The East Carolinian, October 31, 2000

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Alcohol and Law Enforcement make
173 arrests over weekend
38 days to go
until Graduation
Midnight Madness
ECU's Halloween entertainment for stu-
dents is billed as a visit to the Nightmare
Hotel. Mendenhall Student Center (MSC)
is the site for this evening of spooky fun
and activities including fortune tellers, a
psychic hot line, virtual reality, a hypnotist
and a midnight screening of The Rocky
Horror Picture Show.
The scary festivities begin at 9 p.m.
tonight and are open to students with an
ECU One Card and guest passes.
Motivational Speaker
People who feel they may be losing the
battle to manage their time and balance
their lives have been helped and inspired
by the ideas of Mary LoVerde, a time man-
agement expert who is visiting ECU for
two presentations.
LoVerde will offer help with "Finding
Balance Through Connection How to
Connect Your Disconnected Life" at 10
a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1 in the Brody Audi-
torium at the Brody School of Medicine
and at 3:30 p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
Contact Trina Baker with ECU Human
Resources at 328-0117.
Art exhibition
The "Faculty 2000 Exhibition featur-
ing works by members of the School of
Art, opens Friday, Nov. 3 at the Cray
Gallery in the Jenkins Fine Arts Center.
A reception is scheduled for 5 p.m. The
exhibit will continue at the gallery until
Nov. 30.
Student opera
The production of the opera "The Rape
of Lucretia" will be performed at 8 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 3 and again at 8 p.m. Satur-
day, Nov. 4 in the A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall.
Tickets are available at the Central Ticket
Office in the student center or by calling
Adapted Sports
The Annual Adapted Sports Day for
people interested in wheelchair sports and
related activities will be held from 9 a.m4
p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4 at the ECU Student
Recreation Center. This is a free event that
includes workshops in hand cycling, kayak-
ing, yoga, martial arts, aquatic exercise,
climbing and volleyball.
William Brady, a wheelchair user for 21
years, will be the featured guest. Brady is
a world record holder for the shot put and
a former record holder in the pentathalon
and javelin events. Contact Terri Edwards
for more information 328-6387.
Blazers end ECU title hopes
"Aesop's Fables" delights audiences
this weekend
Are you going downtown
for Halloween?
Vote online at
Do you know someone who has
done Ecstasy or CHB?
93 Yes
6 No
HICH 68' LOW 50'
encouraged to
continue safety
Melyssa Ojeda
The Greenville Police
Department (GPD)
recently arrested a Green-
ville man charged with
Police nab Greenville grabber
four counts of Assault on
a Female after an ongo-
ing investigation of inci-
dences occurring near the
university over the past
three months.
Shelton Edward
Thomas, 22, is charged
with allegedly approach-
ing victims between the
hours of 8 p.m. and 2
p.m. from Aug. 13 to
Sept. 5 of this year. Two
reports claim the non-
student reached out of
the window of a white
Ford truck and grabbed
the victims as they walked
by him.
During one assault,
Thomas allegedly grabbed
a female by her bookbag
and dragged her a few feet
down the street. Two other
reports allege Thomas
grabbed the victims as
he approached them. All
incidences occurred in the
area of 1st and 5th streets
near campus.
Police are confident
they have apprehended
the right suspect, espe-
cially since no more
assaults of this nature
have been reported since
his arrest.
"Thomas has made
confessions to all four of
the incidences and we feel
confident that this is the
right man Clark said.
The GPD continues to
encourage individuals to
use common sense and
stay in large groups when
walking at night.
"Even walking in twos
isn't a good idea said
Det. Amy Clark. "To walk
in groups of three or four
people instead of by your-
self is the smartest thing
to do
The Oct. 25 arrest is
the result of a surveillance
operation conducted by
the GPD. Anyone with
additional information
should contact the GPD
at 329-4300 or Det. Amy
Clark at 329-4133.
This writer can be contacted
Shelton Edward Thomas
was arrested Oct. 25 after
an extensive two-month
investigation by the GPD.
Two shootings downtown unrelated
incidences end in
area outside dub
Nancy Kuck
Two shootings took
place downtown on the
morning of Saturday, Oct.
A man was shot in the
leg at 12:15 a.m. outside
the Sports Pad complex
while waiting to enter the
nightclub after a dispute
occurred between two
drivers on the corner of
5th and Evans streets. The
victim, Matthew Hartens-
tein, an 18-year-old stu-
dent at Coastal Commu-
nity College, was shot in
the leg by an unidentified
According to Capt.
Kevin Smeltzer, of the
administrative bureau
of the Greenville Police
Department (GPD),
Hartenstein heard a dis-
pute in line behind him
and a gunshot. He did not
realize immediately that
he was wounded.
"The bystander had
never been in this club
before said a Sports Pad
representative. "We did,
however bring him in and
Police are still searching for one suspect, involved in the shooting outside the Sports Pad (above) early Saturday morning. A
second unrelated shooting ended in the club's parking lot. (photo by John Stowe)
treat him after he was
shot at. We were no way
involved with the whole
Police are continuing
their investigation and
searcli for the suspect.
He is described as a black
male, 5-foot-8-inches, 179
pounds, with a slender
build and short, braided
black hair. He was wearing
blue jeans and a white
shirt. The suspect was last
seen running from the
area. Police said there are
no other suspects at this
"There is one suspect
that is out there that we
are aware of Smeltzer
Police have recovered
one brass bullet casing
from the scene of the
crime. It is determined
that the casing was shot
from a black semi-auto-
matic gun, however, the
type of gun is yet to be
One student who was
across the street in Boli's
5th Street Pizzaria said
the police were quick to
respond to the scene of
the crime.
"TheGreenville Police
(GPD) was so quick in
their response to the inci-
dent said junior Chris
Ritter. "They did such a
good job that it makes
me feel safer around the
downtown area, especially
with Halloween here
Meanwhile, an unre-
lated shooting occurred
around the same time in
front of the Stop Shop,
at the corner of 5th and
Cotanche streets.
According to Stop
Shop employee Brent
Roseman, the altercation
left no one injured, and
Alcohol and Law Enforce-
ment (ALE) officers took
longer than expected to
arrive at the scene.
"Two guys looked like
they not in a fight and one
put a gun to the other's
head Roseman said. "He
then took the gun away
and proceeded to run.
The guy fired one shot
as he was running and
police responded to this
shooting about 30 min-
utes later
ALE officers appre-
hended the suspect, Lean-
der "Divine" Simmons,
20, of Kinston, N.C. in
a parking lot behind the
Sports Pad complex. He
was arrested on charges
of Discharging a Firearm,
Assaulting a Government
Official and Assault by
Pointing a Firearm.
Anyone with informa-
tion regarding these inci-
dences should contact the
GPD at 830-3937.
Greenville prepares for Halloween
promote safety
Laura Benedict
ECU and the Green-
ville community have
made preparations for
tonight's Halloween fes-
Every year for the
past seven years, Uni-
versity Housing Services
(UHS) ensures that all stu-
dents entering residence
halls are accounted for by
police and resident advis-
"Our big thing was this
weekend said Manny
Amaro, director of UHS.
"We alerted all students
that Friday and Saturday
only guests of the same
gender were allowed to
stay with them. All doors
to the residence halls were
pinned except for the
main entrance and an offi-
cer was stationed there
UHS's policies will also
be in effect tonight. UHS
encourages students to
carry their ECU One Cards
with them at all times.
"Everything is pretty
much under control as
long as everyone plays it
safe Amaro said.
The ECU Police
Department (ECUPD) is
gearing up for Halloween
as well. All officers off-
duty that morning will be
on-hand for the evening.
"A certain number of
officers are allocated for
downtown Crocker said.
"Six or eight officers are
assigned to assist the GPD
in downtown. The rest are
scheduled and assigned
throughout campus
"We probably have
around 135 officers
assigned to downtown
from Greenville and the
surrounding areas said
Melissa Bartlett, public
affairs coordinator for the
Greenville Police Depart-
ment (GPD). "It's real
important that people
understand that it's not
a show of force to intim-
idate, it's to maintain
safety so things don't get
out of hand.
"An estimated 85 uni-
formed officers will be in
the crowd, four to five on
rooftops, 20 at perimeter
posts and that's the four
block area on the edges (of
the downtown barricaded
area Bartlett said.
Police officers sta-
tioned at perimeter posts
will be checking IDs, cool-
ers and backpacks for
weapons and alcohol.
"We tell them to leave
it with the officer at the
perimeter and pick it up
later said Bartlett. "No
weapons are allowed even
if it is part of a costume.
If someone dresses up as a
cowboy, this includes cap
guns or plastic swords
In December 1999 new
laws regarding underage
drinking were passed. In
the past 19-20 year olds
who consumed beer or
wine were only charged
with an infraction, a non-
criminal penalty. As a
result of the new law
19-20 year olds will be
charged with a Class 3
"A Class 3 misde-
meanor goes on an indi-
vidual's record for the rest
of their life Bartlett said.
"So when this person is
30 and is trying to get a
job, it will show up on a
background check
A person convicted of
selling or providing alco-
hol to a minor would
receive no less than a $250
fine and 25 hours of com-
munity service. Bartlett
warned that there will be
undercover officers down-
town tonight.
"Undercover officers
from ALE and ABC will
possibly be in costume to
watch for alcohol viola-
tions and other violations
in the crowd Bartlett
Downtown area res-
taurants and taverns have
formed a community
action group called DARK
to work in conjunction
with police to ensure a
safe celebration.
Businesses will sell and
serve alcohol in plastic
cups so that no glass con-
tainers will be broken and
cause injures. They are
attempting to keep alco-
hol inside the building
where it is purchased by
placing staff at the door.
"No alcohol can be
carried in or out of the
club said one representa-
tive from the Sports Pad.
Officers will be watch-
ing for people drinking in
the crowd.
Costumes are allowed
in the bars and clubs
"We have to watch for
people who wear baggy
costumes said the man-
see HALLOWEEN page 3
No Bones About It
This unidentified Pirate let his true colors show
through at Saturday's UAB game. The Pirates lost
to UAB by one touchdown, 16-13 (See page 8 for
full game story) photo by John Stowe

2 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
The facts on binge drinking
Students warned of
dangers of high alcoholic
Nancy Kuck
Binge drinking has become a
widespread problem on most col-
lege campuses, a problem that not
only affects academics, but also
carries serious risks of disease, injury
and death. This style of drinking
is not dlsaissed frequently because
the definition of binge drinking is
vague and differs for each student.
