The East Carolinian, June 29, 2005

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Volume 80 Number 84
June 29, 2005
Robbery victim questions
ECU e-mail alert system
McClintock stands near her house on Rotary and Fifth - the same spot where she and her roomate were robbed,
Graduate thinks lack of
information a threat to safety
When Shannon McClintock
was robbed on Rotary Street a few
weeks ago, she was shaken. But
what bothered her most was the
absence of a campus alert warning
her fellow students.
McClintock, who recently
graduated from ECU with a degree
in Hispanic studies and math,
returned to her neighborhood at
Fifth and Rotary around midnight
June 15 when she noticed a dark
car passing by. As she got closer to
her home, she noticed the dark car
had parked on the street and two
tall African American males had
stepped out. She got nervous, but
she and her roommate decided to
get to their house.
"The men started walking the
opposite direction down Rotary
said McClintock. "But then we
turned on Rotary and we started
walking toward them, and before
our house they intercepted us
One man showed them a gun
and said, "I will kill you. Drop
your purses The women dropped
their purses and the men grabbed
them, ran to their car and sped
off. McClintock and her roommate
immediately called the Greenville
Police who came to their home and
filed a report.
A faculty member and
friend of the family called
McClintock's mother a few
days later to let her know there
had been no e-mail alert. Her
mother contacted ECU police
that Thursday and after hearing
nothing, McClintock wrote ECU
police personally.
ECU police responded to
McClintock and said Greenville
Police are not required to report
incidents to them that are close to
campus, but they would send out a
campus-wide alert.
The alert went over the system
the following Thursday, eight days
after the incident, but not every
student received the alert.
"Half the people 1 know got it
o and half the people I know didn't
?? get it McClintock said.
"So what's wrong with the e-
mail system if people aren't getting
it in their e-mails
McClintock wrote the ECU
police one more time concerned
there was not protocol between
the departments and confessing
her trust in the safety of the com-
munity had been shaken.
"In retrospect, I find it
somewhat ironic that an alert
was not issued at the same time
campus officials were reassuring the
parents of incoming freshmen that
see ROBBERY page A2
ECU physician first to use new device on patient
Brody School of Medicine
chosen to perform
experimental procedure
A 55-year-old New Bern woman
with cancer has been listed in good
condition after becoming the first
patient in the United States to
receive an experimental device
designed to keep her airway open
earlier this month.
The woman, who has cervical
cancer which spread to her lungs,
has a cancerous tumor in her bron-
chial tube. The tumor was blocking
nearly half of her airway, which
made breathing almost impossible.
But now, thanks to a new medi-
cal device that will soon be avail-
able to cancer patients in the U.S
only 10 percent of her airway
remains blocked.
This device, called the AeroTra-
cheobronchial Stent, was developed
by Alveolus, a medical supply com-
pany based in Charlotte, N.C.
The stent is a tubular device,
made of metal, which is com-
pressed and placed in an airway
that has narrowed. The
device then springs
open, forcing the airway
open and allowing the
patient to breathe easier.
These stents can also
be coated with a film that
can prevent further tumor
growth in the airway.
The Aero stent has
been used successfully
in Europe and is now
undergoing trials in the
U.S. before seeking FDA approval.
Dr. Gordon Downie, who pre-
the procedure, said he feels
this device could benefit
at least half of all lung
cancer patients in the
1 U.S.
"This is a proce-
ss dure for patients who
o are beyond a cure and
8 you're looking to make
the symptoms better
?fr said Downie.
"1 think this pro-
cedure can definitely
improve quality of life
see PHYSICIAN page A3
Program will focus
on self-monitoring,
regulation, awareness
This fall, 200 freshmen at ECU
will participate in a five-year study
by the Research Triangle Institute to
evaluate methods to reduce college
binge drinking.
The study, funded with
a $2.1 million grant from the
National Institute of Health's
National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism, is being
conducted because about 40
percent of college students are
heavy episodic drinkers. First-year
students are especially at risk.
According to Patrick Gib-
bons, director of communications
at RTI, drinking is a problem
with students away from home.
Officials at ECU are aware of this
problem and want to find a way to
reduce it.
"The goal of the study is to
measure effectiveness of the
program and learn how to improve
substance abuse said Gibbons.
see ALCOHOL page A5

Student Interviews
Student interested in participating
in the student interviews for the
director of student activities will
have one more chance. Be in
Mendenhall 221 Thursday, June
30 at 3 p.m. If you are a student
and have any questions, please
send an e-mail to Thomas Doyle,
student union president at
Bridge dedication
The city of Greenville will hold a
dedication ceremony for the Greenville
Bridge, the old Greene Street
Bridge, June 30 from 10 - 11 a.m. at
the Town Commons.
Sunday in the park
The Gupergrit Cowboy band, known
for being one of the best country-
western bands in America, will
be performing during Sunday in
the Park July 3 from 7-8 p.m. at the
Town Commons.
July 4 celebrations
Greenville will be holding fun events
for the entire day this July 4. Clowns
and magicians will be around
the games, dunking booths, glow
necklaces, food and a duck derby
on the river. Fireworks will be shown
at 9 p.m. in the Town Commons.
Please no personal fireworks,
coolers, alcoholic beverages, glass
containers or pets in the downtown
I Love You, You're Perfect,
Now Change
This hilarious musical about
relationships will be performed-
Tuesday, July 05 at 8:00 p.m. in
the McGinnis Theatre. Parental
guidance is suggested for younger
audience members attending
this show. Tickets are $30 for
the general public, $27.50 for
faculty, staff and senior citizens,
$20 for youth and students in
advance and $30 at the door.
For more information, visit
SummerTheatre.cfm or call 328-
Want your event printed in TEC? Send
your announcement with date, time,
location and any other important
information to news@theeastcarolinian.
