The East Carolinian, April 7, 2005

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Volume 80 Number 73
April 7, 2005
Students arrested for
identity theft, fraud
Suspects could spend
time in prison
Two ECU students were
arrested March 28 for stealing
and using another student's
credit cards at Victoria's Secret
and Trade Mart in January.
Major Frank Knight of the
ECU Police Department said
a 21-year-old female student
went to the Student Recreation
Center Jan. 17 and left her wallet
unattended. Two other female
students, both 18, picked up the
wallet and asked if it belonged to
anyone in the room. When no
one answered, they left with it.
The wallet contained credit
cards from Victoria's Secret, Shell,
Chase and a Credit Union debit
card. The two women went to Vic-
toria's Secret and Trade Mart before
throwing the credit cards away.
The 21-year-old victim
reported her wallet missing to
the check-in area at the SRC and
personnel called the police.
Knight said police back-
tracked by looking at a surveil-
lance video from the SRC and
interviewing witnesses. Police
were able to identify two suspects
the next day but had additional
work to complete before calling
them in.
"By the time we got through
all the interviews it was March
28 said Knight.
Police called the two suspects
to the station and they were
arrested for financial card theft,
financial identity fraud, larceny
of a wallet and larceny of finan-
cial cards.
"Student number one admit-
ted to most of the crime
the second suspect admitted to
everything Knight said.
They were taken to the mag-
istrate's office and each were
released under $25,000 unse-
cured bonds, meaning they do
not have to pay any money unless
they miss their court date.
Knight said such a crime can
lead to time in prison, but the
punishment could be less severe
if this is their first offense.
"The first time around they'll
probably make restitution, have
some form of probation and some
sort of counseling Knight said.
These arrests are just one of
many financial card thefts in
the last couple of weeks at ECU.
At least four financial card theft
instances were reported to ECU
police between March 28 and
April 1. An ARAMARK cashier
was also arrested one month ago
for identity theft and identity
fraud when she kept and used
cards from her customers.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Uptown Greenville
revitalization underway
Various new business openings and construction projects are taking place in Uptown Greenville in an effort to improve the economic
development of the area along with the standard of living. These efforts would ultimately benefit both Greenville and ECU.
New businesses
help revitalize area
A revitalization of Uptown Greenville
is underway with a number of new busi-
nesses and attractions making the area a
more appealing destination.
Crucial to the revitalization effort is
the recent securing of downtown develop-
ment bonds that will provide funding to
improve the uptown area.
Don Edwards, owner of U.B.E has
taken an active role in the revitalization
effort and hopes to improve the standard
of living in town. Edwards noted college
towns like Boulder, Colo, and Austin, Texas
are among the best places in the country to
live and said Greenville has the potential to
join that category on a smaller scale.
"We want to achieve that in Greenville
on a smaller stage said Edwards.
In recent months, a number of new
businesses that provide uptown with vari-
ety and a fresh feel have opened their doors.
On Evans Street, a new coffee house
called Via Cappuccino is neighbored by
the Tipsy Teapot, a new tearoom. Just up
the street from the two businesses, the
antiquated Blount-Harvey building is
under renovation.
Another factor contributing to the
revitalization of the area, Edwards said,
is a change in the bar district, such as the
addition of a dueling-piano bar called Cafe
Caribe and the addition of outdoor seating
at Chico's.
"What we're seeing is an evolution of
more and better businesses Edwards said.
Still in the planning stage is a hotel
that would service the area.
see UPTOWN page A7
What do you think about
the city ordinance?
�Jh -
"Stupid because people
need places to live
"The more people living in a place
would cut down on expenses
"It's terrible. If the apart-
ment can hold that many,
why can't they?"
An law restricting more than three unrelated persons sharing a residence has been questioned.
City task force formed, strives to
improve student living conditions
Residence ordinances
under question
Efforts to preserve neigh-
borhoods in Greenville have
been made by the city council,
who formed the task force on
preservation of neighborhoods
and housing and asked them to
address several Issues impacting
students and Greenville residents.
At a Feb. 21 city council meet-
ing, some of the findings of the
task force were presented, leading
to a negative response from some
area landlords.
Some of the suggestions were
rezoning multi-family areas into
single-family areas, creating a
rental property database that
tracks violations and enforcement
activity and allowing ticketing
for non-amplified human voices.
Each suggestion carries with
it a cost to enforce.
Tim Ferruzzi, owner of Pirate
Stuff and Handy Helpers, owns
16 properties, which he rents out
to college students in the area
around ECU. He said these sug-
gestions all seem to be made with
the intention of squeezing college
students and landlords out of the
areas near ECU.
After hearing about the sug-
gestions offered at the city coun-
cil meeting from another land-
lord, Ferruzzi helped organize
the SO-plus member Landlord
Association to protect the inter-
ests of renters in the area.
"We have issues with some
of the items they consider perti-
nent said Ferruzzi.
"We felt as landlords that
if we didn't stand up, these
things would work their way in
A main effort in the task force
is combating the ordinance, stating
more than three unrelated persons
cannot share the same residence.
Ferruzzi said it is to his under-
standing that this ordinance is
outdated and is no longer needed
in today's society. Renting a four
to five person house to only
three students puts both students
and landlords in an impractical
financial situation.
"No one can afford it Fer-
ruzzi said.
The idea of rezoning property
would put a limit on what an
owner could do with his prop-
erty, such as the ability to turn
a couple of properties into thin
row-houses, Ferruzzi said.
Ferruzzi said the database
would create problems for land-
lords by allowing anyone with a
vendetta to register complaints,
valid or not.
The ticketing for non-ampli-
fied voices is an issue that would
be sure to create controversy in
neighborhoods around ECU.
see TASK page A7
Academic Affairs, �
Student Life partner to
improve retention rates
Two offices examine
multiple related factors
ECU is conglomerating mul-
tiple university functions to
improve retention rates and help
students achieve more during
their college careers.
Donald Joyner, assistant vice
chancellor for academic affairs,
and Alfred Smith, assistant vice
chancellor for student develop-
ment, are partnering in order
to make an increased effort to
alleviate the situation.
The idea is to get academics
involved with Student Life and
Campus Living in order to moti-
vate students. If the two offices
reinforce one another, more
problem areas for students can
be addressed.
Smith said collaboration
between academic and student
affairs was a logical extension
of what ECU already does with
student intervention. There are
many operations involved with
"It is imperative we work
together to retain students and not
only retain them, but to help them
succeed academically said Joyner.
Offering quality advising and
giving students a sense of belong-
ing and clear career direction is
how they want to retain students
and make them more qualified.
"The success students have
academically has a lot to do with
what happens outside the class-
room Joyner said.
Smith said there have been
surveys given to students in
order to investigate some of the
factors that lead to academic
struggles. The survey yielded
students have the most difficulty
with stress, test taking and poor
"We give the students a survey
and say, 'tell us what you think
the factors are said Smith.
Joyner gave an example of
how different university groups
can combat academic prob-
lems. He said academic difficulty
reports evaluate freshmen stu-
dents and provide information
to Campus Living and dormitory
officials try to help students.
Freshmen are evaluated on
test performance, class atten-
see ACADEMIC page A3
ffc Partnership
ECU Counseling Center
Study results have yielded:
- Among students on academic
probation, 92 percent questioned
said they spend less than 10 hours
per week studying.
- 32.5 percent attributed a great
extent of their problems to stress.
- 28.1 percent say test taking Is a
great extent of their problems.
' 27.6 percent say poor attendance
is a great extent of their problems.
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classified: A8 I Opinion: A4 I Living: Bl I Sports: B5

' LeWS
Page A2 252.328. 6366
NICK HENNE News Editor KRISTIN DAY Assistant News Editor
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
will be held every Thursday at 11:30
a.m. in 14 Mendenhall Student
Center. For more information, call
Med-Law Classic
The Pitt County Health Education
Foundation is sponsoring the
2005 Med-Law Classic April 7 at 6
p.m. in Minges Coliseum. Witness
this annual event between
physicians and attorneys as
they compete on the basketball
court. Bring the entire family for
other entertainment such as
prizes, children's games, food and
more. Contact 758-8833 for more
Safety Awards
The Greenville-Pitt County
Chamber of Commerce and the
NC Department of Labor are
sponsoring the 17th Annual Safety
Awards Banquet April 7 at 6:30 pm
in the Greenville Hilton. The banquet
is in recognition of businesses and
industries whose programs In
accident prevention and records in
safety qualify them for awards. For
more information, call 752-4101.
Queen Anne's
A scientific symposium to review
research involving artifacts
discovered at the wreck of what
could be Queen Anne's Revenge,
the flagship of Blackboard, will
be held at ECU throughout the
day Friday, April 8 at the Willis
Building. For more information,
visit or contact Mark
Wilde-Ramsing at 726-6841.
Someone's Sister
Someone's Sister, the acoustic
guitar group that played during
the intermission of the Vagina
Monologues, has a number of
local performances during the
next month. The group plays
April 7 at 7 p.m. at the Scl-tech
Auditorium at ECU and opens
for Michelle Cliff as part of the
Southeastern Women's Studies
Association Conference.
Undergraduate studies is holding
the Undergraduate Research and
Creative Activities Symposium
Friday, April 8 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
in MSC on the second floor. The
symposium will present original
research in fine arts, humanities
and cultural issues, biological
and public health sciences, social
sciencesliied health, chemistry
and industrial technology.
Public Lecture
The Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center, department of history,
department of political science,
the African Studies Committee
and the office of the vice
chancellor of academic affairs
are sponsoring a lecture entitled
"Rwanda: Before and After the
Genocide" April 8 at 2 p.m. in 209
Science and Technology Building.
Catharine Newbury, professor of
government at Smith College, will
be presenting the lecture.
Contra Dance
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers are sponsoring a contra
dance Saturday, April 9 at the
Willis Building at First and Reade
Streets. Potluck dinner is at 6 p.m
a concert at 7 p.m beginners
lesson at 7:30 p.m. and the contra
dance from 8 - 10:30 p.m. Live,
old-time and Celtic music will
be performed by a string band
The cost of admission is $3 for
students, $5 for FASG members
and $8 for the general public. For
more Information, call 752-7350.
National Security
The office of military programs
and the security studies program
at ECU is sponsoring "National
Security Challenges of the 21st
Century a panel discussion by the
Army War College's Elsenhower
Series College Program Tuesday,
April 12 3:30 - 5 p.m. in room SZ
C307 Science and Technology
Building. For more information
please contact Rick Kilroy at 328-
2349 at kilyroyr�
Want your event printed in 7EC?
Please send your announcements
with date, time, location and
contact Information to assistantne
News Briefs
Hickory mayor wants to
restrict speech In town
HICKORY, NC - The mayor of Hickory
wants a city ordinance that would
restrict the use of obscene words on
T-shirts and bumper stickers.
Mayor Rudy Wright made the
suggestion Tuesday after recently
seeing a young man wearing a T-shirt
with an obscene word.
It was "the one unspeakable word
said Wright. "Ive never seen that and
I've been to places a lot bigger than
He said he also saw the same word
on a bumper sticker on a car parked
at a restaurant In town.
"Where are we going to draw the
line?" he asked. There is no line
The mayor suggested that city
attorneys review the strictest
municipal law in the country regarding
free speech.
Council attorney John Crone said
cities struggle to legislate free
There is a fine line about free speech
and what a governing body can do
said Crone.
"I'm not a prudish person, but there
Is a limit to this type of stuff Wright
said after the meeting. "I'll tell a dirty
joke In a heartbeat, but this was
The mayor also told the council he
recently went into an adult shop to
research a complaint He would like
a sign at the store's entrance that
says no one under the age of 18 is
allowed Inside.
NC lottery vote could come
Wednesday, but delays possible
RALEIGH, NC - The state House
could vote on whether to start a
NC lottery as early as Wednesday
afternoon, House Speaker Jim Black
said Tuesday, but there could be
plenty of reasons for a delay.
Lottery supporters and opponents
say there still don't appear to be
enough votes to pass a bill, the details
of which were still being worked out
by leaders of a committee hand-
picked by Black.
"I'm still thinking about Wednesday"
for a floor vote, Black said. But he'd
be willing to wait, especially if he
doesn't have the 61 votes necessary
for a majority.
"I've let things roll over for a week or
more he said.
Opponents sounded confident that
they could withstand a Wednesday
"If our Republican members are here
tomorrow, it will be defeated said
House Minority Whip Mitch Gillespie,
John Rustin, a lobbyist with the NC
Family Policy Council, added: "We
are confident that the majority of
members in the House will oppose
the lottery
Lottery supporters, however, believe
the vote Is close, with only two or
three votes separating them from
victory. A dozen legislators or fewer
appear undecided.
The outcome Is "left to be determined
said Rep. Stephen LaRoque, R-Lenoir,
one of a handful of GOP members
who support the lottery.
Hundreds mourn Terri Schlavo
In Florida at funeral Mass
GULFPORT, Fla. - Speaking before
hundreds of mourners at a funeral
Mass planned by her parents, Terri
Schiavo's sister said the severely
brain damaged woman showed
the world perseverance and
Suzanne Vitadamo, whose family
fought to keep Schiavo's husband
from removing her feeding tube so
she could die, said Schiavo's smile
brought them great joy and she
missed her.
"You didn't want to give up but God
called you home and he loves you
more than we do Vitadamo said
Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary
Schindler, sat In the front row of Most
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
joined by their two other grown
children. Outside, mourners sat In
folding chairs or stood as the service
was relayed on loudspeakers. At least
800 people attended.
In the homily, the Rev. Frank Pavone,
national director of the anti-abortion
group Priests For Life, urged mourners
to keep striving for what the late Pope
John Paul II called a "culture of life
"God calls us to go forth from this
place to work together, to preach,
to proclaim and witness together so
what happened in this tragic case will
never happen again Pavone said to
a raucous round of applause.
A table beside the altar held a photo
of Schlavo taken in the 1980s before
she suffered brain damage, one of the
pictures widely shown in the last days
of the protracted right-to-die case. A
photo and gold bust of the pope also
were on the table.
Schiavo's parents had opposed her
cremation and hoped to bury her in
their adopted state of Florida. But her
husband, Michael Schlavo, ordered
her cremation and said her ashes
would be buried in his family's plot
in Pennsylvania, the state where
Terri Schlavo grew up and where the
couple met.
