The East Carolinian, April 12, 2005

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 80 Number 74
April 12, 2005
SGA candidate campaigning
taking place this week
Tickets present views toward issues
SGA Election
Voting Is taking place Tuesday, April
19 and Wednesday, April 20.
Students can vote at the Wright
Plaza, West End Dining Hail or
through the ECU Onestop under tools.
Election results will be announced
at approximately 5:45 p.m.
Wednesday, April 20.
SGA Debate Is taking place Monday,
April 18 at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall.
Room TBA
Each Student Government Associations ticket
and individual candidates running in the elections
were identified Monday night at the compulsory
meeting and seek to gain student
support by campaigning this week.
April Paul, elections chair,
encourages all students to par-
ticipate in this year's election and
make thoughtful decisions when
selecting the ticket of their choice.
"If a ticket approaches a stu-
dent and says 'vote for my ticket
ask why said Paul.
"Don't do it because you get a
T-shirt or a sticker, do it because
you have confidence in the abili-
ties of that ticket
Voting is important for student
issues to be heard. If a student is con-
cerned with a specific issue on campus,
the student needs to make sure the
candidate they feel best represents
them is in office and it is important to
research the candidates and cast a vote.
Due partly to the help of the SGA, ECU has taken more
initiatives on campus to increase safety this year. There has
been an increased presence of campus police and monitor-
ing of campus blue lights. The SGA submitted a proposal
toward the beginning of the year to increase campus safety.
"I think the actions of SGA sparked the new
awareness on campus that students need to be safe
and it ensured the rest of the university to increase
safety for faculty and students alike Paul said.
In order to ensure a successful future for the
student body, it is mandatory for every student to
participate in the election by casting their vote.
"Voter apathy does nothing for ECU and noth-
ing for the student body Paul said.
Paul said while there are some issues that are out
of SGA's direct control, there are many issues students
can have an impact on. Some key topics she feels will
come up in this year's campaigning and debate include
tuition, parking, diversity issues and campus safety.
Paul said the week of campaigning is a time when
all students need to be smart, make good decisions
and be wary of things they may be told.
"I would tell students to look out for radical
promises Paul said.
Examples of such promises Paul cited that have
been brought up in past SGA elections include
getting an ATM on College Hill or getting a legal
peer-to-peer music file sharing system within ECU.
While ECU is receptive to the SGA, there are certain
things the university cannot allow.
"ECU has their policies for a reason if it's not
going to be done, it's not going to be done Paul said.
Violations in the election process have occurred in
previous years and the SGA is going to remain active i n
ensuring all rules are followed accordingly this year.
If anyone happens to come across what they feel
is a violation of election rules, they are encouraged to
file a complaint to the SGA. Once a complaint is filed,
it is then reviewed by the SGA, who determines if there
was in fact a violation of election rules. If a violation
did occur, a sanction is given to the ticket, who then
must appeal the sanction or deal with the situation
accordingly. Any person on campus can file complaints.
Virginia Thompson, sophomore speech language
pathology major, said SGA elections are important
because students need someone to speak for them
and address specific student concerns. Parking is a $
major issue she said she would like to see changed
Q: What made you run for office?
A: To motivate the people and show
them the SGA is not an executive body
that only represents them on paper.
Q: What is the biggest issue you want
to address?
A: The awareness of SGA operations
and leadership development.
Q: What made you run for office?
A: I would like to bring ideas to ECU all
of which are reality based promises.
Q: What is the biggest issue you want
to address?
A: My ticket has the combined experience
and gender diversity to tackle all of the
issues ECU faces.
Q: What made you run for office?
A: I feel the students of ECU need a
strong voice to represent them with
their concerns.
Q: What is the biggest issue you want
to address?
A: No single issue. Students need to
know this is their SGA and we're here.
Charmaine Ford, Ticket 1 Heather Dickson Ticket 3 Anthony Capozzolo Ticket 4
Matt Cohen Ticket 5
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Bryant Morrison Ticket 3
Andy Beamer Ticket 4
Laura Izze Ticket 3
Morgan Lamberson Ticket 4
UNC system students, NC officials rally at state capitol
UNC System President Molly Broad commends students on their
efforts in voicing their concerns toward the state budget.
Students protest proposed
cut on higher education
UNC system students, mem-
bers of the University of North
Carolina Association of Student
Government and other state offi-
cials attended a rally in Raleigh
April 7 to discuss the state's cur-
rent financial situation.
The main topics of discussion
were the factors surrounding a
possible 4 percent cut on funding
for higher education.
The General Assembly of
North Carolina, faced with an
approximate $1.2 - 1.5 billion
state budget deficit, is being
forced to cut back on state fund-
ing on certain programs and must
consider education as a possible
option. Cutting funding for higher
education has led to much resent-
ment due to projected long term
negative impacts such cuts would
have on the state's economy.
Victor Landry, senior vice
president of the UNCASG, said
if the 4 percent cut is passed, it
would have detrimental effects
to higher education in North
Carolina that would affect both
students, faculty and the long
term economy of the state.
Landry said the UNC system
a would lose approximately 900
5 faculty and would be expected
to meet the rising enrollment
growth charges many of the UNC
? system schools are experiencing
8 with less financial resources.
Landry said North Carolina is
beginning to rely more on tech-
nological advancement making
education a crucial factor in the
state's future.
"We must have a work force
to fill those needs in future the
university system is the catalyst
for that said Landry.
"(If the 4 percent cut is
passed we won't be able to train
the people and meet the demands
of the state
Zack Winn, newly elected
president of the UNCASG, agreed
with Landry.
Winn said North Carolina
must realize the difference
between a cost and an investment
when making these decisions. He
said education of students in
the state is an investment, not
a simple cost like a roadway or a
building. He said UNC-Wilming-
ton would lose approximately 40
positions if the cut is passed.
ECU Student Government
Association representatives and
other UNC System students who
attended the rally and voiced
their concerns agreed on the
importance of higher education.
"We students) need to be
invested in said Terry Gore,
speaker of ECU's SGA Senate.
Daniel Spuller, director of
external affairs of the SGA senate,
agreed with Gore. He said he
understands the need for cuts
but said the key investment in
North Carolina is in higher edu-
cation. He said there have been
hundreds of thousands of jobs
lost in the state that are going to
be replaced with jobs demanding
college degrees.
Another idea to compensate
for the state budget deficit being
considered is putting a tax on
tobacco and alcohol.
Gore said this tax would be vol-
untary and would not have a sig-
nificant political backlash. North
Carolina, however, already has
the fourth highest tax on alcohol.
The lottery was also a heavily
debated topic at the rally. State lot-
teries have allowed participating
states to gain finances in educa-
tion, in turn reducing education's
financial dependence of the state.
Landry showed support of the
lottery system.
"Not having a lottery in North
Carolina has not been a deter-
rent in playing Landry said.
He said there are many North
Carolinians who play the lottery
in Virginia or Georgia, in turn
paying for the education for the
students in those states.
"I would much rather that
money go to the education in
North Carolina Landry said.
Molly Broad, president of
the UNC system, said it is very
important for students to
make their concerns known to
the members of the General
Assembly regarding their con-
cerns on the state budget and
funding for higher education.
"You students are the future
of North Carolina said Broad.
Broad said students are the
future business leaders, political
leaders and educational leaders of
the state and it is important that
students take the opportunity to
demonstrate their commitment
on how important it is for North
Carolina to sustain its support
for higher education with the
fewer low skill, high wage jobs
in the state.
"Decisions that will be made
in the General Assembly about
the university's budget will have
a direct impact on the quality
of your experience Broad said.
"The quality of your edu-
cational experience is directly
resulting from the quality of our
Broad said the General Assem-
bly in the past has been very sup-
portive of public education by
promoting enrollment growth
and financial aid.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classified: A9 I Opinion: A4 I Scene: A5 I Sports: A7

Page A2 252.328, 6366
NICK HENNE News Editor KRISTIN DAY Assistant News Editor
TUESDAY April 12, 2005
Campus News
Congratulations to all
new media heads
Good luck with the upcoming
Tia White - WZMB
Hqlly O'Neal - Expressions
Jennifer Hobbs - TEC
Jessica Duensing - Rebel
In the article "ECU community
responds to new baseball
stadium the stadium, named
Clark-LeClair, was spelled
incorrectly and the amount of
money used to complete it was
$10 million, not $100,000.
National Security
The office of military programs
and the security studies program
at ECU is sponsoring "National
Security Challenges of the 21st
Century a panel discussion by the
Army War College's Eisenhower
Series College Program April 12
from 3:30 - 5 p.m. in SZ C037
Science and Technology Building.
For more information please
contact Rick Kilroy at 328-2349
AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
will be held every Wednesday at
noon in 242 Mendenhall Student
Center and Thursday at 11:30 a.m.
in 14 MSC. For more information,
call 760-500-8918.
Poetry Reading
Local author and ECU professor
Patrick Bizzaro will read from
his latest book of poetry, Every
Insomniac Has A Story To Tell,
Wednesday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m.
in Parker-Kennybrook Books.
Bizzaro teaches at ECU and is
currently the director of ECU'S
writing program. This reading
is the anchor of the Parker-
Kennybrook Books celebration of
National Poetry Month this April.
Fire Fighter
Appreciation Dinner
Phi Sigma Pi National Co-Ed
Honor Fraternity is hosting a
Fire Rghter Appreciation Dinner
April 19 at 6 p.m. in five local
fire stations. The fraternity will
have a table in front of Wright
Place April 11-15 from 11 a.m.
- 1 p.m. Volunteers as well as
donations, including spaghetti
sauce, noodles and the like for
the theme of the dinner is Taste
of Italy" are needed and should be
dropped off at the table. Students
as well as organizations are
welcome to help in any way they
can. For more information, please
contact Alex at ajl0908?mail
Salsa Dance
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are sponsoring a salsa
dance on Friday, April 15 in the
Willis Building at First and Reade
Streets. Instruction-by Procopio
and Heidi will begin at 7:30 p.m.
and the dance will be 8:30 - 11
p.m. with DJ Ramon The cost
of admission is $3 for students,
$5 for FASG members and $8
for the general public. For more
Information please call 752-
Summer Work Study
ECU students who are not
taking summer classes and can
work 40 hours each week this
summer can participate in the
work-study program this summer.
First go to Student Financial Aid
in 250 Flanagan and pick up
a "Hiring Authorization Form
Then attend a brief information
session at Student Professional
Development on the corner of
Fifth and Jarvis Streets. Sessions
will be held April 20 from 2 - 2:30
p.m? April 21 10 -10:30 a.m April
22 10-10:30 a.m. and April 25 11
-11:30 a.m.
International Festival
The 15th International Festival of
Greenville is taking place April 16
from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the recently
renovated Town Commons.
Barefoot At the Mall
ECU'S annual Barefoot at the Mall
event will be April 21. Come out
and enjoy food, music and fun.