News Briefs
Charlotte starts school for men
accused of soliciting prostitutes
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Men charged with
soliciting prostitutes in Mecklenburg
County may be required, starting in
August to complete a class where theyll
learn about sexually transmitted diseases,
addiction and respect for women.
"If we can convince these men they
can't cruise around Charlotte looking
for prostitutes, that could diminish the
number of prostitutes working the
streets said Bruce Lillie. a prosecutor
behind the effort. "If we take away that
demand, the supply will dry up
Men facing their first prostitution-related
charge in Mecklenburg district court
can get their case dismissed if they
successfully complete the school, Lillie
said. Judges can sentence others as part
oftheirprobation to attend the school run
by McLeod Addictive Disease Center.
Men with no record who plead guilty
to soliciting usually get a suspended
sentence and a fine, Lillie said.
Men who attend the school will
participate in weekly, two-hour
sessions for five weeks, said Genny
Kleiser, McLeod's operations director.
They will pay $220 to participate and
take a mandatory HIV test.
Norfolk, Va, Las Vegas and Nashville,
Tenn. also have "John schools" but
Kleiser said Charlotte's will be different.
Other programs bring in scorned wives
and former prostitutes to shame the
men. Charlotte's school will be more
therapeutic than punitive, she said.
"We want them to identify why they
are doing what they are doing she
said. "We want them to realize how
dangerous it is
Bush tries to ease doubts over the
war on first anniversary of Iraqi
WASHINGTON - President Bush is using
the first anniversary of Iraq's sovereignty
to try to ease Americans' doubts about
the mission and outline a winning
strategy for a violent conflict that has
cost the lives of more than 1,740 U.S.
troops and has no end in sight
In a prime-time address from Fort Bragg,
N.C home of the Army's elite 82nd
Airborne Division, Bush was to argue
that there is no need to change course
in Iraq despite the upsetting images
produced by daily insurgent attacks.
His assessment comes on the heels
of a recent Associated Press-lpsos poll
that showed public doubts about the war
reaching a high point - with more than half
saying that invading Iraq was a mistake.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
said Bush should present the country
with a strategy for success. "We simply
have not had that the California
Democrat told reporters outside
the White House after the president
met with congressional leaders over
breakfast. She said Bush should set
benchmarks for training Iraqi troops,
restoring electrical power and dealing
with other problems.
Before his address, Bush will meet
with the families of 33 U.S. troops killed
In Iraq and Afghanistan. The audience
for his speech will be 600 to 700
soldiers, the White House said.
Outside the base, opponents of the
war planned protests.
"There's a groundswell against this
war said Bill Dobbs, spokesman for
United For Peace and Justice, an anti-
war coalition of more than 1,300 local
and national groups. "You can see it in
Congress, you can see it in newspaper
editorials and what young people are
saying to military recruiters: 'No
Pakistan Supreme Court
overturns acquittal of men In
high-profile rape case
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan's
Supreme Court overturned the
acquittals of 13 men accused of
gang-raping a villager and ordered the
suspects arrested Tuesday in a case
that has drawn international attention
to the brutal treatment of women in this
conservative Muslim country.
The ruling came a day after the 36-
year-old victim, Mukhtar Mai, made a
dramatic appearance at the Supreme
Court, appealing a lower court decision
to acquit five of the men who allegedly
raped her on orders of a council of village
elders. The eight members of the council,
an influential force in rural Pakistan, were
acquitted three years ago.
Outside the courtroom, dozens of
women hugged and congratulated
a relaxed and smiling Mai, who was
wearing the traditional Shalwar kameez
- trousers and a shirt - with a blue-and-
green shawl covering her head.
"I am happy and I hope those who
humiliated me will be punished said
Mai. "I was expecting justice from the
Supreme Court and the Supreme
Court has done justice
The court said it would hold another
hearing later to decide on possible
punishments - Including the death
sentence - for those accused.
Mai was raped in 2002 allegedly
as punishment for her 13-year-old
brother's illicit affair with a woman
from a higher-caste family. Mai and her
family deny the affair took place, saying
the brother was in fact assaulted by
members of the other family.
By confronting her attackers, Mai has
defied tradition in a country where
rape victims often suffer in silence
for fear they will be shunned by their
families if they come forward.
ECU prepares for hurricane season Rowery
Department gets university
community ready
Now that hurricane season is
underway, ECU has already taken
necessary measures toensure limited
damage in case of a natural disaster.
Hurricane season began June 1
bringing the threat of hurricanes,
as well as the need to prepare for
such events. The National Weather
Center forecasts a 70 percent
chance that the 2005 season will
be above normal, following a trend
that started in 1995.
The first step toward prepared-
ness is to "learn about hurricanes
and effects they can have here
said Tom Pohlman, environmental
manager for ECU Environmental
Health and Safety.
The ECU Environmental Health
and Safety office is a campus orga-
nization that covers preparations
and responses for severe weather.
On campus, they provide check-
lists for all facilities to ensure they
are ready for inclimate weather.
The EHS Web site, ecu.eduoehs,
provides thorough information on
severe weather preparations for the
entire university community.
Students living on campus will
receive a set of procedures published
by the residence hall prior to a hur-
ricane this season. If the university
is closing, it is recommended that
students go home or to a non-
strike zone to ride out the storm.
"This makes it easier to respond,
repair and reopen Pohlman said.
Those who live off campus
should consider testing generators
before a storm, as well as trimming
g back trees and shrubs. Long before
jj there is an imminent threat, it is
.g wise to stock up on batteries; f lash-
a lights; battery-operated radios;
nonperishable, ready-to-eat foods
and six to nine gallons of water. It Is
hard to locate these key items in the
days immediately before a storm.
Finding ways to cook without
electricity in case there are power
outages is also a necessity. Be
advised that any sort of cooking
that involves flames should be
kept outside.
