American counselor and senior
psychology major.
Dieu encourages other ECU
students to become a part of the
The group has already done
service projects at various Catholic
and Protestant churches. Before the
program concludes on Wednesday,
they will visit King's Domin-
ion and Camp Trinity. They also
worked a carwash to raise money
for charity.
Each of the counselors and kids
involved had good remarks about
their experience with Ulster.
"I enjoy watching the differ-
ent relationships form between
the members of different reli-
gions said Richard Moore, Irish
"It is helping the situation
in Northern Ireland said Laura
Fitzpatrick, Irish counselor.
Connor Mclaughlan, a 16 year
old from Northern Ireland, and
Allie Gabbianelli,15, from the U.S
both enjoyed meeting people and
being in an environment where
people do not judge one another
by face value.
John Metcalf, American
counselor and ECU alumnus, has
experienced Ulster in the capacity
as a kid in 1997 and as a counselor
see ULSTER page A6

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Pirate Rants
I know you want to kiss me so
just do it
To all the men who are intimi-
dated by a strong independent
woman, get over it. It's not impos-
sible to have a relationship with
her. You just need to have your
stuff together.
Forget the bus drivers, what
about the hot manager?? I hope
he is still around.
To the ranter who sent the "Test
Rant No, there is no way to tell
who you are therefore there was no
way to reply no.
To all those students who com-
plain about getting parking tickets
and being towed, this wouldn't
happen if you actually learned
to park where you're supposed to
park. And from those of us who
work at Parking & Transportation,
don't assume we all give tickets.
Just because we work there doesn't
mean we give tickets.
To the ranter who wants a little
more "Chocolate" in her "Milk
If you think style is wearing white
tee shirts 6 sizes too big, and wear-
ing pants that follow that same
standard, then you need to have
your head examined trailer park
anyone?? Brothaz' Pull 'em up
Why do we have to pay more
money during the summer to
use the Rec. Center if we aren't
enrolled in summer school? We
give ECU enough money during
the school year; we shouldn't
have to pay even more during the
summer. Doesn't ECU already
make enough money off of us poor
college kids?
Going downtown these days
is not the same place it was.
Fights, robberies and sexual
assaults galore. I go down there
with friends and it seems like I have
to constantly be on my guard at
every corner. One bar seems to be
the only place that doesn't allow
a certain group of people who are
committing a great number of
these crimes.
Every time I go downtown it's
like I've walked onto a Lil John
or SO Cent video shoot. Why are
so many people just standing on
the corner "hollering" at girls and
starting trouble with the college
students? Go back to your shan-
ties! Freedom of speech is awesome,
so post this!
Maybe there are some things
that just shouldn't be ranted about.
I know everyone has his or her
opinions about race and who is
right or wrong but what is the point
of trying to make a big issue out of
it through the newspaper? These
students are trying to produce an
informative paper and everyone
is making it into their personal
discrimination soap-box.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
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Head Copy Editor
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Photo Editor
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Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Alexander Marciniak
Web Editor
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Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925 TEC prints 9000 copies
every Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday during
the regular academic year and 5.000 on Wednes-
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signed and include a telephone number Letters
may be sent via e-mail to editors theeaslcarolinian
com or to The fast Carolinian. Sett Help Building
Greenville NC 27858-4353 Call 252-328-9238 lor
more information One copy ot TEC Is free, each
additional copy is St
In My Opinion
Bringing the semester to a close
Final thoughts, a little fun
As the sun scorches the Old
North State and elsewhere in this
great country, causing Liberals to
say this proves the Global Warm-
ing theory, as sweat pours by the
bucketful from the brows of those
unfortunate enough to be outside,
as tempers get short and even the
dogs wish for the days of summer
to depart, we approach several
This is the last week some will
spend on this campus. The classes
are almost finished; the accumu-
lated junk of four years (or more)
is either packed or in the trash
and the rush is on to get the last
few dollars for the textbooks you
haven't been able to sell yet.
Some may have jobs waiting
for them to go to next week. Some
may still be on the prowl for the
"perfect" job. Some may have all
but given up, despairing that they
will ever find a job that will allow
them to use the knowledge gained
through their (fill in the blank)
degree. Some may not have the
slightest idea what they are going
to do, when they are going to do it
or how it is going to be done.
Still others may have already
achieved their goal in coming to
college: meeting, and marrying,
Mr. or Mrs. Right. For those in this
category, my congratulations and
best wishes for a happy future.