News Briefs
Passaro says government
withholding personal Items
FAYETTEVILLE, NC - David Passaro,
an ex-CIA contractor accused of
beating an Afghan detainee, says
federal prosecutors have disobeyed
a court order to return his tax files and
other personal items.
?assaro was arrested in June 2004.
His home in Lillington and the home
of his fiancee, Bonnie Heart, were
searched several times after his
arrest. Federal prosecutors seized
documents, pictures and personal
items, Passaro said.
In an October letter to James
Candelmo, an assistant U.S.
attorney, Passaro's lawyers asked
the government to return "non-case-
related-personal items" taken during
the searches. Defense lawyer Tom
McNamara listed 14 items that include
$8,590 and Passaro's birth certificate,
divorce papers, military records, truck
keys and Timex watch.
McNamara included copies of the
evidence logs to help the federal
investigators find the items.
"I know this may be a cumbersome
process but reasonable minds should
be able to come to some agreement
McNamara wrote.
None of the items were returned.
In February, U.S. District Court
Judge Terrence Boyle ordered the
government to return the items.
Federal prosecutors have returned the
money and some of the documents,
but Passaro still has not received his
truck keys and his 2004 tax receipts.
A meeting between Passaro's lawyers
and federal prosecutors to turn
over the receipts was scheduled
for last Friday morning. But the time
was changed to the afternoon and
Passaro could not attend. He said the
time change was made even though
his lawyers and federal prosecutors
knew he could not be there.
Black's determination, turnaround
on lottery paid off with win
RALEIGH, NC - The number - 61 -
could remove North Carolina from the
dwindling number of states without a
lottery didn't just come up by chance.
Sixty-one was the magic number
to get a lottery bill through the 120-
member House of Representatives
- and in the end, that's exactly how
many votes Speaker Jim Black got
last week, squeaking the measure
through by a margin of 61-59.
Until the final hours before
Wednesday's vote, Black, his.
surrogates and lobbyists for Gov.
Mike Easley weren't exactly sure
which way about 10 House members
were going to go. Black said later that
two Democrats didn't vote the way he
believed they would.
Still, passage of the bill - even by the
narrowest margins - was a far cry
from three years ago, when a lottery
referendum fell by 19 votes after
Black held on to a bill for two months
because he and Easley couldn't find
enough support.
This year, Black proposed a lottery
with no referendum - something he
said in 2002 couldn't get the support
of one-third of the House.
As recently as three weeks ago,
lottery supporters said they only had
50 votes.
Yet Black managed to corral the
votes needed for passage by setting
a lightning-fast timetable, appealing
to members' loyalty and commitment
to education, listening to their
concerns - and by exercising his
own considerable will.
Testimony on Jackson's past to
resume to show pattern
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael
Jackson's past was expected
to haunt him again this week as
prosecutors gear up to continue
presenting evidence of alleged past
molestations by the singer.
Testimony from Jackson's former chef
on Friday capped a week in which
several employees alleged they saw
the entertainer act inappropriately
with young boys. Phillip LeMarque
said he saw the singer reach up
actor Macauley Culkin's shorts as
LeMarque-was delivering French
fries to Jackson late one night nearly
15 years ago.
The defense has said the Home
Alone star has repeatedly denied
anything inappropriate happened,
and a spokeswoman has said
Culkindoes not plan to beapartofthe case.
In his cross-examination, Jackson
defense attorney Thomas Mesereau,
Jr noted that LeMarque had once
tried to shop his story to a tabloid
before deciding not to sell it and that
a former security guard and maid who
testified against Jackson had lost a
lawsuit to the singer.
Prosecutors are presenting witnesses
from Jackson's past to try to show
he has a pattern of inappropriate
behavior with boys and to help the
credibility of his current accuser.
Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting
a 13-year-old former cancer patient,
plying the boy with alcohol, and
holding his family captive in February
and March 2003 to get them to help
rebut a damaging documentary.
Naval Academy student found
dead outside dorm of apparent fall
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - A U.S. Naval
Academy student was found dead
outside a campus dormitory after
apparently falling to his death,
authorities said.
The body of Midshipman 2nd Class
Jay Michael Dlxon, 21, of Destrehan,
La was discovered Saturday.
The Naval Criminal Investigative
Service Is investigating. The academy
said no further information was
available Sunday, Including where
Dixon may have fallen from.
The investigation is still ongoing said
Cmdr. Rod Gibbons, the academy's
spokesman. "Where did he fall from,
when, how. And until that investigation
determines those facts, it would be
premature to say
Dixon, a third-year midshipman, was
a physics major and a member of
the campus radio station. He joined
the academy "because he loved
his country dearly his aunt Donna
Hendley told The Washington Post.
In February, a judge dismissed a
wrongful death lawsuit against the
Navy filed by the family of a student
who had fallen more than 50 feet from
his dorm window in 2002. Since then,
safety devices have been installed
on windows.
Sharon: Tensions over pullout
plan resemble 'eve of civil war'
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon said in an Interview aired
Mor Jay that there is so much tension
In Israel over his Gaza pullout plan
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that the atmosphere "looks like the
eve of the civil war
Sharon told NBC's "Today" that "all
my life I was defending life of Jews.
Now for the first time steps I'm taking
to protect me from Jews
"The tension here, the atmosphere
here looks like the eve of the civil war
said Sharon, who will-meet President
Bush on Monday at his Crawford,
Texas ranch.
Sharon arrived in Waco, Texas, under
heavy security and had dinner with
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
at his hotel Sunday night.
Sharon said that, despite the internal
tensions, he was optimistic that
peace with the Palestinians could
be reached.
"Yasser Arafat, first was a military
man, and during his rule there were
no chances whatsoever to reach
peace Sharon told "Today. "As
a matter of fact, I believe at the
current time, maybe for the first time,
there is a possibility to try and solve
the problem
Israeli military officials said
Monday that Jewish settlers In
four West Bank settlements will
be disarmed about two weeks
before they are to be removed
from their homes this summer,
reflecting growing concern that settler
resistance to a West Bank pullback
will be intense.
Settlers, however, said they would not
give up their weapons.
U.Slraql raid In Baghdad nets
dozens of suspected Insurgents
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Hundreds of
U.S. and Iraqi forces launched
their biggest Baghdad raid In
recent weeks, moving on foot
Monday through a central neighborhood
and rounding up dozens of suspected
insurgents, the military said.
About 500 members of Iraq's
police and army and a "couple
hundred" American soldiers swept
through buildings in the Rashid
neighborhood, detaining 65
suspected militants, said Lt. Col.
Clifford Kent of the U.S. Army's 3rd
Infantry Division.
One Iraqi soldier was wounded
but no American casualties were
reported in the largest U.Slraqi
joint raid in the capital since the Fort
Stewart, Gabased division assumed
responsibility for the city in February,
Kent said. One suspected insurgent
also was being treated for wounds,
the military said in a statement.
A group claiming to have kidnapped
a Pakistani Embassy official over
the weekend demanded money
for his release, a senior Pakistani
government official said Monday.
Malik Mohammed Javed, a deputy
counselor at the Pakistani mission in
Baghdad, went missing late Saturday
after leaving home for prayers at a
nearby mosque.
The previously unknown Omar bin
Khattab group claimed responsibility
for the kidnapping, and Javed called
the embassy to say his abductors had
not harmed him, Pakistan's Foreign
Ministry said.
They have made contact. They are
asking for money a Pakistani official
said on condition of anonymity.
He would not specify the
amount or say how the abductors
made contact.
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The Advisory Board of the ECU
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Article questions theory that
shipwreck is Blackbeard's flagship
Information bn Blackbeard is displayed at the Bath Tercentennial historical exhibit in Joyner Library.
Panelists at symposium
respond to criticism
An article written by two
ECU professors and an under-
water archaeologist questions
whether a shipwreck found in
1996 near Beaufort Inlet is the
famous pirate Blackbeard's flag-
ship the Queen Anne's Revenge.
In the International Journal
of Nautical Archaeology article
called "Ruling Theories Linger:
Questioning the Identity of the
Beaufort Inlet Shipwreck Brad-
ley Rodgers, archaeologist and
conservator with ECU's maritime
studies program, Nathan Rich-
ards, assistant professor at ECU,
and Wayne R. Lusardi, the state
of Michigan's underwater archae-
ologist, claim researchers are
guilty of "ruling theory mean-
ing they "shape evidence to fit
a pre-conceived identification
"We're not suggesting that
it's not Queen Anne's Revenge,
we're suggesting that people
need to ask more relevant ques-
tions said Rodgers.
"It's very difficult to name
a ship, we hardly ever do that
when we find a wreck. We don't
even try
Rodgers said the location of
the wreckage supports that it
could be the QAR, but even that
doesn't hold much grounding
because dozens of ships could
have wrecked there.
"In fact wrecks always seem
to happen in the same spot
Rodgers said.
One thing Rodgers said that
does not support the theory that
the wreck is QAR is the water
in the area is too deep. History
says the QAR and another ship
called the Adventure ran aground,
which means they floated into
shallow water and got stuck. The
two ships were within a "pistol
shot" of each other. Unless a
sandbar has moved, which Rod-
gers said there does not seem to
be evidence for, the water is too
deep for a ship to wreck in such
a way. There is also no other
shipwreck nearby.
"They the Adventure and
QAR were right next to each
other and yet there is no sign of
the Adventure Rodgers said.
Some artifacts from the site
include cannons, gold and a bell.
Rodgers said there were many
cannons at the wreckage site,
which makes many believe it
belonged to a pirate. However,
depending on the time period, it
was common for merchant ships
to carry many cannons to protect
themselves from pirates.
"They were very heavily
armed, in fact, more heavily
armed on average than the wreck
that's been found Rodgers said.
According to history, Black-
beard stole the QAR and pounds
of gold from West Africa.
"When that gold found
at the site) was analyzed, It
appeared it came from Europe,
not Africa Rodgers said.
The bell is another artifact
found, which Rodgers said is
unlikely Blackbeard's because
it has an inscription that says
"Jesus and the Virgin Mary
"We don't know where the
bell is from or why pirates would
have a bell that says 'Jesus and
the Virgin Mary
Rodgers said there is a way to
explain why a project like this
one, which has already received
$967,000 in funding, could
ignore such factors as he claims
researchers have.
"I think it happens because
people want this to be QAR I
think when people get emotion-
ally involved they no longer look
at the evidence Rodgers said.
Rodgers said Mark Wilde-
Ramsing, manager of the state's
Queen Anne's Revenge project,
has invested much interest in
the project.
"I don't blame him for push-
ing that angle Rodgers said.