According to the Core Institute's
1999 statistics on alcohol and other
drug use on American campuses,
binge drinking is defined as "five
or more drinks in one sitting
Although this definition takes into
account the quantity of alcohol
beverages, it fails to take in account
the gender, body mass index and
length of time for each sitting when
alcohol is consumed. The quicker
a person drinks, the higher the
blood alcohol level is and the more
problems the person will have.
"The most serious problems
with drinking occurs within the
first week of school said Associate
Dean of Students Mary L. Antieau.
"Most students are sent to us when
an alcoholic violation occurs such
as drunk driving, possession of
alcohol on campus outside of the
residence halls or underage, or
if they are caught getting sick or
passed out to the extent that they
may hurt themselves or others
The results from alcohol related
offenses range from counseling
and attending a workshop at the
Center of Counseling and Student
lvelopment (CCSD) to suspension
from the university. The severity
of the consequences is established
by the seriousness of the alcohol
"Binge drinking to me is drink-
ing in excess every weekend and
not remembering what happened
said senior Todd Moron. "My old
roommate used to binge drink every
weekend but he seemed to be OK
with it and it was not to the point
that he was hospitalized
A 12-ounce beer, a 4-ounce glass
of wine, a 10-ounce wine cooler
and a shot (1 ounce) of liquor all
have the same amount of alcohol.
When a person drinks, there is an
increased risk of alcohol related
injuries or death, legal problems
drunk-driving, assault, unplanned
pregnancy, transmission of an STD,
including HIV and acquaintance
rape. Alcohol poisoning may also
occur which can cause death if not
hospitalized immediately.
"I think binge drinking to me
is excessively drinking to the point
where people get sick said junior
Mandy Israel. "It is dangerous and
I think there is going to be a lot of
it this Halloween
"I see people that are both
judicially referred and those that
want to stop or cut down on their
drinking said Robert Morphett,
Center for CSOC. "As far as 1 know,
there has not been any deaths that
occurred at ECU in recent history
from alcohol use. Unfortunately,
we have had many students that
were hospitalized from too much
alcohol usage
The reported drinking behaviors
of ECU students are consistent with
those of other college students
who completed a CORE Alcohol
and Drug Survey in 1999. Over 65
percent of adults consume alcohol
and of this percentage, there are
some who are addictive drinkers or
alcoholics. College students who
drink more alcohol have a more
liberal definition of binge drinking
than those who drink less.
Frequent binge drinking can
lead to long-term problems with
alcohol. Consider the consequences
and take your drinks in modera-
"Be thoughtful and watch how
much you drink because it can be
scary if you consume too much
Antieau said.
This writer can be contacted
Symptoms of
alcohol poisoning
1. Person is unconscious or
semi-conscious and can not be
2. Cold, clammy, pale or
bluish skin.
3. Check to see if breathing
is slow, less than eight times
per minute, or irregular, with
10 seconds or more between
4. Vomiting while sleeping
or passed out, and not waking
up after vomiting.
If a person has any of these
symptoms, he or she is suffering
from acute alcohol intoxication
and help should be called for.
Provided by: ECU Office of
Health Promotion
ALE arrests 173 individuals over weekend
Students, local business
in violation of underage
drinking laws
Melyssa Ojeda
Sixteen Alcohol and Law
Enforcement (ALE) agents, with
the assistance of the Greenville
Police Department (GPD), cracked
down on underage drinking laws
in lieu of Halloween in and around
Greenville Friday and Saturday.
A total of 173 individuals were
arrested and 204 criminal charges
were given.
According to ALE District Two
Supervisor John Simmons, most of
the arrests occurred at parties in
neighborhoods around downtown
earlier on both evenings.
"Prior to 11 p.m we arrested
more individuals outside the down-
town area, but as the night pro-
gressed we made more arrests down-
town Simmons said.
The most common charges were
for Resisting, Obstructing, and
Delaying a Police Officer and Posses-
sion of a Malt Beverage or Unfor-
tified Wine by a Person Under
the Age of 21. There was at least
one charge of an Assault on an
Officer with a Firearm, as well as
several misdemeanor narcotics
violations-one for possession of
Ecstasy, the rest for the possession
of marijuana.
Five Greenville businesses were
cited with the Sale of a Malt Bever-
age or Unfortified Wine to Persons
Under 21. These businesses include
the Food I.ion grocery store on 10th
Street; the Landmark grocery store
on 5th Street; The Texas Two-Step
club, where an undercover ALE
agent gave the citation; and the
Stop Shop at the corner of 5th
and Cotanche streets, which was
cited twice for selling alcohol to
persons under the age of 21. The
fifth business's name was unavail-
able due to a pending investiga-
According to Simmons, in all of
these businesses, agents in uniform
were able to observe employees
breaking the law out in the open.
"The citations that were given
occurred after blatant observation
Simmons said.
ALE is responsible for nine
counties and approximately 1,500
licensed businesses.
Last Halloween, 195 persons
were arrested on over 200 charges.
In 1998, 333 persons were arrested
on 302 charges.
Simmons added that total arrest
and citation figures for this year's
Halloween remained to be seen
since tonight is when the major
event will occur downtown.
"Things are going much as we
expected and we will be in force
in and around the Greenville area
today as well Simmons said.
Simmons added that this aggres-
sive enforcement by ALL and GPD
personnel is merely aimed at pro-
tecting citizens.
"We're just interested In safe-
guarding people Simmons said.
"We're trying to save lives and
protect the students and the city
of Greenville
This writer can be contacted
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Trying 1
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Mary LoVei
after the sr
Stop Screamir
Touching Tom
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Memory Jar C
Cash or Check
This presentatior
The Brody Schoc

Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Want to
know what s
Browse over to the only
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events at ECU. Check
it often for activities,
events, meetings, etc.
Use it when you need
to list your own campus
A web-based service of the ECU Student Media.

Mary LoVerde
author of
How to Connect Your
Disconnected Life
A Free Presentation
10:00 a.m11:30 a.m.
Brody Auditorium
The Brody School of Medicine
Faculty, Staff and Students Only
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wright Auditorium
Open to the Public, Faculty,
Staff and Students
Park and Ride from Stadium
Gold Lot Near Gate 7
First Come, First Served
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the show
Call Trina Baker, Human Resources, 328-0117
Visit www.ecu.eduservicesmaryloverde.htm
Trying to take the
'superperson' route?
This show is
for you!
Mary LoVerde products available
after the shows:
Stop Screaming at the Microwave!
How to Connect Your Disconnected Life
Touching Tomorrow $10.00
Feel Good Files $8.00
Memory Jar Cards $8.00
Cash or Check Only
This presentation is sponsored by ECU Business Services, The Division of Administration and Finance,
The Brody School of Medicine, and The ECU Department of Human Resources.
The East Carolinian 3
ItOM p�& I
ager of the Cellar. "And we will
not allow people in with gangster
gear. Anyone in fatigues will be
patted down. Masks can be worn
but you can't wear them as you
enter. You need to remove them
to check ID
Downtown clubs will be open
from 9 p.m2 a.m. The GPD is
concerned about drunk drivers.
"Roving DWI check points will
move throughout the night so you
can't just avoid one area of town
and not get caught drinking and
driving Bartlett said.
ECU Transit manager Scott
Alford, says one extra bus will
be added to the Pirate Ride route
tonight, which will run from 8
p.m4 a.m.
"We are beefing up said Scott
Alford, director of ECU Transit.
Pirate Ride will run from Men-
denhall Student Center to Fletcher
Hall, Greene Hall, Jarvis Hall,
Cotten Hall, Speight Building,
Croatan, the top of College Hill (at
Elm Street) and Umstead Hall.
The Freshmen Shuttle willrun
one bus from 8 p.mmidnight.
"If you are alone and you do not
have a ride, we will call you a cab
said one Sports Pad respresenta-
This year as part of the City of
Greenville's zero-tolerance policy,
the GPD is adding 20 police on
bicycles to patrol the areas sur-
rounding campus after downtown
businesses close.
"In the past, the Tar River area
parties have gotten out-of-hand
Bartlett said. "Public urination
becomes a problem along with
littering, parties that spill Into the
street and indecent exposure. You
can't take your stereo out in the
yard and play it at full blast
The number of arrests for par-
tygoers downtown last year was
under 10, according to Bartlett.
ECUPD tickets and arrests were less
than 20, according to Crocker.
"We haven't had as many prob-
lems in the past few years Crocker
said referring to the Halloween riots
that broke out in the '80s. "Just
have a good time, be responsible
for yourself and the people that
you're with
Crocker offers advice to students
planning on dressing up for Hal-
"A lot of costumes are fire haz-
ards, so be careful when you are
around someone who is smoking
said Crocker.
All students who choose to
drink are encouraged to do so
"Everyone who is drinking
should keep their alcohol in their
hand and be careful and mindful
of date rape drugs Crocker said.
"Walk in pairs with people that you
know. And if you see something
suspicious, call or use on of the
blue lights on campus
"Purchase your own drink and
don't set it down-GHB is an issue
Bartlett said.
All campus and community
officials remind students that ECU
will host Midnight Madness begin-
ning at 9 p.m. in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
This writer can be contacted
Laws concerning underage drin
The North Carolina General
Assembly passed two new laws
concerning underage drinking
that went into effect in December
A person convicted for the
first time of selling or providing
alcohol to someone under the age
of 21 would receive a sentence of
no less than a $250 fine and 25
hours of community service. For
a second or subsequent offense
within four years, the penalty is
no less than a $500 fine and 150
hours of community service.
A person convicted of aiding
and abetting in the sale or provision
of alcohol to someone under the
age of 21 for the first time would
receive a penalty of no less than
�a 1500 fine and 25 hours of com-
munity service. For a second or
subsequent offense within four
years, the sentence is no less than a
$1000 fine and 150 hours of com-
munity service.
The law G.S. 18B-302 punished
19 and 20 year olds who are con-
victed of the possession of beer or
wine with an infraction, a non-
criminal penalty that carries a $25
fine. Any alcohol consumption by
those 18 and younger, and under-
age drinkers of any ago
liquor or fortified wins
1 misdemeanor.
An amendment to this law
now calls for 19 and 20 year olds
who drink beer or wine to be
charged with a Class 3 misde-
meanor. These individuals will
"face a $200 fine if convicted.