Some still have semesters and
semesters and semesters to go,
wondering if that light off in the
distance is the one at the end of the
tunnel or a freight train ready to
flatten us where we stand, reducing
us to nothing more than an oozing
pile of rotting flesh and bones
Sorry about that. The heat
must have gotten to me.
Anyway, this being Finals
Week, the last issue of the paper
until the Fall semester, and just
too blasted hot, I decided to not
run the column I had prepared for
this week. Instead, let's have a little
fun and let me share something
I came across surfing the web a
while back.
So without further ado, for
your reading enjoyment, shame-
lessly copied in whole from the
Web site http:www.freewebs.
comlfriedmafunny.html, is
George: Condi! Nice to see you.
What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here
about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of
George: That's what I want to
Condi: That's what I'm telling
George: That's what I'm asking
you. Who is the new leader of
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The Chinaman!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking
me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is lead-
ing China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who
is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not
tell me the name of the new leader
of China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in
China? I thought he was in the
Middle East.
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need to
know the name of the new leader of
China. Get me the Secretary Gen-
eral of the U.N. on the phone.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you men-
tion it, I could use a glass of milk.
And then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at
the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make
the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: Will you stay out of
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: And stay out of the Middle
East! Just get me the guy at the
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream
and two sugars. Now get on the
God Bless all of you and I'll see you
in the Fall.
The East Carolinian will feature an advice column for
fall 2005 and we would like to hear from you. Visit www. to make an anonymous submission

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Drunk driving top
crime for ECU PD
Problem stems from
visitors, not students
It's summer time and that
means bathing suits, cookouts and
lots of alcohol, of course. While
classes are taking a break, the ECU
Police Department isn't.
"We usually have one to two
traffic stops related to alcohol
a night, but most of the people
stopped during the summer are
visitors and not students said Major
Frank Knight with the ECU Police.
"They'll park in ECU parking
lots, go to the bars and clubs and
then do something like run over
a curb or just cause a scene. That
gives us grounds to pull them over
It's not just parking lots that
the ECU PD have jurisdiction over
either. All adjacent streets to ECU's
campus are their responsibility too.
They can follow suspicious drivers
further than most might expect
if an incident happens on univer-
sity property.
Last year, ECU Police reported
82 DUIs - 60 percent of which
were students and 40 percent
were visitors.
Getting a DUI from an ECU
police officer is not a lesser offense
either. If pulled, the driver is
subjected to a field sobriety test,
a chemical sobriety test and, if
arrested, the driver will go through
the civilian court. Many times,
the driver must pay of fines that
can sometimes cost more than
$1000, lose their license and enroll
in a program at ECU called OSCAR
(Office of Student Conflict and
see CRIME page A6
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ECU holds first student convocation ??? ???.?
in decades, focuses on freshmen
'Explore ECU'to
collaborate with event
In order to familiarize new and
old students with the university,
ECU is holding the first student
convocation in years Aug. 21 in
Wright Auditorium at 1:30 p.m.
Garrie Moore, vice chancellor
of student life, is heading the event
as a request from the chancellor.
Don Joyner, associate vice
chancellor for the academic advis-
ing and support center, said they
are still in the midst of finalizing
everything for the program, but
the event is something the chan-
cellor and vice chancellor feel very
strongly about.
"We needed an opportunity to
welcome the freshmen, and all the
students, to ECU said Joyner.
Provost Jim Smith, SGA
President Cole Jones and a rep-
resentative from the athletics
department will join Moore on
stage to speak to the attending
students. The ROTC will also be
participating during the proces-
sional at the beginning.
Joyner said their purpose
is to make newcomers feel welcome
and like part of the university
"It's going to be a really nice
event Joyner said.
The event will collaborate with
the "Explore ECU in 3-D" program
after the convocation.
Karen Slough, who is working
with "Explore ECU said this event
will include 24 sessions designed to
help students with this transition
period. Faculty and staff mem-
bers will be hosting these sessions
that will cover topics such as aca-
demia, balancing work with life and
being a student, leadership skills
and how to keep relationships with
people back home. Attendants
choose two of these sessions to visit
at 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
Scholarships worth about
$150- $200 to the bookstore will
also be given out.
After the convocation and
"Explore ECU dinner will be
provided and possibly a comedic
performance. If a student attends
all of the events, they will automati-
cally be among the first ones in the
theatre to see the show.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
helps the transit system, but might
hurt students is that students are
creatures of habit. Bus drivers learn
their passengers quickly, so they know
when someone is new or suspicious.
