The East Carolinian, March 2, 2005

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Volume 80 Number 61
WEDNESDAY ' March 2, 2005
New medical building under construction
The design for the new building includes a health sciences library and an eatery for students, faculty and staff from the schools of nursing and allied health.
The project is projected to be completed in May 2005. A topping out ceremony is being held March 31 to celebrate the building's progress.
Structure will house
Allied Health and
Nursing schools
A new building to house the
school of allied health sciences
and the school of nursing is
under construction in the medi-
cal school community near Pitt
Memorial Hospital.
The building will allow stu-
dents from these majors to
study in a modern facility with
easy access to the medical com-
munity. The site is located off
Highway 43, which turns into
Fifth Street, making ECU'S main
campus a quick drive down the
"I think the students will be
the winners they are going
to have the latest technology
said Steve Thomas, dean of the
school of allied health.
Thomas said the modern
amenities of the building will
teach the students how to work in
a health care setting that increas-
ingly relies on technology.
The building will also feature
a health sciences library and an
The school of allied health
is currently located in the Belk
building, next to the intramural
fields and the school of nursing
is located in the Rivers building
on east campus.
ECU is split into the divi-
sion of health sciences, which is
comprised of the medical-related
schools on campus and the divi-
sion of academic affairs which
houses all the other schools.
The move would allow the
entire division of health sciences
to unite in one common area of
ECU. The new location would
also be beneficial to the students
because of its close proximity to
a major medical facility.
The total cost of the build-
ing project is $6.8 million with
financing coming from bond
revenue. Completion is sched-
uled for spring 2006.
"We'd like to have classes up
and running after spring break
Thomas said.
A link on the school of allied
health's Web site will take you to
a live camera trained on the con-
struction site to view the progress.
Once the school of allied
health has made the move to the
new building, the Belk building
will be renovated to provide
room for the school of human
health and performance.
Space is something that is
needed for the school of allied
health, which currently over-
flows into six trailer units out-
side the Belk building.
Small rooms are divided into
cubicles to provide office space
for professors, with only a small
barrier in between areas, creat-
ing a lack of privacy for the pro-
fessors and their students who
come to visit. The bathrooms are
tiny and inaccessible to handi-
capped individuals and a few of
the classrooms are also used as
storage space, creating a cramped
learning environment.
Gia Covington, earning a
master's degree in occupational
therapy, said the move will be
"We need a lot more space
there's just not enough room for
everyone said Covington.
Dustin Daugherty, earning a
master's degree in occupational
therapy, said the new location
might help with scheduling
"If we have more room, we
might be able to get more of our
classes done in a shorter time
said Daugherty.
This writer can be contacted at
Faith in White House an issue for America
Topic draws varying
opinions from nation
Christians throughout Amer-
ica have shown support for Presi-
dent Bush and his stances toward
certain issues. His principles,
however, have brought some
resentment among others.
President Bush has brought
his personal faith and religious
convictions into practice in the
White House, making Christian
principles a factor upon which he
bases some decisions. The three
most controversial principles that
President Bush is addressing are
the sanctity of human life, the
sanctity of marriage and public
acknowledgement of God.
The sanctity of human life
continues to be a volatile topic
in this country as Bush seeks to
ban abortion practices.
The Rev. Rob Schenek of
Faith and Action, a Christian
organization located in Wash-
ington D.C gave his insight
into the dilemma of abortion.
"The very word sanctity origi-
nates in the Latin language in the
form of sanctus, which means
that something is holy or has
spiritual value said Schenek.
"Life as we view it has a spe-
cial quality originating with God.
Therefore, every human life has
inherent value regardless of their
ability to contribute to the world.
Bush is working hard for public
policy and laws that recognize
the unique place human life has
in the world
Dispute over the issue of
abortion is the result of different
opinions of when life begins.
The position that many Chris-
tians take is the idea that a fetus
is human during any stage of
development due to their beliefs
about the creation of life.
"Human life is created in the
image of God Schenek said.
"Therefore, we should not
treat human life as expendable
Other U.S. citizens do not
share this viewpoint including
Scott Cayton, president of the
ECU College Libertarians.
"A fetus of up to several
months old has not and will
never live on its own outside
of the womb without massive
amounts of advanced scientific
care said Cayton.
"A fetus cannot have rights if
it has never had its own life. I call
for all abortions to be completely
legal and unregulated by the gov-
ernment up to the point that the
fetus has a reasonable chance of
living outside the womb
The sanctity of marriage is
similarly an explosive topic to
discuss in America. Bush seeks
to amend the Constitution to
dictate that marriage is a practice
available only for heterosexuals.
"Marriage is the building block
of human culture Schenek said.
"The complimentary aspects
between males and females are
of incalculable value. The best
place for child development is
in a two-spouse, heterosexual,
monogamous relationship
Keller Stem, campus minister
for Campus Christian Fellowship
of ECU, agrees with Schenek.
"God intended the unity
relationship of marriage to be
between a man and a woman
said Stem.
"It's about time that we have a
president who is willing to take a
stand on this type of issue rather
than straddle the fence and make
everybody happy
The issue of same-sex mar-
riages is not the only objection to
President Bush's position.
"The Libertarian position on
this argument is that the federal
government should not be issu-
ing marriage licenses to anyone
Cayton said.
He said the idea that anyone,
gay or straight, can only be legiti-
mately married by the govern-
ment is so completely absurd that
words cannot describe it.
Matthew Griffin, executive of
media for Bi-Sexual Gay Lesbian
Against Defamation organization
of ECU, disagrees with Bush's
stance toward the issue.
Griffin said denying homo-
sexuals the right to marry is
denying them the right to be
human and does not represent
what America stands for.
"It is unconstitutional because
the Constitution was not set to
deny people any rights said
"I think it is wrong to base
the country's laws on biblical
standards because not everyone
A protestor holds a sign during Bush's recent visit to Raleigh.
is a Christian
The public acknowledgment
of God has been an issue under
heavy debate for several decades
in America. People feel the rec-
ognition of God is important
because it demands higher moral
"This idea reflects our
understanding that we are
accountable to higher moral
and ethical standards than
ourselves Schenek said.
"Governments are account-
see FAITH page A3
Majors fair, assessment seminars being held
Events scheduled
to help students
The ECU Academic
Enrichment Center has deemed
March as Majors Month
and is offering several ways
to help students choose the
major that best suits them.
One of the events is an assess-
ment seminar, in which students
can sign up for one of the six
scheduled times to be held in
Joyner Library. The seminars are
Scheduled from 3 - 4 p.m. and are
based on a new concept.
"We wanted to meet stu-
dents' needs in a more up to date
way said Karen Floyd, assistant
director of the academic enrich-
ment center.
"We want it to feel more per-
sonal so they can leave knowing
they have learned something
about themselves
The seminars are restricted
to 21 students, the number of
accessible computers. Students
will conduct a self-directed
search tool where they will
enter personal information
including likes, abilities, values
and many more. After filling
out the information, the pro-
gram will give each student a
personalized three-letter code,
which will then correlate with
possible majors that match their
In addition to the seminars,
the academic enrichment center
is holding a Majors Fair March 2,
from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in
the Bate building.
The Majors Fair is similar
to a career fair. The theme of
the event is "Mapping Out Your
Future, Find the Right Major
for You More than 30 ECU
schools, departments and col-
leges will have booths set up at
the fair that covers the majority
of majors offered at ECU.
The fair is free for all students
and anyone is welcome to go and
speak to students who are already
in certain majors, along with
advisers who are knowledgeable.
"We will also be doing some
thematic ideas which will be
incorporated with the fair. Trea-
sure maps, mapping out your
future is one of the potential
ideas Floyd said.
Figuring out what major is
right and sticking to that choice
can be very difficult for students.
The academic enrichment
center has been active for
approximately one year and has
worked to assist students. In past
years, various workshops have
been offered and advisers are
always available for assistance
in deciding a major.
"We want to help students
break down the catalog and
figure out how to make them-
selves marketable. We want to
make sure students have enough
information about ECU'S 102
possible majors to make strong,
supported decisions Floyd
Arty Haraway, sophomore
undecided major, has trouble
with the process.
"It is definitely hard because
you think you know what you
want to do, but then you take a
few'classes and it turns out that
was the wrong choice for you
said Haraway.
Whitney McCoy, sophomore
undecided major, liked the idea
of the events.
"I plan on attending the
majors fair. I think it would
be interesting to talk to other
students who have taken the
classes required for that major.
They could be really helpful
said McCoy.
The academic enrichment
center is ready and willing to
help each and every student.
"Even after these events,
students are welcome to come
in and take the computer pro-
file and speak to us about their
problems deciding on a major.
Our door is open to all ECU
students Floyd said.
This writer can be contacted at
news�theeastcarolinian. com.
ABC inspects businesses
making sure they don't offer
alcohol to underaged patrons.
Cleaner downtown
reduces problem
In conjunction with Alco-
hol Law Enforcement and local
police, the ABC law enforcement
division is doing its part to keep
students safe by enforcing under-
age drinking laws.
Allen Barrow, chief of ABC in
Greenville, said their main focus
is regulating and inspecting busi-
nesses that sell alcohol.
"We do routine checking
around ABC stores and businesses
We use minors to test to see
if businesses or restaurants will
sell them alcohol illegally said
Barrow said routine checks
are not everyday occurrences
because there are only two ABC
law enforcement officers for all
of Pitt County.
