The East Carolinian, July 5, 2000

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Wednesday July 5, 2000
The East Carolinian
Chancellor search
The Chancellor Search Committee, in as-
sistance with the AT. Kearney Executive
Search Firm of Alexandria, Va will meet
Thursday, July 13 to begin developing
strategies and a timetable for selecting
a new chancellor.
Summer theatre
The second production for the East
Carolina Summer Theatre is "Misalli-
ance a comedy written by George Ber-
nard Shaw. The play is directed by Rob-
ert Caprio of the department of theatre
and dance. The play opens tonight and
continues its run in McGinnis Theatre
through Saturday. For ticket informa-
tion, call the theatre box office at 328-
Freshman orientation
An orientation program for first-year stu-
dents who will enroll at ECU this fall
begins today. The welcome session, fea-
turing remarks by Chancellor Richard
Eakin, is at 1 p.m. in the Wright Audito-
rium. Contact Orientation and the First-
Year Experience at 328-4173 for more
Dennis Hasten to speak
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert will
address students at a luncheon on be-
half of the ECU Republicans from 11:30
a.m. - noon on Thursday, July 6 in the
Greenville Hilton. It is unknown if this
meeting is open to the public.
High of 92
Low of 70
Should all colleges make
U.S. history a requirement
for undergrade?
Yes or No: Celebrities should always honor
their commitments?
36 Yes 64 No
o & g ft
WASHINGTON (AP)-Do the words "Give
me liberty or give me death" sound only
vaguely familiar? Do you think Thomas
Jefferson was the "Father of the Constitu-
If so, you're not alone.
Nearly 80 percent of seniors at 55 top col-
leges and universities including Harvard and
Princeton received a D or F on a 34-ques-
tion, high-school level American history test
that contained historical references like
More than a third of the students didn't
know the Constitution established the divi-
sion of power in American government, ac-
cording to the Center for Survey Research
and Analysis at the University of Connecti-
cut, which administered the test as part of a
study to measure the teaching of American
Students were much more knowledgeable
about popular culture. For example, 99 per-
cent of the seniors could identify profane
adolescents Beavis and Butthead as "televi-
sion cartoon characters But only 23 per-
cent identified James Madison as the princi-
pal framer of the Constitution.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn la-
mented the findings. Quoting Jefferson, he
said that "if a nation expects to be ignorant
and free it expects what never was and never
will be
"This nation seems well on its way to test-
ing this proposition Lieberman said.
The study, sponsored by the American
Council of Trustees and Alumni, found none
of the 55 schools require American history
for graduation. And only 78 percent of the
schools require students to take any history
classes, according to Jerry Martin, one of the
report's authors.
"These students are allowed to graduate
as if they didn't know the past existed
Martin said.
see HISTORY, page 2
A recent study conducted by the American Council of Trustees and
Alumni found many of the U.Ss top college students rank poorly
when tested on U.S. history, (photo by Shane Cranford)
The following are sample US. history
questions similar to those missed by some
of the country's top college students
1. What treaty ended the War of 1812?
a. Versailles: b. Ghent c. Mayflower Compact:
d. Appomattox
2. Which was the last state admitted to the Union
on Aug. 21, 1959?
a. Alaska: b. Hawaii: c. Texas: d. Puerto Rico
3. What treaty ended World War I?
a. Versailles: b. Ghent: c. Mayflower Compact
4. ,On May 25. 1883 President Chester A. Arthur
was on hand to open what was then considered
the Eighth Wonder of the World What structure
was it?
a. Washington Monument b. Empire State
Building: c. Brooklyn Bridge: d. Statue of Liberty
5. Who was known as The Father of the
a. Franklin: b. Madison: c. Jefferson: d. Adams
6. What administration sponsored the New
a. Jackson: b. F. Roosevelt c. Wilson:
d. L Johnson
see QUIZ, page 4

2 The East Carolinian
Wednesday July 5, 2000
history tmpsge 1 N.C. State police chief retires early
Later this week, Lieberman,
Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash and
Reps. Thomas Petri, R-Wis and
George Miller, D-Calif plan to
introduce a resolution calling on
boards of trustees, college admin-
istrators and state officials to
strengthen American history re-
quirements in all levels of the
educational system.
Martin's group has been work-
ing to try to get colleges and uni-
versities to stress American his-
tory, but does not advocate a par-
ticular curriculum.
Within the last two years, the
State University of New York sys-
tem agreed to add American his-
tory to its core curriculum.
The problem also must be ad-
dressed in elementary schools,
said James C. Rees, who oversees
former President George
Washington's estate in Mount
Vernon, Va. "George Washington
has been virtually eliminated
from elementary school text-
books Rees said.
The history test was given by
telephone to 556 college seniors
chosen at random. The questions
were drawn from a basic high
school curriculum.
RALEIGH (AP)�North Caro-
lina State University's police chief
retired sooner than expected and
has been stripped of his duties in
the fallout of allegations involv-
ing questionable purchases by his
Ralph Lex Harper, 61, gave the
university a letter of resignation
that took effect June 30. He had
intended to retire from the uni-
versity Sept. 1 after nearly 11
years as head of NCSU's public
safety agency.
NCSU Chancellor Marye Anne
Fox said that Harper had been
"relieved of his duties" but is be-
ing allowed to retire.