"But I do think other areas
do need to be explored and other
questions need to be asked
The symposium held Friday
called "Science, Mystery and
the Pirate Era in North Caro-
lina Examining the Shipwreck
believed to be Queen Anne's
Revenge" brought archaeologists
from around the country to
discuss the evidence from the
Beaufort Inlet shipwreck. During
the final event, a panel discussed
many issues surrounding the
archaeological find and took
the opportunity to respond to
the article.
Donny Hamilton, head of the
nautical archaeology program
at Texas A&M, spoke briefly
on the ruling theory and said
conclusions about the shipwreck
come from the "preponderance
of evidence meaning that col-
lectively, all the information
about all the artifacts fits their
John Broadwater, manager of
the maritime heritage program
national marine sanctuaries with
the National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Association, directly
addressed the article.
"I don't know what the
authors intended but 1 didn't
see anything that offered com-
pelling evidence against the
identity of the wreckage) said
Rodgers, Richards and Lusardi
did not attend the symposium.
This writer can be contacted at
Like to paint? Campus Living will be hiring student
painters, at $7.00 per hour, for the paint crew this
summer. If you are interested in applying, please
stop by Office Suite 100, Jones Hall or visit us
online at www.ecu.educampusliving and follow
the student employment links for a
downloadable application. Applications
must be returned to the housing
office by April 15.

Page A4
TUESDAY April 12, 2005
Our View
Being a Pirate
means being proud
As students of ECU, we have all heard the "oh,
you go to 'Easy-U? comments and "the party
school" stereotypes. Frankly, we here at TEC
are tired of these thoughtless quips and would
like to provide you with some ammunition to
shoot back at the next person who decides to
put down where you chose to pursue higher
Many outsiders are quick to accuse someone
of going to ECU because he or she couldn't
get in anywhere else. This is not the case any-
more, as the standard of education offered here
has become much higher, therefore making
it harder to be admitted to the university. The
average GPA admitted to ECU has risen to a
3.36 as recorded by the Princeton Review and
our student to teacher ratio is 17:1.
One of the most impressive things about our
school is the many areas of study students
can pursue. ECU is a UNC system school with
more than 100 bachelor's degree programs,
nearly 80 master's degree programs and 13
doctoral programs.
And academics aren't the only thing going
for our university. ECU has more than 30 club
sports and around 300 student organizations
for everything from SGA to B-GLAD.
While many believe ECU is a party school,
none of the national ranking bodies such as the
Princeton Review, Maxim magazine or Playboy
consider ECU to be close to the top 15 within
the last year.
The next time someone decides to make a
crack at ECU, let him or her know some of the
reasons it has been an excellent place to get
a degree. Remind them how the education
you are receiving here is going to carry you
through life in a successful manner just as
it has for many of our successful alumni like
BB&T President Kelly King, Bob Greczyn, CEO
of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NC, Ruth Shaw,
president of Duke Power, Kevin Williamson,
creator of "Dawson's Creek" and business
entrepreneurs like James Maynard, founder of
the Golden Corral restaurant chain.
Be proud that you are a student here. Defend
your school and the education you are receiving.
Our Staff
Amanda Q. Ungerfelt
Editor In Chief
Nick Henne
News Editor
Kristin Day
Asst News Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Mumane
Features Editor Asst. Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst. Photo Editor
Alexander Marcinlak Dustln Jones
Web Editor Asst Web Editor
Jennifer Hobbs
Production Manager
Kltch Hlnes
Managing Editor
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Qur View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to editors or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville.
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information One copy of TEC is free, each additional
copy is $1.
Opinion Columnist
Remembering Pope John Paul
World is a better place
because of one man
I remember watching with interest,
albeit detached interest, as the Vatican
went through the process of picking a
new Pope after Paul VI died in 1978.
Don't misunderstand - my interest
was more than just passing. I was, and
still am, a Roman Catholic. I knew what
was happening was important, in an.
intellectual sort of way. At the time
though, I was 18 years old, a United
States Marine and other than learning
how to kill people and destroy things,
my main concerns were where my next
drink was coming from, when 1 could
get to it, who 1 would be drinking it
with and if 1 would have to pay for it
or not, of course.
With the exception of "kill people
and destroy things" that sounds like
the college itinerary of today's typical
self-absorbed American teenagercol-
lege student, doesn't It? It just goes to
show you that some things never really
As you can imagine, with all the
truly important things happening in
my life at the time, the machinations
of a bunch of celibate old men on the
other side of the world just didn't seem
that important.
I was wrong.
After the, expected, election of
another Italian to be Pope, this one
John Paul I, many people figured every-
thing would return to a semblance of
They were wrong.
Pope John Paul I died less than a
month after being elected. To say that
the Catholic Church was in turmoil
would be putting it kindly. Everyone
rushed to Rome to reconvene and start
the process all over again. The out-
come of this second selection process
stunned the world.
For the first time in centuries, a
non-Italian Cardinal, a man named
Karol Jozef Wojtyla, was elected Pope.
Karol Wojtyla became Pope John
Paul II, amid much turmoil in the
Catholic Church and the world. His
ascension to the leadership of the
Church was a prelude to the nearly 27
incredible years of his Papacy.
When Karol Wojtyla was born in
Poland in 1920, no one had any idea
how much this one man would ulti-
mately contribute to all the people of
the world. At his death 84 years later,
his full impact on the political, cul-
tural, moral and ethical landscape of
the world is yet to be determined.
From the time he risked his life in
Nazi-occupied Poland to secretly study
to be a priest, Karol Wojtyla proved he
was not only a man of convictions but
also a man of immense courage who
was not afraid to face the evils of the
world. He was a great man, with great
strengths, at a time in history when
such a man was needed.
He stood side by side with the
Polish worker's of solidarity, as they
demanded their God-given right of
freedom. He, along with Ronald Reagan
and other true leaders, called for the
dismantling of the Berlin Wall. Former
Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev
admitted that without him, the evils
of communism might well still plague
much of Europe.
The greatest legacy of Pope John
Paul II is his influence on an entire gen-
eration of youth worldwide. For almost
27 years he showed that the traditional
values of morality, respect for life, doing
what is right even when it is unpopu-
lar and many other often ignored,
time-honored principles have a place
in today's increasingly secular world.
He refused to bow to societal pres-
sures to condone abortion, women in
the priesthood, priests to marry and
many other issues that are currently
in favor. Despite intense pressure to
"liberalize" the church and become
more "mainstream he realized, and
said, in that direction laid disaster. He
understood the church has survived
and prospered because of following
traditional Biblical principles, and
like a father teaching his children, he
reminded us of those principles often,
lest we stray too far from home.
We as a people need to be continu-
ally reminded of these principles.
Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II,
was the acknowledged spiritual leader
of over one billion Catholics during his
tenure. He was also the titular spiritual
leader for the billions of other non-
Catholic Christians worldwide.
Pope John Paul II reached out to
the faithful of other religions in friend-
ship and respect. He did more to heal
old wounds than any previous Pope in
history. He was truly an extraordinary
The world is a better place because
of him.
I lumanity is less without him.
In My Opinion
Some students are literally living in the library
(KRT) ? It's your typical 2 a.m
winter 2002. New York University's fall
semester is in full swing, midterms are
looming ever closer and Bobst Library
is filled with caffeine-addled minds and
tired eyes. For a few, the caffeine just
couldn't last long enough, and they have
collapsed face down into their books.
On the 24 hour basement level,
Steve Stanzak has fallen asleep as well,
snuggled into his sleeping bag under
some desks, hoping that tonight the
guards won't wake him up. But for Steve,
this is no power nap.
I first ran into Steve at a NYU dorm
party. Somehow we got to talking about
housing options and he mentioned
casually that he was living in the library.
I attempted to sympathize, saying,
"don't we all" with a little shrug. He
laughed and replied, "Yeah, but I actu-
ally am living in the library. A-level to
be exact
After eight months of Steve sleeping,
washing and living in the library, school
officials eventually discovered the secret
life of "Bobst boy His parents provided
no financial support and though he was
working up to four jobs simultaneously,
he couldn't afford housing. So he had
to choose between living on the streets
and coming up with a more creative
Though he used to get weird looks
in the library bathrooms for brushing
his teeth and had to make do with an
all McDonald's diet because he had no
kitchen access, his life of library living
was sometimes strangely normal. He
kept up with classes, worked various
jobs, chatted online and did his home-
work. Asked why he didn't just go to
the university administration, Steve
explains, "I didn't want to drop out of
school and I didn't know what NYU was
going to do with me. I know people who
couldn't pay for housing and tuition and
had to drop out. I definitely didn't want
to do that
Though Steve's story is clearly one-
of-a-kind, elements of it may hit close
to home for other struggling college
students: working hours and hours at
part-time jobs, signing their lives away
with heaps of loans through Sallie Mae,
receiving scholarship money, and still
not making ends meet.
The angry din from struggling stu-
dents and grumbling parents is increas-
ing at almost the same exponential rates
as tuition hikes. In the past few years,
increases have averaged a steady five
percent to eight percent. At expensive
private schools like NYU, the cost of
learning this past year looks something
like this:
Average Tuition - $28,617
Average Housing - $10,149
Average Meal Charge - $1,536
Average Books - $600
Cost of learning - Your calculator
batteries dying and your heart stopping
at the mere thought of the decades it will
take you to pay off all those loans.
Rising costs are not limited to pri-
vate universities, but extend to public
universities as well. Last year alone,
the average tuition and fees for in-state
students at public four-year colleges and
universities grew $487 (or 10.5 percent).
According to Bob Shireman, a former
education advisor for President Clinton,
"the increases over the longer term are
a result of the general increase in the
cost of hiring highly-educated people .
However, the cause of recent increases
at public colleges has been cuts in state
funding And this is where major
national politics trickles down to the
everyday and kicks you in the a
With states facing tighter budgets
due to federal tax cuts, the war on ter-
rorism, President Bush's war in Iraq, and
so on, public universities are getting
less money from the government and
are demanding more money from their
In order to afford college, many low-
and middle-income students rely on
government aid programs. In President
Bush's last State of the Union he reas-
sured these students with cuddly prom-
ises. "We will make it easier for Ameri-
cans to afford a college education, by
increasing the size of Pell Grants To the
5.5 million students who receive these
grants, his pledge must have felt like a
big bag of IOU's had floated away.
However, his proposed enhance-
ments to the Pell program fall far short
of what is needed to keep a college edu-
cation possible for all Americans. Essen-
tially, the Bush plan calls for a $500
increase in the size of the grants over five
years, which is pathetic addition com-
pared to the average increase in costs
at four-year public universities last year
alone ($824). It's as if Bush is heading
out to the beach with a toy pail, declar-
ing that he'll stop the high tide with it.
Pirate Rant
UNC has four NCAA men's
national basketball champion-
ships and is 124 - 95 versus Duke.
North Carolina will forever be
Carolina Blue. Duke doesn't
own anything except a Yankee
Didn't anyone ever teach
you to chew with your mouth
British accents are annoying,
not hot.