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4 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
1 Unlikely
5 Faceted
10 Use acid tor art
14 At any time
15 "Casablanca" co-
star Peter
16 Expanse
17 Verne's captain
18 Vehicular 180
19 Pip-squeak
20 Business
23 To one side
24 Junior branch?
25 Reed or Rawls
27 Sultry singer
28 Rhea's relative
31 Swiss instrument
33 Comprehend
35 Squirreled away
36 Fill completely
39 Ridicule
42 Make again
43 Wrinkled fruit
45 -Penh
47 Posttraumatic
50 British Inc.
51 Trajectory
54 Fellow
55 Part of B.A
57 Lazybones
59 Hit by The
63 Remarkable item
64 "Long, Tall
Glasses" singer
65 On the briny
66 Black-and-white
67 City on the Ruhr
68 Protective ditch
69 Socially inept
70 Arrests
71 Starter chips
1234P187891 22"1112�3
2030� 32�
23I3S24 34r26
2?38I28 ?931 4041
4435 46
363394942 5651
A345 set
4604850 6165253
54 �I.57
� 2000 Tribune Media Sot vices, Inc.
All right reserved.
www 445
1 Avis offering
2 Reluctant
3 Create again
4 Wear away
5 Urban renewal
6 Jot
7 Patent medicines
8 Listed mistakes
9 Washington of
'The Hurricane"
10 Merit
11 Sweetheart
12 Expurgated
13 Stetson or fedora
21 Large-mouth
22 Little devils
26 Disassemble
29 Tatami
30 "Bom in the "
32 Injure
33 Kelly or Autry
34 Whelp
36 Canned-pork
37 Rotating part of a
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40 Org. of Flames
41 T. Turner stn.
44 Jacob's brother
46 Frigg's male
48 Garden blooms
Find the solution to
this puzzle on our
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49 After all this time
51 Writer Lurie
52 Usher after the
53 Manufacture
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58 Tense situation
60 PartofQED
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63 Actor
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Blockbuster Movie
112-115: Scary Movie (Rated R)
Six Friends, including Cindy Campbell (Anna Faris), Buffy Gellar
(Shannon Elizabeth), Brenda (Regina Hall), and Greg (Lochlyn
Munro), are being stalked by a serial killer that is a mix between Ghost
Face of Scream and Ben Willis of Know What You Did Last Summer
that wants them dead for a car accident that happened last
Halloween. The friends are also being stalked by a pesky reporter
Gail Hailstorm (Cheri Oteri). The body count begins when Drew
Decker (Carmen Electra) is murdered. Funny-man director Keenan
Ivory Wayans brings an ensemble cast together in this comedic horror
genre spoof. No horror film standard or cliche is safe in this parody of
horror movies.
Mercury Cinema
111 -115: Time Code (Rated R)
Time Code is an original, innovative film shot in real time and in one
continuous take. It is a timely reference to our voyeuristic approach to
entertainment. Beyond the remarkable style with which it was made,
Time Code also offers an intriguing plot involving four interrelated,
parallel stories of adultery, all which take place on Sunset Boulevard,
in Los Angeles, beginning at 3 p.m. on November 19,1999. It even
includes an unplanned earthquake. Time Code is certain to be one of
the most provocative, unique films you will see this year.
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Closing Reception
"Bodies: From a
Simple Life"
6-8 pm
9:39 Concert Series
Laurie Qesoh
9:39pm Mendenhall
Multipurpose Room
Thursday 7:30
Friday 7:30
Saturday 7:30
Mercury Cinema
Sunday 7:30
Tuesday, 0
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Dear Editor,
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:tober 31, 2000
� �' K �WSm PS
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
The East Carolinian 5
Sports Editor
Photo Editor
Layout Designer
, Editor
Buck, Features Editor
Lava Miflct, Head Copy Editor
1 UMa, FountaHiead Editor
, Layout Designer
Servtog ECU ance 1925, Tne East CartfMm prrts 11.(100 copies aery Tuesday
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Every Halloween,
kids wake up
to find out that a
little part of them
has been smashed
to bits, because
someone was mali-
ciously bored.
Last night at TEC, we received a fax from a 9-year-old girl named Erika
Eagle. She told us in her letter that someone had stolen her family's pumpkins,
and wanted to know why someone would do such a terrible thing.
To tell you the truth, we don't know.
Who can say why there are people in this world that get pleasure from
the pain of others, and who feel that to improve their day, they have to
ruin someone else's. These are the same stupid people that we have to
lock our doors from, and the reason we have to be careful of walking
alone at night.
Whoever you are, you sicken us. You hurt people, and write it off as
a harmless gag. You made Erika's little brother cry, and because of you,
Halloween isn't ever going to be the same for them.
Erika's letter broke our hearts, because we know what it is like to have
something ruined for us by "mean people Every Halloween, kids like Erika
wake up to find out that a little part of them has been smashed to bits,
because someone was maliciously bored.
To the kids who have lost their pumpkins this year, we are truly sorry for
your pain. Instead of letting whoever these thieves are ruin your special day,
try and keep what you've lost in your hearts and in your heads, where no
one else can take it from you.
Remember ECU students, it's okay to go out and party tonight dressing
up as French maids, toast-heads and the character from Scream, but don't
embarass yourselves, your community or your university in front of innocents
like Erika and her little brother through vandalism, indecent exposure and
other acts of delinquency.
Mean people just plain suck, so don't be a mean person. Help us at
TEC try to make Halloween activities fun and safe for everyone, pumpkins
&V Ar, '
W�i,M MAST UesHcwtll
Bush not fit for job at hand
Peace in the Middle East will never happen
(U-WIRE)-After 2000 years of being
in exile, a people, ripped and nearly
extinct by the most evil of powers,
finally found peace in a land they
could call their own. Not only their
own, but open to all who wished
to be free. All they desired was
acceptance as a nation, race, creed,
ethnic group and religion.
The area in 1947 known as Pal-
estine provided a tangible place
for that hope. Two years after the
Allies liberated the surviving Jewish
refugee in the concentration camps
of the Holocaust, Great Britain
controlled the area of the world
then known as Palestine.
The British decided to divide
that imperialistic holding into two
halves, Palestine-which included
the Old City of Jerusalem, the West
Bank and the Gaza strip-and a
section for the Jewish refugees who
declared it the State of Israel in May
1948. That section included the
western seaboard, where Tel Aviv is
located, and the Negev Desert.
Shortly after David Ben-Gurion,
the first prime minister of Israel,
announced the birth of the sov-
ereign State of Israel, armies of
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt
attacked the small country in hopes
of destroying it.
After a long, difficult war with
these countries, Israel, a country
less than a year old with no formal
military and no funding or support
from any other place in the world,
defeated its opponents.
In 1967, the same armies
attacked Israel again and lost within
six days. In that loss, Israel acquired
the lands in the West Bank includ-
ing the Old City of Jerusalem, the
Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and
the Sinai Desert. When able to
occupy and become one with the
holiest city on Earth again, Israel
was complete.
In the early 1970s on the holi-
day of Yom Kippur, the holiest
holiday for the Jewish people, the
same Arab armies attacked again in
hopes of obliterating the nation of
Israel and again, after much blood
shed, Israel won.
In the late 1970s, Menachem
Begin, Anwar Sadat and President
Jimmy Carter met and created a
peace between Israel and Egypt.
Israel returned the Sinai Desert as a
sign of goodwill. Peace has lasted.
Throughout this period of 52
years, a fairly large population of
Arab peoples has occupied Israel.
These people, who are mostly
Muslim, are what we know as Pal-
estinians. These are people who
were in the former Palestine, who
are not Jewish and do not wish to
be part of the recognized State of
In Israel, these people live in
conditions better than any other
Arab country, save maybe Kuwait,
they have religious freedom and
they can be citizens and members
of the government if they choose.
They live in neighborhoods with
such simple luxuries as internal
plumbing and sewers, while many
of their Arab cousins in neighboring
countries do not.
When Israel was made into its
own country, these people were
welcomed with open arms into the
population by the Jewish majority.
They refused. When the surround-
ing Arab nations attacked, Israel
protected them.
When they sought acceptance
into Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Saudi
Arabia and Egypt rather than live
under a Jewish majority govern-
ment, those countries refused to
let in their own countrymen and
cousins. But Israel still accepted
Now, peace talks are halted by
terrorism and unnecessary violence.
Two soldiers took a wrong turn
into a Palestinian neighborhood
and paid for the mistake with their
lives, their bodies desecrated. A
country that has for years wanted
a peaceful co-existence is not going
to have that because peaceful co-
existence was and never will be an
option for the Palestinians.
I'm not an advocate of using
unnecessary military force to keep
the peace, but I am not an advocate
of terrorism.
The Palestinians, like most of
the Arab nations surrounding Israel,
want and have wanted only one
thing- the destruction of the State
of Israel.
What stops another full-blown
war? Israel has the best and most
powerful army in the world next
to the United States. Why does the
United States not support Israel the
way it should? Because of a minor,
valuable commodity drilled in
those surrounding Arab countries.
The intention of the Israelis has
always been one of keeping the
basic right that we hold dear in
America, while trying to co-exist
with its neighbors and Palestinian
citizens. Palestinians refuse to
recognize Israel and the Jewish
people's right to live there. There-
fore, peace can never truly happen.
The two major candidates run-
ning for the presidential election
this year have made it quite clear
that there are some major differ-
ences between them.
They have both stated how they
view the country and how they will
improve every aspect of politics
while their opponent will only
make things worse while having
minimal positive effects. Well, we
all know this is not true.
The fact is, the candidates will
say just about anything to get
elected. Let's analyze the real differ-
ences and the real truth behind all
of this talk of one candidate.
Some things always come into
play when talking about George W.
Bush. Would he be running today
if it wasn't for his dad? Does he
have any real experience? Does he
even know what he's doing? Other
than smoking crack, what was he
up to before he became governor?
How much does he know about
foreign policy?
He didn't seem to know much
during his first debate. Did he really
have to prep that much for the last
two debates to sound like he knew
Furthermore, George W. Bush
seems to be making some state-
ments that are not true. He told
us during one of the debates that
those responsible for the death of
an African-American by dragging
were going to be put to death. He
wasn't entirely right. One of the
individuals responsible did not
receive the death penalty.
It's hard to believe that he
wasn't aware of this fact, being
that he is the governor of the state
and this case has received a high
amount of publicity. Then, he's
taking credit for bills which he
vetoed and were overruled by the
state of Texas. He really isn't making
much sense.
One of the things that the gov-
ernor stands for is huge tax breaks,
especially for the wealthy. He says
that all Americans are the right
people for tax relief. Well, that
might sound good at first, especially
to the rich, but when you really
think about it, is it true?