"The drivers are our first line of
defense Alford said.
If found without a One Card, a
driver will typically ask a passenger to
bring it next time; however, they can
be told to leave if they were disruptive.
Drivers are taught first to drive
safely, be aware of their surround-
ings and not ever get involved in a
confrontation. They also are told to
regularly walk through the bus and
to check for anything suspicious.
To increase transportation
safety even further, Wood said two
of their four new buses have a new
camera system installed. Each bus
has five on-board video and audio
cameras that have been recording
bus routes this summer. It is a test
program that will be implemented
on buses with night routes.
Alford said this gives students
a better sense of comfort in an
awkward situation. If someone
suspicious is with them on the bus,
they know someone is watching
them. So far, they have only had
to look at one incident, and it was
not related to the driver.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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The name "Ulster" is the
historical name for Northern Ire-
land. It is a six-county-province
that is northeast of the Republic
of Ireland.
Ulster has gotten a great deal
of its support from churches and
private donations. They also used
the Greenville Boys and Girls Club
for activities.
According to Ulster's Web
site, their goal is, "To build
tolerance, trust and ongoing
positive relationships between
potential leaders from the different
Christian Traditions
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
UriniB from page A5
In OSCAR, offenders must do
community work, pay more fines
and enroll in an alcohol awareness
administration program.
"We know students are going to
drink and we try to give them the
benefit of the doubt Knight said.
"But it's a serious offense when
you put your life and other's lives
in danger
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Remodeled 3 Bedroom 1 12 bath
house located behind Domino's Pizza.
Central heat and air. New kitchen
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6410. Available Immediately.
For Rent - Dockside a 3BR 2BA
townhouse with Cathedral ceiling,
close to campus. $900mo. - Call
Carrett 252-258-0366
Houses for rent. From 2BR 1BA to
5BR 2BA. From $650 to $1200. Also
1BR apartments. Now accepting
applications for Fall 2005. Call 252-
353-5107 or email wallprop@cox.
Two Bedroom One Bathroom . Rent
includes utilities, cable TV, internet.
$750month. Available August 1st.
Walk to Campus, Redwood apts 804
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even hot water $325-350mo. No pets
please. Pinnacle Properties 561-7368,
Blocks to Campus one, three, or
more bedroom houses. Fenced yards
Pets OK! Security Systems. Available
various times One bedroom Apts too.
Call 830-9502
For Rent - Twin Oaks townhome. 3Br
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hospital and ECU. No pets. $700mo.
3 BR, 3 Bath Condo w L.R Kitchen,
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Available June 2005, $900month,
water, sewer, trash included, Brownlea
Drive, Call 252-240-1889 or 252-
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air &
heat, pool, ECU bus line, 6, 9 or 12
month leases. Pets allowed. High
speed internet available. Rent includes
water, sewer, & cable.
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Stratford Villas 3 Bedroom 3 Bath
House Available For Fall Semester.
Located Across From Baseball Stadium.
Energy efficient house includes washer
and dryer. $1050 per month Call Chip
3 BR 12 Bath Townhouse (Near
Campus). Central AirHeat, Fireplace,
Washer Dryer, dishwasher, private
patio, pool. ECU Bus Line. No Pets.
References. Annual Lease. Deposit.
$725 mo 756-5222
Blocks to E.C.U All size Houses,
Available beginning June, July,
or August - Call 321-4712 or
Dock Side Apartment 2013 B River
Dr. 2 BR, 2 Bath Available end of July
Rent $610 Call Home - 355-6339 Cell
For rent: Twin Oaks townhouse, 2 BR,
1 12 bath, end unit on ECU campus
bus route. Patio, pool, WD hook-up.
$555 per month. Call 864-982-2459
or 919-498-0520.
2 bedrooms for rent in a 4 bedroom 2
bath house on Brownlea Drive off of
10th Street, 12 mile from campus, on
the ECU bus route, $325month plus
14 utilities, lease starts 81505, call
Ashley at 757-348-6060.
Four Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Large
Yard Fenced $850month. Available
August 1st. Call 531-5701
University Court Apartments Newly
renovated 1 BR Student Apts. 5 blocks
from campusLike-new condition. Call
Win Coleman (919) 649-6915
For rent- One bedroom w bath
at Pirates Cove Apartments - 252-
752-9995. Activity fee waived. Two
months free rent. Available 81505.
Roommate needed in beautiful 3 BDR
house, 2 Bath one block from campus,
females non-smoking ; high speed
wireless internet option; WD, all
kitchen appliances, parking, no pets.
