The East Carolinian, May 24, 2000

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Vol. 01 No. 01
May 24, 2000
26 days until classes end
Literacy training
Literacy Volunteers of America-Pitt County
will hold a tutor training workshop begin-
ning with an orientation from 9:30 a.m
12 p.m.on Tuesday, May 23, followed by
five sessions. Volunteers will learn to teach
functionally illiterate adults how to read.
Daytime tutors are especially needed.
Workshop dates are May 23, May 30,
June 1, June 5, June 6 and June 8. Call
353-6578 for more information or to reg-
ister for the workshop.
River clean-up 2000
Students of Greenville Montessori School
are organizing a river clean up. The
cleanup will be held from 9 a.m12 p.m
on Saturday, June 10, at River Park North.
Ice cream will be provided at the end of
the project. Volunteers will need long
pants, high shoes or boots, and gloves.
Everyone is welcome to come out and
help. For information contact Heather
Cameron at 355-6268.
Real Crisis volunteers needed
The Real Crisis Center (RCC) is recruit-
ing community people to become volun-
teer crisis counselors. Training provided
by RCC. Training will begin June 5. For
more information, call 758-HELP.
Safety belt checkpoint and clinic
A Governor's Highway Safety Program
seat belt checkpoint and child passenger
safety clinic will be held at 4 p.m. on Thurs-
day, May 18, in the area between CM.
Eppes Middle School and Elm Street Gym.
Variably cloudy, with scattered
showers and thunderstorms
High of 86?
and a low of
Are you against ECU'S
expansion toward the
downtown area?
Search for new chancellor continues
of now
the country
are strong
Molly Broad
Committee formed to
review applicants for position
Angela McKay
A 15-member committee has been named to
conduct a nationwide search for a new university
chancellor to replace Dr. Richard Eakin after his
retirement next year as ECU'S chief executive ac-
cording to John Durham, director of public af-
"A search firm will also be retained to assist the
committee, "said Phil Dixon, Chair of the Board
of Trustees (BOT). "We want to be in a position
by the beginning of the year to be ahead of the
other campuses who are looking
The committee is attempting to have an adver-
tisement in professional journals by Sept. 1 for
the position. The committee will be holding six
public hearings during the summer to gain more
input from citizens.
The first hearings will be held from noon until
2 p.m. and from 7 p.m9 p.m. on June 21. Meet-
ings to follow will be held July 12 and 13, and
two meetings are scheduled for Aug. 16. The com-
mittee is seeking student interests, so students are
see CHANCELLOR, page 2
Eastward expansion halted
Other areas
remain fair game
Carolyn Herold
Current ECU Campus
Projected ECU Expansior
Halted ECU Expansion
The ECU Board of Trustees
(BOT) voted Tuesday, May 12
to halt the eastward expan-
sion of the campus that had
been a key feature of the
university's proposed new
master plan.
The motion was put forth
after lunch by vice chair of
the board, Charles Franklin.
It was seconded by Betty
Spier, member of the BOT,
and the motion passed 6-3.
According to Bruce Flye, fa-
cilities planning director, the
motion to halt the expansion
was brought about by pres-
sure from the Save Our
Neighborhood campaign.
ECU didn't want that to hurt
the passage of the bond ref-
The proposed new master
plan, under development for
more than a year, has come
about to accommodate pro-
jected university growth of
up to 9,000 students in the next eight years.
By 2008, the enrollment is expected to grow
from the current 18,000 students to 27,000.
The money for this expansion would come
from a bond referendum passed by the NC
House and Senate on Wednesday, May 17.
ECU will receive $190 million out of the $3.1
billion requested. According to Richard
Brown, ECU vice chancellor, most of the
money will be used on the existing campus,
but $7.9 million is for land acquisition.
The plan was to acquire properties east of
the current campus boundary to accommo-
date academic buildings and a parking deck.
This area includes the area between Fifth Street
and Tenth Street. Maple Street and Shady Lane
would have been the first areas to be affected by
the change. The university had already begun
to acquire property in that region. Residents of
these neighborhoods strongly objected, and
formed the Save Our Neighborhood campaign
to urge the university to halt the expansion. The
campaign included letter writing, rallies, yard
signs and months of lobbying.
The new plan focuses on acquisition of up-
town Greenville, better known as downtown. In-
see EXPANSION, page 2
? As of May 22,
the current
plan, devised
by the BOT.

2 The East Carolinian
continued from page 1
Hurricane readiness
ECU will sponsor a three-day conference, "In the
Aftermath of Hurricane Floyd: Recovery in the
Coastal Plain on May 24-26, to discuss plans and
actions to soften the blow from future storms. The
conference will be held in Mendenhall Student
Center. For more information, contact Dr. John
Maiolo at 328-4838.
CMN seeks volunteers
The Children's Miracle Network (CMN) needs vol-
unteers to help with its annual CMN Champions
broadcast beginning at 9 p.m. on Saturday, June
3, and ending at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 4. For
more information, or to volunteer yourself or your
group, call Bobbie Hilliard at 816-5712.
from page 1
encouraged to attend.
Once the search is completed, the BOT will forward
the names of at least two finalists to Molly Corbett
Broad, the University of North Carolina (UNC) Presi-
dent, for consideration. Broad said that as of now 50-
75 people throughout the country are strong candi-
dates for the job. Once the new chancellor is nomi-
nated, the chancellor must then be elected by the UNC
Board of Governors, the policy-making body of the
16-campus UNC system.
Dixon named the committee, which includes ECU
trustees Charles Franklin, Willie Martin, H.E. Rayfield
Jr. and Betty Spier; Dr. Brenda Killingsworth, associate
professor of decision sciences and chair of the faculty;
Dr. Robert Morrison, professor of chemistry and vice
chair of the faculty; Dr. Louise Toppin, associate pro-
fessor of voice; and Dr. Julius Mallette, associate pro-
fessor of obstetrics and gynecology and assistant dean
of the Brody School of Medicine.
Also named are, Willie Lee, chair of the ECU Staff
Forum and director of University Printing and Graph-
ics; Brenton Queen, president of the Student Govern-
ment Association; Kelly King, chair of the ECU Board
of Visitors (BOV) and president of BB&T Corp Janice
Faulkner, past chair of the BOV and commissioner of
the Department of Motor Vehicles; Shelby Strother,
president of the Alumni Association; and Diane
Murphrey, president of the Pirate Club and vice presi-
dent of finance for Copy Pro.
This writer can be contacted
Wednesday May 24, 2000
Discussions continue
between downtown, university
Attorney aims for
mediation, not lawsuit
Angela Harne
On Friday, May 5 at 2 p.m. uni-
versity representatives met with
the Greenville City Manager Ron
Kimble and Les Robinson, attor-
ney for the Sports Pad and the
Cellar to further discuss
downtown's discrimination allega-
According to Robinson, he be-
came aware of the allegations this
past November when Moore pre-
sented him with ten reports which
alleged that the Sports Pad and the
Cellar had been discriminating
against minority students.