Does anyone else find it
strange that there was no men-
tion of UNC winning the NCAA
tournament in TEC? I mean, I fig-
ured it'd be front-page news. In-
stead, there was an article about
mini's Powell using his shoes to
glorify God? I mean, even if you
hate UNC, you have to give them
credit and respect them as the
winning champions. Come on.
Summer: A time when girls
wear next to nothing and it's
acceptable. A time when my sock
drawer stays full because the foot-
wear for the next four months
will be sandals. A time when I
choose to pick the shirt with the
hole in the back or the one with
no sleeves. God bless summer and
God bless America.
To the ranter who moans
about professors cramming all
the work in at the end of the
semester: You got a syllabus at the
beginning of the semester. You
came to college in hopes of land-
ing a great job. Plan your time
wisely or you will never make
it in the real world. Get off your
lazy butt and quit griping.
To the ranter sick and tired of
professors never giving a break: I
don't make even half the salary
you suggested and I bust my butt
for my students 10-11 hours per
day (including the weekends). It
is your choice to take 18 hours
and your choice to work three
jobs so you can make a better life
for yourself. You get a syllabus at
the beginning of each semester
in my class that gives you due
dates for all projects. Quit pro-
crastinating and get your work
done earlier. 1 help those who
help themselves.
Is anybody else ready for
football season to start? If all I
can watch is the crappy NBA or
more steroid stories, I think I am
going to die.
The main reason that I ask
questions in class is to annoy
you. That's right - you sitting in
the back with your stupid hat (or
hair, or sunglasses, or whatever
it is you think makes you look
cool), squirming and moaning
every time I ask a question. I even
ask questions I know the answer
to just to hear you act like a
spoiled baby. See you in class. I
have a ton of questions ready.
Why is there no golf course
in Greenville that has student
discounts? Students should get
to play free, especially if we are
enrolled in golf class.
Rap music is mindless and
inane babble. The beats are
obnoxious and the annoying
grunts of "uh, uh, uh" and
"yeeeah" are sickening. I've tried
to listen to it for it's lyrical value,
and except for a few artists like
Outkast, that have something
to say, it's terrible. So take the
system and rims off your Datsun
and listen to some real music like
The Allman Brothers Band.
With every passing day,
my leaving this crap town gets
closer and closer. Halleluiah.
All there is to do here is drink,
eat, drink and go to Wal-Mart.
Maybe "y'all" like that, but not
me. One more year and I can get
my life back.
I work out so I can smoke
more. Mind your business.
If one more person cops
an attitude while taking my
food order, I'm coming over
the counter and wringing your
The world doesn't stop turn-
ing because it's your birthday. Go
to class and work and stop feeling
sorry for yourself.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way far students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editort&theeastcarolinian.
com. The editor reserves the right
to edit opinions for content and
Page A5
As You Like It
This classic co
performed at Mc
from April 14-19
at 8 p.m. with a
Sunday, April 17.
Pigskin Pig-Out
The 22nd annual I
party will take pla
event will include
children's actlvitie
cooking contests,
tournaments and i
game. For more i
Barefoot on the I
Barefoot on the rr
Thursday, April 21
Clubs and studen
join forces to mal
known and have fu
games, music an
Minority Student
The fourth Annual I
Ball will take placi
Center April 23 al
are $10 for singli
couples. Contact
ODB Listening Se
ODB's first album
April 26 at 5 p.m. I
Names In tr
Catalog Model M
Maybe he does ri
demeanor, but it lo
Abercrombie & Fil
Ryan McPartlln r
time. According
the smoking 29-y
turned-actor is th
since Hercules. Pk
a veritably febrile
young dudes havir
with sultry older cl
plays 47-year-old I
live-in dude on Wl
Fran This make:
? ishing since his
is so much like f
who is romancing
Moore. Forgettin
ick-factor, McPartl
Jung on us, sa
gal-young-guy th
some archetypal
all. "Everybody
it would be like
dated somebody
Dlddy's Child Suf
It went from $5,000
back down to $2'
something of a vict
greatest entreprer
D. Rockefeller, Si
Combs. That'd b
child support Did
ex-girlfriend Misa
for their son, Jus
paying only $5K fc
awarded Hylton-Bi
Dlddy appealed,
the New York Su
Appellate Divisior
amount. He was i
ante up an undisi
in back payment
Brimm's legal fee
pays another for
Kim Porter, $30,0(
his other son, Chr
appeal again.
Duff Gals, Square
In inspirational filn
says venerate
thespian Hilary Du
Story"), will team
time with her old
less accomplishe
Duff, to make a r
by "Material Girl
1980s song by
composer Mado
Girls" will demanc
their already wel
muscles to play a
who are, urn, qu
Drama ensues wh
scandal leaves tr
heiresses virtually I
spectacular of all, F
her Interpretation
song for the souni
Gere's Help
Meanwhile, Rich
his sights on strl
continent: Asia.
Dance? star has b?
week, in an effort t
the let's-give-pei
idea. Saying this
moment" to mal
first met with Pah
Mahmoud Abbas i
vice premiers, Shir
Ehud Olmert. Am
he had a talk with
Minister Silvan S
is a great Instinct
both sides of this c
peaceful solution I
that Is genuine th

Page A5 features@th.eeastcarolinian
Campus 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor I
KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
TUESDAY April 12, 2005
As You Like It
This classic comedy will be
performed at McGinnis Theatre
from April 14 -19. The show starts
at 8 p.m. with a 2 p.m. matinee
Sunday, April 17.
Pigskin Pig-Out
The 22nd annual Pigskin Pig-Out
party will take place April 15 and
16 at Dowdy-Ficklln Stadium. The
event will include carnival rides,
children's activities, fireworks, pig
cooking contests, golf and tennis
tournaments and a spring football
game. For more information call
Barefoot on the Mall
Barefoot on the mall will be held
Thursday, April 21 from 12-6 p.m.
Clubs and student organizations
join forces to make their causes
known and have fun with inflatable
games, music and dancing.
Minority Student Ball
The fourth Annual Minority Student
Ball will take place in the Murphy
Center April 23 at 8 p.m. Tickets
are $10 for singles and $15 for
couples. Contact Bridgette Joye
at for more
0DB Listening Session
There will be a listening session for
ODB's first album since his death
April 26 at 5 p.m. in Mendenhall.
Names in the news:
Catalog Model Makes It
Maybe he does have a Ken-doll
demeanor, but it looks as if former
Abercrombie & Fitch catalog boy
Ryan McPartlin has hit the big
time. According to USA Today,
the smoking 29-year-old model-
turned-actor is the hottest hunk
since Hercules. Plus, he embodies
a veritably febrile trend: sizzling
young dudes having torrid liaisons
with sultry older chicks. McPartlin
plays 47-year-old Fran Drescher's
live-in dude on WB's "Living With
Fran This makes him "Ashton-
? ishing since his character Riley
is so much like Ashton Kutcher,
who is romancing the older Demi
Moore. Forgetting the Freudian
ick-factor, McPartlin gets all Carl
Jung on us, saying the old-
gal-young-guy thing actualizes
some archetypal longing in us
all. "Everybody wonders what
it would be like if their mom
dated somebody their age said
Dlddy's Child Support
it went from $5,000 to $35,000 and
back down to $21,782, signaling
something of avictory for America's
greatest entrepreneur since John
D. Rockefeller, Sean "P. Diddy"
Combs. That'd be the monthly
child support Diddy has to pay
ex-girlfriend Misa Hylton-Brimm
for their son, Justin. Diddy was
paying only $5K for the kid until a
Westchester, NY, family court judge
awarded Hylton-Brimm $35K. But
Diddy appealed, and Thursday,
the New York Supreme Court's
Appellate Division adjusted the
amount. He was also ordered to
ante up an undisclosed amount
in back payments and Hylton-
Brlmm's legal fees. Diddy, who
pays another former girlfriend,
Kim Porter, $30,000 a month for
his other son, Christian, plans to
appeal again.
Duff Gals, Squared
In inspirational film news, Variety
says venerated American
thespian Hilary Duff ("A Cinderella
Story"), will team up for the first
time with her older, but slightly
less accomplished sister, Haylle
Duff, to make a movie inspired
by "Material Girl the classic
1980s song by distinguished
composer Madonna. "Material
Girls" will demand the Duffs flex
their already well-toned acting
muscles to play a pair of sisters
who are, urn, quite "material
Drama ensues when a corporate
scandal leaves the celebutante
heiresses virtually penniless. Most
spectacular of all, Hilary will render
her Interpretation of Madonna's
song for the soundtrack.
Gere's Help
Meanwhile, Richard Gere has
his sights on strife on another
continent: Asia. The Shall We
Dance? star has been In Israel this
week, In an effort to nudge along
the let's-give-peace-a-chance
idea. Saying this Is a "special
moment" to make peace, he
first met with Palestinian leader
Mahmoud Abbas and Israel's two
vice premiers, Shimon Peres and
Ehud Olmert. And Wednesday,
he had a talk with Israeli Foreign
Minister Silvan Shalom. "There
is a great instinct and need on
both sides of this conflict to find a
peaceful solution that Is suitable,
that Is genuine the actor said.
KidsFest: Fun for the whole family
Dennsa Noris, age four, learned about the food guide pyramid at the annual Kid Fest. Tyler Norville, age 11, energetically plays in the Inflatable bungee jump for the kids.
Laughter, smiles
and information for all
Saturday, April 9, hundreds
of televisions in the Greenville
area were conspicuously missing
young watchers. Instead of being
tapped into the Power Rangers
or Dragonball Z cartoons, a large
group of Greenville's youth were
having a ball with painted faces,
decorated plates and a heaping
helping of fun in the spring
They were at the Greenville
Convention Center with their
parents enjoying KidsFest, put on
by Greenville's local SmartStart
agency, the MartinPitt Part-
nership for Children. The Daily
Reflector, Go! Family Magazine
and the City of Greenville Rec-
reation and Parks Department
stepped up as corporate spon-
sors, and almost 90 booths were
inside and outside, packing the
convention center with smiling
faces and the sound of innocent
laughter. Puppet shows, bingo,
Spin Art, rides and other fun
events were conducted free of
charge for the children.
The parents weren't just there
to walk their children around,
however: another goal of the
event every year is to help con-
nect parents with resources
in the community. Organiza-
tions like Easter Seals UCP, the
American Red Cross, ViQuestand
Lifegains had representatives at
their booths to talk to parents
about their programs while their
children had a blast. There were
also booths staffed by some com-
munity programs that parents
may not have known were in
their area, such as a martial arts
According to Donna Austin,
the community education and
program manager for the Pitt
Martin Partnership for Children,
4,500 people came out for this
event, which was held for the
fourth consecutive year. The
event has doubled In size since
last year.
"I'm just so excited to be
able to be a part of an event that
celebrates children and families
and provides them with a con-
nection said Austin.
