The East Carolinian, May 25, 2005

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 80 Number 79
WEDNESDAY Mav 25, 2001
Nursing students celebrate by traditionally spraying silly string during the 2005 spring commencement
ceremony. Nearly 2,800 students received undergraduate degrees May 7. ECU Alumnus and Chief
Operating Officer of BB&T Corp. Henry Williamson spoke at the ceremony.
Things looking up for downtown Greenville
Group excited about
current progress and
future projects
Uptown Greenville, the orga-
nization dedicated to improving
Greenville's downtown area, dis-
cussed upcoming events and the
substantial progress of the organiza-
tion last Tuesday at Emerge Gallery.
One main issue discussed at the
meeting was the ongoing greenway
expansion project.
Jill Twark, ECU professor and
president of Friends of Greenville
Greenways, a companion organi-
zation of Uptown Greenville, dis-
cussed the details for a five-year pri-
ority plan. This plan would include
building a boardwalk to run from
Charles Boulevard to Evans Street.
Twark said their goal is to eventu-
ally have sidewalks on each side of
Jill Twark stands with Eric Clark as she discusses new plans for the
greenway expansion project during their Tuesday meeting.
Charles Boulevard as an extension
of the greenway system in prepara-
tion for an Evans Street connection.
The first goal for FROGGS is to
raise $60,000 for project design.
The estimated cost for the final
project is $600,000, which would
be spent on sidewalks, boardwalks
and lighting.
Eric Clark, president of Uptown
Greenville, also discussed new ren-
ovations occurring throughout the
area, including the Blount Harvey
Building, which will soon be open
to the public.
Don Edwards of Uptown
see DOWNTOWN page 4
Police officers from North Carolina complete the final leg of the Law
Enforcement Torce Run before last summer's competition.
ECU police, Greenville
officers run torch
Run to benefit NC
Special Olympics
ECU and Greenville Police offi-
cers are scheduled to participate in
the 2005 Law Enforcement Torch
Run for the Special Olympics of
North Carolina Thursday morning.
The run will begin at 9 a.m. at the
Greenville Toyota Amphitheater.
Erin Miller, communications
manager with the SONC, said the
fundraisers police stations hold
for the torch run raise about a
quarter of their yearly budget.
Each year, officers from around
the state raise money in several
ways from January to September
and, combined, average about $1
million per year.
Miller said officers usually sell
hats and T-shirts, but some depart-
ments also hold bigger events.
"Some hold golf tournaments
or polar plunges said Miller.
During a 'polar plunge willing
officers dive into freezing waters in
the middle of the winter.
The ECU Police Department has
been holding fundraisers for SONC
since the spring semester, including
waiting tables at Texas Steakhouse
for "Tip-A-Cop ECU officers also
stood on top of the 10th Street
Krispy Kreme and worked to collect
donations during their "Cops on
Doughnut Shops" event.
The ECU PD will host "Dyno
Shoot Out a motorcycle horse-
power contest, June 11 at Ron Ayers
Motor Sports.
Miller said it is common for
both university police and city
police to work toward the SONC
in college towns. Both Greenville
departments have helped the
SOCNC for years.
The torch run is an annual
event where officers carry the torch
throughout the state leading up
to the Special Olympics athletic
events. Each year, the run raises
money to fund sports training and
competition. This year, more than
4,000 law enforcement officials
representing more than 400 agen-
cies will be participating.
The Special Olympics of North
Carolina is a year-long event and
includes 19 sports, according to
Miller. Athletes spend much of
this time training locally, and
then there are five major state
level competitions, including the
spring basketball competition in
This torch run leads up to the
competition held June 3-5.
This writer can be contacted at
INSIDE I News: 2 I Classifieds: 6 I Opinion: 5 I Features: 10 I Sports: 13

MAY 25,2005
Announcements News Briefs
Click It or Ticket
The North Carolina police officers'
campaign promoting seat belt use is
underway. Patrolling police will be
looking out for drivers and front seat
passengers without seat belts, so
buckle up!
Ruff a Puff
The Pitt County Humane Society
will hold its annual Ruff and Puff dog
wash June 4 from 9 am. -1 p.m. at
Gold's Gym to raise money for the
Dyno Shootout
The ECU Police Department is
holding a fundraising event at Ron
Ayers Motorsports June 11 from 7
am - 2 p.m. The event will be a "Dyno-
Shootout which is a motorcycle
horsepower contest. There will
be music, food, door prizes and a
motorcycle ride through Greenville.
This event will benefit the Special
Olympics of North Carolina. For more
information, contact the ECU PD at
Driving for a Cure
The Marley Fund will hold its
third annual 'Driving for a Cure' golf
tournament June 23 at Ironwood.
Registration and lunch, provided
by Outback Steakhouse, will begin
at 11 a.m followed by the shotgun
start at 12:30 p.m. Refreshments will
be provided by Coastal Beverage
Company and Minges Bottling Group.
There will also be a $20,000 putting
contest and prizes including a Harley
Davidson and a Nissan Altima for hole
in ones. Anyone can sign up for a four-
person team with a $400 donation.
The theatre classic 'Grease' will
be performed June 21 - 25 at 8 p.m.
in the McGinnis Theatre. Tickets are
$30 for the general public, $27.50
for senior citizens and current ECU
faculty and staff and $20 for youth or
ECU students in advance, or $30 at
the door. For more information, visit
SummerTheatre.cfm or call 328-6829
or 1-800-ECU-ARTS.
Want your event printed in TEC?
Send your announcement with date,
time, location and any other important
information to news@theeastcarolinian.
Five Injured when car plows Into
line outside Dairy Queen
GASTONIA, NC - Five people
were injured - two seriously - when
a car ran out of control on a busy
thoroughfare and spun into lines of
customers waiting outside a Dairy
Queen, authorities said.
The impact threw people as far as
20 feet and knocked some of them out
of their shoes, according to witnesses.
Witnesses said the car, a Chevrolet
Camaro, appeared to have been
racing a Mitsubishi Eclipse down
Franklin Boulevard when it hit a utility
pole, went out of control and ran into
two lines of people outside the ice
cream restaurant at 9:22 p.m.
"Two cars were speeding and
they ran into the people in line said
Dawn Pappas, whose husband of
three years, Nicholas, was injured. "My
husband was the last one in line
Police Officer Keith Quinn said
both drivers fled after the accident.
Two people were taken to Gaston
Memorial Hospital with life-threatening
injuries, Gaston Emergency Medical
Services operations supervisor Tommy
Geary said.
Three others were taken to the
hospital, two with serious but non-
life-threatening injuries and one with
minor injuries, Geary said. One victim
was in a parked vehicle that was hit
in the parking lot, he said.
None of the victims' names or
conditions could be confirmed late
States allowed to deny Viagra
payments for convicted sex
ALBANY, NY. - A federal agency
has begun notifying all 50 states that
they don't have to offer Medicaid-
funded Viagra to sex offenders, a step
taken after it was discovered that more
than 400 convicted sex offenders in
New York and Florida were reimbursed
for the erectile dysfunction drug.
The Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services acted swiftly
Monday, one day after the New
York comptroller's office said audits
from 2000 through March found
that 198 rapists and other high-risk
sex offenders in the state received
Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra after their
Their crimes included offenses
against children as young as 2,
Comptroller Alan Hevesi said. The report
sent the Bush administration scrambling
to find a way to close the loophole.
"The bottom line is, giving
convicted sex offenders government-
funded Viagra is like giving convicted
murderers an assault rifle when they
get out of jail said Sen. Charles
Schumer, a New York Democrat.