Harper's supervisor, Jeff Mann,
associate vice chancellor for busi-
ness, is being reassigned to a new
position determined Monday,
Fox said. Mann had been
Harper's boss throughout his ten-
Since July 1994, Harper has
used $2.2 million in unspent sal-
ary and benefit money to help
buy hundreds of thousands of
dollars in electronics gear such as
TVs and stereos, vehicles, fur-
nishings and leather goods. Some
of those items have been confis-
Trying to get your
foot in the door')
If you are looking to build your resume, the East Carolin-
ian is now hiring responsible students for part-time work
as Advertising Representatives. Apply for positions at the
Student Publications Building (across from Joyner Library).
NCSU Chancellor Marye
Anne Fox said that
Harper had been "re-
lieved of his duties" but is
being allowed to retire.
cated from employee homes, in-
cluding Harper's.
"The News & Observer" of Ra-
leigh reported the questionable
purchases Sunday, June 24
prompting inquiries and state
"There have been rather seri-
ous allegations that we are wait-
ing for an opinion from such as
the state auditor and the State
Bureau of Investigation, and we
felt it prudent to remove both the
person against whom the allega-
tions are lodged and his imme-
diate supervisor from the direct
operation of the department
while those investigations con-
tinue Fox said.
Harper has been away from his
post for the past month and is
recuperating from back surgery.
He could not be reached for com-
ment at the time of this story.
Mann said he had no com-
ment about his transfer. He has
been an associate vice chancel-
lor since 1989 and had hired
Harper later that year.
Fox named Assistant Director
Terry Wright to lead the depart-
ment until a new chief is hired.
The university plans a national
search this summer.
The university also has re-
moved 34 items of electronic
gear, ranging from TVs to laptops
to a voice-changing telephone,
that are not needed by the de-
partment. They are being dis-
persed to other departments.
Harper's spending has caused
state legislators to demand a bet-
ter accounting of the lapsed sal-
ary and benefit money accrued
by universities. Fox said she
wants senior administrators to
"personally ensure that lapsed
salary (money) support core pro-
grams within their areas She
also wants quarterly reports of
the expenditures.
An internal audit in 1997
alerted Mann to questionable
spending in the public safety de-
partment as well as more than $1
million in lapsed salary and ben-
efit money that Harper had spent
on non-personnel items.
June 29
Auto Accident - a student re-
ported her vehicle was
damaged while parked in
the upper lot at Minges.
After investigating, it was
found that a non-student
struck the student's vehicle.
He was issued a state cita-
tion for failure to stop at the
scene of an accident.
June 30
Second Degree Trespassing -
a non-student was arrested
for second degree trespass-
ing after he was found in-
toxicated on campus. The
non-student was banned
from campus earlier in the
week for being intoxicated
and disruptive.
July 1
Careless and Reckless Driving
- a student was issued a
state citation for careless
and wreckless driving after
he was observed driving at
a high rate of speed.
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Vowing not
of Novembe
lapse, Texas
Bowen on Fr
on hold for
and orde
downsizing I
Bowen also d
dents who p
many Aggi
most revered
a change of
onstrate a wil
his terms for
and if bonfir
said, it will re
smaller "teef
will resemble
built in the 1!
"I think the i
driven as mui
served the hi
our campus i
thing else B
Nov. 18 collai
students and
Reaction to Bo
ment ranged
support to di:

Wednesday July 5, 2000
The East Carolinian 3
Texas A&M bonfire suspended for two years
(Knight-Rldder Tribune)-
Vowing not to tolerate a repeat
of November's fatal bonfire col-
lapse, Texas A&M President Ray
Bowen on Friday put the event
on hold for at least two years
and ordered a drastic
downsizing before it can be re-
Bowen also demanded that stu-
dents who participate in what
many Aggies consider their
most revered tradition undergo
a change of culture and dem-
onstrate a willingness to accept
his terms for the revival. When
and if bonfire returns, Bowen
said, it will revert to a simpler,
smaller "teepee" design that
will resemble the stacks of logs
built in the 1950s.
"I think the decision today is
driven as much by having ob-
served the horror that visited
our campus as much as any-
thing else Bowen said of the
Nov. 18 collapse that killed 12
students and injured 27.
Reaction to Bowen's announce-
ment ranged from relief and
support to disbelief and criti-
"It does not take two years to decide how to build
a teepee-style bonfire. I'm sorry, but it doesn't
Joe Barton
U.S. Representative (R)
Many former students said they
are happy that the bonfire was
not eliminated. But others are
disappointed the bonfire will be
canceled for two years. Some
say the university can solve
safety problems and still have
a bonfire this fall.
U.S. Rep. oe Barton, an A&M
graduate and a professional en-
gineer who once represented
the College Station area,
praised Bowen's announce-
ment of added safety proce-
dures, but said he strongly dis-
agrees with halting the bonfire
until 2002.
Barton, an Ennis, Texas, Repub-
lican, said there is no safety jus-
tification to stop the bonfire for
two years because the planned
teepee design for the logs
"eliminated the largest struc-
tural problem
"It does not take two years to
decide how to build a teepee-
style bonfire. I'm sorry, but it
doesn't" he said.
Barton said that A&M officials
told him that Bowen's decision
to cancel the bonfire for two
years is really a way to halt stu-
dent trends with the bonfire
that Bowen doesn't like.
"He's trying to break the cul-
ture of some of the student
leadership Barton said. "He
wants to break that chain. But
there is another way to break it
without stopping the bonfire
Bowen insists that the new ver-
sion will be designed by a li-
censed engineer, with only one
layer or stack, versus the six that
comprised the 1999 bonfire,
and students will only be al-
lowed to work on the project
for two weeks each fall.
Perhaps the most jarring
change will be the elimination
of the so-called cut site, where
students chop down logs and
then haul them to the campus.