Former North Carolina gover-
nor Jim Hunt started SmartStart
in 1993 under an initiative. With
Students and faculty participate actively with Native American demonstrators at annual Pow-Wow.
'Pow Wow' delivers punch
Native American
demonstration is huge
Saturday, April 9 the East
Carolina Native American Orga-
nization organized a pow-wow at
the foot of College Hill. The event
drew an estimated 1,000 people
over the course of the day and
lasted from noon until 5 p.m. The
pow-wow was a demonstration
of Native American traditional
dances, cultural information and
crafts. It was open to the public
and was well received from those
who attended.
The ECNAO organized the
pow-wow in order to showcase
Native American culture. Con-
sidered one of the most diverse
groups on campus, the ECNAO
brings together many different
people in order to celebrate a
colorful culture.
This year, the pow-wow's
theme was "Uniting All Mother
Earth's Children The purpose
of the event is to educate and
inform others about the rich
and interesting history of Native
Americans. The success of the
event represents the deep appre-
ciation students and locals have
for Native American culture and
it encourages further pow-wows
and other such events.
The goal of the ECNAO is to
share information about Native
American culture with the com-
munity. The group has a lot to
offer in terms of teaching others
about the fascinating history of
America's native population and
hopes to spread understand-
ing of Native American culture
throughout the area. The ECNAO
serves as a resource for students
and residents of Greenville.
Spreading understanding and
encouraging learning is what
they hope to achieve.
"ECNAO will provide the
university and surrounding
community with programs and
activities that will expose them
to the riches of the Native Ameri-
can contribution to America's
history and culture said Tina
Richardson, the co-president of
the ECNAO.
According to Richardson,
ECU currently has 100 Native
American students, 25 of which
are members of the ECNAO. The
organization assists Native Amer-
ican's both academically and
socially, in an attempt to better
society by integrating the culture
students and non-students alike
have to offer.
Richardson points out the
contributions made by the group
by helping its students, "ECNAO
will also help ease the transition
of its members from home life to
college life by surrounding them
with others of Native American
heritage and also surrounding
them with people from other cul-
tures and ethnic groups. ECNAO
also will aid the university in
recruitment and retention of
Native American students
The way the ECNAO helps
the society is by encouraging the
growth and diversity of other cul-
tures. Increasing the knowledge
the public has of different ethnic
groups betters society as a whole
and educates and informs us all
about the contributions different
cultures have to make.
Many students attended the
pow-wow and had a fun time learn-
ing about Native American Culture.
"Learning about a different
culture was really exciting. I
watched the traditional danc-
ers and learned about the story
behind them. 1 found it interest-
ing that the outfits they had on
were made of yarn, but they used
to be made of grass. I had a great
time visiting the different stands
and learning about the crafts
and Native American artwork
that was offered said Summer
Martin, an elementary education
major and freshman at ECU.
The pow-wow contained
booths that consisted of differ-
ent jewelry, spears, dream catch-
ers and T-shirts. Students were
welcome to watch the festivities
and purchase items during the
During the traditional dances,
the announcer, Tony Clark,
shared information and history
about its cultural significance.
The Eastern Bull Women's Fancy
Dance showcased the colorful
outfits. Dancing to the beats of
the drums, the women danced
around the circle while being
'chased' by a young child with a
lollipop. The child was not sup-
posed to be a part of the act, but
the people in attendance had a
good laugh at it.
"I enjoyed watching the
dances. 1 learned a lot about a
culture I otherwise would know
very little about. It was nice to get
a view of a culture you do not see
everyday. The information was
very fascinating and I had a great
time said Chad Joyner, a senior
at ECU and geography major.
Overall, the event was a huge
success. This year was Rich-
ardson's first time heading up
the event. When she became
co-president in January, it was
understood that part of her
responsibility would include
taking charge of the pow-wow.
This year saw more people
arrive than in the past and the
overall reaction from the event
has been very positive.
"It went extremely well,
beyond my expectations Rich-
ardson said.
the pow-wow. It was certainly
something they'll never forget
This writer can be contacted at
partnerships in all 100 North
Carolina counties, SmartStart
works to provide early childhood
education funding for improving
the programs in their counties.
The MartinPitt partnership is
one of 82 partnerships estab-
lished throughout the state. The
initiative has raised more than
$200 million in donations to add
to the $192 million in state funds
it has received since it began. It
has nationally become a model
for early childhood education
The local MartinPitt partner-
ship has been working since 1998
to serve more than 12,000 chil-
dren from toddlers to age five in
those counties. According to the
partnership Web site, 36 percent
of children in Martin County
and just 29 percent of children in
Pitt County are in licensed child-
care. Their programs encourage
parents to connect with other
parents and take more of an
active role with their children in
conjunction with local agencies
and resources.
"We work with childcare pro-
viders to ensure that they have
quality childcare. There are star
ratings in childcare, five stars are
the highest, and they are regu-
lated by the state. We are not a
regulatory agency what we do
is come in and provide technical
assistance so they can get to those
five stars Austin said.
"We don't want them to be
considered 'babysitting services
We want kids to get the best pos-
sible starts
see KIDS page A6
Heifer International
ECU students aid in the
fight against poverty
Finding creative yet efficient
ways to remedy poverty and
hunger around the world is the
mission of Heifer International,
an organization which provides
impoverished families of third
world countries with animals and
"Since 1944, Heifer has pro-
vided food-and income-produc-
ing animal and training to mil-
lions of resource-poor families
in 115 countries said Heifer
International at
Heifer's initiative of supply-
ing animals mirrors the well-
known concept that if you give
a man a fish you feed him for a
day, if you teach a man to fish you
feed him for a lifetime.
"Milk, eggs, wool, draft power
and other benefits from the ani-
mals provide families with food
and income. Selected appropri-
ately and managed well, animals
improve nutrition and help
families earn money for educa-
tion, clothes, health care, better
housing and starting a small
business Heifer said.
Judging from the name, many
people assume Heifer only pro-
vides cows. However, there are
various animals that Heifer gives
as gifts. They include, but are not
limited to, cows, goats, bees, sheep,
geese, rabbits, pigs, ducks, llamas,
chickens, buffalos and camels.
Heifer uses the idea of democ-
racy to shape their program. By
doing so they allow people and
communities to make decisions
that will improve their lives as
well as the lives of others.
"As partners work together
to overcome obstacles, they
strengthen their communities
and foster democracy Heifer
"By training partners in envi-
ronmentally sound, sustainable
agriculture practices, Heifer
makes lasting change possible.
At the heart of Heifer's philoso-
phy is the commitment families
make to 'pass on the gift by
sharing one or more of their
animal's offspring with other
families in need Heifer said of
the continuing success of Heifer
"Helping others ensures dig-
nity and multiplies the benefits
of the original gift from genera-
tion to generation
ECU students are taking a
first hand look inside the driving
forces behind Heifer Interna-
tional. The Baptist Student Union
is taking a trip to Overlook Farm,
north of Boston, to find out more
about hunger, poverty and solu-
tions. They will be involved in
farm chores for about two hours
a day and learning about the
countries where the animals are
being sent.
"The BSU has been involved
in short term mission trips for
about 20 years. This year we
decided to go rural instead of
urban said Bob Clyde, a partici-
pant in the trip.
Urban areas provide students
with a more vivid glance into
the problems that face the U.S
while giving students a global
"Perhaps the missing link in
today's liberal arts education is an
understanding of the rural world.
This is an innovative way to deal
with hunger Clyde said.
The trip will take place May
9-14 and anyone is welcome to be
part of the experience. There are
only seven or eight people going
at this time, but they hope to take
a van of about 12 people.
The cost for the trip is $150.
In order to raise money for this
trip, as well as future mission
endeavors, the BSU will be hold-
ing a golf tournament on reading
day, Tuesday, April 26, to raise
money and awareness.
If anyone is interested in
participating please contact Bob
Clyde at 752-4646 or by e-mail at
"Heifer's time-tested approach
helps build stronger families,
gender equity, vibrant commu-
nities and a healthier planet
Heifer said.
For details about Heifer Inter-
national including their projects,
success stories, educational pro-
grams and how to contribute,
visit their Web site at
This writer can be contacted at

Grab your dancing shoes josbHotto
MIHH0?l&3pi IBB I.edonia J lt ?
Patrons of the Minority Student Ball enjoyed themselves in style
Minority Student Ball
During orientation, one of
the biggest issues discussed was
diversity. We were told about
how diverse ECU is and how we
should embrace it rather than
shun the idea that differences
can be respected. Well the idea
caught on and campus orga-
nizations have been created to
enhance our understanding and
acceptance of different races,
genders, sexual orientations
and religions. The organiza-
tions wanted a way to gather
together and share experiences
they encountered throughout the
year as well as look to the future
for ways to improve diversity.
From this need stemmed the
Minority Student Ball.
"It is the one time each year
all ISS organizations have the
opportunity to work together
and create a memorable event.
It originally served as a type
of award banquet to commend
academic and organizational
achievement for the minority
students at ECU said Brldgette
Joye, junior communication
major and Minority Student Ball
One of these organizations
is the Intercultural Student
"ISS is the umbrella organiza-
tion for 22 minority organizations
at ECU, including organizations
uch as the Black Student Union,
NAACP, and the nine Pan-Hel-
lenic organizations Joye said.
The ISS and the Ledonia
Wright Cultural Center are the
sponsors of the Fourth Annual
Minority Student Ball. The ball
will take place April 23 from 8
p.m. to 2 a.m. at Harvey Hall of
the Murphy Center. All students,
faculty and staff of ECU are wel-
come to attend. A large number
of people are expected to attend
this year, and organizers hope to
? fill the room to capacity.
"This year's theme is 'Pre-
miere Night It is a Hollywood-
type theme that will feature a
f red-carpet effect Joye said.
J The ball is not as formal
as prom - however, organizers
encourage everyone attending to
dress to impress and to don their
red carpet wear.
Tickets for the ball can be
purchased on the yard and in the
Ledonia Wright Cultural Center.
Prices are $10 for singles and $15
for couples.
If you are interested in becom-
ing involved in a minority orga-
nization attend an ISS meeting
to receive further information
and insight.
"ISS meets the first Thursday
of every month to discuss what
is going on in each organization,
keeping one another informed on
events and maintaining common,
unified ground between 22 sepa-
rate entities all under one group
Joye said.
This writer can be contacted at
KIDS from page A5
ECU had four groups with
booths at the event. The ECU
Early Childhood Student Organi-
zation had Play-Doh for children
to play with. ECU Recreational
Services provided summer camp
information for children who
may not have any fun activi-
ties planned for this summer.
The ECU Family Therapy Clinic
brought an "emotion wheel
The Brody School of Medicine's
Department of Pediatrics and
Children's Hospital had bubbles
and coloring books.
In addition to public orga-
nizations, many community
businesses had representatives.