Hurricane season is typically
characterized by stress and disaster,
but with adequate preparation and
awareness, such negative effects
can be minimized
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
all measures possible are taken to
ensure the safety of their children
McClintock wrote.
Her mother has also written a
letter, this one to Chancellor Bal-
lard, requesting a change. They
have not received a response from
the chancellor yet.
As she awaits an adjustment
in policy, McClintock insists
something must be done to make
students aware of the dangers of
the area.
"At the location where I live,
a lot of incoming freshmen park
there and as incoming freshmen,
they won't know what's going on
around campus McClintock said.
"If alerts aren't sent out, they won't
be aware of the situations and the
possible dangers here
ECU's main alert system is
run through ITCS, but Michelle
Lieberman, student neighborhood
relations facilitator, has her own
list serve. In the past, she has sent
alerts out to off-campus students
after a crime or incident. To report
an off-campus incident, first call or
e-mail Lieberman for an alert.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.

This Week
Hotline 328-6004
@Hendrix Theatre
AMERICAN BEAUTY Thursday June 30th at 7pm
Monday July 4th at 7pm
Phantom of the Opera Tuesday juiy 5th at 7Pm
Conning Soon:
Opening Day
Million Dollar Baby Tuesday juiy 12th at 7Pm
@Aqua Theatre
Co-Sponsored by The Student Rec Center
AMERICAN BEAUTY Wednesday June 29th at 9:30pm
All Students Welcome
Free admission with valid ECU ID
One guest per ID
Trivial Pictionary:
Movies Edition
In Hendrix Theatre
Wednesday June 29th at 8pm
Trivial Pursuit combined with the fun of Pictionary.
Test your cinema knowledge in an entertaining new game
Co-Sponsored by The Student Union, The Office of Student Experiences and The Office of Orientation
Questions? Call 328-4715, Visit www.ecu.edustudentunion
Marley tournament brings
out local golf enthusiasts
Greenville businesses
play for the kitties
Marley Fund held their third
annual Driving For a Cure Golf
Tournament at Ironwood last week,
bringing out local businesses to
participate and play in support of
their cause.
Players arrived around 11 a.m.
to register and eat steak, chicken,
rice and salad from Outback Steak-
house. For dessert, players chose
from an assortment of ice cream
from Cold Stone Creamery. Drinks
were provided by Coastal Beverage
Corporation and Minges Bottling
With a $25 donation, players
received two mulligans and raffle
tickets as well as two chances to
qualify for the $20,000 putting
contest sponsored by Wal-Mart.
Nine players out of 100 qualified
for the $20,000 putting contest,
but it was Bobby Godley with
the Party Makers team that solely
completed the 10 and 30-foot
putts. He barely missed the final
50-foot putt to win.
Rose Smithwick, senior elemen-
tary education major and Marley
volunteer, had good things to say
about the tournament while man-
aging the putting contest.
"I'm enjoying it. It's pretty
well organized said Smithwick.
"Everyone has something to do
and it's for a good cause
Participants also had a chance
to make a hole in one and win a
Nissan or Harley Davidson, or win
the Coastal Beverage 50-50 putting
contest at hole one. Rusty Jackson
received $160 after sinking the
80-foot putt.
Each player also received a
free Marley tote bag filled with
Bobby Godley of the Party
Makers team attempts the 50-
foot putt during the contest.
gifts from local businesses such as
Cafe Caribe, Hardees, Salt Wood
Products, Ledo's Pizza, PetsMart,
Dr. Unks, Tie Breakers and Helen's
Grooming World to name a few.
Many of these businesses also
donated prizes to the raffle along
with Panera Bread, Finelli's, Over-
ton's and many more.
The gross winners of the tour-
nament were the Party Makers
team with Mike Hathaway, Bobby
Godley, Stephen West and Darryl
Baker. The net winners were Jeremy
McAllister, Chad Grimes, Ronny
Hardy and Greg Doolittle.
The Washington Police Depart-
ment with Steve Szabo, Ron Black,
Rob Waggoner and Herman Kight
received second place prizes and
the third place net winners were
Gary Salt, Steve Waters, Donald
Dunn and Wilbur Perry.
After expenses, Marley Fund
raised almost $17,000 to support
the shelter and future efforts.
Marley Fu nd is the only
non-profit organization dedicated
to raising awareness of feline leuke-
mia and feline aids. The fund raises
money for the cats though the dis-
tribution of their patented cat-pup
tents, donations and major fund-
raisers like the golf tournament.
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
PhySiCiail from page.
professor of medicine at the ECU
Brody School of Medicine, was
chosen by Alveolus to be the first
physician in the U.S. to perform
the procedure, due to his exten-
sive use of stents in his practice.
Downie already uses stents in
80 to 100 patients a year and was
asked his opinion and advice by
Alveolus during the development
of the Aero stent.
"The Brody School of Medicine
and the Leo W. Jenkins Cancer
Center are recognized as two of the
best programs in the country in the
treatment of cancer Downie said.
"Alveolus wanted us to use
it first
Downie has already performed
the procedure two more times in
the past two weeks and is expect-
ing to perform most of the 50 trial
procedures the FDA requires before
they will approve the new stent.
Downie said he feels confident
that the stent will pass its trials and
will be used all over the U.S. soon.
"In some cases there will be a
dramatic improvement in symp-
toms. This will help make them
stronger Downie said.
"That could buy us more time
in which to treat the disease
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.

JUNE 29,2005
Pirate Rants
I love teachers in the summer.
They are so laid back and cool. Why
can't they be like this all year round?
I love no test and pizza parties.
I wish I could lie on the beach
all summer and get a nice tan;
instead I am sitting in class most of
the day. Though when I can gradu-
ate on time and everyone else who
didn't go to summer school is still
working on the five-year track (or
more), who will be smiling then?