Auditors did not review situations in
other states, but Hevesi's spokesman,
David Neustadt, said policies on
Viagra under the health care program
for the poor and elderly are apparently
the same nationwide.
Florida Attorney General Charlie
Crist noted that Medicaid has paid
$93,000 to provide Viagra to 218 sex
offenders in that state over the last
four years.
Gary Karr, spokesman for the
federal Health and Human Services
Department, said confusion over a
1998 federal directive apparently
resulted in Medicaid-paid Viagra for
sex offenders.
In a letter Sunday to HHS Secretary
Michael Leavitt, Hevesi requested
administrative action or an amendment
to the Medicaid law. "It's great that the
federal government has responded
immediately he said.
Car bomb kills six near Baghdad
school for girls
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb
exploded Tuesday near a Baghdad
junior high school for girls, killing six
people, and eight American soldiers
were killed in two days of insurgent
attacks in and around Baghdad, the
military said.
In the last two days, the military
announced that 13 American troops
have been killed since Sunday. Those
reports came as insurgents carried out
a string of explosions, suicide attacks
and drive-by shootings around the
country that also killed 49 Iraqis.
At least 620 people, including 53
U.S. troops, have been killed since
April 28, when Prime Minister Ibrahim
al-Jaafari announced his new Shiite-
dominated government. Washington
hopes his government will eventually
train police and an army capable of
securing Iraq, allowing the withdrawal
of coalition troops.
Three U.S. soldiers were killed
Tuesday in central Baghdad when
a car bomb exploded next to their
convoy around 1:30 p.m said military
spokesman Sgt. David Abrams.
About, a half-hour later, a U.S.
soldier sitting in the back of a Bradley
fighting vehicle at an observation post
was shot to death by gunmen in a
passing car, Abrams added.
Four were killed Monday after they
were attacked in Haswa, 30 miles
south of Baghdad, the military said.
The soldiers were assigned to the
155th Brigade Combat Team, II Marine
Expeditionary Force.
The U.S. military said Monday
that three American soldiers were
killed Sunday and one wounded in
two separate attacks in Mosul, 225
miles northwest of Baghdad. Another
soldier was reported killed when his
patrol was hit by a car bomb just north
of Tikrit, 80 miles north of the capital,
and a fifth died in a vehicle accident
in Kirkuk.
National organization surveys 'Class of 911'
Results show reluctance
to government jobs after
terrorist attacks
The Partnership for Public
Service revealed results from its
national survey of the 2005 gradu-
ating class - the first group of
students to complete four college
years after the terrorist attacks of
911 - concerning their ideas about
government service.
Bethany Hardy, director of
media relations with PPS, said
random colleges and universities
all over the country were sur-
veyed. They chose 80S students;
101 were also invited to complete
an in-depth interview through a
chat room.
Hardy said they wanted to
know what students are looking
for in a career. This information
also tells them what they need
to do to recruit more graduates.
Choosing 2005 graduates allowed
them to see the effects of the ter-
rorist attacks on the ideals of young
"We thought it would be inter-
esting to see if 911 affected them
at all said Hardy.
Tom Freedman, consultant
of the partnership, analyzed the
data and discussed the results to
a live audience as well as others
from around the country listen-
ing through a teleconference.
He said the three major findings
they discovered were that today's
students are practical patriots,
the opportunity to recruit a new
generation to public service is over
and the government needs a better
sales pitch.
Freedman compared today's
students with those of the 1960s.
He said while those students
focused on peace and love, stu-
dents today are realistic and expect
to struggle. This is clear through
a survey question that asked if
students thought another terrorist
attack like 911 would occur. Most
I ��
President of the Partnership for Public Service Max Stier speaks
during an event for the organization in 2003.
surveyed said they expected it.
"That's a very serious reality for
a generation to live with Freed-
man said.
A significant number of 2005
graduates also said they do not
expect the war on terror to end in
their lifetime. However, they are
more fearful of unemployment and
debt than another terrorist attack.
They also feel that problems such
as the federal budget and Social
Security should be addressed first
by the government.
Freedman said this shows that
today's graduates understand the
see SURVEY page 3

SlirVey from page 2
reality of the threat, but choose to
live their lives without fear.
When asked which event
affected their views of the United
States, almost half of the students
surveyed chose 911 and said it
put the country in a positive light.
The other half said the war in Iraq
shaped their views of America, but
in a negative light.
Freedman also noted that less
than half, about 40 percent, said
they trust the government.
"This is not a generation that
trusts institutions Freedman
Many students said they would
consider a career with the govern-
ment if the pay and benefits were
good. Freedman said government
jobs do offer these things, but
people are not aware of it, so the
government needs to do a better
job of communicating these facts
to the public.
Freedman said one inter-
esting fact they found was stu-
dents' idea of public service is
skewed. They do not think working
with the government constitutes
public service.
"They think what you do per-
sonally is what demonstrates
public service Freedman said.
Harris Markowitz, Malena
Brookshire and Patrick Schmidt,
three students who participated
in the survey, were also present
to discuss their ideas and possible
Brookshire said more people
would get involved in volunteerism
if there were a way to "get ahead"
in future careers through it. Mar-
kowitz said students simply don't
realize the recognition they get
from volunteering.
The panel also suggested that
applications for government jobs
be more streamline and less rigor-
ous. They said the government
should also work to get the word
out about opportunities.
Max Stier, president and CEO
of PPS, said there is a lack of talent
working with civic service, and the
terrorist attacks did not help them
with recruitment.
"We need a new call to public
service, one that balances young
people's patriotism with two factors
that are just as important to them:
pay and prestige said Stier.
Freedman said this class is
unique to the study because they
have experienced 911 as well as
Columbine and a lot of innovative
"I think it will be one of the
greatest study generations in his-
tory Freedman said.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Leno testifies accuser was
suspicious, didn't ask for money
Jay Leno testified for the defense during Jackon's trial Tuesday.
� "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno
testified Tuesday that the boy who
is now accusing Michael Jackson
of molestation was "overly effu-
sive" and sounded suspicious in
phone calls to him - but never
asked for money.
Jackson's defense called Leno,
who regularly skewers Jackson in
his monologues, to support its
claim that the boy's family schemed
to get money from celebrities.
"I wasn't asked for any money,
nor did I send any Leno said.
Leno testified that he
makes 15 to 20 calls a week to
children who are ill, and he began
receiving voice mail messages from
Jackson's accuser, a cancer patient,
around 2000.
Leno said the boy called him
his hero, and he thought it was
strange that a young boy would
be such a fan of a comedian who
is in his SOs.
"I'm not Batman. It seemed a
little unusual Leno said.
The defense has said that Leno
became so suspicious that he called
Santa Barbara police to say he
believed the family was looking
for a "mark But Leno said it was
police who contacted him, though
it was unclear why.
The comic said he probably did
tell police that it sounded like the
family was seeking money.
"It sounded suspicious
when a young person got overly
effusive Leno said. "It just didn't
click with me
The comic said he once heard
a voice in the background but said
he wasn't sure if it was the boy's
mother, a nurse or someone else.
Defense attorneys have suggested
that Leno heard the mother in the
background coaching her son.
Leno said the calls ended
when he asked comedian Louise
Palanker, a friend who had
become acquainted with the boy,
to intercede.
Before he left the stand, Leno
put in a plug for Tuesday night's
show, saying, "We have Renee
see LENO page 4
22 OZ.

LenO from page 3
He dedicated much of his
"Tonight Show" monologue
Monday night to the Jackson trial.