Ex-maid testifies she saw
Jackson showering with little boy
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - A former maid
for Michael Jackson said she once
entered the pop star's bedroom and,
through bathroom steam, saw him
showering with a boy who often slept
in the pop star's bed.
The woman, who was Jackson's
personal maid for about five years
and whose son settled a molestation
claim with the singer, told of seeing
Jackson in the shower with a boy
about 8 years old who frequently
stayed at Neverland.
"Are you aware of him staying
anywhere other than in Michael
Jackson's bedroom?" asked
prosecutor Ron Zonen.
"No said the woman, speaking with a
Spanish accent "He stay there
The woman was called to the stand
in Jackson's child molestation trial
Tuesday after her son came under
tough cross-examination about
his story of being molested three
times more than a decade ago. He
received a $2.4 million settlement
from Jackson in 1994 after claiming
the pop star groped him.
The woman was part of a prosecution
effort to show that Jackson has a
pattern of molestation or inappropriate
behavior with boys, which could add
credibility to the current accuser's
molestation allegations.
Jackson is accused of molesting
a 13-year-old cancer survivor in
February or March of 2003. The case
was scheduled to resume Thursday
after a break Wednesday.
U.S. military helicopter crashes In
Afghanistan, kills at least five
KABUL, Afghanistan - A U.S. military
helicopter crashed in southeast
Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing
at least five people including four
American crew members, the military
An Afghan official said, however,
that nine bodies had been found so
far and all were wearing American
Bad weather appeared to have
caused the crash of the Chinook
helicopter near Ghaznl city, 80 miles
southwest of the capital, Kabul,
military spokeswoman Lt. Cindy
Moore told The Associated Press.
She said the helicopter, carrying at
least one passenger as well as the
four crew members, was one of two
Chinooks flying to the main American
base at Bagram, north of Kabul, when
controllers lost radio contact with the
doomed aircraft.
"Indications are it was bad weather
and that there were no survivors
Moore said.
The identity of the passengers was
not Immediately released.
Abdul Rahman Sarjang, the chief of
police in Ghazni, said the helicopter
came down at about 2:30 p.m. near
a brick factory three miles outside the
city and burst Into flames. U.S. troops
rushed to cordon the area to look for
any survivors, he said.
Suspected rebels force their way
Into house with bus passengers
SRINAGAR, India - Two suspected
Islamic militants launched an attack
Wednesday against the biggest
India-Pakistan peace gesture in
decades, storming into a government
guest house holding more than two
dozen passengers of the first bus
across divided Kashmir, police and
witnesses said.
Both attackers were killed and at
least three people were wounded,
but all the bus passengers were safe,
said Director-General of Police Gopal
Sharma, the state's police chief.
Most of the sprawling quadrangular
building was gutted by 100-feet high
flames and smoke poured out of
windows as people jumped from the
ground floor assisted by soldiers. The
heat was so intense that firefighters
could not enter the building.
It was the biggest attack yet against
the bus service, set to be inaugurated
Thursday by Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh. It will connect
Srinagar and Muzaffarabad, the
capitals of the Himalayan region
divided for decades between India
and Pakistan.
No one claimed responsibility for
the attack. However four Islamic
militant groups, fighting Indian
security forces in Kashmir since
1989, have threatened to disrupt the
bus service.
Studies indicate young adults
show higher tolerance rates
Racial, sexual preference
groups gaining approval
Students view the game in the newly constructed jungle.
ECU community
responds to new
baseball stadium
Facility draws differing
opinions of the Jungle
The Pirate baseball team
started out the baseball season
playing in a brand new stadium
that has drawn differing views
from the student body and facil-
ity personnel.
The Clark-LeClaire baseball
stadium project started in May
2004. It took nine months and
an estimated $100,000 to com-
plete. The project was funded by
the ECU Pirate Club along with
other individual contributors.
According to J.J. McLamb,
assistant athletics director for
operationsequipment, the proj-
ect turned out to be a success.
"We felt that the whole area
needed to be improved. It gave
the field a cleaner look and now
holds more students and fans
than it did prior to the recon-
struction said McLamb.
The area was enlarged quiteabit.
It used to only take up the left field
but it now extends past left field.
The jungle is a traditional area
of the field designated for students
and fans watching the game from
the outfield perspective. In build-
ing the new stadium, the jungle
had to be torn down. The large
trees that loomed over the outfield
fences were cut down and the
elevation was raised with a dirt
hill that stretches across the entire
fence. New trees were planted and
grass was put on top of the dirt
hill to create an overall natural
looking area. A fence separates the
hill from the parking lot directly
behind It.
Though students can gener-
ally say the stadium is a wonder-
ful contribution to ECU, certain
concerns have been voiced by
select groups concerning some
of the changes made.
Before, students were able to
park their cars and bring coolers
and grills out into the jungle area
and still be able to see the field
and watch the game.
Now that the hill has gone in
and the fence determining the sta-
dium perimeter has been moved
back, it is not possible to hang out,
drink and watch the game at the
same time because alcohol is not
allowed in the stadium.
There have been many stu-
dent voices that have come for-
ward and said they do not like the
changes made to the jungle.
Jody Brooks, junior construc-
tion management major, is one
of them.
"Don't get me wrong, the
stadium is beautiful and we are
lucky to have it, but I just don't
think they considered what
the students really want. The
jungle is an ECU tradition and I
don't think it should have been
changed said Brooks.
Though this change does not
prohibit students from having a
good time, it has caused them to
adjust the tradition of many years
of baseball celebration.
"Students have never been
able to drink inside of any ECU
facility. Things have not really
changed that much. You can still
tailgate in the parking lot just
don't bring it into the stadium
McLamb said.
Melissa Benedict, junior
social work major, is happy to
have the stadium.
"I think people are being silly
with this whole thing. So what
if you can't drink in the jungle.
It sounds bad to complain about
a stadium that looks so much
better than it did before said
This writer can be contacted at
news&theeastcarolinian. com
Studies indicate young adults
in America are becoming more
tolerant on sexual preference,
gender and ethnicity despite
the opinions of previous genera-
In America today, issues such
as the right for homosexuals to
marry, various immigration laws
and discrimination based on race
are issues that are important to
look at because of the shifting
and growing attitude of multl-
"Our analysis shows that
today's young adults are more
socially tolerant than any pre-
vious generation of Americans
since polling began said Wil-
liam Galston, director of Center
for Information on Civic Learn-
ing and Engagement.
According to research done
by CIRCLE, 69 percent of 18 - 29-
year-olds support gay marriage
or legal civil unions for gay and
lesbian couples, compared to 60
percent of 30 - 44 and 45 - 59-
year-olds and 54 percent of those
60 and older. The information is
relevant due to the increase of
voters during the 2004 election.
The rates of young voters rose
by more than 50 percent. Not
only is the right for homosexu-
als to marry gaining approval,
equal employment opportu-
nity for homosexuals is rapidly
gaining approval. According to
the research done by CIRCLE,
70 percent of 18 - 25-year-olds
supported laws preventing job
discrimination against gays and
lesbians, up significantly from
51 percent in 1988. Also, CIRCLE
found that 85 percent of 18 - 25
year-olds support homosexuals
serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,
rising from 59 percent in 1992.
Gays and lesbians are not the
only minority group gaining more
acceptance and approval. CIRCLE
found the statement "Over the
past few years, blacks have gotten
less than they deserve" has met
with a 40 percent approval rate
in .the 18 - 25-year-old bracket as
opposed to 28 percent of people
26 or older. Also, support for
segregated neighborhoods has
sharply declined, falling from
24 percent of 18 - 25-year-olds
in 1972 to 4 percent in 1996.
Support for a ban on interracial
marriage has also seen a steep
decline, falling from 20 percent
in 1972 to 4 percent in 2002.
Concerning increasing diversity
approval, a survey conducted by
the Social Capital Survey found
that 18 - 25-year-olds are twice
as likely as those aged 38 - 56 to
invite friends who are of a differ-
ent race over to their house.
Immigrants in America have
seen more support and accep-
tance because of the growing
diversity among young Ameri-
cans. The number of young
Americans who support the
statement "Immigrants today are
a burden on our country because
they take our jobs, housing and
health care" is less than 30 per-
cent, compared to 35 percent of
26 - 37-year-olds. The most toler-
ant age group of Americans who
support the rights and privileges
of immigrants is the 15 - 25-year-
old age bracket.
"The reason the numbers are
higher is that we are more glob-
ally connected to the plights of
different people and cultures
said Tamika Walker, senior music
education major and president of
the Black Student Union.
"This allows us to learn more
now than the previous generation
could and to see the effects of
how being close-minded effects
This writer can be contacted at
Iraqi parliament elects Kurdish president
Interim president Jalal Talbanl
with his vice presidents.
(AP) BAGHDAD, Iraq � The
Iraqi parliament chose Kurd-
ish leader Jalal Talabani as the
country's new interim president
Wednesday, reaching out to a
long-repressed minority and
bringing the country closer to
Its first democratically elected
government in 50 years.
Ousted members of the
former regime - including top-
pled leader Saddam Hussein
- were to watch the announce-
ment on televisions in their
prison cells, Iraqi officials said. It
wasn't clear if they would watch
it live or on a tape.
Adel Abdul-Mahdi, a Shiite,
and interim President Ghazi
al-Yawer, a Sunni Arab, were
chosen as Talabani's two vice
presidents. After weeks of at times
tense negotiations, the three
candidates received 227 votes.
Thirty ballots were left blank.
The announcement of the
vote drew applause, and many
lawmakers crowded around Tala-
bani to congratulate him. In
the Kurdish north, which had
led uprisings against Saddam,
crowds danced in the streets,
Talabani was expected to
be sworn into his post, which
is largely ceremonial, Thursday,
then name Shiite leader Ibrahim
al-Jaafari prime minister, clearing
the way for talks on a new con-
stitution that must be completed
by Aug. 15.
Speaking after his election,
Talabani called on neighboring
countries to help prevent for-
eign insurgents from crossing
into Iraq. He also made a gesture
toward those who side with the
"As for the Iraqis who are car-
rying weapons out of patriotic
and anti-occupation motives,
those people are our brothers
and it is possible to talk with
them and to reach a solution
Talabani said.
He added that his govern-
ment would work to provide
security so that U.Sled coali-
tion forces "could return home
after the completion of build-
ing Iraqi armed forces that
are capable of finishing
off terrorism
Aside from electing the prime
minister, the president's post is
largely ceremonial. Talabani and
his two vice presidents - known
collectively as the presidential
council - are supposed to "rep-
resent the sovereignty of Iraq
and oversee the higher affairs of
the country according to the
interim constitution.
Before the session began,
Hussain al-Shahristani of the
Shiite-led United Iraqi Alli-
ance said the choice of Tala-
bani reflected efforts to repre-
sent the nation's diverse ethnic
and religious groups in the
new leadership.
"We agreed on Talabani
because of his qualities and
patriotic history he said.
The Kurdish-led coalition in
parliament won 75 of the 275
seats in the Jan. 30 elections.
Kurds make up 20 percent of
the country's 26 million people
- Shiites make up 60 percent and
see IRAQ page A3



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Cardinals set April 18 as
date to start conclave
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A Catholic nun, Sister Marta
decorates a balcony over the
main entrance to Saint Mary's
basilica in Wadowice, Poland.
lege of Cardinals Wednesday
set April 18 as the date for the
historic start of the conclave to
elect a successor to Pope John
Paul II, as the Vatican made final
arrangements for the funeral
expected to draw millions
of pilgrims and world leaders
to Rome.
The decision came after the
cardinals read John Paul's spiri-
tual testament during a pre-con-
clave meeting Wednesday, Vati-
can spokesman Joaquin Navarro-
Valls said, adding that the text
would be released Thursday.
Navarro-Valls said cardi-
nals would celebrate a morning
Mass April 18, then be seques-
tered in the Sistine Chapel in
the early afternoon to start the
conclave. According to church
law, prelates are expected to
hold one ballot on the first day
of a conclave.
The date was set on the third
day of meetings of cardinals who
have flocked to Rome for Friday's
funeral and burial of John Paul.
Navarro-Valls ruled out that
the late pope's body might be
brought to St. John Lateran
basilica, across Rome, before it is
buried, as was done for Pope Pius
XII when he died in 19S8.
The reading of John Paul's
testament was unlikely to influ-
ence the choice of the 117 cardi-
nals who will cast ballots for the
next head of the 1 billion-strong
The documents also did not
reveal the name of a cardinal
John Paul said he named in
2003 but never publicly identi-
fied, ending speculation that a
last-minute catdlnal might join
the conclave.
The name of the cardinal
was held "in pectore or "in
the heart" - a formula that
has been used when a pope
wants to appoint a cardinal
in a country where the church
is oppressed.
Navarro-Valls also said that
with huge crowds already con-
verging on Rome, the Vatican
could not meet the requests
- "by Romans and non-Romans"
- for a viewing at what is Rome's
cathedral. Instead, John Paul will
be buried immediately after the
funeral in the grotto under St.
Peter's Basilica.
In a major change to a cen-
turies-old practice of electing a
new pope, the Vatican has said
it planned to ring bells in addi-
tion to sending up white smoke
to announce that a new pope has
been chosen.
Black smoke coming from the
chimney of the Sistine Chapel
signals no decision has been
made after a papal ballot, while
white smoke means a pope has
been elected.
In the past, it has sometimes
been hard to tell whether the
smoke from the Vatican chim-
ney was white or black. "This
time we plan to ring the bells to
make the election of the pope
clearer Archbishop Piero Marini
said Tuesday.
In another change from past
papal elections, cardinals voting
in the conclave will have access
to all of Vatican City during the
election, as opposed to being
sequestered in the Sistine Chapel,
Marini said.
Mourners are streaming
past John Paul's crimson-robed
remains at the rate of 600,000
a day in an almost round-the-
clock procession through St.
Peter's Basilica, city authorities
said. The crush of pilgrims on the
road leading to the Vatican will
rise sharply when an expected 2
million Poles arrive in Rome for
Friday's funeral of the Polish-
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born pontiff.
Pilgrims stood in a line more
than a mile long for 12 hours in
chilly pre-dawn temperatures
Wednesday for a brief glimpse
of the pope's body.