Barrow said since the revital-
ization of the downtown area,
not only have businesses cleaned
up but there's an older crowd
attending them.
"Five years ago, it was primar-
ily underage drinkers downtown
because the bars were rundown
and some of the nastiest in the
state Barrow said.
Although the downtown area
has cleaned up, Barrow said the
number of tickets per year stays
consistently between 300 and
400 even though the problem
itself is getting more attention.
Barrow said binge drinking
has increased over the last few
years due to certain social venues
and business promotions giving
people misconceptions of how
alcohol should be used.
"The intent of drinking a
beer shouldn't be to get drunk or
wasted, it should be to just enjoy
it Barrow said.
ABC takes note of businesses
that promote large containers of
alcoholic beverages, in connec-
tion with the number of people
who leave these businesses an�T
get injured due to their alcohol
"Many people don't like to
cooperate with these investiga-
tions, but we are really just doing
it to protect everyone Barrow
During ECU'S football season,
Barrow said many tickets are
written due to illegal consump-
tion of liquor drinks. Liquor can
only be consumed at a dwelling
or at a business that has an ABC
Barrow said a myth among
students is that it is not unlawful
to hold an aleoholic beverage for
a friend.
"We hear it all the time, but
it is unlawful to possess any alco-
holic beverage if you are under
21 whether it is possession, in
your bloodstream or in a cup
Barrow said.
Barrow said many students do
not realize the severity of using
a fictitious identification card.
In North Carolina, possessing
fraudulent identification can be
punishable by up to 120 days
in jail or by one year without a
"False identification can be
an altered identification card
or someone else's identification
card Barrow said.
Some students feel the ABC
see ABC page A3
INSIDE News: A2 Classifieds: A9 I Opinion: A4 I Scene: A5 I Sports: A7

Page A2 252.328. 6366
NICK HENNE News Editor KRISTIN DAY Assistant News Editor
WEDESDAY March 2, 2005
Campus News
Carrol Varner, former director of
Joyner Library resigned from his
position. He was not terminated
as it stated in the article entitled
"Bomb threat shakes Joyner
Library" in Tuesday's issue.
Majors fair
ECU's Academic Enrichment
Center is hosting a Majors Fair
March 2 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30
p.m. on the first floor of Bate
Building. Come find out which
major is best for you
Navajo author speaks
at Brody
Dr. Lori Alvord, a surgeon and
author, will present "Walking in
Beauty, Living in Balance - A
Navajo Philosophy of Healing"
at the Brody School of Medicine
March 2 at 12.30 p.m. in 2W40
Brody. Alvord is a member of the
Navajo tribe and will discuss how
she incorporates ceremonies
and balance into her surgical
practice as a way of creating
healing environments. The event
is open to the public. For more
information, call Dr. Virginia D.
Hardy at 744,2500.
ACSS workshop
Adult and Commuter Student
6ervices and Janie Sowers, clinical
director of child development and
family relations, will present a
series of workshops designed
to help students ke,ep a healthy
relationship with their significant
other while balancing school,
work and a family. The second
workshop is March 4 in 212
Mendenhall from noon - 1:30
p.m. These workshops will cover
fcpics including money, roles in a
relationship, sex, children, fun and
relaxation. For more information,
please call 328-6881.
Speaker Bev Smith
Bev Smith, African American
award-winning investigative
journalist and talk show host will
speak at ECU'S Murphy Center
March 4 at 5 p.m. Smith is the
former host of Black Entertainment
Television's talk show "Our Voices
Her radio and television career
has spanned two decades, and
she is the first African American
consumer affairs reporter. This
event is free and open to the
public. Please contact Tonya
Jacobs at Ledonia Wright Cultural
Center at 328-6495 for more
Old Time Music
The ECU Folk and Country
Dancers and Folk Arts Society of
Greenville will present a program
of traditional bluegrass, western
swing, gospel, old-time duets
and fiddle breakdowns with the
Hometown Boys reunion Saturday,
March 5 at 8 p.m in the Willis
Building. The Hometown Boys
are an all-acoustic string band
who originally formed 25 years
ago in Greenville. Their music
includes tunes from the bygone
days accompanied by an ever-
changing array of stringed
instruments and outstanding vocal
harmonies. Cost of admission is
$3 for students, $5 for FASG
members and $8 for the general
public. For more information, call
Mike Hamer at 830-0349
Social Work
Students with the social work
department are hosting a
fundraiser on behalf of the Little
Willie Center, which is located
on Martin Luther King Drive. They
will be holding a raffle the week
of March 7 and plan to have a
table set up in Wright Race and
Mendenhall March 7 and March
9. Raffle prizes include a $100
Food Lion gift certificate, $75
cash and a $50 gas card. Their
goal is to raise $1500. For more
information, please call Yolanda
Burwell at 328-4201.
Want your event printed in TEC?
Please send your announcements
with date, time, location and
contact Information to assistan
News Briefs
Police say UNC
student's beating a hate crime
CHAPEL HILL NC - Police say an attack
on a gay student who was beaten by
a gang of six or seven men was a
hate crime, but no witnesses have
come forward to help investigators.
The victim suffered broken bones but
wasn't hospitalized, police said. His
attackers, described as six or seven
white males around the age of 20,
have not been identified.
Police still have few details about
the attack other than what the 21-
year-old student at UNC-Chapel Hill
could recall.
The student was walking alone around
2 a.m. Friday near the intersection of
Franklin and Columbia streets when
he was taunted by the group of
young men. They made derogatory
comments about the victim's sexual
orientation before assaulting him, said
police spokeswoman Jane Cousins.
Although the victim was walking
along a popular stretch of roadway,
no witnesses have come forward,
Cousins said.
"We don't have a lot to go on she
said. "Anyone who might have seen
anything, we'd like them to call
Police categorized the incident as a
hate crime because of the attackers'
comments, Cousins said.
"It came as an absolute, total surprise
said David Ruskey, a UNC senior and
member of the executive board of the
university's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender and Straight Alliance.
Duke researchers seek
system to help marine mammals
BEAUFORT, NC - As scientists puzzle
over why dozens of whales beached
themselves here in January, Duke
University researchers are working
on a system to help the military steer
clear of marine mammals along the
East Coast.
The research comes as authorities
investigate whether the Navy's use
of sonar has caused beachings
elsewhere. Sonar technology bounces
sound waves off underwater objects
to define the underwater landscape,
and is used by Navy vessels to detect
threats and navigate.
But those sound waves also are
suspected of causing problems for
whales, perhaps damaging their
hearing or causing them to rise to the
surface too quickly and get the bends.
More than 30 whales died during the
mysterious mass beaching along the
Outer Banks. It isn't clear why, though
officials have said the circumstances
of the incident lead them to doubt the
Navy had anything to do with it.
The Duke team's research is aimed at
predicting where and when whales,
dolphins and other animals swim off
U.S. shores. The information could be
used by the Navy to keep away from the
animals during all kinds of potentially
harmful operations - protecting the
animals from collisions with ships,
polluting discharges and explosives.
Supreme Court strikes
down death penalty for juveniles
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court
ruled Tuesday that the Constitution
forbids the execution of killers who
were under 18 when they committed
their crimes, ending a practice used
in 19 states.
The 5-4 decision throws out the
death sentences of about 70 juvenile
murderers and bars states from seeking
to execute minors for future crimes.
The executions, the court said, were
unconstitutionally cruel.
It was the second major defeat at the
high court in three years for supporters
of the death penalty. Justices in 2002
banned the execution of the mentally
retarded, also citing the Constitution's
Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and
unusual punishments.
The court had already outlawed
executions for those who were 15
and younger when they committed
their crimes.
Tuesday's ruling prevents states from
making 16- and 17-year-olds eligible
for execution.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for
the majority, cited the fact that most
states don't allow the execution of
juvenile killers and those that do use
the penalty infrequently. The trend, he
noted, was to abolish the practice.
"Our society views juveniles as
categorically less culpable than the
average criminal Kennedy wrote.
Man shot In lobby of radio
station during rapper's Interview
NEW YORK - Police are investigating
a shooting at a Manhattan hip-hop
radio station where rapper 50 Cent
was making an on-air appearance.
The victim, a 24-year-old Los Angeles
man, was shot in the left leg. Officials
said he was taken to St. Vincent's
Hospital and was listed in stable
condition early Tuesday.
According to Newsday, the injured
man was a member of 50 Cent's
entourage. The newspaper reported
that the shooting happened after
50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis
Jackson, announced he was dropping
his proteg6 The Game from his hip-
Gender issues topic of
student leadership event
Differences between
communication issues
will be the focus
The student leadership devel-
opment programs office is plan-
ning and sponsoring an event on
campus meant to raise awareness
of leadership and communica-
tion issues between men and
This is the first time the
office is holding an event cater-
ing to different gender issues.
The main purpose of this retreat
is to focus on ways to enhance
the understanding level between
different genders. Topics to be
discussed include different lead-
ership styles, courtship and mar-
riage, health issues and gender
related career issues all based
around the different perspec-
tives of men and women.
Katey Slagel, graduate assis-
tant in the student leadership
development programs office,
was optimistic about the event.
"This will be a great opportu-
nity to grow said Slagel.