Please call 347-1231
Owner occupied seeking mature male
or female non-smoking student to
share house within walking distance of
campus. Private furnished Bedroom,
Private Bath, shared study with
internet hookup. 1623 Longwood
Drive. $300mo shared utilities. Call
Ron at (252) 353-1599 For more
Roommate wanted in Riverwalk to
live with two males. Private bedroom
bath. $317 plus utilities. Call Eric
Roommate Needed for 3 bed 3 bath
apartment in Campus Pointe. All
utilities included. Two friendly male
roommates also included. Call Matt
for more info. (757)-547-4290.
Roommate Wanted. Female, non-
smoker, serious student only. Washer
dryer. ECU bus route. $300mo. Plus
half utilities, cable, and internet.
$200 Deposit. (252) 714-4578 or
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time and full-time carpet cleaning
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Flexible hours. Valid DL and criminal
background check required. Call
WZMB, student radio station, is
currently accepting applications
for the position of student office
assistant. You must be good in math
and have a CPA of at least a 2.0. You
must be available to work Mondays
and Wednesdays from 12-5:00PM
andor Tuesdays and Thursdays from
11:00AM-5:00PM. If interested, pick
up an application at the station,
located in the basement of Mendenhall
Student Center, between 8:00AM and
5PM. Deadline is Monday, August
15th, at 3:00PM.
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to The Island'
New Michael Bay thriller
serves up great fun
Loud. Fast. Crazy. Obnoxious.
Pointless. All words people use to
describe a Michael Bay movie. From
Bad Boys to Armageddon and The
Rock to Pearl Harbor, Bay's films are
just that. Loud, fast, crazy, obnox-
ious and pointless films are only
there to show big explosions and
people running around really fast.
But with his latest action flick,
The Island, Bay seems to have
chosen a bit more wisely this time
around. He chose a sci-fi flick that
had an intriguing plot line, put his
own style on it and was still able to
keep it looking halfway decent.
The Island stars Ewan McGregor
as Lincoln Six Echo, a resident of
contained society kept locked away
from the world which has become
"contaminated Everyone looks
the same. Residents dress in white
and supervisors in black. This color
separation reminded me a lot of
George Lucas' first film THX-1138.
The only place in the world that
is unharmed is known as "The
Island Everyone wants to go there
and everyone will go there. Every-
one is chosen at random through
a lottery, and one day, Lincoln's
friend, Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett
Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson travel to the deadly island.
Johansson), is selected to go.
But Lincoln has questioned
his existence here for a while. He
believes there is more out there
than he's being led to believe. One
night, he finds his way into a loca-
tion he was never meant to see. He
figures out that the whole story of
"The Island" is fabricated. A trip to
the Island means you will die, but
for what reason?
Lincoln escapes the compound
with Jordan and they go in search
of a supervisor that Lincoln knows
named McCord (Steve Buscemi)
who informs them they are nothing
more than clones of people in the
real world. They're simply insur-
ance policies.
Sean Bean (Lord of the Rings,
National Treasure) plays his typical,
evil dark self as the antagonist Mer-
rick, who owns the company that
makes the clones of everyone will-
ing to pay the right price. They have
been doing this for years, and they
use the promise of "The Island" as
a way to make everyone go quietly
into surgery when their outside
client needs a spare part. When
Lincoln and Jordan go missing,
Merrick enlists the help of Albert
Laurent (Djimon Hounsou) to track
them down.
Now begins the chasing. Houn-
sou chases McGregror and Johans-
son around Los Angeles for the last
hour of the film. It is in very typical
Michael Bay fashion that this hap-
pens. It does get a bit monotonous
after a while, but our attention is
never completely lost. Bay doesn't
reuse anything that has already
happened before. Once a car gets
destroyed, no other car will be
wrecked in the same way later in
the film.
The screenplay was written
by Caspian Tredwell-Owen, Alex
Kurtzman and Roberto Orci based
on a story by Owen. Owen's story
is essentially two separate movies
- the first hour being a science
fiction film and the second hour
being a chasing film. Both stories
flow seamlessly and work very
well. There is no clear end of the
sci-fi part and no clear beginning
see ISLAND page A10
Johansson sparkles on the Island
and screen as Jordan Two Delta.
'Hustle & Flow' dreams big at box office
Terrence Howard plays pimp Djay.
w- a 1 &
The Sundance Audience
Award winner is one of
the year's best films
If you can dream it, you can
achieve it. We've all heard this
phrase before in our lives. It's part
of the American Dream. Anyone
can do anything if they are willing
to work for it.