Robinson said at that point he met
with Moore and Kimble to discuss the
matter at hand. He added that since
then the dialogue has been shared
between all three parties: Moore and
Kimble, the students and the Sports
Pad and the Cellar club owners.
"Robinson has worked very hard to
bring about resolutions said Dr.
Garrie Moore, vice chancellor for stu-
dent life. "He has always been avail-
able when called
Robinson said that following the
allegations the Sports Pad and the
Cellar have installed video and audio
cameras to keep watch over their em-
ployees actions throughout their
"Before the allegations came about,
the tapes were recorded over night
after night Robinson said. "But
since the first of January each night
is saved and filed for further refer-
ence if and when an allegation ap-
According to Robinson, he re-
ceived another allegation of dis-
crimination from Moore in Febru-
ary and has further investigated the
event with the aid of the video. He
found that the two males were talk-
ing amongst themselves but when
they approached to the door of the
club their attitudes and demeanors
"Due to the students change of
expression their credibility was
taken from them Robinson said.
According to Roberts, in order
from page 7
"Putting dorms over the
downtown area reeks of insti-
tutional arrogance
Paul Edwards
eluded in the new plan is the ac-
quisition of the Atcic lot (includ-
ing the historic house), Chico's
Mexican Restaurant, BLT's, Uni-
versity Book Exchange (UBE) and
Buffalo Wild Wings (BW-3).
The downtown businesses are
rallying together to help stop this
expansion. Their first formal
meeting was May 17 (the day af-
ter they heard about the plan).
The group has put up petitions
in the businesses along Fifth
street and Evans Street, and
Reade Circle and Cotanche
Street. There are signs posted in
establishments all over
Greenville. The petitions had
gathered around 4,000 signatures
last week.
"Our stance is to put this issue
as much in the public view as
possible. The downtown area is
not just entertainment said
Paul Edwards, spokesman for the
entrepreneurs, and owner of
Peasants Cafe. " There are over
44 businesses here, not just bars.
We have retail shops, banks and
law offices as well
"These buildings are the old-
est in the city. To bulldoze them
and put parking lots and dorms
where they were is totally unac-
ceptable Edwards said.
Phillip Dixon, chair of the
BOT, said the University wanted
to combine residence halls with
the businesses, perhaps leaving
retail space on ground level.
"Putting dorms over the down-
town area reeks of institutional
arrogance Edwards said.
If the area is acquired by ECU,
the government will compensate
only those businesses who own
the buildings they operate out of.
The government buys buildings,
not businesses. The tax base for
the downtown area exceeds $1
"Bruce Flye has a nice little
spiel. But a little while after you
hear it, and get a chance to think
about what he is saying, it just
doesn't make much sense
Edwards said.
The first public meeting of the
downtown businesses is set for 7
p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, at
Wrong Way Corrigans on 122
East Fifth St.
This writer can be contacted

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The news director at WZMB is
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Wednesday May 24, 2000
The East Carolinian 3
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DURHAM, N.CA Trinity jun-
ior was arrested May 1 and
charged with willfully and felo-
niously engaging in a sexual act
with a 14-year-old girl, a statu-
tory sex offense.
The student, Thomas Jones,
met the victim in an Internet
chat room and persuaded her to
meet him in Orange County af-
ter several days of online discus-
sion, said Investigator Ned
Thorpe of the Orange County
Sheriff's Department. .
Allegedly, Jones and the victim
engaged in some type of sexual
activity when they met at the
victim's home. Thorpe said they
did not have sexual intercourse.
Because Jones and the girl used
instant messages to communi-
cate after their initial chat room
meeting, no records of their con-
versations are available, Thorpe
The girl informed her parents
of the incident, and her parents
subsequently called the police.
On the day he was arrested,
Jones was placed under a $10,000
unsecured bond by a Orange
County Magistrate.
The following Wednesday,
Jones appeared before Chief Dis-
trict Judge Joe Buckner who or-
dered that Jones be held under
an $10,000 secured bond.
Thorpe said Jones posted
bond, although the student later
informed authorities he could
not afford an attorney to repre-
sent him in court. Jones Is sched-
uled to appear before Buckner
June 18.
If found guilty, Jones could be
sentenced to up to seven years in
Thorpe said police do not
know where Jones is now living,
and Jones did not return phone
calls from his Washington, N.J.
Although these types of crimes
are not frequent in Orange
County, Thorpe said, they hap-
pen occasionally.
COLUMBUS, Ohio-After her
8:30 a.m. History 151 class,
Robyn Bragg and about 30 other
classmates waded through the
piles of trash and sleeping bags
in their temporary Bricker Hall
classroom Thursday to march
into the Office of Academic Af-
fairs (OAA). Their mission was to
protect what they thought was
the fate of their instructor's job
at Ohio State University.
Chad Montrie, a doctoral his-
tory major and class instructor,
is a strong supporter of the OSU
service workers' strike and has
refused to cross picket lines. He
has held his class in various
places such as the CWA Union
Hall, the Oval and Bricker Hall
since the beginning of the strike.
Following e-mail complaints
from students to Vice Provost
and Dean of Undergraduate Stud-
ies Martha Garland regarding the
inconvenience of the classroom
location, Montrie was warned on
Thursday that he needed to re-
turn to teaching in a regular
classroom or another instructor
would be taking over his class.
In addressing student concerns
about the strike, President Will-
iam "Brit" Kirwan said in a full-
page advertisement in the Lan-
tern last week that students who
felt that their instructors were
not respecting their right to an
education should contact Gar-
"Students expressed concern
that the class was not being
taught in an appropriate location
because it is hard to sit on the
floor with the garbage and the
people sleeping in the morning
Garland said. "Most instructors
made their statements and have
gone back to the classroom
from page 2
for the Minority Coalition and
the Black Student Union (BSU) to
solve the problem within the
clubs he represents, he needs
more evidence.
"I need times, places, bouncer's
names and a synopsis of the situ-
ation Robinson said. "I, the
Sports Pad and the Cellar own-
ers want and need this informa-
tion to help end these occur-
rences. I promise that if all the
needed information is given and
I find that the allegations are
true, then the employee display-
ing the discriminating actions
will be fired
He added that the clubs he rep-
resents have a zero-tolerance
policy and look down upon tar-
"Targeting Meaning if a mi-
nority tried to enter a club and I
was the bouncer, and you gave
me your id and I asked for an-
other one, and then asked you
for membership and then told
you that you could not wear
those types of pants in the club-
that would be targeting
Robinson said. "And the Sports
Pad and the Cellar have zero-tol-
erance for it
? Na'im Akbar, co-chair of the
minority coalition, did not-see
where the clubs instilled their
zero-tolerance policy.
