The East Carolinian, August 24, 2000

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ist 22, 2000
Goverr Hunt's request
Project HEART seeks mentors
141 days to go until Graduation
Hendrix Theatre movie
"Next Friday" (Rated R) will be shown
at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 24 and
will be followed by "The Cider House
Rules" (Rated PC-13) at 10 p.m. in Men-
denhall Student Center. "Next Friday"
(Rated R) will also be shown at 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 25.
Open auditions
The East Carolina Playhouse will hold
open auditions for boys and girls ages
10-12 for roles in "Gypsy the first perfor-
mance of the fall season, Oct. 5-10.
Auditions will be held starting at 6:30
p.m. Friday, Aug. 25 in the Studio The-
atre, adjacent to the Messick Theatre Arts
Center. Contact the Department of the-
atre and dance at 328-6390 for more
"Greek 101"
ECU's Inter-fratemity Council, the gov-
erning body of 15 fraternities, and Panhel-
lenic Council, governing body of 9 soror-
ities, will offer information to students
interested in going Greek. Representatives
from each of the university's fraternities
and sororities will be on-hand to meet
with students and answer questions in
preparation of recruitment. "Greek 101"
will take place from 4 p.m7 p.m. Thurs-
day, Aug. 24 in Sweetheart's in Todd
Dining Hall. All students are encouraged
to attend.
Medical lecture canceled
The medical lecture by Dr. Lynn
Amorwitz, "The Health Consequences of
Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan: A
Class of Beliefs and Rights has been can-
celed. The original date of the lecture was
Thursday, Aug. 24. Contact ECU Medical
Humanities at 816-2361 for more infor-
Hurricane recovery fair
The Disaster Preparedness and Recov-
ery Fair will take place from 9 a.m4 p.m.
Aug. 30 at the Eastern N.C. School for the
Deaf in Wilson. Developed by the Hope
After Floyd Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Services Outreach Team, the fair will pro-
vide an opportunity for deaf, hard of hear-
ing and deaf-blind citizens to learn how
different organizations plan on meeting
their goal of being better prepared in the
future. This fair is also open to citizens
who work in the emergency services field.
Contact Ashley Benton at 252-752-8380
for more information.
Is riding on an ECU bus safe?
Vote online at
Go online each issue and vote in our
online survey. Express your opinion
online about campus issues.
Volleyball welcomes coach
Colleen Farrell era begins
Fuzz on the run
Ways to control over
population of furry friends
High 90'
Low 7V
Bond referendum to provide $190 million if passed
Students, community
encouraged to vote this Nov. 7
Nancy Kuck
This fall, the Student Government Association (SGA)
and the ECU Board of Trustees (BOT) are encouraging
students to vote on this year's bond referendum, a
measure that, if passed, would finance construction
and renovation to accommodate for ECU's growing
student population.
Portions of the $3.1 billion bond would go to ECU
and other University of North Carolina institutions
faced with the prospect of 50,000 additional students
expected statewide over the next 10 years. ECU's share
of the bond would be $190.6 million.
ECU would then use this money to renovate existing
buildings and complete current construction of the
new Science and Technology Building adjacent to the
Howell Science Complex.
"The Science and Technology' Building is the number
one project that the bond money will go toward said
Phillip Dixon, chair of the ECU BOT.
The $7 million that was initially allocated by the
N.C. General Assembly financed site preparation and
the main infrastructure of the building.
If the bond is not passed, construction would have
to be halted indefinitely until funding is raised by the
N.C. General Assembly.
The bond referendum is a huge issue because it is
an access to a college education Dixon said. "If the
referendum docs not pass, 50,000 students will not be
able to go to school in the near future
The money from the bond would also provide
better educational facilities for students. Science
laboratories in the Flanagan Building, the Belk Allied
Health Building and the Rivers Building would undergo
much-needed renovation and essentially become new
buildings for the University.
"Our education system facilities that we are
using now are totally lacking, especially against
other educational systems are out there said Cliff
Webster, president of the University of North Carolina
Association of Student Governments (ASG).
The ECU SGA will begin a campaign to encourage
all students eligible to vote to register, along with
discussing the benefits ot the bond referendum.
"1 think that our date, from the association stand-
point, is to get students registered by Oct. 10 Webster
On a statewide level, the ASG has begun campaign-
ing for the referendum by purchasing ads on TV
and in newspapers. The SGA and the ASG have also
formed a Speaker's Bureau, which allows members
the opportunity to travel and speak out on behalf
of the bond.
Webster also warns what could happen if students
do not take an active role in the vote this November.
"If we do not get this money then we are going to
keep putting ourselves further behind he said. "Not
much for the students now but for the students of the
future, which will include our children
All North Carolina voters can vote on the bond ref-
erendum Nov. 7. More information on the referendum
will be found in the Aug. 31 issue of TEC.
This writer can be contacted
The beginings of construction of the new Science and Technology Building continue as the campus awaits the upcoming
bond referendum. Shown here, the road that previously ran to Chnstenbury Gymnasium has been torn away to make
room for the new complex, (photo by Erin Mudge)
"The Science and Technology
Buiding is the number one project
that the bond money will go toward
Phillip Dixon
Left: Project Engineer John Shoemaker gestures toward
the future site of the complex, and some of the heavy
machinery used everyday by the guys in hardhats. (photo
by Erin Mudge)
Above: An unidentified construction crewman lies down
on the job during a water break in the heat of the day.
Construction teams generally begin work early in the morning
to avoid the heatwave, (photo by Erin Mudge)
Campus Shuttle involved in accident
Two students
on-board injured
This brand new campus shuttle was involved in a minor car accident Tuesday morning,
damaging the front fender and windshield, (photo by ECU Transit)
Nancv Kuck
The SI.K 2(X) bus, introduced by ECU
Transit during the second summer ses-
sion, was involved in an accident late
Tuesday morning.
The collision between the Campus
Shuttle and another vehicle occurred on
the local bus route at Stli Street and Reade
Circle. Two students, Rasheena Cannon
and Kristy Magazine, were treated for
minor injuries at Pitt County Memorial
Hospital and released.
"This is the first accident involving
injury that the students will remember.
said Scott Alford, adviser of the ECU
Transit Authority.
ECU Transit reviews all driver's records
when screening bus driver applicants.
All driver applicants are given a license
check by the motor fleet management.
If an applicant has two or more points
on his or her record within the last three
vears, he or she will not be hired.
"We want to be reassured that our
drivers do not have a lack of responsibil-
ity Alford said.
All applicants must also acquire a
commercial driver's license, submit to
a drug test and be able to be trained on
site. Grade point averages and judicial
history, if any, are also reviewed. Any
employee who fails to meet the require-
ments are immediately put in suspen-
According to Alford, even with the
most responsible bus drivers at the
wheel, traffic accidents are inevitable.
"There are frequent times that the
transit buses are involved in accidents,
however, it is very rare when the student
driver is at fault Alford said.
Those passengers who were on the
shuttle Tuesday recall similar experi-
"It was just a rare incident that
happen said freshman Tyler Price.
"The bus driver was not at fault in my
the incident did not set back Tran-
sit's schedule. Thirty minutes after
the accident, another bus was sent to
soe SHUTTLE pg 2

ft The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
SGA for all students says Aho
In my Inaugural week, I hope that each
of you realizes that our present SGA needs YOU.
Michael C. Aho
Many students often wonder,
"What is SGA and what in the
world can it do for me?" Well,
don't worry about it anymore!
Every Thursday, I will be writ-
ing this column to help you
better understand SGA and issues
surrounding student affairs, in my
inaugural week, I hope that each of
you realizes that our present SGA
needs YOU.
Ever' student at ECU pays SGA
a relatively low tee in your tuition
fees each semester. So, you should
be concerned about what student
government and the people who
represent you do.
Essentially, SGA is the official
representative governing body
for ECU students. SGA has the
following purposes: to provide an
avenue for student participation;
to investigate student problems; to
participate in decisions affecting
students; to act in the BEST interests
of the student body; to provide an
official voice for student opinion;
and to help students get involved
in politics.
Okay, so enough of the politi-
cal jargon. Basically, the student
body elects people to represent
them, much like the United States
Congress. Except at ECU, the SGA
is not full of old, stuffy, politicking
men. Instead, it's diverse and it
tries to keep politics out of student
Look for some new and different
things from your SGA this year.
Most important,
run for a class office. Contact
the SGA office and get ready for
class officer elections on Sept.
13,2000. Look for more to come
in "The East Carolinian
To get involved in SGA at
ECU, stop by the SGA office
in Room 255 of Mendenhall.
It is on the second floor and
the phone number is 328-4726.
Check out one of the informa-
tional fliers hanging on that
door even if you have no idea
what YOU can do for your
SHUT TLE from page 1
continue the Campus Shuttle's schedule.
"The accident was not serious said senior Lucinda Mason. "I have
ridden the bus many rimes and I feel confident about our drivers. As
a matter of fact, I got right back on the next bus that was en route
after the accident
The route will continue to be in effect for the convenience of the
students, faculty and staff.
The SLF 200 model bus was designed in England and is about 30-feet-
long. The low riding bus can handle tighter turns easier and is more
wheelchair accessible.
"As of now, this is the only new model bus we have on campus
and we feel that we do not need to acquire anymore at this time
Alford said.
Both drivers involved in the accident were unavailable to be reached
for comment.
This writer can be contacted at
Go Pirates!
Message from the Governor
Dear Students:
All of us have a responsibility to build a better future for the
children of our state-and as students, you have a unique under-
standing of the issues facing young people today. You can serve
as positive role models to children who need help academically
and socially. That's why I want to encourage you to participate in
an exciting new tutoringmentoring program called Project HEART
(High Expectations for At Risk Teens).
ECU'S School of Education will launch this program in August.
It will serve 450-480 middle-school students in Edgecombe, Nash,
Pitt and Wilson counties during the upcoming school year. My office
will be supporting the work of Project HEART mentors through a
$280,000 AmeriCorps grant in 2000-01.
ECU is currently recruiting 48 individuals to mentor these stu-
dents over the next 12 months. As an AmeriCorps member with Project HEART, you will receive
a monthly stipend and an educational award to continue your schooling or repay a student loan.
More importantly, you will shape children's loves and help them develop the skills needed to fulfill
their potential.
I hope that all of you will consider taking part in this innovative program. As a Project HEART
mentor, you and other AmeriCorps members can ensure that hundreds of middle-school students in
eastern North Carolina get the guidance and encouragement they need-and you will find that your
own life is enriched because of the experience.
For more information on Project HEART, please contact Dr. Betty Beacham, the School of
Education's director of special projects. Dr. Beacham is located in Room 2311 of the General
Classroom Building and can be reached at 328-4357 or
Again, thank you for your consideration. Together we can make a real difference!
My warmest personal regards.
lames B. Hunt jr.
Governor of North Carolina
"As a Project HEART
mentor, you and
other AmeriCorps
members can ensure
that hundreds of mid-
dle-school students
in eastern North Car-
olina get the guid-
ance and encourage-
ment they need
James B. Hunt Jr.
Convocation Award Winners
Here are the faculty advisers who received awards and cer-
tificates at the 1999-00 Convocation held earlier this month:
James P. Dishaw
Laura A. Eakins
Advisers who received Letters of Convocation at the depart-
mental meeting:
Patricia j. Anderson
an S. Workman
Patricia j. Anderson
Judith R. Hunt
Advisers who received Letters
of Convocation at the departmental meeting:
Virginia Ann Bullock
Nancy G. Harris
For Improvement in Academic Advising: The department of
For Initiative and innovation in academic advising: The
department of English
Kent State thieves await sentencing for federal embezzlement charges
FRANKFORT, Ky. (L WIRI) couple involved in the theft of
more than $800,000 from Kentucky State University awaited sentencing
on federal embezzlement charges Monday.
Janice Law Phillips, who was a senior assistant to the university's
comptroller, admitted siphoning money that was supposed to be paid to
the university's vendors. Prosecutors and auditors said she was able to
exploit an absence of internal financial controls.
Her husband, Joseph "Tim" Phillips, owned a plumbing business in
Frankfort. He pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the embezzlement.
They were to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Joseph M. Hood.
Looking For a Church Home?
Each was likely to get two to three years in prison under federal sentencing
guidelines, according to the U.S. attorney's Office.
State Auditor Ed Hatchett began an investigation that detected the
embezzlement. The FBI later joined.
Investigators said checks for vendors were removed, cashed and
then replaced in the system to make it appear they had gone into the
vendors' accounts.
University records were altered or forged to make it appear bills
had been paid, and in some cases records were destroyed, according
to state auditors.
Inevitably, however, the vendors complained, prompting Hatchett to
begin an audit. One check, to the university's food service contractor
was for $196,000.
Mrs. Phillips was hired in July 1997 as an administrative secretary in
the KSU accounting department. At some point, she was promoted to
comptroller's assistant. She was suspended in March, then fired the day
prosecutors riled the embezzlement charge.
Activities offered at Unity;
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Basketball (Men & Women) - Fall
Softball (Men & Women) - Spring
Tons of other planned
activities including:
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Kings Dominion
Skiing (Water & Snow)
Shopping outings for the ladies
Golf for the men
Cookouts (tailgating at ECU games)
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Please come and join us! We look
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St 24,2000
Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 8
vfason. "I have
our drivers. As
: was en route
enience of the
i about 30-feet-
�i and is more
ve on campus
at this time
� to be reached
and cer-
le depart-
tment of
! Hatchett to
i contractor.
secretary in
ironioted to
ired the day
iart time.