Noting he has often poked fun
at Jackson's expense, Leno quipped:
"I was called by the defense.
Apparently they've never seen this
program Referring to the heat
wave gripping Southern Califor-
nia, Leno said he's been "sweating
like a Cub Scout" at Jackson's
Neverland Ranch.
Defense attorneys say Leno was
one of several celebrities-including
Jackson - who the accuser's family
tried to bilk out of money. Come-
dian Chris Tucker also is among
remaining defense witnesses.
Jackson, 46, is accused of
molesting the boy in February or
March 2003 when he was 13, giving
him alcohol and conspiring to hold
the boy's family captive to get them
to rebut a documentary in which
the boy appeared with Jackson as
the entertainer said he let children
into his bed for innocent, non-
sexual sleepovers.
Jackson's attorneys on Monday
called witnesses who painted the
boy's mother as a welfare cheat
who exploited her son's cancer to
get money and lived lavishly at
Jackson's expense.
The defense tried to show the
mother was behind several mon-
eymaking schemes and angrily
rejected people who sought to help
her with anything but cash.
The mother's former sister-in-
law testified that the mother used
profanity to denounce blood drives
held for the accuser when he was
fighting cancer.
"She told me that she didn't
need my expletive blood said the
former sister-in-law, bursting into
tears, "that she needed money
DOWIltOWn from page ?
Greenville said that with 180
members, Uptown Greenville's
membership is at an all-time
high and continues to grow.
Along with FROGGS, he said Uptown
Greenville hopes to continually reno-
vate and updatedowntown Green vi I le.
The meeting concluded with
a tour of one of downtown's new
galleries, the Galleria Locale, above
the Tipsy Teapot.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.

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It is not just the start of summer
Memorial Day is just
around the corner
Ain't my smiling mug a sight
for sore eyes? Or is it just a sight that
makes your eyes sore? Either way, I
have returned once more to grace
ECU and surrounding environments
with all the wit, wisdom and witti-
cism that you have come to expect
and depend upon. The Conservative
Corner is now open for business.
Okay, that ends the ego trip
for now.
Seriously though, to those who are
returning to this fine (at least accord-
ing to the press releases the school
issues) institution of higher education,
welcome back. Hope you didn't miss
me too much. And to all you newbies
on campus, straight from high school
and still wet behind the ears, I have
one question: Are you crazy?
You do realize that this is
summer school, don't you? This
place just a few weeks (months?)
ago was essentially the exclusive
environment of educationally chal-
lenged underachieves - you are
aware of that, right? Just checking.
Whatever enticed you to enroll this
summer, I extend a warm welcome
also. Most importantly, I offer heart-
felt thanks from everyone at TEC for
your readership.
This is usually the part where
I point out and expound upon
the most recent examples of the
hypocrisy, obstruction, obfusca-
tion, immorality, lies, you name it
of the Liba-Whacks (that's Liberal
Whackos) in the world. While this
is very tempting, and there is defi-
nitely a wealth of examples to use,
there are more important issues to
discuss this week.
Does everyone know what is
special about this weekend? Memo-
rial Day weekend. Lots of sales and
no school Monday. The unofficial
start of summer. Right? Wrong!
While next Monday is indeed
Memorial Day, it has nothing to
do with the gross commercializa-
tion that the holiday has become,
or with the "official" rebirth of the
beach and other warm weather
communities for summer. This
weekend in general, and Monday
in particular, has been set aside for
honoring the men and women who
have died fighting for the freedom
we so take for granted.
The first observance of Memo-
rial Day, originally Decoration
Day, was May 30, 1868, when
flowers were laid on the graves of
Union and Confederate soldiers
in Arlington National Cemetery.
Originally designed to honor the
dead of the Civil War, by 1890 the
day was observed officially by all
the northern states. The southern
states refused to go along, however,
preferring instead to honor their
dead on separate days.
The southern states did not
officially acknowledge Memorial
Day until after World War I, when it
was decided to honor the dead of all
of America's wars, not just the Civil
War. To this day though, seven or
eight southern states still honor their
Civil War dead on days other than
Memorial Day (this was how it was
the last time I read up on the subject
two years ago). Memorial Day was
observed on May 30 from its incep-
tion in 1868 until 1971, when it was
changed to the last Monday in May
to ensure that Federal employees
got a three-day weekend. From that
point, Memorial Day has slowly
morphed into the pre-summer shop-
ping extravaganza that it is today
while the true reason for the day has
been forgotten.
Whether you believe in God,
are an atheist, believe that man
evolved from a pool of primordial
slime or that aliens mated with
monkeys and "poof" here we are,
every one of us should get down
on our knees and say a prayer
of gratitude for all the men and
women who gave their lives for this
country. It doesn't even matter if
you despise the military and all it
stands for or think we should turn
the Middle East and North Korea
into parking lots, you owe every-
thing to those men and women.
Think about that.
You are what you are and where
you are because men and women you
never knew were willing to lay down
their lives. The freedoms you have, the
health you enjoy, the cars you drive,
all that you have, do or ever will own
is possible because of those dead men
and women. Who were they?
They were young, old, smart,
retarded, rich, poor, tall, short,
fat, skinny, handsome, ugly, male,
female, homosexual, heterosexual,
liberal, conservative, black, white,
yellow, red, brown and at times black
and blue. They came from every
corner of the country and the globe.
They were Americans, and every last
one of them died for you.
With all that we owe these
men and women, is it too much to
ask for us to take some time out of
our self-absorbed lives and quietly
honor these heroes? I don't think
so, and neither do many others.
On the off chance that you may
have entirely too much to do on
Memorial Day to attend one of
the organized observances, there
is another option.
On May 2, 2000, President
Clinton signed a memorandum
asking all Americans to observe
a "National Moment of Remem-
brance" at 3 p.m. (local time) every
Memorial Day. He suggested that
everybody stop what they are doing
(if they can) and quietly reflect and
give thanks to all who have died in
service to our country.
Theie you go. At 3 p.m. on
Monday, May 30, 2005, take one
minute out of your busy schedule
to quietly acknowledge the debt we
owe these people and give thanks
for their sacrifice.
It is the very least we can do.
Pirate Rants
Rant from the Editor:
To everyone who sent 'Rants'
over the summer: Thank you.
Here are a few that I recieved in
the past month while we were
taking our break. I hope everyone
is having a great summer, not
working too hard and keep the
'Rants' coming by sending them to
Instead of harassing college
kids because you know you can
make money off of them, why
don't you cops try to keep all these
thugs out of the areas around the
school? Every weekend for the
past few months someone has
been robbed. Instead of having the
whole police force standing around
like gangs downtown waiting to
pepper spray someone, get in your
little cars and drive around areas
kids might be trying to walk home
To the girl who wanted the nice
guys to stand up so you could know
where we were: We're standing up all
the time, you girls just don't pay atten-
tion to us because we don't try to hit on
you 247, and we're not in frats and we
don't have nice cars or popped collars
just look around and you'll see us.
Here is a safety tip for everyone.
Don't walk alone from downtown
at 4 a.m especially if you're a girl.
If everyone would just be smart and
do this, all the attacks on students
would drop drastically.
Chemistry ruins my life and
my GPA!
I find it very ridiculous that
more than half of the people I met
this semester are failing out and
not going to be here with me next
semester. Think for a second why
you're failing out? Because this
school is too much fun? Yeah it's a
whole lot of fun, so why be stupid
and fail out and not come back?I
just don't get it.
Thanks to Organic Chemistry
and Cellular Physiology, I will be
in summer school.