"I believe that everyone has a
right to enter a public place
Akbar said. "And there is no
doubt in my mind that discrimi-
nation is going on downtown,
and it has been going on for
Robinson said that he has been
viewing the video tapes and, in
one night alone, found that 60
whites and 10 blacks were denied
"Well, you can make numbers
say anything you want them to
Akbar said.
He added that these reoccur-
ring meetings have not accom-
plished anything because dis-
crimination is still taking place.
Steven Carmichael, vice presi-
dent of the BSU said he believed
that if Robinson viewed, at the
most, three tapes he would find
countless acts of discrimination.
Robinson said he is willing to
work with the minority coalition
and the BSU to work through the
issue at hand.
"My door is always open
Robinson said. "And I believe it
is very credible to the Sports Pad
and the Cellar owners that have
taken an initiative to work with
you to solve this matter
Marcus Frederick, member of
the BSU, said that the club own-
ers character is irrelevant.
"They the club owners are
not there all of the time so they
do not know what is always hap-
pening Frederick said. "Yet it is
their club and their responsibil-
Robinson said the allegations
will continue to be investigated
and he will begin work on the
April undercover test when the
documents and tapes are given
to him.
"I hope we can continue to
work this out through dialogue
Robinson said. "And we can meet
again if necessary
Kimble said the next step
would be to further investigate
the new evidence.
"Hopefully when we meet
again the rest of the downtown
clubs will be represented
Kimble said.
The university was represented
by Moore, Akbar, Carmichael,
Frederick, Yolanda Thigpen,
member of the minority coali-
tion, Brent Queen, Student Gov-
ernment Association (SGA) presi-
dent and SGA Treasurer Sadie
Robinson is an ECU alumni
and has studied criminal law for
the past 14 years.
This writer can be contacted

?V-yt .?
4 The East Carolinian
May 7-8
Larceny-A "Ronald McDonald
statue was stolen from the
McDonalds at 1300 West Ar-
lington Boulevard. The statue
and the 4-foot bench was
taken sometime between 11
p.m. on May 7, and 9 a.m. on
May 8.
May IS
Larceny-A staff member re-
ported that 24 plants were sto-
len from various flower beds
in the Reade Street parking
Larceny-A staff member re-
ported that a hanging basket
located south of Career Ser-
vices was stolen.
May 18
Abandoned Drug Paraphemalia-
A staff member reported find-
ing a plastic water bottle with
dryer sheets and residue in a
room that was being in-
spected. It is unclear if the
former residents of the room
left it since the room has been
unsecured since the dorm
Suspicious Activity-A student re-
ported an unknown person
followed her from the Rawl
Building to the Jenkins Art
Building around 4:15 p.m. She
said that he tried to have a con-
versation with her and then
ran up to her vehicle as she was
May 20
Assist Residence Hail Staff?A
staff member reported that
two males reentered a room
in Cotten Hall after they had
been escorted from the dorm.
Officers escorted the two
non-students from the
building a second time.
Driving While License Revoked,
Displaying a Fictitious License
Plate-A non-student was is-
sued a state citation for the
above stated charges after be-
ing observed operating a ve-
hicle with a fictitious license
Water Leak-A staff member re-
ported a water leak in several
rooms in the BMS. A building
check revealed water leaks in
four locked offices on the
fourth through seventh floors.
Wednesday May 24, 2000
Medical school admission to
scholarship recipients assured
Scholarship attempts to
attract superior students
Carolyn Herold
A new scholarship program
has been created to help students
attend medical school. Currently
in its first year, this program pays
$5,000 a year for ECU tuition and
fees and guarantees admission to
the ECU School of Medicine.
The Early Assurance Program
Scholarships are the first of their
kind in the state. The scholar-
ships guarantee admissions to
the School of Medicine, as long
as the student retains a good
grade point average as an under-
graduate. The students will be
exempt from the usual standard-
ized test requirements, such as
the Graduate Record Exam
(GRE), or the Medical College
Admissions Test (MGRE).
There are similar programs in
place for the department of
physical therapy, occupational
therapy, and communication sci-
"t is advantageous for the students and for
the university
Dr. Thomas Powell
ences disorders. The recipients
are four North Carolina high
school students: Drew Davis of
Weddington, Benjamin Dieter of
Fayetteville, Jennifer Foushee of
Sanford and Samar Singh of
Dr. Thomas Powell, director of
admissions, said the scholarship
program is designed to make
ECU even more attractive to out-
standing high school students
who want to pursue a career in
the health care profession.
"It is advantageous for the stu-
dents and for the university
Powell said. "The students will be
freed from the pressures of seek-
ing admission to graduate pro-
grams, and the university will
gain more truly top-notch stu-
The students were selected be-
cause of their high school grades,
essays, extracurricular activities,
teacher recommendations and
SAT scores. All students rank in
the top five percentile of their
class, and scored a 1,300 or
higher on the SAT. They each
applied for a Merit Scholarship,
and were selected in the scholar-
ship pool to be interviewed by
the selection committee and by
the medical school administra-
tion committee. The students
will be mentored by members of
the medical school during their
time as undergraduates.
The ECU School of Medicine
accepts a total of 72 entering stu-
dents each year.
This writer can be contacted
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Wednesday May 24, 2000
The East Carolinian 5
k in
) or
I by
Keep in mind that every
other college has a down-
town area lor the students
to call their own. North
Carolina State University
has Hillsborough Street,
University of North Coro-
Una-Chapel Hill has
Franklin Street, and ECU
has Sth Street.
We are in grave danger of losing our downtown area, thanks to the
Board of Trustees' proposed expansion plan. We as students need to
band together and rally support for the various retail shops, restaurants,
banks and law offices of downtown Greenville.
These business owners do not work for large nameless, faceless cor-
porations. They own local businesses. We see the owners at football
games and in the supermarkets. They are our neighbors. Their busi-
nesses provide for the heart of Greenville. These owners live in Greenville,
pay taxes, send their children to school and buy cars here. Their money
stays in Greenville. It is downtown that gives ECU students access to
local and national entertainment, dinner, clothing and employment.
We believe that if this area is taken away, there will be no need to
expand our campus after all. ECU will lose much of its attractiveness,
especially to incoming students. Keep in mind that every other college
has a downtown area for the students to call their own. North Carolina
State University has Hillsborough Street, University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill has Franklin Street and ECU has Sth Street.
If bulldozed, some of these business owners stand to lose everything.
Any owner who leases their building will not be-compensated by the
government. These owners will lose out big. Take The Attic, located in a
leased building. This club has been rated one of the best music venues
in the Southeast. Think of how the music scene in Greenville will suffer
without The Attic. Think of the owner, who, after 20 years will be forced
to start all over.
There are alternatives that do not include getting rid of citizens' homes
or businesses or jobs. ECU could raise the requirements for admission.
This alternative would kill two birds with one stone. It would help to
improve ECU's reputation, as well as curb the growth. It is true that this
would take some work, but we think ECU should think twice before
bulldozing a good thing.