It is a shame that ECU's
parking and traffic has to obtain
its revenues by extortion and
entrapment of its students and
guest. When you are asked to visit
one of ECU's satellite locations and
the public entrance is in the front
and the meter parking is in the
rear with no signs posted, that's
entrapment. If you disagree with
the ticket and you are forced to pay
or you cannot enroll for class, that
is extortion.
Hmm, let's see, spend 75 dollars
on a textbook at Dowdy, or spend
10 bucks on the same book online.
Does there seem to be anything
logical to anyone about buying
books at the student store anymore?
I don't understand how hard
it is for a person to read a bus
schedule. We don't have them
printed and available for
nothing. We shouldn't have to
answer questions like 'Does this
bus go to the hill?' or 'Does this bus
go to Minges? Get a schedule and
read it, that's what its there for.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
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Head Copy Editor
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Photo Editor
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Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
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Production Manager
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In My Opinion
Town claims eminent domain rights
"Public use' now defined
by the Supreme Court
"No person shall be held to
answer for a capital, or otherwise
infamous crime, unless on a
presentment or indictment of a grand
jury, except in cases arising in the
land or naval forces, or in the militia,
when in actual service in time of
war or public danger; nor shall any
person be subject for the same offense
to be twice put in jeopardy of life
or limb; nor shall be compelled in
any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without due
process of law; nor shall private
property be taken for public use,
without just compensation
For those of you who may not
be familiar with the above words,
they are the Fifth Amendment to
the Constitution of The United
States of America. You can now
add this to the list of Amendments
included in the Bill of Rights that
are under attack, or have been
severely weakened, by the Supreme
Court. Just for fun, can you name
some of the others?
The First Amendment has
definitely been weakened, usurped,
attacked, however you want to
phrase it. We now have such heavy
handed limitations on free speech
as Hate Speech laws, political
correctness (step out of line and it
is "Sensitivity Training" for you,
or worse.), lawsuits with huge
monetary awards and sometimes
jail terms for "offending" someone
with something you say, whether
you intended to or not, and other
equally onerous and unconstitu-
tional restrictions. At least they
used to be unconstitutional. Then
there are the restrictions on the
free exercise of religion by the
predominantly Judeo-Christian
majority in this country.
For somewhere around 50
years now the religious bedrock
that our country was founded
on has been eroded by ludicrous
restrictions on prayer, public
display of the Ten Commandments
and other religious symbols based
upon the fictitious and totally
invented constitutional clause of
"separation of Church and State
There is no such clause. It was
created by activist, liberal judges
pursuing their own agenda who
were willing to ignore centuries
of legal as well as procedural prec-
edent (kind of like the Democrats
are doing in the Senate now - that's
a different story though.).
The Second Amendment right
to bear arms has been assailed
so many times, from so many
different directions, and by so
many people over so many years
that it is amazing it still exists.
And (to let my limited Liberal side
out a little), it does say something
about us as a people that we are so
willing to let some of our Rights be
eroded but we will vigorously fight
(no pun intended) for our guns. I
personally believe that is because
on an instinctual level we know
that if this eroding of our Rights
goes too far we may have to fight
to get them back.
The Fourth Amendment has
also been strained to the limit
recently. Some of the laws enacted
after the September 11 attacks
were definitely knee jerk and
unconstitutional. While the
reason for making these laws may
have been understandable, they
still went too far.
Then we have the Fifth.
Last Thursday, June 23, the
Supreme Court ruled that the
definition of "public use which
for hundreds of years has been
interpreted as things that were
used by all citizens, such as streets,
highways, etc now includes
developmentsprojects with
"potential" revenue generating
possibilities that will mainly
benefit a few, not all, citizens.
This decision stemmed from
a Connecticut town that wanted
to raze a local neighborhood
and pay a private contractor to
build an office park type area to
compliment new construction and
"hopefully" generate more tax
revenue. The developer bought up
properties in the area and made
plans with the local government
for future construction. The only
problem was that not everyone
wanted to sell, including some
who have lived in the same house
in that area literally all their
lives. Not to let a little thing
like private property rights stand
in their way, the town claimed
eminent domain rights and gave
the holdout homeowners a "take it
or leave it" offer, with the ultimate
end being the destruction of their
homes. The town's argument was
that the potential, not ensured,
jobs that would be created by this
project, as well as the extra tax
revenues that could (not would)
qualify under the public use clause.
Naturally, and correctly, the hom-
eowners sued.
In a contentious 5-4 decision,
the Liberal Justices on the Court
ruled against the Constitution and
exponentially expanded the power
of government. Oh yeah, they also
made private developers insanely
happy, for they will be the main,
and in some instances only, benefi-
ciary of this ruling. This decision
has generated howls of outrage from
all quarters, irregardless of political
persuasion, and with good reason.
No longer is your house (or
your parents grandparents
whoever's) the sacrosanct place
it once was. It is now possible for
politically connected developers
to go to your local government
representatives and have the
following conversation: "We
have an project that will one day,
possibly, if everything works the
way we think, expand the tax base
thereby creating more revenue and
ultimately benefiting everyone in
the area. There is just one snag:
there are 50 houses in the area we
plan to build and they don't want
to sell. Since this project may one
day benefit everyone, it might be in
your best interest to claim Eminent
Domain and get those obstruction-
ists out of there so we can get on
with our project That actually
may not be too far off from what
happened in Connecticut.
So, when you decide to
buy that first little part of the
American Dream after you gradu-
ate, be sure to check with the local
planning department to see if your
dream is not in the way of some
developers dream before you sign
on the dotted line.
Adds a new twist to the phrase
caveat emptor, doesn't it?

AlCOllOl from page A1
The study will consist of
monitoring the 200 participants
for four years and the follow-
up of the program a year later.
Although it will be five years
until the statistical information
surfaces, the immediate payoff
will be proving freshman with
resources, guidance and help
in the meantime.
Binge drinking, according to
the NIAA, is approximately five
or more drinks at one sitting or
outing for men and four or more
for women.