Why is that ECU assigns these
obnoxiously long and confusing e-
mail addresses when other schools
with just as many students in
North Carolina can assign normal
e-mail addresses that actually make
sense such as first initiallast
Kyle, TEC staff writer is sooo
hot. I want a date with him!
To everyone who graduated on
time: Congratulations, but you still
suck because I'm here one more
semester. Just kidding.
I am a liberal Democrat, but
I do like to hear the opinions of
others. After reading tons of rants
from Republicans it seems like
every time a legitimate point is
brought up, all you have to say is
you don't know what your talking
about. Well I do know what I'm
talking about. I'm very involved
in politics and made my own
decision. Can you actually have
an intelligent discussion without
throwing childish insults, or have
you wasted all your time thinking
up insults without actually learn-
ing about ihe issues?
I can't afford the food on
campus. It's like I have to get a stu-
dent loan just to eat on campus.
I wish the professor evalua-
tions we fill out actually mattered
because when the majority of the
class is failing and the test average
is a 52, something is wrong.
Thanks to all the hot boys at
the SRC. Because of you, I have a
great work out.
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Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays during
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words (which may be edited for decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or reject letters and all letters must be signed and include a telephone number. Let-
ters may be sent via e-mail to or to The East Carolinian, Self Help Building, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information. One copy of TEC is free, each additional copy is $1.

Townhome for rent. Elkin Ridge
2 bedroom 1 12 bath, like new,
small pets allowed. Upscale
neighborhood. Ask about 2 year
lease discount. $625.00month.
Blocks to Campus one, three, or
more bedroom houses. Fenced yards
Pets OK! Security Systems. Available
various times One bedroom Apts
too. Call 830-9502
Duplex for rent. Bridge Court, 2
bedroom, 2 bath, like new, small pets
allowed. Upscale neighborhood.
Ask about 2 year lease discount.
Blocks to E.C.U All size Houses,
Available beginning June, July,
or August - Call 321-4712 or
Dockside Duplexes Available for August
1st Move in 3 BDRM 2 Bath Washer
Dryer Dishwasher 252-327-4433
One, Two, Three and Four Bedroom
houses walking distancefrom ECU Pets
OK Fenced Yard Central Heat AC Call
531 -5701 Available Summer and Fall
Looking for someone to take
over final 1 to 2 months of lease
beginning June or July. Walking
distance to campus 2 bdrm 1 12
bath $640month water sewer
cable internet included. Call 252-
412-7393 or 910-545-3071
Duplex for rent, Elkin Ridge 2
bedroom, 2 baths, like new,
small pets allowed. Upscale
neighborhood. Ask about 2 year
lease discount J625.00month.
Walk to campus, 3 bedrooms,
1 12 baths, hardwood floors,
ceiling fans. All kitchen appliances,
washerdryer, storage shed, attic,
large frontback yard, $675.00 per
month. Available August 1st. Meade
Street, 341-4608.
4 BR2 BA house, walking distance
to campus! Central heatair, Washer
Dryer hookups, pets negotiable. 1307
Forbes St. $880month. Call David @
(252) 341-6410. Available junejuly.
Walk to Campus, Redwood apts
804 East 3rd St. NICE 1 bed apt.
WS incl. even hot water $325-
350mo. No pets please. Pinnacle
Properties 561-7368, 531-9011
3 BR, 3 Bath, L.R Kitchen, Laundry,
WD, D.W 1st Floor, Patio, Central
HeatAir, Lots of Parking, 6 Blocks
from ECU, Ceiling Fans, Available June
2005, $900month, water, sewer, trash
included, Brownlea Drive, Call 252-
240-1889 or 252-240-9770
408 W 4th St (12 block from
downtown) 3BDRM 2 Bath.
Beautifully remodeled w new
central heatair. Everything new
including all appliances w Washer
Dryer & Dishwasher. Has 1500 Sq.ft.
w hardwood floors throughout.
Ceramic tiled Kitchen and Bath(s).
Call 252-327-4433.
Large home - 4 bedrooms, 3
baths. Central heatAC, fireplace,
fenced yards. Near ECU, PCMH,
& Downtown. 427 W. 4th Street.
$1200.00mo. 347-6504
Houses for rent. From 2 BR1 BA to 5
BR 2 BA. From $650 to $1200. Also
1 BR apartments. Now accepting
applications for Fall 2005. Call 252-
353-5107 or email
Three Bedroom Houses, Central
HeatAir, Walk to ECU. Available
une 1 st and July 1 st. Call 259-0424
or 756-3947, leave mess, if no ans.
Pet Friendly.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, CD, central air
& heat, pool, ECU bus line, 6, 9
or 12 month leases. Pets allowed.
High speed internet available. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
Spacious 2 & 3 Bedroom
Townhouses Full Basement Enclosed
Patio WD Hook-up ECU Bus Route
No Pets 752-7738 Available July 1st
and August 1st.
Roommates needed for next year
Lease starts )une 1st. House is
located on 4th and Summit Rent
is only $280 per month. Please call
Anna (252) 258-1586 Thanks
Receptionist: Part-time position
available for summer employment
beginning May 9th. Hours will
be 1:00pm until 6:00pm daily
and every other Saturday from
9:00am to 2:00pm. Duties include
answering phones as well as other
clerical duties for staff. Knowledge
of Microsoft Word and Excel a
must. Applications will be accepted
between 9:00am and 5:00pm at
Greenville Pool and Supply Co. 3730
S Charles Blvd Greenville.
Part Time jobs Available. Joan's
Fashions, a local Women's
Clothing store, is now filling part-
time positions. Employees are
needed for weekdays and Saturdays
between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Individuals must be available for
regular Saturday work. Availability
during Second Summer Session is
required, and availability during
Fall Semester is strongly preferred.
The positions are for between 15
and 40 hours per week, depending
on your schedule and on business
needs. The jobs are within walking
distance of ECU and the hours
are flexible. Pay is commensurate
with your experience and job
performance and is supplemented
by an employee discount and
tuition assistance. Apply in person
to Store Manager, Joan's Fashions,
423 S. Evans Street, Greenville
(Uptown Greenville).
Immediate Opening for Lifeguards
for Summer. Apply at 813 South
Evans Street, Greenville, Phone
- 752-3694. Lifeguard Certification
Active Handicapped Male Needs
Personal Attendant 7-10 am M-F and
Every Other Weekend. Duties Include
Bathing, Dressing, etc. Call 756-9141
Adult entertainment NowHiringfemales
only, In house escort service Call Rex at
(252) 347-9134 or (252) 746-6762.
Part-time nanny wanted to help
care for infant and toddler. Must
be responsible and good driver
with excellent references and
reliable transportation. Contact, 353-0187
Bartending! $250day potential.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. Call (800) 965-6520 ext. 202
Distinguished visiting Professor
seeks furnished apartment for Fall
Semester 2005 Call 756-8951
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'Star Wars'series comes
full circle with 'Revenge of
the Sith'
'Star Wars' leaves behind
a legacy no one will forget
Go ahead and do it.
Make fun of the guy who went
to the Greenville opening of Star
Wars: Episode III dressed as Darth
Maul, makeup and all, and the
people who wore their trench coats
and robes and waved their plastic
lightsabers. They get it.
Laugh really hard at the skit
where Triumph the Insult Comic
Dog made fun of the thousands
of geeks who lined up in costumes
at the premiere of Episode II. They
got it.
Make all thejedi jokes you want
about using "the Force" and poke
fun at the little green guy who can't
speak in even, straight sentences.
They're more important than you
may think.