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4 The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
Dear East Carolina Students:
Welcome back to campus! We have received information from North Carolina
State University in Raleigh regarding the annual "Brent Road Party We believe
that it is very important that you, our students, be made aware of this
information. The information stated:
On Saturday, August 26, many college students will attend the annual "Brent
Road party" in the neighborhoods adjoining the NC State campus in Raleigh.
The event has taken place for several years and, in addition to causing
disruptions, littering, and vandalism for the neighbors, the event inevitably leads
to arrests. Last year, more than 360 people were cited for underage drinking,
violations of open-container laws, possession of drugs and more serious offenses.
This year, the City of Raleigh has adopted a "zero tolerance" policy regard-
ing Brent Road and the Cify Council has passed a "nuisance party" ordinance
that will serve as the basis for arresting party-goers for a wide range of
behaviors. Raleigh police plan to aggressively enforce the law, which includes a
broad definition of a "nuisance party" to include any activity resulting in
conditions that annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comfort or repose
of the neighboring residents. . Those arrested will be transported to a
processing center for fingerprinting and a mug shot. A magistrate will determine
the conditions of release.
We are discouraging you from traveling to Raleigh to attend this party. The
consequences for attending this event that police deem a nuisance are severe.
Our foremost concern is the safety and we fare of our students. Please make the
right decision by not attending.
East Carolina University Division of Student Life
rent Road Party

gust 24,2000
Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 0
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CONCORDA, N.C-Cabarrus County civil Jury
ruled last week that a professor at historically black
Barber-Scotia College was fired because he was white.
David Miller, a professor of sociology and criminal
justice, accused the university of discrimination in his
1997 termination. He said the school was trying to
make room for more black professors.
"This vindicates us Miller, 64, of Concord, said
Thursday. "This shows that their reasons for not
renewing my contract were bogus
The fury awarded Miller two years of back pay
at a rate of $33,250 per year, a bonus of 3 percent
of his salary and $7,500 in punitive damages. The
award was then reduced by the amount he made
working for one year at Johnson C. Smith University
about $33,300.
College President Sammie Potts said the school
will appeal.
"It is simply not true. We've never discriminated
he said. "Dr. Miller changed grades without following
the proper procedure. If you do that, you tamper with
the integrity of the college
Miller's attorney, U. Wilfred Nwauwa, argued
during the two-day trial that Miller followed the
proper channels when he tried to change a student's
grade in 1997. Nwauwa said changing student grades
was a common practice at the college.
The university hired two less-qualified black
professors to fill Miller's position, Nwauwa said.
Vernon Russell, attorney for Barber-Scotia, said
the school's faculty members are at least 15 percent
"If indeed Barber-Scotia College discriminates on
the basis of race, why was Dr. Miller employed there
and why would other white professors be employed
there?" Russell asked.
When Miller's contract was terminated, so were
those of a number of black professors, Russell said.
The 12-member jury, made up of 11 whites and
one black, made its decision after deliberating for
about two and a half hours Wednesday.
Miller's case is unusual, said Curt Levey, legal affairs
director at the Washington, D.Cbased Center for
Individual Rights, a nonprofit law firm that specializes
in reverse-discrimination cases.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (U-WIRE)-I.lke most stu-
dents, Dammione Meyers thinks it's a great idea for
Johnson C. Smith University to give every student
a laptop computer.
He just doesn't know if he can afford it.
Meyers, 21, of Charleston, says the $1,096 annual
fee to pay for the technology the largest increase in
this year's 12.8 percent tuition hike-is one reason he's
planning to take some time off from school.
"That $1,000 is money I'm going to have to work
for, and it may keep me from going back this semester
says Meyers, noting that family issues were also a
Meyers says he's also frustrated the university is
requiring him to rent a computer when he already has
a desktop computer his parents gave him when he left
for college two years ago.
As college students prepare to head back to school
this month, Johnson C. Smith is one of at least four
colleges in the Carolinas requiring computers this year
and the reaction has been mixed.
Students like Meyers illustrate the challenge
universities face as they prepare students for the
computer age: They want to give every student equal
access to computers; but the cost of that access may
drive some students away.
It's especially challenging for Johnson C. Smith,
which says it's the first historically black institution in
the nation with a laptop requirement.
"Tuition is always a sensitive issue for students
like ours who are, in many cases, first-generation
college students and from single-parent homes says
Elliott Robinson, JCSU vice president for business
and finance. "But once students leave this place,
they're going to have to cope in a high-tech world.
It's a balancing act, but we feel sure we're giving our
students a good buy for their money
Robinson says including the cost in tuition helps
low-income students because they can use loans and
other financial aid to help pay for the computers. And
the identical machines ensure all students have access
to the same technology, he says.
But JCSU officials say they won't know the tuition
hike's effect on enrollment until September, when this
year's registration period closes.
Courts say U. of Mississippi can
redistrict display of Confederate flag
Mississippi (AP)-A federal
appeals court on Friday defended
the constitutionality of the Univer-
sity of Mississippi's ban orvConfed-
erate flags at football games.
Upheld by the Fifth Circuit
of the U.S. Court of Appeals, the
policy prohibits spectators from
entering Vaught-Hemingway Sta-
dium with any flag, not just a
Confederate flag, that measures
more than 12 by 14 inches and is
attached to a stick. Flags not on
sticks, along with clothing and
blankets bearing the Confederate
likeness, are still permitted.
The ban stems from an incident
in 1997 in which Tommy Tuber-
ville, Ole Miss's football coach
at the time, asked fans to stop
waving the flags at games, a prac-
tice steeped in tradition but one
Tuberville found insulting to black
students and fans.
To c oinpliiiK-n i Tuberville's feel-
ings, the Associated Student Body
adopted a resolution, turning the
request into university policy.
That same year, Richard N. Bar-
rett, a lawyer for the white-suprem-
acist Nationalist Movement, sued
the university, calling the policy
unconstitutional. The Nationalists
also staged a "Stick the Ban" rally
before a game that November.
A decision in 1999 by U.S. Dis-
trict Court Judge Neal Biggers Jr.
reaffirmed the policy, prompting
Barrett to appeal his case to the
Fifth Circuit.
After the current decision was
announced, Barrett vowed that the
fight had not yet ended.
"It is ironic that burning a flag
te called free speech, but waving
it is not. tllm sticking ii this ring
until I knock the flag haters out
Barrett said.
On campus, the feelings were
somewhat mixed.
"I am very 'iffy' on the situa-
tion freshman Hallie Epperson
told the "Daily Mississippian "I
feel that the flag is not a problem
when it is considered a part of our
history, but if it offends people,
then we don't need it
In addition to flags, the rule
prohibits spectators from bringing
umbrellas and alcoholic beverages
inside the stadium.
Clemson gets kudos for writing curriculum
TIME magazine has recognized
Clemson University as a Col-
lege of the Year for teaching
students how to write and talk
about what they know, not just
absorb facts.
The honor comes In the
2001 TIMEPrlnceton Review
college guide, "The Best College
for You which will hit news-
stands Monday.
The issue recognizes the
university as being "on the cut-
ting edge of the communication
across the curriculum move-
ment in which faculty use
writing, speaking and technol-
ogy skills In places they might
not always be expected.
The publication singles out
Clemson as an exemplary four-
year public institution, along
with a community, liberal arts
and private research univer-
Proponents say communi-
cating across the curriculum
insures that students not only
know their stuff but can tell
others what they know, which
makes them more attractive
potential employees.
"This is at a big public uni-
versity best known for its agri-
culture school and nationally
ranked football team TIME
says. "Well, add one more thing
to the list of what Clemson
does well: creatively teaching
students to communicate
Clemson President James
Barker agrees.
"Clemson students are stron-
"Clemson students
are stronger at commu-
nication than they have
ever been
James Barker
ger at communication than they
have ever been said Barker, an
architect who had his students keep
journals when they took his class
on small towns.
Clemson has no formal studies
to support the claim of producing
better communicators, Barker said
after the announcement Thursday.
He cited anecdotal evidence from
a number of university advisory
It's not difficult for Clemson
students to point out where "cut-
ting edge" educational trends meet
the classroom.
Brady Zupan of Columbia,
a sophomore computer science
major, found himself tickling the
computer keys as part of piano class
� explaining his impressions of
musical performances he had to
"I thought I was there to play
piano he said. "I didn't think I'd
have to write anything
Sophomore James Rogers of
Lexington had to explain calculus
equations In paragraph form.
"It made sure we knew it well,
versus kind of knowing it but not
knowing it he saW.
Clemson began Its communica-
tions emphasis in 1987, when it
introduced writing across the cur-
riculum. The guiding force for
that effort was Art Young, who
occupies the Campbell Chair
of Technical Communications
and is an English and engineer-
ing professor - though not an
"The main point is for stu-
dents to become active learners
and the teachers (to) become
interactive Young said. That
makes teachers teach in new
ways - to figure out how their
students can best communicate
what they learn, as well as
what type of communication
best suits particular classes of
Clemson also teaches its
teaches to communicate, offer-
ing workshops each semester
through its Pearce Center for
Professional Communications,
established in 1989.
About half of Clemson's
approximately 1,000 faculty
members have attended such
workshops, Young said. Mary
Haque uses the techniques
in her landscape architecture
classes, asking students to
interview clients of Habitat
for Humanity before design-
ing landscaping for their new
houses. "1 think it makes me a
better teacher Haque said.
TIME also named three
other colleges as top communi-
cators: Longview Community
College in Missouri, a two-year
college; Sarah Lawrence in New
York, a liberal arts college: and
Cornell University In New York,
a private research institution.

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Have your parents complete the application (which must be
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Remember to attach a "letter of credit" from your parents'
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Option B: Deposit Required
If you wish to have the utility service put in your name, a deposit
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I love Elvis
especially "Viv;
slim, snarling, I
and the sequin
While planr
I were in total �
friends and fai
City at the Las '
"Elvis" who mai
one in a flashy
eras of Elvis int
voice down to a
This Aug. 1
journeyed to Mi
Roll on the am
yearn to be ther
the Alabama fieli
ogling his famou
reary-eyed at his
If I were in
eatery, Elvis Pre;
indulge by havii
peanut butter an
Everyone kne
he told one inter
ers, two BI.T's, a
He liked hot do
his first date wi
sandwiches! Elvi
shot-but his fav
fried peanut butl
that he made fan
I often imagii
indulged less in li
Meilie (fif
Every person 1
example, the fre
part live in resider
away from their pi
hand, there are p
and don't have til
When I transfi
here. 1 got an apai
and went to schc
time for anything
that I am not the
students I have n
work. Now, I am n
1 do wish that I ha
The truth abot
Yes, It is great to ri
do whatever you 1

Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 7
editor@ecupiratemail. com
"�ma LOMa, Ate frttof mmnamtLFeatutesEdi,
reran 8tW��tececueclu
Sports Editor
.flW� frttor
Erin Mudgt, Layout Designer
, Features Editor
Lava �wialrt, Head Copy Editor
6bN littto, Fowtainhead Editor
, Layout Designer
So9 EOIISBC8 1925, TIB El Olnai crirts 11.000 OJpee m TmHby
3?.Sfl??1 �� and 60l��" WMnesdmsmrtie
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IS S55Ef"W P"5� W) Cwmm NC 77IWH351 Cai
-S2J2Bfljii6 lot more Homa�on
By voting yes on this issue,
the funds that ECU is currently
lacking would be delivered. The
required expansion and renova-
tion to campus facilities would
be accomplished. ECU would be
able to surpass the currently lim-
ited teachings of technology and
make us students better pre-
pared for the real world that
awaits us.
Funding is desperately needed for our already overpopulated campus
community. In order to keep the education we receive while at ECU up
to snuff, we must create new facilities to house technologically advanced
classes that may currently be lagging slightly behind.
By seeing just how far a dollar can stretch, ECU's campus can simply
no longer stand the overwhelming demands placed upon it's depreciating
facilities. We would like to think that we are getting the best education
that money can buy. But how can this continue to be possible when there
is a shorted of available funds allotted for expansion? How are professors
suppose to keep their lessons at the level they should be teaching if
they must also worry about a lack of classroom space or dealing with
an out-of-date computer?
In this ever-changing, technological world students must be sure their
education will carry them into tomorrow. Think of the future generations
of students; when the dream of expansion nears fulfillment the University
would like to be able to add close to 9,000 more undergraduate students
to its roaster.
As of now, those 9,000 students would have to be denied acceptance
because there, quite honestly, is no room for them. There is a shortage
of space in the residence halls. Where would those fresh faces sleep?
There is no room for them in the classroom either. Maybe we should
make them carry around egg crates to sit on since there will be no desks
for them to use.
When we are alumni we would like to be able to point to ECU and be
proud of what great lengths our college goes to to ensure the opportunity
for an "A" plus education.
By voting yes on this issue, the funds that ECU is currently lacking would
be delivered. The required expansion and renovation to campus facilities
would be accomplished. ECU would be able to surpass the currently limited
teachings of technology and make us students better prepared for the
real world that awaits us.
Hopefully those upcoming ECU freshmen might be able to exchange
their egg crate in for their well deserved seat at the head of the class.
Some professors' attitudes discourage learning
Viva las veggies
Do you remember feeling your heart pounding
with excitement as you walked to your first class the
first day college. You may have looked through the
door hesitantly to see if you recognized a familiar face
sitting within a pool of people you didn't know. Do
you retail anxiously walking in and maybe tapping
your foot, waiting for the professor to arrive?
Were you disappointed when the professor, regard-
less of sex, walked in with a serious attitude problem? It
seems like everyday students go through this scenario.
While not all teachers dispense their aggressions on
their class, the few who do can ruin the classroom
experience and make students more cautious in their
dealings with other teachers.
The first day of class is filled with uncertainty,
chaos and excitement that becomes more prevalent
as the hatred you (the student) increases when you
walk into class. Every time you see that teacher or
even think of going to class, you cringe. The professor
made your fellow students afraid to ask a question or
voice their opinion because he yells and makes them
feel stupid in class.
In reality, the professor doesn't make you appear
stupid to the other students. They sympathize with
you because he has just made them even more afraid
to speak up. Because of the strong dislike you have, you
start skipping class. Maybe even your grade declines.
Is that your fault or the professor's?
It's sad and despicable when teachers come to
class, knowing they don't want to be there, and teach
inadequately. Because of their attitude, they may
not fully explain material that needs to be further
detailed to the class or they do it in such a way they
seem they don't care (which some may not). Teachers
like this need to find another job where they are
not working directly with students or the public for
that matter.
A professor's job is to be a passer on of knowledge
to those who want to learn. We obviously want to
learn or else we wouldn't be here. But the question
is, do you want to teach and have a relationship with
your class or simply lecture and have your class dread
that class time? If a professor makes a student feel
that badly about himself, he needs not he employed
by the university.
We've all had that teacher in some point of our
college career. We go to class wanting to learn and the
teacher's attitude is so bad that we fail or our desire to
learn disappears and is replaced by frustration.
I don't believe all teachers are like this. Throughout
my four years here, I have encountered many wonder-
ful teachers who cared for the well-being of their
students, who took pride in the way they taught
and who questioned how we felt about our grade.
I would like to extend a terrific thank you to those
professors who were available to answer questions
without yelling.
Overall, professors, it is important to acknowledge
that we want to learn. But you must also have to want
to teach. You have to have that desire to teach in order
to help us acquire the knowledge we are supposed
to absorb in your class. If you come to class and you
don't want to be there, we can tell.
If you have a bad attitude you have will ultimately
effect us, probably negatively.
There's nothing worse than someone relating bland
information in a bland tone and when someone asks an
interesting question, you snap. What kind of teaching
is that? If you don't want to be here, stay home or at
least recommend a teacher that does.
I love Elvis. I love his voice. 1 love his movies,
especially "Viva UsVegas I love "both" Elvises-the
slim, snarling, bad-boy Elvis in the famous gold suit
and the sequined jumpsuit-wearing Elvis-equally.
While planning our wedding, my then-fiance and
I were in total agreement from the get-go-two dozen
friends and family members would join us in Sin
City at the Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. Turns out the
"Elvis" who married us was a young, very tan, healthy
one in a flashy jumpsuit-he oddly morphed both
eras of Elvis into one-but he had the moves and the
voice down to a "T
This Aug. 17, tens of thousands of Elvis fans
journeyed to Memphis to honor the King of Rock 'n'
Roll on the anniversary of his death. Every year, I
yearn to be there with them, scrawling love notes on
the Alabama fieldstone wall that surrounds Graceland,
ogling his famous pink Cadillac Fleetwood and getting
teary-eyed at his gravesite in the mansion's Meditation
If 1 were in Memphis, I'd stop by the official Elvis
eatery, Elvis Presley's Memphis at 126 Beale St and
indulge by having one of the King's legendary fried
peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
Everyone knows that Elvis had a king-size appetite-
he told one interviewer he could eat eight cheeseburg-
ers, two Bl.T's, and three milkshakes at one sitting.
He liked hot dogs, steak and bacon. I read that on
his first date with Priscilla, he ate five huge bacon
sandwiches! Elvis was no vegetarian-not by a long
shot-but his favorite midnight snack, the meatless
fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, is the one
that he made famous.
I often imagine what could have been if Elvis had
indulged less in ham hocks and bacon fat and more in
Fakin' Bacon, Boca Burgers and other low-fat, healthy
meatless fare
Fade to daydream; I see him growing gray over the
years but, since vegetarians are slimmer on average
than meat-munchers, he'd still be sleek and sexy,
swiveling his swoon-inducing hips in his painted-on
jeans well into his golden years.
Studies show that vegetarians suffer a fraction of
the heart attacks, strokes and cancers of carnivores
and live years longer, so odds are a carrot-crunching
King would have kept his vibrant appearance and
youthful energy much longer. I can hear him singing
chart-topping classics with a pro-veggie slant-imagine
his velvet voice crooning, "I Can't Help Falling in
Love With Tofu" and pleading "Don't Be Cruel (to
a cow who's cool)My favorite would be "Viva la
Veggies of course.
But Elvis wasn't a vegetarian, he isn't here now
and there's no way I can be in Graceland on Aug. 17.
Instead my hubs and I will have our own tribute to the
King-he'll slick his hair back in a pompadour, I'll slip
on some faux suede shoes and we'll spin "Aloha from
Hawaii My hubs, who's taken a cue from the King in
the art of wining and dining his lady love, will woo
me with fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
What more could a girl want?
If you can't make it to Graceland, make his famous
sandwich for you and your sweetie. You've already got
dessert ready-after all, nothing's tastier than a "(Hunk
of) Burning Love
Karin Bennett writes for People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA), SOI Front St Norfolk, Va. 23S10,
It's 'I do not 'pay up'
Off-campus life not as fun as you think
Every person has a unique college experience. For
example, the freshman class this year for the most
part live in residence halls and are excited about being
away from their parents for the first time. On the other
hand, there are people like me that live off campus
and don't have time for a lot of fun.
When I transferred to ECU, I didn't know anyone
here. 1 got an apartment and moved in. I found a job
and went to school full time. I didn't have a lot of
time for anything but work and school. I have found
that I am not the only person in this situation. Many
students I have met live off campus and all have to
work. Now, I am not complaining about working, but
I do wish that I had more free time.
The truth about living off campus is that it sucks.
Yes, it is great to have your own place where you can
do whatever you want, but there is always a price to
pay with freedom. You have rent, light bills and car
payments to make.
I-et's not forget that is it somewhat hard to meet
people and make friends when you don't live in a
residence hall. I have neighbors, but they are always
gone and working. When they are home I am working.
So it never seems to work out.
Now, don't get me wrong college is fun. I have
been downtown and partied with the best of them
and had a blast, but the sad truth is that 1 cant do it all
the time. So to all you freshmen 1 hope that you have
a great semester! Enjoy the time that you have now
to party downtown and drink all the beer you can.
Because one day you will know how the rest of us feel
on campus when all we do is work!
)7�s writer can be contacted
Knight Ridder Tribune Imagine you go into a
store to buy some milk, bread and eggs. You give the
checkout guy a $20 bill. He gives you change, which
you hurriedly stuff into your pocket.
On the way to your car, you glance at your receipt
and notice the items totaled $10, but you received
only $5 in change. You go back into the store to
ask politely the store owner for the rest of your
money back.
"Sorry the store owner says, "but that money is
now in our pocket, not yours
"But you stammer, "you overcharged me. The
items only cost $10. I should have gotten $10 in
change. Instead, you only gave me $5. That other
$5 is my money
"Not anymore the store owner says.
"How do you figure that?" you ask.
"Well, suppose next year I need to put a new roof
on my store. I'm going to put that money aside just
in case I need it later
"But it's not your money. It's my money. If you
need a roof on your store next year, you can raise
your prices then
"No the store owner says, "that's not the way it
works. What I do is take more of your money than
1 need today, to make sure I have plenty of money
later on
"But you protest, "that's my money. You over-
charged me
"Maybe you consider it an overcharge the
checkout guy says. "I consider it a surplus. It would
be fiscally reckless of me to give that money back to
you now that it is in my pocket. What you're asking
me to do is squander this surplus of mine by giving
it back to you. Besides, how do I know you would
spend it right, anyway?"
If this happened to you, my guess is you would
be pretty angry. Well, it is happening to you. And
you should be angry.
Over the next 10 years, the federal government will
be taking in more than $2 trillion more than it needs
to pay its expenses-and that's not including money
being paid into the Social Security Trust Fund.
To me, that suggests the government is overcharg-
ing us taxpayers. But that's not the way the Clinton
administration sees it. Rather, they call it a "surplus"
for them to decide when and how to spend it. Instead
of viewing it as our money, they view it as theirs.
The latest example of this is Clinton's veto of the
Marriage Tax Relief Act. This bill would have ensured
that no couple would pay more in taxes after getting
married than they did before. It would do this by
raising the standard deduction for married couples
to an amount equal to that of two single people, an
increase from $7,350 to $8,800. This would allow
married couples to shield as much earned income
from taxation as they would be able to do if they
were not married.
This legislation would have also helped low-income,
married couples by increasing the income limit for
families who claim the earned income tax credit by
$2,000. And it would have provided added tax relief to
middle-class families by raising the 15 percent income
tax bracket from $43,850 to $52,200.
The total cost? About $292 billion over the next
10 years, less than one-fifth of the total "surplus
By vetoing this bill, the administration prevents
the average American family from receiving $735 in
annual tax relief.
Mind you, this legislation was not some partisan
shot across the administration's bow. Fully 51 Demo-
crats in the House of Representatives and seven
Democrats in the Senate voted for the legislation,
along with nearly every Republican in both chambers
of Congress.
What this bipartisan legislation said was it is time
to begin to reduce the financial penalties the federal
government places on marriage.
Apparently, the administration didn't see it that
way. Instead, Clinton called it a "fiscally reckless
tax strategy" that would "squander" the $2 trillion
Someone, however, should remind Clinton that
this isn't the administration's money. It's our money.
Giving back our money isn't squandering a "surplus
it is recognizing that government is taking in more
than it needs.
lire administration also objected to the Marriage
Tax Relief Act because it would have cut taxes for those
couples who enjoy the so-called marriage "bonus-the
fact that some married couples pay less in taxes than
if they were single.
But these so-called marriage "bonuses" don't come
about because the government sends cash to the happy
couple as a wedding present. They result from the fact
that under the federal tax code, married couples who
choose to have one parent stay at home to raise the
kids get to claim that at-home parent as a personal
deduction which is exactly what a married couple can
do when both parents work outside the home.
What those who worry about these so-called mar-
riage "bonuses" are really saying is at-home moms and
dads should be treated, for the purposes of taxation, as
invisible; as non-existent human beings, undeserving
of equal treatment under the tax code. Now, how's
that for valuing parenting and family life?
It's time we ask every politician this question:
Do you believe the tax surplus is your money or the
people's money? Then we should insist they give at
least a little of it back. A good place to start is making
sure when a couple says "I do the government
doesn't says, "pay up
Wade F. Horn is president of the National
Fatherhood Initiative. He can be contacted via e-mail at