Why we should protect downtown
Carolyn Herold
Did you know we are in dan-
ger of losing the downtown area?
That's right. By whom, you may
ask? By none other than the
school whose students these
businesses serve.
ECU is planning to take over
the downtown area in the name
of expansion. They couldn't have
the neighborhoods, so they are
now going after the next closest
area. Sound like anyone familiar?
The Blob, maybe? The Huns? A
nasty virus? This expansion plan
is wrong. If downtown goes, so
does the entire college atmo-
sphere of Greenville.
Before I started ECU, I had
heard for years that I would
"have to go to Greenville to
check out the great music scene
So I came down before graduat-
ing high school to check out the
scene. The first place I went to
was The Percolator. I loved the
laid-back atmosphere, and the
clientele was mostly college-
Then I went to Cubbies. The
atmosphere was a far cry from
that in Raleigh, where I grew up.
The owners didn't mind that the
restaurant was filled with college
kids, not to mention a kid in a
rumpled prom dress, and one in
wrinkled tux pants. Needless to
say, I was impressed.
I chose ECU not because I was
accepted and not because of its
reputation, but because of the
ambiance that the businesses
downtown create. They give the
college students here a place to
cut loose and have fun without
worrying about school for a
while. The downtown owners
also have a good working rela-
tionship with the young people
of this town. To me, the down-
town area is something that is a
necessity to college life.
This writer can be contacted
Graduation: Don't miss out
Leigh Murphy
After graduating high school, the average student is so anxious
about college that he or she may not be prepared to even think about
the next big day to come: college graduation.
Shortly after classes begin and a routine for the next four years is
set, there is only hope and patience amongst students that one day
the final frontier of college completion will be at hand. For me it
was the last weekend-sort of. I am one of the lucky people that was
given permission to participate in the ceremony and then finish my
one remaining class during the first summer session. Regardless, last
weekend was one I will always remember-I finished college!
Sweating, we lined up under the stadium seats of Dowdy-Ficklen
Stadium, annoyed at the entire process and the fact that we had to
stand, for what seemed like forever, without a breeze passing our
way. Once we saw people moving and heard the inevitable gradua-
tion march that we have been singing in our heads for weeks, the
joy about the day resumed.
As we filed into the stadium we could see and hear the crowd
screaming and cheering for us amidst the wind ensemble's playing
of 'our' song. We then proceeded to the seats that we would have to
sit in for an hour's worth of motivation. That may sound rough, but
I can only begin to try and express the variety of emotions we as
graduates felt as we walked on that grassy field for the first and last
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to graduate,
do not give up. As we were told throughout Judge James Wynn's
address, we have to "be quick, and swing slightly upward" in order
to fulfill our desires, hopes, dreams and any aspiration within our
hearts. His address as well as the words of our esteemed faculty made
this final college ceremony worthwhile.
1 certainly do not mean to leave out the incredible send-off we
were given by our department Friday morning. This presentation of
awards brought home the impact that the professors have on stu-
dents. Not only do they teach us knowledge about our area, but
they also enlighten us to an extent that only we can comprehend.
The faculty of ECU has shown us the true meaning of excellence.
And this weekend, while my family sweated in the stands and sat
crunched together in A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall, they were able to
observe the very individuals who have guided myself and the rest of
the graduates through our college years.
I urge those who will be graduating next semester to please attend
your graduation ceremony. The university and departments spend
time organizing these events, and on Saturday morning there were
rows of empty seats. I realize that some parties were not meant for
all people, but the university presented this one to us and I only
hope that someday you will be able to understand and realize what
you missed. Hindsight is always 2020, and I know I would have
regretted not attending this ceremony.
Don't miss it.
This writer can be contacted at
Melyssa L. Ojeda, Editor
Carolyn Herold, News Editor Stephen Schramm, Sports Editor
Emily Little, Features Editor Laura Benedict, Head Copy Editor
EmijyRichardson, Photography Editor JaneRespess,WWaH
Messiti$Sty,Lay?iJtDesigner . ErinMudgMayotfDesigner
Serving the ECU community since 1925. The East Carolinian prints 11,000 copies every Tuesday and
Thursday during the regular academic year. The lead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the
majority ol the Editorial Board and is written in turn by Editorial Board members. The East Carolinian
welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words (which may be edited lor decency or brevity at the
editor's discretion). The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters lor publication All
letters must be signed and include a telephone number. Letters may be sent by e-mail to or to The East Carolinian, Student Publications Building. Greenville, NC
27858-4353. For additional information, call 252-328-6366.
FAX252-328-6558' . ?'

6 The East Carolinian
Wednesday May 242000
Suspect caught
with instructions
Lynchburg woman was
charged with five counts of
passing counterfeit bills af-
ter police found a bogus
$20 bill-and instructions on
how to make it-in her
purse, according to court
Kristin Elliott, 22, was ar-
rested after a fast-food
cashier called police and
reported a customer
handed her a fake $50 bill
at the drive-through win-
dow, a search warrant filed
Wednesday in Lynchburg
Circuit Court says.
Police said the clerk's de-
scription of the car and the
customer led them to Elliott,
who turned over a bank en-
velope containing $400 in
counterfeit bills.
Officer J.R. Miller wrote in
the warrant that the bogus
bids were made on Elliott's
personal computer.
Man kidnaps
driving instructor
Lesson No. 1 for prospec-
tive drivers: it's probably
not a good idea to kidnap
the instructor.
A Portland man allegedly
did just that after an instruc-
tor flunked him Wednes-
day. Elio Roberto Padilla,
44, was arrested on a sec-
ond-degree kidnapping
His test didn't get off to a
good start.
When instructor Ruth
Ramos got into his vehicle,
Padilla shifted gears to
drive and hit the curb-an
automatic failure.
Police said Padilla asked
for another chance, but
Ramos refused. So Padilla
started driving through a
parking lot with Ramos still
Inside the car.
Ramos said he refused
several requests to stop. Fi-
nally, he stopped and
Ramos was able to jump
out Padilia was arrested a
short time later.
Up on the top floor of Mendenhall Student
Center (MSC), overlooking the lobby and sur-
rounded by works of student art, sit four seem-
ingly innocent rectangular tables that have
one-upped the way we view the world from
Junior Lori Chaney uses one of the new computers in
Mendenhall. (Photo by Garrett McMillan)
our comfy little chairs. It's called the Cyber Cafe, and it's just
for us.
Unlike the touch-screen internet kiosks that dot various
locations around campus, the Cyber Cafe includes a key-
board, making it possible to use text and to select individual
Web sites not in the list of provided links. But don't think
you can use the university computers to ogle over porn stars,
security features have been installed to prevent offensive
material from appearing on the desktop. What the four Cyber
Cafe computers do include are links to various magazine and
newspaper Web sites, a healthy handful of games, job finders,
weather and the ECU student desktop. There is e-mail avail-
able also, although for the time being the ECU Exchange is in
While European and big city counterparts provide Web surfing
for a fee in coffee houses, our Cyber Cafe is free and aimed at
students. It is located right next to the currently-expanding Spot.