The truth is, Episode III - Revejige,
of the'Sith completedVcirHeHat
started unceremoniously 28 years
ago and has since captured the
imaginations of generations. This
chain of movies spawned an entire
subculture of people writing books
and separate stories based on these
original characters. It inspired the
use of more special effects and had
an effect on cinema that no instru-
ment on this planet (or any other
for that matter) can measure.
Every child to see Star Wars
since 1977 has had an imaginary
lightsaber duel with a friend and
has tried to move something with-
out touching it by using "the Force
Everyone who has seen the movie
can do a "wookie" voice and has
spoken into a moving fan to hear
their Darth Vader voice. It may all
be funny, but honestly, it's pretty
interesting to think of what life
would be like if you could move
stuff without touching it.
However, the great thing about
Star Wars and the true legacy of
this saga is the way it began - in
hV imagination of George "Lucas.
From pure fantasy, it evolved to
a story that caught the whole
world up in its grasp, and everyone
believed in it.
Even though Star Wars takes
place in a galaxy that is far away
from our own, the two places aren't
that different, and our world could
take some lessons from the war-torn
universe. "The Force while some-
times disputed and denounced as a
challenge to religion and spiritual-
ity, offers an interesting example.
The two sides of the Force, Jedi and
Sith, come from different ideolo-
gies: thejedi act on their thoughts
and the Sith act on their passions.
The best place to be is in the middle,
where thoughts and passions guide
Many theater viewers likely got
a lively laugh out of seeing that one
of the most powerful Jedi in the
movie was a green man no taller
than a fire hydrant and about as
easy to understand as the drive-
see LEGACY page A12
So this is it. After 28 years, the
Star Wars series comes to a conclu-
sion with Star Wars: Episode III
- Revenge of the Sith. It is a very dark,
yet very satisfying conclusion to the
greatest film saga in history.
Episode shows director George
Lucas returning to the classic space
opera that made him famous in the
late 1970s and early 1980s with
his original trilogy. There is more
� action in this Star Wars episode
than in the previous two episodes
The film opens with Obi-Wan
Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and
Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Chris-
tensen) attempting to rescue a
kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine
(Ian McDiarmid) from the evil
Separatist General Grievous (voiced
by Matthew Woods). Upon their
return, Palpatine appoints Sky-
walker to the Jedi Council to be a
sort of "spy The council, led by
the famous Yoda and Mace Windu
(Samuel L. Jackson), distrusts the
Chancellor and asks Anakin to
"spy" back on him.
Anakin's choice is a difficult
one. Who should he trust? Why
should he trust them? This is where
Anakin starts slipping toward the
Dark Side of the Force at a more
exponential pace. He also fears for
the life his wife Padme (Natalie
Portman) and the babies she's car-
rying (this will be, of course, Luke
and Princess Leia in the original
trilogy). His fear only helps him
get to the Dark Side much more
quickly and turn into the pipnsjer
we alt-k'now �'
The film also achieves a new
level of greatness that no other Star
Wars film ever has when Padme
becomes fearful of her husband and
is torn between her love for him
and her fear of him. Portman does
an exceptional job displaying this
confusion to us. Her role is much
more solid and complete than
her embarrassing performance in
Attack of the Clones.
This film is not about what hap-
pens to the characters, but how it
happens to them and why. We all
know who Anakin becomes, who
the Emperor is and what the Galac-
tic Empire is. What Episode III does
for us is show us how these things
happened. It shows us what drives
young Anakin to become the evil
Sith lord we are all familiar with
(Sith, for those who are not up in
the Star Wars lingo, are those who
practice the methods of the Dark
Side). People will not attend this
movie to see what happens, but
rather to see why it happens.
The center piece of this
Star Wars episode, like the five
others that preceded it, Is the
special effects. In comparison
to the effects used in the 1983 film
Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the
Sith most certainly has the upper
hand. Lucas built his film around
the special effects. Almost every
scene in this film was shot in front
of a blue screen. This looks nice,
but sometimes takes away from the
overall effect of the scene. At some
points, it's almost like we're watch-
ing two people standing in front
of a cartoon. Lucas pioneered the
thought of using massive amounts
of special effects in movies,
so we can't get too hung up
on this notion.
As for the fighting scenes, they
are jaw-dropping and spectacular,
� � t
see SERIES 0dgeA12

J -25-05
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HFStival rocks Charm City
Behind the scenes of the
biggest concert event of
the summer
Saturday, May 14 marked the
unofficial start of summer as more
than 55,000 concertgoers made
their way to Baltimore, Mary-
land, for the 16th annual HFStival
sponsored by rock station WHFS
on 105.7. With a stellar lineup
including Foo Fighters, Coldplay,
Billy Idol, Good Charlotte and
Social Distortion among others,
the HFStival is a date most east
coast rock fans, specifically those in
Maryland, D.C. and Virginia, look
forward to all year.
After a rough few months fight-
ing political battles over air time,
WHFS was able to put on their -
annual concert event, which is
what starts my recount of one of the
most amazing concert experiences
I've ever had.
I rolled into M&T Bank Stadium,
also known as the place the Balti-
more Ravens play, around 8 a.m.
because all good concerts must be
preceded by a tailgate of some kind.
Nothing in this world beats beer,
nachos, buffalo wings and crab dip
before the crack of dawn. Excite-
ment was in the air as the parking
lots quickly filled with cars full
of everyone from the blue haired
Billy Idol fans to the pre-teen Good
Charlotte fans.
Around noon, I made my way
to the stadium, making a quick
stop to pick up my media creden-
tials, then heading in through the
press entrance. I was then escorted
upstairs to the press box, which is
mainly used to shuttle the press
back and forth from the three
different stages so they could take
pictures of various bands.
My work officially began at
12:25 when I heard someone yell,
"If anyone wants to see The Bravery,
we're leaving now and I jumped in
line with my media peers, traveled
down two levels into the basement
of the stadium and made my way
to the stage.
Like a 5-year-old at Disney-
world with wide eyes and a goofy
smile, I walked through the base-
ment passing by various bands and
their dressing rooms, interview
areas,and a massage room for the
bands. I was armed with my camera
and ready for action.
I'll admit that I'm not too famil-
iar with the Bravery, one of the many
hometown acts to play the festival,
but I do know that they played their
single "An Honest Mistake and
they wore a lot of makeup.
I went immediately outside the
main stadium to one of the street
stages to catch one of my favorite
acts of the day, Citizen Cope. He
played at Barefoot on the Mall
at ECU back in April. This local
boy played a fun set including his
singles "Bullet and a Target" and
"Son's Gonna Rise" and also a few
songs from his latest CD.
After that, I met up with some
friends, watched a good deal of
public debauchery and ate lunch
before checking out Interpol play
on the main stage. I'd already seen
Interpol when they played with The
Cure last summer, but I was delight-
fully surprised at how much I liked
them the second time around.
Following Interpol was the first
big temper tantrum of the summer.
Echo and the Bunnymen singer, Ian
McCulloch. McCulloch claimed
that he had lost his voice but
would try to sing anyway. The band
started playing "Lips Like Sugar"
for a few seconds, but McCulloch
stormed off the stage, dropping the
microphone, and didn't return. I'm
see HFSTIVAL page A12
Billy Idol, Sum 41, The Bravery, Interpol, Garbage and The Foo Fighters
were among the many artists featured at the annual rock HFStival.
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from page 11
sure the deafening boos didn't help
much either.
I went back inside the basement
of the stadium just in time for a
press conference with Garbage. I
have two words to sum up Shirley
Manson: absolutely stunning.