This is the principle behind
Craig Brewer's award winning film
Hustle & Flow. The film follows a
Memphis pimp named Djay (Ter-
rence Howard). He has become
tired of pimping ladies out of his
hooptie. He even lives with the girls
he pimps (Taryn Manning, Taraji P.
Henson and Paula Jai Parker). He's
also a fan of a rapper named Skinny
Black (I.udacris), who is also from
Memphis and got out of there by
building a name for himself with
demo tapes he made in his base-
ment. Djay thinks that if Skinny
can do it, he can do it too.
He meets up with an old friend
named Key (Anthony Anderson)
who just so happens to be a sound
engineer now. Djay shares some
of his thoughts with him and
Key agrees to help him get those
thoughts from paper to a record.
They start recording some of DJay's
ideas with the help of Shelby (DJ
Quails), a "light skinned brother"
as Key calls him.
Soon, DJay's songs about pimp-
ing take on a whole new light.
The beats behind the words work
and soon the songs start to sound
amazing. Djay only knows about a
life of pimping, so his songs follow
that life. His titles include "Whoop
That Trick" and "It's Hard out Here
for a Pimp
Djay is in a hurry to get these
songs finished for the Fourth of
July so he can give his demo tape to
Skinny Black when he'll be back in
Memphis. His dream is to give the
tape to Skinny, Skinny will listen to
it and love it and he'll invite Djay
on the road with him on his way to
rap stardom.
Writerdirector Craig Brewer
won the prestigious Audience
Award at the Sundance Film Festival
with this story line. Hustle & Flow is
one of the best films to be released
this year.
Actor Terrence Howard has
done a lot of work before, but it
has been in smaller roles and in
low budget films. His breakout
performance came earlier this year
in Paul Haggis' film Crash (which
still remains this year's best film)
as a television director whose wife
is accosted by a corrupt police
officer. Howard gave an emotion-
ally charged performance in that
role and now he follows it up with
Hustle & Flow.
Howard plays this role to blis-
tering perfection which is better
than any other actor this year. It's
an Oscar caliber performance, and
he should be recognized as one of
the best actors this year. He conveys
every emotion on the spectrum.
You can see it in his eyes, what
emotion it is that he is feeling. It's
a performance on the same lines as
some of the previous Oscar winners
such as last year's Jamie Foxx in Ray,
Sean Penn in Mystic River, Adrian
Brody in The Pianist or Denzel
Washington in Training Day.
Brewer's screenplay is also very
see HUSTLE page A12

ISlaild from page A9
Members of The Island' crew Sean Bean, Djimon Hounsou, Michael
Bay, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Clarke Duncan and Steve Buscemi.
to the second, which is why this
works so well.
Think of Stanley Kubrick's Full
Metal Jacket. The first hour took
place in boot camp and the second
hour in Vietnam. This is very
similar to the plot structure in The
Island. But in Full Metal Jacket, there
was a clear distinction at the point
where one story ended and another
began. So in some respects, the plot
in The Island flows better, which
makes it much easier to follow and
stay interested in.
The first part of The Island con-
tains an interesting blend of films.
It reminded me of a mix between
A Clockwork Orange, The Matrix,
THX-1138 and there was even a hint
of The Truman Show in there too.
The most dangerous
animals in the forest
doti'l live there
Then the second half took over and
that reminded me of every single
Michael Bay movie ever made.
But this story works. It is noth-
ing more than the classic summer
blockbuster flick that Bay is famous
for putting together. Unfortunately
for Bay, he has never made a decent
film (except maybe for The Rock),
but we shouldn't hold it against
him forever. He may not be the
best director out there, but credit
should be given to him this time
for putting out such a fun and
exciting film.
Grade: B-
This writer can be contacted at
Mimuamio' ;omis ?j rv
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from page A9
Hustle & Row' is one of the most successful roles Howard has played.
solid. This is the first big credit to
his name. That is what the Sun-
dance Festival does to young film-
makers. They come in with hopes
that their film will be the one to be
bought for that seven-digit figure
- and make them the next big thing
to hit Hollywood. Brewer's success
is somewhat displayed in this story.
He and DJay are almost parallels.
Brewer's screenplay shows this very
well. It is an unbelievably solid
script and should be remembered
as such when the award season
rolls around and nominations are
being made.