Cut sites have been the scene
of numerous reported injuries of
students through the years.
A live band every Saturday
night at the new
This Saturday, Mark Gray will play 9pm-until. Only
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Emergency personnel place a sheet over
Texas A&M bonfire that killed 12 students
from Knight-Ridder Tribune)
debris from the
Nov. 18. (photo
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4 The East Carolinian
Wednesday July 5. 2000
Human genome map complete quiz
from page 1
what Bill Clinton called the big-
gest scientific advance of the cen-
tury, two groups of rival scientists
jointly announced on Monday
that they have succeeded in de-
ciphering the human genome 47
years after the structure of DNA
was first discovered.
The genome-the set of instruc-
tions that defines an organism-
consists of two sets of 23 giant
DNA molecules. Each set con-
tains a total of 3 billion chemi-
cal units.
Clinton described the research
as "one of the most important,
most wondrous maps ever pro-
duced by humankind
Two rival groups � the Celera
Corporation and the Human
Genome Project, or HGP, were
responsible for the discovery, the
result of a two year race to map
the genome.
"It ranks with Watson and
Crick's discovery of DNA said
C. Robertson McClung, a Profes-
sor of Biology at the College.
"It will have a huge impact in
the study of disease and health
care as well as the understanding
of human biology and the biol-
ogy of a number of animals he
The Dartmouth Ethics Insti-
tute, coincidentally, has been
hosting a two-week long Faculty
Summer Institute on teaching
the implications of the Human
Genome Project that began on
June 19.
The project is intended to
study the ethical, legal and social
implications genome mapping is
likely to produce and is intended
to train teachers from other col-
leges and universities interested
in developing and teaching
multi-disciplinary ethics courses.
The Institute has sponsored
lectures addressing questions
such as "Why should we study
genes? "Who should have ac-
cess to my genome? "Who
owns the genome? and "Should
we be changing our genes?"
One of the most important
ethical worries posed by this dis-
covery is genetic discrimination.
Although the image of a "Brave
New World" in which genetic
testing is used in everything from
college admission to job inter-
views is troublesome, it seems far
away and difficult to imagine.
Yet, there are a number of more
likely issues that may result.
Many specifically question the
future of insurance coverage. Pri-
vacy issues involved in an insur-
ance company's right to know an
individual's genetic predisposi-
tion to disease in order to set rates
have many ethicists worried.
One of the most contested im-
plications of genome mapping is
prenatal testing. While doctors
already have the ability to test for
diseases such as Downs Syn-
drome, there are fears that these
tests will multiply until qualities
such as height and IQ are tested
for and, consequently, geneti-
cally engineered.
Although the technology for
this engineering has yet to be
developed, questions like this
have spawned as much appre-
hension as excitement over
Monday's recent announcement.
Many scientists have also felt
a certain chagrin that a commer-
cial rival upstaged the Human
Genome Project, an altruistic and
open venture.
7. Which president was in office when the Great Depression started?
a. Hoover; b. F. Roosevelt; c. Cleveland, d. McKinley
8. Which great Yankee slugger died on Aug. 16, 1948�five days after the 25th
anniversary of Yankee Stadium?
a. Babe Ruth; b. Joe DiMaggio, c. Ted Williams; d. Lou Gating
9. Which of the defenders of the Alamo was also a one time Congressman
from Tennessee?
a. Jim Bowie; b. Henry Clay; c. Daniel Boone, d. Davy Crockett
10. Virginia Dare was the first child of English blood born in the Mew World at
this ill-starred colony in the 1580s.
a. Jamestown; b. Roanoke; c. Massachusetts Bay. d. Plymouth
11. Which amendment to the Constitution gives people the right to a
speedy trial?
a. 1st Amendment; b. 3rd; c. 5th. d. 6th
12. Which of these men was not present at O.K. Corral in Tombstone Ariz on
Oct. 26. 1881?
a. Wyatt Earp. b. Doc Holliday, c. Billy Clanton, d. Pat Garret!
(Questions taken from U.S. History Interactive at www.geocities com

I 6
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stories: g
heroes i
The trag
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know th
A. Dijeaa
Bush si
Capital puni
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realized that tl
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Texas inmatt
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George W. Bush e

Wednesday July 5, 2000
The East Carolinian 5
But given
the right
history is
one long
collection of
stories: great
heroes and
The tragedy
lies in how
few of us
know that.
Question: Did Thomas Jefferson sign the Constitu-
Most of you probably said yes, and you are no dif-
ferent than most college students in this country. A re-
cent study conducted by the University of Connecticut
has shown the world just how ignorant 'educated'
America is about its past.
The truth is, Thomas Jefferson was not even in the
country during the signing of the Constitution. Even
though this may be a petty fact from a time long ago,
before you shrug your shoulders and go back to your
sitcoms, think for a minute about what your limited
historical knowledge means.
It means you've been slighted. Most students think
of history as a list of places, dates and people that do
boring things to make boring subjects of boring text-
books. But given the right teacher, history is one long
collection of exciting stories: great battles, heroes and
scandals. The tragedy lies in how few of us know that.
Instead of placing the blame on lazy, nonchalant
students, TEC would like to remind history teachers how
much most of us like to learn when the information is
interesting, when it doesn't come from a book, and
when homework doesn't mean multiple-choice ques-
tions taken from the end of the chapter. Perhaps
America's youth knows no history because of lazy, non-
chalant teachers.
Gasoline prices: what's up?