Italy was calling in extra
police to the capital and planned
to seal off much of the Eternal
City Friday to protect a VIP con-
tingent that will include dozens
of heads of state from around
the world. President Bush and
the first lady, former President
Clinton, former President Bush
and Secretary of State Condo-
leezza Rice will represent the
United States.
John Paul, who died Saturday
at 84, made his wish known "to
be buried in the ground said
Marini, a longtime aide as papal
master of ceremonies.
Marini said John Paul would
be buried with a white silk veil
on his face, his body clad in
liturgical vestments and the
white miter. Keeping with tradi-
tion, his remains will be placed
inside three coffins - wood, zinc
and wood - a design meant to
slow down the decomposition
A small bag of commem-
orative medals issued over
the course of his 26-year pon-
tificate, as well as a sealed
document featuring a brief
description in Latin of John
Paul's life, will be buried with
him, Marini said.
He said Polish wishes will
go unfulfilled that soil from the
pope's native country would be
placed in the coffin.
In other developments,
John Paul's personal physician
was quoted as telling La Repub-
blica newspaper that John Paul
"passed away slowly, with pain
and suffering which he endured
with great human dignity
"The Holy Father could not
utter a single word before pass-
ing away Dr. Renato Buzzonetti
was quoted as saying. "Just as
happened in the last days he
could not speak, he was forced
to silence
As the cardinals met, buses
unloaded huge groups of stu-
dents, pilgrims and clergy who
joined the long line along the
wide avenue leading to St. Peter's
Square and through the streets
of the neighborhood that sur-
rounds the Vatican.
IraQ from page A2
the Sunni Arabs are roughly 15
- 20 percent.
Human Rights Minister
Bakhtiyar Amin told The Asso-
ciated Press that lawmakers had
asked that Saddam and other
jailed members of his former
government be shown the pro-
cess. "There will be televisions
there, and they will be seeing it
today he said.
Saddam, captured in Decem-
ber 2003, has been in custody
with several of his top aides at a
U.Sguarded detention facility.
U.S. military officials declined
to comment.
"This is a very important ses-
sion because this is the first time
in Iraq's history that the presi-
dent and his deputies are elected
in a legitimate and democratic
way by the Iraqi people interim
Vice President Rowsch Nouri Sha-
ways said. "That's why the Iraqi
government thought it would
be beneficial that the former
dictator see this unique process
The interim National Assem-
bly must write a permanent
constitution by Aug. IS. The con-
stitution, along with elections for
a permanent government sched-
uled for December, are central
parts of U.S. plans for an even-
tual ml lout of American troops.
For now, the fighting goes on.
As the parliament met, mortar
rounds landed in the street near
the Ministry of Agriculture and
the al-Sadeer hotel, injuring at
least one Iraqi civilian.
The U.S. military said in a
statement Wednesday that a
Task Force Baghdad soidier was
killed a day earlier when his
patrol was hit by a bomb and
attacked by insurgent gunmen.
Four other U.S. service members
were killed Monday and Tuesday
in an upsurge in violence, the
military said.
In videos posted Tuesday on
militant Web sites, a man in his
20s identified as Iraqi soldier
Jassim Mohammed Hussein
Mahdi was beheaded for working
with the U.Sallied government
while another man, Hussein
Taha Qassim, identified as a
police informer, was shot.
The authenticity of the tapes,
said to have been posted on
Web sites by the militant groups
al-Qaida in Iraq and Ansar al-
Sunnah Army, could not imme-
diately be verified. Al-Qaida in
Iraq has claimed responsibility
for beheading numerous Western
hostages and members of the Iraqi
security forces. Ansar al-Sunnah
has claimed to have kidnapped
and killed several foreigners.
from page A1
dance and homework.
The Academic Enrichment
Center also works with students
by providing helpful programs
and intervention workshops.
Joyner said giving students
career direction should start
prior to enrollment. ECU gives
incoming students a pamphlet
listing every degree and con-
New students can mail their
choice of major to ECU closer to
their first term rather than sev-
eral months earlier in October.
Students' career interests could
change drastically over that
much time. This lets faculty do
a better job of crafting a course-
schedule conducive to students'
Smith said this partnership
between groups would be advan-
tageous to transfer students and
students in unique situations. A
student with a GPA of zero is in a
unique situation and needs special
attention. There are usually spe-
cific problems that lead to a stu-
dent performing that poorly. ECU
also wants to do more to educate
transfer students about the dif-
ferent services the school offers.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Page A4
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
Our View
New energy legislation needed
for our country's safety
A group of 31 national security experts
recently drafted a letter to President George
Bush, calling for a change in his current
energy policy.
The group - which includes top advisers to
former Presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W.
Bush and Ronald Reagan - rejects Bush's
proposal to increase oil drilling in the United
States, stating there is simply not enough
domestic oil.
The coalition also questions the United State's
dependence on foreign oil, noting political
turmoil could damage these ties and leave
our country without the oil it needs.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, "two-
thirds of the oil Americans consume goes into
cars, trucks and buses. To meet that demand,
the United States buys more than half of that
oil abroad. In the next 20 years, foreign imports
will climb toward 70 percent
With such a dependence on other countries
for our own survival, this will ultimately put the
United States in an insecure position.
In their ietter, the group requests a "major new
initiative to curtail U.S. consumption through
improved efficiency and rapid development
and deployment" of vehicles that operate on
flexible fuels.
While TEC would love to see the implementa-
tion of this proposal (as well as a lift on the
high price of gas), we can't help but wonder if
our government would even consider it.
Next year, the administration will remove the
$2,000 tax credit for owning a hybrid vehicle
(which gets over 50 miles per gallon), but will
leave in place the $25,000 tax write-off for a
Hummer (only 10-12 mpg).
With ludicrous policies like this in place, we
feel our government isn't thinking enough
about our environment, our current energy
crisis and ultimately, our security. We can only
hope that legislation is put in place before
it's too late.
Our Staff
Amanda Q. Lingerfelt
Editor in Chief
Nick Henne
News Editor
Kristin Day
Asst. News Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Murnane
Features Editor Asst. Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Sistrunk
Photo Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Alexander Marcinlak Dustln Jones
Web Editor Asst Web Editor
Jennifer Hobbs
Production Manager
Kltch Hines
Managing Editor
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to editors or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville.
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
information. One copy of TEC is free, each additional
copy is $1.
In My Opinion
Cheating shouldn't be main focus of steroid issue
Mental and physical health
problems are main problems
It's time for a wake up call.
Baseball isn't the only sport with
players using steroids or illegal per-
formance-enhancing drugs. There
seems to be a double-standard here.
A story about six players from an NFL
championship team only two years
ago being suspected of steroid use gets
swept under the rug. But Alex Sanchez,
a guy who hasn't even been told by the
MLB what drug he tested positive for, is
suspended for steroid use and that story
makes every front page headline in the
country. Regardless of the hypocritical
nature of this controversy or the fact
that taking these substances is cheating
in one sport or another, the "integrity
of the game" matters a whole helluva
lot less than the well-being of the indi-
viduals taking these drugs.
Just ask Raymond and Denise
Garibaldi, the parents of Robert Garib-
aldi who are convinced their teenage
son committed suicide because of ste-
roid use. They definitely have a strong
case - side effects for taking anabolic
steroids, particularly withdrawal symp-
toms, sound like this: Mental depres-
sion, suicidal behavior, mood changes,
violent behavior, confusion, sleeping
disorders, paranoia, hallucinations and
many others. Then consider this kid was
undergoing massive mental, social and
physical changes to begin with because
he was an adolescent and steroid use
was a disaster waiting to happen.
And just why do you think Rob
juiced? He had been told time and
time again he had all the tools of a
major leaguer except for his size. Not
only that, but he was thoroughly con-
vinced his heroes, Barry Bonds and
Mark McGwire, used performance-
enhancing drugs. His mother said Rob
would argue, I don't do drugs. I'm a
ballplayer. This is what ballplayers do.
If Bonds has to do it, then I must
That folks, is tragic.
And just let me dispel what may be
some of your current thoughts before
you bash my train of thought. McGwire
andor Bonds didn't stick Rob with the
needle nor did they put the gun in Rob's
hand that ended the young man's life,
in October of 2002. But like it or not,
both of those men are role models for
young people.
Is it unfair? You bet your ass it's
unfair, but unfortunately in this soci-
ety, a duty that comes with being a
public figure is carrying yourself in a
way that sets a good example for young
men and women.
And Bud Selig, I couldn't care less
that we have the best baseball in the
world or that you feel exposing some-
one will deter him from further usage.
Institute a policy that will actually work
rather than make a poor attempt at
appeasing the media or fans and drive
your PR through the roof.
Taking these drugs simply doesn't
make sense. The adverse effect it has on
one's mental and physical well-being is
frightening. That alone, regardless of
potential (but not proven) athletic suc-
cess, should deter someone from taking
steroids. And when I say someone I
mean anyone. This steroids issue isn't
something that concerns just baseball.
This matter concerns every athlete of
every age everywhere in the world and
every parent of every athlete, every age,
everywhere in the world. That is what
should make headlines.
In My Opinion
For women's pay, it's about money, and it's about time
(KRT) � On April 19, four days
after tax returns for 2004 are due,
U.S. women will finally reach the
earnings mark that their male
counterparts achieved by Dec. 31 of
last year. Dubbed "Pay Inequity
Awareness Day April 19 reminds us
that the 60 million working women
in this country are suffering economi-
cally because equal pay is still not a
Women have made some gains
in corporate board memberships
- they're now an underwhelming
13.6 percent, up from 9.S percent in
And no doubt because women get
tired of fighting the "men and good ol'
boys first" mentality at most compa-
nies, new business startups by women
are at an all-time high.
But these successes for a relative
few women pale in comparison to the
outrageous pay inequity that exists
for their sisters in the everyday work-
The National Committee on Pay
Equity reminds us that even though
the Equal Pay Act was passed more
than 40 years ago, women working
full time, year round, still make only
76 cents for every dollar that a man
It's even worse if your skin happens
to be black or brown.
Black women get 66 cents and His-
panics only 55 cents. Even the best-case
24-i ent gap adds up over a worklife to
a very unequal scorecard.
Totaling more than $300,000 for
the average woman's career, it can
mean the difference between owning
a home or renting, sending your kids
to college vs. sending them to flip burg-
ers, and a decent retirement vs. penury
in old age.
Naysayers claim there really is
no pay gap - the shortfall is due to
"choices" women make.
Females just naturally like the
jobs with lower pay or less risk. Tell
that to the women cleaning toilets at
the airport or caring for HIV patients
in hospitals every day. And those who
refuse to believe there's a pay gap ignore
reality: in every field, from law and
medicine to teaching or clerking at
department stores, the women make
less for doing exactly the same work
as the men.
Another argument is that mother-
hood - not sex discrimination - Is the
real culprit.
If that's so, we all need to take a
hard look at why the workplace pun-
ishes women for being mothers, but
fatherhood tarries no economic risk
at all.
Shortchanging women means
shortchanging men and children
as well. In the present climate
of encouraging economic self-
sufficiency and focusing on
family well-being, righting the
wrongs of unequal pay seems like a
The Fair Pay Act, a bill to level
the paying field, has been a
perennial on Capitol Hill since
The FPA would outlaw dis-
crimination in pay for jobs that are
equal in skill, effort, responsibility and
working conditions, even if the actual
work is dissimilar.
Perhaps more important, the bill
would require employers to release
summary statistics on what they pay
women and men, so workers would
know where they stood in the work-
But why wait for an act of Con-
Corporations that claim to favor
fairness in the workplace should be
glad to take an honest look at their pay
practices and correct disparities now.
Those that have nothing to hide
should be proud for the world to know
that they pay all workers according to
merit, not the color of their skin or
Right now, women who suspect
pay discrimination must file a
lawsuit and go Into a drawn-out legal
discovery process to find out whether
they make less than the guy beside
With pay statistics readily avail-
able, this expensive process could
be avoided. Employers holler con-
stantly about "frivolous lawsuits"
and complain about over-regulation.
Both would surely stop if employees
(including white men) could see up
front that they were being treated
Throughout April, state and
local committees around the country
are organizing events to call atten-
tion to the lighter pay envelopes of
Wearing buttons that ask
"Where's my 24 cents?" participants
will be part of educational forums
and speak-outs. Maybe while they're
at it, women could ask for a 23
percent credit on their income tax
Pirate Rant
Hey support staff sitting
behind the desk looking at cloth-
ing Web sites while I am patiently
waiting to make an inquiry - do
you like your job or am I annoy-
ing you with my questions?
I rule. In fact, I can't believe
how much I rule. Ladies, come
check me out. I am in the Wright
Place during lunch on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. I can
easily be identified because I am
the one who rules so much. And
once again, I rule.
The south will rise again
by God, we will!
Here I am doing an intense
workout on the treadmill, and
the girl next to me is complaining
to her friend on her cell phone
how she hates to sweat at the
gym because it makes her make-
up run.
Will they ever fix the leaky
cream pitchers at Java City?
I think it's cute how people
style the latest trends from Hol-
lister. Do you even know where
Hollister, Calif, is? Do you even
know what Hollister, Cailf. is
like? It's one of the dumpiest
places in California where they
grow and sell cabbage. How bout
that, fashion victims?
Why is it that every girl
downtown thinks every guy
downtown wants to take
her home? We don't. We're there
to meet people, laugh, talk,
drink and have a good. time.
Lighten up, grow up and get over
Spanish should not be pro-
nounced with a Southern accent.
Will you people please listen
to how the words are supposed
to sound before you butcher
Can someone please pave Col-
lege Hill Drive? I'm tired of mess-
ing up my alignment because of
the potholes and uneven roads
on this campus.
The Conservative Corner,
eh Tony McKee? Isn't that at the
corner of Irrelevant Street and
Boring Boulevard?
I'm thrilled UNC won the
national title, but I didn't wear
anything blue on Tuesday, unlike
many people on this campus.
Baby blue doesn't belong on this
To the sunbathers on the hill:
Thank you.
Who says that roommates
have to be friends? Just be happy
I respect you enough not to trash
your stuff. The only reason
I don't have my own place is
because it's too expensive to live
on your own here in Greenville.