According to Brian McMillen,
a professor at the Brody School
of Medicine, 200 students were
chosen for this study because fresh-
men are the most vulnerable and
they are more likely to drink in
order to get drunk.
"If you can intercept early it can
make a difference in their academic
career said McMillen.
"Every UNC system wants to
also raise retention levels, for every
IS freshmen that drinks their way
out of school one faculty member
is lost, so this program helps out in
that way as well
According to McMillen, Janice
Brown, RTI International principal
investigator for the project, had an
idea for a project concerning binge
drinking and college students and
asked what university would be best
for the project.
"The structure of the taskforce
here at ECU goes with what she had
in mind McMillen said.
Student selections for the
five-year study will be based
on freshmen who enroll in
Health 1000. From there,
each student in the class will
receive a short survey of four
questions which will identify those
students at high risk. High risk
students will be asked to participate
in the study.
The participants will partake
in the motivational interview
approach throughout the study,
which is a particular style of inter-
view that allows the interviewer to
be empathetic and the interviewee
to be introspective. A series of open-
ended questions to the participants
allows them to say what action
they are going to take by their own
accord and no one else.
"Motivational interviewing
is a proven tool to improve
compliance by the participants, by
them saying what they are going
to do become their own contract
McMillen said.
Three graduate students will
assist in the study. According to
McMillen, they will be trained
and certified on motivational
"The success of this study
involves the cooperation of several
divisions and departments to make
this work McMillen said.
This writer can be reached at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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How do people celebrate
the fourth? &
Fourth of July is the time of year
when we celebrate our freedom as a
nation. This is when we should feel
patriotic and proud to be the freest
nation in the world.
It's also the time where we break
out the steaks, the chicken wings
and beer, and invite our friends and
family to the park for a great day of
food and fun.
Generally, most people do the
same thing on the fourth.
"I like spending time with
family said Jeremy Inman, senior
construction management major.
"We usually shoot off some fire-
works and drink some beer
Jarrod Cox, junior Commu-
nication major said that,he just
likes hanging out with-sfriends
and family.
"I'll be heading down to
Savannah to visit family this year
said Cox.
Aaron Borrego, senior industrial
technology major said cooking out
is one of the best things to do on
the fourth.
"Get the family together and
grill out. That's what we usually
do Borrego said.
Fireworks are the traditional
item used to celebrate the holiday.
In Greenville, if you find your way
to the Town Commons on First St.
by Tar River, you will be able to see
an awesome display of fireworks
overhead. Plan to be there all day if
you want to get a good spot.
Some people would rather be
in control of their own fireworks.
However, due to certain laws in
North Carolina, fireworks that
actually leave the ground are illegal.
The legal way to display fireworks in
North Carolina is to celebrate with
sparklers or snake discs.
"Me and my friends usu-
ally drive doWn to South Caro-
lina to pick up some fireworks
Inman said about coping with
the dismay of not being able to
display firework favorites such
as mortars or Roman Candles.
A lot of people will also head to
Raleigh for their Fourth of July cel-
ebrations. Usually a good spot to be
on thefourth in Raleigh is the Alltel
Pavilion at Walnut Creek. Each
concert season, the Pavilion will
schedule a great show on the night
of Independence Day with a fire-
works show following the concert.
Previous Fourth of July concerts
have included The Black Crows
with Jimmy Page, and Canadian
prog-rockers Rush. This year, the
Pavilion has decided not to sched-
ule a show for Monday. Instead,
they'll celebrate the holiday on
Friday when Maze comes to town.
It seems that Walnut Creek can't
compete with the largest celebra-
tion area just west of Raleigh.
In addition to a fireworks dis-
play at the North Carolina State
Fair grounds, fireworks will be shot
off following an all day celebration
at Regency Park in Cary. More and
more people have flocked to see the
Our nation's flag and colorful fireworks are classic symbols of Independence Day and being American.
fireworks at Regency Park in the last
few years. Since the completion of the
Regency Park Amphitheater, people
have had the chance to see the cen-
terpiece of the afternoon celebration,
a performance by the North Carolina
Symphony. This fireworks display
has been said to be the best in the state,
but again, get there early to ensure a
good spot around Symphony Lake.
Some people prefer to head east
from Greenville for the fourth by
going to the beach. This year along
the Outer Banks and the mainland
will have their own celebrations.
There is nothing better than watch-
ing fireworks on the beach.
Whether you'll be staying In
Greenville or headed to Raleigh
or the coast, we will all be doing
the same things: hanging out
with friends and family, enjoy-
ing good food and relaxing as we
celebrate our nation's birthday.
So when you're watching the fire-
works remember what happened
229 years ago. The Fourth of July
is not only a day off from school
and work, but a day that we can be
proud to be an American.
This writer can be contacted at
Staying safe in summer sun now is important later
Choose sunscreen and
shade for healthy skin
Sunscreen and sunglasses, worn regularly, help prevent skin damage. results run the gamut from physi- gy ?
For many people, it wouldn't
be summer without time spent
swimming at the pool, walking on
the beach or lounging in the sun.
But enjoying these outdoor summer
activities can come at a high price,
to be paid now and in the future.
Too much sun exposure is
responsible for premature aging
of the skin and, at its worse, three
types of skin cancer. Although a
suntan may appear healthy, it, like
a burn, is a sign of skin damage. The
results run the gamut from physi-
cally unattractive to deadly.
Skin cancer is the most
common type of cancer in the United
States, affecting about 20 percent of
all Americans. Nearly all of these
cancers are caused by sun exposure,
yet many people continue not to
heed warnings about the sun, refus-
ing to use sun protection and instead,
promoting tans. In fact, the rate of
melanoma, the deadliest form of skin
cancer, is rising annually by about 5
percent in the United States.