Bush shouldn't support death penalty
Capital punishment is a very con-
troversial topic in America. Some call
it a deterrent and others call it slaugh-
ter. I'm going to call it what it is-
murder in the first. Some people are
sentenced to death and then it is later
realized that the convicted person
was innocent. Do we want to take
that chance with people? Shouldn't
we have a greater respect for life?
Texas inmate Gary Graham was
executed two weeks ago by lethal in-
jection. Graham had to pay the ulti-
mate price because he was convicted
of a murder in 1981. There are a few
things wrong with his case that drew
national attention. First, his convic-
tion was primarily based on the testi-
mony of one person. One person?
Maybe I have been watching shows
like "The Practice" for too long, but I
thought it took more than one
person's testimony to prove one's
guilt, let alone send a person to death
Second, there were two individu-
als who later came forward to testify
that they knew Graham did not com-
mit that murder. This should have
hastened an immediate call by the
governor to stop the execution but,
the campaigning Texas governor
George W. Bush expressing no inter-
est in delaying Graham's execution.
Many observer speculate that his in-
activity was motivated by a fear that
he would have suffered a severe po-
litical blow had he intervened. I
think it's a blow to the cause of jus-
tice that Graham died.
National figures such as Jesse Jack-
son went to Texas to plead Graham's
case along with other politicians,
Democrats and Republicans alike.
The governor of Illinois even spoke
against the execution of Graham. Re-
cently, 13 Illinois inmates sentenced
to death were exonerated after new
evidence was found. This should be
proof enough of a flawed judicial
process in dispensing capital punish-
ment. Even Attorney General Janet
Reno has gone on record to say that
she has failed to find any evidence
that capital punishment is a viable
deterrent. That's not too hard to be-
lieve, considering that 70 percent of
death sentences are reversed in ap-
The death penalty is not working
and I don't want a man who can't
see this as a state governor to become
my president. I can't support a presi-
dential candidate who is more con-
cerned with his election than with
stopping an unjust execution.
As you have probably noticed, the price of
gasoline has been soaring recently. Businesses
have raised prices to keep pace with energy
costs, and consumers have decreased their
across-the-board spendig. When we inquire
into the reasons that prices have soared higher
than ever seen in recent memory, we come
up empty.
The gasoline companies blame Washington
for the price hikes, citing damaging legisla-
tion and a gas tax, while the government ac-
cuses the gasoline industry of price fixing.
Both parties blame OPEC but, for instance
how can OPEC be blamed for the steep prices
in the Midwest while prices are as much as 70
cents per gallon lower in other regions? So,
my question is this-what's really going on and
why can't the government do anything about
As we know, OPEC, the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries, has recently
decreased its level of worldwide exports, in-
cluding those to the United States. This de-
crease in supply, combined with the greater
American oil demand during the summer
months, has spelled an increase in the price
of oil. Oil costs have surged to as high as $35
a barrel, compared with the normal rate of
about $20 per barrel.
These price woes are worsened by the fact
that the White House is now requiring that
cleaner gasoline be used in certain areas to
combat pollution.While ecological concern is
a good idea, no one is sure how much it adds
to the price per gallon. Some sources say it
adds about three cents, while others have cal-
culated a much higher 25 cent increase per
gallon. The White House insists that the clean
gasoline requirement is not responsible for the
tremendous increase in gas prices. Rather, it
claims that the oil industry has seized this op-
portunity as an excuse to wrongfully inflate
prices. Add to that a broken oil pipeline in the
Midwest and you get further price increases.
Another interesting factor is the gasoline tax.
In a time like this, federal and state governments
should suspend gasoline taxes in order to give
consumers a break. As one economist put it,
"Tax is an evil necessity However, I'm sure we
could do without this particular "necessity"
until the price of gasoline goes down, especially
since the government claims to have some bil-
lion dollars in surplus this year.
So, what is making the prices go up? There
really isn't a simple answer. There is the OPEC
limiting of supply. Then there is the clean gaso-
line requirement in smog infested areas, which
the White House insists is necessary. And then
there are the accusations that gasoline compa-
nies are playing with the prices to pocket more
money, which doesn't sound unreasonable
since the wholesale price of gasoline has gone
down 25 cents a gallon without a correspond-
ing decrease in prices at the pump.
The FTC is investigating, so we won't find
out until their investigation is complete. This
means that we will probably never receive a
clear, concise answer, since such matters can
sometimes stall in administrative quagmire and
often require an investigation of the investiga-
tion. None of these factors are easing matters
at the pump. Hopefully, with OPEC recently
agreeing to a slight increase in production and
the government heavily pressuring the oil in-
dustry to lower prices, American consumers
should see some respite in the fall.
�Mp Qfttfi, News Editor
EwijF little, Features Editor
l.QMa, Editor in Chief
Photo Editor
I, Sports Editor
Head Copy Editor
Saving ECU since 1925, The East Carolinian prints 11,000 copies
even Tuesday and Thursday duiing the regular academic year
and 5,000 on Wednesdays during the summer. -Our Mew' is the
opinion ol the Editorial Board and is written by Editorial Board
members. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor
which are limited to 250 words (which may be edited tor
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or reject letters
and all letters must be signed and include a telephone number,
letters may be sent via e-mail to or to The
East Carolinian, Student Publications Builcfina Greenville Nr
27858-1353. Call 252-328366 lor more information. '

8 The East Carolinian
Wednesday July 5, 2000
www. tec.
morning radio personality is
undertaking a chilling stunt to
raise money for charity.