"Men and women relate to
things differently. They under-
stand things differently and
they think differently. We want
to celebrate that
Throughout the day, several
workshop sessions will take
place where men and women
can learn to communicate their
differences in an open and safe
Anne Bakker, president of
ABG Designs, will be a keynote
speaker at the event. Stephen
Gray, director of Mendenhall
Student Center and director of
student activities, will also speak
at the event.
Not only will there be two
different workshop sessions
open for both genders, there
will be separate activities that
are gender specific.
The session called "Becom-
ing an Exceptional Woman" will
deal with issues women face on
a day-to-day basis. Women will
also learn what characteristics
make a woman exceptional.
"Men of Honor" will look
at different expectations men
are meant to achieve in today's
"This event will cause the
students to grow personally
because they will be challenged
Slagel said.
"They will learn about differ-
ent issues that will cause them
to gain an understanding about
the opposite gender. Hopefully,
they will be able to get some-
thing out of this event that they
will be able to take back to the
To further allow gender issues
to be resolved, the students will
be involved in a "Double Take"
session. This will be a session
where men and women will be
able to ask each other questions
in order to further understand
the opposite sex.
see GENDER page A3

Crime Scene
Feb. 23of marijuanaparaphernalia A subject was found in possessionFeb. 28
9:15 p.m.of marijuana and drug paraphernalia5:13 p.m.
Larceny of motor vehicle partsin Retcher Residence Hallarceny
By unknown person(s) removingi subject entered a locker and took
radio antenna from outside ofFeb. 25terns from a wallet in the Student
vehicle.Recreational Center.
11:30 p.m.9:40 am.
Possessing less than a half ounceLarceny from buildingf) Weekly
of marijuanaparaphernaliaAn unknown person stole a flute and
A subiect was found in possessionIts case in Retcher Music Center.Crime Tip
of marijuana and drug paraphernalia
in Umstead Residence Hall.11:45 a.m.Not providing the police with correct Information when they
Rnancial card theftflnanclal identityask for your name and date of
Feb. 24fraudbirth Is a crime and you can be
An Aramark cashier was arrested forarrested for It One of the best
3:30 am.having others' financial cards.ways to keep yourself out of
Possessing less than a half ouncetrouble is to be honest
hop clique, G-Unit.
The shooting occurred around 10
p.m. Monday in the lobby of WQHT-
FM, or Hot 97, police spokesman Sgt.
Kevin Farrell told The Associated
Press. 50 Cent, who was at the station
promoting the upcoming release of
his new album The Massacre was
not harmed in the incident
No arrests had been made.
Spokespeople for 50 Cent and his
label, Interscope Records, were not
available for comment Monday.
Missing French reporter
In Iraq pleads on video
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A French journalist
who vanished in Iraq nearly two
months ago said in a video that
surfaced Tuesday that she was in
failing health, pleading: "Please help
me It's urgent
Rorence Aubenas, 43, a veteran war
correspondent for the leftist daily
Liberation, and her Iraqi translator,
Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi, were last
seen leaving her Baghdad hotel on
Jan. 5. The video was dropped at
the offices of an international news
agency in Baghdad, and it was not
possible to verify when it was made.
Appearing pale and alone in front
of a maroon-colored background,
Aubenas, her hair uncombed,
grasped her knees with her arms
as she spoke. She said she was in
bad health and pleaded with French
lawmaker Didler Julia to help win
her release.
"Please help me, my health is very
bad she said in English. "Please, it's
urgent now. I ask especially Mr. Didier
Julia, the French deputy, to help me.
Please Mr. Julia help me, it's urgent,
help me
Julia, a maverick lawmaker from
President Jacques Chirac's governing
party, caused an uproar last year
when he helped mediate the release
of kidnapped French journalists
Christian Chesnot and Georges
Malbrunot. The two were freed in
Decemberafterfourmonths in captivity.
Julia was accused by French
authorities of meddling in the
government's attempts to release
the two men, almost sabotaging it.
He defended his actions, saying he
had hoped his contacts in the Middle
East would enable him to make
progress where, he claimed, France's
government has failed.
Bin Laden enlisting operative
In Iraq, Intelligence Indicates
WASHINGTON - Osama bin Laden is
enlisting his top operative in Iraq, Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi, to plan potential
attacks on the United States, U.S.
intelligence indicates.
Al-Zarqawi, who rivals bin Laden
as the nation's public enemy No. 1,
has been involved in attacks In the
Middle East but has not been known
before to have set his sights on the
United States.
The Homeland Security Department
issued a classified bulletin to
officials over the weekend about the
intelligence, which spokesman Brian
Roehrkasse described Monday as
"credible but not specific
The intelligence was obtained over
the past several weeks, officials said.
The United States has no immediate
plans to raise its national terror alert
level, Roehrkasse said. However, the
intelligence "reiterates the desire by
al-Qaida and its associates to target
the homeland he said.
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Project uses technology
to bridge gaps
The college of education is in
the process of using technology as
a way to retain teachers in rural
areas of North Carolina.
A program, called REVITAL-
ISE, allows middle and high
school science and math teachers
from rural areas in the state to con-
nect on an access-grid and share
ideas with educators in Illinois.
The program is a collabora-
tive effort with the University of
Illinois-Champagne and is being
funded by the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications.
Yokima Cureton, director of
communication in the college of
education, said teachers in science
and math are difficult to recruit
and retain.
"People that major in science
and math are typically going to
higher paying jobs said Cure-
"We're seeing such shortages
in science and math
In rural areas, teachers are
often less likely to slay because
there are more amenities offered
in urban areas and a feeling of
isolation can sometimes form.
The aim of REVITALISE is to
create a feeling of unity among
teachers and create fresh excite-
ment for the education process,
while also allowing them to share
concepts and learn how to use
technology to strengthen their
In the program, teachers from
rural areas of Illinois and North
Carolina will connect using a
high-speed network with multi-
media capabilities known as an
access grid.
While working together in the
REVITALISE program, teachers
will have the opportunity to learn
how to develop advanced visu-
alization modules which can be
integrated into their classrooms.
ECU hosts the program in the
Science and Technology building
which has the necessary equip-
Cureton said the program
started in 2002 with $1.4 million
in funding and is currently in its
last year.
"Right now, I'm getting noth-
ing but a positive response from
the participants Cureton said.
"They feel that it is a great pro-
fessional development program
Teachers from the counties
of Camden, Chowan, Bertie,
Pitt, Wilson, Onslow, Wayne and
Nash are participating in this
Cureton said retention and
renewal of teachers is a problem
that has been statistically proven
in North Carolina.
"More than half the school
systems in the state have a vacancy
in math and nearly half in sci-
ence Cureton said.
I leather Lasch, junior elemen-
tary education major, said she
used videoconferencing in one
of her classes to connect with
students in Kansas.
"I think it's a good idea we
learned some different ways to
integrate teaching said Lasch.
However, Lasch said while
conferencing might be useful,
teachers are still primarily inter-
ested in the pen and pencil hands
on experiences that teaching
Charles Thompson, L.W. King
professor in education, said he
finds using technology as a means
of connection is extraordinarily
Thompson said he had a con-
ference with teachers from distant
locations and wasn't forced to
"It saved a bundle I didn't
have to travel to Texas to have
a three-hour conference said
This writer can be contacted at
able to those higher standards
just as individuals are
Some feel that any men-
tion of God in relation to the
government is a violation of the
"The public acknowledg-
ment of God, particularly of a
Christian variety, is so flagrantly
unconstitutional that there
should be no discussion here
Cayton said.
"The first amendment
directly and inarguably deals
with this situation
Other positions on the public
acknowledgment of God include
those of religious freedom for all,
Christian or not.
"It is not right when other
religions are given special treat-
ment over Christianity Stem
"Christians should have the
freedom to express religious faith
just as any other person has the
freedom to
This writer can be contacted at
from page A2
from page A1
"The students will be able
to relate to each other Slagel
Students have given positive
feedback about this upcoming
"I think it is such a great
idea said Sara Gtrmus, sopho-
more nursing major.
"I know that every girl could
benefit from a better under-
standing of male communica-
tion patterns
Other students shared the
same enthusiasm.
"This will be a great oppor-
tunity for me to grow as an
individual said Nathan Wood-
cock, sophomore construction
management major.
"1 hope 1 can learn a lot from
this event
The event is taking place
from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on March 5
at Mendenhall Student Center.
There is no cost for the event
and lunch will be provided and
it is open for all ECU students
to participate.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
should concentrate on businesses
not paying enough attention to
identification cards.
"I've gotten into a club as
21 with my ID that clearly says
I'm under 21 said Samantha
Savitske, sophomore psychology
Mallory Harrison, sophomore
elementary education major, said
she rarely has to show her iden-
tification card downtown and is
let in without question.
However, other students feel
that ABC is doing their job at
keeping underage drinking to a
"Most places do a good job,
but there are some places that
serve to almost anyone. You can't
expect them to stop everyone
said Nathan Woodard, junior
hospitality management major.
Woodard suggested ABC
regulate one universal code for
people who are more than 21.
"Using wristbands to identify
if people are of age would cause
less confusion�Woodard said.
This writer can be contacted at
news@theeastcarolinian. com.
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Page A4
WEDNESDAY March 2, 2005
Our View
March is the month for
celebrating women
In 1987, after appeals from the National
Women's History Project "a non-profit
educational organization" Congress estab-
lished March as National Women's History
Since the House and Senate passed this
Congressional Resolution, the month of
March has been a time to learn about and
reflect on the contributions that women have
provided in our history and in our lives.