Manson, along with fellow big-
name bandmates Duke Erikson,
Steve Marker and Butch Vig were
polite and witty, answering ques-
tions with ease and sticking around
to sign autographs when they fin-
ished. They went on stage around
4:30 p.m. and rocked their way
through their set.
Next up in the press room were
hometown heroes Good Charlotte.
Though I'm not a big Good Char-
lotte fan, I was impressed at how
kind and personable they were.
They stuck around to sign auto-
graphs, take personal pictures with
members of the press and chat for
a few extra minutes.
After the Good Charlotte
press conference, I checked out
Sum 41 on the street stage. Mosh
pits broke out left and right and
crowdsurfers were abundant. These
Canadian rockers blew through
an impressive set including
"Still Waiting "We're All to Blame"
and "Motivation
At this point in time, I was badly
sunburned, thoroughly exhausted
and chose to stay inside and have
dinner instead of photographing
Social Distortion, but I still watched
their set from a distance. They put
on an impressive set including cur-
rent single "Story of my Life
As the sun started to set, Good
Charlotte took the stage to the
sound of thousands of shrieking
teenagers. They played all of the
songs so often featured on TRL.
The next man to grace the
HFStival stage was none other than
Billy Idol. Oh my tail was wagging
like a little puppy's when he came
on stage. Not only is he the sexi-
est 49-year-old man alive, but he
tore the roof off the place (well,
if there was a roof it would have
been torn off, but you get the
point). Not only did he play an
amazing set consisting of "White
Wedding "Rebel Yell" and "Super
Overdrive but he also played a
ten-minute cover of the popular
song "Mony Mony
After Billy Idol, we experienced
the first severe weather delay
of the summer concert season.
With a spectacular lightning
show overhead, people were told
to clear out of the field and seats
and wait under cover. Did some
people listen? Yes. Did most people
listen? No. As it was pouring,
people decided to make a makeshift
slip 'n slide out of plastic banners
hanging around the stadium.
Clearly, the HFStival, or just the
alcohol, brings out the stupidity
in people.
With steam rising from the
sweaty mass of people and faint
lightning off in the distance, the
mood was set for Coldplay to take
the stage. Everyone was waving
their lighters as Chris Martin and
his band played their melodic songs
"Yellow" and "Clocks
Last but not least came the
biggest, and arguably best, act of
the night. At 10:30 p.m rougly 11
hours after gates opened, concert
headliners, and another hometown
band, Foo Fighters took the stage
and the crowd went nuts. Dave
Grohl and his band tore through an
amazing set before dedicating the
closing song, "Everlong to Ocean
City, Maryland, and the good times
he had growing up in Baltimore.
"This is one of the best bills
HFS has had in a while said Good
Charlotte bassist Paul Thomas in
their press conference.
Highlights of the day: meeting
Garbage and Billy Idol and being
about two feet away from Dave
Grohl as he sang "My Hero
Lowlights: paying $20 for
parking and not bringing
enough suncreeen.
This writer can be contacted at
Mexican Restaurant
Cancun Oysters, Nachos, Pizzas,
Southwest Rolls, Fiesta Platters, Wings,
Cancun Crab Dip & Chicken Fingers!
Legacy from page 70
thru employee at McDonald's. Yet
in Episodes I, II and , Yoda proves
to be powerful and sits as a shin-
ing example that one should never
judge a book by its cover.
The first three chapters of the
saga, and the three most recent,
showcase a commentary on politics
with its revolutions and civil wars
and an eventual dictatorship. Any
person who sees Episode III will
easily find in dialogue and scenes
that there's a conflict between
democracy and dictatorship that
can boil down to a conflict between
words and action.
One of the most important lega-
cies of the Star Wars saga is powered
by the way the story came to the
world - in the middle. In Episodes
IV, Vand VI, you meet a man many
consider to be the most diabolical
villain ever to grace the screen: a
cape-wearing, heavy-breathing,
deliciously evil machine-man
named Darth Vader. Terrorizing
audiences with his orange light-
saber, he establishes himself as a
heartless beast with no compas-
sion and no tolerance for failure.
But toward the end of the sixth
movie, you feel some compassion
for the broken man inside the box.
Then in the first three episodes,
you meet a man named Anakin
Skywalker, who grows up on the
big screen from an imaginative
young boy to a lovestruck teenager
to a powerful Jedi. Without giving
away anything in the third movie,
the telling of the story plays the
animosity toward Darth Vader
against the sort of friendship forged
with young Anakin, and the inner
conflict teaches a powerful lesson:
there's always more to the story
than you think.
Everyone who walks into a the-
ater to see Episode III knows what
is going to happen. Everyone who
watches the movie knows Anakin
Skywalker joins the dark side and
becomes Darth Vader. They know
that people go bad and people turn
on others, and because they know
of Episode IV, they know the type of
situation in which Episode III will
end. No one comes to the movie
expecting a surprise ending. What
they will be surprised by is the same
thing the world has come to enjoy
about Star Wars - the journey.
The legacy of Star Wars in
the end is the 28-year journey
around that circle, where a col-
lective people changes its mind
about characters, finds new heroes,
rejoices in old ones, and most of all,
delights in the exploration of that
far away galaxy inside the head of
George Lucas.
This writer can be contacted at
from page 10
even more so than the scenes
we saw in The Phantom Menace
and Attack of the Clones. There's
more action from beginning to
end in this episode than in the
aforementioned titles. Some of the
better action sequences occur
during the two light-
saber duels between Anakin
and Obi-Wan Kenobi and
another between Yoda and the
Emperor. Both take place at the
same time, and Lucas makes good
use of cutting back and forth
between the two duels, as not to
bore the audience. However, audi-
ences now have grown accustomed
to seeing lightsaber duels at the
end of these movies. So when these
final duels take place, it seems
that the magic and spectacle
of the lightsabers is now lost,
making it not the jaw-dropping,
eye-popping and heart-stopping
battle everyone expected.
Episode III does have its draw-
backs. Lucas has never been one to
write good dialogue in his films.
Just watch the previous five Star
Wars films and you'll see what I
mean. But in this episode, Lucas
takes the meaning of "bad dialogue"
to a whole new level. The conversa-
tions of affection between Anakin
and Padme are so dry and cheesy, it
sounds like something out of a John
Hughes teen comedy film from
the 80s. His characters also jump
to solutions too quickly without
even thinking about it. Some of the
decisions made by characters
should have had some thought
put into them, but instead, they
come up with an answer in about
three seconds. No one ever went
to a Star Wars movie for great
acting or screenwriting, but this
time around, it is so distract-
ing that it is enough to consider
it a drawback.
Audiences of new and old Star
Wars fans will be satisfied with
the final episode of the series. No
other film saga of the past, pres-
ent or future will ever have the
status that the Star Wars films
have had. Revenge of the Sith, as a
whole, is the most exciting film of
this new trilogy, and it can stand
with the other three films from
the original trilogy any day. This
is an extremely dark and very
sadistic film at times, making it
the only Star Wars film to obtain a
PG-13 rating. But the darkness only
adds to how much fun this film is
to watch.
This writer can be contacted at
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Pirates, b

Tradition fizzling - Instate rivals
ducking Pirates on gridiron
MM p .
The Pirates' defensive unit celebrates in a Conference USA game against Tulane last season but haven't
had the same chance to do so against rival teams like Carolina and NC State.