Holly Johnson, a disc jockey
at New Castle radio station
WMDH-FM, will be en-
tombed in 5,000 pounds of
ice at 2 p.m. Thursday. She
will remain in the box for 48
continuous hours without
food or water to raise money
for Big Brothers-Big Sisters of
Henry County, Inc.
"I'll have to bring lots of blan
kets Johnson, 23, joke
"The area is an awful lot like
coffin but a little bigger
Her makeshift igloo will be
surrounded by ice and kept in
the back of a freezer truck set
at 23 degrees.
"If we raise a little bit of
money, that is great, but what
we want to do is raise aware-
ness said Janelle Conley, ex-
ecutive director of Big Broth-
ers-Big Sisters. "We need big
brothers desperately. Right
now, we have 25 children on
the waiting list and 19 of
them are boys
Johnson will be broadcasting
live from her icebox. A video
camera is set up inside the
box to record her from the
neck up.
She will have a small televi-
sion, a VCR and a telephone
for entertainment.
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)-People
here are getting bullish on a
wave of vandalism directed
recently at statues of the city's
namesake animal.
At least four of the 39 buffalo
statues that have been placed
around the city as part of a
nationwide campaign have
been vandalized recently, ac-
cording to reports. The latest
was when a bison was tipped
over and one of its horns bro-
ken off.
Police have arrested a 23-
year-old on charges of crimi-
nal mischief.
The bison are part of a na-
tional series of similar animal
(and even vegetable) parades.
Other parades include cows in
West Orange, N.J. and Stam-
ford, Conn pigs in Cincinnati
and Peoria, III lizards in Or-
lando, Fla mermaids in Nor-
folk, Va. and 6-foot-high ears
of corn in Bloomington, III.
It's that time of the
year again
Hurricane Season
Emily Little
In September, the newest storm will linger off the Southeast-
ern seaboard. With better than 74mph winds and an 80 degree
expanse of water, it will swirl through uninhibited ocean until it
comes up on a little stretch of land that bkKks its path. Then the
hurricane will attack, dropping in horizontal sheets the massive
quantities of rain it picked up on its trek across the Atlantic. And
Greenville gets it almost every time.
According to Allen Riordan, a meteorology professor at N.C.
State, more hurricanes reach land in the Cape Hatteras area than
anywhere else on the Atlantic coast.
"Most hurricanes begin to form in a westward-drifting regime
he said. "The next thing sticking out there is North Carolina
The season lasts from June to November, and peaks around
Labor Day. That's when the jet stream is right around the coast,
and the water stays warm enough to support the storms.
Most property damage is caused by storm surge, when the
ocean climbs up onto shore and takes out whatever it
touches. But anyone who was around for last year's
adventure with Floyd can testify to the effective-
ness of a good post-hurricane flood. Accord-
ing to Riordan, the amount of inland flood- �
ing cause by these storms increases ev-
ery year. Still, he recommends a
flight to higher ground
when a hurricane ap-
"We've had
storms like'
Hugo or An-
drew that at the
last minute intensi-
fied Riordan said. "Your
best bet is to pack up your
belongings and move in-
Bill Koch, ECU'S director
of Environmental Health
and Safety, believes that
students living on campus
might actually be better off
staying put.
"What we generally
come down to is, if the hur-
ricane is going to hit, stu-
dents are a lot safer in our
buildings than they are in
their homes he said.
That's because ECU
housing is held to a stricter
building code than most
private residences. According to Mark Kimball, with ECU Facili-
ties, the only damage Floyd did to any on-campus housing was
minor flooding in Tyler hall.
But for those students living off campus in apartments, all the
masking tape in the world will make no difference if the win-
dows aren't strong enough to take the blast. Boarding them up is
still the best way to keep the glass intact and protect your be-
Most importantly, when the storm hits, Riordan says to be
prepared. One of the things that causes the most chaos during a
hurricane is the amount of people going back and forth to the
store because they failed to make a list of what they needed.
"You should have a plan he said. Don't forget things like
batteries and extra drinking water in case the power goes out.
see HURRICANE, oage 8
Fran 1996
Bertha 1996
Allison 1995
Hugo 1989
Charley 1986
Diana 1984 OO
David 1979

Wednesday July 5, 2000
www. tec.
PICK OF THE WEEK: The Maddening Crowd by Nine Days
The East Carolinian 7
Emily Little
You can't judge pop-rock on the same scale
with other music. For instance, you can't say
live 6 sucks because they don't sound like
Nine Inch Nails, because you're automati-
cally dooming them to a certain fate. So on
a scale of one to 10, with Third Eye Blind as
a crappy old one and Barenaked ladies at a
spectacular 10, Nine Days falls in on the pop-
rock scale at about a seven.
You know Nine Days. They're the band
that plays one of the songs that used to be
good before 99X started playing it every
hour, on the hour until most of us started
slamming our heads into walls to make it
go away. You know, the song, "This is the
story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned
the whole world That song.
If you liked "Absolutely (Story of a Girl)"
before the overkill, then you would like all
of The Maddening Crowd, because most of the
songs on the album are done in that same
poppy, light tone with a memorable hook
and a crisp set of riffs. Although Nine Days
has decided to throw its hat in the lower end
of the pop-rock spectrum by touring with
Third Eye Blind, most of their songs are re-
ally interesting and worth a better headlin-
ing act.