Sonic, Ragazzi's, The Met, Pam-
pered Chef and Chic-fil-A pro-
vided food for the hungry kids.
The event's primary goal of
getting connections for parents
and giving the kids a great time
was achieved easily - parents
walked out with bags of bro-
chures, flyers and free things
for their children. However,
KidsFest also addressed another
problem some kids have. Accord-
ing to the Web site for the Pitt
Martin Partnership, 26.7 percent
of children ages two to four in
Pitt County are overweight. For
many children at the FunFest,
their usual daily activities would
have included sitting at home in
front of the television, contribut-
ing to the obesity epidemic but
instead they were being active
and healthy.
It also supplied more than
a lion's share of smiles and
enough Innocent laughter to
make Ebenezer Scrooge grin
from ear to ear.
For more information about
SmartStart or the PittMartin
Partnership for Children, call
756-1567, or check out their
Web sites. SmartStart's Web site
is and the Pitt
Martin Partnership for Children's
Web site is
This writer can be reached at
features@theeas tcarolinian. com.
Cdt something to soy? Send us yow Pimte Rants!
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Page A7 252.328.6366 TONY Z0PP0 Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
TUESDAY April 12, 2005
Sports Briefs
Colorado's Pledra
Colorado Rockies outfielder
Jorge Piedra was suspended
10 days Monday for violating
baseball's new policy on
performance-enhancing drugs,
becoming the second player to be
publicly identified under the major
leagues' tougher rules.
The suspension began with
the Rockies game at Arizona
Monday night, the commissioner's
office said. Piedra was recalled
from Triple-A Colorado Springs
of the Pacific Coast League on
Wednesday and sent back down
the next day.
Tampa Bay outfielder Alex
Sanchez was suspended
for 10 days last Monday. He
said he tested positive from a
supplement he bought over the
counter before Jan. 15, when it
was made a controlled substance.
Under the new policy that took
effect last month, steroids and
other performance-enhancing
substances are the only drugs
to draw a 10-day suspension.
Baseball officials and the players'
union agreed they would not
disclose the exact substance
for which a player tests positive.
The Rockies issued a statement
Monday calling the situation
UT duo charged
with assault
Tennessee quarterback Brent
Schaeffer and receiver Bret Smith
were charged with hitting a man
who was arguing with Schaeffer's
girlfriend in a campus dorm. Their
arraignments are set for April 18.
Part of Schaeffer's involvement
was caught on tape by a video
camera in the dorm lobby,
University of Tennessee police
said. Athletic department officials
were looking into the charges
and had no immediate comment
Monday. Schaeffer's lawyer didn't
immediately return call. Smith
could not be reached for comment.
Quantavios Emerson was arguing
with Schaeffer's girlfriend about
her cell phone Sunday when
Schaeffer hit Emerson in the
neck, according to an affidavit
campus police filed in court. The
document also said Schaeffer
and Emerson grabbed bats but
dropped them before hitting
anyone, then Schaeffer picked up
Emerson from behind and threw
him on the floor. Emerson struck
his head on the floor and needed
four staples to close it, authorities
said. Smith then hit Emerson while
he was on the floor, the report
said. The video showed Schaeffer
throwing Emerson to the ground.
Campus police said Smith was
not seen in the tape. Last season,
Schaeffer became the first true
freshman to start a Southeastern
Conference opener since 1945.
He and freshman Erik Ainge
were considered co-starters until
both were injured. Schaeffer, who
broke his collarbone at South
Carolina, was trying to regain the
starting job this spring with Ainge
and senior Rick Clausen. Smith
led all receivers last year as a
sophomore with five touchdown
Pavano OK to make
next start
A day after he was hit on the
head by a line drive, New York
Yankees pitcher Carl Pavano
said he should be able to make
his next scheduled start. Pavano
was hit by Melvin Mora's line drive
Sunday during New York's 7-2 loss
to Baltimore at Yankee Stadium
and sustained a mild concussion.
A CT scan and neurological tests
Sunday were normal, Yankees
physician Dr. Stuart Hershon said.
Pavano's next scheduled start is
Friday at Baltimore.
Bucs take series from No. 27 Eagles
P.J. Connelly started for the Pirate
striking out five batters in a caree
ECU earns two critical
victories over USM
It's time to stop feeling sorry
for the ECU baseball team; In
spite of the ridiculous amount of
injuries this club has faced, the
Pirates found a way to put that
aside this weekend, as they took a
crucial series from No. 27 South-
ern Miss, keeping the Diamond
Bucs postseason hopes alive.
After dropping game one
Friday night 12-6, ECU responded
with a dramatic 7-5 win Saturday,
and a convincing 10-6 victory
Sunday, fueled by an outstanding
relief effort from Kevin Rhodes.
Sunday starter P.J. Connelly,
coming off his worst outing of
the year last Wednesday at NC
State, where he gave up eight
runs in just two plus innings of
work, had a similar appearance
in game three, leaving the game
after recording just a single out,
while giving up two runs and
leaving the bases loaded.
Southern Miss in a position
to apply a strangle hold on the
rubber game of the three game
set, turned its sites to Rhodes, who
s but was roughed up and exited after just 13 of an inning, making way for Rhodes (above) who allowed just two runs on six hits while
r high seven innings. Rhodes Improved to 2-1 for the season and has an ERA just over 5.00.
had different plans for the Golden
Eagles. The junior righty cleaned
up the mess, striking out Jody
Blount, then getting DH Eddie
Burger to fly out to first, to get the
Pirates out of a huge jam.
The rest was smooth sailing
for the Buc, as he tossed a career
high seven innings, scattering six
hits and two runs, while striking
out five. His last strikeout was
perhaps the nail in the coffin, as
he struck out Eagle basher Marc
Maddox on a called strike three,
then left the game to an enormous
standing ovation, setting up Scott
Andrews in the closer role.
"You never plan on getting a
relief pitcher in there in the first
inning said Mazey.
"We sent him down to the
bullpen and he hadn't even had
his cleats on yet. But he did a
phenomenal job to keep one of
the best offensive teams in the
league at bay for seven innings.
So that was huge for us
Rhodes, despite the previ-
ously mentioned career high
in innings, looked in control
throughout his performance, as
he had great command and loca-
tion of all his pitches.
"We had to stretch Kevin out
a little further than we wanted
to Mazey said.
"But he's a tough kid, he got
tired thereat the end, he sucked it
up those last four outs he got, and
gave us everything he had. That's
really what won it for us
Continuing with a trend that
developed in the first two games
of the series, the Pirates allowed
the opposition to strike first,
putting ECU down for the third
consecutive game after the top
half of the first.
The Diamond Bucs responded
to Rhodes' rhythm on the mound,
with their own groove at the
plate, scoring a run in each of the
first two innings.
After Brian Cavanaugh opened
the bottom half of the first with a
walk, he then advanced to second
on the sacrifice bunt from fresh-
man shortstop Dale Mollenhauer.
Mike Grace then grounded out,
allowing Cavanaugh to reach
third, where he scored when
Adam Witter reached first via an
error by Eagle second baseman
Trey Sutton, cutting the lead in
half to 2-1.
Southern Miss, responded with
a run of their own in the second,
when shortstop Chris Matesich
lead off the frame with a home run
to left, pushing the lead to 3-1.
ECU wasted no time striking
back in the bottom half of the
inning. Drew Costanzo walked to
begin the bottom half, then later
scored on Jake Smith's double
down the left field line. The 3-2
score did not change in the third,
as neither team could manage a
run. I lowever, the Pirates began to
light up the board, as they scored
seven times in the next two
innings, to open up a huge lead.
With two outs in the bottom
of the fourth, Buc second base-
man Brett Lindgren-hit a hard line
drive to right for a single. Cavana-
ugh then took Eagle starter Barry
Bowden deep, unloading a titanic-
shot down the right field line that
just stayed fair, giving ECU their
first lead 4-3.
In what may be looked at
as one of the most important
innings of the season when Pirate
fans and players alike look back,
the Diamond Bucs delivered the
knock out blow to the ranked
Eagles in the fifth, when they
scored five runs to take a 9-3 lead.
Bowden gave way to reliever
Rob Burns to begin the fifth.
Burns was greeted rudely by
Grace, who immediately hit a
ball over the fence in left and
nearly onto Charles Boulevard
to open the barage for the Bucs.
Later, with the bases loaded and
no one out, freshman Ryan Peisel
singled up the middle, scoring
Witter. The Eagles, who were
now on their third pitcher of the
inning, got a key ground ball
to third that allowed Southern
Miss third baseman Beau Grif-
fin to get the force at home for
the first out. Lingren's perfectly
executed safety squeeze bunt on
a 2-1 fastball scored Smith from
third, giving the Pirates the 7-3
advantage. After Cavanaugh was
intentionally walked with first
base open, Mollenhauer con-
nected on a two RBI single to
right, to give the Bucs the fourth
and fifth runs of the inning.
The Eagles added three more
and the Pirates one more run in the
contest to close the scoring at 10-6.
Smith led the Pirates, who
improved to 18-13 and 4-8 in
Conference USA, with four hits.
In one of his few multi-hit games
of the season, Smith had an RBI,
a run scored, and even showed
patience in drawing a walk, all of
which is good news for ECU.
"It's kind of funny Mazey said.
"Jake was two for two, and he
see BASEBALL page A8
Lady Pirates 2-1 at Longwood Invitational
ECU softball program on
brink of 50-win season
The ECU softball team was
trying to get back to their win-
ning form last weekend after
being knocked off track last
Thursday in a 3-0 loss to UNC-
Chapel Hill. The Lady Pirates'
next challenge was to partake in
the Longwood Invitational.
The first game of the week-
end faced ECU against another
in-state rival, UNC-Wilmington.
The Lady Pirates were no strang-
ers to the Lady Seahawks - they
have met previously three times
this year with ECU winning all
three games. This time however,
UNCW was determined not
to lose.
UNCW jumped out to a quick
lead in the bottom of the first
inning, scoring three runs. ECU
collected one run of its own in the
top of the second but they could
not hold the Lady Seahawks from
scoring as they collected seven
runs in the bottom of the third.
UNCW went on to win the game
with the final score 11-2.
The Lady Pirates were able
to bounce back from their loss
in their next two games as they
faced Longwood College and
Radford. ECU outscored both
teams by a combined 10-0,
defeating Longwood College 7-0
and Radford 3-0.
ECU sophomore pitcher Keli
Harrell earned her 21st win of the
season in the victory over Long-
wood College. Harrell pitched
a complete game only allowing
(From left to right) Mandl Nichols, Beth Nolan and Kate Manuse goof around in the dugout during one of their 47 wins.
two hits and striking out nine.
ECU junior pitcher Stepha-
nie Hayes picked up the victory
against Radford setting her record
at 11-1. Hayes pitched the entire
game allowing only four hits in
the shutout.