The prototypes were originally installed in the MSC basement
computer lab right before Hurricane Floyd. They were moved up-
stairs this past April to receive more visibility.
The project is the brain child of Leon Gipson, an ECU computer
consultant and part of the Web development team. He
has been working on getting it off the ground for years. Still in the
testing phase, he relies mostly on user feedback to make changes.
The homepage, a temporary design, includes a user survey for just
that purpose.
"They're still not perfect he said. "I'm trying to build upon
that operation and make them better
By fall semester he hopes the computers will run free of glitches.
In the meantime, he plans to install another Cyber Cafe in the
Galley this summer, and maybe more in other campus locations if
reception is positive.
"This is a learning process Gipson said. "Kind of look at this as
being the first generation
The computers are underneath the table top so that while you
look down at your e-mail you can set your cup of joe and pastry
down beside you. It's all very compact and casual-no messy mouse
cord, since it's attached on the keyboard. Yon can read
"Mad Magazine" online if you want to. In fact, that's one of the
web links offered on the homepage.
One thing you can't do at the Cyber Cafe, however, is multitask.
This is strictly a one-thing-at-a-time operation. Of course, if you're
trying to eat a pastry and drink your coffee and read "Mad Maga-
zine you may not have enough brain function left to check your
e-mail too.
For more information, or to put in your own
two cents, contact Leon Gipson at 328-6984 or
This writer can be contacted at
m ? n

Wednesday May 24, 2000
The East Carolinian f
PICK OF THE WEEK: Fin de Siecle by The Divine Comedy
Emily Little
Quick what do you think of
when you hear 'Irish band?' U2,
The Cranberries, Oasis, high-
pitched vocals and guitar-heavy
riffs, maybe even a little yodel-
ing. You certainly don't think of
The Divine Comedy, a group
from the land of Eire that has
gained substantial popularity In
the U.K. over the past decade but
has yet to make it across the
ocean to the ears of the Ameri-
It's a shame, too, because their
sixth and most recent album, Fin
de Siecle (1998), is full of delight-
ful nuances that deserve to float
down the corridor in any resi-
dence hall or rented house. It's a
I on Reed meets The Moody Blues
kind of sound, combined with
rich, deep vocals and a little mod-
ern social commentary, occasion-
ally dropping in a horn line that
seems to echo from Evitct. The
mix of gleeful tunes and lyrical
ballads is not for the uncreative.
The album opens with a female
voice explaining that "Every
woman should have at least two
men From there we go into a
poppy little number called "Gen-
eration Sex
that pins down
the very fabric
of the current
viewpoint on
the double stan-
dards of gender.
It's the kind of
song your
catch you danc-
ing to in the
kitchen when
you're cooking.
And it's only the
Instead of
flawlessly inter-
woven orches-
tral instruments
with rock in-
struments, the
way current
musical style
dictates, The Di-
vine Comedy
throws the flute, violins an
heaps of piano into stanzas
where they announce their pres-
ence. They drive the music, not
Jump on In!
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Bring your lawn chair of blanket
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Tom's a regular guy, a utilities lineman, married, with a young son and a pregnant
wife. At a party, his sister-in-law hypnotizes him. and he goes into a. deep trance.
Before waking him, she suggests that he keep his mind open. That night he sees
flashes of violence and the ghost of a young woman. His young son. too. is "a
reciever but while the boy is calm and coherent in his conversations with the
spirits, Tom is confused and agitated. Over time, the young woman's story comes
to the surface, and Tom begins a hunt for her body that puts him and his usually
understanding wife, MaggicJngjgyedjmger
just follow it. In "National Ex-
press for instance, a song that
has regular
radio play,
the piano
plays a con-
sistent beat
that sounds
like a train.
In "Sweden
the horns
blast out an
that could
easily pre-
pare you for
Fagin's en-
trance in
"Oliver if
you're at all
familiar with
that kind of
It's pecu-
liar, in fact,
just how
much of this
album could
easily be
transformed into a musical like
the Who's Tommy. This probably
comes from the combination of
heavy orchestral inclusion and
the chorus of voices that echoes
The only thing that disturbs
the flow of matching music and
voice is the sudden spoken word
poem at the end of "The Cer-
tainty of Chance The Moody
Blues used the same tactic at the
end of "Nights in White Satin
breaking the rule that if you're a
musician and you're going to
give us a poem, give it to us in a
song. Notice you never hear the
poem when that song comes on
the radio.
If you live for Korn or White
Zombie, you will detest this
band, but if you enjoy listening
to Ben Folds Five or Lou Reed,
you will probably get a kick out
of it. But keep an open mind,
because this is not your run-of-
the-mill Irish jig.
Chances are, you will have dif-
ficulty finding this album in the
States, but you can order a copy
or find more information about
the band from their Web site,
w w w. t hedi vi
This writer can be contacted ?
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? The East Carolinian
Wednesday May 24, 2000
MM 2010
Mm 29 Wallyball Reg Mtg
Tues. 30 Racquetball Singles Reg,
Tues. 27 Softball Reg. Mtg.
Tues. 27 S-on-3 Basketball Reg Mtg
Wed 28 Racquetball Singles Reg
JULY 2000
Wed 5 flag Football Reg Mtg
Wed 19 Frisbee Golf Singles
4:00pm SRC202
10am -6pm IM Offic e
4fl0pm SRC202
4.30 pm SRC 202
10am-6pm IM Offic e
4:00pm SRC202
3-6 pm Frisbee Coir se
High Adventure Camp I
High Adventure Camp tl
High Adventure Camp III
High Adventure Camp IV
High Adventure Camp V
Advanced Adventure Camp
Surfing I Camp
Surfing II Camp
Outdoor Adventures Camp I
Outdoor Adventures Camp II
Outdoor Adventures Camp IM
Outdoor Adventures Camp IV
Nature Discovery Camp I
Nature Discovery Camp II
Nature Discovery Camp III
Nature Discovery Camp IV
C?? BateAlasCan
June 12-1612-17$140
June 19-2312-17$140
June 26-3012-17$140
July 10-1412-17$140
July 17-ai12-17$140
July 24-2813-17$195
June 26-3013-17$195
July 17-2113-17$195
June 26-308-11$80
July 10-146-11$80
July 17-218-11$80
July 24-2B8-11$80
June 12-16(aml5 7$40
June 12 16(pm)5-7$40
June 19-23lam)5-7$40
June 19-23(pm)6-7140
Spaces a-i anted and SCUBA Over Cartifcetm a noM
Oat KB)
Oat tcajk Ml transptrtaum ton "as. so torn dves. H egjprm an aruteatoi rtr
Dates JJ 14 srd Juy 28 at MtnMad City
Becjaraux Deadei Jui ?B
Summer Session I May 16 - June 23 $30
Summer Session II June 24 - Aug. 15 $30
Summer May 16 - Aug 15 $60
Students not enrolled in summer school and are returning for
the Fall Semester are eligible to purchase memberships in the
Mmi Sunnier Membership
Mif II .i. 15 $111
Monday - Thursday ? 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday 6:00 AM -7:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday ? 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Monday - Thursday ? 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM-12:30 PM
Racquetball Intro - lean tl play ni eajay tbe fame
Dates: June 7th
Time: Wednesday 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Register May 15 - June 6
Location: SRC courts 5 & 6
ECI Employee Health aad Fitneii Da)
Date: June 7
Time: Wednesday 12.00 PM -1:00 PM
Location: Meet at SRC Rotunda
Join us for a healthy walk, prizes, and fin
Child Swim Leisoai
Levels & Times:
Minimum Age:
MW ? June 5 - June 28
TTh ? June 1 - June 27
Eight 30 minute lessons
Tadpole 9:15am-9458m
Fish 1000am- 10:308m
Dolphin 10.45am- 11:15am
May 1 -May 26
Strttl Mechanic WartiheiWtrtait
For the adult who would like to have an instructor critique and correct
their strokes The instructor will observe your strokes, suggest
improvements and develop a swimming workout for participants
DatesSTmes: MW ? May29- June 7 6:30am-7:30am
TTh 'MayX-Junee 12fl0pm-1O0pm
Cost $30 mernbers$40 non-members
Minimum Age: 16
Registration: May 1 - May 24
Mil Rewards Prearam
Dates: May 16 - June 16
Tame: On your own
Register May 15 - 27 (In the weight room)
Penonal Traiaiaa. - Saaaier Shape Up 9 Reduce.1 Pricei!