The band has two vocaliststhe one you
now is
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hear on the radio and another guy, who
sounds a bit like Bon Jovi and Don
Henley's love-child. It makes for a nice
variation, because although the singers
switch off as lead vocalists, they are not
so different that you don't recognize the
The thing that separates Nine Days
from the really crummy pop-rock acts,
aside from genuine musical ability, is a
tendency to put a hopeful sound to an
otherwise depressing set of lyrics. "End
Up Alone for instance, begs the ques-
tion of why we all do end up alone, but
it begs it in a sweet, sort of resigned way.
If you didn't listen to the words, you
might think it was a happy song.
And the same goes for most of the
tunes on this album. On the other hand,
none of these poppy tunes are so cheery
you find yourself sickened by the senti-
ment. Not like, say, "Semi-Charmed
Life which also covers a depressing
thought with upbeat, whistle-while-you-
work type noises. When Nine Days "doo-
doo-doos it sounds more like Ben Folds
Nine Days is good stuff. They are a
definite seven in the world of pop-rock.
Just don't try to compare them to any-
thing hardcore.
This writer can be contacted
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O The East Carolinian
f eatu re s@tec. ecu. edu
Wednesday July 5, 2000
from page 6
And as some sickly students learned in the aftermath of Floyd, do
not swim in the hurricane-swollen water. Flooded parking lots carry
To find out more about a particular hurricane call the Storm Cen-
tral Hotline at 752-7166. For information on ECU'S hurricane policy,
check out www.ecu.eduoehs.
This writer can be contacted at
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Wednesday July 5, 2000
www. tec.
Burton wins at
Jeff Burton held off two of
NASCAR's biggest names to
win the Pepsi 400 Saturday
In the final laps Burton held
off Rusty Wallace, Dale
jarrett and Dale Earnhardt
following a restart with four
laps to go. Burton edged
the trio of stars to notch his
third win in the past two
seasons. The win was a bit
of a surprise for Burton's
team, Roush Racing. It was
one of their first wins at a
restrictor plate track.
Irwin takes U.S.
Senior Open title
Hale Irwin didn't let a two-
stroke deficit in the final
round of this weekend's
U.S. Senior Open stand in
his way. Irwin beat out
Bruce Fleisher to win his
second Senior Open title in
three years.
Irwin's total of a 17-under
267 broke Gary Player's
record total in 1987.
The title was Irwin's 11th
win on the Senior tour in
two years.
Martin taken 1
The University of
Cincinnati's Kenyon Martin
was taken first in last week's
NBA Draft by the New Jer-
sey Nets. The College
Player-of-the-Year sat out
the NCAA Tournament with
a broken leg he suffered late
in the season.
Martin stayed at UC for four
years and was one of the
few college seniors taken in
the first round.
Net's Williams
slew jersey Nets center
)ayson Williams retired last
week due to injuries suf-
fered during the 1998-99
Williams broke his leg in a
collision with New Jersey
point guard Stephon
Marbury during a game in
April of last year. He has not
played since.
The quick-witted 32-year
old was one of the NBA's
more colorful personages
during his career.
The East Carolinian 9
Kinston Indians offer idyllic
minor league experience
Stephen Schramm
Top: Kinston takes on Salem in front
of a full house in the grandstand. The
team plays in front of locals and Pitt
County residents that make the trip
down Hwy. 11. (photo by Garrett
McMillan) .
Above: Kinston Native, Reed Owens
watches Alex Mense wind up at the
Speed Pitch, (photo by Garrett
New Bern's Al Watson sits at the back of
the grandstand, his back to the late afternoon
sun. He is unaffected by the uniformed little
leaguers that accompany him. Instead, he
chooses to focus on the slow, deliberate ac-
tions of the Kinston Indians pitcher.
"I come out here when I get the chance
Watson said. "I come for the atmosphere, the
crowd, the people
On this early summer Friday evening in
Kinston, the crowd at Grainger Stadium is
sparse. Empty seats dot the upper half of the
grandstand while the bleachers down the
third base side are mostly empty.
Near the top of the seats along the first base
side, Kinston native William Soloman takes
in the scene. Soloman has been following the
Indians for over a decade.
"I've been to Salem, Virginia, I.ynchburg
Soloman said. "I'd say Kinston is the best
For much of the time Soloman has followed
the K-Tribe, they have been the Class A affili-
ate of the Cleveland Indians. For the whole
time, they have played in Grainger Stadium.
The outfield's plywood fences are decorated
with ads for local businesses. Beyond the wall
in left field is a neighborhood, while the right
field wall fronts a tobacco warehouse that
rises above the stadium as a reminder of the
city's economic roots.
Kinston is thirty minutes South of
Greenville on NC Hwy. 11. The Indians are
the closest professional baseball team to
Greenville and every home game sees a num-
ber of fans from Pitt County.
On this night Jerry Allen of Greenville and
his son Ashley watch the game from the pic-
nic tables facing right field.
"I work two jobs and go to school, so I get
down here when I can said Jerry Allen, who
works with the Pitt County Sheriff's office and
the Pitt Community College Police while tak-
ing classes at PCC. "I'm a baseball fan, I've
been a baseball fan forever
While the games draw Greenville residents,
it takes more to draw the ECU crowd.
"Every once in a while, you'll see a couple
said Indians employee Reed Owens, a recent
Kinston high school graduate who will attend
N.C. State University in the fall. "A lot of them
come down on Thursday nights when we have
'Thirsty Thursdays a lot of the older students
come down
Even in baseball, we follow the drink spe-
"It seems to be prominent at any college
Owens said, "Not just ECU
On this night, Owens was manning the
Speed Pitch, which features a rubber mat
against which customers hurl a baseball. The
speed of their pitch is determined electroni-
cally and shown on a lighted screen.