The National Women's History Project,
founded seven years prior, seeks to rec-
ognize and honor the accomplishments
of women through informational and edu-
cational programs and activities. This year
marks the 25th anniversary of the organi-
zation and the celebration of the theme
"Women Change America
The purpose of the 2005 theme is to pay
tribute to how women have shaped cul-
ture, history and politics through their roles
as leaders, writers, scientists, educators,
politicians, artists, historians and American
It seeks to remember women like suffragist
Susan B. Anthony, first female doctor Eliza-
beth Blackwell and teacher Annie Sullivan.
The month is a time to acknowledge women
like Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm,
architectsculptor Maya Lin, surgeon and
author Susan Love and many, many more.
The influence of women such as these is felt
for far longer than a month. Their achieve-
ments have helped pave the way for future
generations of women, allowing them to do
and be more than ever before. The work and
lives of these women have benefited men
and women alike, giving us all something
to celebrate and proving that women do
indeed change America.
For more information about the National
Women's History Project and National
Women's History Month, visit
Our Staff
Amanda Q. Lingerfelt
Editor in Chief
Nick Henne
News Editor
Carolyn Scandura
Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina CoefielrJ
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Kristin Day
Asst. News Editor
Kristin Murnane
Asst. Features Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst Sports Editor
Rachel Landen
Special Sections Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Alexander Marciniak Dustin Jones
Web Editor Asst Web Editor
Jennifer Hobbs Kitch Hlnes
Production Manager Managing Editor
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our View" is the opinion of
the editorial board and is written by editorial board
members TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian, Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more
Information. One copy of TEC Is free, each additional
copy Is $1.
Opinion Columnist
Smoking ban is step in right direction
Initiative supports and
defends public health
It isn't every day that good news
makes headlines. But just last week,
TEC reported on the faculty senate's
approval of a campus-smoking ban and
I was elated.
How many times, I thought, have
I entered or exited a building on
campus, only to be assaulted by tobacco
smoke? It isn't fair, it isn't right and
hopefully one day, it won't be legal
for smokers to subject other people to
the deadly carcinogens they choose
to inhale.
We are all aware of the harmful
health consequences that result from
cigarette smoking and the secondhand
smoke associated with it. More than 40
years have elapsed since the release of
the landmark Surgeon General's Report
on Smoking and Health. Today, it is
simply ignorant to hide our heads in
the sand and pretend that smoking is
not as dangerous and deadly as it has
proven to be.
Tobacco, which kills more than
440,000 people every year in the United
States, is the leading preventable cause
of death. We lose more people in this
country to tobacco than to alcohol,
illegal drugs, homicide, suicide, car
accidents and AIDS combined. In
North Carolina alone, more than
11,500 people die each year because
of tobacco.
The health impact is tremendous
but it's almost inconceivable when talk-
ing about such statistics. Perhaps that
is why some people continue to repeat
the old adage that "it won't happen to
me The truth, however, is that if you
are a smoker, it will happen to you.
And what is even sadder to me is that
even if you are not a smoker, it can still
happen to you.
Just ask Robert Morrison, the ECU
professor who initiated the no-smoking
resolution in response to his sister's
battle with lung cancer. Even though
Morrison's sister chose not to light
up, she still smoked. And when, on
campus, we enter or exit a building,
walk through corridors or climb stairs,
we smoke too if someone is having a
cigarette nearby.
How can this continue to be
allowed? 1 realize that tobacco is a
legal substance but it is well within
the rights of governments and insti-
tutions to support and defend public
health. No one should have the
right to force others to indulge their
deadly addiction with them. That is
not securing someone's personal lib-
erty - that is denying it to someone
else. Therefore, I don't consider that a
viable argument against the adoption
of this ban.
Likewise, the claim that our state
and university benefit from tobacco
revenue is one of flawed reasoning.
The economic profits from farming are
far outweighed by the tobacco-related
health care expenses we pay. Our state
coughs up more than $2 billion annu-
ally in health care costs stemming
from tobacco. Each household in North
Carolina pays more than $500 a year to
cover these government expenditures.
It doesn't matter if you smoke or not
- you still have to shoulder the finan-
cial burden.
Of course, breaking it down into
terms of dollars might seem callous
when the loss of life is so great. I agree.
Yet the tobacco companies, farmers and
smokers use the faulty argument all the
time that tobacco is essential to the
lifeblood of our state. Truth is, whether
we choose to smoke, tobacco is killing
us, one way or another.
In My Opinion
More marijuana research should be conducted
Limiting knowledge can
have serious repercussions
It seems that Peter Kalajian cre-
ated quite a firestorm with his op-ed
concerning the decriminalization
of marijuana, which, by the way, I
am in complete disagreement. Mari-
juana, Kalajian is correct, does not
directly kill people - however, it has
been linked in studies with serious psy-
chological disorders such as paranoia,
depression and schizophrenia. Show
me a cigarette that does that, and can
linger In the bloodstream for up to a
month, and I'll advocate for decrimi-
nalization. When more research is
done, Kalajian may well get his wish,
but there simply is not enough data on
the long-term effects of marijuana to
allow for Its decriminalization. If that
will still be the case in 20 years, who
knows? But, I digress.
The column intrigued me, being a
future medical professional - after all,
medical marijuana is a hotly debated
issue. But, 1 drew the idea for this
column in conjunction with a radio
show hosted by Dr. Dean Edell that
I was listening to on the long three-
hour drive back to ECU from my
hometown, Rockingham, NC Sunday
night on 106.1 WRDU. Marijuana
usage was the premise of basicallv
every phone call. Dr. Edell answered
these questions and had some great
information about research being done
on marijuana. For instance, data from
a study on THC, the active ingredient
in marijuana, has led to the formation
of a diet pill that Inhibits THC-like
chemicals in the brain that trigger the
"munchles Another study suggests
marijuana could be used as a treatment
for nausea patients because in addition
to curing nausea, marijuana increases
appetitethirst and would thus decrease
dehydration. However, the most fas-
cinating statement Dr. Edell made
was not concerning what marijuana
can do, but rather what researchers
aren't allowed to do because of strict
regulation of marijuana research by the
federal government. The United States
government has prohibited research on
some of the chemicals in marijuana so
we may never know if they have any
medicinal value. Moreover, and more
frightening, what business does the
government have in stopping the ethi-
cal pursuit of knowledge?
I will stop short, however, of saying
that the government should allow all
research to be conducted. But, we're not
talking about secretly injecting people
with HIV and seeing how long it takes
them to die or what the effects are
(don't kid yourself and think the gov-
ernment has never conducted grossly
unethical research on humans - you
only have to look back to the beginning
of the 20th century). We are talking
about testing chemicals that we know
aren't directly lethal for any possible
benefit they can create for mankind.
Why should the government ban this
We can also include stem cell
research under this umbrella, specifi-
cally, the government not appropriat-
ing money for research on all available
lines of stem cells, but on just a few.
Why is the federal government limit-
ing the vast potential of stem cells that
may cure diseases such as paralysis,
Alzheimer's, etc.?
History has proven limiting the
scope of human knowledge is a terrible
idea. The lack of interest in the pursuit
of knowledge helped spawn the Dark
Ages and was one of the reasons for the
collapse of Rome, the world's greatest
empire. I'm not preposterously suggest-
ing that the world's lone superpower is
on the verge of collapse because of cur-
rent limits placed on scientific research,
but am attempting to show that limit-
ing the pursuit of knowledge can poten-
tially be dangerous for society.
In our culture we are forced to
live with fear everyday - terrorist
attacks (you know, what we're funding
with marijuana purchases give me
a break), what is going on in North
Korea and Iran, will our soldiers
survive in Iraq today? What we should
not fear is progress, or the
consequences of progress, made by
ethical scientific research, and
we should not continue to
depress the ethical limits of
human knowledge and curiosity.
Living in a world where knowledge
and curiosity are limited - that's the
culture I fear.
Pirate Rant
I will come to the Student
Recreation Center whenever
my fat, out of shape butt wants
to, OK?
Guests that overstay their
welcome really suck.
I'm a small person and may 1
just say that I am tired of dodg-
ing my way through Wright
Place trying not to get stepped
on every day? 1 understand that
you're a big person but would it
kill you to look down every now
and again?
"I told you to remind me" is
not a valid excuse for anything. If
you can't remember it, why would
you expect your friend to?
To the people ranting about
the jungle disappearing: If you
are going to rant about some-
thing, make sure you know what
you are talking about. There have
been articles in this very paper
that confirm the existence of the
jungle. Quit ranting and open
your eyes.
Can I get a tissue for the
kid beside me? This kid on the
computer cannot be older than
seven, yet he is in the library
anyway. He is sucking on his
fingers and coughing and wiping
his nose with the same hand he
is typing with. Thanks for all
the germs you are putting on
the keyboard. Keep up the good
To the girl who says, "gossip
is bad Stop talking about me
behind my back, you hypocrite.
Why is it that the later you go
to the movies, the more people
talk? Constantine is not supposed
to be a very funny movie.
I'm glad that our Faculty
Senate approved the ban on
smoking in high traffic areas. I
hate walking in or out of class or
waiting for the bus and having
smoke blown in my face. I'd
rather stay healthy and not
inhale the nasty smoke you just
breathed out, thank you.