If you're tired of coming home to
loneliness and want a "friendly"
face, get a pet.
Goodbye to iTunes free
Honestly, is anyone
really going to go to the
library after midnight? There's
no point to keep it open 24
hours and to have to pay staff if
there's not a strong demand
and from what I can see, there
isn't one.
It really sucks to have to
go to class and work on your
It's funny how a person can
just be rude to you and then give
it a couple of days and pretend
like they are your best friend
again. Don't be frontin
Why do professors wait until
the last three weeks of school to
cram everything In?
I think the campus should
sponsor "Beach Day" and stu-
dents and professors should be
excused from classes to go to the
beach. We could even write a
paragraph about what we did for
extra credit. Doesn't that sound
like a good idea? If an SGA presi-
dent-elect had that on his or her
platform, I'm sure that person
would win. I know they'd have
my vote.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editor&theeastcarolinian.
com. The editor reserves the right
to edit opinions for content and

pril 7, 2005
t staff sitting
looking at cloth-
le I am patiently
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n't. We're there
laugh, talk,
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lid not be pro-
outhern accent.
e please listen
Is are supposed
e you butcher
please pave Col-
m tired of mess-
nent because of
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Isn't that at the
'ant Street and
UNC won the
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Tuesday, unlike
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s?Just be happy
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own place is
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iTunes free
is anyone
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lnight? There's
ep it open 24
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can see, there
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uand then give
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ssors wait until
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what we did for
sn't that sound
If an SGA presi-
at on his or her
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aw they'd have
Hie Pirate Rant if
' for students and
'nmunity to voice
'missions can be
nously online at, or e-
serves the right
for content and
Page A5
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
1 Handgrip
6 Be in debt
9 Scrawny one
14 Actionable
15 Go a few rounds
16 Stratum
17 Tessie or Milo
18 Retinue
20 Exalt
22 Bucharest's
23 Williams of
24 Paulo
25 Price
26 Wading birds
28 "Peter "
29 Clump
32 Grande
33 Change place
36 Knack
37 Go in again
39 Commotion
40 Neither active
nor passive
42 Actor McKellen
43 Royal role for
44 Carried out
45 Knock off track
47 Gandolfo
49 Beatles hit, "And
I Love"
50 L'chaim and
54 Romantic
56 "Mandy" singer
57 Flat-nosed
59 Man from Mosul
60 Emissary
61 Be sorry about
62 Oxen with
63 Bogart film, "Key
64 Hanoi holiday
65 Curvy letters
4041H45"� "1
4748� 4950515253
�20C All rigSTrib hts reune W serveOdin d.Botvices, Inc.M0705
Strong thread
6 Follow the rules
7 Took first
8 Frills
9 Urban blight
10 Venezuelan
11 "Paper Moon"
12 Patronage
13Barrier Reef
19 Tic-tac-toe win
21 More equable
24 More
27 Falsehood
28 RPM part
29 Irish Sea isle
30 Exist
31 Ace-in-the-hole
card game
33 Soprano Tebaldi
34 Fruit drink
35 In addition
37 Blushing
38 Veteran sailor
41 Rising by levels
43 Bloom and
1sO3� oVsVN3ti3S
45 Arid expanse
46 Convert into
47 Of the Vatican
48 Greek letter
51 Chunks
52 Close-fitting hat
53 Geneva
55 Not fooled by
56 Run into
49 Sign of affection 58 Writer Grafton
2 Dudes
By Aaron Warner
. its mm
mm mi
mwte ()
kef e ktK(ooius.�m
send ii Vour. une MiCTotoesii
University Suites Apartments
�f r.N CO BbLOW
Why Settle for limited patio space when you can
have spacious indoor and outdoor living!
Third Floor
New Student Community
Now leasing for May and August 2005!
Town home Style-
No one above or below you
3 bedroom3 bath
Maximum Privacy-
Only one bedroom per floor!
Parking at your front door
Extra large brick patio
Private Bus Service
Close to campus &
Near Shopping
Unlike anything else!
FREE Tanning, Fitness,
Pool, and Clubhouse
Second Floor
First Floor
Welcome to the "SUITE LIFE"
Open House Everyday
MonFri. 9-9 � Sat. 11-5 � Sun. 12-4
University Suites 551-3800
Located at the corner of Arlington Blvd. and Evans Street - behind the Amoco Gas Station �


Backpacking the AT in NCVA
Register by. 325 Pre-Trip. 329
Cost. $6575 non-member
Sea KayakBear Island
Register by. 325 Pre-Trip. 330
Cost. $5565 non-member
Climbing Day Trip at Pilot Mountain
Register by. 325 Pre-Trip. 329
Cost. $2535 non member
Climbing Overnight Trip at Pilot Mountain
Register by. 41 Pre Trip. 45
Cost. $6065 non-member
Whitewater CanoeKayak Eno River
Register by. 41 Pre-Trip. 45
Cost. $3040 non-member
Friday Afternoon Tar River Canoe
Ate Register by 48 Pre-Trip. NA
Cost. $1015 non-member J
415 17 Board & Boat Surfing
Register by. 48 Pre-Trip. 414M
Cost. $6575 non-member
416 Climbing at Pilot Mountain
Register by. 48 Pre-Trip. 413
Cost,$2535 non-member
423-24 Sea Kayak Canoe at Shackleford Island
Register by. 415 Pre Trip. 419
Cost. $5565 non-member
CanoeKayak at Haw River
Register by. 415 Pre-Trip. 420
Cost. $3040 non-member
CI i mbing at Pilot Mountain
Register by 415 Pre-Trip. 419
Cost $2535 non-member
59-25 Colorado and Utah Canyoneering
Register by.414 Pre-Trip. 414
Cost. $750900 non-member
45 Coif Registration
SRC 128 10 AM-6 PM
46 Softball Hitting Challenge
Blount Fields 8-10 PM
420 Firsbee Golf Tournament
Frisbee Golf Course 3-6 PM
45 ARISE Commitee Milling
SRC 202 4 5:30 PM
46 Softball Hitting Challenge
Blount Fields 810 PM
47 Handcrank Bicycle Works!
SRC 4:30-6 PM
412 Wheelchair Rugby
SRC Sports Forum 8-9 PM
413 Goalball
Minges 7:30-9 PM
41617 Healthy Living Beach Retreat
Pine KnoH Shores, NC
420 Goalball
Minges 730-9 PM
Manufacturing Muscle: Training for Size
SRC Classroom Register by. 48
Free Group Fitness Classes
SRC 240 See schedule


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T3SK from page A1
ECU assigned Michelle
Lieberman as the neighbor-
hood relations facilitator to
address some of these concerns.
Ferruzzi said the Landlord
Association is attempting to speak
before t he city council and express
their concerns and opinions.
While there are surely some
differences in opinions between
landlords and neighborhood
associations, Ferruzzi acknowl-
edged one common view about
the area surrounding ECU.
"Obviously the area needs
some cleaning up Ferruzzi said.
Whether that includes the
measures suggested by the task
force on preservation of neighbor-
hoodsand housing is yet tobe seen.
According to the minutes
of the council meeting, City
Manager Wayne Bowers said the
task force proposals listed above
could be worked on soon.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcaroinian. com.
UptOWn from page A1
Edwards said while the con-
struction of this hotel is not a
definite, it would bea wonderful
addition to the area, which cur-
rently lacks any hotels or motels.
ECU is also taking part in
the revitalization effort with a
number of campus organizations
set to move into the renovated
Proctor Hotel on the corner of
Third and Evans Streets.
Edwards said the new West
End Dining Hall is in such close
proximity to uptown it could be
viewed asdevelopment in thearea.
Freeboot Fridays has alsc
generated renewed interest and
business in the area. Held on the
Friday before ECU home football
games on the corner of Cotanche
Street and Reade Circle, the event
offers live music and vendors rep-
resenting a number of downtown
Edwards said the intent of
the revitalization effort is to
fill uptown with a steady flow
of pedestrians by becoming the
heart of the town.
"The overall goal is to become
an exciting, vibrant center of
retail, art and culture Edwards
Ronnie Nimer, owner of
LaVista Pizza and Subs, said the
area is becoming more attractive,
which is beneficial to the com-
munity as a whole.
"The more businesses they
add in the area, the more busi-
ness it brings for everyone said
Poppy Vasquez, manager of
Boli's, said while the effort to
revitalize the area will create
more business, he feels there are
some other changes needed to be
made for uptown to thrive.
"Yes it will create more busi-
ness, but they still have to correct
some things said Vasquez.
Vasquez said more parking and
security are needed in the area.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
Featuring:24-hour Emergency
Free Cable TVMaintenance
Free Water & SewerLaundry Center
Pels Allowed With FeeOn ECU Bus Route
Alrlmba Wireless AvailableWasherDryer Connections
Sparkling Swimming poolSpacious Floor Plans
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Page A8
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
Thursday at 4 p.m. for the TUESDAY edition
Friday at 4 p.m. for the WEDNESDAY edition
Monday at 4 p.m. for the THURSDAY edition
Ad must be received In person. We are located on
the second floor of the Old Cafeteria Complex
Students (wvalld LDJ-UP to 25 words.
Non-students-UP to 25 words
Each word over 25, add
For bold or all caps, add (per)
All ads must be prepaid. No refunds given.
3 BR, 3 BA, LR, Kitchen, Laundry with
WD. Dishwasher 1st floor, Patio,
Central heatair, lots of parking,
6 blocks from ECU, available May
2005, Brownlea Dr. Call 252-240-
218 A Wyndham Circle 2 Bedroom 2
Bath Duplex Close to ECU Available
in une No Pets Call 252-714-1057 or
252-756-2778 S625 Monthly
Houses for rent. Walk to campus.
Brick homes with central HA.
Available May 15, June 1st and Aug.
1st. Call for appt. 259-0424, leave
message if no ans.
Now Pre-Leasing: 1, 2, and 3
bedrooms located near campus.
Beech Street, Cannon Court, Cedar
Court, College Town Row, Eastgate,
Gladiolus, Jasmine, Park Village and
Woodcliff. For more information call
Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
1, 2, & 3 bedroom apartments
for rent: Beech Street, Woodcliff,
Cotanche Street, Eastgate, Forest
Acres, Park Village. ECU bus
stop. For more information call
Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Room for Rent This Summer!
Stratford Villas off of Charles
Blvd. Sublease for May, June, July.
Roommate Also Needed for Next
Semester. Call Laura (252) 916-
Gladiolus, jasmine and Peony
Gardens: 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms.
Located on East Tenth Street close
to ECU. For more information call
Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Pirate's Cove; Four rooms, same unit
available for individual subleases:
May June fury. J370all inclusive! Tons
of amenities! Willing to negotiate.
Call Elizabeth (252) 757-0328
Walk to campus, 3 bedrooms, 1 1 2
baths, hardwood floors, ceiling fans.
All kitchen appliances, washerdryer,
storage shed, attic, large frontback
yard, $650.00 per month. Available
August 1st. Meade Street, 341-
108 Stancil. Student Special! Walk to
Class. 3BR1BA Duplex. HW floors,
WD hookups, Pets allowed with
fee. Available first of May. $650
month. Call Kiel at 341-8331.
For Rent - 2 bedroom 1 bath brick
duplex, central air, Stancil Drive.
Walking distance to ECU. $540
month. Pets OK w fee. Call 353-
Pirates Cove Sublease until Jury 31st.
May rent free (starting May 10) 375
a month. 3 or 4 tenants. Call 252-
341-8158 or 252-342-6239 email
Walk to campus or ride campus
transit. Clean 3BR 1 SATH
- Willow St. (Beside Tar River
Estates). WD Included, heat
AC, celling fans, hardwood
floors, excellent management.
$625month. Call (252)375-
For Rent - Dockside a 3BR 2BA
townhouse with Cathedral ceiling,
close to campus. $900mo. - Call
Garrett 252-258-0366
Now accepting applications for
summer and fall semesters at the
following locations: Captain's
Quarters, Sycamore Hill, and
University Terrace. Call Hearthside
Rentals at 355-2112.
3 BR 3 BA condo - University Terrace
$975month includes Washer
Dryer, WaterSewage, on ECU bus
route. Very clean I Call Theresa at
3 BR1 BA duplex for rent. Close to
campus with washerdryer, kitchen
appliances, and fenced back yard.
Pets ok. Available August 1, but
flexible with move in date and
deposit. $650 a month. Call Andrew
9 752-6859.
Pirates Cove Apartment for rent for
summer months. Fully furnished
and all inclusive for $360 a month.
Includes private bedroom and bath.
Call Maegan at 252-813-2234 for
1 Needed to be housemate with
professional female. Located in
Stokes, 20 minutes from downtown.
Very quiet and peaceful area.
No close neighbors must have
transportation. 3BD1 BATH Central
HeatAir. No deposit required.
Total rent $400 monthly. Available
immediately. Call 531-4064.
College Town RowWyndham
Court: 2 bedroom duplexes for
rent. Close to ECU. Pet allowed
with fee. For more information call
Wainright Property Management
756-6209 or visit our web-site www.
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air
St. heat, pool, ECU bus line, 6, 9
or 12 month leases. Pets allowed.
High speed internet available. Rent
includes water, sewer, & cable.
Blocks to ECU, Pre
Leasing, Houses - All sizes.
Available May, June, July, (t
August - Call 321-4712 OR
1 & 2 bedroom apartments, walking
distance to campus; WD conn
pets ok no weight limit, free water
and sewer. Call today for security
deposit special - 758-1921.
Walk to Campus! 1 -2 blocks! Central
Heat Air. Large bedrooms, washer
dryer hook up. High speed internet,
cable and alarm system all included.
3 bedroom available April 1st. 5
bedroom available May 1st. 6, 5,
4, 2 and 1 bedroom available Aug.
1st. Nice 1 bedroom apartments
with extra studiooffice (perfect for
couples). Call Mike 439-0285.
One, Two, Three and Four Bedroom
houses walking distance from ECU
Pets OK Fenced Yard Central Heat A
C Call 531-5701 Available Summer
and Fall
Walk to Campus! 1 Bedroom Apt.
at Captain's Quarters Starting at
$375. Includes cable, water, and
sewer. Now accepting applications
for summer and fall semesters.
Hearthside Rentals, 355-2112.