� The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
news@ecupiratemail. com
Bush pushes for improved veterans' education, health care

to slow At Gore's post-convention
gains In the polls, George W. Bush
is taking multiple swings at the
Clinton administration on military
affairs, proposing to spend $1.3
billion on pay raises, schools, and
veterans' health care.
"We are going to restore morale
in the U.S. military Bush told the
Veterans of Foreign Wars in Mil-
waukee on Monday at the start of a
two-day campaign swing through
Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Mis-
souri. "America's soldiers must
have confidence that if asked to
serve and sacrifice, the cause will be
worthy and our support for them
In addition, he pledged "orderly
and timely" withdrawal of troops
from Bosnia and Kosovo, saying
the administration has committed
the nation to military confronta-
tions that lack a direct national
Bush as the GOP presidential
nominee has striven to prove his
competence in military affairs after
facing questions about whether
he possesses the knowledge and
experience to lead the nation in
times of conflict.
A CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll
released Sunday had Vice Presi-
dent Al Gore at 47 percent. Bush
at 46 percent, Green Party candi-
date Ralph Nader at 3 percent
and Reform Party candidate Pat
Buchanan at 2 percent.
The poll of 697 likely voters
taken Friday and Saturday had
an error margin of 4 percentage
points. That same poll right before
the convention showed Bush 16
points ahead of Gore, SS percent
to 39 percent.
"I like my chances, but I know
I've got a lot of work to do Bush
said aboard his campaign plane on
the way to Milwaukee. "It's going
to be a close race
Backed by a pair of new com-
mercials, Bush and running mate
Dick Cheney plan to visit 16 battle-
ground states between now and the
traditional start of the campaign
season in two weeks.
see BUSH pg. 9
Fountainhead wants to hit
1116 UdbH I tillIIDim We need a student to take us
four-wheeling. You must have
four-wheel drive vehicle and
knowledge of good dirt roads.
Get your name and photo in the
next issue of the Fountainhead
take 'n bake pizza company
it's here!
r doegh or whole wlmt)
daily In our shop
J Choice of two t
2. Choice of 61
3. Cholc of 8 ckMMt, freshly grates we i
4. Choice of 31 toppings
5. Cholee of 1 ���Iy wets, IrfsTiK rmmf tta Han i
6. VagataSiaa ara fmafy cat every SSy
7. Masshe amoairt of topple, WE DONT SKIMPoer meat eaters pizza weigh, over
8. Our pizza Is reedy when you are, served hot from your ovan or QRIU
i top quality Grande brand
r ��
Just for trying our iza weare offering yon this value
large 14" pepperoni $799
or sausase ouza
easily feeds four people
four topping vegetarian only $8.99
Good for unlimited number of orders until 91500
Just show Ibis coupon each time you visit us
Location: Rivergate East Shopping Center, East 10th St Across from the ABC Store, behind
A-Cut-Above Beauty Salon, hidden by a bradford pear tree
Share an intimate evening with one of the greatest minds in history
Walking UghHv�a Portrait of Albert Einstein
A one-man theatrical performance starring Len Barron
Tuesday, August 29, 7:30 p.m.
Hendrix Theatre, Mendenhall Student Center
Einstein reflects on the purpose of education
is to nurture thoughfulness. The lesser function of thinking is
to solve puzzles and problems. The essential purpose is to discover
for oneself what is of genuine value in life. "
Barron reflects on Einstein, and life
"It was Einsten s view that it requires courage to take your own
thoughts seriously Einstein held fast to his own rhythm. Technology is
full of the most wonderful, exquisite gifts, but we live in a time where
the fax machine sets the pace of our lives. Technology is merely a tool,
and the tool has been turned into the boss. Someone once asked
Einstein where his office was, and he pulled a pencil from his pocket and said, 'It's right here
Einstein didn't have a single friend until he was 16-years-old because he preferred to follow his
own rhythm and his own thoughts. You can't do that very easily when you 're part of a gang. "
Free admission with valid ECU ID.
One guest permitted per ID.
Funded by the Belk Distinguished Chair Visiting Artist Series and the ECU Student Union

ust24, 2000
Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 0
h ovr
ore, behind
Career Services!
701 East Fifth Street
r Greenville, NC 27858-4352
Carolina (252)328-6050
lJNIVERsrnr (252) 328-6425 fax
Get Connected
www.ecu.educar e e r
Career Services Workshops
All Workshops are held in room 103,
Career Services at 4:00 p.m.
ConNections to Career Services, Mondays
Resume Writing. Tuesdays
Exploring Careers, Wednesdays
Interviewing Tips, Thursdays
BUbrl from page 8
Most of those states have not been won by Republican presidential
candidates in the past two elections. Democrats have taken Wisconsin
and Iowa, Bush's stops on Monday, since 1984.
Though his new ads focus on education, Bush's top legislative
priority, military readiness has been a consistent drumbeat of his
campaign, with one night of tiie GOP convention dedicated in part
to war heroes and veterans of Cold War diplomacy who are backing
his White House bid.
The proposals Bush was releasing Monday include:
Increasing military pay by $1 billion or about $750 per active-duty
service member over the $75.8 billion increase President Clinton
signed into law this month. Bush also promises to boost targeted re-
enlistment bonuses and the pay of specialists such as pilots, computer
programmers and engineers
.Provide $310 million to the Department of Education's 'Impact Aid"
Construction Program to eliminate the backlog of repair and construction
needs for public schools located on or near military facilities.
Create a "Veterans Health Care Task Force composed of officials
from the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans service organizations
"I like my chances, but I know I've got a lot of
work to doIt's going to be a close race
George W. Bush
and VA health care providers, to help implement the Veterans Millennium
Health Care Act.
Review overseas deployments and seek political solutions that �
allow an orderly and timely withdrawal from hotspots like Kosovo
and Bosnia.
Gore spokesman Doug Hattaway said Bush's tax-cut proposal.
would leave little room to pay for the $1.3 billion the Republican is-
recommending for increases in military pay and other areas. He also said
Gore supports an additional 3.7 percent military pay raise on top of the.
boost Congress has approved for military personnel this year.
In Iowa, Bush was also due to stop at a school and attend two fund-
raisers aimed at raising $350,000 for the Republican National Committee
and $2(K),(KK) for the state GOP.
Career Day Schedules
GeneralBusiness Career Day
September 20, 2000
Industry & Technology Day
October 5, 2000
Graduate School & Professional Fair
November 2, 2000
Health Career Day
November 16, 2000
Education Career Day
March 2, 2001
On Campus Recruiters
(As of August 1, 2000; More to Be Announced)
If your qualifications match a specific job description
and you have submitted a resume, you will be able to
electronically schedule an on campus interview.
Please note some of the companies that have already
confirmed on campus interviews for the Fall Semester.
The following dates represent the closing date or last
day in which students can request an inten'iew:
Dixon Odom PLLCSeptember 20
McGlaclrey & PullenSeptember 20
John Hancock Financial ServicesSeptember 21
Arthur AndersonSeptember 26
Consolidated Electrical Distributors September 27
Greater Carolina GroupSeptember 27
Jefferson-Pilot FinancialSeptember 27
Abbott LaboratoriesOctober 3
GraingerOctober 3
Olde Discount BrokersOctober 3
BB&TOctober 4
Gilbert Southern CorporationOctober .5
WachoviaOctober 5
Ferguson EnterprisesOctober 6
NVR, Inc.October 6
DLJOctober 12
Apex SystemsOctober 13
Eli Lilly PharmaceuticalOctober 17
Sherwin Williams CompanyOctober 20
TruGreen ChemLawnOctober 21
State Farm InsuranceOctober 24
Modern Woodman of AmericaOctober 31
Maxim Healthcare ServicesNovember 1
West Point StevensNovember 14
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What are you waiting for ?
Check the Career Services web site for a list of
additional companies and interview dates
Networking 101:
Information Sessions
Throughout the semester, recruiters will conduct
informal presentations about their organizations.
Check upcoming events for future listings.
(Already scheduled as of August 8th)
Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals - October 4, 3:00 p.m Career
Services Room 103 and at 7:00 p.m. in Mendenhall
Student Center, Room TBA
John Hancock Financial Services - October 4, 6:00 p.m
Career Services, Room 103
Gilbert Southern Corporation - October 5. 5:00 p.m
Career Services. Room 103
Grainger - October 16, 6:00 p.m Career Services,
Room 103
Ferguson Enterprises - October 19, 8-9:30 p.m
Career Services, Room 103
NVR, Inc. - October 19, 6:00 p.m Career Services,
Room 103
All dates, times, and locations are subject to change.
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10 The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
Bail, release programs
under review by NAACP
"There have been
a number of minor-
ities who have tried
to bail out on their
own recognizance
for charges less
severe than the
deaths of two people
and who have had to
post substantial bail
Lonnie Fccmstcr
RENO, Nev. (AP)-An
NAACP official wants to review
bail and release programs with
Washoe County court and sher-
iffs officials to ensure minorities
are being treated fairly.
The request follows the
release of a white 19-year-old
Reno man on his own recogni-
zance the day after he allegedly
ran a red light, causing a traffic
accident that killed a Hispanic
mother and her 6-month-old
"There have been a number
of minorities who have tried
to bail out on their own recog-
nizance for charges less severe than the deaths of two people and
who have had to post substantial bail said l.onnie Feemster,
president of the Reno-Sparks chapter of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People.
Carl Hinxman, head of the court services progTam under the
control of the county court administrator, and Sheriff Dennis
Balaam want to meet with Feemster and go over the program.
Deputy District Attorney Roy Stralla and Hinxman said racial
bias had nothing to do with the way the Robert McKellips' case
was handled.
McKellips was at first charged with running a red light and
driving on a suspended license after his pickup truck slammed
into a car on July 29. Mayra Martinez, 17, of Sparks, and her
daughter, Jennifer Ledezma, were killed.
McKellips was convicted as a juvenile of driving under the
influence of alcohol in 1998. It was his first DIM offense. A
misdemeanor warrant was issued when he failed to complete an
alcohol counseling program ordered as part of his sentence.
Since the accident, McKellips was sentenced to 25 days in jail
for failure to complete the alcohol counseling program.
Police found no trace of alcohol in McKellips' breath test
after the fatal wreck. They ordered blood tests to determine if
he was under the influence of drugs, but it took several days
to receive results.
"Based on the misdemeanor charges of the red light and the
suspended license, and based on the fact that the defendant
had bail in the works, a decision was made to let him out of
jail Hinxman said.
"Easily it wasn't the most popular decision Hinxman said.
"But based on the charges that the police filed against him, he was
going to get out of jail one way or the other
McKellips' release was revoked after blood tests showed he was
under the influence of marijuana at the time of the accident. He
was then charged with two felony counts of driving under the
influence of a prohibited substance causing death or substantial
bodily harm.
Bail was then set at 160,000 and McKellips remains in jail.
"This case Is being treated exactly the same as any other case
regardless of race, social status or anything else Stralla said.
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be smiling
Your cup r
looks like t
once you i
Your inl
on relation
sional or a
you have v
Business is
A new li
will turn in
be part of 2
wise to den
Be wary of
You find
romance th
loved ones,
thing go as
activities are
an increase
personality v
tic notions. I
emotions rui
proceed witl
almost certa
Upbeat fi
going strong
the-scenes in
success laddi
in an import;
A conserv
prove worth
for granted, i
whirlwind. Yc
attention to
Now is a t
sion. Rememl
to come knoc
self accessible
You are di
what you des
along nicely
ruin it. A finar
influential per
Finding yo
make you ava
Avoid immedi
romantic pros
this week.
It's a lively
and you will h
ity. Challenge:
tionship, so be
cally. Don't be
too slow to ge
Positive en
building up yo
related activitii
or in the work
ment with stra
Pisces (
Minor haza
ambitious soci
to make yours
temper may cli

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a
good thing
Thomas Jefferson
the east Carolinian
be smiling a lot in the months ahead.
Your cup runneth over in love. Impulsiveness
looks like unclear thinking, but the truth is
once you make a decision, you stick with it.
Aries (March 21 -April 20)
Your intentions and thoughts are focused
on relationships, whether romantic or profes-
sional or a friendship. Any partnership desires
you have will flourish and remain stable.
Business is looking up for you.
Taurus (April 21 May 21)
A new love or an ongoing relationship
will turn in the desired direction. The need to
be part of a unit is strong now. You would be
wise to deny urges to overdo or overindulge.
Be wary of transportationtravel concerns.
Gemini (May 22 June 21)
You find it easy to attract or pursue
romance this week. Avoid showdowns with
loved ones, you can't expect to have every-
thing go as you would like it. Money-making
activities are successful and you should see
an increase in your earnings.
Cancer (June 22 July 23)
Assertive and dynamic qualities of your
personality will shine, along with any roman-
tic notions. It is a volatile time for you with
emotions running in different directions, so
proceed with caution. Job advancement is
almost certain.
Leo (July 24 Aug. 23)
Upbeat financial news will keep you
going strong for the rest of the year. Behind-
the-scenes influences ease your way up the
success ladder. There is an amount of stress
in an important relationship.
Virgo (Aug. 24 Sept. 23)
A conservative type of investment will
prove worth its while. Don't take too much
for granted, even though your social life is a
whirlwind. Your approach to work is effort,
attention to detail, patience and good luck.
Libra (Sept. 24 Oct. 23)
Now is a time for opportunity and expan-
sion. Remember good fortune is not going
to come knocking at your door. Make your-
self accessible and be aware of the potential.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 Nov. 22)
You are due for a good time, so enjoy
what you deserve. Your love life is moving
along nicely, so don't let your imagination
ruin it. A financial bonanza is possible. An
influential person helping you out.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 Dec. 21)
Finding yourself in a social whirlwind will
make you available for possible romances.
Avoid immediate entanglement with a
romantic prospect. Your health is excellent
this week.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 20)
It's a lively week for your social agenda
and you will have a fair share of the popular-
ity. Challenges may occur in a business rela-
tionship, so be prepared to cope diplomati-
cally. Don't be too quick to act on rumors or
too slow to get a move on when needed.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 Feb. 19)
Positive energy can be put to good use in
building up your physical resources or work-
related activities. Avoid accidents at home
or in the workplace. Be cautious of involve-
ment with strangers.
Pisces (Feb. 20 March 20)
Minor hazards are connected with an
ambitious social agenda. It may be time
to make yourself over. Avoid clashes. Your
temper may cloud a simple issue.
Features: Strays on Campus
Ways to combat overpopulation
C'est la vie
(iM's life)
Above. Senior Julie Wiggins, an art maor studying ceramics, observes as first year graduate
student Catherine Coulter points out some of the intricacies of a wheel-thrown piece.
Left: Dance students studying under Joe Carrow strike a dramatic piece for photographers.
Definitely not as easy as it looks. (ALL PHOTOS BY LAURA KOWALSKI)
Loft top. Lauren Hartman, a
freshman art major studies
for classes with other
students in Sonic Paza.
located between Joyner
Library and the Student
loalth Services office
Left boltom Michelle
Cromley, a junior, takes time
out from a busy schedule to
sit back, enjoy the weather,
and of course feed the extra
friendly squirrels on the main
Above Freshman journalism major Rebekah Erbschloe and special education major Maria
Gironda glance over their books in front of the fountain m Wright Circle.
Above: A group of flashy motorcycles and one purple motorscooter (second from left) share the street with pedestrians
and automobiles alike.
Right: Matt Smith, a junior majoring in Sociology, plays a game of frisbee with a friend (not shown) in front of Fleming Hall.