To the ranter who is blaming
ECU'S proposed tuition increase
on the paying current and past
coaches, chancellors and admin-
istrators ECU has dealt with over
the past several years: Do some
research before making that kind
of assumption. The paying of
these salaries has no impact at
all on the need for an increased
tuition. If it did, then why is
every single school within the
UNC system proposing a similar
tuition increase request to serve
the same needs as ECU?
To the professor ranter who
feels students are inappropriately
asking for A's when they have an
89, or B's when they have a 79:
There are indeed quite a few ECU
professors who round borderline
grades up if they feel the student
deserves it. As long as there are
professors who do this, there
are going to be students making
these requests.
Go see Fifth Generation, the
Sublime cover band on campus.
They are awesome.
I am so sick of having to hold
my breath when I walk to class
because of people smoking in
front of me. If you smokers want
to kill yourselves, fine, but don't
kill me with your second-hand
smoke. More power to Chancel-
lor Ballard and the smoking ban
on campus.
Excuse me, princess, but
could you not sit on the SRC
machines and talk on your cell
phone while people are waiting
to lift?
To the girl who said stop star-
ing at my boobs: It's somewhat
hard to see your personality
when you're wearing a low cut
Do you know why a lot of
schools don't take us seriously?
Because we have a section of the
newspaper devoted to people who
want to complain about problems
instead of fix them. Who wants
to be associated with a school full
of whiners? Get rid of this Pirate
Rant crap.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is
an anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to editormheeastcarolinian.
com. The editor reserves the right
to edit opinions for content and

Arts & Entertainment
Page A5 252.328.6366 CAROLYN SCANDURA Feature:
There is a (actual error in the
article titled, "Black Student Union
Heritage festival which ran in the
March 1 edition. The NMCP was
the sponsor of the event while the
BSU simply participated.
Mendenhall Movies:
National Treasure
Wednesday - 9:30 p.m.
Thursday - 7 p.m.
Friday - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday - Midnight
Sunday - 7 p.m.
Wednesday - 7 p.m.
Thursday - 9:30 p.m
Friday - Midnight
Saturday - 9:30 p.m.
Monday - 7 p.m.
Top 5s:
Top 5 Movies:
�. Hitch
2. Constantine
3 Because of Winn-Dixie
4. Son of the Mask
5 Million Dollar Baby
Top 5 DVDs:
1. The Notebook
2. Shark Tale
3 The Grudge
4 Ray
5 Shall We Dance?
Top 5 TV Shows:
1. American Idol
2. "CSI'
3. "American Idol"
4. "Desperate Housewives"
5. "Withoul A Trace"
Top 5 CDs:
1. The Game
2. Green Day
3. Eminem
4. Ul Jon and the East Side
5. John Legend
Top 5 Books:
t The Broker
2 The Da Vinci Code
3. The Five People You Meet in
4. State of Fear
5 Chainfire
Aries - You're a person who's
usually "what you see is what you
get Today, however, discretion
is advised. Don't talk about your
money, or lack of it.
Taurus - Listen and take Into
consideration all the creative
suggestions you're ottered. And, of
course, it goes without saying, keep
complete control of the money.
Gemini - Others are taking note of
your willingness to perform difficult
tasks. The bad news is that you'll
get more of the same. The good
- it leads to better things.
Cancer - You're such a gentle,
loving person that sometimes
you get talked into things. This
time, remember the rules and
stick to them Help everyone stay
on track.
Leo - Review your reserves and
figure out what you've won and what
you've lost. You'll find you can afford
to make your home more secure,
and more comfortable, too.
Virgo - Your mind has definite
steel-trap qualities, but you're
not all business. You've also got
a fanciful flair. Hang out with an
imaginative friend.
Libra - Provide excellent service
and you'll be rewarded beyond
your expectations. That's always a
nice thing to have happen. Knock
yourself out, for others.
Scorpio - You're so powerful, you
don't have to tell people what
you want. They figure it out all by
themselves The smart ones do,
Sagittarius - It's said that actions
speak louder than words. That's
certainly the case now. You might
as well save your words altogether.
Listening ought to work, though.
Capricorn - Your friends may figure
out the answer before you do, so
stay in touch. Working together,
you're on to the next assignment
in no time.
Aquarius - You've got a routine that
seems to be quite productive. You'll
know when you get it set up right.
Your job will gel easier and you'll
make more money.
Pisces � You're the one with the
imagination. Somebody else has
more experience, and another
person's good at planning. You
Foxx and Eastwood's
'Baby' Among Academy
The most glamorous and
anticipated night in Hollywood
has come and passed, and the
77th Academy Awards came with
all the elements of a good drama.
We laughed, we cried, and the
evening was filled with unforget-
table moments. Chris Rock was
welcomed to his Oscar Hosting
Debut with a standing ovation
to start off the night. His pres-
ence was an appeasing departure
from the monotony of past hosts,
who usually make hosting the
show a career affair. The star of
Pootle Tang kept the attention of
Hollywood's elite throughout the
night, creating the comedic aura
as winners such as Clint East-
wood and Jamie Foxx gave the
night its dramatic flair. F.astwood
demonstrated that his movie-
making aptitude has matured
with age, as his movie Million
Dollar Baby was the big winner of
the night, taking home four wee
little men, three of them In four
major categories.
Aside from the host, this
year's awards had other notice-
able changes in the landscape
of the most watched awards
show. For select - and to many
less meaningful - categories,
the nominees clustered together
on the stage lor the opening of
the envelope to reduce the time
it takes for the winner to walk
onstage. Other winners were
announced in the audience, with
a microphone setup in the aisles
for the winners.
The first award of the evening
was given to The Aviator for Art
Direction, a trend that would
last for the next five categories
that The Aviator was in the run-
ning for. The film nabbed five
N MURNANE Assistant Features Editor WEDNESDAY March 2, 2005
awards throughout the night,
including Best Supporting Actress
for Cate Blanchett's daunting
performance as Oscar winner
and Hollywood icon Katherlne
Some of the anticipation lead-
ing into the night was quieted
early, with the second award
given to Morgan Freeman as Best
Supporting Actor for his role in
Million Dollar Baby. The over-
whelming sentimental favorite,
this was Freeman's fourth nomi-
nation and first win.
Unfortunately for Martin
Scorsese, the continual trend of
losing the Oscar would continue.
Scorsese was nominated in the
Best Director category for the
highly touted Howard Hughes
piece The Aviator, but the award
was given to the big winner of the
night Clint Eastwood for Million
Dollar Baby. Often described as
the Susan l.ucci of the Academy
Awards, this was Scorsese's fifth
consecutive loss in the category
of Best Director.
Arguably the stlffest competi-
tion, for Best Animated Feature,
was appropriately presented by
Robin Williams. The Incredible
outdid fellow nominees Shrek 2,
which is now the highest gross-
ing comedy of all time, and Shark
Singer Beyonce stepped out-
side the realm of "Soldier" and
"Bootylicious" to perform three
of the five nominated tracks for
Best Song. Beautifully incorporat-
ing the French language into her
singing repertoire, Beyonce was
accompanied by the American
Boys Choir for "Look to Your
Path" from the film Les Choriste.s.
Beyonce, adorned with a truck
load of diamonds, accompanied
accomplished pianist and com-
poser Andrew Lloyd Webber
for his nominated song "l.earn
to Be Lonely featured in the
film production of Phantom
of the Opera. She finalized the
category with a duet with Josh
Groban for the song "Believe
featured in the film The Polar
Express. However it was the song
sung by Antonio Banderas along-
side guitarist Carlos Santana
that won the award. "Al Otro
I.ado Del Rio" from The Motor-
cycle Diaries became the first
song nominated and to win
an Academy Award for Best
Song in the Spanish language.
The least surprising win was
the Best Actor nod for Jamie
Foxx, who wowed everyone
with a stunning portrayal of Ray
Charles in the bioplc Ray. The
legacy continues for Ray Charles,
as he racked up countless Gram-
my's, his album Genius l.oves
Company topped the Billboard
Charts this past week, and the
man who played him for the
movie won the Academy Award
for Best Actor. Jamie Foxx joins
an elite fraternity as one of only
three African-American actors to
win the award for Best Actor - the
other two being Denzel Washing-
ton and Sidney Poitier.
The evening included a
touching tribute to late former
host Johnny Carson, who was
described as "the bridge" trom
Old Hollywood awards into the
new. The president of the Acad-
emy also dedicated the awards
to the thousands of American
troops worldwide, wishing them
"a swift and safe trip home An
endearing tribute was also given
to for the lifetime Achievement
award winner Sidney Lument,
who has been involved with
movie making for the better part
of a century, and has directed
classic films such as 12 Angry
Men, Serpicu, and Dog Day After-
noon throughout his tenure.
The most fitting testament
may have been to the man whose
work continues to progress and
evolve with time. The man they
call Josey Wales and Dirty Harry
racked up the big wins of the
night for his previously little
known film Million Dollar Baby.
For those who haven't seen the
movie, it is the story of a girl
boxer and took three of the most
coveted awards given, including
the annual title fight for Best
Picture, Clint Eastwood for Best
Director and Hilary Swank for
Best Actress. In the last 20 years
of the Academy Awards Presenta-
tion, 18 of the 20 films with the
most overall nominations took
home the most coveted Best
Film Prize. Sunday proved to be
a day for the dark horse as Million
Dollar Baby eclipsed the eleven-
time nominated The Aviator for
the award.