Hustle & Flow is one of those
films that is going to make you
remember all the dreams and
ambitions you had when you
were younger. What did you want
to do wiin your life? What was
your dream? According to Brewer,
it is never too late to go after
it. DJay chases his dream and
Brewer chased his all the way
to Sundance.
Grade A
This writer can be contacted at
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Orgm Tim OonWon
H l
irtof the Day)
the Day
Armstrong makes final
triumphant ride into Paris
Armstrong celebrates with his children following his 7th victory.
American rider easily
captures seventh straight
Tour de France
(KRT) ? In the gloom, mist and
rain of the early afternoon, Lance
Armstrong's mood seemed as bright
as the jersey he was wearing.
As Armstrong rode toward Paris
in the ceremonial final stage of the
Tour de France, something like a
Sunday drive, he shook hands with
rivals, photographers on motor-
cycles and officials of other teams
He took sips of champagne and
touched glasses with his team direc-
tor, Johan Bruyneel, driving the
Discovery Channel car. He toasted
with the teammates riding on
either side of him, Paolo Savoldelli
of Italy, who won one of the race's
21 stages, and Yaroslav Popovych of
Ukraine, whose 12th-place overall
finish would win the white jersey
as best rider under age 25.
Three hours later, the sun had
come out on the man a French
newspaper once called, "The Sun
King for ruling like Louis XIV
over a race whose champion wears
yellow. But in the warm, late after-
noon glow of the Champs-EIysees,
Armstrong's emotions no longer
seemed those of a man celebrat-
ing the end he wanted, on top of
the Tour de France for an unprec-
edented seventh straight year.
He crossed the finish line with
a blank expression and no gesture
to acknowledge the moment. A half
hour later, in speaking to the crowd
from the victory stand, Armstrong
delivered a defense of his sport in a
parting shot that rang out as both
defiant and embittered.
"The last thing I'll say to the
people that don't believe in cycling,
the cynics, the skeptics, I'm sorry
for you Armstrong said. "I'm sorry
you can't dream big, and I'm sorry
you don't believe in miracles.
"This is a great sporting event,
and you should stand around and
believe, and you should believe
in these people (the riders). I'm
a fan of the Tour de France for as
long as I live, and there are no
secrets. This is a hard sporting
event, and hard work wins it. So
Vive Le Tour forever
Armstrong's words clearly were
meant as a tongue-lashing to every-
one who has focused on cycling's
well-documented problems with
doping, which turned the 1998
Tour de France into a scandal from
which one-third of the teams either
withdrew or were expelled for ille-
gal drug use.
That cloud hung over the race
when Armstrong won his first
Tour a year later, and it has not
dissipated. Allegations that Arm-
strong has used drugs, made by
people who worked with him and
a cyclist who once rode with him,
have rained on his victory parade
ever since.
They began in 1999, when Arm-
strong tested positive for a banned
corticosteroid but was cleared
because he had a medical autho-
rization to use it as treatment for
saddle stores. He never has tested
positive since.
In Sunday's edition of the
French sports newspaper, L'Equipe,
an article with the main headline,
"Who Then is Lance Armstrong?"
had a smaller headline saying,
"The American leaves cycling today
with another Elysian triumph.
And with seven years that have
provoked more questions than he
will have answered
Such words likely provoked
see PARIS page A15
Greenville transforms on Pirate's game day
ECU football provides
plenty of entertainment
For five or six fall Saturday's
every year, Greenville transforms.
The usual sedate college town
becomes abuzz with diehard fans,
'partygoers' and souvenir vendors.
Normal grass parking lots usually
reserved for weekend soccer games
become littered with pig cookers,
Pirate flags and decked out RVs.
For fans, ECU football is a gather-
ing place for the entire community.
Dowdy-Ficklen becomes the heart
of the town while highways 11, 43
and 264 become arteries. Business
partners congregate in their luxury
suites, past friends reunite and local
charities solicit money.
The scoreboard dictates the
mood of the town for the entire
off-season. Lately, Greenville has
been more somber than in the mid-
1990s. If the Pirates win, neverthe-
less, the blood runs deep purple.
There is no other sports season
for Pirate fans to look forward to.
It's caused disappointment too
many times. Unlike ECU's western
neighbors who share the same
state boundaries, football is the
main draw. A botched play or call
will be talked about for the entire
At other schools, fans park
minutes before kick-off and to
rush into the game. At ECU, it is
an injustice if you simply walked
to the game. One has to partake in
eastern N.C. barbecue, watch the
Purple Haze entrance and yell out
"Pirates" every time the team gets
a first down to fully understand
game days.