2 The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000 j j
Feature Briefs
Fancy meeting you here
Warren Dixon, who was wanted on
various felony drug charges, took a
little break from being a fugitive from
justice, spending the day at the ironically-
named "Great Escape" amusement park
in Queensbury, N.Y. As he was soon to
discover much to his chagrin, about 60
local police officers also chose that day
for their annual outing, and were all over
the place when one of them spotted him
and said, "Hey, isn't that Warren Dixon?"
He tried to flee, but to no avail.
Thanks for the break, officer
A deputy sheriff pulled over Mamileti
Lakshmihart for a minor traffic violation
in Littleton, Colo but let him off with
a warning. The policeman then got back
into his patrol car and waited for Lak-
shmihart to drive off. But Lakshmihart
"became confused put his truck into
reverse and smashed into the front of the
cop car, causing more than $1,000 worth
of damage. This time, he got a ticket.
Keep going and don't
look down
Two brothers from Texas started driv-
ing a Dodge Ram and a Jeep Wrangler
up Houghton Mountain in Colorado and
came to a point where they couldn't
turn back because the terrain became too
steep to drive down, so they kept driving
up-and up.
"They came over a ridge and got
into steep country, got committed and
couldn't turn back said Lisa Richardson,
a ranger. They decided to continue "but
it just got steeper and steeper
Finally at 13,000 feet it became clear
that it is absolutely impossible to drive
the vehicles back down the mountain,
and they now have to hire a logging
helicopter to airlift them out.
Strays wandering around
campus may carry rabies
Jason Cox
It has gotten pretty difficult lately
to walk anywhere in Greenville,
let alone campus, without spotting one
of the growing number of dogs and
cats running wild.
Regardless of where you see them,
the number of abandoned, stray or
wild cats and dogs in the area is rising
about as fast as enrollment numbers
for students.
These strays may affect students
and staff more than they think. After
all, they are seen running endlesslv
around campus looking for someone
to play with and love.
"While our concern for the animals
is as high as for humans, many of
these animals have no contact with the
vaccines and de-worming procedures
that our pets at home receive said
Tom Pohlman of the department of
environmental health and safety.
"Thus, the biggest issue with the over-
population of these animals are bites
and rabies to individuals on campus
POhlman urges students not to
attempt to shelter or feed the strays on
campus. Instead, without stressing the
animal, try and spot a collar or tag to
identify an animal with a home from
that of a stray.
"We have anywhere between 50
to 60 calls a day concerning animals
wandering free said Brenda Tripp,
an officer for the Greenville Police
Animal Control Unit. "In some cases
it is nothing more than a neighbor's
animal wandering around
She asks that individuals reporting
an animal make sure that it is in fact
a stray. However Tripp advises that
getting too close to the animal is not
always safe either. If you are unsure, it
is always safest to stay away and try to
call someone to rescue the animal.
While the threat of rabies can be
in the back of your mind, you can
never be sure enough that the lovable
critter in front of you won't end up
putting you in the hospital for a case
of rabies.
Typically, animals contract rabies
from neighboring wildlife. The very
first reported case this year was reported
to the Pitt County Rabies Control early
last week. A Greenville woman called to
2 Uncontrolled Breeding Cats
Plus all their kittens, if none are ever
sterilized or spayed- add up to:
� 2 litters per year first year 12
2.8 surviving j.
kittens per litter second year 66
third year 382
fourth year 2,201
fifth year 12,680
sixth year 73,041
seventh year 420,715
eighth year 2,423,316
ninth year 13,968,290
tenth year 80,399,780,
report that her dog had been bitten by a
raccoon that she believed was rabid.
But while it is promising that the
first case was not reported until August,
Greenville is just now recovering from
an epidemic.
Charles Leahman, a supervisor for
Pitt County Rabies Control, stated that
close to 16 cases were reported last year.
Although this year the numbers have
declined, we will never be completely
rid of rabies.
"People don't understand that rabies
kills Leahman said. "The importance
of vaccinations can not be stressed
enough. Active rabies can completely
kill an animal in about 10 days. Any
unvacdnated animal is 100 percent at
risk. It is imperative that people always
"People are not taking into
consideration that an animal
is a lifetime commitment
Parsons said. "With a cat, you
are looking at anywhere from
12 to 20 years and 12 to 15
years for a dog
Bobbie Parsons
Unfortunately, the Greenville Humane
Society (GHS), one organization devoted to
controlling those numbers, is running on a
filled capacity. They have enough room for
only 100 animals and are working day and
night to help people adopt current animals
in order to make room for new strays. Each
month, the Humane Society reports a rate
of approximately 100 animals.
Bobbie Parsons, a GHS worker, says that
the number of animals being abandoned
after their owners move is horrifying.
"People arc not taking into consideration
that an animal is a lifetime commitment
Parsons said. "With a cat, you are looking
at anywhere from 12 to 20 years and 12 to
15 years for a dog
While it just seems easier to leave an
animal behind if your new home or apart-
ment doesn't allow animals, this leaves the
animal susceptible to harm and perhaps
even disease in the long mil.
As Greenville attracts more and more
students and residents, the numbers of
animals abandoned will most likely increase
as well. It is unfortunate and sad, but it can
be helped. Instead of trying to feed and
shelter the animals you see on campus, you
can give your time to the GHS.
You may volunteer some of your time
with the animals and help them find new
homes where they will be safe. The more
animals that find new homes, the more
animals that can be rescued, treated and
adopted to good families.
Think of it as a foster home for Pluffy.
there Fluffy will get the medical attention it
needs, is spayed or neutered and not to men-
tion fed. The shelter actively seeks people j
to adopt these animals and is continually I
seeking for individuals to volunteer their
lime. With a little time, these animals can
get all the love and comfort they deserve.
It is far better for the animal to find a
home in which it can receive all of these
things than to have it wander aimlessly
among students along campus or worse to
wander through the streets of Greenville
after being abandoned.
This writer can be contacted
Are you looking at me, Bub? pjck of the Week: "Coyote Ugly"
The fundamentalist government of
Iran is very serious indeed about main-
taining the highest possible moral stan-
dards, so a grocer found himself in very
deep trouble when he was spotted by a
judge ogling the judge's wife at a bazaar
in the town of Qir. He was detained and
beaten, but was released a few hours
later when officials realized that he was
cross-eyed, and not actually looking at
the woman at all.
The bond of motherhood
Lele the giant panda gave birth to
twins in China's Beijing Zoo, her fourth
and fifth offspring, but was nursing only
one and neglecting the other because she
was unable to produce enough milk to
feed them both. So zoo officials issued a
plea for a mama dog to be brought in
to nurse the other twin. A zookeeper said
called the response "very enthusiastic
and the problem has been solved.
Oh, mother, how
could you?
The Congolese capital of Brazzaville
is inshock over the scandalous tale of
a 40-year-old civil servant who impreg-
nated not only his wife but her mother
as well, and both women gave birth to
twins. When the wife learned who sired
her mother's kids, she left and took her
children with her. Her soon-to-be-ex is
now living with her mother. He says his
attraction to his mother-in-law is due, in
part, to the fact that she is a better cook
than his wife.
Though this film boasts
heavy hitters, not one of
the actors is known for
their work in the movie
" �-� �'
Maura Buck
We've all seen the half-naked trail-
ers. We've all watched as Tyra Banks,
among others, struts her stuff (and
then some) across a flaming bar. What
haven't we seen? We haven't seen the
heart-warming tale that unfolds in
Director David McNally's film. Coyote
Though this film boasts some heavy
hitters, not one of the actors in it is
known for their work in the movie
industry. Stars such as Tyra Banks, John
Goodman and LeAnn Rimes all have
small roles in this romantic dramatic
comedy, and yet the newcomers actu-
ally steal the show.
One of these newcomers. Piper
Perabo, makes her film debut as Violet
Sanford, a 21-year-old aspiring song-
writer desperately trying to make it in
the Big Apple. In the mean time, she
finds herself employed at Coyote Ugly,
a bar that ultimately transforms this
one-time shy girl into a sassy, dancing,
singing sensation.
Along the way, she meets up with
some pretty memorable characters,
including fellow newcomer Adam
Garcia, Violet's Australian love interest
who isn't too shabby in the looks depart-
Believe it or not, Coyote Ugly is actu-
ally an ideal "date" movie. Although,
the film hasn't received outstanding
reviews, it is an entertaining film with
real appeal.
Though men are flocking to the
theaters in herds, tripping over one
another to see the sexy cast they've
drooled over in the highly publicized
trailers, women seem a bit skeptical.
Don't let the trailers scare you. Women,
you will love it because it has the touch
of romance that we rarely get to see on a
date, unless of course, it's a first one.
This writer can be contacted
Chart courtesy of mo American Humor sssocatun
vaccinate their animals
In part, the problem occurred due
to animals lost or abandoned during
last year's flood. Some animals were
left by their owners when they moved
to avoid any conflict with their new
Yet another scenario includes an
animal that is abused, beaten, underfed
or perhaps abandoned.
While everyone can easily see how
cute and adorable that orange tabby or
Labrador retriever are, it is not as easily
seen how to take care of an animal
of this nature. Obviously, they need
food and water like any living thing.
However care for a pet does not simply
stop at a meal. Pets need attention, care,
love and discipline.
"Cheeseburger in Paradise"
This recipe is courtesy of jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Restaurant, 2000.
28 ounces fresh USDA choice beef chuck, diced
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
12 tablespoon garlic salt
12 tablespoon onion salt
1 teaspoon celery salt
8 slices American cheese-1 slice if any other kind
of cheese
4 sesame hamburger buns, toasted
8 leaves iceberg lettuce
4 slices tomato, 14-inch thick
4 slices red onion, 14-inch thick
4 toothpicks
4 pickle spears
2 pounds Idaho potatoes, peeled, cut into fries and
fried until golden brown.
Grind the meat using a meat grinder with a 38-inch plate. Change to
a 1 8-inch plate, and grind a second time. Shape the ground meat into 4
(7-ounce) patties. In a mixing bowl, combine the kosher salt, pepper, garlic
salt, onion salt and celery salt. Mix well. Place the burger on a hot grill
and season with the seasoning salt. Cook the burgers halfway to desired
temperature and flip over and finish cooking. Place the cheese on the
burger when it is 34 of the way cooked and melt. Place the bottom
bun on the plate. Place the burger on the bottom bun. Place the lettuce,
tomato and onion on top of the burger. Cover it with the top bun and
secure it with a toothpick. Place a pickle next to the burger. Place fries
on the plate.
(recipes can be found at,)
Classes alri
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We have o
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If you
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just 24, 2000
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Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 8
features@ecupiratemail. com
Bones found on peak
may be those of lost climber
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BOZI MAN (AP)-A man who
found bones on Granite Peak last
week believes they may be the
remains of Ernest Bniffy, a moun-
tain climber who disappeared 41
years ago.
Bozeman free-lance writer and
backcountry enthusiast Alan Kessel-
heirn was climbing the state's tallest
peak with five friends when they
found what appear to be human
remains, along with the weathered
sole of a boot.
They found a knee jointbigger
than any mountain goat and not
as big as a bear Kesselheim said. A
little lower in the basin they found
two vertebrae.
Kesselheim, who has researched
the Bruffy case, believes the
bqries most likely belonged to
Bruffy, ,i 42-year-old construction
worker and mountain climber from
I lavre.
Me disappeared in August 1959,
after telling his family he planned
to spend a few days climbing alone
in the Beartooths.
"He seems like the most likely
candidate, given the age of the boot
Boy Scout!
gay leaders
"My impression was
there's probably a lot
of that guy scattered
around up there
Alan Kesselheim
sole Kesselheim said.
Other hikers saw Bruffy in the
area and he told them he wanted to
scale 12,799-foot Granite Peak. He
signed the register on Aug. 16, the
day before the largest earthquake in
recorded history hit the area.
Nobody ever saw Bruffy again,
despite an extensive search.
Then last year, on Aug. 13,1999,
almost exactly 40 years after Bruffy
disappeared, climber Joe Kampf of
Colstrip found an old hiking boot
below the mountain's summit. In
the boot were human foot bones
and extending from it were the
stark white shinbones, broken and
Intrigued by the story, Kes-
selheim wrote of Kampf s discovery
and the mystery of Bruffy's disap-