Elkin Ridge Townhome for rent
in quiet cul-de-sac. 1.5 baths,
fenced patio, gas logs. $650 rent
$650 deposit. Call 756-5896 or
Near ECU 107-A Stancil Dr. 3 BR,
1 BA washerdryer, dishwasher,
refridgerator, stove, central HA.
ceiling fans. $600mo 252-717-
3 Bedroom 2 12 Bath Townhome.
Spacious, 1 12 miles from ECU.
On Busline, Pool, AC, Dishwasher,
carpet, no pets. Available July 1st
Call 252-717-1028 or 910-358-5018
Cannon Court Cedar Court: 2
bedroom 1.5 bath townhouses
for rent. ECU bus stop. For more
information call Wainright Property
Management 756-6209 or visit our
web-site www.wainrightpropert.ies.
Walk to Campus! 6 Bedrooms.
Central HeatAir. Very spacious
- about 3000 square feet of living
space. Living room with hardwood
floors, dining room, screened in
back porch, nice back yard, washer
dryer hook up. High speed internet,
cable and alarm system all included.
Available August 1st. Call Mike
Female roommate needed to share
four Bedroom two Bathroom house.
Walk to campus $425 monthly
rent includes rent and all utilities.
Room available May-July. Call (336)
YTB travel and cruises. Serving allyour
travel and event needs: air, lodging,
cruises, car rentals, etc. Book online
or call 804-272-8121
Paid Democracy Internship: Help
continue the civil rights and voting
rights movements. Greenville and
Charlotte summer internships for
undergrads. Pays $2000. Contact: or 888-
687-8683 xt. 16
Day camp counselors and supervisors,
tennis and swim instructors -June 9-
uly 29 Assistant pool manager and
lifeguards (certification required) for
city pool and Aquatics and Fitness
Center pool late May-July Most jobs
30 hours per week $6.50-$10.00 per
hour Contact 329-4542 for further
information A complete listing of
Summer jobs & online application
available at
(Click on Job Opportunities link) or
apply at City of Greenville before
April 15 - Human Resources, 201
Martin Luther King Jr. Dr P.O. Box
7207, Greenville, NC, 27835-7207
Active Handicapped Male Needs
Personal Attendant 7-10 am M-F
and Every Other Weekend. Duties
Include Bathing, Dressing, etc. Call
The Green Room is Hiring! Make
Quick Cash! No experience
needed! Set you own schedule!
Will train. Contact us for more
info! (252)321-1219 or email:
Spend the Summer on the Outer
Banks! Steamers Shellfish To Go, an
upscale gourmet take-out restaurant,
in Corolla NC has two positions
open for summer employment.
Pay commensurate with experience
- housing available. Please contact
Linda at 252-453-3305 or via email
Do you need a good job? The
ECU Telefund is hiring students
to contact alumni and parents for
the ECU Annual Fund. $6.25hour
plus cash bonuses. Make your own
schedule. If interested, visit our
website at www.ecu.edutelefund
and click on JOBS.
Bartending! $250day potential.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. (800) 965-6520 ext.
Primrose School - Raleigh N.C.
is looking to hire qualified Child
Development graduates. Great
compensation package. Fax resume
to 919-329-2930 or call 919-329-
2929. EOE
Babysitter Needed Great Kids, Great
Pay Flexible Hours Call Donna 321-
Bedrooms & Sofas Plus is looking
for clean cut and responsible
individuals. Full and Part Time
Delivery Positions Available. Apply
in Person at 425-A S.E. Greenville
Blvd. no phone calls.
Barefoot Bernie's Bar & Grill
located on the Outer Banks is now
hiring for ALL full and part time
positions. Competitive wages &
great work environment! Please
call 252-251-1008 or email resume
You may also go to our website
at for an
Need FTbut only have PT
hours available? I am looking for
individuals to help me spread the
word about VOIP. Earn up front
money and residuals. Graduate with
a degree and an ever increasing
income stream. Get paid every
month for what you do today. Call
to team more about this exciting
opportunity. 252-558-4284.
Attention College Students National
Company 80 years in business
now recruiting for Part-time work.
Opportunity for $300-500 per
week. Only hard workers need
apply. Call 756-3861 10-5p.m. only
for appointment.
Lifeguards, Swim Instructors and
Coaches. Greenville, Farmville,
Wilson, Goldsboro, Ayden, Atlantic
Beach. Call Bob, 714-0576.
Food Delivery Drivers Wanted
for Restaurant Runners Part-time
Position. Some lunch time and
weekend availability required.
Reliable transportation a must. Call
756-5527 Between 2-5 and leave
message if necessary. Greenville
Residents only. Sorry no dorm
Work Hard, Play Hard, Change Lives!
Girls resident camp looking for
counselors, wranglers, lifeguards,
boating staff, crafts, nature, unit
leaders, business managers, and
health supervisor. $200-340week!
May 28-Aug 7. Free Housing! www. Contact (336) 861-
1198 or
Spring Break 2006. Travel with STS,
America's 1 Student Tour Operator j
to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco,
Bahamas, and Florida. Now hiring
on-campus reps. Call for group
discounts. InformationReservations
1-800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.
Greenville Recreation & Parks
Department is recruiting part-time
youth baseball coaches for the
spring t-ball program. Applicants
must possess a good knowledge of
baseball skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth.
Hours are from 3:30 pm to 8:00
pm, Monday - Friday with some
weekend coaching. Flexible hours
according to class schedules. This
program will run from April 18
- early June. Salary start at $6.25 per
hour. Apply at the City of Greenville,
Human Resources Department,
201 Martin L. King Dr. Phone 329-
4492. For more information, please
contact the Athletic Office at 329-
4550, Monday through Friday, 10
am until 7 pm.
Tiara Too Jewelry Colonial Mall Part-
Time Retail Sales Associate Day and
Night Hours Must be in Greenville
Year Round Apply in Person
Congratulations to the new
members of Alpha Xi Delta We
Vintage Clothing,
Jewerly and More
801 Dickinson Avenue
Uptown Greenville
love you girls
The sisters of Phi Beta Chi would
like to announce Sarah Jane as our
sister of the week. Congratulations
and we love you!
Rwanda Before and After the
Genocide. Public Lecture by Dr.
Newbury Catharine. Distinguished
Professor African History & Politics.
Sciences Sr. Technology Building
Rm-209 April 8th 2005.
The fourth annual Minority Student
Ball will take place April 23 at 8
p.m. in the Murphy Center. For
ticket information contact the
Ledonia Wright Cultural Center at
1 The mosl dangerous
� animals in Hie tuies: ;
J don't live there
Colon Cano
Get the test
Get the polyp.
Get the cure.
I-8OO-ACS-23U5 or
Carolina Sky Sports
round BIHiiliil
Is looking for PACKAGE HANDLERS to load vans
jind unload trailers for the AM shift hours 4 AM to
HAM. $7.50 hour, tuition assistance available after
30 days Future career opportunities in management
possible. Applications can be filled oul at 2410
United Drive (near the aquatics center) Grrcnvillc.
� of poor maintenance response
� of unretumed phone calls
� of noisy neighbors
� of crawly critiers
�of high utility bills
� of ECU parking hassles
� of ungrateful landlords
� of unanswered questions
� of high rents
� of grumpy personnel
� of unfulfilled promises
� of units that were not cleaned
� of walls that were never painted
� of appliances that don't work
Wyndham Court &
Eastgate Village Apts.
3200 F Moseley Dr.
w w w. pinmicleproperty
management .com
I Need reliable,
�. energetic people to
monitor crops from
May through August.
Must be 19 or have
one year of college.
Leam to ID weeds,
Insects and other
field conditions. We
train! Hourly Miles.
Mall or fax resume
Cove City. NC. 28523
Fax: 252437-2125
fchinc. $12 $24 ECU students HO All ticktts it rh. door $24. ECU 1 Cards r.quir.d at ttii door tor
( ff 6-) O im ,iCl" Gt" Wi,h "Udt '��" ,ppl� MWai ECU studtnts

r Be
University Meal Deal
To Go: 758-4200
� Lunch�All Day
� Dinner�Til 10 Pm
� Late Night� Menu Til 2 Am
located downtown (old sports pad)
parking available in back lot
Even the 6 calls
from your girlfriend
the last 20 minutes.)
White supremacist sentenced
to 40 years in prison
(AP) CHICAGO � Avowed
white supremacist Matthew Hale
was sentenced to 40 years in
prison Wednesday for trying to
have a federal judge killed - the
same judge whose husband and
mother were murdered five weeks
ago by a deranged man who had
no connection to Hale.
Hale, the 33-year-old leader
of a group that preaches racial
holy war, was sentenced after a
rambling, two-hour speech in
which he claimed he was the
victim and even recited part of
the Star Spangled Banner. He
showed no emotion and sat star-
ing at the defense table as the
sentence was handed down.
Prosecutors argued for the
maximum sentence, saying Mat-
thew Hale's crime amounted to
an act of terrorism, and the judge
"Mr. Hale is not concerned
about taking someone's life, but
rather how to do it without get-
ting caught U.S. District Judge
James Moody said in imposing
the sentence. "I consider Mr. Hale
to be extremely dangerous and
the offense for which he was con-
victed to be extremely egregious
Hale was convicted in April
2004 of soliciting an undercover
FBI informant to murder U.S.
District Judge Joan Humphrey
Lef kow of Chicago in retaliation
for her ruling against him in a
trademark dispute.
Prosecutors said Hale was
furious that Lef kow ordered him
to stop using the World Church
of the Creator name for his
group. Lefkow said the name was
trademarked by an Oregon-based
church group.
The case took on a higher
profile after Lefkow's husband
and elderly mother were shot
and killed in the Lefkow home
in late February.
Early suspicion fell on Hale
followers but days later a Chicago
man disgruntled over a ruling in
his medical malpractice lawsuit
fatally shot himself in Wisconsin
and confessed to the slayings in
a note.
Hale acted as his own attor-
ney during the sentencing, as
he had for much of the trial. He
compared himself to Lefkow,
saying they were both victims.
"Before you does stand a man
who not only is innocent, not
only is demonstrably innocent,
but who refused to join a plot
against Judge Lefkow's life
Hale said.
In his rambling, arm-waving,
speech to the court before the
sentencing, Hale brought up the
murders, despite Moody's efforts
to stop him.
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11 lImuu j 10 Ifluu ijiiluiiuixji m" If in niimnoinn pnrlnnr ir rnlrtr1 - nfit-n 1�iinn Tr -rrrtf "ffrr mf-f - ft ittit -rrniimnr nrnlrn ngrrrmrrl rn tit nnrT rrjn-l ptir- if Vnn ht hljtinr fill nnnlrn nommniintTi ntjrrt ti im
earty emmton tee Cradfl annual raqtfed. $30 actvafcn fee. $15 equpmerttfange tee. ftoartngctHg lees, aurtfwges.m
L�nelwo corny art nfcty may vatyUMQBtam
Prince Rainier III of Monaco
smokes a cigarette in Fort Mill,
SC in this July 1979 photo.
Rainier dies
at age 81
(AP) MONACO � Prince
Rainier III, whose fairy-tale
marriage to American film star
Grace Kelly brought elegance
and glamour to one of Europe's
oldest dynasties, died Wednes-
day, nearly a month after he was
hospitalized with a lung infec-
tion. He was 81.
Europe's longest-reigning
monarch died at 6:35 a.m. at the
hospital overlooking Monaco's
glittering, yacht-filled harbor
where he was being treated for
heart, kidney and breathing
problems. His body was moved
to his hilltop palace where it
will in lie in state, the royal
palace said.
The Mediterranean enclave's
famed Monte Carlo casino closed
its doors Wednesday in a sign of
"Each of us feels like an
orphan because the principality
has been marked by his imprint
over the 56 years" of his reign,
said Patrick Leclercq, head of
government in the principality
of 32,000 people.
Prince Albert, 47, Rainier's
heir, was at his father's side when
he died. Rainier's doctors had
called Albert around half an hour
beforehand to tell him the end
was near, the palace said. Rainier
died from the heart, kidney and
lung problems that caused his
hospitallzation, the palace said.
Albert, the only son of Rain-
ier and Princess Grace, becomes
Monaco's de facto ruler until
a formal investiture ceremony
expected after a mourning
period. He took over the royal
powers - but not the throne
- from his father last week after
a royal commission decided
Rainier was too sick to rule.
The unmarried Albert, who
has no children, inherits a
French-speaking principality no
larger than New York's Central
Park but world-renowned for its
casinos and the annual Monte
Carlo Grand Prix. It's nestled
on the Mediterranean Coast
between Italy and the French
Monaco changed its succes-
sion law in 2002 to allow power
to pass from a reigning prince
who has no descendants to his
siblings. Albert has two sisters,
Princess Caroline and Princess
Stephanie, both of whom have
Rainier, who assumed the
throne May 9, 1949, had to
endure the tragedy of his famous
wife's death and relentless scan-
dals - including international
criticism of the principality's tax
laws - that plagued the final two
decades of his rule.
The leader of Europe's lon-
gest-ruling royal family, the
Grimaldis, Rainier suffered recur-
ring health problems in recent
years. The silver-haired, portly
prince underwent heart surgery
in 1999 and had two operations
the following year.
Recurrent chest infections put
him in the hospital on numer-
ous occasions. Most recently,
he was hospitalized March 7.
He was placed in intensive care
two weeks later with heart and
kidney failure and connected to
a respirator.
Tributes flooded in from
around Europe. French Presi-
dent Jacques Chirac hailed the
prince's "courage and tenacity"
in the face of his failing health.
German President Horst Koehler
said he "fulfilled his duties as
head of state with remarkable
willpower until the end
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II
sent a message of condolence
to the family. Rainier's death
means the queen, who acceded
to the throne in 1952, becomes
the longest-serving monarch in
Flags, already lowered out
of respect for Pope John Paul II,
who died Saturday, remained at

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Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
The best of entertainment
you may be missing
As a writer for TEC, I'm
'� required to be objective when
writing articles, only reporting
the actions or opinions of others
while suppressing my desires to
include personal pronouns such
as T or 'my However, this week
� is different
g The sanctions have been
lifted, if only temporarily, giving
�wL. me the freedom to express my
feelings. So in this article, I
would like to discuss a handful
of things in the entertainment
world, which 1 love but are largely
Ignored by the general public.