This writer can be reached at
American Idol: TEC Predictions
"Who stays: Jessica Sierra
Who goes: Janay Castine"
"Who stays: Jessica Sierra
Who goes: Celena Rae"
"Who stays: Carrie Underwood
Who goes: Janay Castine"
"Who stays: Jessica Sierra
Who goes: Constantine Maroulis"
"Who stays: Mario Bazquez
Who goes: Amanda Avila"
Tommy Lee Jones returns to comedy
New film hit
with audiences
Oscar winner Tommy Lee
Jones is taking another shot at
the comedy genre in his new
film Man of the House. After the
enormous success from the Men
In Black series, Jones seems to be
just as comfortable in this genre
as he was in the dramatic roles,
which won him an Academy
Jones plays a by-t he-book
Texas Ranger named Roland
Sharp. He tracks down a key
informant with the help of ex-
con turned preacher Percy Ste-
vens (Cedric The Entertainer).
The informant ends up being
killed. Now, Sharp is assigned
to protect the only witnesses to
the murder. These witnesses are
a group of cheerleaders from the
University of Texas. In order to
protect them, he must move in
witli these college coeds.
The film is directed by Ste-
phen Herek, whose previous
credits include Bill 6i Ted's Excel-
lent Adventure, The Mighty Ducks
and the live action rendition
on 101 Dalmatians. The Idea of
a man being thrown into this
strange situation drew Herek to
the project. Other elements drew
Lee plays the protector of cheerleaders who witnessed a murder.
him to it as well.
"The story also examines the
idea of daughters and fathers
and family relationships. So,
although he's thrown into the
worst place he could possibly
be in, as the story progresses,
we watch a man who has grown
crusty over the years rediscover
his heart, which transforms his
life said Herek about his love
for the story.
Man of the House comes from
a screenplay originally written
by John . McLaughlin and Scott
Lobdell. It was originally set to
take place at a college in Virginia
with the lead character being an
FBI agent. The story was relo-
cated to Texas when producer
Steven Reuther read the film's
script and couldn't think of any-
body better to play the part than
Jones. Setting the film in Texas
and making the lead character
a Texas Ranger was what helped
attract Jones to the project. Jones
is a native of Texas. Reuther has
previously worked with Jones on
the films IFK, The Client, Cobb
and Under Siege.
Rounding out the cast are
the five cheerleaders who Jones
Is assigned to protect. They
include Christina Mllian, who
has been seen In Love Don't
Cost A Thing and Torque, Paula
Garces (Clockstoppers and Harold
& Kumar Go To White Castle),
Monica Keena (Freddy vs. Jason),
Kelli Garner The Aviator) and
Vanessa 1'erlito ("CSI: New
York"). Academy Award nomi-
nated actress Anne Archer Fatal
Attraction) also stars as Jones'
love interest.
If you're Interested in check-
ing out Jones' third shot in a
comedic role, Man of the House
is a film that promises to make
you laugh. This film will not win
Jones his second Oscar, but he
will win over audiences with his
winning comedic ability.
This writer can be reached at
Paris Hilton plays a staring role.
Paris' new DVD
'Good Ufe Gone Bad'
Image Entertainment, Inc
announced the home release of
the independent film, The Hill?,
will be on store shelves March
8. The featured cast will be Paris'
Hilton, Rene Heger, Jesse Wood-
row and Jason Shaw.
Image Entertainment, Inc. is
a leading independent license,
producer and distributor of home
entertainment In North America.
The company is headquartered
in Chatsworth, Calif, and has
released more than 2,500 DVD
titles In domestic release and 300,
programs internationally.
Saran Barnun, the director of,
The Hill? has a personal story that -
was his inspiration to the darkly
see HILLZ page A6

from page A5
comic, violent saga of teens
who take a drug and sex filled
detour. Barium had a friend who
delivered pizzas and was driving
down the street when two kids,
rp older than 14, threw a rock
at his car. When the delivery
guy got out and finally caught
Hie two kids, they immediately
pulled a gun on him. The only
.reason his friend did not get shot
lyas because the gun jammed. His
friend's random encounter with
violence ignited an idea for a film.
Saran grew up watching
movies like Pulp Fiction, Mean
Streets and Hoyz N the Hood. Just
after graduating from college,
he launched his script from his
feeling of disconnection to his
friends who had chosen not to
go to college. He could see how
down hill most of his friends
went, especially the one who
started selling crystal methane.
From all of this The Hillz was
created. It's an "action, comedy,
drama, cult" film about Steve
S who returns from college to
find his friends had turned their
once peaceful neighborhood into
an "ultra-violent crime zone A
place where sex and drugs were
plentiful as candy.
"I wanted to comment on
the growing violence and casual
sexuality of our culture said
Barnun in a press interview.
Steve S discovers his best
friend Duff (Heger) has become
a sadistic gang leader. He is the
guy behind the radical change of
the once beautiful suburban hills.
Duff finally has the respect, cash
and cool new friends he always
wanted. With Steve S being lured
into Duff's new life, he struggles
to follow his dream of becoming a
professional baseball player. Steve
5 is also trying to win over the sexy,
but attainable Heather (Hilton.)
This is Paris Hilton's feature
film debut in a lead character
role. And just as in real life,
Hilton plays the role of a girl
who is "the object of every guy's
desire Barnun said that working
with Hilton was a pleasure. She
actually worked for free and even
did her own hair and make-up.
This twisted comedy that is
semi-based on reality will make
you look at the life of the "rich"
in a different way. They all aren't
as perfect as they seem. Maybe we
aren't all as different as we think.
This writer can be contacted at
No knight in shining armor
Greg Brown falls short
If Greg Brown's guitar is
his sword, then his armor of
vocals and lyrics needs a slight
(make that a major) touchup.
The instruments are great, with
all the elements of a potentially
decent rock band. Each song
has a certain flair reminiscent
of the good ole days of rock and
fpll. Greg Brown has skill with a
guitar, however this skill fails to
extend to his singing and song-
writing abilities. Brown sounds
jlke a raspier Bruce Springsteen
tir perhaps a worn out Neil Dia-
mond. His guitar riffs with his
voice make it seem as if he's
experiencing a middle age crisis
and trying to rekindle his youth
through a recording studio.
The opening trio of cuts
from this album is the most
intolerable. "Introspective Man
"Redneck Love" and "Middleclass
Blues" respectively wholly sub-
tract from the musical talent that
should be Brown's trademark.
Lyrics of the opening song "Intro-
spective Man" state, "Whiskey
and nicotine running through
my blood running from the man
and a forgotten childhood It
seems as though Brown is trying
to reconnect with that forgotten
childhood, but his vocals and
lyrics hardly provide a successful
medium. It's also hard to believe
that a man from Connecticut
knows anything about "Redneck
Love" as his second song would
indicate. That track sounds like
a Huey Lewis song left in the
recording studio, where it should
have stayed. The third song into
the album, reaches into a deeper
abyss of bad music with this tired
ode to the "Middleclass Blues
The guitar is left to salvage the
disparity of the vocals and lyrics.
Thankfully Brown changes
gears to the delight of the listener,
with highlights in the tracks
"American Knight" and the intro-
spective "The American Book of
the Dead Brown slows down for
the title song, and finally sets a
decent rhythm and tone to match
his raspy voice. The song suc-
ceeds where "Middleclass Blues"
failed, with a clever metaphor for
the American knight, concern-
ing the blues of the middle class
man. The strength of his guitar
is emphasized as the song begins
and ends gracefully. Finally the
1980s hard rock approach works
in "The American Book of the
Dead Without sounding too
much like grandpa singing along
to Whitesnake, Brown takes a look
at American authority figures,
providing an insightful view.
To conclude the album, it
transitions into a more melodic
sound, less hard rock which
seems to suit Brown's voice.
The final three songs, while
not polar opposites from the
opening three, provide a differ-
ent, somewhat more appealing
approach. The final three tracks
are more eloquent matches of
Greg Brown's vocal talents to
his undeniable musical presence
on the guitar. "Blood and Soul
"No Surprise" and "Madman's
Eye" could even be considered a
choice sampling to play on a long
drive. "Blood and Soul" has little
to be critiqued or lauded about,
except for the fact it is somewhat
reminiscent of Tom Petty, always
a compliment. "No Surprise"
is smooth and mellow, even
with decent lyrics. Shakespeare
would be proud to hear, "When
the golden sun comes alive, kiss
your skin like the morning dew;
wrap you up in dawn's sleepy
eyes The song cascades through
easy-listening mode, ending with
a relaxed and melodic guitar,
which has been Brown's hallmark
and saving grace. "Madman's
Eye" starts out with the unsuc-
cessful blending of 1980s rock
and Greg Brown's voice, but the
swan song corrects itself, with
a choir joining and the tempo
slowing down. These elements
make the jerky start forgivable,
and even lend credence to an
aging musical style.
In the end, it's hard to be
incredibly harsh to a musician
who dedicates his album to his
mother, as Greg Brown does.
Listening to the album however,
makes it easier to do so.
Throughout the country,
bands play for family reunions
and get-togethers in their garage,
and within that category you
might consider this ensemble of
music above average. But Brown's
music needs work in order to
climb the industry ladder.