Let's take an example of two
American citizens. One, who is
working very hard, maybe two or
three jobs, just to make ends meet,
to provide for his or her family.
Another person is one who has a
seven-digit salary and is financially
well off. Now, who is the right
person for tax relief? Are you telling
me that both people should receive
the same amount of tax credit?
And since the amount of tax
relief you will receive is by the
percentage you pay, the poor citizen
might get about $250 worth of tax
credit while the rich might get some
where in the millions. Now tell me,
out of that $1 trillion, where is all
of the tax relief going?
Another frightening fact is that
the money that the governor has
promised us hasn't really been
collected yet, it is just the projected
United States income. Now what
would happen if we were to come
short on collecting that income?
All of the money has gone in
tax breaks to the wealthy, where
will the cuts come from? Social
security, Medicare? The only thing
that Bush stands for is what his dad
stood for, what every republican
stands for, irresponsible tax breaks
for the rich and at the same time,
hurting the economy.
This writer can be contacted
It's the great column, Charlie Brown!
Debate disappointment means votes for Howe
Dear Editor,
I'm sure many North Carolina
citizens were as disappointed as I
was by the Thursday, Oct. 26 debate
performance of the Democratic
and Republican gubernatorial can-
didates, Mike Easley and Richard
With all their arm-grabbing and
ad hominem attacks, I was frankly
embarrassed at the prospect that
one of these men will very likely
become our governor.
While these prepubescent antics
were being acted out in the
state capital, the Libertarian candi-
date, Barbara Howe, was online
in WNCN-NBC17's chat room,
answering the concerns of actual
So, North Carolina voters, I ask
you this: Who do you want crafting
North Carolina's public policy? I
want Barbara Howe, not two ill-
tempered mental juveniles, which
is what Easley and Vinroot showed
they were.
David Williams
Cary, N.C.
CHAMPAIGN, 111. (U. Illinois)-
Boo! Ah, don't be scared. I'm just
getting into the Halloween spirit.
Indeed, Halloween is one of the
best times of the year. It's the one
day out of the year you can break
out of those khaki pants and into
plaid golfer's slacks. The social
norms that deal with what we wear
go soaring out the window. It's
But is it something deeper than
just some fun game of dress-up?
Could be. Freud once said, "Thou
art a fool who dreams of wolves in
sheep's clothing, all the while righty
is tighty and lefty is loosey
Actually, I'm not sure if he said
that exactly. My point here is that
Halloween might be the perfect
opportunity for us to dress up in
reflection of our inner selves.
That in mind, I thought we'd
take a look at some costumes and
figure out what they mean. That
way when you see your friends in
them on Halloween, you can laugh
at them because you know their
inner-most secrets:
� Alf: If you're dressing up as Alf,
then you have major issues. First
of all, you're longing for the days
when you were young. You'd dress
up as Mr. Wizard, but it'd be hard
to get your face that wrinkled.
Dressing up as Alf also means
that you have an unorthodox appe-
tite. Let's just say people had better
keep their cats hidden when Alf is
out trick-or-treating. And finally,
the Alf costume is a classic sign of
bad taste in television.
� Backstreet Boys (or other "boy
bands"): Whether you are going
as one of the Backstreet Boys or
you and your group of friends are
going as the entire band, I'd have
to say-find a new costume. That's
just sick. First of all, some of you
guys look way too much like them
already. I don't mean to go off on
a tangent here, but there's one guy
that I always see working out at the
gym with jeans, sunglasses and a
billowy shirt on.
� French maid: OK, I think we
know the answer to this one-you
love to clean.
� Pokemon: How the hell does
someone dress like Pokemon?
� Bill Clinton (as worn by a
Republican): You're jealous! You
don't go around dressed like Clin-
ton without somewhat enjoying
all the positive attention. If you
truly wanted to make a fool of the
president, the last thing you'd want
to do is be the life of the party. Oh,
but I can imagine all the jokes and
pick-up lines you'd be throwing
around. Shame on you. Republican.
That's the president's material. You
should be paying royalties.
� Bill Clinton (as worn by a
Democrat): You're ashamed yet
clamoring for any shred of positive
public opinion. Think about it.
You're not dressing up as Clinton to
honor him. You're dressing as him
so he can be laughed at: a positive
response. At this point, you'll offer
up the crudest of cigar jokes to get
at least a giggle. You'll do anything
to feel like you're not alone in
liking Clinton, won't you?
� Superman: You are a fantastic
person with great hair. I often
dressed as Superman.
� A soldier: Next to Superman,
this was my most frequently used
costume when I was young. What
does it say about the inner you?
I have no idea. It sounds a little
unhealthy, but I always liked the
idea that maybe people were giving
me candy because I scared them
into it.
After all, how could they feel
at ease with a 10-year-old in cam-
ouflage? I guess what I'm trying to
say is that it probably means you
have some kind of neurosis-fust
like me.
� Magnum PI: Wow, if you can
pull off the Tom Selleck look, that's
amazing. As far as what it means
subconsciously, it means that you
have a longing for a thick coat
of chest hair. But forget about
that; this is seriously an incredible
costume as long as it's pulled off
The pope: This doesn't mean
much subconsciously, but I can
tell you one thing for sure-it's all
about comfort for you! A robe for a
costume? That's against the rules.
You're supposed to at least want to
get out of your costume at the end
of the night.
I guess the bottom line is quite
simple: Halloween is a time for
costumes, candy and really mind-
less columns. Halloween is also
a time when you go to strangers'
doors and expect some kind of
Consider this column that gift.
No one ever said it had to be a good
gift. This is the popcorn ball among
your tasty, candy treats.
Hey, I don't want to cause a

6 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31,2000
Tuesday, 0
School of Music to perform "Rape of Lucretia" opera
What are you going
to be for Halloween?
Allison Green
It's a surprise
Marquisha Matthews
"A Renaissance woman-something vintage
Darryl Thomas
Xiaoxin Lu
Rashetta Chavis
"A princess or a cowgirl
Shellie Wood
"Dark Angel
Jeff Evans
"A farmer
Nlkita Move
"A clown
Drama to feature
eight student
Earline White
The ECU Opera The-
atre will kickoff the season
with a performance of
Benjamin Britten's cham-
ber opera, "The Rape of
Lucretia" at 8 p.m. on
Nov. 3 and 4 in the A.J.
Fletcher Recital Hall.
The opera, which will
be performed in English, is
derived from Shakespeare
and from Andre Obey's
play "I Viol de I.ucrece
and is set in and around
ancient Rome at about
John B. O'Brien, chair
of voice and professor of
accompanying, will lead
the ECU Chamber Orches-
tra, and John Kramar, pro-
fessor of voice and opera,
is serving as director.
"This is a gripping
drama said Kramar. "It
brings up the question of
morality which is preva-
lent even in today's soci-
ety. ECU students should
come to see this opera
because it is a thought-
provoking piece with a
terrific story
The story begins with
three generals discussing
the outcome of a wager
about the fidelity of their
wives. Only one of the
women, Collantinus' wife
Lucretia, has remained
faithful to date. Junius,
a bitter general, plants
"It brings up the question of morality which is
prevalent even in today's society.
John Kramar
Director ot Rape ot Lucretia"
the seeds of a hideous
plan into the mind of the
third general, Tarquinius,
a young Etruscan prince.
Ticked into implement-
ing the plan, Tarquinius
returns to Rome to test
Lucretia's fidelity.
Arriving at her home,
Tarquinius is offered much
hospitality from Lucretia.
He is soon shown to
his room for the night.
Later, he forces himself
upon Lucretia. Her shame
results in her suicide�just
as her husband and Junius
arrive on the scene.
The cast for "The Rape
of Lucretia" is headed
by ECU faculty tenor Dr.
Perry Smith as the male
chorus. Student singers
include; Maureen Adel-
man, Rebecca Siler, Amy
Turman, Jami Rhodes,
Kimberly Wood, Michael
LaRoche, Brian Rice and
Stephen Church.
"Rehearsals are going
rather well said junior
Stephen Church, who
plays Collatinus. "We've
been practicing now for
10 weeks�I am ready to
get it over with
"Musically, the piece
is wonderful Kramar
said. "The orchestration
involves 12 soloist perfor-
mances. Most students
are not familiar with
the musical style (20th
century British music),
another reason everyone
should come out. Benja-
min Britten is something
very different
"This is my first true
opera performance at
ECU Church said. "At
my previous school, North
Carolina School of the
Arts, I was in five operas,
doing more understudies
than roles. I had the role
of Figaro in "The Marriage
of Figaro but this is dif-
ferent from anything I've
ever done. Britten's music
is different and demand-
Toni Blood, director of
marketing for the School
of Music, feels students
at ECU should attend not
only this opera but also
many more, because the
experience is nothing like
that of attending other
theatrical performances.
"What better way to
spend an evening?" Blood
Blood feels that
undoubtedly, it expands
one's awareness of the art
form. Even if the specta-
tor doesn't fall in love
with opera, one can learn
to appreciate the skill it
General admission
tickets are $6 and are
available at the ECU Cen-
tral Ticket Office. For
more information, contact
This writer can be contacted
Aesop's Fables comes to life
The Family Fare Series will present "Aesop's Fables' at 2 p.m, Saturday, Nov. 4 in the Wright Auditorium
(file photo)
jim West to perform puppet
show as part of Family Fare Series
Maura Buck
Remember the classic tale of
"The Tortoise and the Hare" or
"The Lion and the Mouse?" These
fables along with "The Fox and
the Grapes" are coming to ECU as
part of the Family Fare Series at 2
p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4 in the Wright
Jim West, an independent per-
former, will bring to life the hour
long production by Theatreworks
USA with his cast of ingeniously designed puppets.
West, an accomplished puppeteer, graduated from
Otterbein College with a degree in drama before
continuing his devotion to the theater at the Herbert
Berghof studio in New York. He constructs his
puppets with ordinary household products like;
paper bags, newspapers and cardboard boxes.
"I would definetly attend said senior Megan
McLaughlin, elementary education major. "Soon
I will be going into the work force and that type
of experience can someday influence the way I
West has delivered performances around the
world and is known for his creative and vibrant
performances. In addition to performing, West is
co-author of Why the Willow Weeps, a Doubleday
picture book for young readers. Recently, West and
"Anytime you have a cultural
opportunity to see a live per-
formance, you should take
advantage of it
Janice Schrelber
Theatre Lecturer
his puppets appeared on the popular PUS television
series, "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
"I think that we are bombarded with television,
film and computers anymore said Janice Schrelber,
theatre lecturer. "Anytime you have a cultural
opportunity to see a live performance, you should
take adantage of it
On stage, Aesop, the father of the fables, and his
dog, appropriately named Moral,
live out their tales to the music
of such composers as Scarlatti,
Beethoven, Rossini and Chopin.