Talkingip ECU students
about movies, you might get
the impression that Napoleon
Dynamite was this year's most
dynamic comedy, snatching up
Academy-Award nominations
and critical acclaim alike. How-
ever, you'd be wrong. That honor
belongs to Sideways, not Napoleon
Dynamite, seemingly a rip-off of
Rushnum, with 'jokes' that con-
sist of stereotypical characters
doing stereotypical things. Then
again, maybe dancing nerds just
aren't my thing.
Sideways, in my humble
opinion, is a perfect film. The
film features two friends, both
of which are at a crossroads in
their lives, spending a week
in California's wine country.
Sideways is hilarious, touch-
ing and thoroughly original
-a recipe which usually means
most people won't see it or like
it. Maybe that explains why
people loved Napoleon Dyna-
mite: it lacked all three of those
"Arrested Development" is
probably the Sideways of the
world of television, which is
filled with a whole lot of Napo-
leon Dynamites. If you've never
see HIDDEN page B2
1 1 M


ti you aren't, this
article's for you
Tired of going into a store and
seeing miniscule sizes displayed
everywhere? Tired of trying on
clothes for hours on end and
coming home empty handed?
So am I.
I'm sick and tired of going
into stores, seeing something I
really like and not being able
to buy it because of the way it's
sized. Clothes these days are
designed to be sheer, and tight
fitting, but when you go into a

store only to find their larges are
the size of extra smalls in most
other places, it makes things a bit
frustrating. So I'm offering a few
First, I suggest that someone
make a separate line of name
brand clothes for women with
� The rise and plummet of
I am truly obsessed with
"The Simpson's I can remember
watching the show when I was
five, laughing along with the
rest of my family. When 1 was
seven, I started programming my
VCR to record the new episodes.
I know everything there is to
know about "The Simpson's"
and I've seen every episode many
times over. That is why It pains
me so much to see It In Its cur-
rent state.
Every Sunday night, I con-
tinue to watch "TheSimpson's
now in its 16th season, and 1 can
only groan at the misfired jokes
and bad plot lines. Of course, I
don't have to watch them, but
as a loyal fan for its entire run,
I feel as though I am obligated
to continue watching and show
support for the show 1 grew up
with. I want to see how the char-
acters progress and see how the
writers cope with the problem
of having to come up with fresh,
new material after more than 350
episodes. It's not that It's a ter-
rible show now, especially when
compared to other programs on
television. It's just the show in
Its current state doesn't begin to
compare to the standard of excel-
see BART page B3
Does diversity mean
anything anymore?
It seems that here in the
metropolis of Greenville, 1
find myself going to shows
that are rather monotonous.
Local bands and even some
from out of state that play
at local venues, or in Pirate
Underground, generally have
the same sound. The sound
most bands have tended to
posses Is a "screamo" or a
"hardcore" noise.
I think it would be wise
to admit I too once listened
to screamo and hardcore
music and I have friends who
are devout listeners to the
genres. They are respected
styles and throngs of teen-
agers and adults alike have
become attracted to the
styles and adopted their
I now profess I have
grown out of this style and
prefer more melodic indie
sounds. I tend to enjoy music
that has Interesting har-
monies, eerie lead guitars,
unconventional vocals and
off heat drums. This type of
music is less popular than
the hardcore and screamo
types of music, but nonethe-
less it exists just the same,
and In the right towns, It has
a thriving fan base.
Whether or not you like
screamo, hardcore, emo,
punk, new techno style,
melodic indie or the indie-
rock genres, makes no dif-
ference. It is objective to
understand that each style
Is distinct, and has its own
fan base.
ECU Is a very diverse
campus. It houses many dif-
ferent types of people with
see RARE page B4



When I'm up late at night, as
often as that is, I'll find myself
flipping through the channels only
to discover nothing is on. 1 usually
end up falling asleep to "The Fresh
Prince of Bel- Air "Full House" or
"Who's the Boss 1 remember the
nights when "I l.ove l.ucy "Happy
Days" and "The Brady Bunch" were
on, all programs my parents grew up
watching. Now that my childhood
shows are being shown during the
wee hours of the night I feel older
than my actual age of 19.1 can only
imagine what my children will be
watching when they are my age.
Now that I've made myself feel
completely old without actually
being so, it's on to something new.
It's the year 2005 - we are still
driving cars, watching satellite televi-
sion and doing chores we all despise.
Growing up, I thought 2005 was so
far away and we would be flying
around In little saucers, be able to
touch things through the television
screens and have robots in our
homes to do things such as vacuum,
take out the trash and do all those
other necessary chores. But obvi-
ously we aren't "The Jetsons
And although those things would
be helpful, 1 often find myself
appreciating how things are. Some-
times it seems sad that many of us
(including myself) couldn't live
without our cell phones and com-
puters. Technology has come a long
way - machines are rapidly taking
the place of actual people - caus-
see 2005 page B3

Hidden from page B1
seen "Arrested Development
don't worry, you're not alone.
Despite beating the final seasons
of "Friends "Frasier" and "Sex
and the City" to win 'Outstand-
ing Comedy Series' at the 2004
Emmy Awards and having a
timeslot following the perennial
powerhouse "The Simpson's the
show is on the brink of cancella-
tion. As it stands now, production
of the show has been halted and
FOX executives will make their
decision as to whether it will
return next season.
The fact that more people
would rather watch no-talents
sing glorified karaoke on "Ameri-
can Idol" than "Arrested Develop-
ment" makes me really question
the character of the general public
in America. It's embarrassing to
think the most popular show in
Britain is "The Office which is
a witty, intelligent comedy while
most people in America watch
reality shows, which involve
eating bull testicles. We liberated
ourselves from them, we should
have better taste.
Granted, "Arrested Develop-
ment" isn't for everybody. The
humor of the show is a bit dif-
ferent than any show before it,
but the same could be said about
"Seinfeld which is arguably
the most successful comedy of
all time. If people could adjust
to a show about nothing, why
won't people do it for "Arrested
Development?" Or is it that
people are not bothering to give
it a chance, despite its critical
acclaim? I really don't under-
I can say unequivocally that
"Arrested Development" is the
funniest show on television
since "Seinfeld" and at times,
is even funnier. Please do me
(and yourself) a favor and skip
"Extreme Makeover" at 8:30 p.m.
on Sunday and give the show
a shot. If it gets cancelled, I'm
going to cancel my cable because
I can't justify paying the bill just
to see the one remaining show
that I enjoy, "Aqua Teen Hunger
My questioning of the stu-
dent body's character stems from
something that happened in one
of my math classes at ECU. I was
reading a book, which I tend to
do between classes, when my
instructor asked me what I was
A bit nervous to be called
out like that, I said, "It's an
autobiography of Ben Frank-
lin Then a voice shot out
from behind me saying, "Ben
Franklin? He invented the light
bulb. What else is there to
know?" I felt bad. First, because
somebody was taking a shot at me
for reading and second, because
somebody didn't know that Ben
Franklin didn't invent the light
From that time on, I've taken
notice of how little people seem
to read on campus and how
people who do read are treated
by others. When sitting in the
hallway, killing time before class,
somebody inevitably asks me,
"Are you reading that for a class? "
as if reading for entertainment
is something foreign to them. I
constantly hear people make fun
of me just for reading.
I expected it in high school,
where many of my fellow gradu-
ates would go on to hold a posi-
tion which did not require higher
education, but to be ostracized
by college students for reading
seems odd. I really hope I am
mistaken and that the few bad
experiences are with people
fiom the minority because, if
I'm to assume what I learned in
elementary school to be correct,
reading is fundamental and
should never take a backseat to
television and movies for enter-
However, don't de-emphasize
music because it appears that it
will soon be interesting again.
In the past few years, rock 'n'
roll has lay dormant and thus,
has gone largely ignored by the
general public. In its absence, rap
music and hip-hop have become
a huge industry with a huge fan
I'm not a big fan of rap.
My main problem with rap is
it doesn't seem too hard to do.
Rappers generally don't have to
learn how to play an instrument
- they have a machine to make
their beats. From interviews
with rappers I've seen, they don't
write lyrics aside from the hook.
Instead, they just freestyle the
song as they go, which granted
takes a lot of talent and quick wit,
but leads to a lot of rap music in
the world, most of which sounds
very similar to me.
The most amazing thing
about rap music is that of the
criteria necessary for making a
record, 'being alive' isn't one of
them as Tupac Shakur has a new
album each Christmas season. I
also dislike the practice of taking
a successful song, tweaking the
beat a little bit and calling it a
new song. That just seems really
cheap to me.
However, a movement is afoot
which may actually make it safe
to turn my radio back on. Rock
'n' roll is back with a plethora of
upcoming albums from the few
genuine superstars of the genre.
Recently, a revamped Queens
of the Stone Age and a much
happier Beck have released new
albums which compelled me to
break my usual practice of down-
loading and actually purchase
them (just kidding, FBI.)
The fun doesn't stop there,
though. One of my favorite
bands, Weezer, Is coming out of
seclusion to release their fifth
album Make Believe in May. Word
from people who have heard the
album is that it's a return to form
in sorts to their debut album and
Pinkerton, my favorite album of
the 1990s and unfortunately, the
model for the emo movement of
music today.
Other big names releasing
albums throughout the year
include The Foo Fighters, The
White Stripes, Bruce Springsteen,
Garbage, Nine Inch Nails, The
Red Hot Chili Peppers and The
Strokes. With any luck, this could
start a trend of more great rock
'n' roll, ultimately pushing rap
and hip-hop into musical obscu-
rity with disco music. 1 seriously
doubt it though.
That's them. The four things
I love which aren't getting the
attention they should. With any
luck, you will take my advice and
look into each. Meanwhile, I'm
going to try and get back into the
habit of writing without those
personal pronouns.
This writer can be contacted at
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Cost of Education
Academic Affairs
Campus Policw
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Activities on can p
Contact Terry Gore, President of the Senate,
if you have any comrwts or concern�
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You are cordially invited to attend the
Third Annual East Carolina University
Undergraduate Research and
Creative Activities Symposium
Friday, April 8, 2005
Mendenhall Student Center
Second Floor
8:00-8:45 am
8:45-9:00 am
9:00-11:30 am
9:00-11:00 am
Opening Session
Oral Presentation Sessions
Poster Presentations and Exhibits
12:15-12:45 pm Keynote Address by Dr. George Barthalmus,
Director of Undergraduate Research, NCSU
1:00-3:15 pm Oral Presentations Sessions
1:00-3:00 pm Poster Presentations and Exhibits
3:30-4:00 pm Awards and Closing Ceremony
Undergraduate students will present their
original research in the following categories:
Fine Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Issues L
Biological and Public Health Sciences p�k
? Social Sciences and Allied Health Wt
$? Chemistry and Technology Systems
For more information, consult www.ecu.eduur.
Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), should contact the Department for Disability Support Services at (252) 328-6799 (V) or
(252) 328-0899 (TTY).
from page B1
ing less money to How through
a household. One thing that's
quickly becoming a trend is
"self check-outs I know at some
point you've been to Wal-Mart
or another store and used one.
Well, is it just me (which is highly
possible) or do those machines
just make things more difficult.
I'm accustomed to someone else
scanning my items, bagging
them and putting them into my
cart. So the other day when I tried
a "self check-out" I wasn't very
successful. I was standing there
scanning the items and plac-
ing them into the bags. When
the computer began talking to
me, saying the weight of the
item didn't match the one I just
scanned, what was I suppose to
do? I had to wait for assistance
and then be asked if I put things
in my bag that I didn't scan. I
was in a hurry and wanted to
save time, instead I got caught
in a problem and ended up being
there much longer than I had
intended. Completely distracted
and confused I tried to finish
the process and just leave. Yes,
that's right - just leave. And that s
exactly what 1 did, with two bags
and a paid $40 bill. 1 didn't real-
ize I left two of my bags sitting
there, but of course when 1 got
back to my dorm I realized it.
Furious, I just decided to forget
about it. So my lesson in the
making is just stick with letting
others do their job and ring up
my stuff. Seems that people are
obsessed with new inventions
and eager to try them out, as
for me I have learned my lesson.
Many would say it's just my for-
getfulness for not picking up my
bags, and to some point I agree.
Guess I'll take part of the blame
for that one.
Same with computers, seems
like everything we do these
days is online. And without
a doubt every time I try to
accomplish something, the Web
site is under construction or some
other technical glitch stands in
my way. I would just blame it on
the "wonderful luck" that never
seems to follow me around, but I
tend to lean toward other reasons
- such as we are moving too fast
in today's world. Although I love
the availability and convenience
(some of the time) that these
things bring us, I feel as if people
forget about the simple, more
slow-paced things in life.
With our world quickly turn-
ing into a "computerized soci-
ety" more and more people are
depending on them. When a
glitch comes about it seems to
throw their whole day or week
off. Why not just use a paper-
planner that you have to write
in with a pen instead of some
hi-tech digital planner? Glitches
won't generally happen with the
pen in your hand rather than a
keyboard. If technology is sup-
posed to help our society grow
and become more accessible,
shouldn't people also be able to
take the blame when things don't
go according to plan. Oh no, it's
the computer's fault.
This writer can be contacted at
BSft from page B1
lence set between the second and
10th seasons.
Although I would be very sad
if the show was cancelled now,
I'm beginning to realize it would
have been best had it been done
years ago, when the quality of the
show really began to slip. When
Jerry Seinfeld pulled his hit
television show at the pinnacle
of its popularity, it was a move
that didn't reek of selfishness or
arrogance. He did it when he felt
the show was headed in a bad
direction and he pulled the plug
before any new episodes could
sour the reputation of the old
ones. At least now every time I
see a rerun of "Seinfeld" on, I'm
not taking a gamble that it may
be a bad episode. I can always
expect to laugh.
For several years now, "The
Simpson's" have been airing
episodes that don't live up to
the standards of the old. The
arrogance and "behind the
scenes" antics of the cast and
crew is reflected in the new epi-
sodes. The outrageous salaries
and demands made, prove the
larger-than-life attitude of sev-
eral of the voices. The idea that
they know they're part of a phe-
nomenon and they can get away
with anything just because the
show has a built-in fan base and
is still showing signs of success,
sullies the pleasure of watching
the show.