"Everybody comes in and they think they
can throw really fast Owens said. "They
think they can throw 50 or 60 and they throw
35,40 at most. I laugh all night long
While many of the older fans stick to watch-
ing the game or occasionally embarrassing
themselves on the Speed Pitch, for the young
fans, the main form of entertainment at the
game is trying to catch that elusive foul ball.
Any ball that leaves the field will set off a
belt-high stampede of kids, each toting a glove,
sprinting for a shot at the souvenir.
see YARD, page 10

10 The East Carolinian
Wednesday July 5, 2000
Stephen Schramm
Halfway mark offers some surprises at top
As Major League Baseball's
2000 season nears its halfway
point, a glance at the standings
will yield a number of surprises.
If you claim to have expected
Toronto, Chicago and Seattle to
lead their respective American
League divisions at this point,
you're lying.
However, Toronto is really not
that much of a surprise. At the
end of last season the surging
Blue Jays mounted a serious chal-
lenge to Boston in the AL Wild
Card race before eventually los-
ing out to the BoSox. The Jays
return the nucleus of their prom-
isingl999 squad, minus the
speedy and powerful left fielder
Shawn Green, who was traded to
the LA Dodgers for the equally
speedy and powerful Raul
Consequently, much was ex-
pected from the Jays this season,
especially from their corps of
young stars, who include first
baseman Carlos Delgado, short
stop Tony Batista and outfielder
Shannon Stewart. Thus far, the
trio has lived up to the hype.
Delgado has a realistic shot at the
coveted Triple crown and leads
the AL in homers with 27. Mean-
while, Batista is also among the
. league leaders in home runs with
It also helps when your pitch-
ing staff features veteran ace
David Wells, who has returned
to the form that made him one
of baseball's best pitchers two
yearsago. Wellshas already com-
piled a 13-2 record with 94
While the Blue Jays are not a
surprise to knowledgeable base-
ball fans, The Mariners and
White Sox are legitimate shock-
The White Sox came into this
season with underachieving star
Frank Thomas proclaiming
"Don't question my desire" on
the cover of Sports Illustrated
(SI). The corresponding SI pre-
season article painted the Chi-
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cago clubhouse as an environ-
ment devoid of team chemistry.
Either the story was wrong or
manager Jerry Manuel is a ge-
nius. The White Sox have the
largest division lead in all of
baseball, 10 and a half games
over the division's consensus
preseason pick, the Cleveland
Indians. The ChiSox have their
sizable lead thanks to resurgent
pitching and solid all-around
teamwork, bolstered by tight
clubhouse camaraderie.
The Mariners were all but left
for dead after trading superstar
Ken Griffey Jr. However, there
were some who were quietly-
talking about the Mariners as a
serious contender in the rela-
tively weak and wide-open AL
Those whispers have turned
into talk of a pennant run in
Seattle. However, the AL West
also features the Oakland A's,
who also contended for the AL
Wild Card in '99 and look to do
so again this year, unless they are
able to overtake Seattle and win
the division outright.
In the National League, every-
thing has stayed true to form.
Atlanta has a slim lead over the
Mets in the Last. Arizona has an
equally tenuous grasp on first in
the West, while St. Louis is eight
and a half games ahead of Cin-
If that last one surprised you,
it should.
For the past two seasons, Mark
McGwire's home run heroics
have hidden the fact that the
Cardinals have played some very
bad baseball. They have finished
at or near the bottom of their di-
vision in each of the past two sea-
This season was supposed to be
the year that the Reds would
prove that small-market teams
can compete, as they, and their
new star, Griffey, were going to
win the NL Central and challenge
the Braves and Mets for National
League supremacy.
That has not happened. The
Cards have finally gotten strong
pitching to match their tradition-
ally explosive offense, bolting
them past the Reds and turning
the competitive NL Central race
into a laugher.
By the way, has anyone seen
the Houston Astros? Houston,
one of the perennial powers in
the NL, opened the season by
christening their new park,
Knron field (affectionately
known as "ten-run field") and
have not been heard from since.
Thanks to some poor pitching
and little league park dimen-
sions, the Astros have made their
new field as inviting to home run
hitters as baseball's most notori-
ous hitter's park, Coors field.
Each year there are surprises.
Often, knowledgeable fans and
baseball insiders are able to an-
ticipate surprises before they oc-
cur, This year, however, they're
just as shocked as you.
This writer can be contacted
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Wednesday July 5, 2000
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from page 9
u drank,
fou danced.
Ron Rogers, 13, does not get
caught up in the foul-ball frenzy.
Instead, he sits in the bleach-
ers just past third base with his
friend, gloveless.
"It doesn't really mean that
much to me said Rogers, a
Greenville native.
It does mean something to
young James O'Reilly and his
little brother Kevin.
"I've caught one, but my
brother, he's always got them
said James.
Along with their father, Tom,
the O'Reilly's make the trip from
their home in Goldsboro to
Kinston about 20 times a year to
catch the Indians. Tonight they
sit in the bleachers along the left
field line. James holds his glove
while Kevin sips a drink.
"I like it Tom said. "It's not
as congested as going to a big sta-
dium, you're not fighting the
crowds. Here you've just got lo-
cal community people and that's
what makes it nice
For O'Reilly, Class A baseball is
more appealing than the majors.
"They're the players still en-
thusiastic about playing base-
ball Tom says. "They're not re-
ally in it for the money, like you
see a lot of major league players
in it. They're fresh, they want to
learn and they play real hard
While the players are far away
from the major leagues, it
doesn't seem to matter much to
the fans in Kinston. Neither does
the fact that, on this night, the
K-Tribe would fall to Salem by a
score of 7-0, and retain their spot
in the Carolina League stand-
ings, dead last.