1 session $15 B sessions $96
2 sessions $25 12 sessions $120
4 sessions $55 16 sessions $160
Partner Trainiaa.
12 Price Personal Training, Work with a partner of the same
fitness level and share a personal trainer.
Available for packages of 8,12 and 16 only.
Saul Start
1 Fiuiess Assessment 1 Personal Training ? fitness success Cost
Group Fitneii Summer Panel
Gold Pan Fall Saarner Pan $7.5
White Pan SeniaaPaii $15
Purple Pan Any 5 Clauei Pan $11
FREE: Aqua Fitneii STidal Strength Clauei
May 15-July 28 ? See Class Schedule
FREE: Group Fitneii Clauei
Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 23 ? See Class Schedule
Yena-Trainina. Senior I -
Monday, May 15 - Friday, June 16
Hena-Traiaina Siiaiti II
Monday. June 26 - Thursday, July 27
FRtfc Kern-Traiii'ii is a five week program designed to get you moving, keep
you coming beck for more, and have you training in a variety of emronmants for
maamum results! The challenge is to cornplett tvelve total wrtajts withii the
five-week period Three of the workouts must be HPM three Aqua FitnessTidal
Strength three Making The Cut, end the fW three are conpletely up to you and
may ixlude any class appearing on our group fitness schedte Everyone
completing the challenge ai receive a free water bottte art a chance to wit
FBB you? fitness passes for the fal semester. The first five fnsherseach
session wi receive free T-shirts, and everyone, wi receive uhe sausfection that
comes with achievement

iednesday May 24, 2000
The East Carolinian 9
Bridge collapses
at speedway
A pedestrian bridge at
Charlotte's Lowe's
Motor Speedway col-
lapsed Saturday night
injuring scores of
fans. The collapse oc-
curred during the lat-
ter stages of The Win-
ston, a NASCAR race
at the track.
Over 100 spectators
were taken to local
hospitals. Nearly half
of those had been re-
leased by Monday.
There were no fatali-
The cement and steel
bridge collapsed,
sending pedestrians 17 feet onto North Carolina Highway
29 below.
The collapse was blamed on corrosion in the steel sup-
porting the structure.
Nets get top pick
The New Jersey Nets got
the No. 1 pick in the NBA
draft lottery Sunday. New
Jersey will get the top pick
in the June 28 draft that will
be held in Minnesota. The
pick comes eleven years
after the Nets picked Der-
rick Coleman with the first
pick in 1989.
The Vancouver Grizzlies will pick second while the Los
Angeles Clippers and Chicago Bulls will pick third and
fourth respectively.
Jarvis will stay at St. John's
St. John's basketball coach, Mike Jarvis, said Monday that
he has taken his name out of consideration for the head
coaching job of the Washington Wizards. Jarvis led the
Red Storm to a 53-17 record over his two years at St.
John's. He also led St. John's to two NCAA tournament
Sources say that Jarvis' talks with the Wizards and their
general manager, Michael Jordan, were stalled because
of disagreements over financial matters and control is-
T "Wolves' Sealy killed in crash
Minnesota Timber wolves swingman, Malik Sealy, 30, was
killed in a head on collision early Saturday. The driver of
the other car was traveling in the wrong direction on High-
way 100 outside of St. Louis Park, Minn. The driver of the
car had a previous drunk driving conviction.
Sealy is survived by his wife and three-year-old son.
Sealy was drafted by the Indiana Pacers in 1992 out of St.
ECU wins CM
championship, again
Pirates stun VCU with
ninth inning rally
Stephen Schramm
Entering the bottom of the
ninth, trailing by one run in the
CAA championship game, Head
Coach Keith LeClair and his Pi-
rates were not too worried about
the outcome.
"I felt pretty good about our
chances LeClair said. "We had
the right guys in the order com-
ing up, we had nine, one, two. 1
felt that if we get to the top of
the order, good things will hap-
Good things did happen, as
senior James Molinari was
walked and fellow senior Nick
Schnabel sent a single to right
field with one out to start the
rally that would eventually give
ECU a 7-6 win and their second
CAA Championship in two years.
Sophomore first baseman,
Chad Tracy sent a base hit down
the third base line to score
Molinari and knot the game at
six. Next junior Joseph Hastings
got on board to load the bases
with John Williamson stepping
to the plate.
"I was just trying to hit the ball
hard, hit it somewhere and hope
it would fall in Williamson said.
"I swung through a curve ball
and I figured that they would
come back with a curve ball, so I
was just sitting on a curve ball
VCU pitcher Bo Acors gave
Williamson the curve ball he was
looking for and the Pirate right
fielder smashed it down the first
The Pirates greet James Molinari following his homerun
Thursday night in ECU'S 8-5 win over VCU in the winner's
bracket final, (photo by Emily Richardson)
base line to score Schnabel and
give the Pirates the title.
"There's no feeling
Williamson said. "We came back
from behind and our team is go-
ing to be, hopefully, a number
one seed somewhere
The heroics of the ninth in-
see TOURNAMENT, page 10
Baseball earns No. 1 seed
Team will
face Marist, Friday
Stephen Schramm
With 44 wins and a second
straight CAA Championship,
the ECU baseball team will
once again pack up and head
to Louisiana for the NCAA
Baseball Tournament.