On the final day of the tour-
nament ECU was pitted against
UNCW once again, only this
time it was in the semifinals
of the Invitational. The Lady
Pirates were down once again 2-1
heading into the seventh inning
when they were able to drive in
two more runs and squeeze out
the win 3-2. The win gave ECU
the right to play in the champi-
onship game against Radford.
ECU junior Krista Jessup
drove in the only run of the
championship hitting a double
in the fourth inning, to lead the
Lady Pirates to the Longwood
Invitational Championship 1-0.
ECU returns home this week-
end as they take on conference
opponent Louisville in a three
game series. The games are crucial
for third place ECU as Louisville
is currently tied for first place in
Conference USA standings. Game
time is at 1 p.m. this Saturday.
This writer can be contacted at

NBA could beckon
for Tar Heels stars
(AP) ? North Carolina easily
could be the favorite to win the
national championship again.
Then again, the Tar Heels might
not even be picked to win the
Atlantic Coast Conference.
Such is the predicament
facing coach Roy Williams, who
has one of the top recruiting
classes in the country coming to
Chapel Hill next season. For now,
that's all he knows for sure.
Williams anticipates guard
Rashad McCants will skip his
senior year to enter the NBA
draft, although no announce-
ment has been made. Fellow
juniors Sean May and Raymond
Felton have the same decision to
make - as does talented freshman
Marvin Williams - after leading
North Carolina to its first NCAA
title since 1993.
"Winning a championship
Is great, but everybody wants
to know if a guy can play or
not said Ryan Blake, the NBAs
assistant scouting director. "You
can look at poise and the way
guys step up, but those are just
other avenues for somebody to
be evaluated
May is adamant he's coming
back despite a marvelous indi-
vidual run through the tourna-
ment. In those six consecutive
victories, he averaged 22.3 points
and 10.7 rebounds while shoot-
ing 67 percent.
Twice he made all but one of
his shots from the field, includ-
ing a 10-for-ll performance
against Illinois in the final. He
finished with 26 points and 10
rebounds in that game, giving
him IS double-doubles in the
last 20 games.
At the title celebration, fans
chanted for "one more year May
told them to save their breath
because he planned to stay.
"To be honest, his stock will
probably never be higher than it
is right now said Chris Monter,
who publishes an NBA draft
newsletter five times a year and
also edits a Web site devoted to
college basketball. "He had a
great tournament, he has good,
soft hands, and he really knows
low-post positioning
Marvin Williams never
started in his first year with the
Tar Heels, but he was the first one
off the bench to give them a dom-
inating rotation of inside players.
He scored about 11 points a game,
and he had the go-ahead tip in
the championship game.
At this point, he might decide
to follow Carmelo Anthony, who
led Syracuse to the national title
as a freshman before turning
"1 think Marvin is a very
well-known player, even though
he wasn't a starter. That one
year really helped him Monter
Williams, May and the rest
of the team certainly benefited
from Felton's presence at point
guard. As the only member of
the team to average more than
30 minutes of playing time, he
was indispensable.
In fact, when Felton was
suspended for the season opener
against Santa Clara for playing in
an unsanctioned summer league
game, the Tar Heels lost badly.
His quickness and court vision
helped them lead Division I with
88 points a game.
He also changed the form
of his jumper to become a true
perimeter threat. Felton made
only 34 percent of his 3-point-
ers during his first two seasons,
but improved to 44 percent as a
"This could be a pretty deep
draft at point guard, particularly
if all the point guards from the
ACC come out Monter said. "He
certainly would be one of the first
ones taken
According to Monter, if all
the North Carolina underclass-
men enter the draft, McCants
would be the last one selected.
He sacrificed his scoring for most
of the season to become a better
all-around player, and he still
finished second on the team with
an average of 16 points.
McCants met with Roy Wil-
liams in January, when they
decided he most likely would
head to the NBA. The coach plans
to meet with the others soon.
"Marvin, I've heard him say
that he'd really love to stay, but
he and I are going to sit down and
talk Williams said last week in
St. Louis. "Sean has said publicly
he is coming back, but we'll sit
down and talk there as well
Report news students need to know. tec
Accepting applications for SWflF WRITERS
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BSSebSlI from page A7
came up in a bunt situation, and I
actually gave him the bunt sign.
Then when they changed pitchers, 1
took it off. I said 'Jake, I don't know
that you've had two hits in one
game all year. I said 'We've got to try
and go for three, that'll be your per-
sonal record We kind of laughed
about it, but the truth is he could be
really important to this team if he
gets hot
The Pirates snapped a three
game skid in game two, win-
ning a nail-biter 7-5. ECU scored
the go ahead run in the bottom
of the eighth on a double by
Adam Witter that brought home
pinch runner Billy Richardson.
Freshman TJ. Hose, in his first
career start, tossed 6.1 innings,
allowed four runs on eight hits,
while walking three and striking
out one. Scott Andrews was the
beneficiary of the late inning heroics
from Witter, and picked up the win
as he went 1.2, allowing two hits and
striking out two. Sophomore Mike
Flye came on in the ninth, to earn
his first save of the season.
Jamie Ray led the Pirates with
three hits. Ryan Peisel drove in
three runs to go along with his
two hits and a run scored and
Witter also collected two hits.
Coach Mazey feels like this
team may be beginning to learn
how to play through injuries and
turn the corner and finish strong
down the stretch.
"I don't think we've ever
stopped believing Mazey said.
"That's the nature of ECU
Baseball, we never give up, we
always play hard and we fight
until the last out. We're fight-
ing through some adversity
right now, but if we continue
to fight and continue to fight,
good things are going to happen.
It's satisfying as a coach to see
good things happen to kids
that work hard, cause you tell
them all the time if you work
hard, good things will happen,
and the proof is in the pudding
this weekend
ECU returns to action Wednes-
day, as they host bitter rival North
Carolina. The Tar Heels, who are
ranked seventh in the nation in
the latest Baseball America poll,
have won 12of their last 13 games,
and currently sit in second place
in the ACC standings behind No.
4 Georgia Tech. Mazey and the
boys know this could be a huge
win when selection Sunday rolls
around in a couple of months.
"Now's a good time to be
playing them Mazey said.
"We're feeling pretty good
about ourselves, and we got some
momentum. We're swinging the
bats pretty good the last couple
of games, so it's going to be a big
game for us. We need to win these
midweek games over tough teams.
If we've got a chance to get into the
postseason, we have to win games
like that. So, it's going be the big-
gest game of the year to date
Game time is scheduled for 7
p.m. The game is expected to sell
out, but tickets are still available.
This writer can be contacted at
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Green Mill Run Apartments
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One Block From ECU
? I Bedroom1 Bath
?2 Bedroom I III Bath
?6 month lease
?Swimming pool
?No Pets
?Adequate Parking -
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?Private patios
?Laundry facility located on premises
?FREE cable, water & sewer
?Nice and quiet neighborhood
GO Verdant Dr.752-3519
? 1 k 2 Bedrooms, I Hath
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Page A9
3 Bedroom hoi
from ECU. 8041
4th. St.) Everyth
air, new kitchen
bathrooms, ne
dishwasher etc.
One, Two, Thrt
houses walking 1
OK Fenced Yard
531-5701 Availab
Walk to Campu:
HeatAir. Very s
square feet of liv
with hardwood
screened in back
washerdryer r
internet, cable
included. Availat
108 Stancil. Stu
Class. 3BR1BA
WD hookups, I
Available first of I
Kiel at 341-8331.
2 Bedroom hous
between 4th anc
inside, washer ar
to campus. Crea
1 & 2 bedroorr
distance to cam
ok no weight limi
Call today for s(
Now accepting a
and fall semesl
locations: Captaii
Hill, and Univ
Hearthside Rente
Looking for sorro
1 to 2 months o
or July. Walking
bdrm 1 12 bat
sewer cable inter
412-7393 or 910-
For Rent - 2 be
duplex, central aii
distance to ECU.
w fee. Call 353-2
Pinebrook Apt. 7
dishwasher, GD,
ECU bus line, 6,9 (
allowed. High sp
Rent includes wal
Walk to Campi
Newfy Renovate
Hardwood flo
appliances, very 1
Adam 412-8973.
Apartment in Pir;
Preferably a girl. I
is J375, first mon
me Allison at 757
or jus

-) fe-
Page A9
TUESDAY April 12, 2005
3 Bedroom house for rent one block
from ECU. 804 Johnston Street (next to
4th. St.) Everything is new; new central
air, new kitchen, new appliances, new
bathrooms, new washer dryer, new
dishwasher etc. Super nice. $950 Call
One, Two, Three and Four Bedroom
houses walking distance from ECU Pets
OK Fenced Yard Central Heat AC Call
531-5701 Available Summer and Fall
Walk to Campus! 6 Bedrooms. Central
HeatAir. Very spacious - about 3000
square feet of living space. Living room
with hardwood floors, dining room,
screened in back porch, nice back yard,
washerdryer hook up. High speed
internet, cable and alarm system all
included. Available August 1 st. Call Mike
108 Stancil. Student Speciall Walk to
Class. 3BR1BA Duplex. HW floors,
WD hookups, Pets allowed with fee.
Available first of May. J650month. Call
Kiel at 341-8331.
2 Bedroom house for rent on Elm Street
between 4th and 5th Streets. Really nice
inside, washer and dryer included, walk
to campus. Great house. Available June
1st for $650. Call 341-8331
1 St 2 bedroom apartments, walking
distance to campus, WD conn pets
ok no weight limit free water and sewer.
Call today for security deposit special
Now accepting applications for summer
and fall semesters at the following
locations: Captain's Quarters, Sycamore
Hill, and University Terrace. Call
Hearthside Rentals at 355-2112.
Looking for someone to take over final
1 to 2 months of lease beginning June
or July. Walking distance to campus 2
bdrm 1 12 bath $640month water
sewer cable internet included. Call 252-
412-7393 or 910-545-3071
For Rent - 2 bedroom 1 bath brick
duplex, central air, Stancil Drive. Walking
distance to ECU. $540month. Pets OK
wfee. Call 353-2717
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015 1&2 BR apts,
dishwasher, GD, central air & heat, pool,
ECU bus line, 6,9 or 12 month leases. Pets
allowed. High speed internet available.
Rent includes water, sewer, & cable.
Walk to Campus and Downtown I
Newly Renovated 2 bedroom duplex.
Hardwood floors, new kitchen
appliances, very nice. 111 Holly St. Call
Adam 412-8973. $425 Total Rent.
Apartment in Pirates Cove for sublease.
Preferably a girl. Utilities included. Rent
is $375, first month free. Please contact
me Allison at 757-617-3240.
3 BR3 BA condo - University Terrace
$975month includes WasherDryer,
WaterSewage, on ECU bus route. Very
clean! Call Theresa at 752-9387.