Twelfth-game legislation
should renew rivalries
Athletic Director Terry Holland
is screaming as loud as his vocal
cords will allow. Whether he's on
mountain tops, conference calls
or talking to the media, Holland
has only one problem - no one is
Holland, hired nearly a year
ago, is calling for local institutions
within a two-state radius to sched-
ule the Pirates. Finding little imme-
diate success, the former Virginia
' ll h and athletic director believes
that should these schools seek the
Pirates, both teams would benefit,
especially financially.
With the adoption of a 12th
game by the NCAA starting in
2006, teams are scurrying to fill out
their schedules. The Pirates have
a tentative deal set with national
power Virginia Tech to fulfill their
schedule for 2006.
Instead, in 2006 UNC will
welcome Furman, and NC State
will host Appalachian State. The
Tarheels deserve a small reprieve
as they have scheduled Utah and
Louisville in back-to-back years.
However, without a crystal ball, the
UNC officials probably did not real-
ize that either Louisville or Utah
would be national powers when the
teams signed the deal.
The guiltier Wolfpack just
recently finalized an agreement
that brings Middle Tennessee State
to Carter-Finley Stadium for this
upcoming season. Eastern Ken-
tucky and Southern Mississippi are
also on the slate for 2005. What
local fan interest do these teams
generate? Absolutely none.
Undoubtedly, the Wolfpack and
Tarheels alike want to be considered
among the nation's elite programs.
How are the Blue Raiders, Paladins
and Mountaineers the solution?
All of the teams sans South-
ern Mississippi were scheduled to
ensure easy victories. Obviously,
both schools want to inflate their
records because Division I-AA
teams can count toward bowl eli-
gibility each season as opposed to
once every four. The philosophy
adopted most famously by Kansas
State hasn't paid dividends. Ask
The largest two NC schools are
also doing it for financial reasons.
Because most college athletic rev-
enue is generated by football, the
schools are ensured an extra por-
tion of funds with another home
game. Aren't these teams already
in BCS and ensured millions each
season for existing? All of this
from the only two schools in the
16-school system that want to set
their own tuition.
The Pirate Club estimates that
the economic impact of an ECU
home game generates over $40 mil-
lion to the local economy. However,
Holland's approach won't have the
Pirates scheduling cupcakes to stuff
their wallets. And rightfully so.
Why are other schools taking
a similar approach to the Pirates?
Marshall and West Virginia are
bitter rivals and just completed
a future five-game series. Tulane
and LSU just signed a 10-year deal
renewing a storied tradition that
dates back to 1919.
The Pirates played NC State in
Charlotte last season as a result of
legislative pressure from the Gen-
eral Assembly. Both teams split the
profits, but it did not generate the
interest and appeal it most likely
would have had it been located on
either campus.
The Pirates will face NC State
again in Raleigh in two seasons
and at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium in
2010. ECU will also travel to UNC
in 2010. Games are also scheduled
against the Wolfpack in 2013 and
Conference USA, the ACC and
SEC all have 12 schools, meaning
each team will play four out of con-
ference games. Honestly, can these
ACC schools not find more than
two unfulfilled dates between now
and 2016? In a span of months,
see RIVALS page 14
Lady Pirates Softball
ECU Softball
signs two new
Lady Pirates
(SID) � Sarah Bibee (Knoxville,
. Tenn.) and Jessica Johnson (Laguna
Niguel, Calif.) have each signed a
National Letter of Intent to play softball
at ECU, announced Head Coach Tracey
Kee on Monday. Bibee and Johnson
join Angela Barrella (Holbrook, N.Y.),
Vanessa Moreno (San Clemente, Calif.)
and Brooke Swann (Callao, Va.), who
signed with the Pirates during the early
signing period, to comprise the incom-
ing class of 2005-06.
Bibee is a versatile athlete who
earned 13 varsity letters in three sports:
basketball, cross-country and softball
at the Webb School of Knoxville. She
led her team to five high school state
championships appearances, includ-
ing its first in softball during 2004. A
two-time all-region player, Bibee was
also named All-Knoxville Interscho-
55 lastic League and awarded the Spartan
Award, which is Webb's highest honor
for a student-athlete. Her father and
older brother each lettered in baseball
at the University of Tennessee, and
her younger brother has signed with
the Volunteers' baseball team for next
"It's not often that a baseball
coach gives you a lead on a talented
young softball player said Kee.
"However, Coach Randy
Mazey was instrumental in Sarah
signing with ECU. Sarah is an
unbelievable athlete with the deter-
mination and work ethic to be suc-
cessful in Division I. Her versatility
will allow us to use her in multiple
positions. She is a fierce competitor
with a desire to make a name for
herself at ECU
Johnson is a power-hitting first
basemanutility player who was a
four-year letterwinner at Mater Dei
High School, which was recently
ranked by Sports Illustrated as
the sixth best high school in the
nation for athletics. A second team
all-league player, Johnson is one of
seven players on her team to have
earned a Division I scholarship. She
was awarded the Scholar Athlete
Gold Award for posting over a 3.5
GPA, while receiving Honor Roll
see NEW page 14
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KlVdlS from page 13
they've already accommodated
time for Middle Tennessee State
and Appalachian State.
Leaders should adhere to the
fans, students, boosters and play-
ers, all of whom are in favor of the
schools competing. Grow up and
throw the records and politics out
the window. Keep screaming Hol-
land, someone is bound to listen
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
from page 13
recognition all four years.
Johnson was also very active in the
Santa Anna community, completing
morethan lOOhoursofvciunteerservice.
"She is the perfect prototype of
our student-athlete Kee said.
"She is unselfish in the community
and is a strong academically-oriented
athlete. Athletically, she is a very mature
and highly-skilled player with national
experience both against and with some
of the best in the country. Her discipline
and focus on the field and in the box
were what impressed us the most. We
expect her to have an impact on our
team and Conference USA over the
next four years. Both players are com-
mitted to excelling both athletically
and academically and being an active
part of the community. We look for-
ward to having these two wonderful
families join ours and having an impact
on their daughters' lives Kee said.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Grading the nickname
possibilities for Marquette
(KRT) MILWAUKEE - If this is
the best they can do, why don't they
just get it over with now and call
them the Marquette Milquetoasts?
No attitude, no vision, no . . .
War Eagles.
If you thought the Florida portion of
the 2000 presidential election was a mess
with all its rejected ballots, wait until you
see the size of the scrap heap created by
all the Warrior write-in rejects.
But since all that will accomplish is
something really dumb with a majority
of maybe six, we're here to guide you
through the most momentous vote since
Simon Cowell's last breathless verdict.
10. Blue and Gold: Don't these
people get it? If Gold was lame (groan)
enough to have created this 100-year
backlash, how is sticking Blue in front
of it going to change the perception that
MU's decision-makers are nothing but
a Ixinch of unoriginal jellyfish? All this
says is Gold would not have been the
worst nickname in the history of orga-
nized sports. Blue and Gold wouldVe.
9. Golden Eagles. Although I stub-
bornly cling to the single-bullet theory
from the Texas School Book Depository,
I do love a good conspiracy theory.
And no one can convince me that
this whole Gold fiasco wasn't a plot to
forcibly endear Golden Eagles on the
easily distracted. If Golden Eagles was
uninspired and weak 11 years ago, it's
still uninspired and weak.
8. Golden Knights: Uh, no.
7. Golden Avalanche: See a pattern
here?No colors, nothing remotely deriv-
ing from the Periodic Table, nothing
whatsoever to do with Gold. No, no,
no. Even if the nickname is part of Mar-
quette tradition, an otherwise acceptable
alternative has been tainted by associa-
tion. Way to go, Board of Trustees.