For students, the home games
are experiences that provide life-
time memories. Each individual
experience is different and unique
to the specific game. However, the
actual game is just a minute part of
the entire process that students
Game days usually start with an
early morning wake-up call. With
noon games, on-campus students
often awake to a marching band
blasting outside their window. Each
year, "band day" clogs up College
Hill when 20-some odd bands roll
into town.
Once the student is properly
attired in a purple ECU shirt (no
exceptions), they fill their cooler up
and head out to their respective tail-
gates. Students tailgate with organi-
zations, close friends or parents. It's
often hard to choose which group
a student wants to socialize with
hours prior to the game.
The tailgates are all different.
A fraternity and sorority may be
welcome in their alumni. Loyalists
deep fry turkeys, tangle with Bojan-
gles biscuits or the aforementioned
barbecue. Some "professional" tail-
gaters have deep rooted traditions
that span over 30 years.
Walking into the game, stu-
dents are often unprepared as to
the amount of people who make
their pilgrimage to Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium. On certain Saturdays,
Dowdy-Ficklen will hold 43,000
screaming fans.
The actual game provides plenty
of entertainment as well. Students
sit in their special Student Pirate
Club sections virtually on top of
the action. They banter with the
opposing team on the near side-
line (usually the kicker) while still
cheering the Pirates on. High-fives
are exchanged on good plays and
moans on bad ones.
Most diehard students lose
their voices by halftime. But it is
the collective unit, powered by the
marching band, which dictates the
amount of noise the stadium gen-
erates. Last year, when the Pirates
drove down the field with time
dwindling against Tulane, it was the
student section that spearheaded
the noise.
The waning moments provide
drama (hopefully). After the game
concludes, students cross to the
south stands to congratulate the
team as they trod back to their
locker rooms inside the Ward Sports
Medicine Building. Directly after
the game, the raw emotions of the
players are captured. Last year,
running back Marvin Townes was
see FOOTBALL page A14

Footban,3 SMU makes switch into Conference-USA
visibly crying after a tough loss
ended his eligibility.
Depending on the result of
the game, students either go home
dejected or to find a place to cel-
ebrate. The ladder provides a great
opportunity for students to find the
nearest party or go downtown. But
the majority of the students are so
spent from the day's activities that
they simply retreat to their beds.
Home football games provide
nearly a $40 million boost to
the local economy. However, no
amount of money can replace the
memories created when students
experience traditions and tailgates
of football games.
The Pirates have five home
games this year. The schedule has
been significantly improved for the
next couple of years when West
Virginia, Virginia and UNC will all
travel to Greenville. But for now,
Duke and Southern Mississippi
highlight the home schedule. After
all, what else do the Pirates have to
look forward to?
This writer can be contacted at
Mustangs will join newly
formed Western Division
For the Southern Methodist
Mustangs, there is only room for
improvement in 2005 coming off a
disappointing 3-8 season in 2004.
On its schedule in 2005, the
Mustangs face a few changes, the
largest of which is SMU's move
from the Western Athletic Confer-
ence to Conference USA. SMU has
road games at Marshall and UAB.
The Mustangs will also travel
to head coach Phil Bennett's alma
mater of Texas A&M September 17
- a game Bennett is looking forward
to. He realizes to get better is by play-
ing the better opponents, which is
another reason why the trip to Col-
lege Station is important.
"We want to return SMU to
where it was Bennett said in an
interview earlier this year.
He also said the move to Con-
ference USA will cut down on travel
expenses and he likes the regional
alignment and feels his team has
a lot in common with the other
teams in the newly formed C-USA
Western Division.
The Mustangs return most of
their starters on offense, including
the team's starting quarterback,
its top two receivers and the top
two rushing leaders. SMU runs an
offense with two quarterbacks and
returning are senior quarterback
Jerad Romo, who led the team in
rushing with 434 yards, and senior
QB Tony Eckert, the team's leading
passer from 2004 with just 1400
yards and six touchdowns with 13
"It's pretty hard to defend two
quarterbacks, Bennett said. "Romo
has 4.5 speed while Tony is more of a
pure passer, but we would like one of
them to step up and be the guy
SMU's offense was anemic in
2004, on par with the disappoint-
ing offense of East Carolina last
year. The team's top running back
Cedrick Dorsey netted just 431
yards. On the ground as a team the
Mustangs had just 1377 yards last
season - something in need of dire
improvement in 2005.