"A production such as this
teaches kids right and wrong said
sophomore Kelley McLaughlin,
education major. "Those are les-
sons you take with you throughout
your life, young or old
Celebrating its 11th season this
year, the Family Fare Series has three remaining
productions this season. "Robin Hood "Anne
of Green Gables" and "Freedom Train" will be
performed later this season.
"I always encourage students to go to these
events simply because they are fun said Carol
Woodruff, director of marketing. "A variety of
students can go for a variety of reasons. It's great
to go if you plan on going into a child-related
field or if you are involved in the Big BrotherBig
Sister program
If the phrase "slow and steady wins the race"
doesn't sound familiar or "look before you leap"
doesn't mean anything to you, perhaps you should
attend the performance. If nothing else, it reminds
See FABLES pg 7
E-zine promotes health, wellness,
provides scholarship information
Bridget Hemenway
ASS r. FEATURES EDITOR is a Web site on the forefront of the next
wave in Internet computing. A membership-driven
site with no advertising, is an e-zine, or
Interactive Internet magazine, that promotes physical
and academic fitness. It offers knowledge to assist
virtually everyone in maximizing their potential.
In addition to serving as a wealth of information
about physical and mental well-being, it provides
one-stop shopping to those seeking information about
academic and athletic scholarships to universities and
colleges throughout the world. Members are able to
search an extensive database of college and university
scholarship information and submit personal profiles to
be reviewed by qualified coaches and recruiters around
the world.
"It is good to have
an all-encompassing
Web site that allows
students to take a
more active role in
Alan Nielsen
Aquatics, SRC
"Members can search
the database
for college scholarship
information based on their
preferred major, sport, SAT'
score, admission qualifica-
tions and tuition bracket
said Glen Pierce, founder
and president.
FitRec.corn's database
also contains scholarship
information for non-tra-
ditional and graduate stu-
"It is good to have an all-encompassing Web site
that allows students to take a more active role in
fitness said Alan Nielsen, head of aquatics at the
Student Recreation Center. "Plus, with also having
scholarship and recruitment information on the Web
site it becomes an all-around tool that students can use
before, during and after their college experience provides a great deal of information for
people with disabilities. The disabilities database is a
wonderful resource for academic and sport scholarships
geared towards disabled students. It includes fitness,
exercise and mental wellness information. It also
features struggle and success stories written by those
experiencing challenges.
"I have found the disability section quite helpful.
Since losing the use of my legs due to MS, I am glad to
have a resource that can motivate me to stay in tune
with fitness said junior Angie Wilson. "It also helps to
talk to others with similar problems
In addition to the scholarship and disabilities
sections, there are many other areas of interest on the Web site.
For example, my FitRec, a physical fitness section,
allows members to create a personalized workout
The hometown portion features community events,
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Tuesday, October 31, 2000
The East Carolinian 7
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(AP)-F.lon College senior Emily
Reardon of Matthews did some-
thing unexpected toward the end
of her fall break last week.
She voted.
"This is my first presidential
election and I wasn't about to miss
it said Reardon, 21, who voted
mostly Republican in the N.C. early
voting system.
Contrary to conventional
wisdom, college students are as
likely to cast a ballot as the general
population, and twice as likely to
vote as their non-college peers,
studies show.
This year, with a tight presiden-
tial race and a $3.1 billion state col-
lege bond referendum at stake, N.C.
students have launched campus
voter registration drives, debates
and get-out-the-vote campaigns.
Some say they're more active than
in recent years.
"There were students here lined
up waiting to register to vote said
Chuck Lynch, University of North
Carolina-Charlotte vice chancellor
of student affairs. "I don't remem-
ber ever seeing this much interest
in an election
At University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, student leaders regis-
tered 1,913 new voters-twice as
many as in 1996.
FABLES from 6
" always encourage students to
go to these events simply because
they are tun
Carol Woodruff
Marketing Director, University Unions
one of the classic morals learned
from the Aesop's Fables that were a
part of childhood.
"These performances are one
hour long Woodfuff said. "It's a
great time on a Saturday afternoon
to take a break and relax. You are
never too old to be young
Advance ticket's to "Aesop's
Fables" and all remaining produc-
tions are $9 for the general public,
$8 for KCU faculty and staff, and
$5 for ECU student and youth.
All tickets at the door will be $9.
To purchase tickets or for more
information, contact the Central
Ticket Office at 1-80O-ECU-ARTS or
stop by the location in Mendenhall
Student Center.
"Seeing a live performance is
always beneficial, regardless of the
type of performance it is Schreiber
This writer can be contacted
Because college students are less
likely to be affiliated with a party,
they are among the independent
voters that presidential candidates
George W. Bush and Al Gore are
in North Carolina, student sup-
port could also be key to passage of
the college bonds, to expand and
renovate the state's universities and
community colleges.
"I expect even more college
students than usual to vote this
year said David Warren, president
of National Association of Indepen-
dent Colleges and Universities.
"More colleges are making
efforts to get out the vote. And
students wondering whether their
vote will have an impact this year
can see from the polls that the
answer is "Yes, absolutely "
Since the 1960s, the percentage
of Americans ages 18 to 24 who
vote has been declining. In 1964,
more than half of young voters
turned out. In 1996, only a third
bothered to vote-by far the lowest
turnout of any age group.
"The problem is, only a minor-
ity of young voters are actually
college students, and the rest of
them don't vote said Charles
Prysby, a political science professor
at University of North Carolina-
Bush and Gore have tried to
catch the eye of young voters. Gore
has been on MTV and the cover
of "Rolling Stone" magazine. Both
candidates have traded zingers
on the late night talk shows, and
they're making speeches on college
Both campaigns have also dis-
patched young family members:
Bush's nephew George P. Bush,
serves as the national chairman of
Students for Bush-Cheney, while
Gore's eldest daughter, Karenna
Gore Schiff, heads Gorenet, a grass-
roots effort to sway young people.
But Alison Byrne Fields, spokes-
woman for the registration drive
Rock the Vote, said it will take more
than token appearances to sway
youthful voters, who in many cases
are disillusioned.
Candidates need to talk about
issues that interest young voters,
she said, and this year's Medicare,
Social Security and prescription
drugs are hardly appealing.
Still, Byrne Fields said she
expects many college students to
cast ballots. Their No. 1 issue is
education, she said-especially the
candidates' plans to make higher
education more affordable.
But there will always be stu-
dents like Josh Reigle, a 20-year-old
UNC-C student who just didn't get
around to registering.
"I'm busy. I have homework to
do, friends to go out with he said.
"I Just really don't think my vote
would matter that much
Just about every Carolina
campus is trying to get out the
Students at University of
UNC-CH and North Carolina State
University competed to see who
could register the most people.
UNC-CH won. North Carolina
A8rT sponsored a dance with free
admission to registered voters. And
UNC-C signed up more than 1,000
students in a two-day drive. The
school is running shuttles to early
voting locations.
The efforts appear to be work-
UNC-CH junior Matt Hamilton,
20, who voted for the first time this
year, said the bond was his main
"I probably wouldn't have gone
out this year if it wasn't for the
bond Hamilton said.
Though figures are not yet avail-
able, elections officials in Mecklen-
burg and some other counties said
student registrations seem to be
Top 10
Alternative Halloween activities
Though downtown is undoubtedly a popular destination on
Halloween, there are other options. In wake of the recent shootings
downtown, TEC came up with a few fun, safe alternatives to the
downtown party.
10. Rent a scary movie.
9. Carve a pumpkin.
8. Visit a graveyard.
7. Have a seance.
6. Take part in the 25th anniversary of The Rocky Horror
Picture Show at Hendrix Theatre.
5. Throw your own party.
4. Go to a haunted house.
3. Take a child trick-or-treating.
2. Check out Midnight Madness at Mendenhall Student
1. Go trick-or-treating with your friends and score candy.
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Leadership Excellence Starts Here

8 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Ladies and gentlemen,
your new No. 1
Ihe Sooners are back. For the first time in
13 years, Oklahoma is No. 1.
Following their 31-14 drubbing of
then-No. 1 Nebraska in Norman, the Okla-
homa Sooners staked their claim to the top
spot in college football.
The Sooners assumed the No. 1 ranking
in the AP Media Poll, the USA TodayESPN
Coaches Poll and the BCS Rankings, all of
which were released today.
The Sooners topped the Huskers thanks to
300 yards and a touchdown from quarterback
josh Heupel.
The 17-point loss marked the Huskers
largest losing margin since a 19-0 loss at the
hands 6f Arizona State in 1996.
Oklahoma sits ahead of No. 2 Virginia
Tech in the BCS rankings. Florida State is third
followed by Nebraska. Miami is fifth while
Florida and Oregon are sixth and seventh
Vick may miss Miami
Virginia Tech quarterback Michael Vick
had to be helped
to the sidelines
during the Hokies
37-34 win over
Pittsburgh Satur-
day. Vick suffered
a sprained ankle
late in the contest
that saw backup
signal caller Dave
Meyer lead the
Hokies to a come-
back victory.
According to
Virginia Tech, the
Heisman candidate will be "50-50" for the
Hokies matchup at No. 5 Miami Saturday.
Griese gets DUI
Denver Broncos quarterback Brian Griese
was charged with driving under the influence
Sunday. Griese was stopped outside Denver
doing 80 in a 65 mph zone. Griese then
failed a roadside sobriety test and was issued
the DUI.
Griese was the league's highest-rated passer
before inuring his shoulder in September.
Griese joins bnebaVkers Bill Romanowski
and John Mobley as well as receiver Rod
Smith as Broncos that have run into trouble
with the law this season.
Smith was arrested following a domestic
violence incident. Mobleygot a DUI of his
own earlier this year and Romonowski was
charged with obtaining perscription drugs
Mets offer Valentine
With his con-
tract running out
today, the Mets
have reportedly
offered manager
Bobby Valentine
a new contract.
The Met's are
reportedly offer-
ing Valentine a
three-year deal
worth $2 million
per year.
Sources close
to Valentine say
that the manager wanted a longer deal. The
manager wanted a deal closer to that of San
Fransisco Giants manager, Dusty Baker, who
was offered a two-year $5.3 million deal.