This writer can be reached at
sports@tec.ecu. edu.
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12 The East Carolinian
apt. with washer & dryer, AC and
gas heat upstairs. Walking dis-
tance from ECU & Grocery. $450
monthly with $450 deposit. Pets
negotiable! Call Sanda @ 752-
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WALK TO ECU 1,2,3,4 or 5
Bedrms, (no flooding), available
June, July, or August. Call 321-
4712 leave message.
TWO BEDROOM, one bath du-
plex close to ECU.Central heat
air, living and dining area. $450
month $600 deposit. Available
August 1st. Call 752-5536 leave
HOUSE FOR rent. Three bed-
rooms, one bath. Window air
conditioners, central gas heat.
Fenced in back yard. Convenient
to campus. 12-11 Cotanche
Street. Call James at 353-4003.
Wednesday July 5, 2000
TWO BEDROOM duplex, one
bath. Spacious living area.
Large deck, central heatair.
$450month, $600 deposit, close
to ECU. Available August 1st.
Call 752-5536 leave message.
home in Ayden County Club
Drive. $225.00 monthly, utilities
included, responsible for own
long distance phone calls. Quiet
mature male graduate student
only. Call Bill, 746-2103.
THREE BEDROOM, two bath.
Very spacious duplex. Available
August 1st. Close to ECU. $750
month, $750 deposit. Central
heatair living and dining room.
Call 752-5536.
ROOM FOR rent. Private bath-
room. Use of washer, dryer and
kitchen. Cable and telephone ex-
tra. Deposit required. $300
month. 756-0631. Graduate stud-
ent preferred.
roommate. 2 bedroom, 2 bath-
room apt washerdryer, dish-
washer. Within walking distance
of ECU. Available August 1. Re-
spond ASAP, call Jennifer at
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Three bedroom wcentral heat
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FedEx around
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and onload trailers
to 8 am. nSWtxr, tuition assistance availabk-
ancr.Wdays. Future career opportunities in
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Coh: $251) Space is limited.
Call Buddy Cana ar (252) 355-0717 for
more information.
Village of Yesteryear
(Farm Museum located al Pitt County
Fairgrounds) has openings for students to
clean artifacts and conduct tours. $8 per hour.
Fridays and Saturdays 10am - 5pm and
Sundays Ipm - 5pm. Call 321 2422
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1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
fice seeking outgoing individu-
al for parttime position. Job in-
cludes pulling and filing charts,
running errands and other of-
fice duties. Must have depend-
able transportation. If interest-
ed call 757-1600 ask for Kellie.
HELP WANTED: small compa-
ny located walking distance
from campus needs part-time
employee for afternoons to help
in shipping department (Aver-
age 3 hours per day). Some
heavy lifting involved. $5.00
hour. Call 830-5577.
person wanted to care for re-
sponsible 9-year-old girl. Hours
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cellent with children. Excellent
driver. No couch potatoes! Call
353-5623. July 10 thru Aug. 11.
emarketers. Full-time or part-
time. Flexible hours. Great for
students or career marketers.
Health insurance, paid vacation.
Great pay plus benefits and bo-
nuses. Call Thermal-Gard 355-
Available at Pax apartments.
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Recreation Center. Only $280
per month. Call Pitt Property
Management 758-1921.
Summer Pool
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t't Sweat It!
2 bedrooms available, 1 bath,
range, refrigerator, free watersewer,
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hookups, laundry facility
Wesley Commons South
AD properties have 24 he. emergency maintenance.
Call 758-1921
GARY FISHER pure bender
freestyle bike with front and back
pegs. Like new. $350. 329-9272.
PLATINUM 92 PlymouthTas
er. Automatic, AC, Alpine CD
AMFM, cell phone, fresh paint,
great system, tinted windows,
99,000 miles. $3200! 321-3945
askleave message for Stephanie.
WANT TO look stunning this
summer? Check out our fash-
ions atwww.flirtyfash- We accept
MC, Visa, and AMEX.
old, champion blood lines, first
shots included, wonderful com-
panion pet, we have brindles,
whites, blondes, reds, $250 ne-
gotiable. 412-1908.
Trying to get your foot in the door?
If you are looking to build
your resume, the East Carolin-
ian is now hiring responsible
students for part-time work as
Advertising Representatives.
Apply for positions at the Stu-
dent Publications Building
(across from Joyner Library).
The Greenville Recreation and
Parks Department is hiring
Lifeguards. Weekday and Weekend
hours available. Pay rate is $6.00 to
$6.50 per hour. For more informa-
tion contact Danny Bass at 329-4044
How to advertise in
The East Carolinian
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional words 5e each
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional word 5e each
Mustpresenta validECUI.D. to qualify. The East Carolinian
reserves the right to refuse this rate for any ad deemed to be
non-student or business related.
add to above line ad rate for either bold or ALL CAPS type
All classified ads placed by individuals or campus groups
must be prepaid. Classified ads placed by a business must
be prepaid unless credit has been established. Cancelled
ads can be removed from the paper if notification is made
before publication, but no cash refunds are given. No
proofs or tearsheets are available.
The Personals section is intended for non-commerical
communication placed by individuals or campus groups.
Business ads will not be placed in this section. All ads are
subject to editing for indecent or inflammatory language
as determined by the editors.
for the following Wednesday's paper

The East Carolinian, July 5, 2000
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 05, 2000
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