This writer can be contacted at
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Page A7 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
WEDNESDAY March 2, 2005
Sp,rts � Herrion will be greatly missed
Simms Signs With
D.C. United
D.C. United announced today that
the club has signed midfielder
Clyde Simms, formerly of the
Richmond Kickers and ECU. The
Jamestown, NC native made
headlines earlier this year when
he was the only non-Major
League Soccer player called into
full U.S. National Team camp in
preparation for the team's World
Cup qualifier versus Trinidad
and Tobago. Simms, 22, spent
the 2004 season with the United
Soccer League's Richmond
Kickers. He appeared In 31"
games and had more starts
(28) than any other rookie in
the league. Simms notched
three goals during the year, two
of which were game-winners.
He was twice named to the
A-League Team of the Week
during the season, the only rookie
to receive such an honor. At
ECU, Simms was a two-time
All Conference USA selection
(2002-03), three-time captain
and a second-team All Colonial
Athletic Association (2000)
honoree for the Pirates. He ended
his career at ECU tied for fifth
all-time in games played (72). In
his senior season, he started all
17 games, tallying four points
(one goal, two assists). Simms
and his new teammates will kick
off the 2005 season Saturday,
April 2 against Chivas USA at 3
p.m. on ABC.
ECU women seeded
eighth In tourney
The ECU women's basketball
team will head Into the
2005 Pepsi Conference USA
Tournament as the eighth seed
and will play Memphis (No. 9)
at 1 p.m. Thursday, March 3
at Charlotte's Halton Arena.
The Lady Pirates earned their
highest seed since joining
C-USA In 2001-02 finishing
10-17 overall and 6-8 in league
action. The winner between the
two schools will take on one
seed DePaul on Friday at 1 p.m.
For ticket information, call (704)
687-4949. ECU, who will be
making its third consecutive
appearance in the C-USA
Tournament under head coach
Sharon Baldwin-Tener, will look
to snap a three-game losing skid
on the season. The Pirates faced
Memphis earlier in the season
inside Williams Arena at Minges
Coliseum coming away with a
60-47 win.
In the article entitled "Holland
made right decision" by Senior
Writer Eric Gilmore, It Is not Alico
Dunk who was on the 1993
NCAA tournament team for ECU
men's basketball. Mr. Gilmore
intended to name Ike Copeland
as the second player in addition
to Lester Lyons. Dunk played for
the Pirates from 1997-1999. Mr.
Gilmore would like to add that the
men's team also made the NCAA
tournament in 1971-72 in addition
to the appearance In 1993. The
1971-72 team lost to Vlllanova in
: the first round.
Members of the Student Rrate Club give Herrion a basketball covered in signatures and well-wishes after the coach's home win against Southem Mississippi
It was
loud. It was
intense. The
season was
the first year
ECU was in
USA and
the maniacs
were prepar-
ing to give
Rick Pitino
a nice ECU
style welcome for his first visit
to Greenville. 1 was excited - a
chance to see Rick Pitino walk
onto the same court where I
took EXSS 1000 doesn't happen
The list of great coaches
who have come into Greenville
and took on our beloved Pirates
includes some of the top names
in the sport. Along with Pitino,
Bobby Lutz, Bob Muggins, Tom
Crean, John Calapari and Larry
Eustachy have all come to the
"Graveyard of the Atlantic
The list doesn't end at coaches
either. Think about the players
that have come to Minges in
the Bill Herrion Era. Francisco
Garcia, Jason Maxiel, Dwayne
Wade and Travis Deiner are just
some of current and future NBA
players to all be heckled by the
student section.
Every time one of these names
in college basketball came into
Minges, I was more interested
in seeing them play then seeing
ECU play. A chance to see coaches
and players known around the
country two miles from my
apartment doesn't happen
About 100 feet away from the
entrance where these coaches
and players walk through is
another entrance.
No one known on the national
level has ever walked through
this side. This doorway is where
the shortest player on the Pirates
roster leads his teammates and
coach Herrion out of the locker
room into battle.
1 can't begin to think how
many times I have seen ECU
players and staff go through this
Last Wednesday, another
name was added to that list
of names that have come out
of that entrance where Pitino,
Huggins, and Calapari had all
walked through - Larry Eustachy.
Eustachy isn't known for his
coaching status, but certain
photos that anyone with ESPN
or an Internet connection has
seen. Regardless, he still is name
to coach in Greenville.
I took my seat in section
113. Like usual, I started looking
toward the entrance to see some
coach walk out onto the court.
However, my head was turned
to the right, toward the Pirates'
entrance, rather than the left
like usual.
I had to see Bill Herrion walk
out. I wanted to see his reac-
tion. I looked away from where
Eustachy would come out. As
many times as I have seen Bill,
I couldn't wait to see him again
- without a doubt the strangest
feeling I have ever felt at a Pirate
basketball game.
I was really interested to see
how he would handle his recent
firing. Would he try some things
as a coach that he might not nor-
mally try? Would he just sit on
the bench and not care?
These questions were
answered quickly. Not this guy.
Bill was the same Bill. Pro-
testing referee's calls, screaming
out defensive assignments and
calling timeouts when his team
needed one.
Even though he will be unem-
ployed in a month, Herrion was
still a professional, and he was a
coach. He will always be a coach.
I'm happy he turned down the
athletic fundraiser position. As.
much as I want him a part of our
program, he deserves to be coach-
ing somewhere. Offering him
that position was a slap in tin
face and was insulting. Basically,
Terry Holland said, "Bill we like
you and want you to be a Pirate,
but not as basketball coach
Herrion will be a very success-
ful coach somewhere very soon,
Some Athletic Director some-
where will see how much Herrion
has done for our ECU basketbaJl
program and will want the same
at their University.
I won't ever forget that
moment watching Pitino waljt
out. Hopefully, future student"
will get the same feeling wheh,
they see Bill Herrion lead his ne.w
team out onto the court, but f rorfl
the other side of the gym.
The writer can be contacted at
sports@theeastcarolinian. com.
ECU men suffer tough loss
Women's Rugby
dominates WCU
The ECU men's rugby team traveled to Charlotte this past weekend and came out on the short
end of a match for the first time since October of 2004 as the Pirates fell to Vanderbilt, 26-23. The
Pirates were handicapped from the beginning when they lost senior Mark Borcherding due to a
red card, forcing ECU to play a man short the entire game. The Pirates entered the second half
down 21-0 but staged an unbelievable comeback that fell just short. Rob Hileman sparked the
Pirates' rally with a try early in the second frame and teammate Jeremy Nobles picked up his
play, scoring on a penalty kick and converting three tries. However, Vandy was able to score one
last time and time eventually ran out for the Pirates. ECU has games left against the University of
Eton, the Citadel and the Marines from Cherry point. The 30th annual alumni game will also be
held this spring, April 9 at Blount Fields.
The women's team finished the weekend with a record of 3
Lady Pirates advance
to South Collegiate
The ECU women's rugby team
ended their competitive matrix
season with a record of 3-1 two
weeks ago after beating UNC-G
32-0 and became the Division 11
Conference D champions. ECU
traveled to Athens, Ga. this past
weekend to compete in the 2005
Division II South Quarter-Finals.
Teams from all over the Soutt
came to participate in this com
petition including schools like-
Vanderbilt University, Univer- I
sity of Georgia, Western Caro- ;
Una University and University ;
of Central Florida. The Lady ;
Pirates were to take on Western, �
Saturday at 11 a.m. and didn't
disappoint as they smoked the-
catamounts, 43-S. !� .
Western Carolina came to! .
Athens with only 13 players antf
had no substitutes. However, thefiL"
team had a lot of size and posejf;
a considerable challenge for the
much smaller Lady Pirates. In ;
see WOMEN page A8

Duke, North Carolina lead all-ACC team
(AP) � After tying for the
regular-season title, Duke and
North Carolina headlined The
Associated Press all-ACC wom-
en's basketball team released
The Blue Devils and Tar Heels
each had three selections to the
2004-05 team, led by Duke junior
Monique Currie. Currie was a
unanimous first-team selection
in voting by 74 members of the
Atlantic Coast Sports Media
Currie was joined by third-
team picks Mistie Williams and
Jessica Foley.
North Carolina sophomore
Ivory Latta led the Tar Heel trio,
earning 55 votes to make the first
team. Freshman Erlana Larkins
was a second-team pick, while
sophomore Camille Little made
the third team.
The teams each finished 12-2
in the league, but fourth-ranked
North Carolina (24-3) earned the
No. 1 seed in this week's Atlantic
Coast Conference tournament
by sweeping the season series.
That included Sunday's 77-68
road win, their first at Cameron
Indoor Stadium since 1997.
Sixth-ranked Duke (26-3)
is looking for its sixth straight
tournament title.
Joining Currie and Latta on
the first team is Miami junior
Tamarajames - the nation's lead-
ing scorer at 23 points per game
- Maryland's Shay Doron and
Florida State's Roneeka Hodges.
Currie, a second-team pick
in 2002 and 2004, averaged 18
points and seven rebounds per
game despite playing the past
month with stress fractures in her
left foot. But she had no problem
coming up big when the Blue
Devils, who had just eight players
most of this year, needed her.
"It's difficult to defend her
because she picks and chooses
her spots when she's going to
explode Georgia Tech coach
MaChelle Joseph said. "She kind
of lulls you to sleep. You think
you have her under control, and
then she scores a huge amount of
points quickly
James' 59 first-place votes was
second to Currie, and the junior
continued her torrid scoring pace
all season despite defenses keying
on stopping her. She cracked the
30-point mark five times, with
a high of 39 against Fairfield in
Got something to say?