Valentine guided the Mets to two Wild
Card playoff berths in the last two years
and earned a National league Pennant this
The Mets lost 4-1 in the World Series to
the Yankees.
Blazers upend Pirates
UAB knocks ECU
out of C-USA title chase
Tuesday, O
Stephen Schramm
Last season, an upset loss cost F.CU a shot at their
first ever C-USA football crown. Saturday, history
repeated itself as the Blazers stunned the favored Pirates
for the second straight year, 16-13.
For all intents and purposes, the loss drops the
Pirates out of the conference title picture and now
they find themselves needing help to secure one of the
conferences top bowl bids.
"It definitely throws a monkey wrench into our
plans said senior nose tackle Mbayo Ahmadu.
"Coming into this season our goal was to win the
conference and the way it's looking now, we're not
going to have that opportunity
In front of a sparse crowd of less than 29,000,
the Blazers played inspired football while the Pirate
offense sputtered.
"They took advantage of some red zone opportuni-
ties and we didn't said Head Coach Steve Logan.
"They kicked a field goal and we didn't. They're a good
football team, we're a good football team and they
won it. That's the way I look at it
The turnout, the lowest of the season, saw the
stands barely half full on the student side.
"I think we came out flat as a team said senior
defensive lineman Devonne Claybrooks. "There weren't
that many people out there. We didn't really have
the home field advantage. We didn't have the 40,000
people rocking the place like we usually do. That took
its toll on us
The offense put up 157 yards on the ground and
253 in the air, but failed to convert inside the 20-yard
"We had some mistakes on our part, but we were
playing pretty good said quarterback David Garrard.
"Once we got into the red zone we should have got
field goals, people should have caught passes and 1
should have made better throws. It all comes together
and it comes out to a loss
The F.CU defense, held the Blazers for much of
the day, limiting them to three field goals and one
"Our defense was really good today Logan said.
"They got pushed around a little bit but they made
Devonne Claybrooks
Top: The Pirates missed two kicks against
UAB. The second of which came in the fourth
Right: Steve Logan argues with an official
following the controversial no-call tackle on
Marcellus Harris by Chris Brown.
Logan was told by the officials that it was ruled
"incidental contact" despite the coaches pleas
to the contrary, (photos by John Stowc)
' 1
Pirates host
final CAA meet
Men top Richmond,
American in tri-meet
Stephen Schramm
ECU hosted the 2(KK) CAA Cross
Country Championships Saturday at
Lake Kristi. Before the meet began
however, the Pirates knew they had no
shot at winning what would be their
first CAA crown.
teams leaving the
With three
conference after
this season, the
meet was split
up between the
CAA remaining
schools and the
three that were
leaving, ECU,
Richmond and
American. The
three teams competed in a tri-meet,
while the others ran for the title.
ECU won the tri-meet on the
men's side with 28 points. American
placed second with 41 while Richmond
wound up third with 54. If the men
had been in the CAA meet, they would
have placed third.
"I still wanted to race it like it was
the full conference meet said senior
Justin F.ngland. "Just because I knew
the two teams we were racing against
didn't have anybody who was going to
be able to lead. It was mainly William
6r Mary and James Madison that I
wanted to stick with
England led the men placing sixth
overall, giving the Pirates their highest
finish ever at the league meet.
"I had a really good race until
the last 800 England said. "I just
tightened up in the last 800.1 couldn't
quite finish it out with the top guys,
but still, I've got to be happy with
that race
Fellow senior Stu Will finished 17th
overall in his final CAA race.
"My shoe came untied about two
and a half miles into the race Will
said. "I don't know that that really
"Our kids ran hard They were
very competitive against some of
the best teams in the nation
Len Klepack
Head Coach. Women's Cross Country
Men finish 1st, Women 3rd
affected me. I guess I had to think
about it, which kept my mind off of
thinking about the race. I was out of
it, the first half mile, I was out of the
In addition to the heat, the rolling
hills of the Lake Kristi course and the
other runners, the women also had
to contend with a longer distance. For
the first time, the CAA meet was run as
a 6K as opposed to a SK. For a team with
few true cross-country runners, the
extra distance
can become a
"We have a
lot of middle
distance run-
ners who are
running cross
country, who
are 800, 1500,
said Head men's and women's cross
country Coach Len Klepack. "So that's
going to take a year to get an adjust-
ment for that for our girls. Middle
distance runners can handle a 6K but
they know they can handle it. 1 was
very pleased, not one of them gave
The women were led by Kay Livick,
who placed 24th overall in a time of
23:25.36. Livick was followed by Abrial
Hayes and Fran Lattie who finished
39th and 47th respectively.
"Over the years, usually my speed
has been stronger than my endur-
ance Livick said, "(The extra distance)
definitely weighed a little heavy on
me today. But overall our team did
really well. Everyone got used to it all
together. Everybody had to do it so it
wasn't that big of a challenge
The women finished third in the
tri-meet behind Richmond and Ameri-
"Our kids ran hard Klepack said.
"They were very competitive against
some of the best teams in the nation
Women's golf finishes fourth
places second
Scott Lange
The ECU women's golf
team finished up their fall
season last week at the
Great Smokies Women's
Golf Championship in
Waynesviile, N.C. The
team finished fourth in
the 24-team tournament
hosted by Western Caro-
The team was only two
shots off the lead going
into the final round and in
third place. But the team
lost its momentum and
finished 15 strokes behind
the tournament champs,
Tennessee lech.
"The team slipped a
little today, but we have to
remember what a young
team we have and that
this will happen somethi-
mes said Head Coach
Kevin Williams.
The team was led by
freshman Ashley Leonard
who was one shot off
the individual title cap-
tured by Tennessee Tech's
Cherry Bevis. Leonard led
everyone after the first
round with a tournament
low score of 68.
Bevis shot a 143,
(70-73) one under par for
the championship, while
Leornard carded a 144
(68-76) even par for the
"The first day I played
very well, I just missed
a couple of putts Leon-
ard said. "But the second
round 1 did not make any
putts and lost the momen-
Freshman Jessica
Krasny who last week cap-
tured her first-ever tourna-
ment title at the Cougar
Invitational was able to
finish 21st in the tourna-
"Overall I struggled
hitting the ball Krasny
said. "It was not a difficult
course, but the fairways
were not in good condi-
Freshman Lauren Rob-
inson also had one of her
better tournaments finish-
ing 12th with a score of
151 (76-75). Rounding
out the squad were Kelly
Noonan who finished
80th and freshman Mai
Sugiyama who finished
The overall perfor-
mance for the fall season
for the women's golf was
summed up by Assistant
Coach Sally Hammel.
"We've done really
well as a first year team
Hammel said. "I'm excited
about our team in the
The lady Pirates have
finished their fall season
and will begin the spring
2001 season on Feb. 3-6
at the Southern Miss
Lady Eagle Invitational
hosted by the University
of Southern Mississippi.
This writer can be contaced
Volleyball squares off with CAA
Women assured
of. 500 record
Ryan Downey
This writer can be contacted
The Pirate volleyball team was
in action this weekend winning two
home matches against Virginia Com-
monwealth and William & Mary
This was the first home stand for
the Pirates in three weeks. The home
matches were a welcomed change for
the players and coaches.
"Words can't describe how it felt
to be home again said Middle Hitter
Lucinda Mason. "I'm looking forward
to playing at home for two straight
The Pirates have won three games
in a row after compiling a 2-4 record
during three straight road trips. The
wins this weekend pulled the Pirates
to 15-8 on the season insuring no
worse than a .500 record.
The Pirates who have played tough
at home all season and this weekend
were no different as they jumped out
to big leads in both matches winning
(3-0) against VCU and (3-1) over a
tough W & M team.
"William & Mary is one of the best
defensive teams in the league and this
was a big win for us at home said
Pirate Head Coach Colleen Farrell.
"We forced the tempo early on and
got the momentum behind us. Cinta
played a great match and Liz Hall was
outstanding defensively for us. VCU
Celebrate N.
tteDtlOD i
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See VOLLEY pg 9

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Tuesday, October 31, 2000
The East Carolinian 9
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the big plays when they had too.
When you give up one touchdown
and three field goals, you should
win a game. With our offense, we
should have won. We just didn't
The Pirates went ahead 3-0 in
the first quarter off of a Kevin Miller
37-yard field goal. In the second
quarter, the Blazers responded with
two drives of 45 and 61 yards.
However the ECU defense held UAB
to only two field goals out of the
drives. Early in the third quarter,
the Pirates faced a third and 5 from
the UAB 5-yard line. UAB safety
Chris Brown appeared to tackle
receiver Marcellus Harris with no
response from the official.
"I went to run the rout and the
dude basically just tackled me
Harris said. "The ref didn't see it
like that so there's nothing I could
do about it
7 went to run the rout and the dude basically just tackled me The
ref didn't see it like that so there's nothing I could do about it
Marcellus Harris
Receiver ECU Football
The Pirates got a Miller field
goal out of the exchange, but the
controversial no-call cost the Pirates
a shot at a touchdown.
On their next possession, the
Pirates moved the ball 69 yards on
six plays, ending in a touchdown
catch by Jamie Wilson.
Ahead 13-6, the Pirates would
fail to score again.
The Blazers cut into the Pirate
lead when Jeff Aaron found T.J.
Simmons for a 28-yard touchdown
strike, tying the game at 13.
The two teams battled to a draw
for much of the fourth quarter, a
quarter that saw Miller miss his
second field goal of the afternoon,
this one from 41-yards out.
"On the 41-yarder, I was baf-
fled Miller said. "I thought I hit
it pretty good and it looked like it
was straight up the upright, but it
went up and curved off to the right.
I thought I hit real well
"We were moving the ball in
the fourth quarter Logan said.
"We came down the field and had
a second down and one and a third
down and one. Second down Jamie
drops a pass, third down David
doesn't turn the option up. Then
we tried to kick and field goal and
missed the field goal. That's three
plays right there that just about
did it
Carruth lawyer: statement not true
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP)�A statement that Rae
Carruth disliked his pregnant girlfriend so much he
wished her dead was false and its release was aimed
at influencing the jury in Carruth's murder trial, his
lawyer said Monday.
An ex-girlfriend of Carruth told police the former
Carolina Panthers player so strongly disliked Cherica
Adams that he wished for her death, The Charlotte
Observer and CNNSports Illustrated reported.
Candace Smith also told police in June that the
former Carolina Panthers player confided he had
seen Adams shot and left the scene worrying that he
would be implicated.
David Rudolf, Carruth's lawyer, said as he entered
the courthouse Monday for a second week of jury
selection that he doubted the woman's story.