Often believing that tans are
healthy and beautiful, young
people especially, put themselves
at higher risk by lying out in the sun
and also using tanning beds. More
Sun safety tips
1. Umlt sun exposure between the
hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
2. Before going outside, apply a
sunscreen with an SPF of at least
3. Reapply sunscreen every two
hours and after swimming or
4. Wear a wlde-brlmmed hat and
5. Wear darker, tightly woven
6. Check your skin often for lumps,
sores that do not heal and changes
In moles. Visit your dermatologist
If you notice any suspicious skin

Sill) from page A9
young women die from melanoma
than any other cancer, and about
25 percent of those diagnosed with
skin cancer are younger than 40.
The consequences of too much
sun exposure are frightening but
the steps to prevent skin cancer and
early aging are simple. First of all,
do not sunbathe and try to limit
excessive sun exposure between
the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m
the hours when harmful radiation
is at its peak.
"It may be unrealistic to avoid
being outside said Georgia Childs,
assistant director for peer health.
"You can be outside as long as
you protect your skin
Choose a sunscreen with a
Sun Protection Factor of at least
15 that blocks both UVA and UVB
rays. Also, apply the sunscreen 30
minutes before going outdoors and
then every two hours or after
swimming or sweating exces-
sively. Though sunscreen is an
absolute must on bright summer
days, it is still a good idea to
wear sunscreen on cloudy days
and to get in the habit of put-
ting it on throughout the year.
"People who are more prone to
freckling may want to move up to
SPF 30 Childs said.
Even though fair-skinned
see SUN page A12
Personal Trainer
Sunscreen myths
Dermatologists say that some
common myths about sun protection
sometimes thwart their advice to
patients about using sunscreen.
Myth: SPF over 15 is overkill
SPF 30 and higher sunscreen
protects skin significantly better than
SPF 15; high SPF compensates for
sweating, water washing off lotion
and using too little
Myth: Sunscreens deteriorate in a year
Unless sunscreen lotion turns rancid, it keeps
tor several years; shake up an older
sunscreen before use
Myth: Cloudy days and being in the water
make sunscreen unnecessary
Up to 80 percent of ultraviolet light penetrates
clouds; up to 50 percent penetrates water
LcwhiAia far a.n&whome?
. H
Myth: Clothing or hats are as good as sunscreen
Loose fabrics transmit up to 30 percent of U V and wet fabrics
even more; baseball cap brims are too small to protect well
Myth: Sunscreen causes
overheating during exercise j
In an experiment, 22 men exercised vigorously
wearing heavy sunscreen; their skin was cooler
than when exercising without sunscreen
Source The Physician and Sportsmedlcfne
Graphic: Paul Trap and Helen Lee McComas
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Summer is officially here so
now is the time everyone will be
searching for the perfect way to
spend his or her free time without
breaking the bank. Summertime
offers many different activities
from sunset picnics to a trip to
the beach.
If you are a lover of the
outdoors, summer is the perfect
season to take advantage of warm
days and cool nights. Grab your
pals and head to a local pool
for an afternoon of fun in the
sun. Turn off your cell phone
and leave your stress at home.
It's not only a great way to cool
off, but also to enjoy an uninter-
rupted afternoon of conversation.
Spendingall day in the sun can
work up quite an appetite. With
the temperatures cooling down
in the evening, a picnic under the
stars will offer excitement along
with relaxation. Pack some sand-
wiches and a blanket, and head to
a local park for a magical evening.
Greenville's Elm Street Park offers
a picnic shelter containing tables,
see SUMMER page A12
Mexican Restaurant
$2.95 LIME
Playing tennis, watching baseball, going to the beach and going on
picnics are classic summer activities that college students can enjoy.
Oakmont Square Apts
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Slimmer from page zrr
but be sure to plan ahead because
the park closes at nightfall.
Tennis is a popular sport to
enjoy during the summer. It is a
great sport to learn because there
are opportunities to play at all dif-
ferent ages and skill levels. After
learning all the rules, tennis can
be played at a leisurely pace, or you
can choose to spice it up with a bit
of competition. Elm Street Park
offers public tennis courts where
you can practice and compete.
If you prefer watching sports
rather than participating in them,
baseball is a great American pas-
time that can be enjoyed on many
different levels. Local teams have
night games, but if you are look-
ing for a higher level of skill,
look no further than the Kin-
ston Indians. This minor league
team can be found playing home
games in Kinston, NC at Grainger
Stadium, right off Highway 11.
A schedule of events can be found
Want to get out of town for the
day? Your best bet is to head to the
beach, areas that North Carolina
is certainly not lacking. You can
enjoy a day of fun in the sun with
minimal expense. You can try your
hand at surfing, body boarding,
skim boarding or even sand castle
building. A stroll along the beach as
the sun sets is great for romantics.
while a seashell search is ideal for
friends and family. Building sand
castles is always fun too.
For thrill seekers, the beach
may not provide all the adrenaline
pumping action you're looking for.
An amusement or water park may
be more your speed. For close to
$40 a day you can spend the entire
day riding roller coasters, barreling
down enormous slides or watching
shows. One down side to the parks,
however, is they can be pricey when
taking into account the price of
food and souvenirs.
Summer is the season of con-
certs. Hearing live music is one of
the most exhilarating things to do.
You can see your favorite bands or
artists perform as they tour the
country stopping at various loca-
tions along the way. To find out
who's coming to a town near you
Do you have a passion for art?
If so a local art museum or gal-
lery may be the perfect venue to
explore. Local venues include the
Greenville Museum of Art as well
as Emerge Art Gallery. Both have
rotating exhibits and are open to
the public free of charge. You can
view painting, photographs, draw-
ings, sculptures and more.
This writer can be contacted at
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Slin from page A10
people and those with red or
blonde hair, blue or green eyes are
at greater risk of burning or devel-
oping skin cancer, everyone should
take precautions against the sun.