Send us your rants.
from page A7
the first half however, ECU came
out firing on all cylinders as they
scored less than two minutes into
the game.
Senior Melissa Blakemore
and junior Casey Perry, the two
locks on the team, provided great
support and strength to the pack.
Captain Amanda Winar was very
pleased with ECU's performance.
"We have quick and mobile
loose forwards and back line
players, so we just used that speed
against Western Carolina said
"Our flankers Amber Ferrell
andjacq Leblanc, not to mention
some of our rookies like fresh-
man Jasmin Rode, really stepped
it up. Rode, our fullback, ran
up to participate in most of the
back plays and kicked constantly,
running around the pitch like a
Captains Ryan Whited and
Winar each scored two tries (five
points). Freshman Elisa Ford,
Rode and LeBlanc also scored one
try each and Whited made four
out of the seven conversion kicks
(two points each).
The success for this Lady
Pirates squad thus far is unprec-
"1 don't think I've ever been
more proud of my team Winar
"We have really stuck by each
other and the sport of rugby as
a whole. With some amazing
talent, a lot of dedication and just
love for the game, we have really
accomplished something
ECU will next compete in
the 2005 Division I and II South
Collegiate Championships in
Greenville, SC. The Semi-Finals
take place Saturday, March 19
when ECU takes on the College
of Charleston.
The winners of the divisional
brackets will move on to play
in the Finals on Sunday with a
chance of grabbing the South-
ern Championship spot in the
National Championships held in
Santa Cruz, Calif.
This writer can be contacted at
(") More Info
The Lady Pirates are excited for
the chance to compete at this
higher level. They are currently
looking for additional support
and even girls Interested In
playing. More information can
be obtained by emailing them
at ecuwomensrugby@yahoo.
com or visiting their Web site
at recserv.ecu.educlubclubs
womens rugbyschedule.
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Page A9
WEDNESDAY March 2, 2005
Thursday at 4 p.m. for the TUESDAY edition
Friday at 4 p.m. for the WEDNESDAY edition
Monday at 4 p.m. for the THURSDAY edition
Ad must be received in person. We are located on
the second floor of the Old Cafeteria Complex.
Students (wvalld I.DJ-UP to 25 words.
Non-students-UP to 25 words
Each word over 25, add.
For bold or all caps, add (per)
Ail ads must be pre-pald. No refunds given.
Above BW-3. 2 and 3 bedroom
apartment. Available une July and
August. Water and trash included.
Close to campus. Call 252-725-
5458, 329-8738, or 252-725-5457.
Now accepting applications for
summer and fall semesters at the
following locations: Captain's
Quarters, Sycamore Hill, and
University Terrace. Call Hearthside
Rentals at 355-2112.
Need subleasers for two bedrooms
at University Suites. $365month
per person. Fully furnished w water,
sewer, bus. Call (252)813-7157 or
Pinebrook Apt. 758-4015 1&2 BR
apts, dishwasher, GD, central air
& heat, pool, ECU bus line, 6, 9
or 12 month leases. Pets allowed.
High speed internet available. Rent
includes water, sewer, St cable.
Rent Special through 33105 for
2 BRs - $99 1st month rent with 12
month lease.
2 Bed2BA Apartment. Need 2
subleasers ASAP. $435mo. per
person includes utilities, internet,
and cable. On bus route less than
5 minutes from campus. 252-706-
0014 or
Duplex for rent: ECU, 1200 Glen
Arthur, two bedroom, central air
heat. $350month, call 355-7624
Walk to Campus! 1 Bedroom Apt.
at Captain's Quarters Starting at
$375. Includes cable, water, and
sewer. Now accepting applications
for summer and fall semesters.
Hearthside Rentals, 355-2112.
1 & 2 bedroom apartments, walking
distance to campus, WD conn
pets ok no weight limit, free water
and sewer. Call today for security
deposit special-758-1921.
3, 4, and 5 Bedroom houses $750
to $1,200 permo. 1 Bedroom
apartments $350 to $375 includes
utilities. Call Frank @ (252) 917-9374.
Need 1 subleaserfor 1 room in a 3BR
3BAapartment 5 min. from campus.
All inclusive rent at just 430month.
Needed for months May-July. On
ECU bus route. Call soon - 630-605-
8324 or for
more info.
One, two, three and four bedroom
houses, duplexes, and apartments.
All within four blocks of campus.
Pet friendly! Reasonable rates, short
leases available. Call 830-9502.
Roommate needed for Wildwood
Apt. 15. 3BR 1 12 bath share
13 utilities and cable, rent is 245
monthly call Brad 252-343-3874 or
.Brian 252-412-7490
1997 Volvo 850 Series Station
Wagon Loaded Power Sunroof
Leather Interior Keyless Remote
Michelin Tires Beautiful Car Silver in
Color NADA $10,500 Sale for $8500
Call 756-5100 John
The Education Mirage: Cut
Student Boredom. Sharpen Your
Teaching. Prof. Winn dissects
American education. Practical,
readable. 180pp. Bookstores $17,
Local Beer Bar needs bartender.
Shifts 12pm-6pm & 6pm-2am. Call
Fun Summer Job at OBX. Steamers
is looking for employees for summer
job. We need cooks, expediters,
and cashiers. Good pay and fun
environment. Housing available.
Call Linda (757) 576-9655 Email
Secure your summer job before you
go on spring break. Four part-time
positions open (water analysis, sales)
part-time hours from 8am-1:30pm
or 12:30pm-6:00pm. Must be able
to work weekends and holidays.
Training will start after spring break.
Apply Immediately Apps must be in
by March 4th. Greenville Pool and
Supply Co, 3730 S. Charles Blvd,
Greenville, NC 27858 - 252-355-
7121, Contact David.
Answering Service Telephone
Operators- Must type 30wpm,
excellent verbal written skills
required. Hiring 2nd shift and
weekends. Fax or email resume 353-
500 Summer Jobs, 50 Camps, You
Choose! Northeast, USA. Athletic
Creativecounselorscoaches needed;
Sports, Water, Art; Apply on-line
com Carolyn@summercampempl 1-800-443-6428
Part-time Warehouse. Must have a
valid driver's license. Apply in Person
@ Larry's Carpet One, 3010 East
10th Street, Greenville NC 27858
Now Hiring On-Campus
Representatives CampusFundraiser
is hiring out-going students for on-
campus spokesperson positions.
$15 to $25 per hour plus bonuses.
Modeling, acting or customer service
experience helpful but not required.
Visit http:www.campusfundraiser.
comcr. asp to apply.
Bartending! $250day potential.
No experience necessary. Training
provided. (800) 965-6520 ext. 202.
Baby sitter needed for much-
loved one year old boy. Must be
experienced, reliable and available
some mornings. References
required. Leave message: 493-3319
(day) 355-4454 (night)
Alpha Omkron Pi would like to
congratulate all of our new members:
Sarah Cooper, Kelly Costello, Sheri
Dees, Lauren Ellcessor, Amber
Herring, Allison Hill, Kaitlin Olive,
Arianna Rizzo, and Bethany Thrift.
We are happy you're here!
Congratulations to Alpha Phi sister
Kristina Orioco on being named
Theta Chi's Sweetheart. We're so
proud of you & love you tons! What
an honor!
Pi Kappa Alpha will host its 3rd
Annual East Carolina Goddess Bikini
Contest March 4th at The Cavern.
Interested in being a contestant,
call 252-551-6164. Doors open at
9. Guys $8 Girls $2.
Congratulations to Alpha Phi sister
Melissa Kennerly on being named
Delta Sigma Phi's Sweetheart. We're
so proud of you & love you tons!
What an honor!
Free $25 at www.partypoker.
com on First Deposit. Use
Bonus Code "ECUPIRATE" Visit
Sign up now for Free Guide to
Success. Good Luck!
Spring Break 2005 Only 6 weeks
left Lowest Prices Biggest Parties
Earn 2 Free Trips Exclusive with Sun
Splash Tours www.sunsplashtouis.
com 1-800-426-7710
Firewise Up: Landscaping with water-
retaining plants helps protect
your home from wildfire. Find other
useful Up at
m � m H
uand K -mum- cimninir
By 6th grade, an alarming number
of girls lose interest in math,
science & technology. Which means
they won't qualify for most future
jobs. That's why parents have to
keep their interest alive,�.
in every way we can.
Ifs her future.Do the math
ty Girl Scouts.
Get caught reading.
Starting March 8, the East
Carolinian will be searching
for students reading the East
Carolinian. Get caught
reading and win a free
T-shirt and your name will
appear in the newspaper.
�Three Story Townhomes
Maximum Privacy - One bedroom per floor
�Private Baths
�Walk-in Closets
�Large Brick Patios!
�No noisy neighbors above or below you
� FREE tanning
�24 hour Fitness room fit Computer Lab
�Swimming Pool
�Exclusive Bus Service!
NEW apartments for
Summer a Fall 2005!
Call or stop by our leasing
office on site today for
more information.
University Suites
www.universitysuites. net
University Suites
Corner of Arlington
Blvd & Evans St.
Greenville, NC

Where will you be?
Get Started
Get Ahead.
East Carolina University
Summer School 2005
Registration begins March 28
Contact Your Adviser

The East Carolinian, March 2, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 02, 2005
Original Format
3cm x 2cm
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