When I watch the new epi-
sodes, sometimes I think the
writers have never sat down and
actually watched "The Simp-
son's" before. In an episode from
the second season titled "The
Way We Was the nuclear power
plant was just opening as Homer
finishes high school. Then in the
episode from a newer season titled
"The Blunder Years the plant is
shown as fully operational when
Homer was 12-years-old. While
I am admittedly a diehard fan
of the series, even a casual fan
would notice the current shows
contradict storylines of the past,
which reeks of desperation for
storylines and show a general
disregard for consistency.
Another thing I hate is this
need to add guest voices, as if it's
just another notch in the belt of
the shows' creators. It used to be
that a guest appearance would be
pivotal to the story and only A-list
celebrities would have something
to add to the story would appear.
Now, every 'celebrity' enjoying
their 15 minutes of fame appear
on the show, say a line and then
disappear. Nothing is added to
the show except another name
during the credits.
In the past, you could watch
an episode over and over again
and catch new jokes each time.
Now, the writers seemingly have
such a low opinion of its audi-
ence, they feel the need to slam
us with their unfunny jokes. In
the episode titled "Helter Shelter"
Homer calls the company, "A
Bug's Death" to take care of his
termite problem. When Marge
asks him why he always calls such
terrible companies, he replies,
"I go with who has the funniest
sign Either it was such a funny
joke, it warranted two laughs or
the writers were worried their
"slower" viewers wouldn't catch
it the first time. This is a prime
example of how low the show
has sunk.
While the show has always
slanted to the left, the references
and political jabs were always
sly. Now, as if there's a proverbial
liberal checklist, the writers focus
entire episodes on incorporating
their bias on such issues as out-
sourcing prescription drugs, the
war in Iraq and gay marriage. In
doing so, viewers are alienated
and characters are cheapened,
just for the opportunity to quip
on the agenda the writers obvi-
ously feel they need to shove
down the audiences' throat.
The show used to pride itself
in making inconspicuous jokes
that were topical. Now cheap
shots that are arguably cruel in
nature are made at anything
It is understandable that the
show has been running for quite
a long time and ideas are prob-
ably in short. However, ignoring
a character's core personality
and changing it to fit the need
of the show is unnecessary.
For example, why is it that Mr.
Burns and Homer are practically
best friends now? The man that
struck fear into the workers of
the nuclear power plant and
could never remember Homer
Simpson's name is now using
his employee to find dates? Even
secondary characters that were
never supposed to have depth
to them, like Comic Book Guy,
have entire episodes dedicated
to them.
With no end in sight and a
movie in the works, the creators
are still cashing in on what was
once a great show.
At least I still get to laugh on
Sunday nights when "Arrested
Development" comes on. I can't
help but feel overwhelmed that
such a great show is on the brink
of being cancelled while "The
Simpson's" grudges through yet
another season.
How poor the show has
gotten also makes me appreci-
ate "King of the Hill" more than
ever. After eight seasons, it's still
fresh, and arguably funnier than
ever before. "South Park" and the
return of "Family Guy" will give
me something to look forward to
as well. So while I'm greatly dis-
appointed, I'm happy it inspired
other shows that are still funny.
Next season may improve, but
until then, I'll always have my
This writer can be contacted at
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K3r8 from page B1
many different tastes in music.
I don't think it is outlandish to
wonder why Pirate Underground
or the venues in Greenville
cannot cater to the student's
musical desires. From my expe-
riences with the last semester
and a half, I have not seen many
attempts to diversify the music
scene in Greenville. The major-
ity of bands I have covered for
TEC or simply gone to see for
my own enjoyment, have been
screamo or hardcore, and that is
I realize Pirate Underground,
and other venues in Greenville
try to cater to their loyal audi-
ences. This is a vicious cycle
because these audiences are
the people who like hardcore. I
wouldn't say they are a relatively
large group, they are just loyal
to their one style of music. For
example, Pirate Underground
did a wonderful job by booking
Engine Down last semester. The
band has an amazing talent and
they have pioneered several dif-
ferent types of musical styling.
There was one of the largest
crowds I have seen down in the
basement of Mendenhall at that
show, and it was because Engine
Down plays a different type of
music - not hardcore. The style
intrigued many students and
a lot of people came out to see
them play.
I understand that many
towns' music scene struggle
with the same issue. I am from
the Wilmington area and it has
been within the last two years
that a good base for a variety
of musical styles has been set.
I see that it is hard to break out
of the hardcore scene, but at the
same time I don't understand
I don't know why it is so hard
to break out of the same, ridicu-
lously tight jeans, black shirt
with a gray hoodie zipped up
over it, chain dangling from your
pocket, lip pierced scene. It is the
type of scene where everyone
stands still, staring blanklessly
into space acting as if they were
dead, and then telling everyone
how much they loved it. The
only time anyone moves at those
types of shows is to "dance Even
their dancing is still, violent and
Why should everyone be sub-
ject to this mosh pit "dancing"
gunk? I am sick of hearing bands
that want to be like Beloved or
Underoath. Why can't people
be like Explosions in the Sky or
Mogwai? Or what about bands
like Ted Leo and The Pharmacist
or Murder by Death? Then they
could even have dance nights
with music similar to The Postal
Service or Moby. A campus as
diverse as ECU claims to be
should showcase diverse talent
to intrigue other students.
For the record and for a nice
breath of fresh air, Mae will be
coming to ECU. Their melodic
sounds and easy lyrics will bring
a nice change to the campus
scene. Their show and all of the
information on the event will be
posted in TEC. There is also one
local band who has managed to
find their way out of the muck.
from page B1
curves. I love some of the things
Abercrombie and Old Navy have
to offer, but I don't like how
every time I try on pants, capri's
or shorts, I come across the same
problem. They always fit big in
the waist and small in the hips.
1 have the hardest time finding
cute clothes that don't allow
for more space in the hips and
rear end.
I'm sick and tired of designers
making clothes catering to skinny
women. Although as I was writ-
ing this opinion, a co-worker here
informed me that Levi's makes
a line of jeans for curvaceous
women. I'm pretty sure with the
obesity rise in this country, the
average American woman isn't
size zero, two or four, but these
are the most common sizes we see
in designer stores. I am not saying
that obesity is good because it
truly is an epidemic but the facts
need to be faced, there are bigger
consumers out there today than
there were IS years ago.
Another thing that bakes my
noodle is when I go looking for
pants or capri's and they're all too
long. I'm 4 feet 10 inches tall, S
feet with heels, and it is impos-
sible to find pants that aren't
2 feet too long. Even with the
"short people sizes" I still need a
few inches taken off. I know all
my taller peers out there have
exactly the opposite problem.
According to the American
Census Bureau, the average
woman is S feet 4 inches tall,
but what about the rest of us
abnormal people, are we going to
be clothing outcasts forever?
All of you fashion merchan-
dising majors, please take notice
of this article. All of us short,
tall and curvaceous women need
All complaining aside, I sup-
pose there is a bright side to
buying clothes as a short person.
When all the capri's go on sale at
the end of the summer, we can
save money by wearing them
in the winter as regular pants,
instead of paying double for
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This writer can be contacted at
Not everyone Is Halle Berry.
Clothes are made for her size.
The Capulets are a talented group
with great music who also won
the recent Battle of the Bands
held in Mendenhall. But this is
only a couple of bands, when
can a defining change be made?
When can bands like Mae or The
Capulets play in Greenville or at
ECU more often?
I think it is time for a change.
I expect the turn out to different
kinds of shows would be better,
and bigger. I think different
types of sounds could really
stimulate a rather dull campus on
the weekend. Different styles of
music presented in weekly shows
could divert some of the mindless
drunkenness and partying that
occurs here on the weekends.
I think it is time for venues in
Greenville and the Pirate Under-
ground to switch gears and move
in a different direction, a direc-
tion that will benefit students,
owners of the venues and the
ECU campus as a whole.
This writer can be contacted at
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Y 12-9PM
Page B5 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY April 7, 2005
Steroids issue growing in complexity Mickelson
Line between cheating
and not cheating
still very thin
Mission accomplished. Major
League Baseball kicked off its
opening week with a bang and
perhaps more importantly, impli-
cated its first victim under the
new steroid testing policy.
Fans seemed unconcerned
with the ongoing scandal, attend-
ing spring training in record
numbers as 3.4 million turned
out, breaking the mark set in
1994. The enthusiasm contin-
ued into the regular season with
ballparks filled to near capacity
throughout the league.
Alex Sanchez was the scape-
goat who tested positive for an
unspecified substance and began
serving a 10 day suspension
Monday. The Tampa Bay Devil
Rays outfielder blamed the result
on something he bought over the
counter and said he never took
steroids and pointed to his body
and statistics as proof.
Point taken.
The speedy centerfielder stole
52 bases in 2003 and hit .322
in 2004 while battling injuries.
Sanchez did set a career-high in
home runs last season, blasting
two dingers in 79 games, making
his career total four dongs in four
years. Not exactly the power one
would expect from a juicer. Some-
thing doesn't add up if a player
with four career home runs is the
first casualty of the new testing
policy - and it just happened to
be announced on opening day.
However, the characteristics
of a substance abuser don't nec-
essarily reflect the stereotype.
Pitcher Damian Moss was the
biggest name among 38 minor
leaguers that were suspended
for violating the steroids policy.
Moss, who pitched for the Atlanta
Braves and San Francisco Giants,
won't be mistaken for a body-
builder, but his positive test
disproved the notion that hurlers
didn't need a steroid advantage.
. One more note in the minor
league test results. The players
suspended were mostly from the
teams that held spring training
in Arizona. Results from the 18
teams that played in Florida are
not yet known.
to repeat
This Masters could be
one for the ages
Tampa Bay Devil Rays' centerfielder Alex Sanchez was the first MLB player suspended for violation of the new drug policy.
It's interesting that minor
league players are tested for more
banned substances than those in
the major league. Minor league
contracts are not covered by a
collective bargaining agreement
and therefore the list of banned
drugs is much longer, namely
How has baseball established
such a well-defined list of which
performance enhancers are
allowed? Common knowledge
will tell you a high percentage
of athletes, both professional and
amateur, utilize these products to
varying degrees.
I'm no scientist and couldn't
distinguish the molecular com-
pounds and eventual side effects
from steroids in contrast with
other substances that can be
purchased from your everyday
supplement store, but I'm smart
enough to know they all will
offer tlu' user a certain physi
advantage over a non-user.
So are officials saying drugs
are acceptable as long as they
don't give the user, or abuser
in some cases, too much of an
advantage? Go ahead and gain
a little muscle with the help of
these products, but you better
not gain too much?
The list of accepted sub-
stances is clear, but the fine
line between what should and
shouldn't be on that list is pain-
fully contentious. The new poli-
cies and emphasis on weeding
ealers will UonQthing but
cause more controversy.
Several players, including
Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and
Gary Sheffield have all but admit-
ted taking steroids. 1 have more
respect for Jason Giambi and
even Jose Canseco for owning up
to their mistakes. Well, Canseco
wouldn't consider it a mistake
but rather a lucrative investment
in a last ditch effort to avoid
anonymity. Giambi expressed
remorse, although forced because
he would have been implicated
eventually, for his prior steroid
That's more than I can say for
Bonds, Sheffield and McGwire.
McGwire danced around the
issue and broke down in tears
see BASEBALL page B7
Coming off a win last
weekend at the BellSouth Classic,
Phil Mickelson will have to face
the same question again as the
first major tournament of the
year approaches - can he win the
Masters? This time the question
ends with the word "again
Mickelson won the BellSouth
Monday in dramatic fashion,
winning a five-man playoff with
Rich Beem, Brandt Jobe, Arjun
Atwal and another former Masters
champion, Jose Maria Olazabal.
"Feeling that anxiety, that
excitement, the stuff I feel every
day in a major championship,
it's great for me to prepare for the
Masters this way, to have that
feeling just a couple days before
Thursday said Mickleson in an
interview with the Associated
Mickelson comes in as the
hottest golfer on the tour and
the top money winner so far
this year. With his win at the
BellSouth in Duluth, Ga just
a two hour drive from Augusta,
see MASTERS page B7
Holtz releases first depth chart
2005 ECU Depth Chart (As of April 4)
Players stretch out during practice earlier in the spring. Coach Holtz will have the final depth chart by the end of spring practice.
Drew given nod at QB,
second scrimmage Friday
The ECU football team has
begun to put the pieces into the
complex puzzle. Head Coach Skip
Holtz' first attempt came when
he officially released his first two-
deep depth chart on Tuesday.
Holtz released the names
publicly after carefully review-
ing film of the first lntra-squad
scrimmage. The 115-play situ-
ational scrimmage, which took
place April 1, was held for the
coaching staff to evaluate players
Redshirt freshman Davon
Drew was listed as the first-string
quarterback with Kort Shankwei-
ler as the backup. Drew stands at
6 feet 4 Inches and was named
North Carolina Athlete of the
Year during in 2003.
"Davon Drew, athletically,
can do some things said Holtz.
"I will say that. Right now, 1
wouldn't say either one of them
is impressing me with their arm.
But Davon Drew can make some
things happen with his feet
While Drew stands atop of
the depth chart currently, he
hasn't solidified his position.
"This is a great opportunity
for Drew and Shankweiler because
Patrick Pinkney is out, the fresh-
man aren't here Holtz said.
"But when you get to the fall,
there may be five or six quarter-
backs here. If Drew doesn't earn
the starting job, then he won't get
those opportunities
The first depth chart had
to be amended due to a slew of
minor injuries. The ECU offense
has at least nine players that are
on the sidelines. Notables include
receiver Bobby Good and tight
ends Sean Harmon and Shawn
Levesque. The defense is without
linebackers Chris Moore, Pierre
Bell and Dashaun Stephens.
Position changes also high-
light the depth chart. Most of the
adjustments were to add bulk to
the smallish Pirates. Senior Chris
Sellers (DL to OT) and junior Josh
Coffman (TE to OT) hold spots
on the offensive line while senior
Richard Koonce (DE to LB),
sophomore Wendell Chavis (DT
to DE), senior Jamar Flournoy
(LB to FS) and Pierre Parker (LB
to SS) have earned current jobs
on defense.