In addition to using sunscreen,
which studies have shown to pre-
vent skin cancer, wear protective
clothing outside and use the shade
of an umbrella. It isn't necessary
to cover your face in colorful zinc
oxide cream, but instead, make a
fashion statement with a wide-
brimmed hat and stylish sun-
glasses. Darker fabrics with
a tighter weave also provide
more protection.
If you still want that bronzed
look, go for the glow by using sun-
less self-tanning products. Today's
options are more realistic and easier
to use than ever before. Best of all,
they're safe and won't leave you
with wrinkles or cancerous moles.
Since some sun exposure is
unavoidable, be sure to examine
your skin at least every three months,
making note of any unusual freckles
or moles. If discovered early enough,
most cases of skin cancer are treatable.
Try a daily moisturizer with sunscreen
to prevent exposure. Prevention is
always the best cure, and sunscreen
and shade are the best prescriptions.
This writer can be contacted at
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Golfers atop leaderboard face
pressure during final round
Leaders must battle much
more than competition
Michelle Wie faltered down the stretch at the U.S. Women's Open.
Everybody's been there - the
shakes and butterflies in the stom-
ach. A nervous situation where you
feel like everybody's watching you
and waiting to see if you will suc-
ceed or falter, and maybe even a bit
of paranoia because you know there
are people who are after you. That
is what heading into the final day
of a golf tournament can feel like
if you head into that day atop the
leader board.
Some people do well, like Tiger
Woods at the Masters in April. Some
people buckle under the pressure,
like Jason Gore and Retief Goosen
did at this year's U.S. Open and how
Michelle Wie was unable to stay on
top at the U.S. Women's Open last
That feeling is not restricted to
the pro tours.
Robin Smith, a red shirt junior
for the ECU golf team, won the
Bradford Creek Intercollegiate
Tournament in March and has
been on both ends of the pressure
"You're nervous, but you're glad
you're nervous because you're in
contention for something good
said Smith.
"You just have to try to focus
on a target and hope it goes straight
and if it doesn't, then you just have
to play on and play golf
"Sometimes it just doesn't work
"I've folded before. It's pretty
nerve-racking Smith said.
"You've got a bunch of butter-
flies and you're shaking. At times,
it can even be hard to tee up; your
hand can be shaking so hard
Margaret Mitchell has been in
similar situations.
Mitchell, a grad assistant coach
for the Lady Pirates last season, has
entered the final day as the leader
twice, but was unable to hold on
to her lead.
"It's tough. It depends on how
many times you've been in that
situation said Mitchell.
The degree of stress the leader
faces on the final day varies as a
golfer's career progresses, according
to red shirt freshman Elliott Jones.
"There is no tournament bigger
than the U.S. Open and no other
tournament has more pressure put
on the players than the Open
said Jones.
"In every tournament there's a
lot of pressure to play well. In some
ways, it will make you play better,
but yet you feel like you have to play
better. Sometimes you succumb
to the pressure. The older you get,
the pressure gets bigger because the
players are better
Smith said the pressure is an
inevitable evil that the leader has
to deal with.
"You become nervous and then
you just have to accept that you're
nervous Smith said. "I just try to
get through the first couple holes
and make par, and hopefully by
then your nerves are calmed down
some. If you're in the zone, you
don't even notice
"In the zone" was how Michael
Campbell appeared at this year's
U.S. Open, coming from behind
to capture the win. Jamie Quinn, a t
senior on ECU's women's golf team,
said it's easier to play catch-up.
"You want to be the person
in second place because there's
no pressure said Quinn. "When
you're in first place, you're in the
driver's seat, and all the pressure
is on you. But if you're in second,
there is no pressure and you can
wait for the other guy to fall and
win that way
Mitchell agrees.
"Personally, I think it's easier
to come from behind because you
don't have to sleep on the lead and
you can just go out there and play
Mitchell said.
"You're a lot more relaxed
Being near the top of the leader
board on the final day of a tourna-
ment is obviously a good thing.
Golfers just may want to pace them-
selves until the final day and hope
the guy at the top finds a slippery
slope or a sand trap.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Pitching, not offense, new trend in college baseball
Texas defeats Florida in
CWS with defense
(KRT) ? This year's College
World Series proved, for once and
for all, that "Gorilla Ball" is dead.
Pitching now means everything
in college baseball. If you have a
deep pitching staff, you win. You
don't? You won't. Just look at the
final scores from this weekend's
CWS championship series, Texas
won its sixth national title by
defeating Florida, 4-2 and 6-2.
The days of 21-14 championship
games are long gone, mainly due
to NCAA-mandated bat changes
sparked by LSU's mashers during
the 1990s.
Texas has an abundance of
arms returning next year, so the
Longhorns must be considered
a candidate to repeat as national
champions in 2006. Coach Augie
Garrido has won five national titles,
two at Texas. But he's never won
two straight, and he's not predict-
ing it will happen next season.
Yet the 66-year-old coaching
veteran might have learned some
new tricks over the past two weeks
that will help him keep next year's
Longhorns loose during the five-
month grind back to Omaha.
"We've lost a lot of leadership
on this team said Garrido. "We'll
be turning things over to Kyle
(McCulloch) and a big group of
sophomores. There's a lot to be
"We've got to replace an infield
that fielded almost .980, and they
turned 80 double plays. We're going
to be replacing Taylor Teagarden at
catcher. We've got an outfield, but
that alone doesn't cut it
Right-handers Kyle McCulloch,
Adrian Alaniz, Kenn Kasparek
and Randy Boone are all coming
back next season, giving UT a
solid nucleus on the mound. One
interesting experiment to watch
for: Alaniz (8-3 this season) could
shift to closer as a replacement for
the departing J. Brent Cox.
But, as Garrido pointed out,
there are big infield holes. UT is
losing third baseman David Maroul,
the CWS Most Outstanding Player,
and shortstop Seth Johnston, a
second-team All-American. Senior
second baseman Robby Hudson is
gone, too.