"If she comes into court and testifies to that
under oath, she's lying Rudolf said. "That's if she
shows up
The lawyer also said the timing of the release of
the police report was suspect.
"Anyone who would look at it would be concerned
about it he said. "It's an attempt to influence the
rest of the jury pool
Smith also said Carruth told her in earlier conversa-
tions he should have someone "beat her up or kick her
in the stomach and make her have a miscarriage
The Observer reported that it had obtained a copy
of the 32-page transcript of Smith's interview with
police. CNNSI did not divulge the source on which
it based its report.
Carruth and three other men have been charged
with plotting Adams' murder. Prosecutors have accused
Carruth of masterminding the slaying because he
didn't want to pay child support.
Carruth, who could face the death penalty if
convicted, maintains his innocence.
Smith is expected to testify in Carruth's capital
murder trial.
Lead prosecutor Gentry Caudill said he would not
comment on the story, the content of the transcript or
the effect it might have on the trial.
Rudolf told the newspaper that Smith's account
differs from the first statement she gave to police
in November.
According to the published reports, Smith joined
Carruth at Carolinas Medical Center just after the
drive-by shooting as doctors struggled to keep Adams
and her baby alive. Adams, 24, died a month later, but
doctors saved the baby.
OCTOBER 31, 2000
930PM to 1:00AM
rbrtnera In Campus Life
What did the Pirate in however,
was the field goal by the Blazers'
Rhett Gallego that put UAB ahead
"We went out and didn't exe-
cute said running back Jamie
Wilson. "We didn't take advantage
of the opportunities that we had
offensively. Defense played a great
game, but once again the offense
came up short
"Its tough said junior line-
backer Peraell Griffin. "I feel like if
we had gotten some turnovers, it
may have changed the pace of the
game. It's really not one person to
blame for the losses. So I feel like
we have to come out in the next
game, ready to play Houston
This writer can be contacted
VOLLEY from 8
is a respectable team but we came
in knowing who their key hitters
were and focused on shutting them
down. We were able to stop their
hitters and keep the tempo on oui
side of the court the way we like
it. It was nice to be back home and
playing before a home crowd for
a change
The win over VCU was the forth
win in the last five meetings with
the tribe.
The Pirates will be hosting
Campbell tonight at 7 p.m. at
Mingis Colliseum in a match that
would give the Pirates their sixth
home win. The game will be the
third out of five straight at home.
"This program has turned a
180 from last year said Setter
Mandi Orban. "We work really
hard together and have pride in
our team"
This writer can be contacted
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10 The East Carolinian
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Tuesday, (
Currently enrolled students may use the following options
to register for Spring Semester 2001 Courses:
0 Terminal Registration
0 Web Registration
0 AVRS (Telephonic Registration)
Allocation of Registration Days
November 6
Students with 75 semester hours credit, graduate students, Honor
and second degree students. Students with physical disabilities
registered with the Department of Disability Support Services
Telephonic and web registration open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Terminals open 8:00 a.m 5:00 p.m.
November 7 Students with 46-74 semester hours credit and those eligible prior
to this period.
Telephonic and web registration open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Terminals open 8:00 a.m 5:00 p.m.
November 8
November 9
November 10
Students with 1-45 semester hours credit and those eligible prior to
this period.
Telephonic and web registration open from 7:00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Terminals open 8:00 a.m 5:00 p.m.
All students eligible.
Telephonic and web registration open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Terminals open 8:00 a.m 5.00 p.m.
All students eligible.
Telephonic and web registration open from 7:00 am to 7:00 p.m.
Terminals open 8:00 am- 5:00 p.m.
Beginning Fall Semester 2000; grade reports will be mailed ONLY to students
on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension.
Grades are available on the Student Desktop ( or
on the Automated Voice Response System (328-2149) as they are processed.
(GPA is not calculated until all grades are in for all students.)
Students in good standing may request in writing that a copy of their
grade report be mailed to their permanent address. A student may
request grade reports via a form available in the Office of the Registrar,
Whichard 100 or by mail.
own place, I
ture? Need
worries are o
2 balh furni
bus route. (
758-7575. S
merit for rei
Located In
minute walk t
water, sewaf
Pirate's Cove
over my leas
July 2001. Ct
201 N. Sumi
completely i
fenced in yan
Must see! A'
before 9pm.
1 BR 2BR. w
DW & dispoi
pvt. laundry,
tenance. 9 c
allowed. 758-
ment locate!
allowed with
and heat inclu
tion, call Kings
central heat
Jan Call 321
Now Taking L
2 bedroom &
2 bedroom apt
12 utilities. V
bus route. No
Shellie 329-13'
ning January, oi
at Pirate's Pla.
share a 2 bedr
ment for Janlv
ECU bus route
util. Call Cara. 5
three bedroom
BW-3s. Rent !
Utilities No Dei
mates for nous
in backyard wi
Call 757-2556 a
niukl si ill he m
hHtefni those o
, ill ;uil UN IM
old Savings lioii
InMsuiv ivniili
Do you ha

Tuesday, October 31, 2000
The East Carolinian 11
ATTN: STUDENTS. Need to get your
own place, but don't have any furni-
ture? Need only a semester? Your
worries are over. We have 2 bedroom.
2 bath furnished apartment on ECU
bus route. Call Kingston Rentals at
758-7575. Short term leases avail-
THREE BEDROOM 1 12 bath apart-
ment for rent. No deposit needed)
Located in Wilson Acres. Seven
minute walk to campus. $750 includes
water, sewage, cable, and trash. Call
WALK TO ECU, 1 Bedroom APT.
$300-325 Month, CALL 758-6596.
www.walk2campus com
FREE DEPOSIT Any room you want in
Pirate's Cove I need someone to take
over my lease. Lease runs through
July 2001. Call 704-287-7668.
201 N. Summit St: Charming home
completely remodeled 3-4 BR, 2B
fenced in yard for rent. $800momh.
Must see! Available, call 752-9816
before 9pm.
1 BR-2BR, water & cable included.
DW & disposal. ECU bus line, pool &
pvt. laundry. On-site mgmt. 8- main-
tenance 9 or 12 mo. leases Pets
allowed. 758-4015.
SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Apart-
ment located on 3rd street. Cats
allowed with deposit. Water, sewer
and heat included For more informa-
tion, call Kingston Rentals at 758-7575.
WALK TO ECU. 3 Bedrooms. 2 Bath
central heatAC, available Dec. or
Jan Call 321-4712.
ONE BEDROOM own bath. $200 plus
13 utilities close to campus and
downtown. Please call 752-5886.
ROOMMATE WANTED tor 3 bedroom,
2 bath duplex. 6 blocks from cam-
pus. Washer and Dryer. $30Omonth
plus 12 utilities. Please call Dave
754-8195 or Email
Now Taking Leases for 1 bedroom,
2 bedroom & Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share
2 bedroom apt $220 per month plus
12 utilities Very spacious, on ECU
bus route. No deposits needed. Call
Shellie 329-1342.
FEMALE ROOMMATE needed begin-
ning January, one-half rent and utilities
at Pirate's Place. Contact Elizabeth
NON-SMOKING roommate needed to
share a 2 bedroom 112 bath apart-
ment for JanMay. WD included, on
ECU bus route. $227.50 a month
Util. Call Cara, 252-413-6113.
MALE OR Female wanted to share
three bedroom luxury apt. on top of
BW-3s. Rent $333 and Portion of
Utilities No Deposit. 412-1908.
1-2 NON-SMOKING female room-
mates for house near ECU. Fenced
in backyard with washer and dryer.
Upperclassmen or graduate preferred.
Call 757-2556 after 5pm.
SOLID OAK bedroom suit, queen,
black finish, custom-built, excellent
condition, with accompanying desk. All
pieces for $700 Call 252-355-3923.
30 GALLON Salt Water Aquarium.
$300 Tank. Stand. Filters, and live
rock included Call 531-0862.
SURVIVE SPRING Break 2001 in style!
We have all the hottest destinations
hotels at the guaranteed lowest
prices! Campus sales representatives
and student organizations wanted!
Visit or call 1-800-
20 GALLON Aquarium with light,
hood, and stand. Also comes with
many extras to get you started $125.
Call 758-0306. Ask for Brian
PITBULL PUPPIES, champion blood
lines, first shots, dewormed. UKC.
ADBA, registered. Parents on site.
Great companion pet. Males and
females available. Many colors avail-
able. Deposits accepted. 412-1908.
L-shaped Desk $40, Dirt Devil hand
held vaccume $20. Call 531-0862
AAAA! SPRING Break Specials! Can-
cun & Jamaica from $389! Air, hotel,
free meals, drinks! Award winning
company! Group leaders free! Florida
vacations $129! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386
1993 BUICK Century $5000 O BO
Gateway Computer $500 O.B.O
Northwestern Golf Clubs $200 O.B.O.
Call (252)353-6351.
AAAA! EARLY Specials! Spring Break
Bahamas Party Cruise! 5 days $279!
Includes meals, parties! Awesome
beaches, nightlife! Departs Florida!
Get group - go free! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386.
WASHER AND Dryer for sale. $200.
No calls after 8pm. 752-5949.
rapher at your event, or party.
View and order photos on the
web. Call Coastal Photography at
252-641-1600 www.coastal-photogra-
ENGLISH TUTOR. Retired prof will
tutor you in English. Just18hr.local
561-7358 or (252)617-9082. Or visit
Exact. 111 E. 3rd St Greenville. E-mail:
Professors, students and staff. Will do
all typing, last minute, term papers,
and manuscripts etcReasonable
rates. All work is letter perfect. Please
call 439-0088
PART TIME individual wanted 5- 10
hours a week to care for two children
(occasionally three) in my home and
perform light secretarial duties. Prefer
someone with experience caring for
infants and toddlers. Must have refer-
ences. Call Julie at 756-9857.
COMPUTER LAB Assistant needed
(or maintaining the Athletic Student
Development computer labs located
in Ward Sports Med. building and
Scales Field House. Responsibilities
include: serve as contact for servicing
needs, troubleshoot the labs, assist
students in the use of computers and
software programs, maintain com-
puter and printer supplies, and keep
labs neat and orderly. Qualifications:
Must be proficient in Windows NT, 95,
98: Microsoft Office. Internet. Adobe
PageMaker 6.5, Adobe Photoshop
5.5, and various other applications.
Evening work required Mon-Thur.
7-10pm. 7$hr. Contact: Jennifer
Sawyer 254 Ward Sports Med. Build
SPRING BREAK reps needed to prom-
ote campus trips. Earntravel free!