� ����
pearance for the current issue of Big
Sky Journal, a magazine published
in Bozeman.
Then some friends invited him
to climb the peak with him. The
group made the ascent last week
without incident and decided to do
some searching on the north slope
on their way down.
That's when they made their
grim discovery.
"It's a huge basin of talus Kes-
selheim said. That made a search
daunting, but the bones were not
hidden or obscured. The climbers
found them in about an hour of
random searching.
"We just kind of wandered
around that slope Kesselheim
said. "My impression was there's
probably a lot of that guy scattered
around up there
He said a series of warm sum-
mers and mild winters may have
removed snow cover in the area,
exposing the bones.
Kesselheim gave the remains to
Park County Coroner Al Jenkins,
who sent them to the state crime
lab in Missoula for analysis.
l leaders of
the national Boy So
presenting a 55,000-signature p
ban on gay troop leaders.
Fewer than a dozen demonst
uniforms, were met by a security gua
front desk. A secretary who refused to gi
would forward the petition to the organization's
was out of town. The protesters had hope
the organization or at least schedule a meeting.
"We're disappointed, said Dave Rice, a former Scout leader in
Petaluma, Calif. "We don't like confrontation. We like to sit down,
shake hands and discuss a solution that's mutually beneficial
Rallies against the Boy Scouts were planned in at least 36 cities
and 21 states as part of a nationwide protest.
"Stop the hate. Stop the lies read one sign outsftfe a Dallas
scouting council office, where about two dozen people were
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in June that Boy Scouts can
bar homosexuals from serving as troop leaders. The ruling may
also permit the 6.2 million-member organization to reject gays
as members.
The Boys Scouts consider homosexuality contrary to their oath
requiring Scouts to be "morally straight
"We recognize the rights of all people to hold opinions different
than ours said Gregg Shields, spokesman for the National Council
of the Boy Scouts of America. "We stress that we are a private
See SCOUTS page 4
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paper, look us up at or just come by
our offices. We are located on the second floor of the Student
Publications Building, in the Old Cafeteria Complex.
If you are looking to build your resume, the East Carolin-
ian is now hiring responsible students for part-time work
as Advertising Representatives. Apply for positions at the
Student Publications Building (across from Joyner Library).
Now hiring for Fall
Staff Writers
Production Staff
Section Editors
Photo Editor
Copy Editors
Ad Representatives

4 The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
Students admire educators most, politicians least
Georgetown University
(AP)-Dld anybody ask what Chel-
sea Clinton thinks? According to
a recent survey by,
today's college students ranked
teachers as their most respected
profession, and politicians last.
The online job listing service for
students and alumni asked more
than 1,000 college students and
recent graduates, "What career
do you most respect?" and "What
career to you least respect?"
According to students who par-
ticipated in the survey, 40 percent
looked up to teachers while 32
percent admired doctors. Social
workers earned the nod from 13
percent of participants while the
CEO of an Internet company col-
lected eight percent. Finally, seven
percent of the polled students
"What career do you most respect?"
admired police officers.
Those careers earning the least
respect? How about politicians,
gathering 38 percent of the vote.
Salespeople took in 28 percent of
the least-admired tally while IRS
agents brought home 16 percent. In
what may be considered a surprise,
only 11 percent of the students said
they looked down at those often-
maligned lawyers. And journalists?
Well, it seems seven percent of the
surveyed masses view them with
Carrie Kraft, a spokeswoman
for JobTrak, says that she is not
surprised that politicians earned the
least amount of respect, "Consider-
ing the Clinton scandal, and that
SCOUTS from page 3
organization and that no one is
forced to be a Boy Scout. People
who share our values and beliefs
are welcome to join
Nick Henderson, a Boy Scout
leader in Dallas, said he supports
the scouting policy because he
considers homosexuality a sin.
"We don't want them in a posi-
tion of leadership he said. "We're
not against gay people; just their
lifestyle. Would they be a bad
influence on a scout troop? Abso-
In Bethesda, Md about 30 pro-
testers turned out at the Boy Scouts
National Capital Area Council.
The Rev. Steven Baines of Equal
Partners in Faith in Washington,
D.C said he wants the Boy Scouts
to know "not all people of faith
support their discrimination policy
against gays and lesbians
Baines, who is gay and a former
Boy Scout, said suicide rates are
three times higher among gay teen-
agers compared to straight teen-
agers. Boy Scout policies "can drive
young people to further alienation
he said.
Janet I.owenthal, of Chevy
Chase, Md said she has a son who
is gay. The Supreme Court decision
upholding the Boy Scouts' anti-
gay policy "sends such a terrible
message of intolerance, hate and
profound ignorance Lowentha!
Steven Cozza, IS, of Petaluma,
Calif said he formed a nonprofit
organization called Scouting lor
All several years ago after his father
was removed as a Scout leader for
supporting gay rights.
Cozza, who said neither he nor
his father is gay, left the Boy Scouts
about six months ago after becom-
ing an Eagle Scout. Cozza said he no
could longer support the program
because it discriminates.
"Scoutmasters are people to
look up to. What's wrong with
being influenced by a gay man?
Someone's sexuality has nothing to
do with his character or personal-
ity he said.
About 20 people walked the
sidewalk Monday morning outside
the Boy Scouts' San Francisco Bay
area council office in San Leandro.
They chanted "Being gay is OK.
Scouting is for all and toting signs
saying "Blatant Bigots" and "True
leaders teach love and tolerance,
not hate and bigotry
"I'm not here to be disrespectful
to the Boy Scouts of America. But
we can't be silent said Jan Tyler,
a Bay Area Cub Scout leader. "Gays
and lesbians are in every niche in
our society, and to exclude them
based on sexual orientation is
Another Dallas demonstrator,
Scott Pusillo, 20, from New Jersey,
held a sign reading: "I love scout-
ing, and I love my boyfriend
Pusillo was an assistant scout-
master before being kicked out
last year because he is gay. But
Pusillo said he never discussed his
sexuality with the troop because it
was irrelevant.
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everyone is very high-minded about
politics right now says Kraft.
She also added that she was
surprised that teachers earned such
high respect from students, since
there is such a need for teachers,
and that today, not many students
decide to become teachers after they
graduate. "However, this shows
that teachers are very important to
college students Kraft says.
Meghan Haynes, a journalism
student and senior at Northwestern
University, agrees. "It's about time
students show how much they
revere teachers she says. "But will
teachers see any higher salaries for
the respect given to them?"
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The East Carolinian 0
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riaster of Paris CJ
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Smoke Detector "3
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Comer Braces
d Nails
Storage Products L3
Television d
Curtain Rods Q Numbers A Letters J
Decorative Shelving 9 Nuts & Bolts 9
Desk LampQ Office Furniture Q
DoorMlrror O radloeka �3
Traah Baas
Trash Can
Door Mat
Door Lock
G Padlocks
) faint Tool
PI ratio Door Bars
Utility Knives Q
Utility Shelves PI
Utility Shelf Board Q
DoorStop C3 hJ2S�
1 Deals in used
8 Mimic
11 Mine find
14 Heroic deed
15 Twitch
17 Big-nosed
18 Scolded
20 Banal
21 Snacked
23 Thurman of film
24 Dogpatch guy
25 Spanish article
26 Maple product
29 Natural cavity
30 River's end,
32 Lyricist Gershwin
33 Toward the
rising son
36 Grave crime
39 Declares invalid
41 Worn rug?
44 Root vegetables
48 Picnic pest
49 Layered rock
51 Miss West
52 Big name In
55 Roaring
Twenties, e.g.
56 Type of drum
58 Auditory organ
59 Inc. in Ipswich
60 Stogie, e.g.
61 Produce milk
64 Life-destroying
chemical agent
66 Inarticulate grunt
67 Hankering
68 Dahl and Francis
69 Fetch
70 Red or Black
71 Set right
1 Bureaucratic
2 Neighborhood
with a long
3 Short races
4 Bring joy
5 Recluse
6 Ignited
7 Thieves
8 Under optimum
9 Bakery buy
10 Beige shades
11 Canadian
12 Lobster eggs
13 Conclusion
19 Singer Grant
22 Differentiated
27 Coffee server
28 the piper
30 Palm fruits
31 Blazing
34 Recipe meas.
35 Teensy
37 Harris and Asner
38 Author Dekjhton
40 Certain self-
service counter
41 Put a strain on
42 Half and half?
43 Netherlands city
45 John Lennoo
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S 3 N3 1 b VfjN B73 Uln
3 Q 13 0 llflilvfi0 Vi
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3y o3 d VB -1 13S 3i
46 Organized
47 Clairvoyant
50 Capital ol
53 Feed-bag tidbit
54 Med. images
56 Chew out
57 More pleasing
61 Ear-like
62 Time period
63 Golf-bag item
65 III temper
fertners In Campus Life
We Relish Students