Walk to campus or ride campus transit.
Clean 3BR 1 BATH - Willow St. (Beside
Tar River Estates). WD included, heat
AC, ceiling fans, hardwood floors,
excellent management. $625month.
Call (252)375-6447.
3 BR, 3 BA, LR, Kitchen, Laundry with
WD. Dishwasher 1 st floor, Patio, Central
heatair, lots of parking, 6 blocks from
ECU, available May 2005, Brownlea Dr.
Call 252-240-1889.
Blocks to ECU, Pre Leasing, Houses
- All sizes, Available May, June,
luly, U August - Call 321-4712 OR
Walk to Campus! 1-2bkxks! Central Heat
Air. Large bedrooms, washerdryer hook
up. High speed internet, cable and alarm
system all included. 3 bedroom available
May 1st. 3 & 4 bedroom units available
August 1st Nice 1 bedroom apartments
with extra studio office (perfect for
couples) Aug 1st. Call Mike 439-0285.
Elkin Ridge Townhome for rent in quiet
cul-de-sac. 1.5 baths, fenced patio, gas
logs. $650 rent $650 deposit. Call
756-5896 or 717-0107.
Pirates Cove Apartment for rent for summer
months. Fully furnished and all inclusive for
$360 a month. Indudes private bedroom
and bath. Call Maegan at 252-813-2234
for details.
3 Bedroom 2 Bath University area.
Remodeled. All gas, washer dryer,
hardwood floors, parking. Very nice. No
Dogs $930 Available 61 752-3816
3 Bedroom 2 12 Bath Townhome.
Spacious, 1 12 miles from ECU. On
Busline, Pool, AC, Dishwasher, carpet, no
pets. Available July 1st Call 252-717-1028
or 910-358-5018 $650mo.
3 BR1 BA duplex for rent. Close to
campus with washerdryer, kitchen
appliances, and fenced back yard. Pets
ok. Available August 1, but flexible
with move in date and deposit. $650 a
month. Call Andrew? 752-6859.
Walk to Campus! 1 Bedroom Apt. at
Captain's Quarters Starting at $375.
Includes cable, water, and sewer. Now
accepting applications for summer
and fall semesters. Hearthside Rentals,
Near ECU 107-A Stancil Dr. 3 BR, 1 BA
washerdryer, dishwasher, refridgerator,
stove, central HA. ceiling fans. $600mo
1 Needed to be housemate with
professional female. Located in Stokes,
20 minutes from downtown. Very quiet
and peaceful area. No close neighbors
must have transportation. 3BD 1 BATH
Central HeatAir. No deposit required.
Total rent $400 monthly. Available
immediately. Call 531-4064.
218 A Wyndham Circle 2 Bedroom 2
Bath Duplex Close to ECU Available in
une No Pets Call 252-714-1057 or 252-
756-2778 $625 Monthly
Houses for rent. Walk to campus. Brick
homes with central HA. Available May
15, June 1st and Aug. 1st. Call for appt.
259-0424, leave message if no ans.
Walk to campus, 3 bedrooms, 1 12
baths, hardwood floors, ceiling fans.
All kitchen appliances, washerdryer,
storage shed, attic, large frontback
yard, $650.00 per month. Available
August 1st. Meade Street, 341-4608.
Pirate's Cove; Four rooms, same unit
available for individual subleases: May
une )uly. $370 all inclusive! Tons of
amenities! Willing to negotiate. Call
Elizabeth (252) 757-0328
Spacious 2 Bedroom Apt. WaterSewer
Heat included. Located at 2402 East 3rd
St. Small pet allowed with deposit. May
special -O- down & 1 st Rent of $400 due
une 1st. Too Good to be true? Come
check these out! Call 758-7575 Kingston
Rentals for more details.
2 female roommates needed to share
3BR2BA Condo in Forbes Woods
beginning in July. $230 rent includes
water, sewage, cable. 252-327-2741 or
Female roommate needed to share four
Bedroom two Bathroom house. Walk to
campus $425 monthly rent includes rent
and all utilities. Room available May-July.
Call (336) 918-8871
Need a place for the summer? I need
someone to sublease my apartment.
11th Street, walk to campus, pet friendly,
hardwood floors. Rent $287 12 utilities.
704-437-1842 adb0806d1 ?
2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4 Sale Great
Condition Slate Blue with grey Interior
Roof Rack, Towing Package, Alloy
Wheels, CD Player, and much more.
$69,000 Miles $12,525 Negotiable
Contact: (724)288-0337
Experienced sitter needed to care for
creative 7-year old girl beginning May
31. Sitter must be available by noon
M-F and must have driver's license, car,
and excellent references. (Passion for
playing Barbie helpful, but not required)
Call 531-9426
Primrose School - Raleigh N.C is looking
to hire qualified Child Development
graduates. Great compensation
package. Fax resume to 919-329-2930
or call 919-329-2929. EOE
Paid Democracy Internship: Help
continue the civil rights and voting rights
movements. Greenville and Charlotte
summer internships for undergrads.
Pays $2000. Contact: www.democracy- or 888-687-8683 xt. 16
Day camp counselors and supervisors,
tennis and swim instructors - June
9- July 29 Assistant pool manager
and lifeguards (certification required)
for city pool and Aquatics and Fitness
Center pool late May-uly Most jobs
30 hours per week $6.50-$10.00 per
hour Contact 329-4542 for further
information A complete listing of
Summer Jobs & online application
available at (Click
on Job Opportunities link) or apply
at City of Greenville before April 15
-Human Resources, 201 Martin Luther
King Jr. Dr P.O. Box 7207, Greenville,
NC, 27835-7207
Active Handicapped Male Needs
Personal Attendant 7-10 am M-F and
Every Other Weekend. Duties Include
Bathing, Dressing, etc. Call 756-9141
Tiara Too Jewelry Colonial Mall Part-
Time Retail Sales Associate Day and
Night Hours Must be in Greenville
Year Round Apply in Person
Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth baseball coaches for the spring
t-ball program. Applicants must possess
a good knowledge of baseball skills
and have the ability and patience to
work with youth. Hours are from 3:30
pm to 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday with
some weekend coaching. Flexible
hours according to class schedules. This
program will run from April 18 - early
June. Salary start at $6.25 per hour.
Apply at the City of Greenville, Human
Resources Department, 201 Martin L.
King Dr. Phone 329-4492. For more
information, please contact the Athletic
Office at 329-4550, Monday through
Friday, 10 am until 7 pm.
Barefoot Bemie's Bar & Grill located on
the Outer Banks is now hiring for ALL
full and part time positions. Competitive
wages & great work environment! Please
call 252-251-1008 or email resume to You may
also go to our website at Barefootbernies.
com for an application.
Bartending! $250day potential. No
experience necessary. Training provided.
(800) 965-6520 ext. 202.
Lifeguards, Swim Instructors and
Coaches. Greenville, Farmville, Wilson,
Goldsboro, Ayden, Atlantic Beach. Call
Bob, 714-0576.
Attention College Students National
Company 80 years in business
now recruiting for Part-time work.
Opportunity for $300-500 per week.
Only hard workers need apply. Call 756-
3861 10-5p.m. only for appointment.
Spring Break 2006. Travel with STS,
America's 1 Student Tour Operator
to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapuico,
Bahamas, and Florida. Now hiring on-
campus reps. Call for group discounts.
InformationReservations 1 -800-648-
4849 or
Need FTbut only have PT hours
available? I am looking for individuals
to help me spread the word about VOIP.
Earn up front money and residuals.
Graduate with a degree and an ever
increasing income stream. Get paid
every month for what you do today.
Call to learn more about this exciting
opportunity. 252-558-4284.
Need a job? We are looking for
responsible people to fill positions for
this summer and onward. Part time
positions are available for all shifts. Food
service experience is desirable. Call Chris
at the Tropical Smoothie Cafe for an
interview: 252-531-2996.
Want to work at the beach this summer?
Clawsons Restaurant in Beaufort is
seeking summer employees for all
positions. Visit www.dawsonsrestaurant.
com for application. Callemail EOE
252-728-2133 Great money for a little
commute to the beach!
Food Delivery Drivers Wanted for
Restaurant Runners Part-time
Position. Some lunch time and
weekend availability required. Reliable
transportation a must. Call 756-5527
Between 2-5 and leave message if
necessary. Greenville Residents only.
Sorry no dorm students.
Work Hard, Play Hard, Change Lives! Girls
resident camp looking for counselors,
wranglers, lifeguards, boating staff,
crafts, nature, unit leaders, business
managers, and health supervisor. $200-
340week! May 28-Aug 7. Free Housing! Contact (336)
861-1198 or
We are currently accepting applications
for student office assistant in the radio
station at ECU. This position is for the
first summer session only. Interested
students should be good in math and
attention to detail. Come by the office
in the basement of Mendenhall Student
Center for an application. Deadline is
April 20, 2005.
The girls of ADPi would like to say a
huge thank you to Lambda Chi for our
wonderful tailgate. You all are always a
pleasure to be with!
The girls of ADPi would like to invite the
entire ECU & Greenville public to come
out on April 15, 2005 to our first pie-a-
pi & BBQ, for just $1 you can throw a
pie in your favorite pi's face, enjoy great
BBQ St support the Ronald McDonald
House! See you there!
Congratulations to our Sister of the
Week Rebecca Harbin Love the sisters
of Alpha Xi Delta
Co-ed Closet Chaos! High Fashion at
Low Prices. Downtown Greenville next
to Scores. All proceeds benefit the Family
Violence Center. Tuesday-Saturday.
round Biliiiifcyi
Is looking (or PACKAGE: HANDLERS lo load ?n
and unload trailers for ihc .AM shift hours 4 AM lo
HAM. $7.50 hour, tuition assistance available after
30 days Future career opportunities in munagemeni
possible. Applications can be filled out ul 2411)
United Drive (near the aquatics center) Grrcnville.
? of poor maintenance response
? of unrcturncd phone calls
? of noisy neighbors
?of crawly critters
? of high utility bills
? of ECU parking hassles
? of ungrateful landlords
? of unanswered questions
? of high rents
? of grumpy personnel
? of unfulfilled promises
? of units that were not cleaned
? of walls that were never painted
? of appliances thai don't work
Wyndham Court &
Eastgate Village Apts.
561-RENT or 561-7679
w w w.pimuclepropcrty
I Need reliable,
energetic people to
monitor crops from
May through August.
Must be 19 or have
one year of college.
Learn to ID weeds,
i insects and other
field conditions. We
train! Hourly Miles.
Mall or fax resume
Cove City, NC. 28523
Fan: 252-637 2125
Whether you re boogie-boarding in Baja, catching a wave on the Carolina coast,
or just hanging out by the pool, UNCG's Summer Session is as close as your computer.
Surf's Up this summer at
UNCG Summer Session Online

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The East Carolinian, April 12, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 12, 2005
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