6. Wolves: When in doubt, go the
vicious animal route, only about 98
percent of the schools have chosen to be
represented by wild beasts. However, the
rapidly growing gray wolf population
won't become indigenous to the Mil-
waukee metropolitan area for, oh, at least
another 20 years. In the meantime, how
about the Marquette Dead Alewives?
Besides, I want nothing reminding me of
Sam Cassell or Latrell Sprewell.
5. Spirit: You can see where they're
going with this one, what with its con-
notation befitting a religious-based insti-
tution. There is also the courage-and-
strength thing, but there are a couple
of problems. For one, it's a singular
nickname; start throwing those things
around, and the next thing you know
whole leagues collapse. For another, it's
too cutesy, too preppy, too Mandy Pep-
peridge-and-Greg Marmalard. On the
other hand, it's pleasantly evocative of
the Spirits of St. Louis, that wacky ABA
team that brought Marvin Barnes, Fly
Williams and a rookie named Maurice
Lucas to the sporting consciousness. But
that's probably a little too, urn, free-spir-
ited for what Tom Crean has in mind.
4. Voyagers: Too minivan-ish.
3. Hilltoppers: Yeah, and the Boston
Red Sox used to be called t he Somersets,
too. I don't want to get into a whole his-
tory lesson here, but to return to your
roots for no reason except nostalgia is
probably a bad idea. Besides, the only
hill on campus is being scraped away
by the freeway redo.
2. Saints: Take it one step fur-
ther and call them the St. Joans,
in honor of the person who may
have derived her inspiration from
the chapel that sits in the middle of
campus. Now there was a fighter.
1. Explorers: Accurately describes
the good father's occupation. Unfortu-
nately, there will be factions claiming
some explorers were imperialistic and
maybe even a little mean.
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Accreditation Association For
Ambulatory Health Care, Inc
Notice Of
Accreditation Survey
Accreditation Association For Ambulatory Health Care, Inc (AAAHC)
Will conduct an accreditiation survey of
ECU SHS�. JUNE j6 j2(X)5
(Name of Organization)
The survey will be used to evalu-
ate the organization's compliance
with AAAHC standards for ambula-
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accreditation should be awarded to, or
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the accreditation process is to improve
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to improve the delivery of quality
health care.
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patients, and individuals on the staff of
this organization, believing that they
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health care or compliance with AAAHC
standards, may request an information
presentation with AAHC surveyors at
the time of the survey for the purpose
of presenting such information, or may
communicate such information in writ-
ing or by telephone to the AAAHC. All
information received from identified
individuals at or prior to the survey
will be considered in making the
accreditation decision. The information
presented will not be debated with the
reporting individual.
Requests for presentation must be
received at least two weeks prior to the
survey in order to allow sufficient time
to schedule the presentations. Requests
for public information presentations or
reporting of pertinent and valid informa-
tion may be communicated in writing or
by telephone to AAAHC at the follow-
ing address and telephone number.
Accreditation Association for
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Telephone (847) 853-6060
FAX (847) 853-9028
This notice is posted in accordance
with AAAHC requirements and may
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Date Posted 52505
By Kim Joyner
Name and Title Kim Joyner
Q. I. Coordinator

Tiger's run ranks in top five streaks of all time
Woods streak was one of
the greats, but is it No. 1?
For the last seven years, three
things have been certain - death,
taxes and Tiger Woods playing a
round of golf on the weekend.
When Tiger Woods failed to
make the cut at this year's Byron
Nelson Championship, it marked
the first time in seven years that
he failed to do so in a string of
142 consecutive tournaments.
His record string easily sur-
passed that of the former record
holder, ironically enough, Byron
Nelson. Nelson's consecutive
cuts-made streak ended at 113
in the 1940s.
To look at Woods' streak and
see how it compares to others in
his game is not even a comparison.
Annika Sorenstam has the longest
cuts-made streak of any golfer and
has made the cut in 49 straight
LPGA tournaments. Ernie Els now
has the longest such streak on the
PGA tour - 20.
Only three players in PGA his-
tory have ever had streaks of 100 or
more tournaments - Woods, Nelson
and Jack Nicklaus, who owned a
streak of 105 tournaments.
To make the cut that many
times in a row, Woods had to bring
his game week rn and week out,
a tough thing to do in any sport.
Woods' 142 tournament cuts-made
run ranks as one of the all-time
greatest streaks in sports, but is it
the best? No. There are at least four
that are more impressive.
Obviously, one of the most
impressive and most talked-about
streaks in all of sports is Cal Rip-
ken's iron-man streak of 2,632 con-
secutive games played. Ripken was
a stalwart for the Baltimore Orioles'
infield at shortstop for more than
16 years. Although he wasn't in
the starting lineup every game, he
played through injuries and started
in more than 95 percent of those
games. However, Ripken's is not the
greatest streak in sports either.
What Johnny Unitas did from
1956 to 1960 has not come close
to being broken. Unitas threw at
least one touchdown pass in 47
straight games and had one stretch
where he threw at least two in 12
straight games - both records.
Brett Favre was getting there, but
had his streak of 36 straight games
snapped on December 5 last year
at Philadelphia. Unitas tossed 102
touchdowns in those 47 games.
Comparatively, Favre tossed 67
touchdown passes during his run.
It was an extraordinary feat for
Johnny Unitas, but not the most
remarkable streak in sports.
Joe Dimaggio's 56-game hit-
ting streak in baseball has been
called unbeatable. For a guy who
was married to Marilyn Monroe,
the 56-game streak was his most
notable accomplishment. Only
Pete Rose had a streak over 40
games and the next closest was
Paul Molitor's 39-game streak in
1987. What Dimaggio did in May
of 1941 was catch fire, and he
remained that way for two months
until finally held hitless against
the Cleveland Indians on July 17.
It would be close to 40 years before
anybody thought someone would
challenge Dimaggio's mark, but
Rose's streak in 1978 ended after
44 games. Dimaggio's run of hit-
ting safely in 56 straight games in
the most remarkable feat in base-
ball, but not in all of sports.
Favre is to football what Ripken
is to baseball. Brett Favre has not
just played in, but has started 206
consecutive games in the National
Football League - a run that spans
more than 13 seasons. This Sep-
tember, Favre will resume pushing
the streak number even higher
and further out of reach for the
next closest guy, Peyton Manning,
whose 112 game streak is just four
behind the former record holder,
Ron Jaworski. Favre passed Jaws
six years ago and has continued to
play, even with a sprained knee in
1999 and a broken thumb in both
2002 and 2003. His father died on
a December Sunday in 2003 and
the very next night on national
television, he played the best game
of his career in a rout of the Oak-
land Raiders. Favre led the NFL in
touchdown passes in 2003 and was
second in MVP voting.
During Favre's streak he has
won a Super Bowl and received the
MVP award a record three times.
Including the playoffs, Favre's
streak reaches 225 games, which
bests Jaworski's overall mark by
more than 100 games. To start that
many games in the NFL is amaz-
ing, but to do it at the quarterback
position and escape injury is even
more remarkable. Favre's streak has
not lasted as long as Ripken's, but
Ripken never had 300-pound line-
man pouncing on him and trying
to rip his arm off either.
When Favre's streak comes to
an end, it will be because he decided
to retire. With Dimaggio, his luck
finally ran out and the same with
Unitas. Cal Ripken had age catch
up to him. With Woods - two
weekends ago at the Byron Nelson
Championship was just proof that
everybody has a bad day at work,
and we can all find solace in that.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
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The East Carolinian, May 25, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 25, 2005
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