And it's questionable if UT can
reload like normal.
Four UT signees were taken in
the top eight rounds of the draft.
That includes Roger Clemens' son,
see TREND page A14

Warrick defies NBA draft logic
from page A13
Graduating from college
no longer positive
(KRT) ? Hakim Warrick knew
the stigma.
In today's mixed-up climate of
the NBA draft, being a senior ?
unless, of course, it's a high school
senior ? is somehow considered a
Instead of looking at the valu-
able attributes of someone playing
four years of college basketball,
maturity, seasoning, advanced
skills and competitive game expe-
rience against quality opposition,
NBA teams seem to have decided
that if a guy has been in school
four years, it means he didn't have
enough talent to come out after
one, two or three.
Potential overrides production.
Upside is more important than
And you better believe the
players know that. It was one of
the reasons Warrick made himself
eligible for the 2004 draft.
The Friends' Central graduate
had won an NCAA championship
as a sophomore at Syracuse. As a
junior, he was first-team All-Big
East and made several second-team
All-America lists.
What else was there for him
to prove at the collegiate level? If
he stayed for his senior season,
wouldn't that be an indication he
probably wasn't good enough for
the NBA?
"It's definitely there Warrick,
who made the rare decision to go
back to Syracuse for his senior year,
said of the stigma.
"That was one of the reasons I
declared (in 2004), and it was also
one of the reasons I went back to
"I wanted to show that you can
be a fourth-year senior, graduate
and still become an NBA lottery
pick and produce in the league
Warrick won't know if he is a
lottery pick until the draft begins
Tuesday night at Madison Square
Garden, but he was invited by the
NBA to sit in the Green Room for
the draft and is projected to be a
first-round selection.
He has worked out for almost
all of the lottery teams.
"It's in the teams' hands now
Warrick said.
"We're looking at (going) any-
where from No. 6 to 15, which is a
little smaller number than earlier,
when it was 6 to 36.
"No team is going to reveal
their cards to you. They all said
they liked my workout, but they
didn't want to be too forward with
If the NBA is looking for a
poster player for what four years of
college can do for a prospect, War-
rick would be it.
Except for La Salle and Drexel,
he said the City Six programs didn't
recruit him hard until schools like
Syracuse, Virginia and Providence
already had made inroads with him
at Friends' Central. Warrick added
that it would have been difficult for
a city school to attract him because
his preference was to leave.
He was rated as the 91st high
school senior by Hoop magazine,
in a class that included 2001 NBA
lottery picks Kwame Brown, Tyson
Chandler, Eddy Curry and DeSe-
gana Diop.
"It's been so long that I hadn't
even thought about being in that
class until you just mentioned it
Warrick said.
"It seems like those guys have
been in the league for six or seven
As a freshman at Syracuse, he
started 19 games and averaged 6.1
As a sophomore, he started all
35 games, averaging 14.9 points
and 8.5 rebounds on a national
championship team.
He was overshadowed by a
fabulous freshman named Car-
melo Anthony, who would become
the third overall pick in the 2003
Warwick's stellar junior season
- when he averaged 19.8 points and
8.6 rebounds, scored in double fig-
ures in 30 of 31 games and had 20 or
more points 12 times - is what made
him think about the early jump.
He pulled out of the draft about
a week before the deadline.
"I was going back and forth
he said.
"I felt that coming back could
only help me. I was so close to
graduating with only a half semes-
ter to go
"I know it's a lot of money,
but you can't get that senior year
back. I just thought one more year
wouldn't hurt
It likely helped because War-
rick, who graduated with a degree
in retail sales, probably wouldn't
have been picked as high as he will
be Tuesday night.
As a senior, he averaged 21.4
points and 8.6 rebounds. He was
the Big East Player of the Year and
MVP of the Big East Tournament.
He was selected first-team All-
America by the Associated Press.
"No regrets Warrick said of
playing his senior year.
"I got to play for four years for
a great school. I won a national
championship and graduated. I just
learned a lot on and off the court.
"I'm battled-tested. I've been
in pressure situations that not too
many players go through before
entering the NBA
"I think four years at Syracuse
has really prepared me to come into
the NBA and play right away
"I'm thankful I was able to go
there and get that four years of
experience of playing Division One
Texas celebrates following their victory over the Gators in the CWS.
Koby, a third baseman drafted in
the eighth round by the Astros.
Koby Clemens is still undecided
if he will turn pro or go where his
father won a national champion-
ship in 1983.
But Garrido indicated he
learned more about his team off the
fieldin Omaha than he did on it.
This time around at the CWS,
Garrido did things differently.
Texas stayed at a rather quiet
Doubletree Hotel located off 72nd
Street. In previous years, the Long-
horns have stayed in downtown
Omaha where hotels are located off
10th Street. There's lots of nightlife
downtown, and Old Chicago res-
taurant stays open until 2 a.m.
"I think there's a lot more stuff
to do when you stay downtown
said Johnston.
Out at the Doubletree, it was
typical suburbia. Players could
stroll through the mall or eat with
their parents at a dozen chain
restaurants. The only nightlife out
there was the Family Fun Center,
a late-night arcade. So-Garrido
encouraged the players to get out of
the hotel more, go see a movie or go
to the Henry Doorly Zoo.
The players were loose, relaxed
and couldn't wait to get to the
park. Even the ride over provided
comic relief. Garrido showed "Bull
Durham" on the team bus to the
stadium just to get the players
"Before Friday night games
during the season, we'd go to the
field and get a little batting prac-
tice said Cox.
"So we did that before the
games here, too, and it worked out
Garrido was taking notes the
entire time. He wants to recreate
that type of environment all season
long. He may not know who's
playing where just yet, but this
seemingly proves that Garrido is
already thinking about returning
to Texas' home away from home
? Omaha.
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The East Carolinian, June 29, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 29, 2005
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