Even though the depth chart
is merely a rough sketch, some
newcomers have filled in gaps
created by graduation while
others have stepped up to take
jobs from former starters.
"You don't inherit a posi-
tion Holtz said.
"I don't care if we have two
quarterbacks and neither one is
good enough to be a starter, I
won't name one. We don't just
treat the quarterback situation
like that, we treat every position
that way
Junior college All-American
Aundrae Allison grabbed one of
the three receiver slots. On the
offensive line, Gary Freeman and
Eric Graham return while Chris
Sellars, Trey Magee and Drew
Sutton have stepped up to fill
out the line.
The backfield contains two of
the tightest battles of the offense.
Chris Johnson, the starter a
season ago held his reign at H-
back. However, Robert Tillman
isn't far behind. Tillman played
wide receiver in an attempt to
get on the field in 2004, but was
moved back to his natural posi-
tion. Senior fullbacks Jermarcus
Veal and Jason Pender are also
locked in a duel.
"There are some great battles
out there Holtz said to SID.
"I'd say all four positions in the
defensive secondary are closely
contested, probably the most com-
petitive area on our team
Former starters Zach Baker,
Kyle Chase and Erode Jean all
find themselves on the second-
team. They were ousted by Pierre
Parker, Jamar Flournoy and Kasey
Ross respectively. Return special-
3 Davon Drew 6-4 215
12 Kort Shankweiler 6-2 233
14 Patrick Pinkney (injured)
44 Jermarcus Veal 6-1 241
30 Jason Pender 5-10 224
24 Chris Johnson 5-11 170
23 Robert Tillman 5-11 175
Wide Receiver
Aundrae Allison 6-0 186
84 Bryson Bowling 6-2 172
Flank WR
80 Kevin Roach 6-4 207
82 Juwon Crowell 6-2 177
Wide Receiver
87 Brian Howard 6-2 170
86 Will Bland 5-9 181
77 Drew Sutton 6-3 272
66 Zach Davis 6-4 256
67 Hunter Wood (injured)
Offensive Guard
64 Gary Freeman 6-1 331
60 Trey Magee 6-4 297
68 Matt Butler 6-4 299
58 Lance Neisz (injured)
Offensive Tackle
70 Chris Sellers 6-2 196
78 Eric Graham 6-6 312
61 Thomas Wingenbach 6-5 279
81 Josh Coffman 6-6 248
Defensive Tackle
99 Dontre Brown 6-1287
Brandon Setzer 6-5 311
ist Travis Williams is currently
behind Demetrius Hodges, who
sat out the majority of last season
with a shoulder surgery.
With the injuries to three of
the top linebackers, two newcom-
ers have stepped in. Redshirt fresh-
man Jarrett Wiggins joins senior
Richard Koonce at outside line-
backer. Sophomore Durwin Lamb
is currently filling in for Butkus
Award Candidate Chris Moore.
Shaunte Hunt and Dontre
48 Durwin Lamb 6-1 223
49 Wes Hofacker 6-2 234
40 Chris Moore (injured)
11 Richard Koonce 6-0 237
97 Zach Slate 6-5 212
98 Jarrett Wiggins 6-3 206
13 Pat Dosh 6-2 226
42 Dashaun Stephens (Injured)
Free Saftey
5 Jamar Flournoy 6-0 205
4 Kyle Chase 5-8 195
Defensive End
55 Shauntae Hunt 6-5 268
94 Michael MacDonagh 6-3 249
Nose Guard
96 Mark Robinson 6-2 255
95 Fred Hicks 6-0 290
6 Demetrius Hodges 5-9 191
32 Travis Williams 5-11 175
35 Kasey Ross 5-11 160
25 Erode Jean 5-9 177
Defensive End
47 Lorenza Plckett 6-1 233
37 Wendell Chavis 6-2 235
Strong Safety
8 Pierre Parker 6-0 202
9 Zach Baker 62 208
- Herman Best 6-0 180
Brown anchor the defensive line.
Mark Robinson and Lorenza Pick-
ett also round out the first team.
The 311-pound Brandon Setzer
is waiting in the wings behind
The Pirates have a second
scrimmage scheduled for Friday
night before the playing of the
Purple-Gold Game April 16.
This writer can be contacted at

Finesse players losing out big-time
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else. Leslie
Mlckelson changed his approach off the tee twice, finally going back to hitting the ball long, which has worked out better for his game.
(KRT) � Tiger Woods stepped
to the tee on the designated long-
drive hole of last week's Tavistock
Cup competition and quickly
eyed the posted distance totals of
the players who preceded him.
Their numbers seemed reach-
able, a fact he mentioned aloud.
Then it was rightly pointed out
that, in order for a drive to be
counted, the ball had to remain
in the fairway.
"Overrated he said with a
The thing is, he's only half-
"If you ask all the top play-
ers, they would all say the same
thing said Woods, who is bomb-
ing it farther than ever. "It's not
as relevant as it has been
In the age-old tussle between
power and accuracy, the finesse
players again are being out-
manned and outmuscled by
gonzo golfers, players who aren't
overly concerned about where
their drives land or who gets
It's a development that con-
tinues to simultaneously raise
purists' eyebrows and lower the
number of fairways found. The
objective for power hitters has
become to hammer a tee shot 300
yards in the general direction of
the fairway, find the ball, toss a
wedge shot onto the green, be
it spun from the fairway or dug
from the rough, and roll in a
birdie putt.
Augusta National, which
traditionally features the lightest
rough of the four major champi-
onships, could provide the per-
fect stage for the slash-and-burn
mind-set in this week's Masters.
"(Accuracy's) not overrated,
but I think distance is underrated
right now said Phil Mickelson,
the defending Masters champion.
"I think that you have got to
move the ball out there
Move it out there or move
over. Trivia time: Of the top four
players on the 2004 money list,
Vijay Singh, Ernie Els, Mickelson
and Woods, which guy finished in
the top 100 in driving accuracy?
Answer: None of them.
Mickelson, who tweaked his
game last year in order to empha-
size accuracy, led the foursome by
keeping 62.9 percent of his drives
in the short grass, which ranked
an uninspiring 120th on tour.
Mickelson has since ditched his
short-lived conservative ways and
reverted to his traditional slash-
and-panache approach, noting
that he had fallen well back in the
driving distance category.
"When I had sacrificed 15
yards last year, I knew that I
needed to make a change Mick-
elson said of his fast psychologi-
cal about-face.
In 2004, only one player in
the top 10 on the money list
finished in the top 100 in driv-
ing accuracy, the aptly surnamed
Stephen Ames. In 1980, only one
player in the top 10 in earnings
finished outside the top 100 in
fairways found. Indeed, there
is less urgency than ever for the
bombers to split hairs about split-
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ting fairways.
"It's an overrated stat, on
the way to becoming almost
Irrelevant said Orlando swing
coach David Leadbetter, who
teaches Els and a slew of top pros
on various world tours. "If you
are hitting it 340 yards and are
lobbing a 9-iron in there versus
somebody who is hitting it 270
down the middle, the guy with
the 9-iron is still going to hit it
closer, unless the rough is abso-
lutely horrific
In their brilliant duel at
Doral, Mickelson missed 31 of
56 fairways and Woods missed
30. Still, both set career highs
with 27 birdies over four rounds.
Legendary bomber Jack Nicklaus
was watching on television in
rapt attention. "It's absurd
Nicklaus said. "It doesn't make
any difference where you hit it
anymore. You just hit it as far
as you can. They're hitting it so
close to the green, they can't put
see GOLF page B8
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MaSterS from page B5
Lefty earned his third win of the
year and is a favorite to repeat as
Masters champion.
Mickelson may be atop the
money list, but right behind him
is the world's No. 1 ranked golfer,
Vijay Singh. This is Singh's first
major as the top-ranked golfer,
but he is not feeling the pressure
and enters Augusta National
"I'm pretty comfortable with
the position I'm in said the
2000 champion Tuesday in an
interview with the AP.
"I should be, you know?
I don't have any worries. I'm
enjoying my game right now.
What can be better? I'm here at
the Masters, best player in the
world right now and ready to go
win another one
With rain in the forecast, the
course may favor the long-ball
hitters, which makes John Daly
a contender. There's another
long-ball hitter, however, who
is a three-time Masters cham-
pion and a serious challenge to
Singh and Mickelson - Tiger
Woods is off to a great start.
He is ranked second in the world,
third on the money list, has a
new swing and has already col-
lected a pair of wins on the tour
this year.
Depending on how much
it rains will affect how the ball
plays. As of Wednesday, the
course was fast and dry through
the practice rounds, which,
coupled with higher roughs, will
reduce the margin of error on
what is traditionally a challeng-
ing course.
Mickelson, Woods and Singh
may all be playing well, but they
are just three of several golfers
on the PGA Tour who are on a
hot streak. Ernie Els, who has
never finished lower than sixth
at Augusta, David Toms, Padraig
Harrington, Retief Goosen, Beem
or Olazabal could all be donning
the famed Green Jacket Sunday
evening. Sergio Garcia had a
very strong showing last year at
Augusta and recorded a double
eagle Tuesday during a practice
Jack Nicklaus will be back for
his 45th and probably his final
Masters. The six-time Masters
champion last made the cut in
2000 and will tee off at 10:11
a.m. Thursday. The first to tee
off at 8:0S a.m. will be the three-
some of David Howell, Jonathan
Kaye and Ted Purdy with Daly,
Jesper Parnevlk and Shigeki
Maruyama the last trio to tee it
up - at 1:55 p.m. Woods will tee
off at 1:33 p.m. while Singh goes
at 10:49 a.m. and Mickelson hits
the links 11 minutes earlier. Els
and Toms are part of a trio, along
with Adam Scott, with a tee-time
of 1:44 p.m.
With much of the talk sur-
rounding the trio of Woods,
Mickelson and Singh, don't be
surprised if another guy like
Mike Weir wins his first Masters
- after all neither Goosen, Toms,
nor Els has ever won a green
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Baseball from page 85
before a congressional hearing.
Bonds and Sheffield "unknow-
ingly" took steroids. I still don't
quite understand that one. At
exactly which point did they
know? Did they wake up one
day and say hey, my hat size has
grown three full sizes in the last
six months and I can't fit into my
XXL T-shirts anymore, I wonder
if rubbing that cream all over my
body has anything to do with
it? And who rubs foreign sub-
stances on themselves without
knowing exactly what it is?
Canseco wouldn't be proud at
all. Apparently, back in his day
they were man enough to stick
needles in each other's back-
But I digress. Regardless, I'm
thankful Canseco's book created
such a stir. Say what you want
Bud Selig, but baseball wouldn't
be on the path to stricter testing
without the publicity and his
The inflammation of the
issue is spreading. In addition
to the NFL being summoned
before Congress, the NBA, NHL
and five other groups are also
entering the fray. Congress has
asked for information regard-
ing their drug testing policies.
Officials from the NBA, NHL,
ATP, MLS, U.S. Soccer Federa-
tion, USA Track & Field and USA
Cycling all received letters and
were given until April 12 to turn
over copies of their sports' pres-
ent and past testing policies and
information about how those
were negotiated.
1 think we are all in agree-
ment that drug testing is head-
ing in the right direction, but
the extent is arguable. Some
believe that more drugs should
be banned and at least one nut-
case (Canseco) thinks steroids
are helpful. Even others believe
performance enhancers should
be completely banned from
athletics and I'm one of them.
Steroids are a primary target of
fair play proponents because of
health risks and proven muscle
building capabilities, but there
are countless legal products with
similar results. If MLB, and all
sports for that matter, is focused
on leveling the playing field, all
performance enhancing sub-
stances should be disallowed. If
not, the new policy is nothing
more than a smokescreen and
a ploy to shut up the media and
the public.
This writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
Failed, failed, failed.
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GOlf from page 66
enough rough out there to make
any difference
Aficionados are predict-
ably concerned. Los Angeles-
based golf architect and author
Geoff Shackelford, whose
2004 book The Future of Golf
was highly critical of the effects
technology had wrought,
said the dump-and-chase
philosophy violates the very
essence of the game.
"The theory is that they have
created areas on the golf course
where you are supposed to be
rewarded he said, referring to
fairways. "That area is now mean-
ingless. It's become a long-drive
Finesse players have been
grousing about tour setups for
years. Grow the rough and play
courses with doglegs and trees,
they cry. Dial in the fairways to
narrower width. But if a player
is strong enough to drive the
ball an average of 300 yards, as
a record IS did in 2004, then
they surely can carve a wedge
out of the rough and attack the
flags at tour stops with
moderate rough.
In fact. Woods says that as the
tour has narrowed the fairways
and players have grown longer,
it's hard to hit the short grass
with any club. So why not let the
big dog eat?
Woods, whose tee shots in
2004 could best be described as
nomadic, this year has ratcheted
up the specifications on his driver
to warp speed after years of using
an admittedly antiquated set-up.
Bob Wood, the director of Nike
Golf, described Woods as "an
equipment geek but his top
pitchman was in no hurry to ditch
his old steel-shafted driver.
Woods switched to the largest
clubhead on the market this off-
season after using the same-size
driver for 15 years. This came
despite the fact that he had his
worst driving year ever in 2004
using a more controllable stick.
"It's an adaptation you have
to make with the newer equip-
ment he said. "It's just the way
it is
For Woods, it's at long last
hammer time.
"He understands that to
be able to take full advantage
of what's available to him, he
needed to go in that direction
said Tom Stites, Nike's chief club
designer, who has delivered
hundreds of drivers to Woods
Tiger Woods is rankod No. 145 in driving accuracy on the PGA.
for testing. "The advantage that
he used to have, just based on his
ability, a lot of people would say
he has that back now
After making the move,
Woods won three times
in his next four starts, even
though he didn't always know
where the ball was going. In
fact, when he won the Buick
Invitational in January to snap an
11-month victory drought on the
PGA Tour, Woodshita meager44.6
percent of the fairways, the fifth-
worst driving week of his career.
When he won at Doral four
weeks ago, he hit 46.4 percent of
the fairways.
Woods stands at No. 145 in
driving accuracy at S7.4 percent,
but he's also averaging 302 yards
per poke to rank third on tour.
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The East Carolinian, April 7, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 07, 2005
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