No cost. We train you. Work on
your own time. 1-800-367-1252 or
RAISE $160O-$7OOO Get free caps,
T-shirts & phone cards! This one week
fundraiser requires no investment and
a small amount of time Irom you or
your club. Qualified callers receive a
free gift just lor calling. Call today at
1-800-808-7442 X 80.
Carolina Sky Sports
Greenville Housing Authority
Seeking energetic, dynamic individual
to develop and implement leisure and
recreational senior programs.
Flexible hours.
Contact: Michael Best 8 329-4000
FedEx Ground
Is taking for PACKAGE HANDLERS lo kxxl vans md
uaknd iraJm lor ilk am shut boon 4a m. to 8 am
S7 sortKHir tiMj,iii avastana: .i aiUNc alirr MIihys.
I imirv�jtrcr ,i,immMio in iifxrilnHis and m.irujic
mmpuGHc Application can hrttlnl old al 2410
Oflicd Drive (near U aquatics ocnicr) Greenville.
For all functions & campus organi-
Call J.Arthur 6 252-258-2722
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department is recruiting 12 to 16
part-time youth basketball coaches
for the winter youth basketball pro-
gram. Applicants must possess some
knowledge of the basketball skills and
have the ability and patience to work
with youth. Applicants must be able
to coach young people ages 7-18.
in basketball fundamentals. Hours
range from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. with
some night and weekend coaching.
This program will run from the end
of November to mid-February. Salary
rates start at $5.15 per hour. For
more information, please call Ben
James. Judd Crumpler or Dean Foy
at 329-4550 after 2 p.m.
available in the Loan Servicing Depart-
ment and Credit Administration. Four
year degree in Finance or Accounting
required. Excellent benefits package.
Apply at or send resume to First South
Bank. Human Resources Department.
1311 Carolina Avenue. Washington.
NC 27889. EOE.
GOLDEN CORRAL is hiring part &
full-time in all positions. Benefits
available. Apply 2-4pm, Mon-Thur at
504 SW Greenville Blvd. No phone
calls please!
BEST JOB for College Students A
local distributor for a National Corpo-
ration is seeking highly motivated
individuals to join our successful team.
We provide: Salary a excellent com-
missions. Awesome bonuses. Great
advancement opportunities. Blue
Cross Blue Shields health insurance.
Principal life insurance, and full com-
pany benefits. Call: 1-800-248-3131
PART TIME carpet and floor cleaner
needed for work two days a week
and either Sat. or Sunday. No experi-
ence necessary. Must be able to lift
heavy equipment and have a valid
driver's license. Must be clean cut
and drug free. Call 756-9857.
GO DIRECT-$savings! 1 Internet-
based Spring Break company offering
Wholesale Spring Break Packages (no
middlemen)! Zero traveler complaints
last year! Lowest price guarantee!
1-800-367-1252 www.springbreakdi-
on local level. You can make a dif-
ference. $6hr. Flexible hours. Call
Jeff �830-1841.
SEEKING FIELD Hockey coach for
Girls' Varsity team (7-12th grade)
at Parrot Academy in Kinston. Paid
position. If interested, please call
Lydia Rotondo at 329-8080.
$1000-$2000 this quarter with the
easy three
hour fundraising event. No sales
required. Fundraising dates are filling
quickly, so call today! Contact Cam- at (888)923-3238.
or visit
is now hiring experienced wait and
kitchen staff. Apply in person or call
757-7756 M-F from 2-5.
FEDEX GROUND Package Handlers
A.M. sort positions starting at $7.50hr
Guaranteed Periodic Advances. Apply
at 2410 United De. Greenville, NC
27834 (Off Staton Rd.)
SONIC DRIVE-IN on Firetower Rd.
now accepting applications for all
positions. Apply in person. Day and
night positions available.
diately at Cypress Glenn Retirement
Community. Hrs. 11-2pm (MonFri.)
Pay is above minimum wage and is
close to ECU campus (off 5th St.)
Gain lots of skills and experience. If
interested please call: Jim Sakell or
Anna Williams at 8300713.
ENERGETIC FEMALE who loves child-
ren needed to care for three children
ages 8,7,and 3. Prefer child develop-
ment, elementary education major.
Flexible hours with some overnights
and weekends. Must be nonsmoker.
neat, organized, responsible, safe
driving record, and own car. Possibly
some hours cleaning, ironing, and
other household jobs. References
required. Excellent pay and benefits.
Call 752-1572.
Moiv (Imii 4i� yiir. .ik, Grandma iww you
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A public service of this nnvsjuiper
KAPPA SIGMA, we had a blast at the
social on last Thursday! Thank you,
let's get together again soon! Love,
Alpha Delta Pi.
THE SISTERS of Alpha Phi would like
to thank ECU'S baseball team for a
great evening! We would love to get
together again!
THANKS TO Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha
Omicron Pi for the great time last
Monday. Our pledges had fun too! The
brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
CHI PHI. you guys are too sweet to
us! But, we love it! Thanks for the
roses and a great time at our social.
Love. Alpha Phi.
FREE MONEY Giving away $100 to
the 1000th person to sign up for
Fantasy Sports at
using promo-code NCS.
NIC Oct 30-Nov.20. Mondays
8:00pm-9:00pm. Come and enhance
your current skills and learn new ones.
All equipment is provided. The cost
is FREE to members. $5nonmem
and registration it Oct .9-30. For more
information please call 328-6387.
SEA KAYAKING Nov.5 at Pea Island.
Hatteras NC. Don't miss Eastern North
Carolina's outdoor sport of choice.
This trip will leave at 7am and return
between 5pm- 7pm. The cost of the
trip is $25 and the registration dead
line is Oct.27. For more information
please call 328-6387.
3-ON-3 BASKETBALL- Registration
Meeting, 0ct.30 at 5pm. ECU Irrtra-
murals invites you to participate in
3-on-3 basketball. For more informa-
tion please call 328-6387
tion Meeting. Oct.30 at 5:30pm. It's
that time of year again, so get your
teams together and don't miss out on
the excitement. For more information
please call 328-6387.
FRIGHTFULLY FIT, Oct.30-31. Cele-
brate the darkest nights of the sea-
son with two full days of free group
fitness, special class editions, and
of course tricks and treats. For more
information please call 328-6387 or
check the class schedules in the SRC
Main Office.
WORKSHOP. Oct 30. Take advantage
of this FREE service offered to all SRC
members. This workshop will meet
in Adventure Outfitters and limited
spots are available so get your name
in early. Registration deadline is Oct.
27. For more information please call
HALLOWEEN PARTY for the Social
Club at Scott's house on 5th street.
October 31st nine o'clock. Wear a
ZETA PHI Beta members. I would
like to thank you in advance for all
your hard work this semester. Please
continue to work diligently in Zeta
spirit. Love your Soror Charla Blumell.
Remember Zeta business as usual.
Italy and Greece in Summer 2001
and earn ECU college credits in the
process. Inexpensive group rates.
Scholarships available. For more
information, email
Retro and Vintage (lothing,
Handmade Silver
Jewell Is More.
417 Evans St. Mall 752-1750
IS COMING or call
328-4310 and leave a message.
ZETA PHI Beta formal Winter Ball is
coming. This November 4th 2000 at
the Hilton of Greenville. Come dance
and eat. $25 for individuals and $40
for couples. Ask about organizational
discounts. Tickets sold on the yard
Monday thru Thursday.
THIS IS a reminder that there is
another NSCS chapter meeting on
Wed. Nov. 1st! It will be held at
6:30pm in GC1026! Hope to see you
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Bahamas Party
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Women with Irregular
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You may quality' for a 6 month research study using a new medication
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If you are interested, please call Jennifer at Down East Medical Associates at
247-2013, art. 3002 for additional information about this study.

Otus Qlfts for Onue
unusual gtfts-vterilng ew�li-y-cuwKtles-
Inc�r��-I�urn�r�-Jt3�p�trl�s- clottilng-
�ttfcw fiHHg�-ftwyt�y-c�H:lc KsniK
buctdhas-carets-w� It 4eew crystals-
wfr?4cbroes-bca4lr supplies 4 h��
psjfcch-nafl champ inceme-meor Hi
prisms-plants &c plan rocFters-stakcar�-
irr4or7�9l�n, ller 4k- msxlcaior�.
Offices in Greenville and Clayton
Jeremy K. Tanner Peter J. M. Romary
ECU SGA Attorney
Personal Injury � Criminal Law
DWVs � Traffic Law
708D Cromwell Dr. Greenville � 9927 US Hwy 70 West Clayton
Attention First-Year Students
The Office of Orientation and the First-Year
Experience presents
"WANTED: Students Who Want
Jobs on Campus"
When: Monday, November 6th at 3:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Room, Mendenhall
What: This session will help you with your on-campus job search.
Different offices will be available to answer questions and pass out
Don't miss this opportunity. You may walk out of there with
a job, so don't forget to bring information on your previous
work experience.
Video Karaoke
Fortune Tellers
� Open Glo-Bowling
Rocky Horror Picture Show
sychic Hotline
FREE Breakfast Buffet
Club Mystique w J Arthur
Costume Contest
Haunted House
TONIGHT 9pm-2am
Mendenhall Student Center
Be careful. You can check in,
but will you ever check out?
Students need only present a valid ECU One Card to enter
Midnight Madness Students may bring a guest (high school or
older), but must obtain a guest pass prior to the event. Guest
passes will be available October 25, 26. 27. 30. 31 at the Central
Ticket Office in MSC and Todd Dining Hall Meal Plan office from
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Passes will also be available at the Student
Recreation Center on October 28. 29. 30, 31 from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Second C
Movie. It b
2 in Hendr
Student G
Code at 10
show Frida
on Sunday
The "Fa
the art by t
ulty, opens
in the Jenki
continue at
The proi
Lucretia" w
Nov. 3 and
4 in the A.J.
available at
in Mendenl
The Anni
interested ir
activities wil
Saturday, N
Center. This
shops in har
arts, aquatic
William E
years and th
pian, will be
Edwards at;
sters, will be
Nov. 4 in Wr
offer such tin
steady wins t
leap" throug
dren's tickets
tickets. Conti
for tickets at
(GIFT) and th
Recovery Teai
with half day
Put a team to
help finish th
Skilled anc
Meet at 8 a.n
Nichols Buildi
Contact Marc
6 if interested

Vote online

The East Carolinian, October 31, 2000
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 31, 2000
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