0 The East Carolinian
www. theeastcarolinian. com
Thursday, August 24, 2000
sports@ecupiratemail. com
mSST9 Seniors hoPinSt0 take ECU t0 next leyel
Lane's wife surrenders
to Police
Deidra Lane, wife of slain NFL running
back Fred Lane, surrendered to Charlotte
Police Wednesday morning after she was
charged with murder. A warrant was issued
for Lane on Tuesday for the July 6 shooting
death of her husband in their Charlotte
On Tuesday night Lane told police that
she would turn herself in voluntarily, and did
so yesterday morning.
Fred Lane was the Carolina Panthers' lead-
ing rusher in 1999. Following the season,
in which he was fined by the league for
obscene gestures and charged with posses-
sion of illegal firearms in his home state of
Tennessee, the third-year back was traded to
the Indianapolis Colts.
Mayne gets rare win
Tuesday night the Colorado Rockies' Brent
Mayne got his first win, ever. The veteran
catcher threw a scoreless inning to register
the win over the Atlanta Braves in the 12
-inning game.
Mayne became the first position player
since Rocky Colavito in 1968 to win a game
in the major leagues. He became the first in
the National league since 1956.
Mayne had no prior pitching experience
in the major or minor leagues.
WNBA Finals rematch set
After the Houston Comets secured a spot
in the WNBA finals this weekend, their oppo-
nent in the 1999 series joined them. The
New York Liberty clinched a spot in the finals
following their 81-67 win over the Cleveland
Rockers on Monday. The Liberty were paced
by an early 30-2 run that put the Rockers on
their heels for good.
The Comets beat the Liberty in the Finals
last season. They also won the inaugural
WNBA finals over New York in 1997.
The best-of-three series begins tonight at
Madison Square Garden.
Boxing referee found dead
Mitch Halpern, 33, was found dead in his
Las Vegas home of a self inflicted gunshot
wound, Monday.
Halpern was one of boxing's most
respected referees. Among the fights he
worked last year were September's welter-
weight title fight between Oscar De La Hoya
and Felix Trinidad and November's Lennox
Lewis-Evander Holyfield fight.
Halpern also worked the Holyfield-Tyson
fight in November of 1996.
Tyson fined by English officials
Mike Tyson was fined Tuesday by the Brit-
ish Boxing Board of Control for his actions
following his win over Lou Savarese. Tyson
repeatedly threw punches after the referee,
John Coyle, had stopped the fight. Some of
the punches connected with Coyle, sending
him to one knee.
For the late punches, Tyson was fined
$187,500. He was also reprimanded but not
fined for his comment towards Lennox Lewis
following the fight. Among the comments
were that Tyson was going to "rip out his
heart and feed it to him and "eat his chil-
Lady Pirate soccer eyeing
win over NC State
W.S. Childress
Even though the ECU Women's soccer
team graduated seven starters last year -all
of them defensive players-the Lady IMrates
could improve on their 11-S-l record
of last year.
With a talented class of freshmen, the
strongest class of defensive players to ever
come to ECU, the Lady Pirates do not
expect to lose much depth defensively.
Going into his second year as head
coach of Women's soccer at ECU, Rob
Donnenwirth expects to see steady
improvement throughout the year.
"We have a very cohesive team
Donnenwirth said. "Our seniors provide
solid leadership for the freshmen who
have come in and everyone has been
working extremely hard. This is one of
the most cohesive teams I have seen in
a while, and only a couple of weeks into
"Youth is our biggest strength but
may be our biggest weakness as well.
However, with our strong leadership, our
youth should turn out to be more of a
strength than a weakness. We have the
schedule and the talent to be able to get
to the NCAA tournament this year
This year's leaders on the I.ady Pirates'
squad are Kim Sandhoff and Charity
McClure-seniors who play outside mid-
Senior Kim Sandhoff is one of the few contributors from the 1999 squad that
returns in 2000 (file photo)
fielder and center midfielder respectivly.
"This year's team meshed immedi-
ately Sandhoff said. "Everyone is get-
ting along so well because of the great
personalities we have here. "
Coach Donnenwirth's dream of getting
to the NCAA tournament will be more dif-
ficult to achieve this year because the CAA
will not be allowing the ECU team to be
eligible for their Conference tournament.
For them to make the NCAA tournament,
they will have to receive an al-large bid.
Next year, the l.ady Pirates will be playing
in Conference-USA.
ECU faces North Carolina State Uni-
versity In Raleigh this Saturday with game
time scheduled for 1pm. A rivalry has
developed between the two programs due
to last year's close games-both of which
were won by the lady Pirates.
"We are definitely ready to play N(
State said McClure, who is looking
forward to this weekend's opener. "We
had one game go into overtime last year
and the other game was also very close.
A lot of Pirate fans came out to the game
to support us and helped us to win. This
weekend, we are hoping we am continue
our winning streak against the Wolf-
Last Saturday the lady Pirates defeated
George Washington University 5-2 in an
exhibition game played at Rocky Mount.
Their home opener will be against a
formidable Wake forest University on
Aug. 2').
This writer can be contacted at
Volleyball sees changes in 2000
Lady Pirates look forward to first
season under new head coach
Ryan Downev
This year's group of seniors have had a
tough time over the last three years. Last
season the Pirates finished 9-16, losing many
close games despite their hard work. Add to
that a coaching change or two, and you've
got a seasoned, battle-tested group.
This year the lady Pirates have a new
coaching staff. Colleen Farrell, who starts
her first full season with the pirates this year,
brings with her a winning attitude forged
while serving as an assistant at Western
"I'm excited said senior LuCinda Mason.
The Lady Pirate volleyball team will begin play Sept.
Fancy meeting you here
Warren Dixon, who was wanted on various felony drug
charges, took a little break from being a fugitive from
"Not only do we have a new team,
we have a new coach. It seems like
everybody has the heart and desire
to win. Everybody is pushing each
The team has a new attitude going
into this season, as well as three talented
freshman-Jessica Vick from Arlington
Tex Alexis Jones from Detroit, and
Shannon Paton from Raleigh.
They will be the first group of play-
ers to start their careers under the new
system being installed by Earrell and
her staff.
"I can't wait to play said senior
Cinta Claro. "Practices are more intense,
there's more heart. The coach really
puts her foot down. The staff is a lot
more involved, they play the games
and drills with us. She won't take bad
attitudes, and our good attitudes are
Since she arrived last spring, Farrell
has developed a system that will enable
the team to be less dependent on
individuals and more well-rounded
than in the past. Injuries to key person-
nel last year put the team in a tough
position late in the season.
"The athleticism is here Farrell
said. "We're just tapping into that now.
I think it was held back in the past
because of injuries. I am very pleased
with our depth at all positions, if some
one has to step in I believe we have
the athleticism at every class level to
do that
The team will begin the season
with three tournaments. The first is at
Winthrop, the second at Kansas and
the third at Maryland.
The team will also play a full slate
of games versus former conference foes.
Due to expulsion from the CAA the
Pirates will be unable to play in the
post-season conference tournament,
but the team does have an arrangement
that allows them to play a normal CAA
"I know if we beat some in the
conference then we would have been
able to beat them in the conference
tournament said Kary. There are a lot
of high expectations to do well
The lady Pirates home opener is at
2 p.m. Sept. 24.
This writer can be contacted
New Head Coach Colleon Farrell leads a Lady Pirate squad
experience, flile photo)
that is deep in
The Farrell File
Colleen Farrell
Alma Mater: Texas Arlington '93
1st year as ECU Women's Head Volleyh
Hometown: Glen Ellyn, 111.
Experience: 3 years Asst. Coach, Westei
Unwmity Health SyWem
�Softwora is fr�t, I
Howon Off' VOi

gust 24, 2000
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:ted at
Thursday, August 24,2000
The East Carolinian 7
Now hiring for
Ad Sales positions
The East Carolinian is now hiring
responsible students for part-time work
as Advertising Representatives. Apply for
positions at the Student Publications
Building (across from Joyner Library).
Woods doesn't use balls he endorses
inn us
and get a
a rewarding a
g career.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Tiger Woods endorses
"Nike Tour Accuracy" golf balls in TV and magazine
ads, but he really plays with custom-made balls
unavailable to everyday duffers, Nike Corporation
acknowledged Tuesday after being sued in federal
Nike Inc. said the balls Woods uses for his
monster swings that produce 300-plus-yard drives
have a slightly harder inner and outer core than the
balls sold to the public.
"Those two elements are slightly firmer than the
marketed ball Mike Kelly, marketing director for
Nike Golf, told The Associated Press.
Kelly said it's common practice in the golfing
world to sell the public different products than what
the pros really use.
"It's an industry practice to make minor specifica-
tion changes to golf products: irons, putters and
golf balls for tour players Kelly said. "Slight
specification and modifications need to be made to
their equipment for their game
But other leading names in golf say their custom-
ers get exactly what their pros endorse.
Joe Gomes, a spokesman for'litleist, of lairhaven,
Mass said its players use the same products they
advertise. And if a player uses a "tweaked" version of a
club, he said, a consumer could special order it.
"We are very particular about our advertisements.
We don't make any claims that cannot be substantiated
in both golf balls and clubs Gomes said.
Callaway Golf of Carlsbad, Calif said that if one of
its golf pros says he uses a certain club, that identical
club is available retail. Spokesman Larry Dorman did
say, however, that in February, one of its golf balls
had a different number of dimples on it than the ones
its pros used.
That occurred, he said, because Callaway was
awaiting approval of the new ball by the United States
Golfing Association, so the company's pros were briefly
forbidden from using it in tournaments.
"We used a prototype with a different number of
dimples Dorman said. "As a result, for a very short
period of time, there was a little bit of a lapse from
what was being marketed. We were very up front
about it
Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, did not immediately
return a call requesting comment on the lawsuit.
Healthcare is a growing and exciting career field. As a volunteer, you can get a head start by
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8 The East Carolinian
Thursday, August 24,2000
Knight critic takes leave due to threats
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP)-Murray Sperber, a garrulous academic
has spent the most recent years of his career on the faculty at Indiana
University arguing that big-time sports programs are alien monsters
devouring the campuses of America's colleges and universities.
But when he took on Indiana's biggest sports celebrity, basketball
coach Bob Knight, he found his worst fears being realized in his own
back yard.
In the wake of critical public comments Sperber made about Knight
Bloomington police are investigating threats against him, including calls
to his office and home and Internet postings. One caller to Sperber's home
said, "If you don't shut up, I'm going to shut you up
That hostility has persuaded the 59-year-old professor of Knglish and
American studies to take an unpaid leave of absence for the fall semester.
Sperber said he declined a dean's offer to post guards in his classroom-
"I just can't teach like that
The situation has added to the school's host of troubles over Knight,
who has been put on probation for his sometimes questionable behavior
Faculty members, already fuming over what they see as Knight-inflicted
damage to Indiana's reputation, are incensed over the threats against
Sperber, regarding them as a blow to the right of free expression on
Last month 165 faculty members cited Sperber's case in a letter to
university President Myles Brand urging him to defend the free-speech
rights of faculty members on campus.
Administration spokesman Christopher Simpson has said that Brand
has been "unequivocal" in responding to the threats against Sperber He
said he detests any action like this whatsoever Simpson said. "I'm not
sure how much stronger he can be
David Pisoni, a professor of psychology and cognitive science,
said the entire episode is hurting the university. "This is not Bobby
Knight University, even though it comes off that way" he said. "We
have an academic mission that is being minimized and sidelined from
all this stuff
Music professor emeritus Keith Brown said he was so disgusted by
Knight that he recently returned to the president's office an official scroll
he received when he retired in 1997. "I was very honestly embarrassed
to be a part of Indiana University" he said.
Knight's volatility has spawned numerous controversies during
his 29 years as Indiana's coach, but allegations in March by former
player Neil Reed that Knight choked him at a 1997 practice invited
a flood of other complaints and eventually brought sanctions from
the board of trustees.
As the allegations unfolded, Sperber was in demand as the university's
most outspoken Knight critic. "There's been one set of rules for everyone
in this university and another set for Bob Knight" Sperber told the
Associated Press as the board conducted its investigation.
In May, Knight was suspended for three games in the upcoming
season and put on a "zero-tolerance" probation-meaning he's subject
to immediate dismissal. Sperber said the administration should have
fired the coach and "missed a chance" to assert that this is primarily
an academic institution
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Other colleges attended:
Previous college activities:
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soronty pledging and initiation to Panhellenic or the appropriate sorority when necessary.
My termination from Rush or membership in a sorority will void this release.
Student Signature