"We had a predominantly
'redshirt' offense last year Ben-
nett said. "I think we can be an
improved offense. We've got to get
our running game to where we can
be more balanced
SMU brings back some talent
on its defense also. The team's top
defensive backs, Jamey Sharper and
Rolando Humphrey, and its leading
tackier, senior linebacker Alvin
Nnabuife, all are back. The Mus-
tangs need help on the defensive
front to protect Nnabuife. JUCO
transfers, defensive tackle Adrian
Haywood and defensive end Troy
Therien are expected to step up and
have an impact on the defensive
side of the ball.
"Troy is a very athletic addi-
tion who will give us a speed pass
rusher Bennett said. "Both players
will have a chance to contribute
The Mustangs recorded only
10 sacks as a team in 2004, a
number Haywood and Therien are
expected to help increase. SMU's
offensive line gave up 27 sacks and
Bennett will expect the
offensive line to improve in 2005,
not just in the pass protection, but
in clearing holes for the running
backs also.
"We're moving (Ben) Poynter to
center and we've moved our start-
ing center to guard Bennett said.
"We're just looking for our best
The expectations in Dallas are
to have a winning record and con-
tend for a bowl game. Whether or
not that comes to fruition remains
to be seen, but Bennett is optimistic
of his team's chances.
"I expect us to be a much
improved team Bennett said.
"For the first time since I've been
here, we've got six home games and
you've got to win at home
SMU will play host to ECU
October 15.
This writer can be contacted at
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PdnS from page A13
Armstrong's farewell rebuke. Such
a final attack on his detractors
is consistent with the way he
has handled past accusations of
doping and insinuations that it
took more than a miracle for a man
who had overcome nearly fatal
cancer to win the Tour once, let
alone seven times.
He won the seventh with his
second smallest victory margin, 4
minutes 40 seconds, with CSC team
rider Ivan Basso of Italy second and
T-Mobile's Jan Ullrich of Germany
third. Armstrong covered the 2,239
miles at an average speed of 25.8
m.p.h winning one individual
stage and the team time trial.
Armstrong led for the last 12
days, which included the big moun-
tain stages. He never was really
threatened, leaving the feeling he
could win again if he were not com-
mitted to retirement at age 33.
"You wait for the battles in
the mountains, watching guys at
their limits testing each other
said Outdoor Life Network
commentator Frankie Andreu, an
Armstrong teammate in the 1999
and 2000 Tours. "This year, Lance
never got tested, never looked like
he was suffering.
"It is not only getting to the race
at a physical peak. It is also how he
managed over the years to avoid the
sickness and accidents that seemed
to hit other riders
Armstrong needed to take his
right foot off the pedal to avoid
going down after skidding into
three teammates who slipped on
the wet pavement as the riders
crossed the Seine River near Paris.
The conditions made race organiz-
ers stop the clock before the main
group of riders, including Arm-
strong, began their eight circuits
of the Champs-Elysees.
T-Mobile's Alexandre Vinokou-
rov of Kazakhstan, who had started
the race as one of the favorites,
sprinted to a win in the final stage.
That gave Vinokourov a time bonus
that moved him past Levi Leiphe-
imer of the United States and the
Gerolsteiner team into fifth place
overall, 11:01 behind Armstrong.
Before the Tour, Armstrong said
he wanted to leave the impression
"for my own good" of being able
to win another Tour if he wanted.
After apparently underscoring that
Saturday by winning the individual
time trial, he said there was no
way to tell when age might catch
up to him.
"It wouldn't be fair to next
year's winner to say, 'You're just
lucky I didn't show up, you're just
lucky I retired " Armstrong said.
The truth is he and Bruyneel
had developed a formula for win-
ning the Tour that seemed simple
enough to work a couple more
years. "One attack and two good
time trials Armstrong said.
The one attack this year came
in the first Alpine stage, and it
gained him more than a minute on
Basso and Ullrich. He also gained
more than a minute on each in the
prologue stage time trial. By the
second, he needed only to avoid a
big mistake.
Reducing three weeks of
racing to such cold and minimal-
ist calculations also left Armstrong
open to confounding criticism he
lacked panache or style.
"If you attack too much and
win too many stages, they say you
are arrogant and hogging all the
victories he said. "If you don't
attack enough, they stick a micro-
phone in someone's face and the
guy says, "He has no panache. He
hasn't won
"Seven Tours gives or takes
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The East Carolinian, July 27, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 27, 2005
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