The Pirates were rewarded
for their 44-16 season with a
number one seed in the re-
gional that will be held in
Lafayette, L.a.
"That means a lot said jun-
ior Joseph Hastings. "We have a
very winnable bracket and we
just hope we can go down there
and continue to play the games
that we've been playing
The Pirates first opponent will
be Marist on May 26.
"I don't even know where
Marist is Hastings said.
The fact is that Marist, while
not among the most visible pro-
grams, did quietly put together a
32-17-2 record. The Red Foxes
enter the tournament as the
MAAC Champions and the num-
ber four seed in ECU's
"I do know that some of
the teams that are in that
tournament, that some
people may not know about,
are excellent teams and have
excellent programs said
Head Coach Keith LeClair. "If
we don't get mentally ready
to play, then we'll be home
pretty quick
Also in ECU's regional are
the host school, number two
seed Louisiana-Lafayette and
see NCAA, page 10

10 The East Carolinian
Wednesday May 24, 2000
NCAA from page 9
ning were made possible by a
three-run homer off the bat of
VCU second baseman, Barry
Blake with two outs in the top of
the eighth. Blake who was 1-for-
14 in the CAA tournament before
his at-bat in the eighth, belted his
second home run of the season
off of Pirate closer Cory Scott.
"I knew I left one over the
plate Scott said. 1 usually try to
work inside outside and I left one
over the middle so after that bat-
ter (Blake) I just tried to buckle it
down and go back to pitching the
way I'm used to
Scott did get back to the form
that earned him a spot as an Ail-
American. The senior recorded
four straight outs, including two
strikeouts, to close the door on
the Rams. Scott would pick up
the win for his efforts.
Another strong pitching per-
formance came from Outer
Banks native Foye Minton.
Minton playing at Manteo's Coy
Tillett Stadium for the first time
since he took the mound for
Manteo High School, pitched
seven innings and gave up three
runs on four hits.
"It was nice throwing on my
home field again Minton said
"I haven't pitched out here in a
while. It's nice hearing some old
voices I haven't heard in a
Minton held the Rams hitless
into the fourth inning when a
ground ball by VCU's Jason
Dubois found its way up the
In the bottom of the fourth
The Pirates took a 1-0 lead.
Hastings dropped a base hit in
front of the VCU defense and
Williamson sent a line drive past
VCU first baseman Danny
Lopaze to move Hastings to
third. Hastings would score when
VCU's Blake snagged Lee
Delfino's line drive and at-
tempted to get the double play
when Williamson strayed from
first. Lopaze dropped the Blake
throw and Hastings made it to
home to put the Pirates up by
The Rams responded in the
fifth inning when right fielder
Davy Martin sent a base hit into
right to score catcher Cory
Bauswell. Following a walk to
Blake, Martin scored when
centerfielder Matt Davis got a
base hit to center field. Blake
then scored on a sacrifice fly from
VCU's Kevin Elrod to put the
Rams up 3-1.
The Pirates cut the VCU Jead
to one when third baseman
Bryant Ward scored on a double
by Schnabel. However it was in
the bottom of the sixth that the
Pirates displayed their power.
Williamson got on board on an
error by Lopaze. With one out,
Delfino stepped to the plate and
sent a line drive over the fence
in left. Delfino who was celebrat-
ing his 20th birthday, was later
named CAA Tournament MVP.
The two run home run gave the
Pirates a 4-3 lead, but they
weren't done. Two batters later,
ECU catcher Clayton
McCullough launched a solo
home run with two outs to put
the Pirates up 5-3.
The championship was the Pi-
rates second in as many years and
their fifth since 1990. It will also
be their last as they will not be
eligible for the CAA Tournament
in 2001 due to the transition
from the CAA to Conference
"Everything else was just so
overwhelming, I just couldn't
think about this being our last
CAA Tournament Minton said.
"I was just out here trying to have
I This writer can be contacted
McNeese State.
For the second straight year, the Pirates will head to Louisiana.
I,ast season, ECU eventually was ousted from the tournament from
LSU. The regional was played at the Tigers home field in Baton Rouge.
"Baton Rouge, going down there was pretty big said junior John
Williamson. "But it was so hot down there. You think the humidity
here is bad, it's pretty bad there
"We played down there last year so we know what the weather is
going to be like Hastings said. "Weather is a question down there
with it being so hot and humid
Also for the second straight year the Pirates head into the tourna-
ment with the possibility that they will have to face a lower seed on
their home field.
"Regardless of where we have had to go we were going to have to
play on someone's' home field so hopefully we can do it in their
park LeClair said.
This writer can be contacted at
al Carolinian
News writers
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Applications are available at The East Carolinian office above
the Cashiers Office across from Mendenhall Student Center, or
call 328-6366.
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Wednesday May 24, 2000
The East Carolinian Tl
Roommate wanted for spacious,
studio apartment. Two bedroom.
$250 a month. Please call 329-
REMODELED TWO bedroom units
available at Wildwood Villas start-
ing at $500 per month: Available
June 1. No pets. Call Chip, 355-
0664 or 561-6196.
SPACIOUS 2 & 3 bedroom town-
houses. 2 BR 1 12 BA. 2 BR 2 1
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vated near ECU 752-1899 day 561-
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share a beautiful houseexpenses.
Close to campus. Available August
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Private home off 10th Street. Fe-
male non-smoking grad only. Sum-
mer. Kitchen, washer, use. $285
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ECU AREA one, two. and three
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with heatair. off street parking pets
ok. some fenced yards. Call 830-
1 BDR- 2 bdr. water and cable in-
cluded. ECU bus line, pool, on-site
mngt. & maintenance. Pets al-
lowed. 758-4015.
roommate needed to share spa-
cious house and gardens. $225 per
month and one share of utilities.
Very affordable and secure location.
Must see to appreciate. Contact
Dana at 830-8828.
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
into Dockside ASAP, or by July 5.
$275 rent 13 utility. Great place
to live. Need to know by May 5.
Call Dave 752-0009.
2 CLEAN responsible females
needed ASAP. $250month plus 1
3 cable, electric, phone. $200 de-
posit. Some pets OK w deposit. 3
blocks from campus. Big house: ga-
rage, yard. Call 758-7249.
Non-smoking, studious for Aug. 1
to May 31 2001. $250 rent plus 1
3 utilities. Private phone line, wash-
er and dryer. Call 931-9467. No pets,
3 bedroom, 3 bath condo.
needed. Share nice 2 bed. 2 bath
with female ECU graduate. Rent
$275 plus 12 utilities. No pets.
Please call 758-5585.
July. Two blocks from campus,
three blocks from downtown. $200
month plus 13 utilities. Non
smoker preferred. Call 752-5885 or
FEMALE. SHARE three bedroom
home with two female students.