jgust 24, 2000
Thursday, August 24,2000
www. theeastcarolinian. com
The East Carolinian 9
3BR. 2BA spacious condo with
male & female, new appliances, newly
renovated, near ECU. Respond ASAP.
Call Ashley at 695-0537
ROOM FOR rent. Use of washer and
dryer and kitchen. Prefer graduate
student. Deposit required. $300mo
Call 756-0631.
WALK TO ECU 1 bedroom apt.
$300-$325month. Available now.
125 Avery St. or 705 East First Street.
Call 758-6596
1 BR-2BR. water 6 cable included.
DW 6 disposal. ECU bus line, pool it
pvt. laundry. On-site mgmt & main-
tenance. 9 or 12 mo. leases. Pets
allowed. 758-4015.
ECU AREA 3 or 4 bedroom house.
Central heatair, fenced yard, off street
parking, garage, pets OK. $78000.
Call 830-9502 leave a message.
Now Taking Leases for 1 bedroom,
2 bedroom & Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
2 BEDROOM apartments for rent
near college. Call 756-1050.
ROOMS AVAILABLE in quiot home
in Ayden County Club Drive. $225.00
monthly, utilities included, responsible
for own long distance phone calls
Quiet mature male graduate student
anly. Call Bill, 746-2103.
needed ASAP, two bedroom, one bath
$175 monthly plus half utilities and
phone. On ECU bus route. Must be
non-smoker and friendly Call Kristy
TWO ROOMMATES needed to share
3 bedroom house 1 block from cam-
pus. Rent160month, 13 of utilities
and phone Call Amanda. 413-6953.
MALE OR female roommate needed
to share 3 bedroom townhouse with
male and female. 3 BR. 2 5 hath,
spacious townhouse in Twin Oaks off
of Greenville Blvd. and 14tK St. Rent
is $200 per month plus 13 of the
utilities, cable, and phone. Preferably
non-smoker, clean, and studious. Call
RESPONSIBLE MALE or female room-
mate needed to share spacious house.
Rent: $225 per month plus one share
of utilities Must see to appreciate
Contact Dawn at 830-8828.
bedroom house. Close to campus.
$225m 13 utilities. Call Anna or
Missy at 752-2616
needed ASAP for 2 BR apt 12 rent
and utilities. Call 931-9116. if no
answer, leave message.
FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted (prefer
undergrad student) to share 2 BR
apartment in Wilson Acres (5 blocks
from campus). $280m 12 electric
and phone. Call Anna at 329-9102.
QUEEN SIZE waterbed frame with
bookcase headboard. $100. Call
9-PIECE Red Ludwig drum set with
drum rack, many cymbalsstands.
Road cases for everything Like new,
$1,300 OBO Also Fender PA system
like new $800 OBO 695-0395 for
USED BUNDY Clarinet for sale! Good
for marching band or concert band.
Call 329-0653.
AAAA! EARLY Specials! Spring Break
Bahamas Party Cruise! 5 days $279!
Includes meals, parties! Awesome
beaches, nightlife! Departs Florida!
Get group - go free! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386
LARGE DORM refrigerator for sale,
3.6 cubic ft. compact refrigerator 1
year old. Includes freezer $120 or
best offer. 561-8546
AAAA! SPRING Break Specials! Can-
cun & Jamaica from $389! Air. hotel,
free meals, drinks! Award winning
company! Group leaders free! Florida
vacations $129! springbreaktrav- 1-800-678-6386.
QUEEN SIZE waterbed. Includes
waveless 1 year old mattress, liner
(new), frame, headboard, 8 drawer
captains pedestal and healer. Very
comfortable! Bedroom suite in one!
$300. Call 355-3404.
DODGE COLT, 1987. hatchback, light
blue, stick shift, no air. just inspected-
good condition. 160,000 miles. $900
OBO Phone 830-1960 or 328-6475,
ask for Mary Alice
Hockey Rink Attendant. The Greenville
Recreation and Parks Department is
recruiting individuals willing to work
15-30hrs. a week with some back-
ground knowledge in one or more
of the following areas: in-line skat-
ing, skateboarding or in-line hockey.
Applicants will be responsible for
overseeing both the skate park and
in-line hockey rink at the Jaycee Park.
The SkateBike park is open Tuesday-
Friday from 2p.m. until dark, and
Saturdays 10 a.m. until dark and Sun-
day from 12 noon until dark. Salary
rates range from $5.50 to $6.50 per
hour For more information, please
call Dean Foy, Judd Crumpler or
Ben James at 329-4550 after 2p.m.
student to pick up my child from his
school and keep in my home from
2:30 to 6:00. Monday through Friday
Please call Donna Walker at 758-9240
after 6.00 p.m. to inquire.
needed Sunday mornings
9:15-12:15. Additional hours avail-
able. Jarvis Memorial United Meth-
odist Church. 510 S. Washington St
Apply at church office. Office hours
8a.m12noon. and 1:30-5p.m.
Fall Tennis Clinics 96-1017 Youth
Clinics: ages 6-7. 8-9. 10-14, 15-18
Adult clinics for beginner through
advanced. Registration starts 822.
91.3 WZMB is now taking applica-
tions for sportscasters and newscast-
ers. Applications may be picked up
at the radio station located in the
basement of Mendenhall Student
Center. Monday-Friday 8a.m. to 5p.m
SPRINGBREAK 2001 Hiring on-cam-
pus reps. Sell trips, earn cash; go
free Student Travel Services. Ameri-
ca's �1 student tour operator. Jamaia,
Mexico. Bahamas, Europe, Florida.
1-800-648-4849. www.gosprmg-
.t os r.i tanr
Looking for some extra money (best
pay on campus!) and a way to improve
academically? Do you have 3.0 or
better GPA? Become a tutor for the
Office of Student Development-Ath-
letics? We need individuals capable
of tutoring any Level (0001-5999)
in all subject areas. Undergraduate
students are paid six dollars an hour
($6) and graduate students are paid
seven dollars an hour ($7). If this
sounds like the job for you, please
contact Jennifer Sawyer at 328-4550
for further information.
DUE TO expanding business. Golden
Corral is now hiring in all positions,
full & part-time. Benefits available.
Apply in person 2-4p.m, M-Th. 504
SW Greenville Blvd. No phone calls
YOUTH IN-LINE Hockey Coaches. The
Greenville Recreation & Parks Depart-
ment is recruiting part time youth
In-Line Hockey coaches. Applicants
must possess some knowledge of
the hockey skills and have the ability
and patience to work with youth
Applicants must be able to coach
young people ages 5-15 in hockey
fundamentals. This program will run
Irom early October to mid-Decem-
ber Salary rates start at $5.15 per
hour Applications will be taken until
the positions are filled For more infor-
mation, please call Judd Crumpler,
Dean Foy or Ben James at 329-4550
between 2-7p.m Monday-Friday.
available to work with 1 yr old part-
time. Flexible day hours. Must have
experience. Call 531-4107.
ATHNET EVENT Services, formerly
known as Staff One Events, will be
hosting a job fair for ECU football
and basketball games, as well as
other events, on August 24, 31 and
September 5. The job fairs will be
held at Minges Coliseum from 5-8:30
p.m. For more information, call 1-888-
WANTED: MUST be able to work
afternoons & weekends. Apply at the
Washpub. Friday 3-5 p.m. 752-5222.
reliable and responsible college edu-
cated individual to help 2 children,
ages 7 & 9. with homework and trans-
portation to extracurricular activities
Tues. Wed. Thurs. 2:30-6:30p.m.
Non-smoker. Must have your own
transportation. Salary $9.00hr. Send
resume to: Greenville Eye Clinic. Attn
Dr. Price. Bldg. 1, Doctors Park. Green-
ville, NC 27834 or fax to 758-5456
Attn Dr. Price
WANTED: PAYING $700hr. for
qualified telemarketers No Friday or
Saturday work. Hours 5:30-9 p.m.
Sunday-Thursday. Call Energy Savers
Windows & Doors, Inc. at 758-8700
for appointment
Women's Basketball. East Carolina
University. Responsibilities include
filming home games and practices,
maintaining equipment inventory,
assisting with game day activities,
and other duties as assigned by the
coaching staff. Prefer an individual
(male or female) with a strong work
ethic and desire to be part of an
athletic program. Person will travel
with the team. Inquiries: Contact
Barry Ferrell, ECUWB, 252-328-4586.
Stipend for the year.
the Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department 15-25 hours per week
Starts 831. Call Chris at 329-4559
Clinics start 96
DO YOU Need a good job? -The
ECU Telefund is hiring students to
contact alumni and parents for the
ECU Annual Fund. $5.50 hour plus
bonuses. Make your own schedule.
If interested, call 328-4212. M-TH
between the hours of 3-6 p.m.
WORK STUDY Help Wanted Joyner
Library has work study jobs available
to fit your schedule. Bring your work
study hiring authorization form, class
schedule, and social security card
and driving license to Joyner Library,
room 2400.
in person at Mattress Plus, 606 E
Arlington Blvd. Mature, responsible,
clean-cut need only apply. No phone
calls please.
escorts and dancers. Earn as much
as $500 to $1000 a week. Call
school childcare and carpool for four
school-age children. Experience pre-
ferred. Call Janice, 329-8406.
THERMAL GARD is currently seeking
highly motivated, energetic individ-
uals to join our growing team! We
are looking for full and part-time
employees for our Call Center. Our
benefits include: salary 6 bonus
checks, paid training, daily incentives
& weekly prizes, $50 for good
attendance. Blue Cross Blue Shields
insurance and great work environ-
ment. Better call now because these
positions will be filled soon and you
will have missed out on this excellent
opportunity. Call: 355-0210.
COAChes. The Greenville Recreation
& Parks Department is recruiting
for 12 to 16 parttime youth soccer
coaches for the outdoor youth soccer
prograM. APPLICants must possess
some knowledge of the soccer skills
and have the ability and PATIENCE
TO work with youth. Applicants must
be able to coach young people ages
5-15 in soccer fundamentals. Flexible
hours according to class schedule.
Hours are from 3p.m. until 7p.m
WITH SOME NIGHT and weekend
coaching. This program will run from
September to Mid November. Salary
rates start at $5.25 per hour. Starting
date August 2: closing date is after
POSITIONS are filled. Applications
should be forwarded to Ben James,
Dean Foy. Judd Crumpler, Athletic
Dept Greenville Recreation 6 Parks
Department. PO Box 7207. Greenville
NC 27835.
EARN EXTRA $$$$ while at ECU.
Consistently recruiting for clerical
and industrial openings in Greenville.
Call Mega Force Staffing today!
PART-TIME MAIntenance person
needed for rental property. Hours
flexible. Call 756-1050.
AFTER SCHOOL caregiver needed.
Part-time caregiver needed for after
school. Two children ages 13 and
8. Reliable car a must. Please call
758-3077 after 6 p.m or 758-5854
during the day.
LOCAL ONLINE entertainment E-line
now hiring writers for features,
reviews, sports and movie columns.
Also hiring models for t-shirts and
Learn any style of music!
First month half price.
Call 493-0063.
FALL RETREAT sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ will be held in Myr-
tle Beach. South Carolina, September
8-10. Vist for details.
BELLY DANCE for fun and fitness!
Beginner classes start Tuesday Sept. 5.
Call Donna. 355-5150 to register. Time
5:30-7:00. limited to 10 students!
RUSH GAMMA Sigma Sigma National
Service Sorority! If you enjoy service
and meeting new people, come to
Great Room 3 in Mendenhall either on
August 23 at 8p.m. or August 24 at
7p.m. Anyone interested is welcome.
For more information, contact Michelle
at 756-4773 or
or visit us at http:gammasigmasig-
THE BROTHERS of Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon would like to welcome everyone
back to campus and say that we look
forward to an exciting year.
NEED RIDE to Raleigh for weekends.
Will pay for gas. Please feel free to call
758-3726 and ask for Alphons.
EXERCISE WISELY for Faculty and
Staff. Aug 7-0ct 8 MonWedFri
12:05pm-12:50pm. An enormously
popular. 45 minute, noon aerobic
adventure for faculty and staff. Free
to members. $25nonmembers. Reg-
ister now! Join the fun and fitness.
For more information please call
BACKPACKING IS the perfect fall
activity and ECU Recreational Serv-
ices is offering up two great trips.
The first trip will be to the George
Washington National Forest, Va. Sept.
1-4. Registration deadline is Aug. 25.
Next will be a trip to Mt. Rogers. Va.
Sept.29-Oct.1. Registration deadline
is Aug .22. The cost for each trip is
$45 for members. So, dust off those
hiking boots, pack your bag. get off
the road and hit the trail for some
adventure. For more information
please call 328-6387.
Relaxation Yoga- Beginner. Treat your-
self to the relaxation you deserve. Ses-
sion I, Sept.6-Oct.18 Weds 4:00pm-
5:15pm. Session II Sept.7-Oct.19
Thurs 5:30pm-6:45pm. Registration
is Aug.16-Sept.5 and the cost is
$15mem-$25nonmem. For more
information please call 328-6387.
Aug.7-0ct.8 TuesThurs 5:30pm-
6:30pm and Sat 10:00am-11:00am.
Plunge into shape with a light impact,
full-body workout. The cost is $25 for
nonmembers. Register now! For more-
information please cert 3260387
COME AND experience ECU Infra
murals Aug.22. 10am-6pm Kickbali;
Tournament Registration. SRC 128
Aug.22. 9pm Flag Football Officials'
Meeting. SRC 202. Aug.24,4pm King
and Queen of the Halls. MSC Brick
yard. For more information please'
call 328-6387
SEA KAYAKING at Cape Lookout
Sept 2-4. Come experience North;
Carolina's outdoor sport of choice
Registration deadline is Aug. 25 and
the cost is $45 to members. For more
information please call 328-6387.
THE LAMBDA Mu chapter of Zeta;
Phi Beta Sorority Inc. would like to;
thank everyone for coming to our
party at the Maxx last Thursday. It �
was a success. Also everyone who!
made it to the cookout Friday, thanks'
for the support
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Mendeiilidii Stutieiii Center
F. A D
MiOlV I jE;S
The Emerging Leaders Program is a srx-
session, noivcredit course designed to
develop leadership abilities m uc-arxKom-
mg first year students. Applications are
available m 109 M8C and must be turned in
by August 28.2000. Contact Student
Leadership at 3284796 for information
The Cider House Rules(PG-13) Toby Maguire plays
Homer Wets, an orphan who leaves everything he's ever
know in search of stability, security, and rules to live by
AUGUST 24-26 AT 7:30 PM AND AUGUST 27 AT 3:00
Next FndayR) Ice Cube returns to the screen when Craig
and his cousin Day-Day dodge Debo their gangster neigh-
bors, and some very angry women in the hilarious sequel
to Friday. Get m free with one guest when you ore sent
your valid ECU One Card.
Get to know the real Einstein when Len
Barren delivers "Walking Lightly a Portrait
of Einstein his one-man tribute to the his-
torical genius. Admission is free to students
plus one guest on presentation of
a valid ECU One Card.
yl I AUOU8T26
Q The Pirate
Charlotte-based artist Keith Bryant's
A Loan S ECU will feature small-
to-medium wall sculptures that are
involved with the exploration of sys-
tems A closing reception will be held
on September 21 from 6 until 8 p.m
The ECU Adult Commuter Ustserv
allows students over 24 to receive
campus information and weekly
updates, and post information
lO )hdi!r:d�( � � i r
students through personal e-mail
accounts. For information contact
Adult and Commuter Services at
The Pirate Underground will feature the
mellow, alternative sounds of Cornered by
the Muse. This alcohoUree, smoke-free
coffeehouse environment offers an alternative
to the downtown scene. Admission is free and
so are refreshments and billiards playing time
We've got a staffed, online, computer lab with 44 PCs and
Macs, color and laser printers, and cozy study lounges
and nooks throughout the building
Dining o
Aramark i
102 da
Labor Day
closed on
The Pir
Durham ai
game start
Wallace W
Fall serr
about 17,8
University I
officials hac
released Ai
about 2 pei
18,222. EC
of about 1 fi
Dr. Robe
ning and in
total reflect:
freshmen ai
uate studen
academic pi
men that wi
In additk
there are mi
in distance-
175 from a j
(well, at LEAST THE CD
college account. And a free check card, free use
of Wachovia ATMs (they're all over the place) and free
Online Banking. Try to find another bank that gives
you all this, plus the music of Train, Josh Joplin, Stir
and 10 other artists.
to open a college account and receive a
fresh co. stop by any branch. or for more
details, check out www.wachovia.cnm
'One CD per account, while supplies lasi.
Wachovia Bank, N.A is a member FD1C.
Account subject to approval �Wachovia Corporation
is a one-mar
ture Len Ban
performed a
sachusetts n
Col has spe
country and
at schools, lit
Student adm
p.m. Wednes
Student Cent
for the weeke
A lecture a
Thursday, Auc
Jenkins Fine A
art gallery exr
Nancy Baker,
will participati
for their "Sen:
lery. A recepti
gram. The exr
Sept. 23. All e
free and open
able in the Ma
of the art builc
lery director, a
Do you thii
Vote online al
Co online e
online survi
online i

The East Carolinian, August 24, 2000
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 24, 2000
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