Campus three blocks. Prefer gradu-
ate student. Central air, ceiling fans,
washer, dryer. $250.00 plus utili-
ties. (703) 680-1676.
needed Sunday mornings 9:15-
12:15. Additional hours available.
Jarvis Memorial United Methodist
Church. 510 S. Washington St. Ap-
ply at church office. Office hours -
8 am- 12 noon, and 1:30 - 5pm.
HELP WANTED: Carpet cleaner
Floor technicians. No experience
necessary. Flexible schedule. Star-
ting at $6.50 per hour. Must have
a valid driver's license. Call 756-
9857 Monday-Friday.
Summer Pool
Memberships available
$100 with ECUPCC I.D.
DO YOU need a good job? The ECU
Telefund is hiring students to con-
tact alumni and parents for the ECU
Annual Fund. $5.50 hour plus bo-
nuses. Make your own schedule.
If interested call 328-4212, M-Th
between the hours of 3-6pm.
NEED THREE outgoing students
for Internet sales. Earn $200-$400
per week. Make your own sched-
ule. 3D Group. 756-0832.
SUMMER JOBS! The Greenville
Recreation and Parks Department
is continuing to hire for their up-
coming summer programs. A var-
iety of positions are available with
the Athletics' Division to include:
Camp Supervisor and Camp Coun-
selors for the Sports Mini-Camps,
Baseball coaches. Skate park staff
and Softball league scorekeepers.
For more information, please con-
tact the Athletic Office at 329-4550
Monday-Friday after 2 pm.
WAREHOUSE HELP needed full
and part time help. Apply in per-
son to the Carpet Bargain Center
1009 Dickinson Avenue.
WANTED: COLLEGE student to
keep and transport (2) 9 year old's
to local day camps and other activ-
ities. Call day. 355-6423. night 353-
6101 or 756-6981.
only. Fun job. Must be dependable.
Apply in person at Big Splatt Paint-
ball Park. Sat. or Sun. only. Locat-
ed on Old Pactolus Hwy off US264.
DOES A summer job with no time
clock appeal to you? Work from
your home, set your own hours, and
have a blast doing it! Pay yourself
what you're really worth. Visit live- and join the
Work-at-Home Revolution.
marketers. Full-time or part-time.
Flexible hours. Great for students
or career marketers. Health in-
surance, paid vacation. Great pay
plus benefits and bonuses. Call
Thermal-Gard 355-0210.
diate employment. Certification re-
quired. Windsor Subdivision. Call
Chris at 321-0725.
tions: possible part-time hours,
Monday-Thursday 3:30-8:30 in the
area of English. Math. Science. To
learn about teaching opportunities
with Sylvan Learning Center call
756-9383 or apply at 2428 S. Cha-
rles Blvd. Greenville.
me (237-8218) or e-mail me (hron- regarding photog-
raphy. I have no way of contacting
you through the message you left
on my web site. Thanks. Paul.
SIGMA ALPHA Epsilon-1 wrote on
you. You wrote on me something
dirty they'll never see. We had fun
with SAE. Love Alpha Phi.
newly elected Executive Council of
Zeta Tau Alpha: President Melissa
Forshaw VPI: Marie Davis. VPII: Sar-
ah Hawley, VPIII: Lauren Biconish,
Secretary: Jen Scott, Treasurer Su-
san Lowerre. Ritual: Erica Griswold,
Historian: Megan Guthrie. Panhel-
lenic Delegate: Leigh Ann Atkins.
Love your sisters.
CHILD SWIM Lessons. Sign up for
one of two sessions. Session I is
June 5-June 28. Session II is Tues
Thurs June 1 -June27. The times are
dependent on the child's skill level.
The cost is $30mem-$40non-
mem. The registration deadline is
May 26. "The minimum age for
participants is 4 years old. For more
information please call 328-6367.
tion May 30. 10:00am-6:00pm in
the Intramural Office for anyone in-
terested in participating throught-
he summer.For more information
please call 328-6387.
NIKE REWARDS Program. This
program is an incentived based pro-
gram to get you working out. The
dates are now through June 16 and
the time is on your own.The best
part is it's FREE! Register now
through May 27 in the weight room.
For more information please call
Certification. Don't let your SCUBA
skills get rusty. Spend two days and
six dives covering spear fishing,
wreck diving, deep diving and night
diving. Spaces are limited and SCU-
BA Diver Certification is required.
The cost is $320 and the registra-
tion deadline is June 28. For more
information please call 328-6387.
Meeting May 29 at 4:00pm in the
SRC 202 for anyone interested in
participating through the summer.
For more information please call
THE LOVELY ladies of Theta Alpha
Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha So-
rority. Inc. present Skee Week. April
17: Breast Cancer Awareness Pro-
gram MSC Social Room ? 7:30pm.
April 18: Mr. Alpha Pageant MSC
Underground @ 7:30pm ($2 admis-
sion). April 19: Bake Sale on Yard
How to advertise in
The East Carolinian
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional words 5t each
for 25 or fewer wordsadditional word 5t each
Must present a valid ECU I.D. to qualify. The East Carolin-
ian reserves the right to refuse this rate for any ad
deemed to be non-student or business related.
add to above line ad rate for either bold or ALL CAPS type
All classified ads placed by individuals or campus
groups must be prepaid. Classified ads placed by a
business must be prepaid unless credit has been
established. Cancelled ads can be removed from the
paper if notification is made before publication, but
no cash refunds are given. No proofs or tearsheets
are available.
The Personals section is intended for non-commerical
communication placed by individuals or campus
groups. Business ads will not be placed in this
section. All ads are subject to editing for indecent or
inflammatory language as determined by the editors.
for the following Wednesday's paper

12 The East Carolinian
Wednesday May 24, 2000
Attention GUC Water Customers!
vJTreenville Utilities will b0n the final phase of 'Operation Spring (lean' May 2fi
and continue through urK? in the area southeast of Greenville Blvd
between NC H East and 14th Street Extension. "Operation Sprint; Clean'
is a preventive maintenance program 10 ensure that GUC customers continue
to receive Inch quality water. During tlie II week program all 180 miles of water
distribution lines on (iUCs system will be cleaned, (leaning involves ripening fire
hydrants and allowing them la flow freely for a short time. 'Operation Spring Clean
will be rondurted each night between ID p.m. - ft a.m Sunday through Friday.
If customers have air or discolored water in liieir water lines as a result of "Operation Spring Clean (iUC
recommends turning on the cold water faucet in the bathtub and running the water for . to 10 minutes
Although there is no health risk GUC advises customers to avoid washing clothes until the water is clear
The system-wide cleaning program will end line 2. Weekly schedules will be published in the Daily Reflector.
I or further information, call GUC at 551-151 from H a.m. 5 p m. Monday through Friday' or 7S2-56Z7 after
Ikkiis and holidays.
TV"Ir.r.? :00Martin Lwht?Kmu (r Drm ? ww? cui m

The East Carolinian, May 24, 2000
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 24, 2000
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